#but only Gomez is able to pull it off
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year ago
Day 4: [🦇] Addams Family
Nobody asked for this:
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But I did it anyway 😜
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arijackz · 3 months ago
Aries Moon ✧ Taurus Mars Allure
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Complementary yet opposing, Mars and Venus resemble fraternal siblings—distinct in their approach, yet intrinsically linked in their pursuit of greatness. Mars, the courageous brother, achieves what he desires through direct and competitive action. His motto is, "To be exceptional you have to be alone, that's the life of a warrior." Venus, on the other hand, embodies grace and diplomacy. She wins her battles not through force, but through collaboration and the art of persuasion.
Venus, the hottest planet in our solar system, and Mars are both insatiably hungry for what they desire—their passions burning with equal intensity. The only difference lies in their approach: Mars believes the path to achievement is through fierce competition, rising to the top by outperforming others, while Venus believes true success comes from dissolving barriers, uniting people, and creating harmony.
This is the classic "Play Innocent" charm, where beneath a soft and welcoming exterior lies a powerful, primal energy. The native can shift between wild, unbridled eroticism (which often results in public scandals), and a polished, approachable image that draws in massive crowds with ease. Behind this duality are two bloodthirsty planets, both hungry for victory and recognition, creating an ever-present push-pull dynamic. When it comes to relations, these individuals tend to be both commanding and delicate, taking charge when needed, yet also able to yield in a way that drives others wild with desire.
Lmao, this is the placement of sexy, baby faces.
☆ JANET JACKSON ☆ - 5th H Moon & 7th H Mars
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☆ SELENA GOMEZ ☆ - 9th H Moon & 10th H Mars
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WARNING: House positions are up for debate since these are not confirmed birth times.
I did these based off tropical signs. I love the sidereal ayanamsas, but it feels right to start this series with the original solstice and equinox calculations. Feel free to think of these natives as sidereal Pisces and Aries natives!
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shittalkerxox · 5 months ago
For Halloween, Bruce and Selina dress up as Gomez and Mortica Addams, and the kids immediately decide they have to dress up at the other members of the family.
Dick somehow manages to get Alfred into a Grandmama costume and dresses himself up Lerch, but when Alfred chastises him and says it definitely makes more sense for them to swap, he gives in and somehow ends up as Grandmama, while Alfred is Lerch.
Jason goes all out as Uncle Fester and loves every second of being able to be as unhinged as he can be.
Tim and Damian have a long debate over who gets to be Wednesday and Pugsley. Tim reasons that since he is older, and so is Wednesday, he should be her. Mostly because there's no way he's even giving Damian the chmace to pretend to be older even if it is for a dumb halloween party. Damian argues that is only reasonable that he gets to be the stoic Wednesday and refuses to even consider the possibility of changing. They argue for so long, that eventually Jason shuts them both up and assigns them a role. I'll let you decide who won.
Cass says from the outset that she wants to be Thing. Nobody really knows how the hell she's going to pull that off, but they leave her to it. She takes a lot of liberty with the costume, turning herself into a Frankenstein-esqu version of Thing, with stitches goung everywhere and a black dress and makeup to rival Selina's. She also pretends to chop off her own hand and carries around a butcher knife the whole night for that very reason.
Duke goes as Cousin It and spends the whole night ominously staring into the eyes of unsuspecting guests and freaking them the fuck out. He changes the sunglasses that he wears throughout the night, too, making different expressions and prettending to be from different eras.
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timbradfordslover · 3 months ago
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Summary: Tim has been working a lot and you haven’t seen him in 5 days.
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem reader
Warnings: none
A/N: This story is based on Selena Gomez’s “Cologne” that was only officially released on Revival’s Deluxe CD. It cannot be found on any streaming platforms but some people have uploaded it to YouTube.
Tim has been working very late the past week.He has been working a difficult case with Metro and has been doing a lot of overtime. He has only been home to sleep while his wife Y/N is at the veterinary clinic. He has only been able to text her to let her know whenever he gets home.
Y/N is exhausted when she comes home. She had several cases of cats eating yarn and hair ties. She just wants to take a hot bath and lay in Tim's arms. She goes to take off her shoes but stops to read a text from Tim. He says he's going to be working late for the fifth night in a row. Her heart drops as she reads it. She hasn't seen him in days and is dreading another night alone. She goes to feed Kojo and Osleya the cat before heading to the bathroom to shower.
After she showers and is ready for bed, she goes over to Tim's closet. She pulls out a Dodgers jersey and throws it on over her underwear. It swallows her as he is much taller than her. She goes over to his nightstand and grabs his cologne. She sprays it on her and goes to get Kojo and Osleya. They both hop into bed with Y/N on Tim's side of the bed. Osleya curls up next to her, and Kojo lays near the foot of the bed. The smell of pine and cedar engulfs her as sleep takes her.
3 hours later, Tim finally gets done with the case that has been keeping him away from Y/N. He walks out of the station and texts her before getting into his truck. When he walks into his and Y/N's shared bedroom, he sees Y/N asleep on his side of the bed in his Dodgers jersey. He smiles at her before quickly getting into the shower.
He gets into bed next to her and pulls her onto his bare chest and wraps his arms around her. Her eyes flutter open to see two blue ones smiling down at her. "You're home!"
She exclaims quietly. "Mhmm. Why do you smell like me?" He asks.
"I, uh, no reason." She stutters.
"I think I know why," he chuckles softly.
"I've missed you a lot," she said into his chest.
"Well, to make up for me being gone all week, I'm going to take tomorrow off. I'll take you to and from work and bring you food." He says into her hair.
"Really?!" She asks excitedly. "Mhmm, I'll make dinner too," he says to her. "I love you," she says sleepily.
"I love you too. You look so cute in my jersey, baby." He says while rubbing her back as they both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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blu3-ja3 · 2 months ago
Chapter 3
Tim's POV
This isn't how this was supposed to go! Damnit! I'm running through a maze of underground tunnels carrying Damian, who feels so incredibly small and weak in my arms. My heart is pounding in my chest as I instruct Damian on trying to contact Dick or Jason while I navigate through the sewers of Gotham hoping desperately to find a way to lose our pursuers. Diana help me, I made a horrible call and now Damian is paying for it.
It's been a week since Jillian Rodriguez was kidnapped and the body of Amila Gomez was discovered. There hasn't been any new kidnappings but there have been a total of 4 bodies recovered and identified. Each one was a missing girl: Amila Gomez, Sarah Lawson, Lily Temalt, and Emily Golden. 5, 6, 7, and 8 years old respectively.
Bruce finally found a lead after the Oracle systems tracked the exterminators van to a location outside of Gotham and had left this morning with Selina to go investigate. While all the bat kids have kept a distance from the case, we have learned a few things... We're a family of detectives it can't be helped. The girls each had high amounts of altered fear toxin in their systems and Raven was able to identify the carvings, for what only Bruce and Selina know.
Damian and I were on patrol together, he had helped me come across a lead for a minor case of unlabeled crates coming into Gotham Bay. Dick thought it was okay to split off for a moment to help Steph and Cass with something and allowed us to go ahead of him to investigate. Kon was away on a mission helping Bart with something and Jason hasn't cleared himself to go out on patrols, so he's helping Barbara with Oracle business. While sitting and watching more unlabeled creates be unloaded and stored I spotted something, a familiar rug from camera footage outside of Jillian's apartment. I informed Damian and he agreed that we should get a closer look at what was in the crates as well as who was bringing them in.
We were smart about it, slipping into the building and staying in a far corner in the shadows. Damian was too short to open one of the crates so he stood as our look out and took detailed descriptions of those moving the crates. The second I opened the box there was a flash of strange energy, something we very rarely encountered in Gotham... Magic. I reacted quickly and grabbed the edge of my cape pulling it to block myself and Damian who I'd grabbed and pulled into my chest.
There were shouts of alarm and rapidly approaching footsteps, I reached into the box quickly and pulled out a smaller box. I quickly opened it while Damian covered me beating away the henchmen while I quickly picked the lock on the smaller box. Once opened I grabbed the three vials and stored them away in the pouch with the most cushioning so the vials don't break. I turned around just in time to watch Damian get hit and fly back against the open crate, a surge of dark purple energy hitting him in the chest.
I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I quickly scrambled over to Damian and lifted him up to my chest, holding him tightly as I heard my little brother struggling to breath. I moved quickly, rushing and taking cover behind a series of stacked crates as more people moved closer on either side of us. I spotted the drainage grate instantly and formed a rough plan as best as I could. Letting Damian's legs rest on my thigh I used the free hand to remove a series of smoke pellets and a flash pellet. I turned and tossed the flash pellet over the stacked crates before tossing one on either side of us and then in front of us.
Once the smoke and scared shouts filled the area I grabbed Damian bridal style again and rushed towards the grate. Setting Damian down to lean against me I removed the grate, thankful that it came up with ease. I picked up Damian and jumped down and was preparing to cover up our escape route when I heard a woman yelling that we're in the grates. Instead I tightened my grip on Damian and started running through the drainage tunnel. That's how we got to where we are now, lost in Gotham's underground sewers and drainage system.
"Robins! Where are you?"Dick's voice came through my coms, static making it difficult to hear properly. I dodged left as a bullet grazed my shoulder and Damian let out the smallest cry I've ever heard from him. Damian isn't weak, I've seen him get hit and continue like it's nothing, it took months for Bruce to get through to Damian about getting injuries properly treated.
"Put me down," Damian whispered, it sounded strained like he was trying to be louder but couldn't. Another bullet grazes me this time near my hip, I tuck Damian's body closer, try to make him smaller.
"No, you can barely speak let alone run," I say while ducking through another sewer tunnel making another sharp turn and slipping, turning my body so only I slam into the wall before continuing my mad dash.
"Leave me, hide me somewhere and come back. I'm slowing you down," Damian wheezed as he spoke, I looked down at him for only a moment before stealing myself.
"Sorry little bird but I can't do that, you're too hurt gotta get you out of here... Plus Nightwing and Bat would throw a fit if I came to the cave without you." I smiled down at Damian, we had a rough start. I'd only been Robin again for a few years, finally off the bench after Joker got a hold of me. Then Damian showed up and over night it felt like everything changed, Bruce wanted Damian to be Robin. He said it would teach him morals, Bruce told me about Red Robin and I happily accepted after talking to Dick.
It took some time to get used to each other, honestly me and Jason have more trouble getting along than me and Damian. But Cass helped me and Damian see eye to eye and we've gotten along better for it. So no I won't leave him behind when he's so weak and fragile, especially because we don't know what that magic did to him.
"Red Robin! Where are you? Where's Robin?" Once again Dick's voice buzzed over the comms, Damian reached up and tapped the electronic in my ear and I heard the click of my mic being activated.
"Nightwing! I'm in the sewers! Robin was hit by something, magic but I don't know what it did to him!" I look down at the boy in my arms before continuing, "I have him with me but we're being pursued!" The hand holding my mic open falls limply and so does the rest of Damian's body. Panic grips my chest as I slip into a small alcove and slide to a stop before crying out.
"Superboy! Help!" Tears burn my eyes as I clutch Damian closer to my chest, I look up as the wall to my left crumbles away. I look up to see Kon floating above the ruins Bart jumps off of his back but before he can say anything I rush to him and Kon.
"Take him to the cave, he needs help!" I gently hand Kon Damian's small form and he nods, not questioning anything for a second before he flies away just as fast as he appeared. I turn to Bart fully prepared to ask him to carry me to the cave when I'm hit with a flash of searing hot pain in my back, I feel my body slamming into something solid before crumbling to the ground.
I suck in a desperate breath as I look up to see a familiar figure, the woman from Jillian's drawing. I had read through Jillian's dream journal but all of it made very little sense, she kept writing about how she was trapped but she wanted to stay trapped. The scared woman wouldn't leave her alone. I'd stop paying attention to it and thought Jillian's dreams had very little to do with her kidnapping. Same with the drawings.
I caught my breath after a moment and stood up, ignoring Bart's worried buzzing. I reach for and extend my bo staff and crouch ready to fight the woman before me. Bart fell into a ready stance also, the Scared woman smiled wickedly before moving her hands in a few quick gestures. Another beam of dark purple energy careened towards me but I dodged ready for it. I launched myself towards the woman alongside Bart, every time I thought either of us would land a blow she seemed to have moved.
"You two are so very cute with your darling attempts to fight me but it's useless," She smiled mockingly as I snarled and launched myself at her again. She seemed to be agitated at that because instead of just dodging she started to make strange gestures again. She used both her hands to draw another symbol in the air before clapping her hands together and appearing in-between them as she pulled them apart was a strange rift.
"Let's make this a fair fight hmm? Enjoy playing with my pet, little ones!" She says as she turns back towards me and fires another blast of purple energy. I barely dodge and watch as from the rift behind her a strange humanoid form slithers out. They're tall and lithe with grey skin and no features. The creature lunges towards Bart at extreme speed. I have to refocus on the scared woman before I get hit again.
"What do you know about the disappearances in Gotham? Where are the missing girls?" I growl as I lunge at her sweeping my leg out and once again the scared woman wasn't where I thought she was. Every time she's only a few inches to the right, enough for me to miss my hits. That sparks an idea, I dodge back as another shot of purple flies past me.
I rush back towards her and swing at her with my bo staff, like I expected she is a few inches to the right. When my bo staff hits the ground I let it bounce and swing towards the scared woman, this time I feel the weight of it hitting her. I take the opportunity to start landing as many punches and kicks as I can. Each one lands and all the woman seems to be able to do is block.
There's a loud bang and a second later I crumple forwards as a bullet hits my lower back, another gun shot and this time it hits my right shoulder. The scared woman takes the opportunity and hits me with a blast of magic, hitting my chest and throwing me back. I land hard enough to have the wind knocked out of me as I slide across the cement walkway of the sewers. I look up to see the man from Jillian's drawings smiling down at me, as I hear Bart screaming out my name. I see the scared woman hovering over me smiling down at me before she speaks.
"You want to know what I know hmm? I'll tell you this, Gotham is about to change and one of those girls will be at the center of it all." She laughs as she makes a series of hand gestures and grabs the man before they both disappear.
I have a moment to lay there, everything is too painful to move. I can feel the thrumming of my own blood in my ears and the warmth of it as it causes my suit to stick to me. There's a cluster of voices and suddenly Dick is standing over me and calling out orders. Bart appears next to me as well as Kon, then I'm being lifted and I try not to scream as Kon's TTK holds me. My chest and back burn in a nauseating way and it takes all my effort not to pass out. Dick barks out more orders but then the world blurs and I'm in the cave.
I'm back in the cave on a table with John Constantine standing next to Alfred and Bruce. I faintly hear movement and what I assume to be voices before it all just kinda fades away...
Jillian's POV
I focus on my breathing, that's been the only thing I can do when this happens. I've screamed myself hoarse and I can't cry because I'm so dehydrated. But eventually it all stops and I'm left feeling empty, the pain from whatever strange magic they're using on us stops. I can feel the things they've carved into my skin humming faintly, I let my head fall back against the stone that they have me tied to and close my eyes as exhaustion racks my body.
"Has she come for her vessel yet?" A feminine voice asks from somewhere above me. I look up to see the woman who has haunted my dreams since the disappearances started, who I've only heard be referred to as Lady Am.
"No my lady but another chain has been broken. Sadly it was at a cost," one of the hooded figures speaks up as they all bow.
"Do what has been done before, go up into Gotham and dump the body into the sewer," Am speaks as she walks closer to me, I watch as one of her hands reaches out for me but I flinch away.
"Leave, I wish to talk with our candidates for our Lady." I can hear the footfalls of people leaving the room, then Lady Am snaps and I'm sitting at a long table with multiple other girls. All of whom I've learned are younger than me, we're bound to our chairs as Lady Am appears at the head of the table holding a familiar silver box.
"Hello girls, how are you all doing today?" She asks, not a single word is spoken as we all sit here. Naked, hungry, tired and hurting, I look down and see the strange cravings on my body still faintly glowing. Like they've done every time this happens, I feel a cool breeze that is wonderfully refreshing as everything burns.
"Jillian, I see you're still our prime candidate for our Lady to take as a vessel," the scared woman smiles at me as she walks around the table injecting each girl. Yet again she leaves me for last, "Let us see if we can't coax our Lady a little closer and you a little further shall we?"
I try to thrash against my restraints but it's no use as I feel the needle sink into my neck. The cool liquid flowing under my skin would be relieving if it wasn't for the spike in my heart rate and the anticipation of what's to come next. I feel my mouth go dry and my vision blurs as a pounding headache begins behind my eyes. I close them only for a moment.
When I open them again I'm in a familiar lightless void, so dark that my skin seems to glow. I let myself float here, knowing that if she wants to talk she will appear. I let myself enjoy the reprieve from everything, the crazy cult, the torture, the death, all of it slips into the far back of my mind as I drift comfortably. I can't even tell if my eyes are open or closed as I let myself relax.
"Child, look behind you..." A soothing comforting voice calls out. It's a voice I've heard many times over the past few years, she's only grown more frequent as time has passed. I listen to her and turn myself around. I expect to see her, in all her ethereal and eldritch beauty but instead I see a distant faintly glowing light.
"Go, he needs your help..." Like I'm being pulled by a rope I start drifting forwards, as I move forwards I see a shape before me becomes more clear, more defined. Details began to emerge as I drift closer and closer to... Timothy Drake-Wayne?
"Yes child, you know him... He still needs your help... Will you help him?" I know I can't really speak, more my thoughts are being read and she speaks to me through that. I simply nod and hold out my hand.
It's not the first time this has happened, if I black out during a ritual I'll wake up here. I'll be surrounded by motes of light and when I get closer they're one of the younger girls who's been here with me. Usually though they aren't as bright or they're extremely dim and I'm told to help them. There isn't much I can do beyond this to help them, so I try to do what I can here.
Like before I reach out and gently place one hand on the center of his chest and the other on the center of his back. Suddenly his eyes fly open and he looks at me, I immediately remove my hand and force myself back.
"Where am I? What's going on? Who- wait? Jillian?" Tim looks around confused as I raise a hand to say hello.
"I don't really know where we are or what's going on. I'm sorry for touching you, I was trying to help," I can't feel a mouth moving nor my throat vibrating but I can hear the words echo as though they were.
"You child are in my domain, my embrace and protection. Why you've been sent here I don't know but it seems you are capable." The voice rings out from everywhere and nowhere all at once, it's both in my head and not.
Suddenly there's a face in the shadows, that weird uncanny feeling as the more I focus on it the less it's there. When I turn to look away it seems to disappear only to slowly fade back in the same place I'm looking. There aren't any features but at the same time there are many defined features and faces. There's no light from them but somehow they are darker than the void around us.
"Are... Are you seeing that?" Tim spins around to face the opposite direction before looking at me, I nod and try to smile but again I don't know if I have a mouth or not.
"No you don't, it's weird... This is weird, what the hell is going on?" I shrug because honestly I don't have the faintest clue, the only reason I don't freak out anymore is because this has been happening to me for months now.
"Wait hold on, Jillian where are you? Have you seen the other girls? Who has you held?" Tim reaches out and grabs my shoulders spinning me so I can look at him.
"Underground, there are cave entrances everywhere but I can hear rushing water sometimes. I've seen the girls, yes but I don't see them for long. Sometimes they'll appear here but I've never been able to talk to them. I don't know the man's name but the woman is called Lady Am, if you go to my apartment I have sketches of them and a dream journal that has everything I know written in it." Tim nods as his arms fall to his sides.
I watch as there's a shift, suddenly there's color where there wasn't before but there was. I know there was but now suddenly it's changed. A man rushes towards us, he's clothed and for the first time I realize me and Tim have the weird Barbie and Ken dolls going on with our bodies.
"Sorry kids soul shunting is a bitch like that! I haven't the faintest clue where we are but I'm here to get you out... Well really I was here for him but I can grab you too," I pull away from the man's touch, instinctual and out of habit.
"What will happen to us when you pull us out?" Tim asks and I'm curious too.
"Well you'll go into your body, your friend over here will become... Well it's hard to say some people manifest fully formed and some manifest as a sort of orb. Either way she'll instinctively move towards her body wherever it is." I look around and realize that the strange face is gone, that she's gone.
"If you take me with you, you'd have to follow me fast. This cult has been trying to do this exact thing and the only reason they haven't is because she's been preventing Lady Am from doing... Well I guess this or something like this." I spin around to look one final time just to be certain, she's gone and the only reason she leaves is to prevent Lady Am from getting to me again.
"Okay then you ready kids? This is going to be a hell of an experience, you'll likely pass out and that's okay!" The British man smiles before reaching out, placing a hand on mine and Tim's shoulder before shoving us backwards.
It's like being dunked in ice water without warning, all the air escapes my lungs except I haven't been breathing and I'm not breathing now. But for whatever reason I feel like I'm on the precarious edge of suffocation, I try desperately to bring the non-existent air into my lungs and it doesn't work. I try to move my body and it doesn't respond, I feel puking but nothing comes. All of the sensations all at once makes my brain feel like it's going to explode. Like I'm about to be ripped apart at the seams.
And when it gets to be too much and not enough all at once, it stops. Black, nothing.
Part 1 /// Previous /// Next
Cursed Gotham Masterpost
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daughterofcain-67 · 1 year ago
{jυsт вεcαυsε ι ℓσvε үσυ}
Jensen Ackles x Female Reader
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Jensen had been busy but one day when he decides to surprise you just because he loves you. Simply meant for those who want to dance in the kitchen with your spouse for no reason, or go on old timey dates together.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: None~ Just a short little one shot with Jensen fluff. Jensen being a reassuring husband. Husband Jensen x Wife Reader.
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Jensen had finished up filming a little promo as Soldier Boy for Gen V, the spin-off for The Boys. He was excited to play that role again since he had a lot of fun with the character on The Boys to begin with. It was a matter of days until the promo was released to the public.
Things were going well for him right now. He had even gotten some news that he would be touring around with Jared and the Supernatural cast again for some conventions and he was more than excited for that! He would be leaving in a couple of weeks for that.
But until then, he was staying busy with some other roles or promotions or whatever was going on with the brewery.
This afternoon, however, he finally had some time off. He told you that he was going to be busy all day making some plans and arrangements for going to the upcoming conventions, but he just wanted to surprise you. Especially since he married such a busy little bee.
While he spent his time filming and tending to the bar, you had a career of your own as a costume designer for musical artists and some bands whether its for their music videos or for what they would wear for their concerts. You had worked with Selena Gomez, Carrie Underwood, as well as Amy Lee from Evanescence, just to name a few individuals from some different genres of music.
He knew you had an eye for detail and that was one of the many things he loved about you. Amongst other traits you have of course.
So after his morning errands were done, he stopped by the store to pick up some surprises for you, which lead him to where he was now.
He was carrying in his little surprise when he opened the door to find you cleaning the kitchen listening to some music. When he looked at the tv since that's what you apparently decided to use, he saw that it was some song called 'How to be a Heartbreaker' by Marina and the Diamonds.
It sounded pretty upbeat and he chuckled to himself when he saw you dancing around to the chorus of this song while you were putting something away in the kitchen. He couldn't help the smile that was forming on his face.
You were adorable and he couldn't believe he actually married someone like you. There was never a moment when you couldn't light up his world.
He walked over to you when you didn't have anything in your hands, then he wrapped an arm around you from behind. In his hand was a bouquet of your favorite flowers just because.
"Now who's heart trying to break?" He asked.
You nearly jumped when you felt an arm wrap around you from behind but you smiled when you saw the flowers followed by the familiar voice of your husband.
You looked up at him and saw the grin on his face that made your heart flutter since the first day you met him. People have said that the honeymoon phase doesn't last that long but for you, it was unwavering. Sure there's disagreements and imperfections like any marriage, but you two were able to make it work and that was what mattered the most. You hoped that you two would have a long marriage.
“No one’s. The only heart I have is yours, and I’d like to keep it that way.” You heard Jensen chuckle before he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss on your lips.
When he pulled away you smiled when you looked at the flowers. You took them before you got out of his grasp, “Thank you for these, they’re beautiful! But I thought your day was booked.”
“Well, I said that but I may or may not have bent the truth a little.” Jensen replied while you were looking for a vase. Once you found one you placed the flowers inside and set them on the table.
“You’re free the rest of the day? That’s great! I know you needed some rest from your busy schedule.” You smiled before you walked towards him. He took one of your hands and twirled you around before pulling you into his chest, then he leaned down and kissed your shoulder.
“It is. I know that I’ll be gone for a while with the convention too. I wanted to spend as much time with you as I can, and today worked out perfectly.” You grinned at what he said and you heard the tv change to a slower song. You put on a random playlist on Spotify through your TV so it was a little unpredictable about what songs they’d play since you didn’t look before you clicked.
“How did I get so lucky to have you?” He smiled at what you said while he turned you around, placing a hand on your hip while keeping your other hands clasped together.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Dancing with my beautiful bride in our kitchen.” He replied and you snickered as you two started dancing around to whatever the song was. Based off the tune you could hear throughout the house it sounded like it was ‘Two is Better than One’ by Boys Like Girls. Perhaps your Spotify account was favoring some early 2000’s music at the moment.
As the two of you danced, you placed your head on his chest, smiling softly to yourself. It was the moments like these you appreciated most. You knew he was busy, but it was little things like this that let you know Jensen still cared despite his busy schedule.
You remembered the very first time the both of you danced as a married couple on your wedding day. It was truly the happiest day of your life. Your wedding was in the spring and you had an outdoor ceremony. All of your friends and family members were happy for the both of you.
“What are you thinking about, Love?” Jensen asked and you hummed a little.
“Reminiscing about our wedding.” You admitted.
Once the song was over, Jensen looked down at you before he kissed the top of your head. Then he got an idea.
“Why don’t you get dressed in something a little warmer and we’ll go out tonight? It’s supposed to be chilly this evening and I don’t want you getting yourself sick.” He said. You agreed and he watched you go upstairs to your room so you could change.
Once you were dressed in something warmer the two of you left the house so you both could enjoy yourselves. It had been a while since. You had a little date night.
He took you to a nice Italian restaurant where the both of you ate dinner and you had some dessert there. After that, he ended up taking you to a movie. However, tonight was your lucky night!
Jensen had managed to find a drive-in movie theatre. You thought those were practically extinct by now! But it was a sweet surprise nonetheless. You’ve always wanted to go into a drive in theatre and it was surreal that you were finally able to go. You both were even in the iconic ‘67 Impala that Jensen got to keep after Supernatural ended.
Everything felt so perfect.
You and Jensen were unbuckled and you were huddled together. His arm was around your waist and your head was on his shoulder as you both were looking at the screen watching ‘The Wedding Planner’ with Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey.
You knew Jensen wasn’t overly fond of romantic movies, and neither were you necessarily but you did like watching some of J. Lo’s movies every once in a while and you didn’t recall seeing this movie.
“Not even two minutes into the movie and she already reminds me of you.” You could hear Jensen say and you snickered.
“Oh yeah? How’s that?”
“You seem to be a little bit of a perfectionist. A hard worker. Dedicated to your job. But you look much better in those little suits with those pencil skirts than Jennifer does.” He chuckled and you smiled at the last part.
“Well it’s not easy planning and designing what people are going to wear in front of millions, potentially trillions of people.” You reminded and he just grinned as he laid his head down on top of your own as you watched the movie.
You got to the part of the movie where the children’s doctor saved the wedding planner. How a meeting like that happened must’ve been more than random chance. It seemed like fate, then again so did a lot of scripts for romantic movies like this. But of course there was always that problem to make romantic movies a bit more complicated.
“Now that’s in poor taste… if you’re engaged, you shouldn’t go with another girl to the movies or dance with her in the rain. That is a sure fire way to mess with a woman’s heart.” You said.
“Well, they have to have some sort of plot twist for these movies ya know.” He reminded and you grinned and shook your head.
“Yeah I suppose you’re right.”
You two continued to watch the movie and saw that McConaughey’s character saved Lopez’s character not once but twice now. But of course there was always that argument between the two characters to create a little angst.
“I can’t imagine how many weddings she’s seen not work out. This poor bride is going to get her heart broken. She’s got the worst judgement.” You said and he hummed a little.
“Yeah.. the bride and groom seem to be so incredibly different. I get that opposites attract but this a little too much.” He said.
Watching the beginning of this movie you started to wonder about a few things.
“Jensen? Did you ever have doubts if we would work out? I mean, we both have busy schedules… what if one day we’re too busy for each other and what if what everyone says about the honeymoon phase ending and we just fall apart?”
Jensen looked down at you and frowned a little, “Where’s this coming from, Darlin’?”
“I don’t know… I just hear things about couples losing their spark and I don’t want that ever happening to us…”
Jensen shifted and cupped your face so you could look up at him.
“I’ve never had a single doubt about us. Not one.” He reassured as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “Yeah you and I have busy careers.. That’s a part of life.”
“But the fact that you’re even concerned about something like that happening, and the fact that you don’t want the spark to leave either means that you’re willing to fight for us if that time ever comes. Sure for some couples the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. But how do you think that couples married for over fifty years works out? They don’t let that spark ever fade even if it flickers from time to time.”
You gazed into his eyes and you could see the sincerity behind them. You smiled softly as you lifted your hand and caressed his face as he continued, “You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet the moment you said yes when I proposed to you. And I know that there is nothing you and I can’t do together. Our marriage will last a lifetime. I meant it when I said till death do we part.”
Your smile grew a little bigger when you remembered his vows that day. He looked so handsome standing there at the altar and you remember getting emotional when he said those vows that day.
“You’re right… No matter how busy we get, as long as we always make sure we take that time out for each other, as long as we fight for one another, as long as we love one another, then that’s all that really matters, isn’t it?” You said and he smiled.
“And I’ll love you forever and always.” He promised.
You leaned up and kissed him, and you could feel him smiling into the kiss causing your heart to flutter just like it did the very first time you kissed him.
Needless to say, this was a pretty good date night with your husband. He always knew what to say, and you knew everything he said was truthful. You knew that your marriage would last a life and you’d always be Mrs. Jensen Ackles.
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Hey guys! I was just feeling like writing some soft Jensen content. Needed some fluff in my life. Hope this little one shot brightened your day and put a smile on your face! Love you all~
Tag List:
@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92
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atimeofyourlife · 6 months ago
It comes crashing down
day 6 | rated: t | wc: 720 | prompts: NOT REALISING THEY'RE INJURED | Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms | Healed Wrong | "It's not my blood." | cw: car accidents | ao3 Buck and Tommy get in a car accident, the 118 are the unit responding. Buck was too focused on Tommy's injuries to notice his own.
The accident was unavoidable. A drunk driver speeding through an intersection after running a red light. Hitting the passenger side door of the Jeep.
Buck blinked after a moment, the car had barely stopped moving. He quickly took stock of his body, other than slight pain in his neck, nothing felt wrong. He slowly turned his head to the side. And Tommy.
Tommy looked dead. Blood covering him, unconscious, crumpled in on himself, only being held up by his seat belt. There was so little movement of his chest that Buck could have sworn that Tommy wasn't breathing.
"Siri. Call 911." He shouted as he reached out a shaking hand to check Tommy's pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the thump-thump-thump under his fingers.
Time passed in a blur, Buck unable to remember anything he told dispatch, only able to focus on keeping Tommy alive. He unclicked his seatbelt, and slipped his jacket off to keep the pressure on the worst of his wounds. Keeping a check on his pulse and breathing, making sure neither stopped. He didn't even register the approaching lights and sirens, too focused on Tommy
"Okay, so we have a two car collision. A truck hit a Jeep in the intersection. Caller was the driver of the Jeep, he says he's uninjured but his passenger is in a bad way, needing urgent medical attention. He didn't know the status of the other driver as he was focused on-" Bobby listed off as he got out the engine, only to be cut off by Hen.
"Cap. That's Buck's Jeep." Her tone was pained.
"That means the passenger is Tommy." Chimney added.
"Right. Davis, Rosen, crowd and traffic control. Eddie, Gomez, take the driver of the truck. Chimney, Hen, you're with me on the Jeep." Bobby ordered.
"But-" Eddie cut in, as if he wanted to argue.
"Now, Eddie. I can't have anyone being distracted." Bobby was firm with his order, leaving no room for disagreements.
They went about their assignments, Chimney sliding into the backseat of the Jeep, his hands replacing Buck's too keep the pressure on Tommy's bleeding. "It's okay, Buckaroo. I've got him."
Bobby pulled open the driver's door. "Buck. Lets get you out, kid, so Hen and Chim can help Tommy." He held his hand out to help Buck out.
"We'll take good care of him, Buck. Don't you worry." Hen said, before she climbed into the Jeep to help Tommy.
"Come on, kid. Let me check you over." Bobby said, guiding Buck a little way away from the cars.
"Bobby, I'm fine. It. It's Tommy you need to worry about." Buck replied, seeming to only be holding on by a thread.
"Buck, you're covered in blood." Bobby said softly, prompting Buck to look down at himself for the first time.
"Oh." Tears welled in his eyes. "It's not my blood."
"Tell that to the cut on your forehead." Bobby lightly probed the area
Buck reached up to swipe his wrist across it. "Um. Ow. I didn't even notice it."
"You were too focused on him, which is understandable. He was the one in more danger. Hen and Chimney are with him now, so I can worry about you. You know the drill, head injury assessment, tell me what hurts, and let me see if there's any other cuts for me to dress." Bobby got Buck to sit on the back step of the ambulance. "The one on your forehead doesn't look too bad, but I think you will need stitches."
"I'm worried about him. I-I know Hen and Chimney are the best. But he was so bad." Buck said, his tears spilling over. "I thought he was dead. He was so still. It didn't look like he was breathing."
"Come here, kid." Bobby pulled Buck into a hug once he'd finished checking him over and dressing the wounds. Allowing Buck to sob into his turnout jacket. "He's a fighter. Just like you. They're nearly ready to get him out, and you can ride with him to the hospital. And we're all here for you, for both of you."
"Thanks, Cap." Buck wiped his eyes, and turned to watch as Tommy was extracted from the Jeep. It was going to be hard, but at least they had their family behind them.
Now with a follow up There may be a follow up to this one later in the month
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witchthewriter · 1 year ago
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
Warnings: knife flirting, a bit nsfw but not much
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good or Lawful Good
Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising
・I'm going to be completely honest. He hated the thought of you going into battle, or going near any sort of danger.
・He was your protector, he was the one to make sure you were okay, that you were safe.
・But you wanted to be able to keep yourself safe, as well as anyone else that needed your help
・Uhtred was enamored by you; not only did you have the attitude of a warrior, but you could pull almost anything off.
"If you don't marry her Leofric, I definitely will."
・That earned a slap on the back of the head to the Dane/Saxon
・But that did bring on a whole lot of insecurities for Leofric. He definitely thought he wasn't good enough for you. That he wasn't good looking enough. Didn't have the right social standing for you.
・For a long time you thought he didn't like you
・However, you were used to it, with being a warrior woman
・Men felt emasculated by you. Even by looking at you. You didn't wear skirts.
・This, this, this , this and this were/are your daily attire. Depending on your day and what is going on etc.
・Leofric is a very sweet man. Well, he is to you. There's nothing he will deny you.
・Honestly, this man goes along with whatever you say (mostly to keep you out of trouble).
・He smiles a lot more when he's around you. Uhtred brought it up once; it was that moment that Leofric realised he was truly in love with you.
・Uhtred is your best friend. You bicker with each other every time you're together.
・Leofric kept himself from you for a long time because he thought you were with Uhtred. That you were 'his woman.'
・When you heard that you choked on your ale.
"The hell I am! I'd rather pluck out my eye balls then be his woman."
・You knew Uhtred's arrogance, and saw him like a brother. A purely platonic relationship.
・When Leofric found out that you liked him. He instantly denied it.
"No, no, she doesn't feel that way. No."
・Uhtred was like cupid trying to get you two together
・And when he was successful; Leofric and you, became inseparable. Whenever you were pulled away to do your duties, it felt like a piece of you was missing.
・When Leofric didn't have you in his company, he felt lost. He felt sad. You were the light in his life. The only thing he truly cared about.
・Some people rose their eyebrows at you; some even going as far to say something. But you both shut that shit down immediately.
・Just a girl and her bodyguard.
・A woman and her large shadow.
・Leofric wanted to marry you as soon as possible. To tie himself to you in the eyes of his Lord and country.
・He wanted everyone to know you two were together.
・The proposal was very sweet, romantic - just the two of you.
・The ring was his mother's, nothing too flashy. But an heirloom all the same.
・You jumped into his arms before he even finished his sentence.
"Yes! Yes you fool! Of course I'll marry you-"
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
"Think they'll try us?" (You) x "Fuck I hope so." (Leofric)
"What did I do?" (You) x "Today or in general? Either way it's bad." (Leofric)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
He Doesn't Think He's Good Enough For Her
Sacrifice and Devotion
Challenging Social Conventions
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Too Sweet by Hozier
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・Leofric has had some ... experience in this area. He's a man, in his thirties - so of course he has.
・The first time you two had sex together was very rushed. It didn't start off that way though.
・The kiss had started off slow and steady.
・The second you pulled back, thinking it was a mistake, he pulled you back in. A hand on the back of your head and the other gripping the back of your shirt.
・Making sure you were completely pressed against him. Reminding himself that you were in his arms. That you felt the same way.
・Normal sex with Leofric is slow and sensual. He likes to take his time with foreplay; touching you everywhere he can. Sucking on your neck, massaging your breasts, sucking, flicking and biting on your nipples
・He doesn't want you to be quiet, Leofric wants to hear you moan. He needs to hear it.
・The thing that has become an obsession in his mind is the thought of fucking you. Making love to you. Eating you out. Ploughing into you for hours, making you a sweaty mess.
"You had enough? Aye?" He'd say in between thrusts. Making you mewl beneath him. Grabbing whatever you could to ground yourself.
"Mmmm," was all you could come out with. The ability to talk had been fucked out of you long ago.
He chuckled, low and gutteral, "one more round love, you can go one more round."
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taylor-swift-imagines · 2 years ago
Break up prank
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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @girl-style-now
Request: Can you do Y/N pranking Taylor telling her that shes breaking up with her?
Taylor Swift has been your girlfriend of five years now and you both couldn’t be happier, nothing else in the world made you both happy than being together.
You had been moved in with Taylor for about two years now, and things couldn’t get any better than this. You were both just so happy together, always snuggled up to each other on the soft sofa in her theater room, watching a movie while enjoying each other’s company. The most challenging part of this relationship is when you couldn’t make it on tour with her, and it saddened you that you wouldn’t be able to tag along on her Eras tour.
There were only a couple days left until Taylor leaves for tour and each passing hour was agonizing for you, as you wouldn’t see her for a few months. When the night before had arrived, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting tears roll down your cheeks at the thought of her being gone for so long, although you would Skype each other every night wasn’t enough for her. You needed to be with her in the flesh, but it’s not going to work for you this time. When Taylor first met you, it didn’t take long for her to understand that she was dating a prankster. Pranking was your favorite activity, but all of those pranks you pulled were harmless, but they got people extremely upset at you and you had even lost a few friendships to them. You’ve pranked basically everyone you know, everyone that is, except for Taylor.
As that thought had come across your mind, you got a wicked idea. You were going to do a break up prank on her just like on some of the YouTube videos you’ve seen couples do to each other. It’s one of the meanest pranks you could pull, and it could cost you a lot. But when you mentioned your idea to Taylor’s best friend, Selena Gomez, she wanted in on it. Selena was stopping by the following morning to help Taylor pack her bags and suitcases in the trunk of her car before taking to drop her off at her private jets. When the following morning arrived, you quietly answered the door when Selena texted you she was outside and ready to help you out. You went over to your big walk in closet and pulled out two black empty suitcases and took them with you outside to meet her.
The plan was now in action.
You watched from the side of the house until Taylor went back inside for her final bag and that’s where you come in asking for Selena to call Taylor back outside for a talk.
“Hey, Taylor? Could you please come back for a second?” She called.
Taylor reappeared and when she saw you with the suitcases of your own, she had a confused yet, very concerned look on her face before she started asking questions.
“What’s this? What’s going on, (Y/n)?”
“Well… there’s no easy way to tell you this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it.”
Anxiety was pricking at Taylor’s heart as she thought she already knew what you were going to say, what this was going to be about.
“I think we need to take a break.. while you’re on your at least.” You say, looking away.
Selena had a guilty look on her face suggesting that she almost regretted helping you out on this.
“What do you mean? Have I done something to make you want to leave? How can I fix it?”
Taylor was frantic now as she continues to reason with you to stay.
“Can we at least talk about this-“
That’s when it hit Taylor that this must be one of your many pranks.
“Wait a minute… this is a prank, isn’t it?” She asks, sounding irritated.
“You guessed it! Selena here helped me out on it, too!”
Taylor looks over and spared a death glare at Selena before turning back to you.
“Don’t do that to me, (Y/n)! I really thought you meant that and you especially can’t do this to me right as I’m head out for tour!” Taylor sounded choked up as she says this, having you feel guilty.
“I’m sorry, Taylor. I never meant to scare you, it was supposed to be just a prank. I would never leave you, I love you too much.”
Taylor heavily sighs before engulfing you into a hug.
“I love you too, (Y/n). Just.. promise me you won’t do that again.”
“Of course, I promise.”
You weren’t able to make it for the drive to the airport due to online courses, so instead, you walk Taylor to the passenger’s side of Selena’s car and opened the door for her.
Taylor gave you a kiss before getting into the car, closing the door shut as you watched until the car was out of sight. This was the worst prank yet, but you loved each other so much to let anything come between your relationship.
Your love for each other was real.
This proves it.
Requests: Open
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canadianfangirl-95 · 1 day ago
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Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire 
Paramedic Frankie x f!reader 
Summary: After a head spinning car crash, you’re left with unresolved feelings for a handsome paramedic. After finally running into him again, will you and he able to cross the finish line and navigate the ever-changing dating world with your lack of trust in the premise of long-lasting relationships? Or will he be waving a red flag in the end? 
Series Warnings and Information: 18 + minors DNI, reader is in 30s, Frankie in 40s, post events of Triple Frontier, car accident, minor injuries, blended families, divorce, legal/medical mumbo-jumbo which I have done no research on, brief talk about past drug use from reader & Frankie, talks about Toms death, discussion of anxiety medication & anxiety, lying, swearing, reader has hair long enough to put in clip, drinking, fluff, smut, fingering, protected piv, oral f & m receiving 
Series Masterlist 
Chapter 3 Word Count:  6600+
Chapter 3  -
Frankies eyes are wide and his jaw slack as he takes in your presence, “Red, uh, what are you doing here?” His voice is barely above a whisper as his mind runs a mile a minute. 
Clearing your throat, you look nervously at the papers in your hands. “I’m a paralegal at this firm. And you’re a uh, client I guess?” 
He nods and clears his throat, “Yeah, but I’ve typically been dealing with-,” 
“Sherry.” You cut him off, “Yeah, she called in sick today so I’m just filling in.” Your voice trails off as you try to process the situation.  
“Oh, okay. Look if this is too weird, I can probably reschedule and come back.” He says with concern in his voice.  
Taking a deep breath in and out, you try to reason with yourself. You’ve only known this man a few weeks and kissed him once. It would be unprofessional to go to Laura with this issue when the firm is already so backed up with clients. Shaking your head you reply, “No, no, I’m fine. If you are.” 
He nods, “Okay.” Concern smothering his voice and trying to draw the word back into his mouth for fear of what you are about to discuss. 
Pulling your lips tight, you take the seat opposite him at the table. The oak tabletop is somewhat cool thanks to the harsh air conditioning in the room, and you pull your cardigan tighter on your shoulders after placing the folder down. “So, -” you choke out.  “How we normally start this is I will ask a few questions, go over the agreement one more time, and then your signature.” 
“Alright.” Frankie breathes out nervously. The fabric on his t-shirt is pulling tightly on his shoulders as he shifts in the leather chair. 
Flipping through the pages, you find the area of the questions to confirm. “Um,” checking the top of the page you say quietly, almost to yourself. “Francisco Morales.” Finding out his full name for the first time.  
“Yes, but I go by Frankie. Or Fish, with my friends.” He comments, his brows knitted together.  
You nod, remembering how he said his friends had a thing about nick names. “Okay, so you and Maria Gomez have been separated for one full year is that correct?” You ask, his comment at the bar about how he hasn’t been in a relationship in a year rings in your ears. 
Swallowing hard he answers, “Yes, that’s correct.” 
“And,” tapping your pen nervously on the table, you stutter through the next line. “Have you and her reconciled at all in the last year?” Reconcile, you think, just a legal way of asking if you’ve banged again post separation.  
“No, no not even once.” He says firmly and your eyes meet. A beat passes as you stare at each other, both wishing a different person were on the other side of this table. 
Nodding, you continue. “Okay, was there any infidelity in the marriage leading up the separation?” 
“No.” he confirms.  
Flipping the page, you take in the review of the agreement. “Okay, I am just going to start reading through the main points of the agreement and you just stop me if there’s an issue.” Looking up at him, he nods in acknowledgement. “You have sold the home purchased in both of your names and divided the profits 50/50. You have retained 50% of the possessions in the house, minus any sentimental belongings of Ms. Gomez. You will retain possession of the 2005 GMC Sierra, purchased in your name. You will-,” your voice trails off as you read the next line to yourself. A lump forms in your throat and you try to continue, Frankies eyes never leave you once. “You will retain 50/50 shared custody of your son, Nico Santiago Morales. Holidays and vacations will be decided fairly between the two of you.” Finding out about Frankies’ son in such a way feels awful, like a punch in the gut. You do your best to maintain professionalism as you continue. “You will retain 100% of your military pension.” Your eyebrows knit together, as you have only known him as paramedic, not as a veteran. “And, lastly, as it is shared custody, neither of you have requested child-support from the other.”  
He straightens up, “Listen, this is not how I thought you would find out about any of this.” You lean back, crossing your arms and looking around the room as you contemplate the situation. “I would’ve told you everything at our date. About Nico and the divorce. I swear I was not going to lie about any of it.”  
You nod and chew the inside of your cheek, “I’m sorry Frankie, this isn’t fair to either of us really. You should’ve had the opportunity to tell me, and I should’ve had the opportunity to process. Just a really really shitty situation if you ask me.” Tears prickle the edges of your eyes, thinking he may just want to call it all off after this trainwreck of a derailment in your what could be a relationship.  
He reaches his hand forward on the table, “I, I don’t want this to be the end though. I like you and I’d still like to go on our date. If you’re comfortable. I won’t be a client here after I sign these papers anymore, Maria and I will be done, only seeing each other for Nico. We can try to do a normal relationship, as if this never happened.” 
Shaking your head you reply, “But it did happen, Frankie. Or, Francisco.” You say quietly before lifting your head back to his eye level. It feels heavy on your neck, like a boulder is pushing it down to force you to shrink further in on yourself as your nerves begin to take over. Your voice cracks with emotion as you begin, “I found out, all this incredibly personal information about you without your real consent. Like yes you agreed to do this meeting, but not your preference by any means.” Tucking your fist under your chin you think out loud, “I feel like I violated your personal space and forced myself in.”  
“Please don’t feel like that. It’s not ideal, at all.” He says, leaning forward on his elbows and pinching the brim of his hat together in nervousness. “But it is what it is, and like I said, I just want a chance to try this again.”  
Looking up, you take in the sincerity of his eyes, the want, the hurt. Your heart pangs in your chest, and your stubbornness caves, “Okay. If you’re okay with it. I’m still gonna feel bad and will have lots of questions of course.” You say, trying to shove the nervousness aside and focus on the man sitting across the table from you, begging for another shot. 
He smiles shyly, “That’s no problem, I have answers.”  
You let out a deep breath and laugh quietly, “Okay, well that was, surprisingly not the most eventful final signing I’ve ever had but still a doozy.” Wiping your moisture-stricken hands on your pants, you try to adjust yourself in your seat to be more confident. 
He chuckles, “I can’t imagine what would be crazier than this.” 
“Oh, you have no idea how nasty some of these get.” You say. 
He looks at you intently before asking, “Is this why you have such a guard up when it comes to relationships? You’ve seen so many bad breakups?” 
“Um, yeah, I mean. I’ve been doing it for a long time now. I’ve seen people lie, deceive, and withhold. It just starts to wear on you.” You say nervously.  
Nodding, Frankie continues. “I get it. I know how much a job can impact your view of the world.”  
You’re suddenly reminded of the service he’s been in, but before you dive in, you’re able to ground yourself and file it away for a more appropriate time. Simply nodding and providing an understanding smile, you flip to the last page of the documents and slide them over to him. “If you want to sign on the dotted line, then I will complete the rest of the paperwork today.”  
He grins and grabs a pen out of the pen box seated in the middle of the table, signing his name and dating the document. Sliding it back over to you, you offer a tight-lipped smile and close the folder.  
He leans forward, “So, would my now-former legal counsel advise kissing you right now? It’s all I’ve been able to think of every time I close my eyes.” His face flickers with mischief and a sense of longing. 
You can’t help the warmth of your cheeks as you shake your head and stand. “Those damn cheesy one-liners. Come on, I’ll walk you out.”  
Winking slyly, he stands and follows you out of the room. Resisting the urge to place his hand on the small of your back while in the office. You walk him to the front door and stand near the reception desk. “Alright, Mr. Morales.” You say sternly, he eyes you momentarily before catching on and standing tall with his hands in his pockets. “It was a pleasure working with you, I will get this finalized today and then your final invoice and paperwork will be emailed to you.”  
He nods and takes his hand out to shake, “Thank you.” You take his hand, noting the spark that travels up your wrist. Looking up at him through your lashes, you each share a knowing smirk before dropping your hand and bidding him a final farewell. Watching him saunter out the doors, his broad shoulders fill the space between the frames so well. You can hardly wait for Friday.  
Getting back to your desk, you see your phone light up almost immediately.  
Frankie: Hey Red, sorry I didn’t text you yet this morning. Couldn’t stop talking about how much I like you to the poor paralegal that had to meet with me though. 
Smiling at your phone, you reply; 
Oh poor girl, hope you kept it somewhat professional though and didn’t ask to kiss her. 
Oh...boy I have some apologies to make then. 
You let out a quiet laugh as another text bubble appears. 
Really loved seeing you again though, Friday can’t get here fast enough. 
I’m glad I got to see you too. Can’t wait. I’m gonna get working on that paperwork now so I don’t have to go on a date with a married man though. Not my style. Talk to you later! 
Arriving home later that evening, you sit back on the couch as Burt climbs onto your lap. Giving him a pet, you think hard about the day. It feels like Frankie is going into your date on Friday behind the cue ball, like his life is already out on the table for you before you even get a chance to touch the appetizers. You think about Nico and his divorce, his time in the service, you have time to think about questions, topics and where you want the conversation to go. He’s going to go into the date with you being a bare slate, only knowing a little about your family life and what you do for work. It feels like there’s a tilt. Chewing your fingernail, you absentmindedly stroke your feline friend curled up on your lap from ear to tail, when an idea suddenly hits you. Eyes growing wide, you smile to yourself and stand abruptly, “Sorry bud, got some work to do.” Stepping over to your desk in your spare bedroom that you’ve transformed into a little home office, you flip open your laptop and get to work.  
On Friday morning, Frankie texts you again; 
Are we still good for tonight? Me picking you up at your place around 6:30? 
Actually, change of plans I have to work a bit late. So, would you mind picking me up at my office? I’ll bring a change of clothes and change there before we go. 
Sure thing, see you then! 
Many of the lights have been dimmed as Frankie approaches the office doors. He can see through the windows that Devin is still seated at the reception desk, but the rest of the room looks quiet. Taking a deep breath, he looks down at the outfit he had spent far too long putting together considering it was just a casual first date. Dark wash jeans, his square-toed cowboy boots, a fitted long sleeve black henley. He had asked if he should forgo his staple hat and you had immediately told him that was not an option, so he seated it firmly on his curly locks before he left home, grinning to himself about how you clearly know what you want and aren’t afraid to say it. He pushes open the door and walks in, Devins eyes rise from their spot on the screen in front of him and he smiles.  
“Hi Mr. Morales.” He says pleasantly.  
Frankie nods and looks around, expecting you to be waiting for him at the front ready for your date. “Hi, uh, is-,”  
“Yes, she said you were coming by to finish up some paperwork you had missed the other day. She’s set up in conference room B again. Would you like me to walk you there?”  
He looks down the silenced hall and shakes his head, “No that’s okay. I remember the way.”  
Devin nods and returns to his work. Frankie makes his way down the bland beige hallway, remembering the painting of a beach with seagulls to his right as he passes it. When he arrives at the room, the dark oak door is closed. He knocks hesitantly and a moment later hears your voice ring through.  
“Come in.”  
His mouth turns up slightly and he grasps the cool black door handle. When he steps into the room, he sees you sitting in the same spot that he had sat in earlier this week. You look beautiful, which he expected. Wearing a green blouse with a scoop neck that compliments you in all the right ways.  
“Hey, what are you doing in here?” He asks confused. 
Giving him a devilish grin, you gesture to the seat across from you, “Take a seat, I believe we have some final items to go over before our date.”  
He eyes you suspiciously but looks down at the table, noticing the folder there. Sitting down, he pulls it up to read the title. “Ms.” And says your full name. You nod with a smile.  
Opening the folder to the first page, he skims over the questions listed and lets out a breath. “You know you don’t have to do this.” He says considerately, looking up at you with those baby cow eyes that make you melt. 
Nodding, you reply. “I know, but I want to. I feel like it will give us a clean slate to start.”  
Grinning, he accepts and leans back in his seat. “Alrighty then, first question. When was your last relationship and how long was it young lady?” Looking up at you with a raised eyebrow, he says it with a cheesy Southern sheriff accent. 
“8 months ago. We were together for 6 months.” You say confidently, suppressing the giggle from his impression.  
“And have you reconciled that relationship at all since that time?” he asks cheekily. 
Shaking your head, “No.” 
He grins and flips the paper. Reading the title out loud he chuckles, “Terms of dating me. Please sign at the bottom if you still want to go on this date.”  
You let out an amused breath and watch on as he reads.  
Frankie clears his throat and starts to read the list. “Has a cat named Burt Reynolds, because he looks like he has a mustache. Really, Burt Reynolds? Not Tom Sellick?” he asks jokingly.  
Laughing, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and pull your lips tight. “Hey, I like Burt Reynolds more. So, yeah, he’s uh, 5 years old and we are a package deal.” 
“Fair enough.” He comments before continuing. “Broke left arm at age 9 doing a backflip on a trampoline. Not a lot of regard for safety I guess.” He jokes deadpan and you smile. “Can’t stand the sound of someone chewing pretzels. Has been working in divorce law for 8 years. First kiss was Colin North in 4th grade beside the swing set. Well, this is awkward because my first kiss was also, Colin North but we were classy and kissed beside the jungle gym.” You both giggle like children at his joke before he tries to swallow his laughter to continue. “Worst breakup-,” He begins before trailing off, and reading quietly to himself. 
You chew the inside of your cheek nervously, waiting for him to continue.  
His brows brim atop his eyes, he continues. “Worst breakup was with Kenny Dane. Dated from ages 23 to 27. Moved in together, he came home one day and said that he got a promotion to transfer to his corporate office in New York. Offered to go with him, and he said no, that he had-, he had wanted to break up for a while and this is the push he needed to move on.” Sucking his teeth he looks down quietly before meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” 
Letting a breath out of your nose, you shrug. “Thank you, but I’m fine now. It was hard at the time, took a while to move on, but I don’t think about him anymore.” You say, a small smile tugging on your otherwise dampened looking face.  
He offers a smile, and you smirk, “There’s one more thing before you decide if you wanna sign.” You say. 
Looking down at the last line of the list, his mouth falls agape in amusement. Looking back up at you, he chuckles as he says, “Nickname in college, Boots. Why were you named Boots?” 
You let out a laugh and try to cover your face, “Ummm, because one time at a cowboy night at a frat house I threw up in a guy’s boot who had taken it off to go on the slip and slide and then kept drinking until like 5am. So, it’s for boot and rally and also in memoriam of the poor guy who had to get new boots.” 
A laugh bellows out of his chest as he rubs his eye with his finger. Placing the folder back down on the table as you both erupt into a fit of giggles. “Oh man, that’s so much better than I thought it was gonna be.”  
“Alright, alright. We’re done laughing at me. So, Mr. Morales, do you want to sign on the dotted line and take me out to dinner still?” You ask, winking at him flirtatiously.  
Letting out his last chuckle, he grins and looks down at the paper. He licks his plump lips before reaching forward and grabbing a pen from the holder once again. Signing on the bottom of the page, he makes a point of dotting the end of the signature confidently. “I would be honored, to take you out. I won’t even order pretzels.” He says with a wink.  
Rising from your seat, you round the table, and he stands as well. Tucking his rolling chair back into its place as you approach. “So, would it still be unprofessional to ask for a kiss?”  
The heat grows on your skin, and you bite your lip before shaking your head, “No, I’m not your client anymore.”  
He takes that as a yes and leans in, placing his hands on the small of your back and meeting your wanting lips with his. Your hands come up to hold his neck, grazing your fingers through the curls peeking out of the bottom of his cap. Letting out a breath from your nose, you break and look up at him. His intense gaze tells you exactly how all in he is with this.  
He whispers, “Let’s get going, before we violate some HR policies.”  
You give him a little jab in the stomach with a smile before grabbing the folder on the desk. Taking his hand in yours, you skate by your desk to drop off the folder and grab your bag. Saying goodbye to Devin, he keeps a respectable distance as you head out. Standing in the parking lot, he gestures towards his truck. “Do you wanna follow me to the restaurant?” 
“No, I got an Uber here this morning. So, we could drive together.”  
“Oh perfect, well then. I cannot wait to show you how well my lawyers did in my divorce.” He jokes, gesturing to his truck and starting to walk over. 
“Ah, yes. The 2005 Chevy Sierra. I’ve read about this.” You say, giving a sly smile as he opens the door of the passenger side and helps you jump up. 
Holding the door open he looks around the cab, “Other than Nico, I think this was the only thing I specifically asked for.” He closes the door and rounds the front, jumping into the driver’s seat. He puts it in drive and pulls out onto the road. You look around quietly as he sets the course to the restaurant. There’s a car seat behind him and a collection of books and toys thrown about the back seat. The passenger seat has a variety of takeout drink cups similar to your own and there’s an overwhelming smell of McDonalds French fries that have seemed to permeate the fabric seats. 
“Didn’t know what kind of food you liked so we’re just going to a bar and grill if that’s okay.” He says nervously, his eyes stay on the road ahead as he navigates rush-hour. 
“Sounds good, I’d love a burger right now.” You reply sweetly.  
He smiles and then looks at you, as if he can hear the gears turning in your mind. “So, you’ve had several days now to think about everything you read on Wednesday. What do you wanna know?” 
Your cheeks warm as you think, “Well, I guess, tell me about Nico. Whatever you’re comfortable sharing at least.”  
His eyes light up at your choice of topic, “He’s 2, so you know, terrible twos.” He jokes playfully, “but he’s doing really well with his speech. He’s completely fearless, like he scares the crap out of me with some of the stuff he does. He loves racecars and his favourite show is Spiderman. I didn’t know what to think about becoming a dad at this point in life, but I think, I hope at least, that I’ve been able to keep up with him.” He smiles, the kind of smile where you can tell that’s just his favourite thing to talk about.  
“He sounds great, Frankie.” You say, placing your hand on his arm rested on the console of the truck.  
Looking down at your hand, he chews his bottom lip before looking at you, “I’d love for you to meet him, when the time is right. How do you feel about dating someone with a kid, and you know, the possibilities of having a stepchild?”  
Your eyebrows raise at his question, not from shock but from how impressed you are. Dating is about finding someone to spend a life with, so why tip toe about the fact that even on the first date, you should be thinking about what your life could look like with them. “I’m perfectly fine with it, I’ve dated a man before who had 2 kids actually. I never got a chance to meet them because it didn’t work out, but it didn’t scare me. At my age, a divorce, child, or major life experience of some kind is kind of expected.” 
Nodding, he looks so pleased and joyful with your answer. You continue, “So, any questions you’ve been able to come up with? We can go back and forth all night if you want.” 
“Sure, um how about, you tell me about your friends.” He suggests. 
“Well, I’ve got my brother and sister like I said. Plus, my mom, we’re very close. Then there’s Jade, she’s probably my best friend outside of my family. We met at work about 4 years ago, but she’s very busy as a travelling pharmaceutical sales rep now. So, we don’t see each other a lot, it’s a very casual, low commitment friendship. Which I like because I find I’m a little more introverted nowadays, but it’s nice I can always talk to her when I need to, and we always hang out when she’s in town. It’s like she never left, even if it’s been 3 months. Then there are some friends I’ve had since college that I get together with periodically, and that’s pretty much it.” You say pleasantly.  
“Nice. Well, I like Carlos already. Okay, your turn.” 
Stretching your mouth, you look nervously at him. He rolls his eyes casually, “It’s okay if it’s a serious one. I’m sure we’ll have to talk about it sometime anyway.”  
“Okay, can you tell me about your ex-wife at all?” you ask shyly.  
He nods, “Yes, as you know, her name is Maria. We met 4 years ago, got married a year later. It was all very fast; I think we both felt a certain time pressure as we were already nearing our 40s. We were happy together, but not great really. So, we had Nico, hoping it would solve some problems, bring us closer together. Neither of us regretted him at all, but it didn’t work. Finally, we decided to move on and just hope for the best.” His eyes look sad but not desperate. He speaks candidly but not regretfully. You nod and listen intently as he continues. “She moved out, we sold the house and got started on the separation. Just figured out the custody thing for ourselves and then she got together with Richard and now they’re living together. He’s a nice guy, he really is. Not someone I wanna get a beer with or anything but in terms of another parent raising my child, I don’t think I could ask for more.”  
His story reminds you so much of your own. Your parents got together too quickly and ended it when you were so young. Your mom likes Rosa, they don’t hang out, but they get along. By the time your mom ended up with Tim, your dad didn’t really need to spend too much time getting to know him because you were already in your teens. “Thanks for sharing that, it sounds all so, familiar.”  
He nods, “I figured you would think so. When you told me about your family dynamics, I felt like I was listening to a life story about me.” 
“Yeah, a little bit huh? Guess you know now it isn’t completely downhill from here.”  
“Yeah, you turned out great so, I have high hopes for Nico.”  
Feeling the need to lighten the mood, you joke. “Oh, you think I turned out great? Tell that to Burt Reynolds who has a different bed in every room of my house.” You both laugh. “But seriously, there will be ups and downs, I promise you that, but at the end of the day as long as you all try your best, he’ll be fine.”  
“Thanks Red.” He says sweetly. “And here we are.” You turn to look out your window as you pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. A typical bar & grill, mostly black and wood accents outside with an LED sign for the name.  
You and Frankie go in and take a seat in a dark brown booth with a black metal table between you and a small black pendant hanging above you. The room is loud with bustling customers, staff and music. As soon as the waitress leaves with your drink orders though, the room suddenly stills, as Frankies eyes greet you with a soft kindness that quiets all other noise in the room.  
“So,” you begin. “I guess it’s your turn now.”  
He nods before humming to himself and then a grin tugs at the right side of his face. Scratching his patchy beard, he asks. “Can I learn a little more about Boots?” 
“Ughh.” You let out an embarrassed groan and he chuckles. 
“Sorry, you just don’t seem like the boot and rally type.” 
“No, no it’s fine. I’m not anymore trust me. But when I was in college and early twenties, I was a total partier. Lots of drinking and weed and, in the name of honesty, some casual coke use.” You admit nervously.  
He raises his eyebrows, before letting out a breath. “You know what, don’t feel bad. I uh, had my fair share of that lifestyle as well. But I’m totally clean now, just alcohol.”  
“Oh yeah, for sure me too.” You say, happy to hear that you’ve both pushed past something similar, and he has no judgment on your side.  
“What changed?” He asks. 
Tapping your fingers on the table you reply. “Well, I think I just kind of got it out of my system. It was non-stop for years and that was my whole social life. Then one day I missed a party because I had a headache. I stayed home, read a book, enjoyed some quiet time and that was just kind of it for me. I lost some friends because of it of course, which is why my circle is so tight but that’s okay. I’m still fine with you know, going to a house party or a bar with Jade every now and then but I just don’t want that to be all I do. I like to stay in more than I like going out.” You admit.  
He smiles, “I like that too. I was a bit nervous when my friends wanted me to start going to the bar with them every weekend I didn’t have Nico. It’s just not my thing, but they said that’s where you meet women, and I mean they weren’t wrong. But I am glad I can skip out on a few of those now.”  
His implication that he doesn’t have the need to meet women anymore makes your heart warm, that he’s already feeling the same way that you’re feeling. A thought crosses your mind that makes you ask, “So if last weekend was your weekend off, then, -?”  
Cutting you off politely he waves his hand casually, “Nico is with my mom. And before you feel bad, I asked you out tonight and trust me, he is having a wonderful time right now. Going forward we will probably plan most dates for my off weeks or after he goes to bed. He’s only 2 so he goes to bed at 7:30, you can come over or my niece can come over to hangout and do her homework and we can go out. She’s 14 and her, my sister, my brother-in-law and her younger brothers live a block over from me.” 
Your eyes widen and your smile brightens at how much thought he’s put into dating you. This is definitely not just a passing fling for him, and it makes you wonder where a real man like this has been all your life. The waitress returns with your drinks, and you thank her before quickly scanning the burger menu and ordering the first one you think looks good, having not had a chance to look at the menu while you and Frankie were in such deep conversation.  
After ordering, she departs with the menus and Frankie looks back to you. “I believe it’s your turn.”  
“Right, um, I guess, one thing I remember from the meeting was something about a military pension?” You say cautiously. 
Nodding, he looks a bit more somber this time. “Yes, I uh, served for about 18 years. When I was discharged, I was a pilot with the Special Forces. Did some private flying for a while and some contract uh, - consulting. But then there was an incident, my team leader was killed on mission, and I just couldn’t go back.” Your eyes soften as he speaks, his shoulders somewhat slumped. “My friends, the guys I was with at the bar, I don’t know if you recognize them, but they were also at your crash scene. After that happened, we all came back together and decided to go to school to become paramedics and now we all work on the same team again. We figured our experience would make us good in a crisis and we can help people instead of hurting them.” His voice trails off at the end of his confession. 
You reach your hand across the table, and he lifts his to meet it, a smile pulling at his mouth when you give his hand a firm squeeze of support. “I’m so sorry Frankie, I really am.”  
“Thank you. I’m doing well now; my friend Will works with VA, so we all got pretty involved after that and worked through our shit. I think we’re all doing better.” He speaks like they’re one person, one entity with the same experiences and feelings. 
“You guys are pretty close huh?” You say. 
Nodding, he takes a sip of his drink, “Yeah, they’re my brothers in everything but blood. There’s Will, or Ironhead is his call sign, and then Benny is his little brother, he doesn’t have a nickname, kind of punishment for being last to the team.” He jokes and your eyes lighten with him. “There’s Santiago, or Pope. We actually knew each other before basic, we went to high school together. He took me in when I got the house sold so Nico and I would have a place to land while I try to, you know, navigate this whole thing. And then our leader was Tom, or Redfly. He was, uh, difficult to say the least but a good part of the team for sure.”  
“And you’re Fish, right?” you ask, remembering the conversation earlier this week. 
“Technically it’s Catfish but they shorten it. Pope and I are really the only one who still get called by their names. Ironhead is a bit of a mouthful.” He jokes and you smile and nod.  
Letting go of his hand, his slightly chases you before returning back to his own lap as well. You sit back in your seat comfortably, “So, since I have a nickname now does that mean I’m part of the group?”  
Smirking he confirms, “Absolutely, and trust me, these guys are clingy as hell, so I hope you like a bunch of 6-foot-tall lap puppies.”  
You both let out a chuckle and you wave off his joke, “That’s okay, and trust me I don’t think you’d be able to find a single girl that would say no to that scenario.”  
Your waitress appears with your food a little while later, and you spend the rest of the date eating and talking enthusiastically about each other’s families, vacations, funny stories with friends, and everything else you can think of. There are no lulls or silences, just fluid and comfortable conversation. You can’t seem to think of a time when you actually communicated so openly and freely with a man before and it was reciprocated ten-fold.  
The bill comes and he happily accepts it, waving off your protest and smiling politely at the waitress as you pout. He holds your hand as you walk back to the truck, and you laugh effortlessly as you direct him back to your place.  
When he pulls into your laneway, he looks through the windshield as he takes in your home. A small rancher with white brick and a light blue door, a small porch out front that has a swing. “This is a nice place, looks like you.” He comments with a grin. 
“Thanks, I bought it a few years ago. It’s small but it has plenty of room for me and Burt.”  
“Mind if I walk you to your door?” he asks, a hint of flirtation in his voice. 
Smiling you accept and you both jump out. When you reach him around the truck, he places his hand on the small of your back and guides you up the path to the porch. His touch makes you feel like you’re floating. Reaching the door, you turn shyly and look up at him, he places his hands in his pockets and gives a bright smile.  
“I had a great time tonight, thanks for everything.” You say, letting out a deep breath. 
He nods, “Good, I had a good time too. Thank you, by the way, for what you did at your office. We both know you didn’t need to do that, but I uh, - it was really thoughtful.” 
“Of course.” 
“So, can I take you out again sometime?” Frankie asks, somewhat nervously, despite having such a wonderful time and the goofy smile on your face.  
“Yes, I’d love that, text or call me and we’ll make it happen.” You say, before licking your lips.  
His eyes immediately follow your movement and drop to your lips. He steps forward and takes your face in his large hands. You revel in how small you feel beneath him like this. The callous on his fingers grazing the delicate and warm skin of your cheeks. His nose brushes yours gently before your mouths open and slate together. Moving together softly as your hands raise to hold his narrow waist. Your finger slips beneath his black shirt onto his warm abdomen and your core flutters. You take a deep breath through your nose as he deepens the kiss with his tongue, prodding at your lips. Opening gratefully, you stay there, kissing passionately until he finally slows, resting his forehead on yours.  
“That was-,” he begins. 
“Perfect?” You interject, looking up at him through your lashes.  
He raises his head and grins, “Yeah. Yeah, it was.”  
You slowly break apart from him. Your hands falling from each other by gravity alone and not by want. “Well, have a safe drive home.” You say, taking the key out of your purse and stepping towards the door, your eyes never wavering from his.  
Nodding, he says. “Thank you, enjoy the rest of your night.” He takes a step back as he waits for you to unlock the door. Once the door is pushed open slightly, you look back at him and smile.  
“Goodnight Frankie.”  
“Night Red.” He says with a smirk before turning on his heels and patting down the steps of your small porch.  
Your breath hitches as you watch him move to his truck. His broad shoulders, curly hair peeking out from under his hat, his tight little ass. You quickly move into the house and close the door behind you, pressing your forehead against the cool metal door, calming yourself before you make the mistake of asking him to come in on the first date. You told yourself to take it slow, considering how long it’s been since you’ve been with another man, but if he keeps looking like that, and touching you like that, it is going to be a tough move and you don’t know how to brace that conversation just yet.  
Peeling yourself off the door, you turn and head to your bedroom to get changed. Burt scampers down the hall and follows you in, jumping on the bed. You smile and give his head a few scratches, “Good news Burt, I might have a candidate for your new daddy.”
Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
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fortheloveofwonderland · 2 years ago
Midnight | Chapter 3 | S.R
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Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary - Spencer is at a loss after leaving the BAU. You find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and life as you know it will never be the same again.
A/N - Chapter title from the Set it Off album “Cinematics”. Song lyrics at the end of the chapter.
Pairing - unsub! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - dark angst | smut | very eventual happy ending
Warnings - drinking, Spencer’s rapidly declining mental health, nightmares, mentions of blood, swearing, cleaning up a crime.
WC - 4.9k
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Chapter Three - Nightmare
The scraps of paper littered the bed like the world's most depressing confetti in his pathetic party for one. Ramblings of a man on the brink of destruction riddled the torn pages, manifestos of his rapidly declining brain. 
Names and crude drawings of warped human faces seemed to taunt him, coming alive from the paper and wrapping themselves around him in a blanket of evil. 
Linwood Jones.
Rico Hernandez. 
Alex Matthews.
Taylor Gardener. 
Eric Gomez.
Peter Cohen. 
And they were just ones within the District of Columbia. 
He had his bed sheet wrapped right up to his neck, pulling it close around his body like a cape and looking somewhat like a down on his luck superhero. 
It had been two weeks since he’d stormed out of the BAU and he’d only left his apartment once since to buy an obscene amount of scotch. He was down to his last bottle which meant he’d have to venture out again, but honestly, leaving the confines of this room seemed an impossible feat. 
There were days when Spencer’s bed held him hostage, the sheets working like hands keeping him firmly in place, wrapped in a straight jacket of his own mind. But it was preferable to being let loose on the world. There was something about being alone that enabled him to breathe so much easier than when he was surrounded by people. 
But as he brought the bottle to his lips and noticed it was almost half empty, he knew he had to at least make an effort to drag his sorry ass out of bed today, being sober didn’t seem like a safe option for him right now. 
Time had ceased to exist for him, his curtains pulled tightly shut so had no concept of day or night. Once his cell phone battery had died he didn’t have the impetus to charge it. It was a relief to be honest, it meant he wouldn’t have to hear it bleating every time the team tried to call or text him. 
They’d tried to visit too, JJ, Garcia, Rossi and Emily had all knocked on his door and proceeded to try and engage him by talking through the door. It was painfully similar to when he was grieving Maeve’s death only this time Garcia hadn’t left baskets full of food. 
He had nothing to say to any of them. All they’d want to do was talk him into coming back and that was something he categorically could not do. What he was going to do however, was still a mystery. 
He took another swig from the bottle before rubbing his hand aggressively against his eye. A few days ago his left eye had started to twitch, the way it had when he left prison and it was yet to stop. It was growing sore from the way in which he kept rubbing his palm against it. 
He still had PTSD from prison, maybe he always would. And it was only fuelled by the stress of wondering what the hell his next move was going to be. He couldn’t fathom thinking that far into the future. The only thing he could focus on right now was the list of names and the fact that he was rapidly running out of scotch. 
Tomorrow might be better. Some days he was completely fine, a normal functioning human being. Some days he was able to leave the clutches of the bed that held him captive so he could shower and eat. Other times he didn’t leave his bed for days at a time. 
Some days it was one step forward, five steps back. Some days Spencer wished he could cease to exist entirely, become one with the bed, close his eyes and never wake up. Today seemed like it might be one of those days. 
Sometimes it felt as though he wasn’t alone in his home, like there was evil lurking in the shadows, ready to come forth and pull him down into the darkness with them. He wasn’t sure he would have the energy to fight them if they did, maybe drowning in the abyss with his demons was how it was supposed to end for him.
Maybe it was all the faces that belonged to those names, taunting him, begging for him to do something before it was too late and they hurt more people. But how? How did he defeat these monsters that flew beneath the radar? 
A voice continued to nag him, begging him to do something for these victims who couldn’t help themselves. He had the brains, he had the resources. He had almost a complete puzzle in front of him but he was missing a key piece. 
He continued sipping his scotch while his eyes darted between the scraps of paper littering his bed. At some point he managed to free himself to use the bathroom after going hours without urinating. He kept the sheet wrapped tightly around his body as he padded through to the en-suite, relieved himself and quickly shuffled back into his bedroom. 
His brain was telling him to get back into bed but for some reason his feet kept on walking, no real destination in mind. He did that sometimes, just wandered the rooms of his apartment aimlessly, running his fingers along book spines or his chess set or the back of the couch, maybe in an attempt to keep himself tethered to a reality that was rapidly slipping away from him. 
The cracks in his psyche had become chasms, giant gaping holes in his brain in which his sanity was falling through piece by piece. The isolation didn’t help, he should reach out to someone, use them as a liftline to pull him back from this brink before he dove over the edge. He needed a light to shine through the darkness, to convince him this wasn’t the end for him before it was too late. 
But he was far too stubborn to admit he needed their help, he would rather die in a pool of his own self-destruction than ask any of them for assistance. 
He continued wandering the apartment, sinking his toes into the thick shag rug and keeping the bed sheet tightly wrapped around his body. His eyes darted around but he wasn’t looking at anything in the room, his eyes were bouncing between the names that seemed to follow him everywhere. 
The world would be a better place if those monsters were dead. Even if the cops did get their heads out of their asses and arrest them, prison would only hold them so long. Death was what they deserved. 
Oh how he would love to be the one to put an end to them, to point a gun between their eyes and pull the trigger. No, that wasn’t slow enough, death would be too fast. Maybe he could wrap his hands around their necks and squeeze until life left their demonic eyes. No, not gory enough. They deserved to shed blood. 
He found himself in his kitchen without realising he’d walked through there. The top drawer was open and his hand was reaching inside towards the back. His fingers wrapped around a handle, and he was soon withdrawing an object that had remained untouched in the back of his drawer for over a decade. 
Gideon had bestowed the antique hunting knife on him for his birthday one year, many moons again. Much like most of Gideon’s gifts, Spencer hadn’t understood why exactly his mentor would think he’d require such an item. Maybe he knew. 
Maybe even all those years ago Gideon had seen the evil within Spencer. Maybe he’d always known this was where Spencer’s road would lead him. 
The blade would make the perfect weapon to slice open the throat of a murderer or a rapist. It wouldn’t be an instant death and it would be messy. He could stand over the body of his victim while he watched them bleed to death. 
Suddenly Spencer knew what he needed to do. It all became so clear in startling clarity. It was as though a thick fog had cleared and he was finally able to see the horizon. Those people who flew under the radar, evaded capture from law enforcement deserved to die. 
And it was his job to do that. 
The list of names he’d been building up in his mind for the last two weeks were just the tip of the iceberg. There were hundreds, thousands more out there who had literally gotten away with murder. 
Not anymore. Spencer would make sure of it. He would ensure those men would never hurt another human being. It was all so fucking clear now. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this sooner. 
Spencer held the blade up to the light and saw his reflection staring back at him on the shiny metal surface. 
For the first time in months, he was smiling. 
“Ok if you yawn one more time, I’m going to start thinking you don’t appreciate my dazzling personality.” Luke cocked his eyebrow at you across the table as you stifled yet another yawn.
You shrugged in apology and lifted your drink to your lips, taking a hefty swig and hoping the caffeine in your vodka cola would help even a little.
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired.” 
“You still having those nightmares?” He sat forward in his chair and leant on the table with his elbows. 
It had now been three weeks since Spencer left the BAU and none of you had heard from him even once. Several members of the team had tried to go to his apartment but he was either never there or simply wouldn’t answer the door. You hadn’t tried to contact him, despite the fact it was killing you not to. And almost every night since his departure from the team, you’d been having nightmares. 
They all followed a similar pattern. You were back at the Fugitive Task Force, hunting down one of the most prolific serial killers the world had ever seen. He was wanted by multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies across the country and suspected of killing upwards of one hundred people. You’d received a tip off on his location and gone in pursuit alone. 
You’d traced him to a desolate cabin in the woods on the edge of a lake. It was pitch black out in the woods, leaves crunching under foot as you approached the house, firearm drawn in front of you. There was a single light emanating from inside the cabin on the second floor and it was glowing red. 
Creeping up the front steps you found the door unlocked and before you opened it, you lifted your collar and spoke into your comm system pinned to the lapel. 
“I’ve reached the house, I’m continuing in pursuit.”
“Wait for backup Y/L/N, don’t be a hero.” Luke’s voice came through the crackly speaker in your ear.
“Negative, there’s no time. If he even catches a whiff of police presence he’s fleeing again. This is our only chance.”
“Y/L/N stand down, wait for backup.” Luke hissed. 
You didn’t reply and instead you reached for the door handle and entered the old cabin. The floorboards were a little creaky and you held your breath as you cautiously traversed the first floor. 
Luke’s voice kept sounding in your ear, distracting you from your mission but you didn’t recall what he said, it was always some incoherent mumbles. As you headed towards the stairs you removed your earpiece so you could give the situation your full attention. 
The walk up the stairs was always distant, somehow you seemed to appear at the top of them with a door in front of you. Not stopping for breath you gripped the handle and entered the room. 
On the far side of the room shrouded in red light was a figure with his back to you, looking out the window. His image was hazy, as if the room were filled with smoke. 
“FBI! Put your hands where I can see them!” You screamed at him but he either didn’t hear you or ignored you. 
And then the dream always turned weird. Blood started to pour down the walls and a claret waterfall appeared between you and the unsub. It came down like torrential rain, completely obscuring them from vision. 
“FBI! You’re under arrest!” 
You felt it start to cover you, the warm, sticky substance falling heavily into your eyes, your mouth, soaking through your clothes. 
“FBI, show me your hands!” You spluttered against the onslaught of blood. 
“You can’t help me.” A voice came from the distance, oddly recognisable but you couldn’t place it. 
“I’m not here to help you, I’m here to stop you.” 
“You can’t do that either.” 
And like the Red Sea parting, so did the waterfall of blood and the unsub walked right towards you with a menacing grin on his face, covered from head to toe in blood. 
You gasped as he closed in on you, dropping your firearm on the floor in shock as he advanced. 
“There’s no helping me, Y/N. I’m too far gone.” Spencer chuckled manically seconds before he lifted the blade in his hand and suddenly drove it towards your heart. 
And that’s where you always woke up, panting and sweating and sometimes even screaming. It didn’t make any sense. You knew dreams were interpretive but what was this supposed to mean? You were worried about Spencer clearly, but surely you weren’t that concerned about him? 
You’d made the mistake of telling Luke about your nightmares, something you wished now more than ever you hadn’t disclosed to him. 
“I guess.” You shrugged. “It’s no big deal.” 
“I think it is, you look exhausted.” 
“Thanks.” You pulled a face. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” 
“You could just call him, you know? Or go to his place? It might put your mind at ease.” Luke wore his concern on his face.
“He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to see any of us. Seriously, I’ll be fine.” You downed the remains of your drink and stretched your back. “I should go home though, I am exhausted.” 
Luke nodded and finished his beer and the two of you stood from the table and gathered your things. He escorted you out of the bar and onto the street. 
“You wanna split a cab?” He asked with a smile.
“We live in opposite directions.” You chuckled. “But thanks. I think I’ll take a walk, it’s only a few blocks.” 
“It’s late, let me get you a cab.” He tried again.
“Alvez, I carry a gun. I think I’ll be ok.” You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you Monday, assuming we don’t get called in beforehand.” 
He offered you a smile that told you he wasn’t happy about letting you walk home alone but he also knew you could handle yourself better than most people he knew. Not only could you run circles around him but you were also a force to be reckoned with in a boxing ring. He knew you were probably the last person he needed to worry about. And like you’d said, you did carry a weapon. 
“See you Monday, conejito.” He winked at you and you gave him a wave in response before turning and heading on your way. 
You enjoyed walking the streets of DC at night, especially this time of year in late spring when it was still a reasonable temperature. You kept one hand on your purse, like always, your personal firearm tucked inside just in case you ever needed it. In all the years you’d lived here you never had, but it didn’t hurt to be cautious. 
You walked on autopilot, your legs carrying you in the direction of your home for several blocks. That was until you came to a particular cross street and you halted in your tracks without meaning to do so. 
If you carried on left you’d reach your apartment in two blocks. But if you went four blocks right you would end up at a different apartment, one you’d previously spent a lot of time at, but you hadn’t visited for a while. 
You looked up and down the street, your mind fighting an internal battle. You should go home, but if you went home you would inevitably only be inviting more nightmares. 
You could just pass by his place, not even stop, just walk down the street and make sure everything seemed normal. Although, what would you class as out of place? What did you expect to find? 
Before you’d realised you’d made up your mind, you’d started walking again, in the opposite direction of your home. 
Spencer sat in the driver's seat of his old Volvo in the small alleyway behind his apartment building, only illuminated by the moon high in the sky. The ancient engine rumbled, vibrating his seat and echoing around the otherwise silent street. He shut the car off and suddenly the world around him became still. 
His hands gripped the steering wheel, nails grazing over the stitching in the leather. He kept his eyes trained out the windscreen on the narrow alleyway in front of him. His heart beat frantically against his chest even now. But he felt oddly at peace, a wave of euphoria rushing through his veins. 
He stayed this way for several long minutes, ensuring no one was traversing the street at this time of night. He needed privacy for what he needed to do. 
He glanced at his hands and the substance he’d inadvertently transferred from them to the steering wheel. He let go of it and reached into his pocket for the old rag which he used to wipe all around the wheel before using it to cover his dirty hand and open the car door. 
He slid out into the quiet alley and closed the door behind him before rounding the vehicle to the trunk. Using the same rag he opened it and stared down at the mess he’d made. 
The first time he’d panicked, forgetting his years of crime scene training as he’d surveyed what he done in fear of what the fuck he did next. This was the second time now and his head was clearer, he would stay calm and clean up his mess, get rid of the evidence. Getting caught was not an option. 
He would be smarter about it this time around. No need to fret himself. He’d already taken care of the hardest part and now all he needed to do was clean up after himself. 
He used the rag to wipe the residual blood off his hands, he’d worry about cleaning under his nails and all the nooks and crannies later when he was home. He slipped on a pair of latex gloves and grabbed the bottle of bleach from the corner of the before pouring ample amounts of it into the lining of his trunk. 
Using a thick bristled brush he started to scrub, not a single inch of the lining being left untouched. He spent a long time ensuring he’d gotten every little drop of blood, periodically looking up and around to make sure no one had meandered down the alley. It wasn’t a high traffic area, away from central DC. The alley was occasionally used as a shortcut by pedestrians but he wasn’t too worried. 
Once he’d finished scrubbing the lining he poured a little more bleach onto a clean rag which he used to wipe down the lip of the trunk and all the metal insides. 
His clothes were still filthy, he’d take care of them once he was home. It was only an old t-shirt and jeans, he wasn’t stupid enough to ruin his nice suits. He’d strip down, toss everything into a garbage bag and dispose of them alongside his gloves, cleaning rags and shoe covers in the morning. 
He finished cleaning the trunk and deposited his cleaning supplies in a bag along with the latex gloves before closing it. As he turned to get back in the car, a set of wide eyes stared right at him. 
He froze in place, fully aware of the blood stained t-shirt he wore on display. The eyes blinked a few times at him, legs stumbling backwards a little in fear. 
He took a few calming breaths, quickly trying to ascertain a plan, a way to talk himself out of this. But a bloodstained t-shirt coupled with the knife in his waistband which would have been visible from behind, certainly looked incriminating. 
He held his hands up as if in surrender, not daring to step any closer for fear of making his company flee before he had a chance to try and work his way out of this situation. 
“It’s not what it looks like.” He tried to insist. “Let me explain.” 
But he’d barely gotten his sentence out before you were turning on your heels and running. 
Normally you would not be so stupid as to take a shortcut down a dark alley at night but you did have a gun, and it would make the journey to Spencer’s a lot faster. 
Little did you know you would soon live to regret this decision. 
Clutching your purse close to you, you turned off the main street and started up the alley that ran between two blocks of apartments, one being Spencer’s. 
You spotted the little old car parked about halfway up almost as soon as you entered the street but didn’t think much of it. Maybe if it hadn’t been dark you would have recognised it sooner. 
The engine was idling but as you started down the alley it cut it out and soon someone was exiting the vehicle. You found yourself ducking into a doorway, out of sight, not particularly wanting to find yourself in a dark alley with a stranger. You held your bag tighter, ready to grab the gun shielded inside at a moment's notice. 
You heard footsteps in the otherwise silent street and then heard a trunk opening. For a few seconds you didn’t hear much of anything but then a strange sound met your ears. 
Brushing? Scrubbing? Is someone cleaning? 
You swallowed thickly, thinking there could be only one good reason someone was cleaning the trunk of their car at night, off of the main road.
Shit. Shit. What the fuck do I do? 
You tried to calm yourself, reminding yourself you were a damn FBI agent and this really shouldn’t phase you. You could apprehend them, you kept some snap cuffs in your purse. 
Don’t get ahead of yourself. There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation. 
You forced yourself to creep out of the doorway, not drawing your weapon just yet, and slowly and quietly headed closer. 
They had their back to you, leaning over inside the trunk but you could tell they were male, tall and slim. The scrubbing sound continued for a while and you stepped closer. It was too late by the time you spotted the knife tucked into his waistband. 
Soon you heard the rustling of a plastic bag and what sounded suspiciously like latex gloves being removed. Your heart raced in your chest as the man shut the trunk and stood back to his full height. 
You would recognise that messy mop of curly hair anywhere, even from behind. You stopped walking, physically unable to take another step once the realisation set it. 
And then Spencer turned and his eyes landed straight on you. 
Your eyes immediately fell to the blood soaked shirt he wore and your stomach coiled into knots as the pieces slotted themselves into place. He stared at you for a few moments before he raised his hands in surrender. 
“It’s not what it looks like.” He croaked out. “Let me explain.” 
But you didn’t hear him out. Despite your years of FBI training, your fight or flight response took over. And your brain chose flight.
You turned back down the alley and started running as fast as your legs would carry you. You could hear your heart beating in your ears but you could also make out the sound of footsteps chasing after you. 
“Y/N! Come back! I can explain!” His voice carried after you but you didn’t stop, if anything you quickened your pace. 
Luke had always been in awe of how fast you could run. Conejito, that’s what he called you. And if there was ever a time you needed to run like the wind, it was now. 
Maybe it was the fear slowing you down, or maybe Spencer was quicker than you expected, but you didn’t even reach the end of the alleyway before he caught up with you. 
You smelt the metallic blood seconds before a set of arms were wrapping around your torso and a hand was clamping over your mouth to stop you from screaming. 
He grabbed you and shoved you against a wall, pressing his body into your back to cage you in. He was panting from the exertion, but you were just trying to figure out a way to reach for your gun. 
“You’ve got to let me explain.” He spoke into the side of your face. “What you saw…it wasn’t what you saw.” 
You tried to talk back, tried to scream but your sounds were muffled against his hand. He pressed you firmly against the wall and you felt his hand that wasn’t on your mouth scrabbling behind you. And you knew exactly what he was doing. 
You felt him open your purse and seconds later he withdrew your firearm and tucked into his waistband with the knife. 
“You won’t be needing that.” He spoke again. “Look, you’re going to come with me ok? We’re going to go up to my apartment and we’re going to talk. We can either do it the easy way or the hard way.” 
You’d been in situations like this before, more times than you could count. You knew your best chance at survival, your best chance of apprehending an unsub was to do as they said with little resistance. 
You nodded your head against his hand and that seemed to be enough for him as he stepped back a little, but wrapped his hand tightly around your wrist. He slowly removed his hand from your mouth and turned you around. 
His eyes bore into you, waiting to see if you might scream or not but you knew better. You stayed silent and eventually he started walking back up the alley, dragging you by the wrist with him. 
As you walked you couldn’t help but think back to all those nightmares that had plagued you since Spencer’s departure from the BAU. They’d seemed so unrealistic, just a twisted amalgamation of your worry for Spencer. But now it didn’t seem so far-fetched. 
Spencer hadn’t been the same since prison, that much you all knew. But it seemed as though it had awoken a monster inside of him, and now you were trapped in a new nightmare, one you may never be able to escape from. 
They're coming, creeping from the corner,
And all I know is that I don't feel safe.
I feel the tapping on my shoulder,
I turn around in an alarming state.
But am I losing my mind? I really think so,
Not a creature in sight,
But, what you don't know.
Is that my breathing gets faster and so does my heartbeat,
I wish this was over, I wish that this was a dream but,
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare.
Wait, something doesn't feel right (feel right),
No, something seems wrong (wrong).
And I've been feeling this way (oh, that's too bad),
For far too long.
As my vision gets blurred, my skin's getting colder,
Appearing young, while I'm growing older.
I collapse to the floor and scream,
"Can anybody save me from myself?"
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare.
Walking to the ledge, I find myself looking down,
Frozen still with fear, now I'm plunging to the ground.
If only I knew how to fly,
Then I could convince myself this isn't my time to die.
Instead, I'm rocketing faster and faster,
I dive-bomb to the floor.
And when my body crashes to the pavement,
I'm right back where I was before.
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared.
I created a monster, a hell within my head.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
Oh, I'm so scared, no, whoa.
I created a monster, a beast inside my brain.
With nowhere to go, I'm out on my own,
My mind impaired.
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare (I'm so scared).
Awake me from my nightmare.
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Next Chapter
@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @measure-in-pain @takeyourleap-of-faith @dirtytissuebox @dreatine @dr-spencerr-reidd @spenxerslut @radtwinkie @drayshadow @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @people-whatabunchofbastards @justreadingficsdontmindme @dielgonacoffee @hotchandspencearedilfs @spencer-reid-wonderland @thebloomingeagle
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asumofmylife · 19 days ago
Our Secret is Out +18
No warning. No naughty naughty.
started writing on Feb 27 💞
Tony 😈 (28) x Star ✨ (25)
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I sneak into the work party a little late. The CEO is beginning the party with a greeting speech and adds on his appreciation speech. I, on the other hand, make my way to a corner where I can be my introverted self. I only agreed to coming for the food; who can say no to Italtian food?!
The music plays after the CEO ends his speech.
I glance over to the dance floor being formed by the other workers. I shake my head and pull out my phone; I send a quick text to Mr. Tech—
✨ Where are you?!
😈 in the parking lot
😈 what, miss me?
✨ no...just hurry up. I don't want to be alone
😈 don't you think people are going to suspect something if we are together tonight??
😈 also I think you look stunning that dress; tightly wrapping around your curves, silky and rippable
✨ you are not ripping this dress!!
I glance up when there's commotion from a few of the female workers. Mr. Tech has entered the building, drawing the attention of all the ladies of the company. I roll my eyes as some of them greet him with a hug.
He excuses himself to walk over to me but he's stopped by one of the cougers who has been trying to get him to sleep with her. He's eyes connect with mine, pleading for help; however, she catches his attention by grabbing his face and turning it towards her.
"Tony, listen, my daughter is coming over this weekend. She's single and ready to mingle. I think I could set up a blind date for you. She likes tall, nerdy handsome men like yourself."
"Should I be offended by that?" He asks with a smug then he looks over at me. He sends a wink before turning his attention back to the cougar. "Mrs. Thompson, as much as I would love to go on a blind date with your daughter. I believe that's highly inappropriate. She's your daughter after all and you are technically my boss."
"You'll be able to see more of me..." she says, seductively as she presses herself against him with her big breast and runs her filthy hand over his arm.
She has no shame.
I stand up, march my way over there. I clear my throat, gaining their attention. Well, I receive a glare from the cougar and a smirk from Tony.
"Hey, is it possible for me to borrow Tony real quick?"
She moves away from him, turning to me and puts on a fake smile. "You look lovely in that black dress."
"Yeah, it's as black as my soul."
Tony tries to his laughter but he bursts out laughing.
Mrs. Thompson doesn't find it funny at all. She shakes her head in disappointment. "Well, have fun."
We watch her walk away to the next young victim.
"Starry, is it possible for us to just come clean?" Tony asks, turning me towards him by wrapping his arm around my waist. He places his finger on my chin, tilting it up so I'm looking at him as he talks. "I can see the jealousy fuming you up already. If they knew we were dating, they would back off."
"They'll be more annoying if they knew you were dating an ugly nobody like me..."
Tony frowns, his grip around my waist tightening. "You are beyond beautiful. I have kissed every inch of your body, I know what I am saying when I say you are beyond beautiful. AND you are somebody to me. You are my everything; the queen to my kingdom, my beauty to my beast, juliet to romeo and let's not forget, you are my dinner tonight." He whispers the last part against my ear.
I am too stun by his words to even say anything. I just stare into his eyes, wondering how I even got lucky to have a nerdy yet hunky boyfriend.
A throat clears which causes me and Tony to move away from each other. The CEO gives us each a look before bringing out his smile towards me.
"Miss Gomez, you are looking very beautiful tonight. Did you do something new to your hair?" His pervy eyes scan my body then they return to my eyes.
"My curls have been straighten," I say, dryly, not wanting to entertain whatever intentions he may have.
"Boss man!" Carter arrives with a camera. "Let me take a picture of you and two of your best empolyees." He moves us by dragging us by the arms. Tony to my left and the perv to my right. "Perfect, now get closer."
The perv's hand slides from my lower back to my ass. I say nothing to disrespect the old man but I'm fuming in anger and disgust. I glance to my left to see Tony also fuming, his jawline clenching and his fists balled up to the point of them turning white. This is what I get for not allowing our relationship to be public.
As Carter takes his damn time to take the pictures, the perv takes advantage to rub my ass. He leans in against my ear. "How about me and you go to my office for a talk?" I shake my head in response. He groans. "I love it when you play hard to get but I know deep down you are just as slutty as you dress. Let me feel you up."
"Shut the fuck up and back the fuck up. She may not say nothing to HQ because she's too nice but I will gladly report your ass to HQ." Tony is now standing between me and the perv CEO. Tony shields me with his big body. I glance to his hand gripped tightly on my wrist. "I'm sick and tired of seeing you disrespect her like she's some toy you can play. She's a queen who should be respected AND she's mine, so fuck, get a life."
I glance around to see everyone watching closely this encounter play out. Everyone now knows I'm Tony's. I can see the chatter amongst themselves. I push it off, glancing back to the back of Tony which is tensed up. I tug on his dress shirt from behind, asking him for us to leave.
He doesn't hesisate to drag me out of the party. He doesn't say a word, he just drags me out of the building to the parking lot. He walks me to my car then let's go off my wrist. He runs a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry for outing our relationship like that." He sighs, pacing to calm himself down. Tony stops to stand in front of me. "I can't stand that man touching you. He's been doing that since you started working here three years ago. You may be innocent but you should be mistreated like that."
I giggle at this "innocent" comment. "I'm not so innocent when I'm with you, am I?"
"That's a different story, princess." He comes close wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close. "You can be naughty all you want with me. I'm your boyfriend and if we are lucky, your damn husband."
"You want to married?" I glance into his eyes with hope to hear a yes from him.
"I am dating you with marriage in mind, princess, so yes, I would love to marry you someday."
I smile up at him. "Really?"
He picks me up, making me giggle. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He pecks my lips with his, a peck turns into a slow make out session. Our hands roaming bodies, he holds me against my car, pressing himself against me.
"Tony..." I moan against the kiss.
"Yeah?" He moves his lips to my neck.
I see the coworkers stepping out of the building.
"Our coworkers..."
Tony groans, turning his attention to the people walking out of the building. "What do they want?" He gently lets me go, allowing me to stand on my own feet. He puts on a fake smile as they approach us. "Hey..."
"Sorry to interrupt you." Mary laughs then goes serious as the two other girls approach as well with big smiles. "We just wanted to thank you for standing up to that old man. You didn't just do it for Star but for all of us."
"Wait, has he harassed you guys too?" Tony's now irritated again. His fist balling up as the girls nod in response. "We will go to HQ on Monday to report his ass. I'll also make sure they don't get you girls exposed; it'll be less drama for y'all."
The girls thank us both with a hug then excuse themselves to go out for dinner which gives Tony a bright idea for us to go out publicly for dinner.
I get in my car and he follows me home to drop off my car. We literally end up racing home. Unfortunately, his bmw made it there before my toyota.
"You are an idiot," I say as I get out of my car.
"Hey, you said I couldn't beat you here." He chuckles, standing against his car with his arms crossed over his chest.
I walk over to him with a grin. "What else can you beat?"
"Well, we'll see after dinner."
I hand him the remote to control my panties vibration. A smirk appears on his face and I prepare myself mentally but...
He presses it to test it out, making me moan, and I lean my forehead against his chest as he keeps it on. I tap roughly on his chest as I continue to shake and moan under his control. He groans, turning it off when I'm about to organsm which makes me groan in annoyance.
"How about I cook us dinner?" He asks in a husky tone which could only mean he's as turned on as I am. I glance up to see the desire beaming in his eyes. He gives me a lazy smile. I lazy smile back which gains me a kiss on the forehead. "What do you have at home?"
"I have dough. Want to make a pizza?"
He nods in respond with a big grin. "Yes we can play while we wait for the pizza to be done."
"Alright, pizza and sex sounds like the plan." I move away from him to pull out my keys from my purse and then lead the way to the front door. As I try to unlock the door, Tony turns on the vibrator up to the highest making me moan out loud. "Tonnnny!"
"I love when you moan my name," he says, hugging me from behind.
He reaches to help me unlock the door. The vibrator is still on as he opens the door to the house. He guides me inside the house, covering my mouth with his hand as I moan.
"Is your family home?" He whispers.
I completely forgot about that small detail about my life; I still live with my parents and sisters.
Tony bites onto my shoulder causing me to muffle a moan against his hand. He chuckles. "Quiet princess, you wouldn't want your dad to kill me, do you?"
He guides us inside the door, kicking the door closed and takes us to the kitchen.
I am still moaning from the pleasure the vibration is bringing my body, and I know Tony notices by the way he groans against my ear and places a bunch of kisses on my neck.
We hear someone coming down the stairs. I glance up at Tony who's still holding me from behind. I plead with my eyes to turn it off but his smirk grows bigger.
The vibration is slows down—he has brought the volume down of this deadly weapon, thankfully, but his smirk could mean anything.
We move away from each other the moment my father comes into view; he doesn't like PDA or Tony. Dad thinks Tony's a fuck boy, and he was at some point, but he's with me now. I'm hoping it stays that way, no doubts here.
"Mr. Gomez, sup?" Tony clears his throat reaching out to give my father a handshake.
"What are you doing here?" My dad says, dryly.
"I came to drop off my girlfriend, your beautiful daughter who I love more than anything in this world."
My dad scoffs, not believing Tony's words. "Sure."
"Dad, it's still early. I asked him to make me homemade pizza before he leaves. Is that okay?"
My dad looks at me then at Tony, the frown growing. "Why can't you get a better man?"
"What's problem with me being with your daughter?! I'm in love with her, sure actions speak louder than words but you don't even give me a chance to prove it to you. Star is an angel, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. God take me now if I'm lying to you. I love her, Mr. Gomez. I want to be with her AND I'm not just playing with her heart. I am planning on marrying her soon."
"Soon?" I glance up at him, he gives me a weak smile.
"Marriage isn't some game," dad says, dryly.
"I know that, why do you think I haven't rush into it? I want your approval and your wife's approval before making a move." Tony sighs, reaching for something in his jacket. He pulls out a small box and opens it, revealing a beautiful engagement ring. "I'm not playing a game. I want her. I want us to grow old together. I want to see her through her bad and good, through sickness and health. Let me prove it to you. Let me show you I'm forreal about Star."
"Fine but we will have a conversation in the morning. We need to set some boundaries between you two...no more kissing and sleeping together."
"You know about that?" I smack Tony's outburst which confirms what my father's afraid of.
"No but now I do..." dad gives me a disappointed look before turning around to leave. "Don't stay up too late."
I move to be in front of Tony. "You have a ring and everything. Babbbbe!"
He chuckles, pulling me in for a hug. "I love you, Star. I wasn't kidding about the marriage part earlier. I do want to marry you someday. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow but someday I would love to call you my wife and the mother of my children."
"At least you are up to a good start with my dad, but" I glance up with a grin. "now he knows we make love to one another."
"Its fine as long as he doesn't make me stay away from you until I do propose." He places a soft kiss on my lips. "Should we start the pizzas?"
Tony chuckles once again. "Homemade pizza with no love making while we wait."
"You'll survive!"
Not too good but it's a start. Thank you for the reads and the feedback. Please don't be afraid to give me feedback—it helps me improve.
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floatsthruspace · 1 year ago
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I found this in my drafts after posting the other one!
Hi! This is the exact moment where I was convinced. I was convinced that this needed to happen. Obi was my favorite character after Shirayuki. This was the moment I put two and two together. And ever since, I've wanted a very specific plot line to play out. Obviously, I try to read through every fic on AO3 and here. There are so many brilliant authors and artists and other creatives that make this fandom a joy to return to. They all live rent free in my head.
Ive tried and failed to put down my thoughts in words. I am not a writer. But here is a snippet of a song fic (?) I had in my head for the longest time. It won't leave me alone. If there is something similar out there please please tell me where ;-;
Can't keep my hands to myself- Selena Gomez
Can't keep my hands to myself
Shirayuki had a problem. At first, she didn't think nothing of it. They are best friends and they spend so much time together. They work so well together and they can communicate without a word. Of course some of that communication would be through touch. A brush of a hand here, a touch to his strong shoulder there, and her hand wrapped around a wrist. She never noticed it was different from when she worked with Ryuu or with Suzu or even Mitsuhide. Until she did.
They had been working for two weeks to pull this garden together. She wiped her brow as she walked over to where Obi worked. She admired his form as he moved wood poles to where they need to be and then returned back to his task with the plants. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she leaned over him to peer at his work in harvesting the herb in his section. His muscles tensed as she let her palm run down his arm.
No matter how much I'm trying to
Her palm tingled as he pulled her through the market place in search of the stall that Suzu raved about last night. She couldn't help that her mind went straight to how strong his hands were and how rough his callouses felt on her skin. She tried not to think about how he gently tugs her along to speed her past groups of people. She tried not to think about how his hands would feel on her skin and how her hands would feel on his skin... Shirayuki barely misses crashing into a patron at the tea stall. She takes a steadying breath and focuses on her path following Obi.
I want you all to myself
As Shirayuki stood up and wiped her brow she wondered if Obi regretted suggesting they stop to rest in this town. She couldn't help it, she saw a garden in disrepair and knew it would help the town to have a community space. It just needed a little love. She looked over at Obi and saw him bent over a pile of wood looking for strong pieces for the outer fence. She admired his lean frame as he stood up with his prize. That's when she noticed his fan club had gathered nearby. She frowned and grumbled at the group of girls waiting to give him water or a rag to wipe his sweat. One of the more daring ones was gushing about how strong he was to be able to pick up those heavy planks of wood. Shirayuki didn't miss how she hung off his arm. Obi for his part was eating it up. She had enough when the girl giggled at him and ran her hand up his arm. She marched over to them and put her hands on his shoulder to focus him back to the task at hand. She asked him to help her with the wheel barrow. She grinned as he followed her without hesitation. She glanced over her shoulder at the pouting fan club. For good measure, she made to fuss over him about taking care of his hands and watching out for his shoulder. She rubbed his hands while glancing at his eyes just so. When she saw his blush she felt warm all over. They continued to work together using the wheelbarrow to spread the soil in the garden. She helped him use his planks to patch the fence. They worked into the early evening and neither of them noticing that they were alone. Glances and hands brushing past each other were the only things on their mind.
Thants all I got! Thank you for reading!
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dailyniallnews · 2 years ago
The former boyband member Niall Horan on his new album, headlining the Electric Picnic, turning 30 and taking on the world, says Louise Bruton
Sunlight pours in through the large bay windows of the Westbury Hotel and Niall Horan is a little tired. In Ireland for less than 36 hours, he’s fitting in this interview and a surprise appearance for 80 of his biggest Irish fans, all in the build-up to the release of The Show, his third solo album. Once upon a time the five-star hotel would have been mobbed by hyperventilating fans, but today he got in unnoticed.
“If someone had said to me in 2013, ‘Do you want to go for a coffee?’ I’d go, ‘No, you’re joking? That’s nuts.’” Over an Americano, a low-key Horan relives the hysteria of once being in the boyband One Direction. Since the group’s formation on The X Factor in 2010 and their indefinite hiatus announced in 2016, the Mullingar man wasn’t able to walk down the street without people pulling over in their cars to take a gawk, let alone meet pals for coffee. Unsure if he developed a fear of being surrounded, he recalls that he “nearly became a bit of a recluse”.
Going unnoticed doesn’t mean that Horan’s star has faded. With his previous albums reaching the top of the charts in the UK, the US and Ireland, and charming everyone so much as a coach on NBC’s The Voice that he’s back for the next series, he’s on top of his game, but he has learnt how to live under the radar.
“When the band stopped I went travelling in Asia for four months, just staying in shite hotels and hostels and I could do more than I expected,” he says. That trip encouraged him to reconfigure how he moves through the world. Dividing his time between his homes in Co Westmeath, Los Angeles and London, he lives as much of a normal life as he can when he’s off the pop star clock. “In this world you give people a handshake, they take your arm off, so I just keep my private life private,” he says.
In London he travels on the Tube and in Los Angeles he claims that the paparazzi only want his photo if there’s some “other famous fella in the bar”. He doesn’t play the game of going to certain restaurants just to be seen. “It’s a shame, though, because some of the nice places in LA are like that,” he says. “You have to take that risk sometimes to get a bit of grub.”
This September sees two big events that capture the stark difference between his private and professional lives — headlining Electric Picnic and turning 30. In Stradbally he’s looking forward to experiencing “the Irish love again” from the main stage, but it’s his 30th birthday party happening later on in the month that has him jittery.
“This sounds mental, coming from a pop star, but I don’t really like attention,” Horan says, so he’s “splitting the adulation” with his best friend from home. Thousands of fans screaming at him? Grand. His closest friends and family singing Happy Birthday to him? Nerve-racking.
That milestone birthday has him feeling reflective. “At my age you start to think a little bit more,” he says, joking that he’s probably 65 in showbiz years. “I don’t remember overthinking much, or ever, up until the pandemic.”
The first lockdown was the longest he has ever taken off from work. Hunkering down in London and with no pubs to go to, he was “in the best shape” of his life. He also became official with his girlfriend, Amelia Woolley, and took stock of who he is. “The last five years have been more formative than I was expecting,” he says, and it’s no surprise that this maturity syncs up with leaving the bubble of One Direction. “I had to do a lot more growing up than your average 16-year-old.”
With his peers Lewis Capaldi and Selena Gomez releasing documentaries on their struggles with fame, does he wish that he did anything different with his career? “I think if I’d had any way of a dodgy experience, I’d probably say I would change a few things, but I’ve always had a good experience with it,” he says.
“I was well supported. It’s all about the people you have around you, I think. Coming from a small town and wanting to take over the world,” he pauses to punch the air like a rock star, “in my head at the time I was ready, but most 16-year-olds are probably not.”
The Show is a different beast from 2017’s lustful Flicker and 2020’s self-explanatory Heartbreak Weather. For one he’s in love, but more thought has gone into this album. Horan’s newly considered approach to songwriting makes vulnerability look easy. “I’m in a good place in my head,” he says, but he’s hesitant to call this a happy album.
“When you’re happy I feel like that scares some writers,” he says. Bursting into a rendition of Pharrell Williams’s song Happy, he notes that if you’ve historically done cheery songs you have to show the full “umbrella” of happiness. So instead of taking the sunny route, he writes in a relatable way about the work that goes into feeling good and falling in love.
“There are artists out there that get so introspective that you have to pull out a thesaurus to see what they’re talking about,” he says, and that’s why his latest single, Meltdown, works so well. With an anthemic quality built for festivals, the chorus guides people out of a panic attack. “I was big on writing a song about feeling anxious at 180 beats per minute. The song is fast and
I wanted that because that’s what that feeling feels like,” he says, mimicking a shortness of breath. “It has to feel rapid and then the chorus just comes and it slows down.”
It’s apparently based on a few personal scenarios, and he suggests that good communication has always been a skill of his. “I think I’m a good talker,” he says, exaggerating his candidness. “I have no problem telling you how I feel. Do you want to hear it?”
Busy, at peace and taking nothing for granted, Horan’s new material is a true representation of where he is in life. With a busy year ahead with festivals, turning 30 and a freshly announced 2024 world tour, it’s time to stop thinking so much and get on with The Show. Or, as he puts it more directly: “Let’s get out and have a f***ing good time.”
Niall Horan’s album The Show is out on Thu. Tickets for his tour next year are now on sale
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 years ago
Request on Peter dancing through dance again (salena Gomez) with a silky dress and tony saw it. He was horny
It's not often that Peter gets to stay at the Tower. He normally just returns home, only staying if he had to be there early the next day to leave on a mission or if he wanted more lab time with Tony.
The tower was oddly empty, most of the team out on other missions or on leave for a bit. It was late, Tony was still in the lab so Peter decided it was time for " me time" which meant he could lock himself in his room at the tower, specifically built to be sound proof. Where he could play his music loud and dance around without anyone catching him. And of course indulging in his more feminine side.
Once he was secured in his room, he quickly pulled out the black silky gown, trying to straighten it and get the wrinkles out from being crushed in his backpack.
" Friday? Can you turn on my favorite dance Playlist called umm Pretty? "
" Of course Peter"
Music starts playing loudly, smiling peter picks up the dress, puts it on a hanger and then goes into the bathroom. Letting the dress hang near the shower. If he was gonna wear the gown, he wanted to be nice and clean first and the steam from the shower should help get some of the wrinkles out. While he was in his extremely hot shower, singing and dancing of course, Friday had alerted Tony of Peter being in the tower and that he was in his room.
Timing couldn't be more perfect, Peter had just gotten out of the shower, toweling himself off before slipping on the gown. When the Dance Again song started, Peter started spinning around, swaying to the music, pausing every now and then to put lotion on his legs, to stop and put a bit of mascara on, some lip gloss. All the while unknowingly being watched by Tony. Tony who had to beg and override Friday to let him in the room. Sure maybe the kid wanted some privacy, but when asking Friday if Peter was in a private moment *ahem* masterbating*ahem* she said no. So he wanted in, it was just odd that Peter didn't come to see him first.
Tony was shocked, sure he knows Peter is older now[20] and hey he had no problems with anyone dressing how they wanted, either as a lifestyle, trueself, or kink. He just never realized how... good looking Peter was. Sure he knows Peter was cute, those big brown eyes? Who could say no. But while he always appreciated Peter's form, he was always able to distance himself from looking tooo hard. But watching Peter dancing in that dress/gown? There was no denying it anymore.
He wanted Peter.
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blu3-ja3 · 2 months ago
Chapter 4
Jillian's POV
When I wake it is both agonizing and relieving all at once, like I can feel every sensation in such vivid detail that it begins to blur. Limbo, it's like I'm in limbo. Everything is too much but not enough distant and faint but loud and unabashed all at once. It's the strangest and most horrifying feeling ever, it's horrifying because I feel so at peace. It feels so right when I know it's wrong.
It's wrong because I have no body, no physical being. I can feel it; my body, distantly I can feel the pulsing of my heart and the breath entering my lungs. I can feel the ache and burn of my muscles and the gnawing hunger scratching at my chest. I know where that physical being is and I crave to be one with it again.
"Dad! Please, it hurts! Everything hurts! Dad!" A voice cries out, it's hard to hear like they're behind a thick wall screaming. I recognized the voice when I focused a bit more, it's Tim. There's a man's voice comforting him as well as another young man's voice.
"Soul shunting is a bitch and a half to experience but he's fine it'll calm down in a minute, the fact that he's coherent is a good sign. No, our problem lies with the kid who doesn't have her body immediately available!" The man's voice from before says something, I can't tell what but from the tone he sounds frustrated and scared.
"She doesn't have much time the longer she's away the more painful it'll be for her to go back. And that's not to mention everything I told you about in that warehouse, if she has those ruins carved into her like we suspected this is prime time for them to make her the vessel." Again the voice from before grumbles something I can't quite understand.
Something is wrong, something is happening to my body. I can feel my tether to it being frayed I have to get to it. I have to go back, please! I try to focus myself to move, to follow that tether before it frays and I lose it forever.
"Let me go!"
Bruce's POV
The ground begins to softly rumble as the physical embodiment of Jillian Rodriguez's soul begins to thrash. She's pulling at whatever magical restraints Constantine has around her non-existent form. When she shouts out to be let go, Constantine does and the body darts away fast. Constantine curses and we both begin to follow behind the softly glowing form, Selina darts after us as well.
"You never told me she's a practitioner Bats!" Constantine yells, he sounds frustrated.
"I wasn't aware she was, I saw no signs to indicate that she was. Why do you think she is?" We're all following closely behind the faintly glowing figure, leading us further and further into caves below the Cave and Gotham.
"A couple of things, one being that she spoke. Only those gifted in the arcane can speak when the soul is shunted, so either she's been taught or she's naturally inclined," We all slide to a stop as Jillian's soul glides down an extremely long mine shaft, Constantine mutters in Latin before grabbing both mine and Catwoman's shoulders and pulling us off.
"The second thing that tipped me off is that she's glowing!" Constantine yells as we plummet before continuing, "Think up when you want to stop falling. Anyways only arcane souls glow when near lay lines!"
"Third thing is she was able to speak to and comprehend an eldritch being, helped your Robin understand it too!" The bottom was rapidly approaching and just before hitting the ground we all stopped before quickly continuing to follow the now brightly glowing figure further into the caves.
The shaking continues, it's getting more intense. This is the second earthquake Gotham has had in millenias and the first one happened over months ago when the first victim, Amila Gomez was kidnapped. Constantine told me it wasn't a coincidence, he's following a magic practitioner by the name of Amanda Rosenberg.
After a bit of debriefing Constantine on what I've found and what's been happening he quickly came to the conclusion that the kidnappings are the work of this witch. John told me that he's been following this woman for months after being asked to track her, before then she was moving around the world leaving similarly mutilated bodies of young girls in her wake. Before John came to Gotham he managed to track her to the same warehouse.
We turned down a tunnel and saw light at the end. Sounds of chanting and rattling chains, Jillian's form mowed faster down the tunnel. As we exit we entered into a large cavern the scene before us is sickening. The thin naked frame of Jillian is chained down while a woman hunches over her form dragging a knife over the chained girl. Multiple robed figures sitting around the two figures chanting.
The glow of Jillian's soul dimmed and faltered, it started to move again but suddenly stopped as arcane light flashed around her. Looking up a man stood chanting seemingly focusing on Jillian, Constantine immediately began to speak in Latin and the glowing form started to drift slowly down again.
"Get the girl out now!" I jumped into action immediately, Selina following quickly behind. As we landed allbut five robed figures stood and rushed towards us. I crouched ready to fight as I feel Selina slide behind me and crouched ready as well. We fought in near perfect sink as the beacon of Jillian's soul drifted down.
The glowing figure drifted slowly down and reached out, suddenly a black shadow wrapped itself around the girl's soul. The glow blinks out in an instant as it's drawn into the chained body on the stone slab. Instantly Jillian begins screaming and thrashing causing the chains attached to her to rattle and shake. I moved closer fighting as I went to Jillian's form when the woman reached and the two disappeared.
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Cursed Gotham Masterpost
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