#but i will definitely make an account where i make example scripts!
generalluxun · 11 months
Hey. Asking about how Chloe was abused. My knowldge of abuse is fairly limited to general pop knowledge so I'm curious as to what abuse was done to her.
Okay caveats first:
I am not a medical professional, I am simply someone with a vested interest in the topic who has done more research than the average person.
There are many definitions of abuse. Legal definitions are rarely useful, as they are limited to concrete, provable, gross violations. Just as you can inflict a lot of pain on someone without leaving the marks to prove assault, you can do a lot of damage to a child without it being legally 'provable'. Medical definitions are much more helpful for discussions.
Lastly some level of extrapolation is required as it is a show. We take what we are shown. For example:We actually only have Felix's word that he was ever abused, and his first character traits sre being deceitful and manipulative. We still take his word though, because it's a show. (And also we should give weight to victim accounts!)
So both parents are guilty in different ways. We will start with Audrey, the simpler one. There's clear verbal and emotional abuse demonstrated on screen. Mis-naming your child is a form of abuse:please ask the trans community about the impact of deadnaming even in full grown adults.
Beyond that she is constantly dismissive and belittling of her child- to the exclusion of all else. Style Queen/Queen Wasp is rife with examples. There is also the clear behavior shift in Chloé. The wheeling, approval seeking, hunched posture expecting rejection. This is a *pattern* not a one off. Audrey may live in NY, but no fashion movil would be away from Paris for 13yrs straight. We are simply seeing the most recent interaction. This culminates im a child having to ask 'Why don't you love me mother?' and the response is telling
Audrey barely chokes out the strange word when trying to contradict the question. It takes Marinette literally making them both mad at her to get a bare minimum of interaction on Audrey's part. It doesn't last though. Audrey falls back into her negation behaviors and is now present to inflict them more regularly on Chloé, while also being a constant target for/model of behavior for Chloé. (Seriously it was such a misstep to write Marinette reuniting a victim with an abuser) We know the show itself considers Audrey'ss care as a bad thing because the original script had André divorcing her and takin Zoé because Zoé 'doesn't deserve you' so Chloé being in an abusive parenting situation in Representation is supposed to be 'punishment'(ewww)
André is not off the hook either. People look at him 'spoiling' her and leave it at that. Well, 'spoiling' can in fact be abusive too. Let's look at what we see:
André has been her primary caregiver for 14 years now, so he has had the most responsibility in molding what we see for good or bad(mostly bad). She does learn from him too. Darkblade she proudly announces she learned everything about winning elections from watching her father. He's also excessively arrogant (I'm the symbol of Paris!) and quite willing to abuse his power for his own ends(having Roger round up protestors etc) which explains where Chloé learned where power is to be abused.
André is also extremely neglectful as a parent, extreeeeemely. Let's hit a bunch of points in the order they come to me.
Chloé lives *alone* in a hotel suite. There's no shared space, no family area. It's not even really her room. It's commercial, sterile. Where sre her hobbies? Posters? Even her *colors*? She is so used to being ignored at home that the girl who is loud as heck everywhere else doesn't make a single mark on her living space.
A hotel employee seems to think he needs to step in to raise Chloé. Let that sink in. An employee can see how bad it is and tried to make some kind of change, (he's working against a lifetime of ingrained behavior and is not very good at it himself). He doesn't even think to you know... Get Andre in to do this.
André was unaware or didn't care his daughter hasn't done schoolwork since Sabrina *learned to write*(5/6 yrs old) that is a shocking level of disinterest in your child. 6yr olds aren't criminal masterminds.
Andre supplants actual attention and affection with *stuff* he gives material possessions in *place* of parenting. This is somewhat similar to spoiling but not the same. André's method denies the child something vital. You see- things aren't a substitute for affection/attention, developmentally. And so while they may delight they never satisfy the need. They never validate the emotional attachment. So after the shine wears off, the hole is still there. So, like someone with an addiction, the child needs more, and more, and more. Since the needs are never met, it is never enough. And this is what the child views as *normal* this is simply *how it is*. They rarely know they are being given inadequate care because it's just life to them. Seeing something different in a one off doesn't make a dent vs a whole life.
This sort of thing makes a potent cocktail when mixed with the abandonment issues from her mother too. See- if her mother left, and daddy doesn't pay attention, anyone can leave. This leads to a cycle of pushing/demanding/hurting. The child expects to be left and let down, so they both try to reassure themselves it won't happen, and *make* it happen on their own terms (because they believe deep down it will) so more outrageous demands, because when those demands are met, it shows that you are still 'loved' and when they are not met, then there you go, you are not loved and they will leave you. It's a self-destructive spiral.
You see it play out with her interactions with her classmates and Sabrina specifically. How does she express affection? Gifts. What does she do? Push. Push and push and find the breaking point because if she can make Sabrina actually leave then it shows that she herself is worthless and her mother was right to leave her and her father is right to ignore her. Pretty messed up right? Yeah. Child abuse does horrible things to kids.
We're not done with André yet. Some people might say 'he expresses love for Chloé!' and to that I say- performatively.
André likes the idea of being a father. It's what respectable people do. It looks good on camera. It's someone to love him unconditionally. It's an ally against his wife.(broken home dynamics are horrible too) André just doesn't like having to parent for more than a snapshot.
We can see his interactions with Zoé highlight this too. He's delighted she's here!(a potential person on his side vs his wife and daughter) what's his first parenting advice? 'lock your dreams away and get on with life' A+ André.
What's he do in Queen Banana? He uses his power to let Chloé manipulate the movie *kicking Zoé out of it* This is the guy who is supposed to be supporting her? He only draws the line when it comes to sending Zoé away... Why? He doesn't want to lose an 'ally'. It's power dynamics. Not parenting. Where was he when Zoé was stuck in boarding school? He was going to keep Zoé in the divorce so clearly Mr Lee isn't in the picture, Audrey probably forgot Zoé existed, why didn't André bring Zoé to France and let the sisters grow up together? Oh, right, that might be work.
André likes Zoé because she comes pre-raised(boarding school was probably better than either parent) he doesn't have to put in work and he gets a free good kid to make him look like a father. She's his 'do over' as he throws the one he raised in the trash.
André shows his true colors when he's lamenting to Gabe about his corruption and abuse and blames ot on his 'heartless daughter' you know... The child he raised. The grown man is actually shoving his own corruption and misdeeds onto his child. You really don't need much more than that.
So, via neglect, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse the Bourgeois parents raised an incredibly messed up child. Chloé is not a 'good victim' like Adrien, she doesn't sulk quietly under abuse. She lashes out. She is hurt and angry and she passes the pain on. This is why they call it the cycle of abuse.
The end of Revolution illustrates this perfectly. Audrey throws verbal abuse at her on the plane. Angry that Chloé embarrassed her(not that she did wrong, Audrey loved the power grab) and calls her a loser by implication. You *see* it hit, the physical cringe. Then Chloé immedietely goes to try and pass on the pain. She is hurt and making someone else hurt is the only way to lessen it. She calls Marinette. Marinette breaks the cycle though, and good for her. But the show seems to have forgotten there's still one hurt child in this scene, and it doesn't seem to care.
I'm going to stop here for now. I probably left a bunch out, but I do have other things I need to do. Feel free to ask more questions. Thanks for taking the time to seek answers.
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raposabranca · 2 years
Okay, I'm going to talk about this on my main art account because I haven't seen this being addressed yet (there are obviously other pressing matters) but I believe it deserves to be acknowledged both by art appreciators and artists alike:
ANIMATIC ISN'T WHAT YOU MAY THINK IT IS. "Fan animation" IS NOT called "Animatic".
This is not me being a snob, it's what the words were created for, and using them wrong may be misleading at best and upsetting/unrealistic at worst. Allow me to explain in as much detail as I can right now, so watch out for a long post:
First of all, remember that every animation is a film or video. Even if it's an animation that is composed by mostly static images and it may few weird to call it "animation", it's still a realized video or film (or MV - music video -, student film, etc)
Very roughly put and with many caveats as every studio/person is different, once the pre-production stage of an animation moves into production the process goes like this:
STORYBOARD: A storyboard is a graphic portrayal of a narrative, concept, or script, divided into sequential scenes (panels). Usually, it is done based on a written or roughly drawn script, and it serves to translate the story visually so placement, movement, timing, and camera angles are better understood or articulated. It's often done even for live-action movies.
They can be as detailed or as general, as clean and shaded or as scribbly as they can. Their point is being a visual sequential reference to the script.
Examples (more here):
Batman: The Animated Series opening
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This Batman storyboard puts a lot of effort in making the images very clean and readable and in high contrast, which is useful in a noir series.
Super Mario Odyssey cinematic sequence
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Mario is a lively series where depth, character silhouette, and fluidity are favored, so it's okay if the storyboard is scribbled if it's coherent to the movement and characters.
ANIMATIC: An animatic is a string of storyboard images edited together with sound to illustrate how a sequence will flow in motion. (...) [It] is basically an animated storyboard. The same images you’ve already created as a storyboard are now put into a video and can include dialogue, sound effects, and music. 
TL;DR it's a storyboard, that is, those static panels that can be as detailed or as rough as they must, put into motion and with added sound.
Animatics are useful to keep track of timing, placement, acting, etc, which you can't do very well with static images. They may contain placeholder images, stock photos, live-action acting frames, and even fully animated sequences that were previously done - whatever it's needed to help. Technically, some are animation. But they are, by definition, unfinished animation.
Coco - "Un Poco Loco" finished animation vs animatic:
This is Pixar here and the animatic is scribbles. There is fluid, expressive animation there in order to communicate the livelihood of the sequence, but no more.
This wonderful thing:
Dan Harmon recorded a real court order discussion and drew the animatic on top of it, but he didn't intend to do a finished animation from this. Therefore, those are cleaned-up simple static drawings that still convey the absurdity of the video so it can be presented to the audience, like a sketch.
Mari Flexion's "Epiphany" , from the eponymous "fluff" extra from The Magnus Archives:
Like Harmon, Flexion never intended to fully animate this piece, but unlike Harmon - whose style is simpler and more cartoony - Flexion did this with time and in an elaborated style. There are moving parts and even simple animations in there, shadows and fully conveyed details like clothes and freckles. However, by the nature of being a sketch of an animation, it's an animatic.
ANIMATION: Once you have the storyboard and (if necessary) the animatic fully realized, the "animation" stage can start - this is the refining and production of what will become the final film. This stage is composed of many other stages that characterize how close to the final product something is. Stages will vary depending on the type of film you're doing, but Ill use some of my work to show some of the most common ones in 2D animation. (you'll notice that the timing changes from one place to another; that's because I'm only one person doing that on my pace and not a studio, and also I'm a gremlin)
Rough animation: The closest to animatic; some animatic can be considered rough animations:
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Cleaned-up: Rough animation that has the final lineart/style that will be used in the end (sometimes static elements are already finished; animation can be weird)
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Flat colors (or flats): Where the colors without effects/shadows/lights are added.
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Final: With everything else (and here, because it's a video, it contains the music I timed everything on)
Originally posted here (final video) and here (work in progress gifs)
I've been observing in the last years that a lot of people are calling near-finalized, very-into-production animations "animatics". Not only fans are saying that, but sometimes artists themselves seem to consider stuff such as the following as animatics:
Shandzii's "It's tough to be a god" (original characters)
It could be argued this is a very elaborated animatic, but the amount of finished animation, detail and cleanness would put it at rough/almost clean-up animation.
@twinkle-art 's and @worldformula `s "The Magnus Archives - villain(빌런)"
This is a finished video, despite the lack of "animation" mostly.
SprectroliteAAA's "Death by Glamour - Mettaton vs. Frisk Fight"
This one has been bothering me for years now - it's a fantastic, almost fully realized rendition of this sequence, it's called "rough animation" in the opening, but it's called "animatic" on the title hhh
"But Branca," I can almost hear you say, "why does it matter?"
Well... it's not something that is urgent, or pressing, like I said before. AI- generated stuff and N/F/T/s are actual problems, but that's beside the point. Still, it's a trend that is becoming stronger, and the immediate issues I see are:
For artists: you'll look like a fool: No one is born knowing stuff, but that's inadequate vocabulary in artistic circles - especially in animation ones. If you call an animation "animatic" because it's digital, fanart, or a music video, it may sit wrong with people in the industry. You want to know which words mean what.
For art appreciators: it may sound derogatory: If someone posts their finalized film and you call it an animatic, it may rub the artist the wrong way. What if you wrote a whole fiction book and someone called it "your notes"? It's finalized work - call it for what it is.
For people who make/hire artwork: "But that's not what I/you asked for": The idea that animatics are "supposed" to get to more and more polished levels cause potential conflict between art professionals and costumers. The terms are laid out for clarity, and if "animatic" has a double meaning, people can be upset for getting "less" of what they wanted to get. Worse, calling animation/film "animatic" creates unrealistic market expectations. "Well X artist did that kind of animatic, can't you do that?" is a very hard situation to be in, as an artist. We may sell our work for crumbs just so we get the job, being exploited to do work we're not really supposed to due to a fiction.
For everyone: it can generate confusion and conflict: "Animatic" a term from the film industry. Some terms from some places may be redefined into something better or more appropriate, but this one creates miscommunication for the reasons mentioned about. Worse, it can create miscommunication between groups of people, particularly in fandom. Knowing the right words is the most conducive course of action.
Anyway, I hope this long ramble helped! Go spread the love for animatics and animations and videos all around!
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theangryjikooker · 25 days
alright after watching these past episodes I can fully 100% say that jikook are not dating or even a "thing" lol I always had some suspicion but I really think they are just best friends. I don't see jk treating jimin much differently than how he treats tae and funny enough it was the whole ham vs pink sausage moment that really solidified it lol I just don't see in any world anyone doing that to their partner and I don't mean this in hard feelings that's just who jk is and their vminkook dynamic lol either it's jimin or tae who is at the end of it 😭
There were definitely things that, if I were a shipper, would give me pause.
However, that post-ham/sausage debate is also probably the most realistic behavior I’ve seen between them if I already thought they were dating. It’s surprising to me that some people think that moment was aggressive because it was the total opposite for me. Whether you think they’re dating or not, it does show a closeness between them where JK—the youngest—can casually do that with JM, who only reacts dramatically and jokingly. Granted, I do think that BTS’ closeness in general allows for this flexibility with JK and his hyungs, but JM’s reaction is what makes the interaction what it is.
Even TH is surprised by it, but I don’t get the impression JM is surprised by it in the same way.
A really good example of contrast here is that one live where JM thinks HS curses at him. For as close as they are, JM should’ve been able to logically deduce that HS wouldn’t say something like that to him, let alone on a live, but he actually does take it seriously for a few seconds. Compare this to JK and his chopsticks, where JM is actually in a position to get irritated and can scold him as the oldest, and the contrast is fairly stark.
That moment to me was surprisingly layered—like I could dedicate a whole post to just that scene alone. If I wanted to be an account who leaned into Jkk without factoring in too much logical reasoning, that might almost be enough for me to flip the script. Alas.
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hitlikehammers · 6 months
💜✨🖤WIP Wednesday🖤✨💜
Tagged by @dreamwatch, a week or so ago (or possibly more), sorry it took a bit but I always love a tag game so: thank you!
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
fuck google sideways with a toffee apple on a stick; pt 12
psychiatric greenhouse 
to sacrifice a human heart
siren song
feeling freezes
Snippet, snippet, snippet...okay, let's go #5:
“How’d you know?” They’re driving to the gate Eddie made, the one he came through to start with—close the loop, that’d had been the justification, when all Eddie wanted was to rip open the world from where the new trailer sat in hopes it’d budge, that it’d let him through and give him Steve when he landed, where Eddie could fall into him and save him and maybe save himself, too, the part inside his own chest that’s been throbbing like a wound, open and weeping since Eddie came through and Steve wasn’t here. But, he’s okay with sticking to the plan. Taking no unnecessary chances. Playing this close to the books, at least to until they go off-script and burn the fucker down. However. However, Eddie would like to lodge…not a compliant, per se. Not exactly a complaint. A complaint is very one-dimensional. He’d be more interested in, like…whatever the instantaneous-immediate version of a Strongly Worded Letter is. Because his words wouldn’t allbe complaining words, exactly, but they would all be very very strong. Because this is the fun fucking thing: they’d apparently driven Robin to the cabin in the goddamn squad-car. As in: the fuzz-mobile belonging to none other than one Chief Back-From-the-Dead, Eddie’s favorite law enforcement professional who’s definitely taken him for a spin in this here vehicle more than once, involving far more irritation and threat than anything else, including what was honestly a disappointingly low actual number of incidents involving handcuffs. “Robin does not drive, because Robin does not have a car. Steve,” El had explained as she’d climbed in and made no mistake that Eddie was to follow: “Steve helped her get her license, because he needed another driver,” and yeah, okay, right. Because, for a brief window that seemed much bigger, much longer, much more life-changing than its timeframe should have been capable of and yet: for a brief window? Eddie had been a fully-capable—if not always comfortable for the more sensitive types among his passengers—‘other driver’. And then Eddie’d been gone. Fuck.
As ever, some no-pressure tags (and ignore if you're not writing OR have already been tagged): @steddiely @vthx @penny00dreadful. @markcat @gutterflower77 and legitimately anyone who wants to participate, tag me so I can see your words, too! 🖤
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dedalvs · 1 year
Just came to ask on an issue I've ran into regarding neography.
People in my circle of conlangers/worldbuilders/neographists say that what I do isn't right and is not to be considered neography - here's what I did:
I made over 500 neographies made since the creation of my Reddit account last year, all documented on @thecrazyneographist
And while some of them are seen as cool and all, most are trash bullshit I throw at the wall waiting for something to stick. I literally have diamonds laying under heaps of crap.
I love neographying, this is out of question. But I, despite making a couple WIPs, cannot make a conlang for every script aesthetic I come up with, thus, 90% of my works are just English ciphers (and a devastating part of them are alphabets).
Am I a valid neographist if most of my creations are nothing more than "children-level ciphers" for English, or not? No matter the answer I will continue making them because that's what I like to do.
Thanks in advance.
Hey, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, but there are a lot of issues in here, and I wanted to tease them apart, so I can be quite clear on each one.
First, "I am a valid x", where x refers to some sort of artist, is always kind of a sad question to me, because those who ask it are undoubtedly asking it as a result of one kind of gatekeeping or another. For example, fanfic authors who ask "Am I real writer?" are undoubtedly asking it because someone (or several someones) have told them that they're not because all they write is fanfic. There are often a set of assumptions that come with the definition of a given art, such that the belief is if you haven't fulfilled certain criteria, you can't claim to be an artist in that field. For me, I think the definition is rather simpler.
In any artistic field, you qualify as that type of artist if you attempt that type of art. Notice I didn't say finish. This is especially clear for conlangs, as no conlang is finished. If the criteria for being a conlanger is having one finished conlang then there are no conlangers, and there never have been. There's no such thing as a finished conlang. There is such a thing as a finished painting, though, but I don't think you have to have finished a painting to be a painter. You need to be working at, but you don't need to have finished anything.
This doesn't mean that anyone is an anything. For example, to be a novelist, you have to be in the process of writing at least one novel. If all you've ever written is short stories, you're not a novelist. You are a writer, though.
For a neographer (or orthographer or conscriptor or whatever term is in vogue), all you have to do is attempt to create one conscript. That is the only criterion that needs to be satisfied. You've done that in spades, so you are a valid neographer.
Now, when it comes to an invented script, there are a number of elements involved—or that may be involved. They are as follows:
A unique set of glyphs (i.e. letterforms that are crucially different from any other glyphs in any other script—at least partially).
A unique flow (i.e how the glyphs look when lined up to make wordforms).
A specific instantiation or presentation (e.g. the Roman script has a unique set of glyphs and a unique flow, but in presenting a script, Copperlate looks different from Arial, Times, Palatino, Verdana, etc. Each one is a specific presentation or font face or style).
A unique assignment to a set of sounds and/or words/concepts.
Each of these involve artistic decisions, and they all can be assigned different levels of importance/interest. The fourth bullet above seems to be where unhelpful people in your circle are complaining. That is, one thing to do with a script is assign it to, say, the English version of the Roman alphabet. This is a cipher. Here's an example that's used on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland:
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Let's evaluate this based on the criteria above:
There are a unique set of glyphs—kind of. However, if you kind of stand back and evaluate, you'll see that in fact, every letter is a stylized variant of a letter in the Roman alphabet—with, perhaps, the slight exception of I, which looks like a stylized eye (because this is for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. It's a theme). So, actually, it's not super unique. Additionally, making each vowel glyph red is rather silly.
When written together, the script has a unique flow, but that flow is actually pretty poor. It's a bit like writing in all caps in English, but even all caps Roman has a better balance than this script. It's honestly kind of tiresome looking at this script on the wall. For an alphabet, the characters aren't distinct enough, so it gets poor marks there.
The style of the swooshes/wedges/talons is nice, for the most part (I and U cause me to raise an eyebrow—O, too). The distinction between the very short wedges (as in A, B, and N) and the dots (as in J, L, and M), and the few characters with an even smaller dot (E, X, S, and Y) is, frankly, baffling. Additionally, sometimes the wedges are balanced nicely (A and N are great examples), and sometimes they're way too close (cf. B and Z). While the line work is clean, this honestly even the best version of this style of this script, which is unfortunate, to say the least.
This is a straight-up English cipher. That can only be evaluated based on the goals of the script designer. If the script creator is doing it for fun, then there's nothing to say. That's their choice. If this were done for an Indiana Jones movie or television show, I'd cry foul (cf. Star Wars and their incredibly lazy work). However, this is for a ride. The intended level of interaction for this script is for fans who are standing in line anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the time of year and time of day. There are actual messages written in this writing system that fans are supposed to decode. Given the time allotted, I think a cipher—and, in fact, a cipher that can be somewhat easily deciphered—was the right way to go. It's either do a cipher so park goers can actually read the messages without working at it beforehand and have some fun as they're waiting in line, or go all-out stylewise with the expectation that NO rider will ever figure out what's been written.
That's how a script needs to be evaluated. Sometimes purpose overrides style; sometimes not. It totally depends.
It SHOULD go without saying that if you're doing this for your own purposes, then no one can say shit about its intended purpose, or lack thereof. I always thought that in fora like r/neography posters share their script for the look of it, unless they say otherwise. There's both positives and negatives to that. Sometimes the way a script is used makes it cool, so presented without that background renders the script a bit less interesting, but other times, as with your scripts, it should be rather freeing. That is, it doesn't matter if the script is a cipher, is for a conlang, or is asemic: The question is, does it look good? If it does, it shouldn't matter what the hell it's for.
I've looked at your scriptwork here, and I've also seen it on r/neography before. Yes, some of it's a little sloppy, some of it's a little basic (i.e. variation on a theme without thought to how the system as a whole hangs together), and the presentation of some of it could use polishing, but a lot of it is quite interesting, quite striking, and presented quite well. Given the volume of work you've done, it's not surprising that some of it isn't as interesting, but by percentage, your work, on the whole, is outstanding. I honestly never noticed they were ciphers because it's, frankly, totally irrelevant. It'd be like going to an art exhibition and complaining that the titles of all the paintings start with the letter s. lol Like who gives af. That level of criticism is uncalled for and plain silly. Unless someone posts and says, "What do you think about this writing system that I created for a conlang?", I don't see the relevance of commenting on how the script ties to a phonology.
I would also like to take a moment to comment specifically on r/neography. I've frequented there for some time now, and I've seen a lot of good work, but the percentage of good work to bad work (or even relevant work) is extremely low. This is why I say so:
My biggest complaint is there are a metric ton of posts that are Romanization systems or Cyrillicization systems or the like. There is absolutely nothing ne about that ography. I joined that subreddit to see some NEW scripts, not already existing ones assigned to some phonology. There can be interesting discussions about that, sure, and I'm happy to see those types of discussions if I go to a forum specifically for those discussions. A place that purports to be about creating new scripts is not that place—period. If I were a mod, I would ban all of those posts as wholly irrelevant—and yet it is the majority of posts there on any given day.
The presentation of scripts is often abysmal. I mean ABYSMAL. For example, take an English-speaking preschooler writing their name. That's an example of the Roman script. Now imagine presenting that—and only that—as an example of the Roman script, which the viewer has never seen before. What would you say about that? I mean, it looks like garbage. You can't evaluate a writing system if it looks like it's written with one's offhand on a crowded train. And yet that is precisely the type of work that is OFTEN presented there. How can anyone expect to have their script evaluated if the way they present it makes it look like someone tried to handwrite "happy birthday" on a card but started too close to the edge? It's embarrassing—or should be, anyway. I couldn't imagine presenting my own work like that to anyone for critique or showcasing.
The scriptwork itself is often poor. Honestly, there's nothing much to say about this. I rarely comment there, because sometimes the most helpful comment I can think of is, "Maybe creating conscripts isn't for you", which is not a comment worth sharing. Part of it is talent, but part of it is patience and knowing (a) what makes a good glyph, and (b) what makes a good flow for your glyphs. A lot of it is subjective, but "subjective" means that there will be some scripts that 90% of viewers will think is subjectively good; some that 60% will think is "good"; some 20%... So even though it's subjective, it doesn't mean that every single script is equal. There's a lot of room for improvement.
Because of the above, the kind of feedback you get at a place like r/neography is, frankly, suspect, and often not worth the effort it took to type. For my own stuff, I respect the opinions of people whose work I respect. If I don't respect someone's script work, their criticism is worthless. For your own work, I'd recommend you adopt a similar approach.
Finally, I'd like to applaud you for the very last thing you wrote—that you were set to continue whatever I wrote. Because if you enjoy it, you should keep at it. There's no other reason to do it.
Thanks for the ask, and keep it up!
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clown-cocodrile · 7 months
Im kinda scared about how much mike and sulley will contribute in season 2, i really hope that in the next season they get a decent B plot and maybe a focus episode(??)
Since the end of season 1 is during the epilogue of MI, we’ll hopefully get to see boo, or else it’ll just be a major plot hole
I AM WITH YOU BUT MIKE AND SULLY I REALLY NEED IT (I love Val and Tylor but it's just that Mike and Sully)
I say from what was shown in the trailers more specifically these .scene
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From what we see in this shot they are entering the simulation room very cautiously as if they wanted to hide something and taking into account that this happens after the end of Monsters Inc. Maybe we could get something from Boo and I also think this could be their subplot besides the pressure they will have to go through to make the laughter energy form public.
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That convention we've seen in the trailers probably has to do with one of January's companies and this is probably where Sully has to explain it or something in addition to all the Implications of this change: scaring is not only a form of energy, but a very important form of respect in monster culture.
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Also this specific shot of Mike intrigues me a lot.
It could be something related to this possible subplot, the reunion with someone for example like hardscrabble, I SAY THAT LITERAL WOMAN IS THE PERFECT REPRESENTATION OF THE CULTURE OF SUSTO IN THE WORLD Of the monsters
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I already mentioned it in another post but these renders could be winks to what we could see Boo say, it's a girl's bicycle and Sully dressed as a princess, Sully is definitely a girl's dad.
He would dare to be something like that for Boo
Although on the other hand I remember the recent interview they did with Pete when the first season premiered where he said that Boo would not appear so as not to ruin the perfect ending given in the In the first movie, and that is something that scares me that it won't reach the level if boo appears in the first movie (I don't mean in animation but in script)
But I'll be skeptical of anything.
I just found out thanks to @shamelesscoward 🩷🫶 for telling me that those renders were for the pilot and not for the second season 😅 I didn't know and I had already used them for two publications 🤡 excuse me for the mistake
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loki-zen · 2 years
I’m not gonna do a point by point @discoursedrome because this is starting to get unfun for me as a discourse topic but tbh i think you’re weirdly focused on defining ‘disabled’ and i don’t really see why that’s necessary. Like when I say people are kidding themselves that disabled people are far fewer than they really are all I mean is they’re kidding themselves that their mental model of Standard Human Being Who Needs No Help Or Accommodations Ever is a fair approximation of far more of all of the people than it really is.
And I think you’re way too dismissive of the ways in which a single accommodation can vastly increase accessibility for whole swathes of people.
Take for example a doctor’s office committing to communicating by email as well as telephone. This accommodates Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, people with sensory processing issues that make it hard to hear people on the phone, people with anxieties affecting their ability to make phone calls, people who speak English as a second language and find it easier to read and compose text at their own pace, and also people who just for a host of other reasons can’t randomly make or receive phone calls during the working day. It even automatically creates a record of what was said so that people who are forgetful and/or have low executive functioning resources to spare - whether because they’re ND or just Like That or because they have a full time job and two kids under five - can check back on it.
Or take the automatic door at that same doctors office. If you’re in a wheelchair you need it. If you’re pushing a pushchair, or have a baby in your arms, or have one arm and are carrying something, or have arthritis and it hurts to push doors open, or have weird autistic extra-tasks and crossing-thresholds problems, or are germphobic and don’t want to touch door handles, it’s invaluable.
If you thought about any of these things only in the narrow terms you’re promoting - only in terms of what benefit there might be to people with one specific issue that definitely is ‘a disability’ and not anything else - they would seem totally not worth it, probably. And that’s why that sort of framing is harmful.
I think you’re also underestimating the potential benefit of having the staff at the doctor’s office trained to expect that people trying to use the doctor’s surgery are quite likely to have disabilities - it’s a doctor’s office after all - including ones that might produce needs that haven’t been specifically accounted for, and then the staff would be given the flexibility to make adjustments on the fly and praised for doing so.
As opposed to the status quo where pretty much all frontline staff in anything ever increasingly have zero discretion about how they do anything and will get in trouble if they deviate from The Script.
The Script is based on the idea that there’s such a thing as The Consumer, basically. And what’s important is that people learn that that’s at best an abstraction and, mostly, a lie it’s just a lie; the healthcare system for instance is set up for the convenience of a Healthy Patient who isn’t even a majority of the ‘at least 51%’ kind for most practical purposes bc surprise, Perfectly Healthy people go to the doctor less, but also fucking c’mon man it’s not okay to take just anyone’s/everyone’s (delete as appropriate for your country/healthcare system) money and dispense a service that’s ‘cost efficient’ bc it can treat the most ‘normal’ and ‘textbook’ and ‘no other problems having’ ~80% of people really quickly and cheaply while throwing everyone else on the garbage heap to die.
Like in my ideal world other stuff would be accessible too (maybe it would even be different mechanisms that wind up making this happen*) but essential services first.
It legit doesn’t matter where you draw the lines. It’s just important to recognise that there’s no essential difference between glasses and a wheelchair. Hell, there’s no essential difference between a wheelchair ramp and a road. (As a society, we have put vast amounts of resources into accommodating assistive technology that allows humans to overcome their endemic disability of not being able to walk 30 miles in half an hour.)
*I kind of remain flabbergasted that pure market forces don’t seem to have incentivised the existence of one pub/restaurant/cafe in a given city distinguishing itself from competitors by actively striving to be (and marketing itself as) ‘the place you can actually hear your friends talk’, which would also make it uncommonly accessible to people like me with sensory sensitivities and/or auditory processing problems.
Even aside from the draw for totally non disabled people, I feel like while there probably aren’t enough of us by ourselves making money to financially support this, when you add in the fact that if somewhere like this existed i would always go here with all of my friends and my family and their wallets pretty much any time I went to town, (and if I knew about one in another town I would go there every time I went to that town, and honestly be much more likely to visit that town because I would know there was somewhere I could socialise with people) and I would win all arguments about which place to go to because of the reasoning, and people diagnosed with stuff like I have are disproportionately likely to have pretty well off families, it kinda seems like a slam dunk that could surely find ways to compensate for the inability to make people drink faster by turning the music up.
I mean, tbh, late capitalism and all - for all I know this totally would be viable and make shit tons of money but can’t exist bc it doesn’t sound good to a few wealthy investors
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formulatrash · 2 years
hi queen, could you maybe give some insight on how you got into the motorsport social media world, for people who are maybe interested in that career?
hello anon, sorry this is probably gonna get long
so the short version is: I was already working in social media for Radio 1/1xtra/2/6 so handling some pretty big accounts etc. after that I wrote additional social content for Netflix shows and then I moved on to some big motorsport ones.
which is a boringly unhelpful answer because 'just already be a producer at the BBC' is not really a career path.
that said, I do know how it works.
the first thing is: social media is a broad genre. you should take some time to work out what kind of social you like making; if you're into graphic design, for instance, that's a social media job but so is writing TikTok scripts or posting as a brand or driver.
I would recommend making some kind of low pressure account and using it to mess around. give yourself a chance to find out what you're good at, if you're not going in knowing - me, I can write and I can produce but I'm not an enthusiastic or quick video editor and graphic design is definitely not my passion.
once you've worked out what you want to do, start at grassroots. there's going to be a point (this is the way with all passion fields) where you have to gain some experience by working for free. there's two ways to do this: find a grassroots motorsport thing (a person, an event, a Formula Student team, whatever) and propose doing their social media. a lot of drivers keep the same social media agency as they go all the way up the ladder (Lando's done this, for instance) so it can be a route to bigger things in and of itself. but most importantly it can get you experienced in negotiating the world of motorsport social media - how to deal with things like broadcast rights and where you can and can't film in a paddock, how to drive engagement and interact with fans, etc.
the other option is to start a project account. something like The Female Drive, which is run by a Sauber engineer. that's a really good example of an account that shows obvious skill in producing social content without creating an unreasonable work burden. the account becomes both something that you own, as its own little motorsport property and a showcase for what you can do. it's a really good way to start getting yourself accreditation or being noticed. on a bigger scale but still coming from that grassroots start, Parc Fermé have made a major success launching their agency like that, due on a major level to Lids' incredible photography but it shows the worth of going down that route and basically creating your own job.
if what you want to do is present TikTok, obviously, then you just need to start doing that and working on improving. make the type of content you want to make - that won't be interviewing Max Verstappen from the outset but you can find other ways to make it work. be creative, use your friends, do the things you'd like to watch.
the third way, which you should not do, is working what should be a paid role. a good (well, bad) example of this is this Formula Nerds recruitment ad that I saw earlier today. under UK law, you can't be a volunteer with responsibilities and volunteer roles, which are actually very regulated, have to be demonstrably beneficial to the holder. it's also just extremely shitty that people ask people to work for free; if your publication isn't making enough money, you do that yourself and you can hire people when it is.
if you want to gain experience in a professional setting, look out for internship schemes. you'll be better placed if you can show them examples of your work, which is why it's good to do that earlier experience but they should be regulated, clearly marked as an internship and paid. motorsport is a multibillion-dollar industry where even at the lowest levels thousands of pounds are changing hands, you do not work for free unless it's for yourself.
some good people to look out for opportunities with are Rosie from 115dgrs, Lois at MP, Revolution Comms, Influence Associates and Pace Six Four.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
I’m YEARS late to this —but wondering if you listened to (or otherwise know about/have thoughts on) Kitchen Table Cult Podcast? I started at episode 1 and am a few episodes in and so curious to know if others have been keeping up with this and/or if there’s a general fundie tumblr community consensus on it. Aspects are definitely quite interesting and I’m intrigued in a way that feels similar to the interest I’d have in a Reddit AMA from people who grew up adjacent to the big families, e.g. But at least from the first few episodes it seems that there’s something lacking in terms of…organization?
In fairness, it seems like one of those podcasts that is more *free-wheeling chats about selected topics we know about* (whereas some podcasts are more structured and scripted)—and that’s typical of tons (maybe even most) podcasts but between the two i def prefer the more planned and scripted type generally, which so far this one definitely is not. So I’m not sure how long I’ll keep listening, but super interested in knowing more about others’ impressions and if it’s worth sticking it out.
I don't know if fundie tumblr has a consensus on any podcasts to be fair lol, I haven't seen people talk about it that much. But I'm pretty sure I've been recommended this one a few times and have maybe listened to an episode or two in the past?
I listen to a few little bits and pieces during my lunch (I picked a few newer ones just to be fair, since I know early episodes sometimes can be trial and error) and yea, I can see where you're coming from. It's definitely one of those that's not a very structured conversation for the most part which, to be fair, I do listen to/like a lot of pods like that and generally don't prefer scripted ones. Given the topic though, I can see how that would get annoying if it's something you're trying to learn about bc for example, I'm 20 mins into the last one I listened to and they haven't really gotten to the point or connected what a guest was saying back to the main topic of the show at all.
My only other beef so far is that there's sometimes a lack of follow-up questions that can make the conversations confusing. For example, I was listening to an episode where someone was giving their account of being raised by extremely weird conservative parents, like they were going over all of these super bizarre things their parents did and the hosts rarely followed-up, like no "did you know what their reasoning behind that was??" or anything (which is what I'm desperately wondering as the listener lol).
To be fair to them I'll give it a few more episodes before I make a final verdict but I kinda see where you're coming from. I do think freestyle conversations like that are probably better ways to learn re: firsthand experience on this topic, esp when more than 2 people are participating, but a little structure to keep the conversation relevant wouldn't hurt either.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Regarding the definition of lolcalization, would you still consider something as lolcalized if it changed something from the source material significantly, but in a way that makes it better? If so, can there be “good” lolcalizations?
This thought occurred to me because of the “Black Knight Warp” debacle in Radiant Dawn; while the explanation given by the EN script is still pretty stupid, on account of it requiring Ike to be a dumbfuck who just saw Zephiel collapse from his injuries and blindly accepted that as him having died, doing nothing to confirm his death, it's still way better than the “Warp magic, for the one and only time in all of Tellius and for no good reason, teleported my armor and soul out of the battlefield after my death and allowed me to fight you again” bullshit from the JP version. It's one of the few examples i can think of where the localization in a FE game actively improved upon the original script, so i was curious where this would fall.
I've seen some other people not catching it lol,
But there is a difference, imo, between loLcalisation and straight normal localisation (without the lol).
If it's to make the source material better - aka more suitable for a certain audience where, uh, having 11 years old in a dating sim isn't acceptable - then why not!
OTOH, the BK's fate in RD pissed me because it went with the canon I don't like - but even then, the Warp "magic" dysfunction seemed more or less "okay" as in antagonists always warp for X or Y reasons (save for Ephidel lol) in the FE series and somehow survive to see another day, even when you defeat them.
I like Ike not checking the BK's pulse or anything else because to me, this mano a mano duel is something showcasing Ike's impulsivity - so at least it he "suffers" from this one minor consequence (thinking he won when he didn't) that's one thing that redeems the Tellius saga.
I also consider every erasure of a boob joke or any other "tasteful" joke like that a good localisation lol, even if it's more because of my own preferences.
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placeofmythoughts · 9 months
So, let's start from somewhere.
I think the time passed is already enough for me to get back on my toes and start studying again. I already enrolled in 2 review centers; practice tests, lecture videos, and handouts are actually waiting for me to start scanning them. I read some articles as to why I am feeling like a failure and how to overcome it. I will summarize it here.
1. Challenge your thoughts
“People can cope with feeling like a failure by first recognizing that thoughts are not facts”
“When we realize that we are engaging in a negative core belief about the self, such as, ‘I’m a failure’, we can challenge the thought, see what thinking trap we are falling into, and evaluate the evidence,” says Lavelle. This will gradually break down the belief that you’re a failure.
Lavelle recommends keeping a thought diary. She says it can help you see what situations elicit failure and plan how you will challenge the thought with proof of your many successes.
2. Minimize comparison to others
Social media can make it hard to feel good about yourself when everyone’s accomplishments and victories are all you see. Not everything online is true and posts might not even be examples of things you truly value. You rarely get to see anyone’s struggles or setbacks. Still, it’s easy to get sucked into comparing yourself.
When you notice yourself falling into the comparison trap, you bring your awareness back to your own accomplishments.
Phillips says, “Remember that another person’s accomplishment does not take anything away from you. Nor should it reflect on you. If you’re going to compare, look at your past self to see how far you’ve come.”
If you notice certain social media accounts bring up feelings of comparison frequently, consider unfollowing them or taking periodic breaks from social media.
3. Notice the positive
“At any given moment, more things are going right for you than not”, says licensed professional counselor Gabriella Chisholm.
When uncomfortable feelings such as failure arise, Chisholm suggests practicing gratitude. She says to try and reflect on the areas of your life where you are doing well and feel fulfilled. Take a moment of gratitude for how you show up.
“Sometimes we just need a reminder that things aren’t all bad to get a balanced perspective about our lives and functioning,” says Chisholm.
4. Engage in self-compassion
Everyone makes mistakes. Yet, we often respond to these mistakes by shutting down our feelings or shaming ourselves.
Holding a negative perception of yourself can lead to feeling quickly defeated by challenges since it can seem like proof of what you already believe: You’re not good enough.
Building self-love and self-compassion are essential to turning this story of your worth around. It reminds you that we’re all inherently worthy.
If you’re hard on yourself, it can help to kindly validate your feelings. Chisholm suggests reciting a script in your head for when you’re feeling like a failure.
One she recommends: “I’m struggling with this feeling that I’m a failure and that’s okay. I’m human, things have been very hard, and I’m allowed to not be happy sometimes. I’m working on it.”
5. Realign your understanding of failure
Ask yourself, “What is driving your personal view of failure?”
Explore this question on your own or with a therapist to help you gain insight into your core beliefs around failure — and success.
“Realigning your understanding and accepting that we all have some failures and that all that matters is how you learn from your failures, how you bounce back, and if you try again,” she says.
“Failure is not a label,” says Saltz. She explains that it’s something that happens, not a validation of who we are as a person.
The other side of reinventing your definition of failure is defining success. Instead of looking to external measures, think about what traits you have that you and others around you value, like being organized or a reliable friend. Then list other times you’ve persevered in the face of obstacles. Keep this success list handy when you’re feeling down.
I am not a failure. I choose not to be a failure. I will stand up and get back on track.
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Day 295,
Morning thought: I really hope that my being cagey about who requested last night’s telling doesn’t feed more rumors about me and Vernon being a thing.
I’ve had an epiphany.  I think.  Maybe.  
The children are at their lunchtime recess at the moment and I’m taking the opportunity to write it down and get it out of my system before I get too distracted.
The new kid is left handed.  This was making it hard for him to follow along with some of the writing examples.  While trying to give him some extra attention and thinking about the complications of left handed writing paired with a left-to-right script I recalled that right-to-left scripts are a thing.  
What if Iole’s book is written right-to-left?
I haven’t said anything to Cass about it yet because I don’t want to get her hopes up, but she’s already figured out that I’m excited about something.  I told her I’d tell her after school ended for the day.
I was right!  We think.  Maybe.
It’s hard to tell since we still can’t actually read any of the text but attempting to correlate the chant transcript to the book after accounting for the reversal seems to be closer to a match.  Maybe.  It’s definitely not exact and there may well be some wishful thinking happening on our end.
Even still, it is very exciting.
After the children left for the day Cass made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t going to accept anything other than an explanation for what it was that had me so visibly excited.  I’m told that it was showing it enough to seem notably out of character.
When I explained my theory to her she was skeptical to say the least.  Even after a long explanation of why a right-to-left script isn’t just the same thing as writing backwards I’m not sure she’s convinced that it’s more than a semantic difference.  Her bigger argument against it was that we would have noticed that sooner due to the line endings and margin alignment.  And I imagine we would have if not for the combination of the justified paragraph spacing in the book (another argument toward it being a technical manual in my opinion) and the fact that there were enough spots where text was worn away, faded, or otherwise missing to make it further ambiguous.  Add on top of that the tendency for inscriptions in the cathedral’s catacomb to be center-aligned and a heaping dose of assumptions on our parts and it starts to become more reasonable that we would have missed this.
But, longshot though it still was, we had not much better to do with our evening so we went ahead and started the syllabic comparison over again, this time taking Iole’s book in “reverse”.  We still went with the “reset point” of the chant as our point of reference.  For most of the evening it looked like this was just as much of a wash as the last time around but now with even more time wasting trying to, as Cass put it, “read each page backwards,” but as we were considering calling it a night and attending to our stomachs that were protesting the skipping of dinner we found the potential match.
Again, it wasn’t anywhere near an exact match, but the fact that it was closer than anything we’d found previously combined with the fact that it came at the start of what appeared to be a chapter or section break was too much of a coincidence to ignore.  It was sorely tempting to start pulling out the rest of the chant transcript and keep comparing to test for continuity, but we reluctantly decided against it.  As I said, it was getting late and between hunger, tiredness, an excitement that would lend itself to a biased interpretation we are putting it off until tomorrow after school.  Also, Norman and Marva were undoubtedly wondering where Cass was by that time.
Now if only the anticipation doesn’t keep me awake.
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chrislascl · 2 years
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mainsglass · 2 years
Bingwallpaper 1.2
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Sie konnen dies als Hintergrundbild fur Ihr Windows Phones verwenden.Īusserdem konnen Sie mit dieser App den Twitter Account des deutschen Bing Teams verfolgen, die neuesten Blogeintrage lesen und naturlich auch das Web durchsuchenīackgrounds for Windows Phone 7 - 10,000+ Backgrounds and Wallpapers from 3,000 Photographers and Designers. Wallpapers FREE - Find the perfect wallpaper for your Windows Phone by browsing beautiful picturesīing is Beautiful - Diese App liefert Ihnen taglich das Bild der deutschen Bing-Startseite. All results are the perfect resolution and can be easily saved to your phone to use as your lock screen image Wallpaper Finder makes it easy for anybody to search for and find those images that make the perfect wallaper. Wallpapers HD - The only app available with thousands of high definition wallpapers for you to download to your phone Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Coming recently from Android, I was missing this feature.Symbian OS | Pocket PC | Smartphone | Android | BlackBerry | Apple iPhone OS | Java | Mobile Gaming | Linux | Palm | Win CE | Tabletįree Mobile Software, Themes, Games, Apps for PDA and Smartphones Great script! Really glad that JellyTheBear took the time to make it, and share it with us. 4:00a, that it repeats Daily, press "Next", press "Add Action", type "shortcuts" (without quotes) in search, select "run shortcut", press "Shortcut", and select "Bing Wallpaper". Click on the "Automation" button in Shortcuts app, press "+", select "Create Personal Automation", select "Time of Day", set the appropriate time, e.g. Using my phone as an example, the dimensions for portrait mode are 414x896 pt and 828x1792 px, hence where I got my values for the height points and width pixels for the script.įor the uninitiated, setting up an automatic task is pretty easy. If you're having trouble displaying the wallpaper on other devices, check here for dimensions. After the change, image looks as it should. Had to change "Screen height in points" to 896, and "resize image to Auto Width x 1792", because I was getting an error message that the image was too big. 1.3 for best results, set default region to International ("ROW").
Corrections for 6s-SE2 and SE were already implemented in Update 1.Ĭhanged the source for higher resolution images (thanks to /u/DrStrangelove11), added landscape orientation for iPads, added notification with subject and author.Ĭhanged source back to one from ver. Just don’t forget to turn off “ask before running”.Īdded correction for XR/11 screen dimensions, so now there should be no error that the image is too large. Thanks to /u/x_iNFLiCTiON for reminding me that you actually can trigger the automation at selected time (since iOS 14). For better readability the variables are now named. And I put the localization code in separate action and set it to en-US as default. I also added branching for old iPhones so now newer models get the max resolution and the old ones still work. I changed resolution of the downloaded Bing image to 1080x1920, which is better for iPhones and iPads (thanks to /u/arthas_TLK). If you find any bugs, let me know in the comments. For daily automation, I suggest to launch the shortcut with time trigger (see Update 1.1). The default International Bing localization has new image at 9 in the morning. Localized versions of Bing have different update times and sometimes different photos too. You can change the Bing region in the textbox to your location (from ROW to en-us for example ROW means Rest Of the World, International version).
On iPad you get the original full resolution photo. My version doesn’t save the image to photo gallery and crops it to your screen ratio while keeping the original height. I have an iPhone 6s and the other shortcuts did not work for me due to image resolution or did weird crops. Hey, here is my take on the Bing wallpaper shortcut.
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Are you still planning on making a store?
Short answer: yes, but it's a bit postponed. Long answer: yes, I am, but several things have pushed it back! Due to some complications that have arisen in my life I am, at the present moment, not able to set up an online business the way I'd like to. I do plan on creating an account (likely on instagram) where I can post scripting inspiration and examples a bit! I may take requests or suggestions, maybe not, I don't know at the moment. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to open up commissions but at the present moment I am unable to receive payment for them and thus unable to do anything like that :/ Honestly I had no idea anyone was really following the progress of the store, but! If anyone wants updates at all I'll add a #kipscripts to any posts regarding the scripting account/store in the future <3
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hi! 💜 I wanted to ask if you could recommend me some translations accounts on Twitter that you trust, cuz most of the time I’m confused when it comes to Jimin or jikook topics, I’ve noticed that the translation can go from one context to a completely different one depending on if the account likes the idea of Jikook or not 😅 for example on yesterday’s concert “bromance moment” with Jimin and Jin, some accounts are saying that he basically said that he hates people insinuating that he has something going on with the members (openly denying jikook) and others are saying that he was talking about what bromance means in Korea which is fanservice (scripted and false interactions with the other members) which it would be on the context of “everything I do is real and genuine with them”
This moment:
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Lol okay, well I can name a few of my favorite translator accounts, but it's worth noting that most did not translate this moment or much of the concert other than their little speeches and ending mentions. These off hand comments tend to slip through the cracks. Because ARMY translators are often focusing on enjoying the concert, as they should be.
As well as the only people I've been seeing say this (from my admittedly small sample size) are solos, ships that include jm or jk in them and are anti his other ships (mostly tkkrs), and just firm anti shippers in general. So I mean, those opinions should all just be taken by a grain of salt regardless. Fanservice does not equal shipping or lack of shipping. Those are two totally seperate things.
The last thing I'll bring up before getting into this that it's important to remember that these live concert subtitles are not true to word or literal/exact translations. These are translated and typed live, in a rush, and usually summarized. You'll notice a lot gets left out while the main points will be subbed (which can often confuse non Korean speakers or be easy to get twisted around). You'll also notice some spelling mistakes, etc. It's why even our amazing army translators on Twitter who are amazing during vlives often miss things or sentences here or there. And they know that people can eventually go back to subbed lives. If they miss topic b while translating topic a, they can usually just fine move on to topic c. Does that make sense? These captioning people are working over time on hearing what is said, translating it and then captioning it in as close to real time as possible. This is why you'll see people go back to Twitter to find the ending mentions of the guys instead of solely relaying on what the concert subs said.
So for reference, here is the clip of this moment, with concert subs someone recorded off their TV I'm assuming lol
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You should be able to tell, even without speaking the language that a lot more words are being said then what is being translated. The subs have Jimin saying "I hate such things. I know, we are an idol group." This doesn't totally make sense, because things got left out. Lol and Jin said ALOT and only a little was translated to "but I had to get that for you."
Bromance, in kpop especially, is often in reference to fanservice. Not always, but definitely does. Similar to how in Korea, TMI means just share a random fact about you/your day. Such as "I've been working out my core more." Where in America, it means "too much information" quite literally. Like a friend describing their one night stand in explicit detail or describing their latest trip to the toilets instead of just telling you their stomach hurts. Lol quite different in the ways we think about the phrase generally. An example would be when Jin and Jimin (lol JinMin with the bromance again) acted out a drama based on farting and it was extra as hell. Lmao Yoongi said it belonged in the genre of noir bromance. And this was an acting silly, goofy extra with each other type skit they gave JinMin to do as a punishment. It was *acting*
So no, Jimin wasn't saying he hates being shipped or he hates interacting with the members. Basically he said "even though we are an idol group, I hate that fake stuff and I (we) don't do it." Aka, he is geniune and intentional with his actions. If he is affectionate, it's because he cares for real and wants to be affectionate. If he is giving out kisses and/or cuddles to his members (any of them), it's because he WANTS to and not for anything scripted or for fanservice. He is NOT *acting* here or just in general.
Credits for one person's translations here of this same moment and the exact phrasing Jimin used in full:
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Basically, Jimin went to start talking. Jin interrupted to pick an eyelash or stray feather from black swan or whatever it was off Jimins cheek. Hobi and another member then start teasing going "ooo bromance!" and "oh you're an idol!" etc. Meaning teasing him about the fans getting excited over the cute JinMin interaction on the big cameras. Aka referencing kpop idols putting their bromance on display while in focus on stage for fanservice.
To which Jimin replied, "even though I am an idol, I really hate acting fake/unnatural." Again, referencing that fansevice joke and saying that's not him, it's not them as a group.
And Jins response to this, since the poor man was just trying to clean off Jimins face! Lol was something like, "I don't know what to say, but it was stuck to his face like an ugly thing! So I had no choice but to take it off for you"
So again fanservice ≠ shipping, regardless that shippers and anti shippers use it to fuel whatever their personal shipping agenda is. Jimin said nothing about shipping, he essentially just said we (BTS) do NOT do fanservice. All the shit we do, that's just our geniune selves. Which I mean, I've been saying. But regardless. That means that when Vmin jump into each other's arms, it's not fanservice. When Jimin kisses Joons head, its not fanservice. When JK hugs Yoongi from behind while dancing, it's not fanservice. When Hobi kisses Tae on the head, it's not fanservice. When Tae backhugs JK to thank him for cooking, it's not fanservice. When Jin compliments Jimins ass, it's not fanservice. When Tae and Jin cuddle on stage or off, it's not fanservice. When Hobi shoves his hand down Jimin shirt to slap his chest and compliment it, it's not fanservice. When JK slaps everyone's ass as soon as its within eyesight, it's not fanservice. When JK puts Jimins ear in his mouth, it's not fanservice. When Jimin pets JKs head and says they spend all their time together, it's not fanservice. When JK tells Jimin "ILY" it's not fanservice. When Jimin hugs JK on stage or posts photos with him, ITS NOT FANSERVICE.
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It means, Jimin is a geniune person and he has said so himself multiple times, but now he has basically flat-out said "I don't do fake acting with my members." If they do it, it's because they want to do it. Nothing else.
Now back full circle, lol sorry! My favorite translators on twitter are lovemazejikook, btsinthemoment, btsbaragi_jk, tteokminnie, haruharu_w_bts, BTStranslation_ and kookceptional
Hope that helps! Sorry this was probably longer and more of an answer you were wanting! Lol
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