#but i didn’t use a ref pic
silvermun · 5 months
I dare you to actually draw Shadow with your eyes closed and show us the result.
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dixxiemaegraphics · 5 months
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Idc how late it is. Mark and Mandy sibling hour because I’m truly a sucker for that dynamic.
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fncreature · 2 months
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so wato won the fight, huh?
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crownofbegonias · 1 year
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coconut530 · 4 months
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It’s that time of year again ✨❤️
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dqrciedaily · 5 months
baby arsenal headcannons, arsenal wfc x teen!reader
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a/n: i am so so so sorry that this isn’t an actual fic but i’ve left yous without anything for like two weeks so take this 🥰🥰🥰
warning - this isn’t proofread so pls ignore any mistakes x
1. she is maths no.1 public enemy - literally will stare at her homework for two hours instead of actually trying it. then the next day at school she gets in trouble for not doing it but she genuinely couldn’t care less because she’d rather have them email lia than try do trigonometry
2. her tiktok reposts and twitter likes have fans speculating like there is no tomorrow - she’s definitely liked transfer rumours on twitter before as well as reposting things she shouldn’t be and she reposts things that happened way back way but people think it’s about her current situation, leading to some very concerned fans in her tiktok comments and instagram requests.
3. baby girl has stina and laura wrapped around her finger - she’s cold? stina’s gonna give her the jumper she’s wearing. she’s hungry? laura’s up to make her something to eat, even though maus is perfectly capable of doing it herself. they’re basically on her beck and call.
4. she always curses out players in german on the pitch - when she was younger her brothers taught her the art of cursing people out in german then speaking in english to confuse them. however this did not work when arsenal played chelsea and she went flying after a tackle from nüsken, who very obviously understands german, leading to maus getting a yellow.
5. which leads to the next point which is that she gets her fair share of yellows - giving katie a run for her money, although most of hers come from back chatting the ref and not from actual gameplay, although she isn’t afraid to put in a heavy tackle here and there.
6. her + kyra = little shits on steroids - on the first media day of the season they decided to put y/n and kyra in three of the same interviews, let’s just say absolutely nothing productive happened until caitlin had to come in to do an interview with the two of them.
7. she’s lia’s no.1 reason for her early gray hairs - firstly maus is awful at answering phone calls, so if she’s out with her friends and lia needs something best believe she cannot contact her. secondly the amount of emails the school sends her may send lia into overdrive, she genuinely couldn’t care less if y/n didn’t do her homework as long as she’s passing all her classes, which she is (besides math but lia doesn’t need to know that.)
8. y/n has the best outfits - her instagram feed is filled with mirror pics of her outfits and they’re all just so good!!! she’s known for her fashionable clothes throughout the woso community.
9. she gets really really really nervous when doing interviews by herself - she already refuses to do orals in school because they stress her out too much, so after her first full 90 for arsenal she gets called to do an interview and poor girl is swaying from side to side the entire time, stumbling over her words and overall looking like a deer caught in headlights.
10. the first time she brings a girl or boy home lia gets a group of the girls to pretend they’re over for dinner without telling y/n - so then when y/n gets home she sees most of her teammates there and very hastily shoves her ‘friend’ upstairs, before going over to the girls who all tease her. then when she’s upstairs in her room with her ‘friend’ they all take turns coming upstairs to walk past the closed door to hear what they’re talking about.
11. she is a hugger of note - the first time she meant all the girls minus her shy demeanour she hugged every single teammate she met. she is also a massive cuddler, on the team bus she makes ours sit in the window seat (much to the brunettes complains) then uses kyra as a pillow which 1. forces kyra to be quiet because she doesn’t want to wake y/n and 2. she can’t move around the bus as she wants deciding to annoy everyone which the other girls are very thankful for.
12. her first crush on a girl was laura freigang, who she had seen around the german youth camps before - she even told her parents at one stage that she was going to go to penn state just like lau did but that phase was short lived when she then developed a crush on one of her teammates in her age group instead.
13. in another life she’s a dj who lives in ibiza - literally no explanation needed, she truly is a party animal at heart and would go to all the festivals and raves possible during the off season.
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spadesncrows · 2 months
hey fellas um
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where the fuck did y’all come from /j
no joke I got a lil nervous when I saw the number rising……… I had zero clue what to do I’m rlly not used to having a following like this 😭😭
but in celebration of hitting 500, I’d like to do a couple of art requests for you guys ^^ For my own sanity I’m just gonna do a simpler art style, basically the one I use for chibis like these !!
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I’ll do a max of 2 charas per request !! If you’d like to request, hit up the ol askbox from today up until august 10 !! Just make sure u have a picture ref if ur requesting any ocs :3
!! No more than 2 requests per person please !!
On a side note, to be honest, this blog was wholly made on a whim. A half assed effort to make some sort of space for me to show what I did best. I honestly remember the day I made it and how I told myself one thing in particular: that it was just to try it out and if I didn’t like it, I would just drop it and move on. But knowing the people I met through this blog is more than enough for me to keep going ^^
If any of my mutuals decided to keep reading, I just wanted to say that you guys are some of the biggest reasons why I want to keep going. I’ve never been the best when it comes to reaching out or talking or words in general so by extension I’m not really the best at conveying it but thank you guys. A lot.
ok. erm. sappy rant over. Cheers to me being the same loser artist on tumblr for the time to come :3
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Also teehee funny cursed progress pic. bald vivi. vibald if you will /j
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maluceh · 5 months
hi would you ever post your drawing process? i’ve noticed you do research when it comes to stuff like finding references to age up characters properly, making the characters’ styles accurate for their time, etc.
sometimes you don’t realize how much goes into art besides the sketches, drawing, rendering, all that stuff, so the little things like that which make a big difference in the end is so cool to notice, you’re a really inspiring artist for me! your art style is incredible and i’d love to see what goes through your head before drawing something, if that’s alright with you ofc.
like what’s your inspiration? what shaped your art style? do you use references and how often bc sometimes i see some poses you draw and think ok there HAD to be a reference used for this bc it’s too good but i understand finding refs for what’s going on your head is difficult a lot of times so i just chalk it up to you being skilled enough to guess how the anatomy would work (so much praise for artists like that because??? insane talent! not to say using refs makes artists less skilled or anything 😭😭 hope it didn’t come off that way)
oh where to begin…
I usually get ideas of what I want to do, but it’s not until I open the canvas that my hand just knows what to do I guess? There’s times when I can just paste what’s in my head on the canvas and times when I struggle more and I have to look for references/trace poses (which are usually me with really bad lightening around my room or yeah, pics from pinterest)
lol funny story, my one drawing of James, Lily and Harry dancing I recorded myself dancing and got screenshots of that to base the poses on…. I accidentally sent one to a person that was commissioning me at the time, most embarrasing moment of my life
ANYWHOO! In terms of clothes, I have a board for every character where I put like what I think their style entails. Cause I like it when they look like teenagers in the 70s
Here’s my process when i just vomit my idea on the canvas
there are some where I don’t have the patience or the project is too big (ex. the panels) and figuring out the anatomy would be too time consuming, so i trace the pose but i’ve been trying to do that less and less to make myself actually work and get better at anatomy
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and what shaped my artstyle? wow that’s a hard question lol, idk
I think i’ve picked things from artists i’ve liked and just created a frankenstein of it, little by little and without realizing it.
not that my art looks ANYTHING like theirs, but these are some of the artists that have inspired me a lot through my art journey
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hope i answered your question jsjsjs
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amalasdraws · 2 years
Hello Amalas! I love your artworks coz they're so detailed and you can even make clutter look beautiful. I'd like to ask: what reference do you use for the background? Do you go outside and take pictures or sketch here and there? Do you use photo books? Internet? Coz everytime i look at your artworks in a bigger screen, it makes me feel like i'm transported to the place-- like i'm a passer-by or a fellow diner watching your character a few steps or tables away from where i am.
Awww thank you!! Okay This is gonna be a bit longer It’s a mix of a lot of things and a lot of the things around me. I not only love to draw cluttered places, but I also always kinda lived in lovely cluttered places. So a lot of inspiration is just taken from the things around me, my own memories, and the things I like.
My latest pic for example is something that is created by just an idea I have of a kitchen, based on things I know and things I’ve seen. I didn’t have a specific reference here.
I mostly always start with my characters and then very roughly sketch the room I have in mind around them.
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And based on this I create my perspective lines and map out the space a bit clearer. Measure my distance with the perspective lines and create my surfaces. 
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And then I go into lineart. First for the surface only.
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And when I have all my surfaces I only then go into my detailed clutter and add it all over time.
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As said, this kitchen was fully made up and only really got shaped into form on my canvas.But I for example have a gas stove and one of those espresso cans at home, so just a quick walk into my kitchen allows me to look up certain items if I’m unsure how they look.
But there are also a couple of items by now that I have stored in my own personal mental library. When you look at my pieces closely there are a bunch of items that I have in several of them. Poles, electric cables, a certain type of window, stacked bowls and cups, soda cans, etc And those are all items that I can draw by now without any reference. And then there are some new items that I have to look up, so I mostly just do a quick google search to get an idea on how they look. For example this bedroom piece was created like the kitchen above and just based on an idea I had in mind, rooms I knew or saw somewhere and then just created out of my head. I started with a rough sketch
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And then continued the same way as with the kitchen piece. But here I had some very typical late 90s items in mind, and as I could draw the bed, room, window, and some small details just out of my head, there were a couple of items I looked up on google to get the right look for them!
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So I created a small library from pics I found on google and just put them on the side of my pic to have them as a ref.It doesn’t have to be a perfect ref. Just a good enough pic to give me an idea of how an item looks like.
Sometimes I have an idea of a room but want something specific and it should look more or less authentic so I go on a google search for similar places.I still like to create my own version but I look at certain structures and items that those places have and try to incorporate them into my piece
Like with this one for example. I just used some photos from google that gave me a good idea of a place like this.
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Many of those items are still chosen from my mental library, but I also have some things I look up and some loose references. 
Keep in mind that I’m doing this for some time now! And I build up my mental library and how I want to draw things over time! This is not something that comes over night. It takes time! And it comes by repeating things and drawing them over and over.
I also love to take photos and when I visit new places or see something I like I take photos. One because I love to take photos, but also as a future ref. And some of those photos I use as loose refs as in the examples above. And sometimes I even pretty much just redraw them. Because I really like the structure, or want that specific look or even specific place!
For example I took this photo when I was in New York and as the Aran and Tao story takes place in New York I really wanted to create a place like this! A structure and street similar to the photo.
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And as you can see especially the train structure and street look is something I used for this drawing here
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So long answer short
It’s a mix of things!I have a good mental library by now, I like to draw the things I know and the things around me, and when I go for a certain city, or street look I like to work based on photos I took by myself and use them as refs.
And taking photos also helped me a lot with my background drawings. It gave me an idea of how my irl 3d street view looks on a 2d photo, an idea for lines and angles, what works and what not, and what to look for in backgrounds, what I like in city scenes, and what I want to create. Google photos can be helpful refs, but I like to use them more loosely to only give my brain a reminder again on how a certain item or space looks like. When I really redraw something or stay close to my ref I like to take my own ref photo, so all is my work.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 11 - Overseas Training
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Izumi: Umm, this is 7th Avenue, so…
Tenma: Is that it?
Muku: Ah, it is!
Misumi: We’ve arrived~!
Kumon: It’s so crowded here!
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Kazunari: No matter where you snap a pic, it looks great and makes such a great ref~! Yukki, Kumopi, pose for the camera~!
Yuki: Sure.
Kumon: I love New York! (1)
*Camera clicks*
Kazunari: Here, here, Sumi and gang, you join too~!
Izumi: (Even after a little under 13-hour flight, everyone’s still full of energy. That’s Summer Troupe for you.)
Izumi: (But time really has flown by so fast from the time when we decided to go to the U.S. to now…)
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Yuki: Training in the U.S.?
Tenma: I got a call from my dad out of nowhere.
Tenma: There’s a film festival coming up in the U.S., and he suggested that all of Summer Troupe come for a training trip. He said the agency would cover the cost too.
Muku: Huh? The cost too!?
Kazunari: If the cost is covered, then it’ll be a-okay with Frooch-san.
Kumon: I wanna go to the U.S.!
Izumi: But is it really okay for him to do that much?
Tenma: Partially, it’s because he feels bad about not being able to do anything for the company back when we were struggling with the whole Amadate mess.
Tenma: I think we should just be grateful for it.
Tenma: Theater and musicals included, the U.S. isn’t only about entertainment culture.
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Tenma: It’s also cutting-edge in design and fashion, so I think there’s a lot we could all learn from it.
Tenma: He said that if we want to win the Fleur Award, the highest theater award in Japan, we should experience some authentic theater as actors.
Yuki: I am pretty interested.
Muku: Issei-san does have a pretty significant presence in the world, so it’s a pretty convincing argument coming from him.
Izumi: Well then… I guess I’ll take your word for it.
Tenma: Yeah. I think it’ll be a good opportunity for us to relearn some stuff, too.
Misumi: Let’s go to the U.S.~!
Kumon: I can’t wait to be on a plane~!
*Flashback end*
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Izumi: (We didn’t exactly have the greatest experience with Issei-san during the debut performance, but…)
Izumi: (Now he truly is supporting Tenma-kun’s path as a stage actor. I really am thankful for that.)
Izumi: (I hope they can all return home full of excitement and having absorbed a lot during our short stay.)
Muku: If we move a little further left, we should be able to fit the building in.
Kazunari: C’mon, Director-chan!
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Misumi: Take a picture with us~!
Izumi: Ah, sure!
*Camera clicks*
Kumon: I still can’t believe how many people there are~.
Yuki: I mean, it is a tourist attraction, so it’s no wonder everyone’s taking pictures.
Tenma: And with the film festival coming up, there will be even more people than usual.
Kazunari: I’m so hyped for the film festival~. It’s something we never would’ve gotten to go to if we weren’t invited.
Kumon: I wonder if we’ll get to meet some of the world’s biggest stars~.
Tenma: But first we’re seeing this play before any of that.
Muku: Ah, we should start heading towards the theater now.
Izumi: The theater should be around-- Ah, over there.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kumon: That was so impactful~! I feel kinda fluffy like I’m still in the story!
Tenma: I’ve never seen a production like that before, so I was really amazed by the whole thing and overwhelmed by the performance skills of the actors.
Tenma: It really reminds you of the wide range of possibilities that exist within theater.
Kazunari: The lighting and music were supes cool. Everything was so powerful and the impact was insane~! I feel like I’ve got ideas bouncing all around in my brain!
Misumi: It was so much fun~. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, it was filled with so much heart-pounding excitement!
Kumon: Yeah, yeah, it was like an emotional roller coaster…
Kumon: I couldn’t understand the language, but it was still conveyed through all they did~.
Muku: There were so many different types of actors. Not just in age, but in the way they acted too…
Muku: They each seemed to be making the most of their abilities.
Yuki: The costumes were good too. Those are what stage costumes should look like.
Yuki: This place really is authentic, and you can see that the pros are working hard to improve each other and create the best things they can.
Izumi: (Looks like each of them was inspired in their own way. I guess there are just some things that you can only get a feel for when you actually see them in person.)
Izumi: (We’ve hardly been here a day but I’m already happy we came…)
Muku: It’s all in English, but I just had to get a brochure too.
Kumon: Me too! Even though I can’t read any of it~.
Muku: When we get back to Japan, let’s read some of it together with a dictionary.
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Kumon: Yeah! Looking at the credits, there are some Japanese-sounding names, though. Like the costume person, Aiko Kataoka--.
Yuki: Ah--.
Muku: Do you know who that is, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Yeah, they’re famous.
Kumon: Really~?
Yuki: I see, so that’s…
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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(1) Kumon says this in English.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
since it’s almost Hyrule Warriors anniversary…do you have any lttc warriors facts you’d like to share 🤲 also I’m going to draw him as part of my drawing links from different links meets thing I do for each game’s anniversary. It will happen I promise you so uh. idk if you have additional facial descriptors for him that you left in the other posts 🤲 but I’m pretty sure I can draw him accurately enough with the information already provided 👍 anyways, hope you have a good rest of your day!
- Zelda keeps trying to promote him and he keeps refusing and she’s so frustrated by it, but he refuses to accept a promotion for something he doesn’t believe he accomplished
- He genuinely thinks he’s so sneaky with the lifts he has in his boots, he’s genuinely convinced no one knows
- Proxi can acknowledge how much he’s grown, but she still sees him as her wet cat son who just desperately needed someone to look out for him. She’s very proud of him, but she still thinks he’s ridiculous
- It took him a hot minute to become fluent enough in ‘hyrulian common’ (english) to be able to understand fast conversations with slang in them and to be able to speak back and converse with other soldiers at that level because it’s not his first language (this is why he sometimes stares at people with an incredibly blank expression during the war, he doesn’t always understand what they’re saying). Proxi continued to speak on his behalf until he’d perfected a castle town accent as well because he didn’t want anyone knowing he didn’t grow up within Hyrule kingdom
-Regularly abuses the fact that the general public has a certain image of him in their minds, and when he does not meet that image he can literally walk around wherever the hell he wants without being recognized and it’s so good for his mental health. He’s still paranoid and worried, but people just don’t recognize him because they hear all the tales of a strong, confident young man and Warriors is actually fairly quiet and comes off as a bit shy, plus people just aren’t expecting the hero to randomly be walking around on his own. Without the make up, fancy clothes, and boots and all that, he can just walk around markets like a normal person, and without the green tunic, Mask can too. So he’d pretty regularly just take Mask around towns to buy sweet treats and they both got to experience what it might’ve been like for an eighteen year old to shop with his little brother
- During the war, he and Ravio got quite close. They’re a dangerous combination and make each other worse
- He and his Zelda are incredibly close, they’re extremely good friends and they like to get together every so often and just YAP
also for any additional descriptors: LTTC Wars looks pretty much exactly like how I headcanon LU Wars. He was deadass created from You’re A Part Of Me Wars when I one day sat back and went “oh my god at this point I’ve just made my own guy-” the main difference between LTTC Wars and You’re A Part Of Me Wars is that LTTC Wars grew up outside of Hyrule Kingdom surrounded by a different culture and he struggled a lot more with a language barrier when he went to Castle Town (while my version of LU Wars grew up IN Hyrule Kingdom and had to struggle with learning his mom’s side of the family’s culture while being unable to fully interact with it), and a few details of the war. But physically they’re the same guy, so my pfp pic could be used as an additional ref if you needed :) THANK YOU FOR DRAWING MY GUY I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH
i love to stick lttc wars and you’re a part of me wars in a room and see what happens, they’d both hate it but I think theyd have so much to say
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ninjagecko72 · 4 months
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Day 20: Favorite Turtle Merch/Toy That You Own
Challenge by @tmaynt
I can proudly say that I have owned the 1987 disc set of Season 5. My dad’s the one who let my siblings and me watch it and it’s been with us ever since.
Unfortunately the pics I used as reference aren’t mine and the three discs are in hiding somewhere in our storage/one of our closets. Thats being hopeful we didn’t lose them because they sentimentally mean a lot to us. I’m hoping to find them sooner than later.
Disc set pic ref
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wolffofspades · 5 months
Do you have a sona design? :0 maybe I’m blind but I’ve been searching on your account and can’t find one-
I hope you didn’t think I was going to spare you, either…~
Oh absolutely not. Nobody is safe in this community. Even on the clearest of sunny days, there will still be clouds (ref)
As for my sona, I haven’t made an update reference for her yet, BUT I can show some art examples to describe her design
Starting from upper body, paws. Due to lycanthropy, she can manipulate her form to whatever she wants. There’s three stages. Hands, semi paws and paws. Semi paws are when her hands have paw pads with claw like fingertips and the functionality of hands. She commonly use these hands when she’s being a ler. To her, those claws are the equivalent of those finger guitar claw pics
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Lower body, legs. Hers can be planti, digigrade or a mix of both. But one things certain, she never uses human feet. Her paws is the equivalent to walking on tiptoes. There’s also three stages. Full, half, sock. Full means her leg is full canine (you can tell by the thigh thickness)
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Half is when her legs are canine from below the knee down and socks are paws just below the ankle as seen in the first image
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Her sensitivity from top to bottom 1-10 (1- meh 10-Hsjajhrjej)
Ears: 5 (it tickles but not enough to pull away)
Neck: 5
Back of wings from inside out: 8-5
Arms: 7
Armpits: 7
Hand/ palm pad: 4
Front of wings from inside out : 9-5
Ribs: 6
Tummy: 10
Sides: 10
Thighs: 9
Toebeans: left 8 right 10
Tail: 5 (she loves that it tickles when brushed. Same with her hair and ears)
If anything more is needed, don’t be afraid to ask (sorry for the info dump)
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andromeddog · 7 months
hihi i love ur artwork. i was wondering ur opinion on this: is it considered cheating for an artist to trace what they’re going to draw? ex, someone wants to draw george luz and uses a picture of him to trace and then later on touch up details without the picture? thank you!
hi thanks for the ask! short answer is yes i think is a totally normal and good way to learn and become familiar with proportions/likenesses 👍 it’s all good with me babey. longer answer under da cut
but the longer answer. first of all calling tracing “cheating” is such bullshit because it’s been used as a method for artists for literal centuries so idk what their beef is with it. that being said i do think it should be used kind of carefully bc it can develop into a habit of relying too much on the reference and not bettering your own skills.
and maybe this is just me but also it depends on where the reference is coming from- if you’re making your own ref i say go ahead and go nuts with it. i have so many embarrassing pics of myself that ive traced to get the pose down lol. for me ive always had a hard time with feet and use my own shoes regularly to help get an angle/shape right! using like screenshots of a show or something you found online is a little trickier… idk maybe because you didn’t specifically make it? something about that sticks in my head and makes me more hesitant about leaning too heavily on it. but still i’d never say that tracing a screenshot constitutes as “cheating”
i will gladly admit i straight up do trace outside sources when i am confused about proportions or REALLY INSANE about getting likeness done but i do really try to only use it very sparingly if its not a reference i specifically made. and that’s really only in the very beginning stages of a drawing- i’ll make a loose sketch based on the ref, then refine it into a tighter sketch and THEN use the reference to adjust proportions if they are particularly off (or to see if i am off), and then im usually done with the tracing. then i usually have another refining layer and THEN i do finished lineart. i really want to improve my observation skills and knowledge of anatomy/clothing/likeness so trying to work through it without relying on tracing is my goal!
but hey thats just MY process. no one is over your shoulder telling you what you can and cannot do. even i cant tell you what the correct process is! i just think you should use the tools available to you but dont let them interfere with refining your technical skills 👍
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karkadette · 2 years
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The Sims 4 | Ukrainian village house [photo longpost]
A story of this build is more than it seems.
English version of this post, so it can be also educational (sorry for mistakes in advance). [UA ver link / посилання на українську версію]
I finished this house on April 11th, 2022. It was already more than 1 month of russian full-scale invasion on Ukraine. This was one of the first times when I tried to distract a bit from a 24/7 scrolling though terrible scary news. I took my laptop, sit in corridor (note: this is a safe place in a flat if there is full-scale war with bombing, air strikes etc outside) and launched The Sims4. This was the most chill and comfy game that I had back than. No buttles, no difficult quests, just building.
I decided to build old Ukrainian village house, because at that time I was fully into thoughts about my country. I wanted to do something with traditional Ukrainian vibe or simply nostalgic.
I searched for some refs, childhood memories when I was spending summer holidays in the village. But also all of this is from my imagination and game functional.
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The whole view to the land area.
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Sunflowers in front of the house near the fence is a must! We have a lot of sunflower fields and it always nice to see even single flowers here and there. This is Ukrainian thing.
fun note: on the first months of russian full-scale invasion on Ukraine, brave Ukrainian woman came to the russian soldiers, that wanted to occupied a Ukrainian village, and ask them to put some seeds in their pockets, so they can at least somehow be useful after they pass away on Ukrainian land. This became a well-known meme and also a symbol in Ukraine.
Anyway, back to the house.
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A vegetable garden in Ukrainian village household is a must too! I did a little one just for vibes. But usually Ukrainians have a few hectares of gardens. As people of agricultural country it would be strange if we didn't. BTW pumpkins in Sims are super cute, i guess they're not even from debug.
sad note: many of Ukrainian vegetable gardens are destroyed because of russian's bombing. They, in fact, purpously burn and shell fields to left us with no harvest.
Beekeeping is also a thing here. I guess almost every Ukrainian has a nostalgic chilhood memory when local beekeeper inspecting a hive frame and bees don't sting them. Oh, wow!
Hives in the Sims are very cure too!!
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Talking about nostalgia. Even though nowadays in vilages we have toilets inside the house I wanted to build an old school one, haha. (one of the reason was me wondering how to buid it in Sims lol).
wtf note: while I was wondering which toilet to build in a game, russian soldiers were stealing flush toilets from Ukrainian houses, to send it to their homes and i guess finally live their dream.
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The outdoor summer shower is another old school stuff that I wanted to include. On the left you can see an old bath and a tyre with flowers (just for fun really).
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Some other details as a well and outdoor table.
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It was so weirdly satisfying to build and to clutter up a shed, lol
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Finally interior! Sunflowers on the table, random furniture and bunch of printed stuff on the walls.
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Small bedroom with 2 extra beds if someone came to visit. I want you to notice an icon in the courner on the first pic. Small detail that I customised myseft 'cause I couldn't find any to download, ugh.
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The basement or cellar. Very useful top tier place in the house. Safe and has a lot of food.
note: nowadays it's not an odd thing for Ukrainians to spend hours in here, waiting for air raid alert to stop. This one better than a corridor
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Can you imagine how much time it took me to add all of this single veggies, fruits and other stuff from the debug? I bet you can't. Too long! But is was worth it!
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The fun part! Secret exit from the basement, hidden in the bushes, hehe.
You never know when you will need to secretly escape your own house, because of neighbor invaders.
YAY! That's it! Thank you for scrolling down this long post! I wish I never needed to add such notes from my own experience.
And lastly, please,
1) Help and support Ukraine.
2) Don't say "because of Ukraine", say "Because of russia".
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inspectorcrayon · 1 year
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companion piece for Windell’s extended ref- Work Frock and Quarreling Quilt reference pics for snacc first designs (outdated now ofc) under the cut-
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QQ used to be brown to resemble log suits... and I found out I didn’t actually want that at all. WF has always been part of Windell’s design and it shows in older art featuring him.
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