#smoker x reader scenario
grandline-fics · 5 months
Shifting Focus
DESCRIPTION: The moment they began to see you differently
CHARACTERS: Shanks, Kid, Smoker | Sanji, Law
WORDS: 2,850
A/N: Another part of this in honour of reaching 500 followers. This was my first time writing for Smoker so here's hoping you all enjoy!
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Everyone knew Shanks was a flirt, a laidback charmer who always had a smile and a wink at the ready for the next pretty face he came across. No-one was meant to really take it seriously, to see anything that happened to be more than what it was, a fleeting moment of enjoyment for both sides. Serious feelings never truly came into play, it was easier that way given that he was always on the move. To let anyone believe he was the settling down type would have been cruel and he didn’t find any enjoyment in hurting people needlessly, unless they were his enemy of course. Everyone in the crew were more than used to his mannerisms, yourself included. You could understand his worldview on the matter however you never entertained him when he chose to flirt with you. Something that he finally started to notice and when he did, he couldn’t let it go. 
“Do I repulse you?” He asked suddenly one evening causing you to choke on your coffee. Your body tensed and you forced the liquid down your throat, wincing at the painful burn it caused and sharp tightness in your throat. You’d needed it to stay awake for your night shift but after that, you set the mostly untouched mug aside. Looking to your side you saw your captain staring at you intently, a small pout playing at his lips making you believe he was picking his words carefully to seem like he was keeping the conversation light. However underneath the joking you could tell there was a real question there. 
“If you repulsed me Cap, I wouldn’t have joined your crew, now would I?” You answered, looking back down to the sea chart in your hands, needing to keep track of any notable features coming into view. “What is it you really want to ask me?”
“I’ve noticed something about you.” Shanks began, scowling when you looked away from him to continue your work. You were always so task-oriented and levelheaded that even when you were joking with another member of the crew, you were still focused on what was needed to be done. Finally you looked up at Shanks again, eyebrows raised slightly to invite him to keep talking. “You don’t flirt back.” 
For a moment you had to think about what Shanks was getting at but finally you let out a laugh and lightly rolled your eyes. So he was in that kind of mood today. For a moment he almost had you by making you believe he was asking you a semi-serious question. Still smiling in amusement you shook your head and turned to go inside when a wind started to pick up. If you lost the charts in your hand it wouldn’t have been good. What you weren’t expecting was Shanks to follow you, with a sigh you settled down at your desk and sat back to stare at your captain who clearly wasn’t finished with this joke and you weren’t going to get any peace until you indulged him. “Am I being reprimanded for my lack of flirtation towards you, Cap? I’m surprised it’s affected you so much given how you’re never without company.”
“You flirt with the others on board.” Shanks pointed out, not really knowing why it was getting to him so much. Ever since he’d realised you’d joke around and tease the others on board but not him, it just kept gnawing at him. Shanks knew he shouldn’t get so irritated by it all but he just couldn’t help himself. He stepped closer until he was leaning of the edge of your desk, staring down at your calm expression. “So why not me?”
“I flirt with the others because it’s not serious and they know that.” You shrugged lightly, leaning back to regard your captain, a smile slowly pulling at your lips. “You, however are a different story, Cap.” With a breathy sigh you rose from your seat and Shanks’ earlier position meant you were now standing mere inches away from him, not quite touching but close enough for the warmth of your body to radiate into his. “If I gave in and flirted with you…I don’t think I’d be able to stop it as just a joke. I don’t have the same self-control that you do.” You murmured, tilting your head up slightly so your breath could softly dance against his skin. Satisfied that that should be enough for your Captain’s need for the joke to end you took a step back and grinned before sitting down at your desk. 
With your presence no longer engulfing his, Shanks blinked and immediately wanted more. More of that rush, that spark, more of you. However fate had other plans when Lucky Roux called for him and he had to do his duties as the Captain. Sharply letting out a huff of annoyance, Shanks reluctantly left your side to head onto the deck. When he reached the doorway, he couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and see your attention already drawn back to your work. Yeah, this was far from over.  
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There was never a dull moment on the Victoria Punk. Even on the calm days at sea, the heavy steps of the Captain and the usual tone of conversation was carried at a volume louder than some other ships were used to. But that was what you liked about it. It was only when the ship was deathly quiet outside of sleeping hours that any of you felt the need to worry. The seas were calm and laughter surrounded you all as you sat in the living quarters with plenty of drink to see you all through to morning if you wanted. 
Currently you were all playing a game with the bounty posters you’d all seemed to collect. It was a simple enough form of ‘Kiss, Marry, Kill’ by selecting three posters from the pile however each person that had to answer ended up getting drawn into a fierce debate about their answers. If you didn’t want to answer on your turn however, you had to drink. It was an empty punishment since all of you were drinking happily regardless. 
“Look I stand by my answer okay?!” Wire shouted, unable to keep the grin from his face knowing the argument was in good spirits. “I had the worst draw out of them all so far, you guys have been getting it easy.”
“Just hurry up and pick my three okay?” You grinned, sitting up from your lounged position to get a better look for your turn. Wire reached over to the pile of posters lying face down on the table and picked three at random, slowly flipping them over to reveal Blackbeard, Franky, and Bartolomelo. Grinning you sat back down into your previous position. “Kiss Bartolomelo, Marry Franky, Kill Blackbeard. Easy.”
“Not that I’d argue with the decisions, you just made up your mind so quickly…” Killer noted, a grin in his voice as his face remained hidden by his mask. You rolled your eyes and grinned. 
“Nothing to think about, Blackbeard is…ugh” you suppressed a shudder at the mere thought of the Emperor. “Franky is dependable and skilled, and fun from what we saw when we allied with them so marrying him wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
“You didn’t think about Bartolomelo as marriage material?” Kid asked with a grin and you laughed up at your Captain who you’d been leaning against for a majority of the night. 
“No way, he’s a major Strawhat fanboy. I’d be competing against that entire crew for his attention, sadly we just weren’t meant to be.”
“Yeah, you’re real heartbroken about it I see.” Kid laughed along with you and the others. The game continued for another while, some of the crew stopping from being too drunk to stay awake while others began to head for their quarters. Those remaining all agreed this would be the last round and it meant you were to deal out three posters for Kid. 
You were still far too comfortable lounging against your Captain so you quickly reached over, fumbling you flipped over the first three you could get your hands on and flopped back before even seeing who he had to choose from. From the sound of the stifled laughter you could tell his options were going to be good. With an anticipated grin you turned on your side and pushed yourself up with your elbow only to become surprised to see your bounty on the table along with Buggy the Clown and Nico Robin. You couldn’t help but become curious about what your Captain would pick about you although you supposed as long as he didn’t pick you to kill it was all fine, it was just a game after all. 
Kid suddenly felt tense and couldn’t help but look away from your printed face to the physical version of you. The you he suddenly became all too aware of. You’d been part of the crew forever and he’d never needed to see you as anything other than a valued member like the others. What if he said something that made you uncomfortable. But if he didn’t play then you could misread that too and make things worse. Fuck, why was he overthinking this? He had to finish the game and hope nothing more was said about it. “Kill the clown and kiss Robin.” He muttered quickly before looking away and draining the last of the alcohol in his mug. 
“Aww you wanna marry me?” You cooed, the smile growing wider on your face. With everyone satisfied with a good ending to the game, the crew began to clear up their drinks and the bounty posters and move to turn in for the night. You got up with a groan and stretched out your arms, finally feeling the need to rest too. With a yawn you turned to Kid who was still sitting and smiled softly. “Not heading to bed, Kid?”
“Yeah, heading soon.” He grumbled lost in his own thoughts that were now occurring to him and you tilted your head, a frown falling on your lips. Quickly Kid realised you were going to worry and he recovered enough to smirk at you. “We need our rest, right? We’ve got a wedding to plan huh?” He forced the joke out, relieved to see you laugh and leave while wishing the rest in the room goodnight. When you were gone, Kid glared at Killer who was sitting far too relaxed for his liking. “When did you add their bounty to the pile, Kil?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about and you have no way of proving it.” 
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“Vice Admiral?” You paused in the middle of the G-5 Base corridor when you spotted the base commander leaning against the wall with his office just a few feet away. At the sound of your call he made no sign that he’d heard you. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for someone of his rank to get lost in thought especially if there were certain higher ups breathing down their neck or certain pirates occupying their minds. Adjusting the documents in your hands you approached the base commander. “Vice Admiral Smoker?” You asked again and moved to lightly touch his arm to get his attention. 
At the same time, Smoker turned sharply and knocked into your hand causing you to drop your files in surprise. As the papers fluttered to the floor you kept your gaze on Smoker, concern growing in your eyes. His usual steely gaze seemed to have dimmed and you noticed the small tremor in his otherwise imposing frame. As one of the base’s medical staff your critical, scrutinising stare was pinpointing all that stood out to you. Since you were dealing with the commander himself, you felt you had to be somewhat nicer and couldn’t just order him to rest. “Are you sick?” You asked and immediately his stare sharpened at the implication. 
“I’m fine.” Smoker’s answer was gruff as to be expected but you could hear the slight shake that could have been missed had you not been listening out for it. When he saw you weren’t fooled he finally took a proper look at you and through his mind that was getting foggier by the second he managed to recognise who you were and what department you worked for on the base. Inwardly he cursed his bad luck. He’d been trying to get to the safety of his office but a dizzy spell hit him hard and he had to stop to catch his breath just mere seconds before you’d approached him. Smoker didn’t want to be babied, getting sick was a rarity for him. He just wanted to get to his room and sit there in peace until he felt a little better. No one else had noticed his state all day, why did he get cursed with bad luck like this at the final moment? He just needed to get rid of you before you tried to take a closer look at him. “Aren’t you going to pick up your documents?”
“Well since you're not sick and are partly responsible for me dropping them. You can surely help me lift them, right Vice Admiral?” Your question was so sweet and innocent but still Smoker glared at the challenge in your eyes. In any of his previous interactions with you, you’d seemed so reserved and quiet but now he could see another side to you. With a grunt, Smoker lowered himself to the floor, trying to fight the wave of dizziness and aches rolling down his body. Mentally he cursed you as you smoothly crouched down and started collecting sheets at a pace far faster than he was able to. When Smoker was focused on the task you’d given him, you struck. Your hand touched his forehead before he could react and you scowled at the man in disapproval. “You’re burning up with a fever. You’re going to your room and resting.” 
Your order left no room for disagreement and before Smoker’s mind could truly catch up, he found himself walking into his room with you. When he was lying on his bed you set about gathering what was needed to help his fever and aches before making yourself comfortable at his desk to fix the scattered documents into their right files again. From the small layer of dust gathering on the surface you could tell Smoker didn’t use it much, being a man of action over paperwork. “You don’t need to stay, I’m fine.” Smoker grumbled. 
“The second I leave, you’ll rest for an hour at most and call yourself cured. I’m not leaving until I’m happy you’re actually fine.”
“An hour is all I need.”
“Didn’t know you had a medical degree.” You noted dryly. “Do I call you Doctor Vice Admiral Smoker or Vice Admiral Doctor Smoker?” It surprised you when Smoker’s deep laugh rumbled through the air and a small smile graced your lips at the sound. Perhaps he should laugh more, it was a nice sound and it would help make him more approachable to some people. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Smoker mumbled, it wasn’t often people stood up to him like this and he had to admit it was refreshing to see. Unable to fight it, Smoker yawned as his body was beginning to give in to its need for rest. When you heard the telltale signs of him falling asleep you let out a sigh of relief that the medicine you’d given him was started to take effect. 
In the early hours of the morning, Smoker stirred at the soft feeling of fingers lightly running through his hair. It was a comforting feeling and still under the haze of sleep that hadn’t fully left him, his mind hadn’t properly caught up so he let himself relax into the feeling. Reaching up he curled his fingers around your wrist holding your hand in place as his eyes slowly opened and met your face. 
“Your fever’s finally regulated.” You informed him gently, keeping mindful of the time and not wanting to speak too loudly. “If you promise to drink more fluids and stay in bed until at least late morning I can leave.”
“I promise, thanks Doc.” Smoker mumbled with a half-smile, stifling a small yawn and letting his eyes fall closed again but when he didn’t hear you leave he opened his eyes again to see you still standing there. “Problem?”
“Um, kinda need my hand back…or did you want me to stay?” you laughed softly, trying to hold back the grin when Smoker tensed and quickly let go of your wrist, allowing you to leave. “Remember your promise.” You reminded him as you left, smiling to yourself as you left to your room with the memory of Smoker’s blushing, embarrassed expression fresh in your mind. You had to admit it was pretty cute to see. 
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
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Heartfelt Cierra's One Piece Masterlist
Plus Sized Reader NSFW Fluff/SFW Hurt/Comfort Series Angst
♡ Kid X Insecure Plus Sized Reader
♡ Sabo X Insecure Plus Sized Reader
♡ Marco X Plus Sized Reader
♡ Ace X Plus Sized Reader
♡ Portgas D. Ace X Female Marine Captain Reader
♡ Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader NSFW
♡ Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader pt 1 NSFW Modern Office AU Pt. 2 Pt.3
♡ Corazon X Reader NSFW Modern AU
♡ Marco X Reader NSFW Modern AU
♡ Marco X Reader X Ace Modern Office AU
♡ Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet. (Ace, Roger, Marco, Shanks, and Doflamingo)
♡ Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt. 2 (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Sabo and Law)
♡ Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt. 3 Marine Edition (Issho, Koby, Smoker, and Garp)
♡ Marco X Reader Comfort
♡ Law taking care of sick Y/N
♡ Marco X Rabbit Hybrid Reader
♡ Ace X Reader
♡ Sabo X Reader
♡ Dude where's my submarine? Isekaied Law X Female Reader One Two Three
♡ Corazon X Reader
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squoxle · 5 months
˚₊‧꒰ა All Good Girls Burn In Hell ♡ S.Eunseok ff ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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💠pairing: Eunseok x Reader!afab | 💠wc: 7.1k | 💠cw: profanity, religious themes, drug use, abuse, coercion, protected and unprotected sex | 💠plot: Your tired of being mommy’s little girl so you sneak out to a college party with the Devil’s Advocate…
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With the pressure of being the perfect daughter weighing on your shoulders, the last thing you needed right now was a boy. Especially not when that boy was Song Eunseok He was everything you weren’t and the complete opposite of what your parents believed in. Rule Breaker. Trouble Maker. Bad Boy.
His beauty... charmed you like a snake, entrapping you in his comforting grasp before crushing the life out of you.
His words... were like the devil’s music, enchanting you with his lovely tune as he led you down a path of darkness.
And his eyes... God his eyes were the most delicate yet aggressive feature of his face. Boldly standing out with a gentle aura surrounding them.
He was the perfect temptation. Sent by Satan himself to draw you away from purity and righteousness.
And you were the perfect target. You were weak and he could tell, which is what made corrupting you that much easier.
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Your home life was just about as chaotic as you'd expect an extremely religious family to be.
“Honor thy father and thy mother, for this is the first commandment with promise,” she would say this whenever you did anything remotely ‘disrespectful’ in her eyes. “Don’t you want to live a long and happy life?”
Sometimes her words felt like vain repetition or taunts echoing through your head, as her method of reprimanding you often came in the form of lectures.
The neurotic controlling nature of your mother could only be tamed by one thing—aside from the public eye—and that one thing was…your father.
Unfortunately he was no longer around and your mother often blamed you for his absence.
Your mother taught you that a wife should submit to her husband for he is the head of the family and you--as his wife--are to be his helpmate.
Though that sounds fair, for the most part, Mom had a much harsher way of embedding what she believed into the lives of her children. Especially her daughters.
After your rebellious older sister ran off 4 years ago with her motorcycle-riding girlfriend, all hell broke loose at home. You had now been promoted to the oldest of the siblings and were therefore subject to physical pain on top of everything else. It felt like you permanently resided within the confines of a chapel, which often felt more like a prison than a home.
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You’d had enough of this torture. You needed a break away from the unreasonably structured environment. Just for once, you wanted to feel like you were the one pulling the strings.
Never did you expect to hand your strings over to a new puppet master.
To keep things brief, you'd met Eunseok through your best friend Faith. Ironically, she was a girl you met at Sunday school in 9th grade who definitely wasn’t the perfect little angel people thought she was.
One time her dad almost caught her smoking outside. The way she launched that bud halfway across the street before sticking a sucker in her mouth was insane. Another time you could remember her telling you the story of how she snuck a boy into her room to have sex while her parents were sleeping…well the boy was her boyfriend, but still.
She had a wild side that you found alluring. Which made you wonder if you had a one too, well one apart from the scenarios you enacted in your imagination.
As a freshman in college, you were ready to try to relax a little.
"Or maybe not," you thought to yourself as you woke up to the sound of religious music playing from the kitchen. Your mother did this nearly every morning at the exact same time, almost like clockwork.
You could smell the coffee brewing, coupled with the scent of bread toasting. You knew you could only roll around in bed for a few more minutes before it was time to get up. Not only did you still have a bedtime, but you also had a specific time to wake up. No later than 8 o'clock were you expected to be out of your pajamas and have your bed made.
"Nothing comes to a man in his sleep, but dreams," another saying your mother loved repeating.
You lived in a house with two younger twin brothers and shared a room with your big sister. Though, now that she was gone, dust bunnies were the only thing sleeping in her bed.
One thing you had to learn was to be the first one in the bathroom. Sometimes you'd get up earlier to avoid the chaotic morning bustle.
After getting dressed you grabbed an apple for breakfast and waited for your mom to drop you off for your first day of uni. Luckily, you and Faith were going to the same university, so that eliminated the anxiety that came with being completely alone on a huge campus for the next four years of your life.
Unfortunately, loneliness, like most of your other personal problems, was none of your mother's concern. "Read and pray," she'd tell you. "The Lord will comfort you."
As this was your first semester in college, you decided to knock out a good chunk of your core classes, English, Math, History, and Politics.
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After 3 hours that felt more like a lifetime, your first lecture had finally ended. By now hungry didn't compare to what you were experiencing right now. Unfortunately, you forgot to bring your wallet which meant that water would have to fill you up for now.
“I can already tell this semester is going suck ass. And the next 16 weeks of my life or going to be a nightmare from hell,” Faith sighed as she dropped her backpack on the ground beside her.
You had met up with her outside at one of the round red tables that were scattered across the open green field.
"Oh, come on you can’t say that. It’s only the first day, give it about a week or so, and then see if you still feel the same way," you said trying to encourage her to look on the bright side.
"No, you don’t get it. This guy hates me, like literally hates me. You should've seen the way he looked at me," she sighed. "God, he was such a fucking scumbag."
"My stupid fucking sociology professor. He started nagging about some bullshit and I called him out for it," she rolled her eyes before pulling out a box of cigarettes. "Want one?"
"No, thanks," you held your hand up. "Wait this is a no-smoking zone," you said as Faith lit the end.
"Shit, my bad," she shrugged before picking up her bag and walking off. "You're coming, aren't you? You're not just gonna tell me I can't smoke here and expect me to go off by myself," she held the cigarette between her two fingers.
"No, sorry, I'm coming," you stuttered.
"You better."
You followed your blue-eyed friend to a brick wall that was high enough that when you sat on it your feet couldn't touch the ground.
"So I guess we found our secret place," Faith smiled. "A sweet escape from the terrors of uni and their stupid, boring bullshit," she puffed.
You and Faith often found little areas that you claimed as your own. This was just another spot to add to your map of many discrete destinations.
"Woah, what the hell was that?" Faith looked as your stomach growled uncomfortably loud.
"All I had was an apple this morning and I'm starving," you sighed before cracking open your water bottle to take a sip.
"Well, that water isn't gonna do shit for ya. Let's go grab you something to eat," she hopped off the wall before putting her cigarette out on a rock.
"I can't...I forgot my wallet at home and my mom is already on her way here," you sighed before joining her on the ground.
"So what? I have money. Besides, it's not like she's gonna kill you for grabbing something to eat," Faith slung her bag over her shoulder. "I'm kinda hungry myself."
You’d be lying if you said you didn't have a slight gut feeling that your mom would be upset about this. But maybe Faith was right. There's no way your mom would get mad at you for eating...right?
After splitting a sandwich you headed to the front of the school to find your mom parked in a handicap spot. You waved to Faith as you walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle.
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"So, how was your first day of college?" your mom asked as you buckled your seatbelt.
"It was good," you nodded as your mom pulled down the sun visor to reapply her Cherry Blossom Bliss tinted lipgloss. "How was your day?" you asked as you placed your bag on the floor between your legs as you looked out of the window.
"Good," she said plainly as she closed the car mirror and closed her gloss before tucking it away in her clutch bag.
You drove around a bit in silence before you heard the sound of her coin-filled bag swinging through the air. Hitting you in the mouth. Strangely enough, you heard the soft jingle before you actually felt the pain.
"Don't ever keep me waiting like that again. When I come here to pick you up you need to be ready," your mother said as you turned to her in shock, covering your mouth that was now decorated with a sliver of blood that seeped through the crack of your lower lip.
"But, I--" Your attempt to explain yourself was cut off by the stinging pain from your head as your mother dug her nails into your scalp.
"Are you talking back? Don't talk back to me you fucking brat," she spat. At this point, you knew that saying or doing anything else was just going to trigger her to spiral so you wiped the tear from your eye, attempted to fix your hair, and sat back in silence until you made it home.
It was moments like this that you wanted someone to vent to. But what good would that do? Even if you told Faith about this nothing would change. This was your life and the only smart thing you could do was learn from your mistakes.
Don't be late.
Don't talk back.
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The next couple of weeks were like the first minus getting attacked for being late. You went to class, you did your homework, and you hung out with Faith. Today, your class had ended early since it was almost spring break and you took this as an opportunity to spend more time with Faith before your mom came to pick you up.
But today was a day to mark on your calendar as the beginning of your ending...
“Hey, Faith,” you said shyly as you noticed the two boys that sat with her. One of them being none other than Eunseok.
She waved to you tapping a spot beside her for you to sit. “Hey girl, we were just talking about going to one of the fraternity houses this weekend for a little get-together,” she smiled mischievously. "What d'you say? Wanna join us for some life-changing fun?"
You knew that look, and nothing good ever came from that. You’d been invited to gatherings like this before and always declined. You never regretted your decision either, especially when she’d tell you about all of the horrible things that happened. Faith never saw the stories how you did, they all sounded like exciting retellings of the glorious moments you missed out on.
"No that's alright," you chuckled as she glared at you with her big blue puppy dog eyes.
"Pleeeeeease," she whined, pouting her lips and squeezing your thigh.
"No, Faith," you giggled. "You're just gonna run off and leave me all by myself."
"I'll be there," Eunseok smirked. "In case she does abandon you," he sat on the opposite side of you placing his arm behind you.
"I-uhh," you stammered.
"Cool it big boy, she's not into that kind of stuff," Faith budded.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know she was gay," Eunseok said, slightly backing away.
"Oh no. I'm not gay," you spat.
"Okay then, lesbian? Bisexual?"
"No, I'm straight. I just don't like boys," you were doing an awful job at pleading your case and you could see Faith holding in her laughter as she watched the awkward interaction between you two.
"How the hell are you straight, but you don't like boys? That makes no fucking sense."
"No. Wait. I like boys, but I'm not allowed to date."
"Who said anything about dating," he chuckled. "Are you already trying to claim me?"
"I never said that. I mean. Ugh, nevermind," you sighed.
"Relax, I'm just joking. Faith already told me about preserving your purity."
"Yep, I sure did. So you don't have to worry about him trying to lead you astray," Faith smiled.
"Eh hmm," the other boy cleared his throat.
"Oh, right. I forgot. This is Theo. I met him a year ago at a party and we've been friends ever since," Faith said as the boy waved.
"You got me over here feeling like an outcast," he smirked.
"Well, she barely knows that goofball, Eunseok. I think this was the first conversation they ever had." Their conversation faded in the background as you dug deep into your mind only to realize that this was your first time actually speaking to Eunseok.
You were much younger when you first met and you've always been one to keep to yourself. Plus, your sister had just left and life at home wasn't so great. So there wasn't much to talk about.
"So, you're coming right?"
"The party this weekend...you're coming right?" Faith asked again.
"I don't think so. Sorry," you replied.
"Hmm...well I'm not gonna force you. Maybe next time," she said patting your shoulder. "Oh shit," she sighed as you noticed your mom walking over to you.
"I've been waiting in the car for over an hour now and you're out here goofing off with boys?"
"Mom, it's not like that I was just--"
"I don't wanna hear it. Go get in the car. Right now. We're going home," your mom looked everything but happy right now. She must've known you got out early and had been waiting for you all this time. Scared didn't begin to describe what you were feeling right now.
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To your surprise, the entire ride was silent. Even when you made it home, pure silence. You went upstairs to take a shower before going to your room to study.
As you were going through your drawers to pick out an outfit, a head-spinning blow knocked you to the ground. Your mother's angry face hovered over you as she raised her hand to hit you again.
"You attention-seeking slut," she sneered. "You're just like your whoring sister," she hummed before grabbing your hair and dragging you to the middle of your room.
"I didn't do anything! I swear," you whined. "We were just talking!"
"First you'll have boys kissing and touching all over you. And the next thing you know, you'll be with a girl too. You'll be confused and broken. Just like your sister," your mother's eyes pierced through your soul like fiery daggers as she continued to berate you.
"I wish you had been born a boy like your brothers. I'd rather have a house full of men than one filled with whores in training," her words lingered in the air as she walked over to your bedroom door. "Sometimes, I wish your sister would've taken you with her."
Every word you thought of saying was caught in your throat. You were being choked by an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and disparity. This was a common pattern whenever your mom would get violent.
Senseless slut shaming and misjudgment of your character coupled with the clawing sensation of her nails digging into your scalp was too much.
Dragging your hand across your face, you wiped the tears from your cheeks as you curled up into a ball on the floor. The sound of the ceiling fan clinking blended with the ticking of the clock that hung on your wall. You ended up falling asleep on the floor with your knees to your chest.
If not for the lamp on your desk, you'd be in complete darkness.
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The next morning you woke up earlier than you normally would. This gave you a chance to shower before going to school.
The water ran down your body as you thought back to what happened last night. You turned your back to the pouring water but flinched as you were met with a stinging pain. You looked over your shoulder to see small scratches on your back--likely from being dragged across the carpet floor.
You searched under the bathroom cabinet for something to clean the wound with. Nothing but a bottle of toner stared back at you.
"Well there's alcohol in it," you mumbled to yourself as you poured the liquid on a cotton ball. You dabbed every spot within your reach before throwing your clothes on.
"You alright?" Eunseok asked. His voice caught you off guard as you drifted off into your thoughts. Faith had walked off for a smoke break with Theo, leaving you behind with the dark-eyed boy.
"Yeah," you smiled feignly.
His energy was different than it had been before. Maybe it was because he saw how your mom behaved when she saw you guys talking.
"You sure? Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like shit," he said tilting his head to meet your eyes.
"There's just a lot on my mind right now," you sighed.
"Wanna talk about it? I'm a pretty good listener."
"No, I'm okay. It's not like that'll do anything anyway," you sniffed. Crying was the one thing you'd never do in public. And you'd rather struggle on your own than bring other people into your personal business for no reason.
"Alright, fine. Well then how about we not talk about it together this weekend."
"I can't go to that party. My mom would kill me."
"Well, you look like you're halfway in the grave already. You could use a bit of excitement in your life."
"But I've never...I can't..."
"You're an adult. You can't let your mom dictate your life forever," you were quiet before he continued. "I'm sure you can just ask your dad, right?"
"Yeah, that would probably work if he was still around."
"Oh...sorry I didn't know."
"It's fine. He's not dead, but he might as well be. I'm sure my mom would be happier if he was."
"If you don't me asking...what happened anyway?"
"Well, basically he left us because my mom is literally insane. They would always fight. And one night he came into our bedroom and slid a note under our pillow," you thought back to the feeling of him placing a kiss on your forehead as you laid there pretending to be asleep. You watched as he wiped the tears from his face. To this day you regret not saying anything. Not doing anything.
"That was the last time you saw him?"
"You're going to that party," Eunseok whispered before placing his hand on top of yours.
"I'll sneak you out on Saturday night," He said pulling out his phone. "What's your number?"
You looked down at your hands as you shamefully replied. "Even if I give you my phone number, my mom takes it at night time..."
"Damn. Well, I'll just give you my old phone. I barely use it now so I won't be looking for it," he said reaching into his bag. He pulled out the smaller black phone which was protected by a bulky plastic case. "It's a dinosaur, but it still works," he chuckled.
"Are you sure? What if I get caught?"
"Relax, you won't. You just have to keep it hidden until tomorrow night. After that, you're in the clear," he smiled.
"Okay, but if I get in trouble it's all you're fault and I'll probably never forgive you," you said as you took the phone from his hands.
Maybe a night out would do you good...
To be completely honest, it didn't take much convincing to get you on board. He was attractive as hell and as much as you hated it, he definitely had an effect on you.
"Deal," he chuckled as he watched you slip the phone into your bag.
"What are you losers yapping about?" Faith grinned as she skipped back over to you and Eunseok.
"I was just helping our little friend plan her escape," Eunseok said, cutting you off as he pulled you in for a side hug. "Isn't that right?"
You nodded as Theo clapped his hands together. "Awesome! Another innocent soul to claim for Satan," he words sent chills up your spine as you thought back to what happened the night before.
"Hey? You alright?" Faith asked as your face went blank.
"Yeah...I was just umm...I was just thinking about some stuff," you replied, trying your best to play it off. "Shoot!" you spat.
"What?" Faith asked.
"My mom is on her way. I gotta go," You snatched your bag up and began walking off.
"Sorry, I don't wanna get in trouble again," you continued as you drifted back into your thoughts.
"Hey," you felt a large hand palm your shoulder. You whipped around to see Eunseok standing in front of you. "If you ever need someone to talk to, remember that I'm here for you," you nodded as his hands slid down your arms to your hands.
A warm feeling rushed to your face as all of your previous worries melted away. It was like he was the first person to take your mind off of everything negative in your life. He was like a drug and you were afraid to get addicted.
You both stared at each other for a bit before he pulled you in for a hug. "I'll be over to break you out tomorrow night. Don't forget, okay?" His voice sounded even more soothing when he held you close. The gentle vibrations from his throat were just about as relaxing as soaking in a hot tub.
You hummed in response before walking off to join your mom in the car.
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11:24pm tomorrow night...
You quietly tiptoed through the darkness of your bedroom to your dresser. You pulled out the bottom drawer to grab Eunseok's phone from its hidden place.
Feelings of guilt, fear, and anxiety tugged at your heart as you thought back to the moment between you and your mom in the car the day before.
"I'm really sorry for how I reacted the other day..." your mom bit her lip as she gripped the steering wheel. "It's just that I'm afraid to lose you the way I lost your sister..."
You could feel the genuine pain and regret in her tone as she poured out to you.
"I don't want you to make terrible mistakes that you'll regret in the future. And sometimes...exploding is the only way I know how to fix it. That's how my parents were with me."
This was no excuse for her actions, but this did make you feel a sense of pity for her. It was almost enough to make you cancel. But you needed this more than anything else right now.
You just wanted a small taste of what else life had to offer you...
Anything was better than spending all of your free time in this hellhole.
You powered the phone on to text Eunseok.
"She's sleep. You can come pick me up whenever." you sighed as you waited anxiously for him to text back.
"Alright, princess. Your knight in shining armor is on the way to rescue you from the evil dragon." Reading his text made you giggle a bit as you struggled to find anything remotely skimpy to wear. Nothing but an old baby blue dress from your sister hung idly in the back of your closet.
You quickly hopped into the dress and slipped into a pair of silver heels.
*Tap. Tap. Tap*
The tapping sound from the window nearly made you jump out of your skin. The moonlight dimly lit your features as you turned to see Eunseok's face behind the glass. You tapped your finger against your lips, signalling him to stop.
You opened the window and stuck out your first leg to climb out. Eunseok came close to guide you out by the waist. "You ready?" he smirked.
"Yeah," you nodded.
"Then let's get the hell out of here," he chuckled, grabbing your hand and running with you to his orange Dodge Challenger. You climbed into the passenger seat as Eunseok closed the door behind you.
Your heart was beating fast as hell, probably the fastest it's ever beat in your life. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you lied. Your throat was so dry it felt like you had cotton in your mouth.
"You might be able to lie to your mom, but you can't lie to me. You look like a scared little puppy," he smiled, scanning your body. "Nice dress."
"Thanks, it was my sister's."
"Well you look amazing in it," he turned the keys and you felt the seats rumble gently beneath you. You watched as Eunseok reached down to pull out a V-pen. He breathed in slowly before blowing out the sweet strawberry-scented vapor. "Here. Take this. It'll relax you," he said handing your the plug.
"Uhh...I'm okay. I don't smoke."
"Come on, just try it once. If you don't like it you can stop."
You hesitantly opened your mouth as he brought the device to your lips.
"Just suck it in slowly. Let it fill your lungs and don't try breathing out of your nose at the same time--" You began coughing aggressively, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Or that'll happen," he chuckled, before patting your back.
You looked at him through watery eyes as he reached to hand you a water bottle. "Don't worry, I didn't drink any of it yet."
"Thanks," you sniffed.
"So, what'd you think? D'you like it?"
"It tastes good, but to be honest I didn't notice much of a difference aside from coughing my brains out."
"Well, that one was kinda weak. Hold on. Imma give you something a little stronger," he smiled as he drove to a red light. "Look in the glove box and pull out that little red case," he directed you, pointing his finger at the glove box.
You sifted through the other miscellaneous objects before finding the red case. You placed it in his hand and watched as he pulled out another smoking device.
"Alright, I'm gonna go first and you just copy me okay?" he licked his lips before clasping them around the metal tip. "Just take a little bit first," he said after blowing out the cloud of smoke.
Remembering the mistake you made last time, you sucked in slowly.
"Woah, woah. That should be good enough," Eunseok chuckled as you inhaled the herby smoke.
You blew out the smoke, filling the car with the scent. You still coughed a bit, but it wasn't as bad as before. "That's weed, by the way," Eunseok smiled. "You should be feeling it in a bit."
He wasn't wrong either. You felt a sense of alertness wash over you.
"We're almost there," Eunseok said as he entered a subdivision before pulling up to a house shortly after. Cars were lined up the street, most likely belonging to the other partygoers. You could even hear the music blasting as you sat in the car with Eunseok.
This was the first time you finally noticed that Faith wasn't there. The amount of questionable decisions you were making in such a short time even shocked you.
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You walked with Eunseok into to the lively house party hosted by Theo who greeted you at the door with Jell-O shots. "It's about time you got here, princess. We've been waiting for you," he smiled as he took down the cherry-flavored shot you rejected. "Did you get my message?"
"What message?" you asked.
"This one," he said, grabbing your hand to spin you around. "Wanna dance?"
"No, that's alright," you chuckled as he pouted playfully.
"Your loss. I'm a terrific dancer--"
"If by terrific you mean terrible then I'd definitely agree with you," Faith said cutting Theo off. "Hey girl, what do you think of the party? Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Well, we just got here a couple minutes ago."
"Yeah, and I was having a conversation with her until you came over here interrupting us," he poked her nose.
"Puh-lease. I'm sure she's glad I came over here to save her from your boring ass."
"Boring? Boring?! I'll show you whose boring."
"I'm already looking at you dummy," Faith playfully pushed Theo's shoulder. "If you really wanna dance then let's go," she giggled, leading Theo to a corner by the tip of his chin.
"Heh, later princess," he waved to you.
You watched as Theo grabbed Faith's hips. She swayed her hips, grinding her ass against him as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck. A seductive smirk crept across her face as Theo turned her around to face him. He caressed her thigh as he lifted her leg, wrapping it around him. He slowly leaned into her lips, hanging centimeters away from her soft pink lips before she placed her finger on his lips.
"I thought we were just dancing," she beamed.
"Dancing and kissing?" he chuckled awkwardly.
"Uh uh. Man, these shots have you acting extra horny today huh?"
You shook your head, scanning the room for Eunseok. You couldn't believe you were staring at them for that long. You didn't see him anywhere in the kitchen so you went out into the hall to look for him somewhere else.
To be honest, if Faith wasn’t busy teasing Theo, you'd probably be hanging out with her right now. But, Eunseok wasn’t so bad. You actually enjoyed his company. 
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Still feeling a bit fuzzy and lightheaded from the hit earlier you swayed through the partygoers, silently searching for a familiar face. You were more of a shy person, so engaging with random strangers wasn’t exactly at the top of your list. 
“Hey, ~” a dark-haired girl waved to you as she was being dragged off to a bedroom down the hall. “Wanna come have fun with us?” 
“No, that’s alright,” you smiled sheepishly. 
“Oh come on, baby. I’ll make it worth your while,” the boy said, releasing the other girl’s hand to run his nose against the skin on your neck. 
“I said, no,” you spat, pushing him away after he licked the exposed skin on your chest.
“Oh, you wanna play hard to get, huh?” He smirked devilishly as he pressed you against the wall. 
You struggled beneath his weight as you looked down to see that the girl had passed out on the floor. Knowing that this was going nowhere good, you swung your free hand to hit him straight in the mouth. 
“Argh!” He winced, licking the blood from the broken skin on his lower lip. “You little bitch! You’re gonna regret doing that,” he spat, grabbing your wrist, and twisting it slightly. You groaned at the burning pain travelling down your arm before kicking him between his legs which made him drop to the floor. 
While he was on his knees swearing and shouting out all of the horrible things he was gonna do to you, you shook the collapsed girl to try and wake her up. There was no way in hell you were gonna leave her in the hands of this monster. 
“Are we gonna play now?” She hummed. “Hmm, I’m sleepy. Can I stay here?” 
“No, come on. I gotta get you out of here,” you tugged at her arms. “No girl left behind.”
The boy must’ve been feeling better by the time you finally got her to stand as you felt a set of hands push you to the ground. He grabbed you by the ankles and started to drag you down the hall. 
Even though you kicked your legs in an attempt to fight him off, it was useless, he was much stronger than you and you didn’t stand a chance against him now. 
Dazed, but conscious enough to see what was going on, the dark-haired girl ran off. 
“Dammit,” you thought to yourself. Closing your eyes shut, you prepared yourself to just accept your fate. A set of footsteps ran up the hall toward you as you felt the boy drop your legs to the ground. 
“Ugh!” He groaned as you opened your eyes to see a beer bottle had been smashed against his head. 
You watched as Eunseok punched the boy in the face until blood came from his nose. His hair bounced at the force of every blow. You could tell he had broken his nose by the way his face had contorted. 
“Let’s go,” Eunseok said, looking at you still on the ground. He grabbed the boy by the shirt and proceeded to drag him to the front door. “Does your brother know you’re here?” He spat looking to the dark-haired girl who you assumed ran to get Eunseok. 
“I’m almost 18. I can make my own decisions,” she stuttered. 
“Right, and we see where that almost got you. Come on, I’m taking you home,” Eunseok said as he walked up to a dark-skinned guy. “Lance! Can you keep an eye on this fucker? The cops are already on their way for him.” Eunseok said as he abandoned the lunatic who tried to assault you and the other girl. “He was trying to make a move on Eunchae.”
“Sure, man. I’ll hold him until the cops get here,” the boy whom Eunseok called Lance smiled as Eunseok walked outside with you and the other girl. “Tell your brother I said hi,” he chuckled as you walked outside. 
“Get your ass in the backseat,” Eunseok spat as Eunchae folded her arms. “And put this on,” He said as he pulled off his oversized varsity jacket and draped it over her shoulders. 
“Wait! I forgot my phone,” Eunchae exclaimed as the car started up. 
“Too bad, I’ll have Theo hold onto it for you. We’re leaving,” Eunchae sat quietly in the backseat as you drove almost 30 minutes to a black and white apartment complex. 
Acting like a spoiled child, Eunchae refused to go up the stairs. You could see that Eunseok was more than fed up with her bullshit as he threw her over his shoulder and walked up the stairs to knock on the door. 
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Eunseok, placed Eunchae on the doormat in front of him as he waited for the door to open.
“You’re not doing a very good job at babysitting her, Seunghan. Maybe you should send her back by your mom and dad,” he said as he poked her cheek. 
“Yeah, I might do that because she’s obviously not ready to be an adult yet—“
“No! Ugh! You never let me do anything,” she huffed as she stormed to her room.
“Thanks for bringing her back, bro. I thought she wasn’t feeling well because she went to bed early.”
“Eh, it’s alright. But you seriously need to keep an eye on her. Oh, and Theo has her phone. He’ll probably bring it over later.”
“Okay, it’s not like she needs it anyway,” Seunghan chuckled as he closed the door.
You followed Eunseok back to the car as he started it up again. 
“Sorry,” he said after taking a hit of the weed from earlier. “I’m pretty sure this wasn’t exactly the fairytale ending you were expecting,” he sighed.
"Well, it's definitely been interesting," you scoffed lightheartedly.
"Did you want to go back to the party or to my place? It's quieter there."
"Umm, wherever you want to go is fine with me."
You were hoping that he'd choose his place. Mainly because the party felt more like a freak show, a disaster waiting to happen.
"M'kay. My place it is," he said before pulling off.
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He didn't live far from Seunghan so the drive was relatively short. You followed him up the stairs before entering his apartment which was uncomfortably cold.
You wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to contain some of the heat that was rapidly escaping your body.
"I would've offered you my jacket, but I already gave it to Eunchae," Eunseok said as he turned off the air.
"It's alright," you said sucking in your breath.
"C'mere," Eunseok whispered softly as he pulled you into his grasp.
Your cheeks burned hot as you felt the warmth from his body coupled with the feeling of his breath on your neck.
After a short silent moment, he turned your body to face him. He was met with a warm and submissive look on your face. A sense of innocence wrapped up by desire.
He leaned in to kiss your lips. Little did he know that this was your first kiss.
You freely allowed him to take the lead biting and sucking on your lips as he pulled your body closer to his. You quickly pulled away as you felt his bulge brush up against your core.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you lied as you eyes fell to the ground.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t—“
“No, I want to. It’s just that…”
“It’s just what?”
“I haven’t really done anything like this before.”
“Kissing or sex?”
“Oh…sorry, I didn’t know. I kinda just assumed you had done something.”
“There’s a lot that I haven’t done.”
“Well we can stop now if you want.”
“No, I want to keep going. Just take it slow with me.”
Eunseok led you to his room that was fairly empty. Nothing but a king-sized bed, a small night stand, and a laundry bin occupied the floor space.
You stood at the foot of his bed as he began kissing you again. Though this was your first kiss, you never expected it to feel so good. Again, you felt his hardness press against you, but this time you welcomed the sensation.
You felt his hands blindly move across your back stopping at the zipper before pulling it down. He pulled out of the kiss to slide your dress down before directing you to stand up and sit on his lap.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you felt a bit shy about being naked in front of someone.
He slid your panties down before he wrapped an arm around you. He reached his finger down to glide between your lips. The amount of wetness definitely wasn’t ready for his cock just yet, so he spit on his fingers before massaging your clit.
You jerked your body as he used his fingers on you. Gripping onto his arms, you threw your head back as he inserted one finger into your pussy. Your tightness gripped around his finger as you let out a soft moan.
He slowly pulled his finger back and forth grazing the flesh of your g-spot before picking up the pace.
You watched as he pulled his finger out completely covered in your wetness.
“Okay, what do you want to do first? We can go straight into sex or I can eat you out?”
“I wanna go straight into sex,” you replied as you stood up.
“M’kay. Let me go grab something first,” he said before leaving the room. You waited on his bed, playing with the wetness between your legs.
He came back shortly after and pulled down his pants to reveal his pulsing hard-on.
“I’m gonna put this on to make it easier for you,” he said as torn open the packaging that contained a dark blue condom. You watch as he slid it down his length before climbing onto the bed. “You’re gonna get on top okay,” he continued as you hesitantly straddled him.
You leaned forward to place your hands on his chest as he guided his cock to your opening. Slowly, he pulled you hips down gliding his lubricated dick deep inside of you. You whined as he broke through your hymen. A slight burning feeling filled your core.
“Mmm, fuck,” he groaned as he thrusted into your pussy. More swears left his lips before he came inside of the condom. You felt his warm seed fill you up as he laid there breathless.
“I didn’t expect you to be so fucking tight,” he groaned. “Alright, now you gotta suck the cum off so I can fuck you raw. That was my last rubber,” he sighed, fluffing his hair between his fingers.
He pulled the condom off before you went down to wrap your lips around him, sucking off the cum before gagging slightly on his length.
Once clean he bent you over on your hands and knees and plowed into your pussy as you came closer to your climax. He pulled out his cock to insert two of his digits into your gummy hole as you reached between your legs to rub your clit.
Breathless, moaning, and panting you came all over his fingers screaming out his name. He held you down and pushed in his cock to feel you pussy clench around him as you slowly came down from your high.
You collapsed on the bed from exhaustion and satisfaction as Eunseok stroked his length.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he sighed as he kissed your shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you home before sunrise. Just get some rest for now,” he said as he saw your legs trembling from the orgasm.
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This definitely wasn’t the night you were expecting, but you couldn’t say that you didn’t enjoy it.
You watched as Eunseok pulled his jeans up before stepping out on the balcony to smoke. Your eyes fluttered gently as you watched the puffs of smoke escape his lips. He ruffled his hair again before coming inside to join you in bed.
He guided your head to rest on his chest. The gentle hums relaxed you till you eventually fell asleep.
You don’t know what time you got in the car or what time he drove you home, but he made sure to bring you back before the sun came out.
Even though this had just happened the day before, you already couldn’t wait for your next opportunity to sneak out.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @addictedtohobi @chaenqen @nikisvanillaccola @mrswolfhard3 @hynjinnn1 @melobin @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @swaggyjinnie @j4yluv @mimikittysblog @wonbinisbabygurl
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smokersbaby · 2 years
Op men when their s/o asks to choke them
Characters: Law, Crocodile, Smoker (can do more on request) CW: NSFW content, chocking, creampie (no breeding kink included), rough sex (Crocodile part), size kink, minor errors. Notes: got inspired by last night with my s/o, these are my favourite three characters in OP, I hope you enjoy this! I am Italian so I'm sorry if phrases don't sound so fluent, I'm trying my best to improve my writing 💕
Trafalgar Law
You were taking him so well, his pace going faster and faster and his hips bouncing on you. His hands were holding yours over your head and his eyes were set on you, as to tell how much he wanted to bury himself inside of you. His moans were becoming loud as if he was almost there, you could also tell it by the stiffness of his muscles tensing above you. Seeing him like that was making you lose your mind, you could feel your peak coming right like his, clenching your walls against his hard cock. But you wanted more, something inside you wanted him to grab you by the neck while fucking you so well, like you were all his. At the moment it was really difficult to put words together since you were lost in pleasure, the only thing escaping from your mouth were moans. "L-Law..." you tried to say, he was watching directly at you and supposed you wanted him to stop so he lowered his pace. "No, please continue" you immediately said, in the meantime you let his hands go from the grip over your head. You grabbed gently his wrist bringing his hand over your neck. He understood in less than a second what you wanted, so he tightened his grip on your neck a little bit, just to let you know you were all his. His pace returned to be fast and powerful, your eyes watering for this kind of pleasure that made you want more and more of his thrusts. Law was feeling in control and this sensation made him lose his mind. You were so close to your climax and he could feel it too, so he closed his hand on your neck more knowing how much you liked it like this. That thing sent you over the edge, you reached your peak and so he did in the same moment, feeling your insides milking his stiff cock inside of you. He loosened his grip and kissed you softly on the lips a moment after, changing his attitude from tough to sweet in a second. He laid up hugging you waiting for you to fall asleep in his arms, needless to say, he was smiling for having discovered this new kink of yours.
Sir Crocodile
The sound of your ass hitting against his skin was filling the room, you were bouncing on him with your hips, taking all of his large cock inside of you. It was kind of unusual for such a man to lay down and watch you fuck yourself with his cock, for once you were the one in charge. You could move with ease in this position, choosing to take him deep further inside or not, teasing him. This thing was making Crocodile upset, he didn't like this kind of game. You were smirking at him, taking just the tip of his dick to see him irritating. Maybe you were playing too much with him because all of a sudden he decided to turn the tables coming on top of you. You didn't expect him to react in such a way, but somehow you wanted to feel him make you his in any way possible. He was laying on top of your back, sticking his aching cock between your thighs in your wet cunt from behind. A loud groan came from his mouth the moment he entered you, finally able to decide the rhythm of the thrusts. You were between the mattress and his body and feeling his weight all over you made you want him to choke you at that moment. You tilted your head slightly to the side since it was pounded into the mattress. You could barely see his face from that position but you didn't need to see him for asking such a thing. "Choke me," you said firmly, Crocodile wasn't waiting for more, he put his large hand on your neck squeezing it and thrusting his cock deeper in you the moment he grabbed you. You were so full of him, at that moment you thought that if this was his reaction you were going to ask him to choke you every single time. You couldn't help but smile being fucked so roughly and deep by your man.
"F-fuck, you're so tight…" Smoker said breathing heavily above you. His large cock was stretching your insides as if it were your very first time, which it wasn't. He was so big compared to you, his muscles covered by a thin layer of sweat due to fucking you so passionately. You were under him, chest to chest and hugging him trying to grab his back with your hands but it was kinda difficult because of his size. Even though you had just begun, he was almost at his limit, maybe because of how your cunt was wrapping his cock or because he was madly in love with you. His thrusts were so deep and slow, his pace was killing you and you wanted more even though you were almost crying in pleasure. Smoker's mouth was kissing your neck making you moan, suddenly he bit it gently, and that thing made your thoughts come out of your mouth. "Please choke me…" you said whispering in his ear. He stopped for a moment, this kind of request sounded completely new to him, even though he was a really big man he was soft on the inside. Smoker looked at you in the eyes to understand if that was what you wanted, he seemed confused so you decided to help him bring his large hand over your neck. His cheeks blushed a bit seeing you smile under his soft grip. He understood you were comfortable in it so he tightened his grip a little bit making you moan and starting again to thrust his cock inside of you. "You like it like that baby?" he whispered, you didn't need to answer because your moans were speaking for you. His rhythm was getting faster and you could feel him at his limit, also the lack of air was taking you almost there. Smoker leaned down on your mouth to kiss you while still grabbing you by your neck, his tongue was craving yours and the hotness of that kiss brought you both to your climax. Your nails dug into his back while you were creaming on his cock as he did the same in you with his cum. A second after he lay on you almost squishing you into the mattress, but you loved how you could feel him so close like that. "I didn't expect you could like such a thing, but I think I may like it too," he said kissing you on your forehead.
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lale-txt · 11 months
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❈ 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐰/ 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 & 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
where Smoker and you get hit by a truth serum and things get a little heated. in the best way possible.
a/n: a little something for @opopnomi who is a gem and deserves the best ♡ i had the best intentions to write something fluff with Smoker but somehow i got possessed and when i came back to my senses it was this absolute filth, oopsie.
contains: ns.fw under the cut (MDNI), afab!reader (no pronouns, “cunt” and “pussy” used to describe genitalia), thigh riding, dirty talk, praise kink, penetrative sex, breeding kink (NO mention of pregnancy or babies), slight overstimulation, mention of exhibitionism, mention of brat taming, slightly possessive Smoker if you squint
word count: 2.2k
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“May I come in?”
You knock and push the heavy door to Smoker’s captain quarters open slightly to peek inside, seeing him hunched over some scattered files on his desk. He doesn’t even bother to look up, only motions you with one gloved hand to enter. Your captain seems to be even more troubled than usual. A cold and gloomy atmosphere radiated from him, which was somehow more intimidating than his usual stoic self who would bark out orders at his subordinates. 
Was it your fault? Well… maybe you should have used seastone handcuffs instead of regular handcuffs on the captivated devil fruit user. But you hadn’t them at hand because someone insisted it would be fun to try them out in a way they definitely weren’t meant to be used. And maybe they were still dangling from the headboard of his bed because granted, you were up for a round two. That was before the devil fruit powers hit the whole crew, putting everyone under the effects of what basically was a truth serum. 
To say that it caused a little chaos was an understatement. You feel a twinge of guilt in your chest and tiptoe towards your captain and lover.
“Prepared the report like you asked me to,” you mumble and put the files on his desk. You could already hear Garp’s booming laughter when he’d read over it and it definitely will be a topic at the annual Navy’s New Year party. 
Smoker still doesn’t look up nor speak to you. “Cat got your tongue?”, you ask and sit down opposite of him, leaning on the wood. Only the sound of his pen scratching over the paper was audible. You sigh. “Are you not talking to me because you’re mad or because there are certain things you absolutely don’t want to say out loud?” 
That certainly got under his skin–you could tell from the way that one vein on his forehead twitched slightly before he finally dared to meet your gaze, two cigars dangling from his lips.
“I’m not mad,” Smoker huffs and leans back in his chair, massaging the bridge of his nose. He lets out a quiet groan before sitting up straight again, legs spread apart like he always does. Your eyes flicker to the spot you were grinding on last night and you bite your bottom lip slightly. Obviously the truth serum also caused you to be honest in your gestures and facial expressions, which is probably why Smoker immediately shut himself in shortly after the incident, looking as troubled as he does now. He notices your stare and shifts slightly, his eyes flickering to your lips.
“But,” he continues, his voice a bit more low now, “it would have been troublesome if I told you in front of the whole crew how badly I want to sink my cock into you until you’re creaming around me. How I want you to whine out my name while you’re on top of me, begging me to fill you up. How blissfully fucked out you look last night when you gagged around me, drool and my cum dripping down chin.”
Smoker taps the pen he was holding on the wooden desk, now glaring at you. Almost as if he dared you to make a move. He could see how you rubbed your thighs together, desperate for some friction. If he was to bend you over the desk right now, he’d probably find your panties soaked. He still had some self-control, though. It was just a truth serum effect, not an aphrodisiac. Not that he needed one with you; he was absolutely infatuated with you anyway.
“Captain…”, you coo and smile, knowing after all this time it still made his cock twitch in his pants when you called him that, despite being lovers for a long time now. “It’s not like you to talk like that. I like it, though.”
You strut around the desk until you reach him, expectantly sitting in his chair, his prominent bulge on full display. He is massaging it lazily with one hand over the fabric while his eyes follow your movements. When he pats his leg with his other hand, you know what to do. 
“You know, sometimes I want them to know. Want them to watch when you bully my cunt with your aching cock, splitting me open. Want everyone to see that I’m yours,” you whisper and straddle his thick thigh, grinding against it slowly for some relief. “Yours to use. Yours to fill.”
Smoker growls, a deep rumbling sound in his chest, and his big hands find your hips, pulling you closer to him. His grip is firm and he hasn’t taken his gloves off. He leans in close until his lips are merely an inch from yours.
“Say that again,” he whispers, not kissing you yet. His warm brown eyes take you in as if you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. One hand of his comes to your face, cupping your chin gently. His thumb brushing over your lips, a low groan from his throat when you part them for him so willingly. “Say you’re mine.”
“Only yours,” you murmur and moan quietly when Smoker’s lips meet yours after what felt like an eternity. His cigars rest forgotten in the ashtray, he’s too busy devouring you. You can feel the heat pooling between your thighs, aching to be touched, worshiped even. His tongue finds its way into your mouth, and you don’t need any truth serum to feel how deeply he desired you. 
A guttural moan from him makes you roll your hips, your core hot and dripping wet by now–you’re pretty sure there’s already a damp spot on his pants where you’re grinding on. With your hands resting on his broad shoulders you keep up your ministrations, feeling how you get lightheaded from the throbbing sensation. It isn’t enough but you can’t stop either, not now when you feel how hard he is by now. 
Smoker is a very patient man. He likes it when you beg for him; he can’t get enough of your needy mewls when your poor cunt clenches around nothing, so desperate to be filled. Desperate for him. 
“And you’re gonna be good for me?”, he asks in a low voice, his big hand trailing up your thigh, squeezing it. You nod eagerly, not beating around the bush. You could be such a brat sometimes, but under the spell of the devil fruit powers your body and its reactions were being so honest. 
With his free hand Smoker unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants, too slow for you as you let him know with an impatient whine. He enjoys having your eyes glued to him, wandering from his torso to his happy trail and fluttering wide open when his thick cock finally springs free, resting heavy on his stomach. Precum is already dripping from the tip, making you lick your lips in anticipation. 
“Need you to fuck me,” you mewl and now you’re shifting in your spot, climbing from his thigh into his lap, grinding your clothed cunt against his length. Smoker is still not touching you properly and you’re already such a mess. “Please, please…” 
Smoker brings one hand to his lips, biting the tip of his glove to take it off, while his other hand firmly holds you in place. He knows you like the gloves, but right now he wants to really feel you, not a single layer between you. His hand then sneaks between your thighs, cupping your aching pussy with his massive hand. You were absolutely drenched, your whole body trembling when he rubs slow circles against your core. 
“Hurry.” Your voice sounded desperate now, with your head resting against his shoulder, your breath hot against his bare skin. “Hurry or I’ll die. Please. Need your fat cock inside me. Need your cum.” 
Smoker lets out a hoarse laugh when he lifts you up with ease and drops you gently on the desk. “You’re not gonna die, darling,” he mumbles and kisses from your jaw to your neck, his scruff scratching over your skin. “But I’m gonna fuck you so good you’ll see stars and heaven. Gonna fuck you till you feel my cum is oozing out of your pretty little cunt for days.”
His words have you whining and whimpering underneath him, and you raise your hips slightly so he can help you kick your pants off. Your soaked panties cling to your folds and you jump when Smoker rubs his tip between them, a deep groan rumbling in his chest. Your pleading eyes are enough to convince him not to tease you any further though–still, your panties wander in the pocket of his jacket… for later. 
The air is knocked out of your lungs when Smoker plunges into you. He hasn’t even stretched you wide open with his fingers yet like he usually does, but he knew you’d be able to take him. You always do. And with how wet you are for him you take his cock with ease, your walls fluttering around him when he bottoms out fully. His thumb comes to your clit, drawing slow circles around it. He can never get enough how you twitch around his cock, milking him. 
Your eyes roll in the back of your head when Smoker starts pounding into you, keeping up a merciless pace. He’s so deep, hitting all of your sensitive spots with each thrust. Your arms wrap around his neck as he hovers over you, trapping you between the desk and his huge frame. It’s like you’re getting crushed in the best way possible. Neither of you is gonna last long this round, you just wanna fuck to get it out of your system; your bodies being as honest with each other like never before.
“Gonna cum,” you whine. “So close… gonna… Captain, ‘m gonna… fuck, fuck…”
Smokers lips are everywhere, crashing against yours, then on your neck, licking, biting, sucking. You’re his. Your scent and your sweet sounds are making him dizzy and he can hardly hold himself back any longer either. His hips start to stutter, fucking into you in a broken rhythm as he gets closer to his high, too. 
“Mmm… gonna fill you up so good, darling.” His voice has a dark edge to it, deep and almost feral. One hand of his comes to your chin, lifting it up so you meet his gaze. His thumb brushes over your lips again and this time you don’t hesitate to suck on it, making him moan. “You’re gonna take it all, yeah? Gonna let me stuff you with my cum? You want that?” 
You nod so eagerly, eyes glassy from how close you are, from the way he throbs inside of you. If he could, Smoker would have you in this position for hours; your legs wrapped around his hips to stop him from pulling out, your nails scratching over his bare skin when he fucks you deeply, his name falling from your parted lips until he stuffs them with his fingers, your tongue flickering around them so greedily. 
“Wanna see you cum for me, baby,” he mutters, his thumb finding your clit again while he keeps thrusting inside of you. He is as close as you are. “Want you to cream around my cock, yeah? Can you do that for me?” 
You let out a broken sob when the world comes crashing down on you, your walls twitching around his cock while waves of pleasure wash over you; poor, overstimulated thing. Smoker can’t hold back any longer either, rutting in a merciless pace until a few heartbeats later he spills his load inside of you, heat flooding your insides. He kisses your greedily, mumbling incoherent praise against your lips–it doesn’t matter what, because you’re too out of it anyway, but you’re laughing softly, kissing him back. Your whole body tingles as you ride out your high. 
“Fuck, darling” Smoker laughs hoarsely, too. He presses a kiss to your forehead, then to your lips. “I love you so much.”
You touch his face, fingers brushing over his scruffy cheeks as you pull him to your lips again. Warm. He always made you feel so, so warm. You still throb around him, not willing to let him pull out yet. He likes you best when you’re stuffed and blissfully satisfied anyway. His hand comes to your stomach, pressing down where he’s nestled inside of you. 
“I love you, too,” you whisper back, propping yourself up on your elbows for a better view where the two of you are connected. Your mixed fluids are dripping down between your thighs every time he pulls out slightly, only to push himself back inside again, as if he could never go without the warmth of your cunt.
You rarely say those big words out loud. Smoker and you usually get along with a few sentences and the smallest gestures, but right now it’s bubbling in your chest; all the love you hold for each other. 
As if it’s on the tip of your tongues, waiting to be devoured.
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kaziwi · 1 year
Hii! I love your writings very much! For the event prompt.. number 3 with Smoker? 🥺
YAYYYY SMOKER REQUESTTTT thank you sm for requesting him i was so scared no one was gonna
Link to Event
"You're heavy..."
Character(s): Smoker
WC: 778
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If someone told you this morning you'd be carrying Vice Admiral Smoker on your back, you would have laughed in their face.
You weren't laughing now.
Earlier today Smoker had gotten a report that there were some pirates who robbed a marine based that wasn't too far from where the G-5 was sailing. They had stolen some important documents and weapons, and Smoker was determined to stop them. After finding the island, there was an all out battle between the pirates and the G-5. Being the G-5, you of course won, but after the battle was over no one could find Smoker. Tashigi ordered everyone to split up and search the island, and you had been the lucky one to find him. Apparently he had been hit with a sea stone bullet from one of the weapons the pirates stole. It was funny at first, seeing the Vice Admiral flopped on the ground like a fish, but when he suggested you carry him back, you got quiet fast.
And that's how you ended up in this situation.
"Could you maybe go a little faster..." Smoker groaned weakly on your back. It was hard to move when he was much heavier than you. Him being like 1000 feet tall and having the biggest, heaviest muscles in the world didn't help.
"I'm trying here," you hissed, "It's not as easy as it looks..."
Smoker was usually a calm man, but this was a very different circumstance. He wasn't trying to sound rude, but he needed to get back to the rest of the G-5 as quick as possible. He needed to know if any of his men were hurt and if they had lost anybody. There was no time to waste.
Unbeknownst to him, you had hurt your ankle while in the battle. It wasn't too bad at first, so you didn't mention it, but after carrying him and putting weight on your ankle, it was starting to get to you.
After a few more minutes of walking, you couldn't take it anymore. You slowly lowered him down, propping him up against a tree while you laid down on the mountain floor.
"Why'd you stop," Smoker yelled, "We need to get back to the ship, the rest of the men need me." If he didn't have a sea stone bullet in him right now, he'd pick you up and run back to the ship, but he was too weak to even clench his fist.
You on the other hand were dying. Not actually, but it felt like it. Your ankle felt like someone had dropped a 10000 pound weight on it and you were still exhausted from the earlier battle. You slowly turned your head to Smoker and croaked out, "You're heavy..."
Smoker didn't know why, but hearing the rasp of your voice, made him look past his worry for the rest of the G-5. He finally took in you appearance, your exhaustion, and most importantly your ankle, which look like a bone was basically sticking out of it.
"Shit..." he sighed, "Looks like we're both stuck here...no way you're moving anytime soon."
You wanted to retaliate, but you were too tired to do anything but pant.
Smoker looked defeated for a minute, till he remembered something.
"In my back pocket, there's a mini transponder snail, grab it we can call Tashigi."
You honestly did not want to move, but he did give you an order. You slowly crawled over to him and reached into his pocket. You picked up the snail and dialed Tashigi's number.
"SMOKER," you heard from the end of the other line, "ARE YOU OKAY?? WHERE ARE YOU??"
"Tashigi, calm down, I'm okay. I'm with Y/N, but we are both pretty beat up. How's everyone else?"
"Everyone else is fine sir, only minor injuries." You could almost see the weight being lifted off of Smoker's chest.
"We're gonna need some medics and a stretcher, so try to find us as quick as possible.." Smoker gave a quick description of the area you both were in, and then ended the call.
"Help is coming soon, so just relax," the Vice Admiral stated. It was quiet again, the only sounds being the forest that surrounded you and your deep breaths. Smoker cleared his throat, looking a bit nervous, then spoke again.
"Thank you, for putting up with my persistence, I just wanted to make sure the rest of the men were alright," a pause, "and thank you for carrying me even though you were injured....you should be proud to call yourself a marine."
A warm smile crept on his face, and soon you followed.
"Anytime Vice Admiral."
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owlight · 1 year
Hello! I read in your bio that requests are open!
I hope I read it right!
I would like to request something ( HC or scenario, your call) with law and smoker, please?
I was thinking about what could the reader do that would make them melt? As in something so cute that they just short circuit?
Thank you! I loved your writting! I am looking forward for more works !
Thank you for requesting,I enjoyed this request 😭💗💗, did a little scenario with each hc,hope u liked it
Tags: Fluff, cute stuff, law love cute things (canon), just fluffy things [:
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Headcanon of Trafalgar law, Smoker and what make them melt from Thier partner cuteness
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One sunny day aboard the Heart Pirate's submarine, Law and the reader found themselves lounging in the common area, discussing their adventures and sharing laughter. You as always mischievous, decided it was time to have some fun with the usually stoic Law,You noticed the bounty poster of Law hanging nearby and you grabbed it,giving it kisses and making loud noises , knowing it will probably cause law to crack a smile "Hey, Law...such a pretty face you have,I think I fell in love all over again,they took a very nice picture of you this time,not so shrimpy now" You said, trying to hold back a grin. "Have you ever noticed how handsome you look in this wanted poster? I want to hang this in our bedroom " you says with a little playful smile Law raised an eyebrow, approached you while you are holding the the bounty poster, he stands beside you, hoping you would stop acting out if he humored you for now "Look at you,you are so handsome here!" You tell him as you give the posters kisses,Law's eyes widened for a moment, not expecting such playful behavior from you in the open Infront of the other crewmates, you looked so cute like this ,your face looked so adorable whenever you acted playful,and he couldn't hold it anymore,His brain short-circuited for a split second and before he could even think, his hands instinctively reached out and squeezed your cheeks gently "oi, don't go on kissing a poster where I am right here" he mummers , feeling bit flustered for not getting your attention and seeing you giving a damn poster that much kisses-Law's realize he acted without thinking as he feel your soft cheeks between his fingers and seeing your wide eyes,his usual calm and composed demeanor cracked for a brief moment. A faint blush crept up on his cheeks, but he quickly tried to hide it by turning away, letting your cheeks go and titling his hat to cover his eyes"go put that poster back , it's just a picture tsk" he try to dismiss what just happened but it's too late The crew members who happened to witness the scene burst into laughter, delighted to see their captain in such an amusing state "Captain, I've never seen you react like that before! You're blushing!" Shachi and penguin teased in union, Law grumbled, trying to regain his composure and pretending that nothing had happened. "It was just a momentary lapse. Don't make a big deal out of it..." He grumble trying to save himself from everyone teasing But the reader, still cherishing the adorable flustered Law, leaned in and kissed his cheek playfully, causing him to look away, this time with an even deeper blush " aw come on! Law you look so cute right now,come on do it again! I like it when you touch my cheeks~ " Law realized in that moment,he will not be able to live this moment down ever again... probably a new source for everyone to tease him about
He got few weakness and one of them that he loves cute things ,he will not admit it to any living soul though everyone who ever met him will realize this man got a soft spot for cuteness and (unfortunate to him) you are so cute to him in his eyes
Everytime you do something playful or tease him,your cuteness level reach a dangerous level in his eyes that he can't help himself,he have to physically hold himself back from pinching your cheeks or hugging you since he got a reputation to uphold
He once almost had a heart ache fr cuteness when he saw you taking a nap on top of Bepo,that was his moment when he saw heavens gate,he wished he could had a camera to take a picture and hang it in his captain cabin like the size of the wall,but he had to hold himself together and just stocked himself with a small picture he keep tightly with him ,he look at it for Emotional support
He will absolutely melt if you hold any cute animal babies or something cute ,he really love cute plushies so he allow you to buy them and admire them from afar (he have one polar bear one that he favor above the others...)
Law appreciates a good meal specially cute bento boxes though he would never admits it ,so if you ever prepare a bento box with adorable food art – shaped like smiling animals or heart patterns law would coughs his heart out emotionally,he would be trying his best not say it's cute,or act like he is so in love,even if it looked silly or bad,he will eat it up and will try to feed you and he cute (he have a stoic face with a little blush the whole time)
If you wear something cute or wear his hoodies...he will die ,Bepo will grab law soul out and return it back to it's place while law pretend to be grumpy about it ,he will allow you to wear his hat too so you can look extra cute ,he would mummers you look cute to you and only you so you can know he don't mind if you wear more cute things for him
He as a whole ,a very big fan of you and cute things and he consider you cute so anything you do might get him to ER from cute overboard so be careful
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It's a quiet evening on the deck of Smoker's Marine ship. The two of you have managed to find a moment of solitude away from the prying eyes of the crew. Smoker leans against the railing, his arms crossed, as he watches the moonlight dance on the surface of the sea. You approach him from behind, gently wrapping your arms around him and hugging him, burying your face into his back as you blew few kisses on his back in a playful manner At first, he tenses up slightly, unused to such intimate displays of affection. But as you nuzzle closer and plant a soft kiss on the back of his coat even more, he can feel his defenses crumbling.he tries to suppress the blush that threatens to creep onto his cheeks but he fails miserably " (y/n-n), behave yourself... someone might come and see you" he grumble, trying to pretend to be bothered,but you can see the fact he is smoking up ,his smoke is all heart shaped,betraying his own trying of playing it cool and grumpy and tough, you chuckles at his actions, seeing right through him "You don't have to put up that tough act with me, you know," you whisper, your voice is soft "I know there's a softie hiding under all that smoke" He grumbles at the way you speak,every word you say making him softer and softer,he feel himself melting and it's flustering him to no end because he can't deny the truth in your words, he is a softie... specially for you,your physical affection always make him easily flustered and make him feel like a puddle of love is bubbling inside of him "Nobody else gets to see this side of me," he admits, sounding bit vulnerable in this moment,but he trust you,to not take this as a joke at this moment or tease him about it You respond by tracing circles on his chest with your fingertips, your touch gentle and soothing. "And that's why I feel special," you say, planting a kiss on his back as you pull away "I love seeing your reactions...they are precious to me"
Smoker is not one to openly express affection, but when the you wraps youe arms around him from behind unexpectedly, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, it catches him off guard. His heart races, and he struggles to maintain his usual composure, trying to hide his blush or the fact he smoking heart shaped smokes all over while scolding you if you done it in public
he is truly a sucker for physical affection,you will catch his brain short-circuiting at the spot if you gave him a kiss in public or held his hand ,he enjoys it so much with you, you are the only person he can be truly physically vulnerable and having his guard down
If you ever playfully teases Smoker, or tried poking fun at his gruff mannerisms or calling him by a silly nickname. Layout will see him try to keep up his stern face while the corners of his lips curl into a slight smile ,he allow you to do that of course because you have a great level of ownership of his heart,he sometimes wonder if he created a brat out of you by how much he let you get away with teasing him
Although Smoker may never admit it, being called "Smoky" or something equally endearing by you secretly warms his heart. It's a nickname he'd never accept from anyone else, but when it comes from you, it's just too adorable to resist,he would not admit it even if you held him at gun point though
When you opens up about your hopes and dreams, Smoker can't help but be captivated by your passion and vulnerability. Seeing their determination to achieve their goals ignites a sense of protectiveness in him, and he vows to support you no matter what ,it truly make his heart melt to see you so passionate about your dreams and hopes
Smoker can be quite self-critical, so if you make a point to sincerely compliment him on his achievements, appearance, or character or whatever he does,he will have a short-circuiting moment, Hearing those sweet words from you makes him feel appreciated and loved, causing him to stammer out a bashful thank you and trying to dismiss his bashfulness and pretending he did not become even more down bad for you in that moment
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anystalker707 · 11 months
be useful
Pairing: Smoker x [gender-neutral] Reader Kinktober prompt: Authority Tags: face fucking / oral / sloppy ass writing, sorry
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          “This place stinks.” A sigh escaped your lips as you looked out the window of the office, observing a few fishing boats in the distance as people walked around the town, sitting on the sill. There was a questioning hum before you sighed and turned to him, twisting your mouth a little at how the smoke kept filling the ambient. “You stink, Smoker. You need an office with more windows.”
Smoker blinked slowly as he looked up from the paper he had in his hands. He was unamused, but that gaze still made you pause for a moment. Instead of saying anything, he just took a deep drag of his cigars and exhaled it all slowly, ignoring the way you glared and taking another paper in hand. Damn it. Sometimes, you’d question why you ever bothered giving him any attention. Why were you even asked to come to his office today, in the first place? To just sit there and look pretty?
Rolling your eyes, you looked out the window again, getting lost in observing a guy making a drawing of the docks when gloved fingers sank into your jaw, forcing you to turn your head and meet Smoker’s lips in a firm kiss that quickly grounded you to reality. You groaned, not kissing him back just out of spite, but he didn’t move until you returned it.
“Fuck,” you groaned between pecks, holding Smoker’s wrist as you kissed him back, but the kiss eventually turned into a long one once his other hand rested on your hip, and he held you closer. There really was no way to run away from that idiot. As much as Smoker’s kiss could taste fucking terrible—it was like you were the one smoking—, you’d grown used to it at some point, so you didn’t exactly mind it when he pushed his tongue into your mouth, making you groan softly.
Smoker raised an eyebrow, looking down at you once he pulled away. “You’re so annoying. Did you never learn how to respect your superiors?”
“Maybe I’d respect you if you weren’t…” You looked him up and down, twisting your mouth a little. “Like this. You look a little stupid.”
Smoker clicked his tongue as his fingers sank more into your jaw, tilting your head back. “Watch your mouth.” His eyes narrowed at the way you grinned, but he wouldn’t argue further today. A sigh escaped his nose as he pulled his hands away from you, only leaving behind a light throbbing where he’d been squeezing. He leaned back against the edge of his desk. The cigars that’d been in his mouth earlier, were now pressed down into the ashtray. “On your knees. Try using that mouth of yours for something useful.”
You raised an eyebrow as you pulled yourself up to your feet to walk to him before dropping to your knees. “Isn’t that exploitation?” It was a little difficult to unbuckle his belt, but you could eventually do it, glancing up at Smoker to see him already glaring at you. Okay. “Sorry.”
“Sorry what?” He raised an eyebrow, placing his hands on his hips.
A sigh escaped your lips as you gently undid his jeans and started to palm him through his boxers. “Sorry, sir.”
Despite the little skepticism, Smokey slowly nodded and let his hands rest against the edge of the desk as he observed you start to mouth at his bulge through the thin fabric. His cock eventually twitched, slowly getting hard according to how you kept touching him. Your mouth felt so hot against him through his boxers, he couldn’t imagine how they’d feel directly against him.
Smoker slowly let out a breath once you finally started pulling his boxers down, revealing his half-hard cock. His eyes followed every little motion of yours, from the way you pursed your lips to accumulate spit in your mouth to the way your hand wrapped around his cock, spreading the spit on it as some sort of lube. It felt good, drawing a low hum from Smoker while his cock slowly became harder in your hand. Your eyes were on it, observing his tip get redder and the veins start protruding.
You bit your lip, free hand resting on Smoker’s thigh, motions continuing. The room sounded quieter now, your thoughts also shut up with the new distraction, and maybe Smoker did have a certain power over you.
There was a waver in Smoker’s breathing at the way your thumb trailed along the veins on the underside until up to his tip, very slowly, but your hand was fast in going back to his base. Smoker was about to say something when you let your tongue out already, tasting the saltiness of his tip as you gave him kitten licks, slowly covering his tip with your saliva. Eventually, you rolled your tongue and wrapped your lips around it, letting his cock rest heavily on your tongue while you slowly took it into your mouth.
A little discomfort tugged on your jaw according to how your muscles adjusted to the new situation, and you could take him in deeper, feeling his cock throb in your mouth.
“At least you’re useful for something,” Smoker breathed, slowly exhaling. His eyes were on you while you started moving your head, eyebrows furrowed as you glared at him without stopping your motions—it made him smirk. The hum of complaint you gave him in response only made Smoker feel better. Idiot.
Your free hand wrapped around Smoker’s bare hip for leverage as you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock, already salivating more, which made the motions easier. Smoker’s cock hit the back of your throat; tears welled up in your eyes as you did your swallowed around him and slowly pulled away. The spit started to accumulate on your lips, already forming drops when your lips tightened around him, given the way you hollowed your cheeks; he let out a long groan, hips shifting forward.
With a glance back up at Smoker, you kept going, adding a little more pressure before you let go. Your cheeks and jaw were aching already; though it wasn’t that bad, you’d rather take a break now. Of course, your lips kept working along Smoker’s cock, mouthing along the side as you held it firmly, from the base to the tip, where your lips lingered the longest. Your tongue sank into his slit, running along the sensitive spots below the head, sometimes accompanied by some sucking that had Smoker’s breath hitching again.
Smoker loved the fat licks along his veins, the way you’d trace them, your tongue so wet and hot against his cock. He’d had enough when his hands positioned along the sides to the back of your head the moment you started to take his cock into your mouth again.
You were smart, of course—you already relaxed your jaw and tilted your head back, knowing exactly what he was going to do. Smoker hummed a little in appreciation, making sure you were prepared before he started to move his hips. At first, it was experimental, just to get you used to the feeling, and then he’d finally started using your throat.
Some tears filled your eyes again as his tip hit the back of your throat more often now, and you couldn’t hold the mix of pre-cum and spit from trailing down the corners of your lips. It was getting messy, but it was also just the way he liked. Maybe the way you liked, too, feeling the heat start growing more between your legs as you became breathless.
Smoker was careful, of course, but he kept a harsh edge that left you breathless, holding tightly on to him while all you could do was look up with teary eyes as he kept pleasing himself. If anything, that look only encouraged him.
He let out a low moan, firming a hand under your jaw to keep your face towards him even after he pulled away, using his free hand tight around his cock to jerk himself off until he was cumming. The hot ropes of cum landed all over your face; you closed your eyes out of instinct, whimpering a little as you felt the cum start trailing down your face. Some of it landed on your lips or near it, pulled into your mouth by your tongue.
“Well,” Smoker breathed, “maybe you do not deserve it, but I’m going to give you a little treat, either way.” He kept stroking his cock, and you glanced at it just to check the way it throbbed in his hand. “Over the desk.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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quartermera · 10 months
Puzzle Night with Smoker
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Day 14 of Fluffvember 2023 Gender & race neutral reader Requested by @smokersbaby
A thick cloud of smoke filled the space as Smoker puffed on his cigar repeatedly. He was frustrated. You could tell. He only puffed like that when he was frustrated. But you were not about to let him out of his misery. Oh no, this was far too entertaining.
“Hmmm,” Smoker mumbled to himself.
His chin was leaning onto his hands, elbows on the table. His eyebrows were knitted together while his cigar was moving from left to right. He chewed at its tip, still puffing.
In front of him laid the cause of this anguish: a puzzle. The kind with ropes and wood and metal pieces, that you need to untangle. You had owned it for years and solved it many moons ago. But it was the first time your partner attempted it. Smoker was not a huge fan of such puzzles, preferring strategy games by far. You could tell.
He had started by attempting a few things, but seeing as it was not working, he changed his approach. 
And perhaps waiting until it would solve itself in fear? Unclear.
You had lost track of time, and so had Smoker quite frankly. But while his frustration had grown over time, he now seemed to relax.
Gently, Smoker picked up the puzzle. Taking his time, he held onto it and, to your surprise, started solving it. As he finished, he declared: “There. Done.”
You nodded approvingly, but a smile grew on your lips.
“Okay… now tangle it back.”
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grandline-fics · 22 days
Hi lovely, hope you’re doing well. If you feel like it, would you write Smoker not realizing he’s got a crush on you until Tashigi has to point it out? It seems so Them ™ thank you 🫰
DESCRIPTION: He has no idea he has a crush on you
WARNINGS: mutual pining/ crushes
WORDS: 1,225
A/N: I was only intending on making this a short and sweet drabble but it went a little longer than that. Not that I'm complaining. I hope you like what I came up with for this and thank you for requesting.
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Smoker is normally straightforward and very aware of his surroundings and those that are in his immediate vicinity. He likes his space immensely and rarely allows anyone to encroach in that personal bubble. Outside of attacking pirates, or training very few tend to be given the privilege of staying next to Smoker for more than a few seconds. Tashigi would be the one to stay next to Smoker the most given she was his second in command although an interesting development caught her eye that Smoker somehow failed to notice for himself. You. Ever since you were transferred to the G5 base she noticed more and more how you and Smoker had gotten closer, to the point that now as she watched the two of you talk in the hallway her keen eyes took in how Smoker’s arm was all but a hair’s breadth away from fully touching yours. 
By her observation that was practically the equivalent of anyone else straddling their lover's lap by Smoker’s standards. Her gaze took you both in and she fought back the giddy smile, her boss had a crush and endearingly, he had no idea of his feelings. For a while she was happy to just take the revelation in and enjoy it for herself, unable to give up the chance of a lifetime to see Smoker like this. It was like winning the lottery to see the gruff, almost socially distant, stoic leader show his softer side. Now that she was aware of the change that overcame Smoker when you were near, she couldn’t help but see it take effect instantly. 
When you talked with him about mission reports, changes in shifts, or engaging in general conversation, Smoker would keep intense eye contact with you, taking in everything you had to say but his eyes would soften just enough to unconsciously seem less intimidating. Tashigi found that you’d never shied away from Smoker’s presence that others would normally feel nervous around. If you didn’t have time to stop and talk, you and Smoker still made sure to smile-albeit a small one on Smoker’s end- and offer a courtesy nod before continuing on your separate ways. Tashigi spotted out of the corner of her eye that as you passed by one day that Smoker’s head followed you for just a second. That day Tashigi decided to put Smoker’s feelings for you clearly into perspective. As she inspected the debrief of the upcoming mission that afternoon, she began the conversation by stating your name. As expected, Smoker’s head turned towards her curiously. “You going to say goodbye to them before we leave?”
“I’d be here all day if I said goodbye to everyone that wasn’t coming on the same mission as me, Tashigi.” Smoker stated with a confused frown, eyeing his second in command warily. “Did you get enough sleep last night?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then why the strange question?”
“Dunno just thought, you might want to say goodbye.” Tashigi shrugged with a playful smile. “We will be gone for at least a month. Won’t you miss them?”
“Tashigi…” Smoker abandoned the papers on his desk and turned in his seat to look at her, unwilling to indulge her antics. Especially if she was bringing you into the conversation. “Just say whatever it is you want to say so I can actually get on with my work.”
“Fine. You like them and before you say ‘they’re an asset to the base’ I mean you like them. Romantically.” Smoker blinked at Tashigi and she could see the gears turning in his head as her statement was being processed. The expression alone made her wish she had pointed it out to him sooner. Still, Smoker was a stubborn man and even with her nudging him towards the revelation, she needed to continue to really drive the point home before he could dismiss it. “I can see the way you look at them, and seek them out to talk to. They like you too y’know?”
Smoker couldn’t help but tense at that. An almost hopeful jolt ran through him involuntarily but even then he was reluctant to believe that you held a romantic interest in him the same way that he had for you. Now that Tashigi had pointed it out to him, he felt somewhat foolish that he hadn’t realised his own feelings on his own. He wasn’t a child and he wasn’t some lovesick teenager either but out of fear of sounding like one he refused to ask Tashigi how she knew you would reciprocate his feelings. Instead he gave a noncommittal grunt and quickly looked to the papers on his desk again. Tashigi grinned broadly and used all of her will to keep her voice even and calm when she was all but squealing on the inside. “The next time you go to talk to them, watch how their eyes light up. Perhaps if you went to say goodbye before our mission you’d see?”
The was a moment of silence as Smoker continued to stare at the papers but not reading them. Then with a curse he stood abruptly and headed towards the door. “Only because you won’t shut up about it.” 
“Whatever you say, sir.” Tashigi nodded, watching Smoker leave with the most satisfied smile on her face. As much as she would have loved to have follow close behind and see the next part for herself, she decided to give Smoker his space out of fear of pushing her luck with interfering into his personal life even though sometimes he sorely needed the obvious being pointed out for him.
Smoker strode down the corridors, seemingly doing his routine patrols before having to set off on the mission when really he was hoping to coincidentally run into you. He turned the corridor sharply just as you came from the opposite direction. Your body collided with his and instinctively Smoker’s hands firmly caught your shoulders, keeping you from falling. You let out a nervous laugh and looked up at him, an embarrassed warmth spreading over your face as you stared at your boss. “Sorry! I should really look where I’m going right?”
“No harm done on my end.” Smoker mused, taking Tashigi’s advice to observe your face as you spoke to him, to really watch your eyes. 
“Just as well.” You joked, smiling brightly as you met his gaze with only warmth as opposed to the use caution the others on the base would. “Last thing you need is an injury before going on a mission.” At that you seemed almost disappointed. Smoker tried to keep his expression neutral at the prospect that you’d miss him. “Jero said it was going to be a long one?”
“A month is the estimate.”
“A month…” Your smile lessened slightly before you mentally lectured yourself. This was how it went. Missions could range from a couple days to nearly a year, even longer. “I wish you a successful mission, Vice Admiral. I’ll see you when you get back.”
“Promise?” The word was out of his mouth before he really considered the implication the weight behind it would be. Smoker momentarily got lost in the way surprise lit your eyes and how your lips slowly spread into a smile far brighter than he’d yet to see grace your face before. 
“I promise.”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
Hiiiiiiii! I've been wanting to send a request for quite some time now, I happened to cross your blog and immediately loved everything and read each on your masterlist! If I may get some fluff for doffy, law, and smoker with a blind s/o that wants to know how they look like by feeling their faces and saying that they seemed to be perfect and beautiful and even made their s/o in tearsby just imagining and listening to some details the gents share about themselves to their s/o 🥺
Heyya! Thank you so much, I'm truly glad you enjoy my work ☺🍞 this ask was really lovely to write! Doffy's ended up a little more angsty than anticipated but nevertheless. Hope you enjoy~🍀
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: Doflamingo, Law, Smoker x Blind! S/O that wants to know what they look like by feeling their face.
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Donquixote Doflamingo
🧶 Doflamingo sighed again, his thoughts drifting to unnecessary places. The record player played some soft music in the background, sometimes it helped to stop the silence and all the thoughts that came with it. {Name} heard his sigh "Doffy?" They called to him softly, their voice interrupting his thoughts. "Hm?" He says up, now brought back to the room and not wherever his mind had put him. He looked at {Name} sitting in his lap, their smaller stature made them look so fragile in comparison to himself. "You were a bit quiet. Is everything alright?"
🧶 There was no reply, {Name} reached up and placed a hand on his face, tracing their fingertips over his features, "You're frowning again..." they murmured, Doflamingo really couldn't hide his expression when they could feel the difference between his smiles and frowns. "Just thinking about some things." His voice seemed much more passive, not as confident or authoritative as they'd grown accustomed too. He leaned into the warmth of their hands, taking a comfort in how dearly and easily {Name} would touch him.
🧶 Doflamingo could never muster any malice nor anger against {Name}, he treated them with an uncharacteristic gentleness that was not present anywhere else. He knew the atrocities he commited, the fact that people did not revere him as a god but rather feared him as a monster. He knew it was well deserved. But whenever {Name} would cradle his face in their hands, telling him how precious he is to them. Somehow listening to all of their honest praise even if it was about him being handsome, he found so much solace in their embrace.
🧶 {Name} ran their fingers through his short hair, "Tell me what you look like", it's not the first time they asked and yet he always presented the same answer "A monster..." Doflamingo stated it coldly, factually. {Name} knew of the things he did, in a different light they might have agreed. But Doflamingo is so dear to them that they hated whenever they called himself a monster.
🧶 They hummed softly, beginning to list the image they had of him, his features. The innocent way that they viewed him brought something of a tragic smile to Doflamingo's lips, eliciting a smile from {Name} when they felt his expression shift under their touch to form a smile. Doflamingo felt safe, and forgiven in their presence. He knew it was false and deluded himself into thinking he could be someone good, maybe he could change to be someone better for {Name}.
🧶 He loved their thoughts and words, the way in which {Name} loves him so dearly. His forgiving and gentle nature that is only present to them. {Name} only knew of this side, he had never wanted them to experience what he is truly like. His heart would break at the thought of their words of love and praise turning into those of hate and fear. The very idea crushed him, and so he never wanted them to understand the kind of man he really is.
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 Law walked into his shared room, he half dries his hair with the towel and keeps it over his shoulder. The shower felt refreshing and relaxing. {Name} heard the door open accompanied by some random mumbles from Law. "How was your shower?" They asked, gaining a curt response from a tired Law. They called him over, feeling the water from his hair as Law sat on the bed. {Name} adjusted, sitting on their knees as their hands tapped along his shoulders to find the towel. Raising it to his head, they could feel the water dripping. Law hated being treated like a kid, even if it was a comment about not drying his hair properly but in truth he left it like that because he enjoyed having {Name} dry it for him.
🍄 {Name} dried his hair, using their fingers to feel for any dripping water and felt satisfied to find none. They set the towel aside and ran their fingers through his hair. Their fingers landed on his ear, tracing the shape and feeling his earrings between their fingers. "{Name-ya?}" Law's voice snapped them out of their absent minded actions. Law turned to face them, placing {Name's} hands on his face as a silent permission for them to continue. {Name} chuckled feeling his facial hair tickling their fingertips. "You're handsome" {Name} stated and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Law smiled at their heartfelt compliment and enjoyed watching their expression as they touched him.
🍄 Their hands moved down his neck, to his shoulders, their fingers perfectly following the lines and curves of his tattoos with perfect memorization of where they were along his body. Their hands repeating the same motion along his chest. "They're really pretty" {Name} commented as their finger wrote the letters of his fingers, the gentle way they go over the letters and hold his hands in theirs.
🍄 Law recalled the first time he ever explained his tattoos to his partner. Going over how it felt, what they meant to him. The simple explanation he offered didn't make complete sense to {Name} who couldn't fully create a mental image. Law took their hands in his, guiding them and dragging them along the lines of his tattoos so they could draw the image themselves.
🍄 {Name} loved and was always amused by the way Law would describe himself. The reason why they found it amusing was mostly because of how happy he sounds when doing so. Often Law would read his difficult and complicated textbooks, droves of medical jargon that served to put {Name} to sleep more than anything. His voice always felt calm, and precise when reading those textbooks. Until Law had read {Name} some Sora comics and the ever present enthusiasm and uplift in his voice when he read them was a true delight to listen to. When describing his appearance Law often would use very comical terms, as if he were explaining a character in a comic book.
🍄 Law got used to the contact, having {Name} greet him by touching his face or running a finger over his lips and sometimes feeling cheeky would give them a little kiss. It became part of the routine. Especially after any danger {Name} needs reassurance that he's alright and Law would always hold theirvhands to let them inspect and make sure he's fine.
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Captain Smoker
💨 Smoker drew a long inhale from his cigars, exhaling the comically large puff of smoke. The room filled with smoke but what could he say. He wasn't one to focus on the details of his smoking. He stacked his rocks finding some relaxation in the action. A sudden cough nearly toppled his perfectly balanced tower, but failed to make it fall. A knock on the door alerted Smoker to company, he called out a curt "Enter" before {Name} stepped in, seeing who stepped in. Smoker got up relatively quickly to open a window and air out the room while he gingerly grabbed their hand, another on their back to guide them over the various stacks of papers and files that lay scattered everywhere.
💨 {Name} sat down and Smoker looked evidently more giddy in action and atmosphere, he tried to silently fan out the excess smoke that continued to hang in the room. {Name} stated they missed him and wanted to find out how he is. They reached out to carefully touch his face when Smoker stopped them, removing his cigars before they burnt their fingers.
💨 Smoker apologized for stopping them and {Name} knew it wasn't for a bad reason but they tend to forget about his cigars in fact they didn't pay it much mind until {Name} really did burn their fingers once while going over Smokers features. He felt so bad that he became overly conscious of smoking around them for good reason. he never wants to accident to repeat itself.
💨 They felt his expression, his stoic facade faltering under their touch and morphing into something more calm. Feeling the way the subtle smile tugged at his lips was so lovely to {Name.} They ran their fingers along the scar on his face. It was strange, feeling sometimes foreign after the scar had healed. They would often touch his scar to familiarize themselves with it.
💨 {Name} often listened to the way he would describe his appearance, usually while they would map out the corresponding feature. At first it was difficult, or vague. Since Smoker gave very precise details that belonged to a report. He explained his appearance like he would of a suspect. His exact height, his scar, the colour of his eyes. Details that were precise and yet vague at the same time. Eventually he picked up the subtle art of a more descriptive detailing for his partner.
💨 Always praised him for being the most handsome person they've ever come across. Smoker used to think it was just a baseless compliment, he didn't exactly focus too heavily on appreances. Although after {Name} came into his life he tried to take care of himself a bit more. For their sake but the point remains. He loved the compliments he got from them and wanted to keep receiving them.
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luvrbug · 2 years
Hello Harley, I can officially say I fell in love with your writing… I was wondering if I could make a request 👉👈
Basically Law, Kidd, Smoker, and Law with an S/O who’s a menace to society. I’m talking full on crackhead energy. If that’s okay
this is SUCH a good combo for all of them... im so excited to write this !! also, for some reason, my dividers look REALLY janky on mobile, so i had to shorten them a little ...
THE BEST DUO . EVER !!!!!!!! Kidd likes to FUCK SHIT UP ! and when his partner is just as destructive and wild as he is ???? its a match made in hell heaven.
Burning navy bases for fun, roasting marshmallows with the fires of a burning town... normal, cute date stuff, y'know!
Kidd loves to have someone to match his energy. Sure, someone to calm him down would work too- but someone who is actually on his level??? It sparks his competitive nature.
Little competitions spark over "who can punt a navy soldier farther" "who can get the BEST gift for [holiday]" keep things livley.
Killer ... has his hands full, to say the least.
Law + Smoker are under the cut!
please.. dont give Law something else to stress about. Please. Poor guy has ANOTHER luffy on his hands???? He won't survive.
Jokes aside, Its good Law has someone to balance out his Serious, calculated nature. Everyone needs to let loose!!
Some conflict may arise because he thinks you're being TOO careless. He's a mother hen when it comes to the people he loves and no matter how powerful you are he's still going to worry about you :[.
Law just wants you to be safe. He couldn't live with himself if another person he put his entire heart and soul into dies.
In a SBS Oda talks about Smoker being .. a really wild kid/recruit that didn't listen, almost got discharged multiple times, etc. So the life of constantly throwing yourself into dangerous situations with zero regard for anything isn't exactly new to him.
He won't indulge you, but won't explicitly tell you "no" if you want to go and do something chaotic and destructive. He tries to keep you out of TOO much trouble, but you play by your own rules.
If youre a pirate, Smoker probably knew + loved you in his younger days. Maybe some mid-battle flirting and star-crossed lovers moments that cause some conflict... But i definitely see him having an easier time with a fellow captian/etc thats just.... a little more destructive than average.
Tashigi is not pleased when she has to keep two navy captians from completely wrecking a town.
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smokersbaby · 1 year
How OP's men would react when you call their pecs "boobies"
Characters: Crocodile, Smoker, Katakuri, Zoro Tw: just fluff and other silly things Notes: I finally finished this short drabble or whatever it's called. I hope you all enjoy some boobies from our favourites OP's men (I can think about doing more on request)
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You found yourself poking his chest for no particular reason, Crocodile was sitting in front of you smoking one of his cigars and reading the newspaper. He wasn't really ignoring you, just minding his business. But you wanted his attention so you started bothering him with pats and light touches until you started tapping his chest over his shirt.
"Are you done?" he asked after a couple of minutes, his eyes not leaving the paper he held in his right hand. "Not until you pay attention to me" you answered in a cocky but sweet tone.
Crocodile put his newspaper on the table in front of him and glanced at you, obviously a bit bothered by your behaviour. "What now?", his voice sounded annoyed, you smiled as if you didn't care. "Oh nothing really, I'm bored but at least your boobies keep me company" you answered bluntly still poking his chest.
Crocodile sighed, he seemed unimpressed by how you called his pecs "boobies", but if that made you happy he wasn't going to stop you from touching them. A hint of a smile on his face appeared on his face as he asked if you were jealous of his "boobies" just to tease and see your reaction.
"W-What do you mean?" you were now blushing as if he assumed that you envied his "boobies". Crocodile laughed sincerely, he couldn't resist seeing you flustering like that, he leaned closer to give you a light kiss on your forehead. He grabbed your chin lifting it a bit to look directly into your eyes before speaking in a sweet tone.
"Y/N, don't be jealous of my "boobies", yours are way better than mine.".
You always loved sleeping with Smoker like this: your head placed on his chest, his arms hugging your body and keeping you warm under the bedsheets. The sunlight flaring from the windows made you wake up first as he was still in a deep slumber.
Smoker seemed so relaxed in his sleep, like every concern or worry of his disappeared when he had the chance to keep you so close to him during the night. You couldn't help but smile seeing him like that, your hands were roaming his chest and caressing him in his slumber.
No need to say that you absolutely loved his physique, how his strong arms wrapped around you and the feeling of his chest under your cheek while snuggling. Your right hand squeezed one of his pecs softly. "Boobies…" you mumbled. "Hmm… what?" Smoker answered in a low voice. He was awake.
"I like your boobies" You squeezed his pecs a bit more, making him blush. Teasing him like that was one of the things you loved doing, seeing him flustered like that was priceless. "They are not boobies!" you could sense the embarrassment in his voice. God, he was cute.
You chuckled and pocked his chest, he sighed seeing you having so much fun teasing him like that. He couldn't deny how much he loved that silly side of yours, so he placed a tender kiss on the top of your head, resigned to the fact that you called his pecs "boobies".
"They are all yours" he whispered booping your nose, he couldn't resist you.
Spending time with Katakuri was your favourite thing to do since even though his appearance seemed a bit rough on the outside, you knew how much of a softie he was on the inside. At the same time, he loved being with you too, carrying you around on his shoulder.
The view from up there was amazing, you found yourself staring at his pecs since you could see them pretty well from there. Every step he took was even making them bounce a bit. "Nice boobies love" you whispered to his ear with a teasing smile.
His cheeks flustered in half a second as he heard you saying such a thing to his chest, but he didn't say anything, probably Katakuri was too stunned by your words to say anything.
"The best boobies I've seen in a while…" you continued giving him a light kiss on his forehead, a little curl appeared on his mouth, making you realize that he liked your compliment.
He moved you from his shoulder and held your body in his arms as if you were light as a feather and pocked your nose. "Nobody has ever called them boobies, I like it, it's sweet," he said laughing a bit with joy in his voice as if he was having a good time with you even just talking about silly things like these.
"Not as sweet as you" he whispered, making your heart melt.
His pecs are huge, everybody knows that. Admiring him while he was training himself was your favourite hobby since you could stare at him shirtless all the time. He wasn't bothered by this attitude of yours, Zoro kept a straight face during his training as if there wasn't anybody looking at him.
Even if he was just doing his usual, you couldn't help but giggle a bit every time you saw his "boobies" bounce a bit with every sudden movement of his. "Boobies…" you whispered to yourself, your mouth a bit drooling just at the sight of his large chest.
"Y/N, did you say something?" he asked, Zoro was now looking at you, staring at your blushing face. Since you were too lost in admiring his movements you didn't even realize that you spoke out loud and he heard you saying that thing.
"N-nothing" you replied looking away but he grabbed you by the chin and lifted it to look into his eyes. "You can touch if you want to" he grinned knowing exactly that you were talking about his pecs. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his chest, making your cheeks red even more than they already were.
"So you like my "boobies" huh?" he whispered into your ear. From now on he'll let you touch his chest more during his training since you know you can't take your eyes off him.
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doctorgerth · 2 years
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a/n: Ngl, this piece had me kicking my feet ahhh I’m down so bad for Smoker 🥰 He’s such a grumpy gus when he’s in love <3 Not sure if I really captured Smoker/Tashigi’s relationship well here, my apologies! Read to find out if Smoker gets a lil lip action or not! 😉💕
pairing: Smoker x GN!Reader
word count: 1.6k
candy heart prompt: Miss You — Missing the Other
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You’d been away on your mission for a few days now and Smoker wasn’t handling it well.
The Marines were uneasy, sensing their Commander’s own unease taking over the entirety of the base like a thick fog. Most avoided his presence unless directly commanded by him as they noticed he was grumpier than usual, enforcing mundane tasks out of frustration and rebuking his subordinates for even the tiniest of mistakes. One person was able to place Smoker’s discontent, and she only gently teased him about it.
“It seems a little gloomy without (Y/N) around. Don’t you agree, sir?” Tashigi spoke up in the quiet office as she organized a drawer in one of the filing cabinets.
He only grunted, not even bothering to look up as he continued scanning documents, scribbling notes, and signing his name. Tashigi spent a lot of time organizing papers that could keep her superior distracted enough to lessen his fussing at Marines undeserving. He preferred seclusion anyhow, that much she understood. What she failed to understand was that she was encroaching on said seclusion. Especially as she kept pushing the subject of you. Wasn’t the point of all this to keep him from thinking of you?
“I hope (Y/N) is okay. I wonder how the mission is going. Do you think they’ve met any interesting people?”
The idea of you meeting people, both dangerous and friendly, left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was fully confident in your capabilities, he wouldn’t have signed off on your mission otherwise, but the fact that he was not there to ward off anybody with any sort of ill intentions towards you made his gut twist. Smoker didn’t even want to think about the friendly ones. Who was making you laugh, keeping you company, who you might be interested in. He’s always felt a sense of protectiveness towards his subordinates, but there was something entirely different in his sense of protectiveness towards you. He’d never felt jealous in regards to his other subordinates, to put it plainly.
Tashigi was rambling while Smoker’s thoughts were once again riddled with you. Your name curved easily along a signature line meant for him as your name slipped past his mentee’s mouth in every other sentence. He mentally cursed and balled up the paper, throwing it at Tashigi’s forehead to shut her up. She gasped as it bounced off her glasses, making them crooked in the aftermath, and landed on the floor with a soft thud.
“What exactly are you trying to do here, Tashigi?” he growled. If she said your name one more time…
She glared at him as she straightened her glasses and picked up the paper, unfurling it much to his horror but he remained stoic as her eyes lit up with pure amusement upon reading his penmanship of your name, “Just trying to get you to realize that you miss them. That’s all, sir.”  
“And what good do you think that will do?” he barked out. He was painfully aware that he missed you from the moment you stepped off base. It wouldn’t bring you back any sooner, and it wouldn’t make him feel any better by coming to terms with it.
“Have you told them how you felt?” she pushed. Always pushing.
Could she see the red heat he felt creeping up his neck? “I’m not having this discussion with you. You can either leave my office or I’ll have you fired for inappropriate conversations in the workplace.”
Tashigi pursed her lips, muttering under her breath, “Well, in that case you should be fired for having inappropriate feelings in the workplace.”
“What was that?” Smoker bellowed as he stood from his chair, nearly biting his cigars in half. He felt his right eye begin to twitch and he had half a mind to throw another paper ball at her. Maybe enough paper balls from the entire stack of the piss-poor distracting paperwork.  
Tashigi waved her hands in front of her in surrender, “Nothing! What I meant to tell you is that (Y/N) is…”
“Stop saying their name!”
“I’ve only been gone for five days and you two are already bickering?” Your voice echoed down the hall and he wondered if was imagining your voice again. Yet there you were, standing in his office, not a scratch on you as you sported that comforting smile on your face he’d missed so much. He felt his shoulders relax as he exhaled the breath he’d been holding since you left.
“Returning today,” Tashigi finished, turning to you with a salute, “Welcome back, Captain.”
“It’s great to be back,” you grinned, keeping your eyes trained on the tall, speechless, white-haired Marine officer standing stiff behind his desk, “I missed the G-5.”
After a quiet moment of longing stares, his body finally began working as he discarded his cigars in the ashtray and his boots echoed heavy as they approached you. Such a simple thing, but you missed the sound of them. Now that he was standing before you, towering over you, you realized you missed the smell of smoke too, along with the warmth he constantly radiated when standing so close. Your body reacted to every sense of him. You missed him dearly.
Tashigi quietly slipped out, gently closing the door behind her as she left to finally give her superior the privacy he’d wanted.
“Didn’t miss me too bad, did you, Commander?” you teased, stepping closer, an unseen force pulling you closer to him. That same force tugged consistently at your heart for the five long days you were away.
He smiled, a notion reserved only for you, as he pinched your chin between his thumb and forefinger, “Only a little, I suppose.”
There it was, that tension between the two of you that only grew stronger with each moment you were alone. It felt near suffocating after your time apart. You knew he didn’t speak to anyone else like this, didn’t stand so close to anyone else like this, didn’t look at anyone else like this. You were something else to him, and he to you. Something beyond Marine rankings and camaraderie. As shameful as it was for a Commodore to pursue his subordinate, you weren’t sure how much longer you could hold your feelings back. You’d hoped your mission would have cleared your head, but it only drew you closer to him. Made you crave his affections even more.
Intimate touches have been exchanged in secrecy between the two of you as feelings were realized, but you needed to feel his lips against yours. To know for sure that he wanted this too. You wanted so desperately to make this agonizing yet exhilarating tension tangible. The way he continued to hold your chin up, brown eyes reflecting the loving stare you offered him, forehead colliding softly with yours, it felt as if the pieces were finally falling into place.
His eyes were first to flutter close, making your heart do somersaults in your chest, and as you followed suit, you felt the ghost of a kiss along your lips before the echoing purururu of his Den Den Mushi made the two of you jump.
Smoker’s eyes opened, staring down at you as if he was seeking your approval to ignore the call. He could care less if the entire world was ending. All that he wanted was standing right in front of him. He didn’t want to lose this moment.
“You’d better answer that.” Your hand caressed his cheek, thumb grazing across his stubble as you reassured him, “I’m not going anywhere.”
He groaned loudly, like a child throwing a tantrum, and stomped over to his desk, answering the phone with distinct annoyance, “What the hell do you want?”
Silence. His furrowed brows softened, face slackened.
“Yes, sir. I understand. Thank you.”
You grew a bit worried, unable to read him as he hung up the receiver with a quick gacha. Smoker ran his fingers through his hair, making you feel overwhelmed with adoration and anxiety as you waited with bated breath.
“Is everything okay?” You were almost afraid to ask.
Another long beat of silence. You were sure you weren’t breathing at all, until he finally relayed the message with a smirk on his face.
“I got promoted to Vice Admiral.”
The happy sound you emitted was sure enough to alert the whole base as you threw your arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. Smoker squeezed back eagerly, cherishing the feeling of having you in his arms. He was unable to express it, but he hoped you knew that he was glad you were the first person he got to tell; that you were by his side when he got the news. Climbing the ranks to increase his ability to act freely has always been his goal, but the promotion felt a bit sweeter having you to celebrate with.
Tashigi returned to the room out of concern, coughing awkwardly when she caught the two of you still locked in an embrace. When Smoker shared the news, passers-by overheard and entered the office with almost hesitant congratulations. Soon enough, his entire office was full of subordinates all congratulating their new Vice Admiral. Pride swelled in your chest as he shook the hands of his subordinates and offered light smiles of thanks. So many smiles in a day — was it possible to fall even harder for him?
When everyone was preoccupied in their own conversations, Smoker bent down and whispered in your ear, “They’re hosting a banquet for all who received promotions at Headquarters. I want you to come with me.”
As if your heart couldn’t feel any fuller, you were sure to burst as you grinned from ear to ear, whispering back and squeezing his hand discreetly, “I’d be glad to.”
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a/n: Soooo close! But still some happy moments here! This ending was almost entirely different (and lamer tbh) but the idea of Smoker finding out he was promoted to Vice Admiral with reader seemed like such a special moment to me and one that doesn’t *entirely* ruin the missed smooch moment. That’s another one safe until Round Two! Perhaps our next character won’t be so lucky…or will, if you consider a kiss pretty lucky. ❤️
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kaziwi · 1 year
100 Follower Event Masterlist
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Link to Event
"You're really red right now." (Robin)
"Show me where it hurts." (Luffy)
"You're a horrible liar" (Usopp)
"Hey. Look at me." (Nami)
"I'll just stay behind." (Zoro)
"You're heavy..." (Smoker)
"They can hear us." (Kid)
"Hold my hand." (Koby)
"I missed you...so much..." (Robin)
"Just play along." (Zoro)
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ranaveesweet · 6 months
Your forbidden love
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✼ | Smoker x Reader Scenario | ✼ ✼ | Song Inspiration ➥ Fantasy by Mariah Carey
In a world torn by war between Pirates and Marines, You and Smoker stand on opposing sides. Yet, amidst the chaos, love ignites. Defying prejudice, you dream of a future together. But as danger looms, you face a choice: fight for love or yield to the tide of hostility. "Your presence here is a provocation," Smoker grumbled, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation. "Do you have any idea the risks you're taking?"
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Keep shaping this story alongside Smoker through my character Ai: You and Smoker's secret meeting
Upcoming Character -> Trafalgar D. Law
Reblogs Appreciated ♡
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