#but i think it's uk only and shipping is painful
ramblingoak · 5 months
Trying to be good and not feel like I need multiple versions of the soundtrack on vinyl. It's mostly easy because I do not have the money BUT then I see a pretty color and I have to restrain myself from digging a credit card out...
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soupdwelling · 5 months
space au Qs!
Does Georgie still follow a similar arc since she's from the stars? Is she from a specific planet or is it like because she's a star person she's not affected by the fears?
Does space au Elias still have eyepocalypse goals?Is the archivist/archive still an important role?
Can people only become avatars of the fears of their home planets?
Is Melanie King still a youtuber or youtuber-adjacent
Is The Admiral soft? Or kinda slippery cause of the tail fin? Does Jon still co-adopt him with Georgie? Is The Admiral like her cute space horse
Do Section 31 officers also get shuttled around the galaxy?
Super fun sounding au, love your art!
oh my goodness okay
yes since georgie was born from a collapsing star she doesn’t feel fear meaning she doesn’t follow the same arc from tma where she loses her fears
to be honest i haven’t thought a lot about elias yet but pretty much yes he has similar goals of causing an eyepocalypse-esque situation but im not too sure how or what that entails yet. as for the archivist i don’t think it will be called “the archivist” anymore since the role of the magnus ship is different from the role of the magnus institute, but whatever jon’s position is will be pretty significant
pretty much yes? i think that being from a specific planet kind of predisposes you to being aligned with that fear if that makes sense? so if someone is from a stranger planet for example they are growing up with the stranger living on the edges of their universe as a member of a species of people that has adapted overtime to the conditions of the stranger planet, meaning everything that the stranger is is what they’re familiar with and are more likely to be drawn towards
she is not! the equivalent of ghost hunt uk in the au is melanie and a group of fellow teenagers from her home planet who were drafted to dig tunnels under the surface for soldiers fighting in a civil war. and then they all got murdered by a vampire (with the exception of melanie, she just got turned into one and then murdered her best friend and a bunch of other people)
i think the admiral would be sort of soft but not in a fluffy fur type way in more of like a silky type of way like i imagine his coat would feel like jellyfish tentacles if they were much finer and not painful. maybe like a non-sticky sea anemone i hope this makes sense. he is definitely georgie’s space cat creature but he and jon do get pretty close i think and yes he is like a space horse and everyone wants to ride on his back
short answer yes, i think it makes sense to give basira and daisy their own spaceship and i imagine whatever the equivalent of section 31 is in my au (i still have to figure that out) would have a special fleet of ships specifically designed for that kind of work
thank u for asking oh my gosh i was kicking my feet while typing all this
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khorazir · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks a lot for the tag, @helloliriels
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
25 (23 fics, 2 artworks)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
BBC Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Horse and his Doctor
The Summer Boy
Putting up Shelves
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, if only to thank the reader.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have angsty endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings. For a while, I played with the idea of writing an unhappy ending for Enigma, but luckily decided against it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. There’s been what I like to call ‘The Rabies Outrage’ in connection with my fic The Horse and his Doctor, in which I had John, a veterinarian, have an animal checked for rabies (as one does in this profession, especially if an animal is injured and is behaving oddly). Several (British) readers alerted me to the fact that there is no rabies in the UK and that hence, John wouldn’t have done this. I had, however, confirmation from actual British vets that of course one would check for this disease, even in the UK. But those readers made it seem as though I had personally insulted them by implying that rabies might be present in the UK after all.
9. Do you write smut?
Awkward and hopefully realistic sex-scenes, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I’ve had fic uploaded at Wattpad and Goodreads without my permission, albeit on Goodreads, I think it was unintentional. They were uploaded via people’s ebook-readers. Still, it’s a pain to have them taken down again, and now with all this AI crap, I’m really sensitive about this issue, especially because plenty of my art has been stolen and uploaded in places where I’d never give permission for it to be uploaded. Some of it has also been used on t-shirt and stuff without my permission.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Back in the days of message boards, I co-wrote Tolkien fics.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Not sure about ‘all time’, but at the moment, it’s BBC Johnlock.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Passage
16. What are your writing strengths?
My readers can probably judge this better than I can, but I’d say dialogue and making places come alive.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut, I guess.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’ve done this a few times: German in Nightjet, Over Hill and Under Hill and Enigma; French and Italian in Slipstream. I enjoy it as a reader, too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fanfic (of sorts) was an Indiana Jones story (first written in longhand and then typed on an actual typewriter – those were the days ...).
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Difficult to say. I like and dislike bits of all of my fics.
Tagging @discordantwords @raina-at @7-percent @calaisreno @jrow and whoever else wants to play.
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badolmen · 8 months
Bloody Sunday Massacre anniversary is tomorrow. My dad grew up hearing from ill informed Americans about how it was an ‘age old religious conflict’ (those Protestants and Catholics never get alone). How the violence in the north, the arrests and raids and terrorizing was justified (they had to stop those awful carbombing IRA terrorists!). How it was impossible, the country had been conquered for centuries (why would they see freedom now? they lost the war. let it rest).
And of course, it isn’t completely free and perfect. This year I’ve seen the “Irish Unification of 2024” Star Trek meme a dozen times. It’s heartening to think that such a thing could be possible, by chance to coincide with a scifi show’s alternate history.
(But all I think of is Palestine. The lies and misinformation and the propaganda machine oiled in innocent blood.)
Even today you cannot publically display the names of the killers of the Bloody Sunday Massacre in the UK. The families of the murdered have yet to see justice. Some doubt they ever will.
(I think of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians starving, grinding animal feed for flour in a manufactured famine.)
The Choctaw and Cherokee nations sent donations during An Ghorta Mor. The Sultan sent ships of food and aid only for the British to turn most away.
(I also think of the thousands of Gaeltacht after the language was pushed to the brink of extinction. I think of the homes built on ancestral land, no more landlords or laws prohibiting Irish claims. I think of the music and laughter and dance of my family who once fled as refugees of a manufactured famine - we call our cousins across the sea and sing Come Out Ye Black and Tans over choppy phone connections.
I think of a free Palestine, and I see it - because I can see a free Ireland, more free than she’s been in centuries, closer to unity than she’s ever been. It won’t be easy or pretty - it won’t end over night, or over a few years. But that never stopped the spirit of a people dedicated to their own liberation. I know because I’ve seen it, I’ve lived among the fruits of freedom.
We can hold their hand and say, we know your pain. We see your struggle. We understand the injustice your face. We are proof that it is possible to overcome these horrors and see days filled with peace and joy. We will walk with you.)
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hey you seem to really know your stuff with titanic and im curious if you can tell me more about that night? a lot seem to think everyone either just drowned or froze too death, but i have a feeling it was a lot more awful than people realize, considering all the jokes people make about the sinking they seem clueless to the fact this was a very bad and awful way to die, for everyone on that ship, especially the third class :/
you know, ive always thought i didnt know that much about titanic but as ive sat here parsing through what i do know, turns i know a lot more than i thought.
and unfortunately, anon, youre very right, it was a horrible way to die, especially so for the third class.
quite a lot of people did drown or freeze to death which are horrifying ways to go by themselves.
at the time, evacuation plans for big oceanliners were shit so a lot of people wouldnt have gotten their lifesavers on, and off the top of my head, i wouldnt be able to tell you how many people could swim back then, but it was certainly less than today. it was only in the 90s that swimming became a compulsory part of the curriculum in schools in the uk, so unless you had reason to know to swim, you probably didnt know if you were british.
and i dont think i need to go into the biology of drowning to tell you its not a fun way to go. its fucking painful, for one, and two, you would have been terrified if you drowned during a fucking shipwreck.
it was also very cold, unsurprisingly. its the north atlantic. it was about 28°F or -2°C which is a lethal temperature. for some reason, a lot of people think that freezing is a relatively peaceful way to die; its not. i cant speak myself for how awful being so cold youre shivering is (i cant really feel the cold because of nerve damage but thats beside the point), but everyone ive spoken to about it resoundingly says its fucking awful. you also experience disorientation, muscle stiffness, excruciating pain in your extremities as your body pulls circulating blood from them to keep your vital organs going, and if youre very unlucky, you might also get frostbite (which can kick in under 30mins) which will add some burning pain.
an added kicker to the cold is that even if you can swim, the shock of cold water might make it harder. im pretty sure shock also likely killed people outright.
another way of dying if you made it out of the boat and into the water (spoiler: several people didnt) is if you were too close to the funnels when they collapsed, you would have been crushed by 62ft tall metal funnels. dozens died that way and if the crushing didnt kill you, you would have either drowned or frozen to death soon after.
you could have also been killed by any number of things that fell from the ship, especially as the stern (the end bit) began to lift up before the ship finally broke in two.
mind you, all of this happened in almost darkness. the engineers kept the lights on as long as they could but eventually they cut out and part of what made the iceberg so hard to see was the fact that it was a new moon.
one of the other things that made it hard to spot is one of the few not good things, but better: the ocean was relatively calm. it made it hard to spot icebergs because you can normally watch out for the foam of the water as it splashes on them. although it led to the sinking itself, it did make launching lifeboats possible (its hard as hell to launch lifeboats in violent ocean today let alone the dinky little wooden ones back then) and those in the water werent being thrown around as much as they could have been. though thats not saying much.
and of course, there are those who didnt make it out of the boat. movies did not lie to you about that although they did lie to you about the specifics.
historical record suggests that they did not purposefully lock third class passengers below deck like many movies show. testimony from the few third class passengers who survived indicates this which is why im likely to believe it. they were able to get up on deck, but it also wasnt easy to do that.
now, crew have said in the haste of the evacuation, they didnt remember to tell the third class passengers the plan. now is that true or is it just a more favourable story to tell during the inquiry? i cant say, for sure. either could be true and both highlight how we treated the poor in society back then (and as a poor, its reflective of today). as such, many third class passengers simply left the cabins and waited outside to be told what to do and that didnt happen. eventually, they made their way up themselves, some due to the fact that they could see the rising water.
and not all of them made it to deck. some chose not to, and again, going off third class survivor testimony here which is why im willing to believe it. theres a specific story about a woman who put her baby on her lap and simply played the piano until the atlantic rose to meet her. another of a man who told his brethren that he was too old to fight the atlantic, and simply lit a cigarette and waited.
others got lost because titanic was a large ship and it was very easy to get lost. especially in the panic of a sinking ship and under lights that are getting dimmer. luckily, some crew remembered oh shit the poor people exist and went down to help any that needed it, so some were led out but that doesnt mean they all did.
also, sadly, it probably wouldnt have helped. similarly to the engineering crew that kept the engines going as long as they could before evacuating themselves, there simply werent enough lifeboats and they were all or almost all gone.
additionally, there were no lifeboats on the third class deck space so they had to make their way to either second or first in order to get into a lifeboat. dont quote me on this because i might have the wrong place, but this is where there was a locked gate for third class. luckily, they snapped the lock off of it and got the fuck out.
anyway, back to those inside. now some of the people trapped inside likely drowned, especially those trapped in the bow as it slowly filled with water and began to sink into the water. the risk of drowning also got worse, once things like walls and doors gave out and in comes a rush of freezing cold sea water.
but that isnt the only likely fate. a rush of water can push quite a lot of things and terrifying speeds which meant people would have been killed via blunt force trauma or being impaled on something. especially for those in the stern (again, the back bit) as it lifted because gravity is not helping here. those still trapped inside would have held on for dear light as the light slowly dimmed and became redder before finally cutting out as the ship broke in two.
now if you were in the stern and escaped death via drowning, blunt force trauma or impaling, you would have definitely been killed by water pressure. see, the bow was able to fill with water relatively slowly and equally which is why its still decently intact on the seabed because it sank relatively slowly. the stern did not and thats why the stern looks like an underwater crash site. as the stern sank, it sank quickly which meant there were still air pockets inside as it sank. and as it came down, the pressure built and soon the people above water could hear what sounded like explosions. it would have been a quick death, but thats the most i can say.
i cant speak for if any kind of sealife killed anyone. i havent heard of any testimony of that and i dont know whats there in the north atlantic to kill people. i assume theres something there, but i couldnt tell you what.
im also sure i missed some forms of death, but off the top of my head, thats what i got.
and yeah, it wasnt pretty and most of the people who died were third class or crew members.
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cowboy-robooty · 2 months
In your ItaGer opinion would Nyo!Italy and Germany be switches? (Not asking about Nyo!Germany and Italy because I think Italy likes taking it more than giving it) anyways I AM SANE ABT YOUR YAOI N ITAGERZ PLS NOTICE ME >_<
HELLO. first of all, thank you so much for being so nice to me IT WARMS MY HEART THAT YOU LIKE MY DRAWINGS AND IDEAS >u<. okay now second of all I give tough love and im 100% deadass in my house (my blog) so dont think i hate you because im about to whoop your ass robert freeman style. Now do not be alarmed, but you might have been born with a slight hole in your head. It will be okay. I am asian, I was born to help people with medical issues. You should be put in arkham asylum for thinking italy likes taking shit more than giving it. My boy is a seme okay he likes it because hes GOOD at sex and likes screwing chicks. I think he has uked for a few chicks but its been pretty rare just because he in general prefers semeing since like his entire thing is that he refuses to do anything ever unless its eating, napping, or banging. Then he goes 110 % into it because that shit is his true life passion. Hes good at giving and its pleasurable af for him BECAUSE hes good at it. i dont think hed like recieving because other people arent nearly as good as him at fucking (italy would fuck his clone just to finally get some good strap on dick) and also because like... its hard to receive. without getting too graphic, uke-ing is hard. I dont know how hard it is with the vagina but...... IF ITS ANYTHING LIKE AN ASSHOLE. BEING AN UKE IS NO FUCKING JOKE. at least to my knowledge idk ive never done any of that kind of stuff. it's a literal pain in the ass and italy would not wanna deal with all that when he can seme and feel the exact same satisfication and happiness with no pain or discomfort after.
ANYWAYS. sorry needed to get that out of the way. i think all versions of italy are semes so ofc nyo italy is the seme as well! I do not think itager switches because i dont think italy has a desire to switch because if he uked hed go ohhh my god... i wish germany was below me instead of above me rn and just make that happen. and germany has no desire to switch because he only really cares about the emotional bond together and is most concerned about making italy happy because hes sentimental about the love aspect. This is something many already know, but ill restate in case anyone is new here. I actually believe that itager never bangs. I think they want and very much desire to, it's actually just that the universe and cartoon logic hates them. Because I think all hetalia characters and ships have banged except itager and it's comical because everytime they are about to finally get to it some comically circumstance happens that blocks it or ruins it or something like that. They get all the way to almost banging, but never pull through because it's funniest to imagine that the only stable hetalia relationship is also the only one that has never banged ^_^
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pvffinsdaisies · 5 months
The Nordics as Taylor Swift songs
The UK & Ireland as Taylor Swift songs.
DENMARK: Castles Crumbling (feat. Hayley Williams) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)
“Once I had an empire, in the golden age. I was held up so high, I used to be great. They used to cheer when they saw my face, now I fear I have fallen from grace.
And I feel like my castle’s crumbling down, and I watched all my bridges burn to the ground, and you don’t want to know me, I will just let you down. You don’t wanna know me now.
Power went to my head, and I couldn’t stop: ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off. And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret, falling down like promises that I never kept.
My foes and friends watched my reign end, I don’t know how it could’ve ended this way. Smoke billows from my ship to the harbour. People look at me like I’m a monster, now they’re screaming at the palace front gate, used to chant my name, now they’re screaming that they hate me. I never wanted you to hate me…”
FINLAND: the Lakes
“Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die. I don’t belong and, my beloved, neither do you. Those Windermere peaks look like the perfect place to cry. I’m setting off, but not without my muse.
What should be over burrowed under my skin in heart-stopping waves of hurt. I’ve come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze tell me what are my words worth.
I want auroras and sad prose, I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet, ‘cause I haven’t moved in years. And I want you right here. A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground, with no one around to tweet it. While I bathe in cliffside pools, with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief.”
ICELAND: A Place in this World
“I don’t know what I want, so don’t ask me, ‘cause I’m still tryna figure it out. Don’t know what’s down this road, I’m just walking, tryna see through the rain coming down. Even though I’m not the only one, who feels the way I do.
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans and I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve. Feeling lucky today, could you tell me what more do I need? And tomorrow’s just a mystery, but that’s okay.
Maybe I’m just a girl on a mission, but I’m ready to fly!
I’m alone, on my own, and that’s all I know. I’ll be strong, I’ll be wrong, oh but life goes on. Oh, I’m alone, on my own, and that’s all I know. Oh, I’m just a girl, tryna find a place in this world.”
NORWAY: Evermore (feat. Bon Iver)
“I replay the footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. Writing letters, addressed to the fire.
Hey December, guess I’m feeling unmoored. Can’t remember what I used to fight for.
And I was catching my breath, barefoot in the wildest winter, catching my death. And I couldn’t be sure, I had a feeling so peculiar, that this pain would be for evermore.
Can’t not think of all the cost, and the things that will be lost. Oh, can we just get a pause? To be certain we’ll be tall again. Whether weather be the frost, or the violence of the dog days. I’m on waves, out being tossed. Is there a line that I can just go cross?
And when I was shipwrecked, I thought of you. In the cracks of light, I dreamed of you, it was real enough to get me through. But I swear, you were there.
And I was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step. And I couldn’t be sure, I had a feeling so peculiar, this pain wouldn’t be for evermore.”
SWEDEN: Foolish One (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)
“You know how to keep me waiting, I know how to act like I’m fine. Don’t know what to call this situation, but I know I can’t call you mine. And it’s delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof. ‘Cause when my head is on your shoulder, it starts thinking you’ll come around. And maybe someday when we’re older, this is something we’ll laugh about over coffee every morning, while you’re watching the news.
But then the voices say, “you are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson.”
Foolish one, stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain’t never gonna come. You will take the long way, you will take the long way down. Foolish one, stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain’t never gonna come, you will learn the hard way, instead of just walking out.
Now I’m sliding down the walls with my head in hands, sayin’, “how could I not see the signs?” Oh, you haven’t written me or called, but goodbye screaming in the silence, and the voices in my head are telling me why.
Ain’t never gonna come, oh, you will learn the hard way now. Foolish one, sittin’ round waiting for your confessions of love, they ain’t never gonna come. And thinking he’s the one, you should’ve been walking out. Foolish one, the day is gonna come for your confessions of love, when all is said and done, he just wasn’t the one. No, he just wasn’t the one.”
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grave-queen-jakrabitt · 2 months
Okay so something has changed in my brain because of wrestling and I need to ramble about it. As someone who’s had some trouble being able to understand a lot of plutonic affection (and still do it’s a work in progress tbh) I don’t really ship the people I’m about to talk about because honestly shipping real people makes me severely uncomfortable for personal reasons
But I came upon a wrestling rivalry that made me understand plutonic relationships a little better. Ilja Dragunov vs Cara Noir. If you’d allow me I’d like to walk you through what I took away from each particular match
The first match: I think from the entrances it’s clear that nobody really knows what to expect, even Cara and ilja themselves. Dragunov as always was a force of pure raging passion, then there’s a switch to pure bewilderment as swan lake begins and Cara comes out. The wrestling is good because how could it not be? It feels like two irresistible forces being pulled towards each other. This was the beginning of something great
Point ilja
The second match
Cara’s red eye makeup and ilja’s reaction make me so happy, the hand holding into almost unwilling violence from ilja. where the first match was a little more restrained and and reserved they’ve learned from the first encounter. Cara picked up the violence the long feeling out sequence switched out for an immediate swan woo dropkick. One of my favorite things was the finish. up to this point Cara knew that the torpedo Moscow would mean death, then it comes….and it’s countered into the blackout and it works also the fucking forehead kiss
Point Cara
The 2/3 falls match
Oh my fucking god Cara’s reaction to ilja wearing paint, him pointing to his face like “you did that for me huh?” To the god damn distress over ilja tapping out over nothing. It’s the fact that the black swan wanted to make a masterpiece, and the only person that gets him gave up so fast seemingly for him. It was a move to get the upper hand, torpedo Moscow, second point ilja. At one point they kiss. As if to say the first two falls meant nothing it went to sudden death, it had to be it could never be anything else. This was a rivalry born of two people that have to give everything to their art, they have to destroy themselves for their art and there’s nobody they’d rather do it with. Cara pulls out the win
Point Cara
10th anniversary show
5 days after Cara lost the title ilja returns, he returns an all conquering champion from nxt uk. But above all else the mad dragon returns FOR the black swan. From the jump this match is different obviously Cara got his shit rocked so this basically functions as therapy. It’s not easy to watch at first cause it’s a one sided beating. This is not who ilja came back for, this is not the black swan then it happens. A torpedo Moscow, a kickout, Cara gets up. The headbutt that never seems to work on ilja gets a little distance, both of them are rocked and it starts picking back up into normality for these two. But at this point ilja just doesn’t want to follow through with what has to be done, he knows Cara can’t be put down humanely, he refuses to stay down, so yet again the torpedo Moscow nearly takes out Cara, but dragunov knows better, a second just in case. It’s over, it had to happen but it pained him nonetheless. Ilja dragunov wins. There’s a kind of love between them I don’t think anyone else could relate to. It’s not romantic but I think it’s somewhere beyond plutonic. I can’t express to you why but this is how I feel about wrestling in general.
I feel like this is RVD vs Jerry Lynn for a new generation with a kinda twist. The RVD Jerry Lynn rivalry was kinda based on iterating on some of the move sequences and basically learning each other’s favorite moves to counter. And noir dragunov does have this (in the form of the torpedo Moscow being Ilja’s biggest weapon the thing to put Cara down nearly every time, the hand holding into neck chops, the kisses, torpedo into blackout.) but I think more so it’s philosophical. This militaristic Russian whose passion is violence, an indestructible tank of a human being pulled towards someone more theatrical, sure Cara can do strong style but it’s more ilja’s thing. you can tell he’s putting all his unbridled passion into in ring stuff and the entrance BELONGS to Cara noir and as it goes on they seem to take more from each other
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
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Bit of a spontaneous shopping trip means I get to wear one of my fave lipsticks, yaaay :DDD makeup and scent deets under the cut!
Lipstick: Existence is Pain, a multichrome from Notoriously Morbid (i think this isn't available any more, but it's a really cool blue to purple shift!) They're fantastic for interesting liquid lips, highly recommended!
Eyeshadows: Blue Jay and One Night Stand from Looxi Beauty, which also looks to be not in business any more?? They're nice and vibrant but SO soft it's really hard to not mash them with the brush lol
Blush: Melt Cosmetics Blushlight in Daydreamer, one of my fave blush formulas. It's a bit expensive compared to my indie powder blushes, but the cream formula is gorgeous and blends in real well with just fingers
Highlight: Karla Cosmetics Seamless Satin in Lagoon Waves, which is a fucking INSANE multichrome highlighter. More expensive than I'd spend but it was a gift and I'm obsessed with it AND it's a UK indie which is rare. Also their packaging is absolutely flawless, so fucking beautiful. I'll definitely be exploring more form them for sure! It's cheaper than getting like, Kaleidos with US shipping anyway lol
Scent of the Day is Hydromancy from Sixteen92, a brand I will not recommend because of the owner's bullshit, but unfortunately this is one of my absolute HQ aquatic scents - it smells like a deep pool of water in the middle of a forest, and no salt!!! which is often my issue with aquatics (makes me sneeze....). I only have very little of my sample left, so at some point I might try to track down a full bottle without dealing with S92 lmao Notes: Fog, cold violet, lichen, ambroxan, mineral accord, petrichor, glass
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 year
Tagged by @radioactivepigeons - thanks so much for the tag, this is so fun!!!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.*
First Fic - God, I think my first fic was some spin off of a teenage spy series on wattpad *shudders* but my first ao3 fic was a silly little abandoned newsies fic which was. Interesting. I will not link it but its up for archive purposes, I owe @radioactivepigeons a lot for the encouragement, not sure if I would be still writing now if it wasn't for that kindness :)
Latest Fic - is Queer Eye-Eye Captain! Which is an ofmd queer eye au and I will link it because it took me a year to write and I think its very fun. Its my first 'long fic' (ie. Its over like,, 2K) and it took a lot of effort to actually finish it instead of getting excited, posting it, and abandoning it 😅
Fic in a Fandom I Only Wrote Once For - there are a couple but I think we'll go with There's No Such Thing as Stupid Pain which is a little startrek disco one I wrote after a night shift when I hurt from lifting a patient weird. I adore startrek discovery but I've just never written anything else for it yk?
Favourite Fic in the Fandom I Wrote Most For - are any of us surprised that its newsies after my train wreck of a brain (and bank account) last year? I think my favourite is probably Go to Bed just because its cute and I like the UK Davey/Crutchie dynamic, with an honourable mention to Hear Her Voice and Hear it Still which isn't that well written but I love the concept for.
Fic I Wish More People Read - ooh hard one, maybe I am to See to it That I Do Not Lose You which was for the fic exchange, just because I wrote and rewrite it So. Many. Times.
Fic I Agonised Over the Most - It is what it is because it's an excerpt of a much larger fic sitting planned out in my wips that I really want to write but idk if it will ever happen. Shout out to Build a Problem which I accidentally abandoned bc it started sounding too much like something I would write in high school and it needs serious revisions
Fic that Sprang Fully Formed - Babywipe Blues it's only little but it practically wrote itself, only took me 10 minutes. Amazing what procrastination can do.
And a Work I'm Proud of - Queer Eye-Eye Captain! Again just because I'm loving it now and also You're Safe Now because even though I don't love how it was written now, someone liked it enough to translate it into French which I think is very cool :)
That was such a cool little fic review, I loved doing that, thanks for the tag!!!! Tagging @emmedoesntdomath and @baura-bear :)
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kuwdora · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @deerna and @jawanaka !
How many works do you have on A03? 110 - but this would probably be +200 if I had been crossposting my fanvids there. I still remember when video embeds did not work on AO3 pages. But that was ages ago. And I’m terrible at crossposting. Especially when I have so many to crosspost at this point.
What's your total A03 word count? 280,783
What fandoms do you write for? In the past it was Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, Heroes and Sanctuary and a lovely romp with Being Human UK. Star Trek. These days I’m still on The Witcher, with the occasional fleeting non-witcher stuff I manage to finish.
What are your top five fics by kudos? I can see through you, The Witcher Netflix. My Geralt and Jaskier role reversal thing. More like a role inversion.
Surface Tension, The Witcher Netflix. soft very established relationship Geralt/Yen/Jaskier smut.
Papa’s Got a Brand New Suit, Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Julian/Garak PWP. From ye olde porn battle days. Learning Curve, The Witcher Netflix. Yen/Jaskier, post-season 2 soft feelings and sex with an emphasis on all of Yennefer's pain.
Heart Tap, The Witcher Netflix. Leshen Eskel(/Geralt). My first story about what it could be like for Eskel to live with his transformation into a monster. I'm actually surprised this is in my top 5 kudos considering how niche it is but man I love my tree boyfriend and have so many more thoughts about him that I haven't gotten out yet...
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I try to respond to comments when I can. Sometimes it takes forever and sometimes I do forget to respond to comments but man I love rolling around in them.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My angstiest endings are for fic that I haven’t finished or posted on AO3 yet for more of my witcher fixations. But for posted things?? Hmm. I do have an old Heroes fic called Code of Hammurabi that is Peter/Sylar time travel AU that’s particularly angsty and gave me the chance to rummage around in the way Peter would endure in a very very messy situation.
Oh, my Doctor Sleep ficlet is also pretty angsty. Danny reflecting on his time with Billy when Billy's ghost shows up. I'm smiling upside down is the name of that ficlet.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh that’s probably my smutty fluffy thing for Being Human. PWP. Moon Mambo, Hal/Tom.
Do you get hate on fics? No, but I sense that’s only a matter of time before someone directs their hate at me.
Do you write smut? Yup.
Do you write crossovers? Yes, but not for a very long time. I have a “Ciri collects all the young girl protagonists from sci-fi/fantasy books for a group project” crossover idea but my focus is too scattered to get that going. I did start it with a Nona-meets-Ciri Locked Tomb/witcher crossover here: Call to Adventure.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of. I think my stuff is far too niche and self-indulgent for that kind of thing but who knows. The internet is a smaller place these days but people seem to find new ways to steal. Alternatively: I did learn that someone submitted one of my Stargate SG-1 vids to a Creation Con fanvid contest that had prize money in it. That was very upsetting to learn well after the fact.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, not co-written. But I do love rolling around with my beta and workshopping my fic into better shape and a lot of my stuff ends up way better as a result of my betas. And I also love doing the same with folks who ask me for beta. It’s a fun kind of collaboration.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Agh this one is so hard. Don’t make me pick just one. Aeryn/John from Farscape. Fraser/Ray(s) from due South. I don’t write a lot of book Yennefer/Geralt but they also are It for me.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh my god, definitely my TWN Leshkel canonical divergence AU thing. I have something like a whole season 2 (not a fix-it) outlined, with lots of stuff focusing on Ciri and Leshy Eskel, and Leshy Eskel with Triss. With more stuff about witcher-and-leshen biology and Wolf School disappearing, Kaer Morhen becoming a magical greenhouse where a mythical Swallow is rumored to visit every 6 years.
What are your writing strengths? Description, maybe characterizations. Theme and tone.
What are your writing weaknesses? Too much description, comma splices. Slow pacing.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think it’s fun to do but it can be a lot to read and I definitely will overthink the writing and both the reading. If it suits the characterization and context clues within the text, I think that’s cool. But I think it’s fine to go without con-lang or other languages in fic. It’s just a matter of texture and color that adds to the scene, you know?
First fandom you wrote for? Stargate SG-1.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Ever??? It’s so hard to pick just one. Hang on, I got several of those ‘rec 5 of your favorite fics’ asks in my inbox. Lemme see if I can pick 5 for that.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
(OC Universe questions)
4, 12, 23, 24
4.) what would you say is the message, if there is one.
frankly there is a significant overlap between CW and GD's messages. let's go down the list
trapping someone in a miserable place only continues the cycles of abuse and pain.
the bad things that happened to you really were that bad. you're not crazy. you're right to be angry. those grownups did fail you.
you can't fix someone. you can only love them.
dying for love usually just looks a whole lot like regular dying
you deserved better than you got; someone's gotta say it sometime cuz it's true. people should have told you you were awesome instead of taking advantage of you.
living your whole life assuming you'll die young makes it incredibly scary to acknowledge the fact that youll keep living, but you have to rise up to it. and you wont rise up alone
one day the sadness will end.
12.) okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
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i do the most with sicely but i gotta be honest. miss hero complex is the number one in my heart
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Sicely - CRANKY. spicy latina trope. verbally berating and doesn't actually like any of their friends.
Anthea - i think a lot of people would go some flavor of yandere-lite with anthea and really play up her sweet-but-murdersome angle rather than acknowledge she has very good reasons to be mad
Ari - she'd become the serious nerd who puts up with everyones shenanigans (Rose and Kanaya syndrome). shipped with lucerne only in a token gesture in the bg of opaljiro fics
Lucerne - who
Opal - the fandom darling, he is mischaracterized in ways you didnt even think god could invent. sweet idiot babbu who doesnt know what hes doing or the harm hes causing! no matter what happens people still ship him rosy-style with sicely. opalsicely is like kris x berdly but stupider and way more unhealthy
Jiro - opals boyfriend. his status as this is the primary bastion against opalsicely shippers
Araceli - irredeemable bitch of a woman who is morally worse than the men murdering children bc she doesnt react rationally to the fact that shes trapped in an apocalyptic time loop
Midas - i think a lot of people would, upon knowing midas' true colors, forget that he's a very charismatic and caring person. he'd be treated as a mastermind chessmaster manipulator who never really loved anyone, rather than a guy whose overabundance of emotional reactions causes him to act in manipulative and confining ways
Thomas - uke who has no agency, was forced into helping midas and is secretly really affectionate and sweet and moral deep down. "i can fix him"
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Uuuh character thingy except I tried to put it into different categories
• I know u know this character
> Edward Nygma
> Carlos(from wtnv) idk his name
> Jonathan Crane
> Dirk Gently
• Blorbos from my show that I hope u don't know nothing about so u come with funny headcannons
> House (House MD)
> Jonathan Sims (TMA)
• Idfk what I'm writing anymore
> Cebolinha (yes from turma da mônica)
Okay let's go.
> Edward Nygma: He collects strategy boardgames. While it was Doctor Leland and later Oswald that tried to make an Arkham boardgame night he is both the one sugesting the games and (in Oswald's case cause there was not much he could do in Arkham) provinding it. He is also an insuferable player.
> Carlos: He learned embroidery from his granny and was really good at it. He mostly uses this talent to make beutifull paterns in his lab coats sleeves as a way to different his morning lab coat from his night lab coat from his fancy lab coat from his date labcoat from his sleep labcoat from his seductive labcoat (that has changed from seductive labcoat to the labcoat that seduces Cecil in specific) from his serius science labcoat to his just assisting the other guys in the lab today labcoat to his Esteban's PTA meetings labcoat from his secret labcoat and so goes on (he cannonically has a bunch of labcoats for different occasions and I love it for him). He does cute patches for Cecil and Esteban (he also did one for Aubregine, he never did for Khoshekh because like a proper cat he hated cute clothes) more rarely for his friends and since they adopted Steban he is learning to knit to make him a cute baby onesie of the uncomprehensive horrors.
> Jonathan Crane: When Jonathan worked on Gotham University he was a firm supporter of inclusion programs. He would never shame a student that was dedicated but simply didn't had the same tools as the others (be because they came from a school from a poor area with low govermental investiment or because they were neurodivergent or had to work all day and had no time to study or was facing personal problems stopping them from succed like an abusive househood or relationship or bullying or simply systemic discrimination) and would do all he could to help them. On the other hand priviledged students specially bullys always suffered in his classes and a lot of them became his text subjects.
> Dirk Gently: [blorbo it's been sooo long!!!] He is ace. I won't explain he just is. He also is nb and uses all pronouns. Todd knows neither of this things and tbh closested Todd likely doesn't even know what an nb person is until he Dirk and Farrah (and Amanda and Rowdy 3 and Bart and Mona) went to a protest against the rise of transphobic laws in the UK.
Now since the hc ended up being more about Todd I'll also say that Dirk loves sweets and eats the head of people/animal shaped things first so they die and won't be in pain. He also unfortunally eats the cookie first and preffers it from the white part when eating orios. Farrah rarely buys oreos because of that and when they have oreos she and Tood refuse to look at Dirk eating it. Also yeah I'm a firm defender of they lvie together at Todds house after they created their agency. I'm firmly divided between Dirk/Tood and Farrah/Tina or Dirk/Todd/Farrah as my ships for the show (besides Amanda/Rowdy3, best polycule).
• Blorbos
> House: He secretly loves gummy bears but he will never let people know because they might think he is soft and he is not. The only times HD eats gummys in front of the other doctors he slowly eats the members before the head so they will assume he has no feelings and let him be. And yes last time I saw this show was almost ten years ago this was a very blind hc.
> Jonathan Sims: Okay, this is a real blind hc because I want to listen to Magnus Archives (though I'm afraid I'll cry a lot) and won't risk spoilers. So this is a very simple one: he loves Animal Crossing and has the best island (but Nico every island is beutifull and what matters is the love the player has, nope, the best one is Jomathan, it has the horrors). Also my first instinct was to say he made all the other characthers in the Sims but that was a low pun.
• O Rei da "Lua"
> Cebolinha: He scams gringos to practice his infalible plan making talent. This six year old boy might never have succeeded in stealing a bunny plushie from the six year old girl with super strengh but he comited identity fraud and stoled a bunch of money. He is six so he has no idea how to convert or use the money but he has it. (Eu deixe em inglês pq eu acho mais engraçado do ponto de vista de alguém que não conhece o cebolinha).
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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I posted 1,672 times in 2022
404 posts created (24%)
1,268 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 507 of my posts in 2022
#rebel answers - 107 posts
#charles leclerc - 82 posts
#charles leclerc x reader - 64 posts
#f1 - 63 posts
#sons of anarchy - 61 posts
#jax teller - 58 posts
#charles leclerc imagine - 48 posts
#f1 x reader - 48 posts
#jax teller x reader - 46 posts
#jax teller imagine - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#i only ship to the uk at the moment but i am looking to ship worldwide soon just need to work out a way so it isn’t expensive
My Top Posts in 2022:
Home Race And Heartbreak
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: You and Charles kept your relationship a secret but you needed Charles after you crashed into the barrier and he didn’t care who saw.
Warnings: mentions of a crash (no description) French translated from google so don’t bite me if it’s wrong 😂
A/N: First time writing for Charles Leclerc and first time since I was 12 that I’ve written for someone that isn’t a fictional character so please be nice 🥺 Feedback is appreciated 🖤
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Any excitement you had for your home race had been snuffed out. The corners of your lips tugged into a smile as Charles flew across the line qualifying in P1 for the British GP, but the smile was fake and didn't reach your eyes, it was all for the camera.
You hid your emotions well, wanting to be happy for your team mate and boyfriend. Not that anyone knew you and Leclerc were dating, it was something you both wanted to keep private, away from the cameras. But it was hard on days like this when you desperately craved the comfort of his arms.
“Great race, Charles. P1”
You purposely tuned out the hustle and bustle of the pits, letting out a loud heavy sigh as you pushed yourself off the stool, swiping your smokes off the counter as you moved. You needed a moment alone before the embarrassment continued with talks with the press.
The rumble of Charles’ F1-75 ran through your body as you leant against the wall of the pits, a lit cigarette hanging from between your lips. Watching as everyone buzzed around him as he climbed out of the car. To the world his smile was bright but you knew better, it didn’t quite reach his eyes and he hid the sadness well.
He knew how much this race meant to you with it being in your home country, so he knew that you would be distraught about the DNF, placing at the back of the grid for tomorrow's race.
You should have been up in P2 with him, you were one track for a good time but fate had other decisions for you. Squeezing your eyes closed, your brain flashed up with images of the crash. The feeling of slamming into the wall would be something you wouldn’t forget in a hurry, nor would the painful screams from your boyfriend after you heard the panic in his voice when listening back to the team radio.
Part of you was happy for your boyfriend getting pole position but it still didn’t numb the heartbreak you were feeling.
Tears threatened to spill over your lash line, you were trying your hardest not to break down trackside the last thing you wanted was to be caught on camera.
The moment you locked eyes with your Monégasque racer, a single tear rolled down your cheek as you flashed him a weak smile.
Nothing else mattered to Charles right now, he didn’t want to be making small talk with the pit crew, all he wanted to do was pull you into his arms.
Without thinking he jumped off his car, pushing through the crowd to get to his girl. Luckily the pair of you had plenty of experience with hugging after races making it look just like team mates.
Breaking eye contact with him you tossed the cigarette into the sand bucket, keeping your gaze trained on the floor. The feeling of Charles’ knuckles brushing against your cheek wiping away a stay tear made your resolve crumble.
“Mon amour, you scared me back there,” He hummed, not caring that the whole world was probably watching. “My heart practically stopped when I found out it was you that went into the wall. Are you sure you are okay?”
“Yeah,” you sighed heavily, “no broken bones, just a bruised ego.”
“Are you going to be okay with the interviews?” Concern shining in his eyes.
“Gotta be done, ain’t it. Can’t avoid it.” You sighed, fiddling with your race suit. “Just wanna go home now.”
Charles knew what you meant by home, it wasn’t the small flat you had in England but it was his home in Monaco.
He knew this would have majorly knocked your confidence and he hated that the sparkle from your eyes had disappeared.
The interviews were long and gruelling, everyone kept asking the same question.
“What went wrong out there?”
So by the time the question was asked the final time of the session you snapped.
“Bottled it didn’t I,” your mood had been drained to the point of not caring whether you snapped or not. “Binned it into the corner, rookie fucking move. I made a call and you know what it was the wrong fucking wrong.” Your British accent was thick as you spewed the words out, watching as the reporter took a step back, shocked at your outburst.
“Okay, I think Y/N/L has answered enough questions today.” Charles breathed, swooping in like a hero.
Silently you shot him a thankful look.
See the full post
1,117 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Group interviews always ended in chaos and lots of laughter
Requested by anon: Heyy i was wondering if you could write a dirver!reader x charles fic where the reader is bastfriends with one of the drivers and they are doing an interview and it is one of those where none of them can stop laughing or something (yuki, pierre , mick , lando , daniel?? Idk which one you would like) I just want something fulffy with charles and others.
A/N google translate has been used a lot in this so if it is wrong blame google 😂 I’d love to hear your feedback 🖤
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Drumming your fingers on the counter of the on-site coffee shop you waited rather impatiently for the round of coffees. Flicking your eyes between your phone screen and the barista getting more annoyed as the time ticked on. You were late for the group interview that had started five minutes ago.
“Any chance we can speed this up?” You asked, watching as a photo of you and Pierre flashed up on your screen making you groan at the incoming call. “Je sais, je sais, ne m'éclate pas les couilles. (I know, I know, don't bust my balls)” You laughed while pressing the phone against your ear.
“À quelle heure appelles-tu ça? (What time do you call this)” He said in a stern voice, with the sound of laughter coming from the rest of the room, causing you to roll your eyes. “We know you wouldn’t be on time. What’s more important than us?”
“One word, coffee.” You said taking all emotion out of your voice.
“Oh merde, ouais ne fais pas obstacle à son café. (Oh shit, yeah don't stand in the way of her coffee)” Charles’ voice appeared.
“Si vous ne vous taisez pas, aucun de vous n'aura de café, connards. (If you don't shut up none of you will be getting coffee, assholes)” you scoffed, nodding at the barista whilst you managed to grab the tray of four drinks. “I’m on my way now, if anyone is sitting in my beanbag I will kick you in the balls.”
The line soon went dead causing you to roll your eyes again, it was official you were working with children. You knew you would get a bollocking from the team principal for being late to another interview but in your eyes it wasn’t important at least you turned up on time for practices, qualifying and the races. At least this was a group interview with your friends, these were better than single interviews.
After what felt like an age you pushed open the door to where the interview was being held. Just as you thought you were greeted by whistles and cheers.
“And her majesty has arrived. Pierre smirked.
“Suck my dick Gasly.” You glared, flipping him off causing the room to arrive.
“We all know who does the dick sucking in this room, sweetheart.” He winked, taking his coffee from the tray.
“And the children are back together.” Charles dramatically sighed, looking up from the beanbag. Your beanbag.
“Pense que tu es au mauvais siège, Leclerc (Think you are in the wrong seat, Leclerc)” You said, narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend.
“Can we get started? We are on a tight schedule as it is.” The interviewer huffed. One look at the interviewer told you she was not happy with your lateness.
“Okay then”, you mumbled under your breath as Charles pulled you down on his knees, wrapping his arm around your waist as you pressed a soft kiss against his cheek. Causing Pierre, and Carlos to gag.
“Just give them a minute,” Carlos laughed, “give them a moment to be lovey dovey.”
You could see the irritation radiating from the interviewer which made you smirk. It was a fun pastime of yours, winding people up who were jealous because of who you were dating or that you were the only female F1 driver.
“How does it work with you being in Alpha Tauri yet dating someone from Ferrari. I mean you are looking very red and white today.” The male interview asked, nodding at your white waist suit tied around your waist and the Ferrari hoodie that was obviously Charles’ due to the size.
“We are very competitive, but we both support each other.” You smiled, running your thumb over Charles’ hand. “Yes it’s hard but we make it work. We celebrate the highs and comfort in the lows. It’s all about communication.”
“It’s because they are so loved up it makes me want to puke.” Pierre grinned, causing you to flip him off again.
“So one of the burning questions we have to ask is for your Y/N,” the male reporter asked with a massive grin on his face. “Why did you choose your race number to be 69?”
“It’s just cheeky,” you smirked before taking a sip of your coffee. “This job is so serious so I thought I would let my cheekiness shine through.”
“Not because it’s her favourite position.” Pierre piped in causing the whole room to erupt with laughter.
Once again the female interviewer rolled her eyes at the comment. “Quickly moving on,” she muttered, looking at Pierre. “So what’s it like having a female as your teammate?”
The smirk on his face told you that he was going to use this opportunity to rip the shit out of you and potentially reveal to the world some secrets.
See the full post
1,179 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
I Will Never Stop Loving You || Part Three
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Final Part
Summary: It was the last race of the season but there was one thing missing for Charles.
Part One || Part Two
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️
Softly you closed the back door behind you after going for a smoke, making your way around the kitchen you flicked the kettle on before getting out two mugs. One for you and one for your dad. Ever since your call with Charles on Lucy’s birthday things had started to change, you didn’t cry as much and you were hiding yourself away from the world.
You put a post up on your social media apologising for your sudden absence and any orders that had been placed would be fulfilled but you weren't accepting new orders.
“Kiddo, you are gonna miss it if you don’t hurry up.” Your dad shouted from the living room.
“Be through in a min, making a coffee.” You smiled, just as the kettle finished boiling.
Charles had been respectful of you needing space so any contact you had was because you sent the first message. But most of it was wishing him luck for the rest of the season.
Entering the living room you placed the two mugs on the coffee table before flopping on the sofa, picking up your sketch pad as you made yourself comfy on the sofa.
The moment Charles appeared on the screen for the pre-quali interview, you were sure your heart skipped a beat. He looked better than he did on the call, like he actually managed to get some decent sleep and the fire was back in his eyes.
Pulling your phone out you pulled up the conversation with Charles, letting your fingers dart across the screen.
To Charliebear 🐻❤️
Good luck this weekend, smash it like I know you can. Doesn’t matter if you come first or last as long as you put your all into it then that’s all that matters. We will be watching from the sofa x
Charles was in the middle of the interview when he pulled his phone out of his pocket, glancing at the screen when a genuine smile crossed his face as he read your text.
“Well, someone knows how to make you smile.” The interviewer said.
“Yeah, they really do.” He nodded, slipping his phone back in his pocket before winking at the camera.
You felt a smile tug at the corner of your lips as you dropped your gaze to the sketch pad on your lap. Suddenly the world felt like it was going to be right again one day.
“Did you just text him?” Dad asked with a big grin on his face.
“Don’t know what you are talking about.” You shrugged hearing your phone go off. Glancing at the screen you saw Charles had text back sending a string of red hearts and blowing kiss faces.
For the next couple of weeks you had started texting Charles more, at first it started with texting good luck for the race, then it was texting him after the race until you found yourself starting to text him throughout the days. Asking how things were going, what he was up to, telling him about your day etc.
Everyone had noticed a change in you, your smile was coming back and so was the sparkle in your eyes. Everyday your heart called out for Charles, each day that passed you missed him even more.
As you were lying in bed one Friday night rewatching One Tree Hill, you saw your phone ringing out the corner of your eyes. Grabbing the remote you turned the TV down before accepting the FaceTime call from Charles.
“Tout va bien? Everything okay?” You asked, adjusting your position in bed so you were now leaning against the headboard.
“Je ne peux pas dormir. I can’t sleep.” He sighed, running his hand over his face. “J'espère que ça ne te dérange pas que j'appelle. Hope you don't mind me calling.”
“Not at all, I was only watching TV anyway.” You smiled, pausing your comfort show.
“Let me guess, One Tree Hill.” He smirked, propping his phone up on the nightstand.
“No, I was urm watching,” you paused trying to think of another show but your mind went blank. “Okay, yes One Tree Hill.”
See the full post
1,257 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Before Sunrise He's Your Child
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Charles Leclerc Masterlist
Summary: The season was now over and it was finally time to go on that family vacation
Warnings: Children
A/N Kept this one short and sweet
Requested By Anon // hii, i would like to ask for a fic with dad charles, something like the reader and him with the kids on vacation
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
The sound of your son letting the door to his room slam stirred your sleep, you didn’t need to open your eyes to check the time to know it was far too early for him to be awake. Burying your head into the soft pillow you reach your arm out nudging your husband trying to get him to wake.
“Your son is awake.” you groaned, continuing to tap his bare torso.
“My son?” he mumbled, still half asleep as he reached for his phone, checking the time, squinting at the brightness of the screen.
“Before sunrise he’s your child.”
Charles couldn’t help but let out a throaty chuckle as you quoted the lion king to him. Propping himself up against the headboard he palmed at his eyes trying to rub the sleep away. The only sound that could be heard was your soft breathing signaling you had fallen back asleep and the sound of CJ wandering around the living room of the hotel room. Charles leant over pressing a kiss against your bare shoulder, silently thanking himself for reminding you to put your vest top on just in case he ended up in bed with you guys after your late night activities.
“Papa.” CJ squealed running into the bedroom.
Charles winced at how loud the mini version of himself was being, especially this early in the morning.
“Maman dort encore, petit homme, tu dois chuchoter d'accord. Mama's still sleeping, little man, you gotta whisper okay.” Charles said softly, pulling his finger to his lips.
“Sorry, Papa.” he whispered, as he made his way over the side of the bed where Charles was.
“Why are you awake so early?” Charles asked, wrapping his arms around the six year old, scooping him up and lifting him onto the bed.
CJ snuggled between his father’s legs as Charles pulled the duvet over the both of them, hoping to get his son to settle back down considering it was just gone 4am.
“Je suis excité, papa. Nous sommes à Disney. I'm excited, dad. We are at Disney.” CJ whispered. “I didn’t want to be late for breakfast with Mickey Mouse.”
Charles swore his heart burst at the cuteness of his son, for the last month he had been so excited for this two week trip.
“I would never let you be late to have breakfast with Mickey.” Charles hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of his son’s head. He heard the tiny yawn that escaped from CJ’s lips making him chuckle. “How about we try and get some more sleep, little man. Then you won’t be tired meeting Mickey.”
“Pinky promise we won’t be late?” CJ asked, leaning his head back looking up at his father.
“Je promets. I promise.” Charles smiled, moving so CJ could snuggle between the pair of you.
Charles laid there wrapping his arms protectively around his son, stroking his dark hair trying to lull him back to sleep. Soon enough his son was flat out, leaving Charles lying there with a large smile on his face. This was the time he was looking forward to, no stress about racing, no stressing you out when there were bad crashes. He could finally spend some uninterrupted time with his family.
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1,490 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I Will Never Stop Loving You
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: You had never seen Charles lose it like he did tonight, it was a side of him you didn’t know. But you never expect the evening to end like it did.
Requested by anon: I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader and charles are arguing and she flinches during the argument and charles doesnt know what to do ( or maybe he does 🤷‍♀️ idk i am just a really flinchy person and some of it because i cant see properly😅 and some of it is because trauma
Warnings: flinching during argument, mention of physical injury from a car crash, mention of car crash. Google translate has been used a lot.
A/N I got carried away with this - there will be another two parts coming. As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️
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Today had been a complete disaster, not only were you involved in a car accident on the way to the race but Charles lost the race following another string of mistakes from the Ferrari team. That wasn’t even the worst part, it was the fact Charles hadn’t even asked you if you were okay. He was too focused on spewing profanities about the race and the team, granted you didn’t tell him about the accident mainly because you didn’t want him to worry about it during the race. If he crashed it would have been ten times worse than someone t-boning you at a junction. But he hadn’t even noticed the bruising that had formed against your skin, the butterfly stitches along your hairline, your bust lip or the bandage that was tightly wrapped around your thigh which peaked out of your dress.
So you sat there in silence, staring at your phone screen mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram account, humming in agreement every so often.
“Are you even listening?” He said, snapping you out of your daze.
“Yeah, of course.” You nodded, locking your phone praying he didn’t ask what he was saying. But luck wasn’t on your side today.
“What did I say then?”
“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath. “Something ‘bout the fuck up with the tyres.”
“See you weren’t listening.” He scoffed, keeping his eyes on the road as the rain poured from the sky. He didn’t say anything else after that and an uncomfortable silence fell across the two of you.
Tears burned your eyes but you refused to let them fall, it was just the stress of the day you kept telling yourself but Charles was getting more and more snappy. The smallest thing would set him off and you knew it was due to the stress of the season but that didn’t mean you liked it.
In fact it broke your heart seeing how beaten down your fiancé was and there was nothing you could do. Leaning your head against the window of the rental car you stared out into the darkness as Charles drove through the streets.
You knew he would reach breaking point but what scared you the most was the dull look in his eyes. You had hardly seen him recently, most of the days he kept himself busy on the simulator, working out and stressing over strategies.
The man you fell in love with was no longer standing in front of you.
Squeezing your eyes closed as Charles pulled into the garage of the hotel, quickly parking the car before jumping out leaving you sitting there in the front seat.
Letting out a shaky breath you undid your seat belt, wincing as you pulled yourself out of the car, your weight transferring onto your recently stitched up thigh. Blinking back the tears you slowly followed Charles, you couldn’t move too fast due to the limp you currently had.
“Can you slow down please.” You said softly, watching as Charles looked over his shoulder.
“Just want to get up to the room.” He said, any emotion in his voice had been replaced with exhaustion.
“Okay.” You nodded, biting your lip as you tried to quicken your pace.
Once again you were met with an uncomfortable silence as you stood side by side in the elevator. Charles still not noticing your injuries.
Running your hand over your face you just hoped tomorrow was a better day even if you knew you were only kidding yourself.
As soon as the elevator stopped on the floor you were staying on Charles rushed out without waiting for you. Sadness washed over your body as once again it was going to feel like spending a night with a stranger and not the man you loved.
Slowly you made your way into the room, dumping your bag by the door, it still blew you away with the hotels you stayed at, they were more like apartments than the standard hotel room but you knew you shouldn’t have expected anything less.
The air had become stale between you and Charles and it was only a matter of time before things fully blew up.
“Where were you today?” He said leaning against the counter top, his knuckles going white from his grip.
Rolling your eyes, you let the fridge door slam behind you as you slowly unscrewed the cap of the water bottle.
“Now you care.” You said quietly, causing him to spin around.
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1,803 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Like, I am going to have such a throwback moment, you don't KNOW how obsessed I was with local history when I first got into Hetalia.
Sicily really only came after I had been to the island and I did have a passion for the UK, especially the non-English parts, and I am excited to delve into Irish History and get more insane there (Charlie should make more allusions to his Viking ties, most of which he learnt from history nerd Harry).
But my brain is EXPLODING with ideas for my hessian city OCs. Do you KNOW how much love and dedication I pumped into these places that globally, most people won't ever have heard of?
Schafi, whose full human name is Janine Katharina Schäfer, was my darling for a long while. Representation of the city of Cassel, these days Kassel, and more importantly, for as long as it was in place, the people ruled over by the house of Hessen-Cassel.
Schafi as a dedicated and courtly young woman, interested in the fine arts and architecture at home, but abroad more often than not part of armed forces that fought wars all over the world! Surely, many nations these days may still have a headache when they see the young woman who was such a pain in the ass as a teenage brat. Those soldiers that fought in the American Revolutionary War with the British? That wasn't ALL of Hesse, those were specifically mercenary troops provided by the Landgraf of Hessen-Cassel, who along with his ancestors turned such a pretty buck with it over the years that it financed one of the most fabously splendid cities of Europe.
And I am thinking about writing a One-Shot where Schafi is asked during museum excursions how it was to be a nation at war, what was one's purpose? Did one really mostly go toe to toe with their other superhuman counterparts? And it's then mostly a flashback to how she DID seek out Hannes*, how she could feel another presence and how they kept trying to lob each other's head off.
*Johannes Martin Hofmann, the representation of Darmstadt - and Hessen-Darmstadt, for as long as it existed. Who should have been a brother to Schafi's sister, both of them still Hessian, their rulers family. And yet, these two were always too different, both calling Hesse father (the only ones out of my Hessian City OCs btw) and yet not acknowledging each other as siblings. Also, I shipped them and I still ship them and Johanine is hate-love PAR EXCELLENCE.
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Realizing that i have like. No opinions on hetalia for the most part. Like fucking at all.
(Long ass ramble that loses the plot by the end)
I mean like, i have some, mostly that the dub is funny but also bad, and i. Really dont like belarus' voice in the dub. Also just like, milktoast ship opinions, like, i dont like us/uk bc it feels like incest, i dont like ame/can bc it is incest, if a ship feels like incest i dont like it.
And then anything else im very neutral on, like i have favourite characters n shit but. I dont have strong opinions on any ships like i dont really actually ship anything, i just go 'oh yeah the arts cool, this isnt too weird yeah sure' like thats it. Rus/ame is cool, pru/can is cool. Back when people shipped iceland and a fridge i just went yeah okay and moved on, i didnt get it, i still dont get it- what was that. Why did that happen. This is like that dangan guy and orange juice. How did we get here. Hre being germany i just kind of went with bc everyone said it was true and theyre both blonde with slicked back hair so yeah sure.
I dont even know what opinions i would have i pushed my old hetalia phase so back in my brain all I remember are the songs and that i really really liked russia and i kinned canada. I remember like 5 blogs i followed, i still follow 4 of them.
I seriously dont have any real ships, gerita is basically just cannon so that doesnt really count. I dont even really ship gerita you can ship them with other people and id reblog it like yeah sure.
I used to ship things i think? But it was only the popular ships and like. Only the ones in the show more or less like. Gerita or swefin or pruhun. I cant even remember, i. Genuinely i think i was hyperfixated on russia instead of hetalia bc thats like. All i can remember.
I really obsessed with russia its kind of weird. But i was also a child. Like i had a shitty russia cosplay that i wore to school for class picture day, my dad made me a metal pipe out of pvc pipe, i made shitty made in russia stickers, i donr even have an explanation for that. I used the ^J^ emotion, all the time, vodka and magic metal pipe of pain were basically vocal stims (but so was pasta so) i was a strange child actually theres worse i could have done. Or been obsessed with.
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