#but it sounds like camembert smells terrible
ot4 + food!!!
“Adrien, sit down.”
Adrien glanced between the three of them. “Is…something wrong?”
“It’s about the Camembert,” Nino explained as Alya gestured to the free seat they’d left for Adrien.
“We’re worried,” Marinette added, frowning up at him.
Adrien sank into the chair with a low groan. “Okay, it’s not-”
“You know there’s other food out there, right? Other cheeses, too.” Alya leaned in closer. “But every day, we all have to kiss you while you smell like Camembert.”
Nino made a face. “And every time you come over, our rooms always smell like the angry ghost of an abandoned cheese factory.”
Adrien raised a brow, but Alya and Marinette both nodded in agreement.
“There’s just so many other things you could eat.” Marinette grinned. “We have some other options for you if you’ll just-
“Wait. You don’t understand-” Adrien began again.
“Look,” Alya interrupted, holding out her hand, “Just give up the Camembert, and we can introduce you to food that tastes way better and doesn’t smell like it could kill you.”
“It’s not mine!” Adrien shouted.
The trio shared a look before Nino asked, “Okay, whose is it, then?”
“It’s um…” Adrien scrambled to figure out a plausible excuse for a moment. “It’s Nathalie’s.”
“Nathalie?” Marinette asked, brows furrowed.
“Yeah… We, um, go by a cheese shop on the way to school and we pick some up for her.” Adrien knew the excuse was flimsy at best, but maybe, just maybe, he’d be lucky and Alya wouldn’t question him.
“Why doesn’t she carry it herself?” Alya asked.
So much for luck. “She, uh…” Adrien considered for a second. “Well, my father can’t stand the smell, and she’s around him all the time, so I offered.”
“Really?” Alya watched him for a moment, no doubt looking for any kind of sign that he was trying to lie to her. “So, you don’t like Camembert? At all?”
Adrien nodded. “Trust me. I hate Camembert.” At least this was one question he could answer honestly.
“Fine.” Alya settled back in her seat. “I guess I believe you.” She jabbed a finger in Adrien’s direction. “But, you have to talk to Nathalie about something that helps with the smell, okay?”
“We’re still eating the snacks and everything, right?” Marinette asked, peeking back at the table they’d hidden just out of view. “I mean, we missed lunch for this.”
“Yeah, of course.” Nino grinned. “But now we can watch whatever we want instead of food documentaries.”
“I spent hours looking for those,” Alya grumbled.
“It was sweet of you to find them. But…” Marinette reached out to squeeze Alya’s hand. “They were a little dry, and my dad found a bunch of cheesy old horror movies last night.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon squeezed together on Marinette’s couch, exchanging snacks, laughing at movies together, and threatening to exile Adrien to the floor if he made one more cheese-related pun.
Send me a non lovesquare ship and a prompt, and I’ll write it!
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emsylcatac · 3 years
ask her (me) out · chapt. 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Gift exchange for @ladyofthenoodle ♥︎ thanks again Lisa for beta-reading!
Read it on AO3
─── ·❃· ───
There are many things Adrien hates: the smell of camembert, feathers, being stuck in a room with no way out, missing out on a pun opportunity, or being forbidden to see his friends. But if there’s one thing Adrien really, really hates, it’s disappointing people. On the top of the list of people he hates to disappoint are: Ladybug, his friends (especially Nino, and Marinette, and Alya too), and of course, his father.
Which makes his current predicament all the more stressful. He can carry on with Marinette’s plan and ask Ladybug out—which would have the benefit of making Marinette and Alya happy, but the terrible drawback of risking to disappoint Ladybug. Or, he can abort mission right now and avoid being thrown in a dumpster (and considering he just took a shower, that prospect is not at all enviable), but be sure to disappoint Marinette and possibly Alya.
He pulls at his cat ears with a dignified “gnnnn”, and resumes pacing on the roof in a circle. Whatever decision he takes, he’ll end up disappointing someone. Which, as he just mentioned above, is something he hates.
Reluctantly, he pulls out of his pocket the paper on which he and the girls wrote the “asking Ladybug out” plan.
“Hi Ladybug. Hi Ladybug, hi Ladybug, hi Ladybug.”
He lets out a loud sigh. Great. Ladybug will surely be super seduced by the way he says ‘hi’ to her, won’t she?
“Alright,” he mutters, turning around to face the street. “Starting again.”
Adrien closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns back around, a huge grin stretched on his lips.
“Hiii Ladybug,” he says as enthusiastically as he can muster, “Wow, would you look at that boat over there, maybe we could get on it and—my god, how does Marinette make it sound natural,” he groans, slumping on the roof.
A car honks further down the street. Another answers it, followed by yet another, and soon the sounds of the street are drowned out by a mess of angry honks. Sums up the way his brain is screaming, alright.
He spares a glare to the cacophony, and looks back at the scribbled script, with all the tone indicators he’s supposed to use that Marinette had annotated in different colours.
“You’ve got to make sure to lead the patrol to the river boat cruise departure,” Marinette had said, pulling a detailed board out of nowhere.
“Then,” she had pointed to a doodle of Chat Noir with fluttering eyelashes, “you have to say, while acting very surprised: ‘Oooh Ladybug! Would you look at that boat over there! Maybe we could get on it and finish patrol by floating down the Seine!’”
“And,” she had then pointed to a doodled, happy Ladybug with a light bulb and a heart above her head, “Ladybug will say: ‘Oh Chat Noir! What a great and innovative idea! Let’s get on that boat!’”
That’s when Adrien had asked: “How can you be sure Ladybug will say that and not think it’s a stupid idea?”
“Trust us,” Alya had waved a hand. “Ladybug will say exactly just that,” to which Marinette had vigorously nodded.
“And then,” Marinette had gone on, pointing this time to a doodle of a waiter on the boat and a pleasantly surprised-looking Ladybug and Chat Noir, “a waiter will see you both come in and invite you to dine at the boat’s restaurant as he’ll feel very honoured to serve the Ladybug and Chat Noir. He’ll put a rose in a vase on the table, and you’ll share a sumptuous dinner one-on-one with Ladybug, gazing into each other’s eyes, feeling the growing love between you and—”
Adrien had had to stop her. “Wouldn’t that kind of count as tricking her into going on a date with me, though?”
“That’s why you gotta act natural, as if all of this was a total coincidence you hadn’t planned at all,” Marinette had said.
As a professional failed coincidental-not-coincidental-dates organiser with Ladybug, he hadn’t been convinced in the slightest.
“Ladybug hates when she feels like she’s been tricked into a date,” he had pointed out.
“But girls love impromptu boat not-dates,” Alya had said, her face clearly telling him to not question the plan and to just go with it.
“Especially Ladybug,” Marinette had added, and Adrien really hadn’t known how she could be this confident of Ladybug’s tastes.
Adrien is then supposed to ask Ladybug out at the end of the boat dinner (tone indicator, in pink: lovesick), because according to Marinette and Alya, Ladybug is going to be soooo smitten with him by then that she will say ‘yes’ right away. He would honestly be less surprised if his father were to announce tonight that they would be going on a father and son bonding weekend to fly a kite by the sea.
A sudden movement at the corner of his eyes startles him out of his thoughts. It’s Ladybug, jumping from building to building, and sure enough, a quick glance at his baton-watch indicates that there are still ten minutes left before patrol. She’s unusually early for once.
Then again, her behavior has been unusual lately. Startling when he puts a hand on her shoulder, when it used to calm her down. Blanking out on a witty reply when he teases her. Stuttering when he appreciates and compliments her battle skills, when she used to reply with a proud and cocky “why, thank you, Chaton”. Laughing too loud to be honest.
He still isn’t sure what changed or what he did wrong—because it has to be something he’s done, hasn’t it?—, and it does nothing to calm his nerves. He did tell her that two of his friends found out about his identity by accident, but she hadn’t seemed angry about it.
Silencing this train of thought before he starts spiralling too much, he glares at his paper one last time, shoves it back in his pocket, and goes after her.
She comes to a stop on the roof they’d agreed to meet on and looks around, using her hand as a visor. It’s very cute that she’s looking for him.
He chuckles to himself. If he’s stealthy enough, he might be able to scare her, which might help ease up the knots that have formed in his stomach.
She’s still looking for him in the wrong direction when he lands on the roof behind her. He takes one step forward, a second, a third, and…
It has the expected effect. Ladybug screeches and whirls around, and the only thing that lets him escape being sent flying to splat against the nearest building like a fly on a window by her windmilling arms is the fact that he’s spooked her like this so many times before.
“Aaaaaaaadddd—Chat Noir!” Her eyes widen. “A Chat Noir ad!”
His proud, smug smile slips from his face and is replaced with confusion. “A...Chat Noir...ad…?”
Ladybug finger-guns. “Yeah, you know, like the big posters we see in the metro but with your face on it?”
He feels his brows going higher up on their own accord.
“Not that your face is on any of them! Not right now, not ever! I mean, why would it be, right? So weird,” she adds, a panicked edge to her voice. “But I just thought, ‘oh wouldn’t it be so funny to see an animal shelter ad featuring Chat Noir on it for cat adoptions?’ because I’m sure people would be way less inclined to abandon all these poor little baby kittens if they saw your cute kitty face on ads—not that your face is cute or anything! And not that it’s not cute, it’s...it’s... a normalamount of cute.”
He...supposes it’s a compliment. “Thanks?”
And because he doesn’t know what else to add, and because Ladybug’s smile and finger-guns are still awkwardly frozen in place and he has no idea how to break the weird tension, Adrien finger-guns back at her and says: “Your face is a normal amount of cute too!”
“You think so?” she whispers in awe, a furious blush making its way on her cheeks.
He blinks, because really, what he just told her isn’t blush or amazement-worthy. Yet, amongst all the thoughtful and —in his humble opinion— clever lines he’s ever told Ladybug, that’s what somehow does the trick. It’s almost disappointing, but it has the advantage of making him seem suave instead of cringe in Ladybug’s eyes. Or at least he hopes that’s how she’s seeing him right now.
Not trusting his words, he simply nods with a small smile, to which a light giggle escapes Ladybug’s mouth as she bounces up and down in place.
Adrien owns (and has read and reread) a lot of romance novels and shōjo manga, but none of them have prepared him for this reaction, and he’s not quite sure how to interpret it. What he’s sure of, however, is that it’s an adorable reaction. She looks so happy and cute (and more than a normal amount, unlike what he’s told her), and it reaffirms his earlier feelings about asking her out.
He can’t do it.
He can’t put their friendship into jeopardy with renewed declarations of love. She’s too important to him for that. She knows how he feels, has known for a long time, and, most importantly, he knows how she feels about having to hear a confession again. They’ve been over it before, and being pushy after assuring her he would respect her wishes is the last thing he wants to be.
With a small shake of his head, he closes his eyes and silently apologises to Marinette and Alya. He’d rather risk disappointing them on something that concerns only his partner and himself, than disappoint Ladybug and be disappointed in himself for it.
“S-so,” he says, reopening his eyes and pointing to some buildings behind him with his thumb, “shall we...start patrolling? We could start by heading towards Montmartre?”
Far away from la Seine and any potential boats.
Ladybug nods. “Yes sure, let’s—wait. Montmartre?” She frowns. “But that wasn’t the plan—Iiiiiiiii mean, the patrol route!”
“Well, we’re improvising tonight, so chop chop, cat-ch me if you can, my Lady!”
Adrien doesn’t wait for her reply. He propels himself on his baton in Montmartre’s direction—it’s a miracle he can soar through the city at all with how heavy his heart feels in his chest.
He wishes he could be as confident as Marinette seemed to be about Ladybug’s supposed feelings for him. As it is, if they have magically changed, he’d rather wait for her to make the first move and follow her lead.
Just like he always does.
─── ·❃· ───
Adrien still hasn’t asked her out. Marinette is… not panicking. At all.
Why would she? It’s not like it’s the end of patrol yet. Maybe he’s planned on being a serious dutiful hero first, and a seductive boyfriend second. It’s the responsible thing, the right thing to do, after all, but for tonight she’d wish he’d be a little less like her and a little more like him.
But again: it’s not the end of patrol. There’s absolutely no need to worry. Which she isn’t! Not at all! It would be silly. She’s perfectly calm and confident.
Any time now, he’ll head towards the Seine. Any time now, he’ll take a turn, check where the water is, and find a boat. Any time now, he’ll casually suggest that they end patrol on said boat.
Any time. Now.
Adrien comes to a stop, and her heart stutters with it. He looks around him, before turning towards her and—this is it. The moment she’s been waiting for all night. Her heart is hammering so hard in her chest that she’s afraid the sound will drown out his voice; so she puts a hand on it, hoping to calm it down, as to better hear his next words when he’ll finally ask her ou—
“Soooo I…guess we’re done for tonight, what do you say?”
“No,” is what Marinette says, a little abruptly.
Adrien blinks, his cat eyes wide in confusion. He shouldn’t be confused! He should remember that it’s not supposed to end like that. Why has he forgotten? “No?” He dares to repeat.
“I’m not sure we’re quite done with patrol just yet,” she explains.
He chuckles, but in a way she’s now learned to identify as uncomfortable. “Why not? We’ve been at it for an hour, and we can’t exactly patrol the whole city in one evening. We have work to do, places to be, dinner to eat, all of that…” he ticks items off his fingers as he speaks.
She purses her lips. Maybe, just maybe, he’s as nervous as she is and he forgot about the plan. Marinette would understand completely. After all, in all her carefully planned grand schemes to confess to Adrien or ask him out on a date, she too has always forgotten something: a signature, her text, sometimes even how to think or speak (well, most of the time, but that’s beside the point).
She’s not panicking (yet). It’s alright. He just needs a reminder. Everything's (still) fine. She can do this—she can push him in the right direction.
“But we haven’t gone near the Seine at all! We should probably check it ou—”
“The Seine?!” Adrien exclaims, his whole face contorting in a fearful grimace and oh, that’s what it feels like to fall from very, very high with no yo-yo or partner to catch you, “No no no no no, certainly not the Seine! Nope, not going there!”
She swallows hard. “Why not?”
“Aaah…weeeell…you seeee…” he claps his hands together, “cats hate water, so I would hate to finish patrol anywherenear it.”
The grin he gives her after that is too wide to be genuine. Just like that, he’s put a mask on his face, and she has no idea how to read through it.
But she knows this is a terrible excuse, if it can even be called an excuse at all. The anxiety she feels in her stomach rapidly morphs into a knot that squeezes her guts tight, tight, tight, and climbs up, up, up her throat and clenches her jaw.
Swallowing gets harder, but she manages. “But you…you don’t really hate water. We went to the swimming pool together once.”
She hates how small her voice sounds. She hates the thin smile he gives her even more.
“Yo–you were there,” she goes on, unable to handle his silence. “You didn’t—you didn’t mind the water.”
“I…mind it today,” he finally says, his smile getting slightly manic. “Besides, I—” he yawns, loud and big and fake, and stretches his arms in the most exaggerated way she’s ever seen someone stretch, “I’m veeeery tired tonight, I think I need the rest. And soon, it’ll start to get dark, sooooo…”
“S-so?” she repeats, voice wavering.
“So, my Lady,” he takes her hand, and for a fraction of second she gets the stupid hope that he’s going to kiss the back of it. But instead, he shakes it with his, and she just wants to cry over how not romantic at all that gesture is. “This was a pleasure, as always!”
His words don’t match his actions, and all she can do is stare dumbly at his hand shaking her dead one. Her throat is too tight to answer.
He can’t have forgotten about the plan. He just…he just doesn’t want to go along with it, for some reason (“Some reason” like not being in love with her anymore).
He finally drops her hand, and gives a small wave. “Well, have a good evening, then?”
How can she have a good evening if it’s not spent with him like she envisioned?
“Yeah,” she gulps. “Evening.”
She turns around, and grabs her yo-yo. Her tears are too close to escape her control for her to risk facing him.
“Aaand see you, uh, well…hopefully not next akuma,” he giggles nervously and she wishes he would just stop talkingand go home, “but you know…next time?”
She doesn’t answer, cannot answer, so she throws her yo-yo on the next building and flees home as fast as possible.
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Baldwins secret - 22
Sienna folded her arms over her chest trying her hardest not to look into those fucking eyes that made her melt. Heavily focoused on the vase behind him she continued her harsh stance "I dont care for your apologies, ass nut we are done" she spat back tightly
He knew, she knew, the fucking chair leg on the table knew it was a lie but she kept going. She wasnt a little wallflower to be spoken down too
"Come on Si" she sucked in a breathe as he pushed her against the kitchen counter "you dont mean that"
"I wont tolerate the way you spoke to me" a small flicker of hurt crossed her face and he knew then sweet talk was not going to cut it "i understand this is awkward for you, me being here with your daughters in the house you shared with Antonia but it is what it is and there was no reason for you to go off at me the way you did over the phone. I wont accept it"
He sighed stepping back from her "can we please put a pin in it until tomorrow and we can talk properly? Please?"
She swallowed hard "Fine" she picked up the bowl of frissè salad and assortment of breads and made her way to the door "get the spam, apparantly Diana wants it on her sourdough crackers"
He looked at the odd tin, pulled and face and followed after his Sienna trailing behind like a kicked puppy.
"There you two are" Diana chirped happily "i thought you lost my spam"
Matthew groaned, his wifes endeavour to eat Rome out of house and home accomplished "Not to pass judgement Mon Coeur, but meat in a tin?" He pulled the same face as Baldwin had moments ago
She pulled the metal pull top, the smell wafting delightfully "mm because its perfection"
"It was made for War not dining in Rome" Boudicca grumbled "all these fine Roman meats and you choose that" she shook her head in distaste "Porchetta, Prosciutto shame on you, shame!"
Diana poked her tongue out "I want spam i will eat spam" blue sparks singed the table cloth "and i will not be taking food advice from a vampire whose favourite snack is a field mouse"
Diana ate the whole tin, half a box of crackers and was currently having Matthew feed her bits of camembert
"Sienna tell me more about you" Boudicca smiled warmly at her "how long have you known Diana?"
"years now, i came with my cousin for her to see Yale University but Diana ended up convincing me to transfer from Cambridge" nerves were not usually an issue for Sienna, but having your lovers daughter grill you on your life when she doesnt know you are fucking her father, is utterly nerve wracking
"So you are into history then?" She carried on her line of fire
"I am, to be completely transparent ive not a clue what i want to do with my life, always thought i would know but 28 and i still cannot decide on a field to work in" she shrugged "teaching, curator, grave robber. Who knows"
"Well we always need extra hands at the orphanage" Flo piped up "you could teach some history"
Sienna felt the nerves creep up, voice tight "I uhm - well"
"HEY" Diana launched a breadstick at her "You have another year left with me atleast you dare think about it!"
Sienna laughed, picked the crumbs out of her head and threw it back "dont behave as if im not moving on once you drop. Ill be around so much youll be forcing me into the job"
Matthew felt his soul leave his body "Oh no - no" he felt panicked "you two and three children? Absolutely not"
"Dont be so dramatic Matthew" Sarah rolled her eyes, cutting salami for Philip "what is the worst that could happen?" She knowingly smirked
"Am i the only one whom remembers the staircase sledding indicent?" He scoffed
"HEY" Sienna yelled in defence "the idea of sledding down stairs in a quilt is flawless, i blame shoddy workman ship for the banister breaking!"
Marcus took a laughing sharp intake of breathe "Oof he wont forget that easily Sienna"
Too much laughter, all the carbs and the children were done. Becca fell asleep dribling over Phoebe and Philip tucked neatly into the crook of Marcus shoulder listen to his tale about soldiers.
Baldwin checked his watch, pulled his phone free and furrowed his brows "have you heard from Augusta? She has been gone an awful while"
Flo shook her head "No, im sure she is just working Jack to the bone" she laughed "Probably started off painting the nursery and ended up re-tiling the kitchen"
It could impecible or terrible timing, but just as Baldwin was about to text his daughter, concern for her evident when she came into the dining area with Jack at her side.
Holding hands.
Scents mixed.
Listen closely, that sound you hear? Its the steam coming from Baldwins ears.
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iamdunn · 3 years
Miraculous Flash Forward part 2: Hei Mao
A Miraculous Fan-fic
Written By
AJ Dunn
Adrien went about his day grocery shopping and stocking his new home with personalized essentials. Something to make it more him and not as much Amelie, bless her heart fro trying. It had been nice having a mother even if it wasn’t his mother. Emelie remained in a coma in London. He had visited her everyday. It felt like he had finally healed from her loss only to have the wound ripped open again. The ache still seeped from his being as a dark shadow hung over him. Not only did he have to hide from the identity his father created for him, but also the bad publicity his father created as well. 
With groceries put away, and Plagg fed, Adrien set about finally unpacking his bags. He could hear the television turn on as Plagg scrolled through channels. News reports still talking about the capture of Hawk Moth even though it’s been two years. A report came on their air and he recognied Feliz’s voice. He hung his shirt and went downstairs to see. 
“I have been given full authority over the former Agreste Brand and we will be revitalizing this brand starting…” he stopped talking to the microphone at the podium to turn around. He was standing in front of the Agrest Building that Gabriel had built. Felix raised his hand as the blind covering the company name was removed and exposed the new name. 
“Graham De Vanily” 
“In honor of our beloved Emelie Graham De Vanily who was so terribly stolen away from us by the heinous villain Hawk Moth.” Felix’s fist clenched near his chest as he closed his eyes for a moment. Adrien was hurt hearing the words but Felix’s scheme was working. The crowd cheered. No one really knew exactly what happened to Adrien’s mother, but making her the face of this company’s new facelift, making her the victim in all of it, took the public's eye off of Adrien and showed the company’s sympathy for the victims rather than the villain. 
Camera flashed as Felix reopened his eyes. Reporters pushing forward with their demanding questions and microphones ready to accept his answers. 
“What about Adrien Agreste?”
“I’m sorry there is no Adrien Agreste.” Felix said sharply. It was what Adrien had asked him to do. 
“Then who was the model Gabriel used?” This was the part that Adrien knew Felix could handle. He watched as Felix threw on his best Adrien smile and scruffed his hair into the shaggy mane that was Adrien’s trade hair style. He was good. Adrien missed the antics of their childhood with his twin of a cousin. Adrien snorted a laugh then shook his head returning to his chores. 
“Is it dinner time yet?” Plagg complained. Adrien returned to the seating area. Plagg was still seated on his favorite armchair with a lump of cheese. It wasn’t Camembert but it seemed to satiate him enough. 
“You're right.” he smiled realizing how quickly the day went by. “Let’s go.” Adrien walked to the front door. Looking back at Plagg wondering why the little guy wasn’t moving. Plagg stared at him stupidly.
“You're not planning on taking the metro again,” Plagg complained. “When we can take the quicker route.”
“It’s still light outside, I can’t risk Cat Noir being seen by the public.” 
“He was seen last night by those guys?” 
“But who is going to believe a bunch of criminals?” Adrien realized he would have to think of something to maintain his own cover of darkness.
“But you're not even Cat Noir anymore.” Plagg reminded him. “Just change the appearance of your suit.”
“Wait,” Adrien walked back into the seating area. “I can do that?” 
“Kind of,” Plagg explained. “You will still be dressed in black, but you could… add a hoodie to cover your sunshine blond hair.” Plagg flew up and looked Adrien over. His tiny hand on his chin. “Maybe you could check out Marinettes’ website for some thoughts.” 
“But when I transform it automatically puts this design on me.” Adrien was confused. 
“It’s too basic,” Plagg complained. “Shadow Moth never wore a dress I can assure you but Mayura did. Polymouse looked nothing like Multimouse, and let’s face it, Luka was a way better holder for Sass than you.” Plagg was still sore about that one. Adrien thought about it. Sure a hoodie would help, but he didn’t want people to know there was A BLACK CAT superhero in Shanghai. 
“I’ll think about it. For now, we take the Metro.” He grabbed his coat and key then opened the door. 
Adrien got off the bus at the same stop as last night and went into the same store. This time he would grab something at random then head to the restaurant. He could smell something amazing coming from the restaurant down the street and it made him think of a seafood dish he had the last time they visited. Adrien found the seafood tanks in the back of the market and picked out 4 hairy crabs. 
“Cheng Sifu, I am here,” Adrien said as he entered the kitchen. He handed the bag with the four live crabs in it to Cheng. His eyes widened in excitement as if he had hoped for this.
“This is a very fortunate fateful food, Adrien.” He dropped the four crabs into the already boiling pot. “I started this broth earlier for another crab dish but these are much fatter and tastier.” Cheng proceeded to show Adrien how to prepare the broth and they worked quickly as the crab's shells turned bright red before they used a wire scoop to lift them from the pot. Cheng strained the broth from the pot setting it aside as they rinsed the crab in ice-cold water so they could deshell them. Cheng flung droplets of water from his fingers as he worked so quickly. Splattering Adrien on the face. Adrien laughed like a little kid seeing the playful grin on Sifu's face. 
“I give you Adrien Soup.” Cheng set a bowl down in front of Adrien. 
“De Vanily Soup.” Adrien corrected him. The steam rolled off the bowl as chunks of crab bobbed in the bowl. The red broth with vegetables floating sent an aroma into Adrien's face. He was proud to be able to know how to make this. Cheng played the accordion as Adrien scooped the soup into his mouth. He lost himself somewhere in the memory as he looked to his side smiling expecting to see Marinette laughing at her uncle. She wasn’t there. The smile drained from Adrien’s face as he looked back at Cheng. 
“We could call her.” Cheng set the accordion down then took a seat across from Adrien. He let his face fall back to his bowl as he continued to eat trying to regain his composure. He felt the burning in his eyes as the tears tried to well up but he swallowed them down with another bite of soup. 
“Best not.” He said then looked at his watch. “You know, the time difference.” He shrugged then lifted his empty bowl. They returned to the kitchen to clean up but the kitchen staff took his bowl and there was nothing more to do. “See you tomorrow Cheng Sifu.” Adrien gave him a quick wave then headed for the alleyway. It was very dark now as clouds were rolling in. Adrien thought about what Plagg had said earlier and imagined what his suit would look like with a hood. 
“Plagg claws out.” He said. Sure enough, as his suit covered his body from toe to head, a leather hood sprouted off the neck covering his head, his cat ears protruded from the top. It came down far enough over his eyes that while he could still see, it would make seeing his face that much harder. It was much different from the suit he wore as Aspik which completely covered his head, this one instead felt more modern and airy. He made his way back to Chao. 
“It will rain tonight, Xuesheng,” Chao said as Mao landed on the ground before him. “We will start with a few small lessons, but you will need to rest your Kwami.” Mao had to take a minute to take in what Chao had said.
“Rest my…” his breath caught in his lungs. “Kwami?” 
“You think me a fool? That I do not know what powers your ability.” Chao turned and headed into a side room of the temple. Mao followed him. There were many drawings on the walls, various characters that depicted magical beings. “Many believe them to be folklore. And to those who are not trained, they are.” Adrien sees a black cat adorned character from an ancient Chinese battle. “Many are taught here and sent to the guardian temple to become guardians. I was one of them.” Chao said.  
“You were a guardian?” Mao asked. 
“I was there when the temple was gobbled up by a sentimonster.” Chao turned to look at him. “It was you, and your partner that defeated it, and restored the temple.” 
Mao was shocked as he stood before his Sifu. Chao turned and walked deeper into the temple down a flight of stone stairs to a large room filled with various weaponry, sparring dummies and in the middle of the room a large sparring mat. Mirror lined the four walls surrounding the mat. The torch-style electric lighting illuminated the room in an orange glow. There was a small table in the corner with a plate of cheese and crackers.
“I assume Plagg still eats human-sized portions of cheese?” Chao asked. Mao chuckled. He was still nervous at the prospect of exposing his identity to anyone but Master Fu. “I assure you, it is safe here.” 
“Claws in.” He whispered. Plagg zipped out. His eyes exposing his shock as he found himself in a strange place. Until his eyes fell on the Sifu.
“Chao Sifu?” Plagg asked in surprise. He flew up to the old man gripping his face in his tiny hands. Chao chuckled at the action, bringing his hands to cup the Kwami.
“You seem… friendly.” Adrien felt a bit jealous as he watched his best friend warm up to a stranger.
“Plagg and I encountered much mischief.” He stared at the Kwami now sitting in his hands. “I was but a child when I went to the temple. I felt caged in. I did not want to be there.” he set Plagg down by the plate then brought his hands back together in front of himself. “Sometimes at night, Plagg and I would escape the temple and bound free through the mountains.” Adrien's jaw dropped as he heard the Sifu talk about his rebellious side. 
“Sounds like someone I know,” Adrien said acting innocent. 
“Cat Noir had plenty of freedom, while Adrien was locked in the best bedroom any teenage boy could want.” Plagg scoffed as he gobbled some cheese. 
“Oh, is that so?” Chao asked. 
“It’s a long story.” Adrien swung his arms in anticipation of his first lesson. 
“We shall start with some basic steps.” Chao led him to the center of the sparring mat after they kicked off their shoes. 
Adrien hurt so bad as he rolled out of bed the next morning. Not sure if he would be able to move. In the bathroom, he stripped out of his pajamas tossing them on the floor. He caught sight of his body in the ever-present mirrors that encircled the room. The main thing he hated about the bathroom. He was his own constant reminder of his father. 
“Hmm…” he mused in the mirror. “At least now I know what father would have looked like after taking a beating.” he chuckled. Plagg droned on something about being awake so early and not having anywhere to go. 
After soaking in the steaming hot jet stream tub Adrien sat on the couch with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He had to lower the eclectic blinds on the windows to prevent possible sighting of the mysterious floating creature even though they were up high enough that it was most likely not a concern. 
He opened his laptop and began searching through design pages looking for ideas for his Hei Mao suit. 
“Nothing,” Adrien said frustrated after a while. 
“What about Marinette. She could design something for you.” Plagg offered. Adrien shook his head, he wanted nothing more than to wear a Marinette design again. 
“I can’t talk to her Plagg.” Adrien groaned. 
“But Felix can, and if I remember right he is the CEO of a fashion company am I right?” Plagg was on to something. He picked up his cell phone and dialed up his cousin.
“Adrien to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” He sounded upset. 
“What is it, Felix?” Adrien’s question could wait. 
“I just got out of a meeting with public relations and they’re screaming for something to boost the community morale.” Adrien smiled. This was purrfect he thought.
“I think I can solve your problem and you can solve mine.” Adrien started. “Initiate a community-wide design competition. The theme is aged-up versions of Ladybug and Cat Noir in more… fitting attire.”
“It’s a competition?” Felix asked. “What would the reward be?” 
“How about the winner gets to spend an entire day or week as a Graham De Vanily designer and their design is featured in the catalog, as say a costume.” Adrien grinned. “I’ll be the final judge, a silent Judge.”
“How,” Felix started, his voice sounding confused. “Does this benefit you?” 
“Remember that girl, Marinette?” Adrien asked him. 
“How could I forget,” Felix remember the beautiful girl from the video sent to Adrien.
“She’s a designer and well, I really want a costume designed by her.” Adrien wasn’t entirely lying. 
“Let me guess, you want the Ladybug costume.” Felix scoffed. 
“Exactly, well one of each. But the winner will be the one who designs the best of each costume, it’s a two for the win.” Adrien’s face beamed and he was glad that Plagg was the only one who could see it. 
“I’ll put the word out,” Felix said coldly before hanging up the phone. 
It had been nearly a month since the announcement for the costume design went out. He watched Marinette’s webpage and even found Alya’s blog. They definitely knew about it and even commented that Marinette would be entering her designs in as well. Adrien was so excited. His body was getting more accustomed to the beatings dished out by Chao Sifu, and his cooking skills got better with Cheng Sifu. During the day he often went past the temple to watch Chao Sifu teaching classes to groups of younger kids. They seemed to be far too young to learn martial arts but he was also forced to participate in far more activities by the time he was their age. 
He spoke a number of different languages and played the piano. Adrien hadn’t touched one since he left his in his old bedroom. Felix said he wanted to move into the Agreste manor but felt uncomfortable with that idea given the current state of the public opinion regarding it. So he agreed to ensure the mansion was being maintained for when Adrien was ready to return to it. 
Adrien felt a little stalkerish as he checked Marinette’s social media accounts daily, followed Alya’s blog, and even yes. The Lady blog. Marinette got more beautiful as she grew up. He had been watching his friends from afar. Nino seemed to be doing good. He even found Luka’s page. He wondered why Marinette hadn’t mentioned anything on her pages about her boyfriend or husband. Luka seemed happily married as he bragged about various things his twins were doing, never posting pictures of them though, or his wife. 
Something tugged at Adrien’s heart as he scrolled through her pages. Juleka now served as her primary female model for her designs and even Luka joined in on occasion. He used to be Marinette’s model. As the contest date closed in, Adrien had to fight the urge to return to Paris for it. He wanted to be there, to witness Marinette winning. He knew her designs were going to be the winners. The days dredged by as Adrien maintained his covert agenda. His evening meals with Cheng Sifu, and his training with Chao Sifu. Two people that maintained his secrets. Even the grocery clerk aided him in his endeavors as she would help him pick out his fateful food items each day. 
“So, are you planning on being here for the judging?” Felix asked. 
“You know I can’t.” Adrien felt like his father, he had always had Nathalie walk around with the tablet showing him each of the designs. He didn’t even want to be that present. 
“I have an idea,” Felix said. “I’ll call you right back.” A few minutes passed when Adrien’s phone chimed on his duo to pick up a video call. He saw Felix standing in a mirror wearing a pair of clear lens glasses. The image was coming from a micro camera in the frames. “This way, You can hear and see everything and no one will be the wiser.” 
“How, can you hear me?” he asked. Felix reached up to the earpieces over both ears. 
“The speakers are her like with earbuds only they don’t go in the ear. I can’t see you though unless I look at my phone.”
“This is purrfect.” Adrien beamed. He saw his cousin groan dropping his shoulders.
“Did you just make a cat pun?”
“Are you blushing?”
“You’re encourageable.” Felix turned away from the mirror. He was in his suit at the Bourgeois Hotel. It was just like the one Chloe used to live in. 
“I know.” Adrien fought back the urge to say something cattish. 
“Goodbye, Adrien.” Despite his cold tone, Felix really did seem to enjoy their dynamics. He was the straight-laced one and Adrien, fun and playful. 
“Could you imagine Plagg?” Adrien slumped back in his chair. “If Felix was given this miraculous,” he said holding up his hand. A look of terror crossed Plagg’s face as if he was threatened to never be given cheese again. Adrien laughed. 
It was the day of the competition and Adrien watched as Felix straightened his tie. A chill running down his spine as he recalled how his father used to do it. Felix really was the younger version of his father. Sometimes he forgot that they had different fathers. Even though he looked nothing like his father, rather they both looked like Gabriel and Amelie. 
Adrien shook the feeling off his shoulders as he watched his cousin leave the bathroom. The venue was set up at the Graham De Vanily building in the showroom. There were tons of people scattered about the room with various changing stalls set up using temporary wall structures. Felix walked through the halls slowly inspecting each station. Two models to each one in a Cat Noir suit, the other in a Ladybug suit. The gender specification had been an explicit requirement for the event. 
Felix stopped by each inspecting the details and scoffed moving on to the next. Most of them were near replicas of the original suits. 
“Is there just one person here who didn’t copy the original design?” Felix fumed. 
“There,” Adrien said through the screen. He had to mirror his phone to the TV so he could get a better look at everything. His heart dropped when he recognized the old familiar midnight hair. It was no longer pulled into two down ponytails, instead, it was long and flowing. There was a bit of curl to it as it swayed back and forth with her movements. She was preparing her model already in costume. “I hope she’s not married,” he said before he realized his cousin could hear everything. 
“Miss Dupain-Cheng,” Felix said stepping up behind her. “What have you got for us this time.” He at least sounded pleasant. She spun around to face him. Adrien watched her face as it lit up in a bright red hue. 
“A..A... Adrien?” Adrien could feel heat welling up in her heart even though she was, once again mistaking Felix for him. The fact that she was still thinking about him and tripping over her words at the thought she was in his presence made him wish he had gone. 
“Felix, actually.” he took both of her hands in his looking down at them as he placed a kiss on each knuckle. “Adrien was a fool for letting a gem such as yourself slip through his fingers. Adrien fumed as his cousins’ obvious attempt to annoy him. Marinette’s cheeks returned to their normal hue as her face melted into sadness. Adrien’s heart broke for a minute. 
“Do you need a tissue, Adrien?” Plagg asked. Adrien ignored him so as to not expose him to Felix who could hear everything except the Kwami. 
“Show us what you have made for us.” Felix said. No one knew he was televising this for Adrien. Marinette explained in detail the design of this new Lady Noir Suit. It wasn’t all red as Ladybugs had been instead there was more black around the waist with a light red tulle skirting around the waist allowing for movement while offering a bit more coverage to the more sensitive areas. Another Tulle adornment lay over the breasts. 
“Exquisite Marinette,” Felix said.
“Ask about the signature stitching.” Adrien chimed in quickly. He was nearly biting at the bit as he watched his cousin explore every detail of the suit.
“Ah-hem. Um, show me your signature stitching.” He looked up at Marinette who suddenly blushed.
“How do you know about that?” Marinette shrieked. 
“Tell her Gabriel had made reference to it after other designs she had done.” Adrien threw in.
“I am the CEO of a fashion company, it is my job to know about that,” Felix smirked. Marinette pulled out another suit, it was designed for a man but she held up the collar piece showing the distinct gold embossed threading signing her name through the stitch. 
“You did that with each of these designs?” he mused then moved on to the Cat Noir suit. Adrien swallowed hard when he saw Luka wearing the Cat Noir Suit. He almost didn’t recognize him with the hood pulled nearly over his face. The Ears protruding through the hood even seemed to have a little fluff to them. The hood flowed down the back with fine red lines detailing the changes in the material. The extra padding around the soft spots was highly more with the deep red. Felix walked around Luka slowly inspecting every detain including the attached belt that held a baton. The extra-long belt that also served as Cat’s tail dangled down to the floor. Adrien wondered if his belt was actually longer now than it was when he was a teenager, he was much taller now. “Why is this red and not Neon green as his ring?” 
“This design is meant more for stealth. The red.” Marinette blushed. 
“Ah, she’s so cute.” Adrien didn’t mean to say that out loud. Felix snorted. 
“Who is Cat Noir without his Ladybug?” she finished. “I added more black to her’s to signify him on her so I thought I’d give him a piece of her.” Adrien felt warm at the thought. “As for the hood, Cat Noir has such bright hair, so this would provide him more stealth.” She scooped up the tail belt holding the end out for Felix to inspect. In fine detail along the edge of the belt was the customary Marinette signature. 
“Very good Miss Dupain-Cheng,” Felix again took her hands. He flipped them over and even rubbed his fingers along the back of her hands. “Lovely, sure you didn’t make these by hands these hands are far too nice to have labored so.” Ooh, that smooth talker. Adrien was standing now anger fumed on his face. Felix turned away and began walking to another stall. 
“Wait.” Marinette’s voice was small through the receiver. Felix turned around. Luka was holding her shoulders as she stood in front of him face Felix. She nearly shook as Adrien swore he saw a teardrop from her chin. “Can you tell him, if you see him…”
“What that you love him? I saw that video message you sent him. Was that your attempt to confess your feelings or just console a friend.” Felix seemed a bit harsh but Adrien bit back his words wondering what it was Marinette had said in the video.
“Tell him we miss him.” Ah there it was the fire in her eyes she was angry. “We miss our friend.” She turned away from Felix in a huff. Felix laughed.
“What are you doing Felix?” Adrien barked.
“Congratulations Marinette, I think you might just be our winner.” He scoffed then turned around. 
“I just had to see her fire up, oh Adrien,” Felix whispered. “I can see why she means so much to you.” Felix tapped a button on his phone and disconnected the call. Adrien had recorded the entire video call. He replayed the video showing Cat Noir’s suit. He memorized every detail. Mulling it over in his head before setting his phone down and calling on his transformation. 
He ran to the bathroom to examine his new suit. Every detail mimicked Marinette’s design. He suddenly realized and reached for his belt tail. It was longer. He studied the red stitching design and found it. Her signature was embedded into the magic suit he now wore. 
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e-milieeee · 4 years
i love you a latte—adrienette
Summary: Running on 5 cups of coffee and the extra boost her transformation gives her, Marinette’s determined to finish her project before the sun rises.
(Adrien’s just here to distract her, and honestly, it’s working.)
Notes: honestly i labelled it adrienette but it has a mix of ladynoir, ladrien and adrienette but its post reveal so it doesn’t actually matter LOLOLOL 
Or read on AO3! 
Marinette was stressed.
Her desk was a testament of that: it was littered with papers, candy wrappers, string, fabric and the coffee stain from two hours ago that she hadn’t bothered wiping up. The flat wasn’t any better. Like a risky game of jenga, the sink was piled high with dirty dishes. Takeout boxes were stacked just as precariously in the trash. Her closet, a complete and utter nightmare, fared no better. Marinette had a headache just looking at the mess, and thinking about having to clean it made her nauseous. So she just didn’t clean it.
As Adrien often told her, she was awful at dealing with stress.
It didn’t help that the project was due in three days. Marinette had been slaving through it for weeks on end, but the last design was particularly difficult. There was always something that didn’t seem right, but she could never pinpoint it. Now, as the end product was slowly but surely beginning to assemble, and Marinette didn’t have time for distractions. And tidying and doing dishes and sleeping were all distractions.
The clock read two thirty in the morning. If she worked hard enough, she could be finished by dawn. Then, she could sleep all through the morning, wake up in the afternoon, and start the revisions. It was a relatively foolproof plan if she didn’t count the fact that she might not be able to make it until morning.
The fifth cup of coffee just wasn’t doing it. Marinette needed something stronger.
For a moment, she sat still in her chair, contemplating her options. Then a burst of sleep deprived brilliance struck Marinette.
“Tikki,” she called.
Her kwami had dozed off on Marinette’s desk rather early in the night, but she startled awake quickly with a, “Yes?”
“I’m going to transform,” Marinette decided. “It’ll fight off the sleep better.”
“Don’t you think sleeping would be a better option? Then you can work on it in the morning!”
“Sleeping is not an option.” Especially not when she was in the final run, and all she needed to do was finish…
Tikki gave her a look that Marinette was well accustomed to: bad idea, but your choice. Given that there was no verbal or physical resistance, she took it as an agreement, no matter how reluctant. Tikki had witnessed firsthand how wonderfully terrible Marinette was with deadlines and always did her best to accommodate.
“Tikki, spots on!”
A flash of pink later, Marinette was suited and ready to work again. She downed the coffee for good measure, fought back a yawn, and positioned herself in front of the sewing machine.
“I’m Ladybug,” she said aloud, turning to her sewing machine. “I’m Ladybug, and I’m going to finish this—”
A tapping sound interrupted her. Ladybug whirled around. Even her muddled brain could comprehend that if somebody were to see Ladybug sitting in Marinette’s apartment, the dots wouldn’t be so hard to connect.
To her relief, it was a familiar pair of green eyes that blinked at her through the window. Chat Noir was crouching on the ledge, mouthing something that Ladybug couldn’t hear. She scrambled from her chair, nearly knocking her cup down in the process, and slid open the window.
A gust of cool, night breeze swept inside. For a moment, she wondered if leaving the window would help her stay more awake… then a particularly strong gust sent the papers on her desk flying out of order, and she slammed it shut behind Chat.
“What are you doing here?” Ladybug asked when a semblance of order had been restored.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he replied simply. “What about you?”
She winced. “Final project.”
He eyed the room contemplatively, and it hit Ladybug just how messy everything was. She let out a mortified squeak of shock, but the dirty dishes and takeout boxes and unfolded laundry weren’t going anywhere. “Out!” she shrieked. “Oh my God, out!”  
“Plagg, claws in!”
Before Ladybug could shove him back through the window out of embarrassment, it was no longer Chat but Adrien that stood there, hands raised in a placating gesture. She froze. She couldn’t send him tumbling down thirteen stories like she could with Chat Noir.
He was donning the Ladybug pajamas he was so unabashedly proud of, hair loose and messy—his Chat hair. He definitely looked like he had rolled right out of bed.
Slowly, Ladybug backed down with a groan. “Don’t you dare comment about the state of the apartment. I know it’s bad.”
“Wasn’t going to, m’lady.”
“As long as you have food in your fridge,” a grumpy voice interrupted, “I don’t mind how messy it is either.”
Ladybug raised an eyebrow at Plagg as he zipped out from Adrien’s hair. “This idiot here couldn’t sleep, so he dragged me up, and for what? Oh, Plagg, I just want some fresh air! Plagg, please? I’ll buy you extra camembert. Plagg, you know how my insomnia acts up sometimes.” Plagg retched. “Fresh air my ass. I wouldn’t have agreed if I knew he was just going to be sticking his tongue down your throat.”
Adrien’s face went pink. “Plagg!”
“Shut up and feed me.”
“Glutton,” Adrien shot back, sticking his tongue out petulantly at his kwami. “Marinette, do you have food? And why are you transformed?”
“Uh,” she managed. She tried to think what was left in her fridge, but her brain wasn’t functioning enough for it. “I think I can focus better as Ladybug? Anyway, there’s cookies in the cabinets for Tikki. Plagg can either eat that or the raw meat in the freezer.”
Plagg, bemoaning how he hated Adrien, floated off to the cabinets in search of sweets.
Meanwhile, Adrien rounded her desk to lean on the other (slightly cleaner) side. “How many cups of coffee?”
Ladybug returned to the sewing machine. “Five. I think it stopped working.”
“I think it’s because you’ve drank so much coffee these past couple years that you’ve slowly built up immunity to the caffeine. Did you sleep last night?”
“Yes.” She paused, counting the time. “Two and a half hours.”  
Adrien looked horrified. “Marinette!” he exclaimed. “You still have three days to finish. You need to take a break.”
He was right, but while she did need the break, the project also needed to be finished. Sure, there were three more days, but Ladybug needed to have the wiggle room for revisions and checking and double-checking for perfection.
“If I finish tonight, I have time to relax and revise without stressing about it,” she explained, although Adrien looked less convinced after each word. “I’m already behind schedule, since I’ve been working on the last dress forever and this is the fourth try.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you look like you’re about to pass out.” He gave her desk another scan as if to prove the point. “Seriously, Marinette, you’ll produce better work if you’re well rested and not running on caffeine.”
Once again, Adrien was right. She could barely go ten minutes without scrubbing her face with water or rubbing her eyes and yawning. Then a wave of panic rushed over her. The dress she had been working on had been made when she was not well rested, which meant it wasn’t under the category of better work, which meant she should redo it all from scratch so she could submit her best quality work—
“Marinette,” Adrien interrupted like he knew exactly what she was going to say. “I know what you’re thinking. Don’t do anything you’ll regret. Just sleep.”  
Before she could formulate the rest of the protest, Adrien had scooped her out of the chair. Ladybug was too tired to put up a struggle. “Have you eaten any fruits or vegetables in the past couple of days?” he demanded as he carried her towards the bedroom. “Wait, have you even been eating three meals? Have you been eating two meals?”
Ladybug scrunched her nose. “What are you, my mom?”
“Your mom would ask you the same,” he shot back immediately. “Seriously, Mari, you need to take care of yourself more.”
Too tired to argue with him, she shut her eyes and curled up against his chest. Sleep was a dangerous thing; once she gave into it, there was no way out. “S’okay,” she mumbled. “You’ll take care of me.”
“Then you better let me do my job.”
She giggled. “You are like my mom.”
“And as your mother, I’m putting you to bed.”
Bed. The word sounded comforting and lovely and warm ( Adrien was all that as well). The last thing she felt was Adrien setting her gently down on the mattress, pulling the duvet over her, and then the rest was oblivion.
Marinette woke up to the smell of breakfast wafting into her room. Which was a rare commodity because breakfast was her favourite meal to skip.
The bed was comfortable and warm, blankets tucked all around her. Given her penchant for kicking her covers off in the middle of the night, that meant she had been recently tucked in, and—
Adrien. Everything came flooding back. Adrien was here in her apartment—her unpresentable, messy apartment—and he had somehow coaxed her to sleep last night when she could’ve spent the time finishing up her project. He had also managed to get her to detransform, because she was once again wearing the same clothes she had been wearing for at least two days.  
Marinette shot out of bed, now properly horrified. She scrambled. She flailed. She stubbed her toe on the drawer and fled into the living room, where the delightful smell of breakfast was the strongest.
Adrien was standing at the stove, wearing her pink apron, still in his Ladybug pajamas. That wasn’t the most surprising part, though: every mess in the kitchen and living room had been straightened, cleaned, or disposed of.
Marinette gaped.
Having noticed her presence, he turned around and waved, spatula still in hand. Sunlight slanted through the windows and onto the couch—the couch that just last night was so full of clothing and papers that no one could sit on—which was now clear. Only cushions sat in their rightful place. It looked like he had performed a full-on exorcism on the mess.
“Adrien,” Marinette managed aloud, “what happened here?”
He flipped an egg. “I tidied up a little when I woke up this morning,” he replied. “And, uh, restocked a bit of your groceries. You were running low.” He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “In full honesty, I only got up because Plagg was yelling at me about having no proper sustenance, so I decided to clean to pass the time.”
The little black kwami floated out as if summoned. “Just because Tikki likes cookies,” he sniffed, “doesn’t mean I do.” As if to prove his point, he waved a whole wheel of camembert. Marinette stuck out her tongue at Plagg before turning back to Adrien.
“You had time to clean and get groceries?” she asked. “There was… a lot of stuff around here. Like, a lot. It would’ve taken me at least hours to tidy.”
Adrien transferred the eggs from the pan to the two plates. He gestured at the counter, where the digital clock sat. “It’s eleven, so I had three hours to do all of that.”
Eleven. The realization dropped like a bomb and Marinette nearly screamed. “Eleven?” she yelped, whirling on Adrien. “Why did you let me sleep for so long? Why didn’t you wake me up? I wasn’t even supposed to sleep last night and I’m not finished and this means—”
“Marinette, relax!”
She slowed to a halt. “You still have time,” Adrien continued soothingly, in the specific tone he used every time he needed to calm her down. “I let you sleep in because you need to be well-rested to put out your best work, and you need to eat a healthy, balanced meal in order to focus later. You can work all day afterwards. But right now, we’re going to have brunch together, and you’re not going to think of your project until we finish.”
Marinette didn’t want to wait. The fact that she was so close yet not quite made her uncomfortably jittery and the only remedy would be to work work work so she could just get it done with, but that wasn’t rational or reasonable. Besides, the meal Adrien had cooked smelled delicious and it would be rude to not eat it with him…
Relax, she told herself. I’ll finish in time. It’ll be okay.
Marinette breathed in a full body inhale, then let it out slowly. “Okay,” she said. “Okay, let’s eat.”
Adrien’s eyes crinkled and she felt herself relax slightly. “Just sit,” he told her. “I’m supposed to pamper you today.”
The table was already set, so Marinette slid into the chair as Adrien set down her plate in front of her. On it were the eggs he had been frying, a scallion pancake, strawberries, and a generous serving of hash browns. Ever since his father had been defeated, Adrien started dropping by their family’s bakery more and more, and her mother had taken to both feeding him and teaching him how to properly cook. It turned out that Adrien had what Sabine called the Culinary Touch, because once he started learning, everything he made was heavenly.
Her mug was set down before her, and Marinette let out a squeak of delight. “You learned how to do this?” she asked, beaming at the cream heart decorated perfectly on top.
Adrien gave her a cheeky grin. “I love you a latte,” he announced proudly.
Marinette moaned. “You ruined it.”
“Nah, you love my puns.”
“I love a lot of things about you, but your internet-stolen puns aren’t one of them.”
He feigned hurt, clutching his chest. “All of this,” he cried, gesturing grandly, “was for that pun. I only ask for a minuscule amount of appreciation, Bugaboo, yet you wound me with your insults—”
“Shut up, drama queen,” Marinette laughed, picking up her utensils. “Ugh, I’ve been craving scallion pancakes for so long. And you make these exactly like my mom.”
Adrien preened. “We established that I am your mother last night,” he reminded her.
“I don’t claim responsibility for anything I said, agreed to, or didn’t agree to last night. Also, how did you get my transformation off?”
It was Adrien’s turn to groan. “I had to bribe you into saying Tikki, spots off, ” he grumbled. “You don’t know how hard it was. For someone who put up such a struggle about not wanting to sleep, as soon as you touched the bed, you were out like a light.”
Marinette, not remembering anything that happened last night, was more than happy not to recall. “But you managed it in the end, didn’t you?”
“But at what cost?” Adrien speared a hashbrown. “What would Paris think to know that their beloved Ladybug was actually such a bratty menace?”
Torn between curious and mortified, Marinette asked, “What did I do?”
Adrien gave her a wicked little grin. “I’m not telling,” he sang.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her beg for the answer, Marinette dug back into her breakfast and tried to appear disinterested. Apparent lack of interest was always the easiest way for Adrien to crack.
It only took a minute or so before he spoke up again. “Do you want to know what you did?”
Marinette arched an eyebrow at him. “You’re asking, not me.”
“C’mon, humour me, buginette.”  
“Only because you said so, chaton. What deal with the devil did you strike last night?”
He grinned. “I think I’ll save that for another time. You need to get to work soon.”
Marinette glared at him, mentally filing away the fact that she was going to wiggle the information out of him one way or another. Stuffing the last piece of scallion pancake into her mouth, she sat back with a content sigh. “This was good.”
“And it was a well balanced meal,” Adrien added drily, also cleaning his plate. “Which you should be eating despite the fact that you have a final project due. I saw at least three Chinese take-outs in your trash can.”
“One was from last week!”
Adrien wrinkled his nose. “Is that supposed to be better or worse?”
Shaking her head, she smiled at him instead. “Thank you,” Marinette told Adrien, and she meant it. “You’re the best.”
He returned the smile, green eyes crinkling. Back in lycée, her heart would’ve turned to mush if he smiled at her in such a way. Now, five years later, Marinette was no closer to stopping the butterflies in her stomach. It wasn’t her fault he had such a lovely smile.
Adrien was the first to look away, sweeping her empty plate from in front of her in one smooth movement. “I’ll do the dishes,” he offered. “Finish your project, and maybe we can cook dinner together.”
Before Marinette could agree, he leaned down and planted a quick kiss against her cheek in one fluid movement. “Good luck. I’m sure it’ll be amazing.”
She stared at him for a couple seconds longer as he headed towards the kitchen. She didn’t deserve Adrien. Amazing, kindhearted, hardworking, considerate Adrien who was everything anybody could ever ask for.
“Marinette?” he stuck his head out. “I love you a latte.”
She groaned. Of course he had to pun.
"I also love you a latte," she replied reluctantly.
(All the embarrassment was worth the grin that spread across his face.)  
Notes: This is part 3 of my lovesquare drabbles, although they’re all loosely interconnected and each work as a standalone. If you’re interested, here’s part one, and here’s part two! 
Here’s my fic masterlist.
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
#LadynoirJuly Days 6 and 7
Aaand I’m officially back on schedule! Doubt it’ll last very long but you never know 👀 Hope you enjoy this style, I tried something new!
Days 6 and 7: Rose and Interview
“Good evening everyone, Nadia Chamack here with a special interview with Paris’ favourite male hero: Chat Noir! Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news!”
“Hey Guys, welcome to a new session of Ladyblog live with Alya! Today, we are with the one and only Ladybug for a special interview! Stay tuned!”
“Ladybug? Oh, she’s amazing. A real lucky charm. Truly, I doubt any of us would be here today if it weren’t for her. She’s…”
“The best partner I could ever ask for. I wish he was a little less self-sacrificial, but other than that… No kitten, I wouldn’t be able to do the whole saving Paris thing without him by my side. [...] Wait, did I say ‘no kitten’? Could you edit it out, please? I’ll never hear the end of it…”
“It was a fun experience, I think it really helped us get more insight into the weight of our respective Miraculouses. I’m definitely a lot more aware of how hard it is to be Ladybug. I like to think I’m a lot more serious now, and I think Ladybug is a little more relaxed. Rumour has it she makes cat puns now.”
“Are you kidding? I was terrible! I should’ve been able to put aside the fact I’m usually Ladybug and embrace this new Miraculous, but all I did was boss Chat around for most of the fight. No, clearly there’s a reason why we were chosen for one over the other. We’re still far from perfect, but being Ladybug feels a lot more natural.”
“Do I know who Ladybug is? Of course I do! A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. [...] Romeo and Juliet, exactly. It just means that it’s not because she wears a mask that she would be a different person out of costume. I know she’s caring, thoughtful, intelligent, quick thinking, bossy but still fun… She also has great taste in terms of pastries, I’ll take the opportunity to give a shout out to the Tom and Sabine Bakery, you’re the cat’s meow! [... ] Seriously though, she could be… an Emilie, a Marinette or a Nadia, she would still be my favourite rose. Whenever the time comes to reveal our identities, I don’t think much will change. The only thing I’d expect is us being able to spend more time together, and-”
“Share more of our daily lives with each other. It’s been really great opening up, sometimes juggling both identities can get a little heavy, and it’s something we can now talk about. It’s nice knowing we’re not alone. [...] Oh yes, we’re taking all the necessary precautions, we modify our daily life stories enough to prevent any of us from tracing it back to someone in particular, if by any chance we know each other out of costume. I think we really needed this, you know. I probably shouldn’t say this to you, but he’s my best friend.”
“Is there something more between us? Well, maybe. Do best friends go around saving a city every day? Would they know exactly what the other is thinking from a slight change in their eye colour? Can they anticipate each other’s movements? You tell me.”
“It’s definitely a complicated relationship. We know everything and nothing about each other. Take the guy I used to have a crush on, for example… I could tell you his beverage preference, what his order at the local bakery was, his schedule, what constituted a good enough excuse for his… parents to let him go out… I’m not sure I even know what Chat Noir’s favourite colour is. I can tell you what his favourite pastry is, though.”
“Plagg, could you please rewind that last part?” Adrien turned around in his desk chair, taking a closer look at the TV. Alya’s interview of Ladybug was too important to watch on his computer screen. Not to mention he actually needed the latter to do his homework.
“I really don’t understand why you insist on watching this when we could be watching a documentary on mountain cheese. My stores are running low, I need to know what to buy next!” The Kwami replied moodily as he gulped down a piece of Camembert. He did as he was asked nonetheless.
“I already told you I’m taping that, you’ll be able to watch it next.” Adrien made his way closer to the screen, leaning on the back of his sofa. “There. She compared me to the guy she had a crush on, right?”
“Sounds like it. Oh Kwami, here we go again, you’re going to be all sappy now, aren’t you?” Plagg rolled his eyes.
“I prefer the term cheesy, because I know deep inside you like it.” Adrien winked. The comparison could be a coincidence. But If he really was her best friend… Shouldn’t she have compared him to her other best friend? The girl she’d called Alice? A devilish grin spread to his face as he thought about the possibility that she’d just confessed her feelings to the whole wide web.
“Bluebell blue.” Chat called out at the end of their next patrol.
“What?” Ladybug looked puzzled, and scanned their surroundings for anything that could have prompted that comment. Either she was blind, or her partner was going slightly mad.
“That’s my favourite colour.”
He watched her furrowed brow turn into a look of realisation as she figured out what he was talking about. “You watched my interview.” And she knew exactly what part of it he was referring to. It had been careless, but less so than starting to talk about Alya with Alya. 
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, m’lady.” He smiled. “Any additional comments you’d like to make, off the record?Just you and I? And the Paris night sky?” He prompted, leaning in closer to her.
“Iridescent green.” She blurted, cringing internally. That was Adrien’s eye colour. It fitted Chat’s eyes as well, but she wasn’t being very original. It was his fault she’d had to speak so quickly though, her mind had frozen as soon as he’d gotten too close. She bet he knew how flustered it made her feel.
“Huh?” He pulled back, his turn to look quizzically at her.
“That’s my favourite colour.” If he’d been expecting a full declaration, he’d be disappointed. She wasn’t going to tell him how she felt on a random roof, as a by-the-way before they left patrol. Not when he’d once organised a fully romantic setting, complete with candles and roses. 
He’d just have to be patient.
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
The Other You - 4
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Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
< Previous
Adrien stood in front of the Gabriel building with a cup of coffee and a bag of freshly-baked goods in his hands at five in the morning, ready to deal with whatever the company’s directors entrusted him with before he was due at his teaching job. This was a terrible idea from the start but, as experience had already shown him, it was a much better choice to tackle the unknown and confusing tasks early in the day, rather than after handling a few classes filled with teenagers. So, filled with determination, Adrien opened the front door and stepped inside. The faster he got to his office, the sooner he’d be free to torture his students with a test on the dynamics of spinning tops before mercifully shifting the lesson into quantum physics territory.
Adrien greeted the security guards and swiftly ran up the stairs to the designers’ floor. Having almost reached his office at the end of the hallway, he paused, noticing a light coming from under one of the doors. Someone must have forgotten to turn it off before leaving the office yesterday. People here did tend to overwork. That someone was probably too tired to remember flicking the switch off and would most likely be scolded for that by their manager in a few hours. Without a second thought, Adrien headed for the door. He was already here; he could make someone’s day better by fixing their mistake before it was noticed. He didn’t expect to see anyone in the room, let alone a half-asleep Marinette who looked like she had just survived an apocalypse. Her name involuntarily escaped his lips. The look she gave him was unsettling.
“It’s five a.m.” Adrien braved. “What are you doing here so early?”
“Working. Can’t you tell?” Marinette answered, returning her attention to the garment in front of her.
He brushed away the thought of intervening and sending Marinette home to rest as soon as it sprung into his mind. If their previous encounters had taught him anything, it was that Marinette didn’t want his help. And frankly, no matter his intentions to help her, Adrien wasn’t and didn’t plan on becoming Marinette’s babysitter any time soon. He did secretly plan to find her a new job, but that would be it. She was a grown woman. Surely, she would go home when she’d had enough.
Still, looking at her, something tightened in his chest. Adrien glanced at the food in his hands and carefully walked into the room, placing his untouched cup of coffee along with his box of pastries in front of the exhausted woman. Marinette looked at him silently, nothing but malice lurking in her eyes; eyes that were once so kind to him.
“I think you need these more than I do,” he mumbled, half-expecting to hear ‘I don’t need anything from you’ in return. Strangely enough, Marinette said nothing. Not wanting to take his chances, Adrien silently walked out and closed the door behind him.
The following week, Adrien spotted Marinette a few times in the company’s hallways and by the looks of it, she felt none better, if not worse. Just yesterday, for example, he saw her leaning on the vending machine looking rather faint as she waited for a granola bar to fall out. All his attempts to start a conversation to get to the bottom of her exhaustion or to suggest she get some rest were either ignored or aggressively but politely shut down.
However, even more than Marinette’s less than stellar condition, it was a text message Adrien received that day that genuinely shocked him. He almost choked on air and dropped his cell phone when a name he’d never expected to see again popped up on his screen.
Nino: Adrien, I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from, and I wouldn't blame you if you delete this and never reply, but I think an apology is long overdue. For whatever it's worth, Alya and I regret and apologize for not believing you all those years back. We've learned the hard way that you were right about what working for your father would do to Marinette, so we thought you at least deserve an apology, however late it is. I do realize there's no way to fix anything now, but I hope this would make it at least a little better.
Adrien would have been lying if he said he didn't want to delete the text immediately and forget it ever existed, but the events of the last week kept his cellphone screen lit, his thumb hovering over the virtual keyboard for quite some time yet never making contact. Soon, Adrien closed the app and pushed his cell phone to the side, only to pick it up five minutes later and reread the message. He shoved his phone into his bag. Five minutes later, Adrien was reading the cursed text again. An hour after that, he still couldn't let it go, neither reply nor ignore.
Damn it.
First of all, how did Nino get his new number? Second, why would he text him all of a sudden? There had to be a reason, one serious enough to force Nino to contact Adrien after years of silence. His former best friend didn't so much as send him condolences when his father passed away. Not that it mattered much because Adrien was neither on speaking terms with his father nor was he even able to attend the funeral himself. Instead, he had been stuck at the emergency room with an especially nasty case of food poisoning, wishing he’d stuck with his usual takeout instead of thinking he could cook for himself. Still, what prompted Nino to reach out now? What did he want? What happened and what did Adrien have to do with it?
The young man groaned, dropping his head on a table. He needed to focus on his work instead of trying to pinpoint the underlying reason of why exactly his former best friend suddenly felt the need to message him an apology. Because one thing was clear—this wasn’t just a random call of conscience, and as far he could surmise, it had everything to do with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“Hey, kid.”
Too engrossed in his mental turmoil, Adrien didn’t even look at his little companion flying close. “What?”
“Want a snack?” Plagg plopped in front of him on the table. “Food makes everything better, and you look a bit too sour for my liking.”
Adrien didn't answer, watching the soft glow of the screen. Despite his better judgement, he was concerned about Marinette. That much he couldn't deny because the present state of that woman was neither normal nor healthy by any stretch of the imagination. They might not be friends anymore, but as a fellow human being, Adrien couldn’t help but be concerned. As the CEO of Gabriel, he couldn’t afford to have one of his employees kick the bucket due to overworking.
“I guess a snack it is, then,” sounded nearby, but Adrien was too distracted to pay attention. What if Marinette was in some kind of trouble dangerous enough for Nino to step over his pride and contact him? What was going on, and why the hell did he still care for what was happening to her? Why did he want to reply to that message? Why were memories of the four of them hanging out together back in the day flashing through his mind all of a sudden? Why hadn’t Adrien deleted the message yet? The message from a former best friend who had betrayed him when he needed him the most?
“Open wide,” Plagg shouted in his ear.
Adrien jerked up. “Pla—”
Something soft and smelly was unceremoniously shoved into his mouth.
“There.” Plagg rubbed his paws together. “You’ll feel better in no time, kid.”
Tears pooled in his eyes as the unmistakable taste and smell of Camembert attacked his every sense. Finding the nearest trash bin, Adrien spat the grossness out and glared at his kwami. “What’s wrong with you?! You know I hate your cheese.”
“What’s the matter?” Plagg grinned. “You look more alive already. Told ya you’d feel better!”
Adrien growled and flipped his phone screen down, dropping his head on the table and covering it with his hands.
A weak knock on the door a moment later forced him to sit back up.
“Come in,” Adrien called and stood up to greet the visitor.
A petite girl stepped into the room. She looked familiar, though he wasn’t sure how he knew her.
“M Agreste?” she asked shyly, walking to his table with a sheet of paper in her hands. “I am really sorry to bother you so late, but I wanted to give you this today.”
She put the paper on the table, and Adrien immediately knew what it was.
“You’re quitting?”
“I really am sorry, M Agreste,” the girl mumbled. “But I received a proposition from a different company, and given the circumstances, I’m inclined to accept it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Adrien smiled at her. “A new job is nothing to apologize for, especially with how things are currently going here. Congratulations.”
“Thank you, M Agreste.”
“Where were you working?” Adrien asked, curious as to where he remembered her from.
“I was Mlle Dupain-Cheng’s assistant,” the girl replied.
“Oh,” slipped from his lips as Adrien remembered. He had seen her trailing behind Marinette a few times, but always too focused on the physical ruin of the first, he barely noticed the other.
“Does she know you’re leaving?” he asked absentmindedly.
Adrien frowned. “You didn’t inform your direct supervisor you were quitting?”
“Please, don't judge me,” the girl replied quietly, shying away with every word. “Not to be ungrateful or mean to Mlle Dupain-Cheng, but I was afraid to tell her. She isn't herself these days. She's more stressed and exhausted than ever, and me quitting would be a cherry on the top of her already huge pile. But, please, M Agerste, try to understand… I can't continue like this. It was either quitting or going insane alongside Mlle Dupain-Cheng.”
Adrien froze. ‘Going insane’ was a strong choice of words, but unsurprisingly, he couldn’t find it within himself to disagree or object to that statement. Marinette did look the part these days… maybe not ‘going insane’ mentally, but ‘going insane’ with exhaustion and overworking, for sure. Was Marinette even sleeping? She definitely ate. He saw her grabbing that granola bar a day prior, so she must be eating at least something—
“I’ll go now,” the girl said, intruding in his thought process.
“Wait—” Adrien reached out, but stopped halfway. He promptly pulled his hand back and rubbed the back of his neck. Quickly glancing at the paper, he asked, “Mlle Ardoin, right? Do you know what happened? I mean, what pushed Mlle Dupain-Cheng to such extremes?”
The girl shook her head. Her gaze dropped to the floor for a moment or two before she visibly gathered some courage and looked straight at him. “Can I tell you something in confidence?”
Adrien nodded.
“I suspect…” Mlle Ardoin paused, breathed in and then continued. “I know it sounds crazy, but I suspect that Mlle Dupain-Cheng doesn’t leave work at all.”
Adrien couldn’t help but frown in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“She’s always here,” the girl replied, clenching her hands together as she looked to the side. “I usually arrive before anyone else does, but Mlle Dupain-Cheng is already working. When we leave, she’s always staying behind to finish something. Last week she wore the same outfit for three days in a row, and then another one for the rest of the week. She’s never done that before. Her hair isn't styled as usual either; she just ties it in a sloppy ponytail which, again, she’s never done before. Mlle Dupain-Cheng used to always look impeccable. Now, she’s a mess. Last Thursday, I noticed a small bag with personal hygiene essentials, makeup, and some clothes. There’s also a small suitcase standing in the corner, behind one of the shelves. And judging by the sheer amount of work she manages to do when she stays behind, I can assume she stays up at least half the night, which leaves little time to go home, sleep, and come back before everyone else does.”
Adrien’s frown deepened with every word as he processed the information. It wasn’t hard enough evidence, but still suspicious. “I’ll look into it, Mlle Ardoin. Thank you for informing me.”
“Please, don’t tell her I said anything, M Agreste,” the girl pleaded. “I only told you because Mlle Dupain-Cheng was such an amazing person when we first started working together, always a hard worker and more talented than any of us. That’s why your father noticed her and let her develop her own line. But what’s going on with her now isn't normal. It hurts me to see her like this. Please, M Agreste, if you can help her, do so. She deserves it.”
It took him a few moments to respond, his mind gripped by worry. “Thank you again for letting me know, Mlle Ardoin. I’ll see if there is anything I can do.”
Before leaving, the girl said a few more things Adrien didn’t pay much attention to as his thoughts raced back to Marinette. From everything he had witnessed in this last week, one thing was clear—Marinette had become like his father. That cold, dismissive, and hostile way she was treating him… Adrien shivered. Did he really want to get involved with that kind of destructive attitude again? When he was a child, he didn’t have a choice but to tolerate his father’s treatment. Now, Adrien had options. He could ignore this annoying feeling that told him to help Marinette and let her be if that was the way she wanted to exist.
So, why? Why did he still want to help her? She'd thrown him away without so much as a chance to explain. He shouldn't care. Why did he?
Adrien swore under his breath and sat down. Thoughts ran wildly inside his mind as he debated what he could lose this time if he did decide to get involved despite everything.
Friends? He had no one close to him right now. A couple of acquaintances, but no real friends. Burned once, Adrien had never fully opened his heart for anyone else. Work? He almost laughed. There was no way he’d lose his teaching career because of Marinette. She had nothing to do with it. He doubted she even knew he was a teacher, much less which high school he worked at. His ‘leading the fashion empire’ gig? He wouldn’t mind losing that at all. It was a test run, anyway. Family? He had none. Money? He had more than enough. Love? He trusted Ladybug. He trusted that she knew him better than to question his intentions and character should anything go awry.
“More snacks?” Plagg’s voice dripped with mockery and arrogance.
With a groan, Adrien closed his eyes and dropped his head on his desk for the umpteenth time. He should probably stop doing that or he risked getting a bruise on his forehead. Adrien grumbled incoherently, his sight landing on an untouched pile of papers. He should do some work and forget for a few moments about former friends in need who wanted neither his help nor him anywhere close to them.
“So, your Princess is even more troublesome than you thought?” Plagg snarled nearby.
“She’s not my Princess.” Adrien snapped.
“She used to be.” Plagg shrugged.
Adrien closed his eyes. That old nickname he had for Marinette held so many memories within it—memories of good times when they didn't have to think about important stuff and could just have fun. He missed those times so much. Beneath all his resentment, Adrien had to admit that he did miss his friends, and only now was he starting to realize just how much. Why did everything have to change? Why did they have to change? Why did he have to mess up so badly? Even being Chat Noir was more fun back then. Adrien’s lips split in a bittersweet smile as he remembered how after patrols Chat Noir would sometimes sneak onto Marinette’s balcony for a croissant or two. They used to be friends—
Adrien jolted up. Wait a minute!
“Uh-uh!” Plagg whistled.
Adrien stared blankly in front of himself. Chat Noir and Marinette used to be friends, but she didn't know his civilian identity. Chat Noir had stopped going over to Marinette's after Adrien's fiasco, but he'd never explained the reason to her. For all she knew, he could've moved away or gotten too busy for visits.
A mischievous grin sneaked onto Adrien’s lips—something that hadn't happened in a long while. He had a plan.
Plagg narrowed his eyes at his wielder. “You look like you’re about to do something really stupid, kid.”
“You might be right, for once,” Adrien replied with renewed fire in his voice because he might have just found a way to help Marinette without her knowing anything about his involvement. At first, Adrien had thought he could find her another job and be done with it, but if anything, the last week had shown him how impossible that was without Marinette on board. Talking to her about it was out of the question, seeing as she had dismissed him every time he had as little as simply approached her. He had to come up with an alternative, and this might just be it.
This time, however, Adrien wouldn’t repeat his past mistakes. He wouldn’t rush into anything without gathering all the information on Marinette and her current situation first and then thinking everything through. Hesitantly, Adrien glanced at his cell phone. What would be the best way to start on this if not by talking to one of Marinette’s closest friends?  
“Kid, are you sure?” Plagg landed on his cell phone before Adrien could grab it. “Do you really want to poke that wasp nest again?”
“I can’t just sit back and watch her kill herself.” Adrien pulled his cell phone out from under his kwami. “Not when I can do something about it.”
“Even after everything she put you through?”
“I’m not exactly all that innocent myself.”
Plagg silently watched Adrien for a few moments before scoffing. “Fine. Do what you want. Just don’t come crying to me when she wrecks you again.”
“Don’t worry. That won’t happen. I’m not planning on getting anywhere near that close.”
“Yeah, like you can help yourself.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Kid, you always give anything you do your whole self, and this won’t be an exception. You will end up with a broken heart again. Mark my words.”
Adrien sighed. “Thank you for caring, Plagg, but I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll remain as impartial as possible. But if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll buy a bucket of ice cream and deal with any broken hearts myself. If they even happen, which I highly doubt.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Plagg grumbled and flew away.
Adrien started typing.
Adrien: Even if it’s awfully late, an apology is always appreciated.
Adrien: I do wonder, though, what brought this on all of a sudden?
Nino’s reply was almost immediate.
Nino: I can explain everything in an essay under one thousand words over the text, or I could tell you everything face to face over lunch. Would it be too much too soon?
Yes, it would be, but if Nino wanted to meet after years of hostility, it might be more serious than Adrien thought.
Adrien: I've lived through worse. I can handle lunch.
A few minutes later, a lunch date with a former friend was secured. Adrien glanced at his watch. His eyes widened. Eleven in the evening? How didn’t he notice the time? Then… It might just be the perfect time for what he wanted to do. Abruptly, Adrien stood, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Kid? What’s—”
“Plagg, claws out!”
He leapt out the window and looked around. Sure enough, apart from his, there was only one other window lit, and he suspected he knew exactly who was in that room. Quietly, Chat Noir got closer and peeked in. Marinette was standing with her back to the window, working on a dress hanging on a mannequin. Little by little Chat climbed in as quietly as he could, and when his feet were safely grounded on the window sill, he produced the most seductive smile he could muster in this situation—he needed her to like him, or it was all for nothing—and purred.
“Long time no see, Princess.”
With a gasp, Marinette almost jumped in place; the scissors in her hands hit the floor with a crash as she jolted around, a look of fear and dismay on her face. His heart clenched. Dark circles under her eyes, a messy hairdo and a look of extreme fatigue on her face, Marinette looked like she was at the end of her physical limit. She even needed a moment to recognize him. When she did, her eyes widened, a smile brightening her face. She reached forward, parting her lips to say something, but before she could, her eyes fluttered closed and her body went limp, collapsing into the quick-reacting arms of Chat Noir.
Next >
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Not a Good Look: Chapter 3
@thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @lady-charinette tagged as requested :)
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | AO3 link
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
“Should I use my power now?” Aspik says when he and Multimouse are by his bedroom door, ready to slip out into the house and gather intel on this possible deal between Gabriel and Lila. “Here’s probably the safest place to reset to, and I can always refuel and give us another save point after five minutes once we get to another safe space.”
“Smart!” Multimouse blurts out. With cheeks as red as Ladybug’s suit, she adds, “Sorry! Just…yeah, that’s a good idea, Ad – Aspik. It’s probably not a good idea to wait till we’re caught before setting the save point.”
“Second Chance!” Aspik swipes his fingers over his bangle, setting the snake head back and revealing five teal bars. Then he holds up a finger, rests his other hand on the doorknob, turns it, and pushes it open. Thankfully, the hallway outside is empty, so Aspik gestures for Multimouse to slip out with him.
“I can’t believe I get to do a superhero mission with you!” Multimouse is practically vibrating as she walks. “I mean, it was really cool doing it with Ladybug, but…she’s Ladybug, you know?”
Aspik’s about to respond but they round the corner at that moment and stumble across the maid, Marie Durand. Marie takes one look at them and lets out a piercing scream, and Aspik yelps and fumbles for his bangle as the sound of footsteps from downstairs reaches his ears.
“Second Chance!”
Once more in his bedroom, he heads out with Multimouse again, though this time, his senses are more finely tuned so that they can avoid Marie and anyone else who might be around.
“For the record, it’s awesome doing a superhero mission with you too, Mar – Multimouse,” he whispers. Multimouse jumps.
“O-Oh! I really said that?”
Aspik grins at her and she turns beet red. “Yep. As much as I loved working with Ladybug, I feel like there’s a little less pressure with you. I’m not trying to impress you.” His eyes widen when Multimouse reels back as though she’d been slapped. “Um, not that I don’t – I mean – Second Chance!”
God, why can’t he have Second Chance as a superpower in his everyday life? He’d sell his soul to be able to get out of awkward situations like he just had; and this time, when telling Multimouse how he likes working with her, he makes extra sure to leave out the part about not trying to impress her. He hadn’t meant it like that! He just meant – well, it’s so much easier to relax with Marinette! She puts everyone at ease!
Unfortunately, his confession of enjoying working with her also makes her squeak and trip over her own feet, crashing to the floor so loudly that Marie is summoned to investigate. Just like the last time she’d caught them, she screams, and Aspik is forced to hurriedly use his Second Chance again to avoid being caught.
Okay. Avoid any topic that involves heaping praise on Multimouse. As much as she deserves it, now is not the time for her to be flustered. Really, that one was all on him.
Fourth time: Aspik got so distracted by Multimouse’s twin buns and wondering how to get Marinette to wear them normally that he completely forgot about Marie. Oops.
Fifth time: Multimouse slipped past him as they crept down the grand staircase and her smell of strawberries and vanilla invaded his nose and knocked him off his feet, sending him crashing head over heels and bringing Multimouse down with him. Nathalie had been decidedly unimpressed, but he’d reset before she could snarl out whatever she was going to say.
Sixth time: minor love crisis over how hard it would be to just go out with Ladybug and Kagami and Marinette all at the same time. A close encounter of the Marie kind once more.
Seventh time: Just a dizzy spell. Definitely not distracted by wondering what Multimouse’s lips would taste like and if she’d taste any different when detransformed. Thank god no one else remembers what happens but him.
Eighth time: At least made it past Marie before remembering Ladybug holding Marinette close and devolving into a primate with his single brain cell dedicated to fantasies involving both girls that he’ll never divulge even under pain of death. Caught by Nathalie again.
Ninth time: Got distracted by the way Multimouse’s jump rope tail moved as she turned the corner and then couldn’t look away from her butt. Here lies Adrien Agreste, struck down by the heavens for perving on the butt of one of his best friends. (The superhero suits definitely do their wielders some favours, though).
Tenth time: finally made it all the way to the atelier, quicker this time so Nathalie wouldn’t catch them. Scarred for life when Multimouse divided to make the door opening look like a breeze and Nathalie had been hugging Gabriel from behind and burying her nose in the crook of his neck with one hand splayed across his stomach. Gabriel Agreste in any kind of sexual context? Eww, eww, gross.
Eleventh time: quickest reset yet when he told Multimouse what he’d seen last reset and she’d let out a shrill scream at the thought. Lesson learned: don’t let Multimouse imagine Gabriel Agreste in any kind of situation like that. Good thing Aspik had taken the Snake instead of her.
Twelfth time: took a more moderate pace; not too quick that they’ll catch Gabriel and Nathalie banging or whatever it is they were doing, but not so slow that she’ll catch them downstairs again. Unfortunately, this is the most skewed timing yet.
“– not with Ms Rossi. And Tsurugi-san swears that he isn’t –”
Aspik and Multimouse freeze, but it’s too late to duck back around the corner or into another room hide from Nathalie, who’s frozen at the sight of them. For a moment, both sides stare at each other, mentally daring the other to make the first move, and Aspik might have been faster to react if the previous two cycles hadn’t left him flustered, so it’s Nathalie who breaks the silent game of chicken with a snarl of determination.
“Duusu –”
“Second Chance!”
The world around Aspik dissolves and reforms to place him back in his bedroom. He shakes his head and grabs Multimouse by the wrist when she reaches for the doorknob.
“We should wait ten minutes or so. The timing’s always wrong,” he says, deliberately not mentioning all their failed times when he’d been distracted by her, so Multimouse nods and steps away. They fall silent, waiting until Aspik’s sure that it’ll be a good time to sneak down…but there’s something that’s eating at him from the last cycle. Something about Nathalie’s reaction. Every time, she’s snarled at them and looked like she was going on the attack, but Aspik had always reset before she’d been able to speak. That time, though she’d gotten a word out. What had she said? Duusu?
“Duusu? What does the Peacock kwami have to do with this?” Multimouse says. Oh. He’d said that last bit out loud. But wait, how does Multimouse know who the Peacock kwami is?
“Uh, how do you –?”
“Ladybug told me!” Multimouse blurts out. “But how do you know?”
A terrible thought occurs to Aspik, making his stomach twist and coil like a snake that’s tangled itself in a knot. He swallows around the lump in his throat and rasps, “Nathalie. She said it before I reset.”
Multimouse’s eyes bulge, and she shoots a look at the door and then back at Aspik. “You should detransform,” she murmurs. “We need to come up with a plan now that we could be up against Mayura, so you may as well let Sass refuel.”
“Right. Um, scales rest.” Although Adrien’s got no idea what’s going on with Multimouse, he can’t help but instantly follow her instructions as though Ladybug herself had given them. He directs Sass to Plagg’s Camembert fridge and then sinks down on the end of his bed, watching Multimouse wear a hole in the floor with her pacing and fidgeting and mumbling. She’s so like Ladybug in this moment, just like when his lady is coming up with a convoluted plan…but that’s not fair to Marinette. It’s not fair to compare her to Ladybug just because he loves both girls and it would solve all his problems if they were the same girl.
“No, no, that won’t work,” Multimouse mumbles, toying with a lock of dark hair that frames her face. A momentary gap in the hair reveals the black stud in her ear, the only feature from her civilian self to carry through to her transformation, although Adrien hadn’t been aware that accessories could carry over. Maybe it’s just him.
But…wait. Except…
“That’s very sweet of you!” Multimouse turned her head to show her bare earlobes. “But I’m not Ladybug! I’m Multimouse!”
Then how does Multimouse have earrings now? Unless…no way. There’s no way. Adrien freezes as the fabric of his mind starts to unravel. She’d tricked him! Maribug tricked him! His lady’s been right here in front of him the whole time, and he’d been right to suspect her of being Ladybug, he’d been right, but she’d thrown him off like the devious girl she is! How? The Rat can only divide its wielder. It doesn’t have any powers of deception.
But…the Fox does. And it’s perfectly possible to unify Miraculouses; Dragonbug and Snake Noir had proved that in the battle against Miracle Queen and her henchmen. And theoretically, if there was a Multimouse that had unified with the Fox and hidden away, in the perfect position to create an illusion of Marinette and Ladybug next to each other to throw off Chat Noir…
“Adrien?” Multimouse says when Adrien exhales and runs a hand through his hair. How is he even supposed to process this? He’s loved Ladybug for so long that it’s become as much a part of him as breathing, and Marinette’s crept up on him so slowly with each day that’s passed…but they’re the same person! He’s fallen for the same person twice over! “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Just…deep in thought about implications and stuff.”
Multimouse blanches. “Oh. I didn’t even think…if Nathalie is Mayura, and the Butterfly and Peacock were lost together…oh, Adrien, I’m so sorry.”
Oh. His father could be Hawkmoth. It’s not the first time Marinette’s suspected it – after all, there had been that time that Ladybug had had her suspicions, just before his father had been akumatised – but Adrien’s brain hadn’t even connected the dots from Nathalie’s attempt to summon Duusu until now. And that thought is enough to twist a new snake in his gut, except that this one is one of bubbling nausea.
“But he was akumatised,” Adrien rasps, raising a hand in case he needs to clap it to his mouth to hide a gag. “Can the Butterfly akumatise themselves? Did he do it to throw you – uh, Ladybug and Chat Noir off his scent? If Hawkmoth’s my fa – if he’s, you know, then he must’ve panicked when I lost the book and thought that you were on his tail.”
Multimouse shrugs rather helplessly. “I wish I knew what to tell you. But I hardly know anything about the Butterfly.”
Yeah. But she knows plenty about all the others. “No, I get it,” Adrien croaks. “You wouldn’t know. What do we do?”
“We need a plan,” Multimouse says. “We should find Ladybug and Chat Noir and tell them –”
“We don’t have time for that,” Adrien immediately counters. Multimouse blinks and shuts her mouth with an audible clack, and Adrien vows to apologise later for being so harsh now, but there’s no way he can just sit back and let Gabriel keep the Butterfly for a moment longer than necessary. “I am – I could be the son of Hawkmoth. If anyone else gets akumatised after this…that’s on me. I could’ve stopped him.”
“Adrien, no.” Multimouse crosses over to sit next to him and she rests a gloved hand on his bare one. Adrien’s not sure whether the warm tingles that dance across his skin come from Ladybug or Marinette, but does it really matter when they’re the same person? “The only way you could be guilty in this is if you were willingly helping him. And I know you. I know you’d never help that scum. I’ve seen how you interact with him, remember?”
Adrien ducks his head to hide his warming cheeks. Marinette’s always had such faith in him, whether he’s Adrien or Chat Noir, and even though he can’t figure out exactly what he’s done to deserve such staunch faith from the most incredible person in the world, he’s not going to complain about it.
“But I’ll be guilty of letting him get away with it if we don’t do something now,” he says, praying that there’s no sign of his inner turmoil visible to Multimouse. “If you divide, you should be able to get the Miraculous, right?”
“Yeah but…” Multimouse bites her lip. “We should have more of a plan than that. What if something goes wrong? This is more of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s thing.”
“And like you said, they wouldn’t be able to even get near this place without everyone knowing,” Adrien says. Technically, they’re Ladybug and Chat Noir, but he’s not lying when he says that they could never get near Gabriel as their true superhero identities. “But Multimouse and Aspik? I can keep resetting and tell you where we went wrong. And you can sneak the Miraculous away.”
“I suppose…” Multimouse says. “And we could also get Mayura’s if we knew where it was kept.”
“I think it could be in the vault in my father’s office. That’s where I got the book from, so it’d make sense for him to keep it in there.”
“But we still need proof. We could grab the Miraculouses and give them to Ladybug and Chat Noir, yeah, but it’d be our word against his. I don’t want him to have any chance of getting out of this.”
“Why do we need all these convoluted plans?” Adrien throws his hands up and jumps to his feet, making Multimouse jerk away. “We just need to go in there and get the Miraculouses! This isn’t an akuma battle!”
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Multimouse wilts. “I just want to make sure that we cover every possible angle. I mean, if your father is Hawkmoth, it’s not going to be easy for you. There’s going to be fallout, from the police and the legal system and the news and everyone. Considering how much your father controls your life, things are gonna change completely for you. And if he somehow manages to slip out with an innocent verdict because there wasn’t enough evidence…”
Oh. He hadn’t even considered what would happen to himself, but of course Marinette’s concern would be him and his welfare. “No, I’m sorry,” he says, once more wondering what the hell he did to deserve someone as amazing as Marinette. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you when you’re just trying to make sure that everything goes smoothly. I’m just…dealing with a lot, but I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
Multimouse smiles. “Apology accepted. I know that learning your father could be Hawkmoth can’t be easy. But I do think we should do this later. Maybe at night when he’s asleep and we can just grab the Miraculous? You said that Nathalie’s out there, and we don’t want to risk Mayura jumping in and making things messy. And we can’t go to the police and get their help to take him down. Even if we had proof, we can’t trust anyone but Ladybug and Chat Noir, and Ladybug said that she trusts us.”
“You really are brilliant,” Adrien breathes. Multimouse’s face stains scarlet in response,
“Yank – um, thank you!”
“But how do we get proof? Unless we stalk him and wait for him to transform, I don’t see how – oh, and we need proof that he’s made a deal with Lila!”
Multimouse is quiet for a long moment. “Do you think…Lila knows?” she says in a hushed voice. “Or at least suspects? I mean, it makes sense for your father to make a deal with her, but…”
Adrien swallows around the lump that suddenly forms in his throat. If Gabriel really is Hawkmoth and he has made a deal with Lila, a lot of things will start to make sense, such as why Gabriel would so heartily endorse a dangerous liar. And if they have made a deal, was it in place as far back as when Kagami was akumatised? Is that why Lila had tried to get Ladybug killed?
“I hope that Lila doesn’t know,” he finally says. “For my own sanity. If there’s a whole plot around using me like – like a piece of meat, like I’m something that can just be exchanged like money…”
Multimouse’s eyes soften. “Let’s go,” she says. “We can fill in the others and then take your mind off it. I’ll tell Ladybug everything when she comes by to get the Miraculouses.”
Adrien just nods numbly, his chest like a lead weight as he struggles to draw in precious oxygen. What else can he do? It’s not like he’s a stranger to being treated like an object – like all he’s good for is smiling and showing himself off for the good of Gabriel – but the thought of being passed around like a shiny object, being used to seal a deal and purchase loyalty in a potential terrorist plot…well, it’s enough to make his stomach try and yeet itself up his throat.
He’s so lost in his daze that he only just notices Multimouse leading him towards bright blue, before his surroundings turn soft pink. There’s a buzzing sound that could be talking but his one remaining brain cell is currently trying to process just how entangled he is in this whole Hawkmoth-Lila plot, how little agency he even has anymore, that it’s all he can do to not break down completely on the spot.
But when his fuzzy vision clears and he’s met with the sympathetic faces of Marinette and Alya and Nino and Kagami, any remaining power he might have over his body dissipates and his legs give out beneath him, depositing him on Marinette’s cool wooden floor. There’s a flash of black and pink and the soft scent of strawberries and vanilla, mingling with the sharp smells of earth mixed with sports deodorant, of warm cinnamon spice, of fresh men’s deodorant. It all anchors him, stops him from floating away, fills his lungs in place of the air that he can’t breathe, and he finally allows himself to break, surrounded by the safety net of the people with whom he’d trust with his life.
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forkanna · 5 years
WARNING: Miraculous and all related characters © Zagtoon. This story ©2019 to me! All rights reserved.
NOTE: This fanfic was commissioned by crazyfanatic97! Happy Hanukkah, everyone!
Adrien Agreste counted himself lucky that he had been on the way back to the wedding of his friend from their batter-smeared battle against Crepe Of Wrath when the cry sounded. When he watched Ladybug flying through the air, cartwheeling awkwardly. Normally he would expect her to be much more coordinated; she had been over the past year since they first began fighting crime together throughout Paris. But they were both human beings under their Miraculous masks, after all.
"Whoops! Milady needs me!" With a would-be casual shrug, he vaulted in her direction, angling the trajectory so he would catch her and land in a sturdy-looking shrub. Chat Noir wasn't about to let a damsel in distress go splat — especially when it was the damsel.
The one that mattered most to him.
But as he caught up to her, arm stretching around her body, she began to shimmer and shift. Oh no. Clearly she had lost her grip because her Miraculous was running out of juice, and her trusty yo-yo had dematerialized first. Poor Ladybug! But whoever lived behind those black polka dots and red spandex would just have to be dropped off in the bush and he would move along as fast as possible. They weren't allowed to know each other's identities.
"HRRK!" she grunted when his body connected with hers, blasting them both sideways. "Chat Noir, what are-"
That was as far as she got. Crash, snap, squish! It was all over in a flurry of limbs, both deciduous and homosapien, and… a strangely voluminous amount of fabric?
But Chat wasn't going to look. God, how badly he wanted to - this was something he had been dying to know every waking moment since he first laid eyes on the heroine! But it wasn't right if she didn't show him intentionally. So he slapped his hand over his eyes as soon as they were done falling and being smacked around by leaves.
"AuuuuuUUUGH, will you look at this?! I'm a trainwreck! Whyhyhyhyyyyy do these things always happen to me? How am I supposed to get married now?!"
No, it had to be a coincidence. Her voice did sound familiar, but there was no way…
Technically, she did tell him to look at her. And there was no way he could resist finding out of his hunch was correct. So he parted his middle finger from his index, for the tiniest peek…
The sweet, hapless Marinette Dupain-Cheng was struggling out of the bush, her wedding dress snagging on branches at every movement. Marinette. No way. This was impossible, it couldn't be her, of all people! Adrien refused to believe it!
But he didn't have a chance to confront her. Her bluebell-hued eyes glanced over and saw his hand covering his before she let out a little squeak and took off at top speed.
"Well…" Adrien wasn't sure who he was saying that aloud to. But as his ring began to signal his own transformation was imminent, he ducked into the nearest alley.
All this time, she had been right under his nose. For some reason, he had convinced himself that it couldn't possibly be someone who went to Françoise Dupont High School with him. And it turned out to be a good friend, but someone he had never really thought romantically about.
Marinette didn't even like him that way! Wasn't he doubly doomed? Or wait… she did once imply that she had feelings for him. But when he confronted her, she laughed it off and brushed it all aside, and he felt like an idiot for reading too much into the situation. Maybe it really was hopeless.
Besides… she liked Luka. He had seen him strumming his guitar for her often, fixating her with that seemingly sedated smile. That's why they were on their way to the altar now, barely eighteen and not wanting to waste a moment of their lives together.
"I'm so stupid," he hissed, slapping himself in the forehead.
"Got no argument from me," the magical floating ink spot that was his constant companion groaned from his shoulder.
"Plagg, not now."
"Yes, now, dude! Slip me some Camembert and we'll go after her. Or are you really going to let the love of your life get away because you're mopey and I didn't get my cheese fix?"
Rolling his eyes, he reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and produced a small wheel of fromage. The cat-shaped creature pounced on it and devoured it in a single bite.
"You really think there's any point?"
"You gonna know that for sure if you don't try, dumdum?" Plagg admonished him. Which he couldn't argue with. "Do the transformy thing already, I'm bored hanging around some smelly old alley."
"But you eat cheese that smells even- oh, nevermind. PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"
                                      ~ o ~
'This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.'
That kept repeating over and over in Marinette's head as she struggled her way up the subway steps. Apparently, she had neglected to slip her bus pass into her gazebo-sized wedding gown, so she had no other recourse but to hoof it all the way back to the cathedral.
"Darn it, Luka," she grumbled as she trudged along. "I told you I didn't want a big ceremony like this! I wanted a much more tasteful gown I designed myself, something more… compact! This thing's so pretty but I can't do anything but- YEEP!"
Down she went. Luckily the huge billows of fabric helped to cushion her face so she didn't end up with a bloody nose.
"But that," she finished, muffled. Reaching back, she pulled off one of her lovely white shoes only to find the heel had snapped off. "Oh, perfect! I was just thinking I needed something else to go wrong!"
A high, musical little voice chimed from her veil, "Marinette, it's only a dress! Think about how much Luka loves you! And you love him, don't you?"
She did. But Tikki's reassurances actually made her feel worse instead of better. Sure she loved him, but she knew her heart would always belong to Adrien. It just wasn't in the cards for them to be together.
"Need a lift, Mademoiselle?"
Her teary eyes glanced up to see who else but Chat Noir smiling down at her. The smirk he always wore for Ladybug was gone, replaced with something a little more polite, and his hand was reaching down to help her up.
"N-no, go away," she groaned. Then she remembered she wasn't supposed to be Ladybug right now; Bystander Marinette had no reason to be rude to him. "I m-mean… I'm fine, thank you."
"Your shoe is broken. And unless you see a cobbler nearby, you're going to cut up your poor foot trying to get where you're going. Let me help."
Fair point. Scowling, she raised her arms in defeat and let him scoop her up into a princess carry. She settled the broken shoe on her lap as he began to bound over the rooftops.
"You seem pretty at ease with this," he commented. Which made her realize she had failed to squeal at being hurtled through the air as any normal girl would have.
"Oh. Well… with all these crazy attacks lately, Paris isn't the sleepy little town it used to be," she joked with an awkward grin.
"Guess not." But he was looking at her so intently. As if he couldn't take his eyes off her… like she was…
It came to her in a flash. Maybe it was Ladybug's intuition, or maybe it was just remembering that she had transformed in front of him catching up to her brain finally.
"You… know it's me… don't you?"
Chat shrugged easily as he continued to leap her toward their shared destination. "You, who?"
"Over here," she quipped quietly. But her expression was bitter and resigned. "You can drop the act. You saw me spots-off."
Landing only a couple of blocks from the cathedral, the black-clad boy heaved a great sigh before setting her down. "So I did. But… I didn't think you would want me knowing, so I tried…"
"I didn't. Well, more like you're not supposed to know. Sometimes I thought it would be better if you did, but… rules and stuff."
Chat ran his fingers through his shaggy blond hair and stared out over the city they had sworn to protect together. "You treated me differently when you thought I didn't know who you were. Is it just… well, I don't know. Why?"
"Because…" Trying to put her finger on the reason, she finally gave up and just said, "You always lay it on so thick! How's a Ladybug supposed to fight crime with you blowing smoke up my skirt all the time?!"
Then she slapped her hands over her mouth, feeling terrible for being so rude. Especially when he wasn't freaking out over learning her secret, wasn't being accusatory or snide. But instead of being offended, he just laughed.
"Guess I should tone it down, huh? But don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Maybe someday, I'll share mine with you, if that's okay. I know I'm not supposed to, but-"
"No, no! It's alright. It's the code we are bound by." Then she smiled and nodded down toward the ground. "Mind dropping me off? I have a wedding to reschedule on account of ruined dress."
Chat winced when he took in the tattered state. Big swaths of fabric were hanging off, a hole gaped just enough that he could see her knee… plus the broken shoe. Marinette still looked beautiful but she certainly wasn't presentable to all her friends and family.
"Sure. I can do that no problem, Milady."
"That's another thing," she commented as he scooped her up to gently ferry her to the ground. "Do you have to keep calling me that? What century is this, anyway?"
"You're going to keep telling me all the things I'm doing wrong just because I asked one time, aren't you?"
"Youuuuuu betcha."
                                      ~ o ~
But Adrien Agreste's heart was a little lighter as he let Marinette's doting parents fuss over the state of her gown, he himself departing the chapel. Not because he knew his lady was already taken.
Because if they weren't getting married today, he still had time. Maybe there was hope for the Cat and the Ladybug yet.
                                      THE END…?
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After the Fall Ch.12 Decay
LoganLight, AO3
Plagg was annoyed.
Not about the kiss (ew) they did that semi-regularly. He never understood romance and Adrien's experience, or lack thereof, was merely the latest in a long list of reasons as to why it was a terrible invention.
At least he's over it now . . .
Plagg wasn't sure why he was annoyed but that didn't stop him from taking it out on Luka.
"So, that's it? One kiss and everything's fine?"
Luka had that smile on. The one that reminded Plagg of Adrien's gentle, genuine smiles he rarely showed in public . . . Least of all now.
"I know what you're doing, Plagg."
Doubtful. Plagg didn't know what he was doing half the time.
"I know you miss Chat Noir."
He should, with the way Plagg implied very subtly about it.
"I know you don't think much of me-"
"Don't take it personally. I don't think much of any of my holders."
At first.
Luka's smile ticked up and Plagg had the rare feeling of being found out. He ignored it.
"And I know you don't agree with how Ladybug runs things-"
Well, Plagg had been very unsubtle about that so he'd be worried about Luka if the boy hadn't noticed.
"-But she knows what she's doing."
Luka's expression shifted to one of fond exasperation. Plagg chose to interpret it as the boy's conceding-defeat-look.
". . . Where did you run off to when I wasn't looking?"
"Kwamis don't run! Silly human!"
Luka raised an eyebrow.
"If you must know I went in search of the greatest source of Camembert in this school!" Plagg pointed down into the courtyard proper at a certain blond. "That guy!"
"Adrien? Why would Adrien carry cheese? . . . Please tell me you didn't steal his cheese!"
"Oh, Adrien loves Camembert!" Plagg snickered. "He can't get enough!"
Plagg would treasure the memory for millennia.
"Hey, kid! You in he- What are you doing."
"Plagg! I was just . . . Uh . . ."
"Were you . . . just eating . . . Camembert!?"
"No! Of course, not! I was just checking the expiration date!"
"You were! Ha! I knew you were just being stubborn!"
"I am not stubborn!"
". . . It's . . . It's the smell, okay? It . . . It's comforting. Familiar. A-and fine, sometimes I'll eat a piece! There! Are you happy?"
". . . I'm not upset, Plagg. Just embarrassed . . .You can stop purring now."
"You like Camembert!"
". . . Yes, Plagg. I like Camembert."
"It'd be weird to just walk up to him and randomly ask for cheese," Luka stated, understanding what Plagg was getting at.
"Nah, Adrien'll understand! He's very generous! Now, go down there and get me Camembert!"
Luka complied without further comment because he was a kind and merciful soul. Even toward someone who complained as often as Plagg . . . And most of his money was going to cheese, so there was that.
"Hey, Adrien."
"Oh, hi Luka! You good? Juleka was surprised when she got your call. Since your houseboat is a bit farther than most of our classmates' homes."
"Yeah, I talked to her a minute ago in the art room. I, uh, had to help a friend."
"Oh? That's what Alya and Nino said, too! Is she a special friend?"
". . . She's pretty special, alright."
"He admits it! I'm happy for you and your friend."
Plagg nipped Luka through his shirt to get him on track. Luka jumped.
"Ah, this might sound weird but . . . Do you have any Camembert?"
"Camembert? Why, yes, I do have Camembert! Here!"
Plagg's mouth watered as the smell hit him.
"You don't have to give me all of it!"
"I have tons of the stuff at the manor. I insist!"
"Well, thanks, Adrien."
"Sure! Us Camembert enthusiasts have to stick together! Just ask if you need any more. Nino! Alya! Later, Luka!"
Plagg popped his head out of Luka's pocket to see six wheels of Camembert.
Adrien you're an angel!
"Alright, alright!" Luka grinned at Plagg's enthusiasm. ". . . Why do you know so much about Adrien anyway?"
"We kwamis are excellent judges of character. With all the time Adrien's spent with the band I've gotten to know him pretty well. Plus, he smells like Camembert."
". . . That stunt you pulled had me really worried."
". . . Won't happen again." Plagg was surprised Luka hadn't realized that he couldn't.
"Plagg, don't do that!"
Kwamis could ignore anything phrased as a suggestion or request, but that was an order. Every time Plagg tried to talk to Adrien onboard the Liberty the geas enforced Luka's command. Plagg had been grouchy and Adrien understanding.
Luka must've noticed Plagg's droopy ears 'cause the boy handed him more cheese. "At this rate it'll be gone by morning," he joked.
"Then you better take Adrien up on his offer and ask for more," Plagg stated pleasantly.
"Yeah . . . Did he seem off to you?"
"Adrien's been off. Care to elaborate?"
"It's like he's a melancholy melody that's trying too hard to be cheerful."
Plagg swallowed a mouthful of Camembert before responding. "Might have something to do with the talk he had with Marinette."
And me poking at old wounds.
"You were eavesdropping? Of course, you were. Wait, Adrien was talking to Marinette? What were they saying?"
Plagg gasped. "Luka! Abusing our friendship to spy on your girlfriend! Shameful!"
Luka's eyes went wide. "W-what? No! I . . ."
Plagg could practically see the boy's train of thought jump onto a different track as his eyes narrowed.
"She's not my girlfriend. You know that."
Well, she is but you don't know that!
"I'm with Ladybug."
Plagg made a noncommittal sound.
"Anyway you're right, it's none of my business . . . Do you think they'll get together? She'd be good for him."
Plagg nearly laughed out loud. "Doubt it . . . Why didn't you ask out Marinette? You were head over heels for her when we first met."
Luka blushed. "Yeah, but there was that whole thing with Adrien."
"Where she tried to bring him out of his shell and he ran away? For months?"
Luka nodded. "And training with Ladybug took up a lot of time."
"I remember, once everything settled down you two couldn't take your eyes off each other."
Luka smiled as his eyes focused on something, or someone, far away. "She's just so . . ."
Luka nodded again.
"How lucky for you."
Luka gave him a thoughtful look. ". . . C'mon, it's late. I should get Juleka."
Plagg risked a glance at Adrien. The boy was talking to Nino and Alya; he was smiling.
In case it's unclear, Plagg doesn't "blame" anyone for their actions/mistakes. He's just unhappy with the situation in general and is making his displeasure known. By criticizing everything. As to his relationship with Luka . . . It's complicated.
Plagg's bond with Adrien developed much slower than that of Marinette and Tikki. In season one Plagg would give terrible advice and mock Adrien for his failings (Dark Cupid). It wasn't until season two that you could REALLY see their friendship.
Here Plagg's reservation toward new holders is exacerbated by him missing Adrien. So, that's why he acts a certain way toward Luka.
Ch.1  Ch.2  Ch.3  Ch.4  Ch.5  Ch.6  Ch.7  Ch.8  Ch.9  Ch.10  Ch.11    Ch.13  Ch.14  Ch.15  Ch.16  Ch.17  Ch.18  Ch.19  Ch.20  Ch.21  Ch.22
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lils-writes · 5 years
“À Quoi Ça Sert L’Amour” - Ch. 3
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CHAPTER 3 - The Prince and His Castle
After what seemed like an eternity of walking, Adrien finally made it his destination: Nino’s apartment. He knew the building like the back of his hand, it being his second home for the past year. He’d always find a way to escape the grips of Gabriel Agreste whenever the situation got too overwhelming. Nino was always there, arms wide open to greet his very best friend. But now, Nino wasn't here. Nino wasn't even in the same continent! Thankfully, he did promise to call his landlord and get Adrien a set of spare keys. Nino really was the best.
Slowly, Adrien stepped into the building, his eyes searching frantically for said landlord. Adrien knew her fairly well, since she lived under Nino and was always walking around whenever Adrien would visit. She was a kind old lady, always smiling and fixing or cleaning the exterior of her building. Every once in awhile, whenever her grandchildren would visit her, she would offer cookies to Nino and Adrien if they were there. Today was no exception: the little lady was there, dusting and wiping down the railing with enthusiasm.
“Mrs. Cadieux! Can I ask you a favor?”
Mrs. Cadieux turned to Adrien, a wide smile on her sweet wrinkly face. She gestured him to come closer, probably since she had a hard time hearing him. Adrien complied, approaching the kind old woman. Both greeted each other politely before Adrien went on to ask her for a favor.
“Could I have a set of keys to Nino’s apartment?”
“I'm sorry, darling, but you know I can't do that, even if I know you boys are very close. I’m afraid that without Nino being here, I can't do anything.”
Adrien let out a sigh before running his fingers through his hair. This was going to be a problem, and not one he could neglect. Nino was supposed to call, but given the time difference, he might have still been sleeping. “Would you give me a set of keys if Nino called to give you permission? I know he’ll be out of the country for the next month, but I really need a place to stay. He said I could, so if he were to give you an okay over the phone, would that be alright with you, Mrs. Cadieux?”
The woman thought for a moment before smiling ever so softly and nodding. She gestured the boy back to her apartment. Adrien followed, helping the woman down the stairs, even though she insisted she was more than capable of doing it herself. Still, it was a gentleman’s duty to help a lady in need.
Once he found himself inside the apartment of Mrs. Cadieux, Adrien took a deep breath, taking in the mixture of aromas. It really did smell like what Adrien believed would be the smell of his grandmother’s home: fresh cookies and lavender. The place was a little cramped, old furniture placed around the small apartment. Yet, it still had its charm. Even if it was small and furniture was big, it was placed in a way that it didn't really matter. Every piece had its own story to tell.
“Would you like a cup of tea, Darling?”
Mrs. Cadieux reached for her kettle and her wooden box of teas. Adrien was quick to grab them for her, both out of a sense of duty and out of fear that the old woman would hurt herself. She was far too sweet to risk getting hurt for him. And anyways, he couldn't let a lady do that for him. Gabriel might have disowned him now, but he did raise him to be a mannered man.
“I would very much appreciate it, thank you. But please, let me.”
The old woman smiled at the blond before taking a seat in one of her kitchen chairs. The boy could see the exhaustion on her face. She had probably been up for much longer than she normally would. Even if she was quite fit for a woman her age, every once in awhile, she needed to take a break. So while she caught her breath and let her limbs rest, Adrien prepared the tea, putting water to boil and taking out the packs of tea that Mrs. Cadieux preferred.
“You are too kind, my dear boy.”
“It’s the least I can do for such a youthful beauty.”
Mrs. Cadieux giggled at the boy, used to his compliments. It was playful banter. “Do you have a girlfriend yet?”
“Not yet, sadly. I can't say I have much time to go out, even less have a romantic partner.” Adrien sighed, preparing the herbal tea. His schedule of the past 19 years of his life had been booked to the minute. There was no way he was finding time for a girl in all of that mess. He really missed out in high school, though, never having a date to go out with to the dances and events.
“Well, you should ask Nino. You know, him and his sweet Alya would be quite happy to introduce you to a young lady, I'm sure. And I'm sure Alya knows a lot of lovely women that might interest you.”
“I'll have to ask then,” Adrien smiled, pouring and handing Mrs. Cadieux a cup of tea. “I might have more time now days, so I'll think about it.”
“And it’s been safe to go out lately. I haven't seen Ladybug, nor Chat Noir these days. Maybe they managed to stop Hawkmoth and I just wasn't informed. Or maybe Paris has been in a very good mood,” the woman giggled again, bringing the cup to her lips.  
Adrien’s fingers curled around his own cup at the mention of Chat Noir. His eyes fixed onto his right ring finger, tracing out the stain that was left from a missing ring he had worn for far too long. It was fading, but Adrien could still see it, feel it. It had been weeks since he had removed it, yet, it felt like it was still there. Actually, that wasn't true. He wished it felt like it was still there. Yet, it wasn't there, and it felt like a missing piece of him. But he did what had to be done, finally removing it one cold and lonely night.
Adrien was snapped back to the conversation, Mrs. Cadieux’s voice catching his attention once again. She was going on and on about how, in her youth, she had dreamed of being a superhero. The woman was essentially talking to herself, gushing about the bravery of Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was funny listening to her talk about the change she saw in the two, going on about basically having seen them grow up. That much was true; it had been 5 years since the first akuma and there was quite a visible change between a 14 year old and a 19 year old. Adrien couldn't help but laugh a bit, getting a grin out of the woman.
“You know, my eldest grandchild must be about the same age as Chat Noir. I sure hope that if he were a superhero, he would have told me. Then again, I highly doubt that it is him, given his terrible fear of heights. He would be the most terrible Chat Noir or Ladybug! Here,” Mrs. Cadieux handed Adrien a framed picture that showed a boy, not much younger than Adrien, grinning. “This was his 18th birthday, a few months ago. He really has his mother’s eyes, but those freckles are all mine!”
Adrien smiled, examining the picture. He could see the family resemblance. The boy had the same dark skin as Mrs. Cadieux, but had the brightest green eyes Adrien had ever seen. “Almost as green as Chat Noir’s,” the boy let out, getting a bright smile out of the older woman.
“You know, you have green eyes as well, Dearie! Might you be Chat Noir?” she teased.
Adrien couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart, a wave of panic flowing through his blood. Of course, he laughed it off, but it was more of a nervous laugh than a hearty one. Thankfully, before all his secrets were spilled, the phone rang. Mrs. Cadieux got to her feet, not without pinching Adrien’s cheek.
“I'm just teasing.” She unhooked the phone from the wall and fell into a deep conversation.
Adrien used this time to his advantage, falling back deep in thoughts. His eyes went back to his finger that was nervously tapping his cup. He almost expected to see the ring once again, even though he knew it was completely impossible. He missed the sense of familiarity the ring brought him, the comfort it had against his skin. But that was the past, and now was the present. He had to stop thinking about that. He had to start thinking about himself.
A few minutes passed before Mrs. Cadieux finally hung up, saying ‘bye-bye’ far too many times. A wave of panic invaded Adrien again, but it was quick to disappear as the woman rummaged through one of her drawers, pulling out a set of keys. And, as if it were an ancient treasure, she carefully handed them to Adrien.
“It was Nino, calling to tell me that I can give you a set of keys. He told me to tell you to make yourself at home and to call him whenever you want. Now, get out of here! Go have fun with your friends!”
Adrien thanked the woman at least 20 times before dashing out, climbing the stairs at full speed. He held his breath as he clicked the keys in the lock, exhaling in pure relief as the door opened. As always, Adrien took in the scent of the apartment he would be calling home for a little while. It smelled like Nino and comfort. It smelled like something Adrien had never known: the warmth of a home.
It wasn't very long that Adrien was all settled down, having only a small suitcase to unpack. As he unpacked his few pieces of clothing, his fingers brushed against a small wooden case that he tried so very hard to ignore. But his self control had never been that good, so it wasn't long that he found himself crashed on the couch, staring at the box. Part of him wanted to open it, but another part refused to give in to temptation. It wasn't a good idea, going back to who he was in another life.
Impulse could be held down for only so long, though. As always, Adrien gave in, opening the box. A flash of green light escaped it, as well as a squeak that filled Adrien’s heart with both comfort and guilt. It had been weeks since he last heard that familiar sound. It had been weeks, by his own fault. It was his own cowardice that pushed him to give up one of his closest friends. Today, though, he was back, and no matter how terrible Adrien felt, he was glad to have a friend.
“It’s about time I get out of there! What was the big idea? And where is my Camembert?”
“Hey Plagg.”
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Something Human
Exchange of Hearts Pt. 2 || Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste
Other Parts: Part 1
Summary: What if Marinette had never received the ladybug Miraculous? You are Ladybug, and despite your best efforts the sly and flirtatious leather-clad hero has stolen your heart. But what can a girl do when she doesn’t even know who he is under the mask?
Notes: Slightly aged up characters, eventual identity reveal, & crush reversal
Listen while you read: Something Human
*Newly updated and rewritten*
Adrien could easily recall the first day he laid eyes on her. The memory was as vivid and as unforgettable as the smell of Camembert.
She walked into school with Marinette and Alya for the start of their last year of lycée. He watched curiously as she fiddled with her earring, a twisted up expression covering her features. Her eyes seemed to be smiling though, trained on a conversation between the two girls beside her. She turned in his direction, scanning the room with the slightest look of uncertainty before meeting his eyes. He could feel his cheeks blaze when she gave him an unsure smile. Her eyes glanced over himself before meeting his once again.
Marinette grabbed her arm, pulling her attention back to the growing group of girls crowded together by the stairs, all of whom were chattering excitedly as they caught up on each other’s summers.
The longer Adrien continued to study her, the more interesting she became. Scuffed shoes and clothes slightly faded from wear. An index card with the words ‘I DON’T SPEAK FRENCH’ scrawled across it in Marinette’s signature script hung crookedly on her top, attached with a piece of duct tape. In her hand she held a smartphone, and she alternated between glancing at the screen and watching the face of whomever was speaking at the time.
None of that mattered much to him by the time he reached her face. Such peaceful elation held in her features from her lips to her eyes was a rare experience for Adrien. The way he could tell any emotion other than joy being expressed on her face would feel plain wrong. It was what he craved in his own life. Love, warmth, endearment, and compassion. From his father, from Nathalie, what he missed so terribly from his mother; something he longed to feel and know for himself. Everything he had wanted for so long, all bundled up inside one human being.
There were no two ways about it. He was hooked.
Now he watched as you entered the room today, sunglasses still covering those mesmerizing pools some called eyes. The same joyful grin working its way onto your face as you took your seat beside him. “G'morning.”
One word and - wait... Was he drooling?
  Nino turned his attention towards you, but he seemed distracted, his fingers drumming on the desktop. “Hey, dudette. You know where the girls are by any chance?”
There was a strand of hair sticking out oddly from where your sunglasses rested over your ear. Why did he want to touch it?
“Mari was trying to finish some project of hers, and Als was busy going on about the latest additions to her blog. Betcha they’ll be here in five... give or take.” You leaned forward, resting your chin on your knuckles. “You in a hurry?”
Your nose. Oh goodness your nose. It was all scrunched up like it did that one time when Chole wore too much of her fancy new perfume. He couldn't focus on her unveiled bragging, "What do you think Adrikins? This scent hasn't even been released to the public yet!", because there you were gagging on your drink as the smell wafted towards you, little droplets of liquid dribbling out of the corners of your mouth as you choked on the overpowering scent and your drink.
The corners of the boy’s lips turned up before he responded. “We’ve got a lunch date today.”
Date. If only he were as brave as his best friend. How did Nino do it? Alya was terrifying. But why was it so much harder to imagine asking you?
  “Ooooh, sounds fun.” You passed the boys a couple of croissants cut in half with strawberry cream cheese spread in the middle (yesterday's leftovers) before taking a bite of your own. “You got any dates coming up, Adrien?”
His name. Was he supposed to be paying attention to what the two of you were taking about?
  “Mmm…” Nino absorbed the flavor of the pastry before returning to reality. “You know this guy only has eyes for one girl.”
 You smirked at the blond boy. “I’m starting to think he just says that to get us off his back.”
Well at least his hopeless pining wasn't so obvious then. Right?
  Said blond boy pouted, an expression that seemed in contrast to his otherwise sunny appearance. “You do know I’m like right here?”
If you didn't know that he had a hopeless crush on you, then he was going to do his best to keep it that way.
  “Does that mean you would like to join this conversation?” You taunted, quirking an eyebrow.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
  He picked a flake off the top of the croissant before popping it in his mouth. “...Not really.”
Good, good. He was acting cool. Nonchalant. He could do this. No big deal.
  “I’m starting to think she’s just a fantasy stuck up there somewhere.” You gestured to his forehead, swirling her finger through the air.
You think he's desperate. Does he seem desperate? He's hopeless! He's a sad, lonely, naive boy to you. Great.
  “You’d better make a move before the end of the school year.” Nino redirected the conversation in a more serious direction.
Oh, great. Thanks. It's not like Nino was even the one to ask Alya out! Ladybug practically set them up. Now there's a thought...
  “Yeah,” you nodded your head in agreement, “what if she decides to leave Paris after school?”
As Chat Noir he could ask LB to help him set up a couple of kids who are just purrrrrfect for each other. She'd be down for that. She's totally a sucker for true love and soulmates and destiny.
  “Don’t miss your chance, dude. If I had missed out on being with Alya… Man... I don’t think I’d ever find a girl as perfect as her.” The sincerity reflected in his eyes was mesmerizing.
Miss out on being with you?
  You were so focused on Nino’s words. His adoration for Alya.
  Adrien could picture it. He would kiss you right there. Lead your lips to his with the gentle pull of his index finger. You would be shocked, but in a "can’t catch my breath" sort of way. In his mind there would be fireworks, and all of your classmates would turn and stare. The girls would squeal, and the guys would cheer, and he would walk you to a nice little cafe for lunch and the two of you would hold hands, and kiss, and talk about the future. You would graduate, and get married, and get a nice little place away from everything that made him feel inadequate. He could provide whatever you needed, and the two of you would be happy.
  “Hey, lover boy.” Nino was waving his hand in front of Adrien’s face.
It was perfect.
  You rolled your eyes. “Like I said, a fantasy stuck up there somewhere… Betcha five euros she doesn’t exist.”
Now if only he could get Ladybug on board...
  “I’ll take that action.” Nino extended his arm towards you to seal the deal. “I know my boy Adrien’s got some girl out there he’s head over heels for.”
*Newly updated and rewritten*
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radishearts · 5 years
Confession week: ladynoir july
confession week day 4 part 11: 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11: 
If you had been with them you could have smelled the fear in their breath. 
They turned around shaking to see the nightmare who had called their name.
“It’s the dragoness!” roi singe whispered to chat.
“The what?”
“Are you two whimps going to the castle to save the princess, or am i just going to have to do it myself.” The fiery dragoned themed superhero asked
“No madam, we’re coming.” chat said hesitantly
“Don’t madam me, chatton.” she huffed, striding towards the castle, “ hurry up slow pokes, last one to the wall is a piece of camembert!”
“Why did it have to be camembert?” chat sighed, upping his pace
“What's camembert?” kim frowned catching up “A disgusting delicacy that smells and tastes of rotten socks, unlucky me has to deal with it as my kwami only happens to eat the specific cheese, bad luck for me.”
“Your miraculous is a bad cat, which superstitiously represents bad luck.”
“Tell me about it.” he sighed ~ Rena and carapace, raced through the fields, eyes set on the woods, where they hoped, no prayed they would find chat noir, so they could save ladybug who had been caught by style queen.
They hadn’t figured out the akuma’s power yet, but the common theory between the two of them, which carapace had shared with ladybug when they ran to the tower was that she transported people to this fairytale dimension, and then summoned previous akuma’s to do her bidding.
Rena couldn’t help but feel a sense of insecurity.
Ladybug trusted HER.
Ladybug was relying on HER to save her.
Right now she could be facing trials worse than death, although this fairytale land seemed to be pg 13, so no major violence could be inflicted upon her, so she hope-
“Rena!” carapace groaned, “wait up.”
She jogged back to him, where he had tripped over a small crater in the hill.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” he grunted, obviously a little injured “ just remember we turtles aren’t exactly as fast as you foxes.”
“I’ll try to keep that in mind.” she helped him up quickly, and just about raced off ahead again before he called her, more anxiously this time.
“Rena..” she would have run to go get chat asap, but her better judgement told her to go back.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“I’m fine.”
“I said, are you ok?”
Rena bit her lip, she looked as if she could explode in emotions.
“I just don’t want to let her down…” her voice shook as she spoke. “ we can’t, she trusts us….”
Tears streamed down her face as carapace wrapped her in a hug.
“We’re going too, she can stand by herself for now, she’ll make it, we’ll make it, All of us will make it. Besides, it’s not like it's only your job, you got, chat, roi singe, pegasus, viperon, queen bee that dragon lady and me.”
“No buts, no nuts, no coconuts.”
“Let's go then,” she said, trying to pull away from his embrace, still half crying.
“Oh, no you don’t” he constricted her tighter, pulling her closer to his chest if that was physically possible.
“Not until you stop crying.”
“Nino…” she whined
“Ni-yes.” still not releasing her.
They stood like this for a few minutes, just holding each other ever so tightly.
“I-i think i’m ok now.” Rena sniffed, drying her tears from her eyes.
“All better?”
“Nino.” she laughed
“I’m not letting you go until you say yes, actually, i’m not gonna ever let you go.”
“Nino, we have a job to do where superheroes!”
“But we’re also people under our masks,” he touched her forehead, “are you satisfied with your care?”
“Yes baymax, I'm satisfied with my care!” she teased
“Don’t you get an attitude young lady.”
“Don’t you get sassy old turtle.”
“Touche. ” he kissed her on the forehead
“Race you to the forest?”
“Turtle and the hair style?”
“I think you mean turtle and the fox.” she grinned flicking her hair in his face.
“Your on.”
The race to the castle continued on, chat, roi singe and the ‘dragoness’  set on the prize of not being called camembert. A peircing shreik of a child made them all stop in their tracks.
“No, please, no, grandma!”
A witch like cackle bounded through the air, the three superheroes exchanging nods as they crept towards the sound.
“Child, come here, so i can see you better.”
“Not when you looks so weird and un-grandma-ish!”
“Are you suggesting granddaughter that I am not your grandma, how rude of you,  your the splitting image of me, i’m obviously your grandma!”
“You need to clean your spectacles out, grandma.” the young child with a red cloak sassed
“Oof, got enough ice for that burn you wolf in grandma’s clothing!” Roi singe retorted, stepping in front of the girl.
“How dare you call me a wolf....”
Her hazel eyes practically glowed in the half light half dark lighting of the forest.
“When I am obviously a fox!” she continued, simultaneously transforming into quote end quote 'superheroine' take of vixen of the fox miraculous.
“Volpina!” chat shouted “ be careful she’s a master of illusions.”
“And what makes you say that kitty?”
“Your terrible sense of dressing, orange is not your colour honey!”
“Child please,” she retorted, “What could you possibly know about fashion when it is i, who is the fashion queen, after all I did win that derby competition with gabriel agreste.”
She gritted her teeth.
“I model for the famed designer.”
“Malicious deceit.”
She clenched her fist.
“I am the queen of fashion.”
“That’s m’lady’s job, after all she has the best taste of fashion around here, unlike your hideous fox design, where did you get it a garbage disposal? A garage sale?”
The dragon lady and roi singe watched them bicker confused but enjoying the sly remarks and savage burns.
Finally they had enough.
They snuck up on her in the middle of an argument pinning her down to the ground removing her akumatized object and watched her disappear.
The small child with a red cloak who they aussued to be little red riding hood smiled, obviously pleased that she could visit her real grandma and give her the sweets in her basket.
“Thank  you for saving me.”
“It was this knights honor!” chat said bowing to the little girl as the other two rolled their eyes.
“As a token of your gratitude, could i borrow your scarlet cloak.”
“Why of course!” the little girl smiled, handing her signature item over.
Chat grinned at her, waving goodbye as they parted ways, continuing their quest to save the lady of spots.
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quicksilversquared · 7 years
Plagg and the Butterfly Costume Ch. 4
Plagg is willing to do a lot in order to get more cheese. When he’s spotted one too many times en route to the kitchen, he decides that a disguise is in order. One purple costume later, and Plagg is free to flit down to the kitchen without people thinking that he’s a rat.
And then he gets caught.
PATBC: (1)  (2)  (3)      
PatBC Outtakes: (1)  
(AO3) (FF.net)
To say that the old man and Wayzz were blown away by the amount of information Plagg had gathered in one day- or, to be more accurate, in one evening- would be an understatement. They sat there with wide eyes as they listened to Plagg and Adrien report.
Or, well, Adrien reported. Plagg was too busy sampling the cheese plate Fu had made for him to add in. Besides, Adrien had scribbled down pretty much every last detail that Plagg had relayed the previous night. He didn't really have much more to add.
"There were notes on how to find our training temple?" Fu asked in surprise. "I mean, that explains how he found it, but I didn't know that there were accurate enough legends still floating around for anyone to actually be able to find it."
"Or what was left of it," Plagg couldn't help but interject helpfully, speaking around a mouthful of Gouda.
"I will be interested in seeing those journals once Hawkmoth is defeated and we can recover them," Fu said, ignoring Plagg as he poured more tea for Adrien. "I would like to go and see if there is anything else left at all to recover. Paintings, journals from the old masters, anything at all. There was a whole lot of research and experimenting done during the period that the temple was active."
Plagg made a face. He remembered that. He had been questioned for hours and days and weeks on end as scholars crowded around him and tried to figure out the full extent of his powers. There had been a whole lot of bitten fingers and broken quills and smashed ink pots by the time they finally let him go.
"Did you read much?" Wayzz wanted to know. "What did it say?"
Plagg shrugged and swallowed. "I scanned. And some of the handwriting was really cramped, I couldn't read all of it."
"Your father must have done quite a few trips to Tibet to gather enough information to actually find our temple," Fu told Adrien. "It was quite hidden in the mountains."
"Both of my parents went to Tibet really often," Adrien said, reaching for a cookie on the plate Fu offered. "That's where they went for their honeymoon, they told me, and they really liked returning for trips. My mother vanished during their last trip in Tibet."
"Really?" Plagg asked, interested. That was an interesting place to go missing. "You've never mentioned that before!"
Adrien gave Plagg a look, though Plagg wasn't sure why. "I did so! I mentioned it right after you came back from the safe last night!"
Plagg thought about it. All he remembered was that lovely creamy mac 'n cheese he had had before he broke into the safe, and then that perfectly aged Camembert that he had gotten upon return. He had probably just assumed that Adrien had been talking to himself.
"I think it would be a good idea for you to see what else is in those journals," Fu told Plagg. "And look through the folder and see what is in there. I know Nooroo told you that all of the deciphering work was done on the computer, but we want to be sure that there aren't any printouts or assorted scribbling elsewhere. I was pleasantly surprised today at the amount of information you got, and now we just need to keep that up, if you can."
Plagg preened at the praise. Who said that he couldn't be attentive to detail? It just took the right incentive- lots and lots of cheese.
(And keeping his Chosen safe was a pretty good incentive too, but Plagg couldn't tell anyone that. He had a reputation to keep, after all.)
"I've been working on making replica book pages and contacting a book binder for the cover, and once that's done I'll work on the scrolls," Fu continued. "It will still take a bit, of course, but I am pleased by that progress. The replacement book will be slightly thinner than the original since Ladybug and I didn't take pictures of all of the pages, but it will be close enough."
"I would also suggest making certain that you know about all of the security measures in the office and any on the computer itself," Wayzz said. "And I would also look into seeing what security exists for the lair itself. I wouldn't be surprised if it is heavily protected."
"Ladybug will be visiting me tomorrow afternoon, and I will bring her up to speed then," Fu told them. "She's been coming weekly since she found the book to learn about some of the lore- and to bring an old man some fresh treats, of course. I had asked her not to tell you about me until the time came, so I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear that the two of you can discuss what she's been learning at our meetings. She was rather frustrated to hear that I should be kept secret until I gave her permission."
Plagg didn't even have to look to know that there was a lovesick grin spreading across Adrien's face at that. In fact, he wasn't going to look, because then he would just lose his appetite.
"Once we have more information, then we can start having meetings with all of us present," Fu continued, and again Plagg didn't even need to look to know that Adrien had perked up. "You and Ladybug will have to stay hidden from each other behind screens and you'll have to communicate via your kwamis so you don't accidentally recognize each other by your voices, but having to keep relaying messages back and forth and discussing the same information over and over is not terribly efficient."
Plagg made a face. That sounded like a lot of work and not a lot of eating cheese for him. Maybe Fu would make him a cheese bag to go.
"Besides, it will be easier for us to catch things and brainstorm together if we all hear things firsthand," Wayzz added. He certainly seemed on board with the plan, probably because he wouldn't have to act as a mouthpiece for Fu. Plagg wondered if he could maybe persuade Wayzz to talk for Adrien, especially considering the fact that if Ladybug was present, then she would probably have stuff from her parents' bakery, and she might even have cheese bread.
And if there was cheese bread, then Plagg wanted some before it started going cold.
"Unless something comes up, I will see you the day after tomorrow, then," Fu told Adrien and Plagg. Plagg caught the old master frowning at him as he discreetly started gathering up the leftover cheese slices, but he chose to ignore it.
After all, Plagg was going to be doing even more work tonight at the old man's request. He was going to need more energy, and that meant more cheese. Obviously.
"I have fencing after school tomorrow," Adrien told Fu. "But I could probably sneak out after dinner, at eight or so?"
"That should work well," Fu said with a smile. "Now, unless an old man's ears mistake him, it would appear that there's an akuma out and about, so I should let you go. I will see you Friday at eight."
  Adrien was unusually quiet after the akuma had been defeated and he was back at home. He worked on his homework silently, without even complaining about the smell of the cheese, even though Plagg had been inching closer and closer to him with his snack to try to get some sort of reaction out of him.
"It really seemed like Hawkmoth- I mean, Father- I mean-"
"He's Hawkmoth when transformed," Plagg said helpfully, though he wasn't sure why Adrien needed reminding. "And not Hawkmoth when not transformed. I mean, he is, but that wouldn't be the proper name to use."
"It seemed like Hawkmoth really had something against me today," Adrien grumbled, frowning. "The akuma was focusing more on me than on Ladybug. Like, there were a ton of times during the fight when the akuma could have attacked either of us, but it chose to go after me every single time, and Chat Noir wasn't even supposed to be the target!"
"It was probably Hawkmoth being frustrated that he hadn't figured you out," Plagg said, yawning. "So he behaved like a little child and decided to take it out on you, as if you're to blame for not wanting a supervillain to know your secret identity. Toddler logic, really."
Adrien smiled slightly at that.
"I'm sure he'll get over it soon enough," Plagg added. He yawned again. He needed a nap. Maybe he could sleep while Adrien ate dinner, unless there was something cheesy on the menu. All of this running around and planning and spying stuff was really eating into his sleeping schedule. "And then the akumas will go back to kicking you around only a normal amount."
Adrien made a face and fiddled with his ring. It had become a habit of his, a way to work off excess energy without fidgeting too much. Plagg glanced at it, noticing that it was the decoy again. Adrien must have changed it back practically as soon as he detransformed after the fight.
"Did you ask Nino about pretending the ring was from him?" Plagg asked, suddenly remembering the conversation they had had that morning. "What did he say?"
Adrien frowned at him. "I asked him at lunch. What, didn't you hear?"
"Of course not, I was sleeping."
"I think he was a little confused, but he agreed," Adrien said. He was smiling, but soon enough the expression dropped away. "I think he guessed that I was hiding something from my dad and didn't want to talk about it. It's crazy to think that just mentioning my father is enough for Nino to just agree to cover for me with no questions asked, and he doesn't even know that my father is Hawkmoth!"
Plagg was rather of the opinion that if Nino ever found out that Mr. Agreste was Hawkmoth, he would probably be tempted to go after the man as revenge for his own akumatization. Plagg had once overheard Nino complaining to Adrien about how ridiculous he looked as an akuma and how he would like to have "a word or two" with Hawkmoth about it.
Dinner that evening did not have any cheese (a travesty, in Plagg's opinion) so he napped through most of it, only waking up once to Nooroo practically giving him a heart attack by popping into Adrien's bag unexpectedly to tell him that the ring ruse had worked perfectly and that Mr. Agreste had been caught between stewing about the lost lead and being moderately cheerful about his son not being one of the superheroes fighting against him.
"Yippee," Plagg had said grumpily, not at all pleased about being interrupted mid-nap. "Fabulous. Now can I sleep?"
Once Adrien was done with dinner and had started washing up for bed, Plagg headed out towards the office again. This time, with Nooroo's warning, he could sense the motion detectors in the office, guarding it from any nighttime intruders. Some night when he wasn't tired and grumpy he probably should disarm that in some way where Nathalie and Mr. Agreste wouldn't be able to tell and fix it.
Inside the safe, Plagg shuffled through the papers in the folder first. Normally he would have just tossed everything all over and then settled down to read- that was what he always did whenever he was looking for something in Adrien's bag, after all- but somehow he suspected that Mr. Agreste would notice if something was out of order. So instead, he worked very, very carefully.
There first few pieces of paper were photos of Mr. Agreste and his wife in what was probably Tibet, considering the mountains in the background. The scenery actually looked pretty familiar, so much so that it only took Plagg a few seconds to place it.
They had been close to the temple. Really, really close. Some of the photos were even taken from the same valley that the temple had been in. They had times on them, with the ones from the valley being the most recent. The very last one had Mrs. Agreste alone, walking towards the ruins of the temple.
The rest of the papers in the folder looked like notes. There was a page filled with series of numbers, each followed by a date. The last one was circled in red. There was what looked like a hastily drawn sketch of the temple ruins, and then another sketch that looked more like a map of the ruins. There were scribbles labeling the different parts, with one part circled with red pen. Plagg squinted, trying to make out the writing, but it was a lost cause.
Apparently Adrien's father didn't have the best handwriting in the world when he was in a hurry. That was going to make reading a lot of his notes a pain.
The rest of the papers were scribbles about more legends, something to do with trapped souls and releasing them. Plagg scanned through them, but couldn't make heads or tails of them. Trapped souls? What did that have to do with the Miraculous?
Eh, maybe Fu would know.
Plagg (carefully) stuffed everything back into the folder and propped it back up where it had been. Once it looked just right, he headed over to the journals.
There were a lot of them. Like, a lot a lot.
Sighing, Plagg settled in. He had a feeling that this was going to be a long night.
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lairep · 7 years
Marinette Cake
Marichat May Day 2: Purring
Ao3 Link || Other Works
Summary: Chat Noir was very hungry.
And Marinette smelled nice.
Really, really nice.
Meant to be a short drabble, became longer and lead to an identity reveal. Oh well, it was fun to write. c: Hope you enjoy!
Chat Noir was just going home after a lunchtime akuma, and he was starving. He could feel his energy draining from him, and if it weren’t for the suit, he’d probably be collapsed somewhere, starving to death. Then he would die and his father would be arrested for parental neglect. Ladybug would never know what happened. His classmates would mourn…
Speaking of classmates.
He stopped on top of the school when he caught a glimpse of one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, holding a sack of flour on her shoulders. She and her father seemed to be unloading some sacks from a delivery truck right outside their bakery. He watched as Marinette put down her sack next to a small towering pile and roll her shoulders as she entered the truck to grab another one, passing her father who had one sack on each shoulder.
He whistled as she easily hoisted another one on her shoulders, impressed. He never knew she was that strong. She always looked so small and soft that seeing her easily carry a sack of flour that was half her size and probably twice her weight was quite a nice surprise.
Chat Noir would be a terrible hero if he didn’t go down there to lend a helping paw. Maybe he could ask for a croissant as repayment. Just one. He was just so hungry, and they were nice people so they’d at least give him one, right?
Cracking his knuckles, he prepared to leap down from his perch, when he noticed that as Marinette dropped her burden on the pile, a few of the sacks on top wobbled as if about to fall, and they were right above her.
Without a second thought, he jumped from the building, pounced against the bakery wall, scooped her up, and leaped away, just moments before the sacks fell heavily on the spot where she once stood.  
There was beat of silence and then there was some clapping from Tom Dupain.
“W-wow,” Marinette said breathlessly, and Chat looked down to see her blinking up at him in surprise, “thanks, Chat Noir, you saved me.”
“All in a day’s work,” he replied, winking, his ego boosted by the awe in her voice.
Marinette giggled daintily, and he was reminded why he gave her the princess nickname. Soft, helpless damsel Marinette, who needed protecting from an akuma. He was the knight sent to protect her from danger. And he’d saved her once again, like the true hero he was.
He grinned at a job well done. He leaned down to put the princess back on her feet, but his nose fell into her hair, and suddenly the world around him faded.
She smelled so nice. Like butter and pastries and bread and everything that was nice and sweet and tasty.
“Um, Chat?”
It made sense, right? After all, she lived in a bakery. Of course she would smell like things sold in a bakery.
He felt his body rumble, and he thought that it felt quite nice. The smell was nice. The rumbling was nice. He felt… nice.
He tilted his head just a little, to catch a bit more of the sweet scent. His movement caught her hair, and the flour dusting her head puffed away into little white speckles in front of his eyes. He watched the little speckles hazily and smiled.
That reminded him, today he only had a salad for breakfast. Then the akuma came around lunch so he was forced to forego even more salad. Absently, he rubbed his cheek against Marinette’s and felt the rumble in his chest go stronger. She smelled like cake. God, he wanted cake. He could eat a whole cake. Maybe two.
He moved his head to rub against her other cheek, the rumbling growing even stronger.
Cake, Marinette. A Marinette cake. He liked cake. He liked Marinette. He’d eat a Mari—
He jolted at the exclamation of his name in his ears.
“Hey, you with me now? I need you to put me down.”
Chat blinked away his stupor and began to become painfully aware that he had been holding his classmate just a little bit longer than was appropriate. He looked down at the person in his arms, who, despite the situation, seemed really calm and composed. Then he looked up and saw that her father was staring at them with an unreadable expression.
He blanched.
“S-sorry!” he stammered out and nearly dropped her in his haste to put a respectable distance between them. He backed away, hands raised and head shaking.
Oh, noooo, oh nononono…
Did that really happen? Did he really just hold her for an inordinate amount of time and rub his face against hers? Did he really just think of her as cake somehow?!
He pressed his hands to his face, horrified. He just inappropriately touched Marinette Dupain-Cheng. His classmate. The princess. He groped her, in public, in front of her father, and ohhhh nooooooo…
“Chat Noir,” came Marinette’s voice, and it sounded very calm for someone who he’d just rubbed up against, “are you okay?”
Chat Noir looked up at her and caught her eyes. They were so blue. And they looked at him so earnestly, so innocently, even after what he did, that before he knew it, he had vaulted away from her in an attempt to escape his mounting guilt.
“Plagg, what the hell happened out there?”
Plagg was humming happily as he held his Camembert in his little paws. He gave Adrien a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Plagg, I inappropriately touched my friend,” Adrien mumbled against his mattress.
“She didn’t seem to mind,” Plagg replied indifferently, hovering over to him on his bed with his cheese in tow.
“Of course she didn’t mind! She’s too nice!” Adrien cried, lifting his face and wrapping his arms over his head in mortification. “That doesn’t make it okay, you know?”
“Kid, first of all, there wasn’t anything inappropriate about it.”
Adrien gave him a disbelieving look, but Plagg raised his block of cheese as though to pacify.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed by now,” the kwami continued, “but when you transform, you don’t just wear a magic suit. You get cat-themed powers and, with that, you get cat instincts too. That includes things like wanting to scent stuff you like and purring when you’re happy.”
Adrien’s disbelieving look turned into one of horror. Scenting things he liked? He was scenting Marinette?!
“But I’m not an actual cat!” he hollered, hands grasping his hair, “I can’t just go around rubbing my face against people!”
“And purring.”
“Not helping, Plagg!”
“Look,” Plagg floated closer to him now, his little face actually serious, “if you keep being down about this, it’s gonna eat away at you. You’ll just have to get used to it. You’re not the first Chat Noir to go through this.”
“Kid, you were starving to the point of almost collapsing. You found your girlfriend—”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“—and she smelled like food. You liked that and it made you happy. So you rubbed your scent on her and purred. That’s all that happened.”
“Yeah,” Adrien said sarcastically, glaring at how nonchalant Plagg was being, “that was all that happened. Nothing inappropriate or anything.”
Plagg beamed at him, not quite getting his sarcasm. “Exactly! You’re a quick learner, kid!” he exclaimed proudly as he popped the rest of the Camembert in his mouth, “now can I get more cheese?”
Adrien groaned and plopped his face into his sheets. He won’t be able to face Marinette tomorrow. There was just no way he could look at her and not feel like throwing himself in the Seine out of guilt and embarrassment.
“So, girl, I heard you were groped by Chat Noir yesterday.”
Adrien, who had just put a piece of lettuce in his mouth, accidentally inhaled it and proceeded to choke on it. Nino came to his rescue with pats on his back, Marinette rushed away to grab a cup of water for him, and Alya awkwardly asked if he was okay. He waved at them gratefully, still coughing. When Marinette came back to their table, he was careful to avoid her gaze when he accepted the cup, because he just couldn’t look at her right now.
“Alya,” Nino said, tone mock scolding and hand still on Adrien’s back, “you know that kind of talk isn’t proper around our innocent Agreste child.”
“Shut up, Nino,” Adrien rasped, giving his friend a small glare. He heard a tinkling little giggle from Marinette beside him, and he felt a sort of pleasant wave run through him at the sound.
From across him, Alya merely smirked and placed her chin on her hand. “He’s gonna have to learn about these things eventually, Nino. Might as well start now.” She turned her eyes to Marinette. “So, Marinette, spill. Chat Noir groping?”
Adrien felt Marinette shift beside him. “He did not grope me,” she said, and he turned his head to her in surprise. She actually didn’t think he touched her inappropriately? She had her arms crossed and was looking at Alya, unamused. “He was just—I don’t know—being a giant cat?”
“But he’s not a cat, he’s human,” Alya pointed out. Adrien nodded in agreement. “A teenaged human boy. With the way he acts, I wouldn’t put it past him to try to cop a feel on an unsuspecting civilian.”
It was only by sheer luck that Adrien had already finished off his cup of water, otherwise he would’ve choked on that too. He turned to Alya, his eyes wide with mortification. With the way he acts? How does he act?!
He didn’t realize that he voiced the question out loud until Alya laughed and said, “You mean you haven’t noticed the way he always struts around like he’s trying to seduce half of Paris? And there’s the obvious leather kink—”
“Alya!” Marinette interrupted, bless her soul. She actually sounded scandalized.
Adrien hid his face in his arms, feeling the burning warmth of his cheeks against his skin. He so didn’t need to hear that from Alya. Ever.
“Alya, what did I tell you about this talk when Adrien is around?” Nino said jokingly.
“Oh, please,” Alya scoffed, “for all we know Adrien has his own polka-dot kink going on—”
“Alya!” Marinette interrupted again, and by this point Adrien just wanted to melt in his chair and become a puddle and evaporate and never be heard from again. This was mortifying. Why, oh, why was this a topic of conversation?
“Okay, okay, fine, I’ll leave the sunshine child alone, but only if you tell me about your encounter with Chat Noir.”
Adrien heard Marinette sigh miserably from beside him. He sympathized with her, he truly did. “Chat Noir came by and saved me from being crushed by a bunch of flour sacks.” He lifted his head and gave her a grateful look for summarizing the situation in such a nice, clean way.
“And that’s it! He scooped me up and jumped away and put me down—”
“Except!” Alya interrupted, pointing a finger, “Eyewitness reports state that he got a little handsy and rubbed against you before putting you down.”
“By ‘eyewitness’, you mean my father,” Marinette said flatly, and Adrien tensed up at the mention of her father. “He thought it was hilarious, by the way. Said he didn’t think he’d ever hear anyone, let alone a superhero, purr like that.”
Oh my god.
Nino chuckled and Alya snorted a little. Adrien moaned and dropped his head on the table with a loud thunk. Fortunately, his friends were too absorbed in the conversation to notice.
“So you’re not denying that he did rub against you,” Alya pressed.
“He rubbed his face against mine,” Marinette corrected. “And he was purring. Like a cat.”
“If he was being like a cat, wouldn’t that mean he was trying to put his scent on you?” Nino supplied, and the smirk was audible in his voice. At that, Marinette made a strangled sound and Alya gasped with delight.
Adrien lifted his head a little from the table and smacked it down again. Why was Nino so sharp? And why were they still talking about this?!
“Oh my god, girl!” Alya squealed, “Chat Noir was totally marking you!”
Adrien heard a groan and a thunk from beside him, and he turned to see that Marinette had smacked her head against the table too.
He smiled sadly. At least he wasn’t alone in his indignity. I’m so sorry, Marinette, he thought, But thank you for suffering with me.
He definitely needed to make things up to her somehow. Both as Adrien and as Chat Noir. Maybe he could come by later and—
His thoughts were disrupted by an explosion and some screaming. He whipped his head up and looked out the café window to see people running from and to different directions.
“An akuma!” Alya whispered excitedly, and her chair clattered as she rushed to run out the door. Marinette and Nino yelled her name and followed her. Adrien took advantage of their absence and headed for the restrooms to transform.
He had a job to do. A city to save, a Lady to woo, and a princess to apologize to.
Chat Noir was confused.
Ladybug was Ladybug but she didn’t feel like Ladybug.
He couldn’t quite place it, and battling against an akuma really wasn’t the best time to be thinking about it. He’d noticed it the moment Ladybug landed next to him and the feeling didn’t fade all through-out the fight. If anything, the feeling just continued to grow stronger the longer they were in each other’s presence.
Thankfully, the battle was now over, and he had time to finally mull it over.
“Bye-bye, little butterfly,” Ladybug said, smiling as she watched the white butterfly flutter away from her yo-yo, and then she threw her Lucky Charm into the air, “Miraculous Ladybug!”
He approached her as she watched the little ladybugs fix the damage the akuma had done.
Ladybug grinned at him and held out her fist. He smiled back, feeling a little subdued because of his confusion, but knocked his fist against hers nonetheless.
“Pound it!”
Her miraculous beeped right after and she turned around to yo-yo away, but he caught her wrist before she could go.
“Ladybug, wait.”
She looked back at him with confusion. “I’m about to turn back, Chat.”
“I know, it’s just,” he began and looked sincerely at her, imploring her to stay, “there’s something weird and I only need a few moments, I promise.”
Ladybug blinked and tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”
Chat Noir took a deep breath and gestured with his hands. “Just stand there for a bit and don’t move.” She complied, looking curious more than anything, and he slowly circled her, looking at her from every angle.
“Chat, what’s this about?”
“Sorry, my Lady, something’s been bugging me about you and I can’t tell what it is.” He’d circled her twice now, and nothing seemed to be amiss. But why did she seem so strange to him? He leaned in closer and sniffed a little. Then he stiffened.
What was that?
“Um, Chat?”
He leaned in even closer, closer than he would normally allow himself, and sniffed some more.
That smell. It didn’t smell like anything. But it also smelled like…himself? At least, something personal and familiar to him. It was distinct and he couldn’t describe it but it brought back a very recent memory.
“Chat, what are you doing?”
Flour. Speckles of flour.
He sniffed.
Butter and pastries and bread.
“Chat Noir.”
Everything nice and sweet and tasty.
Marinette cake.
“Princess,” he gasped out in awe, his eyes widening as he finally brought them to his Lady. No, his princess. He took in the pigtails, and the hair color, and the freckles dusting over her nose, and the eyes. The blue eyes. The blue eyes that looked innocently up at him just yesterday.
He felt a pleasant rumble in his chest and he knew he was happy.
“W-what?” Ladybug squeaked, her eyes wide and staring at him. Her miraculous beeped again, and her body turned away just a little, but he grabbed her wrist and grinned at her.
“I found you, Marrrrinette,” he whispered, careful not to let anyone else around hear the secret he’d just learned, the ‘r’ in her name unintentionally coming out as a purr.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” his Lady protested in a quiet voice, trying to shake his hand away.
“There’s no use denying it, I know it’s you.”
“W-what? You don’t know that, you—”
“I can smell me on you.”
“Yesterday,” Chat said simply and leaned closer to her, “I marked you.”
There was a long silence, punctuated only by Ladybug’s miraculous beeping again. Then her eyebrows furrowed and she glared at him, really glared at him.
“You stupid cat.”
Chat Noir only wiggled his eyebrows in response and purred.
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awkwardedgygirl · 7 years
The Accidental Swap- Adrien’s Story (Part 1?)
Author’s Note: I have always like the idea of a Miraculous Swap so I decided to write one. I might post more of Adrien’s story or maybe write about Marinette and Plagg. Please let me know what you think and I would love to talk about it. Also, Adrien’s outfit as Ladybug is inspired by art I have seen. 
Summary: After a collision of two superheros two very tired Kwami’s ended up in the wrong bags and now Tikki and Adrien finally get to meet. But when a new Akuma attacks Paris Adrien must become Ladybug.
Adrien was running late again. There was an early morning akuma that he had to help Ladybug stop. He quickly had to get ready and run to school because his driver thought he was already there. Adrien must have not been paying attention and he runs into someone and they both fall to the ground and their stuff goes everywhere
“Hey what gives?” A girl says sounding very annoyed. He looks up from the ground to see it’s Marinette! Oh no he hurt his princess!
“Oh Marinette I’m so sorry I didn’t see you.” Adrien says worried.
“Adrien! No it’s fine.. I mean you’re fine. No wait that not..” Marinette sighs, “I’m sorry.”
Adrien is confused, “Okay.. our stuff went everywhere here I’ll help you.” Marinette just nods at him, why is she only like this with him? She does not act this way to Chat.
They get all there stuff picked up and the bell rings for them to be in class. Unfortunately during the collision two very exhausted kawmi flew into the wrong bookbag. Tikki was out of her little pink purse and could smell.. Cheese?  She did not know where she was or what to do. She would hide away whenever a hand reached in so the student could not see her. She knew she had to get back to Marinette but how? It’s not like she could just fly out so everyone could see. The day has ended so it looks like she is going home with this student.
Adrien gets into the car after school and Tikki is hidden away in a pocket in the bag. She feels it moving and thinks she can hear a boy talking? She recognizes the voice.
“Will my father be joining us for dinner tonight?” The boy asks.
“He has an important meeting tonight, he won’t be able to make it.” There’s a woman in the car. Is that his mom?
“Of course.” The boy sounds so hurt.
“I’m sorry Adrien your father in very busy.”
Adrien! She is in Adrien’s bag! The woman talking must be his father’s assistant that he talks about sometimes. The car stops moving Tikki feels herself being lifted up and taken upstairs. She hears a door close and Adrien talks again.
“Man can you believe him?” Wait does he know she is here? She was so careful! “Just when you think that maybe he is going to do something father-like he cancels for some stupid meeting.” He goes silent, like he is waiting for an answer, “Hey are you there?” Adrien sounds worried. What is she going to do? She doesn’t really have much time to think about her options because the bag flies open and she is now face to face with Adrien. Tikki squeaks and flies away to hide under the couch. Adrien did not get much of a chance to process what happened but he does know what thing, that was not Plagg. Adrien does not move from his spot, “Hey don’t be afraid I won’t hurt you, my name is Adrien. I’m sorry if I scared you, usually I have a friend who stays in my bag and when he didn’t respond I panicked.” Adrien is so sweet no wonder Marinette likes him.
Tikki still hides though. She does not know if he could handle seeing her, he might hurt her. Adrien speaks again, “Do you want something to eat? I have camembert.” Camembert? She only knows one living thing who eats that smelly cheese. “Honestly I think it smells terrible but my friend loves it.” Tikki decides it’s time to come out.
“Do you have any cookies?”
Adrien laughs, “This is not really a home-baked cookies kind of place but I can go ask my chef to make some?” Tikki nods and Adrien runs out of the room to go ask. Tikki looks around. This is a huge room! She has only ever been in her when Adrien needed saving but technically it was Ladybug in here not Tikki. Adrien comes back in, “They will be ready in twenty minutes, can you wait that long?” Tikki nods and Adrien smiles.
Twenty minutes later the cookies are ready and Tikki is enjoying every bite, “These are amazing!” Adrien smiles at her, and Tikki realises that he has a sweet smile that is full of innocence
“Soooooo,” Adrien begins, “who are you?”
Tikki decides to trust Adrien with her name, “Tikki.”
“Nice to meet you Tikki my name is Adrien Agreste.” He puts out his hand to shake Tikki’s and she does and giggles.
“Tikki are you a kwami?” Tikki stops eating at this question. She doesn’t know what to say. How does he know about a kwami? What will happen if she tells the truth?
“How do you know about kwami’s?”
Adrien pauses for a moment, he tries to speak but can’t so all he does is hold up his hand to show his silver ring. Tikki recognizes that ring instantly. “Chat Noir?” Adrien nods. “Oh thank god!” She flies to hug Adrien’s face which shocks Adrien, Plagg has never done that. “I’m Ladybug’s kwami!”
Adrien gasps, “You are? How did you get in my bag?”
“I don’t know exactly. This morning was so tiring I was resting and the next thing I know I’m in your bag.”
“Do you know where Plagg is? Is he ok?”
“You would know if he was hurt. He might be with Ladybug.”
At this thought Adrien lights up, “Great! So just tell me who she is and we can go get see her,  I- I mean get Plagg.”
“I can’t do that Adrien you know the rules.”
“You sound just like her.” Adrien huffs in defeat and crosses his arms.
“Because I’m the one who made her say it. Trust me Adrien she would love to tell you who she is but I told her not to.”
“Wait really?” Tikki nods. “Well how am I supposed to get you back to Ladybug if I don’t know who she is? What if there is an akuma?
“I know how to get back to Ladybug you just have to trust me.”
“And what if there is an akuma?” Tikki doesn’t answer.
Adrien is downstairs eating dinner alone, Tikki feels kind of bad for him to be honest. Sure he has a big house with a lot of stuff but there is no love here. Marinette’s house is full of love she misses it so much. She wants to just fly back but she can’t she could get lost or spotted. She will just sneak back into Marinette’s bag tomorrow during school and Plagg can go back to Adrien. She is sure Plagg knows by now she hopes he can keep his mouth shut to Adrien about who Ladybug is. Just then then ground shakes and there is an explosion and screams of terror come from the street. Adrien runs back into the room and turns on the news, “A new villain is destroying Paris he calls himself Earthquake and is causing them all around Paris! Where are our hero’s?”
Adrien panics, “Tikki what are we going to do!? I don’t have Plagg!”
Just then the ground shakes again, Tikki has to think fast, “You have me! You need to do this Adrien! You’re our only hope!”
“Me be Ladybug! Are you insane?! I can’t do that!” My job is to destroy! I don’t even have the earrings!”
“No you’re job is to protect Ladybug and this is the only way how! I can go in the ring but you must do it hurry!”
Adrien runs his hands through his hair, “Okay Okay I’ll do it how do her powers work?”
“You’ve seen her do it multiple times Adrien just say spots on you can do it!”
“Okay Okay Tikki SPOTS ON!”
Adrien looks in the mirror and realizes he does not look the exact same as the “normal” Ladybug. The suit is a little less tight but still made of same material and it has a black collar like his Chat suit and the yo-yo reaches across his torso like a sash. As Adrien takes it all in he thinks two things,
He does not look nearly as good as his Lady and
      2. He misses his ears and tail.
The ground shakes again and Adrien takes a deep breath and grabs the yo-yo and flies through the air toward the akuma.
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