#but it’s Fucking Storming in a way that i didn’t really feel safe going out and driving around to a place i’ve never been before
zjofierose · 2 years
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alisonsfics · 11 days
lovers to exes, to lovers? part two
pairing: ex!tyler owens x ex!reader
summary: who ever heard of exes being civil after a breakup? not you and tyler. which makes it interesting when you both end up in the same town.
word count: 4.1k
part 1
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, hand jobs, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, praise kink kinda, minors DNI (18+ only)
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You had a horrible night, tossing and turning all night as you struggled to fall asleep. The image of Tyler with some mystery girl was torturing you.
You didn’t know why you felt jealous. Tyler’s wasn’t yours anymore. You both had your chance, and you both crashed and burned. You didn’t know why you felt like giving it a second chance.
So the next morning, you were understandably grouchy. You headed down to the diner to get some coffee.
You waited at the counter as the waitress poured you coffee and toasted a bagel for you.
You looked down the counter and saw Boone sitting a few feet away. He politely smiled and waved at you. “You excited for the storms today?” You asked him, walking over and taking the seat next to him.
“Totally. The conditions look great today.” He said, enthusiastically. You quickly thanked the waitress as she handed you your food.
“Hey, good morning, sweetheart,” you heard Tyler say behind you. You quickly spun around and froze when you saw Tyler smiling down at you.
“I have to go find Javi. It was nice talking to you, Boone.” You said, before spinning on your heel and leaving the diner. Tyler was left stunned as you refused to even acknowledge him.
He slowly sat down next to Boone, his eyes following you as you left. “I thought you said that you two patched things up a little?” Boone asked, equally confused by the way you ignored Tyler.
“I thought we did. Maybe I was wrong,” Tyler said, softly. He felt a pit in his gut. He had felt optimistic last night that you both could put aside your differences, but you weren’t done being mad at him yet.
He wasn’t immune to feeling the chemistry between you both. He felt stupid for hoping that you’d invite him into your room last night.
You spotted Javi and the team looking at a map by the trucks. You lightly jogged over and started helping them plan.
A storm to your east was starting to form. “I think that one’s the most promising.” You said, pointing that direction.
“I completely agree. Let’s roll out.” Javi said. That seemed to be the common opinion as most of the chasers started piling into their trucks. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tyler and Boone walk out of the diner.
You helped Javi pack up the map and laptops, so you could leave. You almost couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw Tyler jogging over to you.
“Not now. We’re about to leave.” You dismissed him, refusing to even look at him.
“Yeah, us too.” He said, walking closer to you and grabbing your hand. A jolt of electricity ran through you as you felt the roughness of his hand. “Be safe out there, sweetheart, okay?” He said, softly kissing the back of your hand.
You tugged your hand away from him. “I will be.” You said shortly, before jumping into the passenger seat of the truck.
“So what’s up with you and Owens?” Javi asked as you raced towards the growing storm. You shrugged to yourself. “I don’t know. He was a dick last night, and he came to my room to apologize. It felt really heartfelt, and maybe like, I don’t know, like he was still into me?” You said, not knowing how to describe the feeling.
Javi let out a loud laugh. You spun around to face him. Seeing your confused expression, Javi explained, “I’ve seen him look at you. Come on, you’re a genius and you can’t see that he likes you?”
You shook your head. “He clearly doesn’t. Cause I went to his room afterwards, to try to…ummm” you struggled to find a way to describe it that wasn’t “fuck your ex-boyfriend.”
Javi wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Bow chicka bow wow,” he said in a sing-song voice, mocking you. You jokingly rolled your eyes at his juvenile nature. You could feel your cheeks start to heat up.
“Okay fine, guilty as charged, but I got to his room, and let’s just say, he was already occupied with another girl. I overheard them and obviously ran back to my room, so I don’t think he knows that I know.” You said, looking back out the window.
“Oh, man, I’m sorry.” Javi quickly apologized. He felt bad for you. It was clear that Tyler was special to you, even if he got on your nerves.
Just then, Tyler’s truck swerved right up next to you guys. You could see Boone cheering in the passenger seat. Tyler shot a wink towards you. You rolled your eyes and focused your attention straight ahead. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows as you ignored him before speeding off ahead of you.
“Oh, fuck him,” you muttered to yourself.
“I think you’ve already done that.” Javi joked, trying to change the mood in the car. Your jaw dropped as you looked at Javi, in shock. You struggled as you tried not to laugh at his joke. You playfully hit his arm.
The school of trucks closed in on the tornado that had just touched down. Tyler’s truck sped ahead of everyone else, as you expected.
You and Javi jumped out of the truck to turn on the sensors. You both struggled to turn the machine on. “Oh, come on, you piece of shit,” Javi swore, hitting the barrel.
You felt the air change. You turned around and saw a second tornado touch down behind you. “Javi, get in the car, now,” you yelled, knowing if you got boxed in, you were screwed.
In his rearview mirror, Tyler saw you both running back into the truck, and then he saw the second tornado. “Boone, hold on,” he yelled as he quickly spun the truck around and started racing towards you.
Javi started to drive away when you saw a tractor flying through the air. It was coming straight for you. You could feel the hair stand up on the back of your neck as you braced for it to hit.
The tractor slammed against the side of the truck. The loud screeching of metal stung your ears. You could feel the truck started to flip. You desperately reached for anything you could get your hands on.
Tyler felt his heart drop as he watched your truck flip upside down. He swore under his breath. The tornado was coming straight for you, and you couldn’t move.
Tyler drove up next to you and smacked the button to start drilling the truck into the ground. Him and Boone jumped out of the car. Tyler raced to your side.
He quickly kicked in your window. Tyler was a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie, but he’d never felt his heart beat this fast.
He grabbed your arms and pulled you out the window, while Boone helped Javi out.
Tyler quickly swooped you up bridal style and ran towards his truck. Javi and Boone hopped into the driver and passenger seats. Tyler swung the back door open and climbed in with you in his arms.
As soon as the door closed, the tornado picked up Javi’s truck and sent it flying through the sky. Tyler only had time to get you buckled in the harness. He landed on top of you. He wrapped his arms your waist, holding on tightly.
You cupped the back of his head with your hand. His eyes were tightly closed as he buried his face in your neck.
You could feel how his whole body was shaking with fear. It wasn’t fear for himself. It was for you. He couldn’t stand the thought of you getting even a scratch.
Suddenly, the truck stopped shaking and the winds let up.
Tyler picked his head up to look at you. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple. You quickly nodded your head.
He rolled off of you and laid across the backseat. The car was silent except for all of you catching your breath. Tyler stared at the roof of the truck as his chest rapidly rose and fell.
He couldn’t bear to think about how close he came to losing you. You unbuckled the harness and jumped out of the car. “No, sweetheart wait,” Tyler said, weakly. He’d accepted that you wouldn’t listen.
You looked all around you at the damage. The grass was all torn up and debris had fallen everywhere. You saw Javi’s truck in the distance, it was completely smashed.
You heard Tyler jump out of the truck and walk over to you. He walked up behind you and set his hand comfortingly on your shoulder. “C’mon, sweetheart, we’ll give you a ride back.” He said, softly.
You shook your head and shrugged his hand off of you. “I’ll be fine. I’ll walk.” You argued, stubbornly. Tyler let out an exasperated sigh. He grabbed your hand tightly, not letting you pull away this time.
“I’m not letting you walk back. We’re at least five miles from the motel. You almost died, and you’re still being stubborn? Stop pushing me away and let me be here for you.” He snapped at you. Tyler was okay with giving you your space, but not when it put you in danger.
“I’m not the one pushing people away.” You remarked, pushing past him and getting in the back of the truck. Tyler sighed, defeated.
Boone and Javi gave you sympathetic smiles as Tyler got back in the truck and started driving to the motel.
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, you jumped out of the car and headed towards your room. Tyler jumped out and was hot on your tail.
“Enough being stubborn,” he said, grabbing your arm and pulling you back towards his truck. Boone and Javi quickly hopped out and went to catch up with the rest of the teams.
Tyler kept a tight grip on your arm while he grabbed the first aid kit from the bed of the truck. He flung the tailgate open. In a swift motion, he picked you up and sat you on the tailgate before joining you.
“I know for some reason you’re pissed at me, which I still don’t understand cause you were fine last night. But you have a giant cut on your arm, and it needs to be cleaned, okay?” He said, setting your arm across his lap.
You felt bad for ignoring Tyler when he was being sweet, but then you’d remember that he spent all night with someone else wrapped around him, and your blood would start to boil.
He softly wiped your arm with a cleaning wipe. He gave your hand a quick squeeze when you winced at the sting. You gave in a little and rested your head on Tyler’s shoulder.
You didn’t see the way he smiled down at you. He was looking at you like you were his everything. He carefully bandaged your arm up.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes. He rested his hand on your back, softly rubbing his thumb back and forth. Tyler’s touch still comforted you more than you cared to admit.
“Watching your truck flip over really fucking scared me. I think my heart actually stopped beating for a second. I don’t know what I would have done if you got hurt.” He admitted.
His voice came out as a soft whisper in your ear. You were the only person he felt comfortable talking to about his feelings. Most of the time, those feelings were annoyance, but you were also the only girl Tyler had ever said “I love you” to.
“You’re the reason I didn’t get hurt. If you hadn’t helped, I would have died. I saw where the truck ended up. It was completely smashed up.” You said softly, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
He brushed your hair out of your face and kissed your temple. “I’m always gonna be there for you. You’re my everything. You make all of this make sense.” He told you.
You picked your head up off his shoulder to look at him in shock. Tyler had been acting nicer to you, but a love confession was not what you expected. Not after he spent the night with someone else.
“Oh, come on, Tyler,” you groaned, giving a deadpan look. He didn’t respond. He searched your eyes for some clue as to how you were feeling. This wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. He’d been expecting you to either kiss him or slap him across the face again.
“What? Is it so hard to believe?” He asked, resting his hand on your knee.
“I know that you don’t mean that because if you did, you wouldn’t have been with that girl last night.” You snapped at him. He froze. He genuinely thought he misheard you.
“What girl from last night?” He asked you, furrowing his eyebrows at you. His brain was running through everything from last night, and he had no idea what you were talking about. “I went to your room last night, and I heard you with a girl.” You told him, thinking he was just playing dumb.
His look of confusion turned into a subtle smirk. “You went to my room last night?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over your knee. You hadn’t realized that you’d handed him some of the power. He was giddy as he realized that if you had found him last night, you both would’ve had a one night stand.
“All you got from that was I went to your room? You’re ridiculous.” You said, rolling your eyes at him. That flirty smile never left his face. “Why’d you go to my room?” He asked, even though you both knew damn well why you went.
You put your head in your hands. You shouldn’t have been surprised that Tyler was still acting like a child after all these years. You lightly smacked his arm, trying to get rid of the cocky look on his face. “Would it shut you up if I told you I wanted to have sex with you last night?” You asked him.
His eyes ran down your frame. Something about hearing it from your lips made it ten times more satisfying.
“I’m really flattered, sweetheart. I guess you always know where to go for a good time.” He said, winking at you.
“It doesn’t matter anyway.” You said, crossing your arms and huffing at him. He chuckled to himself as he watched you pouting.
“It does matter cause I share a room with Boone. He was with a girl. I slept in my truck.” He told you with a giant smirk. You had been feeling jealous and angry, but your expression morphed into one of complete shock. Tyler chuckled at your clear surprise.
You flicked him in the forehead. “I’ve been mad at you all day because I thought you were just trying to sleep around with every girl here.” You told him, like you were reprimanding a child.
He shrugged and raised his eyebrows. “If you had just been honest with me, I would have told you that. But, you decided to pout all day.” He teased you.
“So, you’re telling me if I had just texted you last night…” you started to say. He quickly nodded his head. “Yep, I could have done whatever dirty little thing you had in mind.” He said, with a twinkle in his eye.
Your eyes went wide as you imagined what could have happened. “So, what do you think? Is it too late now?” You asked him, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
Tyler practically dragged you off the truck, and he kicked the tailgate closed with his foot. His rough hand quickly found yours and interlaced your fingers. He tugged you towards your room.
You both sprinted up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. You made it to the door first, leaning back against it. Tyler stopped for a second, admiring you and looking your whole body up and down.
You felt like a supermodel when Tyler looked at you. It was like he was always trying to commit every detail of you to memory.
You grabbed the collar of his flannel and tugged him towards you. His lips met yours in a heated rush. His rough calloused fingers slipped under your tshirt and ran over your stomach.
“I fuckin’ love you.” Tyler mumbled into the kiss as you raked your fingers through his hair. You both paused for a second, realizing the gravity of what he’d just confessed. It’d been years since he last told you he loved you.
“I love you too, Tyler Owens.” You said, softly. His lips crashed back into yours. He took your bottom lip between his teeth and playfully tugged at it. Your soft whimper was muffled as Tyler kissed you, but he heard it.
He let his hands slide down the curve of your back. They stopped at your ass, giving it a playful squeeze. You arched your back, pushing yourself into him. “Oh, fuck, sweetheart,” Tyler praised you.
You blindly reached for the door handle, managing to slip it open without breaking the kiss. You stumbled backwards into the room as Tyler guided you.
The door slammed as Tyler kicked it shut. He sloppily kissed you, wanting to memorize the taste of your lips. Your legs bumped into the edge of the bed. “Tyler, just need a second,” you mumbled against the kiss, struggling to pull away as he hungrily kissed you.
You kicked off your shoes and shimmied out of your jeans. Tyler took the hint and did the same with his boots and jeans. “I’ve got this, sweetheart,” he said, grabbing the hem of your damp tshirt and slowly peeling it off of you.
He carelessly let it drop to the floor as his eyes landed on your black lace bra. “Oh, fuck, beautiful. You’re gonna be the end of me.” He said as he stared at you speechless.
You crawled backwards onto the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Then, come join me.” You encouraged him. His fingers eagerly fumbled with the buttons on his flannel before he flung it to the side.
He practically pounced on top of you. Your eyes were glued to his chest, admiring his toned abs. “You know what that look does to me.” He teased you. Nothing was better for his ego than watching you drool over him.
He grabbed the back of your neck and leaned in to kiss you. Feeling Tyler’s bare chest against you was enough to make you see stars. You gripped onto his muscular shoulders. Your stomach did flips every time you felt his muscles flex under your fingers.
“You’re so beautiful,” he complimented you, weaving his fingers through your hair.
Your finger trailed down his chest, stopping right before you got to his boxers. He pushed his hips against you, in anticipation. “Patience, cowboy,” you teased.
Your fingers slipped past the waistband of his boxers. You wrapped your fingers around his cock. His grip on your hair tightened, and he bit down on his lip. “Feels like heaven, sweetheart,” he let out a breathy moan.
You ran your hand up and down his length a few times. Each time, he jutted his hips into your hand. Your thumb ran over the tip, and a whole string of curse words came flowing out of Tyler’s mouth.
“That’s enough, sweetheart. I don’t wanna cum til I’m inside you. Let me get you warmed up though.” He instructed. You shuddered at his strict tone. He pulled your hand out of your boxers, and then pulled your panties down your legs. You quickly unfastened your bra and threw it to the side.
Tyler grabbed the back of your thighs and roughly pulled you towards him. Before you knew it, he’d hooked your legs over his shoulders. You whimpered as you felt his hot breath between your legs.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I remember exactly how you like it.” He teased, winking up at you. He laid his tongue flat against your folds and licked a thick stripe.
You bucked your hips up against his face, which only encouraged him more. He grabbed your thighs, making sure you couldn’t pull away.
He teased your entrance, watching as your back arched against the sheets. “Just desperate for me, aren’t you?” He asked, cockily. You furiously nodded your head as you bit down on your bottom lip.
He dove in, licking in the shape of small figure eights. You moaned his name, turning him on even more. Tyler loved to hear you whine and moan his name. It was his favorite sound.
Wanting to hear it again, he lightly sucked on your clit. “Oh, fuck, Tyler.” You mumbled, grabbing his hair and grinding down on his face. Tyler loved making you desperate enough that you took a little control. He licked circles around your clit, speeding up each time he heard a breathy moan.
You looked down at him and admired the sight. There was nothing hotter than the image of Tyler with his face buried between your legs. In bed, Tyler never did anything half-assed.
You grabbed at the sheets, balling them up in your fists. Your knuckles turned white as you got closer. You repeated his name like you were a broken wind-up toy. It drove Tyler crazy.
You felt a tightening in your stomach as Tyler gave more attention to your clit. Your thighs squeezed around his head, only egging him on more. “Baby, yes yes,” you screamed, almost pornographically.
Before you could warn him, Tyler felt your legs start shaking as you hit your orgasm. You called out his name as you felt yourself clenching. “Such a good girl, you ready for another round?” He coaxed.
You were gasping for air, but you quickly nodded your head. Tyler chuckled at your eagerness. He kicked off his boxers and laid on top of you.
“You did so good, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll do all the work. You relax and cum for me again.” He said, wiping your hair off your sweaty forehead. You pecked his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
He deepened the kiss and pushed his cock into you. You gasped as you adjusted to his size. “You seem impressed, like I haven’t fucked you a thousand times.” Tyler teased, planting kisses along your jawline.
“I forgot how fuckin’ big you are.” You moaned. You knew his ego needed boosting every now and then, and you weren’t lying.
“I love filling you up like this. You feel like heaven— so tight for me.” He moaned as he thrusted back into you.
Hearing his sweaty skin slap against yours only turned you on more. You thrusted your hips up to meet his. Tyler let out a low moan as your nails scratched down his back. He grabbed your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist.
He pushed even deeper into you. Your breath got caught in your throat. “Come on, baby, just like that.” You encouraged him. He sped up his pace, pounding into you.
The bed frame thudded against the wall repeatedly. Neither of you cared about pissing off the neighbors. Your eyes rolled back as he hit your g-spot.
“I know you’re close, baby. I feel it.” He groaned. Every time you squeezed down on his cock, his hips bucked into yours.
His thumb found your clit and started rubbing tight circles. Your moans got higher pitched and louder as you felt your stomach begin to tighten.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum,” you warned him. His pushed his hips deeper into yours. Your legs were starting to shake. “Me too, honey. Cum with me.” He instructed. You pushed your hips up to meet each of his thrusts. You caught a glimpse of how his cock got buried inside of you with every thrust.
You both were starting to see stars. “O-ohh, fuck, baby. I’m gonna—” Tyler moaned as his hips jutted into yours. He pumped you full of his cum. It was enough to send you over the edge. Your orgasm hit you, and you sunk your nails into Tyler’s shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped indents.
He slowed his thrusts as you squeezed onto his cock. He rested his head on your shoulder, catching his breath. You raked your fingers through his hair, kissing his temple.
He rolled off of you and collapsed next to you. “That was fucking magic, sweetheart.” He said, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder. You interlaced your fingers with his, giving his hand a quick squeeze.
“Guess we need to stay together to keep each other sane.” You mumbled, catching your breath. Tyler chucked. “Oh, you’re never getting rid of me again.” He said, pecking your lips.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @lillyssh-tposts @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @stupiidfrogs @navs-bhat @alipap3 @djs8891 @love2write2626 @khaleesibeach @ateliersss @xbox5angelx @kneelforloki @ipromiseidk @marvelcasey05 @ilovefictionalcharacters26 @lovelyleanie @avengersgirllorianna @nerdgirljen @willowpains @ellesmythe @harrysgothicbitch @mikoxvelez
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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jediavengers · 3 months
𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ⋆ ˚。⋆
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warnings: 18+, smut, mild dumbification, degradation, slapping, forced orgasm, power dynamics, sub!anakin, dom!reader, crying, mentions of alcohol
pairing: sub!bratty!anakin x reader
“5 times. 5 times today you’ve pressed your luck, and i’m done with it.” You slam the door behind you as you storm in your apartment behind Anakin.
“You’re being dramatic, I didn’t even-“
You quickly turned on your heel. A harsh slap across his face to shut him up.
“Dramatic? Do you remember what happened the last time you spoke to me like that?” You snap, your words cold and quiet.
All day Anakin had been a little brat. He’d made several remarks that were unnecessarily rude, slapped your ass multiple times in public settings and tried using the force to touch you.
He was downright careless, doing these things where anyone could see. And you were done with his bullshit.
“Bedroom. Now.”
Anakin’s eyes widened, realizing you weren’t messing around. No, you were mad.
He quickly listened, nearly running to your bedroom.
“Better be stripped and on the bed by the time I get back there.” You shout down the hallway, then you turn to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine. Maker knows you needed it.
After you quickly downed the glass, you stormed back to your shared bedroom. There he was, in all his naked glory, laying on his back with a worried look on his pretty face.
His painfully hard cock gave him away.
“Been acting up all day just because you’re fucking horny,” Your words were venomous and came out angrily as you leaned against the door frame. “You really thought I was going to give you what you want? After the way you acted today? Could’ve gotten us in big trouble if anyone saw.”
You took a few steps closer to the bed, causing him to squirm. His cock was painfully hard. The tip was a bright rosy pink, pre-cum leaking out of it and pooling at the base of his dick.
Anakin’s eyes were glossy and his lips were swollen from him biting them so hard. “I-I’m sorry- you’ve just been s-so preoccupied and I-“
“If you want my attention, you ask,” You spit, shaking your head and grabbing a vibrator out of your bedside table. “You don’t act like a little bitch in front of a bunch of people.”
Anakin’s eyes widen and he stutters. “I’m sorry! I p-promise I won’t do it again-“
“Isn’t that what you said last time? And last time I let you off the hook. You need a good reminder of why you are supposed to listen to what I tell you.”
You quickly climb onto the bed, your expression seething. Turning on the vibrator, you immediately put it on the highest setting. Then you harshly grab his dick, wrapping your hand tightly around his shaft.
Anakin lets out a yelp that’s a mixture of pleasure and pain.
“Shut up.” You seethe, gripping his cock harder. A few tears roll down his face and you briefly feel bad. But after feeling his cock twitch in your hands, your sympathy flutters away, knowing he was enjoying your anger.
You begin to quickly pump his cock and place the vibrator on his tip, giving him no foreplay or buildup.
Anakin lets out a cry of pain and he arches his back, pre-cum leaking out of his tip and soaking the vibrator.
“Please- no!” He cries out, causing you to smirk. He may act like he wasn’t enjoying it, but the little bitch was. He knew his safe word, and he wasn’t using it.
“No? No what? No, don’t stop?” You began pumping his cock faster, wet sounds bouncing off the walls as you squeezed him tightly.
“Gonna-“ Anakin whined.
“No. Don’t you dare fucking cum.”
You took the vibrator and your hand away, causing him to gasp and let out a cry. His cheeks were soaked with tears and bright red. His pretty curls clung to his sweaty forehead. “Please- please.. i’m so s-sorry.. i’ll do better. I’m your good boy, remember? You- you know i’m your good boy!”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “You want to be a good boy? Fucking act like one.”
You began to aggressively pump his dick again and placed the vibrator at his ballsack. Anakin threw his head back and began to squirm, crying out. “Please!” He sobbed.
“Please? You’re so pathetic. Fine, cum.” You chided, stroking him quickly. You felt his cock twitch in your hands and you squeezed right below his tip, pumping him shallowly to make him cum.
God, he was pathetic.
He let out the most pornographic sounds as he came, spurts upon spurts of his seed squirting onto his stomach, your hands and some on the bed.
You didn’t stop there. Your stroking got quicker and more aggressive. “Give me another one, Ani. Come on.”
Anakin tried to squirm away, but you angrily squeezed his cock, causing him to yelp. “No-please! Stop!”
“Shut the hell up.” You demand, continuing to stroke him at an animalistic pace.
Anakin let out a loud moan, his cock twitching in your hands and spurting more of his seed out onto his stomach.
You egged him through his second orgasm and pulled away, shaking your head. “Next time you act like a little child, you remember this. Cause I’m not finished with you.”
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uluvjay · 8 months
Fall in love with you- T. Zegras
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Trevor Zegras x Best friend! Reader (feat. Quinn Hughes)
Summary: you knew Better than to fall in love with Trevor
Warnings?; angst, self-doubt, crying, asshole Trevor, cursing, Quinn comes to the rescue, this is extremely old and hardly proofread so I apologize for any errors!
Next part
You were Trevor’s best friend, your moms were best friends in collage leading to the life long friendship of you two.
You two had always been close even when he moved to Michigan for hockey you never drifted. He begged you to come to Boston with him for collage even though he only stayed a year and your had gotten into your dream school.
It was Trevor how could you say no?
That was a problem of yours never being able to tell him no. He wanted to go to a party even though you hated them? You went, wanted you to stay up late with him despite you having a big test the next day? You did it.
You always blamed it on the fact he was your best friend but everyone besides Trevor knew you were lying, they could all see how in love you were with him they just never brought it up.
The first person to call you out on those feelings was Quinn Hughes. Trevor had invited you to the Hughes lake house two summers ago where he constantly left you and was hardly even home most nights, usually with some random girl he met that day.
There had been an argument between you and Trevor, you blew up on him after he came home from another one night stand telling him if you knew you would be spending more time with the Hughes family and their other friends then him you wouldn’t have come in the first place.
He got offended saying he was allowed to have fun to even though that had nothing to do with what you were saying, after he stormed out of the room you were staying in you made the impulse decision to book a flight back to New York, and get the hell out of there but Quinn had caught you packing.
“Hey you okay we heard you two yell- woah what’re you packing for?” He asked stopping himself mid sentence
“Im going home Quinn, thank you for opening your home to me I really appreciate it and you guys have all been so nice spending time with me while Trevor’s off with random girls every night”
“Wait, why are you leaving though? Did Trevor say something? I’ll go kick his ass right now if he hurt your feelings”
“No he didn’t I-I just can’t do this anymore, he begged me to come and of course I said yes like always just for him to pretty much say fuck me and leave me to be with some random girls who probably took pictures of him sleeping so they can post them an-“
“Your in love with him” he said cutting you off
“What? No Quinn, I’m not” you replied with a defensive laugh
“Don’t lie to me”
“Quinn I’m not”
“Cut the bullshit” he told you more stern shutting the door
“I’m not lying”
“Yes you are, I see the way you look at your phone when he lets you know he won’t be coming back, how you stare at the marks on his neck and back, how you stare daggers into all the girls that talk to him, the way your face lights up when he walks into a room, your in love”
“He can’t know Quinn, it’ll ruin everything” you told him looking down at your hands
“Hey, your secrets safe with me, but you can’t do this to yourself forever kid”
And that’s how You and Quinn also became best friends
Fast forward two years and here you are back at the same Lake house in the same predicament. However over last summer you became good friends with most of the guys including Jamie and Mason who came with from Anaheim.
You Graduated from collage in May and got your degree in interior design, tonight Quinn and Jack were hosting you a small graduation dinner as they wasn’t able to attend your graduation along with some of the other guys.
You were standing in the Kitchen with Cole, Quinn, Jack, Trevor and Jamie who had all just come back from a workout.
“So Y/n you gonna come to Montreal and help me make my house look nice? I need some help decorating my shelves they don’t look good” Cole asked
“You can reach your shelves?” Jack asked causing everyone to laugh
“Shut up asshole” Cole replied
“Yeah Coley I’ll come help but I won’t be needing your stepladder I should be good” you said adding in to the joking
“You know what fuck all of you” he said walking off laughing
“Love you!” You called out laughing as well
“When he murders us all in our sleep I won’t be surprised” Quinn said causing everyone to let out light giggles
“Y/n what color you wearing tonight? I don’t wanna clash” Jack asked you
“You act like you won’t be wearing shorts and a random shirt ” you replied “but probably this white dress I bought a little while ago, I’m finally tan enough to wear it”
“You can’t wear white, the girl I invited is” Trevor blurted out looking at his phone
“Dude what the hell? I told you this was a lake house thing only, only the people staying here are allowed at the dinner, no extra invites” Quinn said getting a little pissed
“Aren’t your parents coming? Along with Luke, some of his friends, and y/n’s one friend? Why can’t my friend come”
“That’s our Family Z, they have a relationship with y/n and she knows Luke’s friends from them hanging around they’re like all madly in love with her” Jack said joining in
“Y/n’s fine with it right?” He said giving you the look he always did when he wanted something from you
“I’m not paying, it’s up to Quinn and Jack they organized the dinner” you said looking away
“Yeah so she’s not coming and if she for some reason does show up, she better not be in white, it’s Y/n’s night” Quinn said ending the conversation and walking out everyone else following besides you and Trevor.
“What the hell was that?” Trevor scoffed
“You totally taking Quinn’s side!? Are you in a mood with me or something? Why can’t my friend come”
“Because I’m not paying Z, it’s not something i organized Quinn and Jack did, if I had it up to me we’d being having pizza and sitting around a fire not going to a fancy restaurant.” you told him growing a bit annoyed.
“Whatever” he mumbled stomping off.
Four hours later everyone was in a private room at some fancy restaurant in Michigan, in all it had ended up being You, The Hughes family, Cole, Mason, Jamie, Trevor, Dylan and Luca.
Trevor hadn’t spoken to you since earlier in the kitchen and hadn’t gotten off his phone since you guys had gotten to the restaurant.
Jamie and Mason had both said something to him multiple times but it just ended with Trevor giving both of them attitude.
You were talking with Ellen about the new things she had planted in their home garden when Trevor stood up and pocketed his phone walking out of the private room.
“Okay can I ask what the hell his problem is?” Ellen had asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
“I didn’t let him invite one of his little hookups and he got mad because Y/n took my side instead of giving in” Quinn explained.
“He hasn’t said a word to me since like noon either” Jack added.
“Okay this isn’t about him and let’s not make it about him, tonight is about Y/n and her achievements” Jim said shutting everyone up just in time as the food was being served.
Ten minutes later the door opened back up and in walked Trevor with a blonde girl.
You froze, was he serious right now? For one night he couldn’t listen and not go off and do what he wanted. You looked around and seen Jamie and Cole both rubbing their foreheads and looked next to you at Quinn who had his head titled back, then to your right to your best friend who looked like she was about to murder both Trevor and the blonde girl.
You returned to eating until you heard someone scoff and a chair scoot out, as you looked up you seen Jamie pulling Trevor out the room, leaving the girl in the room.
“And you are?” Ellen asked causing Luke and Jack to both let out slight laughs at how straightforward their mom was.
“Emma” she replied
“Mm” was all Ellen replied, she also knew about your feelings for Trevor
The door opened back up and in walked a pissed off Jamie which was a rare sight to see, and an annoyed Trevor.
“Everyone this is my girlfriend Emma” he announced and it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone looked from them to you.
Did everyone know about your feelings? Were you truly that noticeable when it came to how you acted around Trevor?
“Since when?” Mason asked
“Three months” Emma answered
Everyone just stayed quite, the tension could be cut with a knife and the amount of awkwardness was uncomfortable.
“I think it’s time to head home” you whispered in Quinn’s ear
“Yeah, I’ll go grab the check” he said getting up and walking out
“Where’s he going?” Trevor asked
“To get the Check” you replied
“Already? Is that what you whispered in his ear about? I’m not ready to leave you can’t just decide when we all leave Y/n”
“Well I’m ready to head home Trevor and it was my graduation dinner but you of course found a way to make the night about you” you snapped standing up and leaving.
Once everyone got home you went straight to your room and got changed into comfortable clothes, went down stairs, made a drink and went outback.
You were feeling a rollercoaster of emotions, you loved Trevor and he constantly hurt you but honestly it was your fault, you were the one that never told him how you feel how’s he supposed to know you wanna be the one in his bed every night?
You were also angry at him, how dare he pull the shit he did tonight at your graduation dinner of all things. You celebrated multiple achievements of his with him and never once made it about you, it just wasn’t fair.
You didn’t even realize someone had come outside or that you were crying until you heard someone ask you something.
“Huh?” You asked as you came back to your surroundings to see Jack sitting next to you.
“I asked why your crying”
“Oh it’s nothing” you rushed out wiping your tears
“Non of that Bullshit what’s up” he asked
“I love Trevor, no I’m in love with him, have been since I was 17”
“I know” he replied nonchalantly
“It’s not hard to notice y/n, your pretty bad at hiding it” he said with a laugh
“You don’t think he noticed do you..”
“No he’s to stupid” he told you laughing again
“Good, I just don’t know what I’d do if he found out I was in love with him, we’ve been best friends since we were born it would ruin everything.”
“You’re in love with me?” You heard the person that shouldn’t be asking that question ask it.
“Shit” you mumbled closing your eyes
“I’m gonna head back inside” Jack said getting up and patting your shoulder
“I asked you a question Y/n, please tell me you’re talking about someone else you’ve been friends with since kids.”Trevor said
“No it’s you, I love you” you said in a low voice
“What the Fuck” he said with a laugh
“I know, I know I’m sorr-“
“Sorry doesn’t cut it Y/n! Do you know what this is going to change? Everything! Our whole lives, every moment we’ve ever shared, it’s all different now”
“I know that’s why I never said anything, I knew you wouldn’t feel the same” you mumbled
“Damn right I don’t feel that way”
“Can you not be rude right now?, you listened in on a conversation you had no business hearing and now you know information that just ruined our friendship, I don’t need you being an ass”
“Why? Why me y/n?”
“I don’t know Trevor! I ask myself that every single day, why you, why my best friend? And I don’t have an answer ” you told him.
“You should have known better”
“It not like I wanted to fall for you Trevor, it’s not like I hoped and wished that I’d fall in love with you and ruin a 22 year long friendship.”
“We need space, I need space y/n I don’t know how to feel about this.” he told you
“I’ll find the next flight to New York tomorrow and be gone” you told him walking past him and into the house.
As you were laying in bed you heard someone knock on your door, “come in” you said with a hoarse voice from crying
“Hey I just wanted to check in, Jack told me what happened” Quinn said walking in
“It was so bad Quinny” you said breaking down again.
“No, don’t cry, it’ll be okay y/n” he said sitting next to you and rubbing your back
“I’m leaving tomorrow” you told him
“He said he wants space so I’m gonna go home, I think it’s for the better you know getting away from him”
“Don’t go home, let’s go somewhere”
“Where?” You asked with curiosity
“A beach?”
“That sounds nice”
“Yeah” you said looking up at him with a smile
Next part
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zombieunicorngamerzu · 10 months
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(Yandere Yellowjackets/Reader)
[Warnings - yandere behavior, Van, Lottie, and Natalie have girlcocks, CNC, penetration, anal, oral, fingering, orgy, creampies, smut]
Ever since the crash, you felt like things changed between you and the team. It was like a switch was flipped and the other girls just went full on Mama bear mode, and not just the Overprotectiveness, but the Clinginess, it got bad. You were the youngest on the Yellowjackets College Soccer Team, only eighteen while the others were either nineteen or twenty with The oldest being Lottie, Natalie, and Taissa, the three of them were twenty.
You knew you were young, you thought Mabye that’s why the team was so overprotective over you, but it got to the point where they babied you. Way too much. Lottie was the most overbearing, well besides Misty, Misty was another level. Both Misty and Lottie insisted on doing everything with you, to bathing you, feeding you, going with you to use the restroom, all you wanted was a ounce of private time, but when you finally got away from one girl, there another was. You felt like they were suffocating you.
“Look, guys I just need to be left alone, please.” You pleaded with Van, Lottie, Taissa, Natalie, Shauna, and Misty, all of them sitting in their spots looking at you so hurt. Lottie stood up first, speaking softly, “Look, baby, we know you want to do things on your own, but we have to keep you safe.” You just shook your head, “No! You won’t even let me go outside alone, your driving me crazy.” Your words really stung everyone, all they tried to do was protect and love you, but all they felt was rejection. Lottie just stepped closer, her arms outstretched, “Baby… just- just let us show you how much we care about you…”
You just shook your head with a hateful glare, you couldn’t stay cooped up in the cabin being babied any longer. You were an adult, so you did what you wanted, you stormed out the door. You didn’t get far at all, Van immediately rushing after you and picking you up by your waist as you flailed, she just grunted and brought you back inside, “Yup, sorry babygirl, but no.” You we’re throwing a fit by the time Van placed you back in front of Lottie who stood with her arms crossed and a scary stern look across her face, “Better after your little fit, baby?”
You just glared and did the only thing you thought, you spit on her. It shocked everyone. You regretted it immediately as soon as you saw Lotties eyes darken and her jaw clench, the others looking scared for you as Lottie shot forward, grabbing you by your neck and forcing you into submission in front of her, her face looming over yours as she spoke in a growl, “I have been nothing but kind and loving and supportive ever since we crashed, I’ve been here for you, taken care of you, and you spit it my face?!”
You couldn’t stop but whimper in fear and regret now, “Lottie I’m sorry-“ She cut you off with a shake or her head, “No, your gonna be a good girl now, you fucking understand?” She growled out as she kicked the back of your knees, forcing you to kneel as she pulled your chin up, “Your gonna take everything we fucking give you without a fucking fight and your gonna fix this goddamn bratty attitude or I swear to god… “ she knelt down to your level, “I will fuck you for days until your a sobbing begging mess for the “nice me” back.”
You just nodded with a whimper, your breathes quick, you’d never seen Lottie so pissed before, it scared you shitless, so you just nodded, watching as she undid her pants, pulling out her cock which was already hard for you while the others watched. “Open your mouth.” She ordered a little softer, cupping your chin while you nodded and parted your lips for her to nudge her cock inside, feeling her length immediately slid to the back of your throat as she moaned, “There’s the good girl I want…” Lottie sighed out as she threaded her fingers in your hair to soothe you while pumping her cock inside your mouth, drool spilling down your chin as you took her down your throat. It didn’t take Lottie long before she was cumming down your throat, her grip on your hair tight before she pulled you off her cock.
She stepped back to let you catch your breath while she undressed, speaking out to everyone, “Everyone strip, we’re gonna show our babygirl why she needs us… and what she gets when she decides to be such a fucking brat.” There was immediate movement as soon as she spoke, everyone listening as Lottie knelt down and helped you undress, kissing your head to calm you as she spoke, “Shh baby, I promise we won’t hurt you,” she caresses your cheek, “We’re just gonna take care of you like we should have a long time ago.”
You just swallowed out of anxiety as you looked over at the others, Taissa already jerking Van off as they kissed, occupied with one another while Shauna was sitting with Nat, the two of them watching you like hawks and Misty who looked elated to just look at you, her hand already in her pants, biting her lip with a blush. Lottie just smirked at Misty, nodding her over which she gladly did, coming over and immediately straddling you, kissing you quick and fiery, making you Yelp at how rushed she was.
Misty was quick, passionate, she was so excited just to touch you as she ground down on your thigh, she was wet and she just wanted to touch you, “Fuck, oh my god, your so pretty, don’t worry, I’ll be gentle… I’ll get you ready for the others.” She smiled before pushing you to lay down, kneeling down between your thighs quickly, spreading your thighs open to bury her face between your thighs, she moaned, getting her first taste of you and she was lost, eating you out like she was starving before her fingers were pushing inside you to find your gspot, she sucked on your clit roughly while curling her finger against your gspot quickly, Misty was surprisingly just a fiery bundle of excitement and pleasured, she focused on you until you came and you swore Misty came in her panties just from getting to make you cum.
You were almost sad when she pulled away but you didn’t get much time to be sad before you were roughly manhandled by Natalie, feeling her hands rolling you onto your tummy and her breasts on your back as she husked in your ear, “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna fuck you so good your gonna scream.” She just chuckled with a smirk before shoving her cock inside you, making you scream out, you were wet, but she just shoved it in, being rough to the point Lottie voiced out, “Gentle… Natalie, don’t break her.” Nat just chuckled as she dug her nails into your hips, jackhammering her hips into your ass harder, pinning you down, “What if I wanna break her?” Lottie glared at her immediately from her spot which made Natalie roll her eyes, but she did slow down, you were whining and crying already from how sensitive you felt.
Natalie just smiled and slapped your ass, making you squeal and clench around her cock, causing her to groan, her voice husky, “That’s a good fucking girl, taking my cock like this…” she just grunted before reaching down to rub your clit, quickening her thrust as she moaned out, “Now cum on my cock so I can fill you up.” Her words made your eyes widen, groaning out louder at how rough she was fucking you, you could feel her cock slamming deeper inside you, her fingers rubbing your clit rougher which made you build up your orgasm quickly, screaming out as you came around her cock which made her cry out as she slammed into you, spurting hot heavy loads of cum inside you with a groan before slapping your ass and pulling out, leaving you trembling as she ruffled your hair and walked off.
“Christ Nat, how about manners? Some fucking decency?” Taissa spoke out, practically appalled with Natalie just leaving you trembling on the cold floor, you felt Taissa’s hands as she helped you up, pulling you to her chest as she kissed your head, “Van, get some pillows and blankets.” Was all you heard before feeling yourself being laid on a much more comfortable surface, Taissas hands rubbing your tummy and thighs gently while Van just crawled over with a kiss to your knee, “Hey babygirl.” Van smiled as she sat next to you, Taissa putting a pillow under your head as she nodded at Van who settled between your thighs, “Go slow, Van.”
Van just nodded at Taissa’s order, moaning softly as she pressed the head of her cock slowly inside you while rubbing your thighs to help you relax. Both Taissa and Van just seemed more focused on your comfort, they weren’t rushed or rough, they were patient and gentle, focusing on you as Van slowly worked her cock into you, making you moan softly, your eyes fluttering at the feeling, her slow movements felt so much better and Van smiled with pride at the pleasured softer moans you let out, leaning down to kiss your nose as she slowly sped up, making you let out the cutest whine, causing Taissa to shiver, biting her lip as she touched herself and used her free hand to keep your hair out of your eyes. It was a slower buildup to your orgasms, the three of you, but when Van finally got to the point of speeding up her thrusts, breathes shaky as she held your thighs to your chest, sinking her cock in deep as she held your thighs, groaning out loudly, she came inside you, her cock twitching as she made sure to pump in deep so you took every drop.
“God, she’s so perfect.” Van husked out breathlessly as she slowly pulled out, being careful not to hurt you before she leaned down to give you a tender kiss, “Your doing so good baby… so good.” She praised you and it made your heart sing, you really didn’t want Van and Taissa to be done, but they got up, making you whimper before Shauna made her way over, shushing you, “Shh baby, I promise I’m not that scary.” She just gave you a reassuring smile, leaning down to kiss down your stomach before settling between your thighs which made you squirm, you felt too sensitive, it felt like torture when she flicked her tongue over your clit, making her giggle as your hips bucked, “Thats it baby, take what I give you.” She just smiled before attaching her lips to your clit. Gods… Shauna must have known you we’re spent from everyone else, so she just cleaned you up with her tongue mostly, her hands gently rubbing your shaking thighs as she slurped at your pussy, working you to another exhausting but enjoyable orgasm as you came on her tongue.
Shauna carefully let you go after feeling you cum, tasting you was enough for her right now, sitting back to get up and watch as Lottie made her way back over again, you hoped she was the last one. Lottie must have seen how exhausted you were because she just crawled over you, kissing you sweetly with a soft shush, “Shh baby, I know… you did so well, just have to take me now baby, then your done.” She husked out before grabbing your thighs, her hands on the backs of your knees as she pushed them up to your chest, angling her cock at your entrance before pushing in with a deep moan, making your thighs tremble as you moaned brokenly, your poor little hole felt used and sensitive, aching around her cock as she started to thrust.
“Good girl baby, god you look so pretty…” Lottie moaned out as she kissed you harder, groaning and panting against your lips before she pulled out quickly, pining your legs higher before jerking her cock off at your tighter hole below, making you wriggle, “L-Lottie, no please- wait-“ Lottie cut you off by pressing the head of her cock into your tight ass, making you scream out as you felt the stretch, gasping so loud as you felt her thick cock pop into your ass, filling you up so much as she slowly started pumping inside you with such eager moans and growls, “Fuck… yes… this fucking ass- yes baby! Oh god- I’m gonna cum!” Lottie whimpered out as she shoved in deeper, her cock twitching as she groaned out, her voice cracking as her eyes squeezed closed, letting out a cry as she shot her load into your tight little hole, moaning sinfully as she felt your tightness around her cock.
You groaned at the feeling, you felt so full and used at this point, whimpering as Lottie slowly pulled out, her tip popping out of your ass as she let your thighs go, letting you relax as you felt her cum dribble out of your ass. Immediately after Lottie helped sit you up, speaking softly to you, “Baby… your ours now, okay? We love you so much babygirl…” All you could do was nod with a soft whimper as Lottie kissed your forehead before everyone was fussing over you yet again, fighting over who would get to help you bathe next.
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fastboatsmojito · 15 days
Some Depraved Scott Miller smut - I don’t even have a name for this oops
| A/N; I don’t have anything to say actually this was .. fun 🙂‍↕️ barking and drooling and and and
| CW; 18+ smut btc !! No gendered terms used, A little slapping (literally one described), Scott’s the usual level of mean, Established dom/sub relationship, just freak nasty in general sorry, Barely any plot, No condom mention (be safe blah blah blah)
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It’d been a long week, not only were you drowning in paperwork, you were still recollecting yourself after a particularly rough encounter with a storm.
It was hailing hard one day and you’d forgotten your coat - leading to a few nasty bruises and a stern lecture about the ‘importance of outerwear’ from your co-worker turned boyfriend, Scott. He was always so assertive, you might find it hotter if it weren’t equally as aggravating.
You trudged back to your motel room for the night, it wasn’t nearly as good as being home but a long, hot shower always helped.
Right before you got to your room you were stopped. “Rough day?” Scott stood in front of your door, arms crossed as he examined your worn expression.
“Rough week.” You corrected, sighing with your whole body as he stood in front of your solace for seemingly no reason.
“What the fuck do you want, Scott?”
“Woah. Just checking in. What’s with the attitude?”
“I’m tired. I’d love to take a shower and go to sleep but someone is standing in front of my door.” You groaned, shoving him out of your way to unlock the door. Barely given enough time to shut it before he was picking you up and tossing you on the bed.
You didn’t realize this was what you really needed until you were face down on the bed in front of him, muffled cries into the pillow as he held your hands behind your back.
“As soon as my dick’s inside you all that attitude goes away. That’s all it takes, huh?” He crooned mockingly over you.
“Turn around.” He let go of your wrists and pulled out so you could turn over, hair sticking to the sweat across your forehead as he scanned over you. He moved his hands up your arms, fingers stopping and digging into a bruise over your shoulder as you winced.
“Scott-“ You whined, “you’re being mean.”
“Yeah. If you wanted me to be nice you should’ve acted like you deserved it.”
He relieved the bruise with a stroke of his thumb before he moved his hand to your cheek. Softly resting there for just a second before he pulled it back, a smack followed by a gasp followed by the slick sound of him pushing back into you filling the room. It was all rough and quick, your mouth barely able to keep up with your brain.
“Fuck-“ He quickly shoved two of his fingers into your mouth when you groaned at the stretch of him.
“I know, I know. Feels good, huh?“ You nodded, drool dripping down his fingers that were sliding against your teeth as he literally fucked the stress away.
“Mhm. But we got neighbors, baby. Gotta keep that pretty mouth of yours occupied.” He punctuated by shoving his fingers deeper, tears spilling from your eyes as you gaged.
You could barely think after the second mind-numbing orgasm, your knees bent towards your shoulders as his hand smoothed over the sore skin of your cheek.
“Scott I can’t-“ You mewled, legs shaking under him with every thrust.
“You can, come on.” And you did, finally relaxing and letting your grumpy old boyfriend take care of you for the night.
“Can’t sleep yet, honey. Let’s get that shower out of the way, yeah?”
He always let you sleep on him after a rough night like this, relaxing into his big, warm chest as his hand soothed over your back as you drifted off. He wasn’t always mean.
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kikyoupdates · 14 days
Otherworldly Attraction ⭑˚🔮⭑ 𝑎 𝑠𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟
yandere!jjk x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, isekai, jujutsu kaisen x fem!reader, slowburn, slowburn yandere
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You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is an even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.
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The door slides open to reveal two students, a girl and a boy, sitting around a table while they eat their lunches. Itadori steps inside, still grinning widely, and their heads turn at the sound of his voice.
“Hey, guys! I just dropped by for lunch, if that’s okay. Oh, and I brought a friend! This is [Name],” he happily introduces. 
You’re too stunned by the fact that he just referred to you as his friend to process much else, and by that point, the two students have already stood up. 
“It’s nice to meet you, [Name],” the girl greets with a smile. “I’m Sasaki, a second-year.” 
“And I’m Iguchi, also a second-year,” the boy chimes in. 
Needless to say, you already know who they are, too. Even though it was indirect on their part, they’re largely the reason why Itadori ends up at Jujutsu High, thanks to the fateful events of a certain night spent on school grounds. 
At this point in time, Itadori has yet to give them Sukuna’s finger. You’re not sure exactly when it’ll happen, but there will probably be some warning signs, like Fushiguro showing up on campus to look for it. 
Still, for obvious reasons, you feel like you shouldn’t get too involved with these two. The plot is going to proceed normally, as it should. You’re worried that something might go wrong with your interference. It’s probably best if you keep your distance, and—
“Would you like to join the Occult Research Club?!” 
Yeah, you probably should’ve expected that. 
Itadori laughs. “Come on, guys. I didn’t bring her here to try and recruit her. I just wanted to introduce all three of you! I’m not sure if [Name]’s into that kind of stuff, anyways. It’s not really everyone’s thing.” 
“It’s true,” you nod. “I’m, uh, not that great with scary stuff…” 
“There’s nothing scary about the paranormal!” Sasaki insists. “It’s just interesting! Mysterious! Imagine what could be out there! Don’t you have a thirst for the unknown?” 
It’s precisely because I do know what’s out there that I’m scared…
“Sasaki, you’re coming on way too strong,” Iguchi chides. He turns to offer you a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. We just can’t help but get excited when new people show up to our club room, but we know this kind of thing can’t be forced. You two are more than welcome to stay here during lunch.”
To some extent, you can’t help but feel a bit bad, because you know how passionate they are, and soon, Itadori won’t be around to keep them company anymore. He has no choice but to go to Jujutsu High. It’s his fate as the protagonist of this world. 
You know you can’t possibly be a substitute for someone as irreplaceable as Itadori, but once all the craziness with Sukuna’s finger passes, you’d be happy to be their friend, if they’ll have you.
“Ooh, your lunch looks really good, [Name],” Itadori remarks once you sit down and unpack your bento box.
“Thanks,” you smile. “I’ve been cooking for a while. My mom cooks too, but I just got used to making food for myself. The process helps me take my mind off things. It’s kind of therapeutic, in a way.” 
Seeing as being sucked into a fictional world is kind of—or rather, really fucking insane, it’s safe to say that you cooked up a storm when you got home yesterday. You packed up most of the leftovers for lunch today, so the food didn’t go to waste, but still. You ended up emptying a good portion of the fridge.
Itadori takes a big bite out of his onigiri, but he keeps eyeing your lunch all the while, so you chuckle and push the bento box closer to him.
“Go ahead,” you encourage. “You can have some if you want.” 
“Can I really?” he blinks, a few pieces of rice stuck to his cheek. It’s kind of ridiculous how adorable this guy is. You have the sudden urge to pull him into your arms and give him a big squeeze, but mercifully, your intrusive thoughts don’t win. 
“Of course. I packed plenty, so I can afford to share.”
“Oh—wait, but earlier, I was saying that I’d be the one to treat you! I can’t just eat your lunch! I still owe you big-time for what I did to you!” 
Itadori firmly shakes his head in refusal, then crosses his arms and makes an attempt at what you can only assume is meant to be a stern expression. But again, he’s so ridiculously cute that it’s a bit hard to take him seriously. 
Sasaki arches a brow. “What did you do to her?” 
“I, uh, may have hit her in the face with a soccer ball,” Itadori replies, shamefully shrinking in on himself.
He is literally baby. 
“Why would you do that?” Iguchi gapes. “Come to think of it, her nose is a little bruised…” 
“It obviously wasn’t on purpose!” Itadori protests. He turns towards you with an imploring expression. “[Name], I promise it wasn’t on purpose. I swear I would never do something like that!” 
You chuckle softly. “I know you wouldn’t. You definitely don’t seem like that kind of guy.”
Itadori lets out a sigh of relief and resumes munching on his onigiri. Meanwhile, Sasaki stares at you from across the table. 
“So… [Name],” she says. “You’re a first-year like Itadori, I’m assuming?” 
“I’ve never really seen you around.” 
“I’m a new student. I only just transferred in.” 
She pauses for a few moments, and you can see her eyes glistening with excitement. “So, that must mean you haven’t joined any clubs yet, right?” 
“Sasaki, not this again,” Iguchi sighs. 
“I’m telling you! Not everyone is drawn to the occult right away. It takes trial and error to figure out if it’s something you’re actually interested in. I’m not saying she has to join our club or anything. But while she’s here, she should at least dip her toes in, right?” 
Before Iguchi can protest on your behalf again, Sasaki grabs a large board from one of the bookshelves and turns towards you with a mischievous grin. 
“...you’ve heard of Kokkuri, right?” 
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After school, Itadori stops by your classroom. 
“Hey, [Name],” he beams. “Thanks for hanging out with all of us during lunch. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully that game of Kokkuri didn’t freak you out too much.”
“I had fun too,” you nod. Truthfully, you’ve never really been fazed by this kind of stuff. Horror movies and the like don’t often get much of a reaction out of you. You never bought into ghosts or vengeful spirits. Well, not in the real world at least.
Unfortunately, in this world, there’s plenty of freaky shit to go around. 
“It means a lot to those guys,” Itadori says, a tinge of sadness to his smile. “We’re the only people in the school that seem to have an interest in the occult. I signed up for it because I thought it’d be fun, but we just barely meet the three-member minimum. Thanks for going along with it to make them happy, even if it’s not really your kind of thing.” 
“There’s no need to thank me. I know I said I wasn’t crazy about scary stuff, but I actually ended up having a good time. I’m glad you invited me to hang out with you guys,” you smile. 
Itadori returns your smile with one of his own—seriously, he’s almost always smiling, but you certainly don’t mind—and before you realize it, a phone has been placed into your hand. 
You blink. “What’s this?” 
“My phone,” Itadori replies, still smiling.
“Um, I mean, I know that, but why’d you give it to me?” 
“So you can give me your number. That way it’ll be easier for us to stay in touch!” He pauses, just for a moment, to frown. “Oh, but I guess I should’ve asked if you were okay with it first. I got a little ahead of myself. Would it be cool if we exchanged numbers?” 
By some miracle, you manage to reign in your excitement, and instead of hardcore fangirling and squealing out at the top of your lungs, you just nod. 
“Sure thing,” you say, trying to play it cool. Still, despite your best efforts to act indifferent, your fingers are trembling as you pull out your own phone and refer to the number you have saved in a notes app (because you definitely haven’t memorized it within less than a day of being here). Once you’re finished inputting your number, you pass your phone over to Itadori so he can do the same.
And just like that, you have a new contact saved. Itadori Yuji. He even added a little smiley-face at the end of his name. God, he’s so fucking cute. 
“Sweet!” Itadori grins. “Thanks, [Name]. I’ll be sure to text you lots! Sorry I can’t really stick around much longer. I just wanted to stop by real quick before I left to go visit my gramps at the hospital.” 
Right. His grandfather. A point deep in your stomach throbs uncomfortably, and you’re hit by a sudden wave of guilt. It feels awful to know that his grandfather’s end is rapidly approaching. It feels awful to know that you can’t change it, or even warn him. All you can do is feign ignorance and hope that he enjoys these fleeting moments while they last. 
You muster up a smile. “I hope you have a nice day with your grandpa. Feel free to text me whenever.”
“Will do! See ya!” 
Itadori waves you off, every bit as cheerful as always. Yet another thing that causes you immense guilt is the knowledge that his happy days won’t last forever. Soon, he’ll be thrown into a dark, sinister world that teems with death. A world that, in your opinion, is far too harsh for such a gentle soul. 
Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about that. Fate will run its course, and you must simply stand by and let it happen. 
Despite the nice day you had, your spirits are admittedly a bit low as you trudge home, having to consult Oogle Maps in order to find your way around. After being injured yesterday, the nurse called your parents to inform them of what had happened, and your mom came by to pick you up. This is technically your first time finding your way home by yourself. It’s not just a new school you need time getting used to, but a new home, a new city, a new world… all of it is bound to get a little overwhelming at times.
You wish you could say you’re completely aware of your surroundings, but that’s far from the truth. Every so often, you have to stop and squint towards the street signs to make sure you’re heading the right way. Jujutsu Kaisen is set in a fictional world, of course, but it’s a world modeled off the real world, and there’s plenty of similarities. This version of Japan is every bit as busy as the real one, for instance. Which is why you keep getting swept up in the crowds and losing your sense of direction.
Still, it’s not rocket science. You can mostly figure out where you’re going. Oogle Maps is idiot-proof, after all. Well, sort of. 
But the fact remains that you’ve never wandered these streets before, and naturally, you’re as disoriented as anyone would be in a foreign place. Hence why you don’t notice him until it’s late. 
A man with long, black hair, who’s staring right at you. 
You get jerked around by the crowd of people hurrying home during rush-hour, enough that you end up tripping onto the sidewalk and falling onto your knees. Your socks only reach up to your calves, so unfortunately, your knees get scraped open and start bleeding. 
Man. Only two days into this isekai thing, and you just can’t seem to stop getting hurt. 
“...are you alright?” 
Some guy is speaking to you. Presumably, one of the bystanders that saw you trip. Your cheeks flush, because falling in public is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen, but you instinctively reach out to grab his hand anyway. 
At the same time, your gaze pans upwards, and his eyes meet yours. 
Oh, balls. 
That’s the most appropriate response you can think of. After all, the man you’ve just had the misfortune of running into is hardly the type to be your friend. He’s not like Itadori. He’s not one of the good guys. 
He is Geto Suguru. Or rather, the curse user that’s pretending to be him. The real Geto is long dead. He was killed by his former best friend, Gojo. 
Those scars on his forehead tell you everything you need to know. The curse user’s name is Kenjaku, and he is merely using Geto’s body as a vessel. As things stand, you’re probably the only person who knows his true identity.
Regardless, the details don’t matter right now.
You’re just really fucking scared. 
Kenjaku pulls you to your feet, and unlike with Itadori, when you wished you could keep holding his hand forever, this time, you pull away viscerally fast, as if you’ve just been splashed with hot oil. 
Naturally, Kenjaku notices. 
“You didn’t answer my question, miss,” he chuckles, a cunning smile spreading across his lips. “I asked if you were alright. You took quite a tumble there. It must have hurt.” 
“I-I’m fine,” you reply, praying your fear isn’t absurdly obvious. You need to stay calm. There’s no reason why an ordinary person would be afraid of him, and if you let it show, he’ll know something’s up. 
“Your knees are bleeding,” Kenjaku points out. He leans closer to you, and you swear your heart nearly explodes. His dark, thin eyes are even more eerie from up close. “And you look like you just saw a ghost. I admit, I’m a bit worried.”
That’s bullshit if you’ve ever heard it, but nevertheless, you can’t allow your expression to crumble. There’s no reason for him to kill you out in public like this. Unlike cursed spirits, people can see him. He won’t risk drawing that kind of attention to himself. 
“I’m just… socially awkward,” you say, chuckling shyly for added effect. “And, uh, I’m not good at talking to handsome guys like you. I get nervous.�� 
To be honest, what you just said isn’t even a total lie. Sadly. 
Kenjaku stares at you in silence for a few moments, then smiles yet again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“I’m flattered by your words,” he muses. “Well, just be careful not to trip again. You got off with a small injury this time, but if you’re not careful, it could be a lot worse. And nobody likes to hurt, do they?” 
It’s hard to tell whether or not that was meant to be a thinly-veiled threat, but you have no intention of sticking around to find out. 
“Thank you for your help, mister. I appreciate it.” 
You hastily bow to him, then waste no time before speed-walking away. The further you get, the easier it is to breathe.
But since you’re too scared to look back over your shoulder, you don’t realize that Kenjaku is still staring at you with a contemplative look on his face. 
He hums to himself. “So much cursed energy. Is she a sorcerer? But something about her seems strange. I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
Well, no matter. He’ll leave you in peace for now. He can’t very well attack you in broad daylight, and he doesn’t even know if you pose a threat. There are far too many variables to consider. 
Besides, something tells him that this won’t be your last meeting. 
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deaddovedecadence · 11 months
Title: Puppies
Warning(s): manipulation, yandere shit, yelling
Summery: after a fight with bruce, duke brings you a gift (but not is all that is seems to be)
Bruce is a dick when he’s angry, but he never yells and that’s the worst part. He takes, takes everything that you are and makes you feel so small, and sometimes you think that this is what Jason run, because if he had to deal with this when he was young then why wouldn’t he.
You’ve curled up in your bathroom, the room door that locks, and you’ve rested yourself against it, not thinking about how you’re breaking another rules because there are so many rules and you always seem to fuck up even on the days that you're trying to be good. There is not good enough for them, there is nothing you can do to get your freedom because they are all faster, stronger, smarter then you are. They've done a millions times and you've never been held hostage and been told that it's for love.
this is nopt love, this is possession and you do not want possession. Does freedom even exist for you, made something that you didn't used to be by them, because of them.
"Hey," there's a voice from outside the door, pulling you away from the spiral that you've sunken into. You don't respond to the voice even though you know that it's just Duke, Duke the only person not to raise his hands againt you, never cruel, always patient, always kind. It was with him that you meant to go on a outing with but now, you don't want to leave this bathroom, because at least it is safe in the bathroom.
There's a soft rapping sound and Duke sighs, "I heard that Bruce lost his mind, huh? That probably really sucked." He's making an understatement and you both know it but Duke is gentle anyways, (a predator) coaxing you out of your hiding spot. "Tell me what happened and I'll give you a surprise." he says, and Duke's surprises are always good so you start.
"I didn't know that bruce didn't know about our outing," you whisper, "i was waiting on the front step and he saw and he lost it. Duke, am I really nothing without you?" There's a hissed out sigh from Duke, "You know that Bruce gets anxious about us, right? Specially you an Jase cause you're new and Jase is fresh home. He didn't mean to." You know that and yet, it's not enough right now. "I told you what happened," you snap, "so give me my surprise now."
Your (not a) brother laughs, "only if you unlock the door and come out.” You unlock the door, slowly opening it. It’s duke and he’s holding something, well two something’s actually. He’s holding what look like twin Rottie puppies and they’re so cute. “I thought you’d like to have someone besides me and Jase. You take one of them and coo and it. “Whats their name?” You mumble, holding the puppy tight across your chest. “I thought it might be funny to name them Shadow and sunshine. I’d take shadow, she’s a girl, and you could have sunshine, he’s a boy .” You croon and Sunshine with his black fur and bright blue eyes. “They’re perfect. thank you duke.”
Duke smiles, “and because they are puppies, we get to go to training together so more outings.” You grin at him, crooning at the say that sunshine yawns. “Can he sleep here?” You murmur, and Duke nods.
“Thank you Duke,”
“Welcome Sunshine.”
Bruce is getting some work done with his son storms into his office, eyes glowing in way that they only do when he’s angry. “What’s wrong?” he says, and Duke hisses, that sound more animal then anything a normal human could make.
“You really had to fuck up all my progress with them? I got sunshine to the point of not wanting to escape and you nearly ruined all that because you’re scared.” Bruce stands, staring at duke. “I did not know,” he snaps, “I did not know and I didn’t mean to.”
His son laughs, the sound cold. “I know that but that doesn’t mean you ruin all my fuckin progress with Sushine cause you a paranoid motherfucker.” Some of Duke’s gotham is slipping into his accent as he speaks, never yelling but obvious furious. There’s a knock on the door, and Dick slips in, looking at the two of them before sighing, “just go spar it out and you’ll feel better.” Duke slips out of the room, tiling his head in a way that means follow so bruce follows.
Author’s note: Duke is such a scary yandere to me bc this man really be bending you in ways that you can’t even notice. Yes the dog was a plot to get you to stay with them and not run. Duke genuinely does not care what he has to do to protect his family and I think that he’s so real for that /j
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juletheghoul · 1 month
Let Me Follow (Part 7)
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AN: Ooop. I haven't updated this in a year and I feel terrible, I am trying to go through all of the unfinished fics I have, and update one every week. (dream big Jules) Hopefully get through all of the things I have in my head. Hopefully it's been worth the wait! I've done my best to edit this myself, but it hasn't been beta'd. Enjoy! xo 🩷
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Pairing: Joel x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.8K
Warnings: (18+ NO MINORS) ANGST, language, age-gap (about 10-11 years, legal, reader is of age), Yearning, post-apocalyptic world, Joels injury / ptsd / nightmare
Let me know if I missed anything!
reblogs are appreciated
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He’s gone when you wake up. Both of them are, they’re gone most of the day but it makes sense. You chalk it up to Joel catching up with his brother and Ellie taking advantage of the safety of this place. You, in turn, find yourself almost haunting the house Maria and Tommy had put you up in. The time spent in the trailer, although quiet for the most part, was also wrapped up in the web of anxiety. Every second spent there was corrupted with fear of someone finding it, always the danger of infected wandering into the woods and surprising you when you’d go scavenging, and in comparison to that, this felt peaceful. 
This house gave you a chance to rest, to nap and enjoy the safety of the walls surrounding you, surrounding the town itself. Even when you got hungry, it was only a matter of making your way down the street to the cafeteria. People looked at you with curiosity, but didn’t pry, which only inspired intense gratitude. 
The whole day was a much needed respite from the worry and anxiety, until Ellie stormed into the house to find you reading an old novel on the sofa late in the evening. Anger burning on her face and it seemed strange to be so angry in a place like this. 
“What happened?” The adrenaline shoots up, the familiarity of it is so depressing, it seems your body is always ready to feel this way. 
“He’s leaving me.” She runs up the stairs and you find yourself running up after her, the door to the bedroom she’d claimed all but shut in your face before you could follow her inside. 
“Ellie? Can I come in?” You knock, hoping she’ll elaborate, “Ellie?”
“Whatever.” She calls out and you follow her inside, finding her sitting on a dusty bay window. 
“What happened?” Your heart races but you do your best to control your breathing. 
“He’s leaving me,” she sighs, picking up what looks to be someone's journal, “I heard him tell Tommy, that he has to leave me.” You frown at her. Joel hadn’t exactly been the cuddly type but he did care about Ellie, that had been obvious to you. “Maria told me something about him, something that makes sense-” 
“I wouldn’t listen to what Maria has to say about Joel, it seems to me she’s been listening to Tommy say some not-so-nice things about his brother.” Annoyance burns brightly in your gut that she’d dare poison Ellie against the man that had been keeping her safe. 
“No–I didn’t let her talk shit, I told her where to fucking go about that but–” A soft tap on the door pulls you out of the argument, Joel’s voice coming through before he opens the door. 
The familiar ‘Joel-frown’ is back in place as his gaze shifts from Ellie, to you, and back to her again.
“Listen-” He starts, but she doesn’t let him get very far.
“Why are you here?” The anger still burns on her face, but you know what’s really there. Sadness, fear, disappointment, you know because you’ve felt it all before.
“I came here to talk to you, both of you.”
“No, why are you still here? If you’re gonna ditch us then ditch us.” her eyes cast down as she speaks, looking without really seeing the journal in her hands. You see him let out a heavy sigh, resignation taking over. 
“What exactly did you hear?”
“‘I have to leave her, you have to take her’,” your eyebrows must have raised up into your hairline, Joel leaving Ellie had never crossed your mind, “You know I stuck up for you today because I thought-” She bit her lip, cutting off her own words.
“I made this decision for your own good. You’ll be way better off with Tommy, he knows the area better than I do-” He was floundering and it was as though you were listening to a stranger, his whole demeanour completely different from last night. 
“Do you give a shit about me or not?” Her voice rose, and your heart broke for her.
“Of course I do.” 
“Then what are you so afraid of? I’m not her, you know? Maria told me about Sarah-”
“Don’t.” The change in him was chilling, “Don’t say another word.” Seeing his eyes shift, the whole of him as cold as ice. 
“I’m sorry about your daughter, Joel, but I have lost people too.” And there it was. 
He’d had a daughter, and he’d lost her. This was it, the missing piece. It made so much sense, the cloud that followed him around, the loss that poisoned him to the world. It wasn’t just the terrible, awful, practically unbearable state of the world, it was his loss. 
“You have no idea what loss is.” His eyes hardened even more, and you understood why he would be upset. The loss of a child would definitely make anyone lose their minds, but Ellie wasn’t wrong. Everyone in this world knows what loss is.
“Everybody I have cared for has either died or left me. Everybody, fucking except for you!” She pushes him, her anger and hurt getting the best of her and you can’t help but move from your place on the couch to comfort her. “So don't tell me that I'd be safer with somebody else because the truth is I would just be more scared.” Your hand goes to her shoulder, letting her know you’re there for her. 
“You’re right. You aren’t my daughter, and I sure as hell ain’t your dad. Now come dawn, you and I go our separate ways-” Your hand flashes up without your permission, and cracks him clean across the face. It was too much for you to bear. 
“Enough! I am so sick and tired of this, and I am through with letting you act this way. You can’t keep living your life like this, Joel. Head down, barreling through like a juggernaut, cutting through everyone and everything, completely closed off to the world.” The hurt was sharp in your voice- “I can’t even begin to imagine how much losing your daughter must have hurt you, I wish it had never happened. I cannot take it away from you, neither of us can but we don’t deserve for you to treat us this way. Losing her doesn’t mean you can throw Ellie away.” His eyes flashed with something, a hurt so deep it was part of him, “Tomorrow, we’re going–whether it’s with you, or Tommy is up to you.” You turned from him then, gathering Ellie into your arms. You heard the door click, and then you and Ellie were alone. 
You spent the night with Ellie.
A soft knock sounded as you gathered the few things you had to take with you, both of you. Ellie opened the door to a very resigned Tommy standing at the door. 
“Y’all ready?” He spoke to both of you, the look on your face leaving no doubt as to whether Ellie would go alone or not.
“Yes, we’re good to go,” you reply and he nods once before leading the way out, “Come on Ellie.” You don’t look at the room across the hall, even as the outline of the door burns bright in your peripheral. That it was closed and he was probably asleep inside only filled your stomach with rocks, so you keep your eyes forward and ignore the feeling.
The morning is crisp enough to see your breath and it wreaths around your head like a halo as you all make your way towards the barn. Your anger with Joel is a simmering pot on the back burner, and that’s where it has to stay, there’s too much to focus on with Ellie to give it any attention. Tommy leads the way, bundled up with a rifle on his back and the anger you’re trying to tamp down finds its bullseye.
“How much shit did you talk about Joel, Tommy? Be honest.” He turns, his brow furrowed, “Must have been a lot, with the way Maria was eyeing him.”
“Yeah, not to mention giving me some bullshit warning about him not being who I thought he was.” Ellie chimes in, he lets out a deep sigh.
“You don’t understand, we did terrible things-“
“Yes, both of you, and you got to explain yourself. You’re letting your grievances with your brother colour the way people in this town view him. If he stays here, you’ve just made his life harder when you both did the same shit.” You round the corner, ducking into the barn to find the man you’re discussing, loading the horse's saddle with what looked to be supplies. You’re angry at him, at the cruel words he threw at Ellie, at the thought that after all of your confessions he might have let you go. It’s hard not to feel relief that he’s here though, ready to follow her, ready to follow you. 
“You came here to say goodbye or something?” Ellie’s voice is neutral, but the hurt simmers under the surface. 
“No, I came here to steal one of these horses.” He kicks at the ground, nervous.
“I woulda gave you one.” Tommy sighs, his frown still in place but now directed at Joel.
“I know. Anyway, that was thirty minutes ago, and I guess you deserve a choice. I still think you’d be better off with Tommy-“
“Let’s go.” She tosses her bag at him. Your lip curls without your permission, but you keep it to yourself.
“Okay.” He grunts out the word, but you can see he’s just as affected as you are. He turns, and speaks to Tommy while you and Ellie lead the horses out, letting them have a moment. 
“You okay?” Ellie’s eyes find yours at the sound of your words, and for a moment you see her age and it breaks your heart. Her eyes are wide, dark shadows underneath them, all of the stress and the weight of her lot in this life painted across her face, and still she smiles. 
“Fuck yeah, all good.” 
God, she’s just a kid. 
“Let’s get going.” Joel comes out, Tommy’s rifle on his back and his eyes are wild, darting between you and Ellie. His words still ring out in your ears, but so does the knowledge of his loss. It’s the Rosetta Stone, the why of all of his anger and hurt and reluctance to open up to anyone and anything coming into focus. 
There are two horses, and Ellie claims one right away, leaving you to share with Joel. He climbs up and swings his leg around, then holds out his hand to help you climb on, and wordlessly you take it. The horse is calm underneath you, for which you are grateful, even when you climb up, much less graceful than Joel and sit tucked into his back. 
The anger in you still burns bright. Too bright to say anything to him just yet, so you let it wash over you. Ignore the happy chant to have him there, to have his familiar, safe shape solid in front of you, and focus on not spooking the animal beneath you. 
Hours pass with small talk between Ellie and Joel, and silence from you. He doesn’t press, but his voice sounds lighter than it ever has with her. You let them have this conversation and bonding and you keep your mouth shut. He tests the waters though, your arms wrap around his waist, and every so often you feel him squeeze your hand or your knee. A silent olive branch, a request for connection and as much as you try to hold out and ignore him, punish him for his cruelty, you cannot help but give in. You press your lips to the little bit of skin exposed at the back of his neck. You can feel the way he melts, and part of you feels guilty for denying him for so long, but then his words come back and so does the anger. 
Ellie has gone ahead, just a little bit, close enough that he can keep an eye on her, but far enough away that he tries his luck with words. 
“It was bad wasn’t it?” He speaks over his shoulder, his words heavy with resignation.
“Real bad.”
He sighs, but says nothing else. You don’t expect an apology, and you don’t get one. It’s there though, the remorse, in his voice, threaded through the soft words and explanations he gives Ellie as the day goes by. He speaks to her of his life before, and it’s a marvel to hear him speak so much, he used to be a contractor. The shape of the word in your mouth feels familiar, one of those words adults used to say but there’s no reference for it in your memory. She is happy, that is all that matters.
When you stop to camp, it’s in a densely populated forest, eerily quiet but good enough. The land is far enough away from any QZ to be free of infected, but they aren’t the biggest worry. He sets up camp, a couple of sleeping bags all piled together.
“Sleep, both of you, I’ll take first watch.” It doesn’t take much convincing on your part, and for once, Ellie doesn’t grumble, she yawns hard enough to tremble and gets into the sleeping bag without comment. You want to give him something, a promise that you’ll discuss what you both know you need to discuss but he shakes his head when your eyes meet. “Sleep, Sunny, you need your rest.”
You nod, and sleep claims you, quick as falling.
You wake with a gasp. 
“You’re okay.” He’s sitting on a fallen log, watching the surrounding darkness. Full consciousness creeps in, and awareness calms the anxiety of whatever nightmare that had spilled over. Even the horses are calm, no immediate danger threatening, but there’s no way you’re going back to sleep. 
“I’m up now. Here, give me the gun, you should get some shut-eye.” You stretch for a moment, before getting up. At this point, he knows you better than to argue, and so as much as he wants to keep watch, he gets up with a groan, and climbs into the sleeping bag still permeated with your body heat. The brief spark of warmth and comfort that was born of your new found intimacy with him, although still there, is obscured by the things you know you need to discuss, but it won’t be tonight. He knows it too, and so you keep watch, and when the morning comes, you all set out again. 
Days pass, and you travel in peace. The days are cold but clear, and he surprises you even more. He teaches Ellie to shoot, instructs her on how to load and reload the rifle, how to aim and even lets her keep a pistol and you can see the father so clearly in him. He notices your quiet withdrawal, and he lets you have your silence, but it doesn’t last.
Three nights into your trek, he finally breaks the silence. 
You feel him slip into the sleeping bag behind you, the night is colder than you expected and his warmth is welcome, even if your heart is still hurt. You’d found a small copse of trees, hidden enough that you could all sleep relatively calmly.
“Sunny.” It’s just above a whisper,  “How long you gonna punish me?” His breath tickles the little hairs at the back of your neck, raising goosebumps in its wake. You sigh.
“I’m not punishing you Joel.” His hand slips around your waist.
“You’re angry at me, I can feel it.” He presses his lips to the skin just below your ear, soft and sweet and your eyes close at the feel of it, you turn towards him. 
“I’m hurt,” he pulls you close enough to tangle his legs with yours, “Not just for what you said to Ellie, but for what happened to you.” You felt the clench in his jaw, felt how his body tensed. “I’m not trying to pry into your past Joel, I don’t want to open old wounds and make you relive anything, but I’ve been with the two of you long enough to see the bond. That girl-” you gestured to Ellie’s sleeping form near the horses, “-sees you as a father. You’re all she has, and you were ready to drop her.” 
“I know.” He pressed his forehead to yours, the tension going out of him like a balloon deflating. “It’s why I didn’t think I could do this, I am scared that I won’t be able to protect her, if she got hurt on my watch I couldn’t forgive myself.” All of a sudden you felt stupid, his anger and lashing out at her was a way to protect her, it didn’t excuse it, but it definitely explained it. “I don’t think she heard my whole conversation with Tommy, I was tellin’ him how scared I am.” 
“She needs you around, she needs to know you aren’t going to abandon her.” You can’t help but bring your hands to his face, comfort him. “We need you, I need you, I don’t want you to leave me behind either.” The little part of yourself that you’d been stomping down reared its head. “I’m sorry I slapped you, I shouldn’t have done that.” He shakes his head, dismissing your apology. 
“I won’t leave you behind. I meant it when I said I needed you to be patient with me.” He presses his lips to your hand, then to your lips, an apology and a promise and you clutch to it, despite the fear that permeates every aspect of the world. You don’t say anything more, trusting that when he's ready, he’ll tell you about his loss.
The university is a massive, rundown building, eerily quiet, without many signs of life. 
“No fireflies.” Ellie points out when you stop just in front of an overturned car.
“Probably in the middle, safer.” Joel leads the way, and the three of you continue throughout the grounds. He answers Ellie’s questions about University life, about anything and everything she can think of while you focus on your surroundings. The quiet irks you.
Monkeys roam the campus the closer you get to the building, and she’s excited to see them, you’re a little more wary but they scatter at the sound of you approaching.
“Lookit.” He points to a sign, a bright firefly symbol spray-painted onto it.
“Here we go.” She sounds a lot braver than she looks, her expression matches yours. This whole place was creepy, and your stomach roiled the closer you got to the entrance of the building. The sound of the horses' hooves clicking onto the pavement echo around you as you approach, guard houses sit unmanned just outside the door, and your stomach drops further. 
“Guard houses.” Joel voices your thoughts. 
“No guards.” You reply, and the mood sours further. “Let’s tie the horses, and continue on foot.” You gesture to a tree and they both nod in agreement. With them taken care of, you make your way inside. 
“Gun?” Ellie looks to Joel, and he nods, she takes out the pistol he’d trusted her with, his rifle at the ready and you follow close behind him, no weapon, but eyes sharp.
The inside is abandoned, but there is a mess of tables, discarded equipment and supplies left behind. 
“There were definitely doctors here.” She rifles through a stack of old gauze, gloves and other things littering the tables, pulling a list from under an empty box.
“This is a packing list,” Joel takes the list from her, “Something you make before moving.” There’s a distinct lack of dust and dirt blown in on the mess left behind you cannot help but focus on.
“Looks like they just left-” Something crashes above, movement in one of the higher floors interrupting your sentence, “maybe not all of them.” You move as one, slowly and quietly following the source of the noise, your heart races, scared of who or what you might find here. Joel leads the way, his rifle at the ready, Ellie brings up the rear, gun in her hands and pointed down like he’d taught her. The place looks more like an abandoned hospital than a school. There are carts knocked over, hospital beds and IV bags still hooked up to the poles littering the hallways. 
He counts down silently, hand just hovering over the door containing the source, and then opens it. A monkey shrieks, and seeing you jumps out the open window. You let out a heavy breath. 
“Well, at least it ain’t clickers.” Joel’s tone is as relieved as you feel. 
“Yeah, no fireflies either. Maybe in all that research they turned into fucking monkeys!” He frowns at her, there’s a disappointment heavy in the air. So much travelling, just to come up empty. There’s a giant map in the middle of the room though. You make your way over to it, there are different colour pins all leading up to one place, Salt Lake City, Utah.
“That’s where they went?” She’s staring at the map beside you. 
“All the pins lead there.” You press your finger to the spot on the map, Joel is beside you, all three of you studying it. 
“Maybe they were getting ahead of the weather? Better facilities? I don’t know.” He frowns, letting out a breath but you hear it, people talking outside the window. You shush them, gesturing to the window but they hear it now too. Your heart jackhammers in your chest, any and all peace you’d found from finding this place empty is gone. 
Quietly you all move closer and peek out the window, and see four men walking past, they hold crowbars, and baseball bats and it’s obvious they’re raiders. 
“Out the back.” Joel whispers, and then the three of you take off. Within a few tense minutes, you’re all back outside, ducking behind piled up sandbags to make sure you don’t encounter anyone. With the coast clear, you all run towards the horses. Ellie climbs up onto hers, and you climb onto the one you share with Joel while he unties them. 
“Joel!” Ellie screams, one man has followed, baseball bat high in the air but Joel turns in time and ducks out of the way, the bat swings hard, hitting the tree and shatters. Ellie holds up her arm, aiming the gun but they move too erratically. 
“Wait Ellie! You might shoot Joel–” She puts it down, he doesn’t need help, they grapple and slam against the tree but then Joel has wrapped his arm around the man's neck, and with a sickening crunch, he falls. When Joel turns, your stomach drops. 
He looks down, and the butt of the broken bat is sticking out of his lower abdomen. He takes a deep breath, and pulls it out and a wave of nausea hits you to see at least three inches of wood come out, his blood pulsing between his fingers. 
“Joel–get on the horse!” You scream out to him, seeing the others spotting you and running full speed. He struggles, but climbs up with a pained yell, swinging his leg over and managing to get in front of you. 
“Get back!” Ellie follows behind, shooting at them when they get too close, with the frosty wind whipping at your face you get away. The horses gallop across the grounds and away, your grip on Joel is iron.
You know that going so fast is only hurting him but you have to get far enough away that they won’t follow. 
“They don’t seem to be following us, I think we’re safe.” Ellie calls out behind you and you’re glad she’s keeping an eye on your back, because you cannot focus on anything other than Joel’s weakening grip on the reins. 
“Joely, baby you have to hold on, please–” He teeters, swaying like a boat in choppy waters and you feel the way he cannot hold himself up anymore. “Joel-Joel!” He topples off the horse and into a pile of snow despite your best efforts, he's so pale you can barely contain the tears that flow freely down your face. “Joel, please, please wake up, we need you to wake up.” You slap at his face, but he doesn’t stir. Ellie is off her horse and kneeling beside you, trying to aid in waking him but she’s as unsuccessful as you are. She presses his hands as well as hers to where the blood pulses out of him slowly. 
“Joel, open your eyes.” You stare at him while she speaks, pressing your hand to his face, “I can’t fucking do this without you, I don’t know where the fuck I’m going, or what the fuck I’m going to do, we need you Joel please, get up.” Tears stream down her face and it hits you then. You’ve cursed him, this is what comes from loving another person. 
There’s no time, you have to move him. 
“Let’s get him somewhere safe, Ellie, one of those houses.” You gesture to a residential area not far from where he fell. There’s no way you can carry him, instead you look for something to put him on that you can drag like a sled. You send Ellie to look, warning her to be careful and to keep her gun out and she comes back with a wide mat, almost like a big dog bed and it’s perfect. You shuffle him onto it, and tie the mat to the back of one of the horses, pulling him towards one of the houses. 
It takes so long to get him into the basement. By the time you’ve piled a stained mattress and musty blankets and laid him on it, your skin is slick with frozen sweat, your breath comes out in pants, exhausted with the effort. There had been an old towel in one of the bathrooms of the house, Ellie had grabbed it while you wrestled him to where he lay. Once settled, you ripped it up, and moved his shirt to press it to the wound, barely looking at it. You had to stop the bleeding, if he kept bleeding he’d die. 
“What are we going to do?” She watches, terrified. 
“I don’t know.” You want to comfort her, but you cannot stop swallowing the lump in your throat. You both stay quiet for a while after that, focused on his breathing. 
It’s because I love him
The thought squeezes your heart like a vice, the curse of you fills your head, overtaking every thought. This is what happens when you love another person, the black hole has taken him just like it took your parents, just like it took Johnny and there is nothing to be gained but misery and heartache. The black pit of your love is full of emptiness and all you’d done was sentence him to death. You should have just let them leave, given them your supplies and stayed in your trailer. 
Tears stream steadily down your face, hoping against hope that he’ll wake up, that the wound will close, that nothing inside had been too badly damaged. You hoped you’d wake up back in that bed in Jackson, that this was all just some horrible nightmare and that he’d be there, rubbing your back. You didn’t wake up though, and he lay there motionless while you cried, breathing shallow enough to fill your stomach with nothing but dread and nausea and regret and every other horrible thing you’ve felt since this world went to shit. 
You move the towel after a while, to see how bad the damage actually is and your body tenses, it’s angry and red and still blood pulses out, his skin shredded where the sharp wood had pierced him.
“We need to close it, we should see if we can find a needle and thread.” You speak to her, but she watches him, his eyes are open, and there is nothing but naked fear in them. He groans and grabs at your arm hard enough to bruise when you press the towel back to the wound. 
“Go.” He grits it out, at both of you. She puts her hands on yours, helping to staunch the blood. “Go, leave, take the gun.” He repeats it. 
“Shut up, shut the fuck up Joel!” She all but screams at him but he grabs her by the jacket, pulling her close. 
“You go.” He doesn’t relent, “You go. You go north, go to tommy.” He shivers, speaking the words clearly and when he pushes her back, she stumbles, staring at him in disbelief. His eyes find yours, and he repeats himself. “Leave.” He does not expect to survive, and all at once you are angry with him, angry with yourself for ever having opened your heart, angry at the world for your lot in life. His eyes find yours then, tears slowly streaming from them, the same anger burning in your chest shining out through his eyes. 
You wipe at your eyes, and rise. Leaving him there, as you make your way up the stairs, and out of the basement. 
She catches up to you in the kitchen. 
“Are we really leaving him?” 
“No. I’m looking for something to stitch him up, but if you want to go find Tommy I won’t stop you, you can shoot, and he’s taught you how to keep watch and find safe places to sleep. You can take all of the supplies–” You open cupboards, pulling them off the hinges in your haste and spilling drawers in the pursuit of something, anything to help him. 
“I’m not leaving either.” She moves, and helps you search. 
Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita @honey-on-your-tongue
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sister-lucifer · 8 months
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Genre: Fluff, a bit angsty but has a happy ending, not explicitly romantic
Summary: It’s been raining all day, and the gloomy weather has you thinking about what could’ve been, and especially what never will be.
Content/Warnings: Brief mentions of alcohol, brief mention of death/suicide, it’s a little sad, I guess? But that’s it. Reader just speculates on how life would’ve been if the Operator hadn’t fucked them over and gets down about it, but theres a happy ending. 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
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It’s raining again. Not that that’s new. Springtime out here sees its fair share of storms. Normally you’d observe the rain from inside, but today something inside was gnawing at you for some fresh air. 
The old rocking chair creaks beneath your weight, moving to and fro softly as you watch the rain. It comes down in sheets off the sides of the cover, splattering to the muddy ground and making a shallow moat around the patio. It lands loudly on the old tin roof, rattling and groaning in a manner that is far too dramatic. It obscures anything beyond the perimeter of the cabin and hides everything in a misty haze. 
It’s going to be foggy tomorrow, you think. It usually is when it rains like this. It’ll be cold for the next few days, too, and the ground will be soggy for weeks. Miserable weather, that is. Not that that’s new. 
It’s a good day to wonder, that’s all. You’ve been doing plenty of that lately. A bit too much, maybe, but there’s no helping that. 
You’ve been living out here with Tim for…shit. How long has it been? Almost a year, you think, but your perception of time is unreliable at best. It’s just one of the many things you lost when your world turned upside down.
That’s what it’s really about. The loss. Tim doesn’t like to talk about it, but you know you both feel it, him even more so than you. He was going to go to college, get a degree, and he’d be damn good at it, too. He was going to find a place of his own, maybe adopt a dog, a big old Saint Bernard like he had when he was a boy, the only type of housemate that wouldn’t annoy him. That’s what he’s told you, anyways. Not sober, of course, not even close; he’d never tell you anything that personal without at least a bit of alcohol in his system. He’s been drinking less since you showed up, though. You noticed he was cutting back a couple months after you moved in. You wonder if you’ll ever get him to open up like that again.
But those were Tim’s plans. He was already in his mid twenties when things really went south, you were barely out of high school when everything started. You didn’t really have plans. So…what are you mourning, exactly? 
You don’t really have an answer to that. 
You didn’t really have a set path for yourself. Your plan barely existed, and it’s feeble skeleton was little more than an intention to simply float around until something caught your eye. You’d find your way eventually, there was no need to worry. At least, that’s what you used to think. 
Now where do you go?
You didn’t have any real plans, no, and you can’t mourn something that never existed, but it there’s this heavy feeling that comes with knowing you’ll never be able to choose. 
That’s what it comes down to, you realize. Choice. 
No, you didn’t have any plans, but that was because you had all the options you could ever want. Now, you don’t have any plans because you’ve only got one. 
Tim does everything he can to keep you entertained out here. Hell, he risks his life every time he walks down the path to his truck to go to town for you, or when he just steps off the porch to refill the bird feeder he knows you love to watch. Nothing outside of these walls in these woods is safe. If it weren’t raining so hard, he’d tear you a new one for even sitting on the porch. 
It’s a miserable existence, but it’s so nice to have someone to be miserable with, even if he can’t change anything. 
You just wish that was enough to push away that yearning for more, that subtle thrumming ache that only wells up in your stomach late at night, that want that urges you to just take the truck and leave, to forget this cabin and Tim and everything in these godforsaken woods. 
But you can’t. 
You’d die. And even if you didn’t, the guilt of stranding Tim would eat you alive, especially knowing he’d kill himself before letting that thing get him. 
You don’t want to think about that. You push the thoughts away before they can take root in your mind. It’s better to just not consider that possibility at all. 
You jump when you hear the front door open. You look back to see Tim standing there, one hand buried in his pocket and the other still on the door handle. 
“The hell are you doin’ out here?” He huffs, “I been yellin’ for ya, thought you up and ran off.” 
You give him a weak smile, but you can’t keep it up for very long. You pull your knees to your chest and rest your chin on them, curling up as if trying to make yourself look as small as possible. You mumble an apology, but don’t look at him. 
He pauses, then, and you can imagining his expression changing to confusion and then concern before he covers it up again. His footsteps come up behind you, the wooden porch creaking beneath him. His hand grabs the back of the rocking chair and forces it to still before he pulls it backward to get a look at you.
“…What’s up with you, kid?” 
You shrug. It’s an easier response than an explanation, but it doesn’t satisfy him at all. 
“C’mon, we both know that’s bullshit,” He says with a dry chuckle, and he’s entirely correct. “What’s goin’ on?”
You sigh, thinking for a moment about your answer. 
“…It’s just…I dunno. Do you ever, like…think about what would’ve happened if you hadn’t…you know…”
It’s a stammering, stumbling attempt at explaining yourself, but he understands. He nods, crossing his arms and leaning back against the house. 
“Yeah, sometimes,” He replies, scratching at his stubble, “But if I’m bein’ honest, it ain’t gonna do you any good. That sorta thing only gets ya down.”
He’s right about that, too. If only it were that easy to just stop. It’s just so hard not to wonder at least every once in a while, it’s human nature. You just wish you knew when to stop. You just wish you were able to ignore the ‘what if’s that piled up in the back of your mind until they couldn’t stand anymore and toppled over into a pathetic mess of rubble. They’ll crush you one day if you aren’t careful, but such an idea seems almost inevitable. 
“Do you think—“ You start, but stop short before you can get any further. Tim quirks a brow, and you don’t have to look at him to know he’s making that skeptical face. 
“…Do I think what?” He asks. 
You hesitate to answer. Is this really a question you want to ask? If this starts an argument you won’t be able to take back, will it ruin the comfort you and Tim have finally managed to establish with each other? You can’t just not tell him now, though, or you’ll just piss him off more. He doesn’t care for secrets, but he can’t stand when someone wusses out of a conversation at the last second. 
“…Do you think if you had the chance you would…like, go back in time? If you could make it to where none of this ever happened, would you?”
You feel stupid asking that, and it doesn’t help that Tim is silent for far too long before he answers. You’re already regretting this. 
Tim finally opens his mouth, and he stammers for a few moments before his sounds turn into words.
“…I don’t really think I can answer that, kid. That’s a tough one.” 
He sounds monotone, almost uncaring, but you can tell he’s doing it on purpose
to conceal whatever he doesn’t want you to know he’s feeling. You finally turn to look at him with a look that says ‘Can you please try?’ 
His eyes widen for a moment, his shoulders tensing in that subtle way they only do when he’s scared. His lips part slowly, and it sounds like he’s forcing his next words out. 
“I don’t know. Maybe? I…”
He trails off, and you turn away again. Then there’s silence for another few moments. 
Then he’s beside your chair, slowly lowering himself to sit down and doing that annoyed groan he does anytime he has to strain his back. He takes a moment to get comfortable, and you see him reach for his pocket to grab a cigarette only to sigh in disappointment when he realizes he left them inside. You feel bad for smiling, but at least he won’t be able to hide behind his smoke the way he likes to when a conversation makes him uncomfortable. 
He accepts his fate, leaning back on his hands and staring out into the rain with you. 
“I might,” He finally says, “But it wouldn’t be an easy choice.” 
“Why not?” You ask, and for some reason he chuckles at that. 
“Good question. This isn’t how I expected things to end up, no one does, but…I couldn’t just up and leave this.” 
‘This’ he says. ‘This?’ That hardly answers your question. You quirk a brow at him, and he begrudgingly continues. 
“You know, I just…I’ve gotten attached to all this—“ 
“What’s this, exactly?” You interrupt, and he winces like he was hoping you wouldn’t ask that. “I can’t imagine there being anything here worth sticking around for.”
“…There wasn’t. Not for a long time,” He says, and now it’s your turn to pause. 
“…What did you say?” 
“There wasn’t,” He repeats, “Not until…not when I was alone. But now…” 
‘You,’ you realize that’s what he’s trying to say, ‘You are the only thing worth staying for.’ 
For some reason, that hurts. Maybe you feel guilty that you ever thought about leaving him, or maybe you feel bad that you of all people are his only friend. The bar for happiness is really low around here. 
You slowly unfurl from your spot on the chair, letting your feet rest on the porch as you slump down a bit. 
“So…you’re saying you wouldn’t?”
You expected an immediate answer. Stupid of you, really. He’s hesitating again. You’d thought you’d get a quick yes or no. You’re not sure if this is better or worse. 
“I’m not…saying anything,” Tim assures you, “I’m just saying that…I’d at least have to think about it.” 
“Yeah, but you have to make a choice,” You say with an eye roll, and the words coming out more forceful than you intended. Fortunately, his stoney exterior deflects any vitriol you could spew at him. 
The silence that settles over you this time is heavy. It makes you slump even further down in your chair. You hate the silence that always follows when you say something that turned out far too mean. 
You don’t breathe until Tim speaks again.
“Okay, yeah…I would.” 
You don’t know how you feel about that answer, but you don’t have much time to think before he continues. 
“But only because I’d know where to find you this time.” 
That surprises you. You sit back up in your chair, looking down at him with an unmistakably confused look. 
“Huh?” You blurt out, and your cheeks warm a bit when he chuckles at your noise of bewilderment.
“I’d do it, yeah, but I couldn’t just leave you to fend for yourself,” He explains, “I’d do it, but I wouldn’t abandon you. Now I know who you are, what you liked to do, where you’d hang out, all those things from before shit hit the fan. I just don’t want you to think I’d, ya know…forget about you like that. I’d come find you, that’s all. I think we’d find each other anyways, though.”
Something in your chest aches as he speaks, and it makes you want to curl up again, but you can’t move. You stare at him for a long few moments, and you’re lucky he doesn’t look up at you because you wouldn’t be able to pull your eyes away. You can’t even blink. 
“I told you kid,” He adds, “I care about you. I always have.”
What do you say to that? 
You don’t know, so you stay silent. You want to say something, to return the monument of emotion he’s just offered to you, to somehow express reciprocity, but you don’t know how. You’re silent. 
You don’t move as Tim stands back up, cracking his back and stretching his legs. He puts a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving a small, affectionate squeeze. 
“I gotta go start dinner,” He says curtly, “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. Don’t spend too long out here. If you get sick, Imma say I told you so.” 
You nod, but give no further response. He pulls his hand away, and you think that’s the end of it, but just as you realize you haven’t heard him go to leave you feel him leaning over you. 
You tense. You’re not sure why, but you do. 
You feel him press a brief kiss to the top of your head before he pulls away again. It wasn’t even a kiss, really, he just pushed his lips against your head for a moment, but for that moment it was like everything you’d ever worried about up until that point was arbitrary. It doesn’t last long, but it lingers in the air like the smoke from Tim’s cigarettes as he pulls away and walks back into the house. 
You’re alone again.
Now what? 
You weigh your options for a moment, but once Tim’s footsteps disappear into the house it feels far too quiet out here, even with the rain beating down on the roof above you. 
You wait for only a few moments more to make sure you won’t seem too eager to follow him before you get up, lazily making your way back inside. 
You find yourself wondering again, this time about what Tim is making for dinner tonight, and you take a second to appreciate the pleasure in such simple problems. 
There are things that will never be now, and there’s no changing that.
But for tonight, this is pretty damn nice. 
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reblog banners by cafekitsune
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hellfirenacht · 6 months
Wing Man Part 8
Fic Summary: Steve 'the Hair' Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you'll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Chapter Summary: Eddie explains himself, and you two make plans to hang out on purpose.
5.7k Words
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a/n: Sorry I haven't been updating! I swear, I'm almost always thinking about this fic but I've been trying to figure out where to go with it. I'm started to see how I want to shape the story (over 40k words in, go figure). Thank you all so much for your patience!
Also, I've had a lot of people ask me about Paige and have shown interest in what happened between her and Eddie. She is actually from Eddie's prequel novel, Flight of Icarus! I'll still explain bits and pieces during the story, but I highly recommend reading the novel for the full context. I am trying to write this in a way you don't need to read FoI, but it does give extra context to the story.
Anyway, we continue.
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Aside from the mixtape playing in the van, it was surprisingly quiet between you and Eddie. Despite his eagerness to show up and take you out, now that you were sitting in his passenger side seat again, he had no idea what to do next. The sound of Iron Maiden was rumbling through the van, crackling through the old speakers. 
It wasn’t often that Eddie was at a loss for words or couldn’t come up with something to say. After embracing his role in the Hawkins High ecosystem as the resident loudmouth freak he could always come up with something to say to break the ice or cause a ruckus. 
But, being loud wasn’t exactly a substitution for actual charisma. He could hold the attention of his Hellfire Club during the game, and keep them safe enough from most bullies even. But intimidation was different than... whatever the hell he was supposed to be doing here. Flirting? That seemed right. He knew he should be trying to flatter you or compliment you or do something to show that he had an interest in you. 
“So,” you were the one to break the silence between the two of you. “What have you been up to for the past two weeks?”
Eddie know what you actually meant was “What the fuck, man?” which was a really fair question. 
“I should have called you sooner.” It was best to go ahead and rip the bandaid off now and get this conversation out of the way. “I’m sorry, I wanted to but I couldn’t.”
“Why not?” you asked, leaning against the passenger side door as you looked at him. Despite your eagerness to get out of Family Video with him, he could see that you weren’t going to just let him not explain why he hadn’t talked to you. Not that he was going to leave you hanging like that anyway. 
“My phone blew up.” Eddie said bluntly. 
“Your phone blew up? Like... actually exploded?” you asked, trying to see if he was fucking with you. 
“Remember that huge storm a few weeks ago? Turns out that old trailers don’t exactly have the best wiring sometimes so when lightning strikes it knocks out power for a few days and fries some important wires.” he explained. “So... yeah, we just got a new phone today and when I tried to call...”
“So, I didn’t answer my phone so you decided to track me down?” There was amusement in your voice which he took as a good sign. “Seems like you could have done that part earlier. I’m not hard to find.” 
“I’m not exactly interested in stalking.” Eddie snorted. “I’m already on enough people's shitlist in town.”
“Oh, you’re no fun.” you laughed. “You know where I live, you could have shown up at my doorstep in the rain or used random phones around town to leave weird messages about how you can’t stop thinking about me or sent me letters with cryptic meanings.”
“Where do you come up with these things?” Eddie laughed, feeling the tension between the two of you start to dissipate. 
“I read a lot of bodice-ripper books.” you shrugged. “Trashy romance novels are a guilty pleasure sometimes.” 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a weirdo?” 
“Steve did about an hour ago when I suggested that Bozo the clown could be the shit out of Pennywise from It.” 
Eddie wasn’t sure what he expected you to say, but it wasn’t that. Every time you had shown up in his life, you had completely thrown him off. He was starting to suspect that no amount of “Munson Magic” was going to work on you. Not that he wanted to work his dad’s charm on you to begin with. 
What he really wanted to do at that moment was ask you about your little bet with Steve. No, wait, not a bet. A deal? Maybe he should have asked Dustin more questions, or at least waited until after Hellfire to talk to the kid- 
”So what’s the plan?” You broke through his thoughts once again. “You show up out of nowhere and have me get into your unmarked van to take me to a second location... is there a second location in mind?”
There wasn’t, Eddie really hadn’t thought that far ahead.He’d panicked after his talk with Wayne and had shown up to Family Video on the chance that you’d been there. He’d run straight out the door with every intention of finding you and let you know that he was stupid for not trying harder to call you before. 
”I figured we could just... drive.” He wished he could ignore the sudden parallel between you and Paige. He wished that he could just forget about what happened in ‘84. Fuck, him and Paige never even had an official date, only hooking up in his van for a few weeks before everything blew up. 
Wait, was this a date? Crap, that had been the plan right? Show up, ask you on a date and then... then he’d be on a date. What the FUCK was he actually doing? He was acting so fucking awkward now- everything had been easier before. Why did Dustin have to open his big mouth about this?
“Just driving sounds great.” you said, and Eddie once again tried to relax. Every girl he had been with had wanted something from him. Nicole Summers and Cass Finnigan just wanted bragging rights that they got with the freak, and Paige had wanted him to be a rock hero. What did you want from him?
“Have you eaten?” It wasn’t exactly late, but it wasn’t really early in the evening either. His uncle always asked him that whenever one of them got home, and it had taken Eddie an embarrassingly long time to realize that it was Wayne’s way of showing that he cared. 
“I could eat.” you replied, which at least gave this... whatever this was, some structure for the night. Eddie didn’t have a lot of cash on him, but he could probably scrape together enough to get you each a burger or something. 
When the Iron Maiden tape clicked off and spat itself out, you took it upon yourself to pull it out and look it over. “Got any other tapes in here? I need to judge your music taste.” 
That made Eddie laugh “You and every other person in this town. I have a few more tapes in here.” He tapped on the center console which you eagerly dug into, flipping through the different cassettes with eagerness. 
“Metal. Metal. Metal. Metal.” You said, going through each cassette one by one. “I’m starting to see a pattern here, Eddie.” 
“What gave it away?” He said deadpan. “Was it that I play guitar or the fact that we’ve only bonded over music so far?”
“And Chris Morrison.”
“And Chris Morrison.”
“It was your hair, actually. You look so much like Eddie Van Halen it’s actually uncanny.” You looked up from the tapes and he could feel your eyes studying his face. He was glad that it was dark out now, as he could feel warmth rising in his cheeks at the comparison. Was that a compliment? Were you into him looking like Van Halen? 
“Van Halen?” Eddie asked. “I figured I was more of a Kirk Hammett type.”
“The hair yes,” you agreed, still staring at his face as he continued to drive. “But your smile is definitely more Van Halen.”
When was the last time someone had ever looked at him with that much consideration before? Something in Eddie’s gut twisted as he glanced over at you for a split second to meet your eyes. Huh, that was weird. Had anyone made him nervous like this before? Yeah he’d been attracted to Paige but this was starting to feel different. 
He really needed a cigarette right about now. 
“I hope that’s a compliment.” Eddie managed to say as he fumbled for the packet of Camels in the cupholder by him. 
“Oh, it is. I promise.” you replied, digging out a lighter and helping him light the smoke in his mouth. The world's tiniest supernova...
Eddie hated that the closest thing he had to compare notes on when it came to a healthy romance was two months with Paige and a handful of movies that he barely watched. 
You went back to his tapes, and seemed to pick one out. You removed the tape that had been spat out, put it back in the appropriate case (which Eddie found himself appreciating), and he was surprised to hear the old riffs of Muddy Waters playing. 
“A palate cleanser.” you said, leaning back into the passenger side seat. 
Eddie felt his mind reeling from your choice of music. Muddy Waters had been how his mom introduced him to rock at a young age. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the well loved tape as he pulled into the drive in of the next fast food joint he’d seen. 
When he pulled up to the window to pay, a fresh ten was shoved in his face before he could even reach for his own wallet. It took a moment for him to realize that you were wanting to pay. 
“You got me out of work early, it’s the least I can do.” you said, not giving him the option to say no as cash was exchanged for a bag of questionable but cheap food. You held the bag in your lap as Eddie started making his way out of town. 
“So is this an ‘eating van’ or a ‘non-eating van’?” you asked, messing with the top of the bag. 
“I think I’d starve if I didn’t eat in here.” Eddie snorted. “Knock yourself out.”
You wasted no time digging into the fries and taking a few for yourself as Eddie went to the only place that he could afford to take you right now that might be date worthy. 
Luckily, Lover’s Lake was quiet and private on weeknights. If Eddie had taken two minutes to plan this better, he would have thought to maybe clear out the back of his van and set out a blanket and have a picnic. When it came to music and D&D he was great at planning out details, with dates? Not so much. 
This isn’t a date. He reminded himself for the hundredth time tonight. She’s just a girl that you ran over to spend time with the second it occurred to you that she might have an interest in you and she really willingly hopped in your van and your friends actually like her-
Shit. This had to be a date right? Neither of you had said the word but that’s what it was... right? 
Eddie was snapped out of his thoughts with the sweet smell of hot potatoes and grease was wafting under his nose. You had shoved a few fries in front of his face and Eddie wasted no time in taking them. You continued to absently feed him fries as he found a spot to park.
The two of you divided up the food on his dashboard, and Eddie rolled down the windows to let the cool autumn air in. 
“So... what are you gonna be for Halloween?” Eddie asked, wincing internally. When was the last time anyone he knew had dressed up for Hallowen? Okay, so Hellfire Club did tend to dress up on Halloween for a special one shot but that was different- no one came to school in costumes anymore.
“It depends on my plans.” you answered. “Halloween is on a Thursday so I’m usually working. If I have a morning shift I’ll probably do zombie makeup for work, if Steve and Robin are working with me that day I think we’re gonna attempt to be Luke, Leia, and Hans.” 
“And are you gonna be Leia?” Eddie asked. 
“Ideally, I wanted to be Chewie but I don’t have the time for that.” you laughed. “Robin and I voted on Steve to Be Leia. Robin will be Luke, and I’ll be Hans Solo with a teddy bear.”
“Please tell me that Harrington isn’t going to be in the bikini.” Eddie laughed. 
“Keith said costumes had to be work appropriate so, sadly, Steve will not be gracing the store with his sweater-vest chest hair under a bra.” You sighed dramatically. “It’s like he hates the idea of us having fun!” 
“What if you have to close?” Eddie prompted, adjusting in his seat to lean against the door to face you as best he could. Next time he was absolutely clearing out the back to give you both more room. 
“Oh, I am not closing.” you said firmly. “And if Keith thinks he can schedule me that day he can suck it because I have plans.” 
You already have Halloween plans. Of course you would. It’s not like you had to worry about school on a weekday like he did. Eddie tried not to deflate in front of you and remained calm. 
“And what plans would that be?” he asked. 
“Have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show?” you asked, a smile tugging at your lips. 
He had, once, with Reefer Rick a few months ago when picking up his usual supply. A quick pick up had turned into a game of pool, which had turned into the two of them high on Rick’s couch watching an old VHS tape while Rick laughed his ass off and yelled at the tv before passing out in the middle of Tim Curry seducing Brad and Janet. 
“Once.” Eddie said, not giving the exact details of circumstance. “With a friend, I didn’t really get it.” 
“Did you see it in theaters or did you just watch it at home?” you asked, finishing off your food. 
“Friend’s house.” 
“Oh, no wonder you didn’t get it. Rocky Horror is an experience, you can’t just pop the tape in and watch it. You have to come see it in a theater.” As you spoke you were absently folding a napkin in your lap turning it into what looked like a heart. When you were done with that one, you started with another shape with a different napkin. 
“Is that an invitation?” Eddie asked, tearing his eyes away from the way your fingers moved for now. He found his heart pounding in his chest, unsure if you were actually wanting him to come to this, and from the knot forming in his stomach as the shapes you were folding reminded him of the times he met you before. 
“It is.” you confirmed, the ninja star you had shaped with the napkin was placed on the center console as you grabbed another napkin. “...It could also be a date.” 
Despite the period at the end of the sentence, Eddie heard the slight waiver in your voice on the word date. It was that same nervous stammer that had been in Paige’s voice when she offered to let him move in with her in California, it was the same hesitant inflection that one of his Hellfire players used when they weren’t sure if Eddie would approve of what crazy plan they had for their character. 
Aside from that first awkward meeting at the Palace Arcade, you had been pretty confident and upfront with him. Now here you are, laying out your intentions and seeing what he would do. 
What would he do? Eddie had shown up at Family Video with no real plan. He only knew he wanted to see you again, and he knew that Dustin and Steve were trying to set you two up. And it’s not like Eddie was completely against the idea of going on a date with you. You were sharp, and you kept him on his toes, and when you smiled at him it felt like his brain might short out. 
But he had also panicked when he had thought that you were going to kiss him before. After Eddie’s disastrous break up with Paige two years ago, it’s not like he’d been completely against any physical relationships. There had been a grand total of two other hook ups that he’d sabotaged. People weren’t interested in getting to know the freak, they just wanted to say that they had been with him. So both times, Eddie had made sure that he’d been a lousy date and a decent enough lay before deciding that he’d rather had a date with his right hand and a Heavy Metal magazine.
Eddie would rather the rumor mill call him a boring date rather than set a standard that he’d go out with anyone who asked. He wondered if he had, would Steve have put his name on the town marquis for the world to see? Would Eddie ‘the Slut’ Munson be treated any differently than Eddie ‘the Freak’?
Shit, you were still waiting for a response. 
“A date.” Eddie finally managed to echo your last words back at you. The napkin you had been messing with in your hands was now taking the shape of a ninja star. 
“I mean, if you’re interested.” you said quickly. “It could just be a friend thing. Or you probably already have plans for Halloween-”
“I don’t.” Eddie interjected. “It could be a date.”
He watched your shoulders relax and you smiled up at him. “It’s a date then.” You grabbed a napkin and your green marker out of your bag and scribbled something down, handing it over to him. 
“In case your phone blows up again, here is the date and time and location for the Halloween showing of the movie.” your eyes narrowed slightly at him. “And my work schedule has been hectic but I consistently work on Sunday’s and clock out at four.”
Eddie got the message loud and clear, he would know where to find you now. There wouldn’t be any excuses for not reaching out, but two could play at this game. He took the marker from your hand and grabbed his own napkin, scribbling his own phone number down and handing it over to you. 
“I’m at school all week, but I still play at the Hideout on Tuesdays.” He answered back. “Friday is Hellfire.”
With that, the playing field felt a little more level. Both of you now had the power to track the other one down or call when needed.   
“So what are you going to be for Halloween?” you asked, tucking the napkin with his number into your bog. 
“Oh, haven’t you heard? When you’re the town freak every day is Halloween.” Eddie chuckled. 
“So what, you’re gonna put on a polo and khakis instead?” He liked the way you scrunch your nose when you laughed. “Ditch the jewelry and cover your tattoos?” 
“That would probably scare some of the teachers at school.” Eddie had considered doing exactly that, but he really didn’t think he’d want that kind of attention. “No one dresses up at school anymore.”
“Boring.” You sighed. “I tried dressing up for Halloween my senior year but when I got to school my friends convinced me to change clothes.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “You don’t seem like the type to let other people tell you what to do.” 
“Now I’m not.” you shrugged. “I’m not in high school anymore, and all those people that I saw everyday? Turns out I was only friends with them because I saw them every day. Once you get away from that forced routine you realize that it’s all bullshit.”
Eddie could relate, probably better than anyone else. He was so sick of the day to day hierarchy of highschool that he’d scream it from on top of a table. Literally. 
“What were you trying to be before your friends killed your fun?” Eddie asked. 
“A pirate. It was last minute but I had a bandana, an eyepatch, a sock puppet with feathers glued to it for my parrot, and a wire hanger I was carrying around as a hook.” you laughed at the memory. “I ended up dropping the eyepatch before my friends made me change because I kept running into people. My wire hanger was confiscated, some asshat stole my parrot, and one of my friends gave me a sweater to change into. I didn’t even make it to first period in that outfit.”
Eddie had made it a point to not pay attention to anyone outside of his small group at school, only ever keeping an eye out for lost sheep that didn’t have anywhere else to go. He wondered, if he had seen you that morning in the brief window before you were pushed back into conformity would he have noticed you? Talked to you? You had already been nice to him before. 
“Wait,” Eddie over at you, taking in the picture you had painted for him. “You made a sock puppet parrot?”
“I needed a parrot, or else no one would get it!” you explained. “But then when I took it off and left it to go use the bathroom it was gone. I finally found the thief in fourth period because they kept playing with it and squawking my own parrot at me. But by that point I had just cut my losses and had given up on Halloween.”
“Are you usually this crafty?” Eddie asked, once again looking at the final napkin you were folding into what looked like an old cootie catcher. 
“I get bored easily.” you said. “If I don’t have something to do with my hands I can’t focus.”
“How’d you start with the whole-” Eddie grabbed one of his slightly used napkins and gave it a wave. “Folding thing?”
“Fourth grade show and tell.” you said. “I did not prepare anything and so I spent a full ten minutes in the school library to find something to show. I found a book on origami, found the easiest thing to make and realized that I actually enjoyed it.”
If that was a mystery, it sure did get solved right there. Eddie wanted to ask about Steve and Dustin. He wanted to ask you why him? He could keep his mouth shut, let this whole thing play out and see what happened. Eddie could sit here, and enjoy the fact that a girl was giving him the time of day and leave everything up in the air just like he had with Paige. 
“So I heard you and Steve had a deal going on.” Eddie said. “Something about getting dates?”
You froze for a second, the completed cootie catcher in your hands. Things were dead silent for a grand total of ten seconds. Ten agonizingly long seconds. Even the cassette player had clicked off and was now whirring as it rewind the Iron Maiden tape. 
Then you started laughing. A lot. 
“Jesus, Eddie!” you said, wiping your eyes with the ninja star as a tear threatened to spill down your cheek. “I tell you I have origami as a hobby, and you follow up with ‘So I heard you and Steve are trying to get dates.’ Seriously?”
Eddie remained silent at your reaction, trying to process your laughter. You didn’t seem scared or nervous that he had called you out, and he had to admit that he hadn’t completely thought through the consequences of asking you that question. 
“Who blabbed?” You asked, after your laughter had calmed down. 
“Henderson.” Eddie admitted and, in an attempt to ease any lingering tension he leaned forward to rest his elbow on the center console and held his chin in his hand as he looked at you. “That shrimp informed me that you found me so irresistible that you begged Steve to set you up with me.”
“Is that right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah,” Eddie agreed. “Told me all about how ever since Chris Morrison shot you down, you’ve been desperate to get my attention to get back at him.”
“So which is it, am I attracted to you or am I using you to get back at a guy I talked to once in high school years ago?” you asked. Eddie saw a glint in your eyes, the same one he’d seen that first night at the arcade when at the air hockey table. 
“Both are true.” Eddie continued to explain, a shit eating grin on his face. “You see, you were originally going to use me to get back at Chris, but then you saw me play guitar and instantly fell in love.”
“Damn, this sounds like the plot of a terrible movie.” you laughed. “So is this the part where I tell you that ‘It started out like that, but I swear it’s not like that anymore!’? Do I beg on my knees that my feelings for you are genuine, even though we’ve hung out a grand total of two-and-a-half times?”
Five times, but who’s counting? 
“What’s the half-time?” Eddie asked. 
“You ditched me at the arcade after I said I’d be right back.” you stated matter-of-factly. “I’m hoping it’s not a pattern where you start dropping off the face of the earth just when things start getting good.”
“Between you and me,” Eddie leaned in closer. “I thought Dustin was trying to set me up with Steve. Not you.” 
Cue more laughter from you as you threw your head back. “Are you kidding me?! Dustin makes me and Steve show up to an arcade and tries to force a meeting with you- and you thought you were supposed to be dating Steve?!” 
“Not dating!” Eddie clarified quickly. “You see, Steve and I only have one thing in common and that’s Dustin Henderson. Kid practically worships Steve. I thought he was trying to get us to be friends or something.”
“Oh my god, you thought Dustin was trying to hook his two dads up!” Your cootie catcher was now crumpled up in your hands, stained with tears from your laughing. “I’m a homewrecker!” 
Yeah, this really wasn’t going the way Eddie had expected it. 
“Shit, Eddie, I’m sorry.” you said, your laughter calming down into giggles instead. “Have I been reading this whole thing wrong? I mean, if you have more of an interest in Steve I could probably set that up. He’s only ever shown interest in girls but you have long hair and are pretty enough-”
“No.” Eddie said. “I don’t have an interest in Steve- you think I’m pretty?” How were you able to throw him off so easily? He could tell that if you had been able to join Hellfire you would have been a menace at his table.
“Extremely.” you said, your voice more sincere now. 
The two of you just stared at each other for a while and Eddie felt that same twisty feeling in his gut again. You thought he was pretty. That was good, right? Did you like pretty boys? You were pretty- he liked that a lot. 
“I...” Eddie started and then dug deep inside himself to find the words he wanted to use. “Prettier than Steve?” Those were not the words he wanted to say, but he said them anyway. 
“Steve is conventionally attractive but, as I said before, not my type.” you said. “I like guys with long hair anyway.”
Eddie really couldn’t tell if he was nailing this or blowing it. “So, what is your type?” 
“I’ll tell you mind if you tell me yours.” you countered. 
Had Eddie ever really thought about what his type was? Yeah, he’d had ill-advised crushes and had been attracted to various women in comics and tv but did he have a type? He tried to connect all the girls in his mind that he’d been with, trying to find a pattern. 
Someone who actually pays attention to me. That’s pretty sad, Eddie. He came to the conclusion. Yeah, aside from his disastrous kiss with Ronnie five years ago, every girl he’d been with had been the one to show interest first, and you were no exception. But had he actually had feelings for the others? Not really. Attraction? Yeah. Feelings? Well, with Paige he had been far too busy dealing with Corroded Coffin, his dad, and school to really decide what he felt for Paige. Any other small flings had been dead on arrival.
So why did he keep wanting to spend time with you?
“Don’t go spreading this around,” Eddie started. “But if I had to pick a type, it’d be She-Hulk.” 
“She-Hulk?” you mulled that over in your mind. “So tall, green, and angry?” 
“Strong-willed, and funny as shit.” Eddie corrected. 
“And green.”
“And green.” 
“If I had known that earlier I would have picked Kermit the Frog as my Halloween costume this year.” you teased. “I don’t have a character off the top of my head, but I like people who feel.. Real.”
Real. The word that Paige and him had used over and over in those two months. 
“What’s real to you?” 
“Not high school.” you said. “Someone who’s not afraid to exist and be themselves. I’m most attracted to anyone who can let go of their desperate ego and just have fun. High school was boring because everyone was so wrapped up in their own bs of looking cool that they didn’t do anything that they actually wanted to do. Shit, even I fell into that.”
Eddie didn’t want to ask if he was real to you. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for an answer. There were lots of times he wished that he wasn’t still in school, but this time really hit harder. He was starting to really like you, and yeah part of him was terrified of that. 
The two of you finished off the last of your food and Eddie shoved all the leftover trash into the brown bag and tossed it in the back so you wouldn’t be stepping on it. 
“I don’t know much about real anymore, but I think you’re pretty badass.” Eddie finally said. “I mean, you brought a wire hanger and a fake parrot to school for a costume. That’s pretty brave, even if your friends did talk you out of it.”
“I’m more mad that the parrot was stolen and used to annoy me than the lack of costume.” you said with a small laugh. “They weren’t even funny. They just kept repeating what I said. It was easier to just shut up at that point.” 
“Didn’t think to make them say anything embarrassing?” 
“Oh, I tried. But, jocks don’t know the art of a good ‘Duck Season, Rabbit Season’ gag. Anything embarrassing I said they’d just turn it around. I’d say ‘I pissed myself in gym.’ they’d reply with ‘you pissed yourself in gym’. No love for comedy.” You took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. “If you’re going to be a bully, at least give me a good story to tell later, you know?”
“I once got slammed against a locker by a jock who called me ‘a myriad freak.” Eddie said. “To this day, I still don’t know what he was trying to mean by that.”
“See? At least that’s funny.” you said, and then. “Holy shit, we’ve gotten off topic.” 
“There was a topic?” Eddie leaned back on the seat again. 
“Yes, an important one that I was very interested in before we started talking about bullies and high school and She-Hulk.” you nodded. 
Talking to you was so easy that he hadn’t realized how many topics the two of you had blown through in a short amount of time. He looked at his watch real quick and realized it was creeping towards 11 pm now. Had the two of you really been talking that long?
“What topic was it?” 
“You flirting with me.” you said, your lips pulling back in a cheshire grin. “I’m pretty sure you were at least, before I became a homewrecker between you and Steve. Normally I’d hate to break up a happy family, but I might have to make an exception this one time.”
“Was I flirting?” Eddie tilted his head with his own grin. “I’m pretty sure I was just telling you that I thought Dustin was trying to make me be friends with Steve. If I had known that the shrimp was trying to introduce me to a cute girl-” He would have shot it down and canceled Side Quest Day- “I wouldn’t have left the way I did.”
“You think I’m cute?” 
You nodded. “Alright, then it’s a good thing that we’re going on a date. I’m glad to know that I’m not coming between you and Steve.”
It was just past midnight when Eddie dropped you off at your apartment that night. This time when you leaned over the center console towards him, he didn’t freeze up or panic. Eddie let you hug him and he hugged you back, his cheeks growing hot momentarily when he felt your lips press against his cheek and he was able to breathe in your scent. 
“See you later, Eddie. Oh, and for the movie- I highly recommend dressing up.” you looked him up and down. “Actually, just wear what you’d normally wear. I think you’ll fit right in.” 
Eddie made a mental note to ask Rick later on what he was supposed to wear for this. 
“I’ll call you.” he said. “I promise. I mean it this time.”
“Not if I call you first, I have your number now. And worst case scenario, I know where you play.” you responded. “See you Tuesday, Eddie.” 
And with that you were gone again, leaving Eddie alone in the van feeling much better than the last time he had given you a ride. There were still questions he had. He still wanted to know why exactly everyone was wanting the two of them to meet again, and why you always so readily agreed to meet up with him. But those were questions for another day. 
“You had a missed call.” Wayne said as Eddie made his way into the trailer. “Didn’t leave a name or number. Said she’d call you back.”  
Eddie laughed and shook his head, guess you meant it when you said you’d call first. 
“Don’t stay up too late watching tv.” Eddie said before heading towards his bedroom. He once again found himself falling asleep with his copy of The Hobbit, the origami flower tucked safely in the back. 
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Next Chapter
Ending note: This fic takes place during October 1985. Stephen King’s It did not come out until September 1986. I would like to ask you all politely to suspend your disbelief for the historical inaccuracy of a piece of dialogue that probably didn’t add much to the plot. If this horrible inaccuracy bothers you, please repeat to yourself “it’s just a fic, I should really just relax” which is what most of us should be doing anyway.
Dividers by: @strangergraphics
Tag List: @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirl320 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @mistonk @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh @halialex1119 @bakugouswhOr3 @siriuslysmoking @pookiesnatcher @sky-full-0f-fl0wers @takemetoneverlandbabe @killjoynotes @maelibo
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Hi! I was wondering, if you are taking requests can I request reader taking care of Loona and/or Octavia like a mom or smth?
I dunno man I just want like… wrap them in my arms and tell them that sometimes shuts fucked but they’ll be okay
@idontreallyexistyet I’d love to!!
Loona & Octavia with Maternal!Reader
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Loona would be SO hesitant to accept you as a mother figure in her life
Like, it’s pretty well known to everyone that she was left at the shelter as a kid
So she didn’t have a parental figure until Blitzø
And as begrudgingly grateful as she is for him - he’s not always the best option
Enter you
You’ve worked at I.M.P as long as Loona’s been there
You’re the one who keeps everyone on track, and keeps them safe - patches them up once jobs are over
At first, Loona thinks you’re just doing this to get on her good side
And then she thinks it’s just because you pity her
But - eventually the hellhound realises that you just actually care
She subconsciously starts gravitating towards you
Sitting next to you in meetings, etc.
And on one really shitty day, she just breaks
Loona snaps, and you end up taking the brunt of the outburst
When you usher everybody else out of the room - she becomes even more defensive
But when you open your arms, and whisper “cm’ere honey, what’s really bothering you?”
She Caves.
In seconds, the usually sharp-tongued hellhound is blubbering in your arms, explaining how shit of a day she’s had
Now, she goes to you before it reaches that point
Sometimes, she slips and calls you mum
But you both pretend it doesn’t happen, for Loona’s sake
If she ever needs a hug, or to talk something out - you’re the first person she calls
Don’t tell Blitzø
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Although Via has a mum already, they don’t exactly have the best relationship
Alot of the time, the owlet feels as though her mum only uses her as a pawn against her dad
At least Stolas tries
So when her parents hire you to help with her schooling - she can’t help but feel brushed off yet again
But slowly, the two of you build a relationship
You’re not like her other tutors
You’re passionate, and you let her go on tangents about astronomy whenever it’s even a little relevant
You’re patient, and you understand things in a way Via can understand
Over time, Via starts opening up to you, telling you about her parents - how their fighting affects her
And you comfort her
But, she’d always sort of assumed they were just kind words
So one day; when her parents storm in fighting yet again - she’s caught off guard when you stand up from the table
Even more so when you tell them both in a firm voice and a withering stare that they needed to take their arguments elsewhere
Because they were making Via uncomfortable
So when her parents finally leave
The teen can’t help but run over to hug you tightly, whispering a quiet ‘thank you’
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xveenusx · 1 year
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Paring(s): rafe cameron x fem!reader
Summary: in which two people come to terms with how dangerous their love is, but it's impossible to leave.
Author's note: Rafe on his knees is sending me. This is part two to Hate and is complete angst because I like to hurt my own feelings. ALSO, the GIFS depict exactly what's going to happen in this peice to help you visualize it better :)
Rating: ANGSTY, but kind of a good ending but not really bc they are horrible for each other
Warnings: v toxic relationship
Part 1: Hate
━━ ★ Masterlist
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
My head hung against the cool tile in the shower, water pounding against my body as I fought against the urge to succumb to my pain.
You won't ever be over me
I squeezed my eyes shut.
Yet, it didn't work. I couldn't block out his words as they pistoled into my mind again and again. Slapping my hand against the tile, I groaned out loud and rubbed my eyes.
Memories of my mistake continue to stampede over every coherent thought I could form. It was embarrassing how easily I gave into him, but when he touched me, all sense went out the window.
He was the chink in my armor, because when he loved me, I mean really loved me, the sun shined brighter and the world went into focus. He could ask me anything and I would have told him in a heart beat. There was just this sense of security that finally gave me the ability to be myself. I felt like I was safe and solid ground for the first time in my life.
But as time went on, there were small slip ups that caught my attention. The hushed meetings with his father, his eagerness to be around my friends, the constant Q and A about gold.
I pushed passed the alarm bells ringing in my head because I didn’t want it to end. I caught him in lie after lie which always ended in a screaming match. I’d storm away but it always ended in us finding our way back to each other. Always.
Maybe it’s wrong to say this, but I was relieved that he needed me just as bad as I needed him. He couldn’t seem to leave me alone either.
The longer we were together, I couldn’t help but begin to question why he was really with me. The idea of there being an ulterior motive for loving me paralyzed me with fear.
Because, if that was true, I didn't think I'd survive it.
So like a junkie, in every sense of the word, I gave into the drug that was Rafe Cameron and gave him anything he wanted. I became an entirely different person that I didn't recognize.
I was so desperate to be loved by him that it almost killed me.
A familiar burning behind my eyes made me smile in irony. Tears usually accompanied anything that involved Rafe.
I slowly slid down the shower wall, bringing my knees to my chest, and set my chin on top. Closing my eyes, I attempted to focus on the pounding of the water but despite the noise, it couldn’t overpower the noise in my head.
Detoxing was nearly impossible. I'd take another dose, and then another, but when the high eventually wore of—because it always did—this is what was left:
A shell of me withered down in self loathing.
I hate you.
No, you don't.
The water eventually turned cold but I refused to move from my spot on the floor. I just couldn't face him, not yet.
It hurt to fucking look at him.
A fist pounded on the bathroom door but I chose to ignore it. I shivered slightly at the ice cold water but preferred this biting pain over what awaited me on the other side of that door.
"Open the door."
I turned my head away from the door and instead rested my cheek on the top of my knee and stared at the wall.
"I'm not fucking kidding. Open the door, why is this shit locked anyway?"
I rolled my eyes. The dramatics were unmatched.
"Go away." I croaked out, hoping for once in his god damn life that he listened. "I swear to god."
"I'm shaking in my boots, babe."
Jesus Christ.
"I can hear you crying from out here."
That shut me up. I thought I was being discreet. "I'm fine. Please go away."
He pounded on the door again. "Do you really think a locked door is gonna stop me?."
My eyes closed briefly at his words. The organ in my chest that refused to listen to reason began to beat a little harder.
"Rafe, please. I need a minute." My voice cracked at the end of my plea.
It was quiet for a few moments before I heard his feet shuffle away. I relaxed in relief at his departure and lifted my head directly under the water, hoping it will clear my mind.
"Fuck this." Was all I heard before a sharp crack echoed and the door busted open.
My gaze found his and it took all my strength to not shrink under his gaze. I'm sure I was a sight for sore eyes, curled up on the floor of the shower shivering.
Rafe let out a distressed noise before moving towards me but I scooted back, throwing my palm up. “Stop.”
He stopped in his tracks with narrowed eyes. “You have about five seconds.”
“Boundaries. We need boundaries.”
“Boundaries?” He repeated slowly, making it seem like the term was foreign to him. “What the fuck for?”
“Because I need a moment. Let me cry in peace.”
Rafe nodded his head and relief let me drop my shoulders.
“Well, I’m not leaving you alone when you cry, there, that’s my boundary.”
I open my mouth and close it. He couldn’t be serious?
He shut off the water while letting out a string of curses as he took in my shivering figure. Yanking a towel off the rack, I'm suddenly enveloped in warmth as he wrapped the towel around my body and picked me up.
His scent lured me in like an old friend. Exhaustion weighed on me heavily so I gave in yet again.
I shoved my face into his neck enjoying the warmth his body provided and the shivering slowly subsided. Rafe said nothing as he set me on the edge of the bed and softly began to dry me.
He was gentle despite the severe expression he wore.
“We should probably talk.” He uttered, running the towel along my legs.
I shook my head, the desire to sleep was overwhelming.
Rafe paused. “I can already feel you pulling back from me.”
He knew me all too well.
Arguing him was pointless. We’d both end up with our voices gone and nothing solved.
“I can’t do this with you right now. I just want this day to be over.” I spoke quietly, fiddling with my fingers.
Rafe doesn’t answer me, instead he grabs some satin set and slowly started to dress me. Lifting my arms, he pulled the thin tank over my head before kneeling down and doing the same with the bottoms.
It was moments like this that almost made me cave. Rafe Cameron, of figure eight, heir to a real estate empire, was down on his knees for a Pogue.
Pressing a gentle kiss to my inner knee, he stood up, towering over me with his hand cupping my face. His face was the picture of relaxed despite our current kidnapping, but I knew it was solely because we were together.
“This can’t happen again.” The words were out of my mouth in seconds.
He just smiled, humming softly to himself as he continued to stare.
So I tried again. “You can sleep on the floor.”
That made the smile drop fast.
“You want me to sleep on the floor?”
“Like the actual floor?” Rafe asked slowly, his gaze moving down to the hard wooden floor in distaste.
“The fucking floor, Rafe.”
His eyes narrowed at my tone, “Why?”
“Because I said so.” Because, my panties will be off in seconds.
“Try again. I’ll argue with you all night until you tell me why.”
“Does this not hurt you as much as it hurts me? Looking at you fucking kills me.”
“I’m going to marry you. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow. But I will marry you," He said the words so nonchalantly, you would think he was discussing the weather, "So no, it doesn’t hurt me to look at you, to be around you, because I know this is never going to end. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you."
I waited, for what seemed like forever, to hear him say these words. Yet, now that he did, I simply didn't believe it. Too much has happened. His words no longer held the weight that they used to and for a brief moment I felt a twisted sense of relief because that meant I was one step closer to being free of the shackles that chained me to him.
My brows furrowed as I tried to think of something to say, but nothing came out.
I shook my head and crawled towards the front of the bed, tugging the sheets down and burrowing myself into a cocoon. "Go to sleep, Rafe."
He muttered something under his breath as he walked over to the makeshift bed on the floor. I heared some shuffling before a heavy sigh echoed in our room and I knew he finally settled.
It was for the best. My sanity needed to remain intact and this was the only way. That didn't stop me from missing the warm embrace of his body that always lulled me to sleep.
Rolling onto my side, I peaked over the side of the bed and saw his head already turned in my direction. A faint smirk tugged at the coner of his lips and his eyes sparkled with amusement.
"You still want me on the floor?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes." No.
Rafe let out a chuckle before silence enveloped us and the only thing I could hear was the sound of our steady breathing. All trace of humor left his face and we stared at each other, his eyes never leaving mine. It almost appeared like he was commiting my face to memory.
"You're safe. You can go to sleep," Rafe murmured, "I won't let anything happen to you."
A familar rush of affection slammed into my chest and I forced myself to break eye contact first. I couldn't let him see the expression that adorned my face. He was embedded deeply into my soul.
"I-" I love you.
Rafe cut me off, "I know."
Curled on my side with the sheets pulled up to my neck, I closed my eyes and whispered painfully, "I wish I didn't."
I could feel his gaze burning holes into my back, but I knew better than to turn around. Sleep, I told myself, everything will be better tomorrow.
Minutes passed and I knew he wasn't going to answer.
"I know that too." Was all I heard before I embraced the darkness with open arms.
That's how I woke up. My eyes felt heavy and my head drummed against my skull. This pain comparable to only being severely hungover. Yet, I barley had anything at all. It was simply the Rafe effect, also known as extreme emotional distress.
I rubbed the sleepiness from eyes while my mind betrayed me with replays of the last 24 hours. Peering over the edge of the bed, Rafe is sprawled out awkwardly on the ground sleeping. His bare chest slowly rising up and down, his necklace gleaming from the morning light that seeped into the room.
It hurt to look at him, but when I looked away, it hurt even more. The fear of forgetting what he looked like or how he sounded when he laughed consumed me. What if everything faded?
Love and hate were more similar than one would think.
As if sensing I was was awake, Rafe shifted onto his side and opened his eyes slowly. I watched as his eyes took in our surroundings before last 24 hours finally hit him.
Instantly, his eyes find mine and his body relaxes, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
He got up from his spot on the floor and made his way over to me. Sleepiness still present in his eyes, but his face was content. The bed dips and a warm hand pushed my hair out of my eyes before tracing my nose then the outline of my lips.
"Good morning." The low raspy timber of his voice had me clenching my thighs together.
I allowed myself these few seconds to bask under the glow of his attention. Swallowing down the lump in my throat at what I'm about to do, I steel the storm of emotions that brew inside me.
Moving my face out of his grasp, I shifted my body into a sitting positon, placing a slight distance between us. "I meant what I said last night. This will not happen again."
The words burned coming out my mouth.
"Can we just skip this part?"
I shot him a blank look. "What part?"
He heaves out a sigh, his large hand rubbing against his buzzed head. "Aren't you tired?"
Did he hit his head? Confused filled me as I glanced at the unmade bed. "Tired? I just slept-"
Rafe barked out a bitter laugh. "Of running. Aren't you tired of running?"
My fingers gripped my satin top in an attempt to control my anger. He would choose this exact moment to bait me. Maybe six months ago I would have taken the bait, but I was drained.
He always chose the hard way.
"Really? You want to have this conversation now?" Keep calm. Breathe.
Rafe searched my face with a serious expression, then his lips tipped. "I don't know if you remember, but we have all the time in the world."
I rolled my eyes. Despite my very weak attemps at pushing him away, Rafe never seemed discouraged. He only appeared mildly annoyed at my desperate attempts to kick him out of my life.
"You're about 6 months late on your right to have this conversation. Now, get off of my bed." I tried to shove him off. Nothing.
Blue eyes narrowed. Good, I hope he was mad. He'll finally understand what it was like to be me the past couple months.
"If you're trying to piss me off, it's working. So stop." Was all he said, with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Stop doing what, Rafe? There is nothing left to talk about."
"Stop acting like you don't care."
Rafe's determined attitude was exhausting.
And somehow, despite everything, I still felt myself drawn to him, even after how poorly he's treated me.
"Acting like I don't care is all I have left." My stomach tightened at my honesty.
His cold blue eyes grew distant, clearly not liking my truth.
"You have me."
The conviction in his voice would make anyone believe him, but I wasn't going to fall for his pretty words again, no matter how badly I wished they were true.
"No, I don't. I never did so this entire conversation is pointless." I stated a matter-of-factly. "Do yourself a favor and walk away."
Clicking his tongue, Rafe shook his head at me. "There you go again, telling me what I can and cannot do."
I had to hurt him to just get the distance I needed. He'd leave me alone if I hurt him.
"What are you gonna do? Tell your dad on me?" The minute the words flew out of my mouth, I regretted them.
Artic eyes narrowed into slits and his entire demeanor shifted, his shoulders tense and face hard. "Don't talk about him."
"Got daddy issues, do you?" My mouth would not stop.
I could see that I was successfully hitting my target, but it only made my heart ache. It needed to be done though.
Rafe's expression shut off, a familiar cold look settling in his eyes. "Tread fucking lightly."
My heart thudded dangerously as I debated my next words. "I might not hate you today or tomorrow, but I will hate you. Because, hating you is better than loving you."
The words tasted like vinegar coming out of my mouth, but they had their desired effect.
Agony briefly flickers on his face, but he schooled his expression. His eyes seemed to bore through me, our stare off so intense, that I had to look away.
If I believed he could change, even if there was a slight chance, then I would have fought for us. But, I knew him like the back of my hand and Rafe was who he was—unapologetically. I didn't have any fight left.
"I know what you're doing." His voice trembled, dark and on the verge of breaking.
I closed my eyes in defeat. Of course he did. I couldn't even hurt him without him seeing straight through me.
"You want to make me the bad guy? Fine. I'm the bad guy, bad Rafe Cameron. But don't pretend for one second that I'm not under your skin just as bad."
"You are, you are and it's exhausting," I grimaced. "Does knowing that make you feel better?"
"Yes, it does because I'm not the only one feeling like this."
My throat clogged. "How much longer can we keep doing this?"
"As long as it takes for you to give in." Rafe stroked a strand of hair behind my ear, the clouds of his eyes gleaming with twisted adortion.
Frustration bubbled up the surface. He was relentless in his pursuit, not caring if he hurt me in the process. As long as I was his, nothing else matterd, even my pain.
"This isn't a game. I am not a game." I stated harshly, shoving his hand away. "I'm a person--a person who has feelings."
His expression reamined unreadable. "A person with feelings for me."
I was losing. Badly. Talking to Rafe was like talking to a brick wall.
"I've had to put myself together three times, Rafe. Three times!" I screamed, my voice cracking in despair. "Each time harder than the last."
"I finally glued myself together again and you're already pulling away the pieces. For how long am I yours this time? A week?" I pushed. "A month?"
"You've moved on before so do it again. Let me do the same." I cleared my throat to push back tears.
"You think I haven't tried?" He asked incrediously, throwing his hands up in the air in utter disbelief.
Rafe stalked over to me, his eyes brewing with anger as he pointed to the veins in his arms. "You're in so deep, I can't get you out of my system."
I knew the feeling all too well. I am not going to cry.
"'You're right here. Right fucking here and you won't go away." He reached for my hand and placed it directly on his heart which pounded wildy under my touch.
My resolve was breaking and my previous anger easing away like a silent wave. He didn't have any peace either.
The heavy weight on my chest had me leaning forward, resting my forehead against his pec, my hand still in his grasp, pressed tightly against his heart.
"Loving you almost ruined my life." Rafe was a cliff. One that I threw myself over again and again, expecting to fly only to be met with cold hard concrete.
"Again with the meladrama?" Spell broken once more. Another peice being peeled away from me.
A joke, this was all a joke to him.
"You're not listening to me. You never listen to me." I shouted directly into his face, pointing to myself, needing him to finally fucking see me.
Tears finally fell from my eyes as I stared at him with pathetic hoplessness.
"How is what I did any worse than what you did?" The world stopped spinning as his words hit my chest. Something inside me broke.
I shook my head in utter diesbelief at his words. I pushed to my feet, my hands collided with his chest as I shoved him with all my strength.
I headed straight towards the bedroom door, slamming my fists against the door in an attempt to get the guards attention. I was slowly suffocating in this room. He always managed to do this to me.
I should've known better. I mean really known better. Rafe was a mindfuck.
"Run away one more time and I swear to god-" Rafe advaced toward me, his hands reaching out for me.
No, he needed to keep his hands to himself.
"Don't talk to me." I spat, holding my hand up. Facing the door once again, I pound several more times with no response before accepting defeat.
Slumping against the door with my forehead resting against the cool wood, I pleaded, "I can't be in here any more. I just can't."
Once again, no answer.
"We're talking about this. You don't get to avoid this conversation anymore."
"Want to try that again-stop!" Rafe bent down and tossed my body over his shoulder. Anger burned through my veins as I struggled against his grip, but it did nothing to deeter him as he stalked us over to the bed.
Dropping my body roughly on the bed, he towered over me and met my gaze, warning clear in his eyes.
Swallowing my pride, I dug my nails into the soft flesh of my palms. "You can't compare our actions. They aren't even on the same playing field, Rafe,"
"I can and I am comparing them, because believe it or not baby, it's the same damn thing."
Rafe was standing directly in front of me, his large thighs caging my dainty figure in. My chest heaved up and down in anger.
"Is that what you tell yourself so you don't have to deal with the fact that you're a shitty person? I'm not listening to this." My gaze was frantic as I tried to figure out an escape plan.
"I've clearly been too nice. You don't have a fucking choice. "
"Rafe, stop it."
"No, you stop it. Why are you acting like you expected me to be a nice guy? I'm not and never will be. So, you're going to sit here and listen to what I have to say." He tone harsh and unnegotiable, grasping my chin in between his fingers.
I glared, meeting his harshness with mine. Fingers threaded into my hair as he forced my head back to stare at him.
"You knew exactly who I was when you met me. You saw the good, bad, and the ugly and still chose to fucking love me," He snarled, his hand slammed against his chest, "to love me."
Oh god. Was he right? He was.
"Then you leave me for being who you fell in love with?" Rafe's body was shaking as he jerked my head back towards his face when I tried to look away. "Knowing who I am and loving me anyway, just for you to walk away. Am I that easy to walk away from? "
His gaze was expectant but he already knew the answer. No, he wasn't easy to walk away from. It almost killed me each and every time.
"No." I answered, my voice so low it came out as a whisper.
"How is that any more cruel than what I did to you?" I couldn't answer becuase he was right. My heart bled at this point as I tried to scramble some coherent thought. I wanted to say something, anything to counter his statements but fell short.
A sob caught the back of my throat.
"So get the fuck off your high horse. I beat up Pope on figure 8 and guess who kept my bed warm after that?" He mused, his fingers brushing against my knees forcing them open more. "I shot and killed Sheriff Peterkin and you consoled me."
I gulped for air but it seemed like nothing was reaching my lungs. He was right. We were so inextricably linked that his darkness became my own. It was so easy for me to excuse all of his horrible actions simply because I love him.
The laugh he let out sent shivers down my spine. "Fuck, I almost drowned Sarah and you still opened your legs for me. Still loved me, didn't you?"
Horror filled every cell in body. I curled my arms into myself as pain slashed through my heart while my hands and arms shook.
"So which one of us is really fucked up?" Me. Him. Both.
Rafe pulled his lip into his mouth as he regarded me with dark eyes. Leaning over me, he brought his mouth to my ear, the ghost of his breath causing shivers to wrack down my spine. "The answer is between your legs."
I stopped breathing. Wetness seeped onto the silk bottoms leaving an obvious stain on my pants. I tried to close my legs, but Rafe let out a little tisk.
I thought I had a chance to save myself before I got stuck in the trecherous storm that was Rafe Cameron. I was doomed the moment I met him.
He smiled at me almost as though he knew I reached the same conclusion as he did.
Rafe lowered to his knees, resting directly in between mine, with his hands raised up. I stare down at him with broken eyes, my handsome monster kneeling on the ground for only me.
When he saw I made no point to move, his large calloused hand covered my shaking ones while the other softly grazed the damn spot in between my legs causing me to visibly tremble.
"Do you get it now? There is no after for us. There is and always will be an us." The words were spoken softly, but firm. Though his eyes weren't on me, and in stead were in between my lefs. His hold on my hands being the only thing anchoring me.
I did. I hated that I loved him. I hated how he'd never leave. I especially hated how I couldn't leave. I hated my body's gross reaction to him and his filthy words.
"I love you."
My head jerked up, eyes wide with surprise at his confession.
"I do. That's why I wear the necklace and the cufflinks." He answered my question. He finally answered my question.
Before I could respond, a soldier bursted into the room with narrowed eyes. He took in the scene before him before relaxing but my body was snapped with tension.
Rafe looked down at our hands before standing up slowly and letting go. "Trust me."
He was asking in the only way he knew how, by demanding. He'd broken so many promises before that the trust between us was in shards. I found myself nodding anyways.
I'd already been broken before, what was once more?
In seconds, Rafe lunged toward the solider with his hands fisting along the shoulders of the man's bulletproof vest. Slamming his body hard to the ground, Rafe climbed on top before lifting the man's body and slamming it against the floor again and again.
He dragged his fist back before slashing it with quick and brute force against the soldier's face. Blood splattered against the white tiled floors as the man groaned in pain.
Rafe didn't stop. His knuckles becoming a marred mess due to them being split open. He didn't even wince.
"Get the gun." A loud ringing noise echoed in my ears as I stared at the unconcious man on the floor who's face was unrecognizable.
"Baby, get the gun." The term of endearment pulled my out of my head. Rafe's electric eyes stared at me with urgency and darted to the side.
I moved my head in the direction of his stare and see a black gun several feet away. My brain shut off and body felt numb as I picked it up with trembling hands.
My steps were timid and hestitant as I walked back over to him. He held out his hand, the rings shining in the light. "Bring it here."
For a second, a brief second, the thought of shooting him crossed my mind. I could be free of him. I could do it.
No, I couldn't. I loved him. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I rested the heavy pistol in his hand and watched as he dug through the man's pocket and grabbed a phone. "We're getting out of here. I have my boat parked somewhere here on the island. We get to it and we can go wherever you want. Just me and you."
Rafe stood and stepped towards me, determination in his eyes, with his hand held out for me to grab.
I took a sharp intake of breath. My blood rushed loudly in my ears as I decided what I was about to do. My friends, my life, were they worth losing for him?
His necklace sparkling against the sun and those cuflinks shining against his shirt caught my attention.
Our souls were wired together, infused. I was a monster. Just like him.
Loving Rafe was a death sentence. Little did I know—I was already dead.
I reached for his hand.
Psycho toxic rafe is the man of my dreams but also my nightmares :) They are both crazy though clearly and need help.
Let me know what you think! Next up is Conrad fucking Fisher and I assure you, your heart will be broken.
Tag list: @narcissuspetal @valeriedelevingne @harrys-humble-housewife @mrs-dasilvasantoss @yoonki-bored @maybankslover @blazebreaker @thepopcultureaddict @cartiiwannagotoplutoo @imawhoreforu @jj-pls-give-me-a-chance @summer-may
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eddieschains · 1 year
Don’t Push Your Luck
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2.8k
TW// 18+, alcohol consumption, name calling, spanking (hands and implements), fingering, bondage, mentions of safe word, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), creampie, let me know if i missed anything !!
“You’re being a right asshole right now, you know that?” You huff at Eddie. To say you two were going through a bit of a rough patch would be an understatement. It wasn’t bad, just constant bickering over the pettiest things.
“I don’t understand what the big deal is. It’s just clothes.” He sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed as you two get ready to go out.
“I want you to match with me. Is it so terrible that I want us to look good tonight?” You threw your hands in the air, walking away from him.
You knew it was a dumb argument. But, it seemed like you two were drifting away lately, and you just wanted him to care about the little things.
You finish your hair in the bathroom, letting him get ready himself before heading downstairs and grabbing your purse.
You yell for him that you’re ready to go, and you hear his footsteps make their way down the stairs.
“I wore the jacket.” He speaks flatly. You turn to look at him, not showing any emotion.
“Nice.” You give him a quick glance before turning back to stuff your extra makeup in your bag.
He walks up to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Babe… can we please not fight tonight? I just wanna have a nice night out with friends.”
“Sure. Wouldn’t want to ruin your night by caring too much.” You mumble, before heading out the door. Eddie locks up behind you, and you make your way to the van, not waiting for him to follow. You hop in the passenger seat, scrolling on your phone until he joins you.
“Hey i’m sorry. Let’s have fun tonight, yeah?” He attempts to calm the situation one last time.
“Yeah, sure.” You respond, not looking up from your phone.
“I love you.” He says quietly, placing a hand on your thigh. You don’t respond. “I said I love you.” He raises his voice a little, still not eliciting any reaction from you. He removes his hand from your thigh and starts the engine. “Fucking brat.” He mutters under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear.
Brat. Okay, you could have some fun with this. The rough patch you were going through also resulted in a dry spell between you two. Probably because of the bickering if you had to pinpoint a reason.
You knew the arguments were stupid and petty, and you wanted them to stop. But, you also knew if there was one way to get you back to where you were, it was by having him fuck you raw. And if that meant being a little shit until he had no choice, so be it.
You arrived at his friends house, getting out of the van before he even turned the engine off. You can hear the music pumping and people laughing as you approach the door.
“Y/N!” One of his friends yells as he greets you with a hug. “Where’s Eddie?”
“I don’t know. Coming?” You respond. Eddie is right behind you, scoffing at your words. His friend shoots him a confusing look as you move past him.
You push through the crowd of people, making your way to the kitchen for a drink. You’re throwing back shots of vodka as you dance to the music by yourself.
A few minutes go by until you see an angry looking Eddie storming towards you. “The fuck is your problem?” He spits at you. You raise your eyebrows in question. “I told you I didn’t want to fight tonight. Now people keep asking if we’re okay.”
“And what exactly do you want me to do about that? Hmm?” You respond. “I’m here to have fun, and that clearly doesn’t involve you.” You push past him, making your way to what was supposed to be the dance floor.
You find a group of girls, and join them in what really was just throwing back shots and grinding your hips to the music. You don’t give Eddie a second glance, but you can feel his eyes on you.
“Is that your boyfriend?” One of the girls points behind you. You turn to see him sat outside, leant against the balcony railing, glaring at you. If looks could fucking kill.
“Yup. Love of my life.” You laugh.
“Why does he look like he’d rather be anywhere but here?” She chuckles, taking another shot.
“Ugh he’s mad at me I guess. We’ve been fighting ever since we left the house.” You turn back to her, downing the shot she hands you. “He just doesn’t know i’m doing it on purpose.” You shoot her a devious smile, and she throws her head back in laughter.
“Why don’t we stir the pot a little?” You give her a confusing look. She turns around, and begins grinding in to you. You take a quick glance back to where Eddie is sitting, and oh my god, you’ve never seen him get up so fast.
“Y/N… what are you doing?” He asks cautiously.
“Dancing… what does it look like i’m doing?” You smirk.
“Well can you please come and talk to me… outside?” He asks.
“Why?” You scoff.
“Because I need you to come outside with me.” He firmly responds.
“You don’t fucking own me, Eddie. I’m staying here.” You can almost see the smoke pouring out of his ears at your comment.
“That’s it. We’re leaving.” He grabs your wrist and starts to make his way towards the door.
You look back at the girl you were dancing with, and she gives you a wink and mouths have fun. God you hope so.
Eddie practically throws you into the passenger seat and slams the door. The drive home is quiet, but fast. You’re surprised you didn’t get pulled over on the way back.
He pulls into the driveway rather quickly, and turns the engine off. “Get out.”
“But i’m comfy.” You respond, curling your legs into your chest. He reaches over and unbuckles your seatbelt, pushing your door open. You take the hint and begrudgingly hop out.
He unlocks the door, and waits for you to walk inside. “Bedroom. Now.” He growls.
You run upstairs, giggling to yourself about what’s to come. You sit on the edge of the bed, throwing your shoes to the other side of the room while you wait for Eddie to join you.
Soon after, he makes his way through the door, slamming it behind him. “Strip.”
His words go straight to your pussy. You feel your arousal pooling in your underwear as you start to remove your clothes. Slowly. You’re not giving in that easily.
Eddie watches intently as you slowly move the straps of your dress down your shoulders, pushing to the middle of your stomach. He’s lucky you decided to go braless tonight, now exposing your bare chest.
“Hurry up.” He demands. You squint at him, finally pulling your dress down to your ankles and stepping out of it.
You turn to face him, staring as you stand in nothing but your underwear. The cold air hardens your nipples, but that’s not where his focus is.
“I thought I said strip.” He says, looking at the fabric covering your nearly dripping cunt.
“I was getting there.” You smirk. You pull your panties down your legs, stepping out of them and kicking them to join your dress on the floor. “Patience is a virtue.”
“You weren’t making it very easy to be patient tonight.” He removes his shirt rather quickly, throwing it with the other pile of clothes on the floor. “Now get on the bed. All fours.”
You comply, kneeling on the bed with your palms facing the mattress. You push your head closer to the bed, pushing your ass up higher.
You hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt, before making his place behind you on the bed. “You wanna act like a fucking brat all day? I’ll treat you like a fucking brat.”
You moan at his words, pushing your ass closer to him. He folds the belt in half, sliding it in between his hands before grabbing on to the buckle. He rubs his hand over your cheeks before snapping the leather across them.
“Fuck!” You scream, your body jumping forward. He smooths his hands over the spot again, before slapping the belt across you a second time. “Fuck, Eddie!”
“See, you’ve been a right pain in my ass for the past three weeks.” He says, slowly gliding the belt across you. “Telling me what to wear.” Snap. “Not listening to what I say.” Snap. “Then you go and grind on another girl at the party.” Snap. Tears are starting to peek through your eyes and drip down your cheeks. “Mm how many more do you think you deserve?” He asks, rubbing the now red spot on your behind.
“Three?” You question.
“No no, you’ve been acting up for weeks. I think at least five is in order.” He snaps the belt again, making you whine. “I know baby, I don’t like punishing you either. But someone needs to teach you about-“ Snap. “Respect.” Snap.
He whips you two more times, before gently rubbing over the red marks. He leans down, kissing the stinging skin. “Eddie… please.” You beg. You’re not sure of exactly what you want, you just need him to touch. Somewhere. Anywhere.
“Aww baby’s learning how to use her words. Good girl.” You push yourself further into him as he continues soothing the marks he’s left on your ass. “You want me to touch you darling?” You moan an mm-hmm eliciting a chuckle from Eddie. “So needy baby.”
He lifts his head from his place on your ass, squeezing and kneading the skin before slipping his fingers in between your legs. He runs his fingers in between your wet folds, gathering your wetness.
“Eddie… inside please.” You beg, grinding yourself on his fingers. You know he needs this just as bad as you do, so he doesn’t waste any time with snide comments.
He runs his fingers through you one more time before slipping one past your entrance. He smacks his hand onto your cheek, making you moan as you feel your walls clench around him. “What was that you said about me not owning you? Cause this pretty pussy sure acts like it.”
“Maybe that’s because you’ve just stuck a finger in there, dumbass.” You smirk. He reaches down and pulls you up to him by your hair.
“Wanna say that again?” He growls in your ear. You stay silent, and he throws your head back down on the bed. “That’s what I thought.”
He begins pumping his fingers in and out of you, hard yet slowly. “Eddie… more. Need more.” You whine, pushing yourself into him.
He grabs your ass with his free hand, holding you in place. “Stop. You’re not getting what you want, not that easy.” He pushes his fingers all the way inside, and starts curling and pressing against your g-spot. “You’re gonna sit here and not say a word. Take it like a good girl, hmm?”
You nod your head, moaning at the pleasure his fingers were giving you. Usually you’d be embarrassed by how close you already were, but after not being touched by anyone but yourself for the last month, you couldn’t care less.
Eddie continues rubbing inside of you, holding you in place with a firm hand on your ass. You start shaking as your walls begin to pulsate around his fingers. He continues as your walls get tighter, until he pulls them out.
You open your mouth to complain about the loss of contact, but opt for a loud whine instead. “Cat got your tongue, honey?” He laughs.
“You told me not to speak.” You spit.
“Ah so you can listen.” He responds, flipping you over on your back. He pulls the handcuffs off of his belt loop and dangles them around his finger. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna fuck this sweet little pussy, while you stay put and keep your mouth shut, okay?” You mumble an mm-hmm as he grabs your wrists and places the cuffs around them. “And you’re not gonna cum until I say so.” You nod, rubbing your thighs together. Trying to gain some kind of friction.
He locks the cuffs around the bed post, tightening your hands against the bed frame. “Is that too tight?” He asks. You shake your head, signaling it was fine. He leans down to press a kiss against your lips. “Remember the safe word?” He questions, his dominant facade faltering for a moment. No matter how rough he was with you, he always wanted to make sure you were okay, and felt safe enough to stop.
“Loofah.” He laughs, remembering when you first came up with it. You were in the shower and it was the first thing that came to your mind. It was silly, but it works.
“Good girl.” He mumbles, kissing you again.
He pulls his pants off along with his boxers, throwing them in the growing pile on the floor. He spits in his hand, stroking his cock a few times before sliding it in between your folds.
He teases for a moment, sliding back and forth and tapping your clit. You squirm underneath him, the only way to tell him what you need without using your words. He smiles before pushing all the way inside of you.
“Shit.” He groans. “So fucking tight. Missed this pussy so fucking much, baby.” He groans as he pulls out and slams all the way back in.
He’s just got inside of you, and you’re already a moaning mess. Leaving you on the brink of an orgasm must’ve helped with that.
He keeps pulling out nearly all the way before pushing back in a few times, making you writhe and moan from underneath him. Suddenly, he lets out a deep growl, and grabs your hips. Pulling you into him, as he fucks himself into you at a fast pace.
You’re nearly screaming from the pleasure before he wraps a hand around your throat. “I said be quiet.” He whispers, his thrusts not faltering for one moment. You nod your head, as he keeps his hand attached to your neck.
You can feel your arousal dripping out of you and on to the bed, only furthering your need for a release. Eddie can feel your walls closing around him as you try to push yourself back from falling over the threshold.
He looks at you with a devious smirk on his face. He removes his hand from your throat and places it on your clit. Rubbing fast circles while reminding you to hold it.
Your legs are shaking, as a tear falls down your cheek. Trying to keep your orgasm inside is getting harder and harder by the minute. But, you see a glimmer of hope once you feel him twitching inside of you.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He chants, he thrusts getting a little sloppier. He doesn’t even warn you before you feel his cum coating the inside of your walls. “Go on, baby. You’ve been so good for me. Cum for me.”
He continues thrusting slowly inside you, while rubbing your button to help you reach what was already about to fall. With a scream of his name, your head falls back as your body twitches underneath him. The wave of pleasure hitting you like you’ve never felt before.
His fingers continue to rub you, slowing down as you try to find your breath again. He bends down to meet your face, placing soft kisses all across your face before meeting your lips.
“You okay?” You nod, a light chuckle escaping your throat. “You did so well baby.” He praises, kissing along your neck before pulling out. “Let me go grab a towel to clean you up.” He pecks your lips before climbing off the bed.
“Hey, Eddie…” He turns around, eyes softer than before. “Can you uncuff me first?” He gasps, running over to unlock the cuffs around your wrists. He grabs your hands in his and starts placing soft kisses along the skin.
“I’ll be right back.” He runs to the bathroom before returning with a warm washcloth. Gently, he slides it across you. Cooing about how good you were.
“I love you.” He turns to you, wrapping himself around you.
“I love you too.” You smile, kissing his forehead.
“No more fighting, right?” He lifts his head, puppy dog eyes on full display.
“No more fighting.” You smile. “Unless it results in you fucking me like that.”
He laughs, pulling you to lay on top of his chest. “Also… I know you did that shit on purpose.”
You gasp, holding your chest pretending to be offended by his accusation. “Well it worked, didn’t it?”
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
Yearling - Ch. 24: Return
You're found in the snow. A continuation of Yearling ch. 1-23 found on Tumblr here.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Allusion to past SA, result of canon-typical violence. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only 
Length: 5.4k 
AO3 | Chapter One | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
He was so singularly focused on getting to the stable he didn’t even see Maria trekking through the snow toward him. He barely heard her. 
He didn’t stop or go to meet her. He just went inside. Ares was gone, he’d been here last night, you’d taken him it had to have been you. 
He cursed himself for not staying outside your door. He should have known that you would leave now, that the pain he’d caused you wouldn’t have stopped you. He should have fucking stayed, should have fucking held onto you even as you tried to shove him away. 
“Joel,” Maria ran into the stable, closing the snow outside. 
“Not the time, Maria,” he said, going to get a saddle from the tack room. 
She ignored him and she stalked over to him, thrusting the bundle she was carrying into his arms. He frowned. It took him a second to realize it was the coat you’d claimed as your own, the one that had been his once. The knife that felt like had been in his stomach since you pushed him away twisted. 
“I don’t know what the fuck happened,” she said. “But she’s gone and…” 
“When did you see her?” He looked up from the coat, ignoring the pinch at the back of his throat. “Did she say where she was goin’?” 
“A few hours ago,” she shook her head. “I should have come to find you sooner but… She seemed so upset, I didn’t think sending you out after her right away was the best thing.” 
“Did she say where she was goin’?” He asked again, even though he knew the answer. He knew. 
“Going after the raiders,” she said. “I don’t know that she’ll find them but…” 
“I’ll find her,” Joel cut her off. “I’m bringing her back, not comin’ back without her.” 
 Joel took Sergeant and started off. You’d left a few hours ahead of him but the tracks you made on Ares were deep enough that they were still visible even through the fresh snowfall, a steady groove in the powder that covered the earth. 
It was miserable, the wind biting and harsh, and Joel found himself worried about you. You’d left the coat. He hoped you’d taken another one, that you were warm at least. He wanted to be able to push his horse faster but the snow was too deep. You were a better rider than him, you and Ares had a unique bond after the extra work he’d required to fully train him. You knew how far you could push him better than Joel did any of the horses. You’d be able to ride harder and faster for longer than he could. 
But when the storm eased in the early hours of the morning after the sun rose, Joel found himself missing it. The howl of the wind and the pressure of the air had been a distraction. Something to focus on besides you, besides the way you looked at him, besides what you must think of him now. Something besides the danger you were in that he hadn’t been there to protect you from. 
Joel kept riding through the day, even though he could feel his horse growing exhausted. He almost felt guilty for not caring. If he couldn’t get to you in time, couldn’t bring you home, what did it matter? 
But, hours after it grew dark, he knew he would need to stop soon. He’d been riding for too long, if he wasn’t careful Sergeant would just collapse under the strain and then he’d never find you. 
He was just considering finding a place to rest for a few hours when he saw it, an unusual shape breaking up the moonlight reflecting off the fallen snow. He frowned and then the darkest part of the shape moved, a long neck and large head lifting from near the ground. 
“Fuck,” Joel jumped off his horse and almost tripped, trying to move through the snow faster than was really safe. He fell to his knees next to you and Ares huffed and nudged Joel’s shoulder. You were covered in blood, your skin so much lighter than he’d ever seen it, your body terrifyingly still. But there was just the lightest fog in front of your lips, the only sign he had that you were still breathing. 
“It’s OK Baby,” he said softly, swallowing past the lump in his throat. “I’ve got you, you’re OK. Gonna get you out of here, get you all warmed up, it’s OK.” 
He lifted you as delicately into his body, a small, pained noise slipping from you as he did. Your eyes stayed closed. He just held you against him for a moment, clutching you close, trying to figure out what to do. 
It didn’t seem like he could make it to Jackson like this with you. You were too fragile, you’d at the very least need to get warmed up first, something to stabilize you. But if all this blood was yours, you needed a doctor. Joel couldn’t help you through something this bad on his own, you needed someone who knew what they were doing. 
Ares shifted in the snow, moving his large body so his neck was wrapped around your back and his head went over Joel’s shoulder. He was scared, too. 
“OK Sweetheart,” Joel whispered. “Gonna get you somewhere warm, then we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out.” 
He strapped your pack to Sergeant and set you as delicately as he could on Ares before urging the animal to his feet. Your horse moved gingerly, somehow aware that you were precious cargo and that you needed his protection. Joel patted his neck and Ares huffed at him. 
“I care about her, too,” he said. “We’ll take care of her.” 
Joel tied Sergeant’s reins to Ares’ saddle horn and then mounted up behind you, pulling you back against him. He tucked the front of his coat around you as far as he could reach, the back of your coat cold and wet, before heading off in the direction Joel thought the nearby town was in. 
He was relieved when he was right, stopping at the first house he saw on the outskirts of town that had a chimney. He tied the horses to the front porch and carried your limp body inside, thankful for the little groan you made when he moved you. Pain meant you were alive. He’d take that. 
The house he was in had clearly been raided at some point, furniture overturned, cabinet doors open and hanging off the hinges. But that made them easier to break off and he piled up what he could find quickly in the fireplace before checking to make sure the flue was open. The fire caught quickly and Joel moved the horses into the garage before coming back to check on you. 
With some light and warmth, he was able to figure things out. You’d been stabbed in the shoulder, the wound vicious and jagged. Your clothes were wet with snow and blood and your body was so limp and lifeless that Joel kept checking your pulse or placing his palm on your chest to feel it rise and fall with your breaths. 
He pulled blankets and sleeping bags out of the packs, making sure they were dry before setting them near the fire to warm up. He held his hands near the flames for a moment and looked down at you with a sigh. 
“M’sorry about this,” he said, unzipping your coat, a sickening tightness in his stomach. “But I can’t get you warm in wet clothes, Baby, I gotta take all this off…” 
He tried to look at you as little as he could as he undressed you. In a way, it was almost helpful that you were bloody and limp. It made it easy to see your skin and not think about how much he wanted you. Even if you weren’t hurt, it would have been wrong to look at you that way, wrong because you didn’t want it. 
You’re just like them.
Once you were undressed, he wrapped you in the blankets and set you near the fire before he found an old pot in the kitchen. He went outside and filled it with snow before bringing it inside and setting it over the fire, melting it and warming the water. He cleaned you as best he could and bandaged your shoulder before tending to the horses and hoping that you’d feel warm when he came back inside. But you were still cold, your breaths still shallow, your limbs still limp, your head still lolling lifelessly to the side. 
“No, no, come on, Baby,” his hands ranged over you, trying to see if there was something that he missed. “You can’t die on me out here, not like this, come on…” 
He stripped off his coat and shirt and cast them aside before lying beside you, turning you so your front was pressed against his, your skin cold and clammy on his. He pulled a blanket over the two of you and held you close and hoped that you’d forgive him for this, too. Christ, he needed you to forgive him for all of it. 
He held you until morning and the sun was high and the fire was low, your breath warm and wet and steady against his chest. You were warmer now, your body curving into his instead of listless and empty. But you weren’t waking up. 
“Hey,” he said quietly, pulling a hand out from below the blankets to smooth your hair back. “C’mon, Baby. Time to wake up. Need to get you back to Jackson. Come on now.” 
You didn’t move, your eyelids didn’t even flutter. 
“OK,” he said, more to himself than to you after trying to rouse you for a few minutes. “Let’s see if we can’t get some water in you, see if that helps.” 
Joel built the fire back up and went outside for more snow, checking on the horses again while it melted over the flames. He dressed you in his shirt and sat you up, delicately tipping your head back and trickling the water into your mouth. You instinctively swallowed it, at least. A good sign. Or so he thought, anyway. He didn’t really know. 
He ate what he felt like he could keep down, stomach in too tight of a knot for it to be much at all. He wished he knew what the fuck to do. Was it safe to move you yet? Was it better to stay here with you until your strength was up or better to bring you to Jackson himself and get you to the doctor?
It didn’t help, knowing that you wouldn’t want him with you if you were conscious. It made him question everything. Just a few days ago, back when you trusted him, he could have done this. He would have known that you’d understand, that you’d feel some sense of comfort because he was there for this at all. 
Now, it seemed like everything he did hurt you. You’d left Jackson alone because of him, had broken down because of him. He was trying to help you, protect you, but knew you wouldn’t want his hands on you, wouldn’t trust him to make these choices for you. 
He just didn’t have another option. 
“Tomorrow,” he said as he looked out the window. It was already after noon. Even if you were healthy and able to ride at your normal pace, there was no way you’d be back to town before night fell and there wasn’t much between here and there. There was no guarantee he’d find a place to hole up for the night. “Ride back tomorrow.” 
You were still pale and washed out. He gave you more water and arranged you in front of the fire again, pained little groans coming from you as he did. 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart,” he said quietly, curling around you again. You unconsciously pressed yourself against him, your face in his chest, and breathed deep. “Sorry I keep… I just keep hurtin’ you and I’m not trying to I just… I never wanted to hurt you. Never.” 
He just held you and let his mind drift. He tried not think about what would happen if he’d chosen wrong. How he’d find a way to live with that failure, too. Instead, he thought of you whole and happy and safe back in Jackson. Playing guitar on his front porch, bouncing William on your leg in the mess hall, cracking a joke with his brother on patrol, teaching Ellie about riding at the stables. He wondered if he could crawl inside a memory like that if he tried hard enough. He’d shoved memories of Sarah away so quickly and fully as soon as she was gone, he hadn’t even tried then. He knew better now. 
Even if he couldn’t really live inside a moment like that, he wondered if he could surround himself in it enough that everything else fell away. In the end, did it really matter? If he drove himself mad with longing but he was so mad that he had what he wanted, did it make a difference? 
He wasn’t sure.
Your voice was so soft that, for a moment, he thought he imagined it. But your hand moved to his side, fingers sinking into his skin. 
He heard you that time. He pulled back from you enough to see your face. Your eyes were still closed, your face drawn into a tight grimace. But you still seemed out of it. 
“You’re OK,” he said gently, brushing your hair back. But he realized, when his hand touched your forehead, that you were warm. More than warm, you were hot to the touch. He hadn’t noticed it in your body, writing off the heat as a result of the two of you wrapped up together near a fire. But your head hadn’t been under blankets or against him and you were burning up. “Fuck, hang on Baby…” 
“Hurts,” you mumbled, eyes still closed but you tried weakly to pull yourself back against him. 
“What hurts?” He asked, trying to keep his voice calm. What if he’d missed something? What if you were dying here, in his arms, because he’d failed? What if he’d have to hold your body, too? “Can you tell me what hurts?” 
You just groaned a little and tried to burrow closer to him. 
“Hey,” he delicately pulled you back again, the pained look on your face sharper. “Need you to tell me what hurts, OK?” Your frown deepened. He sighed and brushed his thumb over your shoulder, making you whimper. “That what hurts?” 
You just nodded and he pulled the arm that you’d been using as a pillow out from below you earning him another little groan as he nudged you delicately onto your back. He carefully unwound the bandage on your shoulder until the wound was exposed and winced at the sight of it. The skin around it was angry and inflamed, the injury itself swollen and oozing. 
“Fuck,” he swore, glancing up at the window. It was dark. Moving you like this, in a place he didn’t know when he couldn’t see shit, wasn’t safe. “Alright… In the morning. Just… just keep hanging in there, we’re headin’ back in the morning…” 
“Don’t leave me,” you opened your eyes, squinting against the firelight, and reached the hand from your uninjured side out for him. He took it, squeezed it. “Please…” 
“Not…” his voice cracked a little. “Not leaving you. Never leaving you.” 
You nodded ever so slightly and went limp again, leaving him clutching your wrist like a talisman, counting the rhythm of your pulse. It was steady.
Joel didn’t sleep. He kept almost obsessive watch over you, over the rise and fall of your chest, over the temperature of your skin, over the pained expressions that came and went from your features. You didn’t open your eyes again. 
When he couldn’t take it anymore, he roused the horses and got packed to go, the sun not yet rising on the edge of the sky. He counted himself lucky that you were such a horsewoman that you instinctively latched onto a saddle horn when you were put on a horse, even when you were unconscious. He got on Ares behind you and you gave a pained moan when he tugged you gently back against his body, but you turned your head to bury your face in his neck all the same. 
“Just gotta make it to Jackson,” he said, more for himself than for you. “That’s all. Just make it to Jackson, Baby, please make it to Jackson…” 
He pushed the horses. He could hear you in his head, lecturing him about it, about how he wasn’t listening to what they were telling him but he was having a hard time caring. He could see the gates of Jackson when Ares’ legs gave out, collapsing to the earth. Joel clutched onto you as the two of you fell into the snow, the horse’s heavy breaths almost deafening against the eerie silence of the snow. It took Joel a moment to even hear that your breaths were coming sharp and harsh, your body tense, face drawn. 
“Shit,” Joel swore. “Come on, Baby, we’re almost back, almost made it, you’re so close, you’re gonna be OK…” 
He was trying to pull you from the snow and get you up to carry you inside, his heart beating so hard he could feel it against his ribs, when a hand appeared on his back. 
“Joel,” Tommy said, his brother’s eyes ranging over him as he pulled him back from you. “It’s OK. We’ve got her, you got her here, it’s OK. It’s gonna be OK.” 
Three weeks later 
“I really don’t know that I’m ready for this,” Olivia frowned as you guided one of the fillies, Splendor, into the pen. She tossed her head and raised her feet high, impatient and eager. 
“Can’t just be me who knows how to break horses,” you said. “Besides, nothing too dangerous yet, just pressure and release exercises. It’s going to be easier with her than it was with the ferals, she’s been around people her whole life. Just need to get her comfortable with touch, pressure…” 
“Right,” Olivia nodded. “I remember the steps, I think.” 
“Good,” you said. “Can’t just assume I’m always gonna be here, you’ve gotta know this, too.” 
You stepped back and watched Olivia start to work with Splendor, catching sight of Ellie in the doorway to the stable. You gave her a smile but she just glared at you. 
You frowned for a moment. 
“You alright for now?” You asked Olivia. She just nodded, not taking her eyes off the horse. “Holler if you need, I’ll be right back…” 
You shoved your hands in the pockets of your new coat - one that actually fit you - and made your way over to Ellie, who was still glaring at you. 
“What’s up, Kid?” You asked. 
“You’re leaving,” she said. She didn’t say it like a question. 
She was right. 
You sighed. 
“I can’t believe…” She shook her head. “You know what? Fuck you.” 
She stomped off, sketch pad tucked under her arm. 
“Ellie!” You called after her. She ignored you. You looked back into the pen for a moment, Olivia looking like she had things with Splendor under control just fine, before jogging to catch up with her. “Ellie…” 
“Fuck you,” she said again, not stopping or slowing down. 
“Kid,” you said, trying to keep your voice gentle. “Things are…”
She stopped in Joel’s yard, turning to face you, her eyes narrowed. 
“If we really don’t mean anything to you, just say that,” she snapped. 
“No,” you shook your head. “No, Ellie, of course you mean something to me, you mean…” 
“Got a fucking funny way of showing it!” She was almost yelling now. “Were you even gonna tell me? Or were you just going to take off in the middle of the night again and act like we wouldn’t fucking notice?” 
That stung. You hadn’t meant to make Ellie feel abandoned when you’d left before, when you’d gone to look for… You just hadn’t been able to think about anything else enough to do something like stop and tell her. Things had been tense between the two of you since you got home. You’d thought it had just been because things had fractured between you and Joel but it seemed like there was more to it than that. 
“Of course I was going to tell you,” you said gently. “You mean the world to me and…” 
“Yeah,” she scoffed. “Apparently not enough for you to stay.” 
You sighed. 
“That doesn’t have anything to do with it…” 
“The fuck it doesn’t!” She snapped. “What, you think I have just… a ton of friends or something? You think I have shit like parents and family? Because I don’t. Until Joel, everyone I ever cared about either left me or died and now you’re doing it to and just fuck you, Bambi.” 
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. You wanted to reach for her but you were worried that would do more harm than good. “I really am and it doesn’t have anything to do with you and…”
“You know, I never had a mom,” she cut you off, shaking her head, not looking directly at you. “Even when I was really little, like a baby and shit. I went straight to the fucking orphanage. And maybe it’s dumb since I’m an adult now but I thought…” 
“Baby Girl,” Joel’s voice appeared behind you, making you jump, the fear of it almost drowning out the ache in you as you thought about Ellie growing up alone. “Why don’t you go inside?” 
“She’s leaving, Joel,” she snapped. “Just gonna fucking leave us here like we’re nothing and…” 
“Inside,” he said again, voice gentle. 
“Please, Kiddo,” he said. 
She glared at you again before stomping off to the house, slamming the screen door behind her. You turned slowly to face Joel, your heart pounding as you did. 
He looked the same. Almost the same. His eyes were different, tinged with sadness and regret, and he looked exhausted. Like he hadn’t slept well in a long time. 
You hadn’t seen him since you’d woken up at the clinic weeks earlier. 
It was disorienting. You didn’t remember how you’d gotten there, what had happened after you set down Lacy. All you knew is that you hadn’t found your daughter and that your whole reality seemed to contract to a fine, painful point after that. 
“There you are,” Dr. Palmer smiled at you as you came to. “Welcome back to the land of the living! You were out for about two days after you got back, came down with a nasty infection after a stab wound to the shoulder…” 
“How…” your throat was oddly scratchy. 
“Joel got you back,” she said kindly. “He’s been waiting for you to wake up…” 
Your heart picked up. Joel. Your Joel. The one who told you he was a raider once, that he was just like the men who had hurt you, who had taken you from your child, who said they’d killed her. Joel, the person you’d come to trust more than anyone else, the man you loved more than anything and he was like them. 
“Honey?” The doctor said. You jumped a little and looked at her. “Want to see him? He’s been awful worried about you.” 
You thought for a moment. Did you want to see him? You weren’t sure you could handle it, looking at him and thinking of those men, their hands on you, the way they hurt you. 
But could you not see him? He was the only one here with answers. 
“Can I?” You asked, fingers tightening in your blankets. 
“Course,” she smiled. “He’s been here since he brought you back, he just came and got me when it looked like you were waking up. He insisted on waiting out there. I’ll get him…” 
You tried to keep yourself from panicking, gathering the blankets around yourself as she brought in Joel. 
He looked tired then, too. His hands were in his pockets and he clothes were dirty and he was watching you, cautiously, as the doctor went over something that you couldn’t actually hear. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” she smiled again and closed the door behind her. 
You instinctively shrank back from Joel and a pained look flitted across his face before he tightened his jaw. 
“I’m stayin’ over here,” he said, indicating the other half of the room. “Don’t… don’t be afraid of me. Please. I’m not gonna touch you, OK?” 
You watched him for a moment, not sure if you trusted him. 
But he was Joel. 
He lowered himself slowly onto the bed across from you, his eyes never leaving yours as he moved. The two of you were quiet for a moment, so quiet you wondered if he could hear how much your heart was pounding.
“Glad to see that you’re awake,” he said eventually. “Been worried…” 
“You brought me back,” you said more than asked. 
He answered anyway. 
“I did.” 
“Shouldn’t have done that.” 
He watched you for a second. 
“You would have died,” he said quietly. 
You squared your jaw. 
“Good,” you said. “Better that way.” 
“No,” he shook his head. “No, it’s not.” 
“Yes, it is.” 
“You were right,” your voice was thick. “You were right, she’s gone, she…” 
“Did you find her?” He asked softly. You just shook your head. You could feel the tears on your cheeks but couldn’t make yourself wipe them away. “Then I wasn’t right. Not yet. And I’m sorry I said it, I was just… I was so scared of losing you. I was so afraid and I just… I’m not right yet. So tell me about her.” 
“What?” You managed. 
“Your daughter,” he said. His eyes looked wet, too. “Tell me about her.” 
You watched him for a moment. Even after everything Joel had told you, everything you knew he was, all you could think about was every time you’d wanted to tell him about her. When he’d told you about Sarah, when you were teaching Ellie how to ride, when you held William for the first time. Everything you’d forced deep into yourself for fear of it shattering you if you even thought it let alone spoke it out loud. 
“Her name is Savannah,” you said quietly. “But I call her Savvy. I didn’t pick her full name, her birth mom did. She gave her to me when she was nine months old. She would be 14 now but she’ll be 15 on July 20…” 
Once you started talking about her, you couldn’t stop, the words falling from you before you could even think about it. You told him how she took to the life the two of you led like a fish to water, she was such a natural at trapping and riding. You told him how she liked to read to her horse, how her hair curled in a different direction at her temples, how your dogs liked her better than you.
You only stopped once you were too tired to go on, body and mind too fragile to keep delving into this dangerous ground. Joel’s hands were clenched tightly on his lap but his eyes were sad and gentle. 
“Sounds like she’s smart,” he said after you were quiet for a moment. “Skilled. She could be out there. She could. You gotta keep going, Bambi. You can’t give up. I know… I know what it feels like but you can’t.”
You looked away from him, a hollow ache in your chest. Part of you wanted so badly to just collapse against him, to feel his arms go around you and hold you together. 
But the rest of you was all but screaming at you to run. He was like them, you couldn’t trust him, he’d lied to you, made you trust him, made you love him. 
“Why did you do it?” You asked, looking back at him. He frowned, confused. You kept going. “Why did you lie to me? Make me think I could trust you? Make me fall for you? Was that… was that part of it for you? Did you like that you could make me feel something for you now when I wouldn’t have before? Or was it just so you could fuck me and make me ask for it instead of taking it?” 
“No,” he said softly. He looked pained, his eyes wet. “No, it was never that, I… I ain’t proud of what I did then. I did it to keep me n’Tommy alive but that’s not an excuse. But I never - never - touched a woman who didn’t want me to. Even then. I’d never do that. I… I wasn’t tryin’ to lie to you, Sweetheart, you have to know that. Please, Baby. Please. Trust me.” 
It was taking everything you had in you to not run from him, not try to force him to leave. 
“I don’t know that I can.” 
You hadn’t seen him since that day. The day you went home from the clinic, you gathered up everything Joel had ever given you - every shirt, the carving, the guitar, the violin - and left it on his porch. The instruments were back on your porch only a few hours later. It didn’t matter. It’s not like you were going to play anything. You spent the next week hardly moving from your bed, the pain of losing your daughter heavy and sharp inside you. 
You’d spent so much time avoiding him, not wanting to try to survive looking at him, not when your mind had traded the faces of the men who wouldn’t touch you with Mitchum with Joel’s in your sleep. Men who thought they were better somehow because they didn’t partake, they just watched you beg and plead and left you to die there. 
“She right?” Joel asked softly. He looked like he was in pain. It seemed like the only times you saw him anymore he was in pain. “You leaving?” 
“I can’t stay here,” you said. “I can’t stay where you are, it’s…” 
“I’ll go,” he said quickly. “I’ll be the one to leave, please don’t go, please. It’s not safe out there and it’s… it’s my fault, I’ll go. Just give me a few days and…” 
“Not going to let you leave your daughter, Joel,” you said quietly. “Your whole family is here, you can’t go. I’ll go.” 
“No,” he said, voice firm now. “You’ll get yourself killed out there…” 
“Not like I’ve got much to live for.” 
“Find somethin’,” he cut you off. “You’ve got Ellie…” 
“She needs you a whole lot more than she needs me,” you replied. 
“Do it for Savvy,” he ignored you. 
“We can search for her,” he kept going. But he had your full attention now. “Been talkin’ to Maria… I know you don’t want anything to do with me right now but I’ll keep you safe, help you look. They can let us go for a week or two, once it gets more into spring and we know the snow is done. We can take whatever supplies we need, we can search. Really search. Please. Stay, stay for her. I’ll keep away from you until then, won’t even have to look at me, promise you won’t. Just… just please. Please don’t go. Please.” 
You watched him for a moment. You’d never really had a chance to search for Savvy, not when you didn’t have raiders on your tail. You weren’t sure if you believed that she was alive. But you couldn’t bring yourself to consider the alternative, either. 
“You’ll help me look for her?” You asked. 
“Yes,” he said quickly, nodding. “We’ll look. Please. Stay for her.” 
Your stomach knotted and your chest got tight just being near him. How were you supposed to survive a search with him? 
But you had to try. For Savvy, you’d try anything. 
“OK,” you said. “I’ll stay.” 
Next Chapter
A/N: Yup, that's right. Joel and Bambi are going to go looking for Savvy.
Thank you so much for reading, everyone!! It means so much to me that you're here. I know this is a tough arc but I think it's a necessary one for these characters and I think a lot is going to come from it.
Thank you thank you thank you! Love you all!
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Some of Them Want to be Used (18+)
Hyena!Danny AU Masterpost
tw: explicit sexual content, BDSM, gags, gangbang
I don't feel like editing this so I'm posting it on here a day before AO3, if you see any mistakes let me know.
One thing that Jason learned very quickly about Danny was that he liked to be used. More then that he felt like he needed to be used. He didn't trust himself and needed to be bound like a weighted blanket, he needed to be held back, held close, held down, until he couldn't think for himself anymore and he could relax into the hands around his throat holding him together and keeping him from shattering.
Jason held him plenty of course but Danny sheepishly admitted he wanted more. He didn't want anyone else to control him, Jason was the only one he trusted with that, but with Jason's human limits Danny was sometimes still left with a mounting itch under his skin to be Used. Especially now that Jason had a slightly better grip on his temper and wasn't being truly violent with Danny anymore. Even if they had both agreed that was a good thing for their relationship it left Danny with energy with nowhere to go.
So they had decided to 'share' with Jason directing the scene and getting involved when he wanted to and Danny getting fucked till he was truly used up. He would be bound and gagged with a ring gag attached to a half mask so they could do this as Hood and Hyena. Since he wouldn't be able to speak Danny would keep hold of a panic button and press it if he needed things to stop.
Now they just needed some willing participants and those were not in short supply. Jason had heard plenty of comments about his boyfriend's body that made him want to shoot someone, and Danny had been propositioned by a few people stupid enough to think they could tempt him away from Red Hood and gain power, or just humiliate him by making him a cuck or something. So willing wasn't actually the problem, it was willing, PLUS loyal, submissive, or cowardly enough that they wouldn't try to use this as some sort of stupid power play.
Danny left figuring that out to Jason because he trusted him and didn't really care about much else, with the stipulation that none be over 40 or bigger then Jason, which was easy enough. Jason had files on all his people and ruled out anyone married as well, they were no fucking home-wreckers! He decided this was going to be a reward for a few loyal and hard working folks, that way if they wanted to talk about it a little, or strive to 'earn' the privilege again it would benefit him and Danny. Instead of having to swear them to secrecy and worry about then getting drunk and blabbing, making Red Hood seem weak.
So Jason approached a few of his men and asked them if they thought Hyena was hot, and if they wanted a chance with him. The few who weren't too scared to say yes, were offered the chance. Then the fewer still who didn't seem to be agreeing because they were too scared to say no, were told where to meet them, and to bring their own condoms. There were three, Jason knew Danny could handle more but they'd decided to start with two or three and Jason would join in if he felt like Danny could handle it.
Jason and Danny had chosen the least favourite of their safe houses for this, in a nearly abandoned building with no direct neighbors so they wouldn't mind the noise. They stocked water bottles and lay down a couple mattresses on the floor so that it wouldn't be too hard on anyone's knees. They also made sure that there was a good selection of fun toys available, vibrators, nipple clamps, and one of their most basic paddles. Danny had decided he didn’t trust these people to really hurt him so if things looked like they were going overboard Jason would step in. It had been cute watching Danny blush up a storm as he chose the things he wanted to be used on him tonight.
Danny was nervous, Jason was too if he was honest but he didn't show it, he had to maintain control of the situation for Danny's sake. He knew this was going to go fine, really, no one was going to get hurt and if anyone did it would be his goons. Danny could break out of any human restraint they put on him if he really needed to, pretty easily too given that he could just phase out of them. But it was new to them, and… vulnerable, of course they were nervous. 
Once everything was set up Jason kissed Danny, and he submitted easily, letting Jason push him down to the mattress. He wrapped his arms around Jason and closed his eyes, purring softly as he relaxed into the kiss. Jason growled softly and grabbed Danny’s hands, lacing their fingers together at the same time that he pinned them to the bed, startling a soft moan from him. He didn’t struggle or break away from the kiss, and Jason only ended it when felt the slight trembling in Danny’s hands subside. 
His eyes were half lidded and slightly glassy when he opened them again, looking up at Jason with his spit slick lips pink and softly parted. Jason couldn’t resist nipping Danny’s lower lip and licking up the small drop of blood that spilled before the wound closed again. Danny gasped and arched but Jason pulled back before Danny could grind against him.
“Good boy,” Jason praised breathlessly and Danny whined softly, soaking up the praise like the parched earth. Jason chuckled softly and quickly undressed his boyfriend who was already putty in his hands. 
He obediently followed Jason’s lead as he rolled Danny over and guided his hands behind his back, allowing him to buckle Danny’s arms together with soft but sturdy leather cuffs. The collar was next, this time with a lock Jason had the key for so that their guests couldn’t take it off, the tag and the colours marked Danny as Red Hood’s without any doubt. Jason clipped a leash to it and pulled Danny up to his knees with a choked sound and then a moan when he could get it out passed the choking leather. Jason kissed Danny one more time before sliding two fingers into his mouth, pushing his mouth open almost too far so Jason could slide the ring gang into it, covering the lower half of Danny’s face with the muzzle which he locked as well. They wouldn’t want anyone getting any ideas and leaving Hyena bare faced. 
Jason slid his hand down between Danny’s legs, wrapping his gloved hand around Danny’s half hard cock, stroking slowly. Danny whined and Jason watched as Danny’s tongue worked, trying to help him swallow without being able to close his mouth. Jason gave it maybe two minutes before Danny started drooling. Danny’s blue-green eyes were fixed on Jason’s face as Jason worked him over, getting him completely hard before taking off his other glove with his teeth (a maneuver that had Danny whining hotly) and dipped his fingers in a pot of lube. He pushed two fingers into Danny without hesitation, working him open with ease of practice, making sure he was good and ready for their guests.
For the final touches Jason pushed a decently sized tail plug into Danny’s ass making him keen and arch. That would hold him open, with the bonus of looking absolutely adorable with that fluffy brown tail, a bit reminiscent of a hyena's of course. And a cock ring which Jason clasped around Danny’s dick making him whine and squirm. They had decided Jason would be the one to decide when Danny was allowed to cum, and Danny loved that but it didn’t make it comfortable at the moment. 
“You’re alright Moonlight,” Jason promised, kissing Danny’s forehead and running his fingers through Danny’s hair one more time before pulling back. He grabbed the panic button and pressed it into one of Danny’s hands. “Don’t drop it.”
He took off his shirt before he put on his helmet since it would be a pain in the ass to get on over the bulky mask. He flopped down into an armchair they’d set up just at the edge of the little mattress pile where he could observe the proceedings. He smiled a little when Danny shuffled over, kneeling with his head resting against Jason’s thigh, just seeking comfort and contact while they waited. Jason was more then willing to provide, especially when the needy little whimpers Danny couldn’t quite suppress were so fucking delicious~
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the cameras he had set up by the door so he could see who it was that entered. He didn’t feel like getting out of his chair to let them in, so when people knocked, as long as they were the right people, he’d just call for them to come in. And if anyone who wasn’t supposed to tried to enter, well, Jason had his guns on him, holstered but visible and ready in case he needed them. Or as a display of power and dominance if he didn’t.
He combed his fingers through Danny’s hair as they waited. “Oh, there they are,” He said when he saw the group awkwardly shuffle in. The first two, Justin and Marcus, waited in the lobby for the third Trevor and when he came rushing in they came up together.
The knock on the door was so timid Jason had to bite back a laugh. “Come in,” he called, his voice distorted through the modulator. They opened the door hesitantly and filed in, eyes wide as they glanced back and forth between Hyena and hood, expressions flickering back and forth between fear and desire. Jason was pleased to see that desire wasn’t just reserved for Danny and the fear wasn’t just reserved to him. 
Danny glanced over his shoulder at their guests, his eyes half lidded and dark with desire. He didn’t look all that long though before he returned to nuzzling against Jason’s thigh. 
“Well boys, he’s all ready for you,” Jason chuckled, loosening his grip on Danny’s leash and gently nudging him away from Jason’s leg. 
Danny whined dramatically and flopped back onto the mattresses, which worked well, it showed off the gag and the way his hands were tied made his back arch beautifully. All eyes in the room were now on Danny and he was watching the three men from where he was laying with ambiguous hunger. Sometimes even Jason wasn’t sure if he was entirely safe when Danny looked at him like that, first time experiencing it must be something.
“Don’t be scared, he agreed to this, and I’ve got him,” Jason chuckled, giving the leash a little yank which made Danny moan just a little. “Leave or get on with it,” Jason commanded, startling them into motion. No one left, all three men quickly started to undress and Danny watched them letting out a soft pleased sound and stretching languidly, his trapped cock twitching slightly against his stomach. All three were already hard which made Jason chuckle, the sound coming out somewhat mocking through the helmet’s modulator.
“Feel free to use any of those,” Jason said, gesturing at the things they’d set out. “Don’t forget the condoms, don’t leave any marks on him and if he drops the panic button pause and give it back to him,” Jason explained the rules easily. Danny was over letting other people see his scars, especially since the Y on his chest matched Jason’s own, but he still wasn’t okay with others knowing he was a meta if they could avoid it. If they didn’t leave any marks they couldn’t notice how quickly the marks healed. 
“Yes Boss,” They said shakily. Jason grinned under his mask, this was going to be fun.
Things were just a little slow to get going, but Jason started to direct things dictating that Justin would take Hyena’s ass first and Marcus his mouth. Joking the Trevor would have to wait unless he felt like freeing Hyena's hands, he’d promised to mind his claws if you trusted that~
As soon as pleasure took over Jason could sit back and enjoy the show. Justin grabbed Danny’s hips, his broad and calloused hands were a bit clumsier than Jason’s on Danny’s slim waist as he rolled him over and pulled him up to his knees. Danny whined and squirmed, struggling to trust his weight to a stranger but once Justin had a firm grip on Danny’s bound arms, holding him up but keeping him bent over he accepted it, letting his head hang down. Jason could see his chest rising and falling more quickly as he pushed back against their guest’s hard cock, feeling the length of him for the first time, Danny moaned softly.
Marcus moved around in front of Danny, cupping his jaw and tilting his head up so his throat was fully extended, blue green eyes locked on Marcus’ face. Danny struggled to swallow again, some saliva dripping down his chin. He took a deep breath and then stuck his tongue out slightly in invitation. 
Justin pulled the tail plug out of Danny’s ass making him arch and moan. That clear sound of pleasure seemed to be the final straw snapping everyone into motion and Marcus thrust into Danny almost at the same time. Danny’s startled sound from having his ass penetrated was choked off by the dick sliding into his throat. Jason grinned as he saw Danny’s eyes roll back just a little. 
Jason leaned back in his chair, ignoring the way his cock throbbed in his pants as he watched Danny squirm like a bitch between their guests. Jason knew the helplessness was an act but it still made his fucking mouth water. This was going to be a test of his patience, but one he absolutely relished as he enjoyed watching Danny get absolutely ravished.
Danny’s dick was already flushed a rather cute pink around the cock ring as he whined and moaned, pearlescent little drops of precum gathering on the tip as he let out a reedy little whine almost instantly cut off by another thrust. Justin and Marcus well both moaning and grunting as well, inelegant and unintentional sounds of pleasure spilling from them. 
“He feel that good boys?” Jason laughed.
“Shit he feels amazing, so fucking tight!” Justin gasped.
“He’s so good with his tongue, I’m-” And Marcus’ words cut off in a moan as he came, the condom catching his seed before he pulled out. Danny made a bereft little sound at the loss as Marcus moved away and grabbed one of the provided water bottles and chugged half of it.
“Aww don’t be sad Cub, I know Trevor is eagerly waiting his turn,” Jason crooned, nodding to the third man who nodded back stiltedly as he rolled a condom down over his dick. Danny’s glazed eyes took a moment to focus on the person in front of him as Justin continued fucking his ass with increasing desperation making Danny moan and whine softly through the gag. He looked up at Trevor and stuck his tongue out a little, inviting the new, smaller dick into his mouth. Trevor took the invitation and thrust into Danny’s mouth, muffling his moans again.
Justin froze and shuddered as he came and Danny let out a dissatisfied whine that made Jason laugh. His amusement only growing when he saw the flush of shame on Justin’s face, whether it was from cumming so quickly or the sudden return of awareness of what they were doing Jason didn’t know or care as long as he didn’t bolt or some shit.
Justin pulled out of Danny with a little hiss, letting Danny’s knees buckle and helping lower him down to kneeling before getting up and carefully took off the condom, tying it off and throwing it out. Justin wasn’t ready to go again yet so Danny was left empty, and clearly dissatisfied with this, whining and squirming, bucking his hips in aborted, needy little motions as he sought some stimulation.
“Don’t leave him empty,” Jason tutted at their guests. “That’s what we set the toys out for.”
“Oh!” Trevor sounded, his eyes lighting up at the reminder and he grabbed one of the larger dildos, going to kneel behind Danny who lifted his hips and arched his back invitingly. He moaned loudly as Trevor pushed the toy in, Danny’s thighs trembled as his hips twitched and he pushed back against the toy, fucking himself on it with surprising strength and control. 
Marcus grabbed the nipple clamps as well, it seemed whatever embarrassment he was feeling before wasn’t going to stop him from enjoying this night to the fullest. Jason was glad, he was enjoying the show~ He wrapped Danny’s leash around his wrist and unzipped his pants, starting to lazily stroke his hard cock for some relief as he leaned back in his armchair and waited for their guests to tire themselves out.
They each fucked him twice more while Danny squirmed and bucked between them. He lasted a surprisingly long time before his knees gave out on him and the other men had to follow him down to the mattress, laying him out on his back between them with his bound arms trapped behind his back. Jason called a pause to make sure that Danny still had the panic button and would be able to press it easily in this new position before sitting back and allowing them to continue. 
The second time Jason decided to let Danny cum, once he had made all their guests cum first of course~ That was just the proper thing to do as a good host! Danny nearly screamed with the pleasure of it when the ring was released, hands all over his body urging him through the high of pleasure. The scream turned into whines of overstimulated pain as no one eased up on him. Not that Danny actually minded, since he hadn’t pressed the panic button and he was still bucking his hips back against the cock in his ass in a way that made Jason swallow back drool. 
He was glad for his helmet throughout all of this because there was no way that he would have been able to control his expression. With his face covered he managed to look pretty damn calm and controlled throughout this little sex party. He stroked his hard dick slowly off and on, practically edging himself till his balls were aching, the soft moans he couldn’t quite repress coming out odd and garbled through his voice modulator. 
Finally Trevor came on Danny’s face, a frankly pathetic amount of seed after already having cum twice, and no one else seemed inclined to jump right back in. Justin was helping hold Danny down but his dick was still distinctly soft, and Marcus was just watching on in something like awe. 
“Alright, pass him over,” Jason laughed, holding out his arms for Danny, who was immediately almost poured into his lap by an exhausted Justin.
Danny was too tired and out of it to focus on being human, which was something they hadn’t really considered, but as he purred against Jason’s chest he was having a hard time worrying about it. “There’s my good boy,” Jason murmured, cupping the back of Danny’s neck, who immediately nuzzled against his throat and started giving little kitten licks since he couldn’t kiss with the ring gag in. 
“That’s right Cub,” Jason murmured, gripping Danny’s thighs, letting him lean heavily against Jason’s chest as he lifted Danny up and lined him up carefully. As he lowered Danny down his own soft moan was swallowed by Danny’s delighted keening as Jason’s cock slid easily into Danny’s already well used ass.
Jason reached around Danny and finally unbuckled his hands, not caring when Danny immediately dropped the panic button in favour of wrapping trembling arms around Jason’s shoulders. He clung with desperation devoid of strength, tired and used up and still wanting more. Perfect. 
Jason took control, lifting him up and letting him sing back down drawing breathless little keens and whines from Danny, shaking with the ever present purr whenever he was snug in Jason’s arms. Sweat and pre-cum dripped down from Danny onto Jason’s lap, leaving a subtle damp patch on his pants he could not have given less of a shit about. All he cared about in that moment was Danny’s body, his hole was unusually warm after being fucked so many times, and he was clearly making a conscious effort to tighten himself up so he could still please Jason. It was working.
Jason forced himself to go slow, enjoy his own pleasure and Danny’s desperate and exhausted little twitches, and the three sets of eyes still watching them. Jason had always been a theatrical bastard and there was something about putting on a show like this that he really enjoyed. “You want to cum baby?” Jason asked breathlessly and Danny nodded against his neck, making a few garbled sounds that were probably supposed to be pleas.
Jason cackled and reached down between them, slowly starting to stroke Danny’s overly warm cock making him whine. “I’m sorry cub, I didn’t quite catch that~” He teased, the heartbroken little sound Danny made sending a pleasant shiver up his spine and made his dick twitch.
“Alright Baby,” Jason finally relented, and when he released the ring Danny was cumming before the thing even hit the ground, arching his back and letting out a cry that had Jason’s ears ringing. He tightened like a vice around Jason’s cock and he gave a strangled curse as he came as well, pushing Danny down and holding him there as he whimpered and gasped, clinging to Jason and hiding against his neck as he was finally filled properly. 
He went limp in Jason’s arms before he was even finished cumming and Jason laughed softly when he realized Danny had passed out in his arms. Well, he’d gotten his wish to be all used up hadn’t he~ 
“Alright, you three can clean all this up. I’m going to take care of him. Leave when you’re done,” He directed his hench-people as he got up, Danny cradled in his arms.
“Yes Boss,” They chorused as Jason carried Danny over to the bathroom, locking the door behind him so they wouldn't be spied on as Jason stripped them of their personas and helped coax Danny back into himself.
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