#but it does consume some mental energy
yuseirra · 2 months
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meo-eiru · 2 months
Yan elf 💙
Do they have magic like the food keeps Mc there like hades pomegranate?
Elves can use the energy/magic of nature around them, and while he doesn’t exactly have magic in the way we are used to his body does have some interesting abilities.
Since elves usually live quiet and alone lives without fights their bodies have developed in ways that’d help their, or in some cases, someone else’s survival.
His blood has the ability to heal, you might find it disgusting and refuse to consume it or do it willingly but either way he’ll be feeding it to you at the slightest inconvenience so don’t even think of getting rid of him by getting yourself sick.
His semen on the other hand is quite nutritious. He can’t breastfeed you like a human mother would no matter how much he tries but he does usually use his semen as a substitute. He still feeds you normal food as well but he has that “it’s coming from me so it’s healthier you should just consume it instead :(“ mentality
Lastly his spit while not as powerful as the other two has a slight aphrodisiac effect, he usually uses it to calm you down if you’re throwing “tantrums” or entertain you a bit if you’re feeling “bored”
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
hyper girliness⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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this post is just my take on what girliness is to me and how i incorporate it into my life bcuz its a lifestyle for me. being super feminine and feeling happy and beautiful in that way is how i choose to live and this post is just talking about how i go about that. ofc with anything that u consume. take what resonates with you and leave the rest but i hope you'll enjoy…💬🎀
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i think of very highly of myself, like a princess. i did lots of self concept work to get my self concept to where it is now and i can confidently say that my self concept is just as flawless as i am. because i think so highly of myself, i treat myself accordingly. something that i reinforce in my thoughts is to treat myself like my favorite doll.
what does it mean to treat yourself like your favorite doll? PAMPER yourself, treat urself sweetly and preciously and your body and mind and soul will thank you tenfold. every investment that u put into urself whether its mental or physical will give you the highest ROI then anything else can because its YOU.
im rly in touch with my girliness when im practicing self care or doing something creative (like girlblogging for example) to me, femininity is expression and creativity and energy and beauty so anything that resonates with those four words is enriching my own girliness.
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pampering and self care time every single day is a MUST
dancing or stretching
most tension for girls at least, is stored in ur hips, so whenever ur doing stretches or when u dance, i like to focus on my hips movements so that then i can release tension and let energy flow. doing so helps me to feel super in touch with my girliness and my femininity in general, so things like belly dancing and yoga.
manis/pedis WEEKLY or every two weeks, u dont have to get them professionally done if u dont want to, but mainly focus on being well kept and well groomed and moisturized.
making sure my hair looks pretty and to my liking
being EXTRA during shower time ; using high quality and sweet smelling products, using body oils and body butters and lotions. taking bubble baths and using fancy bath milks and bubble bath.
you can glamorize even the simplest of tasks by being super girly. here are some examples of incorporating girliness into mundane tasks. girliness is lots of ROMANTICIZATION
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studying -> using cute stationary (mine are predominantly pink) decorated notes, cute study playlist (i listen to subliminals) keep an adorable space to study and wear a cute outfit
being sweet and gentle with everyone (including urself) is SUCH a girly move and it makes u so pleasant and doll-like. theres no need to be nasty for no reason, cuz thats not hot. so mind ur p's and q's. say thank you, articulate ur feelings and ur thoughts. also, me saying making an effort to be nice is girly code does NOT mean that if someone is coming at u some kind of way that u shouldn't stand up for urself bcuz u absolutely should, but rly emphasize grace.
head bands
on an ending note the main keys to girliness from my experience is all about how u treat urself, and that'll translate to how u treat others. and this post can serve as your reminder to pamper and spoil yourself bcuz u deserve it…💬🎀
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vaspider · 5 months
So I need a more adult persons take on this. Is it wrong to ask people to tag gory/graphic images from gaza? I'm not trying to bury my head in the sand. I don't want to block mention of palastine but god these images are triggering the shit out of me and it isn't making me more aware or more empathetic, I'm already angry and heartbroken and praying and donating what I can.
It is never wrong to ask someone to tag something for any reason. I've asked people to tag animals that I have a phobia of, and mentions of Laika (the first animal in space), because Laika was a good girl and she didn't deserve what happened to her. It was cruel and horrible and it upsets me in a way that I recognize is out of scope for the death of a single dog seventy years ago. That person may decline to tag things for whatever reason, and if that's the case, it isn't wrong for you to unfollow them, block them, add their username to a filter list, whatever you need to do in order to curate your online experience. Without talking directly about the topic you brought up, 'cause it's something I don't do, as I've said about ninety squintillion times -- I used to reblog/post pretty disturbing images of human bodies out of a misguided sense of justice. I have been online for a really long time, and a lot of the stuff that was posted as 'necessary education' Back In The Olden Times were images of police and/or mob brutality visited on Black & brown bodies. Out of a sense of white guilt and a feeling that I should be 'bearing witness' rather than turning away, I perpetuated some of those images, until -- very kindly and gently, I think, for the scope of what was happening -- it was pointed out to me that:
it is unkind to subject the people who have been or might be subject to that sort of racialized terror to images of bodies broken by it, and
it is almost invariably the exact opposite of what the families of those people want, and
it does nothing to actually make me a better person or to advance any sort of real justice, and instead
it simply acts as a grotesque sort of terror tourism or war porn for people who can simply turn off their computer or phone screen and go about their lives.
I am really grateful to the person who took the time to gently shake me. They didn't owe me that, and I'm glad they thought I was a worthwhile investment of time and energy.
Whoever is posting images of bodies or gory images of victims from any injustice like that, especially without appropriately tagging the images so that people don't have to engage with that? They may be motivated by the best of intentions, but as long as they are engaging in that sort of casual, continual terror tourism, they're ... not helping.
There was a great article about this back during Ferguson that really flipped a switch in my head about the subject, where it basically said this is just another way that dominant cultures, Americans especially, seem to treat the bodies of people they view as Other as theirs to consume. There are ways to talk about whatever is going on which do not require people to utilize the bodies and blood of the dead as tools of persuasion (or emotional bludgeoning, tbh), as symbols to show how Righteous we are by "not looking away," and at the cost of those who have been or are more directly affected by the images.
Doing that sort of thing isn't a good idea in the first place, and you're not wrong to ask anybody to tag anything, or to disengage from those people if they find themselves unwilling or unable to tag that content so that you can care for your own mental health.
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novlr · 2 months
how to write a character dealing with addiction (like drugs, cigarettes etc..)
Writing a character with an addiction is to write about someone who is controlled by that substance. They are chasing that first experience of euphoria, pain relief, excess energy, or relaxation. They are avoiding the emotional and physical crashes of withdrawal. Their behavior to outsiders often appears erratic and illogical. It is a powerful motivator for a character and can drive a plot, be an obstacle, and/or an antagonist. 
How does addiction work?
Addictive substances typically mimic naturally occurring chemicals in the body. They amplify the effects of these chemicals and flood the body. Stimulants will give a person extra, even excessive, amounts of energy, relaxants will relieve tension, and pain relievers will bring about euphoria. Whatever the substance of choice, it counters stress in some form. 
Many people self-medicate for underlying physical or mental conditions. Others take them to fit in with a social group. As a writer, you need to ask yourself a very important question: Why did your character first start taking this substance? That will inform you about why they continue. Are they escaping pain? Quieting anxiety or racing thoughts? Do they need to take it to fit into their social group? What happens when they stop taking it?  
Addiction is an illness. It is a medical condition. Treating it as a matter of willpower is to doom a person to suffer. There are effective medical and psychological therapies that, especially when combined, can provide a way back to health, sobriety, and thriving.
The important thing to understand about these substances is that the high always goes away. The emotional payoff of that first use is never achieved again. Each subsequent use has diminished payoffs and the after-effects are worsened. This is because the body is a fantastic accountant and will produce less of the mimicked substance because, hey, there’s an excess here. So your character will crave the substance in order to just feel baseline normal. 
Don’t underestimate the fear of withdrawal. It is an uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening set of physical symptoms. 
The degree and nature of the symptoms will vary depending on the substance, the amount usually consumed, and the length of time it’s been used. Caffeine, for example, will trigger headaches. Alcohol withdrawal can include shakes, nausea, seizures, and damage to the brain’s memory and balance systems. Opiate withdrawal can cause anxiety, nausea, muscle aches, and insomnia. Read up on the specifics of the substance your character is using. Be sure to use reputable medical websites. I’ve listed a couple in the resources section. 
People want to avoid withdrawal and will use substances to ease those symptoms, thus feeding the addiction. Again, there are medical interventions that can soften the withdrawal and support the patient through this medical crisis. 
People with addictions can sometimes respond well to treatment and have a low risk of relapse. Others are not so fortunate and will bounce in and out of recovery. 
Fear of withdrawal is one reason. Another factor is developmental. The younger a person is when they start taking a substance, the harder it is to stop. This may be due to learned coping mechanisms, changes to the developing brain and body, or a combination of the two. 
How old was your character when they started taking the substance? Who introduced them to it? Was it a parent handing them a beer at age five or a pain pill at age twelve? Was it friends at a high school party? Or did they start in adulthood? This will inform their likelihood of recovery and how hard that path will be for them. 
Struggles to quit, or why does this person keep relapsing?
Withdrawal and cravings are part of the reason it is so hard to stop an addiction. There are medical and psychological therapies that can help. Rehab is a major industry in many countries. There are also several obstacles to overcome. Cost is a factor in places without universal healthcare. Then there is denial. Many people with addictions don’t believe they have a problem. And when they do, they may feel shame if they live in a culture where addiction is seen as a matter of willpower rather than a medical condition. 
How do friends and family, employers, and others in the community treat your character? Does admitting to addiction mean they are admitting to weakness?
Another social factor is that it is hard to stop an addiction if the person doesn’t change their environment. Friends that also use that substance will enable and even encourage them to start using again. Places can be strong behavioral cues. Can an alcoholic walk into a familiar bar and resist ordering a drink? 
It’s also important to remember that substance use is often a coping mechanism for stress. What happens the next time your character encounters a stressful situation? How do they resist reaching for their addictive substance if they haven’t learned other ways of coping? Do they trust or remember in the heat of the moment that they have other options? 
Do your research
Here are a couple of my go-to sites for reading up on addictions and treatments. 
Spirit Lake Wellness is a non-profit dedicated to educating the general public about health and wellness. They have a podcast, booklets, and a YouTube channel that covers a range of topics, including addiction. All information is available for free. I am fortunate to be on their board of directors and reached out to one of the doctors we work with for this article. 
The American Society of Addiction Medicine is another excellent resource for learning more about addiction and treatment. 
written by Kimberley Long-Ewing
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gigidragonbbxxx · 7 months
regarding mental diet
discipline. consistency. THIS IS HOW YOU MANIFEST.
it is the discipline and consistency in acknowledging the things in your 3D that you want and ignoring the stuff that you do not identify with.
Yes Gigi, we know that why are you saying something EVERYONE says?
bc dear reader and loass community, i'm gonna say something that might be known but I don't see stated enough:
To be a master manifester, you break your old realities and create new ones - AND A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME GETTING ON THIS LEVEL BECAUSE THEY ARE UNWILLING TO LET GO OF HABITS THAT DO NOT SERVE THEM.
You hear me???
I'll cite an example many of us go through: a friend who doesn't know the law and only wants to talk about how horrible men are. This friend is also addicted to complaining. What have so many loass practicing people have said? They've either 1) told that friend they don't want to talk about that stuff or 2) spent less time with that friend.
it's an experience so many in the community go through and many benefit from limiting their exposure to that type of person. because what is the point of spending time affirming lies like "life has to be hard" "life is unfair" "I always get treated like shit by men" "I'm never first choice" like EW!? guys, learn to get the ICK from this type of talk!!! there is no benefit from this energy.
Be willing to WALK AWAY. Be willing to be the one to say "This is not for me" if a convo is full of limited beliefs. Be willing to not participate in trends like making tiktoks about self deprecating jokes or tweet about toxic things. Be willing to say "Oh i never say those things about myself."
Let me explain what prompted me to write this:
I saw THE CUTEST lil key chains or cases made by a small business. I love to reblog cute things on my main account on twt (not my loass burner) and tbh I've manifested getting some of those cute things by making a lil placebo that whatever I retweet is mine/fact.
The first case/keychain thing was "Tummy Ache Survivor" which I thought was hilarious as I have a lot of Virgo energy in my life but the second image showcased another that said something along the lines of "Daily Dose of Dumb Baby Juice".
Does a master manifester drink dumb baby juice? Or is she the operant power full of knowledge and wisdom leading a fulfilling life?
Now, I'm not a limiting typa gal okay? You can totally be "baby". You can totally live a soft live. Be a baby. Hell, I love being baby in a relationship. What I'm saying is even seemingly "harmless" things like that phrase...you have to have discernment in what could be unfavorable influences in your life.
Again, Gigi isn't telling you how to live your life. If you wanna declare "fuck off Gigi! I'm a dumb baby AND I manifest!" go ahead. If you wanna declare "fuck off Gigi! I can consume ANY CONTENT I want and manifest!" GO AHEAD.
all of them. 100% of them. are careful about what they expose themselves to/say about themselves.
and I get the resistance to cut off things you mightve enjoyed. But i said it before and I'll repeat it again.
things gigi had to cut off:
sad songs on daily playlists
reality tv glorifying toxicity in relationships
accounts on twt that leaned heavily on "men are trash" mindset
conversations that were self-deprecating
and more but those are a few examples.
and you know what I have more time to do now, reader?
I have more time to affirm, to listen to subs, to write on this blog.
Because Manifestion is a Lifestyle. It's not a quick fix bc the outcome depends on the SOLIDITY of your BELIEF to enact CHANGE on the 3D.
so pls don't drink dumb baby juice. drink pretty girl juice. drink intelligent master manifester juice. drink "in my favor" juice.
with laughs and love, xx, gigi
p.s. I do not believe that this is an excuse to remain ignorant about world events and news. I encourage you to remain informed, intelligent people who do not lack awareness and instead are fully immersed in the nuance of balancing high self-esteem and understanding the political climate.
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celestialtarot11 · 7 days
Moon in the 12h
Hey friends! Welcome back to another post focusing on the moon in the 12h! 🤍 just to spread some awareness on this placement. There’s a lot of great posts shedding light on this placement already ✉️ hoping to expand more on this post in the future in combination with esoteric astrology 👀 feel free to like comment & reblog! divider creds: @fairytopea
Natives with moon in the 12h often are left feeling excluded. Its not that they hate what is around them necessarily, but rather its what they wish they had that isn't in front of them. It often stems from family issues.
They want that safe happy family everyone else seems to have. Some natives may even look at other family through rosed colored glasses, projecting their fantasies, missing the idea that other families can struggle too.
But to 12h natives, its not just a fantasy. Its their inner child longing to be safe, to be held.
Moon in the 12h natives often grow up to understand what happens around them externally is essentially a product of their behavioral patterns.
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Moon 12h aspects (square, opposition, conjunction)
Moon-saturn aspects often experience neglect, isolation during their hardest times by biological family and what they consider friends. The native clings to what sabotages them over and over, until they withdraw completely. Either that—or life has torn apart their relationships to show them they cant hold onto what is falling apart. It gives them no control to show them what they can control. And that is their ego, how they treat themselves. Their perspective, habits, etc.
Moon-pluto can result in the native feeling confused as to what their desires are. What their true nature is. They’re wrapped up in selling a persona someone else liked, in order to be validated. They get lost in fueling others so much they forget themselves. They can act as a, “pick me up,” easily. But when it comes to helping themselves the native may cope with unhealthy mechanisms. The native can experience views of self victimization, learned helplessness and obsessive tendencies towards others.
Moon-pluto aspects often experience turbulence regarding the mother. The mother could have been absent for some part of their life—or a female figure that was considered a guardian to the native, abandoned them. That female figure then became manipulative, trying to take advantage of the native’s emotions. This mother or guardian figure abandoned the native in times of need, and also forced the native to take responsibility that was never theirs to begin with.
Both saturn & pluto here force the native to grow up faster than necessary.
Regarding the father figure for moon-saturn aspects, or a male guardian to the native, the figure was cold. Demanding, harsh, and inflexible. The figure could have enforced strict rules to not allow the native to socialize—often pinning their fears onto the native. It’s very possible the father figure engaged in self sabotage in front of the native openly.
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Moon-neptune aspects get consumed by energy completely. They become one with the energy in the room. Therefore if surrounded by toxicity, and negative energies the native can fall sick because of it (mentally, and physically speaking.)
These natives are the type to daydream about having the perfect family to feel safe in their heads. They block everything out that hurts them, and then eventually takes their feelings out on themselves. These natives possibly struggled with being seen as “less than,” in the family. Misogynistic parents or friends, parents or friends who belittle them, victimize themselves and yet expect the native to grow up—all whilst keeping the native “stuck” in a naive mindset.
Harsh expectations in their environment to be perfect all the time. Mental health? Basically does not exist in this environment. Same can be said for moon-saturn and pluto aspects.
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Moon-mars aspect dealt with verbally aggressive environments, perhaps physical too. There is always someone trying to be “better,” than the native, or showcase their skills to seem higher than the native. Comparison, competition and jealousy often were in the household. Its very likely this came from a mother or female figure, and father figure/male figure as well.
The native dealt with roughhousing and learned to develop a sharp tongue to keep themselves safe. As a result they can be anxious, defensive as a way to protect their emotions. They’d rather keep their walls up as a defense than to let others in, because when the people closest to them saw them hurt, they were met with aggression.
Moon-mars native can have a hard time regulating their emotions, and have had the people around them be so focused on the “material realm,” like money, cars, etc, to the point of neglecting their emotional health.
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When moon in 12h heals…
They learn to accept their emotions for what is. Are they actually being needy, clingy, “emotional,” or human? Slowly, they unravel the narratives that were forced onto them since a young age and discover their emotions aren’t the enemy.
It’s the harmful narratives and perspective around emotions that is the enemy.
Moon in the 12h can also begin to gain perspective as to why everyone is the way they are—generally, no human is completely sane. We are all traumatized in one way or another. But they know now this isn’t an excuse for mistreatment.
Paid readings 🤍
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theomnicode · 24 days
Saitama and depression; how OPM explores mental health
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(TW: Depression, Suicide)
Many readers have more than likely noticed that Saitama seems like a pretty depressed individual, however it is never directly stated besides the above Saitama introspection where he acknowledges it and promptly puts it out of his mind.
This topic came to my mind after seeing this particular video about 8 oddly specific symptoms of depression by Dr. Scott Eilers that are not often talked about. We're going to talk about them and then some. Take note that I'm not a doctor or mental health specialist, I'm just writing meta so that's my disclaimer. :p
We'll start from the beginning and with the heaviest topic of em all related to depression and see how One Punch Man explores this particular mental health issue and move on from there.
Warning, long post ahead.
The most obvious sign of major depression is well, suicidal thoughts and suicidal ideation that Saitama exhibits as early as chapter 2. He never denies wanting to die by Crablante's hand.
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Saitama also heavily relates to the guy who wanted to jump from rooftop while he was eating sushi and bluntly talks to him to pull himself up his bootstraps essentially as he did on his own, interpreting that sounding fake and sweetalking would not get through to the guy. (Salmon, Vol 7 extra)
Other signs pointing towards depression would be low energy, lack of motivation, self-isolation, hobbies that are low-energy consuming but stimulating like gaming, manga, watching tv and such, all of which Saitama exhibits... but another common depression symptom is Anhedonia.
"A diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure, particularly from previously enjoyable activities."
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The doctor in the video describes Achievement anesthesia by the inability to feel positive emotions from achievements. Despite Saitama saving plenty people, he only feels a lack of accomplishment and probably frustration from feelings of uselessness. He used to take joy and satisfaction from helping people out in the past (Brushing up, vol2 extra), but the same and even vastly stronger merits now only serve to highlight how little he feels about them now.
A great contrast.
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What was once a great victory, is now just yet another tuesday for Saitama. (One of my fave panels)
Even worse, he does not get brownie points for being a good, upstanding citizen. He gets no money and rarely appreciation for the good he does and that just accumulates his depression when his neighborhood emptied. And with his power, he also gets to clean up the mess because he has the power and it's the right thing to do, be it from picking up litter to saving little kids from getting kidnapped (What can't Be Bought, Vol 5 Extra). But such also breeds jealousy when everyone else reap the rewards, reap the fame and the fans and the good reputation.
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The stress of trying to be a good person with moral integrity in a bad world is a heavy load, which can lead to depression, lack of motivation and things like compassion fatigue. The more he tries to find something worthy of doing, the more he invests in it, the more he keeps getting disappointed by the lackluster feeling and reception he gets.
Saitama beats himself up for moral failures, which is a contributing factor for his depression, such as when he was in the tournament and monsters were running amok, despite not having no prior knowledge of monsters around the area. The complete lack of explicit improvement on things he wants to do however, is the most sore point. He didn't learn a thing in the tournament and just felt like he was wasting time, conditioning him to think that self-improvement is just a waste of time on itself because he won't learn anything anyway.
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Being good at something naturally makes one feel better about themselves and Saitama's low self-esteem and for instance, lack of skill in gaming, creates friction and Angry perfectionism. One especially doesn't want their few fun hobbies to feel like hollow endeavours. Being competitive, one would want to git gud and accomplish growth and getting constantly trashed by one finger keeps driving it home that Saitama is not actually good at this thing either, something that he wants to enjoy doing. Saitama also constantly projects his bad mood and this insecurity by trying to trash talk King, without much success. King is such a good friend though that fortunately the does not seem to mind Saitama getting pissed at being a sore loser. True pro gamer bro.
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Lets pray Saitama never finds that mmorpg's have hardcore raids, he would never be able to leave the house again. 😂
Which brings us to the last point in the video, Addiction to emotion-creating activities.
If Saitama was any less strong willed and less restrained and if he actually had money to spare, he would 100% develop a gambling addiction. Keep this man far, far away from social media too.
However, as soon as something...or someone...breaks through that fugue and creates actual emotion, one can develop an addiction to the thing because our brains want/need that dopamine fix.
Genos just so happened to barge into his very lonely life life and became that someone to create that emotional connection with and Genos provides too when he's taken over cleaning and majority of the cooking and even finances, something that people with depression struggle to accomplish. When Saitama cooks, it's usually not very difficult dish to prepare either, chop ingredients and toss them into the pan. Saitama also loves food and needs money to feel like he's financially secure, being unemployed, and has little social contacts, so it's like triple-dipping in the dopamine sauce. Nomnom, feelsgoodman.
It's all well and good until shit gets real and your main source of feel-good emotional connection just dies. Oh and it's your fault too cuz you played around. Good job Saitama. That's a deadly amount of guilt and a PTSD as a cherry on top.
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Genos' continued existence is essentially applying bandaid to a bleeding head wound that's Saitama's mental health issues.
Ultimately, I do wonder if ripping off the bandaid is why Saitama wants to get back his private space away from Genos, because he subconsciously understands it's not very healthy to be so emotionally dependant and Genos is just as obsessed about him. The allure of social contact and benefits are great, but so too are the detrimental effects, among them complete lack of privacy which is a nightmare for a private introvert like Saitama.
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(Yes yes, it's still pretty dang funny, but it's still invasion of privacy)
Last example of Saitama's depression I want to touch, thanks to @gofancyninjaworld for the input, is Saitama's forgetfulness, a memory disruption if you will.
"Depressed individuals typically show poor memory for positive events, potentiated memory for negative events, and impaired recollection."
It is a running joke that Saitama has difficulty recalling names, which may be entirely normal because he does not really care to remember names for people he's improbable to meet later and emotional connection and repetition helps us memorize things better (such as Genos having to repeat his name upon introduction), however Saitama has also showcased potentially impaired recollection for events that happened just moments prior.
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(Again, a great contrast. Show, don't tell, where one shows obvious signs of depression and another...not so obvious, in the same panel, in a humorous way to boot. Masterful way of tackling heavy topics, in my humble opinion.)
Genos worries for his memory in the Majin drama cd 1 and often tries to accomodate for his lapses of memory too, be it long ultimate attack name phrase, marking special sales or whatnot. Saitama forgetting to take out trash and forgetting names is normal, but it may be exacerbated by his depression.
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The more telling part is probably the fact that even when his memory is jogged, he still does not remember Flash's name. It's like he never registered the name in the first place, maybe he did not bother because he thought it wasn't important but it does not appear he's trolling here and legitimately does not remember. Though he does remember the nickname he gave for Flash instead, which is funny. He made it up on the spot and it's hilarious, so it stuck.
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The less emotional connection one has to things, the less likely we are to remember those things, such as the monsters Saitama kills are blurred together because he feels no self-satisfaction from killing said monsters and protecting people.
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In the sense that memory block can also be a trauma response, ONE makes Saitama's complete lack of recall of the ominous future a running joke in classic ONE fashion. It's either that or time shenanigans. Or both, both is good.
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Last but not least, Saitama also shows that he recalls little to no appreciation from helping people, despite the rare occasion where he receives gratitude from directly intervening and he definitely remembers the more negative events better, such as when he complained about going unnoticed and not having fans. (Hobby and work, cpt 15). He can recite the story to Genos when asked but there does not seem to be instance where he mentions such without prompted.
All is not lost in the memory department however, since Saitama shows a potential memory recall improvement in the recent retconnect chapter Tenninto where he recognises the martial art dudes from the tournament he was in. It might be nothing, as it was retconned too but ONE is definitely keeping it in mind.
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It is quite fitting thought that the video talks about how "normal people look like superheroes" because they have the energy and motivation to do daily tasks and OPM is a superhero manga about a person who's the strongest hero but he barely considers himself a hero. ONE has also said in an interview that just living a "normal life" is hard and OPM definitely reflects that sentiment.
Saitama is slowly getting there though. He seems happier, more confident, more outgoing and a larger array of emotional displays, to the point that some people in the fandom have voiced their complaints about the apathetic hero apparently smiling too often. To that I say, character progression is a thing and a good thing at that.
Saitama even has better gait when he used to slouch and drag his feet that bespeaks of his increasing self-confidence. Less self-doubts + more confidence = more gains.
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He was also able to calm down despite losing heavily to King in a fighting game and still feeling very irritated after the fact, but offered his blunt advice to lift weights anyway, which would indicate better emotional regulation. His attention span has also seemingly improved, despite the Knight yapping away for an entire panel. (Worlds I know nothing about, cpt 193). Then even when the entire thing of releasing an epic monster was just as boring monster encounter as the rest of them, he seemingly took it as a learning experience of expanding his world-view instead of complaining his utter boredom. He also recalls the tiny tidbit about Flash's utter lack of finding his way in the underground maze and remembers Blast, his name and thanks him for getting them out of the underground hole.
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(Mathing is hard though but this may also be a 4th wall breaking meme because we've never seen Saitama defeat sonic 14 times on screen. Are we being gaslit? lmao)
Closing thoughts, we've not seen the last of Saitama's mental health journey, far from it. Nor have we adressed that legitimate concern of PTSD in the background and I'm sure it will pop up at some point or another...too much of an opportunity for ONE to just ignore in this master thesis of a manga about issues he feels are important.
Anyways, thank you all for reading this far, it's been a while. :D
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
call me little sunshine - iii
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-summary: you come home for summer break to find a new man has moved in next door, he’s charming and mysterious so you welcome him to the neighbourhood
-simon ‘ghost’ riley x fem!reader
-warnings: mdni (18+), dark themes, smut, unprotected pinv, slight stalker!ghost, public sex, fingering, creampie, underwear as a gag, possessive!ghost, age gap
prev part masterlist
a/n: this part is short but it’s basically porn with plot anyways so
It had been four days since he left, he didn’t tell you where he was going, only that he’d be gone for a while. You didn’t want to know, whatever he was doing it didn’t concern you, you needed to distance yourself from him, his mere existence a stain on your conscious.
You found yourself dreaming of him, your body jolting awake from the too-familiar sensation of his touch, it scorched your skin. As if your thoughts weren’t already consumed by him, he had snuck his way into your sleeping mind, intent on invading the entirety of you.
The morning of the fourth day you woke up in a thin layer of sweat, the warmth outside doing little to settle your mental unrest. Sleeping was difficult, the only comfort you found was in his presence, his warmth holding you, keeping you safe. You wanted to call him, to reach out but every part of you fought against it, this perverse relationship that had taken over your life, it felt wrong, dirty.
You turn in your bed, arms reaching for your side table where the key to his house lay, mocking you as you stare at it, you could easily just go to his room, lay in his bed and let the scent of him wash over you, you could snoop around, try and figure out more about him, even if would hurt you.
The pinging of your phone breaks you from your thoughts, grabbing the device to read the message,
In town for the day, meet up? x
You let out a sigh at the message, a text from an old friend, Jake, you're relieved it isn't Simon. You think it over in your head, you hadn't seen Jake in a few months, going your separate ways after the semester ended, he was kind, considerate, everything Simon wasn't, you unlock your phone to message back.
Sounds good, does noon work?
Works perfect babe, see you then. x
It'd be nice to be around some new masculine energy you think, see an old friend, have a conversation about something other than sex, it'll be refreshing.
11:30 rolls around and you make your way into town, it's a short drive, only a few minutes but the streets are narrow meaning you'd have to walk a few blocks to the cafe you and Jake agreed upon. It's right beside a small bed and breakfast that he was staying at, his face lights up upon meeting your gaze.
"Been too long darling" He wraps his arms around you, placing a kiss on your cheek, you smile back at him, your hands settling on his shoulders.
"Missed you too Jake"
He directs you to a small table outside the cafe, pulling your chair out slightly to allow you to sit, moving to sit in front of you. He's a ball of energy, asking questions about your summer break, answering your questions about his travels, your chest warms with the sense of familiarity, you're comfortable around Jake, he doesn't make you nervous or scared.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't attracted to him, he was handsome, chin length curly brown hair, dark eyes, and the same gold medallion around his neck that he never took off, you rest your chin on your hand, watching him as he speaks, he's passionate about his travels, specific with his words.
"Do I have something on my face?" He smiles, you break from your trance, shaking your head as a blush rises to your cheeks,
"No, sorry, just got distracted" You laugh
"Well, what about you, any new guys in your life?"
You hitch your breath, the words striking a nerve,
"Not one? Seriously?"
You lie through your teeth, "Not one"
The rest of your conversation is mundane, he asks about school and your family, listening intently as you talk about your studies, you can't help the smile that persists on your face, he made you feel relaxed, he was predictable and calm, it was nice to spend time with someone who didn't make your entire body feel like it was being engulfed by flames, but the itch of him was still there, the way his fingers traced your skin, it was something you could never forget.
Trying to busy yourself after getting home you wind up tending to the garden in your backyard, kneeling in the dirt as you prune the leaves of a few bushes of flowers, oblivious to your surroundings including the heavy slam of a car door in the front yard.
"You look good like that, on your knees"
There's no mistaking his voice, his deep accent echoing in your bones as you turn to face him, he's invited himself onto your property, leaning against the small shed that sat in the corner of the yard as he eyes you.
"Good afternoon to you too"
"Who was that bloke you were with earlier?"
"The boy that sat across from you at the cafe, who was he"
"Were you spying on me?"
"Answer the question"
You stand from your position, moving closer to him, his scent invading your senses, it was like no matter what you did, there would be something about him that commanded your attention.
"A friend"
"A boyfriend"
"Just a friend"
"Don't like the sound of that"
"You sound jealous" A small smirk on your lips
"Not jealous love"
"Then what?" You stand closer, taunting him, watching his eyes rake over your chest as his crossed arms tighten.
"Did he touch you"
"Don't be a fuckin' brat"
"What if he did? Would you hurt him?"
"I'd fuckin kill em"
You huff a small laugh, staring up at him with rounded eyes, "You don't own me, Simon, I can fuck whoever I please"
That sets him off, he drops his arms, stepping forward and forcing your body back, invading your space until your back collides with the wall of the shed, his body trapping you. He leans down, his lips next to your ear, the hair on your neck standing on end in anticipation,
"You're being a little brat you know that" He whispers, turning his face so you can see his eyes, waiting for your response,
"Didn't realize" You whimper
His breath lingers over your skin, arousal dripping from your core in anticipation,
"Watch your mouth"
You let out a sigh as his hand connects with the skin of your thigh, tracing his fingers closer to your core, you elicit a moan as his hand cups your clothed sex, his fingers pinching over your soaked folds.
“So wet already, you need me don’t you, say it”
You turn your head to face him, your cheeks flush in embarrassment as you look at him, it’s been too long, and he feels so right.
“I need you”
“That’s my girl, only I can touch you”
“Only you”
He slips his fingers under the band of your panties, tugging them down your legs before closing his fingers around them.
“I’ve missed you my angel”
He teases his fingers through your folds, collecting your slick and spreading it around, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit as your hands reach for him.
“Gotta be quiet, don’t wanna wake the neighbour’s”
His words mean nothing, all you can focus on is the way his digits work your pussy, teasing over all the right spots as you crumble before him, his large form pressing against you, keeping you pinned to the wall as his lips press against your neck, sucking on your pulse point.
“You’re not gonna cum, not until I stretch you out on my cock”
You clench around nothing, his words guiding your body, keeping you on a high that would have no end, not unless he said so.
He grabs your hand, placing it over his hardening cock, squeezing your smaller fingers around his length,
“Feel that, that’s what you do to me, hurts, you gonna fix it?” He mumbles against your skin, you nod lightly,
“Please, want to help”
“Knew you would baby”
He moves back, undoing his pants to let his cock spring free, your core aches at the sight, his tip red and dripping as you move your hands to it.
His fingers stay on your clit as he uses an arm to lift you, his chest pressed to yours as he lines himself up. You let out a cry as he pushes in, the stretch of him too much after too long apart,
“Gotta stay quiet”
Your hands cling to his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as he pushes in further, a string of moans from your lips as he bottoms out. He turns his gaze to you, his eyes dark as he reaches a hands up,
He pushes the fabric into your mouth, stuffing it inside your lips, the taste of your slick lingering on it as it soaks in your saliva.
“There we go”
He braces his hands on your waist, holding you as he pulls his cock out, dragging it along your dripping walls as your head drops back, your moans muffled by your panties.
“Missed this pussy so much”
He grunts as he thrusts into you, bottoming out with every stroke, his thumb tracing over your clit, your body teetering on the edge of orgasm as he works you open.
“Can he fuck you like this, huh?”
You pull your focus to him, his eyes staring back at you as his hips snap upwards, you try to respond but it comes out a muffled mess, shaking your head.
“That’s right, this pussy belongs to me, it’s fuckin mine” He punctuates his words with a thrust, forcing the head of his cock deep inside you as your slick drips from your core, pooling around the base of his cock.
Your saliva pools at the edges of your mouth, dripping down your chin as he grabs your hips, lifting your body and forcing it down on time with his thrusts,
“Fuck, not gonna last long with this tight pussy squeezin’ me”
Your hands paw at his skin, grabbing at his shirt, trying to ground yourself,
“Cum for me, show me how good I make you feel”
His words snap the band in your stomach, your orgasm tearing through your body as you writhe in his grip, your sobs quiet in your throat as tears prick at your eyes.
“That’s it, my perfect girl, my perfect fuckin girl”
His orgasm follows yours, his thrusts sloppy as he chases his high, wrapping his arms around your back as he holds you to him, burying his cock inside you as he floods your walls with his cum, the liquid dripping from your core as you spit the gag from your mouth, panting against his shoulder.
He holds his softening cock in you, his lips pressing softly to your neck as he mumbled against the skin.
He lowers you slowly, his hand on your waist steadying your wobbling legs as you lean back against the shed, heavy eyes staring back at him.
“Daddy’s home”
You furrow your brows at him, his gaze drawing your attention to your fathers car that had pulled into the driveway, panic setting into your nerves.
“I don’t want to see him with you again”
You’re in a daze, brain completely fogged, unable to form a response as you watch your fathers form grow closer, focused on him as Simon leans down toward the ground.
“Afternoon” He shouts, waving to the two of you,
“Good to see you, was just getting some gardening tips from your daughter, can’t seem to keep even a weed alive in my yard”
“She’s fantastic isn’t she, very gentle hand”
Simons smirks at the words, stepping back slightly from your body,
“You alright hun? Looks like this heats getting to you”
Your cheeks flush, thankful that the sheen of your skin seemed to hide it from your father, “Mhm, just been out too long I guess”
“Well, you should get inside, I’m sure you can talk to Simon later”
“Right, I’ll see you both later then” You nervously add, moving past the men toward your house, eyes staring at your feet as you leave.
You rush toward your room, your skin on fire as you peel back your curtains, watching the two men interact in your yard, you see Simons hand in his pocket, fidgeting as you squint your eyes.
Realization hits, it’s your panties in his pocket, he’s playing with your panties as he talks to your father, you can’t tell if the sweat on your skin is from the heat, embarrassment or how turned on it makes you. It feels so wrong, everything about him, the way he treats you, using you at his will, but you crave his touch, his words, everything about him.
There’s no escape anymore, you can’t avoid him no matter what you try, he’s always there, might as well give in.
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nymph-ette111 · 1 month
pls write Simon henriksson headcanons I’m gnawing at the walls of my enclosure 👩‍🦲
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AUTHOR'S NOTE; FIRST CRY OF FEAR REQUEST LET'S FUCKING GOOOO !1!1!1!1!1!!1!! kind of short, still new to the fandom so my headcanons of the characters might change overtime.
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-it was confirmed that Simon is a fan of heavy metal and DSBM :3 personally I am not an avid listener of this genre, I think it's pretty cool. I'd like to headcanon specific bands that I think are suiting for Simon but I barely know anything so I don't really have a say on this.
-probably has some sort of internalized misogyny. he grew up all alone, his mother being quite overprotective didn't help with that at all and seeing no mentions of his father in the game makes me think his parents were divorced quite early in Simon's life. being exposed to such settings at a young age might have messed with his perception of love and healthy romantic relationships. despite that, he doesn't care much about gender norms now that he's older. left that mindset long ago.
-picked up on his coping mechanisms in his early teens. he was a bit scared at first of trying something like self-harm, it took him him a lot of time and internal conflict but then decided to just fuck it, he had nothing to lose. felt guilty at first, dropped it for a bit and then picked up on it again. he knows it isn't a healthy way to deal and cope with his negative thoughts but he couldn't care less at that point.
-isn't unfamiliar with drugs but not that crazy about it. not as much as cigarettes, although he does it occasionally, he could still smoke like a pack in one sitting if the situation really called for it. usually just sticks to 2-3 cigs, thinks it's a good enough amount.
^ can you tell I have no idea what I'm talking about.
-you'll never get that crusty ass grey hoodie of his off of him. it's like a cartoon where the character's never change outfit throughout the entire show. besides the fact that it's a literal video game, even in his daily life he almost never switches things up. not necessarily dirty, just worn out and stained with stuff that doesn't want to come off no matter how many times he washes it.
-has a mini fridge full of energy drinks in his room. and by full I mean like two cans because the rest have been consumed and thrown somewhere onto the ground.
-cannot save money for the life of him. as soon as he gets his hands on some cash, it's immediately spent on either a pack of cigarettes or some useless shit. he doesn't even remember what he spends it on, it's just gone.
-hadn't picked up his camera in quite a while, he's slowly loosing grip on his interests. not necessarily because he is starting to dislike them, just doesn't have the motivation.
-but it's usually full of recordings of him on the train, lonely streets of Stockholm or some stray cat that has grown a liking to Simon for some odd reason.
-one time Sophie took his camera without telling him and recorded a small video of herself, just doing something simple like a peace sign or showing off a little doodle she drew in her notebook. despite trying his best to move on, he watches that video from time to time.
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hwnglx · 2 months
Can i request a reading of enhypen’s ni-ki off cam personality? And his views when it comes to relationships (platonic and romantic)?
i will be doing the second question in another post, maybe even in a collective one for the full group 🤭 enjoy the read
niki's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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3ow&su, 9osw&5op, 10op, pagosw, 7op&to bod: 4osw + off cam, niki is someone pretty open-minded. i'm getting this huge desire to expand his views and beliefs, big interest in experiencing things that are very foreign and new to him. he definitely loves a challenge and feels his best when he can just go somewhere else, whether that's physically or mentally. does he enjoy travelling in his free time? if he doesn't do it, he definitely wants to. he likes getting his mind off life sometimes, and just exploring different cultures, or even hearing stories about people's lives completely different to him. he finds it very interesting and intriguing.
one thing that's a constant for niki, is this boy lives to work. it's interesting, because despite this being a reading on him off cam, even behind the scenes i can see work occupying most of his mind. he's been exposed to the industry since he was so young, it's pretty much all he's known till now, so it's almost like the easiest thing in the world for him to remain career-focused. it's when he feels he's at his best, and most comfortable. in contrast, when not working is when he can quickly get into a more tense headspace and start overthinking. he's the type who needs to stay busy, in order to distract himself from his own thoughts, since he can be a huge overthinker, especially in regards to himself. i can just see him obsessing over doing everything perfectly, and himself being his own biggest critic. (is this boy an earth rising? he kinda looks like one too) but he has extremely professional and surprisingly mature energy in regards to his career. honestly blew my mind to remember he just turned 18 and could teach some older idols a few things concerning their attitude at work.
niki is also a person who is much more observant than we realize. he's someone with a quick wit and clever mind, a person who basically lives in his head. very very smart boy, much more intelligent and insightful than some people think. there is this self-aware and self-reflective quality to him, where he can quickly pick up on his mistakes, and is always open to changing. literally, he doesn't mind completely tearing down some habits, if that means he'll improve. he's always looking to reach his best potential, and is firm in his mentality.
to give you an example, he definitely had and sometimes still has the habit of being very sharp-tongued. sometimes he just says things that can easily hurt people, and this is something he's very aware of. he doesn't just brush it off like "whatever, guess that's what i'm like" no, he will definitely reflect on his behavior once he gets some time to think and put in effort to improve. especially because he himself is much more easily hurt than others think, even he himself doesn't always seem to acknowledge his more sensitive side. so there is this subconscious thought of "i can't be like this."
in general though, niki is just very chill and laidback. he truly doesn't like drama, doesn't enjoy conflicts, just wants to stay low-key and do what he has to do. i can see his hyungs fighting like cats and dogs while he's sitting there on his phone completely unfazed by what's going on. he doesn't enjoy being consumed by negative energy, since this can get his emotions to bubble up and truly mess him up sometimes, so he keeps himself out of situations as much as he can. could definitely seem kinda self-absorbed to some people, but he's just very protective of his own energy.
whe&3oc, sta, pagow, 7oc, pagoc, 4osw&acop, bod: 9op
- he just lives in his own little world and bubble, to an excessive extent. pretty selective about who he calls his friends, and truly doesn't seem to be very invested or even interested in putting effort into maintaining friendships. is he the member who just never answers on katalk and doesn't really react in the enha groupchat lol, like a ghost? that's the vibe he's giving. unbothered about others, puts more thought into matters about himself and his own life. if it doesn't concern him, he doesn't truly care. i see this pattern a lot for people who are incredibly absorbent to others' feelings and energy, often for significant pisces placements (esp ☾) they're so easily consumed by that, it's a self-protective mechanism in order to shield themselves from any sort of hurt.
niki still struggles to truly acknowledge and appreciate his more softer and emotional side. that's when he feels more awkward and insecure, it's a part of himself he's not comfortable with. he doesn't enjoy getting emotional, since he fears the loss of control over himself, he gets worried about just saying or doing things out of pure emotion and messing things up not only for himself, but others too. i keep getting this feeling of him really hating to hurt people, he feels guilt pretty quickly. and in his eyes it often happens whenever his emotions take over him, like he just isn't himself. so, he prefers to not even put himself into situations where this is a possibility, and just runs away from his feelings, as well as people who can bring that emotional side out in him. i can see he can probably get more emotionally attached than he'd want to, and that can scare him off. he doesn't like people thinking he's dependant on them.
there definitely is an arrogant quality to the way he carries himself off cam. he gives off this vibe of knowing how good he is, and people can quickly perceive that as being conceited and full of himself, especially if they feel threatened by that confidence. however, much of that is just fierce self awareness. he holds himself up to insanely high standards, and can feel overwhelmingly insecure if he doesn't meet them.
if you aren't of any use to him, it's unlikely niki will entertain your attendance for very long. as previously said, he carefully selects who he gives his time and energy to, and much of this is based on what that certain connection can do for him. he's just very self-centered, which can easily make people feel like he doesn't give a damn about anyone, and sometimes even hurt or disappointment them. he seems to have this mentality of "we all live and die alone anyway" so he'd prefer to nurture and take care of his own self rather than putting much effort into others. he goes through life thinking we all have to be more selfish in order to succeed. "no one is going to live life for me, so i might as well do it for myself." is what i hear.
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honeytonedhottie · 8 months
hyper girliness⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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this post is just my take on what girliness is to me and how i incorporate it into my life bcuz its a lifestyle for me. being super feminine and feeling happy and beautiful in that way is how i choose to live and this post is just talking about how i go about that. ofc with anything that u consume. take what resonates with you and leave the rest but i hope you'll enjoy.
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i think of very highly of myself, like a princess. i did lots of self concept work to get my self concept to where it is now and i can confidently say that my self concept is just as flawless as i am. because i think so highly of myself, i treat myself accordingly. something that i reinforce in my thoughts is to treat myself like my favorite doll.
what does it mean to treat yourself like your favorite doll? PAMPER yourself, treat urself sweetly and preciously and your body and mind and soul will thank you tenfold. every investment that u put into urself whether its mental or physical will give you the highest ROI then anything else can because its YOU.
im rly in touch with my girliness when im practicing self care or doing something creative (like girlblogging for example) to me, femininity is expression and creativity and energy and beauty so anything that resonates with those four words is enriching my own girliness.
pampering and self care time every single day is a MUST
dancing or stretching
most tension for girls at least, is stored in ur hips, so whenever ur doing stretches or when u dance, i like to focus on my hips movements so that then i can release tension and let energy flow. doing so helps me to feel super in touch with my girliness and my femininity in general, so things like belly dancing and yoga.
manis/pedis WEEKLY or every two weeks, u dont have to get them professionally done if u dont want to, but mainly focus on being well kept and well groomed and moisturized.
making sure my hair looks pretty and to my liking
being EXTRA during shower time ; using high quality and sweet smelling products, using body oils and body butters and lotions. taking bubble baths and using fancy bath milks and bubble bath.
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you can glamorize even the simplest of tasks by being super girly. here are some examples of incorporating girliness into mundane tasks. girliness is lots of ROMANTICIZATION
studying -> using cute stationary (mine are predominantly pink) decorated notes, cute study playlist (i listen to subliminals) keep an adorable space to study and wear a cute outfit
being sweet and gentle with everyone (including urself) is SUCH a girly move and it makes u so pleasant and doll-like. theres no need to be nasty for no reason, cuz thats not hot. so mind ur p's and q's. say thank you, articulate ur feelings and ur thoughts. also, me saying making an effort to be nice is girly code does NOT mean that if someone is coming at u some kind of way that u shouldn't stand up for urself bcuz u absolutely should, but rly emphasize grace.
head bands
on an ending note the main keys to girliness from my experience is all about how u treat urself, and that'll translate to how u treat others. and this post can serve as your reminder to pamper and spoil yourself bcuz u deserve it ✨
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overandundertarot · 2 years
What kind of love do you crave?
This reading is interested in finding out the kind of love you crave; what exactly does that entail?
piles 1 -5
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Cards; Page of swords, Justice.
You are some one who is closed off in love. You have been afraid to get to know someone deeply and intimately, yet this is what you crave. You crave a love where you can be open and honest with your person. For them to see the real you and lay themselves bare in return. Healthy communication too, a love that can provide a foundation and support in your daily life. A love that can carry you through the dark times, ease you when you are stressed. The kind of connection where you spend all night talking to each other and have comfortable silences as well.
Cards; Queen of swords, 4 of cups reversed.
A new, exciting love. One that can help you move on from from past hurts and heartbreak. You have resolved not to let past experiences in love hold you back, and are determined to enjoy life to the fullest extent that you are able to. A new love that feels tender and sweet, even maybe somewhat innocent.
Cards; 5 of wands reversed, 8 of swords reversed.
A fighting dramatic love, one that can help you overcome your battles, or rises along with them. Heavy banter, snarky, witty. Enemies to lovers type of love. An active love, exercising together, competing toghether. There is this kind of tension where you can't quite put your finger on it and its giving you a rush of adrenaline. The kind of love that makes you change and challenges you to think differently. A lot of mental and intellectual stimulation, physical passion too. A couple thats coming to mind is Devi and Ben from Never Have I Ever.
Cards; High Priestess, 7 of swords, 7 of pentacles.
The love you crave is one that compliments your life. You quite value the material world you have built and you want a love that can enable you to stand in your full power. You dont want a lover that would hold you down, as you are independent and feel that you need to have your breathing space. Fear not, with healthy communication it is entirely possible to achieve this. There are also messages that the type of love you crave may not be socially acceptable/ you feel you may have to keep it secret. Or the secrecy excites you. The energy of this pile is quite feminine, but heavily dominating. You may want to dominate your partner and dont care to conform to society's gender roles. Like a powerful blackwidow who guards her web and devours her conquests.
Cards; High Priestess reversed, 2 of swords reversed.
Pile 5 you may have a tendency to enter toxic relationships and lose your sense of self, maybe using relationships as a form of escapism. The love you crave is earthshattering, one that can make you feel extreme highs and lows. However it is important for you to retain your sense of self and priorities, boundaries( and not just boundaries with other people but boundaries with yourself as well) may feel restrictive and tough in the beginning but they are ultimately for your highest good. It may be easy to be swept up and absolutely enamoured with your lover, and want them to be obsessed with you as well, this usually isn't the case and most people who present themselves this way may be looking to deceive you. Dont lose hope though. You can still experience wondrous, passionate and all consuming love, it might just take a little bit of self reflection and shadow work to reach a healthy balance of nurturing yourself and nurturing your relationship.
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glupikrol · 6 months
uhm.... sekaistuck
Here's my analysis of n25's classpects, I also made art of them, and changed the godtier designs a bit to fit them better, made it a bit more personalized.
Kanade - Sylph of Time
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Sylph is a class that heals with their aspect, or creates the aspect in others.
One of the symbols of the aspect of time is music.
So you probably know where I'm going with this, Kanade wishes to save as much people with her music as possible, no matter the cost, even if it takes a toll on her physical and mental health. She spends as much time as possible on composing, to get more time she consumes energy drinks and eats instant noodles.
Sylphs have natural understanding of their aspect - Kanade is a composing prodigy, at the age of 10 she was making better music than her father, and in area conversations it's revealed that she's a living timer, she knows exactly when the light will turn green because she counts the seconds and never misses.
When she promised Mafuyu to keep composing for her, it made Mafuyu keep trying to look for her true self. So in classpect terms, she literally created more time for her. Her music also brings comfort to thousands of n25 listeners, keeps them going. Kanade is a patient person too, she has no problem in giving Ena more time to work on her art if it means it'll be better, in this case she's the most understanding in n25.
Mafuyu - Maid of Void
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Maid is a class that is burdened by their aspect, and is also 'made' of it. It's often interpreted as a class that creates their aspect for themselves.
The aspect of Void symbolises emptiness, nothingness, the unknown, shadows, secrets, lack of meaning, but also infinite potential and hidden talents. It's an aspect of people lost in the dark.
So the Maid of Void creates nothingness, is made of nothingness, and is burdened by nothingness, which sounds weird but actually fits Mafuyu very much. She literally created empty SEKAI from her true feelings - how cold and empty she feels. She also keeps n25 and her true feelings a secret from her mother. And regarding the burden of nothingness - she is tired of not knowing who she is, she is tired of coldness and emptiness she feels in her chest.
But I don't think Mafuyu hates what void represents, she likes the calm and quiet of empty SEKAI, she cares about her empty aquarium, she does find some comfort in nothingness, it's just the fact that there's too much of it.
But it's not all sad and gloom, Void is hidden potential and talents, which Mafuyu has tons of, to the point it makes Ena jealous.
Ena - Prince of Space
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Prince is someone who works hard and relies on outside validation. Basically Ena.
Space is associated with arts and crafts, it's about creating material stuff you can touch.
I don't have a coherent analysis here, just trust me bro. I really can't explain my thought process here as well as I want, so I'm just leaving you the short classpect description, check out the sources if you wanna know more about the classpect.
Mizuki - Knight of Heart
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Knights are people who put up a front to hide their weaknessses and insecurities. They're also the guardian of their aspect.
Heart is an aspect of identity, Heart players live rich inner lives and are invested in self-discovery, they tend to be dramatic and often struggle with being misunderstood.
Mizuki does everything they can to hide their problems under their bubbly personality, they don't want to be too bothersome to others. When Ena is worried about them, Mizuki feels like they're a bad person. They've been hurt in the past, and struggle with anyone getting too close, essentially, guarding their Heart.
It may be hard to notice at first, but Mizuki is one of the most emotionally intelligent characters in the cast. They did self-discovery, they do self-retrospection, and in turn they understand other people better. They're quick to pick up when something is wrong, or when someone feels down - they see the little things. Mizuki was the first character to notice mafumom's weird behavior too.
@classpect-navelgazing - My main source, I recommend checking them out because their theory is different than the classic view of the classpect and is pretty interesting. Very well made too! I think their aspects descriptions are better than the canon ones lmao.
@dahniwitchoflight - I used some of the elements of their theory too - most notably the bits about Maid and Sylph class. Good to check them out if you're interested!
The extended zodiac quiz - It has a lot of problems and I don't consider most of it canon, but the moons description and time's description are fine imo.
These sources are condtradictadory, yes, and while reading them you might notice that I didn't stick to some of the descriptions that much, but doing this little analysis I kept in mind that in the end the classpects are more about the vibe than anything else (but also not really, you see, it's complicated)
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noctivague · 7 months
Pick a Card: Which patterns or beliefs do you need to release?
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I still have a few free readings to go through but I felt like doing on of those pick a card/pile reading because ngl I consume a lot of them recently and they surprisingly work..?
Topic of the day is: Which patterns or beliefs do you need to release?
I don't care about likes are reblogs, but if you could tell me what pile you got and if it resonated, that'd be great!
How does it work?
Look at the picture, select the one that draws you in the most and go read your pile. Take what resonates and leave out the rest. These readings are meant for multiple people so all details might not resonates with your situation.
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Cards: 9 of Swords + 7 of Cups; 3 of Cups + The Ocean; First Light: "Beginning a new Cycle" + Aletheia: Truth
There is an intense sense of inner worry, tension and despair, might even keep you up at night or give you nightmares. You have a tendency to daydream or over-focus on various things as a way to distract yourself from the situation. Like a magpie going for one shiny thing to the next, never feeling fully satisfied or stopping to settle mentally anywhere. You running away from your feelings as a coping mechanism and indulging in escapist tendencies.
The pattern in question seems to be excessive indulgence, may be partying. I see something that involves more than you, in any case. Perhaps you are using relationships/social stuations or substances. Either that, or I'm getting that some of you might be stuck in a toxic relationship or some kind.
I see you drowning yourself in harmful behaviors or situations in order not to face your emotions, over-relying on your ego, in other words, staying on the surface of the waters of your self and avoiding to look inside the murky waters.
The advice on how to release is to accept that a new cycle is starting, which implies the death of something old and rotten and the beginning of something new. Face your fears of the unknown and embrace the new cycle you are called to step into. Winter is melting away and spring is just around the corner, as long as you're willing to step into it!
You need to reconnect with your deeper self, face your own truth in order to embrace a life of authenticity and a greater sense of health (mental, emotional and physical). How are you lying to yourself? Don't make excuses, don't gaslight yourself. There is a sense that you not only need to realize that, but you also need to make a act of truth. That can be changing your behavior or acting towards something that's good for you.
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Cards: Temperance (reversed) + 8 of Wands (reversed); 7 of Wands + Kairos "Mythical Time" + The Threshold (reversed) + The Lovers (reversed); The Chariot (reversed) + Wise Leader "You are a beacon for others"
You are currently feeling completely depleted and in need of a good rest. You also feel like there is no movement in your life, that you are stagnant, unmotivated and exhausted. You balance is out of whack and no matter what you do it seems you can never bring your energy levels back up.
The pattern to be released is your stubbornness to fight through everything with sheer willpower alone, which is not possible since your inner fire is depleted. You are also in some way trying to prove other people something but it's suffocating you. There is a sense that you are fighting against the timely order of things, that you are not accepting that some things take time and patience to progress and change. You are being asked to change your ways but there is a great rigidity coming from you when it comes to that. The Lovers here I think indicate a choice of you to do things differently that you are refusing to make, which causes disharmony and imbalance between the different parts of yourself. Perhaps the core issue is also you trying to keep a balance between you and other people, but it's a very toxic situation because you are sacrificing yourself in the process.
You can face this pattern by releasing your underlying fear of failure that is pushing you to run yourself on overdrive. There is also a sense that you are indecisive and struggling to make the choices that will bring back into balance (also indicated by the Lovers). I get the sense that your restless energy is making you run around in circles, completely wasting your sense of direction.
The overall advice is to grab the reins of your life, be your own leader and stop trying to please others and compare yourself to unattainable standards. You need to take care of yourself first and foremost, listen to your own rhythm. Life is not a race and you've got time to figure your shit out, but you need to heal yourself first.
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Cards: 2 of Wands + Queen of Wands; 7 of Swords (reversed) + The Temple + The Underworld; Page of Cups (reversed) + Choosing your Path "All is possible" + Wondrous Universe "Walk in Beauty"
Just a heads up but I feel like this is the spiritual pile.
Your current situation is that you are seeking something that is missing, be it some type of truth about yourself or the universe. However it seems you are not in possession of your own power and you are looking in the wrong direction. The Queen of Wands is a really strong card signifying personal wisdom and power, but in this position, it's like you don't see it and you're giving it away. The cat is the only one who's looking forward so I get that deep down you know that something is not right, but it's buried deep within in the darkness.
When it comes to the pattern at hand, it seems you are not listening to your own inner voice and relying too much on external advice which might be misleading. Again, with the Temple I'm getting that you are looking in the wrong direction, that you are not listening to yourself and your own guidance but rather focusing on something that is untrue for you. Perhaps even you are relying on your spirituality too much and it's making you lose touch with your physical life. The Underworld signals being in denial about the warning signs about this situation and that you are avoiding walking on your own path.
The advice on how to release that pattern is to stop over-relying on external spiritual wisdom. You might need to detach yourself from a negative influence.
Remember that you are free and that you should not accept the rules and expectations placed on yourself by others. You need to move forward and embrace the infinite form of goodness of life that you seem to have forgotten. Reclaim your power. There is beauty all around and within you and it's time to see it. Reconnect with the wonders of life, of nature, of love in all its form. Only then you'll be able to move foward again.
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Cards: Justice + The Sun + Ace of Pentacles (reversed); The Moon + The Mirror; 3 of Pentacles (reversed) + Ascending the Mountain "Keep going forward" + Wise Leader "You are a beacon to others"
It seems you are struggling to make a decision and seizing the opportunities offered to you. I get a sense that you are overly positive about something in a slightly delusional way and you are struggling to have a balanced outlook on your situation, which is making you miss out on something else that's actually beneficial for you. The Sun is usually a super positive card but in this context, I feel like the light is so bright that what you see is becoming hard to see and out of focus.
What needs to be released is signified by the Moon, which again speaks of illusions cast by yourself and your beliefs. This is also shown by the mirror. Mirror can shatter and distort reality, so I think this is really speaking of something you're currently doing or believing that is not real. You are failing to see the truth of the situation.
The way to release that is to realize that you need to be willing to open up, be truthful with yourself and learn from your mistakes. All hope is not lost though, far from that! You have the strength to carry through, you just need to find the determination to move forward and put in the work and diligence. You might not make a linear progress and feel like you're making three steps forward and two steps back, but you must continue regardless.
Don't hold back and honor your truth. There is a well of wisdom within you but you need to be willing to tap into in, be brave, and make the decision to shatter the lies you either tell yourself or are being told. At the end of the day you are the one in charge, you are the one in power, but you need to learn to be truthful, authentic, and make informed decisions.
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Was inspired by the lovely @thedragonkween and her amazing Nuada HCs which I’ll link here to spread some more love for this elf boi! Hope you enjoy!
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Nuada x fem elf reader
In public, you can expect the Prince to be very well mannered and courtly. Walking with you on his arm, opening the door for you, pulling out your chair, kissing your hand etc. He also really enjoys slow dancing with you, and will insist on you letting him teach you even when you’re self conscious about your abilities. He’ll correct your stance with gentle touches until you relax into him and trust him to lead. All his centuries of stealth training left Nuada extremely light on his feet, and you feel like you’re flying as you two glide across the floor, safely wrapped in the arms of your love. Nuada can’t help but stare into your beautiful eyes the whole time, and runs his hand up your side as you move in rhythm with the music. You quickly become the envy of the king’s court as other elves vying for the prince’s affection know they have missed their chance the moment they see how attentive Nuada is with you.
You and Nuala quickly become like sisters and she often invites you to spend the day with her while Nuada is working. She loves to braid golden flowers into your hair and has taken it upon herself to be your personal stylist; always having an eye for the clothes and jewelry that would look best on you.
And if Nuada’s star struck expression and him nearly falling to his knees after seeing you in a gown she’d chosen is anything to go by, I’d say she does a pretty good job.
Nuala can feel the warm waves of love that roll off of your soul, and cherishes the joy your presence brings. She can also sense a change in Nuada’s heart since you’ve been in his life. Your light has begun to chip away at the darkness that threatens to consume his being and she is grateful to you for bringing her brother back to his old self.
Nuada has more than once walked in on you and Nuala laughing at some childhood story where he’s done something foolish. Nuala’s favorite jokes are the ones at her brother’s expense.
Nuada’s favorite quality about you is your kind heart, so he protects your emotional well-being as much as your physical. The moment he senses your distress, he’s at your side in a matter of seconds ready to shield you anyway he needs to. He can actually use his spiritual energy to put up a temporary protective wall around your mind. No matter what gets thrown at you from the perpetrator, it will not be able to touch you mentally or emotionally so long as Nuada is around.
Seriously though, no one had better threaten you in any capacity. They won’t live. Period. They can run. But they can’t hide.
Nuada will never curtail your freedom; he believes that you deserve to revel in all the splendors this earth has to offer. However, he will be accompanying you. He’s a legendary warrior with centuries of experience. Let him use his skills to keep the most precious one in his life safe. If he is unable to go with you somewhere, he will appoint his trusted affiliate Mr. Wink to assure your safety.
When you and Nuada are alone, you’ve flipped a switch in him. The Prince who, five minutes ago, was tearing through enemies in bloody armor, is now cradling you to his chest and placing soft kisses on your temples as soon as your chamber door is closed. After he’s cleaned up of course. Nuada refuses to touch your precious skin with hands stained with the blood of foul creatures.
As you both love and honor your elvish culture, you use your native tongue as the primary means of communicating when alone. He loves to call you “my light” “my soul” and “my everything” in elvish.
You two spend a lot of time in the library, you cradled in his lap while he reads to you.
This was a lot of fun! Would anyone be interested in a part 2? Possibly some NSFW HCs next?
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