#but if i were going to pick from these two it would be the history shoes
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makuyi13 · 2 days ago
Lucy, X-Men is because of me? Wow...
Batman TAS, Wednesday, Heartstopper (I don't have Netflix)
All my socks look the same
I have smoothie trauma. My mum, convinced that me and brother were slow eater sat anything but smoothies, fed us blended monstrosities for five years in elementary school. I can no longer drink 99.99% of smoothies, but the 0.01% I can drink are pretty good.
It depends on the occasion and my gender.
Soft-boiled with salt.
Anything close by that fits between pages. Or a dog-ear.
Black, because I own many, many of the free black T-shirt that my youth ensemble gives out every year. After that, blue.
I used to collect Japanese erasers. I still have them.
I'm very bad at smelling anything but peanuts (allergic). I like the sound of the ocean.
I love it when they give us a bunch of book quotes to pick from.
I wear glasses half the time.
He never says he'll do something if he doesn't want to do it. Only if he wants to. And if he wants to, he'll do it if it kills him. This is my favourite thing about him, but also my least favourite.
Home for me isn't as much a place as it is a person, a feeling, an action, a food, a moment, a situation. It's when I'm by people I love and I can feel okay with myself being with them for once and we're just vibing.
I have a good few houseplants. None have names.
I have an oversized beige hoodie that says "Lothlórien: Home of Lembas Bread" with the Leaf of Lórien on it. It's really comfy, and I got it printed in Vietnam. I've had it for several years now.
Some rings
I wouldn't want to have watched anything from history. Sorry.
Harry Potter
I love those classical sculptures of women. I just love them.
It's either another '80s song or some really sad song about betrayal and stuff.
I don't know.
I have my ears pierced once. I would like a second piercing right next to it. As for tattoos, none, thanks. The most I'll go is a temporary finger tattoo.
I can't cook for shit but I can bake muffins. And earl grey lavender cookies with lemon glaze.
No. They're all on my violin case.
Yes. I don't remember what my favourite set was.
It's organised in some areas. On the left we have all the jeans, pants, and in drawers, underwear and socks. In the center, it's a free-for-all. On the right, we have shirts and a few sweaters and hoodies. We are Asian, so shoes go by the door, not in the closet.
"Please Don't Say You Love Me" by Gabrielle Aplin
Blue. A cosmic blue, probably.
His name is Peter, and he is a tan dog with dark brown ears.
I'm decent at the what-is-it-called-the-little-soccer-guys-in-a-box?
I don't care.
Hello? Everything I watch and listen to is alien to my friends.
My friend vented to me.
Yes. I don't have a favourite.
I hand people the exact amount of money. Occasionally, I don't, and I just shove it back in my wallet.
It fluctuates from being the most beautiful handwriting and being horrendous.
Nothing that comes to mind.
Yes, unless I'm in the middle of something.
They're all the same.
Pretend it's not raining.
Dark, silent, in my bed, kind of cool, but not hot; two blankets, specifically one thin, one thick. The thin one under the thick one.
50 Questions Just Because
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Describe your favorite pair of socks
Do you like smoothies?
What do you wear when you have to dress nicely?
How do you like your eggs?
What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
What color dominates your closet?
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
What sounds or scents calm you down?
What’s your favorite kind of uquiz question? (Lyric, color, aesthetic, etc)
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
What’s something about your best friend that you love?
Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
What are some places where you feel most at home?
Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
What’s the last thing you ordered online?
What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
What’s your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
What kind of math are you best at?
What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Iced or hot drinks?
Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
Are you a good driver?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
Did you play with Legos as a kid? What was your favorite set?
Is your closet organized? If so, how?
What’s the last music video you watched?
If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Headphones or earbuds?
Can you read analog clocks?
Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at?
Do you mind if others are in the kitchen when you’re cooking or baking?
What’s one show you watch or musician you listen to that your friends know nothing about?
What was the best part of your day today?
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
What scent is your deodorant?
Do you have any games on your phone? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite?
Do you shower with the lights on or off?
What do you do with spare change?
Do you have good handwriting?
What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
Do you like to go on walks?
Do you have a favorite plate or bowl?
What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
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lsunstreakerl · 1 day ago
Seconding the matching tattoo ask but except of in darkbull in SH and done in a safe environment
900 words for you, a little Search History slice of life :)
Daniel is blinking at him. Max stares at him over the table, their plates empty in front of them at the restaurant.
"Max. Do you seriously think I would have this many if the pain was anything like a car crash?"
Max wrinkles his nose.
"You do not need to make fun of me Daniel. I am of course just wondering."
Daniel rolls his eyes, bumping their feet together under the table.
"You'll barely notice it, I promise. Honestly, it's kind of impressive you haven't ended up with one already, considering how much you partied."
Max had almost gotten a stick and poke at one of Marc's parties in Catalonia, but thank god for Bezzecchi, who'd talked him out of it.
Granted, he'd then gone and sat right where Max had been planning on sitting and gotten his own, but-
Those guys are odd as a default.
Max also has zero intention of letting Daniel know about that, because it means admitting he was at a Catalonia party, which means inadvertently admitting to about fifty other things that happen at those parties.
He'll spare himself the embarrassment.
"What were you thinking of? You weren't exactly very clear in your text, mate."
Max lights up, feels a smile pulling at his mouth.
"I was thinking about a marigold flower, yes? Up my forearm- here, I worked out a sketch with the artist-"
He pulls the photo up on his phone. It's two orange Marigold plants- one has three leaves on one side of the stem, with three leaves on the other. The second has one leaf on one side, six on the other. Max had worried it would look unbalanced, but the way the artist had twined the flowers together- it still looks natural.
Daniel's face does that weird thing where he really wants to hug Max but isn't sure if he's allowed.
"They grow up so fast- and you two are nauseatingly cute, by the way."
"Shut up."
Max pockets his phone again, heart buzzing in his chest. He's excited about it- had never considered getting tattoos before, never really had anything so world-encompassing that he felt the need to ink it into his skin.
Charles, though.
He's worth it.
"Okay, but would it hurt more or less than your hair transplant- ow, why the fuck did you kick me?"
Pierre scowls at him.
"Say it a little louder next time, I don't think the people in the freezer section could hear you."
Charles turns his nose up as he inspects a bell pepper.
"I'm just wondering."
"That one is shit- get the one next to it, it'll be good longer."
Charles frowns.
"How can you tell? Also, what if I want to make it tonight? Max will not tell me where his is going, so I have no idea-"
Pierre leans over to take the pepper from Charles, setting it back in the stand and grabbing the other that he'd pointed out.
"The color- if you are not careful I will have Esteban give you the fruits and vegetables presentation. We both know you aren't cooking anything tonight, don't be stupid- and why does it matter where Max's goes? Pick what you like for you."
Charles dutifully takes the pepper, dropping it into the basket.
"I think between my shoulders? Or maybe my sternum, I cannot decide."
Pierre makes a face.
"Both of those would hurt."
Charles stares at him.
"I think crashing a Formula 1 car hurts worse, so I am not worried about my pain tolerance, Pierre."
He grabs an orange.
"I just wonder where he would like it better."
Pierre sighs, long and drawn out- exhausted enough that a nearby shopper looks at them weird. At least- Charles assumes that's why they're being stared at. That they're both still in their race suits has nothing to do with it.
"That is also a shit orange, Charles. I'm going to make Esteban give you the speech, and you're going to take notes, yes?"
"I thought it was a nice orange."
"I find it hard to believe you two need this much moral support."
Oscar's voice is dry where he's squished next to Fred in a corner of the tattoo shop. Pierre snorts, not even looking up from his phone.
"I won't speak for Max, but Charles is afraid of needles."
Max's head whips over to Charles.
"You did not mention that?"
"Thanks, Pierre. I am not that scared of them, I just don't like them. It is worth it for you, Max."
Arthur makes a disbelieving hum from another corner, but it's cut off with a strangled grunt as Logan elbows him in the stomach.
Daniel laughs from where he's sitting on an unused countertop.
"Well, I'm happy to hold whoever's hand needs it. And by that I definitely mean Max, no way he doesn't cry."
Max balls up a paper towel to throw at him, but it isn't quite dense enough, floats to the ground between them.
Charles bites his lip not to laugh.
"Don't be a asshole Danny, you said it wasn't going to hurt-"
"So maybe I stretched the truth a bit-"
The tattoo artist lifts the gun off, carefully wiping at Max's forearm.
"What do you think?"
"Oh wow- That is much nicer than the stick and poke Bez got."
Charles chokes on his water- they'd finished the morning glory between his shoulders a little bit earlier, and he's been watching the work on Max's since then.
"Sorry, what-"
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alpaca-clouds · 1 day ago
How the French Revolution lead to Capitalism
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Alright, this is another thing that I was asked about from some Castlevania peeps, as I mentioned this. And I guess, yeah, it is fair that should elaborate on this.
The French Revolution - somewhat inadvertent - gave us capitalism and everything that came with it. Sure, capitalism would not have happened without colonialism and mercantilism already being in place, but that does not make it less true that the French Revolution was very influential in giving us the system we have now.
If school taught you anything about the history of economic systems, it was possibly that the system before capitalism was feudalism. Chances are, everyone skipped over mercantilism.
To quickly go over it again:
Feudalism was more than just an economic system, but basically is a word to describe medieval society overall. Under feudalism pretty much only nobility and the church can own anything - especially land. Everyone else is just leasing it from them and will hence have to pay part of their harvest or whatever they make on that land to the nobility that owns it. Meanwhile the nobility is beholden to whatever king they live under as well, making the money automatically acrew on the top of the pyramid. If harvests were good, this could work fine. But in years of bad harvests the peasants were often fucked.
Mercantilism was the trading system that was brought on by colonialism. To make it short: Mercantilism was a system that sought to exploit the colonies for their raw materials, to then create products from those within any given country to enhance the value. It also sought to mostly export goods and not import them (colonies were after all "part of the country"), so that the country could acrew as much money (as in gold and silver) as possible. While a lot of the companies used for this trading were held by nobility, this is not true of them all. As such the mercantile system allowed for certain merchants to become as rich if not richer than nobles.
Which brings us back to the French Revolution. Again: France had once again a war with the English. After all, chances are that if you pick any time before the French Revolution, England and France were at war. And because of that war, France then went to help the American Revolution. But two wars one after another put France in dept with a lot of people, and Louis XVI could no longer pay this dept back. So he raised taxes. And as nobility and church, who held more than 50% of the wealth of the nation, were not taxed, the peasants were like: "I don't think so, buddy." Partly, too, because the last two years had had really bad harvests and people were already starving. Hence: Revolution.
One of the earliest things the Revolution established, was that "every man is equal and should be treated as such in the eyes of the law" (of course, at this time, with the asterisk of "unless they are a slave"). While women were generally still discriminated in large parts of France, they still also gained a lot more legal protections and rights such as no-fault divorce. (Which Napoleon quickly did away with, and it then took until 1975 in France that no-fault divorce returned into law.)
Now, some of you might point out, that The Wealth of Nations was written before the French Revolution. But to that I say: "Well, Marx wrote Das Kapital in 1867 and last I checked, we still don't have communism."
Smith, when writing, The Wealth of Nation was largely inspired by the fact that he did not like the Mercantile system in place. As someone who read the darn thing (no, I do not recommend it) I also still have to say, that it is not the worst. While Smith assumes some things that by now we know are wrong (like barter), this is far from the Chicago school capitalism of our days. Smith even muses about the question that his proposed system might work better, if there is some safety of housing and food for the laborers.
Though of course we should also keep in mind, that Smith was originally a theologist and boy howdy, does it show. Something that modern economists do not like to admit: When Smith talks about the "invisible hand of the market", he does not mean that the market is somehow all-knowing and perfect. He means literally God! He basically says: "Well, God will keep the market balanced."
But as I said: Smith very much - just like Marx - laid out a criticism of the current system and a theory for how to improve it. He did not manage to get this system pushed through.
Because at this point Edmund Burke entered the picture. He was a British statesman, who most certainly had some thoughts on the French Revolution. I would even argue that some of them were valid, but not all. Two very valid and for the time progressive thoughts he had were, that he opposed slavery and capital punishment. He also criticized the Revolution for the "everyone is equal" bit, while clearly not treating slaves as equal. A much less progressive thought that he had was, that nobility was a good thing, actually, and so was the monarchy, and everyone actually profited from that. He was a very religious man and thought that the system of kings and nobles was indeed intended by God.
However, Burke eventually befriended Adam Smith, and the two of them spend days talking about the economy and God. And through this Burke realized one thing: If the people were no longer willing to just accept the rule of nobles because God said so, they might very well accept it, if it was based on merit.
Now, I do not want to make Burke out as a mustarch twirling villain, because he honestly believed that this was a good thing that would somehow help everyone.
Most of all, he believed in this idea of thr "natural order" of things. (This is a theme that the vampires bring up again and again in Castlevania Nocturne. The idea, that if not by the laws of God, then some still are fated to rule by the law of nature.) And he believed in clear societal hierarchies.
And from this arose the idea of capitalism and the meritocracy. Basically: Yes, we use a free market, and those who have the most money and hence the most influence actually have earned this position through their hard work. They are in this position by their own merit. Please ignore, that former nobility with their generational wealth had a much better starting position in the free market, than your average peasant Joe.
And here is the thing: Burke was at times the paymaster of Britain, so his thought kinda mattered. And while he did not live to see the thoughts he and Smith shared come to fruition, he is one of the big reasons, this system arose.
It was a way to secure nobility's rule over everyone else, even after the death of the old system.
And mind you, this kinda stuff was absolutely also discussed in France. Because once the people managed to get somewhat the same rights for most people, there absolutely was a conversation whether certain things like food and a living space should not also be included in those rights. Especially as during the French Revolution the price of bread and soap (among others) was very, very instabile, making the thought that the state should guarantee it a very natural one.
Some of the people living under the French Revolution - especially those, who also brought forth the anarchist thought - were absolutely proposing something we would today call socialism at the very least. But of course, in the end it was for naught, because the Revolution eventually failed - and once Napoleon was in power, such conversations were quickly stopped.
Of course, it should be noted, that either way: The system we live under during those last 25 years has a lot more in common with feudalism once again, than anything Adam Smith envisioned. And while Smith was also a conservative, he did not approve of feudalism.
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voidangxls · 3 days ago
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Thats New! ʚ♡ɞ
╰┈➤ a part of my valentines special!
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pairings(s)- Percy Jackson x Cupid!reader
Summary- What happens when one of your infamous arrows guide you straight to your destiny?
category- fluff
warnings- all characters are 17+, not accurate to Cupid history, not proofread
word count: 4214
masterlist; valentines special; percy jackson masterlist
Every 100 years a person is born from a singular rose sprouted from the ground, these people are called Cupids. Now they have their own names but Cupid is what they are referred to by random people, or in the history books and folktales.
When born they are automatically at the age of eighteen, In the 100 years they are living their job and sole purpose is to help others find their true love. The catch is, if they find their own true love something changes. If this happens is when they finally start to age, no matter how long they have already been alive and now they don’t pursue their job anymore. If you happen to meet your own soulmate another will be birthed from a singular rose and take over the job for you as you continue your life as human. Now most Cupids didn’t find their soulmate, so it was very rare for someone of your kind to be overtaken with love of their own.
Truthfully being Cupid was lonely, you were simply a creation. You didn’t have parents or siblings, you just had to watch people around you fall in love and help them fall in love all while never experiencing it for yourself. In your eyes love was beautiful, but for you it was also a curse. You weren’t confident in the possibility that you could find your soulmate in your lifetime, truthfully you didn’t think it would happen, it very rarely happened to Cupids.
Some Myths and folktales about you and your kind wert wrong, some were right. Yes, you did have wings, yes you had a bow and arrow, yes you loved love. No you weren’t a baby, no Cupids weren’t always men, and no there isn’t only one Cupid. Your wings were a pink and tan ombre-ish color while your bow and arrows were red your arrows has hearts at both ends of them. I mean you were cupid after all, you had to have a heart design somewhere!
Today you were in New York, as Cupid you traveled around the world, simply going about your day and if you sensed that two people around you were soulmates you would pick up your arrows and aim. You had just shot two of your arrows at two girls while walking through the park, after you aimed and hit them in the back you watched as they interacted, the both of them having just met their soulmate without even realizing it. You smiled and walked away, continuing about your day and walking towards the beach.
You walk onto the beach and look over at the sky just above the water, you inspected the beautiful glow of the sun on the water. One thing you had always loved was the ocean, maybe not the scariness of it but you thought it was beautiful, especially at sunrise and sunset, it was so beautiful it entranced you. When you would have to use you your wings to fly from state to state or country to country your favorite thing was flying above the water, plus a lot of the sea creatures seemed to love you.
Your wings tingle and your senses are overtaken with a need, it was a Cupid thing. Turning to your left you spot a man making his way off of the beach, that was it. Quickly you reach to your side and grab your bow and arrows, perfectly aligning it with his back and letting it go, it flew through the air and landed straight into the water instead of the mans back. Your eyebrows furrow and you are taken aback, that never happens, Cupids have 100% aim, it caused her to worry.
Quickly you grab another arrow and align it straight with the center of his back, letting go and it hits itself into the mans back at the last second. Imagery for only your eyes to see, red hearts appear around his body for a moment before disappearing as he walks further out of eye distance. No, his soulmate wasn’t in eyesight of you but you could sense that she was near and they would be crossing paths soon, they would work out even though you didn’t shoot her as well.
But right now your focus was on your first arrow. You stash your bow back to your aide and march your way over to the water where your missed arrow had landed. Were you dying? is this what happens when a Cupid dies? It hasn’t been 100 years yet, not even close. Why was your aim messing up? this wasn’t supposed to happen nor did it ever.
With still furrowed brows and concern etched across your face you lean down and grab your red arrow from the water that had simply been floating at the top, still in the same place it landed. “thats new” you murmur to yourself.
Although when you stick your arrow back into your quiver something happens. A small section of the water in front of you starts to lift up into the air on each side of you to create a heart. Your face if possible holds more confusion than it had before, but this time instead of worry as well your face holds curiosity. You read your hand out and gently make contact with the water heart but when you do so the heart breaks apart, back into two separate small waves and one of them tug you closer to the water. “woah!” you stumble. Pulling back hastily you slightly bend your knees and become eye level with the waves “what is this?” you whisper to yourself, secretly hoping the wave would answer it but it clearly didn’t.
The two waves then point forward, towards the rest of the ocean and suddenly there is a path of pink, red, and white roses lining just one slim path of the water that you were sure only you could see. Your eyes light up at the beautiful sight while the two waves you deem as friendly urge you to follow the path that was seemed to be made just for you.
You think about it for a moment before lifting off of the sand gently with your wings and flying just above the water, following the path of multi colored roses.
Unknowing to you, on the other side of the path was a vert confused demigod. Percy had been peacefully sitting by the water, messing with it as always when suddenly a path of a bunch of red, white, and pink roses in the water enter his line of sight. He doesn’t know what this means, how to go about it, or if it was a message from his father but the only thing he does is freeze and stare at the roses in amazement. “thats new” he murmurs to himself.
Confused by the strange encounter Percy ended up staying sat at his spot on the beach by his cabin to see if anything would change. He probably should have told someone about the strange encounter but he simply couldn’t, he was too entranced by the view.
It took you a bit to get towards the end of the path or roses. As you’re flying you can see the end of the path in your vision but you come to a stop when you see a boy at the very end of the roses, he was sitting on the sand with a white rose spinning beneath his fingers, you couldn’t help but notice he was very attractive and looked around her age. After inspecting him for a moment your senses start to tingle and an aura appears around the boy.
You were confused, as Cupid your powers never went out of their way to take you to someone just so you could help them meet their soulmate but here you were with your powers telling you that this boys soulmate was there and you needed to hit him with one of your love arrows. You sigh and reach for your arrows from your quiver then aim at him, letting go of the string and seeing the arrow fly through the air. All or a sudden you let out a scream, you’re falling. Your wings gave pit and you were hurdling towards the water beneath you.
You had been bracing yourself for the impact of the cold water with closed eyes so you didn’t even notice how your arrow completely missed the mystery boy and went straight into the water instead. Which again never happened but happened for the 2nd time that day. The cold water you had prepared yourself for never enveloped you, instead the only thing that was enveloped was your calfs and below. Your eyes shoot open on surprise and look down in shock, the water had swooped up into the air and clutched at the bottom of your legs, stopping you from hitting the water entirely. You’re breathing heavily as you look down confusingly at the water encasing your legs.
“Who are you?” A panicked voice calls out to you
Your head snaps up towards the voice and you make eye contact with the boy you had shot with your arrow, or at least you thought so. “What?” you exclaim in response to the boy, you knew exactly what he asked but you wanted to prolong the question. I mean who would believe you when you said you were Cupid? No one would so whenever you were born you gave yourself your own name for whenever someone asked.
“I said, who are you and what are you doing here?” The boy says stronger than the first time, he was holding his hand palm out towards you which confused you strongly.
“My name is y/n and I don’t know how I got here, I swear” Okay maybe you lied a little bit, well I take that back…about everything but who cares.
The boys facial expressions looked just as strong and determined as it has been the entire time. “Okay, what are you?” he asks, emphasizing the ‘what’
Your face confronts in confusion “what are you talking about?” You ask in exasperation and you look him up and down from your spot in the air, little ways away from him. He raises a brow at you and then nods “you have wings” He points out. At his words your body stills and you thin your lips. You totally forgot about that, no one ever saw your wings because you never flew in front of people so it was easy to forget that you had them sometimes. You give up, slumping your shoulders you then give him a bored look “look can I get to land first? I don’t really like being held in the air by water”
The boy looks thoughtful for a moment before he seems to decide he trust you at least slightly and moves his hand in a certain way. When he does this the water moves forward, towards him, carrying me with it. Looking at him then down at the water in amazement is then when you notice that your arrow never hit him, it completely missed and hit the water instead…for the second time today.
As soon as your feet hit the sand you start to speak, your face covered in shock as you look at the still unknown boy in front of you. “So, What are you?” He asks curiously but still just as strongly as before. You raise an eyebrow at him “you’re Posidens son” you say knowingly, avoiding his question. No, you didn’t know at first but seeing what he did with the water told you that he was a kin to the greek god because you knew he wasn’t the greek god himself.
“wha- what are you talking about?” Water boy stutters, taking a step back further away from you.
You roll your eyes and reach down at the water that meats the sand, grabbing your arrow and placing it into your quiver. You figured you might as well tell him who you are, I mean he was clearly Posidens son so he had experience with weird and unusual things. Holding your hand out you then introduce yourself “Hi, i’m Cupid and you’re Posidens son, although I don’t know your name. Unless its actually just ‘Posidens Son’”
The boy stares at you and then your hand, his eyes switching between the two. He then hesitantly takes your hand in his and shakes it “Percy” He tells you his name. You nod in response “I like that” you respond, the both of your hands separating from each other
When the boy told you his name you couldn’t help but feel a rush of happiness and butterflies, you didn’t know where that came from. Thats never happened to you, you’ve never experienced butterflies like the people you’ve targeted have, it was weird… but you liked it. For some strange reason you wanted to be close to him, know everything about him but you had to hold those urges back.
When Percy saw you in the air falling he thought you were literally a falling angel and when he got a look at your face those thoughts didn’t change. He was mesmerized, he truly didn’t think he had ever seen someone as close to perfect as you but that didn’t change the fact that you were a random person on camp grounds uninvited so he had to keep his guard up. When you got even closer and when you begun speaking he felt butterflies erupt in his stomach and flutter through his entire body. You were the moat beautiful person he had ever seen and as far as he could tell right now you were very sarcastic, and so was he. He felt the overwhelming urge to get to know you which he never really felt before.
Despite what he was feeling at the moment Percy looks you up and down in deep thought “you said your name was y/n, but you also said it was Cupid. So which it is?” he asks.
You nod your head to yourself, debating on how you should explain it. “Well you can call me whichever but technically I am a Cupid, I just go by y/n to normal people” You shrug
The boy nods along and when you’re done he couldn’t help but ask a question after hearing your explanation “you’re a Cupid?”
“I am Cupid…of this small time period” you respond
He looks at you still slightly confused even though he knew exactly what you meant, he just couldn’t believe it. “You’re Cupid…of this time period” He repeats almost exactly what you just said in slight shock
Nodding in response you also decide to speak. “Yes, in around like 70 years I will die and someone else will take over. Look! I got the wings and the bow and arrows!” You inform him, the last bit excitingly while turning around and showing him your wings, then popping your hip out slightly and showing him your bow and arrows
“Cupid?” He asks in shock but now you’re starting to get slightly annoyed. You just wanted to get past the introductions and get to know this boy.
“Yes, Cupid. As in I help people find their soulmates and I shoot them in the back with my arrows.” you remark in an obvious tone
“This is insane” Percy mutters, unable to take his eyes off of you. “Why- why are you here and whats with the roses?” he asks curiously, now feeling more open and welcoming towards the girl seeing as she hasn’t tried a single thing.
“I don’t know” you sigh, plopping down onto the sand underneath you. You felt dejected, you had no idea what was happened. You still had a long while of being Cupid to go, you cant die you’re immortal until you reach 100, were your powers going out for some strange reason? were whatever higher ups taking away your life as Cupid slowly, you were just very confused and upset about what was going on.
Percy looks down at your sad form, he doesn’t know why but it physically and mentally hurt him seeing you upset even though he had simply known you for 10 minutes. He plops down on the sand next to you and looks at your side profile sadly “whats wrong?” he asks carefully; leaning forward to get a better look at your face but all he’s met with is a hopeless expression that catches him off guard and makes his heart clench.
“I never miss. When I shoot an arrow its because I can sense a pair of soulmates who are not yet together are near so when I let go and the arrow goes flying it never misses, its literally a part of being a Cupid, your aim is 100% from the moment you are born…but i’ve missed twice today. While I was at the beach earlier my arrow flew into the water and then the water did this weird thing and it led me here with the roses where I missed again”
Percy looks at you in deep thought. You seemed really sad over this fact but he understood, a big part of who you are was changing, he knew exactly how you were feeling. But while he was going over your words in his head he noticed something, his back straightens “you tried to shoot me with one of your arrows?” he asks, sounding confused and slightly alarmed
You turn towards him and make eye contact “well…yes but its because your soulmate is nearby, I sense it”
“O-oh do you know who it is?” He asks, looking at you intently
You look at him awkwardly “No, all I know is they’re nearby somewhere” you shrug and start playing with the sand with one hand
Percy takes a deep breath, you seemed really upset and he got off track with talking about his soulmate. Even though he desperately wanted to know doesn’t mean he’s going to ignore your problems, he felt the need to see you smile and make you feel better anyways. “Are you okay?” he asks carefully, scooting a little closer to you.
You swallow and take a breath “I just wish I knew what this meant, my time as Cupid isn’t over yet” you respond softly. You didn’t like that the boy to your left looked sad, he was sad because of you and you hated that for some odd reason. You had never felt like this but you needed him yo cheer up
Percy is shocked to say the least, there wasn’t only 1 cupid? He would ask you more questions about your origin later, once he had you smiling but he didn’t know how to do that. Percy lifts up his hand, palm out towards the water while sneaking side glances at you. You had picked up a shell from the sand and was playing with it between your fingers but when you notice some harsher movements in the water in front of the two of you. All of a sudden a bubble of water lifts up from the rest of the water and starts getting closer to you. Now that the bubble is in front of you guys you notice one singular fish inside of it. You sit up, now on your knees and looking towards the bubble excitingly. Your eyes move to Percys happily then back towards the bubble.
Percys eyes stay glued to you, he made you smile. It made him feel a lot better, seeing you happy and smiling instead of upset and frowning and the way you were looking at him right now gave him an extreme wave of butterflies. Percy then drops the bubble back into the body of water and moves onto something else. The water right in front of them hitting the shore lifts up from the sand and forms a heart. “A heart for the queen of hearts and love” He leans into you and says, keeping his eyes in you. You look at him in shock before turning back towards the water and smiling hugely, you then reach your hand out gently to touch the water white Percy smiles softly at you. When you touch the heart the water becomes pink instead of its usual clear blue. You let out a small barely audible gasp and jump back slightly while Percy straightens and looks between you and the water in shock. And based off of your reaction he can tell thats never happened before. Since he had been caught off guard the water heart collapsed back into the water while the entire body of water in front of them stayed pink.
“Thats never happened before has it?” Percy asks even though he already knows the answer. “No” you whisper, not taking your eyes off of the now pink water in front of you.
When you finally take your eyes off of the water in front of you and look at the boy to your left you are once again met with the aura around him, his soulmate was nearby. You sigh sadly, this was the first connection you have ever truly made other than ordering in a restaurant, being Cupid was lonely but in this moment you didn’t actually feel that feeling anymore.
But what you didn’t notice was the way Percy was looking at you, he was looking at you in pure confusion and shock. You look u, ready to grab your bow and arrow so he can meet his soulmate but when you see his face you pause. “What is that?” Percy says quietly, pointing around you
Your eyebrows furrow and you look all around you, that was when you finally notice the thing Percy was talking about. You stand up and lift your arms from your sides slightly while looking around you. Around you was the same exact pink aura you are seeing on Percy, the same exact aura you see on everyone who you need to help meet their soulmate. It seems as though while you were looking at yourself is when Percy noticed that he also had the same exact aura around him, people weren’t supposed to see their aura, they never did.
You guessed that this time was different because he was Cupids soulmate, he was your soulmate! You found your soulmate, something most Cupids never do. When your eyes meet his the both of you felt this undeniable connection, stronger than it had been since you guys met. What you two felt in that moment was truly unexplainable, neither of you would be able to explain it ever but here you were staring at one another with a shocked yet needing look in both of your eyes. “Does this mean what I think it means?” Percy says awestruck.
A small laugh bubbles through you and you look down at yourself then right back up at him, unable to keep your eyes away from the boy in front of you. “yeah” you whisper while nodding. Breaking your intense eye contact your bow and quiver full of arrows start to disappear. The two of you look down at your waist in shock, your face relaxes. You knew this would happen, when a Cupid meets their soulmate they become human, they wont be Cupid anymore but Percy on the other hand was shocked and worried. He just met you, someone who he felt such a strong connection to as soon as he saw you, someone who felt like home and you were just disappearing or at least thats what he thought. Your wings then start to disintegrate and disappear which saddens you yes, you would definitely miss your wings a lot but it worried Percy. He strides the little ways forward and grips your hands into his “Whats happening?” he demands, his tone worrying. You look up at him with furrowed eyebrows, why was he worried? but then you realize what he thought was happening. Your hands move out of his and to the sides of his face, holding him gently while his hands move to your waist, feeling the need to touch you in some way. “Im becoming human, i’m okay i’m just not Cupid anymore.” you speak gently, trying to soothe him
“Why?” he whispers confused
“because I met you” you respond softly
After today Percy would try his best to hide you in his cabin so Chiron, Dionysus and the other campers wouldn’t find you but he did tell Grover and Annabeth, wanting them to meet you. After today the two of you would get to know each other in every aspect of the other’s lives and start to develop actual feelings instead of just a connection. Percy would be making sure you were safe from monsters and you who practiced and practiced to be able to fight alongside him which he didn’t like. You two would begin to love each other and continue the rest of your lives together.
Who knew your soulmate would be Demigod, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
and who knew Percy Jacksons soulmate would literally be Cupid herself.
a/n: im sick and on my period but I really loved writing this story specifically
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samhadjblog2 · 16 hours ago
Again still stanarky. Because as I've told you I get tropes I get, I get narrative beats. And I keep on telling you that by looking over Arcane. None of what you said is evidence for your claim that "The story was always going to have the two cities unite".
I'm not saying there "Length dialogue should be evidence". I'm saying if the show was going down the "direction of the two cities uniting against a common enemy" Jayce and Silco's meeting wouldn't of been the "Only" reference.
There would of been more subtle hints towards it. More characters casually talking about "Two cities uniting". Because beyond that one piece of conversation there isn't any other "Visual reference" or "Trope" that alludes to this.
The literal dialogue of the scene can talk about the basis of "Piltover and Zaun" sure. However that doesn't take away the fact this is still in reference to "their relationship". And even then its not saying "The two cities will unite against a common foe" Its saying the cities should unite.
The reason I say that its something only limited to "Viktor's story" is that its because the only dark sign of "Hex-tech being dangerous" is the"The Hex-core". And there wasn't any other signs of Hex-tech being dangerous. So yes its a isolated event. (Heimdinger was being paranoid, while at the same time Viktor was being reckless, it cut both ways).Things like the anomaly came out of nowhere and don't go into any interesting afterwards.
You keep on going on that "Im denying foreshadowing" and I keep on telling you that none of what you brought up is foreshadowing.
Because Silco and Jayce referencing Piltover's founding is the "Only reference" to City uniting against a common foe. If this was "Foreshadowing in the rest of the show". Not in the vain of lengthy dialogue as "You" keep on thinking. In the way of more references to "The cities uniting against a common foe". And there isn't
You keep on waxing on about how "Its so obvious what Vi is saying is meant to indicate the larger issues of Piltover and Zaun. And keep on waxing on how this is "literary devices to indicate bigger ideas". And I keep telling you, that while "Yes" Vi is referecing how both Piltover and Zaun can't work together. However as I keep on telling "its just one scene". And event then there are many parallels between the two cities with the characters that isn't limited to Vi and Caitlyn. There is Vi and Jinx two people who went there separate ways (And only came back because of contrivance in S2). There is Jayce and Viktor two people who also went there separate ways and were even fighting one another in the end so that would also be a muddled metaphor there.Heck Jayce and Vi has them working together only for it to go wrong. There is a lot of interesting parallels of the city and the characters that can be made however a lot of them aren't hinting towards the characters fighting a common enemy.
These aren't the "Flashing signs as you keep on going on about" they are one-scene and that's it. Take for Example "Vander being Warwick" there are so many scenes hinting that he would be the beast. They were subtle hints yes however they were also prevalent. That's the key with foreshadowing. They built intrigue they make us pick up things out the pieces to together. And if the only "Foreshadowing" is just "one throw away line" then that isn't foreshadowing.
So Silco saying "The city is founded on uniting against mages during the Rune wars". However the story was so divorced from existential threats and so that wouldn't make sense to say "This was meant to indicate the cities would unite". Because that's whole deal about "The rune wars" there not meant to be the central focus of "Arcane" there just meant to be "Lore". Something that gives the city history and shows us how this is just a small piece of a much larger story.
That's all the line is mean to serve. To act like it this big "Foreshadowing literary device" is such a reach on your part. Your waxing on about how 'This is so obvious this is foreshadowing". Because there would be more reference then just this. For example Mel would of said "It such a shame that a city united against mages is divided" or Ambessa making a big speech toward the families of Piltover about how "The city was hurt by rogue mages and so its in it their right to fight back against Zaun". "Caitlyn telling the council that this city was built on unity, we can betray that ideology by going to war".
See this isn't me asking for anything to be "Explicitly said" its me saying that "One line of dialogue isn't evidence" that this is foreshadowing. And if it were foreshadowing we would of gotten more reference to the cities "unity".
You going about "poor reading of the text" as well as "Media literacy" is why your are coming off as patronizing to me. Because you acting like "I'm not aware of what foreshadowing is" "i'm aware what parallels are" I have clear understanding of what "Themes are" and what "Chevok gun" is. Your acting like i'm not aware of these concepts. I'm not I'm just saying that all the things your brought up are "Not evidence". Silco's line about "Piltover's history" isn't evidence that this was where the show was always going. That is my argument.
Because if it was "As obvious of a plot point as you claim it to be" then there would of been more people picking up on that. And the reason why I dismiss it so much is because of what it actually is meant to be. Lore hinting at the bigger world of Rune-terra, that while the cities conflicts were more grounded, the conflicts outside the city would be a lot more complicated.
So note that my issues aren't that "I am mad that the show didn't meet my expectations" Heck I've debated against other argument towards this season. I've come to understand a lot of the seasons broader themes of "Conceding to an identity we built for ourselves limits who we are", "How the death of a person can influence our actions and warp our perception of them". And in the end i've came to enjoy some of S2's ideas.
So with that in mind I want this to say I just don't like how this show ended. Because the show was always a "Ground class-conflict". That was Arcane's main identity. That is what the story was always about.
Your point about Ambessa "being a threat" is missing my point here. Yes she "is a threat" however that doesn't "the show is foreshadowing her to be the antagonist that everyone rallies against". Rather she is someone who is going to create a lot more interesting dynamics with the characters and will be another piece in this "Political conflict between Piltover and Zaun". The Show bringing in a "Warmonger" doesn't mean Ambessa was going to be the central threat of the show.
I know that she wasn't "Aware" that she was the big bad. However my argument is wasn't "She was aware" it was "The show isn't hinting at her "being the central threat". Every character in season 1 were presented as doing morally dubious stuff time and again were never rooted as "The main antagonist". Its a show that never had easy answers. And that's what made the first season great.
So this isn't "Me" not knowing what foreshadowing is. Its "You" bending backward saying "it is".
Yes stories often times have planned ahead with things. And it was clear that what the show was hinting in the finale was this. Piltover and Zaun's conflict with one another will get more heated, Ambessa "while taking advantage of the conflict" isn't going to be the main antagonist. And that the main focus of the conflict would be "Piltover v.s Zaun" .
And also no Silco isn't "The antagonist" of season 1. Because season 1 was a morally grey story where there were no heroes or villains. Yes the show wasn't saying Silco methods were good, nor that he made Zaun a better place,however there not saying that he is "The central antagonist.
Because he isn't someone everyone ralleys against him. Rather he a character no different then Jayce, Mel and Viktor. These characters did a lot of the same things as Silco and yet they aren't pigeoned holed into being "The main antagonist" either.
Jayce making a deal with him is an indication that he and Jayce aren't as different as they appear to be. Since he accidentally killed a child in the process of "Playing the hero'". And that conflicts aren't things that can be easily dealt with.
A lot of my points about Silco is meant to show that Arcane S1 was a morally ambiguous story where there were not heroes or villains. And that "playing the hero" is only going to get more people hurt. Which all indicate that the show was never going to go down the route of "A big bad everyone unites against". Yes show's can treat different characters in different ways however that doesn't mean the way Ambessa was going to be used indicated that
As i've said before about Heimerdinger and his fear of "The Hexcore" was rational. And I'm not going to pretend that "The Hex-core" didn't have any red-flags. However as of then it was "The Only" thing that was presented in a negative light. With Hex-tech at the time being seen a very positive light and this was the "Only" negative thing about it.
Viktor's cult its pretty clear that there were a lot of questions of how it operated, and there is question to be had with how Viktor was able to rid people of there faults.(And I think this was more interesting then having everyone just be blank mannequins in the end. Because there was at least a question of whether this cult was good or not). However as I mentioned Singed pointed out to Viktor that his powers were weakening. And so Viktor would of most likely not been able to accomplish any of this. And as I mentioned the dark future still hold elements that lined up with the finale. Such as the Hex-gates which could of only of happened if Jayce got the "Acceleration rune".
Again not going to lie that "The Hexcore alone didn't become powerful. However it just seemed less like "The Arcane itself is evil". And more like just how Viktor was using it was the problem. Even then the problems that the anomaly only show themselves in one episode and nothing else was referenced afterwards.
As for you talking about the black rose. Its shown in a shot about Ekko that they set up operations within Piltover.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCjlFAefDnI )
And yeah I hear yeah about the whole "Black rose storyline" and how its just a tease to set up the next story.
And interesting read about Mel killing Maddie.
And back to my point. I'm not saying that the show "had" to end with an all out civil war. It could simply be the character trying to prevent from breaking out. Arcane could of ended in many ways Heck I really don't think the show should of ended on S2. Because Arcane had the story of a 3-4 season story. And its kind of clear that Arcane S2 was very condensed and I like a lot of people thin Act 1 should of been a season in of itself same with Act 2.
The thing about "Why" I didn't like the ending because none of this "Was" set up. You make an argument for Viktor's hex-core, even then it only ever referred to "just his core". And things like "The anomaly" don't really do much. So this idea of Hex-tech having negative ramification isn't something I'm denying. Just that the "negative ramification are never fully explored with the "Anomaly". (The as for mentioned "Tree")
However Ambessa taking over is still mired in a lot of jumping hoops. Because while "Yes" she was presented as manipulative she wasn't the "End game threat". Because not every story ends up with two parties uniting against a common foe. Often times there is going to be a continued war until peace brought about. Again the story doesn't need to end with a civil war rather that the conflict remains on Piltover vs Zaun.
And even if this were the case. I still think the show forces itself to get to this direction. Because so much of the events going this way. Viktor "Glorious evolution" Viktor still believe in humanity until Jayce shot him.
Also the whole conflict about Viktor and the Loop is also pretty far fetched. (I've seen people point to Viktor paralleling with the wizard). However to claim that this was "All a loop" is just nonsensical. Because the whole conflict started with Jayce getting the rune and making Hex-tech. Had he never gotten the rune he would of never met Viktor, and Viktor would of never started "The glorious evolution".
And so yes my main issues with how it ended was that this was all contrived. So much had to happen in order to get the story to where it needed to be. That is heart of my issues with this ending.
I mean Sevika's council seat isn't something of need of monologue just that I think a similar scene were someone on the council reaches out to Sevika and the rest of Zaun and try to work out a deal. A scene not to different from the one with Silco and Jayce. (Also its a bit cheap that Sevika was sidelined hard after episode 4 and barely gotten any lines. )
I get that Caitlyn monologue is meant to present the loss of tragedy and how there is still hope. Just like how she ask Vi is she is still in this fight. I get that its just that because the fight dealt with World ending stakes a lot of the tragedy felt empty. Especially when a lot of the people who died in that war (with the only exception being Ambessa) were secondary characters. Loris he barely had any lines and any meaningful moments and there is also the Jinxer who had a few line of dialogue. And Maddie who really isn't much of a character.
I get that the scene where Jinx brings in the rest of Zaun is meant to be symbolize "Zaun joining the fight". However Zaun already joining fight. And I feel like if this wasn't the case prior that we didn't have scenes in Ep8 where Zaunites join the war or have people like that one Jinx follower not join. And then we have Jinx pull up with reinforcements including her followers this would of been a more emotionally satisfying scene.
Quick note Piltover isn't run on Capitalism its run on Mercantilism. Capitalism just mean individuals own goods and services meanwhile Mercantilism in which a country owns the goods of service which describes Piltover pretty well. Meanwhile Zaun and a lot of Silco's ideals are built on Capitalism where individuals own goods and services. And capitalism isn't inherently evil its just how its used that's the issues, because left no regulation becomes corporatism (Which is scene with modern America). However too much regulation leads to stagnation. And so its important to find a happy medium between the two.
Which brings back my first point. While yes the hex-core was an example of negative ramification of Hex-tech however it was was the "only" example because how Hex-tech was presented in S1 was pretty positive. While yes Jayce made his hammer that didn't make "Hex-tech" bad, it was just how Jayce used it. I won't argue that Jayce and Viktor chased ambition too much in season 1. However that didn't mean Hex-tech because the Anomaly was never alluded to. (Again "The Tree" and how it was so quickly forgotten about). Heimdinger while having legit concerns was still being narrow minded. And that was kind of the beauty of the first season Hex-tech wasn't this dangerous force of nature not to be messed with, nor was it this abundantly great thing that has no set backs. There a medium where Hex-tech can do both "Good" and "Bad". That's what the Hex-crystal is meant to represent "infinite potential".
And if you want to make the analogy of the hex gates being allegory for environmentalism and how that affects the lower classes. I the show muddles this plot but never further with this anomaly since the tree is all but forgotten. And any further ramifications are never explored further and just feels like cheap lip service to this concept. And I get that Viktor only merged with it because he connected to it. However its not what caused him to "Bad things" it was of his accord that led to bad things and while again his cult wasn't perfect there was some question to it. That didn't mean there was "some" good to it. Because then he still was open to people retaining their "Free will". And only believed "Free will" was bad after Jayce shot him.
On to your argument about how in life "There comes a moment in life where we might have to put our differences aside for the greater good." However that begrudgingly uniting against an enemy isn't present in this finale. Because as I said Zaun already joined the fight willingly. And even with that in mind the stakes are "End of the world". And so there is no question to any of this. As I referenced with both Christine and Amanda's post. These were things that they wanted to avoid with their writing.
And so the whole "It doesn't last" sentiment doesn't feel like this what the ending was going for and what we got is "The conflict wrapped up in a neat bow". There's a lot of monologue from Caitlyn sure, however it just a lot of "Purple prose" that feels so wordy and feel like they mean nothing.
Caityln is a can of worms, to put it simply "No" she isn't some evil mc evilton. However I think why a lot of people don't get or emphasize with her is because a lot of her emotions aren't as clear as they should so much of Ep.1 has to carry so much story in where we see her grieve but never take the time to let it all sink in for ourselves. Next time we see her in Ep3 When she uses "The Grey" in a montage which doesn't get us to see the greater ramifications of the its affects. "Yes i'm aware she only used on "The Chem-baron's however that doesn't mean that people who were in the wouldn't of been harmed by its usage. (And in all truth this should of been a seasons worth of a story. As well as explore the ramifications of those actions. For instance Ekko's tree a lot of people rely on it for clean air and they are currently dealing with so many people coming in that they don't have enough room. So why not explore Ekko's feelings about the Grey being use as well as confronting Vi about her joining the enforcers. Have Viktor's reaction be shown as well, he has Jesus healing powers now so why not have him try to help the people affected by the Grey.) And we get to Ambessa making her a head general in that same episode, we simply just have no regretting her actions after a time skip without allowing the audience to emphasize with her making hard choices. And when she tries apologize for actions in Ep.8 once again a lot has to be condensed and in turn everything Caitlyn do's just feels empty. That is why I think people had issues with her this season.
As for your sentiment about how these themes could tie into things such as Race,Gender, sexuality, etc. I feel like they are a lot more specific for that to be the case. And even with that things like race,gender and sexuality are judged upon things due to class conflict. Because its the dominate class that decides what is the norm. And I speak as a neurodivergent NB that you really couldn't
Society shapes culture, culture influences people and people influence society and economics is a vital organ to society. There intrinsically linked to each other. Its a part of its identity.
And "yes" that is what this story has been. Trying to figure how to resolve these issues. The as for mentioned "Silco and Jayce scene, we see this with Vander making a deal with Grayson. There have been ways the characters have been vying for a solution to this conflict. Because that is what the first season set up. People trying to figure out a way for the under-city to prosper.
To make the claim "nor does it make a fantasy action show where one of the characters punches people with giant gloves and another has a giant hammer that shoots things into a political drama." Is such a tone death take.
Because while yes Arcane has "Big Magitech weapons" that doesn't mean it wasn't a political drama. If not we wouldn't have this conflict between the usage of peace and violence. Political figures making hard choices in order to obtain peace. How political figures influance the world around them. How the world changes through the rise of innovation.
And it uses big Magitech weapons to talk about these idea's. Lot of fantasy stories use out their concepts to explore political ideas. Arcane is no different.
And sure while there are other themes in the show as well that doesn't mean the show wasn't about "Class".
Just accept it. Your bending over backwards to claim "Arcane is not about class". When it was.
“What happened to rebel Vi? Season 2 destroyed her character!”
“What happened to rebel Vi” is that Vander took her to the bridge where her parents died in his revolution and asked her what she was willing to lose. Then she meets Cait who is gentle and kind while still being tough and it makes her rethink how she sees topside. When Jinx tells her she changed too, that’s what she’s talking about.
I’m sorry if you thought Vi was going to be a topside-hating revolutionary in Season 2, but that’s clearly not where her character arc was going. Remember how she forced her way between Ekko and Cait? It seemed very straightforward that was the role her character was taking on.
I feel similar about people who act like the show was betraying its premise because it ended with reconciliation/Zaun and Piltover working together. Again, the fact that two of the most important relationships were between characters from both sides and that they made a point of talking about Zaun and Piltover first coming together against a common enemy was a pretty clear indicator that was the plan.
Now, I get being annoyed that that was what they chose to do. You don’t have to love the creative decisions of media, just like media doesn’t have to compromise its creative direction to satisfy you. But not liking that they went that direction is not the same as the show having bad writing or engaging in character assassination.
Everything Vi did in season 2 was very much in character with how she changed and who she became throughout Season 1. Hell, she used enforcers and Hextech to raid Shimmer facilities before Commander Kiramman ever threw on a beret. So, yes, actually wearing the uniform was a huge and complicated decision that she was definitely not happy about, but it also fell in line with what she had been doing.
There’s meat for another post at some point about the three different Zaun/enforcer partnerships we see in the show: Vander/Greyson, Silco/Marcus, and Cait/Vi; but I’m not going to go into that now.
TLDR: “Rebel Vi” who wants to fight all of topside hasn’t existed since the end of the second episode of the show.
Editing to add that Vi doesn’t see attacking Chem Barons as attacking Zaun; she’s taking down the people who are destroying Zaun.
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everlastingauthor · 17 hours ago
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Husband Shanks Headcanons
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➣ Tags: Shanks, GN Reader, Marriage, Fluff, Traveling, One Piece, & Comfort
➣ Media: One Piece
➣ Request Open: Yes
➣ Author's Note: Since Shahks won the poll between him and Sir Crocodile, that means Shanks gets the next headcanons I'll do Sir Crocodile right after. If you enjoy my silly writing and want to stick around for more then leave a comment, like, reshare, and hit the follow button.
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✦ Shanks has been married to you for some years now you were originally Luffy's teacher, teaching the young boy who dreamed of being a pirate about money, reading, counting, and history. Whenever Shanks came to pick up Luffy or you would bring Luffy to Shanks, the two of you would talk. Shanks would share a drink with you and tell you tales about his adventures. The more you two hung out the more the two of you slowly would fall in love with each other and you eventually dated, it did break your heart a bit when you had to leave Luffy and your other students behind because you agreed to travel with Shanks, but you were the one begged him to let you go with him. You knew that Luffy and your students would be good in hands with the new teacher, so you set sail with Shanks.
✦ The two of you had a small ceremony of course that celebration dealt with a lot of drinking, so you were glad to stay in bed with your husband Shanks while you rubbed his back and ran your fingers through his hair; Shanks would always tell you that he enjoyed your touch that you were like an angel everything you touch you gave a relaxing feeling to. Shanks would roll on top of you and pepper you in kisses until you are laughing and begging him to stop.
✦ He bought the rings, you raise an eyebrow when Shanks talks about how he bought the ring. But you believe your red headed husband about how he didn't steal the rings but instead bought them by doing tasks for berries and then getting the ring, he was originally going to propose to you before setting sail, but plans change when you begged to travel with him.
✦ He adores watching the moon and stars with you, he thinks you have a beautiful moonlight glow and will hold you close while you two count the stars until you grow tired or bored. Shanks is impressed by your knowledge on different moon phases and the constellations. But he'll always tell you that you ate the brightest star his life and you brighten up his life more than the moon itself.
✦ Gifting, Shanks will always gift you something from every place you and his crew visit. Whether it's an outfit, jewelry, flowers, or rock. Shanks always has a gift behind his back before it's time to set sail for a new adventure, Shanks loves to always see your surprised or curious expression but soon he has to come with new ways to approach you with a gift - Since you started to catch onto his gifting system along with any new tactics he has tried.
✦ He'll let anyone who tries to flirt with him that he married. " Sorry, I can't dance with you because I'M MARRIED. " or " " You should be careful talking to me like that because I'M MARRIED! " Shanks will never let anyone try to flirt with or get into his pants, even in a drunken state he's well aware that's he married and that no one can take his pants off but you.
✦ When Shanks in the mood he'll let you know and you'll already know, what starts off as a normal cuddling becomes Shanks rubbing your stomach and soon your thigh. While telling you how beautiful you are and how you smell much nicer than anyone one the ship. He'll shower you in compliments while rubbing your thighs, you'll roll your eyes playfully and tell him if he wants to fool around. He'll act clueless while agreeing. " You're in the mood? I had no idea but hey if your up for it then we have time. "
✦ If you get sick during traveling Shanks is right there taking care of you, he'll go get the ship doctor or anything else you need. He'll put his first mate in charge while he takes care of you. He can't make the ship stop rocking which makes you throw up from time to time. But he'll bring you soup, tea, and medicine. He'll throw any vomit from the bucket overboard and get you fresh sheets, he'll rub your stomach and back while telling you how strong and beautiful you are.
✦ Once in awhile you and Shanks will take a stay on an island if the two of you really love it, you'll have a drink with your husband while relaxing under a tree. Sometimes Shanks will go explore with you or watch you play in the water, when Mihawk visited to show Shanks the wanted poster of Luffy. This called for a celebration to which Mihawk stayed, the sword's man still couldn't understand how Shanks was married.
✦ You know Shanks' body so whenever he's injuring you'll patch him up, but you'll also scold him in the process. Shanks knows he'll always get an earful from you, you'll always tell him that he has already lost an arm and doesn't need to loose anything else. Shanks will sit there with a goofy smile while listening to you rant about how he needs to take care of his body. He especially enjoys that you make sure his bandages are snug and you always know when to change them.
✦ Renewing your vows on your anniversary, Shanks will prepare your favorite meal and set up a beautiful area for you two to sit down and eat. He always plans beforehand your anniversary gift, during dinner he'll always talk about how the two of you first met. What he thought about you and how you changed his world. He'll tell you that you mean more to him then any amount of berries, that your lips taste better than any drink he has brought to his lips, and that he's glad he didn't leave you behind that you came with him. That all the memories you two made will forever be stashed in his heart.
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maureen-corpse · 3 months ago
The algorithm is struggling with me. On other social media sites it was showing me American Duchess shoe ads for a while and has now switched to, like, logging boots. It knows I don’t want plastic shoes. What it doesn’t realize is that I can’t afford either a nice historical American Duchess shoe for going around town OR a well-made protective boot for tomfoolery in the woods.
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zoennes · 2 months ago
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30 NOVEMBER, 2019 • ZATERDAG, 09:41
#wtFOCK#Skam#Zoë Loockx#Senne De Smet#Zoenne#LOVE HURTS#Veerle Dejaeger#Nathan Naenen#wtFOCKEdit#SkamverseDaily#SkamRemakesEdit#s3#3x08#I remember people coming to talk to me about this clip the day it dropped bc they were happy about it and I was like…#have we watched the same clip? excuse me I’m still picking up the pieces of my broken heart from the floor#no but really I understand them both so deeply here it’s the worsttttt 💔#first she’s making the right decision but that doesn’t make it a happy moment. it’s SO SAD SHE IS HAVING TO MAKE THIS DECISION SHE’S 16!#OFC if we were still in Zoë’s POV this would have never been an issue but the writers really thought they’d convince me +#my babies had unlearned how to communicate SMH they were the best at it okay? this right here is EFFING BULLSHIT#but considering it’s what they were going for I get why they’re acting the way they’re acting and it hurts#because Zoë thinks Senne wants for her to make Viktor pay for everything he’s done wrong in his life and she’s feeling like her own trauma#and how hard it still is for her to talk about it isn’t being acknowledged by him…#and Senne oh he really wants her to do it bc 1- he feels that what went on is his fault & he desperately needs his half brother to PAY +#FOR WHAT HE DID TO HER! HE’S KNOWN THE GUY HIS WHOLE LIFE (PROBABLY KNOWS THE ACCIDENT IN THE PAST MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN AN ACTUAL ACCIDENT)#they have history and that makes everything even more awful bc he doesn’t understand why Zoë doesn’t feel like testifying#I don't believe that Senne would have been this incisive hadn't he ~known~ her ab*ser#I mean I think he would have accepted her decision way more easily if he didn't feel responsible for what happened 😔#she’s been feeling all alone in her anguish and at the same time starts pushing him away#it’s painful to see how the two of them are trying here. He’s so trying to support her no matter what#and she’s so trying to be strong for herself but her eyes are teary she can barely look at him it’s too much 😭❤️‍🩹
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tiktaaliker · 4 months ago
#howling#had a lvl 1 trauma at abt 720#which sucks but we were managing fine#call er back at 750 as protocol to ask if theyve transfused and if theyll need more and to make sure they have a t&s ordered#secretary confirms that both units were transfused + they wont be needing more (lol) + a type and screen WAS drawn just not ordered yet#ok cool. all i have to do is wait for the specimen so i can crossmatch the units#im chilling in bloodbank doing bloodbank things#meanwhile. er calls the front desk (blood bank has a separate phone line. they specifically called the lab line instead)#lab assistant takes the call (like normal). theyre not sure what er said exactly but theyre planning to transfer the patient somewhere#and mentioned 'something like mpp???'#midnight tech was upfront and overheard. immediately asked if they meant MTP#lab assistant wasnt sure but said she had asked if er wanted to talk to blood bank (aka me) and they said no#both the assistant and the tech assumed that they DIDNT actually mean mtp because that would be fucking bonkers#if they casually mention it to a lab assistant and NOT FUCKING BLOOD BANK#and i didnt hear about this phone call until like maybe an hour or two later btw#anyways. yeah no they called an MTP#thats always fucking awful but they DID bring down the t&s partway thru#patient had no history and the only other specimens on file were drawn at the same time#so i order a confirmatory type to make things easier later on. it needs to be drawn by either the nursing team or by a lab assistant#screen is negative so at least we only need to do an immediate spin crossmatch on everything#we get all the units emergency issued + the platelets are ordered and issued normally after the t&s is done since it doesnt need a xmatch#er cancels the mtp. theyve transfused 6 out of the 8 units we sent them. two remaining units being sent to or#or is told directly that the mtp was canceled and that theyd need to call a new one if things escalate again#ok. things are calming down. its fine. i got all the xmatches done and theyre all compatible which is great#we get in a delivery from arc of platelets bringing us back up to 6 on the shelf (we need 5 on hand tomorrow morning for an open heart)#(at this point i find out about the phone call i mentioned earlier)#i get a call from or. my heart sinks immediately#or nurse says they need 2 rbcs and 2 platelets and theyre sending someone down RIGHT NOW to pick it up#we still hadnt gotten that confirmatory btw#im too stunned to say anything else so i just go ok. and hang up
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ms-demeanor · 4 months ago
Sometimes college professors like to hop on my posts lamenting the sorry state of syllabi these days and joke about how they haven't thought that far ahead in the course themselves, or talk about how they struggle to complete a schedule for their students.
With all due respect, that's your job. If you can't do your job, you should have a different job. If you need help, ask your colleagues or your department chair or *someone* because I know that professors aren't given a hell of a lot of education on how to educate, so you probably *need* help.
But every single time I make one of those posts I get anywhere from ten to thirty messages, replies, reblogs, and asks say "oh man, that's exactly why I had to drop out of school; I couldn't keep up with the assignments because I didn't know when they were due until the week they were due."
I have been a college student in three separate decades, and "not having a schedule of assignments in the syllabus" is new to my experience. That shit didn't fly in the 2000s or 2010s and I think it likely has to do with professors being overly reliant on apps.
AT A MINIMUM your syllabus should have:
Contact information (including preferred method of contact) for the professor
Office Hours
Grading Policy
Assignment schedule.
Your assignment schedule doesn't necessarily need to have the exact page numbers of every reading or a full assignment sheet for each project, but it should have things like:
December 1st - Major Project 3 second draft due December 9th - Quiz 10 December 12th - Major Project 3 final draft due December 15th - Final Exam
If you end up presenting a more thorough schedule with readings and homework later, that is acceptable to present a week or two into the semester but it is absolutely insane to me that students these days don't know what homework they're going to have to get done over Thanksgiving break during the first couple weeks of class.
If I had three professors at once who didn't give me a schedule, how on earth would I know if I was going to have to read three chapters of a novel, take a midterm and turn in two stats homework assignments, and complete a history research paper the same week that I'm planning to travel to see family? If I'm aware of this from the beginning of the semester I can make sure not to pick up extra shifts, or I can plan to leave a day later to accommodate the midterm, or I can start working on the paper early to complete it before the due date but if I don't know what's going to be due when, I'm going to have a big problem.
If you don't give your students a schedule you are communicating that you don't care about their schedule, and that you think it's their responsibility to contort their life (and their job, and their other classes) around your class, and honestly my advice to students in that situation is "drop in the first week and pick up another class". That's actually part of why I recommend signing up for one more class than you can really manage - if you get a professor whose class looks like it's going to be a disaster because they don't have a schedule, you can bail before the withdrawal period and get a refund for the class.
I'm only in one class this semester but the professor's response has fully dropped me into "Fuck it, I guess I'll fail" mode and I don't even know if I can pull myself out of my current D grade because I don't know how many assignments we have left in the semester.
This is a shitty way to run a class. If you can't do better than this, you shouldn't be running a class.
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spideyjimin · 1 month ago
Bloodlines entwined: I | jjk
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⤷ having a baby alone was supposed to be easy. but an accidental twist of fate pulled you into a hidden world of werewolves, and ancient bloodlines. navigating your already complicated life becomes even harder as you uncover your past; one tied to a legacy you never knew existed. and in the middle of this chaos stands jungkook, the werewolf king… and the father of your child. 
—  pairing: werewolf!jungkook x female reader 
—  genre: strangers to lovers, parents-to-be au, royalty au, werewolves au, soulmates au, angst, fluff, and smut 
— rating: 18+ 
—  words: 7,213
—  warnings: strong language, mention of death, mention of murder, mention of loneliness, mention of blood, several mentions of abortion, and crying
—  author’s note: here it is the first chapter of this series! <3 i’m actually very excited about this entire universe, i’ve been working on it for a little while already & i’ve been taking my time to write each part 🤗 the beginning is inspired by Jane the Virgin and the Flash as they are both my favorite shows ✨ i hope you’ll enjoy this part & don’t hesitate to let me know what you think 😊  
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Chapter I: when worlds collide
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Sitting in your car, you’ve been looking blinkingly at the windshield, hands trembling against the steering wheel. For ten whole minutes, you’ve been frozen like this as if moving would shatter the fragile sense of calm you’ve barely managed to hold together.
Your life is about to drastically change; you know it deep down.  
“The deed is done,” you whisper to yourself.
You let out a shaky breath, and your reflection in the rearview mirror catches your eye. You look exhausted, your eyes wide and glistening.
For two years, this moment has been building. You have thoughtfully considered having a child on your own. At first, it was just a random thought that crossed your mind, a curiosity born on one of those quiet, lonely moments where life felt both too much and not enough. Then, you deeply thought about it. The idea rooted itself deep within you, anchoring into something raw and tender: a longing to create a family on your own terms. 
After much research and consideration, you decided to go for it.
Many people couldn’t understand your choice, but honestly, you don’t give two shits about others’ opinions. What did matter to you was the support of close family and friends.
Felix, the man who raised you after your parents were stolen from you, proposed to accompany you to the fertility clinic, but you gently declined his offer. This was something you wanted to do by yourself. Well, you just came alone to be inseminated. Other than that, he has been by your side every step of the way.
He helped you to go through the countless donor profiles, and every document needed for this adventure of yours.
The process was a bit long and emotionally draining. The first steps were more like an evaluation, mostly for the clinic to understand your reasons and ensure you’ve deeply thought about all the aspects. Having a kid alone isn’t just about fulfilling your dreams but also about building a life for a child.
Once you’ve successfully completed those steps, you had to choose the donor. There were a lot of choices; it was like going grocery shopping. You were handed a catalog of potential donors with their medical histories and first names. It felt odd to be choosing the progenitor like this. After going through every profile, one of them stood out.
Following the donor selection, your cycles and hormone levels were tracked. When all was good, you’d get inseminated on your ovulation period, which technically is happening this week.  
So, ten minutes ago, you walked out of the clinic after being artificially knocked up.
If your egg is fertilized, in nine months, you’ll welcome your very much desired baby. A tiny human who will call you mom. You already picked the names, one for a girl, one for a boy. You simply can’t wait to welcome a tiny human in your life. Hopefully, the life of your baby will be better than yours.
You lean your head against the steering wheel, closing your eyes as the ghosts of your past surface.
Twenty years ago, your life was turned upside down when a terrible murderer put an end to your parents’ lives. Nobody ever found him or her; it’s like the person completely vanished into the night. That person left behind a little girl with questions nobody could ever answer and scars nobody could understand.  
Since you didn’t have any family left, you were raised by your father’s best friend, Felix. Over time, he became like a second father to you. Even though you were full of anger when he took you over, he stayed by your side and helped you navigate this sad reality; one where your parents weren’t part of anymore.
His daughter, Lexi is your age. You were already so close, and living under the same roof brought you even closer. She’s your super best friend, almost like a sister today. A smile grows on your face as you think of her. Your life would have been a nightmare without her.
Lexi was the first person to be aware of this desire to become a single mother. She even pushed you to do it as soon as you could, and she has encouraged you like nobody else. She also helped you select a donor; she even made fun of the names of some of them.
Your phone buzzes; the name and picture of Lexi appearing on the screen.
“Hi,” you say when you pick up.
“Soo,” she says. “How did it go?”
“Good, I guess?” you say with clear hesitation. “The doctor just inserted a thin catheter, looked at the screen, and said it was done,” you explain. “Now we just have to wait.”
Waiting is now the worst part, especially since you decided not to take any pregnancy test until the next appointment. Meaning, you have to wait two full weeks.
“Let’s hope the donor’s little swimmers are good ones,” she says.
While you always wanted to have a kid, Lexi never wanted one. You and her are total opposites but that’s what helped create such a strong bond between you. “Yeah, let’s hope for that,” you smile.  
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Two weeks later
A couple of days ago, you took a blood test, and now, you’re in the waiting room, patiently waiting for the doctor to call you up.
These past two weeks, you’ve been internally battling to take a pregnancy test. It’s been hard to fight the urge to discover beforehand if you’re expecting or not. On your way to the clinic, your heart was beating extremely fast with nervousness. Even the music playing in the car didn’t seem to calm you down.
Even though you’re extremely nervous, a part of you knows. You can’t explain it, but you feel it deep down. Two nights ago, you were lying in bed completely exhausted after an intense day at work. The rhythm of your heartbeat was rocking you to sleep. Amidst the thrum of your own heart, you swear you could hear a faint, smaller, and quicker rhythm.
You instantly opened your eyes, scanning the room. The sound wasn’t coming from outside. It felt like it was inside you. You stayed perfectly still, listening to that tiny sound. That night, you were rocked to sleep by that new rhythm.
The morning after, as you caught your reflection in the bathroom’s mirror, something felt off. Your brows furrowed as you noticed your own scent was different. It felt like it was mixed with somebody else’s scent, but it wasn’t as strong as yours or any other living human. It was extremely odd.
After a little while, the doctor says your name, and with shaky legs, you walk to her office. Your heart is beating at a very crazy pace, ready to burst at any moment. This is so stressful; it feels like time is moving so slowly.
“Hello yn,” the doctor smiles at you while you’re entering the room. “How have you been feeling?” you now take a seat.
“I’m good, thanks,” you smile back at her.
She sits down at her desk and takes a look at her computer.
“So, did you take any pregnancy test?” she asks.
“No, no,” you answer. “I wanted to keep the surprise for today.”
“I see,” she looks again at her screen before taping on her keyboard.
She seems to quickly read something before her smile widens. Your heart is going completely crazy. It really makes you nervous, and you try to mentally prepare yourself to receive the bad news as well. It’ll definitely break your heart but you’ll try again.  
This entire process is quite expensive, but the payment can be spread out over time rather than made in one shot. With this first payment, you have the right to three attempts. If pregnancy isn’t achieved after those attempts, you’ll have to go through another round and pay for additional attempts.
The doctor mentioned that usually, it takes about three to six attempts to achieve a successful pregnancy. Hopefully, you’ll get pregnant within those first three tries. You’re not entirely sure you’ll be able to afford another round of insemination.   
“Well, it looks like it only took you one try to conceive,” she informs you.
And right there, your heart bursts with joy. There’s indeed a little human being growing inside you. You’ll become a mother in nine months. You can’t believe it.
A little tear runs down your face as you hear the good news. It’s such a relief. You won't have to worry about coming back for another round.
“That’s good news,” you clean the tear on your cheek.
“It is indeed,” she says. “In four weeks more or less, we’ll plan an ultrasound to confirm the embryo’s implantation and check for a heartbeat,” she adds.
Well, you’ll still get worried about that because maybe until there, your baby will not survive. But you need to remain positive. No need to start stressing about it; you promised yourself that you’ll try to remain calm the entirety of the process and pregnancy so you’ll offer a great beginning of life to your baby.
“I’m very hopeful everything will go well because both you and the donor are in good health,” she says.
“Let’s hope for that,” you answer.
You then proceed to schedule the next appointment in four weeks. You can’t hide the immense smile on your face. This is the best news you got today. Nothing else will ever be possible to ruin this day.
When you leave the clinic, you instantly call Lexi.
“I AM PREGNANT!” you scream with excitement.
“Yeeeah,” she screams as well. “I’m going to be an aunty!” she adds.
“I’m so relieved that this first attempt was successful,” you admit.
Once you get inside your car, you touch your belly to caress it.
“That baby is so lucky to have you as a mother,” she says after. “And even more lucky to join our family.”
For sure, your family will extremely love this baby. It’s such a desired baby, and everybody has been so excited.
“They’ll be so loved,” you reply.
“There’s absolutely no doubt,” she says. “Dad will be so happy about this news; he’s been so excited to become a grandpa.”
Felix has expressed lately that he couldn’t wait to welcome a baby and become a granddad. This man has raised you for twenty years, and you consider him as a second father. There’s no doubt that your baby will see him as their grandfather even if, biologically speaking, he isn’t.
When you hang up, you stare into the void for a couple of minutes. In this moment, you wish your parents would be here. They would have been so happy to become grandparents, but they won’t be by your side for this new chapter of your life.
They are also the reason why you’re doing all of this. Since they passed, there’s been a tremendous emptiness inside you that even the love of Felix couldn’t fill in. This void stems mostly from the fact that you were left alone when they were killed. You’ve been feeling so lonely since then.
Throughout your life, you tried to fill it with relationships but they all failed. As far as you can remember, you wanted to follow the traditional path to build a family. However, it never worked out. Then, one day, you saw a brochure about single mothers, and you’ve been thinking about it since then.
You’ve seen motherhood as a role that will fill this emotional void you’ve been carrying for years. Plus, you’ve also seen it as a way to finally control your life. Twenty years ago, someone decided for you what your life would become. This wasn’t fair.
And you also want to give your baby the life you never got. You want to give them a loving family that won’t disappear the second the parents die. Outside of your parents, you didn’t have a family. Based on what Felix told you, your grandparents were against your parents' relationship so they moved into another city to live freely and build a family.
Life hasn’t been fair for you, but you want to make it fair for your baby.
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Two weeks later
The clinic called you this morning to urgently come in the afternoon, only making you grow concerned during the day. You kept wondering what the reason for such urgency would be. Did they notice something when they did the blood test? Did they get the wrong blood test? Are you even really pregnant? 
However, you’re a hundred percent sure you’re carrying a life inside you. You haven’t had the ‘normal’ early symptoms yet, but you can feel your baby inside you. The faint heartbeat can still be heard, and there’s still that subtle scent interwoven with yours.
For the past two weeks, you’ve repeatedly inhaled this new scent, almost to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. Most of the time, you wondered if it wasn’t something like blood, sweat, or the smell of your new shampoo. It was definitely an earthly one. One that only a human can possess.
Once inside the clinic, you’re instantly installed in the doctor’s room. Your heart is crazily beating inside your chest; you’re so nervous right now. Seconds later, a man joins you in the room.
At first glance, you’d think he is the CEO of a huge company. He’s fully dressed in a black suit with a white shirt underneath, his hands casually placed in his pants pockets. This man is extremely charismatic; something about him draws you in.  
The man looks at you while frowning, his eyes moving from your eyes to your belly. By reflex, you cover your stomach with your hands. He’s making you uncomfortable with his intense stare.
He has a very strong bestial scent, it predominates his cologne. Everything about him is imposing, even the way his heart beats; it’s so calm while yours is completely erratic. The man’s eyes are clued on you.
The doctor arrives right after and closes the door behind her. Her face is quite serious; she even seems concerned.
“Miss y/l/n,” she takes a seat at her desk. “Mister Jeon,” she looks at the man behind you. “Please take a seat.”
The two of you sit down next to each other with apprehension. You can hear his heart beating a little faster, but he remains extremely calm on the outside.  
“There’s been a mistake,” she starts saying.
The words hang in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. The doctor pauses, giving you time to absorb the gravity of the statement. Her tone is gentle, but at the same time professional.  
The sterile, cold walls of the room seem to close in around you as the doctor’s words pierce through your thoughts.
“There was a mix-up with the sample…” your breath is caught in your throat, your hands trembling. “We were supposed to inseminate you with the donor sample you selected. We still don’t know how but you got inseminated with Mister Jeon’s sample.”
Your eyes look at the man sitting next to you. All you can see in his eyes is the same disbelief that reflects your own. So, this is your child’s father.  
Many questions cross your mind, but they remain unspoken, lodged in your throat.
“We truly apologize for our mistake,” she says. “We were totally aware you both wanted to have a child alone.”
You desired nothing more than being alone in this adventure; you didn’t want a present father. That was the whole point of a donor. Now, you know the father of your child, and he’d probably like to be present.
For the past months, you went through a series of questions regarding the fact that you’ll raise your child alone. They asked you many times how you’d explain to your child that they don’t have a father. This now feels like a complete waste of time.
“We understand the nature of this situation. We will refund the totality of the treatment’s costs. We can also terminate the pregnancy if you both wish.”
Those words seem so heavy and yet, they represent the reality of the choice you now have to face. A knot tightens in your stomach at the thought of undoing something you wished for so long. The baby is now growing inside of you, you’ve got used to falling asleep with their tiny heartbeat. The only thought of not having it anymore breaks your heart beyond comprehension.
Right now, everything—your carefully constructed plans, your hopes, the small life growing inside you—seems to be slipping through your fingers.
Mister Jeon is silent beside you, his hands clenched into fists on his knees. He seems as stunned as you, but you can’t help but think that there’s something else there too. Something deeper and darker.
You ignore if he’s thinking the same thing as you, but you can feel it: the strange twist of fate pulling you both into an unknown world, one you both hadn’t planned for.
“You still have some time to decide, of course,” the doctor’s voice is still very soft.
Time seems irrelevant now. There’s a choice you need to make; a choice you didn’t expect to face. You swallow hard, your heart racing inside your chest. Your hands caress your belly through your shirt while you only hear the baby’s fragile heartbeat.
This isn’t supposed to happen. This can’t be real.
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Jungkook’s face went pale as the doctor’s words sank in.
“There’s been a mistake,” she starts saying.
Just like you, the room’s white walls feel suffocating, the air thick with a tension he can’t shake. A mistake. His mistake. He tried to avoid this situation. He was supposed to go through surrogacy to guarantee a child that would uphold his lineage. His werewolf lineage, pure and untouched by human blood.
“There was a mix-up with the sample…” the doctor’s words hang up in the air like a death sentence. “We were supposed to inseminate you with the donor sample you selected. We still don’t know how but you got inseminated with Mister Jeon’s sample.”
His eyes quickly look at you, and he notices how much you’re shaking. It seems like you’re in a more devasted state than he is.  
“We truly apologize for our mistake,” she says. “We were totally aware you both wanted to have a child alone.”
Jungkook blinks, trying to absorb what is happening. A human child. Nonetheless, his child. Having children with humans isn’t just a personal choice; it’s a fundamental rule of the werewolf society. The very foundation of his power as the king depends on the purity of his bloodline. To break the rule is to risk everything.
He knows better than anyone what happens to the werewolf-human hybrid kids together with the parents. They are killed by the pack. Being a king doesn’t make him the exception to the rule. If this pregnancy goes to full term, not only will he be killed, but the baby and the lady sitting next to him will too.  
You didn’t ask for any of this. You don’t deserve to die because of a mistake. 
His gaze filled with frustration and panic moves toward you once more as his pulse quickens. He wanted control over the situation. He never intended to father a hybrid child. And now, not only is he involved in this pregnancy, but the child is going to carry his blood mixed with human genetics. God only knows what can happen to this kid, genetically speaking.
“We understand the nature of this situation. We will refund the totality of the treatment costs. We can also terminate the pregnancy if you both wish.”
‘This can’t be happening’, he thinks.
His eyes move back to the doctors, his hands clenched into fists. The thought of the entire werewolf community learning of this is unbearable. And what is his mother going to think of this?
She was the first person to support him in this surrogacy journey. She knew how important it was for him to have a child as soon as possible because he’d been struggling to find someone with whom he’d mate. Having an heir is the first thing a king should do to ensure the legacy.
Now, he’s about to have a child with a human. That’s not possible. This child won’t have a pure bloodline, this child can’t ever be an heir.     
“You still have some time to decide, of course,” the doctor’s voice is still very soft.
The idea of termination seems dreadful, but the possibility of a hybrid child heir seems even worse. His responsibility as king, and the traditions that have been in place for centuries don’t allow for such breach. To raise a kid with human blood would mean instant disgrace, not only for him but for his entire family. How could he even be respected after this?
His entire world is slipping through his fingers. His position as king is now in jeopardy. This baby will destabilize the entire werewolf community. Nobody will respect him and will only see him as weak. Weak for having a human child.
There’s no going back. His mind tries to find a solution to fix this, or how to undo this. The idea of raising a child with a human—no matter how much it is his responsibility—is unthinkable. He never desired this and hasn’t even considered it. He has been so focused on maintaining his bloodline that the idea of a mistake happening never crossed his mind.
Your presence beside him destabilizes him beyond comprehension. He can see the confusion in your eyes mixed with disbelief. You can’t comprehend the extension of this entire problem. You can’t even comprehend the danger of mixing bloodlines, because you aren’t a werewolf.
Jungkook stands in silence for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts. Terminating this pregnancy isn’t something he desires, but having a child with a human is simply impossible. His heart beats too crazily, and he can hear yours beating just as fast. His heart and duty are pulling him in two different directions.
Finally, his eyes meet yours. His voice is soft but it carries a heavy weight. “We need to decide. This affects both of us.”
After what felt like an eternity, you both leave the room completely shaken up by the news you just got. How could this be happening?
As you’re both walking in the clinic in the parking lot’s direction, none of you dares to speak. You’re a complete stranger to Jungkook. All he knows is that you’re a human carrying his child. 
“I can’t have that child,” he finally breaks the silence.
His words cause you to stop.
“It’s too early for me to consider terminating this pregnancy,” you admit. “I need time.”
Jungkook understands your perspective. It’s not a decision you lightly take, especially if you’ve come to this clinic to have a child. It’d be completely absurd to abort after going through this entire process.
“Of course,” he says. “But I want you to know my point of view.”
You nod, understanding his perspective as well. This is such a horrible situation. Jungkook wanted to have an heir while you simply wanted to have a child on your own. On top of that, he doesn’t look like the donor you selected.
“So if I decide to keep it, would you be out?” you ask.
Jungkook considers your words. There’s a possibility that the baby could still exist, but he wouldn’t be part of their life. He’d still be losing because he wants a child, but at least this way, his position wouldn’t be jeopardized, and no one would get hurt or killed.  
“It’s possible,” he honestly answers.
You nod once more. Even though he decides not to be part of his child’s life, he’d still know that he has a kid somewhere. He wouldn’t have any trouble finding you; he already knows your smell, and he has the means to find you.
“Okay,” you say.
Jungkook watches you take a pen and paper from your purse before writing something.
“This is my phone number,” you hand him the piece of paper. “In case you change your mind or take a decision.”
The man takes the piece of paper while you give him a small smile. You start walking away, his eyes following you until you disappear inside a car.
In this situation, he definitely would like to ask his mother for advice, but he can’t. He already knows the answer she’ll give him. ‘This baby can’t exist.’ And she’s right, but he can’t force you to terminate the pregnancy. It’s your body after all.
In the eventuality that you decide to proceed with the pregnancy, he guesses he’ll let you be a mother alone and pretend like this kid doesn’t exist.
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You’ve spent the last two days crying in bed. The conversation with the doctor and this mysterious Mister Jeon has been playing over and over in your head. You can still picture everything so clearly; the white walls of the doctor’s room, the apologies from the doctor, and Mister Jeon’s piercing gaze.
‘There’s been a mistake,’ ‘There was a mix-up with the sample,’ the words still echo in your mind.
You’ve been trying to make sense of how such a monumental mistake has happened. But nothing seems to make sense. The clinic did this; the clinic took control over your decision. This chapter of your life was about you gaining control, but once more, someone decided for you. It’s been making you angry.
You’re furious at the clinic and their negligence. You trusted them with your project of building your own family. However, they decided otherwise.  
But underneath that anger, there’s another fury; one directed to yourself. You were so focused on having a child on your own terms that you didn’t stop to consider the what-ifs. You didn’t stop to consider that something might go wrong. And now, you are here.    
You’ve been staring at the ceiling for hours now, your mind trying to find a solution. Do you keep this baby? Do you terminate the pregnancy?
This choice feels impossible. It feels like no matter what your life will completely change.  
But deep down, you somehow feel some kind of relief. Because when Mister Jeon—this intense and charismatic man—said there was a possibility he’d walk away, that he’d leave you to raise this child alone, you felt lighter.
His potential absence is appealing. It aligns with your original choice, to be a single mother. A choice where your child is yours, and yours alone. But then, there’s also a possibility where he stays, or that he comes back later. What would happen then?
You press your hands against your face while a guttural growl leaves your lips. This is so damn frustrating. This should be simple. Because now, you’re left wondering what you want. Do you want to walk away from this and stick to the original plan? Or do you want to embrace this chaos, and see where this might lead?
Your hands slide down to your stomach, caressing it while you hear again the tiny heartbeat. This sound comforts you which makes you close your eyes.
For now, you don’t have any answers to all your questions. You’re not even sure you’ll have them tomorrow. For now, you’ll let yourself breathe. You’ll let yourself feel. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find the answers.  
The sound of your phone ringing pushes you out of your own thoughts, informing you that you received a message. You sit on your bed before grabbing the phone on the nightstand. You received a message from an unknown number. By curiosity, you unlock your phone to read it. To your surprise, it’s the famous and mysterious Mister Jeon.  
From unknown: hi miss y/l/n, this is jeon jungkook, the father of your child. i’d like to meet you to discuss the matter. would you be free tonight?
Your heart hammers inside your chest, ready to burst at any second. He contacted you sooner than expected. You were thinking that you wouldn’t hear anything from him for at least a week. You thought you’d have more time to make a decision before meeting him. Now, it seems you don’t, and that you’ll have a very interesting conversation with him tonight.
With shaky hands, you start typing your answer.
To unknown: hello mister jeon, we could meet tonight
When you press ‘send’, you stare at the conversation, waiting for an answer. Mister Jeon responds instantly to your message, proposing to meet in a town square. You accept the suggestion and quickly go to your clothes cupboard to pick up an outfit.
The man seems very impressive, and you want to be presentable. He’s after all the progenitor of the life growing inside you.
A couple of hours later, you take the road to the meeting point. Surprisingly, you’ve remained calm for the entire drive. Driving is actually the only thing able to calm your tormented soul. Whenever you go through something very intense, you just drive to clear your mind.
However, since this pregnancy thing, even driving hasn’t been able to help you out. You tried to drive yesterday, but it only made things worse. So it definitely surprises you that you’ve been able to clear your mind before meeting Mister Jeon.
When you arrive, he’s already there waiting for you. He’s not wearing a suit, quite the contrary. His outfit is only made of a grey sweater with a blue pair of jeans. His hair isn’t perfectly pushed back as it was two days ago. It feels like you’re meeting a completely different person.
When he sees you, he stands up. As he does so, you notice he holds a box in his right hand. It’s a small one, but it still intrigues you.
“Good evening, miss y/l/n,” he says.
“Good evening, mister Jeon,” you say back.
His presence is still very imposing, but the fact that he isn’t wearing a suit anymore changes it a bit. He seems more approachable than he was in the clinic.
“Please call me Jungkook,” he offers you a small smile.
It’s the first time you see him smiling, and it feels like a very warm one. Beneath it all and in the midst of the city noise, you can perceive his heartbeat. It’s quite rapid which makes you tilt your head. Is he nervous?
“You can call me yn as well,” you smile back at him.  
“I’ve brought you a box with some pastries,” he hands you the box. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”
Your smile grows wider at his simple but heartwarming gesture. This wasn’t expected, but it lightens the mood. Jungkook seems to be a nice person which contrasts with the cold and unreadable person he seemed two days ago.
“Thanks,” you say while grabbing the little box. “You didn’t need to,” your eyes look up at him.
After that, you both sit down on the bench he was on before you arrived. By the way he rubs his hands on his tights, you can tell that he’s a bit nervous. You try not to overanalyze him, because you know your mind will go crazy, full of questions.
“What is happening is really crazy,” he admits with obvious nervousness. “I never imagined things would go this way,” you nod.
Jungkook looks everywhere, except at you. It seems like he isn’t brave enough to face you, almost like a teenager confessing his love.
“As I told you two days ago, I can’t have this child,” he finally speaks. “I really would love to, but I’d put the three of us in danger.”
Your heart starts beating rapidly. What does he mean by ‘putting you in danger’? Does he come from a crazy family? Is he part of the mafia? This is scaring the hell out of you.
“We didn’t know each other up until two days ago, and you don’t deserve to be put in danger because of a stupid mistake the clinic did,” he seems angry when he mentions the mistake. “But I can’t force you to terminate the pregnancy, it’s your body, and it was also your wish to have a child. I can’t take that away from you.”
It kind of surprises you how respectful he is. Any other man in his position could have forced or paid you to put an end to this pregnancy. It’s really admirable.
“In case you want to keep going with it, I just want you to know that I’ll step away, and I will never come back to reclaim a role I refused from the beginning.”
You wonder what the reasons behind his decision could be. This man desired to have a child but is now refusing to have one with you because of a mistake.
“To be honest with you, I don’t know what to do,” you admit.
His piercing eyes finally look at you. For a split second, you can swear that they were red. Red like blood. This destabilizes you, and you furrow your eyebrows. You’re not sure if you’re being delirious or if this is real.
“I wanted to become a mother, but not like this,” you continue, still destabilized by what you just saw. “So it leaves me wondering what I should do. But if you walk away, I’ll be more tempted to keep the baby because, in the end, it’ll go as I planned.”
In an unexplainable way, this man puts you at ease. It feels like you can confess how you truly feel about this situation without being judged by him. This man exudes serenity which draws you even more to him.
“I get that,” he says.
For a brief moment, you only look at him while your heart peacefully beats in your chest. His dark eyes stare right into your soul, and it feels like the world completely stopped. There’s just the two of you. But Jungkook breaks the contact, looking in another direction.
“If you decide to keep the child and need any financial help, I can give it to you,” he speaks.
This man definitely seems like a good guy, and you wonder even more why he’s walking away from this.
“I won’t,” you answer. “I wouldn’t have done this if I didn’t have any means to take care of the baby.”
For sure you need financial stability to be a single mother, and you would have never embarked on this adventure without having it.
Jungkook runs his fingers through his fluffy hair, avoiding still your gaze. “Can I ask why you want to become a single mom?”
The question catches you off guard. You weren’t expecting this man—this stranger—to be interested in you.
“I didn’t have an easy life and I grew up without my parents,” you confess. “Motherhood was something I aspired to have in my life since I’m very young, and I’ve desired to give to my child everything I didn’t have. No matter if it was with someone or alone.”
Your eyes shift from Jungkook to the square full of people. It’s never easy to express out loud and to a complete stranger why you embarked on this adventure. Mentioning your parents is actually never easy; even after all this time.
Suddenly, you feel Jungkook’s gaze on you, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stares at you in complete silence. For once in your life, people’s heartbeats and scents don’t suffocate you. You can hear and smell them, but it’s like it doesn’t matter.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve had those developed skills. You can hear stuff from afar, and you can strongly smell people’s natural body’s scent. Since it’s kind of ‘normal’ to you, you got used to it; but sometimes, and especially when you’re in the middle of heavy crowds, it suffocates you. It becomes simply too much.
This is something you never told anyone, too scared to be judged. Undoubtedly, people would say you’ve gone crazy due to the trauma of losing your parents. Not even Felix or Lexi knows about it. They just think you’re agoraphobic.
However, lately, you’ve been trying to go to some crowded place to overcome this suffocating feeling. You ignore why you’ve been doing it, but you’ve been doing it. It’s still too much, but today, next to this complete stranger, it doesn’t feel like it.
“I’m sorry you lost your parents,” he whispers.
You turn to look at him to offer him a little smile.
“Thanks,” you mumble. “Can I also ask you why you’re doing this?” you dare to ask.
Jungkook nods before looking away once more. It definitely looks like it’s hard for him to hold your gaze.
“In my world,” he starts saying. “I have heavy responsibilities, and having a child is one of them. But I can’t have one with anybody. I’m very limited in who is the biological mother so that’s why I can’t have one with you.”
You almost feel offended by his words. In which kind of world can’t you be the mother of his child? It’s completely crazy!
“Oh,” you simply say.
“You could have been the surrogate…” you can hear some kind of chuckle. “But never the progenitor.”
“It’s seems like a tough world.”
His eyes look again at you; you can see that he seems to hesitate with the answer.
“It isn’t,” he finally says. “But it is with me.”
Obviously, he carefully chose his words.
“Well, I hope you’ll find the right mother for your child,” you offer him once more a little smile.
“Thanks,” he smiles back at you.
The two of you look back again at the people walking in the town square. They are walking around you, ignoring totally what you’re going through, what tough decision you have to make. They ignore everything about you, just as you ignore everything about them…  
“I’m sorry about all of this,” he adds.
“It’s not your fault,” you answer. “It’s the clinic’s.”
Jungkook shifts uncomfortably, his gaze fixed on the people walking in front of you. His heart is racing and piercing through your ears. He’s even more nervous than he was before, and it concerns you a bit. But you don’t say anything, too afraid to scare him off if you reveal you can hear his heartbeat.  
“Yn…” he starts. “There’s something you need to know,” his voice is deep and low at the same time. It’s so low that it almost drowns out by the distant chatter of people passing by.
You turn to look at him, your brow furrowing. “Okay,” you whisper.  
Jungkook takes a deep breath, his jaw tightening before he exhales. His eyes don’t meet yours immediately, but when he does, there’s an intensity that makes your stomach twist.
“When I said my world is different,” he swallows with difficulty. “I don’t mean it in a metaphorical sense. My world, my reality is not the same as yours.”
You frown even more, confusion plastered all over your face. You’re definitely incredibly confused. How could his world be different than yours? You live on the same planet, and breathe the same air. How could it be not the same?  
“What do you mean?”
Jungkook gets closer, his voice dropping even lower, barely audible. However, you still hear it perfectly.
“I am not entirely human, yn.”
Your breath catches in your throat, your heart skipping a beat. You stare at him while waiting for him to elaborate. However, Jungkook just stares at you, waiting for your reaction.
“What do you mean by ‘not entirely human’?” you tilt your head.
For a couple of seconds, he doesn’t speak, almost as if he’s scared to reveal his true nature to you.
“I’m a werewolf.”
The words hang in the air, heavy and impossible to ignore. It leaves you wondering if this man is of sound mind. Right now, you’re slightly concerned about his mental health, and the future of your child, if you keep them.
Your first reaction is to laugh, dismissing his words as if it is some kind of twisted joke. But the look on his face tells you that he’s deadly serious. This isn’t a joke.
“A werewolf?” you repeat to make sure you hear it well.
Jungkook nods. He looks tense and he maintains his deep glance on you.
“It’s why I can’t have this child,” he starts to explain. “In my world, bloodlines matter. Werewolf bloodlines are sacred, and the continuation of my lineage isn’t just about having a child. It’s about having the right child with the right kind of mother.”
The weight of his words crashes over you like a tidal wave. You stand up, your hands running through your hair. Your mind is spinning, and your pulse thunders in your ears. This is something you definitely weren’t expecting to hear today.
Werewolves? You’re carrying the child of a werewolf?
This sounds like it comes straight from a fantasy movie.
“This doesn’t feel real,” you whisper to yourself but Jungkook hears it.  
“I didn’t want you to be dragged into this world, but you deserve the truth.”
You keep your back turned to him while you cross your arms against your chest.
“This is something you need to consider if you decide to keep the baby.”
At his words, you freeze. Instinctively, your hands down move to your stomach. Jungkook’s eyes follow your hands.
“Is this…” your voice trembles. “Is this a viable child?”
If you want to keep going with this pregnancy, you need to know if this baby can survive.
“There wouldn’t be any reason why this child wouldn’t survive because of mixed blood,” he stands up and gets close to you. “But as they grow up, they’ll develop werewolf abilities. And, one day, they’ll probably turn into one. It’s pretty unpredictable, though. There’s never been a human-werewolf hybrid before.”
Damn, this is leaving you speechless. How can this be real? Werewolves are supposed to exist in movies, not in real life.   
“This is insane,” you rub your hands on your face. “This can’t be real.”
Jungkook steps closer. His presence is grounding but nonetheless overwhelming.  
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” you demand, your voice filled with panic.  
Before you can blink, he gets even closer to you. He’s in front of you in an instant, his hand gently grabbing yours. Your eyes look down at his hand as you notice it changing. His fingers elongate, his nails sharpen into claws, and the texture of his skin turns into something more beastly. Slowly, your eyes look up, and what you see completely freezes your body.  His eyes glow a deep, predatory red, and there’s something undeniably wolfish about them.
You take a step back while setting your hand free. As you do so, Jungkook shifts back, his hand returns to its normal form, and his eyes fade back to a human form. The transformation is so quick that it almost feels like you imagined it.
“So what happens now?” you ask.
Jungkook’s gaze softens at your words.
“That depends on you, yn.”
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enthusiasticharry · 27 days ago
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the one where YN gets a job as a bartender in a motorbike club's bar, and Harry runs the club.
author's note: suprise!! i'm back again!! i promised i wouldn't keep you waiting and i'm not. this is the first part in my biker!harry mini-series which i started a while ago and only just got around to finishing! let me know what you think and what you'd like to see in the next instalments!
word count: 11.6k of sexy biker!harry (that's it, that's all).
WARNINGS: strong language, smut, bike riding, a bar fight and talks of a motor accident.
let me know what you think of clover here!! mwah <3
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“Look, sweets, I’d hire you on the spot if I thought it would be a good idea,” Mick spoke from across the bar, towel over one shoulder and another in his hand drying a glass, “But it just isn’t, I’m sorry.”
YN sighed, dropping her hands down on the bar. This was the fourth one she’d tried, and so far, she hadn’t had any luck. She wasn’t asking for much – just a job to help pay for her student loans. She had graduated a year ago and bounced from job to job, and yet none of them seemed to fit. It wasn’t necessarily her dream to work in a bar, but she hadn’t a single clue about what her dream was. She had a first-class honours history degree (which she adored getting) and yet not a single idea of what to do with it.
She couldn’t think of the future at this moment, she needed to think about the now and if she wanted to continue to live in her small apartment and eat — she needed a job.
Clovers had been her last hope. It was the last bar in town that YN was yet to try, and despite its less-than-positive reputation – it was always busy, and that meant money coming in. As she turned to look around the bar, which was already quite crowded for it being early on a Friday night, she couldn’t help but imagine the cash that was funnelling through the establishment, and how she wished she could get at least some of it.
“Can I get you a drink, sweets?” Mick spoke again, offering her a soft smile, “It’ll hopefully soften the blow a little bit.”
YN smiled at the man and nodded, “Thank you. Whisky, please.”
Mick got straight to work, placing the glass in front of her, dropping an ice cube into the glass and pouring her a more than generous shot. Just as she fumbled with her purse to pull out some bills to pass to Mick, he shook his head and held his hand out to stop it. She smiled in thanks and watched as he turned and walked away, going to serve the next customer who was standing a few feet away from her.
YN picked up her drink, and just as she was about to take a drink the door beside her opened. Her lips parted, her eyes watching as a group of what seemed to be fifteen or so men, all clad in heavy leather or dark denim walked into the bar.
Of course, YN knew about them. Anyone who lived here knew who they were, but it was the first time that she had seen them this up close. The most she had ever experienced with them was the low rumbling of their engines from a distance, or possibly them riding past her but that was only ever one or two. It was their jackets that often set them apart from the rest of the riders in the town, the very specific Clover’s Riders jacket that every member adorned and what seemed like all times.
The men were loud as they stepped in, most of them heading towards the bar whilst others went to some of the other members who were already seated in the bar. YN’s eyes never left the door until the last one had made his entrance, and she just couldn’t seem to draw them away.
He was younger than many of his counterparts, probably resting at an age near YN’s or possibly a few years or so older. He was clad in the same heavy denim that many of the others wore, but they seemed to sit on his body much easier. The curls of his hair were tousled in every direction it seemed, but YN found herself wondering as to what it would feel like to run her fingers through it.
With a shake of her head, she turned back to her glass and lifted it to her lips. She took a large gulp of the liquid, allowing that to slip down her throat before she finished the rest of it. Mick was long gone from being anywhere near her, working at what seemed like double speed to keep up with the orders that the gang of men were giving him, and she felt as though that was probably her cue to leave. She would have to brainstorm other options for work, seeing as though this just hadn’t called through.
Sighing, YN pulled the strap of her bag over her shoulder and pushed up from the stool she was resting on. Just as she turned around to make a beeline for the door through the bodies that were crowding the room, she was stopped by a body in front of hers.
“Woah, woah, little darling where do you think you’re going?” It was one of the riders, standing in front of her with a grin on his features.
“Home,” she said with a shrug.
“So soon,” The man looked over his shoulder to some of his friends who were standing close by, “Me and my buddies here didn’t even get to say hello.”
“Right, okay, hello,” YN nodded to the man in front of her and those behind him, “Really have to get going.”
The man extended his arms so that she couldn’t carry move from her space in front of him, “Let us buy you a drink little darling, I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
“I’ve already had one, thank you, and it was very enjoyable,” YN offered them another small smile, “Now please move out of my way so that I can go home.”
“Hey, none of that,” The man shook his head, “Stay with us, I promise we’ll make it worth it.”
YN hummed, tilting her head from side to side lightly, “I’ll pass but I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding someone else to make the night worth it.”
And with that, YN pushed past the man and beelined for the door. She half expected him to grab her, but from the hoots and hollers of his friends, he was too embarrassed to do anything else.
The bar that YN had worked out whilst she was completing her degree had taught her a thing or two about how to deal with rowdy men, and whilst the firm but clear approach worked in most cases, YN wasn’t afraid to resort to other means if necessary. It was all a respect thing, and more often than not if you deal back to them what they deal to you – the situation usually sorts itself.
YN had just rested her palm against the wood of the door when she heard someone call her name. She saw Mick standing there, leaning over the bar to catch her attention.
“Saw you deal with those guys,” He nodded his head over to the men whose attention had been taken by another woman in the bar, who seemed to accept their advances more than YN did, “When can you start?”
YN’s face broke out into a smile and took a delighted step towards Mick, “Whenever.”
“Right now?” He raised his eyebrows at her, motioning to the men who were calling his name for more drinks, “Have a feeling we’re going to be swamped tonight.”
YN nodded and immediately dropped her purse down behind the bar and rolled the sleeves of her cardigan up.
She turned to the men who were now staring at her with their mouths slightly agape, “What can I get you?”
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It was a Thursday night and YN had been working at Clover’s for around a week at this point when Mick decided that she could handle a night on her own. After being thrown into what very much was the deep end on her first shift, there had been time the next day for Mick to show her the ropes properly and anything she would specifically need to know.
Mick said that he normally wouldn’t leave such a new person on their own so quickly, but he had an important family issue that he couldn’t get out of and that she had shown enough trust that he wasn’t worried. It was a Thursday, so it wasn’t going to be too busy but even so, those who were going to be there would be Riders, and they would protect their bar from anything.
It was nearing nine, and YN would probably say that they were at a quarter of their capacity, the majority of them being riders who had been there for the last few hours or so. YN was lucky she supposed. They never ordered anything more complicated than a beer, at most a whisky or a bourbon and this was their bar so there were never any arguments about paying for the drinks.
There was a lull in the orders, so YN decided to take it upon herself to dry some of the glasses she had washed in the previous lull. This job was not for the weak she would say that, but YN would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. She loved people watching and mixed with the hum of the jukebox it was the perfect combination for her.
The door to the bar opened again about twenty minutes, and in walked that same man that caught her attention a week or so ago, on that first day she was here. He looked the same, apart from he was clad in a mixture of denim and leather this time instead of just denim, and a large bruise was sprouting from under his left eye. To YN, it was obvious that the cause was a punch, for there was nothing else that could cause a bruise such as that one. He walked into the room, ignored the hoots and hollers from some of the other men and took a seat right in the middle of the bar.
YN threw the towel she was holding over her shoulder and walked towards him, resting her hands on the edge of the bar, “What can I get ya?”
The man didn’t stray his eyes away from where they were planted firmly on the wood of the bar, “Beer, and a whisky.”
YN nodded, reaching over to pop the lid of the beer, “Do you want ice in the whisky?”
The man just hummed, so YN got straight to work making his drink for him. It was different to that of the other men in the bar — watching him. Whilst they were loud and rowdy and always had something to say to someone – he was silent. He just sat, with the company of his only himself and drank his drink.
Snapping YN out of her gaze (which had been on the man for a few beats too long) was a call of her name from just down the bar. She walked over to where it came from, a man called Taylor who YN had become quite acquainted with in the last few days or so.
Most of the men (not all, obviously) that she had become acquainted with during the last few weeks were lovely. They loved to have a quick natter with her whilst she made their drinks, some of them flirted with her but she didn’t care (it was part of the job) and nobody bothered her. If one or two of the men when they were drunk got a little handsy or started to say things which would be deemed inappropriate, the other lads would circle her and make sure she was okay. She felt safe, which she was quite surprised was the case.
“A piece of advice,” Taylor spoke over the bar as YN started opening the bottles of beer for him and his friends, “Harry over there always orders the same thing, and he’ll drink the whiskey last before he leaves.”
“Thank you,” YN nods with a small smile across her lips, unable to stop her eyes beating over to him for a second – Harry.
“He’s a quiet one,” Taylor continues speaking, grabbing a few bills out of his pocket to pay for the drinks, “But harmless, I promise. To be fair, you’d think the man who founded the club would have more to say.”
YN’s eyes widen, she had no idea that Harry was the one who founded the club. She hadn’t suspected it at all.
“He founded it?” She asked with a slight raise of her eyebrow. She wasn’t trying to pry, but there were things that she wanted to know, and Taylor already had that buzz that made her know that he would be willing to answer any questions she had.
“Yeah, it was him and a few others,” Taylor shrugged, attempting to pick up the three bottles of beer all in one go, “A few years ago now, and it only grew from there.”
YN nodded once more and watched as he walked back to his table. She put the bills that he had given her for the drinks into the register and put the tip she had been given into her apron.
There was something about that man that had caught her attention from that first day, and yet she couldn’t put her finger on it. Now, it made sense. The aura that he had when he walked into the room, as well as the way he sat and held himself – he had a strong presence in the group without even trying.
YN had more questions, but she knew it probably wasn’t the best to pry right now. Instead, she just got on with everything that she had to do. She served drinks and cleaned up after herself right up until close. YN hadn’t realised when Harry had left, but he had slipped out without a single person realising.
She hummed as she swept the floors, tried her hardest to count the cash right the first time and put it in the safe before continuing with her other closing jobs. The chairs were off the floor, as much of the stickiness in the room that YN could remove was gone and the doors were locked and checked.  
Once she had stepped outside, and locked the door to the bar behind her, the late hour catching up with her very quickly – she realised at that point she wasn’t alone.
Looking over her shoulder, she saw that he was standing there, resting against his motorcycle with a cigarette dangling from between his lips. YN was confused but continued to lock the door and make sure that nobody could get inside. Then she turned, and that was when she saw Harry looking directly at her.
“Can I help you?” She muttered, fidgeting with the keys she was holding in her hand.
He inhaled the smoke from his cigarette, holding it for a second or so before he exhaled, “Heard you were asking questions.”
YN’s heart drops slightly, heat pulsating around her body, “Am I not allowed to ask questions?”
He ran his teeth over his bottom lip, placing the cigarette back in his mouth, “Can’t stop you from doing that, but any questions you have about me, you can ask me yourself.”
YN just pursed her lips and nodded, “Okay then… do you always stalk women when they’re leaving work?”
Harry didn’t seem shocked by her words, or react in any way to them at all, which was surprising to her. But, then again, she hadn’t seen much of a reaction out of this man this entire time she had known of him.
“Only the ones that have worked in my bar for a week.”
“Your bar?” YN widened her eyes, “Thought Mick owned it?”
Harry shook his head, “I do. Mick’s my employee, and so are you.”
“Do you not trust me or something? Think I’m walking away with pocketfuls of cash?”
“I would already know if you’d done that, and you wouldn’t be working here anymore,” YN just nodded, “But this side of a town can be sketchy at night, and you never know who could be lurking.”
YN just scoffed, turning to walk away from the man, “Thank you, but I can look after myself.”
“Suit yourself,” Harry shrugged, climbing onto his bike, and kicking the stand-up. YN could hear the engine turning on, the loud rumble filling the empty street.
YN continued walking, expecting him to speed past her but he didn’t. The low rumble continued down the street, even when she turned – the sound turned too. It was frustrating and annoying. All YN wanted to do was to get home, have something to eat and get in bed. Instead, she was having to deal with what was becoming an annoying rider, who couldn’t seem to leave her alone.
This continued for around ten minutes, and with each second that passed YN was getting more and more annoyed. Just as she turned onto the edge of her street, the apartment she shared with her roommate Ashley coming into view in the distance, she decided that enough was enough.
She stopped and turned around on the pavement, Harry pulling in on his bike to stop just in front of her. YN sighed and placed her hand on her hips.
“Do we have a problem?”
Harry rested his hands on his bike still, but was facing her, “No problem.”
“Then why are you following me home?” A small chuckle escaped her lips, “You know those strange people you were talking about earlier; you do know you’re acting like one of them?”
“You’re one of us now,” He shrugs, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world – it certainly wasn’t for YN at all.
“That means you follow me home?” The confusion grows with every moment in YN, and yet Harry doesn’t seem the slightest bit worried.
“You didn’t want a ride,” He pulls his carton of cigarettes out of his pocket and lights one up, “Had to make sure you got home safe.”
“Right,” YN just nods, “Well, I think I can manage on my own from here. And, if I’m all of a sudden one of you should I expect my jacket in the post? Or do you do collection?”
With a final scoff, she turned and walked away from the man. This time, when the engine started, YN didn’t turn to look at Harry and instead carried on to her front door. It was only then that she turned to peer over her shoulder, just in time to see Harry speed past her and into the night.
She had an incline that this job was going to be interesting, but she had no idea just how much.
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It wasn’t necessarily a normal working pattern that YN had found herself in.
Sleeping for most of the day and being awake all night wasn’t necessarily the big girl working pattern that she had aspired to when she was younger, but for the time being she was enjoying it. It did mean that when Ashley returned from her nine-to-five working as a receptionist (YN couldn’t think of anything worse to be honest), YN was just getting ready to start her day.
YN was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, a half-eaten sandwich clutched tightly in her hand. She wasn’t too hungry, but she knew that if she didn’t eat something before, she left for work she would regret it later on. The second that Ashley stepped through the door and threw her bag down on the floor, she threw YN a quizzical look.
“What?” YN asked, wiping the mayo that rested on the curve of her lip off with her thumb.
“Do you happen to know anything about the smoking-hot rider staring at the apartment from across the street?”
YN’s entire face dropped, “What?”
Ashley walked over and dropped down on the other side of the sofa, reaching out to steal one of YN’s chips from her plate. Ashley seemed slightly unfazed by the newfound stalker YN had acquired, and that stressed the girl out significantly.
“What do you mean?” YN pushed herself up, making her way over to the window where there he was. Resting against his bike, cigarette resting from his lips sat Harry, staring at the front door to the building with an unreadable expression on his face,
“He’s been there since this morning,” Ashley adds to the conversation causally, running a hand through her hair which she had just pulled out of its undo, “At first, I thought he was waiting for Sandy, you know, from 2.B but then I saw the jacket and realised he must be here for you.”
“He’s not here for me,” YN shook her head, slapping the curtains shut and walking back over to her friend, “He’s stalking me, I can’t believe you’re not more stressed about this.”
Ashley just shrugged, “Worse people to be stalked by, I suppose. He’s one of Clover’s, he’ll be harmless.”
“No, Ashley, he’s not just one of Clover’s,” YN sighed, running a hand over her face before scooting around the apartment to grab her belongings, “He is Clover.”
It was Ashley’s face that dropped this time, “What do you mean?”
“That’s Harry,” YN pulled each one of her pumps on her feet, “He founded the gang!”
“You’re kidding,” Ashley all but screams, “Jesus YN, I knew I was concerned about this job, but I think you’ve done pretty alright for yourself.”
YN just shook her head. She grabbed her jacket, and her bag and made her way over to the door.
“If I go missing, you know who’s responsible,” With that, YN turned away from her friend and rushed out of the door.
She took the stairs down from her apartment at double speed, almost tripping over her feet multiple times. She pulled her jacket on just as she got to the front door. Just before she was going to push it open, just stopped and hesitated for a second. One deep breath in and out was all it took to compose herself, and then she pushed the door open.
Harry spotted her immediately, throwing the cigarette he had in his hand a few metres away from his bike, where a collection was beginning to grow. YN made sure to check the left and the right of her before crossing the road, not quite fancying becoming roadkill this early in the day.
“You’re lucky my neighbours didn’t call the cops on you,” Is the first thing that slips from YN’s lips, before she realises how stupid that sounds.
For the first time since she met him, a small smile crosses Harry’s lips. She had amused him, and oh did she want to do it again.
“You know you can’t stay out here all day,” She follows with, “I’m going to the bar now anyway.”
“I got something for you,” Harry pushed himself up off the bike and that’s when she saw it.
A denim jacket, smaller than the others that she had seen but still carrying the ever-so-known Clover’s Riders logo on the back. That four-leaf clover was known all over town, and towns for miles in every direction and now it seemed YN had one of her own. It would open paths for her but also close them as well. She knew that the second she accepted that jacket, things would change all over again.
“I don’t even ride, Harry,” She sighed, shaking her head slightly, “I’ve never been on a bike in my life.”
He just shrugged once more, “There’s always time to change that.”
YN toyed up her options, and it took a lot less time than she had thought it would to swipe the jacket from his hands. She shrugged off the one she was wearing and slipped her arms inside the material. It was the perfect fit, exactly what she would have chosen for herself. Harry beamed another smile at her and swung his leg over his bike once more.
“C’mon,” He tilted his head at her, “I have something I want to show you.”
“I’ll be late for work,” YN shook her head, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from throwing her leg over the side of the bike and using Harry’s shoulder to help steady herself as she got on.
“You’ll be fine,” Harry spoke, and that’s when YN realised that whilst yes, she was probably going to be late for work, she was also on the back of the owner’s bike – so the trouble couldn’t be too grave, “Hold on tight.”
YN did as the man said, wrapping her arms around Harry’s waist. The second that the engine started, and Harry kicked the stand-up they went flying down the road, and she realised in that exact moment why he said tight. YN’s body lurched forward into Harry’s, her cheek resting against the leather of his jacket, and her hands tightening around him.
Once the initial fear had worn off, and YN finally peered over the man’s shoulder – she would be lying if she said that it didn’t feel in a word freeing. The wind through her hair, the chill of the speed at which she was going laced with the feeling of Harry pressed so closely against her. Sure, she had been scared but now she knew that there wasn’t anything to be scared of. It wasn’t a scary thing, instead, it was something to be enjoyed.
YN’s lips curled upwards, a slight giggle leaving them as she noticed they went speeding through a red light. Many, and by many YN meant most, of the riders had a back pocket full of speeding tickets, and lights that they’ve jumped and yet none of them seemed to care. It was as though all of the law-abiding parts of their brains didn’t function when they were on bikes. On second thought, even when they weren’t on the bikes the law-abiding parts of their brain didn’t function.
Harry pulled over just as they joined the road which took them out of the city. They had completely passed Clover’s, and YN hadn’t the faintest clue of how late she was for work at this point, but it didn’t matter. It would take a lot for this smile to leave her face today. Once the bike came to a stop, YN used Harry’s shoulder to push up off of it.
Harry sits on the bike, but his eyes never leave the girl. The way she almost looked like a baby deer as she got her grounding once she was off the bike, the way her hair stuck out in every and all directions, and most importantly the beaming smile that never left her face. For the first time in a long time, there were no thoughts in YN’s head. There were no worries about growing up and getting a proper job, or stress about money – it was completely and utterly freeing. She supposed that was why there were so many of the riders and she supposed they were all chasing that feeling.
“You’ve got to teach me how to ride,” She sighed, the blissful smile never leaving her lips.
Harry just nodded, “Whenever you want.”
“Really?” Her face widened in excitement.
Harry shrugged, “You’ve gotta know how to ride if you’re going to be a rider.”
YN just nodded, and almost jumped back onto the bike. Harry didn’t say anything when she wrapped her arms back around his waist, not a single gap between their bodies but it just felt so comfortable. Harry kicked the stand down once more and sprang straight into action, turning slowly around on the road before speeding up the second they were on the straight back to the town.
All YN knew was that she was going to savour the feeling of the wind in her hair.
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It was another Saturday night, and it was packed in the bar.
YN was so thankful that she could stay behind the safety of the actual bar and not venture out into the rest of the room. The men had just come back from a ride, and they were all excited and loud and wanting nothing but drink upon drink upon drink. She had been there from earlier on in the day today, and when Mick showed up later in the evening, she hadn’t managed to utter a single word but hello to him since.
All she could think of was the fact that once the rush had died down, it would be her time to go home and rest. In what felt like a very long few months of working every day (at first YN hadn’t minded, but she was slowly getting more and more burnt out) it was finally time for her to have a day off. Mick had graciously said to her the other day that he could handle Sunday on his own, and those words felt like gold slipping from his lips. She didn’t have a single clue of what she was going to do with her day, all she knew was that it was going to be relaxing.
She just had to get through this night first.
At first, the night seemed fine. Everyone was in good spirits and there was nothing more than a few drunken disagreements that sorted themselves out. YN had taken that as the opportunity to make her way over to where Harry was sitting and replenish his beer while he was there. It was then that the door was thrown open, and the entire atmosphere in the room changed.
What had at first been a lovely evening had changed within the second, and it was all because of a man that she hadn’t recognised. He didn’t have a rider’s jacket on his back, and that should have been YN’s first clue that this man was going to be in trouble. This was a riders’ bar, and those jackets were almost like a rite of passage. Without one, people stuck out like a sore thumb.
It became even more obvious to YN when the man beelined straight over to where Harry was sitting. He didn’t sit and instead leant over Harry, so his focus was on him. YN stayed close, but she didn’t want to make it too obvious that she was listening. She wasn’t the only one either – she could see other riders peering over at them from where they were sitting.
“You said if I did it, I’d get my jacket,” Those were the first words that came out of the man’s mouth – not even a greeting of hello, “I did it. Where’s the fucking jacket?”
Harry didn’t say anything for a second or so. Instead, he lifted his recently replenished beer to his lips and took a swag. He was doing as he always did – taking his sweet darn time.
“I said I’d think about it,” Harry mumbles, shrugging slightly as he did, “I’ve thought about it… and no.”
The man smacks his hand down onto the bar top, the sound echoing throughout the room. It silenced everyone, and all eyes turned to the two men. YN’s eyes looked towards Mick with a panicked expression on them but he shook his head, hoping that would calm the girls down.
“That wasn’t the fucking deal,” The man spits, coming right up into Harry’s face but it didn’t seem to deter the man at all, “The deal was to drop the shipment, I get the fucking jacket.”
Harry finally turned to look at the man, his stern expression never wavering, “Do you think I want someone like you, someone that doesn’t listen wearing one of my jackets?”
The man didn’t like that response, and it seemed as though as quickly as YN could blink her eyes the man was grasping the lapels of Harry’s jacket and pulling him up from the stool. He was then pushed straight into the bar, a slight grunt leaving his lips as he did. There was the initial sound of beer stools scratching on the floor, and other Riders were reading to split the two men up but all it took was Harry lifting one of his hands and they all stopped in their places.
“I don’t want someone who’s that willing to fight one of his men wearing a jacket.”
That was all it took for the other man to make the first punch. His arm pulled backwards, and his fist hit Harry straight across the jaw. The skin immediately went red, but Harry didn’t look like a man who had just been hit straight across the jaw. The bar stayed silent, obviously waiting for whatever Harry’s retaliation was going to be.
What YN, and certainly a lot of others in the bar hadn’t expected was Harry to reach behind him, to where his empty beer bottle was sat and hit the man over the head with it. The man fell to the ground, his grip on Harry letting go instantly. Harry lifted his hand, wincing when he noticed that a shard of glass from the broken bottle had lodged itself in his skin.
He just sighed, rubbing his forehead with his uninjured hand, “Get him out of here.”
Three of the men who were watching closely immediately listened to him, walking over, and picking the man up. They carried him out of the bar and were back to their drinks in what seemed like minutes. It was as though nobody truly seemed to care as to what had just happened and were more excited to get back to their drinks truly as though nothing had happened.
YN watched as Harry threw back the glass of whisky that had sat on the bar waiting for him (courtesy of Mick). That seemed like something that YN would have to take note of. With that, he dropped a few bills on the counter and stormed out of the bar. YN watched this and immediately started to pull her apron off her body.
“Mick,” The older man hummed from the other side of the bar, “I’m going outside for a break. I’ll only be a minute.”
The older man just threw YN a look, obviously having spotted who had left the bar just before she wanted to, “Be careful.”
YN just laughed, throwing the latch open, “I’m always careful.”
The second she stepped outside; she was shocked to see that Harry’s bike was still there, but he wasn’t sitting on it. There was a slight chill in the night air, and YN looked from left to right to try and spot him, but he was still nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until YN made her way towards the alley that followed the side of the bar that she finally realised where he had gone.
It was dark, but not dark enough to miss the figure leaning against the wall with a cigarette hanging from his lips. YN wrapped her arms around herself, wanting to conceal at least some of the warmth from inside. As her shoes crunched on the path, Harry’s eyes turned to look at her. He was ready for it to be someone else, and it was almost as though when he noticed that it was her – his features seemed to relax.
“How’s your hand?” She asked, coming to a stop right in front of him.
He raised his palm towards her, “It’s been better.”
YN winced to herself slightly as she looked at his hand, seeing the shard of glass still sticking out of the skin. Whilst she didn’t have a first aid kit on her body at this exact moment, it was good that she knew where one was.
“Come with me,” She nodded, walking further down the alley to the bar’s back entrance.
YN didn’t even turn to make sure that he was following her, she just knew that he would be. She held the door open for him, and the one that opened to the office of the bar (where Mick spent most of his time during the day, sorting the books out) and pointed at the chair by the desk.
Whilst Harry sat down without a word to her, YN reached up to the shelf above them and brought the first aid kit down. Harry’s eyes watched her as she pulled tweezer, gauze, and some antiseptic to clean and dress his wound. It was all very silent, and still but caring.
“Can I?” She asked, checking sure it was okay to touch his hand.
Harry nodded, placing his hand in hers. To YN, she wasn’t sure if she was truly touch-starved that feeling of his hand in hers felt truly intimate. She got to work straight away, pulling the glass out with the tweezers ever so carefully before wiping the surface of the cut. Even though YN knew that it would have stung, Harry’s face didn’t show anything, only one raised an eyebrow slightly.
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches,” She mumbles, face still full of concentration on making sure the wound is fully clean before she wraps it.
Harry just nodded, “You see wounds like these before?”
YN nodded, “I’ve worked in bars before – of course, I’ve seen wounds like these before.”
Harry just nods, allowing YN to move his hand at her ease to ensure that it is wrapped tightly and securely. He opened his mouth once she had finished, as though he was going to ask her something, but he closed it straight away. She wanted nothing more than to tell him that he could ask her anything that he wanted to, but she didn’t want to scare him away.
“You’re all set,” She offered him a small smile.
“Thank you,” The words sort of felt foreign, but very sincere coming from his lips, “I… you didn’t have to.”
YN just shrugged, “Wasn’t going to let you bleed out – would’ve been bad for business.”
Harry offered her a small smile at her attempt at a joke, “I’m sorry about what happened in there as well… usually we try to keep those sorts of things out of the bar.”
“Harry,” His name came out of her lips softly, hoping that would be the thing to tell him that it was okay. That she wasn’t angry at him, “I know… it doesn’t bother me – I promise.”
He just nods, “I knew that, you know.”
YN furrows her eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“That first day,” He reached out to her, and did the last thing that she would ever expect – grabbed her hand, “The way you dealt with some of the lads… I knew you were different.”
“It was you…” The words slipped out of YN’s mouth before she could truly register them, “You saw me that day.”
It all made sense. YN had noticed Harry that very first day that she’d appeared at Clover, and whilst originally Mick had said no, he had changed his mind and said yes. To YN, it had looked and seemed that Mick was the one who had made that decision, and yet it made sense that it was Harry to be the one who changed Mick’s mind. Harry, if he had been sitting at his barstool would have been a metre or so away from that conversation – and he would have heard every word that had been said.
“I did,” Harry nods, claiming every thought that YN had to be true, “I saw you, the way you spoke to them, the way you stood your ground and god, YN, I was hooked.”
That was the first time that YN had heard Harry speak her name, and she was addicted. She wanted to hear it over, and over and over again. He noticed the slight shift in her and used his legs to roll the chair he was sitting on closer to where she was resting against the desk. Then he slipped his uninjured arm around her body and pulled her down to him. She straddled his knees, relishing the feeling of his body beneath hers.
“I…” Her words came out as a whisper, “I felt the same.”
Relief. That was the look on his face – it was a true relief.
“You did?”
“God, Harry,” YN giggles, shaking her head, “I tried not to, but I would be lying if I said that most of my thoughts haven’t been filled with you. Wanting to know more.”
“You can know anything,” His thumb slipped underneath the thin material of her shirt, a heat spreading across her entire body from that one single touch, “Ask me anything, everything – I’ll answer. Whatever you want to know?”
YN pondered that for a second. She could have asked him anything, and yet there was one thought which was present in her mind more than any of the others. An hour ago, this question would have been risky – she just wouldn’t have asked it. Yet, in the safety of this room – away from peering eyes, or anyone who could make assumptions as to what it meant – she wanted nothing more than to ask it.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
Harry exhaled a breath, lifting his hand to rest against her cheek, “More than anything.”
YN nodded.
“Harry…” He hummed at the call of her name, “Kiss me.”
His thumb danced from her cheek, down to her lip. He ran it across the skin of her bottom lip, pushing down slightly so that her lips parted for him. The only sound in the room was YN’s heavy breathing, a response to the teasing that was on display right in front of her.
Then his face inched forward, and his lips were on hers. It didn’t take long for his tongue to slip past her parted lips, dancing with her own. This closeness to someone, the vulnerability – YN had missed it. She pushed her body forward towards Harry’s, slipping her hands in the curls at the nape of his neck. His hands, never mind the bandaged one which would have still caused him pain, rested upon her denim-clad arse. They found their home resting there, and YN wasn’t about to move them.
Harry pulled away from her lips, obviously needing oxygen as much as she did. But he wasted no time in dropping his attack down her neck, his teeth nipping the skin there. YN’s hands still rested in the curls at the nape of his neck, and heavy breaths parted from her lips.
“Harry,” She gasped as he started to suck at the sweet spot where her neck met her collarbone, “I need to get back to work.”
“No, you don’t,” He mumbled, and YN just rolled her eyes.
“I’ve deserted Mick,” She continues, “He might need help.”
“Mick’ll be fine,” He pulled his head up, resting on her chest as he peered up at her, “And anyway, I’m your boss.”
YN shook her head, “I need to go.”
Harry groaned but finally nodded, “Ride home with me?”
“Of course,” YN pecked Harry’s lips one last time pushed herself up from him and walked out of the room.
Harry’s eyes never left her the entire time.  
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“Harry, no, I’m going to tip over.”
When Harry had dropped YN at home last night, he had muttered the words that he would see her tomorrow. Before she could clarify that she wasn’t working, he had sped off on his motorcycle into the dark of the night. YN should have known, though, that Harry knew she wasn’t working. It became even more clear when Ashley shouted at her from the kitchen at around midday today, telling her that her Rider was waiting for her.
Instead of the annoyance that YN felt the first time, there was a skip in her step this time. She had taken some time that morning to make herself look that little bit more presentable and waited for him. After their kiss the previous night in the office, and the slight peck that he had given her when she had climbed off his bike yesterday.
When she had bounced over to him earlier, a smile beaming on his face she didn’t have a single care as to what she would be doing that day – all she knew was that she was going to enjoy it. Even when she climbed on the back of his bike and asked where they were going – the smile never left her face. He refused to tell her, though, saying that it was a surprise.
“Harry, I don’t want to,” YN shook her head, hands grasping tightly onto the handles of the bike, “I’m going to fall off, or I’m going to crash your bike.”
What Harry had planned for the girl was to teach her how to ride. Whilst at the start YN had wanted nothing more than to learn how to ride, now that she was sitting on Harry’s bike without him there – she was terrified. Harry was standing close to her, cigarette dangling from his lips and an amused expression on his face.
“You’re not going to fall,” Harry shakes his head, “I’m right here… and I promise I won’t let you crash.”
“You can say that Harry, but you can’t promise,” YN was sitting on the bike, with her feet resting on the ground and absolutely no attempt at all to move.
He threw his cigarette on the floor, moving over so that he could wrap his arms around her waist, his hands coming to rest upon hers on the handle. He turned the engine on, and even though it was YN’s hands on the handle, Harry was controlling it. They went very slow – they had to so that Harry could walk at the side of them.
“I’m going to let go,” Harry spoke after a minute or so, but YN shook her head.
“I’m not ready,” YN pushed her body into his slightly, “I’m going to crash.”
“There’s nothing for you to crash into,” Harry peels one of his hands off of hers, “I trust you… you’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t as though he was lying. Harry had driven them out to a deserted road just out of town. Close enough away that they’d be home at a normal time, but far enough away that there wasn’t any traffic which would interrupt them. There wasn’t anything but stone and grass around them, and whilst if YN came to a haphazard stop, it wouldn’t be the most comfortable thing ever – there wasn’t a lot of damage that she could do to Harry’s bike.
Harry let go of her other hand, and she was doing it. Granted, she didn’t go over 2mph, but she was still riding the bike on her own. She wasn’t comfortable enough to attempt to turn yet, so she just came to a slow stop a few metres further down from where Harry was. She kicked the stand down and climbed off the bike – turning towards Harry with a smile on her face.
“I did it!” She bounced over to Harry and wrapped her arms around his neck, his coming to rest around her waist.
“Never doubted you,” He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips, pulling her body flush against his. Before anything more could happen, the sound of crunching on the road, as well as the sound of a siren interrupted them.
YN’s heart started to beat rapidly at the sight of a police car inching towards them. Whilst YN had dealt with police before working in her previous bars, she hadn’t ever been out in the open with her and only one other person when talking to them. Knowing that Harry also ran a motorcycle gang added another level of worry to it.
Harry just pulled YN with him, going to rest against his bike. He looked completely unfazed, whilst YN truly was shitting in her boots slightly. The police car stopped right in front of them, and as the door swung open to the car, Harry lit up a cigarette and brought it up to his lips – again, making it aware that he was completely unfazed by what was happening.
“Styles,” The officer sighed, slamming his car door behind him shit as he walked towards the two of them, “You’re not an easy man to find.”
“Hmm,” Harry just hums, inhaling from his cigarette, “I had no idea you were even looking for me… I wouldn’t have just stood in the middle of the road if I knew.”
The officer chuckled, placing his hands on his hips, “We had reports last night that you attacked a man.”
Harry shook his head, “Couldn’t have been me.”
“It happened at your bar,” The officer took a step forward towards Harry, “Had reports that you hit him over the head with a beer bottle.”
Harry just chuckles, “Officer Thompson, I don’t have time for this he said she said bullshit. If you’ve got something to say to me, I think you should say it.”
The officer just hummed, “Where were you last night?”
“I was at the bar,” Harry nodded, “All night.”
YN started to panic from beside him, but she tried not to make it obvious. Harry must have complete and utter trust in his riders to not say anything to the police. It made sense now to YN as to why that man hadn’t been given a jacket. He had instigated the fight, and yet he had run straight to the police with it. He was a coward and a rat.
“Can anyone corroborate this?”
“I can,” YN was surprised at how strongly her voice came out, “I was there with him all night, I work there.”
The officer hums once more, his eyes dropping down to focus on Harry once more. YN realises that it’s then that the officer has spotted his bandaged hand. YN’s mind starts to spiral slightly, hoping that one of them will be able to come up with something quickly.
“What, uh,” The officer couldn’t hide the smile on his face, obviously thinking that he had found him out, “What happened to your hand, Styles?”
Harry opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, so YN interrupts. She giggles slightly, knowing exactly what type of character was going to be believable for this officer. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
“I’m so sorry, officer, that was my fault,” YN took a small step towards the officer, but not far enough that she wasn’t in arms reach of Harry, “See, I’m real clumsy. And yesterday, I dropped a whole crate of beer and Harry heard the crash, and he helped me clean up – unfortunately, he cut his hand in the process.”
The officer’s eyes moved between Harry and YN. There was no way at that point for YN to try and guess what he was thinking – or what he was going to say. Then, when the officer’s face broke out into a smile just the same as YN’s, she knew she had convinced him.
“I’m sorry to bother you, miss, and I hope you have a good rest of your day,” Then the officer turned to Harry, and the smile on his face dropped, “I’m sure I’ll see you soon, Styles.”
“And I’ll be looking forward to it Officer Thompson.”
Harry rested against his bike the entire time, whilst YN had her arms crossed against her chest. They didn’t say another word to each other until they watched the car turn around and drive away from them. It was only then that YN turned to Harry, who was running a hand over his face. Sighing, YN walked over to him, grabbing his hands (but making sure to be careful of his injured hand).
“You didn’t have to do that,” Harry shakes his head, pulling her hands up so that he can place a kiss on the back of them.
“I know,” YN nods, “But I wanted to.”
Harry rests his chin upon their connected hands, “I wanna take you somewhere.”
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YN would be lying if she said that she hadn’t thought about where Harry lived once or twice because she had. He had been to her apartment a few times to pick her up, and whilst she hadn’t necessarily wanted to be that forward and ask him where he lived, there was a part of her which wondered about it.
It was a strange circumstance. Where does the leader of a gang live? Where does he rest his head at night? Where does make his coffee in the morning? Whilst YN wouldn’t necessarily admit it, she was an inquisitive person.  
When Harry’s bike came to a stop outside of a garage, one that seemingly had an apartment attached to the top of it – it all made sense. Yes, the bar had to be doing well, with how many people were in it daily. But there had to be another way that Harry was making money, and it seemed as though this was it. She wondered if this had anything to do with the shipments that the other man had been speaking about.
He kicked the standout and gave YN the space the climb off before he did. He walked over to the shutter, unlocked the padlock, and threw it open. The apartment didn’t look too big, but the shop itself was huge. She had expected a car, maybe a few bikes – but she hadn’t expected rows upon rows of bikes lining the side of the walls. In the middle, YN could see the different stations where Harry and some of the other members worked.
“Are these all yours?” YN asked, her finger reaching out to run across the glossy black exterior of one of the bikes closest to her.
“Most of them,” Harry shrugged, dropping the shutter closed behind the two of them after pushing his bike inside, “Me and a few others, we buy them and restore them, make them better to sell on.”
“God, Harry,” YN turns to him, an expression of what could only be described as amazement on her features, “This is amazing.”
He just offered her a small smile, taking small steps towards her until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her middle. YN giggled slightly, resting her head on Harry’s shoulder as he pulled her closer to him.
“Pick one.”
The features on YN’s lips dropped again, “What?”
“Pick one,” Harry repeated, “A bike.”
“Yeah, I gathered that, Harry, I’m just confused as to why.”
He just shrugged, leaning back against the workbench near the two of them. YN turned around so that she was facing him, and Harry at once pressed his hands against her waist. It was funny to YN, to see the big, scary, gang member was so soft around her, and they hadn’t necessarily known each other very long.
“You said it yourself,” He shrugged, his hands pulling her between her body between his open legs, “If you’re gonna be a rider, you’ve got to ride. Seems like you need a bike to do that.”
“Yeah, but I’ll buy one,” YN spoke, as though it was the most obvious thing in the word, “When I have the cash for it.”
Harry shook his head, “No need, rather have you on one of these. Tested them myself, they’re all safe.”
YN just shook her head, propelling her body even further forward so that she could wrap her arms around Harry’s neck and press her lips against his. It was a clumsy kiss, with both of their teeth clashing and smiles upon their features but they did not care.
“Thank you,” She mumbled against his lips, pressing a flurry of chaste kisses to them afterwards.
Harry shook his head, “No need – pick one, baby.”
YN pushed her body up and started to walk up and down the rows of bikes until she spotted it. It was about halfway down the row, a bike with dark green glossy accents, looking nothing but sleek with the dark metal of the engine. It was the one that she wanted, and the second she was standing in front of it she knew it was hers. With that beaming smile across her features, YN turned and launched herself at Harry, wrapping her legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. His hands came to rest on the plump skin of her arse over her dark denim jeans. Even though YN suspected that she had caught him off guard, he didn’t show it on his face.
“How can I ever thank you?” She asked between a litter of kisses to his lips, a boyish smile crossing his features afterwards that YN wants nothing more than to bottle up and remember forever.
“That smile of yours is enough,” Harry nods at her, pressing another full kiss to her lips.
YN tilts her head to the side, turning to look at Harry with a slight smirk crossing her features. His eyebrows furrowed as though he already suspected she was coming up with something in her head.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Maybe…” YN starts, her teeth clamping down on her bottom lip, hesitating, “Maybe there’s another way I can thank you.”
Harry’s eyes widened, as though he was finally catching on to the thoughts swimming around in YN’s head.
“We don’t have to,” Harry shakes his head quickly. “I promise I’m not expecting anything from you.”
YN just shakes her head, leaning forward to place another kiss on his lips. Her hands tugged at the curls at the nape of his neck.
“I know you’re not,” YN offers him a smile, “I want to. I promise.”
Harry shook his head, a groan emitting from his lips as he tugged her even closer to him if that was possible. YN giggles at his obvious joy at her statement.
“God,” He rests his forehead against hers, “I know it’s wrong, but I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
Harry turns, as though he’s going to walk out of the garage, but YN stops him. He furrows his eyebrows at her, and she just giggles once more.
“Want it here.”
“Want it here, want you on the bench,” Harry groans once more, moving to drop her down upon the workbench that he had been rested upon earlier.
“Are you sure I haven’t dreamt you up?”
“Nope,” YN shakes her head, “I’m real.”
YN threads her fingers back through the curls at the nape of his neck, bringing his face back to hers. It doesn’t take long for their lips to connect once more. It wasn’t sweet or light. It was rough, as though both of them were finally able to do what they had both been thinking about.
Harry’s hands start to move down her body, resting on the hem of her jeans. She can feel his thumbs pressing down into the skin of her waist, and when it registers in her brain what he was trying to do YN pulls away, shaking her head.
“Not yet,” She lightly pushes his body to the side so that she can jump off the bench, “I haven’t thanked you yet.”
“You don’t have to,” YN’s hands rest on the lapels of his jacket, waiting for his nod before she pushes it off his shoulders.
“I want to.”
It takes just one swipe for Harry to pull his shirt over his head whilst YN’s hands come to rest upon his belt buckle. YN’s eyes widen at the sight of his exposed chest, as well as the tattoos that litter his sin. YN knew that Harry had tattoos; she had seen the ones on his arms multiple times, but it felt different to see the ones on his chest.
Her fingers work quickly to pull Harry’s belt buckle open, working on the button and zip of his jeans next. YN drops down to her knees, pushing Harry back slightly so that he’s resting against the workbench. Harry peers down at her, his chest heaving up and down in anticipation. Her hand rests upon the grey material of his boxers, palming his already semi-hard cock through the light material.
“You like teasing?”
YN shrugs lightly, “I have no clue what you mean.”
Harry laughs, watching her intently as her fingers loop into the band of his boxers, pulling them down to expose him to her. YN finds herself unable to pull her eyes away from his cock. She knew it had to be big from palming him through his boxers but seeing it before she made her mouth water and pressure to build in the pit of her stomach.
She placed a light kiss on his tip, which was already red and leaking from his obvious arousal. YN smiled, giving it a lick from the base to the tip before she used her hand to give it a few tugs. YN was confident in her moves, even though she had only done it a few times before in her life. She gained more confidence from the moans leaving Harry’s lips; they were deep and quiet, but she could hear them, and they caused her to squeeze her thighs together in hopes that it would give her some relief.
“YN… please,” It almost sounded as though he was pleading with her to do something, and YN almost moaned at the sound.
YN wraps her lips around the tip of Harry’s cock, beginning to bob her head up and down. One of her hands rested upon his thigh, whilst the other wrapped around the base of his cock, helping her with what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Her tongue lightly grazed his tip, earning a louder moan from Harry that egged her on further.
“Fuck… YN.”
Harry’s hands came to rest in her hair, helping her to move her head up and down his cock. It was a light tug that caused YN to moan around his cock, and she could feel Harry resisting from bucking his hips to meet her. Instead, she continued to bob her head, speeding up in hopes that it would help him recover from her teasing.
“YN gotta pull away,” Harry says after a minute or so, his grip on her hair tightening, “I’m gonna cum.”
YN doesn’t stop, however, instead, she keeps going until she hears him moan louder and start to cum down her throat. When she looks up at him, his head is thrown back, and his eyes are closed. She works her head up and down until he’s finished, only pulling away then. When she looks back up at him he has a look in his eyes that makes her assume that they aren’t done.
YN giggles as he puts his hands on her waist and pulls her up so she’s standing, immediately placing a kiss on her lips, seemingly not caring about the fact that his cum was on them. YN’s legs nearly gave out then and there, and she had to place her hands on his biceps to steady herself.
“Did that show my thanks?” She asked, tilting her head to the side innocently.
Harry wraps his arms around her thighs once more, picking her up effortlessly.
“Damn right, it did,” Harry starts to walk over to the door that she suspects goes into the house, “But I’m not done with you yet.”
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It was quiet at Clover’s, a lull mid-afternoon on a Friday before everyone picked their spots for the night. YN had spent an hour or so cleaning and drying the glasses that had been used earlier in the day, making sure that they were to have enough for the night ahead.
The repeated motion of washing and drying gave her time to think, and more often than not, she found herself daydreaming about her morning, which she had spent in Harry’s bed, wrapped up in his arms. The two of them had been pretty inseparable before, but after he had gifted her the bike, it had seemingly gotten even worse, if that was possible. It had been weeks since that day, and YN could probably count on one hand the nights she had spent alone since then. Harry waited every night for her after work, and even when he couldn’t she would return to his house and wait for him there.
They hadn’t spoken about what they were necessarily, but that didn’t matter to YN. She didn’t need a label to know how she felt about Harry, and she assumed Harry felt about her also. For the first time in a long time YN was happy, and even though she was only a bartender and that useless history degree of hers wasn’t doing much – she wasn’t yearning for something else, for something better. YN truly felt as though it couldn’t get any better than it currently was.
The door to the bar pushed open, and whilst YN thought it was probably a rider coming in for a drink, she was shocked to see that it was Mick, obviously dropping in to start his shift. Thankfully, since YN had taken the day shift she didn’t have to stay until close tonight, meaning that she could spend more time in bed with Harry to end her week.
“Hey, YN,” She offered Mick a smile, “Just lemme drop my shit in the back and then you can go on break.”
“Thanks, Mick.”
Once he was back out, and she had passed over what she was doing to him, she made her way outside with the sandwich that Harry had made for her earlier. She was going to make her lunch, but Harry insisted that he make it for her. YN smiled at the memory of her sitting upon his kitchen counter, clad only in one of his t-shirts and a pair of pyjama shorts. They had laughed and joked and, at one point, had a break to dance around the kitchen to the song that was playing over the radio.
YN hadn’t had many relationships before, two at most she could think of, but they were never like this. They always felt transactional to YN. But with Harry, it truly felt as though they were two halves. There was a level of domesticity that YN loved more than anything with him, and every little task that they did together meant so much.
Once YN had eaten her sandwich, her thoughts filled with Harry and their morning. YN pulled her legs underneath her and began to read her book, knowing that she could get a chapter or so read before her break was over. It was a book about the Tudors she was reading, something that had been a passion of hers during her degree. It had been a while since she had read anything, but she supposed that the want came from her peace and happiness being restored.
She had just finished a chapter on Henry VIII’s Economic policy when she heard noise from the front of the bar. It was loud, and the voices that were speaking were quick, but it was muffled, so she couldn’t quite decipher what was being said. Putting her bookmark into place and closing the book, she pushed up from the chair and made her way towards the bar.
Mick was standing there, with three or four others in front of him. They looked panicked, and their words reflected that.
“Tell me again,” Mick placed his hands down on the counter, “I can’t tell a word you’re saying when you’re talking that quickly.”
“An accident, Mick,” It was Taylor who spoke, “There was an accident. We were riding along, and this truck came outta nowhere, sent him flying.”
YN moved towards them, her heart immediately starting to thump within her chest.
“Who?” Her words came out quickly, all of the men’s heads turning towards her, “Who went flying?”
“YN… I…” Taylor took a step towards her, his entire face dropping.
That was when she knew.
Her palms started to sweat, and her body felt heavy. There was a dizziness inside her head, and for one second she thought that she was going to fall to ground.
It was Harry.
“Where is he?” Her voice cracked as she spoke, the tears finally starting to collect within her waterline.
“YN…” Mick started.
“No, Mick,” She shook her head, “Where is he? Tell me where he is!”
Taylor took another step closer towards her, “I don’t know. The woman in the store across the street from where it happened phoned an ambulance, I left before they came. If I hazard a guess, they’ll be on their way to the hospital by now.”
YN nodded and before she knew it she was stalking her way outside and towards her bike. Ignoring the tears that were clouding her vision she climbed upon. Just as she was about to start it, a hand touched her elbow. It was Mick. She almost broke down crying there and then.
“Don’t,” Mick shook his head, “You can’t drive like that, darlin’. Let Taylor take you. Please.”
“He has to be okay,” YN shook her head, the sobs starting to wrack through her body.
Mick nodded, helping her off the bike, “He will be. But, if you wanna get there safely, in one piece let the boys take you.”
YN nods, walking over to Taylor’s bike and hopping on behind him. Mick gave her hand one last squeeze.
“Send him my love, okay?” Mick spoke and YN nodded, not trusting herself to be able to reply in that moment.
Taylor started the engine, and before she knew anything, they were hurtling down the street. This time, though, she wasn’t thinking about the wind in her hair.
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somnoir · 2 months ago
Gotham's newest Crime Lord - part 3
Part 2 | Masterpost
"You know your way around the city." Dan commented, eyes narrowed once he realizes that Kitty and Johnny adapted a little too well to Gotham. Going to places even he didn't know existed, exploring and giving them intel he never realized was relevant. They knew history of Gotham in a way a local would. 
Johnny shrugged, turning back to Kitty who welcomed Ember with a bright smile. The two were squealing, talking about how they were going to help mess with Firefly after burning down a well-loved studio down town. 
For Dan, he wasn't going to intrude too much on his former rogues but... "You're from Gotham. Both of you." 
Johnny twitched, watching as Shadow moved to play with Elle in the air. 
"Yeah, we’re not too sure if our folks are still kickin’, but Kitty and me took off after they flipped over our thing. This place still gives me the heebie-jeebies, but hey, you guys are here. Gotham’s cool these days with all the furries and rogues runnin’ around." Johnny laughed, his cocky nature still burning bright, even when he looked almost melancholic at the memory of this place. 
No ghost was truly comfortable in their hometown, whether they died there or not. This was where they were born, where their lives began. 
"I see..." Dan mumbled, glancing to the space where Danny was usually in. His younger brother was off doing kingly duties again, slumped by work and the Observants pestering him about shit. 
There's a quiet knock on his door and Jeremy was poking his head into the room again. The ghosts didn't even care, continuing to be visible and floating around. Discomfort and a bit of fear was clear on the man's face but he turned to Dante with as much courage as he could muster. 
"Boss, we've got a lead on the missing kids." 
Ah, yes. The recent disappearances of children. He doesn't know where they go, what happens to them. All he knows is that children were picked of the streets and never to be seen again. 
"Someone's been takin' kids?" Kitty grimaced, not minding how Jeremy shuddered. "Dan, dear, darling! Send me and Johnny. We know this city better than Batman and his little birdies."
Again, Dan sighed. "Gimme a minute, Kitty. Not enough information." He grunts, turning to Jeremy to hand him the report. 
"Anything else?"
"Well... About the Bats..."
"They snoopin' around again?" 
"Trynna sniff out Phantom." Jeremy shrugs. "Red Hood's been pretty active. Heard he's been wonderin' about Phantom not visitin' the kids last week." 
"Thanks Jeremy. Tell Marigold I said hi." 
"Will do, boss!" 
Once Jeremy left, the other ghosts were swarming Dan like bees. Their eyes glittering with anticipation, excitement, and vengeance. It felt strange for them to pay attention, to follow him. Danny's always felt like the better leader, struggling and suffering in the role yet rising above it all. That was why he was the king now. 
"Alright, let's get to work. Most of these kids have one thing in common. Their skills. Flexible, acrobatic, and have some sort of combat training. Usually in self defence." Dan plugged in the USB into his laptop, projecting the screen on to the tv. "The latest disappearance is Layla Smithson. Fourteen. Gymnast and was sent to take taekwondo classes by her parents. Before that was Evan Chavez. Another gymnast but was also known to get into multiple fights."
"So whoever is takin' the kiddies, they go after the ones with pretty good skills." Ember hummed, turning to Kitty and then nudging her. "You've got anything to say about that?" 
"Well... Maybe." Johnny shrugs too. 
"Ooh! What about that nursery rhyme every Gothamites gets to listen. Y'know. About the court."
Dan frowned. "What court?" 
"The court of owls!" Kitty grinned, "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head." 
"Who the fuck uses that kind of shit for a nursery rhyme?" Dan scowled, but considered the possibility. "Any idea if they're real."
"Very." Johnny warned, "When Kitty and I died, we came back here a couple of times. Explored the place and tried to dig up secrets that would have killed us if we were livin'. One of 'em was the court. A secret society of a bunch off rich bastards."
"Johnny," Dan warned, knowing that something was still being kept from him. 
"There's another thing..." Johnny hesitated but Kitty took his hand and continued. 
Kitty grimaced, "The Court of Owls has a bunch of soldiers. They got this chemical they use on people, turnin’ ‘em into their own assassins. From what me and Johnny dug up a while back, these assassins were trained when they were kids. They call 'em Talons."
Dan wanted to yell, scream. Burn down the cursed with it's cursed bricks. Fuck. Fuck. Was the world always so shitty? 
"You're telling me... There's an entire secret society that uses chemicals to turn children into assassins?" 
Children.... Fucking children. They were weaponizing kids!
Ancients, he might just commit mass genocide again. 
"Alright. Alright. We leave the living people out of this. The court? Their talons? I want all of you prepared. I'm gonna contact Danny to drag Skulker and Wulf's asses here immediately."
Elle grinned, "GRAB AMORPHO TOO! We're gonna need his help if we want to dismantle the court."
The office is vacated quickly, with Elle dragging Ember and Kitty for girl time and Johnny runs off with shadow. Dan is left alone, frustrated at the new information before he does his best to summon his brother, the very annoyed ghost king that appears before him in full royal regalia. 
"A bit busy, Dan. Still tryin' to fight the laughing magician to help with getting rid of the Anti-Ecto Acts. Constantine is running around trying to destroy the GIW now." 
Dan snorted. He knew about John Constantine. The crazy motherfucker who's soul fragments were scattered around and Danny had to deal with the paperwork and mission to collect them all. 
"I know, yeah, sorry. I get that's important. But we've got a situation here."
"What would that be?"
"Secret society of rich fruitloops that are worse than Vlad. They're kidnapping children and making them into brainless assassins."
Immediately, the room grows colder than the far frozen. Danny's eyes are as green as they could ever be, but his pupils were an icy blue that would have made Frostbite shudder. 
"What do you need?"
"Skulker, Wulf, and Amorpho." 
"I'll send them on your way. They'll be here within 3 hours." Danny sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I'll finish up things on my end to help."
"Sure thing, twerp."
"Fuck you." Fondly. 
"Fuck you too." Affectionately.
"OH! Your revenant was looking for you." 
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It was an entire week of silence. Of Wraith not doing anything at all. Even the rogues felt apprehensive to act on anything after Wraith's new subordinates started popping up to pester them. The reports were the same. Distorted footage, meta-human abilities, and a ridiculous amount of chaos. 
Apparently, Two face has waged war on one of them, named Ember. Riddler was also ready to throw hands with Specter. And then Harley and Ivy were hunting down a couple names Kitty and Johnny 13. Why they were named that, none of them knew. But considering Wraith and Phantom's titles, the entire group was Ghost themed. The majority of Gotham have taken to calling them the Ghosts. 
But then...
"Bruce... Get a look at this." Barbara's voice shook, horrified as she stared at the screen. Majority of the family was already in the cave, preparing to patrol once more. But their eyes were drawn to the screen. They all froze, struggling to fathom what the fuck was it they were looking. 
"Holy shit." 
Everyone was frozen, staring at the clear, untampered screen. 
Bruce sucked in a deep breath, reading the bloody message written on the wall of... He couldn't recognize it properly. "Farewell to the Court of Owls that once watched from their shadowy perch. Their talons covered in the blood of children they once purge. Farewell to their judge, the parliament says goodbye. To Talons, to owls, the ghosts says hi." 
And right beside the message was the hanging body of what Bruce recognized was the Judge of the Court of Owls. 
The Court of was in ruins. 
"Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!" Tim screeched, almost stumbling as he stared at the morbid message. "The Wraith and his ghosts took out the fucking court."
There was a loud rev of an engine, momentarily dragging their attention to Jason who was hurriedly getting of his bike and taking of his helmet. "Fuck, you've already seen it."
"You saw it in real life?! Where the fuck is that? The location is distorted but the entire thing is being broadcasted to the entirety of Gotham." 
"There are two of 'em. That one's on the clocktower."
Barbara snapped her head towards him, "MY clocktower?!" 
"Sorry 'bour that Barbie. But it got the job done for them, all of Gotham know about the court now."
Bruce grimaced, "And the other location?" 
"Arkham... The Talon is the one being hanged up there. The message is shorter: Bye-Bye owls. Shouldn't have messed with the dead." Jason clicked his tongue, "That's either about the fact that the court has been messing with the dead or it's cause Wraith's group is called the Ghosts." 
Jason shook his head, knowing for the fact that he'd have to track down Phantom soon. His eyes turned towards Dick, who stared at the screen as if a burden was just freed from him. Jason thinks it has. 
They had found out about the Court a little while ago, then found out about Dick's situation with them. How the circus he grew up in was one of the facilities that groomed Talons. How Dick was supposed to be recruited as one when his parents died. 
"Dick?" Jason murmured, gently taking Dick's hand. The other man jolted, his domino mask hiding whatever emotions there was in his eyes. 
"Little Wing..." 
"C'mon. Let's go grab some of Alfred's cookies. The rest of the family can deal with this." Jason quickly hurried his older brother out the cave, urging him to change our of his suit. 
Dick, once again, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, struggled to understand that his nightmare that was the Court was finally dead. Most likely slaughtered by the hands of a new crime lord, a rogue that seemed desperate to keep children safe. He held the tea tightly, closing his eyes as Jason sat opposite to him. 
The court was dead. 
Talon was dead. 
"I'm gonna go look for Phantom in a bit." Jason hummed, trying to appear comforting to Dick. 
And the image of the Judge of the court's body hanging from the clocktower flashes in his head again. 
"Jason." Dick whispered, "Get me a meeting with Wraith."
"What?" Jason blinked, "Dickie, no. Wraith might seem like a pretty nice guy with how he's protecting the kids, but he's still..." He paused, "He's still like me." 
"I need to meet him, Jaybird. I need to confirm that the Court is gone for good. He's the only one who can do that for me." 
"Why would Phantom even let you meet him?"
Dick frowned, sucking in a deep breath before taking Jason's hands. 
"Tell him that Nightwing was supposed to be a Talon."
Part 4 | Masterpost
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thebestandworstdayofjune · 2 months ago
clark kent loves quietly
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This is a collection of head canons I wrote with David!Clark in mind, but would really work for any Clark iteration. That teaser trailer did something to my brain
He knows that you hate being spooked, and his quiet footfalls have gotten the better of you more times than you would ever admit. When he comes home from a day of work, or finds you tucked into whatever you are working on, he purposefully makes sure that his footfalls are heavy, so that you hear him coming. You jump slightly when he notches his chin in the space between your head and shoulder, but he is quick to squeeze you tight and soothe them away. 
You would think that he tries to fight your battles for you, protection hard wired into his veins. But he’s much the opposite. He knows that you can take care of yourself (super-human threats excluded, of course) and is happy to watch you stand up for yourself. It’s nice to see you love yourself loudly by making your wishes known. 
This man can cook. He spent a lot of time with his mom in the kitchen, who used cooking to cope after his father passed. He absorbed every second of it, intent on making the memories last. Food is one of his love languages now. He will pick up your favorites if he is eating out, but when you are having a particularly hard day, he plops you down on the couch with your beverage of choice in hand, and insists you don’t move. You had assumed that cooking would be frustrating for him, all the super speed in the world can’t make onions caramelize faster, but he finds it so soothing- especially when he knows that you’re going to give him one of your big smiles, the kind saved just for him, at the end of it all. His specialties are casseroles and chilis and his mom’s fluffy biscuits, if you were wondering. 
Does his best to mind his business (keeping his super hearing off the speed of your heart) as long as you promise to let him know what is bothering you as soon as you’re comfortable. He hates to see you hurting, but also respects that sometimes you need to process on your own. It’s unspoken between the two of you, you’ll curl up with him when you’re ready and spill your guts, and he will have a super powered ear at the ready. 
Any of your accomplishments are office gossip for weeks, because he is telling everyone. A picture of you with the degree you finished several months into dating is framed on his desk, when you accept his proposal he finds ways to slip it into most conversations. You always blush, which fills him with pride. He insists it isn’t gossiping if it’s talking about yourself. You smile and resist the urge to point out that it is often more so about you. He views you as a singular unit in all things, and you can’t find it in yourself to complain.
Clark was simultaneously terrified when you figured out that he was the one flying around the city fighting super humans (and rescuing the occasional cat stuck in a tree), and not the least bit surprised. He has long considered you one of the smartest people that he has ever known. He chides himself for not preparing for it better. He stood speechless for several moments, before tripping over his words, a muddled confusion of explanation and apology. He calmed when you smiled shyly at him, approaching him like he might spook at any minute. He stilled, allowing you to take control of the situation and gently slip your hand into his. You squeezed, he squeezed back, and the rest was history.
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shitpostingsapphic · 2 months ago
Why I don't feel disappointed by Vi's arc, but you might
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I usually have pretty strong and polarizing opinions when it comes to my takes on Arcane, but this is one where I wanna open up the discussion a bit more and invite people to my perspective, and it's fine if you don't see it this way.
I think there are two primary reasons why people feel disappointed by the arc of s2 Vi. The first, being that Vi had stronger voiced concerns about the state of Zaun in the first season. The second, being that she spent the whole show wanting to be with her sister and she didn't end up getting that.
Why I actually feel fulfilled in Vi's arc has to do with these two points, and I invite you to sit with what I have to say next.
Both of these parts of Vi have to do with her fatal flaw: her neglect of self.
We know two things based on what the creators have said about the show: the theme of Arcane is the cycle of violence, and the entire show was written together, instead of season 2 being written after season 1 production. From this, I can then ask: what do the creators want to tell their audience about this message, knowing they wrote it all out together, knowing the events of season 2 were very purposeful, using Vi as a conduit for that message?
If violence is a cycle, can one person defy it? No, of course not. At the start of Vi's arc, she wants to be a person that breaks it, though. She wants to change things in Zaun, wants a better life for her sister. As season 1 continues on, she wants to pick up where she left off with Powder without truly processing the gravity of the years between them. She thinks she can hold the world on her shoulders and fix any problem that comes her way. She thinks she can use her fists to make progress, thinks she can physically reach out and create change, but it only contributes to the cycle. And that's not because she's morally in the wrong when she does so, but she doesn't grasp yet that her fists can't fix everything. Vander tries to tell her as such in act 1, and it's a lesson that goes beyond just the literal application.
Vi's tendency to try and fix everything around her leads to her neglect of self. Inevitably, when you try to change things you have no control over, it leaves wounds. It leaves a person feeling like something is deeply wrong with them. And we watch Vi go down this spiral. I actually find myself really brokenhearted watching Vi in the first 2 acts, because I think she represents a lot of us: we see pain and devastation around us, but we don't know what the right thing to do is. We try different tactics and try to fix things and are left wondering why things feel worse than how they started.
I think that's something a lot of viewers could benefit to reflect on: I think in watching a show with strong political messaging, we yearn for a message that tells us the answers to these big problems. Truthfully, most of us don't have a fucking clue what we're doing. We want change but don't know how to see it through. That includes the writers. This isn't a show about the solution to political strife. It's about the cycle of violence. It's about not knowing how to change something that's been continuous throughout history in some form.
If we put ourselves in Vi's shoes, it would eventually take a toll on us to try and change something that isn't within our ability to change. Vi can't fix the problems in Zaun. Vi can't change the way time and distance and pain has warped her sister into someone else. In season 2 act 1, she's still trying to take responsibility for things that are outside of her control. She blames herself for the way Jinx has changed and has to tell herself that the only way to fix it is to end the cycle with her own fists. She teams up with Caitlyn because she's convinced herself it's the only way she can help. She sees how violence has devastated not only Zaun but innocents in Piltover as well, and she feels responsible for it.
BUT SHE IS NOT AT FAULT. And she cannot fix it any more than she could have created it.
Perhaps people may feel Vi's arc is lacking because they wanted to see more of her involvement in the revolution of Zaun. They wanted to see her be able to change the situation with her sister and for them to live happily together. But because of the circumstances surrounding both, for Vi to do so, she would inevitably lean into her fatal flaw. She cannot do either of those things without neglecting herself. That's not who she is.
The whole point of a character arc is for someone to be a changed person from beginning to end. If Vi starts out as someone passionate about enacting change to the point of self-destruction, what would a resolution for a character like that look like?
Vi needs to choose herself. Vi needs to release herself of the responsibility of changing the world. She can't do it. There are ways to contribute to positive change that don't involve putting the world on your shoulders, and Vi has yet to put herself first in any situation. Vi choosing love is how she does it.
Amanda Overton, one of the main writers that contributed to Vi's character and the Caitlyn and Vi dynamic and relationship, said about Vi: "If she has no one left to protect, she would fall in love". If Vi finally lets go of this crutch of hers to protect, to fight, to take responsibility for things that aren't her burden to bear, she would fall in love. She would finally be able to choose something for herself.
This is why I find her arc fulfilling. I feel like it's not an arc we really see a lot. It's not every day we have a character that starts out like the classic anime slash marvel protagonist, and instead of being the person that saves the world, they accept they're not a superhero and it's okay to choose love and personal happiness.
If it applies, and you're reading this, I want you to ask yourself: are you perhaps disappointed with her arc because you expected her to be the superhero? And would you be okay with accepting that she isn't and doesn't need to be? That it would be better for her to choose herself?
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no-144444 · 3 months ago
nothing bad!- o.piastri
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summary: the sprint pisses you off, ted's notebook catches you at a bad time, you say some things, oscar posts some things, and it ends up being one of the most popular ad campaigns in history. oops.
pairing: oscar piastri (no.81) x fem! driver! reader
You rolled your eyes as you watched the sprint end. Bullshit. Team orders had always left a bad taste in your mouth, but this was just bullshit. You sighed, looking at Mark, and he just rolled his eyes. Oscar was on par with Lando in his second season. Yes, there were some small mistakes or issues, but he was a fucking jet engine, and he deserved a team that treated him like one. He was going to be World Champion next year, you knew it, Mark knew it, everyone knew it. 
“Fucking arseholes,” Mark cursed. “What time is your quali at?” 
“12,” you answered. “I’m going to just go talk to him, see you in a bit.” 
You stood in Parc Fermé and he came up, pressing a kiss to your lips and sighing as his team congratulated him. 
“That was such bullshit,” you sighed, following him to his driver’s room after the media duties. “Wanna fuck to get all that frustration out?” 
He nodded, not even looking at the question like it was a joke. You both knew it wasn’t. “How long until your quali?” 
“An hour,” you shrugged, pulling him into his room with a smirk. 
When you two finally resurfaced, you made your way over to your car, ready to slot it onto the grid, as you did, you were stopped by Ted Kravitz, the man, the myth, the legend himself. 
“Y/n! How are you feeling about today’s quali and sprint race?” he asked. 
“Good, yeah. Just need to get out and up there,” you nodded. You were the number one driver in F1 Academy, and F2. This weekend was an F1 Academy weekend. You’d won every race since you’d joined the series, a sweep of total domination for 2 years. 13 wins under your belt in F1 Academy, 12 feature race wins in F2, and 12 Sprint wins in F2. And you were only 22. 
“And how did you feel about Oscar’s Sprint race? You didn’t look so happy in Parc Fermé.”
You rolled your eyes. “If Lando really needs Oscar to take a side step like that over one point, maybe he’s not ready to be champion,” you shrugged. “And that’s coming from a friend.” 
You could feel the air shift as Ted smirked, knowing what a headline that would be. 
“Thanks for your time Y/n, we’ll see you on the other side of Quali,” he smiled, allowing you to walk on. 
Pole position, again. 
It was almost funny how easy it was. 
You made your way back into your garage and found Oscar looking proud, but slightly guilty…
“What did you do?” you asked, putting your helmet and gloves down. 
“Nothing bad,” he prefaced. “But I may or may not have posted something.”
You looked at him quizzically. “Show me.” 
He turned his phone around and you laughed. 
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris, y/nracing, and 839,231 others
oscarpiastri: get yourself a girlfriend who a) is intelligent, gorgeous, and awesome. and b) publicly humiliates your teammate over one point :)
landonorris: low blow... i thanked you -> y/nracing: u forgot to thank beyonce.
mclaren: please take this down xxx -> y/nracing: if he takes this down i'll bomb mtc. -> mclaren: OH GREAT HEAVENS.
zbrownceo: we know this diva 💜
lilymhe: hold up im trying to spell gorjus -> y/nracing: OMG I FUCKING LOVE YOU DITCH ALEX FOR ME PLZ
carlossainz: at least you've got a leg up on lando... -> user22: ??? -> carlossainz: he hjas a girlfriend that loves him, lando's dumps him every four days -> landonorris: WHY AM I CATCHING STRAYS RN????
oscarpiastri: who is this gorgeous lady? -> y/nracing: she's taken bucko -> oscarpiastri: not by lando norris 😹😹😹 (even though he asked you out first...) -> y/nracing: who the fuck would pick lando over oscar?
pierregasly: WHO IS THIS DIVA 💜
charlesleclerc: glad to see my daughter in law is still insane
“Well, I’d better post something myself, shouldn't I?” you smirked. He nodded, a bright blush on his cheeks, knowing exactly what you were going to post. 
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liked by pierregasly, oscarpiastri, landonorris and 12,293,942 others
y/nracing: booo ln4. i'm into op81. oh yeah, also our skims collection is out on the 24th xxx
user29: i have no one to talk to about this.
oscarpiastri: pretty girl -> y/nracing: pretty boy
landonorris: ??? ->oscarpiastri: I will actually gouge your eyes out, unlike this post right now. -> user92: WHAT HAPPENED TO POLITE CAT? -> oscarpiastri: his teammate became a bitch
lilymhe: my girl is beautiful
alexandrastmleux: my girl xxx
charlesleclerc: supporting! (with my eyes closed)
pierregasly: 👀 ->oscarpiastri: close them.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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