#but i thought this part was funny i wanted to make this anyway
moonstruckme · 2 days
hello mae! I had a request I’d like to give you. I was wondering if you could write a poly!marauders x reader where reader has never slept beside anybody before bc intimacy isn’t something she’s used to therefore she’s not used to being that close to anybody. everytime she shifts she’s afraid to wake up the boys, or she just doesn’t know what to do.
I know you have “first night with marauders” so if this is too similar I totally get it. 🖤
Hello sweetheart, thank you for your request!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 990 words
You’re terrible at this. 
Each of the boys is sound asleep. Sirius has his leg hooked over yours and one of his arms tossed over James’ chest, Remus’ hand has to be halfway numb underneath your pillow, and James is snoring softly on the far side of the bed from you. They’re all so obviously comfortable, practiced in resting like this, whereas you started to get stiff a half hour ago and you’ve been unable to make yourself relax since. 
Every movement takes a year, you’re trying so hard not to wake them. You feel like the girl in a movie who’s trying to sneak out of the bed of a one-night stand, all taut muscles and bated breath, except you only want to roll over. Slow, microscopic movements have to be the key. 
Your back crackles softly when you shift your weight onto your other hip, and a sigh escapes you before you can stop it. 
A low, croaky hum comes from just in front of your face. Your brain is a tempest of expletives. 
“Hey.” You can nearly feel the gravel of Remus’ voice buzzing against your lips. “You’re up.” 
Muddled with sleep, you can’t tell if his tone is reprimanding or simply observational. “Sorry,” you whisper regardless. 
“Wha’ for?” Movement under the pillow beneath your head, and then a long-fingered hand is nestling beneath your cheek. His scars and calluses slide familiarly over your skin. “Can’t sleep?”
Nope, and now it’s two of you. Guilt grows vines around your ribcage. Remus sounds more awake by the second. 
“I’ll be okay.” You press a soft kiss to the corner of his lips, hoping to mollify him. “Go back to sleep.” 
Your boyfriend makes a half-aware disgruntled sound. “No, not without you.” 
As exhausted as you are, you have to bite down on a smile. When he’s uninhibited like this, Remus really is quite the flirt, all his dorky, sweet thoughts coming out before he can remember to stop them. He’s nearly as bad as James. 
You think he must see a hint of your smile in the dark, because Remus’ own lips tilt upwards. He leans closer to kiss the cool skin of your cheek, the only cold part of you thanks to a heavy duvet and the body heat of three lovely boyfriends. A kiss for a kiss. 
He leaves his lips there as he murmurs, “What’s wrong, dove?” 
Well, funny he should ask. What’s wrong now is the slight tickle of his stubble against your cheek, the hoarse quality to his voice in your ear. His breath warms your cold skin, and he slides a hand across the space between you to rest on your hip, layered in between the sheets and your pajama bottoms. 
But you know that’s not what he’s asking. 
“I can’t get very comfortable,” you confess, speaking so softly he wouldn’t be able to make it out if his ear weren’t two inches from your lips, “and I didn’t want to wake anyone up.” 
Remus hums, as though this is a prognosis he’d already reached and was merely waiting for you to confirm. You can hear Sirius’ voice as clearly as if he were awake: know it all. 
“They can sleep through anything,” he says. “One time the fire alarm went off, and James didn’t even stir. Don’t worry about them.” You must be emanating guilt, because he strokes his thumb over your hip pacifyingly. “And I don’t mind being woken up. I’m in and out of sleep all night anyway, it’s not hard for me to get back. You’re not used to sleeping with so many people, yeah?” 
Your face warms at his phrasing, though of course you know what he means. “Or with anyone,” you murmur. 
“Mm. I think I know what you need.” 
You don’t realize Remus’ plan until he’s already sat up. He reaches over you, rubbing James’ shoulder gently while you protest vehemently through whispers. 
James wakes with a yawn, taking Remus’ hand automatically and bringing it close to his face. “Wha’s’it?”
“Take her,” Remus requests drowsily. With his other hand, he nudges you forward. 
James starts to blink his eyes open, and you see no way out. You start climbing over Sirius as delicately as you can. “Sorry,” you whisper, to him, to them, to the room in general. 
Remus helps you out by tugging Sirius into your place. The other boy whines but settles quickly, rolling over to sling his leg over Remus’ instead. 
James welcomes you as heartily as his sleep-addled state will allow, adjusting the covers over you and smudging a few toothpaste-scented kisses onto your face. 
“Y’can’t sleep?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “Sorry.” 
He makes a soft dismissive sound. “C’mere, angel.” 
You refrain from telling him that you’re already here as his arms find their way around you, soft and firm in all the right places and deliciously warm. He starts to make slow, sweeping circles onto your back with his hand. 
“Jamie,” you murmur, grateful but embarrassed, “don’t stay up for me. Go to sleep.” 
“M’basically there,” he replies. “You first, yeah?” 
You can hear Remus’ breathing evening out behind you, syncing with Sirius’, and you’re suddenly sure that this is part of a routine he and the boys shared before you ever met them. That’s how he knew to hand you off to James, and how James knew exactly what to do. Something about that comforts you. And far be it for you to mess with tradition. 
You shuffle closer to James under the covers. He obliges you happily, adjusting his grip so he’s holding you more securely, with your leg resting against his and your forehead an inch from his nose. The shushing of his heavy palm on the material of your pajama top is the only sound in the world. 
You hear his breathing starting to deepen again, but James is right; you beat him there. 
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elasticbeach · 3 days
Please tell me you are writing a part 3 to the breaking up with Shanks and it ends with a fluffy happy family
Part 3/ Breaking up with Shanks but realizing you still have feelings for him
Yall I didn’t even realise that I haven’t posted this 💀 this has been sitting in my drafts for waay too long, anyways thank you all for all the positive feedback, I feel like this part is written better than the first two. Anyways enjoy reading!
Warnings: None
Part 1/Part 2/ Part 3
You were standing in the kitchen while your little girl was having her usual afternoon nap, you were baking muffins just because, everyone loves muffins right? Actually your nerves were driving you crazy with every passing second and baking seemed to ease your nerves a little. Your mind raced with questions. Will there be a knock on your door? Or will the door be smashed entirely? Will he take your baby away from you? Will he even show up? Did he get scared and just decided to dump you entirely? Too many questions plagued your mind and while you stared outside the window deep in thought a knock brought you back to reality. Your head snapped at the sound of gentle knocks and your heart started racing. Slow steps getting you to the door, standing in front of it you were pretty sure your heart would explode as your heartbeat hammered loudly in your ears. Slowly you opened the door just to reveal the old lady next door. At this point this whole situation slowly started driving you mad. You had never experienced paranoia like this and had no idea how to deal with anxiety like that. After the lady left, you went to check on your daughter. She was peacefully sleeping in her crib, kneeling down next to her you brushed a few of her red locks out of her face. She really went after him, huh? you thought. Life still did not feel real, even when your daughter was born. you still felt like that young girl who just wanted some love and adventure. tears formed at the corners of your eyes, you miss him so much, it hurts.
A few days later you were laying on the beach trying to enjoy some sun while your daughter slept under the small tent you put up. Your mind did clear a bit at the ocean breeze and the warm sun tanning your skin. You almost fell asleep yourself, till you heard it "PIRATES!!" someone screamed in panic. You quickly sat up and looked at the horizont, that’s when you saw it, his ship. The ship you spent years on, before settling down. You quickly put a robe over your body and grabbed your daughter, you didnt even bother standing uo or trying to flee. Just pressing her against you and closing your eyes, anticipating the worst. A few minutes passed, you were too afraid to open your eyes. You heard steps approaching and thats when you opened your eyes. "Long time no see, ____" you sighed to embarrassed to even look his way. You heard him coming closer. "Please dont take her from me.." you whispered in a weak voice. You heard him sit down next to you. "I would never." he said in a serious tone and thats when you finally looked at him. His face carried a frown while his eyes showed sadness. He was hurt you could tell, tears formed once again. "Im so sorry..I really am." You said and sobbed. “Shh” He immediately started calming you down while rubbing your shoulder. You sobbed again before sniffing and calming your nerves a little, you looked at Shanks again. “You’re still just as beautiful.” He said with that smile of his, no mischief or lie in his eyes. It was the first thing he decided to say, nothing about the daughter and not how mad or disappointed he is but this. He called you beautiful, making you tear up again. He chuckled “Stop crying, you always make that funny face when you cry.” That made you chuckle a bit making you sniff and carefully hand him his daughter. Without a word he took the little girl looking at her little face. The little girl was inspecting her father for a few seconds before crying and wiggling, scared of the unfamiliar man. “I’m sorry, should’ve called earlier.” You started as he handed you your daughter with a light smile, as you started rocking the infant you continued to speak “ I was just so scared, I didn’t think it was necessary. No, that’s wrong..I was sceptical if you would even care you know? And it was just nerve wracking, because what if you took her from me??” You started sobbing troughout half of your monologue. “Calm down now you two crybabies.” He interrupted you with a smirk. “How come the two most important women of my life are crying because of me?” He chuckled a bit, again loosening the atmosphere again. “I’m sorry” You repeated, sobbing and wiping your tears with your shoulder, still having your daughter in your arms. Her crying stopped by now and she was inspecting Shanks from a distance now. “It’s okay.” Shanks says smiling at his daughter and then at you. “Must’ve been scary going trough all of this alone?” Shanks asks and you nod. You two spend up to three hours talking about casual stuff, him telling you about the adventures you missed. You telling him everything he missed of his daughters life and said daughter warming up to her daddy enjoying his company.
“I’ll walk you to your home.” Shanks said as you started packing. You didn’t even try to protest, because you know you want him to. You want his affection and attention, want him to stay. Forever. “Thanks” You flash him a smile before laying your daughter in her crib and the two of you start walking. And this image of the two of you, it brings you peace. It feels so normal, so natural. You probably look like a normal family walking back from the beach, everything feels so right, if only it had been like that since the first day. Your thoughts are interrupted by his voice. “So how are we handeling this whole situation?” You shrug, really not having a clue how to answer “I’m definitely not taking the two of you onto the ship, that’s way too dangerous. Just stay here, I will visit from time to time. You should call me more often, I want to hear more about your life. Maybe we aren’t lovers anymore, but we should at least keep in touch, we do have a kid together.” He chuckles after the statement, most definitely hiding how he actually feels, you know him too well to not notice. “Yeah, sounds good.” You reply, because you know that it’s over for the two of you. Even if he still loves you how could he possibly still want to be with you, a liar and coward that doesn’t even know what she wants.
Back home you bathe your daughter together and then you rock her asleep. As you slowly close the door to the nursery and walk to the kitchen he’s already waiting at the door. “Well, I think I will get going for now let’s meet tomorrow again, with the crew as well.” He rubs his neck as he speaks “I thought you were staying dor dinner” your voice getting more quiet troughout your statement. “I can stay??” He seems surprised and happily sits down at the dinnig table. You smile a bit and start preparing something small for the two of you. Dinner is nice, you talk a bit here and there but it’s mostly quiet, not an awkward quiet more of a enjoying each other’s company quiet. You would look up a few times, looking at his strong hands as he cuts the meat or how he licks his lips after each bite. You would lie if you said you didn’t miss the way his hands touched you or the way his lips kissed you and licked-. You stopped yourself right there, these times were long gone. You shoud just stop thinking about him in this way, he’s just the father of your daughter, you ex-boyfriend that YOU broke up with. “You alright?” You look up a bit confused. “You haven’t touched the food in like a minute just staring at it.” He looks at you just as confused. “I was just lost in thought, sorry.” You crack a smile and keep eating. You two finish eating in silence and he helps you clean up after.
“Well, see you tomorrow then?” He says as he steps over the door step. “Yeah.” You look up at him. You two look in each others eyes, seeing the desire, the love for each other. He leans down and presses a quick kiss on your cheeck. “Goodnight” He smiles. “Goodnight.” You smile back and close the door, you lean against the closed door and slide it down smiling like a fool.
The next morning you woke up a bit late. Your daughter was crying all night so you didn’t get all that much sleep. Rubbing your face with cold water you hear a knock. Drying your face and walking over to the door you slowly open expecting Shanks. As he looks upon your figure he immediately notices your tired appearance, while you still wear your Pjs. “You alright?” He asks as he steps inside. “Do I look that bad?” You chuckle a bit closing the door behind him. “No, not really. Just a bit..worn out.” The two of you chuckle. You lead Shanks to his daughter that is still asleep in your bed, since she refused to sleep away from you. “Look at her, didn’t let you sleep all night and now she’s snoozing away.” You smile at his statement, seeing how lovingly he looks at his daughter. “I wish I would’ve seen more of her and you..pregnant.” He looks over at you. You two share neutral expressions as you look at each other, both of you unsure how to handle the situation. You look down at the floor and sigh. “Look, I’m really sorry about everything-“ “Don’t, I understand.” He interrupts you. “No, please let me finish. Just listen to me please.” You sigh again and start talking. “I did NOT know of my pregnancy when I left and that wasn’t the reason I left. I just always dreamed of domestic life, but I also always knew that with you it would be impossible. But I don’t know what’s gotten into me when I left I was I don’t know..” You take a short pause to swallow the lump in your throat. “Maybe it were the pregnancy hormones or whatever but I need you to know that. I still love you and never stopped, I thought it was the better thing for me to leave and try to forget you but how could I? You are the love of my life Shanks. I don’t know if you could ever forgive me for taking your daughter from you, but I just need you to know that I love you. I never stopped loving you.” Tears stain your cheeks by the time you are finished and when you sob and look up you see him standing in front of you. The two of you fall into a long embrace. Hugging each other, with you just crying into his shirt. “Now calm down, I never stopped loving you either.” The two of you keep on hugging. He then pushes you away a bit just to capture your lips in a long kiss. You never felt so much joy in your life as his lips touched yours, everything else didn’t seem important anymore and you just forgot about those months of separation in this moment. You two parted for air and looked into each others eyes when suddenly a crying noise from your daughter captures your attention. “I will take care of her in the living room, get some sleep.” He smiled and wiped some of your tears. “I love you Shanks.” “I love you too.”
Repost are appreciated <3
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hischierjustscored · 3 days
I could never walk away, I could never make you stay [Pt. 1]
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x OFC Summary: With the Devils' season ending in a loss to the Islanders, it might not be the best time to finally do something about her degenerated feelings for Nico. Themes: Mentions of Intimacy, Angst, Friends with Benefits, Lack of Communication, Insecurity, Feelings Realization, Timo being a good friend, English is not my mother tongue + not beta read! Note: I'm testing the waters here, I know this is waaaaay overdue but I had this idea in my mind for so long! I hope you enjoy Pt. 1 🫡 Words: + 3,000k
Title by Varsity - So sad, so sad
Chapter 1: No labels, no regrets
Lower Manhattan, NYC 
Nico: can I stay at your place tonight? be there in 1h?
It all started that way. Stayovers after hooking up, sharing a morning meal afterward mounting up to spending too much time with their clothes on lately, insider jokes, and all these damn moments when it just feels too right.
They broke their rules one by one, set up as a cautionary measure to prevent the situation from getting out of hand for both sakes—a friends with benefits 101.
That’s what they agreed to 4 months ago. No strings attached.
At best, these strings stay loose the whole time; no second thoughts. At worst, you’ll find yourself in a circle of degenerated feelings eventually, if you’re not careful enough.
She hadn’t minded overstepping these boundaries, not really. Getting a little extra without being tied down was nice. Nothing Maya’s felt in a long time…for a reason.
Of course, as part of being reasonable, responsible adults they hadn’t talked about it. All of it was based on an expiration date. At least it only made sense with her flying back to Europe in less than a week, busy taking her nurse exams and carrying on with her everyday normal life before all this mess. A mess Maya didn’t hope or wish to happen during her year abroad in NYC but it’s funny how an NHL captain with probably better hair than her and Mariana's trench dimples can toss all your insecurities and plans overboard just like that.
She’s used to running away from commitment her whole life (thanks Dad) and certainly not with her insides churning  360° because she’s breaking the most important rule of them all: Don’t catch feelings.
When it came to Nico she hadn’t figured him out yet. Coming from a rough relationship leaving him downhearted and doubtful, he never intended to stay for a long time. It’s cool she said back then. She neither. Their pasts did most of the work, making it work in the first place. No labels no regrets were his last sentences before going down on her that day, setting about the beginning of a certain urge (and realizing how often she can cum in a row).
A part of her wanted to believe he felt the same way. Whenever he’s looking at her in that particular way presuming she’s not noticing. Or when he insisted she come to his games playing mindlessly with her fingers asking her, only to follow new girls on Instagram the next day. It's not like he doesn't have the world at his feet. He’ll be fine. Eventually, she’ll be too.
So she does what she always does: bottling up her feelings until she’s on the plane to Grenoble again while trying not to jeopardize whatever they’ve developed over the months by spilling her guts tonight. Besides, it’s not her sixth sense as a nursing student warning Maya that this was completely off his radar now. She didn’t need to watch snippets of tonight’s game in between her shift breaks for that.
You: Harper’s out of town anyway but are you sure you wanna drive up here?
The last couple of weeks had taken a toll on Nico. With their lives clashing lately, it was all limited to late-night video calls and mental support but she could tell by the dark circles and weariness in his voice that the weight on his shoulders grew heavier. That’s how it’s been recently, however, it didn’t change how every time something broke inside her too. Honestly, she wasn’t supposed to care that much, no pitfalls of emotional entwinement ever, or let alone worry about a 40-minute drive from Newark to Downtown Manhattan. Her phone buzzed again.
Nico: Timo will be with me, it’s ok please then?
She’s falling into the pit. Taking a header.
You: Elevator’s broken, you need to take the stairs Be safe ok? I keep the bed warm for you
Nico: your complex sucks and don’t worry we will you’re the best 🫶🏻
You: Welcome to my world… Replying to: you’re the best 🫶🏻 Wasn’t expecting anything else 🤫
Finally reaching her doorstep on the 10th floor out of breath, Maya waited for another text but he left her on seen, logging off eventually. If it hadn’t been the captain of the New Jersey Devils whose hopes had just been dashed on the ice, she would’ve been pissed off for life. She bit her lip, taunted at how much a simple message from him jumbled her endocrine system already. He wasn’t even here yet. 5 days of not seeing each other built up her anticipation to feel his presence again, rather than staring at pixels.
She lingered there for a moment, breath gradually steadying, as her thumb hovered over the screen still.
It almost feels like the beginning when this was supposed to be simple and uncomplicated. Quick texts leading to nights of blowing off steam, just two people incapable of committing taking comfort in distracting each other from their personal shit, nothing more nothing less. And tonight, it'll be just like that again.
Get a grip. She knew better than to let her feelings put a spanner into the works. Letting out a weary sigh, Maya slipped her phone back into her pocket.
A soft scratching under the door handle set her straight again, coming from a creature who could never hurt her intentionally despite his name. Carefully turning the keys in the lock to let him know, she opened the door just enough for the gray, fluffy bundle to slip through and immediately rub his body tenderly against her legs.
“It’s only been 10 hours Romeo. Miss me already?” A gentle smile cropped up on her lips, about to melt on the spot. She can’t handle it sometimes.
Bending down to slowly pick up her roommate’s cat, she walked them both inside, mindlessly groping for the big light switch. Closing the door, nothing but a comforting silence welcomed her with Harper outside the city for a family visit. Without being rude, it’s been nice for a change enjoying her own company. The distant calling of Manhattan’s bustled streets played outside the windows filling the walls with the city’s heartbeat, bringing Maya a strange sense of serenity. It also made her realize how quickly time had flown this year, speeding by like the people and cars outside. And what a year it’s been, aside from her confusion with no one else but Nico Hischier. But now, it certainly added a rom-com twist when she stepped off the plane in NYC.
Finally kicking off her shoes, Maya headed for the couch, putting her back on the table before lying down with Romeo on her chest. He nuzzled her cheeks, his heartening purrs revealing she found the right spot behind his ear.
“Nico’s coming over so you better be on your best behavior alright?” she murmured to him but he was in a cradling bliss, clearly unbothered. Fishing her phone out again, there was still time for a snug shower before he arrived, a chance to sweep off any dawdling sorrow and mentally prepare herself for anything that was about to come.
Prudential Center, Locker Room NJD
The room buzzed with the occasional clatter of gear packed away and muffled sounds of players and staff moving around. Sweat mixed with the lingering scent of expensive cologne and disappointment. It’s been a few hours now, but it’s still piercing through.
He took a deep breath, observing his teammates going through the motions of cleaning out their lockers without much choice. The finality of it all left a bittersweet tang in the air. Playing in this league was no bed of roses.
Haula flicked his eyes at him from across the room, the exhaustion on his face mirroring Nico’s own but he still picked up on the paternal subtlety in his gaze. A silent gesture of reassurance that was also a reflection of being in this industry longer than most of them.  
If Nico’s being honest himself, he would have been a complete wreck three years ago if it weren’t for his own experience grounding him. It didn’t erase the hardships of this season or how the “C” on his jersey still pressed heavily on him in moments like these but he’s drawing lessons from it. This night, this season, the intensity of it all, it’ll stay with him in the long run and he hopes it’s something that stays with everyone else as well. Nico gave a slight nod in return before he returned packing up the rest of his gear, determined to keep a clear head for everybody’s sake now and take tonight for what it is.
The screen of his phone lit up beside him, flashing her text. It sliced through his train of thought, luckily, and without hesitation, he unlocked it again.
Yams: Welcome to my world! Replying to: you’re the best 🫶🏻 Wasn’t expecting anything else 🤫
There it is again, that warm, fuzzy sensation spreading through him. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. She has that effect on him, blocking out everything else for a moment. Silently, he's counting down the minutes for his feet to drag him out of here to her doorstep. He made the decision before she could even say yes, and Timo didn't hesitate to bring him along since it was on his route, plus Nico hadn't arrived by car anyway. Though he sensed Timo’s body language back there, being aware of more than he meant to say.
Just as he thought of an answer, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye shifting his attention to the familiar faces of reporters trailing behind their PR Manager, ready to load them with questions that will be tough enough to answer right now. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he tossed his phone away reluctantly rising to meet the reporters who would inevitably start with him. He adjusted his cap again, running a hand through his hair out of habit and soaring discomfort. Something he’ll never get used to, no matter how often he's done interviews in the past.
Awaiting any cue, the remaining seconds felt endless as he scanned the room once more, the nearing departure becoming more difficult to watch. Leading these guys was anything he could’ve ever wished for and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s been tough but they can still make things out of it, hopefully proving it next season.
“Ready, Nico?” their Manager’s voice brought him back to reality. She gave him a slight nod and he straightened his posture with everything already poised, cameras on.
Press on regardless.
“Now that you’ve had a little time to digest everything what are you kind of feeling as a group right now and yourself?”
He clicked his tongue, gathering his remaining willpower to go on.
“Um yeah…I mean, definitely sucks…”
The night had fully descended on Newark, and the cold breeze provided a soothing tranquility despite of things going down hours ago. Nearly every one of the Devils has gathered in the parking lot outside Prudential exchanging brotherly embraces and “see you next season” before heading off into the night. Timo hissed beside Nico as they walked to his car, repeatedly adjusting his bag from one shoulder to another, brushing off Nico��s attempt to help. There is no doubt he needs shoulder surgery. Luke and Jonas lingered with them, ready to call it a night too.
“See you at Worlds, Cap.” Luke clapped him on the back, a hint of excitement in his voice as Nico mirrored the gesture.
“Another shot for us.”  
Another to redeem themselves somehow, even though they won't share the ice as teammates. Nico hadn’t hesitated when his head coach proposed joining the national team again. He lived and breathed hockey, so it was out of the question.
“I’ll root for you, Lukey,” Ondrej called out from his driver's seat, close enough to catch their conversation.
“You better, or I’ll never speak to you again,” Luke teased, a playful smirk on his face. “And remember us!” Nico added, looking at Jonas, appreciating this fleeting moment. They shared a laugh, the heaviness of the night lifting slightly. They stood there for a few more minutes before Ondrej left and Luke and Jonas made their way to their cars.
Timo hissed again as he unloaded his bag into the trunk, probably exacerbating things by lugging around what felt like 80 pounds, but that was Timo, and Nico had known him long enough to just let it be; just as Timo knew him well enough to cut the 100th question for today on how he’s holding up and vice versa once they got into the car. 
“Thanks again, man.” He can’t remember if he said it back then, stepping up to him completely out of the blue.
“Anytime and you know that.” Timo shot him a glance before making quick use of his phone again to choose a playlist to run and Nico didn’t complain when he went for Swiss rap of all choices. He started the engine shortly after driving off to the familiar streets of Newark. Grabbing his own phone, Nico sent a swift message to Maya, letting her know he was on his way, knowing how much she cares about “advance notices.” And he cared about that.
She hadn’t replied yet, so he took the time to respond to other open messages from his family group chat. Jack had texted him too, suggesting they meet up before he left for Worlds. Leaning back in his seat, Nico allowed himself to relax, the rhythmic beats washing over him. Just as he was about to close the chats, a message popped up on his upper screen.
Leyla: it’s been a while but i’m still here if you need someone to talk to…proud of you no matter what 💕 miss you🌹
It caught him off guard but he wasn’t sure what it was exactly. Maybe because her texts no longer provoked the same reaction in him anymore or because they had somehow fallen out of sync long ago. He would have been at her feet, desperate for her attention and she’d know how to use that. But things were different now; their connection merely sustained by moral obligation as he saw it.
Nico clenched his jaw, a part of him still compelled to react after all.
“Everything okay?” Timo glanced over, sensing his struggles of not getting his shit together. He let that thought pass, locking his phone and tucking it away eventually.
“Yeah, just...old stuff,” Nico grumbled staring out the window as Timo pulled up to the I-78 E. “Nothing worth thinking about.”
“So, it’s not Maya then…”
Navigating privacy among the guys was challenging, and Timo was particularly prudent. Nico saw his reaction in the locker room back then, but deep down he still hoped Timo would pass addressing the elephant in the room for the sake of tonight. But who was he kidding?
He shifted in his seat fumbling with his bracelets. “No.” his voice barely a whisper.
Timo adjusted the volume slightly turning to him with the city lights blurring past. “Are you telling her tonight? Maya?”
His heart raced at the words he had been avoiding for far too long but it’s pointless to deny it anymore. He turned to Timo, whose expression of concern and understanding was a stark contrast to the turmoil Nico felt inside.
“It’s complicated…” wincing at his stock excuse.
They’ve been delving into depths he never thought possible, reflecting on their “situation” more times than Nico cared to admit. And every time he does, he is met with something he wasn’t ready to face yet. He was adept at keeping relationships uncomplicated, laying out his boundaries from the beginning, and ensuring both parties agreed. And theirs was idiot-proof, no ifs ands or buts.
In theory.
A deep sigh escaped from beside him. Nico could see him grabbing the steering wheel tighter through the dim lights. His tone was serious but caring like the good friend he is, always nudging him in the right direction when Nico couldn't himself.
“You can’t keep pretending this will just fade away.”
“We agreed to keep it simple, I’m not pretending anything…” he moved to adjust the music again, but Timo pushed his hand away, scoffing, “Yeah, and that’s bullshit…”
It's starting to annoy him, but he's letting it slide because it's been a rugged night for everyone. “I’m not really in the mood right now Timo”, he answered sharply, but it was fruitless.
“Look, I’m not the only one who sees the difference whenever you spend a weekend in NYC, ask Jonas…he’s been all over me, or how you looked at your phone back then like someone flipped a switch.”
Nico remembered Timo saying something similar about Jesper the other day, when he told the team about his plans to marry Nicole, with a gleam in his eyes Nico had never seen before. While he was genuinely thrilled for Jesper, it made him realize how everyone else around him seemed wired for all this. Luca was on the verge of starting a family, expecting his first child; Jack practically announced his girlfriend to the world; and Timo had Becca.
His mind drifted to his last breakup, how things unraveled despite his best efforts to make it all work out. At some point, she’d been his world too, the gleam in his eyes but when everything broke down he could barely handle it. From there he kept playing it safe, avoiding any emotional ties that could bring heartache again. It was easier that way and he couldn't overlook the satisfaction it brought one day. But there was a reason they were heading to her place and not Leyla’s. Maya had slipped past his defenses in a way no one else had.
“You owe it to yourself, man. And to her,” Timo prompted.
“She’ll be leaving in less than a week. What’s the point anyway?”
“Then tell me right now that you don’t feel anything for her and you’ve got your point.”
It struck him like a slap in the face. For once, silence settled between them, his heartbeat rushing in his ears at the gravity of Timo's words.
Nico opened his mouth, but the words wouldn’t come.
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The rare episode 13! Let's see how we go.
Ok, yes, this is cute, but all I can think of is how at my age, if I slept like this, my back would be so fucked.
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I do love how much they love being together. This is what matters, not if/when they choose to put a label on things.
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This man is never going to be sending mixed messages, and I love him for it.
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It's so funny to me how I did not connect with Winny & Satang in MSP, but now I am so in love with them both.
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Not that they were at all bad in MSP, I just really feel these characters so much more. And I do think the time they've spent together since then shows in the chemistry.
Ok, this is such a little detail, but part of why I love this show.
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Because Toey knew Q & Peem through mentoring & the art program, and he knew Phum & Fang from childhood, but he met Pun via all the rest, and yet they are clearly friends who are comfortable teasing one another. Just like Beer showing up here to practice with Chain & Q - he's friends with them regardless of Phum. Friendship, and found family, and the fact that you can just keep growing these relationships into this beautiful tree of connection when you find your people... it's so lovely.
This honestly makes me curious about New's friendships, because I feel like he must have some absolutely wonderful people in his life, and that makes me happy.
Y'know Chain, you wouldn't need to be so obsessed with other people's relationships if you just smooshed the man right in front of you.
All the friend teasing is so adorable. Also Phuwin is the king of perfect facial expressions.
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CHAIN!!! Stop being cute and just hit on him directly already!!
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Poor baby Pun is so confused, he does not have the braincells to understand this level of flirting.
Omg, can we talk about how beautifully Tan & Fang match while keeping their own aesthetics?!
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Goddamn I love this show!!
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The love rival is a fully formed human who is not just there for drama (and Title is nailing the balance of slightly bothersome but also rather sweet), he respects Peem's autonomy and asks for consent, and we're reinforcing that self love should come above adoration for another! Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Hmmm, normally I don't like "misunderstandings" as a contrivance to keep couples apart, but I feel like it fits here. There's still a disconnect in the emotional intimacy between these two, and they can't be boyfriends until they figure out how to navigate it. Peem wants to be someone Phum can rely on unconditionally, and be completely vulnerable with, but Phum still struggles with seeing people's love for him as conditional, and thinks that doing the wrong thing can "ruin" a relationship.
Always, always there. The true love story of this show.
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You two are killing me.
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Please don't make us wait until the last episode. I can't take it!
Oh dear, Phum is so emotionally fragile... not sure playing games with him is a good idea, Q.
How is Toey is the emotionally mature one here?
Holy shit, y'all, this scene. This show just told the misunderstanding trope to go fuck itself!
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The openness, the vulnerability, the honesty, the communication. The showing of what genuine love and caring looks like. I'm crying.
Toey, you are such a goof, but I love you anyway.
Lol, realizing Peem isn't just a dom but also a little bit of a sadist explains a lot.
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Ooh, I like this framing.
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Ha, I really thought they were going to cliffhanger Peem's response. This show has been such a tease so many times.
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iaus · 2 days
so. the nature of epilogue made it really hard to hammer home the fact that. while porter did care about jace he was pulling strings. he was lining jace up to be his perfect little pet sorcerer.
and part of it i think is that i had to cut porter's reaction/discovery of jace's spell thiefing (which is a homebrew boss mechanic i made specifically for jace... and will be borrowing)
eli. if you read this i'm doing bad things to your new adopted wyrmling.
also i go over some mechanical stuff that... justifies jace to me. if you don't wanna read that skip to the giant ANYWAY.
and also. this post. is a doozy and i cannot tell how coherent it is tbh. so uh. if you read the whole thing. i love you.
first thing's first. this "stealing" that jace does was literally me saying fuck rules as written i HATE rules as written i want jace to have cool powers that porter would have IMMEDIATELY been interested in and wanted under his control.
the long and short i have jace as a level 20 divine sorcerer with a unique action that i have crafted. just for him. because if he's not porter's specialest sorcerer he's mine.
Spell Thief 3/Long Rest
You harness the source of your magic and use it to rip a spell from the Weave itself. This is considered extremely dangerous to you and those around you. You do not require components for the spell you steal, unless using this to resurrect a dead creature. The spell you steal does not have to be from your class list but 1) cannot be a spell you currently know 2) cannot be a spell higher than your casting level. (For example, a 5th level caster cannot use this to manifest the Wish spell.) With DM’s discretion, you can use this to steal higher level spells, but this may incur grievous consequences. The first time you use this feature priming the spell is a DC [10+Spell Level] spell check. Upon each success or failure, the DC raises by 5+Spell Level. To use this feature, roll a primer check [1d20 +Spell Casting Modifier +Proficiency] to see if you can manifest the spell. Whether the spell is successfully stolen or not, roll a CON saving throw at the end of your turn to determine the cost of your spell. Use the table provided below to determine the price.
i won't put the table in but the consequences vary from everyone around you has to roll a dex saving throw or take take [Spell Level Summoned] d20 + [Spell Level Summoned] force damage (the sorcerer always fails this save) to you can never cast the spell you stole again to you permanently lose spell slots to there are actually no physical draw backs (20+ save).
so as you can see this is a pretty fucking powerful ability. i'm going to be using it for a boss fight later in my campaign.
but anyway. giving jace this ability automatically makes him interesting to porter. it gives porter a reason to actually pursue jace (besides finding him attractive because i find porter being desperately attracted to jace so funny all the time, sorry man).
the (multiple) cut scene(s) i have from chapter 11 is one that gives a lot more detail to porter first bringing up that he knows about what happened to jace in college. but. due to how epilogue is written and presented it was JANKY. like it did not mesh well at all there was no reason for jace to think about what happened in college even IF it was a flashback with porter. the other thought was to have jace pass out after using his spell thief ability and to have a dream about rage!porter we saw in the finale.
this also felt janky and i didn't want to do any more dream scenes after chapter 6.
but this leads to these two cut instances of porter (in their first year of hooking up, because. though they don't really gel imo my first fic does lead into/happen in the same universe). i'm gonna put both of them here to kinda see what i was working with and to show why this ultimately got cut.
version 1 (scene that got cut quickly because the tone didn't match):
Jace had hummed, thought to say something snippy like speak for yourself, but stayed quiet and let himself relax in Porter’s hands. He wasn’t sure how long they had sat like that before Porter ruined it by saying, “Wanted to ask you something.” The memory of the incident—as Jace had taken to calling it during his later years at Aguefort—was fuzzy at best. The campus police reports filed were much more detailed. He had told Porter as much at the time, mood souring as he pulled back. “If you’re that fucking curious just pull up the paperwork. It’s easy enough to find. Especially since you’re a fucking adventurer.” “Hold on—we don’t have to talk about it.” Porter had sounded remorseful. As if he actually regretted upsetting Jace. He still pulled back. The blue and white snowflakes illuminated a dark look on Porter’s face. “Listen—” “I need to go home.” “Let me drive you.”
and version 2 (which almost made it into the final draft):
This—whatever volatile, greedy thing inside him made it possible to do this—it seemed no one could take it from him. Porter had asked him about it once that first year they knew each other—had tried to play sweet at the Moonar Yulenear party and told Jace he had wanted his help on a faculty adventuring quest over the break. You were flagged when I tried to add you to the roster, Porter had said with a frown, said you were… what was the list called. Jace had left the party—drove home tipsy and ignored Porter’s calls and messages for the next three days. He’d been intent on ignoring Porter the entire break until he showed up at Jace’s townhouse with a coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Didn’t think you were gonna be rid of me for three weeks, did you? He’d been charmed. And Porter didn’t ask about the list again.
i am kind of disappointed that this ultimately was decided to be not.... jace enough to make it into the final draft but. what i'm about to say is going to reveal WHY it could not make it into the final draft:
porter, to me, is a little too... overt. almost creepy in theses scenes (which i was angling for). but for the context of epilogue where jace is romanticizing and pining for this idealized porter he has in his head... it didn't work.
this is porter angling to get something from jace. he's fishing for information about what jace did in college and whether jace felt remorse over it or not, he shuts it down and porter then has a reaction to it. in version 1 even jace manages to notice a "dark look" and this is in their first year of being a situationship!
this is a little peek into what epilogue porter actually was. it's really hard to get a read on him in epilogue since he is a memory/ghost for the entire story and we are viewing him in this hopeless, searching for meaning jace who cannot see himself without this man who has abused, used, and killed him. he is coping by only remembering the good things about porter-- he is seeing porter as a man who loved him so much he had to kill him, who wanted jace so much that he was doomed to never leave.
it's what he's always wanted-- no one has ever wanted him like this, chased him like this. but the problem is we can't see porter's thoughts in this. as author of this horrid little universe i know the approximate truth that these two unreliable men hold for each other and i can say that i do think porter loves jace. he sees it as love, but there's a lot of dark shit. a lot of isolating, patronizing, possessive unhealthy ownership happening that makes it, imo, inevitable for jace to break down the way he does.
he doesn't want the reader to see that in epilogue though.
he wants to frame this as a i need to get back the only person in my life who loves and gives a shit about me.
but in his need to do this, he glosses over really dark shit about porter and their relationship.
to continue that version 1 scene a little:
Porter rubbed the curve of his hip and smiled indulgently. “C’mon, Jace. I’m being a considerate coworker.” That had made it worse, somehow. “Sober me up. You do it all the time.” “Tapped out—some of the seniors got rowdy last period.” Jace rolled his eyes. “Fine. Take me home. One condition.” Porter hummed, still rubbing circles along Jace’s hip. “No. Asking me about.” He waved his hands vaguely. Porter had agreed, then stood and tucked Jace under his arm. Told everyone they passed: Stardiamond’s cut off. Just looking out for him. “You,” Jace had announced as Porter fiddled with the climate control. “Did that on purpose.” Porter grinned at him. “It’s winter break. Everyone will forget about it.”
“It was an accident,” Jace finally said, head feeling unfortunately clearer. He recognized the streets. They weren’t going downtown; they were still in Tillering—winding the streets to Porter’s house. “It was… like a wild magic surge.” Porter had stayed quiet, keeping his eyes on the road. Snow was finally beginning to fall (what a strange detail to remember so clearly). Despite the empty roads, Porter signaled his turn and as he was slowly easing onto his street he finally spoke: “Didn’t think you were that kind of sorcerer.” “I’m not.”
i think this is a perfect example of the kind of read flags jace was ignoring and the kind of red flags he wouldn't want in his narrative. (there's a reason this scene is cut.)
porter does a few notable things here, right:
ignores jace's boundaries- jace puts distance between them. porter ignores it and grabs him. intimately. and continues the contact.
porter tells everyone he's taking jace home. something jace doesn't want (especially since this would be like 5 months into them fooling around.)
he then, instead of taking jace to his townhome, takes jace to his own house. when he knew jace didn't want to go there.
like. jace doesn't react to these- he sees them as flattering in a way. but it's bad. porter starts this shit early and it doesn't stop. jace just doesn't tell us about it in epilogue because he doesn't deem it good enough for his narrative of the man who wanted him so bad he was willing to sacrifice him and bringing him back all wrong.
also... in chapter 6 jace does give the tiniest nod to porter and this whole college situation but it never comes up again because jace doesn't think it's important outside of his dream:
How strange to think that Porter had known about that in this moment. Had that been what made Porter pick him?
he knows porter knew about his spell thief ability. we just don't get to understand it until much later.
THIS LITERALLY WENT NOWHERE I'M SORRY. but let me leave you with a cut bit that almost made it into the final draft and that i now regret cutting, but hope you can see why i felt it necessary to cut:
He wonders. Would Porter have been excited at the prospect of Jace’s talents if he had told him that night? Would he have asked in hushed tones if Jace could still do that. Could he still steal magic—rip spells that weren’t his out of the weave itself? Would Jace have seen earlier the way Porter might have wanted to use him? Porter had never been shy about saying how he loved Jace’s magic—loved watching him use it, loved how powerful he knew Jace would be. I’ll make you more than you are, Porter had whispered in his ear one night as he pressed Jace into the mattress. Imagine it, pet. Jace stares at the spot of blood on his carpet—aware of the ache in his bones, the blood under his fingernails and wonders, faintly: Did Porter ever want him? Was it always his magic? Did it matter? He thinks. Porter had felt so inevitable. Does it matter? He gets up. There’s one way to find out.
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Serennedy Pride Week
Day 2: Domestic
He just broke one of Leon’s mugs.
Fragmented pieces of it have gone everywhere, under his desk and the bookshelf and the empty chairs on the opposite side of the room. And he’d promised to be careful with it, too. 
Cursing under his breath, he bends down to the floor to start cleaning up his mess.
It has already been a long day; he had to tell one of the lab students that she probably won’t be able to salvage her grade in time, considering how many assignments she’s missed. He doesn’t like enforcing that particular concept, how it makes him look like he cares more about a checklist than the person sitting in front of him. But the college wouldn’t exactly look kindly on a professor giving out free grades. 
It’s tough. He wants to help people learn things, but there’s always… what does Leon call it? Red tape. Paperwork and rules and reputation. He’s familiar with those. 
Aside from pedagogy, he’s tired in general. The end of the semester is approaching. There’s going to be a few more weeks of headaches and long hours at the computer. 
Ah. Is it seven already?
“Down here,” he calls.
Footsteps make their way into his office. He sees dress shoes walk over the thin, threadbare carpeting, coming to a stop in front of his desk. 
“Are we doing a drill?” Leon teases.
Very funny. Leon sweeps up the biggest pieces into his hand. The small chips are going to be stuck in the carpet until he can find a vacuum. 
“Watch your feet, my love,” he says, standing up. “I’m cleaning up my mess.”
“You always have a way of finding something to do at the last minute,” Leon says. He sounds like he’s in a good mood. “I’ve got dinner in the car, whenever you’re ready.” 
The man in his office is probably as tired as Luis is, but he doesn’t look like it. He’s got his hands tucked in his pockets—the gray pants with one of Luis’ dress shirts tucked in—and a half smile on his face that is undoubtedly at Luis’ expense. 
“Looking forward to it,” Luis says. When he opens his hand over to the trashcan, the ceramic pieces clatter loudly to the bottom. “Sorry.”
Leon narrows his eyes. “For what?”
He winces. “I know I said I wouldn’t break the mug—“
“—but I suppose I overestimated myself. I’m sorry.” 
When he looks at Leon, he’s surprised to see him laughing softly. His face always looks softer when he laughs. It’s nice to see, if a bit surprising. He must be in a very good mood. Not even the broken mug could spoil it. 
“What?” Luis asks. 
“After you promised me you wouldn’t…”
“I think you swore on your life. It was a little dramatic.”
“I said I’m sorry. I’ll get you another, if you want.”
Leon, still happy, shakes his head. He walks around the desk until he’s touching Luis’ shoes with his own. One of his hands comes out of the pocket to rest on the desk, absently shifting some of the papers there. 
“It’s just a mug. You know I really don’t mind,” Leon says quietly.
“I know. It was just stupid of me.”
“We have way too many mugs, anyway, Luis. We probably needed to lose one.”
“Yes, but not that one. You loved that one,” he says sadly. It had a painted picture of a dog on the front—a bloodhound, like the one Leon said he had as a child. Now the poor animal is in dozens of pieces.
“I did,” Leon agrees. His hand on the desk comes up to rest on the back of Luis’ neck. He gives a warm squeeze. Luis leans into the touch, looking into Leon’s eyes. “But I love you more than I miss it.” 
He says it simply, as though he were making a comment about dinner or the weather. It makes all of Luis’ busy thoughts go quiet. Leon does not easily part with those words, especially not without Luis saying them first. 
On the other end of such a gift, he finds himself a bit speechless. 
“What?” Leon says. 
Luis feels the hand squeeze again on his nape.
“Nothing,” he says. “Let me just grab my things, then we can go.” And when he leans in to peck Leon on the lips, the man makes an appreciative noise.
When he packs up, Leon offers to take his bag and folders. They walk together out of science building towards the parking lot. The sun has another hour before it sets, and it hangs low in the sky to turn everything golden. 
Just as Leon promised, there’s dinner in the car. He sets his things in the back row before  sliding into the passenger seat with the bags of takeout—rice bowls, he discovers with no small amount of joy. 
When Leon gets behind the wheel, Luis grabs his hand to kiss the back of it.
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knickynoo · 3 days
Back to the Future Part II, The Novel by Craig Shaw Gardner: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings
Part 6: A weird-looking old man and a little guy in a leather jacket.
Previous posts here
• Instead of describing Doc as a “crazy, wild-eyed old man,” Old Biff says, “a weird-looking old man,” which is just so personal, lol
• There’s an interesting scene where Marty is almost caught in Biff’s garage. The shouting between Biff and his grandmother isn’t there to alert Marty, and instead, Biff just walks straight out to the garage. Marty thinks it’s Doc who has come to rescue him and calls out, which Biff hears. Marty then hides in the car, and waits as Biff looks around a bit before getting distracted.
• I really want the full scene of Doc scrambling to get that new hat and bike so he can head over to Biff’s house. The book mentions that he’d bought the bike a few hours prior (then had to wait for it to get dark enough) but I’d love to see how that played out. I also want Marty doing his shopping for his Inconspicuous outfit.
• Marty has a very funny response to Doc reminding him to be careful at the dance since his other self is there with Lorraine. “Yeah, that’s right! Hey, that’s cool, Doc. Maybe I’ll say hello to myself.”
This is followed immediately by, “’No!’ Doc felt like he might have a heart attack.”
And what I want to know is: is Marty just being a wisenheimer, or is he genuinely considering stopping to chit-chat with his other self? I could honestly see it going either way with Marty.
• This chapter is giving me a few good chuckles so far. Marty enters the dance and it says, “He stepped through, and found himself in the same alcove where he’d had that heart-to-heart with his future parents—the one about being nice when your son sets fire to the rug.”
Why don’t we have any definitive information on The Rug Incident? That story should’ve been included in the comics. I need to know what unfolded that day. Why did Marty set the rug on fire? Was it purely accidental? Did little Marty go through an arsonist phase?
I demand answers.
• When we return to Doc, who is still riding his bike all over the place, he ends up at the Peabody farm. There’s a cop there talking to Mr. Peabody, who’s recounting the alien encounter he had. Which…doesn’t make much sense to me since this is a week now since the “flying saucer” originally crashed into his barn. But I guess this has been an ongoing ordeal, and Otis has been trying to get someone to take him seriously.
Anyway, Doc is worried that they might actually stumble upon where he’s hidden the DeLorean behind the billboard, so he goes over and announces that he saw the spacecraft take off wayyy in the other direction. The police officer and Otis immediately take off in search of it.
• I wish I got a dollar for every time in this novel that Marty has said, “Yo, Doc!” because I would have many dollars.
• Lester (Wallet Guy) describes Marty to Biff as, “A little guy in a leather jacket.” So true, Lester. He IS just a little guy in a leather jacket.
• Ok, OK!! So! Two things to mention about the scene after the dance where Marty runs into Biff outside the door. After Biff calls him chicken, Marty once again recalls that, per his mother’s repeated suggestions, he’s supposed to count to 10 when he’s upset. And as he wrestles with his feelings, he thinks, “Maybe he always felt he needed to do this because he was so short.” !!!!! May I direct you to this ask and poll? There you have it, folks. Marty (book Marty, at least) is quite aware of his height and ALSO aware that it might be the reason he wants to fight at the slightest provocation.
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• I already always feel bad for the Western Union guy when I watch the movie, and this makes me feel even more sorry for him. He gets no closure!!! He will NEVER know what the 70-year-old mystery letter was all about. The most disappointed voice Marty has ever heard!!
• We close with the scene of Marty running back to the clock tower. However, his revealing his presence to Doc is pretty different in the book than it is in the movie. We’re told, “Marty stepped out of the shadow of the courthouse. He tapped Doc on the shoulder.”
I mean. It definitely doesn’t have The Flair of Marty running full speed and dramatically spinning Doc to face him, but it is funny. He just. Steps out from the shadows and gives him a little tap. A gentle, “Um, hi, hello, I’m back.” Amuses me to think about.
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This is how I imagine it, btw.
• The book ends with Doc passing out and Marty legitimately fearing that Doc may have just DIED before his very eyes, and how will he ever get home now?
I guess we’ll find out in the part III novel! Stay tuned.
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ghastlyaffairs · 2 months
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for something as trivial and simple those feelings sure are hard to get rid of
also made a gif a version for fun + alt version with no tears under the cut
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the gif is in very low resolution...this is a feature (i could make it bigger but that would require saving each frame individually and than glueing it all together. also i feel like low resolution suits it better. aesthetically and fits the mood)
#hs#homestuck#dirk strider#eye strain#probably? if you think i should tag something else let me know!!#anyway hooray its time for rambling in the tags#so uhhh heres the teæ i've been sick for like a week and you know how it is when suddenly your throat becomes the main gunk warehouse#and you can't breathe lol. wish i could just pull it out. anywaaayy this is basically a vent piece for me being sick lol#also i could draw remotively the same thing with kris deltarune. oh how easy it is to project having a cold#though i have been also experiencing troubles with feelings recently as well....how fitting for dirk#speaking of the man himself (enough of me) his relationship with his own Heart...is peculiar to say the least#the thing i love about alphakids is that despite being so feral they were. so relatable. i cannot stress this enough how unwell they are an#and how they represented being a teen so well. yeah being 15 years old makes that to you#imagine being an emotional mess and trying to fit the 'norm' and act normal about your friends so youre not offputting#and then you fall in love with you friend and your ai clone falls in love with him too looool noone makes out of this one alive#uhh literally. godtiering stuff and dying remember#and speaking of it. tw for suicidal talk for the rest of tags#do you ever think dirk was suicidal. of course the part of when he teleports his head to jake was totally planned and he knew he would ->#wake up as dreamself but. don't you think the moment he cut his head off was sort of. cathartic. how much did he hate his own guts#beheading himself not only for the plan...but also because he thought he 'deserved' it#also wow he is a Prince and was literally beheaded don't you think its funny hahaa#sigh poor thing#this has ended on a not the very pleasant note hm#also fckkkkkk i didn't draw anything with rose/mary for the lesbian visabilty week#(putting the slash because tumblr search system has a dumb gag with showing you posts that contain the tag inside the other tag.#and i don't want this post to show up for the ros/mary fans because it's not!!!! its rose's father emotional crisis post!!!!)#update YOOOO WHAT THE HELL THE GIF HAS EVEN LESS PIXELS THEN I PLANNED fantastic#this your breakfast now tumblr. enjoy your crunchy flakes of dirks meltdown. mwah
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puppyeared · 7 months
its so hard to watch time pass when things like careers and assignments exist. what do you mean im supposed to take that seriously
#I have an assignment that was due a week ago and I really really dont want to do it. I have to but i dont want to#im probably making it worse because my brain has built a wall around it so now i can’t do literally anything else until thats done. but#because I don’t want to do it I’m just kinda stuck. turns out this is what they meant when they said emotional regulation is part of#exec dysfunction.. I’ll have a thought like if I get a little bit of it done now i can get it over with. I can just submit something#and then not even 5 minutes later itll be like ugh but I have to draw all the assets out. I have to write things and make spreads ugh#and its just flopping between those two things. i hate it when ppl are like well how much time do you need to work on one thing#because BOY id love to know too. I’d love to know exactly when my brain wants to cooperate with me and work around that but I cant#even my period can’t decide when it wants to punch me in the stomach. which is kinda funny in the grand scheme of things but still#its so weird im just lying on my bed thinking abt all this like damn.. the time will pass anyways no matter what I decide to do.. damn….#if I submit that assignment now and take the L I literally won’t die. it’ll just be a deduction on an assignment nobody will ask me about#I know this but I’m still stressing myself about it so my thoughts aren’t really connecting to my body. weird#maybe its because Im having a hard time looking forward to things. theres definitely a lot I should be living for but I don’t really feel#a strong attachment to it I guess? it’s been like this for a while with holidays and meeting with friends so I just don’t#I kinda figured its because im pretty passionless and its more like passing interest. but it’s not very fun when it feels like I’m going to#be living distraction to distraction for the next 70 years or so lol#idk it kind of feels like slowly bleeding out. which is funny because I actually did experience blood loss this week#had a 30 minute nosebleed and literally could not stand. also it felt like someone was pinching the back of my brain which was interesting#yapping#does this count as vent#vent#Ive just been making an oc carrd and contemplate changing my blog header for the past 3 days honestly
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megumi-fm · 1 month
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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cradle-of-darkness · 8 months
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COOKIES OF DARKNESS NATION WE ARE OFFICIALLY BACK 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
(long rambling in tags if u care)
#cookie run#licorice cookie#red velvet cookie#affogato cookie#I KNOW im late to this but i was at school ok 🙄 anyways i have a lot of thoughts#first off LICORICE UGH I MISSED HIM SO BAD IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM#his stats are so fascinating to me. i don't think anyone was expecting his strength to be that high#its pretty average but its still his best stat surprisingly#im shocked his strategy and puzzle solving are only 3. i think that's a strange decision to make them so low but I'm open to accepting it#maybe his avoidance/lack of ability to see the big picture contributes to the low scores?#his stats are so unexpected but I could get used to it. still i want an elaboration from devsis on these#i want them to show his strength in the show because i was expecting his strength to be like. 3 or 4#but anywho. i think its very funny how affo is 0 strength. i love how its canon licorice could easily kick his ass in a fist fight#i really do love affo and im SO happy to see him with the cod fucking finally all we got with him as a cod until now was ODYSSEY 😭#im so excited to see him work with the cod as an actual member. he's a very fun character for me#i cant wait for them to actually make him feel like one of the cookies of darkness its been over a year since he joined by now c'mon#im just so ecstatic that the cod are back. hopefully this is a good omen and will pave the way for more cod appearances soon#bcs u all know how i feel about the lack of cod for the better part of the past year. this better be their comeback i believe in them#😁😁😁😁😁😁 IM JUST SO HAPPY THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME IM SO HAPPY U HSVE NO IDEA I LITERALLY SCREAMED#btw ik crepe is there. but they're in a weird grey area of being a cod so i didn't post them BUT IM VERY HAPPY THEY'RE THERE TOO ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#♦️charlie's miscellaneous
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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hear me out on this one
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californianedgeworth · 4 months
I can not believe that Yakuza 3 ended with Mine realizing the error in how he'd lived, being told that he could get another chance to do better, and heroically sacrificing himself to take out Andre Richardson saying "maybe in a next life" and then Andre Richardson is the one who turns out be alive in Infinite Wealth. like lmao?
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
they werent lying that knuckles series barely has knuckles in it
#i pirated that shit Btw just so we're clear. also gonna talk about it a little bit in the tags#nothing too spoilery but also might not wanna read if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing? idk#anyway he WAS a main character still he was present for a decent amount of the first couple episodes#but the amount of screentime he gets just starts dropping after that . hes barely there at all in the second half ???#and it feels like theres a lot of scenes mostly focusing on wade and his problems and not near as many for knuckles and his whole deal#overall it feels more like a wade show with knuckles in it than a knuckles show with wade in it. which sucks#and human characters having plot relevance isnt the problem here i dont mind human characters at all i think they can be really fun#its the fact that the human characters are taking over the story and spotlight when the show is called knuckles#and all the marketing makes it look like knuckles is the main focus#and i also would have preferred if they just went with a differnet character to be knuckles' human friend#because i dont particulraly care about wade. and the knuckles (and sonic and tails) i know would not be friends with cops </3#well at least the story wasnt knuckles training wade to be a better cop like a lot of people were expecting but thats like.the bare minimum#also aside from the issues relating to knuckles' screentime (or lack of screentime) i thought the ending was unsatisfying#regardless of all that though there WERE some parts i enjoyed or found kind of funny or whatever. because knuckles so cutesy as always#knuckles being a cute little guy is the most important part of the show actually#and i liked the parts with sonic tails and maddie even if they were only there for like 5 minutes#(i really wish those three had gotten more screentime. i feel like they could have easily worked in at least one more scene with them)#and its a minor thing but the opening sequence is cute. was honestly expecting just a title card or something#overall the show is just . kind of okay i guess. not the worst thing ive ever seen but still disappointing ? idk how to explain..#my expectations also werent very high in the first place#so maybe im being a bit more generous than i would have been otherwise. idk#and i definitely would not recommend this to anyone who already dislikes the sonic movies . youll probably hate this more#like people who thought the human characters got too much screentime in the second movie would lose their minds if they saw this
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dandyshucks · 3 months
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one of the kiddos really loves rabbits and we're not able to really do much for Easter related activities irl so I thought I'd draw them with their favourite rabbit 'mon ... perhaps a gift from Guz,,,,,
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cosmobrain00 · 2 months
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