#but mostly i just realised it was probably cuddling with someone who at the time was one of my oldest and closest friends and then getting
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iliveinprocrasti-nationn · 11 months ago
we are putting the pieces together in this chilis tonight
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cantdothis-nomore · 2 years ago
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven with a cold and distant reader with the others more affectionate and kind to them
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Honestly he'd probably be the same
Wouldn't have a problem with it although it might be a problem sometimes with the others if they thought you were doing it to just be mean to them
Robin would probably actually appreciate that you're like that cuz he likes his privacy so it's probably a good thing
He loves watching you just cuddle up to him after a long day and it honestly probably serves as a source of comfort for him
He'd make up excuse after excuse after excuse of why you acted differently towards the others then you did to him just to see the other side of you when you two were alone
Wouldn't judge you for being like that tho he probably would ask you about it a few times gathering you had an idea about it
Wouldn't mind at all as it's more of you for him in the end lmao
Wouldn't understand and would try and get you to be nicer to others for the first few times until she basically realised she couldn't do anything about it
She wouldn't judge you for how you were but would be more confused than anything
She'd love seeing the more affectionate and clingy side of you when you two were alone but would wish you were just a tad bit friendlier to the others
Just like robin she'd make up excuses for you endlessly out of pure love of seeing the other side of you
Wouldn't have a problem of getting people away from you if she could see you were uncomfortable around them
She'd try and introduce you to others thinking thst maybe it's just the people your around and yeah you'd try your best for her but mostly it just wouldn't work out
But all would be forgiven when you two were cuddled up to each other late at night forgetting the day and leaving everything else behind you
Beast boy
Again would be confused about why you acted like you did
But wouldn't try and force you into doing anything you didn't want to with others
He'd shout at anyone who made fun of you because of how you were and took you away to his room so it was just you two
After he realised thst you were only nice and affectionate towards him and even more when you two were alone he'd try and be alone with you more than he did before to make you more comfortable and happy with your surroundings instead of being uncomfortable and uptight around others
Your #1 supporter til the end istg
He'd never have a problem about how you were and would state that to anyone who asked about you to him
He loved you more than you eould ever know and would never hesitate to drop anything for you ♡
This one's rather short cuz I couldn't really think anything up lmao
He wouldn't care or mind at all how you were to others unless you were purposefully unkind
It's your decision how you are not his and so he'd support you however you wanted to be
He'd have a go at anyone who dared to come at you for how you acted and protected you to the best of his abilities
He wasn't really the biggest fan of people either so it didn't really make a difference
Loved that you were affectionate to him though
Adored being around you alone because both of you could be how you wanted to be alone and also have some privacy without someone poking their head in constantly
Loved u no matter what you were like ♡
Wouldn't care
She would probably appreciate you being how you were because neither of you put up with anyone's shit
The rest of the team tended to stay away from you two to avoid any issues
You were both completely different whilst alone and preferred to be snuggled up into each other instead of talking with people who made you feel like your braincells were dropping out your head at an alarming rate
If you had to be around the others you tended to stay close to each other and limit speech towards the others
I feel like you'd have a resting bitch face and she'd probably have the thing of asking you if you were angry at her every two minutes just incase
Even though you didn't seem it around others you two were closer than everyone thought and adored being in each others company instead of having to struggle in others
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
Dating Ecthelion Would Include...
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A/N: You wouldn’t believe how long I had this waiting to be posted along with the other Lords.
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➳❥ He is someone who follows the rules of the city and society and cares about how society views him, so he hates the idea of taking risks in public. With that being said when it comes to you, he’ll make the exception and break a few rules here and there and if anyone has anything to say they’d have cold-looking Ecthelion staring at them.
➳❥ He adores giving you gifts whenever the occasion calls for it or even if it doesn’t. It’s the way your eyes light up when he sees that you love your gift and how you don’t hesitate to throw yourself into his arms to thank him.
➳❥ You have the luxuries of experiencing a free performance as well as his latest pieces he composes as the ‘flute master’. You have the tendency to call him a charmer anytime he plays his flute since you are…charmed.
➳❥ He enjoys going for walks with you around the city, mostly in the evening when fewer people are walking about and to mostly avoid a certain golden hair oaf that loves to trail behind you two claiming that he feels left out.
➳❥ Dating Ecthelion means being around Glorfindel, Galdor, Egalmoth and Rog quite often and they are always quick to share info about the stoic lord with you. They’d share all the embarrassing things he’s done from small come all the way up till yesterday.
➳❥ You two are frequently invited to dinners and lunch dates by the other Lords since when you’re around he suddenly becomes chattier and more whipped, and they love to tease him about this. You’re going to find lots of invitations arriving at your doorstep.
➳❥ The two of you enjoy slow dancing on evenings in the confinements of his quarters, knowing that no one in their right mind would barge in and interrupt. It’s one of his most favoured peaceful moments with you.
➳❥ The first time you asked him to train you, you and everyone else that was around saw his hair turned grey at the thought of you fighting. He doesn’t like the idea and thinks of you fighting because why would you when Gondolin was safe?
➳❥ You may or may not turn to Glorfindel to ask for help which just makes Ecthelion combust and jealous and threatens Glorfindel to bury him if you return home bruised. He spends the entire time eyeing him like a hawk ensuring that he does slip up, when he could have been training you instead.
➳❥ After your first three training sessions with Lord Glorfindel, and praising how wonderful of a warrior he was, Ecthelion blew a fuse and changed his mind. From the next day, he began training you in the basics and helped you to work your way up in strength and skills.
➳❥ At least with him as your beloved, you get the opportunity of a lifetime to have unlimited access to his fountains as your swimming pools. If he doesn't join you, drag him in by pretending to drown and watch as he becomes the epitome of a wet cat.
➳❥ He’s someone who didn’t realise that he would enjoy cuddling so much after hearing the activity being something popular couples perform. The first time you two cuddled, he literally melted into your embrace like a puddle and refused to depart from your arms.
➳❥ Hates to admit that he turns into a baby during cuddling and would launch into battle mode if anyone interrupted his pampering moment.
➳❥ All his kisses are done in private, and you can’t fight him to change his mind. Man is just stubborn. That’s something you’d have to learn how to deal with when dealing with him as well as his propriety-like behaviour. He won’t hesitate to give you a little scolding here and there. You’d probably have to tell him to loosen up a bit (A lot).
➳❥ You also get the opportunity to witness his drinking abilities with the other Lords. It’s the one time when he was unrestrained and would perform non-Ecthelion acts. Cue him and the other Lords skinny-dipping in his fountain while you look on ready to blackmail him with the info in the future.
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chil-aglia · 3 months ago
I always headcanoned that after having turned back to normal Raph, Mikey and Leo gonna suffer headache like a hangover, but it lasts as they overthink too much. In Raph and Mikey’s case it would last few days, but with Leo who’s always planning six steps ahead it would take weeks, which would makes him grumpy (snappy) and probably sensitive of noises (like a typical hangover headache).
Soo can I request a Mind Meld Aftermath fic of that idea with Adri helping/comforting him (maybe even cuddling)?
Sensitivity Of the Mind (Leo X Adriaen)
AWWW that sounds like a cute idea. Of course I’ll write it!
Apologies if this was short. 
Also I currently don’t have a picture to go with this fic, but anyone is free to make one and tag me in it. I’ll probably even post the art to this little fic
Someone should really ground Donnie and prevent him from messing with people's minds. Especially his brothers after the whole fiasco of him turning them smart.
After Donnie came to his senses and returned his brothers to normal, the lasting effects were…troublesome. Killer headaches from each turtle. Mostly they occurred when one overthinks on anything. But luckily Mikey and Raph didn’t have to handle it for too long, a few days at most before they were healed.
So why…why did Leo have to suffer alone and the longest?!
Was it because his mind hardly ever shuts off? Always thinking about useless stuff or planning multiple steps ahead on a mission? Was this Leo’s karma of his one-liners?
Ow…okay, calm down Nardo…
He hissed, bringing a hand to his head to soothe his upcoming headache. Was this how drunk people felt after a night out of partying? 
Leo grabs some painkillers to hopefully ease it, but it didn’t seem to work. So, he sort of just had to deal with it. And try to not think.
Which was harder than it sounds.
Days, turned to weeks for him and he was still suffering. Maybe he should let Donnie take a look at him. No…he might experiment on him, as much as he loves his big brained brother, he can’t risk another torment on his brain. Mikey and Raph were out the question, and Splinter would be no help.
Leo bites his lip; he probably shouldn’t disturb him. He knew that Adriaen wasn’t a fan of minor disturbances, especially during training or just trying to relax. 
Currently Leo was slowly eating his breakfast. Cereal.
Mikey forgot to cook which was fine, Leo didn’t think he could stomach a heavy breakfast at the moment. Honestly Leo couldn’t even bear his own cereal, whenever his spoon tapped the bowl it made a ringing noise, and Leo had to wince and groan each time.
It was like his hearing had heightened. No…it's just over sensitivity. Another lasting effect from the mind situation he experienced. “Whoa, Leo, you good? You look rough.” Raphael commented, observing his younger brother who was hunched over. Mikey, Donnie and Adriaen all turn to Leo for answers.
“I’m fine.”
“I don’t know Leon. You keep grabbing at your head. Maybe you need to take a nap—“
Leo snaps his head up at Mikey, an unintentional vicious glare on his face. “I said I’m fine! Mind your damn business!”
His outburst shook the brothers and Adriaen. Leo never snapped like that at Mikey or all people. Mikey winced and slowly lowered his head into his shell slightly. 
Leo blinks, realising what he did as he felt extreme guilt washing over him. “W-wait...Mikey I’m…I didn’t mean to…” He looks over everyone’s face, the more he looked the more he panicked which made his head throb.
With a pained wince, he gets up and storms to his room. Adriaen watched him with a frown. “Something isn’t right.” He mumbles to himself, glancing back to Mikey to silently check on his well-being. Donnie and Raph were checking on him, the youngest of the group assuring his older brothers that he was fine and that it was his fault that he pushed Leo.
Adriaen had noticed the change in Leo. He noticed a few days after Donnie got them back together in their respective mindsets. Mikey and Raph had trouble with headaches and so did Leo, but he assumed Leo was fine when Raph and Mikey got better.
Guess that wasn’t true. Adriaen felt guilt himself, he shouldn’t have just assumed Leo was fine. The signs were obvious.
“I’ll go check on him.”
“Okay…be careful. He might snap again though.” Raph worries over Adriaen, but the black masked turtle just hums in acknowledgement and walks off to Leo’s room.
When Adriaen reached the familiar room, he gently pulls back the blue sheet that was a replacement for a door. Leo claimed that it was very unique to not have a door, and he wanted to be different. When Adriaen gave brief glance around, his eyes landed onto the slider who had been curled up on his bed, his hands covering over his head and he saw his body twitching.
He was grunting and panting, stirring around as though he was trying to get comfortable but couldn’t.
Leo hadn’t noticed the guest in his room. He was busy trying to calm his mind down. But each time he tried, the throbbing increased. And god it stung.
Shut up brain. You made me snap at Mikey.
Another throb.
Ow…! Okay, just need to relax. How can I do that without feeling like this? Ugh…it hurts.
Another throb. Getting louder. The room was getting louder. Everything was louder for Leo. It's too much for him to handle.
He didn’t even realise he had tears forming in his eyes.
Suddenly he felt his bed move, and two warm arms wrap around his torso. He flinched, perking his head up to see who it was.
To his shock, Adriaen was spooning him, head burying in the crook of Leo’s neck and shoulder.
“You’re okay…it’s just a dumb headache.”
How did…?!
Leo stared, it was quite rare for Adriaen to initiate comfort like this. Let alone to someone else. And right now…Leo needed it.
He trembles before twisting to face him. Leo had tears in his eyes as he shakes and nuzzled his face into Adriaen’s plastron.
“It hurts…”
Adriaen cradled Leo into him, softly stroking his head and shell. “I know…you’re okay. I’m here.”
“Is Mikey…—“
“He’s okay. No one is mad. We’re just worried about you.”
“I’m sorry…my head it…it hurts. Everything does.”
Adriaen softly hums, tracing his fingers along Leo’s yellow stripes on his arm. “Thats just the headaches talking….it’ll go away soon. It did with Raph and Mikey.”
Leo sniffles, god he felt embarrassed, but he also didn’t mind the affection. It warmed him, and surprisingly his head was barely a nuisance to him at the moment. “Can you stay…?” He mumbles, his voice shy and hoarse from his cries.
“Yeah…I won’t leave until you ask me to.”
Leo smiled at that, nuzzling more into the plastron of his crush as he closed his eyes and let out a breathy exhale. 
He could maybe take this chance to actually rest, since his mind was calm. All thanks to Adriaen.
I love him….
So, I hope this was good! Honestly love Leo and Adriaen’s dynamic. They are just so cute together.
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
This is such a random question, but i wanted to hear your guys' thoughts anyway.
So you've already made quite a few headcanons/opinions on the guys' kinks and such. Now i was wondering who in the Twst cast would/wouldn't be good at Aftercare...?
I think it's actually simple to answer this because i feel like everyone sucks at aftercare some more than the others, especially since they're all teenagers, but still, what do you think?!
I really like how you acknowledged that everyone pretty much sucks at aftercare LOL This is exactly what I was going to say!! These boys aren’t very experienced, plus are kind of assholes for the most part. But I’ll still go through the list of characters, because it’s actually a very fun question.
Although I won’t write about the characters who we read as bottoms, I did mention them when writing about those guys we ship them with, so I hope that works.
Thank you for asking and wanting to hear our thoughts <3
Ace – he’s…. bad. He really can’t be bothered, especially at first, but he might start being a little bit more attentive overtime. Like, after dating Deuce for a couple of months, he might bring him something to drink after sex and hand him over a box of tissues, but in general he isn’t very helpful. But he sure talks a lot, if it helps… in all honesty it probably makes everything worse lol
Cater – he would actually be okay! He is surprisingly knowledgeable when it comes to these things. But he’s also a bit annoying because he’s trying to act all cute, like “leave it to Kei-kun~”, as if the true genuine Cater was gone the moment he and his boyfriend were finished with the sex part.
Trey – he is the best thing NRC has to offer… He is very attentive, very gentle, but also very apologetic and a bit awkward because he knows that he definitely overdid it. When he does the aftercare, he has a lot if silent “yikes” moments when he realises that the bruising, the marks and the redness of Riddle’s butt (after being smacked by Trey’s hips repeatedly for 20 minutes) are much worse than he imagined. What you don’t expect from Trey is that he is one of the boys who might get aroused during the aftercare because of how cute and helpless Riddle’s body looks covered in his marks.
Ruggie – he is also surprisingly good at it, but he also has this aura around him, as if he expects something in return. Since he mostly does it with Leona nowadays, he considers it to be an investment, so he makes sure that he proves the aftercare of the highest quality possible lol He even taught himself how to give good massages to relax tense muscles and stuff…
Jack – he is a little bit confused, but he got the spirit. He is usually even more shocked and disappointed in himself than Trey, and he’s also more earnest/genuine about it, so he’ll do his best to take responsibility. It’ll take him some time, but he’ll end up being surprisingly decent at aftercare after a couple of times.
Azul – honestly, it depends. He gets really tired and sluggish after sex, so his go-to would be to either cuddle a bit and go to sleep or to have a 5 minutes powernap before jumping out of bed, dressing himself and going to work. But that’s the most “earnest” vulnerable option; in actuality, Azul rarely doesn’t have a plan about what’s going to happen during the aftercare. So what’s more likely to happen is that Azul is going to do his “fufufu” laugh and go “do you need any help?~” knowing damn well that neither Idia nor Jamil are going to ask him. But he’ll still help them, if he feels like it’d make them closer or be profitable in any other way… That being said, I can still picture Azul being a bit more genuinely caring after being in a relationship with someone (I guess Idia specifically) for quite some time.
He is also one of the characters that could simply heal his partner with magic, by the way. But he’ll learn how to do it properly just because it’s Azul and he just has to be perfect at everything.
Floyd – in general he’s bad, especially because he loses interest very quickly. And I feel like the majority of his potential lovers (especially Riddle or Idia) expect him to be bad, but in a weird twist of fate, he would have these moments when he is very into aftercare. Just because he thought it would be a fun thing to do at that particular moment + because he kind of wanted to admire the body that he was chewing on just a couple of minutes ago. But he is also not the most gentle at it and could actually harm his poor bottom even more sometimes. And then look like a caring heartthrob the next moment. And then lick his bottom’s bottom and bite his thigh just because it he felt like it or do something even more cursed lol
Jade – if he wanted to, he would be the best at it. At least physically, but the catch is that Jade’s perfect aftercare is always paired with some kind of emotional torture lol He applies the cream and bandages in a very gentle way, he always brings something nice to drink and makes sure that his bottom is comfortable. But at the same time, he would sound so condescending and sickly sweet at the same time, being super smug and mocking, like “oh I’m sorry, it probably hurts very badly, is there anything else I could bring you to make you feel better?” It’s as if… as if he’s trolling his bottom for being babied like that.
And sometimes he just apologizes with the widest smile and the fakest regretful eyes and says that he is way too busy to perform proper aftercare. And just leaves…
Kalim – nevermind, he is the one who is confused but got the spirit. For the majority of time, he isn’t allowed to do any aftercare for Jamil. The reasoning is usually Jamil’s favourite “you’re the son of the Asim family, you don’t have to do something like this for me”, but in reality Jamil just doesn’t trust Kalim lol So yeah, because of that Kalim is very inexperienced. Aftercare is more complicated that he expected it to be… But he is still eager to help! So he’ll try his best, even if it’s just bringing Jamil a towel, a bottle of water, tissues, etc. But with Kalim there is always a risk that he might somehow turn everything into disaster for poor Jamil.
Rook – on paper he is great, and he is also one of the most knowledgeable people in this school. He is very aware of his partner’s physical state, he knows very well what to do to make him feel better + he also has a lot of experience, since he’s been doing this on a regular basis for more than two years. But he is also the most talkative one, sometimes he even sings, and for some reason despite all his experience and knowledge, he just doesn’t seem to care that his lover kind of want s to rest lol And while Vil is usually very restless and wants to do everything by himself, a lot of times Rook just allows himself to do whatever he wants with his partner’s body: he shoves fingers everywhere, grabs his legs and positions him the way he wants, and while he isn’t necessarily rough, he is very assertive and dominant.
Rook could be an absolute angel and the most well-behaved boy one second, and then suddenly it turns out that the aftercare was just a prelude to another sex session, and he just didn’t warn his lover about it lol
Ortho – he has all the data in the world, but he lacks the experience when applying this knowledge to irl stuff. He is also quite stubborn, so when he gets an idea that there just has to be some aftercare, he won’t leave his partner alone until he’s done it. And while someone like Vil wouldn’t be opposed to that, Idia gets awfully embarrassed when Ortho starts insisting on doing that. I guess if niisan is embarrassed and nervous, the best way to go around it would to put headphones + a mask on his face so he doesn’t hear or see anything when Ortho is working on his body… This is an actual idea Ortho would have without realising that it sounds even kinkier :(
Lilia – he knows that aftercare is important, and he is so sure that he always does it, but in reality he is kind of shitty at it lol Let’s be honest, the only two people he would ever do the aftercare for are Malleus and Silver (in pre-Lilidia scenario); and Malleus heals differently from human beings, with him it was less of an aftercare and more of a “prince wants more attention” thing. And Lilia is so bad at treating Silver’s poor human body in a decent way that I’m pretty sure Silver does his own aftercare. Lilia is the type to spit on a stinging bite mark and smear the saliva with his finger. It’s alright, you won’t die. Poor Idia who’s going to be s confused and helpless and bitten everywhere…
Sebek – oh this boy is RESTLESS. He is all over the place, no matter who his partner is. The only difference is that with Malleus he’ll be super nervous and keep apologizing and screaming about how much of a honour it is for him to be allowed to treat Malleus’ wounds (as if it was a battle…) and that he’ll do whatever Malleus needs to make him comfortable. And with Silver, he’ll just keep telling him off for some reason, as if it was Silver who bit himself, scratched himself and honestly fucked himself so hard that it’s difficult for him to sit. And if Sebek’s partner is Idia, then well, he might just leave him as it is, because he isn’t really worthy of any more of his attention. Wow what a jerk.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years ago
Ive been thinking about this for so long but dont know how down you are for semi angst, more like hurt/comfort headcanons... what are the boys apology styles like, say they say something they dont mean, i think of little charles just immediately bursting into tears as soon as he realizes what he saud, i see him as always sort of on the precipice to being little so i inagine when hes overwhelmed and he upsets mommy it just gets so much worse 😭
Little max on the flip side i see not being willing to admit what he did, i almost think of him as someone who just walks away, feelsbad and tries to silently make it up to you.i see his dom/mommy making him hold himself accountable though. I think it would honestly be a trauma response to his dad where he would just try to not stir the pot and move on, he also probably learned it from him cause i dont see that man apologizing... basically just like unlearning those behaviours so they can be healthy and happy together.
Id live to hear your thoughts on anyone else. i just dont have as certain feelings about the others in my head as these two ... exceot fir lando, hes a brat that takes ot too far repeatedly and then is a crybaby qbout it
I don’t know if it’s different people asking this style of question with littles or the same person but either way, I would die for you all of you I love this type of thing so much.
All Charles wants, whether little or big, is to make his mommy happy, that's it. He tries so hard, but when he's little he's just so small and so vulnerable and there are so many things he can't do. He gets so overwhelmed very quickly, and it can lead to a meltdown very easily because the poor thing just doesn't know what to do.
He doesn't mean to be rude to his mommy, but everything is loud and scary and he doesn't know what to do and the next thing he knows, he's pushing you and away and yelling at you to stay away and curling in on himself. He doesn't mean it, he just doesn't know what to do or how to cope.
The actual meltdown doesn't matter the moment he's realised what he's done. Then he's having a whole other meltdown, crying his little heart out and begging for forgiveness, promising that he can be good boy, that he will be a good boy.
Of course you just hold him close and comfort him, promising him that you know he didnt mean it and was just overwhelmed. He sticks to your side for the rest of the day, like he's scared you might actually leave him if he can't see you at all times.
I know you didnt mention George, but I want to talk about him because I think he would actually only apologise once he's in his adult headspace again?
He's so small when he regresses, mostly too small to even speak properly and far too small to realise that he might have hurt you with something. He can be quite fussy sometimes, especially when he's overtired and he just cant settle. He doesn't realise he's being difficult, and he really doesn't mean to, but he's just too small and can't express himself properly.
You two always get there in the end. And within an hour or two he's cuddled up in you arms, napping or listening to a story and being your sweet little boy.
But once he's back to his adult headspace, he'll remember how fussy he was and how much more work than usual he was and he'll come to you with his tail between his legs and apologise. Every single time he tells you that he understands if you don't want to be his caregiver anymore, which is absolutely ridiculous because that will never happen.
He'll often bring you flowers or chocolates or a book to say thank you for dealing with him, and he just loves you so so much.
I definitely agree that Max really struggles to work through whatever he's done wrong. And yeah, it's absolutely a trauma response from his childhood. When max was younger, the only option when he made a mistake was punishment. That's it. There was no talking it through, no trying to understand or making it better. It was just instant punishment and being screamed it.
Because of this, max learned to hide whenever he had done something wrong because he didnt want to be punished like that. He would just try and make up for it in some other way.
Of course this usually fails because he cant properly take care of whatever has happened on his own. He's too small to clean up the milk he spilt or fix the picture he ripped or wash his dirty clothes. He needs you to do those things for him.
You can always tell when max has done something wrong or made a mistake, because he'll hide from you. Usually, max always wants to be with you. Not necessarily on top of you or even next to you, but he always wants to be able to see you and know you're close by. So if more than a few minutes have gone by with Maxie in a different room... then you know something has happened.
The first few times, max just starts sobbing instantly, so bad that you actually worry he might make himself sick. And it's over something that honestly doesn't warrant that reaction? He spilled some milk and now he's sobbing on the floor.
However, unlike Charles, you can't just clean up and comfort max, because he'll continue to feel bad and guilty and not let himself enjoy his time with you because he doesn't think he deserves it.
I think natural consequences would be best for max? He split his milk, so he doesn't get anymore milk. He had an accident, so he must help you clean up and then be in diapers, etc. You always talk it through with him very nicely and very slowly, praising him for being so good about it and helping him work through it all.
You're so proud of him the day he comes to you and tells you that he knocked over his sippy cup and now there is juice all over the floor, because he finally understood that he wouldn't be punished the way he was when he was younger.
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a-blue-mask · 1 year ago
Being Fade's significant other, headcanons.
Where you made the cold and aloof King of Poisons fall in love with you.
Fade x GN!Reader
Warnings: spoilers from latest chapters and with a side dish of creative liberties, probably OOC, toxic behaviours, mention of attachment issues, writer who's bad at writing.
Author's note: my problem with writing my favourite characters, is that what I write about them is extremely biased. I had a draft of this that was pure self indulgence. While I LOVE self indulgence, I cringe when I'm the one who wrote it. So in this one he's the actual jerk that he is. A jerk in love, but still a jerk.
Was getting close to him easy? Hell no.
Was it all absolutely worth it? Hell yes.
After Persephone was destroyed, you found him and took care of him, nursing him back to health. Don't use the word "nursing" with him though, it makes him feel like a stray dog you took in. (Which I mean... it's not too far off from the truth).
After you proved that you had no hidden motive to help him, he started to slowly trust you.
He wouldn't admit it then, but you grew on him.
Even after he recovered, he stuck around for a while. Even tried to consider staying with you and giving up his revenge. He couldn't of course, but he tried thinking about it.
Around this time is when he realised you had done more than "grow on him", he was falling in love with you.
Telling you would have been a waste of time, he had to track down the one who destroyed Persephone, he couldn't possibly- aaaand there you go, confessing first and convincing him to give your relationship a shot.
As he couldn't just stay with you but needed to also have his revenge, he had you start traveling with him.
He's really protective of you. It never gets too much, he is still a very rational person, but... he kinda treats you like a defenseless kitten sometimes.
Which can be hilarious if you're actually a strong person. Even if you're a scary and experienced mercenary, he'll still try to shield you and protect you.
Walking in front of you when you guys don't know what you're exactly facing, or staying by your side when talking to someone, or always making sure you're well equipped with everything you need.
Be understanding, he lost his organisation already, he might act like a jerk now and then but he's actually trying to not lose you as well.
If you're someone that doesn't like to be protected... well sorry, he doesn't care. He's forcing you to wear your protective gear whether you like it or not. He's staying ahead of you no matter how much you try to run faster and surpass him.
When you two have some alone time in between traveling and missions... I wouldn't say he's soft. There's still that serious aura about him. But he does melt a little when you cuddle him.
He doesn't care if you're the one on his lap or he's the one on yours; he likes embracing you and he will embrace you. He'll keep his arms around you, even if you're so big that he doesn't even get around you.
Also also also give him back neck scratches. He likes those.
Until he doesn't. There are times where he just needs time to himself alone and almost can't stand your presence. Nothing personal, he can't stand anyone else either.
And often if he just doesn't feel very up for it he won't put much effort into doing what you like.
It's mostly him deciding when you guys cuddle or not. Kiss or not. That's one downside, if he doesn't feel like it he just won't do something.
And it gets a bit beyond the normal "boundaries" of a relationship.
Sometimes he seems fully uninterested in you and often dismisses your feelings.
It can seem paradoxical with his protective behaviour, but that's how things are.
Yes he does have attachment issues. Yes he needs to work on it. In the meantime, take the grumpy cat and love him.
No but seriously, don't try to defend him, there's only one way to describe this: toxic.
Don't get me wrong, he does love you, he really does, and he sees you as a person and respects your autonomy; he doesn't know how to be in a relationship though. There's a lot to unpack and a lot to fix.
But if you can do that, he does become one of the best lovers.
He may keep old habits of avoiding you when he doesn't feel like it, but he can push through it if you need him.
He listens to you and actually hears you out about your feelings.
He gets a bit more clingy, holding you in your sleep for example.
Still not a big fan of public displays of affection. He can push through if you're unwell and need it, but he doesn't enjoy it.
Pet names? Not great at them either. Although he did start calling you "Nightshade" after you almost accidentally killed yourself with one. You were trying to make medicine, but used some dosages wrong... Lucky for you he noticed in time and you didn't actually ingest it.
Overall he's just in love with you, but needs you to teach him about it. It'll take time and effort from both of you.
Is it worth it?
He thinks so. And you do too, if you got to this point.
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pawfulofwaffles · 1 year ago
I have had kinda-one kinda-two experiences with dating.
The first time I ever dated someone, it was kinda a knee-jerk reaction to feeling starved of affection and also feeling the need to have a partner because-- you know-- societal expectations. It was actually on my birthday, March 1st. I was going on to a friend about how I wished I could be cuddled and stuff(me wanting non-romantic affection but not knowing that such existed) and this friend told me that my soon-to-be boyfriend had feelings for me. And so, we got together. I was pretty happy at first(finally, I'm fufilling the teenage dream!) but later I started realising that something felt off.
I think it was mostly Jaiden Animations's coming out video that did it for me. I realised how terribly relatible everything was, down to literally just picking the okayest boy as your crush because you felt pretty much the same about every boy. I started kinda freaking out because I was like "no no I can't be aroace I want a romantic relationship please don't let this happen!" but the feelings of discomfort that I got from doing your standard romantic stuff and having those romantic expectations didn't go away. It was on October 18th when he sent me an email asking if I still liked him. I sent back as follows:
"Oh boy. I didn't expect this to come up now, but I'm glad it did.
"I'll be honest with you... the idea of a romantic relationship always sounded great to me, but I realised that stuff like kissing and cuddling is kind of uncomfortable to me. I think what I thought was love was more admiration of sorts.
"Trust me when I say you are one of the most caring and sweet people I've met, but you deserve someone who can enjoy a relationship with you and reciprocate those emotions the same way. You're so kind and compassionate and mature and you deserve someone.
"You're a fantastic friend, but I think that's all I've ever seen you as, even if I didn't realise it at first. And don't feel bad for making me uncomfortable, it's better now in 8th grade than in an adult world where love is such a precious, fragile thing to everyone.
"I want us to still be friends, but I don't think a romantic relationship would work as well as originally thought. I don't want to hurt you by entertaining the idea, so this is probably for the best. You've been so, so good to me, so I trust one day you can be good to someone else."
(It's a little funny to me, I'm not sure how adults see 8th graders when it comes to maturity, so I'm not sure how seriously this will be taken)
He was actually really chill with it! He said he was happy I figured out what was best for me, and that we can still be friends! We are absolute besties, we spent so much time together over the summer that he practically adopted me, we have way too many inside jokes("I think, therefore I am the color of cheese"), and he likes to say our whole friendship is TMI because we feel comfortable telling each other stuff that would be too much information to anyone else. Soon after I found out I didn't share feelings for him, he realized he was gay and not bi, so neither of us were actually attracted to each other lol
The reason I said "kinda-one kinda-two" experiences is because I'm not too sure where QPRs fall in. I have a queerplatonic partner, and he is the prettiest enigma in this world. We can be silly funny together, and we love just acting as fruity as possible in front of the other highschoolers(our whole friend group is harassed for being the LGBTQ+ friend group so we shoot em right back by grossing them out with our fruitiness)
I love our relationship because it's not bound by the normal expectations of a romatic or sexual relationship, our relationship can be whatever we want it to be without it feeling like there are standards to meet.
So yes. The aro awakening, the happy aftermath @:3
Those on the aro spec or the ace spec, whats your thoughts and feelings and/or experiences with dating? And where do you sit on the spec's?
Reblog or ask box!
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alfonzone · 2 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Honestly, I hate that style of doing things or thinking like it’s not what I want AT ALL. I barely even want to date these days simply because of this but I’ve been feeling super crappy recently and I think I’ve just been letting my emotions and in this case, lust (lmao) get to me and making me think stupid things 🥴 the worst thing is that I realised this guy is older than me and imo now probably should at least try and want something a bit more serious but hey, I ended up talking w my friend and luckily she’s a lot saner than I am feelig right now!! now!!!
Of course 😊😊
I hope you know that I never meant any disrespect or shame — i don't judge. You do you, ya know? What I was simply trying to state is, be careful. That's all. Stay safe, put yourself first, do your best in not letting yourself be something easy to use or play with.
In fact, I get it. I sometimes am in the mood to just cuddle and make out with someone. Like, not even sex and that's mostly because I'm a virgin so I can wait, but cuddling, playing with someone's hair and making out; having someone on top of me kissing as I run my hands through their body sounds so much safer, easier and ideal for me. I'm honest enough to say I'm a horny guy sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The main point of what I was trying to respond to you ��� take care of yourself in whatever you decide to do.
I'm sorry you've been feeling crappy lately, but I'm pretty sure you're a great gal/person and this is just a little funk you're going through atm. It won't always be like this 😊😊
I'm glad you have a "sane" friend who can reel you in from time to time 😂😊😊
Keep looking up, anon 😊😊🤎
(I don't necessarily send brown hearts because it's mostly for people I am fond of but I'll send you one because I'm rooting for you and why the heck not haha)
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There for you part 2 (Christen Press x Reader)
Part 1 
There a bit of a time jump at the end. Hope you enjoy :) Hit me up with any prompts or ideas of other stories you might want me to write. 
Words: 2.3K
Ever since the night 3 months ago when everyone found out about my past, mine and Christens relationship had grown a lot. We took things slow in the beginning as being in a relationship was definitely a learning curve for me. Not having to hide what I felt for her and actually being able to hold her hand, cuddle or kiss her whenever I wanted took a while to get used to, but now I couldn't get enough.
I admit I had asked Ali for help more times then I could count. Mostly for things like if I had to tell her where I was or what I was doing all the time, did I need to spend all my time with her, did I need to buy everything for her and much more. It felt ridiculous, but I honestly had no idea about how healthy relationships were supposed to be as all the relationships I was around growing up were pretty toxic. I wanted to be good for her so if that meant asking my bestfriend silly questions then that's what I would do.
The next thing I had struggled with was dates. I had never been on a proper date so I had no idea how to plan one, how often we should go on them and who pays. That was another thing I had to ask Ali about. I think the hardest part though was opening up and letting her be there for me. I mean she had always been there, but it felt different once we started dating. I was worried that maybe I would scare her away if I opened up too much, that she would realise I was more than she wanted to deal with and wanted a relationship with someone easy. It hasn't happened yet though. Christen was the most supportive person in my life besides Ali. She was patient, caring, supportive, yet knew when to push me.
"Hey Y/n?" Kelley called, making me turn to where she was standing.
Nothing good came when she used that tone, so I was slightly scared, "Yeah?"
"Are your hands glue?"
"I'm convinced they are, they're always stuck on Chris." I just rolled my eyes and turned back to the conversation I was having with Ali. It was pretty common that we got teased for how often I touched Christen or she touched me. There was nothing sexual about it most of the time, I just loved being close to her. I loved holding her hand, resting my hand against her back or thigh and having her cuddled against me. Christen was just as bad, if not worse than me. She would always sit on my lap, hug me from behind, pout when I left or stopped cuddling her and wanted kisses all the time. A sense of calm always washed over me when she was close, it made her happy and she still respected if I needed space so I didn't mind at all. I loved how safe and loved I felt around her so being teased was worth it.
"They're sitting on each other, making out again," Megan yelled as they came into the locker room. Practice had ended maybe 10 minutes ago, Christen and I had snuck off as soon as possible. We hadn't had a lot of us time this camp due to being in different rooms. Vlatko had made the rule of no swapping so we couldn't even if we wanted to. The team was great, but were oblivious at times. Pretty much every time we had tried to get some time alone someone had interrupted us or invited themselves along. We had snuck out once and managed to get an hour alone. That was until we ran into the team who had changed their minds about staying in and went to the café that we had chosen to go to. I couldn't be mad this time considering we were in the locker room, but I was getting annoyed with not having alone time with my girlfriend. I didn't even mean so we could have sex though it would be nice. All I wanted was cuddles, kisses and just time with her without anyone else around.
I placed one more kiss on her lips before getting my stuff to head to the bus, planning on showering back at the hotel. I was just feeling annoyed and if I stayed I would probably end up taking it out on the team. Christen gave me a worried look and offered to come with me, but I told her to shower and I just wanted some alone time. After a few minutes, Ali came and sat next to me on the ground as the bus wasn't open yet.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm just irritated. All I want is to spend time with Chris, but we keep getting interrupted. I know they don't mean to do it most of the time. I'm just over it."
Ali smiled sympathetically, "I get that. It's almost impossible sometimes. Once Ash and I literally ran away from them because we were desperate to get away."
"We tried sneaking out once, but it didn't last long."
"Maybe just tell them to bugger off."
"I'm getting close to it."
"Go have a shower, the girls are messing around so you have time. Me, you, Ash and Chris can hang out in our room when we get back. I know it's not complete alone time, but it's less people then normal."
Once we got back to the hotel, Ali disappeared to the front counter. We were supposed to be doing something with Ali and Ashlyn so I wrapped myself in Christens arms while we waited. Not getting time alone was having more of an effect on me than I expected. I was feeling more needy, I guess you could say. Normally, I was the one to hold her, but all I wanted was to be in her arms.
"I swear you guys are attached," Rose called out as they passed.
Emily snickered, "Where one goes the other follows, like puppies."
I just flipped them off without ever moving my head from Christens shoulder. I couldn't deal with them right now. Ali came back a few minutes later handing us a room card. "I got you the room for two nights. You go and we'll grab some of your stuff. We'll make sure the team leaves you alone."
Christen unwrapped from me to give Ali a hug. I followed whispering, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. I want my happy friend back."
When we made it to the room I fell onto the bed instantly pulling Christen down with me. I sighed happily knowing that I finally got to spend some much needed time with her. Christen shuffled a bit so my head was resting on her shoulder as her arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes breathing in her scent, the smell that was uniquely her and so calming. "I missed you."
Christen giggled, "I haven't been anywhere."
I pinched her side making her squeal, "You know what I mean. I missed this, I hate not rooming with you."
"I know baby, me too. Is this why you've been so cranky?"
Slightly embarrassed I buried myself further into her before nodding, "I just missed having time with you, by ourselves without the team. It's been harder than I expected."
"I'm sorry I didn't notice how this was effecting you sooner. You hid it so well, I thought it was just me struggling. Let's just tell the girls to bugger off next time."
We cuddled on the bed for a while until there was a knock at the door. Reluctantly, I got up to answer it knowing that Ali was going to drop some stuff off. I instantly felt myself getting annoyed when Lindsey and Tierna were standing there. Lindsey held two plates while Tierna had two bags, "Sorry, Ali told us you were staying in a different room tonight, we just wanted to bring you some dinner so you didn't have to come down and get some. And we have your stuff. I think we got all your game day stuff."
A small, but genuine smile appeared on my face. It didn't surprise me that Ali had told them since Lindsey was Christens roommate and Tierna was mine, "Thank you. We'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow was game day so after eating we just cuddled in bed watching movies until it was time to go to sleep. I knew we only had this for 2 nights, but I was already more relaxed and happier than I had been.
Christen pouted as I got pulled away from her by Ali. Even after being together for 4 years she still pouted when I went somewhere without her or stopped touching her. I still loved it just as much as I did at the start. It was a pout that could make me change all my plans. I was tempted to, but this was important. Ali was helping me plan how I was going to propose. Something that I had been thinking about for the last year. Now felt like the right time to do it.
Tobin wrapped her arm around Christen, "Don't worry Chris, I'm sure you won't die without her for a little bit."
The other girls started laughing as Christen rolled her eyes, "I might."
"I love you!" I yelled over my shoulder. Christen ran up to me, pecking my lips just before I got pulled into the elevator.
"I love you too."
When I got back to the meal room for dinner, Christen was instantly on my lap. I held her tightly, placing a kiss on her cheek. Kelley snickered, "I'm glad you're back Y/n. Christen was on the verge of dying from loneliness."
Christen hid herself in the crook of my neck as I rubbed her back, "I've got you my love."
I heard fake gagging behind me so I just lifted Christens head and placed a long kiss to her lips making them groan dramatically, "Get a room."
I turned around winking at them, "Oh we will be."
When the speeches started I knew it was time. I took the microphone before standing in front of Christen. "You once asked me who I admire most, I told you it was a teacher I had once. Do you remember that?" Christen looked slightly confused, but nodded, "Well I lied."
We had just won the SheBelieves cup which of course meant a party was thrown. This year I was planning on making it memorable. I was going to propose to Christen. I had flown her family in to see the game because I knew she would want them there. With the help of Ali, I had been planning this for the last few months. There was no set date I was going to do it, just that it would be around the tournament, but tonight surrounded by all our friends and family, felt like the right time to do it.
"I wanted to say you. You're the one I admire most. I admire how strong, independent, brilliant and loving you are, there is so much more, but if I listed them all, we would be here for a long time. I admire you for the fact you take me as I am. I know I'm a difficult person to deal with at times, yet you still stick around. I admire that you accept my flaws and insecurities. I have my days where I'm moody, grouchy or mopey, but you never once let that effect the way you see me or the way we are. You are the person that I admire most, for accepting me for who I am regardless of my problems or past.
"There was a time in my life where I could never have even imagined being with anyone let alone someone as amazing as you. Now, I can't imagine my life without you. I don't want to imagine my life without you in it. I want everything with you, the good, the less good, and the fun." Ali came up behind me, placing the little black box in my hand that was behind my back. I took Christens hand, "You are my everything Chris, my reluctant partner in crime, my rock. I want you by my side for the rest of my life."
I got down on one knee, opening the box. The ring was simple, a silver band cut to resemble the leaves/stem of a plant because I knew she loved nature. A simple heart shaped emerald sat on top. It had taken a lot of time to get it perfect, but I think it matched her perfectly. Christen stood there, tears starting to form, "Christen Annemarie Press, will you marry me?"
Christen nodded, whispering a quiet yes. I slipped the ring on her finger before pulling her into a tight hug. She pulled away, digging through her bag for something before coming back over to me. In her hand was a small white box, "You beat me to it."
She opened the box leaving me speechless. It was a rose gold band with an engraved forest design and a line of small black diamonds below it. It was likely a traditionally men's style ring as everything was flush to the band. Tears threatened to fall, the ring was perfect, she was perfect, "I always said I would."
"Will you marry me y/n?"
"Well I can't say no so I guess so."
Christen let out a watery chuckle, "You're a weirdo."
I connected our lips briefly, aware that our friends and family were still watching, "You're stuck with me now."'
"We're not married yet, there's still time to escape."
I laughed before taking her hand and holding it up victoriously, "She said yes motherfuckers!"
Everyone laughed and cheered then surrounded us to congratulate us and look at the rings. I managed to escape to the back where Ali was standing. She wrapped me in her arms, "I'm so proud of how far you've come."
"Thanks Ali. I know it just happened, but I wanted to ask you something."
"You've been there for me since we met, even when I pushed you away, you were still there. You're my bestfriend Ali. None of this would have been possible without you. Will you be my maid of honor?"
She grinned widely, "Of course I will Y/n."
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mostlyonthefloor · 2 years ago
I hope you don't mind - I took the liberty of adding a little bit :)
Stig wakes through the murky haze of an already-disappearing dream, something involving Hal and Mam and a wagon of hay, not immediately aware what stirred him. Still half-asleep, he rolls onto his back to take stock of his surroundings. He glimpses the moon out the door of their little hut - barely setting over the still sea. It can't be later than about two hours from midnight, and it's a calm, peaceful night. What disturbed him?
Whatever it is, Ulf on the night watch can probably take care of it. He rolls over to go back to sleep and snuggles back into his blankets. Oh, that's nice. It's so warm and cozy, and he's so tired from turning in late after that whole debacle last night. He settles down to catch the few hours' sleep he can before dawn, drifting off back into sleepy nothingness.
Next to him he hears an aborted gasp, like somebody in pain. Groggily, he stirs again. What was that?
A choked sob on his left. Who was on his left? "...Jes?", he mumbles.
Jesper is talking, quietly and frantically, choking on sobs. What's he doing? Is he talking to someone?
"Jes ... why're you awake ...s'too early..."
No response, only a slightly less muffled sob. Stig sighs, and heaves himself up onto an elbow, still mostly asleep, to take a look.
Jesper is curled up into a ball, trembling like a leaf, blankets strewn around his legs, sobbing quietly into his arms. A wave of compassion rouses Stig slightly from his sleepy daze. A nightmare, then. He sits up, and leans over to Jesper's shaking form.
"Jes, don't cry ... s'just a bad dream or somethin'..."
Jesper doesn't react, only curls up even more tightly. Stig's tired mind tries to decide what to do, and eventually settles on leaning over and taking Jesper in his arms, leaning his weight onto the other man. Like Kloof. He knows Jesper likes that.
Jesper sobs once more, more quietly this time. Stig's neck where it's pressed up against Jesper's face is wet with tears. Stig's too tired to process much but he feels a depth of sympathy almost too strong for his sleepy state to deal with. He tries to gently play with Jes's hair like his own mam used to when he had a nightmare, rocking the other back and forth in his arms.
"Shh Jes..."
Jes gasps, tenses in his arms and then relaxes, grabs desperately at Stig's nightshirt and then just as suddenly lets go, jerks his head out of Stig's embrace to sob, "Please ... Please, p-please just give me one more chance-"
Stig tucks the other close again, rubbing up and down his back in what he hopes is a soothing manner.
"Wake up Jes ... you're havin' a nightmare...", he mumbles into Jesper's hair. Despite Stig's concern, sleep is claiming him again, weighing him down, settling his cheek onto the top of Jes' head. Jesper relaxes completely beneath him, gasping like a trapped animal. Is he awake? Stig can't tell.
Jes whimpers, so quietly Stig almost doesn't hear, "Pleasedon'tleaveme."
Stig is ... Gods. Stig's too tired for this. He wants Jesper to go to sleep so that he can go to sleep too and he wants Jesper to wake up and realise he was having a nightmare and that he's safe and they're not going to leave him and he wants to hold Jesper forever to make sure he never has another nightmare ever again. He settles for squeezing the other tighter and flopping down onto his side, Jesper tucked into his chest.
"No one's leaving you 'nywhere,", he mumbles. "Just a bad dream. Go back t'sleep."
Jesper gasps a few more times and then cuddles into Stig, an arm looping around his torso. Ok, good. Stig relaxes further and Jesper relaxes into him and they melt together, holding each other close. Jesper's breathing evens out, slow and sleepy against Stig's shoulder. Stig settles back down, letting sleep claim him once more. Whatever this is, they can work it out in the morning.
June of Jesper: Solitude
"Please," Jesper begs, voice splintering with terror, and he scrambles frantically into the tide of the disappearing Heron. "Please, please, don't leave!"
Hal's voice sounds far away- so far- from the deck of the ship. "You've done it for the last time, Jesper. We're not coming back for you."
"No, I'm sorry, please- I d-didn't, I won't, I won't I didn't I promise please don't leave me here-!"
So dark, so dark. All alone. Darkness grabs at him.
Jes... why're you awake... s' too early...
He's done it. He knows he's done it but he doesn't know what it is, knows he's finished, knows they aren't coming back for him here- where?- and he's all alone, locked away, all alone forever because nobody wants him anymore ever anymore no more
Jes, don't cry... s' just a bad dream or somethin'...
all alone
-darkness grabs him shakes him trapped alone tears spill down his cheeks and he begs again for Hal to come back and give him another chance, just one more, he'll be good, he'll be so good, quiet and obedient and whatever you want I'll be so good just don't leave me please don't leave me alone
Shhh Jes...
All alone all alone dark so dark, Hal, Stig, Stef, Kloof, Thorn, he'll make it up to them, he just wants to stay, please, let him come back and he'll do anything- please
"Please," Jesper sobs. His arms are trapped and he can't move and he's being smothered and- "Please, p-please just give me one more chance-"
"Wake up, Jes... you're havin' a nightmare..."
-and he opens his eyes-
-and he's still being smothered, but it's by Stig's nightshirt- or Hal's chest, unless that's Ingvar's- but no, that's Stig, Stig's arms are around him, holding him tight, sleepily and clumsily rubbing his back and-
"Pleasedon'tleaveme," he whispers, and tries desperately not to shrink away just in case this is the last time he'll be getting this kind of attention or affection.
"No one's leavin' you 'nywhere," Stig mumbles back tiredly, and Jesper is whimpering so hard he can barely breathe and they're going to get angry at him, everyone does, everyone leaves him all alone- "Just a bad dream. Go back t' sleep."
Jesper doesn't dare disobey.
He curls up, as tight and close as he dares, and huddles into Stig's warm embrace and hopes it'll keep him safe until the morning.
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lolawassad · 3 years ago
Part 2!
Same warnings, also some talk about pee MINORS DNI
Dom!futa!maddy x sub!afab!reader.. Futa!cassie x reader
3rd pov
When maddy took you to bed you and her had rough but intense sex all night ending with her cumming inside you, afterwards maddy ran you a bath and washed your hair
Cassies night went.. The exact same but with a sexdoll she had made to look like you, she has one of you and one of maddy
The one that looks like maddy had a vagina but after cassie saw that maddy, like her, had a cock so she attached a strap on to it, usually she fucks both sex dolls during the same session but this time was different
She fucked the y/n sex doll while yelling at the maddy one "YOU SEE SHE IS MINE" "IM SO MUCH BETTER THEN YOU" "IM GONNA FUCKING GIVE HER MY CHILD" then cuming in the doll, she then fell asleep cuddling the sex doll after pushing the maddy doll in the box she came in and under her bed
Lexi walked in after a night with fesco and saw cassie with y/n in bed making her shocked, y/n is cheating on maddy?? Everyone knows y/n is off limits
At school lexi rushed to maddy, who was at your locker with you, lexi glares at you and looks you up and down "shes fucking cassie" lexi tells maddy
Maddy laughs "what? No she isnt" she says, lexi points at your state "i saw her in cassies bed last night"
Maddy shakes her head "i was fucking y/n last night, i had her in my arms the whole night, it probably just someone that looks like y/n" maddy says making lexi's face drop "im sorry" she says and she goes to say more but you stop her
"Its okay.. Just looking out for your friends" you smile before maddy leads you to class, as you limp into your first and only class of today the teaches tells the class that they will continue the movie they started yesterday
You grab your icecoffee and take a sip before feeling maddy's hand go up your skirt and to your cunt, she leans to whisper to you "you feel so empty without my cum princess" making you mewl a soft "daddy"
Maddy looks surprised at the name before she smirks "you gonna let daddy take care of you?" You nod your head, this time your in the middle in the back of the class, maddy slowly slides in one of her fingers while keeping eye contact with cassie
"Just watch the movie" maddy tells you while glaring at cassie "she is mine, never will be yours" maddy mouths to cassie before feeling you clench around her finger
She coos softly "aw baby so sensitive from daddy fucking you all night?" She asks while noticing your eyes glossed over and realises how deep in subspace you are
She moves her finger in and out of you before making you cum, then she pulls her fingers out and into her mouth, she licks them clean and pulls you onto her lap
She cradles your head against her shoulder and sings sweet praises to you
Cassie is now facing you both, her cock out as she focusses on your legs, maddy notices the movement and turns her head only to see her ex bestfriend get off of the sight of her girl
Maddy just smirks 'you will never have her' she mouths
2 week skip
You and maddy have continued to have playsessions during class mostly in the classes cassie isnt in, but today you dont text maddy or show up to class
Maddy worries about you, you have been saying you arent feeling too great, maddy decides to walk out of class halfway and go to your house
When she reaches your place she grabs the hidden key and lets herself in, her heartbreaking when she hears you throwing up
She grabs a bottle of water and walks to the bathroom, she hands you the bottle of water when you look at her, she smiles
"hey baby.. Remember when i came in you? Multiple times.. Maybe we are pregnant?" Maddy says after sitting in silence for a bit
You bite your lip and point to the counter, its then maddy notices around ten pregnancy tests all positive "oh baby" maddy says happily before hugging you "you just made me the happiest person alive, princess" she says
"I want steak and mushrooms" You say when your done throwing up and start walking to the kitchen, maddy looks at you with even more love in her eyes before she runs to the kitchen "go cuddle up on the couch ill make it okay?" She says before placing a kiss to your forehead and handing you a piece of gum
The next day, saturday
You wake up feeling better, you get dressed but this time you put on a skirt with a big sweater over it. its rues, you stole it from her after she crashed last time
Maddy sets down breakfast on the table "is that rues?" She asks confused making you nod "i think she took it from fesco and then i took it from her, its like a this is everyones sweater, sweater" you say with a giggle makimg maddy giggle
"Are we gonna tell?" Maddy asks after a beat of silence "only friends maybe?" You suggest making maddy nod her head in understandment "i cant believe i fucking bred you baby" maddy says with a smirk making you groan and get up to set your plate away but maddy quickly takes it and also carries your bag for you
She leads you to her car and helps you in, hand over head so you dont bump it on accident and also buckles your seatbelt and kisses you before closing the door and rushing to the other side
At the party maddy pulls you softly to kat rue bb and cassie "y/n's pregnant" she tells them with a smile
Kat turns to you "who is the daddy?" She asks, maddy glares and scoffs "me, dumbass, i fucked my girl full" she says aiming the last part at cassie who just fake smiles "so happy" cassie says before running off to have a breakdown in front of the mirror
"Yo thats fesco's" rue says pointing to the sweater but maddy thinks shes pointing at your tummy "no rue y/n and i fucked rough and hard, we both loved it and oh you are talking about the sweater" she says mid rant, all the girls laugh
With cassie
Cassie is touching her hair and smiling at herself while calming her breathing, she stays in the bathroom the whole party
After having some water you enter the bathroom cassie is in, you smile at her even though she fed you a cumcake and go to pee, the sound of you peeing does something to cassie, she puts a broom blocking the door from being opened and pulls her cock out again
She spits in her hand, moving to sit on the counter and puts her legs up so when you walk out you have a full view of her, she starts jerking off making you hear a wet sound "you okay cas?" You ask the girl outside the stall "yeah yeah, fine thank you sweetie" she says while moving her hand up and down faster "so pregnant huh?" She asks wanting to hear more of your voice "yeah it was kind of a shock but not really" you reply before getting out of the stall
Cassie starts moving even faster now that you sre in front of her "you like daddy's cock sweetie?" She asks you, you are frozen in shock, the door to the bathroom slams open, the broom in pieces maddy and rue standing behind fesco who bashed into the door "you are sick" fezco says before pulling you away from the bathroom "SHES GONNA BE MINE" cassie yells behind you guys
Fezco pulls you into a different bathroom and you wash your hands "your pregnant?" Fezco asks "y/n you sure your ready for that?"
You nod your head, he opens the door for you and puts his hand on the small of your back "maddy is also really happy, so i think this is a good choice, also the baby will have nice aunts and a drug dealing uncle" you tease, he laughs before leading you to maddy
Maddy pulls you in for a hug "never letting you go anywhere alone, say buhbye fucking freedom, cassie is a bitch, her cock isnt even big" maddy rants making you giggle and peck her lips "i love you" you tell her
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zuppizup · 2 years ago
Does Shadow ever get jealous of Callum? I assume maybe after so many months he’s adjusted, but was there a period of time that Shadow did not appreciate Callum diverting Rayla’s attention from him?
He was okay in the beginning, because Ez lavished attention on him and he was pretty focused on catching and perhaps eating that jumpy green thing, but then Ez left and it just him and Rayla and the new guy. And they were always cuddling on the couch, so there would be no room for him on her lap (which he let stop him. He was there FIRST!)
And the new guy was there all day long (while Rayla left in the morning) but at least he was mostly in his room so Shadow could lounge around on the couches and just ignore him.
Then the new guy started leaving in the mornings with Rayla too, which was GREAT because that meant Shadow had the whole place to himself and he could go sit on the new guys pillow and new guy couldn’t stop him (new guy HATED when Shadow sat on his pillow). He could jump up on the kitchen counter and wander around (Rayla and new guy didn’t like that either). He could scratch the carpet or the couch (though they both seemed to know he’d been doing that).
Then he started feeling a little lonely. He’d nap, get up, look around for anyone (even stupid new guy) and realise he was still all alone, and then nap again. Then wake up and go looking…
And he’d get so excited when he’d hear someone at the door, running to the hallway and he was so happy for company he didn’t even mind that usually new guy was the one who got home first. New guy would smile all happy like too and pick him up and give him cuddles…
So maybe he wasn’t all bad.
Then Callum got him this cool little bed cave thing, so, well, he can probably stay.
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harrypotterbrainworms · 3 years ago
Summary: request for jjk characters and their reactions to reader saying “i love you“ for the first time.
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento.
Word Count: >1k
Itadori Yuuji:
you took a deep breath and looked at him for an uncomfortable few seconds “i love you.” spilled from your mouth and he just melts. he melts and peppers your face with kisses, holding your hands in his own and now that the words have been spoken he can’t stop saying it. he’s the type of guy who’s patient, in his mind he had basically decided he loved you the first time you kissed. now with the words that were coming out of your mouth (which he gladly waited for.) he wanted to kiss you more and more and more.
Kugisaki Nobara:
she would probably need a minute to process what you said. she’s thought about it before, but is unsure if how you feel will end up hurting her more. she asks you to repeat so many times before she feels comfortable saying it back and that’s an even more special moment. when you wake up, looking over at her, muttering a little “i love you so much” and having her mumble back a half flustered “i love you too” very quickly before pecking your cheek and getting up to run for breakfast with a red on her cheeks.
Fushiguro Megumi:
he’s unsure how to feel. he wants to say it back, valid how you feel about him. he works himself into knots trying to figure out a way to say it back and a way to make sure you’re not hurt. he didn’t think just to tell you he wasn’t ready first. he didn’t want to put that on you, but now having avoided you for days, he abruptly stops you in a hallway of some kind, corning you. “i like you a lot!” he says quickly all at once, looking away as to not face your disappointment in him. you however grab his hand softly. “you don’t have to say it back… whenever you’re ready, okay?” he nods very quickly and just as abruptly as he corned you, he’s already down the hallway. smiling to himself as he stared forward a little spaced out at how amazing you are.
Gojo Satoru:
you were in bed, his dangly arms wrapped around you when you turned to face up at him, both your mostly bare skin touching and you tiredly whisper an “i love you.” as you yawn, cuddling closer to him. you’re sound asleep before he can even react appropriately and there he lays, you in his arms as he stares at the ceiling, as he questions every life decision he ever made. he had come to a conclusion as you slept soundly. he would go… again. yeah, he thought. it was a great idea. he had clearly overstayed his usual time with someone and it was about time to leave anyway… then he started thinking why it was time to go? or why he had stayed so long with you? usually he was dating 5 different people who eventually found out about each other and that took care of that, but he can’t think of any recent date he had that wasn’t you or the last time he had checked the dating apps he so conveniently removed from his home screen after that one particular night with you. he looked at you again and smiled, kissing your head gently. he sighed with content and nervousness as he muttered “i love you too.” at your unconscious mind.
Nanami Kento:
it was casual, almost too causal. you had been living together, for convenience of course. you both told yourselves. he needed a roommate and you needed a place to live… and then you needed a workspace and he needed an office and suddenly you shared a bed. more space efficient of course. the sex was just a plus to whatever relationship you had. it was fine if you cuddled after, aftercare was just as important. you could both use the physical touch and conversations and meals and… it slipped out when he walked into the room, grabbing his cuff links when you looked sleepily at him. “have a good day at work, love you” you yawned, rubbing your eyes. “thank you. i will. love you too, bye.” and just like that both of you had barely been realised that your relationship had progressed. not until he came home later in the evening and you were a nervous wreck and he looked a little more tired than usual. “i didn’t mean we-“ “of course it was just polite.” “yes. we haven’t become more or less than we were before.” “yes.” the end note was kind of disappointing for both of you. though when you both laid in bed that night, a steamy session knocked out, your minds drifted to it again. the morning came and you woke up to him getting dressed. “morning” you smiled, rubbing sleep out of your eyes. “good morning, i was just on my way… i’ll see you later of course. love you, bye.” he said a little stiffly, testing the waters. “of course, love you too” you said, throwing the covers over you again. he smiled to himself, moving to give you a kiss on the forehead before heading out.
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abyster · 2 years ago
Vacation for a Dream Lord Dream of the Endless/GN!Reader Domestic Headcanons!! + small one-shot
warnings: basicly none, SFW, Fluff, a bit of sad stuff, a lot of dialoges, a bit ooc morpheus (cuz he is mental stable in this one), no comics spoilers, bad grammar because im not native speaker
After turning down Morpheuses proposal, due to it all being too fast for you, you are trying to show him what he would miss out.
✭ When first arriving at your place, Dream is just...he is in stupor! Still a bit cautios about all this “Breaking the rules about loving mortals by Endless”.I mean, his last lover rejected him because of the death of her tribe. “ Love, how many times should i repeat This? We are not breaking the rules, we are taking detours because the wording of text is realy vague, ok? “ Not ok, he is stil nervous as heck.
✭Extremely shy and nervous at the start (which he really tries to hide. Ehh, doesn`t really work :/ ) As the solution to this problem he started to turn into a cat for some time. Usually when you are working from home or while you are trying to watch a movie with him.  Stroking your fingers through his fur, you lazily say , “If you wanted to cuddle you coud`have asked, love. “ * TURNS INTO A HUMAN IMMEDEATLY *
Even though sleeping on the couch was not your best decision, the nasty feeling in your limbs quickly faded as you felt breathing on your neck. Morpheus did not give up on the first day. “Good.” you thought, falling asleep once again, feeling light embrace of Morpheuses hands.
✭ If you have a pet, which is like dog/cat/rabbit ect. , firstly he will fell a bit jealous. Yeah, Dream of the Endless, Sultan of the Dreams is jealous of some pet. You find it really adorable when he slowly gives in into the charm of this animal. Especialy when you find Morpheus in the living room, who tries to explain something to your pet. 
His eyes met your confused look.
«I speak animal language» he spoke. Nope, not going to ask. Just no.
If you have a reptilia, he`ll be really interested. Mostly he intrested in how to keep such creatures at home and asks if it`s dangerous and nearly scares the shit out of a poor baby((( Regardless of you having any pet, he is already thinking about bringing something(someone) special from his realm. Maybe even a dragon!!
“You know what? I`m not even suprised” you speak while switching between the sight of a Morpheus, and a big egg in a basket. WAIT, did he also put a choclate bars in there???? Well, maybe you are a little surprised.
✭Kicking out Matthew has become a new paragraph in your routine. But after realising that his master is perfectly fine, he leaves back to the Dreaming. He made no promises to keep his mouth shout tho.
✭ Pet names? Well, that is depends on the mood . You are calling him lover?? Dude is just stoped whatever he was doing and just stared at you. He definetly was not expecting this. His brows were frowned, and you tried to apologize.
“I can stop if you don`t like” Your heartbeat was raising, as you looked into his eyes. shivers ran down your spine as you heard response “No, Keep going...Lover”. At this point your brain just stoped working, making smile appear on Dreams face. Your first language is not english? EVEN COOLER! You get to call him names he does’nt understand. Sweet names, obviosly. Like Mriya(Dream), Sueño(Dream,Sleep)  and kokhanyy (beloved, lover). Or sometimes telling him that if he will countinue this self-destructive behaviour of his, you`ll feed him a cat food. You also like to see the questioning stare on Morpheuses face as he tilts his head. After returning to The Dreming and meeting Lucienne, Morpheus asks her what does all this words mean.
“Luciene, while i spent time at the waking world i heard a word Kokhanyy. By any chance do you know the meaning?“ At that statement Luciennes brows raised up. Why would he ask questions like that? Lors of The Dearms sure can spend some time to find a vocabulary. It probably is important, she thought. Lucienne turned her gaze from Lord Morpheus to Matthew, and back. Spreading her shoulders and inhaling air, she sad with a slight smile on her face, “I believe that it means beloved, or lover, my Lord.“  Matthew swore to all of gods that existed in this universe, that he saw Dream of The Endless turning into big scarlet tomato. It`s a shame no one will believe him((
✭If you want to take him out in some restraunt or at least in park, he'll immedieatly dismiss. Damn, you never expected him to have a social anxiety. After some time, though, you succeeded in taking him out to try your favorite food. "It was not that bad, was it?" you asked him, with playfull smirk on your lips. "--I suppose it was not" Morpheus answered. Then he lifted up your hand and gave you a slight kiss on the back of your palm. Aww, such a gentelman. "I hope you truly liked it, 'cause i have a lot more in store to show you." Holding his chin between your fingers you gave him a not-so-soft peck on the lips. Smile rose on his fase. "And i can't wait for all of it to come"
✭ Even though you tried to find a new hobbies for Morpheus, it was quite... Hard, you can say. The dude had litteraly every book back there in his realm. But he is not there, right?? Yeah, on the contrary, he refused to play twister. After buying him a proper phone ( YEAH A NORMAL PHONE, NOT LIKE TOM`S STURRIGES ) he was captivated in the world of cats memes. Genuinely does not understand “deez nuts joke”(my precious little bean). After showing him a few songs of The Smiths, even thought at first he does not share your enthuthiasms, he grows to like them!! Especially “What difference does it make”. Also he enjoyed listening to Tv-Girl. Mostly because  “Lovers Rock” reminds Morpheus about yours relationship. You can swore that he was a bit smiling while listening. And he will not deny it <3
✭ Cooking with him ... is quite a challenge. Despite the fact that in the morning he was all confused, things start to get better when you try cook with Morpheus, while also desparetly keeping him away from a stove as far as possible. Sometimes he feells a bit out because of this. Thinking that he can`t do normal things that little mortals do. But Dreamis quickly realizes that he is wrong, dissolving in his lovers kisses and words of admiration. While making an evening meal together, you get to know eachother better. When Dream tells about his past , his ex-wife and dead son you tell him not to. But he trusts you enough to let you see him at such vulnerable state. 
“Hey... It`s not fine right now, but it will be. I promise.” you slowly spoke, kissing his fallen tear. 
Yeah, sweet-old-depressive-kitchen-talk. Love it.
✭If you are on medication and forgetting to take pills on time, Dream will make sure that you won`t forget to do it. Not in the annoying way, it`s actually kinda sweet that he started his own research on how brains of humans works. Sometimes you can find him seating on the couch, reading some book on human`s biology. You can join him by carefully pulling him down, moving under his hands and placing head on his chest. If you are lucky, you can leave your hands on his hips ))
*You getting a cold* "Humans are such a fragile creatures" - *Morpheus gives you a blanket, tea and all the love he has* *You acciddentaly cutting yout hand* "Such clumsy, soft, easy-going creatures" - *Takes his time to heal your palm ".
✭If you really like playing games on your pc, Morpheus likes to be near you and taking care of you when you can`t do it yourself. Giving you snacks, reminding you of importance of sleep and basicly being close to you(MALEWIFE MORPHEUS GOES BRRR). Also tried to teach him to play some basic games, kind of like genshin or minecraft. After finding out that he can read books in his phone he became less intrested in gaming. But because of Morpheuses passionate nature with his lovers, Dream Lord always wanted to be close to you.  When Dream was not in cat form , an idea came into your mind. 
“Dream” “Yes, my lover?” Even after a few month him calling you like that, the warm feeling in your chest is not going to get away. It probably never will and you enjoy this thought. “You know, i just got an idea you might like. What about...Cuddles in a chair? I still have a lot of things to do, but if you want to, we can, you know..?” Dream is quiet for a moment, he appreciate that you share a desire of this kind of intimacy. After a few seconds he responses with , “I think its a great idea, my love”
Damn, he is so... Comfortable! Looks like his cat form not so different from his human form . It was an iddyl. Your legs was wrapped around his torso, your hot breathing has faced his pale neck. While his arms was wrapped around your waist, sometimes they traveled into area of your legs. Being busy over computer means that you can`t hold him forever, but when you get break and start to hold him, Morpheus just melts into your touch. Giving him soft pecks on his nose, forehead and neck became a routine you both enjoy. The only though of his in  moments like that was never letting you go.  "Alright, hon`. I`m done with my work for today. Time to go to sleep." You spoke lazily, turning off your pc. Suddenly you hear his soft mumble. "What was that, love? " Hands slightly stroking his hair. "I do`nt want to." He replied under his breath. "Hm--Dream does not want to dream?" ASked you while pressing slight kisses onto his neck "To let you go." "Alright then, needy teddy bear, looks like i need to carry on the bed"
✭He likes to take care of you, that`s not even a question. When you start to take care of Morpheus, he is feeling ... strange. Brows twitching, heart rate speading up and goosebumps keep spreading all over across his spine as you gently comb his black hair. Absolutely stunned when you asked if you could weave flowers into his hair. When you were finished it was your time to be stunned. Never this planet had seen as pretty creature as Dream. Morpheus was amused by your feelings towsrds him, pink blush started to form on his cheeks.
"Take a picture." He spoke,"It'll last longer"
Probably you had thought it out loud. Without any shame you answered, "And i definetly will"
✭Obviosly news about Dream taking a vacation was flying from one realm to other. Mostly because one nasty raven couldn`t keep his tounge behind his beak. When you were wisited by Death, that was a good thing, really. Turns out she poped up to check on her sweet brother. It’s a shame she didn`t stayed for a dinner. But definetly good for Morpheus, or she would`have told you all his embarassing moments that she knew of. The real surprise was the Desire, standing in front of your door. Morpheus had told you about one of his youngest siblings . Sibling that wanted attention and power. But no, you do not pity them. This time this trickster has taken the form of someone you desired the most - Dream, your passionate lover who now was reading in the living room. Tension started to fly in the air.
"Oh, Dear, you know that you will not stay with fim forever, right?" Huh, nice words to start conversation with.
"I`m not going to repeat it for you, Desire. Get out." You irritably replied.
"Ouch, that was really rude of you! We are basicly family now, are we not? " Desire laughed lightly at your words.
"Hmm, you basicly have had hand in my lovers capture for an over a century, tried to get him killed and gave him more trauma than he can handle?? No, after that, no. I don't wan't to have anything in common with you."
"Your words hurt me more than any venom could! This time Dream has found himself a bold one. And is not like you have any chance in standing against me anyway, sweetie. Now please, get lost. I have a deal for the Dream." Desire purred, slipping throught the door, inviting themself in. Huge wave of shock went through the intruder, knocking the ground out from under their feet. Stars danced in eyes of Desire while their body and mind twisted in pain. You kneeled down, to get a better look at Desire and to assert dominance. " As you can see, and feel, sweetie , being in love with Dream of The Endless means being in constant danger. And who would i be, if i had not protected my house from nasty little things like you?" You spoke, slighlty poking their face just out of boredom.
"It was quite easy to find right spell and ingridients, while having a biggest library in universe and blood of Endless." Seeing that you can't get more information on the deal they came with, you raised to your full height as you've said your last words to the intruder.
"Whatever deal you have to Dream can wait, so please, get lost." Before closing the door, you gave Desire the last blow. "It is pchysicaly hurts to see you like that, really.--Huh, maybe i even do pity you."
The door closed and so yours conversation with Desire. "Who was that?" Asked you Dream, continuing to read his book.
"Just some pizza-guy has the wrong adress. Ugh, now i am even regretting not just paying for pizza and taking it in"
Morpheuses eyes rose from a book. Then he cautiosly asked you
" What's a pizza?"
✭ Hugs from the back! This man absolutely in love with physical affection. Especially after he got over his imprisoment trauma. If you are significantly shorter than him, Dream loves to place his chin on top of your head snd lay his hands around you. Likes to get stuff from high cupboards for you by picking you up and lifting you on the level of cupboards. If you are the same height as him then he also hugs you and loves whispering words of admiration into your ear.
✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭
"Well, it was nice while it lasted, right?" You huffed with a smile on your face, facing the love of your life. So, so beautiful. Cold morning breeze waving his hair while sunlight fell on his pale skin.
" You still can visit me in the Dreaming " Said Dream, slightly tilting his head. Were you going to leave him? No, everything was so nice. It can't be.
" Nah, just, after this vacation i feel like i won't be able to get enough of you, ya' know?."
"You know i can not leave Dreaming without a ruler..."
"Yeah, and would never ask you to do so. At least i'll have a plenty of time after my death at the Dreaming, right? Lets just hope it won't be soon, i still have plans to do here". Morpheus could not believe his ears. You wanted to live with him after death? Then why would you turn his proposal down? His shocked face had told you everything he did't. " Hey, if i don't want to marry you does'n mean that i don't love you, alright? It's just... I've never seen a sense in marriage . If you love somebody, why you should prove it with some papers and rings? And yeah maybe i do have some trust issues cuz of my parrents unsuccesfulll marriage and i were suprised someone like you would marry someone like me... I am rambling again, aren't I?" As your face had growed a sad look, it was taken in cold hands of the Dream of The Endless.
"Throughout the time i spent with you i've learnt so much about mortals, about the misserable life of theirs..."
"Wow, thanks, you know how to flatter a human..." You rolled your eyes as he continued to speak.
"And it took me long enough to realise the beauty of all of you. You are facinating, soft creatures with a of heart of gold. And every of you is so, so different. You fail to see the light in the darkness-- just the way i did. And when you are in dead end, what do you do? You sleep, traveling into my realm. Regaining your life power. Creating and inspiring. You've showed me this side of humanity, you've faced the darkness with a smile on your face, creating a light on your own. You were the one who accompanied me on this jouney, lightning my way... It would be an honor to be a companion on the journey of yours. I'll fight all the demons on your way. Even if it's the demon of insecurities and trust issues." Oh god, did he just made a joke?" I'll face every obstacle on our way, if it means being with you."
"Actually, i can name at least one obstacle that is for now is not your level. " Pray tell me, my beloved."
"Therapy" The next moment you bursted into laughing. The nicest sound in the universe, thought so Dream. Unknowingly to both of you, your legs started to walk into park.A usual route that you walked with Morpoheus every morning. A new conversation was born.
"Actually, fun fact about all this stuff like «Regaining power in dreaming. No matter what happend today, in the morning it'll be better". It has scientifical explanation! It's all about glymphatic system that basicly, cleanses the brain of toxins during deep sleep. Facinating, isn't it?"
"Indeed, it is." Answered Dream, admiring you. A sound of raven's wings slit the wind.
And so, the new journey has began.
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relax-and-read-on · 3 years ago
Some of yall liked my last post. So. Here I present you: the First Primarch bby Oc!
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(.... Yes, I used picrew, I was on my phone and tired shut up I swear I can art)
This is Irin Curze! Child of one Konrad Curze, raised all their life on night lords ships. Afab, but, doesn't really get what a gender is, and mostly identifie as "cute", "cuddly" and "cannibal". Physically, they are incredibly pale, with huge, adorable black eyes, and fluffy long uneven black hair. They are also quite chubby, and has dimples. And ofc, pointy teeth.
Irin had... A very strange childhood. No one on those damn ship knew how to raise a baby, even less a primarch child. As such, Irin was kinda just... Always around. They saw their first few flailing before they could even hold their head up properly. One would expect a traumatise mess of a child, but it was always very normalised, and as such, they see real violence in the same way a child see cartoon violence. With great entertainment.
All the night lords collectively helped, to the best of their limited capacity, to raise Irin. There was ALWAYS someone to play with them, to give them snack, to be around and cuddles. All the astartes are big brothers and sisters, while Konrad is Daddy, and Sevatar, who probably ended up doing most of the actual raising and teaching, was nicknamed Sevvy. Irin especially live Sev, as he is the funniest to be around.
There are... Not the smartest. Sure, they can read and write and have access to all the knowledge they could ever need, but why bother?? There is always something more fun to do! Sneaking around trying to surprise big gruff astartes is their favorite game!! Or they can be shown how to stab someone in a new fun way!! Or how to keep them alive longer while they are getting tortured!!! They also engage in quite a bit of cannibalism, much to the amusement of their older siblings, who keep giving them their fav snacks, human fingers.
As for their relationship with Konrad... Irin love him. So much. And Konrad, in his broken way, love his kid too. If he end up sitting on his command chair, it's not rare to find Irin sitting on his knees, playing with a knife. Literally the only person in the world with only sweet things to say about Konrad. Think their Daddy is the coolest. He never raised his voice or hand against his kid, and in general is very patient and willing to give affection.
In the end, the weirdest aspect of Irin might be how dang *social* they are. They just!!! Love people!!!! It does sadly backfire a bit, as it take a long time for other primarch to being their kids along, making lil Irin feel very lonely, far from their cousins.
But that's ok! Eventually, they realised that offering cut fingers for snack is not proper friend making method, and they make friends!!! Roboute kid think they are just Hilarious.
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