#but it sounds very sweet actually
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Juno McGuff/Paulie Bleeker moodboard with music and running
Requested by: @thatoneteen
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#frog's boards#moodboard#juno#juno (2007)#juno mcguff#paulie bleeker#running aesthetic#track aesthetic#track and field#music aesthetic#guitar#i hadn't heard of this movie before#but it sounds very sweet actually#very 2000s i love that#i also actually#really really like how this one turned out
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you think kankri and cronus
like all the dancestors, kankri and cronus mirror their counterparts (and as we all know, karkat and eridan are soul mates), but the brief interaction we do see of them makes them seem pretty toxic for each other. i think it's funny for that reason though!
Karkat and Kankri both love going on long, endless rants and walls of text, but where Karkat fills his spiels with self-loathing, Kankri fills his with incredible smugness and self-satisfaction (often calling his spiels "sermons" or "lectures" before catching himself and correcting them to "discussions" or "conversations," which have a less one-sided "i'm right and you're wrong" connotation). Moreover, where Karkat loves all his friends, and masks that under disdainful insults and screaming obscenities, Kankri tends to hold his friends in contempt, masking that under kind language and politeness.
KANKRI: And really, it's every9ne's 6usiness t9 examine their privilege, even 6urgundies, wh9 may 6e su6ject t9 the pitfall 9f 6elieving inc9rrectly there are n9ne 9n the scale 6eneath them wh9m they enj9y certain privileges 9ver, which 9ff-spectrum tr9lls will never kn9w, such as th9se identifying as 9ther6l99ds 9r caste-multiples, "p9ly6l99ded", any wh9 hem9gl96ically ID as having a caste which manifests n9where (as yet kn9wn) in any9ne physically, 9r f9r that matter 9ffspecs wh9 physically d9 p9ssess such a 6l99d type, 9r "mutants" (VERY pr96lematic term, highly triggering t9 s9me, 6e warned), such as y9u and I, Karkat.
Translation: lowbloods think they have it SO HARD, try being a mutant 🙄
KANKRI: I just think there is inherent danger in muddying the waters 9f disc9urse 6y intr9ducing s9cial issues which are suspect at 6est, thus c9nsuming crucial res9urces fr9m the limited cache 9f rhet9ric which pr9pels these narratives. And furtherm9re, 9ne c9uld argue it's m9re than a little pr96lematic, 9ffensive even, f9r y9u t9 6e appr9priating the lexic9n 9f sensitivity used t9 advance awareness 9f maj9r issues, thus reducing it t9 the level 6uzzspeak and pseud9science. It makes it m9re difficult f9r th9se 9f us wh9 are genuinely f9cused 9n p9sitive change t9 6e taken seri9usly, that's all. PORRIM: Appro+priating?? #That's no+t #what that even #means? PORRIM: PSEUDOSCIENCE??? #Yo+u did no+t just… KANKRI: I'm s9rry, I just d9n't think there's much there. We aren't like humans, wh9se species 6izarrely en9ugh includes highly specialized r9les f9r 69th sexes in the pr9cess 9f repr9ducti9n, and s9 this naturally had s9cial ramificati9ns f9r the way their civilizati9n ev9lved. 6ut that's n9t h9w it w9rks f9r us, s9 I fail t9 see h9w gender fact9rs int9 the discussi9n in a way that can 6e effectively and rati9nally pr96lematized. Where is the r99m f9r unexamined privilege in the dich9t9my? I d9n't see it. And appr9priating the talking p9ints and awareness-raising tactics f9r du6i9us issues like this is, frankly, fr9wned up9n, t9 put it p9litely. Such appr9priative gestures 9nly serve t9 marginalize and invalidate th9se su6ject t9 seri9us, real life struggles and 9ppressi9n, and I guess I'm a little disapp9inted t9 see y9u 6eing s9 6lithely and inappr9priately appr9priat9ry. #Fr9wned up9n #Fr9wns all ar9und #Welc9me t9 fr9wn t9wn PORRIM: Kanny, I'm starting to+ feel just a little bit triggered by all this "appro+priatio+n" bullshit. #Trigger warning: #Abo+ut to+ kick yo+ur tall pantsed ass KANKRI: 9h! My sincere ap9l9gies. I sh9uld have d9ne a 6etter j96 tagging my statements, 6ut f9r future reference, it's helpful t9 alert y9ur c9nversati9nal partners t9 y9ur triggers well in advance. Sh9uld I g9 fetch y9ur m9irail t9 help settle y9u d9wn? And if s9, wh9 exactly w9uld 6e filling that quadrant t9day? #It's the may9r, right? #G9tta 6e the may9r
Translation: Stop trying to steal my spotlight by bringing up your own social justice pursuits. Shut the fuck up. Oh, are you offended? Maybe you should go cry to your moirail. Slut. God I hate women.
KANKRI: 9n the 9ther hand, if I'm 6eing h9nest, I've f9und Mituna's entire existence t9 6e a pretty pr96lematic impediment t9 the advancement and 9verall awareness 9f a6leism and its painful manif9ld c9nsequences f9r una6ilitied pers9ns. The speech impediment, frankly, I c9uld d9 with9ut, and I'm 6y n9 means ecstatic 9ver his t9rrential 6ig9try and h9stility. 9n the 9ne hand, I want t9 6e sensitive t9 him as a pers9n and as a friend, 6ut 9n the 9ther, what kind 9f message d9es his 6ehavi9r send? And frankly, I'm n9t crazy a69ut the helmet, either. MITUNA: W4LT5 WR00NG W17H MY H4ML37 8( KANKRI: N9thing, friend, it's a really c99l helmet and it's a g99d l99k f9r y9u. 6ut are we n9w t9 assume that all th9se wh9 are stricken with y9ur particular disadvantage9n will 6e similarly pr9ne t9 require such headgear, due t9 falling d9wn and hitting their heads frequently? MITUNA: 8U7H 1 D0 F4LL D0WN 4ND H157 MY H34D FR3QUN3UN74NY KANKRI: 9h, I kn9w y9u d9, and I think y9u sh9uld c9ntinue wearing it f9r y9ur safety, particularly if y9u c9ntinue t9 insist 9n fl9undering a69ut 9n y9ur danger9us t9y. It's m9re a69ut the unf9rtunate message y9u are sending 9verall, with certain aspects 9f y9ur pers9nality and existence, that's all. MITUNA: 1M 50RRY KANKRI: As a friend, I w9uldn't want t9 change anything a69ut y9u, well, n9t m9st things. I just think y9u may n9t 6e d9ing y9urself 9r th9se wh9 are similarly disadvantaged any fav9rs with, what I'm h9ping, is a perfectly inn9cent array 9f traits and mannerisms. 8ut again, I say this with all due sensitivity. MEENAH: vantas youre being a shit dont talk about him like that
Translation: Mituna, you're such a goddamn embarrassment, I wish everything about you was completely different.
The big difference between Beforus and Alternia is also the definition of "culling," which on one meant killing and the other meant coddling. Naturally, this is its own form of oppression, as the longer-lived highbloods still hold great power over the lives and fates of those deemed cull-worthy, which includes a lot of lowbloods, and definitely mutants like Kankri who didn't have a lusus. However, it creates a different kind of mindset from that of more standard abuse, like what Karkat suffered for his off-spectrum nature - where Karkat spent every day fearing for his life and cursing himself:
Your name is KARKAT VANTAS. As was previously mentioned, it is your WRIGGLING DAY, which is barely even worth mentioning. It is an anniversary, if anything, to lament the faults of your existence, of which there are assuredly plenty.
Kankri was experiencing the opposite: being told that his mutation made him exceptional, made him special, made him MORE worthy of attention and praise than other people. At the same time, his agency was taken away from him, but the thing is, being 13 when he started the game, I don't necessarily think he'd have missed that - around the age of 13 is when kids START to crave agency, and he got it by playing the game. Kankri's dialogue suggests to me that he genuinely believes in his superiority to the people around him, more in line with being spoilt.
This is why, although he talks a big game about how bad casteism is, and how you shouldn't say slurs because they're offensive, he still unironically uses the term "Royal-V" to refer to violet bloods and chastises Mituna for calling Meenah a wader, which is an anti-seadweller (and anti-seadweller apologist) insult. Sure, he acknowledges within that chastisement that because Meenah and Royal-V's DO have privilege, the weight of the insult is not exactly the same, but then he follows up by saying that he wishes everything about Mituna was different, to the point MEENAH feels the need to defend him.
This is because Kankri is a fucking wader.
If you'll notice, he's actually quite agreeable and sympathetic to Meenah (despite Meenah being a confirmed bully, especially to the team rustblood):
KANKRI: Wh9a, Meenah. I didn't see y9u c9me in. Y9u sh9uld have c9me say hell9. ... KANKRI: I've als9 heard y9u're recruiting mem6ers f9r a militia? An9ther 69ld endeav9r. N9t surprising, th9ugh. 6ef9re y9u em6ark, I d9 h9pe y9u'll set aside at least several sweeps t9 listen t9 s9me 9f my…
KANKRI: And Meenah, while I can understand y9ur frustrati9n 9ver 6eing ver6ally assaulted under any circumstance, it is incum6ent 9n me t9 remind y9u that Mituna requires a certain am9unt 9f special c9nsiderati9n and m9re than a little patience. Please try t9 resist taking his 6ait, which I'm guessing is m9stly well intended(?), 6ef9re its c9ntenti9us undert9w pulls y9u further int9 an exchange laden with deeply pr96lematic expressi9ns 9f a6leism, a6leist slurs, and 9ther such manifestati9ns 9f unc9nsci9na6ly unchecked a6ility privilege. #a6leism #a6ility privilege #6ait #undert9w #are the aquatic terms helping?
... And he's nice to Cronus. I just don't think it's a coincidence that Kankri is super mean and shitty to land dwellers, while being super kind to the two sea dwellers on the team, the caste he was presumably culled (raised) by - to the point of emulating their aquatic terms to try and ingratiate himself to them (something Karkat thinks is stupid and cringe.).
And that brings us to Cronus. Now, I've written extensively about how Eridan is not actually casteist, but the TL;DR is that Eridan genuinely doesn't treat people differently based on their caste, but it's societally expected of him and he has an overwhelming amount of anxiety about living up to those expectations, so he will say a lot of slurs. He and Feferi are actually the only two highbloods that never say anything disparaging about Karkat's blood color.
In contrast, Cronus is a casteist; where Eridan tries to play up how casteist he is while secretly not being so, Cronus does the opposite and tries to play down how casteist he is while secretly being so.
CRONUS: nowv, please don't tell anyone i said so, but you and i both knowv pretty much all these people should feel honored to go out vwith a guy like me. CRONUS: vwhat being royalty and all, and not evwen slightly put off by dating dowvn on the spectrum. i mean, really, howv much more evwident can i make it to evweryone that im really a cool, progressivwe, easy going dude, vwho doesnt take the social order seriously or buy into any of the stereotypes? first of all, as if the hemospectrum scene isnt 8EYOND played out. #you should be sticking your fork in THAT CRONUS: i barely EVWER evwen bring up my high social status. it couldnt be LESS of a big deal to me, but i think people maybe are still intimidated by it? theyre probably putting me on a pedestal, in spite of all my easy going assurances that my royal lineage is something i nevwer evwen think about. like, no friend, i am just like you. vwe laugh at the same jokes, listen to, vwell, to some extent, the same music… #i at least USED to listen to music you like #does that count? CRONUS: all these cats and kittens, im telling you. theyre alvways drawvn to the freaks and rejects. you havwe to be 8ROKEN in some vway to get a little concupiscent attention. #cats #kittens #freaks #rejects #broken
You got a whole bunch of SEA DWELLER BLING! It's pretty obvious this all belongs to Cronus over there. He's just not wearing it right now so he can convince everyone he doesn't feel like his royalty status is a big deal, even though he does.
Moreover, we get a direct parallel to Eridan's final conversation between him, Feferi, and Sollux, with the interaction Cronus has with Meenah and Mituna - in both cases, the violet-blood has a crush on their fuchsia, while probably having some sort of blackrom thing with the mustard (ashen for Eridan, pitch for Cronus). The differences really highlight how different the two are.
First, Eridan doesn't actually mean all the casteist things he says to Sollux - we know this because he's actually mentioned Sollux twice before, and both times, felt no need to comment on Sollux's lowblood status at all. Eridan is so transparently full of shit that even his own teammates don't think he's actually being casteist, and instead take it as ashenflirting:
ERIDAN: hey finless this doesnt concern those wwith mustard sludge slippin through their vveins ERIDAN: its a matter for royalty only ERIDAN: so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open ovver my next meal SOLLUX: w/e bro, not iintere2ted. FEFERI: -Eridan, please! I don't want to see any more dueling. FEFERI: Don't try to provoke )(im. It's not like I don't know w)( you're doing! You keep trying to spark a rivalry wit)( )(im to get me to auspiticize between you two, and pull us out of your quadrant! FEFERI: It is t)(e oldest and lamest trick in t)(e book. It didn't work t)(en and it won't work now!
But while Eridan leads with casteism he doesn't mean, after being rejected by his fuchsia blood, Cronus rounds on Mituna to vent his frustration, revealing HIS real feelings:
CRONUS: i said shut up. do you havwe any idea vwhat a man of my class vwould do if a mustard blood like you spoke to me this vway on alternia? honestly, sometimes i think i vwas hatched in the vwrong univwerse, let ALONE the vwrong body. CRONUS: i am so sick of havwing to pretend to treat you vwith the dignity you vwouldnt deservwe evwen if you COULD count the scars on my forehead. you couldnt tell me the ansvwer if i asked vwhat your favworite number vwas. ... CRONUS: you are a brain damaged reject on a team full of rejects. a rejects reject. i vwould havwe culled you myself if that vword meant vwhat it should havwe on our planet.
Moreover, Eridan is genuinely wracked with emotional anguish basically 24/7, but he refuses to allow anyone else to provide him with emotional support, lashing out at Feferi when she insinuates that she's been taking care of him up to that point.
CC: I can’t look after you anymore. CA: I DIDNT EVER NEED ANYONE TO LOOK AFTER ME CA: i was totally fuckin fine my ambitions were noble
On the other hand, Cronus outright admits that his constant talk of being a "sensitivwe soul" is bullshit he uses to attract the ladies:
MITUNA: 1M 50RRY CRONUS: no youre not. youre lying. CRONUS: your vwhole bifurcated demeanor is such an act. half the time you are noxious and incomprehensible, and the other half you are mild and contrite? sure, "PAL." CRONUS: as if im not SO on to you. you only pretend to say youre sorry to get girls to like you more. sure seems like pyropes a sucker for the ruse. like im not familiar vwith THOSE tactics. vwho do you think vwrote the book on that??
CRONUS: guess ill attempt ghost suicide YET AGAIN. CRONUS: of course by vwhich i mean, tell people i did, to vwin sympathy points. MITUNA: D0357H H47 W0RK CRONUS: not really.
This isn't to say that Cronus doesn't have legitimate emotional issues - just that they aren't the ones he says that they are. When Aranea is expositing on Cronus to Meenah, she winds up explaining that Cronus used to believe in a prophecy where he was Harry Potter and LE was Voldemort, and that it was his destiny to destroy this evil wizard, but that his team basically bullied that belief out of him:
ARANEA: The 8ard of Hope may seem a little jaded these days, 8ut he once had a deeply a8iding faith in magic, and dedicated himself to 8ecoming a great wizard. He 8ecame convinced he was hatched to defeat an extraordinarily evil magician, one he swore the angels foretold of. [...] I'm unsure why he suffered this crisis of faith, aside from the o8vious reasons having to do with an overall lack of character, or any other redeeming qualities. Perhaps someone talked him out of his 8eliefs. May8e a friend close to him. Or, if one is to 8elieve his fantasy held any water, perhaps someone who was in league with the evil magician. Whatever the case, it was pro8a8ly for the 8est, since pretty much everyone who had half a think pan thought it was all a 8unch of ridiculous nonsense.
Which, you know, given that he was their HOPE player, was probably a not-good thing that they did. Put a pin in this conversation, we'll return to it in a bit.
His humankin stuff is mostly treated as a joke, but it's also a symptom of this - we know that it's actually a portal to something Cronus genuinely feels bad about, because despite complaining about how you need to have something wrong with you to get concupiscent action, he's uncomfortable bringing it up to Meenah.
MEENAH: i heard a rumor you think youre a human now MEENAH: that true CRONUS: its a privwate matter. i dont see vwhy i should havwe to talk about it vwith you, and open myself up to more of your judgmental scorn.
He's a Hope player who lost what he believes in - so his actual emotional problems stem from directionlessness, exacerbated by the fact that he's generally untalented, feels entitled due to his high caste and resentful that it's not being respected, and doesn't seem to have any real goals aside from sleeping with other people (and now he's dead). As a result, he's clung onto this idea that maybe the reason he feels so empty inside is because he's not actually a troll - not wanting to be himself, he tries to be something else.
So let's go back to the pin we put into Aranea talking about how he was talked out of his beliefs. Cronus very nearly reaches self-awareness about how being humankin is just a cover for his actual emotional problems... and then "a friend close to him" - maybe the only friend close to him that he has - talked him out of that epiphany.
KANKRI: Listen, I was d9ing y9u a fav9r. Y9u d9n't need t9 6e dating any9ne wh9 can't appreciate y9u f9r wh9 y9u really are, 9r m9re imp9rtantly, which fantasy versi9n 9f y9urself y9u m9st str9ngly identify with. CRONUS: yeah, youre probably right. she doesnt appreciate me. so fevw of you cats do, really. #evwen the ones vwho literally identify as cats CRONUS: to be honest, she might be right. sometimes i think i might only be saying im a human to get attention. maybe i should givwe it up. KANKRI: I'd 6e extremely disapp9inted t9 hear that, if it were true. That w9uld 6e such a slap in the face t9 all th9se wh9 kn9w themselves t9 6e an alien while trapped in the pedestrian 69dy 9f their 9wn race. It w9uld 6e unspeaka6ly invalidating 9f their struggles and massively triggering t9 their em9ti9ns. #TW #invalidated struggles #triggered em9ti9ns KANKRI: 6ut f9rtunately, I kn9w y9u w9uld never st99p as l9w as that. Y9u understanda6ly have d9u6ts a69ut y9ur feelings and pr96a6ly d9wnplay them as a defense mechanism, since s9 few are prepared t9 rec9gnize the legitimacy 9f y9ur plight. 6ut I am, and I just wanted y9u t9 kn9w that I'm here f9r y9u, and am prepared t9 lecture t9 y9u extensively, I mean, listen t9 y9u extensively, a69ut y9ur ultra-imp9rtant pr96lem. CRONUS: vwowv. thanks, pal. CRONUS: youre right. my feelings really are real. not fake, like the huge disappointing fraud that magic turned out to be. CRONUS: i guess the truth is, deep dowvn i alvways knewv i vwas a 1950s-style human greaser. CRONUS: i just needed to finally be introduced to human culture to make sense of those feelings. KANKRI: W9nderful. I'm s9 happy y9u have f9und the light 9f truth within y9urself. N9w j9in me in tagging 9ur discussi9n with righte9us warnings, as we c9nsecrate y9ur disadvantage in the h9ly annals 9f Pr96lematics.
She also mentions it might have been someone "in league with the evil wizard," which would indicate Damara or Kurloz, but he never mentions Damara even once, and he actually seems to be on neutral terms with Kurloz:
and i vwouldnt dare to intrude on your longstanding moirallegiance vwith kurloz, and not because he scares the shit out of me either. that just really seems to vwork, you and him, doesnt it? i dont get a peep out of him of course, not evwen if im super nice and compliment his hideous hair[.]
So since we literally see Kankri exacerbating Cronus's problem by not only insisting that he not introspect, but expresses that he would be extremely disappointed in Cronus if Cronus did, I'm inclined to believe that the one who talked the Hope player into giving up his Hope beliefs was Kankri.
So what I'm saying is, if Karkat and Eridan are beautiful soul mates who make each other better in basically every way, Kankri and Cronus are incredibly toxic for each other and are in desperate need of a fucking auspice. Somebody please middle leaf these two, they cannot be left alone. Kankri's wader tendencies validate Cronus's entitlement and stagnation, and Kankri loves manipulating Cronus into believing whatever BS Kankri is espousing, because that's how Kankri gets his validation.
Kankri and Cronus means love loses.
Thank you for reading.
#homestuck#eridan ampora#erikar#karkat vantas#cronus ampora#kankri vantas#crokri#this is very critical of crokri so please don't read if you think they're a cute/sweet/wholesome couple#actually i really like cronus and meenah as moirails#meenah stops cronus from shitting on mituna#and then they immediately jump into taking each other to task for their own personal failings (& cronus IGNORES HER saying 'lets make out')#to the point cronus actually considers that maybe he should stop with the humankin thing before kankri ruins it#and since kankri is the SEER of BLOOD and his convo with cronus honestly sounds so so so much like paleflirting#'oh dw cronus ill listen to ur ultra important problems'#it kind of gives me the vibe that kankri jumped in BECAUSE he doesn't want cronus and meenah to figure that out#and also itd be really funny and thematically appropriate#if eridan and karkat were great for each other and cronus and kankri are horrible each other#that cronus and meenah's problem is that cronus keeps trying to pursue her in flushed when he really feels pale#when eridan and feferi started out pale but wound up with eridan loving her flushed
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Mike: [Hugs Richarlyson after thanking him for the surprise birthday party]
Bad: Aww. Hugs are overrated.
Mike: "Hugs are overrated?" No no– [Hits Bad] I like hugs! Why you don't like hugs, Bad?
Bad: No, I love hugs! Just, they're just OVERRATED, Mike! What has a hug ever done for me, eh? Has a hug ever done more than like, a grilled-cheese sandwich?
Mike: No, but sometimes, when you're hugging someone, you can let your emotions out, you know? You feel... how can I explain...
Bad: But why would I do that? Can't I just keep them buried deep within me bottled up so that they explode someday abruptly and violently?
Mike: ...No?
Bad: Oh. Oh, ok. Well, I've got some stuff to work on then.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Mike: [Hugs Richarlyson after thanking him for the surprise birthday party]
Bad: Aww. Hugs are overrated. [Tsks]
Mike: "Hugs are overrated?" No no– [Hits Bad] I like hugs!
Bad: Nah, hugs are overrated, that's crazy, that's crazy, Mike.
Mike: Give me a hug! Give me a hug.
Bad: Nah, no, I'm good, I'm good. Thank you though.
Mike: No, no no no– give me a hug, give me a hug.
Bad: Alright, just one, for your birthday. [They hug] There you go. Just one, just one.
Mike: Why you don't like hugs, Bad?
Bad: No, I love hugs! Just, they're just OVERRATED, Mike! What has a hug ever done for me, eh? Has a hug ever done more than like, a grilled-cheese sandwich?
Mike: No, but sometimes, when you're hugging someone, you can let your emotions out, you know? You feel... how can I explain...
Bad: But why- why would I do that?
Mike: Oh, why? Because sometimes we all need a hug. Sometimes like, I don't know, sometimes when you have lots of problems on your mind, sometimes you give your loved one a hug and it gives them relief, you know? I think so, at least. *
Bad: But can't I just keep them buried deep within me bottled up so that they explode someday abruptly and violently?
Mike: No? Que iso? [Laughs]
Bad: Oh. Oh, ok. Well, I've got some stuff to work on then. Ok.
Mike: [Laughs]
* Relied on the QSMP translator a bit for this one, so please feel free to correct me if there's a better way to translate this!
#Mikethelink#Badboyhalo#Mike#QSMP#Richarlyson#BBH#Bad#May 9 2024#[VIBRATING INTENSELY] THIS WAS A GOOD CONVERSATION. A VERY GOOD CONVERSATION#gently holds q!Mike in my hands...#I actually don't remember this hug emote that caught me off-guard#cute...#still not a fan of the emote sound effects but this one was fine#Listen I'm a huge fan of hugs and hearing Mike say this was sweet
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one thing that's good about every version of cherry magic is that by virtue of its core premise, and, indeed, the full title of the japanese series (Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!) you know that you will be getting at least one character who is at least thirty years old. and i can't tell you how much i love when characters are at least thirty years old. it's excellent, we should do more of that
#the thing about Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! that one might not expect#when reading a title like Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!#is that it's actually very sweet. and kind and thoughtful. AND it's about someone who turns thirty (and becomes a wizard*)#(* whose only power is mindreading. truly this title sounds so wild but the show is so deeply low key considering)#anyway. i think it's probably for the best that the thai version went with only 'cherry magic thailand' but also. it's such a missed chance#when they could have gone with Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! Thailand!#and then presented us all with this even LOWER key thai style reinterpretation of the story (which i deeply adore)#*#cherry magic#cherry magic th
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FINALLY!! At long last, I've gotten my hands on a Pumpkin Kitty, after a whole year of wanting and waiting.
Her name is Latte! (Short for Miss Pumpkin Spice Latte) You can also call her Miss Spice!
#I spent 10 minutes picking her out omfg#not even exaggerating. I was deciding between this one and one of the last 3 unstuffed PKs#altogether there was only 5 of them left in the store including the 2 stuffed displays#the other one I was looking at had a nearly perfect pumpkin eye patch but less pumpkins overall#and their face wasn't as nice plus the ears were a bit wonky for my taste.#tho it was really hard to tell which would be better while they were unstuffed and flat#in the end I chose Latte because right away she looked to have a sweet face. her ears were nice and she had better patch placement#including a couple full patches on her tail#tbh if I'd had the money I might have bought both because the decision was hard#the bear builder actually asked if I was alright while I concentrated on studying each of those damn cats#I apologized and explained wtf was up with me. she was very understanding#I've always had this quirk where sometimes it'll take forever for me to pick between plushies I really want#especially if they're both the same exact plush. because then I gitta focus harder on finding out which has the better personality#you get what I mean?#anyways this has been a thing for me even as a real little kid#I remember spending and hour-hour and a half almost every time when my dad took me to choose my monthly webkinz#“my monthly webkinz” god that makes me sound so privileged. it was the nicest/best thing my dad could afford to get me because we were poor#he wanted to spoil me as all good fathers do but that was the most he could afford and I was always so grateful and still am! but I digress#anyways I took way too long to pick which kitty would become my Latte#but I'm glad I had the opportunity to choose yet alone to actually see pumpkin kitty irl available for purchase#what do you guys think of her?#stuffed animals#plushies#plushblr#build a bear#BAB#pumpkin kitty
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Maid and The Crocodile
standalone YA high fantasy romance, set in the world of Raybearer (10 years later)
a girl ages out of her orphanage and searches for a job as a maid - but before she’s hired, she accidentally gets bound to the Crocodile - a god thought to steal girls through his shrines throughout the cities
she wants nothing to do with him or his curse, and gets herself a job as a Curse Eater at an inn, consuming the spiritual residue of their past mistakes and regrets
but her past and her connection to the Crocodile won’t go away, and she gets caught up in his revolutionary ambitions
disabled MC (vitiligo, cane user)
#The Maid and The Crocodile#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#I loved this a lot!#The story has so much personality and is charming and simple but with a lot of complexity in the background and worldbuilding.#Sade is such a fantastic protagonist; I love her genuine enjoyment of being a maid and how it's an important and legitimate job.#The romance is very sweet actually; and I enjoyed their bickering (’don’t come’ ‘don’t tell me what to do’ 😭)#Very obvious inspiration and comp to Howl’s Moving Castle - moreso the movie but both tbh. It didn’t feel derivative though.#howell if his passion was revolution#It’s also a standalone but definitely pretty directly dealing with some of the aftermath of the Raybearer Duology.#I really like how it explores some of the results of abolishing the monarchy and some of the societal changes because of that#- especially regarding average people#I loved all the side characters - the amenities; and the side lesbians. Also the ending!#Really great narration - the accents and the singing! (though at 2x the singing sounds very weird; I still appreciate it conceptually)#‘the children yearn for the mines’ yeah i noticed that reference#good book
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i imagine ivan is very much Not a picky eater (because well... the first few years of his life he was eating literal trash scraps, and then he just molded himself to expectation so his actual taste is...?)
though we do know he likes sweet things
so in some au where ivan... is alive... and somehow gets the freedom to cook for himself
he'd probably just do weird shit like put sugar in chicken soup. sugar covered broccoli. sugar in guacamole. till tries to steal his food as revenge once and immediately spits it out because wtf i thought this was tomato sauce what's wrong with you why are you eating spaghetti with raspberry jam
#alien stage#alnst#alnst ivan#ik sweet versions of foods are not really strange but... imagine Everything. to a point where a normal person would get sick of it#and don't question the logistics of how they have all these ingredients available or the knowledge of guacamole thank you#...see somehow i was thinking of beatrix (gbf)#and that specific gimmick of hers is not actually very funny#but somehow giving it to ivan sounds funny...?
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We need to talk: the Kaveh voicelines are out
This is leaks but they're voice acted by the en VA so they're definitely correct - I'm gonna share some of the interesting and funny tidbits I saw!
Tighnari introduced Kaveh to Cyno - Kaveh is super complimentary of Tighnari
Kaveh is pretty nice about Cyno too, even saying he has a very big heart! EXCEPT he absolutely decimates his sense of humour, saying "you better hope there's beer around if Cyno's telling jokes"
Speaking of which: Kaveh freely admits to having a drinking problem :'(( my poor sweet boy
Oh but he's not a poor sweet boy. Somehow the general fanon is once again proven false, since Alhaitham is absolutely the babygirl here and Kaveh is working man who has to like. Do shit.
(they can both be babygirls it's a vibe)
Kaveh's snow voiceline MADE ME CACKLE he complains that the cold air is creeping up his back (where there's a hole) and down his front (low cut shirt)
Kaveh proves me right about Alhaitham: absolutely is a man with full understanding of social norms and who has a breadth of emotion and personality, he just isn't interested in indulging others in it 👍
Kaveh's second Alhaitham voiceline... I'm gonna make a whole other post when there's a transcript (tomorrow probably) because it might be the most canon thing they've ever said (and it made me sad)
Etc etc interesting lore esque stuff for another post
No Mehrak mentions?? Poor girl
Kaveh obviously loves soup , funny because it's the only food Alhaitham dislikes. EDIT: someone on Reddit pointed out that when you give Alhaitham soup in the spices event, he says he'll take it home. Is Alhaitham feeding Kaveh all the soup? Discuss.
YOU TYPECAST MY BOY yeah so Kaveh can't handle spicy food, y'all bullied Alhaitham and Kaveh is the Problem here
I'm talking a lot about Alhaitham, but Kaveh doesn't! He has the two voicelines and then alludes to him a couple times, but not by name or as "my roommate". Kaveh may be living in Alhaitham's voicelines rent free but Kaveh seems really uh... Too emotional to talk about it (for the separate post)
I gotta go through the Beidou voicelines cos he brings up alcohol A LOT
Oh yeah Candace yet again doesn't have a voiceline about her. didn't expect it but damn she's going for a record
Overall I think Kaveh needs a hug.
#genshin impact#kaveh#alhaitham#al haitham#genshin leaks#kavetham#cyno#tighnari#candace#alhaiveh#voiceline leaks#god fam they're sooo#like when directly talking to the player Kaveh is rathet sweet#but actually very self involved sounding? not like a huge egoist#but he and Alhaitham have a lot in common let me tell you#I'd say tonally Alhaitham's voicelines are funnier and Kaveh is more awwwww#can't wait for the character stories
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i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
#but i appreciate the ones who sacrificed their mind to watch the show and report back#y’all are so brave. thank you for examining the danger and relying the information back to me so i wouldn’t have to.#i have read so much about this show and i will literally never watch it#i actually intended to but got locked out of netflix when it premiered#then i heard all the shitty things about it and said “fuck that noise”#they took everything from me#they took away zuko’s character development for the sake of “time” not even gonna touch that it makes me so angry#they took away sokka’s character development for the sake of being “woke”#which was actually very very un-woke of them#they took away katara’s passion & anger and made her a flat boring person#i loved her anger so much????#they took away our shock at the OG southern air temple ep#seeing monk gyatso in a room full of firebenders he had been forced to kill >>> seeing the actual genocide as if we didn’t already know#they took away aang’s sweet childishness and made him way too mature#it sounds like the only people who enjoyed it were zutara fans because of the scarf scene#y’all can keep it. it’s yours. i don’t want it.#atla original#avatar the last airbender#atla aang#atla zuko#atla katara#atla sokka#avatar the last airbender aang#avatar the last airbender katara#avatar the last airbender zuko#avatar the last airbender sokka#aang#katara#sokka#zuko
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godheim clarence | because it's you
On a seemingly normal day, as he's braiding your hair in the morning, your husband asks you if he should cut his hair. You try to be brave about it.
1.6k, post-clarence epilogue, misunderstandings + fluff, reader is mc, series: none
"SHALL I CUT MY HAIR short too?"
You register your husband's words as a joke at first. Why would you not? It flows so seamlessly from your own, after all—about how he might actually thank you for freeing up his time in the mornings if you chop off your long hair.
You know full well Clarence will not.
It is not enough to prevent you from chasing after your favorite kind of high. The one where he huffs exasperatedly and tells you as much, as a lovely but faint scarlet hue spreads across his cheek. The one that leaves you with the singleminded desire to kiss him, which you waste no time in doing—because you can.
So, expecting to see a hint of mirth in his blue eyes, you roll your eyes and watch him through the vanity's mirror with an unfaltering grin.
There is none.
Instead, the mirror reflects only the almost clumsy seriousness you've come to expect in his endeavors to prove himself worthy of being your husband. It is both flattering and worrying.
And sometimes, it makes you wonder if you were too harsh on him in the early days of your time together in the void, when you demanded apology after apology from him. Then, you remember that he's the same man who catches fishes only to free them in the end—and that this is simply sort of endearing idiot he is.
It helps immensely.
"Would you like to?" you ask carefully, concealing your silent insults with a half-awkward smile.
You would not like him to.
But it is rare for Clarence to express an interest in his appearance outside of what you make of it. His most frequently worn coat is the one you once complimented him, under a brightly-lit street lamp as he wrapped his scarf around you instead. He always buys the same fragrance, and only when it runs out, with a polite explanation of My wife likes this one the most that drives most merchants mad.
The only response he's ever offered when shopping for clothes is: If you like it, I'm fine with wearing it.
Biting back a scowl, you add, "I think you'd look good with short hair."
Of course he would. Even putting aside his hairstyle when he was younger, your husband is handsome enough to pull anything off.
You are, of course, very biased—it's an accusation you've never tried to deny.
"I see." With a pleased hum, Clarence ties off your braid. "Then I'll pick out a date. Would you like to come along?"
He's careful to adjust the hair tie first, concealing any stubborn tufts hair poking through between the gaps before he reaches for your usual red ribbon. Then, with a practiced ease that comes only with years' worth of repetition, he loops it through the hair tie and twists into a proper bow.
Today, you cannot find it in yourself to admire his careful movements through the mirror.
"I'm never going to hear the end of it if I do that," you answer, shuddering a little at the thought. The people at this village are mostly kind, but a few of the louder ones tend to comment on Clarence's tendencies a bit too frequently for your liking. "You remember what happened last time, don't you?"
Your fingers traverse down the full length of your neatly-braided hair to pull it over your shoulder. Their grasp on the end of it lasts for only a second before your hand falls to the edge of your stool. Gulping, you swivel around and soon find yourself properly face to face with your husband.
He smiles faintly. "In a sense, they weren't wrong."
To properly hold onto his face, you have to scoot closer to the edge. Clarence bends down slightly, further easing the burden on your arms. Your eyes narrow fondly at him before you ruin the moment by smushing his cheeks.
"They were insulting you," you correct him, indignation fueling your flat tone. "I'd say they were very wrong."
His expression grows helpless and fond. Wrapping his hands around your own, he settles down onto the hardwood floor. In doing so, he ignores your chiding entirely; instead, he looks at you with a hint of reverence in his gaze.
"Perhaps," Clarence agrees softly. "I've heard worse."
Inhaling sharply, you press your foreheads together. When you next speak up, your tone is softer. "Do you have a cut in mind?"
"The same as it was when I was younger, I suppose," he says, sounding a bit uncertain.
You do your best approximation of a nod. You're not entirely certain what brought this on, but that won't stop you from being the most supportive wife to ever be supportive. As you squeeze his hands gently, you hope he can sense your resolve.
"Alright," you say, a bit forcefully, as you press a kiss to his forehead. "—now get off the floor. It's my turn to do your hair."
IT'S WHEN YOU'RE CAREFULLY UNTANGLING your braid at night that you remember the conversation from that morning.
"Did you decide on a date?" you ask curiously.
Clarence hums. "I didn't get the chance to quite yet."
He's watching you from his side of the bed, both hands occupied by a book he stopped reading the moment you walked in after your nighttime routine. When you shake your hair back to normal and settle under the blankets, he wordlessly turns the lamps off, with only a flick of his hand.
Accepting his answer, you snuggle up against his chest, fully intent on going to sleep—
Except you can't.
Curiosity nags at you, offering you the same question over and over again in the hopes that you'll break. And break you do as you call out your husband's name.
You can't quite make out what his expression is, but you know he isn't asleep. It's only been a few years—just a little over a decade, to be precise—since they've reunited. Adjusting to a life within the bounds of time, you know, takes some time, especially for someone like Clarence who had seemingly outgrown the need to sleep even before he entered the nothingness.
"Clarence," you whisper, "what made you want to cut your hair?"
For a moment, he remains silent. You can hear his beating heart, and that is enough to let you know that he's flustered.
"You said I looked very handsome," he says finally. "The other day."
Upon hearing those words, your mind offers you nothing noteworthy. To you, calling your husband handsome is no different making sure your heart's intact. You think you might actually die if you don't tell him, but you haven't tested it before.
Your heart, however, is filled to the brim with affection for this man, the one you've searched nearly your entire life for.
Even if you do want to throttle him a little bit.
"You'll have to be more specific, dear," you tell him, gently touching his cheek. He's warm, you think. You're tempted to turn the lights back on. "I'm sure I say that every day. And why would that make you want to cut your hair?"
Clearing his throat, he adds, "To be more specific, you didn't say it to me necessarily. You were—" Clarence pauses, a hint of uncertainty to his next words. "—talking about my younger self."
The gears in your head start to turn. Now, you can faintly recall the memory of you waxing poetically about the man whose image remains in use on one of the most popular and frequently sold-out stamps even now, centuries later. Mostly, you remember smiling through a comment about how carefully you must've chosen your husband—as if she hadn't pressured into picking a man other than your husband to gush about.
You would've chosen the Archmage who seemingly had no relation to your husband regardless, but it would've been nice to know ahead of time.
Because you do have eyes, Eliza. That's how you know there isn't a man alive that's more attractive than Clarence.
Still, there hadn't been any deeper meaning when you chose his younger self specifically. There'd been a stamp nearby and you'd used it as a reference, in the hopes that it would help the other ladies downplay your incredible knowledge of his features.
You're almost certain they think you're deranged.
"Clarence." You giggle, suddenly amused. "Clarence. You look very handsome today."
Clumsily, you press a loving kiss to his forehead. Then, to the mole under his eye, to the tip of his nose, to his other cheek, until finally, you kiss him on the lips. At some point, while you're busy being productive, he goes from laying on his side to laying on his back.
"What brought this on?"
He sounds bewildered. You think it's cute.
After taking a moment to compose yourself, you begin to explain. Throughout, he's mostly silent, save for the occasional acknowledgement. Still, you don't have to worry about whether he's listening or not.
Until the very end, his hands—still wrapped around you—give him away.
"I like your long hair just as much, because—" You give him another peck on the lips. "—I love you. No matter what, you're always the best-looking man in the room."
Clarence wastes no time in answering you, though he very nearly chokes on his words. "And I...you."
"Good." Feeling satisfied, you rest your head against his chest. "Do you still want to cut your hair? ...Clarence?"
"I think," he says, clearing his throat. "It's fine the way it is."
You don't try to point out why.
#fics by aya#lovebrush chronicles#lovebrush chronicles x reader#for all time#for all time x reader#clarence clayden#clarence clayden x reader#lbc clarence#lbc clarence x reader#lovebrush clarence#lovebrush clarence x reader#rambles from here on ->#my time as a blue name was extremely productive i have *checks notes* at least clarence four WIPs#um but yeah this is just. super self-indulgent#it is a bit weird to write archmage as a normal husband because he's such an extreme. like he's very unique#because he's basically done saving the world. he's free to be with mc now and there's def this underlying guilt#that makes him a bit more softer than the other two because. the void.#this entire time i was like damn i hope i'm not accidentally writing alkaid#i didn't have that problem with modern clarence so idk. i think it might because i chose mc's pov#also writing this made me realize how awkward i love you too sounds in a more serious context#as for the actual fic...people thinking immortals are weird is 100/10#i just go feral for the thought that they have an agreed upon historical figure they'd leave each other for...#and it's THEMSELVES?? and some people think it's sweet particularly when they model themselves as childhood friends#when they don't people are like “hmm that doesn't sound right”. they feel bad for clarence because he's less likely to reveal his devotion
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Every time I write or letter Elias directly addressing Maia I find myself asking "Do you actually not know Maia's name or are you just being an ass?" I mean, I know the answer. At least, I should know the answer. He's being very willful over this.
#You also just know it's been driving her crazy every time he's said Butterswitch instead of the actual syrup name#Much as he likes sweets I'm sure he's very well acquainted#with Mrs Butterwitch and her saccharine delights#And has been doing it intentionally on the claims that Butterswitch sounds better. Rolls off the tongue.#With Butterwitch there's only one butter#but imagine#A witch made out of a whole assortment of churned creams#what a world we could live in were that the case#He would say#As Audric stares back at him over breakfast dead-eyed and wondering where they all went wrong#solivaga
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you: nicholas alexander chavez, the actor from ryan murphy's recent work
me, a mama's girl and daytime tv viewer:
#text post#general hospital#nicholas alexander chavez#spencer cassadine#sorry i'm still not over my shock at this lol#i remember asking my mom MONTHS ago (she follows general hospital news online) 'hey wheres spencer i havent seen him in awhile?'#'oh his character died off. the actor is doing some netflix show where he plays a murderer'#and you have to understand. i dont consume anything to do w true crime. but to my 63-year-old mother. ryan murphy doesnt exist#so bc of just how self-contained the archaic institution of network soap operas are. i just. idk i didnt assume it was a big role#it didnt register to me that it was the sequel to the dahmer show. is what i am saying. and i never thought about it again#mommy made it sound like he might be coming back bc soap opera characters fake-die all the time#and so i put the thought out of my head until completely independently i was watching a video about monsters: menendez being flawed#and i was like. going absolutely insane w how familiar he looked i was like 'ok i know that man cant be too famous but i KNOW him'#'i know him from something and i know him WELL from something. like whatever hes from is iconic to me'#and then the video creator said his name and i was like THATS INSANE WHERE DO I KNOW THAT NAME??!?!??#it's a name i read in the credits but probably never thought in my head at all bc sorry he's just spencer to me#so i googled it and i was gobsmacked. i was like MOM DIDNT SAY he was gonna be in THIS SHIT!?!?!?#i also do lay my life down on the defense that the cinematography of a prestige netflix drama makes him less recognizable to me#who knew him best under cheap soap opera lighting in basic back and forth dialogue shots. like#i have to be honest i never cared for his looks on gh bc he just kinda looked like too perfect. like he looked like a mannequin#i see it now though i get it#i get why he's very fan editable to the true crime girlies i get it#not that it matters. im just in mourning bc it never occurred to me the spencer era was over. i actually liked his character#i cant tell u why bc he wasnt all that distinguishable from all the other basic dramatic character archetypes. idk it was a good performanc#i cant explain to u what makes a soap opera character distinct while still being completely generic (they all are)#i also liked his relationship w his girlfriend in the show it was cute. he was evil but they were sweet#nicky please come back. im begging u. as your only general hospital era fan who is your age#i dont wanna watch monsters menendez i reeeeeally dont
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it's honestly so hard to explain that you care for someone you like without using the words love
#I've been asked a bunch some time ago how the whole me being aromantic and my girlfriend not being worked#and like. idk man. it just does#she loves me I'm fine with it it doesn't bother me it's sweet it's a little scary#and it's like. if I say I dont love her it sounds so fucking wrong? but if I say I do it sounds like a lie?#because I like her and I like her more than the usual friend#but I just. I don't /love/ her#same with my boyfriend tho that guy is like weird and special bc first love and all#well not really. but kind of. but not really I loved other ppl#but he was one of the very few ppl I actually felt something close to romantic love for#it's so hard explaining aromanticism man. it's such a Feeling#like explaining love is already hard#blehg#aromantic#mumblings//#june if you see this I am kissing you on the mouth RIGHT this instant#I don't think ash will see shit he's never on tumblr but like whatevs (<- devastated jump can't see its boyfriends sour comments everywhere)
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Honestly, if someone had told me about Yuri Briar before I watched Spy X Family, I might not have bothered with the show.
Now I cheer when I find out he's in an episode.
#spy x family#anime character with a crush on his sister you say? yeah that sounds...*backs away slowly*#turns out they actually put some thought into him beyond that and he's very sweet#in a kind of fucked up way#but still
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Nyarote being stabbed in the stomach by Basagiri's Rock Axe while she was about to launch her move, and still ferociously holding on and attacking anyway was so cool of her. Such a good moment.
#she is the coolest ever!!#her and liko both#(liko saying that if basagiri used that move it meant they were actually putting up a good fight and cornering him. love..)#i love when they do these kinds of scenes for nyarote#reminded me of the frames towards the end of liko vs chili and liko vs grusha#(like when nyarote was frozen statue-like before falling in ep 63.. it was impactful)#nyarote's va did such a good job showing her pushing on and doing her best despite the rock stabbing her#she sounded so fierce! it was well conveyed#also nyarote instinctively taking on a protective stance to cover liko and terapagos when lapras was battling basagiri at the beginning.#that was good. casually showing her character in a small scene#also.. nyarote carrying terapagos at the end when liko was holding basagiri's ancient pokeball.. cute too#and nyarote and terapagos sleeping next to each other on liko's bed at the end.. very sweet#thank you for all the big sis nyarote moments. they are appreciated#nyarote#hz073#character notes#episode notes
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*scratching at the walls thinking about how no one has adapted Peter’s college arcs in a consistent and satisfying way.*
#coffee bean gang#spider-man#I was almost asleep but now I’m thinking about how there isn’t one piece of media out there that checks all the boxes#of adapting Peter in college + the coffee bean gang + doesn’t downsize the group or combine characters#+ does everyone in a decent way even if it’s not strictly comic accurate#raimi trilogy is one of the only ones that heads pretty quickly into the college era and also involves more than just gwen or mj#and as much as I like the films it does not handle the three of them in a way that scratches the itch for me#I mean for one it’s only Peter Harry and MJ. I like those three arguably the most but man the dynamic isn’t the same#especially bc Tobey’s Peter is much more serious and quiet/awkward with negative charisma (affectionately but still.)#MJ is mixed w Gwen’s personality which was disappointing to me bc I like MJ’s weird and super vibrant personality#and Harry loses some of the ‘kind of a sweet guy but very VERY fucked up’ and relies too heavily on Harry becoming the goblin for revenge#I sound super critical of the Raimi versions qhwjrjwkr I DO like them I do but it feels like completely alternate interps of the characters#most focus on spider-man’s origin which I totally get but also. Peter’s most interesting arcs happen in college#that’s why everyone has to adapt them into the high school years#(which they can do bc Peter was largely friendless during that time and was still fighting some truly d-tier guys#in between the forming of the famous spidey rogue gallery)#I mean I wouldn’t even complain if they chose to do the high school years and actually DID those instead of pasting the college arcs on it#I haven’t watch the 90s show but I want to— does Harry exist in that one bc I know they took out Gwen#at the risk of sounding like That kind of tssm fan. the closest we got to that dream was that show#bc they WERE gonna follow it into Peter’s college years and you could see them setting the gang up#it still fell into the ‘everyone is a childhood friend’ thing so the characters could all be there but it’s one of the most bearable ones
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