#slendra jackson
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
What if you draw your Slenjack fanchild so that I can draw our Slenjack fankids together-
It's a very messy doodle but here, take the baby
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If you need a proper ref dm me tho
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frozensriracha · 4 years ago
LJ: I can’t move. Slendra is asleep on me.
Zalgo: Just push her off?
LJ: *enraged and offended*
slendra jackson (c) @neerasrealm
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
Kagekao’s Day
A fic that follows the average day in the life of our favorite demonic trickster as he gets up to...whatever it is he gets up to. Please note I am not Japanese so the japanese used in this fic is google translated and may be inaccurate or wonky. Apologies in advance for that. Word count: 3489
Shinjuku’s Golden Gai. Arguably one of his favorite places to spend long nights drinking in. The Golden Gai, or Golden Street as tourists would call it, was a quaint little labyrinth of bars, shops and clubs. He’d squeezed himself into a random bar, he wasn’t sure if he’d been there before but the place did serve some damn good umeshu. He’d already drank maybe two bottles worth. It was surprising they would still serve him after so much. Maybe it was because he didn’t get drunk very easily. He was tipsy at most.
He snapped his fingers as a waiter walked past his booth. He propped his clawed feet up on the table as he turned to look at him. He held up his empty glass, shaking it a bit. The ice clinked quietly as he did so. ‘’Motto kudasai.’’ he chirped. The waiter nodded and walked off to grab him another drink. He settled down again, ready to get himself comfy for bottle number three, but then his phone rang. He scowled and reached into his pocket, hitting answer without even looking at the caller ID. ‘’Osu.’’ he grunted, playing with his scarf. He heard a deep chuckle on the other side of the phone.
‘’Well hello there,’’ the voice was deep, and oozed charisma. He smiled and sat up. ‘’Is this a bad time, Kagekao?’’ 
He giggled. ‘’No, no, kami-sensei. Not at alllll.’’ he purred. ‘’To what do I owe the pleasure, hmmmmm?’’
The man on the other end of the phone chuckled again. ‘’I have a job for you. Think you could drop by? We’d love to see you again.’’
He swung his feet off the table and grinned, giggling. ‘’Of course, of course!’’ he chirped. ‘’Sounds fun! Very very fun, kekekeke!’’ he reached into his dress, pulling his wallet from one of the ever-so-delightful pockets. He pulled out the yen and tossed it onto the table. ‘’I’ll be there soon!’’ 
‘’Good, good. I’ll see you soon then.’’ the voice on the phone purred before hanging up. Kagekao skittered out of the bar and off to see Zalgo.
Getting to Zalgo’s realm was easy enough. Find a wall, draw a giant ‘Z’ on it and simply wait for the gates of hell to open up! Kagekao gleefully waltzed through the tunnel to the barren wasteland Zalgo resided in. It was a very dreary place...and Kagekao loved that! He took his time getting to the house. He liked messing with the lost souls that roamed the wasteland. They weren’t really able to fight back, and couldn’t think enough to be anything but innocently confused and curious. Kagekao playfully cackled to himself as he skittered off to Zalgo’s nice, cozy house.
Now he could have taken the door that was always left unlocked, but that was boring! Instead, he scaled the house and made his way up to the chimney. He squeezed himself into it and rapidly skittered down, being as loud as possible in the process. He giggled at the confused shouts and noises he could hear through the wall. He stopped near the entrance of the chimney. The fireplace was unlit. 
He heard shuffling in the room. The rustle of a newspaper, or magazine. Then someone, male, sighing. He giggled. ‘’Jason! Can you come here a second?’’ he called out, mimicking the young, feminine voice of Jane. The male grunted and got off the couch, crossing the room.
While he was occupied, Kagekao crawled out of the fireplace and onto the ceiling. He tilted his head, turning to look at the redheaded man standing in the doorway, his back turned to Kagekao. The demon pulled his scarf up onto the ceiling, out of sight, before replying. ‘’Nevermind, I got it!’’
Jason grunted and turned, walking back over to the armchair he’d been sitting in. Kagekao silently crept along the ceiling until he was directly over where the toymaker sat. Biting back a giggle, he braced himself, then let go of the ceiling. The screech Jason let out had him cackling.
‘’KEKEKEKEKE! Mitsuketa!!’’ he giggled as he rolled over in Jason’s lap and sat up, pressing his mask to the toymaker’s shocked face. Jason blinked a couple times before his lips curled into a snarl. He shoved Kagekao off of him roughly, sending the giggling demon to the floor. Kagekao rolled over onto his hands and knees and snapped his neck to the side a few times, making loud snapping noises as he did so. ‘’Ya-ho!’’ he chirped in greeting. Jason growled and kicked at him. The demon quickly backflipped out of the way with a giggle. 
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jason snapped. Kagekao giggled again and leapt to his feet.
‘’Zalgo called me!’’ he chirped. Jason huffed and shook his head, muttering to himself. Kagekao snapped his neck around at the sound of footsteps approaching the room. He grinned beneath his mask at the sight of Zalgo standing in the doorway, smirking as he always did. ‘’Ya, kami-sensei!’’ he greeted excitedly. Zalgo chuckled.
‘’Hello Kagekao.’’ he greeted calmly before tilting his head, golden eyes flicking to the angry toymaker. ‘’Jason, shouldn’t you be bringing guests up to my lounge? The living room is hardly a place for me to have formal discussions.’’
Jason glared at Zalgo like he wanted nothing more than to tear the smug god to shreds. ‘’He came down the chimney.’’ he replied bluntly. Kagekao nodded.
‘’It’s true! Then I dropped into Jason’s lap.’’ he purred. Literally. Like a cat. ‘’He’s very warm and snuggly, kekeke.’’
‘’Well that’s good to know.’’ Zalgo murmured back. Jason buried his face in his magazine and did the breathing exercises Alice had been teaching him. Zalgo looked back over at Kagekao and smiled warmly. ‘’Come, I’d like to speak with you in private.’’ he glanced at Jason for a second before turning on his heel and gesturing for Kagekao to follow. He followed obediently, though he didn’t stop himself from looking around and touching anything that caught his interest. Zalgo didn’t seem to mind very much. 
He led Kagekao into his lounge. Though it also worked as an office. It was a big room, with high walls covered with bookshelves and drawers, along with a few trinkets. A mannequin with a pair of goggles on it, a glass case with giant butterfly wings in it, and a perfectly preserved human heart! That last one was Kagekao’s favorite, though Zalgo didn’t like him touching it. Zalgo strode over to the large desk and sat himself down on it, watching Kagekao intently as he skittered around the room a few times before deciding to flop himself into an oversized armchair. He curled his knees up, kneading his claws into the fabric as he got comfy before relaxing. He purred to himself before looking at Zalgo, who’s expression had turned more serious now.
‘’Do you have any wine?’’ he asked. Zalgo looked at him for a moment before snapping his fingers. Flames burst into the air, then disappeared. Leaving a bottle of wine in their place. The bottle fell down into Kagekao’s lap. He giggled happily and quickly uncorked it. 
‘’I have an assignment for you,’’ Zalgo murmured, his voice serious now that they were in private. ‘’It’s important. This is something only you can do for me, Kagekao. I trust you can get it done.’’
‘’Mmm…’’ Kagekao pulled his mask up and chugged some wine straight from the bottle. He’d have preferred a glass, to let the wine air out and settle more, but he was thirsty from all the time he’d spent drinking earlier. ‘’Of course. I can do anything.’’
‘’Good.’’ Zalgo leaned back where he sat. ‘’I want you to check on the proxies. Ask them if they’ve seen anyone...out of the ordinary recently. Wearing a mask.’’
Kagekao looked up. ‘’Out of the ordinary?’’ he cocked his head. ‘’You’re never specific, are you kami-sensei?’’ he added with a laugh. ‘’I can do it though! No problem. I’ll get to see the goggle brothers again!!’’
Zalgo arched a brow. ‘’The goggle brothers?’’
‘’Doby and Toby!’’ Kagekao threw his arms up, then squeaked when he almost spilled wine on himself. 
Zalgo smiled a small bit. ‘’Call them what you like,’’ he murmured as he stood up. ‘’Just make sure you don’t mention me-’’
‘’I know I know.’’ Kagekao cut in as he slurped down more wine. ‘’They can’t know you’re the person behind the Operator, lies and deception, I get it.’’ Zalgo looked surprised. He wasn’t used to being interrupted. Kagekao hopped to his feet and rocked on his heels. ‘’Can I run some errands before I report back?’’ he asked. 
Zalgo nodded. ‘’Whatever you want.’’ he replied simply. ‘’Just get it done.’’
Kagekao gleefully hopped, skipped and jumped out of Zalgo’s realm. He found himself back in the human world. Specifically somewhere in the US. He wandered through the town he’d been popped out at before finding himself in the local park. Bordering the park was a thick forest. He strolled through the trees, deeper and deeper into the forest until he came upon a cabin. Though it was closer to being a shack. Dilapidated and broken down. The wood it was made from was rotting, and nature seemed to be reclaiming it. Kagekao walked over and climbed onto the roof of the shack. He skittered across it and looked down into the backyard.
‘’Yeah it was fuckin’ weird! I don’t know- third base!- who would keep their soda in the cabinet like??’’ a young voice spoke below him.
‘’Guess they like room temperature soda.’’ a second, deeper voice replied. Two boys sat out on the back porch. Or rather, one of them was sitting on the porch. The second boy, who wore mismatched knee socks, an old purple hoodie and had fluffy chestnut hair, was sitting on the other’s lap. Kagekao climbed down the wall, staring down at the two of them intently. 
‘’Who the fuck drinks room temperature soda?’’ Doby asked as he tapped his fingers against his bare thigh. Toby shrugged and wrapped his arms around his friend, his shoulder jerking for a moment. He sighed and rested his head on Doby’s shoulder. 
Kagekao slowly reached down and ran his fingers through Toby’s curly hair. The boy jumped in surprise, his fist punching outward on instinct. ‘’Fuck off!’’ he yelped. Both of their heads snapped up suddenly, looking at the demon casually perched on the wall above them. He tilted his head to the side, grinning beneath his mask. 
Doby’s lips curled up into a grin. ‘’Hey bitch.’’ he chirped. 
Kagekao giggled again. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne.’’ he greeted. ‘’Genki datta?’’
Doby smirked and rolled his eyes. ‘’I can’t understand you.’’ 
Kagekao climbed down off the wall and hummed. Toby watched him crawl around the porch like a cat, or some kind of lizard. ‘’It’s been a while,’’ the demon murmured. ‘’How have you two been, hm?’’ 
‘’We’re good,’’ Toby murmured. ‘’What’re you doing here?’’ 
Kagekao snapped his neck to the sides a few times, as if mimicking the boy’s tics. He sat himself in front of them, crossing his legs. ‘’Just checking on you two.’’ he hummed. ‘’Anything interesting been happening lately? Anyone wandering into the woods?’’ he asked with a grin.
Doby smiled. ‘’A couple. You know how it is…’’ He mimicked swinging a baseball bat, a clear indicator that he was remembering times when the two had had to keep intruders from finding their little base of operations..
‘’And nobody else?’’ Kagekao tilted his head. ‘’Nobody with...a mask or anything such?’’
Toby frowned. ‘’Mask?’’ he asked softly. Doby nudged him.
‘’Sorry, tic.’’ he grunted before looking back at Kagekao. ‘’What do you mean by ‘mask’?’’ he asked slowly, his eyes narrowing at the demon. 
Kagekao grinned slyly under his own mask. ‘’Someone covering their face. Hiding.’’ he replied. ‘’There’s been someone going around lately...causing issues in the community.’’ he shrugged. ‘’Don’t know their name. Just that they wear a mask and they might be causing issues.’’
Doby hummed. ‘’Nah don’t know ‘em.’’ he said. ‘’Right Toby?’’
Toby nodded, almost too enthusiastically. ‘’Right, right.’’ he parroted. Kagekao hummed and stood up. On his hands. He stretched out one of his arms, balancing his full weight on one palm. 
‘’Well then,’’ he suddenly flipped himself up into the air, landing on the ground with ease. ‘’If that’s the case...then I’ll leave you boys be.’’ he looked at the two proxies. Neither of them spoke. They just stared up at him cautiously. Kagekao laughed and stepped away from the shack, moving toward the forest again. ‘’I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.’’ he added with a sly grin.
With his work done, Kagekao could do whatever he wanted. And he knew exactly what his next visit would be. He had to take a shortcut through Zalgo’s realm, but soon enough he found himself in Louisiana. Specifically a small town in Louisiana that had a forest bordering the side of it. He perched himself up in a tree and waited and waited. Eventually, a silver minivan drove out of the forest and Kagekao grinned. He leapt out of the tree and skittered through the woods and into the fairy circle buried deep inside it. He stopped in the mansion’s front garden and giggled. The mansion was typically impenetrable, accessible only to people who had Slender’s specific marking. Which Kagekao had, though Slender didn’t need to know that.
He crawled along the side of the house, finding his way into the back garden. He poked his head out and looked into the yard. Sitting by a flower patch, humming innocently was a small girl. Her hair was fiery, turning from blonde to red as it fell around her shoulders. She wore gray dungarees and a striped shirt, rolled up to her elbows, along with a red bowtie. Her skin was a reddish-brown, dotted with bronze freckles. Kagekao slinked out from behind the house and skittered across the grass, hiding in a bush. The girl looked up in surprise. She glanced around for a few moments, her golden eyes locking on the bush he was hiding in. Slowly, she stood up and crept over to him, head tilted curiously. She crouched by the bush, reaching out carefully. 
And then he pounced. She shrieked as the two of them rolled over the grass. They came to a stop, Kagekao leaning over her. She blinked in surprise, looking at him, before grinning. ‘’Gecko!!’’ 
‘’Ya-ho Slendra-cha!.’’ he greeted with a smile. 
The girl giggled and pushed him up off of her, sitting up. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne,’’ she replied. ‘’Genki datta?’’ 
Kagekao smiled. Ah, one of his few friends who spoke japanese. ‘’Genkidesu.’’ he replied. She smiled and tilted her head, hair falling over her shoulder.
‘’What’re you doing here?’’ she narrowed her eyes at him. A sly smile crept up her face. ‘’You’re not causing mischief are you?’’ 
Kagekao folded his legs. ‘’Nooo…’’ he shook his head. ‘’I’d never do that!’’ 
She leaned closer to him. ‘’Uh-huh?’’ she asked. ‘’My dad’s gonna be mad if he finds out you’re here…’’
Kagekao grinned at Slendra. Oh, her father certainly would be unhappy to find out he was on the property of his enemy. But Zalgo needn’t know that. ‘’Slender just went grocery shopping.’’ he replied. ‘’I saw the car leave.’’
The girl pursed her lips, a smile curling up her face. ‘’You’re planning something aren’t you?’’
‘’Your father wouldn’t notice if a wine bottle or two went missing…’’ Kagekao replied. She giggled. 
‘’You’re gonna get in troubleeeee.’’ she chided. Kagekao leaned into her.
‘’I knoooooow.’’ he replied. ‘’Now let me into your house.’’
Slendra rolled her eyes and laughed. ‘’Fine! But only if you promise to bring me those japanese potato chips I like next time you come over!’’ she pointed at him accusingly. Kagekao nodded, just eager to get his claws on some high quality wine. The girl smirked and stood up, leading the demon over to the back door. She slid it open and stepped into the neat, empty kitchen. ‘’You’re lucky Tim took Cody and EJ out you know.’’ she chided.
Kagekao padded toward the kitchen door, peering through the keyhole. ‘’Who’s home?’’ he asked.
‘’Mmm...Jeffery and Ben went with dad. Helen is in their room, and pops took the girls out.’’ she replied. ‘’So...you just gotta look out for Rachel.’’ Kagekao smirked. Rachel? She was only a human! Sure she was a psychic too but...nothing he couldn’t handle.
‘’Thank you Slendra.’’ he chirped before opening the kitchen door and skittering his way down to the basement. He flattened himself against the wall and peeked into the basement. It was sizable and comfy, with a few rooms. Including the miniature wine cellar, only across from him. His gaze moved over to the small couch on the right of the room. It was a cozy little area, with a coffee table, TV and several old gaming consoles, along with a cabinet full of games. Sitting on the couch, holding a game controller, was a woman with medium black hair, wearing an outfit of the same colour. She was playing some old shooter with monsters in it. Kagekao couldn’t be bothered to remember the name. He didn’t care for virtual games. 
Silently as possible, he climbed up the wall and reached the ceiling. He froze, snapping his neck to check on the woman. Rachel Downs...a powerful psychic, but an average human. He’d be wary of her, at the very least. He crept along the ceiling, keeping his head locked on her the whole time. He had almost, almost reached Slenderman’s stash of delicious wine when Rachel suddenly yelled out in irritation. He jolted in fear, watching her throw down the controller in her lap. ‘’God damnit!’’ she snarled. ‘’Janky ass controls…’’ she shook her head, then stood up. Kagekao cursed under his breath and threw himself over to a shadowed corner, thankful that the basement lights weren’t on. Rachel frowned and looked over at him, and though she couldn’t spot his eyes, Kagekao stared right back. A few tense moments passed before she sighed and shook her head. ‘’Fuckin’ cats…’’ she muttered to herself as she turned and walked up the stairs. Kagekao stayed frozen still for a few moments before skittering out of the corner and over to the door to the wine cellar. He unlocked it with ease, using a copy of the key he’d stolen a few months ago.
You couldn’t exactly call it a wine cellar, more of a wine...room. Shelves that were lined with bottles upon bottles of the delicious red stuff. Kagekao giggled. He had at least an hour before Slender came home. Which was plenty of time. He wasted no time getting into a bottle of his favorite brand. Slender had exquisite taste in wine. And a concerning amount of it. You’d almost think the man was an alcoholic, if it weren’t for the fact that he was an ancient ethereal being who didn’t get drunk easily. Kagekao would have claimed to have that same excuse, but he was nowhere near ancient or ethereal, and his alcohol tolerance was still nothing compared to Slender’s. Not to mention he would drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner, when Slender would at least have a glass of juice in the morning.
He told himself he’d keep track of the time. But by the time he heard thumping upstairs and three sets of footsteps he was nowhere near ready to leave. His eyes widened, listening to muffled voices upstairs.
‘’Boys, you start putting all of this away. I’ll be up in a moment to help.’
’‘’Kay dad.’’
The footsteps moved some more, and then he heard the stairs to the basement creaking. Kagekao chugged down the last of the bottle he had clutched between his feet and skittered over to another shelf. He grabbed a bottle in each hand, still listening as Slender approached the room. He staggered over to the wall at the back of the room and drew on the sigil for Zalgo’s realm. As soon as the gateway was open enough for him to slip through, he darted in and closed it behind him. Not wanting to stick around for fear that he’d been caught, he skittered down the dark, damp tunnel until he emerged into the light.
He stumbled and fell against the wall of a building. He shivered. Wow- it was cold here. He crept out from behind the building and looked around until his eyes laid upon a bathhouse in the distance. Glancing around more, he realised he was in between a couple of restaurants. The smell of freshly cooked meat and good old fashioned sake filled his nose. Kagekao grinned.
He had a few hours to kill before he had to go back to Zalgo.
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
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Friendly reminder that I hc Slender to be partially fae
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
having a bad day...can i get a hug from a pasta (any pasta honestly because i’m soft for all of them 😂) that’s okay with it?
this is kinda goofy ngl but. yknow what maybe sometimes i can write goofy stuff. as a treat.
What a terrible day…
You walk tiredly along the dirt path toward your home. Well- I say your home, but it isn’t really yours. You just live there. And living there is a privilege. You’re reminded of that fact every time you cross the fae circle that borders your home. It’s massive, seven stories tall specifically. With a sigh, you walk past the fruit tree in the front yard and unlock the front door. 
‘’I’m home!’’ you call as you take your coat off and hang it up. You walk into the living room and look around.
‘’Hey y/n.’’ you’re gently greeted by EJ, the giant demon, who’s sprawled out on the couch. Laying on top of him is a much skinnier and smaller human with honey-brown hair. Cody. He turns to look at you and smiles a bit.
‘’Hey y/n.’’ he also greets. You smile tiredly and nod in greeting. You open your mouth to say hi to the two boys, but you’re cut off by yet another person greeting you.
‘’y/n!’’ at the top of the stairs stands a small girl with frizzy brown hair dressed in a cute, pink dress. She grins and leaps down the stairs, floating down them elegantly and landing on the final step. She leans off the bannister and smiles wide at you. ‘’How was your day?’’ Sally chirps. 
You shrug. ‘’It was okay.’’ you murmur. You look up the stairs and see two others walking down it- or rather one walking down while carrying the other. The one carrying is tall, with wispy black hair and puffy striped sleeves, and the one being carried is smaller, with brownish-red skin and short fiery hair. ‘’Hi Jack. Hey Slendra.’’ 
‘’Hi y/n!’’ Slendra chirps. 
‘’Eya.’’ LJ drops Slendra down on the ground and straightens up, smiling at you. And then his smile drops. ‘’Ye look tired.’’ he murmurs, frowning.
‘’Yeah, cuz I am.’’ you reply dryly. Jack squints at you for a moment, then smirks slightly. 
‘’Well then,’’ he looks down at Sally and Slendra. The two girls glance up at him, curious. ‘’I fink I know wha’ ye need.’’
You roll your eyes. ‘’Uh-huh?’’ you’re ready for Jack to whip some lame practical joke toy out of his sleeve, or to do something dumb and wacky to try and make you laugh, but it doesn’t happen. Instead, his arms stretch out quickly and grab your shoulders. You’re yanked and pulled over to him just as quickly. He hugs you tight, swinging you around a bit. You squirm against him for a little bit, then give up. He’s not letting you go. And you don’t really have a reason to fight back.
Jack shifts you in his arms a bit until you’re sitting sideways on his arm. ‘’Pops! Lemme up too!’’ Slendra chirps. Jack laughs gently and grabs the girl by the back of her overalls. She’s dropped into your lap, so now there’s two people sitting in the crook of his arm. You laugh gently and pat Slendra’s head.
‘’Thank you. I needed that.'’ you smile up at LJ while Sally floats up and wraps her arms around your neck, hugging you. Her ghostly form feels chill to the touch, but you’re definitely not going to make her get off. 
‘’Can I join?’’ EJ asks, looking at the four of you from the couch. Jack laughs and crosses the room toward the couch. You can’t help but laugh quietly to yourself at this situation.
‘’C’mere Junior.’’ Jack says. EJ climbs off the couch, holding Cody up against him like he weighs nothing. Cody doesn’t really seem to mind this. EJ flops against LJ and the clown’s extendable arms wind around you all, squeezing you tight. You laugh as you watch Cody struggle to free one of his arms from where it’s being trapped at his side. He catches your eye and grins slightly. You laugh again and rest your head against Jack’s shoulder. It’s silent- just the six of you being held and hugged. 
‘’Uhh...what’s going on here?’’
You look up over your shoulder to see Jeff, Liu and Ben standing on the stairs, staring at the cuddle pile in amusement.
‘’LJ is holding us all captive. Send help.’’ you reply. Liu snickers at that. Ben leans on the bannister and cocks a brow.
‘’So...family hug pile?’’ He asks. You nod. ‘’Sweet. Count me in.’’ he leans back up and walks down the stairs. 
‘’Fockin’ ‘ell lads I’m ‘ardly g’nna ‘old all of yes.’’ Jack mutters. There’s some more arm shifting. You’re dropped, and then yanked into another hug before you can get your bearings. LJ’s striped arms squeeze the eight of you tight. You’re squeezed up next to Sally and Slendra, with Cody to your left squeezed between you and LJ. he’s unfortunately been pulled away from EJ, who’s gripping Liu and Jeff in a bear hug while Ben is just- stuck in the middle of you all. He’s nothing but a tuft of blonde hair poking out from behind the others. You force yourself to repress another fit of laughs at how absurd this situation is.
‘’What are you all doing?’’ 
Slender’s deep, elegant voice comes from the kitchen. You squirm around to look at him.
‘’Hey Slender.’’ you greet with a grin. ‘’We’re all hugging it out.’’
You shrug the best you can. You hear a couple of the others laugh and giggle quietly. ‘’I dunno it just sorta happened,’’ you smile at him. ‘’Jack’s idea. Not mine.’’
Slender doesn’t look amused. At all. You tilt your head, grinning.
‘’Wanna join in, luv?’’ Jack calls. Slender folds his arms, giving you all an expressionless glare. Jack smirks. ‘’C’moooon ye know ye wanna!’’
‘’Yeah! C’mon dad!’’ Jeff exclaims. 
‘’Absolutely not.’’
‘’But daaaaaad.’’ Slendra whines. You grin. Out of all of you, she’s probably the best for convincing Slender to do something he doesn’t want to do. It’s silent for a few moments, all of you watching him in anticipation.
Slender crosses the room and crouches down slightly. Jack’s arms yank him into the pile, only further smothering poor Ben. There’s another chorus of laughs and giggles. Slender sighs quietly.
‘’...This is lovely. Thank you Jack.’’ he mutters. You grin. 
What a not-so-terrible day.
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
Trick and Treating
In which Laughing Jack finds a boy crying while taking his daughters trick or treating. He decides to try and cheer the kid up and make his Halloween a little better. wdym its november 3rd halloween lasts two months because i said so
Word Count: 2869
"C'mon pops!" 
"Awrigh', awrigh'! Slow down!"
"C'mon Slendra! This next neighborhood is always really good!" 
The two girls, Slendra and Sally, a pair of sisters, ran as quick as they could around the block. Though it was dark out, the night was full of life and laughter. Kids, younger and older than them, made their way from house to house, picking up candy from strangers. Everyone around them was dressed in a costume of some kind. Super heroes, spiders, skeletons, you name it. Of course, the girls were dressed in costumes too. Slendra, the taller but younger of the two, was dressed as a witch. She wore a long black dress with a purple band tied around her waist, fastened with a silver buckle. Her hat was much the same, and it sat atop her head of blonde hair. Sally, on the other hand, was dressed as her favorite cartoon character. The skintaker. Her face was covered in makeup to make her look like a skeleton, and she wore a long robe that was quilted together with different coloured patches. She had a hat that was the same pattern as her robe. Both of them had been handmade by her other dad, and she adored it. 
‘’C’mere ye li’le rascal!’’
‘’EEK-!’’ Slendra was grabbed by the back of her dress and yanked back into big, soft arms that hugged her tight. She shrieked and giggled, thrashing in the hug. ‘’Pops! Lemme go!’’
Of course, the girls weren’t alone on Halloween. No, they had their pops with them. Laughing Jack. Looking at him, you’d assume he’d managed to find the coolest scary clown costume one could hope for, with sharp bony hands, wispy black hair, jagged teeth and bandages wrapped around his torso, but no. He looked like that year round. In fact, Jack hadn’t even bothered with a costume. The only thing he had added to himself tonight was a white bird mask strapped to his face. It obscured the top part of his face, which really just made him scarier. 
He laughed a bit and squeezed his daughter in his arms. ‘’Stop runnin’ off on me! If ye ge’ lost yer da will kill me.’’ he replied with a grin. Slendra giggled again and looked up to see her sister Sally. However, instead of standing in front of them waiting for Jack to release her sister, Sally was sitting on the sidewalk a little further up, talking to someone. ‘’Eh?’’ Jack withdrew his arms and stood up. He and Slendra walked over to Sally and stopped next to her.
She was sitting next to a young boy, dressed in a blue ripped jacket, a black and white striped shirt and black pants. The green face paint on his face was smudged, especially around his eyes. Sally pat his back and frowned. ‘’Hey, it’s okay.’’ she said gently. ‘’What’s wrong?’’
The boy sniffled and let out a breathy sob. ‘’I-I was chasing these b-boys that stole my ca-candy a-and now I’m l-lost-’’ he inhaled sharply before breaking into tears again. Sally frowned and hugged the boy. Jack crouched down beside him and pat his head. 
‘’Calm down kiddo…’’ he murmured. The boy looked up and stared at him in surprise. ‘’Some’ne stole yer candy?’’
The boy nodded. ‘’I was with my friends b-but they went to another neighborhood and I wasn’t allowed go with them s-so I started walking home but then these boys on bikes came by and took my bag,’’ the boy whimpered and wiped at his eyes. He seemed to be calming down significantly, thanks to Sally. ‘’I chased them but...now I’m lost.’’ he curled up, hugging his knees. Jack looked horrified that someone would do something like that, and to a small kid no less. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a packet of tissues.
‘’Ere, kiddo,’’ he took out a tissue and gave it to the boy. He sniffled and wiped at his face. ‘’Ye’re lost?’’
‘’Mhm.’’ the boy looked around. ‘’I don’t know how to get home…’’
Jack looked from the boy to his two girls. He looked back at the boy and gave him a reassuring smile. ‘’We’ll take ye ‘ome, kiddo.’’ he said, reaching into his sleeve. He pulled out some candy and held it out to the surprised looking boy. ‘’Ere, i’s no’ a lo’, bu’ i’ should make up a bi’ fer th’ stuff ye lost.’’
The boy looked at Jack’s outstretched hand and broke into a grin. He took the candies, shyly unwrapping one of them and tossing it into his mouth. ‘’Thank you.’’ he murmured. Jack smiled and grabbed the boy, lifting him up and putting him on his shoulders. The boy blinked in surprise. 
‘’Can ye see okay up there, lad?’’ Jack asked. The boy grinned.
‘’Uh-huh!’’ he glanced around. ‘’You’re real tall, mister.’’
‘’Jus’ call me Jackie, kiddo.’’
As the four of them walked the boy talked with them more. Jack learned that his name was Jeremy, and he lived with just his mother. He hadn’t gone trick or treating last year, or the year before. He’d been sick the past couple of years, and still wasn’t fully recovered, so trick or treating was a big thing for him. Which just made it worse when you considered what had happened to him. Jack knew he had to do something about it- he wasn’t going to let this poor boy have his halloween ruined for him.
‘’There’s the place!’’
‘’Ah!’’ Jack looked up to where the boy on his shoulders was pointing. The neighborhood they were in didn’t have many decorated houses. The one Jeremy was pointing to, however, was covered in decorations and bright lights. Jack smiled a bit as he walked up the garden path after Slendra and Sally. The girls knocked on the door as Jack put Jeremy down. The door was pulled open, and they were greeted by an older lady with brown hair that was starting to grey at the roots. She wore a long black dress, a big collar around her neck, and a pair of fake fangs. In her hands she held a large, flowery bowl that was filled with candy. She smiled sweetly at the girls for a moment before surprise crossed her face. Then she broke into a wider smile.
‘’Jeremy! Oh there you are, I was starting to get worried!’’ she put the bowl down on a table inside the hall as her son stepped forward and hugged her legs. She pat his head lovingly. ‘’Did you have fun?’’
She frowned and looked up, finally noticing Jack. He waved a tiny bit. ‘’Heya, I’m Jack,’’ he murmured. ‘’We found ‘im a couple a blocks away...some older kids stole ‘is bag.’’
Jeremy’s mother looked horrified. ‘’They did...?’’ she asked. Jack nodded. ‘’Oh that’s terrible-!’’ she looked down at her son. ‘’Oh pet- are you okay?’’ 
‘’I’m okay…’’ Jeremy murmured. He pointed up at Jack. ‘’Jackie brought me home, and he gave me some candy.’’ he smiled a bit. Jack tilted his head.
‘’I was wond’rin’, miss, if maybe I could take yer lad wiv us fer th’ nigh’. ‘E can ge’ sum more candy an’ stick aroun’ wiv sum kids ‘is own age.’’
‘’Oh?’’ Jeremy’s mother looked surprised for a moment. She looked down at her son, a little worried. ‘’I don’t know…’’ 
‘’Please?’’ Jeremy asked. He stared up at his mother hopefully. ‘’Jackie is real nice! And he already has kids with him so we should be okay!’’
She looked up at Jack for a moment, then sighed. ‘’...okay. But don’t take him too far away from home! And I want him back before nine.’’
Jack gave a nod. ‘’Absolu’ely.’’
After cleaning and fixing up Jeremy’s makeup, Jack, Sally and Slendra wasted no time raiding every house in the surrounding neighborhood. Jeremy quickly learned that these three took Halloween very seriously. Constantly on the move, trying to get the best candy possible, they talked about what house they’d target next like it was some kind of big important mission. It was actually exhausting, especially for him, but the girls excited energy was contagious. It didn’t take long at all for Jeremy to fill up the bag LJ had given him. Then a second one. Then a third. He walked slowly, dragging the heavy bags with him as the girls ran ahead of him and LJ. 
‘’Ey kiddo?’’ LJ asked above him. Jeremy looked up. ‘’Ye want me ta take yer bags fer ya? They look ‘eavy.’’ Jeremy stopped and nodded, giving LJ two of his bags. He took them, holding them like they weighed nothing. It was weird- Sally and Slendra both had five bags each yet they didn’t seem to struggle at all! Maybe Jeremy was just weaker than he thought- 
‘’Pops!’’ Sally called ahead of them. Jack looked up at the girl, who was pointing ahead. In the distance, they could see a large fire. She grinned. ‘’There’s a bonfire! Can we go see it?’’ 
Jack smiled a bit. ‘’Sure kiddo.’’ he replied. The girls ran forward, with Jack and Jeremy sauntering calmly after them. The bonfire was surrounded by tons of teenagers who were yelling, hollering, dancing and drinking. Jeremy stuck close to Jack’s leg. Bigger kids had always scared him, and these ones looked like they were what his mother would call ‘hooligans’. 
‘’Hey! Jack!’’ someone called from a bit further away from the bonfire. Jeremy looked up and over at where the voice came from. He saw Slendra and Sally run off away from the fire.
‘’Shoulda known…’’ Jack murmured above him. He turned and started walking off after the girls. Jeremy followed quickly, not wanting to be left alone around so many older kids. Jack stopped in front of a small group of kids. Four boys and one girl. They all looked to be in their mid to late teens, and were sitting in a circle with a bag of candy in between each of their legs. In the centre of the circle was a box filled with cans of beer. ‘’Evenin’, kids.’’ Jack greeted.
‘’Hey guys!’’ one of the boys, who had blonde hair and was dressed in a Luigi costume chirped. His eyes were a bright, shiny blue that looked almost like lights. 
‘’Hi Ben!’’ Slendra greeted, bouncing on her heels. Sally abruptly dropped her bags and looked at the group, her hands on her hips.
‘’You guys can have anything you want from these bags in exchange for your butterfingers. Except the m&ms, sour patch kids and twixes. Those are mine.’’ she said, sounding more like a bossy older sister than a ten year old girl dressed as a cartoon character. The group all rolled their eyes and began digging through their bags. 
‘’Evury year…’’ another of the boys muttered. He had ginger hair that hung over one of his eyes, and was pretty skinny. He was dressed in a Mario costume that matched the other boy’s. He also sounded like he was drunk. Or maybe it was an accent. 
The boy sitting across from Ben, the boy in the Luigi costume, took a swig from his can of beer and looked at Jeremy for a long moment. He was intimidating. His skin was pure white, probably makeup, with big scars on either side of his face. His eyes were deep and sunken, but stared straight into little Jeremy. He was wearing a vampire costume, with a big collar and everything. His scary eyes flicked up to LJ. ‘’You’re stealing kids again?’’
‘’I’m no’ stealin’ ‘im, ‘is ma wuz givin’ ‘im away wiv th’ candy!’’ Jack retorted. The boy cracked a smile and barked a laugh. He looked at Jeremy and smiled. 
‘’Nice costume kid.’’ he said. Jeremy blinked in surprise.
‘’Y-you too,’’ he murmured. ‘’Your makeup is great...you’re really scary.’’
The teen smile. ‘’Aw, thanks!’’ he grinned. ‘’I’m Jeff, by the way. Uhhh-’’ he turned to his friends. ‘’That’s Ben, that’s Bryce,’’ he gestured to the boys in the Mario and Luigi costumes. ‘’That’s Emily,’’ he pointed to the girl, who was dressed as Princess Peach, complete with blonde wig and everything. ‘’And that’s Ethan.’’ he pointed to the last boy. He wore a white hoodie, black shorts, and a backwards baseball cap. His skin was green, and looked rotten. His purple hair hung over one of his crimson eyes. He must’ve had contacts in or something.
Jack frowned. ‘’Wha’s yer costume supposeta be, Ethan?’’
‘’A dead teenager.’’
"It's nice to meet you all." Jeremy murmured. Jeff looked back at him and smiled. He held out his hand.
"You too kid." The two shook hands. When Jeremy pulled his hand away, he realised Jeff had managed to slip a small piece of candy into it. Oh! Wow- these older kids were...nice. 
"So wha're you's all doin'?" Jack asked as he watched Sally raid the other kid's bags for butterfingers and reese's cups. 
"Oh, the usual," Ben replied as Slendra traded him a small box of smarties for a bag of jellybeans. "A bit of trick or treating, hanging out by a bonfire, doing a little drinking…"
"A lot of drinking in Bryce's case." Ethan added as he dug through his own bag of candy. He pulled out a bag of peanuts and sighed defeatedly before reluctantly opening it.
"And after," Jeff continued with a wide smile. He reached over and grabbed a black duffel bag from beside him. "We're gonna cause a little chaos. Some tricking with our treating, if you will." He added with a wink. 
Jeremy's eyes widened. Oh- he should've expected that from them honestly, but still. Trouble-making teens were something his mother always told him to avoid. Jack pursed his lips. "You's be'er be careful. You's don't 'ave fireworks, do ya?"
"Nah, nah." Ben shook his head. "just harmless stuff. Eggs, toilet paper, spray paint-"
"We go' fiirecrrackerrrsss." Bryce slurred out. Ben shot him a glare. Jack sighed.
"Be careful, awrigh'?" He murmured. The teens all nodded. Sally turned and walked back over to her bags. She deposited the results of her trading into a couple of them and gave a satisfied 'hmph!'. Jack looked down at her. "Ye finished, girlies?"
"Yep!" Slendra and Sally both chirped. Jack chuckled a bit. The teens got to their feet, slinging their candy bags over their shoulders. Jeff picked up his duffel bag and caught Jeremy's anxious stare. He smiled and winked at the boy reassuringly.
"We'd better head out," he said. "It's getting late." Jeff gestured to Jeremy. "I think you should be heading home kid. All the teens will be hitting the streets soon too. Don't want you getting hurt or picked on."
Jeremy gave a slight nod. He still wasn't sure if this older boy was nice or a troublemaker. Slendra turned and looked at the bonfire. She smirked, then pulled her hands up. She clapped them together loudly, and with a louder 'fwoosh!' the massive bonfire suddenly extinguished itself. There was a chorus of shocked gasps and general confusion from the teens that had been enjoying the fire's warmth moments prior. Jack whirled around and stared. 
"Slendra!" He hissed, looking down at the girl. "Don't do tha'! No' 'ere!" 
Jeremy stared at the blonde girl. "How did you do that?!" He gasped. She turned to him and gave him a wide smile.
"I'm a witch." She replied with a sly wink. Jeremy's eyes widened. He thought it was just a costume! Jack sighed above him and looked around at the group.
"Nobody tell Slender abou' this." He said, pointing a boney black finger at nobody in particular. 
"We won't as long as you don't tell him we were drinking and playing with firecrackers."
"Deal." Jack replied. He reached down and picked Jeremy up, putting the boy on his shoulders again. "Now make yerselves scarce, ya 'ear me?"
The teens smiled and nodded. As they began to walk away Jeff turned back one last time and gave the four of them a wave before turning around and jogging over to catch up with the others. Jack looked down at his two girls. 
"C'mon you's two. I fink we've done good t'nigh', eh?" 
"Awwwe- but it's only eight thirty!" Sally protested. Jack shook his head.
"Sorry lass, bu' ye know we go'a ge' our friend back b'fore nine. And if ye come 'ome wiv more'n five bags yer da will flip 'is lid." He replied. Sally sighed defeatedly. "C'mon." Jack turned and began walking off. Jeremy looked down at him.
"Hey Jackie?" He asked softly.
"Yeh, kiddo?"
"...are you guys monsters?" He asked. "Real ones? That come out on Halloween, like in the movies?" 
Jack looked up at him for a long moment. He smiled a bit. "...ye're a smar' one, ain'tcha?" He said softly. "Yeh, we are. We usually 'ide away from you's 'umans. 'Alloween is th' nigh' we stop 'idin'." He smiled up at the boy. "You won't tell any'ne, righ'?"
Jeremy nodded. "I won't." He murmured. He rested his head in Jack's soft black hair and smiled tiredly. "Thanks for letting me spend Halloween with you."
"Anyfin' fer you, kiddo." Jack replied softly. "I'm glad ye 'ad fun."
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
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I completely forgot abt posting this
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
Entry for creeptober day #31
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OH MY GOD I'M DONE. I'M FREE. I CAN DRAW WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT THIS IS A BLESSING. Ok jokes aside I did have fun this month. I drew a lot of characters I hadn't drawn before and got to branch out. I learned a lot from doing this month and honestly? I had fun. This final piece definitely isn't the cleanest and I could've done more, but that would've taken another day of work and man I'm tired. I'm happy with it though. Drawing OCs in Halloween costumes is always fun :)
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
just imagine this: slender and jack are going out and bc all the responsible pastas are out they hire a babysitter (y/n) to look after slendra. she’s rlly shy at first but eventually she and y/n become best friends (and they steal slender’s gramophone to play some music while they make cookies and maybe wreck the kitchen in the process depending on y/n and slendra’s combined skills)
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS REQUEST AND I HAD A BLAST WRITING IT sorry it took so long school murdered me plus I was jumping from draft to draft and just. A lot happened ok. I didn’t get all the prompts in because I couldn’t work em in but I feel like I did good. I loved writing y/n just subtly noticing that this house Is Not Human and it- it was a fun dynamic to do gshdjdshj Also new hc this is the origin story for y/n in the poly slenjack fics
You're starting to have regrets about taking this babysitting job. Maybe it was that you'd seen too many slasher movies, or maybe you were just paranoid. Or maybe it was the fact that you were dragging your bike through the woods in order to get to the address you'd been given. The sane part of your brain is saying that this is dangerous and you should turn back, but the broke millennial part of your brain is saying that the $500 paycheck is too good to pass up. I mean- $500? For babysitting for one night? That's insane! It’s gotta be a joke right? Maybe it is. Maybe you are going to be murdered horribly tonight in the middle of the woods. 
You’re broken out of your thoughts by the sight of- a house. Presumably the house you’re supposed to be babysitting in. It’s gigantic- more of a mansion than a house. The outside looks refined and welcoming. There’s even flowers planted around the place. Cute pink pansies and blossoming bushes of roses. You look around hesitantly, then wheel your bike along up to the front door. You very carefully lean it against the wall and look around some more. How come you never heard about this place? I mean- a giant house in the woods? Why has that never come up? You’d think someone would talk about it, right?
As you’re looking around this odd place you realise something. It’s sprawling with cats. At first you only noticed a couple, and assumed they were pets, but now your counting has hit the double digits. Why do cats hang around here? Are they all pets? Is the owner of this mysterious house a cat person? Or do they just- kidnap cats? What if you’re babysitting a cat…
Okay no that’s dumb. You turn around again and knock on the front door. It’s silent for a moment, and out of awkwardness you look down at your feet. You’re standing on a fancy doormat that reads ‘welcome’ in elegant cursive. The door opens and your head shoots up to attention. 
Standing in the doorway is a tall man. Far taller than you. His skin is deathly pale, almost white, and his hair is neat and blonde. He’s wearing a suit, and as he looks down at you you realise his eyes are the brightest blue you’ve ever seen. 
‘’M-mister Schlankwald?’’ you ask, stepping back and away from this strange man. He nods and smiles.
‘’That’s me.’’ he holds out a hand to you. ‘’You must be y/n, yes? The babysitter?’’ he smiles gently, and you realise he actually- looks kind of nervous. That’s a tad reassuring. You take his hand and shake it. You nod.
‘’Yeah, that’s me.’’ you say. He steps aside and you cross the threshold. As you take your coat off you look around. Past the small entryway is a large living room. There're three whole couches, and a few more armchairs scattered around. There’s a large TV surrounded by cabinets full of DVDs and videogames- it looks like a very luxurious place. And also there’s more cats just- hanging around in various places, but you’re not really paying attention to them. Your attention is grabbed by the person standing in the living room. He’s- insanely tall, with long black hair, striped socks and sleeves, feathers on his shoulders for some reason and- bandages. Just wrapped around his torso. He’s also wearing a grey crop top, and what you assume to be white face paint. His nose is striped too, and cone shaped. Everything he’s wearing is either black or white. You stare at him in surprise and just- disbelief. He raises a hand in greeting.
‘’Ey.’’ his voice is deep and rough. ‘’Ye’re th’ si’er?’’
You blink for a moment, not sure what he- even just said. ‘’Y-yes?’’ you say, hoping that’s the right answer. Apparently it was, because he smiles at you.
‘’Ah!’’ he steps towards you and leans down, holding out his hand. ‘’Me name’s Jack. pleased ta mee’ ya!’’
You shake his hand and nod. ‘’I’m y/n.’’ you murmur. Jack stands back up and you look over your shoulder at Mr Schlankwald. He gestures to the other male.
‘’This is Jack, my husband,’’ he explains. ‘’Do excuse the makeup. He’s a performer, you see.’’ 
‘’Ah.’’ you relax a bit. A performer...that makes sense. I guess. You look around a bit. ‘’So uh- where’s the kid?’’ In all this strangeness you almost forgot why you hiked into the deep dark woods. 
‘’Righ’ ‘ere.’’ You turn to look at Jack again and watch him step aside to reveal a small girl who’d apparently been hiding behind him before. Her eyes widen as she comes into view and she stares at you. Her skin is a dark, almost reddish-brown colour. Her face is peppered with freckles and her hair hangs around her shoulders. It’s bright blonde, like Mr Schlankwald’s, but a bit more yellow. She quickly skitters back to Jack’s leg and hides behind him again. You frown. Jack looks at you. ‘’She’s a bi’ shy.’’ he murmurs. He crouches down to the girl. ‘’Ey, luv, i’s okay. Th’ si’er isn’ gonna ‘urt ya.’’
‘’Wh-wha’ if I scare ‘em or say somefink?’’ she mumbles. She has the slightest hint of her father’s accent, but more- refined almost. And a lot easier to understand.  
‘’Ye’re no’ gonna, ye’re a smart girlie, ain’t ya?’’
Mr Schlankwald taps your shoulder and you look over at him. ‘’We- haven’t gotten a sitter before, so she’s a little nervous about the whole thing.’’
You nod. ‘’That’s alright, I’ve had shy kids before.’’ you smile at him. He seemingly brightens up. 
‘’Righ’,’’ Jack’s voice interrupts you two. You look at him as he stands up. The girl shyly steps out from behind him and Jack lightly pats her head, ruffling her hair. ‘’We’d be’er ge’ goin’, luv.’’
‘’Of course.’’ Mr Schlankwald says. He shakes your hand once more and then looks at the girl. He holds out his arms and she quickly runs over, hugging him tight. ‘’Be good now, won’t you my dear?’’
‘’I will.’’ she mumbles. Her parents step away, with Jack heading for the door. Mr Schlankwald looks at you again.
‘’Her bedtime is at nine thirty, snacks are in the kitchen,’’ he nods towards a door behind you. ‘’Feel free to help yourself.’’
‘’Got it!’’ you chirp back as they leave. Once the door has closed it’s just you and the girl. She turns slowly and looks at you. You smile at her and lean down to her. ‘’Hiya.’’ you greet. ‘’I’m y/n. What’s your name?’’
She gulps and steps towards you. The tiny child looks you dead in the eyes and holds out her hand to you. ‘’I’m Slendra. Slendra Jackson.’’ she says with all the authority of a business CEO. you almost, ALMOST, crack up laughing but force yourself to take her seriously. You shake her hand.
‘’Well nice to meet you.’’ she retracts her hand. ‘’How old are you, Slendra?’’
‘’Fo-’’ she stops. ‘’Eigh'. I’m eigh'.’’ she folds her hands behind her back, just like her father did. You smile at her. She takes after her father, you suppose. It’s cute. 
‘’So what do you like? Got any hobbies?’’
‘’Uhh…’’ she toys with the sleeve of her striped shirt. ‘’I like...music...and bakin'...I like readin' too and uh-’’ she shrugs. ‘’That’s abou' it, I guess.’’
You nod. ‘’I see.’’ you smile at her. ‘’So what do you wanna do? We got…’’ you glance down at your watch. ‘’Three and a half hours to kill.’’ She shifts on her feet and shrugs again. You tilt your head at her. ‘’We could watch TV...maybe draw something? Are you hungry?’’
She seems to perk up a little bit. ‘’I have drawin’ stuff in my room,’’ she says. ‘’We could do tha'.’’ there’s a glint of excitement in her eyes. ‘’I-if you want to.’’
‘’Of course I do,’’ you stand up and smile at her. ‘’Lead the way.’’
Slendra smiles a little in excitement and turns, heading quickly up the stairs. You follow after her, looking around curiously. This place is massive. Upstairs is a hallway with doors running all along the right. Each one is decorated differently. One is striped, with ‘laughing jack’ written on it, another is pink with a castle-shaped sign on it that reads ‘Sally’ and under it ‘& Dina’ is written in what looks like sharpie. The one right across from the stairs that Slendra climbs up has a metal sign on it, decorated with a skull and crossbones, that reads ‘Kate’s room, keep out!’
You follow Slendra up the staircase and arrive on the third floor. Slendra leads you to her room. Her door is also decorated, with flowers and butterflies and bowties. Her walls are purple, and the room kind of reminds you of...and office. She has a large desk covered in boxes and papers. Shelves are piled high with toys and trinkets, and she has a massive bookcase stuffed to the brim with- well, books. Fairy lights hang over her bed, which is large and round and covered in pillows and plushies. Glow in the dark stickers decorate her ceiling and walls.
Slendra grabs a large plastic tub from under her desk and drops some paper sheets onto it. She picks up the tub and smiles at you. You frown. ‘’Isn’t that heavy?’’
‘’Huh?’’ she looks at the box. ‘’I guess- I’m kind’ve strong though.’’
You smile a bit. ‘’I bet you are.’’ you step towards the door and open it. ‘’C’mon. If you need help with that I’ll take it.’’
Slendra shakes her head and walks past you. ‘’I got it.’’ she says, holding her head up proudly to show off how big and independent she is. You smirk a bit and follow after her. You walk past the hallway of odd doors and through the living room into the kitchen. Slendra places her box on the dining table and smiles over her shoulder at you. You glance around the kitchen. it’s- well, a normal kitchen. The fridge is covered in children’s drawings and magnets, but oddly no photos. Thinking about it now, you haven’t seen a single photo up on the walls. Odd.
‘’So you like drawing, huh?’’ you say to Slendra. She pulls out a chair, which has a big ginger cat sleeping on it. She pets it and nods.
‘’My brother Helen is an ar'ist. He lets me join 'im sometimes, and he teaches me a lo'.’’ she smiles over at you.
‘’Your brother’s name is Helen?’’
‘’Yeah.’’ she tilts her head. ‘’It’s a unisex name innit?’’
You- don’t really have the heart to say no, so you just nod. ‘’How many siblings do you have?’’ you ask, watching the ginger cat roll over. Slendra scratches its stomach. 
‘’Ten.’’ she replies without batting an eye. You freeze for a second. You blink. Huh- so- Mr Schlankwald, the strange gay man who lives in a mansion in the woods, apparently has eleven children. You slowly tilt your head.
‘’How many people live here…?’’
‘’Fourteen, though my uncle Ivan sometimes comes to visi', so maybe fifte- oh!’’ she’s interrupted by the ginger cat suddenly jumping down off the chair and wandering off somewhere. She climbs up onto the now empty chair and looks over the table at you. "Dad left snacks for us," she points over at the counter by the fridge. "Do you wanna grab some?" 
"Oh uh- sure." You walk over to the counter Slendra pointed to. There's some plates and a bowl covered in tin foil, probably to keep the cats from eating whatever's been left for you. You grab one of the plates and peel away the tin foil. You're greeted by a plate that's sectioned into thirds. Each third contains...snacks? Of some sort. One section is miscellaneous coloured potato chips, one is full of little black squares that look like...seaweed? Maybe? And the third section looks like- thin slices of various vegetables. Dried out to a crisp. You slowly glance over at Slendra.
"What're uh- what're these?"
"Oh! Dad's healthy snacks. They're real good." She smiles. "Try one!"
You hesitate, then reach to grab one of the potato chips. They're all different colours. Orange, red, yellow- even a couple purple ones. You grab a yellow one and very carefully bite into it. Your eyes widen as you chew. It's...good. really good. A nice balance of cheese, onion- are those chives? Yeah! Chives. Fancy. You pick up a second, orange one and toss it into your mouth. It's a bit sweeter, but still just as good. 
Pulling aside the foil on the bowl you're greeted by popcorn, nuts, and various shaped potato chips that also appear to be homemade. You grab one and toss it into your mouth, and get hit with soy sauce and spices. Surprising, but still really good. It reminds you of asian takeout. You take the foil off the last plate and- "Oh! Cookies!"
"Yep! Dad made 'em especially for you." Slendra says as she opens the box she brought down and pulls out a few things. "He always tries to make sure we have food for guests. Every time we ge’ a visitor he tries to feed 'em."
"Huh…" you grab the plates very carefully and carry them over to the table, setting them down between you and Slendra, who's already begun her drawing. "What is your dad like anyway? How'd he afford a giant place like this?" You ask as you wander back over to grab the bowl you left.
"Oh uh- well-" she suddenly seems nervous. "He said tha’…" she pauses for a moment, like she's thinking. "He invested in stocks b'fore the economy wen’ bad." She finishes, speaking like she's reciting a line. You smile a bit.
"I see." You put down the bowl of various snacks and grab another potato chip. Slendra reaches over and grabs one of the black squares of seaweed, biting into it and crunching on it happily. "Weird that I never heard about this place, huh? Giant mansion in the woods…’’ Slendra stares at you, eyes wide. ‘’...That’s full of cats for some reason…’’
She nods and smiles sheepishly. ‘’Heheh, yeah…’’ she puts down her pencil and grabs a thin, dried out tomato slice, crunching on it quietly. ‘’Dad feeds 'em. He loves cats.’’
‘’Huh.’’ you grab a cookie from the plate and bite into it. It’s soft and crumbles in your mouth. Like shortbread, but with deliciously sweet chocolate chips. Without thinking you reach for a second one before you’ve even finished your first. ‘’So what’re you drawing?’’ you tilt your head at her. 
‘’Oh yeah?’’ you lean over to get a look. You were expecting to see friendly, childish drawings of little people with wings, but instead...you’re greeted by creatures with odd proportions, eyes in odd places, sharp teeth and mean expressions. ‘’...oh.’’ you regain your composure quickly. Kids sometimes draw scary things, it’s normal- probably. ‘’You’re really good at drawing.’’
‘’Ehh…’’ she shrugs. ‘’I guess. I’m still learnin'. Helen says I’m gettin’ better though!’’ 
You smile a bit. ‘’Keep practicing. By the time you’re ten I bet you’ll be amazing.’’
Slendra laughs a bit. ‘’I only really draw when Helen asks me if I want to.’’ she murmurs. ‘’I mostly like to sing.’’ 
‘’Oh yeah?’’
"Uh-huh. Dad taugh’ me to play piano, and pops taugh’ me the accordion." She grabs a handful of popcorn, chips and nuts from the bowl and calmly grabs a single nut, putting it in her mouth and crunching on it softly. "I'm learnin' ukulele right now."
"Wow," you tilt your head at her. "Guess your parents can afford a lot of tutors for you, huh?"
"Nah, we're all homeschooled."
"Oh." You blink in surprise. "Does your dad do all of that?"
"Uh-huh. He's real smart." Slendra puts down her pencil and neatly puts her page aside. She delicately grabs a couple more snacks. She has awfully good table manners. A thing that comes from her father, you guess. ‘’He makes learnin’ fun too. My brothers say school is real borin’.’’
You spend a couple hours sitting there with her, watching her draw odd creatures and talk about her even more odd family. The cookies have been eaten, and most of the other snacks are gone completely. Including the seaweed squares, which weren't actually all that bad when you tried them. And now you're lounging back in your chair, petting a chubby chausie cat that's apparently named Brian. 
"So...he covered up...the hole in the wall...by making more holes."
"...No offense but this Jeff guy sounds pretty dumb." You say. Slendra laughs a bit as she puts away her coloured pencils, dropping them back into the large box of supplies she brought down. 
"Jeffery is a good boy, he means well." She murmurs. She grabs the last of the dried out tomato slices and crunches it down. "Wha’ now?"
You shrug. "I dunno. Whatever you want." you smile at her. She frowns in thought, then suddenly perks up. 
"Oh! I could practice my music," she looks suddenly excited. "Dad has a lo’ of records in ‘is office. Could we listen to those? And I can play along with my ukulele."
You shrug and smile at her. ‘’Sure, I don’t see why not,’’ you tilt your head. ‘’Where’s his office?’’
‘’Downstairs.’’ Slendra hops off her chair and grabs the box. ‘’I’ll grab my things! You go wait.’’ she adds before quickly leaving the room. You laugh a bit and grab the last couple potato chips, then the half-empty bowl, just in case. After nudging Brian off your lap you walk down to the basement and look around. There’s a few rooms, but the thing that catches your attention the most though is the lounge area that’s full of comfy looking chairs and cabinets stuffed with videogames. And also the cats, there’s even more down here, but you’re kind of used to them by now.
You glance around at the doors down here. There’s three doors on the left, and none of them are really decorated. There’s a couple other doors, and one of them has a large padlock on it for some reason. The one next to it, surprisingly, is decorated. Fish and deep sea creatures are painted onto it. You’re pulled out of your thoughts by footsteps on the stairs. You look towards them and see Slendra running down them with a ukulele in hand. She grins at you as she walks up to you. You notice she has a small concertina accordion hanging off her waist from a shoulder strap. ‘’Dad has the door locked,’’ she says as she walks past you towards the last door on the left. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out...a cat claw…? You frown. ‘’I can ge’ it open though.’’ 
You watch her attempt to pick the lock with the claw. ‘’uh...I don’t think that’s gonna-’’
‘’Click!’’ the door opens as if to spite you. Slendra grins over at you. 
‘’Told you!’’ she chirps. She walks into the office and you follow her in, bemused. Inside the office is...odd. Grey walls and carpet, lots of bookshelves, a cat tree in the corner, and comfy looking wicker chairs in front of the desk. On the walls are photos of Slendra and other kids who you assume to be her siblings. There’s an...odd painting hanging on the wall across from the door. It contains two faceless white beings, a similar being with black eyes and no mouth and a strange creature with similar black eyes and a wide smile. You frown at it. Abstract art, you suppose. The creatures remind you of Slendra’s drawings. 
‘’Here we go!’’ Slendra catches your attention again. She’s knelt on the ground, looking through a drawer stuffed with records. You glance over at a table in the corner of the room. To your surprise, it isn’t a record player, it’s a gramophone. An old looking one at that. Must be an antique. It honestly wouldn’t surprise you if Mr Schlankwald was a collector or something like that. Slendra gets up and very carefully places a record on the player and drops the needle. It’s silent for a couple moments and then a delicate piano starts playing. Slendra strums her ukulele and begins to sing.
‘’I know...you belo-o-ong to so-omebody ne-ew…’’ her voice is almost...mesmerising. You relax despite yourself as she sings along. ‘’But tonight, you belo-ong to me.’’ Maybe you’re imagining it, but you swear you can hear multiple voices coming from her. Or maybe it’s just the vocals from the record. You’re not really paying attention. Instead you sit down in one of the wicker chairs and watch her. ‘’Although…’’ she smiles a bit. ‘’You’re a apa-a-art, of my he-e-a-art,’’ her eyes catch yours. They seem to glint a moment and something- odd, passes over you. You suddenly feel extremely relaxed, all tenseness leaving your body. You lean back in your chair. ‘’And tonight, you belo-ong, to me.’’ 
You don’t remember much else from the evening after that. Just that Slendra continued singing along to the greatest hits from the fifties and sixties. Things start to become a bit less fuzzy around nine thirty. Her bedtime. You read her a bedtime story, told her goodnight with a wide smile, and took a seat on the couch downstairs. Which is where you are now, watching a movie in the dim lighting. You feel...good. Really happy for some unknown reason. Not that you’re complaining.
The front door opens and you glance over as Mr Schlankwald steps inside. He closes the umbrella he's holding while Jack shakes himself off, kind of like a dog. Mr Schlankwald looks over at you and smiles. 
"Ah, hello." He steps towards you, with Jack following after. He strides past the blonde and collapses himself in one of the armchairs. Somehow his makeup is still flawless despite the rain outside. "How were things?" He asks, tilting his head. He seems nervous, slightly. Jack opens one eye and looks over at you.
"Good," you sit up. "No trouble at all. She behaved excellently, we just sorta...chilled." you smile a bit. "She's the most well behaved kid I've ever looked after honestly. She didn't even complain when it came to her bedtime."
"Oh!" Mr Schlankwald smiles a bit. "I'm glad to hear that- we were worried, eheh." He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. He frowns. "Hm...Jack have you got three hu-"
"Righ' 'ere luv." Jack reaches into his striped sleeve and pulls out a small wad of notes. Mr Schlankwald smiles and takes them, folding them up neatly before holding them out to you. 
"Five hundred, as agreed." He says as you quickly count the money. You knew you'd be getting that amount but still, actually holding the money now you can hardly believe it. You stand up quickly.
"Thank you." You barely manage to get the words out. "I had a great time babysitting her- I uh- I've babysat some real demons before so uh- heheh-" you're just rambling now because of the sheer elation of actually being given five hundred fucking dollars. Mr Schlankwald smiles, as polite as ever.
"Well, if we ever need another sitter we'll call you." He says, walking over to the door. He grabs your coat from the coat rack and holds it out. Quickly, you walk over to him and take it. He opens the door while you put it on. "Do get home safe," he murmurs. "Does your bike have a light? Do you need an umbrella?" He frowns at you, apparently worried. 
"No, no. I'll be fine." You give him an anxious smile while you pull your hood up and step outside. You grab your bike, flicking on the light on the front of it. Mr Schlankwald smiles at you, pleased to see that you won't be in the dark going home. You walk off towards the forest path you followed earlier and wave over at him. 
"Get home safe!" He calls as he waves back.
"I will!" You turn away from him and smile wide.
That's the best babysitting gig you've ever had. 
You really, really hope they call you back for another night...
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
Tell Her.
Part two to Grandparents. Not necessary to read it but- it explains some stuff about Slender. Slendra isn’t really in this one but it’s important for understanding stuff about her dads.
He knocked on the door and waited patiently to be told to come in.
‘’Come in.’’
He opened the door and stepped inside. It was an office. Grey walls and carpet, with bookshelves and cabinets against almost every wall. There were some comfy wicker chairs in front of the large desk at the back centre of the room where Slender sat, writing and not looking at him. There were a lot of things hanging on the walls. A family portrait of Slender and his siblings hung right above where he sat, and the other walls were scattered with pictures of the mansion’s other residents. Family photos, vacation photos, pictures that were snapped randomly of everyday activities, and some paintings done by Helen, the resident artist, adorned the other walls. The only things really out of the ordinary was the old gramaphone beside the desk and cat tree in the corner right next to the radiator, which had about five or six cats lying on it. 
He crossed the room and sat down in a wicker chair, looking at Slender in slight concern. ‘’Ye wanted ta speak ta me, luv?’’ He asked.
‘’Yes, Jack.’’ Slender cleared his throat and set down his pen, folding his hands on the desk. ‘’I wanted to talk to you about Slendra.’’
Jack blinked in surprise. Their daughter? ‘’Is somefin’ wrong wiv ‘er?’’ he asked worriedly.
‘’No, not at all.’’ Slender replied. ‘’To put it simply...we need to tell her about her father. Her real one.’’ He said, cutting straight to the point. He watched the shock register on Jack’s face, his eyes widening and jaw dropping for a moment as he processed what Slender had said.
‘’Why?’’ he asked. ‘’Isn’ i’ a bi’ soon? She’s only three-’’
‘’She has the age of a demon, Jack.’’ Slender replied gently. ‘’Mentally, and physically, she’s six. And she’s starting to ask questions.’’
‘’She is?’’
���’Yes...the other day while training she asked me- about my father.’’ Slender swallowed before he continued. ‘’She’s getting curious. And I think it’s best we tell her rather than waiting for her to ask. I don’t want her to feel like it’s something we’re hiding from her.’’
‘’...I mean we are hidin’ i’ from ‘er.’’ Jack said. Slender gave him an eyeless glare. ‘’Sorry, sorry...bad time fer jokes…’’ he looked down at his lap and coughed. ‘’Are ye sure abou’ this?’’ he asked softly. ‘’Er da...knowin’ she came from ‘im, ye don’ fink she’ll...be scared ‘f bein’ like ‘im, do ya? Tha’s a lo’ fer a kiddo like ‘er ta deal wiv.’’ Slender didn’t reply for a moment. Jack frowned, tilting his head. ‘’Luv?’’
‘’...I do fear she could be like him.’’ Slender murmured. Jack tensed. He stared in disbelief.
‘’Slendra? Like- like ‘im?’’
‘’She looks exactly like him.’’ Slender said softly. ‘’She shares his powers. His ability to manipulate using his voice, his mouths. She sings, Jack. Don’t you know how dangerous it is every time she does that? The risks we’re running not telling her what she could possibly do?’’
‘’Ye fink tha’?’’ Jack whispered ever so softly. ‘’Tha’ our swee’ li’le girl would ‘urt someone?’’
‘’How am I to know?’’ Slender said, his voice soft and sombre. Jack stood up and walked over to the desk. He leaned against it, looking at Slender. 
‘’Ye fink jus’ because she wuz born from ‘im tha’ we can’t raise ‘er ta be good?’’ He asked, his tone becoming almost offended. ‘’We’ve trea’ed ‘er wiv nofink bu’ love an’ goodness an’ ye still don’ trust ‘er? Yer own daugh’er?’’ he glared at Slender.
‘’You know why I can’t…’’ Slender murmured. He didn’t dare look at his husband as he spoke.
‘’She’s no’ ‘im.’’ his angry expression softened. He reached over and rested his hand atop Slender’s. ‘’Slendra an’ Zalgo are as diff’ren’ as nigh’ an’ day. Ye know tha’, righ’?’’
Slender looked up at him for a moment, and then nodded. ‘’...Yes. I know.’’ his other hand moved up and curled around Jack’s. ‘’I’m sorry, dear...I know I shouldn’t have thought that of her.’’
Jack gave him a smile and caressed Slender’s blank face. ‘’I’s alrigh’ luv.’’ he tilted his head. ‘’So ‘ow are we gonna tell ‘er?’’
‘’...I’ll tell her everything. Who her father is and what he’s done to me and others.’’ Slender replied. ‘’I want you to talk to her after...tell her- tell her what you just told me,’’ he looked up at Jack. ‘’That she isn’t anything like him.’’
Jack softened, smiling. ‘’Can I take ‘er ou’ ta do i’?’’
‘’Of course you can, Jack.’’
‘’An’ ye won’ ‘ide a fing from ‘er? Ye’ll tell ‘er everyfin?’’
‘’Yes. I will.’’ Slender sighed. ‘’Not a thing will be left out.’’
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
got any random hcs for slendra, michael, and/or rosemary?
I of course have a lot of hcs for all of em so I’ll go section by section uvu
He wanted to be a carpenter before he done got possessed
He gets anxious when it’s too quiet, and will often make noises himself to fill the silence (snapping fingers, clicking tongue, humming loudly, etc)
He uses a noise machine to sleep
He doesn’t really talk much unless spoken to, he’ll only really hold long conversations with Kirstie and Owen
Speaking of Kirstie and Owen, I should really talk about them more since y’all only know them as ‘the ghost friends’
The three of them have known each other since they were kids
Owen was and still is the baby brother of the group
Kirstie is basically the mom friend. She was always a very positive and supportive person, and probably the smartest one too lol
Kirstie had two dads
Owen was never super talkative, but when it’s a topic he likes he can talk a lot
Michael is very uncomfortable with letting other people have control of his body because of trauma (obviously), but Kirstie sometimes forcibly takes control when Michael won’t take care of himself
Owen only really gets control when Ben invites him to play videogames
Owen can get really into games, they’re one of the few things that can make him angry or excited
Kirstie LOVES sports. She used to play volleyball when she was alive
When she gets control everyone just has to deal with Michael, the quiet guy who lives in the basement, suddenly being peppy and friendly
Michael doesn’t eat much, especially not desserts, but he has a soft spot for ice cream.
His room is FULL of empty bottles and cans. Man stays hydrated. He drinks ridiculous amounts of la croix because he has no will to live
She is simply BABY
She took Sally’s place as the baby of the family LOL
Her love for bow ties is INTENSE. She likes bows just- in general, but you’d never catch her dead without a bowtie on. She collects them, much like how Slender collects ties.
She loves striped patterns
She loves singing and music of any kind. She plays piano and accordion, and is trying to learn the harmonica and ukulele
She has the tiniest smidge of Jack’s accent and occasionally uses cockney slang
Slender dies inside every time he hears Slendra call the mansion ‘’th’ gaf.’’
She’s oddly maternal towards some of her siblings. She takes after Slender and is often the only braincell of the group.
She loves doing cartwheels and things. Jack taught her all his tricks
She’s oddly protective of Jeff specifically. She’s protective of everyone but Jeff she’s just- big sister. Even though he’s 12 years older than her.
Ok this isnt a hc but I wanted to talk about why I went with the ‘demons age twice as fast as humans’ aspect of her character.
When making her I couldn’t decide if Slendra should be responsible older sister figure with a good sense of humour and love for comedy or if she should be a young girl who’s scared of her powers and always sticking by Slender’s side, with Jack trying to teach her confidence.
I eventually decided to blend both, making Slendra physically a teen but mentally closer to a child. I wanted this to represent that she’s innocent, but forced to grow up faster than she should’ve because of Zalgo being- well- her dad.
Ok but seriously-
Even if she doesn’t talk everyone can communicate with her pretty well
‘’No Rose I’m not making steak for dinner.’‘
I’ve said before that she takes the heads from her victims but she also takes a few bones and whatever else she feels like
What does she do with them? ... :)
Don’t go in her room there’s dead things and bones EVERYWHERE
It’s gross. Jason yells at her to clean up. She flips him off
She often leaves Zalgo’s realm just to go watch birds
She believes herself to be above humans and animals but birds? Birds are the one creature she respects
She believes herself to be a chosen one, in a way, because of Zalgo ‘choosing her’
She thinks she’s above other people but is completely subservient to Zalgo
Zalgo often calls her ‘my little lamb’ because of her last name which literally means ‘lamb of god’, the fact that she’s child sized and- y’know- Zalgo is a god.
She often paints her nails :) Nat and Jane let her join their girl’s nights (Zero is there too but only sometimes)
I haven’t decided if this is fully 100% canon yet but I like the idea of her being age-locked by Zalgo much like Nat and Jason are. I haven’t decided how old she is exactly, but I like the idea that she’s been around a while
uhh that’s all I have time to write down rn but!! I loved talking abt these guys...OC asks make me so happy you don’t even know sdfjfsdjf thank u anon
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
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@ people who love Slendra: come get y'all juice
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neerasrealm · 5 years ago
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Ref sheet for the baby in the story I posted yesterday
More info abt her under the cut
Slendra is the eldest daughter of Zalgo, and probably resembles him the most. She was made purely on accident, and Zalgo actually didn’t learn about her existence until a while after her birth. Her mother, after giving birth to a child who was obviously not human, abandoned her in an alleyway. Fortunately for Slendra, she was found by Laughing Jack, who immediately took her in as his own.
She grew up to be a responsible and kind young girl. She takes after Slender, being a neat freak who loves baking and ties (specifically bowties). She takes after LJ in the form of her love for music, sweet things and doing tricks like him. She’s very family oriented, being almost like a big sister to some of the creeps in the way she’s fiercely protective of them. This is due to her past experiences with Zalgo and his minions.
Slender does his best to train her to control her powers, and is nothing but supportive and loving, but Slendra still feels very insecure about herself because of her true father, Zalgo. She’s aware of how evil he can be and the wrongs he’s done. She doesn’t act anything like him and doesn’t want to harm anyone, but she still doesn’t trust herself knowing where she came from.
Her relationship with her two sisters, Lazari and Eloise, is- dysfunctional, to say the least. She wants to know them and be close to them, but because of their allegiance to Zalgo it’s difficult to see or speak to them, and while Eloise seems more open to befriending her, Lazari is not. Lazari mostly just tells Slendra she should join her as one of Zalgo’s minions. They don’t try to talk much. It’s also fairly common for Zalgo to try to contact her, be it through dreams, hallucinations or cornering her when she leaves Slender’s mansion. He has tried multiple times to sway her to his side, either with convincing or brute force. Slender, LJ and the other mansion residents have managed to stop him every time.
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neerasrealm · 5 years ago
Laughing Jack Finds A Baby
The story is just as the title says. Laughing Jack finds a baby and brings it home. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happens.
Word count: 1253
Laughing Jack had always enjoyed his time among humans.
He'd spend days in parks or on the streets, putting on shows and performing for children and adults alike. He didn't understand them as well as you'd think he would. Currencies confused him as did things like manners and customs- but what he did understand was that they enjoyed his tricks. And that was enough to make him happily hum all the way back home every evening.
Which is what he was doing now. 
Happy as he could be, he strolled down the street, content with his day. He'd made children happy, had earned some tips and now it was a warm, calm evening. There was even a loving mother with a stroller walking in front of him! 
A loving mother that walked into an alleyway and...walked out...without the stroller…
Laughing Jack paused, watching her walk down the street, now without her baby. He blinked in confusion and darted into the alleyway. Sure enough the stroller was still there. He leaned over it and looked at the baby fast asleep in the seat. He looked back at the alley's entrance, then back at the stroller. 
"Ma'am!" He'd been quick to find the mother again. "Scuse me!"
The woman finally turned and looked at him. She looked...unhappy, to see him. She looked at the stroller, which Jack had brought with him, and her look turned to horror. 
"He forgo' yer baby." He said with a frown. The woman shook her head.
"It's not mine."
"Bu'-" the clown looked confused. "I saw ye, ye pu' em in th' alley an' walked off! Tha's awful irresponsible of ya." 
"That thing is not my baby!" She repeated.
"Bu' I-" LJ frowned and looked down. Had he gotten the wrong woman? He'd never seen her face after all- he looked up again to ask her one last time but- she'd walked off again...leaving Laughing Jack alone with the baby.
He looked around, as if expecting the mother to just- appear out of thin air, but no. Nothing. He walked around to the front of the stroller and crouched down, rubbing his chin in thought as he stared at the ground. He could try searching for the mother but who knows where she'd be by n-
Jack looked up quickly and stared at the baby. It was awake, and staring at him with big, shiny eyes. They were unnaturally bright, and seemed to almost shine. They were gold in colour too. The baby's skin was dark- a sort of reddish brown colour that sparkled ever so slightly. Despite being so young the baby had a few freckles that also shone like its eyes, but they were much darker, like bronze. 
You'd think he'd have been taken aback the first time he saw the baby's odd appearance, but he hadn't even realised it was odd until now. 
"...Ye're no' 'uman, are ya, kiddo?" He reached out curiously to touch the baby. Suddenly, its tiny, clawed hand reached out and gripped Jack's bony black finger. The clown gasped and stared at the tiny child.
"I'm 'ome!" Jack called out as he closed the mansion's front door behind him. 
"Jack!" Before he could do anything Sally had come running out of her room, floated down the stairs and attached herself to his leg, hugging him tightly. He pat her head affectionately. 
"Ello princess."
"Hi Jack." Toby, who was lying out on the couch, greeted. He blinked a couple times and rolled onto his stomach, looking at the thing in Jack's striped arms. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at the baby he was holding. 
Jack smiled and shifted the child in his arms. "Kids," he said softly, crouching down to Sally's level whilst Toby walked over to get a look. "I want ya's t' mee' yer new li'le sister." He held the baby out for the two of them to see. She blinked at the two of them, golden eyes wide and curious.
Toby's eyes widened in surprise. Sally squealed and looked up at Jack excitedly. ‘’Where did sh-’’ The teen tried to ask, but he was cut off by the sound of the kitchen door opening.
‘’Jack, you’re h-’’ Slender emerged from the kitchen, wearing one of his many aprons. He seemed rather happy to see LJ back home, but his mood quickly became more serious upon noticing he was holding something. He walked over silently. ‘’What did you get?’’ he asked, apprehensive. Jack- wasn’t the most responsible with money and it was somewhat common for him to come home with something they definitely didn’t need. That or he'd found an animal that he was determined to keep.
Jack stood up and shifted the baby in his arms so Slender could see her clearly. Despite having no face, Slender looked shocked and completely taken aback. He looked from the clearly-not-human baby to Jack several times until he could finally talk.
‘’Where did you get her?’’ he asked. 
‘’This lady- I dunno wo’ ‘er deal wuz, bu’ she jus...left ‘er buggy in an alley an’ walked off. I tried ta fin’ ‘er again bu’ I couldn’.’’ Jack answered. He looked down at the baby and rubbed her cheek with a finger. ‘’I could ‘ardly jus’- leave ‘er there.’’ He looked down at the baby, smiling fondly.
‘’Can I hold her?’’ Slender asked softly. Jack nodded and carefully handed the baby over. Slender held her gently, almost like she’d break in his arms. It was silent for a few moments before Slender spoke again. ‘’She’s cute…’’ he said fondly. Jack smiled.
‘’Isn’ she?’’ He rubbed the baby’s head, looking down at her with all the love in the world. ‘’She’s go’ a boa’ race pre’ier than th’ queen.’’ he smiled wide as he spoke. Slender chuckled.
‘’She isn’t human.’’
‘’Well duh.’’ Toby said. Slender had forgotten he and Sally were there. ‘’What is she?’’
‘’I’m...not sure…’’ Slender looked down at the baby, who seemed oddly calm being held in his arms. ‘’She...seems to be a demon, but at the same time her eyes and freckles remind me of…’’ he trailed off. Jack tilted his head. ‘’I- can’t be sure yet.’’ He said quickly. An obvious lie, but nobody would push it right now. 
‘’Are we keeping her?’’ Sally asked. Slender looked at her.
‘’Well of course, we can hardly give her away,’’ He said. A look of horror seemed to suddenly cross his lack of face. ‘’We don’t have a crib! Or toys or or-’’
LJ held out his arm and pulled away the cuff of his puffy sleeve. Dozens of screws and chunks of wood fell out. Everyone stared at him until his sleeve had finished emptying itself.
‘’I’ll build one.’’ He said simply. 
‘’What the f-’’ Toby said.
‘’Thank you, Jack.’’ Slender interrupted. He seemed to be smiling. He looked down at the baby again, rocking her gently. ‘’Gosh you’re so small, aren’t you? You could probably use something to eat, couldn’t you?’’ he cooed. Jack rolled his eyes and smiled.
‘’I came up wiv a name fer ‘er.’’ he said. Slender looked up and tilted his head. ‘’Slendra Jackson.’’ LJ said proudly.
‘’What kind of name is Slendra?’’ Toby asked.
‘’It sounds like both your names!’’ Sally chirped. Jack nodded.
Slender was quiet, looking down at the baby. He nodded. ‘’Yes...that sounds nice.’’ he said softly. He caressed his new daughter’s face ever so gently and held her close. ‘’Welcome home, Slendra..’’
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neerasrealm · 4 years ago
AAAAAAAAAAA I LOVED that poly!Slender x reader x LJ!! I didn’t originally request it, but if it’s not too much, can I please request a sequel (featuring the adorable Slendra Jackson?) Ty! 😁😁
Anon you have no idea how happy this request made me- I NEVER get asks about my OCs so you calling Slendra adorable and aSKING TO INTERACT WITH HER??? MADE ME REALLY REALLY HAPPY SO THANK YOU- sorry this ask took a bit to answer, I only got your ask late in the evening so I had to finish it off over the course of my morning. Thank you again for the ask!! I hope you like what I came up with- (put it under a cut since it’s a little long)
‘’More wine, dear?’’ Slender asks you from across the couch. It’s late, and quiet. A rare combination here in the mansion. Somehow, every other person in the mansion is downstairs, in their room or somewhere else. Meaning you and your two boyfriends are free to occupy the couch by yourselves and have a quiet evening, and you couldn’t ask for more. Being curled up against Jack’s soft body with Slender’s arms wrapped around you both. Even Jack is being quiet for once, his face resting against Slender’s chest. He might be asleep- you’re honestly not sure.
‘’Sure.’’ you murmur back, looking up at Slender. He seems to smile despite his lack of face and reaches over to the coffee table, pouring you some wine from the already-half empty bottle sitting on it. A benefit of not being human, you guessed, was being able to drink a lot of the stuff without worrying about intoxication. As you’re taking another sip from your glass a soft, shy voice interrupts you.
‘’Mama? Pops? Dad?’’ 
The three of you look over at the voice’s owner. A short girl with fiery hair and brownish-purple skin. Her eyes are bright and gold, and she has pale red horns and dark red claws that scratch gently against the bannister she’s holding. Your shared daughter- it’s odd, she’s not related to you, she’s adopted like every other child in the mansion, but she’s one of the few that calls you mom. Everyone took fairly naturally to you dating the mansion’s ‘dads’, just treating it like you were dating anyone else, but Slendra? She’s been calling you mom since day one. Not that you're complaining.
‘’Need somefink, luv?’’ Jack murmurs behind you. He sits up a bit. 
Slendra shifts where she stands. ‘’...can I get a bedtime story?’’ she asks quietly. Slender IMMEDIATELY sits up, alert. ‘’I-I know I’m a little old for it but-’’
‘’Ye can’t ou’grow bedtime stories, kiddo.’’ Jack says. Slender nods. You can’t help but smile a little bit at the two’s excitement- though Slender’s is far more obvious. You can’t blame them. Slendra is beginning to hit that- odd phase where kids think they need to act like adults. Except she’s only five years old. Damn demon aging. ‘’Ow abou’ me an’ Slen do i’ fer ya? I’ll do th’ voices an’ ‘e can narra’e. Like when ye were li’le.’’
You look at the two of them. ‘’I want in too.’’
‘’Ye can be th’ damsel in distress.’’
You give Jack an offended look and playfully slap his chest. ‘’Rude. Slender fits the damsel role better and you know it.’’
‘’...I do look good in a dress.’’ Slender says as he climbs off the couch. You and LJ cackle in amusement. Slendra giggles shyly.
The three of you follow Slendra upstairs to her room and walk inside. Her room is like a mix between Jack’s room and Slender’s office. Her walls are a deep lavender with darker swirls running across them. Her bed is round, oddly, and covered in pillows. She has a desk piled high with books and papers for her drawing and writing habits and her ceiling is covered in not only glow in the dark stairs, but music notes too. Her carpet is soft and your socked feet sink right into it. There's shelves on nearly every wall, full of toys, trinkets or books.
The little demon girl crawls into her bed and grabs her favorite stuffed toy- a purple and green dog you tried to win for her at a carnival but...well of course the game was rigged. It was actually her older brother EJ who managed to win it for her. With a little help from his demonic strength of course. She named it Scam, and you’re still proud of her for that.
The three of you all sit down at the foot of her bed. "Wha're ye in th' mood fer then?" Jack asks.
"Can you make a story?" Slendra asks, her eyes shining. A toothy grin curls up Jack's face. 
"Oh, I ge' ta flex me wri'in' t'nigh', eh?" He reaches into a puffy sleeve and pulls out a book. Slendra grins excitedly. You glance at the book's cover. Apparently Jack's homemade bedtime story is called 'The Damsel's Dragon'.
He clears his throat and opens the book. "Once upon a time, there wuz a pre'y young lass named…" Jack holds the book over to Slender. He shoots Jack an annoyed look and sighed.
"Damsel N. D. Stress." He finishes in the most airy, feminine voice you've ever heard him do. The three of you laugh while Slender fixes his tie. 
"Damsel wuz th' pre'ies' lass in th' land. People came far an' wide ta see 'er an' 'er collection 'f antique ties. All th' men in th' land wanted 'er 'and in marriage, bu' she wanted none 'f tha'." You watch Jack hold the book over to Slender again. 
"I hate you." Slender mutters. Slendra giggles. "Oh if only a big, handsome clown would come to admire my ties... if only…"
You laugh so hard you almost fall off the bed. Jack's hand reaches over quickly, his palm against your back, and pushes you back up. You snicker. "Sorry, sorry continue."
"Damsel spen' 'er days in 'er castle, wishin' an 'opin as th' worl' wen' by. Until one day, th' castle began ta shake! 'Er ties fell off th' shelves, 'er wine smashed to the ground!"
"Not the wine!" Slender exclaims in that airy, overly dramatic voice. You snicker again. 
"Th' castle stopped rockin' an' Damsel ran up ta th' top tower ta see wha' 'ad 'appened. When she go' up there, she saw a big migh'y dragon sleepin' on 'er castle's roof!" Jack stops and nudges you. "Ye're th' dragon." He whispers. You grin. 
The book is handed to Slender again. "Mr dragon, whatever are you doing up on my roof?" He exclaims. Jack holds the book over to you. Slendra looks at you excitedly. You're nowhere near as good at voices when compared to Slender and Jack, but Slendra doesn't seem to mind. You clear your throat.
"I'm taking a nap of course!" You growl out. Jack smiles as he passes the book to Slender again.
"Fockin' 'orrifyin', luv."
"Jack!" The three of you yelp. He laughs a bit.
"Well you can't nap up here!" Slender continues with the story. "This is my castle! You have to go somewhere else!"
You lean over Jack's shoulder to see your next line. "Mmmm…No." You say. 
"Now Damsel wuz'nt tha' dumb. She knew be'er than ta argue wiv a dragon, an' so she wen' back into 'er castle an' began lookin' fer a way to ge' rid of th' dragon." 
"Good to know you don't see me as a total idiot." Slender murmurs.
"Wha' do ya mean? This isn' you, i's Damsel."
"Of course it is."
Jack grins to himself and looks back at the book. "She looked through 'er ye ol' phone book an' foun' somefink ta 'elp 'er!" He looks up at Slendra for a moment. "Th' mos' famous dragon extermina'or in th' worl'. 'Er name wuz Jackie Ardlens."
You force yourself to to 'awe' at the Slendra self-insert. She doesn't seem to have realised the character is literally named after her. 
"Jackie came ta th' castle an Damsel led 'er up ta th' tower."
"It's terrible!" Slender exclaims. "That great big ugly dragon does nothing but snore all day!"
"I don't snore." You retort. Slendra looks at you. You clear your throat. "I don't snore." You say again, this time in your dragon voice. She laughs. 
"Oh dragon," Slender continues with the story, ignoring you. "I've brought someone to drive you away!" You can't help but smile at how much he's actually getting into this role. Slendra is certainly enjoying it too.
"Huh? Drive me away?" You growl back at him. "How am I supposed to fit into a car?"
A grin curls up Jack's face. "Jackie stepped forward an' looked up a' th' dragon." He passes the book to Slendra who looks surprised, but then smiles wide.
"I've come to make you leave this poor lady alone!" She reads. "Why do you want to stay on this castle so bad?" 
"Why the sun of course, it's nice and warm up here. And this castle is the comfiest bed I've ever had!" You read back. 
"Hm…" Slendra cups her chin in her hand, pretending to think. "Well I say we build a new tower for you to sleep on! That way both of you will be happy."
Slender clasps his hands together. "Of course! That can be arranged." He says. Jack takes the book back and turns to the very last page.
"An' so, they buil' a big ol' tower fer th' dragon ta sleep on, an Damsel continued ta collec' 'er ties an' live 'appily ever after." He closes the book and smiles. "The end."
Slendra smiles wide. "I liked that one."
"Good." Jack leans in and kisses her forehead. "Now ge' yer res, swee'pea." He says softly while Slender pats the girls head. 
"Mama?" As you're following Jack and Slender out of the room Slendra calls you. You stop and look at her, curled up around Scam, a bright golden eye looking at you. "I love you."
You swear you can feel yourself practically melt for a moment. You smile at her. "I love you too, sweetheart." You say softly. She smiles, a couple fangs glinting in the light, then closes her eyes and snuggles up under the covers.
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