#but if you want me to have an opinion on someone i havent interacted with by choice in literal years
nagdabbit · 1 year
hey, for future reference, do fucking not just go into someone's asks to ask their opinion on another user. don't. don't do it. if you have shit to start, start it your damn self and don't bring people into whatever beef you have.
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qui-gg · 4 months
opinion on the bog ii 🤖🤖🤖
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I’ll assume you mean bot and answer accordingly
(Drops art i havent shared and wasnt really planning to. But its appropriate for the things ill talk about yay)
Fun fact i didn’t really have a strong opinion of bots character for a while but then one day i woke up and went “I have an idea for a gjinka” and it caused me to get into their character and now its like my fav gjinka to draw
(Some fun facts about that gjinka design: their head is completely magnetic, and their “hair” is a set of completely removable accessories so their natural state is bald, they can add as much or as little as they want. Also they continue to wear a little pink because i was thinking of the “I can still like chocolate cake” line- they can still like pink too)
I LOVE BOT. Even though i have thoughts and opinions about the iffy nature they were implemented overall i love the concept of a character who was made to be someone else and theyve given me a lot to chew on which i appreciate with a character. What really fascinates me about them is how their interactions with other characters play out so id like to talk more about that⬇️
Their relationship with Cabby was what caused me to create the gjinka design in the first place, and then I found a song that made me think of them and i was like Wow. Bot and cabby’s initial impressions of one another being somewhat at odds due to miscommunication but ultimately other factors (cabby’s disability and bot’s suppression of their fake memory- wow they both have memory issues!) was something that lasted a while but then iii14 saw the end of bot’s assumptions of her being strained when they finally had the chance to actually talk with one another. Bot assumed that Cabby was obsessed with finding a way to explain their existence and identity which they very much felt didn’t need an explanation for who they were, but they realized this is only the way cabby processes the world around her they both place importance on identity both with not knowing their pasts and carving a way for their futures the way they are and they can do it together agh i love ittt
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Here my gjinkas of them with an outfit styleswap
One day i kind of started placing suitcase in bots position to cabby though and i just think about their potential relationship primarily now though LMAO but thats unrelated
With fan and test tube I had stronger opinions about how the circumstances/reasons behind creating them weren’t strong enough and it caused both of their characters to backslide from where they were in ii14 but now i like to look at it and take what i can get from it because i like it when characters do bad and questionable things its interesting to analyze why they did something so selfish. In fan’s case he didnt have a strong connection with bow’s death when it happened beyond being a fan of her bc of his low empathy at the time especially he didnt process it as Death, and he believes he knows everything about bow as the number1 fan so now hes the best person for the job, and test tube coldly decides to recreate the image of a person under the idea shes now using her strengths for a good cause, but shes wrong and she has to learn shes wrong. Theyre not bot’s parents- but it’s easiest for them to describe them that way, since they created them, but that’s not quite how their relationship is at all. Bot has no real familial ties with them, and test tube created them with the sold intention of being somebody other than they are, so that’s always going to stick with them and theyre not just a blindly happy family now. Bot is also a grown adult that doesnt just go away they shouldn’t be infantilized so much. They can be friends with fan and test tube because they now recognize them as Bot but honestly theyd prefer keeping a distance when they can because they wish they were made intentionally or were just a person, but they appreciate being created. Its a pretty unique situation
What really fascinates me the most though is the concepts of how they are in relation to Bow, with the concept of being created as a replication of someone who already exists being so terrifying for both involved. In Bot’s perspective, their conscious is being repressed intentionally to continue living someone else’s life who they never even knew and doesnt identify with. And everyone is acting like its fine and okay when theyre the only one who seems to see how scary this is. They just struggle to grasp with their very existence with the only thing to guide them being a paragraph of a character description and to spew references that dont make sense. In BOWS perspective, she was a celebrity and the most popular contestant in the first season of a reality show, and even after dying on it the fans just screamed for her to “come back” though it was impossible. So her likeness kept getting replicated by both the show (doughs inclusion) and fans (bots creation) who both misrepresented her and she could do nothing but watch it play out. Her death was being denied and other people were living her life just because she was popular on a show, it’s terrifying. Terrifying and despair inducing for both of them theyd both have a disdain for one another on an existential degree, and bot finding their identity is freeing for both of them.
Lifetime achievement award made me insane abt this thanks panks
:D ive talked long enough so thanks for reading this far if you made ittt ! More art
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zestylemonsz · 3 months
i havent interacted with the dazai anon directly but honestly they're fucking halarious from an outside perspective
someone: yeah Chuuya's cool
dazai anon: *insert weirdly long rant that's 90% insults*
someone: yeah ssk is cool / ssk is ok
dazai anon: that's toxic you're toxic fuck you
someone: Dazai's cool
dazai anon: you're not an actual dazai stan he's not your favorite character go fuck yourself
there's literally mo rhyme or reason to it 😭😭
also i fr saw them say Dazai's not someone's favorite character like. buddy. pal. how's that your decision??
also if i remember correctly aren't "stans" those really weird extreme fans. and therefore not even something fans should want to be
Yep. Their insults are all the same, too. It's normally "cunt" "pathetic loser" "seethe and cope" or something like that. They've recently been using "low media literacy" too.
Basically if you love chuuya you're not a dazai stan (even if you like dazai)
If you like dazai you're not a dazai stan
And if you like skk you're shipping a toxic and abusive relationship. This, however, isn't true. Skk may have some toxicity in it from when they were 15, but it isn't abusive. This is a fictional relationship so my opinions are different than if it was real.
Chuuya slapping Dazai wasn't abusive. It was pretty deserved. Considered Dazai basically said to Chuuya that his friends (now dead) deserved death. Chuuya acted on emotion. That's normally how he is.
Also this is Bungo Stray Dogs. Everyone has something negative about them. And the world isn't perfect in bsd either.
Also they're biphobic. Me being bisexual got them to call me disgusting and they told me they're "disowning" me from the community. (Hey. Btw. Bisexual is the third letter in LGBTQIA+)
And yes, stan is a way of calling someone an extreme fan. It actually comes from Eminem's song Stan, which is basically about a crazy obsessed fan. It actually is the combined word of "stalker" and "fan".
So no, you don't want to be a stan technically speaking. Being a stan of a group can be seen as different though. (Stan is typically used for celebrities or people.)
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melissa-titanium · 3 months
uh violence ask game
ok . ok. i'm gonna talk about my two current faves right now because imFucking deranged
khan. im so serious .he is so fucking interesting i honest to god havent rewatched md in a hot second but if you think about his concepts & how he acts in ep 7 AND HONESTLY EVERY SINGLE EPISODE THAT HE'S IN . he's just. hes just so interesting??? i don't see people talking about him alot for reasons that are totally justifiable but just once i wish to see character analysis that isnt about n or uzi..
i want to know about his dynamic with nori. i want to watch his descent into depression (?) after she died & i really, REALLY want to see his redemption. because he does care. everyone is capable of change, and even if he's had a few hiccups in his appearances in the show, i really think he can improve. he DOES care. even if he's forgotten how to show it. i find the conflict between him and uzi very interesting esp involving n. because i think he understands n's a good friend for uzi but there's that innate fear he's immortalized in his brain after having to put down his wife who was attacked by the very creature uzi's new friend is.
the guy's clearly traumatized. he lost his wife, he's emotionally distanced from his child, he's clearly poured himself into his work. and this is from the . like. ten minutes of screentime he's gotten. like COME ON. even if you have no interest in him you have to admit there's a lot there to unpack. even if you have no interest in HIM, you have to admit it's fucking hilarious that his pringles logo ass pulled NORI of all drones. come on. i'm also very curious because he seemed to be a drone that came from before the core collapsed... assuming he and nori were similar ages, he must have had personal run ins with humans. i wonder what that was like
i can completely understand where people are coming from when they say they dislike him because he reminds them of their dad. but i guess i have a different opinion on him cause of how My dad was? i don't know i don't want to get super personal about fictional robots but to put it bluntly i don't have a relationship with him. a lot of factors in my life that weren't directly his fault lead him to being pretty absent in my life and i guess i connect alot to khan because i kind of. wish. he w as . my dad ? i dont know. khan is like an exact parallel of my dad if he Cared. so like. yes :) i have a weird affinity for khan haha. mr uzi!
ok. mob psycho. other than my absolute faves who are hilarious & underrated , inukawa, goda, mezato and TOME <3333 ... my absolute fave has to be tsubomi motherfucking takane. i have not read the reigen spinoff, but i'm REALLY fucking hoping we get to see more of her in the spinoff. because. she's so interesting. she's so fucking interesting.
the entire series presents her as this unobtainable thing of goodness, the end-all of mob's goals. this is ESPECIALLY emphasized in the show which makes her (in the words of ONE i think) more heroic in appearance... and by that i mean they gave her yaoiful eyes. like they made her really pretty in the show to emphasize how mob's looking at her through rose tinted glasses, which is such a cool detail because as the story progresses we see her with her original comic design as mob realizes she's just a person like him! she's literally the driving force of the entire narrative, but barely gets ANY screentime... in the moments we do see of her, she shows a lot of interesting traits. but BESIDES her interactions with mob, there's so much more i find interesting about her. i've only been into mp100 for a month and ive only watched it maybe 6 times so please forgive me if my information is skewed.
in the divine tree arc... dimple points out how she's very openly honest about her wants and is not afraid to deny someone, no matter how forceful. she's literally the only fucking person next to teru who was described as being able to withstand the mind control. not even fucking reigen could.
she rejects a shit ton of people in one of the arcs i can't remember. but literally the fact that someone asks her "why :(?!" when she rejects them and she's like. oh do you really want to know? and goes out of her way to ROAST THE FUCK out of this random ass guy.
in the confession arc, mezato talks to mob about the things she's learned about tsubomi (which is gay as hell btw. i know she's a reporter but god damn) about the fact that she appears to feel strongly about maintaining her image. she's very polite upfront with friends she talks with, but when she's alone/away from other people seems to drop that facade into something more disinterested/distant... which sort of tracks, considering a lot of people only want to connect with her because of her looks/the popularity she can give them by interacting with them. that gets exhausting, i can sympathize lol. she also seems to have trouble trusting others / feels like she's constantly got to be on guard. maybe her place in the school's hierarchy is really the only thing she has? i don't know, but her reaction to literally. sneezing in front of other people was so overblown it really seemed she thought her life would be ruined if her friends saw her needing a tissue which is so interesting to me.
EVEN RITSU DESCRIBES HOW DISINTERESTED SHE SEEMED IN OTHER PEOPLE when she left them playing hide & seek as a kid LOL. like she's in her own little world. my takeaway from her scenes is that she's constantly keeping everyone else at arm's length because she doesn't trust anyone. to her, everyone just wants to get close to her because they want the positives coming from being near her, not because they want to get to know her. everyone seems to know her behind her mask... which i know i said i wouldn't compare her to mob (and i'm not! i just find this comparison interesting, she's incredible on her own) but they have this in common from my understanding. mob has also hidden himself away from the world via insane suppression & masking because he had an experience that taught him that expressing himself was dangerous. tsubomi hides herself away from the world with masking I Think because she believes it's dangerous/can cause unnecessary grief to get close to other people because they'll always fuck with her in the end (hence the fucking. sneezing scene IDK WHAT TO CALL THAT SCENE HAHA)
so like. mob's infatuation with her is like him grasping at a life that's out of his reach... when in reality, she's not on a higher level than him -- she's just like him. i don't know i'm thinking about this now. okay. i really like tsubomi.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
I became an ARMY in 2015. It took me good four years to enter the fandom and I left it in 2021 after two years solely because of the high level of its toxicity. It shattered me and I left myself there. Three years have passed and I still haven’t moved on properly that’s why I have temporary relapses from time to time like now.
I just want less toxicity in the fandom. Shipwar ruined it ALL for me. Made my experience bitter as hell.
The ARMY fandom has long needed a proper purge, yet engagement comes directly through toxicity!
I just want the old fandom back. Those were better days. Less shipwar and fanwar.
Look at Y/oongi’s situation on Twitter. It’s been trending for days! And now AYS! Shippers are at each other’s throats!
I’m so fucking done with HYBE and its marketing policies/strategies which lead to narratives around BTS members and their interactions. So fucking done.
I'm not sure what it was like in the earlier days because I wasn't here. I'm probably not best placed to answer you here.
All the advice I have is find the people with the same kinds of vibes and attitude as you and curate your space. I find Tumblr quite nice for people with a good sense of humour, thoughtful opinions and rationale. Also probably most importantly to me, safe space opinions about the things that are make or break for me ie; LGBTQ+ issues, neurodivergency, sex positivity etc. I'm aware army twitter isn't that safe space for me so I don't spend much time there.
Block or unfollow liberally! Someone being a dick? Someone with dubious opinions? Someone who you just don't agree with? Block! Unfollow! It's not a crime!
I know people can be like "ooh so you just want an echo chamber? You only want to read the same opinions?" but I'm appreciating a musical group, not trying to solve world politics, you know? It's not that deep.
I hope you can find a nicer space to be in. 💜
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AAAAA i REALLY loved 'to the other side' !! i havent read much of your works (i'd like to read more when i have time, especially of rollo hehe) but WOW its so good 😭 the writing style (?) is very fun to read and its like every sentence has an impact on the fic (like it gets better with each sentence?)
the doctor diagnosis part was amusing too! i recently rewatched pinocchio bc of twst and it was a really fun scene to watch~ (this is. completely unrelated but i was surprised at just how many similarities there were between fellow and honest john like phrases or clothing details)
anyway! the point is that i really enjoyed the fic and as someone who is doing writing more (bc of school TT) i find you inspirational,, i also see some of ur other posts on my dash and reading your opinions and thoughts about things is very interesting!
that is all! thank you!
call me pinocchio the way fellow could effortlessly convince me to come to playful land idc if i get scammed he's SO fine-
[Referencing this fic!]
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WEH 😭 I’m glad you liked To the Other Side so much!! I hope you get the chance to read my other stuff!! (I recently counted, and I’ve written over 2400 pieces, whether short interactions or long full-fledged fics, for TWST now…) The Rollo interactions have been some of my favorites to do, I’m very happy with those ^^
chisvsjekd You had fun reading the fic? 😌 Then Fellow’s UM must be working on you… Watch out, he’s gonna nab ya for Playful Land— When writing, I tried to capture the essence of crescendoing music from the songs The Greatest Show and The Other Side. They both start soft and progressively grow louder until BOOM there’s an explosion of sound and spectacle. I wanted my fic to invoke a similar feeling, even when it’s just the characters standing around and talking.
I actually haven’t gotten around to watching Disney’s Pinocchio in myself so I had ZERO context going in who Honest John and Gideon were. I referenced some clips of them on Youtube to help me visualize their mannerisms and then superimpose them over Fellow’s and Gidel’s. (It makes sense, given that Fellow and Gidel are twisted from those two!) That’s how I came across the diagnosis scene. I thought it fit so well with Rollo’s Forever Alone and Mad About It personality, so incorporating the diagnosis scene in was so easy to do!
Good luck with your own writing!! I hope you’ll continue to hang out here and enjoy reading my stuff in your free time.
Ah. Fellowife spotted 😂
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marunalu · 1 year
You say that you don't force your precious theory on others but that's what you're doing. Not everyone WANTS to believe in a same theory.
Im not forcing a theory ON others, Im talking WITH others about a theory we like and have fun with. Sad that you dont know what the damn difference is!
I say all the time I dont care if people dont like the theory or disagree with me AS LONG as they dont attack me over my opinion and leave me and other dfo fans alone. Thats why what tags are there for. If I would want to force my opinion on others I wouldnt tag my stuff so people HAVE TO see it and dont have a chance to block it! If someone neither blocks the dfo tag OR me that simply shows that they WANT to see my posts and WANT to interact with me even if its in a negative way. Unlike YOU I dont go to other peoples inbox or comment sections of their posts if I hate the stuff they are writing about. I blocked all the tags I dont want to see, blocked all the people I dont want to interact with and NEVER write an ask to someone to attack, insult or shame them!
And the fact that YOU still havent blocked either me or the dfo tag shows that YOU want to argure with me and force YOUR negative opinion Im not interested in on me and other dfo fans!! Stop blaming others for something YOU do! You are not sitting on a moraly higher horse then anyone else and your fake morale code doesnt make you a better person and the fact that you try to shame people over liking a simple theory nobody harms and even stalks them like the weirdo you are and you do with me, is the prove!
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 days
So I saw that another creator, I think yk who, said a week ago they were going to address something that u said. IDK if u saw that or not but they havent said anything and now Im just confused. Thoughts????
Hello Anon thank you for the answer. I have been made aware of this "addressing" stuff and must say it did make me sigh. I answered a question about my opinion of another blog and it was not well received. I say if they took this much issue with my opinion, they could've simply responded directly or messaged me and we discuss it. If they asked me to take it down, I would've done so. I'm not here to hurt people's feelings for the sheer joy of it, even though I'm inclined to offer my honest opinion of things one may find unpleasant.
I do not use Tumblr or any other sort of social media to be for attention gathering or for clicks or likes or whatever other reason of the sort. For Instagram and Facebook, I use it primarily to connect with my friends and family some of who I have met on other platforms. For Tumblr, I like to post my thoughts and write of things that are of interest to me. I started my Tumblr page to more or less journal my spiritual experiences and knowledge of things. If it helps even one person understand their own stuff, cool! My main interests are of an esoteric, spiritual nature.
Sure, I enjoy writing about other things related to the spn cast, including my criticisms and praises of certain actors. I enjoy trying to connect the dots between things more than anything because I believe there are hints of future events or possible future events we see in our daily lives that we might overlook should we not investigate the meaning of them.
I've said this multiple times before that I am aware my blog doesn't receive a ton of traction because for multiple reasons, including that I write about things that aren't most people's cup of tea, my posts can be rather lengthy, whatever. My blog is more or less for me more than anything else. I never expected to be popular and frankly don't aspire to be popular.
Sure, I may and have interacted with some people (including that same blogger) via commenting or direct messaging, some more than others. I do like to interact with people and get discussions about related topics going. Afterall, isn't this the point of social media? If someone asks my opinion of something or someone, I will most likely give it, even if it ruffles some feathers. If people don't like me as much for it, oh well. People come and they go, it's part of life.
The claims that I want attention from this person because my own blog doesn't garner much attention is petty at best. I view saying things like this as being upset and trying to make me feel the same. Truth is, that blogger blocked me weeks ago because of differences in opinions and that is okay. If I wanted their attention that much, I would've tagged them myself in a post or comment (oh yes, I have certainly done this before) or you know, DMed them.
The Anon who sent me the ask that started it all is who threw the direct tag in the ask, not myself. My mistake for answering it perhaps but shit happens. If the attention gathering or drama to gain traction on my blog is their narrative, so be it if it helps someone feel more at peace with life or whatever they hope to attain. I wish them the best and hope they continue to do their thing so long as it brings them joy.
FYI, This is the last ask I'm answering about this tidbit by the way.
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collinnmckinley · 1 year
(TW: discussion of kink)
Man that was uh...wtf was that anon.
I think when it comes down to the bottom line regardless of how anyone feels about what your saying (I agree with you) you allowed to say your opinion.
I'm a firm believer of 'dont like don't read' and that you shouldn't comment negatively on someones work unless they ask for it. For fanfiction online is supposed to be simply shared. You haven't tagged (from what I've seen) anything in any of the x reader tags, you haven't gone on to other people's posts and complained, you havent blazed anything, you haven't named/shamed any blogs by name. None of what your saying is truly oppressive or bigotry. You have simply vented in the safety of your own posts. For someone to get mad about that? They have no real right. It's not fair. It's so entitled, if you can't vent here then where can you?
In terms of your argument, as someone who is more into kinks, even enjoying the odd CNC piece, I believe your totally right in what you say and the way your feeling is so reasonable.
The COD fandom wouldn't last a day in the real world. What fustrates me with all this fanficiton is not only is it out of character but everything's written and encouraging bad BDSM behaviour. Like NO ONE does BDSM like this.
There's no discussion of boundaries, theres no aftercare description, there's no love and care in these fics. BDSM is supposed to be a performance, it's ultimately light hearted and supposed to be enjoyable to both parties. It's playing around with your partner because that's what sex is supposed to be, fun.
The shit these people right is so obviously not right. It's directly the shit you see in high production porn, something that is always made to look good. Not to feel good. This stuff is all just normalised toxic and unhealthy relationships. What concerns me is with the forever younger generations, if this is the normality then what will they be like in an actual relationship? It effects their every day interactions too! Blatenly calling people daddy / mommy in mid day- that whole 'mommy- sorry- mommy- sorry...' tiktok trend is a perfect example of it. That shits embarrassing! It's uncomfortable and removes the whole part of 'concent' in the entirety of kink.
Forgive me that I go a little off topic but I firmly believe that this behaviour is part of a bigger picture. It shows the fandom interactions that dictate day to day life. The way that people talk to the actors, interact with the actors and voice actors in the game shows how fucked up this all is. There's no line between fan and artist. When it came to fanfiction in history there's always been that line. The shame, fear even, that always kept fandom seperate. Sure sometimes people would say what pairing or sexuality to the creator but nothing like we have today. For them to literally have to turn off chat because of what people are saying in a live stream is terrible! And I think it is directly linked to how normal and casual people online have become about these sort of things.
In terms of wanting to be degraded and CNC the entire thing is supposed to fantasy created in a safe environment. Sometimes it's not exactly something that someone can explain why, or go into the whole situation of mixing pain / pleasure. Yet people have lost that integral piece of the puzzle. It's fustrating and you don't have sex like that every single time?? They treat the most hardcore shit as your average Tuesday missing the preparation and communication that goes on.
To be honest, I'm probably one of the writers in the r6s that you dislike, I can't say I believe that I write either COD or R6S fully in character, even so, I can't imagie looking at COD characters and reducing them to this lack of safety careless playthings. People look a Price and, well, you can never tell someone sexual preferences but, they look at him and are like 'ah yes this man would have no regards to ones sexual safety' like ?????
When hes about to torture the butcher he makes is to clear for not only Gaz's boundaries but for Nik's aswell. No strings attached, their word is final and it's something I really appreciated as a player as well.
This man is constantly in danger having to deal with violence and torture and then people exspect him to come home and do what? The same thing on his partner? I can't imagine it, I genuinely don't think this man could stomach hurting his partner even in a safe BDSM way. It's the same with all these men in the military, why would they want to bring that home?
I'm not into König but I have played as him on the odd occasion in game and you can sort of get a feel for his personality. The shit people write about him is so incredibly out of character even with how little is defined by him. This man is the most nerdy character in the game. He so gives off the vibes that he's a massive gremlin with his voice lines and people look at that and are like 'ah yes he would treat me bad' Pardon me? He would have a fucking mental breakdown if he hurt his s/o.
Even Graves, the bastard he is, wouldn't do any of this shit. Sure he betrayed 141 but you can still tell he cares about his team, one of the things that makes him and the shadows such a compelling and enjoyable antagonist, is that he feels so human and realistic. When he starts to lose it and shout at them in Las Almas, you can tell he regrets it. You can tell in his voice that he's trying to keep it together and stay as that fun casual commander thing he has going on.
Admittedly I've used him for plot before but the people who hardcore simp for this man, how could you look at someone like that and thing he would rule the bedroom with an iron fist? The man who gets his employees to say 'yup-yup' instead of affirmative.
As someone who does write and does strive to make people as in character as possible, (admittedly with varing results) I just don't understand how people can go so far fetched. Whenever I've been given an prompt or whatever I'm constantly looking at intrections and lore that back up characters. A lot of stuff so many characters just wouldn't do. Daddy kink is the bane of my existence. Not because I don't enjoy it but because people assign it to everyone and in all honesty? Ive literally never met a man who's into it. Same with mommy.
In terms of characters across all the games I've played I think there's like maybe one character who I genuinely thought might be into it and that was Pagan Min from Farcry 4. Maybe Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries.
Yeah you can never tell someones sexual preferences or what they do in the bedroom but you can at least try. Have lore or reasoning to back up your reasoning. Not this cluster fuck of general unhealthy, unrealistic glorified BDSM. It baffles me that people think that these characters would be even remotely comfortable with some of the stuff people wrote them to do.
What's the point of simping over a character if you're not actually wanting to be with the character?
At the bottom line, tiktok (and modern internet in general (it wasn't this bad until tiktok but it has been getting worse over the years)) has shown a bunch of adolescent people pictures of the COD characters. With the easy access and desensitization of kink this has created the effect we have today. I don't actually think any of the people who write this shit actually care about the characters. Their playing with the characters like dolls. A name and a face to an oc personality they have created in their head. Or even just taking tropes of people and applying them.
Your fustration is responsible and the way your expressing it is responsible aswell. This is your space. Your not hurting anyone, in fact your ability to recognise and create commentary on today's fandom scene is a positive rather than a negative.
Welp, there it is. You read it again. I dont think I actually need to say anything or reply to it. Everything has already been said in this ask can actually convey what I have been trying to say the past two days, what we have been trying to discuss the past two days. detailed and well put like a thread. I'm gonna tag COD so people can actually read and educate themselves about this matter and that it should not be taken lightly.
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normiematsu · 11 months
26-30 lets go
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
sober yuu would be pretty light footed i think. the type of person who accidentally scares people because it's like she just materialized behind them. shes a lil clumsy tho, not super spatially aware so its not uncommon to hear a thud and a groan from the other room cos shes walked into something lol.
blasted yuu... no sense of coordination whatsoever, falling all over herself and anyone/anything in her path. leaves a path of destruction wherever she goes. should be firmly seated the whole time for everyone elses safety 😭
27. if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
not particularly interested in sports but if she had to pick one it would be baseball for both watching and playing! its a low stakes sport you can chill out to for the most part (<- opinion of guy who has never seen the lengths jyushimatsu goes to for baseball)
she won't say no to joining in on people's games regardless of the sport but i think if they know her at all they secretly wouldn't want her on their team bc she'd make them lose.
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
showing she cares - makes a mental note of things her friends/partner enjoy and brings them up. "this reminds me of u!! ^_^" etc... and through physical touch, she likes hugs and patting ppl on the shoulder or back to reassure them/make her presence known! this is gap moe 2 me bc shes shy about it only if its pda... also she likes making cute bento to share.
when she dislikes someone - she tries So Hard to be polite to everybody but her face always betrays her lol. will be saying and doing nice things while unknowingly giving the Yuuchan Stare... sounds polite but anyone can tell shes struggling to stay composed. nightmare world. she doesnt really interact with people she dislikes if she can help it though, to her it makes more sense to save herself the headache of putting herself in an uncomfortable/tense situation
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
i havent thought about this one much before but she gives off earthy energy to me? most of the time shes like a voice of reason but in a nice way. at the same time though i could also see her as air bc shes kinda head empty and does what she wants when she wants on impulse lol
30. do they smell like anything notable?
yuuchan strikes me as Perfume Enjoyer... nothing crazy heavy, but if u got close enough i think she would smell like something sweet. like strawberries or a mix of soft fruity scent ^_^ all her hair products are 110% strawberry scent.
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babiebom · 1 year
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Masterlist of all my works!
I'm Babie or bom or any other nickname you want i dont mind as long as its nice!
I used to be thee fanfic fairy but decided to rebrand
I'm 23 my mbti is INFP
She/her but I don't mind they/them
My ult boygroups are nct(prefer dream), seventeen, bts, exo, and super junior
Biases: Ten(wayV), Yuta(127), Jeno/Jisung(dream), Hoshi/Scoups/Woozi, Yoongi, Chanyeol, Donghae
My ult girlgroups are blackswan, twice, girls generation, red velvet, Le Sserafim, Kep1er
Biases are Fatou(I love all of them tho), Jihyo, Tiffany, Joy, Yunjin, Bahiyyih/Yujin
I often play video games!
Mainly Stardew, Minecraft, Sims, and Dead by Daylight
Though I do play Apex Legends, GTA, Halo(the old ones its been a while), Valorant(only deathmatch bc people are scary), other simulators
I do like kdramas though I havent seen many recs are appreciated
Same with anime and mangas!!
Remember to press read more for who I write for and my rules!
Who I write for!
📽Tv shows, Movies, and books 📖
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who
Twilight Saga
Harry Potter
The Walking Dead
The White Lotus
The Outsiders
Once Upon a Time
Dead by daylight
Stardew Valley
Mystic Messenger
Five Nights at Freddy's(specifically security breach but others are fine too)
Dream Daddy
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Ouran High School Host Club
Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Remember these are to keep everything nice and safe!
I currently do not write full on smut, but requesting NSFW things are allowed I do not mind writing suggestive things or mentioning sex it's just writing actual sex scenes as someone who is a virgin seems weird to me
Requests are always open unless stated otherwise, when requesting please do not hound me I am often suffering from writers block but I will get around to it as soon as I possibly can!
No homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, or anything of the sort of any kind in comments or tags
No bullying!
If you have criticism please be polite about it! I accept it but being mean and leaving hateful and mean comments will get you blocked and your comment deleted. No second chances
If you are under the age of 18 please do not interact with my work. Reading it is up to you though I would advise you to be careful with what you ingest online!
No spamming please!
Recommendations are allowed just be kind about opinions and NO SPOILERS PLEASE
I will not write anything nsfw or shipping wise for underage characters
Anything Ouran related is aged up because In my eyes they are adults since I finished the manga
I do not write for Freddy Kreuger. I hate the bitch
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d3df1zh · 7 months
HIIIII!!! my name is clover and this is my intro post. i WOULD make an about page but i really don't want to bc im lazy keep reading if u wanna know thingz abt me bc this will take a while trust
okay so, i go by he/she/they. I am a minor and i don't know if i'll post a lot but i got some heavy fandom opinions i might share bc i get kind of passionately rage-filled at some things.
i'm also aroace!! interests!!! ☆ there's a lot so be warned
any colored, bold interests are ones im REALLY into so you dont get bored reading - if you havent gotten bored already
only bold interests are ones i adore but aren't fixating on at the moment my interests are ANYTHING cuphead related (casino cups, etc.), gravity falls, splatoon, idv (i dont play the game bc i suck but i love the lore + chars), undertale/verse, HORRORTALE ESPECIALLY, silent hill, rdr2, resident evil, lego monkie kid, jttw, any mythology really, scott pilgrim, heathers, coroika.. kind of?, tmnt (2012 & 1987), white day; a labyrinth named school, the path (videogame), sonic, FNAF, madoka magica, serial experiments lain, MY OCS!!! (I HAVE DOCS ON ALMOST ALL OF THEM PLEASE ASK ABOUT THEM!!!!), um jammer lammy, hollow knight, fictional horror, PETSCOP, luna game, cookie run kingdom, REGRETEVATOR!!
i have more interests but they're more minute so its unnecessary to name ALL of them also theres already a fuck ton of text soooo ! oh i also like making my own versions of aus (especially problematic ones or poorly written ones (ofc im not bullying any creators of aus by saying them and their creativity sucks, they don't suck, but some popular aus are just..... ugeeeeehhh. also some creators are bad people so they kind of deserve it. I just want to make a better space for fans of said aus.)) byf ☆
i am anti-sanscest, i find it weird, im sorry
i really do try not to be super mean in a rant/opinion but i will be passionate and stern about it
i am somewhat a spicynoodles anti? i just don't like it, im sorry ^same with purecacao
i make sexual jokes sometimes, not very often in public though
i block whatever and whomever i want /lh
i dog on mischaracterizations of my favs a LOT (or just mischaracterizations of any character) (staring at you 'horror' sans fans) (i'll made a small rant on my main abt the mischaracterization of horrortale sans and i'll do it again. it'll be on my queue and be way firmer stg!!)
if i accidentally interact while im on ur dni list, PLEASE feel free to block me! I like posts mindlessly so I don't often check dni lists unless i want to follow someone!
dni ☆
basic criteria, vivziepop supporters, hazbin hotel/helluva fans, dsmp/qsmp fans, zionists/pro-israel mfs, pro/comshippers, whitewashers or ppl who think blackwashing is real, i think thats it just don't be weird
that might be it, i'll freely edit this if i want to make any changes!! :3 hope i can make some quality content (i will not)
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herbeloveve · 6 months
hello!! I’ve seen you post a lot about the idea that butch and femme relationships come with roles that both butches and femmes have to fulfill, and thought off the top of my head that you might be a reliable person to ask to elaborate slightly on that concept? Like, what defines these “roles” and how are people meant to interact with them?
I feel I may fit into one of these categories, however I am relatively “newly liberated” in my self expression so I havent really navigated either one. That’s mostly irrelevant, but just for context in case it helps. I’m fully aware you’re most likely not a walking historical database so if you’re not up to answering, (obviously) absolutely no pressure!! It seems to be a very important aspect of femme/butch identity that’s being erased to an extent by modern discourse and expression, and I don’t want to solidify my external identity in a way that participated in that kind of erasure. Though, again, feel free to ignore this completely.
it has been way too long and i am so sorry for not answering this sooner, i really wanted to get this Right, yknow?
First of all, I just want to say thank you for coming to me about this, I feel very honoured that you trust me with your questions — with that being said I feel it is important for me to tell you that I’ve only identified with the femme role for around 3 years. I by no means consider myself a ‘baby femme’ but in terms of longevity, I am still new and learning and coming to terms with what femme means and what it means to identify with that role. Alongside this, I recognise that butch/femme is not necessarily lesbian-exclusive, though I am coming at this through the lens of being a lesbian myself.
Another thing- this might get long, and I may also come back to add anything I think of later, so if you would ever like to DM me, please feel free. 🩷
For ease, I will be referring to butch-femme as BF. 
While there are no criteria in terms of set ‘rules’ for being butch or femme, there are general ideals and roles that are typical within BF relationships and their respective individual identities. Not only that, when experiencing these roles and living them, they’re not supposed to feel restrictive; and they do feel that way, then these labels might not be for you- which is okay, but I’ve recently seen a lot of comments suggesting that BF culture is restrictive and doesn’t feel freeing. This isn’t the case for those who are BF- I found such freedom when I learned and grew into the femme identity- and I know this is the case for the majority of butches and femmes I see online. 
I wish I could find the full quote, but I once saw someone refer to butches as being ‘the helpful one’. Which, in my opinion, is absolutely true– to me it feels adjacent and much alike to the concept of butch chivalry! 
". . . a butch is someone who has taken on the best gendered characteristics of both woman and man, left a lot of the stuff born of misogyny and heterosexism behind, and walked forward into the world without apology." – S. Bear Bergman, "Butch Is a Noun"
I am femme. I find comfort in butch lesbians and protecting them. I love being on my butch’s arm. I love being confusing to cis and straight people because they look at me and don’t understand me. Exploring my femininity through being femme has brought liberation in a way I didn’t know was possible.
I think a big misconception about BF identities is that only butches can fall into ‘gender non-conforming’ and femmes only fall into it because of their relationship with butches, this can be the case for some femmes but, certainly not all. While femmes are typically feminine presenting, we can and are still be gnc, non-binary, trans, etc. Many femmes will present feminine, but it is often a different kind of feminine and one that is rooted in their gender and sexuality– we will choose not to shave our armpits or legs while wearing our skirts and dresses. Femme is exaggerated and rooted in queerness and LGBT identity.  
You are right, in saying important aspects of BF culture have seemed to be erased; I don’t know if this is solely due to modern discourse, but I feel a part of this is a lack of BF-specific spaces. I find this, especially in smaller cities and areas where BF culture - and lesbian subcultures as a whole - are virtually non-existent. For example, my country, and by effect, my city, has very limited BF-specific events, clubs, etc. Whereas if you went to NYC, you might find more of the culture there. 
In my experience, a lot of the BF subculture has been found online, through literature, and through art. If you haven’t already, I really do urge you to read the likes of Stone Butch Blues, The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader, Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme. I haven’t read Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, but I hear it’s also a good introduction on the history of BF identities. 
I think what can be daunting about BF identities is there are more identities within them - Stone Butch, Stone Femme, High Femme etc. and exploring these are also quite scary- especially when it comes to trauma and past experiences. I don’t want to get into this too much, but if you have follow-up questions, I will absolutely do my best to answer, though, Stone Femme [tops] and stone butch [bottoms] exist and are loved. 
Final thoughts before I go on separate tangents… There is no one size fits all when it comes to BF identities. You are well-within your right to try different labels and see how they fit, and if they don’t fit then that’s okay! It’s all a learning experience.
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intersex-support · 1 year
Hi. Ive been thinking about something for a while, I was hoping I could get a second opinion (not a medical opinion, just like what do you think about something). Sorry for my English btw, it’s not my first language :)
Maybe five or so years ago I found out I am a genetic chimera, it’s because I have both XX and XY in my body, it’s actually not uncommon and likely very uncounted since most people dont get genetic tests. But for me you wouldnt know just by looking, I was like “oh neat” and that was it
Then recently I was in a trans Discord call and mentioned the chimera thing, and someone was like, “oh so youre intersex?”
And I didnt know how to answer that because I understand that being intersex is an experience in addition to sometimes being a medical thing, and I dont want to claim an experience I havent had, I had a pretty standard endosex childhood and puberty. Apart from the event from five years ago, having mixed chromosomes hasnt affected me lots. They said mixed chromosomes can cause fertility issues, I don’t want kids so this isnt a problem for me. Plus Im also trans, so Im on hormones by choice since a little over two years, my transition has been pretty typical so far
But I also dont feel like saying I’m endosex is true, so usually when I want to talk about it, I say I am a chimera
What Im curious about is your takes. I know not all intersex people will have the same ideas about it, but I dont know any intersex people or even other known chimeras in my daily life, so I thought I can ask here, thank you!
Hi anon,
You are definitely welcome to identify as intersex! I know several other people who are chimeras who identify as intersex, and every single major intersex organization that I know of also recognizes people who are chimeras as intersex. Of course, you don't have to use any terminology that you're uncomfortable with, but know that the intersex community would welcome you.
One thing that I really appreciate about the intersex community is the diversity of experiences we have. There's no one intersex experience-some of us will be identified at birth and have a totally different set of interactions with the medical system and social experiences. Some of us will have really noticeable traits, some will not have as noticeable traits. Some of us will face a lot of discrimination, some of us will not have it affect our life that much at all. Some of us will have a lot of involvement in intersex community spaces, while other people are not as interested. And all of those ways of being are valid and we are all just as intersex.
All you need to be intersex is to have an intersex variation, so you definitely count. If you're ever interested in checking out intersex community spaces, we have a list of intersex organizations. Of course you don't have to change anything about how you view yourself or interact with the world, but if you ever want to connect with more chimeras or other intersex people, there's defintely options!
Best wishes, anon.
-Mod E
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coldercreation · 4 months
Hiii, wanted to answer this in te comments but didnt know that tumblr doesnt let you write long comments soooo, i’ll share you here my thoughts about your last post.
I feel like in new friendships we do take things slow at the beginning as a protective mechanism for ourselves because even if you are interested in the other person, they may not feel the same way about you and it is better to start things slow and not to rush them out. Simple and short conversations to now if you are compatible and stuff. Thats how i think friendships go most of the time. Ofc it may not be necessary that way and it would work out in a matter of a day or so. I have 2 friends that met each other at college in the first day of the semester and somehow found out they had a lot in common and they clicked sooo well, they started being friends that day and currently they are still best friends. It’s insane…hasnt happened to me yet hahaha.
In the dating department i’m not sure because i havent dated anyone lol so take my opinions with a pinch of salt. But maybe that feeling of acting hard to get and showing desinterest to a potential partner actually makes the person more invested in knowing you. Like, i don’t really get the psychology behind it but maybe people that are already interested get intrigued enough to keep trying to know the person that is acting aloof. And i do think that taking things slow and chatting casually is kind of the same for friendships. You start slow to test the waters first, make sure if you are compatible etc.
But that thing about showing interest and people stop talking to you because of that…idk it might happen because it feels like they are too desperate? or maybe like they want something else? That intensity may be scary but i do think it depends on the situation and the people involved. Still, generally, if we dont focus on things like feeling afraid of intimacy and stuff, most people would want to be a little more hard to get to not seem like…keen and desperate? And that way the other person can feel like it wants to meet you more, like cracking a code. If it’s too difficult and you are not that interested to begin with, you probably will walk away, and if you are interested, it may awake your curiosity and interest to keep going.
I feel like I started going off on a tangent somewhere hahah But it is an interesting topic
About what you say in yours tags, i believe you have to give yourself credit for trying to be friends with people. When we are younger we may just stick around people because of proximity and because we are young and tend to be more friendly(?? like, you are friends with your neighbours because they live close and you go out and play, and then you are friends at school because you see each other everyday and are still developing your personality and you are all learning together and probably you go with the flow more easily than when you are an adult. You may start working with people with widly different interests than you and people have more defined personalities and have lost their childlike-way of interacting with people. We are more careful about it maybe. And yes, compared to when you were in school, you naturaly interact with less people regularly and it is more difficult to meet people compatible enough to be friends. Unless you go out frequently to meet new people (personally still struggling with that hahaha).
Anyways, this was an interesting way to start my day: actually using my brain. Did i make sense? Hopefully yes ajdksk
Thank you for this lovely!<3
I think you're hitting all the points I was thinking too! Slow and steady is probably the most natural and comfortable way to approach any kind of relationship, unless you find that kind of instant connection like your friends had!
It's all a very interesting dynamic/phenomenon for sure. I found some articles talking about how being too 'nice'/'open' can make people feel like you have ulterior motives, because why else would someone be so nice to us? Or, like you said, it's read as desperation, because apparently people are only openly interested and invested when they have no other options -> and if they have no other options, there must be something wrong with them.
I remember being like 5 years old and this other kid really really wanted to be my friend for some reason, and I just wanted nothing to do with them? It went so far that the kid told the teachers that I wasn't playing with them and tried to have it happen that way :'C Looking back I think I was also being a lil asshole lmao, but I also remember feeling uncomfortable with the way the kid just wouldn't leave me alone and would just follow me around when I clearly wasn't interested. So maybe it's also some natural reaction on some level?? Because I don't think I was rejecting the other kid to be malicious. I don't know, we were really young though, so I don't know how that'd apply later in life with adults' social skills.
It's so fascinating, because there definitely are personalities and times when a person just is genuinely... a nice person? genuinely interested in us? no ulterior motives but being friendly and wanting to get to know us? There's also a plenty of reasons why people might not have friends currently, and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with them. As someone who had to build a new social cycle as an adult, this assumption always made me feel some sort of way lol. Like, people move cities/countries/jobs? People have health issues? People realise the friend circle they had wasn't a good fit? I find it sad that wanting to have (new) friends/not having friends is so easily labelled desperate or even a red flag (which it can be! but I think it should be checked case by case basis), but then again, I think that's more down to the way the person looking for friends goes about it?
These articles I found were from a romantic relationship perspective btw, but I think it probably applies to friendships too.
You made sense perfectly hahah, thank you for the response to my random rambles xx
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spamgyu · 5 months
Hi love,
Alright, I'll start off with this, the wonwoo fluff, girl, I hope you know that good fluff IS about the most mundane things and yeah, you got me all giggly while reading this one, so I'd say you're fucking good at writing fluff( as if your pretty boy series isn't enough proof of that).
Next, the Alex Kwon update, it's absolutely hilarious, but the way I can totally see this happening, like, alex having to pay them to stay away from Alex!yn and telling her they're all red flags. Also, Andrew, Sam and Chris not being on his close friends, loll, girl I was laughing reading them complain. The cutest thing though, the Alex or alex✨️ was so adorable and I loved the update, it felt like early compensation for the pain you're about to put us through with the hoshi idol angst.
Now, minghao with lv, god I've been wanting to see this happen for so long but oh god, ge looked so gooooood. Seeing him Jackson makes me so happy, I love seeing the members interact with their friends. You see, I have quite a weird connection, I started off as a bts and blackpink fan, got to know Jackson through namjoon and then svt through jungkook, so watching all these groups interact is like my source of happiness. When I tell you, I was over the moon seeing lisa and mingyu interact, they're absolutely hilarious, the way gyu looked so done with her while she seemed to have the time of her life annoying him. Sorry, I got distracted, the whole point is Hao looked absolutely fucking amazing in that denim on denim look.
Okay, I see people talking about how they can't afford to stan more then one group, and I totally get that, like I have serious brainrot because of stanning more than one group(can't say I regret it though). To give you an idea of how deep my brainrot runs, I stan 5 groups, 4 boy bands and 1 girl group. When I tell you that I'm rotting, I mean I genuinely am, because just one grp is enough to drive someone crazy and yet, I choose to do so with 5 groups. The fact that I started off as a cubic doesn't help my case either, because I was instantly drawn to these 13 men being unhinged. It's been years and I still haven't gotten used to this, and to be quite honest, idk if I ever will.
As for disconnected calls part 2, umm, I would actually love you even more if it was angst(just a personal opinion) but like, I can't guarantee I'll be alive to tell you how much I love it, because, well, cheol angst is one of my weaknesses, I can't say I've fully recovered from the pain from the 1st part and the apartment we don't share.
Anyway, how have you been?
hi omg – wow im so late replying buuuut
thank u i KDNWKD i think i think too much about fluff bc ??? idk ?? i hate cheesy things and i feel like people wont like what i think is cute so then i never actually go through with it but AHHH THANK U
alex kwon just dont want the boys annoying him in the gc bc lbr the guys wont ever comment or swipe up on Alex!yn bc like theyre dumb but theyre not pigs... anyways its alex's way of not wanting to show his lover boy side to the boys
i loooveeddd the denim look sm and i loooove when we get svt interactions with other idols (imo it humanizes them) anywaysss
KFNENF yeah i stan multiple groups and im mostly casual stan for all but svt (but tbh some carats may think im casual for svt bc i dont really go crazy with purchasing merch) anyways now that it's concert season my pockets are HURTING
LASTLY disconnected calls pt2 will be angst and maybe equally as painful as the apartment we wont share....... i havent fully written out ehe BUT NOTED
also i am.......... okay ish.... work is.... work and i am ....... surviving lmfaoooo
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