#but it's crazy that if you use those tags the posts get instantly taken down
bandzboy · 4 months
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all op did was basically post lyrics and it got taken down like this is so??
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
(In)somnia Veritas
Fandom : The Sandman (AO3 link) Pairing : Dreamling (Dream x Hob) Rating : G | 1.8k Tags : Angst & Comfort, Retired Dream, Post Wake Fix-it, Established Relationship Summary : No longer Dream of the Endless, Morpheus spends his first night as a human at Hob's, struggling with his new condition. He can not sleep. He will not sleep. How could he, when wakefulness is all he has ever known?
Hob had expected the craziness of it all to keep him awake. The Kindly Ones. The Fates. Daniel Hall. Dream of the Endless, now, for all intents and purposes. It all whirled in his head as he settled in bed, Dream―Morpheus' form next to him, already still from sleep.
Hob's gaze lingered for a moment. He didn't look changed. Even like this, very much asleep and vulnerable, his lips slightly parted in a shallow, slumbering breath, Morpheus still looked like the powerful being he'd been, mere hours ago. Human. It hardly seemed thinkable. Hob had been around for a while, and never had a human ever looked like that. Yet another rule broken tonight, it seemed.
As his head hit the pillow, Hob could feel the heaviness of the day weighing on him, a crown of lead encasing his head, a migraine he resigned himself to fight all night. Instead, sleep took him the second he closed his eyes, his body melting away, as though engulfed by a wave.
The rest was for Dani―Dream of the Endless to know.
It was still dark when sleep loosened its grip around him. Disoriented, Hob rolled drowsily on the mattress, expecting to meet the cold yet substantial shape of Drea―Morpheus' body, yet only found more sheets.
Confused, he cracked an eye open, his hand instinctively patting the empty space, as though he would find Morpheus hidden between the folds somewhere. Nothing. Hob's heart jolted wildly in his chest, pumping bitter bile in his throat. The Fates changed their minds, panic whispered in his ear instantly. They've taken him back. They could not let him be.
Slapped awake, Hob sprung out of bed, blood thrashing in his ears. I've got to get him back, he kept thinking. I must get him back. He did not know where to start, how to work out any kind of summons or strike any sort of supernatural bargain (those had a tendency to find him, not the other way around), but he would figure it out, he had to, he would even call―
His hand still tense on the doorknob, Hob froze in his tracks.
In complete darkness, Morpheus was sitting on his couch, his thighs pressed against his chest, still wearing the old t-shirt Hob had given him as improvised sleepwear. He barely seemed to notice the interruption. He barely seemed to breathe, for that matter. He simply sat there, statuesque, his eyes burning a hole into the opposite wall.
Relief flooded through Hob at the sight, no matter how eerie it felt. He was there. He hadn't gone anywhere. His hand relaxed around the doorknob, though his heartbeat had trouble adjusting.
"You alright?" he asked quietly, his voice slightly hoarse.
There was no acknowledgment of his presence, or answer. Still as a rock, Morpheus kept staring at the wall, his face blank.
Hob dared a few steps closer.
"Can't sleep?" he tried again, cautious not to startle him as he neared the couch. He considered switching on the lights, but quickly decided against it. It felt like one of those matters that were best discussed under the cover of darkness. The constant London light pollution would have to do.
"It's all so... silent."
Hob stilled, caught off guard by the sound of Morpheus' voice. It was still his, undeniably, every note, every inflection, but it missed... something. An edge. A preternatural depth that rose from the dawn of times, when the first being laid down and dreamt on its first night. A human did not need such speech. Like the rest, it now belonged to Daniel.
Hob approached him, electing to sit at the edge of the couch rather than directly next to Morpheus.
"You think this is silent?"
He had grown used to the constant whir of London life, every new century bringing new sounds to the mix, but there was no ignoring the myriad of dogs barking outside, the drunk students talking much louder than social norms would allow during the day, and the ballet of bin lorries and automated street cleaners. Could Morpheus not hear that?
"How can you bear it?"
Slowly, Morpheus' eyes left the wall to settle on Hob, turning to face him. Even with the lack of proper lighting, Hob could see his eyes clearly. Blue, as the day they first met. And full of apprehension about this world he'd never had to navigate this way, even though his pride would not allow him to put it in such words. This, at least, had been his to keep.
Hob stared at Dream, at a loss for words. If this was silence for him, what hellish racket must have been filling his mind until then? How could he bear it?
"It's all I've ever known," he said, settling for something that felt true, in his core. "I'm sorry. I imagine it must be... jarring."
"It is... unnerving," Morpheus nodded slowly, looking down, as though he would not bear to admit it while looking at Hob in the eyes. "Isolating. Empty. And at the same time..."
"Deafening," Hob supplied helpfully. "I understand."
Of course it felt empty, he thought. When one had spent their entire existence with the collective unconscious at their fingertips, dreams and nightmares echoing into their ears every second of every day, being severed from it must feel like having your head dunked into a bucket of water.
"It is no wonder humans devised all matters of utensils to fill the silence," Morpheus mused faintly. "It kept them from going mad."
Them. Humans. Hob wondered how long it would take Morpheus to see himself as one. Never, perhaps. He struggled to see himself as other than what he was, originally. The only difference between them was that Hob had considerably benefited from the change. For Morpheus, this was hardly a step-up. It was free falling.
There was an urge there, lodged deep into Hob's chest, to reach for Morpheus' hand, to hold him close, to offer him all the reassurance he could provide and then more. But Morpheus was not there yet. This human body ached, Hob knew it. It was new, unused, unacclimated to the world it had been thrown into. It looked every way the body he knew, the one he'd touched, loved, held, once. Not quite, though.
"We could buy you a white noise machine," Hob suggested lightly, pushing down the emotion down his throat. He was here, safe, it was all that mattered, in the end. Hob just needed to be patient.
Morpheus frowned, confused.
"It's a box that makes noise. Some people use it to fall asleep."
There was a huff, and the first hint of a smile on Morpheus' lips since their encounter with the Fates.
"Of course you people fashioned a noise machine."
"Don't knock it 'til you've tried it," Hob smiled, purposefully stirring the conversation towards a lighter territory. "Whale songs might be just what you need."
"I doubt it will suffice."
In spite of Hob's best efforts, Morpheus' playfulness was short-lived. His face closed again, returning to its persisting melancholy. Hob leant towards him, inching closer, assessing his lover's reaction, any sign of recoiling.
"What's wrong?"
"I fear I may not be... welcome to the Dreaming."
The admission rolled out of him like a wound, bloody and raw, almost shameful. Hob furrowed his brows.
"You're afraid Daniel may not grant you entry?"
"No, I..."
Morpheus gave out a faint frustrated sigh.
"It is no longer mine to rule. Dream of the Endless endures, outside of me. Perhaps I do not... belong there. My presence could be ill-received."
"Love, I―" Hob bit the inside of his cheek, trying to find the words that would hurt the least. "You will have to sleep at some point. That's... I'm sorry, but that's part of... this."
"I know."
In the darkness, Hob could have sworn he saw a tear trail down Morpheus' cheek, glistening in the light of a nearby street lamp.
"I'm sure Daniel will go easy on you. He's a good kid."
Was a good kid, Hob reminded himself. Daniel was an empty name now. There was no more Daniel Hall. Not really. Dream was what remained.
"It is a terrible fate I have delivered onto him," Morpheus countered weakly. "It would be fair on his part to torment me for it."
Unable to help himself, Hob rested his hand atop Morpheus'. His skin was warmer than usual, he noticed. Human. Instead of pulling away, Morpheus leant towards him, almost nuzzling against his shoulder.
"I have never fallen asleep," he confided softly. "Never dreamt. Not once."
It had always felt odd to Hob that Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares, did not sleep. How scary it must be, for someone who had never done it, to surrender yourself to the hand of another, in your most vulnerable state. Scary enough to leave the bed and avoid sleep altogether.
"I could hold you," Hob suggested gently. "Whatever happens in the Dreaming, it can't harm you here, can it?"
"No. Not really."
Not the most reassuring answer. Nor the clearest. Vagueness was a Morpheus trait, then, not a Dream trait. Good to know.
"I would like that. You, holding me."
"Come here, love."
It happened slowly, inch by inch, but Morpheus nestled into Hob's arms, resting his head in the crook of Hob's neck. Hob could feel his breath blowing against his skin, warm, regular, vital. It was odd, but far from unwelcome. More new than anything else.
"How does it happen? Do I merely close my eyes and wait?"
"Essentially. There is a relaxation aspect to it, though."
Clearly something Morpheus had no experience with either, considering how tense he felt against him.
"You could... breathe with me."
"Breathe with you?"
The suggestion sounded ridiculous in Morpheus' mouth, but Hob was not so easily deterred.
"Yeah, just... just humour me."
It was difficult, at first, for Morpheus to follow the rhythm of Hob's breathing. He was going either too fast or too slow, as though breathing did not come naturally to him, which, in fairness, it did not. It was a conscious effort, every time. After a few minutes of off-beat inhales and exhales, they came to a harmony, their chests rising and falling in tandem. Morpheus had only been pretending to sleep earlier, Hob understood. He could see it now, from the way his face truly relaxed, how his body became more pliant in his arms. If he was not fully asleep, he was getting there, at last.
Hob smiled at the sight, pressing his cheek against his lover's forehead. He could feel Morpheus' pulse where he held him, strong, regular, and undeniably human. Yet no less the man he loved, in spite of the changes.
"Sweet dreams, dear heart."
He raised his eyes to the ceiling, knowing full well there was no one to hear, and no one listening, but he could not help but add:
"Let him rest, will you? I don't think he's ever done that in his life. Might as well start this one with something new."
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Heavy spoilers!
This is a barebone storyline for RBB. I am too fed up with keeping it down so we're posting it somewhere.
If you do want to read this, and afterwards want to talk about the events listed. That is completely fine. Even encouraged! But for others sake we are going to have to use code words if we are talking about it.
Start a ask with "The colorful mango" just those words! I will then answer the ask, and ask what you want to talk about. Of which then we can continue the conversation underneath read more blocks.
I will be tagging this for my convenience. Luckily though I will use code words. Which are going to be along the same light as the cherry incident wording. I will be listing these different code words next to each event.
Let's get started.
So. We have the generic storyline opening as everything else. Sun got taken over by the kill code. Moon was getting taken over by the kill code. Attempted to make some AI that failed. The computer merge those AIs together to create Blue Moon. Blue Moon lived for about a month alongside moon before they went kill code crazy. At some point meeting Golden in the process. The cube came a couple months later. Then blackstar. Then Earth.
That is a generic timeline everyone knows. This is what's happening after. What hopefully will happen during the ask series. Although the ask series is more of a tying of events. Plus almost a separate timeline. It's basically just a way for me to tie together events without having to think about the downtime.
But let's get started. Really.
So Black Star made a deal with Earth. Basically he caught her trying to mind control Blue Moon. Before he was able to get out of there he caught him. Forcing him to stay quiet under the preface that she will do the same to him. Black Star stays quiet then. If he doesn't mess with her she won't mess with him.
It's not until he starts feeling bad about it that he wants to do something new.
Do note that this listed string of events is really for the ask series. Probably going to steal things from there to fill up the story if I ever do write it down.
Basically blackstar and Blue Moon's relationship grows. Black Stars still a little shit, but he wants to care for Blue Moon. Which includes stopping the whole mess. Black Star doesn't know how to get into contact with Golden so he figures to go somewhere else. Roxanne.
(I don't watch the Roxanne and Gregory show on a daily basis. So yes her personality is very different from what it might be in the show. There's just a lot of things that are different in this.)
Unfortunately this idea is cut short. Blue Moon gets teleported to lost Lord. A place blackstar isn't familiar with. So Blue Moon has to defend him and themselves as they get attacked by the cursed spikes. Yada yada shenanigans. This is a more time filler space. Point is by the end of it Lost Lord's still hates Blue Moon. They're only going to hold back their fury because blackstar made a sort of an alliance.
When they get back Earth is lucky enough to find Black Star. Carefully leaning him back towards pizza plex. Much to his concealed disappointment. Set back up where sun and moon are angry at Blue Moon for getting teleported. Mainly because they teleported back on top of one of suns clean up supply piles. Which makes it so the black star has to attempt to calm them while Earth quietly threatens there life. She also makes sure Black Star realizes that getting help is to break their contract.
This is kind of the extent of what I have planned for the ask series as of now. So from here on it's bullet point events. Not a lot of stringing events together. I'm also regoing over some events that are in the ask series. Just because that's what they boiled down to in the basically ask series Canon.
Blue Moon is extremely tired with their life. Wanting something better that they've seen in all the other universes.
Worm in my apple.
Black Star gets introduced. Instantly knows something's wrong with Earth. Seeing her as an almost copy of him.
Blue Moon gets the taste of the virus.
The Cherry incident.
Blackstar gets caught and makes a deal with Earth to leave him alone.
Rambutan times.
Lost Lord. Blue Moon has to introduce blackstar to the first dangers He's probably ever seen. Black Star does something to help them survive through their stay.
Some good apples.
Eclipse Brothers world. worried about blackstar. Pissed but okay with blue moon.
Mutated carrot.
Beast maker world. Get to experience that nightmare.
Ripe raisins.
Old lunar getting worried. - visited?
A bunch of grapes.
Other wild world. -perhaps a lava world. -perhaps just CC -maybe filler.
Snapped celery.
Black Star feeling bad. It's getting out of hand.
They visit a world with an Earth. Blue Moon gets attached and unfortunately attacks a sun for her. Despite her not wanting them to.
Blue Moon deeply regrets and is extremely confused.
Rolling pickle.
Blackstar fleas to try and find help. Unfortunately leaving Blue Moon to get taken over by Earth's virus.
Black Star heads to EB to get help. Shy due to Earth's threaten but EB protects him.
Bell pepper.
Earth learns about the star from Blue Moon.
Black Star essentially gathers a mini army to stop Earth.
Smashed mangoes.
Earth heads to Golden and by pretending that Blue Moon is okay. Gaines access to the star.
The others try and stop her. Unfortunately Blue Moon taken over by the virus and fights for her.
Earth uses the star. It breaks. Blue Moon along with it.
Earth did not mean to hurt blue moon. In her sorrow, Golden gains back control of the situation.
Fruit basket.
Blue Moon is.. dead? Black Star kills Earth in revenge. He and Golden attempt to fix blue moon. Old lunar, The eclipse Brothers, anyone else, Go to try and get superior help.
The story is unfortunately stuck here. I struggle to link events together. There really should be a lot more downtime in RBB instead of just going to other universes. This is based on the most concrete story I've ever made. Which is correlated to a song. So there's definitely some creative biases.
If any of you want to talk about this stuff I'm happy to. My problem with the story is that there are no filler events. People asking questions about the story helps me think about how to fill those empty holes. It will help this story and the many events more complete. So please, I encourage questions.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
E-girls are ruining vinnies life
Vinnie Hacker x Reader
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Warnings: smut, +18, NSFW, kinky sex
A/N: this is my first vinnie writing, and my second smut. Please go easy on me (unlike vinnie...)
Never in his life did he think this would happen. In the short time he’s been on social media, he’s kept his relationship life private. Fearing the criticism the pore girl would inevitably get. He had seen it countless times to his friends, as soon as they’d announce they had found someone, instant hateful words would flood not only their comments, but their partners. He swore he wouldn’t ever outright publicly show his girlfriend, or announce that he was finally taken. That was, until he met her.
Surprisingly, very little hate or criticism came for them when he announced it that fateful day.
He had posted just a short video, a few seconds of him laying down, with her head resting in his neck. Her face being hidden by her hair. He had posted it to his second account, testing the waters there rather than his main account.
After a few days, and many people speculating, asking who she was, some trying to figure it out, even some claiming it was someone, when it never was. Even some claiming they weren’t dating, just friends. He never responded to any of the questions or comments.
Days had passed, with relatively good reactions to it, they both decided to take it to the next step, by officially posting it to his main account, outing them completely to the world.
He had decided to use the yellow trend to do it, thinking it would be a perfect trend for the purpose.
The first few pictures were of his friends, some from shoots they did, to some when they went skating, to just candid pictures. But after about 3 pictures with his friends, came a photo of her. She was sitting in the grass, a lone dandelion in her hand as she smiled shyly for the photo. Next was a photo of them standing in front of the mirror, she was in front, with his arm securely around her. Next was them standing in the same mirror, only he was dipping her slightly as he bent down to kiss her. A few more pictures of them flashed in the video, ending with a small video he took the night prior. They layer in bed, faces being only lit by the brightness of the phone as he laid on top of her. Their lips only centimeters apart, as he whispered I love you. Both smiling as he leans in, connecting their lips as the video ends.
Love was flooding his comments, so many saying how beautiful she was, saying how happy he looked, and how happy they were for him.
The other side, was people asking who she was, nobody being able to figure it out.
That was due to the fact that, they wouldn’t be able to find out. Because in the world of social media, she didn’t exist.
Early on she told him she wasn’t a social media person. She never had an Instagram, a Facebook, Twitter, nothing but a YouTube account that she’d never post on. Only there to watch videos and play music.
They met by pure luck, at the skatepark. She was sitting by herself, reading a book that engrossed her. She didn’t notice his eyes trainer on her the entire time, fully captivated by the pages.
He finally built up the courage, and being pushed by his friends, to go sit with her.
He was a nervous wreck, barley being able to compose himself enough to say hello and his name.
She thought it was cute, how he stumbled over his words when he talked to her. It was endearing, seeing just how flustered the very attractive man was.
To this day he wonders how he didn’t screw up. But he hadn’t, getting her number an hour after talking. Promising to take her out that weekend. And the rest, was history for them.
Over the next few weeks, he would randomly post a video of them together, usually on his second account. They both would sit and laugh at some of the comments, finding it Hilarious how crazy people were getting at trying to figure out who she was. Some came to the conclusion that she didn’t have any, with most begging her to make one.
It had been a relatively uneventful day, some might even call it boring.
Vinnie had been out most of the day, informing her of the plans he had with some of his friends. Promising her to be home that night, sealing his promise with a chaste kiss to her lips as he ran out the door, her heart thumping in her chest as he walked away.
She laid on their shared bed, her legs bare as they rubbed against the soft blanket.
Only odorning a black tee shirt that covered her panties, barely shielding her from the cold outside. Thanking the heavens for the hearing system as she laid there, contemplating.
Agoraphobic played in the speakers as she laid there, drowning out any and all noise. She had grown a strong liking to the artist corpse, finding herself playing his music or humming the lyrics through the day. Vinnie would sometimes make fun of her, saying that she loved him more than her own boyfriend. She would scoff, kissing his plump lips, reminding him the love she had for the curly headed boy.
The song finally ending, changing to the next in her playlist. A smile disarming at her lips when she heard it. While agoraphobic was her favorite, there was just something special when she’s hear e girls are ruining my life. Vinnie would joke that this song was meant for her, how it reminded him of her each time he heard the lyrics.
She held her phone to her chest, looking up at the bright led lights above her. ‘Fuck it’ she thought, pulling her phone from her chest, going to the App Store, and downloading the one app she swore she’d never use.
One video she thought, just one. She looked at his videos first, reading a few of the contents, her heart thumping in her chest. An outcry of people asking him to have her make an account, some even begging him.
It wasn’t that she hated social media, it was just it had never crossed her mind as something she wanted to get into. She knew how popular vinnie and his friends were, having seen them when he would show her. She had especially been worried about making one when she first started dating him, fearing someone would find out and out them before they were ready.
She was even more fearful in a way when they announced it, fearing the ridicule she would face if she made one. But the amount of love people were showering both them and her in each of the videos, made her heart soar in her chest. Finally making her decision, she got to work.
His phone was vibrating in his pocket, confusion filling him. It wasn’t a phone call, no, it was notifications going off.
He pulled his phone out, seeing a plethora of tags from his friends flash over the screen. His brows knitted together in confusion, not understanding what was going on. Why was he being tagged and sent this one tiktok?
He got his answer when he opened a link sent by Jordan. He red the text from him, even more confused when he did. ‘You have to see this.’ The text red, seeing a link sent right after.
Shock filled him when he watched it, questions filling his mind as he sat there, eyes glued to the screen.
It was a video posted by his girlfriend, from her own account. It was simple really, well, that’s a bad word for it.
She sat on the floor, leaning against their shared bed. A mirror proper in front of her, showing her and their empty bed.
He had the mirror installed in front of the bed a month prior, contemplating on having it placed above the bed.
It was a surprise for her, having it done the day of their 5 month anniversary. Worry filled him that she wouldn’t like it or find it weird, but he was proven wrong that same night. It was one of the greatest nights they had, finding every way to fuck in front of it, their pleasure heightened with being able to watch as they both came undone.
Since then, they used it every time. Being able to sit in front of it, with her facing it as he makes her watch as he slams into her, loving being able to pull her hair back as moans slip from her lips as he makes eye contact through the mirror.
She sat on the floor, only wearing one of his black shirts, barely covering her clothes core. She was sitting there, a chuckle making its way out of him when he heard the song. He knew if she ever made an acount or video, she would use one of corpses songs. She loves his music, barely being able to deny the fact due to how much she’d listen to him. E girls he knew was one of her favorites, finding her humping the lyrics on the daily when she’s being going the most mundane things.
His eyes bulged out of his head when he looked behind her, his heart thumping in his chest even worse. His cock throbbing in his pants when he saw it.
There in the background, was a pair of handcuffs secured on their headboard.
Having used them only the night before, his cock grew almost painful Ashe thought of the memories.
The sounds of her moans ripping out from her as she tried pulling free her hands as he rocked harshly into her played in his mind. Making it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything beside her and the memories. And the thought of what was to come when he got home.
His heart pounded in his chest when he looked at the comments, one sticking out. People had caught on to the handcuffs, not many, but the numbers were rising. But one comment, had one reply. ‘ARE THOSE HANDCUFFS I SEE 👀’ it red, being highlighted by being liked by the creator, with a reply by creator. ‘Like my bracelets? 😊’
His footsteps echoed throughout the large home, barley being able to hear them due to his heart pounding in his ears. He could feel the blood coursing through him as he bears his door, hearing nothing from the other side.
He opens up the door, instantly his eyes trained on her like a hawk. There she laid on their bed, again, only clad in his shirt.
Her eyes met his, a smile forming on her face. “Hey lovey.” She chirped, getting up from their bed, a pep in her step as she neared him.
She got up on her toes to reach him, him bending his head down, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. She could feel the need in his lips as he wrapped his arms around her torso, feeling him tighten his grip ever so slightly.
He opens his mouth slightly, darting his tongue out, licking her lip lightly. Her granting him access as they stood there in each other’s arms. She pulled away with a chuckle. “What’s gotten into you?” She asked, a teasing smile on her face. “Take a wild guess.” He grunted, crashing his lips to hers again. She pulled away again, chuckling at his grunt of frustration when she did. “I don’t know? Tell me?” She teased, making his grip on her tighten even harder. “Maybe, it has something to do with that little video you posted. Maybe it might also have to do with the fact that you hadn’t hid those handcuffs. Now everyone will know.” He grunted, tightening his arms even harder around her.
She could feel his cock pressing hard against her stomach, excitement growing inside her.
He leaned in to crash his lips with hers again, but she out her hand in the way before he could. He looked at her questionly, making her chuckle. “Before we do anything. I need your help with another video.”
It took every ounce of sheer willpower for him not to bend her over and fuck her right there when they recorded it. His cock throbbing even worse the longer it took. But in the end, even he had to admit, it was worth it.
Same song as her last one, only this time, the video was entirely different.
She had the camera facing her side profile, her facing him and not the camera. Him discreetly out of the frame.
As the lyrics started, he reached his hand up, grabbing her by the throat as she lip synced the lyrics, his hand having a firm hold on her delicate neck. As the song continued, he moved his hand up, pulling her bottom lip out, sticking his thumb between her reddened plum lips.
She gave a simple caption, one they knew would make everyone who watched it go insane. ‘The other version.’
A groan rips from the back of his throat, her hands tangling in his curls harshly. Their tongues battled as they pant, neither one wanting to pull away from one another.
His hands held tightly to her thighs, gripping the soft flesh as a moan rips out of her. His rings axing to the sensation as she pulls his hair even harder.
He pulls his lips from hers, letting out a chuckle when she chased his lips momentarily. He duped his head down into her neck, running his lips along the skin, until he felt her legs wrap around him as a moan slips past her lips. He starts sucking harshly on her skin, feeling her trembling under him.
He widens her legs, looking down between them, letting out a grunt. He can see the wetness through her panties, nearly smelling her desire. He pulled them down her legs, watching in amazement when she opened up her legs to him. He had seen her naked plenty of times, but it still caught his breath every time he saw her core.
He went back to her neck, sucking on the bruised skin. He ran his hand down her thigh, feeling her tremble as small whines slipped past her lips.
He pulled his head from her neck, hovering his lips just enough over hers. A smile broke out on his face as his fingers finally met her core, a large moan breaking through her.
His fingers rut harshly through her velvety walls, making her yell out. His cock throbbed in his pants as her core sucked his fingers inside of her, making him want to replace his hand with his painfully hard cock.
She can hardly breathe as his fingers hardly pound inside of her, waves of pure bliss engulfing her at the feel. His rings adding a level of chill, making her shake as he speeds up.
He dips his head back into her neck as he bites her skin, rutting his hips into the mattress to relieve some of the pain.
As if it couldn’t get better, she feels him thrust his fingers even faster, making her jump when he hits that one spot. It’s been his mission, every time they had sex, he had to hit it each time. Whether it was with his cock or hands, he had to.
He feels her walls tightening as her moans grow louder, feeling her walls quiver slightly. He speeds his hands up, adding his thumb to rub her clit harshly, making her cry out. “Yeah that’s right, such a good girl.” He whispers, making her cry out. “God I love how your walls just squeeze my fingers, wishing it was my cock. Wouldn’t you love that? To feel my cock pound inside of you? To have it suck me dry as I make it mine forever?” “Yes! Please!” She yells out, making him chuckle. “Then cum for me sweet girl.”
A large groan breaks out of him when she lets out a yell, thrashing around as he feels her release, feeling her core tightened and suck his fingers inside of her even more. A cry breaking past her lips as it all grows too much.
She pulls his pants from him, eagerly trying to rip them from his body.
They both lay naked, chests flushed together. He feels his heart hammer against his chest, feeling hers beat in the same rhythm.
A groan slips past his lips as her hands glide along his shaft, making his arms shake as pleasure courses through him.
He grabs his cock in his hands, lining himself up to her entrance. A hiss breaking past him as his painfully hard head slips between her lips, the wetness of her core nearly making him explode.
He lays his forehead on hers, both taking in a deep breath as he eases himself inside her. They both shudder in a breath as he enters her, both shaking as his cock slides inside her. “Fuck I love your pussy baby.” He groans out, kissing her sloppily. He momentarily doesn’t move, stealing his breath.
He did this every time, always giving her a couple of seconds to get used to the feeling of his cock stretching her. Always easing into it slowly, rocking his hips at a slow place, gradually increasing his speed of his thrusts.
He wasn’t much of a speed guy, he always would go slowly but hard, not growing in speed till they both neared the edge.
He pulled out slowly, slamming himself back in hardly, moving her and the bed back as a cry rips out of her. He feels her walls close tightly around him as he thrusts inside of her, making him groan out. She pulls his hair harshly, pulling his head back as he hisses out. Making him slam into her harder.
They both can’t help but yell out as time passes, making it nearly impossible to stay quiet. His cock slamming into her harder, a cry ripping out of him when her nails take down his back. Making him arch into her. His hand slips from her thighs to her neck, pushing on the sides as she struggles for air.
Their lips collide in a sloppy kiss as his thrusts speed up, his hair sweaty and dangling in her face.
Knots grow in their stomachs as they feel their release approach, making him speed his trusts more. “I-I wanna cum. Please vin, fuck please.” She moans out, making him grip her hip even harder. He bends his head back into her neck, biting the skin harshly as his thrusts grow sloppy. “Hold it.” He grunts into her ear, making her cry out as she tries to ward off the impending orgasm.
He feels her wetness seeping down his thighs as he slammed even harder, making her cry out as she shakes, trying her hardest not to cum. “Fuck vinnie I can’t, fuck please I can’t.” She sobs out, tears streaming down her face as she shakes, using every last strength inside her to hold it. She feels it breaking as it approaches, nearly breaking as tears stream from her eyes. He gowns out in her neck, feeling her walls tighten and shake as he tries holding on. “Cum for me.” He groans out, a groan breaking through him as she screams out. Wave of pure Ecstasy take over her body as she squeezes him inside her, making her cry out as she violently thrashes.
He can’t hold it any longer, feeling himself break as he yells out a deep groan as he cumsinside her, making both shake as her walls suck out every drop he lets out, making him shake as waves of white hot pleasure rake over one another.
They both lay there, his arms giving out as they shake. Their arms grabbing onto one another as they try calming the aftershocks of their orgasms. He uses all his strength to lean up, connecting their lips as they pant.
Feeling themselves sink into the soft mattress, they both lay on their sides, his clock still buried inside her, making both their eyes grow heavy. Before they fall into a deep slumber, they connect their lips.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Let it Rain (MGG Request)
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Request: mgg smut request! you and matthew are having sex and he makes you squirt for the first time. at first you are embarrassed and go to apologize. matthew stops you and says you are going to keep do squirting until he says to stop. yall have rough sex and you end up squirting like 4 times. afterwards he is AMAZED by you even more than before. he tells you that his mission in life is to fuck you so good you squirt everytime.
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! Here I am once again posting requests in the A.M. hours omg i cannot with myself. If I hadn’t taken a nap this would have been published waaaaay earlier, so pls forgive my tardiness. Hope this is everything you’ve ever wanted and more from a smut ❤️ Happy reading!
Couple: MGG/Fem!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Swearing, rough sex, penetrative sex, overstimulation, squirting, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, slapping
Word count: 1.7k
A Saturday night inside spent with Matthew was your favourite way to spend the night. What made it even better was being in bed with him, cuddled up and making out. The best part was his hands caressing your leg up and down with a sense of need in his touch. You had your hand desperately clung around his neck to keep his head in place, so he wouldn’t dare part his lips from yours.
He turned you on your back. He continued to kiss you feverishly as his hands were up to no good. He slid his hand up your thigh and slipped his hands up the back of your shorts. He squeezed your ass which made you arch your back and free yourself from his lips as you let out a soft gasp. He went in to kiss your neck and you could feel his smile forming.
“Someone’s already excited,” he said.
“How could I not be?” You said.
He chuckled and removed his hand from your shorts. He leaned up from your neck, so he could look at your keen face. He licked his lips as you felt his hands slip under your shorts and pulled them off along with your drenched underwear. He tossed them aside and didn’t hesitate to feel just how wet you were. He glided his fingers up and down your folds as he watched your breathing become more urgent.
“You like when I do that?” He asked.
“I love it,” you said.
You then felt him stick his finger in you. You bit your lip as he slowly fingered you. He kissed you on the cheek before his lips found their way to your ear.
“How about that?” He asked
“Yes,” you moaned.
“Do you want another finger in you?” He asked.
“Yes, I do,” you said.
He stuck another finger in you. When he did his pace also increased. Your laboured breathing turned into deep moans. He grabbed your neck to pull you closer to your face. You looked at him and saw how wide his eyes were with a strong sense of yearning.
“Tell me you want a third finger in you,” he demanded.
“I want a third finger in me,” you said.
He gripped your neck tighter. “Beg for it.”
“Please, put a third finger in me,” you begged.
He stuck a third finger in you. You let out a yelp as he started to move his fingers in a ‘come here’ motion inside of you. He didn’t stop there though. He switched between doing that and taking a few seconds to pump in and out of you. You closed your eyes as you continued to moan at his fingers doing the most for you.
“You like that?” He asked.
“I fucking love it,” you squeaked.
As he started curling his fingers on your g-spot again, you felt yourself squirt. Your eyes shot open to see Matthew looking at your squirt come out of you. You stayed wide-eyed and silent as you had never squirted before. He took his fingers out of you and you could feel the overbearing feeling of embarrassment. He looked back at you with shock on his face which only worsened your embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. I-”
He pulled your head closer to his face. He planted a rough, tongue heavy kiss on you before pulling your head back. He no longer looked shocked at you. He looked intrigued, almost crazy looking.
“You’re going to keep squirting until I say stop. Okay?” He said.
You nodded your head. “Okay.”
He let go of your neck, so he could take off your shirt. You weren’t wearing any form of bra because Matthew loved to play with your breasts in bed. As expected he grabbed them and touched them roughly to get a reaction from you. You tilted your head back and let out soft yelps.
He then changed his position by sliding his arm under you, so you were close against his body he went back to roughing up your breast as he leaned in to make out with you. He kissed you with such a hunger and need which drove you crazy. What drove you even more crazy was the touch of his fingers from his other hand vigorously circling your clit.
At a certain point you had to stop kissing him because you couldn’t contain your loud moans any longer. He took the opportunity to leave little bites along the side of your neck. You grabbed his upper arm and squeezed it tight trying your best not to squirt so soon again. Too bad for you your body had a mind of its own. You let out a huge gasp as you once again squirted all over Matthew’s hand.
He moved his hand from your clit and grabbed your jaw. He roughly jerked it to look at him. His eyes were dark with lust now. He leaned into your face enough for his lips to brush against yours but not touch.
“I felt you holding back. Don’t you dare fucking hold back again. Understand?” He asked.
He shook your head for you as you let out a small, weak ‘yes.’ He removed his hands from underneath your body and let go of your face. He took a pillow and lifted your legs, so he could stuff it right under your ass. He went in front of you. You looked up at him and watched anxiously as he stared down at you.
“Can you squirt a third time for me?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said.
He slapped your right breast before grabbing it roughly. You arched your back as you let out a shriek. You looked back up at him to see him smirking but quickly bit his lip to mask his excitement. He removed his hand from your breast to take off his boxers. When you saw his dick spring out, you felt your body temperature rise.
His hands grabbed the sides of your hips to inch you closer to his dick. You watched as he slowly slid it in you. You gasped and tilted your head back once it was all inside you. You don’t ever think you’d get over how much he filled you. As if the feeling of his dick wasn’t enough, he started to use his thumb to circle your clit.
“Fuck,” you moaned.
You peeping a word was motivation enough for him to go faster, harder and rougher on you. You could feel your legs shaking from the overstimulation he was enforcing on you. You reached your hand towards him as a weak attempt to slow him down. He immediately used his free hand to pin your arm down. He leaned into you, so he could be closer to your face as he continued to fuck you at his own pace.
“What did I say about holding back?” He asked.
“Not to do it,” you squeaked.
He slapped you on your cheek. “That’s fucking right. What aren’t you going to do again?”
“Hold back,” you squeaked.
He slapped you on your cheek again. “That’s fucking right.”
He then grabbed your neck to hold you still, so he could fuck you in peace. You couldn’t help keep your mouth agape as he toyed with your clit and fucked you relentlessly. He wasn’t looking at you anymore but was focused on watching to see when you were going to squirt. You didn’t have him waiting long because you squirted on him again. He looked back up at you amazed by the sight he just witnessed.
“You’re fucking amazing,” he said.
“I want to squirt for you a fourth time,” you said.
His eyes instantly lit up when you said that. He pulled you up by your neck to give you another mouthful of a kiss. He grabbed the back of your hair as he yanked you away from him. He panted heavily as he looked at you with those same crazy eyes.
“Tell me you want to squirt for me again,” he said.
“I want to squirt for you again,” you said.
He yanked your hair. “Again.”
“I want to fucking squirt for you again.”
He yanked  your hair. “Again.”
“I want to fucking squirt for you again.”
He yanked you down on the bed by your hair before turning you over onto your stomach. He grabbed onto your hips and jerked you back towards him. His dick instantly slipped into you as you let out a shriek from the feeling of him slamming into your overstimulated pussy. No surprise though, he used his hand to circle your pussy. He had found a nice, sure-fire way to get you to squirt fast.
You couldn’t even catch a proper breath as he did everything in his power to make you squirt. The way your legs were quivering with a tingling feeling running through your body made you believe he was going to get more than squirting from you.
He used his free hand to grab a bundle of your hair as he continued to pound into you. You could hear his cool, collected tone wear off as he was now breathing inconsistently. You could tell he was about to cum himself. You beat him to the chase as you let out a shriek as you squirted and came at the same time.
You heard Matthew gasp as you orgasmed, but you didn’t know whether it was from amazement at you or if he came himself. The way he was still fucking you though was answer enough. You weakly kept yourself balanced as you let him fuck you until he came.
You moaned as you felt him cum in you before he pulled out. As soon as he pulled out, you collapsed on the bed. You laid there with no ounce of strength left in your body. All the excitement and overstimulation had worn you completely out. It was worth it though to know Matthew was happy with the newfound talent you had.
He crawled onto of you, gently kissing your shoulder. You turned your head to the side to look at him. He had a huge smile on his face which made you smile back. He kissed you on your lips and tucked your hair behind your ear.
“I think my new mission in life is to fuck you so good you squirt every time,” he whispered.
“I’d love that,” you said.
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection​, @slutforthegubes​, @pinkdiamond1016​, @spencerreidsthings​, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​, @slutforsr​
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ajbwasntwriting · 4 years
Daughter!Reader X Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 8. Civil Unrest
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For all intents and purposes this is filler so the next chapter will be up in the next few minutes
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
In a few days you were up on your feet, your need to survive driving your fast recovery. As soon as you could sit up without nearly fainting and you could bend your fingers without much pain you started taking patients. Mainly burns and cuts. You kept your head down while working, adding to your intimidating reputation. They didn’t realise you were just trying to conceal yourself while looking for familiar faces. You rarely left the medical bay, even when it was icy cold.
Carol checked on you regularly, seemingly incredibly concerned for you. It almost pained you to suspect her to be out to get you. Luckily she seemed convinced that because you had been alone for so long that you’d take a long time getting used to the walls. Maybe she figured out that you were just biding time for leaving again.
“Are you okay?” Laura pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up suddenly, nodded, and went back to your reading. All these patient profiles from the previous physician were thorough. “Why would Emmett be this detailed with extremely basic medical care” you tought, then again he was a captive here just as much as you were. He probably had nothing better to do. “Are you sure? You look so serious.” She continued. You looked up to her. She was lying on one of the beds chewing on a piece of hard plastic. Having to keep a watch on ‘The New Doc’ would’ve been extremely boring.
“Just a lot of reading” you sat up and stretched your arms, not realising how long you had sat hunched over the hand-written pages. “Doctors have horrible handwriting and this guy sure likes to drag his point out”
“How bad is it?” She asked. You lifted the profile of another patient and followed along with your finger.
“The left Thenar has suffered tremendous infliction resulting in the loss of elasticity and possible avulsion of the tissue” You read aloud in a dramatic voice
“What?” Laura said, taking the plastic out of her mouth for a moment
“He pulled the muscle in his thumb, possibly tearing it” you flopped the paper down, rubbing your forehead.
“And all those pages are full of that shit” Laura pressed. You sighed with a nod.
“I never thought I’d be grateful to have done AP english.” you sighed
“Okay smart ass no need to show off” Laura chuckled, chewing on the plastic again.
“Please,” you sat back in the chair “My old man made me do it. ‘You already speak english so it should be a breeze’ he said”
“Those kind of parents?”
“You’re familiar?”
“Yep” Laura sat up, hunching over her now crossed legs. “My dad was a lawyer. Mom was an accountant. They kept pushing me to over achieve”
“Bet they weren’t happy with that” you spoke, pointing to your neck to reference Laura’s tattoo. Her hand went over it instinctively.
“I had already skipped town with my boyfriend before I got this.” She laughed. The smile melted away as she slowly stroked her neck. “Hadn’t seen them since. Probably dead.”
The room got a lot more quiet. It was crazy to think you both were so close in age but had gone through so much hell in the same world. But Laura was a saviour. You were Negan’s kid. If you were to be friends it would have to be at an arm’s reach.
The momentum changed when Carol arrived in, holding a small tray with cookies on them. The smell told you they were fresh. Your heart wanted to tell her to get out, but those cookies smelled too damn good.
“How’s the hard work going ladies.” she spoke with a cheery voice, setting the tray down in front of you. You were on it instantly. You took a cookie with you as you limped over to lock the door to the medical bay. “Any news?” Carol whispered
Carol had asked you and Laura to investigate the uprising of Negan supporters in the Sanctuary. Well, mainly Laura since she would know more people in Carol’s eyes. The payment, cookies. Though Laura would probably do it for free. She enjoyed the new peace that came with being aligned with the other settlements.
“Just the usual hot-heads” Laura sighed. You limped back to your chair.
“They like to complain to me.” you gently sat down. You’d only been back walking without the full splint for a couple days now but the clunky half splint on your lower leg wasn’t exactly walker friendly. “‘You should’ve seen how great we were when Negan was running the place’ and other shit”
“What do you think of it?” Carol asks you seriously. You suck the sugar off your fingers happily.
“He mustn’t have been that good if he’s not in charge anymore.”
They had their little meeting then as Carol was leaving you piped up,
“How’s the bridge team?”
“No.” Carol retorted quickly as if speaking to a child. “You are not going out there how many times do I have to tell you.”
“I could help-”
“You’re needed here Y/N” she spoke firmly.
“Yes, mom.” you groaned from your chair, earning a laugh from Laura. Carol left quickly.
“Why do you wanna join the bridge team so badly?” Laura asked through a mouthful of cookie.
“I miss the fresh air, I guess” and there’s more chances to get away from you all.
That evening you were restless. Normally it was the pain that kept you up late but it also exhausted you. You got out of the medical bed you’d claimed as your own, one of three that outfitted the med bay. You limped your way out of the medbay, not bothered if you woke Laura. The bathroom was down the hall so she would just assume you had to pee, especially since you had taken the torch dedicated to midnight bathroom visits. Being the medic gave you the luxury of a torch instead of matches and a candle.
It hurt to climb up so many stairs, with both your wounds and the cold seeping into your skin, but you’d be tired by the time you came back down anyway. You walked onto what used to be Negan’s floor. Your ‘family’s’ floor. You’d wanted to see it for a while now, out of curiosity more than anything else.
You first went to your father’s room. Pushing the door open you felt a burst of cold air whip around you viciously. The room has been stripped of its furnishings, right down to the carpets. Taken away to be burned most likely. The windows were shattered, the bullet holes in the ceiling giving away the method. It was so completely devoid of any sign of human life one would say it always had been. You closed the door and continued onto the parlour where the wives would spend their day. This room didn’t have windows but the room was still completely void of any of the glamour that once adorned it. The only remnants was the wall paper which was peeling off due to the damp.
The image of the forgotten rooms didn’t stir emotion in the way you thought they would. You imagined getting overwhelmed with emotion, but you felt nothing. No that wasn’t right, you felt a loss. Not a loss of the grandeur you had gotten to enjoy in captivity, not a loss of the fake smiles from your many ‘mothers’. You felt a loss of your father. You mourned the man you had called your father, and the idea that all that was left of the memory of him were these halls where cowards bowed to him. You felt an overwhelming realisation that the man you called ‘Pops’ had died long before ‘Negan’ formed.
Your final destination was your room. You figured it would also be empty but your room was a bit away, down the end of a hall few knew how to get too. You’d had more roaches as visitors than people. Your father had chosen it for you so the ‘common nobodies’ wouldn’t see you easily, another measure to keep you safe.
It also worked the other way as you round the corner and see a light coming from what used to be your room. The hall was lined with offices and storage rooms you knew you could dive into if someone appeared so you turned off your light and walked down the hall gingerly on your feet. You were now only a couple feet away from the door when you heard voices coming from the end of the hall, from what used to be your room.
“I still can’t believe they put this bitch here to keep an eye on us. That fucking redneck was an ass but atleast he didn’t pretend to be all fucking nice”
“It’s probably a play to get us to relax. They’ve got us locked in this factory and don’t give us nearly enough food, and they won’t let us go to the other settlements”
“We’re prisoners. They said they only wanted to lock up Negan but now we’re all starving.”
“Enough of your bitching.”
They went on to talk about how many people were on their side and their efforts to get weapons. They clearly had no idea you were listening. After all, what kind of idiot is gonna climb up over ten floors for no reason. Other than sentiment perhaps. It sounded like there were about four people in the room, but they spoke like they had a few under their influence. They were looking for weapons and a means to get back at ‘Rick and his posse’.
“We’ll bring them that bitch Carol’s head on a spike for them.”
“What about the bridge? We got people working there for food.”
“And then what? They’re just gonna keep extorting us for slave labour or let us starve.”
You were so drawn in by their words that the door opening startled you. You charged from your spot into an open room, a storage closet of a sort. You knew it was too risky to close the door so you stood against the wall next to the door. They walked along the hall bantering loudly. You sidestepped deeper into the room, knocking something with your foot making a loud metal sound. The voices stopped and you instantly froze, holding your breath like your life depended on it. A light shun into the closet, then the other way.
“Probably just a rat” one of the voices spoke. “We can set some traps and stew it for dinner”.
They continued down the hall, their steps growing faint a minute or so later. The adrenaline began to subside and the pain from the recent strain on your leg made itself very apparent. You stepped out of the closet and walked down the hall to your old room. Maybe they left some evidence you could use to barter for your freedom.
You opened the door to your room, only illuminated by the moonlight coming from the window. Unlike the other rooms, your room hadn’t been completely ransacked. The mattress had been taken off the frame but the metal skeleton remained as well as the rug under your bed. Other than that it appeared empty. You turned on your torch to get a better view.
On your bed frame lay what had to be near a hundred dead wild flowers. Your breath caught in your throat at the site. You moved and sat on the bed frame, the metal sending a chill up your body. You placed a hand on the dry stems and something hit the ground with a thump. You moved to look under the bed as quick as you could, reaching under the bed you cut yourself on something sharp. You moved your torch on it and grabbed it again, this time from a less dangerous end.
Under the bed you pulled out the knife that had your name engraved on it. The metal shun bright in the light as if lovingly polished until it’s inevitable abandonment. You hadn’t realized you had begun to cry until a tear fell onto the blade and began to fill the engraving.
~Tag List~
@bodeckersbitch @lauren-novak​ @aestthete
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Ranch {10}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
A/N: enjoy!
The Ranch Masterlist
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Cassian threw open the closet in the bedroom of his cabin. Sure, he’d spent quite a bit of time on minuscule dates and hanging out at the bar through the years, but it had been a while since he’d taken a woman out on a proper date.
And here he was, about to take Nesta, a fucking gourmet chef, to dinner. With an hour before he was supposed to “pick her up”, he still had no idea where they were going. He’d run through the list of restaurants in their little town a hundred times through his head as he went through his work that day, but none of them seemed good enough.
What also didn’t seem good enough were the shirts he was staring at. Maybe he’d just stay in what he was already wearing - the towel around his waist. She seemed to prefer him in such, anyways, considering the night they had spent together the day before.
And what a damn fantastic night it had been.
No, Cassian wanted their date to be perfect.
Once again, he stared at the line of shirts hanging in his closet.
He groaned and dragged his hand down his face before he walked across the room and texted Elain.
You busy?
He waited a minute, no reply to his text, and he was both impatient and short on time.
So he called her.
“You couldn’t even wait for me to text you back and tell you that I’m not busy?” Her voice was full of laughter as she answered the phone.
“Sort of in a rush and also freaking out,” he said, beginning to pace.
She was instantly on red alert. “What? Why? Are you okay?”
He shook his head, realizing he’d worried her for no reason. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m taking your sister out on a date tonight and I have no idea what to wear.”
He was met with silence on the other line.
“I’m here, I’m...trying to make sense of what you just said.” She stuttered a second. “You said you’re taking Nesta on a date tonight?”
“My sister, Nesta?”
“Yes,” Cassian said, with no chill. “And I’m in a hurry.”
“Taking Nesta out makes you cranky,” Elain muttered. “Okay, I’m here, what is it you need?”
“I don’t know what to wear.”
Another stretch of silence. 
Cassian sighed, impatiently. “Elain.”
“Sorry,” she said, tone laced with laughter. “I just...You’re worried about what you’re going to wear?”
“Everything I have looks the same,” he mumbled. 
“Then wear one of your fifty plaid shirts,” she laughed. “And your one pair of nice jeans.”
“Really?” He asked, grabbing one of his more expensive shirts from the closet. “But I wear this every day-.”
“She’s seen you everyday and has she ever had a problem with it?” she interrupted.
“I- No,” he admitted. “What kind of food does she like? I asked her to dinner and then I realized that she’s a chef and that nothing around here would be up to her standards.”
Elain paused, but finally said, “Do you trust me?”
Cassian hesitated, unable to hide the question in his voice. “Usually?”
She chuckled. “I’m going to send you an address. Don’t look it up, just trust me, okay?”
He blinked. Well, it was a better idea than he had. “Okay, sure. Yeah, I won’t look it up.”
Elain squealed. “Yay! Alright, stand by. I’ll text it to you now.”
Cassian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lainy, you have no idea how grateful I am.”
He could tell she was being genuine when she said, “Anything I can do to help! You both deserve to be happy, to have someone to cherish you and treat you right.” She sighed. “How’d you convince her to finally go out with you?”
Cassian debated on beating around the bush, but knew their families would find out anyways. “We, uh, sort of hooked up last night.”
Not to his surprise, he was met with more silence.
This time, Cassian waited it out. He put his phone on speaker then dropped his towel.
“And by hooked up, you mean…”
“Sex?” Cassian supplied, pulling on his boxers. “Yeah, and it was-.”
“I don’t wanna know.” The words rushed out of Elain so quickly that Cassian knew her cheeks were turning pink.
Cassian chuckled. “Fine. But, it was nice.”
“Were you drunk?” Elain asked, hesitantly.
Cassian rolled his eyes. “No. And she was still there when I woke up this morning, so.”
“Wow, I-.” She paused and repeated, “Wow. You know you’re supposed to take her out before you sleep with her, right?”
“Oh, ha ha.” He said, stepping into his jeans and buttoning them up. His voice was wistful at first. “I can’t help it, I just had to have her. And she actually made the move this time, not me.”
“I still don’t want to know,” she said, laughing. “Have fun, make good choices.”
“I’ll try,” he promised before saying goodbye and tossing the phone onto his bed. A moment later, when he was buttoning up his shirt, her text came through with an address.
He had no idea where she was sending them, and he was almost too scared to look it up, even if he hadn’t promised. After brushing out his hair with his fingers, he tied it at the back of his head and pulled on some socks, then his boots, and sighed.
Beau came hurrying into the bedroom and up onto the bed, wagging his tail.
“How do I look?” Cassian asked, brows raised.
Beau barked.
“I assume that means you approve. Alright,” he said, grabbing his wallet off his nightstand and shoving it into his pocket. “I’ll be back in a little while. Don’t chew up anything...that’s not already chewed up, okay?”
He gave Beau a quick belly rub before strutting toward the front door.
He grabbed his keys and drove over to Nesta’s, hopping out and knocking on her door.
It only took a second for the door to swing open and Cassian’s mouth began to water.
The blue dress she wore was nothing fancy. On the contrary, it was its simplicity that let Nesta’s beauty shine.
Her golden-brown hair was in a simple braid, her brown sandals showing off her painted toenails. A soft pink, the same shade she wore on her full, beautiful lips.
She raised her brows as she said, “You’re staring. You’ve seen me every day for a while now. You can’t stare.”
“I can and I will,” he protested, meeting her eyes. “And it’s not the first time I’ve been caught staring at you.”
Nesta rolled her eyes as she grabbed her bag off the hook by the door. “Where are you taking me?”
She stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind her as he hesitated. “Uh, it’s a surprise.” To us both.
She laughed quietly but said nothing more as they descended the stairs. Cassian opened the passenger side door and held out his hand to help her up, but she ignored it and hauled herself inside. With a chuckle, Cassian closed the door behind her and made his way behind the wheel before making his way down the long driveway.
Once they were out onto the main road, Cassian said, “You look beautiful.”
She didn’t look over at him as a small smile played on those pink lips. “Thanks. You don’t look too bad, either.”
Cassian grinned and turned on the radio, soft music filling the truck. He had already put the address into his GPS, but kept the volume down. He glanced at his phone every few seconds to make sure he was going the right way. The last thing he wanted was for Nesta to ask why he needed directions to know where they were going. What would his reply be? Oh, I called your sister because I was freaking the fuck out, thanks for asking, no big deal.
It was a conversation he wanted to avoid.
“What all did you do today?” he asked. “I didn’t see you around.”
“I was in the main house, prepping for painting,” she said, nodding. “That place needs to be updated before any guests start coming in. So, I taped, covered the carpets in plastic, and moved all furniture to the middle of the floors. Which, I should probably get a few new things there, too. I swear we grew up on shit made in the 1950s.”
Cassian snorted, then looked her direction. “You should’ve asked for help. I could’ve helped with the heavy lifting.”
She rolled her eyes. “I am perfectly capable of doing things on my own, thank you.”
Cassian shook his head as his eyes went back on the road ahead of him. “Trust me, I know.”
Her amused grin was radiant. “What about you? Any fun ranch stuff today?”
“Ranch stuff?” He chuckled. At her own laughter, he continued, “Nothing too crazy. Mostly made sure there was enough hay left for the horses over the weekend. And checked on Barb. She’ll be having her calf any day.”
“What? Really?” She turned to him. “It’s way too late in the year for calves.”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s why I’m keeping such a close eye on her.”
His phone lit up, alerting him that they were approaching their destination. He looked around and chuckled, shaking his head. Leave it to Elain.
He pulled into the little parking lot of an old diner. The sign that read The Starlight Diner was lit up in neon lights. He parked in front of the little building before looking at Nesta to see her reaction.
She was staring at the diner before she turned to him. “You talked to my sister, didn’t you?”
Cassian hesitated, and she laughed. “We used to go here all the time,” she said, shaking her head. “I used to love this place. I can’t tell you how many milkshakes I’ve downed within these walls. And the chili cheese fries? I mean, there’s nothing like them.” 
Cassian had been to the diner before, but not since high school. It used to be a popular hangout, one they went to after they won a big game or smoked too much pot under the bleachers.
“So you’re telling me,” Cassian began, turning off the engine. “That a woman who became a famous chef in Paris likes to go to ancient diners and drink milkshakes and eat chili-cheese fries?”
“Yes,” she said, simply. Then she smiled, softly. “Shall we?”
Cassian, completely speechless and a little bit turned on, opened his door and met her on her side of the truck as she got out. They went inside and sat at a table by the window. Old music was playing and waitresses were going about their business on roller skates. 
“So, I assume you already know what you want,” Cassian began, flipping open his menu. “And I assume it’s more than a milkshake and chili-cheese fries.”
Nesta was glancing around the restaurant, looking for someone or something, but she didn’t miss a beat when she answered. “Bacon cheeseburger, with extra pickles, chili-cheese fries, vanilla milkshake, with no cherry, and a water.”
He raised an eyebrow, and let his menu fall shut. “I know what I’m ordering.” She laughed and he felt like his heart was going to burst. The sound of her laughter was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. “So why no cherry? Are allergic, or what?”
She scrunched her nose as she moved the silverware around in front of her. “I used to drink the Shirley Temples made with the cheap grenadine. You know the one that’s pretty much just cherry snow-cone syrup?”
Their server came to the table at that moment and took their drink order. They both know what they wanted, but neither was in a rush. She promised to return with their waters and to get their food order in just a moment and they fell right back into conversation.
“Long story short, one night we went to dinner and I had four or five of them.” She laughed and shook her head. “Neither mom or dad noticed how many I’d had, which was awesome to me. I was only allowed to have two before I had to switch to water. When we got home, I got so, so sick. They freaked out because it was dark red and they thought I was bleeding internally.” She began laughing even harder. “Neither of them told me that was what they were worried about, and I wasn’t about to tell on myself. They took me to the hospital and I finally told one of the nurses. Nineteen years and a sixteen hundred dollar hospital bill later, and I hate cherry and cherry flavoring now.”
Cassian just stared at her, barely registering when the waitress came back and gave them their waters. And then he began howling.
The waitress looked at him like he was crazy and mumbled that she’d be back in just a minute for their orders.
“So you were a rebellious child,” Cassian said, laughter dying down but his smile remaining.
“Considering that’s the most rebellious thing I’d ever done, I’d say not,” Nesta said, chuckling. “No, Feyre was the rebellious one, which I’m sure you already know. Elain was the perfect one. And I….I don’t know. I was just there.”
“That’s impossible,” Cassian said. “Give yourself a little more credit.”
She shrugged, and a shadowy look crossed her face that had Cassian clearing his throat. “Well, you didn’t miss out on rebellion. Coming from someone who landed himself in the local jail fifteen times his senior year in high school, alone.”
That look in Nesta’s eyes faded as she shook her head, humored. “Fifteen times? In under a year?”
“Yeah, I swear at some point the cops just started following me when they were bored until I did something they could call me out on,” he laughed. It was a little town. The crime rate was low. “Shoplifting a few times. Mostly underage drinking. One time they caught me peeing into the dumpster behind the corner market. Which, I was drunk then, too….Actually, that night was rough.”
Nesta laughed as she rolled her eyes. “Good thing to know such a classy man has taken me to dinner.”
Cassian’s grin widened. “You live, you learn.”
Nesta nodded her agreement. “What about your parents? Weren’t they furious?”
Cassian’s eyes softened as he said, “Don’t know my dad. My mom died while I was in middle school, lived with Rhys and his mom after that. And, yes, she gave me hell every damn time. But, she always came to pick me up and break me out.”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, but he was already waving her off.
“Don’t be,” he shrugged. “From what my mom told me of my dad, he wasn’t the greatest guy. Found out she was pregnant from one of his friends and skipped town. He was a bull rider, and he jumped on the rodeo tour and she never saw him again. And my mom…” he blew out a deep breath. “We should probably save my mom for a less depressing conversation.”
Nesta nodded, completely understanding.
“But Rhys’ mom was great,” he went on, taking a sip from his water. “I love that woman.”
The waitress came back and Nesta ordered.
Cassian said he’d have the same, but with a chocolate shake, then she was off.
“So,” Cassian went on, leaning his elbows on the table. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
Nesta took a moment to think. “After last night, I think you know everything there is to know.”
Cassian smirked. “About some things, maybe. But tell me something I don’t.”
Nesta chewed on her lip, mind going completely blank. Everything either seemed too personal or not personal enough.
“I can’t whistle,” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t know, this is one of the things I hate about dating. This whole interview process.”
“How about this,” he smiled. “Tell me about your favorite thing in the world.”
He was expecting her to start telling him about cooking, about how she’d ended up in Paris, Rome, London, all the places he’d seen when he did a quick google of her name. But she surprised him.
“Riding horseback,” she said, eyes bright. 
Cassian raised a brow. “Riding? That’s your favorite thing in the world?”
“Does that surprise you?” She asked, leaning back in the booth.
“Yeah, a little,” he confessed.
She stirred her water with her straw, watching the ice cubes spin around in her glass. “It was my one escape growing up. The one thing I could do that didn’t result in a sneer from my mother and a lecture about my future from my father.” She sighed. “I used to ride Phoenix for hours to just...get out of the house. Have you ever ridden back on the hills to the west of the property?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You mean the property that isn’t ours, that’s marked No Trespassing?”
Their waitress brought their milkshakes to the table. There was a bright red cherry on top of Nesta’s, but before she could say anything, Cassian snatched it up and popped it into his mouth. She rolled her eyes, thanked the waitress, and took a huge sip. Her eyes slipped closed instantly and she moaned quietly. “Oh my god, I can’t get a milkshake like this anywhere else.”
She opened her eyes to find him watching her, and when her tongue peeked out to get the little bit of melted ice cream left on her bottom lip, his eyes tracked the motion. They were dark, the shining hazel almost completely swallowed by his pupils.
Without a word, Cassian pulled something from between his teeth and dropped it on the table between them.
The stem from her stolen cherry was tied in a knot.
Nesta said, “That’s both hot and cheesy as hell.”
Cassian’s low laugh skittered across her skin. “You already know what my tongue can do, but I thought I’d give you a little reminder, just in case you somehow forgot already.”
Nesta swallowed. No, she definitely hadn’t forgotten what his perfect mouth could do, but she had forgotten how to speak, especially when he was looking at her the way he was.
He plucked the cherry from his own milkshake, eating the cherry - sans stem, this time - and motioned for Nesta to continue. “So, what about the land that we do not own, Miss I was never rebellious?”
His imitation of her was spot on.
Nesta pursed her lips and said, “Yeah, that land is ours.”
He dropped his spoon, splattering the table in chocolate ice cream droplets. “What?”
She took another drink of her milkshake, not moaning this time, thank the Cauldron, and nodded. “It’s only another few acres. I knew the previous owners. Armand and Colette Lavigne.” The way she said their names, with such familiarity and adoration, Cassian knew she must have spent a lot of time with them. “They were from the Bordeaux region of France. They moved here in their fifties to open a vineyard.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “They didn’t do any research and had no idea the soil here wasn’t good for wine. But they fell in love with the area. And they’re the ones who taught me to love cooking.” She smiled fondly, her eyes misting slightly. “I bought it when Colette passed a few years ago and Armand returned to Floirac. He didn’t want it to go to someone who would just sell it for profit and turn it into another apartment complex or a shopping mall. It's been my land for about four years, but I finally signed the deed to have it put in my name, rather than Armand’s, when I signed the ranch’s deeds.”
Cassian blinked, processing the information, slowly. Then he said, loudly enough to earn a scowl from the elderly couple two booths down, “What the fuck? I’ve been purposely avoiding that land, and now you’re telling me I should’ve been working it?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “No. Not yet, anyway. I haven’t decided  what I want to do with it yet.”
Cassian was slowly shaking his head. “I have a feeling you’re never going to stop surprising me.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” She asked.
He smiled at her. “No, it isn’t.”
They fell into a comfortable silence. Nesta finally asked, “Have you even tried your milkshake yet, or are you just going to keep stirring it?”
He pointed his sticky spoon at her and took a big sip through his straw. He pulled back, staring at the thick liquid. “That’s pretty damn good.”
“Pretty damn good?” She repeated, shaking her head. “It’s fucking delicious.”
“You’re fucking delicious,” he muttered, taking another drink from his straw.
Nesta’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, which only made Cassian's small smile turn into a wicked grin.
Before she could come up with a retort, a display of beautiful, greasy food was laid out before them. Burgers and chili-cheese fries.
As the waitress turned to leave, Nesta said, “Excuse me, but is Alis still here?”
“Oh, no, sweetie, I’m so sorry,” she said, and Nesta nodded. “She’ll be back in for the morning shift tomorrow, though.”
“Okay, perfect. Thank you.”
The woman smiled warmly and left them to enjoy their burgers.
“Alis?” Cassian asked, eyeing the massive plate of food in front of him and its twin in front of Nesta, then her tiny form. There was no way she’d be able to eat everything in front of her.
Nesta already had a forkful of hot, cheesy fries and was diving in. She closed her eyes and made a contented noise. She took a drink of her water, setting it down before answering. “She owns the Starlight. I came here so much that she and I became pretty close. When I…” Ran away. “Left town, I stopped in for a cup of coffee, trying to talk myself out of leaving. Alis is the one who pushed me to follow my dreams. She even paid for my bus ticket out of town.”
“Really?” Cassian asked, popping a fry into his mouth. “She sounds nice.”
“She is,” Nesta agreed. “One of the best this town has to offer. Now, look away because I’m about to bite into this burger and it’s not going to be attractive whatsoever.”
Cassian didn’t look away and Nesta, eyes on his, took a massive bite out of her bacon cheese burger.
He blinked, and she covered her mouth as her eyes lit up at his expression.
“I can honestly say I’ve never been so attracted to you,” he said, taking his burger into his hands. Before he took a bite, he asked, “So, Alis is the one that pushed you out of town, huh?”
Nesta nodded, taking another bite and swallowing before saying, “If it wasn’t for her that day, I probably would have stayed here, ended back up with Tomas, and lived to regret every fucking day that followed. So, I am very grateful to Alis.”
Cassian hadn’t pressed Nesta anymore on the subject of Tomas, and he knew now wasn’t the time, no matter how many questions he had.
“Well, then I’m grateful to her too,” Cassian said, taking a bite so massive nearly half of his burger disappeared. He chewed before saying, “Although I’m pretty grateful you came back, too.”
Nesta took another bite of her own burger. “You’re just saying that because I’ll have sex with you,” she laughed and dove back into her fries.
Cassian’s eyes lit up in amusement. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a perk. But I think you’re going to be good for the b-n-b, for the ranch as a whole.” Nesta’s eyes softened and she smiled. Until he added, “And ‘I’ll have sex’ implies that we’ll be doing that again, right? That wasn’t a one and done?”
Nesta rolled her eyes, mouth full of food. A second later, she said, “I’ll have to think about it.”
Cassian had the audacity to look offended. “Ouch. Was I so bad?”
Nesta just grinned as she took another bite of her fries.
Cassian’s laughter filled the air as they finished their food. He paid, and then they made their way back into the truck.
“Thanks for dinner,” she said, as they pulled out of the parking lot. To his surprise, she had finished every last bite of her food and downed her milkshake. Even Cassian had left a few fries, claiming he couldn’t eat another bite.
“Anytime,” he said, meaning it.
“Um, home is the other direction,” she said, when he turned left onto the main road instead of right. 
“I know,” Cassian replied, shortly, and when it was obvious he wasn’t going to say anything more, Nesta shot him a look.
“Where are we going?” she asked, slowly.
Cassian just grinned, one hand on the wheel, the other sneaking over the middle console to hers.
The ride was comfortably quiet, the rumble of Cassian’s truck the only sound. Nesta didn’t mind though, not as he drove through the square, where people bustled about. Velaris was a city best enjoyed at night, and the people milling around every restaurant and park and store front proved it. She also didn’t mind the feel of his hand in hers, so the longer drive was fine by her.
Until they pulled into a parking lot.
“Why are we here?”
Cassian only grinned and hopped out of the truck, rounding the hood and helping Nesta down. “Don’t feel like a walk down memory lane?” They began to walk and, as casually as she could, she slipped her hand back into his. His fingers intertwined with hers and he glanced down at her. She was staring forward, refusing to look up at him, but he knew color was staining her cheeks. Could tell by the way the tips of her ears were a darker shade of pink than normal. “I thought, rather than talk about who we are, cause that always sucks and no one likes doing it-.” He was rambling and Nesta giggled. He laughed at himself and cleared his throat. “Right. What I was trying to say, is that talking about who you are sucks. But talking about who you used to be? I don’t know, for me, it’s always been easier.” Nesta looked up at him, but he shrugged and carried on. “Even if I wasn’t always proud of who I was, I can at least learn something from who I’ve been.”
“Fair enough,” she said, quietly, as he led the way.
They were at their old high school, but Cassian didn’t walk toward the building, which was undoubtedly locked. Instead, he took her to the football field, where Nesta could count on one hand how many times she had been there through the four years she had spent at Velaris High.
“You played football?” She asked, as they walked through the gates. 
“I did,” Cassian confirmed, as they walked onto the green field. Velaris Knights was painted into the end zones. “Yeah, I tackled a lot of guys on these fields. And, over there,” he pointed to the bleachers, “is where I used to get high and drunk, referring back to the jail conversation we had earlier tonight.”
Nesta laughed as she looked around. She had never been on the field before. Everything looked different from standing between the bleachers.
“You came to games, right?” He asked, gazing around the field. The lights were on, thanks to the evening practice that had only ended an hour or two before. The lights ran on a timer, just like they had when he played on this field. They had until just before ten-thirty before the lights would go out.
Nesta shook her head. “I was never a big fan of school events. I always preferred to stay home and read or more often than not, I was with Tomas. Going to some roping.”
There he was again, taunting Cassian from the past. But again, he wouldn’t bring up Tomas tonight. “Wasn’t Elain a cheerleader? Didn’t you come to at least support her?”
She shrugged. “Come cheer on the cheerleader? No, and she knew I hated it. She would actually convince Feyre to go to the games so I could have an hour or two of silence.”
Cassian snorted. “Well, I lived on this field. And I kicked ass. While you were being a nerd, apparently.”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “I was not a nerd, asshole.”
Cassian held his hands up in surrender. “I never said it was a bad thing.”
Nesta couldn’t help but laugh as she shook her head. “Looking back, I would’ve done some things differently. Maybe not the staying home with a book, but with the whole Tomas business.”
Cassian stayed silent. He wanted so badly to ask, but knew he shouldn’t. They were having such a good time. He didn’t want to ruin it.
So, instead, Cassian said, “I wish I would’ve known you then.”
She chuckled but sat down when they reached the center of the field. “No, I don’t think you do.”
He followed suit, sitting down in the turf leaning back on his hands. “Why not?”
“It was true, what you said before. I constantly had a stick up my ass.” She laughed and continued. “And I was a bitch.”
Cassian laughed, but he didn’t correct her. “You were cute, though. I’m convinced I would have loosened you up.”
Nesta shook her head, unable to stop her smile from spreading. “I’ll let you think that.”
Cassian looked over at her, at the way her golden-brown hair shone in the lights. She was a beauty, and yes, she had been cute in high school, but now she was stunning, in her little blue dress and her simple braid.
“You’re staring again,” she mumbled.
“Let me stare,” he pleaded, eyes soft.
She blushed and he leaned over, tilting her chin up and softly brushing his lips against hers. When he pulled away, he whispered, “Please tell me I can do that whenever I want now.”
Nesta thoughtfully tapped her chin and said, “Whenever? I don’t know about that.”
“Damn you, woman,” he laughed and kissed her again, laying down on top of her.
She chuckled against his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. “We’re not kids anymore, Cassian, we can’t fuck on the football field. Just because you like being tossed in jail doesn’t mean that I do.”
He grinned, resting his elbows in the grass on both sides of her face. “I’ll be nice, I promise.”
She kissed him then, tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth. “Good.”
“Until you did that…” he muttered, kissing her again, pressing his body down against hers as he did so.
She let his hands roam her body, let him grab and squeeze and pull. He tugged on her hair lightly, tilting her chin up and exposing her neck. He nuzzled his face into it, and lightly ran his tongue along the long column of her throat. He pressed soft kisses along her jaw until he returned once more to her lips.
Pulling back to look at her, her lips swollen from his bruising kisses and her hair a messy halo around her head on the grass, Cassian brushed a thumb along her cheekbone. He breathed, “You are so damn beautiful.” She blushed and tried to turn from his gaze. “No,” he whispered, gripping her chin so she couldn’t look away. “Why do you do that? Why won’t you let me tell you how beautiful you are?” He asked, quietly.
“Taking compliments isn’t one of my strengths,” she said, running her hands down his arms, feeling his muscles beneath the fabric.
“Well make it one,” he mumbled, “because I’m not going to stop. I’m going to tell you how beautiful you are, always, because it’s the truth.”
She shook her head, slowly, but didn’t say anything else. She simply grabbed him by the face and brought his lips to hers.
After a few minutes of languid kisses, and some strong, strong willpower, Cassian rolled over and laid on his back, staring up at the sky. He tucked a hand behind his head and the other found Nesta’s next to him. His thumb rubbed small circles on the back of her hand and he gazed up at the stars.
It was quiet for a few minutes, neither one of them wanting to disturb the stillness. But eventually, Nesta asked, “You about ready to head home?”
He turned his head and looked at her, those stormy eyes seeing every part of him. “Just a minute. It’s almost time.”
Her brow furrowed. “For what?”
He smiled, looking back to the sky. “You’ll see.”
They laid there in silence, Nesta loving the feeling of his hand in hers.
The lights shut off, plunging the field into darkness. Nesta started, looking around, wondering if they needed to go, to get back to the truck, before someone-.
“Look,” he breathed, still staring upwards.
Nesta gazed toward the sky. Her breath caught in her throat.
The lights above them, surrounding the field, had gone off, and the starlight above them burned brightly, lighting up the night sky.
There were no trees, no nothing to block the view of the series of shooting stars that shot across the speckled darkness.
Only in Velaris.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered. She had always known her hometown was famous for its starlight, had always snuck a glance or two up at the night sky throughout her childhood, but had never taken a moment to simply watch, to wait, to explore with her eyes the beauty of creation.
“It is,” Cassian agreed, softly. He wasn’t only talking about the night sky. “I used to lay out here all the time, in high school. Captivated by it.”
“Were you high?” Nesta asked, quietly, jabbing him in the ribs.
Cassian laughed, breathlessly. “Sometimes.”
She glanced over at him, but he didn’t notice. He was entranced by the wonder before him, by the sheer enormity of the sight above him.
“You love this town,” she said, and it wasn’t a question.
He nodded and looked over at her. “I do. It’s not much, but it’s...home. I’ve never wanted to be anywhere else.” He paused. “Well, except on the road, but that didn’t exactly pan out.”
“Why not?” She asked, before she could stop herself.
Cassian hesitated. “It’s a long story.”
“Is it?” She asked. “Or is this one of those times you say it’s a long story because you don’t want to tell the story.”
Cassian laughed, glancing sideways at her. “Maybe a little bit of both.”
“Well,” she said, smiling softly. “I have time.”
He tried not to let it sound harsh when he said, “Another time.” He turned and laid on his side, brushing the loose hair framing her face behind her ear.
He could see the stubbornness, could see that Nesta wanted to push. But she nodded and leaned forward to press her lips against his.
After a soft smile, he climbed to his feet and  held out a hand. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s get home.”
She took his hand, happily, and let him walk her back to the truck. The ride back to the ranch was quiet, but not uncomfortable. He caught her looking at him from time to time, and every time he caught her, that look of annoyance from being caught captured her face.
When Cassian pulled up to her little house, he turned off the engine and got out, walking her up to the porch. They stood, hand in hand. He looked down at her and kissed her, softly. “Is this the part where you invite me inside?”
She made a show of acting like she was thinking, and took a step back. “I don’t know, this was only our first date…” She opened the door and took another step back until she was inside. “I’m not that type of girl.”
There was a playful glint in Cassian’s eye and he stepped forward, bracing an arm on the door frame. “I don’t know what type of girl you’re talking about.”
She chuckled and said, “Goodnight, Cassian.”
The smirk on his face faltered and she shut the door in his face.
He took a step back and blinked. “Wha- Are you kidding me?”
The door swung open just a few seconds later and Nesta stood inside, still laughing. She grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him over the threshold, her lips immediately meeting his.
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the1918 · 4 years
2020 for the1918
Am I the last person to make this list? Maybe. Do I regret that? Yes. Am I making it anyways because my cognitive behavioral therapy is teaching me fix my avoidance issues? Also Yes.
Let’s do this: @The Trees In Front of Cevans’s House and @Bucky’s Arm... you da real MVPs.
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But other than them...
Thank You to Everyone that Truly Made My 2020:
@cantabile-l  Jo (Daddy Dumpster™ Co-Founder) — I have to list you first. How could I not? Every friendship I’ve made in this fandom comes back to you. We literally bonded over porn lookalikes and started this craziness called the Stucky Porn Lookalikes Archive ( @stucky-lookalikes-archive ) to preserve the porn, and it now has now has 85k hits and 500 bookmarks (!!!?!!). But it’s more than that, even more than starting the Daddy Dumpster™ and bonding over culihos. Bespoke got finished because you got me excited enough to want it, just like half a dozen other fics. You were also the basis for many, many other friendships that I list below. Your nesting head canons were the inspiration for so, so many A/B/O moments in my fics. We’re so on the same length on an intellectual and spiritual level (I feel like you and me and @ixalit are three parts of one whole ❤) and I am in love with you for it. Culihos forever.
@hanitrash​ Hani (O.G. Dumpster™ Citizen) —I’m so, so damn glad you’re in my life. We share that sick sense of humor and refusal to adopt a filter. You add flavor to our Dumpster™ with your wit, and I feel so warm when you share pics and updates about the family with us. You were the first person I ran to when I “discovered” HTP and you held my hand 😂 And Jesus—your talent. I could go on and on and on about Through The Darkness I Heard Your Voice and Private Showing, but also one of my New Year’s resolutions is to start reading your work as Loralynne Summers. Thank you for making me smile every day of last year since April.
@trekchik Jini (O.G. Dumpster™ Citizen) — I can’t speak to the number of laugh-out-loud, belly-grabbing, cackling moments I have had in a year that could easily have been shit otherwise, all because of you. I feel like you’ve truly become a member of my family; like, I see you posting in the Dumpster™ when I wake up in the morning and I think to myself, “Oh, what’s the fam up to today?”. I know I’ve gone on and on about your talent (absolute queen of dialogue and pacing) before, but I don’t thank you enough for keeping the Porn Archive alive when the rest of us are slacking. Your Stucky Tumblr Drabbles (especially the meet cutes) puts a smile on half the fandom’s face regulary, and I’m excited to re-read the wonderful Anagnorsis & Peripeteia soon. Here’s to another year of weird dildo pictures.
@thegodswife Amanda (Dumpster™ Citizen) — I feel like we were literally destined to become friends. The love I feel for you and your little family is real and immense, and I feel like your victories (in life and in writing) are my victories. You have made a slow but steady convert of me to Shrinkyclinks with fics like peaches and because it's christmas, and I am in awe of your talent for writing charged dynamics with jaw-dropping moments. This fandom is lucky to have such a gem as you. 2021 is going to be the Year of Amanda (*clinks Lindeman’s Framboise glasses 🥂*)
@ixalit Max (Dumpster™ Citizen) — My relationship with you has and continues to be lifechanging for more reasons than I can even go into on tumblr. You make me laugh. You make me cry (usually in good ways). You make me horny by supplying the #porn-and-fun as the dutiful resident horny teenage boy of Dumpster™. I remember so clearly when we first messaged talking about your Evanstan thoughts and fics, and I knew your writing was special then (omg, Hiraeth?? How dare). You deserve all the success you earned in 2020 and every bit more success that you will continue to have this year. There is no one else I would rather have with me as we make this ~journey through Song of the Rolling Earth together. 
@becassine Bex (Dumpster™ Citizen) — What can I say about my lucky charm? 🍀 I found our friendship later in the year and I feel it was truly central to the way I finished out my year with a bang (lol). Your encouragement to finish Bespoke supercharged me, and I’m still riding that high in writing SoRE. But for every bit we talk about you being the Queen of Hype (Becassine, First of Her Name), I am also stunned by your own gorgeous writing. The Way I Feel For You is a gift to this fandom and it’s gonna keep rocking our world, along with any other creative endeavor you choose to embark on. Thank you for the treasure of your continued friendship.
@darter-blue​ Bec (Dumpster™ Citizen) — My gorgeous, gorgeous cunt of a friend. What ever am I going to do with you? I feel like you and I have clicked so perfectly and so instantly, and I feel such a strong connection to you. I have been enamored with your skill and your style since I first stumbled across your Sergeant Barnes and Colonel Rogers: A Love Story series and then rapidly gobbled up your other writing. Getting to collab with you on No Vacancies was a dream come true. You make me feel so connected to the outside world and humanity even in this bizarre time and even though you’re on the other side of the world.
@kalee60 Kel (Dumpster™ Citizen) — You flawless sass-master. You brilliant human. You tricky little bastard. What a perfect addition to the Dumpster™ you have been! And your talent, Jesus... just being around you makes me want to write. I have truly never seen someone with as much talent write so prolifically, and I am in very real awe of it. If I had to pick “Fic of the Year” for me, I would not hesitate to pick Push The Button—it turned my world upside down—but for as much as we talk about that epic, your AU Extravaganza is really miracle to behold. And I am so, so pumped for you during this exciting time coming up in your life. Here’s to magnificent year for you in 2021!
@andysmountains​ Andy Gator Lord 🐊 — You’ve changed my life. I’m sitting here and I honestly don’t know how else to put it. You’re hilarious and you’re a ball of sunshine and you have kept this breeder feeling rooted to reality (in a great way) and remembering how to smile during some of the shittiest times I can remember. Newts. You’ve helped me explore my identity, and I’m not sure what greater gift you could have given me. Also, I’ve never heard true love whispered more sincerely than when I see 🔪—and I would give you nine hundred and ninety-seven 🔪 now if not for the fact that you have literally beat me to it.  
@ceratonia-siliqua Cera — We’ve shared so much. I feel so privileged that you’ve picked me to be a person that you want to talk to during hard times because you’re such a special guy, and because you’ve got talent that the world needs to see forever and ever and ever (I continue to blown away by what you did in Sunshine, and none of us are ready for Quilt Fic™) and I hope you never stop writing your whole damn heart out. I truly love you. I do. Thank you for reminding me that there is endless humanity and prose in this world.
@howdoyousleep3​ K — I feel like 2021 couldn’t be starting off better now that you’re in my life again. Last year was largely defined for me by the time I spent with you, and I’ve truly been changed by you and your writing. You are an endless amount of inspiration for me and this whole community; I would bet real money that the number of Daddy Kink converts that owe their new *interest* to finding your Daddy Steve Rogers/Baby Bucky Barnes series numbers in the hundreds (not to mention your other AUs). But fics aside, I had so many smiles and laughter throughout 2020 because of you, and I owe such a big part of my happy heart to you and your presence in my life. You have a huge, caring heart. Cheers to Cevans continuing to be a giant, bro-ish man slut and us never stopping giving him shit for it — and here’s to Trucker Bucky and his bug.
@lullabybeauty Bee — I’m not sure I would still be writing if it weren’t for you. The interest you took in my fics and endless support you’ve provided have turned me into a real-life 🥺🥺🥺 face so many times I can’t count them. But more than the hype you provide, you are an amazing person, and I hope you never stop putting (and ceaselessly keeping) the word out in our community through your blog that Black Lives Matter and black women matter now and forever; it’s far too easy for those of us who are white to let that truth fade from our minds when there’s not something terrible happening in the news, and I’m so thankful for your posts filling up my dash with reminders I need to be a good ally and giving me information to share with others. Thank you for the gift of yourself.
@ywecanthavenicethingsanymore Caroline—You sort of swooped out of nowhere for me and boosted my confidence through the roof. Your comments and your hype and your hilarious tags remind me every day that writers are only half of the fanfiction equation; all we do without supportive friends like you is sit in the corner dreaming of stories we don’t have the confidence or feel-good to put to words. Thank you for your constant support and for being so. damn. cool.
@littlesurfergrl Heather—Oh, Heather. Queen of the A+ tags. Sender of inbox updates about what time you get off of work and why you’re vibrating to read a fic. All-around beautiful person. Your love and support is magic in my veins.
@hoeforthegays Baby J—I am so damn excited for this creative project you’ve taken on; you are so talented. I look forward to our thirst talks all the time. You make me laugh with your screaming and even your advice. Such a source of sunshine in my life.
@capbvckyrogers / @tae-withsuga Cam — You were the first person who ever reblogged a farmer daddy post. You were the first person who ever sent me a prompt. Honestly, you were the first person who ever bonded with me over a character. There zero (0) chance I would have enjoyed fandom (or certainly any kind of creative success) the way that I did in 2020 if not for you. Thank you, endlessly. 
@justice-for-plums​ Kenz — Another “late in the year” friendship find that I am so grateful for. I love our talks! I am so thankful you felt comfortable to reach out and talk about writing. Our workshopping has helped remind me of what works and what doesn’t for me, and I love the creative collaboration on head canons! Excited for more in 2021.
Shrunkyclunks Bitches®, or those not mentioned already above: @dreadlockholiday (co-founder of the Bitches® with @justice-for-plums​ and #1 reason I blushed last year), @oh-i-swear-writes​ @wayward-lives​ @allegedlyann and others I either am missing on tumblr or forgetting (but not because I don’t love you) — Here’s to Cap Steve and modern Bucky and 1,000,000+ words written during our writing sprints in 2021. [Bitches® server membership is open by the way! If you love Shrunkyclunks, contact Dready @dreadlockholiday​].
And to the endless list of others who made me smile, laugh, sometimes cry, feel proud, but always feel that incredible Stucky love — a list that includes but is certainly not limited to @fishcustardandclintbarton,​ @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier, @willbakewithstucky, @hannah-stagram​, @thewaythatwerust​, @bigbraiiin, @musette22, @luninosity​, @fandomfluffandfuck​, @maddiewritesstucky​, @hbalbat, @doctorenterprise​, @epicstuckyficrecs, @k347 and the massive important people I know I am forgetting (...like some BIG ones)
To everyone above and anyone else who has scrolled this far:
Thank you.
Let’s all have a fantastic 2021 🥂
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69 notes · View notes
Scary World
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader 
Warnings: Pregnant!Reader, Covid-19 quarantine, adult conversations, pregnancy worries 
Squares Filled: Intimacy for @marvelfluffbingo​ 
Word Count: 1400ish
A/N: This is part of my LLL universe - it takes place March 2020 and Y/N is pregnant with their third child. 
It can also be read as a one shot just as always.  
Betaed by: none - all mistakes are mine
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Being cooped inside the apartment most of the time was hard. Sebastian had never been happier that you had insisted on getting a place with an outside space. The four balconies on each corner of the apartment had never been put to use as much as they were these days. 
Still, the kids were claiming on the walls after being on lock down for almost two weeks now. At first it had been nice. Everyone was home and together. The kids loved having both their parents around with absolutely nothing to do other than playing with them, cooking together and cuddling on the couch at night. After two weeks the novelty wore off and boredom set in. Isabella and Alexander had never really been whiny kids but they seemed easier to tears these days. Sebastian felt an unease in his entire body from the lack of physical regime he was usually keeping. He still worked out as well as he could, but he was itching for a run. 
You had seemed fine at first but these past few days you had started to draw into yourself in a way Sebastian hadn’t seen you do since Isabella had just been born. You were still very much pregnant, so Sebastian knew it was another postpartum depression, but he worried. Finding time to talk to you was difficult too with the little ones being around all the time, especially since you had been starting to redraw to the bedroom claiming you were tired and needed to sleep as soon as they were in bed. The past two mornings you had also been up and out of bed when Sebastian woke up. 
Sebastian hoped he would get to talk to you tonight even if he had to play a little dirty to get time with you. 
“I’m tired. I’m heading in,” you stated as soon as the two of you exited the kids’ room and Sebastian instantly stretched his arms over his head yawning, sending you a small smile. 
“That sounds like a great idea. I’m beat,” Sebastian answered, making your eyes widen a little. 
“Really? I thought you…” You started, but Sebastian just shook his head. 
“Narh. I’m tired. Let’s go to bed,” Sebastian smiled, trying his best to calm your mind. He wasn’t sure what was going on in there but he would be damned if he wasn’t going to find out. 
Getting ready for bed was done in quite, even if Sebastian could practically see the wheels turning inside your head. You were carrying something, and whatever it was he didn’t want you to do it alone. The only trouble was his own anxiety. It had gotten better over the years. He suspected it had everything to do with you and the kids, but when things were off between the two of you he still struggled. He did at times anyway, but you always saw. Talking things out with you somehow always made everything better. Now when the thought he could be losing you entered his head his mind was reeling and he was fighting to keep himself under control. 
You crawled into bed keeping on your own side as you laid down, trying to get comfortable. Sebastian sat against the headboard watching you, trying to stop the movie playing inside his head where you told him that this time had made you realise you no longer loved him and it was time to go your separate ways. He tried so hard to control it but he couldn’t. The rational conversation he had wanted to have with you, asking you about your mental health and what he could do to help you went out the window the moment the words fell from his mouth. 
“Are you thinking about leaving me?” Sebastian asked and he wanted to kick himself when your head whipped around and your eyes met his. You struggled due to your 7 month huge pregnant belly but managed to push yourself back into a seating position. Shook and concern were written all over your face as you looked at him. 
“What? No,” you insisted and Sebastian drew a sigh of relief. Relief was quickly replaced by shame though as he saw your face softed. 
“Why would you think that?” you reached out taking his hand and Sebastian instantly gave it a small squeeze. 
“I… I don’t know. I wanted to talk to you tonight and suddenly I started thinking that maybe all this time being stuck inside the apartment with me had made you realise…” Sebastian started, but you stopped him placing your free hand against his cheek before he could finish. 
“I love you Sebastian Stan. So much more than you know. Yeah I’m going stir crazy and I’m scared half the time but it has nothing to do with you or how I feel about you,” you insisted. 
Sebastian frowned, “you’re scared?” 
You looked down, nodding and Sebastian could tell you were struggling holding back the tears. 
“Come here.”
Sebastian quickly shifted, pulling you to sit between his legs resting your back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek and neck. 
“Don’t shut me out, honey. If you’re scared of something you have to talk to me about it. Please?” Sebastian gently pushed, as the tears started to silently fall down your cheeks. You turned a little burying your face against his arm, allowing him to just hold you and calm you for a while. Sebastian kept pressing small kisses to your skin wherever he could reach and running his hand up and down your arm, gently rocking you. 
“What if all of this isn’t over in a few weeks?” You muttered. “I’m fine staying in here with you and the kids. What about when I have to go for my check up in a few days? What if the world is still like this when she is born? What if I get sick when I’m still pregnant or she gets sick at the hospital? What will happen to her?”
Sebastian tightened his hold around you as you talked. It wasn’t like any of those thoughts hadn’t crossed his mind but he also knew the chances were slim. He could reason with himself and keep his own mind in check using facts and statistics, but he also knew from experience those wouldn’t work on you right now. Everything was emotions when you were pregnant and he should have foreseen this. He was pissed at himself that he hadn’t but none of that mattered right now, all that mattered was you. 
“We’ll go by car to the check up. We won’t go until last minute so we won’t have to spend too long in the waiting room,” Sebastian suggested and he started to feel you relax. All you needed was to talk this out and be taken seriously. Sebastian knew you better than he knew himself. “As for the birth. Honey, we still have time. We’ll figure it out. If you feel safer doing it at home and away from the hospital we’ll do that. We’ll talk to Dr. Mcknight about it. You’ll be fine and our daughter will be perfect and healthy just like the other two monkeys next door,” Sebastian smiled, when you giggled against his arm. You are relaxing more now. 
“We’ll figure it out. I promise. Even if we have to stay inside the apartment for a year or two,” Sebastian teased, causing you to groan. 
“Don’t say that,” you complained, looking up at him with a pout Sebastian could help but lean in and kiss away. 
“I could do that though. It wouldn’t be easy, but as long as I have you with me there’s nothing I couldn’t get through,” Sebastian smiled, when you lovingly rolled your eyes at him. 
“Okay that was sappy even for you, Seba” you laughed, squealing when Sebastian started tickling you.
You struggled to get away but all you achieved was somehow getting stuck with Sebastian hovering above you, with a cheeky smile on his face. 
“If you don’t like sappy, I could just make you forget for a while instead,” Sebastian teased wiggling his eyebrows at you, causing you to laugh. 
You reached up, running your fingers through his hair with a small smile on your lips as you pulled him down towards you. 
“Yes please.”
Reblogs spread my work and make me happy. Got a favorite part/line? Did something touch you? Do you relate in some way? Please tell me and make my day. 
Sebastian Stan Tag Team
@feelmyroarrrr @sleepretreat @roxyspearing @jewels2876  @hellaqueerangelofthelord @danijimenezv @rumoured-whispers @becs-bunker @smoothdogsgirl @blacktithe7 @grace-for-sale @averyrogers83 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @sorenmarie87 @docharleythegeekqueen @erosbellarke @the-wayward-robot @super100012 @myfanficlibrarium @winchesters-favorite-girl @awkwardfangirl2014 @igotkatiepowers @dottirose @deathofmissjackson @miraclesoflove @badassbaker 
433 notes · View notes
giant-sketches · 5 years
Origami Rabbits
Huge props to @chatladybugaboo​ for the super awesome and cute idea that inspired this one-shot story of mine. Now this is simply based on the idea they posted about as I really wanted to make it my own so it just has similar elements and the Sander Sides characters. 
I worked really hard on this one too. It has a total of 4 sketches and one gif animation so please enjoy!
@just-some-gt-trash​ Is also going to write their own version as well so be on the look out for their’s as well!
Word Count: 3864
Disclaimer: Slight depiction of bullying/ cursing/ swearing/ mean words/ shouting
I plan on doing more one-shot stories like this called Short Sides. Let me know if you want to get tagged on them from now on or just look for the tag Short Sides.
For a long time now, each time Virgil experienced a rough day of Remus and Deceit teasing him, he’d find a tiny origami animal placed below his bed. Sometimes it was the usual swan, but from time-to-time he’d receive butterflies, frogs, and his personal favorite, rabbits. At first he thought it might be one of the other sides, but both Remus and Deceit only shot him puzzled looks when he’d ask them about it. Remus suggested Virgil may be doing it in his sleep, while Deceit believed he was just lying to garner attention. However, Virgil knew something was up and he planned to find out what.
  The next day Virgil steady he’s nerves as he purposely antagonized Remus and Deceit. He was successful in his taunting and by midday he was exhausted from his antics. He dragged himself to bed for an early rest, but in reality he only pretended to sleep. He had his back turned facing the wall and he listened patiently for any kind of unusual sounds. Right before he was about to give up, Virgil's ears picked up on the sound of footsteps creeping up on him, but they sounded soft. Were they tip-toeing? He also noticed that he hadn’t heard the door open so how did someone get in? Was it a ghost?!
  A shiver ran down his spine at the thought. Sure it would be pretty cool to meet a ghost who did origami, but the idea was still pretty creepy. Then, the footsteps stopped and Virgil hesitated a bit before gingerly turning over to peer behind. There was nothing! What in the world was going on? He obviously heard the sound of footsteps so where was the person making them? As his mind began to fall into madness another sound caught his attention. Was that humming? The sweet sound was coming from below his current eye level. Slowly, Virgil turned his head downwards and was astounded by what he saw. 
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It was a person, a very, very tiny person who was cheerfully setting down an origami rabbit at the foot of his bed.
  Virgil couldn’t believe his eyes. This person looked to only be about the size of his pointer finger, if not smaller. The origami rabbit he was holding was at least half his size. He had soft brown hair that curled slightly upwards. He wore glasses, a light blue polo shirt, and what appeared to be a cat sweater tied around his neck. His face was also similar to Virgil’s, could that mean he was also a side? Then why was he so small? It wasn’t just his size either though, there was something about his presence that felt completely different from Deceit and Remus. Virgil wanted so badly to talk with this little side, but he was too afraid. He knew just because he received gifts from them, that didn’t mean they wanted to be seen. Otherwise they would have just delivered them in person.
  With that he rolled back over and fell asleep this time. In the morning he gently picked up his tiny gift and stared at it. He really wanted to thank them, but how should he go about it without scaring them off? Perhaps a return gift was the best idea as he began thinking over his options.
“I could try making my own origami animals in response, but then again they may end up too big for them to carry. Also what would they do with them afterwards? For me I can just keep it in my nightstand drawer.”
  Virgil needed to think of something the tiny side could use that wouldn’t take up a lot of space or be difficult to carry. What about food? It might be tough to make something small enough, but it was worth a try. A couple days later Virgil gathered up some ingredients to make simple sugar cookies. He knew he could make tiny portions by rolling out the dough and using the metal part of a pencil with the eraser taken out to cut out perfectly sized circles. Figuring out which temperature to set the oven to and for how long the cookies needed to bake was the tricky part. It took a total of three attempts to get it right, but sadly not all the cookies survived. He was left with six in total to package up with a cut up plastic bag and a trimmed twist tie.
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  He turned in early for the night once more with his return gift placed at the foot of his bed. He turned to face the wall as usual and listened patiently. As time went on Virgil began to worry if the tiny side was going to show up. True his day wasn’t as bad as others, but he still made it a point to look distraught. Then again he had no idea when or from where the tiny was watching him so it was plausible that they never saw him upset. As his mind raced with uncertainties those all familiar footprints appeared. Virgil quickly quieted his mind and focused on the steps as they came straight to his bed and stopped.
“What is this?” A whisper came from below.
  It was the tiny who had noticed the gift. Virgil prayed they liked it as he waited to hear more, yet the next noise that reached his ear was the sound of running. He twitched slightly as he stopped himself from making any sudden movements. He waited, counting down the seconds in his head before he would take a look behind him.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1….now!
  Virgil quickly turned around and caught a glimpse of the tiny sliding into the space between his bookshelf and the wall. So that’s where he had come from. Virgil instantly remembered his main goal and glanced downwards. There, at the foot of the bed, was an origami swan and no cookies. The tiny, even though they ran, had taken his gift nonetheless. He smiled slightly at the notion of that tiny enjoying his handmade sweets. However, a pain ran through his heart as the sound of those hurried footsteps kept repeating in his mind. Despite his best efforts he had scared them off and he may never get to see them again.
  *Huff* *huff*
  How did this happen? He had been so careful this whole time not to be seen, but now he had gotten caught. Well not physically caught, but seen, he was seen!
“This isn’t good! I promised the others that I’d be careful if they let me keep doing this. What do I do now?”
   As Patton ducked back into the hole in the wall right behind the bookshelf, he was lucky enough not to wake the others as he slid into his room. He took multiple deep breaths to calm himself as he slumped onto his bed.
“Woah boy...what am I going to do about this?” He thought as he stared at the lovely bundle of cookies resting in his hands.
“I wonder what kind they are. I really want to eat them, but what if he put something weird inside? No, no, the kiddo wouldn’t do that...right? I guess I feel like I know him, but do I really? He is still one of them after-all.”
  Patton sat quietly in contemplation as he couldn’t decide on whether to eat or not to eat. Suddenly, his growling stomach made the decision for him.
“Looks like all that running made me hungry and he did make these himself just for me. The least I can do is eat them.”
  Cautiously Patton reached into the bag and pulled out a cookie. Even though they were small, just one of them was close to the size of his palm. They appeared to be normal sugar cookies as he gingerly took a bite. Spontaneously, Patton’s nervous demeanor melted away as he scarfed the rest of it down in blissful enjoyment.
“Oh my goodness, he made these for me? They’re so good! How-how could I have suspected they might be poisoned...I’m terrible.”
  Patton felt a lump form in the back of his throat. He just kept thinking to himself that he ran away and he was almost positive that the giant was awake when he did. It only made sense that at some point the giant pretended to fall asleep and instead noticed him as he delivered another origami animal. He couldn’t be sure as to when or for how long, but it didn’t change the fact that the giant knew. He knew and instead of hunting him down the giant had left Patton a gift to thank him. It was a delicious gift too. Patton now felt so ashamed of himself and hadn’t noticed that his bedroom door was now open.
Logan and Roman: “Patton? What is that?”
Surprised, Patton jumped to his feet in response.
Patton: “I-I can explain.” he whimpered.
  Morning came way too early as Virgil groaned. He really didn’t want to get up and instead buried himself further into his sheets. Last night was a huge mistake! What in the world had made himself think it was a good idea to leave a gift when that would obviously mean he knew they existed! Fuck!
“I’m such an idiot. I try to do something nice and I mess it up like crazy! Now I may never see him again...the only person who’s ever given a damn about me.”
  Virgil wanted to cry, but he had to hold them in or else Remus and Deceit would call him out on his red eyes. That would just make his mood even worse. Not to attract any unwanted attention Virgil dragged himself out of bed. For the remainder of his day he constantly zoned in and out of thought. Would the tiny show up tonight? He could really use the pick-me-up right about now. Sadly, the day seemed to drag on with Remus bugging him about his robotic behavior and Deceit sneering at him for being dramatic. God this sucks!
“Enough, I’m turning in early for tonight.”
“What, but you did that yesterday. I’m beginning to feel you don’t like hanging out with us V.”
“That’s cause I don’t Remus and stop calling me that.”
“Oh I’m so hurt, I-I’m wounded by your sharp words. Agahahah!”
Jokingly Remus pulled a can of tomato juice from his sleeve and shook it violently. Next thing Virgil knew he and Remus were now covered in the red contents.
“Shit! Why did you do that? Now I have to take a shower and clean my clothes before I go to bed.”
“You just looked so pale I thought you could use some color! Want to bathe together to make up?”
  Remus had already begun undressing while still in the living room. Flustered, Virgil didn’t even take the time to answer such an outrageous question and hastened himself to the bathroom. He kept checking over his shoulder to make sure Remus wasn’t taking a peek, but after a while he believed he had gotten away. Virgil sighed in relief, but at the same time he was almost thankful he hadn’t gone to bed yet. He was anxious, anxious that the tiny side really may not show up. He had to be brave though; he needed to know if the tiny truly was gone forever.
“Now Patton, I hope you understand where we’re coming from with keeping you under house arrest.”
“I do, it’s just...he didn’t do anything to me after he found out. Isn’t that a good sign?”
“Patton, please that thing is just trying to trick you. Once it’s gained your trust he’ll trap you in a cage and keep you as some kind of pet.”
“Roman’s words may sound dramatic, but that’s all a plausible outcome for you if you continued.”
“We hope you can trust us on this Patton.”
  Roman placed his hands on top Patton’s shoulders and gave him a hug of reassurance. All they wanted to do was keep him and themselves safe from the giants. Patton hugged back in response.
“We’re going to bed now. Try to get some sleep Pat.”
“Okay, thanks guys.”
“Goodnight Patton.”
  With that Roman and Logan left, leaving Patton to sulk in his room. He reached underneath his bed and pulled out the rest of the sugar cookies he had gotten from the giant. They were so sweet. There was no way someone who took the time to make these just right for him could be bad, thought Patton. It’s not like he didn’t trust Roman and Logan, it’s just that he wanted to trust the giant too.
“I have to see him again. This time actually see him.”
  With new resolve Patton slid open his closet to reveal the origami rabbit he had hidden inside and smiled with confidence. --------------------------------------------------------
  Virgil was struggling to stay awake as he nodded in and out of sleep. Sure it would make sense to just admit defeat that the tiny side wasn’t going to show up, but he couldn’t help thinking that if he stayed up a little longer there may still be a chance. As his mind began to waver the familiar sound of soft footsteps snapped him awake. The tiny had actually shown up to Virgil’s bewilderment. He was so happy he hadn’t scared him away after-all.
  He had to stay quiet though until the footsteps stopped. Then he’d turn around slowly to look. This time he wanted to try talking. As the footsteps came to a halt, Virgil prepared himself, but was stopped by the sudden shouting coming from an unknown voice.
“Ah! Ro-Roman?!”
“Patton what do you think you’re doing out here? You’re supposed to be under house arrest and sleeping in your room.”
“I-I know, but I don’t think we need to be so afraid of this one. He’s not like the others.”
“Patton please. Look at him, he’s huge! He could do anything he wanted to with you if you're caught and we, we may not be able to get you back.”
*sigh* “Listen Pat, you may think you know that giant, but you don’t. He’s a giant and all giants do is hurt people. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“Roman I-”
  Before Patton could finish he saw the blood drain from Roman’s face as his eyes moved upwards. Instantly, Patton knew what Roman was looking at and whipped his head around to notice the giant staring down at him from the bedside. Patton was paralyzed by fear and didn’t even hear Roman screaming at him to flee.
  In a flash Roman ran for his life. He didn’t even look behind him, fully believing Patton had followed suit, but he hadn’t. Patton was still at the foot of the bed staring up at the giant in terror. His breathing became shallow and it took everything he had just to keep standing as his knees buckled. What was going to happen to him?
  Virgil had heard everything and in a fit of anger had turned around to defend himself, but stopped after realizing what he had done. He was a complete idiot! Now one tiny had run away from him screaming and the other was just staring at him terrified. He really wanted to reach down and touch the tiny to let them know he didn’t mean them any harm, but after the conversation he just eavesdropped on he was unsure that wouldn’t help the situation. With that in mind, all he could think to do was smile meekly down at the tiny and hope that would do something to show he was nice.
  Virgil’s smile caught Patton off-guard. Why is he smiling like that, he looks so sad. Smiling should make people look happy. Why isn’t he doing anything else? Wait, did he hear what Roman said? Oh my gosh if he did no wonder he looks like that! Is he trying to show me he won’t hurt me? What do I do? Should I try talking to him? I’m scared, but he also looks scared too. No, I have to be brave! I came out here all on my own just to see him and I’m looking at him right now.
  Virgil was stunned. Did he just say hi to me? That wasn’t my imagination was it? Should I say hi back, no wait, what if my voice is really loud? Then should I wave, no no, sudden movements might scare him off. What am I supposed to do then? I need to answer quickly or it will freak him out. Here goes!
So awkward, but he didn’t run. That’s a good sign.
“Um...my name’s Virgil, wh-what’s yours?”
God, I hate small talk! Will he even answer? My mouth doesn’t look scary does it? What if he thinks I want to eat him or something? Ugh, gross, only Remus would find it funny to try and eat someone.
“My name’s Patton. It’s ni-nice to meet you Virgil.”
He’s talking to me, like we’re having an actual conversation. He’s even smiling at me now. Man he looks so cute!
“Hey Virgil? Yo-you’re not going to hurt me are you?”
“What no, of course not! I-I could never hurt you...you’re so nice and sweet. I’d hate myself even more if I ever hurt you. Please believe me!”
“Woah hey it’s okay I believe you!”
“Really?! I’m so relieved. After what you both talked about I was so worried you’d be too afraid to even talk to me.”
“So you did hear us after-all...”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. I mean I must look like some kind of giant monster to you guys, but I was happy to hear you thought I was at least different compared to the others.”
“That’s because you are different, but still tha-”
  Patton flinched as he locked his gaze onto Virgil’s hand now lowering down towards him. He braced himself expecting to be grabbed, but was surprised to feel soft fingertips caressing his face and hair instead. Surprised, he looked up to a beautiful smile painted on Virgil’s face.
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 Patton blushed deeply as he titled his head into Virgil’s gentle strokes. Virgil was pleased to see Patton had stopped shaking and looked like he enjoyed being touched.
“Sorry if I scared you. I just really wanted to touch you and make it clear that you’re safe here with me.”
“It’s okay. I’m not scared anymore and I do feel safe.”
“I’m glad to hear that...do you think I could pick you up?”
“Sure, I’d like that a lot.”
“Alright, just stay still while I bend down to grab you. I promise to be careful.”
“I trust you Virgil.”
  Virgil was elated to hear those words as he carefully lifted Patton up in his hand and closer to his face to get a better look. As Virgil inched Patton closer, Patton took the initiative and landed a kiss onto Virgil’s cheek. 
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Virgil yelped in surprise, but remained still as to not jostle Patton around in his hand. His face had gone completely red in amazement at suddenly being kissed.
“What was that for?”
“That’s for the yummy cookies you made me. Did you not like it?”
“What, no I-I liked it! I just wasn’t expecting it, is all.”
“Oh well that’s good to hear. I can give you more if you want!”
“Let’s not for now. I don’t think my heart could take that a second time.”
  Patton giggled a bit at Virgil’s bright red face. He felt so silly now for ever being afraid of such a person.
“Still, the cookies you made me were delicious. Thank you again for them.”
“I-I’m glad you liked them. Although, there’s no need to thank me really. I made them as a thank you for all the origami animals you’ve been making me. They’ve always made me feel special.”
“That’s because you are special.”
“Geez, are you always this sweet?”
  Patton only smiled widely in response. Then he yawned and rubbed his eyes. It had gotten pretty late and Patton was finally slowing down.
“I think it might be best for you to head on back now Patton and get some rest.” “But I don’t want to leave yet! How about we have a sleepover and I stay here with you for the night?”
“What about your other friend who ran away? I’m sure he’s worried about you.”
“You mean Roman? Oh he’s been glaring at us for awhile now from behind the bookshelf.”
  Virgil frantically focused on the spot at the bottom of the bookshelf he had placed at the other side of his room. There, tucked away in shadow, was instead Roman staring daggers at him. It would appear he came back after noticing Patton wasn’t behind him, but he was still too scared to come back over.
Before Roman could finish, another person’s hand wrapped itself around his mouth and skillfully dragged his entire frame out of sight. Then a similar hand shot out from the darkness in the form of a thumbs up.
“What in the world was that?”
“That was probably Logan. It seems like he’s given the okie-dokie on me staying here with you for the night.”
“Oh….okay. Are you still sure about this though? What if I roll over in my sleep and squish you, or maybe you fall off the bed?” “Don’t worry so much kiddo. It’ll be okay! If you’re worried about hurting me or me finding my way off the bed then I’ll just sleep on top of you.”
“On top of me?”
“Yeah, I’ll sleep on your chest. You think that will work?”
“O-on my chest?! I am a pretty solid sleeper so it sounds like the safest option, but will you be comfortable there?”
“I personally think I’ll be super comfortable there.”
  Virgil had reached his limit for compliments and overheated at those words. All he could do now was give a simple nod in agreement and start to move into position to allow Patton to climb on top of him. The sensation of Patton’s tiny hands gripping onto Virgil’s shirt was strange and tickled like Hell. Luckily, the feeling faded quickly as Patton crawled over to the center of Virgil’s chest and laid down. Virgil used one hand to bring the sheets up to his torso and the other to hold Patton in place.
“You comfortable?”
“Very much so.”
“Cool. Hey Patton, before you go to sleep I just wanted to say that I’m glad I met you.”
“I’m glad I met you too Virgil.”
  Patton yawned as he nuzzled his face into Virgil’s chest. Virgil blushed and pressed one of his fingers to Patton’s back and stroked it soothingly.
“Goodnight Patton.”
“Goodnight Virgil.”
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  As they drifted into a deep slumber it was unsure of how things would go from now on. However, they both knew that no matter what came their way they would never want to be apart.
The End
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Love Isn’t An Illusion (4)
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, VERY SLOW BUILD
Summary: Training with the class, dealing with Mineta, waiting for parents and then studying with the class. 
Words: +-6500
Warnings: bad parents, the video about saving Stain, training, using reader quirk during training, Mineta, changing rooms, tight clothing for hero costume, making an illusion in the boys changing room to yell at Mineta, talking to Todoroki, crying, sad, fighting with parents, slight breakdown, excessive/destructive studying, being yelled at by parents, anxiety, depression, not sleeping.
Tagged:  @kittycatspervertedheart​ @lemorrite​ @gwendlynn​ @marleps​ @thicctati2​ @saitamastamaticsoup​ @succulent-momma​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @imjusttireddudes​ @misconceptualised​ @ochabby​ @katsukisuwus​ @gayverlinq​ @star-witchs-blog​ @fallbb123 
A/N:  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centred around the reader. Please comment, makes me happy. Ask if you wish to be tagged. 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The week was over, though I hadn’t slept in days. Stain and I’s conversation running through my head like a mantra, I heard some of my other classmates had helped in areas around the city, I was happy for them. I didn’t want to go back to school, not while I was like this, coming home was nothing major. My parents ignored me still caught up about how I hadn’t gone to those interviews, not that I cared for what they thought anymore. I know I wasn’t meant to use my quirk without permission in school or out of school for that matter but as I walked through the school I made it seem like I wasn’t there. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I had gotten messages and a few calls from Deku but not right now. 
Coming into the room I sat down making sure to not bump into anyone and listening to everyone's conversations. Both Sero and Kirishima were laughing at Bakugou, from what I had heard he was interning at ‘Best Jeaniest’s’ agency number four hero was extremely impressive. They were laughing at his hair, slicked down and neat, not the usual explosive hair he had. I thought it was cute but I did much prefer the raging hair, it suited him far more than this. 
“Stop laughing, my hair has gotten used to this and I can’t get it back the right way. Did you not hear me, I’ll kill you both” he was shaking as the words grit out of his mouth, I couldn’t imagine just how much product was in his hair right now. His hand was open and ready for one step too far from the boys and I was sure he would kill them. 
“I’d like to see you try pretty boy” Sero laughed out, mouth open wide and eyes bulging from his head. It was nice to know Bakugou did have friends, he may be very high and mighty but I couldn't imagine other people in the class saying those things and getting away with it. 
“What did you call me” and just like that his hair was back and spiky as usual. I liked his spiking hair, going in every single direction and not caring for looks. Even though he suited the style. My hand came to lightly play with my hair H/C locks smooth and silky to the touch. I don’t think I could pull off that hair but it was nice to look at, I wonder what it felt like. He seemed to take immense care of himself so I didn’t doubt his hair would be skipped. 
“Awesome, you got to face actual villains. I’m super jealous” my eyes moved from the still laughing duo and an angry screaming Bakugou to Mina. She was smiling and looking at Jirou, she helped those people in the hostage situation I had heard.
“Well, I didn’t fight. All I did was help people evacuate” I was going to speak up but my voice was caught. She shouldn’t belittle her internship, it was a lot to even do that. When you’re in such a situation, you do what you have too even if it is only escorting people to safety. “And provide logistical support” it was still more than some, she should be proud. Her voice was quiet and she was playing with her earphone jack, twirling it around her finger. 
“Still sounds like so much fun” Mina was leaning over the table as she called this fact out. She was always so happy and upbeat. I wondered what that felt like, to be so excited for like and things. Sure I was excited to be a hero but with that conversation still running through my mind, it was still a lot to take on. 
“I spent the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck,” Tsu thought out loud, her finger placed against her chin as the two other girls listened in. “Oh there was this one day we caught a bunch of drug smugglers,” she said it so calmly that I almost laughed. The two girls seemed to freeze, mouths open and shocked looks. “What about you Ochako, how was your week” when I turned to see Uraraka tense and looking ready to fight I too stopped in my tracks. 
“I’d say it was very enlightening” her voice was so cold and I swear to whoever could hear me she had this menacing purple glow around her. She was in a fighting stance then began to punch the air. She must’ve had a very good week if she was so in the zone on a Monday morning. 
“I think she found her fighting spirit” Tsu croaked out. I couldn’t agree more, she looked so ready and I wished I could have seen her train. Maybe joined in, not to say my training wasn’t enough. It was more than enough, Snipe and I bonded and got to know each other. I hoped he would still like me later on down the track for more internships. 
“Yeah, that battle hero must have been something else” I had to agree with that statement. He seemed nice enough even though Gunhead was a big guy and the name suggested a powerhouse. I had spoken to him and he seemed kind and compassionate, just what Uraraka needed. 
“After one week she’s like a totally different person” Kaminari pointed put hands out on the table and looking to be leaning away from where the girl was punching the air, the aura still moving around her. She wasn’t different, just more focused I thought. 
“Different. Don’t be fooled Kaminari” Mineta waved his finger back and forth in front of them but then, his eyes widened and he licked his lips a scowl coming to face “All women are demons at heart they just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces” he whispered out. His teeth were chattering and he was shaking?
“What did Mount Lady do to you” Kaminari questioned, gripping the smaller boys arms in a firm grip bringing him back to reality “Everyone at my internship loved me. It was kinda great” I enjoyed my internship even with all the inconveniences and the little mishap partway through the week. “Now if you wanna talk about the ones who changed was those three” Kaminari pointed to Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki conversing at the back of the room “and Y/N” 
“Oh yeah the Hero Killer, did you guys see the video that kept getting taken down. Y/N saved him” Sero pointed out, Bakugou having a tight grip on the boys collar his other hand occupied with Kirishima. 
“I’m glad you guys and Y/N made it back alive. Seriously” Kirishima sighed out, he looked so calm even though Bakugou had him by the collar though he didn’t seem to be short of breath so he wasn’t choking him which was good. 
“I worried for you too” the soft voice of Yaoyorozu spoke out, everyone moved to the back of the classroom and I was nervous someone would bump into me at my desk, no one did. 
“It was a good thing Endeavor showed up and saved you guys. Y/N too, her quirk is super powerful. I saw that she stood between Midoriya and the Hero Killer” Sato's voice seemed to be deep but also light in a way. Strange but I liked it, it was calming. 
“So cool” Toru wiggled around, her clothes moved as she moved her hands. Her voice sounded like she was interested and seemingly up to date on the topic. It was hard to gauge an emotion or expression with no face to look at. “Just what I’d expect from the number two hero” even though he had done nothing and it was all a cover-up, not that they could hear me. 
Todoroki’s eyes fell just as his head did “Yeah, that’s right” he wasn’t very good at lying, he looked uncomfortable and on edge. He had to learn how to lie properly, no one batted an eye but I could see the truth. My heart fluttered knowing I could see the difference. “He saved us” no he didn’t but, just something they had to let go. I got videoed and we couldn’t lie about that. Plus that mysterious video someone taped and posted. 
“Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer” my ears perked and my eyes left the dual coloured ones of Todoroki and turned to Ojiro instantly. What was he talking about, what news? Had he broken out? “Everyone has been saying he’s somehow connected to the league of villains” I froze, he couldn’t be right? He seemed far to prideful to work with them. He was on a mission, he went on about ridding the world of fake heroes, he wouldn’t associate with them but then again the Nomu were there at the same time. “Can you imagine how frightening it would have been if that creep was there when they attacked the USJ” I didn’t want to think about it if I was honest. I didn’t like thinking about that day. Though he only went after heroes, I don’t think he would have done much damage to us more so the teachers. 
“He’s scary, yeah but, did you see him in that weird video” again the video was brought up. I hated that video, it showed me helping him. My ear to his chest and then as I tried to help him. I had watched it so many times, every time it came up I watched it at least five times. Not that the real thing wasn’t constantly playing on a loop in my head. “It’s all over the internet. Stains’ a pretty evil villain but super tenacious, he’s almost kinda cool don’t you guys think” Kaminari pointed out. No, no I didn’t think that at all. He was crazy, totally and utterly bonkers. Mnirodriya called his name and it seemed to snap him back “Oh dude” his mouth was covered as he looked to Iida. 
“No, it’s fine. He is quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people might think he was cool but, instead of helping the world his views lead him to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motive killing cannot be condoned” Iida was right, it doesn’t matter your views or thoughts on anything you can’t kill people and everything will be fine. That’s not how the world works nor should it would like that at all. “To keep anyone else from suffering like me. Well” his arm was up straight and his voice rose to shout the next words “I promise, I will strive to be the perfect hero” I was glad he was getting back to his normal self again. He looked up to his brother so much, so many people did. 
“Speaking of recent events. Where’s Y/N she’s usually here before most people” Kaminari voiced and then looked around as did everyone. I sighed and let the illusion fall, all eyes turned to me instantly. “Wait have you been there the whole time” he shouted. 
“Sorry” I whispered and looked down scratching the back of my head, “Said recent events were quite a lot and it’s taken some time to” I paused and moved my hands around “Accept them” I saw a few nods. 
“You were in the middle of the city fight, weren’t you. I saw the videos of you taking down the Nomus’” Jirou turned and smiled. I nodded slowly and then came the yelling. Mina hadn’t seen the videos and was yelling that she was quite jealous of my activities. 
“Yeah, I was Snipe’s sidekick for a week. I told all the heroes that wanted me. I wanted to be treated like a hero not a tool for a week” again more yelling and questioning. Most said they thought I was kidding when I left the first time. I couldn’t blame them. “I trained and went on patrol. Even keeping a villain alive, it was a long week” I closed my eyes and smiled. No one other than the three boys at the back of the room knew I had, had a personal conversation with the said villain. I wanted to keep it that way. 
“Well now everyone. Class is about to begin” Iida shouted and I mouthed a thank you, I was met with a firm nod. I didn’t want to talk about it, it was quite a lot to deal with especially alone. I would manage. Everyone made their way to their respected seats quickly still quietly chatting away. Though Iida continued to shout. 
We were asked to change into our hero costumes and I was so excited. Sure some had seen it but I loved the new look. The iridescent colours and smoke looking mask. I loved it all. All Might was teaching us today and I smiled walking out of the changing room. I got a few looks and I walked down to the training area, my hips swaying and a smile on my face. 
“I am here” All Might shout loud and clear for everyone to hear, his hands on his hips. I hoped that one day I could shout something like that and everyone wouldn’t be scared. Everyone would know I was there to help. “I hope you are ready to return to lessons. Today it’s hero basic training, it feels like I haven’t seen you in a while” he wasn’t wrong it had been quite some time. A week at least though I had spoken to him once when I was dropping off something at the end of my internship. “Welcome back. Now listen carefully to what’s in store, we are going to be conducting a little race. Taking everything you’ve learned from your internships and applying it to this rescue training” he explained. Rescue training I admit was important but I didn’t like it at all. I wasn’t good with words and people annoyed me quite a bit but it was part of being a hero. 
“If it’s rescue training shouldn’t we be at the USJ instead” Iida yelled hand straight in the air. He still had bandages on and the memory that he might have permanent damage ran through my mind. He was always so confident and pointed out things, I had to thank him some time for talking so much that the teachers didn’t pick on me. 
“That facility specialises in disasters. As I said earlier this is a race” the way he spoke those last few words, head tilted down and smile wide I got nervous. Were we racing him because if so, I was going to quite enjoy making myself invisible and running away? “So prepare, you are about to step inside field gamma. Inside is an area full of factories, an intricate labyrinth. Good luck finding your way around. You’ll be competing in groups of five, each group starts on the outskirts of the model city. I’ll send out a distress signal and you do what you must to come to save me. Whoever finds me first, wins. But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum please” I laughed lightly as his eyes changed from looking at all of us to only looking at Bakugou who was now looking away a scowl etched on his face. His quirk was strong, very strong but his quirk was also destructive which was a problem.
“Tch, why are you pointing at me?” Bakugous’ voice was low and croaky. He was offended by the poor thing. He was looking away not even bothering to make eye contact as I smiled laughing silently. I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his anger. 
“Alright first group get to your places” and then we were off. Splitting up. Deku, Sero, Mina, Iida and Ojiro. The rest of us were moved in front of a TV screen where we could watch the playthrough. I had to learn everyone's attacks and weaknesses...for future reference of course. 
Everyone began to talk about who they believed was going to get to All Might first. Sero was at an advantage of simply being able to go over the buildings. Mina couldn’t destroy a lot, Midoriya I wasn’t too sure about. Ojiro could jump around and Iida was fast so they all had fast quirks. This would be something very interesting to watch. 
I ignored what everyone was saying. I needed to pay attention, I had to watch them closely in case they made us do it again and we had to fight them myself. I needed to watch them. Once it began Sero was the first to fly off, just like I predicted above everything. Then Mina skidded along the top of the buildings, she was fast. Ojiro on his tail and then Iida running along the ground. This was going to be a race of speed not so much anything else. Then out of nowhere came Midoriya, quick and jumping around on top of everyone. He looked like Bakugou and bit and from the angered look on his face he knew it too. Then he fell. The match was over quickly, Sero won just like I said. He knew his quirk too well and the fact he could easily maneuver through the place was definitely on his side. This was important to remember all their strengths. 
I was in the last group. I was up against Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka and Tsu. We were on the outskirts and I smirked. This would be easy, when we were allowed to go I watched as everyone began to quickly run off to get to All Might. I looked at the Camera and waved, then sent out an illusion, Cameras could only see the illusion. 
“Where did All Might go” I was running along a bridge to his spot, quick and fast. “Dammit Y/N” I could hear Bakugou yell then more explosions. The rules never stated I couldn’t use my quirk to confuse them. I was running full speed as I ran towards All Might who was smiling at me. 
Jumping down I let the illusion fade and down I was in front of him as the others landed and I got the sash. “Your quirk is so good” Uraraka looked down painfully her arms swinging by her sides as she sighed. “I thought I had a chance” 
“Sorry” I called out and leaned to one side. I could see the angered face of Bakugou as I smiled at him, he huffed and I shrugged. “I like to win” was the last thing I said as the class was over. I let everyone walk along another bridge with me so they didn’t have to walk the whole way to the entrance.
Jumping off I was met with congratulations, soon after we were sent to the changing rooms. I stretched as I walked, my hips swaying. An unfortunate side effect of wearing a skintight suit. I sighed out bringing my arms down and rolling my neck. I had gotten complimented on my new outfit and I flushed instantly. Sure I expected someone to notice but the way Toru went on about how pretty it was and how good I looked, then Mina and Tsu added in their thoughts and then it was all the girls. I couldn’t help but blush. 
In the changing rooms, I was getting undressed when I saw all the girls crowd around a little hole. I tilted my head walking over as I pulled my skirt up to my legs not having put my shirt on. I watched as Jirous’ earphone jack went straight through the hole. I could hear Mineta talk about what he wanted to see and I grimaced. I was guessing Jirou hit something at the scream we all heard. 
“Thanks, Kyoka” Toru spat out. I was so disgusted that the little pervert would try something like that. I could hear Iida going off at him and I didn’t think it was enough, he shouldn’t be in this course if this is how he acted. Jirou had her hands around her body as if to somehow cover herself. 
“Despicable, we will close up this hole immediately” Yaoyarozu huffed out, she had a very angry look on her face and I was sure my face mirrored hers. I was pissed, how low did he have to be to try something like that. 
“I’ll have it closed, for now, you can get changed Jirou. He can’t see in” I was met with a smile and then used an illusion to block the hole. “Just give me a moment” I whispered and then heard a scream as an illusion came into the boys' locker room, I could see if I wanted to but instead I only created the illusion. 
“You are honestly disgusting” I looked to Mineta, the illusion was clothed, I made sure to put that in as I looked down at the boy who was still standing in front of the hole. “If you ever try something like that again, I will personally make sure you know the full extent of my quirk” with those words the illusion faded. 
“Good one. Can you see through it” Uraraka asked and I flushed immediately as I moved to place on my shirt. I wasn’t looking at any of them and I couldn’t blame her for asking. 
“If I think hard enough yes. But an illusion isn’t me so no I didn’t see anything though I would have liked to do a bit more damage than yelling if I'm honest” I smiled and heard a group of laughter as I buttoned up my shirt before tucking it into my skirt. The skirt was shorter then I would have liked but that was a price I had to pay by not trying it on before I bought it. It was of a decent length and no one could see anything but paranoia was a key factor.  
Soon it was the end of the day and I was off on my way home. It was afternoon as I walked out of the main building and looked at my phone seeing a message. “Picking you up, wait” that was the only thing my mother had written. I was going to tell her not to worry but I knew it would just lead to drama and most likely another fight. Moving to a side bench I sat down and then waited. I continued to wait and wait and wait. An hour and a half later I was now staring at the parking lot waiting for my mother to arrive. 
“Y/N” I heard and turned and saw Todoroki standing behind me, book bag in hand and staring at me confused. I looked to Todoroki trying to see any emotion “Why are you still here, school ended hours ago” he commented. I could ask him the same thing. 
“Oh, well, you see” I stuttered, should I lie. Should I say I'm in an after school group, no he might ask which one. He could see my hesitance and my words fell “My mother told me to wait” I whispered and looked down to my phone. All the messages were delivered but none had been replied too. “I’m sure she’s just caught up with something” even though I could hear the lie in my tone. 
He heard it too as I nodded and looked back to my phone “Do you want me to wait with you” I felt like my heart stop. He was so nice, yet so quiet. I had seen him lose his cool though, at the hospital. I moved to meet his eyes “I’m happy too” he spoke as I looked down again.
I considered it, it was lonely and I needed to make friends. What was I thinking, I softly shook my head “No” I breathed out, licking my lips, shaking my head as I fakely smiled “No, it’s ok. You go home” I tried to smile again but it was small and didn’t reach my eyes. 
“Are you ok?” he asked and I tilted my head confused “You’re crying” I paused my hand coming to my eyes, I was indeed crying. Tears fell down my face as he moved to sit next to me. I quickly wiped my eyes. 
This was so embarrassing “I’m so sorry” I whispered trying to desperately stop crying in front of him. This was extremely awkward and my eyes hurt a little after as I rubbed them harshly. “It’s just been a long week is all” I smiled. 
“There’s no need to apologise. It’s ok to cry” no it wasn’t, it was not ok to cry especially in front of a classmate you’ve had one conversation with. I was so embarrassed I could feel my hands shake, I put them in my lap so he wouldn’t see. “You don’t have a good relationship with your parents do you” I looked at him quickly, he had a face as he understood and I sighed out and nodded. “I don’t either” he was always so honest not thinking twice about his words “I saw how your mother treated you after the festival” I nodded slowly. 
“Yeah” I whispered dismissively “She’s just got a lot on and is always busy” I rubbed my shoulder subconsciously “She doesn’t mean it, I don’t think” my fingers dug into my skin as I nodded and tried to hold back my tears “She’s just” I paused and then let the air leave my lungs. “Her”. 
“My dad isn’t the best” he admitted and I nodded agreeing. We spoke for a while, just talking and getting to know each other. It was fun to just talk to Todoroki. I found out he likes Cold Soba and wants to be the top hero to throw it in his dad's face. 
“You should head off, it’s getting dark and I don’t want you going home when it is dark. My mother will be here soon, I'm sure of it” a little bit more persuading and he was off walking out of the school. Teachers left as I sat there and waited. 
It was dark now and I was running low on battery as I tried to pass the time. I wasn’t worried as I was still on school grounds though I was getting angrier by the second now that most of the parking lot was empty. Then after almost four hours of waiting her car shows up, getting into the car I notice new nails and dyed hair. 
“Did you go to the salon?” I asked as she began to drive off. No, I just hadn’t been paying attention right? I looked back seeing bags in the back seat, she just grabbed a few things earlier today on her break. Yeah, she wouldn’t make me wait four hours for no reason. 
“Yes and” she commented brushing her hair behind her ear. We made it out of the parking lot as I was trying to reel in my anger, I could feel it rolling off me in waves. I was about two seconds away from losing my mind. 
“So you made me wait at school for four extra hours, when I could've gotten home by myself, to what” I began throwing my arms around but making sure to not go on her side. I may be angry but I didn’t want her to crash. “Piss me off. Why would you make me wait if I could’ve just gone home” my voice was loud and I was yelling. 
This started an argument, both of us yelling and her making excuse after excuse for no good reason. “I had shit to do Y/N” that didn’t excuse it. I hadn’t asked her to pick me up. I was fuming, my eye twitching “Besides I’m doing something nice for you, be grateful” she snapped her hair beginning to move. 
“Grateful” I whispered “Grateful” I screamed, we were at a red light as she turned to me “Be grateful for having to wait four hours. My teachers and peers are looking at me in pity. Be grateful for you not talking to me for a week, what else should I be grateful for” I yelled my hands rising above my head “Please enlighten me” I finished and her hair was now moving around in the air, she was pissed but by god, I was about ready to pull the car onto the other side of the road. She turned to the road ignoring me “Wow would you look at that” I commented.
The rest of the drive was silent, as soon as the car stopped I grabbed my things opening the door and then slamming it harshly a loud bang is heard and yell from my mother. I opened the front door and my dad was angry already. How amazing. 
“Where have you been?” he shouted and came to stand in front of me, chest puffed and nose flaring “I have been waiting for hours. No message, no call. Who were you with” I was about to talk when he stomped his foot “Tell me this second”
I was past my caring limit, past angry and past hysteria. I was so livid “Your wife made me wait at school for four hours while she went out shopping. If you were so worried, message me yourself for a change” as she walked in the door bags in hand I growled as she too began to scream at me. “Enough” I screamed and shook the house. My quirk running into my voice, both stilled. “Enough. I’m over this, I have had an extremely long week and I don’t want to deal with the two of you right now” with those words I stormed to my room. 
Putting up a sound barrier, my quirk did work wonders sometimes. I screamed. I screamed and screamed and screamed. Placing myself into an endless box, I flipped and broke things that came to mind. When I was a little calmer I let the box fade as I sighed out. My room was fine, no damage done. I was livid, I was over this house. Over my parents caring only for themselves. I couldn’t bear it. I had to calm down. I had to be calm. I sighed and then got changed into something more comfortable. 
Falling onto my bed with a huff I was glad I had locked the door as I was not in the least bit presentable at this given moment, hair a mess and only wearing a jumper and underwear with socks. I hadn’t studied at all today, lifting myself from the bed I moved to my desk getting my books and pens ready. 
I had muted the class group chat but when I got a notification on it I knew someone had said my name. Putting in the thumbprint I moved to look at the message. It wasn’t just me, it was ‘@everyone’ Kaminari was asking for help. Within seconds he had gotten a few replies. I was the top student in the class, something I had to keep. 
Putting on some light music I hummed along while I studied. Pages upon pages as I sat at my desk, the music changing and shuffling. I made sure to put on the ‘Calm’ list when studying. Mellow music with calm beats and slow lyrics. I loved it, it helped to stay focused. I skipped dinner, something I had been doing the last few days. When I considered myself done it was well past midnight and I knew I had to awaken in only a few hours. I had been overworking myself the past few days both physically and mentally. 
Getting up from my desk I stretched my back and then turned off the light. Heading to bed for at least a few hours. This routine went on for a while, I was getting more and more tired. I was showing up on time but later and later until I was walking in with Aizawa. I was using all my effort to participate and pay attention in class. I had helped Todoroki and Midoriya study a few times, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari tagging along then it turned into a half a class thing. 
“Y/N you have such neat notes” Kaminari complimented and with hooded and under shaded eyes I thanked him. I helped whoever needed it, I began talking to them more often and even Bakugou had tagged along. I ended up helping him a few times even though I played it off as he was helping me for the others. 
“How does someone have the mental capacity to take these kinda notes in class and then study” Mina called out throwing her arms in the air and her head falling back with a cry. I was sitting next to Bakugou and Todoroki, I should say in the middle of them when I received a call. 
I didn’t even look at the caller as I tiredly answered “Hello” it was silent for a few moments as I yawned and held the bridge of my nose. I could see everyone being quiet as I waited for a reply. 
“Where are you” came a scream and I could see I was getting a few stares. With a confused glance and pulling the phone from my ear, I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my mother. I nodded slowly and put it back. “Answer me” she screamed. 
“I am at a study group with people from my class” I answered calmly, I didn’t have the energy to deal with her today. I hadn’t slept in days and my anxiety was through the roof at this point. “I told you I was going, you said and I quote ‘I couldn’t care less’” I didn’t care who could hear I was tired and on my last brain cells of living. 
“Don’t expect me to pick you up” she shouted, it sounded like she was in the car. I put my hand up to the class and stood, stumbling over a little way away from the table to have this conversation somewhat private. 
“I didn’t” I answered and leaned against a wall, not quite able to hold myself up at this given point of time. I sighed out and rolled my eyes as the yelling continued. 
“What time will you be home” as I was about to answer I heard a beep “Idiot” so she was driving, I rubbed my eyes just trying to keep them open. “Answer me” another scream and I pulled the phone away from my ear for a moment to not go deaf. 
“When it’s over, I have keys. I always have keys” I answered softly. If she even cared a little she would be able to hear just how tired I was and how much I wanted this conversation to end. More screaming. “I need to go” then all went silent. 
“Whatever. You know what, whatever. Do as you wish, as per usual” then she hung up. I pulled the phone away looking at the call symbol disappear and sighed. I ran my fingers through my hair. It was only just after dinner, I could go home but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her but I was so tired. I had to study, I sighed, I had to study. 
Now I was angry, walking over I threw my phone on the table with a loud bang, not caring for the device at all as I grabbed my book and began to write. I was writing so fast, I was so mad, so burnt out. I was writing science formulas and going down the page as I changed colours and wrote my notes as I usually did. 
“Are you ok?” Kirishima asked slowly and I looked up, eyes lidded, the bags beneath my eyes felt like they were pulling my eyes down. I nodded with pursed lips “You don’t look ok” he added and I heard a few agree. 
“Just a normal day, nothing to worry about” I whispered and I could see the worried faces begin to blossom. I didn’t like the attention and swallowed, I looked down and saw all my calculations and noticed I had done an entire science calculation in anger. A hard one too. Dropping my pencil I rubbed my eyes. 
“When was the last time you slept?” Sero asked his smile fading but teeth still showing. Now everyone seemed interested in this question, I too was interested in the answer. 
I thought about it “Monday” I said questioningly “I think I slept on Monday. What day is it” I asked and looked down, it was Thursday. “Saturday I had an hour, I think I had about half an hour Monday” I answered and nodded “Or was that the Saturday study breaks” I whispered and shrugged “I don’t know” I answered. 
“That’s not good” Bakugou spoke in a calm voice. I turned to him and nodded slowly. My eyes closed for a second and I shook my head to bring myself back. I could hear people saying I should go home and sleep, eat something. “You haven’t been eating either” Bakugou pointed out. 
“I have to study” I swallowed and all conversations died down. I shook my head “I can’t fall behind” I whispered and I felt the air get sad. I began to highlight and write and the conversation came back into the room. Laughter and other things. I sat in between Bakugou and Todoroki just doing my work, helping them a few times before returning. It was well into the night when we all departed. I was packing up my things as I almost fell over being caught by packing up Bakugou. “Sorry” I whispered. 
I watched as people watched me stumble out of the room and then down the hall. I accidentally bumped into Aizawa who was holding papers and almost fell over again “Y/N” he asked and I was off again down the hall.
The next few days began the same until Monday morning when the class ended. I was having trouble staying awake through the whole class but I had to pay attention to every single second. I didn’t have time to fail. I needed to do this. I needed to pass, I needed to do well. I could only sleep on the day of the exam. 
“Alright, that’s it for today, you only have one more week before the exam” I was smiling ear to ear, I could sleep. One week, I had to sleep. I had to be fully rested for the exam, I was so tired. “I’m sure you’re all studying constantly, right?” I nodded. Yes, yes I was. “Don’t forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element” no sleep for me then. I had been training but not enough, I had learned skills but I needed to put them into action. I had to do well, there was not an option for failure. “There’s also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck” and with those words the door was closed and my anxiety shot through the roof.
Chapter 5
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all-might-blog · 4 years
Give those two a push, Class 1A!
The students of Class 1A are not blind to the fact that their teacher, All Might, is having a bit of a romantic problem. So they decide that it cannot wait any longer... and Aizawa catches them Red-handed.
This story was inspired by a fanart I found on pinterest. It was a picture of All Might and Inko walking down a street, All Might holding an umbrella since it raining. In the background, you could see several students of Class 1A watching them, as if they had planed it. So I came up with this idea! Also, anyone agree that Inko should be shown more in the series? After all, isn't she the woman raising humanity's next All Might? AND she's doing it on her own! Share your oppinion in the comments (if you wish).
This is the picture:
Tumblr media
Originally posted on Ao3
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
"You know, I noticed that All Might was staring at your mom yesterday during the School Meeting, Deku." Urakawa said. "Yeah, I saw that too. It's been going on like that for some time..." the green-haired boy said. "Ooooh, All Might has a love interest!" Mina sing-sang, making some of the students giggle. "Guys, class is about to start." Momo said without looking up from the notebook she was writing on. "Yes, but All Might is in need of a push, don't you think?" Hagakure piped up. There was a short-lived silence. "Are you saying that we should set them up?" Asui asked slowly. "Yeah!" Hagakure said. "Um... is that a good idea?" Midoriya asked, a little doubtful. "Why shouldn't it?" the invisible girl asked cheerfully. "That's what happened to my parents!" "All Might and Deku's Mom are not your parents, though." Iida said. "I agree with Hagakure," Kaminari said. "I think that we should-" "Good morning," Eraserhead swept in through the door, heading straight to his desk. The class instantly fell silent. Had he heard them? "In case you are wondering, yes, I heard you. But I am also tired of having to watch those two dance around each other like moths around a godamn light. So long as you don't do anything stupid, like setting a fire so that All Might can rescue her or something, I will allow this to go on. And if they find out, don't tell them about what I just said. Now, let's get started with the lesson." The class was shocked and relieved at their teacher's speech. He had heard them, but he was allowing them to give All Might and Inko a little nudge.
"It will rain today," Bubblegirl said, glancing up at the sky. "You should get an umbrella, Mirio. I can lend you one if you want." "Thanks!" Mirio replied cheerfully. "Come, Eri." Bubblegirl gave him an umbrella and he and Eri left the agency just as the first drops of rain began to fall. "We will take the train to the shopping mall. What do you think, Eri?" Mirio asked the small girl besides him. "Yes!" she replied, giving him a huge, adorable smile. He beamed back at her, leading the way to the train station.
"Aww, shucks. It's raining." Kirishima said as they aproached the main doors. "The sky was clear earlier this morning," Midoriya said, shouldering his backpack. "I didn't bring an umbrella." "Problem solved," Momo said, holding out umbrellas for everyone. "Wow! Thanks, sempai!" Urakawa said, taking one. "So... anyone know what we will do about Inko and All Might?" "Well, my mother said that she was going to the mall... I could get All Might to come too?" Midoriya suggested. "Smart! And then, you guys meet her and then we will come and you can tell them that you will be with us." Mina said with a bright smile. "I can tag after them closely since I am invisible," Hagakure said. "Ooooh, that's a good idea!" Ojiro said, his tail wagging. "I will come because I need to get more soba anyways." Todoroki said quietly (truth was, he was also curious about how it would turn out...). "I will too!" Mina said. Soon, Urakawa, Iida, Ojiro, Mina, Hagakure, Todoroki, Kirishima, Jiro, Tsuyu, Momo and Bakugou (whom Deku had managed to drag along in some miraculous way) were heading for the mall. Sato, Aoyama, Denki, Sero, Tokoyami, Mineta, Shoji and Koda already had plans for the evening. Midoriya went back into the school, umbrella clutched in his right hand, and ran into All Might himself, crashing painfully to the floor. "Midoriya, my boy!" All Might said with surprise. "I didn't see you coming! Are you alright?" "Yup." Midoriya said, tears of pain stinging his eyes. All Might helped him to his feet. "Where you going home?" All Might asked. "No. Actually, I was looking for you. Would you like to come with me to the mall? I need to get some new clothes, and my mother is not free today..." Midoriya said. "Well, I don't have anything else to do today and I could do with a walk. Problem is, I haven't got an umbrella." All Might replied. "We can just share mine..." he said, holding his up. "All right then. Shall we get going?" Al Might asked, pulling on his jacket.
The two of them exited the school and headed for the train station. Many people stared at All Might, and there was a great deal of muttering and pointing as they walked past, but not hostile. After all, he had once been the world's number 1 hero before his fight with All for One. Soon the two of them were entering the shoping mall, which was less crowded than usual due to the rain outside. Midoriya spotted Ojiro sitting on a bench next to the fountain placed in the center of the mall. His fellow friend gave him a subtle thumbs up. Midoriya replied with a tiny nod to show he understood. His phone pinged and he fished it out of his pockets. It was a text from Iida: Localitation of your mother has been found. She is on the second floor, about to use the elevator. Hagakure is sneaking in with her. it read. "Anything wrong, my boy?" All Might asked. Midoriya pocketed the phone. "Nah. Let's go up to the second floor. I heard there's a good shop up there..."
The two of them walked up to the elevator. Midoriya pressed the button and both waited patiently. Then the doors opened to reveal Inko standing inside the elevator, carrying two shoping bags. She stepped outside and noticed the other two. "Oh! Izuku! All Might!" she said with a laugh, "You nearly gave me a heart attack." "My apologies, Miss Inko." All Might said, keeping his conposture. Midoriya didn't miss the faint blush that colored his sharp cheek bones. He made his amused smile into a cheerful, innocent one. "Ha ha, Mom! I didn't expect to find you here!" he said. He felt a tiny nudge on his hand and knew it was Hagakure. "Neither did I. What are you two doing here?" Inko asked. "I was going to go by some clothes. I invited All Might along since you weren't available and he agreed because he didn't have anything to do for the rest of the afternoon." Mirodiya explained. "Well then, I shouldn't keep the two of you," Inko said, adjusting her grip on her bags. "Hey! Midoriya! Watcha doing here?!" they all turned to see Kirishima runing towards them. "Bakugou, Denki and I are gonna go to Virgin and see if we can get some suppost items for Denki. Wanna come?" "Sure!" Midoriya said. Then he looked at the other two adults. "If that's fone with the two of you…?" "Of course, Izuku. All Might, uh, would you like coffee or something else...?" Inko asked. "I could do with some tea." he said, giving Midoriya a look that seemed to say We will speak about this later. "Okay! I will see you later, then!" Midoriya said with a wave, walking after Kirishima. "Did you see him blush? I saw him blush!" Hagakure said with a giggle, "I've never seen All Might blush! I should have taken a picture of it... The media would go crazy within days!" "Better leave it as it is. I don't think All Might would like it." Kirishima said. The turned a corner to find the others waiting for them. "So? How was it?" Mina asked. "I think he suspects, but they are gonna have a snack or something." Midoriya said. "This is so fun!" Urakawa said with a laugh. "It feels like we are doing a super secret mission!" "Well, we better move or we will loose them!" Hagakure said. "Come on, class!" Iida said, walking out of their corner. The others quickly followed. "I think we should split into groups or we might get found. Bakugou, Kirishima, Tsuyu and Mina, you guys could be one group. Urakawa and Jiro. Todoroki and Iida could be another. I will be with Ojiro and Deku. Hagakure, you tag along close behind them." Momo said. "I think she already did..." Jiro said. There was a short silence. "Yup. Let's get moving!" Kirishima said excitedly. They all split ways, heading in different directions but all walking down the same way and looking as innocent as they could. Todoroki and Iida went into the café that All Might and Inko where in and took seats on a table not too far from them, looking at the two adults over the newspapers they were using as face shields.
All Might and Inko sat at a table, unaware that they were being monitored by Class 1A's students. They had just finished ordering their drinks (All Might had ordered black tea and Inko had gotten a latte). "I am sure that you and I both know what this is all about, right?" Inko quietly asked All Might. "I've know Izuku ever since he was born, after all..." "I apologize for this." All Might said, cheeks slightly pink (Hagakure placed her hands firmly over her mouth to stiffle the giggle that was craling up her throat. She couldn't believe it was going so well!). "It's fine. They are kids after all..." Inko said with a little wave of her hand. "But, uh, I didn't expect them to... well..." the two of them fell into an awkward silence. They were rescued by the arrival of their drinks. All Might focused on sipping at his, trying to keep his face free from any emotion that could betray his nervousness and unease.
"I feel like we might have to wait for something to happen," Ojiro quietly told Momo and Mirodiya. "They know our intentions!" Hagakure whispered, making the three of them jump. "Uh... is that bad…?" Mirodiya whispered. "They are mostly awkward." the invisible girl said. "I'm going to go see what they are speaking about." Several minutes passed before she returned. "They are talking about school. They seem a little more comfortable around each other. That's good, right?" "Yes. Go keep an eye on them." Momo replied. "Deku, what are you-?" Mirodiya had his phone to his ear. The heard All Might's ringtone suddenly blast ("YOU HAVE A CAAAAAAAALLLLL-- "). All Might stood and excused himself for a minute or so.
"WhAT Is THe MEanInG oF THiS, MIDoRiyA?! " All Might hissed. "Uh..." "I know what this is all about, so don't deny that you and whoever else is with you are trying to set Inko and I in a date!"  "Um..." "Midoriya?! 'Um' is not an anwser to my question!" "Look... just... get to know her. And it wasn't only us, you know. Aizawa sensei also-" "What?" "Don't get mad at him!" Midoriya quickly said. "We just-" "Just give me that," his phone was ripped out of his hands by Bakugou, "What Deku here is trying to kindly tell you is just fucking get over with it because they are all fucking bored of whatever is keeping you and Deku's mother appart. " he then ended the call. "Kachan!" Midoriya gasped. Bakugou shoved his phone back into hks hands. "Sometimes you have to get to the godamn point, idiot." he said. Moments later, Kirishima, Mina and Tsuyu ran up to them. "We tried to stop him," Mina panted. "It's okay-" "Guys! Look!" Tsuyu said. They all turned their heads to All Might and Inko's table. They were talking in low voices, All Might ocasionally chuckling and shaking his head. Soon they had finished their drinks, All Might paying for them. Then they watched them as they walked out of the café's terrace, talking. "Come on!" Iida said as he and Todoroshi left their table. Soon they were all sneaking after them. "What happened? All Might looked kinda agitated back there..." Urakawa asked Midoriya. "I called him in the phone and then Kachan took it from me and told him his thoughts." Midoriya replied. "Ah..." Jiro said with a quiet laugh.
"They are going outside," Todoroki said. "I will make raincoats for everyone." Momo said. Within moments, they were following the two adults, dressed in raincoats. Hagakure was also wearing one, not keen on getting wet in the freezing cold rain. Midoriya felt like a spy from a mission impossible movie as they all snuck after All Might, who held Midoriya's umbrella, and Inko, keeping themselves at a safe distance. Some of them, like Iida and Mina, actually hid behind bushes. "What are you all doing out here?" Midoriya jumped at Mirio's voice. He had been walking hand in hand with Eri, a black umbrella shielding the two of them from the rain. "We are matchma-" Kirishima began to say, but he was cut off by Mina. "They are kissing!" she squealed in the quietest way possible. They all looked at All Might and Inko, who had their faces half-hidden by the umbrella. But they couldn't miss the kiss. Bakugou shot into full view and before anyone could stop him- "FUCKING FINALLY!!!" he shouted at them. Kirishima pulled him behind a wall and everyone except Mirio and Eri ducked into hiding before All Might and Inko could spot them. Mirio shrugged at them. "Mission complete!" Iida whispered. They all silently whooped their victory.
I was actually laughing by the ending at Bakugou's outburst XD ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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Being Human - Chapter 08
<= Chapter 07
Summary :  :) Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/24826561/chapters/62121352
Okay so this chapter is rated M because of graphic depictions of violence + same for the drawing posted with it. You can skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable (I made sure to cut the chapter at the right time for that, just in case).
Thank you so much for all your nice comments in your reblogs and tags, you're all so wonderful ! I feel so happy when I read them, you're the best motivation I could ever get, thank you, thank you so much ! Also I can't believe we reached 3000 views and more than 200 kudos on AO3, gosh, this is crazy for less than 10 chapters !! Thank you so much, guys !!
The "Oh The Humanity" AU belongs to @doodledrawsthings​ !
Happy reading !
Chapter 08 - “Please, please, stop! It hurts, it hurts!”
It was damp. It was awful. It was cold.
It hurt.
Lukas didn’t know how long he had been down there, in this nightmarish place that once used to be his home. Minutes, hours, days… He wasn’t able to tell. Or, well, at least he knew several things about his situation and how desperate it was. First of all… The Prince couldn’t feel his legs anymore and was barely able to move them at all. He had no idea if there would be some way to save him at this point… And the more time passed, the worst it all became. His weight had become more and more unbearable for his body after a while and he had felt his shoulders dislocate, little by little… Until it just snapped.
He had screamed so much. But now it was fine. Lukas had become accustomed to the pain. After all this time, his suffering had just become some kind of background sensation, something that was always present, no matter what. Sometimes, the pain was so strong that he couldn’t even think. Other times, it faded a bit, letting his mind rest for a while… Until all the horrible thoughts came back to him, hitting him like a wave.
“Why did this all happen?”, “It’s my fault, isn’t it?”, “Maybe it wouldn’t have ever happened if I had stayed with her”, “I shouldn’t have abandoned her”, and so and so. At first, the Prince truly wanted to think it wasn’t his fault, that perhaps Vanessa had been the problem all along… After all, she did some awful things on him, like bleaching his hair, preventing him from eating certain things, putting the blame on him for many things… She had claimed it was her own way of loving him.
And he had believed her at the time.
Now… Now, he couldn’t help but think it was all his fault. That if he had done things differently, if he had taken better care of her, if he had noticed how lonely she had felt with him gone for his studies… Perhaps all of this wouldn’t have happened. Sometimes… He couldn’t help but think he had deserved it.
Ice had started to spread through the cellar, approaching him more and more. At first, it came from the two doors, and soon, it progressed through the room, trapping everything in its grasp. What used to be kegs and barrels soon disappeared under several layers of ice. And now… It was so close to him, almost touching him, touching his hands and feet. Lukas wondered if the only thing preventing it from fully covering him up was the fire magic he was using to stay alive through this atrocious cold. It was probably the case. Though, his magic wouldn’t last forever, and he could already feel how exhausted he was from both using it and trying to survive his severe injuries. At least, the cold made the pain more bearable… Lukas couldn’t imagine how it would feel without it.
When he was tired, he had to stop using his magic. After all, he couldn’t continue to use it while he was sleeping. Each time he woke up, he could see that the ice had spread more and more in his direction, resisting his powers with time. Was it a coincidence or was it because of Vanessa’s influence? He couldn’t tell.
Eating and drinking had also been a problem, obviously. While he had been able to make some ice melt on the ceiling, drinking each drop falling in his open mouth thirstily… Vanessa hadn’t entered the room since he had been locked up there and, thus, didn’t bring any food at all. It didn’t take long for the Prince’s stomach to gurgle, but all he had in his situation was ice melting from the ceiling. Of course, he had tried to yell, to call for Vanessa, to apologize for whatever he had done to her… But she never came down.
Silence had always been his only response. Her magic had been the only way for him to know whether she was awake or not, considering it was less cold at some moments, allowing him to rest at times. If he couldn’t use his own magic when sleeping, then… So couldn’t she.
Lukas’s body had gone through horrifying changes as time passed. The lack of food made him grew thinner, the dehydration made his lips and tongue go dry and his skin had turned grey. His shoulders didn’t look natural anymore, his weight pulling him down with gravity. His hair looked awful and dark rings had taken place under his eyes. Soon, he lost the ability to talk, his throat too hoarse from all the screaming and pleading.
This was pure hell and there was no escape from it… Apart from death, something the Prince started to long for.
Vanessa wasn’t going to change her mind, was she? All this time, he had just been delusional, in denial of his situation… But she wouldn’t let him out, he knew that deep inside of him. As more time passed, Lukas became more and more pessimistic about his own situation, about his injuries and his future or, well, lack of a future.
And then, one day… After what felt like centuries to him, he heard something unusual, something that immediately caught his attention. Someone was walking down the stairs, approaching the door of the cellar, slowly. Lukas’s hopes suddenly came back at full force. Had he been wrong about her all along? Had she changed her mind finally? A disturbing smile appeared on his face when he saw the door opening with an awful creaking sound.
She was there, she was ready to forgive him! He knew she would, he just knew-!
But something was wrong. His smile tensed when his eyes saw a hand grabbing the edge of the door, pushing it open more. It was a black and skinny hand, deformed, monstrous… Its claws clenched the wood, scratching it slowly with an unbearable noise.
-“My Prince?” sang a voice Lukas knew more than enough, though it sounded distorted and dangerous. Instantly, he felt his whole body freeze, hit by a sudden wave of fear. This was wrong, something was wrong, she wasn’t there to help him, was she-
His heart sunk in his chest when his dear Queen appeared in his vision… Although she didn’t look much like her old self anymore.
-“Oh, there you are!” she chanted as a twisted smile took its place on her features.
Vanessa looked very much different from what he remembered. Her appearance had changed beyond anything he could have imagined, her magic having corrupted her completely. Her skin had turned pitch black, a very distinct sign of corruption. As for her eyes and mouth, they weren’t clearly visible anymore, just visible thanks to a red light coming from them, illuminating the room with a very threatening setting.
This couldn’t be her. This just couldn’t be.
-“Va-…” he stammered, his breathing quickening as he stared at her in fear and astonishment: “Vanessa?” his voice was weak, broken, almost inaudible given how dehydrated he was. Somehow, he knew he would be crying if he wasn’t that dehydrated. He didn’t have any strength left and, no matter how much he was trying to get away from his wife… He just couldn’t.
The Prince couldn’t escape those shackles.
The Queen took a few steps, smiling at him in a way that made him even more terrified than he already was. A pained and afraid sound left his lips, high pitched and pitiful. She didn’t look human anymore, she didn’t look like the woman he used to love-
She didn’t look like she was stable anymore.
The monstrous woman stopped just in front of him, a sick loving look on her face. She was lower than him, considering her back was now hunched and that Lukas was shackled on a wall, his feet dangling in the air below him. The Prince flinched and closed his eyes quickly when he saw what was left of his wife approaching her deformed hand to his face. The contact on his cheek was freezing, and Lukas could feel her claws scratching his skin lightly, caressing it in her own twisted way.
Ice was starting to materialize at the tips of her clawed fingers.
-“You look unwell, my dear…” cooed the Queen, visibly not caring about how terrorized Lukas was. Or maybe she did care... Just like a person would care about a scared pet.
This was just wrong, on so many levels. More ice spread onto his face, covering his right cheek almost entirely. His skin was becoming numb, though he was very much paralyzed with fear, letting out little whines as his wife was caressing his cheek, slowly and tenderly.
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-“No, no, don’t be scared! I’m here, I’m right here…” she whispered, tilting her head on the side as she kept going: “I’m not mad anymore.”
The words took Lukas by surprise and he immediately glanced at her, searching for any trace of lies on her expression. But she was just smiling at him.
-“Rea-”, his voice broke and he coughed, his throat too dry for him to talk normally: “Really?”
Another wave of hope hit him: she might look like a monster, but maybe she had come back to her senses! If she wasn’t mad anymore, she wouldn’t have any reason to keep him locked up and shackled to a wall… Would she?
-“Yes,” she answered, stroking his face once again, spreading more and more ice on his grey skin. Now, it was coming over his lips and nose… Yet, the Prince couldn’t help but hope it was nothing more than a clumsy beginning of her forgiveness. Vanessa had always been a bit awkward with her emotions, so it might very well be the case right now! After all… She wasn’t screaming at him anymore! So it could only be a good sign!
-“S-So…” he started, his voice still broken, a small smile appearing on his lips: “Will you… Will you u-untie me?” His breathing rhythm was short and fast, hope and panic mixing up in his mind.
Vanessa stared at him for a few seconds, as if she had been surprised by his request. However, while Lukas hoped she would understand and let him out, not even hoping for her to apologize at this point… She just giggled, putting her free hand over her mouth like she used to do when she was still human.
-“Oh, ahahahaha!” she replied, gleefully: “Of course not, silly!”
Lukas’s face crumpled in absolute horror as he heard her last words. It was like every little traces hope he had just shattered at the exact same time. His golden eyes looked at hers with an expression full of distress and confusion. It made no sense! Why would she keep him like this if she wasn’t mad at him anymore?
Hadn’t he been punished more than enough now…?
-“Wh-… What?” he blurted, his panic suddenly turning into desperation: “Why?!” he tried to yell, but it came out almost unintelligible. He attempted to move away from her, but with both of his legs and arms unresponsive, he couldn’t do much in his situation. His reaction seemed to amuse the Queen, as she continued to stroke his face lovingly:
-“Because I cannot trust you, that is why!” she explained, in a tone that was too joyful to be entirely sincere: “You truly can’t resist your urges to see other women, so what can I do, other than keeping you all for myself?”
Her words were like poison in Lukas’s ears, his eyes widening as he was forced to listen to her claims. What? What was she even saying?! He didn’t even know what she was talking about! All he knew was that he had done something she didn’t like and that she punished him for it!
What did this have to do with women? He never thought of loving anyone else but her!
-“I-I don’t understand!” he countered, doing his best not to cough again. Talking was so painful… He could feel a distinct lump in his throat, even though he couldn’t cry: “What are-… What are you talking about?!”
His answer was apparently not the one Vanessa was expecting, as her face contorted in anger at his words. Her hand stopped caressing his cheek, clenching the skin painfully instead, more ice coming out of the tips of her fingers. The Prince let out a whine and gritted his teeth, barely keeping himself together now.
-“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” yelled the Queen, ice stalagmites coming out from the floor as her scream echoed in the room. Her claws were slowly penetrating his skin, piercing it and freezing the blood before it even started to leak.
-“How could you do that to me?” she asked, absolutely livid: “You said you loved me!”
Lukas let out a deafening scream as he felt the ice starting to cover his right eye, little by little. The pain was unbearable, the situation was terrifying, and he couldn’t even think straight anymore. It was just too much, too much, too much…
He couldn’t see from his right eye anymore.
-“No, no, no, Vanessa, no, please!” he pleaded with a panicked tone, his voice still broken: “Please, please, stop! It hurts, it hurts, Vanessa-!”
And then it just stopped.
The Queen took her clawed hand away silently, watching him carefully. Lukas’s mind was a mess, not thinking about anything else but surviving, doing anything not to die, not to suffer from her hands. He didn’t want all this pain, he wanted everything to stop hurting…! Why was this happening to him?
Why did he have to suffer so much for something he didn’t even do?
He lowered his head, closing his left and now only eye as he started to beg, sobbing without tears:
-“Please, stop, I’m… I’m sorry, whatever I did, I promise… I won’t do it again…” his distress cries echoed in the room, his body trembling from the fear and the pain: “Please, Vanessa… Forgive me…”
The Queen took a few steps back, staring at him with an expression he couldn’t quite place: hesitation? Guilt? Realization? It was hard to read her face, now that it didn’t look human anymore. No matter what it was, at least… She had stopped hurting him.
This wasn’t Vanessa anymore. This was only what was left of her, what she had become with her dangerous magic corrupting her.
The silence went on for a few moments, only interrupted by Lukas’s helpless sobs. After what felt like centuries to him, the woman let out an enraged scream and stomped her foot, using all of her strength and powers. More stalagmites came out of the floor and the nearby walls, pure manifestation of her fury and the monster she had become. Lukas closed his eyes, paralyzed by fear, screaming silently as he felt one of the stalagmite brushing past his hips, almost hurting him even more than he already was.
With a furious sigh, Vanessa turned away and opened the door leading upstairs swiftly, before leaving Lukas all alone again with his own thoughts and now more injuries.
Maybe death wouldn’t be so bad after all…
Snatcher opened his eyes violently, his whole body shaking. His muscles were tensed and, for a moment, he wasn’t even able to move. His eyes were staring at the blue ceiling of the room. He was breathing heavily and he could feel his heart beating fast inside his chest. It took him a few minutes to remember what it was, what was that sensation inside of him, this familiar and yet distant feeling it brought him.
Right. He was human, now. And he was still in the kids’ room, apparently, just like before.
The realization made him go back to reality as he tried to lift a very trembling hand to his face. He was sweating profusely and he had trouble to swallow his saliva, still very much shocked by what had happened.
And what had happened exactly? What was that?!
He brought his shaking hand to his right eye, as if he wanted to make sure it was still uninjured. As he felt a wave of relief engulfing him at the confirmation that it was indeed perfectly unharmed… The ghost felt something wet at the corners of his eyes.
Had… Had he been crying? The spirit moved his hand away to look at his fingers which, just like he had thought, were covered in tears. He tried gulping down again, almost in vain, letting his hand fall back on the pillows next to him.
Was that all… A dream? Had he fallen asleep after the little girls dropped him there? Somehow, he couldn’t see any other explanation, considering he was still very much alive and still in the brats’ spaceship, and not shackled in the manor again…
The awful thought made him curl up as a sob left his lips, against his will. But he couldn’t control it. The memories were now coming back to him violently, terrible flashes of his dream blinding him, making him simply unable to move again. His breathing quickened as panic settled over him. Mindlessly, he couldn’t help but hug himself, needing any physical sensation to force the memories out of his mind. He attempted to move his feet in his shoes, rubbing his arms repeatedly, rubbing his face against the colourful pillows… At this particular moment, sensation overload was all he wanted.
If this was what he was going to experience each time he went to sleep… Then he didn’t want to sleep anymore.
I like writing cliffhangers and angst :) So this chapter was born with this. Oh and now I guess you all know why Moonjumper has a weird right eye :)
I hope you'll like the next chapters !
=> Chapter 09
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yuna-dan · 4 years
Only the Ocean (Ch. 3)
starstruckfireblizzardChapter three: Into the Open Air
I wrote this like a month ago, but I just post it cuz it just got beta’d by the bestest friend someone could ask for @awkwardkindanerd
I have not feeling any okat, tbh. Writiing is kinda helping distract myself for a lot of things that’s happening right now, and yeah. I don’t wanna be like i need validation to write but it’s nice and it would make my day better.
Huh, I don’t know what to say, so yeah, Thanks!
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Warning for the Chapter: Description of burnt skin. Bad Language. I think that’s it.
Music That Inspired this Chapter [x]
Previous Next Kofi?
The first thing that Logan noticed was that the Royal Ship was enormous. His eyes were shining as if he was again that little kid who saw a Marine Ship for the first time. The Royal was bigger than Logan’s old ship, that was for sure.
The salty air was hitting his face, and he felt some excitement going through his veins.
“Welcome aboard .” The-his (his) Captain said. Logan noticed some members of the crew waving at him as they were standing in the middle of the deck. Near the rudder was what he assumed was the Captain’s cabin. “Thomas, Virgil, show him the rest of the ship. Patton come with me, Dee and I need to discuss something with you.” Remus turned around, leaving Logan staring at his long greenish coat. The sound of his boots against the wooden floor echoed, as the rest of the crew aye ayed at his order.
“The rest of you, go back to whatever you were doing.” Dee, Logan assumed he was the first mate. As he barked the order, the rest of the crew went back to their work. He counted at least other seven people, and he wondered if those were enough for a pirate crew, since when he worked for the Marine, they were almost twenty sailors plus the cookers. Then again, pirates worked different.
A young boy who couldn’t be older than seventeen approached him. “So,” the teen said, standing right of front of him with his hands behind his back and a soft smile on his face. He was shorter than Logan, “follow us, Virge and I will show you the way.”
“I am Thomas, surely you heard our Captain telling us,” His thumb pointed at Virgil who, now Logan noticed, changed his demeanor, standing taller and with a small frown on his face, “to show you the way…”
“Oh…” He said, following the teen around, “I’m Logan…” he said, after an uncomfortable silence surrounded them, earning a chuckle from one of them. Thomas made a noise of acknowledgement but continued walking. “That’s the Captain’s cabin,” pointing at the small room where Remus, Patton and Dee had disappeared, “The small room next to his is Dee’s, his name is Damien and he’s the first mate as you can already imagine.” Logan nodded, his fingers aching to write that down on the small journal that he was still holding.
They walked towards the beak, “You already know where the dungeons are, and welp,” Logan kept glancing at Virgil, who hadn’t said a word since they started walking. They kept walking until they reached some stairs, “This is where we sleep,” He gestured to a room where there were some bunk beds and a small bathroom at the end. “That way, to the right it’s what we call the kitchen and were we eat. We normally take turns to make the food, but Pat’s in charge of that…”
They kept walking, showing Logan were the supplies were kept and where they stored the maps to keep track of their routes. They ended the tour at the infirmary, which apparently was also Patton’s responsibility. “Any questions?”
He glanced at Virgil, who was looking at him with a softer smile, “Not really…” Thomas nodded, turning around, ready to leave. “Just… Is it safe to have kids here?” Virgil laughed at that comment, throwing his head back. “How old are you, Thomas?”
Thomas, on the other hand, still with his cheerful smile said, “I’m old enough to know you haven’t been on a pirate ship before, so technically older pirate-wise than you…”
“Okay, okay. That was uncalled for, Tom.” Virgil said, messing with his hair, “go help Remy, I’ll take Logan to his bed.”
Thomas agreed, mumbling down something like stupid or probably something even more rude, but Logan decided to ignore it. “He’s seventeen and he rarely participates on the fighting, he helps with the maintenance of the masts. The Captain met him when he was probably like ten years old and since then he stuck with us, so…” He shrugged, walking towards the rooms, “Patton knows the complete story. If you want to know, ask him.”
Logan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “The Marine didn’t let kids on board.”
“Yeah, well, we’re not the Marine, are we?” Virgil snapped back, which was probably the normal answer to that, “Don’t go comparing everything with the marine, most of us won’t take it good, ‘kay L?” He said, as they arrived at the room where they sleep. “That bed is free so you can keep it.” He changed the subject completely before Logan could say anything else.
“Take a quick shower, I guess you can use some of my or Terrence’s clothes, we’ll buy you some things at our next stop…” The pirate stared at him. “Go, shower, hurry up.”
Logan hurried, he wasn’t sure what for, but something told him he didn’t want to be late.
Remus’ head was on his desk. He kept banging his forehead against the map sprawled on his desk hoping that way he could finally understand it.
He had been looking for that specific place for almost ten months now. Maybe it was an imaginary place that his father had made up just so they could sleep when they were kids, but when Roman presented the wet map to him and told him that it was supposed to take him that specific island, he became obsessed with finding it.
He didn’t really know what he wanted to achieve by finding it, but he needed to know. Roman kept saying it would give him closure, but closure of what? He had accepted that Romulus was dead since he was ten years old, or probably younger, and he accepted that his mother was dead too. Truth be told, he didn’t want to dig too deep into his emotions, because deep down he knew exactly what he needed to deal with, but that didn’t mean he was ready to do it.
He pulled his hair out of his eyes, staring again into the piece of paper. He knew it was pointing at a specific place, but he didn’t know where in the vast seven seas (technically eight) it could be. He was ready to hit his head once again when he heard the door of his chamber opening, instantly knowing who was there.
“Is everything okay, Damien?” He asked, not even looking up.
His first-mate groaned in response, and Remus heard the way he threw himself into his bed. Remus chuckled at the dramatic expenses of his friend, “No. Tell me again, Captain, why am I in charge of training him?”
“Who?” He played dumb, biting his lower lip to held back the smirk on his face, even though Damien couldn’t see him.
“You know exactly of who I am talking about, Captain.” He hissed, and Remus stood up stretching the muscles of his back, feeling the way the bones cracked as he did it.
“Luke?” He guessed, trying to keep his face straight but failing miserably.
“Logan, but yes, him.” Damien was laying on his back, staring at the chandelier that was hanging on the ceiling. He had taken off the handkerchief that hid the burn on the side on his face and Remus couldn’t help but feel a pang of happiness at the fact that he was the only one who get to see him without it. Sometimes he wanted to touch it, to feel the wrinkled skin under his fingertips. However, he knew better than that and while he also knew that Damien would say yes if he simply asked, he would never put his best friend on that position.
“I don’t know, do you think Mo was a better option?” He asked, sitting on his bed, right next to him. “He doesn’t know combat like us, and that’s a disadvantage. I’m not willing to risk it… you were the best option, and you know it.” Remus noticed the way Dee’s lips tugged at the end, like fighting back a small smile. “Is he that bad?”
“I think Thomas was better, and he started training at the age of twelve.” They shared a laugh, as the Captain lied down next to Dee. Remus still wondered why the fuck he had given in to his brother’s and Patton’s pleads, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have his own fun.
It had been almost two weeks since Logan became a part of the crew, and ever since then, Remus refused to call him by his name, even if he now knew it. Of course, he was aware it was driving the other man crazy, but if he wanted to be petty, he was going to be.
His thoughts were broken as he felt Damien’s scarred hand brush the white-streaked hair from his face, “What are you thinking about, my Captain?” Damien whispered, almost inaudibly and the only reason the Captain listened was because they were close, almost too close.
Remus shrugged, “The Map.”
“Still can’t figure it out, huh?”
Remus sighed, “According to my compass it’s at the North of the village where Romulus met my mom, but I’m not sure anymore…” Dee hummed, not moving his hand away from the Captain’s hair, the pair now too afraid to move. “I guess we’ll have to wait. We will arrive at the next port in a few days, and we need more food, as well as gunpowder. Has Lucas decided what weapon he’s going to use?”
Finally, Dee removed his hand from the hair of his Captain, laying it instead on his shoulder, “I don’t think so, no. However, if I may give my opinion, he could use one of long distance damage, a rifle maybe, that way he wouldn’t have to engage in hand to hand combat.”
“Virgil won’t be too happy he’s stealing his… thunder.” Remus noticed the stiffness of Damien but decided to ignore it. Sometimes he would be like that, Damien, almost flirty but then when Remus decided to flirt back, he would become flustered and awkward. The merman found it almost cute but confusing as hell, so he played dumb.
“Yeah…” He said, finally. They stayed like that for a few more seconds until Damien cleared his throat, and abruptly stood up, “I will leave you to catch up with the map, my Captain.” As he was leaving the chamber, he turned his head and Remus noticed the flush on his cheeks, “By the way, food will be served in fifteen minutes and Patton told me that he won’t wait for you.”
“Mutiny, I say! That guy one day will riot against us, Dee.” He joked.
“Certainly, my Captain, by hugging us to death.”
When Dee left the chamber he leaned against the door, feeling his heart thumping against his ribcage. What were you doing? What if he noticed? He was ready to go back to his own chamber, and take a long back when he heard snickers, turning around and noticing Patton and Thomas smirking, with Logan holding a smile.
“What are you three doing here?” He yelled, feeling his unburnt side flushing, “Do you want to walk the plank!?”
“Oh captain, my captain.” Thomas mimicked.
“GO. NOW.”
Logan heard the humming, it never stopped really. He wanted to go up to the deck and listen closer, but whenever he wanted to leave the room, Virgil was there, as if he was protecting something. It would be awkward to explain why he wanted to go to the deck in the middle of the night, so he pretended to be asleep as the humming lulled him into that. [NA: No se si se dio a attender, que el hum lo lullea a dormir de vdd]
Today at least he had an excuse, since it was his turn to clean the deck.
He was getting used to the pirate life, and truth to be told, most of the crew were a bunch of dorks. Not that he would say that out loud, since most of those dorks could easily kill him.
He changed his clothes into some black pants and a sleeveless shirt. He really needed clothes that fit him correctly, and he was glad that the next village was closer. He put his boots on, stretched as the humming continued.
Once on the deck, he took a deep breath. He went to collect the stuff to clean it when something golden on the waves caught his eyes. He approached a side of the ship, hoping to see the fish from closer. He managed to get a glimpse of something in the sea, as he squinted to get a better image, not noticing the man staring at him.
“Is everything okay, Louis?” The Captain giggled as the man jumped into the air and then glared at him.
“I thought I saw something, Captain.”
“Why are you up so early?”
Logan stared into the ocean again, “It’s my turn to clean the deck, and I wanted to finish early so I could take some notes on the sea life.”
Remus hummed but didn’t leave, making Logan uncomfortable, what was he supposed to do now? Excuse himself and start his chores? Wait for the Captain to tell him something? Thankfully he didn’t have to wait, as Remus cleared his throat and continued,
“So, tell me, Lucas.” He continued, “How is this life treating you?”
Logan stared deeply into the waves, hoping to see again the golden fish, “Better than expected, Captain.”
“How so? If Dee told me correctly, you used to work for the Crown, right?”
“More or less. I was an investigator for them, they didn’t care about knowing more about the ocean, just exploit it…”
“And you think we’re different?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I am not sure about other pirates, sir-Huh, Captain.” Remus held back a smirk, “I guess this crew is different?” Now, that won his attention.
“How so?”
“Well, for starters I doubt all pirates let an ex-worker of the Crown on their ship, then the kid and of course, the relationship between Virgil and Patton. I am not sure about other pirates, but that kind of relationship on the Crown would’ve been punished with death.”
Logan noticed the way the Captain frowned at that, “You do realize how dangerous it’s to say something like that around their Captain, right? I could easily have them killed.”
And of course Logan knew that, and he would never expose someone like that, but then again, “What kind of Captain would you be if you didn’t know everything happening in your ship?” He retorted, without missing a beat.
Remus gave him a proudish smile, “Besides, those two are obvious as fuck, the other day I found them in the middle of engaging sexual activities…”
The Captain barked with laughter, “Those things I do not need to know, my friend.” Logan gave him a shy smile, “To be clear, we’re not like other pirates, no. I guess you can consider yourself lucky…”
Logan was about to say something else, when his Captain continued, “Now hurry up cleaning, I want this deck spotless before the crew gets up, Logan.” Remus clapped his hands, “We have many things ahead of us today.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
That was the first time his Captain referred to him by his name, and Logan couldn’t feel prouder of himself.
Yeah, Janus is still going with Damien, but it’s part of the story, so yeah.
Please consider donating or asking for a comission, I just got fired and I need money.
Thanks for reading!! Pls Reblog!! I need validation
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Bad For You 7/28
Pairing: Howie Stark x Reader
Warning: Fuckboy manners. Violence. Reader gets cheated on. Language. Lies. Flirting. Cattiness. Arguing. A few slaps. Sassiness. Slutty boys. Frat Boy bullshit.
A/N: College AU. For my sister, cause I finally gave in. Haha.
Posting: Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday.
“You don’t know me like that.” “Mmm bet I do, baby girl. You want a bad boy who will be good for only you. I’m that guy. Like I want a good girl who’s bad for only me. That’s you, baby girl.”
Howie Stark made one hell of an impression. It started off with mistaken identity. A hand on your ass, your hand across his cheek. What should have pissed him off, set him off differently. Howie Stark is enticed by you and you are so fucked. Bad boy, never afraid of a fight, such a smooth talker, womanizer, and always on your mind. It just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right, you have a boyfriend. Howie’s making everything’s a little blurry. You’re a little cynical and bad boys just aren’t your type. Or could that change with a flash of Howie’s crooked grin?
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That Weekend
“You see who is sitting in the kitchen?” Sam chuckles, leaning against the opening to the living room. Where the rest of them are kicked back, the party going on around them. Howie sets down the empty bottle on the table, looking at Sam.
“Who?” He smirks.
“Your girl.” Sam grins.
“My girl?” Howie looks around confused.
“Dude you’re so stupid.” Buck scraps a hand down his face.
“How many have you had?” Steve grins, but his attention is taken when a blonde walks by slow, giving him the eye.
“I take it back, you and Steve are so stupid.” Buck laughs.
“You know Harry is here.” Peter points out.
“Seen him and his moron Frat boys.” Howie nods.
“But guess who came on her own, with her little friends?” Sam grins.
“She came on her own?” Howie lifts a brow, a smile creeps across his lips.
“Damn stupid, Y/N. She’s in the kitchen, with those two red heads.” Buck sighs.
“Bonus, she and Harry haven’t said a word to each other.” Peter grins.
“He hasn’t said a word to her?” Howie’s brow pulls down. “I’m not the stupid one then.” He shakes his head.
“Stir the pot little brother.” Peter pats him on the shoulder, grinning.
“Excuse me, boys.” Howie stands, slipping between Sam and Buck.
He moves down the hallway, nodding a greeting at a few of the girls that smile or wave. He gets to the opening of the kitchen, stopping, watching. They stand together, the three of them, leaning against the counter out of the way. None of them are dressed for attention, more like for the cold ass weather.
She’s got on one of those short hoodies, it stops just above her jeans. So when she moves her arms it gives little flashes of skin. Her jeans look made for her, little tears and rips down her thighs. How the fuck someone like Harry had someone like her and could spend a party ignoring her was beyond him.
“Let’s wander.” Nat puts her hand out. She’s in one of his classes as well.
“I’m in.” He was pretty sure her name was Wanda. Drops her hand into Nat’s.
“I’m good.” Y/N smirks at them.
“We’ll be back.” The call.
“Whistle!” Y/N calls after them with a smile.
She sighs looking down at the colored, plastic cup in her hands. She shifts her side against the counter, watching through the open slider. Harry is outside with many others, playing beer pong on set up tables. Her nose crinkles, and her eyes roll.
He moves into the kitchen, he takes the beer Clint hands him. Cracking the top on it as he comes to stop right behind her. He watches over her shoulder for a moment, nodding. 
“He’s an idiot.” He spoke soft enough just for her. People mingling around them. Her head turns to look at him.
“What?” Her brow pinches, her body shifts. Leaning back against the count to watch him. He watches as Harry helps the woman he partnered up with adjust her wrist to shoot. Blatantly flirting with her as he goes.
“How he can give anything else, anyone else his attention when you’re in the room, dumbfounds me.” Howie cuts his eyes over to her. He takes a drink, watching this play on her face. “You deserve to be priority. Shown off. Not disrespected and made a fool of.” He nods slowly. 
Together they watch as the girl makes a shot. Excitement plays on her face instantly. She all but jumps on Harry, throwing her arms around his neck. Harry pulls her up, pressed up against each other. Howie scoffs.
“Christ.” She rolls her eyes.
“Come find me if you want to have fun.” He smirks at her. She’s chewing her bottom lip when he walks out of the kitchen. 
You were getting tired of watching Harry be a slut. Howie’s words ringing in your ears as you maul over what to do. You could make a scene, tear down Harry in front of his boys. But he would just call you crazy or something stupid. You’re lost in your thoughts when someone joins you.
“You and him.” Peter shakes his head when you look over. “It’s like oil and water. Don’t belong together.” He takes a drink from the bottle in his hand.
“Maybe it’s me.” You shrug, glancing over to where Harry is.
“Nah.” Peter chuckles.
“What makes you say that?” Your brow lifts watching him.
“Because I’ve never known a female to ever catch my brothers attention in the way you have.” He grins, nodding.
Holy fuck did they look too much alike. If you didn’t know better you would assume they were twins. But up close you could see the small differences they had.
“He just wants to screw me.” You laugh, shaking your head. Peter doesn’t reply right away. He just watches you for a moment.
“If you think that little of yourself. Harry Osborn is failing as a man.” Peter shakes his head.
“I don’t love him.” You admit softly. Peter’s head turns slowly.
“Harry?” He asks.
“I barely like him most days, if I’m being honest.” You sigh.
“What’s your favorite part about being with him?” He watches you with such intense brown eyes, you swallow hard.
“It used to be this giddy feeling. But now it’s just,” you shrug “it doesn’t feel like we know each other. Like in the last year an a half we’ve grown apart.” You run a hand through your hair.
“What is it? I can tell you got something on the tip of your tongue.” He smirks.
“He stopped doing the thing he did to get me, he doesn’t even try to keep me. I don’t know if that says worse things about me or him. That he thinks I’ll just be here waiting, when he’s done running around and embarrassing me.” You chew your bottom lip.
“It says worse things about him.” Peter nods, taking a drink. You down what little is left in your cup. “I’m going to warn you, Y/N.” Peter looks over at you, a smirk on his mouth.
“Okay?” You laugh softly.
“My brother gets his hands on you and he’s not going to let you go. He’s selfish, but in a whole different ballpark than Harry Osborn.” Peter chuckles. “And he will take Harry out, step over his body, to get to you if he has too.” You chew your bottom lip.
A loud whistle, makes your head snap up. Panic floods your body instantly. Another loud whistle, your cup hits the ground, running out of the kitchen.
“Y/N?!” Peter yells after you.
Everything Peaches 9/3/19 @mo320 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @irepeldirt @jordan-ia @jcc04220 @dumblani @nishanki1 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @rogvewitch @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sexyvixen7 @doctoranon @queentoffee @abschaffer2 @tony-stank3 @tomhardy41 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @cutekittybast​
@amandab-ftw​ @carostar2020​ @thelostallycat​ @henrietteoaks​ @nea90sweetie​ @circusofchaos​ @bettercallsabs​ @miraclesoflove​ @queenkrissy11​ @shield-agent78​ @elite4cekalyma​ @sadyoungadult​ @destiel-artemis​ @isabelcrichards​ @iwillbeinmynest​ @sweet-honey15​ @scooby-doodoo​ @chanelmadrid13​ @killerbumblebee​ @spookygrantaire​ @geeksareunique​ @supernatural508​ @itzmegaaaaaaan​ @optimistic-babes​ @elizabethaellison​ @rainbowkisses31​ @aspiringtranslator​ @mariekoukie6661​ @pure-princess-97​ @capsheadquaters​ @youclickedthislink​ @futuremrsb-r-main​ @lovemarvelousfics​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @petersunderoos96​ @loving-life-my-way​ @itsy-bitsy-spidergirl​ @buckystolemyheart​ @booktvmoviefangirl​ @thatpeachybandgirl​ @supernatural-girl97​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @dumbbitchenergytm​ @eggingamazinglove​ @deathofmissjackson​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @laneygthememequeen​ @writingaworldofmyown​ @shann-the-artist-moon​ @supernaturallover2002​ @daughterofthenight117​ @mcuwillbethedeathofme​ @verymuchclosetedfangirl​ @for-the-love-of-the-fandom​ @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan​ @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @stupendoussciencenaturepanda​ @supernatural-strangerthings-1980​
Howie 'Damn Boy' Stark: @gabile18​ @crayonwriting​
BFY: @sfreeborn​ @coley0823​ @lakamaa12​ @honey-bee-holly​ @intricate-melody​ @itsmejessicasstuff​ @badassbeckettswan​
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
Ask The Party God - Timeline
the pre-terezi-gang timeline post is here
height references over here
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hi, im jade! everyones favorite party goddess and trans doggy girl~ but you already know that! if youre reading this, it means youre interested in learning more about my reality, because paradox space is fucking weird like that and you cant really be sure all the time
as far as im aware, everything up to the point where we beat the game happened without deviations from the alpha timeline? so this is what rose has talked about as a ‘terminal timeline’, or ‘post-canon’, or whatever the hell that is supposed to mean
we got to earth-c, and i settled in the troll kingdom because trolls are cool, dave and karkat were in the neighborhood, and the caverns are close by so i can visit rose and kanaya speedily as well! i still do have my old tower out on an island, with my workshop and garden, but i almost never sleep in it, too far away and isolated from everyone...
then one day i found this old active server in the furthest ring keeping tumblr active and i thought, hey, why not have some fun? ;D
as for the others...
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my darling sis june egbert! she lives in the consort kingdom, but has been thinking about relocating elsewhere lately! she went through a rough patch right after the game, unsure of what to do and full of all sorts of doubts and questions, but shes doing a lot better nowadays! specially now that terezi is back, shes been a lot more peppy and hanging around with the lalondes particularly!
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rose rose rose rose~ happily married to her wife kanaya, duh, but that doesnt make her any less of a flirty cutie! a while back she got really sick for a bit, and weve been keeping an eye on her just in case it happened again, but its been all good ever since! she helps kanaya at the caverns a bunch, which makes her schedule busy busy... and you didnt hear this from me, buuuut words out on the street that she and kanaya may be warming to the idea of having a kid! <3 well see how that goes!
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one cool dude~ daves a little bit of a shut-in honestly! and honestly i dont blame him? he must be tired after all the timeline and time travel shenanigans, so he spends a good chunk of his time hanging out in his and karkats house! hes kind of awkward about opening up with feelings and stuff, and ive been trying to nudge him to be more open for a while! but with all the craziness thats been going down lately, and more people coming and going and getting together, hes starting to consider things he hadnt before~ hopefully, some specific someones? ;)
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janey! my uh... ecto-mom, technically, although we see each other more like cousins than anything else! she still owns crockercorp, but ever since jasprose has been around, she has been spending a lot more time at home and just hanging out with her friends, which really, sounds a lot healthier than the big business thing she had going on a while back! she enjoys teaching me baking stuff, but doesnt have much patience for my decorating skills ;p
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grandpa! and grandson technically, hehe, jakes kind of a weird case, hes a mixture of a shut-in, a celebrity and an adventurer! he can spend up to weeks at a time without leaving his manor, but then hell have full weeks of interviews and hiking, and thats not to say anything of when he and dirk put out another episode or two of their dumb comedy talkshow... hes often busy with stuff, but hes still a good pal and can clear his schedule in seconds if we need him for something!
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one sweet nb dude! rox really is... something else, really! fun to tag along at a party, fun to chill at home playing games, fun to talk about more serious stuff and open up with him, he really is just solid as they come! hes been hanging out a lot more with june since she got out of her depressive slump, but sometimes i wonder if junebug finds weird to get flirty with roxy, considering im pretty sure we made out in front of her at some point or two... hehehe
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dirk! if daves a bit of a shut-in, hes a shut-in times two, which is weird because youd think someone stuck in post-apocalyptic earth for so long would want to hang out more? not to say he DOESNT, though! hes around jake often enough, and keeps close to jane, roxy and dave specially! we dont see each other too often, but we HAVE been messing around with robots and planning out to upgrade our respective self-bots for funsies!
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aradia! we only met briefly in dreams for the longest time, but i knew already that she was a riot! she came with terezis group after she finally found vriska, and seems pretty happy just... kind of... being around and watching shenanigans ensue! i actually dont know where she lives, but she drops by occasionally, because im apparently pretty ‘fun’... cant say i disagree ;)
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sollux is blind, and not dead, and WILL kick you in the shins if you keep prying about how exactly he ended up like that, which is fair enough! he spends a good chunk of his time with aradia, and im not sure if theyre dating or not...? but hes been around the other trolls a bunch! specially kanaya, apparently theyre good friends that go way back! i guess they both DO style their hair similarly, with the side spike thingies...
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the other half of the dave-kat duo! swooooon~ really though, i cant remember the last time i said “dave” or “karkat” without talking about the other shortly after... buuut theyre just roomies, and hell get awkward and grumpy if you even so slightly IMPLY otherwise, despite the fact everyone knows they fall asleep leaning against each other during friday movie night! roooolling my eyes~ with the rest of the living trolls having arrived, hes been a lot more willing to go outside, which im glad for! its healthy to get some fresh air from time to time, and specially hang out with friends!
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oh-la-la, miss maryam-lalonde herself! kanayas the matriarch of the caverns, and quite the busy gal, having taken it upon herself to supervise her entire species reproduction and well-being... in my opinion, she needs a good vacation from time to time, and to be less of a workaholic! >:o ive been helping her occasionally in the caverns, and as of late weve begun trying to mess around with ectobiology for some troll-human crossing experiments with... not good results so far... but hey, rome wasnt built in a day!
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terezis back, yes! after spending YEARS out there looking for vriska, she managed to find her and come back, the madwoman! personally im not sure why anyone would go to such lengths for... her... but also, its not my bond, not my place to speak, she obviously really loves her a bunch! with vriska no longer lost in the middle of the furthest ring, shes started to catch up with everything going on with earth-c, and i think shes really going to like being around! specially with how much june and the rest have missed her ;)
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troublemaker extraordinaire herself! shes... well, shes vriska, im pretty sure she stole that eyepatch from sollux? so you just know she up to no good already >:/ speaking of her eyepatch, im not sure WHY shes wearing it? whatever kinda wound she got, she doesnt like mentioning it, despite bragging about defeating english at every chance she gets! terezi says they found her popping in and out of consciousness in the furthest ring with some messy wounds, and that shed probably been hovering out there after the fight for years... doesnt seem to have humbled her in the slightest <.<
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callieeeee! theyre super sweet and wonderful but also really shy and awkward! they live with roxy but manage to outdo dirk in terms of shut-in-ness... they also totally like roxy but is unsure about approaching those feelings considering the whole species thing and whatever, ive been trying to get them to open up for a while now! weve written fanfic together and drawn grids, so i can definitely tell theres some attraction there, even if theyre afraid of acting upon it just yet <3
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jaspie is roses bane, and the one cat that made me get used to their smell enough that i dont bark at them instantly anymore! im pretty sure she crashes at janes often, and is just as outgoing and flirty as i am around earth-c parties and bars, which is saying something honestly! i wont let her dethrone me as the party god, though >:)
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and finally davepeta! theyre staying with june for the time being until they can get settled around and see what they want to do here! theyve also dropped by dave and karkats a bunch, which i most certainly dont mind! i definitely appreciate some help in bringing a romantic vibe into those twos lives~ ;o
and thats about it! theres also the nannasprites and tavrosprite and arquius, but they pop by so sporadically and rarely that i dont know what theyre doing a majority of the time... we lost track of gamzee after the session so hopefully hes totally gone, and we havent heard any message from caliborn in years... and with the furthest ring broken and the black hole sealed, leaving a weird white empty space right in the middle of reality, im not sure what our chances of bringing back the other trolls are :( but still, we keep living on happily over here and having our fun slice of life ending together!
id say after everything weve gone through, we deserve a big break, dont we? hehehe <3
also, particularly important events that happen and are recorded in this blog will be tagged as timeline shenanigans!
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