#cybird fanfic
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years ago
Can I ask for Napoleon, Nobunaga, but especially MASAMUNE and MITSUHIDE being called cute by his s/o? In the current event the reader called Masamune cute and he was No, I’m not cute! But I can’t help to think they are cute, very cute. Your headcanon a are very good, I like them, keep working please ❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Napoleon Bonaparte | Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide  Rating: General.  Word count: 1,231 words  Warning/s: None Author note: Howdy! I’m so sorry this took me so long to write, but I’m writing this at work lmao, please get me out of here. 
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[୨୧] — Napoleon Bonaparte
Cute? Him? 
Of course, he is. 
When you call him cute he just blinks a couple of times, making you think maybe he didn’t like that or was taken aback about being called it... 
Him? The Emperor? Called “cute” by his sweet nunuche? 
He just does a big smile, and puts his hands under his chin, mimicking a sweet cherubim. “Am I the cutest?” 
This only makes you laugh until your tummy hurts too much.
And Napoleon only keeps pressing about it. “What am I not cute?” while making an exaggerated sad face.
He starts chuckling then, asking you if he is really cute. And just as you thought, he would never in his life (lives?) have been called cute and he is happy you are the first one to think so.
Honestly, he does a lot of cute things, like kiss you the first thing he wakes up, and speak nonsense. 
Hell, you could pull up his hair in pigtails and he’d own it, calling himself cute. 
Also, I can imagine him pondering it sometimes. Like, in the kitchen. 
Sebas is polishing the silver while Napoleon cooks, and when he needs to wait for food to be ready, he leans against the counter and asks. “Sebas, do you think I’m cute?”
Sebas wants to say yes, but he forces himself to say no and instead asks about what brought the question. 
“Hm, never mind. Just thinking about some nunuche.”
[୨୧] — Oda Nobunaga
If you call him cute I can imagine him as the type who shot circuits at the thought of himself being cute.
He ponders and reflects if he has done things that might be classified as “cute” lately. 
Then with his face twisted, eyebrows scrunched up together, lips pressed into a thin line. 
“You are growing bolder every day by now, daring to call me cute, fireball.” 
Says the man who uses his haori as an invisibility cape whenever he wants to sneak out and steal konpeito from the kitchen. 
Says the man who stole your teddy bear because it amused him. 
There are things of him that are terrifying, yes, and thankfully, he has learned to be more human about certain traits of himself, thanks to you. 
You just believe, after learning of his story and life before meeting you, that he is still just a child at heart.
Oh, but if you insist that he is cute, be prepared. 
He’d get all dominant, like the conqueror he is, towering over you with a dark smile. 
“I. Am. Not. Cute.”
You battle this by reaching out, as fast as lightning, and touching the tips of his ears, making him cringe away from you while covering his ears, his cheeks turning into the most lovely shade of pink. 
“Yes, you are.”
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
Oh, to tame the wild tiger.
In my head, Masamune is just like a tiger, yes, but the type of tiger that if left with a cardboard box nearby, will sit if it fits. 
He also loves to deny that he is so adorable it makes butterflies bat their wings violently in your stomach because it only makes him cuter. 
When you tell him out loud that he is cute, he looks beyond offended. 
How. Dare. You. (...Tell the truth). 
This makes a game of “No, you” start between you two, where he is deemed to lose. 
You only reach to pinch his cheeks, tugging at his face affectionately while trying to make the harsh frown on his face disappear while he does the same to you. 
I can imagine him being bothered about it, he just wants to play a brave front and be the perfect leader for his clan and people, he cannot be cute. 
You beg to differ, he only is cute with you, and you are glad you are the only one who gets to see him like that.
Though, he is too hard-headed to admit it. 
He is very insistent when you keep calling him cute. “No, I am not!” it's such a great way to tease him and make his cheeks go red and his usually wild personality become coy. 
These kinds of arguments always end up in one of two ways. 
The first one is with him chasing you all over the castle until you say the contrary, the staff, and servants already knowing what was all the spectacle about and even just stepping aside to let you and the lord run. 
The other is with him, cuddling you in bed after a tickle fight he won, taking the place of the big spoon, he hides his face against the crook of your neck, cheeks still tinted red as your words replay in his head. 
“I adore it when you are this cute! It's like you are a big kitty!” 
He hates how warm it makes him inside
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide 
Where do I start with this man? 
He is…difficult to tease by calling him cute. 
You have already called him “cute” before, comparing him to a white cat that had crossed your path when you were walking through the market. 
Resulting in him, smiling at you (beware, it was the snake smile), which made a heavy weight settle on your tummy. 
But then with his hands imitating cat paws, saying “Meow”. 
You didn’t know if to cringe or if to laugh until you coughed a lung out. 
The way he kept his smile made you wheeze until you were struggling to get air because he kept acting that way.
(He is torturing you this way, by the way)
And he is having the joy of his life by watching you struggle to breathe as you laugh. 
And he is the type to not take it seriously, you are calling him “cute”, and he thinks you are trying to tease him. 
If you stand your ground (after laughing your lungs out), he’d just blink, and you can’t quite read what he is thinking. And that is terrifying.
Mitsuhide honestly doesn’t know how to react to his first instinct is to go blank, thinking of how to respond properly. 
Mostly, because he thinks he is far from cute, and people have found him to be scary with his demeanor, and he doesn’t blame them. He likes to give off that vibe to protect you and himself. 
After his blank expression, he only frowns, “I doubt I can be considered cute, but I believe this is something of you that is rubbing off on me.” 
He smirks after this, noticing the way you blush, having turned the tables.  
You, however, are not happy, you just want to make sure he knows he sometimes is cute! 
He absolutely keeps trying to do everything possible to turn it around every time until you are frustrated, turning your head the moment the door opens. 
You are left staring at Kyubei, who just bows deeply in greeting.
You don’t let the vassal talk before you ask him. “Do you think Mitsuhide is cute?”
Kyubei is sweating bullets at the question, it's not known if it's because of your question or the killer look his master is directing at him. 
Without a word, the vassal decides he doesn’t want that question to be the last one he answers, so he leaves without saying a word, leaving you with an argument unresolved.
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 year ago
The Greedy Siren 𓇼 ⋆。˚ ⋆。˚ 𓇼
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WC: 3,693 CW: Light mentions of Death, Self-sacrifice. Tags: SFW, Dreams, Sirens, Yandere, Angst, Romance, Kissing, Light mentions of Imprisonment, Yearning Pairing: Elbert Greetia x You Inspiration: Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO Minors: DNI Read more here.
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Your feet were planted at the edge of the white shoreline while the incessantly chilled waters from the ocean flooded over ankles. The entire horizon was stark white, no clouds, no sun, no moon, or stars were present. It was simply an empty white void enticing you to journey to it's end, so obeying this inexplicable beckoning, you step forward and to your surprise you do not sink when you enter the water. Cautiously you tread a top the deep blue waters and after a moment, you pause to look back upon the beach, only to see the shoreline shimmer like an evanescent bubble and then disappear from your sight.
You do not panic or fear because deep within yourself you know you're being called by something and you must respond to that call. It doesn't make sense, but then again what does anything of this world so far? Further and further, you travel distantly towards the horizon that has no end in sight. A light breeze blows past you carrying faint melancholic whispers of that which entrances your soul. It sounds so lonely, like a cry of longing and sadness, and your heart yearns to comfort it. Following the breeze, the further you travel the more you wonder what it is that is truly calling you. The saturation of the blue water seems to have intensified some unnatural color. It's beautiful, exotic and rich, much like the wing of a Morpho butterfly.
After some time, you finally catch sight of something in the distance that uniquely stands out against the world of white and blue. A figure dressed in black, with gray indifferent eyes, gloved hands and a handsome face stands prominently next an object draped in a canvas cloth at his feet. You noticed that he too did not sink into the ocean beneath you, but before you could open your mouth to question him, he spoke first.
“Oh, finally! I never thought you'd make it here. I've got other things to do you know,” he huffed.
“You're waiting for me?”
“Well, of course. Do you think I'd be standing here for hours and hours on end otherwise?”
You were taken aback by his complaining of your being late that had inconvenienced him, but then asked him, “What am I to do here?”
He replied in utter exasperation, “Why, you're the offering of course. Don't you know anything about this place?”
You replied by tilting your head at him, prompting him to explain that this was the world of - the Siren. The Siren calls out in a whispered song for all beautiful things to come to him, and once you've responded to his call by entering this world, you're never able to escape again.
“Essentially, my dear, you've entered a gilded bird cage, and very soon it's bottom will open and swallow you up in it's entirety.”
“I wouldn't considered myself beautiful.”
“How modest of you, but you see, only things that the Siren considers beautiful are invited by him, and only beautiful possessions may respond to his call. Therefore, you must at least meet the bare minimum of his beauty standard.”
“If you say so,” you stare at the man in black as he nonchalantly explained you came to be in this world.
“Is there a way to escape?”
You asked him earnestly as he stood there and laughed so hard at the question that a tear formed in one of his eyes. “Oh, haha. You're entirely serious aren't you? Well, I don't blame you. No one wants to be a sacrifice, do they? However, I'm afraid there isn't a way.”
You look down at the water gently rippling beneath in defeat when he suddenly approached you, sharing the same air that you were breathing. Take a lock of your long hair in his gloved hand, he made you an offer, “It's a shame that someone as adorable as you became entangled in the Siren's call. Well, I suppose I could help you, and give you the most pleasant dream before you depart from this life. I could even join you for a bit, hm?”
His gray eyes smoldered with a sinister desire as he ogled you like a fruit ripe for plucking. Ignoring his offer, you knock his hand away from you, and you take a step backwards. He simply shrugs at your rejection and pulls the cloth off the object that had been laying next to him, revealing a beautiful glass casket. It was trimmed with the most brilliant gold and clusters of butterflies dappled it all over, such a beautiful and terrifying box to behold. When you realize it was meant for yourself, you swallowed hard, and asked, “Why the casket?”
“He'll want to watch your beauty for as long as it lasts. Although, it may be a while before you actually plunge to your watery death, you'll most likely starve to death here before you're taken below. Well, why don't you hop in now? It'll save time to have you prepared beforehand.”
He opens the lid to the casket and extends his hand to help you inside, but you refuse to enter the coffin. “I'd prefer not to be more confined than I am before I am sacrificed, and is there really no way to survive?” His deadpan stare wasn't encouraging at all, but after a moment, he finally answered you.
“I am but a humble servant of the Siren, and in all of my servitude, I've never once seen anything return to the surface or mercy bestowed, but precedents exist for a reason, don't they?” he said mockingly.
“Well, I'm not waiting around here anymore, the night is calling for me and I intend to enjoy it.” With a simple step of his foot, the shimmering blue waters beneath him opened wide, and he kicked the decorative coffin into the pitch black depths below. “Hm, if you'd like, I could send you to him now?It'll be quicker if you drown or do you wish to stay here and wait in suffering?”
“I'll stay here. If I am to die than I shall, but I'll do so on my terms. I'd like to live for as long as possible.”
He stepped over the waters again closing them back up as if they'd never been disturbed, and as he walked away from you he bid farewell, “You're a fool. Oh, give my regards to my Master, if you're able to last that long.” He laughed scornfully, and soon disappeared from your sight, as though he himself had been nothing but an shimmery illusion.
What an odd place this is.
The more you ponder over it the more it seems that this Siren is searching for something beautiful, and though you're assured that you meet his standards, that doesn't offer any consolation. Looking around the white and blue expanse, you decided to walk for as long as you could, if this was essentially a birdcage, then it won't matter where you are because you'll always be within the Siren's grasp. So, with trepidation you decide to move forward above your watery grave for as long as possible, not realizing just how much your presence disturbed the depths below.
Deep in the fathomless vast blue lays in ruins a monumental kingdom that's rotting away like driftwood. White stone temples and buildings litter the ocean floor as kelp forests sneak throughout it trying to stretch it's arms towards the surface hungry for light, much like their ruler. Treasures of gold, silver, copper, every precious metal and stone can be found scattered throughout the silent decaying kingdom, and something else, the rotting carcasses and bones of all the lives the ruler of this eerie domain deemed beautiful, but was soon cast aside with out a second thought. Sitting upon a throne of silver waves, as still a monument himself, was the beautiful Siren who longed for the most beautiful thing the world could offer him in his infinite abode of darkness. Everything around seemed frozen in time as he sat in the thick inky darkness, waiting for his sacrifice.
Ah, it's here.
His next offering, the one he hoped would finally quench the inextinguishable desire for beauty, soon he would open the surface of the ocean and pull them into the glassy sea, but something unexpected happened that the Siren did not account for. As he sat on his throne of cold luxury he could sense her steps from below, they were filled with fear, but she wasn't running in fear. Rather, it was like she was carefully searching for something or someone. Each time she took another step the depths below were illuminated with a beam of light that reached the Siren's realm below. The silent being opened it's eyes and witnessed the miracle he'd never once ever seen before , but secretly yearned for. The light was so beautiful, so transient, and luminous that it beckoned him to move from his salty abode.
Stepping onto the sea floor, he looked up towards the surface from below, and could see her footsteps tickling the surface with slow deliberate steps. When the light hit his ivory, sculpted body his iridescent scales shimmered, and his azure eyes began to cloud with something ominous and dark. It didn't take much to peak his curiosity and motivate him to ascend from his depths, whomever it was, he was going to possess – forever.
The whispers that called to you died out long ago when you encountered that rather morbid man. This should've been a relief to you, but somehow, you were longing for those whispers. It was a rather foolish thought, longing to listen to the voice of the Siren that was going to consume you, but it couldn't be helped. In the end, you decided to completely relinquish yourself to the Siren and search for him wholeheartedly. There isn't really anyone or anything that you're attached to back home, and though you enjoyed your work at the postal service, you'd didn't live for your job. If there was one thing that you regret, it was that you wouldn't be able to enjoy watching plays from time to time, but they were a costly and rare treat, so that didn't really matter either.
Waiting for one's demise wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so silent you thought to yourself, but just for a moment you felt as if something shifted beneath you. Halting you turn around to look behind yourself wondering if the morbid man came back, but you never noticed, no you didn't even sense it – the calamitous Siren had burst through the water's surface behind you. In splashes of brilliant blue and white, spirals of water surround you both, so there was no escaping him. Looking all around yourself, you're soon met with a set of jeweled eyes, so intense and alluring that you immediately step towards the watery being.
Ethereal and beautiful could easily be understatements used to describe the god-like creature before you. Beads of water drip from his sunshine gold hair and fall onto his collar bone that is kissed with beautiful patches of silvery scales. His silver diadem was encrusted with sapphires that perfectly matched his eyes. His bare chest was broad and well proportioned, but it was his face that could be considered the most sacred and revered work of art in all worlds. Unashamedly, you reach out to touch this porcelain oppressor, but stop yourself midair and retract your hand.
The spray of the swirling waters seemed to cut through the tension you felt towards him - the tension and attraction. Hanging your head in shame at what you almost did, you grip your clothes trying to exercise self-restraint. He noticed you pulling away from him, and so he asked, “Why....did you stop?”
Looking up at him again, your reaper, the one whom you'd been called for, and now longed for, you replied, “I was- enamored, but I- I didn't have permission to touch you, I'm sorry.”
He was silently watching you, not quite sure how to respond to the honest answer. All of the living sacrifices were usually dead by the time he sunk them below, or if they were still alive, they were so enthralled with his visage that they would touch him wherever they could for as long as they could breathe. It was sickening, but he reasoned that if it was the price he had to pay for stealing the object for himself, then it was a small price to pay, but this object was different.
“I heard your song of loneliness,” she said provoking him back to reality.
“It sounded lonely to me. Is it lonely living at the bottom of the sea?”
He stared at you like he was trying to search for the answer from inside you, and all he could see was this luminous glow all around you, and the more you seemed to glow, the more murky his eyes grew.
“Yes....it is lonely, hollow, and dark.” He draws closer and closer to you, until he is within centimeters of you. You can taste the salt in air that surrounds you both pushing you to envision what it must taste like to kiss him, and soon your thoughts are overran with the thought of sucking on his lips, and other forms of his flesh. Would they twitch, would they swell? Breaking your concentration, he leans into your ear and whispers, “I want you.”
A shiver pierces throughout your body at the sound of his low aching whisper, and though you know it means that you'll be chained to him in the depths of darkness, whether or not you live or die, you respond with the utmost sincerity, “Dear Siren, if that is what will make you happy and end your loneliness, then I gladly hand my body and my life over to you.” His heavy maddening eyes flicker with pleasure at your willingness to submit to his greed, so you swallow hard and ask him one question before he consumes you, “Before we return, may I touch you?”
He takes your hand quickly and places it onto his chest. His body is cold to the touch and perfect, it beckons you to grope it, but in your final moments that is not what you wish to offer to your beloved Siren. You move your hand from chest and gently move his bangs away from his forehead offering a chaste kiss. The two soft pads seep an unfamiliar warmth into in his body, it's a new sensation that he's never felt before, and knows will never feel again. He closes his eyes briefly as you both share the sacred and intimate moment, and when you withdraw from him, his ocean eyes are overcome with even more greed to possess you and your light.
Without hesitation, he plunges into the sea with you in toe, dragging you deeper and deeper, but not once do you look back at the surface as you've completely given yourself up to him and welcome your watery eternal rest. He doesn't feel you struggle, rather he senses your resolution to succumb to him, and that simply fans his desire to have you more. It was so satisfying to him not having a sacrifice struggle in vain or even give up the struggle just to violate him before their expiration. It was refreshing, liberating, soothing even, and now you're his.
Upon reaching his realm of greed and decay he turns around to admire your beauty and the light that you graced his darkened world with, but his murky eyes suddenly began to clear when his saw the light you cast off flickering, about to go out for eternity. No, this isn't beautiful either. This is not what he was searching for in the end. You were just a false light that gave him hope. His now dim eyes were about to cast you aside as he done to all other objects before you, and with the last bit of strength you have, and with through the pain of the saltwater stinging your eyes, you smile at the greedy, lonely Siren.
Defeated with the dying thought laying to rest with you that you too would never be enough, you shed a tear for him filled with all the hope that soon, he will find the most beautiful he's been searching for. Instead of discarding your body, the Siren pulls you toward him by your waist, and watches the iridescent tear spill from your eye, and without a thought he licks it up resting it on his tongue. He stares at you in wonder as your lifeless body floats in his arms while he contemplates what to do next with the tear your shed for him. Another miraculous thing happened in the mind of the Siren – he gave a second thought about you. He'd never done so to any of the refuse he once thought was beautiful before.
How odd.
Though you both shared the briefest of encounters, he recalled how you did not touch him forcefully, how kind you were to him, you offered him a chaste kiss, and willingly drowned yourself for him, but more than that, you offered him light and warmth – something he had never felt before. He wanted to feel it again and again.
“Beautiful. You – you're the most beautiful, and you're mine.”
Your tear that sat upon his tongue was then morphed into something else – a blue Siren's tear. He opened your mouth gently, and offered you the stone with his own tongue. After he made sure you consumed the ethereal gem, your body too began to change, and the brightest light that ever graced his watery birdcage shone throughout his kingdom.
Slowly you opened your eyes feeling slightly disoriented and tired, but strangely new. Looking around you find yourself underwater, your hair swirling beautifully around you; your skin was kissed with shimmery patches of silver and gold, and then you noticed your reflection in the glass container you're in. A gold diadem with blue gems sit upon your head and your white dress did nothing to veil your supple flesh underneath, you felt water moving over small slits located behind your ears, you no longer needed oxygen to breath. You had now become a beautiful siren yourself locked inside the glass and gold casket the black-clothed man had kicked into the sea earlier. Focusing just beyond your reflection, you see him, the greedy Siren who decided to preserve you for life at his side for an eternity, so that he may gaze upon your beauty and share in the light that only you emitted.
You touch the glass in front you and he soon swims up to the door of the coffin matching your hand with his. You smile at him happy that he seemed to finally gain what he's always wanted. His deep azure eyes that long to destroy and consume you over and over again finally soften, and he smiles wickedly at you knowing that you can never escape him, “Mine.”
A stiff sea breeze rushes past you, the seagulls call overhead, and the sensation of your wet clothes sticking to your knees begin to pull your head out of it's murky stagnation. What happened? The next thing you know, you hear a rather sly voice, “Well, did you have a pleasant dream?” You turn your head to find Alfons putting his glove back on his hand.
“Alfons!? What did you do?” You finally remember that you and Alfons had been waiting at the beach for Elbert before you set out for a mission.
“Eh, just a little fun to pass the time while we wait for El. Although, I'm not entirely sure what you were dreaming about? You kept trying to plunge yourself in the ocean. It was amusing at first, but it soon became a hassle.”
“What did you tell me to dream about?”
He smirked at you and whispered into the side of your ear, “What you desire the most. By the way, are you sure you don't want to choose me instead? What you desire certainly indicates something abnormal.”
“Absolutely not, I-”
A forceful hand pulled you away from your taunter, and when you looked back you found Elbert holding you tightly. “Al, I've told you not to get too close. I won't tell you again. “
“Ah, yes, yes. I won't do it again. Well then, are we ready for our mission?” Alfons turns away without apology, and Elbert mumbles something overhead about locking you away again if this keeps happening. At this you turn to tell him fervently, “You could lock me away in the depths of the ocean, and I'll gladly drown for you, if it makes your happy, El.”
You lean in and kiss him sweetly to show your sincerity, but he engages you more fiercely with his tongue swirling in your mouth. Between each desperate and greedy kiss he tells you,“If I do that.... ha-”
He angles your head to kiss you more deeply, “....then I won't be to kiss you like this anymore, and I - I want you...”
His hot tongue reaches deep into your throat massaging every inch it could possibly touch, “.....Mmh – ha....More and more, by the day my appetite for you grows more.”
You push your tongue hard back into his mouth trying to devour him as much as he was devouring you, but he overpowers you and yanks you tightly against his body, “Ah..,” you moan.
“So, let's wait until I'm ready to consume you forever and enjoy this a bit more. Hm?” A strand of saliva gleams against the sinking sun when you nod in agreement and with a gentle pull of his hand your beloved Siren pulls further and further into his ocean of sin – that which revolves around your love within Crown.
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I hope you enjoyed this story! Please let me know if you wish to be tagged in any of my content, and which characters or series.
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judenostopwaitkeepgoing · 4 months ago
Your Villain... on a Leash!?
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18+ | Suggestive Content | MDNI | EN-released!Villains x Fem!Reader
How would your favorite member of Crown react if you asked them to wear a collar and a leash for you...?
CW: Suggestive content, Dom/Sub dynamics, puppy/pet play, possible deviations from canon, fem reader, nothing super, super explicit, but these men are filthy so...
AN: Just more of my domming-the-Villains agenda! I feel like most (?) of the members of Crown are tops/doms, so it's fun to imagine them as subs! I just want to boss them all around so bad! Lol, Enjoy!! hehehe
William Rex
Will would have a lot of fun with this. He'd be beyond delighted that you are asserting yourself and asking for something that you desire, especially something that is so naughty. He's not usually the submissive type (his power can literally get him anything he wants lol) but he decides to indulge you because you're so cute when you're bossy. But! Unbeknownst to you, he is already scheming to one day lead you around on a leash in return. But until then he’d be grinning and panting like a true puppy, really playing it up and testing how affectionate of a pup you can handle! It's almost overwhelming! He might even bark!
Harrison Gray
Haha, I can't imagine Harry getting into this, but he might reluctantly wear a collar just for you. It'd have to be a time when no one else would see. He'd be too embarrassed! He would probably draw the line at being led around on a leash. Harry seems like more of a cat than a puppy... He'd come to you eventually and you could at least praise him for being such a sweet boy, enjoying the blush that he tries so hard to cover up. ;)
Liam Evans
Liam is kind of already wearing a collar, how convenient. He would get soooo turned on by this activity lol. The idea of you tugging him around, keeping him close to you all day, petting and praising him...? It would drive him wild. He'd want to do this all the time. He'd lick you and pant and everything. Liam is so obsessed with his mistress. He’d get really into being your sweet, doting puppy that he'd actually whine when you try to take off his collar lmao.
Elbert Greetia
Wouldn’t mind this at all! Actually he’d kind of be into it because it would signal that you want to keep him by your side all the time. He wouldn’t be the most effusive or expressive pup but he would be sweetly, silently awaiting your praises and caresses while you lead him around. The way he doesn't take his eyes off of you like a loyal guard dog is so endearing to you. Once you two are alone, he'd start begging for even more affection from his mistress...
Alfons Sylvatica
Hahahaha! Who knows! Would Alfons be into this? Hard to say! He's so kinky, but he also gives the impression that he likes to be the one in control. He’d probably like to see you try to be his master, and he might even get unexpectedly turned on at this display of assertiveness from you? But... I can’t imagine him being a well-behaved puppy. He'd probably do everything in his power to fuck with you haha. He'd be all like, "isn't it your job to train me?" Yeesh. Roger Barel
“Ooh...? And where would you lead me to, hm?” He’s actually kind of intrigued by this request from you. Roger is a certified top, but since it's you he'd want to see how you go about this. For science, of course. He would love having so many opportunities to get you flustered, since he’s attached to you by a leash. He wouldn’t want anyone to see him in a collar but you, though haha. So you'd have a very limited area where he would feel comfortable enough to be your dog. And, let's face it, he would wriggle out of his collar and pounce on you before you could even lead him around lol.
The "V" in Victor actually stands for "vers." Lol. Victor happily obliges this request haha. He's such a gentleman and also such a freak lol. How could he refuse. He would gaze at you affectionately while you put his collar on and ask you all kinds of leading questions throughout the day to tease you. “Does my pretty master want me to fetch something for her?” “Does my collar look cute enough for my extra adorable master?” He’d ham it up so much that you'd get all flustered and quit this whole thing. But he'd still be grinning ear to ear, because he's so obsessed with you lmao.
Jude Jazza
Hahahahahaha, oh you silly little robin. You're not gonna do this with him. Lol, so cute that you thought this request could even be uttered. Lmao. He'd pull one of his faces and be all like "Are ya actually a dumbass?" BUT! I could see him enjoying making fun of you for asking this so much that he kind of talks himself into trying it? But only if you're willing to barter. He'd be all like "I doubt you've got what it takes to train a dog like me." You’d have to let him tie you up and lead you around somewhere as payback. And he’d want it to be extra humiliating for you. You're kind of scared to agree to it, but... he’d be so sexy on a leash. Dear god. He’d be so pissy and annoying lol. Bratty puppy Jude? Yes please! Ugh and it would be fun to treat him like a dog for once...
Ellis Twilight
Jesus christ. Imagining Ellis... in a collar? and on a leash? is unreasonably hot??? He would of course be down to do this if you told him it'd make you happy. And of course he’d be so casual about it, just smirking at you and being all like “So that means you’ll lead me around on a walk all day?” He would be so affectionate with you, licking you and rubbing his fluffy hair against you all day. He'd ask, “What if I don’t want to leave my master’s side, even if she takes me off-leash?” And you would just die! Like what is wrong with him??? ugghhhhh, Ellis is THE nosebleed material!!!
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rjthirsty · 7 months ago
"I'm Pregnant" with IkePri
We've seen how dating, their first time, and engagement proposals pan out, but what Cybird will never deliver to us is that pivotal moment that MC tells one of the LIs that she's expecting.
This is just my idea of how it will work out with each suitor. MC is AFAB, and all suitors are AMAB. Obvious mentions of pregnancy lie ahead. Just a fun little exercise to test out drabbles. 
[7/21] Jin, Chevalier, and Gilbert done
Jin is the king of pulling out, but somewhere along the line, he slipped up and it resulted in nothing so he started to get lax. Somewhere along the line, you two stopped worrying about it. More times than not he still denies you the creampie that it turns out he enjoys seeing seep out of you. But now you're late, and maybe you two should have been more vigilant.
It's hard to find the words. You confirmed it with a physician, and you know you need to tell him, but having a baby with a commoner churns up trauma for Jin, and you're afraid he'll turn you out.
He's worried. You have never looked so ashen. When you said you needed to talk, he dropped everything to give you time. His large hand palms your cheek. He dips down to look into your eyes. And in a voice that has helped you through countless times he says “Whatever it is, it'll be okay.”
“I'm pregnant.” You finally manage. 
Shock leaves him wide-eyed in surprise. It takes him a moment to zip through the thoughts that spring into his mind - a million possibilities, questions, and outcomes on what he'd do if this day had ever come. Then a grin lights up his face and you almost miss it as he wraps his arms around you and lifts you off the ground to hug tightly to him, spinning around from the sheer joy of having a child with you.
He's better than his father. And you're not his mother. And the world is a different place with the two of you together. He's more excited than you thought he'd be. He talks to your stomach even before the child can hear him. He wants to princess carry you everywhere. And he introduces you as the mother of his children.
The way Chev looked at you after you told him the news was chilling - not because it was his icy stare that had silenced rooms and struck fear in children, but because you had never seen him… scared. He was scared. The news was not happily recieved as you thought it would be.
As the two of you prepared for bed and you talked of your day, you broke the news with excitement and turned to see him stunned and staring. “Chevalier?” You called to him. His eyes cut from your belly to your face.
“It's okay. You're not a beast, and I'm not afraid of you.” Attempting to soothe his worries, you moved closer and slowly snuggled into his chest. “I'd be lucky to have a child just like you, because you're an amazing man.”
He relaxed in your arms, his own arms surrounded you as he dropped his chin to put his lips on your head. “I'd rather have a child like you who can love someone like me. You may never understand him if he's like me.”
“But I don't need to to love him.”
From that day forward, Chevalier dove into reading about medical studies and other literature on pregnancy, labor, and delivery. He stated checking up on you more often and bringing you all sorts of items said to help with pregnancy issues. He would have delivered your child himself except thankfully Clavis helped you talk him out of it. There are some things you'd rather he not be in the middle of.
“Do you want me to tell him?” Walter asked, a serious note in his voice.
“No. I want him to hear it from me.”
You knew the news of family was not a joyous thing in Obsidian. Especially for Gilbert. The land of deceit and decay, where families had murdered families for generations. Where the Emperor carried the sins of the Obsidian line that had wrought death and bloodshed countless times across this kingdom and others.
Gil had wanted to end it. To stop his line from continuing. And here you were, pregnant with his child. He wouldn't hurt you you were certain, but he might actually lock you up this time in order to prevent anybody else from hurting you. He could if he wanted. But living like that would leave everyone unhappy.
In order to prevent another bed-chaining, you visit him in his study. Before you made it two steps inside the room, he stood from his chair and moved towards you, worry clouding his face. He felt your anxiety. Something was not right with you, and he knew it.
“I'm fine,” you assured him as he quickly looked you over. “I just… have something to tell you.”
Gil's perfect smile covered up his momentary worry. “Surely, no one has bothered my little rabbit. Yet your heart is racing like the day we met.”
“No, no one has bothered me.” You step closer to him and wrap your arms around him, trapping him in place. With a lean of your back, you lock onto his single red eye to show how serious you are, and plainly explain, “I'm pregnant.”
His hands fly out, snatching you close to him as he squeezed you against his chest, holding onto you like you might somehow slip away if he were to let go. This is not the first time he has done this. You brace against him, giving him at least a few seconds of his desperate hugging before it begins to feel like he'll crush you. It always goes like this. 
“Gil! Gilbert, please. I can't breathe.”
He relinquished you, and as you gasped lungfuls of air, he scooped you up and strode out the door. “Wait! Gil! Where are we going?”
You were used to the palace by now that you knew he was headed towards his bedroom. Even if he didn't answer, you could already see how this was going to go. “Put me down! I am not going to be locked up and hidden away. That is not how you treat people you love.”
“Do you presume you can order me around?”
“No, but if you do this, I will never forgive you.”
Gilbert slowed his steps and came to a stop. In his eye you could see emotion wavering, and while you hadn't learned how to read him as well as he knew how to read you, you had learned to see the different sides of him that he only shared with you. 
“Now,” you began calmly, “I'll make some tea, and we can talk about this. At a table. With no shackles or rope.”
“I’m so weak to your requests. At least let me lock the doors so no one can bother us.”
“You can lock the doors if I get the key to them during our talk.”
Gilbert's biggest fear is losing someone he loves. He recognizes he has desires to control and cage MC to keep her safe from others, but he also knows those desires are not acceptable. He's at the mercy of his emotions, and despite being a genius, he often acts on whims, especially relating to MC. I'd love to explore this further. See how far we can push him.
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xxsycamore · 7 months ago
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╰┈➤ 🖤 You have a hard time relaxing on your spontaneous overnight trip with Victor, so he wastes no time showing you he has tons of fun in store for the two of you…
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Victor x f!Reader; • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Overnight Trips; Crimes & Criminals; Mentions of Dungeons; Baking Together; Jealousy; Humor; Competition; Kissing; Biting; Mentions of Knife play; Kitchen Sex; Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; Gentle Sex; Embarrassment; Hair-pulling; Hair Kink; Hand Kink; Finger Sucking; Table Sex; Victor briefly makes reader imagine a dangerous situation; Creampie; Post-sex cuddles; Aftercare • wordcount: 3,842 • masterlist
a/n: Here's my fic for the Ikemen Villains Gift Exchange hosted by @aquagirl1978 ! My giftee was @konekotaichou - I'll let you know I had the widest smile on my face finding out I'll be writing for you. I see your name often under my fics so that's just one way of saying thank you for the support~ Hope you enjoy! <3
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"We're hoooooome!"
You should be used to the loud exclamations of your dear Victor by now, but there are still some occasions where you can't help but jump at the sheer volume of them. No, no, you have a very valid reason for your reaction right now! It's because you're still linking arms with him - you have been doing so ever since setting a foot out of the carriage - and this close up, his cheerful greetings directed at no one in particular are even louder.
But it's also because this is not your home at all. It's the vacant ex-base of some criminal group, the estate now seized by Her Majesty.
"Victor… are you sure this is a suitable destination for an overnight trip…? What if there's a dungeon right under our feet filled with—"
"Worry not, my darling! Even if there was such a thing here, right now it would be nothing more than just another empty room with no other purpose but to make things a little more thrilling while we walk above. But you haven't come here before on a mission, have you? I'll let you know - there's nothing like a dungeon in this building!"
Victor's words are very reassuring, if only there weren't another dozen adjacent possibilities to utilize a base that you want to ask about. Whatever. Even on the off-chance that someone was lurking inside the shadows of the place, Victor's noisy and nonchalant barging in has surely scared them way more than it scared you.
Your beautiful Grim Reaper makes himself busy lighting candles left and right, making the place more livable, even if just for the short duration of your trip. It all happened so spontaneously. Just earlier in the day, you mentioned how nice it would be to go somewhere for a change, just the two of you, and in the next moment Victor swept you right off your feet and declared that it's been decided. Being an Aide of the Queen definitely comes with its perks, you just weren't aware that borrowing one of the numerous properties of her Majesty was one of them. He's been very convincing at telling you not to sweat over the details and enjoy the impromptu trip, painting picture after picture with his words earlier while in the carriage, of all the nice sights to be seen around the estate… Though, that would be left for the next day. Right now it's only you and Victor and the empty halls that he's trying to fill with his exuberant presence.
"May I have your attention?"
While distracted with your own thoughts, Victor has entered another room so you hurry to follow his voice to what seems like the kitchen. As if waiting for a spotlight to land on him, Victor's smile widens upon finding your gaze on him. He opens his jacket to reveal…
"Are we going to bake?!"
At least it's not doves taking flight or anything else alive, but that doesn't make the contents of his inner pockets less bewildering as he takes the items out on the counter one by one.
"Ahahahaha! Are you surprised? I came here prepared! I've brought flour, milk, sugar, and butter! Yaay!"
Of course it's scones. But what compels him to enter another's home and bake scones?
Your chemistry must be very good because the look on your face is always enough for Victor to read your mind. Sadly, you can't say the same about the numerous shades of a grin that typically occupy his features, but you're still learning.
"You see, I was thinking of allll the exciting ways to use our privacy, now that we're here. And there's always been one thing I've wanted you to indulge in without limits…"
Victor's eyes shine with a strange light, and you find yourself sinking into their alluring amethyst waters until the meaning behind his words gets all twisted and tangled in the mess of your thoughts. Heat creeps up to your cheeks.
"Like what?..."
"Like stuffing yourself full of scones, of course! As much as I loooove my dear fellow Crown members, these just disappear awfully quickly when they're around!"
Ah, true.
You fight the urge to shake your head and with that shoo away any other unwelcome thoughts like the one you just had. Victor, now stripped down to his black dress shirt, does the next step of preparing himself for the self-appointed task and gathers his long, luxurious dark hair into a ponytail. It's your cue to do some prep of your own, and by habit, you look around for an apron… But of course there'd be no extras like an apron here, the people who used to live in that place were criminals! The mental image of them using the kitchen as intended is somehow comical and it definitely distracts you from the eerie energy gathering around the place. Admittedly, Victor does a great job at it as well, you remind yourself as you sneak a peek of him with a hair ribbon in his mouth - a rare instance of him being quiet, due to the obstacle preventing him from speaking. The giggle finally falls from your lips, and you realize you're having a good time here.
"Oh? Did something funny happen?"
"No, I'm just excited to share this moment of privacy with you. Though, Victor, I can't help but worry a little… Would the others be alright without you? What if they get into a fight with each other… I'm sure William is going to miss you too, you barely warned anyone about us leaving so abruptly! And besides—"
Before the name of another Crown member could fall from your lips, a tall figure towers over you; a pair of hands grab your shoulders and turn you around with the gentleness of a courting dance step. Your rear presses into the counter, and you realize Victor has trapped you in between it and his body. The smile is still on his face, but it's not a grin - it's something lighter, a tad more modest.
"You talk about being excited to have privacy with me, but you're thinking about other men, my little robin? Tsk, tsk, tsk…"
The clicking of his tongue lacks the usual eccentricity that he dresses his manners with. It sounds more threatening than anything, even if you know better than to feel intimidated by the slight change in his tone. It's something else that catches your attention, the tang of jealousy where you least expected to find it. It truly wasn’t your intention, and you probably should find your words and speak up-
"Not that I could blame you. I think about my boys too, haha! But tonight, will you let it be just the two of us?"
His gaze softens, and you can breathe again. The lungful of air is enough to make your chest expand and touch Victor's front, and you realize how tightly he's pressing you into him with his current proximity. It doesn't last long, because Victor steps away the very next second.
"Why don't we play a little game while we're here? There's always room for more fun to be had and I just thought of the perfect thing in our current arrangement."
You remain backed against the counter, just for the sake of the support you didn’t know you needed in the first place. "What kind of game?"
"There are quite a few drawers and cabinets around here, and we have to retrieve all utensils needed for preparing our scones… We will search for each one of them on our own, but whoever finds it first wins one wish to be granted by the other. How does that sound to you?"
Now, this is unexpected. Even though your partner always has a few tricks up his sleeve to spice things up between the two of you, he's still astonishing you with his ideas. You think about it for a second. If you take his word for granted, he must be as unfamiliar with the terrain as you are, putting you on equal grounds for this little game. Besides, you might have a wish ready for him - something small and intimate and fitting for the purpose of utilizing the privacy you just talked about.
"Okay, let's do this! Bring it on! What do we need first?"
Victor finishes starting the coal oven in no time before readying himself for the search and announcing, "A bowl, of course!"
You give each other a brief competitive look before going into opposite directions of the cabinet-lined space, hands reaching out in a rush. Victor uses his height advantage to check the upper shelves first, while you aim for one that is near the sink.
"Here, a bowl!"
Blinking in yet-realized defeat, Victor stares at your triumphant face and then chuckles in his usual tone.
"My, aren't you quick! You better start thinking of a wish, I'm afraid we're having a limited time for goofing around!"
Oh, you're not going to waste any more of it. Or at least no more than enough for the duration of one longed-for kiss.
Victor's expression goes through another change when you pull him down by the collar, and you close your eyes to let it linger in your mind when his lips crash down into yours. You savor them slowly, risking the intended innocence for the sake of enjoying him just a little longer. Soon he's out of breath, and it comes out in the form of a moan - and instead of letting go, it makes you want to kiss him breathless for a little longer. So you do. Because he's so irresistible when he lets you take the lead, when he stays still and pretends to be caught off-guard and lets you have him. He must have held back just for that - else he'd kiss you as soon as setting foot inside the house, he can't fool you that he wasn't awaiting this moment as much as you did.
His jealousy-tinted remark earlier, and this little game… they tell you he might have waited for you to make the first step and show him how much you missed his kisses, his embrace. It doesn't tarnish your victory one bit, for it is still your victory as long as you get what you want.
Victor hisses into the kiss as you realize you got a little too lost in it and bit his lower lip. You withdraw, drawing a breath of your own that you didn’t know you needed this much, but not without placing an apologetic little peck over his lip. The distance between you grows a bit more and looking him in the eye suddenly robs you of the courage you just demonstrated. Even if his cheeks are noticeably tinted pink by the endeavour.
"Next, we'll need a knife."
Your imagination fills with corset ties cut by a sharp blade and garter belts following them, and you fail to consider the task at hand, involuntarily giving Victor an advantage. It only takes two or maybe three drawers for him to find where the cutlery is stored, and he turns back to face you with the glint of a silvery surface catching abundant candlelight.
Victor gains himself the right to a wish, and you know you'll do anything he says at that moment. He's still carrying a small smile on his face, without showing teeth, just menacing enough to pin you to the counter from a distance. He still prefers the more hands-on approach, and so he takes those few steps to where you're standing, knife still in hand.
He tosses it somewhere on the counter and it lacks the decorum otherwise accompanying his every action. Instead, the hands that crawl all over you are warm and gentle, nothing like the cold blade of a knife. They don’t cut through clothing, but rather make it fall undone in a slower, more lascavious manner.
"Let's take this off…"
To think you were worried about putting on an apron earlier… Victor leaves you down to your underwear, and the last bits of your patience have crumbled to dust by the time he noses your exposed neck. You press yourself more into him, embarrassed at the mewling sounds that fall from your parted lips every time he kisses or sucks at the sensitive skin. He always makes sure to love you throughoutly, no matter how starved he might seem - the gleam in his eyes might trick you into thinking him a beast, but his actions always prove the opposite. His hands run all over your body, grasping and caressing where you want him most, but it's only when he puts you on top of the counter that he strips you down completely in order to please you properly.
He parts your legs with his big sturdy hands, and the trademark chuckle reaches your ears again.
"Ahahaha! Aren't you a dirty girl, getting wet so easily for me? When did that happen? When you kissed me so passionately, or perhaps even earlier? Could it be as soon as we got here?"
Moving to close your legs proves to be futile as Victor's grasp on them prevents you from doing so. There's no point in hiding the obvious, so even with your head turned to the side, you give him an answer.
"I don't know what's gotten into me, I just… I need you, Victor."
"Hmmm…" Victor hums and the sound vibrates low in his throat, "I believe it was my turn to have my wish granted, no?"
You squeeze your eyes shut when his fingertips dance on your belly, making their way down lower and lower.
"And what do you- wish for?" You ask between breaths, trying not to just grab his hand and place it directly where you want it.
Victor looks at you and smiles. "Why, to make you relax of course! Now, if you'd be so kind to let me…"
Unceremoniously, Victor leans down and buries his face between your legs, sending your senses to overdrive with a single sweep of his wicked tongue right across your swollen nub. You groan out his name, but it comes out meekly, troubled by the imaginary danger of someone overhearing you. Even through the fog of immense pleasure coming from Victor's newly-set steady pace, you remind yourself that this shouldn't be the case now - but you still can't let your voice out. It doesn't take long for Victor to notice, and he interrupts his actions to look at you.
"My dear, I need you to tell me how good I'm making you feel."
His gentle voice coaxing the sounds out of you is contrasting with his actions as he shows no mercy on your hot center, making your juices seep out and coat his tongue as he drinks them down hungrily. Victor is a great lover, able to send your head in the clouds with ease, ready to pleasure you for hours on as long as you're able to take more.
You keep your hand in front of your mouth but make sure it doesn't block out the noise, your fingers grazing into the skin of your knuckle just for the sheer need of finding an anchor in this whirlwind of pleasure. You can't stop looking down at Victor, his beautiful long lashes, the slight blush on his smooth cheeks…
"V-Victor- Nhhh, Victor~!" The sound of your own voice embarrasses you as you're not used to hearing it out loud, wanton and obscene like that, and you curl the last syllable into something meeker, softer. It makes him chuckle.
"If that's too much for you, you know how to make me stop." He sing-songs, even if it does little to hide the desire rasping his voice. It awakens a new need inside you, now that you're bare and exposed and things are so unfair - from this angle you don't have a chance of spotting his own arousal and you have to know you're not alone in this uncontrollable desire, heightened by the thrill of the unknown place you found yourself at. It's this that convinces you to make him let go instead of grinding down on his tongue until you find your peak.
Bitting on your bottom lip, you reach out a hand to perform the familiar gesture as Victor laps at you again and again. Your hesitation grants you a bolt of pleasure that drives you dangerously close to the edge, and it's all you need to finally reach for his ponytail and yank him off of you.
"Ahh…" Victor moans at the sensation, knowing fully well he was the one who asked for it and still falling prey to the tantalizing act he loves so much. He straightens himself back up and his lips are glistening with your liquid arousal, so you can't help tracing his bottom lip with your thumb, caressing over the beauty mark. He takes the initiative and kisses you on the spot.
His sweet kiss serves only to distract as Victor makes a quick work of unfastening his belt and unbuttoning his pants. Warm arms wrap around your middle and in answer your snake yours around his neck, whining at the sensation of his diamond-hard cock pressing against your folds so close to where you need it. But Victor doesn't take you just yet, because his strong arms carry you to the table instead.
Your back meets the wooden surface and your legs are spread apart at the knees by a pair of large hands as Victor looks down at you, open and dripping and ready for him. His smile never leaves his face as you sense him giving himself a couple of pumps before aiming for your aching hole.
"Remember to scream my name loudly!"
Victor's sizeable hardness is gradually stuffed inside your tight hole as you find yourself doing anything to prevent his kind request.
One of his hands comes to brush yours away but instead you take a strong hold of it, almost enough to bruise him with little crescents left by your nails, in an attempt to keep it over your mouth. As Victor takes his time getting you used to his cock, you put his index finger in your mouth, looking him in the eye as you both test the limits of your patience.
"Be careful now, I don't want you choking on that when I start loving you in the earnest!"
The promise of what is to come sends a shiver down your spine as your mouth is left agape even after the loss of his finger.
"Nhhhh- Victor!" You shout his name as he suddenly picks up the speed, fucking you onto the table and holding you securely into place. You toss your head back and stare at the ceiling, unable to catch your breath as the head of his cock repeatedly prods at your deepest parts.
"My, aren't you starting to relax at long last!" Victor exclaims between heavy breaths, not being one to hide his own sounds of arousal, "Being fucked on the table where such dangerous men used to sit, plotting their next crime…"
Your eyes snap open, insides clenching tightly around Victor's cock, a mere instinct and nothing you have control over. The words sink in, even if you're mostly unable to think straight with your current circumstances. Your brain, high on pleasure hormones, gets creative against your will, until you can almost see playing cards being passed around on the table right where you lay bare; drunken shouts and crude remarks birthing shrill laughter and cigarette smoke dancing in the air to leech thickly onto the curtains.
Your body convulses, but it only serves to shake away the unpleasant visual as it all dissipates like a fog around you until only Victor remains. It makes you want to scream his name louder, to feel his presence domineering over every silly thought in your head. Perhaps it was his plan all along. It's so easy to lower your guard around Victor, around Victor's hearty laugher, around Victor's ever-smiling eyes-
"Nhnnn— Ahhh!! More, give me more!"
You lock your legs around Victor, and the hand reaching out to his shoulder quickly gets naughtier as you tug at the ribbon holding his hair together. Long strands cascade down and frame his form, the ends of it pooling just over your belly and tickling you softly in a very familiar manner - you can't help but miss the dark veil of his hair falling over you every time he's taking you from the front like that. It also makes it easier to tug down on it and make him groan.
"Ahh— You're too naughty, aren't you?"
You can't help it, feeling your climax approaching, wanting to drag Victor into that pit along with you. You chant his name as you care little about letting your voice out anymore, focusing only on the man in front of you and how badly you need to feel him erupt inside you. Your legs locked around his torso prevent him any escape that you know he won't look for anyway, because he only fucks you harder and faster, losing all demure and rhythm as he moans your name in return.
"I'm coming—"
His warning sends you over the edge as hot-white takes over your vision, nerves sparkling with pure pleasure all over as your whole body tremors in copious amounts of ecstasy upon feeling Victor join you suit, his come painting your insides spurt after spurt. He keeps fucking you through it all, half-broken I love you's whispered among other not-so-sweet things that still somehow keep his gentleman persona intact when combined with the soft caresses he places over the small of your back, your body arched and unnoticeably raised from the table to meet his thrusts. He lays you back down carefully, but your arms are still held out and inviting for another embrace, a freshly fucked-out but pouty look on your face to match.
"Hahaha. I'm not going anywhere, cute little robin!"
Still catching your breath, you press clumsy kisses all over his cheeks as he hugs you, and he does the same.
"Victor, that felt…somehow sinful."
"But so good?"
You hum out a sound of agreement, and he giggles in your neck like a naughty child. The peace doesn't last for long, because his next whisper alerts your senses anew.
"What about making something even more sinful now?"
You ask with hesitation and just a tad of curiosity in the mix.
"Like what?"
Victor grins, withdrawing so you can clearly see his closed-eye grin.
"Like adding some eeeeextra butter to those scones! It could be our dirty secret!"
Oh. Your heart should be signaled to calm down now, but the truth is, this is one thing you can't pretend to be a saint about, not when your mouth waters at his words. There's little left to do than to answer your partner in a fashion that matches his antics.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @kimi00twin @g-kleran @thesirenwashere @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza @natimiles @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @groovylita @justpeachyteastea Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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stellari-s · 9 months ago
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a promise i want to keep . . .
request; it was a prompt from @judejazza hehe ✨✨ and requests are currently open!
wc; 1 958.
tags; jude jazza x gn! fairytale keeper! reader, injury fic, slight presence of blood, may be kinda ooc (this is my first time writing for jude and ikevil), pain inflicted on reader, best to assume pre-established relationship, jude is softer if you squint a bit 👀
summary; you had gotten injured after a mission because you took a hit for jude, but roger is out right now, and so who ends up treating your injuries? well, who else is there but jude?
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you had made a mistake — except that you hadn’t. that is to say: you didn’t think you made a mistake, but in the eyes of the man before you, he apparently seemed to think otherwise.
“ow ow ow, jude,” you hiss, gritting your teeth together in an attempt to distract yourself from the sharp sting on your arm inflicted by a certain ruthless fairy. “be more gentle—please.”
“gentle?” jude repeats your words, albeit with a more cold tone and wicked grin. “i betcha you’re hopin’ for that quack of a doctor to come and treat your wounds so ‘gently’ right about now, but what a shame he’s out. the goddess of luck just ain’t on your side today.”
actually, you don’t mind being with jude... not that you’d admit such a thing to his face.
that, and you could find it in your heart to, i don’t know, be a little more nice.
despite that, though, you know that jude very well could have just left you there. if he was a truly harsh, truly cruel person that others may make him out to be, that would be exactly what he would’ve done. when you think of it like that, you really can’t bring yourself to mind.
that alone was enough to give you a sense of comfort.
you start to retreat into the confines of your own thoughts, and for a while, that is enough to withdraw you from the pain of the wound, letting it fade into a throbbing ache in the background.
that is, until another sharp pain brings you (unpleasantly) back to your senses. “ack, jude, really, if i wasn’t watching you, i would’ve thought you were out to reopen my wound, not treat it, i swear.”
“aw, does it hurt? what a shame ya won’t be protectin’ me next time.” his voice drips with sarcasm, but the next moment his smirk drops into a more serious, or maybe angry, expression. “if ya got the time to complain to me, ya got the time to sit and reflect how much of an idiot ya were back there. should i maybe look at your head first? or if ya prefer to reflect, you can sit on your knees to reflect yourself.”
“i don’t need to be on my knees for you to treat my arm,” you manage to talk back, your shoulders raising and eyes narrowing in a defensive posture.
you had responded the way you did in a somewhat sore attempt to hide how hurt you had felt by the words that pierced through your heart like a blade lathered with a generous coating of poison.
to your surprise, though, you see the silver-haired man before you grin. “oh? seems at least you got some guts.” jude then narrows his purple eyes, which reminds you of a field of violets in a moonlit night and makes you feel strangely calm, as he clicks his tongue in exasperation. “but talk ‘bout a joke goin’ over the head,” he mutters, though his hands continue to clean the wound. it seems he is no longer interested in pressing on the wound purposely for his own amusement.
“...it doesn’t hurt as much.”
the comment was meant for yourself, but it seems it had reached jude’s ears as he directs a glare in your direction. “yeah? want me to do it again?”
you feel a shiver rush up your spine like a spider crawling upwards, causing you to stiffen in place.
“n-no thank you.”
you two fall into a silence after this, letting jude focus on your wound. occasionally you hear him mutter how he was going to make roger pay tenfold for increasing his workload, but it doesn’t escape you how he still pays close attention to your wound.
as he does, the weight of your actions from the mission finally settle in your mind.
at first, when jude had called you an “idiot,” it really did hurt your feelings. you know his words are intentionally harsh, and if he wanted to be nice, he would find a way to twist those words to make them sound mean. but thinking back on the incident that had landed you two in the basement of crown castle as “doctor” and patient, you know the words he had spoken are the truth, even though he had casually waved it off as a “joke.”
— some time ago.
“jude, are you sure we should just walk back? we can always hail a carriage.”
“nah, the mission from queenie’s officially over, but there’s something i gotta check first. goin’ by foot’s faster in this case. if ya going to stick with me though then don’t get in my way.”
as a fairytale keeper, you don’t have an obligation to stick with jude any longer. if you wanted, you could simply go back to the castle, write the report, and submit it to victor. but there is a miniscule feeling tugging in your chest.
perhaps it was an innocent curiosity. a sudden, maybe “idiotic” feeling bubbling inside you urges you to nod your head, say “yes, let me come with” regardless of any rationale. it threatened to overflow.
outside of missions, what was jude like? you knew he ran another business, and that he has made a sea of enemies by now, but what else?
“…please take me with you, jude.”
a smirk graces jude’s lips. “just remember ya asked for it, so don’t come runnin’ to me if ya end up cryin’.”
the meaning of those words would sink in soon after, when apparently someone who is within this vast “sea of enemies” charges head-on toward jude from a blind spot.
jude starts to turn around, but when you see the silver gleam of a knife, your body moves on your own.
he could have protected himself all right. you know that well in your head.
so why did you take a blow for him? for jude, of all people? was it some attempt to cling onto any sense of justice in this dark world that muddled your sense of morality, maybe?
by now, jude had started wrapping gauze around your arm. you simply watch the bright red of your own blood spread like a flower blooming on the white of the fabric.
you had thought you were ready to confess your thoughts to him, but much to your chagrin, once you actually open your mouth to speak, the words come out with a slightly trembling, hesitant quality.
“about what you said before. i think… you were right.” you suck in a breath to try and recompose yourself (to little avail). “what i did back there was… idiotic, as you say. i’ll admit that.”
jude doesn’t respond, but you can tell he is listening, even without making eye contact with him.
you take his silence as a cue to continue — or rather, to finish your thought. “but, i don’t think that makes me, as a person, an idiot.”
jude scoffs. “a person is defined by their actions, whether they like it or not. if ya got good intentions but the way ya go ‘bout it is shitty, there ain’t no one who’ll give a damn.”
“that’s quite funny coming from you,” you blurt out before thinking, earning yourself a sharp look from those stormy violet eyes of his.
“ya know that’s besides the point, smartie. if ya really want me to think otherwise, i hope you’re prepared to pay back the debt ya owe. if not… well, at least ya ain’t idiotic enough to not know.”
he finishes wrapping the gauze around your arm then, though he doesn’t let go without giving your arm another squeeze, a threatening motion in its essence.
“ouch! okay, alright, i get it! i will pay you back, so stop squeezing my arm and pressing on the wound!!”
“next time don’t go dawdlin’ around tryin’ to protect me if all ya gonna do is get hurt and give me more work on my plate.”
you see jude’s eyes glare at you, maybe even gleaming slightly due to the lighting. his expression doesn’t bother to conceal his annoyance either. but once again you had come to the realization that — twisted as it was — this was his way of warning you, as one may arguably remember best through pain.
it was his way of protecting you.
his words were mean, but he never once abandoned you; he never left you behind. hell, here he was, probably having better things to do right about now, treating your arm (though that was only because roger was out).
the thought tickles your mind and makes a smile break out on your lips as you try to stifle laughter. jude, on the other hand, doesn’t seem so amused.
“ah? the hell’s so funny?”
“nothing.” more stifled laughter.
“aw, ya can’t be that much of a freak.” jude once again has that wicked smirk playing on his lips, glowing in his eyes. “how ‘bout i sew your mouth shut first for lyin’ through your teeth?”
“say what you want, but i know you won’t actually go through the pain of doing that.”
when you see jude’s eyes widen slightly, you can’t help but let out a small victory cheer in the depth of your heart for catching him off guard, even a little bit.
it was a small victory indeed, though, for jude managed to recover quickly.
“well if ya can go ‘n talk back to me like that, guess ya feel better.”
now it is your turn to feel surprised as jude suddenly lets go, turning his back on you and walking back upstairs in long strides. you lift your arms to reach out for him, unable to move more than that due to surprise for a brief moment. when you can move, you jump off the table on which you sat while jude was treating you to follow after him.
“ah… hey, jude! wait for me! would it kill you to walk a little slower?!”
though you can’t see his expression from where you are (and so you could be completely wrong), you have an inkling at least he isn’t wearing as harsh an expression as he had when he was facing you.
[jude seemed a little mad today.
i do get where he is coming from, too, i really do. that said, a part of me felt that if i hadn’t taken the hit for him, then he would have taken it for me. i’m not sure if he respects me at this point (maybe he just finds me annoying) but still, i’m convinced it’s in his nature to protect others.
like a guardian fairy, he can’t… not protect others. even if it’s in his own, jude way.
that’s why i couldn’t help thinking if jude is the one protecting others, then who is there to protect him?
maybe that person isn’t me, and i think i ended up in jude’s debt rather than earning any semblance of thanks. but even so, i can’t help but feel i want to become that person someday.
perhaps it’s simply naïveté, but that’s why until that day may come, i hope i can at least stay by his side.
“what a shame you won’t be protecting me next time…”
i know you probably won’t see this note, jude, but i just want to say that unfortunately, i don’t think this will stop me from trying in the future, nor do i really regret it.
——after all, just like you have your own promise you want to keep, i, too, have one of my own i do not want to break.]
(found on a crumpled notebook page, ripped neatly out from the book)
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valkyyriia · 5 months ago
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Day 6 - Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?
Kinktober 2024 Prompt List | Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Words: 1626 CW: Voice Kink(?), PiV, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Standing Sex Pairing: Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader Prompt(s): Voice Kink | Discipline/Punishment
Notes: When looking at the list I realized I didn’t really know how voice kink worked, so I talked to @natimiles about it (like I do everything, really) and she explained it and I had the wonderful idea of Comte realizing that the reader thinks it’s hot when he talks in French, so he starts doing it more in the bedroom, and as a result she basically Pavlov’d herself into getting horny when he speaks French to her.
Still not certain this is voice kink necessarily, but… it’s what I’ve got.
Edit 10/7/24: Thanks @floydsteeth for pointing out the context behind 'ma belle fille' and explaining how to fix it. It's really appreciated!!
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You had accompanied Comte to a dinner party tonight. The two of you were seated next to each other at a banquet at le Duc de Guermantes’ manor. Le Comte was amicably chatting with le Duc, the two of them being old friends, while you were seated across from your friend, Claudine.
They were speaking in French, as one would expect in Paris. Generally at home, le Comte tended to speak more English for your sake. You were still learning French, after all. Your French had certainly improved after living with him for as long as you had and you certainly weren’t having trouble following the conversation they were having, but..
Something about hearing le Comte speak in his native language was just hot.
He could probably read you a copy of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, entirely in French, and you’d still be just as hot and bothered.
You shifted uncomfortably in your chair, a sigh falling from your lips. This did not go unnoticed, much to your chagrin.
Le Comte moved a hand to rest on top of your thigh. The warmth of his palm was nearly scalding as he caressed the clothed skin with his thumb. You looked up at him and saw his attention was still firmly on le Duc. Or well, if you hadn’t known him as well as you did, you’d think so, anyway.
No, with the way he was touching you, he was definitely more focused on you than he’d care for anyone else to know.
You looked away from him and across the table towards Claudine. She made eye contact with you and grinned cheekily, her eyes flickering over to le Comte’s profile before meeting yours again. You flushed and looked away. Her grin widened.
“Mademoiselle, are you feeling okay? Your face is flushed,” le Duc said to you, a look of concern on his face. Comte also turned to you, peering into your eyes worriedly.
“I’m fine,” you said, waving them off with a smile. “I’m just a bit warm. Do you mind if I step outside for a moment to cool off?”
“Of course not,” le Duc replied. “Take all the time you need.”
You moved to stand, Comte’s palm subtly leaving your thigh as you did so. He instead brushed the back of his hand against your forehead, testing your temperature. His hand was cool, thankfully, and you leaned into it.
He hummed. “You are feeling a bit warm, chérie. I hate to cut our visit short, Monsieur le Duc, but I think I should get this one home before she starts feeling any worse.”
You protested. “Comte, I’m fine-”
“Nonsense,” le Duc said, shaking his head. “We can always schedule a dinner for another time, just the four of us, when you’re feeling better. Your health is important, Mademoiselle. Take care of it.”
Your argument died in your throat. You couldn’t very well argue against that, even if you weren’t actually sick. It’s not like you could just tell them you were horny. You just sighed, accepting your fate, and nodded with a smile. Comte stood and held his hand out for you, which you took, and he escorted you out of the manor with an arm around your waist.
Once seated in the carriage and headed home, Comte looked at you questioningly.
“What?” You huffed.
“Care to tell me what’s got you so worked up, chérie?” Comte asked, switching back to English now that it was just the two of you.
You pouted. “I’m not worked up.”
Comte nodded. “Of course not,” he said breezily, lightly brushing his hand across your neck. You shivered at the contact and he raised an eyebrow.
You opened your mouth to snap at him, but thought better of it and just turned away instead. Comte chuckled and pulled you close to him, whispering into your ear with a slight purr. “You’re embarrassed about it, whatever it is.” His breath tickled the shell of your ear and you shuddered. “It’s not my voice. You don’t usually react like this when I talk to you.” Comte kissed your temple. “Or is it?” He repeated, slipping into French.
You swallowed and he chuckled into your ear. “I see,” he murmured thoughtfully, thankfully back in English. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, chérie. I will gladly speak to you in French as much as you’d like.” Comte kissed your cheek. “Perhaps I should start once we get home, hm?” He then continued in French. “Or maybe for the rest of our carriage ride?”
You swatted at him. “That’s not fair and you know it. You don’t even have to try!”
Comte just laughed.
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The moment you were back in Comte’s bedroom, he was behind you and unlacing the ribbon that held your dress together. His hand was lightly caressing the skin there and he dropped his head to your shoulder, kissing the bare skin. If it weren’t for the way he was running his fingers over every inch of your body, you might think he was just trying to help you undress. But then he opened his mouth.
“You’re beautiful, chérie. Ma belle.” You shivered.
He continued to touch you, running fingers over your skin and kissing your neck and shoulders. All the while, Comte was whispering sweet nothings in French. Every kiss was punctuated with a sweet word, and every touch was followed by a kiss. Your dress lay puddled around your feet on the floor and he was still touching you, his fingers tracing every curve and plane of your body.
Comte had barely gotten your clothes off and you already felt like your skin was on fire, your center damp and aching. He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing his hands up to cup your breasts. His thumb and forefinger on each hand tweaked at your sensitive nipples and you gasped, arching into Comte’s firm chest.
“So séduisant, mon amour,” Comte purred, kissing your shoulder. “I love seeing you fall apart in my hands without me even really touching you.”
You whined. “Abel, please.”
His lips trailed up the side of your neck and he nipped at your earlobe, pulling another gasp from your throat. He worried the flesh between the blunted ends of his teeth before tracing the shell of your ear with his tongue. At the same time, his right hand released your breast and drifted down your stomach before dipping between the folds of your labia.
You moaned, leaning against him further, as his experienced fingers rubbed loose circles around your clit. He blew a puff of air against your ear and you arched again, inadvertently pressing your hips into his hand. Your backside rubbed against his clothed crotch and he grunted into your ear, pressing his hips against you insistently.
With one swift movement, his pants were off and he was inside you, holding your back against his chest as he thrust into your heat. His mouth was still next to your ear and he groaned, dirty phrases falling from his lips. Comte’s dirty talking was always superb, but hearing him whisper to you in French while he fucked you was transcendental.
You had barely even started and your legs were already jelly. Comte’s arms tightened around your waist, holding you upright as he pounded into you. You hadn’t even made it to the bed; the two of you were still standing right by the doorway. Comte hadn’t even managed to get his clothes completely off.
His cock was nestled deep inside of you, the angle causing the tip to brush against your sweet spot with every thrust. You didn’t even have warning this time before you came, a cry tearing from your throat as your inner walls suddenly squeezed his cock. He swore, not having expected it, and he promptly followed you off the edge. He rutted into you until he was completely spent, slipping from your warmth. Your mixed fluids dripped from between your legs as you all but collapsed in his arms.
Comte was breathing heavily, as were you, but he held you upright. He wiped your sweaty bangs out of your eyes before pressing a loving kiss to your shoulder. “Let’s get cleaned up and get to bed,” he said, thankfully in English this time.
You agreed easily, relaxing against him, your hands on top of his. He chuckled. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“Mhm,” you agreed. “My legs don’t work anymore.”
“The second best compliment a man could receive,” Comte laughed. “Alright, chérie. Let’s get you into the bath.”
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You walked into the dining hall the next morning for breakfast, having been just a little behind this morning after the intense night you had had. Comte had gotten up just a little bit before you, intending on letting you sleep in. You stopped abruptly when you noticed that Comte and Arthur were chatting. In French, to your dismay.
When Comte noticed you, he smiled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You tensed up, giving him a warning glare.
“Bonjour, mon amour,” he said innocently. “Comment te sens-tu?”
You groaned and promptly turned on your heel, leaving the room without even sitting down. Comte chuckled and got up to follow you, his breakfast untouched.
Arthur, ever observant, watched you both leave before breaking into a conspiratorial grin of his own. “Sebas, I do believe your fellow housekeeper has fallen ill once again. I daresay we shan’t be seeing much of her again today.”
Sebastian’s exasperated sigh was his only response.
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Dividers by @/natimiles
Taglist: @natimiles @queengiuliettafirstlady @candiedcoffeedrops @goddesswitchmother @candied-boys
@fang-and-feather @faustianfascination @villain-hotline
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writingwhimsey · 28 days ago
Becoming Comtesse Ch. 5
A/N: Being that I have had the day off, you all get two chapters today. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 5
Comte had been enjoying his time out with Colette. Her mother seemed to be enjoying playing matchmaker, by making sure the pair had time alone together to get to know one another.
He enjoyed seeing Colette’s eyes light up when she was in the book shop. How excited she had been when she found a copy of her favorite book. When she discussed why it was her favorite and that she loved the vampire in the story…well it reminded him of that night all those years ago.
He however, did not enjoy it when she started to cry at the memory of her brother burning her books. He had wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and comfort her. He knew however, that the book shop was not the right place. He also knew that she may not be ready for that just yet. So he had settled for wiping her tears and buying the book for her.
Now as they sat at the cafe, he watched her glance at the book every so often. She clearly had something on her mind…and Comte was fairly certain he knew what it was. Though he still wanted to ask and get her to talk to him.
Though he had thought he’d gotten a good read on her, he couldn’t have been more wrong in what he was thinking. He had anticipated her asking why he bought her the book or why her happiness meant so much to him. Yet she caught him off guard with her question.
“You could have your pick of marriagable women… and yet you picked me. Why?”
Comte blinked, surprised. “You…want to know why I wish to marry you?”
Colette nodded. “Yes..I mean what could you possibly gain from marrying me? I’m far beneath your station and as I said, I was resigned to spinsterhood and…”
Comte reached his hand over and placed it on one of Colette’s, causing her to stop her rambling and look into his eyes. Her emerald green eyes looked into his golden ones, begging for answers. I can’t tell you everything…not right now. But I can tell you some things. He thought. And if I am lucky, I hope to gain your love.
“You sell yourself short, cherie.” He said. “If you must know, I have been interested in you for some time now.”
She furrowed her brow in confusion. “But…until I arrived here, we had never met?”
Oh, but we have. Years ago. Comte thought. “No, but I had done some business with your father before he passed.”
Her eyes widened. “You…knew my father?”
Comte nodded. “Yes and he always spoke highly of his children. Though he had a special fondness for his eldest daughter. He spoke of you often and fondly. He stayed with me on his last trip to Paris in fact.”
“The one where he was here for a month?” Colette asked, recalling the trip.
Comte nodded. “Yes. The one where you wrote to him every day. He shared a few of your letters with me in fact.”
Colette blushed at this. “Oh…”
“I felt as if I knew you through him.” Comte went on. “I know it might sound strange…but I knew I wanted to marry you then.” And once I saw your portrait, I knew it was you. The one I had seen so many years ago.
“I see.” Colette replied.
“Forgive me for not telling you sooner, Colette.” Comte said. And for not telling you everything just yet.
“I will…if you tell me what it was my father could have possibly said about me that would make you want to marry me or what it was in my letters to my father.”
Comte chuckled, releasing her hand. “He always talked about how beautiful and brilliant and curious you are.” He said. “And when he read me some of your letters…I loved the way you told him about everything. Even the smallest of things and how it seemed you were truly in love with the world around you and life. How you loved things that others thought unloveable. You love of reading and writing.”
“Oh…don’t tell me he…”
Comte chuckled. “Yes he shared with me some of your poems and the short stories you had written. He was very proud of you.”
Colette’s cheeks became the loveliest shade of red. “Oh my…those were so embarrassing…”
“You put such passion into your writing. I could tell the love you had for the craft through your words. And the imagination you had as well.” Comte told her. “I especially loved the story your father shared with me about…”
“No, no, please stop. I can’t take anymore.” Colette said, holding a hand in front of her face.
Comte couldn’t help but to think she looked utterly adorable. “Alright, I will stop. I can’t have you overheating and fainting on me.”
She gave him a look, though he could see the smile trying to break out on her face. “I am not THAT fragile, you know.”
“Of course, not.” Comte replied. “But are you satisfied with my answer, Colette?”
“I suppose.” She replied, regaining her composure. “And thank you… for all of it.”
Comte smiled. “Anything to see you smile, ma cherie.”
After finishing up at the cafe, the pair walked around town for a bit longer, Comte taking Colette to more shops. Anything her eyes lingered on, he bought for her…even though she tried to protest every purchase.
The sun was just beginning to set when the carriage returned for them. “Are you ready to go home, Cherie?”
She blinked at him, before nodding and taking his hand, allowing him to help her up into the carriage. He then climbed in and took the seat beside her once again, even if this time there was plenty of room to sit across from her. He was starting to feel a little greedy. Especially now that she was starting to open up to him.
“Did you enjoy today?” Come asked her.
“Yes.” She answered, looking up at him. “Did you?”
Comte smiled. “I got to spend the day with you and see your beautiful smile. I also learned about your favorite book. Your favorite flowers. Your favorite sweet treats. More about you. So yes, I very much enjoyed today.”
Colette smiled even as her cheeks reddened. “And I learned a very important detail about you, today.”
“Oh, and what is that ma cherie?”
“That you’re insane.” She answered with a straight face.
Her straight face broke into a smile. “The reasons you gave for wanting to marry me…though I think it just might work with my own brand of insanity.”
Comte smiled. “Is that you saying we just might be a good match?”
“Perhaps, but I wouldn’t let it go to your head.”
Comte chuckled. “If I let anything go to my head it will be knowing that you find me handsome.”
“What…when did I…” Colette stopped herself, suddenly recalling that she had admitted that when asking him why he had picked her. “I was hoping you would forget that…”
Comte laughed. “How could I forget? Besides, you are a beautiful woman, Colette. It is flattering to know you find me handsome.”
The pair continued thier lively conversation all the way to the mansion. When they arrived, they both headed to freshen up for dinner. Once they were both ready, they were in the dining room together and it appeared to just be the two of them once more.
“Your mother won’t be joining us?” Comte asked as he helped Colette to her seat.
“It appears not.” She answered. “She said something about the lighting being bad for her digestion or some other such obvious lie.”
“It appears your mother is wanting to give us plenty of time together. A dress for the wedding might not be enough of a gift.”
Colette laughed. “You’re marrying me. Her unwedable daughter. I am certain that is gift enough.”
“Why do you keep thinking of yourself as such?” Comte asked. He didn’t like that Colette seemed to see her value based solely on being wed or not.
Colette sighed. “I didn’t always see myself this way…it’s only happened in the last few years…since Father died and Thomas took over…Father never worried about me getting married. He just wanted me to be happy…after he died, it became Thomas’s mission for me to marry and help raise the station of the family…”
“So that is why he readily agreed on your behalf when I sent my proposal.”
Colette nodded. “Yes.” Though she wouldn’t look at him. “He’d tried to have other suitors for me…but things never worked out.”
He could tell by the way she wouldn’t meet his gaze that something had happened with those previous suitors. And it was something he was certain he wouldn’t like. Not because of anything as her fault, but because he could tell those previous suitors had likely hurt her in some way.
Comte felt compelled to reach his hand out to hers. “Colette, ma cherie, look at me please.”
She took a moment before turning to meet his gaze. Her eyes full of uncertainty and worry. “Yes?”
“Whatever has happened in the past, whatever those other men thought, it matters not to me. I do not want you to shrink yourself to fit in a box of what you think you should be.” He told her. “I want you to feel free to be yourself. I want to truly share our lives together.”
She looked into his eyes, as if trying to once again dicern if he was speaking in earnest or if he was just spouting pretty words she’d want to hear. “Alright, I’d like that.”
Comte smiled. “Good…may I kiss your hand?”
Comte lifted her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back. “I promise you, I will always appreciate you for who you truly are.”
Colette later that night…
After having dinner with Abel, I headed to the bath and freshened up and got myself ready for bed. When I returned to my room, Mother was waiting. “So, how was your day, dearest?” She asked me.
“Good.” I answered. “We had a wonderful time.”
“I see you have some new gifts as well…and do I see a familiar book?” Mother asked.
“Yes and yes.” I answered, a smile coming to my face.
“Come sit and tell me everything while I brush your hair.” She said, patting the space in front of her on my bed.
I laughed and sat down with my back to her. I then told her all about my day. Including how I had just blurted out my question and Abel’s answer.
“Ah, yes, that sounds about right.” Mother said. “He’s already in love with you.”
“Love?” I repeated, unable to believe that’s the conclusion she could come to.
Mother laughed. “Oh, dearest, it’s obvious to me. I thought he looked at you like a man in love. Now I know for certain.”
“That…that’s hard to believe…” I said.
“Is it, though?” Mother asked, giving me a kiss on top of the head as she stood up, having finished brushing my hair. “Though perhaps I am biased as I love you, too. So I think everyone must see how wonderful you are and love you too.”
“Goodnight, Mother.”
“Goodnight dearest.”
After Mother left…and after what she had said, I knew there was no going to sleep at least not right away. So, I picked up my book and sat down to read once again…happily picking up my favorite book and reading it for the first time in years, a smile on my face. I ended up falling asleep sitting up in my chair while reading the book.
I was standing in the kitchen of my childhood home, wanting a warm glass of milk…but then there was a cut on my palm and I held a glass of some red liquid out to a strnger hiding in the shadows.
“Take it. You need it.”
“Please don’t make me have cut my palm for nothing?”
“I still don’t understand…why you aren’t scared?”
I shrugged. “You’re not scary. Now just take it.”
“Thank you.”
I awoke with a start, my palm aching as I looked down at it. I rubbed at the very faint scar that remained on my palm. “I haven’t had that dream in forever…I guess at least this time I didn’t sleep walk and cut myself like I did back then.” I muttered as I rubbed the scar.
I shook myself and stood from my seat, picking my book up off the floor. I must have dropped it when I fell asleep. I set it on the table and made my way over to the bed. Judging by the sky outside, it was still hours until dawn would arrive. I needed to try and get some sleep while I could.
Tag list: @zulablaise @violettduchess @kisara-16 @tele86
@otomewonderland @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@obeymetalesandikemen @leiaglamela @fang-and-feather @eventinelysplayground
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yonaaaahowell · 7 months ago
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Keith Howell x Reader
Words: 1, 119
One night, you were quite intoxicated and somehow recalled that you were entrusted with delivering certain elixirs to Keith. Despite your inebriated state, you hastened to his chambers and knocked on the door.
*Knock* You knocked once and received no response.
*Knock knock* After knocking a second time with even greater urgency, the door still remained unanswered.
You knocked repeatedly on the prince chambers door throughout the night in a state of drunkenness, growing increasingly impatient as no one answered despite your best efforts.
Suddenly, the door to his chamber swung open with a creak, revealing yourself face to face with Keith's partially undressed form.
The prince was clad only in a small towel that barely covered his lower region, his dark olive ruffled hair still damp from a recent bath or shower.
Keith's golden eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected intrusion, clearly having forgotten his state of undress in the moment.
"What...what are you doing here so late at night?" he asked, his voice tinged with both surprise and a hint of wariness.
In his confusion, Keith failed to fully process your inebriated ramblings, not quite registering the nature of the "concoctions" and "reports" you mentioned. For now, he simply stood before you, towel clenched in one hand, hair still mussed and damp - a picture of unexpected disruption.
Meanwhile, you surmised that Keith wasn't fully comprehending your intentions, so you took the unusual step of entering his private chambers to personally deliver the bag of concoctions and reports yourself.
However, in your intoxicated state, you stumbled forward and accidentally yanked on Keith's towel, causing the fabric to slip away and reveal his manhood in all its glory.
Upon laying eyes on the prince's erect and substantial member, most women would have been shocked, intrigued, or even embarrassed.
But thanks to your extreme inebriation, you simply giggled and whispered, "Baguette..." seemingly perceiving Keith's genitals as a large, mysterious loaf of bread.
Your stomach growled in response, distracting you from the bizarre scene before your eyes.
Then all of a sudden, the mischievous alter-ego within Keith emerged, a sly, wicked smile twisting his gentle features as he caught sight of you entranced gaze lingering on his exposed member.
"Like what you see, hmm?" he teased in a low, deep tone that was a far cry from his usual gentle demeanor.
Keith's alter-ego, driven by the thrill of teasing someone he found endearing, had no intention of covering himself like his gentle counterpart would have. Instead, he reveled in the unexpected opportunity to explore the boundaries of their encounter.
"Normally, HE will be the type to cover himself in a situation like this," Wicked Keith admitted, glancing down at his erect member with a chuckle.
"But your drunken state is too perfect of an opportunity to pass up. So, you can touch my 'baguette' or even take my baguette for a spin, if you desire." Keith purred, his golden eyes glinting with wicked amusement at his own tease.
As your entranced state allowed you to act on Keith's suggestive words and deeds without hesitation, you tentatively reached out to touch his manhood.
Your fingers explored the thick shaft in a daze before your lips descended to lick the tip. You took a small nibble, at which point Keith groaned and chuckled, offering gentle guidance.
"No biting, my doe," he teased. "Round that little mouth of yours around my shaft and suck it gently..."
He watched with a knowing smirk as realization slowly dawned on your drunken mind that what you held in your hand was not, in fact, a baguette.
When you attempted to pull away, Keith placed a firm hand on the back of your head, guiding you back down to his waiting member.
"You won't miss this chance, do you?" he asked with a sly, seductive whisper, his golden eyes glinting with mischief as he encouraged you to re-kiss the tip of his cock.
Wanting this moment too, you kissed the tip of Keith's member before obediently wrapping your lips around the thick shaft, sucking gently as requested.
Keith's grin widened as pleasurable sensations began to spread through his body, his cock pulsating inside your small, pretty mouth. Seizing a handful of your hair, Keith gently guided you in the rhythm he knew would bring him great pleasure.
"Faster, my doe...suck me harder," Keith groaned, his pleasure growing.
However, you were struggling to accommodate Keith's massive size, nearly choking as your throat burned from the intense depth he was pushing for.
Keith's grip on your hair tightened slightly as he leaned in close, his warm breath tickling your ear.
"Relax your throat, allow my cock to slide down smoothly...don't tense up," he whispered, his voice laced with sensual instruction. "Breathe through your nose...take it slow and steady, my lovely doe."
With patient guidance and your best efforts, Keith was eventually able to slide his entire impressive length down your throat, eliciting a pleasured groan of approval from the prince.
As you continued sucking in rhythm, you even began vibrating your lips against Keith's shaft, sending pleasurable waves through the prince's body.
"Take me more..." Keith groaned, his hips starting to thrust roughly in time with your movements as his arousal grew. He could feel his climax approaching, ready to erupt within the eager mouth before him.
His wicked mind was ecstatic at the thought of making you drink his release, determined to have you swallow every last drop.
As he reached his peak, Keith's member pulsed and throbbed, flooding your mouth with his hot, thick seed. To ensure you swallowed every ounce, Keith gripped your head firmly, preventing you from pulling away as he continued pumping cum into your eager mouth.
"This is what happens when you visit me during the night, no matter the reason," Keith purred, savoring the moment of decadent release with his drunken, unsuspecting companion.
The next morning, you found yourself at a local bakery, a freshly baked baguette filled with milky cheese catching your eye.
Your thoughts instantly drifted back to the previous night's bizarre events, still unsure what to make of Keith's massive manhood that you had sucked on under the mistaken belief it was a baguette.
The lewd scene played out in your mind once more. As you stood there lost in thought, a warm breath suddenly tickled your ear.
"If you want another 'baguette' of mine, why don't you visit me again later tonight?" Keith whispered, his voice unmistakable.
Your blush deepened as you suddenly felt Keith's teeth gently nip at your earlobe, a teasing gesture that left you flushed and staring longingly at the innocent bakery baguette.
It seemed your drunken misadventures with the prince were far from over.
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years ago
Hi!!! This is the first time I've EVER requested anything, so I'm super excited to be asking you. Would it be OK if I could have headcannons with some of the ikevamp boys? If you're comfortable with it, could I have Arthur, Comte, Isaac and Leonardo with and mc who has ADHD? I completely understand if you don't, feel free to completely ignore me. Thank youuu 😊😊😊❤❤❤
Characters: Arthur Conan Doyle | Comte De Saint Germain | Isaac Newton | Leonardo Da Vinci x GN!Reader  Rating: General.  Word count: 819 words  Warning/s: Reader has ADHD, mentions of procrastination, hyperfocus, not enough focus. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I’ve had this on my mind for a very long time, and I even thought about doing Isaac’s route to write him more accurately but work has been killing me so I didn't get to open the DSM-V collecting dust in my shelf for this one :c
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[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
There are quite some things he can understand about your symptoms. The main thing being procrastinating. 
Listen, he is a writer, and he is not perfect, and there are moments where inspiration poofs out and he is forced to stop with his writer's block, or sometimes he feels stuck in a sentence and decides to do everything except finish his next chapter, so he can empathize when you go through periods where you keep pushing certain activities until the last minute.
He still worries about your well-being, even if he is not a doctor anymore; he is curious about the treatment you had back at your time and home. 
He is sweet and understanding, despite having some pet peeves, he does his best to understand how it's something that is part of you and can work with support. And he wants to be that support.
Arthur also finds relatable the moments where you are stuck with your hyper-focus periods, and you happen to do your and Sebastian’s chores for the day on your own, though he is hurt by you mostly ignoring him those awful days when he wants nothing but to pamper you.
[୨୧] — Comte De Saint Germain
He is a wonderful and understanding man.
I can imagine him having a lot of pet peeves with people getting distracted too easily or drifting off and, part of loving you is the imperfections you embrace of each other and, they make you perfect for him as anyone. 
He is careful of the periods where you either procrastinate too much or hyper-focus too much to not exhaust yourself with the chores you take or by making you overwhelmed by taking care of the mansion and its inhabitants. 
He will listen to your weekly obsession without trouble. Do you want to tell him about 30 crow facts you learned? Tell him. Did you find a new way to make Sebas flick your forehead? He frowns. Do you want to tell him about your comfort fanfic you know by heart because you can’t read it anymore? He will listen.
If you fidget too much, and if you ask, he will get someone from his multiple contacts to make a “replica” of the fidget toys you used to have back at home.
[୨୧] — Isaac Newton
I have been seriously thinking of this since I got this ask because it seems too funny even if I haven't read his route: Consider, you don’t shut up.
Isaac strikes me as the type who wants to study in peace and quiet.
So maybe your relationship is quite a bumpy ride at first. 
What amazes him is your capability of telling him about 100 things that interested you in the span of a single week.
Your conversations flow at random, so he would often be working on his stuff to suddenly be whisked away by you to tell him about that one thing you found out about hedgehogs for 3 hours. 
Sometimes you are the cause of some of his frustrations. Last month you started knitting? He found some yarn with a texture you like and bought it as a gift, thinking you could make something for yourself.
He came back to find your knitted sweater half done and forgotten, and now you are learning how to bake. 
And it is an ongoing cycle, but he finds a bit of happiness in you trying new things, as you often drag him along, which means spending more time together.
Maybe your relationship is the answer to what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
[୨୧] — Leonardo Da Vinci
Avoid tasks? Hyperfocus? Not enough focus? This man is a master at all those (and at dozing off)
He doesn’t mind you procrastinating, he has been avoiding to clean up his room for the last century, so he can’t complain. 
Now, if you forget or get distracted about other things, now that’s a different story. Did you feed Lumiere in the evening and forgot to tell him, and then he fed him that same day, and now you have a chubby cat? 
That’s funny, but no. 
Aside from that, he doesn’t have trouble with your condition; he is still a loving man. He always is and has been when it comes to loving you. 
And he likes your energy and how you keep him awake, in a sense, always making him try new things together, like dancing! Which he is not the best at, but he doesn’t mind trying your interests. 
If you take an interest in one of his multiple areas of expertise he’d definitely teach you and not be bothered if you happen to drop your interest in the activity, in fact, he invites you to try other things.
Beware, he is a strict teacher, so he doesn’t want your attention wandering off too often.
He enjoys…, grounding you, lets say. 
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 year ago
Kinda sorta maybe just a little tiny bit want to try writing a fanfic for the first time ever……but kinda sort maybe just a little tiny bit nervous about writing and sharing it 👉🏻👈🏻
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judenostopwaitkeepgoing · 4 months ago
Your Villain Against a Wall...! 🫠
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18+ | MDNI | Explicit Content | EN-released Villains x Reader
What if... your villain f*cked you against a wall? Wouldn't that be nice?
CW: fem!reader, p-in-v sex mostly, explicit, some villains have a higher word count (sorry, for some reason I rly popped off with these for only some of the boys—if your fave's is shorter, I promise to make it up to you soon!!), teasing, some of these depict sex in semi-public, pet names (my little robin, lil lady, princess, etc.), EN-released villains only!
William Rex
You sneak out of a party together, retreating alone to a secluded area of the garden. You kiss desperately against the cold castle wall, damp from recent rain. Your making out grows more and more fervent, and before long William is suggesting that you relocate to his room but, to his surprise and delight, you refuse by quietly murmuring, ‘Let’s stay right here.’ You pull your own skirt up, hitching your leg onto his hip and pulling him back to your kiss. This sets him over the edge! He doesn’t even care if a stray partygoer happens to find you two, he wastes no time diving his cock inside you, pushing you up deliciously against the stone wall.
Harrison Gray
After a mission you and Harry sit together in the library. He’s watching you finish your report and trying to distract you with his stare. “I’m almost finished, be patient please.” “You want me to suffer.” He sighs dramatically. “I do not Harry, please, let me finish.” “What, I’m not allowed to look at you?” “You know how you’re looking at me...” “Oh? Do I? How’s that?” You finally meet his sly gaze, walking around to his side of the table and attempting to push him away. But he teases you further and doesn’t budge, smirking at your cute attempts to move him. “You know, it’s unwise to punch above your weight.” he’d say, then pushes you back, completely overpowering you until you’re flush against a bookcase, with his tongue quickly invading your mouth. You’re stunned, but his kiss feels so delicious that you get taken away by it. Your panting breath is the only sound filling the library, and Harry works you up so much that you almost want to have a quick one right here... turns out you two are on the same page, and you feel his hand gliding up your skirt. “Ahhn,” you moan softly as his fingers enter you, your head leaning back against the shelf. “Mmm, does the lady like it when I touch her in the library like this...?” he murmurs in your ear, “She must—since she’s so soaking wet...” “Please, Harry...” you pant, unable to take his teasing any longer. “Please, what?” He’s enjoying this. “Please, right here... right now... let’s...” he cuts you off with his kiss, already sliding his cock out of his pants, ready to thrust into you against this bookcase.
Liam Evans
You scurry backstage after the performance to Liam’s dressing room. He’s the star of the show, so he gets his very own place to get ready. You peek into the room to see him removing his makeup. “You were amazing, Liam!” he turns quickly at your voice, beaming at the sight of you. “Y/N!” He pulls you into his dressing room, already filled with flowers and gifts from fans. He closes the door behind you, sneakily locking the door... he actually got kind of flustered when he saw you from the stage tonight. You looked so radiant, he wanted to steal you away and get you all to himself. Little did he know that you were thinking the same thing! ‘The part where your character was almost killed was so convincing that it made me really sad!” you exclaimed. He was close to you already, but that made him take you into his arms. “I’m sorry for making you sad,” he said, “don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.” You cuddled into his chest, and he could feel a heat rising inside him. “Let me make it up to you...” he purrs in your ear, sending a pleasant shiver through your body. Before you know it, he’s tilting your head back and pressing his soft lips to yours in an eager kiss. He kisses you breathless, until you pull away, panting “Couldn’t someone come in...?” “Don’t worry, I locked it when you came in,” he winks at you. “What!” You laugh nervously, kind of happy that he was already thinking about doing this with you... He starts to guide you over to the setae in the corner, but you stop him. “I want you right here,” you said, pulling him close by the lapels of his jacket, sandwiching yourself between him and the locked door to his dressing room. Liam is taken aback for a moment and then completely overwhelmed with desire for you. “Y/N,” he breathes out as he deepens your kiss, already hoisting you up so that he’s gripping you firmly by your thighs, ready to fuck you with not a care in the world for anyone who might walk by the shaking door.
Elbert Greetia
The two of you had been steadily clearing out the items in Elbert’s room. You’d initially thought that there were so many priceless treasures in here, but you’ve learned that it’s really a stifling coping mechanism for Elbie. “What about this painting?” you ask. The two of you have reached a spot of wall that only has paintings hanging up left. You felt like it would be fine to leave most of them, but Elbert insisted that he wanted to start fresh. “Let’s take it down,” he says, and you can feel his ocean blue eyes roving over you as you gingerly lift the painting from its hooks. “Wow, there’s quite a lot of wall space now!” you step back, taking in the progress you’ve both made. “Yes, indeed...” and suddenly, you feel Elbert’s arms wrapping around you. You turn in surprise, but before you can even ask him what’s up he’s kissing you softly and earnestly. You indulge his sudden kiss but ask what’s the matter when he pulls away. “Nothing I can put up on the wall could compare to your beauty now,” he says sweetly.
Alfons Sylvatica
You and Alfons were spending some quality time together in his bed, just idling the Sunday morning away. He’d spent a rare night in your bedroom with you instead of out on the town, so you were trying to draw things out as long as you could. His gloved fingers danced playfully across your skin, brushing against you every so lightly as he stretched languidly beside him. “Mm, you have such a nice body, y/n,” he murmured, sending a flush across you instantly. “It’s so soft and spotless... It makes me almost want to scar you up a little.” His blunt words send a pleasurable shiver through you, and you snapped your face toward him. “Just kidding,” he smiled his usual vaguely unsettling smile, and you were relieved for a moment that he didn’t mean it. But... you’d be lying if you said you hated the idea of him marking you as his own... “Alfons,” you whispered quietly a moment later. “Yes, little robin?” he asked turning his face from laying across your bare chest to face yours at the top of the bed. “What if...” your eyes trailed to the side, embarrassed to ask for what you were really imagining... but it seems that Alfons was on the same page as you. “Perhaps my little robin wouldn’t mind me branding her..?” his words purred into your ear made you let out a soft, pleasurable breath. You looked him in the eye, his gaze both merry and merciless. “Stand up over there, my little robin.” You obeyed him, slipping out of bed and standing against the nearest wall. You were completely naked, still, and the cold air of the room made your cute nipples stand pert. Alfons loved your body, and he took a moment to scan you up and down before removing his gloves and coming to stand right before you, his fingers brushing the nape of your neck delicately, and before you even noticed a difference between dream and reality, he was lifting you against the wall, biting hard on your collarbone, making you yelp out in pain. you felt his teeth sink into you, drawing blood even, before you felt his hard length piercing you suddenly, thrusting you up and against the wall as he landed more and more bites to your skin... it hurt all over, and your legs were trembling, but he didn’t stop until you were both satisfied.
Roger Barel
Roger was running some experiments with Liam and Harrison late into the evening, and you hadn’t seen him all day. You weren’t usually like this, but you were feeling... jealous. You knew that nothing untoward was happening in these experiments—Harrison certainly wouldn’t have agreed to them if that were the case—but you felt starved for Roger’s attention. So you crept out of bed, not even caring to change out of your nightgown and robe and snuck into his lab. Liam and Harry were gone by now, but you could see Roger hunched over his notes, writing something quickly. He looked like he was concentrating hard. “You know I could hear you coming all the way from upstairs, right?” he suddenly broke the silence, making you jump a little. He swiveled around on the stool he sat on to face you. You were pouting at being found out, but also at his total nonchalance. Like he wasn’t as touch-starved as you were... making you feel foolish... “Oh, that’s quite a look...” he was smiling sideways at you. He’s actually enjoying this? This made you pout even further. “I’m not cursed... so I can’t help with your research... but there is something that I want to try.” You tried to bury your frustration, but Roger could tell what you were thinking by the blush on your face and the fast pace of your heartbeat that he could hear across the room. He wanted you to say it, though. “Mmm? And what would that be?” he was enjoying drawing this out. “I couldn’t sleep... and I was hoping that you would...” you trailed off, too embarrassed to continue. “Mm, my hearing is good, lil’ lady, but still not good enough to hear your thoughts,” he was smirking, and had shifted his position so that he was sitting wide legged, everything about his body language cocky and relaxed. You hated and loved how confident he was with you. You wished you could muster that kind of confidence just once... so you walked right up to him and threw your arms around him in a sudden kiss. Roger is so surprised that it takes him a moment to react, but before long he’s wrapping his solid, muscular arms around you, pulling you in closer as he deepens the kiss—sliding his tongue inside your mouth and eliciting a whimper from you. But you refuse to back down. You’re going to show him just how impatient you’ve gotten. You pull him in even closer by the lapels of his vest, and he is taken aback again at your enthusiasm. “I want to know just how strong these arms are...” you breathe into his mouth in between kisses. He’s gripping you securely by the waist, your bodies flush against one another as he lifts you effortlessly and turns you toward the nearest vertical surface, the side of a bookcase near his desk. You can feel his grip resettle underneath your thighs, his large hands forming a kind of seat for you as he presses you against the shelf, his mouth not leaving yours for a moment. “Does the little lady want to try my patience, is that what she wanted to try?” He murmurs seductively into your ear, sending a shiver through your body. He has your skirt hiked up in no time, using his thigh to rub slowly against your soaked core, things devolving from there... ;)
Showering with Victor would be so fun. Imagine washing and playing with his pretty hair, and his practiced hands sliding soap all over your body... he would lather you everywhere, lifting you against the slippery tile like you weighed nothing, your tongues entwining luxuriously as the steam from the warm water made your blood pump even faster. You’d feel his enormous cock getting harder beneath you, and he would waste no time slipping it up inside you, making you moan deliciously—your lewd noises echoing against the tiled walls of the entire bathroom.
Jude Jazza
“You somehow managed to put that birdbrain to good use.” Jude was smirking at you, his legs crossed at the ankles, resting his expensive, polished shoes on his desk as he leaned back in his chair, his arms stretched up and behind him, cradling his head in a cocky, relaxed pose. He looked at you the way he looked at a product he was appraising. You had managed to convince several noblewomen at the party you’d attended to draw up exclusive contracts with the interior design firm that Jude had recently acquired for their new townhome renovations. It was a major sale—a few of them placed orders right away. You didn’t want to appear overly excited, knowing that Jude would just mock you for it, but you couldn’t deny the thrill coursing through you as you met his satisfied—dare you say even proud?—sideways grin. “You’ve made me into an excellent saleswoman.” You said, not even really meaning for it to sound like such an obvious appeal to his ego. “Ooh, you think flattery will get you everywhere, princess?” he let out a haughty chuckle and you swore you noticed a brief flash of wildness in his eyes. He stared you down before suddenly asking, “Does the lil’ birdie think she deserves some kind of reward for all her hard work?” Damn. You knew you couldn’t get anything past him. But... he did seem like he was game for a little fun... which could either go well or badly for you... Then, suddenly, he stood from his seat, his black jacket swirling behind him as he made his way around the desk to where you were stood. He peered into your face, his righteous look only growing more and more dangerous. “You’ve earned exactly one request,” he whispered into your ear, sending a lightning bolt through your nervous system, “just this once.” You knew that even this wouldn’t be a no-strings-attached offer, but you didn’t care. “Fuck me against that wall right there.” You decided not to hesitate, to call him on his bluff, to get sassy on purpose (yes—perhaps, unconsciously, so he would punish you). “Oh, someone’s feeling cocky—” Jude’s face had cracked fully into a smile as he grabbed you roughly, taking an assured fistful of your hair at the nape of your neck in his grip. If it had been anyone else, you might have tensed, but Jude had manhandled you hundreds of times by now, your body trained to go limp at his touch. He pushed you against the wall, his hips grinding hard and final against yours, making you almost moan. “Mm, you did a good job, little robin, but I still can’t help wanting you to beg.” He tugged on your hair with just enough force to make your head loll backward, while simultaneously diving into your neck with his mouth, biting the sensitive flesh hard... It was going to be a long, (pleasantly) painful night!
Ellis Twilight
“Ellis... ah... are you sure... I’m not too heavy...?” You managed to gasp out your question between ragged breaths as Ellis held you up flush against the stone wall of Crown Castle. He had returned from a mission quite late, but you hadn’t been able to sleep. You knew he was capable, but you always worried about him regardless. Plus, something must have happened, because immediately upon seeing you—you’d been taking a stroll in the gardens to clear your head—he took you into his arms, holding you so tight it almost hurt and kissing you fervently. “You’re as light as a feather,” he smiled at you, his sweet voice sending a shiver down your neck as he whispered to you. You could feel his muscles tense as you held on to his shoulders... But it was true, other than that, he didn’t seem to be exerting any effort at all as he held you up, his cock growing harder and harder between your splayed legs. He was holding you up underneath your thighs as he trailed his tongue against your neck, sucking on the skin occasionally, drawing out sweet moans from you. “Mm, you sound so pretty, Y/N.” You could feel his lips curl into his devilish smile. “Ellis, shouldn’t we—” you were about to suggest you relocate to somewhere more private, but were cut off when you realized that he was starting to undo your blouse... with his teeth!? Your brain became overwhelmed, all of your thoughts seemingly evaporated, by the sheer eroticism of his gaze as he stared you down. What on earth happened on that mission? “Y/N... I’m sorry, but... I can’t wait anymore.” Ellis looked at you apologetically before you felt his hand slip up your skirt, stroking your soaking wet cunt before long. You instinctually gripped his midsection even tighter with your thighs, unable to resist his long, dexterous fingers as they slipped inside you... You’d have to figure out what had gotten into him some other time...
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greedyqueensfavourite · 10 days ago
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A Sweet Accident ( Ring × Reader)
Content Warning - NSFW - mdni
I was feeling Ring starved and wrote this fic just to avoid studying for exams :^). Expect a lot of grammatical erros as I haven't proofread it at all. Reblogs are appreciated for this cute cherry boy.
"It's been a really long day"
You muttered as entered your room. In the morning, you accompanied William and Harrison to a mission. Later, you worked on your report and in the evening, you went on a date with your boyfriend Ring.
Ring is now your boyfriend. Sometimes, it all feels unreal. You two have been dating each other since past few months after confirming your mutual feelings for each other.
While lost in pleasent thoughts about your lover ,you began to untie the ribbon on the back of your neck and your blouse fell off. Beneath it, You were wearing a pale cream coloured corset. You were trying hard to untie those back strings yourself when the door which you thought was locked suddenly bursted open and your beloved lover entered holding a wrapped box in his hand.
"Um, you forgot this hair acc......" He froze mid sentence and his eyes widened at your half naked body. Your corset was almost tied open and your breasts were half exposed.
Silence fell between you two. Before, you could even say anything, the door was slammed and the package fell on the entrance.
It was the hair accessory you bought on your way back. You must have forgotten it.
You hastily changed into your gown and went into the hallway but there was no one. Ring had already been left. You thought to yourself. You really wanted to explain him that it was an accident and you were at fault too since you forgot to lock the door properly but it was too late.
You really didn't want for things to get awkward between you too.While lost in these thoughts, your eyelids felt heavy and in no time, sleep washed over you.
The next day, as soon as you woke up you went looking for Ring. You had to talk to him about the incident and prevent getting things awkward between you two.
But it was easier said than done.
You searched the whole Crown castle, palace garden, Vogel office but your lover was nowhere to be found. You even asked Ellis and Liam about Ring's whereabouts but they didn't know anything either.
Finally, after exhausting yourself, You sat on a bench placed in the garden.At that moment, a playful laughter rang through ears.
"The Robin is wandering all around the palace today, Are you looking for someone particular like Me?"
It was not the Schwartz twin you were looking for.
"I was looking for Ring the whole day. Have you seen him? " You asked Nica.
Nica raised his eyebrows " Ahh Ring, Well he left on a mission with Darius early morning, It was quite strange how he fixated on going.
"Did something happen between you too? Lovers argument. Huh" Nica smirked.
"No! It's nothing like that. We didn't have any argument". You protested.
"Then, What is it? Robin. What happened that makes my brother avoid you".
"You can tell me you know. After all I am Ring's twin and knows him more than anyone else"
Your mind wander at those words. "Maybe Nica can help." You thought to yourself.
At the end, you explained last night's incident to Nica.
AHAHAHA!! - Nica bursted out laughing.
What !! What is so funny about it? - You frowned.
Nica wiped the corner of his eyes. "So, that's why he's ignoring you" Ahaha!
At the moment, you heard another laughter and noticed Alfons eavesdropping on your conversation.
"My, My! I was just passing by and happened to listen on such interesting conversation". Alfons threw a sarcastic remark.
And they both started laughing
"Laugh all you want" You pouted and began to walk away.
"I was about to offer the perfect solution for your problem but no worries" Alfons said.
You shrugged your shoulders and sighed - "What solution? "
"Seduce Ring' - Alfons suggested with his usual smile.
Your eyes widened - "What!"
Yes, considering the farthest you both have gone is holding hands, why not cross the line and end this awkwardness between you two". Nica suggested while agreeing with Alfons.
"Seduce Ring, but how" - You asked.
They both grinned which told you that it would not going to be an easy task.
It was a bad decision, A really bad one. You knew you should not have trusted those two.
But there you were, sitting in Ring's room and wearing a bold lingerie under your usual clothes. The one which you could never think of wearing even in your dreams. It was so bold for your preferences.
You were lost in such thoughts when suddenly the doorknob opened and Ring entered the room. As soon as he saw you, he tried to turn back and leave.
But before he could even move, you swiftly pulled him by his hand and pushed him down on the bed. You basically used every bit of strength in your body and threw yourself over him.
"Wh-What was that? It was so dangerous! "- Ring said with red blush spreading all over his face.
You huffed and responded - "It was necessary. Why are you ignoring me huh? Is it due to that incident. I am sorry! I thought I closed the door but I forgot".
"N-No!! It wasn't your fault at all. Why are you even apologizing? I wasn't angry at you or anything like that. On the opposite, I was thinking about y-yo...." He paused.
"Thinking about what? Tell me Ring. You tilted your head and asked him.
"Well, I was thinking about how beautiful you were at that time!!!. I was thinking about very very wrong things like doing all sort of lewd things with you". - He closed his eyes and responded.
"I know you will hate me now. I am sorry for having such lewd thoughts about you." - He apologized.
"No! You are misunderstanding. More than that you know I won't mind you having lewd thoughts about me".
"Ring" - You called his name seriously. "I want to do all sorts of lewd things with you".
Saying that, you untied your blouse and your lingerie was the only thing you were wearing.
It was a bold red lingerie with lace embroidery that hugged your body so tightly and barely covered anything.
Ring paused. His face went pale as if he had seen a ghost. You got worried and the next thing you saw was a freaking NOSEBLEED!!!. His nose was bleeding. You got closer to take a look and then there's another nose bleed. You were about to call someone for help when Ring stopped you instantly and the next thing you felt was the warmth of his lips against yours.
The kiss felt so unreal, much sweeter and hotter than you ever imagined. You both kissed each other untill none of you could even breathe properly.
"Sorry! I got blood on your face." Ring said wiping your face with his fingers.
"I don't mind, The thought that I can make you like this is the most exciting thing ever" - You responded while still catching your breath.
"So, May I have you k-know your pe-permission" - He asked with hesitation.
Your nod was enough for him and the next thing you knew was his lips kissing your exposed neck and taking in your scent.
His hands tightly hold your waist and yours were trying to remove his jacket.
In the meantime, his lips went down and started kissing the swell of your breast. You moaned and his eyes drifted towards your face to make sure what he was not hurting his lover.
The fabric of your lingerie was completely soaked in his saliva and the warmth under his clothes rubbed against you.
Your hands moved to the hard bulge in his pants and he whimpered at your touch.
His gaze met yours and you knew what you were going to do next.
You unzipped his pants and lifted your lingerie further apart. His warmth entered your already soaking wet spot and you both let out a soft groan at the same time.
It was all just a beginning of an endless passionate night between you and Ring.
Next day, you both were late for the breakfast the queen's aide arranged for Crown and Vogel. Alfons saw both of your blushing expression and smirked -
"Looks like it's time to find a new nickname for our cherry boy".
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lucyw260 · 8 months ago
Water Reveals All - Nobunaga
Another birthday of mine is here, so that means my yearly Nobunaga fanfic must be written. I wasn't having a good day today so I knocked this out in record time but then accidentally deleted most of it and had to rewrite it, it was way better before so I'm mad. I haven't posted since the last yearly fic, I hope you all are well
Words = 664
Warnings = establilshed relationship, bruises, water
Excerpt = “I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it"
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After joint hard work trying to unify the country, Y/n and Nobunaga deserved a relaxing break away from castle life and responsibilities. So here they both were having a short hot spring vacation together.
Nobunaga was already lounging in the hot spring, steam obscuring his body so no prying eyes can take advantage of his visage, well he doesn't mind the prying eyes of his lover.
Y/n was hesitating at the edge of the hot spring, she wasn't even in the warm water and yet her cheeks were as red as the sunset behind her.
“We didn't come so I alone could bask in the water” Nobunaga declared as Y/n paced around the edge and he watched her
“Hang on, I'm trying to sike myself up” she said while trying to shake the nerves off. It was silly to be nervous as it's not like her beloved would see anything he hadn't seen before.
“I guess you don't love me enough to keep me company” Nobunaga had the audacity to pout and show his childish side while saying that.
Y/n laughed slightly, feeling glad that her beloved was free from stress and showing weakness.
“Okay okay, I'm getting in” she chuckled and dipped her toes in before sitting down a ways away from Nobunaga.
“Come closer” Nobunaga demanded in his lordly voice.
“As my lord says” Y/n jokes and makes her way over to Nobunaga but not close enough for Nobunaga’s liking.
He sighs before grabbing her waist and guiding her onto his lap, she wraps her legs around his waist in surprise so she doesn't fall backwards.
“That's better” he stated, staring into her eyes with his own carmine ones. He smirks as she puts her arms around his neck as he adjusts his grip.
The movement of them both had caused Y/n’s thin, almost seethrough bathing robes to ride up her thighs. Blushing furiously, she quickly tries to pull the cloth down before Nobunaga can get any steamy ideas.
Nobunaga can't help but try to sneak a peek of her perfect thighs but something else catches his attention instead. He firmly grabs her hand before she can fully cover her thighs.
Startled, she looks up at Nobunaga only to see him staring down at her thighs with trembling eyes.
“When did you get this?” he questioned in a nonchalant voice but those who knew Nobunaga well would be able to pick up the hint of obvious worry that was apparent.
He reaches down and lightly brushed his long fingers across a brown bruise on the top of her thigh, in no more than a phantom touch.
Y/n looks down to see what Nobunaga is talking about and sees a bruise decorating her high but she can't answer his question because she doesn't recall when she got it but then suddenly remembers something.
“Oh, I remember. I was organising the archive when a book fell off the top shelf and the corner of it hit my leg” she revealed before looking up at Nobunaga.
She could see the telltale signs of worry for her wellbeing in the set of his face so she continued talking.
“I didn't even know it had bruised, it was only a slight pain” she adds to try to soothe her black haired lover.
Nobunaga lifts his eyes off her thigh and looks into her eyes before his next action makes her gasp.
He bends slightly and presses a soft kiss to Y/n’s thigh, like a mother kissing away the pain of their child's wound.
“I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it" Nobunaga asserts with admonishment in his eyes.
And just like that, Nobunaga the warlord has come back to the forefront but his strong minded lover will cherish the brief and rare show of concern for her that came from his slow thawing heart.
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Please don’t repost, edit or steal. Reblogs are more than welcome though!  
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otomefoxystar · 1 month ago
In Sickness
Ikemen Vampire
Arthur X Reader
You were tired. The exhaustion was setting into your bones. Sebastian noticed how pale you had become and how slow you were working. He walked up to you and put his hand on your back. “ Why don’t you lie down, you don’t look well.” You grimaced, “ What about the chores?” Sebastian smiled “ I’ll manage. Your health is more important.” Normally you would have resisted more, but you felt like you might collapse at any moment. “Thank you Sebastian” He nodded and you sauntered down the hallway to your room. You removed your apron placing it on the back of the chair and you bent down to take off your shoes. You landed in your bed crawling under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.
Arthur would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t completely enamored by you. You consumed all his thoughts, but he wouldn’t admit it to you, or anyone. He was looking around looking like a lost puppy when he was unable to find you.
“ Can I help you find something, Sir Arthur?” Sebastian asked noticing him looking around.
“ Where’s _ _ _ ?” Sebastian’s face softened at how Arthur cared for you.
“ I sent her to bed, she’s not well.”  A deep crease formed between Arthur’s eyebrows as he drew them together.
“ What’s wrong with her?” Sebastian shook his head
“ She just needs rest,” Sebastian answered while putting cups away.
Worry set in Arthur’s core. He had to see you and he had to see you now. He turned on his Oxford shoes and took two steps before Sebastian spoke.
“ Don’t wake her up, Arthur,”  Sebastian said sternly.
Arthur nodded and traveled down the hallway to your room with a sense of urgency he hadn’t felt before. He turned the door knob so it wouldn’t make noise. He entered the room and closed the door quietly. He noticed how pale you looked and put his hand on your forehead, you were burning up. He left the room and returned with a bowl of water and a cloth. He soaked the cloth in the water and set it on your forehead. 
“ We need to bring that fever down, hopefully, you just sleep it off, but this should help.” He whispered to you as he clasped your hand. 
“ I’ll be right here, waiting for you to wake up.” 
He rushed out of the room and down the hallway to his own room to grab the papers he had been writing on then he grabbed ink and his pen. He rushed back to your room setting his supplies down at your desk. He stroked your red cheeks as he sat down and began writing. 
Arthur was finding it difficult to focus on his book when he was so worried about you. Usually, you brought him inspiration, but something about you being sick had disturbed his focus.
  Arthur had witnessed Sebastian getting sick from time to time, but this had his stomach in knots. The anxiety had crawled up and taken hold of him. He wiped his pen off with a cloth and set it down. He got up from the chair and took the towel off your head. He held the towel in one hand while the other felt your face with the back of his hand. You were still burning up. He dipped the towel in the bowl of water again, wrung out the excess water, and placed it back on your forehead. You began coughing in your sleep, and Arthur looked at you worriedly.
“ You’re getting sicker by the minute.” 
Arthur brushed your hot cheek, and he realized how badly his throat was burning. He had ignored the hunger for blood, but now it was getting intolerable and he couldn’t ignore it anymore, otherwise he might end up feeding off of you and he couldn’t let himself do that. He tucked you in and left the room quietly shutting the door gently. 
Arthur had to steady himself by placing a hand against the wall. Theo caught sight of him stumbling. “ Come sit down” Theo wrapped his arm around Arthur’s shoulders to help stabilize him. Once they were in the dining room Theo practically dropped Arthur into the chair. “ Don’t move from this spot,” Theo said with a bite to his words.
“ I hadn’t planned on it” Arthur tried to sound sarcastic, but it just came out weak.
When Theo returned he had two bottles of rogue. He set one in front of Arthur. Arthur fumbled with getting the cork out of the lid. Finally succeeding he put the bottle to his lips and gulped. 
“ I’ve never seen you like this, what happened?”  Theo asked. Arthur set the bottle down and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“ have another one.” He handed the other bottle to Arthur. 
Arthur shook his head, but Theo glared at him. “ I insist. If you’re in this state then I assume it’s been a while since you’ve had a drink.” Arthur sighed, and reluctantly took the bottle from Theo and sipped at it casually.
“ Really, what happened?” Theo repeated himself.
“ _ _ _’ s sick, really sick. I’ve been looking after her, I guess I didn’t realize how much time had passed.” Arthur looked towards the window and saw the sun was setting. "She hasn’t woken up yet she’s been asleep all day.” Theo nodded.
“ I see, but you’ve got to take care of yourself too. You aren’t going to be any help if you’re so hungry you can’t see straight. You’ll just end up attacking her, and then what?” Arthur looked down.
“ You’re right, I was just so focused on her.”  Arthur tipped his head back taking the last swig of Rogue. “ Thank you for taking care of me.” 
Theo waved him off.  Arthur squeezed his shoulder. 
“ Go see to her then, and make sure she gets healthy. I know she’s in good hands with you.” Arthur sighed, feeling his past bubbling up. “ No one’s in good hands with me.” Theo wanted to punch Arthur sometimes. “Don’t do that. She is in good hands with you because you know what you’re doing. Don’t let your past cloud your judgment, she needs you, Arthur.” When Theo said that you needed him he felt a renewed determination to be there for you.
When Arthur went back into the bedroom he shut the door. He looked you over and saw that your cheeks were still flushed. He touched your forehead and sure enough, you were still feverish. 
“ This fever just won’t go away will it?” 
You coughed and then winced as if the coughing hurt. Arthur needed you to wake up so he could listen to your lungs.
“ _ _ _ I know you’re sleeping and probably don’t want to wake up, but I need my assistant to wake up so I can take care of her.” He shook you slightly then repeated your name over and over, until finally you opened your eyes. 
“ Arth- ur,” you said it hoarsely.
“ What are you doing in my room?” He snickered
“ You are really sick luv, someone has to take care of you.” He took your hand and squeezed. “ I need to get my stethoscope, but I need you to stay awake. I’ll be right back.” You nodded.
When Arthur came back he had his stethoscope around his neck. Then he went over to you.
“ I need you to sit up, so I can listen to your lungs you’ve got a pretty nasty cough.” 
You pushed up weakly and Arthur put his hand around your arm and pulled you the rest of the way up. 
“ There we go.” He said as he positioned himself behind you and pulled your hair over your shoulder brushing your neck with his fingertips, giving you shivers down your spine. He was just being helpful, but he had never touched your hair, and the thought had your mind reeling. 
“ Be a good girl and take some deep breaths for me.”  You did as he asked and took several deep breaths, but not without coughing.
He hummed in concentration, he then went to your upper back and listened there, as well as your chest. Finally he stood up straight and put the stethoscope back around his neck, something you found incredibly sexy. Where were all these thoughts of Arthur coming from?
He drew his eyebrows together, “ There’s a lot of rattling going on in there I’d say -“
He was cut off mid-sentence as Sebastian entered the room “ Bronchitis?” Arthur looked at him and nodded his head in affirmation “ Yes that’s right!” Sebastian looked at her with concern. “ You’re pretty sick. I’ll bring you some soup and water.”  Arthur smiled  
“ Thanks, ole chap” As Sebastian closed the door Arthur sighed “ Here lean forward let me fix your pillows.” He arranged your pillows so you could sit upright comfortably. 
“ Thanks, Arthur.” He smiled 
“ Anytime luv.” He sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at your hand and took it into his own and looked into your tired eyes. 
“ You scared me you know. You have such a high fever and you just kept sleeping. I didn’t know what was wrong and I couldn’t get your fever to go down. You should probably take a lukewarm bath now that I think about it. Anyway, that’s not the point. Point is you had me scared and then I started thinking all these different things and what if something happened where you didn’t wake up and I’d lost the chance to tell you how I feel.” 
 You licked your lips and pressed them together contemplating. “ I want to tell you how I feel too.” He blinked  
“What?” He asked surprised.
“ You aren’t the only one feeling things Arthur.” You said as your heart hammered quickly.
“ I wish I would’ve known I’ve been keeping this in trying to respect your space.” His eyes went to your lips, and he brushed your feverish cheek with the back of his hand “ I’d ask for a kiss, but I want our first kiss to be special so this will have to suffice.”
He placed his hands on either side of your face, closed his eyes, and pressed a gentle kiss to your feverish forehead. He stayed like that for a while before he moved away.
You blushed, and he smiled. 
“ How are you this sweet?” You asked quietly, feeling filled by his love.
“ Only for you my bird. When you’re better we’ll have a proper kiss.” 
He removed his hands from your face and combed your hair behind your ear. 
Sebastian walked in with a food tray and Arthur stood up from his seat on your bed Sebastian placed the tray over your lap, and glanced at you with a knowing look.
“ Oh shut up!” You said, embarrassed.
“ I didn’t say anything.” Replied Sebastian 
“ No, but you were definitely thinking it I can see it on your face.”
Sebastian put his hands up “ All right, I’m just glad to see you two come together is all. I want happiness for two people I care deeply about. I guess it took Arthur getting scared for you both to admit your feelings.”  
Sebastian grinned and squeezed your hand, “ I’m happy for you both.”  
Arthur smiled sheepishly. “ Thanks, Sebas that means a lot, really it does.”  Sebastian patted Arthur on the shoulder as he went to leave the room.
After you ate Arthur took the food tray to the kitchen and came back to find you in the midst of coughing. He shut the door and sighed when you finally caught your breath. 
“ You need to rest, let’s lay you down so you can sleep.” He arranged your pillows and tucked you in once you were lying down. 
He lifted your hand and kissed the top. “ I’d stay but I’m afraid I’ll be a distraction so I’m going to let you rest.”
You grabbed his hand as he turned to leave. “Arthur” He stopped and turned towards you.
“ Thank you for telling me how you feel.” He smiled softly and squeezed your hand. “ ah, luv you’re welcome, but you had to know right? I mean everyone said it was obvious how I felt about you and kept telling me that you felt the same about me.” You blushed  
“ I had no idea, I hoped you did but I was clueless, but everyone told me the same thing.”
Arthur laughed. “ So they all knew and here we were too busy in our own heads to notice.” He came closer and knelt by the bed. He smoothed your hair away from your face and gave your cheek a gentle peck.
“It’s time for you to sleep, I need you to get better so I can give you that kiss.” He let go of your hand and closed the curtains then smiled before he opened the door smiled and left you to recover.
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valkyyriia · 5 months ago
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Day 3 - Take a Seat
Kinktober 2024 Prompt List | Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Words: 1182 CW: Face Sitting, Cunnilingus, Overstimulation, Hands-Free Orgasm Pairing: Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader Prompt(s): Face Sitting | Intercrural Sex
Notes: This is I think my least favorite of the ones I’ve written thus far.
MDNI under the cut.
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“Are you absolutely positive? I don’t want to crush you,” you said, nervously shifting your weight. You were straddling Comte’s stomach, both of you completely nude. You had agreed to the idea originally, but now that you were so close to actually sitting on his face you were having second thoughts.
“Ma chérie,” Comte replied, his long fingers stroking the plush flesh of your thighs. “If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have asked. Besides,” he added, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes. “I’m an immortal vampire. You need not worry about suffocating me. Even if I were to die, with your taste on my tongue, I would die a happy man.”
You shuddered at the naughtiness of his words combined with his gentle reassurance. His words went straight to your core.
“Now come here,” Comte murmured, his fingers digging into your thighs and pulling you towards his face. “Let me taste you.”
You complied, moving to where you were lightly hovering over his face. He licked an experimental stripe through your folds and you gasped.
He hummed, dissatisfied. You could feel his hot breath coming out in puffs against you. “I told you to sit on my face, chérie, not hover over top of it,” he chastised, pulling you down onto his lips. You groaned as his nose brushed against your clit. He resumed licking, his tongue eagerly lapping up the nectar flowing from within you. Comte’s fingers dug into your thighs, holding you against his face.
His tongue prodded at your sensitive entrance and you let out a moan, reflexively grinding yourself down on his face. Comte’s nose pressed insistently against your clit, sending tingles of pleasure up your spine. Your partner groaned in response, the vibrations heightening your pleasure even more. Your thighs started to shake and you moved to lift up off of him, concerned you were smothering him, but Comte’s grip on your legs was like iron. He continued his ministrations; if anything, he increased his pace, licking and sucking against your cunt with the fervor of a man starved.
The stimulation was too much and you involuntarily ground against his face again, eliciting another pleasured sound from Comte. You looked over your shoulder and were met with the sight of his hard cock laying flush against the ribbed muscles of his abdomen. Its tip was swollen red and leaking. You had the passing thought that Comte may have been enjoying this more than you were.
You had an idea. You experimentally ground yourself against the vampire’s face, on purpose this time, and Comte moaned into your pussy. You watched him over your shoulder, seeing his cock bob, smearing precome along his stomach. Your core clenched on his tongue and you could swear you heard him growl into your pussy. Comte’s fingers were digging into your thighs so hard you were certain you’d have bruises in the morning.
That was it for you.
Your eyes fell shut and you came hard, driving yourself against his mouth. You rode his face, each wave of pleasure sending you crashing harshly into him. Comte eagerly lapped up everything you had to give and was practically begging for more with the way his tongue probed inside of you. The sounds coming from his mouth were utterly sinful.
Finally you tried to lift yourself off of his face, but Comte maintained his grip on your legs. His lips glided upwards, causing you to shudder as his nose brushed lightly against your clit. He sealed his lips around the sensitive bud at the apex of your thighs and he sucked hard, nearly causing you to see stars due to the overstimulation.
“It’s too much,” you whimpered, your thighs flexing and straining instinctually against his grip, but you knew better than to really fight him. After all, he was a vampire; you were just the poor human he had fallen in love with.
Comte got his way more often than not when it came to the things he tried to give you; be it clothing, material items, or the unfathomable pleasure a centuries-old vampire was able to provide.
Unable to move your overstimulated pussy away from his lips, you were forced to just sit there as he licked and sucked at your clit. It didn’t take long for another orgasm to come crashing over you, a keening cry coming from your throat. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and you shook.
Comte’s voice followed yours, albeit muffled by your pussy, and he lapped at your folds until you were writhing and shuddering against his face.
The vampire finally released your legs and you lifted yourself from his face, collapsing onto your back beside him. Both of your chests were heaving. You noticed with embarrassment the clear sheen coating his face as he licked his lips in satisfaction. Averting your gaze, your eyes trailed down his chest and noted the puddle of come coating his stomach, flooding the defined valleys between his abdominals, his cock still bobbing reflexively.
That sight was almost enough to make you want more.
Comte laughed breathlessly. “See? I told you it would be fun,” he chuckled, reaching over to your bedside table and grabbing the towel you had left there earlier. He wiped himself down before reaching over and gently doing the same to you. You hissed and started slightly when he brushed against you. “Sorry,” he apologized, tossing the towel across the room. A problem for later.
Comte wrapped an arm around you and pulled you to him. You practically melted against him, your head against his chest, his steady heartbeat pounding in your ear. His fingers were lightly running up and down your arm in a clear contrast to the bruising grip he had on you not ten minutes prior.
“Was it too much?" Comte asked, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You sighed and snuggled closer.
“Maybe,” you replied. “But I’d be okay with doing it again.”
Comte hummed. “I’m sorry for being so rough with you, chérie,” he apologized. “I always want to be kind and considerate towards you, but…”
You gently kissed his chest. “Mmm, it was a lot, but not a bad thing,” you said with a yawn. “I like it when you leave marks on me.”
Comte blinked and mentally filed that bit of information away for later. He chuckled again. “I’ll tell Sebastian you’re ill in the morning, so he doesn’t go looking for you. I imagine you’ll be quite sore. You can rest in bed.” He pulled you closer and brought the blankets over you both.
“Bonne nuit, mon amour,” Comte murmured. “Je t’aime.”
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When Comte told him of your mysterious illness in the morning, Sebastian sighed.
What was the point in bringing you on as a housekeeper if you were always too ‘sick’ to do any work?
Oh well. Maybe you’d be back tomorrow.
He wasn’t counting on it.
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Dividers by @/natimiles
Taglist: @natimiles @queengiuliettafirstlady @candiedcoffeedrops @goddesswitchmother @candied-boys
@fang-and-feather @faustianfascination @villain-hotline
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