#but im crossposting this meme here
xoteajays · 2 years
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the naila + ellie + joel dynamic
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leafonground · 2 years
finished this show tonight
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fratboycipher · 1 year
obligatory welcome guide for redditors
A lot of the guides I've seen don't actually seem to understand how reddit works in comparison to tumblr so
your blog is basically your own small subreddit. some people curate this heavily to fit a theme, like a sub, most people don't
reblogs are culturally equivilant to upvotes but functionally equvilant to crossposting
there is an algorithm. it sucks and nobody uses it. turn it off in settings. everything is generally chronological
likes are functionally equivilant to saving a post
you've probably already seen this but change your icon and put something in your bio or people WILL assume you're a bot. personal info not required
generally, anything you would put as a comment on a thread should go in the tags or the replies of a post. only add comments in reblogs if you want it to become part of the base post
tags are mostly equivilant to flairs, used for organization and commentary
your dashboard is an aggregation of everyone you follow
there is an r/all equivilant(trending page) but it sucks and nobody uses it
our search also sucks. your best bet is using tumblr.com/tagged/[TAG] and not /search
there are no mods
by extension, reporting something doesn't put it in front of the mods, it sends it to staff, who may or may not do anything(usually they don't)
there is no karma, there are no karma limits. anyone can reblog anything, comment/reply to anything, or post in any tag
"reposting"(reblogging) old content doesn't matter. people can and will reblog the same post multiple times, including in a row
CAVEAT. reposting someones art(NOT reblogging, making a new post) is a dick move. i know this is commonplace on fandom subs but its not necessary here. everything you post should be [OC] unless you are reblogging. or posting shitty memes
we have our own sitelore, you'll pick it up
(though im not opposed to bringing some over from reddit)
our app also sucks. we do not have third party apps and any that claim to be are scams. sorry
for desktop, most people use the XKit Rewritten extension for QoL improvements and to revert shitty aesthetic updates, much like old.reddit
we have no idea where the porn rules are at either. add a mature content flag to anything you'd get fired for looking at at work, that's about it
finally, from the bottom of my heart, fuck u/spez
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cramblm · 2 years
Climbing out of my tumblr grave to post about the biggest project I’ve ever done in my life, and might as well talk a bit abt the future plans for this blog, since I don’t want to abandon it just yet! :p
I know its been a literal year, but as I said the last time I came outta my last hiatus, its mostly because I’m just not using tumblr as my main social media anymore. Its a lot more finnicky than instagram---my current main---considering the tag system works a lot better than the tumblr tags, at least imo.
Since that’s my recurring issue, I decided that I’ll try working with that crossposting instagram feature, that’ll post onto this app whenever I post on IG :D! That way I won’t have to fumble with posting separately ljdfldfj
Only difference between posting separately here and crossposting is that I’ll be nowhere near as active as I was back then, with posting my thoughts and memes. It’s a bit of a bummer, especially since hermitblr was my first experience w the community, but I got so many friends and mutuals on IG, and besides, I prefer using that app.
But yeah! Aughghhghdfjfjkd I missed you guys 🥺 ❤️ , I’m hoping to be more consistent here and not leave this blog dead for a whole straight year lmao. 
Gonna go update my bio, aint no way im 13 now jkdfjk 🏃‍♀️
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godbirdart · 2 years
first off, i just want to say that i love your art, you are a huge inspiration to me and i love how expressive your characters are! would you have any tips for someone trying to grow a following from their art? specifically within the furry community ideally. im just not sure where to start
i hope youre having a great day!
thank you so much!!
okay i gotta preface this with: i have been doing commissions for over a decade. everything i say here i've been doing since roughly 2014, but my career as an artist didn't really Take Off and become reliable until 2019. success isn't immediate. some artists will grow faster or slower than others, not every tactic is going to apply / work for every artist; and that's okay. just keep pushing yourself and adapting and figuring out what works for You!
i’m putting this under a readmore as it got a bit long. every time someone asks me for advice on professional Anything i always write up a five page essay despite trying to bulletpoint it oof
post on multiple platforms and keep them all updated. i’m putting this one in bold because it is possibly the Most Important thing. we’re all watching twitter sinking over there, and many of my mutuals there were floundering because they hadn’t established themselves on any other social media site. i strongly recommend three or four socials minimum. my main four sites are tumblr, deviantart, twitter and toyhouse. furaffinity is also good. inkblot and artfol are new and i use them frequently as well. if you don’t like posting manually to every site each and every time you post art, Postybirb exists and is what i use to crosspost all my art to most of my socials at once.
avoid venting a lot on main. we all have frustrating days where our art isn’t getting the recognition we hoped, or we’re feeling petty about a controversial topic or the latest drama. it happens! it’s okay! however, many people just don’t like seeing dozens of negative posts on their feed. most people will sympathize, but if your negative vents are constantly clogging their dashboard they’re not gonna stick around.
shamelessly self promote yourself. reblog your own art. retweet it again. repost it. mention your other socials. we live in a world of timezones! when you post art, only a fraction of your audience is going to see it. i recommend reblogging / retweeting one to four individual pieces periodically over the course of a day and change it up each day. you can also repost your own work into photosets and title it “recent commissions” or the something like that.
don’t hide your linktrees and carrds. seriously! the amount of times on twitter i went to try and follow someone on another platform only to find they had no carrd or linktree link,, it is infuriating. put your socials link in your bio or pinned or SOMEWHERE readily at the top of your profile that’s easy to spot.
if you’re offering commissions, make a telegram channel or discord server for your announcements / openings.
post regularly. this one is a lot harder for artists that don’t make a lot of content, but posting even a status update once or twice a day can go a long way - especially if you’re on twitter with that platform’s hideous algorithm. alternatively as i said earlier, just retweet/reblog your work a few times a day and you should be good.
art trends are cool and fun and an easy way to get your work seen by others. see a “draw your sona in this outfit” meme? go, have fun with it. this one’s a bit tricky as timing is everything when it comes to ~trending~ content, so try and draw quick. that said, it’s never outdated to drawover reaction memes with your fursona.
try not to clog your socials with memes and shitposty images. this one is directed at twitter specifically. with twitter moments now gone, your media tab is the last way for people to hope to find your work organically on your profile without having to use the twitter search. they can’t get invested in your work if they can’t find it!
it’s okay to change course if you’re not vibing with where you’re headed. if you want to move onto a new aesthetic - that’s fine! you may lose some followers if they don’t click with your new vibe, but you’ll inevitably gain some new ones.
avoid frequent name changes. so many of the artists i follow have changed their brands / urls over the years that i don’t recognize them anymore.
tag your work properly. on tumblr, the first five tags on the original post are the tags your work will pop up in in the search feature. make those first five tags the Most important ones; example: #furry, #anthro, #art #fursona etc. twitter’s algo seems flip-flop if it likes tags or hates them. if you see a tag trending, repost your art in a photoset with the hashtag in the post [example: if #pokemon is trending, repost some of your pokemon fanart with the hashtag in the post body]. if the tag isn’t trending,,, i’ll be honest it’s a gamble if twitter likes your post or not at that point. i have no advice for that hell algorithm.
hosting raffles or doing a mini art request event [example: “leave a ref and i might draw your oc”] is good for traction while simultaneously giving back to the community + your audience a little!
try and reply to / like comments on your work. it’s not required per se, but it’s good to express gratitude.
engage with other members of the community. comment on other peoples work. like it. retweet it. follow other people. obviously don’t be disingenuous about it, but this is what the professionals call ~networking~
don’t compare yourself to others. this one is one you have got to keep in mind constantly. you’re going to find 17 year olds with huge followings and 30 year olds that are doing professional industry work whose level feels alien and almost out of reach. if you’re not doing as well, don’t let yourself get discouraged. we all gotta start somewhere!
related to the above point: be nice to your followers. venting on main about not having the same audience volume as others can come off as a huge middle finger to the audience you already have.
gaining a following takes time. unless you get a really lucky break, it’s going to take a lot of work and self promotion to build up your brand.
slap your name on everything. i mean it. any art you do - sign it. watermark it. people can and will share art in telegram channels and discord servers, and if the art interests someone they can easily source it back to you if your name is on it.
you can buy adspace. if you’re catering to a furry audience specifically, you can buy adspace on furaffinity pretty easily. inkblot i believe also offers adspace for artists though i haven’t looked too deep into it. this is really a “if you’re okay burning money” situation, as the huge chunkk of internet users have adblockers now and it’s a gamble if people will see or even click on your ad.
just have fun and do your own thing. you can hop on trends and draw art that caters to your audience’s tastes, but don’t forget to draw what YOU want and what YOU’RE about. Draw what makes YOU happy.
hope these help!! ;w;
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the-navistar-carol · 2 years
here from zee's blog. don't worry about answering if its too personal, but how did you know you were ace? did the whole romance vs. sexual thing confuse you too? going through my own thing rn and idk how to articulate it but i feel like advice coming from a person that i know, in however limited of a scope, would help, as opposed to an informational post (they have been helpful too! its just not what im looking for rn).
Hey, anon! I have a funny story about how I realized I was ace, actually — and it’s funny because it’s completely ass backwards from anyone else. To TL;DR it, yes, romance vs sex confuses the shit out of me still. Like, how can someone look at someone else (even someone they don’t know) and be like “smash” ?????? How does it go further than aesthetic??? Than “oo pretty person! moving on” ?????
Content warning, I talk about boobs below the cut.
But the story of how I realized I was ace goes something like this.
I didn’t know that being LGBTQ+ was a thing until seventh grade. Like at all. Age twelve. Had never heard about people being gay. My parents are not homophobic, they are accepting of who I am, but for some reason -- LGBTQ+ things were never brought up in the house. But age twelve. That was the year I got a wider group of friends and also had wider internet access. What did I do with it, you may ask? Print memes off of Pinterest and carried them in a binder to show my friends. I am not joking.
But in this Pinterest rabbit hole, I discovered the glory of crossposted Tumblr textpost memes. Like old Tumblr memes. Having-the-old-format old. And alongside these memes like the dancing Spiderman and none pizza with left beef was some pretty profound shit. Like the ol’ “biggest gaudiest patronuses,” the “the day after i killed myself” poem, all that jazz. And in that category of profound was a bootlegged post about asexuality.
“Huh,” twelve-year-old me said, taking all of fifteen minutes to think about it. “That sounds pretty accurate!”
While I have not looked back since, it gets funnier every year that that is how I figured it out. Because for the first three years or so, I was carrying around the label with just the knowledge of what it was, not really thinking about it whatsoever despite it being as true as the color of the grass in California. (Brown.) It was only when I hit sophomore year or so that I actually began to realize hang on, I was actually on to something here and that there was actually — shocker — a lot more about me that fit with the ace label. I got bored when making out with an ex. I got BORED. MAKING OUT. That was the funniest one.
To TL;DR that — I never had the feeling of “oh no I’m broken, I don’t feel this emotion” because I slapped the label on myself and then discovered I actually fit into it after the fact. I’m probably not the best person to ask “hey how did you know you were ace” because I discovered more about being ace after already labeling myself as such. But I did write a research paper on asexuality, if someone ever wants to read that for some reason.
…..i did not answer your question.
About the romance versus sex thing: it absolutely still confuses me. Tinder is a huge confuser. Why. Why the hell. Hookups. Why. Why the hell. Is it not enough to listen to someone ramble about something they're passionate about? Love is stored in the infodumps.
My last ex was not ace, I have not dated someone ace because finding ace men is actually quite hard. But there was a point near the end of our relationship when he wanted to see my boobs (like with a bra on, not nude from the waist up). I got nothing out of it, but shrugged and went “sure” because,,,, ehh???? It’s just,,,,,, boobs? They sure as hell don’t make me horny, so I had no problem temporarily showing off things that didn’t affect me lmfao
People, to me, are like paintings and dogs. They’re like paintings in the sense that I can stop and admire someone, even for a while, but I’ll eventually walk away. They’re like dogs in the sense that I want to cuddle and hold hands and do soft things with them, but I wouldn’t fuck a dog, to put it crudely. Also, I get tired of hanging out with people after a while, but that’s also because I’m autistic and a whole other can of worms.
Hope this helped?
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tinyelfmage · 1 year
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did a "games to play to understand you" meme over on twitter so im crossposting over to here
tried to keep it to one game per series so i could get a decent spread :>
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nananaomiii · 4 years
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Slowly the days turned sour and the watchful nights closed in.
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kaaramel · 6 years
temptation to open up the askbox on @chameleonttrpgsthetics and solicit asks about my characters: high and remaining so
fuck it, sure. i should note though, posts there are not really content-warning-tagged, organizational tags only, and what with.. how my characters are, there’s a non-negligible amount of surrealism and bugs and body horror, and i don’t count “anatomical diagram of the heart” as anything but the lightest of gore but you might... like it’s nothing too heavy i just want to give that heads-up that it was meant to be a personal reference space foremost
...... i titled the blog “ten aesthetics in a trenchcoat” as a JOKE but once stuff for n.b. trickles its way down the queue it will actually be ten entire aesthetics if not more
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Ayo what’s up? I’m Luci! Nice to meet you! I’m a hobbyist writer! ✍️
I used to make original Genshin Impact themed memes on my HoYoLAB, which you can DM me about if you’d like. (It’s a long story)
I used to occasionally crosspost some of my memes here, but now this blog is basically an archive of fanfiction that I’ve written. because I am an enabler to my own problems :D
I take requests~! Requests are currently: Closed until further notice
🖋✒️Luci’s Masterlist🖋✒️
I do NOT do commissions! I’m not very confident in my writings, so I will under NO circumstances, EVER request money or compensation for fulfilling a request!
Things I WILL write for:
General fluff, crackfics because I thrive off of inane bullshit, yandere/dark themes, platonic relationships, SAGAU, isekai AU
Things I was NOT write for:
NSFW, smut, anything other than platonic or sibling relationships with minors, generally just anything overly lewd imma have to decline sorry :|
I have some tags you can use for navigation!
luci writes - My works(Ik shocking right)
luci shares - reblogs that pertain to fandoms I write for!
luci rambles - Aka my random thoughts that I decide to make the internet’s problem! :)
luci’s assorted shenanigans - reblogs & threads of things I enjoyed that do not necessarily pertain to the fandoms I write for! Honestly this one is just vauge. 😅
luci answers - requests and asks will be marked with this tag!
The Awesome Anons (& refugees🥺):
♣️ Anon
Section Anon
Yokai Girl Anon
Snake Anon🐍
Fruit Anon
Wine Aunt Anon🍷✨
Collective Consciousness Anon
MI-DOR1 Anon
Rapid Anon
Bones Anon (Def toootally not nicebonescomrade)
The Beloved Mutuals:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 🌟incredible🌟 @lovelyy-moraxx
The 💗amazing💗 @ddarker-dreams (Lock is my senpai ngl)(lock deadass brought me to tumblr)
The ☀️astounding☀️ @gi-zxt
The 👏outstanding👏 @iamfriedpotato
The 🫶delightful🫶 @yintsukareta
The 🥰HoYoHomie🥰 @dunno-why-im-here-either (YuYu my beloved<3)
The 🥳HoYoBro🥳 @unknownperson-is-not-known (U.P my bby <3)
The 🌀HoYoUser_🌀 @sectionmoment(User_ my luv <3)
The 👑HoYoQueen👑 @alvedrea (Queenie ily <3)
The ⚡️majestic⚡️ @mari-san-cant
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The 🍃inspiring🍃 @anemoarchonhoe
The 🥳talented🥳 @intothegenshinworld
The Sacred Taglist:
The ✨legendary✨ @nicebonescomrade
The ⭐️epic⭐️ @bamboowritess
The 💫wonderful💫 @numwoon44
The 🎉fantastical🎉 @eccedentesiast-sapphic
The 🎊excellent🎊 @nookiesposts
The 💠spectacular💠 @rizakari
The 🎈awesome🎈 @emperatris-rinaka
The ✏️illustrious✏️ @imaginewriting
The 🍀glorious🍀 @samarill
The 🧸adored🧸 @genshrineimpact
The Slightly Less Sacred Then Came The Dawn Taglist:
Hmm? More about me? Well aren’t you the curious one. Alright then, I suppose I’ll give you a teeeeeny bit of info about me. I’m 20 years old, autistic, and absolutely loathe having to socialize in public. That’s all you’re getting for now heheh~!
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pheneticzebrer · 3 years
its wierd because I'll see a meme here and then on discord five minutes later and vice versa like theres gotta be at least one person in a few of the same servers im in who crossposts
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antpelts · 4 years
pov (maybe for Treason?)
no excuses writing meme
oh shit.. im gonna go with a scene ive posted so no spoilers but evans pov for when connor comes back to school in chapter 3
“Connor’s here.” When it came out a little a little weak and breathless Evan couldn’t help but cringe. He placed his palms flat against the lunch table, in an attempt to keep himself steady because, shit, his heart was beating out of his chest and his knees were practically knocking. Dealing with the fallout of his pathetic little therapy letter being exposed would be enough - he could practically see the trending hashtag. Retweets, quote tweets, subtweets. It’d get crossposted to Facebook and his mom would see it and fuck. But now Connor was here, he was sitting across the lunchroom as if he wasn’t crafting some plan to publicly humiliate Evan. As if he’d been burned he jerked his hands back, fingers twisting in the hem of his sweatshirt. 
“Yeah, he goes here.”
Honestly, he wasn’t sure what he’d expected. At some point Jared went from a constant to a wavering connection. He’d been the only person who seemed to care where Evan’s head was at - he was the voice of reason, even if he was rough around the edges with it. He was ground control. 
Now it seemed like he was content to let that all disappear. To let everything between them disappear.
Without the tether he was just floating.
Something akin to a whine clawed its way from his throat and he stumbled backwards a step before spinning on his heel. Keeping his gaze firmly on the ground he headed straight out of the lunchroom, heading for the bathrooms. The careful rate at which his steps echoed in the empty hall was steadier than he could ever hope to be himself.
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Author Meme! tagged by @purplepencilshades, thank you!!
Author name: Swift~ Ao3 link is on my blog already but im SwiftIsHere there (and p much everywhere) 
Fandoms you write for: whatever im hyperfixating on atm! which is mystery skulls rn and hopefully for a good while longer. the one wolf 359 fic i have up is leftover from.... That
Where I post: Ao3! i usually crosspost to here too, either as a link or the full fic. 
Most popular one-shot: uhhhh, lemme check... in terms of hits, that would be for all the friends that we have lost. only one for me is technically more popular, but I don’t count that and I’m p sure it’s just bc it’s been up longer. 
Most popular multi-chap story: only got the one! it’s Little Magenta Lies. i’d like to post more multichap stuff but none of it is... done per se...
Favorite story you wrote: ah geez... published, i think i’d probably say The Darkest Place. it’s so soft and i really like the characterization. as for unpublished, i really like the royalty au that i keep talking about and am working on in theory 
Story you were nervous to post: ooh, this is a good one. magenta lies makes me nervous every time i update it lmao, but Step in the Right Direction might actually be the one i was most nervous about initially posting. it’s so small and i didnt know if it would. count?? i guess?? it’s barely even a story and more of a retelling of canon events?? i really like it but?? 
How do you choose your titles: i dont choose the titles the titles choose me. seriously tho? i dont know i just kinda go with whatever string of words comes to mind. i like to follow what i call the “world of goo” naming theme, which is “just throw some word spaghetti at the canvas it’s fine just go with it” (this is a DIRECT call out for world of goo, whose names i love so much for being completely inane) 
Do you outline: i try to? i don’t as much for oneshots, but id never be able to continue anything long if i didnt. i just can’t think the story through in my head. i dont know how some people do it. 
Complete: i dont know that word sorry
In progres: yeah
Coming soon: i have over 40 wips in my msa writing folder. does that answer your question. more specifically: 
-some writing prompts i’d really like to finish
-aforementioned royalty au which has the most in-depth plot i think ive ever written? its VERY good i really want to share it but unfortunately i have to actually write it first
-some more drabbles, including but not limited to: another “first time something goes very wrong” fic along the lines of darkest place, some self indulgent “rsd is a Grade A Bitch” arthur stuff, a sickfic bc this fandom doesnt have nearly enough, some post-canon stuff about lewis and arthur making up, the list goes on
-a longer post-hellbent thing about lewis killing art, coming back to the rest of the group, and erasing vivi’s memories of arthur (i think ive either posted about that or talked abt it w/ someone? i dont remember exactly tho, anyway its ANGSTY)
Do you accept prompts: yes!! whether i will finish them is another question entirely
Upcoming story you are most excited for: royalty au again. also i forgot to mention for “in progress” but im also writing a very canon divergent fic where after the cave, lewis knows what happened as soon as he wakes up and he goes home and doesnt blame art at all... its good
i’m tagging @doodletrashcan, @ghostly-business, and @yepiamthesmileyface! (sorry if any of yall have been tagged already, & you dont have to do it if you dont want to!) 
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cap-ironman · 5 years
Monthly Fanwork Roundup (July-December)
Rather tardy, this newsletter presents all the wonderful things that our lovely Steve/Tony creators shared with us during the last six months. Please everyone give these fanworks and their creators some love in the form of comments and feedback.
alexcat posted A Memory from the Future (MCU), Everything and Nothing (MCU), A Life Without Him (MCU).
Cathalinaheart posted we are all monsters now(616), Waiting for the Inevitable(616), The Art of Seeing (616), Forget Me Not (616), You Gave Me a Home (616).
gotthesilver posted Feeling Flows Both Ways (MCU).
Kiyaar posted In Each Other All Along (616), Hold Out Your Delicate Hands (616), Wishing You'd Dreamt Me (616).
nostalicatsea posted Leaving You Forward (MCU), A City of Millions (MCU).
only_more_love posted He's a candle (burning in my room) (MCU).
scaramouche posted Hey, Isn't This Easy (AvAc), Role of a Lifetime (MCU), Efficient and Expedient (MCU), Second Opinion (MCU), Splenditudinous Figment of Wonder (MCU).
tony_starkrogers posted In Every Universe (MCU), we've got time (MCU), staring into the sun (MCU), Ticking Away the Moments (MCU).
wynnesome posted An Ass in the Hole (MCU).
2019 Captain America & Iron Man Midyear Exchange event ran for the first time, and 58 fabulous new works were created! The Masterpost is up for perusal. 2019 Cap-IM Rec Week took place, and the number of recs exceeded the DW post allowance! You can see the Rec Week Round Up here. Round 1 and 2 of Comment Bingo wrapped up, with 10 people being awarded prizes! You can see the Prizes Masterpost here. Round 3 will finish in April 2020. STONY BINGO! Round 1 finished and Round 2 is still ongoing! You can see the 2019 Round 1 Prizes Masterpost here. Finally, the 2019 Big Bang posted last month, with some fantastic new longfics and gorgeous Stevetony art! You can see the full Masterlist here. Don't forget about the Cap-IronMan Kink Meme! Works are directly posted to the current Kink Meme post. A round-up for every round will be posted as soon as the new round starts!
You can find all of our event round-ups of past years, as well as links to collected fanwork recs in our Event Masterlists and Collections post.
How do I get listed in the Monthly Fanwork Roundup?
This monthly roundup is for all fanworks people felt like sharing with us during the month.
To have your Steve/Tony works included in the roundups they need to be posted to or announced (with a link to the place of posting) on one of our community spaces on Dreamwidth or Livejournal. Fanworks will only be listed once even if you crosspost. Some event and challenge works get their own round-ups that get linked in the Community section above and won't appear in the fanwork round-up (RBB, BB, TRB, etc.).
Come and share your fanworks and recs with us all through the year and don't forget to let your Steve/Tony creators know how much you appreciate their work!
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qserasera · 3 years
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30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. Question from the fanfic ask meme found here.
i had crossposted the meme to twitter so im answering asks here like...we did in the days of old when tmblr had no replying to asks function...... /thinking pose ...current WIP...current.... ʅฺ(・ω・。)ʃฺ?? ʅฺ(・ω・。)ʃฺ??
i...wrapped up my last multi-chapter chili fic ‘slow embers’ not too long ago this month, so i regret to inform u that i Do Not have a current WIP... But!! do not despair!! let me rummage around in my docs for a sec asdfasdf...i found something from like 2k18 which was a While back....enjoy this horrible exorcists matoba/natori snippet of a chapter that will never see the light of day
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