#but michael is holly?
Hear me out. Howl, Sophie and Calcifer are Lockwood Lucy and George in a different universe.
A cocky boy who's seemingly selfish, actually noble, and allergic to communication. He schemes and plots, doesn't let anyone in, obsessed with his appearance and the public eye. Would kill before letting anyone in. Would die before letting anything hurt the people he cares about. Does everything he can to pretend he doesn't care. Is a business partner with his best friend, and knows he couldn't do it without him. The prettiest smile in the whole world and he knows it. An asshole. Absolutely magnetic and frightening at the same time. Falls in love at first sight, and he wouldn't change a thing. A homeowner.
A spitfire girl with a low opinion of herself, extremely nosy and will not be left out of things. Is more special than she can comprehend, completely self-sufficient, tends to think everything bad is her fault, and would go to the ends of the earth to protect the people she loves. Inadvertently manages to turn any house into a home, and any random group of people into a family. Can't not steal things? Falls in love before she can stop herself. Petty and easily gets jealous. Will call you out without hesitation. Talks to inanimate objects and thinks she always knows best. In a reluctant partnership, ends up caring about him more than she intended to.
A genius boy underappreciated by most, but knows more than pretty much anyone. Obnoxious and easily annoyed, with a big mouth and a mean sense of humor. Quite easily the glue that holds everyone together. Doesn't wear pants. The warm hearth they all come back to. Runs on his own time and doesn't mind anyone else's opinions. Knows full well his best friend might be a psycho but wouldn't leave him for anything. Generally sees more of what's going on than anyone else. Bullies his associate relentlessly but would defend her with his life. Constantly seeking to learn more. Legally required to take his best friend's side when it comes down to it.
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Colin when Penelope told him she’s loved him since they first met as kids:
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the-travelling-witch · 6 months
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summary: when you forget to bring your jacket, an unlikely hero comes to your rescue; is there more to his chivalrous action than meets the eye?
pairing: kaiser x gn! reader
warnings: fluff, kaiser being kaiser; i’m still on hiatus but i have to free this idea from my mind or it won’t let me go, also i thought it was super fun when they spoke german in the manga so here we are
blue lock masterlist
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“Is it me or is it chillier than normal in here?” You asked, rubbing your palms over your goosebump-ridden arms. As an assistant manager, you’d been next to the pitch more often than you could count, but on this day it seemed like someone turned up the AC.
“Hm, dunno. Seems normal to me,” Kurona said after contemplating for a few seconds. “You’re not getting sick, are you?”
“I don’t feel like it, no,” you wondered aloud as you watched the Bastard München and FC Barcha players walk onto the court. As much as you’d hate to miss the beginning of the Neo Egoist League, perhaps you should make the track back to your room. “I think I’ll go grab my jacket—“
Your sentence was cut off by fabric covering your head, making you flinch in the sudden darkness.
“Hier, nimm meine. (Here, take mine.)” A voice that had quickly become familiar since the foreign teams were introduced passed by and when you lifted the front of the jacket, you found none other than Michael Kaiser in your field of view. As usual, he was looking rather smug for no reason whatsoever.
Still, he was one of the last people you’d expect to help you out, so the raise of your eyebrow was somewhat inevitable.
“Versteh mich nicht falsch, (Don’t get me wrong,)” he continued, cerulean eyes trained on you, “ich mach das nur, dass du von Anfang an zusehen kannst, wie ich Blue Lock vernichte. (I’m only doing this so you can watch from the beginning as I crush Blue Lock.)
“Und da ich sowieso nicht auf die Bank gehöre, macht’s mir nichts aus, wenn jemand meine Jacke aufwärmt. (Also, since I won't be benched anyway, I don’t mind having someone warm up my jacket for me.)” And with that, he sauntered off towards the centre of the field, the self-satisfied grin still tugging on his lips.
“He’s such a jackass,” Raichi scoffed, his jaw locked and a vein protruding from his neck. “Now I wanna play even more, just so I can teach him a lesson.”
“Now now, let’s not get hasty,” you chuckled, holding the Bastard München jacket in your hands. “As much as I understand where you’re coming from, I don’t think it’s a good idea to pick a fight with our guests on the first match day.”
The fact that you knew about the auction system and livestream you’d keep hidden for now.
“While I really don’t like the guy,” Kurona cut in before Raichi could add anything else, “I still think you should wear the jacket. It won’t do anyone any good if you really get sick. You can still go get yours after the match.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, I agree,” Isagi sighed next to him. “It is probably for the best.”
“Fine, fine,” you mumbled, sliding your arms through the comfortable sleeves of Kaiser’s jacket, bunching it up at your wrists so it wouldn’t cover your fingers.
And with that, the whistle signalled the start of the match.
To no one’s surprise, the match was shaping up to be a great one from the start, the quality and speed of the plays upped significantly with the inclusion of the top league players. Though, for some reason or another, you just couldn’t tear your eyes away from München’s number 10, the same number currently decorating your back.
You knew Kaiser was good, considering he was hailed as a prodigy for the New Generation World XI. And yet, seeing him play was a whole different experience from watching the tapes. From his superb ball control to his efficient movements and precise awareness of the field, all culminating in a lightning fast Kaiser Impact, he basically demanded your attention to be on him.
So when his gaze crossed yours after scoring a goal, you felt like you were getting caught red handed by the amused crease of his eyes. With the way heat shot up your body in embarrassment, you might not have needed his jacket anymore.
By the end of the match, your brain felt as tired as if you had played yourself, trying to keep up with the new level to which football at Blue Lock had been raised. Subsequently, you zoned out for most of Ego’s explanation of the auction system, only to zone back in as Kaiser’s 300 million Yen bid was displayed for everyone to see. And while you swallowed hard at that number, the striker in question seemed rather unfazed.
Instead, he sauntered over to where you were standing, still wearing his jacket. You were halfway out of the garment already when he came to a halt in front of you, his long fingers tangling in the fabric to keep it wrapped around your shoulders.
“Hast du nicht gesagt, dir ist kalt? (Didn’t you say you were cold?)” He asked, blue eyes sparkling down at you with an unreadable expression. “Behalt sie an. Zumindest bis du deine eigene holst. (Keep it on. At least until you get your own.)”
“What? No!” You protested, further trying to shrug off the jacket. Despite shoving it back down to where it came from, a small part of you agreed with him, not wanting to give it back quite yet. “You need it more than I do!”
“Hm? Es ist süß, dass du dich um mich sorgst, (It’s cute that you’re worried about me),” he teased, amusement written all over his face, “aber es ist wirklich unnötig. (but, really, it’s unnecessary.)”
“Absolutely not! If you get sick because of me, I’ll never hear the end of it,” you groaned, finally wrestling yourself out of his jacket and shoving it in his arms. “So just take the damn jacket, Kaiser.”
“Nenn mich einfach Michael, okay?) Just call me Michael, alright?)” One finger tilted up your chin, so you wouldn’t avoid meeting his gaze any longer. “Immerhin kennen wir uns gut genug, dass du dir meine Jacke leihst. (After all, we’re close enough for you to borrow my jacket.)”
“Whatever you’re trying to play here, cut it out!” Before he could have a chance to feel the heat rising to your cheeks, you whirled around to make a swift exit and get your thoughts in order again. 
In that moment, you were so distracted by the blond, you’d forgotten the whole world could see you wearing his name on your back. You’d later be reminded of it when seeing comments flooding social media, cooing about the gesture or speculating about your relationship with one another. But that was still far from your mind at present, which was still trying to figure out his reasons for behaving like he did.
Meanwhile Kaiser, who watched you retreat into Blue Lock’s hallways, couldn’t stop the smile from tugging at his lips. Perhaps someone here was worthy of devoting his time to after all.
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smutbutoutofnowhere · 1 month
shoutout to content creators
stop making your characters so hot people are ovulating here
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wheel-of-fish · 3 months
hey fish! i was wondering if you have any recommendations for the portrayals of erik that are more on the sweet or tender side of the spectrum? or especially tender moments some actors have done? thanks!
Yeah sure! These are the actors who come to mind offhand.
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Earl Carpenter (with Rachel Barrell)
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Ted Keegan (with Emilie Kouatchou)
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Josh Piterman (with Kelly Mathieson)
And the OG Michael Crawford, but I would actually direct you to this audio clip for him.
And here are some other tender moments that I like!
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James Gant (with Holly-Anne Hull)
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John Owen-Jones (with Celia Graham)
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Laird Mackintosh
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Saulo Vasconcelos (with Irasema Terrazas)
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Michael Nicholson (with Olivia Safe)
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Jeremy Stolle (with Samantha Hill)
Also this audio of Greg Mills
(Do most of my favorite tender moments involve hair and/or hands? MAYBE SO)
EDIT: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list! Please feel free to add your own!
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We talk about the fact that Aziraphale doesn't understand what Crowley wants, because he asks him to become an angel again and go to Heaven with him (obviously he thinks he's going to protect him). But I think also Crowley doesn't understand what Aziraphale wants and what he wants.
I don't think Aziraphale would be happy on Alpha Centauri, knowing that Earth is in danger and he could do something about it. And same thing for Crowley. He was the one who created the galaxies and loved them first, he introduced Aziraphale to Earth's pleasures, he couldn't even kill Job's goats.
I think Crowley can't talk - like real talk, like Nina and Maggie said - with Aziraphale and be fully loved yet, because he can't still accept a part of himself: that angel part, what happened in his past, his fall, his trauma. Crowley never talked to Aziraphale about what happened to him, it's too painful for him to even bring the subject up.
Aziraphale "doesn't know him" even before all these millennia, because Crowley doesn't let him in. And I think in S3 he will finally face his trauma.
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shuutingstar · 5 months
look who’s bored again. me, i am. have some pjo side character incorrect quotes because i love them so much.
Paolo: what does “Take Out” mean?
Connor: Food.
Valentina: Dating.
Laurel and Holly: Murder.
Sherman: all three if you’re not a coward!
Connor: Me and Malcolm were playing Scrabble and it was a nightmare.
Juniper: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Connor: Not when you’re playing with Malcolm. He puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Mitchell: you’re petty.
Drew: you mispronounced ‘pretty’ but okay.
Ellis: crushes are the worst!
Cecil: yeah, whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Ellis: pfft you’re always stupid.
Cecil: yeahhh, don’t think about that too hard.
Travis: if we put Luke, Thalia and Annabeth in a room, who do you think would come out crying first?
Connor: the room.
Jake: did you hear? Luke was almost hit by an arrow in training today!
Michael: I know. He was faster than I thought.
Michael: don’t worry, I’ll get him next time.
Malcolm: gods, this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done!
Drew: aren’t you dating Connor?
Connor: that was uncalled for!
Mitchell: I want to be like a caterpillar.
Clovis: Explain.
Mitchell: eat a lot, sleep, wake up beautiful.
Clovis: you do know you would have a lifespan of about a week?
Mitchell: another highlight.
Katie: did you know cereal is basically cold breakfast soup?
Connor: *drops cereal bowl*
Laurel: the risk I took was carefully calculated.
Billie and Damien: WE ALMOST DIED!
Laurel: I never said I was good at maths.
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Ooh-wee-hoo, I have broke the Prime Directive
Oh-oh, and they’ve built a Warp Core
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sweeetnothingss · 2 years
these dating apps are stupid. where is my academic rival who 3 years later of meeting me, confesses in a love letter, that I'm the fond object of all their desires and the keeper of the key to their heart? where is the lover who builts a fire just to keep me warm? where is the person who secretly reads my favourite books and gets so invested in them just because they observed my bright enthusiasm about them? where is the person who lays in the grass with me to discuss an impromptu script while also talking about our general interests and knows that in the end we're gonna end up with each other? where is the person who gives up the opportunity to have an iPod in exchange of a teapot that contains lil inside jokes we've had going on since years? where is the person who runs to the station just to take me to the place which captures the most enchanting sunrise before i leave the city forever? where is the person who sings their favourite songs with me in a train with a shared earphone? where is the person who saves their dirtiest jokes for me while i save a seat on every table for them? where is the person who after knowing my flaws and fears, says yes to running away with me? where is the person who would come out of Eden to open the door for me if they knew i were there? where is the person who makes me realise that our joy is so bright I cannot see anything beyond it? where's the person who'd choose to hang out with me in every universe? who's going to take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die? where is the bestfriend who looks at me in the eyes and says "this thing we're doing here, me, you- i just want you to know I'm in. I'm all in." and means it!?
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are you sure it was Sazz who taught you parkour?
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ninetimesbluedemo · 2 months
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If this is Michael Nesmith’s Home Depot employee of the month photo,
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This is Graham Nash’s Tesco manager photo
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Michael Scott & Holly Flax (The Office) "And I think we are one of those couples with a long story when people ask how we found each other. I will see her every now and then, and maybe one year, she'll be with somebody, and the next year, I'll be with somebody, and it's gonna take a long time. And then it's perfect. I'm in no rush."
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admireforever · 11 months
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Michael & Holly
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vices-aand-virtues · 4 months
Incorrect Bridgerton Quotes
Colin: Penelope and I can never be just friends. I wrote down a list of bullet points why Pen and I should be together, and I'm going to find the perfect moment today and I am going to tell her. Number one: "Pen, you and I are soup snakes." The...And the reason is... Because...in terms of the soup, we like to...that doesn't make any sense. We're soul mates. Penelope and I are soul mates.
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