duckclan · 6 months
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I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN A MONTH I have been VERY tired lol. Have Gold having the worst time ever and Ant being an absolute boss
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duckclan · 8 months
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This was as much of a surprise to me when it happened as I imagine it'll be to all of you! I can't wait for you all to meet her kits [just gotta wait until Moon 15!]. I hope I conveyed her expression well, but she is VERY happy over this fact. A little upset that she'll have to spend time in the nursery, but in her head it's all worth it.
As you can tell, this is just part 1! So many things happened in moon 13 I'll have to split it up lol
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duckclan · 8 months
I lied lol [aka I had someone commission me and then 2 diff people accept my art offer and now I have to do 7 pieces of art [tho I’ve already got 2 done so you’ll most likely see a page this week!]
Sorry for the delay!
Will be posting stuff probably either tomorrow or monday, I'd like to split the next moon in to 2 pages! It's a bigun!
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duckclan · 8 months
Sorry for the delay!
Will be posting stuff probably either tomorrow or monday, I'd like to split the next moon in to 2 pages! It's a bigun!
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duckclan · 8 months
Welcome to Duckclan!
Originally dwelling by the riverbanks, Duckclan was forced to leave their territory after tragedy struck, leaving only 7 cats behind.
Now they have to rebuild, trying to keep Duckclan alive.
[mod: hop (he/it)! @hops-art-corner ]
wanted to make my own blog for this!! may gladeclan rest in peace.. :[
blog is still a wip!!
v FOUNDERS under cut!
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duckclan · 8 months
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duckclan · 8 months
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I'VE BEEN SO HYPED TO DRAW AND SHOW THIS PAGE SINCE THIS HAPPENED IN GAME! Everyone meet the first litter in Duckclan, Antwish's! To continue to leave Ant's AGAB a mystery, I will not state if they were the pregnant one or not, but I will say that her partner is still a Ridgeclan cat, but by the time the two finally came to terms with the fact that they could no longer continue their relationship, the one who carried the kits was already pregnant.
Also a disclaimer: Shimmer and Ant are NOT a thing! He just cares about her very much and wanted to make sure she was okay [that and on the same moon the kits were born, it was said that Shimmer was seen talking to a Ridgeclan cat, so I take that to mean Ant's now-ex partner was asking Shimmer to help take care of the kits.
Aster is the tortie, Pod is the barely seen one, and Scorch has the mask!
If you saw the version of this where one image of Shimmer is missing all his stripes no you didn't
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duckclan · 8 months
To work on keeping myself not burnt out, I’m gonna try to pace myself and only do a page a week. Now sometimes you’ll get more than one page in a week [particularly if there’s a short page, or an easy to draw one] but most of the time expect only one page a week!
The sketch for the next page is done in its entirety, have a quick preview:
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duckclan · 9 months
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Aaaand we're back! Antler's being a boyfail, Rocky starts training [featuring his mom Spitfire, designed by a friend], and Gold gets a little runny nose :(
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duckclan · 9 months
OFC with Warriors being a series that's aimed towards teens n' tweens, I'm sure many of the readers here are minors, so I'm very much trying to keep this blog a Family Friendly (aside from the whole blood and murder part of warriors lmao) place. Hence why it's separate from my main art account ahoueou.
HOWEVER, I'M AN ADULT, A GROWN BUFFOON. And so I ask that minors please don't private message me! BUT IF YOU HAVE MESSAGED ME AND YOU'RE A MINOR PLLLLLS DON'T FEEL BAD OR CALLED OUT PLSPLS i'm not shaking my fist at you at all
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i just forgot i didn't put my age on this blog and i want to be sure everyone knows i'm a geriatric going forward. I forgot to put my age bc i'm so old i can't remember things (jk honestly i'm not used to having this many followers and i thought all my followers would be from dA where my age is much more in your face) FEEL FREE TO COMMENT THO, and asks are fine!! And i'm more than happy to boost any clangen comics from younger artists too, and answer any questions/give any tips!
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duckclan · 9 months
hey crowstar, who gave you your nine lives?
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"It was really a unique thing, and it made me feel special."
and with that, this is our last QnA of the break! Join me this Sunday for Moon 11! Hope to see you guys there :3!
If you have any questions about any of these guys, feel free to ask! I won't be answering them in-character [until the next QnA break] but I will answer things about them!
Below the cut, you can find a wonderful YCH I got from _Dan.sly_ on Instagram! It's Crowstar's 9 lives!
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duckclan · 9 months
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Hi everyone! Still alive over here! Sorry for the delay in stuff, Christmas was crazy and now I have covid 😭
I’m working on the final ask for this break and plan to have it up before the new year! After that, I’ll begin work on moon 11 and will post it at the latest on the 7th.
For now, have a Deerstar!
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duckclan · 9 months
Still alive and still going BTW! I just got swept up in the pre-Christmas chaos! I have one more ask to answer and then I hope to get back to Moons!
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duckclan · 10 months
hello! do any of y’all have romantic feelings for each other? if so, who?
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duckclan · 10 months
hey Goldrush, what brought you here? and how are you feeling now?
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[Season Cycles is the clan word for Years btw!]
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duckclan · 10 months
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I think this is my favorite page so far. It just looks so nice.
We've now completed a whole 10 moons! Glad to have everyone here to enjoy my sillies with me!
I love Goldrush. Funny pompadour man.
As we've now reached 10 moons, now begins our first round of QnA! I will begin answering questions in character [or ooc if you have any questions for me directly!]
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duckclan · 10 months
Pinned Post
Howdy everyone! My name's Mech, and I'm the one who runs this blog! I also write backstories for these characters when the game gives me gaps to fill in!
Start reading from the start here!
Every character has their own tag. Cats who receive a name change [kit to apprentice/apprentice to warrior/warrior to leader] will have the post the name change takes place in tagged with both their old name, and new name [so for example the post where Downykit becomes Downypaw is tagged both #downykit AND #downypaw.]
Posts with blood will be tagged #blood tw. Posts with death will be tagged #death tw. Founders have their own special death tag, #founder death. I only count final deaths to be put in to this tag [so any leader deaths besides the final life will not be in that tag]
Cats that I intend to appear again will have their own name tag, even if they're not part of Duckclan. This, for the most part, involves Starclan cats, but will sometimes include loners.
Cameos are tagged #outsider cameo. This would be rogues and loners provided to me for use that I only intend to be used once.
#not an update is for, obviously, posts that are not updates. #extra is for things that are not moons, but I still consider to be important enough to be tagged as an update post. #QNA is for Question and Answer posts, usually done in large batches every 10 moons.
And with that, I hope you enjoy reading!
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