#doby doggers
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inkher0 · 1 year ago
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screenshots from the group chat
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askthehouse · 2 months ago
How many partners does Masky have (I lost count) and do you see them often?
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Byte: He says "yes" to everyone, so pretty much everyone's been on at least one date with him. And before you guys say ANYTHING, he doesn't actually sleep with all of them, obviously. I checked, the farthest you're statistically likely to go is second base
Suzie: You would run the math on that, huh
Byte: STFU D:<
EDIT: We tried looking for The Witch but ohhhh noooo we couldn't find her oh noooooo such a shame
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ask-thirdbase · 1 year ago
Found a scrunkly weird little cat in an abandoned building I was fucking around in & I need you guys to help me convince Slender to let me keep it-
I named it Crumb Cake
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slendermanofficial · 2 years ago
I do suppose you all could ask me about my proxies or other wards if you would like to. I have too many wards to list all of them so you will simply need to ask about one to find out if they work for me or if I know of them, but my proxies are as follows;
Brian Thomas
Timothy Wright
Alexander Kralie
Jay Merrick
Richard Doggers
Tobias Rogers
They are my most skilled and loyal soldiers.
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angels-and-demons · 2 years ago
Made a stupid meme, idk.
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Fuck it.
Genderfluid Natalie.
Headcanons below:
Natalie... didn't realise he was genderfluid until he was a bit older. He just always thought that people felt this way.
So, one day, after accidentally getting called "sir" while going out by himself, she realised...
...she didn’t hate it.
Anyway, Nat had a really big think about things.
And a lot of research, late calls with Doby and Toby, and a few pints of Ben and Jerry's later, she realised...
...he was genderfluid.
The first person he properly told was Leo. After all, she did want him to know. And he is straight (to her knowledge (he's actually demi)).
It resulted in a very big emotional speech, which ended with "and if you feel the need to leave me, I completely understand."
Leo - after a bit of thinking, and learning about what genderfluidity means - simply asked "So, it's a 2-for-1 deal?"
"...it's a 2-for-1 deal..."
So, now Leo has a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Anyway - when Natalie properly comes out, he cuts his hair. Shaves the sides of his head, and flops it over to one side.
He actually uses his hairstyles to try and reflect how he feels - masc or fem.
She also tells Toby pretty soon after Leo. He is her best friend after all.
The two have a cry and a cuddle. And Toby is really happy for him.
Nat probably wouldn't start Testosterone, but he would get top surgery/reduction. Doctor Smiley was more than happy to help her (plus, it gives Smile a free snack/j).
She definitely steals Leo's clothes on masc days before she buys some of her own. His favourite thing to steal is Leo's suspenders. They give him so much gender euphoria.
Also, wearing a baggy hoodie is the best cure for his dysphoria. Nat has a blue, white, and orange one he stole from Toby a while back.
Natalie probably wouldn't change her name.
She'd just go by Nat on her masc days - just because it's shorter/sharper.
But, yeah.
Tldr? Genderfluid Natalie, baybee!
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spoopy-pasketti · 2 years ago
Aight! So, welcome to my creepypasya blog!
I'm Mod Em. And my pronouns are she/they/it.
Now, onto the rules!
First things first, minors! Do NOT send in sexual asks/interact with suggestive posts. You will be blocked. Same goes for ageless blogs.
Secondly, do not try and flirt with the characters. This is NOT that kind of ask blog.
Thirdly, please read the list of creeps I write for! This will help.
Finally, if you send in an ask for multiple creeps: specify which ones. I will do a max of three. Otherwise I will pick three at random and write about them.
Other than that? Free game.
Now, onto the characters.
Eldritch Monsters:
Slenderman, aeons old. He/him pronouns.
Zalgo, centuries old. Any pronouns.
Offenderman, slightly less old than Slender. He/it pronouns.
Splendorman, younger than Offender. He/she/they pronouns.
Trenderman, younger than Splendor. He/him pronouns.
Less Eldritch:
EJ, works for Slender. 42. He/him.
LJ, 300 years old, works for slender. He/him.
Ben, 27. Works for whoever pays him the most. He/it.
Jason, 450 years old, works for Zalgo. He/they. Head proxy/companion.
Now, onto the proxies
Masky, 42, works for Slender. Head Proxy. He/him.
Hoodie, 40, works for Slender. He/him.
Toby, 17, works for Slender. He/him.
Natalie, 32, works for Slender. She/they/he.
Jane, 35, works for Slender. She/her.
Jeff, 37, works for Slender. He/him.
Micah, 31, works for Zalgo, He/him. (OC)
Doby, 19, works for Zalgo. He/him.
Zero, 21, works for Zalgo. She/they/it.
Candy Pop, 15, works for Zalgo. He/him.
Other creeps, and who they hang with:
Cody, 14, apprentices under Hoodie to become a proxy. He/it.
Nina, 20, works for Zalgo. She/her.
Liu, 38. Works for Zalgo. He/they/it.
Smile, 7. Lives at Slender's. Good boy.
Grinny. 9. Lives at Zalgo's. Pretty kitty.
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krakenofficial · 2 years ago
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[Zalgo is picking the girls up from their babysitters - the Goggle Squad. He's picked up Lazari, and is cradling her in his arms]
Zalgo: Usually it’s their babysitters that end up this tuckered out. Never seen it happen the other way around. That must’ve been quite a feat. [Laughs] You guys should babysit the girls all the time.
Doby: Huh?
Zalgo: Anyway, I better get these two home. See ya, boys.
Lazari: No… No, no, no, no, no.
Zalgo, cooing: yes-!
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dandydoescreepypasts · 2 years ago
Hey creepypasta dudes, Krayolacolor, Doby's creators birthday is the 18th of this month! So If you want to make th3m art/ write fics or send th3m money at $krayolacolor that'd be greatly appreciated!
RJ is a sweetheart and deserves a bunch of birthday wishes!
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thirdbasedumpsterfire · 1 year ago
Hope you guys come back to this blog one day since RJ's blog got deleted the story isn't even on tumblr anymore sadly.
Huh. I hadn't seen that RJ's page was gone until i decided to check on here again. I'm not sure what happened but wow i must've missed something (tbh i haven't looked that far into it, so don't feel obligated to explain anything)
As for the blog I don't think I'll be coming back, at least not without some serious change in focus (to general horror or other writing I'm not sure). I'm not sure that i want to try that or if I should just let this sit as a time capsule.
I really enjoyed running thirdbasedumpsterfire, but I had a lot going on irl at the time. And through the process of getting through all that I've kinda outgrown the story and the blog as a result. I do miss it sometimes though it was always fun replying to asks and drawing the art.
I would post my current work here but it's so wildly different from everything I did here I'm not sure it would gel with people.
I don't think I'll make anymore Doby content but rest assured I do check the blog every once in a while and if there's a question I can answer I'll try to. Miss you guys and I hope you're doing well.
~ Mod Vilet
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ask-thirdbase · 2 years ago
I could kill the battery acid for you if you want?
*gives you a bag of chips I killed so it's a ghost now, ghost chips so you can eat them*
I didn't know that could happen but thanks *eats them* they taste like nothing but thanks anon!
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ask-thirdbase · 2 years ago
Are there any other trans pastas?
I know Nina is trans, so is Ben, LJ is Dollgender, EJ is nonbinary
No one in this house is cishet i swear, lol
Even Slender is agender-
We're all queer here <3
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slendermanofficial · 2 years ago
Who out of your proxies is the biggest slut?? Asking for a friend
Well, if you are human sized, Brian. He is a bit notorious for sleeping around the house.
If you are not human sized, happen to have fangs or claws, or unusual nonhuman genitalia, then it is Richard. I am fairly certain he is still trying to sleep with the seedeater that keeps getting into the woods and making dens. The species is at least sapient enough from my knowledge.
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angels-and-demons · 2 years ago
Masky: one for the money, two for the show (Elvis)
Hoodie: one for the money, two for the show (Taylor Swift)
Nico: one for the money, and two for the show (Lana Del Rey)
Doby: one for the money, two for the hoes (Tyler the Creator)
Toby: One for the money, two is for the show (Escape the Fate)
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spoopy-pasketti · 2 years ago
Alright! Time for the Proxy Games lineup!
Zalgo Staff
Slender Staff
Ben (just there for shits n gigs)
Brawlers: Masky, Doby, Micah, Jason, LJ.
All-rounders: Jeff, Toby, Zero, Liu, EJ.
Assassins: Jane, Natalie, Hoodie, Nina, Ben.
Apprentices: Cody, Candy Pop.
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