#but like I said XY was my first pokemon game in a while so having a lot of oldies for nostalgia appealed to me
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Ha I don't care about regional dexes but I'll admit I do think Kalos kind of lacks identity because of it.
#but also it makes for a fun game I love having an absolute glut of options right from the door#but like I said XY was my first pokemon game in a while so having a lot of oldies for nostalgia appealed to me#I don't hate that. What was it Black and White? Mostly had all new pokemon but I do think on replays I didn't love it#but that was so long ago. And I DID greatly enjoy the focus on the new guys. Love you Musharna.#I like every pokemon that was made a fairy in xy. I love you fairy type Clefable I love you fairy type Granbull#It feels like Sumo did not have a lot of pokemon per area though it did have more new ones front and center#way too many legendaries though#I don't know Alola felt so humdrum to me but everything else about SuMo is strong
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Apologies for the delay
@luminousbright , I was your partner for the Precure Secret Santa! @precuresecretexchange
You mentioned Cure Empress as one of your favorite side characters and you better believe when I saw her name I was ecstatic!! I have a massive AU in my head about the legendary cures from DokiDoki if they were set in a modern timeline, and it’s genuinely one of the things I love most in the whole world (even though we don’t even know what Magician and Priestess look like!!)
So obviously, I had to draw Empress! I have my own headcanon design for her that has a lot less colors and though I considered using that design, I decided to just go for canon. It’s really hard making the colors look good together since they’re all so different, I hope I managed!
Here is the picture of Empress on her own
You also said you loved Pokemon! I’ve always been interested in Pokemon, but I have super low knowledge since I just never had the time to go into it. I decided I wanted to challenge myself by drawing a non-human object (something I’ve genuinely only ever done once or twice). I spent a while trying to figure out which Pokemon to draw, but I landed on Zygarde from Generation 6. I chose Zygard because it’s a Dragon/Ground type. Dragon because Empress’ fairy partner, Melan, is a dragon. Ground because I headcanon Empress to have earth as her element which she’s most powerful in. I actually forgot this wasn’t canon until recently… oops. I always thought she looked like an earth type because of her green hair, and the pink in her design somehow reminded young me of flower petals so it kinda stuck.
There were a few Dragon/Earth types to choose from, but I chose the one that looked the coolest and also because it appears to be the most powerful. The last legendary precures in DokiDoki were the only ones powerful enough to ward away the darkness for good (until a certain king decided to interfere), so Empress had to have been really powerful too! So the only Pokemon worthy of fighting alongside her would be Zygarde, since it’s super strong. I don’t know much about Zygarde since I haven’t watched much of Pokemon XY or XYZ nor played the games it’s in, so I hope I made it look ok!
Here’s the picture of Zygarde alone
I hope you like your gift ! I worked super hard on it, and it was really difficult to step out of my comfort zone and draw something that isn’t humanoid for the first time in forever.
Have a happy holidays! 🤍
#precure secret santa#precure#pokemon#zygarde#doki doki precure#prettycure#digital art#anime#pokemon xy#pokemon xyz#cure empress
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I'm probably going to lose a lot of friends for saying this, but...
I never, ever got the hate for Serena.
Okay, first thing you need to know is, this is coming from a multishipper (someone who ships multiple pairings with the same person). I like Pokeshipping, Negaishipping, Amourshipping, and Journeyshipping.
Second thing you need to know is, I have one big theory about Serena.
Serena is intended as a self-insert for female viewers.
Her relationship with Ash is hyped up more than Misty's, her goal (I do legitimately believe Showcases are her main goal, and that it wasn't just to get Ash's attention) is extremely hyperfeminine, she has almost no discernible personality whatsoever, and she has tons of alternate outfits.
Okay, so these may be stereotypical, but, as someone who was once a little girl, romance and fashion are often interests of little girls, and they were definitely interesfs of mine. Just look at the girlsgogames catalog and all their dress up and dating games!
When I was little (6-12) I watched every Pokemon season, but BW was my first and XY was my fave. I wanted more than anything to be Serena. I drew her in my sketchbooks, when I first got my hair cut I asked my friends if I looked like her (i did not), and I was a diehard Amourshipper (I also loved Misty and Iris and their respective pairings, but Serena was my favorite).
I thought Pokemon Showcases were the coolest, most adorable things ever.
Okay, this isn't just me defending Serena solely because I like her, so, i'll give you a lot of reasons why I don't understand why she's hated.
For starters, a lot of her worse actions and qualities (her throwing a tantrum over losing a showcase, the snowball thing, ash being her goal) have no excuses, but there are two interconnected explanations for them.
Serena is extremely insecure.
Serena is a child.
Serena is an insecure child who has no idea what a relationship is supposed to look like.
Also, several complaints bashers have about her are either completely unwarranted or, honestly huge stretches.
Complaint A:
Serena is a stalker.
Serena is not a stalker in my opinion, Wanting to meet your old friend again now that he's close to you...doesn't make you a stalker. Keeping something that reminds you of them doesn't make you a stalker. And accepting that old friend's invitation to travel with them definitely doesn't make you a stalker.
Complaint B:
Serena only exists for fanservice/to be sexualized.
What...uh...the fuck? If your first thought when seeing a child character dressed in perfectly normal clothes who just happens to have many alternate outfits (which are also very normal, aside from when they're literal stage outfits) is "This character is intended as a sex object"
I'm not going to throw around horrible accusations, but...I do think that's creepy.
Complaint C:
Her dream being Showcases is problematic.
Showcases are based on the Japanese music industry, which, while that industry and culture is extremely messed up and dehumanizing, being an idol is also a common dream for young Japanese girls, which goes with my theory of Serena being intended as a self insert for female viewers. I personally don't think this indicates the writer's view of women, as the other pokegirls had far more acceptable goals.
Complaint D:
Showcases were never even her goal, it was solely to get Ash's attention. I'm just gonna say it here...I don't believe that one bit. See how crushed she was on her first loss? She wouldn't react like that if it wasn't a genuine dream for her. Her theme, Doridori, doesn't reference being in love at all, it references wanting to find her own purpose in life. And that thing she said to Ash after kissing him, about being beautiful and being with him being her goal...once again...she's a kid. She has no idea how relationships work. She thought that was what he wanted to hear. And when she returns in Journeys, she's a Coordinator. She's been pursuing her goal without him.
Complaint E:
She's immature and a crybaby.
I feel like a lot of people forget that the Pokemon protagonists are all like, 10. They act, and often look, older. Ash is the only one who actually acts his age, and even then, he acts way older in gens 4 and 6. Serena strikes me as acting like an actual child, trying and failing to be mature and serious. She's very irrational and doesn't take failure well. She reacts to things with what she thinks will work, not what will actually work, and it builds up a sense of dramatic irony when people realize that no, it won't work. Of course she's immature, she's literally 10.
So, anyway...this was me trying (and probably failing) to defend Serena.
#pokemon#pokeani#serena#serena gabena#serena yvonne gabena#pro serena#pro amourshipping#pro pokemon xy#gen 6#character defense#in defense of hated characters#multishipper#amourshipping
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my thoughts on pokemon legends za: what we know so far
i'm back!!!! sorry for not posting in over a year, the hyperfixation has shifted and i started uni which has kept me VERY busy. regardless! i'm super excited for the new game! this post will be based primarily on the trailer that dropped earlier today, though i will be taking info from the official site into account.
analysis under the readmore!
i think this game is going to be a launch title for the switch 2. i know the trailer and website both said it would be for the switch, but considering a. that the switch 2 is coming out later this year, we just don't know when yet and b. how godawful sv's performance was (and how the visuals seem to be pretty similar to sv's), i think that would make the most sense. if this is true, both will probably be releasing in november, because that's when pokemon games come out (except pla lmao), but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we'll see!
since pla took place like... idk, 300 or so? years before dpp, i'm betting that plza will take place roughly 300 years after xy. given the amount of development and improved technology (and, from what i can tell, a lack of sycamore, clemont, and other characters from lumiose (though this is only the first trailer)), it would have to be at least 100 years in the future. i just think the time difference is roughly the same for parallel reasons. i'll elaborate more on this later, though
OBSESSED with the new battle system. finally, we can truly live out the anime and have our pokemon fucking dodge attacks without relying on evasion boosting moves. the ui is also really neat, i LOVE the info (chikorita used razor leaf, it's super effective, etc) being on the side, it feels a lot less obtrusive. also love that you can see your whole party at all times, i think that's great
speaking of ui, the minimap is fantastic. desperately needed that sooner, thank you gamefreak
the architecture and stuff looks AMAZING, i adore the style
starters are chikorita, tepig, and totodile! definitely gives johto favoritism, but you know what, that's fair, johto has not gotten appreciation like this in years
unsure if the starters will get kalosian(?) forms or mega evolutions, i've seen speculation for both. i think it'll probably be forms, because it doesn't feel like there's any way they could give these three mega evolutions but not the others from those regions, plus samurott and typhlosion already have hisuian forms
relatedly, snivy is definitely going to be the grass starter in the next legends game (assuming we get another one, at least, which we probably will)
regardless, regional variants seem more likely to me, which gives more credence to my theory that this is a good few hundred years post xy, even if this is pokemon, changes like that take a while. fairly confident we won't get mega evolutions for the starters, but it would be cool if we did!
speaking of, mega evolution is BACK!!!!! i'm SO excited, mega evolution is EASILY my favorite mid-battle... mechanic? change? idk, but z moves, dynamaxing, and terastilization don't even come CLOSE
the currently confirmed returning mega evolutions are charizard, kangaskhan, gyarados, ampharos, gardevoir, sableye, altaria, absol, and lucario: a solid mix of mega evolutions introduced in both xy and oras. i imagine all of the old mega evolutions will return (except maybe mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo, given that i can't think of any reason for them to be there)
relatedly, the returning pokemon (in general and not counting the ones already mentioned) are sliggoo, clauncher, furfrou, sandile, bunnelby, pyroar, zygarde (obviously), budew, vivillon, eevee, patrat, pikachu (duh), larvitar, bagon, aegislash, trubbish, weepinbell, chandelure, fletchling, swirlix, spritzee, hippowdon, pidgeot, skiddo, onix, florges, dragalge, dedenne, and inkay, plus obviously all pre-evolutions and evolutions thereof
didn't see any regional variants, but i'm fairly confident they'll show up considering they've been in every game since sm (even though kalos was before that). hopefully we'll get more variants than we did in sv!
not a lot to say about the rivals, tbh. they're fine enough, i don't have enough info to make much of a judgement
i do not trust jett and vinnie. mostly jett. they're leaders of a megacorporation, and i know how that goes in pokemon games (plus jett's design gives HUGE r*se and oleana vibes, both of whom i hate with a passion). the only thing that makes me doubt they're the antags is how early in the promotional cycle they've shown up, but if they're villains i will have called it on sight. stop designing characters like this, gamefreak, you've made a reputation for yourselves now
and finally, AZ!!!!!!!!! i'm super super SUPER excited about him being here, i think that's INCREDIBLE and i'm so happy he and floette are thriving now. he's running a hotel, good for him
SPEAKING OF, this is probably the main reason i think plza will be so far in the future. we've established that az..... can't die, and he didn't reconnect with floette until post xy, so there's no way this game can take place before then (unless it was way way WAY long ago, but he wouldn't be able to run a hotel then cause he would be busy being king. also all the technological improvements and stuff). given that it he's established a hotel and it seems he has been running it for a while, based on the fact that the rivals live and work there, this game has to take place long enough after xy that he would 1, not be an emotional wreck 2, get himself cleaned up and presentable 3, get enough money to buy a building in lumiose city, which i imagine would be pretty expensive 4, buy a building in lumiose city that he can turn into a hotel 5, establish it as a business to the point where people live there and the player character chooses to stay there, and 6, the events of the game occur. step 1 alone had to take years (half joking), so i'm positive that given the other steps this game has to be at minimum a century after xy
also, he uses a cane now. arguably he should've had that a long time ago, but still (i was also gonna mention the knee brace, but i checked and he had that in the official artwork for xy)
EDIT: i know there’s no fucking way this will happen but i kinda really really hope the lumiose ghost girl comes back and fucking explains literally anything. i want to know what the fuck she’s talking about but also i hope it’s a mystery forever and she stays a cryptid queen. idk, just thoughts, it’s like 2:30 am and insomnia’s kicking my ass, there are no coherent thoughts rn
that's it for now, i think. super excited for this game, i can't wait!!!!
#pokemon#pokemon legends za#pokemon za#plza#pokemon gen 9#chikorita#tepig#totodile#urbain pokemon#taunie pokemon#jett pokemon#vinnie pokemon#az pokemon#lumiose ghost girl#is there something else people tag her as idk#analysis#speculation#og post#kalos
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My interpretation of the Pokemon Timeline
Quick few notes before I start this: I am aware that each pokemon game is it's own pocket universe, and timelines arent really important to the games, this is just for fun, side games like XD and Ranger won't be counted, remakes will take precidence over the origional versions, and if you have any evidence gainst this- please tell me! I'd love to have a discussion about this. Obviously the first game in the timeline is Legends Arceus, though the year is hard to tell- I'm gonna but it in it's own time period i'm calling "BE4" meaing "Before Elite 4" - so before the idea of catching and training pokemon became the norm for the pokemon world.
Then- the Kanto dilemma- is let's go cannon? Well the pokemon company swears let's go is mainline- the fact that the game starts with you isekai-ing into the TV is evidence enough for me that it's not real events- at best maybe it's a game in universe. Fire Red and Leaf Green's events can be dated however, the 96 on red's shirt in Ultra Sun and Moon and the constant references to "20 years ago" -fan service or not- show that FRLG take place in 1996.
Obviously, as stated many times in game, Heart Gold and Soul Silver take place 3 years after FRLG- not much confusion there at all. Briliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are also easy, as the game starts with talking about the Red Gyaradose incident in Johto. So, both these games would take place in 1999- in my opinion BDSP takes place maybe a month after HGSS.
The next one is a bit of a jump from what most expect- Black and White. I purely put this here because of Caitlin. Her hair is about 18 inches longer than it is in Platinum, taking into account how fast hair grows- that would put BW 4 years after BDSP in 2003. Then, obviously B2W2 happens 2 years after BW as stated in the story- putting it in 2005.
I put X and Y next, and I put it way ahead in 2013. There really isn't anything in XY that can help determine when it is- Dexio and Sina show up in USUM- so it can't be too far from those games. I just put it in it's release year. The most evidence I have for this is that they have portable holograms- a lot more advanced than the poketch's and X-Trancievers of the 2000's.
Next up I put ORAS in 2015 I'm sure a lot of you were shocked when I didn't put ORAS with FRLG like that one gamefreak guy said in his deleted twitter post- my reasoning? Wally is still a kid in the battle tree while Red and Blue are aged. Nothing really changes if ORAS is moved here, Steven is an adult when he cameos in HGSS, so it would make sense he hasnt visably aged 16 years later. At his oldest in ORAS he would be 32, well within the age range for a champion.
Then, one year later, USUM takes place in 2016. Obviously given the evidence i've used for many of the other placements this should explain itself, 20 years after FRLG.
Finally- Sword, Shield, Scarlett, and Violet... these games are almost impossible to place, but based on how far technology has come and some characters from BW having teenage children in the Blueberry academy- I'm just putting both these games in 2020- which would make the gym leader kids at around 17 depending on when they were born assumedly after BW's events.
so that's it! thank you for reading! share how you feel with me or i'll break you kneecaps.
#pokemon#pokemon lore#pokemon timeline#pokemon red#pokemon ultra sun and moon#pokemon scarlet and violet#pkmn
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What are some of your favorite episodes from the Pokémon series? Like from OS, JN, XY, etc.
Also do you play any of the Pokemon games? Or have? Or do you just watch the anime? : )
I was going to post it yesterday but I got very sleepy and the text was getting huge.
Well, let's take it one step at a time. My favorite XY is definitely 053 A Race for a Home. This episode has enormous importance for my emotional and personal life, it changed absolutely everything about me at the time of XY, Serena was already a favorite but this episode only consolidated my Kinnie even more.
OS - I can't really decide on favorites but I would definitely say the original Kanto trio, This saga was part of my childhood, so much so that's why I SIMPLY DEFEND IT WITH TOOTH AND NAILS. Wow it's just surreal how I can watch the original Kanto trio as many times as I can and still love them every time I rewatch each one. How much I admire the characters of Kanto-Jotho and Shudo's writing is some of the best in the show, I always say this but personally no one has written Pokemon like Shudo with such depth and such a world which I engaged so much, Of course it has its general flaws... but the world of Pokémon and humans was so palpable, so real, you could find ordinary people doing absurd things and still be the character of the day. They could be the vigilantes and help someone at the end of the day but not everyone had redemption or a reason behind it. I praise Shudo a lot for his writing 🥰
That said, if there wasn't Lucario movie 08, due to its themes, M01 would definitely take that podium.
We're not talking about the movies but I watched and repeated M03 on my old laptop like crazy on loop
Gotcha cath ya later definitely made me cry and still does for the farewell of the original trio, seeing them again in Alola and Mezase Pokemon Master was spectacular 🧡💚❤️ I MISSED THESE THREE TOGETHER SO MUCH
I Choose You marked my childhood a lot. I recorded and told all the references to this episode in Journeys while watching Journeys. It's simply special.
I can hear Rica San and Fábio Lucindo voice's when Ash saves Pikachu and Pikachu responds to this
Goodbye Pikachu THIS ONE MAKES ME TEARS TO THIS DAY, even though I know he's coming back, it still hits me SO DEEP.
I DESPISE THE MOVIE 20 sorry but even Masuda agreed (this movie totally disrespects my childhood)
I like the construction of Jotho I found out that people hate/don't likeJotho I was shocked 🤡💀
Well I like Charizard and Bayleaff despite the obvious jealousy towards Pikachu it never irritated me...One of the most important things about Jotho is that Ash trains his Pokemon in an unconventional way for the first time.
I have a whole blog about why Scraggy is my favorite BW Pokémon and this is one of my favorite ones:
Now we start with the peak: Diamond and Pearl
This saga is so complete, it has almost no flaws, it has exactly everything that I also love, the characters are captivating, the plot knew where it was working, and despite Torterra's arcs it will be my favorite starter despite people clearly having a fondness for infernape, i should really make a thread about how they had to be a dynamic duo
All Pokemon are captivating, they all have their screen space, they have their training spread throughout the complex plot that serves them.
Ash and Dawn have a group and duo dynamic that simply makes it clear how they are each other's co-progenitors.
TEARS OF CHINCHAR is another episode that brings rivers of tears
IRIS IS THE BEST OF BW AND HER HATERS CAN EXPLODE, I'm not a fan of Cillan unlike most, I don't hate him I just don't find him very interesting and neither do the episodes focused on him)
Hoeen - I have the same problem with OS, I can't decide on just one favorite episode, I love every part and character of this show with all my heart. However, I can say that it took me a month to rewatch Togetic's farewell. This broke my heart again, I like the conversation Max has with Misty in the battle frontier about siblings...I have nothing against Max, he's not bad as a character and people exaggerate because he's a kid. I like Torkal, no matter who says bad things about him, I think Pokemon with personality is wonderful.
Idk about SM I definitely get the whole Nebby arc, it's the first time I've JUST BEEN shocked by the deep relationship between Pokemon and legendary trainer after movie one and the special that absolutely no one saw it [this is hyperbole] (i was confused when people didn't know mewtho returns).
Anyway, I'll try to talk less lol, Journeys I love all the Goh episodes, I even rewatched some of the episodes I hate the most (Arceus and Sinnoh specials) just to remember Chloé/Koharu's development, I care about all the characters and don't want to go too far against their characterization in their specific series. Who knows when I'll need to defend Chloé lmao.
Answering your question yes I played emulated Pokemon on my PC in 2010, my cousin in particular is a genrwunner i'm not kidding lol so i made sure to learn how to play
Even though I love Kanto games I prefer GBC (Game by color) to Fire Red and Leaf Green
Even though I love generation 3 in the anime I HATE RSE GAMES SORRY HOEEN FANS.
Well my favorite region is Sinnoh in games, and my favorite games are BW and BW2
I finished the GSC - GBC but never did the HGSS Battle Frontier, only the Emerald one, ironically enough.
✨ One of my favorite things is that Pokemon Yellow was released in English in 1999, my birth year.
I have a game of Inazuma Eleven o 1 European It's funny how I got an NDS game of Ina11 before I got a Pokemon game
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one of the smaller leaked details from the teraleak about plza got me thinking about what i'd like to see in terms of shiny hunting mechanics, and i ended up going down a rabbit hole and ranking the games by how much i enjoy shiny hunting in them (roughly ordered within tiers):
reasonings beneath the break, i've got a LOT of thoughts to infodump:
SM/USUM: sos chaining is my absolute favorite shiny hunting method. there's a really fun element of preparation to it that i think most other methods lack - researching your target pokemon, looking for any recoil or status move that may be an issue, figuring out how to plan around it, etc. it's a fun planning game that can easily make individual hunts much more memorable than simply “wow this one was so quick/long” when you see your plans come to fruition. usum improved it even further with some small mechanical tweaks, plus an expanded dex to hunt through. also in usum is the ultra warp ride. the wormhole shinies are honestly so easy that their allure wears off super quick, but the actual minigame attached to them is pretty fun. that said, the real star of the uwr are the legendaries and ultra beasts, all available through soft resetting. i love soft resetting for mostly the same reasons as sos chaining: you've got one chance to catch this legendary, so you better go in with a solid game plan and make it count once you finally see those sparkles. or if you want a different sort of challenge, you can always go for one of the gift pokemon instead: poipole, type:null, and ash cap pikachu. no battle required, but no shiny charm, either, with the added clout value that their shinies haven’t been available since. alola was my gateway to shiny hunting, but even trying to account for nostalgia, i still think it has some of the most engaging hunts to this day.
XY: i feel like kalos is really overlooked nowadays when it comes to shiny hunting, but it’s one of my absolute favorites. friend safari is always one of the first things that comes to mind whenever i think about shiny hunting. it’s a really cool community-driven shiny hunting experience. i spent so much time just exchanging friend codes to find the shines i needed, and i was always able to find a thriving friend safari community all the way up through swsh’s lifespan until i finally caught every possible shiny i could from it (i wonder how they’re doing now that the 3ds servers are shut down?). this is also the best region for fossil resets - most of the fossil are readily available in large quantities, so you can stock up as much as you'd like and revive them all at once to see if any surprises pop out at you. between friend safari, fossil resets, and horde hunting, xy has a lot of good mindless shiny hunts. a lot of the time, shiny hunting is just something for me to do with my hands while i’m bored, and xy excels at that. oh yeah, there’s also pokeradar in this one, too. i could never quite figure out how to work it.
SWSH: swsh gets massive bonus points for being the only game where masuda hunting is actually fun tbh. the fact that zl can be used as a replacement for the a button means that you can just gather up eggs one-handed at the route 5 nursery, then you can use the 3d camera in the wild area to easily spin in circles to hatch them without even needing to return to a pc box every five minutes like before. as for the rest of the shiny stuff in this game… the intended shiny hunting method is laughably pointless and dynamax adventures, while a neat concept, are only fun if you actually have friends to play it with. otherwise, you’re stuck dealing with either braindead npcs or even more braindead randoms. like i said before, i love planning out big hunts, but in dynamax adventures, so much of it is out of your control that it’s just completely unfun to me (at least we got the regis and swords of justice huntable through run aways. those are some really fun hunts as a consolation prize). honestly, i’m definitely placing these games several spots higher than they probably should be, but sword is possibly my most played game ever due to the sheer amount of masuda breeding i’ve done in it, so that has to count for something.
GSC: okay i know these are a curveball compared to everything else on the list. when these games came to the 3ds virtual console, i did some rby glitching to get a shiny ditto into them and honestly? probably my second favorite game in terms of breeding after swsh. because shininess is determined by ivs in these games, a shiny ditto parent gives every child a flat 1/64 shiny rate, balanced by the fact that the oval charm and flame body don’t exist yet. what you end up with is a situation where you get eggs much more slowly, but with hunt times still comparable to modern-day masuda hunting, and i personally found something about this arrangement really satisfying. every egg has so much more build-up to it, and so despite the slower pace, it somehow still felt more consistently exciting than perhaps any other shiny hunting method. crystal has some additional shiny fun with the odd egg if you feel like doing a bit of save manipulation with it (plus obligatory shiny celebi comment).
PLA: i know this is a very niche and odd opinion to have, but pla handles loading pokemon into the overworld better than any other game with overworld pokemon. the format of having distinct separate regions that you can load and unload at will, with pokemon (even those not yet spawned) being preset at the moment of loading and persisting until being forcibly unloaded, is something that i truly hope carries forward into future entries. it creates a world that feels much more natural, and yet is also highly exploitable on a gameplay level. resetting the regions until you find an outbreak, and then traveling to that outbreak to search for shinies, is a compelling gameplay loop that implements very video game-y elements in a way that i particularly enjoy. the differentiation between mass outbreaks and massive mass outbreaks also adds a fun trade-off into the mix: do you target a specific pokemon at lower odds or do you go for a grab bag of random pokemon at higher odds? i do have one big complaint, however, and it’s gonna sound kinda insane. it is nearly impossible to actually fail a shiny in this game. they persist through saves, they don’t respawn when you run, they even give off a distinct jingle when they’re in your vicinity. if there is a shiny near you, you are gonna find it, and you are probably gonna catch it. and personally… i don’t really care for this arrangement. the risk of failure is an integral part of shiny hunting. making it too safe makes the accomplishment feel a bit more hollow to me. i wish there was a way to disable the shiny sound. i feel like if they weren’t so blatantly telegraphed and were still a bit harder to find in the first place, it would balance out the safety nets the game gives you somewhat.
LGPE: i feel like i’ve come to appreciate lgpe a lot more as time has gone on. the catch combo system is a nice simple numbers game - just keep catching the same pokemon and shiny odds go up. simple, elegant, satisfying. the big drawback is the fact that the motion controls are uuuhh. less than ideal. but it’s easy enough to build a combo back up that it doesn’t usually feel like too big of a setback if something goes wrong. also the fact that you can use the in-game trading mechanics to hunt the alola variants is pretty nifty! i should get back in and try one of those hunts sometime.
BDSP: after not being able to get into pokeradar hunting in xy or the original dp, i was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable i found it in bdsp. it has a really good sense of risk and reward as you try to map out the safest path you can, which makes it super gratifying when your skills and luck are good enough to bring your chain all the way up to 40. honestly, the fact that the shiny charm doesn’t work in this game is a complete nonissue for me, because the pokeradar doesn’t even need it. of course, this game also has the added fun of not shiny locking anything except some tie-in bonuses. you can shiny hunt any legendary from the first four generations, and you can even go for the sinnoh mythicals as well (the event to get their items is over now, but i believe it’s still possible to glitch your way to them anyway).
SV: sparkling sandwiches are probably the shiny hunting mechanic i’m most split on. once again, there’s a really good strategic element to it that i enjoy: trying to figure out where on the map you can locate your target pokemon with as little type overlap in the surrounding area as possible, and then once you’ve begun your hunt, finding the best path to spawn them in as quickly as possible. on the other hand, however, probably my biggest hot take of sv is that the sandwiches bump the shiny rate up way too high. in my first shiny hunting excursion of the game, i found five shinies in the span of two sandwiches, and as a whole, that’s been more the norm than an exception. most shiny hunts in this game are over so quickly that i don’t feel all that rewarded for accomplishing them. the process of acquiring herba mystica is a good bottleneck keeping it from spiraling entirely out of control, but it feels so distinct from the actual shiny hunting process that it doesn’t help alleviate those feelings for me.
ORAS: i don’t hate shiny hunting in oras or anything, but i don’t think it does anything exceptionally well, either. horde hunting is just as fun as it is in xy, although it’s fairly easy to exhaust the catalogue of huntable pokemon in both games. soft resetting legendaries is here, although for some of them, they require lengthy trips to the encounter point each time and you’re better off sticking with usum or even bdsp instead if you wanna hunt them. the standout is dexnav - frankly, i’ve warmed up to it a lot over the years, but i think it’s still the roughest chaining mechanic. the search function is simple to understand, and the mirage spots and hidden pokemon inject a bunch of new encounters to hunt for. that said, i think the sneaking aspect of it never feels quite right with a 3ds circle pad, and having to constantly swap between battles and sneaking means that it’s hard to stay in a groove. i don’t mind dexnav, but it’s rarely my first choice.
#i've got a nearly complete shiny living dex#and you don't get to that point without some Opinions#pokemon#shiny pokemon#shiny hunting#pokemon shiny hunting#koolmathgames.com
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Finally reading the full XY volumes!
For context, XY is my least favorite Pokespe arc, so I decided to give it a second chance hoping that the extra chapters and better art in the full volumes would help me like it more. But did it?
What I liked:
I will say that the extra “filler” chapters really helped pace out the story much better and warmed me up to the characters! The Pokemon-Amie and Super Training chapters in particular. It felt weird not having an explanation in the originals for Y’s Sylveon, let alone an Eevee. This is why I disagree with people nowadays hating filler content. Done right, it helps with character and worldbuilding in small subconscious ways that can help an audience enjoy a story more!
I do enjoy how bold the arc starts, having Vaniville be decimated by the legendaries in the first chapter!
Reading the XY arc chapter-to-chapter and mini volume to mini volume, it felt like X took much longer to even help his friends. Now reading the arc all at once, he feels much less stubborn and selfish, which is good!
Minor thing- removing Y’s nudity is the only instance of censorship in Pokemon Adventures that I actually appreciate. It doesn’t disrupt the plot or make no sense like censoring Green’s Pokeball booby trap, Emerald’s pee joke, or especially Norman and Mirei’s abuse.
Apparently, a lot of the Gurkinn stuff was added in the full volumes? My memory on it’s a bit foggy but that’s wild to me if true- it just feels so plot-important. No wonder I felt the arc was badly-paced on my first readthrough!
Speaking of which, I love that we get chapters dedicated to non-dexholders again! It feels like we last got stuff like that with Keldeo in BW or the Hoenn Gym Leaders!
A lot of the other things I like about XY have been said by most other people already and apply to Pokespe as a whole. Battles are fun and creative, making great use of Pokemon trivia from their dex entries, the leads are unique and well-written compared to the rest of the franchise, there’s a good mix of dark and light themes, and the returning characters are fun and meaningful cameos!
What I disliked still:
It’s still really hard for me to suspend my disbelief that Team Flare managed to silence or arrest everyone who saw the Xerneas-Yveltal battle or its aftermath, especially in the age of the internet.
The gang learning most of the important plot stuff from Team Flare constantly spilling their plans kind of killed some of the tension for me, to be honest. Also them letting all the grunts go instead of capturing them for info or just to turn them over to the authorities.
Sycamore not realizing Lysandre is evil is stupid in any version of XY’s story, I’m sorry.
Team Flare’s brainwashed victims having the “same personalities” felt a bit lazy still. Brainwashing is one of my least favourite tropes though, so I might be biased there.
I think the manga over-corrected with Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. Instead of all being overly positive and aimless like in the games, being put in constant danger in the manga means they’re all similar levels of scared and stressed, so their personalities don’t stand out all that much either. Shauna especially just being a similar aggressive and serious type like Y, just with less of a backstory. That one weird sexist quip Shauna had in the Sylveon chapter also rubbed me the wrong way, too.
Minor- I still don’t get why Kusaka aged the main cast down from 17/18 to 12 in this arc. It just makes X and Y look like they got hydraulic pressed proportions-wise, and makes the aforementioned scene with Y feel gross.
Speaking of which, why is Clemont drawn SO short in this arc?! He’s normal-sized in the official art and the anime, so that’s another baffling change to me.
Minor- Malva gets her Pyroar back from Aliana after the Diancie chapter where she already has Pyroar- is there something I’m missing here?
While the pacing has vastly improved compared to the mini volumes, it still feels off in the final two volumes. Suddenly taking an intermission from the Ultimate Weapon to introduce Zygarde practically out of nowhere just feels clunky. Compared to the anime where they had both Zygarde and the Megalith planned months in advance with proper foreshadowing. Or a better comparison would be the RS manga, where both evil teams planned on using Groudon and Kyogre from the start, and that’s what we end the series on.
TLDR: Overall I’ve really warmed up on this arc! I had way less confusion reading through it thanks to the extra chapters, and I’ve grown to understand X a bit more as a protagonist. I still have some problems with the arc, namely how the rivals are handled, and how Team Flare is presented as an omnipresent all-controlling shadow government when their members at all levels constantly spill their secrets. If you have any other thoughts, facts, or even disagreements, I’d love to hear them!
I’d say this reread has put XY above B2W2 and maybe SwSh in my ranking of all the arcs, which is still something! Now we all have to wait and see how ORAS’ full volume release changes its place on the rankings, hehe…
#pokespe#pokemon adventures#pokespe xy#trainer x#yvonne gabena#q speaks#review#positivity#negativity
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Okayyy im gonna ramble about the Pokemon Legends ZA trailer, so spoilers ahead
Okay so. I had such high optimism for the game, but seeing this new trailer just disappointed me so hard. And I'm a BIG apologist for shitty pokemon features, and even here I just felt nothing.
I do wanna first go over what I liked about the trailer so
The things i liked:
The new Pokemon battle system. It seems very engaging and much more skill based, and will most likely be the biggest highlight of the game. Plus, it's very good for Pokemon to change up the main mechanic every once in a while so we don't get bored of it.
The new characters, while not as appealing as Legends Arceus or ScVi, seem at least very nice looking. I COULD see myself getting attached to these characters. The MCs, in my opinion, are better than ScVi, they look goofy and I enjoy that. Plus, it looks like there's gonna be good customization. I do hope though that Jett isn't the villain because that's so obvious !!!
AZ running a hotel with Floette. That's just so funny I love that for him. You go girl, get a job after 3000 years. I love his new outfit and hairstyle, plus I do like that he's physically disabled, more representation is needed. He seems very content at the moment.
The starters I do love, especially since hopefully it'll give the chance for the pokemon to have separate evolutions, or even just megas, to pokemon that unfortunately aren't universally loved
Anddd now let's go over what I didn't like
The fact the entire game is in lumoise city. While I love the city, it feels incredibly limiting to just keep it to one city. When all the surroundings is just ciy buildings, it'll feel so boring and dull. Like how in Marleybone in wizards sucks because it's all city and everything looks the same. Sure there's ways to make the city more lively, but not being able to leave it just doesn't sound great
The wild zones look so so so boring and TINY. I understand that the main focus isn't catching all pokemon like in Arceus, but I can't see many ways for it to be appealing. Plus there doesn't look like there's much variety in them, and it won't make a lot of sense if bigger and more dangerous pokemon are just chilling in these zones in the city. I don't like it
Look I don't care about graphics often, but the fact it looks barely different than Scarlet and Violet just disappointed me. While Arceus didn't have good graphics either, it was different and very distinctive in its style. The character models look alright, but the shading just isn't good
It feels like they missed everything of what made Arceus so memorable and enjoyable. There doesn't feel like there's any culture or anything to make this game stand out from XY. Sure, it can be revealed to have more, but as a first look to the game I feel like there should be more atmosphere that may explain the time period (as it's at least slightly in the future) or origins of legends and myths. The "Legends" in the title doesn't look included
There was not a single new pokemon or regional form. And while there may be some shown later, unlike Arceus, it's not too far from present time so it wouldn't make sense for any pokemon to have evolved from that point. Maybe they'll focus more on making new megas, but one personally I don't care too much about megas, but if they don't I'm gonna be unhappy
Look I said I loved the chosen starters, and I do, but why the hell did they have to add two from the same region? Like I feel like it would be better for variety sake that they add one from a different region.
This is so minor but I don't like how you just. Teleport on top of buildings. I like you can get up on them, but they couldn't come up with a more creative way to get up there? It seems lazy. And also while I do like the rotom phone, I don't like it being a use of transportation (gliding). Like Arceus had so much charm with the ride pokemon, and it just seems so boring in comparison. They probably will add back in the skates though, so I'll like that
Anyway those are my thoughts. I'm still very excited for the game to come, but my hopes have been let down to say the least. Hopefully they'll improve the more trailers that are released. But thanks for reading my rambles
#so anyway dont worry wordgirl gang#im not compelled at all to come back to pokemon#but i wanted to share my thoughts on the trailer#kuri rambles#pokemon spoilers#pokemon legends za
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Pokemon XY Game Rewrite Part 3 (what if story) (WIP)

Hey guys. It's me. If you liked Pokemon XY Rewrite part 2 (what if story), please leave a like and comment your thoughts on it.
Disclaimer: I'm not doing this to flaunt my ideas and say that they are better than the canon game. It's just a what if story that I'm doing for fun.
Pokemon xy rewrite story part 3:
Trevor, Shauna and Tierno run to you and Rival, giving each other a hug, glad that each of them are unscathed.
Shauna: I'm glad you 2 are ok.
Rival: Are you guys ok?
Tierno: We got beat by the Glacier grunts but luckily Diantha helped us out.
Trevor: It's all thanks to the champion.
Rival: Speak of the devil.
Diantha appears and checks on you and your friends asking if you're all ok. Shauna is shocked to see Diantha and asks what she's doing here. Diantha says that she was here for Viola's photoshoot.
She said when she went to the gym, she heard that Viola went to the studio because Team Glacier was causing trouble so she hurried to the studio to help her (putting this here to explain why she showed up here and knew about the "Team Glacier planning to kill Alexa" situation).
Diantha says she's glad no more people got hurt. She excuses herself and leaves to tell the officers what went down alongside Viola.
2 cops are chatting with each other about what went down. One of them is taking down notes while the other is telling them what they've found at the crime scene.
Cop: Anymore Glacier grunts?
Cop2: Only one. The rest are... dead.
Cop: What about Team Flare?
Cop2: Gone. They did a number on the studio after fighting Glacier grunts.
Cop: Dammit! Him and his group are a pain in the ass!
The 5 of you hear them talking saying bad things about Ultraflare. Rival shakes his head at them in annoyance.
Rival: I don't know what their problem is. At least Team Flare came in time to help people, unlike them. They saved me from a Team Glacier grunt. I don't know what would've happened if they weren't there.
Trevor: Ultraflare is a controversial topic in Kalos because of the way he deals with criminals.
Rival: Some people see him as a hero, and other people don't.
You 5 hear some people talking badly about Ultraflare and some people defending him, saying that he was just trying to help. Trevor shake his heads and puts on a more serious look.
Trevor: We should go to the Pokemon center and heal up our pokemon.
You all nod, and head to the Pokemon center. All of you heal up your pokemon. After doing that, you head to the Pokémon Gym to fight Viola. Rival is already there, defeating Viola and getting their 1st gym badge.
Viola heals up her Pokémon. Rival takes a seat to see your first Gym battle. You fight Viola. Viola will have the same Pokémon (Surskit + Vivillon).
credit: Kajiatsui on Devianart
Surskit will have a regional variant form that I'd imagine would look like this. Vivillon will remain the same in the video game. You win and get your first badge.
As you're about to leave the city, you meet Rival. They congratulate you on your win and ask to fight you. You fight Rival and win. They heal your Pokemon and you leave to Lumiose City.
You meet Sina and Dexio as normal. When you go through the gate bridge thing that leads to Lumiose City, Shauna appears asking you to battle her. You see that her Scatterbug has evolved into a Vivillon. Her Vivillon will look similar to Viola's Vivillon.
Her Bulbusaur is still the same. You win and Shauna heals your pokemon. She thanks you for the battle. Shauna guides you to the pokemon lab. You go to the pokemon lab and meet Prof.Sycamore. He asks you to fight him as normal and you win.
Prof.Sycamore gives you a megastone that enables you to mega-evolve your starter Pokémon (that you picked in Aquacorde Town) in battle (depending on which starter you chose. You'll get to pick a Kalosian Bulbusaur, Squirtle or Charmander when the postgame stuff happens).
You meet Lysandre on the ground floor of Prof.Sycamore's lab as normal. Your friends come down and see Lysandre talking to Rival. Lysandre introduces himself. Rival tells you and everyone that Lysandre is his Uncle. He leaves saying that he promised to meet a friend at a Café.
Shauna: What should we do now?
You: Not sure. This is my first time here in Lumiose city.
Shauna: Oh! I can give you a tour around Lumiose City! Do you guys want to come along?
Trevor: I'll have to respectfully decline. Tierno and I need to go to the Lumiose Museum to learn more about the Legendary Pokemon of Kalos.
Rival: I can come with you Shauna. I've got nothing else better to do so I'll tag along.
Shauna: Reallt? Alright. We'll do the tour and when we're done, we'll go to the Lumiose City Museum to join you 2. Sound good?
Trevor: Alright.
You 3 head out for a tour around Lumiose City. The 3 of you take pictures together, eat Lumiose Galettes, and Shauna shows you the different places in Lumiose City (she even takes you to see Prism Tower).
Shauna: Let's take a break at the Café. My treat?
At the Cafe, You, Shauna, and Rival see Lysandre and Diantha. Lysandre and Diantha still have their normal in game conversation as normal.
In the cafe, one of the built in tv's there shows a news channel talking about an incident that happened at Lumiose City where terrorists, who are a part of team Glacier, attacked Santalune City 3 days ago, were sent to prison however they were able to escape somehow because of a Glacier grunt disguised as a cop.
The terrorists attacked the cops and some civillians. Some citizens and cops were injured and others were killed. Rival clenches his fist in anger and you see that he isn't happy about the news.
They comment about how unfair it is that team Glacier was able to get away and the cops weren't able to stop them from taking more lives. Rival comments how they weren't able to detain them either. You put your hand on their shoulder to try and calm them down?
Rival stomps out of the Café, visibly upset after hearing what was on the news channel. You and Shauna share looks of concern. You both leave the Café and go after Rival. You and Shauna manage to find Rival at the Lumiose Cemetery (by asking some civillians where Rival went).
End of Part 3. Part 4 coming soon.
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Your tags under the pokemon poll are SO TRUEE and it hurts how many people dont understand that
I grew up in the change from pixel art to 3D and have nostalgia for bw, xy AND sm. So i think because of that, I can see the good and bad in all the games but don't feel like any of them 'peaked''. They're all different games, so they are really hard to compare.
On a related note tho, its so sad to see so many fans praise one of my childhood games and not the others. And like, I get it because gen 5 is more similar to what they grew up with.....but every time I say I love xy, sm and even swsh i get told they are terrible and usually imply that I shouldnt like them :/
That only happens online, though......irl all the fans ive met, no matter their ages, just say something like 'i didnt like it, but i'm glad you did!'. Growing up in irl fan spaces and having to move online during corona was AN EXPERIENCE omg
Yeah! It's super interesting how much we are affected by nostaglia.
There's usually a pattern you can notice with this stuff too. There are two lines that go up as time goes on. The one everyone talks about as being great and the newer one people hate on, usually to do with nostalgia of the now older original audience of the game.
My full reply got long so putting it under a read more skfjsh
My first Pokemon game was Colosseum, so gen 2/3 pokemon and gen 3 sound effects are pretty nostalgic to me.
Then I grew up mostly playing Diamond/Platinum/PMD2/Ranger2. I LOVED Team Galactic. I restarted the games so many times just so I could play through the story again with Cyrus and the Galactic Grunt theme. (I have also played through pmd2 many many times). I remember in my early teens seeing people on the internet hating on DPPt a lot and it making me sad. I recall someone saying that the gen 4 Pokemon sucked and I remember thinking "aw I guess they're right, some of these pokemon are really boring or annoying" and then I learned later that the pokemon I was thinking of were all gen 1 pokemon sdfkjsh
Gen 5 was hated when it first came out because it wasn't very fun for new players. I bet it also didn't help that the advertising for B2W2 was pretty poor and also came out after the 3DS did. I didn't even know it was a sequel until years later. That's why they went in the complete opposite direction for gen 6, and added gimmicks!
I have heard multiple people call the designs from gen 5 horrible over the years (And they're all wrong). Those comments are nowhere NEAR as frequent now, but they almost always come from people with nostalgia for the ones they grew up with.
I was 13 when BW first came out. I think I've only beaten it once, MAYBE twice. I'm not entirely sure why, because I was still replaying DPPt a lot. I would guess it's because the game is super linear in terms of gameplay and every playthrough will start exactly the same. You don't really get to make decisions on your team and how you play until later. Kid me loved the beginning of the main pokemon games the most because they were the most fun bits to play usually. So I suppose when you've already played it once, the beginning becomes quite boring.
And to compare. I did not like XY when it first came out. I was 16 and very against change and also my fav types at the time were dark and dragon so fairy type was the worst thing ever. I said previously that I really liked Team Galactic, so Team Flare was just a bootleg version of them to me. BUT I did immediately replay the game when I finished it. The character customisation plus the huge dex gives the game a lot of replayability. Because while I didn't like a lot about the game it was still fun to play, and it was the first time online was really accessible to me. I went back to 2013/2014 on my blog and there's SO much positivity about the game it's amazing! Over time people only remembered the bad parts and started hating it. I bet there'll be an influx of nostalgia for it before long. We can even see it in the hope people have for SV having Kalos DLC.
I need to replay sun/moon or play USUM because in my brain currently it sucks. But I'm very aware that that's because I only played it once, it's been years, and I played it when I started to grow out of Pokemon. So I'm excited to play it again now that I can appreciate it better. (Also the Sun/Moon anime is my fav so I have a lot of love for the characters now)
And finally, I loved SWSH! I didn't finish it the first time I tried to play it. Mostly because I spent HOURS trying to get a shiny hatenna before doing the fire gym skdfjhs. But then I SPED through the game with a bug type only run before Legends came out and I really enjoyed the story! One of those things that's more enjoyable if you're only focused on enjoying the story (and playing the game through with a joltik as the lead and trying to make sure they stay strong enough to beat the game with pfft) Also Leon was the first ever Champion I actually thought was cool and enjoyed seeing while playing the game (as ridiculous as his outfit is)
If I were to logically plot out the best for me based on how nostalgia works and taking into consideration that public opinion ABSOLUTELY influences me. I would have said BW was the best and XY(or SM) was the downfall, even though I had way more fun playing XY than BW as a kid
#pokemon#boy that got long#I really wanted to be transparent in sharing my own nostalgia#ACTUALLY I HAVE BEAT BW TWICE#I forgot I played it in pokeMMO with my friend like 5 years ago#it's WAY more fun in that because you get follower pokemon and I got to play with my friend#also they let you reset EVs after you beat the game so it's more balanced in that regard#man I need to play USUM soon#I want to play with a cutiefly now that I'm not a grumpy old man and don't hate fairy type#also I didn't mention it in the post because it wasn't relevant to my point but I love XY now through exposure I love it all dksbfk#Ive done so kuch research and Im so gutted at the wasted potential it really needed a 3rd version#also with the pokemas villain arc I can now officially say I like lysandre#love a villain who doesn't lie it's such an interesting trait for someone keeping quiet about wanting to murder millions of people
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some thoughts about pokemon violet. spoilers ahead!
there are. quite a few graphical glitches and messes whbejrvhr. sometimes trainers and pokemons eyes get stuck closed for a while, camera clips into the floor during battle, a sunflora i was in battle with and therefore Very Close To moved at a lower frame rate like other faraway entities. hough the homeroom scene..... almost everyone in that room looked so janky.
but tbh? i've been having too much fun to care too much about that specifically. the rest of the game is pretty :)
wish i could stop the minimap from spinning. i can lock the map app to north but not the minimap????
rip pixel pokemon and item icons though </3 i find them more charming. also the icon for persim berries is too red and its bothering me, persim berries are PINK this is BRIGHT SCARLET
idk how pokemon icons on the minimap work either i'll be running all over the place it indicates and not find the pokemon its showing. i want a charcadet :(
i chose sprigatito but was THIS close to choosing fuecoco because of the first cutscenes. quaxly having to tell fuecoco not to eat the burnt orange whjegjevdj
miraidon my beloved asshole lizard who eats all my sandwiches. i gotta rewatch any and all miraidon scenes with koraidon when i'm done with the game, the first cutscene with the houndoom was SO COOL
there were a couple nods to older games! a book in the library talks about someone seeing the stow-on-side mural get broken by a copperajah, another book talks about pewter crunchies, and the meditative seat art installation in artazon are items you could buy in oras as decoration for your secret base. i know every game has callbacks to previous ones but the stow-on-side one caught me offguard because thats a spoiler isnt it?? the other one surprised me too but more becaue Why do i remember this one specific base item. i havent touched oras in years
a library book also said Hydreigon and Volcarona got alt forms like donphan did and i need to see them IMMEDIATELY
as far as i've seen in the library, the pokemon that get those forms are donphan, tyranitar, volcarona, hydreigon. and Delibird. which i find hilarious bc its all these threatening scary pokemon and then. DELIBIRD.
so far out of the new pokemon. the only design i dont like is spidops. spiops. i forgot how to spell it. where did my cute little yarn ball go :( maybe its just New Pokemon Doesnt Look Like A Pokemon Yet Syndrome but there is just SOMETHING about spiops's design that doesnt sit right with me
miraidon jumping is a little janky sometimes idk??? also i got stuck in a pond once and it could NOT climb out no matter where i tried. i had to fly out
i already like tera raids a lot more :') i HATED how max pokemon could shield and move multiple times and all that. i dont have online so max raids are damn near IMPOSSIBLE for me to do because the ai sucks That bad. i feel like with the time limit thing and infinite revives i could stand a chance doing it solo. this is just me talking about the early 1-2 star raids though idk how it'll go later on
i did get one odd glitch where my first attack didnt appear to deplete the hp bar, but then a few attacks later it looked like it had hp left but it fainted? my damage just. Didnt Show for some reason while still registering as damage
i think they fixed the overlevelling problem bc i was even getting my ass kicked by wild pokemon sometimes HKWBDJBF. i was cruising through fast like i'd gotten used to in xy to swsh, so i was actually underlevelled a lot. mela almost curbstomped me
mela walks like manga emmet lmao
clodsire. thats it thats the bullet point <3
in conclusion i am having a BLAST. i absolutely adore this game so far!! i'm honestly able to overlook anything that bothers me just because i enjoy it a Lot. like of Course i still wish the subpar graphics werent subpar but Who Care look at my clodsire his name is Mousse and i love him
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Okay so this is going to be a weird post but I have to put this out there on the internet somewhere. My Pokemon conspiracy theory is that the boxart legends of most Pokemon games have been prefigured by common Pokemon in the generation before them.
Think about it people!
Upcoming in SV we have a lizard-like duality of futuristic technology and the past. You know. Like combining a fossil salamander with a stealth bomber. Dragapult prefigures the SV legends.
In SwSh, we have two wolves, split between a speedier attacker and a bulkier build. Literally they're just a legendary upgrade to the main lycanroc forms.
In SuMo, we had a sun lion and a mystical bat. Like a fire lion and a dragon bat. Pyroar is Solgaleo and Noivern is Lunala. At a push, we even have a prismatic Pokemon that has lore about transformation and a legendary. Carbink as a Necrozma precursor?
In XY we have a vulture associated with death and a deer associated with nature. Oh yeah, like a skeleton vulture? Mandibuzz? And a deer that changes with the seasons? Sawsbuck?
Then in BW we have legendaries in a set of games often said to be callbacks to RB, with the box legendaries being a physical attacking electric type and a special attacking fire type, with themes of dualism and partnership, whose ice-type counterpart is obscured and forgotten in the lore. Oh. Yeah. Electivire and Magmortar parallel that strongly.
Then back in DP we have a pair of legendaries that in the lore are treated as incredibly powerful, and have associations with time and space. This is a weirder one, but I think if you bear with me, I can explain this. Gen III was the only generation to give us two pseudolegendary Pokemon. And one (Salamence) has a metamorphosis motif (change over time) while the other (Metagross) is explicitly an alien (from space).
Now, gen III wasn't really on the horizon during the development of GS, so I don't think they did any deliberate planting for RS, but there are two flying type (therefore weather?) Pokemon whose types do correspond to the RS boxart legends: Gligar and Mantine. They are even both strong ish and (at the time) standalones in their evolutionary lines.
And of course, GS were not considered at all during development of the first generation, so the trail runs dry here.
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Hey, y'all remember this shit I did years ago? Well, I had the most random thought to pick it back up again so here I am, back on my bullshit! As a reminder, since it's been a while, keep in mind that these are fandoms I'm personally into and don't necessarily [or accurately] reflect their popularity
The fandom districts are as follows and in order:
Def Leppard
Yandere Simulator
Fire Emblem
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Mortal Kombat
Forever Knight
Touhou Project
Megaman X
Dark Parables
Wild card [each character is from their own fandom]
I'll reblog the icon sets sometime later. Fun facts and change log from hell under the cut!
District 2: Fullmetal Alchemist to Yu-Gi-Oh!
District 7: Ouran High School Host Club to Forever Knight
District 11: Yu-Gi-Oh!/Pokemon to Pokemon
District 3: Osana to Akane Nemesis to Hanako [name change only]
District 4: Narcian to Marianne Tsubaki to Constance
District 5: Acxa to Allura
District 9: X to Alia Zero to Marino
District 11: Bakura to Jessie Kaiba to James
District 12: Carmen to Tobias Hitch to Edward
District 1: Sav, Joe
District 2: Bakura, Kaiba
District 3: Hanako [recropped]
District 4: Eltshan
District 8: Remilia
District 9: Axl, Iris
District 11: Serena
District 12: Tobias***
Fun facts 1, 2, 3, and 4 here! New fun facts below!
Fun Fact #1: This is the most edited roster change since the first one. Way more has changed here than any other roster update
Fun Fact #2: The original season code had not been used in so long that when I tried to load it up, it failed because it was auto deleted a good two years ago. I had to completely remake this roster, plus the custom events, from scratch
Fun Fact #3: Allura's icon is from an edit done by a Tumblr user named r-i-v-e-r. Unfortunately, it seems the artist is no longer on the site
Fun Fact #4: Okay, let me make this clear: I HATE the post-XY art style for Pokemon. Fucking hate it. That said, I saw images of Serena's new design and she's??? Actually??? Decent??? Like holy shit a design I don't hate. It wasn't that hard of a decision at that point to replace her icon with a more recent appearance
Fun Fact #5: YGO and Pokemon were lumped together for the longest time and now I was finally able to separate them and let them go full throttle. Bakura and Kaiba, with new icons and as promised in a previous fun fact, took Joey with them, but they have Marik instead of Yugi since he's been growing on me a lot more. They took the place of the FMA district. Meanwhile, Serena and Clemont now have, again as promised, Team Rocket joining them
Fun Fact #6: While debating on characters and fandoms to include, Nick, Nat, and Divia seemed to just be easy inclusions to replace the Ouran district. It was deciding on their fourth districtmate that was difficult. It ultimately came down to either LaCroix or Janette [sorry, but Schanke is Babey and I refuse to corrupt him like this]. LaCroix was picked due to the potential for some interesting scenarios
Fun Fact #7: In previous updates, I mentioned Sav's icon somehow becoming more saturated even though the image had not changed. I discovered while updating the icon sets earlier today that this was indeed a Tumblr issue like I had initially thought. Apparently something happens when posting it live, causing the image to saturate. I was able to fix this, but this required, well, not using Tumblr. The image is still saturated in the actual post its in, but the exact link used in the simulator settings is now being hosted on Discord
Fun Fact #8: Back in the very first run of the Multifandom Hunger Games, District 6 was the Animorphs and Tobias was a part of that district. For this brand new run, I decided to bring Tobias back. ***He's listed in the change log for icon updates as I decided not to reuse the original icon he had. His new icon is from a comic version of the series
Fun Fact #9: The character hasn't changed, but this short comic dropped some time ago, revealing Nemesis' true identity as Hanako Yamada. Her information for the season was updated accordingly
Fun Fact #10: I initially didn't plan on updating Joe, Hanako, or Remilia's icons, but ultimately did. Hanako's uses the exact same image, just recropped to look less awkward
Fun Fact #11: The Fire Emblem district was supposed to be a one-character-per-game situation, but let's be real, Three Houses has way too many interesting characters to ignore entirely, so I added two instead while also updating Eltshan's icon. Ferdinand was briefly considered before deciding on Constance. Marianne's has a Black Eagles background instead of Golden Deer because I just like the Black Eagles more
Fun Fact #12: Amnesia was considered for a return, but I decided not to go with this. Sailor Moon was also briefly considered for inclusion
Fun Fact #13: Before deciding on Tobias, I was originally going to have Florence [Alchemists of Loom] take Carmen's place. Other wild card characters considered for inclusion were Nanashi [1bitheart] and Fletcher Raleigh [The Summoner series]
Fun Fact #14: Since Mulberry has been revamping a lot of older character art she's done, including the student council, I decided this would be a good opportunity to update Shiromi's icon. At the same time, I decided to replace Osana with another student council member. Imagine the scary implications. Also yes, I am aware how divisive YanSim is, but I ain't here for bullshit. I'm here to vibe. This district stays put
Fun Fact #15: X and Zero were replaced because they needed a break. End of, just let them enjoy some peace
Fun Fact #16: As I am no longer into SNK, dropping Hitch was an easy decision, and even though I dropped FMA as a full district, I did want to keep Edward, so he got to stick around and take Hitch's place
#hunger games simuator#multifandom hunger games#still not tagging the fandoms#sfw#just in case the stupid filter tries to hit it
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Pokemon anon again! I'd like to hear anything you have strong opinions on (either your personal ships, ones you dislike, etc). I just really like reading your thoughts, so whatever you feel like sharing is fine.
Welcome back, Pokénon!
And sure, I can do that!
Alright, so in terms of ships I dislike (I’m going to go with the English names just so I’m not constantly using both names)...
I guess I should get the obvious ones out of the way, because I’m not really a fan of either “Ash ship” extreme:
Poke//Shipping (Ash X Misty) and Amour//Shipping (Ash X Serena)
I don’t like either of them.
For Poke//Shipping, I have never liked aggressive tsundere characters and Misty is basically a textbook example of that. It’s not that I have a problem with strong/tomboy-ish (though honestly I don’t consider Misty a tomboy anyway) female characters, which I know it sounds like that when I have a distaste for characters like Alix too, but when they’re brash and angry and just so generically “TOMBOY GIRL POWER,” it grates on my nerves.
The idea of having an aggressive character - y’know - be aggressive to their love interest and then cue the sad music when the love interest argues with them or makes any sort of hurtful implication just... no.
Like, I want you to imagine the most sarcastic Clarity possible and then picture me as a little girl watching the scene where Misty is officially leaving the group, because that was literally just me like, “oh noooo, she’s goooone.”
It’s the same reason I don’t do Rocket//Shipping (James X Jessie). One character is too aggressive and the other character doesn’t even come close to balancing it out.
There’s also the fact that nothing comes out of Poke//Shipping. Misty is canonically crushing on Ash (*flashbacks to the friggin’ second movie where they shove it in your face*) but it’s just... there, not to mention that scene where Misty is talking casually to Ash like, “you and I will be married too someday,” which came completely out of left field and - whether for a joke or not - made little kid me very uncomfortable.
Like I said, it’s just there and doesn’t go anywhere, and Ash is already so oblivious that of course he wouldn’t get that Misty is in love with him. It’s basically a long-running gag of Misty pulling a surprised Pikachu face whenever Ash doesn’t understand that she likes him/wants to stay with him/literally wants anything specific from him.
As for Amour//Shipping, I did admittedly like it at first, but just--ugh, oh boy.
First, it’s shipping fanservice, kinda like Pokemon 2000 throwing a bone to the shippers except now it’s the whole two seasons. My followers know how I feel about fanservice just for fanservice and that’s basically all that Amour//Shipping is. That’s why Serena was already made to have met Ash when they were children; so the writers could get a “headstart” on all the blushy fanservice they could squeeze in on Serena’s end.
I fell off the ship sometime around Wulfric, particularly with the scene where Serena comforts Ash. Just that whole, “this isn’t like you,” and then trying to compare her contest losses to Ash’s battles as if Ash hasn’t been at this for seasons upon seasons and battles aren’t a completely different category because they involve actually watching one’s Pokemon get physically hurt (Pokemon battles are a sport, yes, but it doesn’t change anything; Ash also has a special Greninja so of course he’s going to be upset that having all this experience still isn’t enough to just sweep). Like, to relate to someone, yes, it helps to have something you can use as a mental comparison, but that comparison is (usually) supposed to stay mental.
Anyway, after Ash shouts at her because she doesn’t know how he feels at all (because she doesn’t) and he just wanted to be left alone (because he did), Serena throws snowballs at his face and that apparently helps make Ash feel better because Serena can do no wrong here and that just so happened to be exactly what he needed.
(I mean, that whole gym battle and what follows is already pretty trash but that solidified it for me. Basically everything XY&Z added were things I just didn’t care about.)
Oh, and Serena is also implied to steal a kiss from Ash at the very end of the season and you guys know how I feel about that. It’s mostly the fact that she’s so non-apologetic about it, just smiling and blushy and all happy whereas here’s me like, “Wait, I’m pretty sure we just missed a crucial step here??? Since when were you sure that Ash had a thing for you???”
So yeah, I’m not a fan of either ship. I have vague opinions about basically all other ships (The ship between Ash and Iris aka ”You’re such a kid” girl can rot), but Poke//Shipping and Amour//Shipping are the ones I have the strongest negative feelings for.
Brock being shipped with basically anyone is a no no for me. The guy flirts with anything that moves and I have never found it funny or charming. The closest thing young me ever came to a ship with him was Luck//Shipping (Brock X Pike Queen Lucy) but that’s basically it, and it honestly could’ve just been me thinking the idea that Ash and Brock both getting together with Battle Frontier people (I was for Ability//Shipping - Ash X Sailor Maiden Anabel - at the time) was a neat idea and both episodes that featured the respective ships had BLUSH FUEL.
I recall being into Advance//Shipping (Ash X May) when I was young (I was a multishipper back then, you see) but I avoided thinking about it too much because I wasn’t a huge fan of Max (aka “Iris before Iris existed”) and Norman’s game counterpart infuriates me even to this day so I just didn’t want to imagine Ash having to deal with those sorts of things. Plus, looking back on it, he and May were little too similar (then again, maybe that’s why I liked it?).
I expected to enjoy Aurelia//Shipping (Ash X Lillie) when I was getting into the Sun&Moon seasons but it didn’t really do anything for me. I guess maybe I was so burnt out after Amour//Shipping that I wasn’t in a shippy mood anymore? Though, it could also be that their relationship isn’t as “balanced” as I would’ve liked.
Anyway though, as for the ships I actually really like instead of just being indifferent towards or outright disliking, the big one really is just Pearl//Shipping. I suppose it makes sense given that I’m not a multishipper, don’t like Brock enough to ship him with anyone, and most other travel companions are ones I either hadn’t gotten attached to or that I’d paired with Ash long enough that, once I got older, I couldn’t really picture them with other people because my memory of their moments wasn’t strong enough.
Yeah though, PEARL//SHIPPING, I ADORE IT. Like, I’ll try to explain it as best as I can without rambling, but basically:
Dawn doesn’t make excuses when she wants to go with Ash. No “my bike," no meandering, just really casual.
THEY SING THE JAPANESE OPENING TOGETHER AND IT’S RAD. “High Touch” is like, my favorite opening theme???? And they do a duet for it??? I just???? Yes???????
It’s the little things. High-fives are like, their thing. They traded Pokemon with each other which is like, really rare for the series and it made total sense. They both have a Pokemon they keep out of their Pokeball who doesn’t want to evolve (Piplup was the Eevee partner from Let’s Go before it was cool) and no, Misty’s Togepi doesn’t count because it was Gold and Silver’s posterchild. Ash and Dawn also both gave up a speedy physical Pokemon (Primeape and Ambipom respectively) so they could participate in some sort of Pokemon sport that doesn’t exist in the games while I scream in the background because I really like said Pokemon.
They help and get ideas off of each other, which I think is really cool. Them trading Pokemon just furthers that sort of dynamic.
Them just supporting each other in general. There’s a moment where Dawn takes a pretty harsh loss and Ash can be seen sulking like he really gets how she’s feeling.
It also helps that Diamond and Pearl were one of the better seasons of the anime. Paul is a solid rival, I really like the creative battle techniques like spinning and countershield, and just Chimchar in general honestly. I remember the baking episode “Cooking Up a Sweet Story!” vividly and all the feels it gave me.
Yeah though. It’s not any sort of OTP pairing or anything, but out of all of the anime Pokemon ships, Pearl//Shipping is probably my favorite. I’d probably ship them a lot more if they were a little older (like, on par with the protagonists of the Black & White games, who are closer to 14/15; it’s just easier to get a gauge on personality that way).
#non ml talk#other: ask and answer#((The Gen 4 seasons do have a few weird episodes obviously but basically all the seasons do.))#((I guess I don't think as much when I watch them (though I could roast XY&Z for DAYS) because the main media of the series is the games.))#((I liked Gen 5 the best in that case by the way.))#((Black and White and their sequels are my favorites.))
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You mention that you have a lot of Anipoke fanfics ideas you never finished, can you tell a little about them? I'm just curious
Ok. This is going to be long, so as a cartoon from my childhood said, "Sit down because here comes a story."
The first time I wrote a FanFiction was in 2013-2014, it was basically an OC based on me and the people I knew, I even added the readers themselves to the story. It was a rewrite of XY, and took the early episodes from when Ash only had Froakie and Flechiling. I needed more characters for a revolution that would happen at least in a 2 story that would interrupt the Kalos League (funny that it was similar to the team flare arc) but with Lumiose's control I looked in practically 52 chapters and was close to Ramos gym, I changed some of Ash's Pokemon and included others keeping their Kalos mon at the same time as my Pokemon for them.
I also had an AU with Mirror Ash instead of an alternate character, a twin brother of Ash who was with his father, in fact this was before the Shudo novel was translated I didn't have much of an idea how Ash father is, the only thing i knew was "Ash will see his father for development" which i came across in the interviews looking for stuff about ash...As I had a cousin with an absent father similar to Ash and I witnessed similar situations with people close to me, I used this as a reference for Ash's father who ended up being very similar to Shudo. Less similar to Yuyama and Yajima UA (20 - 21 - 23 movie and Distant Blue Sky)
I started seeing a lot of real world stories without Pokemon so I decided to try something similar several times, always leaving Pikachu as some object, animal, plush, game or Ash's favorite thing in whole world.
Mirror Serena and Mirror Ash on their journey from leaving Kanto to arriving in Kalos
Mirror Ash autistic child non verbal, hiperfocous on Pokemon anime like it's your mirror version seeing your OG version if that makes sense lol Serena wasn't Mirror Serena, she was just normal Serena, so we can say it's Mirror Ash x Serena
The UA where Ash and Misty and Satoshi and Serena were a couple each with one was missing because I thought it would be fun to make a Pokeshipping fic BUT I COULDN'T PUT ANYONE with Serena other than Ash...so I reused it 💖😅
A whole journey, from Serena in Hoeen with a bit of Palleshipping and Rivalcrushshipping, with mention of the battle frontier and May's appearance.
A rewrite of Serena as Kalos Champion progress, while Ash was in Alola trying to practice all the things he learned from Ash after he failed in Hoeen due to the current chaotic state of the government on Pokemon world in 2017.
A story I've never written about Ashley X Serena, like Serena as sapphic Ash as bi, I think they's bi in pretty much 90% of my stories. Lesbian Serena only came to my mind for the first time because of the 2023 conflict, I admit, before for me they were both a Bi4Bi couple regardless of the universe I wrote, be it yaoi or not.
(Thanks to the Male Marinette and Fem Adrien Agreste versions - the concept of genderband as I only found out what non-binary was in 2019 to 2020 they were both cis)
Yaoi Amourshipping is the most recent of them all, I've simply been watching Serena's genderband for a long time but I've never been able to choose a correct name for it, so it was a bit "how do I can I write a character without a name?" so I was left without any idea updates and I stuck to that, just the desire in the back of my mind in 2015-2016 😭
- Crossovers -
A story based on a book I was reading, where Ash was an immortal and Serena was an incarnated soul that Ash would look for from time to time because in this story he loves her, but she doesn't know and has no idea who he is. I wanted to explore the concept of reverse crush UA but at the same time without going out of character, so it was a bit like Kanto- Diamond and Pearl - Advanced Generation and Kalos Ash mixed together in one character (a little bit of Dark Ash in the middle).
A crossover with Nisekoi, with the idea of recovering the two's memories of their camping days, taking advantage of the theory that Ash was the son of Giovanni and Serena by Lysandre for the first time. Just to give the same main idea of the anime I was basing it on.
A journey of May and Dawn as a crossover of DanMachi because a friend recommended this anime to me, I did something as if the gods were people with Pokémon powers like aura, electric, etc. Pokemon trainers were like the adventurers were like Pokemon trainers but I admit that Ash and Serena had a secondary role in 2016.
Many, many crossovers with Miraculous
A crossover where Ash was Chat Noir and Serena was Ladybug
A crossover where Adrien could go to school and wanted to be a Pokemon trainer and Marinette was there.
A crossover where Delia would work with Tom and Sabine, fleeing from Ash's abusive father in Japan (original Kanto) but they are in the Miraculous world itself. No appearance, no idea who he would be, keeping pretty much the anime, I didn't really involve his father outside of the sibling UA.
I picked up both ideas recently and now that I'm back writing, I thought about putting some of them together into one, but without a very definite spoiler.
I've already done a Bridgette and Felix journey too because they're my OTP in Miraculous but I admit I had a lot more ideas for them in the original universe of their own franchise.
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