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yunyin · 6 years ago
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Ladynoir July, day 2! Prompt: Civilian lives
Or a reveal, whatever
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bananagreste · 6 years ago
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hundred more days of ladynoir ↳ day 124
(for @ladynoirjuly2019‘s day 15: animal tendencies)
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tsuki-chibi · 6 years ago
Ladynoir July Day 13: Hairstyles
Chat was feeling good as he used his baton to propel himself out of the alley. For once, this akuma had excellent timing. He‘s been right in the middle of a photo shoot that wasn’t going right, but everyone had taken off when the akuma attacked.
He landed on the rooftop right next to Ladybug, a smile already on his face. “Good afternoon, My Lady! Of course, it’s only a good afternoon because you’re -”
Ladybug screamed.
Chat jumped, looking around in a panic, but the akuma was two blocks away. “What?! What?!”
“Oh my god,” Ladybug whispered. “Adrien?!”
He stared at her in shock. “A-A-Adrien?! I don’t know who you’re talking about!”
“Your hair,” Ladybug said. When he just kept staring at her, she gripped his shoulders and roughly spun him around.
It was Chat’s turn to scream.
For this photo shoot, the photographer wanted to make a statement. Originally he’d wanted Adrien’s blond hair dyed pink. Gabriel had quickly put his foot down on that. The compromise had been that Adrien’s hair was dyed a very pretty shade of green, the exact color of his eyes.
It wasn’t a permanent dye, so it had to be refreshed every few days until the photo shoots were done. Which meant he’d gone to school with green hair. Which meant everyone who had seen him already knew he had green hair.
He hadn’t expected the change to follow him into his transformation. After all, transforming changed his hairstyle. Why couldn’t it change the color too?
“What the hell, Plagg?!” Chat screamed at his reflection, clasping his hands to his hair.
“Oh my god,” Ladybug said, pressing both hands to her face. “I’ve kissed Adrien Agreste. I turned down Adrien Agreste. I can’t decide if this is the best day of my life or the worst.”
“Is this the time to tell you that my offer for a date still stands?” Chat asked, turning to look at her with interest.
Ladybug glared at him.
“Because I mean, it totally does.”
Her glare deepened.
“I can kiss you again if that’ll seal the deal.” He leaned in.
She pressed her finger to his nose to push him away. “Now is not the time, Chat. There’s an akuma on the loose, remember?”
“Oh. Right. So that’s a no on the date?”
“I said it’s not the time. I didn’t say no,” Ladybug snapped.
“So that’s a yes?” he asked.
“Ugh, boys.” Ladybug grabbed his face and kissed him. It lasted three seconds and was still enough to completely fry his brain. She spoke to him, but the words went completely over his green head.
“Huh?” he said dazedly.
She sighed loudly. “Focus, Chaton! You need to find a hat or something to cover your hair before Alya sees you. She will definitely jump to the same conclusion I did.”
“Oh. Right. My hair,” Chat said.
Ladybug just rolled her eyes. “If it’ll make you move your butt faster, my name is Marinette and there’s a lot more kisses waiting for you after we beat the akuma.”
Chat stood straight up, staring at her with equal parts shock and adoration. “I’m going to kill it dead in thirty seconds.”
“Hat first. CHAT! HAT FIRST! Get back here!”
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ladynoirjuly2019 · 6 years ago
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Hi everyone!
Emery and I finished the calendar for Ladynoir July 2019. We hope people enjoy it (It's our first time making one of these.)
We will be reblogging to this blog and are available for any questions! Please tag any entries with #ladynoirjuly2019 and/or @ladynoirjuly2019 so that we can find them. Also, any mature content needs to be under the cut so that we can reblog it.
We are super excited to share these prompts with you guys!
Civilian life
Lucky charm
Bad Luck charm
A Helping hand
Sick day
Animal tendencies
A Ticking clock
Identity reveal
A rose
True love's kiss
Giving up
Hawkmoth's defeat
Community service
Kwami swap
Waiting On You
So that's all of them! Hope you guys have fun working with these prompts. Good luck!
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years ago
Dance with Me, Chaton - 31
Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
< Previous
31. Waiting on You
Two blissful years together and Adrien thought there was no way for him to fall more in love with his wife than he’d already been. Yet something so simple and usual as her dancing in the middle of their living room was proving him wrong again as he stood in a doorway, a lopsided smile on his lips. She was beautiful. Hands gracefully gliding through the air, legs barely touching the floor, the curve of her body bending to the sounds of music filling the space. Breathtaking.
Marinette seemed to not have noticed his arrival, but Adrien knew better. He waited for a few seconds and joined her in the routine they’d been working on a couple of weeks already at just the right moment.
“Perfect timing." She smiled, using him as leverage for her next move.
“Sorry I’m late,” Adrien whispered, his arms wrapping around her waist, dipping her down and bringing her up. “Mme Lenoir got us held up.”
“Oh?” Taking his hand, she twirled to the side. “How is she doing?”
He pulled her back flush against his chest. “She’s retiring and selling the studio.”
Adrien bent to the side, ready for the next move, but Marinette didn’t follow, stalling in her tracks.
“What do you mean she’s selling the studio?”
Straightening up, Adrien wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, placing a kiss on Marinette’s neck before resting his chin on her shoulder. “I mean exactly what I said. Mme Lenoir decided it’s time for her to sell the studio and move to the country with her college sweetheart.”
Marinette whipped around to stare at him in shock. “With whom ?”
Adrien chuckled. “What? You didn’t think she had it in her at her age?”
She blinked. “No, not that… I just… I’ve never heard her mentioning anyone special, so I assumed—”
Adrien chuckled. “I know. We all did, but apparently, she’s been in love with this mystery man her whole life, and they’ve been recently reunited. And since both of them are still single, they want to spend the rest of their lives together.”
“That’s… That’s so sweet and sad at the same time.”
Adrien leaned down to nuzzle his wife’s cheek. “I feel so lucky to have you come into my life earlier than my retirement.”
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Marinette pulled Adrien down into a lingering kiss. “We both are lucky. But now—” she pulled back, “—go shower because I will not allow you anywhere near the kitchen in your condition. My dinner deserves better than a sweaty, smelly eater.”
Adrien let out a chuckle. “Sorry. Plagg thinks I’m finally ready for the ‘next level’. Today was our first session.”
“Oh, does he? And does this ‘next level’ involve buckets of sweat?”
“Until I get used to it, yes, it absolutely does.”
Marinette let a smile slip. “You’re lucky Plagg prefers to use the studio downstairs these days. I can’t imagine it being comfortable to travel across the city in your condition.”
“It can’t be as bad as you say.” Adrien chuckled, leaning closer for a cheek kiss. “You’re still in my arms and feeling pretty comfortable I dare to say.”
“That’s because I love you more than you deserve.” Marinette pushed him back with her finger to his chest before untangling herself from his embrace. “Don’t take long with the shower. The dinner’s been waiting on the stove for a while.”
“Your wish is my command,” Adrien dramatically bowed down and headed inside the apartment to their bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later he was back, refreshed and ready to indulge in his wife’s amazing cooking. “It looks delicious.” Adrien sat down in front of a steaming bowl of Cassoulet. “Thank you, Mari. Just what I needed after a long day.”
“Enjoy.” She smiled, starting on her own portion.
They spent the next half an hour discussing their day and sharing news. Marinette let Adrien in on the details of Kagami’s wedding dress that she’d been designing for her. Adrien needed an opinion on the location of Luka’s bachelor party because Nino and he couldn't come to an agreement. Then they cooed and gushed over the newest pictures of a baby girl Juleka and Rose had adopted and made plans to catch the newest movie with Nino and Alya next weekend. And it was only after their bowls were empty that Marinette asked:
“So, what do you think of Mme Lenoir selling her studio?”
Adrien shrugged. “What can I think? Looking at it from her point of view, I don’t see why she shouldn’t.”
“But we might lose our perfect practice spot.”
“We most likely will,” Adrien said. “Believe me, I’ve been monitoring the market. Most of the places sold in this area in the last six months were converted to either offices or stores. I doubt a dance studio would be any different. It’s a nice space in a prestigious location. Companies will fight for it. Companies that aren’t interested in running a dance school.”
Marinette’s eyebrows knitted into a frown. “Bummer.”
“Statistics.” Taking the bowls from the table, Adrien went to the sink and started washing the dishes.
Quickly cleaning the table, Marinette followed, leaning on a countertop beside Adrien. “You know, I’m impressed.”
“By what?”
“You. You haven’t proposed to buy it.”
Adrien stilled, water running over his hands. “I… Well, to be honest, the thought has crossed my mind, but…”
Marinette quirked an eyebrow. “But?”
Letting a sigh out, he turned the water off. “I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
Marinette passed him a towel to dry his hands. “Then let’s elaborate. What are the pros and cons?”
“The price is decent,” he said, turning around and leaning on the countertop. “We could easily afford it, but only if we act before she puts it out to the public, which would be in a week. Once it’s out, we’ll have competition, meaning the price will spike significantly depending on how much the other parties want it. And I’ll be honest, if it gets out, there would be a lot of competition.”
“But you don’t enjoy being pressured into deciding on something so big so quickly, right?”
Adrien nodded. “I don’t want to rush into something we might not be ready for. There is a lot more to it than just acquiring a nice property to keep our perfect practice spot.”
“And that is?”
“The size for once. Do we really need a whole studio? I mean if it were just a room, like Plagg’s or Tikki’s, then there would nothing to think about. But it’s a whole school.”
“There are also students and staff involved.”
Adrien nodded. “We have no idea how to run it, and it’s not like we can just close it and keep the whole school empty for that one room we need a few times a week. Just doesn’t make sense, financially or logically.”
“Not that we have time to run it either with Lady Noir keeping us as busy as it is.”
Adrien reached out and pulled Marinette close. “And especially not when we’re actively trying for a baby. The last thing we need on top of a busy business and a newborn child is a dance school we have neither idea how nor the time to run.”
Taking a moment to gaze into his eyes, Marinette smiled. She cradled his jaw, whispering: “But you still want it?”
Adrien groaned, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “I don’t even know why.”
She hugged him closer, drawing circles on his back.
“The smart choice would be to just forget about it and find another studio close by. Or go to Plagg’s or Tikki’s.”
“Then let’s do that,” Marinette said. Pulling back, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry things have to change.”
Adrien cuddled her closer. “Not all changes are bad. Some of them lead to unexpected treasures. Like you, for example. You’ve changed my life, but only for the best.”
“I can say the same about you,” Marinette whispered back. “You’re my treasure as well, Adrien.”
“I love you.” He leaned closer.
“I love you too.” She closed the distance between them.
It’d been three days. Three days since Adrien had forgotten what a full night of sleep was as he kept tossing and turning until he’d pass out of exhaustion for a few hours at dawn, the damn studio constantly lurking at the back of his mind. They hadn’t lost it yet. They might not lose it at all, because no one knew who would buy it and if the new owner would keep it as a dancing school or convert it into something else. Miracles do happen…
He groaned and sat up. Who was he kidding? Their studio was as good as gone.
A hand lightly touched him from behind, the fingers running up and down his back. “Are you alright?”
Adrien turned around, trying to smile. “Yeah. Just need a glass of water. Do you want some?”
Marinette shook her head. “I’m fine.”
He stood up. “I’ll be back soon. Go back to sleep.”
Before he could take a step, though, Marinette propped herself on her elbows and said: “I talked to Tikki… about the studio.”
He froze, turning his gaze aside. “I thought we’ve decided to forget about it?”
“We did,” Marinette sighed. “But I couldn’t, and I can see neither can you.”
“You haven’t slept the last three nights, Adrien. Don’t try to deny it. I know you, and I know that you can’t sleep if you’re anxious and stressed. And truth be told, I couldn’t sleep much either.”
Adrien sat back on the bed, scooting closer and reaching for Marinette. Once she was safely cuddled in his arms, he whispered. “I’m sorry. I don’t even know why it bothers me so much. It doesn’t make sense. We don’t need it that much.”
She pressed closer, whispering against his skin. “Have you… have you considered that maybe you do need it that much.”
Adrien swallowed. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I just feel like there is a reason behind this all. If you really didn’t need it, you’d let it go, but you can’t, even though I see you’re trying. That has to mean something.”
He tightened his arms around her. “I don’t like to rush into decisions.”
“You rushed after me; do you regret that?”
“Not for a single moment.” He closed his eyes. “But a studio is different. We don’t have time for it. I have no idea how to run it. It’s going to be too much.”
“Adrien, listen.” She let her hands draw circles on his back. “We’ve been discussing hiring help at Lady Noir for a while. What if we hire not just an assistant for you but a skilled professional? What if we could free half of your day?”
He paused, then added: "I still don't know how to run a dance school. I don't have the qualifications."
“But Plagg does.”
Adrien drew away. “Plagg?”
She gave him a shy smile. “I’ve spoken to Tikki tonight. Plagg’s been obsessed with the idea of buying it just as much as you, and since he had to earn a Psychology degree and a Dancing diploma to become a Kwami Kave instructor, he knows a thing or two about running a dance studio. You, on the other hand, are great with Business Management. If you two can partner on this, I'm sure you'll make it work."
Adrien stared at his wife almost in shock. “But—”
"We can always sell it if it doesn't work out."
He let a sigh out, reaching for her hand. “I don’t want to leave you alone, Marinette. Lady Noir is a handful. And what if we get pregnant? I’d want to be there for you as much as I can.”
“I know,” Marinette said. “And I love you for being so selfless, but maybe it’s time for you to be a little more selfish for once?”
“It’s been months, Adrien,” she whispered, looking down. “We can’t put our lives on hold for ‘what ifs’. If that happens—”
“When,” he interrupted, squeezing her hands in his. “Marinette, when we get pregnant, not if . Don’t you dare use that vile word in this context.”
She smiled at him. “ When we get pregnant, you don’t have to be by my side 24/7.”
“But having a studio to run in addition to Lady Noir —”
“Adrien.” She squeezed his hand in hers. “If you really want this, I’m sure you’ll be able to divide your time wisely between us all. Some weeks Lady Noir will need you more, others, the studio might be a priority, and there would be days when I’ll hoard you all to myself. And that’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. We’ll move with the flow, and we’ll make it work. I’ll be fine even if you’d want to switch to a studio full time as long as you leave a competent business manager in your place. Honestly. I just want you to be happy and do what makes you happy. But for that to happen, you have to figure out what you want to do for yourself first, and for that to happen, you have to try it.”
Adrien lowered his head, nibbling on his lip. It was so tempting. He’d spent the last few days convincing himself he didn’t need or want that studio, but…
Marinette cradled his jaw and brought his face up to look at him. "We have a few more days to think this over. Let's go to bed now and tomorrow we'll meet with Plagg and Tikki and discuss this further. Okay?"
With a smile tingling at his lips, he pulled her into a hug, whispering into her hair. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered back and brushed her lips against his chest. “Now, go to bed, and dream of all the wonderful things you could do with that studio.”
Adrien pulled back, his eyes sparkling. “Like remodelling the whole place before the grand re-opening?”
She quirked an eyebrow.
Adrien lit up. “We could make it way more fun than it is now. Specialized rooms, for example. A ballet room, light and airy, floor to ceiling mirrors and all that stuff, or hip-hop and break-dance room that will look like a club with graffiti on walls and dimmer lighting. Something like that.
“We could also add a little café lounge for the kids to hang out before and after their classes. You know, make it more of a community centre than a school. A Kwami Kave for kids in a way, because obviously, we can’t get children in a nightclub, but I think they also need a similar safe refuge. I would’ve loved one when I was a kid, so maybe we can build a place like this for them? Somewhere they could not only learn how to dance but where they could hang out and talk to people who would care and who would listen and who would help? We could prevent a lot of future problems for them. We can help them before they’re in trouble. That’ll be awesome, wouldn’t it?
“And we’ll hire people from the Kwami Kave as instructors. We need teachers who personally know the power of dance and the change it can do in the life of a person.”
Marinette muffled a chuckle. “I see you’ve thought about it a lot more than I’ve suspected.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry. I’ve been trying to convince myself I didn’t have either time or abilities to make it a reality, but all these ideas just kept slipping into my head. I just… I don’t know. Without you and Plagg and Kwami Kave, I’d be miserable and alone, so this is a way of me paying it forward. Kind of?”
Marinette placed her hand on top of his, squeezing it. “You’ve got an amazing vision for that place, Adrien. If you decide to go with it, I’ll stand by you all the way till the end.”
“Thank you,” he smiled and pulled her into a kiss. “You have no idea how much I love you right now.”
“Why don’t you show me then?”
Adrien grinned, watching Marinette’s lips curl in a seductive smirk. “With pleasure, my Lady,” he whispered and took her in his arms.
They met with Plagg and Tikki the next afternoon. A day after that, Plagg and Adrien had visited Mme Lenoir and began the process of purchasing the studio together. Tikki headed the renovation process, transforming an ordinary dance school into the coolest hangout in the area.
A few months after their studio’s grand opening, Adrien had hired a permanent replacement for himself at Lady Noir, enrolling back into a university to get the credential for working with troubled youth as he managed the business side of the school. Periodically, he’d also check in on how Lady Noir was doing, pointing out possible issues and giving suggestions, but that was mostly unnecessary because Marinette was taking the industry by its horns and confidently marching to the top, making him extremely proud.
Adrien had finally felt fulfilled, apart from one little thing…
Marinette scrunched her nose but didn’t open her eyes, quietly whimpering under his touch. Adrien couldn’t hold his smile back as he kissed her nose again, nuzzling her cheek right after. She frowned and turned away, mumbling something about decency and early hours and not feeling like it. Adrien leaned closer and peppered an exposed patch of skin on her neck with butterfly kisses. She groaned into the pillow, a moment later turning back to him, cracking her eyes open.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Adrien whispered, fishing her hand from under the comforter and showering it with kisses.
Her lips stretched in a lazy, sleepy smile. “Happy birthday, dork. Couldn’t wait for me to wake up and give you your present?”
Adrien chuckled. “Not at all, and I do apologize for daring to wake you up, but it’s nine o’clock and breakfast I’ve prepared for us is almost cold.”
Marinette blinked. “Adrien, it’s your birthday. I should be the one making breakfast for you.”
Adrien cuddled closer. “Nah. You looked so tired yesterday, I thought I’d let you sleep in and make breakfast myself.”
“Ever so considerate,” she chuckled. “But thank you. I did feel unusually exhausted yesterday. Could’ve slept all day, if I could.”
“I’m sure we can squeeze in a few more hours after breakfast,” Adrien said. “The party isn’t until much later in the day, and it’s not like we have to do anything, it being a ‘surprise’ party from Plagg. So, I say, we deal with the waffles topped with fruit and drizzled with chocolate syrup and head back to bed after.”
“I like your way of thinking, Chaton. Give me a moment to get up, and I’ll be right there.”
Marinette reached to ruffle his hair like she’d done countless times before. Adrien loved it. Her every touch, he adored. He leaned down to capture his wife’s lips in a quick kiss before leaving the room to set the table.
When she walked in the kitchen a few minutes later still in her PJs and with minimal effort spent on her hair, he couldn’t help but chuckle. But it was the box in her hands and the widest grin on her face that captured his attention the most.
“Happy Birthday!” Marinette said, failing to hide her excitement as she offered him the box wrapped in his favourite colours of black and green with a “Survival Kit” sticker stuck on top.
“Survival Kit?” Adrien quirked an eyebrow, coming closer. “What do I have to survive?”
“You’ll see.” She put the box in his hands, giving him a quick peck to his cheek. “Go on. Open it. I want to see your reaction.”
“Don’t mind if I do. I’m curious to see what’s inside myself. You know why?”
He gave her a quick peck. “Because my wife gives the best presents ever.”
“Flatterer,” she grinned. “Just open it. I’m dying from anxiety here.”
“I shall save you then.” Adrien set the box on the table and started to unwrap it. The paper came off, a simple box appearing underneath, large enough to hold a toaster or a small coffee maker. He reached for the lid, took it off and froze.
Lying on top of all the things he cared not to pay attention to right now was a pregnancy test tied with a bow, two strips in its Results window announcing the news he’d waited for way too long now. Stunned, he reached forward to pick it up.
“Marinette,” he whispered, his eyes glued to the stick. “Is this…”
She wrapped her hands around his torso from behind and kissed his back, leaning her head against him. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “We are finally having a baby.”
His breath hitched as he felt his shirt getting wet. He couldn't judge her. Quite the contrary, his own eyes were full of tears already. A year of trying, and they'd finally succeeded. Adrien closed his eyes. So surreal. He could hardly comprehend it. He reached for Marinette’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it reverently, lavishing it with attention. “Thank you.”
“Hey,” Marinette teased. “My present is the pregnancy survival kit for future fathers, not the baby. Thank me for this chocolate, for example. You’ll have something to throw at me when I’ll get all moody. Or this book for new fathers—” She picked up the said item from the box and passed it to Adrien.
“Dude, you are going to be a Dad,” Adrien read. “Sounds like something Nino would write.”
“I was told it’s very helpful and hilarious at the same time.” Marinette giggled. “So there. Thank me for that. The baby you’ll have to share, so you don’t have to thank me for it. And you kind of worked on it as well.”
“I know.” He swung around and, still sitting on a chair, wrapped his arms around Marinette’s middle section. “But I still want to thank you. Without you, it wouldn't be possible."
“I can say the same about you, silly,” she said, running her fingers through his hair. “You will be an amazing father, Adrien. Just look at all the work you’re doing at your studio with those kids. I couldn’t wish for a better father for my children than you.”
Overwhelmed, he closed his eyes, tightening his embrace on Marinette and whispering, “I know it’s silly, but do you think I can say Hi to our baby?”
“It’s not silly. It’s sweet.” Marinette smiled and tugged her shirt up to bare her stomach. “They wouldn’t hear you, though. Not yet.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Adrien said and placed a lingering kiss to her tummy. “Hi, precious,” he whispered, nuzzling her skin. “I’m your daddy, and I’ll love you forever.”
Marinette’s fingers brushed through his hair as she smiled at him.
Adrien almost purred from pleasure, closing his eyes, as he kissed his wife’s stomach again. “I just wanted to tell you, my little one, that I’ll do everything possible to be the best father I can be to you. I'll change your diapers and rock you to sleep. And I'll make your food and feed you, and we'll go to all the playdates and special events and everything else you'll want. I'll keep you safe, and support you in whatever you choose to do, and I’ll always have time for you. I promise.
“For now, though, I want you to grow up healthy and strong and not give your mom too much trouble while you’re in there, okay? She’s the best girl in the world, and you’re incredibly lucky to have her as a mother. Pinky swear.” His lips touched Marinette’s stomach one more time. “I love you, little one, and I can’t wait to meet you.”
“That was so sweet,” Marinette said, her hands continuing to run through his hair. “This baby is very lucky to have you as a father.”
Not getting up, Adrien leaned his forehead to Marinette’s stomach and closed his eyes. His lips parted as he wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, yet nothing came out. He couldn’t find the words. There were too many emotions, too deep of a feeling he experienced to simply put it in words. This amazing woman came into his life and rescued him. She gave him happiness and love. She became his life, his everything and now she was making one more dream of his come true. A family. A loving, caring family. How could he put this all in words? He couldn’t.
She hummed.
“I know you say I’m smooth with my words and all, but, honestly, I have none right now to tell you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me.”
Marinette let her fingers ran along the line of his jaw, a teasing smile on her lips. “That’s not an issue at all, Chaton. You were always much better at showing than telling anyway, so I wouldn’t mind a demonstration if you can’t word it right now.”
“Is that so?” He grinned.
“Then I’d better not disappoint my Lady.”
Adrien stood up, pulling Marinette closer into his arms. Years together, and her kisses, her touches, her very presence still left him breathless every time. How was he surviving this marriage? He didn’t know. How he was going to survive her giving him a family was an issue of a whole different level. For another time, though. Right now, he smiled at her, tears threatening to spill over as he leaned down, hoping she’d understand everything he couldn’t say in a kiss. “I love you, Marinette.”
Her eyes fluttering close, she smiled against his lips. “I love you too, Adrien. More than I can tell.”
The end. Thank you guys for sticking around with me for this wild ride. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you, @kryallaorchid  @edendaphne  @thenovelartist and @their-destinys-writer for helping me out to make this story the best it could be. It was greatly appreciated. And I hope to see you all reading whatever next story I'll be writing. <3 <3 <3
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years ago
The Sun Will Rise Again: Miraculous
This story will pick up around a year after When the Sun Met the Moon (my 2019 Marichat May story). 
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
Part 1:
“No. Absolutely not. Nu-uh.” Chat Noir paced the length of the small studio and turned on his heel. “We’ll find someone else. Alya, back me up here.” He looked to the woman sitting uncharacteristically quiet at the low table they’d been having tea at before Master Fu proposed his ridiculous idea. 
“I’m not sure,” she replied hesitantly. 
Chat Noir shook his head in disbelief. “Not sure? You’re not sure? You yelled at me for an hour after finding out I talked to her one day and it was completely innocent.” He threw his hands up in agitation. “If I remember correctly, you threatened to castrate me if I so much as hinted that I had a past with her.”
Alya winced. “I was feeling protective for a while after the accident.”
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel protective of her anymore. I can’t imagine anyone meeting Marinette and not wanting to take care of her.” His shoulders slumped. “What changed?”
She shared a look with Master Fu and the older man nodded. “Mari’s been having these dreams lately. That’s why I came here in the first place. I think she’s starting to remember. I talked to Tom and Sabine and we thought it was best to see if Master Fu had any idea if this is something we should be worried about.”
Chat Noir swallowed hard and looked over at him. “And do you?”
"I can’t be certain, of course, but it is possible that whatever magic Gabriel used with the Miraculous is finally wearing off.”
“Does that mean I won’t be able to transform during the day again?”
“I’m not sure.”
“What about my mom? Is this going to affect her? She’s not going to start forgetting again, is she?” His eyes grew wide. “Wait, if Marinette remembers me, then I can--”
Alya thrust her palm out in a halting gesture. “Slow your roll, catboy. I said she’s having dreams and she’s said some things that make me think she’s starting to remember. That doesn’t mean you need to swoop in and confuse her.”
They stared at each other until Master Fu cleared his throat to break the tension. “We’ve started seeing signs that some of the missing Zodiac Miraculous may be coming this way and the aura of their holders is still unclear. Wayzz has been sensing them more and more as time passes. You might need aid in the days to come, Chat Noir.”
“Then open up your box and pick any of the other ones you have to give to anyone else,” he said stubbornly, crossing his arms. “Leave Marinette out of it. She deserves a good life. She’s happy now.”
Alya gave him an approving look, though there was still a bit of uncertainty to her expression.  
“What?” he prodded. 
“What what?”
“There’s something you want to say that you aren’t saying. Spit it out.”
Alya scowled and looked down at her half-drained cup of tea. “I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I think there is a part of her that misses being Ladybug even if she doesn’t realize that’s what it is. She is happy now and she’s getting to finally do things she kept putting off because of this responsibility but sometimes I’ll catch her looking so sad and I just...I just know that she knows something’s missing.”
Chat Noir finally settled back down on a floor pillow beside the table.  “So even if I agreed to this, which I’m not saying I am even a little bit, how would we go about bringing her back in? Do we tell her about her past? If we don’t, what if she remembers and it upsets her that we kept it from her? What if she gets hurt because someone remembers her but she doesn’t remember them? What if--”
Master Fu put a hand on his arm. “This is not a decision we have to make tonight. There is still time. I think it best that everyone go back home and continue on as you have been.”
As if he hadn’t been able to find enough reasons to finish his patrols by passing by Marinette and Alya’s apartment, Chat Noir found that he was going by every night since his meeting with Master Fu. Part of him hoped he would see Ladybug swinging off from the roof and the other part of him prayed that Marinette could continue on in blissful ignorance of what she’d been through before. As much as he wanted to be with her again, he knew he wasn’t worthy of her, not after everything that happened because of his family.
He’d almost convinced himself not to stop on the rooftop across from their apartment building that night, but somehow he knew he had to. He saw Marinette in her bedroom, curtains still open since she hadn’t started getting ready for bed yet. He watched as she picked up the small box that had been inexplicably left on her bed. A tiredness settled into his bones as Tikki appeared before the surprised young woman and flitted around as she explained what was happening. And despite all of that, Chat Noir felt a surge of hope when he saw Marinette pick up one of the earrings and slip it in her lobe.
Buy me a cherry coke?
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teannamon · 6 years ago
A Miraculous Memento (ML Fic)
For Ladynoir July 2019
#1 : Miraculouses
Ladybug hands her partner a small wooden box. Chat wonders if there's any special occasion he should remember.
"Pardon me, milady, but is there an occasion I should've remembered that we're supposed to be giving each other gifts?"
She laughed, "No you silly cat. This is a future memento. When we're no longer needed by the people of Paris and have to give back our Miraculous to Master Fu, we can find each other afterwards thru these"
Chat smiled at the wonderful gesture his lady did and held on to the box she handed him. "Thank you, but mine might take a while if you don't mind"
"Not at all chaton," she assured with a gentle wave "and it's not like Hawkmoth will stop anytime soon"
He chuckled, "You're probably right as always milady, so shall we start our patrol? First one to the Eiffel again?"
"You're on" she confidently said as she flicked his bell before taking off.
'Hawkmoth Defeated' has been the greatest news Paris ever received. The heroes never revealed the identity of Hawkmoth so no one was apprehended but the people were assured he will no longer be a threat to the city. And even after the defeat Paris' heroes never revealed themselves.
Not even to each other.
Adrien Agreste walked inside the restaurant of Le Grand Paris for their collegé reunion. It's been five years since he left Paris to live in New York with his cousin Felix.
Five years ago, when he learned that the person who desperately wanted their miraculous was his father. It devastated him to the point where he left as soon as he gave back his miraculous to Master Fu.
"Adrien? Is that you?" He turned around to his best friend, Nino, arriving with Max and Kim. They looked happy and surprised to see him there.
"Hey man, good to see you after 5 years" Kim greeted with a strong pat on his back to which Adrien replied with a weak punch to the athlete's shoulder.
"Yeah you too, I missed everyone"
"Alright alright, enough stalling. We're here to party and my boy, Agreste is finally joining us" Nino enthusiastically said as he slung an arm around his best friend and they all walked in.
To say that everyone was excited to see Adrien was an understatement. He didn't stay in contact with anyone from Paris, except for Nathalie's update on his father.
He made small talk with everyone. Well, almost everyone. He expected Chloe to be bombarding him as soon as he came in, but the mayor's daughter or rather the Vice Mayor is attending an emergency meeting albeit she's the one who organized the reunion. So he's told.
"That engagement ring is adorable" he heard Rose's high pitch squeal from the window he's at. He sees that the usual group of girls are huddled over the bar looking at something, when he spots Marinette.
'Did she just arrive? Probably late as usual' he thoughtfully chuckled as he remembered his dark-haired classmate always rushing in to class.
"I'm telling you, I'm not engaged" he heard Marinette whine and the other females teased her in turn.
"Oh trust me she is," Alya said "she's been wearing that ring on her finger for five years already. And counting"
"Ugh fine, believe what you want but if you expect me to get married anytime soon don't count on it" she teased as they switched the subject.
Sooner or later, the dance music starts kicking in and most people danced with their partners and friends. Adrien didn't feel like dancing so he stayed by the bar.
"Hi Adrien, it's been a while" Marinette offered him a drink as she sat down next to him. He accepted the drink and smiled at her.
It's no secret that she likes him now. She confessed years ago but he politely declined her romantic pursuits. They stayed as friends and Marinette was more than okay with that.
"So engaged, huh?" He teased.
"So you've heard" she laughed and played with the ring on her finger. "To be honest I wish I was, if it means knowing the person who gave this to me"
"So a secret admirer?"
"Kinda like it, he's not so secretive about his affections though"
"Why didn't you just ask him directly if you're so smitten with this person? You had no problem showering me with affection back then either" he realized what he said and was about to apologize when she laughed.
"It's not that easy considering our... well, complicated situation. I did ask around though, this ring was custom made so I hoped someone would recognize an order like this" she removed her ring from her finger and showed it to Adrien.
His heart stopped.
"It's jade so that narrowed my search, but I still checked with modern jewelry shops just in case" She turned to look at him and an idea pops into her head.
"Hey, you have connections right? Maybe you can take a picture and ask some people in the industry. It's a long shot but I'm willing to try anything"
Adrien is still fixated on the ring. A solid jade ring shaped like the cat miraculous. It even had the paw symbol carefully carved in the middle. What struck him the most was the subtle signature on the band, his initials 'C.N'
He sighed before replying.
"Yes, milady?" He replied while tucking his hair behind his ears to show off his silver studs with the initials 'L.B' imprinted on it.
❤ This was longer than expected lol. It started as a drabble then turned into angst in the middle then Adrienette then back to Ladynoir lmao.
I'll be posting the fics on AO3 when I finish the month :)
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lovesquaretrash · 6 years ago
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Day 21: A Rose
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thewritewolf · 6 years ago
Inseparable Chapter 1: Miraculouses
Hello and welcome to the first chapter of my Ladynoir July story, Inseparable! It is bittersweet to reach this point since it is the last of the Love Square months, but I can proudly say I’ve been participating fully this year. I hope you’ll read along daily with me as I tell this Ladynoir story! 
With powerful akumas becoming a greater threat everyday, Master Fu has decided that the time for keeping Ladybug and Chat Noir at arm's length is over. They will need his guidance if they are going to win the war, but even more importantly, they will need each other. A simple plan to make them better heroes quickly turns into something more as Ladybug and Chat Noir are drawn ever closer to each other.
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Read on Ao3
The streets were dark and cold when Marinette sailed over them with the use of her yoyo. While she liked the rainy late summer nights just before school started, she much preferred experiencing them while she was indoors. Maybe curled up in a heap of blankets and reading a book by lamplight. But a glance at the abandoned streets made it clear why Master Fu would choose now, of all nights, to finally answer her.
Marinette had been hoping that Master Fu lend her some sort of more lasting help in the fight against Hawkmoth. Temporary power ups and heroes of the day were nice and all, but the intensity they’d been facing recently had meant that those sometimes weren’t an option. Even as she tried to not get her hopes up, she wondered what the old guardian had in store for her. He was good about throwing curve balls at her, of offering aid in unexpected ways.
There was barely a thought spared for the route she was taking. As the only one of the pair allowed to meet with the Guardian, this meant she visited him frequently. Or, at least, as frequently as one met with a reclusive, centuries-old hermit. Her arms and legs had long since committed the paths to memory. Even the extra ones routes, added just to throw off anyone who might be watching her too closely. The loose tiles, the strong hand holds, the best places to swing across. All remembered without needing to bother her brain with the details.
The quaint little shop that Master Fu operated out of was lit like a beacon, calling to her from the rain and fog. With as little noise as possible, she slipped in through the back after being sure no one was watching her. Traditionally it was at this point that, safe and secure inside the master’s home, she would drop her transformation and meet with him without a mask getting between them. This time, however, his message had been very clear about her staying as Ladybug for the duration of the visit.
The reason why became obvious when she opened a sliding door to see Chat Noir sitting by himself at the familiar low table, helping himself to the hot tea and cookies set out for them. Just as quickly as she noticed him, he turned his head to look at her, cheeks puffed out with stolen cookies and eyes wide. He swallowed heavily while maintaining eye contact.
“Please don’t tell Master Fu I ate all his cookies.”
Despite her shock at seeing him here, she couldn’t help but giggle. He was her silly kitty, as always. She settled down next to him and took a sip of the tea in front of her. Chat pushed the nearly-empty cookie basket towards her and she looked up to see him guiltily rubbing the back of his neck.
“If I’d known you were coming, I would have left you more than that.” He flashed her a meek smile. “Sorry.”
She took a bite of her cookie, but before she could ask him why he was here, the door leading deeper into the shop opened. Master Fu entered, with Wayzz floating near his shoulder.
“Greetings, young ones.” He sat opposite to them and inclined his head. “We have much to discuss concerning our fight against Hawkmoth.” If he didn’t have their attention before, he had it now. Both of them watched intently as he stroked his beard. “Our enemy is starting to unlock new depths of power to his miraculous. If we continue as we are, then we will be overwhelmed.”
“What can we do to fight him, Master? We still don’t have any leads.” Marinette bit down on the last of her cookie irritatedly. “All we can do is contain him.”
“And even that is getting harder,” Chat Noir chimmed in. “More akumas with weirder powers almost makes it feel like he’s experimenting with what he can do.” Chat frowned and flexed his claws. “Wish we could do that,” he grumbled.
“That is why I have brought you both here today. Our foe is strong, but alone. He lacks the bond that you two share - both as partners, and as wielders of the Cat and Ladybug miraculouses. While our opponent must learn through trial and error, you can be taught and trained.” Master Fu rubbed a thumb idly over his jade bracelet. “I have long years of experience with being one of the chosen, in addition to my duties as a Guardian.”
“Training…?” Marinette blinked. “That sounds great, but why now? Couldn’t we have used this even earlier?”
Master Fu hung his head sadly. “Yes, that is true. Previously, my desire for secrecy meant that I limited my contact with you two. Over the last few months and frequent visits from you, Ladybug, I have decided that those precautions are no longer necessary.”
Chat Noir perked up. “Does that mean-”
“No. The secret identities must remain in place. We must only part with such things when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, we will unduly expose ourselves.”
Chat’s ears drooped. “Yes, master. So what are we going to be doing?”
“Training sessions - martial and meditative, to make your minds as potent weapons as your bodies. Extra patrols, to deepen the already strong bond between the two of you. That would be the nature of what I ask from you.”
“I… see…” Chat had a faraway look in his eyes, as if doing mental math. He turned to her and leaned in close. “What do you think, bugaboo?”
Pushing him away by the nose, she replied, “First, quit it with the bugaboo.” She glanced towards Fu, then back to her partner. Time and place, Chat. She shrugged. “It might be hard to find the extra time, but I’m willing to try.”
Chat nodded. “Then that’s my answer too.”
“Excellent.” Master Fu rose to his feet. “Once I have devised some sort of schedule, I will let the both of you know immediately. For now, I will let you return home. It is late, and I’m sure the both of you are tired.”
As if on cue, Marinette yawned. “Right. We’ll head straight home, Master Fu.”
Later, the two of them were looking out at the rain from their spot in an archway at Notre Dame’s towers. Ladybug was seated opposite him, still smiling softly from the joke he’d cracked on their way here. There was a companionable silence between them, a stillness that they didn’t often get when they had time together. Maybe these extra patrols would be worth the loss of sleep, even if his make up artists would have to put in more time to erase the bags under his eyes.
Ladybug glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes. “I see you staring, Chat. What’s on that kitty brain of yours?”
“What?” He feigned innocence. “Can I not simply admire your beauty?”
“You can, but I would have thought those hundreds of pictures of me that you have on your baton would be enough.” She raised an eyebrow with a smile as a rare blush rushed to his cheeks. That had been an embarrassing afternoon for him. Despite her relentless teasing, she had been surprisingly alright with it. Maybe she wasn’t so innocent of it herself?
“It’s like I told you, that must have been Hawkmoth’s doing. No doubt he was trying to ruin my good name.”
“Oh? So you deleted the pictures then?”
“Of course not. Even if I didn’t put them there, how could I pawsibly remove such gorgeous images from my baton? It’d practically be a crime.”
She giggled. “If you say so, Chat.” Her smile faded a little as she looked into the rain. “Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other in the future.”
“Looks like it.” He stepped away from the wall and took a seat next to her. “Whatever it takes to beat Hawkmoth, I guess.”
“You don’t sound too thrilled about it, kitty. Already getting tired of me?”
“Never,” he replied instantly. “He wants us to grow closer, to strengthen the bond between us and our miraculous. But he doesn’t want us to do it naturally. There is still a wall that we aren’t allowed to break down.”
“Our masks,” she sighed. This was a battle she was getting tired of fighting. “We’ve been over this, Chat…”
“I know, I know, but Master Fu has practically admitted that secrecy is only hurting us now. And yeah, it is his demand, but we’re the ones out there fighting, risking everything. Don’t we at least deserve this much? And come on,” he nudged her shoulder playfully, a grin on his face as he waggled his eyebrows. “You must have wondered who this handsome partner of yours is?”
It might have just been his imagination, but he could almost swear he saw a bit of red dusting her cheeks around the mask.
“Besides that last part, you’ve got a point.” She stood up, twirling her yoyo. “How about we start small? My favorite color is pink.”
“Blue,” the color of the eyes that haunts my dreams.
“See? Now we’re on our way to knowing everything about each other.” She flashed him a smile and sailed away.
Even though he knew she was just kidding, he felt the truth of her words in his soul. Holding this newfound knowledge close to his heart, he made his way home. Although only a few minutes had passed since she left, he was already looking forward to the next time he would see her.
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d3lly1000 · 6 years ago
@ladynoirjuly2019 - Day 19: Identity Reveal
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HawkMoth: This! Muahaha! It won't be long before I finally get your miracles! And victory will come in a flutter of wings!MUHAHAHAHA!
(With Ladybug and Chat Noir inside the Butterfly Prison)
LB: Ah! We are stuck!
CN: ....
LB: There's no way I can use my Lucky Charm without Yo-Yo! And you already used the Cataclysm!
CN: *Throws yourself on the floor*
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LB: Chat... Noir...
CN: I DON'T BELIEVE! - *Punch on the floor.* - I don't believe... That he... Really... Did that...
LB: *puts his hand on the boy's shoulder* -Chat... I know this is not a very good situation... I know you're scared, but after all...
LB: We're a duo! I know we'll make it! Even without our weapons what really matters is us! Let's make it! As we always do! This time will be no different!
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“With each other's support, we will get stronger!”
LB: And then? - *Reaches out.*
“Because, we are a team!”
CN: *Smiles, and so gets up with Ladybug's help.*
In one swift motion, he pulls her into a hug.
CN: M-M'Lady!
LB: C-Chat ...?
CN: What would I do if it wasn't for you...
LB: *Blush* - Huh... C-Chat...
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Their hearts quickened, they were getting closer and closer...
“Very close... Close...”
"Click!" - The miraculous beeped!
CN: That...
LB: No...
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yunyin · 6 years ago
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Quickish drawing for Ladynoir July Day 1 Prompt: Miraculouses.
Prompt list
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bananagreste · 6 years ago
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hundred more days of ladynoir ↳ day 128
(for @ladynoirjuly2019‘s day 21: a rose)
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tsuki-chibi · 6 years ago
Ladynoir July Day 18: A Ticking Clock
Ladybug could hear the beeping coming from Chat’s miraculous. She turned her head just in time to see the second green pad blink out, leaving him with three. That meant the clock was ticking: he had three minutes now.
She smiled confidently. That was plenty of -
The world turned upside down and went dark and foggy and then there was nothing. Nothing until, just as suddenly as it had happened, the world snapped back into place and Ladybug found herself standing in a completely different place.
“What the hell?” she whispered, her words lost amongst the muttering and swearing of the Parisians around them. She was right in the middle of a small crowd.
“Look, it’s Chat Noir!” someone cried, pointing overhead.
Baffled, Ladybug lifted her to look and gasped. Even from this distance, Chat looked awful. His suit was torn in places, showing blood and bruises. His right arm hung at an odd angle, clearly broken. He was half-bent, as though he couldn’t straighten up, and leaning heavily against his baton to keep him upright.
Queen Bee stood just behind him. She didn’t look like she was in much better shape. Her dirty, bloody hair hung around her shoulders and face. There was a makeshift splint about her left leg, and blood caked to her upper body.
Catching Ladybug’s eye, Queen Bee pointed. Ladybug followed her finger and spotted the akuma trying to fly away. Immediately, she grabbed her yo-yo and threw it out. In a handful of smooth, well-practiced moves, she caught, purified and released the butterfly.
Then she threw her yo-yo again, and it caught on a steel pipe opposite where Chat and Queen Bee stood. Ladybug let the yo-yo reel her in, her horror deepening as she got a better look at the two of them. They looked even worse up close.
“What happened?!” she demanded as her feet touched down.
“You got hit,” Queen Bee said, crossing her arms and then wincing. “You fell under the akuma’s control.”
“That’s not -” Ladybug stopped, realizing that she had no other explanation for what had happened. And really, it did explain why and how she’d ended up clear across the city with no memory of how she’d gotten here.
She swallowed. “What happened? To the two of you? You look so -”
“Are you okay, Ladybug?” Chat asked, and she stared at him in bafflement.
“I’m fine. But you - you’re so - Chat -” She reached out to him.
Her whole body froze when Chat turned away.
“Of course he’s not fine!” Queen Bee said shrilly. “He wouldn’t fight you, the idiot. And the akuma, it was so strong. And it was just him, until I begged him to let me help, and I just - what the hell were you thinking?!”
“What? What... what do you mean?” Ladybug stammered.
“How could you not tell him who your back-up is?!” Queen Bee practically screamed. “He didn’t have anyone to help him! You said no more Queen Bee, but you didn’t bother to tell him who to go to for help?!”
Ladybug’s mouth opened, but no words came out. She stared, stricken, at her partner, who wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“He almost died! He could’ve DIED! And you, with your stupid fucking ladybugs, wouldn’t have been around to help! I almost lost -”
“Queen Bee,” Chat said softly.
Amazingly, Queen Bee stopped. She was crying, Ladybug realized, and that was more of a shock than anything. She didn’t think she’d ever seen Chloé Bourgeois cry.
“I - I’m sorry,” Ladybug said, shaken. She’d never considered that before, that Chat didn’t know who Rena Rouge or Carapace were. It had never crossed her mind that he might need to know. She’d always thought -
Well. She’d always thought Chat would be the one to fall under an akuma’s power.
“Whatever,” Queen Bee sneered. “Cast your stupid Lucky Charm and heal us. It’s the least you can do.”
“Chat,” Ladybug said desperately.
He still didn’t look at her. “Your Charm, please,” he said.
Ladybug bit her lip but obeyed. “Lucky Charm!” she cried, and a small, stuffed, red and black-spotted cat fell into her hands. She threw it up into the air and shouted, “Miraculous Ladybug!”
The red light spread out, swirling around Chat and Queen Bee and restoring them to normal. Ladybug breathed a bit easier as Chat retracted his baton and set it back on his belt. But still he wouldn’t look at her, and Ladybug’s eyes filled with tears.
“Chaton, please. It was just - it’s to keep us all safe,” she said desperately.
“Cause we were all so safe today,” Queen Bee snapped. She looked like she was going to say more until Chat set a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay, Ladybug. I get it,” Chat said. “Secrets matter.”
They matter more than me, is what he didn’t say, yet Ladybug heard it clearly. She took a step forward, hand outstretched, but it was too late. Chat leaped off the roof and, after one last icy cold glare, Queen Bee followed, leaving a shocked Ladybug staring after them.
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ladynoirjuly2019 · 6 years ago
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1 day til July...
Are you ready?
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chocoluckchipz · 6 years ago
Dance with Me, Chaton
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                                   Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
1. Miraculouses
Adrien pressed his lips into a thin line, his body feeling heavy. Why did he ever think this was a good idea? He pushed the sinking sensation in his chest aside and pressed on. “So, as you can see, it will benefit the company if I explore other career options instead of taking on a CEO role here straight out of school. Having experienced something other than Gabriel for a few years will only make me more capable of helping you here.”
“Out of the question,” Gabriel cut. “You need to know Gabriel inside out to take over, and that’s not attainable by exploring ‘other options’, as you say.”
Adrien pressed on, despite the dread of hopelessness settling in his stomach. “I’ve worked here my whole life and already know the company well. Exploring might give me new ideas and show new approaches to keep us at the top.”
“You’ve been largely out of the work for the university for years, Adrien. A lot has changed and Gabriel’s at the top. We don’t need new ideas and approaches.”
“I beg to differ.” He really was risking his life here. Adrien still persevered. He’s gone this far. He might go all the way. “For now. But you’ve been struggling to maintain that for a few years now, haven’t you? We need new ideas—”
“I am implementing new ideas,” Gabriel snapped. “This summer’s collection—”
“Father, please,” Adrien interrupted. Yup. He’d definitely gone crazy, but someone had to say something. Maybe he’d be even lucky enough to get kicked out of the company for offending his father? “Mme Bourgeois was mocking you when she challenged you to implement sequins, bright feathers, ribbons and bows into your men’s formal wear. Neon coloured sneakers with black formal suits? Ripped formal pants? Do you really not understand what’s going on here?”
Adrien could practically see his father’s eyes filled with anger as he replied. “Ripped pants have been trending for a few years already. It's time formal wear got on it.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“No. I absolutely do not.”
He was mad. Adrien could feel it. Good. Maybe daring to voice his objections would finally make Gabriel pay attention to his son? He didn’t ask for much. He’d been more than a perfect son his whole life, blindly obeying his father’s every whim. The least Gabriel could do now was to grant him the sole wish Adrien refused to back away on: a few years of freedom to do whatever he wanted. His own schedule, his own choice of work, his own life. Was that too much to ask for? If anything, Adrien had earned it. So, he dared to speak again.
“Father, ‘formal’ and ‘ripped’ should not be in the same sentence unless it’s an accident. In all honesty, if you want my opinion, Audrey knew you would never refuse her very public dare, and she used it against you.”
“So, what? It’s a good push for creativity and stepping out of one’s comfort zone.”
“Only in this case, it’s not. She wanted to sink Gabriel for years, and this might just do it.”
“Father, there is a difference between new ideas that work and those that will make you the laughingstock of the entire fashion industry.”
Gabriel quirked an eyebrow, leaning back into his chair. He hummed. “Now, where did I hear those words before, Adrien? Or should I say Ladybug?”
Adrien frowned. “Lady who?”
“Don’t play a fool with me.” Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest, his voice chilling with every word. “I see, you’ve finally learned to express your opinion quite well. Though, in an incredibly rude fashion, and we will discuss it later. Why did you email me then if you can say face to face?”
Adrien’s frown deepened. “Father, I have no idea—”  
Gabriel scoffed. “Was it for practice? Then you should know that if you wanted to remain anonymous, you should use different expressions every time you speak on the matter.”
“Seriously. You are losing me here. What email? Why do I need to email you if I can make an appointment to come here and talk to you?”
“That’s what I’m wondering as well,” Gabriel said, reaching out for his computer mouse. He made a few clicks and added. “Just to refresh your memory.”
Adrien’s phone chimed. He opened his Inbox to find a forwarded message from his father. “From Ladybug?”
“Clever,” Gabriel noted. “I assumed it was a woman at first. Good strategy.”
“I didn’t send this,” Adrien said scanning the text. “I mean I agree with whoever said this—half of your outfits needs to be reworked—but I have nothing to do with this. I’m not Ladybug.”
Gabriel watched him for a split moment before turning away. “So, you’re saying someone in my company, apart from you, thinks my upcoming collection isn’t up to standard?”
“Apparently.” Adrien chuckled. Unexpected turn but he loved it. “Those pieces you’ve created to appease Mme Bourgeois specifically. Like this Ladybug says, ‘Your company is iconic. Your style is legendary. You don’t need to change it, and especially not because of such a ridiculous whim of such a fashion disaster as Audrey Bourgeois.’ I mean she’s right, this Ladybug.”
Adrien smiled to himself. Whoever she was, he’d like to meet her. Or him. Standing up to his father was something he hadn’t had the guts to do for twenty-three years. And even now when he finally tried, he wasn’t sure it was working.
“Weren’t you just now insisting we needed new ideas and strategies?” Gabriel said, relaxing back into his chair. “I say this is it. They might be unconventional for now, but the public takes everything I give them. They’ll eat this too and thank me for it.”
Adrien shook his head, this Ladybug person giving him confidence. If she could do it, so could he. “This is a gamble you know you will lose.”
“There are risks.” Gabriel shrugged. “But reports have been showing a heightened interest in sequins for years and—”
“In girl’s clothing, Father. Little girls. This Ladybug explained it really well. Why can’t you listen?”
Gabriel scowled. “I’m not taking the advice of a coward who couldn’t even come to me personally.”
“So, you can fire them?” Adrien countered. “Father, really? You aren’t that generous, and your employees aren’t that stupid.”
“I can take critique.”
“I’ve been giving you one, and you don’t seem to be taking it. This Ladybug gave you one and you ignore it. Should we combine our forces for you to hear us?”
Gabriel stilled, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips a moment later. “Maybe you should. I’m sure the two of you could convince me of anything, including letting you go to explore other options as you say.”
Adrien quirked an eyebrow, his heart speeding up. Did he just hear his father…?
“Say that again?”
“Find this Ladybug, bring her to me, so I can have a proper conversation with her about the content of her email. In return, you’ll get your freedom.”
The pit of his stomach turned. Adrien dared to ask for freedom, but, in all truth, he did not expect his father to even listen to him. However…
“You want me to find a person for you to fire?”
“Not at all,” Gabriel replied. “Let’s just say I’m not fully convinced by their arguments in their email. I want to hear what else they can tell me.”
Adrien paused, his gaze falling to the floor. So close to what he wanted for most of his life… Yet…
“We’re both adults here, Adrien,” Gabriel said. “We both want something. Why not give it to each other? You’re old enough to work with me, rather than for me, aren’t you?”
Adrien snapped his eyes to Gabriel. He wanted out of here so badly, and here it was. His ticket to freedom. Find this person his Father wanted to talk to and he was free. Still, something at the back of his mind nagged. “You promise you won’t fire them and let me go?”
Gabriel nodded. “Absolutely. How can I fire anyone for expressing their opinion in order to better my company? Who do you take me for?”
Adrien hesitated for just one more moment before pushing that nagging thought away. He deserved this. For absentminded serving for his father for his whole life at his own expense, Adrien deserved a few years to himself. Father promised he won’t fire this person, and judging by their email, Ladybug would be able to easily stand up to Gabriel. Adrien might even be doing them a favour. Really. If they are successful in convincing his father to accept their suggestions, he might even promote them for being a loyal employee.
Standing up, Adrien stretched his arm to his father. “Deal. I’ll find you this Ladybug, and you let me go.”
Gabriel shook his hand with a smile on his lips. “You have until a week before the next show.”
“A month?”
“Of course. If they convince me, and I were to change anything in my collection, I’d need enough time to do that. But you can always back out if you can’t do it in a month.”
Adrien nervously grinned. “I can do it in a month. I was just surprised you are giving me so much time. That’s all.”
Gabriel let Adrien’s hand go. “If you say so. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got some work to do.”
“Same here. Got a Ladybug to catch. Good day, father.”
Subject: Hello stranger
Hello, my brave and genius Ladybug. I’m sure you’re surprised to receive this email, but let me assure you: I’ve come in peace.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Chat Noir. Seeing as you’re Ladybug, a good luck charm, and how there is a cute picture of a misfortunate Black Cat on a wall at a cafe I’m at right now, I’d say that’s a fitting name, wouldn’t you say so?
A little about me. I work in proximity of Gabriel Agreste, and the other day I accidentally came upon your email on his table. The boss printed it for who knows what reason and left it between his papers. Upon reading it, I couldn’t not tell you how greatly I admire you for expressing what so many of us in this company think but scared to voice. Those new implementations M Agreste is enforcing are ridiculous and, as you’ve written, will make him a laughingstock of the fashion world. Nicely said, by the way.
Well, I suppose that’s all I wanted to say. Accept my deepest respect and love, my dear Ladybug, and I hope you continue to be as awesome as you’re now.
Sincerely yours,
Chat Noir
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years ago
The Sun Will Rise Again: A Ticking Clock
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18:
Ladybug stood frozen in place as she stared into the darkness Chat Noir had fled into. The crackle of The Consultant’s magical ropes binding the man they’d fought gave her enough warning to lash her yoyo out to wrap around him so he couldn’t escape as the magic finally gave way. She hoped Alya made it home in time; she would check in as long as he was squared away.
Sirens filled the quiet night and she let herself take in a shallow breath of relief. At least one problem would be taken care of but now there was an entirely new one. The lost look in her boyfriend’s eyes before he ran had been terrifying. She wondered if that’s how she’d looked to him after the accident.
The police arrested the man after hearing Ladybug’s account and she was able to skip out on the news crews clamoring to get a question in. She took a roundabout way to Fu’s to make sure she wasn’t being followed and left him with the Monkey Miraculous without an explanation about Chat Noir. It was something she wanted to look into for herself first. 
She ran their usual patrol route and checked in with Alya but there was no sign of him. She went to his apartment and landed on the balcony. She hadn’t been there since before her own memory wipe but the pink lounge chair he’d gotten for her was still in the same spot beside his with its matching flowered pillow. She ran her fingers along the edge of it and then peered inside the dimly lit apartment.
She could see the profile of a woman with long blonde hair and knew she must be Emilie. Her body was bent over something in her lap but Ladybug couldn’t make out anything else from her view point. She knocked softly on the glass door and Emilie looked up in surprise but her expression quickly changed to relief.
“You must be Marinette,” she said softly as she opened the door. “He’s been asking for you in his sleep.”
Ladybug swallowed hard and looked past her to see Chat Noir curled on his side on the couch. The hard lump in her throat eased slightly. “I’m so glad he’s here. Is he okay?”
“I think so. He seemed out of it at first but then he started to come around and exhaustion caught up to him. I thought his transformation would fall by now but it hasn’t.” The older woman cast a worried glance at her son. “I was watching the battle on the news. It looked like a rough one.”
“Yeah. I don’t even think that guy was the ringleader so I’m getting nervous.” She took in a deep breath. “Can only take it one day at a time though.” She gestured in Chat Noir’s direction. “Do you mind if I, um...”
Emilie showed mercy on her loss for words and nodded. “I should be getting to bed anyway. Let me know if you two need anything.” She turned and patted her hip and jingle bells sounded as three cats sauntered out of the kitchen to follow her down the hall.
Ladybug watched them all go before she folded down to the floor beside the couch and smoothed Chat Noir’s hair away from his face. It was nice to see that the black fur was completely gone and he was himself again. “Adrien?” she whispered. “Can you wake up for me?”
His eyes moved under his eyelids and she spoke his name again in the same hushed tone. He blinked heavily and it seemed to take a moment for him to focus on her. “Hi,” he rapsed.
“Hi back,” she replied. “Do you know who I am?”
His brow furrowed as a frown pulled at his lips. “What do you mean?” He tried to sit up and groaned. “Did something happen?” He blinked as he looked down at his clawed hands. “I’m still transformed but...” He glanced around his apartment. “I don’t remember getting here. Wait, do you have wings?”
“I think whatever that monkey guy was doing scrambled your brain a little. I was hoping it would wear off once the Miraculous wasn’t in effect anymore.” She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear. “And yeah, I’ve got the Butterfly on right now too but that’s a discussion for another day.”
Chat Noir rolled his shoulders and then let his transformation go with a grunt.  “Did we win?”
“Thanks to you, well, and with a good bit of help from Alya. I left him in police custody before I came here.”
He cradled an exhausted Plagg and stood, slowly making his way to the kitchen. “Sorry I apparently disappeared on you.”
“You weren’t yourself.” Ladybug watched him pull out a wheel of cheese for his kwami and then slump against the counter. “You need sleep.”
“You do too.” He held out his hand and Marinette took it as her transformation fell away and Tikki and Nooroo joined Plagg. 
“Do you think he was the ringleader?” Adrien asked as he led them to his bedroom.
“No and that’s what I’m afraid of. The Snake was nothing compared to him and we still don’t know how many there are out there.”
“So it’s a ticking clock til our next battle with someone who might be able to kick our butts even harder.” 
Marinette tiredly nodded as she undressed. She hadn’t been in his room in so long but it felt exactly the same even as she slid between sheets she didn’t recognize anymore. 
“We’re going to need more help,” Adrien murmured as he pulled her close.
“My thoughts exactly.”
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