#but it was more just meant to test sth
diseasedcube · 2 years
I forgot I made this actually
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ganondoodle · 5 months
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so, instead of working on what i actually wanted to work on ... i did some rough mock up and UI stuff for the pixel game i dream of making
(some sprites are done and copied over, like the basic player character- most are super rough -throw some color in vageuly the shape you need -)
my dream idea (probably impossible espeiclaly for a noob gamedev like me lol) is like a mix of minecraft and stardew with a bit of botw and ww, but set in my OCs world- with a heavy focus on customization and environment/exploration more than making money or something (you might collect celestial silver bits- which are toxic to demons and thus better collected by you in an effort to heal their world and you get rewards for turning it in?)
the Hud? UI? you see here is well .. health and energy in the upper left corner plus some controls which are also in the upper right corner, the idea is to mimic windwakers style of button mapping- meaning that you can put any item on any button you want (only inventory is locked bc it contains all the options)- that extends to the jump, interact and sit actions too, theyd be in your inventory like an item you get from the start, so if you never wanna sit down, put sth else there, dont want to interact with anything and just run around? sure do, never jump? no problem
in the lower right corner is the info thingy, with the big wheel being time of day, the second the health of the environment (the main mechanic in restricting you- if you cut down trees or introduce plants from other, later unlockable, areas it will go down, if you reach critical level too many times Eadrya (blue rough sprite there) will show up whereever you are and kill you (bc the whole idea is that you are a demon hunter who wanted to leave the organization but was hunted down by them for it- so you are rescued by Shargon and put into one of the bubbles around travel gates meant to protect humans from the otherwise toxic-to-humans atmosphere in the demon world, but since you are a hunter, and they cant be sure you can be trusted, you are tasked with helping their world recover from the damage your former allies caused- so if you do more damage than heal it and you do it on purpose they will see it as proof you have not actually left the hunters, which means if Eadrya is the one watching the area you will be eaten/smashed/etc- if its someone else thrown back into the human realm)
below that is the temperature- and on the side is the current and coming weather
(edit: as sidenote, i always got a color filter layer ready for grayscale to check if everythings still readable without color- its an effort to make it more accessible for people with color vision impairment, but i dont think i can test for every single one? theres alot of levels of color blindness right? >o<)
,,,,,,,, this got long too huh
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Congrats to your 1900 followers honeyyy (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Could we gat the moon boys with the cozy sleepy mood with a hint of angst? Or sth hurt comfort in general. I love youuu❤️❤️❤️
Hi! Thank you! Lots of love <3
a/n: I went with the hurt/comfort
You knew what you were getting into the moment you confessed your love for your three boyfriends. No relationship was easy, but you and your boyfriends managed a way for things to work.
This was one of those moments that pushed you to the edge. Your boyfriends were fully aware of your job, your passion for it. It was your dream job and you loved and enjoyed every minute of it, even though it stressed you. There were hints and rumors of you getting promoted. You were going to be the managing director, next to the CEO of the company you were hired by. All your dedication and hard work were about to paid off.
Jake, Marc and Steven knew how much this meant to you.
The problem started when they said you would get the promotion, but only if you worked in one of the other branches of your company—for at least six months. It was another city. It was little stupid in your opinion, but they wanted to test your skills, your ability to adapt at a new place.
You were thrilled, but that meant either your boyfriends had to move there with you or it's the long distance relationship.
"Of course, I'm happy for you, love!"
"You would be away though."
The moment you uttered about your job promotion and the condition, Jake showered you with praises and lots of kisses. Marc joined in, adding how much you deserved it and it was about damn time.
But Steven seemed a bit..hesitant.
"Yeah, but it's only six months.." you tried to ease in.
"Love, I'm proud of you, you do deserve this..I-"
"You are not telling me to turn this down, are you?"
"Gods, no."
"Then, what's wrong, Steven?"
"I'd miss you," he took your hands in his.
You sighed softly, "I'd miss you too, all of you," a pause, "why don't you come with me?"
"What about my job?"
He still worked at the museum.
"There would be museums there, too."
"It won't be the same."
"You know how important this job is to me."
"Are you suggesting mine is any less significant than yours cause I don't have to bark orders at others?"
'Steven, what are you doing?' Marc tried to ease the bubbling tension.
"What? No! What do you want me to do, Steven?!" you didn't mean to raise your voice like that, but the frustration got you. How can he even think like that, you never thought any less about his job even though technically you had more perks at your job and your salary was significantly higher than Steven's. You were supposed to be celebrating now, not arguing. "How many times you were away doing Khonshu's dirty work for days, Sometimes weeks and we made it work?!"
"What does that have to do with this?"
"Are you serious? You think it was easy for me? Not seeing you, Marc and Jake every day!" you got up, "Heaven forbid if I ask for the same!" you failed your hands, agitated.
One would think Steven was meek, but no. He stood firm in arguments. Jake was the one who avoided confrontations.
Steven didn't get angry a lot, but when he did, it was upsetting and it unnerved you a bit.
"I can't believe this," he shook his head in disbelief, "You assume we-I wanted it? Enjoy staying away from you, doing Khonshu's missions?! It was the result of a stupid promise Jake made!"
'Calm down,' Jake added in a futile attempt.
'This is not the time for pointing fingers. Steven, just stop talking.' Marc joined, trying to diffuse the situation.
Marc and Jake hated that you would be away from them, but that didn't mean they weren't happy for you. Why Steven was acting like this baffled them.
'Steven, what are you doing?'
But Steven ignored his headmates.
"I can't do this right now," your voice threatened to crack. You rushed past him.
Before you could leave the room, you felt a hand grab yours, "Steven, I said I can't do thi-," you stopped seeing Marc.
"Baby.." he didn't fail to see the tears brimming in your eyes. "Come here."
You didn't resist his embrace as he pulled you into a comforting hug.
Steven refused to front that night or the morning as you had already expected.
Marc comforted you that night, saying nothing but sweet, encouraging things. Jake fronted in the morning, calling Steven ridiculously stupid Spanish names in an attempt to make you laugh—make you smile at least.
It was the next day Steven realised how idiotic he was. He fronted to explain. He admitted how irrational he was and apologized for hurting you. You understood where he was coming from, you were his first love, first serious relationship. He was terrified of losing you because of the long distance. He let his fear and insecurity take over. He profusely apologized, broke down and was clinging to you, "I don't wanna lose you, Y/n/n."
"Steven, wha..hey look at me, " you gently pried his hands off you, to make him look at you. "You won't lose me," your palm rested against his cheek. "I love you, I-we will make it work, we always do."
That was a promise. And you and your boyfriends kept that promise.
Moon Knight taglist:
@twwcs @friendlyneighbourhood-parker @fayes-fics @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @devilish-mirage @syrma-sensei @gaymistakeboi @scarabgrant @mintpurplemnm @kittiesluvyou @luke-o-lophus @nana1000night @this-is-me1 @thatdummy-girl @vinsevena @hot-mess-express1 @hotbisexualmess @fandxmslxt69 @beaxtrice @ninebluehearts @moonknightwifey @i-still-dont-like-your-face @toracainz @damnzelsoul @bitchyglitterfox @21stcenturycirce
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hushedstars · 11 months
I didn't expect this episode to be sunshine and rainbows but neither did I expect it will leave me feeling exhausted, heavy, conflicted...
I'm not happy with how Atom's storyline was resolved. Everyone was way too nice to him. He deserved stern talking to. A powerpoint on how everything he made up was wrong, and dangerous, and how because of people like him the real victim's are not being heard. He didn't deserve that hug from Cheum. And she shouldn't be so calm and dare I say... amused and fond in a 'och you poor silly boy'. (I am still not sure what I think about what Boston and Nick did. I expected that they will use Nick's stalking skills and record their confrontation with him in which it would be obvious he is full of shit and lied, and then show it to Cheum and the rest or sth. But the ending of that confrontation? Again. Waaaay too nice.)
I don't like Mew's scene with his moms. This is purely personal to me but I'm sick of older generation being all for second chances and staying in relationships that are clearly not meant to be (as Top said, things that happened between them will always linger in the background). And while i don't like Top he is the one that I think could end up hurt later on. Relationship built on one person constantly groveling while having that tiny fear of being still strung along for revenge, and the other person fearing they may be cheated on again and still wanting to spite the other sounds exhausting. And unhealthy. There is no trust between them.
SandRay. Gosh I don't know what to say. I like drama in this show. It's fun. Boeing bringing his whole ass self into OF was really exciting to watch. But this? I wasn't having fun. I was exhausted, and stressed the more Sand was doing whatever he was doing (I want to think it's him missing a friend that shares all his hobbies or trying to be 'unbothered' to not show how hurt he was or maybe people-pleasing that makes him unable to hurt others/put himself first. Because I refuse to entertain the idea - and fail at it - that he is still hung up on Boeing when just 'seconds ago' he pretty much agreed with Ray that they both - SandRay - can't live apart. You can be friends with your ex, sure. But not one that hurt you like that, and seems to be hitting on you again. And sending your boyfriend away TWICE? What is he supposed to think... Just aghhh Sand.). Also feeling heavy with Ray's behaviour. The way he was testing (?) Sand just sat wrong with me. Do I maybe get it? I guess. (This post by @firstkanaphans ? my heart hurts) Did it hurt and was uncomfortable to watch? Especially with Sand looking like he wants to be anywhere else but there? Yes. Talk to each other boys. Of everything I thought may happen between Boeing, Sand and Ray this didn't even cross my mind.
(I'm suffering from lack of kisses between Sand and Ray. I don't mean making out and stuff but a peck for that guitar, and a petty 'stating my claim' peck when Ray left Sand with Boeing... just little kisses from finally happy - for five seconds - SandRay would have been nice.)
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Ok so, with the Tekken 8 Closed Network Test now concluded, I'd like to share a few thoughts.
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The game looks great, I love the new redesigns, I love the new animations and the fact that they got the entire cast to rerecord their battle grunts and win / pre battle quotes, it was especially weird to have certain characters use voice lines from different actors, some of whom weren't even speaking the same language 🤣
The redesigns are almost exclusively great so far, but I do hope we get alternate costumes. Yeah customization is there but I don't really care to have Nina in jeans and cowboy boots or Jin in platinum blond pigtails like... A lot of fighting games just have a palette swap as the second costume and call it a day, but from the very beginning all the way up to Tekken 6, Tekken had an alternate outfit for every single character. Not only that, but it was usually a more "casual" outfit too like, Kazuya's Tekken 1 1P was his karate gi pants but his 2P was a tank top and jeans. Asuka's Tekken 5 1P was her Aikido uniform and her 2P was her trademark shorts and tank top and so on. Tekken 7 originally went for the 2P palette swap, but at some point they added extra costumes, including classic looks, via an update, and I hope they are there from the start this time.
I played almost exclusively as Nina because she's been my main since 2005, with a little Jun, a little Xiaoyu and a little Jin thrown in. I also tried Lili's, Hwoarang's and Asuka's combo trials (nice that they FINALLY added combo trials, I don't know what took them so long lol) I gotta say it's extremely satisfying to see Harada CONSTANTLY shading Street Fighter on Twitter by saying that the base roster will feature a lot more fighters than our competitors an also Mortal Kombat by saying that they are focusing on legacy fighters before they even start considering guests. Like. That's a ball move and a huge reassurance for the fans. I also know it's in good faith and no harm is meant towards Capcom or Netherrealm but he's right and he should say it!
If there's one thing I hope they copy off of Capcom is Word Tour mode. Yeah NetherRealm Studios' cinematic story mode is fine... I guess... But World Tour mode is the best single player mode ever featured in a fighting game and Namco even have their own blueprint in the form of Tekken Force. We're probably still getting a cinematic-style story but there's still hope for Tekken 9, or maybe even a smaller-scale Tekken Force return, in the style of Tekken 4 or sth.
Arcade Mode needs a proper reintroduction as well, in Tekken 6 you only got 4 battles and you were done and in Tekken 7 you straight up got nothing at all out of Arcade mode and character endings were instead for the base game characters who weren't prominently featured in the cinematic story and you got them after a single battle... Very underwhelming.
Also hoping other "missing" modes like Team Battle return and maybe Tekken Bowl will be included from the get go this time? I've also had this request forever but I'd love to see 1P Vs. Com or Com Vs. Com fights be included in offline versus. Literally every other fighting game has it except Tekken and Virtua Fighter and I can't tell why. It shouldn't be hard to implement and honestly sometimes it's just fun to pick characters, costumes and stage and just fight it out with the computer, as a break from online grinding and whatnot.
Now, as for the battle system itself... It's lots of fun! There's tons of stuff going on at all times but it feels great to experience and it's not really overwhelming or anything. It's cute that they have included an "easy mode" for new players to ease themselves in the fun. I'm not a master player by any means but I've had almost two decades of experience in Tekken and legacy skill does play a big role in the Tekken meta so it's an interesting way to even out the playing field. Interestingly, they also seem to have simplified some of the more complicated commands like, I can pull off all of Nina's combo throws now with a total of like, four button presses at most? Crazy! The heat system feels a bit weird at first but it's a huge asset once you get into it which doesn't take all that long anyway.
Overall I am very satisfied with what I got to play and I feel like Tekken 8 is gonna be another huge chapter in Tekken's history as well as the FGC's as a whole and I honestly cannot wait! Hopefully I will have moved out of Greece by the time it's out because my internet connection was killing me 😭🤣
I also better see miss Anna and Christie in the game or else I'm rioting.
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racfoam · 1 year
hi rac!
can I get a snippet from generosity au or professor gaunt au? pretty please. I can't get enough of these au's I spent way too much time binge reading your au's and stalked your tumblr page just to make sure I didn't miss any random snippet
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Hello, sorry it took me a while to come up with sth 😅
Here is a snippet from Professor Gaunt AU
The snow was falling in a large storm outside. It was the first snowfall of the year, and Harry couldn't help glancing longingly to the window beside which the white snowflakes scurried past.
Harry glanced to her wristwatch sneakily, mindful to keep her eyes mostly on the board as Professor Gaunt set out homework — practical, thank Merlin.
Ten more seconds.
“Next lesson, I’ll test how powerful your Shield Charms are.” said Professor Gaunt, his calm voice carrying across the classroom.
The bell rung. Harry and Ron moved with the speed of light. This is how it went: unzip backpack, shove the books and quills into backpack, zip backpack, throw it over the shoulder, jump up and land on the floor.
They were running down the classroom to the doors while everyone was packing their books, Harry holding onto Hermione's wrist while Ron held Hermione's books while Hermione shrieked indignantly —
Harry leapt for the doorhandley ignoring the heaviness of Professor Gaunt's gaze on her, opened the doors, and ran out.
They were just building a snowman and the others were busy building snow fortresses. Professor Gaunt exited through the great, large oak gates, standing atop the stairwell overlooking the courtyard with a frown. He wore a green scarf wrapped around his neck, and a winter cloak. He looked rather grumpy, and Harry wondered if he was like The Grinch.
Abandoning the snowman, Harry trudged up to Professor Gaunt.
“Wanna join us, sir?” asked Harry, grinning. Professor Gaunt’s dark eyes glanced toward her, widening slightly. His cheeks, always as pale as snow, now painted a slightly rosy hue. No doubt because of the chilly weather outside.
“The Ravenclaws got Professor Flitwick. You wouldn't believe how many snowballs he can make with magic. It's like an onslaught. Professor McGonagall won’t play because we get too,” Harry did air-quotes with her gloved fingers, “un-Gryffindorish.”
Professor Gaunt smirked. “I think that is all the truer for Gryffindors. Shouldn't I, direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, join my House?”
“Slytherins don't participate!” said Fred, running over, catching an enchanted snow fairy he crafted of snowflakes before it could land in Harry's hair. “Too uncivilized for them, Professor. I bet it's uncivilized for you, too.”
Professor Gaunt grinned wickedly, all teeth; Harry felt a shiver rush down her spine.
“I like fights, Mr Weasley.” said Professor Gaunt. “It'd be a shame if you lost to Ravenclaws.”
“Which is why you should join!” chirped Fred, going back to help his brother finish the snowman; they meant to enchant it to life and have it launch snowballs at the opposition.
Professor Gaunt watched the scenery. For someone who knew so much about magic, he appeared out of his depth at the idea of a snowball fight.
“I never played,” murmured Professor Gaunt, so quiet Harry almost missed it had she not been waiting attentively for the wizard's response.
Harry's eyes widened.
“I suppose your family was strict, huh?”
Professor Gaunt simply stared at Harry without giving an answer. After a moment, he spoke again, “It was too cold to play outside during winter. I didn't have the proper attire. But snow always fascinated me.”
Sadness swept over Harry.
“I didn't know how to play either, the first time I came here,” said Harry. “But my friends taught me. Didn't you have snowball fights when you were at Hogwarts.”
“I was busy with other things,” said Professor Gaunt, crossing his arms over his chest.
Harry smiled. “Sure. Well, good thing you've got your students to teach you.” Harry nudged her chin toward her group. “We’ll make you a snowball fight champion in no time, professor. That is, if you don't mind a bit of cold.”
Professor Gaunt’s lips twitched, almost a smile.
“You'll create a monster, Miss Potter.” said Professor Gaunt, eerie. A warning.
“I can handle monsters,” said Harry confidently, and walked down the stairs, onto the snow-filled courtyard, and joined her friends.
Harry heard the crunch of shoes beneath her, and restrained a giddy grin as her friends erupted into cheers. Professor Gaunt was following right behind her.
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Bottom!Jonathan x switch!fem!reader x top!Argyle
Minors DNI, 18+
Small less important warning, THIS IS SM LONGER THAN I WANTED IT TO BE so careful. Reading this might take a while.
!!Not proof read!!
Warning: threesome, sex, use of toys, bottom/sub Jonathan, top/Dom Argyle, switch reader, praise, pet names, degradation, bratty reader, obedient Jonathan, orgasm denial, overstim (later on), hand job, blow job and more BDSM related things
If I forgot sth, do let me know
Summary: One moment Reader was trying to get her boyfriends to study, and the next, she was on top of Jonathan and under Argyle.
Feel free to request:
"But you have to study! Especially you, Argyle. You never study.", you said angrily as you sat down on the floor of Argyles van while glaring at the two.
Jonathan sighed and let his head down. "But why do I have to study too? I always get good grades."
You looked at him and crossed your arms. "What was your last chemistry grade?", you asked, and the silence that followed said more than a thousand words.
"Thought so, now get to it, boys. If you hurry and do everything well, you'll get a reward." Once you had finished speaking, the two immediately got to studying, since 'a reward' was usually something that involved loads of heavy breathing and all three pf you being naked.
You left the two alone to get some drinks and snacks before going to make a joint for all three of you. The first thing the two got from you were the drinks, which you filled up now and then.
An hour after you started this, you brought them the snacks. To your surprise, they'd both actually gotten quite well. You were more shocked by Argyle though.
You knew that Jonathan was the kind of student to get an A+ at 99.9% of his tests, but Argyle really wasn't the best of the best. He usually did the very least and stuck to getting Cs and Ds.
Which basically meant Jonathan would've made this either way, but Argyle was absolutely doing the hardest he could, which made you quite happy and proud.
As expected, Jonathan finished first, so you checked his work, feeling all happy and proud since he did very well. All his answers were almost perfect. "Good job, Jonathan."
You turned to him and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. "Good boy~" He hummed and melted against you, his hands wrapping around your waist lightly.
His hand slid down to lightly caress your clothes thigh, though you were wearing stockings so he couldn't feel very much. You smiled and took his hand in yours as his lips moved along your neck.
"Now now, Jonathan. We need to wait for Argyle. It'd be unfair otherwise.", you mumbled softly as you pat his head.
Jonathan whined softly as his face nuzzled against your shoulder lightly, to which you chuckled softly. "I know, baby. I know. But you want to be pleased properly, don't you."
He nodded lightly as he hummed, hugging you close to his chest before speaking. "I do... but you smell so good."
You sighed and turned to look at Jonathan, placing your thumb on his lips softly. "But you know what happens to impatient puppies, no?"
Jonathan fell silent for a moment before he nodded hesitantly. You smirked and looked at him. "What happens to impatient puppies?", you asked teasingly, which made him blush and mutter something under his breath.
You knew what he said but leaned in anyway. "What was that?"
Jonathan looked you in the eyes before replying with a shaky voice. "They get punished."
"That's right. Do you want to be punished?" By now, you were just teasing him, but he reacted to it immediately, which meant he shook his head softly.
"Words, puppy." You said as your hips grinned down against him. He whined once again as he held onto you. "I d-don't.", he whispered nervously.
You smirked as you heard a huff behind you, and your back felt warm from how hard Argyle was staring at the two of you.
Now this is the interesting part.
Argyle hated when you did anything without him, but usually, he could accept it. Except for anything sexual. If you two had sex without him, he hated it. Why?
Because he knew damn well that you would use it to tease him and joke about him not being part of the fun. And you loved it when he got angry about it and showed how much fun you were missing without him.
You turned to look at him with a small smile. "What's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be studying?"
Argyle scoffed and put his pen down just to stare at you some more. "Don't test your luck, princess."
'Good.', you thought to yourself. 'Still green light.'
You giggled and shook your head softly. "I'm not testing my luck, babe. I'm just asking. I mean, is something wrong?"
Argyle was usually calm. Very damn calm. When he was high, at least, but right now, he was the most sober he could possibly be.
And that put you at high risk. If he had his palm tree delight, he would just fuck you silly. But when he's sober, you'd either also be fucked silly or end up not fucked at all for several days.
But you were willing to take that risk.
"Ask again, and you'll be in trouble, dear."
'Yellow light.', you thought to yourself. 'One more, and I got him where I want him.'
A giggle escaped you as you leaned onto Jonathan some more, forcefully rocking your hips against his, which made him moan.
You heard the snap of a pen and it falling to the floor. 'There we go.'
And now you had to be sure not to mess up. You could still be bratty, but you had to focus on not making him even more angry.
You chuckled and looked away from him to pay attention to Jonathan once more. Your hand slipped up his shirt and gently caressed the sensitive flesh of his nipple through the fabric of his shirt.
He squirmed and leaned back lightly, not caring that you were on the floor and about it being slightly dirty. Your movements halted when you felt a big hand on your back, which slipped under the spaghetti top you were wearing.
"You wouldn't start without me, would you?", Argyle asked, which sent hard shivers through your body. His voice was low and harsh as he grabbed your side so hard that his nails dug into your skin.
Immediately, your hand left Jonathan so you could listen to Argyles commands. And you didn't have to wait long.
"Why don't you get on top of him properly, like you imagine doing when we're not around, hm?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded softly and sat on Jonathans hip bone, being careful not to put your full weight on him.
But not even half a minute later, you felt a sharp stink on your thigh, which made you moan softly. Argyle spanked your thigh and leaned in to kiss your shoulder afterward as if he were apologizing. "That's not right, princess. Do it properly."
You swallowed softly as you let your hips sink down onto Jonathans. You could feel his erect cock against you which made your whole body grow goosebumps.
Argyles lips curled into a smirk, and you could feel it against your skin. Then he said the words that always made you wet in no time. "Good girl."
"Now why don't you ride him for a little?"
You obeyed without questions as you began to rock your hips against Jonathans, stimulating both of you fully. You were rubbing his cock and he was rubbing against your clit. It made you shiver nervously.
"Good girl."
Argyles hand moved from your thighs up your waist and up to your clothed breasts. A moan escaped you as he squeezed your chest not so gently. "F-Fuck~"
Your hands held onto Jonathan tightly as you continued to rock your hips against his and leaned in to kiss him. Before your lips could touch, Argyle pulled you back against him. "Oh no, princess. That's a no-no. Only I can touch you for now."
Your throat went dry with excitement as you leaned back against Argyle but kept your wet pussy against Jonathan.
You were so ready for both of them, it killed you.
"You wanna cum, puppy?", Argyle asked Jonathan, who nodded softly. Argyle then kissed your neck and smirked. "You heard that, princess? Use your hand to make him cum. Only your hand."
You nodded softly and moved back against Argyle some more so you could open Jonathans pants. You made your own hands wet and slippery before slowly moving them to Jonathans cock.
At first, you only rubbed the base with the palm of your hand, but shortly after, you wrapped your hand around it fully and played with the tip by circling your thumb on it or pushed against it with two fingers.
Jonathan shivered under you before his head fell, and his back arched upwards since he couldn't exactly buck his hips towards your hand. It was sheer torture for both of you.
Jonathans chest was heaving when you started to pick up your pace, his legs trembling with pleasure and his mouth having no time to close when one moan after the other rolled off his tongue.
"Shit- Shit! I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum!", Jonathan yelled out as his hips bucked up as far as they could with you on his legs.
Without further commentary, he came on his own belly with a guttural moan, his eyes closing as his back met the floor again, and his body relaxed from a hollow back into a straight form.
Argyle smiled and rubbed Jonathans hips lightly. "Good boy. Was that good?"
To this, Jonathan nodded quickly as he looked up at the two of you. He reached up to touch your hips lightly. "Wanna... suck..."
A hum escaped the male behind you as he reached to pull off your shirt carefully. He then unclapped your bra for you and leaned forward to whisper into your ear.
"You heard him, no?"
You once again nodded softly, this time speaking up, though. "Yes, sir." You then leaned forward so Jonathan could reach your breasts, where he pulled your bra off and began to softly suck on one of them while squeezing and caressing the other.
Once your nipple was swollen and hard, he got busy with the other. Your legs trembled from how badly you wanted to cum.
"Sir, please... let me cum.", you panted as you let your head sink down. Argyle hummed and kissed your shoulder softly. "You wanna cum?"
You nodded quickly, a soft chuckle following only seconds later. "Then work for it, slut. You don't deserve to cum yet so work it to prove me wrong."
You let out a small whine before you turned to Argyle slowly. "H-How?"
Argyle gently pat your hips and leaned down to kiss you. "Stay here. And don't move."
You nodded, and once he stood up, you found yourself relaxing just slightly.
"Aren't you like, scared? You're so bratty to him...", Jonathan mumbled softly but you shook your head softly. "Not at all. I know just what buttons to press~"
You leaned down to kiss him softly and pay him some proper attention while Argyle wasn't around.
Once you heard him returning, you got back into position.
The moment Argyle came back into the room, you were slightly shocked at the objects he'd brought back. You were convinced you never mentioned you had them. At least some of them.
The first two were pretty basic since it'd be weird if you didn't have condoms and lube considering the high libido of not only yourself but also the other two.
What surprised you more was the blindfold that he was holding in hand with, which he walked up to you with and blindfolded Jonathan quietly.
You swallowed hard as you looked down at the blindfolded male. You want to use this to your advantage, but you had to be careful. Very careful.
Argyle took the last object, which was a strap on, and sat down beside you. He looked at you with an expecting stare glowing within his eyes.
You looked at him for a moment, eyed Jonathan, and pointed at the males' clothes, to which Argyle nodded softly.
You also gave a light nod and moved up to unbutton Jonathans shirt slowly. Once you saw enough skin, you leaned down to kiss the males chest as you slid the shirt off his shoulders.
Your lips grazed his skin softly until you reached his his nipples once again. Your teeth took over, pulling on the sensitive flesh of his skin, making the male squirm and whimper beneath you.
Your hands grabbed the males' hips as you began to suck on the spot you'd just bitten. Your hands slid down to his pants.
"Raise your hips, puppy.", you whispered, already forgetting Argyle sitting next to you.
Jonathan did as told and raised his hips, which allowed you to pull off his pants and boxers. You pulled both down to his ankels before you pulled them off of him completely.
You did it so slowly that it made him want to tell you to hurry up, but he didn't dare. Instead, he sunk back onto the floor, his hips already stuttering with how needy he was.
You yelped as you felt two slippery hands on you, looking at Argyle slowly to see him wrapping the strap on around you. You gulped softly and leaned a little closer to the darker male. "Is this really okay?"
"It's good, princess. Him and I spoke about it. We agreed that it'd be a good idea to just... not tell you yet."
You'd mentioned this idea to the two a few months ago and haven't spoken about it ever since, so this surprised you quite a lot. Your worries were eased when Argyle explained the situation to you.
You took a deep breath before nodding softly as your eyes wandered down to Jonatham again. Argyle kissed your shoulder slowly and let his hand travel to your chest once again, massaging your breasts not so lightly.
You bit your lower lip softly as you swallowed harshly. "Nhh~ So good to me~"
Argyle hummed as he kept fondling with your breasts softly. "You should prepare him while I get ready to join you two properly."
You took in a deep breath before nodding softly. You reached for the lube and placed it by your leg.
Then you spread Jonathans legs before raising them a little so you could have good access to his rear end.
As your hands tightly gripped onto his thighs, you leaned in to kiss his nose softly. "I'll prepare you now, puppy. Take deep breaths, okay?"
Jonathan nodded and swallowed just like you had earlier as he tried to keep himself relaxed. You moved back again and kissed his thighs before taking the lube in your hands and spreading a good amount all of them.
Your left hand spread the lube all over the strap on, while your right and gently rubbed over his tight ring of muscles. Your eyes closed as you focussed on just what you were feeling right now.
As your finger slid into the male abruptly, you were expecting a moan from Jonathan, but all you got was a choked up sound. You looked up just to see Jonathans mouth wide open and Argyles cock being deeply pushed into the males mouth.
Your own mouth watered at the sight since you wanted the same, but instead you focussed on pleasing Jonathan first.
Your finger carefully thrusted in and out of the male. After few minutes you added another slowly.
It didn't take long for Jonathan to be ready, so you lubed up the strap on once more before carefully pushing the tip against his anal sphincter and past it.
You didn't push all of it in yet, going bit by bit and always taking breaks in between, so Jonathan had time to get used to it.
"Fuck~ Fuck this is so good~", the smaller of the males moand out as he squirmed once again, his hand and lips still very much busy with Argyle.
You smirked lightly, and once the rubber cock was all the way inside, you moved your one hand to Jonathans thigh and the other onto his hips before you slowly began to thrust into him.
Slow and gentle, just as he was each time when he fucked you.
God, you wanted to touch yourself so bad. But if you did it, you wouldn't get to cum at all and you could absolutely not have that.
You leaned down, placing small kisses on Jonathans chest while thrusting into him slightly rougher. Your rough treatment forced some moans out of Jonathan, which made your core tingle even more than it already had before.
It didn't take long for Jonathan to hide his face away as his body started to tremble from how much pleasure he felt. This was also the point where his chant-like moans began.
"(Y/n)~ Agh~ Fuck~ So good~" And this was what he repeated for the next few minutes as you continued to thrust into him passionately. You reached for his hands after a while and removed them from his face just so your lips could meet in a sloppy kiss.
Your hand rested on his belly, giving it gentle caresses to make sure he was comfortable and felt safe enough.
Suddenly, Jonathan let out a guttural moan, which you could feel on your lips as you felt something wet on your hand.
You looked down to see another string of white on your wrist and palm before letting out a soft chuckle. "Well, someone enjoyed that."
That was when Argyle moved again to sit behind you. He kissed your neck while also spanking your ass roughly. "Good job, baby girl. Now it's your turn to feel some pleasure."
When I tell you this took WAY TOO LONG I'm not even kidding
If enough ppl ask, I might make a part two where you also get your turn if yk what I mean xD
Anyways, thanks for reading this. It's the most difficult and longest one so far and god I'm thankful anyone is ready to read this 😂😂
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menalez · 2 years
Ajfjsjakjdfjs there is a lot about lesbian culture in other countries I did not know about!! Like o_o why with thr nudes thing sjdjskdjsjd
I see though i think that makes sense. I feel like theres always that dumb idea of masculine feminine balance 😭 even though i myself am femme4butch i still dontt liek the whole oooaaga divine balaaance. Also its weird bc I think in USA, while there is that idea of course, there's also the 'lipstick' lesbians or 'fem4fem' stereotype or at least, what straight people think of the Good type of lesbians if it makes sense. Like what we see on tv... Its more appealing to them anyway
I mean my ex(😭 it hurts to say my god) gfs mom was actually a bit confused on whether she (ex) was trans like her brother (ftm) or just masculine, Bc i guess her idea of lesbians was the Lipstick kind.? but then also shes not usa american but latin American. Also she was very supportive and sweet just straight and confused with things gjdks
Still i think we have that too or single feminine lesbians get told how its good theyre not the ugly kind if people find out. I think gay men also have similar expectations put on them like ive read about families being more accepting if their son was the "top" or more manly seeming one in his relationship
Also me too 😭 its sooo weird like to have been pressured since being born+!!! And even my teachers would say omg stop flirtingg with boy classmate. ☹️ (crazy bc a teacher thatt taught us Gender Spectrum actualy said that to me bc i was telling this one boy off or something.. ookay.) And then my mom bringing up babies or grandchildren and then in the next moment telling me sex is evil and i should stay away from boys okay ma'am!!!
But jdjd glad that its not just me. Idk i keep feeling worried, but then I feel like im being stuck up and thinking im the only one in the world whos smart and sane so ill never find anyone. Like relax you are not the chosen one (@ myself of course)
Yeah i hope my family will be accepting andd not kill me fjsksjs and I hopee. I can find love and peace.... but thank you for listening! really I appreciate it bc sometimes it just feels like drowning in loneliness and i cant be myself even among friends andd etc. So. Ur very sweet 😭 mwah mwah thanks again mena
literally i could not tell u why she was showing me her nudes. im guessing it’s bc she wanted to show me that she gained weight and show her body before 😭😭 i felt like she was low-key flirting ngl lmaooo but she kept talking about her gf and that’s often a red flag for me sooo nothing happened there. i told her she shouldn’t sit around waiting for the day when her gf inevitably leaves her for a man n that’s not healthy etc. she’s also extremely self-hating in general and said a doctor told her that her lesbianism & masculinity are bc she doesn’t have enough estrogen in her body / has too much testosterone and that she should be on hormones to be fixed, which she fully believed.
im not keen on femme4femme lool from my experience most of them are weirdly anti-butches and hold misogynistic & lesbophobic beliefs! and i do think ur right that’s the more acceptable combo in the west (two gender conforming conventionally attractive women dating). i also hate the stupid idea that bc im not masculine im meant to be dating a woman who is bc it’ll “balance” us both. they also said when im with more androgynous or feminine women, i become more masculine which is “unnatural” or sth 🫥. also my mom is most in support of me dating women that can pass for men, i feel like she thinks if i won’t be w a man then the thing that’s best is me dating a woman who can be mistaken for a man. i think it’s mostly bc she wants to be socially accepted but it can be exhausting
ALSO the top thing is a whole ass thing in the gulf. there’s many bi & straight men who will literally get away with having gay sex bc they exclusively top 💀 a lot of those tests they use to check if ur gay (so they’ll jail u for it) are specifically testing if ur a bottom. it’s a weird weird phenomenon. and it’s especially weird that there’s this weird culture of even straight men seeking out men bc the society is very sex segregated. im sure some of those men aren’t actually straight but it’s such a prominent thing the way it is in prisons in the US that im sure many of them are. craziest part is this culture is most prominent in saudi of all places
omg when i was little i had mainly male friends bc idk girls thought i was a weirdo that stared too much at them or sth. and i was v close to my male friends, we’d hold hands n all but i think we both thought nothing of it. and my mom would be like “omg soooo cute my daughter has a boyfriend omg 🤗 she looooves the boys omg and they love her!!!” meanwhile im 5 years old and just thinking of it like holding my brother’s hand
manifesting u find ur dream gf soon and that coming out goes smoothly for u 🥺❤️ don’t hesitate to msg me whenever. i love hearing from other lesbians n it’s always heartwarming seeing younger lesbians accept themselves, i somewhat envy it (wish i were that brave & self-aware!!!) but it gives me a lot of hope for our future 🥰🥰🥰
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nickelstudy · 1 year
It's been a while since the test has come out so I figure I should take the time to write about it before my memory fades away more than it does now.
Here is my 89th TOPIK II result!
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As you can see, it's not a lot, and not up to my expectation either.. bUT it's pretty decent for the first-timer. A little salty that I could have got 4급 if I earned 2 more points.
Let's start from going there. The test location was a place I'd never been to, plus I had no one to escort me there so it was a pain going alone. It took only 21 Baht (around 0.6 USD) to get there. Pretty cheap!
The test location was a campus so when I arrived I was confused about where I should settle. I wound up at a cafeteria, seeing how it would rain soon (which I was correct hah!) I had lunch and prepared for the exam. I don't think I read any stuff at that point. My knowledge was pretty much saturated and couldn't intake any more words or grammar. Ok and so I walked out in the rain to get to the building where I would have a test. It didn't rain hard so it was alright.
SO, right when I entered the exam room, a Korean exam invigilator (i don't know the common term send help) asked me what my exam number was so that she could find my seat in Korean. The problem is I FORGOT MY NUMBER DESPITE REMEMBERING IT IN ADVANCE. What was worse is I had already turned off my phone so I couldn't look it up. So I answered shits like "번호를- 잊어버렸어요" See how i didn't even use a more polite form (lmfao). Anyway, she went and picked up a list of test examinees which contained everyone's faces... (im scared) but then I realized, it was in the test paper I brought along!
They didn't let us use our own stationery. These were what they gave.
A two-sided black marker. One side for writing and the other for filling a circle
That's it... wait... how am I gonna change my ans-
WELL You could ask for a correction tape that got shared around the room. Fun fact, I barely have experience using it so I was nervous about whether I would fuck it up or not.
Ok, enough nonsense. Let's talk about the test
It was hard. I struggled a lot trying to understand the choices in one glance while listening to the conversation. There wasn't much to be said. I was so done at the 3rd or 4th question. I think if one space out for just 2 seconds, it's going to be hard to catch up, especially with an amateur like me.
Writing (쓰기)
The first two weren't that easy. It took a while to understand what they were about and I managed to fill in the answers.
Number 52 was talking about 갈증. I didn't know what it meant and I don't think they expected us to know either. (gotta figure it out by context amirite)
Quote from a conversation I had with my friend
"There was a part where it's about the sugar component in the juice would make the water inside your body go out or sth idk Because they mention 물이 빠져나가면 so I assume it's that But the problem is idk what to write exactly It's like sth sth 성분은 몸 안의 물이 (...). 빠져나가게 할 것이다?? 될 것이다??? I DON'T KNOW WHY WAS IT 물이 and not 물을 ??? or maybe I was stupid and I don't include the important part so you can't help me now Could it be 부족하게 instead? Idk"
For the 53th problem, I know how to space when writing in a Wongoji paper. BUT I forgot to NOT space after a period (it's a habit from Japanese). After 2 sentences I realized it and tried not to do it again but then I DID IT AGAIN. The content I wrote is decent, I belive. but the spacing...
The last one is about discovering talent, why is it good? How does one do it? I didn't have time to write it ofc. It was like 2 minutes left.
Reading (읽기)
I took too long at the start. Yes, it got progressively harder as I did. I was at the 33rd out of 50 when the time ran out. Nothing out of my expectations to be honest. So yes, I blind-guessed the rest and somehow got more than halves
Other stuff
So when they let us break after the writing section. I tried to go down stairs and get some air. The test was rough haha. They didn't let us go to the 1st floor! They even thought I was going to use a toilet lmfao.
Anyway, it was raining after everything ended. I walked a bit to get to the bus stop and headed back without buying any of the stuff there. End of the story.
Thank you for reading! It was super fun trying out the exam. I'm not going to take a test in the near future for sure because the price is costly. It's not my end goal either! I just want to understand what Korean artists write in their work.
After this (which is right now) I'm focusing more on JLPT N1. I'll write about my method and some updates soon.
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whumpypepsigal · 3 years
taking a wee break from the witcher to talk about a new obsession of mine.
i only watched “the rookie” for their whumpy episodes. but lately i found videos of chenford and as someone who isn’t a part of the fandom; i am… OBSESSED with tim bradford and lucy chen. their chemistry is off the chains wowza. tim is this handsome training officer who is stoic, hardass, brooding, mysterious background, complicated, always has to do stuff the right way, closed off emotionally, takes no nonsense kind of guy. he trains the rookie, lucy chen, who is this beautiful, smart, cute, bubbly, happy go-to and annoys the hell out of tim lmao. he is so harsh on her while training her and makes her go through several difficult tests appropriately named “the tim tests”. but ever since he rescued lucy, lucy always managed to bring out his vulnerable side. tim is so protective of lucy and vice versa *smiles warmly*. i watched all of their compilation vids on YT and loved how he slowly opens up to chen and becomes vulnerable to show his emotions more.
in the recent episodes, they showed us a part of tim’s backstory. he is a survivor of child of abuse, done by the hands of his abusive father. still deals with the trauma. one instance, when his sister mentioned how hard their father was on tim and that he made him go through “tests” to make him “a man”, lucy makes a throwaway comment of the tests being like the “tim tests” he made her go through. and his face after that comment was of such heartbreak. like the man really thought he might be turning into his abusive father. tim struggled throughout the episode and when he finally faced his abusive father, tim was re-traumatized and lucy was there to comfort him. WHEN SHE HUGGED HIM AND SAID HE ISN’T LIKE HIS FATHER…THAT SCENE …GAVE ME PROPER WHUMPERFLIES I TELL YOU. HE LOOKED SO BROKEN.
for someone who never watched the show properly, i LOVE THEM. the slow burn is killing me tho. the show is in its fourth season already and the “will they/won’t they” game is till going lol. i think the writers want them to build a stronger friendship relation before getting them together or sth? i don’t know. all i know is, they are meant to be together. they are endgame. period.
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sorry this is such a long post, just had to pour out my thoughts. anyone else in this fandom? please share more info of these characters. would love to know more haha. and if anyone know any whump fanfics of tim pleeeeeeease send it to me. the man doesn’t get whumped enough in this show sigh.
in the meantime, i am about to post the gifs from the scene I just mentioned above. the emotional whump is just 🤌💯😋
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morganaspendragonss · 2 years
Hypothermia/plane AU for six-sentence Sunday if it suits you, please and thank you!
hypothermia/plane au, please
May I ask for sth from hypothermia/plane au?
18 sentences for you, my lovelies! 💚
TK is awake by the time they’re let back to see him, thoroughly disoriented and clearly in extreme levels of pain. The doctors have put him on some non-opioid based medication, but it evidently doesn’t hold a candle to the stronger stuff, if the creases on TK’s face are anything to go by.
They’ve also given him a nasal cannula; yet another reminder of those long days when TK’s recovery had been anything but certain.
Carlos had been so relieved when TK had started to fight that day—he’d thought, naively, that they could only go up from there. And then the doctor had arrived, and she’d pulled him straight back down to Earth.
“This is a positive sign,” she’d said, in a tone that Carlos just knew meant a ‘but’ was to follow. “But the next few days are crucial. He is beginning to fight back, but the effort of waking up would have been immense, and it would have put significant strain on his heart. We’ll need to keep a careful eye on his vitals just in case he begins to backslide.”
Carlos can’t forget the terror those words had sent through him. The idea they could get this miracle, only for it to be snatched away just as quickly… It didn’t bear thinking about.
“How likely is that to happen?”
“It’s not impossible. His chances are significantly better than they were a couple of hours ago, but we need to wait and run a few more tests before getting too comfortable.”
But TK had proved them all wrong, and he had made it back to his old self.
Only, now… Well, TK may not have died, but it still feels like the miracle is fading in Carlos’s grasp.
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honestgrins · 3 years
Hi I have a propt for u if u want , I just want to read a kc fic where caroline is a badass but mature and she puts hayley in her place and gives klaus shit for sleeping w her but not the whole baby thing she is not pregnant more like a alpha wannabe write it IF u want and like the idea if u dont want is ok thank u , tho its just my first birthday alone and I want sth special its kinda selfish but pls write even sth small ill be grateful thanks.
Elijah poured himself another cup of tea, politely ignoring the crash of furniture coming from upstairs. “Miss Forbes,” he offered, holding the kettle toward her.
Too busy poring over the textbook open beside her breakfast, Caroline gave a small grin of apology without looking at him. “I’m more of a coffee girl, thanks.” 
Glass shattered somewhere above them. “Perhaps some blood, then? I believe it will be a trying day. Best keep up your strength.”
“I appreciate the concern, but I think I could pass a freshman bio test while hallucinating from a wolf bite. I’ll be fine.”
He arched a brow, barely stifling his amusement. “I meant—”
Sighing, she finally met his intent gaze with exasperation. “I know what you meant, I just don’t have time to indulge his mood swings. Part of the deal of me living here is that I get to maintain a normal college experience, regardless of whatever world domination he has in mind.” Another crash of splintered wood broke her train of though, and she grimaced at the ceiling. “Or when things don’t go to plan. Why do vampires even keep wood in the house? Sure, you guys can’t exactly die as easily, but it seems impractical.”
“Noted,” Elijah said, just as Hayley stomped into the dining room and helped herself to the spread they’d barely touched. As she bit into a scone, he offered her a cup of tea as well with a concerned eye to her visible pregnancy. “I assume the meeting didn’t go well.”
“Your brother is an ass,” she snapped, frustrated. “Apparently, marrying the father of my child is an affront to his ego.”
Caroline groaned, slamming her book shut. “Oh, please. I’m as tired of his power trips as the next person, but we all know you and Jackson getting hitched bolsters your claim to lead the pack. Kind of goes against the agreement to live and let live without declaring a winner to the alpha war you guys are having, don’t you think?”
Hayley rolled her eyes. “Of course, you’d take his side.”
Glaring at the ceiling again, she forced her fangs to stay tucked away. “I’m so tired of this damn town. How’s anyone supposed to study when everyone is bickering over fake hierarchies?” With her enhanced hearing, she caught the offended huff coming from the studio. Letting out a slow breath, she gave her best fake smile to Hayley, then a more aggrieved expression to Elijah. “Please excuse me, I have a hybrid to admonish for petty disruptions.”
When she made it up to his studio, however, she was the one with her back pressed to the door. “A petty disruption, am I?” Klaus asked, his lips a distracting inch from hers as he pushed into her space. “Pray tell, sweetheart, the sins for which I need admonishment.”
With a sharp grin, her hand dug into his hair and tugged, baring his throat to her teeth. “I have a test in two hours and no patience for your tantrums over Hayley.” Her fangs tested the edge of his jaw, and she mused, “Unless it’s not about the pack at all.”
Klaus pulled back at that, brows knit as his eyes couldn’t leave her mouth. “Caroline—”
“You’re not just acting out of jealousy, are you?” she asked, trailing her lips up to his ear. “Did you want to be the one to knock her up, claim their little wolf dynasty for your own?” She shoved him back then, her stare hard as he glared. Worse, he looked a bit scared. A bit of tough love was in order, but she didn’t mean to make him question her. Speaking more gently, she leaned back against the door to show she wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “I get it, it sucks that New Orleans and all the vampires, witches, and wolves won’t fall in line behind you.”
“They’re not even trying,” he complained, running a hand through his mussed hair. “And now, she—”
“Hey.” Putting her hand up, Caroline refused to up with the pity party any longer. “You’re the one who told her about the Crescent pack and its likely connection to her, which you noticed at time she clearly didn’t bother you so much.” They both winced at the reminder of his tryst with the wolf, a past that couldn’t be buried back in Mystic Falls as easily as they’d like. “You break it, you buy it, and all that. Can’t we just...move on with our lives? Maybe have some fun while we’re at it? Without the supernatural warfare, preferably.”
His head tilted to the side, and she saw the predatory glint in his eyes half a second too late. Before she could argue, he lifted her into his arms and had her pressed against the door once more. “Now,” he said, his voice low through his fangs as he brushed his nose along hers, “where’s the fun in that?”
She kissed him with bruising force, tugging his lip with her own fangs. “You have one hour,” she warned, working his shirt out of his jeans. She tore it, though, at his challenging expression. “I mean it, Klaus, or else I will find somewhere else to live. Someplace with fewer distractions.” Her nails dug into his sides to emphasize her point. “My study schedule has been ruined enough.”
“Not quite,” he smirked, “but an hour will have to do.”
“For the time being,” she agreed, laughing when he lifted her back into his arms to carry her toward the lone sofa not destroyed.
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valhyr · 2 years
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@omnilimit​ : 68. For Verona-- they're riding on the Hardy Daytona or sth. :)
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          The initial reaction likely is not what he was banking on ; Verona herself was not sure what to say , baffled to silence at the fact that t h i s is what he wanted to show her and t h i s is what he wanted to drag her down here for ( it’ll be fun , she remembers one of her wards professing as they push her towards the door ; give him a chance , he’ll surprise you ! ) .  Yes , she is certainly … SURPRISED .  Impressed , even , that he has the audacity to make such a request of her when he is more than aware of how busy she is ( but then , he knows what he asks— he knows she’ll come when he calls— ) .  Lips are pressed into a thin line , half-blind gaze p e e r i n g over the shining rim of her sunglasses hanging low on the bridge of her nose.  Head is canted as she looks ‘tween him , the bike , and back again.  A claw lifts , sliding her lenses back into place.  “You’re asking me to ride along on t h a t ?”  Shockingly , there’s nothing to suggest she’s about to refuse , not even an ounce of disdain.
          A frosted sigh of dramatic resignation leaves her , “Fine - yes - okay , I’ll go.  Just s t o p staring at me like that.”  She HATES it when he’s so s m u g about it.  Letting him mount into place first , Verona hesitates ( there isn’t much room is there ? ) ‘fore settling into place behind him.  It’s certainly a TIGHT FIT ; two pieces coming flush together – learning to align.  Even when the bike speeds off into gear , Verona’s attention remains affixed on the proximity ( monster first , woman second ) ; his warmth , his scent , it blurs in her head , and it teases her senses— “Be careful,” the words whisper out of her ‘fore she can stop them , it’s more a guide to herself than him , but that doesn’t stop him from assuring her they’ll be JUST FINE .
          Somehow , the world seems better smeared and out of focus like this.  For once , the Chimera might even consider the journey p e a c e f u l if it wasn’t stuck on the back of a hurtling ungodly metal contraption.  Still , she can relent her inhibitions for awhile , can’t she ?  Her chin comes to rest atop his shoulder , her arms loosely coiling at his waist.  
          She feels his form shift , sees his hand retreat from the handlebar to reach ‘round slightly , settling there on her leg cocked at his hip.  She smiles at the gesture , but the Chimera can’t discern what it is he’s trying to gain.  Ringed claws apply pressure where they rest ‘gainst him , her voice teasing his ear ( a low purr , meant to instigate ) , “Be CAREFUL .”  A warning now ; he should KNOW BETTER than to drive distracted.  Just to prove a point , those sharp ivories prick at sensitive skin under his ear ( it’s a clear test ; how much can you tolerate ? ) .
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sir-crocodile-smile · 4 years
AH congrats on 50 followers smile! i love reading your writings & you so totally deserve it!!
for the event, how about a 18 (from fluff list) & 42 (from general)? a fem pirate w/ Chronic Sarcasm Disorder and Causes-Trouble-Out-Of-Boredom Disease is stealing treasure off a Marine base or sth and Smoker catches her in the act? but, she got away and since then she just makes it her life mission to bother Smoker as much as possible. start of an enemies-to-lover typa beat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hehe thx! do with this as u wish💕
Fluff-ty Followers Event!
Thank you so much!!!!! I really appreciate your kind words so much (*´ω`*)
I hope you enjoy!
Come Here Often? (Smoker x fem!pirate!reader)
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    It started out as a gruesomely average day at the Lougetown Marine base, the usual hustle and bustle of his men just white noise in Smoker’s ears. For most on the base, boredom was a sign of peace and an opportunity to rest. For the white haired captain, it was torture. His heart was a relentless engine that told him everyday that there was more to be done to uphold justice, and he knew better than most that there’s truly no rest for the wicked. He was making rounds through the base, checking every potential security breach personally. Anything was better than sitting still right now. He hadn’t really been expecting to find anything amiss, so when he walked into the vault just to give it the once-over, he almost turned right back around.  
    You froze like a deer in the headlights as Smoker locked eyes with you. Your entire arm was inside a bag of confiscated loot, fishing around for the good stuff when the captain himself walked in. One of his two cigars fell out of his gaping mouth, bouncing on the ground and rolling off into oblivion. Think, Y/N, think fast!
    “Sooooo,” you began in a singsong voice, slowly pulling your hand from the bag and trying to strike the most relaxed pose you could. “You come here often?” Smoker finally snapped out of his shock, brow furrowing.
    “Considering I work here? Yes,” he replied, folding his arms across his broad chest. “Who the hell are you?”
    “Inventory management.” You flashed him a sassy smile. He gave a gruff laugh.
    “Inventory management, huh? Where’s your uniform?” He took a few steps closer to you. You took a few back.
    “Casual Tuesday, sir,” you replied, slowly moving in the direction of one very important item you had found earlier. 
    “Cut the crap, thief,” he grumbled, continuing towards you. “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” You carefully hid the secret weapon you found behind your back.
    “Oh nooooo, the big marine is gonna get me! Whatever shall I dooooo?” You mocked, throwing your free hand up like a Victorian lady about to faint. A faint smirk appeared on Smoker’s lips.
    “You’re lucky that you’re the most interesting thing that’s happened to me today,” he sighed, shoulders relaxing. It’s obvious that he didn’t see you as a threat. “Otherwise, you’d really be testing my patience.” 
    “Sorry about your day, General Grouch. Must be rough sitting in your plush office chair, huh? You poor thing,” you teased, knowing full well you were playing with fire. You’d be happy to take this gamble though.
    “It’s Smoker. Captain Smoker,” he growled, puffing on his lone remaining cigar. His sharp eyes started to narrow at you. “Though your day’s about to get a whole lot worse, Major Pain-in-my-Ass.” You scoffed in fake offense to his name-calling.
    “Rude. I was just trying to make conversation,” you retorted. “And it’s Y/N. Pirate Y/N.” 
    “Well, that’s enough chit-chat. You’re coming with me,” he declared, staring you down.
    “Jeez, buy me dinner first at least,” you teased. An unexpected blush flooded the burly man’s cheeks at your words.
    “That’s- That’s not what I meant!” He protested, getting visibly flustered. Oh, you could work with this. A sly smile spread across your face. 
    “Aww, are you shy?” You cooed, getting closer to him. He took a cautious step back. “You know, you’re kind of my type. Broad-shouldered, handsome, funny…” His face continued to redden.
    “Are you flirting with me?!” He took another uneasy step back from you as you continued forward, a scheming grin starting to blossom on your face. You suddenly closed the distance between you two, pushing him backwards as you did. He fell gracelessly to the floor, with you laying on his chest. 
    “What’s it look like to you, Smoky?” You purred in his ear as one hand caressed his broad pecs. The poor man was somewhere between mortified and total cardiac arrest. You had him in your clutches.
    The sea prism cuffs clacked shut, one cuff on his wrist and the other around a table leg. Smoker started to realize something was up when you laughed, and he suddenly felt woozy. You hopped off of him, leaving him to slowly realize that you had cuffed him, draining him of energy and robbing him of his devil fruit powers. A loud stream of curses came from him as he struggled with the cuff, trying to grab you with the little strength he had. You ignored him, packing all the loot you could grab quickly into a sack and heaving it onto your shoulder.
    “Well, I gotta say, it’s been fun! Maybe next time I get bored I’ll come pay your base a visit,” you laughed as you started towards the exit. “See ya later, Smoky!” You winked at him over your shoulder, and thought that for a moment, you saw a bit of pink return to his cheeks through the anger on his face. With that, you left him in the vault and shut the door behind you. Someone would come get him with all the racket he’s making, and you would be long gone when they did.
    You’d come back though. That you were sure of.
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genshinboys · 2 years
Take this with a big grain of salt. So my first graphology reading ever 🙏 I still don't know how to stack the traits to form am actual background/personality yet. So this is just general traits.
●Medium handwriting size, leaning a little towards smaller - more on the humble side and values precision
●Baseline is straight but not rigidly straight that it's concerning - writer is emotionally grounded in general or when writing this.
●I'm not sure if the baseline is inclining or declining because of the page lifting up - yours seems neutral so not exactly optimistic or pessimistic.
●Far spacing - you like to keep a distance from people
●Middle zone dominated writing: represents day to day communication (is usually most common amongst students). Or maybe stucked in a day to day life and doesn't have time to think about the future?
●Lower zone represents lusts/pleasures/drive (E.g. food, sex, money, power) - There's a sex drive indicated by your Y's but they're not like BIG big lower zones which would have meant you need a lot more of the lusty things to be happy.
●Plenty of hooks and angular formations in the upper zone - has aggressive thinking patterns/thinking frustration, writer's morality can be unpredictable (This one doesn't mean that the person is aggressive, there's a different trait for that)
●"Smother me__with" it looked like a sudden spacing change usually indicates lying or cautiouness but judging by the context you were not trying to lie but instead took your time/paused to think what you want to be smothered with 😂 could be just because the page corner is lifting so it looked like a sudden change
●Seems more loopy which indicates imagination-creativity
●The O's and A's have no extra entanglement which is indicating honestly and openess. (Kaeya would be having so much unnecessary extra loops in his O's 😂)
●Most of the T bar heights are in the middle - you have mostly an avarage self-esteem sometimes little lower or higher
●I can't tell the actual letter slant because of the page lifting up. But seems like no slants so the writer tends to be more head over heart type of person
●You use inconsistent T's. Sometimes little loopy on top and sometimes straight. A big loop on T's upper part indicates sensitivity/fear of critisism - I have no idea what you are in this
●The heavier the pressure the more intense and headstrong you are. It indicates that someone is dynamic, charismatic and social - Yours is on the harder side but not extreme pressure at all so it's about charisma and not frustration-violence.
●The letters are disconnected but sometimes connects on certain parts - you like creative problem solving, making things easier to write
Oh boi 👀 👀 👀
It's true about distance, at the beginning I always just observe to test the grounds, I mean I'm nice and all and probably you don't feel it but I'll be cautious before I get to know a thing or two about you
I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic, I tend to take things as they are, not being overly dramatic but also not seeing good stuff only when it's obviously shit
I'm definitely stuck in a day to day life, wishing I had more free time to pursue other things than job
Yes, I'm open and honest, I agree 👍
I would definitely say I'm very emotional and get swayed by certain feelings easily but at the end of the day I'll come up with a head strong approach to a problem / come up with some decision
Not to brag or anything but yeaaahhh kinda creative 🤭💝
Creative problem solving ✅ yes that is totally me
Damn, fear of criticism is going strong here my friend, u hit the nail on the head basically 😩 tell me I suck at the thing I put lots of effort into and I'll cry like a baby and become depressed for weeks. Can be just any thing actually, not even sth I consciously want to be good at. I always take it very personally when people criticise me and blame myself that I'm not good enough.
Yes I'm so sensitive!!! Ughhhhhh the worst soft blob actually!!!
Dynamic / charismatic / social / WELL my personality type is CAMPAIGNER = ENFP so you might be also right about that. I used to be more social in the past though.
REGARDING THAT SPACE oi how can I possibly decide when the man was born with so many nice things he could possibly use to smother me with, mhmm?? No, but quite honestly lol I think I just left my pen for a moment and came back to writing as I was eating dinner 😙💋
Overall, let me thank you because this was literally the coolest thing ever and I'm so impressed???? If I met you in real life I wouldn't leave you alone for a second after this 👀 👀 👀 I'm such a slut for personality readings or zodiac shit 💖💛😭 damn that was right up my alley thank you! And the fact you did this expecting nothing in return whatsoever? Wow, thank you again!!
PS This is the sample if you haven't seen it:
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liang-rexy · 4 years
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Danny basically says: "I'll show you how to defeat those bad guys". 😂
(It's not that easy to understand the language I use in the picture, I guess. There are some people who misunderstood what Danny says. 😂 I didn't write that well, but at least I tried).
This wasn't meant to be a concept of my AU Wings of The Ravens at first, but when I finished it, I realised that it's okay to regard it as some sort of concept art.
Usually I dislike posting a single image at a time, but I need to write sth pretty long for some of my works, and in that case, the text will be too long for one post. 😂
There was an drawing activity in a DP fangroup on QQ in March. The activity is called 击鼓传画 I think, and one of the rules is that a person draws a specific character and send the image to the next person, and the second person redraw the image in their way/style (can add something else into the pic if you want), and then they will send the new image to another person… It's basically like "passing a parcel". I took part in it and drew this. The previous image actually shows a friendly Danny, and the author wrote that "Danny's going to give a lesson!". Mine is really different from their drawing, but that's the point you know. Everyone was supposed to surprise the group members. 😂
Back to my drawing. There are over fifty layers. I like to draw on many layers (it's convenient to fix things and test/try stuff in this way). Usually, a flat-coloured illustration of mine will have twenty or even more layers. 😂 I explored some new techniques and new methods. I tried to design sth detailed and simple. I explored a bit of the characters' designs and Danny's gesture(s), expression(s) and personality, and the process was kind of amusing. I even created some depth for the background. Since the characters are in fact a bit detailed and they look amazing (I put so much effort into the artwork after all), the background needed to be better than just a single-flat-filled colour.
This took me about two days. There are a few problems in the picture (some lines and some light effect and some of the details…), and I think it's good to know there are small problems.
(I know Danny doesn't even look like a good guy…😂😂😂)
Oh btw, Dannypocalypse stuff. I am afraid that I wasn't able to posy this on time, but it's fine. It's my AU Daniel (and Dark Danny) with lovely teeth.
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The Danny on the top was inspired by a character from a film. (I haven't watched the film, but the design is just so creepy)
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Rexy's 41st original post.
2020. 04. 25.
DO NOT REPOST OR USE my artwork without my permission.
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