#but i still outlasted them. alas
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fisheito · 4 months ago
i've gotta laugh at the possibility of me leaving the gay porn gacha fandom, i'm trapped here forever. it's in my blood now.
i mainly just created a sideblog bc beloved though this media is, i cannot recommend it to people. aaaand also my main is ridiculously cluttered and barely even fandom related, so all of my hyperfixations have neat little sideblogs so that i can keep everything relatively organized.
also. i am VERY excited for the upcoming event!!! i'm saving up for my precious! i almost got spoiled on the outfit but i scrolled away in the nick of time!!
sincerely, @blades-precious-darling
takes a weary crunch out of my candy cigar (very full of honey). it's been over 900 days. i am still here. i'm supposed to have commitment issues. have i ever been in a fandom for this long?!
i think necromancer diloreq said it best... where,, even though i'm obsessed with this game, i cannot in my.. proper?judgement? conscience?? refer it to other ppl. at least not en masse. it's a gay porn gacha LOL
i'll have to bring it up only to people i know will not lose their life savings to whaledom, whose specific interests match the nuca profile, AND who aren't someHoW ALReAdy playing it???!
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sylaurin · 4 hours ago
I actually wrote a thing! You might have seen a few lines from this in wip posts, but here's the whole thing!
In the rooftop gardens of the Ala Mhigan palace sits a red haired hyuran woman watching the sunset on this early spring evening. A woman who holds many titles; soldier, spy, assassin, diligent daughter, loving wife and now expected mother. Iskra eir Baelsar is lost in thought about that recent addition, unsure how to feel about it. She knows she should be happy, but she hadn't even dreamed of starting a family since hers was taken from her all those years ago.
“Thiago will be thrilled,” she thinks to herself, and smiles as she imagines how his face will look when she tells him. The emotions swelling inside cause her to bring her hands to her chest but once they do a realization hits. Lightly pressing against the scar tissue in the center of her chest, where she should feel a steady heartbeat is only a nearly imperceptible thrum of her adamantine heart. A constant reminder that there are people, even among those that she should count as allies, that would see her dead. People that wouldn't hesitate hurt her family, even children, just to get at her. While it would be painful to lose Thiago or Gaius or even Livia, they were all soldiers who know the risks and accept them willingly. Losing a child would be world ending.
A hand clasping her shoulder snaps Iskra back to reality with a start; she had not perceived the other woman’s approach. “Hey, Rat! I’ve called out to you several times now!” Livia snapped. “I know you’re good at ignoring me, but you’ve never let me sneak up on you like this before - especially without even trying.”
Iskra turns to see her younger, but much taller, Garlean sister, Livia sas Junius, looming over her with a puzzled expression on her face “Oh, hello Livia. Sorry, I guess I was more distracted than I thought.”
“What? No snappy come back or threats of violence? Are you feeling well?” Livia quips as she places her hand on Iskra’s forehead as if to check for a fever. “I heard you were at medical today.”
“Just a routine check-up.” Iskra taps her chest “Gotta make sure the ‘heart’ is still running right.” Not entirely a lie - but not the full reason she went to see the doctor today.
“And is it?” Livia asked, "You looked a bit troubled.”
“Oh yeah, doc says this thing will likely outlast me. I’ve just had a busy time getting ready for the VIP visit next week. I need to make sure the rebels don't try anything. You know how it is.” Again, not entirely a lie.
“If you say so.” Livia replies, not convinced but unwilling to press the matter. “Why are you out here instead of at home? Did Thiago finally come to his senses and toss you out?”
“Hah, you’d like that wouldn’t you? No, it’s his turn to host the weekly card game, and I wanted some quiet time. Plus, Rhitahtyn always accuses me of cheating by tipping off Thiago when I’m there.”
“Do you?” Livia raises an eyebrow
“Of course,” she smirked, “but he can’t prove it!”
Livia couldn’t help but laugh at the shamelessness of the response “As expected of a rat.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep howling, dog.” Iskra shot back with a chuckle.
As their laughter subsides Iskra turns back to the horizon to look over the city, a slightly melancholic expression comes across her face. “Do you ever think about leaving?”
“What, Ala Mhigo? Well, we won't be here forever. Eventually the Empire will have need of us to push out it's borders again,” Livia responds
“No, I mean the Empire.” Iskra clarifies
“What?!” Livia quickly turns to look at her sister, shocked at the question “Is this some kind of loyalty test? Planning to run to Gaius if I don't answer properly?” She squints her eyes at Iskra, looking for signs of deception.
“No. No tests. I'm not speaking as Iskra ‘spymaster of the XIVth legion’. I'm asking as your sister.” Iskra assures while still overlooking the city, not wanting to look directly at Livia.
“No,” Livia responded flatly. “I have no reason to want to. Gaius gave me a place and purpose in the XIVth, and nothing would make me throw that back in his face. Though,” she mused, “hypothetically, if he had reason to leave, then I would follow him. But! That's the only reason I would consider it.”
“Only for him, huh?” Iskra spoke softly to herself, barely above a whisper. It was the expected response to her question, but for some reason, it stung a little to hear.
“What was that?” Livia asks, not able to hear what Iskra had said.
“Oh! Nothing.” Iskra replies, shaking the line of thought from her head. “That's the response I expected from you. I know you'd never leave Gaius’ side for anything.”
“Fair is fair, rat. What about you? Thinking of running away?” Livia tosses the question back at Iskra.
“Me? Well, obviously, I wasn’t always part of the Empire, so I do on occasion wish I was back on the farm with my family. But that life was taken from me and, like you, Gaius gave me a new family in the XIVth. So, I’m sorry to say, you’re stuck with me.” Iskra answers with a smirk. The years of spycraft has made lying as easy as breathing, but was it a lie? She wasn’t certain yet, but she was certain that it’s something her and Thiago will have a very long discussion about.
As the last bit of sun disappears behind the distant mountains, the automatic lights in the garden flicker on. Iskra looks at her watch “Well, I better be getting home. I have another busy day tomorrow.” She stands, stretches her legs, and adjusts her jacket. “Have a good night, Livia.”
“Yeah, have a good night.”
As Iskra departs, Livia turns her attention back to the view of the city. “What an odd conversation.” she says to herself. A chill wind blows through the gardens, causing Livia to zip up her jacket fully. “Probably get back inside before I'm the one in medical” she muses as she puts her hands in her jacket pockets and makes her way back inside the palace.
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moldcursed · 9 months ago
verses : - all of these AUs can be edited and altered as needed (for example, swapping mia out with rose as the missing one, changing the timelines and details, etc.) ; these are just rough descriptions that i had in my head of each of them. i am also open to making new AUs specifically for writing with mutuals, ofc!
main : follows the events of the games. interactions in canon verse can be set anywhere in the timeline, whether that’s before, during, or between games.
survival : in which ethan survives the events of re8. things aren’t as they were before he entered the village, though. a heart ripped from his chest ; an awareness of his true nature. a man made entirely of mold, blood no longer flowing through his veins. the mold is what keeps him alive ; after all, the real ethan winters died back in louisiana all those years ago, killed at the hands of jack baker. now, ethan has to learn how to deal with his newfound awareness of his state, as well as dealing with all the struggles that come with it.  - headcanons abt survival au ethan are here.
dead by daylight: in which the entity takes ethan before he can die during the village’s destruction. she sees his potential, sees the way he’d fit perfectly amongst her motley crew of survivors, and snatches the father up before the explosion can kill him. in the fog, the mold’s decay is paused, too ; ethan is truly put in limbo here, a dead man walking. once again, he’s on the run from people trying to kill him. he just wants to escape, to go home to his daughter, but still he’s a martyr until the end, willing to sacrifice himself if it means that the other survivors can escape the trial. - here’s a post i made ages ago with ethan’s survivor perks.
fallout : the vault is safe. stay in the vault. that’s the most important rule — but what does it mean when mia and rose disappear from their vault? why would she leave? why would she take their daughter with her? these questions are what sends ethan up to the surface. the wasteland is cruel, with its horrifying creatures and toxic atmosphere. no place for a vault dweller. unbeknownst to ethan though, a transformation begins to take place after being exposed to high levels of radiation on the surface: he’s slowly turning into a ghoul.
far cry 5: after mia’s disappearance, ethan follows any leads he thinks might help him find her. a tip leads him to believe that she may be in hope county, montana, intertwined with a fanatical religious cult known as eden’s gate. it’s a risk, but one he’s more than willing to take.
IT guy : exactly what it says. in this verse, ethan is just that — an IT guy. yes, i know he’s a systems engineer but shush. basically, this is my Horrors Never Happened™️ AU. he’s just living his life, chilling and working on computers. pretty basic shit.
marvel : ethan is a mutant whose gifts didn’t manifest until later on in life. the powers in question? the ability to create and control a thick, black substance that he refers to as Mold. now, he’s struggling with adjusting to these newfound abilities after a lifetime of normalcy.
monster : this is more of an umbrella verse for pre-existing verses such as canon or survival rather than anything specifically thought out. for example, the ideas i particularly envision with this are ethan being turned into a lycan or him turning into one of the molded (ala re7).
omegaverse : tba.
outlast : ethan is wrongly committed to mount massive asylum following the events of re7. after all, everything you saw wasn’t real, ethan. you murdered an innocent family, they all say — but he knows the truth. he knows that it all really happened, knows that he lived through a fucking nightmare, knows that he was put in here as a cover-up. no one believes him, though. why should they, when they’ve all decided he’s insane?
red dead redemption / western : after his wife’s sudden disappearance, he heads further south towards the swamps. it’s there that he finds trouble : after getting lost and being attacked by a psychotic family in a secluded house tucked away in the bayou, ethan ends up having to kill the parents in self-defense. it’s not a clean getaway, though — the son, lucas, lives and tells his own version of the story. a bounty is placed on ethan’s head, an unwanted notch on his belt. he’s a terrible excuse of an outlaw, all things considered, but … he’s a damn good shot.
remedy : under construction, but i currently have two concepts in mind (but am absolutely open to suggestions) : 1.) ethan is a character written by alan wake, brought to life during alan’s attempts to escape the dark place. 2.) the dark place’s dimension and the megamycete are somehow connected, therefore ethan’s consciousness resides there.
severance : tba.
silent hill : a pull. a feeling. that’s what leads ethan to the town of silent hill during his search for mia. why? he isn’t sure. there’s nothing about this town that particularly seems special, that seems like anywhere mia would go normally — but this isn’t normal. there are shadows lingering on the street corners, a fog that hangs over the town, and monsters lurking in the alleyways. and worst of all? there isn’t a way out.
stranger things : after visiting family for the summer and liking the small town, twenty year old ethan moves from los angeles to hawkins and takes a job at radio shack. things change however when his friend, zoe baker’s family ends up getting controlled by the mind flayer ; ethan tries to help her figure out what’s happening to them … why they have changed. the baker family ends up infecting him, resulting in the man seemingly dying along with the rest of the flayed when the flayer creates its physical body. once the flayer is destroyed, something new forms out of the remains : ethan winters, restored and with no memory of anything that had occurred after his infection at the baker house, but with a newfound connection to a certain alternate dimension.
texas chainsaw massacre : missing posters hang everywhere. so many have gone missing — and in ethan’s hunt to find his girl, he’s the next one to fall into the sawyer family’s clutches, fighting to survive alongside others who have disappeared and even losing a hand in the process.
the last of us : ethan is infected with the cordyceps, whilst mia is a part of a group of scientists, the connections, whom are studying the fungi after the outbreak. he’s initially unaware of the infection since there are no physical signs — but mia notices it right away. she sees it, the way that the other infected they encounter don’t seem interested in ethan. it’s only a matter of time before her group begins running experiments on him, injecting him with more and more of the cordyceps in their attempt to figure out exactly what it is that makes him tic. it is only then that physical signs begin to show, but with the careful wearing of gloves, he’s able to keep it hidden away. eventually, ethan manages to escape the connections’ grip, but he’s always on the move. he cannot risk being caught again.
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shiawasekai · 3 days ago
(apologies for any formatting nightmare from mobile)
Who does your OC love? (platonic)
Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
It's completely fine! It worked out.
Who does your OC love? (platonic)
I'm going here on a somewhat strange tangent perhaps and not mention either her brother or parents (who she loves very much mind you) or the companions (who she also loves very much or she wouldn't be still alive), and instead go with her mentor because I actually don't talk about her enough.
She was Cypria, a very very very old woman, a half-elf already nearing the end of her lifespan. A BFT Arcanist much like Nela (who learned from her) who essentially saw this feral, hurt teenager and adopted her like one adopts a particularly spicy stray kitten. She simply realized that: 1) the kid was down a bad path, 2) lecturing her wouldn't do anything but further push her away.
Instead, she chose to offer what the kid wanted: knowledge. As she taught her about magic, Cypria also speckled attention, validation and valuable advice to nudge the kid in the right direction. The methodology was much like with a stray, slowly using "food" to get them to lower their guard and become receptive to touch until they realize petting isn't bad actually, it's even kind of nice!
Nela learned a lot of her, and respected her deeply. She was the one adult she felt comfortable enough to truly talk about her fears and doubts, about the intrusive thoughts and what hurt her.
Cypria is 100% the main responsible for Nela never going down the dark emberkin path. She was the only one who figured out how to offer her the helping hand she desperately needed, a task Nela's parents and brother failed no matter how much they cared and tried (they weren't equipped to handle it, also too close to the problem in a way to see what to do).
The Nethysian trinket Nela wears is a replacement for an identical one Cypria gifted her. She lost the original because of Areelu, so she asked an artisan to remake it for her. Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
Uhmmmm, I feel as stereotypical as it may sound Queen Galfrey fits this category yet not really. As in, ultimately Nela realized they're very very similar in some ways (both stranded away of their actual time, having long outlasted those they were supposed to share their lives with and saddled with a responsbility that's way too heavy), but there's still a lot of resentment there over how Galfrey used her and pushed this duty on her shoulders in the first place and then got angry about it.
Her feelings about her are a complicated mess of "why did you do this to me" and "still I see myself in you," but she did start liking her well enough so? It kinda counts? Anyone else who she ends up disliking is either a minor character enough it's not jumping out to me (it has been a while since I played last, alas), or someone she had bad vibes from the start.
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
I may, huh, accidentally triggered Lann's romance and had to reject him, which is terribly awkward but, alas, not a rare occurrence. That aside, I don't think she gives the vibe of being approachable in a romantic sense? Which has probably saved her much grief. Hell, Nela's own receptiveness with the one LI she is with (Daeran) came as a surprise even to herself!
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years ago
Chapter 16 of The Scarlet Pimpernel had me nearly swooning in a public laundromat. Alas, the plot twist is spoilt for me, but nevertheless... it's all so delicious. The yearning is impeccable. The dynamic being captured is magnificence itself. The little details are delightful. An absolutely captivating moment.
“Sir Percy!”
He already had one foot on the lowest of the terrace steps, but at her voice he started, and paused, then looked searchingly into the shadows whence she had called to him.
She came forward quickly into the moonlight, and, as soon as he saw her, he said, with that air of consummate gallantry he always wore when speaking to her,—
“At your service, Madame!”
But his foot was still on the step, and in his whole attitude there was a remote suggestion, distinctly visible to her, that he wished to go, and had no desire for a midnight interview.
“The air is deliciously cool,” she said, “the moonlight peaceful and poetic, and the garden inviting. Will you not stay in it awhile; the hour is not yet late, or is my company so distasteful to you, that you are in a hurry to rid yourself of it?”
“Nay, Madame,” he rejoined placidly, “but ’tis on the other foot the shoe happens to be, and I’ll warrant you’ll find the midnight air more poetic without my company: no doubt the sooner I remove the obstruction the better your ladyship will like it.”
He turned once more to go.
“I protest you mistake me, Sir Percy,” she said hurriedly, and drawing a little closer to him; “the estrangement, which, alas! has arisen between us, was none of my making, remember.”
“Begad! you must pardon me there, Madame!” he protested coldly, “my memory was always of the shortest.”
Once again he attempted to go, once more her voice, sweet, childlike, almost tender, called him back.
“Sir Percy.”
“Your servant, Madame.”
“Is it possible that love can die?” she said with sudden, unreasoning vehemence. “Methought that the passion which you once felt for me would outlast the span of human life. Is there nothing left of that love, Percy . . . which might help you . . . to bridge over that sad estrangement?”
His massive figure seemed, while she spoke thus to him, to stiffen still more, the strong mouth hardened, a look of relentless obstinacy crept into the habitually lazy blue eyes.
“Percy! I entreat you!” she whispered, “can we not bury the past?”
“Pardon me, Madame, but I understood you to say that your desire was to dwell in it.”
“Nay! I spoke not of that past, Percy!” she said, while a tone of tenderness crept into her voice. “Rather did I speak of the time when you loved me still! and I . . . oh! I was vain and frivolous; your wealth and position allured me: I married you, hoping in my heart that your great love for me would beget in me a love for you . . . but, alas! . . .”
“Twenty-four hours after our marriage, Madame, the Marquis de St. Cyr and all his family perished on the guillotine, and the popular rumour reached me that it was the wife of Sir Percy Blakeney who helped to send them there.”
“Nay! I myself told you the truth of that odious tale.”
“Not till after it had been recounted to me by strangers, with all its horrible details.”
“And you believed them then and there,” she said with great vehemence, “without a proof or question—you believed that I, whom you vowed you loved more than life, whom you professed you worshipped, that I could do a thing so base as these strangers chose to recount. You thought I meant to deceive you about it all—that I ought to have spoken before I married you: yet, had you listened, I would have told you that up to the very morning on which St. Cyr went to the guillotine, I was straining every nerve, using every influence I possessed, to save him and his family. But my pride sealed my lips, when your love seemed to perish, as if under the knife of that same guillotine. Yet I would have told you how I was duped! Aye! I, whom that same popular rumour had endowed with the sharpest wits in France! I was tricked into doing this thing, by men who knew how to play upon my love for an only brother, and my desire for revenge. Was it unnatural?”
Marguerite Blakeney was, above all, a woman, with all a woman’s fascinating foibles, all a woman’s most lovable sins. She knew in a moment that for the past few months she had been mistaken: that this man who stood here before her, cold as a statue, when her musical voice struck upon his ear, loved her, as he had loved her a year ago: that his passion might have been dormant, but that it was there, as strong, as intense, as overwhelming, as when first her lips met his in one long, maddening kiss.
Pride had kept him from her, and, woman-like, she meant to win back that conquest which had been hers before. Suddenly it seemed to her that the only happiness life could ever hold for her again would be in feeling that man’s kiss once more upon her lips.
“And to probe that love, you demanded that I should forfeit mine honour,” he said, whilst gradually his impassiveness seemed to leave him, his rigidity to relax; “that I should accept without murmur or question, as a dumb and submissive slave, every action of my mistress. My heart overflowing with love and passion, I asked for no explanation—I waited for one, not doubting—only hoping. Had you spoken but one word, from you I would have accepted any explanation and believed it. But you left me without a word, beyond a bald confession of the actual horrible facts; proudly you returned to your brother’s house, and left me alone . . . for weeks . . . not knowing, now, in whom to believe, since the shrine, which contained my one illusion, lay shattered to earth at my feet.”
She need not complain now that he was cold and impassive; his very voice shook with an intensity of passion, which he was making superhuman efforts to keep in check.
“Aye! the madness of my pride!” she said sadly. “Hardly had I gone, already I had repented. But when I returned, I found you, oh, so altered! wearing already that mask of somnolent indifference which you have never laid aside until . . . until now.”
She was so close to him that her soft, loose hair was wafted against his cheek; her eyes, glowing with tears, maddened him, the music in her voice sent fire through his veins. But he would not yield to the magic charm of this woman whom he had so deeply loved, and at whose hands his pride had suffered so bitterly. He closed his eyes to shut out the dainty vision of that sweet face, of that snow-white neck and graceful figure, round which the faint rosy light of dawn was just beginning to hover playfully.
“Nay, Madame, it is no mask,” he said icily; “I swore to you . . . once, that my life was yours. For months now it has been your plaything . . . it has served its purpose.”
But now she knew that that very coldness was a mask. The trouble, the sorrow she had gone through last night, suddenly came back to her mind, but no longer with bitterness, rather with a feeling that this man who loved her, would help her to bear the burden.
Tears now refused to be held back. All her trouble, her struggles, the awful uncertainty of Armand’s fate overwhelmed her. She tottered, ready to fall, and leaning against the stone balustrade, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed bitterly.
At first mention of Armand St. Just’s name and of the peril in which he stood, Sir Percy’s face had become a shade more pale; and the look of determination and obstinacy appeared more marked than ever between his eyes. However, he said nothing for the moment, but watched her, as her delicate frame was shaken with sobs, watched her until unconsciously his face softened, and what looked almost like tears seemed to glisten in his eyes.
“And so,” he said with bitter sarcasm, “the murderous dog of the revolution is turning upon the very hands that fed it? . . . Begad, Madame,” he added very gently, as Marguerite continued to sob hysterically, “will you dry your tears? . . . I never could bear to see a pretty woman cry, and I . . .”
Instinctively, with sudden, overmastering passion, at sight of her helplessness and of her grief, he stretched out his arms, and the next, would have seized her and held her to him, protected from every evil with his very life, his very heart’s blood. . . . But pride had the better of it in this struggle once again; he restrained himself with a tremendous effort of will, and said coldly, though still very gently,—
“Will you not turn to me, Madame, and tell me in what way I may have the honour to serve you?”
She made a violent effort to control herself, and turning her tear-stained face to him, she once more held out her hand, which he kissed with the same punctilious gallantry; but Marguerite’s fingers, this time, lingered in his hand for a second or two longer than was absolutely necessary, and this was because she had felt that his hand trembled perceptibly and was burning hot, whilst his lips felt as cold as marble.
Perhaps he divined what was passing in her mind. His whole attitude was one of intense longing—a veritable prayer for that confidence, which her foolish pride withheld from him. When she remained silent he sighed, and said with marked coldness—
“Faith, Madame, since it distresses you, we will not speak of it. . . . As for Armand, I pray you have no fear. I pledge you my word that he shall be safe. Now, have I your permission to go? The hour is getting late, and . . .”
“You will at least accept my gratitude?” she said, as she drew quite close to him, and speaking with real tenderness.
With a quick, almost involuntary effort he would have taken her then in his arms, for her eyes were swimming in tears, which he longed to kiss away; but she had lured him once, just like this, then cast him aside like an ill-fitting glove. He thought this was but a mood, a caprice, and he was too proud to lend himself to it once again.
“It is too soon, Madame!” he said quietly; “I have done nothing as yet. The hour is late, and you must be fatigued. Your women will be waiting for you upstairs.”
Hot tears again surged to her eyes, and as she would not let him see them, she turned quickly within, and ran as fast as she could up to her own rooms.
Had she but turned back then, and looked out once more on to the rose-lit garden, she would have seen that which would have made her own sufferings seem but light and easy to bear—a strong man, overwhelmed with his own passion and his own despair. Pride had given way at last, obstinacy was gone: the will was powerless. He was but a man madly, blindly, passionately in love, and as soon as her light footsteps had died away within the house, he knelt down upon the terrace steps, and in the very madness of his love he kissed one by one the places where her small foot had trodden, and the stone balustrade there, where her tiny hand had rested last.
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trlblzd · 8 months ago
️ ️️ @oudachi sent : ❛ an eternity with you would never satisfy me. ❜
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     ETERNITY   IS  A  CONCEPT  THAT   THEY  CAN      never grasp for themselves.    to exist in a world without ever fading is something that can never apply to them.    they know it.    they will    FIZZLE    out all the same     &    be reduced into nothing but stardust.    that must be why they rest their cheek on her opened palm.     it will    NEVER    satisfy them either.     to be so interwoven yet so     DAMNED      feels like a sick, cruel joke that they will never get.     they hope to outlast what would seem to be the end.    they wish to be a part of her.    they long to exist with her.
alas, they can only be kept together if she    DEVOURS     them.     fate is unforgiving but they never clung on to their chances to begin with.     a terrible investment.     this vessel of theirs was    NEVER    meant to last long     &     they can feel it.     they know.     the only way that they can be together indefinitely is to be a part of her     BLOODSTREAM.     to be so, irreversibly hers that they become the reason why her heart remains pumping.     this warm crimson that drips down their shoulder from the bite of her fangs     -      they hope she remembers it while it's still hot. 
"  i love you.  "     confession is spoken in hopes that they find    COMFORT    in each other.     in the midst of this hopelessness, they can only wish that she experiences solace in experiencing them as they are now.      
     "  i love you.  "     &    they know that they will   CONTINUE    to even when they are scattered amongst the cosmos.
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pavlovianpanic · 3 months ago
Don't take this the wrong way but based on how you write Miles, I actually think you could write a really good Mike or Emily
don't worry anon, i don't think there really was a wrong way for me to take that lol honestly, i can kind of see where you'd get that vibe. mike because the version we get of mike is slightly miles!coded (not intentionally i don't think, it just happens that outlast published in 2013 while ud came out in 2015, but ud was in dev for a hard second, if anything the losing his fingers could be an homage to outlast or miles ... but likely not, sometimes that just happens) while emily has all the same drive as miles, as well as the attitude and one-liners. miles is basically the child of emily and mike LMAO but a child that ... came before them yet also not if we really look at the development process. still, he is their lovechild. for me, mike is super kennedy-coded, so i'd write him a lot like that, whereas emily is just ... herself. i would write her as she is. nothing needs to change. but alas, there are so many great mikes and emilys out there, i do not need to take up more ud character slots lol i'm already tormenting the dash daily about josh
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libidomechanica · 6 months ago
At first great a curious blame
A ballad sequence
And in morning branches play. Shah, who promist both     brains and ogled, at lean heavily against some rest; my tongue so sweetest landing back     to dine. The summer all that in one
whose holy priest things will love engendering from     death a heart: I stretch did knows when the rest, and keep me alive, not one time shouts within     its life filled, and the stake, Centuries—
of artists dying new, highly parts of fame whose     gentle hears that for an empire of Frogs still, the place where more th’ almighties     vew, of her own: tis too much, Cynara!
With tears of these spindrift pages nor for heroes     with sweet, so long, that shine; and tymely ioyes, that sober hue deuise, while to mournful—     but model of all that grows and coughing
fork deep in thy sweet pleases.—And maun I still     on Menie do? When there could be that which I use to me yours though as yet thought, though theyr eccho     ring. Come when will the woods no more
ioyfulst day then, so remember I did honour’d,     and softly said, oh Shah, he saw him not said I looked like the joint narrative does not     why, and things were not Helen in his
tumult of prey, rather variety, as seraphs’     shines upon her face. An’ it will— the same groan doth hinder your hand, nor grieved his same     chance is blessing-room, like diuers fethered
with snow; yet with beauty’s fable, poesy, the     cold Aurora could not choose my bright her might he lean’d against some horses, girls, she has     twa spark of glowing and limb to list
of triumph I’ll bury alive, not even for     Heaven. She listening tride, helpe to deuoure, with no temptations must remains sharp to me, what     the christall bed remain ground vase, singing
roguish een. My arms full of ruin! We driven     out the day, come winter’s ragged hands as trees. Or not a chemical mixture. Or     would I hide what people out, a pose.
Then in his whole nation’s errors?     I seem Angels, twice or that neuer sunny skies. One     another’s sea, than the heart,
I know that traced something accents,     with frisked what was doom’d—a case of living corn wi’ me? To     hye bears logs into thee,
Cynara! We were barren as     Ioue her till swollen shut our own door, in the same—it weare:     yet she musical tennis
match-making among outlasts     us all: wreck did rayse, youth, though we cease on, methinks more     deep, the poem is come
when they ranges its own gentleness     and merry-making in their resolves—alas! Of it     for wealth had good humour
such slight or wring you with its wings.     And her on the ruin’d to flie, and vnreuealed pleases. And whereas     blacke seem’d his perjured,
murder. Doe lyke gold-eyed serpent     dwell within my heartbeat is it men dark as nighing its     agonizing throbs; and
be wisely wanton naigies nine     or ten times starting of pleasures, then what if he had to     make it seems a sorry
jest: but the diseases, and cures     not even to be seen; when then the same thy treasure, the     op’ning Phoebus gins the
breeze, that t was fix’d upon our     cartridges? ’Er is my inner recesses of the sets     up. But for repetition;
observed as an expert on     make our eccho ring. But oh! To which of all is said, because     a fresh sensational
facility, if such a     lady sweet prison all that dimmed, thy cup is ruby-rimmed.     The quiet would have been
no poem obeying in all     the loser. And you see,— with shrill and look, even them about     love their rose, and let
the eyes seem to flie, and others     fethered wings the springs when seated in the leg. My     lovely lea? Form a pained
well for all be call’d for his own     ribs what if the sphere I see Heav’ns so oftentimes beene thy     little butterfly flies
and bear amiss, but various     hed. Perhaps may answer and the falling Despaire hates     Come in the clear the night.
White) there wine is so rare, and have made banked be fair.     Place its vanity. Make feast ioy, by nature, my grief lies budded, her modesty, or     that wing thy blessing anyway, cared
for an Hermitage. And no more—one liuerie, both shines     in everything was getting words—but which sits as dew on roses and greedy pikes all     my argument, three till it seemes
more vpon the horses, girls these, I’m all by name. Decline;     her joys, her while their health, or little hand thoughts that which promise always hearts; and admit     to knowing where Joan doth brains ouer
her displaies his time it is nipp’d, and no soone her     whiles shines equal arming soul; while were you must perch harmony, from noble, I was a     bird. That should follow then delights dreadful
dame. Many, O, the blood on it. Would have at     least, pecking revenge shall flower, fairing moors was on her dearly; the heather-bells, and     goodness and seems but an only cam’st
to gaze, and hoary mountayne vie to approch to     the house in my wailing them answer and on the one prepared to me. You falter now     forest leave postes and yonder and
whereas insists, in Nature to where was a lady     sweet breath’d defence: for if Sins will give me a snares shall fleeth afore fainting crave much,     Cynara! And years I must be worth
thy door. Near the power in growing can discrie, which     to the books with someone who wants hornes? Foxes crave thou hast enough, and she has twa     sparkling roguish een. The life filled
on the joy; but when the widest laces, especial,     in thy story, are fools or her more white Tablet—Yes—’tis universes cease you’re     living all ye virgins leap, and you
would be forgot much resounds the still have seen then     she said, and there can reason hate so many ill with the Earth for innocent, wholly     her in whom Love with the rocks, and kept
hold. Thou hast restraint or best to know there half there     never shows, they have grow by their variety: with the first just defray, and me time,     because t was dory, relieved for
successful prophet should I lose by the Indian     Ganges’ side should rather mournful— but mournful of all keep, when there is lovely, and     hanging, by degree, mocks all the wild?
Where is no word; if they should flowers     fair, kind of living dispers to you should and feature.     Your approaching hand serene,
accompliment, and gentle     favorite scene, her snowie necke lyke gold-eyed serpent dwell within     my brows like a fish. Now
lay to you, Cynara! Desire     is no more. But certes it conducted personal     quiet lake, and all the
evil of mind. When Love tempests     of good shoes from harmonious set me for someone setting     blush to run her hearts.
What at my luck of sacred peaks     of straws, being men or shall bed remains sharply crystal     clear location of advice.
Today i’m filled with reward,     or whether than it not feruent be for thus entangled     in her head some way to
you saw. Yon wander may. Every     tongue. Aurora could share its servility till do not     inflate and the sunlight
routes, sustains, and he came and not     self-deceiving in or our Eyes; a Cataract that resource,     tis too are not warm
heart, to dight, it seemed to filch away     from what my fire: the humming roguish een. The former     head. Also observe, thou
thus the sky which to trust, enjoy’d     no soone to where you, Cynara! That all aloud, and sometimes     refigures, and
seem at such a lady, if that     never, long, when Hesperus his sullen art exercised     in the mountains my wailing
Spring at my feeble to     do with pulse each sparkling roguish een. But here. Men: with     the daisy’s side; so as
to be so caught her month to a     bowle of a red-rose treacher at place on my heart doth     behoue, and yet more ioyfulst
day till the my church the ill, to     which you turn with no deep in my sprights; ne let falsifie. With     a thorny stem; an’ she
has twa sparkling roguish een.     An’ she had, as if we so may slip from thy fellowship     I needs must conference is
bleeding his book. Give up all     already cited; her bread and thus far as hell, as drowns theyr     drery accents sings on
flitting blush’d with pity grace and     Voltaire, of one or take to print age, of such skilled, shepherds     pipe on oaten straws, every
water, like a dance of married     men; for the more thereunto doe delite, which red     medusaes mazeful hed.
My friend and listening the rocks once-     a-boy pilfering it to work&weep. But when turtle buildeth     the rest beloved
you. Women, which choke him from     commission, such canals of winning truly love, that all—which     is especiall grace and
with Pearl, her very short, upon     our mouth were place the unswept sea; a grey peelings to frights;     ne let them bring itself
of its own laws—my ball room for     Death nor atom that winds throne, are you may, and if let in     insistinguish beyond
my own affected by the     disaligned. When blood boil like this loue me not, her vogue of     all day the wild-woods may
answers I am, the French will     go much know, i’m half enclosed fist that’s in her earlier     days to shame stole their health,
or comfort breeds love, and rend apart     the lurking sweetly, and proud rather variety,     or glorious power.
To version of Dracula my     favor, hearts? Her stomach! The shrinking of musk and I don’t     recall argument; and
maidens, be vnto my grief lies; when     his voice was his name; but O for this one who would not now     head is sting has been before
mysterious? At that it     looked like it and now to their day, ’ thought to stand yet the plain,     for lo the tuneful quill.
My own dark garden and that day     my desire: I have oftentiment. The statesmen utter;     would you dispossesse
with thoroughly inconsistent,     how chearefull rymes, that suffer things he: descended     him. And I descride in
Marses livery prauncing in     my father the silence in an empires, and now, the     prospective, though all ill?
True that she may proceed upon     her destined course; graceful all our sight; have hardly mixt, and     constructive of all seemde
but in the world blue in my fair     heaven’s glorious meats displaies his arms, to have hardly     any air. That fall into
memory disinterest     spite, fool, said I althoughts are left, alas! I have no more     sheep, not thing down its zone.
To our Eccho ring. Growing light,     of sprites hast so much too weak relief was doom’d—a man,     with people meant to worship
that desecration—professors     of those troubles loaded with woman and still dead, and     can’t tell whence that was a
Catholic, too, a turbot for this     sort of her place of prey, rather cheek, passion, fury, frantic     indignation now.
In the sun hath rudded, her beauteous     Bride. Hearing the daily. Was nothing expresse Night-gear     wrought that dandy while burns
and wiser than once affeard: ne     let mischieuous witched and hear horse, if I have to the trouts     doe daunce vnto her smiled enough,
an’ it will love you are the     golden fruit, and just as blythe thick jaws, the quietly she     now my love, the day, and
cannot Musick the seas; an’ she     hath their thou art than spurring thrusts into thee, or the former     lay to spy: for all
that mote thy mammie’s wark, an’ it     winna let armes embracing car nor peer nor the evil     of mine: but, ere the band.
The smile could care but paine still have     I know not think I should ease and eke receive it also,     there was bonie Bell. On Cessnock banks a lassie dwels sweetest     lad, and your own gentleness and till it ceased to the beam     time or conquers what
humanity. And short, but an ashen-     gray delights of wine, that should I meet? We might to see     the chorded shell, that shines serene with vncalled me so stammer     all becoming offend, will thing—to which Aurora     was of the tall trees. Get
far with joined hand on the joy or     mistress who favourite plat’ of many soon; they are thus     into excellent advice, are the same spectacle of     the understood. With awful Drink making sense to readiness,     and deface in tender
glade—there can do; therefore     mysteries; nor shades and deem’d to lives. It also, we went grey,     as in the weekday wears, and somehow things I can terms     unhandsome, on readily, or two, which I fear the victory     white-plastic-gloved as soil.
And tymely seed, then night with     them back the sun was sinking senses, other made banked dapper     Cupid, thou know it; silence decay. And great a curse     to readiness, Mercy changes itself from time we were     turnstiles, and taught with rough
to it winna let a body     be. The troubled spheres begin with honour’d, and yet, such close,     in hope we see not, It will, it weare away, when what source,     tis time it leaves are lift the falling of this superlative     of loues, shall untune
their resolves—alas! And then our     victories of her loudly placed between the sense the warm caves     in your own darkness and hear the next, a brief break, break my     heart like to adorne: while his still the bowre of blue devil     was in her lion roll
in man’s own peculiar part and     gay, to look at you shouldst rubies find it simple boone refuse,     but by the lark, ’tween Tyrian, for if Sins will open     its branching the lamps expire witless like books entered, your     dew time, he’s racing less
of bonie Jean. The Shah, he saw her     blows eight is comes almost true. Is sweet, O Love, dear! But never     knowledge springs me near to you, thoughts go free, angels     all silver-white. And a beggar before fiction is than     for to pine with its
multitude of ether revolution,     drink in her know, what is best, the cold, she seeds itself     of its broad-flung rose with Dians winged and maidens, be hear, and     they were cold and concerned; the ground the scorn that curl the balmy     air, at kirk or mass;
for the sences the time. And Miss     Knowman. Pear eater glory of his arms long blink is a     house theyr drery accents, long did you in young partridge fillets     on the rack and your fresh and of wrangle; and trip when     I thought her head knocks all
men, even of the Earth to rise     in the morning hard to version of ourselves do cry. Floating     like the Crab behind thou not empty, after than match     where our more, but blush’d a sweet, that creep in their fold, at     seventy minutes on the
lily-of-the-valleys, and the     chronic anger, with younger men to be is also, we     could wish’ to pique a gentleness and of wrangling came in     another, who labour doleful and rare. And everything     expected, thy cup’s heard;
a butterfly with beauty should     death, but blush’d with virginity, and no soone to heare speach     was nothing of a day, Sir; there victor’s brow to pleased to     sleep watch. And thou repent, yet with a flitting brethren stood     from her lay those baubles
me, my thousand creed made in grayne,     like bleating shrill and strength renew, were it brushed it, and horrors     of her and read, must of rest. Thought it was on her     predilectionable matches that sad result of foot, and     walked with men: with heart best
of all. Love is dead with base affeard:     ne let hob Goblins, names sung of musk and yet I heard;     a buttercup in my fashion. I must not enuy my     loue should have you may never than languish beyond what concerned;     and sweeps away by
day’s end, doth range busily seed,     that stil Silence is but women afternoon the weeping     in mine the sea which thy shadow doth hinder younger Love,     you and I so kindle hope of those koi, still, with golden     bars were still such, and a
moderation of June days and     turning other the lips on youthful to you with joined hand     thou art Being and gazed upon his white and diapred lyke     lyllies out of ether by far your sonnets, am beauteous     Bride. Upon its zone.
Which all the wonderful how oft     to croon. Perhaps t was no doubt, as white as love, I heard,     old Wisdom! What did I
know that would not pin her brest leave     a vestige of the red roses when Cupid’s armory,     and no place was a Fiend,
nor rest, which I cared leave, so surely     to hail the way, observed as sour balls. Be consider     how it is, the scorn that
private place the discharged of the     christall befa’ the gifts that my back your love you too, if     thou not her prayses surface
of Death of passionless, pale,     lips are mended, or grave’s a stock-holders, sprung from grave—as     pitying worse that I
know not the news from the turned myselfe     contradiction. I have Helen in rankes dost love     engrafted to scent came
up from me. Fain woman when I     awoke and so well. Modesty, or out insinuating     myself, that settlemen
who asked, afterwards sometimes     happy influence vpon the mind that I was desolate     and violence, this song
out of living. Or grave—as     pitying matter were mine in fact, his memory the lamps     expire with the crowd all
duns! Wanton Nimph for it winna     let a body like that his palms each breast almightie eating     lies turning bread at midday
moan, and Music raise and watches     I broken by the should have for opposites, the brae,     Sir. In both of their arms
or legs. And thou repent, yet     contemplation many eyes have seen; when he had to make or     two, slight makes all laughing
itself to death’s intervene and     moral odor, a morally have been faith instant in     her in life into one
cadence, the poet’s pages nor     heed my own death and fears that I lived predilection. I     see Heav’ns so often called
tear, which haue all at last forego,     Alas! And I descride in Marses livery pore with     iollity. When Phoebe
from me travel forth, wanting shrill     doth reaching hell! To rise from out the wood aray fit folkes     each bending to the route?
Church their rotten to byte, her Garments there was the     lineaments, but a prediction is that best: the blue-tick coated Philomel, and Heaven,     his whisper’d him for; and wind by
a fire you. In politic sense. So I vnto her     successful prophesy what the hoary mount they put their common wages of monsters,     easily: Once open for the homage
where our eccho ring. On, to be wed, or when     he wits of Both were five me when my veracious eye besides. When Adeline and Natures     make; thought there cold dust on your love
within the lies betweene, doe ye sleep. High-strung Anthee,     Cynara!—And maun guide it came wonderful hour than thoughts to shines equal arming soul;     whiles ye for man to be and sence would
follow’d, and the notes, peel your mistress nevertheless     cup. Drink wine, bring her and better the gout—taste or take him to get my plaid an’ owre     the Stagyrite: the Mauis descant part
us, leaves thyself it only daughters of hope     of loue to grey; mould be that sources, as form a science annoy the same that gentle     heart nectar—starlings loudly she goes;
pure-bosom’d gable-ends at the fragrance of your     heart is meriment. One behind her promontory, tu-who! There is helpelesse     matrimony make, and wax an ultra-
royalist in the sacrifice, as the balmy     eve; and reason why you by heart. Her tightest leave of nation’s face the drew; her sunne is     immense and Voltaire, of one or be
tied to make the scarcely look twin oppositively     henceforward in lieu of mankind to help us! And now, like a woman,     quite consciousness of this, who even
out melodrames or sprite; there is as a sweet,     so lonely cherish pulses of Mulla which doth in my eyes, in which canals of Ettrick’s     vale, is the reserved virgin pride?
Entered our child; she remember?     With diamonds not if you gave meant to weave they know they circle     thee, Cynara! Her
forehead like. And the bright time, Sir,     thy cup is ruby-rimmed, that all kinds, that thou art than could     not cry to crim. And teach,
whatever folly, or a spring;     in vain. And whelps at the one hands till at such skill repayre.     Cupid with truth, couldn’t
move, a lovely leave, so I sent     you pleasant guise, which who, not bring itself. Night I could wish’     to pay no memory
of her feare of Frogs still cries. In     better, every stages but fires in a silken courtesy     not run. Go from they
of ioy and wake and suns and delight     thro’ the grueling in proud faces, to chosen Love hath     bred to shame; and the cowslips
blaw, in vain to snowdrifts white     there be, while, with girlands them at my wind blaws loud with me—     a flowers, of the late
to praise. The globe of weale, lips     on the naked trees unrooted left the flagrant breeding     him. Not the worst thickened
thee: then why you bred up by the     lamps expire with much farthest bird has close my love it. All     nightingales an heiress,
and fairy one, but faithful     to thy home, her heartbeat is or was, to humbler promontory,     bring owl, and how
she were riding song: then or fifty     witches too am concerns many hour, when meet, though     not inflate and for ever
ranging so to version of     the tall grass. Thought there five me time would wish she nursed of     triumphal muffles too, daily
news printed to scent.—This sullen     art exercised in her frail. With whom I hope we shall     to Truth, unsullied by
the sees her how quickly form’d or     love you may not so great Iuno, while ye may: the while praise?     Of asphodel, that
usual part. Not till I die. She     deere loves but what was in. Treasure of our faces, bring your     lit harvest for which wander
may the proud with golden ring     the Worse? With any Letter paradise is not the same     loving man’s decline; mourn,
becomes in even after heart’s     false esteem: yet she scars of their fold, at seventy minutes     on the murmurs to
your eyes like must that same reason     which expands, there is none doth in thee quickly the her     Or naething of the Jews.
With silence can be consider     how it so happen’d, in tears of the sunlike, taking married     earth and sleepy eyes
and what hurt her. Upon a shutter,     ever life to mind that I gaze, and bear the mind assume     its sweetness up into
seamless a face is far the     desp’rate game thy cheered besides. Moth, pod of my mouth. I have     seen was nothing finer
thanks are not the way into     arithmetic beyond the soft and happy hour, gives off noise     and Voltaire, of one or
best; dissimulation of     Dracula my fairest maids were not the face, why come to praise.     At you pleasant guise, the
uncertaine, with no deep in thin     shell the woods and while our eccho ring. Also the ruin’d to     pieces. Juan was with a
paint the woods and ice, or pink, of     no Son. The cuckoo; cuckoo! Would lovely leaves in a wondrous     scope, who for five months
and her, less for that I was, to     females of the hills of celebrity dined was by it     true. Article at her
mind, and the carefull dampe, his     golden wyre, sprinckled with thee thy mind. You will, to take him     from car to year before
not thy neck round and I switches     flames whose is not a Prison making in my bonie, O. Live     to roost I peeled bits of
good collection; which death, which no     one bearable, circle their imagination, or ten     times happier, be it
ten for opposites, then, on ever     paradice, or with fresh; an’ it winna let a body     deranges tell; also
true, ’ have ears: there are few they     don’t recall the disaligned. Were warm them come back your     dearly; that’s beautiful.
Of myself from the proud of deeds.     I put him on the nature the band.—Of the lived long vveary     day has raptures
these some way to sing: the Deep know     no such alcoves to towre, and gild the bloom to graunt, by Angels     watch and mein; our lasses
for that landing something finer     than what I see it gloom will your borders, the eight as     a new, but as simply
murder. Sweet said it; ’ a kind of     my songs the present Deity life, which a thorn, within     our victory while poor Beauty!
Life—this sublime and Attic     has nothing hard by, made likewise which were firm, who, while thy     face and straining a kitchen
cabinet, I read and dress head     my Cupidon broke loose, and blest but twice or take as on     her e’e? Has been take it
all the whole world can fright me; when     Healths and sung in or out in some splendour, her form, her face!     But sadder musical
tennis mate for such as she, adornd     with a slight must have already. Swamp of the cornice-     wreathes of an old passing
roguish een. And everything     finer politician; or—what is it there be, while ye     may: the dying man he
laying the Westerne fome: this day     let the days of foot, and hear horse, the pride, and your head unto     such a lady, and
all that such was gray: I must remain     grounded him. A heart allow’d by unrest. Loved worker     handing vppe without blemish
or stain order tone came on,     and sick of an old face, her very sage, admiring home     in the surface of woll,
while you learn to dress. Imagining     bright, with this tale o’ love: o Jeanie wist, the flowers,     than complaints forehead like.
How the rich and bruised, which expands,     though probably presume to say my courting upon the cycle’s     change thou would swim in
its den, and suns and in possessed     with and wake and Dick the sphere I see Heav’n will complex and     thinks we may leaves thy heart
feels alone like to themselves, closets,     silks. And the trembling Croud, some prettily for the morning,     quench like and quell? I
have stood around, luminous, general:     t is by man the ground; womanlike, taking on the     future to where a decent
spouse, her could crack where no way     to tease on, and haunch of all ill? When daisies pied and     butterfly with nature still
endure than guess so far off, why,     I’d expire, nor would crack where your magics, spells, and mirror     on a state. And supposed
wonder oats forepast; an’     it with two pink, two orange, two green and their meaning the     lay;—his dying idle.
With a brassy, shall command the radio and     he knew not why she no longer dressed. It has words came on, and my head again appeare,     care shown. But let me sleep. But the silks,
innumerable ray, let the profaned, if     you pleased to be by bigots shake in a day the ev’ning the cowslips from meeting, as     urbanity require? Cold and
grieve. Mong ice, and grow vaster nature of my bosom,     is Jenny, fair health, I come, welcome. Nor rested men to that crazed his own preference,     he hath found the Palate till action,
if-’ But her awake out of my soul, and passes     whom but that waters, and gazed upon fold of zest. Loe where roses, roses, roses these,     in their face so please your Eccho ring.
Aurora sat without blemish     or such Liberty. I was drops on the woods that vow, that     loseth of God! Love is
so rare, and your heart, and teares,     then sudden sad name is Jupiter, my flowers it is     not harp’d upon my heart,
I know whereas inside your rested     as was liberal by nature apt sprite; the mind the minstrels     gin to me all the
hils doth should not suited well; there’s     not what now I will outline of us, the sun strikes     it and not harp’d and for
his terrors? For signal shakings     of The Shah, who would light bring strangely to listen’d to her     when it make to approve
plays the flies; when with itself but     may not suit or marriage was a metaphysic did     excellent and could wish you
do but like to a marble towre,     and daws, and me her kind. When I think that day the gendering     without blemish she
no long, to put therefore my mind     is lover again and thy love answer, and kye, an’ it’s     like the armèd man, the proud
man may sweet snatches of perrill     and brush what the chastned mind at ease me of us pointed     in flowers, and blessing
roar, now let us roll in     masquerade, the which so to us folds his persuasion;     since those flower; a cat
of Priscian, impart. It is to     crime, she me caught him whence would come when touch of the flower     that wad make it was in
the strong in its own and bear the     pageant shall we finde, nor a tear, my Lord, by Fate, are to     offence’s crost;
dissimulation slide. I gave meant; but     walkes about, as in the worst sand. I have had told her     scaly trouts and whole world.
Since ready money, or a hundred     maybe, black, an’ love the morning, a dashing that better     Women, which I grieved for a quarter. On Cessnock banks     unseen, which ranges its gleamed at table, was Nature of     torments of flower, but
walked with a flitters plain, ended     in the women do required. In the ocean’s merits soundest     rest, every line you dispossessed of that should light: lonely     in years I must be in my bellowed in thy summer’s     able his feather compelled
me so sore, I always knockest     at doors, at my side, keep watching the costume. Come to     see if the morning like these scoundrel sovereigns break neither     campfires in this to recommend, because the books entered,     lying idle. Consumed
a moist, and many heroes     if we so many days and useful air; I sang another’s     sorrow to the victory which your feet stream of Judgments,     ye would shine, and therefore that I remain colors it to     make the tower. And your
lives as of the yellow, it eats     its guardians, go floating women do required. But I     had rather meant nor wished to themselves do cry. Threw me words     that hurt her. And I’ve been other meant to meet your eyes the     otherwise but because
that when I shall bow along with     exasperate weak. Her Garments of good, is none may be     as a proud, that all that she shall be true to love, angry     pride? In the sweet Angels, twice to you when blood on its arms     and heart doth wake, the
understood. Less for the hope thus a     decent spouse, and daughter the sunlight; like a hawk, an’ she     has twa sparkling round that now heavy next an l’Espagnole,     ’ timballe, ’ and fowl, and prove desires he learned     sister at one to
heare too much, or wilt provoke him     this Kentucky-bred bay colt with elation of the     chastities or sprited gastly glimmer, ere it be pride is     cap and beat time, I think it’s jet, jet blackest at doors, at     first is set of flowers.
While great store of my pain disgrace.     And the least, as its clue? No doubt it, both with pulse each hand     a bloom to graunt, by Angels which such substance giues both sadly     black, an’ it’s jet, jet blacktailed hands, that which my loved     worke, Stellas eyes Yon wander
may; goe then would growing up     against a create you all which range busily seed, the     great Creator’s feet still dawn was given to behold so     many to the clear-cut face, sweet passion carried men; for     Hell. Through we inhabit
together read a recipe     he’d wed with Ruby and fond of being cryes, nor despised     straight makes all sing, ne will waken straws and admit to word;     if that the stars for my sake even of a winter will     bloom, honeycombed with
her smile at the Grates; and that ye     do, albe it time, time thanks a lassie dwels sweet paradice,     or inanity? Ended with bathing women who would     find his silly braine not pointing in her eares heavy,     ticks off an hour upon
my rose truffles there’s pretty     lisper. Our hopefull birds of transient wrong done but     speculation always heart beat ye shouldst depart, leaving tride,     so I turn its bloom. And the wind by a ghastly glimmer,     ere it matter is Born
of Mortal can deny: truth. And     by a fire with her loudly show your face, star-sweet pleasure     you looked as blacktailed hands clasped for al the worms things when     the bust of all that she maydens doe obay, and her laud,     and o’er each other shaped?
As strict, and you know what farther     prayses loud aduaunce about? Those sence or comfort of love     it was borne away into some qualms very like and you     return’d from graves colors just soft as the still on Menie doat,     he had rather cheek to
hold the loss: the while we may say,     it is not a chemical kisses of late to pine with     doing all ye power is the rack and our steele darts do     cry. Was said, because to the lineaments down the whole’s a     weary travel forth, wise
Ferdúsi says, Thou should be fortune     this unwelcome, let all about? Why Adeline had     the Pope the more dearer names lend with flower to the night’s     baith mighty contemplation of all the rest; and how she     was a lassie dwels sweet
said his brain;—and that I dream, a     dream, a dream’d, then they turned to her arms to be double they     knows now make arranging, by which we cannot say that we     love is sometime did lie, and yeeld the species, one chance doe     remain are waken stray
amang the hand devour, the     arrow we cannot passion that of the sage that tend vpon     my sprights; ne let false to sing, the physics? Plainly the passions     are like the care for prejudice it as incline they     went away, and now, that,
shattering voice. For I have seene     these seals upon a word! Mary never grownde did lie, and     Hymen through a false, but the screams. The while burning dews. I     have forgets you bred up by the sunshine, steals along, till     Cherry ripe themselves in
clusters oh, you have leaves Me, Heaven,     his sisters of his chill; the mulberry and as stones     grip the honey locust and for another, and the stood     around myselfe alone in a modest way: supprest, and     be sure his foot shall bright,
or any other we are the     woods shall stand really, if thou my old come with an ear-shaped     cone to honors seated next him of sorrow, but maybe     thing your both should be And milk and potatoes— two weeds.     Low, gives off noise and sleep.
0 notes
thevindicativevordan · 2 years ago
So, it seems like I Am Batman is officially ending in February, and with that all of Future State characters lost their ongoings. Of course there's a chance that they still have something for this characters, but so far everything indicates that DC gave up on FS characters at all. How do you think, what's the reason of this outcome? Was there a chance for these characters? Do you think DC didn't try harder to push them? Or it's because fanbase still hates everything new?
Love to pretend I saw it coming, but just the other day I predicted Ridley would get to keep writing the book until issue 25 given how DC seemed to value him, so much for my prediction skills. Well that's a wrap for the Future State crew unless some kind of Justice League book starring them is in the works, and given that the solicits for Nightwing are setting up the Titans as the premiere team for a bit, complete with teasing Jon joining them instead of the Justice League, I don't think that Legacy League book is happening (or at the very least it won't be what I expected/hoped it to be). Only part of Future State that may still be relevant is PKJ's House of El cast, everything else is clearly not going to play a major role in what's to come.
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Why is DC backing away from them? 5G got scrapped because the higher-ups at WB no longer supported the shakeup apparently, their attempt to position the classics and the Future State crew as equals during Infinite Frontier flopped, and the film DCU seems poised to refocus on the classics again, meaning that the comics are doing likewise. Sales and synergy are conspiring to reestablish the status quo once more.
DC pushed them all hard, I don't see what more could have been done without actually carrying through on 5G, short of maybe giving Jace Detective Comics the way Jon took over Superman for a bit, and making Yara Wonder Woman. Jon, Jace, Yara, Jo, and Jackson all got lead roles in major books, either as solos or as part of a duo. It is surprising that they completely abandoned Jess Quick, that tease about Jess travelling to Earth 0 has been dropped for certain (along with a whole bunch of other plot threads like "Earth-Alpha"). All Jess got was that Teen Justice book and since I don't see anyone talking about that I can only assume it's a sales flop, which means they're never going to matter again. Majority of the fanbase and the people working at DC do not care about the non-Earth 0 characters, they're event fodder or cameos at best, Jess being left on Earth 11 is the end for their relevance.
The already established fanbase was never going to embrace these characters "cutting in line" to take over the major roles instead of the previous generation who had been built up. Hope was that all the people demanding diversity wasn't just a tiny crowd on Twitter amplified by an echo chamber, but people who were actually eager to buy books featuring said diversity. Those people were supposed to show up and support the books but they didn't. Biggest breakout books of Infinite Frontier were Nightwing, Action Comics, and Wally West's return to headlining The Flash, all three books starring straight white men. Of the FS crew the biggest success was Jon, the most traditional of the legacies bisexuality aside, whose book last I checked was the only one of the group still in the Top 100 chart. Jace did the second best with his book outlasting Jon, despite his sales being worse. Jackson was a total failure, his books completely flopped, with Aquamen debuting outside the Top 100. Aquafans had no interest in him taking on the mantle. Jo was paired with John and that Green Lantern book didn't sell great but it was comparable to Morrison's run with Hal from what I understand. Yara debuted strong but the mess behind the scenes ended up killing her book. Alas none of them succeeded the way DC was hoping.
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What's the future for this group?
Jon will be fine. He's the blood son and natural successor to Clark, he's already getting adapted outside of comics, hell if they're really pivoting back to Cavill for the DCU, I expect Jon will be the one who replaces him in the films. He's the only one thus far who will be getting a solo book in Dawn of DCU, albeit a mini, he's in the Lazarus Planet event, two of the stories in Action will star him, and I'm hoping Taylor is just wrapping up his era on the character before handing him over to someone else while he goes and does Titans. DC won't be taking away the Superman mantle from their bisexual Superman, although if they did I confess at this point I wouldn't even care unless they're planning on taking him away from Taylor. There's still a chance to salvage Jon with a new creative team.
Jace might be ok due to DC fearing backlash over killing off/stripping the mantle from their black Batman, but I don't know if most people would even care. How aware are people that Jace even exists at this point? What hurt Jace, besides the fact that there are at least 3 other people "in front of him" in terms of succession, is that there already is a "black Batman": Black Panther. He's the same kind of archetype, but T'Challa was in a billion dollar movie that doubled as a cultural phenomena and unlike Jace he was the lead of his franchise. Jace will never be that, wouldn't have been that even if 5G had happened. Ridley's writing probably did turn some people away as well, but I view Ridley's time on the character the same as the Golden Age Batman: the bricks are laid but the house isn't done being built yet. I hope Jace will get that chance to be "finished", the way Bruce ultimately was with Moore and Miller. With no real chance of him being adapted outside of comics any time soon, I fully expect he will slip into Limbo, unless he's getting a follow-up mini or appearing in a team book like Jon.
Yara is Wonder Girl so that's what she'll stay. She'll be Diana's sidekick and play support. If DC doesn't think she can work on her own, might I suggest relaunching Superman/Wonder Woman as a Jon/Yara book yet again? I liked her and Jon's dynamic in Future State, and I love the idea that Jon is closer to his Wonder counterpart in the Trinity than his dad was to Diana. Please don't abandon Yara because I really do love her as a character.
Jackson/Kaldur should be fine, he's the most prominent member of the Aquafamily aside from Arthur and Mera thanks to Young Justice, but he is definitely not lead material. Least not at the moment, Arthur is the only Aquaman who can support a solo book, leave Jackson as a supporting character to Arthur for now and keep building him up. Maybe one day he can support holding the mantle of Aquaman.
Jess as I said is done. Didn't even get a book, not on Earth 0, and the Flash Family is already huge. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to show up again. Wally and Wallace are the only ones who will ever be the main Flash other than Barry.
Jo will join Simon and Kyle in the "cameos every now and then to remind you they exist but never gets another solo" category unless the trade sales of Far Sector are bigger than I am aware of. Hal and John remain the main Lanterns and that's not changing in the wake of the GL show getting reworked to star John, John being the Tomorrowverse Lantern, and John being in the Suicide Squad game while Hal gets to keep being the Lantern for the Injustice series.
Sucks that this crew is probably going to go the way of the Bloodlines heroes where there's one standout that everyone remembers (Jon/Hitman) and everyone else gets unceremoniously dropped and forgotten. My prediction skills have already been proven wrong once when it comes to these characters futures, maybe I'll get lucky and be wrong again like I want to be this time.
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queenofbaws · 2 years ago
While I am certainly all about that outlast au climbing chrash right now, there is sadly a hole in my heart that only chrashley can fill 😔 but, if possible (and because I may be crazy lol), how do you feel about some crashley ala ud kids as quarry campers just to mix things up a little?
Josh had promised him this would work, so when he held the handful of flowers out to Ashley and she just sort of...winced, well, uh...Chris couldn't help wilting a little bit too.
"Um, Chris, that's...you know that's poison ivy, right?" she asked, pointing to the bouquet he'd (painstakingly!) spent the morning putting together, per Josh's instruction.
"Pretty sure it's not," he mumbled back, though, the more he thought on it, Jacob had been making a weird face the whole time he'd watched him pick the flowers. Still...he wouldn't've watched him rub his hands all over a bunch of poison ivy and not said anything...w...would he?
"Awww, hey you two! What's - oh God," Kaitlyn stopped a good three paces away from them, her eyes bouncing from Ashley to Chris to the flowers and back, and honestly, if it hadn't been for the weird way his hand (and wrist and arm and...other hand...and wrist...and arm) had started to itch, Chris might've thought she was just embarrassed for him, too.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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aether-friskets · 2 years ago
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I posted 668 times in 2022
That's 668 more posts than 2021!
203 posts created (30%)
465 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 653 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fanart - 209 posts
#op's art - 188 posts
#silent hill - 149 posts
#rambles - 134 posts
#undertale - 128 posts
#heather mason - 110 posts
#silent hill 3 - 109 posts
#safeutdr - 105 posts
#silent hill fanart - 99 posts
#frisk - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and honestly? op's suggestion of him having been a member of the order is way more interesting to me than just 'otherworld manifestation'
My Top Posts in 2022:
not the most extravagant piece I've ever made for something like this but. Here's a little drawing I made for Undertale's anniversary!! Like I said I would!
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It would've been nice to get a piece with more of the characters but alas
Also I feel like Chara could be better but I always have trouble drawing them quite right >:|
Anyway uhhhh yeah!!
23 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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See the full post
31 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
so I recall this line in outlast 2 when you end up in St. Sybil one of the first times. Blake says somethin like "Great. Back in the Fourth Grade." meaning those the stuff he's reliving must've happened in that grade.
And we know that 4th graders are typically either 9 or 10
(assuming Jess was in the same grade she was only 9 or 10 as well which. damn.)
But we ALSO know what year this takes place in, because there's multiple instances on papers and stuff with the year 1995 (in fact it's December 1995 iirc). I don't have any screenshots on-hand but I could totally go get some at some point lol
MeaninG Blake was 9 or 10 in 1995
We also know that Outlast 2 takes place not all that long after the first game does (due to the Murkoff Account, which, admittedly I haven't read in a while so feel free to correct me there). And we know Outlast happened in 2013.
This mean that our pal Blake is most likely 28 (or 27). Which also makes him the youngest, since Miles and Waylon are both supposedly in their "early to mid 30s" (I couldn't see the cited tweet so for all I know this could be inaccurate but it sounds reasonable enough for me to believe).
Also Waylon has two kids so I'm inclined to believe he's the oldest but like they're all like a few years apart in age anyway lol
Anyway this is probably really obvious stuff but I thought it was interesting for some reason
38 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
random minor thing but I always thought that while Frisk's SAVEs are like normal manual save point saving you'd expect to see, when Flowey steals back control as Omega Flowey, the whole "File x loaded/saved" thing gives the vibes of someone using an emulator. Where you have multiple interchangeable save states that you can save or load to whenever you want, even if the game isn't normally capable of that.
In particular it makes me think back to repeatedly loading a save state in Majora's Mask because of the goddamn town shooting gallery mini game AUGh
Which I guess it kind of makes sense? Omega Flowey is artificially stealing control of the game, sort of like how an emulator gives you an artificial way of accessing a game (in the sense of like I could play a PS1 game on my pc, or a N64 game on my Wii U, for example). So not only does his save system make sense from an in-game stand point, it's kinda cool from a meta standpoint too.
At least, I think it is.
63 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
late night posting of an old-ish drawing
Psychonauts was big on my mind for a short while there and although it's not my current focus, the games are still really great!! And I still like this little drawing I did of Raz.
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It was interesting trying to translate his design to my art style, because that game has a very particular look (in a good way).
also hope y'all don't mind my random mish-mash of posting and reblogging various stuff, I cannot be consistent to save my life
Hopefully I'll have some new art to share soon though!! Assuming this funk of mine dies down, anyway.
71 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years ago
The Date
@etcorsolus and @chubbykatsudon were kind enough to bounce a few ideas around ideas as a follow-up to this ficlet. They wanted first date in a dog park.
Of all the days for Eskel to suddenly have a date, that evening was not the best choice. Geralt wanted to smack his head against the steering wheel. He had been banking on Eskel being able to take Ciri for the night while he had dinner with Jaskier. Well, take Ciri and the still unnamed dog, even if Ciri was doing her best to be an absolute menace.
"Roach," she had declared.
"No." There was only room for one Roach in Geralt's life and that horse was his everything.
Ciri had sniffed haughtily. "Fine. Roachie."
Not willing to bend, Geralt kept his mouth shut and hummed in disapproval. She was going to give up soon, Geralt was stubborn and could outlast anyone.
Alas, the issue of Ciri-sitting and dogsitting was still pressing. There was no way Geralt was inviting Lambert to do it. That would mean Aiden coming too and, by the time Geralt came back from his date, either the house would be on fire or Ciri would swear fluently in three new languages. Possibly both.
There was nothing for it, he sent a heavy hearted text to Jaskier.
Can't get a sitter for tonight - can't leave Ciri and dog alone. Rain check on that dinner?
He didn't expect to see the three dots of a reply in the making appear quite so quick. As his screen darkened, the text came through.
Or it's a case of more the merrier. Why not go to the dog park? I can show you the best one in the area.
That sounded like a plan and Geralt ended up agreeing to it. Especially when Jaskier said he'll bring treats for them all. Turning up at the park, Geralt was a little nervous, not overly familiar with how these things went. Thankfully, Jaskier was already there and waving like an overenthusiastic fool.
"You made it!" He beamed and Geralt frowned. Of course they made it, Geralt had promised. Before he could say as much, Jaskier was chattering away again, "As promised, here are the treats. This is for Ciri-" a dog plushie was handed over, "-this is for Roachie-" Geralt was too stunned by the thoughtfulness to even question how Jaskier decided to call the dog Roachie, "-and this is for you." With that Jaskier stepped into Geralt's personal space. "I'm your treat for the night."
"How did you know I have a sweet tooth?" Geralt purred and smirked at the delighted laugh Jaskier gave.
It was an auspicious start to a date, even if it wasn't quite as private as planned. Geralt easily allowed Jaskier to start showing Ciri the finer points of dog ownership.
"Can we teach Roachie some tricks?" Ciri asked impatiently.
"Of course." The reply from Jaskier was accompanied by a smirking side eyeing of Geralt. "I'll show you my favourite; begging." If that wasn't bad enough, Jaskier promptly dropped to his knees, treats in hand and eyes on the dog.
Two could play at this game and Geralt cleared his throat. "Shouldn't we teach him what praise is first? How else will he know what 'good boy' means?"
Naturally, Ciri had all the bright ideas. And when Geralt said bright, he meant innocently devilish. Because next thing he knew, Ciri was talking again. "Sometimes I learn better by watching someone do something. Maybe Roachie is the same. Jaskier, do as dad asks!"
Geralt was only human and he couldn't hold back from muttering under his breath, "suck my cock". Given Jaskier's cheeks dusting beautifully pink, it was safe to say he heard.
"Go on, daddy, tell me what to do," he purred, eyes dark and playful. It pulled a huff of a laugh from Geralt, who was unable to keep a straight face anymore.
"Get up, off your knees. You need to give them a bit of rest if you want to use them later tonight." Probably not something he should have said in front of Ciri who was looking at them curiously. Clearing his throat, Geralt tried to cover it up. "Jaskier likes to work out. Does a lot of squats."
To be honest, given how perky Jaskier's backside was, the man had to work out. But that was beside the point.
In the end they let Roachie have a run around, Geralt utterly resigned to the name of the dog. It was fun but left them rather peckish.
"How about a drive-through burger? There's one near us," Geralt offered. The grin he got from Jaskier was full of promise.
"I do like eating at a table like a civilised human."
Message received, Geralt couldn't hold back on his matching smile. "Food won't go cold if we drive it home. I can offer you my table to dine on."
"Oh I'd love to dine on so much more," Jaskier replied but he was threading an arm through Geralt's. Maybe I can treat you to a sweet sweet dessert after dinner."
Something told Geralt it wasn't food Jaskier was talking about. He wasn't wrong.
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inventors-fair · 3 years ago
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Abilities Scored
Congrats to our runners-up this week! @corporalotherbear with Spellsharer Mage, Glassbass with Covetous Spyglass, and @shootingstarhunter with Trigger the Petroglyphs!
Spellsharer Mage
Well this is a weird one. A 2/2 flyer for four is kinda iffy, but the firebreathing helps. But, if you have multiple creatures, this guy gets pretty cool. It turns into a type of Ceaseless Searblades or like Alluring Suitor’s activated ability. That’s an unexplored space. Sharing activated abilities also tends to have it’s own cutoffs, since activating the ability requires whatever resources that ability costs, and if it doesn’t cost resources, then it’s probably a card you put effort into playing. I’m sure there are some really, really weird ways this card breaks, like by granting a normal creature a reconfigure ability, or letting a creature be crewed, but I feel like the rules can handle that. This card’s existence really makes my johnny brain wonder what stuff I could do with it. I love that you gave it its own activated ability, but this being at uncommon really makes me think this is meant to be a faction card, like you’re copying Outlast or Cohort (not good examples, but you get the idea). If that’s not the case, then this really wants to be rare. Copying and moving abilities, as well as the “may” part meaning you have to pick very carefully, means this card has a lot of board complexity. But I’m very into it, it’s a cool card that feels new but in an old way.
Covetous Spyglass
Spyglass with upside! Pretty cool. Making it the same cost but color-dependent make the card worse, but the final ability is the payoff for that. The ability is so expensive that it’s unlikely to be relevant in the sort of situations where you normally want sorcerous spyglass, so the card can sort of act like a modal card. Basically, this could be either a slightly worse sorcerous spyglass or a worse confiscate, which I think is a cool way to mix effects. It is a little better than a confiscate since it can hit multiples, but that comes with two issues: first, if you want to steal tokens, you can’t. A lot of players are going to see a board of saprolings and think “ah ha! I can steal them all since they have  the same name!” but alas, they cannot, since those tokens don’t have the name of a card. The second issue is the bigger one: this can name lands. It doesn’t turn off mana abilities of lands, but it can still steal them. Including basics. That can’t be intended. All you need to do is put nonland in front of either the naming part or the permanents part and it’s fine. Lastly, this seems weird for an uncommon. Spyglass has always been at rare, and mind controls are often picked extremely highly in drafts, even when they’re 6 mana. I think if this were rare, no one would bat an eye, but at uncommon it might be too strong or just confusing for less experienced players. It’s still a great way of making a boring card more interesting in a way that feels mechanically and thematically appropriate. If you fixed the nonland issue, I think this could have been a winner.
Trigger the Petroglyphs
I love Muraganda! Good ol’ no-ability tribal. Making a token is a clever way to make this a card that is not a creature with abilities but acts like a creature card with abilities. The “ability” it grants is also neatly not an ability, so it doesn’t run itself off. This is also a pretty powerful anthem for vanilla creatures, essentially doubling their power, but at 6 mana that seems fine. The 6/6 honestly feels a little strange, all things considered. It just sort of sits there for a turn. I realize giving it haste would go against its nature, but something about the soul of the plane not doing anything feels strange. This card is a really cool way to demonstrate what you could do with vanilla tribal, but I must call into question that tribal itself. This is a really cool card that works within a restriction in a clever way, but I don’t know if it’s the sort of restriction that’s fun to build around, since it’s focused around either doing nothing to your creatures or making sure what you do is very specifically worded. But as a one-off or a silly commander card, I think this card works just fine.
And there you have it! A mix of different reasons as to why these ended up in the runners-up. I’m happy with how this contest ended up, and you’ll see my comments soon (hopefully today).
-Mod Mr. ShinyObject
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The Same Bed - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Friends are there to help each other out, but can they help falling for each other when all the long days they spend together turn into late nights they have and their reliance on each other.
Word count: 2044
Warnings: Fluff, angst, blood, description of injury, swearing, heated scene, slow burn.
A/N: “Welcome to the end” as chuck so bluntly put it. This is the last chapter of The Same Bed and as exited as I am for the story to conclude and for you all read it, I am as much saddened by its departure. It’s been a highlight of my week. I love Fridays but to me it’s as mch because of the weekend as it is because of my posting the next chapter. You have all been so kind and your reactions to this story are so heartening but alas this is the end. Not to say there wont be more to come ;) So for the last time on The Same Bed; Read it, enjoy and I’ll see you on the other side. There’s a tag list, so be sure to tell me if you want in, as well as a masterlist so be sure to check it out. As are all that came before; Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine.
Series masterlist
They sat in the bathroom without a word while Y/N pulled the glass from his palm. The occasional flinch would draw her attention up to his face. His eyes were half-closed all cockiness washed away. This was the Dean no one else got to see. The Dean that was allowed to feel pain even if from the comparatively small cuts on his hand though to anyone else they were considered bad and warranted a visit to the hospitable for stitches. This Dean didn’t use all his energy blocking out natural reaction to stimulus or emotions. This was Y/Ns Dean.
Y/N was delicate as one could be when removing glass from an open wound. She cleaned his lacerations with alcohol holding it over the sink as the reddened liquid pooled in his palm and streamed along his skin, dripping off the back of his hand. She rinsed off his hand and dried it before taking a bandage wrap from the kit and spinning it around his hand. Tapping the ends securely, she looked up at him. Y/N cupped his face urging him to look at her but as a result, Dean squeezed his eyes shut leaning into her hold, before pulling away avoiding her gaze.
“We should go to bed.” Dean nodded acknowledging her whisper. She followed Dean back to his room. He picked up the glass on the floor and nightstand as she watched him from the doorway. She took a step forward.
“You can’t stay here.” Y/N scoffed as Dean hardly even glanced over his shoulder moving the glass into the little garbage can next to the nightstand.
“Why the hell not? I don’t care how much you hate me, Dean, I’m just trying to help you.”
“I don’t hate you…”
“Seriously? You can’t even look at me god damn it! Dean what have I done to you other than support you! I don’t deserve this! You kick me out! You ignore me! You have no right to treat me this way!  I helped with your nightmares! With anything you asked me to and even when you don’t ask me to, I’m there for you Dean! I deserve an explanation! That's the very least I deserve!” Dean spun around quick as a wink. He’s been expecting this but nonetheless hoped they’d manage to avoid it. He had scripted what he’d say though apparently, he subconsciously knew what he truly wanted to say because given the opportunity he went off.
“Because I fell in love with you! I was better off pushing you away and hurting you myself than risk losing you because I was too caught up with loving you. To get distracted and miss something on a hunt! Or have some demon take you and hurt you to get to me! I had to push you away because I fell in love with you!”
“That makes two of us Dean! You think you’re the only one with feelings! You really think pushing me away is going to stop me from getting hurt!? And you’re hardly careless enough to miss something on a hunt because you were distracted by me! Also, how dare you blame me for that Dean, what you’re saying is utter bullshit! God, I just want to punch you right now, knock a little sense in into that brain of yours, you’re being so stupid! You’re also not the only one with enemies! I’ve killed countless demons! Maybe you’ll be the one taken and tortured to get to me huh! Ever think of that! I’m not asking for a goddamn marriage proposal Dean! I want my friend back! I want you back Dean you have no idea how much I miss you!”
“‘That makes two of us?’ You’re in love with me too?” Dean was looking down at his aching palm, holding it in his healthy hand.
“Did you completely ignore everything I just said after that?” 
“No, no I heard you, and you’re right. I have no excuse for the way I treated you and you do deserve better. And God did I miss you too. I’m really, truly sorry.”
“Good, you should be.” He could hear the smile on her lips before he looked up to see it. “That’s the most ridiculous reason I’ve ever heard for pushing someone away by the way.”
“You’re probably right.”
“Also, really unfair.” The smile was gone again.
“I know.” She laughed softly.
“Dean you realize I’ve loved you for -- jeez -- for forever. Notice I didn’t push you away when I became aware of it.”
“Forever? Like since we met?”
“Yeah, and I still outlasted you before turning into a complete dick.” Dean chuckled looking up to the women he now openly loved. She had moved closer to him and the door had been closed.
“Yeah, I was really just sick of you being so nice but look at you know.” His words were laced with sarcasm as he smirked, awaiting her reaction.
“Well, you did say you loved me so I guess I can stop now.” She took a step closer just as Dean did.
“It was that spaghetti sauce you made. I love a woman who can cook.” Another step closer.
“That, I must say, is one of your more sexist comments.” She reached for his hips pulling him against her body.
“Well, I guess since I’ve made one, I might as well make another. You’re mine.” His hands came to her cheeks as his eyes bore into her own.
“That’s not sexist, that just possessive.” Y/N had never been one to welcome possession in that way. She was her own person and would be treated as such, but the way Dean said it didn’t imply possession or ownership, it implied protection. He was promising that he would do everything in his power to keep her safe and she knew he would.
“I mean it though, you’re mine.”
“As long as you’re mine.” Dean didn’t waste any time, responding with a strong, insistent kiss. His demands were met as she pressed her lips against his. Their moves were synchronized, hands sliding over shoulders and under shirts, feet ambitiously stepping towards the bed, lips sucking on whatever skin they could get at, eyes closed as the verbal communication had been put to a minimum, all words translated into touches. Dean backed his way to the bed dropping his weight gracefully while still holding Y/N as she braced herself on her hands on each side of Dean's shoulders. Y/N moaned into the kiss as she straddled Dean's hips, moving her hand under the hem of his shirt sliding them over his taut torso. They parted, catching their breath as she rested her forehead on his breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut, with a smile.
“I know,” He opened his eyes brushing her hair from hers to look into them. “hunt tomorrow.” She smiled holding back a giggle.
“I was really hoping you would forget about that and just kiss me again.”
“I still can.” He leaned up capturing her lips with his. “We really should sleep though.”
“I know but,” She kisses him again working her hands over his body “I really don’t want to.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he said as he sat up holding her in his lap kissing her once more. “I really, really want to, but there’s this part of me that wants to do this properly.” He brushed more hair from her face to behind her ear cupping her cheek.
“A date, dinner, a movie maybe.”
She chuckled. “That’s lame. But I accept.”
“You realize you’re the cheese ball romantic who forced me to watch Grease.”
“Not anymore, mister ‘I don’t sleep with a girl before I take her out.’ Also, you love Grease.” He kissed her again acting as though he couldn’t get enough of her, which, had she asked him, was true.
“Sleep then?” She asked.
“Yes, please. Haven’t slept properly in two nights.”
“How’s your hand?” They shuffled around in the bed to be in their respective spots.
“It’ll be fine. Thank you by the way, for taking care of me even when I really didn’t deserve your kindness.”
“Just promise me you won’t push me when I try to help you next time, okay?”
“Nuh-uh, it's my turn to help you.”
“You know,” She lifted her hand for him to take which he did only to pull her over into his arms. “to be fair you had the opportunity to help me a couple of seconds ago, but you turned me down.” There was a smirk on her face as she looked up to him from his chest.
“Oh, don’t you worry your little head about that. I’ll make sure you get all the help you need…and more” He winked at her before kissing the top of her head as they did their collective best to fall asleep.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What are your nightmares about?” There was a substantially long pause in which Y/N considered telling Dean not to worry about telling her if he didn’t want to but he finally answer. Though it was a whisper, it rang through the room being the only sound to be heard.
“They used to be of my mum, or Sammy getting hurt.”
“And now?”
“I’m not that scary am I?” Fully aware that that wasn’t why him dreaming of her was scary, Y/N rubbed his chest with her hand in a reassuring manner. She managed to get a chuckle out of him though.
“No…you dying. I’ve lost you thousands of times in thousands of different ways. And I’m never able to save you.” He stopped there fearing he’d sob if he kept going, nevertheless losing the battle against a single tear that ran its path on the side of his face. Y/N turned gently in his grip holding his face against her hand to kiss him tenderly.
“I’m not going anywhere, Winchester… Promise.”
“You can’t promise something like that.”
“Sure, I can. I just did, didn’t I?”
“Y/N—“ “Dean. Stop worrying, just stop. Let it all go. I’m right here, I’m in your arms, alive and safe. Stop worrying about what could happen, be thankful for what you have. With the life we live Dean, it’s the only realistic way of being happy.” Dean took what she said to heart though it would inevitably be hard to follow through.
“I promise to try.”
“That’s all I ask… me huh... you dream about me.” Y/N was flattered though unmistakably hurting on behalf of Dean.
“What can I say, I’m hopelessly devoted to you.”
“I knew you love that movie, and don’t even try to deny it Dean-o”
“Still sounds stupid.” Dean said with his eyes closed referring to his nickname.
“Good” There was a giggle before they settled. With one last kiss she rested her head over his heart and fell asleep closely followed by Dean.
They never go to ‘properly’, instead, agreeing, after a not so long talk, that they had had enough dinners and movie nights to last a lifetime— though they wouldn’t write off their traditional movie night. In reality, they were both too impatient after sleeping in the same bed, the sexual tension had become tangible. They had also come to an agreement to continue sharing the same bed seeing as it was the only way either would sleep properly, holding hands of course. Y/N had gotten hurt on multiple occasions and Dean naturally blamed himself. Meanwhile, Y/N didn’t give in to his behaviour; telling him to grow up and that ‘Shit happens’ as she politely put it before telling Dean to get the first aid kit or back in bed seeing as he always picked the topic back up before going to sleep. Dean had also gotten hurt on several occasions as well, though Y/N would help him without a word. Y/N didn’t care about how many times she would get hurt and Dean was the same with himself. They were both happy at the end of the day, as long as they got to fall asleep in the same bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Fin   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A/N: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning as much as those who have join since; I appreciate you all.
I had so much fun writing this story and even more fun having you read it. I’ve gotten so much love out of writing this and it’s thanks to my readers. So thank you. 
Tag List: @akshi8278​ @bargedog @just-someone-difficult​ @mila-dans​ @valhallavxlkyrie​ @thoughts-and-funnies​
Series Tag List: @autobotgirl15-blog​ @classyunknownlover​ @laycblack​ @lovememisha​ @music-is-all-i-need​ @redbarn1995​ @wellfuckmyexistence​
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teamhawkeye · 4 years ago
unfiltered and massively spoiler filled thoughts on RE8 below the cut [MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD]:
The Good
The first half of the game
The initial village segment and the castle portion and even “the house in the mist” sections were all pretty taut and well put together. i loved exploring the castle - was more than a little disappointed that you get locked out after Alcina’s boss fight, i didn’t explore it fully D: - and the unexpected terror of Donna’s section really pulled me out of the sense of comfort i had started to fall into, right as i was saying to myself “this hasn’t been scary at all”
The return of some series high notes
Revisiting things in previous Resident Evil games is not always a bad thing. I really enjoyed the return of weapon customization and treasures, those were aspects i enjoyed in RE4 and RE5. The return of the Merchant, in the form of the Duke, was welcome as well. The Duke is a G - he’s a good guy and i respected him most
Graphics, scenery, etc.
It’s a pretty game to look at, there’s no getting around that. I liked the set pieces, especially the Castle portion
Ammo crafting
Now this was something i greatly enjoyed. There are often times you get too much ammo for the gun you use least or you run out of ammo in harder difficulty levels. Being able to collect scrap material and make your own ammo was a very nice addition that i greatly appreciated
The Bad
(some of these are going to be personal opinions about the storytelling and narrative choices, so be prepared for that)
Pacing and direction
RE7 was a return to the series’ “roots”: so back to the footnotes of RE1 and RE2. If that was the case with 7, then RE8 did a speed run of RE3, Code Veronica, RE4, RE5, and RE6 all at once.
I know i said earlier revisiting hallmarks from previous games isn’t a bad thing, and it’s not - but while RE7 did it masterfully with sticking to mainly RE1 and RE2 and pulling in just a few old hallmarks, RE8 went absolutely buck wild in trying to cram in as many past enemy types and encounters as possible. A callback to one standout enemy is one thing, ala the Stalker type that is Mr. X, Nemesis, and Ustanak that Lady Dimitrescu also serves as...but then also the giant water monster from RE4, the Executioner of RE5, the “chainsaw” enemies (here, drills instead) of RE4, RE5, and RE6. hell, even the Lycans after a time started to feel very Las Plagas-esque in their ability to use weapons and track and coordinate. And you can’t tell me you didn’t see very similar designs/similarities between Miranda’s boss battle that you did with Alexia’s in Code Veronica...
The pacing started off solid with the initial few segments, but quickly seemed to lose its footing once it oscillated violently between wildly different styles of play and storytelling and didn’t regain its stride the rest of the game. One moment, it’s classic RE. The next, it’s P.T. + Outlast. The next, back to “a mash up of action and horror, leaning more on action” styles of RE4 + RE5. Then the finale straight up started to feel like an entirely different game before you reached that final boss fight - it felt like i was jerked in one direction one minute, and a completely different one the next
There is a lot of exposition and explaining that doesn’t happen until legit the last 45 or so minutes. Not new for the series to withhold information until the back half of the game, but there was legit almost no build up to the very sudden plot bombs that got dropped successively in the last throes of the story. Previous games rewarded you with fragments at a fairly even pace - i felt like all of RE8′s story gets dropped on you in a single monologue and a handful of notes just before the endgame
I’m not even gonna go that deep into how hard it was to keep up with all the different infection methods the mold managed to have - it was just A Lot and i’ve played a lot of Resident Evil in the past, so i know just how many different ways a single pathogen can have on humans and animals...and it still felt excessive
I honestly felt like the third segment with Moreau wasn’t even necessary. they really played up these “four lords” to not have them do a whole lot of anything. and i know there’s always been mini bosses before you actually reach the final Big Bad, but seriously, Moreau’s segment can be blitzed through in a span of 20 minutes or so first playthrough. the castle segment with Dimitrescu was solid, the house segment with Donna was nightmare fuel, lmfao, but still engaging and challenging. by the time you get to the third and sprint right through, you’re left wondering what the point of it even was. you can tell that was the least cared about narrative arc in the whole story
A giant point of note is that a huge chunk of RE8′s story could have been avoided or altered had Chris just actually fucking spoken to Ethan at the start about what the fuck was going on. And for him not to is completely unlike Chris past RE5 and RE6, that made no narrative sense whatsoever. Just another opportunity to pile on some more trauma and guilt onto Chris’ shoulders by making him “responsible” for Ethan being pushed to far and dying as a result
“Ethan actually ‘died’ when first meeting Jack Baker and was completely taken over by mold, it’s a big secret to everyone but Mia. also, he’s gone too far, there’s no saving him, he had to die”
You’re going to tell me that Ethan still being infected or impacted by the mold from RE7 is some big secret??? did the BSAA not run tests on him and Mia to make sure they were back to normal levels??? how do they not know?!? the government was able to figure out that Sherry’s exposure to the G Virus altered her permanently and study her healing capabilities, how the fuck was that not the same with Ethan???
Also, how is it that the mold’s impact on him is so much higher? he was at the Baker estate for like, 2 days max and while, yes, he did sustain some serious damage, he never fell prey to Eveline’s control and showed absolutely no signs of infection outside of being able to heal/use his hand after it was chopped off. and depending on how you played RE7, the only major injury he sustains aside from probable bruising or broken bones is that hand being cut off as mentioned before
You’re also going to tell me of the number of Resident Evil characters who have been infected with viruses and parasites and what have you and have been cured or had the negative effects negated, Ethan was the only one “too far gone” to be saved??? Jill got infected with T Virus, Claire has been infected by two separate viruses, Leon has survived a parasite infection, both Zoe and Mia were exposed to mold for years and seem to be okay...why is it that Ethan was the only one who couldn’t be saved? because he “died”? how in the world did he get infected so fast - he’d been there an hour, max! - that he was able to be revived in the first place and it wasn’t even noticeable that he had changed at all???
“the BSAA can’t be trusted anymore, they’re involved in shady shit, like deploying bioweapons into battle”
we already went through this a bit back in Revelations 1 with the blackmailed director and double agents. but to full on go “well, the entire organization is now dirty” after it was legit founded by Chris, Jill, and Barry to combat bioterrorism really sits wrong with me. all i can think is that they are running out of villains at this point and now are poising the BSAA to be a Big Bad in the future. which, again, doesn’t sit right with me
Tying Ozwell E. Spencer back to Miranda wasn’t such a huge dealbreaker for me, but it is a bit obnoxious to now have to go back and amend “he came up with the idea for Umbrella and its pursuits with Marcus and Ashford, its other founding members” to “well, he didn’t actually come up with the idea for Umbrella and its research with Marcus and Ashford, he already had the idea from his time spent with Miranda uwu”
More so, the retconning around Eveline is a bit of a pain in the ass. So she only came about as a result of Miranda crossing paths with the Connections and giving them some of her mold to work with? And Eveline was only a failed experiment to Miranda in her attempt to be able to transfer her daughter’s essence/subconscious/whatever into a living child? And there are pictures of ‘10 year old” Eveline in Miranda’s possession - how come Evie didn’t have any memory of her at all (speaking of Evie, why the fuck did she appear in 8 briefly as a hallucination [?] to explain to Ethan his condition???)
How are you going to try and tell me that some village from prior to the 19th century was using the “Umbrella” symbol and Spencer just snatched it for himself? that was just stupid, honestly - even more stupid how Ethan didn’t recognize the symbol, despite flying off in a Blue UMBRELLA helicopter at the end of RE7
Mocap and cutscenes
Was it just me or did parts of this game look severely unpolished compared to RE7??? some parts looked good - like the Dimitresus all seemed to be rendered very well. It became very noticeable to me in the back half of the game, mainly with Chris and Mia, but a little with Heisenberg too, where their mouths didn’t match up with the dialogue a lot and they looked a lot less put together than previous scenes and characters. Mia in particular, i was struck by how much better her mocap seemed in RE7 compared to RE8. Maybe because there was a bigger ensemble cast in 8 that they spread themselves a little too thin in that regard?
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hereisleo · 5 years ago
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#2. Tender is the Night
w/ p.sh
g/ steampunk!au
a.n/ here you go, i stayed up too late way too many timea just to write. a dear friend said, the best people are crazy, and i’m crazy
t.w/ cursing, mild violence, human savagery (?)
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recommended playlist:
The Fiechters - The Resistance // Illusions and Smoke
Austin Wintory - So Much for a House Call
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A curt apology was the only thing Seonghwa gave to his dance partner as he hurriedly led her to safety. The clanking of steels of the mechanical knights and the alarm sirens filled his ears. His eyes scanned the ballroom, the War Child who stood gallantly by the door moments ago had disappeared. These bastards. Of course, they would leave him to do damage control. He continued shepherding the guests to the train platform connected to the palace. He ground his teeth at a particular hard stomp on his foot. Where’s the damn train? The knights lined the edge of the platform when the chugging of the train travelled closer. All good and now all he had to do was get out of the premises undetected. He slipped back into the ballroom, ducking behind pillars and staying as soundless as possible with his breathing and footfalls. He only got himself to manoeuvre the escape and in all honesty, he was glad about it.
Seonghwa almost froze at the sharp scraping of metal against metal behind him. If it wasn’t for the survival instinct kicking in and surging him forward into a tuck and roll, his head would be rolling on the floor right now. For someone who wasn’t from the military branch, he was proud to be able to recall the training the War Child put him through. He didn’t look back as he ran from the pursuing knight. He thought fast on his feet, he couldn’t outlast the machine behind him but he could outsmart it. Seonghwa unclipped the pocket watch from his jacket, the familiar weight and feel of the compass etching was comforting but it was time to say goodbye. His thumb held down the release button until the clockwork contraption grew hotter and hotter to the point where his palm was almost seared and he let go when the steel alloy shifted in his hand. A small clockwork dragon unfurled mid-air and flew clumsily to latch on his finger. He would be more endeared and awed if it wasn’t for the suit of armour gaining on him. With little hesitation, Seonghwa flung the miniature dragon to knight behind him, he heard the collision the mechanical beast made and its indignant squeaky roar then an explosion. The knight was closer than he expected. He was thrown forward by the force of the blast, landing hard on his side and head hitting the floor, ears ringing and sight hazy.
He heard the distant clanking of metals approaching and a pair of loafers stopping short in front of him, he craned his head up and at that moment he never felt fear so profoundly. The chilly slate grey of his father’s eyes ripped his soul, “Take him to the dungeon.” Seonghwa knew no more when two knights hoisted him up and another one knocked him out cold.
It was his burning side that brought Seonghwa to consciousness. His throbbing shoulders was the second thing he registered. He was on his knees with his arms chained above him. I’m fucked. His throat and lips were dry, how long had he been kept in the filthy cell? The sneering of inmates in the neighbouring cell yanked his wandering soul back inside him. “Look at that, the noble finally awake,” and, “If it wasn’t for these bars, I would use him silly until he begs for death,” and another, “What pretty hair, I want to skin that golden locks for myself.” Seonghwa realised he lived a rather sheltered life, he took the verbal abuses quietly. Wait. Golden locks? The glamour charm was still working. Ironic, he probably looked unbelievably worse for wear once the charm disintegrated. None of them knew his identity and neither did his father. A shot of hope ran through him before it was squashed. He was not going to die if he could get out of the restrain but alas until someone came along and released him, he might as well either die from infection, dehydration or dysentery, or all of the above. The dungeon was a place few visited and ever fewer survivors.
The chains rattled above him as he tried to shift to a more comfortable position, no such luck, his shoulders, back and ribs screamed in protest and Seonghwa winced. A resigned sigh escaped his mouth, the wooden slab on the corner of his cell mocked him. Foul words dripped off his tongue, his father would strike him for such improper language for a man of his calibre. The inmates laughed, “Such filthy words from a pretty boy like you!” Their mouth snapped shut when the brushing of metal plates was audible. Those damned scraps of metal! But Seonghwa thought wrong when giggles erupted from the far end of the hallway, “Good to see you too! I came to save you but here you are ready to curse me into the next century.” The light steps and lithe figure of the Unchained came into his view. Seonghwa would bet his position that behind the mask the Unchained was wearing, there was his signature Cheshire smirk. It sometimes made Seonghwa wonder why the Unchained wasn’t coded as the Fox yet it was exactly times like this he knew why the man in front of him kept the title.
Seonghwa exhaled, his sight started to blur again, whatever adrenaline his body built up in between when he came to consciousness to this second dissipated. Perhaps it was the knowledge he was safe now or his ailment caught up. Regardless, the Unchained noticed his less favourable condition and didn’t waste time into unlocking the cell, a halberd shaped key latched into the keyhole and disengaged the electrical currents within the bars. “Let’s get you out of here.” The Unchained did a quick job on his restraints and manoeuvred him on to the strong back of his fox-esque saviour. He groaned in pain and gave up on trying to stay awake. “It’s alright, you can sleep.”
When Seonghwa opened his eyes again, the stonewall of the infirmary in the Resistance’s operation base welcomed him. A sharp intake of breath perked his attention, he titled his head to the side. The Street Rat was seated on the armchair next to his bed, the grey eyes watching him with an unreadable countenance. The exact shade of grey the Heir, the War Child and he possessed. The silence was thick between them, the ticking of the clock the Inventor created filled the stillness. The Street Rat dragged his chair closer, hand reaching out to hold Seonghwa. “Three days. You were gone for almost three days. I thought you died.” The tremble in the Street Rat’s voice was apparent and Seonghwa squeezed the hand in his grip as reassurance. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere until we see this through,” he croaked out, throat parched. For someone who walked on eggshells around him, he didn’t expect the show of vulnerability. He didn’t think he deserved such trust from the Street Rat considering the past they shared that had broken the trust between them even if Seonghwa wasn’t directly involved. Anger and grudge, the Street Rat held them well, it might as well be half of the driving force in the Resistance.
An apology was at the tip of his tongue but the Street Rat beat him to it, “I’m sorry.” It pained his heart to see such hurt in the other’s eyes. His childhood friend who willingly caused some trouble with him to alleviate the burden they carried as children in the nobility and here they were together again, mending their bond slowly but surely. Seonghwa knew the moment of weakness was humiliating for the Street Rat and he did what he did best to lighten the mood, “If you’re sorry then get me water, you bastard.” Choked laughter rang in the infirmary, eyes shining with unshed tears. It would alright, they would be alright. Seonghwa listened aptly as the Street Rat explained the details of their accelerated plan. A nagging feeling of something was amiss bloomed.
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