#but one i'm sure people are going to give me the stink eye
ethecookednoodle · 1 year
Should I or should I not do the AU. Tis the question plaguing my mind lately.
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darkbluekies · 7 months
Silas & King Edmund drabbles: darling drinking to deal with the situation
Yandere!mafia & yandere!king
Warnings: alcoholism, wrong ways to fix addiction (edmund), yandere, throwing up, mentions of murder
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He's had enough of you drinking. Frankly enough, he's worried about your health. He has his men grab all of your bottles and dump them out in the sink.
"Don't do that!" you burst out and try to run over to stop them.
Silas grabs you before you have the time to reach them. He holds you still, grimacing slightly.
"Your breath stinks, little one", he scolds you. "This is for you, you should actually thank me."
"I need that to fucking deal with you!"
"Oh, really? Is that so?"
You start to cry. The only reason that you have been able to deal with being Silas's wife/husband have been by being blacked out. If not, you can't handle the knowledge that the one holding and kissing you is the same person who murders behind your back.
Silas hugs you and kisses the top of your head. He cups your cheeks.
"If you continue like this you're going to kill your fucking liver", he says. "I'm not going to let you do that. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not."
A sudden wave moves through you and before anyone has the time to react, you throw up on the kitchen floor. Silas hurries to hold you up and gestures for his men to bring a bucket and cleaning supplies. He gives the men who empties the bottles into the sink warning gazes and they turn their back to you quickly.
"This is only the beginning, Y/N", he says in your ear. "Tomorrow, you'll be so hungover ... and that will be enough punishment to keep you in your lane."
"I fucking hate you", you mutter.
"You can hate me all you want, but you still wear my ring around your finger, and you will always belong to me. You better accept it."
"Boss, should we send them to the hospital?" his second in command asks as you throw up in the bucket. "To make sure that they haven't gotten any alcohol poisoning?"
You throw up again.
"Fine", Silas says. "You hear that, Y/N? You'll go to the doctor. Better lay off the alcohol and pick up some apples."
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King Edmund:
He doesn't mind it at first, because you're kept where he wants you, in your bedroom ... but after a while he notices that when he wants to be with you, you barely respond coherently and you've lost the spark he loves.
He holds your wobbly head in his hands and scoffs.
"That's it", he says firmly and turns to his guards. "Destroy every snigle bottle of wine in the kingdom. Every, single bottle. We will have a total abstinence of alcohol."
"That's bullshit", you mutter.
You glare at him and pull your head out of his hands, tripping on yourself. Edmund cocks an eyebrow at you.
"Don't give me that look", he says. "You brought this upon yourself, Y/N. I'm doing this for you."
"No, you're doing this for yourself, because you don't like me when I'm drunk", you spit at him. "You don't care about my feelings and why I feel like drowning myself in your wine."
Edmund rolls his eyes. "You're not only drunk, you're wasted. You can't handle any type of conversation, you can barely eat properly and you're not the one I like to spend time with. People will talk. This is not how you should behave."
You sigh. You can't remember the last time you've been sober, and you're not sure that you want to be. Not with Edmund.
"To make sure that you sober up completely and won't be able to get any more alcohol", Edmund starts, "you will spend the night in the dungeon with a whole lot of water."
"No, not the dungeon", you beg drunkenly. "I hate that place. I hate the rats, and the moldy walls, and the screams, and-"
"I don't care. You need to be away from the wine."
When you start craving for alcohol tomorrow in the dungeon, you're afraid of what you'll do. The abstinence will be worse if you're down there.
"Start walking", Edmund says and gives you a push. "I'll get rid of this addiction once and for all."
You wobble.
"Fucking- ... do I need to carry you?" he mutters before throwing you over his shoulder. "I need to do everything myself around here, for fucks sake."
Quite ironic while being the king and having a castle full of servants.
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bro-atz · 5 months
freesia [flower garden — wooyoung]
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inspired by: stranger than friends — webtoon
in which: all wooyoung wants is someone to love him.
pair: college student!wooyoung/gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
content: fluff, childish and immature (but trustworthy) wooyoung, a lot of drunk wooyoung, mentions of alcohol and drinking, a lot of swearing
rating: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
flower garden masterlist
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"I'm so over this! I hate love!"
"Jung Wooyoung, I swear to God—"
"No, Kang Yeosang, you don't understand! I am tired! I am tired of being alone! I'm tired of seeing the four of you dating and having the time of your lives while me? Wither poor fucking Wooyoung," a very drunk Wooyoung exclaimed at the top of his lungs.
"I think you're going to have a hard time because of, well, this," San pointed out— he thought he was being helpful, but he most certainly was not.
"Shut the fuck up, Choi San," the drunken boy mumbled before taking a giant swig from the shared vodka bottle sitting in the middle of the group.
"Sure, because none of us wanted more vodka," Yunho grimaced.
Wooyoung shot the boy a stink eye before falling to the ground. He was fine— he was just being dramatic and falling to the ground like a damsel in distress. The boys knew this routine of his at this point, and instead of console him like the had done countless times in the past, they just ignored him.
"Seriously, Wooyoung. I didn't find my significant other by acting like this," Mingi said with a gentle sigh. "You gotta change this attitude of yours."
"What attitude?"
"This one! This childish and immature ass of yours!" Yeosang blew up; he was honestly extremely tired of hearing Wooyoung sing the same fucking song over and over again for however long they had been friends.
"What, so I should act like fucking Mr. Prim-and-Proper over here? Or like Mr. Humble-Gentleman over there? I'm not a fucking flower boy," Wooyoung frowned as he pointed to Yunho and San respectively.
"No, you don't have to change who you are, but you could maybe try not acting like a spoiled brat and more like a grown adult," Yunho explained.
"But I'm not a grown adult. I'm a college student. We all are college students. You guys need to act your age."
Then, Wooyoung launched into one of his long rants, making the other four boys officially give up for the night. Talking to a drunk Wooyoung was like talking to an annoying, drunk wall. They just let him burn himself out and continued drinking peacefully amongst each other the second Wooyoung passed out for the night.
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The next morning, Wooyoung woke up with the most insane hangover— he had never had a hangover before, so he was honestly shocked and scared.
"I'm gettin' too old for this crud," he started that morning as he plopped himself in the barstool near the kitchen.
"Shut the fuck up. You're a college student," Yunho, who was the first one up that morning, retorted while making his morning coffee. "But you could ease up on the alcohol."
"Gee, you think?"
"Anyway," Yunho side-stepped Wooyoung's heavy sarcasm. "Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Of course I do," Wooyoung said without a hint of sarcasm this time around. "I always remember. I may be drunk, but I'm still mentally there."
"Right. Well, consider it. If you seriously want to be in a relationship, then not acting like a kid may help. People like more mature and serious guys."
"As if you know dating culture so well," Wooyoung scoffed.
"Mmm, considering I've been dating my significant other for five years, I'd say that I know how dating and relationships work by now. More than you for sure."
Wooyoung glared at the tall boy as he smiled smugly at him before heading out of the kitchen to start his day. Checking the time, Wooyoung grumbled to himself as he got himself ready for class. As much as he would love to skip the class he had, it was a lab, and he didn't want to screw over his lab partner. He might've been childish and immature, but you could always trust him to be there at least.
And thankfully for him and his blinding headache, this lab was a darkfield microscopy, which meant that the entire lab was going to be dark. Right before class, he popped a couple of painkillers and stepped into the room to see that they were assigned new lab partners. At first, Wooyoung was resentful because his lab partner was the literal best in dealing with him and his shenanigans, but the second Wooyoung saw who his partner was, he was thanking all the immortal entities in the universe.
He thought it could've been his drunk mind, but you were the most stunning person he had ever met. You were gorgeous with your hair tucked back, and even with the lab goggles on, you had the most beautiful eyes that Wooyoung could spot from miles away. Every single thing you did was so elegant and so graceful, and even though all you were doing was dropping blood onto the slide, it was the most magical thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
What he loved even more was that you would play into his antics. The lab was pretty quiet, so Wooyoung would whisper random jokes here and there to you, and you would respond with the most beautiful chuckle that made his heart swoon over and over and over again. Wooyoung was smitten, obsessed, and dare he say it—
"I'm in love!" Wooyoung cheered at the top of his lungs.
It was boys night again, and this time, Wooyoung was drunk, but he was happy.
"You're weirding me out, lowkey," San watched Wooyoung with wary eyes as he twirled around the dorm.
"San, you don't understand," Wooyoung sighed blissfully. "My lab partner is just... God, my lab partner is perfect. Also! Also, their name!"
He repeated your name, the syllables rolling off his tongue smoothly, your name leaving his lips like a knife cutting through warm butter. And for the rest of the night, that's all he could do. He just kept saying the name of the person he was completely in love with, pissing off his friends in a new way.
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Alas, the lab had to end, and Wooyoung feared that you would never speak to him again. You had shared a microscope for a solid two weeks, but neither of you thought to ask to exchange phone numbers. Wooyoung wanted to, don't get him wrong, but every time he thought about doing it, he would chicken out because his heart would be racing at a million miles an hour, and he didn't want you to reject him or for him to have a heart attack just because he was going to ask someone out.
"You just need to ask. It's so simple," Mingi tried helping Wooyoung before he had to go to class.
"Wow, it's as if I didn't consider doing that. Thanks," Wooyoung, using his signature sarcasm, replied.
"Just rip the bandaid off, dude. I don't know what else to tell you. If they reject you, then you just move on. If not, then hooray, your efforts paid off."
"Also, you usually have no shame screaming at the top of your lungs while we're out in public drinking, so why are you finding it so hard to ask someone out?" Yeosang asked.
"Are you saying I should drink then ask them out?"
"No!" both boys chorused at the same time.
"Fucking— Just be yourself, Wooyoung," Yeosang said with a deep sigh. "Just give them a fucking flower and tell them you like them with a dumb joke that you usually make."
"But, I thought you told me I should change? That I should be more mature because people don't like childish, immature guys."
"Don't make me punch you. Get the fuck out, go to class, and for the love of God, just ask."
With Yeosang's words in mind, Wooyoung did exactly that. He was confident and outgoing, so asking you out shouldn't have been as big of a task as he was making it. So, he summoned up all of the courage within him, and he vowed to himself to do it that day.
"Wait! Wait," Wooyoung stopped you after class one day. "I... I want to ask you something."
"What's up?"
"So... Oh my fucking God, I don't know how to say this," Wooyoung muttered to himself, unaware that you could hear him. "Why the fuck is it so hard for me to tell you I like you?"
"I like you too, Wooyoung," you helped him out.
"Oh fuck, you heard that?" Wooyoung covered his mouth, his face turning bright red. "I'm going to jump out the window I'm so embarrassed!"
"Oh my God, Wooyoung! I said I like you too! You don't need to do that!" you couldn't help but laugh when Wooyoung actually turned to look for the nearest window to fling himself out of.
"W-Wait... You like me too?"
"Yeah, I do," you shot him the cutest smile that made him clutch his chest and nearly fall over. "I just didn't want to say anything because... Well, I was unsure because you seem to be like this around everyone, and—"
"No! I'm glad that... That you like me too... And I was wondering..." Wooyoung started mumbling again, his nerves taking over once more despite knowing that his feelings were mutual.
"Here's my phone. Give me your number," you stepped in again, making him wonder if you were reading his mind or if he was talking loud enough under his breath or if you were his freaking soulmate.
Wooyoung's fingers trembled as he typed in his phone number and handed your phone back to you.
"I'll text you," you said, that beautiful smile of yours only getting bigger, your face only getting more sparkly. "Maybe you'll find better words over text."
God, Wooyoung was ready to fall over when you giggled and waved good bye to him, the lovestruck boy motionless in the classroom as he watched the actual love of his life glide out of the room.
"I'm so in love! I love love!"
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flower garden masterlist
flower garden taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @khjoongie98
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
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allthelovehes · 5 months
Breaking Barriers*
Summary: Y/N is in her mid-twenties and still a virgin, but she decides she no longer wants to wait for marriage as the tension between her and her best friend rises.
Pairing: Bestie!Harry x Virgin!Y/N
Word count: 9.1K
Warnings: Protected sex, smut, p in v, deflowering, virginity talk, first times, oral f receiving.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
A/N:  Welcome to day 8 of posting daily! Ayooo, this was requested multiple times and I actually think it turned out sooo stinking cute omfg.
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Being in her mid-twenties and a virgin is something not many people can say, let alone be proud of. It's something that Y/N chose and could have changed at any time. She could've given it away and tossed it to the next attractive man who looked her way but she didn't. She decided to save herself for marriage, even if it seemed stupid and cliché to some people.
For Y/N, her first time was important. It was a milestone in her life. Her body is a temple. It is to be cherished, worshipped, and honoured. Like most women, she wanted her first time to be something she wouldn't forget. She wanted it to be special and done with someone she loved and trusted.
So, Y/N waited. And if waiting for marriage meant skipping out on hook-ups? Then that was just fine by her. No sweat off her back. It took a while, but she was sure when she met the right guy it'd all be worth it.
Now, she wasn't opposed to making out and getting frisky. Y/N is as attracted to men as the next person and isn't afraid to have some fun with it, it just doesn't go much beyond hands. She sees kissing and touching that isn't penetrative to be healthy and normal.
Getting a partner, however, was the tricky bit. Most of them want to go all the way and have sex before they even get to know each other and the rest either take her for granted or have this kink about it, they like the thought of fucking a 'treasure' that no one's ever had or touched before.
Either way, she usually ends up losing interest in the relationship quickly. It seems the right man to spend the rest of her life with was a rare find. She didn't know if it was possible or if her expectations were too high. Or perhaps, being picky was the problem.
Eventually, she accepted it would take time for her to find someone. A time that she was willing and able to give. And right now, it was just a waiting game. To meet the guy whose arm she'd want to loop with hers for the rest of her life and create a beautiful life together in the process.
Just as Y/N was nodding off to sleep, a series of notifications on her phone rudely interrupted her sleep. Furrowing her brows, she sat up and lifted the device from her bedside table.
The screen lit up and showed who was texting her. It was her best friend, Harry. She slid her finger across the screen and a mess of messages appeared.
Harry Hi! *drunk selfie* So are we playing Scrabble tomorrow? I miss you and want to see you
Y/N If you still remember tomorrow and want to, sure.
Harry Sweet. Whatcha up to?
Y/N At home. About to go to sleep
Harry Oh sorry. You were probably sleeping
Y/N You're fine. I only just got into bed.
Harry What are you wearing, love?
Y/N Don't make me block you
Harry Ow ;( Why?
Y/N I'm too sober to have this conversation with you.
Harry *picture of him and Y/N* Look at us all cute, drunk out of our minds.
Y/N Very cute. Goodnight, Harry.
Harry Hey, one more question before you dooooooze
Y/N Go on.
Harry What are you wearing?
“Idiot.” She rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself. With a few quick button presses, Y/N replied with a picture of her in her silk pyjamas, and then sent an audio message: “I'm fully clothed, in bed, covered with my duvet, about to sleep and dream of ways to torture you.”
She puts her phone down so she can actually catch up on her rest. Just as her head hits the pillow again, she gets another message from Harry. Pouting, she swiftly opens the message and swipes up the audio.
“Aww, you'll dream of me?”
For some reason, Y/N can hear a smug smirk in his voice and decides to just ignore it. Putting her phone on silent and plopping it back down on her bedside table, Y/N yawns and snuggles deeper under the covers.
Just as her eyelids begin to shut for good, something within her is stirring that makes it hard for her to sleep. Y/N feels hot all of a sudden, making her shimmy and pull the duvet up further.
What had happened in those final moments of her text conversation with Harry, who was now busy scrolling through pictures of the two together and rereading their texts? Well, it seemed it's woken up a side of her she wasn't too familiar with. Resting her hand on the front of her silk shorts, Y/N could feel she was wet and aching for some touch.
“For fuck sake.” She cursed and closed her eyes. Why now? She thinks as she pulls her hand away, afraid to do anything. She knows why, but doesn't want to admit it.
It's because of Harry. His ridiculous flirting skills have managed to push a few buttons. This has never happened before. Why is he suddenly affecting her? She blames his goofy but heartfelt selfie. God, those hazel eyes looked perfect paired with that signature golden brown fluffy mop of hair, the stupid look on his face and the two fingers up in the air.
Y/N can't deny she is attracted to Harry. What wasn't to be attracted to? When it came to his personality, she was rather fond. He has always been sensitive, goofy and yet extremely smart and serious when needed. And, of course, she couldn't forget to mention how lucky he is. That boy was drop-dead gorgeous. From his curly locks to his biceps, she can go on and on and on about what she liked about him.
His looks definitely played a factor in his reputation with women and it was no surprise their friendship became somewhat of a hot topic with his fans. If only they knew the truth. There was nothing going on between the two other than a strong friendship.
Harry is an absolute gentleman to her. He took care of her in a way that set her standards very high when it comes to men, maybe that's why she still hasn't found a man. However, the sexual tension that had been building up lately between the two was another story.
It was no secret that Harry is a good kisser. The amount of stories she has heard made her feel a twinge of jealousy every time. She remembered thinking how nice it would be to feel what his lips were like on hers, how soft they would be and how they would taste. He's always bragging about the tongue action that gets women all hot and bothered. Then, she wondered how good he would be using his mouth elsewhere and- No. She can't think like this. Stop. It's creepy and weird. So just, stop.
Then, her phone beeps again in her hand, indicating another message coming from Harry. A rush of warmth spread through her stomach and Y/N noticed she was tense again. Biting down on her bottom lip, she opened the message.
Harry *drunk selfie on the side of his bed* I'm home, goodnight love
She stares at the picture, her stomach dropping. Heat swells through her body and the feeling overwhelms her, making her squirm against the soft sheets. Swallowing, she holds the phone up higher and glares at the picture intensely, the area between her legs clenching. It's not as if he looks amazing. No. He looks grumpy, his brows furrowed and a blank stare in his eyes. He just looks so cute, kissable even.
“Enough.” She whispers under her breath and shoves the device back down onto the nightstand. She gets up and goes to the bathroom, turning the faucet and splashing cold water all over her burning skin.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Seeing him after her fantasies of him invading her thoughts would be an interesting development. Hopefully, it will fizzle away quickly and everything will go back to normal. Y/N thinks, getting back into bed and fixing her pillows just so. With a drawn-out sigh, she puts out the lights and shuts her eyes. ***
In the morning, there was only one thought running through Y/N's mind, and that was seeing Harry. Even after she woke up, went about her day, she couldn't wait to text him to see if he even remembered the arrangement for her to come over and play Scrabble.
With each message sent, she left an expectant eye trained on her screen, waiting for the three little dots to bubble up and indicate a response. Meanwhile, she paced back and forth between her couch and the kitchenette, tidying up without knowing why. Everything was already spotless. She straightened pillows, fluffed rugs, sorted candles, and shuffled trinkets, anything to distract herself and keep from pestering Harry.
After a few hours of constant upkeep, she finally gets a response.
Harry Sorry I missed your messages, kinda had a wild night lol Are we still playing tonight? I have wine, you got the Scrabble?
Y/N We're playing but the question is... will you be in a fit state for it ;)
Harry Ha-ha. Funny.
Y/N Always. See you later. X
Harry See you. I'll leave the front door open for you. Byeeeee
And that was it. The brief conversation between the two fuelled her emotions. On one hand, she was completely thrilled to be seeing her best friend again. To be in his presence and enjoy a wonderful game night is very exciting.
On the other hand, she felt a wave of dread overcome her, her heart racing at the thought. She brushed it off. Ignored it. Why should she be dreading seeing one of her best friends? That's absurd.
Scrapping her plan of getting all dolled up to go visit him, Y/N finds herself only comfortable enough to get changed into leggings and a t-shirt. Although Harry has seen her in her casual attire, she is feeling oddly self-conscious right now. She doesn't know why and it's getting rather irritating.
He is her best friend for God's sake! If anything, she should be feeling as comfortable and confident around him as possible because he will always accept her for the way she is.
Shaking her head, she gets ready to make her way to his house. Despite it being 3 pm, Y/N grabs a bottle of her favourite white and puts it in her bag and with that, she is out the door.
Upon arrival, she reaches for the door and opens it. Peering around the door frame, she manages to catch sight of Harry stepping out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
He is humming under his breath as he tousles his damp curls with the towel. Strolling across the room to his bedroom, he disappears behind the door.
“Hey, Harry!” She calls out to him as she enters. Smiling brightly, she drops her bag on his countertop.
“Hey.” He calls back. “Give me a sec. I'll be out in a minute.”
Y/N nods, despite him not being able to see it, and makes her way to his sofa, taking her usual spot at one end. Closing her eyes, she rests her head back and takes a deep breath. She already feels exhausted from the many random things she has done throughout the day.
“Do you want to eat first or play first?” Harry finally walks into the living room, wearing a grey sweatsuit.
Peeking through an eyelid, Y/N says. “I'm not hungry. It's still early“ while her inner-self cheered at his appearance, making her giddy.
With a nod, Harry pulled two glasses from the kitchen cabinet placing them on the coffee table. Sliding down next to her, he opened the bottle and poured their drinks. While he set up the board game, she relaxed and casually looked him over. He looked gorgeous as ever, and always put together even if he was barely dressed.
Green eyes flicking up to catch her gaze, Harry chuckles softly before asking. “Nervous?”
“Huh? Why would I be nervous?” Her mouth corners turn up, her heart fluttering.
“Last time we played you weren't very happy.” He shrugged, reminding her how he completely beat her at the game.
“Right. But this time, I'm going to beat you.” She confidently nods and picks up a bag of letters. Harry leans over with a smug smirk on his face as he pulls his own bag.
“Hmm, so confident.” He snorts, lining up his tiles.
“Mhm.” Y/N straightens out her tiles.
Quirking a brow, Harry wonders “Famous last words?”
With a sharp nod and a cheeky smile, she places her first tiles down on the Scrabble board. “Nah, you're going down.”
Harry chokes on his drink and starts coughing, his eyes burning a hole into hers. Staring back, Y/N raised a curious brow. Once he could speak again, he cleared his throat and let out a hearty laugh.
“Alright, so what if I am?” Harry's thick accent cut through as a deep dimpled grin blossomed on his face. She found her heart rate increasing and had to look away, willing her red cheeks to go away.
Swallowing, she began her game. The opening word of DOUBLE wasn't too promising for Y/N, seeing that that was her highest scoring word but she wasn't giving up just yet.
Over the first few minutes, they managed to put down a few good words and Y/N was ahead with a more than decent lead.
“Shit.” Harry breathed, leaning forward to assess his words. His eyes flickered around the board before sighing and ruffling his tousled mop. “I'm fucked.”
Y/N chuckles and rolls her eyes, taking another sip from her glass. Glancing over to Harry who was deep in thought, Y/N reached up and scratched the nape of her neck with one hand, her gaze drifting around the room. As she turned to face him again, she was caught off guard when their eyes immediately locked. Her heart stuttered.
Tearing her eyes away from his gaze, Y/N shifted uncomfortably, then decided to lean forward to select a letter at random. As she placed it on the board, she looks at him once more to find that the corner of his mouth curled upwards.
'Shit' she thought, Harry wasn't playing fair. Surely, he knew that looking at her like that made her drop focus. Attempting to save her dignity, she bit her bottom lip, suppressing a shy smile before raising an eyebrow.
“Is this your strategy to beat me?” Y/N challenged. “Suck me into your sexiness and take my turn? How lame.”
Harry spluttered, taken aback by her comment. He didn't really know how to respond, seeing his best friend make an unashamedly flirtatious comment for the first time. Looking away, he fiddled with his hoop earring.
“Wait. Was that... was that supposed to fluster me, Y/N?” He playfully scoffed. As Harry turned to look at her, he was surprised to find an amused grin playing on her lips. He thought he would find at least a small glint of guilt in her eyes for her playfulness, and was surprised when he didn't find anything other than playful curiosity.
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, it looks like I've got the upper hand now.”
“You wish.” Harry stared back at her for a moment longer, a playful glimmer in his eyes. A mischievous smirk curled up on the corner of his lips. She was aware that the lighthearted banter had led to a bit more, making her senses go crazy.
Y/N decided it's best to end the conversation there and start her round. Scanning the board, she's looking for a spot to place her letters. Wanting to lean a bit into their flirty banter from before, she decides to continue their tension with a bit of teasing.
Sifting her hand into her bag, she pulls out a few letters. Placing them onto the centre of the board where they intersect, she spells out 'erotic' and draws four points from the tile rack.
Erotic was an interesting word to play, for sure. Especially when it's put into the context of the new sexual tension between the two. So far, Harry has been trying to fluster her with his smouldering looks and cheeky grins, but Y/N is unrelenting. She takes pride in her willingness to fight back against the flirting and his attempts to get her distracted.
She sits back in satisfaction, proud at what she has accomplished. Glancing over to Harry, she felt herself swell with self-pride to see his face light up with surprise, making him actually speechless for a change.
Clearing his throat, Harry gathers himself and sits up. “Hmm.” he hummed, rolling the idea around in his head. With a smug grin, Y/N could tell he's thinking of a response; a comeback. After a few seconds of consideration, he moved his body forward and added three letters to the word. Using the letters he had received on the double letter area, he spelled out 'climax' using the c of her word.
A slight shiver went down Y/N's back at the addition to the word. Laughing and rolling her eyes, she fished out a few letters and added another word. Subtly shifting a little closer to him, she placed her letters down on the right-hand side of his spelling, close to his hand. After putting down her 'desire', she snatched her eyes away from the scrabble board and fixed her stare on him.
Both of them stay awfully silent while their bodies are almost touching. Y/N is tense, trying hard not to breathe too heavily. Meanwhile, Harry was in complete silence, not knowing what to say or do. He is aware of the tension between the two of them but he also wants to respect Y/N's boundaries and maybe tone down his feelings a bit. There's an inevitable tension and she's showing no sign of easing off. Harry was only further proven by her gentle voice in his ear.
“Now whose turn is it?”
Unable to meet her eyes just yet, he focuses on the dizzying words on the board and releases a slow, staggered breath. It was so hard not to put his arm around her, tug her in close and inhale her beautiful scent. Or run his hands along her arms, giving them a gentle squeeze, he craved the touch so badly. He finally took a breath and peered down at his letters, trying not to get too distracted by the growing sexual tension.
Y/N couldn't deny the feeling of warmth that had settled in her stomach since their game began, the warmth that made her tingle between her legs. She felt tempted to reach out and touch him, make contact and hopefully send a good buzz all the way down to his lower body.
Harry's fingers fiddle through his letters, barely paying attention to the little pieces in front of him. His eyes glance at Y/N, then move back to the Scrabble board. He thinks of his next word to play, something that is a little more suggestive.
“Umm...” Harry holds up a little tile, rubbing his fingertip over the surface as he thinks, his dimples pushing into his cheeks. Then, they sink right back out. He shakes his head and returns to sifting through the multiple letters in his bag.
Throwing one piece back into the depths of the bag, his index finger picks up another tile. The corner of his mouth turns up and he is finally confident with what he wants to spell out on the Scrabble board, so he gets to work. He needs an outlet from the fluttering of his chest when she's this close.
Quickly placing down the letters, he spells out the word 'horny'. Biting down on his bottom lip, he feels satisfied by the suggestiveness of his word and glances at Y/N.
Pursing her lips, Y/N tilts her head and gives a disbelieving smile. Harry looks taken aback by her quiet response.
“What? Did I read the room wrong?” He chuckles nervously, brows furrowing.
Looking at his face, she has to bite back a grin. She can read the mixed emotions all over his face. He's afraid to scare her away and reveal his true feelings, especially after the intense game of teasing. He's right. But she's also very pleased with the growing tension.
With a cheeky chuckle, she shakes her head. “No, I guess you read the room correctly.” Biting her lip, she quickly leans forward, adding letters next to his word on the right to spell out the word, 'Fuck'. Harry looks from her to the board, biting back a smirk.
“Is this your way of suggesting we play strip Scrabble? Should I get ready to lose my pants?” he jokes, nudging her shoulder, fighting the urge to break his boundaries. Not able to cope, Y/N just lets out a forced chuckle.
“Shut up, H.” Her voice broke. All she wanted was to feel his hands on her and bury herself into his chest.
Neither of them is paying attention to the score or to the other's gaze, they just lock their eyes together and absorb the heat, trying to predict what happens next. Harry didn't know what to say, nor did he think Y/N would, yet again, follow suit and gently lean forward.
After breaking from their little intimate session, Y/N looks at the board, wondering what their next move should be. She has to admit, these last few moves were very suggestive, and she is slowly catching Harry's point of wanting to touch her and have some alone time.
“Are you going to be mad at me if I do this?” Y/N muttered.
“Do what?”
Staring at him, Y/N ignores the thought and puts her tiles in a new spot. Only this time, she's adding all the letters remaining in her tile bag. There is no going back now, considering the board was almost completely filled up now.
She spells out the word 'wet' next to her first word. Shooting Harry a nonchalant, calm expression and staring at him for a reaction, she saw his reaction immediately. His eyes dropped to the board, then shot back up to her face. Heat, lust, and want flashed across his eyes.
An amused, surprised noise escapes his throat, then his lips tilt up into a shit-eating grin. “For real?”
“Yeah.” Y/N laughs in a rush. “I guess my dirty mind kicked in.”
“Your dirty mind, huh?” A glint of excitement flashes through his eyes and he begins to eye her body up and down. He can't deny the growing urge to touch every inch of her but he can't break her boundaries. Trying to erase those thoughts, Harry grins playfully, then adds a few of his own letters alongside her tiles to play a different word even though he knows he already lost the game.
Giving her a mischievous look, he reveals the word 'boner' and Y/N inhales sharply. They sit in silence for a moment, then Y/N cracks and breaks the silence.
“Oh fuck.” She laughs, the deep seated sensation between her legs not fading. Her eyes scan down to Harry's crotch, attempting to see if what he said is true. It's getting increasingly obvious that Y/N and Harry aren't actually playing a game anymore. Harry places his hands on his lap, covering his crotch from her wandering eyes. He laughs nervously, avoiding her gaze.
“I'm sorry.” He mutters, afraid of her response and of what she thinks.
Y/N bites her lip, unsure of how to respond. He waited anxiously for her reaction. One thing was for certain, the sexual tension has grown to unimaginable levels, the game forgotten. Finally, she glances back up at him, and she couldn't keep herself in control any longer.
Leaning closer, Y/N rests her forehead on his. He is taken aback, not moving a muscle. Shutting her eyes, she leans in to kiss him. Their lips connect and they close their eyes, relishing the moment. After a couple of seconds, they pull back, not sure whether that was the right decision. Her insides tell her to keep going, to taste him more. So with half a mind, her arm reaches forward to grab his shirt, wanting him closer and craving the touch. She looks up at his face and goes in for a much longer, sensual kiss as she straddles his lap.
For a moment, Harry looks at her questioningly before diving back in. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, it deepens the kiss as they feel electricity course through their bodies. His arms make their way down her sides and he squeezes her thighs as she unconsciously grinds on him. One of his hands run up her back, gripping her hair lightly while the other hand grips her waist. A quiet moan escapes Y/N's throat at his grip on her, further adding fuel to his fire. He gives a low growl before breaking the kiss and trailing his lips down her jaw to her neck, leaving love bites down her skin.
“God, you're killing me, Y/N. Do you know that?” He groans into her, making her giggle a bit. Harry's heart burst with joy when he heard her laugh, she's the only person who could make him happy. He pulls back and grins at her then leans back in, kissing her sweetly and lifting her up. Y/N grips his shirt tightly, not wanting to be apart from him. Placing her on her back, he carefully gets on top of her, supporting his weight so he doesn't squish her, and his hands started roaming her body. Suddenly, she pushes him off of her a little and sits back up, feeling dizzy and wanting to gain her composure. Their hearts beat in synchrony and their breaths were heavy.
Harry is concerned by her quick push back, worry in his eyes. “I'm sorry, did I do anything wrong?”
“Are you kidding? That was great. I just... I..” Stuttering over her words, Y/N can't help but giggle as she ruffles her hair and leans against the throw pillow behind her. Harry is now assured that she is okay. Leaning forward, he kisses the side of her head, trying to soothe her so she'd be comfortable enough to tell him. “I want more.” She finally utters.
There was a beat of stunned silence. He shakes his head as his lips curve up into a small smirk. She mimics his expression. Lifting her chin up with his fingers, she meets his gaze. Both of them look down at her plump, red, and wet lips. Then he captures her lips with his, but not with so much restraint as before. He kisses her more passionately, hands cupping her face as he tasted her, kissed her harder, swiped his tongue against hers.
“Are you absolutely sure, Y/N? There's no going back from this.” He breathes against her lips.
Looking into his soft eyes, she can't think about anything else but him and his touch. Deep down, she always knew there was more. As she tilts her head to the side, she bites her lip and runs her hands through his hair. The feeling is a sweet relief, it is exactly how it looked and felt, just like in her dreams.
“I know. I think I've always known it was you. You're too captivating. You make me crazy.” She chuckles, blushing. “Also..” Placing her hands on his chest, she continues. “If I wasn't interested, I wouldn't be doing all this right now.” Y/N breathes, making him grin from ear to ear.
“What about waiting until marriage though? Are you sure you want to do this?”
Giggling, Y/N nods her head and bites her lip, wanting more. “Screw that.”
A shocked expression flickers across his face. Shrugging his shoulders, he leans closer. Y/N's breath hitches as Harry gently pushes her back down on the sofa, propping his forearms on either side of her head to support his weight, and placing his legs between hers. They felt each other's breath as their chests rise and fall with each in-take, anticipating what would happen next.
“Is this okay? Are you really sure, because once we start, I won't be able to stop.” His face inches closer, scanning every inch of her expression, her beautiful eyes and lips before stopping halfway.
Giving him a quick kiss, she nods and runs a hand through his hair again, then bites her lip while gazing at his seductive eyes. Her body trembles with excitement and nervousness. Trying to catch her breath, her mind is drowning in lust. She's just happy that they're alone and, after many years of dreaming about this day, the second it is finally here she is loving it.
“I'm very sure. In fact, why don't we go somewhere more...comfortable?” She whispers into his ear. Dizzy and sweating, Harry feels the bulge in his pants tightening, pressing against the fabric of his boxers as he smirks in agreement. Hastily lifting her in his arms, he crashes his lips to hers, missing their intoxicating touch.
Without pausing for thought, Y/N wraps her legs around Harry's waist as he supports her with his strong arms and makes his way towards his bedroom. Tossing her on the bed, she yelps playfully.
“Are you okay?” Harry's worried face appears in front of her. Shocked and caught off guard, Y/N bites back a smile as she pulls his shirt to collide his lips with hers again. She found herself breathing hard, unable to control it. He pulled back, meeting her eyes.
Y/N sat up slightly, reached down, and began slowly pulling Harry's shirt up his torso. The material bunched up under his arms and she broke the kiss, to slip the material off. With her pulse increasing as the intimacy heightened, she raked her eyes up his smooth, lightly bronzed, chest and torso. It was a beautiful sight. Pulling her eyes back up to his gorgeous eyes, his darkened with desire as he raised his brows in question. Instead of replying, Y/N pushed lightly on his chest, telling him without words to lie back on the bed. With his gaze never leaving hers, he lay back and waited.
Keeping the eye contact, Y/N pushed herself up and straddles over Harry's lap. His hands automatically came to rest on her thighs, the touch sending bolts of energy through her. Harry was such a tease and the way he touched her and glanced up at her was enough to get her off right there. All it would take is one little touch.
With excitement, Y/N pulls her own shirt over her head, exposing her bra for the first time to him. Of course, he had seen her in a bikini before. But the lace see-through fabric of her bra is completely different and it gets him wild. Harry watches carefully as Y/N bites her lip and leans down. Connecting their lips, she can feel his erection pressing against her.
Straddling his hips to meet his arousal, she begins to run her hands down his arms, squeezing firmly and drawing a low sound from his lips. Her body rubs up against Harry's erection and he gives a deep, low groan. Not once breaking the kiss, their hunger intensified for one another.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/N presses her chest up against his and his hand slowly roams around to grab her ass, giving it a soft squeeze, making her moan. His hands then reach a bit up, sticking his thumbs into the waistband of her leggings and pulling the fabric over her ass. Y/N arches her hips a bit, allowing her leggings to come off a little further.
Harry lets his hands roam up her back as Y/N nibbles on his bottom lip, slowly grinding her sex into his. His hand nudges against her thigh, motioning for her to get off of him so he can take the leggings all the way down her legs. He slides the fabric down Y/N's thighs and knees and her leggings pool at her ankles. Seeing her bare legs, he can tell just how wet she is right now. She hastily kicks off the leggings, letting them fall to the floor.
Watching her closely, his eyes scan her body, taking in the full view. She can't deny how happy she is to see Harry admiring her, appreciating what he sees, loving all of her. It's exactly what she wanted, a man to worship her, to feel loved. And Harry makes her feel those exact things and so much more.
Pushing his hips up, he quickly gets rid of his own sweatpants before he guides her back to straddle him again. One of Harry's large hands glides along Y/N's thighs to her hips before snaking around to her lower back, where he applies a slight pressure, encouraging her to grind against him.
“You're going to be the end of me.” Harry chuckles, bucking up slightly to meet her grinding hips. The feeling drives her wild as the fabric of his boxers brushes up against her lace panties.
“Harry.” Y/N moans, letting herself move in sync with Harry's perfect thrusts. Feeling Y/N's wetness seeping through her panties and onto his boxers, the friction building between their heat is burning, and he needs more of her. But he wants her to set the pace. His lips part and their eyes stay locked together. Their heart rates are picking up and their movement speeds up. The slow build was like a torture, but Harry looks so damn gorgeous and lustful, making it worth it.
“We're really doing this.” Y/N whispers out with a giggle.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yes.” She mumbles, smiling. Y/N pushes herself up a bit, hands bracing on his chest, and spreads her legs a bit more so she can angle her center more. Then she slowly grinds into him. His teeth capture his lip and his eyes shift to take in the movement of their bodies. Harry's hands leave Y/N's hips and he grasps her ass, holding her as she rides him. Grinding harder and faster, Y/N is enjoying the sweet sensation it's giving her. Little sounds leave her mouth as she swivels her hips.
Sitting up and pressing her chest into his, Harry grabs her hips tighter and pulls her down, bucking his hips up for friction and creating a delicious burn. Looking up to her face, she has the hottest expression he has ever seen. If she keeps staring at him like that, he thinks he might burst. There is no way he's going to last much longer, which is why he needs to take care of her first.
Slowing down the pace, Harry slides his fingers up her back and takes a hold of her bra clasp. “May I?” He asks in a hoarse voice. A light glaze shines in his eyes as he keeps the eye contact with her.
“Yes.” Y/N smiles, nuzzling her face into his. Leaning down, she carefully kisses him before sitting back. “I want you so much, Harry.” She admits, to his surprise.
“Oh fuck.” Harry swears, bucking his hips up for friction. Groaning and rubbing his erection as well as he undoes the clasp of her bra and it loosens around her body. Slowly slipping it off, the fabric slides down her arms, exposing her breasts. Harry stops breathing for a moment, admiring the view and absolutely loving it.
“You're absolutely gorgeous, Y/N. I couldn't get you off my mind if I tried.” He confesses, meeting her gaze, causing the girl to blush immensely. Moving his hands up her sides and sliding them up her stomach to her boobs, her mind begins to race as she feels herself getting more and more wet.
Harry's calloused fingertips brush over her hardened nipples, his lustful eyes still gazing into hers as her jaw goes slack. Grinding her hips faster and moving them to a steady rhythm, the both of them pant as their desire grows, aching for more. Throwing her head back with a moan, Harry's lips suddenly latch on to one of her soft nipples. Her hand cups the back of his head, her fingers running through his hair as she sucks.
“Harry, I need you, please.” She whimpers, begging him. The desperate tone of her voice makes Harry shudder, a familiar hot tightness coiling inside him, threatening to unravel as she rides him. He is swift to lay her down on his soft bed, her head on his pillow, then gets back to her breasts, sliding a hand down to her panties. Harry kisses a trail of butterfly kisses down her body, leaving marks down her abdomen as he does so. Her fingers go back to grasping his hair and pulling lightly as he makes it to the top of her panties.
“Can I take these off?” Harry pants, yanking the waistband a bit. He slips his fingers inside and gently strokes her pubic bone over her panties, teasing her. Y/N eagerly nods her head, pulling his hair slightly and guiding him lower. He bites his lip and tugs her underwear down her thighs as she helps kick them off. The sight before Harry made his jaw drop, leaving him breathless.
Y/N is incredibly wet, her fluids are dripping down her thighs, no hair blocking the way for him. Harry inhales sharply, running his finger through her folds and collecting her juice. Raising his hand to her face, he shows her. Feeling incredibly timid all of a sudden, she blushes and squeezes her legs shut.
“Hush now. You're perfect, so beautiful and bare for me.” Harry insists and peppers her knees with kisses. She parts her legs a bit wider for Harry. “Good girl, Y/N.”
Licking his lips, Harry traces his thumbs up her inner thighs and kisses her exposed clit. A spark flows through her body as Harry closes his eyes, getting lost in the exquisite taste of her arousal. The feeling is completely new to Y/N, she's not sure how to respond or what to do. At the same time, everything he does feels so good. Harry licks over her folds, running his tongue from the bottom to the tip. Her hands turn into fists, tugging at his brown hair as she draws a sharp breath.
A little too shy to make any noises as Harry teases Y/N's clit with the tip of his tongue. Her legs start to shake and she quickly covers her mouth with her hand as she lets out a needy moan. Harry grasps her wrist, pulling it away from her mouth.
“Don't be afraid. I want to hear you.” The thought of Y/N covering her mouth or muffling her sounds and keeping quiet bothers him a bit. Y/N lets out a little gasp and nods quickly. Without breaking eye contact, Harry presses his flattened tongue against her clit and licks until Y/N's vision starts to swim.
“Harry.” Y/N moans as Harry flattens his tongue, licking up her slit while he inserts a finger.
“Keep telling me how you feel. It's incredibly sexy.”
“Feels... Incredible.” She manages to get out before she squeezes her eyes shut. Harry responds by wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking gently. Inserting a second finger, he curls them against her G-spot while he twirls and flicks his tongue quickly.
“Y-yes.” Y/N cries out when Harry discovers her sweetest spot. Harry smirks and presses his fingers deeper while he continues using his mouth.
Keeping up with the swift motions of his tongue, his nose rubbing her clit a bit, Y/N's toes begin to curl and her heels dig into his mattress. Harry can't help but let out a low growl as the girl in front of him moans at a high pitch.
“H-Harry.” She whimpers between quick pants. Her stomach suddenly tightens as a ball of warmth spreads, soon making her go weak in the legs. Flicking his eyes up to watch her orgasm, he lets the heat spiral through her. His thrusts slow down as her insides pulsate, and he gets dizzy, feeling pretty smug. It feels like an explosion between her legs, so Y/N can't stop herself from grinding on his face to prolong her pleasure.
“See how gorgeous you are when you come for me?” Harry breathes after she catches her breath, gazing deep into her eyes and rubbing soft circles on her clit with his middle and pointerfinger.
His eyes were soft, but dark with lust, the expression in them shifting slightly as she stared at him. She could see his hardened nipples and defining tent of his boxers. Still on cloud nine, her cheeks feel hot and her body is radiating immense pleasure.
She wants to initiate the next move but she simply doesn't know where to start. Instead, Harry decides for her. Getting rid of his last piece of clothing, Y/N watches closely as he reveals his completely naked self. He kicks off his boxers and climbs back on the bed, hovering over her.
“What do you want to do next?” He asks in between kisses. Biting her lip in nervousness, she places her hands on his chest and kisses him.
“I don't know. Do you want me to return the favour?” She suggests with a sheepish smile, but Harry shakes his head.
“I want you to feel good. No favours you need to return unless you really want to.” He returns her offer with a gentle smile. She feels herself blush as his words run through her.
“Do you think...” She pauses and Harry swallows hard at the sound of her timid voice. “Do you want to try it?”
For a moment Harry is confused before her words begin to sink in. She wasn't very specific but there was no need for that. With his heart about to jump out of his throat, he understands right away and nods.
His eyes catch hers, and they smile in relief, happy to enjoy each other. Her mind runs wild as he kneels up for a moment to retrieve a condom from his nightstand. When he does so, her eyes run down his abs and back to his dark gaze. He tears the foil and puts the condom on his erection, the sight of him doing it making her want him even more.
“Are you absolutely sure?” He wonders, adjusting her on the bed so they're both comfortable. Swallowing hard, she nods, wanting this to happen. He asks her over and over to make sure she's sure of what she wants. She admits she's a bit nervous to do this for the first time, but she's 100% positive she wants to go through with this.
“Tell me to stop and I will, I promise.” Positioning himself, Y/N feels his breath on her lips as she gives him an enthusiastic nod. Smiling down at her, Harry pushes into her tight hole, going at a very slow and gentle speed so he doesn't hurt her. She was nervous, but his touch and actions helped keep her calm. He pushes his hips forward slightly, making Y/N whimper. Reaching up to caress his cheek with a sigh, the intimate contact giving him the strength to push into her as carefully as possible.
Being incredibly gentle with her, he hovers over her, eyes looking deeply into hers and soft sounds coming from his mouth, staying like that for a long time. Burying himself deep within her, Harry is completely still for a moment. The feeling of fullness and the sudden pressure is the best she's ever had. Finally able to fully relax, Y/N presses her lips against Harry's.
“You can move.” She breathes, to his great joy. The feeling of the heat of her pussy enveloping his erection sent a shiver down his spine. Gradually sliding out slowly, she feels her body moving in rhythm. Inch by inch, he eases himself back into her with a low hiss.
Harry clenches the sheets beneath them as he slowly builds his pace to a smooth rocking, groaning with her when his cock hits the end of her, causing little electric sparks up her spine. Harry sits up and grabs hold of her hips, her arms flying up to cover her chest in the process.
“Jesus, your pussy's so tight, feels so good.” Harry comments in a strained voice as he holds her hips tighter and guides her to rock into his thrusts. Y/N moves her arms back down, her hands trying to find something to grip as her walls clench tightly, making Harry thrust a bit harder. Squeezing the sheets, Y/N moans again.
“H-Harry. Oh! Please, faster.” Picking up the speed, Harry begins to shake as he pumps his hips harder. She rolls her head back, mouth wide open as the sweet build of an orgasm starts to rise in the pit of her stomach.
Grasping her hips tighter, he's practically spilling out all kinds of wonderful things as she cries out again and again. The lust takes over, sending overwhelming waves of pleasure through her body.
His hand reaches down to rub her clit. Biting on her lip, her walls convulse and her breathing becomes heavy. They both stop breathing altogether when she arches her back sharply, getting in on their rhythm, pounding harder into her core. The warmth keeps building, coursing through her veins and through every cell.
“Oh, Harry. I'm gonna...”
“I know, baby.” He interjects as she writhes beneath him. Hitting that sacred spot inside her with each thrust, she doesn't think she'll be able to hold it in much longer. She wraps her legs around his waist, creating a deeper angle. It's absolutely amazing. She never wants it to end. Her toes curl and her eyelids flutter, taking it all in.
“I can't... Harry.” She exclaims breathlessly, and then screams out, repeating his name.
“You can, Y/N. Look at me. Let go and come for me.” Hearing his raspy voice and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, combined with the sound of his encouraging words drives her even more crazy, almost at the edge. She knows she'll fall down into a complete state of bliss any minute now. Grinding her hips harder, holding on for dear life and digging her nails into his back. She's squeezing him with her walls, everything seemed to melt together into an incredible cocktail of pleasure as she shouts out his name and comes on his cock. He keeps fucking her, keeping her orgasm going even after it came to an end.
When she regains the control over her body, she lowers her legs from around his body.
“Oh, Harry, that was amazing.” A lazy smile spreads across his face and their eyes lock, the both of them panting from her height.
“Do you want to try another position?” He inquires, leaving Y/N with a curious yet excited look on her face. Y/N nods with a faint “Yeah.” and the corners of his mouth tilt upward. With that, he pulls out, an unexplainable sense of emptiness filling Y/N, and she watches as he pushes her onto her stomach, taking a hold of her legs. Harry nuzzles his face into her neck, whispering sweet praises in her ear as he eases her into their next position.
Leaning up on her hands, he raises her onto her knees and steadies her position. He lines his cock up with her entrance from behind. Harry rubs the tip between her folds, he easily glides into her. Kissing her shoulders and down her spine, he doesn't hold back this time and she didn't mind because his wilder thrusts felt unbelievable, not to mention the sounds he kept making. Pounding his hips up against her ass with determination, his curses get louder and his moans turn into the most beautiful sounds she's ever heard. He's close. Y/N knows it.
“Y/N.” He manages in between hot pants and deep groans.
“Yes?” She asks.
“Where do you want me to...” She only had to think about it for half a second and nearly moaned at the mere thought.
“Keep going.” A fierce thud echoes through the room, matching Harry's skin slapping against hers as he rubs her clit once again and gives his final thrusts. Harry tightens his grip and Y/N can feel every muscle in his body get tense as he fills the condom. He's still for a moment, the throbbing of his cock noticeable inside of her.
Leaning up over her, he wraps his arms around her waist and her chin, tilting her head up towards him for a breathtaking kiss. Their tongues slow dance as Harry pulls out, carefully sitting the girl on the bed.
Harry leaves the room to his ensuite to toss the condom and clean up. He brings a damp washcloth and wipes her down, cleaning up the clear mess between her legs. Getting to her chest, he is gently and thoroughly meticulous. Doing everything as painstakingly slow as possible, Y/N closes her eyes in serenity.
While being touched so delicately, she lets out a small sigh and places her hand on his. Bringing her knuckles up to his soft lips, a faint smile plays upon his gorgeous lips. The intensity and lust in Harry's eyes are nowhere to be found, only adoration lingers now. He dresses himself in a clean pair of boxers and turns around to speak up.
“You're staying right?” He questions, slightly chewing his lip as Y/N makes direct eye contact, the thought of staying and sleeping beside him becoming increasingly tempting.
“I'd love to.” She responds hazily, the sleep already starting to take over her body. Harry chuckles at her clear exhaustion.
“I'll get you a shirt and a pair of boxers then. If you want.” He stutters in a nervous way, his confidence fading into a shy demeanor all over again.
“That would be great, thank you.” Sitting up on the bed, she watches as he opens the bottom drawer of his wardrobe, pulling out an oversized Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of plain black boxers. Harry hands the garments to her and heads out of the room.
She throws his Rolling Stones shirt over her frame and glances down, making a mental note to take this shirt home tomorrow. After slipping on the boxers, she lets out a heavy sigh, crawling into the bed and plumping the pillows behind her back, getting ready to put in her best effort to stay awake until Harry returned.
Entering the room with two mugs in his hands and a cautious expression, he can't help but smile at the sight of her body so carefully protected by his bedding. The overwhelming joy floods his body as he sits down next to her, gently handing her a mug, full of tea. A sincere smile spreads across her face as she accepts the mug, sipping the warm liquid and pulling the bedsheets up higher.
“Thank you. Do you usually bring tea after sex?” She jokes, Harry letting out a light-hearted giggle and grinning before replying.
“I just thought it could help you relax, or calm you down.” The honesty in his voice catching her off guard for a moment as she quickly recovers.
“Relax or calm me down?” Raising his eyebrows, he nods slowly.
“I know how intense and strong the emotions that are inside of you can get. I wanted you to have a tea that would help soothe your mind know you.” He explains, placing his hand on top of hers, rubbing circles as she nods. Placing the hot tea down on the nightstand, she turns back to him with wide eyes.
“That means a lot, thank you.” She whispers, pressing her lips to his ever so gently. The cup of tea feels like a confirmation that she made the right choice to give herself to Harry. He cares for her, makes her feel cherished and comfortable. That's a great thing in Y/N's opinion.
Snuggling up closer to Harry, they sip their hot tea. Harry asks her if she's feeling alright, to which Y/N answers that she feels fantastic, and Harry can't help but think back to the few hours ago when they danced around eachother, making his heart ache. He kisses the top of her head and caresses her face as he stares into her eyes.
“What are you thinking about?” He voices, cupping her face in his large hands.
“About how I wanna do all of that again with you.” She blurts out innocently, making the man laugh for the umpteenth time tonight and making her wish he would keep laughing forever.
“You're not the only one.” He says, setting his empty mug of tea next to hers. All of that tension, all of the stolen glances and awkward moments leading up to what happened tonight felt completely worth it. They both got some stress out and finally found the right times. Being held by the best person in the world, Y/N finds it easy to shut her mind down. Everything is good and she believes their friendship has grown into something far deeper. Maybe she finally found love, she thought before she surrendered to her heavy eyelids and drifted off, pressed against Harry's warm skin.
Sighing with relief and pure admiration, Harry lets his mind wander as he looks down at the most stunning girl he's ever laid eyes upon. He closes his eyes, pulling the blankets higher so her delicate form won't get cold in the middle of the night and lets himself indulge in the feeling of her soft skin brushing his. Not being able to believe what just happened between them, his body relaxes more than it had in months, maybe even years. Admiring her features and carefully placing a chaste kiss on her temple before he too drifts off to sleep.
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esamastation · 11 months
Shizuroth, part eighteen
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen
Why hasn't he ever gone shopping with Sephiroth before? Aside from the fact that Sephiroth was socially repressed and awkward and aloof and would've never lowered himself as to be seen in public with anyone. And the fact that Genesis didn't want to even think about sharing his few precious moments of downtime with Sephiroth, of all people. And also the fact that Genesis was pretty sure, at least up until this point, that it would be an excruciating experience for everyone involved….
But it turns out that Sephiroth makes for a hilarious shopping company. The man is unexpectedly prissy and demanding - and, really, quite fussy when it comes to his looks.
While waiting for his coat to be readjusted, Sephiroth is putting on a fashion show in the tailor's very cushy dressing room.
"No, the hue is too cold - can you please get me the darker green one? Same size," Sephiroth says, making faces at his reflection, after trying out about a dozen different, almost identical, button up shirts. 
"Right away, sir," the rather flustered tailor's assistant says and scurries off.
"I never thought you'd have a favourite colour," Genesis scoffs, lounging back on a fancy armchair while watching as Sephiroth accepts the shirt from the eager tailor's assistant. There's a pile of rejected and another of accepted articles of clothing nearby, and they're all in shades between dark forest green and the lightest shade of mint green. 
No matter how much mess Sephiroth caused, the store would be making a big sale today - so much so that they'd closed early, just for Sephiroth.
But then again, there probably isn't a store in Midgar that wouldn't close for Sephiroth.
"You've never worn green before," Genesis adds, leaning back on the comfy armchair lazily and enjoying the VIP treatment - which includes coffee service and everything.
Tch. He was a VIP patron too - but they'd never closed the store for him.
"Hm," Sephiroth answers, deftly buttoning up the shirt and adjusting the cuffs, before pulling on the jacket of the suit he'd been trying on. Because that's what he's doing, trying to colour match a suit. A very light green suit.
It doesn't suit him.
"A much better match, sir," the tailor's assistant says, a little too eagerly, all but fawning over him. "You have such a keen eye."
"Is that so," Sephiroth says noncommittally, making another hilarious stink face at himself while buttoning up the suit jacket. He still doesn't look satisfied.
"It washes you out," Genesis points out the obvious and swings to his feet. "My friend, you simply don't have the colouring for such pale hues."
Sephiroth sighs unhappily, giving his own reflection a disappointed look. It's almost a Goddess damned pout. "I don't, do I?" he says in defeat. "And the green really doesn't do my complexion any favours."
"It really doesn't," Genesis grins, clapping him on his shoulders. "I'm afraid black is still your colour." 
Sephiroth sighs again and then looks at him thoughtfully. "What is that shirt you're wearing?"
"Alas, it's not high fashion. A Shinra issue," Genesis explains with a sigh. "Mass produced and utterly commonplace."
"Huh," Sephiroth looks surprised. "It… looks good?"
"Oh, spare me, I know it doesn't, but when you go through so many it's simply easier to get them in bulk," Genesis says, shaking his head. "Bullet holes simply do not come off, after all. And the SOLDIER uniform turtlenecks are just about the only good article of clothing Shinra has ever produced."
Sephiroth hums, looking him up and down and turning back to the mirror. Then he sighs. "Please get me another version of this suit," he says to the tailor's assistant. "In black this time."
"Right away, sir," the mostly useless assistant says, doing a remarkably good job at not bouncing in excitement. "And for a shirt, sir?"
Sephiroth looks at himself for a long moment. He scrunches up his nose and then mutters, "... I suppose it should be in red."
"Stealing my style, now?" Genesis asks, leaning against his shoulder. "Also what is wrong with red?"
"It's not just red, rather the combination of black and red… ah, never mind. I suppose it will bring out my eyes," Sephiroth says, like he's admitting defeat.
It will bring out his eyes? Who is this guy and what has he done to Sephiroth? Genesis snorts and claps him on the shoulder again. "If you say so."
He's right, though. Red and black look much better on Sephiroth. As does the suit. Genesis has never even imagined Sephiroth in formal wear before, but…  it's not a bad look.
"You know, one fight in those delightful clothes, and they're in very expensive shreds," Genesis points out, while idly trying on some gloves, wondering if he should invest in some formal wear.
"Why would it be in shreds?" Sephiroth asks almost resentfully, turning to select a tie. He's actually a little mad about red and black suiting him so well!
"You…" Genesis starts and then sighs. Of course Sephiroth doesn't remember. "Fancy and very fitting," he adds, just to dig it in, "though they are, clothing of this calibre can't stand the types of battles you and I get in. That's why we wear leather. Or mass produced uniforms we don't have to pay for."
Sephiroth just sort of blinks at him, easing the tie over his head. "You've worn a uniform?" he asks, dubious. "You?"
"Yes, I have worn a uniform - I had to go through the whole two ranks to get where I am now, didn't I?" Genesis asks, testing the gloves by spreading out his fingers. They're fingerless and quite nice. "Not a fan of trousers, I admit. I never had the ass for them."
Sephiroth coughs at that, smothering a laugh, and tucks the tie into his collar. "I see," he says, looking down at himself in order to adjust the tie.
Genesis leans back to watch him. "Neither do you. Or, rather, you have too much shoulder going on. Far too top-heavy, you'd look ridiculous."
"Thanks?" Sephiroth says, amused, and then turns around to face him, a black tie firmly in place. "How do I look?"
"Like a damn Turk," Genesis scoffs. A very good looking Turk, but one nonetheless. He turns to the starry-eyed tailor's assistant. "Get him one of those great coats from the back - a black one, obviously, with red lining if you have it."
"Ah, those aren't leather, sir - mainly cotton and wool," the assistant says apologetically.
"Then get us a fancy wool one, and then go check how your master is coming along with our order."
"Y-yes, sir, right away, sir!"
"Please and thank you," Sephiroth says to the assistant, who almost trips hurrying off. "There's no need to be rude, Genesis."
"Who's rude? It's their job," Genesis huffs and folds his arms. "You rock up at Shinra tower looking like this, and they'll start making you go to functions too."
"What do you mean, functions?" Sephiroth asks warily.
"Parties, galas, meet and greets, maybe even interviews," Genesis scoffs. He's usually the one who has to go - he was more presentable than Angeal, who didn't know how to swim those waters, or Sephiroth, who had the social graces of a poisonous wallflower. "Public events of the social kind."
"Ah," Sephiroth says, fiddling with his cuff. "That's fine then."
"... That's fine? You hate those things!"
"Do I?" Sephiroth asks, giving him a bitchy face like he knows something Genesis doesn't. "Hm."
Genesis eyes him dubiously. "Well, I suppose you'll learn why very soon," he mutters. "If they make you go."
The tailor's assistant brings in the great coat, and Genesis throws it over Sephiroth's broad shoulders before the man can try putting his arms into the sleeves. Hanging over him like a cape, it ties the outfit together perfectly.
"There, you look fit to take over the world," Genesis says, motioning to the mirror.
Sephiroth hums, stepping so that he faces the mirror at an angle. "I guess it's a popular colour scheme for a reason," he murmurs, begrudgingly impressed, and flicks the hem to make the red lining flash dramatically. "Fitting, I suppose."
"Silver Elite are going to lose their little minds," Genesis agrees. "You'll take it, then?"
Sephiroth takes a moment, adjusting his collar. "I'll take it," he says finally. Then he smiles and slightly bows at the tailor's assistant. "Thank you for your efforts."
"I-it wasn't any trouble, sir!" the poor assistant gulps, looking a little wobbly at the knees. "The master is finished with your leather coat, sir. If you're ready…"
"I am," Sephiroth agrees, running a satisfied hand down his front. "I am very ready."
The planet isn't, Genesis thinks with a sense of exhilarated doom. The planet isn't ready for this at all.
Shizun can no longer rock Qing Jing Peak colours ☹️ The Tragedy is immeasurable.
(aka I meant to put him in Qing Jing Peak colours but then I looked up Sephiroth in a suit and 👌 black and red is really the Aesthetic here.)
(This is all Very Important To The Plot. Which Totally Exists.)
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daisybianca · 1 year
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pairing: max verstappen x femalereader
summary: you're max's rival, and you kind of want to spit into each other's face. one day, one of his confessions makes things a little more complicated and... hot.
warnings: sexual activities, cursing words
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THERE WAS NOTHING quite like the thrill of competing in Formula One.
As a driver, it took skill, stamina, and a little bit of luck to come out on top.
Max Verstappen had all of that, and then some. He was ruthless on the track, and people called him "Mad Max" for good reason.
When he got behind the wheel, he seemed unstoppable.
But there was one driver who had the potential to take him down: you.
You were just as skilled as he was, and you bad the same hunger for success.
Every time you stepped on the track, you felt a rush, knowing that you were up against one of the best.
You pushed yourself harder than you ever had before, determined to come out on top.
You had always felt a mix of anger and respect towards him.
Recently, though, you just craved to encircle his neck with your palms and compress the air out of his throat until he is on the floor unconscious.
Mean? You were not.
He may seem kind from the screen, but if other people knew him in person, they would be of the very same belief as you.
It could be they way he ironically talked to you or that sometimes he mispronounced your name in purpose.
His teammates and friends didn't seem to hate him at all, and that was what concerned you.
Are you the only one that gets disgusted just at the presence of him?
One day, as you were scrolling on your phone in the garage, you feel a tall figure approach you.
"You know, you and I, we're not so different." He leaned closer and as soon as you heard his voice you couldn't help but roll you eyes in annoyance. "We both have that hunger, the need to win. I can see it in your eyes. It's what sets us apart from the rest of the grid."
He was good looking, you'd give him that. But every part of his personality stink.
You were not exaggerating.
You looked Max straight in the eye. "You're right, Max. And that's why I'm not going to hold back this time. I'm going to race you like never before." You turned away to leave, but were surely surprised when a hand grabbed your wrist.
Tight and hard.
So hard that when it left your skin, it ached.
"Stop torturing me, (y/n)." Max's eyes were dark blue as if a shadow had taken over now.
He was angry.
You had never seen him like that.
"Torturing you?" You flipped your hair and went to leave, trying to hide the pain on your flesh which was previously caused by his hand. "You're such a drama queen, Max."
"You know, that little, smart mouth of yours has to be kept shut at times." His word made you turn to face him again automatically. You felt your hair stand on your arms.
"Excuse me?"
"I have a few ideas on how to keep it shut, though." He crossed his arms and leaned into the wall behind you. "If only you let me."
You had to breathe. But you couldn't. It was too much and you hated the way he made you feel. Just like how much you hated him.
"Bullshit." You cursed and went to leave again.
A hand grabbed you again. His grip wasn't that tight this time, but you didn't have much time to think about it anyway. Max slammed his lips on yours and all of your thoughts melted away at once.
He was so close and so... fuck.
"I don't want you to be just a rival to me, (y/n)." His words were barely a whisper as he stopped the kiss for a few moments only to look at you. His left hand cupped and caressed your cheek while the other found each way to your back.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You had to answer, yet you had no answer. You just wanted him to lean in again and...
"Words, (y/n)."
The way he pronounced your name as if he owned it made you shiver.
"Tell me what you think." He said.
"Max, I..." You tried to detect the right words, but his lips on your sensitive neck made it extremely difficult to concentrate on anything else but him.
"Hmm...?" He buried his face in your neck and hair. "Fuck, you're so warm..."
"You have no idea." Your response was murmured.
"I bet you're more warmer somewhere else..." His lips found your chest, and he started making his way down your belly.
"Max." Your hands and legs were tremulous.
"Yes?" He looked at you.
"Can I ask for something?"
"Anything." He answered. "Except letting you win."
"That happens anyway, dummy." You teased.
His laugh was contagious. "Tell me, (y/n)."
"Please..." You murmured.
"Please, what, love?"
Your response was instant, even though you hated saying it out loud. You hated him. But you hated the way he made you feel more. "Please, fuck me."
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
What would be the reaction of Alastor, Charlie, Lucifer, Adam, Vox, Husk and Angel to a reader who has diction problems, like where they confuse words for others because they forget the name of the objective and mispronounce it...
Note: I have diction and my friends when we are playing together always laugh at me for doing these things... I just wanted to know
Various HH characters x reader who struggles with words
God I felt this request so bad, I'm bad when it comes to words/speaking them, usually it's the long pause and struggling to actually start saying the word hisshiss.. also sorry for not doing all the characters asked for!<\3 requests are limited to only 3-4 characters <\3
Characters: Lucifer, Charlie, Husk
Notes: reader is GN, admin admittedly does use their experience to write out the readers experience so!! Obligatory his experience isnt universal!
CWs: none
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hes very similar to his daughter in regards that hes pretty patient with you, finishing your sentences is like second nature for him
its a little sweet that he visibly looks proud of himself for helping you out
while charlie will gently try to remind others that youre still talking, lucifer is going to be more bold and just say it out loud that you werent finished
will not tolerate any disrespect thrown your way, he will at minimum give a dirty look if someone is even slightly rude to you
if youre fine with a friend teasing you, its best to let him know that otherwise hes going to be giving the stink eye to said friend the entire time
hes... going to be a little.. confused on it but hes not going to stop you from indulging in the humor
shes so so patient with you and doesnt push you to try to get your words out faster, sometimes she even offers to finish the sentence for you if a certain word or two keeps evading you
though she will keep from doing that if you express that it makes you feel bad about your struggles, and she'll be sure to apologize in that case
if theres anything she can do to help you, just let her know! shes going to do everything she can to accommodate you- not only because youre staying in her hotel but because you two are close!
makes sure people give you the time to get your thoughts out, and will advocate for you if the conversation is moving too fast before you can speak
more often than not hes going to let you finish talking on your own, only really offering to help you find a word if its clearly distressing you
its not so much fear of overstepping, its... something else, its hard to explain... likely because hes so used to being the only one taking care of himself, that he applies the same mindset to others- you can help yourself, you can get the words out
at least he believes in you! thats something! of course he doesnt deny your struggles, thats the last thing hes going to do
will give you the chance to stand up for yourself if the conversation carries on without you, but if it happens over and over... and youre clearly hurting, hes going to snap at the group to remind you that youre still in the conversation
is it a little confrontational? yes, but hes not exactly known for being gentle
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bookishdreamer28 · 9 months
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Tom Blyth is a total babe and has my heart and his character in Billy the kid has me weak on the knees
Btw I'll definitely write more Billy fics so I hope you'll enjoy reading this one ❣
You felt your body responding to his intense stare again. You found yourself burning with desire for the man with the beautiful ocean eyes across the room, for the 5th time this month. He was an occasional costumer but you never had the chance to have a proper conversation with him because of all these drunken people blocking your way or your boss making you taking orders from other tables. He never once threw a dirty look at you, neither he made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable in any way just like brainless rats did. And you liked that. You liked him.
When you served a costumer his bear, your eyes went immediately on him. He gave a small smile and waved at you. This small interaction increased your heart's rate and you returned the smile with one of your own. You tried to preoccupy yourself by cleaning the counter but all you could think about was him. The man who already had your heart in his hands.
After contemplating for about half an hour on what to do, you picked up the courage and made your way to his table. His eyes never left you. Seeing you approaching him made him nervous. Unable to make a single move.
"Would you like me to bring you something else?" You asked giving him a sweet smile.
"Uh n-no thank you" his hand traveled up to his hair, pushing a few locks out of the way. You suddenly felt your mouth dry. You licked your lips and you caught his eyes following the movement.
"I'm Y/N" you reached your hand out for a shake. He gently grabbed your hand and said
"I'm William but most people call me Billy. The choice is yours sweetheart" he lowered your hand to his mouth and placed a soft kiss there. Your cheeks were burning and you were sure that you looked like you had fever.
You were ready to say something but a drunk guy placed his arm around your shoulder. Your body tensed and Billy's eyes darkened.
"Why don't We get this kind of treatment huh?" His breath was stinking liquor and you wanted to punch the shit out of him which you were ready to do so, but Billy caught you. His punch surely broke thos guy's jaw and it sent him straight to the floor. He then picked him up by his colar and slammed him to the wall.
"If you even dare do as much as look in her direction, I will end you, get it? Don't you DARE put your filthy hands on her again" He growled and then threw him on the floor again. The guy didn't had the guts to say anything to Billy. And all the other men in the bar knew that it would be best if the mind their own business instead of get themselves involved in this.
Billy turned to you and gently touched your shoulders.
"Let's get out of here"
"But I can't just le-"
"As long as you're with me no one is going to hurt you. There's no way I'm leaving you here but if you want to stay, I'll stay too" his words warmed your heart.
"Lead the way cowboy" you smirked and grabbed his hand. He smiled widely and walked the to exit. Once you were outside you started laughing at how wonderful it all felt with him. He couldn't help but watch you closely. Your smile, your bright eyes, your hair flowing in the breeze. You were all he's thinking about and now he finally has the chance to be with you. Just the two of you.
You looked at your intertwined fingers and your stomach filled with butterflies again . But then your eyes widened when you realized that you were still holding hands.
Billy noticed your expression and was ready to pull his hand away but you held it tight.
"I'm ok with this...that is as long as you're ok with it too" and for once agaim you felt your face burning.
"I'm more than ok sweetheart" he smiled.
"Oh thank you souch for earlier I didn't expe-"
"I will never let anyone touch you again like this. I know you think that I didn't have to interfere but it made my blood boil seeing in distress" he stopped walking and turned his body to you.
His eyes were so beautiful under the moonlight. The soft touch of his fingertips on your cheek is what shook me out of my thoughts. Your breath quickened.
"I...where is your home exactly? I don't want you to walk on your all alone now" he cleared his throat, moving his hand from your face, looking anywhere else but you.
"Oh we're almost there-...Um actually, I don't want to go home right now" you stopped him from moving.
"Ok that's great then, cause I didn't want you to go either" he said and you stared at each other.
"Great" you whispered and moved closer to him.
"Great" he moved closer too.
His hands cupped your face slowly and his thumbs were caressing your skin softly.
"Can I please, please kiss you? Cause I've been dying to do this for whole month now and I can't wait longer" your legs felt like jelly and you had no idea how you managed to stand still.
You nodded eagerly and closed your eyes the moment he started leaning in. He kissed you tenderly and pulled back to see your reaction, only for you to crash your lips against his passionately. You felt Billy's hand slide into your hair and his other kept your body close to his. The kiss held such intensity and emotion, that made you both breathless once you pulled away.
"I'm at your mercy woman" he whispered against my lips and and I smiled, grabbing his collar to kiss him more
Thank you for reading 😚 love you all
all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
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atarathegreat · 6 months
ZombieLand3 Tokyo Revengers
Haven't done one of these in a while :'(
ft: Rindo Haitani, Shinichiro Sano, Kakucho Hitto, Seishu Inui,
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He has survived this long after losing you, not that he was proud. He'd told you in his vows that his heart would stop if he ever lost you. So why was he still breathing? Why was he still fighting? He sighed as he got ready to take his shift on guard for the small town you had both joined.
The dark sky was pretty, if only it hadn't been accompanied by the groans of the dead below. Rindo was tired of hearing the ugly sound every time he was out on watch, knowing that those hideous creatures had taken you from him. There was no other reason for you not returning from a scavenger hunt, you were too good at what you did. Rindo knew the only way you were going down was if you were cornered by too many of these fucking walkers.
"Shut up, one of us smells like ass and it isn't me." Rindo threw a rock at one of the heads below.
"I don't know man, you kind of stink." His partner laughed from the seat beside him. Two people on watch at all times, that was the rule. Maybe if two people had been with you...maybe you would have returned to him, and he wouldn't have to sit alone in that too small apartment. Rindo tossed a rock at the man and told him to shut up.
Everyone knew he was upset about his wife, despite him never having brought it up. Rindo kept his personal feelings to himself.
He sighed and threw another rock down, "These fucking things are pathetic. Moaning and groaning while they stalk around doing nothing all day."
A bang resounded from the tin just below the watcher's ledge, it was loud and drew some attention from the walkers for a split second. Rindo and the other man were on their feet instantly, looking down.
"The fuck...?" His partner squinted, "Am I seeing this right?"
Rindo slapped the guy in the back of the head, "Lower the ladder!"
Rusty hinges cracked to life as the guy rotated the metal wheel. "Go get whoever is supervising right now! Hurry!" Rindo shoved the dude away as people started climbing the ladder. If he thought Rindo stunk, he should've smelled these guys. Whoa. "What the hell are you all covered in?" Rindo had to hold his breath to keep from throwing up.
"Geez, Rinny, you sure know how to make a girl feel missed."
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Surviving was easy enough for Shinichiro, who was quite the pro on blunt force trauma from slamming his head into any and everything in the garage. Slamming a heavy wrench into a human's skull wasn't the most satisfying thing he had done in his life, but it was necessary if he wanted to live. And he did.
So, he stood at the door to the little house the group was holed up in, just watching. The chain-link fence did a good job of keeping the yard walker free, but watch was just to make sure the damn things didn't climb over. Shinichiro glanced back into the torn-up house, Emma and Mikey asleep on the dirty couch with his grandpa trying to keep the squat fire contained.
"She's not gonna magically appear next to me, boy." Grandpa sighed, "Stop staring at me."
"Not looking for her." Shinichiro lied, "Making sure you don't kick the bucket over the fire."
Grandpa chuckled as Shinichiro looked away, "I'm old, but not that old, Shin."
Shinichiro rolled his eyes, not seeing the figure that was creeping over the fence, "You're old enough."
He could've shreiked as a cold hand covered his mouth, "How many times do I have to tell you to be nice to your grandpa?"
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"This is so fucking lame. Why can't we be out there actually killing these things?"
Kakucho was really getting tired of this brat. Another sad child that was just angry at how the world had become. Not that Kakucho was happy with the way things had gone, but at least he wasn't this angsty teenager anymore. "Just get dressed. We have a job to do." Kakucho groaned as he tugged on the leather jacket.
"Well, hey, wait!" The kid ran to keep up with him, "Didn't you have a wife? My mom says-"
"I don't give a damn what your mom says." Kakucho grabbed the brat by his shirt, "Your dad got himself killed trying to save her when she was perfectly safe anyway. If my wife comes back and I'm dead because I acted stupid, she'll bring me back to life and kick my ass."
The kid stayed silent the rest of the walk to the assignment room. But Kakucho couldn't get the thought out of his head. Should he have gone out to find her?
No, she was smart and capable. She would be back one day and Kakucho would be able to whisper his vows to her as she fell asleep all over again. He felt bad for being so rude to the kid and wrapped an arm over his shoulders, "Your dad was a great guy, he just let his emotions control him and we have to be more careful than that."
"Yes, sir."
"Aw. My sweet Kaku always knows how to make people feel better."
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Inui followed the rule you set for the both of you: Always travel. Always travel, always pack lightly, never keep a big group. And for the most part, he'd been able to do just that.
Until he lost you. Now he just traveled, if he came across a group and they traveled together for a while then so be it. But he didn't go out of his way to find a group.
He thought about it as he sat watch, gun in hand as he rested on the doorstep of the shop. Somehow, he had gotten turned around and ended up right back in your hometown. Part of him thought it wasn't an accident. Inui constantly, subconsciously, returned to you. Inui sighed and pulled out his wallet. He'd found that keeping coins and paper money did help in some situations when he needed to obtain things from machines.
Yet he wasn't reaching for his money. Inui only really cared about the polaroid in his wallet. The one of you and him on your wedding day, you looking absolutely stunning in your wedding dress and him making sure that you got your spotlight. It was your day, your perfect wedding, your photo. "I didn't even want that whole event..." He sighed, regretting that he hadn't wanted to make a spectacle at the time, but glad that he loved her enough to let her shine.
"And yet you stood at that altar looking wonderful. All for me."
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I like leaving these open ended so that the reader can create their own. I love stories like that.
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reveluving · 1 year
Simu!Ken thought— he beaches off for you after one of the Kens or Barbies makes a mean comment about you. And ofc he wins
a/n: HAHAAAAA anon, your mind!! 😭🤌🏻 I decided to make this with both (mean) Ken and Barbie, and did my own lil 'thing' here ;))) thanks, sweetie!! (open to be read as Ryan!Ken, as usual!)
warnings: fluff! (+ teaching meanies a lesson & strong language!)
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It's one thing to genuinely get on Ken's bad side, but it's another if the rest of the Barbieland follow suit. 
Mean Barbie and Ken simultaneously arrived months after your Ken’s departure to find you, becoming the talk of the town in an instant. Though, 90% of the time, it was all for the wrong reasons. 
Mean Barbie was demeaning, having a keen interest in insulting others for their interests and even their appearances. Mean Ken was no better, laughing in the Kens' face and Alan for liking anything that was, in his words, 'too girlish'. 
Basically, they weren’t the best people to vibe with. 
While both Weird Barbie and President Barbie tried their best to be civil with the two, the former was more vocal about her distaste, always giving them the stink eye as though she knew their words only went in one ear and out the other. President Barbie was more subtle, though she made sure to drop reminders about their actions here and there.
So when the mean match overheard the cheers and excitement over the infamous Ken coming back for a visit with his sweetheart, oh, they were not having it. 
But soon, they were going to learn that their actions would, in fact, have consequences.
'Cause as the human saying goes; the more you fuck around, the more you find out.
President Barbie was there to greet you and Ken at the entrance, giving you a motherly hug before giving you a heads up and whispering in your ear about the notorious duo.
Though their behaviour wasn't nearly as bad as what you're used to in the real world, it didn't make them any less unpleasant to be around. Kudos to the Barbies and Kens (+ Midge & Allan!) for trying their best not to leave you alone with the two of them, though!
And it only took your Ken two days to do everyone a favour. 
"Hoo, boy, here we go." Mean Ken scoffed at the sight of your Ken excitedly telling you about the surfboard he oftentimes used back when his whole purpose was to be Ken, "That was the cool guy around here?" 
"Right? And I just don't see what's so special about her." His girl sneered.
"Tell me about it. Should've stayed where she came from like she was supposed to." 
The rest of the Barbies and Kens froze up. They gave Pompadour Ken a quick glance, who was now uncharacteristically quiet.
Oh no. 
Who were they to insult you for being you?  
You've also noticed the two literally talking crap about you, though you were more concerned about Ken.
"Ken," You gently stroked his face, hoping it'll ease the sudden tension in his jaw, "Hey, don't listen to them." 
"Hey, pal!" Mean Ken called out to him, "Wanna show us your lil' beach moves? Maybe tell us what's so special about your girl?" 
Ken didn't speak up. He has millions of reasons why you were extremely special to him, but he learnt from you that losing his cool would be a total win for his opposition. 
But the mean twins didn't take being ignored too kindly.
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" He barked, pushing your Ken. He nearly lost his balance, almost hitting you with the surfboard he was holding. 
It wasn't long before Ken finally lost his cool, swinging the surfboard square in Mean Ken's face. He flew away at an immense height and questionable physics, falling on his back just by the sea. 
Some laughed, others cheered. By now, everyone was watching, even Mermaid Barbie and Ken showed up after hearing about a possible showdown on the Malibu Beach. They shook their heads the way disapproving parents would before waving at you, happy to see a nicer face in town.
"Oh my gosh, Ken!" Mean Barbie squawked, running to her man and shaking his unconscious body a little too aggressively, "What did you do?!" 
"I just gave him what he deserved." Your Ken shrugged, running his fingers through his hair that had messed up when he lost his cool.
"You didn't have to like, punch him!" 
"It was gonna happen eventually," Alan murmured to himself, only to earn sounds and nods of approval from the rest of the Kens and Barbies. Even if Pompadour Ken wasn't the one putting them in their place, someone would've. 
Sure, maybe a dance-off would've been sufficient.
Buuut, then again, it was probably the real-world air that he's been breathing in for so long, so it was only a matter of time before his patience snapped, and it did when they started running their mouths about you.
After all, Mean Ken preferred 'manlier' efforts.
"You're in huge trouble, weirdo!" She hissed, believing your Ken's (necessary) violence could easily banish you two from Barbieland. 
"And what're you gonna do about it?" It was your turn to challenge her, standing closer to her with your arms crossed. You weren't just going to stand there and let her spit venom at your boyfriend, much less at your new friends. 
Just a reminder that your hands were rated E for everyone.
"I'll… I'll…! I'll tell Psycho Barbie!" 
"That won't be necessary." Everyone's heads turned to the side to see Weird Barbie approaching, boots off as she walked on the sandy floor with a delighted smirk on her face, "And that's Weird Barbie to you, missy."
She turned to Pompadour Ken, patting him on the shoulder with a grin, "Good job, kid. Didn't think you had it in you but it's probably that wild human air," She then turned to you with a wink, "You got quite the keeper." 
Ken mirrored her proud smile.
"A little help, doc?" She nodded at Doctor Barbie, who immediately rushed to her side. Weird Barbie pointed behind her with her thumb, "Give that guy a quick scan before the President gets here, will ya?" 
Weird Barbie was no doubt beyond excited to report the two, and with tons of eyes as witnesses. 
"Hey," Your Ken placed his hand on the small of your back, "I'm sorry about that. You wanna head home or…?" 
Ken was less than pleased by the thought of the day being ruined but he'd understand if it had because of the mere presence of the two. Some may call him dramatic, but to you, he was just making sure of your comfort. 
"No, no," You shook your head, resting your head on his chest, "I'm okay." 
The groans and whines of Mean Ken and Barbie respectively as President Barbie berated their actions were just bonuses to the feeling of you against him. Softening him up from what had happened prior like kneading dough ever so gently.
"I recall a certain someone promising to play his guitar around a campfire for me?" You teased him, hoping to lift his spirits.
"I did, didn't I?" He hummed, grabbing his guitar bag that lay on the beach chair before wrapping his other arm around you, "C'mon, I know the perfect place."
He brought you to the spot furthest from the 'busy zone', though that didn't stop his friends from dropping stuff like a blanket, sausages and marshmallows to roast as a thank you for his service. 
All in all, the night ended on a much higher note, with your boyfriend serenading you with romantic and cheesy songs he learnt back in the real world and stuffing yourselves with some good campfire food.
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» a/n: not me imagining the punch scene from the Friday movie for this piece 😭
» more simu!ken content here: 1 – 2
» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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xetswan · 5 months
Unknowing- Beast of the Inbetween
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[three] [four] [five]
Bella and I walk out of the house with Jacob behind us, him staying behind my sister.
"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here." Jake boldly states.
"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone." Edward tells him, the werewolf steps toward him, attempting to get a reaction. Something he doesn't receive. "I could care less what you need." Jacob says.
"Alright we're done here." My sister's boyfriend announces. "No, you're done here." Jacob threatens him, Bella steps between them as I watch, amused of course.
"Stop, I'm tired of this. From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?" She exclaims but it does nothing, the two get closer to one another.
"Stop!" Again, nothing. So this time I boredly tear them away from each other. Both stumbling.
"Listen to the girl you're both obsessed with, would you?" I give them dirty looks, confused with how stupid they're acting. "Thanks." She mutters.
"Mhm." I hum. "I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine, but we have a lot of problems and this one is a temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?" She explains herself and how they need to knock it off. Both of them stay quiet but then Edward nods, Jacob follows suit right after.
"Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know schedules and stuff." She tries to start off theconversation but they stay quiet. Bella looks over to me, defeated.
"What would the pack prefer, tantrum throwing toddler? Days or nights?" I place my hands on my hips. "Nights." Is all he answers with.
"Will days work for your family, angsty teen?" I turn to the guys who's supposedly going to be my future brother in law. He nods.
"See? How hard was that?" Bella asks them. She weakly smiles at me as I laugh to myself.
After getting away from that hot mess I finally got some relaxing time with my lovers, Alice and Jasper.
At our normal spot where we could be alone together in the woods. Both of them sat in front of me, Alice playing the grass as Jasper fidgeted with my hand.
"How come you two never told me that before you were vampires I was in love with you. Like deeply in love with both of you?" I question suddenly, it definitely being out of nowhere.
Both of them stayed silent at first so I went to apologize but Jasper's voice cut me off. "You had to figure it out on your own. Since you never mentioned it we didn't know how much you knew. What we could say and not say." He explained.
"We're sorry." Alice sincerely says but I shake my head. "Don't apologize." I take a deep breath in. "I just, I would like to hear your point of views on what I was like to you back then. I guess." I giggle softly, the three of us all adjust how we were sitting to be more comfortable.
"Since your first life was with me, I'll go first." Jasper grins, I watch as his dimples form and I smile back.
"Our families were close, when we got a little older they introduced us. Eventually we fell in love. You already know that though." He winks at me, I feel my face warm up but I nod for him to continue.
"You were my person, that's for sure. It was like we were conjoined at one point. You were devoted to the ones you loved. You were kind, you loved helping people, it just made me fall for you even more." I felt him stiff before he said his next sentence. "Then when I signed up for the war everything changed. You were angry, upset with me for doing it. You wanted me to be safe and at home with you and-" He pauses momentarily.
"And the baby you held in your stomach. Even though you were mad at me you wrote to me every day, until it stopped. The last letter I had gotten was that the baby was lively. Kicking a storm in your stomach. I wasn't even told if you were alive or not before I had turned." He closes his eyes, my hand grips his.
"I didn't know I was pregnant." I mumble, it was mainly me thinking out loud. But after it left my mouth Jasper looked right at me.
"You didn't know?" He repeats my question. "No, but it's okay. I feel like I remember it but it's far back in my memories." I explained, shrugging my shoulders. Alice took his hand into hers.
"Continue." I nudged him.
"Well after I turned I found out through Max, the wolf that imprinted on you. He somehow found me. Telling me that even though he imprinted on you nothing happened. You had no interest in him as he would've done anything for you. He explained that you were with soldiers that came through the village. Helping them with something out in the desert field." He tells the story and it brings me back to when I was bit by James.
When my memories flooded back and I was searching for Jasper. I had thought he was with the soldiers. Then havoc struck and some thieves or something came about. I was shot and that's all I remember. I didn't remember having a baby in my stomach though. But thinking about it now. It's all I seem to see in my head.
"I was shot in that desert." I cut him off. Alice and Jasper glanced up at me.
"That's the first memory I ever had from my past life the first time." I tell them.
"When I found out I snuck out from where Maria had us staying, being a newborn vampire it was difficult but I did it. I found the man that killed you. You don't understand the torture I put him through." Jasper painfully admits, I furrow my brows. I can tell he doesn't want me to know though.
"Let's talk about something else." He says.
"Well, since we were speaking about babies a little bit. I uh, I remember giving birth to a boy. You were all there, we seemed close but I wasn't in love with either one of you." I tell them, thinking back to how I was married and telling Rosalie and Alice the news in a bathroom or something.
"That was rough to sit and watch." Jasper looks down. Alice closes her eyes, nodding in agreement.
"You were engaged before we met you. You told us that we seemed familiar. Carlisle wasn't exactly happy for us staying in your life like we did. Neither was Rosalie particularly happy about it but when you got introduced to them it was as if you knew them too." Alice explains. I remember going to the market with just Rosalie, a memory sparking in my mind. How excited she was for me when I told her I was pregnant.
I remember telling the family they were aunts and uncles. How I thought of them as best friends, even family after knowing them for two-three years. They attended my wedding. The memories were little flashes. Like I was thinking about my childhood.
"Wasn't hard to watch me be in love with someone else?" I ask them. Jasper does a short nod, his face grimacing.
"You have no idea." He chuckles. "But you were happy and that's all that mattered to us." He kisses my hand, keeping it in his hold.
"It was more difficult after you gave birth. You passed from childbirth. We wanted to change you right then and there but that was a selfish thought. Even though beforehand you had told the nurses about your past lives. Whispering how you needed to see us." Alice's voice was soft, I can tell it was hard for both of them to remember these things.
I remember the childbirth, only getting to hold my baby for five minutes before it all went downhill. My husband's horrified face. It's weird being technically 17 and being older in past lives. Living through adult things and going back down to a teen. Who is now forever a teen, even in past lives I never made it past 22 years old.
"Your son was a sweetheart. We stayed to help your husband until your baby was 4. He found another woman. She was good to both of them. We kept tabs on them, making sure no one hurt either one of them." Alice smiles at the memory. I felt myself grin as well, grateful to know that they lived a good life. Something I don't think I ever really had.
"I would love to share my life with you but there's things that I don't want to talk about." Alice begins to talk, my eyes shift over to her form. She's been in her head this whole time and I can tell. I give her a small smile when she makes eye contact with me.
"That's alright, we have infinity together for you to be ready to talk about it." I remind her, pulling her into a kiss. I feel her hand grip onto my bicep.
I smirk, opening my eyes to look down at the hand. We gently push away from each other.
"You've been very handsy lately." I announce out loud, Jasper laughs. "What? I feel like I'm always handsy." She disagrees with me, I look over to Jasper who puts his hands up in defense.
"You're not going to have my back, Jasper?" She exclaims in shock, her hand still dragging down my arm.
We just stare at her, watching her get all flustered until finally she sighs out. "Okay, fine. Ever since you became a hybrid, your muscles are distracting." She avoids eye contact with me now, I tilt my head, smirking at this new found information.
"Oh, you like these muscles?" I pull the short sleeves up over my shoulders and flex both my arms. Showing them off to my partners.
Kissing at my biceps. She shoves me backwards playfully. "You're annoying." She groans, hiding her face in her hands.
"Mmm, I don't think I am." I get closer to her, purposely flexing my arms as I do so. I gently take her face in my hands and forcefully kiss her once again.
"Hey, I feel a little left out." Jasper quietly speaks up after a few moments. We stop to look at him, then look at each other before pouncing on him.
It of course comes to an end when I have to join Bella to the Rez so the rest can have their night to hunt.
At the edge of the forest I look at my lovers, Alice has a hair strand out of place that I know later Jasper and I are going to hear about and how we should've told her. I smile to myself.
I join Bella, Jacob and Edward in their weird divorce parent looking handover of their lover girl. Who is also my sister and I have to be a part of this weird bullshit.
"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward questions aloud.
"I'm good here, you should go." Bella tells the vampire, he pulls her closer. "I'm not going to be long." He whispers to her. I roll my eyes, looking away from the sight. "Don't rush. You need to hunt." Bella tells him.
He then grabs her into a long, nasty sounding kiss. I know it's to purposely piss off the wolf across from us. I chuckle to myself. He pulls away.
"Maybe you rush a little bit." My sister teasingly tells him.
She takes my hand and walks us over to Jacob. I look back at Edward and give him a thumbs up while making a "I'm proud of you" face.
Jacob pulls Bella into a hug having her let go of my hand.  "Hey, beautiful." Nice game, Jakey.
"Hi." Bella smiles.
Edward's car speeds down. "So, whaddaya wanna do today, Swans? Bike, hike, hang? Your call, but we're going to a party tonight." Jacob tells us, opening the door for us in his truck. Of course Bella gets in the middle.
"You sure this is okay? I really hate being a party crasher." Bella nervously looks around her as I am mentally freaking out. "Yeah dude, I definitely should not be here." I chime in.
"Technically, you're both council meeting crashers, see the council leaders, dad, quil's grandpa, sue clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died." Jacob informs us, completely ignoring what I said.
"Okay, we should not be here." Bella puts our steps to a halt. "You're okay. I thought, I mean they thought it would be good for you two to hear the histories." He points mainly to his dad who was already staring at us. "The histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"
"We all got a role to play. And you're a part of this. [Name]'s a huge part of this. I mean, it's the first time Seth, Leah and Quil are hearing them, too. But you are the first outsider. Ever. [Name] is not much of an outsider." He glances at me and I press my lips together tightly.
"If I had have known that, I wouldn't believe you. And would've dressed better." Bella sighs, picking at her clothes.
"Jake." Seth, a boy I've sort of met before trots up to us like a little excited puppy. You can tell he idolizes Jacob.
"Hey, it's about time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub. But I saved you some burgers." Set tells him with a toothy grin.
"Good looking out, bro. Bella this is Seth Clearwater. Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." Jacob introduces them.
"Newest, bestest, brightest." Seth gloats.
"And slowest." Jacob grabs the boy in a headlock, the two tumble to the sand. Seth laughs, I smile at the sight.
As kids when I came up here without Bella. He looked up to Jacob then too. Seth always wanted to play with us.
A whistler comes from the circle.
"Come on. Your dad's about to start." Seth says, slightly out of breath. "Alright." Jacob pats him. The boy looks at me with a certain expression. His eyes widen once he realizes who I am.
"[Name]." He mutters out and I give him a small nod.
"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning." Billy starts as we all sit around the fire.
"But we've always had magic in our blood." I look around at everyone's faces. Their attention wholly being on Billy.
Sam was an exception, his eyes laid on me. My upper lip twitched in realization. I shift in place, fixing my attention back to the commanding chief.
"We were great spirit warriors... shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe." He explains.
"One day our warriors came across a creature.." His eyes then met mine and I wanted to shrink into a bug at that moment. "It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice." I shivered from the words, feeling the heat of the fire but thinking of my lover's cold feeling, especially from earlier.
I shook my head from the thoughts that erupted in my mind. "Our warrior's sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it." I think back to when I was a wolf. The feeling of the sharp teeth in my mouth.
"They lived in fear, the Cold man was not alone. And they were right."
"She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief. Taha Aki was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. But it wasn't only the beautiful thing that was angered. She had a beast with her. Once that was stuck in between worlds as both combined. She had been spying on the village pretending to be with the wolves. Turning into one the village believed they could trust her. She turned on them when the cold woman came to take her vengeance." Everyone's eyes glanced at me and I felt the heat of the fire engulf me.
"Taha Aki's wife could see that he would lose. "
"The third wife of Taha was no magical being, no special powers but one...Courage." Billy said in a powerful tone.
The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman, and beast of the inbetween, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy them. She saved the tribe." I felt something on my neck, it was a quick sharp pain and then a hot burning sensation around my body.
I was shocked that they could easily kill the monster who I am now. I thought I was more invincible than I really am.
"Over time, our enemies have disappeared but one remains, the Cold Ones. The Beast of the Inbetween comes and goes. Sometimes an enemy. Other times...an ally." His eyes stare into me.
"Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready. All of us."
Sorry for the late ass post. No excuses just had no energy to write lmao!!!
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
If you don’t see yourself I might have missed you or I cannot tag you because it won’t let me. Lmk if you’ve already asked and was not tagged! I apologize if that happened!!!!
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
its midnight and im sleeby but i finished this thing i started scribbling out this afternoon based on @harringroveera 's post that i couldnt get outta my brain
i think i might have angsted it up a little cuz i can't help myself but its still cute so. pls enjoy
Billy's not super clear on where he is right now.
There are people everywhere. Yelling. Laughing. Music plays over a big fancy sound system. There's a blurry blue light glowing through glass sliding doors that he's been staring at for a little while 'cause it's…pretty. Twinkly and stuff. 
He's too many drinks past a good buzz, that much he's sure of. His head feels. Floaty. And heavy. And if he tries to move the room starts to spin. 
Whatever he's sitting on is comfy though. Soft. Softer than his damn mattress with that broken spring that's always stabbing him in the ribs. 
He's tired. Really tired.
Feels like he hasn't slept in months.
To his left a girl starts squealing as her boyfriend grabs her around the waist, to his right a speaker vibrates against the wall, buzzing to the beat of a deep bassline. Everything sounds far away, though. White noise blending together while the edges of his vision go fuzzy and faded.
He feels his head tip, just a little, and then—
With a sharp inhale he jolts, blinks, glancing around blearily at a silent, empty room.
It's still dark out. The blue glow still shimmers at him through glass. A lamp lights the room he's in. Everything's…shapes. Colours. His brain is still mushy.
He blinks a couple more times. His eyes are dry. Wobbly. All the shapes are wobbly.
"Hey, man, party's over." A voice startles him. He tries to look around, but it fucking hurts, and moving his head is so much work. Whatever, it's a nice voice. Way nicer than the jarring silence. 
Wait, why's the party over. He doesn't want the party to be over.
He wrinkles his nose. "Nooo…" 
"...Yeessss." There's a pause. "Everyone is gone, dude."
"No." Billy rubs his eyes. The chair is still so comfy. He sinks further into it, unwilling to move. "You're here."
"It's my house. I'm allowed to stay." The voice sounds amused. There's some rustling behind Billy. Plastic crinkling. Maybe. Something being moved around. "Why are you even here, anyways?" 
Hazy memories jumble together. A flask of vodka in his pocket, slipped under itchy robes. Sitting two heads away from Steve Harrington, sneaking glances between barely concealed shots. A droning speech. Another droning speech. Neil's solemn face in a crowd, watching him walk across the stage to shake hands with…the guy. The. Whatever.  
Some girl digging her talons into his arm after he slipped away from Neil's attempts to maintain a public image by acting like he gave a shit about his son's accomplishments. Beer and cheap tequila and shitty music blurring into each other as he gets dragged around like a trophy dangling off the elbow of whichever nameless girl claimed him for the night.
"Graduated," he says, picking at a sticky spot on the thigh of his jeans. Pinching the fabric isn't doing anything but he can't stop prodding. 
"Yeah, I know, with honors. Congrats." There's a huff. A silence. "Doesn't explain why you're here though." Footsteps, sneakers on linoleum, tap tap tap, meandering around whatever room is at his back. Glass bottles getting moved around. It's sort of soothing to listen to someone move around their house without any reason to be keeping track of their movements.
Well, unless…
Billy's stomach flips, and his chest goes tight. "You're not gonna kick me out are you?" he asks, his voice small. He feels sick, saying it. Thinking about it. He doesn't want to be anywhere else. This house smells sweet under the stink of spilled beer and leftover perfume. And he likes this chair.
The movement behind him stops for a second. "...Nnno?"
He breathes. Relaxing into velvety upholstery. "'Kay." 
"You sure you don't have anywhere to be? Family waiting up? Girlfriend expecting a midnight rendezvous?" 
Billy snorts. "No one gives a shit where I am." 
Neil will care tomorrow when Billy makes him look bad by pulling up hungover and in yesterday's clothes, but that's a problem for tomorrow. He won't be waiting up for him, worrying about Billy's safety or whatever.
A glass bottle clinks against something. "What about your sister?"
"Pfff…" He snickers, and gives his head a tiny shake. The movement makes everything spinny for a second and he has to pause to swallow bile. The sour taste on his tongue feels appropriate. And gross. "I fucked up. Everything. Beat the shit outta her friend. She's prolly hoping I don' come home at all. Ever."
Another glass bottle gets set down, slower this time. Carefully. "...This friend of hers…"
"Steve," Billy sighs. His eyes fall shut and he leans back into a cushioned headrest. His insides do the stupid fluttery thing they always do when he thinks about Steve. Steve and his stupid kissable face. 
"It was pretty dumb of him to pick a fight with you, huh," the voice says wryly. 
"Mnh…I guess." There's a soft snort behind him. But something prickles at Billy. Guilt, maybe. It's uncomfortable. He chews his lip as his eyes start to burn. "Nah. No. Whole thing was my fault. All my fault. S'always my fault." 
Saying it doesn't make it feel better.
"What do you mean?" There's sounds anymore. Just the voice, and Billy's heartbeat in his ears.
"It's…" Billy swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's a secret."
"I'm good at keeping those."
"You can't tell him."
"...I definitely will not tell him."
Billy hums. "He's real pretty, y'know."
"So I've been told, but what—"
"No, he's…he's so pretty. Like, I can't believe it sometimes, and I just wanna. Do something about it. All the time. But it hurts. Hurts so bad, and it's not supposed to, so I had to—I had to…I just got so mad. And I had to prove I didn't wanna kiss him, but I do. 'Cause I like him so much. Too much."
The silence is back. Ringing in Billy's ears. He sniffles quietly. 
"Please don't tell him. Or anyone."
There's a strained pause. Billy fidgets, his insides twisting into knots. 
"I promise." The voice is so gentle, and it makes Billy's eyes sting again. He blinks away tears and listens to more bottles being moved. Plastic cups hitting plastic bags. Sneakers against linoleum, and hardwood, and carpet. And after a while, "You're not gonna spend all night in the chair, are you?"
"You said—"
"I'm not kicking you out, I just meant. There's a guest bed, man," 
Sunlight hits Billy directly in the face and he rolls over, groaning. 
The motion makes his stomach lurch, but he buries his face in…pillowcase. Unfamiliar pillowcase. Smells like honeysuckle and clean air and it's softer than any bedding he's ever touched. 
His legs are tangled in sheets just as sweet-smelling and finely woven, and his guts give another heave as he realizes he's only wearing briefs. 
Did…did he fuck someone last night?
He was definitely drunk enough to do something that stupid, if the cottonmouth and pounding headache are any indication, but he doesn't fucking remember. Which would normally be a blessing, except he usually doesn't stay the goddamn night. 
Is he going to have some girl hanging all over him for the first couple weeks of summer? Until he can figure out how to ditch her without making it look like he's too eager to.
Or maybe he'll stick around for a little while, this bed is actually ridiculous. He might be able to fake his way through one shitty summer fling if it means sleeping like a goddamn king. There are like, five pillows, and it feels like he's laying on a cloud. 
He nuzzles deeper into the pillowcase. Smells nice too.
His memories of the previous day mostly stop around Tammy Whatsherface dragging him away for a graduation afterparty. Maybe he shouldn't have started drinking at noon. 
Christ, he's not even sure how he got here, or where his car is. 
Or where here is.
It's one of the Loch Nora houses, probably. Nowhere else would have sheets like this.
Eventually he drags himself, reluctantly, out of bed. And immediately tastes bile.
Which is. Bad. 
Being upright is bad. 
And he doesn't know where the nearest toilet is. Which could be extremely bad. Girls whose carpets you puke on don't invite you back to sleep in their nice guest rooms.
So, he's very slow and careful about pulling his jeans on. And he makes sure to pause when he starts to feel clammy, sitting on the floor to stop his head spinning. 
It takes him forever to get mostly dressed, jeans and an undershirt are enough. He can't find his button-up and socks require too much bending down, which his dehydrated brain does not appreciate. 
Peeking out into the nondescript hall doesn't provide any more answers about whose house this is. It's all shiny boring expensive decor and not a single person in sight.
Oh, looks like there's a bathroom at the end of the hallway though, good. 
He beelines for the sweet promise of a place to piss and rinse out his mouth, shuffling past a couple closed doors, listening for any signs of life and hearing nothing, until he shoulders his way into the bathroom and freezes in his tracks, because—
"Hey, uh. You're awake." Steve Harrington blinks at him, standing in front of a plain oval mirror, hairbrush in hand. Which he obviously hasn't used yet, because the bedhead he's sporting is kind of hilarious. It's all fluff in every direction. Billy wants to run his hands through it. 
Worse, though, is the fact that he's bare chested, wearing an unzipped hoodie and soft plaid pants, with all that fucking chest hair, and he's looking at Billy with a curious expression that isn't remotely like any way he's ever looked at Billy before and this is…all very, very strange.
So, obviously Billy's theory about what happened last night was wrong. He's not even back to square one, he has less than no idea what the fuck is happening.
"...Yes," Billy responds after a beat too long. 
Very smooth.
The corner of Steve's mouth twitches. There's something soft and warm about the amusement twinkling in his eyes and it's making Billy itch. 
"I think I'm gonna puke."
Steve snorts, and drops his hairbrush on the vanity. "Right, I'll get out of your way then." He sidles past Billy, far too close, patting his shoulder as he passes. Which does not help when he's just barely keeping his shit together.
His footsteps fade down the hallway at Billy's back. And Billy doesn't move. 
What the actual fuck.
He slams the bathroom door shut behind him, and leans his forehead against it, trying to breathe slowly through his nose. 
They didn't have sex last night. There's no way. He did not fuck Steve Harrington.
He couldn't have. Steve would never…
He's not…
That's just. Not what happened. Because that would never happen. 
It kind of looks like that's what happened, but it's not. 
He sits on the floor, head in his hands. And breathes. 
It's unclear how long he stays curled up on cold tile. Long enough that his legs start to feel stiff. Nothing about last night comes back to him. He sighs.
And gets up.
And splashes some water on his face. Drinks a little from the tap. Uses some of the mouthwash he digs out from under the counter. Takes a piss.
He's still unsteady. His temples throb if he moves too quickly. But he feels a little less like roadkill.
Steve waves at him when he spots him coming down the stairs. Waggles his fingers in the air, like they're best buds and this situation isn't the most surreal thing to happen to them since the Byers' weirdly trashed living room.
Billy rubs the back of his neck. "...Hey."
Steve pulls out two mugs, one of his thumbs stuck through a hole in the cuff of his sleeve. There's sunlight warming the honey-coloured highlights in his hair.
Yeah, no, this is definitely more fucked up than finding Max in a random house with a busted window and shitty drawings everywhere.
He might actually have lost his mind.
"What the fuck happened last night?" He blurts, his cheeks hot, fingers jittery. He shoves his hands in his pockets, fists balled up against his thighs.
Steve glances at him out of the corner of his eye. "Ah, figures you don't remember."
"Don't remember what?"
"You were pretty out of it."
"Yeah, thanks, I know that part."
Steve snorts, grabbing more things out of cupboards. Billy's paying more attention to his hands than what's in them. "You didn't want to leave, so I let you sleep upstairs."
"You didn't say, just said you didn't have anywhere else to be."
"That's not what I meant." He knows exactly why he didn't want to leave. All the many reasons why he'd rather be here than under Neil's roof. Or anywhere else. What doesn't make any fucking sense is Steve accommodating him. 
Steve's eyes flicker to his again, briefly, before he turns back to the counter. When he shrugs the nonchalance seems forced. "You're a lot nicer when you're plastered."
"I…" Billy opens his mouth. Shuts it again. 
What the fuck does that mean. 
Steve fidgets with a spoon. "You got…kind of weepy, y'know."
His shoulders go tense, jagged edges of a shield around what's left of his dignity. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snaps. It's all he can muster when he doesn't know what the fuck he was crying about. Every possibility is worse than the last.
"Yeah, you wish," Steve mutters.
Billy freezes. 
And doesn't recover quick enough to hide it from Steve. Steve's eyebrows shoot up. "Holy shit, it's true isn't it?" He turns around fully, the mess he's made of the counter forgotten. 
"I—don't know what you're talking about." His stupid deer-in-the-headlights expression is mostly under control but the sudden tremble in his voice definitely fucking isn't. 
He backs away a step and then stops. Where the fuck is he going to go, he doesn't know where his car is, where his keys are, and he's fucking barefoot. Running upstairs and locking himself in Steve's bathroom seems just a little too pathetic but that doesn't mean he doesn't consider it.
Billy clenches his jaw. It makes his head pound. "What exactly did I say last night?" He grits out, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Steve eyes him. Slowly, carefully. Deliberating. He chews his bottom lip. The silence is fucking agonizing. 
"Can't tell you," he finally replies, his voice light. One corner of his mouth lifts into half a smile, and scratches his cheek. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone."
"That's…" Billy rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand, like he's looking for the button to restart his poor, confused brain. He drops his hand, exasperated, eyebrows creeping up to his hairline. "Steve, what the fuck."
Steve cracks a full-blown grin. "I told you I'm good at keeping secrets."
"I swear to god—"
"Aw c'mon, I can't break a promise! Especially 'cause you asked so nicely. You were so polite. It was very cute."
He can't have heard that right.
Or Steve's just fucking with him. That's what's going on here. Billy let something slip last night and now Steve's holding it over his head. Because why wouldn't he, honestly. He has every reason to want to mess with Billy, and now he's got the perfect leverage.
"Billy." Steve's voice is soft, suddenly. His expression gentles, and he moves to close the gap between them. And Billy…doesn't get it. He's stalled out and stuck trying to figure out how this is gonna go wrong, how it fits into whatever prank Steve is clearly pulling.
He doesn't know what his face is doing, but he's pretty sure he's being way more readable than he'd like. 
He nearly jumps out of his skin when Steve touches him. A hand on his shoulder. A hesitant, awkward pat. Testing the waters, maybe. Trying to make sure he's real, maybe.
Is any of this real? Billy's still not convinced. He can smell Steve's shampoo and see all the little flecks of colour in his eyes and his shoulder is still burning where they made contact, but…
"I'm sorry I hurt you, y'know," Steve murmurs, his gaze dropping, hovering somewhere around Billy's crossed arms. He reaches out again, fingers grazing Billy's knuckles this time. All Billy can do is blink at him, afraid to breathe. "Doesn't have to be like that."
He tugs at Billy's hand, untucking it from the crook of his elbow, unfolding Billy's arms, and Billy lets him. One hand drops to his side and the other stays cradled in Steve's grip. He's…staring at it like he's studying for a test. Billy has no idea what's so fucking interesting, or what Steve's talking about, but he's also not bothered at this point. 
His knees feel like jello. 
"You could've just kissed me."
Billy nearly collapses. Like one of those swooning chicks in shitty romance novels. Breathless and flushed and overwhelmed. Except he just stands there like a moron, staring at Steve. And Steve's mouth.
"What?" he manages not to sound too strangled. Miraculously. 
Steve smiles at him, almost sheepishly. "You still could. I wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, I mean, if you had morning breath still it might be a different story, but…" Steve gestures vaguely, pulling Billy's hand along with him as he shrugs. 
Billy snorts.
And hey, maybe Steve is messing with him, and this will blow up in his face, but…
Well, he just really wants to kiss him before it does.
So he leans in and presses their lips together. 
~~tag list @spreckle @growup-thatbeautiful @prettyboy-like-you @suddenlyinlove
314 notes · View notes
black-moon-bunny · 2 years
The first signals.
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Sister y/n tries to compose herself after her "experience" with the ghouls, but her mind doesn't let her at ease, a strange dream haunts her. Cirrus gets worried after picking some signs from the sister and goes to talk with Papa Secondo. Swiss decided to take care of Sister y/n and took matters on his own hands.
Chapter one. Chapter two. Chapter three. Chapter Four.
Pairing: Swiss x F!Reader, Dewdrop x F!Reader. Mentions of Aether x Dewdrop, Mountain x Rain.
Warnings: A lot of plot. Mentions of death and rebirth. Mentions and a slight scene with Lucifer himself (yeah the big boss is involved in this ) Smut. Knotting , some Dom and Sub dynamics. Reader is knoted by Swiss. Omegaverse terminology (rut , knot, scent, marking etc ) +18, NSFW , Minors DNI.
All the pictures were taken from the internet/Pinterest so credits to their respective creators, I just edited them.
A.N: Hey! Sorry for being away again, I'm struggling a bit with some things but nothing serious. Here's the fourth chapter of this story. I wanted to give special thanks to @hauntedboobees who helped me getting out of the writers block and had been an amazing company this last week. This is for you sweetheart! 💕 And for all the people that supports this fanfic ✨ Thank you so much for reading ✨
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She woke up somewhere close to the Church headquarters, Swiss still dozed on her shoulder and she could hear Dew’s voice from the front of the bus. She didn't even remember getting fully dressed but she was with her dress and stockings. She let out a small whimper trying to move. Her body felt sore and a bit sticky.
— Sister? Are you up? — The soft voice of the ghoulette was soothing in her ears as she felt the last waves of sleep get off of her body — ...We have like ten minutes left to arrive...— Cirrus handed her a bottle of water — Sorry if I step a bit further but I dressed you up while you were sleeping... The shirt that Swiss gave you stinks...
As Cirrus seated close to her, she tried to look to the front of the bus: Mountain and Rain were having an UNO match with Cumulus and Sunshine, Aether was snoring in the middle.
— Don't worry... I'm pretty sure that everyone knew and listened to what happened...— She blushed, taking a sip from the bottle — I'm so sorry for... all of this...
— Oh, don't be. Nothing to be ashamed of, really... Especially with that marvelous body of yours, sister. I'm a bit jealous of Swiss and Dewdrop...— She smiled looking up and down her body with a smirk — If you ever get bored of them, Sunshine and I would be more than happy to welcome you in our bed...
— Oh Cirrus... Stop... I'm red again! —She laughed, Swiss tugged her closer to him.
— Fuck off Cloudy, she is mine... and maybe Dew’s ...— He opened his eyes slowly and kissed her cheek — Did you rest some, y/n?...
— I'm not yours, Swiss...— She laughed and gave him a peck on the lips— And don't be mean with Cirrus.
— Thank you for defending me, y/n. Did you hear that? She is free... Maybe you could be from all of us!
— You guys are nuts...— She laughed again and saw Dewdrop looking from the front of the bus at her, he had a worried expression that she couldn't understand. — But maybe I could think about it....
—Mnn... mine ...— Swiss hugged her tighter to his chest — But maybe... you could think about it...
Dew walked towards her and kissed her forehead, he indeed was worried. How could it be? How she could become a Ghoul like them... She was so young and full of life... He worried about how she was going to adapt to the changes...
— Are you okay, Dew? You look worried...
— Oh... No, Sweets, I'm just tired...— He brushed a strand of hair between her ear and smiled at her as if nothing was bothering him. — So... you are going to stay with us tonight?— He sat next to Cirrus and laid on her legs as she brushed his hair with her fingers.
— Yes... If that's okay with you all...
— It is, you can come everytime you want to our den...— Cirrus kept brushing Dew's hair— And if you want, you can sleep with us...— She winked and laughed a bit at her reaction.
— Oh no, today she is going to sleep with me and Swiss... Right, Sweets…?
— Yes Dew...— The bus stopped suddenly with a loud sound. The driver came out fuming. — What's going on?
— We got a flat tire...— Mountain replied looking through the window. They were close to the abbey but not enough to walk their way to the church. Especially the ghouls; they could easily walk their way to the church, but this late at night their human glare fades a lot easier, her nocturnal primal instincts are stronger. The earth ghoul turned around to look at them, to look at her.— Did you sleep well, Sister? If you need something more comfortable, Rain is super soft to sleep on... and we can cuddle you without suffocating you like those two...— He smiled at Dew’s annoyed expression.
— Yeah but you like when I suffocate you so don't be so cocky, Mounty ...— Dew replied and the ghoul turned red. Rain just laughed his ass off. Aether woke up grumpy and went down the bus to help change the tire, but came back even more grumpy.
— We don't have the spare... Someone took it off last ritual to go down a hill...— He looked at Rain and Dewdrop— You two really forgot to put it back!? Ah... I'm going to call Papa and sort this out... Oh, sorry Sister y/n, we are going to take a bit longer...
— Don't worry, big guy... Do you want me to help with anything?
— I could think about a couple of things but...— He licked his fangs in an almost seductive manner — Swiss will kill me if I take you away tonight...
— Oh, come on... You are all going to hit on me?
— Yes...— All of them replied at the same time. She got red, bursting out laughing. It was nonsense. Two days ago she didn't even knew them and now they were all trying to get in her panties? Unbelievable...
— You pervs...— She got up slowly and walked towards Aether grabbing his tie — Let's go big boy, call our Papa and I will help you to change the tire...
— At your orders, Sister...— He smiled, letting himself be dragged outside the bus. Cirrus looked at Swiss and Dewdrop. It was her chance to talk with them now that she was outside. She moved Dew from her lap and looked at them with a serious and concerned expression but keeping her strong character, the softness and elegance of the air bloodline.
— I need to talk with you about something important... It's about y/n actually...— She saw the confused expression of Swiss, but couldn't point out the feeling that Dewdrop eyes expressed.
—What is it? That she is going to become a ghoul like us? No... like Rain, a reborn...— Dew replied a bit harshly.
— Who told you…? You were listening…?
— Wait, what!? She…!?— Swiss looked in disbelief. It couldn't be... but that could explain a lot actually.
— Yes Swiss... It's a long story, can you two hear me out…?—She explained all to them and looked right at Dew — You cannot tell her, that's our boss job... Promise me that, Dew...
—Why? She has the right to know, it's her life that we are talking about! What about that? What about the fact that she is going to die to be reborn?! —The tip of his horns turned a bit red and a soft red glow creeped in his eyes.
— Lower your fucking voice, Dewdrop...— Her eyes turned completely icy blue. She took a deep breath and returned to her relaxed expression.— ... It is but you know what the shock could do to her? She will probably leave the church, she could hurt herself; she could do a lot of messed up things or never speak to us again. We are going to scare her with the truth if we just go and say that to her... Papa is going to talk with her about it. They have been friends for a long time, he is the best to do this for now... And after all... He is Papa now.
— ...She will hate us if... if she doesn't want to be one of us and her destiny obliges her...— Swiss mumbled a bit worried. He had just found her, he didn't want to lose her so soon.
— We are going to do anything that we can to ensure that she has a decent and safe transition... I promise, but please, none of you can say the truth to her for now...
— So when she burned her hand....—Dew replied — The door was...
— Marking her. The changes are supposed to start in a few months... Copia intends to talk with her about it soon. We have a week starting from next week and he wants to reveal it to her by that time... Can you wait for the week, Dew, please...
— I will do my best... But if she doesn't know by the end of this month, I'm going to tell her. You are all warned.
The door opened again and she went up with Aether, a bit blushed and breathy. She helped him to move the big tire away as he lifted the bus, and she got tired quickly; her body was still wasted from the encounter with Swiss and Dew.
—Well, Copia should be here in a couple of minutes. And you two should take care of her, she almost faints helping me...— He laughed and walked her to the seat near Swiss and Dewdrop.
— I'm... tired...—She laughed a bit, feeling her legs tingle a bit for exhaustion.
After some time, they heard the motor of Copia's vehicle. They all went down to help change the tire. She walked towards him to greet him again.
— Ah Sister, you are awake. How do you feel…?
— How did you know…?—She blushed a bit.
—I came to talk with the ghouls before leaving and I saw you sleeping with Swiss and Dewdrop...— He smiled looking at her glowing face — You seemed so relaxed and at ease that I couldn't wake you up...
— Oh, Papa...— She laughed looking at his hands, she never had seen him without the gloves. His hands were roughed up and dirty. — You went looking for the tire yourself?
— Oh yeah... It was at the little house in the garden... And I didn't want to bother the sisters who are up at this hour...
— Our always handy and sweet Cardinal... Pardón, Papa, our Papa....
— I'm still the same bella, Copia for you. It doesn't matter... not when we are alone or with the ghouls. But thank you for the respect...
— You are going to be a great Papa... I'm glad that we can still be friends… Copia.— She looked at the ghouls playing with the pinch tire and they both laughed. She felt so at ease... Besides the copious amounts of dopamine rushing through her bloodstream, the whole situation felt dreamy.
— You believe that?... I'm still having some doubts, Cara… It's… How is the word... Huh... I have to fill great shoes...
—It’s big shoes...— They both laughed a bit of the tension off.— Why? You are a great man, you have passion in your blood, your speeches are amazing and moving; your presence on the stage for Devil's sake... Why fill some other shoes…? Why not create your own...?
—... I'm glad that you believe in me with such fervor but I'm still worried about some aspects of the role... Being in charge is complicated, you have to be there for the congregation, si? You need to step up in conversations and give your opinion... And the old man still behaves somewhat... hostile?... I don't want to let anyone down...
— You will not... You could never let me down at least.
He felt how his muscles tensed listening to that. If she only knew all of the things that were said and thought about her in the last year... He felt guilty. She trusted him and still, he could not tell her the truth... At least not for now, but how could he find the perfect moment? How to say in a smooth way that she was going to die and be reborn in a ghoul during a stupid clergy ceremony? How could he say to her that she has been chosen to be a new ghoul under his papacy...?
— Hey, are you okay... Copia?— She watched as the expression in his face became more somber.
— Y/n, I... I want you to know that no matter what happens in the future, you can always reach for me and I will be there for you...
—... Why the sudden statement? Are you okay? I mean, I know that this is a special moment but you seem sad... It's not time to be sad, Papa. You need to celebrate your new "job" — She looked him right in the eyes with a subtle caring expression—... And I know, you are pretty much my best friend, I will always reach for you… Now cheer up!
— Hey! Papa! Sister, we are ready! Papa, are you coming to the den later? We want to celebrate...—Aether walked towards them. He saw how Copia was a bit tense, he also wanted to help.
— Oh no, I'm an old man and eh... I have to make sure that… the little guys are in bed and fed... Have fun but I want you tomorrow at eight for morning mass.
— Yes papa...
— And you, Sister... Take care and have a good night...— He kissed her forehead and felt a strong scent, she smelled like a pomegranate... That was new.— And rest, please... Don't let them keep you up all night.
After saying the proper goodnights, everyone went back to the bus and back on the road. As soon as they were on the church grounds, she felt a strange feeling of being watched from above. She looked to the left tower and saw the bright white eyes. She could feel shivers. That was not Terzo, not Primo... Secondo was watching her, a part of her felt that she was already in problems for this but she never expected that the problems were going to come from Papa Secondo. She tried to look down and keep walking, her body still felt a bit sore from the rough treatment, but she couldn't complain about anything, she wanted all of it. As she approached the hide entrance to the ghouls den, something inside her stirred; there was this pressure in the back of her head that was becoming a little bit annoying and she felt a bit lightheaded, dizzy even.
She could hear the ghouls making jokes about how Copia seemed so confident on stage but then he couldn't even ask for a coffee without stuttering some words while walking to the den. Swiss approached her from behind and hugged her tightly against his chest.
— Mnn... I'm hungry, Sweets... Is it okay if I eat you as soon as we get to the den…? — He buried his face in the crock of her neck but her scent was off, she smelled a bit more acidic but not sweet. — Are you okay…?
— Swiss... —She felt the red crippling to her cheeks — I'm okay but I'm hungry in the "I want to eat food" way... Can we eat something first?— She felt a low pitch in her ears, her vision was somewhat blurry. She just blamed it on her hunger and exhaustion.
— Don't worry about it. Mountain left dinner ready for us before we left... Are you really okay…? Y/n?
— I'm... a bit dizzy. Maybe it's because I'm hungry or something like that...— As they made their way closer to the main gate to the den, the dizziness got stronger. Swiss looked at her worried; she was turning pale as they got near the entrance, even her lips seemed purple. When they were almost inside the den, he saw how her body collapsed. He took her in his arms and alerted the rest of the ghouls who came worried to help her. They let her rest on the couch. Her skin seemed almost transparent.
— This... Could this be related to the ritual? ...I mean, the ghoul turning thing...
— Could be. Secondo told us that we still had some time but... her body is already failing— Mountain replied. His always calm demeanor seemed off, he was worried. If they didn't have that much time... How were they going to deal with it? How will she deal with it…?
— ...It's not our fault, isn't it?— Dewdrop sat next to her and got closer to his chest. Her heart was still beating, she was breathing slowly. But her skin didn't have any color...
—...Maybe we just speed the process...— Cirrus intervened. She looked at Mountain and told him to heat the food and prepare some hot beverage for her. — I will talk to Copia. Maybe we could find something in the books about the process and how much time she has...
—I’m going to take her to my room... Dewdrop, can you stay with her? She needs something warm.
—I’m on it— They left her slowly on Swiss’ bed and Dewdrop laid down next to her, hugging her carefully, heating her body with his own heat. Swiss looked at them with mixed feelings. He was excited to have a new member in the den but he never saw the process of a reborn. When they met Rain, he had already been converted years ago so they never saw directly to the process. And he was worried that she would hate them after knowing the truth and their involvement in the process.
As the body heat that radiated from Dewdrop slowly brought back her color, her consciousness was still gone. She felt trapped inside of a dream.
In her dream she was standing in front of a mirror, but the reflection seemed off. She was dressed completely in black and even had a black veil over her face. She tried to lift the veil but something stopped her. Then a deep voice began to talk to her.
— Are you sure that you want to see under the veil? Are you afraid of the truth?
— Who are you? ...Why am I here?
— I'm the one you worship... The one that put you in this path, Sister.
—...You are our Dark Lord? Show yourself! I... I want to see you...
— I don't think you want to, sweet Sister... I don't think that you could even phantom my sight in your brain, you could pass away just by looking at me... Do you know why I'm here?
—…I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know about you either...
— You are here because your soul is looking for the truth... If you are brave enough, lift your veil...
— Why did you bring me here, Dark one…
— Because soon enough you will be mine. Under my wing you will become even more than what you already are... Go on, Sister, lift that veil... Discover your truth...
She was nervous. The whole room was pitch dark besides the mirror in front of her. She saw the pair of glowing red and orange eyes turning blue and then red again like they were flicking as they watched her getting closer to the mirror. She didn't dare to look too close to the creature that was watching her, but she wanted to know what was under her veil and why she couldn't see herself clearly in the reflection of the mirror.
As she was about to lift the veil she saw her hands; they were slimmer and the tip of her fingers were black with burgundy nails that looked a lot like claws. She stopped for a moment as she took a deep breath. She lifted the veil and saw her face, the grayish tone that faded into burgundy right on her temples. Beneath the burgundy curved horns, her lips were black and she had fangs... She knew it was her reflection but she couldn't match the look in the mirror with her own body. That was the body of a ghoul. She let out a scream when she realized that it was her in a ghoul form...
— What does this mean?...Why do I look like that?!
— You will soon know your truth... Now go, they are waiting for you...
She wanted to ask more questions but she felt like a fire blaze pushing her away from the mirror and the eyes that scorched her soul.
She woke up feeling suffocated; she was gasping for air and felt a scream trapped in her throat. She was agitated and disoriented, her eyes were looking for something in the dark to hold on and felt warm tears fell down her face and she didn't even understand why she was crying. Dewdrop woke up from his nap beside her and tried to calm her down.
— Sister... Sister, calm down, it's me. It's me, Dewdrop… Hey...
—...Dewdrop, I... I just had a nightmare... I'm... I'm so sorry...
— It's okay, don't worry. You are here in Swiss’ room. You blacked out from exhaustion and uh… I dozed off, maybe you had a nightmare because I was too hot near you... Did I burn you?
—No, no...— She looked at her hands, she still felt the claws at the tip of her fingers.—... Dew, do you think that... nightmares can bring visions?
— Huh? Why? What did you dream of?
— It's nothing serious, just... I heard the voice of Satan in my dreams and I can swear that I saw his eyes...
— ...You dreamed with our boss? I mean, the boss of bosses... Damn, that's cool... I don't even remember how he looked like...
— He is like... your dad? I mean, the father of the ghouls or something?
— Eh... well, no, that would make us all related and... Iugh...—They both laughed as she relaxed with the conversation. Dew’s hands were comforting her sore muscles with soft strokes. They felt warm and cozy up and down her back and shoulders as she let herself rest with her back against the chest of the ghoul. — We are not directly related to him... Well, to them. There's more than one boss for us, he just stands higher... To not make this so long, basically we are born from demons, we have a "family" but most of the time we are on our own, and then you have the reborn ghouls, humans that... well, become ghouls after a special ritual but… it’s not that common.
— So you are not related to each other… And how did you ended up here?
— Well, we were summoned here a long time ago except Swiss, Rain and Sunshine. Swiss just came here because his brother gave his position to him… And no, Sweets, we are not related. We are ghouls, not monsters. We do not fuck with our family.
— Swiss has a brother? —She turned around to look at him, she was a bit surprised —
— Yeah but they don't get along too well... Omega is much of an asshole and he is always around Terzo so we never see him that much. Rain was brought by Mist, one of the ghoulettes from Terzo's era and Sunshine was brought here because Ifrit, her older brother, recommended her... Do you feel better?
— I do... Woah, there's a lot that I need to know about you guys...—She joked pinching Dew's cheek — I'm hungry...
Dew was trying his hardest. He wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be ok and that they were going to help her, but Cirrus’ words hammered in his head. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away from them and he knew that Swiss would never forgive him if he did anything that could hurt her. He could understand why; she was magnetic to them, she was full of energy, she was caring and weird like them. She was going to fit so well with them as a ghoul... But he was scared that she would hate her life, losing everything that she already knew to change into an eternal life as a ghoul.
— Oh yeah, let me tell Swiss you are up, ok?
—Thanks....—She still felt a bit nervous, her dream felt too real. She could feel in her head where the horns were supposed to be.
She still felt the scorching stare in her soul. Was it a premonition? Was it a foreshadowing of something that was going to come?
As she tried to compose herself and stand up from bed, Swiss went into the room. Before she could even talk to him, he was lifting her in his arms.
— Don’t you dare, you need to rest. I think that we, eh... Well, maybe we overdid it… I sometimes forget that you are human, you know?
— Swiss, I can walk, you are exaggerating! And tomorrow I have to work so you can not baby me around...
—Who said so?—He nuzzled her hair as he carried to the living room. Aether was sleeping on the couch while Rain and Mountain were cuddling on the floor watching a movie. Dew was heating her some food. Cirrus was nowhere to be found and Sunshine and Cumulus were already sleeping.
— I say so! Come on, let me sit at least...— She felt more at ease with everyone there. She felt protected around them. As Swiss let her down in the seat, Dew puts her a plate of mashed potatoes with herbs and a steak.— Oh Mountain, this looks delicious... Thank you.
— You are welcome, Sister… If you excuse me, Rain it's already falling asleep. Have a good night, and you two, let her rest.— He took the water ghoul in his arms and left for their room.
— Do you feel better? — Dew turned off the TV and moved Aether to wake him up; the quintessence ghoul just grabbed him and hugged him against his chest. — Aeth, come on you big asshole, let go, you are crushing me...
— Mnhg... Firework, be quiet, I'm sleepy... and cold, let me… just...— He snored again. Dew just gave up and turned around letting the big ghoul spoon him.
— I feel better, don't worry...—She and Swiss laughed at Dew and Aether. As they mingled in the living room, Cirrus was in Secondo's chamber talking with him.
She was concerned about the future changes that the sister could face and if their interaction with her could speed the process or affect it in some way.
—I’m so sorry Papa for bothering you this late, but I think that you have the answers to my questions.
— Is it regarding the new ghoulette? Sister y/n?... I saw you together. I have to guess that one of the ghouls managed to get under her skin? Who was it? Dewdrop?... No, Swiss. Primo told me something about finding them alone in the library. At least we kept her a whole year away from the den... If you are here, I'm going to guess that something happened to her. Cirrus please, tell me, what happened…?—He pointed to a small coffee table with a bottle of wine. She took a seat and served him a glass.
— She burned her hand with one of the gates of the den and two marks appeared on her fingertips: a moon and a triangle and then, she blacked out and her skin turned almost translucent.
— Well, she has been already marked by Our Lord, he already picked her element... Her name will come to her in her dreams...
— So we had something to do with it? …Us being closer?
— I would like to say that you don't, just to keep you calm. But I'm not going to sugarcoat this, you are infecting your energy and essence on her and by this, you are accelerating the process. We thought about a year…? Well, six months at best.
— But... If we cut the communication...
— I knew that you would say something like that, tell me... She had sex with one of you?
— ... Swiss and Dewdrop.
— Try to stop them from reaching her, she already burned her scent in their brains. Their bodies once in rut are going to crave for her. And the process once started, little cloud, it cannot be changed or stopped. Tomorrow morning I will call Copia, we are going to have a meeting to talk about her.
—… I'm worried, if she doesn't want this life...
— Don't worry about that... She will be fine. This is a big thing for the church too, Cirrus. It's our first reborn, the sign of a new era for this church... It's no coincidence that we are presented with a new Papa at this time. Trust in Our Lord, Cirrus... Now, let's make a toast for our new ghoulette and the beginning of a new era.
After the toast, she said her goodbyes and returned to the den. She felt a weight in her shoulders; she didn't want to hurt her in any way and she knew that the ritual could be a lot for her to process. She only hoped for Copia and Secondo to help her and lead her way, and to tell her the truth as soon as possible.
In the den, Swiss guided her again to his room. With soft movements he began to undress her, he kneeled in front of her, who was seated on the bed, to take her stockings but as he removed the fabric he got lost in her legs. Caressing the exposed skin and giving soft kisses, she felt how he was restraining himself from getting too excited, how he was fighting the need to spread her legs open and feast on her. The truth was that she was hoping for a little more of the ghoul. She wanted to feel him over her, pressing her body against the mattress, making her moan and crumble underneath his weight. Only thinking about that made her legs press together to soothe some of the ache. He noticed it and her scent began to flow freely around his room. He felt relief at the sweet smell, back to normal, but at the same time he doubted. He didn't want to hurt her or make her collapse like before.
— Are you sure? You almost died before...— He traced a line from her ankles to her inner thigh with one of his claws, slowly, seductively. — I don't want to hurt you, Sweets...
—... Swiss, just...one more time... Don't you want to eat me…? Am I not tasty…?—She felt a bit ashamed but after their spectacle in the bus and hallway, she couldn't deny her true filthy nature in front of him anymore. And she knew it was a dirty trick, but the way in which the face of the ghoul transformed into pure lust and hunger solved all her doubts about her attitude.
— Oh y/n... If you are able to walk tomorrow, you should be thankful... I’m going to destroy you, little minx... Open your legs for me Sister, let me see my sweet treat...
She spread her legs and removed the underwear that she was wearing, the one that they stole from Cumulus after having sex on the bus. Swiss took it and put it in her mouth. She tried to protest but the stare of the ghoul made her quiet.
— You will need this, we can be too loud. The rest is sleeping…— He took a look at her wet sex, her labia was completely coated in her slick. She shimmered under the soft orange light of his room. He opened her labia with his fingers. — Look at that, so wet for me already... You are leaking, sister...— His eyes were glowing like ambers, his mouth watered at the sight. — You are a complete slut, huh? Already so wet... and look at that, you still have my cum inside you...—He slided one of his fingers inside of her with ease, she felt boiling inside. He licked his fangs before eating her out. His tongue pressed flat on top of her clit, licking softly, enjoying her flavor. He sucked the bud, pressing from time to time with his tongue while his fingers moved inside of her. She felt in a cloud, completely lightheaded. Her moans were muffled by the panties in her mouth, her hips moved back and forth looking for more contact with the ghoul. She looked at his horns, the texture seemed inviting for his hands; the black fading to gold in the tip, the armored texture, the shape that slightly curved upwards at the end. She couldn't help it. She grabbed the horns and pulled softly towards her, holding them to press him further into her, riding his face.
The ghoul moaned at the touch, his horns were sensitive. Her hands were so soft and, at the same time, handled him with a bit of strength. His already hard dick leaking huge amounts of precum. He used her help holding him in place to use his hands to relieve some tension, taking his pants and underwear off. He began to pump his hard erection, thrusting his hips into his hand. His tail moved around her legs, giving soft strokes to them. Her muffled moans were becoming louder, she was about to climax just by riding his face. The skilled ghoul's tongue was making wonders between her legs. How it entered his hole and moved inside her while his nose was pressed against her clit, how he devoured her trying to get more and more of her taste in his mouth. He wanted to make her cum over and over, mark her as his even if it lasted only a couple of days. Scent her so strong that no one would even dare to look at her without feeling his presence.
She kept holding his horns or pulling his hair between her fingers. The sounds that they both made were obscene, were pure lust and filth. He was sure that all of the den could hear them, but he didn't care that much. Even with the panties in her mouth she could be heard in the hallway.
— Mngh... Swiss pl-please, just... Ah... right there…
— Mnhpf...— His groans were muffled as she rode his face looking for her climax. Before she could even prepare herself for the feeling, it exploded -the coil bursted inside of her- and she let it out. Swiss kept his face pressed against her as he felt the squirt on his mouth. He pulled out slowly as her hands fell to her sides and left his horns.
— Ah, that... Swiss...
— Look at the mess you made...— He climbed on top of her, pinning her hands above her head with one of his hands. Looking at her body with that glow and fire in his eyes. Licking his fangs and the droplets that fell from his upper lip.— ... Look at that face... Do you want more? I'm sure you do...— He took his shirt off and the panties out of her mouth. She drooled at the sight, she never saw him fully naked. His chest was sweaty, almost shining with a coat of sweat, his arms were toned and with the veins that were marked down to his hands, where the gray of his body fade to black. She wanted to bite his pectorals, his neck, his collarbones, every piece of skin she could reach. She noticed that he had a couple of tattoos but in the dim light of the room she couldn't distinguish them clearly.
— Swiss...— She tried to let her hands free to touch him but he just gave her a sly smirk.
— Oh no... no touching until I told you so...— He rubbed the tip of his dick over her clit a couple of times, earning sweet needy moans from her. She moved her hips looking for more friction. — So eager... Who would have thought that you were so dirty, Sister y/n... I want to hear you say it...
— S-Swiss... no... Don't... tease...
— Oh, come on... Say it, say what you want Sister...
— Mngh... please, just fuck me please…!
—See? It was not that hard... Say it again— He lined the tip of his dick with her entrance, pushing slightly. — Come on...
— Mngh... Swiss, please!... Fuck me already, you... Ah! Fucking tease...
— As you wish, little brat. —He pushed into her with ease: in one push he was already all the way into her. She left out a breathy moan at the intrusion. The air that left her lungs felt hot, like exhaling fire. The air in the whole room felt thick with the primal sounds, the wet slapping, the moans. Her hands were trying to escape from his grip, she desperately wanted to touch him; to feel his hot body with her hands, pulling him closer to her. But his grip was strong. He smirked again while he thrusted into her. The cadenced movement was making her lose every grip that she had in reality, her mind was fogged with pleasure. She felt how his dick reached every spot inside her, how her walls were squeezing the living hell out of him, who was a grunting and gasping mess.
— Mngh… Swiss, I want to... Mgnh... I need to touch...
— Ah! You want to touch me? Huh?— he leaned closer to her ear, biting her earlobe and kissing his neck while he talked — And what if I don't let you?
— Mnhg... Don't be... Ah! Fucking hell... Swiss... Mnhg... don’t be an asshole...— She returned the smirk to him-. If he wanted her to be bratty, she was going to… Or at least she was going to try her best while the pleasure made her brain a mush.
— Mngh... You fucking brat...— His thrust became deeper, a steady pace but deeper than before. He felt her cervix stopping him and everytime he thrusted, he felt how her insides twitched, sucking him into her again.— No touching until you beg for it... How about that? You, slut...— Her tits bouncing seemed so inviting. He leaned as he thrusted closer to her chest and began to bite and pull her nipples in his mouth, flickering the sensitive buds with his tongue and sucking the skin that was exposed to him; his fangs traced the skin slowly, he didn't want to hurt her or be too rough to draw blood.
— Mgnh! Ah... Swiss, I'm… Imma... Ah!... Fucking ghoul, please! I want to touch you!
—Mmgh... Not enough... Beg for me...—He used his free hand to grab her face, making her look directly at him as he thrusted over and over.— I want to hear you... Beg for me, you lascivious whore...
—Mngh... Fuck you...— She moaned at the slap of the ghoul’s tail at her clit — Mngh... Ah!... Mngh... Swiss! I'm... I'm... Fuck, I need to touch you! I need you!
The multi ghoul moaned at the sound of her begging. He let her hands go and lifted her. He was standing, grabbing her by her hips as she caged him between her legs. Her arms went over his shoulders hugging him closer to her as she thrusted; gravity was making wonders to the position in which they were, pulling her down with strength everytime the ghoul pushed up with his thrusts. He could feel her tight insides squeezing him so well, the velvety walls inside her gushing and sucking him in every time he pulled out. The room was filled by moans from both of them, the way the slapping wet sound made a small echo in the room, the heavy breathing of the ghoul and the whimpers of the already dumbfucked sister.
Her nails digging in the ghoul’s skin, tracing his perfect back as she tried to get a slight grip into reality, her whole word was being blown away at this moment. She felt so full of pleasure, so full by the thick cock of the multi ghoul. In her mind there was nothing more than Swiss and his scent, she wanted to stay there forever. Swiss moaned at the feel of her nails, he looked at her to find no thought in that face beside a fucked out expression, she had a string of saliva running down her lips to her chin, her hair was a mess, her eyes seemed lost and full of lust and desire. He felt that proudness of being the one making her look like that, the nice sister that only a couple of days ago got red by only looking at him, the nice sister that looked so nice and composed behind that desk now was being fucked until dumb by him. His claws digged in her hips as he felt his own climax closer to him.
—Kiss me...— She looks at him with that fucked out expression and then he took his time kissing from his neck to her chin and then kissed her lips. She really tasted like tangerines or pomegranates. The kiss was sloppy, intense and full of passion. They both devoured each other over and over again, his tongue licking her lips after they finished the kiss. She kissed him again and again and again. Her hands pressed on his back digging her nails with strength, she bit his lip and pulled a bit looking at him and his lustful expression. He loved making a mess of her, bringing out her lustful self.
—Such a naughty girl... Mngh, fuck, I'm close... You want me to fill you, huh?... Mngh, ah! Keep squeezing me like that... fuck, you feel so good, my pretty girl...
She knew that the thing that she was going to ask for was risky, but she felt the urge to be knotted by him. She wanted him to go feral in her, even if tomorrow she could barely walk to her room.
— Knot me... I want to be filled to the brim by you...
He never thought that she knew about that special "ability" that they had. He never, in a million years, could have phantom the dirty request made by the "shy" sister. His body reacted immediately, the knot at the base of his full erected cock appeared. It had the same fade from black to gold that his horns. His horns grew a bit, his skin was not only gray anymore, it had some gold accents, almost like reptile scales. His pupils were dilated to a full, his fangs grew to stick out a bit from his mouth and his claws grew as well. Fully primal, almost animal. His voice even sounded like a growl.
— You fucking slut... Once I knot you, my filthy whore... you are going to be only mine, maybe I will... Mngh... share you with the rest of the ghouls, but… Ah, fucking hell... if one of those filthy human brothers of the congregation dares to even look at you... I'm going to fucking kill him...— He sat on the bed with her on top— So tell me... Are you sure you want me to knot you?
Something in her, maybe the last bit of common sense, tried to refuse the offer that she already had begged for... But the part of her that wanted to be fucked like this everyday of her life didn't care one bit. She moved her hips looking for more of him.
— Mngh, fucking knot me already Swiss‼ I want you! I need to be filled by you!
That was all the ghoul needed to hear, he went full animalistic. His claws digging in her skin hard enough to draw some blood, his thrusts were becoming harder as he was so close. The spade of his tail pressing her clit as she bounced, his fangs marking her shoulders, neck and collarbone; she was going to be bruised as hell tomorrow, but neither of them seemed to care.
As they both approached their climax the heat inside of the room was almost unbearable: the bed was slamming into the floor and wall, he probably would never hear the end of it tomorrow, he was sure they had the whole den up and listening to their spectacle. But he couldn't care less. She was tightening so nice around his dick, he was almost there. With one deep thrust he felt the base of his knot pressing against her. He thursted again feeling how he stretched her around his knot. After a couple more thrusts the knot fully entered.
—Oh, my fucking devil... Swiss! This... Ah! I'm... I'm... Fuck, Swiss, like that! Oh, fucking hell! I'm coming!
The coil snapped, she came with a loud moan digging her nails as hard as she could in his flesh. He bled a little but the subtle pain was even more pleasure for him. She squirmed and moaned as her orgasm bursted, her squirting wetting the bed and the ghoul’s belly. He grabbed her hips giving her a last thrust and releasing his thick cum inside her, the knot throbbed a bit. She felt how her insides were being coated and filled with his sperm. They stayed in the same position for a while, his hands caressing her back with soft strokes, helping her to ride her last waves of pleasure and relaxing her over him.
— You were great... Such a good girl, aren't you? It's okay, breathe...— He kissed his forehead before taking a look to where their bodies were connected. His knot was still there, her pussy was a bit red and stretched around him. He was a bit worried that he may have hurt her. — It's going to take some time for it to come down... Are you okay?
— That... That was... Mngh...—Everytime she moved she could feel the knot inside her, it felt amazing.— That was incredible... I feel so full...—She looked at the tip of her fingers, the deep burgundy color on her nails seemed to be the blood of the ghoul.— Oh Lucifer... Did I hurt you?
— No no, don't worry... I like it... You should do it more, I will be glad.— He got up with her in his arms, trying to not make abrupt movements. He went for a towel and then laid on the bed with her on top, the knot was slowly going back to normal. He used the wet towel to clean her face, some of her blood that fell from the indents of his claws and fangs. — I'm sorry I got carried away… Does it hurt?
— Mnn, no... Don't be sorry... I liked it.— She gave him a reassuring smile while caressing his chest. — Tomorrow I'm going to be sore as hell, am I?
— For sure...— They both laughed and, as they did, they heard a small "pop" sound, the knot went back to normal and his dick slided out from her. She felt the hot cum of the ghoul going down her legs.
— Mngh... I want to take a shower but it's late...— She let herself rest in the chest of the ghoul, while this caressed her back and waist with his big hands.
— Don't worry... I can't take you to the tub, so you can take a bath while I change the bedsheets.
— Mnn... I can walk...—She tried to move her legs but they felt like jello.
— No, you can't...— He laughed and took her to the bathroom, letting her rest on the tub while he filled it with warm water. After a while he went to change the bedsheets and then returned to get in the tub with her. She rests her back in the ghoul’s chest while caressing his arms that were around her.
— You were serious about what you said? The whole "I'm going to kill if they look at you" shit?
— Dead serious... I can share tho, with the rest of the ghouls... and maybe even Papa... and Terzo…but you are mine.
— Well... I can live with it...— She laughed and rested her head on his shoulder. — But you cannot kill someone just because they looked at me, and you cannot interfere with my work...
— Mnnnn... Ok, I’m not going to kill anyone but I will scare them if they try to flirt with you.
— No one flirts with me, Swiss. You, the ghouls, are the only ones that seem interested in me... Hey, that means that I can scare the sisters that flirt with you…?
— Oh babe, you can scare away every single one of them, I'm not interested… I only want to make you mine over and over, but seeing you jealous is something that interests me...
— If I get jealous I'm going to make Dew and Aether pay for it. And you are going to watch.
— Mnnn... that sounds tempting...— They both laughed at the ghoul’s comment. After a couple of minutes they left the tub and went to Swiss’ room. They felt some moans coming from Aether's door as they walked to Swiss’ room. They recognized the fire ghoul’s voice and just laughed a bit before going to sleep. She fell asleep first, Swiss was still a bit worried. If she was going to become a ghoul like them, would she change her heart? She would leave him? He was sure that he could never let her go from this moment forward, she was already marked by him... and he could not even begin to imagine his life without her scent near him now that he had her. He gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a complete nightmare or a really amazing day. It was now in the hands of fate... or Lucifer.
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A.N : Hiiii! I finished this chapter at last! I want to clarify some things before ending the chapter.
First, I decided that swiss was going to be the main pair of the reader because they had more chemistry between them for now, and more interactions. But as Swiss said he can and will share with the rest of the ghouls, it's a polyamorous situation.
Second, the ghouls have stablish couples like Rain and Mountain or Cirrus and Sunshine, but they all are involved in an open relationship. As long as is with consent love and care , they are okay with it.
And third, In the next chapter I will dive deeper in the whole reborn thing and how it will affect the reader. But, for now I can say a couple of things, the reader is going to die, yes she has to die in order to be reborn and also, the papas are going to be heavily involved in the process.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter 💕 I will try to post more often now that I'm trying to get rid of the writers block. But sadly I enter university in a month so, after entering I will try my best to upload often. 💕 Have a nice day, drink water, eat something and rest well 💕
Tag list : @hauntedboobees @yuk-for-president @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @jbcalway @onedaughterofman @serene-sun
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rahhhhhhs-blog · 1 year
How the Spiderman would react to you dodging their kisses
༻꫞ 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 ꫞༺
Miles is a very shy or rather awkward person.
In public he's shy with his affection often seen as closed off.
He loves hugging and kissing you but in private. It gives him a sense of comfort and love.
You were sitting on his bed. He was chilling at his desk drawing, the music was quiet in the background as the window was open so a breeze could go by. All you could hear was the sounds of New York and the sounds of pencil scratching paper. After a while Miles sighed putting the pencil down and moving to lay next to you. He smiled and moved to give you a kiss but you moved last minute. "Y/n? what's wrong?" he looked at you confused. "Nothing, I just don't feel like kissing right now. Sorry" you spoke placing your phone down. "Oh that's fine. You don't have to say sorry" he did feel awkward at first and didn't know what to do, but he doesn't question it.
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔-𝟒𝟐༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Now for this Miles, we've seen how he is. He seems more... aggressive? a 'cooler' version (depends who you ask)
I think he would be more confused and sassy about it. Let's face it, he's ruler of the sassy man apocalypse
He's the same as the other Miles tho, he keeps his affection more on the dl. Only because of enemies as the Prowler.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't want them, in fact if you don't give him at least one kiss. He's throwing a bitch fit.
Y'all were at the bodega getting snacks for a movie night. It was your turn to pick what to watch and you wanted to get his favorite snacks, so you won't hear him bitch and moan about the movie "Ma? you done?" Miles walked up next to you. "Hm? oh yeah, I'm done now." You looked at him and gestured to the snacks. He nodded and moved in to give you a kiss, you of course blocked it. Not because you just don't want to, but because people walked in and you know he doesn't like to be so affectionate in public. He looked at you weird and rolled his eyes walking to the cashier. After y'all (he) paid you both walked to his apartment. "So I was thinking we could rewatch Mean Girls." he just hummed. "Sure whatever." You looked at him and sighed "what's up with you?" he stopped walking and side eyed you. "You dodged my kiss like I'm one of your lil hoes" You just shook her head. "the only hoes I got are your other personalities, Miles. And I dodged it because other people walked in." Mid way through the sentence he kisses you before pulling away and walking ahead of you.
♡*♡∞:。.。 𝐻𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛。.。:∞♡*♡
We all know Hobie. (for like 3 minutes but I'm not complaining.)
He doesn't believe in consistency. But one thing he DOES believe in? is you.
He LOVESS your kisses, he's practically a bitch in heat for them.
He doesn't want them he NEEDS them. So imagine his shock when you dodge him.
You were laying down on the couch reading. It was a quite and relaxing day, so you decided to relax from work. Suddenly your tall, lanky, and quiet loud chained up man is walking in. He had a meeting at the Headquarters so he was tired. All he could do while listening to Miguel was yawn and imagine being with you. (in more ways that one🤞) "Doll, there you are. Been going crazy all day." He took off his spiky jacket and laid on top of you. You put your book down and lightly scratched his back, he let out a sound of relief. "How was the meeting?" he grunted and moved forward. "Was shit like always." He moved to kiss you but you moved your hand to cover your mouth. "Fuck was that for?" He gave you a mug. "I ate onion dip, my breath stinks." You tried to reason. "Who cares? kiss me for fucks sake." He moved to closer and kissed you anyway.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ мιgυєℓ σ'нαяα░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
Miguel is a rather... aggressive guy. (don't say he isn't we all saw how he treated miles)
He'd probably be at work a lot and so are you, I mean the bills don't pay themselves. So naturally he would want a kiss before leaving
He doesn't know if he'd get the chance to see you again all day because of both of your work hours.
So let's say that you woke up late and you didn't have time to take it slow like you naturally do
"Fuckk!" You rushed around getting dressed and making coffee. Your husband Miguel watched idle. He tried to help but all he got was a 'Not now' he knew better than to do anything so he stayed still as to not get in your way. After you rushed to get ready you flattened your hair down as much as you could and grabbed your cup chugging it. Miguel watched you with love filled eyes...no literally his eyes were in the shape of hearts I'm not kidding. You moved to give him a kick pat on his shoulder and yelled "Good luck" to him. He frowned and grabbed your arm to give you a kiss but you pulled away hurriedly. "I'm sorry Miguel but I gotta go! I'll visit you during lunch!" And with that you were gone. He was sad you didn't kiss him but he just shrugged it off. You did keep your promise though, you visited him during lunch and made it up to him.
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
heyy can I request xikers reaction to you being insecure about something in yourself(anything, u name it) thank youu and I love your writing 🤍✨
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• PAIRING — xikers x fem!reader
• GENRE — comfort, insecurities, yeah
• WORD COUNT — 695
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — Everything that i have written has been pulled from here so if there was something i didnt name or you'd like to read more about, i highly suggest it :)
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry
"I'm not going to get into that college"
First and foremost, minjae understands the pressure to get into a certain college in order to please your parents. But you wanna know whats more important? Why do you wanna go? Other than pleasing your parents. After a long talk and cuddle, you should come into a better sense of whether or not college is something you want to do. But either way, you should always believe in yourself! ♡
"I don't have many followers"
Junmin's going to take away your phone. Not because you did something bad, but so you can take a break. Go outside, turn on do not disturb and take a walk with your lovely boyfriend. Its a win-win for you, him, and his dogs. A win-win-win, technically ♡
"I don't have a good fashion sense"
As someone who likes to dress a certain way, sumin knows what its like, but he has a tip; dress for you. When you wear things that make you happy, you often forget about the others around you, and their opinions. It also helps you stand out from the crowd. Wear what you like ♡
"I cant do any better"
Grabbing both of your hands, jinsik will give them a tight squeeze in front of the mirror, making you repeat the same mantras every morning. They may feel silly at first, but over time they help you convince yourself that you are worthy of whatever you desire ♡
"I dont have many friends"
First, hyunwoo will talk about the importance of friends. Friends that help you grow to become the better you and give you a good laugh. Friends that would never judge you for their own benefit. That being said, you need to eliminate the ones that dont actually care for you. Worry less about the quantity, and more about the quality. Who cares if you only have 3 friends? As long as youre happy and growing, thats all that matters ♡
"I'm not pretty enough"
Beauty is subjective. You may be insecure about one thing, but junghoon, 9 times out of 10, finds it really stinking cute. But what he feels doesnt matter, what others think doesnt matter. How you think matters!! So stop worrying about other peoples eyes and work on your inner self. If youre happy.. youre at peace, and if youre at peace, you start to smile. And thats very attractive ♡
"I'm not that smart"
"Why dont you think youre smart?" Seeun would ask, his chin resting against his hand. "Why do you want to be smart?" These questions may be dumb but they have meaning. We all have the ability to learn something. After all, life is about experiencing things and growing from it. It all just takes time, so dont stop believing in yourself, 'kay? ♡
"No one will miss me when im gone"
Although you may feel alone and think no one would care, yujun would care. Yujun would always care. But, stop worrying about the future, you know? Live your life in the present with no regrets. Every moment spent worrying is a moment spent not really living. When you obsess over that type of stuff, you are missing out on whats in front of you. And when you miss that, you wont realize the people who love and support you ♡
"I feel overweight"
Hunter will take you to the gym, but not just so you become 'thin' and everyone will accept you, to focus on being healthy, mentally healthy too. Focus on getting in shape with a well balanced diet and exercise program. Hunter will help! ♡
"People talk behind my back"
"Do you know that for sure??" Yechan would ask, poking his fork in his salad. "Because most of the time, its just an imaginary conversation you have in your head. Stop worrying what other people think and focus on your well being. But what you said is true, expect to see me at your school." He finishes, shooting you an innocent smile ♡
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canirove · 6 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 32
Auhor's note: Two things. 1: Only three chapters (two + epilogue) left! 😱 And 2... I'm sorry 🫣
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"I don't know who has eaten more candy, me or the kids" Emma says.
"I think it's a draw" I chuckle.
"You could have also eaten some, you know? Some sugar will do you good, cheer you up."
"I'm fine, Emma."
"No, you aren't. You don't need any make up to look dead, you've been leaving in a constant Halloween for the past weeks."
"Wow, thank you" I laugh.
"Val, I'm sorry if it sounds mean, but I'm worried about you. Are you sure you are ok?"
"I'm fine" I repeat. But I'm not. 
Since the game against Manchester United, things haven't improved. At the stadium no one has bothered me again, probably because Dani did talk with someone. And at the school people don't gossip about me anymore. But online…
Online the mole has kept sharing photos and things about me, the haters loving it, their mean comments getting worse and worse. And nothing seems to be stopping them, not even Pedri giving an interview and calling them out for their behaviour. 
"You are such a bad liar, Val…" Emma says. "And that's why you are having lunch with me and my family today."
"Yep. You need to have a proper meal, and if there is someone who can give you that, that's my mum. So c'mon" she says, linking her arm with mine and starting to walk.
"Emma, I don't want to bother your family."
"You won't be bothering anyone. They haven't seen you in ages, they are looking forward to it."
"Shouldn't we get rid of this make up, first? I don't know how they will feel if we show up looking like skeletons."
"Stop inventing excuses and let's go" she says, dragging me outside the school.
"Bye, Miss Valeria! Happy Halloween!"
"Happy Halloween" I smile to some of the kids waiting for their parents. And when we cross the main gate…
"Cougar bitch!" someone yells.
"What the… Val!" Emma says. "Oh my God, Val. Are you ok?"
"I… I…" I mumble. I'm covered on something sticky. Something sticky that stinks and…
"Val, hey. Val!"
"I… I…"
"What the fuck are you doing, people?" I hear Emma say. "Stop taking photos! Show some respect!"
"Emma…" I whisper.
"It's ok, come" she says, putting an arm around my shoulders and making me walk.
"Girls! What happened?" Luis says, running towards us.
"Some teenagers threw eggs and god knows what else at Val when we were leaving."
"Emma… Emma, I don't feel ok" I manage to say.
"Don't worry, Val. You are safe now" Luis says, helping me walk. "We'll go inside and help you get cleaned."
"I… I can't… I can't breathe."
"Val… Val, hey… Val!" Emma says, her voice being the last thing I hear before everything turns black. 
"Hello, beautiful."
"Pedri?" I say, slowly opening my eyes. "What… Where am I?"
"The hospital."
"Woah, careful" he says when I try to get up from the bed. "You can't do that."
"Why? What… what happened?" I ask, my eyes still trying to adjust to how bright the light in the room is.
"You fainted at the school. Don't you remember?"
"I… I think…" The teenagers. Whatever they threw at me. Luis and Emma. "Fuck."
"I'll take that as you remembering" he chuckles. 
"How did I end here, tho?"
"After you fainted you weren't waking up, Emma got scared and called an ambulance. They ran some tests and turns out that everything in you is low. Your iron levels, the vitamins, other things I have no idea what they are… They were lucky they caught you when they did, you know? This could have been serious."
"I… I…" 
"You haven't been taken care of yourself, Val. And I…" Pedri says, running his hands through his hair. "I knew there was something going on. I could see it. But I'm stupid and…"
"Pedri, hey. Hey" I say, taking one of his hands on mine. "It isn't your fault."
"Isn't it?" he laughs. Though it is a sad laugh, one that makes my heart sink. "I knew you were struggling and I did nothing to stop it. To help you."
"Because I didn't let you. You, or Emma, or Silvia. You know how stubborn I am, it is all my fault."
"No, Val. This is…"
"Valeria!" my mother says, storming into the room. "Oh, Valeria, my poor child."
"How are you, Val? When they told me they had taken you to the hospital I feared the worst."
"I… I'm fine" I say, trying to process this outburst of motherly love. "I just haven't been eating well and resting and…"
"And it is all his fault!" she says, looking at Pedri.
"It is! He is the one to blame, the one who has pushed you to this, to almost dying!"
"Mum, that's not true."
"Have you seen yourself, Val? You are too thin, and the bags under your eyes reach the floor. And do you know why? Because of him. It is all because of him!" she says, pointing at Pedri. "Love should not have you looking like this!"
"She's right, Val" he says, his eyes focused on his hands.
"Of course I am!" my mum says, raising her voice more and more. "Get out of here!"
"What? No!" I complian.
"Get out of here, Pedro! I don't want to see you near my daughter ever again!"
"Mum, stop!"
"I said get out!"
"I… I'm sorry" he says, getting up from his chair and starting to walk away.
"No! Pedri, don't go!"
"Out!" my mum roars again.
"No! Pedri!" I say, trying to get up from the bed but only managing to get tangled with the sheets.
"He has to go, Val. This is all his fault."
"No! No, no, no. Pedri!" I yell, trying to free myself from my mum's grip.
"Is everything ok?" a nurse says, walking into the room. "Why is she screaming?"
"She needs to calm down. Can you give her something?"
"I don't want to calm down, mum! I want him! Pedri!" I yell again.
"I'm gonna call a doctor" the nurse says before leaving.
"I want him, mum" I cry. "I love him."
"I know you do, Val" she says while hugging me. "I know you do. But this is for the best, I promise you."
"Val" Silvia says after knocking on my room's door. "He's here. Do I ask him to come in?"
"Yes, please" I reply, quickly opening my phone's camera to check myself. I've been resting in bed since I came back from the hospital, and I definitely look like shit.
"You look beautiful, Val."
"Bloody hell, Pedri" I say, my phone slipping from my hands and hitting the floor. When I look up he is leaning against the door's frame as he always does, that smirk I love so much in his face. "Do you do it on purpose?"
"Do what? Scare you?"
"No. That" I say, gesturing towards him. "Do you stand like that because you know I love it?" 
"I didn't know you loved it" he shrugs.
"Yeah, sure."
"I'm serious" he says, walking towards me and picking up my phone.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome" he smiles, sitting on my bed. Though that smile isn't one I love. It is a sad one. "How are you?"
"Good. But I've missed you" I say, reaching for his hand.
"Val…" Pedri says, avoiding my touch. "We need to talk."
"About what?"
"You know about what."
"No, I don't."
"Val…" he sighs. "We need to talk about what happened at the school. About you ending at the hospital, about what your mum said."
"My mum just said nonsense" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Did she? Because I think she was right."
"What?" I laugh.
"Love should not make you feel like this. Anxious, scared, angry, sad… It should not make you feel so on edge that you end up at the hospital." 
"I'm not feeling like that."
"C'mon, Val. Can't you see it? Being with me is hurting you. And I… I can't keep seeing you suffer like this because of me. I… we… we should…"
"We should what? Break up?" 
"I'm sorry, Val. But it is for the best."
"The best?" I cry. "How is breaking up for the best? I love you!"
"And I love you too."
"Then why are you breaking up with me?"
"Because we are hurting each other, Val" he says, raising his voice. "Because I keep hurting you!"
"You aren't hurting me, Pedri. People are!"
"But they are hurting you because of me, because you are with me. It's the same!"
"It's… urgh!" I yell, throwing one of my pillows against the wall. The pillow with his photo on it to be precise.
"I'm sorry, Val, but your mum was right. It's best if I stay away."
"My mum knows nothing, Pedri. Nothing! She just said that because she's never liked you for whatever the reason!"
"It isn't for whatever the reason. She's never liked me because she was able to see that us being together was bound to end up with me hurting you."
"What?" I laugh and cry all at the same time.
"Goodbye, Val."
"What? No! Pedri, where are you going?" I say, getting up from my bed at the same time he does, having to hold to him to not fall.
"Look at you, Val. Look at you. This is all my fault" he says while hugging me. 
"It's not your fault. It isn't" I insist, my body trembling between his arms. "It's them, not you."
"I'm sorry, Val."
"No" I cry when he takes a step away. "Pedri, please, no."
"I love you, Val. I will always love you" he whispers, kissing my forehead and leaving the room.
"Pedri. Pedri, please… Pedri!" I yell. But he doesn't come back. He isn't coming back.
"Beth, Luis. What are you doing here?" I say when I open the door of my apartment.
"We've come to check on you" she smiles.
"And to bring you this" he says, giving me a bouquet of flowers. 
"Oh, that's so kind of you" I reply while trying really hard not to cry, the memories of all the bouquets Pedri got me over the years coming back. "Please come in."
"Thank you" they say.
"So, how are you?" Beth says, taking my hand on hers.
"Been better, not gonna lie" I chuckle. "But my doctor said that physically I'm almost recovered."
"Good, that's good. Because we have something that may help you with everything else" Beth says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"We all know break ups aren't easy. Especially when two people love each other as much as you and Pe… him love each other. But there is something that I know always helps, and that's keeping yourself busy with something."
"I don't think I'm ready to go back to the school just yet…"
"We were thinking about something like that but different" Luis says, showing me a piece of paper he had in his pocket. "Have you ever heard about this program? It's like an Erasmus but for teachers."
"An Erasmus?" I ask.
"Yeah. Instead of spending a year abroad studying, you do it teaching." 
"We have a few friends who have tried it and they all have loved it. The other day we had dinner with some of them and they mentioned that there were some free spots that start in January and last just six months instead of the whole year" Beth explains. 
"And we thought that a change of scenery would do you good" Luis continues. "New country, new kids and parents, new language, culture, people…"
"Though not really” Beth says. “Because one of the free spots is in Manchester, and you have a friend there, don't you?"
"I do, yes. Ferran."
"Are things ok between you two?" she asks.
"They are, yes. He's been checking up on me daily since I was in the hospital" I say.
"Well, now he could do it in person and maybe help you with everything else so you don't feel so alone." 
"And who knows, he may even help you fix things with your boy and get back together."
"Luis!" Beth scolds him.
"What? You said it yourself!"
"I didn't, Val. I just… I…"
"It's ok" I smile. "And you are right. If there is someone who can help, that's Ferran."
"Then will you think about our offer?"
"I will, Beth. Thank you very much."
"Anything for you, Val" she says before hugging me. "Anything for you."
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