#but like. he will be back for realsies somehow
bookwyrminspiration · 15 days
what the fuck is going on in here on this day <- almost done with vol 7
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redrobin-detective · 11 months
the things we lost to the ice
It didn't quite sink in until Gunter put on the crown and became an Ice... something that it was all over. He was back as himself, with his body and brain and awkward personality, permanently. It didn't feel like last time, like each breath was bringing him closer to his last. Simon was also somehow back in his old favorite suit, with its worn elbows and his glasses clean and unbroken. He even couldn't feel the crown whispering in the back of his mind anymore. It was as GOLB had taken him back to just moments before he'd worn the crown for the first time, intending to tease Betty.
Oh Betty.
"Hey so uh, who are you?" Simon looked up from the rock Marcy had set him on to see Flame Princess staring at him curiously. Right she was... literally made of fire. He knew that, Simon blinked. Wait he did actually, his brain retained lots of facts about Ooo and it's people. It was his or, well, Ice King's personal experiences that felt fuzzy. "Because you came out of the GOLB thing together with Finn but I've never seen you before. Marceline seemed to know you though." She tilted her head and frowned, "Finn told me he was the last human, was that another lie?"
"Get away from him!" He heard Marcy screech as she rocketed over from where she'd been talking to Bubblegum and some other candy people. Her arm wrapped protectively around him, her sharp nails digging into his clothes and her batlike face pressed against his own. Her skin was cold like death. He hated how he tensed with instinctual fear at having a predator so close. This was his Marcy, his precious little girl. She was different than he remembered but she loved him, she wouldn't hurt him. He clenched his fists so they didn't shake.
"Hey Marcy! Don't worry, F.P. is cool!" Finn shouted, galloping over with a big grin on his face. "Oh man, so much just happened but Simon are you back-back, like for realsies? That is so math!" Finn hug tackled him and Marcy.
"Still waiting on an explanation," Flame Princess grumbled.
"So she actually got you free, how joyous," Magic Man -no, Normal Man- said with a small smile but his eyes were sharp. "I suppose the power of GOLB is the only thing strong enough to undo elemental wish magic. Congratulations, Ice King, welcome back to reality."
"Wait Ice King?" Flame Princess gaped and Simon realized that -with the major world ending threat neutralized - they were now the center of attention. It's only just occurring to him that his window to divorce himself completely from Ice King and pretend he was someone else was about to close forever. Just like the chance to hold Betty in his arms again.
"Yea!" Finn explained, wrenching around to address Flame Princess and gagging Simon by putting him in a headlock. "It's a long story -seriously long, he's like over a thousand years old or something- but Simon put on the crown only he didn't know it was hecka cursed. It possessed him and piloted his body like a meat puppet, turning him into Ice King and made him act all Banaynay."
"It took him a while for him to become Ice King though," Marcy said, shifting Simon slightly out of Finn's grip so she was hugging him from behind with her chin propped on his head. "He rescued me when I little before I was bit by the Vampire King. Simon took care of me after the world ended, he even showed me the basics of playing guitar." She nuzzled him and gave him a gentle squeeze, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"I missed you too, Sweet Girl," he murmured back. He'd been here the whole time but at the same time, been very far away. There's hazy memories of this older Marceline, her songs echoing somewhere in his head. Mostly he remembers her frowning over whatever crazy thing Ice King had been doing at the time.
"Whoa, you taught Marcy! I had no idea you were so musical," Finn shouted before looking thoughtful. "Well I guess IK used to play on his drums or his keyboard a lot now that I think about it." He smiled, a goofy teenage smile despite the missing teeth and scars from numerous adventures. "I guess you weren't totally gone."
"It doesn't justify the constant harassment and kidnapping of innocent Princesses," Bubblegum said primly.
"Bonnibel," Marcy growled.
"But I'm willing to forgive past grievances so long as it doesn't happen again. You are, after all, practically a new man." Bubblegum noted. "I presume it was born out of subconscious desire to find Betty again, the crown fixating on that desperation for love. Of course, Betty is gone now so it's all rather a moot point, isn't it?"
"Bonnie, seriously, now is not the time," Marcy warned. The fresh reminder of Betty's sacrifice, the permanence of it hit him again. Insanity had overwhelmed his depression and loneliness and loss of identity, redirected it. Now nothing could distract him from that sucking chest wound of loss threatening to consume him.
"Uhhh hey Simon!" Finn interrupted with a manic smile. "Can't wait to learn all about human stuff from you! I bet you can even teach the Islanders a thing or two, pretty sure they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But you know all sorts of humany stuff I bet. It's gonna be awesome learning where I come from." Good lord, was someone going to love and support this beautiful child or was it up to him again?
Finn reached out with his remaining hand and grabbed one of Simon's own, lacing them together. Simon jolted and looked at their conjoined hands before spreading their palms and fingers together. His pinky finger only met empty air.
"Oh my god Finn, have you only ever had four fingers?" He balked. Ice King's memories weren't that reliable, he couldn't actually recall.
"Don't you mean glob and uh yeah, that's the normal amount I think," Finn shrugged, squinting at Simon's pinky. "What do you need that extra one for anyhow? Does it have special powers or something?"
"Yeah, I always thought that was weird," Jake said from somewhere behind Finn. "Marcy has an extra one too, figured it was just how things were before the Mushroom War."
"It was actually a nuclear holocaust that wiped out pretty much all life on earth and mutated the rest beyond recognition but sure," Simon said with a hysterical edge in his voice as the weight of his situation pressed down on him.
He was a thousand years removed from the world he knew, a world that now only existed as ruins or twisted, funhouse mirror replicas. Simon was totally alone, the only person who remembered the way things were before. Marcy was here but she'd made the journey through time naturally, she'd adapted and likely forgotten. He no longer had magic and, without it, he wouldn't be allowed into Wizard City. The Ice Kingdom was now Gunter's and the humans of the future have changed in ways he could hardly recognize.
Sometimes the past is a different country, sometimes it's a black hole taking everything down with it.
"Hey dude, you've probably gotta use the bathroom like super bad," Jake said as he broke through the crowd. He gently manhandled Simon away from the well meaning arms of people who were both dear loved ones and strangers all at once. "You haven't whizzed as yourself in like a million years, we better find a place to get your man biz done."
"Wait but-" Marcy said reaching out but Bubblegum grabbed her hand and pulled her away. The rest of the onlookers slowly backed off, going back to the post fight cleanup. As Jake led him away, he made brief eye contact with Normal Man who'd once been a magical god and was now just a man. Simon would probably have out and out collapsed if Jake wasn't steadying him.
"Look, we're just gonna walk away and when we round this corner where no one can see, I'll leave you alone to do whatever you need to do." Jake soothed. "I can hold off Marcy and Finn for maybe 10 minutes, 12 tops. You focus on your breathing and if you gotta hurl, just do it, holding it in jacks you all up." He lowered Simon to the ground once they were out of sight. Simon immediately went into the fetal position.
"You're good at this," Simon noted even as the stress and panic and misery washed over him. He pushed his glasses up into his hair and buried his face in his knees. Jake rubbed his shoulders, it felt good, grounding.
"I've talked Finn through a lot of these episodes before, the kid's been through a lot. You have that in common. You and Finn might have some different physical traits but you're both human. You just had a lot of junk thrown at you so you don't need to figure it all out now. That's what the rest of your life is for. I'll keep the worry squad off your back as long as I can. Take it easy, Simon but, either way, you gotta take it."
Jake went back to the crowd leaving only his wisdom. He was right, no matter how miserable or overjoyed he was over the circumstances, this is the way the dice fell. He had no choice but to take it, to use Betty's sacrifice on his behalf to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time. And he was mortal now, time affected him once more so he had to learn quick.
He had no idea what he would do or even who this new Simon Petrikov, PhD student and aspiring antiquarian was. Just being able to think coherently and regulate his words and actions was a strange miracle he hadn't fully digested yet. Things would be okay, he would be happy once more but, for now, he thought it was okay to sit here in the dirt and cry for everything he'd lost to the ice.
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eyesteeth · 2 months
tsv ramblies, spoilers for the most recent public episode
i did post that mini doodle with the caveat of it being a joke because i feel it’d be too low-octane for this late in the series. that particular scenario would depend upon faulkner remaining in the room with rane’s corpse for like seven minutes and somehow not killing himself asap or leaving. while that could happen i think the likelihood is Low. my more realistic vision (plus pure self indulgence + themes overload) is:
since rane literally died like Seven Minutes Ago in canon carpenter is going to be taken to the Big Room only to see rane’s corpse floating in the pool and faulkner not being there
while the person who took carpenter in freaks out over the body, carpenter Instantly deduces what has happened and is like “oh he’s on some horseshit isn’t he. god fuckin damn it”
MARCO POLO ROUND THREE BABY but this time she’s initiating it because she’s the one trying to find him. marcoing up and down the halls and the outside, running around trying to find him
meanwhile he’s off trying to find a good place to die and vaguely hearing her in this distance is Doing Things To Him. my guess here splits in two ways:
he thinks he’s hallucinating because of grief and the god-winds in the area (he is outside)
he’s actively drowning himself at this point and thinks her voice is her calling him to the other side so he starts Drowning Himself Harder (could be outside or inside)
(if it’s the latter i want her to very forcefully wrench him out by the back of the hair for Maximum Disorientation and then shake him like “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??”)
except personally i think it’s going to be more verbal than physical. i said it ages back but if faulkner looks wretched enough i don’t think carpenter’s going to kill him. and given how it was pretty much stated outright two episodes ago that he’s planning to Finally Do It i don’t think she’d go for it. her character has developed enough that she’s not going to smack around someone visibly trying to commit suicide
i think it’d be much tastier if he asks her to kill him and she’s like “no, live with the consequences of your actions. i’m leaving. if you want to follow me, follow away, just don’t piss me off.” but just because it’s tasty that doesn’t mean it’s realistic
THOUGH I COULD ALSO SEE: faulkner being so hysterically out of it that his mind draws the conclusion of “no i need to have All my family there in the garden she’s fucking up the plan. i need us to both die asap” at which point carpenter engages in self defense and that’s when the “[vigorous shaking] WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING” happens
generally i feel like because they’re both in the “i don’t want to kill anyone but i will if it’s for you” spot in their arcs that they’re not going to actually get too violent with each other but that might just be me coping lol. i just can’t really see carpenter bashing faulkner’s face in and faulkner already tried to kill himself because he thought he had killed her, i think killing her For Realsies is off the table because of that. with the exception of the previously mentioned scenario. thought he’s so out of it at this point who fucking knows tbh
i didn’t think power of love was gonna make it earlier on the season but honestly the power of love might cinch this we’ll just have to see
also if they both make it out whatever fight they’re gonna have i think that a) faulkner is going to ask carpenter to call him richard for however long they still have together and b) he is going to have INSANE attachment issues for the duration
i still think this is going to end with an apocalypse/soft reset ordeal btw. either everyone dies because nothing of the old world can remain, and that means nothing, or some new godless reality gets created and they all live in that (personally i think the latter is too sweet and too neat for this series. however such a reset with a “you never met” caveat would be bittersweet enough imo. the love was there etc etc)
i just, most vitally, want faulkner to be visibly committing/about to commit when they reunite because i like the whole platonic romeo and juliet sleeping drug/poison/knife ass shenanigans they’re doing. shaking faulkner like “NOOOO YOU NEED TO OPEN THE COFFIN BEFORE YOU DRINK THE POISON !!!!! THE TRUTH OF HER LIVING IS BUT A STONE’S TOSS AWAY !!!!!!!!”
and also i want him to be a babbling incoherent mess sobbing to the point of almost throwing up aha who said that
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azuremist · 1 year
People who like Bakugou are always so fucking serious about it. I like him because I think he is the funniest character concept, possibly ever.
His name means “explosion powerful victory”. He’s neither the number one hero nor top of his class.
He’s a violent delinquent with a cartoonish temper and violent tendencies. He’s a fanboy for what is essentially a crossover of the idol industry and service workers. He is incredibly intense at being hygienic to the point of cleaning other people’s rooms for them, too. He yells at the germs and tells them to die as he’s brushing his teeth. He’s incredibly diligent when it comes to his studies. He goes to sleep at 8pm also.
His quirk is renowned as super powerful. It comes from his sweat and he cannot control when it goes off when he gets irritated.
He is called ugly multiple times in canon. He is also canonically eternally bitchless.
He collects hero merchandise. His hero name is a pun based off of his favorite hero. He makes fun of his childhood-friend-brother-person for being into the exact same thing that he is.
He is inexplicably good at multiple random things, including singing, drums, tinkering with machinery, tolerating spice, fighting blindfolded, claw machines and more. This is only ever used for comedy. He also is a computer genius for some reason. Everyone knows that he is a computer genius for some reason.
He owns at least four different black skull shirts. He has kneepads so that he can “kill with his knees”.
He is / was being abused by his mother. This is somehow simultaneously painfully clear when reading his character, and not at ALL the intention of the author.
He is the most popular character in the show. He got killed off. He came back to life. He got killed off a second time shortly after (for realsies this time, we swear).
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slasheru · 10 months
How would the dateables + Mike react to being caught under the mistletoe with their MC crush (they're not dating yet)?
Ohhhhhh I like this one lol
MIKE: So this depends 100% on whether Mike likes you or not for-realsies: assuming the answer is "yes", he'd first A) make sure people are looking, B) make a big deal about it like "OOH YOU'RE UNDER THE MISTLETOE YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS HEH" and be super fratty and annoying about it, then C) Immediately regret drawing so much attention to himself because NOW he has to theatrically kiss you and he, like, ACTUALLY likes you, so this is gonna be so fucking awkward - anyway, it's a pretty good movie star tier kiss, but he has his eyes open the whole time making sure people are watching him kiss you. .....Might kiss you again for real if you stay under the mistletoe after everyone is gone.
TATE: This is somehow Tate's WORST NIGHTMARE. You know the episode of Gravity Falls where Dipper has like his 70-item list of things to do to impress Wendy? That's where Tate's mind is at. The mistletoe has FORCED HIS HAND. Non-zero, 90% chance he turns into Dark Tate. Dark Tate *will* kiss you, if asked.
HEX: Grinning like an idiot, yelling "HEY IT'S THE MISTLETOE WE SHOULD KISS". This is like, his dream scenario. Kind of like finding a leprechaun or something. Science couldn't have engineered a better scenario. Now they LEGALLY have to kiss!! Hex will ALSO spend the rest of the night hanging around random mistletoe hoping the Player will wander back into kissing range. (He doesn't realize you can, like, just ask to kiss whenever even when mistletoe is in the room.)
JUNO: Juno's the one who yanked the mistletoe off the ceiling hook and is dangling it above people's heads, going "should we kiss??????". An astonishing amount of people fall for this. Tries to play it SOMEWHAT cool and will kiss a bunch of people before slyly making their way to the Player, where the main event is happening.
LAILA: Laila is like, tailor-made for sweet Hallmark holiday goings-on, so she's going to be all enchanting and sparkly and clutching her mug of hot cocoa and/or spiked eggnog and cutely looking up at the Player, like, "how absurd! Mistletoe! I expect they expect us to kiss... well, I'm not playing their game... unless....?????". (Hallmark Movie Laila holiday special when)
SAWYER: Puts on his big serial grinning face and is like "wouldja look at that". Followed by an IMMEDIATE reeling back into Sensitive Mode and being like "but of course that's such an outdated tradition, the idea of nonconsensual forced holiday kissing is so ridiculous. It only works if both parties are into it. .....Which brings me back to the mistletoe." Yes, he somehow managed to lawyer (er, law-school) mistletoe. Will get you a cup of holiday beverage afterwards and snuggle on the couch if you let him.
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vewyscawywriting · 5 months
The Only Real Sin is to Deny a Craving
Okay so am I insane for writing this? Perhaps. I was over at friends and when I asked what I should write for next they said Tahm Kench, and I took that as a challenge. Because of course. This one is for the freaks I guess :P
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Tahm Kench x F!Summoner!Reader
Wordcount: 2871 words
Tags: pussy eating, overstimulation, vore (if you squint)
Summary: Tahm Kench offers to show you the prettiest places along the river, and can't help himself from hungering. But his appetite for you is different from the usual.
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It was official. You were somehow magical and also so very, very cursed. The River King had his eyes on you, and there was no hiding from him. Well, who exactly could you hide from in this place and with your abilities? 
The first time he came up to you and promised you a good time beyond your imagination you had almost shat yourself. Both in fear since, you know, Tahm Kench is a big guy... demon... thing, and also because what the fuck was he talking about? Those words coming from anyone else would've been a dream, but from him? Threatening beyond compare. What was he gonna do? Gobble you up, taxi you somewhere where the sunset looked all inviting and romantic and gobble you up for realsies in a "this isn't sexy I'm actually getting killed, this isn't a euphemism for sex, i can't state this enough, send help"- kinda way? It was a real possibility, no, scratch that, that was the only possibility. When he told you he could take you to the best spots along the river, fitting for an absolute doll like you, you practically choked on your drink.
"Are there many?" you gasped out after you got your breathing back under control, and you had no idea where this question even came from. Why were you humouring him? What was wrong with your brain?
"So many," he purred back, inclining his head and tipping his hat to you, "But only the best is good enough for your eyes, pretty thing."
Well, when he called you pretty thing in that southern drawl of his, how could you remain unaffected? The man had a way with words, and to be honest all he had to do was butter you up a little and you'd probably let yourself get whisked away like some sort of moron. In your brain a visual of some sort of list - quite like Pyke's - started to manifest itself, but instead of names for killing they were names of previous trysts with champions. The name Tahm Kench seemed to appear in vague strokes at the bottom, signalling some kind of future - tantalisingly inviting and dangerous and insane. Your mental state seemed to be more fragile than ever when you replied: "That sounds really interesting."
"I could take you the usual way, or if you want to give those pretty legs a workout we can walk along the river shores to where we want to go. Well, you know what I'd advise." He eyed you up, and you shivered. Or shuddered. It could have been both. Should have been just the shudder. "No reason for you to tire yourself out just yet."
Promising. Arousing. He was a large frog (sorry - Catfish), and this really shouldn't be.
"Give me some time to think about it." Your answer should've been a hard no, but really what reason did you have to reject him at this point. Your tryst list was long and extensive, and there were only 154 champions left to go. He could take one off the tally. You were insane. His tongue could probably reach your throat from your pussy. "I meant yes, that sounds amazing."
"Well, and here I thought you were just going to bat your eyes, but colour me surprised. So what will it be, or no, don't even answer sweet, I can see it in your pretty little eyes." - and the monsters jaw unhinged.
It was a strange, cosy feeling, like you were embraced in a warm all encompassing hug. You could get used to this, it made you feel a strange sense of safety-
and the next second you were out. You looked around slightly bewildered. Going from a dreamlike state to real life in a second got your brains needing second to catch up. He had dropped you off at the shoreside, where the river met the sea in a small waterfall, the sun rising just over the horizon as under your feet was a plaid blanket and a basket of food. Second breakfast came as a romantic picnic and you gasped.
"Well Dove, it's time I leave you to it then. Give a yell and I'll be back in a second, wouldn't want to spoil the view you see, or your appetite." And before you could reply he had already waddled his way into the river, leaving you alone with the food and the sound of flowing water. You were a little disappointed that he left. All the times the two of you had spoken he had been a gentleman and amazing conversation partner. His smooth, drawling voice had you feeling all kinds of ways, but the silence of the morning slowly getting filled with the sound of birds was something could definitely get used to as well. After you opened the basket you found it filled to the brim with sandwiches and sweets, and you wondered idly where he'd gotten the basket. There was no way he made this for you himself, there was no way. Lost in thought you took a bite of the food, watching the sun rise with a calm feeling washing over you. Yes, you could definitely get used to this. The spot next to you seemed a little lonely.
He was back right at the moment you were starting to feel like you were done.
"All done fattening up, dove?" he said, jokingly (you hoped), "I hope you enjoyed the humble meal, didn't have time to get anything fancy for someone like you, but I hoped the view would help with digestin'. Now, are you ready to head to the next place?"
You nodded and were whisked away again. Put onto solid ground minutes later, though it felt like seconds, you noticed he had taken you to another cosy spot. Sun filtering through the trees to make sure you only got the best of the rays, as wildflowers bloomed around you, busy bees flitting around creating a nice buzzing sound around you. After that second breakfast, sitting in the sun, alone with nothing or no one distracting you, you felt yourself dozing off. The first two times your eyes fell closed you caught yourself, stopping your head from dropping back against the rough bark of the tree, but the third time the lure of sleep got you in its clutches and you were unable to deny. During your little nap you could faintly hear the soft purring of a low voice, just speaking to the side of you, but you could not hear what he said. Or feel like listening when the sound alone was so soothing and lulling you back into sleep so sweetly. When you woke up the spot next to you was painfully empty.
"Well, it is high time for our final spot, beau," he drawled as you finally realised you were actually awake in such a pretty place. Tahm had good taste, and you couldn't wait to see what the last spot was he would drop you in, a little sad that it almost seemed to be the end of the date already.
"Now, for this one spot I want to take a little walk," he said, and you groaned as you stretched. The sun was already setting and you wondered how long you had been asleep, and why you even went to sleep out in the open with the River King as your sole companion in the first place. "It's a real special place, you see. Don't have a pretty thing on my arm that often, can't fault a man for trying to draw this out."
You were certain there was a blush on your face. You knew the demon was known for smooth talking, but never had you actually heard him seduce quite so literally. 
The reflection of the sunset on the river that wildly raged beside you had you almost blinded, and you let him guide you to the final spot, trusting him to keep you steady and safe. What a delectable fool you were. If he wanted to devour you he could have done so many times by now, but he was a patient man, and he hungered for something a little different than the usual today. 
A small stumble had you almost tumbling into the glistening river, but you were held steady as Tahm Kench purred in your ear that you had reached your destination. Hidden from view was a small clearing next to a waterfall, overlooking the forest below with the river meandering through the idyllic landscape. The sunset cast the world in a soft orange glow, as the sound of the waterfall beside you almost deafened you to the world. Almost missing Tahm's voice when he inclined his head to you and asked: "Now, most delectable summoner of mine. What is it you hunger for?"
He was still holding you, now in both his arms as he leaned you back, hanging over you as if you were in the middle of a dance. A shiver went through you as he spoke, the low vibrations traveling through you as you barely heard him above the sound of the water. You hungered for many things, but right now you were embarrassed to say you hungered for him. It must've shown in your eyes as you looked away, blush once again adorning your cheeks as he chuckled. "You're as subtle as you are tantalizing, dear. If you keep blushing like that I might just gobble you up... for what I hunger for is you, and I'm planning on overindulging tonight." 
Fear struck you, but you felt almost paralyzed when he lowered you down on the soft earth beneath you. "Now, don't you worry your little head you hear, I won't release you from your life yet... not in the literal sense that is. Though you might wish for me to do so later."
What did he mean? What did that mean?? His large form hovered over you, grabbing your thighs and opening your legs as he leaned forward to inhale deeply. "That aroma seduces..." he purred as his tongue lolled out to lick rows upon rows of sharp teeth, and you felt a throb of arousal so deeply you had to stop yourself from groaning. 
"For what do you hunger, summoner?" he once again purred as claws hooked onto your jeans, pulling slightly, fabric dragging down your skin just enough to tease. "Tell me, and your cravings will be satisfied."
His maw was opened in a smile from ear to ear, tongue peeking out just barely as a promise more than anything, and you were able to whisper just above the sounds of nature around you. "You."
"Well, how could I possibly refuse such a tantalizin' request," he replied, tongue already out, oh so eager to have a taste of you, as with a quick drag your lower half was unclothed, shiver betraying your arousal as a cool wind hit your unsurprisingly wet core. He wasted no time giving a long, sloppy lick from your anus to your clit and you gasped at his greed, a low purr escaping him. He drawled out his satisfaction, as his tongue gave another wet lick down your nethers, uncaring about technique or decorum as all he wanted to was savour your essence on his tongue. "You simply taste divine," he said, pushing your legs wider around him as he dove in further, tip of his tongue entering you to get more, as the top of his tongue was firm on your clit. He pushed in further and you groaned as he started lapping at your walls as if he was having a great meal, his hums of satisfaction thrumming through your body as if he was a giant vibrator. Your orgasm came fast and overwhelming, brought on by his greed while his hands gripped at your thighs tightly. A gasp of his name, a cry for him to pause, but he didn't, slurping up your essence as he continued his onslaught. 
"That was barely an appetizer, dear," he drawled, tongue still inside you as drool dripped down on you from his giant maw, soaking your lower half even more than you had managed yourself. "Now I was saving my appetite for you for quite some time, so it's going to take a little more than that to satisfy me, y'see?"
You weren't sure if you did see. As a matter of fact your eyes had closed a long time ago, and your brain hadn't really been functioning all day either. All you knew was the pleasure he was providing you with, the sloppy technique he employed that somehow made you see stars with every wet, greedy lick. Your legs were shivering in his grasp, but he didn't let up, the sound of the river not enough to cover the obscene sounds his tongue made inside of you as he pushed in further still - eager for more. He was truly trying to devour you, and you gasped out as your walls fluttered around him, gushing wetness as you felt yourself rush to another shaky orgasm. It came just as quick as you shivered in his hold, head thrown back as he once again voiced his appreciation at your offering. A moan escaping him between slurps as instead of slowing down he sped up once again. 
"No, wait," you gasped, trying to get away from him in earnest, but your treacherous legs pulled him closer, arms flailing above your head as they tried to find purchase in the grass. You were sure by now you had pulled out all the grass around you, and even unearthed some small shrubbery you got your hands on, but you needed something to hold onto as tears filled your eyes at the overstimulation. "Tahm I can't-"
"I'm sure you can, doll, just a little more," his voice was smooth as always, but a rough edge had appeared, making you cry out as he practically bent you in half, legs around your face as he tongue fucked you in earnest, making sure to lap up any and all of your arousal as he went. "My hunger has not yet been sated."
His hunger was never going to be sated, you thought as tears ran down your face, but your core throbbed in maddening deliciousness. Your mouth was open in constant gasps and whines, begs escaping you though you weren't sure if you were asking him to stop or continue at this point. Your sore pussy spasmed around his long tongue as the slightly rough texture of it rubbed against your clit. And with the way he was bent over you it rubbed your entire stomach as well, soaking the shirt you still wore with his drool as he ate you out like a man starved. "Please," you gasped out between keening gasps, unable to hold in your sounds as you were unsure you had another orgasm in you, not with how intense the other two were. But your body was as greedy as him as your stomach tightened so intensely you thought you were going to turn inside out, more fluids squirting out of you as you gasped and writhed on the grass. "Enough, ahh, enough," you cried and when his tongue retreated you almost started crying in earnest. 
"Such a fragile little thing," he said, grinning. "Barely enough to take the edge off the craving." he leaned back, holding your spend body up to his large, wanting maw, as your lower half recoiled from the feeling of warm breath hitting your abused pussy. "Just one more... just a little dessert, and I'll let you go..." A shuddering groan was his answer as he leaned back a little further, placing you with your legs wide over his impossibly large face, mouth opening to ease your entire lower half into his mouth. "...then, I'll be satisfied."
You were going to die. No, at this point you wished you could escape his long tongue that once again licked his way towards your entrance, but now it felt like your entire lower body was getting devoured by him, and you spasmed as you felt liquid drip down into his almost painfully hot, waiting maw. Words were foreign to you now, as only weak mewling sounds escaped you, shivering and shuddering with every lick. It was almost gentle, the way he moved it, but it could as well have been pain he was inflicting upon you, so intense was the feeling it evoked. Sharp teeth rubbed against your ankles that hung from the corners of his lips, scratching and drawing just the tiniest bit of blood, a taste that almost drove him to madness himself. 
You understood now, why he said you might be wishing for him to release your life at the end. There was nowhere to escape him, and your fingers dug into his skin as you came for the fourth time, a shuddering cry escaping you as you squeezed out the last you had in you. He drank you greedily, deeply, and finally released you with a satisfied chuckle. Gently he held your boneless form to his chest, as he looked down upon you almost lovingly. 
"Now, that meal left me satisfied," he chuckled, "Until next time."
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Unremembered Empire 5
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I don't have anything to add except that he's pretty spot on, love to see his evaluations of the others.
also, you could have let Lion kill you, you know.
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i think guilliman really does judge his brothers all for not being like him
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hm they both shit talk russ a bit lion is surprised because this room is 100% emotion
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augh im experiencing an emotion
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lmao lion suspects Jaghatai
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this is really interesting this whole conversation guilliman calls him out on being opaque and keeping secrets
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that is an absolutely amazing line
guilliman: we've been thrown into horse plinko
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he needs to be able to be honest with more people this is evoking many emotion okay more like one emotion strongly lol and then we end the chapter with guilliman essentially offering the regent role to Lion Sdjfkhsdf THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT CHAPTER is Guilliman asking his psyker subordinate to read Lion's mind to find out if he's keeping more secrets absolutely incredible
i. i do not know how to react to this.
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i'll take "konrad curze making out with an ipad" for 1000 under "things i did NOT expect in a warhammer novel" i think i need a moment to recover from this one
what this did? it launched ze missiles
lmaoo curze setting all the drop pods loose interrupted the fancy dinner guilliman drew steel on lion
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… the last time he was in this situation, guilliman was telling himself it had to be a terrible mistake and it wasn't Lion says please a few more times okay i need more data points on lion what is UP with this guy, seriously
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you know what, people should eat more food in warhammer novels local telepath runs into curze and uh
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he's in the middle of the park and he yells at them to raise the shields
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iii think we're about to change genre again back to horror
time for another honest conversation
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also his honesty which, Lion says, is something he shares with Horus, again Guilliman is getting quite irritated with being compared to Horus lol lmaooo they're talking about honesty and Lion is STILL trying to evade explaining about Curze guilliman finally gets him to admit it lmaoo guilliman: just admit it before i have to beat it out of you- lion: you'd lose guilliman: NOT THE POINT! oof John has been taken prisoner by Narek (loyalist word bearer)
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again, buddy, good luck
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OMINOUS Konrad Curze is watching you from inside ur walls curze has turned guilliman's fortress into some kind of horror game meanwhile polux and dantioch are chatting
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oof lol
and then all the candles suddenly blow out dantioch using the empathic pharos or something is able to guide polux so he doesn't get murked by curze
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this is like having your friend guide you when you're playing a video game
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i think. i think we saw THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP??? FOR REALSIES???
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owo Guilliman: you know what it's time for the loyalists to get some heretic kills Lion: yeah!!! not joking he used the term heretic
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im trying to understand why he is tumblr sexymn is it the ipad licking??? is it the "i can fix him"???
and yes im still recovering from sexily licking the ipad Abnett WHY
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Now a song from Hamilton is stuck in my head I hope you're happy
owo Euten is gonna give a speech she talks the shattered legions into going after curze tonight: curze terrorizes an old lady square up curze im gonna punch you
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Curze's issues have issues
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VULKAN INTERRUPT??? sjkdfhlsdf THEN THEY GO OUT THE WINDOW TOGETHER somehow curze won THEN VULKAN IMMEDIATELY comes back to life this is some kind of comedy wacky looney tunes run out the window etc so guilliman and lion got rescued by Dantioch Dantioch and Euten for MVPs Lion judges Guilliman for using the pharos beacon
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oh another rules for me but not for thee primarch
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okay so lion was turning on the social skills/charm for guilliman???
or he's just rude to the help
to be continued! again.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Alright, we've gathered the keys and have an hour left to go. Where do we go from here?
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Okay. So. Before reality was rewritten via whatever the fuck just happened, Yuki coded the "emergency escape program" which will let us set everything back.
I. Feel like. We need to have a group discussion here. Once the choice has been made to use it or not to use it, the program will be erased. Yuki wanted the group to decide for themselves whether to stay in this reality or return to the old.
Obviously Haruhi would want to go back to a world of magic and aliens and shit but. Like. There are very good reasons for why we should let this pass us by.
Remember how we fucking killed Ryoko? Like. She is for realsies dead now. Are we really about to return her to her grave?
Remember Haruhi nearly deleting the universe because she was jealous of Kyon?
Remember when we had to cheat at a baseball game so Haruhi wouldn't destroy the city with closed space?
Remember 15,000 time loops because Haruhi wanted to help Kyon with homework?
What about Mikuru nearly decapitating Kyon with a photon laser?
The old timeline was a horror movie. I mean. Obviously he makes the choice.
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We're supposed to want this. We're supposed to want Kyon to go back, I know, but. I. Don't? The only good things that happened in the other timeline were the relationships he had with other people, and he can make those again. Hell, Haruhi's literally gung-ho right this second about reforming SOS Brigade.
I have not heard a compelling argument for why Closed Space and Mikuru Beams and World-Cramping are things we should want for the world we live in. This world is much better for the people who live in it.
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And just like that, we're world-cramping again. Here we go. Let's make mistakes.
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Never mind. Time travel. Gotcha. I get it. The escape program is a time travel device because Haruhi having met John Smith in this time period proves that these events were insulated from the change in history.
Uh. Somehow.
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That doesn't sound like changing history. That sounds more like someone cosmically reshuffled reality, similar to the world-cramping.
Haruhi's awakening was previously described as a massive time-quake. So. Is there another Haruhi out there now?
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Guilty look away from Kyon makes it sound like it's Mikuru. Maybe she did something to time so she'd finally be free of Haruhi's torments. Maybe she ate Haruhi or something so she could prove her thesis correct and make Itsuki lose the schism.
That can't be it. If anybody's suspicious here, it's Itsuki. Itsuki ate Haruhi so he didn't have to deal with closed space anymore? I dunno.
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I do not buy that for a second.
They're still trying to convince us that the way the show treats Mikuru is Fine Actually because she secretly loves it and is enjoying every moment of it. This is so post-hoc justification it hurts.
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Why? Did she eat Haruhi?
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Watching this and expecting shadow blades to erupt from her like Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist Mangahood. This is weirdly tense just... knowing that one of us ate Haruhi and we don't know which.
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Yuki sitting here wondering how many Kyon-With-Bookmarks she is going to send back to herself at this exact point in time. Her day has been full of Bookmark Kyons. This is the 17th! She is drowning her past in Bookmark Kyons.
She wishes she had someone to complain to but unfortunately she did this to herself.
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This is so confusing.
So, on December 18th Present Year, somebody ate Haruhi and then used her powers to begin shifting time starting at some point in the three year interim and taking one year to take full effect.
Gonna say Mikuru is off the suspect list 'cause this is way too complex for her. That leaves either Itsuki the Plot Explainer or Yuki herself, the god-tier robot who understands all the things.
Mmm. Not liking that Past Yuki's been shut out from synchronizing with her future self the way she did in the Tanabata episode proper.
Did Yuki eat Haruhi? Why? I mean, I can believe Yuki eating Haruhi. Yuki's been wanting to study Haruhi's capacity for auto-evolution. She let the time loops fly without making any effort to stop them. She's morally ambiguous. I absolutely believe that Yuki would eat Haruhi.
It's the "using Haruhi's powers to rewrite the universe so none of the Haruhi Stuff ever happened" bit I don't understand. Did she just want to give everyone a happier life or something? We know she has a capacity for sentimental value.
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Kyon: That's the restoration program!? Yuki: No. Tetanus shot. To stave off Time Diseases. Kyon: That's not a thing. Mikuru: Oh, no, that's a really big risk of time travel. Have you not been vaccinated? I thought everyone at least got the Time Rabies Shot. Kyon: OKAY WHEN ARE YOU FROM!?
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You're really going to tell Kyon and not me. You prick.
What, did Kyon eat Haruhi? I am so mad right now at the selective information-delivery.
For real, though. It's gotta be Yuki. Right?
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moongothic · 9 months
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Hey anon, I'm so sorry but your ask is obscenely long so I'm cutting it down to bare essentials
Most of the Original Ask was just a copypaste of this forum post, quickly highlighting this comment too
LOOK WHAT IT SAYS ABOUT MORIA, YO! "Defeated by Gellard and returns in the Final Scenario with an even more grotesque appearance than when you first met him."
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But yes, I am aware, I have read that exact same thread before (when I first learned about the Romancing SaGa inspo on r/OnePiece and wanted to learn more), and I did briefly discuss the Seven Heroes when speculating about Cross Guild and wherever the fuck that plotline is going
And I'm now going to add onto that original post, because boy howdy do I have some additional thoughts to get out of my brain
Okay so yes, Doflamingo would be the OG Iteration of Bokuohn, the puppeteer who manipulates people. But in the context of Cross Guild... That's Buggy. "Bokuohn is in control of the majority of the Seven Heroes' forces. Situated in the Steppes region, he owns a large landship, complete with an innumerable amount of slaves." That's literally just Buggy. Like he's not a master of psychological manipulation nor can he forcefully manipulate anybody like literal puppets either (the way Mingo could), but. Like scratch out he RoSa2 terms, replace them with the relevant OP terms and it's a perfect description of Buggy.
Bringing that up because I'm still interested in Cross Guild becoming Shichibukai 2.0 But Without The Government This Time, but if we wanted to have exactly seven former Shichibukai to make up Cross Guild and make sure we had like ones who could actually fill out the roles of the Seven Heroes from RoSa2... Yeah there's going to have to be some replacements Not just because otherwise Doflamingo would need to be broken out of Impel Down somehow (which I doubt will happen, also I don't think Crocodile would want him working for him anyways), but also. Jinbei's with the Strawhats. And I don't think he's ditching Luffy any time soon for Crocodile of all people, not when he finally fucking joined the Strawhats for realsies.
So Doflamingo could be replaced with Buggy, cool, sure. What about Jinbei then? Who will take up the role of RoSa2's Subier?
So a while back I wrote this speculation post about if the Burn Scar Man (who has the final Road Poneglyph) could be a Fishman.(PERHAPS specifically Davy Jones?) Bringing that up because during Kuma's flashback we did learn that Kuma got the Shichibukai Slot after Ace defeated one of the seven at the time. And we specifically got to see Ace talk to Jinbei about it, Ace being surprised Jinbei of all people was glad the Shichibukai slot was being filled again. Now obviously, our Firefist Ace defeating a Shichibukai makes for one great candidate on who the Burn Scar Man could be, as Ace could very easily leave someone with some severe burn scars. This is platantly obvious lmao. But it's the conversation with Jinbei that actually interests me, because like. Sure, Jinbei being a fellow Shichibukai, it might be odd for Ace to hear Jinbei be glad that one of his fellow Warlords is being replaced. But that comment could make twice as much sense if that Warlord had ALSO been a fellow Fishman and/or a Merman (and perhaps someone Jinbei might've known better?). Now indeed. We are going to meet the Burn Scar Man eventually, 100%, it's mandatory for the plot to move forwards. Which means we're going to find out who that guy is, and if the Road Poneglyph gets stolen from him, he might have to find something else to do with his life since there won't be any point in guarding it anymore. And hey. If Mr Burns does turn out to be a fellow former Shichibukai who also happens to be a Fishman/Merman and a master of Fishman Karate... Oh hey, what's this? "Subier - A half octopus merman who controls the flow of the ocean to use as a weapon." Like. IDK I think we could have another Cross Guild member on our hands here.
(Honestly, currently the only problem we have is Dantarg, whose role currently being held by Kuma. Like the only other known Shichibukai we have who could be "available" is Law but he hasn't really done any "bodymods to become stronger" and thus doesn't fit the description. Hell, that description fits Kid more than anything but he was never a Shichibukai either. Guess we gotta keep on hoping Kuma somehow survives and just doesn't return to the Revolutionary Army for some reason)
Hilariously the most interesting thing you pointed out was that comment in the forum thread about Moria, 'cause I hadn't even realized this before but
So we know Blackbeard had captured Moria and held him hostage for... weeks, months? Until he was freed by Coby as per Perona's plea during the raid on Fullalead. Interestingly though, although theoretically we know Moria and Perona should have escaped the island by now, we have not seen either, now have we? Which is kind of suspicious now that I think about it. Because like. It'd make perfect sense if Blackbeard and co had been torturing Moria during his time in captivity, right. Have they been feeding my beloved goth onion well? Realistically, probably not?
Like. Thinking about it. We know Moria got chumby after the trauma of losing his crew and all, so what are the odds he might have lost that weight now during his captivity??? What if he looks more like his younger self again, the one see clash with Kaidou??? Or, the more horrifying option. I mean zombies aren't like an inherent part of Moria's DF abilities, just the Shadow Manipulation. But for all we know Moria could have lost a limb or two, and depending on where the fuck Hogback is (dude is supposed to be a competent doctor, he should be able to stitch Moria back up)... I mean theoretically the next time we see Moria he could look like one of his zombies. Or worse.
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I'm sooooo excited!!! My first episode caught up!
No! Not the music 😂😂😂 oh okay it was not that smooth sex jazz lmao.
Rufio???? In Miles's lust thing? Okay I'll have to wait and see how this works. ELSA THOUGH!!!
Protect your man!!!!
Oh Elsa 😔 "I wish you were there, you probably would have made the difference."
Ohhhhhhh this is really good. Part of Miles's dreams or lust is the thought that him being there could have saved people. It's such a self absorbed thing lmao. Like he is the lynchpin.
Sidenote: the sound design and the music is so good this episode, and I know it's not the case but I get such a giggle out of imagining this is done just to spite that one YouTube commenter who was like when are you all going to incorporate that when it has been for quite a bit. 😂
Elsa being there to listen to him. 😭
He would want Marcos back!!
She gives him the book to get people back from the dead. The fact that this is what tempts him!!
To have what you have to Britta. "She was never there to replace you."
No shit they weren't rational, Marcos!!! I'm losing my goddamn mind over here!!!
The fact that he thinks the reward is to get one of them back to life. Fuck me!
Pendragon is human???? Absolutely wild. I get it though. But also Romeo and Pendragon there at the same time??? I mean at this point we all think canary and Romeo were together, yes?
Britta's biggest hope is being human. 😭
A painting of Dark Selina above the fireplace with blue flames???
Her wish that the harsh sides of Pendragon were not his own but forced into him. That he would want to be different. Him wanting to impress his sire and not him just something that's inside of him. That he lets her know him better.
Ohh human AND vampire Pendragon.
Ohhh interesting. Pendragon wanting her for her humanity or wanting her for her killer side.
"I adoooore how strong you are." fuck this guy and fuck that he is so hot. I hate him. He's too powerful. 😂
"I can't beat him without you." *SCREECHING*
Oh my God! Z!!!! HELL YESSSSSS I'm glad he's back somehow!!
I love that they are both almost failing!!!
Khaliffffff babbbbby!!! Yes Neil's sire!!! 👀 I'm so intrigued. I need to know more.
Awww Neil 🥰🥰 wanting to save his friends.
Of course his fucking sire 'knows' exactly what he needs. Fuck you!! Go home!
No Miles doesn't have the enst track record, that is fair. But he tries, and that has to count for something.
I do love his sire just hating on Miles, I bet that does make Neil feel a little better.
Also calling it playing house with Roman Pendragon would so appeal to Neil. Who has been so judgemental about all of this with Britta.
👀 Neil talking to his sire. Like I'm sorry but we need like a prequel book about their fucked up relationship and the abuse and manipulation.
"they're yours." ohhhhhhh goosebumps.
Not the tearful "are they?" my baby boy 😭 this is gonna make me cry.
Neil!!! You're so good! I'm proud of you. 🥰
"boogiemen and a pretty girl." dismissive of Nara in a way that will please some people I know.
Hey Sire why don't you shut up!!! Neil did what he should do, he came to insight!! Leave him alone!
"Let's fix Miles." ohhhhh damnnn. Like I know this is all very difficult for the characters to deal with, but it is SO fun to listen to!
Z. Who is this she??? 👀👀👀
Of course he wants to be the solution! Look at Wynn!!!
Ohhhh yeahhhh baby more temptation!!! One of them is going to die????!!!! Absolutely not. That's not allowed. Resurrection tho. 👀 It will cost you nothing? Suss. Soooooooo suss.
Heyhooooo let's gooooooooooo temptation in the best way.
The idea of sacrificing himself for power and to save his friends, so alluring. Which is so funny because I don't think any of his friends would think it would take this particular shape.
AAAAAAAHHHHH, for realsies???? Lmao of course he did. 😂😂(I bet it's because Tim wants that special sword path he talked about. /j)
I'm so happy!!! Miles deserves to make bad decisions as a treat. I love that for him. 😈
Britta, my girl, I proud of you, but I knew you could do it.
🤢 Those sounds
Oh joy, we get Shrike, you're not making it better but I love that you try even if it's not that hard.
Ohhhhh yessss him offering to undo the indoctrination!!! Of course that is the biggest temptation, figuring out who she used to be.
"I wanted to be more of myself again." "you don't even know who you are?" that's fucked up.
Shrike is an asshole but he makes me laugh with the awful, dickish things he says.
Even here the canary gets triggered??? Poor Britta.
She did it!!!
What the fuck man, that was an insane episode. But so fucking good! I'm alrwady exited to relisten to it.
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ebonysplendor · 7 months
Absolute Adoration (Demo) Review 🪻
TL;DR: We basically tell Rai to piss off, but he said "Okay, but what if I don't?" and proceeded to try to bribe us with food. ...I mean, yeah, it worked but still.
Game Link: https://wanderingthoughts.itch.io/absolute-adoration
Notable Features: Self-Insert, Gender Options, Yandere LI...honestly, that's about it so far but apparently the full game will have more (as expected) Spiciness: 0/5 -- No porn for the plot, mah bois LI Red Flags: 1.5/5 -- Gaslighter, implied stalking, implied vehicular sabotage
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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I ran across this game, like...honestly, a hot minute ago. Maybe around...September or so? It was way before I decided to start my gaming blog thing and write reviews and such. Anyways, I had recently revisited the page to see if there was any updates, and, unfortunately, there isn't. In fact...
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...there hasn't been an update since March, which is super tragic, but you can't rush greatness, that's for sure, and I am pretty damned invested in the story so far.
Nothing super wild happens, but typically, whenever I play, it's just tradition for me to pick either the super toxic route (ex. throwing hands, yelling back, shutting shit down from the jump with the LI, etc.) or the super naïve route (ex. going along with the LI, ignoring obvious red flags, being super compliant, etc.). That being said...I was super toxic to the LI lol that's probably why it threw me that Eris was so toxic towards Milo, like that was supposed to be my job. He didn't respond to it poorly, but damn, did we respond to him poorly, and that alone has me invested because surely a puppy can only be kicked so many times before it starts to bite, right?
Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and jump into the synopsis, if that's cool. The intro is a little short, but...meh, I think it's still a decent length, yeah? Not to mention that the demo is lowkey pretty short as well, so it makes sense. Either way, whether the intro is long enough or not, this is what it's gonna be because I can't think of anything more to say lol.
But yeah, enough yapping about the intro length, let's get into the game itself. As always, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself, so stick around, because it's going to get...well, I'm not entirely sure, because the LI's actually pretty tame. Either way, just hang with me for a bit, and you'll see why I'm so invested in what this game has to offer next.
Okay, for realsies, now. Let's start summarizing.
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So, boom.
We're waiting for the city bus, and it's cold as hell outside. Not only is it cold as hell outside, but the bus is late...like hella late...late as hell. Whatever though, this is what cell phones and social media and apps and all that crap were made for, so we whip out our phone and start scrolling. While scrolling though, we can't help but feel like we're being watched and...
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We are, in fact, being watched. Like, okay then, that's totally not uncomfortable or anything.
Clearly realizing that he got caught staring, he looks away. We kind've brush off this super brief interaction as him being a straight-up weirdo and go back to scrolling in peace. Well, it doesn't last long, because he somehow worked up the courage to come over and talk to us. Is it to rizz us up, is it because he's bored? Who knows, but we aren't entirely happy about it because, frankly, we want to be left the hell alone and just get to our class even though, at the rate that we're going, we're guaranteed to be late.
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So, now he's standing in front of us, and he's just like, "Hey!" and we're just giving him the look. You know what I mean by the look. That look. That "why the hell are you breathing my air" look, but he just keeps yapping.
"Sorry, to bother you--" Ayo, not the 'sorry to take up your time, but let me take up your time' approach. Lmaoooo here we go with this shit "--but my name is Rai! What's yours?"
The only way to respond to this was by way of bombastic side-eye, but he clearly doesn't get the message. Well, more accurately, he acknowledges the message, but he doesn't care, because he just keeps talking to us. Finally, we're like "Bro, nah" and try to leave because first off, it's ridiculous that the bus still isn't here, and second, it's aggravating that we've tried to dismiss him -- openly and, honestly, quite rudely -- and he refuses to do so. Notice I say that we try to leave, because tell me why he's like "Can I walk with you?"
"Can I walk with you? Please? I get really nervous walking by myself."
Like, bro, stop the cap. You walked all the way to this damned bus stop by yourself. Like, sir, if you don't leave me the hell alone. Like, we definitely had no choice but to stand on business, and ditch him and that damned bus stop.
So, we do. We ditch him, get to class, get that over and done with, meet up with our squad for a little bit, and head on home, but while walking home, something a little weird goes down.
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We're walking to our apartment, and that same feeling of being watched comes back. At first, we brush it off as us still being stressed from what went down earlier today, so we decide to listen to some music to self-soothe. That being said, we are by no means stupid, so we keep an earbud out just in case we hea-- *snap, no crackle or pop* *And cue someone's barely audible but said with feeling "shit"*
...what the hell was that?
We turn around, and, as expected, there's no one. What's wild about this though, is that...we could swear we had heard something. Remember, that was the whole reason we only put one earbud in, but it must've just been a squirrel or something? Better yet, we write it off as a squirrel or something, but we're pretty adamant we heard something. Whatever though. We make it to our apartment, do our homework, and hit the hay.
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The next day rolls around, and we head to the cafe to meet one of our friends. Oddly enough, it gets cancelled because of car troubles, but it's like damn, we're already here. Well, whatever. We try to order something from the counter because we're still pretty hungry, friend here to hang out or not, but the employee behind the counter is like "Nah, brah, we're out". Well, damn. Then -- unprompted, quite frankly -- they proceed to tell us some blue haired guy bought the last of what we were trying to order. "Blue haired guy" they said? Ain't no way...
We look over...
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Well, damn! ... for the second time.
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Fuck that noise. We go to leave and pretend we didn't even see him, but he calls after us by name. Now, this is a red flag because, if you remember, we totally blew this guy off at the bus stop -- we never gave him our name, just a vicious side-eye.
So, we call him out on it, and naturally, he's trying to defend himself, and he honestly makes a valid point: why would he lie about something as stupid as us giving him our name?
...Aiight. We cave, and let it go.
Just trying to speed through this a bit, Rai bribes us with the snack that we couldn't buy to sit and talk to him for a while. We're a bit sassy and saucy and snippy about it at first, but we decide to lay off and give the guy a fair chance, and we leave when the sun starts to go down.
That's it! That the game! Lol kind've zipped through that last part, but meh, nothing really goes down, and I don't want to give you everything because, you've still gotta play this yourself, remember?
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Even though much didn't happen, enough happened to make me pretty damned invested.
I just really hate that they haven't updated the game in almost a year because it honestly has potential. Like, the story is there; it just needs to, very obviously, be completed. I mean, the fact that we were able to pretty much tell him to piss off right from the jump just for him to pretty much corner us into talking with him anyways and then...well, I can't tell you that part lol. But, I was sharing that to say that it's a solid build up to the actual game and to the next day, and I need it!
Admittedly, some parts were a little slow and redundant, but like I've mentioned in some of my other reviews, story telling is kind've hard. I'd imagine that narrating those "transition" scenes, let alone actually getting to it, is pretty difficult to not make boring or redundant.
Anywho that's pretty much all I have to say about the game. I mean, I thought Rai was super adorbs -- not to mention his eyeliner is fucking flawless -- but like...I miss him lol. Like, ugh, no update, no dev logs, no side social to follow the game progress, just nothingness and a super intense waiting game. Man's took the hint and said "I'll listen. I'll stay away". Like, no, Rai, babes, come back, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
But! Greatness shall not nor ever be rushed! I'm sure whenever the dev decides to jump back in, they'll come back damned swinging, and we'll finally get the unhinged, blue-haired man that we want to force us into a relationship with him! Truly exciting to think about, and I honestly can't wait. Until then, though, I'm just going to keep an eye out like I have been.
Oh whoops, totally forgot about the recommendation itself lol. Uh, yeah! I do think you should play it. As typical, it's free, so like...why not, ya know? Just, if you do decide to play it, don't get too attached, because it may be a while before an update gets dropped.
Well, uh...that's...honestly it. Lol like I said, I didn't have much to say about this one since it's relatively short, but hopefully it was still somewhat interesting to read.
Anyways! That's officially all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around!
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Absolute Adoration
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
love ur shinaya breakup tbh read all of it and it's honestly accurate i think the screaming match isnt necessarily ooc bc ayano has the capacity to get ANGRY and yell honestly i think it would be more like shintaro raises his voice and then ayano snaps and starts screaming and shintaro instantly is like O_O kind of just freezes bc THIS isnt the ayano he knows (the one he usually sees/i feel like he would know that this part of ayano is a real part of her but he doesnt like it bc some part of him still relies on her to be the usual "ayano" as a form of consistency in his life especially post str bc if ayano acts like ayano then that means things r okay and normal and he doesnt have to think abt the timelines where ayano died and STAYED dead and also specifically ayak) he doesnt know how to deal with that rn so after a bit of being yelled at he basically stops talking and ayano is like WHY ARENT U SAYING ANYTHING and shintaro is just like ermmm well uhmmm which pisses off ayano even more she just starts crying bc she's so overwhelmed and doesnt know what to do with herself anymore and shintaro is awkwardly standing there and then they just dont talk abt it or breaking up but they basically break up after that erm sorry for the long ask
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES god this ask made me so excited i fell off my chair no joke. bc i was reading and i was agreeing so hard i was excited. and i um fell off my chair.
IM GONNA BE HONEST I SAID "OOC" AS SORT OF A DISCLAIMER BC ITS KINDA A HOT TAKE IG.... i was like (looks around) i dont wanna be called out or something. but to me its totally in character. i mean ayano gets angry in canon. i love that its canon that she really plays the nice girl role in front of shintaro (and haruka&takane) but at home with mekatrio we see her a lot more vulnerable/able to be angry.
the way i imagine them is usually ayano ending in tears most of the time but when They Break Up like for realsies it's when ayano is just PISSED. shitshow gone too far mode. and i think it starts off from something completely stupid like always, something casual abt WHY WONT U HOLD MY HAND IN PUBLIC!! like something totally idiotic but like i said in the other ask its just all these bottled up emotions and eventually ayano just fucking explodes lmao. shintaro is totally shocked like u say but i think it's such a relief for him somehow because this is it. THIS is what he deserved all along. THIS is what he's been searching for. ayano being mad at him. ayano making him pay for everything. and he's like YEAH!! YELL AT ME MORE!! I DESERVE IT!!! I CAN FINALLY MAKE THINGS UP TO YOU IF UR ANGRY. and that pisses ayano off even more because WHAT are you talking about??? since when is this about what u deserve?? since when am i some sort of trophy wife you feel guilty for having??? i dont want that!! have you been doing this on purpose!?!?!?!? and she DUMPS HIS ASS
everytime theyve broken up before (on and off slay) it's by shintaro and ayano ends in dramatic tears while shintaro is just like angrily pacing around his room. when AYANO dumps him this time and for good, shintaro is in tears. he's such a mess. takane who's been comforting ayano each and every single time shintaro has made her cry and per her request playing this crazy relationship therapist, goes to her fully intending to do it again. like fully intending to comfort her and talk some sense into her thinking theyre just gonna get back together like always. but this time ayano isn't crying at all, she just breathes in relief and talks about the huge weight she got off her back. and takane's like ...ohhh... this time it's different.
usually, the procedure would be ayano sobbing to takane BWAA PLEASE TALK TO HIM and then takane going to yell at shintaro but this time it's SHINTARO who's like. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU TALK TO HER.
shintaro on the other hand is such a mess. sorry to bring takane into everything💖 but having him sob in her arms is like the icing on the cake bc his thing with her is not THE problem but one of the (many) problems and shintaro REALLY doesn't learn. he is despaired over ayano and crying on takane again, just like back then. and he loves it in an insane way. because this is so comfortable. this is familiar. it is so so painful. he is so heartbroken but it is so familiar. its not more painful than having ayano by his side because ayano's company terrifies him. her survival is one in its kind in all the timelines, and it has been so terrifying to see something new after seeing the same for so long. especially because the something new is her going out with him of all things?? he has so much regret and self loathing and guilt and FEAR OF LOSING EVERYTHING BC NOW ITS NEW AND IT'S NEVER BEEN NEW AND THAT'S SO SCARY to work through that he cannot enjoy it, he's terrified of it instead and acted the way he did essentially so it'd end the way it'd end. and yeah he's whining about wanting her back and he really does but it's like... you know, the same as back then. lol.
so like ayano, he is also relieved. but in totally different ways. does that make sense. erm. hehe
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dballzposting · 2 years
OMG ANOTHER SHARPHAN SHIPPER?! I therefore need to bring you the news that one time the Four Stars (bcs they're four and they're the most famous group in orange star high--gohan only by association brought upon his Nerd Swag) hang out during breaktime post-buu saga and sharpner wanted to prank the great saiyaman he knows to be gohan by pretending he needed to be saved *insert whatever scenario* but gohan inhumanely solved the issue too well that the prank didn't work and jokes on Sharpner bcs now Gohan have him on his arms wedding style and his choking at air at the execution of it all. AND THEN they make out in the lockers.
Source: my mind
Oh hello there.
Four Stars ... excellent pun there. Dont know if that's a you original but i really think that it's important
Woag. Omg. I never would have thought that Shrapner would roll over like that. Like maybe after the whole Great-Saiyaman-Stole-My-Girl thing I feel like he would stop associating with them all but like .. at the end of the day he still left his bong at Erasa's house and he still needs the notoriety of associating with Videl Satan and he still needs test answers from Son Gohan so .. yeah. GUESS THEY ALL STAY IN TOUCH FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR ?! What the fuck else is there to do.
Woah . Really? Woah. #SonGohan is really having a #SonGoten moment the way hes out here kissing frat boys ... ?! WHY AM I GETTING DEJA VU DID I HAVE A DREAM ABOUT SOMEBODY SENDING ME THIS ASK DID I HAVE A PREMONITION ? Feels like a year old deja vu moment. I swear Ive written that sentence before somehow even thouhg I would never do such a thing. Are you a witch
I never would have thought that they would kiss like that... like sure yeah he has a little homoerotic encounter with Shrapner in the locker room and maybe even kisses him a little .. just a little . .. Cant beleive
What sort of prank would that be ... "Nyeh heh heh I'm gonna pretend to be in need and then when he shows up he'll get STUCK in my conniving GLUE TRAP and PERISH like a RAT!" something like that
Kind of a win
Last night I for some reason was really convinced that it would be soo so so so so so so so so easy to craft a scene where gohan and shrapner kiss a little in the locker room. The idea of he and shrapner having a homoerotic moment in the locker room is a year-old concept to me that DOES NOT COME UP EVER becasue it’s not a part of the dballz cinematic universe for realsies (I think I mentioned it twice on this blog in that time and I just dont think of it ever & it's not important & it's a throwaway thing) and it was for my fanficiton Gohan & Videl Bisexual Adventure becasue I needed him to have something to talk about to kick off the story. So what I'm trying to say is that, like, this is old, but new to me, becasue last night I read my old fanfic again and for some reason it just got me thinking....
To me then it seemed that it would be so so so so easy and simple to craft such a scene , not just a homoerotic scene like previously delineated, but they kiss even, like it seemed to be so easy and so not a big deal. I would have written it if it wasnt almost 1 am. I dont know if this makes sense. I don't know what you want me to say
I think that Shrapner has potential to come back years later as a lonely antagonist type who just cant move on from when he peaked (popular jock, thought that he was gonna end up with Videl Satan), now hes lonely and sad and not a virtuous man tbh .. the sensuality of sucking and fucking at bathhouses can only fill the void for so long... at the back of his self-image he still wants to be king ...
Hey did you ever see this meme. I think that maybe you'd want to see it
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taruruchi · 1 year
TARU AND ASHI W ❝Wanna go and grab some food with me? My treat.❞ 👁👁????? it can work either way cause they both have connections to monstro lounge HAHAH
I LOVED WRITING THIS SOSO MUCH!! Thank you for your idea, I absolutely loved it, and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing <33
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Taruchi ran up to the girl who was just leaving her classroom. She knew the class had just finished a test and she wanted to surprise her friend. Who wouldn't want good food after a test, right?
The grin on Ashi's face brightened as she caught sight of Taruchi. “Heya, Taru!” she happily chirped, putting her arm around Taruchi's shoulder. “Didn't expect to see you outside my classroom! Don't you usually head to Ramshackle right after classes end?”
“Ahaha, yeah,” Taruchi admitted, embarrassed. Such is the life of a major introvert, sadly.
“But I remember you worrying over assignments and stuff since we have a lot,” she continued, “and I thought maybe you'd wanna go to the Mostro Lounge and grab some food with me? My treat!”
“For realsies?!” Ashi exclaimed, almost resembling a puppy with its tail wagging. “Yeah, let's go!” She grabbed Taruchi's hand and started running for the Mirror Chamber.
Laughing, Taruchi ran and tried to keep up with Ashi. “Slow down, you might bump into people!”
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“Ah, Ashi, are you here to work today?” Jade greeted at the entrance, formal as usual with just a touch of underlying... passive-aggressiveness? As if he was trying to coerce someone. In all honesty, Taruchi was still afraid of him sometimes.
Ashi happily shook her head, either oblivious or simply ignoring Jade's intimidating sort of aura. “Nope! Not an employee today but a customer!”
“I'm treating her today,” Taruchi said, waving from just a bit behind the girl in front of her. “Hi, Jade.”
“Oh? If it isn't Shrimpy and our manager.”
Somehow Floyd had sneaked up behind them. He had a grin on his face as he ruffled their hair, earning complaints from the two girls.
“Floyd, you messed up my hair!” Taruchi frowned and reached up to straighten it.
However, Ashi was busy looking at her incredulously. “How did you become the manager? Has Azul been overthrown?” Her stunned expression quickly turned into excitement. “Queen! As you should! Can I get a raise?”
“I would if I could,” Taruchi replied, rasing a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. Yes, she had a relatively high position here now, but... “It's a difficult story. I can at least get you free food.”
Nodding solemnly, Ashi realized, “Now I understand why people run restaurants. It's for the free food. I should just come here with you every time I want food.” Clearly this seemed like a brilliant plan to her, and really, it was.
Taruchi shook her head, smiling fondly. “Sure, I'd love to come here with you more.” She looped her arm with Ashi's. “Now let's go and find a table.”
They marched over to a table by one of the windows, and just beyond the glass was a whole sea of fish and other living creatures, corals and seaweed living harmoniously to make the place as stunning as it is. Could there ever be a more tranquilizing place than this? The owner clearly thought this through, making the windows as big as they are to capitalize on the ocean's natural beauty.
“You like the sea that much?”
Ashi's voice pulled Taruchi back to reality.
“Ah, w-was I staring? I'm sorry, I got distracted,” she apologized. “Sometimes I come here just to do that, it takes my mind off things.”
Ashi shook her head, making it known she didn't mind. “It's all good! It is very pretty and totally hypesies! Plus, that's a nice fun fact to know about you.”
The atmosphere matched that of the view—as if you were peacefully floating through the currents as a jellyfish would. For a long time, it had been hard for this wallflower to match the energy of most people, but maybe it was different this time. Judging from the flow of their time spent together...
It seems like this would be a good friendship.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
So I'm a bit late starting dlc because of life, and the fact that I somehow spent 6 ish hours just downloading updates. Update for Violet, update for Home, update for Switch, Update for Violet AND Home. Like bro are you fr
As such I've only gotten an hour of play time so far, and unfortunately I've got stuff to do tomorrow so I can't play until the plumber's ass crack of dawn.
But I can still kinda sorta do first impressions?
1. Game still has very, very noticeable slow downs and pop ins. I guess that's just never getting fixed at this point. Major disappointment
2. That being said, graphics look a tad better
3. New characters are pretty enjoyable so far. Carmine is kind of a mean bitch- I like it. Briar, I'm gonna say, is definitely some secret villain.
4. New music is pretty fun. Like a mix of Paldea and Hisui- there's also some music you can hear when taking selfies that COULD? Be hinting towards a Johto game. Which is weird af because they tell us right out the gate that BBA is in UNOVA. I'm scarexcited and anxious.
5. I made a decision to only bring Pokémon that are around level 60 or under- a bit if a far cry from my dream team I was planning, but probably for the best since things are definitely pretty low ball right now. Think like IoA where Klara uses a level 60 something Venipede? Or Whirlipede? Can't remember.
So I'm gonna catch a whole new team for the most part I guess.
6. I CALLED IT, KITAKAMI IS IN JAPAN AND NOT THE NORTH EAST. Long plane ride, long bus ride, regular Wooper, it's definitely right under Sinnoh somewhere.
7. I just barely scraped the surface, but I'm not a fan of the rail roading. I was really hoping for a tad more freedom going in, but I guess that'll remedy itself when I can finally play for realsies.
I'm definitely looking forward to it. I've seen some stuff and I wanna get to the new stuff already.
As for my current team:
H Typhlosion: Shogun, lv 60. I actually caught and transferred him from my first playthrough of Legends Arceus after I beat the game. The rest of my team is too over powered, and some others are under powered. He fit the bill perfectly and I guess he's my unofficial starter for Kitakami
Furret: Scout, lv 51: Scout is actually a transfer from my 3ds Silver game, so technically she has slight seniority going back to 2017? Ish? But I've been missing my furry friend
Yanma: Racer, lv 54? I think? my first catch in Kitakami. He actually won a couple of battles already. Can't wait to get a Yanmega
H Samurott: Muramasa, lv 91... temporarily. I wanted to bring him as my main starter, but he's a bit too strong, so he's here for the ride until I can catch a blue pokemon and/or water type pokemon (I have this... thing where I'm uncomfortable without either on my team).
On the lookout for Poliwag next. The rest I'm not sure. Gonna try to use new Pokémon I haven't used from here on out
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dashawfrostart · 4 months
Last Month in "Time & Again" #17: I Did A Lot Of Sketching This May!
Hallöchen, I'm finally back! 🥳😎
It's been a while. A little over a month of somewhat forced social netwrok (here, I did it again) abstinence made my head very fuzzy for the reason unbeknownst to me. It's a little difficult for me to gather my thoughts regarding what to do next and which direction to move on... ... However, is it really possible to say that, am I simply confused? Because, to be fair to myself and the rest of you, I perceive that I've completed a decent amount of work lately. I was trying to be steady and consistent, yet gradual and not too hasty. Because as we all know, Frosty hates timed levels. For a reason. (I would like to provide a link to that post where I wrote about that - but alas, I cannot find it, or maybe my search is kaputt. So no link. Oh well! 😁) And I think I did very well on not being hasty. I just enjoyed my time drawing old-school way (one might say outdated, but deal with it 😎), with a pencil in a sketchbook, listening to my favourite music and discovering new and interesting genres and bands as well, not worrying about the time constraints or anything else. That was good.
I have finally finalized the design of a peculiar character I've been trying to complete since the last year, I believe. And that was a great leap forward for me, for the character actually appears in Chapter 6, and it was sure a high time to finish up the design. Good timing, señora. I also made a lot of fashion sketches for the main characters. Especially Lothar. He will need a lot of clothes for Chapter 6. And no, not because he's gonna go tour around The North Pole, or Siberia, or anything alike. *wink-wink* Lothar is not Lara Croft. Yet. (anyone who gets the hidden reference above receives a virtual hi-five from me 😁) Finally, I sketched a lot of promo arts, all of which will have to become complete artworks someday - or at least I would love to draw them for realsies. Many of them are somewhat unnerving, for the circumstances of the story require that. Haven't you noticed that inclination in my recent artworks already? 😉 Alas, the majority of the sketches I've made in May I cannot show to you: they contain far too many spoilers.
As far as the design works go, that's all for the updates. But as for the writing part - there's more to the story. I took a few more notes to possibly utilize in Chapter 6 that - spoilers and lo! a disappointment! XD - will be incredibly wordy, even by my own standards. And quite possibly a very depressing reading. This is THE reason why I'm transforming this abomination into a piece of a graphic narrative (previously known as "a graphic novel" - although some might argue and state that the difference is rather vague). And the story requires that, so objections are categorically denied. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, any complaints are denied, too 😁
With all the blunt honesty I always possess, I must admit that I've been working on Chapter 6, and occasionally even Chapter 7, somehow in parallel with Chapter 5... That was indeed a distraction and perhaps it didn't help the development of Chapter 5 either - although it's hard to say seeing the truly remarkable result (and I sure think it's remarkable). I cannot really hold back and I simply write down the thoughts I have for the future chapters because they happen naturally. And perhaps, it's even productive. I sincerely believe that, with a project such as "Time & Again", a good result might be achievable only under the condition of the creator being submerged (and possibly diluted) into the world they have created fully and completely, with as little distractions as possible. It's difficult to achieve sometimes, given we're all married adults with jobs, and life, and tendencies to go birding because yaaaay ducks!!! and obligations far outside our art endeavours alone. But I think one should really try their best, for this is what truly matters 😉 (and haters can hate all they want)
Since the quality is superior to quantity in my understanding, and considering everything I said in the previous paragraph, I am not gonna set any timeframes, expectations, and deadlines for the development of Chapter 6. I will just keep working on it (and everything surrounding it) in a steady yet spontaneous, unforced pace. My goal - approximately - will be to complete Chapter 6 by the end of 2024. And considering what I want it to be, it's gonna be a truly unique type of work - a work I never did before, another one genre experiment. Possibly a mind-bending one (for me. most likely not for the readers this time).
Back to achievements in May, I even made new friends - humanoids and others 😁🥳
And now, back at home, being accompanied by a quiet non-stop white noise of the AC as well as numerous chirps, squeaks, and fascinating songs of the local feathery inhabitants (also pretty much non-stop), I finished up my action plan for the foreseeable future and set to work on the "Clean Cut Edition". This is the top priority task right now. Starting gradually as usual; hopefully I will accumulate more magical power inside me to start a proper artistic spark and to let the steam off as I go. And the more - the better 😁 More techy stuff will probably be covered in the next post.
So far, I've made additions to the "Notes, Commentary & Hints" section for the previous chapters that will make it into their "Clean Cut" iterations later on this summer. It is sure weird and hurts one's brain to write commentaries to the events throughout the entirety of the story - and in my case it's especially convoluted and twisted - including the past chapters AS WELL AS the chapters that are yet to be released. As we all remember from the intro to Chapter 1, "everything in the world is interconnected". I must reflect those interconnections - and there are tons of them, it's dizzying! - in the Notes/Hints section in the end of each chapter - for those who are interested. I'm almost done with that part, but it needs to be 100% complete and polished. And the future events and references need to be remembered by me ahead of time so that I could make a proper commentary in the preceding chapters that have something to do with the certain future events directly. And this is bloody challenging, let me tell you! Being an omniscient god is sure tiring and difficult.
Goodness gracious, I truly missed home. I truly missed the beautiful green trees and yellow speckles of dandelions scattered all around, and the charming smell of the lilac. I truly missed the squawking sparrows, and sad songs of the chickadees, and hilarious blue jay screams, and the endearing honking of Canada geese. Really looking forward to see northern flickers again this year. They make the most adorable sounds. I also truly missed Dragon Ball and my other art-style obsessions. I truly missed my Doom mods (even though I've been progressively doing very bad this year and hardly touched - never mind finished - any decent mod; I still never finished Abysm 2: Dawn of Innocence that I started playing in the beginning of this year, for crying out loud; those are some pretty bad gaming stats for me 😫). I missed playing Sonic Frontiers (that game is mind-blowing!!!). I missed my nice day job. And I sure missed not drawing anything via my graphic monitor. I guess I'll have to reacquire the skill quickly, LOL!
There are also a few future plans that are still not clear enough and therefore don't deserve a special mentionation... yet. I just wanted to note that there's way more for me to do than I usually cover in my blog posts in regard to my creative works. There's always a lot going on on the background - I'm just like that 🧐
That's probably enough of babbling for now. Who am I, you think?! Edgar?! 😉😁
No screenshots of the artworks for today - but I'll share a little discovery about Simple Sticky Notes that I use all the time to create neat to-do lists to stick to my desktop (oops! exciting spoilers!):
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Until a couple days ago, I didn't know that you can create links to the files on your HDD through Simple Sticky Notes; I presumed you could only link to a URL. But I was wrong. And now I'm happy. Because I have a few documents scattered around my "Time & Again" folder that contain long lists of important items. Now I created the links on my sticky notes that link directly to those documents ^_^ This may be a simple and silly thing, but it makes me incredibly happy 🥰
Until next week, folks! 👋
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