#but i think it would be naive to say
mutualmango · 1 month
reading some of the book v audiobook discourse, and i’ll say this: come for the audiobook listeners if you want (i do both, idc) but i’ll die on the hill that listening to another person read is closer to actively engaging with literature than whatever those “””speed readers””” are up to
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bethanysmiled · 2 years
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Here, in this moment.
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fisheito · 6 days
before mirage of scales: I NEED YAKUYA EVENT
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after mirage of scales: ah. um. i . i don't need yakuya event so much, anymo.re... hah..a...
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Imagine being me
Imagine you live in a country where popular american cartoon show gravity falls was not even heard of
Imagine growing up a little and going on the internet, and finding out about this show
Imagine seeing fanart on pinterest, of a boy in a pine hat and a girl in a shooting star sweater and two similar looking old men and a one eyed triangle
imagine seeing fanart of the fucking triangle being kissy kissy and tender with one of the old men/the boy with the pine hat/the girl with the shooting star
Imagine seeing the triangle looking over the boy reading a book/the girl knitting/anyone doing literally anything in the fanart
Imagine thinking the triangle must be a tinkerbell-type side character
Now imagine seeing the show for the first time
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usertoxicyaoi · 4 months
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"How could you lie like that? Did you not consider my feelings?"
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parttimesarah · 1 year
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Bleach this man’s hair and that’s your David Tennant Aziraphale right there!
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pickastitch · 9 months
the icarus who chose her own sun
the icarus who wrapped themself in the void
the icarus who killed the false sun
the icarus who the stars gave up their life for
the icarus who crash landed onto the earth's surface
the icarus who finally saw her sun; only to see a moon
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okthatsgreat · 8 days
i’m realizing that one of my favorite ways to create a character is by first establishing a major flaw of theirs and then examining how that will inevitably fuck them up a bit. then fleshing them out from there
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There are a couple of lines in Psychonauts 2 that I think about quite a bit. I’m pretty sure these have already been done but if NOT, then. Uh. Spoilers for Psychonauts 2 I guess?
First off- one of Sam’s lines. There’s actually a lot about Sam that I think could have been put to better use—specifically a conversation about how psychic powers aren’t always controllable, giving parallels between Compton, Dogan, and Maligula and MAYBE Raz. But the line I SPECIFICALLY think about is a joke one.
“And if you use enough syrup, you can’t taste the difference between chicken and snake. Eggs is eggs!”
In Psychonauts, eggs are used as a metaphor for brains. Like, this isn’t some vague thing, it’s extremely front and center. Eggs and brains are directly linked. And, it should be noted, that Sam actually puts an entire nest—INCLUDING BIRD EGGS—in the, uh…. ‘Pancake mix’.
So, snakes and chickens and syrup, right? Chickens, generally used to describe someone who is cowardly or otherwise not the type to actually do anything, syrup being sweet enough to distract from other tastes, and snakes being, well, people who are not trustworthy.
And then there’s Nick Johnsmith, aka Gristol Malik, who is a well liked non psychic that Truman calls a lick spittle—someone who fawns over others easily. In other words, a snake (egg, brain) that acts sweet (and syrupy) enough to seem like a chicken (egg, brain).
Do you see. Do you SEE THE VISION HERE.
Anyways onto phrase 2. Said by Gristol Malik.
“He took a poor, sad, country girl and turned her into a mighty warrior. And I’m going to do it again.”
Now, usual context will say he means he’ll bring Maligula out of Lucy/Nona. I don’t think that’s incorrect, per se.
But one of the things that really, REALLY snapped Lucy/Maligula was the death of Marona, her sister.
And who do we have camping nearby? Why, it’s an entire family. In fact, it’s Raz’s entire family. And at LEAST half of them are psychics.
Gristol already views Raz as a puppet. He only kind of likes him because he’s half Grulovian. And, you know, during the Rhombus of Ruin, Loboto was no longer under Oleander’s employee, so… who wanted Raz’s brain removed? Someone who, oh I don’t know, might have heard about Raz being a powerful psychic that MIGHT have noticed Raz’s rather unique name… or, more specifically, the last name of a circus that performed for the Gzar and his family, famous for water acts. One that, by chance, someone could have known that a Galochio, a family of psychics, recently married into?
And you know, Maligula is older, it’s good to have back-ups, right? I mean, this is the same guy that ACTUALLY pulled one over on an entire spy group of mind readers.
But, hey, maybe it wasn’t a plan to turn Raz into Maligula by killing one or some or all of his family! Raz is kind of pissed right now, and might not snap the way Gristol would want him to. I’m pretty sure murdering, say, Mirtala, his baby sister, might not work in Gristol’s favor when Raz is already against him.
That said… he’s not the only psychic in the Aquato family. And in fact some of those family members aren’t the most on board with the whole… Psychics and Psychonauts business.
Specifically, we have a barely used plot thread including Frazie Aquato and her acceptance of her psychic powers!
I’m sure that, oh say, her little brother dying in the middle of him helping the Psychonauts pick up their messes, when he should have been able to be saved by one of his heroes since he was literally at their headquarters and surrounded by psychic adults, will only have good things happen to the Psychonauts. I’m SO sure that Frazie won’t get extremely pissed at these people her brother looked up to so much. She’ll definitely be understanding and absolutely won’t use what seems to be a family trait of extremely powerful psychic power along with the hydrokinesis in her bloodline. Specifically because she, an acrobat since birth and taught to ignore a lot of the usual fears most people have about safety and the instinct to flee, definitely has a great relationship with her fight or flight mode.
Anyways I have a lot of thoughts about Psychonauts 2 (I’m not saying I’d do a fix it of some things that bother me, but I do tend to do canon rewrites to smooth out wrinkles as a fun writing exercise/my version of hyperfixation on media and with the time gap between the games there is PLENTY of those in the plot, so uhhhhhhhh) but no one to bother them to, so uhhhhh yeah thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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adrianicsea · 3 months
that canon macdennis poll is so crazy like… not trusting rcg is kind of understandable to me But Also meg is such a powerful force in that writers’ room, rcg handled mac finds his pride BEAUTIFULLY, and glenn directed some really choice episodes of the show in terms of macdennis subtext and like. it’s glenn howerton y’all. i think he can be trusted to approach a hypothetical macdennis hookup/sex scene with grace and tact
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essektheylyss · 4 months
I'm not gonna put this on the other post cuz I don't really want it rebloggable but I do want to specify that like, yes I was being dramatic about Essek in terms of affect, but every part of that post is also quite literally a description of my experience with a creative field that is pretty centralized around a few locations and that has made it stringently difficult to enter and stay in the field. There are obviously monumentally different aspects around those circumstances, but like... look I left Los Angeles literally two weeks after the c2 finale with a very clear understanding that once I did, I was not going back, and that because of that, my career would never look like I'd wanted it to in any capacity, and in fact it was likely that it meant I would not work in the field I'd trained for ever again, and also knew it was the only choice that made sense if I wanted to, like, have a life. And I do! And it's great! And it still makes me very upset to think about for many reasons! So you can see why I have a lot of feelings about the whole situation.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Boy King AU | Vettonso + Martian | 1.3k
There's something about putting the future emperor of the Holy Realm on his knees like this. About how easily he goes, how willingly, how obediently. What would his adoring public think if they could see him now. If they saw their beloved king pressed down like this, in the cramped space between Fernando's legs. When they realized their little boy king took it like he was a little concubine instead. 
Fernando's bitterness is lifted away in moments like these, like taking off a heavy cloak on a winter's day. It was hard to feel humiliated about his own situation when watching Sebastian debase himself like this. 
He always gives himself up so easily. When Fernando threaded his fingers through his thick curls. When he pulled them, and then when he pressed his face down further down into the vee of his legs.  Sebastian rubbed his cheek into the coarse fabric of Fernando's breeches and blinked up at him. Fernando had to smother an embarrassing sound; he was just like a little cat!
Sebastian quirked his lips up into an odd little smile and slightly rose up on his knees, "What's funny?" Fernando swallowed lightly and schooled his face back into being impassive, "Nothing. As you were." Sebastian simply smirked at him and let himself be pushed back down by the fist clenched in his hair. 
Fernando scoffed internally, there was only so much pleasure in putting the other man in his place when he instead acted like this, this degrading action, was his birthright. He took to ruling and indulging in carnal pleasures as if they were of equal gravity. To be privileged to hold such high station and also let himself be taken apart like this…Fernando felt embarrassed for him.
He is dragged away from his musings when Sebastian moved to settle his hands in Fernando's lap, clutching his hips over the fabric and slightly squeezing; Fernando fought against the urge to shiver. Sebastian pushed up the skirt of Fernando's waistcoat and smoothed his hands over the opening flap of his breeches.
His eyes darted up at Fernando again, a daft smile on his face. Fernando scowled at him, "What?" Seb's grin sharpened, "You could stand to be a little more gracious. This is your future emperor, and future husband might I add, kneeling for you on this dirty, depraved, derelict- ah–" Fernando tugged on his hair again and hissed, "Well then, why don't you show me how eager you are to perform your marital duties?" 
Seb licked his lips, completely unconcerned by Fernando's annoyance, and unbuttoned one side of the closure to Fernando's breeches and moved to open the other–
The door to the carriage flew open, arrival announcement dying on a wheezing breath as the servant took in the image the two kings made. One splayed across the seat, exuding power, the other kneeled, debauched, between the former's legs. 
One would be hard pressed to determine which was higher on the totem of power and titles. 
There was something gratifying about this to Fernando, about being caught. He had been humiliated enough throughout the entire courtship, what was one more thing? And, certainly, what was one more thing if he could drag Sebastian down into the dirt with him. 
"Oh Mark, don't act so abashed! It's nothing you haven't seen before, in fact, we have been in this very position not even a fortnight ago!"
Oh. Yes. That. 
It was hard to be completely pleased when he remembered how Sebastian had already spent years prior to their engagement sampling the palace's ample selection of fellow high-born men. And how all those men seemed to be completely and utterly wrapped around his little finger.
Fernando released his hand from Sebastian's hair as if it had burned him. He did not understand why he felt ashamed with Mark looking in on them like this. Fernando was the one marrying Sebastian, not Mark; Mark was just a lowly courtier who had the esteemed duty of spending practically every waking hour with the brat…something he himself was decidedly not looking forward to. 
Sebastian stayed kneeling, staring impassively up at Mark, still fiddling with the clasp on Fernando's breeches. Fernando gritted his teeth and looked up from where he was watching Sebastian's clever little hands; Mark stared back at him placidly. 
Mark's indifference made the entire situation worse. Fernando now felt as if he was not doing anything unique, not doing anything particularly new. How many other men had Mark caught Seb with in this exact position? Fernando felt like he was just another plaything of the boy king, soon to be boy emperor, except his position was forever, permanent. He was the "Kept King", the king who only kept his throne due to the whims of a boy who doesn't even understand what power is.
Mark coughed, "Well," he says, "Your Majesty, I do believe you have a meeting to attend." Seb pouted at him and whined, "We were just getting to the main course," but still braced himself on Fernando's thighs and got up off the carriage floor. 
Seb pranced down the steps Mark had placed next to the carriage, miming tripping sown the stairs, snickering when his action made Mark reflexively reach out to grab him, and then playfully skipped off the final step. 
Fernando couldn't help but stare as Mark made the weirdest grimace in response, and he inexplicably felt all his mortification seep away from him. Huh. Maybe Mark is-
Seb then turned around and frowned at him, seemingly disappointed, but his eyes are deceivingly sharp, "Fernando, I regret to inform you that I have other duties I must attend to, you will simply have to wait." He then grinned up at Mark next to him and giggled as the other man stiffened when Sebastian looped both of his arms through Mark's. 
He leaned all his weight on the other man, Mark not so much as shifting his weight, "Oh Mark, won't you carry me back to the palace? I'm so very tired after all the horse riding," Seb looked up at him imploringly.
Fernando observed as Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged off the man, though notably not pulling his arm from Seb's grasp, and he got the distinct feeling that this exact scene had been played out countless times before. 
Fernando clenched his jaw as he watched Seb turn and saunter off, Mark trotting alongside him like a loyal dog. Fernando was supposed to be the unaffected one in this partnership, the unflustered one, the unconcerned one. And yet here he stood, in broad daylight, in a foreign kingdom, on the steps of a carriage with his breeches half unbuttoned and his cravat in disarray. 
He heard a cough from beside him, jolted and looked to the side. Sebastian's loyal Horse Master stood there, lounging against the side of the carriage. Fernando had forgotten who had even been driving the carriage in the first place. After Seb has let himself be pushed down, his hair still windswept from their ride together, everything else seemed to fade away. His thoughts were reduced only to how he could mess up the younger man's hair further. 
Jenson grinned at him wolfishly, and casually crossed his legs,  "First time?" he inquired. Fernando glared at him. The other man laughed openly at him, "What? He's a busy man with big prospects. You're not his majesty's only conquest, you know. Now your throne on the other hand…"
Fernando seethed, it was one thing to be humiliated by the future emperor, but to be patronized by the king's horse boy? No. It would simply not do. He closed his eyes in annoyance, pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaled, and prepared a speech about how he was not about to be talked down to by a man who didn't even have a throne to speak of! 
But when he opened his eyes again and opened his mouth to begin his tirade, Jenson was already wandering away to tend to the horses. Dios mío, Fernando was not mentally prepared to spend the rest of his life with all of these impertinent morons. 
#i love how i kept saying to people: no no i shant write any fic for this. only art.#me like two weeks later: hey guys :)#this is just: i was sitting in class and had a drawing idea but then im obv not drawing *this* in class so my brain went into narrative mod#not exactly 'baby's first ficlet!!!' but moreso ive not written in a while so i hope its alright???#but aaahhh this was actually pretty fun!! idk i think it was bcs i was also being brainrotted by the image of seb kneeling....#maybe ill draw it. but it felt like something that needed the context of narrative and not just oo here is a drawing!#anyways you can always ask me for a directors cut-(PLEASE PLEAE BEGGING PLEASE)#see this is why im not cut out for writing fic#its not like i dont think it can speak for itself. more that im just an overly reflective person who wants to explain all my thoughts#if i wrote fic itd really be just: chapter 1. chapter 1.5 chapter 2. chapter 2.5#anyways i think its pretty obvious but this is before their wedding and just like peak bitterness.#well not peak. peak would be the first year- first few months of their marriage#but this is fernando who is only just realizing how naive all his expectations of seb were and getting a glimpse of his future#but mostly: mindgames and power play and: whos actually really winning?#also my god jense is literally the best chara in this au. he is vibing and basically just witnessing ye olde reality tv#mark and fernando are always in a weird powerplay with seb(even if seb isnt even consiously doing so) and jense is just free from it all#hmm now how does one go about tagging fic#vettonso#f1 fanfic#formula 1 fanfic#f1#formula 1#martian#sebmark#also idk why im always so concerned abt tagging when im basically just writing this for my little boy king following i have somehow formed#hahaha! it is art to me!:#catie.art.#boy king au
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
I'm sorry, and I say this as someone who loves a lot of books with an accidental pregnancy in them, but like...
If you're writing a contemporary romance set in the now times, and your heroine gets knocked up in like a one night stand, and she isn't like, specifically crazy and attempting to get pregnant by a random, if she's genuinely not at all trying to get pregnant or planning on a pregnancy...
I'm not saying you have to have her consider an abortion, but the idea of her being like "this is all hunky-dory", even if she wants a baby in the long term, is INSANE
Like... in this economy? In this current world? In a reality wherein even if you don't typically support abortion, you know you can't have one even if it threatens your life depending on where you live? Not second-guessing your accidental pregnancy or having negative feelings at all is INSANE and to me it makes your heroine unrelatable, even if she was knocked up by a random billionaire who later swoops in and takes care of her
I mean, I know someone who recently got pregnant by accident, and she was with a man she was planning on marrying and kids with in the long term, they lived together, they had a dog together, the proposal was discussed and right around the corner... and she wasn't happy and she wasn't immediately sure she was going to have it. She decided to in the long term, but she was like, SOBBING when she found out. Because it's a big deal and even if, after some contemplation, you're super happy about having the kid, it's at min OVERWHELMING.
idk I just... that's bad writing imo.
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
women will literally accuse women and esp lesbian circles of "not unpacking ""man-hating""" alleged ""misandry" sweetie xo" getting offended ppl aren't appropriately uplifting how "men are amazing and awesome and attractive and i won't be shamed for thinking so" as if appreciating men is a real counter opinion than blame whatever gave women of every sexuality instance to be jaded weary cautious and tired and who'll complain every now and then and continue on with her life until she dies putting up with patriarchy. just welcome to the "woke" internet where misogyny's over and "man-hate" "shamed for not hating men" is worth springing to defences for
yeah i've only seen people talk like men's rights activists and think they're being unbelievably progressive on tumblr it's kind of fascinating. like i can see how seeing people hate on men could mess with people and stuff but you can't demand men appreciation posts that's literally the whole world outside of idk your tumblr dash (or even on your tumblr dash because fandom misogyny from people who think they're not misogynistic at all is really something). men get praised for "babysitting" their own kids like be serious? it's very let men be masculine
i don't think being like men are soooo gross and we hate them is actually constructive and it can definitely veer into transphobia (you'll always be a man/"a male" and thus a danger to women/why would you ever want to become a man they're the enemy and the bane of society etc) and homophobia relatively quickly?
but the way people ON TUMBLR ""combat that"" is often so off to me like if the most basic feminist principles offend you then i'm not really sure where to go from here. i remember seeing a post that was like "men aren't your enemy. they're your friend/brother/father/colleague/neighbor" with a lot of notes and like i don't know how to tell you this but that's literally who's most likely to harm a woman, the men she knows?😭 and obviously not every system of oppression is exactly the same but would you say the same thing to someone criticizing white people like...just very weird
i think women who are attracted to men and dating them making jokes about how they only tolerate being attracted to men because they have no choice and especially the whole i'm bi so i love every woman and only find 1 in a 1000 men attractive (very often said while in a relationship with a man) thing is obnoxious and annoying for like everyone who has to hear it lmao but also when women who date men make jokes about it (not about them being ugly or unattractive or whatever but about them being bad partners in general) it's like. what else are they going to do like you said they're gonna endure patriarchy for the rest of their lives and as girlfriends/wives/mothers they go through the most it's very bleak? idk. it's not like you can date a better man yourself out of patriarchy
of course men aren't a all as bad as the worst guy you can imagine and they're not all out to get you or whatever but saying things like "men don't all benefit from the patriarchy rich men benefit from the patriarchy but jake, 23, is not oppressing you" is like. kind of insane. jake, 14, was oppressing me like have you never interacted with boys in school😭 and it's not like it was entirely their fault we all have to outgrow misogyny it's just you know society etc but some of them never outgrow it lmao and just...the takes you see on feminism on tumblr are astounding i hate it here
#and like i do think that young guys who feel bad about themselves only having people who make them feel worse and who actively make them#worse like incels and idk youtube algorithms to turn to is a problem but like. again it's the same thing as white people who feel bad about#being white to me in a way like are women and GIRLS supposed to coddle them and say it's gonna be okay you're great even when they're#like actually harming them by being misogynistic to them? that's already what they're taught to do always#the notes on that male loneliness epidemic post i reblogged a few weeks ago still haunt me like OH MY GOD#and if you think misogyny isn't as prevalent anymore you're very naive. and probably misogynistic yourself#i'm not even sure young men being more feminist is true (well it's probably true when you compare it to like the 50s) but even#when men ARE like yeah women shouldn't have to do everything i can help with chores (the use of the word help is already a red flag lmao)#when you look at what they actually do they still do way less like i don't have links because these are tags on a tumblr ask but i read#somewhere that men think chores are 50/50 when they're only doing like 30% of the work? like it just seems hopeless#sometimes i'm happy and then i think about the mental load#sorry for not uplifting men 24/7 you can just hang out on the steve harrington tag or something there's actually a lot of people doing that#when someone said um does the ronance fandom not seem terfy to you...because of a post that was like can the lesbian ship ronance#be about the lesbian ship ronance not about steve A MAN#like you can't make this up#i meant it when i said the average tumblr user would benefit from being exposed to more misogyny like i swear they forget it's even a thing#like obviously they wouldn't BENEFIT from it lmao but their posts wouldn't be as dumb and that would benefit me🙏#ask
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pynkhues · 6 days
Poor Lestat laying in fetal position, looking so small and having dead eyes :( Armand saying he's come home was so creepy, wtf was he thinking. You know, this scene just doesn't make any sense to me, why would Lestat go out of his own will to a place that's the biggest ptsd trigger you can imagine. To punish himself I guess? Sometimes it feels like Rolin wants Lestat to have so much agency that he never allows him to be a victim. Kinda worried how they'll handle s3 wrt this. I hope they won't victim blame him for every bad thing that happened to him because 'he deserved it'.
Oh, anon, I'm sorry because this is probably not what you want to hear, but I love that Armand said that Lestat's come home by going back to the place he was turned and assaulted, because it feels really emotionally honest and true to these characters.
Claudia, Armand and Lestat are all victim-survivors, and I think the show's demonstrated that it's really curious as to what that means.
There's a school of thought that's currently becoming more understood in feminist circles that victim-survivors can often not believe each other, or diminish each other's experiences. The nature of the sort of abuse that Claudia, Armand and Lestat have all experienced is that they've had to process it to a point where they feel they are the expert of their story. They know what happeend to them, they've gone through a lot to know what happened to them, and it's a way for them to take control back of their own stories. An unfortunate side effect is that it can lead to these victim-survivors feeling they know more about your story than you.
They've survived it, so they feel they can tell who's the liar and who's the truthteller, who got off easy, who had it worse, who's stories are more than or less than, and that idea itself is a trauma response manifesting as something ugly, right? Abuse and assault are felt in so many different ways and manifest in so many diffferent forms, but this idea can take hold in victim-survivors as a means of taking control over what happened to them. If they can use - which Lestat does when he weaponises Claudia's rape against her in the train to force her to come home - undermine - which Claudia does against Lestat when she tells Louis not to take Lestat's truth as fact - or diminish - as Armand does against Lestat when he shrugs off Daniel's question about Magnus in 2.03 and talks about Lestat coming home in 2.08 - this subset of people will.
Armand is a character who has endured unimaginable sexual abuse. To divorce that from his understanding of Lestat's own trauma does both characters a huge disservice. How they navigate each other as two survivors of (very different!) forms of sexual violence is interesting, and it's unsurprising that Armand, having been groomed and assaulted by Marius, would view a maker's home as - - well, home.
And frankly regardless of that, if the show stays true to the book, Lestat will live there for a while after Magnus' death because he has no money, no one to call on, and no idea who he is now that he's been turned. Gabrielle lives with him for a while there! Magnus' tower is, in the books, a very complicated place for Lestat.
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bericas · 10 months
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no, I am no longer funny, 'cause I miss the way you laugh.
before paige krasikeva, there is marin deaton, always on the cusp of laughing in derek's face or kissing him. when the times comes to choose one, she does neither; she turns away. none of the insults she'd teased him with had ever stung as badly as her soft smile and apologetic eyes. after paige, derek can almost deal with them both, as long as they're coming from marin again. can almost be comforted by them, until she walks away again. after kate argent, he and laura leave town long before he could've found out what marin would've done next.
a few months after derek comes back to beacon hills, marin shows up. morrell, now, but not through marriage. or, at least, not a marriage that lasted. she avoids the question in a way that's familiar and foreign all at once. when she intercepts him at the bank, months later, comfortable in the alphas' den, derek realizes just how much has changed. but not everything is different: derek leaves town again, and when he comes back, she finds him again. tells him about poison for the nogitsune in the body of the teen boy she'd been a guidance counselor to. though she clearly doesn't take joy in it, he doesn't think she's sorry for much anymore... but her eyes still look it. and her smile is still soft.
#twedit#derek x marin#marin x derek#twrarepair#derek x morrell#starring lexi underwood as young marin!#and then for my tags#marin morrell#derek hale#tw#ANYWAY. LETS HEAR IT FOR THE SPARES TO ALAN AND LAURAS HEIRS#and while derek doesnt know what alan is to the hales i like to think that marin does. assuming its a family heritage thing#so ultimately when derek makes a move marin backs down bc she might have been young then but she's never been naive#he would have to lie about his family and she would have to lie about hers and they'd never know the full truth of who the other is#and thats the best case scenario. btw. every outcome where they talk about it is worse. and then yk. paige horrors.#and so marinstarts circling around again and she doesnt mean to talk to him again but ofc he talks ot her again. confronts her.#and she says smth vague and cryptic and walks away again and then. you know. kate. the hale fire#and then years and years of change. marin morrell is different than marin deaton except for when shes nto#still alans baby sister. needing help with the pack she'd taken on#still biting off more than she can chew and still preferring to choke on it than spit it out#so. you know. of course derek stops in the guidance counselors office during his Menacing High Schoolers time when he hears who it is#and of course marin warns him at the bank. and of course this is received just as well as any other help she'd ever half-offered.#telling him how to play his hand while keeping her own hidden. so ofc she shows up at the loft when he's leaving and ofc he still leaves#but this time marin stays in time and this time she's still there when he gets back and when the nogitsune comes they both want it to lose#and they both keep the balance in their own ways. derek turning teenagers and marin turning a blind eye to human sacrifices#both in the name of harm reduction. but only marin acknowledges and accepts her role and what comes from it#so marins the only one willing to face what it might mean for the nogitsune to lose. gives stiles a chance but lets him know what she'll do#and when allison sends chris and derek to eichen in 321 she tells derek abt the lethal injection too<3 its happens off screen dw abt it<3#and later derek will think abt what she told him until it turns into thinking abt her telling him anything until it turns into just abt her#ANYWAY. canon to ME. btw.
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