#but it made me face how embarassing I am hahaha
kristenwell · 5 months
Your Muse - Leo Valdez x Male!Apollo!Reader pt.2
a/n: f/f = favourite flower
Part 1
„I can’t believe you did that!“ He was pacing around in the Apollo cabin and contemplating whether or not to strangle his brother. Y/N could feel his heart pounding against his chest.
„This is the thanks I get for helping you?“ Will chuckled at his brother’s overreaction. It is rare to see the usual calm and collected guy lose his mind over something as trivial as this. It’s apparent that Leo is capable of riling him up.
Y/N sent him a look of disbelief and pointed an accusing finger at him.
„You call this help? My bow is not damaged, how am I going to face him after you told him that? He’ll think I’m a liar and a waste of his time.“ He took a deep breath and sat on his bed.
 „You’ve gottta man up, little bro. Now go and meet him and DON’T chicken out.“ Will ruffled his younger brother’s hair slightly. Y/N nodded and wordlessly left to the Bunker 9.
*knock knock*
„Yeah?“ Leo took off his goggles and turned to look at the Bunker 9 door. Y/N entered in all his glory which made Leo smirk. He shamelessly looked him up and down as the other male approached him.
„About time you showed up.“ He grinned, that stupid grin which always gave Y/N butterflies.
„Hey, sorry I had to help Will in the infirmary.“ He noticed his bow on the table, now it looked brand new.
„Here, I fixed your bow. It was very damaged almost beyond saving, but of course, yours truly – the incredible Leo manages even the impossible, heh.“ He crossed his arms behind his neck and leaned in his chair, obviously very relaxed. He peaked at the taller male. „you know, you could’ve just come over if you wanted to see me but I admit, your creativity is cute.“
Y/N wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk from his handsome face so he opted for the second best move: denial.
He covered his hot face with his hand and mumbled into it.
„Don’t be silly, some Ares kids just got violent and my poor bow was the victim.“ He shook his head.
Leo spoke without thinking. „You don’t have to be shy about it. I mean, all da ladies and gents love the bad boy supreme.“ His ego got the better of him.
Y/N grumbled under his breath, his face was so hot it even rivaled the Sun, which might have actually made his father proud.
„Anyway, thank you for repairing it.“ Y/N grabbed the bow swiftly and made his way towards the door. „Goodbye!“
„Wait!“ Leo called out but he was already gone. He cursed under his breath and slumped in his chair. Great job, Leo, he thought to himself.
The next few days were even more awkward since Y/N avoid Leo like the plague. Y/N was too embarassed after their interaction and would flee every time the two of them were together.
Leo now felt terrible for scaring his crush away so he turned to the most reliable person he knew when it comes to stuff like this.
Piper McLean.
„Pffft, hahaha!“ Leo glared at her while she giggled like a maniac. Piper calmed down after a few minutes and wiped a tear from her eye and looked at him with now a serious expression.
„I’m not saying you ruined your chances but you’re on thin ice, buddy.“
Leo scratched the back of his head in frustration, his friend wasn’t reassuring him in the slightest.
„Come on, help a guy out? How do I approach him now?“ Piper stood up from her bed and grabbed his shoulders.
„How to approach a timid guy, you say?“ She tapped her forehead twice as if in a deep thought. „I got it!“
She leaned in and whispered her plan in his ears. Leo bit his lip and looked at her skeptically. It sounded simple but he wasn’t sure if he could pull it off. He shook his head in an attempt to rid of the negative thoughts. He looked out of the window and saw Y/N helping some of the younger kids with archery.
„Okay, I’ll do it, hope it works. Thanks, Pipes.“ His friend nodded and watched him leave with a small smile.
„That idiot, so oblivious.“
In the evening
Y/N sighed as he finally got to the Cabin 13, this day has been too  long for his liking and even if he loves working with the kids, his social battery is drained.
He got to his bunk bed, all sweaty and gross. Now he wants only two things: a hot shower and his warm bed (and possibly some late night reading)
Just as he was about to sit on the bed, his e/c caught something gold and shiny covering his pillow. Y/N looked closer and noticed a mechanical f/f adorned with beautiful ruby stones. He took it into his hands and observed it.
No note was attached to the flower so now he didn’t know who gifted it to him. He shook his head and put it away on his table. He’ll try to solve it tommorow.
Y/N steals one last glance at it and went to prepare for bed.
„So, did your boyfriend liked the flower?“ Leo’s older sister, Nyssa teased him. He sat at his bed, lovesick expression painted on his face. He frowned at her question.
„He’s not my boyfriend... yet, and anyways I didn’t stick around to find out. That would defeat the point of the element of surprise, ya know.“ He said, as a matter of factly.
 „Sure, sure, hermano. What did you write anyway? Some sort of half assed apology?“
Leo straightened his back almost instantly. „Write?... As in with words?“
Nyssa shook her head. „You’re hopeless, you know?“
Leo groaned and smacked his forehead. He forgot to sign his gift for Y/N. He really is stupid sometimes.
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jiannaeloise · 1 year
A Sneak Peek into Siargao
I haven't written in a while so this entry deserves a whole summary of what's been happening in my life lately. I just got back from Boracay a few days ago. That's where I got to spend 1 of 2 of my 30th birthday. There was a lot of night life drinking and dancing for sure. I got to meet The DJ Ron Poe during my birthday too but something embarassing happened to me the night of. The button on the neon green top I was wearing popped out while dancing with a Polish woman. Thankfully she also hugged me on may way to my seat. I was not wearing any bra but thankfully I have such great reflexes because I was able to cover my boobies just in time. Yes, there were people staring (my family and friends included) but surprisingly I didn't feel worried and just went on with my night to dance again. 😅 We resolved my buttonless top by putting a stapler on it, btw. 😂
There was one thing that happened to me the day after my birthday. I was expecting it to happen in Siargao but I guess things happened the way it should... We had a final night of drinking at Summer Place and I saw this cute guy awkwardly dancing. I was glad I shot my shot. I guess, that's really a part of me that's embedded in my personality. I'm a strong woman on that aspect I guess. 😅 His name is Alex. Yup, he shares the same name with the guy I met at that LA bar who also made a move on me. 😂 He's 35, tall and handsome. He actually looks like a foreign version of Champ Lui Pio because of his deep face dimples. My gosh. Hahaha. Sadly, we didn't have photos together unlike LA Alex. So yeah, long story short, you know how the ending goes.
I haven't had sex for six fucking years and I really didn't expect to get lucky either. But things escalated quickly and we were checked in at the very same hotel. We walked back and he invited me to his room. It turned out to be a birthday sex escape (no one knew for sure). The sex was fine. It was just awkward at some parts. I felt like I had to know my body all over again. It felt weird because I haven't been intimate with someone for such a long time (7 years to be exact, so I guess you can also call that my 7-year "itch" 😆) that I forgot to voice out what I wanted in bed! Haha. At one point before the deed, Alex asked me in disbelief: "So no boyfriend huh?" He couldn't wrap his mind around it because he said: "You seem intelligent and pretty." I really honestly do not have any answer as to why I still don't have one.
Now that I think about it and I've written this before, my beauty is not the kind that is noticeable or is not the society's standard of beautiful. So, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first option when a guy sees me. It's either that or they need to talk to me first or they completely find me intimidating. But when Alex asked me that question I wasn't bothered. For this part I am thankful I am single because I get to enjoy this now. But why am I such a late bloomer in this sense? Why am I only having these experiences now that I've hit my 30's? I don't want to end up like an old maid and still be out here hooking up with random men, checking if we're a match or not. 😔
So yeah, it was a fun/awkward birthday sex. The morning after though, I looked myself in the mirror feeling as if I was already connected with Alex because I could sense he was looking for me. My family friends would send me videos of him on our Laboracay thread, confirming exactly that. A part of me didn't want to see him that day because I am not sure when I will ever see him again. Thankfully, we didn't cross paths the day of my flight back to Manila. I did feel an ache in my heart because I wasn't able to say goodbye to him in person and I felt as if I left a part of my heart in Boracay while we were up in the clouds. To make it more dramatic, I was listening to Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams, teary-eyed. 😂
All in all, this year was the most memorable visit to Bora. Not only because of what happened to me but because I am lucky enough to be celebrating the first half of my 30th birthday out of town with the people I love. 🥰
Sea you in Siargao for round 2 of my birthday,
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namstrashgoblin · 8 years
idol tag game
Thanks to @dibidibidismynameisjhope for tagging me in this! – this is the most fun tag I’ve been tagged in so far, thank you! :D
Rule: go into the tag of an idol and pick 15 commentary tags you’ve tagged
So here’s to exposing myself as the trashy ass I am all thanks to Kim Namjoon
1.  #I just want to put glue all over my body and roll around in namjoons wardrobe so I can befashinable for once #wow I should make this tag into a textpost #I'm very serious about this #damnjoon
2. #inspirational motherfucker
3.  #*jungkook voice* oh man holy shit #rieghojrpfwkp #kim namjoon who allowed you #to be this damn fine #I will call your mother and angrily thank her for giving birth to you 
4. #R.I.P #I have officially deceased #listen I'm extra emotional bc it's that time of the month again and already cried once today bc the toaster didn't work
8. #my skin has been cleansed #my life is not a shitshow anymore #bc of this #wonderfu l#i love this human bean #he’s such a doofus I want 10
9. #I feel triggered #fuck off and leave me alone ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh #yliufdvsidluheilsurghkvsdfnleiutgieljrhg #I AM CRYING UGLY TEARS BC I HAVE SO MANY NAMJOON FEELS LATELY OK #ok not lately since forever but you get what I mean #I AM NOT AT ALL OK BC OF YOU GOOD SIR
10. #holy schnitzel #fuck me up #I chose my bias well #I can’t believe one human can be so talented and handsome and just so precious and genuine and just over all yes-ness  
11. #I love him so much wtf #I didn’t know I could have so much fondness in my heart??????????????????????????????? 
12. #I am screaming #do you hear a weird faint screaming noise where you are rn? #that's me #bc kim namjoon is not fair and makes me emotional #if I die burry me with this picture of him ok
13.#same namjoon #he is clumsy #I am clumsy #we're basically meant for eachother #forreal tho him and I should never meet we would break everything
14. #FIGHT ME KIM NAMJOON #F I G H T M E #shit fuck #who put him in a suit #like ffs
.....I am sorry for everyon who actually read through this trashy mess rip
I tag: @my-son-taehyung @wintercherrybomb @birthdayboyhoseok @namjoonsgurl @queenjunghoseok @kimdaily @pinample
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oshicakes · 4 years
their s/o is being taken advantage
pairings. hirugami sachiro x reader, hoshiumi korai x reader, miya atsumu x reader
an. im sorry for making you wait. this idea popped into my mind as i read your request, and i hope i met your idea hahaha. its long! im sorry. hope you'll like it. have a nice day everyone.
Hirugami Sachiro
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lunch break came and he pulled a desk and chair across yours.
you placed your bento and tumbler on your table and so as he. you were hesistant to give him the snack that you prepared for him.
"i-uhm, prepared a snack for you. you can eat it later after your practice or on your break. it's just a chicken and ebi burger." it was in a simple plastic container.
"thank you." his smile was warm causing you to feel your ears and neck burn.
"are you free later?" he asked you. you stopped eating and think if you have something to do.
"i think so? i still need to finish the assignment by pair later and sub my friend for today in cleaning."
"again?" he frowned. you've been working on by pair or by group assignment and projects alone, they'd always make excuses and pretend that they didn't know about the project or assignment.
and that friend you're talking about, you've been substituting her for weeks!
"it's okay. i really don't mind since im not that busy and i don't have any important things to do." you smiled at him trying to ease him.
"how many times do i have to tell you to say no to them? they're being too much. wait here ill talk-" he got up from his seat that cause you to panic. you instantly grab him in his pulse.
you let go of him when looked at your hands. "i- sorry." you seat properly and looked up to him after.
"really, im okay with it. maybe they have problems or they are dealing with something in their life now so they can't me help."
"ill just talk to them and knock some senses on them."
"no, seat down please." you pleaded.
he sighed and get back to his seat. "promise me that this will be the last time."
"promise me, y/n."
it's now your turn to sigh. "okay, i promise." then he his pinky. you pursed your lips and cling your pinky in his pinky, as a sign of promise.
"y/n here!" korai called you. they're just outside the classroom.
you approach them and greeted them. "y/n, did you made the sandwich yesterday?"
you looked at hirugami with confused look. "ah, yes. did hirugami shared it with you?"
korai is about to say yes but hirugami shut him. "more like he snatched away the sandwich. they ate it all."
"it's delicious! can you make some more?" gao said.
"sure! ill make some tomorrow."
"y/n, no!" he can't oppose anymore, his teammates already swooning over you.
Hoshiumi Korai
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"korai, please calm down. i'm okay there's nothing to worry about."
he's with you in your room. it's already dark outside and was shocked when he barged into your room.
"what do you mean there's nothing to worry about?! you're burning with fever and you didn't even bother on telling me about it!" his voice started to raise, his forehead and nose wrinkled and glared at you.
"but, im okay." you tried to reach his arms but he avoided it. that made you purse your lips.
"no! you've been working your ass off on the things that you shouldn't be doing. they're obviously taking advantage of you! you're the representative but you work as if you're the president!"
"i know, but they're just busy. everyone on the student council is busy right now."
"but how about you, huh? you're clearly tired and you need sleep, are you even eating right?"
"of course. how about you? how's practice? did you have enough rest? im sorry i forgot to make you lunch."
"i can't believe you." he mumbled. he pinch his nose bridge. "you're really stressing me out."
again, you purse your lips. "im sorry."
and he just looked at you. you tried to reach for his arms once again, this time he just let. you pulled him, making him sit on your bed.
you sit up and rest your back on the headboard, while still holding his hand. "okay, i promise that ill tell you immediately when i have fever."
he sighed. "that's not it. im worried about you. you're too nice, you care so much about other people and gullible."
you nodded. "im sorry for making you worry. please, don't get mad at me. i'll make you lunch and some snack to make it up to you."
he held your face and slowly inching his face to you but you pushed him away and covered your lips.
"no! you might caught my fever! you need to be careful, you have an upcoming game."
"hug then?" he extended his arms but you move further away from him.
"nope." he glared at you but his lips are slightly pursed.
you went to school when you're okay. "y/n, are you okay now?" the president asked.
"ah yes. here's the report. im sorry i handed it late."
"thank you, y/n!"
"no problem, do you still need help?"
"actually- ah no, it's okay. uhm, we can handle. thank you so much for your help."
the president walked away while you turned around to your boyfriend. "let's go back now, y/n." he said as he drape his arms on your shoulder.
he smirked at what he did. little did you know he just glared at the president, stoping him in giving you another tasks.
Miya Atsumu
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a group of girls run to you. they all asked for you to hand their gifts for atsumu and his teammates.
you gladly took them all. but as they turn away, you heard their side comments about you.
how not good you are for atsumu, goody two shoes, you using the vbc for fame and etc.
you just sighed and walked your way to the gym where everyone else is. you handed the gifts from their fans.
after that, you help them by refilling their water bottles. you also gave tsumu a dry towel.
atsumu sensed that something is wrong with you. so he followed you.
"what's wrong?"
"tsumu!" you stepped backward and hit his arm. you got surprised when he kissed your cheeks.
"what? can't i kiss you now?" he smirked.
"you can't! we're at school and other students might see us."
"well thats good, so that they'll know who i belong too. and please, stop accepting gifts from other students."
"it's pda, tsumu. why? their your fans and im scared that if i won't accept their gifts they'llhate you and then no one will support you. some of your fans already stop supporting you because of me and-"
"so what if they'll hate me? i don't care. and it only shows that they just support me because of my looks not with my skills and who i really am. i have my family, samu, my teammates and you, that's all i need in my life."
you nodded and pursed your lips. he flicked your forehead. then cupped your face, squishing both of your cheeks.
"stop overthinking things, okay? just think of your handsome and awesome boyfriend." he smirk at you and squish, squish, squish your cheeks.
"but-" he cut you off by squishing your cheeks more.
"hush. i love you, you love me. that's all that matters. they don't have a say on our relationship and in my life, got it?"
you nodded. he let go of your face but before that he gave you a quick peck on your lips.
"uhm, y/n?" you almost jumped out when someone talked behind you. you can feel your ears and face burn because of embarassment. someone really saw you and tsumu kissed!
you cough to get your senses back. while a ghost of smile appeared on his lips as he shook his head.
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Chronicles of Galar - Prologue 3: Y/N L/N
The Chapter you all waited for. Don’t worry, we’ll get to your past soon enough in the story, so stay tuned. Amila is a fake region my best friend made. He is also your brother in the story and the Professor of Amila. And don’t forget to save the tag Chronicles of Galar for updates ^_^ You can also find the story on AO3: Here
[Prologue: Y/n L/n]
Light footsteps echoed through the darkened Slumbering Weald, Galar. You tried to make your way through the thicket and a white Vulpix kept you company. The little Pokemon had a very shy and timid nature and was trembling with fear all the time. The unknown has always had a tense effect on the pre-stressed Pokemon. No wonder, when you thought about what those monsters from Team Skull in Alola must have done to it. You didn't want to think about that anymore and took out your smartphone to dial your brother's number. "Yes? [Y/n]? Man, we're looking for you everywhere. We were supposed to meet at Wedgehurst station. Are you lost again? " a male voice sighed at the other end.
“What does 'again' mean here? Sorry for not memorizing the entire map of a new region the first time I explore. Not everyone can have such a photographic memory as our Professor Mamoru [L/n]. ”You countered jokingly. "Very funny. Where are you?"
"If I'd know that. There is a forest here. I followed a little Pokemon that I don't know yet. That was so cute. Such a small blue creature, a bit similar to Ralts, with pigtails. I HAD to go after it, that's why I ran after it. "You explained, describing the Pokemon Hattrem, the intermediate form to the Pokemon Hatterene, a Galar Pokemon with the dual types fairy and psycho.
".... You walked into an unknown forest because of a 'cute' Pokemon?" Mamoru sighed and covered his face with his hand. That was just so typical of you.
"Pff. If it had been a new Arcanine Pokemon, you would have done the same. ” You shrugged your shoulders and heard a woman's voice laughing on the other side. "Hello Aki."
While you were talking to your brother, you did not notice at first that a fog was coming up. At first the fog was light and transparent, but soon you couldn't even see your own hand in front of your eyes. "Damn. Where does this fog come from all of a sudden? Hello? Mamoru? Can you still hear me? Hello? “ You asked several times after you didn't get an answer. You looked at your cell phone and then saw the connection go dead. "Strange."You muttered and tried to connect again.
Connection failure. The empty wifi symbols blinked mysteriously and that made you even more alarmed than you already were.
Vulpix jumped into your arms, the fog must have made it even more frightened as it snuggled into your chest. You pressed the fox creature close and tried to calm it down. “Don't worry, I'm here. We can do it, ” You whispered in a calming tone.
Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes next to you, made you stopping in your tracks. You swallowed and hugged Vulpix even closer. "Okay .. keep calm. That is .. just the cute blue Pokemon from earlier .. definitely .. I'm sure of it "Your mantra died in your throat when a large, wolf-like Pokemon came slowly walking towards you. It was mostly blue and the tail, as well as his shoulder jewelry and a long, pigtail-like fur chain, were in a red. The animal looked graceful but also dangerous. You knew from your trainer battle experience when a wild Pokemon is too strong to risk a fight. Since you had not brought any other Pokemon to Galar except Vulpix and Primarina, you did not dare to challenge this mysterious Pokemon. Especially since the fog was too thick for a real fight.
You backed away as the unknown wolf pokemon stepped closer. It seemed to be assessing the situation without actually giving the appearance of wanting to attack. You didn't wanted to risk anything and so you turned around and tried to escape. You held Vulpix with all your strength so that you wouldn't drop it while running.
However, it turned out to be a wrong decision to run through an unknown forest in thick fog. At every corner you almost bumped into the trees and one time you could not avoid the roots that were on the way and stumbled. At the last second you were able to turn your body to one side so that you wouldn't crush Vulpix with your body.
In return, you fell so hard on your shoulder that you had to cry out in pain. Vulpix whimpered helplessly and tried to comfort it's trainer by licking your cheek when you got up again and wanted to run away. To make matters worse, you were getting tired too.
It wasn't long before you passed out when you let go of Vulpix and collapsed. In this unknown fauna with a wolf on your back and nobody knew where you were. Was that the end?
You had a headache and your shoulder hurt badly when you slowly opened your eyes. You felt as if you had been grilled with a Rapid Spin. Above you was a shadow that turned out to be the head of a Charizard and that made you blink.
"Oh? You are finally awake? " a male voice, unknown to you, spoke up. You straightened up before you realized you were covered with something. A blanket? No. A cape? It was red with a yellowish border and next to the red check pattern there were many different symbols, probably from companies from Galar. Sponsors maybe? Then you looked at a campfire.
A young man was sitting there, no more than 1-2 years older than you, and gave you a sincere and charming smile. His irides were amber and glowed from the fire. His purple hair was moving gallantly in the blowing wind and his parted goatee gave him a wise and manly touch. He wore a kind of leotard with a sword and a shield, short white trousers and long, equally white leggings underneath.
"What happened?"You wanted to know and held your shoulder. The memories, of what happened, were rather vague. “Charizard found you. And at the right time. You passed out right in front of a cliff. “ the man said and crossed his arms. "However, it took a while to save you, because your little protector thought we were enemies at first." the purple-haired man smiled and then pointed to a white fur ball next to you. It was Vulpix who slept next to you. You blinked and looked up. "W-what?"
The man's smile widened. "It really wanted to protect you heroically, even though it was trembling with fear."
[Flashback after you passed out]
[Leon's POV]
Charizard scanned the area to find a way out of the thick forest. If my brother ever finds out that I'm still lost in the Slumbering Weald ... I sighed and continued on my way through the fog. It was strange, the last time there was a fog like this, I looked for Hop and Gloria. The two reported about a rare Pokemon. Had it reappeared?
My faithful companion drew my attention to something. A person was lying near the cliffs. Here in this part of the forest people rarely got lost, so I was astonished to meet someone here. Charizard and I stepped closer to identify the person. It was a woman. Just as Charizard was only a few steps away, a Vulpix attacked us. But it looked different from what I knew. It was snow-white and otherwise looked slightly different. Was that a so-called "Shiny"? I've never seen anything like it in my life! It had to belong to the woman. “Don't worry, my friend. We mean no harm. We want to help you. " I tried to calm the Pokemon. It stood protectively in front of its trainer and growled at us. But I also realized how scared it was. His entire body was shaking and his eyes showed despair and uncertainty.
I leaned down so I didn't looked so tall and held out my hand slightly. "Do not worry. We are not enemies. ”I tried again, but the Vulpix barked and shot an aurora beam at both Charizard and me. Wait? Aurora beam?!
I had no time to be confused about what was going on with it's element.
Charizard intercepted the attack with his wing and tried to counter. “Charizard stop! Don't fight. “, I ordered him and looked back at Vulpix. Just as I was trying to figure out how to make it clear to the Pokemon that I just wanted to help, it seemed to run out of strength and it collapsed. "That poor thing. Who knows how long it had been so weak and it kept on its feet the whole time to protect its trainer. "
[End of flashback]
"Vulpix must love you very much." The man added gently to his story and you smiled gratefully when you lightly petted the head of the Pokemon. "Oh Vulpix .." you whispered softly. “By the way, my name is [Y/n]. And your name is..?"
Now the man looked surprised, almost shocked. Or maybe .. disappointed? But then he had to smile again. "And I thought I am most famous trainer in Galar," he said, although his tone was not arrogant. "So you're not a fan of me, unfortunately." he added jokingly. "Hahaha. I'm sorry. But I'm not from Galar. “ You explained to the young man. "Will the most famous Galar trainer tell me his name?", You asked, a little amused yourself, whereupon the friendly stranger had to laugh gently. "With pleasure. My name is Leon. “, He finally introduced himself. "I am pleased to meet you. And thanks for the rescue. “ You replied kindly. "You're welcome. Where are you from, if I'm allowed to ask? ”Leon asked curiously.
"Of course. I grew up in Sinnoh. But originally I'm from Amila. ”You explained proudly. “Oh, I've heard a lot from Amila. Has your family moved to Sinnoh? "
"No no. It's a somewhat complicated story and, frankly, a bit too private. "You answered the question with an apologetic smile. Leon seemed to understand your intention and nodded. "Then of course I won't ask further. But it's nice to see that trainers from so far away are drawn to our beautiful Galar. But what are you doing here in the forest and why were you passed out? "
"Um .." You scratched your cheek in slight embarassment. “I wanted to meet my brother and his fiancée in Wedgehurst. Then I saw this real cute Pokemon and followed it blindly into the forest. At some point I lost sight of it and then this thick fog came. There was this Pokemon .. graceful, big, blue and red .. and I fled from it because I didn't fight unnecessary fights .. At some point on my escape I dislocated my shoulder and then passed out from exhaustion.“ You sighed in frustration. Oh man, that really sounded like a story that could only happen to a beginner. Leon grinned slightly. "So, a cute Pokemon got you into this misery. Well, you seem to me to be a very caring trainer and also very cautious tactically if you don't risk fighting against the unknown. ", Leon began and put his hand under his chin in a thinking pose. “You remind me of me. I'm just as devoted when it comes to Pokemon. And I ... uh, have no sense of direction. I even get lost in houses ... “, he then admitted with a laugh. "So? Is that why you walk around here by yourself too? Are you lost? In an area that should seem familiar to you as a well-known trainer of Galar?“ You tried to tease him. "Well .. at least I'm not so clumsy that I hurt myself." "Touche."
The silence between you two lasted a very short time until Leon spoke again. "And which Pokemon fascinated you so much that you walk into a dark forest that you are not familiar with?" He asked while he went to you with a first aid box. He was probably trying to fix your shoulder. You smiled and were grateful that you liked to wear strapless shoulder tops. So you didn't even have to undress and Leon got to the affected area without any problems. “Well, it must have been from this region because I didn't knew it. It was small and blue, with two braids and a white body. It looks a little like Ralts or Kirlia .. " You described while Leon took care of your shoulder and made a professional splint from a piece of a big leaf and bandages. “Oh, you mean a Hattrem. You can find them here in the forest, but quite far inside. They are also considered to be very shy when it comes to human interactions, because they react strongly to emotions. So I'm amazed that you saw one far enough from the forest to follow it. ”Leon wondered and blinked. “Then it was obviously my day of luck and bad luck at the same time. Because it got away from me. “You giggled and thanked him for the treatment. "Are you hungry? My cooking skills are modest, but so far Charizard and I have not had any food poisoning, "Leon laughed and handed you a plate of homemade curry. You accepted the food with a thanks and ate a spoonful. Leon paid attention to your facial features and at the moment when the corner of your mouth went down slightly, he laughed embarrassed. "So bad?"
You giggled slightly and swallowed the somewhat tough curry. "Well, some spices are missing, but it still tastes better than when one of my brothers tries to 'cook'." You said and ate the rest of the curry. It wasn't quite as bad as he had advertised it. Leon smiled and then looked at the sleeping Vulpix. "I think your little protector is waking up," he said and pointed to Vulpix. Its small head rose and it noticed that its trainer was no longer next to it. "Vul ..!" It shouted happily when it saw that you were awake and jumped joyfully into the arms of its trainer. You hugged it lovingly and breathed a quick kiss on the Pokemon's head. "There is my heroine."You said meekly and Leon couldn't help but smile happily while he saw the interaction between trainer and Pokemon. There weren't many trainers who had such a close and friendly relationship with their Pokemon, which was actually very sad. Many saw them only as toys or tools, as battle puppets, to become famous. Many did not care how the Pokemon are feeling. But that was exactly what the champ of Galar wanted to change.
"If you feel fit enough, then we can look for a way out together." Leon suggested after you gave your Vulpix some PokeBlocks from your home to eat. After all, you didn't wanted to let the poor thing suffer from the bad curry.
"Yes, I am. Vulpix surely too, right little one? “You asked and Vulpix replied with an enthusiastic: 'VUUU!', Whereupon both trainers had to laugh and went on their way. On the way you held a little small talk, about your wisdoms on how to take care of Pokemon, about the fact that you wanted to settle down in a region at some point in order to run a fairy gym, since this position was already taken in Amila . And in the other regions that you had traveled to. The subject came up about the strange colors of your Vulpix. "I wondered something. Is your Vulpix a Shiny? Because I've never seen a white Vulpix before. His fur is also a little different. ", Leon said and looked next to him. You walked next to him while Vulpix made herself comfortable on your not injured shoulder.
"No. But it comes from Alola. You know, the Vulpix in Alola had to adapt to the changed weather conditions and basically ... changed their element. These Vulpix are ice and fairy type. "You explained and now it made " click "at Leon. "Aaaaah, that explains why it attacked with aurora beam," he laughed then. "You have never seen an Alola form?" You asked, flabbergasted. "No, we actually never have trainers who come from Alola," Leon answered thoughtfully. "I think you're the first one I see with an Alola Pokemon in my 10 year trainer career," he added. It was a few more hours before you reached the exit. You two noticed that you got along pretty well and that your chemistry was really good. You laughed a lot, of course you didn't try to get lost again and you actually felt a little wistful when you got out of the forest. Because that meant that the ways of you and this personable trainer parted again.
"Hey! Sister! ", Mamoru shouted, who was already waiting in front of the entrance with his fiancee Aki and an unknown young man.
"Huh?" You blinked and ran to your brother. "Who is this?"
“This is Hop. He lives in the village and is currently visiting his mother. We got to know him and he wanted to help us find you. But as I can see you've found your way back. ", Mamoru grinned mischievously. You knew that grin. "Brother!" Hop called and hugged Leon. You blinked. So Hop was Leon's brother? If that wasn't a coincidence. "Really, have you got lost in the Slumbering Weald again?" The younger sighed and put his arms on his hips. "You know how bad my sense of direction is." Leon laughed and raised his hands defensively. "However. Mother would like to see you again, so move your bum to her and say hello, "he ordered.
"Well, then it's probably time to say goodbye first.", Leon said and turned to you. "Um .. Here, this is my league card. You can all have one. ", He said a bit embarrassed and first gave Mamoru and then Aki a card. He gave the last one to you and grinned. You looked at it and blinked.
"... Champion Leon .. Wait, you are the champion of Galar ?!", you asked completely perplexed and pointed at him. "That offends me now, that you are shocked." Leon laughed and winked at you.
"No of course not. That somehow makes you sympathetic that you are so absentminded. "You smiled. Just as Leon was about to reply, Hop poked him in the side. "Stop flirting and get on your way, brother."
Leon laughed, then turned back to you. "Now that you now know who I am .. Is there a chance that you will become a fan of mine after all?" He asked you slightly teasingly.  You smiled back. "I already am." Your answer surprised him and your next words made him even a little blushy. “You are my savior after all. My hero. Of course I'm your fan. "You added and also winked.
Leon just stood there with his mouth open and everything he wanted to say died in his throat. Hop grinned broadly and then pulled his brother behind him. "Maybe we'll see each other again, folks!"
"See you then, Hop! And Leon. ", Mamoru shouted afterwards with a laugh, until he turned to his sister with a grin. "Already Found a little romance here yet? ”He teased you. "Dont talk nonsense. I do not know him. But he was .. nice. “You said and then looked at his League Card. Under the name was soemthing written in small letters: 'Turn the card'. You blinked and looked at the back of the card.
You grinned broadly and hugged the card when you laughed softly. "What's going on?", Aki wanted to know. "Oh nothing."You smirked and took your smartphone to type Leon's home number, which he had attached to the back with a small message, into your phone. He was kind of cute and this was just the beginning of a new wonderful friendship. You were sure about this.
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Familiar Face part 2
Part 2 lets go!.
Harumo:Why do you......Look like me?.
Reitan: Thats my question to you, who the hell are you? and why do you look exactly like me, well except the hair color, ...how much to do weight?
Harumo: What?! my weight? uhm...
Ryota: Harumo.. are.you.....okay?.....
Moritaka: Oh my lord! he looks exactly like you Harumo!
Reitan: Yeah yeah, i look like him and whatever ,also who the hell is this cutie right here.
The chubby look alike points at Ryota with there tongue sticking out.
Ryota: Wha-- ME?! 
Harumo: OH NO No no! there, you’re not touching Ryota like that!
Reitan: Pst, what, you got a crush on him or something?
Ryota: C-Crush?!, {blushes} w-what made you say that?!
Harumo: As a matter of fact, i kissed Ryota, so there....hmph
Moritaka: What?!, Ryota, you two have k-kissed ?!
Ryota: [Blushes} It was the only way to defeat the exception back then!
Ryota”s face turned Red, out of sheer embarassment, due to the fact, he remembers the way he felt, when he kissed the LUCKY BASTARD!. 
Harumo: We kissed each other lips to lips. 
Moritaka: L-lips?! to lips!
Reitan: Woowwww, well this is getting awkward.
After an awkward conversation about Kiss, Lips, and then crushes, One transient appears to be running away as he has recovered from the chubby look alike’s attack.
Moritaka:  Comrades, the robber is getting away! 
He points to the robber transient, Due to the force that launch the robber about 10 meters away, he was already heading towards the exit of the park, 
Harumo:  After him !
Robber: Hahahah, hey, takes for that moron! .. hahaha
Reitan: tsk..
Ebisu:  I Don’t think so, 
Harumo:  Ebisu?
Ebisu:  Back casting on a big one ! and........ FIIIIIIISHHHHHH! 
Out of nowhere,The chubby pink haired was riding his fish cusion and floating in mid air with his fishing rod, whom is his sacred artifact. He begins back casting his rod and casts  towards the robber’s clothes, According to his Role and Rule, his fishing line will always hook its target. 
Ebisu:  Haha got you now !, 
Robber:  What the- ahhhh! 
Ebisu:   Harumo now !
Harumo:  Got it ! 
While Ebisu is dragging the robber towards you, you jumped on top of him to subdue him, However, it seems like the robber is not ready to give up, as he struggles to get rid of you on top of him, 
Ryota:  Don’t worry Harumo !, get ready for the famous 
The chubby orange haired one jumped on top of you to increase the weight the robber has to bare. however.
Harumo:  Sandwich time ! ....ow
Ryota:  Sorry Harumo...
Robber:  What the heck,! what are these kids eating! 
He stills struggles to get free from the immense weight, but 
Moritaka:  Look !, its the police ! 
The police follwed by 
Tajikarao:  Hold, in the name of ju-...oh it seems you have captured the robber.
Harumo:  Hi Tajikarao!, looking good in those tights ! 
Tajikarao:  Thank you Harumo, now, its time to do our jobs,...Men, cuff this robber immediately 
Cops:  Yes Sir ! 
The Cops cuff the robber and took him away, A round of applause burst around you, as sign of recognizing the brave deed you and your friends did, 
Ryota:  Wow, i didn’t realize I’ll get applauded for this. 
Moritaka:  There’s nothing to be shamed about Ryota,  Both of you did a brave deed, and that is something to be honoured for. 
Ebisu:  Are you guys okay? 
Harumo:  Yep, all good here.
Ryota:  That was amazing Ebisu !, who knew your fishing line could go that far. 
Ebisu:  Hahaha, the perks of being a fisherman i suppose.
Tajikarao:  Ahem, All of you did a fine job citizens, Thank you for your bravey in catching a dangerous criminal. 
Harumo:   Just do what we have to do. 
Tajikarao:   Well then, I’ll best be off, i have to escort him to the station, Until then, until then Brave Citizens ! 
Ryota: Are you okay Harumo?, Did i squish you too hard? 
Harumo: Hmmm,, i think so,,,but not really hurt.
Ryota: Thank goodness. 
Reitan: Ohhhh, what a caring boyfriend.
Only a single word, the orange haired chubby student, panics in embarrasment and freaks out, even though he feels a much more deeper connection to Harumo, though he denies it, it only reinforce Reitan’s idea. Also Ryota’s face red as a tomato,and blushing so noticeable you might assume he had a fever. 
Ryota: I-I-I M ,,NOT! 
Harumo: Hmmmmmmmm
Ryota: ....Harumo.... y-
Moritaka: That was superb teamwork you three! 
Ebisu: Thanks, Moritaka. 
Moritaka: Ebisu, that was incredible fishing you just did.
Ryota:......{What am i to Harumo?} 
Thoughts of doubt,Thoughts of his role to them, stirred in his mind, as to what he is to him, what is he to him?, He remembers back to the time, his savior only just appeared in Shinjuku Central Park.
{3 months ago} 
The moon litted  the dark  sky can be seen on the soft,green patch of grass, the wind blowing sofly as it grazes an orange-haired student, sitting on it, with a thought in his mind, as he stares infront of the river, only to be distracted by a sudden fish’s jump out of the water. 
Beside him is an assortment of chocolate,lollipops and candy, wrapped in a plastic bag he bought from the nearby convinient store,...He takes a lollipop and puts it in his mouth savoring and absorbing the juicy flavors of blueberries mixed with strawberries.
While savoring the lollipop,he goes back into staring the clear blue waters of the lake infront him, While reminiscing a certain friend of his, 
???: Hey Ryota! lets go to the lollipop store, i heard they have a new type of flavor in the menu! 
Ryota: Really!? but...{Checks wallet}...Oh no!,.... i totally spent it all on that new manga i wanted!,,, Sorry, looks like i can’t
???: Hahah!, Don’t worry, its my treat!, i just want to hang out with you. 
Ryota: ....you want..to hang out with me?
???: Yeah, we’re friends aren’t we?
Ryota: Y-Yeah we are! , thanks! 
???: Now lets go! 
{end of reminiscing}
Ryota:......*sobs* why...
Reminiscing about a certain friend, only reminded him, the pain he felt, from the day his beloved friend moved away.
Ryota: *sobs* 
{Phone rings} 
Ryota: *Gasp in surprise*
He wipes off his tears and hurried checks on his phone to see, someone very angry is calling him. 
Ryota: H-Hello- 
Kengo: Yo nerd!, tone it down a little would ya! 
Ryota: S-SORRY! Shiro, i was just buying some treats because i ran out!, but I’ll be on my way soon, !
Shiro: You better!, because we are going to have a long taik when you get here! 
{Call ended} 
Ryota:....Eeeppp!, Shiro is so scary when he’s mad, i better run now, before he blows a fuse.! 
As he hurriedly picked up his bag of treats, and runs off to the nearby exit, 
Ryota: Eeeepp!, an Oni?!, here in night? 
Oni: Human Flesh!, Tasty!....RARRRRGGGHHH!!
Ryota: AHHHHHHH!!!....
Panic and scared the orange haired run off to safety,however its enefective against an Oni’s high jumping power as he leaps from tree to the next tree and lands infront of him, roaring to him as he has found his meal to satisfy his hunger.. 
Ryota: Ahhh....ahh.. come on....I got it! 
As a defense mechanism, he throws his treats at him while crying, because he just bought it with his allowance, 
Ryota: Here! take it all you big lug! 
Oni: Rarrrggghhhhh! Hmmmmm...
Interested in the treats thrown at him, that created the opening Ryota needs to run away, while the Oni tries the sweets and chocolates he got. 
Ryota: Ahh.....ah........ahhhhh....*gasping for air* 
Meanwhile the Oni tries one of the chocolates he thrown, and...
As he lets out a loud roar, Ryota runs off to the nearby exit as his treats have slowed the Oni long enough for him to escape, 
Ryota: All right!, there it is!.......What the?!--- 
 Harumo: Huh?!-oooffff
Not paying attention, another uniform wearing chubby crashed with the orange haired one and both fell down. 
Harumo: Ahhh....hey....are you okay? 
Because of the impact, Ryota nearly fell into unconciousness, and slowly opens his eyes to see someone on top of him..
Ryota: K-Keis....uke?
Harumo: Keisuke?....uhm hello? 
Ryota: ..H...HUH?!, What....just happened? 
Harumo: You bumped into me by accident, sorry, i wasn’t paying attention,...here..
They extend a hand to Ryota,to stand him up. 
Harumo: By the way, My name is Harumo...so,,, whats your name?
Ryota: Thanks, for helping me up, im Ryota Yakushimaru!, nice to meet you Harumo!. 
Harumo: You’re much more cuter up close! 
Ryota: W-What!?,w- why are you saying that all of sudden?! 
Harumo: Well, its because you’re cute in all and you’re much more plumper up close, i like that! 
Ryota: [BLUSHING} W-W-What?!, ..o-okay, T-Thanks.... 
Harumo; Why were you running?
Ryota:......Oh yeah! thats right i was running away from the Oni! 
Harumo: Oni?, ,,,whats an Oni? 
Ryota: Wait, you don’t know? 
Harumo: Well, the things is { Explains they’re arrival} 
Ryota: I think i get it....Hey, what are you stari-
Oni: Raaaaaagggghhhhhhh! 
Ryota: Crap!, Its here, lets run! 
Harumo: Holy Crap! 
Holding your hand, you two run towards the exit, finally out of the Park, however the Oni, doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon,,,as it continues its pursuit for human flesh, as it has spotted to humans to further satisfy his hunger and become more ruthless and ferocios, 
Harumo: Why is it chasing us?! 
Ryota: I don’t know!, i was just going back home when he showed up all of a sudden and then chased me and i have to sacrifice my precious snacks for it, AHHHHHHHH! 
Harumo: Ryota! 
Due to the panicked running,Ryota failed to notice a rock on the way and slipped causing you two to fall down again, while the Oni is already behind you 
Oni: Two Humans!, More Food! 
Ryota:S-Stay away from them you bad Oni! 
Harumo: Ryota... 
Oni: [Grabs Ryota} 
Ryota: AHHHHH!! 
Harumo: Ryota!RRRRRR!!!!LET,, HIM,,GOOOOOOO!!! 
Oni: Rarrrrrr! 
All of a sudden, a cut like wound is seen on the Oni’s right chest, by a mysterious sword, being wielded by the chubby hero...
Oni: What?!, you’re a sacred artifact holder? 
Harumo: So this must be what LIl Salomon was taiking about earlier.....All right..DON’T YOU DARE HURT MY FRIEND! 
Ryota: H-Har--umo....{Sleeps} 
A fierce battle folds, normally someone with zero combat experience will definitely die in a second against an Oni, however you move as if you have already know where to move,its as if your body is moving via muscle memory, you slash him with all your might, but your attack was blocked by his massive club,feeling an electric shock feeling from hitting his club with all your might, you stumbed a little giving the Oni and opportunity to hit you hard
Harumo: Oh no!,,,Thaaaarrrgghh! 
.Hitted on the side of your body, you felt shortness of breath as you were launch to the side by the impact, 
.Harumo: Crap!, Aaaahhhh!, ,,,
.Oni: Raarrrrrgghhhh! 
.Preparing the final blow,as he raised his club up high to strike you down with unimaginable force, it leaves him wide open, and then..
.Harumo: Boundless Tail! 
Oni: Rarrrrr!
[End of battle} 
Harumo: Ryota!, Ryota wake up ! c’mon Ryota please wake up! 
Ryota: ahhh......ahhh..
The unconcious fellow slowly regains conciousness as he hears the plea from the one who saved him, but as he looks at them.. 
Harumo: Keisuke?,, no its Harumo, Ryota,
Ryota: Huh?, Harumo?, wha-what happened?, where is the Oni? and did you fought him with a sword! 
Harumo: Hahaha!, Yeah, i won and he won’t be bothering us anymore! 
Ryota: Really?! Oh, Thank you so much Harumo, you’re a lifesaver! 
Ryota hugged Harumo out of gratitude and kindness. 
Harumo: Are you okay?, you’re aren’t hurt are you? 
Ryota: Im okay,! I just fell asleep! also.. Can i ask you something?
Harumo: What is it?
Ryota:... W-Why didn't you runned away, you could have saved yourself, so..
Harumo: Because i couldn't let the thought of saving you out of my mind.. And.. You're my friend..
Ryota:.. .....I-i-im your ,,,,frieend?....*sobs*
Crying out tears of joy, the sobbing chubby embraces you, as his cries echoes throughout the empty, quiet street of Shinjuku..
 {End of Scene}
Harumo: Ryota?, Ryota!,,,,, RYOTA! 
Ryota: Ahhhh!, that scared me, what is it? 
Harumo: You’ve been staring at the ground this whole time, 
Moritaka: Are you feeling unwell?! should i fetch you some water Ryota? 
Ryota: I-its nothing!, i was just remembering something a long time ago, 
Harumo: Oh, what is it? 
Ryota: Uhmmm,,,{Sees someone},,,What? 
He stares at someone, in complete shock, as if he has seen something or someone is there. 
Harumo: What is it Ryota? { Looks at his direction} 
Ryota: Is that?
Reitan: Hey Keisuke!, Is that you, you knucklehead, what the hell are you doing here?!
Ryota: It is him....
Keisuke: I was just getting something to eat,
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tscmu · 4 years
first dates with haikyuu boys :)
pt 1. - msby black jackals
genre; kinda fluff idk?? just kinda cute early relationship tings
warnings; secondhand embarassment, lil suggestive comments ( from atsumu who am i kidding )
characters; bokuto, atsumu, hinata + sakusa
all characters r timeskip and 18+ !!
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koutarou bokuto
- bruh youd be terrified for this date like.. a guy youve hardly spoken to with a massive personality asking you to meet him at a tiny cafe.. ok
- hed love tiny cafes though like the ones nobody are in so its just you two.. AWH
- dates wouldnt be a massive thing to him so youd be dressed up casual formal with light makeup on and hed strut off the bus in his kit literally sweating, just left practice and youd be like 😳
- you wouldve met him at a club like a week back when you were both off your faces and youd wake up the next morning with no idea what happened the night before, just like 10 texts from someone with the contact name ‘BokJUt OWks MAn’ asking you on a date.. why wouldnt u say yeah??
- it would go rly well !!
- i think itd be a bit slow at first, like youre both describing your lives when.. it happens
- youre both just aimlessly chatting, both tuning in and out of conversation waiting for the food to come when.. you hear it. the thing that you did that you thought NOBODY else did. and he does it.
- “and one of my roommates tsumu always yells at me because i collect stamps-” “WAIT YOU COLLECT STAMPS?? ME TOO BRUH”
- youd both have a joint aneurysm literally
- after that youd be infatuated with eachother ITD BE SO CUTE
- youd get the bill both like a lil tipsy, heading further into the town to just go window shopping in the moonlight
- then hed accidentally set off the jewellery shop alarm pointing at a pretty ring and poking the glass too hard-
- when your taxi came he’d be really sad.. then as you close the door hed just jump in and find his own way home HAHAHA
- 10/10 date would do again.. and you did
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atsumu miya
- oh you would be EXCITED
- until you found out his suggestion.. one of his own fucking games
- you just cut it down to the fact that he was a personal volleyball player, he was probably busy, yk?? but no it was because he wanted to show off to you🙄🙄
- you met him on the street like he literally picked you up on the street.. only he yall only he 
- well of course you liked him have you seen him 
- you exchanged numbers and were texting for like a week ( where he just begged you to come to a game ) before finally you said ok
- because its a date you didnt wanna bring along someone else so you just kinda showed up on your own and followed the crowd.. before finding out you were on the WRONG SIDE OF THE COURT
- he teased you about this for years to come and you wanted to burst out crying every time
- after finally finding the right seat on the RIGHT SIDE, the players came out and.. lets say you were surprised
- you didnt know that much about volleyball beforehand but.. d a m n
- those uniforms were hot😳😳
- the game went well and they won ( to his extreme happiness ), and then you finally got to meet him again
- it was subtle at first, like while he was signing shirts hed look over his shoulder and wink or something lmao
- thats until hinata and bokuto got to the area you were at and went feral, killing tsumus whole vibe HAHA
- to which you just laughed your head off about
- bro he gave you a kiss on the cheek when he walked over making all the fangirls go absolutely feral.. twitter talked abt it for AGES even after you revealed you were dating 2 months after it happened
- you had to wait around for HOURS whilst he talked to interviewers.. struggles of being famous🥶‼🔥
- but it was worth it ofc
- he took you out to this lil restaurant when he finally got away and even walked u home.. such a gentleman damn
- “so when can i see you again.. and maybe a bit more ;)” “sHUT UP-”
- lets just say u definitely did that again-
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shoyo hinata
- oh my god hed be more nervous than you were
- hed overdress like.. not full suit but pretty damn close
- i feel like hed not be that focused on women?? the volleyball grind comes first yk
- but when he made eye contact w you across the meeting table.. jeez he went feral
- bro when he was asked a question he couldn’t function you were just like ??
- atsumu basically had to ask you out for him after it finished he was so nervous HAHA
- you called him cute when he pulled up and he genuinely turned into a tomato like.. ushijima would farm him if he saw him
- hed book you a table at this really fancy restaurant ( with a lil financial help from kenma ) and you were genuinely shocked lmao
- i feel like youd work with the jackals as like a promoter or sumn and hed just be shocked.. like he didnt know you even existed bruh??
- because of that hed be pretending hed had his eye on you for a while ( to which you just laughed knowing he was trying to be cool )
- hed tell you to order something expensive but you knew how much those guys got paid.. yeah no.
- but hed warm up MASSIVELY like by the end of it after a glass and a bit of wine youd both be like peas in a pod literally
- youd go for a lil walk around the city centre before u found a taxi.. HED BE SO SAD LIKE HE DIDNT WANT IT TO END??
- hed go in for the kiss i know he would 
- youd be like ??? but kiss him back bc why wouldnt u hes a baby
- best date you’d had in a couple years by far
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kiyoomi sakusa
- you literally wouldnt realise it was a date until the end i stg this man
- hed deadass show up to ur door and be like ‘cmon’ and youd be like EXCUSE ME SIR-
- i feel like you wouldve known eachother for at LEAST a couple months
- and he wouldve just done NOTHING like you didnt even know he felt a romantic connection to you
- but trust me he did
- he just didnt know the words to say :(
- but this is what the lads told him to do LMAO
- before u knew what was happening you were in the backseat of a taxi and he was telling them a street in the middle of the city-
- “oh we’re going out to dinner” “wha- i didnt bring my purse tho-” “eh.” literally
- you were kinda surprised because you knew how much he hated crowds and dinner in the city seemed unlike him, more like something you would enjoy
- but thats exactly why he did it 
- youd pull up and do a double take when he was asking for a table.. WHO THE FUCK WAS SITTING AT THE BACK OF THE RESTAURANT
- however after being motioned to shut up by atsumu you acted like you saw nothing
- it was just like the other times youd hung out but he was a little more.. interested in you
- not like suggestive, he just genuinely was asking about like how your day was, etc IT WAS CUTE AS HELL
- it was at that point you realised oh shit, this might be a date-
- when it was over you suggested going into the city and looking in shops for a bit, but the restaurant filled with people was enough for him lmao
- you got a taxi back and were standing outside your apartment door when he did something hed never done before
- it was then you realised.. did he actually like you??
- spoiler he did
- and things were different between you ever since IM UWUING PLS
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purplesurveys · 3 years
America - What is your favorite place to eat?  I mean...these days I obviously haven’t been eating out at all, but I used to always enjoy dining at either Yabu (for the food) or La Creperie (for the ambience).
Australia - Do you have any quirks when speaking?  I don’t think so; or at least I don’t think I’d be aware of them unless someone points them out to me.
Austria - What kind of person do you wish to be?  What do some (or most) of these questions have to do with the countries? Lmao. Anyway, I just want to be remembered as being kind, I guess. I’m not aiming for anything grand.
Belarus - Is there anyone you love?  I’d do anything for my friends, close or otherwise.
Belgium - What do you think of your siblings? I like my sister; I care about her. I don’t really think much of my brother.
Botswana - Do you like to sing? Why or why not?  Yeah, but I only do it for myself. I never sing in front of others; I don’t think I’m that good.
Bulgaria - Who do you consider close to you?  My two best friends and everyone in my college friend group.
Cameroon - Describe your culture.  Folktales, hundreds of languages, more than just adobo and balut.
Canada - Favorite wintertime activity?  We don’t have winter.
China - What was the best moment of your life?  I don’t think I’ve had it yet; but so far the moments that are in the running for ‘best’ are my Paramore concert in 2018 and the day I found out I passed UP.
Cuba - What sort of grudges do you hold if any?  I haven’t talked to Marielle since the backstabbing incident in 5th grade, and I pretty much don’t talk to my uncle (unless we’re at a family gathering and I have to greet him for show) for all his past failures.
Cyprus - What hands-on activities do you like (drawing, carving, building, etc.)?  Embroidery! which I haven’t done in a long while but I’m definitely still into it.
Denmark - Do you wish for something of your past?  I wish I had more time with my relatives who died from Covid. Even a proper goodbye and a big, long hug from each of them would’ve sufficed.
Egypt - Do you stand up for what you believe in? How?  Sure. I speak up about it, educate others when I can, and raise awareness or reiterate my stance about certain issues by sharing posts on social media.
England - Are you controlling?  Depends on what context you’re talking about, because control can mean many different things. I’m a control freak when it comes to my work tasks and I know that can drive some people mad, especially those who prefer working independently.
Estonia - Do you think people often misunderstand you?  I think I’m pretty easy to read.
Finland - What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy?  In general, kindness; but I also don’t have any clue to what context these words pertain.
France - How do you show love for those you care for?  I like messaging them about things I see that remind me of them. I will also buy them small gifts from time to time, usually food that I know they like.
Germania - What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?  Breaking up with Gabie, and accepting the said breakup. Both were equally difficult things to overcome and I’m just happy to be out of that part of my life.
Germany - Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself?  Yes. It takes me a while, if at all.
Ghana - What is our favorite sport?  You mean mine? I like pro wrestling, if that counts.
Greece - Do you let others help you when in need? I do, but I have a hard time asking for help. < Yeah. I will accept help when I finally acknowledge that I need it; but getting to the acknowledgment part can take me a while.
Hungary - Who is the person you trust most?  Either of my best friends.
Hutt River - What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had?  Back when I was at a low point I used to have recurring dreams of my girlfriend at the time dying. It sucks for the fact that my most unforgettable dreams are nightmares and for the fact that they all involve her, lol.
Hong Kong - Do you fear death?  Not really. I fear dying in a way that I wouldn’t want to experience, but I don’t fear the actual concept of death.
Iceland - Do you hide your real personality? Why?  I hide some parts from people I don’t know all that well or I’m not that close with; like I obviously wouldn’t have crackhead vibes with my clients at work lol. But outside of that I pretty much act the same way around everyone.
India - How important is family to you?  Quite, but it’s not my be-all and end-all.
Japan - Tell us a secret about yourself.  I don’t really have any. I share everything on this blog, anyway.
Kenya - What is your favorite wild animal?  Elephants.
Korea - What is one thing you accomplished by yourself?  Shooting my shot and landing an internship, and eventually a permanent job, at a company I had no connections with, all while I was heavily depressed and wasn’t really doing anything else to take care of myself. 
Kugelmugel - Is there anyone you have a love-hate relationship with?  My mom and I bicker all the time, but she is my mom.
Latvia - Do you believe you are brave?  I guess so.
Ladonia - What is the internet site you visit most often?  I’d say either Twitter or Facebook.
Liechtenstein - How do people underestimate you most often?  I don’t know if I can answer this; people usually don’t.
Lithuania - Do you desire power?  No. That implies being in the spotlight, which I don’t crave at all.
Macau - What is your favorite festival or celebration?  Christmas, only for the huge amount of food I get to freely eat.
Molossia - Do you consider yourself strong?  Emotionally, yeah. Also what is Molossia?
Monaco - Do you think you are a lucky person?  Not a big believer of luck.
New Zealand - Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard?  None of these.
North Italy - What is your least favorite part of your personality?  There are some parts to my sensitivity that I don’t really like, like my tendency to overthink remarks that were actually meant to be harmless.
Norway - What was the most disappointing time in your life?  All that time I spent being hung up on Gab and desperately talking to her post-breakup, mostly because of how much I neglected myself then. She was working a night shift then and I remember keeping on waking up at like 1 AM and the first thing on my mind always being to message her and UGH it’s just so embarassing to think about now.
Netherlands - Most generous thing someone has done for you?  That one time Andi half-walked and half-took a trike back to UP at 11 PM after already having gotten home, just to retrieve something I forgot to bring home and was having a breakdown about. It was really embarassing and they bring it up every once in a while to tease me, but we have a good laugh about it now.
Poland - Hardest thing you have gone through?  The breakup and deaths in the family.
Prussia - Would you prefer to live forever or die alone?  Live forever I guess, because I have serious FOMO HAHAHA
Roman Empire - How would you like to be remembered?  Like what I said at the start of this survey, just as someone who had been kind.
Romania - What is something you are very ashamed of?  I don’t think there is anything.
Russia - Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still?  I used to. Not really anymore. I’m liking myself more these days.
Sealand - Who is your best friend?  Angela and Andi.
Seborga - What is your favorite beverage?  Water or coffee.
Seychelles - How do you handle people being rude to you?  Be mean back, but in a passive-aggressive way.
South Italy - What is your favorite part of your personality?  I like that I’m generous and that I can remember a lot of different small details about everyone.
Spain - What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance?  That she was right, I ended up being happier without her; and that I hope she can finally sleep well knowing she was right, considering our whole relationship was pretty much built on her wanting to be right about everything.
Sweden - Are you a leader, follower, or independent?  Follower.
Switzerland - Would you consider yourself evil, good, or neutral?  Chaotic neutral.
Thailand - How good is your poker face?  I don’t even understand poker.
Tibet - What do you value most?  Friendships, and my happiness.
Taiwan - What do you think of the people or person who raised you?  Grateful.
Turkey - Would you ever want children?  That would be nice, in a few years.
Uganda - How would you like others to see you?  I answered this question like twice already. It still applies hahaha.
Ukraine - What is one thing that has made you stronger in life?  The difficulties I was able to overcome.
Vietnam - What is something you are proud of about yourself?  ^ Those.
Wy - What kind of art do you like?  Paintings and films.
Zimbabwe - Who is your favorite character from any folklore?  I don’t like folktales.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
If we are not this, then what are we? - pt. 9
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A/N: I didn’t expect this to be like this but I’m glad it did because it makes more sense in my head now, I connected the A, B and F. Hahaha. 
James was laying down on his bed with an icepack on his face. He didn’t say a word since he had laid down. 
He was tired.
He had a headache.
He and Sirius had just been beaten up by Hufflepuffs. It was a big ego bruiser. 
Sirius was already asleep, since he already took a few painkillers too much and maybe his snores were exactly the cause to keep James awake. 
‘ “And the only slag I see is the abused, little puppy I see.” ‘ - The memory echoed in his mind. Why would he say that to you?  He shut his eyes but the scene continued to resolve in front of him. Whether he opened them and stare at the ceiling or shut them close so hard that the headache only got worse, he could still see you hurt. It was if he could physically see the scars he caused you. 
It wasn’t just the fact he said it but he feels it- he feels so much tightness inside his body when he thinks of last night; because he cannot remember anything and it feels like that today, the happily you walked to him, smiled, started a normal conversation before he turned it into chaos, the more he thinks something happened between the two of you at that party. 
Did something happen? 
He didn’t say anything stupid, did he? Or said something as if he loved you... because he didn’t. 
James opened his eyes wide and hugged the small red pillow in his arms. He burried his face into it and shut his eyes. 
‘ I don’t love her.’ he told himself before his stomach started spinning inside of him. ‘I am not in love with her! We bicker all the time! She hates me. I hate her. And what happened today? She went all mellowdramatic on me. Just because I told her that her boyfriend is nothing but a man whore- which he is. I do not know what she sees on him. She doesn’t know the guy as I do-  and she couldn’t stop shouting, knowing I have a headache and that I really wasn’t in the mood.’ he turned on the other side and opened his eyes. ‘She knows when to poke me and she thought she would win an argument yesterday just because I was hungover.’ he turned back on the other side and felt a smirk appear on his lips. ‘ Well, joke’s on her because...’ 
He thought back on the whole morning and just felt his eyes tear up. He could feel the tightness in his chest as he continued to hear the awful words he spat at you. He knew if the tightness grew... he wouldn’t be able to hold it in anymore.  He brought the pillow up to his nose and took a deep breath in. As soon as he did, he could remember you, your childhood, your laugh and your tears. Every year replayed in his head like a movie and he? He cried.
He couldn’t keep it inside himself anymore. 
He tried to ignore it. 
“I don’t love her.” he kept saying, sobbing into the the pillow before crouching over and continuing to wipe his nose into it. 
‘Even if you wouldn’t love her, you still shouldn’t have acted the way you did.’ - someone in his head whispered and he could feel the pressure in his shadow expand to his full head.
He couldn’t hold it in. He kept trying to push it down but the more that he tried, the more it came up. 
“Why do I have to fuck up everything!” he bawled, not even caring if he woke up the poor, drooling Sirius next to him. “Why do I fuck up everything that I love?”
All he felt at this moment was a wish to be alone. No Sirius, not anybody... he just wished to be alone. 
You walked into Astronomy class and saw him sitting behind your desk, alone. You felt your feet melt into the ground until you couldn’t move. 
There was something inside of you that just screamed something wasn’t right. 
“Come on.” Will took a hold of your hand and pulled you to his desk. 
All four James, Sirius, Will and Will’s best friend Davie were called to the office because of the fight. Will explained the reasons why but tried to leave you out of it as much as he could. James was quiet from what Will told you, as well as Davie, who stepped on Will’s side. Sirius, however, did not leave you out and that was why you were called to Slughorn’s office this afternoon. 
The professor entered the class and looked at all five of you. “Glad to see the three of you decided to keep your distance from each other. Wouldn’t want another disrespectful assult in my class.” he glared at you, then Will and later at James, who only turned his head to the empty seat beside him. 
‘I wish I knew what he was thinking...’ - you caught yourself say in your mind before looking forward and ignoring that same thought. 
He hurt you.
He disrespected you. 
He embarassed you. 
Why do you still care? 
But your eyes couldn’t stop glancing at him from time to time. He held his head with his palms, massaging the sides of it and ruffling the hair on top. 
He usually did that when he had a migrane and usually, they could get quite bad. 
Again, why do you still care? 
‘I don’t.’ - you answered yourself, shaking your head and trying to focus on the class. 
“Professor?” James raised his hand and leaned back on his chair. 
“Yes, Potter?” 
“Can I go to Madam Pomfrey? I’m really not feeling quite chipper this morning.” 
Chipper. He used that word every time when he had a migrane and the two of you couldn’t hang out because of it. It must have stucked and he must have realized it as well, since he hated the word chipper and he glanced over his shoulder to see you. 
His eyes were completely swollen. The glasses might have helped to disguise it but you couldn’t ever not notice James not being himself. 
“I don’t remember you having migranes before, Potter.” the professor whipped his voice. 
“I haven’t had them for years. I used to have them a lot when I was a kid.” James kept looking at the professor. “I don’t even know why I’m asking you this!?” James snapped and stood up. “I am going to be nineteen soon. I surely do not need your permission to get out of class anymore.” he started gathering his stuff.
“Potter! Watch your mouth!” 
But James didn’t much care for what anybody said because his migrane kept increasing by every passing second. The light was only making everything worse and he stumbled across the classroom, holding himself up by the chairs and the desks. “Shit- sorry- pardon me-” he kept saying to anybody he bumped into. He hit his toe into the foot of the desk and cursed under his breath. “Bloody- urghhh!” he grit his teeth, feeling Sirius take his arm and help him up. 
“I got you, mate.” said Sirius and tried to lift him up. 
James kept his eyes half-closed due to the light but was thankful for Sirius who was there to pick him up as he was falling down. He smiled at him just before locking his eyes with you as they passed your desk. 
He could see something inside of them... almost as you were worried for him but he quickly looked away becuase of his guilty conscience. 
You hate him. Period. 
He knew he messed up. There was no chance anymore that the two of you could ever reconcile and burry the hatchet.
What he forgot to remember wasn’t only the night of your kiss but also the fact that you were a person who cared so much more than she should. Even when people stomped on her, beat her down, made her feel the worst of herself, she could never do the same. 
That’s who you were. You were that person who could never be cruel to anybody, no matter how much they have hurt her. 
And at situations like this, you felt most naive. 
James was laying in bed, his head thrown back as the tears kept coming out of his eyes.
 It hurt. He almost forgot how much these migranes hurt but as soon as Madam Pomfrey came to the rescue, she numbed the pain and let James rest. 
Sirius hasn’t left his side. He sat by and waited for his best mate to get well. His eyes kept watering, his leg kept jumping. 
What was happening to him? What was happening to James?
“You look like I died or something.” James smiled at him as Sirius quickly looked up at him, smiling. 
“Just planning to take your spot in the Chaser postion- become the only bachelor in Hogwarts.” he joked and James laughed with him. “How are you mate?” 
“Like someone threw a boulder at me.” 
“Your eyes are completely swollen. Do you think it was an allergy or something?”
James thought of the night he spent on crying but quickly shook the feeling off. “Yeah... maybe... I dunno.”
Sirius knew he was lying to him. He heard him cry all night but he couldn’t bring himself to do anything about it. He didn’t know how to approach someone as much as James did. He wanted to try but he just couldn’t. He didn’t know how to. That was James’ area of expertise. 
“Well, Potter. That must have been quite a terrible migrane but it also must have been quite the party.” she looked up at him with a smirk as James flushed red. 
“I- uhm- I don’t know what you are talking about, Madam Pomfrey.”  James spoke loud and clear. 
“I don’t like liars, Potter.” she scolded him. “Whatever you wished not to remember, you should deal with it like Muggle, not take a rememberance potion like an ungraduated witchcraft student.” she continued to scold meanwhile James and Sirius only exchanged a confused look. 
“A rememberance potion?”
“Madam Pomfrey, we barely passed Potions. “
“Doesn’t mean you can’t make someone else make it for you.” she continued to say.
“Are you saying it caused a migrane?” James asked, leaning forward as he remembered the night he forgot and the morning that followed. 
“I’m saying that it was a memory that became powerfully connected to your emotions. However horrible, erasing a memory that powerful can be more dangerous than just a migrane. It could end in you losing all your memories but becuase it was a poorly made potion, that did not happen. Those can usually just cause irritation, aggression, nasusa, complex of emotions and migranes. Reckon, from what I heard Potter, that it might have been a great possibility for your outburst yesterday and your migrane today. I think, whoever made this potion-” she looked suspiciously at them before giving James two compress, dipped camille tea, on his eyes. ” This is for the swelling but as I was saying; whoever made this potion must have mixed the linden root with the pine root- which is the impossible to do since those are two completely different roots...” she kept talking to herself, moving away from the boys who kept staring at her. 
Sirius looked at James, who was lying flat on his back with two compress on each of his eye. “Pads... someone tried to erase my memory.” he said seriously but heard a laughter beside him.  “Pads! I’m serious!”
“It’s hard to take you seriously when you look like a woman on her spa treatment.” he continued to laugh as James sat up and threw the camille tea dipped compress out of his way, glaring at him. 
“Something happened that night, Pads! And someone doesn’t want me to remember it!” 
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH23
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 330
- Author Note: So im late, i will do double update! so please check on next chapter too~ :) thank u for whoever that read my cliche story HAHAHA i have no words to describe how im embarassed i am AHAHHAA anyways ~ 
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Chapter 23
Promotional month embarked the start of everything.  Hectic schedule, unreasonable amount of sleep time in a day, the most would be 2 hours and not to mention the studios and practice rooms would be their second home for the time being. The boys had been practicing non-stop these past few days until their official comeback early in February. This time their popularity soared higher than their previous comeback. It felt like a dream, but the boys did it. Their album sales make it digital or physical had risen drastically in comparison to previous sales.
The impact of Bangtan Sonyeondan to the industry was no joke. More people showed their support and their fanbase grew two times bigger than before in the blink of an eyes. Phenomenal indeed. Overwhelmed by the support, the boys promised to work harder this year to repay Armys’ love. Entering the last week of their You Never Walk Alone promotion, the boys were ready to start their Wings Tour around the globe. Unlike before they went to few continents depending on the demand of the respected country however this time their schedule was utilized for the first half of 2017.
Seul massaged her aching muscle and sunk on the couch with sulky face. The dorm was quiet and cold since none of the boys were home at this time.  They would only be home around dawn to get short nap before heading to their next schedule early in the morning. Following the change of their schedule, Seul would take an evening shift and went to their place right after her shift. So, she could prepare advanced breakfast for them. It became her routine to come around 2 in the morning and stayed for two hours or more, making sure the boys got a proper breakfast despite their busy schedule.
Mrs Hwang on the other hand was well informed pertaining to Seul’s unusual activity and she would make Hoon, more like force his son to pick her sister up every day from work. World is a scary place, she did not want to risk Seul’s life though that girl was the one who insisted to change her caretaking schedule out of sudden.
Glancing on her phone screen, she decided to call it a day since it was already 3 A.M and surprisingly she managed to pull her work within an hour. Seul had informed Hoon in advance so the younger guy would not pick her up considering he had exam the next day. She did not want to be blame for his bad performance later on.
“Should I watch Tae’s drama to kill time?” grinning to herself, Seul made up her mind to catch the latest episode. As she expected, the boys had recorded every episode up till the latest one.
What a supportive boyfriend!
It took Seul a moment to remember the last episode she watched, then it came to her realization she was following the drama diligently every week. Seul never missed any episode since she watched this with her mother. Of course, her mother would watch it, we were talking about her so-called adoptive son on screen.
Satisfied with her choice, Seul sat with her leg cross on the couch gleefully. She was excited to see different side of Taehyung on screen. A side which could only be seen on screen. Indeed, BTS V nailed it so perfectly. There were times Taehyung would give her a call as soon as his drama aired that particular day just to hear her opinion. She couldn’t understand why her opinion matter in this anyways.
 “Seul-seul! Did you watch?” Taehyung’s voice croaked in happiness. Apart from his members comment, Taehyung anticipated Seul’s point of view every week caused him to automatically give the girl a call after a new episode aired.
Seul laughed softly at Taehyung’s weird antic “I watched it Tae” he hummed. “So how was it this week?” he chewed his lower lips knowing how bluntly honest she could be. Taehyung valued her honesty even though sometimes Seul would never leave her sassiness behind, he didn’t care. He basically grew up with Min Suga’s sarcasm so to hear something similar from Seul, he was already immune to it.
“Hurm.. do you want to hear the good one or the bad one first?” she poked fun making Taehyung pouted in his seat.
“I want to hear good one first” Seul could imagine Taehyung’s pouty lips as a protest whenever he was forced to make a complicated choice.
Pressing her lips together to suppress her laughter, Seul regained her composure to have a decent conversation with him “You are certainly better if we were to compare with the episode which you first appeared. You look natural and comfortable with your character now. As I mentioned before, I like how you portray your emotions through your deep eyes. It is not a joke. How did you do that?” she professed earnestly.
Her compliments flustered him “Urm…Thank you..You are flattering me”
“I am not..You really did well Tae. Don’t tell me you are blushing” she teased.
“YAH I AM NOT! Alright, I am ready to hear the bad one” Taehyung murmured under his breath with hope it was not as nasty as her first comment back then. “Listen carefully Kim Taehyung, I am about to say something that might hurt your heart” the tone of her voice was stern and cold.
“Ji Seul you are scaring me! Stop sounding so serious”
“I am trying to, okay give me a moment” he heard her heavy breathing at the end of the line as if she was in the middle of night work out. What was on her mind?
“Tae-ah..I think you are too adorable for me to handle. Shouldn’t Hansung be manlier?”
Taehyung gasped “Is that an insult?” her small giggle tickled his heart. “Or is it your way complimenting me?” he pressed. There were times he craved for this kind of attention from Seul, made him feel normal guy around his age. To have a simple conversation with a friend gave him tranquillity.
“Will you take that as an insult since you really hated cutesy stuff nowadays?”
“Armys think I am cute. I will live with that if it comes from Armys and you. Yah, I am serious. Tell me right now what is my flaw?” he insisted.
Seul shook her head “Couldn’t find it. You are a rookie, but you are doing great. My mom thinks your acting is real and she really into it. Don’t ask me who is her favourite character, because she is choosing you over Minho. Aren’t that too much that she’s giving extra attention on you?” Taehyung beamed.
“Why? Are you jealous that Ahjumma favours me more than you?”
“I am used to it, Bangtan boys this, Bangtan boys that. You can take my mom’s love, I have Eodeng and Eomuk to love me” he cringed at the response. “Ew, that simply means you have Jin hyung’s love. Those two brats are the mini Kim Seokjin” she rolled her eyes in process.
She retorted sarcastically “Who are you calling brat? You are the brat!”
 She found herself smiling at the memories, being with Taehyung made her comfortable. Something that she could feel whenever she’s with Jin and Hoseok. Returning her attention back to the screen, Seul watched the drama and clasped her hand excitedly.  A silly smile would appear on her face every time Taehyung appeared on screen along with small awe in between.
Few months ago, she ridiculed the power of Bangtan Sonyeondan on her now as time passed it slowly turned her into a fan. Guess, she was being supportive of her friends.
Yes, supportive sounds fitting.
“Sejin hyung quick quick my bladder is about to explode” Jimin whiney voice filled the emptiness of the hallway. Other members stood sleepily behind him. Meanwhile, Jimin was getting impatient to finish his business inside. “Gosh, why are you so whiney” he pressed the button hurriedly, entering the password.
As soon as Jimin heard the beep, he squished his small body between the door and Sejin and ran inside ignoring the older guy that were already pressed against the wall.“That kid!” Sejin hissed while shaking his head. He gave a soft pat on Jungkook back, making the maknae moved inside with a big yawn “Get some sleep everyone, you need to be ready in 4 hours” he ordered.
Jungkook screeched softly feeling his muscle stiffened at the sight before him “Seul?” he stared in disbelief. Sleeping peacefully on the couch was Seul with Hwarang still running in the background. A soft smile spread across his face since the last time he saw her was two weeks ago. He almost lost his balance when he felt someone crashed against his body from back, Kim Taehyung groaned in frustration.
“Yah, Gukkie why are you blocking the way” his bangs were poking his eyes making it hard for him to see the obstacle in front of him. Furthermore, in this sleepy state everything appeared irrelevant to him except for his comfortable bed. Confused, Taehyung’s eyes followed Jungkook and upon it landed on Seul’s figure, his eyes widened in sheer surprise.
“Seul? Seul is here?” he spoke lowly fully aware that their manager was still there.
“What should we do? Sejin hyung is here!” Jungkook started to panic. The hyungs made their entrance with questionable look but soon they gawked at the scene in front of them. It would be a huge trouble if their manager found out about Seul. The chances of her being fired was high.
It is 5 A.M why is she not home? Yoongi cursed, taking a glance at Sejin whom thankfully still at the doorstep gathering bags in process. Everyone was trying to come up with ways to hide Seul or to face Sejin’s wrath in a minute. Without wasting any time, Taehyung marched forward taking Seul in his arm casually surprising everybody in the room.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi inquired with concern look.
“We need to hide her”
“Yes, but where?”
“Lets just bring her to my room” Taehyung suggested earning a low protest from Yoongi and Jin. Nonetheless, they followed him afterwards.
Seul stirred in her sleep a little and snuggled her face at the crook of his neck, liking the familiar smell and warmth. Even in her sleep, she knew how to play with his heart. Taehyung tried to control himself from smiling foolishly as his main concern right now was to hide Seul from Sejin.
“I will distract Sejin hyung” Jungkook blurted out and quickly dashed to the main door followed by Hoseok behind. Namjoon and Jin assisted Taehyung to his room, opening the door for him so he could move Seul to safer place.
 “Hyung I forgot my headphones!” “Me too I forgot my-my game console!” Hoseok and Jungkook hollered in unison causing the older guy to eye them suspiciously.
He wiggled his finger to his headphone which hang loosely around his neck “That is your headphone Hobi and as for you Jungkook, I didn’t see you play any games today let alone having your game console with you” closing the door behind him, he placed the bags on the floor.
Hoseok gulped nervously exchanging nervous look with Jungkook “Urm…Sorry I seem to forget, but really I forgot something in the van!” he tried his luck one more time to convince Sejin. They knew it was not easy to lie on his face since he could read them so easily. Their manager knew when the boys were hiding something, like right now.
“I smell fear and lies. What are you hiding from me?” he quirked his brows prying answers out from the two boys before him.  
“Nothing, nothing” Jungkook palmed his hand against the wall awkwardly with a sheepish smile. He heard the commotion behind him meaning the hyungs were doing something about Seul, though he had no idea how much time they needed for him to stall their manager.
“If it is nothing, why are you blocking my way? Is there something that I shouldn’t see?”
Hoseok held both his palm out while cracking a nervous chuckle in between “Jimin.. I mean Jimin peed in his pant and it is disgusting. We have to clean the floor first. It is dirty, you can’t walk” Hoseok facepalmed at his idiotic ideas. It sounded ridiculous.
“YAH WHO PEED IN PANTS?” clueless Jimin exited the bathroom as his eyes threw daggers at Hoseok way. Hoseok grinded his teeth together chasing Jimin away from the scene but of course he would not budge even an inch. Park Jimin was persistent to begin with. He never let anyone taint his name.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his head in frustration ‘Jimin-ssi, can you be a little cooperative. Why out of all time’ the manager did not buy the boys lies so he forced himself inside. Being tall giving him advantage to dominate the boys. His eyes scanned the empty living room with suspicion whilst Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were having their secret banter behind.
“The caretaker came to clean the place?” he noticed the cleanliness of the place as he made his way to the kitchen. “I guess…” Hoseok murmured silently.
“Jimin-ssi, Seul is here we are trying to stall him! You are ruining the plan” Jungkook whispered under his breath making the shorter guy gasped realizing his own mistake. When he dashed inside, he didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone in the dorm. If and only he realized it sooner this thing could be prevented. The three musketeers kept their eyes on the manager hyung whom busy inspecting every corner of their place.
Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi exited Taehyung’s room as their eyes spotted the three boys stood in line with their hands neatly together, they shot them a bewildered look “Yah are you crazy! Don’t act suspicious, hyung might find out!” Namjoon scowled lowly afraid that the older guy overheard him.
“Get into your room now and act naturally” Jin mouthed them. The three musketeers scurried off almost bumping into each other before each of them got into their room without trouble. The sound of heavy footstep alarmed the remaining members, and they decided to avoid their manager at all cost.
 On the other hand, Taehyung had already changed into his pyjamas in order to appear more convincing in case their manager decided to appear magically in his room. From time to time he threw a nervous glance at the door feared to witness an unwelcoming sight. Judging from the message in their group chat, Sejin was inspecting every nook and cranny of the dorm started from Jungkook. Taehyung’s room is a room away from him that scared the shit out of him.
He stared at Seul while trying to find perfect way to hide her from their manager. “Screw this” caressing his fluffy hair out of frustration, he turned off the main light and slipped under the cover beside Seul. Taehyung bit his lower lips, apologizing non-stop since he was about to initiate something inappropriate. The girl was unconscious, and he was literally touching her without her consent.
She will understand, she will. Taehyung prayed in his head that Seul would not wake up until this nerve wrecking scene ended.
“Fuck” his eyes rounded upon seeing the shadow behind the creak of his door. Using his long hand to reach the lamp on his night stand, he switched off swiftly. Taehyung pulled the cover under his chin, wrapping one of his arm securely around Seul’s waist. His heart pounded due to the proximity and it doubled when he heard Sejin’s footstep approaching his room.
His body froze when he felt Seul making a slight move in his embrace. On the bright side, she’s not awake however her face was buried deeply in his chest. The heavy lump on his throat caused his breath to hitch.
Ji Seul, what are you.
“Taehyung-ah, are you asleep” Taehyung snapped out his thought, and brought Seul’s body closer to him. He shut his eyes tight pretended to sleep with hope they wouldn’t get caught by their manager today. Not today, they couldn’t risk losing Seul.
Sejin twisted the door knob, poking his head inside. He squeezed his eyes to adjust to the darkness “Guess, he is asleep. That was fast” he mumbled. Taehyung’s mind overloaded with negative thoughts and his heart thumped crazily that he swore the eerie silence in his room adding the tension. The sound of the footsteps sounded so close yet unclear. He was sure it was just few steps closer from his bed. Like a reflex, Taehyung tightened his arm around Seul’s keeping her close.
Exasperating a soft sigh, he was relieved when the sound of the footsteps faded away. The soft slam came from the door convinced Taehyung that his manager had left the room, yet he did not want risk getting caught, so he stayed like a statue for few minutes. Taehyung grinned upon hearing Sejin’s faint voice behind the door “Park Jimin, I told you to sleep. Why are you still standing there?” Sejin frowned.
Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly “Is..Tae asleep?”
“Yes, his room is dark, and I bet he is asleep”
“D-d-dark what?” Jimin continued to curse something vulgar in his head. After finding out Seul was in Taehyung’s room he couldn’t help but to worry. It triggered his protective instinct and jealousy. He couldn’t let his guard down just because Taehyung is his best friend even though Tae was never vocal about his feelings for Seul, his man’s instinct could not be wrong. Something bloomed whenever they were together.
The older guy snapped him out from his deep thought “What is wrong with you? Go sleep and stop worrying about Tae. Clock is ticking Jiminie, you don’t want to miss even an hour worth of sleep” he exclaimed.
“Fine, I am sleeping” his lower lips puckered out of habit.
“I will be here around 10, make sure everyone is ready by then” Jimin nodded obediently and threw a final glance at Taehyung’s door. Everything will be fine, Jimin convinced his racing heart.  
Groggily, Seul forced her heavy lids to open and that when she realized the unusual warmth behind her. Seul squinted her eyes one last time in order for her foggy brain to function properly. A small light from the curtain illuminated the dark room but was not enough for Seul to get a clear view of it. On top of all, she was beyond relief that her outfits were still intact, remain untouchable. Meaning no funny business happened. At least, she was not kidnapped by some sasaeng fans, she hoped.
‘I swear I was in the living room watching Hwarang’ she grew frustrated of her failure in retrieving her memory. Seul couldn’t recall whether the boys were back home or not. Shrugging her unimportant thought away, Seul fisted the sheets under her gathering her courage to face the individual behind her.
Seul, move slowly don’t wake up the tiger.
Shifting under the sheet, she changed her position slightly to face Taehyung. In 3,2,1 she was ready to see whoever beside her but to her surprise, someone was cradling her head halting her earlier intention to catch the culprit.
“Seul, you awake?” his voice trailed off. She recognized that voice.
Seul touched his hand “Jungkook?” she whispered in daze.
His low yet squeaky chuckle made her smile “Yes, it is me. Come on let’s get up quietly. We don’t want to wake Tae hyung” Jungkook stroked his hand down to her waist, slowly sweeping her off from the bed.
Setting Seul down on the ground, she inquired “Tae? I am in his room. How?” Jungkook let out another adorable giggle, embracing her tight. “You fell asleep while watching hyung’s drama. Let’s talk outside” while keeping Seul in his embrace, they exited Taehyung’s room at ease.
She pulled away making an abrupt stop facing the giggly maknae, why was he in good mood today. “Tell me why I am in Tae’s room? I thought I was kidnapped!” she pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Sejin hyung was here, so we had no choice but to hide you”
“Hiding me in Taehyung’s room? How clever” she wheezed.
“Then you wish to be in my room instead?” Jungkook look amused as playful smirk spread on his handsome face.
She squirmed under his intense gaze “I didn’t mean it that way, you could wake me up. I can hide in the closet and leave afterwards” he sent a disapproval glare at her way.
“No way we are making you walk alone at that time, now stop complaining” he took few steps forward, pulling the sulky girl into another tight hug. Jungkook nuzzled the top of her head, exhaling a low sigh “I miss you” he murmured.
Her heart did the weird dance again, “You woke up early today, I thought you were not an early riser” she wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug with equal passion. “You think I can sleep knowing you’re sleeping on the same bed as Tae hyung?” he said sulkily.
Seul giggled “Are you jealous? Then, I blame it on you for letting Tae got into the way” her tease making the visible frown on his forehead two times thicker. She looked up “Aigoo, you may develop wrinkles at this age” her hand smoothed his eyebrows, giving it a soft caress along the shape.
Closing his eyes with a soft hum, Jungkook let himself drown under Seul’s magic touch “You are losing your baby fat again. I don’t like that” she gave his cheek a soft stroke with a slight frown.
“Don’t worry I will earn that back after our promotion ended. Besides, I had a good breakfast every day thanks to you. Did you come late at night for your work just to prepare those meal for us?” he pecked her fingers, interlacing it with his.
“You guys are barely home so I thought it is wise to change my caretaking schedule a little. On the bright side, I can prepare breakfast for you guys. I bet Jin had no time to prepare proper food for all of you, I don’t want to wear him out” her eyes glimmered in concern. The mere thought of filling seven empty stomach washed away the worries in her.
Jungkook protested “But that’s mean you will be walking home alone, and it is not safe”
“About that, my mom made Hoon picked me up from work every day. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Worry about yourself, you need to eat healthily. Stop skipping meals” she cringed. “I saw your Vlive, all of you look dead tired. And, I am sorry I couldn’t make it to your Wings tour last week. I had to fill in for Sera” she sighed.
His hand skimmed, featherlight, over her shoulders “It is okay, it is just the opening tour this year, I will make sure you attend the next one. Hobi hyung and Jin hyung were not happy that you couldn’t make it to our concert. However since you bribed them with food the day after, they lowkey claimed that it was okay for you not to attend as long as you prepared yummy food to make it up to them” she chuckled at their silliness.
“As expected, how easy it was to persuade those two. Don’t remind me the long ass text that they sent to me showing off their protest and resentment” Seul’s face scrunched a little at the vivid memories. Jungkook laughed along and the couple continued their conversation in the kitchen. Seul reheat the food for the boys to savour when they woke up with Jungkook’s help.
“I think I need to go before your manager come. Oh, say hi to everyone” she hung her apron carefully and gathered her belongings. Meanwhile, Jungkook continued to sulk behind, “Can’t you stay for breakfast? It is still early, hyung will be here around 10” his voice was a little more than a whisper but in cutesy way.
She flashed him a soft smile “I can’t Jungkook maybe next time. I have an errand to run” he watched her back as she made her way to the entrance. “I want to meet you again before we fly off to America next month” Jungkook leaned against the wall with one hand inside his pocket.
She saw the disappointment in his eyes, so she walked up to him. Dazed Jungkook set his eyes on Seul as the girl tiptoed a little giving a soft peck on his lips “There. I will see you around, don’t miss me too much” a sweet rush of embarrassment coursed through Jungkook.
“O..kay..” his eyes sparkled causing Seul to chuckle. Jungkook might be a little blunt in showing his affection towards her, but whenever she initiated the skinship first, the guy would turn into a total baby.
Seul was about to push the door getting ready to leave but only to be greeted by Sejin’s confused face. She felt an extreme fear in her system, was she caught for real now? Fuck, she muttered.
“Who are you?” he pushed the door wider to see Jungkook stood frozen behind Seul with an extremely disturbed face.
“Hyung…You are urm.. early?” his voice broke into a small shriek.
Quirking his eyebrows, the older guy stepped inside closing the door behind him carefully “You have a long explanation to do Jeon Jungkook. To the lounge now. I want everyone in the room. 5 minutes” his voice was rough and Seul felt like pissing in her jeans.
Seul swallowed a heavy lump on her throat “When I said everyone, that includes you Miss” he pushed the glass back on the bridge of his nose, leaving astounded Jungkook and Seul behind. Jungkook made eye contact with Seul and they exchanged looks of panic and questions.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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ikemenayakashi · 5 years
Blanc - Party night - October 1st
Warning: Smut! Please do not read this if you are under 18!
Kinktober promt: formal wear
Fenrir's family decided to host a ball to celebrate a good investment they did, Fenrir didn't really explain the details to you. He just said that you, along with the other guys of the black army, was invited to that party, since you were his friends.
You didn't want to go at first, but then Blanc, while you two were having a chat over some tea, said how much he wanted to see you in a pretty dress, maybe of the colour of leaves when they fell, "I am sure you would be the prettiest lady there, you would steal a lot of hearts in mere seconds, as you already did with mine."
You blushed a lot hearing those words and the day after you found yourself walking in Cradle's streets with Seth to find a dress to go to the ball. Red like falling leaves. It was harder than what you believed finding it, especially since Seth didn't allow a single mistake.
"This is too provocative for you Alice, you are such a pure creature, I won't allow you to go around dressed like that!"
"No, this isn't the red of leaves, this is Carmine!"
"Have you ever seen a crimson leaf? Because I didn't. Next dress!"
In the end, you were able to find the perfect dress, at least that was Seth's opinions. You weren't really sure about it, not even while you entered the hall. The cut out made you feel a little cold on the right leg, and you felt some eyes watching you while you went throw the place, looking for Blanc. Seth said the dress looked divine on you, and you hoped he was right, you really wished to be the one to impress Blanc this time.
Some men tried to talk to you but you were able to avoid them, also thanks to the black army guys, that were acting like they were your bodyguards. You thanked each of them with a smile every time, continuing your search. 
After one hour you still didn't find Blanc so, a little discouraged, you decided to rest your poor feet next to the buffet, eating a cupcake. You were deciding which flavour try next when you hear a voice.
"My, I do have to agree with the others, we have an angel here, I don't think I will be able to stop looking at you."
You recognized Blanc's voice and turned to thank him for the compliment, but your words didn't come out, since you found yourself starring at the man with loving eyes. You never saw him in his formal attire and you were breathless by how it suited him.
"You look amazing" and hot. But you decided to keep the rest of the sentence for yourself.
"Coming from such a beauty, I can't be anything but pleased."
Blanc sat next to you and you two spent the rest of the party talking and laughing to each other. It was soon the time to go back to the headquarters but you didn't want to leave Blanc yet.
"May I have the honour to accompany you back to the headquarters? I wouldn't want anything bad happen to you during the trip" asked Blank, almost as if he were able to read your mind. You quickly accepted his offer and you both went outside waiting for a carriage. Thought it was cold, Blanc was able to distract you, until the carriage arrived. Since you didn't want him to wait for another carriage to arrive, and deep down because you wanted to stay with him a little longer, you offered him to take a seat in the carriage, so that he could just use it after you arrived at your destination.
You two sat next to each other, a little closer than usual, still making small talks and starring at each other smiling.
You didn't know who kissed who first. But neither of you seemed to dislike it, so you just let instinct take over and enjoyed the moment together.
You soon were pressed against the seat, Blanc's body over yours, the feeling of his hands all over your body. Your hands were in his white hair, while he slowly moved to kiss your neck. You tried to keep your voice low, but you couldn't contain yourself when you felt his hand over your tight, moving gently up and down.
"If you feel uncomfortable, just ask me to stop anytime" you heard Blanc's voice in your hear, before he kissed you again.
Meanwhile, his left hand went to the zip of your dress and started put it down. Your straps felt over your shoulders, leaving your breast exposed. Blanc continued kissing and licking your skin until he reached your left nipple. He watched you from behind his glasses and, after you nodded, he took it in his mouth and started gently licking and biting him. You started moaning, so you put a hand over your mouth, trying to keep quiet, while Blanc continued his job. You had to suppress a scream when you felt him playing with your clit from over the panties you were wearing. You unconsciously opened your legs more, giving him more place to move. He moved his attention to the other nipple, while moving your panties so that he could touch you directly. You lifted your hips, letting him taking undergarment off. Thanks to the dress' cut off, your lower body was now full exposed to the cool air of September and made you chill. Chill that disappeared as soon as Blanc returned his hand over you clitt, moving his finger over it faster than before. He kissed you, open mouth, his tongue fighting with yours, and you pulled him closer, wanting more. You lift your hips, and moaned when he put two fingers in you, and started moving them, careful not to hurt you. Your mind was foggy, you could only feel your skin burning where Blanc kissed it. He moved his fingers faster and touched your clitt again, taking you over the edge, his lips over yours, to stop you from making too much noise.
You both were breathing heavy, but somehow Blanc was able to speak "I am afraid I went a little over the limit, especially since we are almost arrived at our first destination. I hope what just happened will not ruin the picture you have of me, that would really break my poor heart."
You wanted to reassure him, but your mind wasn't apparently able to create a logic answer, so you just hugged him, hoping he would understand. You knew he did when you heard him hugging you back, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
After that, Blanc helped you to have an acceptable appearance again, you finished checking the dress at the same time you arrived at the black army gate, where a soldier was waiting for you to accompany you inside.
You thanked Blanc for the evening and then left him with a kiss on his cheek.
  The day after, a soldier stopped you on your way to lunch to give you a letter.
Dear Alice, I do believe I have something that is yours, I think you forgot it in the carriage yesterday. I would like to return it, so I invite you to come visit me anytime, so I can give it back to you. I hope you had a pleasant night. Your, Blanc
You felt your whole face growing hot, and when the soldier asked you if you were ok, you stuttered some words and run back into your room to avoid more people to see you like this.
I- I did this. I still don’t know how. It’s my first time writing something like this so have mercy on me hahaha. Also this man deserves more love, really, I hope I was able to not make him OOC. This was probably the longest one to write so cograts if you arrived here... I will go hide since now I am really embarassed
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Kai is your cousin and he likes you.
(re-upload ‘Cousins’ on AFF 2018)
... Event the day has to give up for the night
You met him for the first time after a while when you were 19, and years after that it still amaze you how you’re actually cousins with him. Kim Jongin, national contemporer dancer who is very well-known.
You remember saw him dancing one day, when your parents brought to his show, he moved easy like a breeze, he caught your eyes since then.
He’s tall and handsome. He got you hooked by his smile but after know him more, his shy and adorable personality is what makes him even more interesting, but you know, you and him are just cousins.
But he’s always kind. His kindness and affections got you confuse sometimes. But it doesn’t stop you and him to be one of the closest cousins among the family.
Happy birthday!
He texted you one day, on your 24th birthday and got you a little present, he knew you just start your new studio as a interior designer after three years working at a big architecture studio.
He went to your office and adoring all the corner, saying that he envied every architect and interior expert because they will able to live in such a trendy places.
Your office occupied the second floor of a small two floor building in the city center. It has indoor area with enough sunlight from the glass wall, and it has a spacey outdoor area.
When he came to your office, you knew all of your workers—especially girls, are looking at him like somekind of delicious meals. He gave you a simple bouquet of flower he picked from the flower shop in the corner of the street. You knew because you walked pass it everyday, and he gave you a small air humidifier for the office.
You said thanks while gave him a light hug which he holds longer than you planned. You like his hugs because you’re taller than average girls and he obviously taller than you and you like how you burried inside his chest.
Yup, you and him got th good genes from the family. You both tall and attractive.
“Thought Kai was your boyfriend.” Joy, your friend said one day. Kai is his stage name.
“No, he’s a cousin.” You replied.
“No wonder you both got this similiarity based on looks.”
You smirks.
“Is he single? He’s very famous, I bet even idols wants to date him.” Joy continues.
“Maybe.” You shrugs, “but I think he’s single.”
Joy rubbed her chin, “do you ever think of having a cousin in law like me?”
You laughed then shouts no.
You only met him when there’s a family gathering or when you decided to go on his shows. And tonight you’re going to his shows with your other cousins. Your big family is very close to each other, you had annual holiday together, and often see each other during break. You just didn’t get to meet Kai for years because you study abroad and Kai also study abroad. 
You got to the backstage and congartulates him in person, so were the other cousins. You kissed his cheek and he kissed you back, the whole family is usually do this cheek to cheek kiss but he always kiss you lip-to-cheek and you’re always okay with that, even tho that made your heart flutters.
Then a girl came closer and greet you all. Later he introduce her as his girlfriend. You didn’t pay attention to her name, all you knew was you got this strange pinch feeling in your heart.
You tried your best not to look upset because he was observing you longer than expected. And when the group picture happened, he was beside you, casually rest his arm on you shoulder and pull you closer.
You knew his girlfriend is looking.
Kai moved to another city when he was chosen as the core team for Modern Ballet and Contemporary competition. And whenever he’s back to Seoul he’ll contact you, just like tourist who asking for meeting old friend who is a local. But you always say yes to his invitation.
The meetings will only be dinner, daily life updates, exchanging jokes and laughter. Nothing more.
“Drive safe okay?” he said while walks you to the parking lot.
“Okay!” you smiles.
He patted your hair, “I’m going back to Osaka tomorrow.”
“Want me to drive you to the airport?”
“Would you?” he grinned.
You nodded.
“Okay, my plane is at 11 am, so… pick me up at 8?”
You nodded again and he pull you to a hug, “see you tomorrow morning.” He kissed the top of your head. And you feel an extra pound in your heart.
You wonder if he feels the same.
On the way to the airport he was talking about his girlfriend, because you asked. He said she’s a model, a someone he knew from a photoshot for a product. She’s sweet and nice, not to mentioned she’s tall because she’s a model.
“You like tall girls?” you asked while driving.
“Yes.” He nodded, “I think her height is same as yours.”
“Hahaha… are you obsessing with me?”
he paused, “huh?”
You instantly felt ashamed, why would you think that way about him? He’s your cousins and he might only see you that way while you’re accusing all his affections as an obsession. How embarassing!
“hahaha… no, no, sorry, I was just joking! Why are you stunned like that?!” you trying to sound casual.
He chuckled before joking, “I was almost fainting, thought how you found out that I’m obsessed with you.”
You laughed with him. 
His relationship with his girlfriend looking stronger as he  introduce her to his family and brought her to some family occasion. And you’re always be happy for him. Even tho you still didn’t really pay attention to her name and whatever she’s doing.
And then, right at the end of the winter you met this guy, he’s also tall and handsome, he’s a client from your old workplace, he met you again in an event and recognized you. And from the simple conversation, you both are getting closer, and early spring, he asked you to be his girl and you said yes.
Kai knew about it few months later during the family vacation, “how’s he? I really have to know him, I need to know if he’s good enough for you!” he said in a cute squinty eyes and you can’t help but squeeze his cheek and kiss it.
“You’re like the cutest baby brother ever!”
Yes, he’s one year younger than you.
Unexpectedly Kai is very close to your boyfriend, they talked about many things during their first meeting and Kai became your boyfriend favorite person among your other cousins.
“He’s a famous dancer but he’s so humble… did you know that his work out is running? Just like me.” You boyfriend said.
“Everyone’s work out is running.”
“But he ran for marathon, did you know that?”
No, you didn’t know.
“You ran for marathon?” you asked Kai one day when he stop by your house to see your older brother’s daughter.
He was playing with your niece and shook his head, “I did, one time, but gosh… my chest is about to explode! I hate running.”
You wonder why he’s trying hard to be close to your boyfriend.
“Hey, you gonna join the family summer holiday later?” he asked.
You nodded, “yeah, I think it’s a great moment to introduce my boyfriend to the whole family.”
Your family loves your boyfriend, he’s a nice guy, smart and settle. And he’s super easy going so everyone is having fun talking to him.
“Where’s Kai?” he asked.
“His parents said he’ll be here tomorrow.” You said while lying beside him in the room you shared with him.
And the next day, just before lunch, you’re lazying around the bed while your boyfriend and the rest of the family is having a fun outdoor activity, you saw someone standing at your door way.
You lift your head and saw Kai.
“Hey, youuu…” you sat up but he threw himself to the bed beside you. You saw gloom on his face. “What’s up?”
“She broke up with me.”
You didn’t say anything for a while, “oh… no…” you murmured.
You let him lying on your arm while telling you why.
“I can’t blame her tho… it’s a hard long distance relationship, and also she met many other male models which way more good looking than me… nothing I can do about that.”
“Look at you,” you said, you’re super good looking too… tall and handsmome, you gotta meet someone new soon.” You pull him closer and he snuggle further.
“I want to have a girlfriend like you.” He mumbled and you knew your guard crumbled.
“Still obsessed with me?” you asked, this time, no joke on your voice.
He paused for a while before saying, “I’m always obsessed with you…”
Then the kiss happened, the forbidden kiss because, damn, he’s your mother’s sister son! Your closest cousins!
But his lips keep moving between yours, his palm creeping up caressing your cheek. It was soft and smooth, it was plumpy, it was going in rhythm… 
Every cells inside your body grew but you refuse to awaken from this reverie. If it is. But you and him knew it was real.
After minutes of long kisses, where his hands keep holding you in a loving way, someone gotta break it before somebody else get into the cottage.
He’s staring at you in an odd way, a silent arguments heard inside your head, the pound in his chest transferred to you palm that still resting on his board chest.
You rose from the bed and made your way outside.
“I like you a lot.” He said.
And you didn’t replied. You walked really fast to meet your boyfriend.
Cousins, aunts, and uncles saying goodbye to each other. Warm hugs and promises to meet each other again fills the air. You hugged everyone except Kai because you didn’t saw him ever since. But when everyone starts entering their own car you saw him brought a small travel bag on his hand, a van parked in the parking lot and you saw his manager came out.
“You’re going back to Osaka right away?” you asked, your boyfriend heading to his car and it’s only two of you left.
He nods.
“Good luck.” You said.
He nodded again.
“Alright then.”
He was looking at you, “Okay, see ya around.” He murmured and you tip toeing to reach out his cheek, kiss it like usual, a statement that nothing is changed.
He leaned down and kiss your cheek to before send you off to your boyfriend’s car.
“Was it something common in your family to kiss each other like that?” your boyfriend asked you.
“L-like what?” you can’t help but stutter because you’re afraid he might saw you two in the cottage.
“Like this.” He kissed your cheek and you chuckles, nervously chuckling but turn into something more relieve because he didn’t see you two in the cottage.
“Yup, that’s kind of… habit.” You replied, “we’re very close, me and all cousins are super close, you wouldn’t imagine.”
“But only Kai kissed you like that.” He said.
“Because…” you pretend to be busy changing the radio station so you got few seconds to think, “he’s like a baby. He was the only child in his family, he doesn’t have any siblings, and he spent his childhood practicing his skill… he practically lonely, so when we met and grew up together, he always think of me as his noona… and always asking me to baby him.” You smiles, hoping all the explanation make sense. 
“Is it weird if I’m a bit jealous? I know he’s your cousin and he’s fun to be with… but he’s handsome like heck.”
You laughed, “yes, it’s weird to be jealous about him, he’s my baby brother.” And you remember the kiss you had with Kai yesterday. “a-and… he likes you like his own hyung.”
“Right.” Your boyfriend agreed and smiled.
I’m going to Osaka tomorrow.
You texted Kai and he called you.
“I’ll take you to the best restaurant!” his voice is cheerful as usual.
“I’m not going there for holiday, I have some sites to visit.” You replied.
“But you will have time to eat, won’t you?”
You chuckled, “of course.”
And the day came, you’re in Osaka working for a new project. You met Kai in your third day there, and as promised he brought you to a nice small restaurant.
“The katsu here is the best you’re gonna have.” He said.
And the conversations flow like it used to. He’s still smiling while looking at you talking, still telling you funny stories, his activities, and the hardships of being in core team of dancing competition. 
No sign of girlfriends. Maybe he decided to be focus on his career first.
He drove you to your hotel and you know inviting him in is not a good idea. You might be overthinking but after what happened before, you can’t trust him and yourself.
“You usually invite me in.” he said after you tell him goodnight, “oh not only inviting me, but you usually told me to stay because you’re afraid sleeping in a new place.”
You can’t say anything because he was right.
“Is it because of what I did to you?” he asked, “you don’t have to worry that I’d kiss you again in the hotel room because I can kiss you anywhere if I want it, okay?” he sounds irittated.
“It’s not that,” you said, “it’s not only you I can’t trust, it’s also me.”
“So, you… like it too?” he asked.
You lift your gaze to his level, “yes, but we better leave it there because we can’t like it.”
“Because we’re cousins?”
“Yes.” You made your voice to be as assertive as possible.
He stop for a moment, “yeah, okay.”
He’s annoyed, you knew.
Kai kissed your cheek longer than usual when he drove you to the airport, and hug you like he would never saw you again.
“I love you…” he murmured.
“You know I love you too.”
“I still hope you can love me as a man, not your baby brother…”
You pull yourself off of him and look up on him, “I loved you as a man… but,”
He tilt his head, looking confused.
“Everything has to give up on something.” You continued, “even the day has to give up for the night.” You reach his hand, “you’ll find someone exactly like you’ve been searching for… soon.”
“I hope everything going well between you and him.” He suddenly talk about your boyfriend, “he’s a good guy, I really like talking to him… he’s handsome, and head over heel over you… you’ll be happy with him.”
You couldn’t help but feel warm inside your eyes, “thank you.”
Your boyfriend proposed you few months after Osaka, and one year after, here you are, walking on the aisle in a pretty white dress, holding your father’s hand.
Wide smile decorating your face as you saw familiar faces, and stopped to the smiling face at the end of the pews. Kai.
Beside him is a beautiful girl, this time, you’re paying attention to her name because you like her. Her name is Krystal, and American-Korean singer he met at the opening of the Olympic, and yes, you were right, he met someone he’s been searching for in that girl. You could see it from the way he couldn’t stop talking about her when he called you, and you’re happy for him.
You smile at him and he gave you a thumb up. You both knew, that giving up doesn’t mean that your weak, it shows that you’re strong. And in this case, you’re just being true-to-life.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
where were you 2 hours ago? in the local store do you kiss a lot of people? I kissed only one person in my entire life
are you wearing socks right now? ... no
have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yes
one thing you hate about yourself? my chronic illnesses mostly
what do you know about the future? we will all die, sooner or later
do you have a tan? slightly, on my arms
what day is tomorrow? Sunday 
are you dating someone? yes
why? because of many reasons
using your current first initial choose a different name for yourself. Zefiryna  or Zyta if polish what piece of furniture have you replaced the most? hmm... dunno, I’m not rich enough to replace my furniture
what do you think is the most over-rated candy ever? candies are overrated in general what is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed? my body  line from the last thing you wrote to someone? jak uważasz
Have you ever wondered what you look like when you’re sleeping? yeah ^^” Do you put your friends or family first? my parents and my S.O. Do you have bad allergies? ugh... Are your parents proud of you? there’s nothing to be proud of Would you ever be your school’s mascot who wears that costume? I could Is/was your school full of fakes? obvi What age did you start staying home alone? I’m not sure tbh but late
Would you rather see the Great Wall of China or Big Ben? Big Ben because I’d prefer to visit England and not China Ice Ice Baby or U Can’t Touch This? both XD
Can you do a handstand? used to Do you own any shirts that are yellow? several What’s a brand of shoe you like, but wouldn’t buy a pair? creepers for example Would you like to live in a cottage home? yup but I won’t
Are you comfortable with your height? wish I was a bit taller Last text received?
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Are you afraid of heights? not really
Were you happy when you woke up today? I was glad I could sleep almost 10 hours Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? few times hahaha Do you curse in front of your parents? oh well ^^” Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? ... What are you listening to right now? iamamiwhoami  How is the weather right now? warm Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing? I don’t recall Do you use chapstick? ewww, gross How long do you think you will live? not much longer How’s your life going lately? no comment Have you ever had to get your blood drawn? countless times What is the most important thing to you? health that I don’t have Who was the last person you high fived? someone close to me Who hugged you last? parent Why do you feel the way you feel? where should I start... When was the last time you went shopping? this day as I already mentioned Are you liking how you look today? it’s ok Do you hate when they give a lot of tv commercials? especially when they repeat  Are you a very stressed out person? that I am 
Do you hate when people stare at you for no reason? awkward Which color is better? Red, Blue, Green, Black, or Yellow? definitely not red and blue *said a person who is wearing this today:
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*I also hate pink, you will never understand me  Are you good at hiding your feelings? can be but what for Is anyone annoying you right now? not rn Did you cry today? not so far When was the last time you had a sleepover? years ago Do you like taking pictures? kinda Don’t you hate that when it’s freezing cold outside your eyes get teary? that’s awful
Have you ever trespassed? it wasn’t a big deal Do you tell your parents where you are going? basics at least Can you give a good back massage? been told 
Did you ever mix up the words “message” & “massage”? possibly Are there any other words you get mixed up? there are  Do you think women should hold open doors for men, too? why not, it’s nice to be helpful Do you raise your hand or participate in class? umm... I had my moments Would you ever spend the night in a treehouse? doubt it? What do you think of people who own wild animals? hard to tell If a book was written about your life, what would be in the summary? no idea  Are you good at explaining things, in general? I try my best to be straightforward and turn out being misunderstood If your friend had a drug-problem would you abandon them? I might, sorry Has a friendship ever ended over similar reasons? I wasn’t in a situation like this before Do you like window shopping?  fun Do you mind lending money to your friends? I’m poor What, to you, is the best part of traveling? souvenirs Do you like to try new things? very rarely Does it bother you if someone talks bad about you? gossips/lies bother me
What time of day feels the most magical to you? sunrise and evening/night? Does your head hurt right now? bardziej mi się kręci w głowie po prostu Is your hair wet right now? dry Have you ever dreamt of being a famous athlete? I had a night dream about being an athlete ore than once but I dislike sports  Do you have a rich friend that you’re jealous of? whoops you got me Are you interested in a girl who has a girlfriend? that girlfriend is me muahahaha Do most of the guys who like you annoy you? omg truth (I’m a lesbian though) but majority of society annoys me (especially men) so... What musical do you think you could play the lead in? Cats if I had talent What medical conditions do you have? what medical condition I don’t have... Do you wear leggings often? everyday Are you responsible in general? I avoid responsibilities  Would you consider yourself mature? not enough, I’m childish  Can you reach your ceiling? me?... Do you have a reading nook? I’m a librocubicularist Who is the cutest baby you know? babies ain’t cute  *weird fact - I think those with Down syndrome are prettier - is that offensive?
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What makes you nauseous? I constantly feel nauseous
Someone walks into your room, what do they notice first the amount of plushies
When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing I tried to keep them closed, I’m embarassed If I stepped into your shower, what is the first item I would notice who knows
How many times a day do you think you sneeze it’s not a daily thing to me Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it if I wait for a call like from hospital etc. How many cars have you actually owned 0 Do you always take a shower after you have sex no When you wash your hair in the shower to you face the faucet or away:. face Would you let the girl pay on the first date if she really wanted to split or else I just feel ashamed Have you ever had a friend who preferred the same sex I’m that friend ha! What was the name of the last alcohol you consumed that got you trashed not applicable Do you let your girlfriend drive, or do you prefer to we don’t drive The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night afternoon
Are you afraid of stink bugs? they’re harmless :o Do you have a printer? but we don’t use it What is the closest thing to you that’s yellow? pencil  Does anyone own any embarrassing pictures of you? I’m ugly on all photos... Do you care what others say about you? who and what? Are you into anime? blergh Name one movie that has made you cry more than once. ex. Five feet apart When is your father’s birthday? Mother’s? next year *my father is a Pisces and my mother is an Aquarius like me  no more info for ya! Are you a sarcastic person? very Do you overthink things? 24/7, every single detail, even from ages ago Are you naturally paranoid? would say so
What was the last song you listened to? Lola Marsch - Echoes
Which is more important in your life, TV or Internet? internet, I don’t watch TV and I’d even choose net over movies if I had to Do you overuse smileys? gifs :P When was the last time you ate something? an hour ago *but I fill out this survey for couple of hours  Have you seen all of the Jaws movies? I haven’t seen any of ‘em Do you know what Entomophobia is? had to google it When was the last time you played cards? (not on the computer) months ago Ever owned a pair of the original Nikes? (white, with only a single swoosh) not my type of shoes Ever worn leg warmers? yes, I still have several pairs  When was the last time you read a book over 700 pages long? never, I only written over 700 pages Have you ever had a black eye? nope, just bags under my eyes
How do you mark through your word search puzzles? I cross them with my pen Do you hate people who ask a lot of questions? I enjoy questions but... Have you ever seen a roll of bluish-green toilet paper? yep Can you name five ‘z’ words off the top of your head? besides my name? in english or polish? If a rooster laid an egg on the peak of a roof which side would it roll to? roosters don’t lay eggs
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hollywwav · 5 years
Climbing the Corporate Ladder (DiaDop fanfic)  Chapter 2
Summary: The new president and his young assitant come to change things for good on Passione Inc., a company dedicated to make up and female beauty.
The young boy is secretely in love with his boss, but thanks to an embarassing accident he will have the chance to get more closer to him! Or not…?
An AU where Doppio, the Bucci gang and other characters work for Diavolo, with the special participation of La Squadra!
Warnings: none.
Chapter 2:  [TOUCH ME] //ΛLLNITELONG//     
So Diavolo got closer again to kiss him passionately, with much more strenght that before. Doppio just closed his eyes and got carried away with the pleasure his boss was giving, but it scalated quickly for him when Diavolo rubbed his leg between his crotch and ripped off his white shirt, making some buttons pop out and revealing the young boy’s pale chest. The boss was hungry for Doppio’s body and started to kiss and suck on his delicate skin. Doppio was so impacted by Diavolo’s actions, the only thing he could think in that moment was that everything wasn’t happening and it was a wonderful dream, that it couldn’t be possible... then he looked at the office’s door, glanced at the tiny picture frame of Trish above the desk and realized the gravity of the situation, pushing the boss away quickly, trying to escape from what he thought was a fantasy ...
“N-No!! Ahh... we can’t!!”
“Uhh?!! What?” said his boss, concerned about the boy’s reaction.
 “Oh... was I too rough for him, right?”
“We can’t... do this!... anyone could enter... to the office...”
“I can’t do this!... you’re married!... and your daughter...” said the boy trying to catch his breath, with little drops of pleasure tears running down his cheeks.
Diavolo stood there with a blank face for a moment and then started laughing for Doppio’s surprise.
“Oh, my Doppio... hahaha... you get worried for such silly things!... hahahaha...!!”
Diavolo touched the boy’s face softly and looked at him with a tender smile.
“I’m happily divorced since a couple of years ago, Doppio. And well, about Trish... she still visits me from time to time. I live alone in this moment.”
“...oh...” said Doppio, feeling dumb about the whole situation, and a bit relieved at the same time.
“And you... are single too?”
“So... there’s nothing wrong about what we are doing...would you like me to continue?”
“Well, actually...” the boy looked aside shyly and thought about the correct words to say.
“I don’t know... I really liked it, boss... but I think there is something wrong. We shouldn’t do these kind of things here... and also... I’m a bit surprised, I thought you would get mad. I really didn’t expect you to like me... at all”
“I understand. And yes, you’re right... we can’t do this here...” Diavolo crossed his arms and looked down, thoughtful.
“...So... what now...?” said the young boy, afraid about the destiny of all this issue.
“Let me propose you something, my Doppio. If you’re still interested in this... would you like me to take you to my favorite hotel after work? I promise nobody will know about this, if you’re worried about it...”
“Oh...” Doppio just stood there with a astonished face.
“I will give you some time to think about it. If you accept, please let me know before 7:30pm. If you’re still unsure and need more time, you can also tell me.”
“O-ok, boss... thank you”
“Now please go and wash your face. We have so much to do in so little time...”
“Understood. I will go and-” the boy stopped on his tracks and came back to Diavolo.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m sorry, but you teared down my shirt. Now I will have to use the vest and fix my tie so no one notices it...”
Doppio washed his face and slapped his right cheek in an intent to check if he was still in the real world. Then looked at himself in the mirror, trying to process all that happened.
 “The boss... he kissed me... he touched me... he... he was going to rip all my clothes off...!!”
   “What should I do now? My dream came true and I don’t feel prepared for it... this sounds like a joke!!”
   “N-no, no, no... Calm down, Doppio. Now you will focus on the work, we don’t want to get hard again in front of other people!”
  “Yes, you will go and take care of the job... and just after that, you will say your boss you accept his invitation. Nothing can go wrong, the guy is divorced and lives alone. You can fill the emptiness of his heart easily... you will drive him crazy with your cuteness”  The boy felt a sudden sense of self-confidence, and he was going to take advantage of it. Yes, he felt capable of doing anything right now. Nothing was impossible.
Narancia, the assistant from the accounting department, entered the bathroom when Doppio was drying his hands.
“Hey Doppio, how you doing- Woah! You look feverous today! You got the flu, too?”
“Uhh... yeah... I think I’m getting sick too... I’d have to take care about myself but, well...”
The hours passed in a blink, literally, and the long-awaited hour was approaching. Doppio finished managing the last calls and checked the clock. 7:00 PM. He was nervous, but decided to go to the boss’ office anyways. He was more excited than anything. The young assistant knocked on Diavolo’s office, and quietly entered when he received the permission to do so.
“Umm... boss... can we talk about the proposition you made to me this morning?”
Diavolo stopped typing on his laptop, smirked, and crossed his legs.
“Of course, my Doppio. Have you decided yet?”
“Y-yes... I... I accept...” said shyly, looking down and scratching his neck a bit.
“Perfect. Let me arrange these things so we can leave in a few minutes. Do you still have to finish anything yet?”
“No, my work is done. But if you need anything else, I can take care of it right now”
Diavolo packed all his things in the briefcase and Doppio did the same with his belongings, then put on their coats and scarfs to cope with the cold temperature. The boss guided him outside to his black car, glued to the phone and talking to god knows who in another languaje the young assistant didn’t understand.
“It must be italian... I can’t really understand anything but... ahh... it sounds so romantic”
Doppio sat down in the soft car seat and Diavolo drove directly to the hotel, one of the highest and fanciest buildings in the city. The young boy was so excited to be in the same car with his boss, and glanced at him every second, admiring his facial features and long hair. Now the boy realized that Diavolo’s hair had a really nice scent, like strawberries. Doppio thought about asking him what shampoo did he use, because he never saw a product with that kind of fragance. Oh, he was so nervous. They didn’t say a word in the entire ride, so Doppio started laughing a bit, because of the nervousness and expectations.
Before entering the hotel room, Diavolo broke the silence.
“Oh, do you want anything to eat before this? Are you hungry?”
“N-Not really. Giorno brought sandwiches this afternoon from that artisan bakery he loves, and I think I had too much... ugh, I got full by eating so fast...”
“Oh... haha”
They both entered and placed their heavy coats on an armchair. Doppio glanced at the interior of the room and was amazed by such luxury. It looked like those photos from an 80’s department and home decor magazine. Ceramic floor with a dark crimson color, a large sofa ubicated around a small glass table, a couple of more black armchairs, geometric dim lights, silky curtains matching the crimson scheme and several palm pots distributed throughout the place. The curtain was half opened and Doppio could observe a bit of the dreamy vision of the night and luminous city.
“Woah... this place is amazing, boss!”
“I know, right?. That’s why it’s my favorite hotel. Do you want to drink something?”
“M-maybe a glass of water?” Doppio’s throat was really dry.
Diavolo walked to the bedroom and stopped when he realized the boy was distracted with the external view, not following him.
“Doppio... you can come in already...”
“Oh- Ok!”
The boy entered and sat on the king size bed, and started bouncing his leg, looking aside. His nervousness did not dissapear. Oh no. He was starting to feel unsure about what he was going to do. He felt like he couldn’t get on the mood again like he did in the morning. He was thinking about dropping out of this.
“Should I tell him I don’t want to do this anymore? He will get mad!! Could I please him exactly like he is expecting to? Am I worthy?? Am I capable???... oh no, I think I’m going to cry again...”  
“My Doppio... you don’t have to be nervous right now. Everything is gonna be ok” said his boss caressing his cheek.
“Come here” Diavolo wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist and helped to sit on his lap.
“W-what are we going to do, exactly?” the boss chuckled a bit.
“My sweet Doppio... you’re so innocent... I love that...”
Diavolo kissed him directly, a hot and juicy kiss that made the young boy melt. Then started to push his tounge inside, making the boy taste him completely. It’s was his first time french-kissing. For some reason Doppio thought about an acid candy. Strange. After some seconds they broke the kiss to catch the breath, and then Diavolo started to unbutton the boy’s vest and undo his red tie.
“I’m really sorry for tearing down your clothes...”
“Well... I... I actually liked it... I think that was kinda hot...”
“Really? Then... can I rip it completely? I will buy you a new one”
“Yes, please!” said the boy eagerly, with a full flushed face and dilated eyes.
The older man smirked completely satisfied with the boy's attitude and ripped off slowly his shirt with a loud groan. Doppio felt like he was going to be eaten by an enormous fantasy creature, like a werewolf or something like that. He looked so vulnerable in comparison. Diavolo finished tearing the fabric and enjoyed how the buttons popped out everywhere, and now he was facing at the assistant’s bare chest, inhaling and exhaling agitated by the growing arousal. Doppio’s heart was beating like crazy.
“Mmm...ohhhh.. boss...!!”
“Oh... Doppio... what cute nipples you have...”
The boy was pinned down to the bed and Diavolo started rubbing his nipples gently, as well the rest of his abdomen. It was like he wanted to touch and memorize every aspect of his employee’s body. Doppio closed his eyes and remembered the daydream from that morning. He started to drool a bit.
“Ohh... boss... you’re... you’re so nice with me...!”
Diavolo didn’t reply, instead wrapped his mouth around one of the rosy nipples and sucked and licked it slowly, making the boy’s dick twitch in his pants. Doppio felt like he was going to explode.
“Ohhh... ahhh...!!!”
The boss kissed him everywhere, focusing on his neck, and then unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off, revealing his purple boxers. Doppio thought he was going to take it off in that exact moment,but his boss just got closer to his member and gave a little kiss through the fabric. It made the young employee shudder and moan loudly.
“My Doppio... my sweet little Doppio... I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you...”
“W-what? R-Really, boss?...”
“Yes. I didn’t really know how to declare myself. I’m so glad you accepted to be with me tonight...”
“...H-Honestly... I still think this is a dream... everything is so perfect... you took me in your car... and then allowed me to be in your favorite hotel room... you’re touching me like no one ever did... I think I’m dead and went to my own heaven...” Diavolo stopped what he was doing and looked at the boy, perplexed. He didn’t ever heard those kind of things from anybody... not even his ex-wife.
“Woah. I’m really impressed... you’re so full of surprises, my Doppio... I think you do a job more than excellent... you deserve a special reward... you deserve to fulfill your biggest fantasies with me...” said the older man taking off slowly his shirt, teasing the boy, making him open his eyes and mouth wide.
Diavolo finished unbuttoning his clothing and slowly revealed his chest and strong arms. For the boy’s surprise, a pattern of black lines appeared and Doppio discovered his boss always had floral patterns as tattoos, but no one had seen them before.
“You say I’m full of surprises, but I could never have imagined you had tattoos!”
“What do you think? Do you like them? You can touch this all you want” said the older man caressing his chest and arms teasingly.
“Well, I never liked tatoos, it’s not really my thing... but yours are so pretty!”
“Haha... you’re saying that just to get a raise, do you?” said the boss raising an eyebrow, half joking and half saying it seriously.
“Eh? Of course not, boss! I-I’m being honest...actually...” Doppio examined his boss’ arms, touched his broad abdomen and fondled his toned chest, blushing and with half-lidded eyes. Also sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to sound cheesy... but you look like a greek sculpture to me... you’re so perfect... you’re perfect with or without clothes... I adore you, boss... I desire you...I mean it...”
Diavolo’s eyes dilated at the boy’s speech. He took off the boxers and trowed them away, huffing uncontrollably. Then opened the cap of a lube bottle. Those words stimulated his ego fairly good, and he wanted more.
“Oooh... Doppio... I’m going to fuck you so good...”
Diavolo covered his fingers with a good amount of liquid, and brought them closer to the boy’s entrance. He rubbed them in that spot for a moment before entering the first finger, making the boy yelp at the touch.
“My Doppio... is this your first time?”
“Y-yeah...” the boy was a bit ashamed, he never was intimately with anyone and didn’t have any experience at all. He felt like a loser around other men, specially his boss. Diavolo acted like a pro in everything he did.
“That’s perfectly fine, my Doppio. I’m happy to be the first person for you. I feel really lucky...”
Doppio’s heart was pounding from all that praise. He never felt so loved like in this moment.
“And so... what do you exactly like about me? I mean, do you like me just because I’m hot?”
“I-I don’t like you just beacuse of your looks, boss! I really like being with you... at least for some hours everyday. I... I love how you treat me so well... so kindly... maybe I’m dumb for liking those things but it’s the truth... and how you do all the things you do... you’re a perfect leader... you’re so confident and intelligent... I admire you...”
Diavolo moaned in response, adding more fingers and moving them in and out.
“Ohh... I see... and... is there something you like the most about me?”
“You- your hair!!” said the boy instantly without hesitation and between moans, surprising him.
“Ahh...! Y-Yours is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen... it makes you look exotic...” Diavolo huffed, taking off his pants and opening a condom he had saved in the back pocket.
“...and your lipstick... it’s the cherry on top”
“Oh... fuck... you’re so good, Doppio...”
Diavolo finished putting on the condom down his 8 inches, and Doppio glanced at the length, a bit concerned and intimidated. His dick was so tiny in comparison. In the other hand, he was flattered the older man cared about safe sex.
“Umm... boss... it is... it’s huge... it won’t fit!”
“Don’t worry, my Doppio... I promise to be gentle, and you will love it.”
“Ohh... ohhh... I think it’s... too much for me...!!” said the boy when Diavolo pushed his member slowly, making him hold onto the bed sheets, trembling because of the filling sensation.
“Ahh... you’re so tight...”
Diavolo stopped moving so the boy could feel used to the older man’s cock, and distracted him lowering himself and placing small kisses on his cheeks, nose, and eyelids.
“You’re the most lovely thing whom I had the pleasure to have sex with, mio dolce Doppio...”  
“Oh! That’s italian? P-Please, boss! Keep talking...!! I love when you speak like that!”
Diavolo did what his assistant asked, happy to discover the boy’s special kink while moving in and out, thrusting his sweet spot.
 “Doppio...ooh, Doppio... mio bello Doppio... ti  desidero  tanto...”
  “Boss...!!” the boy closed his eyes and panted uncontrollably.
   “S  ei così adorabile  ... voi fa un lavoro fantastico... s  ei perfetto per me  ...”
“Ah-! Boss! I-It hurts! You’re going too fast!”
“I’m sorry, my dear... I just can’t help it... is it better?”
Diavolo adjusted to the perfect pace for the young boy and made him cry of pleasure, embracing his boss tighly and groaning loudly.
“Ooohh... so good, boss! So gooood...!!”
“I wanted to fuck you so much... since so long... I needed to be inside you, like you don’t imagine...” said the boss huffing between words and thrusting at a quicker pace.
“B-Boss... I... I love working for you...!!”
“I would love to know... what kind of things you dreamed to do with me... did you wish to have my huge cock deep inside you?”
“Yes, boss!”
“Did you wish for me... to rip all your clothes off and eat you up?”
“Did you wish to touch me... to make me whisper you romantic things... and satisfy other kinks I don’t know?”
“Yes...!! yes...!! Ah- I’m gonna...!”
“Come with me, my sweet Doppio!” groaned the older man, grabbing the boy’s member and giving it a few pumps, just enough to finally release his seed and wet their bodies. Doppio thought about yelling “I love you” but for some reason he didn’t, he couldn’t think straight.
“Booooosssss...!!!” moaned out loudly, arching his back and rolling his eyes back.
Diavolo followed, slamming his hips for a last time and coming a lot inside the condom. He stood there for a few moments trying to recover oxygen, as well his young assistant. Then pulled out and gave the boy a sweet kiss in the forehead, before falling by his side, and giving him a tender but tired look.
“Oh, Doppio. You were fantastic... did you like it? It was like you imagined?”  
“I loved it! But, no... it wasn’t like what I figured in my mind...” Diavolo opened his eyes, almost afraid at the boy’s statement.
“...It was thousands of times better, boss... you were amazing”
“Oh... haha... well... I don’t want to sound rude, but... I’m really tired from today’s work and... I really need to sleep. Is it ok?”
“Oh. Well... it’s fine. I’m tired, too”
“Thanks for understanding... have a good night, my Doppio” said the boss kissing his cheek.
“Sleep well, boss.. Oh! But- wait!”
“I just wanted to thank you... thank you so much for letting me be with you!”
“Aw. You’re welcome, my sweet Doppio. Thank you so much for being you...”
Diavolo instantly fell asleep, it looked like he released a good amount of retained tension. Doppio had to wait like twenty minutes to finally sleep, he was overwhelmed by everything that happened that crazy day, and couldn’t know how to organize his thoughts. What was going to do from now? His boss took away his virginity, but he didn’t say he loved him... He just kept calling him “boss”...would he get to live with a busy man like him? Oh, Doppio... now you’re feeling insecure again... but the sleepiness is winning... uhhh...
The next morning, they both had a quick breakfast and the older man took him to the office in his car, passing by a Christian Dior store and buying him a new long sleeve white shirt. No one noticed the young boy entering with the company's president, everyone was involved on their business.
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Hello darling! Are you still doing fic recs? Because I am in dire need of self-conscious Sherlock. Don't ask me why but I am just craving sad, lonely little sherlock getting comforted by John. Help a girl out? Thanks so much either way!
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: Heyy darling, I just wanna say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG SM! Everyday I spend here looking at your posts and reading thousands of awesome fanfictions, so thank you lol 💜 Also, could you maybe give me a list of all fanfics with insecure!sherlock or insecure!john ? And lots of angst, like reading/watching/seeing things they weren’t supposed to see that has their love on it, stuff like that hahaha Thank you babe 🖤
Hi Lovelies! 
Always! I actually started a list a short while back because someone else asked for one but I can’t find the ask, LOL. I’ve actually done a post in the past for it, but I think I’ll just redo it and stamp it with Jan 2019, LOL. Here we are!
I know I have more but I haven’t retagged all my past readings, so I’ve only included ones that I remember indefinitely is an insecure Sherlock or John
See also:
BedSharing Pt. 2 and Insecure Sherlock
BAMF! But Insecure John
Bands by dragonQuill907 (T, 1,017 w. || Established Relationship, POV Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock) – “Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least. The rest of her jewelry has been regularly cleaned, but not her wedding ring. State of her marriage right there. The inside of the ring is shinier than the outside – that means it’s regularly removed. The only polishing it gets is when she works it off her finger.”
Secrets by 796116311389 (G, 1,084 w. || Drunk Sherlock, Drunk Confessions, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Pining Sherlock) – “He is the best person in the world and sometimes I get sad because I’m not. Not his best person.”
Under The Covers by berlynn_wohl (E, 1,221 w. || Est. Rel., Shy Sherlock, Anal, Fluff) – John would have liked to have the lights on and seen everything, but Sherlock was shy, so they did it this way, always.
29 January 2017 by wearitcounts (Sher_locked_up) (E, 1,765 w. || Anniversary, First Time, Insecure Sherlock, Love Confessions, Post-S4) – “That,” John says, “should have happened years ago. Maybe even the first time.”
Loudly Unspoken by Mount_Seleya (M, 1,871 w. || Post-TAB, Love Confessions, Vulnerable Sherlock, Frottage) – John confronts Sherlock about the words he left unsaid on the tarmac. Set immediately after TAB.
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 2,161 w. || Dev. Rel., Possessive Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, First Kiss, Post Mary) – Sherlock hasn’t ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn’t bother him to propose to John even though they’re not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious.
Unmissed by 221b_hound (M, 3,235 w. || Est. Rel., Pet Names, Insecure Sherlock, Worried Sherlock) – John enjoys a good brawl during a case, and Sherlock begins to worry - when they retire, will John get bored? Will John get bored and leave. But even if John isn’t a genius about cases, he knows a thing or two about Sherlock’s panic attacks about them as a couple. With only four days till the wedding, he’s not about to let Sherlock continue with this misplaced notion that John will be bored in retirement. Part 20 of Unkissed
Untouched by KittieHill (E, 3,239 w. || Kissing, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock, Body Worship, Sherlock’s Scars Mentioned, Masturbation, PWP, Rimming) – Sherlock leaked a lot. John had never needed lubricant. John loved watching it, had once spent an entire afternoon edging Sherlock so he could watch as the thick precome drip, drip, dripped onto Sherlock’s belly.
Acceptable Behaviour by bbcatemysoul (M, 3,449 w. || Fluff, Dev. Rel., Miscommunication, First Time) – Sherlock isn’t really sure why John wants to shag him, but he’s certain that if he’s careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. In other news, John is a good boyfriend and Sherlock is an idiot.
In Nomine by Atiki (E, 3,517 w. || Est. Rel., PWP, Anal, Domesticity, Love Confessions, Sherlock Loves John, Overwhelmed Sherlock) – “Alright?” John asks gently, planting a kiss on Sherlock’s left collar bone, smoothing a hand down his chest and belly until it rests in the soft trail of hair below his belly button. John’s smile is all soft and warm. His hand feels tender and solid and real. A soldier’s hand. A surgeon’s hand. A lover’s hand. Oh. “John”, Sherlock gasps. And that’s where it begins. Written for a prompt on the Kink Meme: The only word Sherlock says during sex is “John”.
MR# 1430155 by blueink3 (T, 3,560 w. || Talks of Parentlock, Baby Watson, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst) – John paces the length of the not inconsiderable hallway and glances at his phone for the tenth time since he exited the hospital room seven minutes ago. Sherlock’s last text was sent at 5:06pm. It is now 5:39pm. He should be here by now. After all, his daughter is 46-minutes-old and if John is going to share this momentous event with someone, it sure as hell isn’t going to be the woman who just gave birth to her.Part 5 of Tumblr Prompts
Rumpled by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 3,601 w. || Est. Rel., Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, PWP, Proposal, Bottomlock) – Then, halfway through a documentary on river otters that neither of them was paying attention to–how could John, with a gangly, limp consulting detective practically purring in his lap?–Sherlock suddenly bolted upright, looked at John with a perplexed expression and a crinkle above his nose, and blurted, “Marry me.” Part 4 of Longitudinal Cohort
Last Christmas by Mazarin221b (T, 3,911 w. || Fluff, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss) – That Earth-shaking revelation, then, leads to a problem, and one that Sherlock realizes should be solved quickly, before John’s dates turn into girlfriends or boyfriends, because sometimes girlfriends or boyfriends can turn into wives or husbands while your back is turned. Every time John hums happily at the mirror as he shaves, splashes on a little gift cologne Mrs. Hudson bought him for Christmas, Sherlock is drawn back to that night by the fire, and the way John’s touch had made the world stand still.
Hope Springs Eternal by QuinnAnderson  (T, 4,054 w. || Friends to Lovers, Pining Sherlock, Vacation, Anxious Sherlock, Love Confessions, Fluff, Requited Love) – John Watson and Sherlock Holmes go on holiday, and Sherlock has romance on the brain.
Everything by patternofdefiance (E, 4,409 w. || Snuggles and Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Frottage, Vulnerable Sherlock) – John wakes up with an armful of Sherlock.This – situation – is unusual, yes, and definitely unfamiliar, but in no way does it feel wrong.Rather, it feels the exact opposite. Part 13 of I Blame Tumblr
a violent flash of purple by hudders-and-hiddles (E, 4,749 w. || Sex Toys, Friends to Lovers, PWP, Love Confessions, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock accidentally drops his towel, he ends up revealing a whole lot more than he’d intended.
Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates by testosterone_tea (T, 5,053 w. || 5 and Ones, Bed Sharing, PTSD John, Science, Whump, Insecure Sherlock, Asexual Sherlock) – 5 times Sherlock had an excuse to share John’s bed, and the one time he didn’t need one.
The Only Available Transportation by blueink3 (T, 5,379 w. || Post S4, Fluff and Angst, Insecure Sherlock, Caring John, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Birthday, Family, Misunderstandings) – It’s possibly the desperation that’s seeped into his voice despite his best intentions, or perhaps it’s just a mother’s intuition, but she knows that whatever he’s calling about is Serious, hangover be damned. “What’s happened?” she asks, tone soft and as comforting as a hot cup of tea on a cold winter’s night. “Mummy,” he begins, voice catching. “I think John may be moving out.”
Tease You Till You Come by phoenix089 (E, 6,090 w. || First Time, Clueless Sherlock, Texting) – Initially, Sherlock was rather put out by John’s lack of presence on the case. But then he starts to receive pictures, several of them, of an unexpected nature. The case is forgotten rather quickly after that.
All the Flavours, Cherry and More by cwb (E, 6,274 w. || Est. Rel., Lip Gloss, Lingerie, Birthday Presents, Insecure Sherlock) – Sherlock feels a blush rising to touch his cheeks, more sensual than uncomfortable now that he knows John isn’t disgusted by him. No, John is responding exactly the way he had hoped.
The Inciting Incident by beetlemate (M, 6,291 w. || Masturbation, Embarassed Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Fluff, Friends to Lovers) – John catches Sherlock in a compromising position. With a secret photograph. He absolutely must know what is in that bloody photograph.
The Strait of Juan de Fuca by mightypog (T, 6,400 w. || Vacation, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Canada, Post-TRF, Love Confessions) – Sherlock is back and all seems forgiven, but something is missing between him and John. Their friendship initially appears intact, but Sherlock doesn’t understand why John seems to be slipping away. Finally, in terror, he tries to reconnect with John by taking him to the one place that seems to inspire any emotional interest in John any more: the Canadian wilderness. While there, Sherlock faces his greatest fear.
Inside by magikspell (E, 6,757 w. || Loss of Virginity, Anal / Rimming, Fluff, Humour, Awkwardness, Shy Sherlock, Bottomlock) – “Being inside someone. Feeling someone inside you.”
Abatement by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 6,816 w. || Est. Rel., Retirementlock, Fluff, Sherlock’s Self Esteem, Grumpy Sherlock) – “What’s wrong with you? You love the cottage,” John glances over to the passenger seat, then quickly turns his eyes back to the road. Driving was still not his forte, but considering Sherlock still couldn’t properly bend and lift his new knee enough to press and release the clutch, he had to make do. Not that Sherlock hadn’t tried to argue his way into the driver’s seat. “I love the cottage for a week or two, John. Don’t be deliberately obstuse,” Sherlock grumbles, sinking further in his seat. Well, as best he can with a four-week-old knee replacement. “And that’s all we’re going for, love,” John says out loud. But what he’s thinking is, shit. He knows.
High and Tight, Soft and Loose by cwb (E, 7,429 w. || Jealous John, Miscommunications / Misunderstandings, First Kiss / Time, BAMF John, Insecure Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock, Junk Size, UST / RST) – John pressed the knuckle of his index finger against his mouth and sighed. “So, you’re coiled like a spring and ready to be … sprung?” “If you want to be pedestrian about it, yes.” “Like I said, you should do something about that.” “And like I said, pedestrian. What would you have me do? Take up jogging? Yoga? Oh! Unless you mean –” “I don’t mean anything. Let’s drop it.”
The T-Shirt Thief by allroadsleadbacktobakerstreet (T, 7,968 w. || Mutual Pining, Post Canon Fix It, Dev. Rel., First Kiss, Domestics) – Sherlock steals John’s t-shirt from the laundry. John catches him wearing it one evening, fluff ensues with an endeared yet teasing John?
Drive by lifeonmars (M, 9,537 w. || Virginity, Awkward First Times, Minor Injuries) – John and Sherlock are stranded by the roadside, and John is injured. They need to spend the night in the back of a humvee. Sherlock is confused. John is understanding.
The Thin Line by Odamaki (M, 10,809 w. || Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Confessions, First Times, Anal) – John swallows. Keeps his eyes on Sherlock. Begs him not to ruin him.Sherlock leans forward over the witness box ever-so slightly, “I was distracted,” he informs the court, “by my partner, John Watson.”
the first day of forever by darcylindbergh (E, 11,850 w. || Est. Relationship, Domestics, Light Angst, Insecurity, Emotional H/C) – “I’m going to marry you,” John murmurs with against Sherlock’s smile, and they both giggle in the joy of it. “We’re getting married.”“Yes,” Sherlock says, just to hear himself say it out loud. “We are.” A June wedding. Part 4 of things fairy tales are made of
And Here We Are by J_Baillier (T, 12,416 w. || ASiP Fic, Alternating First Person POV, Drama, Friendship, Mild Case Fic, Autism Spectrum Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Protective John, Pining, Homophobia, Loneliness, Angst, Humour, Domestics, Morbid Fluff, Kidnapping) – All the little things we never got to see when an army doctor and a consulting detective were adjusting to sharing a flat. And a life.
Let’s Make a Bed Out in the Rain by theimprobable1 (M, 17,664 w. || Pining Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, First Kiss, Unrequited, Jealous Sherlock, Protective Sherlock) – John is devastated after his long-term girlfriend leaves him. Sherlock helps him through it.
For you, there’s only me by shock_blanket (E, 19,557 w. || Jealous Idiots, Virgin Sherlock, UST/RST, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss / Time, Insecure Sherlock, Masturbation) – Sherlock realizes he has fallen in love with John, but believes he is unlovable. Cue lots of pining and jealousy on Sherlock’s part, followed by our favorite cuddly marksman making it all better. Because for Sherlock, there’s only John.
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
The Real Meaning of Idioms by feverishsea (T, 21,691 w. || Texting, Humour, Post S2, Awkward Romance) - After two weeks away, John finally texts Sherlock. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to respond. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to keep texting him. And he really doesn’t expect things to spiral out of control so rapidly.
5 Times John Got the Girl (and lost her) and 1 Time John Got the Guy (and kept him) by LiviKate (M, 21,695 w. || 5 and Ones, Kissing, Oblivious / Awkward Sherlock, BAMF / Sexy / Stud John, Embarassed John, John’s Scar, Hurt/Comfort, Jealous Sherlock) – John has always had good luck with the ladies. He’s charming, friendly and funny, not to mention great in bed. However, his usual skill with the opposite sex is constantly being thwarted by Sherlock and his outbursts. How will John ever get a leg over when Sherlock is always cockblocking him?
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w. || Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they’re both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w. || Vampires AU || Vampire Sherlock, Misunderstandings, Bat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour, Magical Realism, Fluff and Angst, Blood Drinking, Holmes Family, Slow Burn) – At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased.At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (E, 32,731 w. || Christmas, Frottage, Comfort, Est. Rel., Fluff, Insecure Sherlock) – For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves. Part 2 of things fairy tales are made of
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, PIning, H/C, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice, Escort Service) – Clara’s American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she’s also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she’s placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (E, 39,309 w. || Romance, Wedding, Therapy, Fluff and Angst) – Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can’t help but wonder if he’s imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn’t getting cold feet about the wedding… Part 2 of The Ravine Valley series
In the Still of the Night by SilentAuror (E, 42,234 w. || S4 Fix It / Post-S4, Sherlock POV, Angst, Drama, Romance, Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Misunderstandings / Miscommunications, Case Fic, Travelling, Pining) – As locals on the Northeastern coast begin to report UFO sightings, life at Baker Street becomes significantly awkward as John brings up his desire for more than friendship and Sherlock refuses him. They embark on the investigation from the confines of the tiny cottage Mycroft has rented for them, attempting to navigate both the clues of the case as well as their own inability to communicate…
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M, 49,950 w. || Friends to Lovers, Through the Years, H/C, Military Kink, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Insecure Sherlock, Voyeurism, Post-TRF, Ficlets, Fluff and Angst, Fix-It Fics) – Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficlets. They are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w. || Notting Hilll AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant – but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Book of Silence by SilentAuror (E, 60,056 w. || S4 Fix It / Post S4, Virgin Sherlock, Rosie / Parentlock, Domesticity, Fluff, Praise Kink, Sex Toys, First Person POV) – As spring blooms in London, John and Sherlock begin to take new cases and cautiously negotiate this new phase of life with John living at Baker Street again. Despite how well it’s all going, John struggles to forgive himself for the way he treated Sherlock following Mary’s death as well as trying to figure out how to finally put his long-time feelings for Sherlock into words. Part 1 of The Book of Silence/Rosa Felicia
Scars by SilentAuror (E, 60,493 w. || Rape / Non-Con / Abuse, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Dub Con Elements, Homophobia, Angst With Happy Ending, Mary is Not Nice) – S3 rewrite, showing Mary’s manipulation of John as he realizes his love for Sherlock. Mary is not having it.
Definitions by siennna (T, 101,528 w. || Dev. Rel., Pining, Fluff and Romance, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Cuddles) – Sherlock’s journey in defining his flat mate and stumbling through the muddled world of emotion. {{This feels complete; the chapter count is listed as ? but I feel like it is done}}
Maintenance and Repair by patternofdefiance (E, 106,650 w. || FutureAU, Augmentation || Augmented John, Depression, Body Modification, Slow Burn, Worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, Self-Care, Body Dysmorphia) – John wants to explain the rush of sensation and data, which is just another form of sensation (or is it the other way around?). John wants to say: Augmentation circuits report temperature, pressure, various forms of quantitative input. Sudden changes are reported as pain, since sudden changes are dangerous, and pain is the quickest way to encourage reflexive extraction. But all John can manage is, “Nng.” Because this sudden touch is not reporting as pain. Part 2 of STATIC
Breakable by MissDavis (E, 117,627 w. || Established, Fluff/Angst, Depression, Paralysis, Happy-ish Ending) – After John is seriously injured, Sherlock struggles to figure out how to help him, keep himself sane, and maybe, just maybe, get their life back to the way it’s supposed to be. Part 1 of Breakable Not Broken
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
Unkissed Series by 221b_hound (T to E, 184,168 w. across 46 works || Established Relationship, Ace Sherlock) – Sherlock returned from the dead a year ago. John returned to Baker Street six months ago. They’ve been in a couple since then. or at least, not NOT a couple. For two smart men, they sure can be dumb. Luckily, an art thief tries to drown Sherlock, Sherlock has a fever dream and things are about to change.
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Afternoon Forest Breeze
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The week was finally ending… Everyone was starting to relax and calm down from the weekly tension. And that was exactly what Lily and Adrianne were doing.. Their favourite way to unwind would be to take a walk in the forest and then lay down under the trees to loosen up. The smell of the trees, the sounds of the birds, the light picking throught the orange leaves… The whole ambience was perfect for a Friday afternoon after class…
Lily would usually accompany these moments with a book and Adrianne with some of her muggle herbs and weeds… Adrianne’s ways always fascinated Lily, who shared her grandefather’s Arthur interest for the muggle world. They started hanging out around the second year. She was always a very bizarre girl, in the best way possible.. Always wearing colourful clothes made by her lovely mom and aunt, whose shop Lily had visited multple times since befriending her. She reminded her a lot of Luna, but in a more interesting way… She was pretty much one of the strange muggle kids in her year, which made her a perfect match for Luna who made friends quite difficult and a lot of people considered her rather remote for a Potter.
“Soo, tomorrow it’s Saturday..”, Adrianne said all knowingly… 
“Yeah, so…?”, Lily answered very knowing very well the conversation which was about to begin.
“So..? So, what are you going to do? I mean, we’ve been discussing about it very little this whole week.. That is really not the Lily I know of… You know, the one who doesn’t stop talking when it comes to Scorpius..”
“Haha, yeah i know.. But honestly i really don’t know what even to discuss… I mean, even to myself… I don’t even know if i’m even going… Who am i kidding, i’m clearly going.. But what will I do? I can’t talk to him… Not in front of Albus and Rose anyway…”
“Why not? I’m not saying making your move literally in front of them, but you know… Maybe you could accidentaly be just the two of you…”, Adrianne said while smirking.
“I’m not so sure about it… I don’t know… I mean, even if i could, I don’t think he is attracted to me the way I am to him.. I think he mostly sees me as his little sister…” Lily said…
“It doesn’t seem like it though… Judging by his attitude lately, i’d say Mr.Malfoy feels the same way as you, but like you he doesn’t know how to process fancying the little sister of his longtime best friend…”
Adrianne magically was always able to understand those situations far better than Lily… “It seems quiet logical what she says”, Lily thought…
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“Oh, and speaking of the devil..”, Adrianne said while looking up her shoulder..
“Hello Ladies!!!”, a young man’ voice poped out before she could even finish her sentence. 
Adrianne looked immediately towards Lily in a very meaningful way and her heart started racing… Two slim figures started uproaching them while giggling… Their faces could not be recognised from that far but they could both figure out who they were solely with every sound of footsteps sloppily going down the hill while stamping on the leaves in the ground.
“We knew you two loners would be here! I’m beginning to think that you girls are snobs… You never talk to anyone and you always disappear after class”, Albus said with his usual smirk and funny cocky voice. “I mean, unless if something else is going on between you two…!”
“Merlin’s beard Albus! You are such an idiot!”, Lily said clearly annoyed… “And that’s what you get for saying to your older brother your secrets…”, she thought while clearly thinking how embarassed poor Adrianne would be right now… That’s it then.. No more secrets for Albus… He is her brother and she clearly loves him but sometimes he can be such an arse… Fortunately Adrianne didn’t seem bothered by him.. Afterall, she became used to his humour quite quickly… 
“Sooo, are we allowed in your little gathering?” Albus asked while he and Scorpius looked down towards Lily and Adrianne.    
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“Sure you can”, Adrianne answered smiling. She knew exactly what Albus meant by what he said and she knew that Lily had told him but she wasn’t really bother by it… It was a long time ago and honestly she thought it was as funny as it is stupid…
“Well thank you my love! Oh, what is it that you have over there? I think I might need some of this muggle magic of yours to unwind”, Albus said smiling sweet towards Adrianne while she passed him the cigarette. He really enjoyes her company and he is glad that Lily hangs out with her.. She is clearly more outgoing than her and this has helped little shy Lily a lot.  They would always joke around and flirt for fun but Albus would always look at Adrianne as his friend.
They both took of their cloaks and their green Slytherin ties and laid down on the grass. Albus smoked a little of Adrianne’s weed and then took a deep breath of content. He could finally relax.. This whole week was mad with all the studying and practicing for Quidditch. He is a perfectionist and a very ambitious young man afterall. It was still early for practice, he was very well aware, but with him finally becoming Captain, he had to make sure if everyone was still as good as he remembered from last year. He was determined to form the best Slytherin House Team for the Quidditch Cup, since it was his last year and definately wanted to make an impact. And if that meant trying out new members for already taken spots, he would do it! And this is why he has exausted Scorpius out in the practice sessions.. He does not want to kick his best friend off the team. He is talented, clearly, and he wants him with him. They have been best friends since day one, and he wants to win this year’s cup as a Captain alongside his best friend! Their last Hogwarts Quidditch House Cup.
Quidditch is very important for him and he is actually thinking about pursuing it professionally after school for some years now. Besides, that was the deal with his parents. School first and making sure all the possibilities are made known to him and then finalizing his decision. Having his mom a former professional player meant a great deal of support, but his dad wanted for him to be absolutely sure, with whom Albus agreed. James had the same fantasy when 14 years old and he ended up pursuing traveling for research purposes.. So, that is a good plan, although he knows that his decision is made. And fortunately he knows that both Harry and Ginny support him. 
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“So, Lily, how is herbology going? Did you make any progress?”, Scorpius turned to Lily and asked with his usual sweet smile.
“Um, yeah… a little… It’s really hard this year and we have just started… I really don’t know how James excelled in it…”, Lily answered while she started to feel like blushing.
“I didn’n know you struggle with it”, Albus said clearly looking at both of them suspiciously. “James is not the only Potter good in Herbology you know, i can help you out”
“Well shite..” Lily though to herself.. Why are her brothers so smart? They can always understand her right through! 
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“Well you know, we just bumped into eachother the other day and I told him all about it.. You know.. Nothing special…” Lily answered while feeling like her breath was leaving her body slowly.
“Yeah, you know, casual chat..” Scorpius also said awkwardly.
“Hahaha you both need to calm down! I was just joking.. Merlin’s beard…”, Albus said smirking to dissolve the tension.. Yeap, he was finally sure.. They fancy eachother! He knew it from the moment he caught Scorpius looking at Lily with admiration in the summer when she walked down the stairs wearing a new fairytale like purple tulle dress.. He only had to make sure, and this litle tiny experiment just told him everything!
“Soo,..” Albus continues satisfied with his discovery, “Adrianne, are you joining us tomorrow night? The moon will look spectacular from the forest by the lake”
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“Hahaha, uum nop! I am really not risking my Hogsmead Halloween trip for this! I’d love to, you know i would, but honestly I am not a Potter to pull your tricks my love”, Adrianne answered.
“What Potter tricks?”, Albus said almost like he didn’t understand
“You know, the whole dissappearing without anyone noticing it.. You both do it my Slytherin friends and so did James! And don’t get me started on showing up on Hogsmead when actually not being allowed to go due to your usual mischieves! James was notorius for it! There was no real detention for him! You know, James is not here anymore to take us with him and magically help us skip detention..  Soo, that’s a big no no from me.. I’ll be in my room preparing my clothes for Halloween…”
“Well, you know.. You have a point.. I know.. James is not here to get us out of Hogwarts while in detention, BUT this is!”, Albus said with an all meaningfull look while pulling out of his bag an old folded piece of paper… 
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“Shite, Albus are we really doing this? More people knowing, more dangerous it will be for people to find out!” Scorpius said surprised by his friend for doing this!
“What is that?” both Lily and Adrianne said at the same time completely confused..
“I mean, I knew about the cloak, and by the way it’s completely unfair that I don’t get a turn on it until you graduate, but this? What is this?”, Lily said..
“This my friends, is the reason of our Success! It’s a map that shows all of the castle and everyone’s whereabouts at any given moment.. And, it also shows secret passages to Hogsmead from Hogwarts! We can even go now if you want” Albus said with his usual lovingly proud maner.
“What? Who made this? And where did you find it?”, Lily continued being utterly surprised.
“Our grandfather made it with his friends while they were students here.. You know, Sirius and  Remus, Teddy’s dad” Albus answered..
“Yeah yeah… I get it… merlin’s beard! That’s how James did it! And he never told us anything! I’ll kill him! But where did he get it?”
“In dad’s office… I don’t know where exactely… I guess dad has obviously found out by now but what is he going to say? He did the same in our age!”
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“I cannot believe this! Albus that’s amazing!”, Adrianne said completely astonished! She knew that the Wizarding World will never cease to amaze her, but everytime she finds out something new it feels like the first time all over again.
“So, what do you say? Do you want to go for a walk in the village?”, Scorpius said all smiling meaningfully… 
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