#but if I draw it inaccurately it just looks wonky
andro-dino · 1 year
// Can we have Phantom with C4?
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He doesn’t even need the glasses he just wears them to be dramatic
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ghostbite0 · 11 months
Hello!! Happy Friday the thirteenth 😋
(I really hope I’m not bothering you, I’ve just been on a drawing spree lately)
here I have for you today, ghost Yuna and Ro for the soul. (It’s looks kinda wonky, please ignore that— 😭)
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I’m case it’s not clear what Yuna is doing, she’s playing with Ro’s hair while Ro is doing whatever they typically do
I’m still practicing on how to do Ro’s haori, so I apologize if it’s inaccurate
AWWW I DIDNT SEE THIS UNTIL NOW THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! thank you for drawing Ro she's so adorable in your style !!! i hope you have a lovely day too!
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transpigeon · 5 months
I have never touched a piano or had a piano lesson in my life. if you sat me down at a piano and told me to play a prokofiev concerto and all I could do was hit some keys without any semblance of accuracy or coherence, you would not say I was stupid, untalented, and naturally incompetent.
if you had never sat in the drivers seat of a car and never learned the theory, and someone told you to get in a car and drive to somewhere 100 miles away, and you could not even start the car, you would not think you were stupid, untalented, and naturally incompetent.
so why, when you try to draw the face of someone you love for the first time (or the second, or the fiftieth), and it comes out a little wonky, a little inaccurate, a little strange-looking, do you think you are stupid, untalented, and naturally incompetent? why do you give up? why do you abandon this skill forever, and relegate it to the impossible?
art is a skill that must be practised. no one is a “natural artist”, so everyone is a natural artist. draw some leaves, draw some faces, draw your cat, throw paint at a wall, stamp on your canvas, have fun. just don’t give up
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charmnotcharming · 1 year
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making dinner.
I was reading @themarydragon 's loved lost found series (if you're reading this i would like to thank you for writing your amazing fics! your zelink fics are my all time favourites and i always reread trouble the water!) and the image of them in an apartment just living their lives as link cooks and zelda works stuck in me and i made this. Highly inaccurate to the actual fic itself i must say 😂 but i did add a spice rack in the middle of drawing it.
I tried to fix Zelda's face multiple times but it still looks a bit wonky to me. Thankfully its tiny compared to the whole picture oops
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Fanart for @squidkid15 and @lotusmonkey 's Core AU for LMK. I adore it so much. In case it wasn't clear this art is made for their fanfic ^^
I apologize in advance for any inaccurate designs or anything like that, I tried searching through the tag for character designs and all I found was Macaque so I tried to follow that as best as I could.
I've also barely drawn these guys soo yeah 😅
I didn't know what I was doing I just had some images in my head and even though I haven't drawn them enough yet to pull off exactly what I wanted I'm still happy with them (even if they look a little wonky but again chalking that up to lack of experience and exhaustion near the end).
This scene with the blue in the cores in particular is one of my favorites, right beside Macaque and Wukong's convo in the kitchen. So. I had to draw it.
Alright enough nervous rambling hope you like it! Sorry again for all the wonkiness and any design mess-ups, lack of experience + tiredness (but brain demanding I finish before sleep) + only finding Macaque kinda resulted in a bit of a jumble but hopefully it's fine 😅
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Aand if I can figure out how to make a cut
The answer is I can't
I tried the last drawing twice, I decided I wanted to redo the first one I did because while it served it's purpose it wasn't really what I was wanting (and also I forget MK was monkey until I was almost done 😅)
The proportions also bugged me too much (they're not my strong suit but they can still irritate me sometimes)
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penname-artist · 3 years
¿ Would you do a tutorial on how to draw airplanes and helicopters? I need help and you are the only one I know who draws them (╥﹏╥)
Note: I took forever on this because I needed time to, and lucky me I got a snow day to get all this done without work in the way! :D
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Here are some random tips and tricks to learning how to draw planes and helis, just from my personal experiences!
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1. Reference, reference, REFERENCE!
Having references is a KEY component to drawing ANYTHING, especially things that you've never drawn before or want to improve on. Having a reference is great to see what stuff you got right and what you need to get better, and it's also a great way to snatch good poses and angles of characters. (P.S. Yes!!! it's alright to trace things! If you're like me and you have a very unsteady hand that depends on a stabilizer to draw a straight line most of the time, having a guidline on a layer underneath you is SO NICE! Just...don't let people know that you traced from a ref, cuz some people are meanies. It's our little secret ;)
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2: However long you think the lines are...they're usually longer.
Purely from personal experiences, planes are very BIG and their wingspan is also very BIG. Unless the model of plane you're drawing is meant to have noticably short wings (say, El Chu) then their wings are most likely gonna be longer than you initially predict them to be. When in doubt, make em a bit longer! (ESPECIALLY if you're drawing Ripslinger, from my experiences...)
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3. Think 3-Dimensionally!
So, this tip is not entirely plane/heli relevant on its own, but bare with me, knowing how this works is a MASSIVE step in the right direction to drawing good planes and helicopters! See, planes have weird wonky banana-ish shapes, and sometimes their angles make them look really weird (just look at a front view of Dusty, have you ever noticed how paper thin his body is??). Because of that, it's extremely important that you know how to recreate something as though it is inside of a three-dimensional space.
As an excercise to try, in order to learn this, try drawing the little bean-shaped thing on the bottom there, and other wonky unnamable shapes with it, and just start drawing lines on it, make it look like it's 3D! This is how you teach your brain how angles and curves work, and with it you can learn how the shape of a plane or helicopter piece works at the angle that it's sitting in. Remember you can (and should!) always make very rough first sketches to get down your proportions and your shapes. The foundation is key!!!
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4. Redraw often!
Redrawing something is a great way to see several things, like how much you've improved since the last time you drew a character, how your style has adapted or changed, and what things you know about now that you didn't before! The more you do a character, the more familiar they become to you, until it is like second nature to draw them. (Honestly I think I do this with Blade, I'm to the point where I need fairly minimal references) Just keep drawing and redrawing, and when you look back after a while you'll see all the progress you've made!
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5. When in doubt...bullshit it.
I can not tell you how many times I have looked at landing gear, gone "what the fuuuuck...?" and then just made my own thing and called it a day. Because I do that a LOT.
This isn't 100% just for landing gear, but I do consider landing gear to be the most "I can get away with some BSing" thing there is, aside from maybe the helicopter hub. Just remember, as long as it looks vaguely like what the character's gear is, no one will fault you if it's a little inaccurate! And the snazzier the shapes you put on it, the more people will believe "oh, wow! This artist clearly knows what they're doing!" (Even though we sometimes don't and that's okay XD)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTION!!! This gave me a wonderful opportunity to teach my strangely specific tips and tricks for aircraft drawing, and I hope they help! In the future I might do more tutorial-y type things, but we'll see how it goes! :D
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paperpocalypse · 4 years
50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”: 13. Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Aristocrat!Reader
Word Count: 2,407 words
Warning: Wonky and inaccurate aristocrat/rich people politics and marrying young because of it, please bear with me
[A/N: No powers!Historical!AU]
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The elegance of the Hargreeves estate is of the dark, academic sort – polished, reserved, all sharp lines and dim lighting and old books – and you’d feel quite intimidated by it if you were any less acquainted with its occupants. You and your sister always look out of place when you visit, bright splotches of summer color roaming the narrow, perpetually autumnal hallways; and when congregating with the siblings in the library or outside, any visitor could glance at your merry group and immediately tell apart the hosts and the guests. 
It’s all a reflection of your respective parents, really – if you had any say in how you presented yourself, it certainly wouldn’t be in the vivid, youthful hues of your mother’s choosing, and you’re sure that some of the others have similar sentiments. 
Because while your family and Five’s family are certainly different in some ways, their respective heads are both pretty damn suffocating.
“Looks like it’s a draw.”
You grunt, displeased, and collapse back in your chair, bundling up in your blanket. “Can’t take a loss, can you, Five?”
“Not if I can help it,” he answers. His frown and crossed arms speak to his dissatisfaction with the result; losing is never an option, but clear-cut victories are always better than a draw. “Want to play again?”
The suggestion is tempting. Very tempting. You reach out and pick up your king, feeling the cold, smooth marble against the pads of your fingertips, and purse your lips in thought. Your eyes flick up briefly to meet Five’s.
“Maybe tomorrow,” you finally say, putting the piece down. “I’m getting a bit tired.”
Five studies you for a moment, head tilting in that particular, scrutinizing way of his. Then his expression smooths out and he nods.
After putting the pieces back into place, the two of you exit the warmth of the library and head towards the guest wing. The walk is silent; you keep your borrowed blanket wrapped snugly around your shoulders, the bottom dragging across the perfect, wooden floor as you look at the paintings hung along the wall. They’re landscapes, mostly – of dark green forests; cold, still oceans; blue-grey mountains shrouded in mist. Impersonal and very fitting for the tastes of Five’s father, that’s for sure.
When you reach your room, you smile at your companion, and it feels unnaturally polite. “Well, goodnight, Five.”
The boy turns and strolls back down the hallway, and you wait until he disappears around the corner, chewing on your bottom lip, before pushing the door open to enter your room.
“You two are duller than an ashtray. 'Goodnight’?”
“Sh –” you bite back an expletive, whipping around to glare at the intruder on your bed. “Lila, go back to your own room!”
Your sister just stares at you from her upside-down position, arms and legs splayed out as she smiles. “You still haven’t talked about it, have you?”
“We don’t need to,” you snap back quietly, closing the door as quickly as you can without slamming it. “He understands it as well as you and I do.”
“You realize Mum never said you’ll have to marry the guy.”
“Of course not; she just strongly suggested it.”
“Still not an order.”
Her flippancy causes you to glare. “Lord Harold is rich and he’s willing –"
“He’s a massive creep,” she interrupts, giving you an incredulous look. “And you just came of age, [Y/n]. You’ll be miserable.”
“I can get it annulled after five years, remember?”
“You’re really going to last for five years?”
She’s trying to pull something out of you, you know it. You try to maintain your composure.
“A massive debt isn’t going to just disappear,” you repeat. “It was either him or Lady Helen, and Helen got betrothed last month. Harold’s the quickest way to fix it, in case you forgot.”
“And in case you forgot, it’s literally not your problem. Stop making a martyr of yourself when you don’t have to.” Lila sits up and swivels around to face you, crossing her legs. Her expression is expectant. “I’ll figure something out, so don’t throw a fit, alright? The debt’s going to be mine along with the estate. You can afford to disappoint Mum for once in your life.”
Your brow furrows. “Lila  –”
“If you keep arguing, I’m going to smother you with a pillow,” she says. “Either you agree with me, or you tell your future love affair that you’re marrying a human toad in the spring.”
“Future lo – it’s not like that! We’re friends!”
Lila holds your indignant gaze. Then, with practiced, unladylike ease, she hops off your bed, puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows at you.
“You have the worst case of denial I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” she says.
“I’m being completely honest,” you retort hotly. And you are. You and Five are friends, and although the nature of your relationship is admittedly more comfortable than any other friendship you’ve had over the years, nothing between you and Five had ever been non-platonic.
(Not that you would mind something non-platonic – but as you’ve reiterated to Lila many, many times, you’re just as content being friends. Having a genuine, close companion in your world is rare, and you’re tired of everyone deciding what you and Five should be when the two of you are more than capable of figuring it out for yourselves.)
“Why do you care, anyway? Everything will be easier for you if I marry Harold.”
“And more miserable for you.” She lets her arms fall to her sides. “Look, I’m the oldest, so I’m supposed to be the miserable one, not you. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t marry Harold. Give yourself more time to grow up.”
You don’t know what to say.
Seemingly finished with her piece, Lila smiles before brushing past you, nudging your blanket to the side on her way to the door. You glance away when she looks over her shoulder at you.
“Sleep on it.”
… You do, though it’s a lot less sleep than you’d hoped.
The next morning is slow and lazy. It’s a good thing in your opinion, because as mentioned before, you had spent a great deal of the night thinking about what your sister had said, and your head feels quite foggy as a result. A cup of tea and a horse ride with everyone outside in the snow both help somewhat over the course of the day. However, by the time the sky begins to darken, you’re back in your room to take a nap before supper, and quickly return thereafter.
When you hear three quick raps on your door, you groan and drag yourself out of bed.
“Lila,” you grumble as you turn the knob and pull, “can’t you go bother Diego instead –”
You swallow your words when you see your actual visitor. Five gives you a brief, tight-lipped smile.
“Mind if I come in?”
“Uh,” you respond intelligently, then shake your head and step to the side, remembering your manners. “Of course.”
Five walks in and heads towards the window. You go to the couch nearby and sit down, slightly perplexed as he finds an interest in the candle burning on the sill – he’s welcome to hang around in here, certainly, but the two of you usually convene in his room or the library. The guest room doesn’t have much to offer in terms of entertainment.
In due time, the boy turns away from the frost-covered window and joins you on the couch.
“Your sister said you weren’t feeling well,” is all he says.
So that’s why he’s here. Shrugging, you put your hands in your lap, fiddling with the family ring on your middle finger. “I’m just a little tired, that’s all.”
Your lackluster explanation isn’t enough, if his short, replying hum is anything to go by. Five leans forward, folding his hands and resting his chin on them. And what else? he seems to say.
“It’s … It’s just been a busy year, with Lila and me coming of age and all. More responsibilities and expectations, and all that,” you eventually continue, staring down at the thick, luxurious carpet at your feet. “Though I don’t have much of a right to complain. Lila’s bearing most of the pressure, since she’s the heir apparent …”
“She doesn’t seem too bothered,” Five points out, tone bland.
You allow yourself to grin. “Because we’re on vacation. Five, if you saw Lila this summer, you would’ve seen how hard she’s been working.” Not to mention all of the proposals that she had so graciously shot down, on account of her veto power and general distaste for marriage. “Honestly, the two of you have a lot in common and I don’t know why you butt heads so often.”
“I have my reasons.”
At that cryptic snark, you reach out and gain purchase on his hair, ruffling it in righteous revenge. Five grunts half-heartedly, elbowing you away. A small smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth and you almost feel like this conversation is going to be normal – that is, as normal as it gets with a Hargreeves.
(His hair is very soft. You feel bad for messing it up, so you attempt to smooth it back into its original state; about a minute into that attempt you realize what you’re actually doing and withdraw. You shouldn’t be so improper.)
Do you have to do this?
You decide to pay the piper before you can talk yourself out of it. “You know,” you say when the joviality fades, “she’s the one who suggested that I talk to you. About my possible betrothal.”
Five’s expression flattens. He looks straight ahead again, resting his elbows on his knees. “What is there to talk about?”
“Well, you’re my closest friend and one of the smartest people I know, so I ought to ask for your opinion on the possibility of …” You reconsider for one final moment, then inhale deeply and let it out. “Of me refusing Lord Harold’s offer.”
To your slight surprise, Five nods.
“Did you talk to your mother about it?” he questions.
“Not yet,” you murmur. “To be honest, I’ve been thinking about it for months, but I only started seriously considering it last night. And now I really don’t want to marry Lord Harold. He unsettles me and I’m not ready.”
He frowns. “Neither of them is going to accept that as a reason.”
“I know.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “They’ll kick up a fuss over finances and it’ll be a bit of a scandal. That’s why I’m asking for your advice.”
Being the pragmatist that he is, you had thought that Five would be more averse to your plan. He himself had done things that he did not want to do in order to help his siblings, so you had assumed that despite his immediate dislike of Lord Harold since the night of your coming-of-age celebration, Five would tell you to endure a few years with the noble before disposing of him and collecting your dues. It’s the easiest way to get what you and your family needed, after all.
The fact that he’s so accepting of your decision makes you curious …
“First of all, even if he recognizes your refusal – and you’ll probably have a hard time with that, which will be an issue all on its own – your mother will try to find someone else to ship you off to,” he states, eyebrows pinched. “Preferably within the next year or so, right?”
“How likely is she to push back your marriage by a few years?”
“… Not very likely,” you admit.
The boy pauses, thinking, then sits back.
“I could propose to you,” he offers, “if you’d like.”
You accidentally laugh out loud, you’re so taken aback. Five? Proposing? “Come again?”
“You heard me the first time.”
“We’re practically penniless. Would your father even give his blessing?”
He rolls his eyes. “Penniless or not, you’re an aristocrat with a title. If nothing else, Dad will accept that.”
“Neither of us want to get married.”
“And yet it’s your most realistic option thus far.” Five pins you with a serious gaze, and it finally hits you that he’s genuinely, actually asking. “Are you okay with it or not?”
“I …” You fumble over your words, staring at Five with wide eyes. “I mean, yes, I’d be okay with that, but … are you sure? You’d marry me just to get me out of another marriage?”
(Your question is not born of a doubt that he’ll go through with it. Five is a person of his word. But this is a big deal, and you’re both young, and most importantly of all, you don’t want this to be a mistake.)
“Let’s just say that I’d rather it be you than anyone else,” he mutters, shrugging softly. “This is your back-up plan, anyway. And if the marriage goes sideways, we can have it annulled after a few years and you’ll get a settlement too.”
He says it as if he’s discussing the weather. You chuckle, inexplicably reassured and amused by his bluntness. “Not even ten minutes into your proposal and you’re already thinking about an annulment? I fear for our future, Five.”
“There are worse things to be afraid of,” he replies sardonically. “Bring it up with your mom when you go back. If you can’t get out of a marriage, write me and I’ll talk to my dad.”
“Alright. You should bring Allison with you, though.”
“I suggest the same with Lila. Make it convincing.”
That won’t be too difficult. You nod, and with that, the deal seems to be sealed.  Although you’re still processing what just happened, and Five is likely realizing just what he and you are potentially getting yourselves into, the two of you share a small smile nonetheless. It is hard not to.
“Thank you,” you murmur after a while. 
Five glances over at your hands, then down at his. “Don't thank me yet."
"Alright, then. If you insist."
As your friend twists the steel ring on his index finger, you think to yourself, yes, you do want more time to grow up. But if the world won’t give that to you, you figure that a life with Five would be the next best thing. 
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raine-moore · 3 years
Second post for my old art, because it would be too long otherwise.
It's the Greek Deities edition! It'll probably be a lot more text since I started with Old History and Classic Archaeology at University, so I may be correcting myself a lot.
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Aphrodite and Dionysus. Aphrodite is supposed to be in between Astarte and Areia, so I gave her a symbol of Ishtar, which does not make sense. Obviously her dress isn't historical, her shield is too small, but I like that I chose to put lettuce symbolism on her shield, though I guess it could be a rose, too. From a historical perspective absolutely horrible, but from an art perspective, I really like her dress.
Dionysus is supposed to be an older version as well, so he still got his horns, even though the beard is gone. He holds a goblet of wine, which would make this more of a spartan depiction, since the Athenians drank out of the more impractical Kylix and to them a goblet was a sign of barbarians. His chiton is... bad. 1. Greeks did not pull their chitons together with whatever this coin-clip on his shoulder is. Only barbarians would do that. 2. A chiton that leaves one shoulder free is worn by slaves, not free Greeks and definitely not by deities. This will come up later as well.
But I like his horns and the grapes, I did a good job on those.
All the colours are too bright though.
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Boreas and Apollo. Boreas is not wearing a legitimate ancient cloak, but it looks good and is thematic for a god of winter, so I'll let it slide. Plus points for beard, minus points for long hair, only barbarians and maybe children wore long hair. (And women, of course, but they weren't really people by ancient Greek standards) The feathers on his wings aren't really all that good, but I feel like I've improved with the feathers by now and at least I was using different shades to show them.
Apollo is dressed like a barbarian slave and his hair is too long, but I guess that's because I didn't want to draw the ears. The lyre is... wonky, but the quiver is nice and at a realistic place, though I'd probably turn it around today so that the feathers of the arrows point back. The colour palettes are solid though (if a bit too vibrant).
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Hades and Persephone. Hades' chiton is of course what a slave would wear and his hair is too long, but he's got a beard and I like the bones (though they are a modern addition). Hades' cloak is historically accurate actually, which is surprising. It is called chlamys and was worn by generals. Hades probably wouldn't wear it, but at least it existed. It is also the only greek piece of clothing that can use one of those clips, so yay! Good job younger me!
Don't know what I was going for with the red energy stuff though.
Persephone's dress has a green that is too vibrant, but I'll let it slide on the account that she's wearing an actual long chiton! Her cloak is complete bullshit though. I like the flowers, they're not made to look like real flowers because I can draw like three different flowers and none of those are realistic. But they look good.
I tried to not be too negative about my old art. If anyone else had drawn this, I would be more positive, but everyone's harder on themselves than on others. They're not bad, just very full of pop-culture interpretations of the gods, which are usually very inaccurate. This is fine if your intention is to make them look good by modern standards, but as far as I remember I was aiming for historical accuracy.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Kagekao’s Day
A fic that follows the average day in the life of our favorite demonic trickster as he gets up to...whatever it is he gets up to. Please note I am not Japanese so the japanese used in this fic is google translated and may be inaccurate or wonky. Apologies in advance for that. Word count: 3489
Shinjuku’s Golden Gai. Arguably one of his favorite places to spend long nights drinking in. The Golden Gai, or Golden Street as tourists would call it, was a quaint little labyrinth of bars, shops and clubs. He’d squeezed himself into a random bar, he wasn’t sure if he’d been there before but the place did serve some damn good umeshu. He’d already drank maybe two bottles worth. It was surprising they would still serve him after so much. Maybe it was because he didn’t get drunk very easily. He was tipsy at most.
He snapped his fingers as a waiter walked past his booth. He propped his clawed feet up on the table as he turned to look at him. He held up his empty glass, shaking it a bit. The ice clinked quietly as he did so. ‘’Motto kudasai.’’ he chirped. The waiter nodded and walked off to grab him another drink. He settled down again, ready to get himself comfy for bottle number three, but then his phone rang. He scowled and reached into his pocket, hitting answer without even looking at the caller ID. ‘’Osu.’’ he grunted, playing with his scarf. He heard a deep chuckle on the other side of the phone.
‘’Well hello there,’’ the voice was deep, and oozed charisma. He smiled and sat up. ‘’Is this a bad time, Kagekao?’’ 
He giggled. ‘’No, no, kami-sensei. Not at alllll.’’ he purred. ‘’To what do I owe the pleasure, hmmmmm?’’
The man on the other end of the phone chuckled again. ‘’I have a job for you. Think you could drop by? We’d love to see you again.’’
He swung his feet off the table and grinned, giggling. ‘’Of course, of course!’’ he chirped. ‘’Sounds fun! Very very fun, kekekeke!’’ he reached into his dress, pulling his wallet from one of the ever-so-delightful pockets. He pulled out the yen and tossed it onto the table. ‘’I’ll be there soon!’’ 
‘’Good, good. I’ll see you soon then.’’ the voice on the phone purred before hanging up. Kagekao skittered out of the bar and off to see Zalgo.
Getting to Zalgo’s realm was easy enough. Find a wall, draw a giant ‘Z’ on it and simply wait for the gates of hell to open up! Kagekao gleefully waltzed through the tunnel to the barren wasteland Zalgo resided in. It was a very dreary place...and Kagekao loved that! He took his time getting to the house. He liked messing with the lost souls that roamed the wasteland. They weren’t really able to fight back, and couldn’t think enough to be anything but innocently confused and curious. Kagekao playfully cackled to himself as he skittered off to Zalgo’s nice, cozy house.
Now he could have taken the door that was always left unlocked, but that was boring! Instead, he scaled the house and made his way up to the chimney. He squeezed himself into it and rapidly skittered down, being as loud as possible in the process. He giggled at the confused shouts and noises he could hear through the wall. He stopped near the entrance of the chimney. The fireplace was unlit. 
He heard shuffling in the room. The rustle of a newspaper, or magazine. Then someone, male, sighing. He giggled. ‘’Jason! Can you come here a second?’’ he called out, mimicking the young, feminine voice of Jane. The male grunted and got off the couch, crossing the room.
While he was occupied, Kagekao crawled out of the fireplace and onto the ceiling. He tilted his head, turning to look at the redheaded man standing in the doorway, his back turned to Kagekao. The demon pulled his scarf up onto the ceiling, out of sight, before replying. ‘’Nevermind, I got it!’’
Jason grunted and turned, walking back over to the armchair he’d been sitting in. Kagekao silently crept along the ceiling until he was directly over where the toymaker sat. Biting back a giggle, he braced himself, then let go of the ceiling. The screech Jason let out had him cackling.
‘’KEKEKEKEKE! Mitsuketa!!’’ he giggled as he rolled over in Jason’s lap and sat up, pressing his mask to the toymaker’s shocked face. Jason blinked a couple times before his lips curled into a snarl. He shoved Kagekao off of him roughly, sending the giggling demon to the floor. Kagekao rolled over onto his hands and knees and snapped his neck to the side a few times, making loud snapping noises as he did so. ‘’Ya-ho!’’ he chirped in greeting. Jason growled and kicked at him. The demon quickly backflipped out of the way with a giggle. 
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jason snapped. Kagekao giggled again and leapt to his feet.
‘’Zalgo called me!’’ he chirped. Jason huffed and shook his head, muttering to himself. Kagekao snapped his neck around at the sound of footsteps approaching the room. He grinned beneath his mask at the sight of Zalgo standing in the doorway, smirking as he always did. ‘’Ya, kami-sensei!’’ he greeted excitedly. Zalgo chuckled.
‘’Hello Kagekao.’’ he greeted calmly before tilting his head, golden eyes flicking to the angry toymaker. ‘’Jason, shouldn’t you be bringing guests up to my lounge? The living room is hardly a place for me to have formal discussions.’’
Jason glared at Zalgo like he wanted nothing more than to tear the smug god to shreds. ‘’He came down the chimney.’’ he replied bluntly. Kagekao nodded.
‘’It’s true! Then I dropped into Jason’s lap.’’ he purred. Literally. Like a cat. ‘’He’s very warm and snuggly, kekeke.’’
‘’Well that’s good to know.’’ Zalgo murmured back. Jason buried his face in his magazine and did the breathing exercises Alice had been teaching him. Zalgo looked back over at Kagekao and smiled warmly. ‘’Come, I’d like to speak with you in private.’’ he glanced at Jason for a second before turning on his heel and gesturing for Kagekao to follow. He followed obediently, though he didn’t stop himself from looking around and touching anything that caught his interest. Zalgo didn’t seem to mind very much. 
He led Kagekao into his lounge. Though it also worked as an office. It was a big room, with high walls covered with bookshelves and drawers, along with a few trinkets. A mannequin with a pair of goggles on it, a glass case with giant butterfly wings in it, and a perfectly preserved human heart! That last one was Kagekao’s favorite, though Zalgo didn’t like him touching it. Zalgo strode over to the large desk and sat himself down on it, watching Kagekao intently as he skittered around the room a few times before deciding to flop himself into an oversized armchair. He curled his knees up, kneading his claws into the fabric as he got comfy before relaxing. He purred to himself before looking at Zalgo, who’s expression had turned more serious now.
‘’Do you have any wine?’’ he asked. Zalgo looked at him for a moment before snapping his fingers. Flames burst into the air, then disappeared. Leaving a bottle of wine in their place. The bottle fell down into Kagekao’s lap. He giggled happily and quickly uncorked it. 
‘’I have an assignment for you,’’ Zalgo murmured, his voice serious now that they were in private. ‘’It’s important. This is something only you can do for me, Kagekao. I trust you can get it done.’’
‘’Mmm…’’ Kagekao pulled his mask up and chugged some wine straight from the bottle. He’d have preferred a glass, to let the wine air out and settle more, but he was thirsty from all the time he’d spent drinking earlier. ‘’Of course. I can do anything.’’
‘’Good.’’ Zalgo leaned back where he sat. ‘’I want you to check on the proxies. Ask them if they’ve seen anyone...out of the ordinary recently. Wearing a mask.’’
Kagekao looked up. ‘’Out of the ordinary?’’ he cocked his head. ‘’You’re never specific, are you kami-sensei?’’ he added with a laugh. ‘’I can do it though! No problem. I’ll get to see the goggle brothers again!!’’
Zalgo arched a brow. ‘’The goggle brothers?’’
‘’Doby and Toby!’’ Kagekao threw his arms up, then squeaked when he almost spilled wine on himself. 
Zalgo smiled a small bit. ‘’Call them what you like,’’ he murmured as he stood up. ‘’Just make sure you don’t mention me-’’
‘’I know I know.’’ Kagekao cut in as he slurped down more wine. ‘’They can’t know you’re the person behind the Operator, lies and deception, I get it.’’ Zalgo looked surprised. He wasn’t used to being interrupted. Kagekao hopped to his feet and rocked on his heels. ‘’Can I run some errands before I report back?’’ he asked. 
Zalgo nodded. ‘’Whatever you want.’’ he replied simply. ‘’Just get it done.’’
Kagekao gleefully hopped, skipped and jumped out of Zalgo’s realm. He found himself back in the human world. Specifically somewhere in the US. He wandered through the town he’d been popped out at before finding himself in the local park. Bordering the park was a thick forest. He strolled through the trees, deeper and deeper into the forest until he came upon a cabin. Though it was closer to being a shack. Dilapidated and broken down. The wood it was made from was rotting, and nature seemed to be reclaiming it. Kagekao walked over and climbed onto the roof of the shack. He skittered across it and looked down into the backyard.
‘’Yeah it was fuckin’ weird! I don’t know- third base!- who would keep their soda in the cabinet like??’’ a young voice spoke below him.
‘’Guess they like room temperature soda.’’ a second, deeper voice replied. Two boys sat out on the back porch. Or rather, one of them was sitting on the porch. The second boy, who wore mismatched knee socks, an old purple hoodie and had fluffy chestnut hair, was sitting on the other’s lap. Kagekao climbed down the wall, staring down at the two of them intently. 
‘’Who the fuck drinks room temperature soda?’’ Doby asked as he tapped his fingers against his bare thigh. Toby shrugged and wrapped his arms around his friend, his shoulder jerking for a moment. He sighed and rested his head on Doby’s shoulder. 
Kagekao slowly reached down and ran his fingers through Toby’s curly hair. The boy jumped in surprise, his fist punching outward on instinct. ‘’Fuck off!’’ he yelped. Both of their heads snapped up suddenly, looking at the demon casually perched on the wall above them. He tilted his head to the side, grinning beneath his mask. 
Doby’s lips curled up into a grin. ‘’Hey bitch.’’ he chirped. 
Kagekao giggled again. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne.’’ he greeted. ‘’Genki datta?’’
Doby smirked and rolled his eyes. ‘’I can’t understand you.’’ 
Kagekao climbed down off the wall and hummed. Toby watched him crawl around the porch like a cat, or some kind of lizard. ‘’It’s been a while,’’ the demon murmured. ‘’How have you two been, hm?’’ 
‘’We’re good,’’ Toby murmured. ‘’What’re you doing here?’’ 
Kagekao snapped his neck to the sides a few times, as if mimicking the boy’s tics. He sat himself in front of them, crossing his legs. ‘’Just checking on you two.’’ he hummed. ‘’Anything interesting been happening lately? Anyone wandering into the woods?’’ he asked with a grin.
Doby smiled. ‘’A couple. You know how it is…’’ He mimicked swinging a baseball bat, a clear indicator that he was remembering times when the two had had to keep intruders from finding their little base of operations..
‘’And nobody else?’’ Kagekao tilted his head. ‘’Nobody with...a mask or anything such?’’
Toby frowned. ‘’Mask?’’ he asked softly. Doby nudged him.
‘’Sorry, tic.’’ he grunted before looking back at Kagekao. ‘’What do you mean by ‘mask’?’’ he asked slowly, his eyes narrowing at the demon. 
Kagekao grinned slyly under his own mask. ‘’Someone covering their face. Hiding.’’ he replied. ‘’There’s been someone going around lately...causing issues in the community.’’ he shrugged. ‘’Don’t know their name. Just that they wear a mask and they might be causing issues.’’
Doby hummed. ‘’Nah don’t know ‘em.’’ he said. ‘’Right Toby?’’
Toby nodded, almost too enthusiastically. ‘’Right, right.’’ he parroted. Kagekao hummed and stood up. On his hands. He stretched out one of his arms, balancing his full weight on one palm. 
‘’Well then,’’ he suddenly flipped himself up into the air, landing on the ground with ease. ‘’If that’s the case...then I’ll leave you boys be.’’ he looked at the two proxies. Neither of them spoke. They just stared up at him cautiously. Kagekao laughed and stepped away from the shack, moving toward the forest again. ‘’I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.’’ he added with a sly grin.
With his work done, Kagekao could do whatever he wanted. And he knew exactly what his next visit would be. He had to take a shortcut through Zalgo’s realm, but soon enough he found himself in Louisiana. Specifically a small town in Louisiana that had a forest bordering the side of it. He perched himself up in a tree and waited and waited. Eventually, a silver minivan drove out of the forest and Kagekao grinned. He leapt out of the tree and skittered through the woods and into the fairy circle buried deep inside it. He stopped in the mansion’s front garden and giggled. The mansion was typically impenetrable, accessible only to people who had Slender’s specific marking. Which Kagekao had, though Slender didn’t need to know that.
He crawled along the side of the house, finding his way into the back garden. He poked his head out and looked into the yard. Sitting by a flower patch, humming innocently was a small girl. Her hair was fiery, turning from blonde to red as it fell around her shoulders. She wore gray dungarees and a striped shirt, rolled up to her elbows, along with a red bowtie. Her skin was a reddish-brown, dotted with bronze freckles. Kagekao slinked out from behind the house and skittered across the grass, hiding in a bush. The girl looked up in surprise. She glanced around for a few moments, her golden eyes locking on the bush he was hiding in. Slowly, she stood up and crept over to him, head tilted curiously. She crouched by the bush, reaching out carefully. 
And then he pounced. She shrieked as the two of them rolled over the grass. They came to a stop, Kagekao leaning over her. She blinked in surprise, looking at him, before grinning. ‘’Gecko!!’’ 
‘’Ya-ho Slendra-cha!.’’ he greeted with a smile. 
The girl giggled and pushed him up off of her, sitting up. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne,’’ she replied. ‘’Genki datta?’’ 
Kagekao smiled. Ah, one of his few friends who spoke japanese. ‘’Genkidesu.’’ he replied. She smiled and tilted her head, hair falling over her shoulder.
‘’What’re you doing here?’’ she narrowed her eyes at him. A sly smile crept up her face. ‘’You’re not causing mischief are you?’’ 
Kagekao folded his legs. ‘’Nooo…’’ he shook his head. ‘’I’d never do that!’’ 
She leaned closer to him. ‘’Uh-huh?’’ she asked. ‘’My dad’s gonna be mad if he finds out you’re here…’’
Kagekao grinned at Slendra. Oh, her father certainly would be unhappy to find out he was on the property of his enemy. But Zalgo needn’t know that. ‘’Slender just went grocery shopping.’’ he replied. ‘’I saw the car leave.’’
The girl pursed her lips, a smile curling up her face. ‘’You’re planning something aren’t you?’’
‘’Your father wouldn’t notice if a wine bottle or two went missing…’’ Kagekao replied. She giggled. 
‘’You’re gonna get in troubleeeee.’’ she chided. Kagekao leaned into her.
‘’I knoooooow.’’ he replied. ‘’Now let me into your house.’’
Slendra rolled her eyes and laughed. ‘’Fine! But only if you promise to bring me those japanese potato chips I like next time you come over!’’ she pointed at him accusingly. Kagekao nodded, just eager to get his claws on some high quality wine. The girl smirked and stood up, leading the demon over to the back door. She slid it open and stepped into the neat, empty kitchen. ‘’You’re lucky Tim took Cody and EJ out you know.’’ she chided.
Kagekao padded toward the kitchen door, peering through the keyhole. ‘’Who’s home?’’ he asked.
‘’Mmm...Jeffery and Ben went with dad. Helen is in their room, and pops took the girls out.’’ she replied. ‘’So...you just gotta look out for Rachel.’’ Kagekao smirked. Rachel? She was only a human! Sure she was a psychic too but...nothing he couldn’t handle.
‘’Thank you Slendra.’’ he chirped before opening the kitchen door and skittering his way down to the basement. He flattened himself against the wall and peeked into the basement. It was sizable and comfy, with a few rooms. Including the miniature wine cellar, only across from him. His gaze moved over to the small couch on the right of the room. It was a cozy little area, with a coffee table, TV and several old gaming consoles, along with a cabinet full of games. Sitting on the couch, holding a game controller, was a woman with medium black hair, wearing an outfit of the same colour. She was playing some old shooter with monsters in it. Kagekao couldn’t be bothered to remember the name. He didn’t care for virtual games. 
Silently as possible, he climbed up the wall and reached the ceiling. He froze, snapping his neck to check on the woman. Rachel Downs...a powerful psychic, but an average human. He’d be wary of her, at the very least. He crept along the ceiling, keeping his head locked on her the whole time. He had almost, almost reached Slenderman’s stash of delicious wine when Rachel suddenly yelled out in irritation. He jolted in fear, watching her throw down the controller in her lap. ‘’God damnit!’’ she snarled. ‘’Janky ass controls…’’ she shook her head, then stood up. Kagekao cursed under his breath and threw himself over to a shadowed corner, thankful that the basement lights weren’t on. Rachel frowned and looked over at him, and though she couldn’t spot his eyes, Kagekao stared right back. A few tense moments passed before she sighed and shook her head. ‘’Fuckin’ cats…’’ she muttered to herself as she turned and walked up the stairs. Kagekao stayed frozen still for a few moments before skittering out of the corner and over to the door to the wine cellar. He unlocked it with ease, using a copy of the key he’d stolen a few months ago.
You couldn’t exactly call it a wine cellar, more of a wine...room. Shelves that were lined with bottles upon bottles of the delicious red stuff. Kagekao giggled. He had at least an hour before Slender came home. Which was plenty of time. He wasted no time getting into a bottle of his favorite brand. Slender had exquisite taste in wine. And a concerning amount of it. You’d almost think the man was an alcoholic, if it weren’t for the fact that he was an ancient ethereal being who didn’t get drunk easily. Kagekao would have claimed to have that same excuse, but he was nowhere near ancient or ethereal, and his alcohol tolerance was still nothing compared to Slender’s. Not to mention he would drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner, when Slender would at least have a glass of juice in the morning.
He told himself he’d keep track of the time. But by the time he heard thumping upstairs and three sets of footsteps he was nowhere near ready to leave. His eyes widened, listening to muffled voices upstairs.
‘’Boys, you start putting all of this away. I’ll be up in a moment to help.’
’‘’Kay dad.’’
The footsteps moved some more, and then he heard the stairs to the basement creaking. Kagekao chugged down the last of the bottle he had clutched between his feet and skittered over to another shelf. He grabbed a bottle in each hand, still listening as Slender approached the room. He staggered over to the wall at the back of the room and drew on the sigil for Zalgo’s realm. As soon as the gateway was open enough for him to slip through, he darted in and closed it behind him. Not wanting to stick around for fear that he’d been caught, he skittered down the dark, damp tunnel until he emerged into the light.
He stumbled and fell against the wall of a building. He shivered. Wow- it was cold here. He crept out from behind the building and looked around until his eyes laid upon a bathhouse in the distance. Glancing around more, he realised he was in between a couple of restaurants. The smell of freshly cooked meat and good old fashioned sake filled his nose. Kagekao grinned.
He had a few hours to kill before he had to go back to Zalgo.
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semi-sketchy · 3 years
real dumb question but are the paw patrol build a bears worth it? i only have chase and he's great but i'm on the fence about investing in the rest of the gang. i mainly want to get everest since she's my fav character but i'm scared to get her and not like the quality. the build a bears are the only paw patrol plush that look good to me but i don't have the opportunity to see them in person. would you recommend them? thanks!
Considering Chase and Skye are the only ones they're keeping stock of, it depends on if you can find them for a decent price and if you're looking to collect them all with the uniforms, or if you just want your favorites.
Build-a-Bears themselves are far from cheap and ones that are out of stock/discontinued go for a LOT. Everest used to cost upwards of $140, although thankfully she's come back down to around $60. Zuma and Rocky though? Yikes.
Of course, you have to consider the cost and deem if it's worth it to you. No one else can make that choice. Build-a-Bears are a good quality plush, although some do still look wonky. Here's my tier list from the best to worst ones based on mine.
Everest - Great build and face, the markings are accurate and the uniform fits.
Rocky - Great face, although the uniform is bad. Few points off for missing his light cheeks and whisker dots.
Liberty - Just has a nice face no matter which one you get and the uniform fits nicely (despite it missing the sleeves).
Tracker - Good face, generally doesn't look more wonky than his show model. Bonus being the uniform fits great and doesn't mess with his ears too much.
Zuma - Generally good face, nothing really wrong with him. His uniform is really cool, minus the vest which is just a slab of orange fabric.
Chase - Decent face, but missing the brown stripe down his muzzle. Hat on uniform doesn't fit right. Can't speak for the Sea Patrol one since I haven't been able to hunt one down.
Marshall - Some look good, some look bad, mine is just okay. Not good for a drawing reference as the spots are inaccurate or missing entirely, but his uniform is nice.
Rubble - The face is just off, although some have told me he's one of their better ones, so mine might just be weird. His uniform is alright, but he does have a pretty cool pup pack.
Skye - Awful face. Yet to see a cute one, honestly. Her best uniform is easily her Sea Patrol one, which is hard to find and doesn't have the pup pack.
Let me know if you want any more details!
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worldbuildguild · 5 years
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I was hoping you could redline this sketch! I’m having some issues with his head and his hand, but cant quite figure out how to fix them. He is supposed to be holding the cigar like that, but the hand still looks wonky.
You’ve actually managed to draw the profile of the face pretty nicely. There’s only a few things I’d really alter. Let’s have a look at the overall first though. 
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The character’s hand posture with the cigar is supposed to be a character quirk I assume. Which is fun - I like little character-indicatives like this. However, when I tried to replicate the pose for reference I couldn’t for the love of me get my fingers to sit like that holding anything thicker than a pencil despite being in possession of somewhat hypermobile joints. So i wanted to show you the way of how a more ‘normal’ hold on a cigar might look (while still keeping the pinkie and index finger raised higher on the cigar) , knowing that if you want to still keep the character holding the cigar like that - you’d basically have to make the middle- and -ring finger obscured by the cigar itself, since the cigar would rest directly on top of the knuckles. This could be done roughly by just erasing the two fingers. 
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Now the head i could do a lot more comfortably. Most obvious to me was that the character’ braincase didn’t extend past his neck. This is a common mistake and an easy fix. The ear aligning with the eye, which in turn aligns with the nose is one of the profile’s most common thumb rules. Depending on your design, of course, this can be accurate/inaccurate, but basic anatomy rules dictate that there’s a nearly straight line from the top of the earlobe leading into the dip of the nose bridge somewhere. This is also a great guideline to make for yourself when drawing your sketch. 
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- Mod wackart  ( ko-fi ) 
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deltastorm101 · 5 years
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst - A (critical) love letter.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of “a review I thought I could never write because I’m way too emotionally attached to this game which I know insanely, almost creepily well”, mixed with a healthy dose of “I should do everything but write this review because I want to finish school at some point but I have to use the surge of inspiration while it lasts”!
Today we will be talking about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, which was released 2016 as a prequel-ly reboot (saying it like this because for the longest time I’ve thought it to be a prequel but turns out it’s a lot more like a reboot... my bad) to the first Mirror’s Edge from 2008 (which, by the way, still looks fantastic today considering its release year). I will occasionally throw in references and aspects from the first game as well, but this will primarily be about Catalyst.
Time for game 👏 review 👏!
And as always - warning: spoilers. I’ll try to keep the really huge ones out of this or at least mark them well, but going off and playing for yourself first is recommended.
To start this off, I want to say that I initially loved the first Mirror’s Edge - however, only after playing Catalyst, I realized how bad the controls and bugs in it actually were, which is another way of saying Catalyst is a miracle when it comes to naturally flowing controls and crisp and polished looking environments. The city it takes place in, “Glass”, is breathtakingly gorgeous, period. Shiny, clean, it is just on point and one of the biggest reasons I consider it to be my favourite game from the day I first played it, hands down. Not even one of the new Tomb Raider games or one of my childhood-reminiscent games were able to top it and that means something.
The game takes place in an open world map complex under a totalitarian government, drawing parallels to George Orwell’s “1984” – big brother is watching you, all that. A dystopian world if I’ve ever seen one. The open world aspect is one of the best decisions the developers could have made; I have no words to describe how beautiful the different city districts are, and being able to run in freeroam through the city of Glass like parkour runners are meant to feels so much better than being trapped in closed-off levels like it was the case in the first game.
When I first wrote down some key aspects for this review while I was playing it once more, I noted that apparently, you only truly understand the game’s backstory and the protagonists’ origins if you’ve bought and read the comic, Mirror’s Edge Exordium, and that I think it’s not that important because you can well understand what’s going on at the beginning without it – the game starts with Faith, the main protagonist, getting out of jail/a sort of juvenile detention, making her way back into her old circle of friends and family and, of course, old unresolved and new unconsidered problems and conflicts. The comic basically explains what has been messed up by who to make her end up in juvie in the first place and, as I said, it’s not really necessary to know. But, after having bought it now after literal years of consideration, I can say that it’s definitely very nice to know, and totally worth it. There are a lot of elements from the game carefully and lovingly worked into the comic and vice versa (I don’t know what was written first, comic or game, but they fit together very nicely), and just having more reasons, more answers, a larger overview and even partly some explanations for the first game feels... right.
The voice acting is good overall – not strikingly awesome but definitely up there, especially during emotional cutscenes. Sometimes the controls are a bit wonky and Faith might not immediately do what your fingers tell her to but that could definitely be on me - in games where fast reaction is important, quick time events can go wrong occasionally, nothing new. There are some passages you could consider a QTE but they’re being displayed early enough for you to be able to mentally prepare for them as far as I see it. And in my book, that’s a massive improvement from the first game, where you were able to press a button perfectly in time even while having reaction time (= a temporary slow mode) activated, and still watch Faith gracefully fall down the side of the building while flailing her arms in fear because she didn’t grab onto that perfectly grabbable practical white ledge. Why, you ask? I don’t know, ask Faith. Oh, you can’t, obviously made clear by the nasty sound of her hitting the road and her neck being snapped apart. Seriously, I cringed to the moon and back when I first heard that ugly sound. Which is another thing they improved in Catalyst; now all you hear is her quick, raspy, fear-filled breaths and a blissful silence paired with a white death screen after you’ve hit a death barrier. Not the ground, a death barrier. There’s a shitload of them. Which is a pity regarding the fact that a whole lot more out-of-bounds areas would be reachable and playable if there weren’t. Honestly, I find it kind of disappointing that there’s this many invisible walls, fall-through grounds and death barriers. I can see why, conserving computing resources to avoid loading screens, blah blah, but still... let me go off the map, dammit. The game is about a group of people living “off the grid”, why can’t the player actually do that? Hm? Hmmm?
Another aspect tying into this is the social playing mechanic(s), which I found interesting but indeed totally unnecessary. We all know leaderboards of races and stuff, which were incorporated here as setting the best time in short, timed courses (“dashes”), which naturally have been hacked and cheated into ridiculousness. No, RunnerMaster69, I do not believe you ran that dash in three seconds and 420 nanoseconds, I just don’t. Upon completing a dash, you leave an ‘echo’, so basically a ghost other players can compare themselves to, and for you to see which route another player took. Nothing too groundbreaking on that front. There’s a way of tagging locations you’ve been to: so-called Beat Link Emitters (Beat L.E.s) are like little chips shining red in the world you can put down wherever you’re able to stand safely and have them appear in other people’s games to touch, which is a nice way of incorporating a way of saying “Hey, look where I was able to climb!” (And yes, I have abused this system; there’s a glitch making it possible for Faith to float down high buildings onto lower ones, which aren’t death-barriered but not reachable on a normal way. You bet I was a floating gurl putting down Beat L.E.s whereeeeever I could. So much fun. Sorry.)
The same goes for hackable billboards, which can also appear in your friends’ games, but they could have been designed a lot more interestingly. If you hack a billboard, your runner tag appears on it, which consists of a visual symbol, a frame around it, and a background. You can customize the tag in a companion app, which again I didn’t really find necessary. But it is pretty self-explanatory and a nice gimmick if you’re into that kinda stuff.
Maybe an irrelevant aspect: Faith is wearing the same outfit (almost) throughout the whole game. Only at the beginning while getting to the runners’ lair she’s wearing something different and I see missed potential there: let the player run in these clothes, or in the prison clothes, or in the clothes from Mirror’s Edge 1, or in some of the fancy clothes Glass’ high society is wearing, or generally different runner’s attire which still stays true to the style, or Black November garb... endless opportunities, missed. Not at all crucial, but in my opinion maybe better than some different-looking billboard...
Coming back to the (back-)story aspect once more; as with all of today’s big triple-A games, there’s a looooot of documents and recordings to find, to give the player a loooot of backstory, which I found terribly overdone. It always felt like there was too much to collect and too few actual story told; not to mention some story bits not being in either of the games or their collectables, but in a separately sold comic, well done EA, well done.
Additionally, a lot of the documents were about literal history of the state called Cascadia and the ‘conglomerate’ and Omnistat and the November Riots (don’t worry if you have no idea what these words mean, I don’t either...) and regarding the fact that I finished taking history in school with a D ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... you can imagine I wasn’t that interested in the actual history elements. Give me story anytime, but get the hi- prefix outta here please.
Another thing that I just very recently discovered: Some of the performed parkour movements are inaccurate. Thanks to my new interest of binging parkour tutorial videos I’ve seen actual mistakes in movement (in both games), which I can understand sometimes because some of them have been implemented on purpose and for a reason. For example: A parkour safety roll is performed sideways, with one of your shoulders hitting the floor first and the impact being absorbed and reduced by your whole back rolling over the ground in a diagonal line, ending in one of your feet carrying over the fall’s momentum for you to be able to stand up and run right along, probably even faster than before the drop. In the first game, this was handled straight up terribly; not only did Faith not roll diagonally but straight on her spine, which fuckin hurts if you perform it after you took a fall and is dangerous as all hell, but all her momentum got lost as well - it didn’t make any difference if you took a hard fall, the screen flashed red and you had to build new momentum, or if it was a soft fall with a nice (hurting and dangerous) roll, her stopping dead in her tracks like “Oh wow, did you see that, I made a roll” and then continuing to build new momentum because it all got lost. BUT since this is about Catalyst: Faith is still performing a straight spine-hurting-dangerous-as-all-hell-roll, but at least she keeps her momentum when she does it. Regarding to what I said at the beginning of this semi-rant-paragraph because I’ve “studied” (emphasis on the quotation marks) parkour theory so much at this point, yet am not able to actually perform any moves because I don’t have the strength, stamina or willpower to- Uh, where was I...? Ah, yeah, the reason for the incorrectly performed roll. It’s obvious when you think about it: motion sickness, a gamer’s best friend when it comes to first-person perspective. If Faith was performing a correct roll, it would turn and shake the camera around too much, which could potentially make the player motion sick over time. Period. Look up some first-person safety roll footage on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean. So, there’s a reason, and we should be thankful the roll is a straight gymnastics roll. Sorry Faith, looks like your spine and neck have to suffer a little longer. However, I can and will not understand why they have Celeste, a character from the first game, climb up ledges with her knees and elbows. No. NO. Feet first. If you can’t do feet first, then do one foot first and then pull up the rest. If you can’t do that, train more and don’t call yourself a runner yet, doing this for a living on top of I-dunno-how-high-rooftops.
My feelings are kind of ambivalent on the no-guns mechanics - all you can defend yourself with is your fists (and legs and momentum, of course), while in the first game, you could snatch people’s guns and start some weaponized combat. I liked both of these strategies, not really caring when they announced Faith not being able to do shootieshootie-pewpew this time around.
One thing I liked a lot considering the open world aspect is that if you die, you respawn exactly where you last stood on safe ground before dying (except in missions, of course). It makes freeroaming very comfortable because you don’t have to worry about respawn- and checkpoints; you can just try again when you messed up a jump.
They also changed the beacon- and navigation system (“runner’s vision”) a bit too, which was also definitely necessary for the open world (which they’ve praised as a lot less linear, but honestly? It isn’t really. I knew my way around in Glass pretty well after a mere month of playing), but they did include options for how much you want the game to help you. There’s normal runner’s vision, with a red streak appearing every few seconds, showing you exactly where to run; there’s classic runner’s vision, made to be like in the first game, with environmental beacons and indicators being coloured in red when coming close to them and without the red streak; and of course, you can switch it off completely, which I occasionally like to do to test how well I really know my way around in Glass.
The soundtrack is outstanding. Straight up phenomenal. It can empower and hype you up, but can also be relaxing during a relaxing sightseeing trip through Glass. And it’s also great to leave on as background music while studying (I’m making use of that when preparing for graduation exams), or driving.
There is dynamic day- and night time - I liked that a lot, it’s a good way of showing off the lighting at all sorts of times. Only problem I had: a night sky is supposed to be black, not royal blue.
Note: almost all the “problems” I’ve listed here have been made mods for (e.g. more exciting looking billboards, more outfits, a changeable day-night cycle and a black night sky). If I had enough experience with (and patience for) modding, I’d definitely try it myself but the ‘flaws’ aren’t grave enough for me to feel a desire to manipulate and tweak some game files.
Okay, time for a spoiler. Not a bad one, but one that could give you ideas if you know how Mirror’s Edge rolls, or if you’ve played the first game... which is basically a spoiler in itself too. Ahem, anyway.
Towards the end of the game, when I was profoundly convinced of it being one of my all-time favourites, I was like “Yes, finally a game that improves and learns from past mistakes and listens to their players and what they want”... and then came Noah. I bawled my eyes out and I will be forever angry at the devs for doing this. That’s all I’m saying.
That ultimately didn’t stop me from loving the game though. From an objective standpoint I’d say it’s an overall good prequel/reboot/requel/preboot. Faith’s universe became a bit more mainstream but also a lot more polished and they definitely listened to their fans to some degree. From the very subjective standpoint I have written this review from, I’m saying that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst holds a very special place in my heart and I am truly glad it saw the light of day, after everyone waiting 8 years for it to be released after the first game. (I didn’t wait quite that long; I got Mirror’s Edge 1 in January 2016 and was completely and utterly hooked and hyped for Catalyst in May 2016.)
And that concludes it. If you’ve read this far – thank you. I’m aware that this is a bit different from my other reviews tone-wise - I have put every ounce of sass I possess into this because I... felt like it :D I hope it was fun to read!
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langwrites · 7 years
Tag Game: 10 Questions:
Rules: Answer the questions, then create 10 more, and tag people.
Tagged by: @owlsofstarlight
1. Would you date any of your ocs?
You know, given that I’m the cause of all their misery, ultimately, that would be a terrible idea.
If I had to choose (and not die), hrm. Well, Naviyd. Probably.
2. What kind of poster(s) would your oc have on their wall?
Naviyd has his father’s rather inaccurate, theistic world maps on his wall. They’re stitched somewhat haphazardly among more accurate records, diagrams, and a wonky drawing of what might someday be a pulley system.
And one nice sketch of a family of four, made by Khalil when he was six years old. It’s more aspirational than accurate, but Naviyd kept it there throughout his son’s entire absent adolescence.
3. If your oc found a time machine, would they use it? for what?
He’d probably tell himself to fight Zahara for custody of both twins.
4. Do any of your ocs have a catchphrase? If so, what?
Naviyd doesn’t see much point. Dude used to basically kill Kaltekan generals as a sacred mission, and he sure wasn’t going to make a career of that by sticking around and monologuing.
5. Tell me about one of your ocs hobbies.
Naviyd studies maps and architecture—which is why Gabilan is a lot more cavernous, winding, and mazelike than its squad design would imply—and spends his free time hunting from horseback with a bow. He does it mainly to keep his skills sharp.
If he wants to have fun, he finds someone and strikes up a friendship if he hasn’t already.
6. What inspired one of your favorite ocs?
I couldn’t choose. So, you get four.
Naviyd was inspired by...hm. Basically, I read a section of a Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual (probably 3.5) and spotted the entry on copper dragons. My next thought was, “I’ve gotta have one of those.” Several more thoughts, several years, and one quick jaunt through CYB later, and Rikuto back-retconned his way into Naviyd’s personality, resulting in what he is today.
Oceanus was half-inspired by a wacky combination of Edward Elric and this dude named chaos (all lowercase) from Xenosaga. His affinity for storms is derived from a combination of my attempts to make a sorcerer character (D&D again), and the powers of Darker than BLACK’s Agent November 11 and BK-201/Black Reaper/Hei. He, too, has been through a lot of revisions to soften and sharpen different parts of his personality, until we get the procupine we have today.
Alena, for her part, is pretty directly derived from the powerset displayed by Tsunade back when I was first watching Naruto in like…middle school? She got a fancy coat from some bolt of inspiration I can’t recall now, and her personality ended up just being like… What I admired about people who could keep their kindness and strength in tough times. I think I read a few pretty dark stories the year I really worked nailing her personality down.
And finally, Lumina. Hoo boy. Originally, she was just a derivation—the spare, the younger twin, the goof to Alena’s mother’s stern nature. And over the years, Lumina went from the mere mirror to a stone-cold badass the more I read about some real shitty common tropes—the idea that a woman’s strength was always derived from a man, or that a queen couldn’t rule on her own, and so on. I thought, “Fuck that and the horse it rode in on,” resulting in this terrifying paladin who was just always good, regardless of what others thought.   
7. What kind of clothes does your oc like to wear?
Naviyd will wear anything that is a) warm and b) looks good on him. In that order. If he has a choice between almost dying of frostbite or impressing a foreign dignitary, he’s gonna pile on those furs and demand Lumina heat the castle somehow, dammit.
He tends to get a lot of his work done while wearing just a plain shirt and pants, slippers, and the biggest blanket he can find.
8. Does your oc believe in love at first sight?
Naviyd used to. It did not pan out at all.
Oceanus doesn’t, at least as far as it pertains to him.
Alena does.
Lumina does not, and never has.
9. If you took your ocs for one story and put them in an au, what au would you choose?
I kinda already did that, by allowing all of these Terramir kids to wander over to CYB. Granted, some of them didn’t have the longest lifespan, but I’m generally content with the way that worked out.
10. What is something your oc is afraid of?
Naviyd is afraid of bears. Does that count?
Siri’s questions:
1.What was the trickiest bits of worldbuilding you have ever done?
Tryin’ to figure out what the fuck was going on with Alanrian politics. They’re a mess of squabbling states, and I still can’t remember why.
And most of the rest of the continents are just kinda...there. Like, the Mishik come from a different continent entirely, as do the Xinfanese, but those aren’t visited during the course of the plot because the thing focuses on stopping an impending apocalypse that the Kaltekan Civil War allowed to happen.
It’s their responsibility.
2.Do you have any maps(you don’t need to post the map)? What was your favorite part of developing your geography?
Cooking the macaroni afterward.
3.Does your story have magic? What are its limitations, if yes?
They do have magic, but the upper limit varies from person to person…and being to being. It’s usually a question of what’ll kill you first. That’ll be your limit. Creatures born in the Dreamscape have an instinctive grasp of magic, though they may not be the strongest, and can generally only cross over to the real world when either stumbling through a random hole or finding a human counterpart to latch onto.
Dragons are… another story. They’re basically mid-tier gods, and they can’t walk the mortal world without a vessel.  
4.Does your main antagonist believe in god?
Well, dragons all do. They have a memory of their ancestors literally meeting the gods, wayyy back in their mythology.
5.Do you have secondary villains?
At least three, yeah.
6.How many words are your drafts?
I have no fuckin’ idea.
7.What is your favorite method of outlining?
Not to do so?
8.Which one of your ocs is queer?(if multiple, mention them all!)
Uh. The ones that I remember off-hand:
Oceanus (demihet bi)
Alena (demipan)
Khalil (aro pan)
Tirane (bi)
Riyaz (aroace)
Mitra (agender aroace)
Lumina (demibiro het)
Naviyd (aro demibi)
9. If you took your ocs for one story and put them in an au, what au would you choose? (Stealing from above cause this was a fun question)
CYB, natch.
10.Which of all the names in all your books, including characters, places, animals etc., is your favorite?
The names?
I think my favorite stroke of brilliance was Lumina’s name in the first place. Sure, it means “light” in at least one language, but the fun part is that it’s also an unit of measurement for levels of light. Once I realized I could make a theme, I started spreading it around. Her sister became Luxana, while her older niece is Alena, both of which mean “light” as well. Her family last name, adopted upon being raised to nobility, is also an old reference to how people used to measure light: Lambert. Her sister’s last name now means “fire,” which is, again, a source of light.
And so on and so forth. There’s a theme.
I ain’t gonna tag anyone since it’s late and my brain’s fried. Night, all.
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ooops-i-arted · 7 years
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Various art I did for school in the past year.
The cover of a thank-you note to a local science museum that the kids all decorated.  The museum has a (VERY AWESOME) Deinonychus statue in the entrance and I will jump at any opportunity to draw dinosaurs, let alone my second-favorite dinosaur.  (The hands are wonky because when I was a kid, it was still a Jurassic Park-style raptor; it was repainted to be more accurate and feathered a few years ago, but the inaccurate hands remain.)
Another thank-you note cover, this time to the public bus system and the drivers, as we use them to go on field trips a lot and one of our field trips (for the Transportation unit) is just riding a circuit on the bus.
An aquarium base for an art project (students glued in fish and then painted over it all with blue watercolors).  I added a heater and filter to make it look similar to the aquarium we have in the classroom, because I talk about the parts/what they do a lot with the kids when I clean it.
A peacock body base for another art project (students decorated a coffee filter for the peacock tail).  Although after seeing Guardians of the Galaxy 2 I can’t think of it as anything but a really, really crappy drawing of Yondu.
Feel free to use any of the art/project ideas in this post.
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