#but most of these theories are kinda harmful like. Do you honestly think that DID is scary? if you met someone with DID would you run away
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Look, I love a good media theory as much as the next guy, but so many of them, especially theories for kids shows, are lowkey ableist.
“Dark things you never knew about Fairly OddParents! Number one: Timmy is schizophrenic!”
“Dark fact: Owl from Winnie the Pooh has NPD!!”
“Scary theory says that Sandy from SpongeBob has Borderline Personality Disorder!”
Like I’m sorry if you maybe overlooked the implications of what you were saying, but are you implying that disorders, disabilities and divergences are “scary” and “dark?” Because I’m not sure that’s a hill you want to die on.
#this is not about headcanons because most headcanons I’ve seen are out of genuine love and interpretation of a character#plus actually disabled people relating to a specific character and their struggle. not some abled nt claiming that the idea of#Bipolar Disorder is “spooky”. if you are disabled and see yourself in a character that’s absolutely wonderful. go forth and headcanon#but most of these theories are kinda harmful like. Do you honestly think that DID is scary? if you met someone with DID would you run away#screaming? I hope not because that’s a really shitty thing to do!#Tldr disabled people are people too and they deserve good rep. this includes “gross” and “scary” disabled people#disabilities#disabled#disability#disability pride#neurodivergent#neurodiversity#neurodivergence#ableism#ableist language cw#tw ableist language#fuck ableists#ableist bullshit
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Hello! I have seen this question debated many times and I wanted to know your take on it cause I find your theories very compelling. Do you think harry should've been in Slytherin? Does he have what it "takes" to be a Slytherin? Is it because of voldemort's soul in him that lead the sorting hat to even suggest he could be in Slytherin? I know this is not one question but I would like to know your opinion on this topic in general!
First of all, thank you for the kind words! 😊
As for the questions, well, you've asked more than one question, but this ask kinda gives me a good reason to talk about how Harry isn't some golden Gryffindor. He actually has some anger issues and he most definitely has what it "takes" for Slytherin.
I'll start with the last question and then go backward, actually.
Did the hat consider Slytherin house just because of the Horcrux?
I don't think so.
I mean, Harry is incredibly clever, magically powerful, and has a cunning streak a mile wide all on his own. I'd actually go as far as to say he's more cunning, ruthless, and resourceful than many of the Slytherins we see in the books. So his own traits definitely are in line with a Slytherin sorting, Horcrux or no Horcrux.
We can try and discern if the Horcrux has an effect on Harry's personality then, and if its influence is seen like that. I'd say that I don't think so either.
Tom and Harry, while they have their similarities, are very different people. They both have a bad temper (although they react to anger differently), but Harry has low self-esteem whereas Tom thinks he is the best (while still hating himself). They're both stubborn, but Tom is much more obsessive than Harry in pursuit of his goals. Harry cares for justice and isn't willing to hurt innocents, Tom doesn't really care about any of that he cares for efficiency. If the Horcrux was influencing Harry's personality, I'd expect to see more similarities between them that go deeper than that.
So, I don't think the hat only offered Slytherin because of the Horcrux. Harry is a Slytherin in his own right.
Does Harry have what it "takes" for Slytherin?
So, I honestly got really excited at the sight of this sentence. See I love Harry, that's no secret. But one of the things I love about him is that he isn't the perfect noble hero. He can be angry, and cruel and ruthless. But he has a sense of justice, he wouldn't wish harm on someone innocent, but someone who did harm to him, or was mean to him or someone he cares for... then Harry can be terrifying when he wants to be.
So, now I'm going to go through some (I have so many more examples of this, and the examples here are mostly books 1-5 since that's what I had on hand) of my collection of quotes showing Harry Potter's vindictiveness and anger.
Harry's response to "have a good summer" at the end of his first year:
“Oh, I will,” said Harry, and they were surprised at the grin that was spreading over his face. “They don’t know we’re not allowed to use magic at home. I’m going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer.…
(PS, page 221)
This is Harry's (very justified) vindictiveness we see towards the Dursleys many times in the books. He uses the idea of magic to scare them and is gleeful at the thought of Dudley's fear. Harry is very much chill with vengeance.
“…He likes to keep in touch with me, though . . . keep up with my news . . . check if I’m happy. . . .” And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon’s face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.
(PoA, page 435)
Same as above, just Sirius Black as the threat instead of magic.
Yes, thought Harry, that looked all right. There was no point putting in the dream; he didn’t want it to look as though he was too worried.
(GoF, page 25)
Harry can and does lie and conceal information, even from people he trusts (like Sirius) if he thinks it'll be better not to tell them something. Whether that is for his own image or for what they would think.
“Potter! Weasley! What are you doing?” It was Professor McGonagall, and her mouth was the thinnest of thin lines. “We were — we were —” Ron stammered. “We were going to — to go and see —” “Hermione,” said Harry. Ron and Professor McGonagall both looked at him. “We haven’t seen her for ages, Professor,” Harry went on hurriedly, treading on Ron’s foot, “and we thought we’d sneak into the hospital wing, you know, and tell her the Mandrakes are nearly ready and, er, not to worry —” Professor McGonagall was still staring at him, and for a moment, Harry thought she was going to explode, but when she spoke, it was in a strangely croaky voice. “Of course,” she said, and Harry, amazed, saw a tear glistening in her beady eye.
(CoS, page 259)
And he clearly can lie well, even at 12.
But Harry wasn’t going to stand for this. Gone were the days when he had been forced to take every single one of the Dursleys’ stupid rules. He wasn’t following Dudley’s diet, and he wasn’t going to let Uncle Vernon stop him from going to the Quidditch World Cup, not if he could help it. Harry took a deep, steadying breath and then said, “Okay, I can’t see the World Cup. Can I go now, then? Only I’ve got a letter to Sirius I want to finish. You know — my godfather.” He had done it. He had said the magic words. Now he watched the purple recede blotchily from Uncle Vernon’s face, making it look like badly mixed black currant ice cream.
He stopped there to enjoy the effect of these words. He could almost see the cogs working under Uncle Vernon’s thick, dark, neatly parted hair. If he tried to stop Harry writing to Sirius, Sirius would think Harry was being mistreated. If he told Harry he couldn’t go to the Quidditch World Cup, Harry would write and tell Sirius, who would know Harry was being mistreated. There was only one thing for Uncle Vernon to do. Harry could see the conclusion forming in his uncle’s mind as though the great mustached face were transparent. Harry tried not to smile, to keep his own face as blank as possible. And then — “Well, all right then. You can go to this ruddy . . . this stupid . . . this World Cup thing.
(GoF, page 33)
Again, vindictiveness and manipulation of Vernon through fear. Not only that, but Harry can keep his calm and keep his face blank even at 14 for the sake of getting something he wants.
“Get stuffed, Malfoy,” said Harry. “C’mon, Ron. . . .” “Oh yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren’t you, Potter?” sneered Malfoy. “So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?” “You know your mother, Malfoy?” said Harry — both he and Hermione had grabbed the back of Ron’s robes to stop him from launching himself at Malfoy — “that expression she’s got, like she’s got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?” Malfoy’s pale face went slightly pink. “Don’t you dare insult my mother, Potter.” “Keep your fat mouth shut, then,” said Harry, turning away.
(GoF, page 204)
Harry has a bark (all of the above quotes are Harry having a bark). He can and does shoot back as good as he gets.
Harry isn't all bark though, he's got a bit. Harry's anger is palpable and so very real and I love seeing it:
just as Uncle Vernon burst out of the dining room, his trouser leg in bloody tatters. “COME BACK IN HERE!” he bellowed. “COME BACK AND PUT HER RIGHT!” But a reckless rage had come over Harry. He kicked his trunk open, pulled out his wand, and pointed it at Uncle Vernon. “She deserved it,” Harry said, breathing very fast. “She deserved what she got. You keep away from me.” He fumbled behind him for the latch on the door. “I’m going,” Harry said. “I’ve had enough.”
(PoA, page 30)
Again, Harry has his vindictive strike. (Obviously, Marge had it coming, but that's also what Harry is thinking).
A boiling hate erupted in Harry’s chest, leaving no place for fear. For the first time in his life, he wanted his wand back in his hand, not to defend himself, but to attack . . . to kill.
(PoA, page 339)
“You killed my parents,” said Harry, his voice shaking slightly, but his wand hand quite steady.
(PoA, page 341)
Harry, at 13, was fully willing to kill who he believed led to his parents' deaths. And more:
So what if he had to kill the cat too? It was in league with Black. . . . If it was prepared to die, trying to protect Black, that wasn’t Harry’s business. . . .
(PoA, page 342)
He's willing to kill Hermione's cat if it stands in his way.
Harry stood there, feeling suddenly empty. He hadn’t done it. His nerve had failed him. Black was going to be handed back to the dementors.
(PoA, page 343)
Harry Potter, at 13, laments that he didn't have the nerve to kill Sirius himself. He thinks he should've killed himself. He sees it as a failure that justice would be served by someone other than him.
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . .
(GoF, page 300)
Harry felt oddly separate from everyone around him, whether they were wishing him good luck or hissing “We’ll have a box of tissues ready, Potter ” as he passed. It was a state of nervousness so advanced that he wondered whether he mightn’t just lose his head when they tried to lead him out to his dragon, and start trying to curse everyone in sight.
(GoF, page 347)
The above quotes are both situations Harry was willing and wishing to curse people. Even Crucio Snape. He's not as noble and righteous and golden as many fans and characters in the books make him out to be...
If Dudley’s friends saw him sitting here, they would be sure to make a beeline for him, and what would Dudley do then? He wouldn’t want to lose face in front of the gang, but he’d be terrified of provoking Harry. . . . It would be really fun to watch Dudley’s dilemma; to taunt him, watch him, with him powerless to respond . . . and if any of the others tried hitting Harry, Harry was ready — he had his wand . . . let them try . . . He’d love to vent some of his frustration on the boys who had once made his life hell —
(OotP, page 11)
And sometimes, Harry wishes for an excuse to fight. An excuse to take his anger out on someone. (He has a lot of anger in him)
Smirking all over his pointed face, Draco Malfoy leaned across Harry and seized the largest bowtruckle. “Maybe,” said Malfoy in an undertone, so that only Harry could hear him, “the stupid great oaf’s got himself badly injured.” “Maybe you will if you don’t shut up,” said Harry out of the side of his mouth.
(OotP, page 260)
He's threatening and witty.
“Oh no,” said Hermione, quaking so badly that her knees gave way. “Oh, that was horrible. And he [Gwamp] might kill them [the centaurs] all. . . .” “I’m not that fussed, to be honest,” said Harry bitterly.
(OotP, page 759)
And when it comes to people he doesn't consider innocent, or ones he doesn't care for, even if they never harmed him, Harry is still vindictive. The centaurs mistreated Firenze and Hagrid, so Harry doesn't really care if Gwamp kills them all.
That being said, he is more concerned about Sirius in the above scene.
And he can and does cast unforgivables easily by the later books:
Hatred rose in Harry such as he had never known before. He flung himself out from behind the fountain and bellowed “Crucio!” Bellatrix screamed. The spell had knocked her off her feet, but she did not writhe and shriek with pain as Neville had — she was already on her feet again, breathless, no longer laughing. Harry dodged behind the golden fountain again — her counterspell hit the head of the handsome wizard, which was blown off and landed twenty feet away, gouging long scratches into the wooden floor.
(OotP, page 809)
Harry raised the hawthorn wand beneath the cloak, pointed it at the old goblin, and whispered, for the first time in his life, “Imperio!” A curious sensation shot down Harry’s arm, a feeling of tingling, warmth that seemed to flow from his mind, down the sinews and veins connecting him to the wand and the curse it had just cast. The goblin took Bellatrix’s wand, examined it closely, and then said, “Ah, you have had a new wand made, Madam Lestrange!”
(DH, pages 152-453)
As Amycus spun around, Harry shouted, “Crucio!” The Death Eater was lifted off his feet. He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain, and then, with a crunch and a shattering of glass, he smashed into the front of a bookcase and crumpled, insensible, to the floor. “I see what Bellatrix meant,” said Harry, the blood thundering through his brain, “you need to really mean it.”
(DH, page 502)
So, I think Harry definitely has what it takes. He's clever, he can be ruthless, and he's capable of lying and hiding secrets when he feels it's the best option. He can hide his emotions when he really needs to, even if he rarely does. Actually, only in book 6, Harry starts sharing everything with Ron and Hermione on Dumbledore’s advice. Up to that point, he kept quite a bit to himself. And when someone wrongs him, he can and often will swing back.
And last but not least, should he have been in Slytherin?
So, this is an interesting question, because "should" can have two meanings.
1. Should've for the story — as in what is best for the narrative.
2. Should've for the character — in universe, which house the sorting hat should've picked.
So, for the first one, my answer is no. Gryffindor was the right choice for Harry for the narrative of the books as they are. Gryffindor is essentially the opposite of Slytherin and represents a choice more than just the traits and values the house represents. It represents Harry's choice even though he could've been a Slytherin he chose Gryffindor. And it's a constant choice with every heroic act. (personally, I'm not the biggest fan of equating school houses with morality, but it's effective in creating a clear narrative)
And while not all Slytherins are evil and not all Gryffindors are good, a Slytherin Harry Potter would've resulted in a very different story than what we have. So, for the story we ended up getting to happen the way it did, yes, Harry needed to be a Gryffindor.
For the second, maybe. Personally, I believe people (even if they aren't hatstalls) have more than one house they can fit into. Harry is both a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, and neither of them is more wrong or right for him as a person. I think deciding which one of them is best for him is up to a coin flip (and when in his life the question is asked).
He can be ruthless and cunning like a Slytherin. Selfless and courageous like a Gryffindor. He values justice like a Gryffindor. But he also has the selective loyalty of Slytherin to their own.
Point is, there isn't really a "should", because both suit him and he would’ve done well in both. Do I think Slytherin Harry is an incredibly fun concept to consider? Yes. Did I read way too many fics with this premise and would read more? Yes. Do I think he might've fit into Slytherin better than Gryffindor? Well, not necessarily.
Harry is much quieter than most in Gryffindor, but I think the constant scheming and image-keeping in Slytherin would be exhausting to him. He just doesn't care about all the gossip and politicalizing (something that occasionally leaves him out of the loop also in Gryffindor). So, again, both suit him about equally. The difference is that we get a very different story depending on his house.
#harry potter#harry potter thoughts#hp#hp thoughts#hollowedtheory#harry potter analysis#harry potter meta#hp meta#harry james potter#asks#anon asks#anonymous#slytherin harry potter
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Amanda Young's physical pain and more pain
Not saying anything new here once again, but the shit Amanda goes through throughout the entire franchise is depressing. Right now, I'm mainly looking at the physical aspect than the mental? But I'll probably mention that too as I always do. What brought this thought on was when I was doing some reference work for her and Lynn's deleted fight! We as a fandom always joke about how she's enjoying it because she at some points smirks and giggles... But the ending shot of that sequence is what I want to hone in on.

This is a defeated woman. She's just been attacked and cut up- There is as much terror as adrenaline in a humans body in a scenario like this. But this isn't even the first time whilst working under Jigsaw that Amanda has had someone harm or even attempt to kill her.
The first one I've shown is of course Cecilia Pederson backhanding Amanda to the floor- Which honestly, this scene is overall horrible as Amanda also during this period has to watch Gabriela get her neck stomped! But it could've been worse in theory... When putting John into the blood-board trap, Parker suggests putting her on the other end. If Carlos never was there, it's very likely that Amanda would've been blood boarded alongside John. We then have the very famous needle pit. There was no way to predict how anyone in the nerve gas house would react to their circumstances and due to that? Amanda inherently to me was always in danger. This is displayed quite well when she's tossed into a test not meant for her... I think it's the somewhat carelessness of this which is the most upsetting aspect? John had her in there to monitor Daniel and subdue him once the game was done. But what actual protection did Amanda have from anyone in there? We even see her try and take the gun from the magnum eyehole trap unsuccessfully.
Like imagine the guy who's like 6 foot and muscle that just tossed you into a PIT OF NEEDLES... IS CHASING YOU WITH A KNIFE. You're also quite aware that this man certainly killed the other guy you just saw with a spiked bat in his head. I'd be bricking it. Anyway, that same kid you had to insure stayed safe? Yeah his father who wrongfully imprisoned you is gonna beat you till one half of your face is just blood. OH HE'S ALSO GOING TO BITE YOU AND ATTEMPT TO STAB YOU TO DEATH.
The only reason you survive? Because he's already previously injured and you use that to your advantage. We're not done though! Amanda's mentor slash father figure is dying and she is getting basically blackmailed but that's not the only thing she needs to have on the mind- Because we have Lynn running up on her with a blade, supposedly to have a nice chat.
And I even made a poll asking people on this site... Do you think Lynn would've killed Amanda? Yes was the majority answer. We know that at least one of these slashes actually catches Amanda because she is bleeding by the end of this. Not to mention, Lynn was not messing around whatsoever? She throws what I think is an axe at Amanda at one point and also tries to kick her head in against the locker things... Which she did after failing to get a swing with said axe to Amanda's head. With all of this, it kinda pushes me to think that Amanda attempts to physically intimidate and scare Lynn a lot because she is aware being attacked is quite possible. For example, the scene that is kept in where Amanda literally hands Lynn the axe, ''I'd go for the neck- But I'm not the brain surgeon.'' She is clearly letting Lynn know during this that if you try and fight with me, you're screwed! All of these factors are against you. Then coming back to the deleted scene? None of these warnings have dissuaded Lynn from going, ''I'LL FUCKING YOU!'' Whatsoever really. So rounding it back up to the first image I presented.... I think Amanda is just fucking tired. How are you meant to have been healed and helped if you're getting the smackdown special every other some weeks to months. In literally every game she's been physically present for- She has been harmed physically too. It's traumatic, it's draining and it well... HURTS. I know the healing process from when Eric smashed her head into a wall multiple times wasn't nice either. AND AND AND AND AND AND!!!! Amanda doesn't even get peace with death, seeing as she dies in a very violet manner too. We watch her choke on her own blood after being shot in the throat..... Reaching out for the same man who put her through all of this really. Anyway.... HAPPY MANDY MONDAY FROM MAL!
#amanda young#lynn denlon#cecilia pederson#xavier chavez#daniel matthews#eric matthews#john kramer#carlos saw x#parker sears#saw#saw franchise#saw movies#sawposting
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If the manifestation/possession theory is true, how would the Byers react? Like Joyce of course would be team Protect Mike, but how about Jonathan? I don't know if it's a dumb question... Will loves Mike, but can he really process all of this? Mike is kinda at the blame for his trauma, even if he can't hold him accountable for it, as it wasn't really his intention. Would they only know that Mike is manipulating reality or would they know that there is an Original Reality where Will died that's why things are the way they are? Sorry if you already talked about this! It's just that I couldn't find it anywhere... In my head you're kinda the Wheeler's specialist and has such a good grasp on the characters 😭
I'M HONOURED LMAO im keeping the wheelers in jars and studying them
honestly I think it's just the sympathy joyce and jonathan can have for will's experience being queer despite the social landscape being so unaccepting
like, yeah, it's kind of all mike's fault. I rewatched the 'it was a seven' scene recently and holy shit, it's really will hanging back to be alone with mike and mike being like 'why would you do that? and why do I feel something about it?', the lights flickering (electricity!) which mike takes a good few seconds to notice because he's deep in his head thinking about Something, and then will vanishing bc mike's feelings are A Problem and the source of the problem must be Removed. then mike spends the rest of the season trying to take it back bc that's obviously bullshit and will doesn't need to suffer for MIKE being broken
it's so striking in s2 that will sees mike being so weirdly attuned to the upside down, and he's a smart boy so he MUST realise what's going on (will literally asks 'how do you know' at one point, everyone has to take their turn accepting that mike is just Weird about the UD) but it's mike. so will doesn't give a shit. it's mike
back to the other byers before I go on a tangent again - my original point, it's about their perception skills and ability to remember that mike is a PERSON with FEELINGS. his family isn't like will's - when mike went missing in s1, jonathan knew how to contact him, not nancy
mike is so deeply struggling with his sexuality and the messaging from society that those feelings are wrong, as well as the messaging from his family (and increasingly his friends - hi lucas, put the Heterosexual Mike assumptions down please) that ANY feelings mike has are wrong. of course he thinks his feelings are harmful so they keep hurting the people he cares about the most and he tried to prevent max from entering his life at all because he didn't want to hurt anyone else. that's THE MINDSET you'd have from growing up queer (especially gay) at that time and place. mike is told that it's unnatural and wrong, and with the aids epidemic happening (the wheeler parents have rancid political opinions and it might have been discussed at home), it's DEADLY. it's a DISEASE that will KILL ANYONE WHO GETS TOO CLOSE TO HIM until he DIES. sound familiar?
also, the byers love will, and will loves mike. giving mike a shovel talk (hopper couldn't tell joyce he did that or she would've ripped into him) or insisting he's not 'good enough' for will because he messes up sometimes (and thinks the morally right thing to do is constantly attempt to fix his mistakes and mitigate the damage and, on the more extreme end, take himself out of the equation re:the quarry scene) is some weird macho shit that's both disrespectful to will's autonomy (hopper was right that mike and el's summer thing wasn't healthy but there are still some weird patriarchal 'women as property given from father to husband' undertones in threatening his daughter's boyfriend) and utterly ignorant of all the things mike has done for will (they both heard mike's speech in the shed in s2)
these two need each other. that's the reality of the situation. any questioning of those feelings or that relationship would just be... the optics aren't great, when they already think they can't feel that way for each other, and joyce & jonathan want will to be happy. they're working with the reality of the situation, there's no point in trying to change it, that's some conversion therapy shit and it only happened when mike was trying too hard to be straight and making everything weird. being with will is the SOLUTION, not the problem
ps. I won't comment on the timelines stuff bc I don't understand it
#manifestation theory#stranger things#inbox#byers family#thank you for the ask#I invite any opportunity to talk about this lol
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I'm honestly kinda obsessed with this story. It's so fascinating and I have so many thoughts and theories rolling around in my head, I cant wait to see how things unfold!!
There is one thing I'd really like to see added, if possible, and that's just more uncertain or middle-ground options, you know? I feel like it would make sense for some MCs to be conflicted or have mixed emotions or just not know what to feel or think about certain things.
This stuck out to me the most when we had to choose whether or not we think our sister actually did poison the late consort. I had a hard time choosing an answer because i felt like my MC just wouldn't know. I mean, that's her sister. Nobody wants to believe someone they love is capable of something like that. And from a more logical perspective, if you actually look at the evidence, she easily could have been framed. At the same time, everyone thinks she did it, that is what MC's been told their entire life, and there's no real evidence to suggest she didn't do it. So... 🤷♀️
There were a lot of moments like that for me. Like when we had to choose how we felt about Helios coming back. Our relationship with him at that point is kinda complicated and weird no matter what you do. It'd make sense that MC's feelings regarding him/seeing him again would also be complicated and weird. Or returning to Vesphire, being torn between terror and grief from the trauma but also desperately wanting to go back for the chance to feel some semblance of home, to find a familiar face, or at the very least to lay a flower at their family's grave. And I could see some MCs going back and forth on whether they want revenge or not.
I know adding variations can be complicated and cumbersome to do, so I would completely understand if you didn't want to. Regardless I really appreciate all your effort in making and sharing this story!! You're doing incredible and I'm excited for what comes next 💕💕💕
Hello! I am happy to know you like this little story of mine. 🙇♀️💗
I can definitely try to add more variations regarding Helios' arrival + for how they feel about their future trip.
And while I can understand that a lot of people can't decide on a firm standpoint regarding Catalina, I can't add a neutral option.
No one is saying that what MC thinks is facts, it's just their opinion. I'm sure MC over the years has leaned toward one or the other and you simply have to pick the one that feels right to your MC. MC's viewpoint doesn't have to be "the correct one", MC doesn't even know the truth of everything, there's no harm in being wrong.
Just in case someone asks for a neutral option regarding the revenge or no revenge aspect of the story, I can't do that either.
Both the Catalina and Revenge choices will be set for at least a while but when MC gets new and more updated view of things, MC will be able to change it so don't stress.
Thank you for your kind words. 💗
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Hi, I was wondering (from your post about questions going from anti-endo to pro-endo),
Did your entire system become pro-endo? We've been slowly going down the pro-endo path, but we still have a handful of anti-endo parts who don't seem to be changing their views at all.
How did that go for you all?
Yeah our whole system is pro-endo at this point but a lot of us swapped sides on our own time and terms. A lot of our parts were very "I really dont care and dont want to engage" or just relatively uninterested with a lean so those guys kinda just changed opinion as the more opinionated parts changed opinion
I (Riku dominant part of the brain) was one of the last parts to genuinely change our opinions cause I honestly had some pretty bad experiences with endo-adjacent communities (and felt it might be dangerous to suggest that there was value in that community which was a trauma response that is valid but harmful and I had to work through that) and am the most research loving part so it took a lot more understanding into the depth of how research works for me to look at the theory of structural dissociation properly and with nuance. Plus I was / still probably am the part that has the most catching up to do on processing the fact we are POC and our experiences with it, so going further into Buddhist practice and integration and chatting with other parts made me get a larger fuller image and that changed my view a lot
But unironically, the main thing that really pushed a lot of the system as a whole from endo-neutral (which we were for a hot minute) to loud and proud pro-endo was the good faith the endo community gave us regarding the tulpacourse topic and the genuine sway that we saw in regards to taking criticism from POC. Cause I forget who it was, I think maybe @/artisticdysfunction (I could be entirely wrong so Im not @) that commented something along the lines of "hey if we can agree and acknowledge thst its appropriative can we agree willowgenic are actually a thing" or something and XIV went "Ya know what deal, I will fully change from neutral to pro if the endogenic community can show that it can take criticism and Ill push to humor it more"
Which I (Riku dominant brain) was SUPER hesitsnt to follow along with and so I made some boundaries of not going too ham on our system account for my own comfort and in exchange Ill humor and think about the topic more but like, it was honestly really hard and uncomfortable for me at first but honestly, XIV was right and so while it was originally somewhat a transactional alliance, its very much genuine at this point
But yeah tldr it took time and each part changed views over time. Its been like a few year thing
(And to be fair, our system used to also be relatively right wing anti-SJW Shapiro fans like AGES ago so this wasnt our first team switch over time)
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Honestly, thinking back of it there's a good bit of fridge horror to the Megaman series. It's kinda the anti-Terminator if you want to go that far, it's a series that plays heavily into the humans are bastards trope.
I mean, sure, you play as Megaman and go around fighting other robots. But the person behind it, usually, is the human Dr. Wily. Megaman is a machine that is meant to learn and have emotions, but at the end of the day he doesn't have free will. This is most noticable at the end of Megaman 7, where he wanted to kill Wily but was unable to do so because he is compliant with Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. He was made to serve humans, not harm them, and this is kinda the thing about the Robot Masters. They're just machines made to perform tasks for humans.
Dr. Light tried to take this further with X, actually giving him free will. However, he feared X so locked him up and had him run tests to his morality for decades before X was found. It's just a different form of programming, Light didn't directly program X with morals but instead used the tests to teach him morals. But this doesn't apply to the Reploids made from copying X, and when those robots reject human orders they can be declared Mavericks and then legally killed. They have the ability to think for themselves, but will be killed if they turn against humans. And that's not even going into the Sigma/Zero virus created by Wily, theorized by some to be just Zero's original programming to destroy stuff.
Humans have made a slave race, and by the time of Zero it's even worse. When there's an energy crisis, innocent Reploids are declared Mavericks and killed for the benefit of humans. Not only that, the main villain of the series is once again a human albeit an immortal cyborg whose hatred for Reploids over the Maverick Wars and the damage caused by them causing the Elf Wars (which wiped out even more of humanity). It's at this point that the Zeroth Law of Robotics is put into place, Zero goes to kill this guy in order to save humanity. But he's still around in the background in the ZX series, but by then humans have been moving towards being cyborgs and Reploids have more limitations on them to make them more human (like finite lifespans). In the ZX series, you can play as a human with Megaman-like powers. Not to mention, Copy X was originally supposed to be X in the first draft, X putting human lives above others after killing so many Mavericks being his downfall. Instead, we got Copy X who just followed his programming.
I think the theory that Legends takes place after the bad ending to X5 makes the most sense thematically. In that ending, Zero doesn't return and X begins working on building a space colony for humans. It can be implied this is the same space colony from Legends 2, which was the final home for humanity. Reploids are replaced by Carbons, a possibly cyborg-like race that have human DNA in them. However, the robots tied to the colony in the first game try to purge an island of Carbons because their numbers exceeded the maximum allowed, while the second ends on a cliffhanger where a program that will harvest Carbons for their human DNA to bring back humanity is kickstarted. Legends takes place in a world that still prioritizes human life above the machine-like race they created, whereas the main timeline games are shown to move beyond that. It's kinda like how the Battle Network and Starforce games were originally supposed to be a timeline where Wily didn't get funding for robotics and instead mankind had a more advanced internet due to backing Dr. Light/Hikari's internet research.
And, you know, that bad ending where X and Zero have their destined final battle that was built up since X3… it just means they did what they were supposed to do, while the good ending instead sees them break free of their destiny, much like a robot breaking free of their programming.
I know supplementary materials put Legends after ZX, but I like to think of it like this instead (especially considering how X5 was originally intended to be the finale). Treating human life as special, putting it above other forms of life mankind created, is humanity's sin. In ZX, mankind becoming more like the Reploids is a path forward for them, a step towards equality, and that was because of the lessons learned by the Zero series. But it also makes an argument that Megaman failing to kill Wily at the end of 7 is what doomed humanity. If Megaman had free will or broke his programming, it would have saved mankind a lot of trouble in the long run.
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I might end up taking u up on that offer this is so so soo fun
I really enjoy it when people make moon mad at fp..like how could she not be yes she cares about fp a lot but siblings don't exactly...do that to eachother very often I think (but maybe they do /j the woes of being an only child)
I think not being able to harm artificer did him good in the end (therapy dog!!) like he would have definitely just wanted to send that thing FLYING into the sun but he couldn't!! he was forced to just deal with it and eventually he realises hey. Maybe this thing isn't so bad... honestly I think he really needed something like that right then given his tendency to push people away (thinking abt how he BLEW UP srs' poor overseer. That made me jump actually i didnt expect it i sat still for long enough to get myself blown up too it was kind of funny...aside from the trek back of course) (ALSO THE ADS HELP thats golden)
Adding onto that like....him being a silly little loser that wants to do everything by himself and the like loving the attention etc I really think that like... the time period he was built in only made it worse??
Like......i feel that being built when he was added to a sort of pressure of needing to feel superior, to not be one of those bugs in mazes. To have something with like a genuine true path ahead instead of blindly grasping for answers
Like...I guess he'd want to prove just how good he is by doing it without any sort of help and he just has so MUCH to figure out by himself that he just...builds that pressure more and more and that's gotta be too much at some point
^^ I like the idea of the triple affirmative stuff happening like...around this point in time (forgive me if my timeline is terribly off) but anyways like..it kind of just fucks up everything for the dude...like all he's worked for is kinda just for nothing so then it leads to everything with the rot as like some sort of last resort. Like he knows the risks but he just cant bring himself to care like he's in such a vunerable state he doesn't think about how it'd affect moon until all of a sudden there's a forced message being sent his way, but even then I guess being younger than like everyone in the group he doesn't fully grasp like oh. This is as bad as it is. Until moons can comes crashing down and hes left infecting himself with the stuff
Anyway you are so very right with the echo actually I haven't thought very much on the shaded citadel but it must have...not been pleasant going through the rains knowing that there's so many others unaffected by it
Sorry this response is so late actually I've been multitasking to all hell but RRAGHGJ squishing the iterators in my hand like stress balls I am so normal about this game
please do! <3 ramble incoming
Moon being angry at Pebbles is fun. I love seeing different interpertations! Though I do think she doesn’t hold actual bitterness towards him in my personal belief.
The idea that she isn’t actually *angry* angry at him makes her very tragic to me. By all means she knows his actions are inexcusable. What she went through was horrifying and painful and she acknowledges that. Nsh even mentions she’s always had way too much patience for him and that she really tried to be a good big sister to him.
So as his big sister and someone who guided him in early days I can see her being unable to feel spite towards him. He fucked up, hes now sick and rotting and it all fills her with grief. It’s all just unfortunate and sad! (definitely see moon being a little hater with salty comments sometimes. as she does but most of her anger is reserved for their shitty parents)
Pebbles desperately wanting to feel superior is something really fun to me!! Absolutely see it! (idk why u went and became close friends with guy who called you dumb and naive but u do you 🤷 maybe u like that. likr OoOo hes the only one that listens to my theories and he calls me dumb <33) We know he learns about what happened to sliver from suns, so I can only assume that happened before he was made..? But the game is vague enough for u to hc it as you want honestly.
What he did was out of desperation for sure! He never wanted to even involve Moon according to what he says while commenting on a pearl by Arti. It was just kind of impossible.
I think what Suns told him just left a big scar on the poor guy. Not only is he being told he never mattered, he has to accept he’ll slowly break down and not even die while still trying to solve their issue he doesn’t even care about. He wanted the feeling of power over his own self back and he wanted to desperately escape. Feeling helpless is the worst.
He thought he could be fast enough and not harm Moon and then failed! He doomed her and got a very bad case of the rot ( consequences of my actions) ((another bracket but the poor fucker tried to cure himself all the way until arti campaign! sad!!)) along with his failure becoming gossip material and a sensation as we learn from spearmaster logs. Which is why I assume he closes all communications.
Also Moon forced many many broadcasts onto him while dying :) not only partly the reason why he failed the project, it also further cemented his helplesness.. because he can’t do anything to help! A common phrase you hear from him is “I can’t even help myself”.
It’s a little treat in almost all scug campaigns iirc.
Also echoes are all so interesting I love them and their silly little opinions. Shout out to the one who told arti to stop being such an angry bitch <3
#im sorry for writing essays hehe hoho#actually ill out this into read more!#being ill do this with further long asks#waking up ranting abt rw lore oh what joys#waiting for my wrist to heal has never been more fine <3#ask#pinkavtomation#also these rambles#although i try to take as much from the canon as possible#they uh- u dont have to feel pressured to take any as fact#the fun with media is to enjoy it however u want
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The Sea Beast Review
So I finally got to watch The Sea Beast. It was one of my most anticipated 2022 films. I’m honestly surprised it fell off the radar so fast. Unfortunately, I’m not too disappointed by the lack of attention. The film left so much to be desired that I’m not sure if I would recommend it.
It's the worst. As a whole, it’s just a more basic version of How to Train Your Dragon, but with no explanation as to what started the war between the creatures and the humans. It gets off on a slow start (definitely could’ve been cut 30 or 20 minutes). Third act was the worst part and just full of contrivances. Captain Crow and his mateys somehow find Maisie and Jacob and attacks Red. Maisie trips and almost dies for whatever reason. Captain Crow shamelessly tries to kill his own son for telling him the truth about the beasts. And the entire town just instantly believes Maisie after giving a speech about the innocence of the beast. Because Maisie is a God. She’s never wrong and always solves everything.
Personally, what I think they could’ve done to set it apart from HTTYD a bit is to make Maisie and Jacob both somewhat wrong. Maybe the creatures don’t actually harm people, but they do harm the environment, which caused the fight between them and humans. With Maisie being a Mary-Sue, it would’ve given her some actual flaws to work with as well as strengthening the dynamic between her and Jacob. Which brings me to….
They’re a mixed bag. I do like a few of them like Captain Crow and Jacob. However, I can’t help but feel that they could’ve been better in a better story. These two headstrong characters bounce off the more idealistic characters well, but they really don’t get much time to shine. Blue is adorable, even though the story never explains where he came from.
But then there’s Maisie. Whom, I thought was going to be this cool, spunky badass kid from the trailers, but I’m sorry. She’s actually kinda annoying. For some reason. She just gives off a lot of precocious vibes, the way this kid talks and uses mannerisms made me cringe, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was secretly some 20/21-year-old in a 8/9 year old body. Her voice actor portrayed her childishness well, but the way she uses snark, how she knows everything, seems to be the only one able to communicate with the beast, comes up with a lot of theories and philosophies too insightful for any under teen year old. She comes off as a kind of arrogant load kid, yet she’s somehow smarter than the adults. Precocious kids are one of my least favorite character types. If you’re going to have a kid act older than their age, either age them up or show us why they were able to grow up so fast.
Animation/Voice Acting
The animation may not really be Spiderverse levels of groundbreaking, but it did have a style that kinda set it apart from other animated films. The voice actors added some charm to their fairly bland characters and did well with what they were given.
If you’ve seen How to Train Your Dragon, you would’ve already seen a much better written version of The Sea Beast with better pacing and characters and a more complex story. If it was taking a bit of inspiration from HTTYD while changing up some things, it would’ve been okay. But no, it’s pretty much HTTYD, just more basic. And the child protagonist is just Hiccup if he was a Mary-Sue who stole the spotlight from every other character to the point where they never get their chance to shine.
The Sea Beast gets 5.6 bells out of 10.
Ironic how both this and Wendell and Wild have well-regarded directors-screenwriters came out the same year, yet came up with such poorly written scripts. How the guy who did Zootopia, Moana, and Frozen couldn’t come up with anything else boggles my mind. I don’t know what he was trying to do here, but I hope he does better next time because I think some of his work is really quite good.
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Unpopular opinion which is maybe not soo unpopular. Eddie's death wasn't that sad (I do wish he died in a different way tho), I was glad he died and I kinda wish he never existed in the first place because he derailed the fandom. The amount of people who only watched s4 or only watched Steddie scenes ruin the other characters because they have no clue what they are like before. I don't want him back and I don't get the campaigns the fandom throw to make him Kas. Let him rest he wasn't that important and Jonathan could have easily fit the role better as the creep whose dead brother came back.
Plus the whole fruity four thing is stupid, out of those 4 people we have actually one queer person, namely Robin. Also Nancy wouldn't even want to be friends with the rest because they are all annoying to her in the long run.
And now the most controversial opinion I have. Karen Wheeler doesn't get enough criticism for wanting to sleep with a guy who just turned 18 and was in Nancy's class. You don't have to like Billy in order to hate Karen for this. Also on the topic of Billy people who want to explore his character in a nuanced way are getting too much shit from both antis and stans which is sad. I also don't like that he gets compared to Jonathan when talking about abuse because it feels like if you only behave in a certain way he are worthy of getting help. I'm not excusing his actions what he did to Max and Lucas was horrible and I feel like with an nuanced discussion he's a good character to explore. I just don't like those extremes like antis think everyone who likes Billy as a character is racist themselves and they wanted to cancel Joe K or Finn for thinking Billy is a great character and then I hate people who just stan him and ignore the flaws. Like those two extreme positions fuel each other to a point where there is no middle ground.
hard agree about eddie’s death! it also just felt distracting because you have his and max’s death scenes and you would get way more emotional about max’s death who we’ve seen on screen the past 2 seasons compared to eddie’s current season and death. also ngl them saying that eddie didn’t graduate or whatever also just felt like they were gaining sympathy that just wasn’t earned. idk it felt like they more gave this background and his background in general of ‘oh look at him he’s had a poor life and now he’s dying so feel bad for him’ which like the whole idea that he dies young is saddening enough on jts own but also i dont care enough for him as a character to feel sad because the duffers made him feel more like cardboard instead of an actual character. which i wouldn’t mind if we weren’t supposed to feel emotionally attached to him which the duffers did want us to because they wanted us to be upset for dustin that he’s lost a friend. i hate that fuckkng kas theory! ngl people have dragged this concept through the mud that i don’t even want the kas theory to be true in the slightest (even if it is like other main characters i just hate the kas theories now)
i absolutely hate the fruity four thing and the spicy six like bro the only character who is canonically queer is robin! the others are all just headcanons (also like nancy is the straightest person to me ngl)
i agree about the karen thing. i have a very biased thing about billy tho. but i will not judge people wanting to see him in a nuanced way cuz i do that with other characters. honestly i didn’t think much of billy before stan’s started to say the most bad shir insane stuff and completely just came into my posts despite me tagging stuff as anti billy hargrove. the thing is that i think sometimes nuance isn’t needed as much and i think that billy isn’t a nuanced enough character to deeply go into it. like yeah he had a bad childhood but what else is there to have nuance about?!? his actions are just fueled by rage and to harm people and racism - like that’s it. honestly to me billy isn’t a really nuanced character so i don’t personally see nuance in it.
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To me the ships are kinda like those ships that would be heavily criticised and cause controversy in any other piece of media because I mean obviously no one wants to see the two characters they want to see be romantically involved try to kill each other (unless you’re into that but still)
It makes sense Murder Drones wise cause quite literally the name has murder in it lmao but even though it’s excusable by the show name and story wise it’s definitely not excusable by dynamic wise
For N and Uzi’s relationship it’s controversial not even in the show just the fandom but in the show it’s quite literally the healthiest ship there is (over there with Khan x Nori if we , N tried killing Uzi but only cause he was manipulated by J and everyone telling him that it’s for the company and she was just there but he didn’t do it again because he knows that he’s no different to the worker drones that he killed in the past
For the other ships I honestly don’t really know because most of the characters willingly try to kill each other but there are specific ones that just exist, the characters never tried to harm each other and all that but yeah I’m thinking that’s why it’s hard for me to really explain Murder Drones ships that aren’t Nuzi or like Vizzy or Khori bc most ships definitely have characters that tried to kill each other willingly
That’s why it’d be controversial either way because it’s not something you see everyday
I have no idea where I was going with this but I did find my answer on why the heck Murder Drones ships are freaking hard to explain (they’re fun to piece out tho I love making silly theories)
Yeah, i feel that.
But also it's like.. i gave J positivity before episode 4 and any compassiom in canon was given to her yet none of the same people who blocked you hated me. I know it wasnt ship related what i did, but if Doll is such a serial killer with no deserved empathy then why not anything past that?? Do people also hate Dizzy too??? Doll shoved her to the side just to kill V yet I NEVER HEARD COMPLAINTS AFTER THAT EPISODE
I think It mostly because of projects anomaly's opinion on this ship and since she a much older MDtumblr member than me a lot of his followers are going to block me too bc they trust her more (no problem with that its understandable)
But she is right thought, Doll an Uzi would never work. But the same can be said about Voll, Vuzi, Envy, Juzi. Dizzy, Luzi etc
You know, the thing is majority of the characters of this show wants or tried to kill someone. So every ship Its going to be controversial. Even nuzi, that is the most healthy one in the entire show. Had and still had a lot of controversy around it.
Wich is kinda sad tbh, Liam made a universe where everyone is in a weird area morally. Of course most the ships would be questionable too
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my thoughts and feelings on scream vi. i have a lot of them!
boy howdy, that was a ride! so overall I enjoyed it a lot! gonna start out with the positives before i leap into the negatives.
spoilers under the cut!!!
my favorite part was the carpenter sisters, by far. i am aware that there are plenty of people who dislike sam. that’s valid, obvi, people are entitled to their opinions. nevertheless, i do feel like a lot of the hate directed toward her is honestly unfair. hate from billy/sydney shippers who cannot conceive billy having cheated on her even tho he was like, a literal murderer. said shippers angry that their conspiracy theories about sam being sydney’s daughter are just blatantly untrue bc sam is latina, the stu/billy shippers angry that billy evidently enjoyed sex with women outside of using sex to manipulate syd, etc. these are kinda stupid reasons to hate sam, u guys.
now, others were not a fan of sam bc they didn’t care for melissa barrera’s performance in scream 5 and ykw, fair enough. HOWEVER, i would like to interject here that i am personally more forgiving toward some of her wonkier scenes bc i understand what the directors were going for. scream 2022 is a fan movie and sam is a fanfic character brought to screen. her dialogue is what u would read in a middle schooler’s fanfic and that’s…weird but nostalgic, so i get it. this movie was swaddled in nostalgia. also we have to understand sam as a character who intentionally represses her emotions bc of her internal proclivity for violence. much of her performance is restrained until act 3 and while i 100% understand why this didn’t work for some people, it didn’t bother me personally bc i’m sympathetic to the intent behind it.
i was supposed to be spilling my thoughts about scream vi and instead just went off on a tangent about 5. bc context needs context and i can never get to the point without detours and most of my detours involve giving context to the context or covering my bases, for those who potentially wish to poke holes…
ANYWAY. i genuinely enjoyed sam and tara in scream 5. some of my biggest beefs with 5 were the changes to the initial script that decreased the tension between the sisters and robbed us of their familial context. ykw, like amber and tara being romantically involved + amber and sam’s mutual dislike of each other, which would’ve layered amber’s motivations as well as added to the conflict between the sisters. the originally scripted scenes with their mother drunkenly displaying her fear of sam, particularly her fear of sam harming tara, which would’ve helped the audience understand why sam was desperate to leave woodsboro and why sam represses herself so heavily…and here i am still talking about scream 5. but my point is i already loved the sisters and i was very much looking forward to them and seeing how their relationship developed in 6.
and it did not disappoint!! oh my lordy. i love how sam just goes completely into mama bear mode over tara!!! it works so well on so many levels. she wants to protect her because for five years she wasn’t even there, because she spent the most horrible three days of her life nearly losing tara, because their mother and tara are now estranged specifically bc tara chose to allow sam back into her life, and bc she feels like she has to be hyper-vigilant bc tara coped in the opposite direction and chose not to deal with what happened at all.
i loved the push and pull between them, how tara clearly loves sam very much but is straining under her smothering and frustrated bc their coping mechanisms clash with the calamity of a car crash. adore how tara defends sam even when she’s upset with her but i think my very favorite thing was at the end when sam HAS PUT ON HER FATHER’S COSTUME LIKE I HAVE WANTED HER TO FOR FUCKING MONTHS AND STABS BAILEY TWENTY TIMES AND ONLY STOPS HERSELF FROM DELIVERING THE FATAL BLOW WHEN SHE HEARS TARA!!!! AND THEN TARA VISIBLY GIVES HER PERMISSION TO KILL HIM SO SHE UNLEASHES IT AND STABS HIM IN THE FUCKING EYEBALL OH MY GOD.
whew, lotta caps lock, but yeah. yeah, no, i was just that excited. tara didn’t even have to say the words, it was the look in her eyes and the soft tilt of the head and sam knew it would be okay. that was so touching. hands down, my favorite scene. <3 <3 <3
also the storyline surrounding sam? perhaps a tad exaggerated in this horror movie context but not at all unlikely or untrue to life.
a woman who only resorted to violence in retaliation to her more dangerous boyfriend’s violence being DARVO-ed by social media? a woman being turned into the monster of the story while internet fans fawn over and infantilize the man who victimized her? a woman who chose violence only to survive vilified while terminally online fans edit flower crowns onto her actually evil boyfriend’s pics and proclaim his innocence in cutesy fonts??
yeah, that’s pretty fucking familiar. this probably would’ve happened to sam even if billy loomis wasn’t her father, her heritage just makes it 10x easier for people to manipulate the story against her.
this is where the social commentary of the movie is a little ambiguous and i actually prefer it that way. are they calling out scream fans? true crime fans? media misogyny? could be any of the above, take ur pick. i personality interpreted it as a combination of all three.
the subtlety on that front was a breath of fresh air considering so much was…not subtle at all. i greatly enjoyed this film and i adore mindy BUT her explaining the new rules of a “franchise,” was a little bit too much. it’s a scream film so there has to be a scene like that, ofc, but it could’ve been shorter and it didn’t have to spoon-feed us that hard.
speaking of subtly? uh, yeah. i mean, unfortunately bc of unmarked spoilers i knew detective bailey and ethan were ghostfaces. i did not, however, know any of the ghostfaces other than these two, nor did I have any idea what their motive was. but between quinn mentioning the death of a brother and sam getting called from richie’s phone? yeaaaaah, that clicked into place pretty damn fast. soo not subtle, but amusing. amusing so i’m not complaining yet, i actually had a laugh.
now i feel like i’m rambling without direction but my goal was to tackle positives first, so more positives?
the core four. love them. the way their relationship developed in this film was warming and believable to me, even if the character interactions were perhaps more abridged than they should’ve been give the rapid-fire pace of the film. mindy and chad are great, easy to love, and mindy especially is so relatable to me. kirby is back and she got screen time!!!
the minor characters? not too many, but the ones that were here somewhat fleshed out the setting. i would love a fanfic where sam kills date rape frankie. also the owner of the bodega, shoutout to that guy. a kind stranger in a city famous for rudeness, he dead ass lost his life trying to help our leading ladies. he looked away from ghostface to get his keys so they could unlock the door. r.i.p bodega owner.
the kills! everyone is raving about the kills and i am also a fan. not without my nitpicks, i wish maybe a couple would’ve been more creative BUT mostly i am pleased. i love gore and there was more gore. the ladder scene delivered on the suspense that was promised to us, oh my. my heart was pounding the entire time and altho were barely got to know anika, i truly felt for her. bleeding, scared, doing her best to hold on, gazing at mindy through a blur of tears and panic as she moans, “I don’t want to die, i don’t want to die.” 😢
that said i was hoping the kills might be a tad more creative? it was mostly just a lot of stabbing. which. yes, ghostface stabs. the franchise is famous for the buck 120, which i can attest is a very sharp knife— i have used it to stab through frozen meat and not only did it go right through the package, the tip of the knife got embedded in the table. which is okay bc it’s an old table with a ton of stains and it’s already beat to hell, but that’s not the point. THE POINT, lmao. unintentional pun, I swear! but idk, i was hoping for some variety especially bc the trailers kept emphasizing that this ghostface was “different.”
many of my predictions were correct but where they did manage to surprise me, they really surprised me! like the first killer unmasking himself right after her killed laura?? i gasped! the choreography of the fights in the shrine, dude! i loved the carpenter sisters + chad taking on the ghostface how they did it as a pack. that was awesome! and then chad is gonna finish ‘I’m off and BOOM, the second one pops out! the way the ghostfaces take chad down was brutal but also, like they’re twinning?? the dual knife swipe was spooky and this is genius when we find out that these two are actually twins. or…I think they are? they’re siblings at least, i wanna think twins bc I’m pretty sure the characters are supposed to be the same age even tho the actress who plays quinn is a few years older irl.
misc fun things: jason watching jason takes manhattan in his apartment. mindy’s fashion sense. kirby eating. ethan is not dressed in blue plaid like the ghostfaces before him, but he is wearing red plaid over a blue shirt, so close enough. nancy loomis finally being acknowledged as sam’s murderous grandma. gale dodging sam’s punch just to get hit by tara, pffft. last but not least, ALL THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. 😍
those were all the positives. but balance is balance so as much as i loved this film, i still have to touch on the negatives.
the killers? i was right about the anti-dewey angle, but i’d pegged the wrong pig. kirby reed, i formally apologize for ever suspecting u. i appreciate the anti-dewey angle with detective bailey and that being a cop gives him power and authority that ghostfaces before him did not have. but the motive reveal complicates things and it’s pretty convoluted and too convenient the way these ghostfaces were able to worm into our cautious protagonists’ lives. i know let some things slide because of bailey’s aforementioned social power by virtue of being a cop, but this is over the top. i have so many questions. did the siblings go to college just to follow the survivors? they all have fake names?? how did they find out about jason and greg? how is the *whole* family like this?
ur telling me richie’s entire fam indulged his stab obsession to the point of them not only accepting his being a serial killer, but becoming ghostfaces to honor him in their vengeance driven kill spree??
umm…yeah, this is all a little too kookaburra for me. but i will say i liked their style. i like that they actually seemed to be bringing the costume to life. the ghostface costume was originally packaged in-universe as the “father death” costume, it’s the grim reaper by another name. and these ghost faces were actually kind of swooping around like a reaper, an angel of death. cannot emphasize enough how much i loved the twinning with the knife wipe and just like, having multiple ghostfaces onscreen in general. i am too high right now to look up the actress’s name who played quinn but kudos to her for chewing the scenery once she unmasked. but some of their choices didn’t make sense to me. why did ethan help mindy after quinn wounded her? why was a target put on anika’s back at all??
so…more negatives?
um…let’s talk about suspension of disbelief for a moment. we all have to have some of that when watching slasher films and movies wouldn’t be movies if we expected them to be exactly like real life. i like to think that as long as a movie follows its own logic, i have a pretty healthy suspension of disbelief. i can accept the improbable in the scream ‘verse…but not the impossible.
u know what’s impossible?? chad surviving that. fml. yeah, no, that guy’s internal organs are soup. it’s even a stretch that he survived scream 5 since amber clearly slashed open his femoral artery even before she stabbed his guts, but this???? chad was being carved up by two ghostfaces and blood was dead ass gushing from his mouth like a waterfall. i love chad, truly, i do, but his survival was insane, i can’t accept that.
on that note, i found it frustrating that the injuries in this movie were seemingly only as severe as the storyline wanted them to be. again, it’s a movie so we have to have a level of suspension of disbelief and that’s fair! i can accept people being more durable on the screen than in real life but where they lose me is when they’re keeping semi close to reality in one scene and totally ignoring it in the next. anika loses a lot of blood and is in great pain, which hinders her ability to escape (so she doesn’t). i buy it. gale is stabbed in the abdomen twice, deeply, and loses so much blood she entrusts the carpenter sisters’ with last words, passes out from blood loss, and is in bad shape when paramedics arrive. i buy that. mindy is similarly stabbed in the abdomen multiple times, survives because ethan helps her for some mysterious reason, which I buy…I don’t buy her RUNNING TO THE SHRINE MERE HOURS AFTER.
we have a throwaway line about her being on drugs, but no, i still don’t buy it. story time. my work mom, okay, so she was in a really bad car accident once. running on pure adrenaline, she raced out of the car with broken bones and punched the driver of the other car that hit her. immediately after, she collapsed and guess what? she’d injured herself further by punching this lady. so even if mindy wasn’t feeling her wounds because of the drugs (which i could buy easily enough), no responsible hospital would allow her to run wild like that.
at the shrine tara is stabbed UP TO THE HANDLE IN THE BACK and it doesn’t?? effect her like at all? okay, okay, i could possibly buy this with the adrenaline excuse, cause I mean, again, that is a thing. my work mom paid the price for it. but after being stabbed in the back, tara is also stabbed in the torso after being dropped from quite the height and that wound similarly has no tangible impact beyond a few pained pants while she was struggling against a larger, more physically powerful ghostface…and adrenaline wears off? at the very least, after they’re finished off the ghostfaces, tara should’ve been shock-y and sam should’ve been trying to get her medical attention ASAP. at this point the movie wasn’t following its own logic in regards to injuries that’d previously occurred in the movie.
i find it so hard to believe laura’s character at all, that she would go into a dark alley searching for a strange male she had never, ever met in person before dead ass a blind internet date. no girl or woman would ever do that, let alone a supposedly a highly educated New York newcomer.
the pacing in this movie was almost a little too fast. i feel like there wasn’t much room to breathe? i didn’t want it to be slow or anything, but it was almost dizzyingly speedy. i LOVE the chase scene with gale but what the fuck. they made a point to talk about how they weren’t safe in broad daylight, then they cut to gale’s apartment and it’s like nighttime? huh?? how many days did i just watch???
the secret celebrity cameo was jack quaid? boo, letdown, boooooo.
neutral stuff: i feel like sam’s bf only existed in this movie so they could do ladder scene LMFAO. but i didn’t want to see romance so that’s perfectly fine with me.
…possibly have more to add, but idk? i’m high af. overall i really enjoyed this film though. especially the carpenter sisters. sam put billy’s costume on in the best way. it was a monkey paw wish for detective bailey that backfired on him majorly, she looked fucking great in it, she literally stayed in it and then at the end, she let go of the mask. because sam isn’t a murderer. she may have internal violent desires but she keeps that part of her in check cause she’s a good person and only acts on those impulses when real danger is afoot. she isn’t her father and the wants to leave that mask behind its past behind, and follow her sister into the future.
#scream 6#scream 6 spoilers#scream vi spoilers#scream#sam carpenter#tara carpenter#apologies for typos i am stoned
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Hi, I was reading your post about Jason punching Dick in the face when Dick revealed he fake his death was bullshit ( which it was) and it reminded me of an issue/question that has bothered me for sometime.
Why did people believe Dick was actually dead?
I’m not the most avid comic reader so maybe I missed something but it was always weird to me that everyone just accepted this especially given how Bruce was acting or should I say wasn’t acting.
This is a man when his child died another child had to come along and told him sir you are being too violent and emotional you need supervision. When his other child died he went all over the universe to bring him back to life because he knew it was possible ( which was happening at the same time), so why didn’t anyone think it was weird he wasn’t doing that for Dick. Can you imagine Dick really dying that soon after Damian it would be injustice Batman Version. You are telling me that Tim, Jason or Barbara didn’t think it was weird that Bruce didn’t also bring Dick’s corpse to the bring Damian back to life mission or mention it to themselves. Like what more likely Dick dead and Bruce is handling it well or that he fake his death to do something stupid and Dangerous after his partner/brother/ little bit my son the feelings are complicated died after he was knocked out and woke up to his corpse.
Oh man, this is like, the entire nature of my beef?
(Slight derail just to emphasize the fact real quick that Dick DID actually die, he was just revived quickly, but like, the trauma of his death was very real and its not like anyone was clued into Luthor having a resurrection backdoor built into his literal murder of Dick in the actual moment of it happening. So Dick’s death wasn’t fake, and additionally, he didn’t have anything to do with like, telling people about it, because he was literally comatose in the cave and recovering while Bruce was telling people....by the time Dick woke up in the cave, we already know that Alfred at least had already been convinced by Bruce that Dick was dead, so I have a kneejerk need to pushback against the Dick faked his death narrative by reminding people wherever possible that Dick had no agency in the spreading of that narrative.
It happened without him being involved, and the only actual contribution he ever made to it was just not revealing he was alive before Grayson #12, after Bruce like.....emotionally, mentally and physically badgered him into accepting that doing so would be directly harmful to his family and he didn’t want to be the reason more people died when like, people had just died because he ‘let’ himself be captured and interrogated by Power Woman’s Lasso of Submission, did he?
SORRY TO BE PEDANTIC, just wanted to start this off on a clarification, even though I know the aim of your ask was very much in tune with the rest of my response. A lot of people don’t read the actual comics, so like, I’m never gonna skip over an opportunity to emphasize that the shorthand people use to refer to Dick’s death and the year he was with Spyral, is like, literally just shorthand for describing it. Its not actually an accurate description of how all that went down and who had the most hand in it).
Okay so like, not only was the entire family and Bruce himself giving Dick shit for his death and Spyral, like, PAINFULLY egregious because it was literal victim blaming in every possible sense of the word....
None of it made a LICK of sense with ANY of their characterizations, and they ONLY all accepted it on face value because the Plot Demanded It, and when you're like, no, as a reader I say The Plot Demanded It is not a good enough reason for me to be like well sure, that makes sense......looking at the characters ACTUAL actions at face value pretty much just makes them all look like assholes?
Like, Tim has never gracefully accepted anyone's death. Ever. This is core characterization for him. He will go to the ends of the earth for his loved ones and to bring them back, prove they're not dead, refuse to let death be the final verdict for them. He was tempted to use the Lazarus Pit to bring his parents back to life. He refused to accept Bruce was dead long before he had any proof whatsoever of that theory. He tried to clone his BFF/future-husband Kon in his fucking basement like, dude was two whole inches away from going Full Dark Side in his quest to bring back a lost loved one no matter WHAT the cost.....and then you've got Dick unmasked onscreen, killed offscreen, and Bruce then reporting to the rest of them with zero inflection 'oh Dick's dead now. Its very sad' and Tim's just like, sure. Sounds legit.
I mean?!?!
And you're SO RIGHT ABOUT THE DAMIAN THING! Bruce LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY went BEYOND the ends of the Earth, like, he full on chartered a fucking space ship to fly his whole family out to APOKOLIPS to bring Damian back from the dead by going to EXTREME lengths.....WHILE everyone else thought Dick was dead....
And not a single person looked at Bruce and was like, okay, not that we're not down to do this for Damian because we miss Stabby Smurf something fierce ourselves, but.....what the fuck is UP with you dude? Why aren't you displaying ANY hint of this same kind of energy in regards to your eldest son that you said you watched die right in front of you?
Like....I don't know that we were actually ever told that Dick's coffin was empty or had a fake in it, but like....this family of detectives who refuse to accept death, defy death, COME BACK FROM THE DEAD....not a single one of them said like, okay, if I'm gonna like, ACCEPT accept that Dick is dead and gone for good, I need to at least just see him one last time? That's literally all it would have taken for someone to realize hey something's a little wonky here. Where's the dead body, Pops?
Since when has Jason ever missed an opportunity to prove Bruce is a) full of shit, b) acting like an emotionless robot and all his kids deserve better especially when they've just like....died, c) just factually incorrect and wrong and jumped to a conclusion before it was conclusively proved, d) lying like a liar or e) all of the above?
Nobody even ASKED if Dick's body could be put in a Lazarus Pit? Yeah, Jason wouldn't necessarily recommend it himself, given what it put him through, but actually fuck that, I take that back, because I'm NOT actually of the opinion that Jason full on hates his life and actively spends every second of every day wishing he hadn't been resurrected, even if it had come with a huge buffet of additional trauma and pain.
And that's kinda what's implied when people just take it for granted that he would never be on board with any scenario involving using a Lazarus Pit to bring Dick back, because it suggests that based even just on his own experiences and feelings, he honestly believes Dick would prefer being dead and not have ANY further opportunities to be with his loved ones, his friends, help save the damn world again at some future point.....that Jason, projecting based just off himself, legit feels Dick would rather be dead than have another shot at life even WITH the downsides of Lazarus Pit usage? Nope. Sorry, I don't buy it.
Speaking of not buying it.....you know what was missing from all those soliloquies the others monologued at Dick about how they felt and were hurt and just devastated by his death, to such a point they can't seem to muster a single shred of happiness that he's NOT dead still -
(seriously, Damian was the ONLY person in ALL THE LANDS OF EMOTION-HAVING who expressed ANY kind of positive reaction to having Dick back. We were so fucking cheated of like.....ANY opportunity to have the characters show just how much they valued him by just being fucking HAPPY he was alive, no matter what else was involved....and then most of fandom compounded that by for years being like mmmm, no, Dick didn't get yelled at enough by his family for what HE put THEM through. Needs more yelling. More punching too. Bad Dick. Bad. This is the only way you'll learn not to die and get shipped off on a mission that you don't want but at least is to protect your family after being beaten into it by your dad whilst victim blaming you for dying in the first place. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR FEELINGS FOR A CHANGE, DICK?!?)
- But like, BUT I DIGRESS aside....you know what was missing from all those monologues about how hard DICK'S death and ensuing year of basically exile from his loved ones was for EVERYONE BUT HIM?
We never got a single line of explanation as to what everyone else officially thinks even happened to him in the first place?
Like, did Bruce straight up just say oh bad news kids, your brother umm. Expired. Spontaneously. There's no one to blame, he just keeled over, its all very sad.
Is that how that went down?
You're telling me that the explanation of Dick's death didn't come with a single pointed finger at someone for this family of blame-happy vigilantes to like, BLAME for the loss of this brother they all mourned oh so much, they just couldn't help but blame him for all the hurt it caused them?
The family that in every other fic is like OBSESSED with avenging and being avenged and all things vengeful and even tangentially vengeance-y....like didn't ask for a single detail on whomst the fuck deprived us of our brother-having?
Where were the attempts on Luthor's life by Jason (who I mean, yeah I know it was in a previous continuity, but erasing that timeline doesn't erase my awareness of the time Dick killed Jason's murderer so like.....mmm, just saying, woulda been nice)....where was the rage directed at the Crime Syndicate and references to how seriously and personally the Batfam took making sure that they were PUNISHED for all this and would never be free to wreak havoc on their world or their family again? What did they tell Damian when he came back to life, and how are you going to tell me that this fraternal little ball of fury didn't aim himself like a cannonball at whomever the fuck had DARED take HIS Batman from him when Damian wasn't around to have his back?
Not only does everyone else's desire to be avenged start falling really flat the second you factor in hey maybe Dick feels "mmm what about MY avenging" sometimes, and why doesn't anyone ever care about doing that for him.....but also, y'know what REALLY sucks about the ONLY person we actually SEE being blamed for Dick's death and ensuing absence being like....Dick himself?
Not only were his family all super keen on making all of this HIS fault and HIM the bad guy because of how it made them all feeeeeeel (and meanwhile fuck his feelings, am I right Batfam hfaklshfklahfkla).....
They somehow found a way to justify prioritizing this OVER ever even getting around to blaming some villain for his death in the FIRST place, in the entire year or so they thought he was still dead!
Like, you couldn't come up with a single target in all that time, but Dick's back two seconds, and you don't even give him a chance to EXPLAIN before you're punching him, shutting him down with 'I expected better from you' and turning away with 'I don't want to hear it, why am I surprised Dick Grayson disappointed me again'?
Make it make sense!
And like, it won't, cuz it doesn't, and it never will, and like I said at the top, the ONLY reason it all played out this way is because DC doesn't give a fuck about character development and deemed it necessary to go down this way for the sake of the plot (which was totes worth it, I mean, glad we sacrificed characters for this A+ plot which was clearly the greatest plot of all time and definitely justified every story choice made or not made around it loooool).
The problem isn't JUST that DC is stupid, even though that is an eternal mood and quite the problem.
Its that the SECOND large parts of fandom decided to play along with DC and just accept the story at face value, only add to it and play into it exactly as it happened in canon with no significant deviations, and like, heaping on the LITERAL abuse from Dick's siblings while ignoring the LITERAL abuse from his father....
THAT....is when all of this becomes relevant.
Because the second people decided TO engage with the reasoning DC gave for what Bruce did and how and what Dick did and how and just not mess with any of that and have it all play out exactly like that...
The second people are like, okay we're FINE with not just dismissing this story as OOC writing that doesn't make any sense, and actually VALIDATING it to various degrees by engaging with it as is....
That's when 'OOC writing' stops being an excuse or explanation for alllll of the above gaps in character logic and actions.
Because its like, when you had abundant chance to REJECT this story and say nope, this was bullshit from start to finish and I'm not here for it, when you were just as capable of transforming literally ANY aspect of this story you didn't like into something that made more sense to you....
And you chose not to.
That's.....accepting it as valid writing. You were like, okay, I'm game to just treat this as a thing that happened, just like they said that happened.
For the chance to give Dick shit for it, see. For the angst, see.
And that's when I'm like okay cool, so when engaging with this story as is and accepting it on face value and just delving into the characters as they were SHOWN interacting with and around these events......for the angst or whatever....
You guys just all decided en masse to just hop, skip and jump over allllllllll the opportunities for angst inherent in examining even ANY SINGLE ONE of the above lapses in judgment or hypocrisy on the parts of the characters (who don't get to be excused by OOC writing if you're not going to call the story an example of OOC writing, whoops).
And its just like, uh, what's up with that?
#lol thank you for this ask tho#I havent gone on a good Spyral rant in months#it does wonders for my pores
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Okok !!! So recently I've been really into biology and dragons and I thought, hey, wouldn't it be sick to have some stuff about dragons in my world, I think I'll do that. And I did. Here it is <3
I've recently been rethinking about biology in Solar Years for some reason and animals and whatnot, and I figured "Hey, since dragons are real in this world, I should figure out their role in the pyramid of power", so I've decided to take a page outta the megaladon phenomenon and make them essentially predator hunters. Cuz, I don't know if you guys know this, but Megalodons were the biggest shark alive in the ocean, and there's a recent theory suggesting that to survive in an enviroment like that, they didn't target bigger prey animals, as that would drive the overall oceanic population down and inevitably end them, but rather predatory animals. So I'm using the same system for dragons in this world !
Deagons are instead classified as "huntorar", hunter of predators, they're massive organisms with both magical and biological control over their respective eco systems, ranging from the biggest winged rare fellas (Comandea Huntorar Draconis) to the smallest wingless common fellas (Commonis Huntorar Draconis), but since they have so many biological advantages and are unlike most other creatures, they're also severely nerfed in some other aspects- For example, there's not many dragons at all in one place. The chance of finding any major winged dragons in a continent is incredibly slim, their numbers cannot multiply without severe immigration to a common place and since most of the world is already occupied, there's no real set date or even place for them to go to. Breeding is also complicated as most dragons are female and deep within cave systems, with the male ones being smaller and just kinda hanging out in bodies of water. They spend 2/4s of the year asleep, and without all the specific nitty gritty in their diets its easy for some to get angry and go ravaging nearby towns.
There really is no solving that issue honestly, dragons are way too important for the ecosystem to be just hunted, and since most of the ones who end up breaking into villages are males anyway, its also punishable by law to harm them. So what have people taken to doing ?
Tame those fuckers, of course :)
For now its usually preferred that the only dragons to be tamed are small wingless ones, but there are many studies looking to move on to their winged counterparts for individual travel. They are most often utilized as big farm animals to carry stuff around, some smaller breeds are used for herding (and fun fact, they're usually accompanied by dogs and are immediately accepted as just another herding dog), and some are just there to scare off any other males that may try to get in the village.
And thats all i got <3
First of all I'm so glad to hear you doing something for your storyverse "Because it'd be so sick". Kisses your forehead /p (Also the way you referred to the dragons as "fellas" in the same breath as calling them latin(esque?) scientific names)
Ermagherd I've never heard of the megalodon theory that rocks (!!) frankly perfect for some sensible dragon lore!
All of this is so !!!!! *waves my hands around* yeah!! I'm really digging how you thought out the whole thing with living spaces and how societies would adapt and react to beasts like these, it's brilliant! I imagine dragon taming is a veeery high expertise task! Also them being used to scare off other invading male dragons is so clever, great touch! I'm wondering if the female dragons living deep underground would be a bother to miners? And minework in general. Do those ones ever get tamed? Or attempted to? They'd be magnificent mining companions, if it'd be reasonable to assume female dragons are well adapted to cave life and all of it's quirks and dangers. Also additionally since the males hang out in waters, would they be good swimmers and if so, tamed for seafaring or fishing tasks as well? How does their natural lifestyle of sleeping 2/4s of the year work in tamed dragons? Do the people just get em a nice spot and wait out the sleeby season?
Also very realistic that mega beasts like these would be few in numbers, since a large animal takes way more resources to just keep itself alive and well, and it'd be bad for all of them if they all hunted as prolifically as their dragonic hearts desire. ~Ecosystem stuff~
#Ask#Oc sharing#(Well goes in that category)#Worldbuilding#Your ocs#Keep it up buddy!! You're doing awesome so far
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I think the interesting aspect of byler community is how much people can reach especially when it comes to creating stuff to attribute to Mike's character such as his nonexistent connection to Max, his nonexistent connection to Eddie and his nonexistent issues like him having ED or OCD or active suicidal tendencies. People literally come up with made up stuff to attribute to Mike's character so much to the point Mike literally became an entire different character than his canon self already. The thing is, people dont act like it's just a headcanon thing. They act like those things actually exist in canon. It's one thing to have HC but it is another thing to act like those things actually are real and insisting on it when people point out the actual truth.
No, Mike doesn't have a bestie-annoyed relationship with Max. They barely talked to each other and most of the times they talk to each other they just dislike each other. No, just bc Max and Mike tried to help each other in S3 doesnt mean they have a genuine relationship. Max has the loosest relationship to Mike and Will at this point in the story. She is closest to El and Lucas, then Dustin, then Mike and Will. And no, Mike and Max arent the same characters on different fonts. They dont talk in S4 despite literally going to the same highschool in contrast to Max and Dustin actually talking to each other and being in the same scene. Mike doesnt even have a conversation with Max after seeing her nose bleed. Wouldnt it have been great to see Mike genuinely worried for her that he asks her what happened in one scene or something?
And no, Mike doesnt have a special relationship with Eddie, the show barely emphasized it at all. Had no reaction to Mike finding out he died. Literally nothing. The person who actually has a relations to Eddie is only Dustin. Mike isnt connected to Eddie on that personal level. Sure, he will be sad when he learns that Eddie died but people genuienly thinking there is a narrative that builds up something important for Eddie and Mike's dynamic and some queer gay angst in the next season is genuinely doesnt make any sense. Eddie is stated to die for Dustin's arc. Mike idolized Eddie but that's about it. Mike's character isnt connected to Eddie throughout S4, he isnt even there when Eddie died nor did he learn that Eddie died at the end of the show. That was for Dustin's character and the show emphasized that specifically.
No, Mike doesnt have multiple issues like ED, OCD and active suicidal tendencies you made up. He is traumatized and is obviously struggling with things, but just coming up with stuff and issues to attribute to his character when those things just dont exist in his character is actually actively harmful to the real people who suffer from those things.
I've always avoided using words like 'reaching' when describing some of the theories the community comes up with but honestly it is kinda getting weird regarding how people can actually reach and make up things about a narrative and a character then act like it's not a headcanon but actually something that genuinely exists within canon.
Hi anon!
Oooh. Okay. That's a lot. I shall break it down.
"The thing is, people dont act like it's just a headcanon thing. They act like those things actually exist in canon. It's one thing to have HC but it is another thing to act like those things actually are real and insisting on it when people point out the actual truth."
I think it's important to point out that some people don't act like it's a HC. Many people have HCs that they don't try to claim are canon. For example: In my mind Mike has ADHD, because I have ADHD and I see myself in some of his behaviors. But it's just a HC, and I treat it as such. In fact, I've never even talked about it on here. I keep it to myself 🤷♀️
But I do understand and agree with your statement that some people are asserting that their interpretations are canon and are undoubtedly what the writers intended, which is misguided and a bit arrogant.
"...his nonexistent connection to Max, his nonexistent connection to Eddie and his nonexistent issues like him having ED or OCD or active suicidal tendencies."
There is some nuance there though because you can also present canonical "evidence" for a HC without asserting that your interpretation is canon. Like for example, if I made a post compiling moments that Mike displayed what could be interpreted as ADHD symptoms in order to support my HC that Mike has ADHD, but I didn't say that Mike definitely has ADHD in canon. That wouldn't be out of line in my opinion.
TW ED + Suicidal tendencies mentioned
Okay, so some of these things there is canon evidence for and some of these things there is not. I'll get into which ones I think do have canon evidence further down in my response, but basically, Mike doesn't have a "nonexistent" connection to Eddie or Max.
On platonic Madwheeler:
"No, Mike doesn't have a bestie-annoyed relationship with Max. They barely talked to each other and most of the times they talk to each other they just dislike each other."
Full disclosure I have platonic Madwheeler brainrot so I'm going to overexplain this whole part and also turn into this guy a little bit:

(But this guy was fucking right so...)
No, Mike and Max aren't "besties" in canon, but they are friends.
Max tried very hard to befriend Mike in S2. Mike wasn't receptive because he didn't want to feel like they were replacing El. Even so, Max kept being kind to him and kept trying to be his friend. And Mike began to let his guard down in the gym scene where she was skating around him. He was laughing with her. He rushed to help her up and asked if she was alright, sounding very concerned. Here watch the scene, start at 2:00. Once he felt El's presence then the guilt came rushing back, and it reinforced his feelings of not wanting to "replace" El.

(See! He's smiling! You can see it better in the scene. Anyway, coincidence? I THINK NOT!)
In S3, Max defends Mike several times to the party. For example, when Mike and El leave early when the party is going to set up cerebro and Max says, "It's romantic."
It's not until Max realizes Mike is treating El poorly that she becomes hostile with him. And Mike is just being defensive at that point.
"No, just bc Max and Mike tried to help each other in S3 doesnt mean they have a genuine relationship. Max has the loosest relationship to Mike and Will at this point in the story. She is closest to El and Lucas, then Dustin, then Mike and Will."
Just because we don't see interactions between characters doesn't mean that those interactions aren't implied. For example, we don't see Max and Will interact at all really, but we see them hug at the end of Season 3 before the Byers leave, implying that they are friends.
"And no, Mike and Max arent the same characters on different fonts."
I meann. That's kind of a joke. But Mike and Max do share a lot of traits. They're both confrontational, both loyal, both care a lot about El, both tend to push people away at times, etc. They also just have similar vibes. And they both relate to This Is Me Trying by Dr. Taylor Swift, which is important. Write that down.
"They dont talk in S4 despite literally going to the same highschool in contrast to Max and Dustin actually talking to each other and being in the same scene."
Just because we don't see interactions between characters doesn't mean that those interactions aren't implied!! Max stands next to Mike, not Dustin, at the pep rally.

(See. She's standing next to him. Do you see??Coincidence? I THINK NOT!)
"Mike doesnt even have a conversation with Max after seeing her nose bleed. Wouldnt it have been great to see Mike genuinely worried for her that he asks her what happened in one scene or something?"
Max's nosebleed scene happens in the middle of a dramatic realization flashback sequence, having Mike ask if she was okay would have messed up the pacing and tension of the scene. You can watch the scene in this video (at 5:55) to see what I'm talking about. That being said, they do make a point to make Mike look concerned!

(It's easier to see if you just watch the scene, but he does look concerned. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!)
Moving on to Eddie:
"And no, Mike doesnt have a special relationship with Eddie, the show barely emphasized it at all."
"Mike idolized Eddie but that's about it."
I agree that they probably didn't have a close relationship. It doesn't really bother me when people interpret it as though they did or HC that they did, but there isn't conclusive canonical evidence for them having a close relationship. I don't think whether or not Mike had a close relationship with Eddie is integral to the interpretation of his character in general, so people can think what they want. And I will say the fact that Mike idolized Eddie does mean that Eddie was important to Mike, I just don't think think they were close.
"Had no reaction to Mike finding out he died. Literally nothing. The person who actually has a relations to Eddie is only Dustin. Mike isnt connected to Eddie on that personal level. Sure, he will be sad when he learns that Eddie died but people genuienly thinking there is a narrative that builds up something important for Eddie and Mike's dynamic and some queer gay angst in the next season is genuinely doesnt make any sense. Eddie is stated to die for Dustin's arc. Mike idolized Eddie but that's about it. Mike's character isnt connected to Eddie throughout S4, he isnt even there when Eddie died nor did he learn that Eddie died at the end of the show. That was for Dustin's character and the show emphasized that specifically."
Generally agree. Eddie's not gonna be a big part of Mike's arc Season 5 like he will be with Dustin's. He'll be, as Jonathan and Argyle would say, a blip. If anything.
I do think Mike would be pretty significantly affected by Eddie's death because he did idolize him. I think the fact that he idolized him specifically as an anticonformist role model and now he's dead (and considered a murderer because of his anticonformist tendencies) would probably fuck with Mike a bit. But I don't even know if the Duffers will bother to explore this with Mike, and if they do it will be very minor. Especially considering how badly they neglected Eddie's character even while he was still alive.
On Mike's mental health:
"No, Mike doesnt have multiple issues like ED, OCD and active suicidal tendencies you made up. He is traumatized and is obviously struggling with things, but just coming up with stuff and issues to attribute to his character when those things just dont exist in his character is actually actively harmful to the real people who suffer from those things."
I agree that the writers very likely didn't intend for Mike to be interpreted as having any of these issues. (Yes, including suicidal tendencies.)
I don't think HCs about Mike having OCD, ADHD, Autism, etc. are harmful at all. I don't find that to be actively harmful toward real people who suffer with those things. The only way I could see them being harmful is if people were actually saying it in a derogatory way, which I have not seen.
The ED and suicidal tendencies are a little more complicated. Here's my thoughts on the Mike ED discourse, debunking the Mike ED theory and explaining why that interpretation/HC is potentially harmful. I think similar issues to the ones I expressed in that post could arise with the interpretation of Mike having suicidal tendencies.
I don't personally think the Duffers intended Mike jumping off a cliff to be interpreted as suicidal tendencies. I think it was meant to show that Mike would do anything for his friends, to a fault.
I do however, think that many of Mike's canonical traits are indicative of mental illness. None of us are mental health professionals though, and he is also fictional, so for those reasons, conclusively ascribing any specific diagnoses to him doesn't make sense. It's fine for people to have their HCs though, as I have mine.
"I've always avoided using words like 'reaching' when describing some of the theories the community comes up with but honestly it is kinda getting weird regarding how people can actually reach and make up things about a narrative and a character then act like it's not a headcanon but actually something that genuinely exists within canon."
Agree, some people do this.
In conclusion, mostly agree? Except keep Madwheeler out ya mouth. /hj
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It’s been brought up to me that a lot of my content is Isekai based. However I didn’t want this to be a Ieskai HC post. Instead let me tell you all about a stupid thing I came up with as a kid that I’ve been meaning to make into a fic for so long.:
What if the characters you play actually can feel your presence and/or can hear your commentary when playing?
Fair warning I never play Hyrule Warriors and Twilight Princess so let me know if I got things wrong.
Head canons under cut!
General head canons (These are all platonic headcanons btw.):
- Let’s say that the simple reason that you are here was to help the chain. Think of it like you’re the groups companion on this journey. Who better then someone that knows about each hyrule?
- The people who dealt with a lot of magic recognize you at first. The others need a bit of a push to connect the dots but everyone gets there.
- The connection wasn’t as strong at times during their original adventures, so its not like they could always hear you or sense you.
- You saw him and it was clear he has another sibling now.
- Time knew you where telling the true, that you followed both of his adventures however he wasn’t going to be fully open to you.
- Guess who isn’t scared of Time? You.
- Literally at one point you’ve pointed at Time and with a straight face says “thats a child”.
- This is also how the chain found out that Time actually fought the moon technically.
- “You fought Majora on the moon while it was falling. That’s not the same thing.”
- You meet Malon and it was an awkward first meeting since how do you explain this in the first place.
- Yet the two of you got along amazingly.
- When you and time are alone you instantly ask Time if he knew how she got the cow in his house. He kinda just… stares at you? Like you just met his wife and thats what your asking about?!
- The answer was that he wasn’t sure how she did that but the cow isn’t in his old house anymore. Since different timelines and all.
- It’s honestly weird for him to have someone remember both of his adventures in confidence.
- All be a little awkward hearing someone go, “oh yeah! Time had to do something similar.”
- Early on Time did go over boundaries since he really doesn’t like to talk about his adventures to much.
- So instead you both agree to be as cryptic as possible or at least there is an attempt on your part. Since your the only other person that can confirm or deny his claims.
- And no. You also don’t know his true age. But your guess is the closest.
- Since he is one of the Link’s that is drenched in magic, he recognizes your aura instantly.
- Chaotic sibling energy.
- If he is giving Wild or any of the other Link’s a hard time you are by his side calling Twilight out. Unless if the person in question did something truly idiotic then you let him go off.
- Speaking of, you call this man out as much as you possibly can. Like hell if you’re going to let the others think he isn’t a gremlin.
- He did try to stop you by covering your mouth but you licked his hand. So…. guess what he isn’t trying again unless it’s necessary.
- Somethings are kept a secret though. Since he did live through it and even if it was stupid he still could of gotten really hurt.
- You both play good cop, bad cop to the younger Links all the time.
- Twi is surprisingly very open with you about his adventure, to finally talk to someone about it with out having it sound crazy is nice.
- He also has some questions about you and your life. Since before this adventure started you just disappeared.
- The two of you honestly get along like two best friends who haven’t seen each other in years but still can banter like its the good old days.
- Knowing only small amounts about what they all been through it’s nice to know that you’re looking after the others as well.
- That feeling makes him really push himself to protect the family he has here and luckily you are here can smack him upside the head before lecturing him.
- heeeeey… you know what happen the last time he met someone that was suppose to be watching over the hero’s spirit?
- Yeah, so….War’s isn’t so keen on trusting you like some of these Heroes.
- You seem nice and not obsessively crazy. If anything what makes him decide to give you a chance. It’s seeing you get along with the other Heroes post battle or around the campfire when you think no one is watching.
- The moment that he recognizes you. You were cursing out some monsters and calling Dink every name under the sun. Which he actually remembers hearing your panicked voice briefly when fighting Cia.
- Anyway, you guys are a sass duo and even a trio when you get Leg involved.
- You steal his scarf sometimes with Time and Wind’s help
- He finds you and Wind wrapped inside of it leaning on time and his heart just- clenches, he has more siblings now!
- Then Warriors realizes he has another sibling… another sibling that will prank him…
- You two can be found discussing tactical strategies. Mostly him teaching you though since depending on the person not many people will know how to lead an army. Yet he is a good teacher and you catch on pretty quickly.
- Same with Twi, Warrior’s needs someone to pull him back sometimes it seems. Who better then to remind him then the person that already saw his lowest moment when his ego got the better of him?
- Seriously speaking. He wouldn’t come to you to talk. If anything he will try to avoid you if he wasn’t his best. In his head he has a reputation to uphold. Which will lead to a heart to heart. No sass. No banter. Just you and him sitting down to remind him that he is human.
- He needs a hug. Please give him a hug.
- Sky actually didn’t recognize you at first!
- Yes he felt your presence and hear your voice in his adventure, but that was a while ago at this point. Also he isn’t as connected to magic as the others are.
- He does slowly befriend you despite everything.
- It wasn’t until you referred to a certain demon lord as a ‘B*tch A** Clown’ and a flood gate of memories open up for him. Memories of you cursing out Ghirahim, calling the imprisoned an ‘avocado with feet’ and so on.
- Nothing really changes between you two honestly, he just accepts it.
- If anything he becomes more open to you about everything, setting clear boundaries on what he doesn’t want to bring up. He will tell everyone about the curse eventually, but just hasn’t found a good opportunity too. Things like that.
- You do have to argue with Sky that the curse wasn’t his fault since you were also there when it was put on him, also the fact that he didn’t asked to be cursed in the first place.
- Most of the time you two are together its to get away from the chaos that the group of nine heroes could bring.
- Walking or sitting in silence is how you two end up most of the time together. It may not look like you two are bonding. There are some days while Sky is wood carving you would work on your small hobby as well. Then there are days he plays the harp and your reading.
- Despite it all he really enjoys the peace you bring. There is a sense of comfort that you have.
- When you and Sun finally meet. The first thing you ask him is to be invited to the wedding and it may or may not been in front of her too…
- The recognition was really slow for him like Sky. Since Wild just got off of his first adventure he didn’t actually notice you were gone.
- It was until he realized that he couldn’t hear your panicked voice or snarky remarks when fighting in his head. That he finally realized you where outside of his head. He was quick to connects the dots after that.
- There was a moment where he didn’t know how to react since he just figured that you were just from his imagination.
- He now has another adventuring buddy with Hyurle! Though luckily you do keep the both of them from harm. Mostly because if something happens to them you will get in trouble with like Twi and Leg and thats never fun.
- Though you have your moments. Shield surfing and paragliding are on top of that list and Wild is all up for teaching you the ropes.
- The topic of the history of hyrule gets brought up a lot with the two of you. Since his era has a lot of connections to the past era’s. He is all up for learning about what came from where. Soon theories start to fly about.
- When You, Him and Flora are finally all together. There is nothing stopping you all from bouncing off theories. With your outside knowledge mixing with what they know. Things start to fall into place.
- The answer to why the timeline is like this doesn’t get answer. But hey! At least you all are having fun!
- If you can’t cook he will teach you that too! If you can! Well buckle up your going to share your knowledge with him whether you want to or not.
- Once you know how or get used to cooking while camping, you help him out a lot and its these moments where you both talk the most.
- It’s comforting to him to know he wasn’t alone this whole time.
- As soon as you two locked eyes he felt instant dread. Yes he knew. No he isn’t going to opening up to you.
- Playful Insults to bond? Yeah that’s literally how he talks to everyone so no special treatment.
- He keeps you at a distance but its not actually working.
- You talk about his adventures so casually like it happened a few days ago. You avoid Link’s Awakening though. If you got hurt with the plot twist then you could only imagine the pain Leg went through.
- “I’m still trying to process the fact you married a tree.” “Hey remember that one time with Yuga, you slammed face first into a wall so hard you knocked yourself out?” “God do you not wear pants because of the fish thing?”
- This relationship is literally: Only I can bully this one.
- He fears the moment you meet Ravio and Fable knowing full well you all will bond over teasing him.
- Overall though he knows you got his back no matter what, to the point he finds himself confining in you slowly.
- Guess who is also teaming up with Hyrule to get Legend to sleep. It you.
- Once you probably have forced him to sleep by getting wolfie to lay on him. It was the wolf or yourself. In the end it was both of you and he was trapped.
- A sign that he was becoming soft towards you was when he started sharing his items with you. He trusts that you know how to use them and if you don’t he is actually willing to show you.
- He regrets giving the bee badge to you.
- Another person that is drenched in magic. It only took one look at you for him to realize who you were.
- The two of you were awkward as anything at first. Since to you he never really spoken in his adventure so you didn’t know how to picture his personality.
- There’s a lot of mystery in your mind about him since again there isn’t much to go off of with what your given in game. It’s weird for him to hear about how you interpret his personality from that perspective.
- Hyrule didn’t honestly expect you to try and befriend him tbh. It mostly him over thinking it.
- You do follow him sometimes when he wants to wander around and explore. Mostly because you claim he finds the coolest things when he does.
- But its just a excuse to actually get to know him.
- The two of you trade stories and questions about each of your lives. There might be things you know that he might not know of about his adventure and his hyrule.
- Of course never going into to much details since there are things you couldn’t tell him.
- Hyrule honestly was dreading the day you all would land in his Era. He loves his home but is also very aware of it not being the most…welcoming place.
- So it’s more then surprising to him that there is even more then the glint of familiarity and excitement on your face. Knowing full well what dangers where a head of you, you still were open to exploring his world to the fullest.
- It’s honestly refreshing to see someone love his era as much as he does.
- Another boy that needs hugs, please give him a hug.
- You both cheer each other on though.
- This relationship is just aggressive support between you two and the others.
Four: (I’m actively mixing the Four Sword game and manga just to be clear.)
- Not sure if he would know exactly who you where since during the second adventure your voice and presence bounce between the four of them.
- Yet I also feel like he took after you because he was a child in his first adventure, which worries you a lot. Since you did have choice words for Vaati.
- The first to realize was Vio then it went Blue, Red and Green. Despite being in the same head it was just a theory they had over all. They all had their own ways of confirming it.
- Vio noticed the small things you do around Four. Like not stepping on their shadow, and covering Four when things got chaotic in their head. Small references here and there. When the two of you are alone he almost quizzes you about things. Just to see how much you know and to see if your telling the true or not.
- Blue recognize your mannerisms being something he picked up on during the first and second adventure. Only vaguely since again he was a child / there was only a small part only with him. Your fighting banter when your in battle made you see where Blue got his colorful language from…
- Your comfort was what clued Red in. He remembers your presence more clearly then the others from the first and second adventure. It was a comforting (yet chaotic) presence in their adventures that he latched on to. More so from his first adventure since as a kid he made an imaginary friend to process the fact he could sense and hear your presence. When you came back in the second time around it felt so natural for Red to have you there and really helped make him go forward through his small journey.
- For Green? It was a lot of things but when he see’s you treating each color differently when they are in charged. It’s a refreshing sight to be honest. He just enjoys hearing and seeing that his brothers had someone to confide in. Even when they switch who is in control you some how could tell and spoke to them accordingly.
- They were all some what surprise that none of the others picked up on your treatment of him swapping so much. Yet their also glad because their not ready to reveal themselves quiet yet.
- As Four or as you nicknamed him ‘Rainbow’ the two of you tend to sick together when the world’s shift around. Since his body needs more time to recover.
- You two are another pair that cheers each other on when the moral is low.
- He introduces you to the Minish! Getting you a jabber nut so you can speak to them too. You can’t shrink down to properly talk to them so this was the next best thing.
- The four of them makes you a dagger to bring home to remember him by, there’s a kin stone imbedded where the blade meets the hilt.
Wind: (hello self projection my dear friend)
- Wind didn’t recognize you ether at first, yet he didn’t even blink when you join everyone. He was fully on board with getting a new member and is easiest the most opened.
- It was when you two are alone together that something clicked in his head. You see during the Wind Waker he was alone most of the time when he was on land. So he had to face a lot by himself.
- Having you was reassuring to him when facing some of the monsters alone, especially with the puppet ganon fight. The two of you both agree that it was creepy.
- Wind is a lot more mature then you realized but you two still have those moments.
- You, Aryll and Grandma get along too! So he and his family basically sees you and the chain as family.
- Pranking buddies! You’re targets would never know. Mostly because your covering up for him. You two team up with Four and Wild so the pranks can get chaotic at times.
- No matter what age you are compare to him and if your ok with it he does like platonic physical affection. Your going to be trading off with Warriors a lot of the time for cuddles or it’s the three of you together.
- You teaching him our worlds sea shanties and him teaching you his? Heck yeah! Even making up songs with the others is something on the table and in the works which is nice.
- It’s another thing to bring back home thats personalized!
Honestly since I’ve written all of this down I want to write the fic more. Though I’ll probably not only because idk if people would even read it lol. So it will just be a bunch of head canons. Anyway rambling is done.
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