#sleep token ii fanfiction
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 3 months
I’ve never done a request, and obviously you can say no. But I’d love to hear what you think the sleep tokens would be like with a gf/wife/whatever who had a baby and are not comfortable with the way their body has changed??
I’m 9 months post partum and I’m having a hard time with this, so, idk, you’re so good at writing.
Thank you ♥️♥️
Be kind to yourself mama, you grew a whole new life. ✨🤍
Let’s face it, you were a muse to him before your pregnancy but the thought of you growing his baby alerted his brain chemistry. He wanted to be a part of everything. The smallest of things like your back or side itching was interesting to him. So he weathered the storm in your head for you. Jumping at any given moment to remind you just how beautiful you were.
That didn’t change after you delivered the baby. Hair tangled and unwashed for days? Still pretty to him. He would just offer to take your bundle of joy and let you have your time. Or if you need help he’s settling the little one and he’s right there in the shower with you. Sitting you down on a little stool and washing your hair for you. Shirt covered in spit-up and breast milk stains? He couldn’t care less you are still stunning to him.
So he sees it. The glazeqd look in your eyes as you feed your baby. Head thrown over the back of the sofa. Vess settles beside you. Handing you an iced water bottle. Waving a little waffle bar in front of you. One that you just look at before shaking your head. That’s enough to make him frown.
“Do you want a different snack?”, he glances over to the kitchen, “Frozen yogurt bites? Nutella on toast? Crisps?”. You shake your head at it all. “Okay… do you want me to cook you something. We have that brownie mix or I can make you pancakes?”, and you know he would because there wasn’t a craving that went unsatisfied during your pregnancy.
“An apple of carrots might just do”, you shrug. Vessel tilts his head to the side, “You crave sugar when you breastfeed. Apples are tart, well the ones we have are. I could run to the…”, you reach out pressing your hand onto his thigh. “There’s no need, we’ll just eat dinner later on”, you try to smile at him but you can practically see the gears turning in his head. He doesn’t push but his eyes are demanding answers.
“It’s time I seriously start thinking about losing the baby chub I still have”, the words feel sour on your tongue, and from the way Vessel frowns you can tell that it tastes just as sour to him. “Your body grew our child”, he shakes his head. “Yeah, but I want to fit into my jeans again”, you scoff, not sure why you were biting back at him. Vessel stands up, reaching for your hand, “Can you stand up real quick”, and it’s not a question. His arms are steadying you as you both move. The baby lets out an annoyed grunt from all the commotion. One that Vessel is quick to soothe with a couple of kisses to their head.
And then he’s careful dragging you towards the bedroom. Towards your biggest enemy. The full wall mirror. But he doesn’t let you halt as he pulls you right in front of it. Standing protectively behind you. Leaning in to kiss the side of your head, your shoulder.
“I’m starting to think that we see very different things when we look in the mirror”, he says. “Bet, you are a sex god and I am just…”, you start only to be cut off by Vess, “I dare you to finish that sentence”. And there’s an edge to his voice now. The protector in full force. You feel your eyes sting slightly. “You are talking shit about a body that grew our baby”, he continues, hands reaching for your sides as he pulls you against him. “You grew eyelashes, little toes, blue eyes here”, his fingers snake beneath the stained shirt, gliding effectively over your skin. “But I was pretty before this”, you hiccup slightly, watching him watch you in the mirror. “You were”, he admits before adding, “You’re gorgeous now”. Your heart skips a beat and you let a sob slip past your lips. Leaning your head back against his chest. Vessel is right there ready to kiss each tear away. Ready to breathe you in. Until you believe in it too.
He had just come home after rehearsals. Arms full of shit he randomly bought at a grocery store cause Thursday was always movie night. He halts listening for the noises around the apartment. The bub should be having an evening nap now and at times it means you’re also napping so he doesn’t want to disturb either one of you. It’s the light sniffing that makes his senses perk up almost immediately. So iii is kicking off his shoes in a hurry as he moves towards the sound.
He finds you in the laundry room. Hands clenching onto a white dress he knew you had worn so many times back when you two used to go clubbing still. Your tear-stained cheeks kill him internally. He can handle lots of shit but not you crying. So iii is reaching out to you, making you jump ever so slightly. “Shit, I didn’t hear you”, you breathe out, quickly wiping your damp cheeks. But you know that the damage is done. He saw you. Lying about it would be pointless.
He comes to tower over you, both palms cupping your cheeks as he lifts your face so he can see you better, “Hey, what’s wrong?”, he muses. Blue eyes drowning you in. “Come here look at me”, he urges, reaching down to hold onto your thighs as he lifts you, setting you down on the washing machine. Parting your thighs so he could step between your legs.
You let out a deep sigh, “Just don’t feel like me”, admitting it out loud feeling just painful. “What do you mean by that?”, he has an inkling where this is going but he’s not about to jump to conclusions. Even more so not pointing it out because he doesn’t want to fuel the fire that’s already burning.
“Have you seen my tits my shirt straps are holding on for dear life”, you grunt, with a shake of your head. “Oh I’ve seen them”, iii can’t help but smirk, “wouldn’t mind seeing them more often”, he wiggles his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side so he can lean closer to you.
“iii”, you can’t help a little snort that slips past your lips. “What? I am an honest man”, he puts his palm on his heart before reaching out to squeeze your thighs, “Same goes for your thighs if I could I would be all over you”, he wraps your legs around his torso. You look up at him, “Yeah but I’m… don’t you think that I’m ugly now, not as hot?”, you ask, before chewing on the inside of your cheek. “Not as hot?”, iii raises his eyebrows, “Mama, you are the hottest. Sizzling hot, look”, he presses a finger to the swell of your breast, letting out a hiss before blowing at the tip of his finger as if he had just gotten burnt. You can’t help but let out a laugh as you shake your head, “You’re unbelievable”. A grin spread over his face, “No, you are unbelievable, unbelievably beautiful”, he pointed out, reaching to cup your jaw, “You brought life into this world that’s fucking breathtaking”, he muses against your lips before leaning in to kiss you.
He has the baby sprawled on his forearm. Little koala straddling a tree trunk. He loves it like that. The little kicks growing into sleepy calmness. He’s mixing eggs with a fork with the other hand. Humming a tune beneath his breath, a new melody he’s been working on with the boys.
“I’m not going”, his happy bubble is busted with the sound of your voice as he turns towards you. “What do you mean you’re not going?”, he frowns slightly. Eyes falling over your curves and the summery dress you had on. Maybe not going was a good option. If he got the baby to sleep he would have you all to himself and if he could just yank the skirt part up…
“Look at me”, you huff in frustration making ii blink. “I am looking, I’m looking”, he nods not following your train of thought. “And?”, you say in frustration. He frowns slightly, “And?”, he repeats your question because he’s genuinely not seeing an issue or maybe the dress was new and he should have said something about it. “I look pathetic in this. I can’t go out looking like that”, you pull at the material of your dress before turning to the side, pinching the bride of your nose.
ii bounces the still half asleep baby in his arms, before carefully lowering them into the swing. He doesn’t have to see you. He can feel the tears streaming down your face. Each tear leaving a new crack in his heart. So he’s turning to you, reaching for your hand but you bat his arms away from you. “Nah, I ain’t having any of this”, he muses, stepping in front of you, pulling your hands away from your face, and guiding them over his torso instead.
“Did someone say anything about the way you look?”, he asks, “Cause I am not opposed to shoving drum sticks up someone’s ass”. You just shake your head, “Everything just feels different, I feel like every part of my body is not mine”, you admit, lip wobbling. “You were just pregnant, you’re feeding a child now and your hormones are once again having a field day”, he states firmly, “Why are you taring yourself apart for something so natural and normal?”, “I just want to feel like myself again”, you muttered, resting your head on his chest. “We can go clothes shopping if you hate what you have, clothes are meant to fit you not the other way around. We can go work out together if that would make you feel better and I am not referring to sex, although…”, ii trails off. “ii”, you grunt, making him smirk, “I’m just saying, if you need me home more so you could do more stuff that would make you feel better, you let me know and I will make it happen”, he reaches out, cupping your face. Carefully brush some of your hair away from your face.
Ivy had a feeling that something had been off for some time now. You’ve been pushing his hands away from your body, or simply escaping his embrace. You stopped changing in front of him. Instead opting to take your clothes to the bathroom. But it’s the Sunday morning that does it for him. He had just settled the baby for the morning nap after feeding them the bottle. He hears the shower running and as if on out-pilot, he’s yanking his shirt over his head. Grabbing the baby monitor and walking towards the shared bathroom. He’s tugging at his shorts when his shoulder collides with the door. He frowns, reaching for the handle only to find it locked. A part of him understood your need for alone time but he much rather get told off and be shushed out of the bathroom than be locked out of it.
So he sits on the bed, right in front of the door. Waiting for you to come out. Not angry not frustrated, but feeling the need to finally bring this up. You unlock the door sometime later. Halting mid-step when you see iv sitting there. “I wasn’t expecting you here”, you chuckle slightly. “We always shower together”, he points out. You watch him for a moment. “You locked the doors”, he says softly, “not that it’s a bad thing, you can do that just… I feel like you’ve been avoiding me”. His words make your heart ache.
“And if I’ve done something to upset you, I would love to know 'cause I am too stupid to see that”, he gets up walking closer to you. You let out a deep sigh but don’t push him away this time. Missing his touch just as much. “I’m sorry”, he mumbles, and you shake your head, “You haven’t done anything wrong it’s all on me”, you let your fingers run over his arms as you think over your next words. “I just… I don’t look the same and I… I guess I was hoping I could bounce back and then you wouldn’t have to see me out of shape”. The sentence comes out like one big breath. You watchiv blink slowly. He opens his mouth a couple of times before closing it.
“I’m sorry but that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard”, he shakes his head, “What do you mean bounce back? See what? I’ve seen everything. I put frozen pads in your nickers may I remind you of that, after putting that squirty thing to hose it down”. “It’s a peri bottle, not a hose”, you roll your eyes with a shake of your head. “Doesn’t change the point”, he shrugs.
“I just don’t like how I look and I guess…”, your voice dies down as you bite your lips. “Well, rock into my fucking garden. I’ve done a shit job of reminding you of how beautiful you are to me”, iv wraps an arm over your middle, pulling you close to him. “Should have seen through this. I just thought you needed alone time”. He presses his forehead to yours, “Not running a hate campaign against yourself. We can’t have that, love”. You give him a sad smile, “I’ve missed you”, you mutter. “I’m here and I’m taking over your worshipping”, his hands reach behind your thighs as he pulls you up and into his arms.
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Vessel x ii x you : Drumsticks [kink minific]
Short, kinky, and very spicy.
After misbehaving, ii sets about punishing you with a spare drumstick around. Stumbling onto the scene, Vessel helps. Written in genderless self insert “you” and bratty. Minific. Limited dialogue.
“Am I about to be punished?” You squirm.
He’s riffling around in the background but takes a moment to swat your bare ass in response.
“A single hit? And you call yourself a drummer.”
That gets a laugh, and another spank. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Vessel puts his long fingered hand on your head, softly and lovingly. The motion makes you close your eyes and feel briefly adored.
Another hit comes. Despite the focus on the flesh of your ass, you would bet that the stick-hits are causing welts. You cry out.
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awingedinsect · 5 months
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My my, those eyes like fire,
I’m a winged insect,
You’re a funeral pyre…
To everyone on the reblogs of my “Vessels wingspan” post yesterday, this one’s for you ;)
@leonsleftbicep @polteergeistt @melioradeluxe @hookedhobbies @missilesilo @stellasplendens @long-lost-ghost @moonchild-in-blue
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dy6nsty · 7 months
*slides underneath your door discreetly*
request for sleep token with a uh..*checks notes* another female (reader) in the band? like one who plays an instrument and sometimes does backing vocals? don't feel obligated to do it, luv u dear ♡♡
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Sleep Token x Fem!Band member
ReaderRelationship: Rom [Fem nicknames used!]
He’s content with having both a back up vocalist and guitarist. Now he has two which comes in handy!
Likes to put you in parts where both of your voices mix together. Soft songs or songs that leave more into the metal side its a good mix between the both of you.
Gets a little touchy when singing next to you (If you do get to roam with the microphone like he does)
Loves your voice in general, has a smile on his face when you start singing with him.
Back to the thigh thing. I’m betting money he still grabs your thighs. Sexual or not it’s a satisfying thing to him when he’s singing and you’re strumming the guitar.
Gentle kissing randomly. Motions with his hands for you to come over and starts kissing down until you smack him to stop.
‘helps’ fix ur instrument. But instead he’s just adding a reason to come over to you.
He can fix your guitar.. But most of the time he has a tendency to hold it above your head for a while to see how high you can jump.
Stands next to you while you do your vocal parts, definitely would tease you but doesn’t want you to get distracted. (He already distracted.)
Stole your microphone once. Vessel was pissed since you had to follow late behind him.
Calls you “Pretty girl.” I don’t make rules, it’s just written for me. He finds your voice absolutely gorgeous.
We’ve seen him with IV. Now with you? No gentle kissing, you’re getting aggressive ones. (Who doesn’t tho.)
Goes over your lyrics / parts in rehearsals together or in private to spend time with you.
Stomping sessions feel necessary. He’ll stomp over to you with his guitar and look dumbfounded if you don’t stomp back to him.
Beckons for you to come over so he can kiss you. (This band kisses like every thirty minutes.)
SINGING? Weak in his knees. Bopping his head or singing under his breath with you. “Your voice is really… pretty.” He continues on with many words to describe your voice.
Can’t really go anywhere but his fingers can surely make motions!
Compliments your singing after the show or when you come up to his little area.
Watches you play your instrument or stomp around with IV and III when you play guitar
Waits for you to come over to him but will wave his hands in the air if it takes you a little while. Give him a lil kiss.
EYE CONTACT. He is keeping eye-contact while you play/sing. He has full eyes on you, especially if you have a solo.
Felt to horny in the first version so I tried to clean it up :)
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ghost-in-the-hall · 6 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part VII
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*inhales aggressively* VESSEL CHAPTER!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! Reader has a talk with the boys about what exactly happened with the night's kissing incident, after so much time of him being a bit distant towards reader Vessel decides to let his softer side show, plus more moments with III because I'm in love with him and I can't help myself sorry not sorry hehe I can't wait to know what you all think of this chapter thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!!
WARNINGS: discussion of boundaries, proposals of a polyamorous relationship (I tried my best to make it realistic but I, myself, am not polyamorous), fluffy stuff per usual. NOT PROOFREAD
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Part VI - Part VIII
The sight before you almost made you want to laugh. The four grown men that sat in various seats around your living room almost resembled a group of school kids waiting anxiously outside the principal's office. “I’m sorry.” III was the first of them to speak up.
“No, if anything I should be the one apologizing.” II quickly follows, both of them unable to even look in your direction.
“I’m not upset at either of you, I’m just… confused.” You respond softly.
“It started off as simple crushes; me, IV, III, Ves.” You noticed Vessel’s shoulder tense as he was dragged into this conversation as well. “We all think you’re beautiful-”
“And very sweet.” III adds on. You can’t help the subtle smile that finds its way to your lips at their compliments.
“We could tell things had gotten a little more serious between you and III so we all decided to back off. But, I can’t lie to you,” II chuckled, “I’m a very jealous man. So when someone tries to keep me from what I want I don’t typically respond the best.”
“And I don’t feel right asking you to commit solely to me when you clearly have feelings for II, as well.” III adds his piece. You found it odd, there was no anger in his voice at the thought of you with his friend. “I guess what we’re trying to say is, um…” he trails off, looking to II as he searches for the right words to say.
“How would you feel about dating all of us?” Vessel breaks the thick tension with his blunt question. You felt like all of the air had been punched from your lungs, your heart jumping into your throat as your head snapped in his direction.
“Vessel, you can’t phrase it like that!” IV groans from his spot on your couch, dropping his head into his hand.
“What? She's a big girl, you don't need to beat around the bush.”
“Dating… dating all of you?” You finally mutter after a few moments of shocked silence.
“Obviously only if you're comfortable with that.” III stands from his seat, slowly stepping closer to you. “You don't have to say yes to any of this. It doesn't matter if you want to date only me, or if you would be okay dating all of us. Hell, after dropping this on you, there's a chance you might not want to see any of us ever again.” You didn't miss the nervousness that laced its way into his laughter. III was genuinely scared that this was going to fully push you away. “But, it's about what you want, that's the important part.”
“And you're all okay with this?” You would be lying if you tried to say you didn't find the offer very appealing. Every member of the group that sat before you drew you to them in one way or another, they were definitely an attractive bunch to put it lightly; III with his subtle intensity, who was always making you laugh, II who would turn you into a flustered mess with his sweet words, IV who’s easily excitable nature and blind confidence when it came to complimenting you made your heart thrum in your chest, Vessel who lets his hand linger on your waist as he maneuvers around you doing restock days, who holds your gaze for perhaps a little longer than necessary when wishing you goodbye at night. But, could you really handle four relationships? 
“The way we see it, we’d rather share you with others who we know are going to take good care of you than to be forced to hold our tongues about how we feel about you.” II explains.
“I…” you trail off as you look between the four of them. “I need some time to think.” Your voice shook slightly as you spoke.
“Of course.” Vessel responds. Without another word II, III, and IV stood, quietly said their goodbyes to you and left your apartment. Vessel hung back for a moment, waiting for III to fully shut the door behind him before breathing out a sigh. “I'm sorry that all of this happened the way it did. I kept telling them to wait to bring it up.” His gaze drops to you, who was silently fidgeting with your fingers as you leaned against the wall.
“I can always tell them to back off, love.”
“No, you don't have to do that.” You brush him off. “It's nothing to do with any of you, you're all incredible. It's just- it's me, that's what the problem is.” You tried to force a laugh to prove to Vessel that you were fine, his unchanging expression let you know immediately that he saw right through you. “You're all so wonderful, and the fact that you would be willing to make such a huge compromise.” You stare through the slits of his mask, believing you were meeting his eyes. “What if it's not worth it?”
You didn't have time to register what was happening before Vessel was in front of you, pulling you into a warm embrace.
“I know I might not be as… prominent with my acts of affection as the others.” He pulls back slightly, one large hand coming up to cradle the back of your head as your eyes instinctively rise to look at him. “But, considering II put things out in the open, I need you to know that I care for you viscerally.” The soft growl that found its way into his voice made your cheeks grow warm. “I don't want you to feel pressured into anything you don't want, but I need you to understand that there has not been a single moment since I met you that would make me think any of this wasn't worth it.” You blink slowly as a hand comes to rest on the top of your head, comfortingly patting the spot. “Would it be alright if I came and checked in tomorrow?” You nod, reluctantly letting your hands fall away from their position pressed against his chest as he stepped back, his warmth fading away with it.
“Goodnight, Ves.” Your voice cracked slightly as you tried to keep your overwhelming emotions in check.
“Goodnight love, rest well.”
You watched the second hand on the clock tick, bringing you closer to when Vessel would usually make his nightly supply runs. You hadn’t managed to sleep at all the night prior, tossing and turning as you played through every scenario you could think of as you made your decision. At the sight of the familiar pick up truck rumbling into the lot you felt your heart race. “This is it.” You muttered out loud to the empty store. “No going back now.” He poked his head through the door before fully entering.
“You still open?” He offers you a playful smile.
“No, but for you I'll make an exception.” You giggle in response. He slowly steps inside and approaches the counter.
“How’d thinking on things go?” He rests his elbows on the counter, bringing him closer to face level with you.
You set a hand down on the counter, Vessel cautiously reaching out to take it in his own. He hesitates for a moment, his hand drawing back slightly as if he was preparing to pull away. His fingers were rough against the soft skin of your hand when he finally decided to take his, his thumb running languidly across the peaks and valleys of your knuckles as he waited patiently for your response. “I want to take things slow… but the thought of having all of you to myself is a little too good to pass up.” He breathes out a chuckle, flashing you a sharp smirk that makes your breath catch in your throat.
“Is that so?” He mulls over how to respond to your statement for a moment. “How about I make us dinner and we can sit down and talk about how slow you want to take things, just so we can make sure everyone is on the same page.”
“You want to cook me dinner?” You shoot him a playful smile. “Is it going to be edible?” He bellows out a laugh in response.
“You're funny, you know I've been told I'm a wonderful cook.” He points an accusatory finger at you, standing up to collect what ingredients he needed from around the store. “Just you wait and see, this is going to be the best damn meal you've ever eaten.”
The whole thing was a bit strange in the best way. If he hasn't told you so directly you would've sworn that Vessel thought of you as little more than an acquaintance. But now, you were sitting on your kitchen counter, a glass of white wine swirling around in your hand, rolling your eyes playfully at all of Vessel’s terrible jokes as he made the two of you dinner. He asks you where you keep your plates, you easily reach into the cabinet behind you and produce a pair, holding them out to him with a soft smile. He carefully plates the pasta he made, penne with bacon and spinach and some type of cream sauce he had pulled together with odds and ends from your pantry. “It smells incredible.” He saunters in front of you, trapping you on the counter by placing a hand on either side of your waist.
“And here you were questioning my culinary skills.” He feigns a hurt tone before a soft chuckle rumbles from his chest. “Come on beautiful, let's go eat.” He pulls away from you, your body trailing after his warmth. You pad your way into the living room, Vessel close behind as he carries your plate for you. You sat close together on the couch, angling yourself to better face him. “So, define slow.” He jumps in immediately.
“Let me at least get a couple bites in.” Vessel can't help but smile at your teasing tone. “I just… I don’t know. This is all so different I don't think I can really tell you what going slow even means.”
“Well, I can assure you that all of us care a lot about how you feel during all of this.”
“And I know that.”
“I think you're worried about more than just taking things slow, love. What's on your mind?” The softness to his tone immediately lulled your anxious mind into a sense of safety.
“I'm worried about things developing quicker in certain relationships than others, I just don't want that to cause any of you to fight.” You absentmindedly twisted your fork around in your fingers, studying it as you tried to put into words what was racing through your mind.
“That might happen, but if it does it's alright. Unfortunately that's just something we have to deal with.” He chuckles. “There's no doubt in my mind that you would be more comfortable moving a bit quicker with III than you would with me, he started flirting with you from the start. We all know that you're in various stages of getting to know us, we're more than willing to give you time to figure all of that out.” Hearing him being so reassuring made the heaviness weighing in your chest lighten considerably. “Is there anything else I can do to ease that pretty little head of yours?” You slowly shake your head no before pausing. You looked at the man before you, swallowing thickly as you mulled over an idea. Vessel was an enigma to you even after months of knowing him. He was aloof, quiet, but the few rare instances he let part of his personality break through you could tell just how wonderful he could really be.
“Dance with me?” The question hung in the air for a moment before Vessel wordlessly rose to his feet.
“I will warn you, I'm not much of a dancer.” He chuckles, outstretching his hand for you to take. His palm was warm against your fingertips; the smudged edges of his paint were a stark contrast to the pale skin underneath.
“What a shame, neither am I.” You giggle in response before he pulls you to your feet. He looks around the room, making a small sound of affirmation to himself before pushing your coffee table out of the way to open up the space. You walked over to a bookshelf in the corner of the room, clicking on your radio and letting the soft tune crackle to life. Vessel stood in the center of the room, hands shoved into his pockets as he waited for your return, a soft smile settling onto his lips.
“You look really beautiful today.” He says softly, one strong arm reaching out for you and wrapping around your waist when you were within reach. Your fingers intertwine with his, Vessel watching carefully as each delicate digit slotted between his own. Your cheeks grow warm as you timidly accept the compliment. You had never been this close to Vessel before, feeling the way his muscles tensed and shifted under the hand that rested on his shoulder sent a shiver down your spine. You were unable to tear your eyes away from him, the intricate detailing along the edge of his mask highlighting how wide and bright his smile was as he gazed down at your flustered form. The music you had turned on was non existent at this point, the only thing mattering at this point in time was Vessel finally allowing you the briefest glimpse inside his walls. You managed to trip over your own feet, yelping slightly as you stumbled into him. “Easy now, I got you.” He chuckles, helping to steady you on your feet. “If you're going to faint at least wait until I kiss you for the first time.” He jokes
“Already thinking about kissing me, huh?” You smile coyly
“It'd be hard not to with a pretty face like that.” You let out a flustered laugh, your eyes dropping to the floor. You jumped when there was a sudden knock on the door. You reluctantly pull out of Vessel’s grasp, his fingers trailing across your waist as he tries to remain connected to you until the last possible moment. You slowly open the door, not knowing who to expect on the other side so late. You froze when your eyes landed on III, who was nervously swaying his heels on the creaky wooden landing outside. The moment he realized you had answered he immediately began to ramble.
“I'm sorry, I know you said you needed time to think and I absolutely respect that. I just, I know we kissed, and if you decide you don't want to go through with this I don't want it to make things weird-”
“III.” His mouth snaps shut as you softly say his name. You look back into your living room, Vessel’s head rested in his hand, he seemed mildly annoyed to be interrupted. Not knowing how to respond, you simply pushed the door wide open, III’s attention immediately drawn to Vessel. “We were actually just talking about that.” His eyes widen slightly, his gaze switching between you and his friend.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-”
“I was just leaving, actually.” Your brows furrowed in confusion. You turn to face him as he walks up to you. He cradles your face in his hand, “tonight was wonderful, I hope we get to do this again soon.” He swipes his thumb across your cheek, leaving a thin black streak in its wake. “Goodnight, love.”
“Goodnight, Ves.” You respond breathlessly. You turn to face III, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth before reaching out and taking his hand, tugging him inside your apartment. His eyes stay locked on you as he follows you through the door, shutting it quietly behind him. “I really enjoyed, um… kissing you last night was really nice.” You let out a flustered laugh. “I don’t want you to worry that you made things weird.”
He chuckles, “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He stuffs his hand in his pockets, shifting his weight awkwardly. “I hope that talk you guys were having was a good one.”
“I think you’ll be very satisfied with the outcome.” You giggle. He gazes at you curiously, the usual playful sparkle back in his eyes when he realized he hadn’t scared you off.
“Is that so?” He saunters closer to you, his towering height and intense gaze threatening to make your knees buckle. “You let me know if any of this is moving too fast, okay?” He says sweetly, gently cupping your jaw.
“Okay.” You smile up at him. He trails his thumb over your bottom lip, his bright blue eyes darting around your features as he drank in the sight of you.
“You are simply gorgeous, love.” He whispers after a moment of silence.
“You flatter me too much.” Both hands slide around your waist, gently pulling you flush against him.
“I'm only telling my girl the truth.” He smiles. Your eyes flash up to meet his, the declaration of being his girl making your heart flutter in your chest. “Well, it seems like we have the night to ourselves. What would you like to do?” Wordlessly you take one of the hands that had settled against the curve of your hip, guiding him towards your couch. You threw on a movie, something mindless that you didn't need to pay attention to. Tonight was about spending time with III. No distractions, no hidden feelings, just you and someone who made you feel like a girl experiencing her first crush all over again. III takes you in his arms, laying back and pulling you on top of him in the process. One arm resting comfortably behind his head, the other slung over your waist as the two of you cuddled in a comfortable silence. “You know, I was really worried all of this would make you never speak to me again.” He speaks up after a while through a quiet chuckle.
“I was definitely a bit nervous about the idea, still kind of am if I'm being honest.” You laugh softly, absentmindedly tracing shapes against the soft material of his sweatshirt on his chest. “But, none of you have given me any reason not to trust you, so despite being nervous I feel like this is the right choice.”
“How you feel about this is very important to me, okay? If there's ever anything I can do for you love, just let me know.” He rubs his hand soothingly up and down your back, keeping you pressed close to him almost as if he was scared if he let you go you'd disappear. The two of you stayed up talking late into the night; you learned that III is more of a cat person than a dog person, his favorite color is red, and he would willingly disappear into the woods without a trace if it meant never folding laundry again. “It's such a dumb concept, I'm going to put the damn clothes on anyways. Why do they have to be folded and put away?” You hid your face against his shoulder, trying to hide the fact you had tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard. You look up at him with a bright smile, the tangent dying in his throat as his eyes meet yours. He slowly sits himself up on his elbows, your body responding as it gradually slid into his lap. One of his hands pressed into the small of your back, keeping you held as close to him as possible, the other moving to cup your cheek.
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about kissing you since last night.” You admit in a tone barely above a whisper.
“Trust me, I wasn't doing much better.” He chuckles, his gaze briefly flashing down to your lips. “Everything about you… everything about you is just so perfect, and for the life of me I can't figure out why you give me the time of day.”
“Because you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.” Your voice shook as you spoke, you could hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears and you were nearly positive that III could hear it too.
“Because you are the only girl in the world for me.” He admits without a second thought. “I haven't been able to get last night out of my head. Of course I want to kiss you again, but this time I want to kiss you and mean it.” Trembling fingers rose to the edge of his mask, glancing up at him through your lashes asking for silent permission to raise his mask enough to kiss him. He nods, studying your nervous expression as you gently took the edge of the fabric and raised it to just below his nose. Your breath was snatched from your lungs as III crushed his lips against yours, your mind immediately swimming in the overwhelming sensation that was him. His lips subtly sweet as he eased your mouth open, his tongue carefully caressing yours, making sure to take things at a bear agonizing pace in order for you to be able to back away at any time. Your hands slid up his torso, III shivered under your delicate touch. You felt lightheaded as the kiss took over your senses; the euphoric feeling of his warm lips against yours, the deep, earthy smell of his cologne, his massive hand kneading at the softness of your hip. You both pulled away equally breathless, your hands coming up to his mask in order to readjust it into place before he had a chance to.
“I think you definitely meant it this time.” You giggle, your forehead falling to rest against his.
“There's going to be plenty more where that came from.” He winks playfully at you.
III decided to leave you for the night when you could barely keep your head up anymore. He scoops you up in his arms. You grumble in annoyance despite the fact you immediately begin to nuzzle your face against his chest. “Where are we going?” You ask through a yawn.
“I’m taking you to bed sweetheart, you need to rest.” He chuckles.
“-’m not tired.” You try to protest, your actions only make him laugh again before he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Says the woman who can’t keep her eyes open.” You could hear his smile in his voice.
“I don’t want you to leave.” You admit softly.
“I know love, but you have a store to run, I’m afraid I’ve kept you up more than I already meant to.” He carefully maneuvers himself so he’s holding you in one arm, pulling back your blankets with his now free hand. He lays you gently into bed, his knuckles trailing across your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” His head dips down, allowing you to share one more chaste kiss before he left you to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @herripinkle @xdarkcreaturex @crexpy34 @thepoisonedchalice @saturnhas82moons @wingsofeternitysstuff @creamwhxre @itsyagirl-snowflake @themultiverseofmars @bookishpenguino @m0cha-bunny @madsthenightowl @dangerkittenclaws @rainy-darling @shad0wcast @amara-among-the-stars @v3nu5 @dontpercieve-me-pls @ripleyswife @thepityscene @lipstick-and-lycanthropes @vmpireskiss @savaneafricaine @sanekiii @ajordan2020 @diditgirl13 @sodomizerrrrr @mishaglass @thisbicc @chewbrry @backwards-readings @popppylove @lovelyan @asianchic-44 @littlemiss-sakura @sleepy-time-dreamy @deltottoro @miss-multi45 @bloodyquillink-blog @moni-cah @feralfuckingcat @itslolitasworld @mysteriesof1995
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xxcallmemaryxx · 3 months
Vessels x gn reader
Sleeping with the vessels headcannons.
Under the cut <3
Vessel can be a lot. If it were up to him he would consume you entirely and then go right to sleep after. This man will not settle until you are pulled so closely into him that you almost become one being. Big on skin to skin contact. Just absolutely adores being able to feel you and your warmth completely against him. Expect every inch of your skin to be touched and held by him at some point before he’s even tired. He is so serious about this. Needs you to know how adored you are by him every second of the day, but this amplifies as he gets sleepy or relaxed. Can never truely believe that you’re his and he gets to share such quiet and intimate moments with you. The routine you share when preparing to lay down together. The fact he gets to lay with you at all is nothing less of a privilege to him. He feels beyond blessed every single time. He will press his entire face into the softest parts of your body and stay there. He’s found himself falling asleep lightyears quicker when he’s with you compared to when he’s sleeping alone. But he fights it. Every single time. He would rather throw himself into fire than miss being able to admire you for as long as possible, but the second he gets his hands on you his eyes are drooping and his head is heavy buried in your chest. His favourite part of napping with you is waking up afterwards. When you are both impossibly tangled up, so close you can’t tell where he ends and you start. When you’re warm and soft and still half asleep. No words are shared. But you say your hellos to each other by snuggling deeper and basking in the presence of the other.
II is secretly a cuddle bug. Really only lets himself succumb to it when he knows the two of you will not be interrupted. The doors are locked and the curtains are drawn and there’s not a soul on the planet that he will ever allow to get close enough to either of you during this time. Enjoys you close, and really enjoys when you fall asleep curled into him. He’d never admit it out loud but you’ve picked up on it, how he settles into the pillows when his arms are secured around you. How he manoeuvres your half asleep form around so your head is tucked under his chin. How he sleeps closest to the door of the bedroom. He only settles, truely settles, when he feels as if he’s protecting you. Always up long after you’ve fallen asleep. When you’re safely tucked underneath him. He lays awake for ages counting your breaths, studying your features, committing to memory how beautiful you are sound asleep with him. He falls asleep looking at you. But ii is extra cuddly in the morning. Especially when it’s cold. If you’re lucky enough to wake up before him, his hair is always an absolute mess and his face has ended up buried in your skin somewhere. He might wake up for a few minutes, when he allows himself to snuggle deeper, chasing your warmth and inevitably falling right back to sleep again. The world outside doesn’t exist to him when he’s in bed with you. His only concern being that you’re still there and warm and safe and secure with him. He lets you soak it up for as long as you can when he’s all soft and sleepy.
III completely refuses to sleep without you. He won’t do it. He does not care. Whether it be taking mid day naps, or if you’re out and about for the night without him. He will not sleep until you are next to him again. He can be stubborn when he wants to be, and he’s damn good at it too. Poor guy could be falling asleep standing up and he’d still force his eyes back open. He is just as clingy as Vessel is when it comes to you. Possibly even more so. His entire body is draped over your shoulder the whole way to the bedroom, face pressed into your neck and arms wrapped around you the entire time. When you finally get to the bed, it’s almost as if he’s forgotten his own height. He waits for you to settle in and then, quite literally, flops his whole body on top of yours. His face is pressed into you and his arms are around you and he’s out like a light immediately. He will not move. At all. The whole night. He will stay right there, as close to you as humanly possible, where he knows you can’t get up and leave either. He sleeps so deeply he will not wake up for anything, especially if he’s been unable to sleep for a little while, it’s like his brain can finally rest because you’re back in his arms again and it just completely switches off. His hands, if not around you, are holding onto you somehow. He likes burying a hand into your hair and pulling you closer to him. He’s all about closeness. All about contact. He’s very big on you two spending your time together. Whether he’s conscious for it or not. So long as your body is pressed against his, he’s happy. He will only move in the morning, after he’s woken up long enough, to shift you around and pull you on top of him. The weight of you on top of him is the best feeling in the morning. Loves watching you slowly wake up.
IV considers bed time to be the best part of the day. Crawling into bed with you after a long day, is something he can tell you he has become addicted to. He is big obsessed with you. The moment you pull those covers over yourself his hands are on you and he’s not letting go for anything. If you fall asleep before him, he absolutely lays awake and watches you for a while. He takes great comfort in being able to feel and see you next to him. His hands are under your shirt so he can feel your warm skin against his, and he’s conscious of every breath in and out of your lungs. Don’t you even think about trying to move away from him, he will trap you between his body and the mattress so you have nowhere to go don’t even test him. You do somehow get out of bed in the middle of the night? IV is following you through the house like a lost puppy. He could be in the deepest of sleeps but the second you’re not next to him anymore he’s up and awake in seconds. There’s been many times when he’s tried to blindly follow you through the dark while half asleep, ending up with big bruises on his body from running into the walls. Hold his hand and guide him back to bed. Be gentle with sleepy IV, he’s delicate. IV has attempted to wear your sleep shirt, with you still in it. The top stretched over his head as he slept quite peacefully with his head on your bare chest. Best sleep he had in ages. Will do it again.
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wolftoken · 21 days
Inhuman Vessels Headcanons [x reader]
a/n: sfw and nsfw down below :3 some of this is inspired by @amourtoken so go check out her blog pls !!
• masterlist •
Somehow, you’ve ended up with four cryptid boyfriends in your newly acquired forest cabin. Don’t ask me why, I’m just here to tell you about them. More cryptid content coming soon…
- His claws and fangs stand out to you immediately
- He likes to lick you as a display of affection. His tongue is very long and has small teeth at the sides at the back, sort of like a goose’s.
- Picks you up just to hold you and walks around with you in his arms like a child with a teddy bear
- Will eat a leaf sometimes. A flower or two, maybe a buttercup. He likes to watch cows and sheep and deer munching on grass while he lays on the forest floor in the sun.
- He has pretty fangs and his eyes glow in the dark in varying shades of blue.
- He’s very interested in humans, and likes to study you as you go about your day. He also enjoys studying your body and seeing how different humans are to himself.
- Very big fan of your squishy soft bits, and likes to hold them while cuddling. Most often he has a hand splayed over your stomach. He’s very protective and likes to make sure you’re safe so covering your most vulnerable parts makes him feel good.
- Probably the most knowledgeable about humans, but he also looks the most inhuman. His eyes are completely black and his canines are long and thin. His height is quite jarring at first, and he struggles to get through your doorways, but he learns to navigate the house pretty quickly.
- He enjoys letting you know (and feel) how much bigger than you he is, holding your hands in his and tracing your skin with his claws.
- He’d like to try your human food, but finds most of it inedible for him. But he really likes salty and crunchy things and enjoys watching you cook or when you put on cooking shows on the magic box in your living room.
- Very like a big house cat. He likes to lounge in the sun outside and watch animals go about their day.
- If he could he’d just cuddle with you 24/7
- Arguably the most human looking out of the four, but his canines are definitely too distinct to be human.
- He has a little more experience with humans than the others, but is still wary of making mistakes and scaring you off. He can be somewhat shy when asking to spend time with you because he’s unintentionally scared humans away before.
- At times he could be naive about human nature and didn’t think they would find him so scary but he’s learned his lesson about strangers.
• All together; SFW •
- They’re very gentle with you, as they’re stronger than any human could be
- They’re very interested in trying human things like food and technology, as well as human behaviours regarding romance. Basically, they want to court you. In their own ways, that would mean bringing you wild flowers and pretty rocks and bones they’ve found, as well as rubbing their scent on you by nuzzling your neck and chest and back. They wanted to feed you but you had to remind them their diet is a lot different than yours.
- They make a lot of sounds. When they’re content and comfy, they might purr or do that big sigh that dogs do. They’ll growl if they sense danger and it’s deep and menacing and unlike any animal you’ve ever heard. Playful whining when you don’t have time to cuddle or for 5 more minutes in bed, and little grumbles when you tell them off for scaring tourists.
• NSFW •
- If you’re afab they’re very much down for period sex. They will be munching, too. Blood tastes good and sure, it’s not all blood, but they don’t care. You taste good.
- Of course, they all share a breeding kink. They can’t get you pregnant but by god they will try.
- Gentle biting and scratching is something they can’t really help, but they’ll be very happy if you’re into it. Seeing their marks on you when they’re done with you makes them proud but only if they don’t hurt too much.
- With aftercare, you’ll have to teach them how to take care of you like you need it. They’re down to cuddle and will bring you blankets and snacks they find in your kitchen.
- If you want to attempt to dom any of them, they might find the idea amusing at first. But when you get started they’ll be whining and begging for you to fuck them. Having huge and powerful creatures at your mercy is a thrill like no other.
- I can’t not talk about the size of their cocks. They’re thick and long and you will need a lot of time spent on foreplay to get them to fit. But they all have a “I’ll make it fit,” mentality and when they do it’s agonisingly delicious.
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skellyflowers · 5 months
Too Many Beds
Ployvessels x reader
The world tour is going amazing. We just finished the Australian leg where IV really stole the show. Our next destination is America. We got a flight and landed a few days early so we could recover and be ready for the next part of the tour.
Management got us a hotel to recover in. The room would be purchased home for the next two days before the tour starts. We kick off in Las Vegas at a music festival. Check in was a quick process and we were given our key cards and room numbers in no time.  Wait numbers? Like more than one?
If I wasn’t so jet lag l would have said something earlier but I didn't really pay attention. I  wanted to take a shower and get a nap. When we get to our room I take my bag to the bathroom.  II and IV planned to go get a drink at the hotel bar and III wanted to go to the hotel casino. Vessel is only one without a plan, so he is either going to stay with me all night and get room service or wait until I fall asleep and join the others. 
The bathroom is pretty big, it has both a shower and a bathtub. I put my bag on the counter and went to report the information to the boys.
“The bathroom is nice. Shower and tub are only big enough for two.”
I was expecting to hear III moan out a complaint about no group showers. However that is not his main grievance.
“There are too many beds! And they are all too small!” He yells.
“What do you mean too many? How many is too many?”
Vessel and IV watch us talk back and forth. Both clearly trying not to laugh.
“What III means,” interrupts II, trying to defuse to tension “That we have 4 Queen size beds in two rooms”
“We have two rooms?” I ask, still confused.
“Yes they are adjoined right there.” II points to another door that must lead to the other room.
Why did we get two rooms? It’s not like management didn’t know about the five of us and our relationship. We were not trying to hide it. We regularly turn the back lounge of any tour bus into a big bedroom.
“Relax, it's not the end of the world.” Says IV.
“This shouldn’t have even happened!” III grumbles. “We always get a king size.”
“It was pretty last minute. This may have been the best they could do.” I defend.
“That’s enough bickering.” Vessel finally speaks up. “V, go take your shower. We will wait and go get dinner.”
I do as asked and hope the boys calm III down. I decided to dress up a little and not get into my cozy clothes. All five of us go to one of the restaurants near the hotel. It was fun and really what we needed. Afterwards, we walked around the casino and played a couple of slot machines.  We eventually got back to the hotel room.
When I get ready for bed I finally check out the adjoined room. As I expected the room is exactly the same, just flipped. I walk to the bedroom and see that one of the beds is missing a mattress. I head back to our main room to ask what happened.
When I get there I see what happened. All of the furniture has been pushed into the corners, I assume that Vessel was responsible for that, and all three mattresses are on the floor. Vessel and II are making the bed. IV comes up behind me and gives me a hug.
“You ok with this?”
“Yes. As long as it makes your boyfriend stop freaking out.”
“When he’s like that he is their boyfriend.”
That comment makes me laugh. I am not sure how long we are standing next to the new super bed. The others are busy arranging blankets and pillows. I feel my eyes starting to drift close, all the activity from the day catching up with me. IV swaying us is also putting me to sleep.
My eyes open when someone grabs my hand. It’s II, he gently pulls me away from IV. Now it’s time to arrange the sleeping positions. III is in the center on his back, me on his right and II on his left. Vessel is my big spoon and IV settles next to II.
“Four beds really is too many.” I say.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 8. exhibitionism
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “come watch me play”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ vessel likes to put on a show for the christmas cheers. what kind of performance does he have in mind?
pairing: vessel x gn!reader
a/n: first sleep token fic in this little event 🫣
cw: nsfw content. exhibitionism. voyeurism. semi-public sex. degradation. masturbation. blowjob. kinda has iii x ivy. vessel is a bit of a dick.
“yes… yess that’s it. all eyes on me. watch me fuck this bitch like a dog in heat.” —❤︎
the moment ii, iii and ivy walked into their recording studio, they were met with a rather… compromising sight.
“… well?”
vessel’s voice ringed out, irritated with his bandmates just standing there. but could anyone blame them? the three of them were stunned, flabbergasted even. they didn’t know what to do.
“well don’t just stand there, you idiots. either you watch the show, or you leave.”
it took a moment for the three of them to even register the sight before them. it wasn’t until iii’s senses came back, and he bashfully shut the door behind them for some reason, he didn’t even know why he did.
what a sight for sore eyes. vessel had you bent over a table that originally had a bunch of sheet music and song lyrics, which were now scattered all across the red-carpeted floor from vessel shoving them off to make room for you. your nails dug into the sides of the table’s surface for support, because vessel’s cock was plowing into your tight, needy hole like it was the last fuck he’d ever have. the fierceness of him stretching you wide for your fellow bandmates to see was only making you more aroused, but fuck was it humiliating.
ii, iii and ivy were stunned, a wave of clashing emotions consuming their minds all at once. ii was stunned, yet he couldn’t take his eyes off of the sight. iii was being bashful about it, awkwardly looking away and trying to hide the problem in his pants. and ivy, well, he was straight up into it.
“hmm… this is what you do while we’re away, boss?” ivy inquired, his tone of voice not really being questioning, but more so intrigued with a certain lustful tinge. “.. didn’t know you had it in ya.”
“i do.” vessel panted between thrusts, gripping your hair and forcing your head up to show your fucked out face in front of the three masked men watching you.
“consider it an early christmas gift.” the sleep entity managed out, his voice quickly turning into a low, husky chuckle.
“well it’s certainly a good one.” ivy snickered, his tone silky smooth. he turned to face his fellow members, smirking underneath his mask. “isn’t that right boys?”
ii was zoned out, he was too focused on checking yours and vessel’s half-naked bodies out. meanwhile iii snapped his head to ivy’s direction, face tomato red underneath the signature face covering.
he slapped ii’s shoulder to get his attention, and they both nodded.
“uh— yes.”
vessel’s voice was hoarse, trembling with pure lust and desire. he was so goddamn horny just from the feeling of multiple pairs of eyes watching him fuck the ever living shit out of you. you didn’t even know how you ended up in this situation. it was one event followed by another, then boom, here you are.
vessel’s strong, veiny hands gripped onto one of your legs and hooked it around his waist from behind, changing the angle and where his thrusts hit inside of you. he started hitting a certain spot that had you seeing stars, and you whined loudly.
“shit!” vessel cursed, gripping your hair more tightly, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “keep making noises like that. i want them to hear how good i fuck you.”
your mind was clouded with pure kinky desire. you could hear the sound of one of your fellow bandmate’s groaning and unzipping his pants, most likely to relieve himself of the boner you and vessel had given him. with this new angle vessel was hitting, you swore you were going to pass out of pure pleasure. it felt way too good to not express it through loud moans, whimpers and cries.
“god fucking damnit.” ii cursed, sagging off his jeans and leaning against the wall to rub his hardened cock. he could not keep his piercing, calculated eyes off of the sight. “i’m so damn horny just from watching this.”
for a moment he locked eyes with you, and that teary-eyed, hazy look on your face only got ii harder, and copious amounts of precum leaked from the head of his veiny length while he jerked himself off.
he never kept his eyes off of you.
as ii was groaning at the feeling of his self-pleasure, iii turned his head to look over at ivy. the guitarist looked so worked up, frustrated and horny from how his leader was going to town on you. he let out little grunts of fury as he desperately tried to jerk himself off.
without saying much, iii gulped, before taking a bold leap, and slipping his head between ivy’s legs, lifting his face mask up a bit to free his mouth. ivy’s eyes widened, but he didn’t object to feeling iii’s warm, wet mouth envelop his dick whole. iii choked and gagged as he took him in deeper, but the salty, almost sweet taste of ivy’s cock was enough to keep him going.
ivy cursed loudly and forced iii’s head down on his cock more, feeling something other than his hand to get him off was so much better. ivy out a loud moan and looking over at vessel and you.
vessel was having the time of his life. he loved the effect that his little sex toy had on the three of them. you just looked so good, your face all fucked out from how many times you came, and ii, iii and ivy were all getting so incredibly turned on from watching you. vessel was enjoying the power he had over his team, it made that dark lust sitting within him brew into something stronger, something that took over his body and made his thrusts more precise, quick and hard.
“yes… yess that’s it. all eyes on me. watch me fuck this bitch like a dog in heat.” vessel cried out loudly, his thrusts getting more forceful, and each moan eliciting from your throat got more raspy and needy.
with ii jerking himself off, and iii giving ivy the head of his life, none of them took their eyes off the sight. they were getting off to it. what perverts they were.
but you couldn’t say much, because you too, liked it. you liked the seductive effect your body had on them.
vessel forced your head into the table more, and kept thrusting. the room was filled with moans and groans of pure euphoria, and the sight couldn’t be more erotic.
vessel then chuckled and spoke to you again, keeping his voice hushed just for you.
“i hope you’re comfy, darling, because i’m gonna keep this show going on and on until you physically can’t cum anymore. got that?”
you nodded pathetically, and screamed vessel’s name loudly for your bandmates to hear.
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the-summ0ning · 3 months
Sleep Token HC: being in a relationship with II
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This took longer than I wanted, also got extremely carried away w this one. I have a soft spot for II 🥹 usual NSFW ELEMENTS, fluffy nonsense, not proofread well
Our sweet quiet short king…until he’s comfy then he becomes a certified yapper.
II the bf that had to keep you informed and make you the first to know everything
New brand deal with his favorite drum company? He’s FaceTiming, grinning ear to ear and his eyes the brightest crystalline blue. “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ excited! They even sent me a sick PR package!”
He finally pranked Vessel back? Oh he’s recording the whole ordeal and it’s going to you first, listening to his quiet excited diabolical giggles in the video
His favorite drummer followed him back on instagram? He barreling into your room, and lying right on top of you to show you
A text message of the sandwich he had for lunch? Nothing was off limits
Especially late at night, when he was thinking about you on tour, keeping quiet in his bunk on the bus. Sending you pictures and videos palming himself, teasing you.
“Sweet thing, I need u so badly. Look how hard I am for u. 😕”
II the bf that ties your shoes for you, bending on one knee making you put your foot on his thigh
And if no one was looking would press a soft kiss to your ankle or the side of your inner knee. The sweet gesture wasn’t as always innocent as it seemed when his fingers would lightly graze your calf as he did so
I’m sorry I just see II clingy… so physical touch and quality time would be his top two love languages
Always needing to have a hand on your lower back leading you through crowds or hands/pinkies intertwined, arm around your shoulder
It helps him more than anything than a ‘I wanna lay the pda on heavy’ type thing. You made him at ease during social settings if he could be touching you even if just the littlest brush of your skin on him
hand on your thigh at the table during dinner sometimes testing his limits and bringing it further up your inner thigh delighted by watching you squirm
His phone background would be a picture of the two of you during rehearsal, you sitting in his lap at his drum set and his hands holding yours attempting to teach you a song. moments after that pic was taken vessel pouted that II never did that with him
He loved laying on top of you scrolling on his phone or watching tv, because you would start absentmindedly rubbing his shoulders (which were almost always tense from drumming)
II would enjoy any time he could afford with you
Whether that be an hour out together going to browse a vintage antique store and grabbing coffee before a studio session
If you had free time to go to one of his drum shoots with him and then get dinner and drinks after
He would have a triangle, symbols, cowbell, tambourine—maybe even a microphone, so you could join his jam sessions when he would practice at home
He ends up getting distracted by how cute and silly you look trying to play a cow bell to a beat of their song every time or singing along lost in your own world
II the bf that would use pre show jitters just have an excuse to have you in his grasp
Bending you over the sink in the green room bathroom, pounding deep inside inside you relentlessly. Him putting his hand over your mouth, “don’t want anyone to hear us, right darling?”
Then afterwards snatching your underwear and shove them in his pocket. “Need a good luck charm.” He winks cheekily before leaving.
Also very into spanking and being rough with you…
Loves seeing his handprint on your ass, always making sure to massage and pepper kisses to it afterwards
I believe this man would have your initials tatted on him somewhere
Just want to thank everyone for liking III and IV HCs, I hope you like II’s!!! If you want to request any HCs or just to chit chat my inbox is always open 🤭🫶🏻
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inv3ga · 1 month
Size headcanons for the boys dicks?
Thank you, anon! This was a lot of fun to write. I hope you like it♡
( @dravenskye and @ruinme-please , I had you two in mind when I wrote this. I hope you enjoy ♡ )
+18 MDNI
Vessel - so close to 7in it hurts. Literally. More length than girth, but obviously more than enough to make his partner see stars. Treats you like a China Doll because his cock would destroy you if he wasn't careful.
ii - While his dick might be a bit below average, he so makes up for it by having a wicked upper curve. Your g spot is stimulated from beginning to embarrassingly short end on your part. Has never not made his partner cum.
iii - Average size, but NOT average stamina or refractory period. Can go for an hour and a half, no breaks, and give him a few minutes and, you betcha, man's best friend is greeting you to go again. He uses his average size with holy fervor to fuck you as fast, as hard, and as deep, as you want him to. He stays harder for longer after his first orgasm. Consider yourself warned.
iv - his dick would make the celibate pope cry tears of envy. 5.6 inches long, but nearly 6.5 in girth. HAS to use lots of lube on your tight little hole. When you moan his name, his cock twitches in the most mind-numbing of ways. Is most certainly ALWAYS gentleman in bed.
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Hear me out! II teaching reader how to play drums
Slightly suggestive
Play along
His drum sessions were for him and him only. The basement studio he had crafted for himself was his oasis and he didn’t plan to share it with anyone. But you had always been the exception in his life. From the moment he saw you, there was no desire to be grouchy. Quite the opposite. His heart had plummeted down when he had turned around to throw a nasty remark over his shoulder as you both were stabbing in a pretty tight queue and you had nudged him a couple of times. He always said that it was your eyes that had left him speechless but it was everything else too. You were just what he had been looking for. He had that feeling about you.
“Hey, love”, his voice sounded down the hallway, “Where are you?”. You put your book down, glancing up, “Living room”, you called out, watching ii slowly emerging, drumsticks still in hand. “Hi”, he muses a smile on his face. He always seemed to smile when his eyes landed on you. A default reaction. “Hey, gorgeous”, you mirrored his bright face, “Why are you back up so soon?”. He doesn’t say anything before reaching for your hand, making you frown, “ii”, you question softly. “Come”, is all he says as he drags you towards the basement stairs.
The studio is dimly lit. His notes were scattered on the floor alongside empty Red Bull cans. The last time you were here he had been setting his drum kit together, now it proudly stood almost in the middle of the room. “Well, you cleaned up nicely”, you mused, glancing at the poster and record-covered wall. “I will pick up the trash”, he states, making you giggle because he knows that you are a clean freak deep inside. “It’s your haven you live how you want in it”, you shrug, as he moves to sit behind the set, pulling you onto his lap. The seating is snug. You can feel him behind you even if he’s only semi-hard, his thighs caging you in. You brace your palms on them, slowly running the pads of your fingers over his tattooed skin.
“Do I get a private concert from the drummer’s point of view?”, you ask turning back slightly, catching a glimpse of the smirk forming on his face. “I want to teach you something”, ii simply state, “been wanting to see you behind my set so long”. Now it’s your time to smirk, “Why, gets you hot and bothered?”, you tease him, pushing back against him. “Careful, or you will be learning about the other side of the kit after I bend you over it”, he growls against your ear, pressing his lips onto your neck, nibbling at your skin before littering the spot with feather-like kisses. You lean against him fully. Welcoming the feeling and warmth of him.
“Want to play the summoning with me?”, he whispers against your ear, and you simply nod. Watching him softly position the drumsticks between your fingers before he fraps his much bigger palms over your whole hand. “Just relax and let me do the rest, I’ll whisper the notes in your ear”, he muses and it’s enough to send the shivers down your back. It feels surreal to sit there like this. It looks that you sitting there between his spread legs doesn’t give him any trouble. He sounds just like he does during the concert. Your eyes follow his movements as he continues to play.
And then he’s leaning in, kissing your neck between every word. You lean deeper into him, wishing your hands were free so you could feel him. “Turn to me”, he orders thickly and you don’t hesitate. Catching the glimpse of the glisten in his blue eyes and right before his solo part I crash his lips onto yours. The kiss is messy and eager. Deliciously addictive but it’s not even that it’s the fact that you can hear him still playing and still hitting all the parts right if not better. You try to throw him off track as you pull back, biting onto his lips, but he’s right there, leaning back in, kissing you even deeper, both moaning against each other.
You pull away breathlessly when the music finally dies down. Slipping your hands from his, letting the drumsticks clatter to the floor as you turn to face him, only to climb back onto his lap, this time straddling him. Ii palms move to cup your ass, squeezing it a couple of times.
“Show off”, you muse against his lips, making ii let out a chuckle, “I just wanted to test my theory”, he says between kisses. “What theory?”, you pull back, leaning up to watch his smug face. “If I could play just as well while kissing you”, he explains. You roll your eyes, “Now tell me that it was iii who put this thought in your angelic mind”, you shake your head. Ii laughs and you know that you’re right, “It was him but I had thought about it myself just… just in a different sense”, he adds, eyes watching you. “What different sense?”, you ask, letting your hands rape over his shoulders. Ii smirks and a part of you knows what’s coming. “I wondered if I could fuck you while I play”, he says so casually that for a second you can’t help but tell yourself that you misunderstood him but then that’s exactly the answer you had been waiting for. “Of course you thought about that”, you roll your eyes but can’t help the smirk on your face. “Come on, tell me that you haven’t thought about it too”, I pull at your hair slightly, just enough to make you look up. “Guess you have to put words to actions to see”, you shrug innocently. ii shakes his head, before reaching for the band of his joggings.
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awingedinsect · 6 months
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Who encrypted your dark gospel in body language?
I am convinced the sluttiest thing a man can do is be him✨
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dy6nsty · 8 months
Can I request sleep token x reader with a reader who is accident prone? Today alone i have slid on ice, smacked my head off a shelf, and stabbed myself with a comb.
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I LOVE THIS PROMPT. YES, YES YOU CAN‼️I also hope you’re doing good after all that..
Sleep Token x GN! reader who has a tendency to get injured
Relationship— Romantic
Suddenly has eyes in the back of his head. Knows you’re picking something up. “Put it down.”
Leaves you alone for a couple of minutes and comes back to chaos. Chaos in this scenario was you breaking something.
Blueprints things in his head to figure out if there’s anything that could possibly put you out of trouble.
Was considering getting you one of those child leashes so he can keep a better eye on you.
Follows you around sometimes to make sure you don’t injure yourself or break something. Watching you bump into 70% of things you come across.
Puts rubber counter protectors on surfaces with sharp or hard corners, just so you won’t bang into them on accident.
If you can’t walk in a straight line (I can’t do it either don’t worry guys! 😊)— he’ll help you get around. “Left- right! RIGHT!”
His worst enemy is winter and spring. We have icy grounds than slippery grass. But is also your frenemy.
Is now stalked up with bandaids, glue, tape and other necessities he might need for the future with you. Which is probably a lot.
If you come to him with an injury he’ll let out a long sigh before asking what happened. Let’s you ramble on about how you’ve gotten hurt now while he fixes you up.
Call him the gigglesaurus at this point. Will watch you stumble than fall and start cackling before realizing he’s not supposed to laugh..
Likes the chaos it can bring! But he still gets a mini panic attack when he realizes you’ve disappeared from you once were: beside him.
Learned how to treat wounds, bruises, and stuff because of how often it started happening. Also learned how to fix mirrors!
Wants to know all of the dumb or serious stories you have. He’s all for it.
Likes to keep an arm around your waist to ensure you won’t get into any inconvenience.
Tries to help you with tasks you might accidentally fuck up. Reaching for things, organizing glasses, cleaning, or even will escort you around areas so you don’t trip over your own feet!
Counts up how many bruises or any marks you have at the end of the day. If he notices a new one he’ll ask what happened. If it happened in a dumb way he just stifles a laugh.
Watches you from afar sometimes to make sure nothings happen so far. If he does see you get hurt he’ll rush over to see what’s happened, again.
Feels like he’s on a news channel at this point. Honestly wonders if you have some sort of curse to how often he’s found you in these exact scenes.
Does not trust you holding glass, plastic, porcelain, or metal objects. He’ll hold them with you but he’s not wanting you to break any of those by falling over, or maybe even dropping them on yourself.
Stays serious about it but once saw you run into a door and almost lost his shit. Wanted to laugh so hard.
Keeps bandaids, a small thing of bandage wrap + tape, and tissue in his pockets. It’s become a habit.
Carries you around areas that have many things cluttered on the ground so nothing will end up broken.
Trusts you enough to look away and not keep an eye on you 24/7 but still has a physical reflex whenever he hears a crash, bang, or a small sound of something colliding.
Often times will try to fix any messed you might’ve caused. Hiding any evidence that something had happened.
Kisses any minor injuries you get. “It hurts? Want me to kiss it so it feels better?”
Deals with your injuries or things you might’ve smashed, asks how it was caused so he can prevent them from happening further on.
Moves things around if he’s noticed it’s a common occurrence for you to bump into it with the object in the room / it’s placement.
Will take over / help you with certain scenarios if it becomes a problem to where you always end up hurt afterwards.
Warms you about things he sees coming your way: “Wall, you’re gonna walk into it.”, “There’s a plate of glasses, don’t walk into it.”
Feels like superman sometimes when it comes to you. Steadies things in your hand if he notices you’re unbalanced.
Will also laugh at you. Unless you’re bleeding. He’ll run over to make sure everything’s all right.
Stocks up on ice packs and replaceable items for ones you might knock over later on.
Makes sure you won’t knock into anyone while your walking, or into anything.
Starts following you around when he can to make sure that you’re not getting into any trouble.
Also an enemy with winter. Especially if you want to try any winter sports. You can try but he might mentally face palm if you get ran over by a kid in a sled.
Starts requesting for plastic cups instead of glass. He can’t risk fancy glasses being broken any longer.
He gets into trouble in his own way, but he swears he’s more safe than you.
Picks you up and carrie’s you away when he senses that something just might happen. Spidey senses over here!!!
He can’t walk in a straight line so your both screwed. Your bumping into each other like you have sea legs.
i’m sorry if this turned out a little bad! i’m currently on the verge of sleep but rlly wanted to finish this! ^^
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Pt. IX
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Part 9 has finally arrived!!! This chapter we begin to move into winter as the first big snow storm of the year hits (really funny that I'm getting around to publishing this in the dead of the July heat lol). Everyone's finally starting to settle into the dynamic which will lead to some... Interesting interactions while the five of them are stuck in close quarters. I am still having issues with getting everyone tagged because Tumblr hates me, but if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know! Thank you so much for reading!
WARNINGS: Some suggestive behavior
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link! ~ Tip Jar!
Part VIII - Part X (TBA)
“Do you think the storm is going to be that bad?” Vessel asks. “It’s all we’ve been hearing about on the radio for the past few days.”
“It’s probably going to get pretty nasty. They’re expecting most of the town to lose power.” You bounce your leg nervously, watching him pause to go over his mental checklist in his head. “Would you, um… would you like to stay with me?”
He chuckles as he approaches the counter, “Scared of the big, bad snowstorm, lovey?” He teases with a smile.
“I’m not scared.” You snap back instantly, rolling your eyes. “It’s just,” Vessel didn’t miss the way the concern immediately crept back into your tone, “you’re so far out in the woods; what if something happens and no one can get out there to help.” His expression softens, reaching up to caress your cheek. You can't help but lean into his touch, his palm warm against your skin.
“If you’re more comfortable with us here, we’ll stay. Besides, do you really think I’m going to turn down a chance to spend more time with my girl?” Your cheeks grow warm as a flustered smile spreads across your lips. You still hadn't gotten used to Vessel so adamantly declaring you as his.
“Good,” you respond, trying your best to appear confident, “I need someone to keep me warm.” You smile coyly at him, making Vessel chuckle.
“Well, feeling bold today, are we beautiful?” His expression darkens slightly as a devious glint appears in his eyes. Your pulse immediately quickens as he offers you a sharp smile, his massive form towering over you, “You want to be in my arms, pretty girl?” He coos, making your face burn. He leans down, bringing his face in front of yours. “I'll hold you all night if that's what you want.” He whispers. He can't help but laugh slightly at your flustered expression, calling you cute as he straightens back up. “I'll be back in about an hour with the others. Let us take care of dinner tonight; you deserve to be spoiled for once.”
“Just be safe, okay? Everything always gets a little crazy around here on storm days.” He takes your hand, slowly bringing your knuckles to his lips.
“I'll be back before you know it.” He smiles sweetly. “Promise.”
While Vessel went to get the others, you took the time to make preparations. You were lucky enough to have the store beneath you; if you lost power, the fridges and your supply of ice would be sufficient to keep things cold for a while. You gathered all the candles and extra blankets from around your apartment, piling them up in one area with your other emergency supplies. You can’t help but smile when there’s a knock at your door. You squeal as III’s large hands wrap around your waist, lifting you effortlessly from the floor. “There she is!” He exclaims excitedly, spinning you around in a hug. You’re suddenly sandwiched between him and IV; you let out a pleased hum as III slots his lips against yours, IV peppering your face with kisses simultaneously.
IV nuzzles his face against yours as III pulls back. “We missed you, doll.” You spin around, slipping into IV’s arms, letting him hug you close as III starts bringing things into the kitchen. He sways you gently in his arms, taking a moment to memorize the feeling of you being pressed against him before pulling back. “I'm going to help the others set up.” He smiles, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
II pushes through the door, arms full of what appeared to be pillows, as he struggles to keep his grip on all of them. “Want some help with that?” You offer with a giggle.
“That'd be great, thanks.” He responds with a chuckle of his own. You smile coyly at him, your arms sliding over his shoulders as he saunters up to you. “And how are you doing today, beautiful?”
“Much better now that you're all here.” You respond softly.
He hums approvingly, “That’s what I like to hear.” He trails a finger along your jaw, carefully tilting your chin until he can easily kiss you. Even the gentlest kisses from II always managed to take your breath away, and now was no different. “You just hang back and relax, love. Let us handle everything.”
Your heart always felt so full whenever all five of you were together. You would never get sick of how lively the group of them made you and your home feel. “Here you go.” You smile as IV slips a glass of wine into your hand, collapsing onto the couch at your side. Vessel, II, and III were currently bickering over something in the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone for what felt like the first time in forever. “I have something for you.” He states softly. He takes your hand, rummaging around in his bag with the other until he produces a small, brown leather notebook. “Here.” He offers it to you; you can't help but smile at the gift.
“What's this?” You ask curiously. You open to the first page, and IV’s messy script is the first thing you see. ‘For my favorite girl, hopefully, this makes up for all the times I should have bought you flowers.’ You flip to the second page to find a perfectly preserved pressed flower. A bright orange bloom sat atop a stem of tiny green leaves; the date IV must have picked it, and the flower's name should have been written in the upper right corner. The rest of the book followed a similar pattern. A collection of vibrant reds, purples, and golds filled the rest of the pages. You could tell how carefully every flower was handled just by how it was presented to you on the page.
“Whenever I find a flower I think you'd like, I press it in a book. That way, you can keep them forever without them wilting.” The gesture was so sweet you blinked rapidly to clear the tears from your eyes.
“Thank you, IV, this is incredible.” You set the book carefully down on the table, reaching out and pulling him into your arms. He wasted no time melting into you, his arms circling your waist as he returned your embrace.
“You make me really happy, you know that?” You smile, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“So do you.” You both reluctantly separate from each other. You rest a hand on IV’s cheek, smiling softly at him as you study how his features curve under the fabric of his mask. You carefully take his face in your hands, guiding him forward to kiss his forehead. He smiles, letting out a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
“Dinner’s ready!” You both jump as you hear Vessel call from the kitchen. He stands, helping you from the couch. IV pulls you into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Let's go before it's all gone.” He chuckles
You stood at III’s side, helping him clean up after dinner. “That food was amazing.” You remark, making him chuckle.
“I try my best.” He responds humbly. “Working with whatever we can grow or hunt, I want to ensure it, at least, tastes good.” You finish drying off the wine glass you had been using earlier, pushing yourself up on your toes to struggle to reach the top shelf. III chuckles; you freeze as you feel the warmth of his body creep up your back, nearly making you drop the glass in the process. “Need some help, love?” He whispers, making you shiver. His long arms can easily reach up to set the glass back in its spot. His hands find their way to your waist, lifting you from the floor to put you on the counter easily. “I can finish up here; you can just relax.” He chuckles as you pout in response.
“You cooked dinner; the least I could do is help with the dishes,” you protest. He places his hands on either side of your waist as he leans closer.
“I think the least you could do is let someone take care of you for a change.” He whispers, making your cheeks grow warm. He studies you, a playful expression growing on his face as he realizes your flustered state. His hands leave the counter, massaging your plush thighs before they slide to your back, pulling you closer to him. You felt so small in his hands, but he still easily towered over you from your position on the counter. He ran his hands soothingly up and down your sides. You forced yourself to stifle the soft whine that threatened to leave you at the feeling of his strong hands against your body. “You're always so worried about taking care of everyone else. When was the last time someone did the same for you?”
Your heart slammed against your ribcage, your thoughts growing fuzzy as you began to feel like putty under III’s touch. “But–” he hushes you softly as you start to argue.
“You deserve to be spoiled.” He says softly, lifting his mask enough to kiss you. “I want to make sure that you are.” You let out a pleased sound as he pushes into you. Your hands roam over his chest; you groan at the feeling of his muscles tensing under your palm. This kiss with III felt different than the others you had shared. This one was noticeably more intense and needy than when you kissed him. His fingers massaged into your muscles as he desperately sought to have you any closer to him than you already were. His breathing was heavy when the two of you finally separated; you could feel the way his hands trembled slightly against your skin.
“What's wrong?” Worry is immediately prominent in your tone.
“Nothing, doll.” He responds gruffly. “It's just if I keep kissing you like that–” he trails off with a chuckle.
“Too bad it's not just the two of us.” You respond under your breath. III’s gaze snaps to you, unsure if he had heard you correctly or not at first. You glance up at him through your lashes, and III could have sworn in that moment his heart stopped. You lean up, placing a gentle kiss on his clothed lips. “Hopefully, that’s not the last time you kiss me like that.”
“Trust me, you don't have to worry about that.” He smiles in response.
“Are you two done in there or what?” You hear II call, “Did we really have that many dishes?”
You giggle, “We should get back to the others.” He chuckles, nodding his agreement.
You found yourself seated in Vessel’s lap; your legs stretched over IV’s legs as he held your hand, your feet resting comfortably in III’s lap as he made easy work of massaging away all the tension in your muscles. II sat on the floor in front of the couch, holding your free hand in his own and bringing your knuckles to his lips every so often. You had thrown on a movie, some mindless holiday comedy that everyone seemed content with. You leaned into Vessel’s chest, letting your head fall against his shoulder. He smiles at you, carefully reaching up to tuck some hair behind your ear. “You less nervous now, love?” He asks softly.
“How could I be nervous? I have all of you within arms reach.” You giggle. He hugs you close, the two of you enjoying the chance to be so close to each other. Just as your eyes grew heavy, your apartment was plunged into complete darkness. “Shit.” You curse, attempting to hurry out of Vessel’s lap; you pause when he gently squeezes your hip.
“II.” He states simply.
“On it.” Before you could ask what was happening, a match was struck to life. But all the candles were on the other side of the apartment; there was no way he could have gotten over there–
“I'll get the stove started.” III stands, placing your feet in IV’s lap. “These two better do a good job of keeping you warm.” He chuckles, quickly pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he passes by.
You didn't have to lift a finger. Before you knew it, the wood stove was warming the living room, candles casting a soft orange glow over the entire space, and a mug of tea warming your hands as you sat sandwiched between IV and II on the couch. The night sped by as you found yourself playing card games, laughing to the point your sides hurt as you witnessed them bicker and repeatedly get caught trying to cheat. “I'm not counting cards!” II protests.
“You absolutely are!” III argues, “Don't think I can't see you counting on your hands!” II opens his mouth to respond, only for III to cut him off, “Disqualified! You are disqualified!” II groans, admitting defeat as he throws his cards on the table.
Vessel wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “You're looking a little tired, love.” You couldn't even attempt to argue as a yawn forces its way past your lips. “Let's call it a night.” He announced, helping you from the floor. “Goodnight.” Vessel leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Goodnight, Ves.” You smile, slipping into his arms for one final hug. You exchange your good nights with the others, reluctant to leave them even though you would only be in the next room. You could hear them all get settled as you lay in bed, your apartment eventually becoming deathly quiet once again. You lay there for what felt like hours, and it had only been about 20 minutes when you checked the time. You sigh, sitting up in bed. You stare at the door, debating whether any of them were still up. You toss back your covers and leave your bed, wincing slightly as the floorboards creak beneath your feet. You carefully crack open your bedroom door, glancing into the living room only to find Vessel still awake, reading a book under the low candlelight. “Everything alright, love?” He asks quietly. It took you a moment to respond, surprised that he realized you were there.
“I just can’t sleep.” You admit sheepishly, opening the door just wide enough to reveal yourself. He closes the book he was reading, setting it on the end table behind him.
“Come here, sweetheart.” He beckons you closer with a nod of his head. You carefully maneuver around the others, who had found a comfortable spot on the floor for the night. Vessel opens his arms for you, allowing you to crawl into his warm embrace. You cuddled into his chest, the heavy weight of his arms around your waist immediately lulling you into a new state of comfort as you melted into him. He tilts his head back; you swallow thickly as you realize just how nice it would feel to have your lips trail along the skin of his neck. You quickly shook the thought from your mind as he blew out the candle. “What’s troubling that pretty little head of yours, hm?” He purrs. You were finding it hard to concentrate. Vessel’s body was so warm every ache in your muscles simply seemed to vanish as you allowed your fingers to trail over his bare skin. He smelled of damp earth, musky incense, and the subtle sweetness of freshly cut flowers.
“Can I ask you something?” You whisper, looking up at him despite the fact you could barely make out the outline of his face.
“Of course.” He responds in the same quiet tone. He adjusts his position, hoisting you up higher on his chest to bring your face closer to his. “You can ask me anything you like, love.”
You could feel his lips brush against yours as he spoke; the feeling was enough to send a shiver up your spine. “Do you think about me?”
“Love, the image of you never leaves my mind.” You can’t help but smile at his response. “I can’t even begin to describe how special you are to me.” He carefully cups your cheek in his hand, his thumb trailing across your jaw. “I must not be doing a very good job as your boyfriend.” He jokes with a chuckle. “There’s got to be some way for me to prove how crazy I am about you.” The edge of his mask bumps against your cheek as he pushes it off his face. His hand carefully cradled your head, guiding your lips down to meet his. You could feel his heartbeat racing under your palm. He kissed you hesitantly at first, his whole body rigid as he waited to see how you would respond to such a bold gesture from him. He had kept you at arm’s length since he met you, not because he didn’t care about you. It was the exact opposite. If he wasn’t careful, Vessel felt he could easily find himself becoming infatuated with you, something that could cost him dearly if you ended up stabbing him in the back like so many others had in the past. Yet, over the time he had known you and the short time you had been together as partners, your affection for him never wavered. Goosebumps erupted across your skin as Vessel slid a hand under your shirt, his tough, calloused hands rough against your back. “There isn’t a second that passes by where I’m not thinking of you; the sound of your laugh, the way you smile, the way you seem to fit so perfectly in my arms; I am always thinking about you.” He confesses breathlessly against your lips. You let out a soft hum of approval as he crushes his lips against yours again, struggling to stay quiet but not wanting to risk waking the others. You felt like you would die if Vessel stopped kissing you. He groans at the feeling of your hands timidly wandering his body, shaky fingers tracing along the outlines of his muscles as your lips melded perfectly to his. He kissed you until there was physically no air left in his lungs. You struggle to steady your rapidly pounding heart. You rest your hand on the side of his face, gently trailing along the peak of his cheekbone. He caught your hand in his, startling you slightly at the abruptness. He brings your knuckles to his lips. “No matter how much I would like to keep kissing you, you should probably get some rest, love.” He says with a chuckle.
“Now, how is that fair?” You ask coyly, “You make me wait all this time to kiss you, and I only get to do it once?” He tilts your chin up with his thumb. You could feel him smile against your lips. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Your eyes flutter shut as you’re met with another euphoric kiss, “but you have to get some sleep.” You grumble out your reluctant agreement, placing one final chaste kiss on his lips before settling against his chest, your eyes feeling heavy as your adrenaline wears off.
You’re woken up the following morning by a knock at the door. You sit up, wiping away the sleep in your eyes as you try to make sense of your situation. You had fallen asleep in the living room last night after coming to see Vessel; you remembered that much. All four of them were already awake and much more alert than you were at the sudden disturbance. “Relax, I’m sure it’s just the plow guy or something.” You reassure them. You stand, shivering as all the warmth is rapidly stolen from your body. You unlocked your door, opening it just enough to peer outside. Your stomach dropped at seeing the police officer on the other side.
He greets you with a familiar smile, “Got a second to talk?”
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xxcallmemaryxx · 2 months
Vessels x GN reader!
Gaming with the Vessels ~ Headcannons.
Under the cut <3
Vessel considers any time spent with you, quality bonding. You two could be arguing and he’d still consider it bonding time because youre together and throwing words at each other. So when it comes to gaming, oh boy is he ready to shut the world out and spend this time with you. Vessel is a big gamer nerd HE HAS CONFIRMED THIS HIMSELF and being able to share this love for it with you is so unreal to him. He will get all the snacks. He will get all the fun drinks. He will make a fucking fort if you want it. He’s fluffing all the pillows and getting all the soft blankets you two have and wrapping you both up in front of the tv. He’s so excited for this he’s shaking. He will play whatever you want to play, however you want to play it. He doesn’t care in the moment, he just likes that you’re here with him and you’re enjoying something together.
If you like to play co-op games his little character is following your character around everywhere. Exploring maps and completing quests together. He probably takes screenshots of your characters standing close together because it’s you and him in another universe, and they’re in love in that one too. It’s all laughs and smiles all night. He shows you his favourite games and he lets you show him how to play yours. He will go into deep deep detail about the history and lore and theories surrounding his beloved games. Gushing about them and about how they were made and the mechanics behind them, it’s lovely listening to him yap about the things he loves. All while being so snuggled up impossibly close under layers and layers of blankets and in your comfiest clothes. It’s always fun gaming with Vessel. And it always ends in you both conking out with your controllers in your hands because you don’t want to call it a night. You’re slumped together, you’ll probably wake up with sore backs from not sleeping right, but neither of you will care because it was fun.
II gets competitive. He will deny it with his last dying breath, but the truth comes out the moment you turn on something as simple as Mario Kart. He acts all chill and nonchalant about it, trying to prove to you he isn’t competitive, but it takes a total of about 10 minutes before he’s jumping up from the couch to get a better hold on his controller, because that helps for some reason. He will absolutely stand in front of you so you can’t see the screen. He will slap your controller out of your hands and on to the floor. He will push your face into a pillow and hold it there so he can get ahead. And don’t even get me started on his celebrations when he wins. He’s jumping in the air and he’s screaming his victory. He needs the whole street to hear he just won apparently.
His attitude switches right up when his controller dies mid game though. He’s yelling at the damn thing like it just ruined his life and he’s rushing to snatch your controller from your hands so you don’t win either. One time he got so panicked he was about to lose he turned the console off. He got in big trouble after that. But still swears up and down he’s not competitive when it comes to games. You have to force him to play some cozy games with you. To settle down and enjoy a slower night with you. But even II would turn something like minecraft into a challenge. Who can build a better house. Who can build it faster. Who can find diamonds first. He’s a pain in the ass to game with but he makes it interesting every time so you can’t complain. And it’s nice to give him pouty kisses when you get your hands on a full set of diamond armour before him.
III is a big gamer as well, is well versed in first person shooters like COD. He’s the one who seeks you out to sit with him while he plays. Pulls you into his lap on his desk chair and keeps you close while he literally obliterates every single enemy that comes at him. He’s a bit of a show off about it. Makes sure you’re watching every time he wins a round or does something cool. He likes to explain the game to you as well. What every button does. What the point of the game is. What he wins if he completes certain achievements. What each icon means. You’ll know that he’s completely zoned in when he goes quiet. But not without pulling you closer to him first. He rests his chin on your shoulder and plays his game from behind you. He’s in his element like that. His favourite human in the world watching him play his favourite games. He considers you his lucky charm because he kills it every time he’s got you like this.
Nearly throws his controller at you when you ask to play a round. He’s so excited. He explains everything to you that you know you won’t remember. But he holds his big hands over yours as you hold the controller and presses your fingers into the right buttons to properly show you what they do. You might not be as good at it as he is, especially for your first time playing whatever game it is, but he praises you so well for everything you do anyway. You might die about five hundred times before the round ends but he’s scooping you up and telling you that you did so well and you’re already so much better that the game than he was when he first picked it up. Know secretly know you’re not, but it’s clear his pride lies in getting to share this with you. Teaching you how to play and watching you have a go and trying to learn something he loves, just makes his heart want to explode. He’s smothering you in kisses every time you do anything. Later that night you hear him talking to IV over his headset, gushing about you and how well you did earlier. He’s just so proud.
IV looooooves to indulge you. You wanna drag him to the couch and show him all the cool things you did on your favourite game? He’s right there listening to every word. You want him to show you how to play his favourite game? He’s wrapping your pretty fingers around the controller and guiding you through each button as you go. He likes playing co-op games the most with you. Enjoys it when your in game characters look like you two, makes sure you know your characters are also dating. In every single game. No arguing. You two have matching controllers as well. You each bought controllers in your favourite colours and then swapped the joysticks so he has yours and you have his. Now you have his favourite colour on your controller and vice versa. He likes knowing there’s a little piece of you with him even if you’re not playing with him that day.
Should there be a game you play, in which your character gets flirted with, you’re banned from playing it. The second he catches wind of it he’s pulling you from your game and making excuses to keep you off it. Refuses to let you play it when he’s home, but likes to hide the game from you when he isn’t home. He’s a big sook about it. Tells you that he can just flirt with you in real life, no silly character from a game can do it better than he can. Which is very true, but also, you have to remind him this person is pixels. There’s no need to sook about it. He pretends to gag if he hears whatever this character is saying, bans you from speaking their name in your home. Will absolutely make his characters look big and strong and sexy so his character can protect your character. Will make snide comments about his game character being way better. It’s funny, so you laugh about it all the time, but IV will always love gaming with you.
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