#but i dont want to open the file again to fix him
dromaeo-sauridae · 18 days
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@fly-sky-high-09 considering he doesnt know how to shoot a bow properly at the beginning at the game i cant imagine hed be the most receptive student lol
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xxfrankiesteinksxx · 6 months
small details in the dnpc video no one is mentioning
okay, look, i'm gonna admit it, i'm a game/film theory girly and a whore for lore, so i pick at details i shouldn't be picking at, so here's some things i see in the video that i don't see being mentioned in theories/analyses. also keep in mind my brain consists of a single cell encapsulated in aspic (i know what the actual deeper meaning is this is just a bit of fun for me)
the thing underneath the piano - the camera falls off the piano in one scene and something (i still cant figure out what exactly it might be) is visible, oddly clear-looking for something underneath a broken piano in shoddy lighting (actually looking at it again it might be a corpse, is it possibly phil's old body?)
dan telling phil not to film him drawing the sigils but phil still filming - you might be able to also throw in the part where phil screams "NO" when the camera's on him sitting in the corner; they don't seem to want things to be filmed but it feels like they're obligated to record everything to some extent
phil's very explicit control over dan - this is to the point where he even has to tell dan what and what isn't food, and takes away water privileges for some reason (btw this is your reminder to drink some water) and overall very demanding tone when instructing him
SOFT AND NEAT - there's a lot of reinforcement of this, its clearly a joke but i'm overanalytical and will blatantly ignore this. there's heavy hesitation with any sharp object around them (when dan has to cut his hand, kill phil, take out phil's heart, mentioning razor blades when using the shaving foam)
dan still primarily uses his left hand - people have mentioned how he's been "fixed" but him using his right hand seems to be performative since he pours most things, mixes with his left hand, and even primarily uses his left hand to spread the blood (plus he never sacrificed himself unlike phil who seems to have died in potato stamps and been resurrected with perfect vision) there's also old superstitions that being left-handed means you're somehow cursed by/connected to satan, speaking of which...
dan has a much better connection and the ability to communicate directly with Him - he seems to be a conduit, possibly being used by phil to properly perform anything (which also probably helped with his resurrection and eyesight improvement), he has uncontrollable actions from time to time
the sigils themselves - what do they all mean? what could they mean in a bigger, symbolic context? anyone that understands them pls explain to my aspic brain
the entire place fucking burns down after the ritual is complete and they're embraced by Him - it's clear at least to me that the shed is set on fire at the end of the video, cutting off further possible footage
dan doesn't put blood on phil's forehead during the ritual - might've just been a slipup during filming but we also dont see the blood dan put on his own forehead once he arrives and theyre all standing up in the pentagram
also just a couple fun facts:
the number on the case file when converted to corresponding letters of the alphabet spell out "satan"
what dan says in his reversed clip is just "thanks!", nothing is really said in the reversed clip of phil opening the shed door its juts kinda a random noise someone made
Aaaaand some misc nonsense crackpot theories/ideas/thoughts/brain vomit that my brain keeps me awake at night with (optional reading):
if the demon taking them at the end is actually baphomet and not just some generalized idea of satan, then "mother" could be another way to refer to "him" since baphomet is portrayed as having both female and male characteristics (bobs n pennies)
personally this is scarier/more unnerving than the actual blair witch project for some reason
my bathroom sink is the one sink you cant ship
i want a dapc for those dolls they hung everywhere
is cataloguing all of the ritual setup part of the craft channel's purpose?
what was the reason for summoning him? did they bring him to our plane of existence to just let him absorb these two brink-of-twinks and then use their gay power to torment the straights?
oh that rope is just his belt thing not rope tying dip and pip together
i think this is a good wrap-up idk what they could do in a part 5 to conclude things better
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bbyquokka · 1 year
Just saw Han’s star nails and idk why but I can imagine him letting you paint his nails and he can’t help but coo at how concentrated you are and he’s just admiring how excited you are trying out a new design 🥺
lazy days and painted nails
warnings: gn reader, idol jisung, established relationship words: 0.5k ~ (587)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
“baby, it's time.” jisung looks up at you from his position on the bedroom floor. lay flat on his stomach in just a white vest and grey sweats pants with a manga in front of him.
it's stray kids comeback in a few weeks and jisung is taking this time to relax for a while before things start getting hectic again. he doesn't mind things being chaotic, he likes it, keeps him busy. but he hates being away from you so he wants to spend the free time he has now with you as much as possible.
“nails?” he asks as you sit down on a pillow in front of him. you nod as you put the nail polishes, file and clippers down.
“comeback is soon and i want to do your nails.”
“ok. be my guest baby.” jisung sits up, willingly giving you his right hand. you like painting his nails just as much as he likes watching you do his nails. it's like you're with him when he is away, in a weird yet beautiful way.
“what design are you thinking off?” he asks, watching you file his nails and get rid of the dead skin and cuticles.
“something to do with stars. was thinking stars on all your fingers because y'know, five star.” you giggle.
“clever. just like the album, i love it.” your cheeks turn a soft pink colour as you open the nail polishes. you start by painting his nails, careful not to flood his cuticles or get any on his skin.
jisung watches you, smiling to himself. he reaches out with his free hand to tuck your hair behind your ear gently, which causes the tips of your ears to turn red and heart to thump like crazy against your rib cage.
“you're so beautiful, yn.”
“shh. don't make me lose focus.” you mumble.
“i can't help but speak my mind when it comes to you.” you give jisung a simple “mhm”, a sign that you're half listening. you stick your tongue out in concentration, one of the many habits jisung loves about you.
“even now you're acting so cute. with your tongue sticking out and the way your cheeks are so pink because of me.”
“ji!!” you whine, sticking out your bottom lip as you mess up one of the points of the star. “now i have to start all over again.”
“don't” jisung stops you from grabbing the remover by grabbing your hand gently. he intertwines his fingers with yours, pulling you closer to him.
you stutter. your faces are getting dangerously closer and closer to each other.
he's so close. you can see the fine detail of his textured skin. the skin on his lips, the mole on his cheek. his long lashes and cute button nose.
“you don't want me to fix it up?” you whisper, as you close your eyes.
“but why.” jisung pulls you onto his lap gently, holding your waist. his breath fans against your lips as he leans in, tilting his head to the side.
“because it shows that someone i love has done my nails. i don't want them to look perfect, i want people to know, to see that you did my nails. it feels like you're with me.”
you whimper softly as his lips press against yours in a gentle, sweet and delicate kiss. your lips move together in sync, creating a perfect rhythm that allows you both to get lost in.
“it's imperfectly perfect and i love that.”
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note: anon, we must have the same mind because i too, also thought about painting his nails and just soft bf jisung. im so soft for him, more than usual and idk anymore. f u jisung /af
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @myprwttyhan ; @fairylouist ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer
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scho17 · 6 months
Jalim DBH AU
Jason, a battle bot who's become just a little too conscious about what he's been told do - the woman with the groceries - he doesn't shoot - they flag him down as possibly faulty and then after that they're just looking for any reason to shoot Jason down into a junkyard. Maybe they send him on an op, practically a suicide run for anyone else and damnit its suicide for him too even if he don't completely realize it.
He gets damaged. Not no easy fix, not no little scratch he's - well fuck, he's busted. Some part of him in a near constant short circuit. Fried. It makes him forgetful of what he's done and why he's done it. They don't attenpt to fix him or his memory problem, they dont even wipe it out, they ain't got to. He won't be their problem much longer. They pop his back plate open and slip out his power core. They didn't even have the decency to tell him.
Jason gets discharged. Retired. However they wanna spin it but all the same they boot him to the curb.
They sell him as is. Auctioning him off and if Jason could understand what the hell he was feeling maybe he'd call it relief. Or maybe its betrayal. He doesn't really know yet.
Anyhow, he ends up on Salim's slab. Salim is a tinkerer of sorts, does repairs for a living and Jason seems intriguing. Military models are never really available for the public market and most are just destroyed or are too damaged to take on. Some wealthy folk like to keep fixed up ones as body guards and with any luck the model Salim's just bought will be a bang for his buck.
yada yada yada, that doesnt really happen. The second Jason comes online again with the help of a new power core its like waking from a nightmare and if he were anything alive his hackles would raise, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead and his breath would leave his chest heaving. But he isn't. All the same fight or flight gets activated. He's practically snarling like a wild dog, he's in a unfamiliar layout in a new place with what ought to be a graveyard of android parts.
and Salim really does his best to help - to explain. Which maybe this is weirder on his end cause 'good god this android is actually reacting and oh god am I going to die here? stupid auction'. it's kinda funny from an outside view and also kinda not.
Jason calms down enough and then boom 'nother short circuit. It makes him draw a blank. Forgets what happened in the past 5 to 15 minutes. Salim really didn't anticipate this. How could he? They go through the motions again, introductions, some part of Jason has realized that Salim isn't a threat, so at least this time they're meetings not as hostile.
Salim wants to understand Jason - he's some type of conscious and he's got his issues. they end up as some sorta flatmates. idk maybe we get a whole domestic Jason w memory issues arc. its kinda cute, really sad sometimes because he doesnt understand whats happening to him or why. Just that the very reason for his lifes purpose ain't in his grasp no more. He feels kind of pathetic somedays, becomes more of a homemaker than a soldier. Salim says it isn't bad. it's- it's not.
Maybe he picks up hobbies, starts reading, learning of the world he's missed out on. How the moral ideals of the masses clash with the values that were instilled in him. fucking cable TV. its kinda funny, kinda not.
Salim fixes him up. The memories come back in nightmares while he's booted down. Memory files drawn to the front of his mind all corrupted. It takes a long while for Jason to be alright. Salim worrys, notices him - of all things - stress baking. Jason talks about Nana Kolchek and her recipies and they both know she don't really exist. That it's part of the program they built into Jason to help him seem more human, more relatable to other soldiers. They don't talk about that aspect of it.
At some point Jason realizes Salim is going to sell him. Or at least intended to when he was bought at the auction. It hits him like a humvee going 80. Has a whole "was any of it ever real?" moment.
Jason has a little crisis and still somehow can't really unconvince himself that it won't happen. So he rips the bandaid off and flat out asks. Salim looks at him with that kind of expression people save for kicked puppies and the like. Some type of emotion in his eyes that Jason just doesn't know how to understand. It's too much. Jason looks away with a frown.
Salim pulls his hand into Jason's and squeezes once, cold metal against warm skin. Salim isn't selling Jason.
Heart to Heart.
Eventually Jason meets Zain. Zain looks at him quizzically, like he's just tryna wrap his head around something and he just dont quite get it. Zain says that his dad talks about him a lot, that he seems happier, less lonely, gives Jason the shovel talk. The works. Which Jason thinks is bizzare because he isn't even romantically involved with Salim.
and then he thinks,
thinks on it real hard and
He might be.
Right then and there, it dawns on Jason that, yes, they've been practically dating for a long while now. He cooks, cleans, asks Salim about his day, nags when he leaves his shoes crowded and piled in the door way, notes his likes and dislikes, holds him when he needs it, takes care of him and vice versa, they hook their legs together underneath the dinner table, they even do that looking into eachothers eyes lovingly thing and he just didn't realize thats what it was.
Zain is delighted with Jason's new found revelation. He helps Jason get flowers and chocolates, even gets a little card, it's real cute.
And Jason for as much as you'd think him as level headed really isn't too good at keeping a cool on it. He's flustered. Hands over the sweets, flowers and card like a kid with his first crush and shit, yeah, in a way yes, thats exactly what this is. a little bit. its kinda funny. kinda. There's even music on in the background because Jason just doesn't know how to miss.
They kiss. Salim tastes like chocolate.
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fandomxo00 · 5 months
tis the damn season pt.4
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so this song is after she talks about the trial beginning thinking it was an open shut case, she tells joe no to wanting to get married and she leaves him, things are no longer perfect and she even talks about how she doesn't like the way that he makes her feel in gold rush
i would like to mention the parallel to champagne problems how she talks about her friends moving on from the situation and how they deck the halls they we once walked through to this song about the cold holiday season, she talks about at the end of champagne problems about how even joe moves on from this
so she starts the song saying she doesn't want to know what he's been up to because its painful for her, so instead of her wanting him to move on she is now a bit more resentful
there's a coldness with contrasts with a song like daylight or the summer in lover, and now they are in the winter of their relationship??? ok wait wait
summer - lover and rep
winter - midnights, folklore, evermore? idfk im guessing
she mentions giving him this pain that she fills with, "theres an ache in you put their by the ache in me."
but she has no urge to fix this, "but if its all the same to you, its the same to me."
so maybe they arent in a relationship but they are still seeing each other, "so we could call it even," finally coming to common ground saying they both hurt each other so now its okay if he "you could call me babe for the weekend"
but shes not staying with him, she's staying with her parents and she is starting to regret her decision, "and the road not taken looks real good now." which can parallel to midnight rain when she talks about, "so i peer through a window, a deep portal time travel all the love we unravel, and the life i gave away." she even talks about mourning this in midnights---bigger than the whole sky could be about a lot of things but how i interpret it, is she is mourning about the life she didnt have because she made the decision to say no, but that life or the idea of that life meant a lot to her especially as she time to reflect from evermore to midnights
"you can run but only so far, i escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave" but then again she says, "but if its okay with you its okay with me." and i even want to say that maybe they were like hooking up again and reflecting on their past relationship, "and ill be yours for the weekend" when its not supposed to be that deep but if hes okay talking about all of this and doing this then i dont care because i get to be with him again after i messed up. i even wanna say that with the next verse she talks about how things were messy, time files, messy as the mud on your truck tires." because she missed him and wants him to hear her out, "now im missing your smile hear me our, we could just ride around." and she mentions again how the road not taken looks real good now---
"i wont ask you wait if you dont ask me to stay." saying he doesnt have to wait around for her to make up her mind if he doesnt want her around so shell move on with her life but the way she sings it is almost like that thought is bitter to her, "so ill go back to La and the so called friends who'll write books about me if i ever make it," and then sadly thinking about joe, "and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles im faking."
but then she does blame herself, "and the heart is know im breaking is my own," to leaving, "the warmest bed i'd ever know."
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crossbonescoffee · 1 year
Kinktober: trail of blood.
🏷️ trans man written by a trans man | d/s | humiliation, punishment | unfair punishment | bondage | knifeplay | whips | blood
content warning: in this story the submissive partner has a menstrual cycle and is punished for the mess it makes. it's implied the dominant partner set this up by giving the submissive painkillers to mask the start and purposely getting sheets to be ruined. i am a trans man. i do not condone humiliation, punishment, or disgust towards anyone who has a period. if you dont like, dont read.
The soldier is on his knees at the foot of the bed. his arms are secured above his head. a thick leather collar and a mockery of his mask is secured to him. The commander is lounging at the head of the bed, admiring the soldier's back. blood is staining the soldier's thighs, and occasionally another line slides down, joining the sticky red sheets below. the commander watches them fall like rain drops and sneers.
"we should get you fixed. maybe then you wouldn't make such a fucking mess..." he trails off at the sound of the soldier's whimpers. "oh shut up. you'd still be a bitch in heat. and maybe if you fucking remembered when this bullshit starts, you wouldn't have a fucking issue." the commander knows when it starts. there's new supplies in his desk. he wants to make the soldier suffer. the white sheets are new, but the soldier can't think hard enough to realize that.
Soldier woke up that morning in pain, tell-tale cramps squeezing his abdomen. there had been cramps the following week, but more dull. he doesn't think about the additional white pill his commander had been making him take the past week. he just whimpers and tries to find a new position to lay in. it works for a minute, until he hears the bedroom door open and his commander walk toward the bed.
"winter. you dirty fucking bitch. get your ass up." the commander's voice cuts through the fog of sleep. He glanced over at the commander and oh. he looks pissed. the soldier follows the gaze between his legs- fuck. the white sheets are a deep red. splotches of red that stock between his legs. he sits up, feeling the rough wet fabric of his boxers. tears form in his eyes and he whimpers, looking down at the mess he made. shame and humiliation wash over him. he feels the tears falling down his face and sobs building in his chest as his commanders walks closer.
that had been an hour ago. an hour since the commander slaps him until he cried and made him strip and kneel over the ruined sheets. the commander gets off the bed and stands in front of him. there's a dangerous glint in his eyes, and it's not rage.
the whip strikes the soldier's back until he bleeds, then again across the other shoulder, forming a nasty X. blood runs down his back in rivers, lines of crimson staining the pale skin. the commander leans in and licks up one of the lines, pointing his tongue as he follows the cut of the X. the solider is sobbing into the mask, shaking, but unable to ignore the wetness between his legs growing.
the leather collar is removed for a prong collar, the prongs filed into dull spikes digging into his neck, secured to the anal hook buried inside of him. he cant help but thrash, digging the spikes into his neck when the commander runs the blade of the knife over his chest, following the surgical scars under his pecs. over his ribs. down his stomach, the commander's eyes growing wider and his breath more ragged. even crying and dizzy with pain the soldier knows he's holding back ungodly comments. the knife cuts deep, shallow, long, short cuts, his hips are carved, the lines groing further down....
"there'd be a scar right here..." the commander drags thee knife lightly across where the soldier's uterus is. he's made enough comments about filling it up, making it good for something, enough that the soldier has moments of wondering if he would. the knife marks the spot with a jagged X.
blood is flowing down the soldier's stretched torso, dipping into the rivets of his abs, flowing acrosss his hips, a beautiful morbid dance of red. the commander licks the knife, then follows the red with his tongue, pressing it flat against the soldier's abs, his fingers digging into the cuts on his hips. the soldier is whimpering, dizzy with bloodloss, his head begining to spin. the commander admires his handiwork some more before slapping the poor man until he tries to focus is eyes. the equimptment is removed and he's pushed back onto the bed.
"clean this mess up." the commander calls before walking out.
something hits the soldier in his nose. a tampon falls onto the bed next to him.
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
Baby Steps: A Brother's Keeper story
Things have been rough for Ben lately, so I thought he could use some future comfort. This is set a few weeks after his rescue and before his eventual recapture. Zoe is a new favorite character. She's just soooo good for my sweet Ben.
CW for alluded to past noncon, torture, and abuse
Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain @hold-him-down @quietshae @sparrowsage (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
Thanks again to the AMAZING @whumpcereal for being the BEST BETA IN THE WORLD!!!!!
Zoe stood looking in on Ben.  Like so many days that she had come to visit him since he came home, he was curled up in bed, staring at nothing.  He wasn’t literally catatonic, but he couldn’t engage.  It had only been a few weeks since he’d come home and she knew the basics of what had happened to him.  No one wanted to tell her, but she’d insisted Jake tell her.  
He’s my boyfriend, Jake.  He’s been my best friend since we were sixteen years old.  I have a right to know.  
No you don’t.  He wouldn’t want you knowing.
Jake, he’s fucking catatonic!  I can’t help him if I don’t know what he’s been through.  I love him too, you know.
I know you do, but… Jake’s voice had faltered.  Zoe, it’s really bad.  Like, he’s been through literal hell. 
All the more reason for me to know.  He’s going to need me to find his way back.  Honestly, Jake, just tell me.  I can handle it.  And it can’t be any worse than what I’m imagining.  I’ve seen some of the marks on his body.  They didn’t come from just a beating.
Jake hung his head and relented. 
It had been as bad as she’d imagined.  Worse in so many ways.  Jake flat out refused to show her the pictures, but she didn’t need them.  She read through the file, the abuse, the torture, the ways he’d been used.  The way he’d been found.  She’d had her own nightmares since then.  It wasn’t like reading a story or a news article.  It was real.  This happened to her family.   
Her sweet Ben, the man she loved who would never have hurt anyone ever, the man who held the door open for her, the man that had always treated her with such tenderness.  Her sweetheart since they were sixteen years old, had been so brutalized that he was a shell of himself.  Her heart broke for him every time she saw him.  
He looked so small in his bed, the covers pulled up to his chin.  She didn’t have to see to know what he’d be wearing - a giant oversized long sleeve t-shirt, baggy pajama bottoms that swallowed him, every inch of his body covered to hide the brutal scars and marks of his captivity they all knew were there.  She could still see the scar on his cheek from where he’d been hit so hard or so many times that it had opened up and never healed properly.  
She wanted to take his broken body in her arms and hold him until all the hurt was gone.  But life was never that simple.  He desperately needed a kind and gentle human touch, but every touch terrified him and threatened to send him back to that place.  For a moment, a fury washed over her that was almost overwhelming.  She hated the men that had done this to her sweet Ben.  Who could look at him, could know him, and ever want to hurt him?  What kind of person did that to another?  Alexsei fucking Volkov, that’s who, her brain supplied unhelpfully.  
God, if she could get her hands on that man she was certain her fury and vitriol would be enough to give her the strength to tear him apart, to rip his body to tiny little pieces and then feed them to the fucking dogs.  And even that would be better than what he deserved.  A small, very violent part of her, wanted him to have to suffer the same way Ben had suffered.  But she didn’t want to dwell on that because then she’d have to think about what that monster did to him.  
She slowly walked into the room, not wanting to startle him.  There had been several occasions where one or all of them had accidentally sent Ben spiraling into a flashback.  The visits were hard, but she made herself keep coming.  It wasn’t a chore, not really.  Not for Ben.  She’d keep trying to get through to him for the rest of her life if that’s what it took.  
“Hey, Benny,” she said lightly, sitting slightly away from him on the bed.  
Ben’s eyes seemed to suddenly focus, and they found hers.  HIs soft brown eyes that used to be filled with lightness and mirth were haunted and filled with fear more often than not now.  She could see the moment that he realized it was her and not them in his room.  His tense muscles relaxed slightly, and he smiled sadly at her, like he’d done something wrong. It made Zoe’s blood boil to see Ben’s shame. He didn’t deserve it. He was innocent. He’d always been.
“Hey, Zo.”
“How ya doing today?”
“Oh, um…”  
Words were no longer easy for him.  He struggled with expressing basic thoughts, which never used to be the case. Probably had to do with so much time spent gagged or muzzled.  Who fucking muzzles a person?  Who would muzzle Ben?  Why?  Why would anyone want to silence him?  Zoe shoved her anger back down.  
“I, I, I…” Ben huffed out a frustrated breath.  “I’m.  Okay.”  He had to say each word specifically.  But they both knew he wasn’t okay.  It was just the expected response.  Polite, appropriate.
“Are you?”
He looked at her again, sad eyes that used to dance.  
Zoe swallowed and gently touched his hand, even though she knew it was a risk.  He stiffened for a moment and then relaxed and returned her grasp.  
“I know you’re doing your best, Benny.  But you can’t do it all on your own.  W-will you let me help you?” she asked quietly.  
“I don’t know if you can.” Ben turned back to the wall. “The doctors said I’m fine physically.  But, I’m never going to be the same again.  I’ve said it before, Zo.  I think you should move on.  I’m no good for you anymore.  I can’t be the man you deserve.  I-I-”
“If you say you're broken or ruined one more time… I swear to God I’m gonna-”
Ben shrank in on himself a bit at her words and frustrated tone.  “It’s true,” he whispered.  
Zoe took a deep breath through her nose.  “Ben, if the situation were reversed and I was the one that was abducted and… and… and.. went through what you went through, would you stop loving me?”
Ben’s face paled and he looked like he might be sick.  Then anger flicked across his expression and then a cold resolve.  She understood.  He’d had a brief flashback but had seen her there instead of him.  The thought clearly horrified him, made him sick and angry.  She could read him so well, even after all of this.  
“I never stopped loving you.” He looked back at her. It was the strongest and most defiant voice she’d heard from him since his return.  
“I know, love.  But would you think I was a lost cause if it were me instead of you?”
Again the horror and fear and anger crossed his face at the thought of someone doing all that he’d endured to her.  His hands clenched into fists.
“Then why do you think I should leave you behind?  I could never do that.  You’re my best friend, my first and only love.  You’re the man I want to grow old with.”
“But I don’t know that I can be that man for you anymore.  Zoe, the things he did to me…”
“I don’t care.  I just want you.  Even if it’s just to sit with you, or to lay next to you at night.  I just want to be with you.”
“But you deserve more.”
“No, I deserve you.  Because you are the man I love.  The one God brought to me.  None of that has changed.”  She moved her hands slowly, so he could see, and took his face in her hands, her thumb just barely caressing the scar on his cheek.  “I love you, Benny.  Just you.  It’s always been you and will always be you.”  She leaned forward and barely touched her lips to his forehead, his eyelids, the scar, the tip of his nose.  
When she pulled back, he had tears running down his cheeks.  Her thumbs wiped them away. .  
“Was that too much?” she whispered.  “I’m sorry, Benny.”  She started to let go of his face but he reached up and grabbed her fingers.  
“No.  No, it’s not.  Please.”
“Please what, Benny.  Anything you want, just say it.”  Her voice was soft, like the barest breath of wind.  
“Stay with me.”
Zoe smiled sweetly at his request, but that wasn’t what her goal was for the day.  She looked him over, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the too pale skin.  No, she wouldn’t let him languish in this room all day everyday.  He had to get out.  It wasn’t good for him to hide from the world.  Still, baby steps.  Tiny, fractional, microscopic baby steps.  But always moving forward.  That’s what she could help him do.  Move forward.  
“No.  You’e coming with me this time,” she said with her own playful grin on her face.  
“Ben, you can’t stay in bed all the time, come with me.”
“No… No, I can’t.”
“You can.  Just hold my hand.  Don’t let go.  Come on.”  She held his gaze gently.  “Trust me,” she whispered, almost inaudibly.  
Zoe pulled him up gently.  His shirt slipped up slightly as the blankets shifted and she caught sight of the scars and ink that covered him.  Fucking Alexsei Volkov!  Ben tugged his shirt down hurriedly, glancing nervously at Zoe.  She just smiled and pretended not to see.  
She leaned her head against his shoulder once they were both standing.  “I love you.”
He leaned his head down on top of hers.  He’d forgotten how perfectly they fit together.  “Love you too,” he whispered as if nothing had changed.  “I’m still kinda weak, so… where are we going?”
“Just down to the garden.  You look like you could use some sunshine.”
Zoe led them down to the back door, holding Ben’s hand the whole time.  She paused to grab a blanket off the back of the couch.  
Zoe let go of his hand just long enough to spread the blanket out on the grass.  The day was warm, and the flowers were blooming in the afternoon sun.  She sank down onto the soft blanket and pulled Ben with her.  
She held him against her and whispered in his ear.  “Just relax.  It’s warm, you’re safe.  Feel the breeze on your face, the sun on your skin, the softness of the blanket under your fingers.  Listen to the sound of my voice, the birds in the trees.  Smell the flowers in the garden, the fresh cut grass all around us.  See the blue sky above you, the colors in the flowers of the garden, the stone wall surrounding us…” she trailed off quietly and gently rubbed his arm with just her fingernails.  
“And what am I supposed to taste?” he said, smiling up at her, and for a moment it was almost a real Ben smile.  The Ben from before.  There was the barest hint of mischievousness in his eyes.  
“What do you want to taste?”
“I… I thought a lot about your lipgloss when I was gone?”
Gone. That’s how he always said it. Like he’d just been away on a trip. But they both knew there were parts of him that would never come home. Still, Zoe forced herself to smile. 
“My lipgloss?”
“The watermelon one.  You know.  That one that was your favorite and that when they stopped selling it you went online and bought every tube you could find.”
“I still have it.”
“Are you wearing it now?”
“Then… then that’s what I want.”  It was hesitant and with a question in his eyes, but also bold and beautiful.
Zoe smiled down at him where he lay across her lap.  She leaned down and brushed her lips against his and then pulled away.  She watched him lick his lips and taste her.  They both knew they were waiting to see if he had a flashback.  
“Breeze in my hair, sun on my face, birds in the air, and your taste on my tongue.  Can… can we do that again?” he asked quietly.  
“As often as you want, my love.” 
Ben reached up and pulled her down towards him, the kiss was longer this time.  Zoe felt Ben’s tongue just barely touch her lips.  He didn’t push further and she didn’t ask for more.  It was enough for now.  
Maria Adkins smiled as she looked down into the garden from the second story landing at the top of the stairs.    
“What ya looking at mom?” Jake asked.  Maria jumped slightly, she hadn’t realized her oldest was upstairs.  “Oh, nothing.  Just a nice day.”
Jake, sensing that wasn’t exactly true, stepped up next to her.  He smiled warmly when he saw his brother on the grass below.  “A nice day indeed.”  
Maria put her arm around his back.  Both her boys were taller than her, but she found it didn’t matter much. They both still needed her so much. Jake leaned against her, and she felt his breath hitch beneath her arm.
“I’m sorry, Mom.  I know I can never say it enough.  But I really am.”  
So much had happened since that day with the FBI where they’d learned what had happened.  So very much.  And she knew her boys adored each other.  Jake may have been the connection to that monster, but it wasn’t his fault.  She knew he’d have traded places with Ben in a heartbeat to save him from what had happened.  If anything, this had made Jake finally straighten up.  
She missed the humor and swagger that he’d often carried about him.  In many ways, both her boys were broken by this common event.  She could read it in Jake’s eyes, the guilt, the horror.  He’d bear that for the rest of his life.  There was no way he could have known.  No way for anyone to have known what lengths that bastard would take.  She’d long forgiven Jake for his role, but it would be a long time before Jake could forgive himself.  
“Stop, Jake.  Let’s just enjoy this for now.  Today is a good day.  We’re together and we’re safe.  Let’s just be glad for that.”
Jake leaned down and bumped his head against his mom’s shoulder, and she squeezed him around the middle.  They heard the front door open, and when Jacob Adkins announced he was home from work, they let him know they were upstairs.  
He joined them on the landing and smiled at the sight in the garden.  If his eyes grew glassy and moist, no one called him on it.  
“Come on,” Maria said softly.  “They’ll be okay.  Let’s go get dinner ready.  Jacob, I need the trash put out; and Jake, you can set the table.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they both answered and turned to give the couple in the back garden some privacy.  
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leossmoonn · 3 years
can i request a fic with stefan where the reader loses her memories (like stefan did in s5) so stefan takes her out to all the places that are special to their relationship and he tells her all about how they used to date and how she loved him and all and then at the end she kisses him ❤️
if not that's okay! have a good day and make sure to drink some water ❤️❤️
okay ill be honest i dont remember anything of tvd from season 4 and on bc it was just so boring to me but YES I CAN DK THIS. and thank you! i hope you have a good day, and hydrate too <33 mwah!
warnings / includes - mild language, crying, sad stefan, kissing, eating and food, talk about sex. oh and youre a vampire and grew up w stefan and damon :)) and you’ve been dating stefan ever since you two turned into vampires and you two have been married for 50 years! (yay) . not really edited
“can’t you just do your voodoo magic and fix her?”
“that’s not how it works, damon.”
“well, it works whenever elena needs it. just admit it, you don’t like y/n.”
“i do! this is just more complicated -”
“bullshit! i know you don’t know her very well, but we’ve known her since she was born. she’s my best friend and the love of my brother’s life, who, by the way, is about to go into a frenzy if you don’t fix her!”
“i’m trying! but whatever those traveler’s did, i don’t think i can reverse it.”
“argh!” damon growled, putting his hands under a table and ripping it up.
“okay, you need to calm down,” bonnie said. “throwing a fit won’t help.”
“well, i can’t just stand here and watch her die!”
“she’s not dying, she’s just asleep. the doctor said she will wake up soon.”
“oh, as if the doctor knows anything,” damon muttered.
“she actually knows a lot, and we’ll give her the treatments the doctor recommends before we try any magic.”
damon sighed, running his hands over his face. he looked over to you, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes. he walked over to you, holding your hand in his.
“please wake up, y/n. please.”
it seemed as damon’s wishes were granted. your eyes fluttered open, a soft groan filled your throat as you tried to move your head back and forth. you peered at bonnie and damon, brows furrowing.
“who are you? and why-why are you holding my hand? get away from me!” you hissed, barring your fangs.
“well, she definitely knows she a vampire,” damon muttered.
bonnie ignored him, coming over to you tentatively. “hey, y/n. do you know who i am?”
“no. i-i want to go home. where am i? why-why does this look so strange? hospitals at home don’t look like this,” you gasped as you looked around your room.
“is she still stuck in the 1800s?” bonnie asked.
“let’s see. uh, y/n, what’s the date?” damon asked.
“1866, right?” you guessed.
“oh, shit,” damon muttered.
“what’s wrong?” you frowned. “y/n, you’re in the 21st century. it’s 2013,” bonnie explained.
your eyes bugged out of your head. “what? how-how can this be? you’re lying! you’re some witch! katherine warned me that you would try to trick me. who are you with? wha-what do you want from me?!”
“okay, crazy pants,” damon sighed. “do you know who i am?” he asked.
you took a good, hard look. “you look familiar… like you’re from a dream.”
“good, good, but do you know my name?”
your brain scrambled for the answer, but it all came up was blank.
“no, i’m sorry.”
“well, crap,” damon muttered. “what if we get stefan? he’s been her boyfriend for like, a hundred and fifty years. plus, they’ve been married for 50. she’s got to remember him,” bonnie suggested.
“yeah, okay,” damon nodded. “go and get him. i’ll stay with her.”
“why don’t i stay with her, and you go get stefan. you might irritate her enough to make her snap your neck,” bonnie snorted.
“fine. i’ll be back in a second. try to use your powers on her,” damon asked.
“no. now go,” bonnie shooed away damon.
he left, zooming through the halls to go and find his brother. meanwhile, bonnie went to sit next to you, taking your hand in hers.
“what are you doing. i said don’t touch me,” you hissed.
“what is your name?” bonnie asked.
“y/n,” you said. “what’s your full name?” she asked.
“y/n l/n,” you answered. “why are you asking me this? do you think i do not know my name?”
“no, no. i just…” bonnie sighed. “what’s your mother’s name?”
“louise,” you said. “and your father’s?” bonnie asked.
“martin. and before you ask, my sister and brother’s names are anna and christopher. are you studying me or something? oh, my… i-i swear i’m not dangerous. i don’t feed on people. not usually, anyways. please, spare me. if you want a real vampire, catch katherine pierce. her real name is katerina petrova. or klaus mikaelson, his whole family needs to be killed. please, i -”
“i’m not going to kill you. no one is going to kill you. and katherine is already dead,” bonnie explained.
“oh, really? well, then ignore what i said about her."
bonnie smiled a little. “it’s alright. do you remember anything that’s happened in the last 24 hours?”
“no, i’m sorry. i must ask again, where am i?” you questioned.
“well, you’re in 2013. about one hundred and forty-nine years from when you were turned into a vampire. that man who was here is damon salvatore. he’s been your best friend ever since you were born. you grew up together, and he turned you into a vampire. i’m bonnie bennett. i am… i have a sort of friendship with damon. i’m a witch from the bennett line. i am here to help you. we’re friends, too, actually.”
“oh,” you pursed your lips. “i’m sorry i don’t remember you. i think i remember one of your family members, though… emma, ella, em-”
“emily, yeah,” bonnie smiled. “well, it’s good to know i’m in good company,” you sighed.
“yes, you are. oh, and there’s one more person i forgot to mention. he’s damon’s brother, stefan. he’s your -”
your head snapped to the door. a handsome young man stepped into the room, worrying filing his features.
“hello?” you frowned.
“it’s me, stefan. you’re husband,” the man said.
your eyes widened. “i-i- excuse me? my husband? i didn’t know i was-” your breath hitched as you saw the ring on your finger. it was a beautiful silver ring with a blue jewel in the middle, stefan and your name carved in the middle of it.
“oh,” you gasped.
“do you remember me?” he asked, coming closer to you.
you looked back up at him, furrowing your brows as you tried to remember. you shook your head in disappointment. “no, i’m sorry. i wish i could. what happened to me that i can’t remember my own husband?"
“travelers took your memory,” bonnie answered. “travelers? l-like the evil witches?” you guessed.
“yes, precisely,” bonnie nodded.
“well, can you get back my memories? you’re a witch, right?” you asked her.
“exactly! that’s what i was saying. i’m so glad someone gets it!” damon exclaimed.
“i-i’m sorry, who are you again?” you frowned. “damon. i’m damon salvatore. the best salvatore, and your best friend,” he grinned.
“oh, right - damon. and you’re uh, you’re bonnie, correct?” you turned to the brunette.
“i am,” bonnie nodded.
“and you’re…“ you turned to stefan.
hope was shining in his dazzling green eyes. his lips were pulled into a frown, his brows furrowed as tears clouded his eyes.
“you’re stefan! my, uh, my husband whom i can’t remember. i’m so sorry, again.”
“it’s okay,” he sighed. “you just woke up. you’ll probably remember later.”
“yes,” you nodded, “that’s probably it.”
just then, the doctor came in. she checked you out, telling you that you had to stay in the hospital one more night before you could be discharged. after she left, damon, bonnie, and stefan made up a plan.
“i can’t just put her memories back. i don’t have any access to them,” bonnie said.
“can’t you just pull them out of the air or something?” damon asked.
“magic doesn’t work like that, damon,” bonnie glared.
“what if we take her to all her favorite places? places she’s been to lots of times,” stefan suggested.
“yes! that is a great idea, except for the fact that she thinks she’s in the 1800s and most things that were there have been torn down or rebuilt!” damon seethed.
“well, then what else are we supposed to do, damon! we can’t just sit here and hope that her memories will come back. what if they never do!” stefan yelled.
“shut up you two! you’re scaring her!” bonnie hit both of them, then pointing to you.
both of the salvatore’s face softened as they saw your eyes wide with fear.
“look, she doesn’t know you two yet. she doesn’t trust you two. she literally thought we were going to capture her for being a vampire. we need to just take it easy and gain her trust, which won’t be hard, i hope. but i think that stefan’s idea is great. and stefan, you should be the one to do it. you deserve to build the strongest bond with her and to spend the most time with her,” bonnie explained.
stefan smiled at her gratefully. “thank you, bonnie.”
“of course, stefan,” she smiled back at him.
“what about me! i was her friend before you were even born!” damon poked stefan.
“she was literally a baby, damon. she didn’t even know who you were,” stefan scoffed.
“oh, she did. and she loved playing peek-a-boo with me,” damon huffed.
“well, i’ve been her actual best friend just a few months after she was born. you’ve been like the brother she’s never had,” stefan stated.
“same difference.” damon rolled his eyes.
“b-bonnie?” you stammered.
“yeah, what do you need?” bonnie came over to you immediately.
“um, i need to use the bathroom.” you whispered.
“oh, yeah, of course. gentlemen, please exit the room.” bonnie said to the two men.
“alright. hey, y/n, you hungry? we can get you something to eat,” damon asked.
“yes. i’m famished, honestly. um, can i have some meatloaf, please? with some wine?” you requested.
“um, y/n, i’m afraid to inform you that -” damon started, but stefan cut him off.
“we’ll see what we can find,” stefan said.
“thank you… stefan, was it?” you guessed.
“yeah. it’s stefan,” he smiled. “okay, c’mon, lover boy. the lady needs to use the restroom,” damon grabbed stefan, dragging him out of your room and shutting the door.
bonnie then helped you out of the bed and into the restroom, waiting behind the door until you called for help.
“thank you so much. your kindness is very much appreciated.” you smiled at her as she helped you back to bed.
“it’s not a problem.” bonnie sighed with a smile.
“will you be able to get my memories back?” you asked.
“um… no. not right now, i’m sorry,” bonnie frowned.
“oh, well, it’s alright. maybe it’s for the better. i can’t imagine all the horrible things i must have done to you and your friends,” you laughed sourly.
“what do you mean?” bonnie asked.
“well, i… i overheard you a little when i was waking up. damon said that you didn’t like me much. i don’t blame you, i mean, i can be crass and judgmental, but i’ve changed over the years. i-i think, at least. otherwise i suppose i would be dead from those travelers now. no one wants to help a horrible person,” you explained.
“well, you’re not horrible, at all. for someone who has been with damon for like, almost two hundred years, you’re very kind. you’re also very funny and you try to help people the best you can.”
“oh, thank you,” you smiled shyly. “um… what do you mean about being with damon?”
“oh, he’s just um… not my favorite person to be around is all. you’ll see,” bonnie chuckled.
“i think i have, a little,” you giggled. “but he seems to care a lot about me. i suppose he’s known me since i’ve been born.”
“no, he does. honestly, like stefan said earlier, damon is the older brother you never bad.”
“and stefan, he is supposed to be my best friend and lover?”
bonnie smiled, “yes.”
“can you tell me about stefan? do-do you know him well?” you asked.
“i do, actually. he’s so kind, always wanting to help people and be the best. i swear, he works himself to death trying to be the hero. he’s very level-headed and extremely smart. he’s more mellow than damon, definitely, but he has his funny, savage moments. he’s dealt with a lot of pain in his years, and you’ve been there to experience it all. in fact, he always tells us how you are his light. it’s really sweet. i wish someone talked about me like that.”
heat crept up your neck and you couldn’t help but smile. “well, i understand why i fell in love with him, then.”
bonnie chuckled, “yeah, he’s a great guy. he’s probably more rough around the edges now than he used to be, though.”
“well, that’s what happens when you’ve lived for so long,” you chuckled. “i personally think i’ve softened over the years. i remember when i was a little girl, i used to be so quick and temperamental. my mother always tried to reprimand me, but i had a mind of my own, i guess. or that’s what my father used to say. now that i think about it, i think stefan is the reason why i have changed. he’s seemed to rub off on me.”
“wait, are you starting to get your memory back?” bonnie asked, getting excited.
“no, i’m afraid not. well, not of current things. i just am remembering things about myself. i still don’t remember damon or stefan,” you frowned
“oh, well, it’s okay. you only woke up an hour ago. we’ll give it time.” bonnie patted your arm.
“thank you. you must forgive me, i’ve always had a horrible memory. and now with mine taken away, i probably will be a burden.”
“no, no,” bonnie shook her head. “please, you’re our friend. i’m sorry if damon made it seem like i don’t like you, but i do. we just don’t spend time with each other that much, but we definitely will now.”
“i hope you don’t mind it, then.”
“i definitely don’t, don’t worry.”
you two sat in a comfortable silence, stefan and damon coming back only a few minutes later.
“so, you can’t have any wine, so we got you the next best thing: grape juice. and we also didn’t find any meatloaf, but we did find some spaghetti and meatballs,” damon said, setting it all down on the table.
“oh, thank you two so much.” you smiled. you began to get up, your feet slipping suddenly.
stefan rushed to catch you, his hands going under your arms. your eyes met his immediately, your breath getting caught in your lungs. you fell into a sort of a daze as he lifted you back up on your feet.
“my, you’re handsome,” you muttered.
“thank you. you’re beautiful,” stefan smiled.
your jaw fell open, your eyes widening. “o-oh. did i say that out loud? i am so sorry -”
“no, it’s okay. it was really nice to hear that,” he assured you.
“alright, thank you,” you smiled. “of course. my pleasure.” he let go of you, pulling out a chair.
“so, i say we compel the doctor to let you go home now so we can get this show on the road!” damon announced.
“no, they need to monitor her-”
“she’s a freaking vampire, bonnie!” damon exclaimed in a hushed whisper. he then turned to you. “you feel fine, right?”
“yes. a lot better now that i’ve eaten,” you answered.
damon grinned, clapping his hands. “see? she’s fine. i say we get her into her room and let her sleep in her bed.”
“damon, that’s not-”
“excuse me,” you interrupted stefan, peering at him through your eyes. “if you don’t mind me interjecting, i’d quite like to go home. and damon is right, i am a vampire so besides my memories, my body has healed me completely.”
stefan looked at you for a few moments, sighing before talking again. “yeah, that makes sense. are you sure you’re okay to go home? i mean, you almost slipped -”
“i am okay, stefan,” you smiled. “these floors are quite slippery with these socks on.” you moved your feet to show them.
“right,” he nodded. “okay, well, damon? i assume i can trust you to compel the doctors?”
“on it!” damon grinned, rushing out the door.
“is he always this eager to help?” you asked. “only when it comes to you,” stefan chuckled.
“well, i suppose that’s okay, for now,” you hummed.
“yes. you are our first priority,” stefan smiled.
“oh, please don’t let me ruin your daily routine. like you said, damon likes helping me. he seems to not have anything important to do, anyways, no offense.” you lowered your head sheepishly. “but he can help me while you two go to school and such. do you go to high school still?”
“no, we don’t. well, stefan doesn’t, anyways,” bonnie chuckled. “i’m going to college in the fall.”
“oh, that’s wonderful! i see the women have made lots of improvements. what are you going to study?” you asked.
“research and analysis. it’s not really a study, but that’s what i’m majoring in.”
“wow, you must be so smart, then. good for you. i wish i went to college,” you frowned slightly. “
“you did,” stefan spoke up. “oh? what did i study?” you perked up.
“literature. you went around the world teaching english and literature. part of it was to fit in as a human, but another part was because you always had a passion for it.”
“sounds like me,” you smiled. “i loved reading so much. i remember my mother had to hide my books for when we ate dinner.”
“woah, you’re remembering things now?” damon walked into the toom
“not really. i’m only remembering things about myself and my family.”
“damn,” damon muttered. “it’s alright,” stefan said. “anyways, we good to go?”
“indeed we are. let’s roll,” damon said.
stefan helped you out of your seat. you took out your IV, damon rushing you to his car.
“wow. this is beautiful,” you admired his chevy.
“i know! she’s my pride and joy.” damon sighed happily as he opened the door for you.
“thank you,” you smiled at him. he returned the smile, getting into the passenger seat.
“i’ll drive her home, i-”
“actually, can stefan drive me? i’d like to get to know him more. he is my husband, after all,” you said.
stefan’s chest swelled with happiness, his lips upturning into a bright smile.
“i suppose. don’t total my car,” damon warned stefan.
“no promises,” stefan smirked, getting in the driver’s seat. “you know i’m kidding, right? i won’t crash the car.”
“i know, don’t worry,” you smiled. “great,” stefan breathed out as he started the car.
“this is amazing technology. so much faster than the horses.”
“yep. it’s amazing how far we’ve come.”
you nodded, turning your head to look at him. you looked down at his left hand, smiling a little as you saw a silver wedding band.
“how long have we been married for?” you asked.
“50 years. 51 this summer,” he answered. “how long did we date for?” you asked.
“well, we actually didn’t date until we turned vampires. as you probably know, your emotions are heightened once you turn. and our crushes on each other were just too much to ignore, we started dating. we helped each other out a lot, you helped more than me. i mean, i-i was a wreck. with katherine turning us into vampires and all, me killing my dad, damon abandoning me. you were the only person who stuck by me. you know, you were, and still are, my light,” he explained.
you grinned, “bonnie told me that that’s what you call me.”
“ah, she’s told you about me, then. what did she say?” he asked.
“well, she said that you’re very kind and are always wanting to help people. she also said that you are smart and serious, but that you have your breaking moments. she also said that you have experienced a lot of pain. i am sorry to hear that,” you frowned.
“bonnie is very kind. too kind, actually.”
“oh, don’t say that. i happen to think it’s all true. just from what i’ve seen today.”
“thank you. i’m glad i’ve made a good impression.”
“well, you are my husband, so i would think that what bonnie said is true.”
“makes sense,” he nodded. “so, where do i live? with you, i presume?” you questioned.
“yes, and with damon. we live in the salvatore boarding house. it was built for uh, well, boarding in mystic falls.”
“do we have separate rooms?” you asked.
“u-um, no. but, if you’re not comfortable with that, there are plenty of spare rooms-"
"no," you said quickly.
stefan glanced at you, eyes wide in surprise. you chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck.
"u-um, what i mean is that it is okay. i'll get to know your quicker if we share a room. just um, let me have my privacy?" you requested.
"of course, of course," he nodded. "lovely," you exhaled deeply.
you looked out of your window, observing all the people walking around town square.
"so much has changed," you said, a little nostalgic.
"i know, it's crazy," stefan laughed. "but, i'll take you to all the old places we used to go, and the new ones you have gown accustomed to."
"sounds like a deal. you know, i'm excited. is that um… strange that i am so lively after having just woken up from my memories being taken away?" you chuckled a little.
"no, no, not at all. you were always really happy and upbeat, even on the darkest days. that's one of the reasons why i fell in love with you. you may not believe this, but, i'm kind of a debby-downer. you keep it light and fun, much like damon, actually. seems as though all that time you spent with him, as young as you were, you developed someone his behaviour."
"is that a bad thing? bonnie insinuated that damon isn't a good guy," you frowned.
"no, no. you're different. you pick and choose when to be a little um… eccentric. damon just says whatever comes out of his mouth, no matter what the situation is."
"i suppose that's another reason why you love me?" you grinned. "yes, you suppose right," he nodded.
"is this the boarding house?" you pointed to the mansion stefan was pulling in to.
"yes, it is. and, you can call it your home. that's what it is," stefan said.
"alright. it's beautiful." you admired the front.
"it's even better inside. especially our bedroom. you really know how to decorate." he got out of the car, opening the door for you.
"you're very chivalrous. i like it," you giggled. "well, anything for my girl," he flashed a warm smile.
your stomach flipped suddenly, a similar feeling to your heart hammering in your chest awakened. if your heart was still alive, then you it would be palpitating and ramming into your ribcage. you smiled back at him, getting out of the car.
you two walked together to the front, stefan opening the door without unlocking it.
"do we always keep the door unlocked?" you asked. "yeah. you know, the only people we are really worried about are vampires and well, you can't get in unless you invite them in," he answered.
"oh, right. well, that's nice. we don't have to worry so much about security," you said as you stepped inside.
he nodded in agreement, closing the door behind him once you two went inside.
"wow. you're right, it is better inside," you gasped. "mmhm. so, let me show you around. this is the grand study. it was mostly used by our nephew zach, but damon killed him as soon as he got here," stefan sighed.
"o-oh. and damon is supposed to be my best friend?"
"he's better than that, don't worry. you'll see, you'll remember," stefan patted your back.
"alright," you nodded. "anyways, right here is the library's and just out here is the grand hall. here is the dining room and the living room. back there is the kitchen, and next to it is the hearth room." stefan walked you around the house.
"it's amazing. wow, and to think this is my home," you laughed. "yep, all yours," stefan smiled as he heard your laugh.
he admired you as you walked through the living room, feeling around the bookshelves and the furniture. he missed this, seeing you back at home. before you woke up in the hospital, you had been kidnapped and tortured for two weeks before the travelers dumped you in the backyard of your house. after that, stefan rushed you to the hospital and about a day later you were awake. and now here you were, making yourself at home again. you looked so pretty in the setting sunlight. stefan almost wanted to cry at the relief of finally having you home.
"show me the upstairs?" your voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"yeah, yeah, of course," he nodded. he reached his hand out to you, you taking it graciously.
you both smiled at each other, stefan leading you up the stairs.
"so, up here is damon's room. that's where elena, his girlfriend, and him usually are. they have so much sex, you won't be able to get much rest here," stefan snorted.
"i'll make sure to wear my earplugs," you giggled.
stefan smiled at you, walking you to the next rooms. "these are the baths. and right here is our room. every other room up here is a guest room, but uh, this is the main event, i suppose." he opened the bedroom door, letting you peer inside of it.
he was right, you were a great decorator.
the room had green walls, bookshelves on the walls, and a few plants here and there. there was a big bed in the middle with gray sheets, pictures of the two of you hanging above the bed frame. there was a desk and chair in the middle of the room, books and papers strewn all over the desk top. there were picture of you two all over the walls, making you smile whilst also crying.
"what's wrong?" stefan rushed to you.
"oh, it's nothing. i just…" you sighed, turning to him. "these pictures are so lovely. i-i wish i could remember these events."
stefan took your hand in his, giving you a small smile. "don't worry about it. it's not your fault that you can remember.”
"right," you nodded, still disappointed in yourself.
"why don't we go and walk around town? maybe that'll help get your memories back," stefan suggested.
"that sounds fun, but i don't think walking around will reverse dark magic," you joked.
stefan chuckled, nodding in agreement. "you're right, but, you're starting to remember your own childhood. we don't know what the travelers took from you, so maybe they didn't take the memories of you and i. you might just have amnesia."
"i'd love to do anything to try and remember," you said. "me, too. before we go, do you want to change clothes? you've had these clothes on for two weeks," stefan gestured to your ripped shirt and dirty jeans.
"oh, yes. i didn't even realise i was wearing these." you looked down at your legs, eyes widening at the fact you were wearing pants. "when did they invent these?"
"1873, but women still couldn't wear them until the 19th century. and even then, women didn't wear them as regular clothing until the mid-20th century," he explained.
“well, i’m glad that i’ve stayed alive this long to be able to wear these. what are they called again?” you asked.
“jeans,” stefan answered. he walked over to your closet, opening it and presenting all your clothes. “and you have lots of jeans. so, go ahead and get changed into whatever. if you want to shower then go ahead, the bathroom is to the right.”
you nodded, “thank you. i’ll be done in a few minutes.”
“no problem. take your time,” he smiled.
you returned the expression, watching him as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
you went to your closet, running your hands over your clothes. you had lots of grey, purple, and blue shirts. you saw lots of ripped jeans, some were their regular blue and others were white or black. you chose a light purple, short- sleeved shirt and a pair of dark-wash jeans. you found a pair of black panties and a black bra to match.
you went into the bathroom, turning the shower on and undressing. you put your dirty clothes in a near pile on the floor as you didn’t know where the hamper was. you set your clean clothes onto the bathroom sink, jumping into the shower.
the hot water felt so good, it was hard to get out, but you didn’t want to keep stefan waiting too long. you dried off quickly, looking at yourself in the mirror after you got dressed. you didn’t realize, but you were very dirty and tired-looking before showering. you looked better now. more awake, clean, and pretty.
you didn’t bother putting on makeup, not even knowing where you kept it. you went downstairs, finding stefan in the living room reading a book.
“i am ready,” you announced.
stefan looked up, jaw dropping as he looked over you.
“you look gorgeous,” he spoke.
you smiled shyly, lowering your head in bashfulness. “thank you. it’s not much, just a comfortable outfit.”
“doesn’t matter. you look amazing,” he shrugged.
“thank you, again.”
“of course,” he smiled. “let’s go ahead and go, yeah?”
you nodded, slipping on your shoes as you followed him out to the garage. you got into stefan’s car, driving back to town square.
“a lot of places have been built or torn down. i’m going to take you to the places we used to go to in this century, then go to the places from long ago that have been torn down,” he explained.
“sounds good,” you nodded.
he parked next to the strip mall, getting out and opening the door for you.
“are men still as chivalrous as you?” you jumped out of the car.
“no, not at all, but i like to be known as a gentleman. it sets a good first impression,” he answered.
“that’s sad,” you frowned. “it is. honestly, most guys nowadays are jerks and are selfish. no one teaches kindness anymore,” he sighed.
“well, i’m thankful i chose a man who still cares about those things. it really reflects on what kind of man you are.”
“i agree,” stefan nodded.
you two walked onto the side walk, stefan lacing your fingers together and guiding you into a store.
“this is your favorite store in the whole
town square. you always rave about the good deals and i’ve bought you lots of jewelry here,” he explained.
you hummed in reply, looking over the store. “it’s quaint. i see how it would appeal to me.”
“yeah, this store is the most popular one here, i’m pretty sure.”
“the owner must be rich, then.”
“probably is,” stefan nodded.
he then led you out of the store, explaining all the other stores and restaurants in the town square before stopping and showing you a specific place you liked.
“this is the grill, the most popular restaurant here. you and caroline, who you have yet to meet, love to sing karaoke here. you and bonnie and elena, who again, you have yet to meet, play pool here and get tipsy on the weekend.”
“what is karaoke and pool?” you questioned.
“karaoke is when you pick a song you like, and you sing it with a friend, or sometimes yourself. a lot of bars have karaoke, and some restaurants do, like this one. it’s just a fun activity for drunk people, honestly. and pool
is this game over there. you see those people
shooting the balls with the sticks?” he pointed across the room.
you studied them, seeing as they would curse in disappeared, or jump and clap in happiness.
“yes, it looks fun.”
“it is, and you’re quite good at it. maybe tomorrow you can meet everyone else and i’ll teach you how to play,” he suggested.
“i would like that very much,” you smiled.
“me, too,” he smiled back. “are you hungry? we can take a break from walking and get something to eat.”
“my stomach does ache a little. what kind of food do they have here?”
“burgers, fries, salad. classic american stuff, basically. i can order what you usually do.”
“sure, but i’m afraid to tell you that i have no money,” you sighed.
“it’s not a problem. this is my treat. plus, we have a joint bank account so, it doesn’t really matter who pays.””
“wow, that’s nice.”
“it definitely is.”
stefan then led you to a small booth, ordering immediately once the waiter came.
“tell me more about yourself,” you prompted.
stefan stared at you, not expecting you to want to know about him. it wasn’t completely surprising, but you just seemed a lot more interested in the town than him. he was happy that you asked, though. it reassured him that you two had a chance, even if you two had to rebuilt your relationship.
“okay, well, my birthday is november 1st, 1846. my favorite color is blue, my favorite type of alcohol is bourbon, but i do like a glass of whiskey every once in a while. one of my best friends was lexi branson. she was also your friend, too, but damon killed her for absolutely no reason.”
“oh, my - i am so sorry, stefan,” you gasped. “oh, it’s alright. damon has uh, since proved himself to be better… unfortunately,” stefan sighed.
you put your hand on his, looking him in the eyes.
“it’s not alright, stefan. i know you say damon is a lot better than people say, and that he has proven himself better, but that doesn’t justify what he did. i’m so sorry you lost lexi. i understand what it is it like to lose someone so close to you. i’m sure you remember, but i lost christopher only a few years after we became vampires. i don’t remember all of it, but i do remember terrorizing a whole village because of the anger and depression i felt. i’m sure lexi was an amazing young woman. one day, i would love it if you told me more about her.”
stefan smiled at you gratefully, eyes prickling with tears. “thank you, y/n. it means a lot to me. and yes, i’d love to tell you about her.”
“fantastic.” you squeezed his hand for support, the gesture warming his chest. “anyways, go on,” you said, keeping your hand on his.
“alright. well, i love i love lucy, which is a ‘50s sitcom that, funnily enough, you hated,” he chuckled.
“what is a sitcom and why did i hate it?” your brows knitted together in confusion.
“well, a sitcom is a comedy tv show. and a tv show is content that is broadcasted onto something that is called a television, which was the big black screen in the living room of our house. sitcom is a type of tv show. there are sitcoms, dramas, romance, horror, and lots of others. a lot of these genres bleed together, much like books. and as for why you hated the show, you just thought it was annoying because i would watch it all the time.”
“well, i do have a short temperament, so that explains it, i suppose. that tv show thing is a little confusing. can you show me how it works when we get home?”
“yes, of course. i can show you your favorite tv shows and movies,” he nodded eagerly.
“lovely,” you smiled at his enthusiasm. “so, what else do you like?”
“well, i am a fan of scorcese, who is a famous tv director. he directed taxi driver, which is a film i am a fan of. i love to cook, and i’m quite good at it, if i do say so myself. um, let’s see… what else is there…” he trailed off, looking at the table as he thought. “i am a bit or a hoarder, as you probably could see in our room. i enjoy any and all types of music, i have a rose tattoo on my right shoulder, and i am a scorpio, if that means anything to do.”
he looked back up at you, the tips of his ears turning pink as he realized you were staring and smiling at him the whole time.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” he asked.
“it’s just nice hearing all these things about you. i can piece together who you are, who the man i am married to is. it’s obvious you don’t open up to people a lot, and i appreciate you doing that with me,” you explained.
“oh, well, it’s no problem. you’ll remember all these things, anyways. but this is just surface level stuff, nothing special.”
“i think it is special and important. now that i know you a little better, i’m able to talk to you more and be more comfortable.”
“mm, that’s true,” he nodded.
you gave him a small smile, your food then arriving.
“wow, this is a lot,” you chuckled, looking at the cheeseburger and fries.
“it’s really good, too,” stefan said.
“how do i eat this?” you asked. “pick it up in your hands and take a bite, like this.” stefan took a bite of his burger and fries.
you followed in suit, groaning in pleasure.
“my, they never had this food at home. this is delicious.”
“i know, right? so glad america stopped the wine and beef soup at dinner.”
you giggled, nodding in agreement. you two ate in silence, stefan paying before you two left.
“do you want to continue going around town, or are you tired?” stefan asked.
“i want to continue,” you stated.
“alright. time to go to all the torn down places now,” he sighed, walking you back to his car.
you two drove a little ways away from town square, finding yourselves at the cemetery.
“are anna, christoper, and my mother buried here?” you asked.
“yes, they are. do you want to see their graves?” stefan asked.
you sat in the car for a few moments, holding your seatbelt in thought. you shook your head as an answer.
“no, i would hate to put a damper on this lovely evening.”
“oh, well, it’s okay. you always manage to make things bright and happy, even when we’re visiting the cemetery, but if you really don’t want to, then i’ll take you to the salvatore estate, and where your house was located.”
“mm, i am sure. we can visit some other time,” you smiled.
he returned the expression. “alright.” he got out, going to open the door for you, but you had already jumped out.
“sorry, i um, wanted to see how the door works,” you admitted sheepishly.
stefan grinned, finding your curiosity adorable. “no worries. ready to go?”
“indeed i am,” you nodded.
you took the initiative and laced your fingers with his. stefan glanced at you, his chest swelling with joy. it was almost like old times.
“so, where is the salvatore estate?” you asked.
“it’s just a mile into the woods. there’s only a singular pillar there because it got torn down, but the pillar marks the spot where the house stood.”
“why did it get torn down? it was such a beautiful home. surely someone from these days would want to live in it,” you frowned.
“you’d think that, but i guess folks these days want something more modern. but, wait, do you remember my house?” hope filled his eyes, carrying all the way through his voice.
“i think i do. it seems… familiar in my mind. i remember the front of the house, the beautiful entrance and the pretty rose bushes, the steps that led up to the door. i remember a room… it was of medium size. there was a big bed in the middle, a deep-sea blue carpet under it. there was a bug mirror across from the bed, a painting or two hung up on the walls. there was a small desk in the corner next to the closet. the room is very empty, but it brings back feelings of warmth and calmness.”
“yeah, that was my room. you spent most of your summer’s in there with me.”
“oh,” your eyes lit up. “you said that we didn’t officially get together until after we were vampires, but i remember being in the bed in lots of white, button-up shirts. did we-?” you looked to him, eyes wide and hoping he would say yes.
his cheeks were tainted pink as he nodded. “yes, we had lots of fun nights, but not all of them consisted of sex.”
“i see,” you nodded, a little smile on your face. “what else did we do besides sleep together, then?”
“well, most times we just laid there in each other’s arms. sometimes i would read to you and you would fall asleep in my arms. other times we danced, sang, talked about the future together. and let me tell you, we definitely did not imagine an eternity together, but i’m really glad it turned out that way. despite all the pain we suffered.”
your chest warmed as you imagine you two in the 1800s, doing more and being more than just friends with intimate relations.
“does damon know of this?” you questioned.
“he does, but no one else doesn’t. to make things easier, we just told everyone that we started dating after we became vampires, and that we got married in 1963, which we did.”
“and how was the wedding?” you asked.
“the best night of my life,” he grinned. “we have lots of pictures of that night in the living room and our room, which i will show you when we get back.”
“i can’t wait,” you smiled giddily.
you squeezed stefan’s hand, the gesture making both of your body’s shiver.
“here it is,” he said, taking you closer to the singular pillar.
you let go of his hand slowly, walking around the property. you closed your eyes, feeling the cool breeze fan your face. you stood in the middle, right where the living room be. lots of memories then flooded back to you, making you snap your eyes open.
“your father didn’t like us together,” you stated.
stefan furrowed his brows. “yes, how-how do you know that?”
you didn’t answer him, continuing to reminisce.
“i was meant to wed damon, yet, i fell in love with you. your mother would let us play together, knowing that the fate your father decided wasn’t going to happen. she accepted us. she actually liked us better together than damon and i. she thought damon was too wild, too untamed to settle down so young. he was like her, in that way. but you, once you saw me at our first ball at age 14, you knew i was the one. i remember you telling me this one night on my sixteenth birthday. you had taken me up to your room, sneaking up extra cake for me, and we laid together on your bed. that was both of our first time that night - it was amazing. you told me before we went to bed about your growing feelings for me. that night we both said ‘i love you’ for the first time.”
stefan stared at you, mouth agape and tears welling in his eyes.
“you-you really remember that?”
“i do,” you smiled slowly at him. “i remember the marks you left on my skin, the joy i felt as you held my hand, the way i cried when you told me that you loved me. i-i’m afraid that this is all i remember, but -“
“no, no, it’s enough. it’s more than enough,” he sniffled, coming closer to you. he slipped his hand into yours, his other hand wrapping around your waist.
you smiled, putting your free hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb up and down on his cheekbones. you looked into his eyes, studying his face as your hand went up and ran itself through his hair. you brought your hand back down to cup his cheek, your fingers dancing along his jawline.
“i also remember skipping school, playing football in the backyard, me wearing your shirt for the first time and it leading to us sleeping together again,” you giggled.
“how do you remember all of this?” he asked.
“the travelers must’ve just took all the important information about us, which we can deal with later. i want to enjoy this moment now,” you breathed out.
“thank god that they took that important stuff. it’s not that important once you think about it,” he nodded.
“i agree. i bet damon wouldn’t agree about that, though,” you joked.
“well, damon has never been madly in love until the last couple of years. but, me? i’m been in love with you forever.”
your lips spread widely and you looked deeply into his eyes, feeling yourself falling for him again.
“i love you,” you exhaled. stefan grinned, “i love you more.”
“nu-uh,” you shook your head. “mmhm,” he smirked.
you moved in closer, your nose bumping his softly. your eyes flickered down from his eyes to his lips multiple times before closing the gap. your lips met his in slow motion, immediately moving with his. his lips were soft and kissed you well, like he had done this a million times before, and couldn’t wait to do it again. he held you close against him, breathing in deeply at the taste of your lips. he felt at peace once again, whole and complete. and as for you, you felt alive.
every atom in your body was humming in pleasure. the feeling of his hands in your body, fitting right in with your curves, were like finally finishing a puzzle. it gave you butterflies, the way he tasted and smelled. the way he kissed you was delicious. it was gentle, but passionate. his lips worked against yours quickly, his tongue sliding against yours, eliciting a small moan from your throat. your teeth bumped each other gently, causing the kiss to then become fast, needy, hot.
you pulled away before anything else could commence, your chest heaving up and down. a line of spit broke off from your lips, breaking off as the breeze ran through it.
“remember anything else now?” stefan breathed out.
“just how much i’ve missed you,” you stated.
“i’ve missed you, too, baby. wanna go and see where old home was now?”
“yes, i’d love that,” you nodded. “great. come and follow me, then we can go home and i’ll make you your favorite meal, okay?” he suggested.
“that sounds amazing.”
“i’m so glad to have you back, y/n,” he squeezed your hand.
“i’m glad to be back.”
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pocketed-fool · 3 years
Okay so. Again, spoiler alert.
If you havent finished/played the game please dont read this.
Ive seen plenty of times people call the Pale King a coward and now yall aint exactly wrong, but also it's not completely right.
Before anything else here i want to clarify that im not defending him for what he has done.
The dude fucked up. Hard.
Ive seen people antagonize the King (for a good reason okay) and straight up call him a bad person and saying that the game puts him in a bad light in general, but the thing is that the story doesnt want you to think of the events as if it was all black and white.
The Pale King seems like a very stern person, quite strict too and possibly with a very strong tendency to control, to rule, to possess (in the hidden room, the one with the Void tablet, he clearly expresses how Void should be "harnessed", controlled, and in the Path of Pain he mentions how punishment must be necessary to witness "sealed secrets"), so basically not a very open, emotional kind of person, right?
At the end of the Path of Pain we see him look at the Pure Vessel though.
Maybe he cared about his child, and if he didnt, the Pure Vessel surely did.
The idea instilled.
(In some hidden files the Vessel calls him in a dreamnail dialogue while they're still sealed in the Black Egg, In any case its very likely that they both cared for eachother, in a way or another).
So its just safe to assume the dude just kept a cold and strong appereance just for the sake of the Kingdom even when he noticed his plan was going to shit (Wyrms have foresight so there is no way he didnt know) and he still kept sticking to his plan cause that was the last chance they, as a Kingdom, had.
At the very end he ends up escaping in the dream realm, which at first looks like the most coward thing to do.
But if you think about it: the Queen, whose biggest desire is to "spread her seed" and to have a family, ended up giving up on the desire to have other children and to breed because of shame and i believe the King did the same exact thing.
He gave up on trying to control, possess, own and rule altogether because of shame.
And yes, fear.
But most of all shame.
Shame for letting his children die in the Abyss, shame for giving up on the only child who survived, shame for letting his kingdom die when it needed him the most, shame for choosing three dreamers, who were gonna keep the seal strong and protected, and then refusing to back up when even Monomon noticed the plan was not gonna work, shame for upsetting Gods that ended up causing the mess he was trying to fix , shame for putting such weight on his Queen's shoulders, shame for trying to fix issues that started the very first moment he shed his last molt and became who he was until he died.
He decided to disappear so that he would restrain himself from keeping the problems from multiplying.
And yes, this doesnt exactly look or feel right, but it was probably the only thing he had left, possibly the hardest thing too.
I honestly cant stop thinking how good of a character he is, he appears like three/four times in the entire game and he has such depth in characterization its crazy.
So yeah, the Pale King isnt a great person, but i believe that if he had a chance to have a Kingdom without the problems he had to face when he built his own, id almost think he could be a good King. Not a great person per se, just a good King.
And who knows, even a good father.
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react to the new arrival ?
" Hi everybody. My name is Y/N and I am the head nurse around here. If you have any questions, you can ask them to me. I see here that two of you are transfers from St John's, so you'll be assigned to miss Harrison's department..However, I see here that mister Wendell Crumb has just been released from prison ? Who is mister Wendell Crumb ?"
A close cut man raises his hand with a slight smile.
" That would be me."
You smile back before checking something on your file.
" Fine. You'll be transferred to my department. However, I see here that you've got many names..May I ask who I am talking to ?"
Wendell Crumb suddely straightens up and stares right at you with a very unsettling smile.
" I'm Barry. Nice to meet you.."
You raise an eyebrow suspiciously before looking down at his file. Creepy smile. Judgy stare. Feminine stand..Yeah, definitely not Barry..
" I'm sorry, but in order for us to get along, honesty is the key..Now, could you please tell me who you really are ?"
The man's smile only widens as he congratulates you.
" Clever girl. I'm Patricia. Nice to meet you."
He then claps with both hands and you narrow your eyes, trying to figure the new patient out. He seems harmless enough, even though his file seems to suggest the contrary. A great pretender. After all the effort you had put in getting the patients to trust you, this one would surely bring chaos. You could already tell by just looking at him in the eyes: he wasn't here to get better.
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You sigh before closing the file and signaling to the patient to follow you as Harrison enters. Wendell Crumb is almost too eager to follow you. You can feel his stare on you, as if he was sizing you up and down.
" The patients are eating, I suppose it is a good time to get acquainted with them and make some new friends. What do you think ?"
You smile and try to be nice to him, but he doesn't answer. He only huffs before looking away. You open the door to the cafeteria and feel the stare of all the slashers on you and the new arrival. Patricia seems to be doing a quick assessment of each slasher before finally landing on you.
" By what I heard, I thought I would be meeting fearless and bloodthirsty demons..But all I can see is a bunch of old-timers."
Your eyes widen in shock at his words and you can see some of the slashers tense. However, far from being intimidated, Kevin widely grins and seems to slouch slightly, taking another personality you guess.
" Hi guys ! I'm Hedwig ! I'm soooo excited to meet all of you ! Patricia said you were like us ! That's like, totally cool !"
To that, Freddy is the first to answer with a mocking smirk.
" Great. Another kid..Me who thought we would finally be enough to play poker. What a disappointment..Can he at least change his own grown-up diapers ?"
Suddenly, Hedwig's joyful expression shifts to a much serious one that glares daggers at Freddy.
" What did you say, steak face ?"
Oh oh. Freddy's expression darkens and he stands up to face Kevin that only arks an eyebrow at him, a silent challenge. One that Freddy is eager to respond to.
" What did you call me, baldie ?"
But, far from feeling intimidated, Kevin only stares down at him with a little smirk.
" You heard me, midget.."
You can feel the tension rising and put yourself between the two of them promptly.
" Hey ! That's enough ! Be nice ! And you.."
You turn towards Freddy with furrowed eyebrows, clearly displeased.
"..I told you to hold your tongue with them."
Freddy only humphs unhappily before getting out of your grip and glaring at Kevin that only grins defiantly at him.
" What ? That's it ? This is the infamous Freddy Krueger ? The bringer of nightmares and slayer of children ? I must admit that I am deeply disappointed.."
Patricia, she wants to rile him up. You quickly get another nurse to get Freddy to sit back down before he gives in to his violent impulses. You then glare at Kevin before taking him by the arm for him to follow you outside of the room.
" What are you trying to do exactly ?! Get killed ?!"
But, far from feeling guilty, Kevin's grin only widens as he stares directly back at you for several seconds, as if looking deep inside your soul..At the end, he pretends to be apologetic by raising his hands in surrender and finally giving some kind of explanation for his behavior.
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" I'm sorry. I'm just feeling overwhelmed, garden variety issue..You understand. We mustn't let the bad seeds take roots, or we may end up with bad weed issues.."
At this, Pennywise that had followed you discreetly gets out of his hiding spot to growl menacingly at Kevin.
" Bad weed ?! Who are you calling bad weed, pal ?! I'll show you bad weed."
But one stern look from you, and Pennywise reconsiders. But, he is still glaring daggers at Kevin that only giggles maniacally while you get him back inside. However, he doesn't miss the way you instinctively hold on to the pendent hanging around your neck..What a strange necklace..? He turns his head towards the slashers that all seem on edge now, like a pack of wolves ready to attack. However, it's even worse when he suddenly takes you by the shoulders to smell you behind your ear, his gaze still fixed on the gang that seems ready to jump into action at any moment..Even Pennywise doesn't notice that he is munching on his spoon instead 9f his actual food. You try to get out of his grip, but he only tightens his grip on you as a response.
" What ? Are you all her lapdogs now ? I see the appeal..But still, to think she managed to have you all around her little finger..The strongest men on Earth, all submitting to that small bite."
As if to prove his point, he starts nibbling on the top of your ear, waiting for a reaction. However, before anyone could do anything, Kevin feels something piercing his skin and turns around to see a smirking Five with a needle in his hand.
" Nighty night."
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Kevin collapses and you quickly kneel by his side to take his pulse. Thankfully, he's alive and you ask some nurses to bring him back to his room. You had agreed with the hospital not to use the collars unless it was a case of extreme emergency, looks like this could be one..
" Thank you, Five. But, dont use medical supplies without my permission again, okay ?"
He doesn't lose his smile before replying casually, hands in his pockets.
" Can't promise anything.."
The slashers are still staring at Kevin that is dragged out of the room. It takes you a while to reassure them that you're fine, even longer to convince yourself. However, Five seems even more suspicious than usual, he seems to be eager to return to his bedroom, and he was late for lunch..But, you don't have the time to worry about him. You finally manage to get them all to return to their bedrooms and walk inside your own. There, you let the mask fall and collapse on your bed, burying your face in a nearby pillow in order to muffle your tears and screams. Each time, you try to contain your own fear for the safety of the patients and yourself, but just with one touch, this new individual had made all of your walls crumble. However, you have to get it together, you couldn't let the other patients see you like this..You get up and cough a bit before cleaning yourself up. You then open the door, not expecting all the patients tumbling inside as they were listening in..You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
" What did I say about listening on doors ?"
They all stand up and look at everything but your face or simply try to justify themselves.
" Look, hon..We were only worried..Kinda ?"
Freddy tries to explain, but you take a big inspiration before stepping out. This is just what you needed: serial killers worrying about you.
" It's the hour of your medication. How about Michael and Five come to help me in the kitchen while you wait in the your rooms ?"
You finally decide to ignore Freddy and are surprised when Arthur takes you gently by the arm so you can look up at them.
"Hey, don't shut us down. Freddy is right, we were only worried."
You eyes soften at their genuine concern, but you quickly shake the feeling away. You had faced far worse, but this patient scared you the most..because he had attacked you as if he already knew, as if he knew who you were before you even introduced yourself. You will have to keep a close eye on that one, that's for sure. Fortunately, the patients hadn't reacted too extremely, or it would have turned bad, very very bad..You don't know why the hospital had suddenly decided to add another patient, but one thing is for sure, this new patient wasn't transferred here, he was sent here with a purpose. Now, your goal is to discover whatever purpose that is. You are on your way to his room when you realize something..You hadn't seen Jason all morning. He wasn't there for lunch either. You feel cold sweat running down your back when you suddenly hear some fighting noises. You run in the direction of the sounds and are shocked to see Jason, Five and, surprisingly, Klaus in Kevin's room. You don't have the time to ask what the last one is here that Jason takes Kevin by his shirt and throws him through the window.
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You look at Five for an explanation, but he doesn't look at you and looks at the broken window instead.
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" Did he just..?"
" Yup. He just did.."
Klaus confirms before turning towards you with a small awkward smile.
" Can someone please explain to me why a civilian is here and why Jason just threw Kevin out of the damn window ?!"
You exclaim and for once, Five is speechless and it's his brother that decides to step up to explain the situation to you.
" Hi. I'm Klaus, Five's older brother and I was about to help him escape until we heard noises of a fight outside. We got out and saw a bold man talking and fighting our dear sweet Jason that threw said man flying through the window. Literally."
Your eyes widen at the news of his planned escape and then look at Five with a confused frown. The idea of escaping wasn't what surprised you the most, but why would he want to leave now ? However, before you could ask, Jason, who is clearly upset, pushes right past you with angry groans and an uneven breathing. You give a stern look at Five, clearly signifying that this discussion isn't over before running after Jason before he could murder Kevin. When you get out, you see that all of the slashers had encircled Kevin that seems angrier than ever.
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" I'll kill you all !"
He shouts, but Freddy only cackles while leaning against the wall, with the sunglasses you had given him sitting on his nose, and Pennywise that has a bowl of popcorn in his hands.
" Come on, Jason ! We'll enjoy the massacre..There are no witnesses. Just show that clown who's the boss ! No offense.."
He quickly adds at the end to Pennywise that only smirks before fist-bumping him.
" None taken."
You run to stand between the two huge men that don't seem to even notice you. You look at Michael for help, but he only crosses his arms, clearly implying that he wouldn't interfere. Great..You think before turning towards the devil you know, your hands outstretched towards him.
" Stop, Jason. Please. This is not you. Whatever he told you, it is not worth this. You will be punished, severely. They will maybe not kill you, but they will lock you away, somewhere nobody will ever find you again.."
Jason seems to finally snap out of it and you smile when he takes your hand and yanks you forward with his supernatural strength. You chuckle, relieved while he hugs you. But then, you hear a loud sound behind you and turn around swiftly to see..Brahms ?! Brahms just took Kevin by the throat to crash the back of his head against the concrete and his hands are now around his throat, squeezing painfully tight. You run towards them and try to get Brahms to let go, but he only tightens his grip on him as you yell.
" Let go, Brahms ! What are you doing ?! I said let go !"
But he doesn't listen to you, even worse, he gives you a hard blow to the stomach with his elbow that knocks all air out of your lungs. However, you still find the strength to get up and this is when Brahms finally shouts furiously.
" He took my doll !"
You are surprised how he managed to form a whole sentence without stammering and also horrified by the news. Brahms' doll is Brahms' most precious possession, no wonder he wants to kill Kevin. But then, Kevin laughs and spits blood on Brahms' mask.
" Idiot. You kill me, you won't get the doll and they'll throw you in the darkest deepest hole they can find.."
You know that he is telling the truth and look at Brahms that doesn't seem to be willing to stop. You take a big breath before finally taking out the pendent they had offered you. You hold it tightly in your hand before ordering Brahms to stop.
" Stop, Brahms ! Let him go ! Now !"
Suddenly, as if under some kind of transe, Brahms straightens up and finally releases Kevin. Brahms then slowly turns towards you and walks to you until he is barely a few inches away from you and leans in so close you can hear his hectic breathing. You almost fear for your life and hold on to the pendent even tighter.
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However, he only humphs and walks away. You look up and, for once, see the disappointment in the different slashers' eyes. They all saw what happened, what you used to control Brahms.
" I..I didn't want to.."
But it's too late, the damage is done. The Joker, that had stayed silent so far, suddenly bursts our laughing, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes as he tells you bitterly.
" You know why Jason attacked Kevin ? Because he said that you were using us..Looks like he wasn't so wrong after all.."
He walks past you, not even giving you a second glance. You turn towards the rest of the slashers that seem either angry or even fearful of you.
" P..Penny..?"
You try to extend your hand towards Penny that is eyeing you warily and who growls warningly at you when your hand is too close. Suddenly, a hand snatches yours to yank you backwards.
" Back off, lady !"
Pennywise cautions you, his eyes glowing yellow in the dark. However, suddenly, some armed forces enter the yard and get out tazers to restrain the patients. You see one of the guards tackle Pennywise to the ground. To your horror, Penny bites the guard's shoulder that screams loudly in pain. Before you could say anything, another guard shoots some tranquilizers at the Penny that collapses.
" No..No !"
You run towards Penny and cradle his face with tears in your eyes. It wasn't supposed to go this way. What had gone wrong ? You look up at Pennywise that is now restrained and muzzled. He tries to break free to reach Penny, but the guards won't let him.
" Pennywise..I'm..I'm so s.."
But he glares at you and cuts you off harshly.
" Nah. Save your breath, princess.."
Pennywise says while eyeing you up and down with new-found disdain, even Freddy is not smiling anymore. The slashers are brought back inside with shackles and you feel your lower lip quivering. You didn't want to use the pendent, but he was going to kill Kevin and..You look back to see that Kevin is smiling. He even dares giggles when some guards come to take him away.
" Rejoice ! You are of the worthy ! You are broken !"
You don't understand and frown in confusion, but he doesn't add anything. You sigh deeply before getting back inside as well, you had to make it up to them..somehow.
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" You really think it's a good idea ? We aren't even sure that Kevin will be able to accomplish his mission."
But the woman, far from being worried, only puffs out a cloud of smoke and replies with a confident smile.
" Believe me, John. It will work..Soon, we'll have the slashers at our mercy. They'll be our little tin soldiers. And nothing will be able to stop us, brother.."
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euovennia · 4 years
Summary: In which Carlisle finds his mate with the subtle guidance of Alice.
Pairing: fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1,860
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"Slow down, Alice! There's no need to be this excited, it's just skating." Rosalie remarked with a bored expression as she and the rest of the Cullen family struggled to keep up with the tiny woman.
"Maybe it is just skating, but we haven't had a family outing like this in forever, Rose! Trust me when I say this is good for us, it'll be unforgettable." Alice spoke, a mix of mischief and excitement glimmering in her golden eyes. Jasper came towering beside her and wrapped an arm around her small frame, "Just what are you planning, darlin'?" Alice only smiled before quickly escaping his grasp and continuing bouncing her way toward the entrance of the skating rink as the small group attempted to rid themselves of the uncomfortable nagging feeling in the back of their minds.
Something was going to happen, but no one knew what.
With the door held open by Alice, the family quickly filed into the building before being dragged over to the check-out counter where an older man stood hunched over the counter as he kept his eyes trained on a small TV in the corner of the counter. His calm exterior fumbled momentarily as the sound of the entrance door slamming shut behind the rather large group snapped him out of his focus. He quickly straightened himself out as he painted a warm smile onto his face, "Well hello there folks, what can I do for you?"
At this, Alice quickly pushed a surprised Carlisle to the front of the group. Feeling awkward, he quickly clasped his hands in front of him as he looked directly at the man who was patiently awaiting a response, "Hello. My family and I were interested in doing some skating. Perhaps for an hour or two."
The man turned to look down at his wristwatch before changing his attention to Carlisle once again, "Of course, but I have to say that there's gonna be about a ten-minute wait. I can get you all situated with your skates and take you down to the observation room while you wait. If that's alright, of course."
Carlisle glanced back at his family and upon receiving one enthusiastic reply from Alice and a shrug from Edward before he turned to the man, "Yes, that'll work out fine."
With their skates in hand, the Cullen clan followed the man down a long, brightly lit hallway before reaching a set of worn-in blue metal doors. The doors let out a loud creak as they were pushed open by the man. As the group filed inside the cold room, they were met with an intensely fast-paced tune composed of numerous cellos. They glanced at one another, the uncomfortable feeling slowly beginning to blossom in their bodies further with the exception of Alice who stood there with a large, expectant grin on her pale face. Realization dawned on Rosalie as she caught sight of her sister's face and she harshly grabbed her wrist as she spoke in a low tone, "What the hell are we doing here, Alice?" Ignoring her harsh, venom-filled tone Alice only shrugged. Huffing, Rosalie returned to Emmett's side as she crossed her arms. Sensing the tension that was growing between his adoptive children, Carlisle turned to the old man who was looking out a window that was faced outward toward the skating rink. "Is there a specific reason for the music?"
The man looked back at Carlisle and wordlessly motioned him to stand by his side. Carlisle furrowed his brows together in slight confusion but walked over by the man as requested. Eyes focused on the glass window in front of him, Carlisle watched as a woman feverishly skated around the rink with a heightened sense of grace and elegance that could rival that of his own family. He found himself enthralled with the precise and quick movements coming from the mysterious woman and found himself letting out an unnecessary breath as he asked, "Who is that?"
The old man kept his eyes trained on the woman's skating figure as he answered, "I don't know much about her if I'm being honest. All I know is that she's a pro skater and that her coach is pretty strict." Carlisle reluctantly tore his gaze away from the woman and glued them to the man beside him, "Coach?" The man nodded as he turned to face Carlisle fully, "Yeah. That guy over there." He spoke as he lamely motioned to the left side of the rather large rink. Carlisle's gaze settled on a well-built man with medium brown hair that was immaculately styled with calculating and judgmental eyes that seemed to rake over every movement of the female skater.
As Carlisle's gaze went to settle on the woman once again, he was pulled from his thoughts as his adoptive children had grown an apparent interest in Carlisle's overly observant attitude. "What're you looking at, pops?" Emmett spoke loudly causing Carlisle to cringe at both the nickname and volume of his voice. "Nothing, Emmett. Just looking around the rink is all." Rosalie scoffed, "Seems to me like you were checking out something special," Her gaze quickly turned to the woman who was effortlessly gliding across the ice, "Or someone." It was at this moment where Carlisle knew that if he was still capable of blushing, his face would be on fire. "She seems to be very talented, it's eye-catching." Esme gently defended. "Well, the music is a bit obnoxious." Rosalie muttered. "A flair for the dramatics never hurt anyone." Edward mused. "Oh please, all you know how to do is be dramatic." Rosalie fired back, her annoyance growing with each passing second.
Carlisle watched the scene unfold in front of him with weariness in his eyes as he gave a small nod toward Jasper who then unleashed a subtle calming effect on everyone present. Unable to fight back the sudden wave of calmness she felt, Rosalie let out a deep breath before walking away with Emmett trailing behind her, ready to calm her down further if needed. Relaxing his posture slightly, he turned to face the old man. "I apologize. My family, unfortunately, do not see eye to eye on everything." The man simply waved off his apology. "I used to be a family man myself. No worries. Anyhow, I best be getting back to the front desk. As soon as those two get out, feel free to hop on in." He said before giving the family a departing wave and walking away.
Carlisle watched him disappear behind the rusty blue doors before directing his attention back to the now-empty ice rink. He felt his undead heart fall to the pit of his stomach as one question raced through his mind: Where did she go?
His question was quickly answered as the doors leading to the rink opened and the man and woman walked in speaking in what Carlisle could make out to be French-based on his rather limited knowledge. He watched with great interest as the man and woman went back and forth with their conversation.
"Vous vous déplacez trop lentement dans certains domaines. Vous devez l'accélérer." (tr: You move too slow in some areas. You need to speed it up.) The man spoke, his tone a bit rough and body language that gave off the impression that he was annoyed. The woman seemed a bit exasperated as she responded, "Je sais que oui, mais je me sens épuisé. Donnez-moi juste un jour de repos, c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin. Je serai mieux après, je te le promets!" (tr: I know I do, but I feel exhausted. Just give me one rest day, that's all I need. I'll be better after, I promise!) Once finished speaking, the man turned to her and shoved a finger in her face as he spoke quickly and sternly, an annoyed expression present on his face. "Non. Vous ne vous améliorez qu'avec une pratique constante. Pas de jours de repos pour vous. Arrête de demander." (tr: No. You only get better with consistent practice. No rest days for you. Stop asking.) The woman seemed disheartened by his attitude as she crossed her arms and simply nodded. The man let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, "Pardon. Juste ... Habillez-vous. Nous devons partir." (tr: Sorry. Just...Get dressed. We need to leave.) The man tore his gaze from the woman in front of him and was surprised to see a large group of pale people awkwardly trying to pretend as though they weren't just eavesdropping. A light pink color dusted his cheeks as he pulled his jacket closer to his frame. "My apologies. Just a small disagreement. Have fun on the ice." He said, an awkward smile on his face as he walked out of the cold room.
With the door slamming shut behind him, the woman looked up at the family, her eyes quickly moving over the appearance of all of them, her gaze lingering on a certain blonde doctor for a second longer before speaking, "Sorry to take up all the ice. It's just that people normally don't come here." At the sound of her soft voice, Carlisle looked away from the door where the man had once gone through and fixed his eyes on the beauty in front of him.
She had dark brown hair that was thrown up to an elegantly messy bun with two fallen wisps of hair that worked to frame her face perfectly. Her eyes were a few shades lighter than her hair whereas her perfectly arched eyebrows matched her hair color perfectly. He found himself admiring her long eyelashes that beautifully fluttered with every blink and her long, slim nose that sat perfectly on her face. He admired the light pink color that stained her lips and cheeks, a glorious reminder for Carlisle of the humanity that remained within the woman before him.
Carlisle looked over at Alice who had a knowing grin on her face as she motioned with her head toward the woman. He looked back at her, "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seemed a little...Out of it."
At the sound of her melodic voice, Carlisle gave her a warm smile. "Yes. I do that sometimes. Sorry to concern you." The woman returned his smile as she spoke, "It's fine. We all have our moments." Carlisle nodded as his smile stayed painted on his face. After a few moments, the woman spoke again, "It was nice seeing you all, but I must get going. Have fun." Carlisle's face fell at her admission and he nearly reached out to stop her but restrained himself from doing so. "Of course. Have a wonderful day." With a final smile, she gave the group a nod of acknowledgment before taking her leave.
"What was that?" Jasper spoke once the doors shut behind the woman. Carlisle could feel his undead heart clench as he uttered the next two words,
"My mate."
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fandom-monium · 4 years
AN: thank you, anon! i dont plan to make a sequel to KC. But if i did:
For Valentine’s Day
Summary: In which you throw a wrench in Spencer’s plans: you don’t like Valentine’s Day. “If it’s with you, I guess it’s not so bad.”
WC: 2.9k (whoops)
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fluff, cussing, semi anti-valentines day, Spencer tears up but dont worry were there to fix that, established relationships (blegh), Garvez if you squint, post-For the Holidays
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Fuck cooking, Spencer thinks one day.
It's an irrational thought. The kind that strikes through his mind in a flash of irritation like a scrape of the knee as he is perusing the internet. Yes, he is using a computer willingly. He has to because he's desperate.
Cooking is stupid. Who really needs it, right?
He needs it. God, he needs it so bad.
His need to learn cooking wasn't as incessant until recently. Until you came along.
Spencer is a meticulous person and a romantic if you'd ever met one. Makes sense considering how he grew up, reading the classics and all that. He's read all the gooey literary shit old people write and while he never understood those meanings it all dawned on him one day. Quotes written like 'the stars in their eyes' and 'sunshine glowing off them like a halo', suddenly makes sense once he meets you. Or at least, after coming to know you, months into your newfound friendship.
It's because of this he plans accordingly the weeks leading up to Valentine's day! Because again he's meticulous and a romantic and a genius so he plans every step and makes a back up plan in case A, B, and C fall through.
Is he going overboard? 
… Nah. No way. Not when it comes to you.
But fuck with a capital F, man.
It's your third date. Or what is supposed to be your third date if you would just stop being you for a second.
Then again, he loves you a lot and he wouldn't love you if you weren't, well, you.
Although—pardon his french—what the fuck. 
Spencer knows he needs to learn to cook. You've tried plenty of times to teach him and he loves learning and he especially loves it when you are the teacher (wait, does he have a teacher/student fantasy? Maybe. That’s something he'll look into later. Preferably with you). 
Unfortunately, he's terrible at it.
He's made progress and he knows it's true because you said so but the miniscule progress he's made is. Not. Enough. And it's all your fault! Because he gets so distracted by you during your lessons, like when you put your hands over his to show him proper slicing techniques—holy fuck, he wanted to combust right there—or just watching your deft hands at work, lips and brow scrunched in concentration in that adorable way. And you smell like cooking oil or whatever you're making and you're hot.
He's so into you it physically hurts. Ugh. How is he so lucky? 
You're also the first person he's been this into since Maeve. And everyone knows how well that turned out.
So he tries to dial it down for Valentine’s Day. Morgan told him once he tends to throw himself into everything he does, including love. And when you two got together, he promised the universe he will not fuck this up. He ends up combining Morgan’s advice with Luke’s, trying to be casual like Luke says because apparently you're just as into him as he is of you. 
The thought makes him grin uncontrollably. Luke says it makes him look like a clown but a lovesick clown. A lovefool, Luke hehs.
Spencer doesn’t get the joke, but it does nothing to deter him.
As Luke advised, Spencer does “not” make a dozen back up plans and does “not" plan weeks in advance. Because that wouldn't be casual, would it?
But now the day’s come and as Valentine’s Day turns to Valentine’s Night, Spencer wants to pull his hair, rub his frustratedly stinging eyes but he can't because he's in the middle of work, in the middle of the bullpen, in the middle of his desk and he refuses to be that guy. Not again.
Why does he feel like sobbing? Like a loser? 
Because you don't like Valentine’s Day. No, you abhor it.
It happens in the middle of the work day. It's like he tried to open a door only for a bucket of ice water to be dumped on him and now he looks like a drowned rat. He definitely feels like one.
You're talking with Garcia about her Valentine’s Day plans as you multitask, switching between putting together packets and stacking them aside. Then taking them under the hole-puncher and stapling them together because the BAU isn't all kicking down doors and catching freaks. 
It makes sense that you’re chatting with Garcia during your break. The two of you have become two peas in a pod after you came out of your shell. Now you're inseparable. Only you make Garcia leave her batcave as much as she does now.
Out of sight, he catches tidbits of your conversation when he hears distinctively: Fuck Valentine’s Day.
Okay, you didn't say that verbatim but you might as well have, grimacing as you three hole-punch a packet and his heart. Then a nail on his coffin only it’s with a stapler. 
Thump. Chick.
Spencer winces; there goes your his Valentine’s Day plans. 
It shouldn't sting as much as it does. You've been dating for over a month and Valentine’s Day is definitely not his favorite holiday either. It's not even top 3. And as you rant he can’t help but silently nod in agreement, all the facts straight: yes, it's an eyesore. Yes, it's a capitalistic holiday. Yes, people should do nice things for their significant others no matter the time and not because it's expected on a specific day. Yes, it doesn't compare to Halloween—
The thing is, you two aren't that “couple-y”, at least in a traditional sense. Not like Will and JJ who got a babysitter so they could go out or like Luke and Garcia as they plan to go to a special Valentine’s Day event she wants to check out (she vehemently denies anything going on between them but he doesn't need to be a genius to see the affection they have for one another. Just kiss already, damn).
So yeah, Spencer hoped to spend the romantic holiday with you. For once, he'd have Valentine’s Day plans, aside from exchanging cards with the team and his mother.
But apparently you hate Valentine’s Day! So there goes plan A, B, C, and D!
Spencer feels the tears spring at the corner of his eyes. He sniffs as subtly as he can, raising an open case file to his face. Of all the plans he hadn't thought through this was not one of them. IQ 187, his ass.
He should've known. Or at least ask your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. That was inconsiderate on his part. He blinks back tears, withdrawing into himself despite his hurt because he is a lovefool and only for you. He just wants to impress you, make you happy even if that means canceling your first Valentine’s Day together.
Now if you'll excuse him, he has to call off a few reservations and make some returns. Several actually.
Can you return a dozen donuts in the shape of hearts?
… Yeah, he better ask Emily for the rest of the day off.
"Hey Newb, have you seen Spencer? I haven't seen him since his break," You ask, resting your chin in your hand as you squint at another form. Your eyes are beginning to tire. 
Spencer asked you several times over the course of the last week, checking to see if you were free today. You are, so you planned to hang with him after work, but he hasn't returned from his break and he wasn't answering your calls or texts. Not unusual but still odd for your boyfriend (you still can’t believe you get to say that).
Luke sighs, his smooth voice reaching over your shared divider, "You know at some point I'm just not going to respond. You guys can’t call me Newbie forever."
"Keep telling yourself that," You snort without looking up.
Another sigh and you smirk: you win.
"For your information," Luke grumbles, words punctuated with sass, "Doc went home."
You pause. "Home?" He didn't tell you.
"Yeah, probably to get ready for your date."
"Our date?" You frown and stand up, leaning over the divider to see if Luke’s fucking with you.
He isn't. Luke shrugs, humming wistfully as he rests his cheek in his hand, "You should've seen how excited he was, being it your first Valentine's Day and all. I told him to chill out because you'll love whatever it is no matter what but I'm sure he ignored that and planned something spectacular for you guys." Sitting back, he twirls around in his chair.
You grimace, recalling your earlier conversation with Garcia. 
"Meanwhile, I have to spend Galentine's Day with Garcia because all the ladies of the BAU are taken and I have nothing better to do—" Luke comes to a full 720, catching the tail end of your coat as you whip it on and make for the door. "—um, excuse you?"
"If Emily asks, I had an emergency!" You manage to call back, throwing open the glass door.
"Thanks, Newb!"
As the elevator door dings shut with you inside, leg jumping because you have a sneaking suspicion you fucked up, Luke slouches in his chair and grumbles.
He's not a newb. Or a newbie.
You rush over to Spencer's, catching your breath as you stumble to his front door. There's shuffling from inside, the faint sound of clanking and crashing and your heart swells because this is the man you’ve fallen for, the first one you've ever felt this way for. Here he is, being all considerate and romantic. And here you are, fucking it up when your relationship’s barely even started.
God, you're an asshole, you berate yourself as you turn the doorknob and push open the door. You're an asshole you're an asshole you’re an asshole—
Then your eyes widen and your jaw goes slack. 
Immediately, you slap a hand over your mouth and nose as your favorite scented candles hit you like someone shoved a bouquet in your face. The description isn't too far off considering there's a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers still in its wrapping, haphazardly set next to a dozen donuts on the coffee table like no one's business. Its petals are strewn across the floor, a few in tiny piles like they were hastily swept to the side. Red and pink and dark green fill your vision.
Who gutted Cupid and tossed his organs around, holy fu-
"(Your name)?"
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Startled, you crane your head to find Spencer, beautiful hair askew and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. His sleeves are pushed up to his elbows as he clutches flowers to his chest. In his other hand, he grips the colored strings of several shiny red and pink balloons in the shape of hearts and—fuck—your heart might actually float up from your chest and into your eyes.
This is your man. Your partner. Your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend panics, fumbling for a second before stuffing the balloons and trimmed flowers back into the room behind him and slamming the door shut. He turns back to you, eyes wide.
"What-what are you doing here?" Spencer stammers, wringing his hands together.
You blink at him, dumbly holding up your phone. "You-uh-you left early and didn't return my calls."
"I'm sorry. I think I left my phone at work," Probably because he left in such a rush, Spencer groans, looking anywhere but you. The petals scattered over his floor are quite pretty in this light. "And I was a bit busy."
"I'm sure you were," You gawk openly at the strings of fairy lights hung around his living room. It's a clash of aesthetics. Spencer always rocked dark academia, but despite how ugly the combination of red and pink decorations with his nature green walls and dark wood is, it leaves his apartment a little brighter, a little cozier, and you love it.
You love everything about this.
But as you take in the ugly beauty of it all, Spencer fidgets at the doorway, mistaking your awe as shock and disgust. Wiping sweaty palms on his trousers, his eyes dart around, trying to focus on something, but every place he lays his eyes on makes him cringe. He catches all the things he couldn't clean up or put away in time. No doubt you do too. All the leftover flower petals, the donuts he can’t return, candles that haven’t blown out because he has the lungs of an 8-year old asthmatic. 
Spencer can't imagine how appalled you are.
And the longer your silence stretches on, the more nervous he gets so he blurts out, "I'm so sorry, (Your Name)!"
Your brow shoots up as he begins to ramble.
"You must hate this. I'll put everything away."
"You really don't have to—" You stop him, and your heart nearly crumbles as Spencer's does when he finally meets your worried gaze. 
His eyes gleam with unshed tears. He swallows, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"
"At least not without asking you—"
"I understand if you want to break up—" His voice cracks, as if the idea itself will destroy him (it definitely will). 
"Spencer—" His voice, wobbly and dripping with unnecessary guilt, draws you to him.
"But I want you to know that I—"
With an exasperated sigh, you grab his hand as yours finds the nape of his neck, pulling him into a soft kiss. 
For a second, Spencer doesn't respond because who kisses the person they're about to break up with? Strange, really. But then he kisses you back. His hands remain frozen, unsure of where he stands, but he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. He figures this is a new social cue he has yet to learn. And if this is the last time you kiss him, he'll treasure every second of it, take whatever you'll give him because again he's a lovefool for you. 
And when you pull back, he's too dazed he nearly misses the look you give him. Suddenly, he can’t breathe.
You look at him like he hung the stars instead of cheap fairy lights around his apartment. 
Spencer’s confused. "I-I... Wha—"
"I'm not breaking up with you," You chuckle, and you nearly burst out laughing as genuine puzzlement takes over his face. You tug him behind you, plopping yourselves on his couch. You smile, appreciating the way he organized the cushions and throw-pillows; there's now space for two people to lay down.
You take a breath. "You wanna know why I don't like Valentine’s Day?"
Spencer slouches, though his body is angled towards you so you suppose that's good. He sighs, "Because it's a capitalistic holiday that reinforces the idea of doing the bare minimum…"
He begins listing your reasons, and your eyes soften. Of course he listened and remembered even if you mentioned it offhandedly.
You nod once he finishes. "Yes but before that—and I can't believe I'm telling you this—back when I was a little kid, I didn’t get any Valentines."
Spencer's brow furrows at the newfound information. You continue, "I'd get some from my friends and stuff but that's not what Valentine's Day is about. At least not when you're a kid. When you’re a dumb kid, it’s about couples and romantic shit, and I didn't really have any of that growing up." You purse your lips and glance away, face flushed with embarrassment. It's really not that big a deal, but putting it into words makes the idea seem more intimate and personal.
It takes a moment for your words to sink in as Spencer can't believe his ears. How could you not have been showered with love and affection and presents on Valentines Day? It's like water doesn't make things wet or fire doesn't produce heat; it just doesn't make sense. Because you deserve that much and more.
"So every Valentine's Day, I lowered my expectations and eventually I stopped caring. I'd tell myself those things and I started to believe them," You bite your lip, eyes crinkling as you give Spencer a sheepish smile. "But now I have you."
At that, Spencer returns your smile, letting you take his hand. Any tears he had seem to evaporate instantly.
“So, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I stand by what I said before, Valentine’s Day sucks. But if it’s with you,” Blushing deeply, you play with Spencer's hand, large and veins defined compared to yours, shrugging, “I guess it’s not so bad.”
Spencer’s smile broadens, and he intertwines your fingers together. "So what you’re saying is, you don’t hate this?” He looks around his living room.
You shake your head, unable to stop the grin crossing your lips. “No. In fact, very much the opposite. Honestly, thank you for this, it’s beautiful. I have no words.” You breathe it all in; the candles, the flowers, the— Your nose wrinkles and you snort, “Did you burn something?”
Bashfully looking down, he scratches his chin. “I-uh-tried to make your favorite dishes. Though, I was hoping the candles and flowers would mask it.”
You giggle and pull him into you, snuggling into his side. “That’s okay. I’d much rather have you anyway.”
With Spencer a blushing, stuttering mess in your arms, head resting on your chest, you press a kiss to his hair and conclude; yeah, you don’t like Valentine’s Day. 
But you sure as hell love Spencer more.
AN:  FtH status: finished - 7/5. yes 7.
I realize this was not what anon requested but oh well i wrote this at 2 am 
I’m not that anti v day but i stand by the capitalistic aspect.
yes this takes place after For the Holidays.
also included luke bc hes my bro and i honestly think he deserves so much more than what the show gave also garvez ftw
happy post valentine’s day!!
Song: Lovefool by The Cardigans
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
5 years alternative ending
Okay okay, yes i know i shouldnt but i just really wanted to see if theres a way to possibly get an alternate ending to 5 years? I love it but i just cant stip the idea of them traveling in the future and there a sweet babes sitting in there bouncer excited to see dad and dang fam im a sucker for the idea of him seeing they have a dmaily in the future. If you dont wanna fo this i compeletly understand
A/N: It’s weird how many people have asked me for them to have kids, but I guess if that’s what you guys want to see then here is a short version 2, if you will, of five years. Be sure to read the original or it won’t really make much sense, this is just the ending. Enjoy!
TMNT masterlist
Ultimate masterlist
Read the original
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“The frames broken, if we didn’t actually move from your lab then I can go fix them.”
“Only one way to find out then, huh?” Donnie spoke, his hand trembling as he turned the door. He couldn’t focus on one exact feeling at the moment, was he flustered from you being so close to him, excited that he could have possibly just discovered the key to time travel or completely nervous about…well…everything. Stepping back as best you could, you watched as Donnie slowly opened the metal door. The light from the room beamed into the darkened pod, blinding you instantly before soon adjusting. Donnie took the first step out, not saying a word, perhaps he was in awe that he actually time-travelled; the guy was probably speechless.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, the lab, his lab, was…baby-proofed? Plug sockets were covered, his dangerous tools were placed on high shelves, screws and nails were filed away safely; Donnie had never seen his lab so clean and organised. You came around him, marvelling at the clean lab, “This is definitely not your lab,” you joked, running your finger over the spotless desk.
“What’s that meant to mean? My labs clean,” he argued with a pout, but all debates fell silent when he picked up a photograph on his desk; a family photograph to be more specific. His brothers were wrapped with their arms over each other, Master Splinter in the middle of them, you and Donnie were stood off to the side with two smaller turtles by your feet. Who were they?
Little pitter-patters of feet echoed around the lair, child-like laughter accompanying it. You glanced at Donnie with a raised brow, “Okay, your brothers are pretty stealthy but there is no way their footsteps are that light.” he could only nod in agreement. Donnie wasn’t a moron, quite the opposite, in fact, he could easily put together one and two to make three.
“(Y/N)?” he spoke, his tone unnerving. You looked at him lost, you could tell from the panic in his eyes that he was deep in thought, wandering around the caverns of his mind. First, there was the baby-proofing of his lab, the light footsteps and high laughter from outside, but the icing on the cake was the photograph. They had your eyes.
“Mommy, daddy! Barb is painting on the walls again!” Marie cried, slowly edging the lab doors open until she could squeeze her small body through. She tumbled into the lab with a sense of urgency, practically beaming when she caught you and Donnie just stood there. She rangled your leg around her arms, jostling you a small bit as she tattled on her sister.
“I-what?” you muttered out, lost for words. You quickly glanced at Donnie, a similar expression on his face, a look of anxiety but curiosity. Next another small turtle barrelled into the room, her hands covered in red and blue paint, her shell coated in purple blobs, “Look daddy, I made your favourite colour!” she mused, showcasing her purple fingertips at him. All Donnie could do was nod, the reality of these being your children slowly settling into his mind.
Both kids looked confused, why weren’t their parents responding to them? “Mommy?” Marie called out, tugging on the fabric of your jeans, startled you looked down at her with a wobbly smile. She stretched her hands out to you implying she wanted to be picked up, which you did, you stared at her face, studying all the familiar details. Her eyes were just like Donnie’s: rich golds and deep yellows encased with an added sparkle, she had freckles lining her snout, eyelashes long and curled just right; she even had a little gap on the top row of her teeth, just like Donnie.
Marie frowned at you again, “Mommy why aren’t you saying anything?” she pouted, arms crossing over her chest, adorable was a word that came to mind. “Oh ok, well, what did your…sister do?” Marie darted a glare at her sister, Barb, before replying to you in a snooty manner “She was painting over the walls.” she declared. Painting? You loved painting!
Barb made grabby hands to Donatello, wanting to be picked up like her sister. Donnie complied, albeit with reluctance, he tried to keep her messy hands away from him but soon his shoulder were red and blue; eliciting a small giggle from you.
“Oh you think this is funny?” he teased, a small smirk sketched onto his face. You nodded your head meekly, “I do,” you beamed. Donnie shared a look with the child in his arms, his beak going to her ear to whisper his devious plan, she clapped her hands in excitement, eyes going wide; “Got it!” He placed her back on the floor and immediately she rushed over to you, her hands splattered on your jeans leaving small handprints stained onto the fabric. You put Mariie back on the floor as you made an attempt to run behind Donnie, he simply grabbed you by the shoulders and forced you to take the brunt; a wicked grin on his lips.
Eventually, Barb stopped and rested against the floor, her painted-covered hands drying up. Your claw-like grip on Donnie's shoulder was released earning a sigh of relief from the terrapin, you gazed into his eyes, full of love and hope for the future. You couldn't believe this is what your life would turn out like, a small family, a husband, children. You really did it all!
"Why do you guys go find your...uncles, I'm sure they'll paint with you." Donnie offered, crouching down enough to be eye-level with them. The two girls screamed and made a dash for the lab door, stumbling as they went, "I call dibs on Uncle Mikey!" Marie shouted. Barb wasn't that far behind her, you were only now able to see the mass amount of paint on her shell and legs, "Nooo Marie, you don't even like art!" she wailed.
Once they left a feeling of peace enveloped the lab, you could feel a warmth spread through your hand at the touch of Donatello's. "So?" he mused, "So?" you replied with a grin, "We seem to have a pretty good life waiting for us here, huh?"
"You got that right," you cheered following him back to the time travel pod. Shuffling into the tight space, you questioned who named the children: "Marie?"
"Marie Curie," the name rolled off of his tongue, he turned his head to you the best he could, "Barb?"
"Barbara Kruger," you replied with ease.
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The Touch Of A Shay Sister
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Gif credit @cookiesordeath & @lorybest-aka-frizzza.
In the second gif I see Shay dancing like that at the readers reception.
Requested by @writerwithasoul. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request.
Happy Reading Dollies.
Taglist. @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder
Teasing Antonio was no problem. He would melt in your hand if you kissed or touched him in a sexual way. But for the last few days he's been off. Trying to avoid you and your touch. Something was up and you needed to know what.
"Oh babycakes"? You purred strutting over to Antonio's desk. He was concentrating on a file in his hand. His eyes never leaving the print.
"Antonio Dawson, you better look at me when I'm talking to you". You came up behind him. Your hands on his shoulders, massaging his tight muscles slightly whimpering in his ear. "God daddy, you're so wound up. Let me help you relax". Your hands started to travel down his chest. Feeling the ripples from his pecks and ribs. His body tenses up from your touch.
"Y/N"! Antonio scorned quite loudly as the others looked at him, oddly. You couldn't help but giggle.
"Stop. We are at work, you need to behave. I'm serious". Antonio jerked up out of his chair and  fixed his shirt aggressively.
"Well, someone didn't get the memo". You sucked on your bottom lip as yours and Antonio's eyes went down to the tent growing in his pants. He quickly covered it with his hands. A blush crept along his cheeks.
Licking your lips walking over to him. "This is what you get for teasing me and not holding up your end". The whisper in Antonio's ear sent chills down his spine. He wanted you so freaking bad but he made a promise to someone.
"Y/N Shay, you need to go do your work. Now". Antonio gulped as you faced him. His eyes fluttered down and saw your breast was inches away from his chest.
"Okay. If you say so, Mr. Dawson". You turned on your heels, your
hair hitting Antonio in the face. Your shampoo filling Antonio's nostrils, making him kick himself for turning you away.
The last couple hours were hell for Antonio. When he looked up, he didnt see you glancing at him or sticking your tongue out at him. Nothing. You were totally cold to him and he felt horrible because he couldnt tell you the truth.
When work was over Antonio rushed to his car, not saying anything to you. He put the car in drive and headed to the firehouse. That's what he couldn't tell you.
"Shay, I think I may have made her mad". Antonio was telling your sister Leslie about what happened at work.
"She'll be fine. She can withstand from sex for awhile". Shay laughed.
"Are you kidding? She is punishing me. Today she wore this sexy tight skirt with a white blouse and a black bra. To torture me. I couldnt do anything about it. I am so wound up when I'm around her.  I'm going to explode". Antonio paced the cement, chewing his bottom lip. His pants still just as tight with the tent in his pants, if not tighter.
"Oh gag. You want to marry my sister, right"?
"Yes. I love her more than anything". Antonio sat down at the picnic table in front of Shay.
"Then I think you two can stay away from sex so I can see that you're in this relationship for her and not her body. Y/N, is a beautiful woman and she needs to be loved for herself not her looks".
"I know. But I'm not like those other guys. I love her for her dorky, sassy and intelligent personality. We have fun together. The kids like her. We have the same friends and she practically lives with me. Why can I not marry her already? I have the ring"?
"You have a ring"? Shay asked shocked, Antonio and you only been dating for a year and a half. So it came as a surprise.
"It was my mothers. I've had it in my pocket since our sixth month anniversary. That's how long I've been wanting to marry her". Antonio reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a little diamond ring with a wedding band.
"Cute. So you're really serious about this"? Shay eyed him.
"Yes. More than I've ever been. Laura, she's didnt like the job so that's what didnt work in our relationship. But Y/N, she knows the job and what comes with it. She has my back and I have hers. Always. She gets me and I get her".
"Alright, Dawson. You can marry my sister but if you step one foot out of line. I'll turn the hose on you and then wrap it around your neck. Got it"?
"Got it.  I'm going to go marry my girl". Antonio gushed with a grin  jumping up from the table. "Thanks, Shay. You wont regret it". He yelled over his shoulder before getting into his car.
"I better not". Shay smiled as Antonio disappeared down the road. She was happy for the both of them and she wanted you to be happy. Antonio was a good guy and he had a great family. Lucky to have you.
Antonio pulled into his drive way and your car was parted in his spot as usual. He chuckled and got out, running to the door. His heart was beating rapidly from excitement. He opened the door and his smile dropped. You were sitting on the couch crying.
"What's wrong? What happened"? Antonio quickly dashed over to the couch. You kicked him away when he tried to get close.
"You dont find me attractive anymore". You wailed, tears falling down your cheek and onto Antonio's shirt you were wearing.
"Baby, that's not true at all. I love you and I think you're the most beautiful woman ever". Antonio took your left hand in his.
"Then why dont you want to sleep with me? I wore a sexy outfit today and nothing happened. The old you would have taken me in the locker room without a blink of an eye". You sniffled.
"Y/N, you may think this is stupid but it's for a good reason". Antonio started.
"Shay, said that I had to abstain from sex with you". Antonio nervously chuckled.
"She what? You actually listened to her"? You growled, taking the closest pillow near you and hitting Antonio over the head with it repeatedly.
"Babe, babe. Stop. It's for a good reason". Antonio held up his hands, covering his face.
"It better be. I am so horny. I could kill you". You giggled settling back into your spot. Antonio laughed.
"I asked Shay two weeks ago if I could marry you but she wouldn't say yes.  Unless I resisted you. She wanted to make sure I was in the relationship for you and not your body". Antonio explained. Your jaw dropped to the floor.
"You- you want to marry me"?
"Yes". Antonio pulled out the ring and slid it on your finger. "Y/N Shay, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world"?
"Yes, oh yes, Antonio". You squealed, jumping into Antonio's lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck. Kissing his lips deeply in love.
"Aaaaaah. I love it, baby. Thank you. I cant wait to be your wife". You say between kisses.
"It was my mothers. I should've given it to you long ago but now seemed to be the right time. I love you".
"I love you too. So much". You kissed him even more.  All the passion and fury was coming undone.
"Let's go make up for lost time". You moaned into the kiss. 
"You read my mind". Antonio picked you up and started to carry you down the hall but you'd stopped him.
"Wait, you said she told you two weeks ago about not having sex. But you've only been acting weird for the last couple days". You tilted your head at him. You've been having sex.
"What can I say. I couldn't resist such a sexy, beautiful, intelligent woman sleeping next to me. The last few days have been hell not touching you. That wont happen again". Antonio playfully growled, nipping at your neck. You giggled as he carried you to the bedroom.
You got what you had wanted for so long.  Antonio Dawson to be your husband and for him to put his hands back on you.
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buckyskorpion · 4 years
11 hours - part five
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Reader
Summary: bucky is the mystery you can’t wait to solve. if you can get out of his bed long enough, that is. a biker au.
Warnings: gang-typical violence, sex scenes, alcohol mentions, probably more to come so stay tuned
A/N: alright things escalated VERY QUICKLY but shit had to go down sometime. i hope you enjoy! and sorry for the delay, i really been goin thru it recently. this part is 7k to make up for it lmao i wont be taking tags for this so please dont ask.
title taken from 11 hours by wet | playlist | my ko-fi
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It’s a big day. You had held Bucky’s hand as you stood in the doorway to his apartment, playing with his rings so you didn’t have to meet his eyes. You were nervous, not because you didn’t trust Bucky but because with every secret spilled you felt like a layer of your skin was being peeled away. But you’d held his hand and told him to pick you up tonight from your office. You handed him your business card, a physical embodiment of trust you hadn’t given to anyone else. It wasn’t your apartment address, sure, but it was something and Bucky held the card with the biggest, boyish grin on his face that melted your heart.
The real reason you’re so nervous is because if whoever followed you from Bucky’s apartment is following Bucky, then they’ll follow him right to your office door. You’d had a long talk to yourself in the bathroom mirror the other night, however, and decided you weren’t going to let a hypothetical stalker ruin yet another relationship for you. Not that stalkers are common in your life, but using any excuse to distance yourself and cut people out is most definitely your regular MO. Not this time.
That being said, stalkers aren’t common in your life so you are, understandably, fixated by it. You are sure it has something to do with Bucky because you don’t believe in coincidences and the guy literally followed you from Bucky’s apartment. The big question is, was the stalker after Bucky or were they after you? Since you have next to nothing to go on, you aren’t exactly on your way to answering that one yet. But you’ll get there, eventually, and you’ve got some ideas.
In the meantime, you wait for Bucky and attempt to tidy your organised mess. He’s meant to show up at seven on his bike, but seven is going on eight and he’s yet to show. You try not to picture the worst or convince yourself you’re being stood up, even though that’s what it feels like. The one time you give out personal details and he doesn’t show. That would be your luck. You kick a filing drawer closed a bit too harshly, the metal clanging loud in your deafeningly silent office. Whatever. It’s not like anyone is left in the building to judge you because Bucky is over an hour late and every other office in the place is long empty.
You water your desperately dry indoor plants, even the one on top of your bookshelf - a testament to how hard you’re trying to distract yourself from the imminent heartbreak. You stand on tiptoes on your swivel chair to reach the crispy fern, something your dad would yell at you for if he could see you, but he can’t so you just pray the wheels don’t slip out from under you. It’s a very precarious precision for you to be in when someone bangs your office door open and stumbles inside, that’s for sure. You nearly break your entire body falling from the chair, but catch yourself on the bookcase before any real damage can be done.
The invader slams the door shut behind them, making you flinch once again as you spin around to face your would-be attacker. Only it's not someone breaking and entering - it’s Bucky, panting heavily and bleeding from his temple while he turns slowly on his heel and assesses every corner of your tiny office for threats.
“Bucky?” you call out, hesitant to approach and startle him incase it’s not your office that he’s seeing. His dog tags hang out the neck of his t-shirt when they’re usually always carefully tucked under the fabric, and you notice now he’s not just bleeding from his head but somewhere under that shirt as well. He looks over at your voice and it takes a second for him to focus properly on you, shoulders visibly slumping, closing the space in three quick strides.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, pulling you bodily into a crushing hug. You wrap your arms around his waist, carefully holding him in case he’s got even more injuries you can’t see, but he squeezes you so tight you find it hard to breathe. He has one arm around your shoulders, that hand tangled in your hair and he presses your head into his shoulder. You feel him nose into the hair at the crown of your head, breathe in deep, let it out in shudders.
“You’re hurt,” you say into his t-shirt, and he shakes his head while still pressing his face into your scalp.
“M’fine, s’just blood,” he mumbles, barely coherent, so you let it go for the moment. You let him hold you and you hug him back, splaying your palms flat against his back and pressing him impossibly closer to you.
Eventually, you peel yourself from him in order to give him a once over. He smiles down at you like he’s amused, but you hardly find the situation funny when Bucky’s blood is literally all over you, now. You take his hand and make him sit on your swivel chair, spinning uselessly in the middle of the room from where it slid out from under you and rolled away. There’s a first aid kit in a box near the window, because you can never be too careful, and you take to soaking gauze in alcohol solution instead of speaking. You don’t trust what would come out of your mouth right now, anyway.
Luckily, Bucky fills the silence for you. He bites his lip as he looks over at you, taking in the tense set of your shoulders and jerky movements as you dig around for bandages. Then he says, “I got caught up, I really am sorry.”
You nod, but you still don’t speak. Instead you grab your supplies and move over to Bucky, avoiding his eyes as you assess the one wound you can see. Bucky has a thin cut from the corner of his eye to his hairline, shallow but bleeding profusely due to the thin skin there. You suck in a deep breath and start dabbing the soaked gauze on the wound, outside to inside, watching as the white turns coppery red with every swipe. Your stomach twists at the sight, and to your horror, you find you could almost cry.
“Doll,” Bucky says, eyebrows creasing up as if he’s just as upset as you feel. He hooks one big hand around your thigh, tugging until you let him manhandle you onto his lap. “I mean it, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”
“I don’t care that you were late,” you snap, clenching your jaw until you can get your flash of frustration under control. You drop your hand from his face, curling up further onto Bucky’s lap despite yourself as his arms come round to hug you to his chest. His bloodstained, most likely injured chest. You take a deep breath and ask, “What happened?”
“You wanna know?” Bucky asks. When you finally meet his eyes he doesn’t seem to be shutting down, shutting you out like you expect when it comes to talking about Bucky’s biker lifestyle. He just looks sad, and you let yourself soften just a bit to run your fingers down his jaw.
Bucky’s eyes flutter closed when you touch him, and you say, “I already told you - I just wanna know. No secrets.”
“No secrets,” Bucky affirms, smiling as he opens his eyes again. The corners are tight, though, as he starts to explain. “One of the things we do - the gang, y’know - is run protection details. Me and Sam were on it, supposed to be a simple job, but we got shitty intel and ended up having to fight our way out of a crappy spot. We got out, finished the job, but it definitely didn’t go to plan. ”
“Protection for what?” you ask. This is the most open Bucky has ever been when talking about his gang, so you’re not going to pass up this opportunity for a bit more information.
“For who,” Bucky corrects, smiling at you like he knows what you’re doing. He starts stroking up and down your shoulder blades as he talks, soothing the both of you it seems. “Rich businessmen, low-level politicians, mob affiliates - anyone who’s got a target on their back and need to get from point A to point B. They’re easy jobs for us ex-army guys and they pay well.”
“Better pay than fixing cars, I bet,” you say. Your attempt at levity works and Bucky grins. The way it makes his face turn young and open is so at odds with the trickle of blood down his cheek.
“Gotta be able to pay for your drinks somehow,” he says, and you slap his shoulder. He mock-winces and says, “Hey! I’m bleeding, ya gotta be nice to me.”
“Don’t gotta do shit,” you mumble, reminding you to press the gauze you’re still holding back on the wound on his temple to stem some of the bleeding. He hisses for real this time, the sting of the alcohol probably burning a bit, especially so close to his eye. You press a kiss to his cheek and in apology and Bucky hums, tightening his grip around your body to hold you close again.
“M’sorry I ruined our night,” he says, “I wish I could promise it won’t happen again, but I can’t.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you say, and he meets your eyes, slightly confused. You smile and say, “Not when you’re hurt. I know what I signed up for, I just want you to be ok.”
“What if, one day, I’m not ok?” Bucky asks, serious now, and you take your time before you answer him. His cut is clean of dried blood, and it’s stopped oozing any more. You doubt it’ll get infected so you should bandage it up but you can’t make yourself move from Bucky’s lap. Not just yet.
“I’ll fix you up,” you say. “That’s what we’re doing, right? Taking care of each other.”
Bucky blinks, once, as if allowing your words to download in his brain like a data file. Then he kisses you. He slides a hand up to cradle your head and presses soft, slow kisses to your lips like he’s got all the time in the world. He came storming in like a hurricane but now you’re in the eye, calm and quiet settling over you both as you cup his jaw and kiss into him all the tenderness you're too afraid to say. You mend his bleeding head and adrenaline-addled heart while he soothes your fear. Taking care of each other, and it feels nice to let someone else do that for once.
You know what Bucky is leaving out. The I hurt people admission, the fact he might have killed someone tonight, that the blood on his shirt isn’t just his. You really thought you’d care more - about the not knowing, about the truth of it, about everything. But he’s breathing and alive underneath you, trailing kisses and stubble burn from your mouth to your cheek to your temple, and all of those superfluous details become white noise. You’re surprised to find the simple fact that Bucky is alright is enough to supersede all the gaps you would usually itch to fill.
Bucky spins you both, tucking your legs up closer so you don’t overbalance as he looks around your office in a dizzying circle. A spike of nerves makes you feel sick for a second but Bucky smiles as he looks around, like he’s pleased with this part of your life he’s been able to see, and it makes you feel less afraid.
“This is where the magic happens, huh?” he asks, and you laugh at his teasing. “It’s very normal.”
“What did you expect? Like ‘Sherlock Holmes’ or something?” you ask. Bucky shrugs, mouth twitching like he’s trying not to laugh.
“Maybe,” he says, then squints at you like he’s considering something. “So, no violin?”
“No violin, and no Mrs Hudson. I make my own tea,” you say, grinning up at Bucky even though he’s being stupid.
“Yeah, right,” Bucky snorts, “Pour your own wine, you mean.”
“Are you calling me a drunk?” you gasp, reeling back from Bucky and almost sending yourself off his lap and onto the floor. Bucky grips you tighter, laughing at the offence written all over your face, and then extracts an arm to point meaningfully at the half empty bottle of red by the side of your desk.
“The evidence speaks for itself,” he says. You fold your arms in a huff, if only to have him kiss the top of your head in a silent apology.
“You stick to the gang stuff, I’ll stick to the investigating,” you huff, and Bucky kisses you again until you wipe the frown from your face.
“Alright, smart girl,” he says. He stands, holding you up like it’s nothing and you can’t deny how hot that is, even if he is being condescending to you right now. He sets you down on your feet and smooths out your jacket, the warmth of his hands seeping through the leather as they pass over your shoulders and down your arms. He links his fingers into one of your hands, smiling down at you, and says, “Can we rain check dinner? I think I need a shower.”
Bucky stands unnaturally close to you as you lock up your office and head out, scanning the street while you lock the back door and set the alarm system for the building. He takes your hand wordlessly and leads you to his bike, parked haphazardly on the sidewalk and just begging for a ticket. He hands you a helmet but is looking over your shoulder, not at you, and both of those things are worrying - you’ve never known Bucky to wear a helmet, let alone offer you one. You didn’t know he owned one. You feel fidgety, your skin crawling like you’re being watched, and Bucky must feel it too because he’s a bit rough in manhandling you onto the bike as quickly as possible.
“Bucky,” you say, and he twists around to give you a clinical once over - much like you’d done to him when he’d come to you bloody and breathless. You feel sick to your stomach, guilt and fear twisting in your gut, as you ask, “Do you think someone followed you here?”
Bucky’s face is impassive, but you’d like to think you know him well enough to read the tick by the corner of his eyes as a silent, muttered, shit. He licks his lips and says, “I can’t know the answer to that for sure.”
“But there’s a chance,” you say, and your heart is hammering so loud you barely hear your own voice. If someone finds your office then they find you, and the carefully constructed bubble of anonymity you’ve created is shattered in the space of a second. But you knew that, that’s what Bucky asked you on his couch - will you stay? Knowing Bucky is the antithesis of your comfort zone, will you stay anyway?
“Nothing is going to happen to you,” Bucky says definitively. You scan his eyes for trace of a lie but there is none. Bucky’s jaw is set, and he reaches up to grip your chin and hold your gaze on his, making sure you hear him. “Just like you said - we take care of each other. I’ll always take care of you.”
You let out a shaky breath, one you hadn’t known you’d been holding, and Bucky kisses the trill of fear away. You feel like you’ve dived off a cliff face, Bucky holding your hand all the way down the precipice of trust you’d promised yourself you’d never cross. But Bucky promises he’ll take care of you and god, it’s stupid but you want him to. You want his to be the arms you land in at the end of this free-fall. Even if, given who Bucky is, that’s the most dangerous place to be.
“Speaking of no secrets,” you say, more of mumble into his mouth than anything. Bucky pulls away, adorably puppy-like look of confusion on his face, and your stomach twists with guilt. “Remember the night of the party? At Sam’s bar?”
Bucky nods. He’s twisted uncomfortably on the seat of his bike and the helmet you’ve yet to put on is digging in o your stomach where you’re holding it. This isn’t the best place to be having this conversation but Bucky’s promise has made you brave, and if you don’t go against your own word now you never will. Not once have you ever spilled details of a case before you’d cracked it. This isn’t a case, you have to remind yourself. This is your life.
“That morning, when I left,” you say, omitting the fact it’s the first time you ever used his front door and will most certainly be the last, “someone followed me from your building. I shook them off, but they were waiting for me to leave and I don’t know if they were casing your apartment or if they were there for me, or what. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you, I just-“
“You just what?” Bucky doesn’t sound angry. Worse, he sounds cold. Shut down, clinical, and the way his face has pinched off makes your heart break.
“I didn’t know if I could trust you,” you say, looking down at your lap to avoid the way he’s looking at you like a stranger. Saying it out loud makes it sound so much worse, but it’s the truth and Bucky deserves that at least. “To be honest, I’m still not sure. But I want to. If I’m going to trust anyone, I want it to be you.”
It’s several moments before you’re brave enough to meet Bucky’s eyes again. He is coming back to you slowly, the shutters pulling up from his eyes as confusion seeps out. He scans your face and says, “Usually I would tell you that’s a really stupid idea, but I think you already know that.”
“Stupid ideas are kind of my thing,” you say, and that makes Bucky smile. Relief is bone deep, hits so hard you could slump from the bike in a pile of goo. He’s not mad. In fact, he leans forward in what must be a truly uncomfortable twist to press his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, breathes in deep. You follow suit, so ridiculously relieved you still get to do this while simultaneously trying to control the adrenaline rush from handing over what feels like you’re entire life to someone else.
All your life it feels like it’s always been you versus the world. Your dad raised you that way, to rely on no one but yourself so you can never be let down, not even him. It feels wrong on a cellular level to trust Bucky like you are so blindly doing. Every instinct screams at you to run, to figure this out on your own, that Bucky would normally be one of your main suspects in a regular case. But here you are, showing Bucky all your cards, hoping against hope that you won’t live to regret it.
“No more secrets,” Bucky says, and you nod. You feel his eyelashes tangle with yours as you move, pressed so close like this, and you open your eyes to stare at the veiny lids covering his. “Next time someone follows you, you tell me.”
“Yes sir,” you say, grinning at the warning pinch he gives to your hip.
“Let’s go to the shop,” Bucky says, pulling away from you and turning back to gun his bike to life. “The guys can help us figure this stalker shit out.”
“The guys?” you ask, and your chest does something painfully restrictive at the thought of letting more people in. “As in, everyone? Like, your gang?”
Bucky laughs, like the way you say ‘gang’ is so goddamn amusing, and throws you one last look over his shoulder. You tug the helmet on as he revs the bike, suddenly regretting every other time you’ve gotten on this thing without one, as Bucky says, “Yeah, doll, my gang. That’s kinda the whole point - we help each other out.”
You hadn’t really thought of it like that before. Truthfully, your mind had been filled with shady drug deals and bloody fights, turf wars and tattoos and angry men on bikes. Bucky’s friends and the nights you’ve spent with them seem like a different world, the joy and love entirely removed from the illegal life Bucky leads outside of your reach, but you have to remind yourself - they’re one and the same. Your Bucky cannot be removed from the biker you’ve been kept seperate from.
Clinging to Bucky’s waist, you say, “Sounds very after school special for a gang, tough guy.”
You can practically see Bucky grinning just by looking at the back of his head as takes off, the streets of Brooklyn peeling away as heads for White Wolf Mechanics. Your anxiety and fear sheds off as well, floating away in strips down the tarmac like an outer layer of skin. You feel vulnerable, all new and exposed as you hold Bucky close so you don’t fall. That’s what makes it feel bearable - Bucky’s back against your cheek, the hand he places over yours against his stomach when you pull up at a red light. His promise, echoing under the rumble of the bike beneath you. I’ll always take care of you.
The shop looks closed from the outside, but you can hear a low bass-line from the street and people laughing somewhere inside. Bucky brings you round the back, the roller doors out front closed this time, and into the back rooms you’d yet to see since that first visit a few weeks ago. To your left you see what must be Bucky’s office, but the room he tugs you to looks more like a bachelor pad living room than a mechanics break room.
Sam and Steve lay sprawled on leather couches, beers open on the coffee table made of old crates stacked together. The Killers pumps through a very, very nice sound system which Natasha is quietly singing along to where she lays on top of the pool table, legs kicking off the edge to the beat. Her beer rests on her stomach, rising and falling with every breath, and she doesn’t even raise her head as she waves at the two of you entering. Sam lifts the icepack from his eye to look at you, grinning wide, and kicks Steve in the shin to get his attention.
“Barnes is back,” he says, rolling his eyes as Steve blearily blinks awake from what was clearly an unplanned nap. Steve focuses on you and Bucky, eyebrows drawn down in confusion, and Sam adds, “and he’s brought his girl.”
“Shouldn’t you be at dinner or something?” Steve asks, then seems to remember himself and smiles all big and perfect at you. “It’s great to see you again, by the way.”
“Quit brown-nosing, it’s embarrassing,” Sam says, and throws his icepack at Steve’s head. He swats it away, squawking at the wetness it leaves behind on his hand and cheek, which makes Sam grin.
“I need a beer for this,” Bucky mutters so only you can hear, which makes you smile. You lead the way to the minibar in the corner, right by the bookshelf full of video games and the cardboard cut-out of Guy Fieri (you don’t want to ask). Bucky follows, grabbing your hand and tugging you back into his chest as you walk - even without the watchful eyes of the other gang affiliates which usually follow you at his parties, Bucky seems hell bent on making sure everyone knows who you’re here with. Even his closest friends.
You can’t say you entirely mind.
“So, to what do we owe the pleasure?” Natasha asks. She’s sat up now, twisting on the pool table to face you both as Bucky grabs you some beers. Sam and Steve still continue to argue about nonsense on the couches and are ignored by the three of you for the moment. However, they stop bickering as soon as Bucky speaks again.
“Someone’s been watching my building,” he says. The silence is thick, and you feel almost guilty for ruining their fun night with your stalker woes. Bucky hands you a beer and looks at you pointedly, eyebrows raised. You take a sip before you follow his not-so-subtle direction to start talking.
“I was followed home the morning after Sam’s party at the bar,” you say. You have the full attention of Bucky’s closest friends, and you can’t help but feel a little intimidated. You take a deep breath and decide to look at the situation like you were debriefing a client on a case - remove yourself from the equation. “There was a man smoking against the building next to Bucky’s. He followed me about four blocks before I lost him. He was over six foot, caucasian, brown hair and stubble.”
“Sounds like every white guy,” Sam says. “You could be describing Bucky, for all we know.”
“Yes,” you say, frowning. “If I was putting a tail on someone, I would make them very nondescript. Makes sense, right?”
“And you’re sure he was following you?” Natasha asks. You glance at her, but she doesn’t look like she’s condescending you or anything. Surprisingly, she looks like she believes you far more than the other two men in the room. Maybe your trial by fire proved to her you know what you’re talking about, so you nod.
“Definitely. Either he knew I was there and was waiting for me to leave, or he was watching Bucky’s apartment and would have followed anyone who came out of it. Without more information I can’t be sure if he was there for me or Bucky.”
“You’ve never seem him before?” Steve asks. You shake your head, and he says, “Could you describe him a bit more detailed? I might be able to draw him.”
“Sure,” you shrug. “Or, we can just wait until he shows up at Bucky’s again and follow him.”
Bucky does not like that idea at all. He practically growls, grabbing your elbow and turning you to face him as he glares at you. Roughly, he says, “Are you fucking insane?”
“What?” Mildly annoyed, you tug your arm from Bucky’s grip and say, “If this was a case, that’s what I would do.”
“This isn’t a case. This guy is going to be a hell of a lot more dangerous than some rich businessman cheating on his wife,” Bucky says, voice raised to an almost shout in one of the quickest escalations you’ve ever seen.
A switch flips in your brain, and you see red.
“Thank you for the condescending analysis, Bucky,” you snap. You ignore Sam’s muttered ‘oh shit!’ for your own health and sanity. “But you have no idea the kind of people I’ve dealt with in my life. I can manage a fairly mediocre stalker.”
“A fairly mediocre stalker who works for someone who won’t hesitate to use your hamstrings as handcuffs,” Bucky hisses. He steps towards you, chest brushing yours as he breaths deep and ragged, and oh- there’s the Bucky you’d been missing. The guy who’s still wearing clothes stained with blood, most of it not his, angry in an incandescent kind of way which reminds you he could hurt you in many more ways than just a broken heart. He leans down to say into your face, “This isn’t something you fuck around with, alright? There’s a reason why I’ve kept this world from you.”
“I thought we said no secrets?” you say, raising your eyebrows. You will yourself to hold your ground, even if you are shaking like a leaf and your words come out soft in the face of his anger. Like you’d poked a pin in his chest, Bucky deflates. He backs off of you, face crumbling from anger to guilt as quickly as he built himself up there.
“I won’t let you get hurt because of me,” he says, shaking his head. The switch in your brain flips back, all indignation and pride fading away. He’s still trying to take care of you, just like he promised. Already it’s abundantly clear you’re not going to make that easy for him, and you wonder how long it will take until he gets sick of trying.
“This isn’t going to work if you don’t trust me,” you say, gesturing between you. “I let you into my world, now it’s your turn. I know it’s dangerous - I could have left, remember? But I’m here. So let me be here.”
“If someone touches you-“
“I’ll get over it,” you say. Bucky stares at you like you’re crazy, and maybe you are, but it’s true. “You said you were going to take care of me - how’re you gonna do that from all the way over there?”
You don’t mean the other side of the room, the valley of the pool table and the metaphorical arms-length which which he’s keeping between you. There’s only so much Bucky can hide from you before you either dive right in or walk away. This is the turning point.
“Fine,” he says. He looks physically pained as he scrubs a hand over his cropped hair, but at least he’s not angry anymore. “I still think thats a fucking stupid idea.”
“Like I said,” you say, offering him a smile he shakily returns, “stupid ideas are kind of my thing.”
“Uh, can I say something?” Sam asks, breaking the illusion that it was only the two of you in the room for that particular argument. You both turn to look at him, and he almost backs down with the weight of both your gaze. He carries on, however, saying, “I’m glad you guys have had this breakthrough in your relationship, but that doesn’t really help us in figuring out who this guy is. Or who he works for. Or why he followed you. Or how he knows where Bucky lives in the first place.”
“We could go around and ask,” Steve says, shrugging at Natasha’s eyeroll. “What? Baseball bats really jog people’s memories.”
“Why don’t we ask the private investigator for some expert advice,” Natasha says, giving you a look that seems to say men, right? You’re still trying to get your head around the image of Steve threatening someone with a baseball bat when you’ve seen him with his own puke on his jumper singing Sweet Caroline into a toilet bowl.
“Well,” you begin, darting Bucky a look but he seems to be listening and not getting ready to yell at you again, “since apparently following the guy is off the table for now, I would start with me and Bucky. Enemies, bad blood, someone with an axe to grind. Pull at some threads and see what happens.”
“That shouldn’t be hard,” Sam says, “Bucky’s got more enemies than friends.”
“So do we all, punk,” Bucky grumbles, glaring at Sam. “We’re in a gang.”
“This ain’t about me.” Sam holds his hands up in mock innocence, grinning big like he gets unrivalled joy from making Bucky’s face do the twitchy, dark thing it’s doing right now. The impact is somewhat lessened by the swollen, black eye Sam’s sporting from the mission gone wrong today, you assume, but it doesn’t curb his enthusiasm.
“I can put together a list of the most recent run-in’s you’ve had by tomorrow,” Natasha says to Bucky, ignoring the bickering with practiced ease. “Until then, we should put some protection on your building.”
“You guys have bodyguards?” you ask before your brain can tell you that’s a dumb fucking question. All three of them laugh, Bucky hooking an arm around your shoulder to ruffle your hair as he tugs you into his side. Point taken, you think as you pout under Bucky’s arm.
“I’ll stay in the spare room,” Steve says, swinging himself off the couch to his full, ginormous height. That image of him with the baseball bat starts to take a bit more shape in your mind, and you don’t doubt for a second he could offer some extra protection where the stalker is concerned. To you, he asks, “You don’t mind if I third wheel?”
“It’s not my apartment,” you say, attempting to hide your blush under the weight of Bucky’s arm. You are unsuccessful, if Sam’s smirk is anything to go by.
“We’ll survive one night, punk,” Bucky says, giving you a squeeze. “Or just buy some earplugs.”
“Gross!” Sam cries, flailing an arm around. “Too much information!”
You have a feeling akin to whiplash at how well these people are taking a stalker and potential threat on their lives. Joking around, Steve fake-moaning just to make Sam scream, Natasha laughing until tears form in her eyes at the antics of two grown men chasing each other around the couches like school children. Glancing up at Bucky and the warm look he’s giving them all, you suppose it must be lot less scary to face something like that with friends. Family, you think, as Sam crash-tackles Steve into the couch and smothers his face with a pillow.
“You’ll be alright?” Natasha’s soft voice manages to scare you, jolting under Bucky’s hold as you turn from watching Steve and Sam to find her right by Bucky’s other side. She’s looking up at him, lips pressed into a firm line, and you remember the last time you were here - James is the only family I have. Maybe some are taking this development a bit easier than others.
“Always am,” Bucky says, using his free arm to punch her lightly on the shoulder. She gets him back, much harder, and you feel Bucky wince away from her and into your side. “Serious, Natashenka. I’ll be fine.”
“Good,” she says. Smirking, she adds, “I’ll kill you if you aren’t.”
You look back to Steve and Sam before they can notice you eavesdropping, a hot, honey-thick feeling melting through your skin. You want to know what that feels like in a way which burns; to have people who have your back like that, and your dad doesn’t count because he literally has to. You understood Bucky’s gang even less than you originally thought - he’s not just a biker, a criminal, a hit man or an ex-army vet turned enforcer, whatever the case may be. He’s a guy doing what he has to do to protect the people he loves, because he’s surrounded by them. You’ve never had to protect anyone but yourself.
You tuck yourself closer into Bucky’s side, letting the warmth and smell of him consume you. That’s gonna change, you think. This feeling in your chest is telling you that change is already happening.
Steve does not have to get ear plugs to survive the night, and you make both him and Bucky coffee before you head off. Shower, new clothes, work - all that normal people stuff you have to do. Steve, golden in the morning sun with the brightest smile on his face, and Bucky’s moody scowl at the early hour and dark rings under his eyes, wave you goodbye. You kiss Bucky’s pout before you go, letting him grab your ass for a second before you slip away.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he says, and Steve snorts like there’s some joke you’re missing.
“I’ll go out the laundry window,” you say, as if this is a new development and not your usual routine. “Nobody’s gonna follow me, promise.”
“Hmph,” is all Bucky says and then you’re really gone, racing down the stairs and out the window like you always do.
Sorry Bucky, you silently think towards his apartment as instead of making to cut through the gym parking lot, you wrap back around his building and scan the street from behind the bins. Sure enough, opposite Bucky’s building with a baseball cap on and another cigarette, stands the same dude who followed you the first time. You really weren’t lying - stupid ideas are kind of your thing.
You make sure you’re hidden by a group of pedestrians as you slip out the side alley of Bucky’s apartment building and walk away from your stalker. He doesn’t notice, and you manage to walk a block and cross the road without him any the wiser. Your roles have switched as you hang out at the news-agency a few doors down from where he’s waiting, pretending to flick through a magazine. It’s easy to take a few picture of him over the top of the page with your phone, grainy but useable for when you show Bucky later.
You can deal with Bucky being angry at you, because you know how to do your job and this is the most efficient way to get intel. It’s always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Eventually, you watch your stalker watch Bucky and Steve leave his building. It’s 9AM and they head to their respective bikes, revving off down the street in the general direction of Steve’s tattoo shop. Your man hunches his shoulders and pulls out his phone, taps into it for a bit, before he walks off in the opposite direction to Bucky and Steve. Not following them, then. Your stomach twists as you fall into pace a few people behind him. Just following you.
He gets on the subway, which makes  it very difficult for you to remain unnoticed but you manage to sit at the internal doors in the next carriage and watch him through those. He gets on his phone again, talking to someone with evident frustration if his clenched jaw and balled fist is anything to go by. He gets off in Manhattan, walks a few blocks, before ducking into a darkly lit bar called the Lerna. You decide it’s probably best not to follow him there, but you snap a few photos on your phone of the bar before doubling back out to Brooklyn.
You call Bucky as you go, a bit jittery at the incoming argument you know you’ve created, but you can’t help but feel it will be worth it. Now you have something to actually go off - a face, a name, some concrete facts. Much better than stabbing around in the dark. A few rings go by before Bucky picks up, saying, “Miss me already?”
“Get over yourself, tough guy,” you say, but you’re smiling. Maybe you do miss him already, just a bit. You were so focused on getting your information you didn’t get to fully savour Bucky this morning, all tanned muscles and tattoos, all yours. You force yourself to ruin the moment by saying, “I’ve got some information for you.”
“Me too,” he says, which surprises you. “Nat’s gotten together some potential candidates for your stalker. Have you got time to come to Steve’s tattoo place?”
“Sure,” you say, beginning to pick at your nails as the nerves set in.
There’s a beat of silence before Bucky must realise what you’d said before, and he doesn’t sound nearly as light and playful anymore “You said you had information? On what?”
“I’ll just show you when I get there,” you rush out, closing your eyes at the way Bucky sucks in a breath like he already knows what you’ve done. “Don’t be mad.”
“Oh, I’m not mad,” he says, as if through gritted teeth. “I’m fucking livid. Please tell me you didn’t follow that guy this morning.”
“Ok, I won’t tell you,” you say. “See you in twenty.”
“You’re dead meat,” he says before you hang up.
It could’ve gone worse, you muse as you round the corner to the subway station. Sure, Bucky threatened you with lethal violence and sounded even angrier than he’d gotten at the shop yesterday, but you can still imagine him smiling at his phone as you hung up the same way you’re smiling at yours now.
You text him the photos with a quick, Don’t say I never do anything for you xx
A minute after the photos deliver, Bucky is calling you again. You frown down at his caller ID, confused - you were on your way, why is he calling you back already? But before you answer that question, someone grabs your arm and tugs you away from the subway steps and into an alley instead. His grip is bruising, unbreakable, even as you scream and kick before he shoves a gun into your neck and you fall deathly silent.
“Scream and you’re dead,” the man says, hot on your ear. You can’t shudder away, his vice grip too tight and the cold steel on your jugular paralysing. You twist a bit to look behind you despite yourself, your stomach bottoming out at the familiar face which grins back at you. Baseball cap, brown hair, stubble - just like any other white guy. He sneers at you and says, “Not so clever now, huh?”
All you can hear, as your stalker marches you down the alley and into a waiting SUV with a gun to your back, is Bucky’s voice yelling this isn’t something you fuck around with. You’d let him say ‘I told you’ so a thousand times if it meant you got out of this alive. Hopefully, the phone tucked into your back pocket will be enough to save you. You hope Bucky is listening, the call you just managed to answer still catching the grunted conversation your kidnappers are having. You’ve never needed someone before, but god, do you hope Bucky’s got you now.  
Part 6
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello :) 
It’s time for the next part :)
Thanks again to all who read it so far!
I woke up with the sun already out, making my eyes adjust to the light again. I checked the clock above doors. 9.45. Huh, nice, I tought, the nurse didnt lie when she said the pain meds would make me sleep better. I felt more rested today, but still pretty sore. I managed to get up and go to bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror -I looked like hell. I hoped Jessy would come today with my stuff, I needed some fixing up urgently. As I was leaving the bathroom, my phone beeped with new message. My heart jumped with excitement,only to see it was Jessy. „Hey hey, sleeping beauty, im sorry, you will have to manage without my awesomness today, but dont worry, i'm sending the next best person to keep you company! ;D Call you later ,kisses!“ I smiled as I layed back to bed. That sweet nurse from before entered my room smiling. „Good morning, hun, hope you slept well“. „I sure did, thanks.“ I replied, while she settled the food tray with breakfast on the stand. She helped me make myself comfortable in bed, and putted the tray in front of me, when a voice came from the door. „Doris! My favorite nurs!“ It was Dan, and Doris chuckled as Dan came over to the bed. „Oh my, hun, if I knew who your friend was, I would have brought you something stronger then this tea“ I laughed, while Dan made a gesture with his hands, stabing at his heart. „Awww, c'mon Doris, dont be so cruel, you know you like me!“ Doris just waved her head as she went for the door. „If this schmuck starts to bother you too much, you just yell hun.“  I smiled at her „Thanks Doris, I might just do that.“  Dan looked at me. „Is that a 'thank you' I get for coming here?“ he siad, being dramatic as Dans always is. I grinned „Ofcourse not! But its entertaining to see you all squirmy.“ „Tsk,tsk, sure, pick on poor Dan.“ He grabed a chair and sat next to the bed. „You look like shit, Maya.“  „Gee, thanks Dan, thats really what I wanted to hear.“ I said, even tho I knew he was right, I did look awful. „Hey, dont get mad at me, I just say it as it is! Luckily, Dan is here to the rescue..again.“ he said handing me my backpack. „ Jessy went through your stuff, and filled your pack with what she tought you might need the most. She said to text her later if theres anything else you need so she can bring it.“ „Thanks Dan.“ I said taking the backpack from him. „And I mean thanks, not just for this.“ Dan looked at me, and I could read a bit of worry on his face. He quickly tried to hide it „Hey, no need to thank me, I told you once before, if theres a damsel in distress, im here to help.“ „Damsel“ I snorted. „Doubt that a damsel would act so stupid as I did.“ I felt that awfull feeling of guilt taking over me again. „Look Maya, i'm really not the one to judge you here. Yes, what you did was Incredibly stupid, and lets be honest, you almost got yourself killed. When Lily called me and told me everything, I was so pissed at both of you, well you mostly, but also kinda excited that someone actualy took the matter into its own hands.“ I looked at him with awe, I didnt quite expect it. He continued „And frankly, I kinda expected something like this from you sooner or later, well at least the part of you coming to Duskwood. As I was running to my car, calling Thomas and filing him in on everything,I got really angry at you for not turning to me for help. You know I would help you no matter what, I told you that hundred of times before.“  „Yes Dan, I know you would.“ I said, even more of that guilt creeping in. „But you didnt! Then I tought, maybe afterall you didnt trust me enough as you said.“ „I did trust you, I do trust you Dan, you have to know that.“ Now even tears started forming in my eyes. „I know, Maya, its just how I felt at the time. And when I got to the mine, Thomas was already there, with this cop who was close by and responded to the call since I told Lily to inform that inspector guy. He said we should wait for backup, but stuborn as I am, I just rushed in, Thomas yelling after me, but I just kept running. Good thing they went after me, because God only knows what would happen if they didnt.“ I couldnt keep the tears anymore, and I just burst out crying. Dan got up from his chair, sat next to me on the bed, hugging me. „ As I said im not here to judge you, or make you fell more guilty. Heck, I might have done the same thing, or something worse. Things wer starting to get us really nowhere, and something happening was kinda of a kickoff for me. And im not mad at you any more Maya, just to get that out in the opet.“ „Thanks Dan, I really appriciate it.“ I barely managed through my tears. „Yeah,yeah, im awesom, I know.“ He grined at me, as i looked him with eyes full of tears. He huged me a bit tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder. „You got me really freaking scared there in that mine, Maya. When I saw you like that..“ he paused.  „I cant say how much im sorry about all, Dan. I did more harm then good, and I betrayed all of you guys again.“ „Well, at the end, you did find Hannah, so im sure Thomas wont have that much of a grudge.“ He grined at me, handing me a tissue, wich made me relax a bit. „Yes I did. And how are our little love birds doing?“ i asked wiping the tears, as Dan moved back to the chair. „Oh, theyr fine. Thomas is not letting Hannah alone for one milisecond, wich is a bit too wooshy mooshy if you ask me.“ He mad a face of gaging. „Oh, c'mon mister tough guy, that picture Jessy sent me of you two from last night was quite mooswhy wooshy in my eyes.“ I said teasingly. „If you ever say that to anyone about me, and I mean ANYONE, i swear Maya...“ I didnt let him finish, I just grined „Dont worry, your mooshy wooshy secret is safe with me.“ „Good, good. So when are they letting you go from this shit hole?“ „Oh, come on, its not that terrible here: food is not bad, room is nice and quiet, and I have a killer wiev, what's the hurry?“ „I promised you some whiskey.“ he grined „And Jessy wont let me drink, but when you get out she wont be abel to say no.“ „ You really ARE scared of Jessy.“ I said laughing. „She might be small, but the woman is a dynamite when serious!“ I laughed so hard, the tea I just sipped when out through my nose. „Thanks Dan, I needed this.“ „Dan to the rescue.“ He smiled and winked. „Sooo...“ he starte, and I got a feeling I knew what he gonna ask me. „Did the 'hackerboy' contaced you by now?“ „His name is Jake, could you please not call him that anymore.“ I said a bit too stern maybe. „All right, all right, no need to get all serious on me now. Did 'Jake' contacted you?“  I hesitated for a brief moment before answering „No, nothing yet. And to be honest, might be better like that. I myself am not too eager for that talk .“ „Heh, I can understand that. If I was that much pissed at you back then, I dont want to imagine how much 'hac..' , sorry, Jake is pissed at you right now.“  „Well, I guess I will find out soon enough..if he still wants to talk to me at all.“  Dan putted on his serious face, but with a little grin on it „Hey, if he talks bad to you, let me know, i'll show him off!“ „Ohh, im sure you would enjoy that..maybe even to much.“ I said, him grinning even more. „But thanks, Dan, again, for everything.“ „Yeah,yeah, dont you get all wooshy mooshy on me now also.“ he said, getting up. „Well, I gotta go. You get better soon, and call if you need anything.“  „Thanks, Dan, sure will.“ I replied, and waved him goodby. Doris came shortly after Dan left, and got me off the IV, suggesting I take a shower. I grabbed the pack Jessy sent me, and went through it. I took out some underweare, clean shirt and sweatpants, grabbed the shampoons, tooth brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The shower did feel nice, but it took me ages to finish it, since I was still quite sore. A big bruise at my ribs was still making me short breathed at the times, and all the other cuts and bruises didnt help with easing the pain either. I had a  cut on the back of my head, wich was the reason my head still throbed a lot. I brushed my teeth, looked myself in the mirror, and already could notice some color coming back to my cheeks. I got back to bed and took my phone, might aswell check those messages and emails, its not like I'm have anything smarter to do. Most emails wer not important, I answered a few I needed, and switched to messages. Most of missed calls and messages wer from the night of the incident, so not much replaying needed here. Cleo sent a message saying shes happy im ok, and she will come to visit soon. Thomas also sent a message, thanking me for everything, emphasising tho that I was reckles and how all could have ended differently, but still no grudges from his side. He was just too happy Hannah was back with him. Ofcourse, they all wished me to get well soon, and they cant wait for when I get out so we can all meet properly.I replied to both, thanking them for good wishess. Staring at my chats screen, I opened my conversation with Jake. He was offline, ofcourse. I stared at the blinking pointer on the text space, but I didnt know what to write. My head was blank, I couldnt think of anything. After few minutes I exited the chat, settling the phone aside, and turning the tv on. Maybe some movie or something will get me relaxed a bit. I switched through channels, till I found something acceptable to watch. I ajusted myself on the pillow, and before I knew, dozed off.
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