#but i hate that now I know it wasnt meant to last
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funshinebf · 7 months
my dad put this scent plug in in my room the other day and literally from the second he plugged it in i have not been able to be in my room without feeling sick from how strong the scent is. its so awful. and i just found out that its cause theres a dial that controls how strong it comes out, and my dad set it to the highest strength before he plugged it in. is he trying to poison me to death
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ffive-by-fivee · 1 year
what about m?
I can't believe someone on tumblr.com is still invested in this story in the year 2023 aasfdjklgjdf
We haven't spoken in almost a year. I tried so hard for almost a decade to make things work but I think the reality is that neither one of us was what the other person needed. We're just very different people and love in very different ways and the fact of the matter is that I was growing and she was staying in the same place. I still sometimes get sad or mad that we weren't able to salvage a friendship out of so much history, maybe one day. I have a lot of feelings about everything, some bad some good, and I'm still in the process of sorting through it all and healing. The way things turned out really fucking sucks but I wish her nothing but the best
#been thinking on things and what I want a LOT lately#and v much torn#im an entirely different person than who I was a year ago#I don't think she'd recognize me#but if I'm being honest my fear is that she's still the same#there's been a part of me that's wanted to reach out this last week#and I haven't felt that once in the last year#im not sure where its coming from#idk if its me wanting some sort of closure that I don't think ill ever get#or me being in a place mentally where im able to have her back in my life and be fine#but also like she just wasnt a v good friend to me so idk why id even want that#ive realized that consistency and safety is something I need in any kind of relationship in my life#and I never felt that#idk#she might hate me now after everything and want nothing to do w me#not that she'd really have a reason to hate me but I wouldn't blame her for being done entirely at this point#idk what I want#I think it'd be nice to have a conversation at some point if she were open to it but idk how to even go about making that happen rn#my point is this: I'll always love her and the things she brought into my life but idk if we're meant to know each other anymore#I want to see the good in everyone and have faith that they'll grow but sometimes it shoots me in the foot#I think I've finally learned to curb my expectations of others and just let things be how they will be#life lessons: fall in love w yourself first#go to therapy#take accountability#don't get back w your ex#and prioritize your own wants and needs#I hope she's well#it makes me sad that you can love someone with so much of yourself and still lose them#sometimes you're just meant to love from afar#maybe one day
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imwetforyourmom · 28 days
can you send some Matt cuddles my way, I have the dentist today and I have to go on my own😭(I hate the dentist)😭
cuddling matt hcs
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a/n: only reason its hcs is bc I didnt know what else to do
a/n 2: also the only reason this isnt posted on tuesday is bc I want to help a girl out fr
♡︎ matt always wants to be touching you, whether that be hand holding, knee toughing, a gentle hand on a thigh—he doesnt care how, he just wants to touch you.
♡︎ when matt cant touch you, he either throws a fit, or very clearly makes it known that hes not happy.
“dont fucking touch me.” he snaps at nick, shaking his shoulder to move nicks hand off him, you, nick and chris stare wide-eyed, before chris looks at you, deadpanning, “why arent you letting him touch you?” chris rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed with his brothers antics, before he realizes how dirty his sentence could be. “hold on thats not what I meant.”
♡︎ as much as he claims he hates PDA, he always acts all lovey dovey with you, his hands on your waist, in your hair or sitting beside you with his hand on your thigh—he wont go as far as having you sit on his lap though.
♡︎ once you guys are home though, you best believe he has you in his room, ready to cuddle, or sat on the couch waiting for you to lay in his arms.
“yay! we’re home!” he grins, before stopping and looking you in the eyes, “can we go upstairs and cuddle now, please?”
♡︎ matt absolutely adores cuddling, claiming its his favorite thing ever, wrapping his arms around your torso and shoving his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent as a content sigh slips from his lips.
♡︎ when he’s in a bad mood, or didnt have a good day, he’ll insist you lay on the bed so he can lay ontop of you, his face in your neck and arms around your torso, claiming he’ll feel much better after.
♡︎ he doesnt care which position you guys are laying in, he always finds a way to stick his face in the crook of your neck or just in your neck, its his favorite spot, remindig you everytime you guys cuddle.
“I love your neck.” he mumbles, closing his eyes with trying to let sleep take over.
“I know matt, you said that last time, and every other time.” you giggle, rubbing his back comfortingly.
♡︎ matt absolutely insists on going home after a long day and just cuddling for the rest of the day, claiming he’s too burnt out to get up.
“‘m sorry pretty, I’d get up if I wasnt so exhausted.” he murmurs into your neck, his eyes drooping closed as he drifts off to sleep.
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @starsturni @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @e1ias3 @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza
@meerkatzthings @joemamaaa42069
@matthewscorner @norr1ssturni0lo
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox @riasturns @chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx @dollyspsychoxo
@aliceloveschris @starsturni
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Over here, laying in bed, wondering why the thought of driving is making me hyperventilate. Realized I haven't taken my anxiety meds today. Whoops.
#the wack thing is. i just recently started taking my anxiety meds (again)#they were prescribed months ago but they made my blood pressure too low (fun side effect) and didnt help my anxiety much#but a few months later my anxiety was getting almost out of control so i decided to try again#and its been magnificent. now im just hyper aware of having to keep my blood pressure up#but its been so nice. i havent been nearly as anxious and its made life so much easier#i used to have terrible anxiety about driving. for forever but especially since i was in an accident#and these meds reallllly helped. i havent had that anxiety since i started taking my meds again#whovh is why i was so confused when i wanted to go grocery shopping and started panicking at the thought of driving#its not a good time#i want to make chicken quesadillas but i need to go to the store. but the thought of driving rn is terrifying#but i need to drive to get to the store. and i need to get to the store. because i want quesadillas#okay unrelated but i just remembered: my best friend is dating another friend of mine and its very new#so im getting a constant flow of tea and screenshots and i love it. today my best friend (bf) sent me a screenshot from a convo last night#in which they were talking about cheese. and the friend (not bf. jesus i hate that they have the same name)#(oh did i forget to mention they have the same name? yeah. anyway my best friend is bf and the other is just friend i guess)#anyway they were talking about cheese and friend says they dont like it. mostly the smell. and compared eating cheese to eating ketchup#they called cheese a condiment. i know they meant it in a 'i wont eat cheese on its own' kind of. but they said the words 'its a condiment'#thats what i was focusing on when my bf texted me the screenshot. apparently he didnt care and instead wanted me to see that#friend had texted 'goodnight love' whoch my bf was freaking out about because 'love' is a gateway to 'i love you''#i wasnt paying attention to that because i call everyone 'love' and tbh friend probably picked up that habit from me#i call friend (and everyone) hon or dear or love all the time. i mean it platonically. bf uses it romantically#but again. im pretty sure friend and i use it in the same way. so it was funny to see bf freak out about this#saying 'its a gateway to i love you and im not ready for that!' when in my mind calling someone love is like calling them dude#not to downplay my lovely bf's pain but like. theyre both cute. very cute together. i love this relationship. i love being in the middle#im close with both of them so i get questions and cute rants and shit from both. theyre on a date rn!#so im gonna hear all about it tonight. but i had to start my day by reading 'cheese is a condiment' which was less than ideal tbh#okay. gonna go try to drive to the store. i really want quesadillas. ill bribe myself with ice cream#i got this
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mangosrar · 7 months
matt sturniolo x fem reader
this isn’t proof read 😛😛
suggestive ???
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i knew this would happen. it happened with the last guy i went on a date with, and the guy before that. they just werent him. it was such a horrible feeling to sit across from someone in a restaurant searching their face for a more familiar one, one that had memories etched into his smile lines, one that had a piece of you with him. but the feeling of having him, but not being abel to have him, wasnt much better.
it was hard, finding the middle ground between my ex and my best friend. we both promised that if we ever broke up nothing would change between us. but it did. i was more cautious of him. i picked my words carefully when they left my mouth. i studied his body language whenever i was close to him. he was like a ticking time bomb. he could be set off at any minute.
lazy footsteps could be heard before i saw matt pad his way into my living room before he plopped himself down next to me. he let himself in. of course he did. he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees before turning to look at me with a sad smile on his face.
"you okay?" his voice was hushed. like if he spoke too loud i might shatter. i just nodded with a gloomy smile on my face.
"so why do you look so sad y/n?" he knew me so well and i hated it. i couldnt differentiate wether he knew me so well because he was my bestfriend for so long, or if because he was the love of my life at one point.
"just the date. i dont think you wanna hear about it" i let out a sad laugh as i spoke. his eyebrows furrowed for a second before he replied.
"youre still my bestfriend y/n. just because youre my ex too doesn’t mean you cant tell me about the new guys" he sounded genuine. like he didnt care about the new guys. like he wasnt mad about them. but he should be. i wish he was. i wish he was repulsed at the thought of me ever being able to move on from him. but he wasnt. i kept my eyes trained to the ground. there was a heavy silence as he searched my face. i could feel his wandering eyes burning holes into me. like he could see straight into my brain.
"he called me cerebral matt" i paused, eyes still boring holes into the carpet beneath me. "i didnt even know what it meant" i raised my eyebrows and let out a huff of air through my nose. "would it have killed him to call me pretty instead?" i finally looked up at matt to see his eyes still on me. a look on his face that i couldnt decipher. i hated that he could see my walls crumbling.
"you are pretty y/n" he cooed, his voice so sickly sweet. matts hand moved onto my leg. rubbing slow circles with his thumb. i hated this. i hated that he could sit there and tell me this and not be mine. how could he promise to soften every edge and hold the world to its best when he was killing me.
"you cant say thing like this matt" i pushed his hand off my leg and just like that the walls were built back up again. his eyes dropped to his hand that was now slumped onto the sofa then back up to my face. he knew this was coming.
"why not?" he knew why. he just wanted to hear me say it. i paused momentarily. weighing up my options. deciding wether to say the real reason or to just leave it hanging in the air and say something that we both know is a lie. i didnt know where i stood with matt. he would treat me like in still his girlfriend in some ways, caring for me, being a shoulder for me to cry on and always being there to hold my hand when i needed him to, but he would drop it after a few seconds, leaving cold, heart shaped scars in his wake.
"because im still in love with you" tears were threatening to spill as i spoke. his face didnt move a fraction. he didnt even blink, just staring at me like he was deep in thought. this was old news for him and he probably could have beat me to it but atleast he was kind enough to let me say it. matt didnt even speak. he just kept staring at me as he brought a gantle hand up to the side of my face.
before i could even pull his hand off my face his lips were on mine. i didnt have the type of self control to pull away. i leaned into him, craving the closeness, luckily he got the hint and pulled me into his lap so i was straddling him and the kiss grew heavy, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, his wandering hands grabbing and groping whatever skin he could. he moved his mouth off mine and began trailing wet kisses down my neck and jawline making my breath hitch and my eyes close.
he began sucking and biting the skin on the side of my neck making me while. my hands found home in his hair, tugging softly, earning a satisfied hum from matt before he spoke against me.
"lets just get back together mh?" i was so lost in the way his lips felt on my skin i didnt even register what he had said until a few seconds later. i immediately pulled his head away from me and stared at him with wide eyes.
"what?" surprise evident in the sound of my voice.
"i dont see what the problem is, we both still love each other and i hate seeing you go on dates with shitty guys so why not?" i couldnt even reply to him. i just stared at him with my wouth hung open. what the fuck.
"if you dont want to, ill stop, but if you do, just say the words and ill give you whatever you want." he sounded so sure.
"yes" that was all he needed before he smirked and brought his lips to mine again, kissing me, hot and heavy.
the kiss was sloppy and desperate, both of us urgent for a touch we craved so badly. he ground his hips up, pressing his hard on into my heat making me whine into his mouth. i felt him smile against my lips before he kissed down my chin and throat before licking a stripe up it, pulling a moan from me, causing my hips to stutter against his involuntarily.
make up sex is good for the soul.
pt 2 coming soon an it’s spicy 🤓
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @freshlovehacker @urmyslxt @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @chrisenthusiast @flowerxbunnie @mattsd0ll @itsjennarose @hearttshapedkisses @lovingsturniolo
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scatterbrainedbot · 25 days
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redraw of one of my very first tmnt drawings!!
had meant to do it exactly the one year later mark, but i blinked and suddenly april was may was june -- so ended up being more like a year and 1.5 months lol
May 11th, 2024 vs. April 6th, 2023
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its so funny seeing them nest to each other now, but i remember when i finished the first version last year, i was so proud to have finally made a proper 'finished' piece.
like, yall, i struggled for years to every be able to create a piece i would ever call close to 'done'. part of that is me being a very knit-picky kinda person, and wanted to continue to tweak everything all of the time forever, but on top of that i also do work slow af, and before last year i didnt really have access to any digital media. and i love traditional mediums, but im defintiely not practiced enough to be able to get the results i was looking for with any sort of speed. like im genuinely not sure i created a single 'finished' work in my life -- not in school, not in work, not even in the free space of silly fandom doodles.
and then this piece happened!
and i knew even then that it was messy and rough af, but it had a background!! and color!! sure, the linework wasnt polished at all but still, for a silly little fanart? it was defined enough to distinguish the separate characters, and read expressions! there was even a little tiny bit of lighting!! i hate lighting!!
seeing the two versions side by side honestly i kinda have to laugh at how Rough the first version looks now. but you know what. im still so so proud of it. the colors are muddy, theres no shift in value; their clothing designs arent at all defined, leos teeth look weird af and theres lines on caseys face that are definitely from me accidentally dragging my fingers across the tablet when i didnt mean to but like. its there! its finished! i did it!
idk. ive never had a piece ive ever wanted to hang on my own fridge before. :)
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veryberryjelly · 26 days
hi love!!! i love your writing. i wanted to request red wine🍷 with the alchemy by taylor swift and remus lupin! thanks so much lovely!🫶🏼
remus lupin x reader
lyrics ; ' So when I touch down, Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team '
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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long distance wasnt the easiest thing in the world.
but remus lupin made it worth it.
knowing he was waiting every time you returned home made your heart warm.
and with how long the two of you had been doing it, you had figured out how to make it work for you.
and making it work meant that when the two of you weren't together, you weren't exclusive.
but that simply meant you had other people warming your beds waiting for the only person you truly loved to come and take their place.
but recently you havent been happy.
you'd been missing remus immensely for the last couple of months and you couldnt go another day without seeing him.
so you dropped everything and booked a flight to london, the only thing on your mind the entire time being remus.
your feet carried you from the airport to his flat and only when you were stood outside with your hand ready to knock at the door did you consider what could go wrong.
he might not be here.
he might have another girl here.
it might be just another girl here and she would get a door slammed in her face.
you dropped your hand from the door, considering if maybe you should've called him, given him some time, but before you could turn to go, the door opened.
you held your breath, ready to be met with a girl a million times prettier than you that would make you question everything, but instead the sight calmed you.
your shoulders relaxed as you looked up at him, the shock on his face a priceless view.
neither of you said anything, he just wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your neck, a few laugh escaping his lips before he pulled back, his hands grasping at the side of your face as if to make sure it was truly you.
" w-what are you doing here? you weren't supposed to come for another 3 weeks "
that was true, you had planned to visit in three weeks, but sitting at home thinking about it made it seem like too long.
" i missed you too much. i'm sorry i didnt call but i only booked the flight this morning, then i was packing and i was late to the airport and-" he cut you off with an almost desperate kiss to your lips.
" dont you dare ever apologise for coming to see me " he scolded, his lips brushing yours from how close he kept you.
you pressed another short kiss onto his lips before you pulled back fully, the smile on your lips not able to be contained anymore.
" you got any girls in there you need to flush out before i come in ?" you teased lightly, your gaze remaining on his hazel eyes.
" no girls here, lovely " he said, moving out of the way for you to come in.
he followed you inside, not leaving your side for a moment. he dragged you to his couch and you fell into his lap, your arms looping around his neck and his around your waist.
" missed you so much, dovey " he whispered but before he could say anything else to make you cry, you slotted your lips over his.
there set of the afternoon was spent with the two of you in each others arms, catching up on the few things you'd missed, including eachother.
by the time dinner rolled around, you ordered a takeaway and lounged on his couch with it and a movie.
it was only after the movie that you decided to address the issue that had been on your mind for weeks.
" i dont want to go back " you whispered, your gaze still focused on the now empty screen.
" what do you mean, gorgeous ?" he questioned, his head tilting down to look at you.
" i mean i don't want to go back. i dont want to get back on a plane and be thousands of miles away from you. i dont- i dont want to be away from you anymore. i hate it. i hate not waking up with you, i hate only being able to talk to you when the timezones align. i hate not having your stuff in my space. i- i d..i don " your sentences began stuttering out into cries, and the sobs came soon after.
remus' arms wrapped tightly around you, his hands stroking your hair lightly, whispering some of the most calming words you had ever heard.
it was only after your tears had ceased that he pulled away to look at you.
he lifted his hands to wipe under your eyes.
" don't go back " he said simply.
" what ?"
" don't go back. stay here. stay with me. move here. "
" rem- "
" i hate it when you're not here, baby. and i know it might seem selfish, but i dont think i can live without you anymore. if you want to go back home then i'm coming with you because i can't do it anymore either "
your hands lifted to his cheeks, leaning up to press a kiss onto his lips before rolling your lips together.
" i'm not going back. i want to stay here. with you. if you can make room for me "
" sweetheart, there's always room for you here " he replied earnestly.
" and tell your girls they can't come over here anymore. i don't want to come back one day to find a random girl in the kitchen " a soft laugh bubbled past your lips, in hopes of that coming off as a joke even if it was probably the thing you were most serious about.
" done. baby i don't want anyone else. no one ever set foot in here "
" not even sirius ?" you teased.
" okay maybe sirius set foot in here but after what he did to the kitchen he's never allowed in there again "
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iamsherlocked1479 · 6 months
Happpy New Year
Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: explicit content 18+, slut shame, chocking
Description: Stephen doesn't like that you recived a compliment, he doesn't like that somebody would even consoder they had a chance with you.
Most people are drunk right now, you’re not denying that you were, of course nobody leaves a Stark party completely sober. All beat it, most of the guests haven’t left yet, they were currently counting down to midnight last you heard the ball will drop in 10 minutes, but you couldn’t care right now. You’re currently pressed up against the padded wall of what looks like a gym, technically you hadn’t left Stark Tower yet, with your legs neatly parted over Stephen's shoulders as his tongue glided through your slick folds. 
“Oh fuck steph- we’re gonna miss the countown, we have to- shit.” Your eyes squinted shut and your hand tightened in his hair as he drew you closer to an orgasm. Your statement was thoroughly met with a grunt and a quick “I don’t care sweetheart” as his tongue continued to lap its way around your clit.
This had all started because Thor complimented your dress, he meant no harm of course only stating that you should belong with the Asgardian gods. But like always Stephen was jealous, he hated that a man would even consider himself worthy of being able to see you the way he did, a goddess in your own right. So after that one incident, at exactly 11:49pm Stephen had enough of the looks you were getting, even though you only had eyes for him, and proceeded to pull you into the nearest empty room and show exactly how only he could make you feel.
“Shhh, sweetheart, don’t want anyone hearing those sweet sounds you make for me.” He said, snaking his hand up your body to cover your mouth as you came. He lifted your legs off his shoulder and pinned you between him and the wall. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he kissed you, your hands continued to work on the buttons of his shirt as they had done earlier before he dropped to his knees for you. “Ah, ah sweetheart” he grabbed your wrists and moved your hand to his tight trousers where you palmed him through his clothes, “we gotta do this fast, i want all the others to see me kiss you at midnight.” He purred as he spun you around, tracing his cock between your folds before pushing you against the wall with a deep thrust. 
You didn’t like jealous stephen, but you loved the way he fucked, he was normally so gentle and kind making sure to touch and kiss you everyway possible before slowly drawing out orgasm after orgasm. But jealous Stephen, he fucked hard, he wasnt one for yelling or arguing, so he would take out his frustrations by pounding into you, he wanted to prove how fast he could make you cum how only he could make you feel that good. 
“You’re mine you know that right?” He purred as he sucked and nibbled at the pulse point on your neck leaving a purple mark for all to see. His cock had the perfect curve making it rub right against your g-spot in this position.
“Steph- please, i know im yours, fuck” you cried as his hand snaked around your neck bringing your head to his. He squeezed slightly, not enough to make it hard for you to breathe, but enough for your hand to clamp onto his wrist and walls to clench around his cock.
“Did you like the way Thor looked at you?” He moved his free hand to pull your dress down just enough to expose your tits to the world. “Did you want him looking at these?” He groaned with his cock twitching inside you. He grabbed on one of your tits, roughly massaging it in his hand and pinching on the nipple. “You know you’re so beautiful, I know you know every man smart enough wants you, admit it you like the attention.” He hissed, kissing your neck and thrusting even harder causing a pile of weights to tumble to the floor. “Tell me sweetheart, do you enjoy the attention?”
“Ye- shit, yes stephen. Fuck.” You moaned, your legs shaking at the overstimulation. He spun you around so that you could see yourselves in the mirrored walls, one hand gripped your chin and pointed you towards the mirror, while the other clung around your abdomen holding you in place as he kept himself inside you.
“Look at you.” He hummed in satisfaction, you looked at what you saw, your dress creased, tits popping out over the top of your dress, mascara running down your face, legs shaking, “look at us” you looked at him through the reflection, eyes darkened, hair stuck with sweat to his forehead, shirt falling down his shoulders and his trousers down only just enough to get his cock out. It was a sight to see, yet a sight you and stephen both loved to see, he loved showing you what he can do to you, and you loved that stupid dumb sarcastic smile of his. 
His arm that wrapped around your waist slid down to your clit as he continued pushing inside you, his fingers played with your clit using his precum that dripped from you as a lubricant, adding to the pleasure. You squeezed your eyes shut as you could feel that knot tightening, threatening to break as your insides fluttered. Stephen moaned at the sensation of your walls clenching around him.
“Open your eyes” he demanded “I want you to watch as I make you cum, i want you to realise you’re a slut, but you’re my slut.” He grunted as he felt himself drawing closer to his release, his fingers now frantically swiped up and down your clit and with his cock still hitting your g-spot, the sensation became unbearable and the knot snapped, this felt different your felt yourself dripping onto him and creating a small puddle on the hard gym floor. Your knees buckled and you melted to the floor where Stephen set you on all fours, still making sure you can see yourself in the mirror. He kept himself inside you as you slumped, trying to catch your breath
“You see that, that's how good I can make you feel. Tell me what you are.” he said, giving you a single hard thrust causing the sound of skin on skin to echo through the dark room.
“Yours.” you said through breathless moans, this landed a firm yet satisfying slap on you ass as he sped up his motions.
“My what?” he said “speak up” he said moaning, following his own ecstasy
“Your slut.” you cried out, holding yourself up as you could see in the mirror that he was completely lost in the chase for his own orgasm, so you angled yourself that you were pushing yourself onto him every time he entered you. “I’m your slut stephen, yours and yours alone, my pussy is made for you.” your words only encouraged him as he moaned with the satisfaction that the lesson he had been trying to teach you had finally sunk in. 
“That's right sweetheart, your mine” His trembling hands practically vibrated as he gripped the fat of your hips turning his knuckles white. You looked in the mirror, the smell of sex filling your nostrils, you looked at the sight behind you, his biceps straining through the sleeves of that white dress shirt you loved so much, his muscular chest shining with sweat. That was the man you fell in love with, every inch of him, even his salt and pepper temples he hated so much, you loved him.
“Say it again sweetheart.” he begged, he was so close.
“I’m your slut Stephen. I want you to fill me up, make your slut drip with your cum Stephen.” you called out with a victorious smile as he came, strengthening his grip on your waist. His body caved on top of yours as he littered your shoulder with kisses.
“Did you fuck out that atitude?” you asked with a giggle
“I don’t have an attitude.” he stated, sitting back on his knees and watching his seed drip from you. “I just like to make my opinion clear.” he smiled when you jolted as he pushed his cum back into your sensitive hole.
“I think you did.” you got up and put your underwear back on, which had been left at the door, the face he pulled when he realised you were just going to keep his seed inside you almost wanted to make you do it all again, but you did have a deadline to meet. You watched as he buttoned up his shirt and tucked himself back in place. “You know I love you and only you right?” 
“Of Course i do.” he walked over and kissed your forehead “i just wished other people understood that.” he clicked his fingers and your makeup and hair neatened themselves up like nothing had happened and linked his arm into yours.
“It was just a compliment Stephen, Thor didn’t mean anything by it.” you laughed to yourself as the hum of the party grew near
“You don’t know that for sure.” Stephen joked back as he grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed one to you.
“I know you’re jealous.” you looked at him and he rolled his eyes
“So what if I was?” he smiled “Sometimes i think you prefer it.”
“So what if I did?” your brow quirked, he opened his mouth to say something when you were interrupted by the rest of the guests beginning to count down and stephen lead you to the balcony where the others where
“3… 2… 1… Happy new year!” Stephen pulled you towards him and locked his lips with yours with a passionate kiss, you had to grip your glass so that you didn’t drop it on impact, he pulled you closer to him, allowing you to rest on his chest before finally parting.
“Happy new year sweetheart.” he smiled and gave you another peck
“Happy new year.” you smiled back
“Now correct me if i’m wrong but we need to go home, i haven’t seen you naked since last year.” he pulled your wrist
“That joke wasn’t funny last year and it still isn’t” you gave him a pity laugh
“Then why are you following me?”
A/N: I have to say i might have gotten a little carried away with some of the language there, but im not appologising, this was based of a dream i had a few weeks back and i thought i'd turn it into a lil end of year gift for you all because in january i will have bneen posting for two years which is crazy to me because this year we have grown from around 50 followrrs to 250! which is even more crazy so, hope to get back into the swing of things next and hope you all have a great new year love ypu all sm! <3
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buff-muffin · 6 months
I’ve been slowly brewing up little One piece canon compliant head canons. These could be used to write little stories if I or someone else wanted. But I just want to get them out of my head so here you go.
Just an FYI. I’ve only finished pre-timeskip so spoilers for till the end of marineford ig and if something is proven different by Oda or later on in canon. I want y’all to know I really don’t care.
1. When Shanks was visiting Foosha village he had never actually heard of bug fighting neither had almost any of the crew. To little Luffy that was essentially a hate crime and he ran out of the bar so fast all of them thought they had upset the boy. He returned around an hour later with two large bugs in his hands and the crew got to watch them fight. Thoroughly smashed and here to enjoy Luffys interests they got WAY too into the fight and started placing bets and were screaming, cheering for their chosen bug. Never had the town seen so many grown adults so worked up over two bugs on a bar table.
2. Nami helps Usopp with his hair care. Back at Syrup village he normally had the kids help out when it finally needed to be washed. But now on the Going Merry he didn’t exactly trust a man with three swords or Luffy near his hair. And Sanji wasnt much help either. He was scared to ask at first but after Arlong Park Nami agreed and it soon become tradition for them to kick Sanji out of the kitchen for Usopp’s hair day and spend the whole time talking and gossiping. Sanji was and still is jealous about it but it’s completely platonic
3. (continuing after 2) Chopper was the next member to join the ‘hair care club.’ While his hooves aren’t the best for helping out with washing or braiding, and his human form’s hands were too big. He liked hearing about what went into caring for different hair textures. And he just liked to be helpful. However it was through being in the hair care club did Chopper realise that being part human because of his devil fruit meant his fur needed to be washed way more often than it did. And after some trial and error with wash frequency and products, they found the perfect combo that leaves him adorably soft.
4. (also continuing after 2) Robin was the fourth member and was invited to join before the events of Skypia. Nami asking if Robin could braid her hair while she did Usopp’s. But Robin just quietly confessed she had no idea how to braid hair. Seeing as no adult in her life wanted to sit down and teach her at Ohara. Seeing that as an atrocity, the hair care club had their first offical meeting. Where they showed Robin all sorts of braids on both Nami’s hair and Usopp’s
5. (continuing after 4) Robin quietly found herself very proud of the knowledge of knowing how to braid. And on quiet hours on the ship while she was reading and everyone was doing their own quiet things. She often used extra hands to add little braids to Luffy’s hair while he either fished or napped. Luffy is completely aware she is doing this yet never thought to bring it up. He loves little acts of affection from his crew and waking up to braids in his hair never fail to make him smile.
6. (continuing after 2. This is the final one I swear) Brook is the last member of the hair care club. While he lets Chopper check his ‘roots’ and general hair health he actually knows how to do different hair styles for Usopp’s hair texture and happily teaches him as well as the others and now Usopp can finally branch out in hair styles
7. one of Luffy’s favourite pass times is to listen to his crew mates talking about their dreams. He sits at the table listening to Sanji tell tales about the all blue. Or listen to Franky and Robin ramble about work. He listens to Zoro talk about people he wants to fight, and the islands Nami wants to visit. He’ll listen to Chopper’s doctor mumbo jumbo and Usopp talking about plans for new weapons. He loves listening to Brook’s songs but he’ll also hear tales about the skeleton’s old crew and stories of Laboon. He tries to ask questions to sound interested but it normally just gives people the idea he’s not paying attention. So instead he gives them encouragement. Because his favourite part, is seeing the way their eyes light up talking about something their truly passionate about, and the shameless smile they give him knowing their captain would never once make fun of their dream.
8. Robin quickly found comfort in Luffy after joining the crew and for a while she couldn’t figure out why. Until she realised his ‘shishishi’ laugh sounded just like Jaguar D. Saul’s, the giant she met growing up. And when she realised it was the first night she slept soundly on that little boat.
9. After loosing his arm Shanks went through a really annoying yet hilarious adjustment period of getting halfway through a task before realising he needs two hands. His crew always laughed when Shanks did his ‘wait how am I gonna do this’ pause. And while they always help him out when he needs it. They know he will figure out how to open things himself. Hopefully without his teeth.
10. Ace very proudly has a scar on his arm from where Luffy accidentally bit him once way too hard while fighting. When Dadan patched him up and told them it was probably gonna scar Ace was pissed, Luffy was wailing in apologies and Sabo had been dying of laughter that Ace’s first ‘cool fighting scar’ was his brothers teeth mark. Now though? Among the other battle scars Ace’s skin bares. That scar is his favourite story to tell. And all of the Whitebeard pirates know to. Never let their fingers near Luffy’s mouth.
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midnight-talescape · 8 months
𝐻𝒶𝓉𝓇𝑒𝒹 (𝒱𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 31: Free day
Yeah its gangbang time! IM FINALLY FREEEEEEEEEE
I had to colorcode them because i wasnt sure how to separate the Miguel apart but if anyone have a better ides to seperate them i will appreciate it.
Yeah they’re the miguel from the last four story. As you can tell they all ended in angst :)
Orgin Miguel is the Miguel from bestfriend, but he’s like from (Y/N) Orgin universe
Thats it have fun
Also very bad at writing gangbang
Warning: gangbang, knot, hate sex, a few toxic behaviors? etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 3266
How fast can love turn to hate?
That was a question Miguel never thought about till he met you, well Miguel never even thought about love till he met you.
If you were to ask him that question then, he would have answered never.
How could he ever hate you?
You could hurt him all you want and he will forgive you.
You were his everything and deep down Miguel knows that between you and the multiverse, he will pick you each and every time.
Without you, he’s nothing.
How naive he was back then.
If you were to ask him this question now, he would tell you a decade.
A decade of sleepless nights and a decade of wondering why it had to be you.
He knew you couldn’t help it and it was for the greater good.
But why did it have to be you?
Why did you have to leave him alone in a multiverse without you?
A multiverse where you’re doomed to die and he is destined to lose you.
A decade was all it took for that love and despair to change into anger and hate.
You were his everything and you left him.
You promised to never leave him, but you did and left him a broken mess.
He will never forgive you.
He will find you again and he will make you pay for leaving him behind.
Even if it meant stealing you away from the Multiverse, even if it meant destroying every universe in his path.
Miguel would stop at nothing to have you once more.
You open your eyes confused out of your mind as you stare into the darkness.
W-where am I? D-didn’t I die? Wait… how did I die?
You let out a loud groan as you felt a splitting pain in your head.
Your brain filled with fragmented memories of various past incarnations.
Of pain, love, and loss.
But most importantly…
You squint your eyes, the light stinging your eyes as the door opens.
"Welcome back from the dead, mi amor. We promise you will never leave us again."
Came several voices all dripping with desire and wants.
You were pushed onto the ground by the different Miguels, you couldn't even fight back, still confused and dazed from what was happening.
"Welcome home, mi amor," Origin! Miguel said softly, a crazed look in his eyes as his fingers tracing lightly over your arm, sending shivers down your spine. "We missed you, and we'll make sure you never leave us again."
Your eyes widened as you felt their hands running up and down your body. Your body begins to flush and your eyes water as you try to stop them,
“W-wait guys stop…”
Your body still sensitive from being newly resurrected, and your mind trying to comprehend what’s happening.
You whimper as Miguel's fingers lightly trail over your sensitive skin, his touch brings you an unspeakable pleasure.
The other Miguels surrounded you, their hands clawing and tugging at your clothes, their fingers desperate to touch every inch of your skin.
You try to push them away, but the heat radiating from each of them seems to melt you from the inside. You want to fight back, but the familiarity of their touch, the intensity of their desires hold you prisoner to their love.
It felt like you were drowning in their love, their lust, and their anger.
“I-i will die…” you cried out terrified at what was about to happen,
Triggered by your comment Miguel grabbed your face pulling you up toward him, his eyes filled with rage, lust, and fear as he snarled out,
“You won't die, mi vida. We will fuck you until you can't remember your name or walk. Until you're drunk on our cock and can't do anything but have our cum dripping out of your tight little cunt. You will fucking live and be ours. You are mine, mi vida!”
You should be scared, you should be terrified.
But you love them.
Every single incarnation you have loved them.
Even though you were trapped and they are forcing themselves on you, you still love them.
“Are you okay, Miguel?” You asked quietly,
Miguel looks up at you, his eyes filled with pain, before being replaced with hatred again,
“You left us, mi vida… YOU LEFT ME ALONE!!!”
Origin! Miguel nipped your arm, his hand stroking your back gently a sharp contrast to his voice, dripping with malice,
“You made me forget you, (Y/N)…there weren't even memories that I could use to hold onto you, (Y/N)….”
Hybrid! Miguel wrapped his tail around your waist and nuzzled into your neck,
“What we’re going to do to you is nothing compared to the pain we went through, doctor…”
“Those mortals were nothing compared to you, mi diosa…”
“You are mine. I marked you, little hero, how could you leave?”
“You left us!”
Over and over again they repeated your broken promises, the promise of forever that were broken.
Their bodies tremble as they voice their pain, they need your love, your affection.
They were desperate for you, they needed you.
“Tell me little hero, how many cocks do you think your body can take? Because we're all gonna have our fun with you.”
Origin! Miguel pulled you into his arms when he saw how terrified you were at the prospect,
“When we’re done with you, you won’t be able to move…..You won’t be able to walk, you won’t even be able to think…. But we will be here for you, keeping you safe….”
You shook your head and desperately reached out your hand for Miguel,
“It won't fit… All of you won't fit inside me…”
Hybrid! Miguel grabbed your hand and bit down drawing blood,
“Don’t try looking at him for help, he was the one that orchestrated this.” His voice dripping with jealousy at the aspect that you trust someone more than him,
“We will be gentle,” God! Miguel mumbled as he kissed the side of your neck,
“Doubt it, I want to break her as fast as I can.”
You look up at them your eyes watery trying your best to win some mercy from them, but Miguel just looks at the other before saying,
“Prep them a little with your fingers or tongue before doing anything. We don't want to break her…yet”
Villain! Miguel rolled his eyes and said,
“They’re a wet little thing, they’re practically dripping wet by this point.”
But Villain! Miguel lets go of you and gets ready to prep you for the rest of the night as you tremble in fear.
You let out a loud groan as Miguel pulled you into a rough kiss, his hand wrapping tightly around your neck choking you as he shoved his tongue down your throat.
Hybrid! Miguel grinned as he watched your eyes tear up from the kiss, tracing his tongue across your skin and biting at your shoulder.
The hybrid took his time, his tongue rough as he dragged it across your sensitive skin, causing you to whimper and writhe beneath them.
After all those years apart, that line between love and obsession is so deliciously blurred.
As he bit into your shoulder, the other Miguels didn’t waste their time.
God! Miguel fingers reached between your legs, feeling the dampness that seeped between your thighs.
You moan pitifully into the kiss, every muscle tightening as you try to hide your arousal.
Before you could fully drown in his kiss, there was a sudden sharp pain in your thigh. Villain! Miguel bit your thigh as he pulled your leg apart so God! Miguel could better push his fingers into you.
Your body arched, clenching onto his fingers and you tried to push them away, but your hand was grabbed by Origin! Miguel who wrapped his tongue around your fingers.
You panted as Miguel let go of you, your face red and sticking out your tongue to breathe as your body trembled with pleasure.
“S-stop….” every single part of your body seems to be licked or bitten by one Miguels or another,
“Relax, mi diosa… if we don't stretch you out a little you won't be able to take all of us…” God! Miguel purred as he curled his fingers deep inside you, drawing out an painful orgasm from you,
You let out a loud whine and your body arched upward, but Miguel pushed your body down forcefully. He wrapped his hand around your breast, kneading it roughly and swirling his tongue around your nipple.
Hybrid! Miguel grin as he watches your body clenched around God! Miguel fingers, the carpet under you wet with your juice and sweat.
“Just let us fuck you stupid, doctor” Hybrid! Miguel lick up your stomach, placing kisses on your stomach as he slipped his hand into your wet cunt, thrusting his fingers inside you with God! Miguel finger, “…you owe it to us for leaving us after all…”
“T-too much…” you cried out struggling to get away,
“I don't care if it’s too much, I want your mouth on my cock. I want to see how far your throat can stretch around me.” Villain! Miguel murmured into your ears as he shoved his fingers into your mouth, “How much of my cock do you think your pretty little mouth can take, little hero?”
You couldn't answer only gagging around his fingers as you felt your body being stretched as the Hybrid! Miguel pulled his fingers out of you so God! Miguel could slip his tongue inside your wet fold.
“It feels good, doesn't it? Don't worry we’re just warming you up, we’ll get you ready for the real thing…”
For the next hour, you were reduced to a babbling leaking mess as they competed with each other to see who can get you to cum the most.
There wasn't a single part of your body that wasn't kissed, licked, touched, or bitten in some way as they used your body to its contents.
Your chest and ass were littered with scars from their claws. Your cunt was stretched and overstimulated as they each took turns eating your out. By the time they were done prepping you, you were overstimulated to the point you couldn’t even think and begged for them to stop.
“Look at you, reduced to a whimpering mess, mi amor,” Origin! Miguel said as he reached over and pushed your leg apart exposing your wet cunt further to the rest of the Miguels,
They looked at each other, a dark look passing over their eyes as a silent agreement was made.
Origin! Miguel picked you up slightly and turned you around so you were now straddling him. Your body trembled in fear as you felt what was about to happen.
Twisting your head to the side Villain! Miguel looked into your dazed eyes and said,
“I told you I will see how much of my cock your mouth can take~” before grabbing your head and shoving his cock into your mouth,
You gagged almost immediately as his cock hit the back of your throat, tears falling from your eyes, Origin! Miguel looked up with a slight frown,
“Let her adjust a little…” reverting to your caring best friend for a split second as he watches your pitiful form,
Villain! Miguel let out a crazy laugh still forcing his cock down your throat as he said, “Like hell I will, their mouth is so tight and warm it's like they’re made for this…” he looked at Miguel and Origin! Miguel for a second before continuing, “…if I remember right you guys are the only one who haven't fucked her before, right? Spoiler, their body is made to be fuck and destroyed~”
His voice dripped with contempt as he said that.
None of them were happy with sharing you, having only resorted to this because they have to and it's showing.
Villain! Miguel’s words enraged the rest of the Miguels and they all looked like they were going to punch him.
Miguel glared at him coldly, his protectiveness over you showing through the hate, “They’re not a toy for you to abuse, we can use them like one but we're not going to treat them like one.”
Origin! Miguel rubbed your back soothingly trying to comfort you,
“At least they love us, unlike someone who never even got a promise before they died.”
That comment hit a sore spot and Villain! Miguel immediately pulled out of your mouth allowing you to breathe before attempting to attack Origin! Miguel,
“I killed all the villains so I can have her to myself, I don't mind killing you too…” he hissed as he was held back by Hybrid! Miguel,
God! Miguel looked down at you as you wrapped your hand around your neck coughing and your eyes teary, before kneeling down and wiping away the saliva from your chin,
“Mi Diosa, you left me…” his voice gentle, bringing you back memories of how he used to protect you against all harm,
“I'm sorry…you guys were more important to me than myself…” you said quietly your voice hoarse,
Miguel hears your voice and turns to you with a cold anger in his eyes. “You don’t understand. You don’t know what it felt like to watch you die. To not be able to do anything as I watch you disappear in front of me, (Y/N). I would rather die with you than live alone.”
As he said that a heavy silence fell in the room. Villain! Miguel stopped struggling against Hybrid! Miguel as he watched you, his eyes filled with anger and desperation. Origin! Miguel wrapped his arm around you tightly pushing you into his chest, you felt something wet falling onto your shoulder.
“A decade, (Y/N). A decade of my life missing. Then another decade and a half spent wondering why there is a hole in my heart, desperately searching for a person no one remembers…” Origin! Miguel bit into your neck, “…how could you be so cruel, mi amor…”
“I’m sor- gah!” you started apologizing before your body froze and you felt him shoving his cock into your tight cunt,
Origin! Miguel eyes seemed to glow red as he bit into your neck drinking your blood as he mumbled,
“…this is your punishment for leaving me…”
The rest of the Miguels seemed a little concerned over Origin! Miguel's sudden aggression as he brutally fucked into you. Except for Miguel who simply got behind you and started slowly pushing his cock into your ass.
“F-fuck! I-it hurts stop please!” You cried out desperately your body rigid with pain as you felt both of your entrances being stretched open, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, gasling in pain as they thrust into you,
“Are you sure we’re the violent ones?” Villain! Miguel asked as he watched the scene unfold in front of him,
Before he shrugged and then walked toward you tilting your head up again, your face wet with tears.
“I will be gentle this time, little hero…” Opening your mouth again he shoved his cock down your throat, groaning as he felt your throat tighten around him, your whimper sending vibrations up his cock,
God! Miguel and Hybrid! Miguel looked at each other before each grabbing one of your hands and wrapped it around their cock using your hand to satisfy themselves as they waited for their turn.
Your body flushed as you felt their hand wrapping around your breast kneading them roughly, your hand barely able to wrap around their large cock as they used your hand to satisfy them.
Origin! Miguel gripped your waist tightly as he ram into your tight cunt swearing as he fucked into you ignoring how much pain you were in,
“Such a tight little cunt for me we’re not letting you go (Y/N) not until we have our fill of you and break you down till you're begging us to fill you over and over again…”
Villain! Miguel hissed as he felt your throat tighten around him, using his hand he choke you feeling his cock through your throat before saying,
“..someone’s a little excited.”
Miguel splayed his hand over your stomach and pushed down on the cock bulge and with a muffled scream you cum onto Origin! Miguel cock.
“So fucking sensitive…” Miguel groaned as he felt your body wrapping tightly around his cock,
“We’re going to stuff you full of our cum until you can never walk again. Until you will never think of sacrificing yourself ever again…”
It didn't take long for you to completely lose track of whos fucking you and who’s using what part of your body. All you can tell is you’re being filled over and over again.
Your stomach was filled with cum and more is dripping out of you before being stuffed back into you. Yet there was still more that coated your body.
Your throat was raw and both of your entrances were swollen and puffy as they pounded into you.
One of your legs is hooked onto someone's shoulder while the other one is in someone else's hand. Your body was bent to the extreme so they can use your body to the max.
Someone kissed you exploring your mouth, while someone nibbled on your chest. Sucking your nipple roughly as though they expected you to lactate if they suck on it hard enough.
They were pulling you down into the abyss of their dark twisted love…
“Please… I’m sorry! Please, please, please stop!!!”
You cried out dazedly as they kept pounding into you deeper and deeper, your body was being overwhelmed. But they weren't stopping, at least, not yet…
One of them pulled you close and kissed the tears off your face…
“Oh, my little hero…You’re so adorable when you beg…”
He let out a soft chuckle and looked at you, whispering darkly
“I think I might just keep going…”
“Remember how I promised I would never hurt you? It seems I can’t keep every promise I make…”
"I won't stop mi amor…. You hurt me. You promised you'd be with me, you promised me forever.”
“You have always wondered what my claws can do, haven't you? Well, it's time for you to find out…” Your body convulsed as you felt him clawing at your inside,
He ignores your begging as he watches you sob and struggle against him.
“Stop crying so much doctor,” he chuckles before whispering to you. “The louder you cry, the more excited I get.”
Your leg spasms as you feel his knot inflating inside you, plugging you up.
“Oh, mi diosa... Oh, how much I've missed you,” he whispered in a low and sultry tone, his voice dripping with lust.
“How long I've wanted to possess you, body and soul again…”
“Fuck your so tight… it's like you don't want me to pull out, Doctor…”
The room was filled with nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin, grunting, and whimpering as they used you.
They will do anything to keep you with them.
And if it means fucking you till you won't ever consider leaving them again, so be it…
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myabsurddreamjournal · 8 months
Fate (Part 3)
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Soldier boy x Fem! reader
Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
her head was on something comfortable and warm, gentle fingers were brushing her hair. Her mother used to this after certain days, when her mind became so loud, all she could think about were the bad thoughts, the things she saw on the news, the things she heard from radio while sitting on the school bus, that dead body of a fox in the road, crushed by a car.
They haunted her. All her life, Even as a child she knew something was wrong with her, because unlike her, none of her friends were in constant fear and sadness. No matter what she did, Laughing or crying, big part of her was always thinking that she wasnt meant to be in this world.
that this world was wrong.
Fingers were on her cheek now, caressing it softly. She chased it with her head,
-"You sure resembe a kitty"
this wasnt her mothers voice.
She opened her eyes in shock, A very familiar face with green eyes was looking down on her.
-"S-soldier boy!?"
-"I was afraid that you hit your head too hard back there"
Suddenly she was aware of sharp ache on the side of her head. But there was something else, her head, it was in his lap! heartbeat starting to speed up, she tried to stand up but his hand on her shoulder prevented it.
"Don't." he said sternly. "You need to lay down for a while"
"H-how? " i mean w-what happened? where am i?"
"in a plane, we are going back to U.S."
she looked at him confusedly.
"You passed out back there, i carried you." he added.
upon hearing this, she looked at the surroundings, giant boxes and packets were everywhere. No seats were in sight. "must be a cargo plane" she thought. But why did she passed out?
she tried to recall past few hours, the sirens, and gunshots, the tall guy telling her to wake him up,
the last thing she remember was throwing that damn ashtray, then..
Him saying her name.
how could he know that?, it was impossible
"it could only happen if he was.." told a voice inside her.
suddenly, a horrible feeling started to form in her gut.
-"h-how do you know my name" she asked with a trembling voice, Praying that answer wouldnt be the one she expected.
-"i heard everyhting you told me."
For a few seconds, she was silent, the weight of what she just heard making her dizzy.
She tried to fight the feeling, not wanting to be so weak in front of him.
But when his hands started to stroke her hair again, her eyes became glassy, she closed them, tears falling on her cheeks,
she couldnt believe it, didn't want to believe it, all this time he was there, hearing her while she was crying and telling everything about her life to him, apologizing to him.
Admiring to him.
Taking his blood. Poking him with needles.
he was aware of everything they did.
She was sobbing now, trying to be quiet, she covered her face with hands but soldier boy pulled them away moments later,
-"Why are you crying doll?" he asked,
-"B-because i-i always found solace at the thought, that you were not in pain anymore, that you were asleep so you couldn't feel it." I never wanted to do the things they told me, the thin-
she couldnt finish because he lifted her chin with his finger, making her look at his eyes directly.
she gasped at what she saw, his green eyes,
they were burning, burning with rage.
she could almost see the flames in them, like in her dreams. The dreams she had since she was a child.
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he leaned towards her and slowly took her arm in his hand, looking at the burn mark there.
-"they will pay for what they did." He said,
-"To you and me."
Notes: I hope you guys liked it! your comments are really important to me, also, do you guys also hate the world? Always feel free to talk to me :)
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch @mfnqueen1 @ponypickle @butchers-girl @verypostcrown
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lizaluvsthis · 2 months
Smg4: smg4 doesn't meme for 1 second
Mostly Gay Boys talk / and well lil bit of crew talk
The crew convinced three to take four in for a therapy session. Tho that didnt solve his problems on complete brain rot with all of the memes.
Three did try his best to make him stay a bit focused on the topic they were meant to discuss with four's own meme problems.
And that didn't work-
- after smg4 was sent to meme rehab -
Everyone in the crew were sitting in the gaming room watching some tv, they were seen bored as ever without smg4.
Even just a small glimpse with each memeber entirely they've missed smg4 as well. He was their friend, their leader.
Shroomy came in with the mention of "among us" everyone- as in EVERYONE looked at where smg4 is supposed to be sitting at- reminded them the times when he would laugh at couple of meme jokes.
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It is pretty much saddened by the crew how worse it could be in a day without smg4 is by at their side could make them feel miserable.
Then Meggy mentioned about missing smg4...
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You know who responded to that?
Three himself...
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"Yeah...like, if... er... smg4's stupid humor... like actually... made our lives more exciting...and we didn't like... realize it or something?"
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"We're going over to that facility... to get SMG4 back!"
Smg3 was the one who knocked the door, he wanted him to come back. Even the crew also needs smg4 back because he wasn't just any other leader. He was already part of them as well.
They could all tell so, even for smg3 too.
Smg3's character development has taken him way more better to where he'd come far off being the evil villain he used to be before then coming to how much important he chose his own path.
"Hi, how are you" gave them the shock on their faces. Like they felt it was already too late to take back the treatment he was given while he was away.
"Woah smg4! Look at the phone! Wow, sk---di! Yeah you like this! Wooh! Sk---di t--l-t! Hehe. Stinky, woaaaaahh!" ★(I had to censor this because I hate reading nor hearing [REDACTED])
Smg3 attempted to try and brighten out his mood. Gave it a chance who mightve thought would work, giving him those meme moments that definitely would make him laugh.
But three didnt even know he wasnt even sure- if he even liked sk---di t--l-t.
Last time we know is that four almost lost his sh-t during that one cintent farm episode, he cringed to the part of mentioning this kind of brain rot.
But now that his mind is not any other that he'd act at all, smg4 became the normal. The person he wasnt supposed to be. Who SHOULDNT be.
"What is... a meme..."
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Everyone didnt want to lose smg4's senses, they didnt want his own person to disappear SO. they went inside the lab to get back his uhh... meme... thing-
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Then- yeah he did-
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Some of their eyes were relaxed but still worrying for him, while tari and smg3's eyes were a bit widened in shock. (Three was more widened than tari btw)
This indicates that three may have grew tons of roots being there for smg4 as well. That their friendship they both have planted is far beyond than just "sticking" to the sides.
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Now that Four is back in his senses, everyone joined in including smg3 to do the... t pose? Whatever it's called.
Three was so happy- to finally get him back- speaking of having the role as a tritagonist, he really mustve took way more care and tells how important he already is to him. Even as a friend.
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Honestly the hosts here who've completely have done much was Meggy and Three. Well- mostly three since he'd been convincing the crew to not give up or regret the choices made.
He LITERALLY told them that they need to get him BACK.
And everyone did understood.
Mark my words they have to be- (if they dont become canon in wotfi 2024 i will cry and die)
There is literally no way you guys look at each other like that. Stare for atleast SIX MORE SECONDS. (/referring to Puzzlevision movie when FOUR HAD BEEN STARING AT THREE)
and then caring for one another so emotionally like- mate- THATS FRUITY ALREADY- ENOUGH- WITH THE "FRIENDS" WHERE IS THE "BOY" AND "FRIEND"??????
I cant- I cannot- thats how badly they both need each other and slow burn is just- literally... uuuuuurugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They both mightve had the longest slowburn i have EVER seen in the sun and moon shipping history/silly
This mostly takes alot of time (judging by like lumity or catradora)
But i wouldnt mind with this also- its- well- kind of almost there but not yet...?
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splatattackz · 8 months
and, springing off of my last post, heres a greater post talking about ramon and his relation with lying and secret-keeping - because, in my opinion, its a topic that needs to be known to better understand his character as secrets are a big part of his family.
ill place the talk under the cut so this post doesnt take too much space :)
"just [to] let u know, i trust u even in the dark"
ramon trusts fit. a ton. and theres nothing that could ever change that. he trusts what is kept secret is best kept this way. its why he wasnt as persistent to know about the contract, even if he knew there was lies and secrets at play that he hated. he trusted him. and that trust only grew when fit trusted him enough back to tell him a little bit of the family secret (the contract).
but, despite this trust, ramon also loves fit all too much. its why he gets so defensive when fit tells lies to him. ramon is a very observant boy. he knows a lot of things he shouldnt because of this. as fit once said, "the kids too damn smart for his own good". no lie leaves his detection because he can always tell the way people shift and change when theyre fibbing. but he doesnt push or prod on the matter usually. unless its fit. because he loves him too much. he needs to know whats going on with him. if he doesnt know, how can he help and protect him? its a reason he hates it when fit mutes, too. he always feels like fits keeping a secret from him when it happens.
i remember one time they were working on ground zero (i think it was the last time they worked on ground zero) and fit was fretting over his contract and ramon made a joke about how he acted like he would die if he didnt fullfill the contract. and fit laughed and said "no, ramon, i wont die." and then muted and said smth like "itll be much worse than death". and ramon noticed fit muted and got very upset. he basically threw a tantrum over it and wouldnt talk to fit until he told him what he was keeping secret. ramon said he was upset because the topic at hand (fit dying) and the fact he muted didn't spell anything good.
"if u tell me i [either] [lose] everything or u, i would choose [to keep] u"
something ramon said to show how much he cared for fit and how that care is why he was so upset. eventually fit did tell him and even told him more about what it meant if he didnt fullfill the contract - that if he failed, he would be trapped in the wastelands forever with no escape. and that this contract was his only chance at a semi-normal life.
but otherwise, ramons relation to lies and secret-keeping isnt negative. he has told lies and has kept secrets himself. hes no stranger to it. and he even keeps fit in check about the contract when he wants to tell other people things. i remember when fit found tazercraft in the prison he wanted to tell phil but ramon stopped him and told him some things are best kept secret. and, while this was mainly a very hrp response bc the admin wanted to let the duo solve the puzzles, he made a good point of if he trusts phil enough with this maybe he should tell him about the contract too. to which fit said "no, hes not ready to know about it yet". and, again, when ramon first built the satellite for the second attempt at contact, fit wanted to tell phil where he would be in case anything happened. and, again, ramon stopped him and reminded him if he wanted to do that then he'd have to tell phil everything. and the convo ended there.
(its no coincidence that fit told phil about the secret bedroom with ramon not around :] the baby boy cant keep him in check with that stuff now..)
ill stop the post here before we are here for hours but. i needed to talk about one of ramons most interesting aspects ajaja i hope you enjoyed the little ramble
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rowaelinsdaughter · 6 months
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a/n;; everybody, this is HAPPENING OMG!!!! this is going to be my first story and this is my first fic with my OC (read the information here). this fic is written in 3rd person so there is no use of "you".
i was thinking and maybe im going to write fics using my oc, as i said in my post of the OC, i want to improve, i want to change, i want new things, new experiences... and this is my first step. so i hope u guys enjoy this. (reblogs are appreciated and this doesnt mean im not going to write character x reader, my requests are still open)
WARNINGS;; spoilers for heir of fire, mentions of death
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manon blackbeak was eager to come back. she has been hunting crochans for weeks and finally, she reached a cottage in the north of fenharrow and now, she was prepared for blood. hiding in the closet, she listened to the three men that had broken in. 
she heard them open the door to the room. 
“come out, little crochan,” one of them said. 
with their backs to the closet, manon slipped out  and quietly closed the bedroom door. 
“wrong kind of witch.”
the moon was up in the sky when ayla moonsinger approached the cliff where a certain moon-white haired witch was waiting. she looked how her hair danced with the wind and by the pose, she knew manon was enjoying the wind. knew there were few sounds she enjoyed more than the groans of dying men, but the wind was one of them.
step by step, she got closer to her figure until her arms were hugging manons waist, feeling them a smile appeared on her face, one that never allowed to show in front of the matron… or anyone except for the thirteen. her coven. she twisted around to face ayla and took her face between her hands. 
hazel eyes and golden eyes looked at each other. looked into their souls. 
“hello witchling” manon purred. 
ayla leaned her forehead until they were touching. manon was the first one who initiated the kiss. their hands explored each other's bodies while their mouths were a mix of teeth, lips and tongues. ayla was the first one who broke the kiss first, caressing her cheek, manon left kisses on her neck making ayla laugh with delightment.
“manon, your grandmother is coming here soon…”
“let me feel you, i haven't seen you in months”
“i know… i missed you too”
a low whistle sounded from behind and manon snarled, ayla turned around and found asterin leaned on a tree, a smirk displayed on her beautiful face and her braid falled down her shoulder. 
“calm down you wolf, it's only asterin.”
manon rolled her eyes and left a kiss on her cheek. if asterin was here that meant the rest of the coven was also here… and the blackbeak matron would be here anytime soon.
they were all positioned when the matron arrived. voluminous midnight robes flowed around her with the wind. the memories flooded her mind like it was yesterday. 
her parents dead. her screaming. the matron slapping her face. “you’re coming with me”. her first day, week, month, year. the anniversary of their parents. the old houses of terrasen honoring her house, honoring the last member of the family… her. her first crochan. her first kill.
she hated her. hated the way she was and the way she treated everyone, specially manon and the thirteen. and she hated how she needed to act to survive. because that was not what she learned, she wasnt that way. she wasn't cold hearted, she wasn't cruel. there wasn't a day in which she didn't regret the person she was sometimes. what would my parents think about me?  she usually asked herself, and in the long nights where she was hunting, in the nights she couldn't sleep next to her mate, she looked to the stars and searched for the lord of the north and mourned a family, a city, long forgotten.
two hours passed until the matron got out of the caravan where she had talked with a duke.  “we are leaving now,” the matron said. manon jerked her chin to the thirteen and they fell in line, ayla between asterin and sorrel. “you two will protect her with your life, is that clear?” and that was 100 years ago. a lifetime now that the magic was gone.
ayla watched manon and her grandmother talk. about what? she didn't want to hear it.
when the matron was gone, ayla and the thirteen approached manon, the first one caressing her lovers back.
“apparently, the king needs riders. wyvern riders for his cavalry” her smile was wicked “we are traveling north”
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @danikamariewrites @thehighladywrites @throneofsapphics @shadowdaddies @ladybambifae
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jaemified · 1 year
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major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki [TEASER]
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers, romance, drama, small angst
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood
estimated wordcount ; 6k-8k
estimated release date ; june 9 - june 30
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted (or so jake thought), sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
read teaser below the cut !
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to riki but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
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