#but i carved that spoon myself!
therandomfandomme · 3 months
I've moved and today i did my display closets and i really love how this one turned on, it's my cooky knickknacks shelf:
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toxooz · 1 month
finally ripped off the bandaid and looked at all the bills from the appendix bullshit and brother i shouldve just drove past the ER to the nearest cemetery and started diggin
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seafearing · 4 months
i was supposed to take my meds and go to sleep, but then instead i scrolled through pb episodes to mark down scenes where lizzie is visibly taller than tommy (for a gifset, obviously we need this), and then i scrolled through season 6 and now i am incredibly
incredibly sad :(
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beezelbubbles · 2 years
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder? More like Another Damn Hobby Disorder amirite? Hahahahahahooooo boy.
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corkinavoid · 2 months
A list of things I've done that pissed my mother off, but as Batfam + Team Phantom edition
Bruce: got into a verbal fight and held a year-long grudge at my teacher for not giving me a fair grade at an annual competition, and proceeded to go out of my way to win said competition next year
Alfred: refused to eat her food, got told to cook for myself and did so, ending up with both my dad and sister saying my banana bread was the best thing they've eaten
Dick: swung on the bungee rope over the dry riverbed turned into junk yard, fell, miraculously did not die, went to that same bungee rope the next day
Babs: organized a stake out, found out which neighbor had been messing with trash bins when everyone blamed raccoons, called said neighbor a raccoon for the next three weeks
Jason: kept reading books at night with a flashlight, when said flashlight was taken away, lit a candle and accidentally almost set the house on fire
Tim: fled to a different country across the globe without telling anyone except my sister, who's been 7 at the time, and did not respond to any calls or messages for three months
Steph: picked a dress with glitter for a dinner with her relatives after specifically being told not to, was forced to change, but took my revenge by exploding a glitter bomb in the car when we have already arrived at the relatives' house
Cass: responded with 'sorry I didn't quite catch that could you repeat' to her very long rant, over text
Damian: successfully clawed and gnawed at a classmate's face after they destroyed my painting
Duke: was the leader of school rebellion over the 'no wigs allowed in school' rule in sixth grade, managed to convince two teachers to join, ended up with the rule taken down
Danny: accidentally shocked myself with a tazer I stole from her handbag, cried, when she came to ask what happened, showed her by repeating the accidental electrocution
Dan: pushed my maternal aunt into the pool and watched her flounder, knowing very well she is a bad swimmer, when confronted about it later argued it was the kiddie part of the pool and she could not have drowned
Jazz: told her I was in love with a girl she disliked, when she voiced her opinion on it, made a whole argument about how I'm supposed to learn from my own mistakes and not from her experiences
Dani: zoned out while she was yelling at me, came back to her saying 'you're no better than a pig', impulsively told her 'it's because of genetics' and started oinking
Sam: painted my nails and toes on my left hand and left foot black, dyed my hair purple, but only on the left side, as well as got a piercing on the left eyebrow, while the whole right side was left 'natural'
Tucker: learned to change the wi-fi password and held power over the internet every time she took my electronics away by asking a friend that lived nearby to come by my house and using their phone to change the password
Selina: repeatedly stolen antique jewelry from grandma because she, in turn, stole it from my other grandma
Valerie: turned rogue, teamed up with the opponent team in lasertag and helped them win over my own teammates
Talia: threatened a person I will carve their eyeballs out with a spoon if they ever as much as look at my sister funny again, a month later gave them a decorated silver teaspoon as a birthday gift
Jack Fenton: failed my driving license test seven times, three of which were on purpose
Maddie: ruined her plans of my picture-perfect marriage by friendzoning a son of her friend, claiming I'm saving my love only for the important things like mozzarella
Vlad: scared my sister shitless by telling her a scary story about ghosts under her bed and then hiding under her bed and making 'boo' noizes
Clockwork: purposefully made her experience deja vu by wearing the exact same clothes and greeting her the exact same way in the exact same place for three days in a row
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obsessive-evie · 9 months
keep them on, please
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pairing: Caitlin Clark + fem!oc
word count: 6.5k
warnings: smut, explicit language, mentions of rough sex, inappropriate use of jewelry??
Sets of perfectly mismatching rings always covered my fingers. A wrap-around Lilly spoon ring for my pointer finger was a specific favorite of mine. And Caitlin’s.
My girlfriend’s slightly anxious personality meant her eyes gravitated towards safety. Which was often found in the familiar, or my rings. The same rings every day on the same fingers, fiddled with in the same patterns, flipped across fingertips absentmindedly by myself.
So any chance my girlfriend could get, her hand would find mine, and I loved it. And every time without fail, her lengthy fingers would always find a way to maneuver said silver rings off of my own smaller ones, and into hers. She would fiddle with them, slide them along my knuckles, and look at them so closely you’d think she was trying to memorize every carving and scratch.
I’ve never really asked her about it until I noticed she looks at them during… certain times.
We had just arrived home after a night out with friends, after a few drinks in and her hands had gone a little too far up my thigh for the busy upscale bar, I’d told her we should head home.
The whole ride home was spent with my slightly more than tipsy girlfriend glued to my hands. The hands that once roamed over my thighs and hips in the dimly lit bar were now brushing over my knuckles and flipping my rings as she leaned on my shoulder.
Arriving back at her place for the night, we had ended up half clothed- my dress bunched up around my hips with straps falling off my shoulders as she hovered above me, her black silk shirt all the way unbuttoned to reveal a simple lace bralette.
Of course her hands held mine as she kissed my neck, leaving it up to me to undress us one handed. The silk shirt that I picked out for her highlighted her pale skin in the low light of her bedroom, the shadows from it accentuating her collarbones and abs as she left small bites on my neck.
Caitlin’s large hand came to pin down my own, her knuckles squeezing harder around my rings, which reminded me I needed to take them off before this went any further.
Pushing back on her shoulder with my one free hand, I break our kiss, “Wait babe sit up for a sec,” I say. She leans back to sit more on my thighs than on my hips, allowing me to sit up and begin to take off my rings.
A warm hand stops me, wordlessly, she pushes my shoulders back down and returns to my neck. I let her, thinking she just wants to makeout right now and not go any further.
But once she’d pulled me out of my dress and untucked her shirt from her jeans (the action totally didn’t kill me a little), unbuttoning them along the way, I realized this was most definitely not a makeout.
Pushing on my inebriated girlfriend’s shoulder once again, except this time hooking my leg around her own, effectively flipping out positions and seating myself atop Caitlin’s hips.
Attempt number 2 of taking off my rings: also unsuccessful.
I took a moment to appreciate my girlfriend with my hands on her abs, “You’re so pretty baby.” She still doesn’t say anything, a tendency of sleepy/tipsy/horny Cait. I brought my hands together once more to pull off my rings, but before I could even get one off, her hands stop me again.
Gentle and warm fingers press into my wrists, her thumbs barely cutting into my pulse point. Before I realize what’s happening, shes sat up onto her elbows and is kissing the soft inside of my wrist, followed by my palm, then the back of my hand, then lastly my knuckles, her lips barely brushing the cool metal adorning them. “Keep them on,” she finally voices in a quiet, almost timid voice. Caitlin going reserved in the bedroom wasn’t entirely unusual. She was an anxious person half the time and a confident powerhouse the other half, I never knew what I was going to get when we were undressed.
But this edge to her voice, the slight waver in her tone, the way her eyes relaxed slightly, like she was melting into my gaze. This was different. New. This wasn’t our usual game of cat and mouse, she was showing a different form of vulnerable I rarely got to see.
Her lips slide down my fingers, past my rings, until my nails are barely resting on the flesh of her bottom lip. Her soft grip on my wrist doesn’t change as she slowly opens her mouth wider and to take my center two fingers into the warm wetness. Her tongue juts out just slightly, sliding my digits deeper and deeper, making me gasp at her unwavering eye contact and bold actions.
Her lips close around my knuckles as she closes her eyes, my rings sitting just behind her lips. I can’t quite breathe, or think.
That’s when I feel her tongue begin to slide up and down the crevice created by my two fingers together, sucking just slightly. She tilts her head back faintly, allowing herself to slide the tip of her tongue under the rim of a thick stamped ring on my middle finger. The small but strong muscle moves said ring back towards her mouth as she slowly slides my hand away from her.
Her eyes open slowly once my nails are resting once again by her now closed lips, covered in spit this time. Now missing a ring, my pulse quickens at what I just witnessed. My tall and usually tough girlfriend completely surrendering to me, and taking my fingers in her mouth oh so gently, sucking on them and covering them with her warm spit.
Her soft eyes bore into mine as she opens her mouth to reveal my ring sitting so perfectly on her tongue. She sticks it out slightly, an offering, I realize. Like a pearl in an oyster, my shiny spit covered ring stands out against the deep pink of her mouth and tongue.
I reach my middle finger back over her tongue, placing the tip of it in the center of the ring, and slide it back onto my knuckles with my ring and index finger. The motion I’ve done a thousand times now has a different meaning to it once I look back at the loving eyes of my girlfriend.
She almost looks too pretty, too soft laying there like this, tongue stuck out and spit beginning to pool on the muscle. It slowly slides back into her mouth before she closes her shiny lips again and swallows. Caitlin’s takes a deeper breath, like she was in a slight trance (I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t either), and restates, “keep them on,” there’s a pause, “please.” She says the last part in an almost pleading, ever so slightly shaky voice. If I didn’t know her as well as I do, I probably wouldn’t have been able to hear it. But the unmistakable lilt of sheer wanton desire slides under her words like a silent stream.
I nod, feeling air enter my lungs in a deep inhale, allowing myself to breathe after such a tense moment. My fingers retreat from her lips, and I notice the sheen on her chin and surrounding areas. I swipe my thumb slowly across it, and her mouth opens slightly, almost instinctively. Before I back out, I dip the edge of my thumb into her mouth, opening her jaw wider by pressing on the lower row of her teeth. The slight bite of them pressing into the pad of my thumb makes me want her more as the dainty silver band sitting at the base of it is now flooded with spit.
I withdraw from her mouth once more after she swipes her tongue gently across my thumb. Keeping my hand resting on her jaw and cheek, I lean down to kiss my girlfriend deeply.
I breathe in her pulse, her soft hair underneath my under forearm as it holds myself up above her head, the taste of her lips on mine, and the unmistakable tang of metal on her tongue. I moan into mouth when she pushes her hip up into my center, her hands still resting frozen by her side like she’s waiting for permission to grab at my hips.
My right hand wanders down from her jaw to her neck and collarbones, framing where they meet in a perfect U-shape. My movement seems to spur her on, and I finally feel the familiar warmth of her hands on my hips, cradling the lace covered flesh with such gentle firmness I can’t help but kiss her harder.
My hand resting on her neck slides around to the muscle of her shoulder, sitting up and pulling her with me.
“Off.” Is all I say, sliding the silk fabric that was already hanging off her shoulders down the silent strength of her arms, as it was more just hanging off her slender form after being untucked earlier. Next I undo her belt, sliding it out of its loops without breaking eye contact. She understands to lift her hips after I unbutton her pants and open her zipper, revealing a matching. Set.
The same pattern of black lace and ribbed cotton adorns her hips and pussy, melting me from the inside out. My eyes meet hers before I slide her pants the rest of the way down her long legs, sitting myself back on her smooth skin of her thighs. She looks away, clearly nervous and awaiting my reaction.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” is all I can breathe out before I lean back up to capture her lips, my hands (and my rings) digging into her prominent hip bones to hold myself up.
The two of us were now only wearing our bras and underwear, each just sultry enough to elicit a reaction, but comfortable enough to wear on a night out. Caitlin’s was simply more jarring to me.
Don’t get me wrong, my incredibly sexy girlfriend liked to be girly and feminine, but usually opted for her more practical sports bras and simple underwear. So seeing her strong body covered in something so delicate and pretty was a pleasant surprise, even if her bra was visible all night.
Her warm hands pull my hips down onto her protruding ones, making me gasp into our kiss in surprise. Letting the sparks it creates burn through me, I push my hips down to hers this time, moaning into her mouth at the pleasant buzz. As I begin to move back from her hips, she pushes hers up, continuing my pleasure.
I shift my weight to my right knee holding myself up outside her thigh so I can reposition myself seated on just one of her strong thighs, allowing my kneecap to meet her black lace.
A bitten lip and a short exhale is my gift in return.
I move my knee once more, sinking back down onto the tense area where her hip bone meets her thigh. We fall into this rhythm, pushing my knee into her clothed center, grinding down and towards her on her thigh, while she pushes her leg up and flexes.
The result of this repetition is the sight of my girlfriend beneath me, wearing a matching set (which alone would kill me anyways), with her eyes squeezed shut, hips twitching and grinding against my own. Her mouth parts slightly with a gasp, her abs begin to flex even harder as her shakey grip tightens on my thighs.
I pull her hips down onto my knee and slow my grinding, allowing her to squeeze her thighs together. Running my decorated hand up her abs and chest, stopping once I get to her collarbones, I lean my head down to whisper in her ear, “you look so filthy fucking yourself onto my thigh.”
Her whole body shudders, her breathing stalls and comes out in rushed puffs of hot air, I see her mouth open wider as she tilts her head back.
Oh shit
Fast paced pants and whines fill the dimly lit bedroom, and she’s finishing on my leg before I can process how fast she got here, especially just through her underwear.
I don’t slow my movements, not for a second. Not even when her grip on my thighs turns almost painfully hard. Not even when I’m worried she’s not breathing at all.
A large and harsh exhale leaves her spit slick mouth, and her shudders seem to slow. I wait for her to slow her hips herself, leaving my knee pressed into her for Caitlin to decide when she’s done. Her hips come to a full stop, her tense abs and neck relax, and her death-grip on my thighs eases.
Her eyes are still closed when I slowly ease my knee away from her core, kissing her cheek softly as a distraction. Consciousness seems to flood her face after air fills her lungs once more for a complete breath at my actions.
I smile softly, kissing her cheek again, followed by her nose. She opens her mouth to speak, meeting my eyes. Nothing comes out, her eyes vulnerable and almost embarrassed. I move a piece of hair out of her eyes, admiring how the dark strands pool above her like a halo in this light.
“Are you okay?” I whisper softly, almost into her mouth. Her face flushes even more crimson, averting her eyes and tilting her head away from me. Her clear embarrassment at how fast she finished on my thigh surfacing at my question.
Oh so gently, I cradle her jaw, turning her back to face me. I kiss her firmly on the lips this time, not allowing her to turn again when I pull away. “I’ll ask again,” I whisper into her mouth, keeping her eyes on mine, “are you alright baby?” A slow but firm nod is what follows.
I feel her take a deep breath with her whole chest before responding, “I just didn’t expect that is all.” I feel a small smile grace my face at her embarrassment, her warm deep brown eyes nervously dancing between my own. My own teeth dig into my lip, deciding to be slightly cruel, I push my knee back up into her, making her gasp and squirm before I say, “I liked it.”
I can see her holding back a moan, slightly from overstimulation and slightly from my words and attention. I push again, making her flinch slightly, “Not yet, I can’t,” she gasps out, holding my hips firmly away from her, our slight strength and size imbalance making it easy for her to do so. My thumb soothes the creases between her brows, admiring her features in the moonlight.
She kisses me this time, myself too distracted with the beautiful girl beneath me to notice her own stares at my lips. We kiss until I can’t hold myself up anymore, my arms giving out forcing me to lay fully on my girlfriend. Our chests pressed together, hearts beating in synch, trying to melt every golden molecule of her body into mine, we stay like that for not long enough.
My hand on her jaw and cheek rings dancing along her warm skin, my other still playing with her hair, Caitlin moves her own hands up my back and waist, pulling me closer.
Before I can slink back down her body to give her another deserved orgasm, I’m flipped onto my back by the lithe muscles holding me. What once was my embarrassed and shy girlfriend post orgasm is now a smirking and hungry looking brunette above me. She begins kissing my neck softly, making me melt into the pillow. I almost don’t notice when her smooth hand slides under my slightly arched back, unclasping my bra in one quick movement.
Before I can protest and remove hers too, she sucks where my neck meets my shoulder, hard. “Hey! That kind of hurt…” I say in a tone slightly whinier than I would’ve liked. She laughs a breathy laugh before pealing the black lace off my chest and shoulders, tossing it to the side somewhere in her room. Her large hands cradle my upper rib cage, thumbs dipping into my sternum just under my boobs while her middle finger reaches all the way over the side of my torso.
She continues her slightly rough kissing on my neck, trailing down to my newly exposed tits. She knew how sensitive they were at times, and decided to get payback for earlier I guess. Attacking the soft flesh with a flurry of her tongue and occasional strikes of teeth, she began leaving tiny marks all down my chest and rib cage.
Deciding I’ve had enough of this teasing, and the fact that she still has her bra on, I pull her shoulder blades forward into me, causing her to lean down on top of me with her head pressing into my sternum. She looks up, meeting my eyes slightly, so I cradle her jaw yet again and make her fully look at me. “Kiss me,” I say, milking the slightly pouty nature hoping she’ll abandon her post at my tits in favor of my mouth.
She does, my girlfriend never being able to say no to me when I give her any ounce of control. Oh well bye bye control for her.
The second she gets close enough to my face, my decorated hand finds her neck, squeezing slightly in a consistent but firm grip. Never hard enough to hurt her or cut off her air yet, but hard enough to make her freeze. Now knowing how she feels about my rings, I make sure to push the base of my fingers just as hard as my fingertips.
Her eyes change again, back to a similar vulnerable air from before. Pushing harder with the base of my hand and wrist, I moved her away from my face and sit up as she moves. All I simply do next is push on her shoulders and she’s falling back into the pillows once more. There must’ve still been enough alcohol in my girlfriend’s system for her to be so pliant with me, her usual cocky demeanor shining through occasionally, even when she’s a total bottom for me.
Seating myself once more on her hips, borderline lower stomach. I keep her eyes on mine as I slowly remove one ring, a smooth moonstone juts out from its silver casing, so I place it on the nearby bedside table. Quite frankly that would not be comfortable in any situation. I make it very apparent I’m keeping the rest on by placing my hands on her chest firmly, and dragging the cool metal up and around her back.
She gets what I’m trying to do and arches just enough for me to unhook her perfectly pretty bralette. Repeating the actions she did for me silently, I take my time reveling in every inch of newly exposed skin, knowing she’ll start getting nervous soon under my gaze.
Running the now seven silver rings up and down her stomach and sternum, around her chest and collarbones, while purposefully avoiding too close to her tits, Caitlin begins to squirm. I glance up at her face, noticing she wasn’t making any kind of noise yet. She had her bottom lip trapped between the sharp teeth I know all too well, face turned to the side, eyes glancing anywhere but me while her eyelids fluttered every time I got closer to her nipples.
I lean down to kiss her cheek, which brings a small smile to the clearly high strung girl beneath me. Following that kiss with a quick one where her jaw meets just below her ear, then the side of the her neck, the hollow of her throat, the inner tip of her collarbone, lastly a feather light peck on her sternum. I pause, just hovering above her tits, I can almost feel her heartbeat pick up as my breath tickles her skin.
Glancing up her face once more, I take it her almost anguish gracing her features before relenting, and kissing my way across her chest. A gentle suck on one of her perked nipples and I finally get a noise out of her. A breathy, barely there whine albeit, but a noise nonetheless. Caitlin was typically pretty quiet during sex, usually holding back her noises out of embarrassment, or simply opting for heavy breathing and swearing, the occasional whine telling me I’m doing something right.
Rubbing up and down her sides, I move to alternate sucking on one nipple, and gently rubbing and pinching the other, eliciting a few more heavy breaths, and finally, “fuck, babe.”
I smile, taking that as my cue to start kissing her abs. I won’t lie, I definitely spent far too long with my lips attached to her abs. Little bites, gentle hickeys, kisses, anything I can to mark up her toned stomach, I will 100% always do. I can’t help it her muscles are incredibly hot and only available when she’s beneath me.
Her breaths come out faster and harder the lower I go, treating every ridge and hard line with a stark mix of gentle tongue and sharp teeth. My hands still keeping busy on her chest and sides, my large etched ring on my middle finger brushes her right nipple, catching on it as my hand travels. This simple action results in a buck of her strong hips, and her hand coming to hold the back of my head (like my head had anything to do with that action?), accompanied with a gasp that melts into a soft moan.
Her noises are more consistent now, but I can tell she’s still holding back. Never one to ask or beg for me to do anything, I travel to her hips, biting on my way down to her thighs to ease up on my relentless teasing. She finally looks down at me once I’ve seated my lips at the junction of her hip and thigh, sucking intently on the soft flesh there.
I grip her twitching hips slightly harder than necessary, making sure she feels the cool press of the metal adorning them into her soft skin. I keep her eyes on mine, making sure Cait sees my next move.
Kissing just above the lace on her hip, I pause. Grabbing the thin fabric between my front teeth, and her mouth parts even more. I pull the lacy black underwear concealing my girlfriend down to her thighs, then fully off her with my hands once I reach her knees.
Running my hands back up her outer thighs as I kiss the soft skin on the inside of them, she parts the strong muscles for me. This new position of staring directly at her cum covered pussy sends a new kind of determination through me.
I hesitate, glancing back up at her face for approval before moving straight into kissing and gently licking her dripping cunt. Her shaking hand immediately comes to gently hold the back of my head, her long veiny fingers threading themselves into my hair. I eat her out almost teasingly for a few minutes, holding back from sucking too hard or for too long. She seems to notice the teasing nature of my tongue.
“Babe,” is all she says softly, immediately glancing away and looking back at me with nerves. I don’t pause my tongue, I simply look up and meet her pleading brown eyes. Moving one hand from its tight grip on her hips, I run my fingers over the divots and lines of her abs and ribs, making sure she feels it. The newfound freedom of her hip means she immediately pushes down onto my face slightly.
I pull away entirely, earning me an annoyed glare and the sight of my usually tough top girlfriend throwing her head back onto the pillow in frustration.
“Eyes on me baby,” is all I say in a tone far lower than I expected. The warm brown of her eyes changes from sassy annoyance to one of shock and desire when I, without breaking eye contact, lean down slightly and spit directly onto her already wet pussy.
Diving down to clean up my mess, I eat her out with the fervor and pressure she clearly has been wanting. I’m met with a shocked moan and strong arching hips almost fighting against me to push further into my mouth. I lick up and down her folds, concentrating my lips on her clit.
I manage to keep my girlfriends hips down just long enough for her breath to pick up again, her thighs to start to squeeze around my head, and her hand to push me almost painfully close into her cunt, my nose barely peaking out over her warm mound.
Just as she sucks in a gasp of air, telling me she’s close, I pull away. “No, fuck you oh my god no,” she says, pleading. Her hand that was resting by her side comes up to cover her face, pushing loose hair out her eyes and brow. I smile at her frustration, it meaning she felt good. But I can make her feel better.
I kiss the thigh directly to my right softly, a small sign of remorse for my angry girlfriend. “Babe I swear to god if you don’t-“ I cut off her whining by sucking on her clit, hard. Her protest turns into a moan, half silenced by her hand now over her mouth. Gently flicking and pinching her nipples along with my mouth practically devouring her pussy, it’s not a surprise when my girlfriends heavy breathing picks up again, her thighs fight against my tight hold, and her back begins to arch just slightly. I hear a flurry of small curse words mumbled under her breath get more and more frequent. I press on her toned lower stomach gently, knowing the pressure inside her surely clenching cunt might’ve been enough to push her over the edge into pure pleasure. If I didn’t stop my movements and pull away. Again.
She punches the bed next to her, getting more than frustrated now. “Please oh my god I was so fucking close,” she says through spit slick and bitten lips, her eyes almost glassy. Cait rarely bottomed, let alone pleaded with me.
I kiss up her abs again, knowing her frustration at me is only because of her denied pleasure. Clearly she’s sobered up enough now to be vocal about what she wants, because by the time I get to her tits she’s talking again.
“Babe I am so serious what the fuck was that for I’ve been good I didn’t even move that much I just wanted you to-“ by the time I’ve reached her neck, I slide my middle two fingers into her rapidly moving mouth, effectively shutting her up. Despite her anger, Caitlin eagerly sucks on my fingers again, her warm mouth enveloping the metal and my nails. I sit myself atop her abs, maintaining eye contact as I push my fingers deeper that she can comfortably take, sliding them back out halfway before she gags.
I continue this motion until the fire in her eyes has dimmed slightly, showing me she won’t fight me when I slide a third finger into her mouth. My pointer finger however, doesn’t just have her beloved wrap around spoon ring, but a simple twisted band sits past my first knuckle, halfway down my finger. She clearly feels it on her tongue, because her eyes flutter slightly when it brushes far back in her mouth.
Submitting before me, I let myself rest and put my whole body weight on her torso, knowing the strong girl beneath me won’t be hurt by my smaller frame. (I’m totally not transported back to when she made me grind on her abs without any help as punishment for leaving a hickey so far down on her thigh it peaked out her basketball shorts. Thankfully it could’ve been mistaken as a small bruise but she was annoyed nonetheless.)
I decide she’s coated my fingers well enough, pulling out until only the very tips rest inside her mouth again. The pretty brunette takes in large gulps of air, spit dripping out of her mouth with every pant. Without moving myself, I reach the saliva covered hand behind me, and in once swift motion plunge two dripping nimble fingers inside my girlfriend.
Her reaction is instant, finally receiving what she’s been begging for, and so intently focused on. “Oh shit,” she says, I’m assuming mainly at the fact that the rings she’s been obsessing over and asked me to keep on were now inside of her, assisting me inside her tight walls. The pace of my middle two fingers pick up, causing her to arch slightly despite my weight on her torso.
“See? Was it so hard to be patient?” I say slightly teasing, grinding my hips forward to stop her from giving me a sassy remark. Caitlins large hands encase my hips, guiding me slightly forward and backward while I continue my relentless pace inside her. The pressure of her flexing abs beneath me combined with her poorly held back moans and breathy sighs when I curl my fingers up into her g spot were enough to send shocks of pleasure up into me, even through my underwear.
My hand begins to hurt uncomfortably from the awkward angle and speed, but I wouldn’t dare slow my grinding or my movements inside her. I plant my hand on her chest, using it as leverage to push myself onto her lower stomach. My hips now act as external pressure, eliciting a whine from my girlfriend. She turns her head to the side, panting with her eyes shut.
A constant buzz of pleasure fills me, so I decide to add a third finger to further Caitlin along.
“Thank you,”Is what I receive in return, the cool metal of my spoon ring and knuckle ring now deep inside her. My third finger was clearly what she needed to amp up her pleasure.
“How long?” I ask.
“What?” She says, clearly confused and fuzzy from the stimulation. “How long have you wanted this,” I slow my movements, hoping to get an answer.
She meets my eyes for just a moment, but lays her head back again and closes them, licking her lips in avoidance. I press my fingers into her as deep as they can reach, hard. She gasps.
“It doesn’t-“ another thrust, “it doesn’t matter okay.”
I stop my movements all together.
“Answer my question and you can finish, prettygirl,” I drawl, hoping the pet name I knew as her weakness would help my case.
“I said-“ she starts sassily, I begin to pull my fingers out at her denial.
“Wait wait fuck, no okay,” she rushes out, meeting my eyes desperately and trying to reach past my hip to grab my wrist unsuccessfully. I raise my eyebrows, keeping my fingers half out of her, feeling her pulse around the tips.
She takes a few steadying breaths, and opens her mouth to talk while still turning her head away from me. A simple glide of my hand off her chest and onto her chin allows me to turn her to look at me. “I won’t ask again, how long have you wanted my rings to stay on.”
“A while…” she appears to be thinking hard despite her clear embarrassment, “probably since that day in the car.” She says.
I wrack my brain as to what she’s referring to, and recall a late night drive turned quick fuck in the backseat after I said I couldn’t sleep.
She had ridden my fingers in my lap with her hand around my neck, not choking me but it was the thought that I knew she could that did it. She had sat herself atop my thighs, only taking the time to take off my middle two rings before sinking herself down onto my fingers, her own already working me up for my second orgasm. It was a rushed affair full of bitten lips, necks left bruised and seats left stained. Cait had confessed to me while driving that she thought about what it would be like to be rougher with me, leaving more marks and even choking.
This night however, was over three weeks ago, and we had fucked many times after that (many incorporating her rougher thoughts).
“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted them inside you,” I whisper, leaning down slightly to take the weight off my hips, but also to force her to keep looking at me.
“Didn’t know if it’d be okay and…” she trails off. I give her a moment before she gathers any courage she has left and finishes, “it meant having to ask you to keep them on, and bottoming at the same time and that’s just- I can’t just-“ she sighs, clearly embarrassed and frustrated.
“From now on I want you to tell me if there’s something like this on your mind, okay? And besides,” I lean down close to her ear, making her breath hitch, “you’re so fuckin pretty when you’re flustered.” I make my point by plunging my fingers back into her, and she gasps before I kiss her neck, sitting back up.
I return to my relentless pace, hoping to actually make her finish after all this teasing and edging.
With all three decorated fingers now seated deep inside her wet, pulsing cunt, I bring my thumb up to circle her clit. The closest thing I’ve ever gotten to a true moan from my girlfriend graces my ears, spurring me to start grinding again.
Minutes into this process, she bucks her hips hard enough to make me gasp. Her thighs start to shake a steady rhythm. Each time I would push back in, her hips would grind down into my hand, and her strong thighs would twitch when I began to pull back out. Her gasps and breathing turned to swears and whines, telling me she was close.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck, I’m- babe don’t stop, please I swear don’t stop I’ll be good don’t stop,” she repeats a mantra of cuss words and pleas the closer she gets to finishing. Her promise of being good is new, but we’ll come back to that. Her slick is already pouring out of her and onto my stiffening hand.
I wouldn’t dream of denying her again. Besides, she’s strong, and scary when she’s mad.
Her legs bend inwards, head thrown back, mouth gasping and attempting to form words, and she finishing on my hand with a loud whine as her nails dig into my hips. I feel her cunt squeeze around all three fingers, her cum making each of them slide in and out as I keep my steady pace, bringing her through her second -but well deserved- orgasm. Her twitching and clear pleasure sends me over the edge with her, my own body tensing and arching on top of hers.
The thought of what we look like from the outside keeps the shockwaves of pleasure coming.
Finally, I slow my grinding and fingers to a stop, catching my breath a moment before I fall over. My girl looks fucked out beneath me, and I see a single tear track run down the side of her face.
I slowly pull my fingers out of her, which causes Caitlin to open her eyes like it was the hardest thing ever. I make sure she’s looking when I suck her juices off my fingers, going back in with my tongue to get her cum from around my rings.
I finally find the energy to roll off her, keeping my arm strewn across her rib cage as we both catch our breaths. “You did so good baby,” I say, kissing her cheek and moving closer to her warm body that was glistening with sweat. A soft “mhm,” is all I get in return, exhaustion clearly plaguing my girlfriend.
“You gotta go pee sweet girl,” I say softly, moving hair out of her face and eyes. “Of course after fucking me within an inch of my life the first thing you’re thinking about is a UTI,” Caitlin laughs with her voice taking on a rougher note, telling me she was louder than I thought.
“I’ll take it you liked it then?” I tease. “Yeah you asshole, I did,” she says in response, referencing my edging and mean tactics. I smile, kissing her cheek, followed by her temple and forehead. My hands tenderly rub over her stomach and hips as I try to soothe any other aches.
Finally she pulls away from my grasp, heading towards her adjoining bathroom.
While Caits gone, I take off my rings finally, making a mental note to wash them really well later, and slip under the covers, removing my soaked underwear in the process. Her warm body slides into the bed next to mine, her long arms enveloping me in a blanket of comfort, despite our earlier actions.
She speaks first, “I do trust you, you know that.” I wait for her to continue, “It’s just hard for me to say what I want to say, you make me nervous you know.”
I don’t know what I was expecting, but this fragile confession wasn’t it. I turn in her arms to face her. My hands find her face immediately, her vulnerable eyes finding mine in return. I stare into her beautiful features for a moment, just savoring this bubble of time. “I’ll always be patient with you when it matters,” is all I softly say, hoping she gets my message.
“Besides, you’re always in charge, what’s wrong with me making you nervous for once.” I joke. This makes Caitlin laugh, her hands ghosting over my back. She kisses me softly, melting my body and soul into hers. She’s the first to pull away after a few heartbeats, “I love you,” she whispers into my lips.
I kiss her again before replying, “I love you too, even if you think I’m scary.”
“Woah now I said you make me nervous, ain’t no one afraid of your 5’6” ass.” She says through small laughter. I pretend to act offended, even turning my head towards the ceiling to avoid her.
Her gentle hand cups my jaw, turning my face back towards her before saying, “I love your ass though if that counts for anything.” Her comment earns her a slap on the bicep and a disapproving head shake, even if I’m smiling ear to ear throughout my scolding.
She pulls me closer before I can say anything else. So close it feels like she’s trying to weld our hearts together, my head tucked into her neck and hers resting on my shoulder.
Eventually I hear her breathing even out, and I too join her in dreamland to the thought of how lucky I am to have a girl like Caitlin, even if I’m scary.
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bloodygnqv · 4 months
Oh Say Can You See
John Price x fem reader
cw: smut!! minors dni!, size difference (reader is described as small but dw there’s no infantilization), uuuh i think that’s it??
A/N: fuck the national anthem it’s a lana song. it’s been a while since i’ve written smut hope you enjoy anyway bless you all xx 🙏🏻
“Are you okay, love?” John asks you from where you’re laying on your side.
He’s all warmth and comfort, musk and tobacco and leather, a stark contrast between the feminine fruits and spring flowers and candy you enjoy wearing.
His voice is a quiet rumble, the crackle of a fireplace, the roar of an engine, the step on snow.
“Mhm, yeah,” you reply, sleepy and pliant, “Just really missed you.”
John lays on his side as well, cuddling you from behind. He’s always been the bigger spoon, arms and hands so large, so strong he can fully wrap them around your waist, cup your breasts in his palms, keep you to himself. His greed for you and your affection lodges in his throat.
You can feel him hardening against your back, and you stifle a small smile. “Go ahead, John, I’ve been waiting all day,” you whisper, your own desire sparkling in your belly, black milk and rose red and the veil of longing.
“God, you’re soaking. That needy pussy just needs some attention, huh?” His fingers slide against your slit gently as you whimper an affirmative and lift your leg a bit to give him access.
“I can take you, John, really, you can just slide in,” you mumble, stroking at his thigh greedily.
“Are you sure, sweetheart? You’re so small and I haven’t prepped you, you know it might hurt…”
Concern laces his voice like poison ivy. It almost makes you melt — he’s always been like this from the moment you two got together, soft care and love so strong it almost suffocates you.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I played with myself earlier..”
“Okay then,” he permits. He taps the head of his dick over your pussy, still not going in, syrupy whines escaping your throat.
And then his cock notches at your leaky entrance, slowly going in, and every little nag and annoying pesky thought hide somewhere in the back of your head.
“Oh,” you gasp and look down to where you two are connected.
John isn’t very long, but he’s thick, thick enough that you feel the stretch every single time you have sex. He carves out a place for himself in you, Galatea and Pygmalion, gentle marble across your legs (his large hands completely envelop the expanse of your thighs, leaving galaxy marks in his wake).
“Yeah,” John breathes, heavy, grunting out a response, “That’s it. Almost there, love, you can take it. Shit, you’re tight…”
You mewl, hands scraping for purchase against the duvet as he runs his fingers through your hair, his beard tickling your neck, whispering cotton candy filth in your ear. You know he’s already pushed in as you feel his heavy balls snug against your ass.
“There you go. Feels good, eh?”
“It does,” you whimper. There’s the slightest touch of too much, tiniest specks of pain, but they’re quickly chased away by the time John starts thrusting lazily. You’re not gonna last long, and if John’s satisfied grunts are anything to go by, he isn’t, either.
You grab his thick arm from where it’s perched over the gentle curve of your waist, delicate wrist teasing the underside of his palm and intertwining your fingers.
You’ve never felt more at home. You’re exactly where you need and want to be, ballad-like moans and late comfortable nights, devoted eyes and lust as a virtue. John’s filling you up just right, quenching the thirst that has simmered in you all day, pushing you off the edge.
John’s other hand reaches around and starts playing with your clit, just enough pressure in circles to bring you over the edge. He always goes the extra mile when it comes to expressing his love through pleasure, making your legs shake, newborn fawn, you are, seeing constellations and new planets beneath your eyelids.
“I’m gonna cum,” you murmur.
“Go ahead, baby. I missed you so, so much, my beautiful girl,” John rasps, peppering small kisses on the canvas of your neck.
There it is — the explosion of feeling and love and pleasure in your tummy, crawling down your legs and up your arms, making you moan and fist the sheet under your body.
Your orgasm pushes John to the edge, and you can feel his spend spilling in the crevice of your cunt, loud groans echoing in the corners of your ears, arms tightening around your small frame. That’s his favorite place to cum in, warm velvet around him, all that love that burns like a motor in his skin.
John pulls out slowly and lovingly cleans you up as your consciousness slips away from you. It’s been a long, long day, and the great sex is but your favorite way to release tension and put you in that space between wake and sleep.
The afterglow sneaks its way in your vein as you lay across John’s thick, hairy chest and close your eyes. This is your favorite time of day, all warm and snug and happy.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart.”
His caress always feels like a blanket, a balm to soothe your wounds, a hazy morning dream you don’t want to wake up. It makes you all the more grateful, lying with the man you love in a space you two made.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
scara smut halloween theme!
we’re carving pumpkins together and he has the idea to carve a little hole for his yk and he tells us to pull the guts out of the carved pumpkin but instead we grab his dick and things escalate from there
Halloween smut. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Blowjob. Overstimulation. Pumpkin carving.
I wasn't very confident in myself when I wrote this, honestly..
Scaramouche scoffed you, rolling his eyes when you told him you wanted to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. "How childish," He said as he lifted the pumpkin onto the table. You'd chosen a pretty good sized one from the pumpkin patch.
You looked so excited about this silly little tradition that it was almost too cute.
"I love doing this every year," You said, picking up the knife. You stabbed it enthusiastically into the top of the pumpkin.
"Okay, no more knife for you," It was both incredibly sexy, and a little frightening to see you stab the knife into the pumpkin like that excitedly. He wasn't going to lie, it made him hard. "Find a pattern on your phone you want me to carve for you."
And he didn't want to risk you cutting your delicate little fingers either.
You pouted your lower lip out for a moment while scrolling through patterns on your phone. He looked relieved when you showed him a fairly simple pattern.
Scaramouche set to work carving the pumpkin. Honestly, he would never admit this, but this was fun for him. And maybe he wanted to impress you with his pumpkin carving skills.
"Huh? What's up?" You asked, seeing he was looking at one of holes for the eyes in contemplation.
He looked right at you, smirked and said, "What do you think it would feel like if I stuck my dick in there?
You immediately blushed."Scara, I don't think that would equal-" Why did boys have such a fascination for holes of any kind?
Before you could finish, he cut off you off with a scoff. His smirk however never left his face. "Go on, take the guts out," He crossed his arms, and raised an eyebrow. "With your hand." He pushed the scooping spoon off the table when you reached for it.
The guts looked squishy and gross. If you weren't going to encourage him in his curious endeavor, then he wanted to see you squirm a little as payback.
"Scara, seriously?" You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Do it~," He said teasingly. "What's the matter? Think it would be too gross." He laughed when you sighed and reached into the top of the pumpkin. You refused to let him dent your pride.
Scaramouche wasn't expecting his cock to twitch and throb hearing your fingers slosh around in the pumpkin as you scooped the guts out into your hand. "It sounds just like my fingers when they squelch in and out of your hole."
"Quiet from the peanut gallery," You replied, dropping the guts from your hand onto the plate. You looked at him, and saw the growing tent in his pants.
Your back talking only made his cock strain more in his pants. Scaramouche's eyes widened, his breath hitching in his throat when you dropped to your knees in front of him. At first he thought you were going to grab the scooping spoon off the floor, so he kicked it away under the table. "The guts aren't down there."
"No, they aren't. But, your cock is," You replied, looking up at him with a blush on your cheeks. His teasing warranted some payback of your own.
"Can't resist me long enough to carve a pumpkin, hm?" He purred, looking down at you as you unbuttoned his pants.
"Remember what I said about comments from the peanut gallery," You replied over Scaramouche's groan of relief when you took his cock out.
"Tch, listen here, you little-" He grit his teeth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as you prodded your tongue on the head of his leaking cock. He grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling on it before he brought your mouth closer to his cock.
You sucked wetly on the tip, wrapping your hand around it and squeezing. That made his hips jerk forward. "Fuck, I almost cummed when you did that,' He groaned, forcing your mouth down on his cock.
Your eyes widened, tears stinging in your eyes as he abruptly pushed his cock into your throat. It throbbed in your mouth, your throat spasming as your coughed. You adjusted your breathing, vibrating a long moan on his entire length.
You flattened your tongue on the vein that bulged to the surface, sucking when Scaramouche started thrusting into your mouth. The more pleasure your mouth brought him, the tighter he gripped your hair. He needed to do it to ground himself because you always sucked him off exactly how he liked it.
Messy and sloppy. Drool poured from your mouth to soak into his cock, his thighs trembling as he fucked himself into your throat. You nuzzled his pelvis, making yourself choke on his cock. He whimpered in pleasure when you immediately started sucking again after you coughed.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," He cursed, holding your head in place, mindlessly thrusting into your mouth. "Don't stop sucking until I cum," He tugged on your hair. "You know I fucking love it when you moan pathetically on my cock."
You vibrated a pleased moan along his length, bobbing your head up to suck on the tip again. After a few moments, he hastily stuffed his cock in your mouth again, filling your mouth with cum.
Your mouth felt utterly worshipping as you sucked him off through his orgasm. However, your kept your hands on his thighs when he let go of your hair. Remember that payback?
You didn't stop sucking. This payback was coming in the form of overstimulation. You ground your mouth on his cock, making him whimper louder as he leaned against the wall. His knees shook and nearly buckled.
Scaramouche's head was starting to spin, the dull ache of overstimulation washing over him. He could barely find coherent words, the curling and licking of your tongue as you sucked was nothing short of exquisite to him.
He rubbed his fingers through your scalp, whimpers bleeding into moans. Panting he pulled your mouth off of his cock, looking down at you with a lustful glare. "You have 5 seconds to breathe before I fucking cum down your throat again.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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thecraftgremlin · 17 days
Another day another wood carving attempt. Today I made a little spoon:
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And I only cut myself once this time! Progress!
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formlines · 1 year
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Hlj'yaan K_'ustaan (Frog Spoon)
Alyson Bell Xundaaya
from the website: This frog spoon was one of my assignments at Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art. I've always loved frogs. In my childhood, my friends and I would collect frog eggs in the early summer. We would put the eggs in large buckets in our yards and furnish them with rocks, moss, and other plants. It was thrilling to see them hatch, develop arms and legs, lose their tails and eventually take off when fully mature.
I’ve seen old carvings with figures carved from a single piece of wood, looking like they could pop right off the piece. I wanted to challenge myself in this aspect and make it look as though the frog could hop away whenever he pleases.
- Alyson Bell (Xundaaya)
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
“Now,” Arezu began whistfully, “Not to pit two exquisite Ladies against each other, but - if they had to fight, who do you think would win between Lady Lilligant and Lady Sneasler?”
“Sneasler,” Ingo replied instantly.
There was a hot second of stunned silence.
“No hesitation, huh,” Mai noted.
“I am basing myself purely on typing,” the man began explaining as he briefly stopped carving the second wooden spoon he would give as a traditional wedding gift to Palina and Iscan: “If both had been pure Fighting it would have been a perfectly fair fight, but Lilligant has the disadvantage of being part Grass, which Poison happens to be supereffective against.”
“That’s why your Tangela hates me,” Melli commented.
“She does not,” Ingo replied.
“Why does she suffocate me then?”
“I have told you already, her hugs are not an attempt at your life, she is simply made out of a mass of vines which can sometimes result in hazardous situations despite her best intentions.”
“Is there someone Lady Lilligant could take on?” Arezu distracted them.
Ingo turned to her without missing a beat: “Avalugg, Basculegion, and possibly Kleavor, though it would be a very tight match.”
“No she could not take on Lord Avalugg!” Gaeric blurted out.
“He is doubly weak to Fighting and his Rock type would not do him many favors against Grass,” the other man replied, shattering his hopes in one fell swoop.
“But he’s-!” the warden fumbled on his words for a moment, waving his arms vehemently to find a comprehensible enough way to explain himself before having to resort to just: “Big!”
“Fair argument!” Ingo admitted. “But typing wise, he’d be done for. It’s a very unfortunate pair, mostly on account of neither type covering the other’s weaknesses. He would similarly lose against Sneasler, Arcanine, Basculegion, Electrode, Kleavor, and... No, that should be it, I believe. Ursaluna would would put up a valuable effort, but wouldn't survive the Ice. My condolences, Miss Calaba.”
The woman didn’t even move from where she napped, just gave him an ok.
Melli laughed at the disheartened Gaeric.
Mai smacked him to get him to stop.
“He’d be good against Braviary,” Sabi predicted.
That got her a gentle pat on her head, away from the braids she was getting done: “Indeed,” Ingo nodded, “Flying is weak to both Ice and Rock. He’d also fare pretty badly against Kleavor - Bugs are awful for Psychic types.”
“But he’d be good against Sneasler?”
“Oh, he’d decimate her. Both of his types are supereffective against her. Wyrdeer too, she’d have no chance against him. For more information on how weak Poison is to Psychic please refer to Melli and his many defeats at the spoons of Alakazam.” and he ducked to evade a halfhearted slap. “Also Ursaluna! Ground is another powerful weakness of the vitriolic type. Congratulations, Miss Calaba.”
She gave him a thumbs up and continued not caring.
Palina hummed, struggling for a moment with Sabi’s green hair as she tried to untangle a knot: “How’d my young Lord do?” she asked with genuine curiousity: “He hasn’t been mentioned much, has he?”
“Fire type seldom has trouble in matchups, so he’d be fairly fortunate in a fight against most of his fellow Nobles...” the expert mumbled: “Lilligant, Kleavor, Avalugg as I’ve mentioned, Electrode - Ursaluna would asphalt him, though. Together with Basculegion they are his worst enemies. In a fight, of course, I’m well aware they’re on excellent terms.”
Iscan waved a little to reassure him: “The Lord isn’t a big fighter anyways, he probably wouldn’t do too well.”
“Oh, he’d be quite good actually! Plenty of the Nobles would be in trouble against his Water and Ghost combination, he’s rather fiersome! Electrode is the only one to be a total threat to him - those two are probably the ones to look out for the most. Terrific typings, the both of them.”
His sleeve was tugged to take him out of his musings: Lian twisted his mouth at him to properly figure out how to express his question, looking particularly pissed as he side-eyed what Ingo refused to look at but knew was probably a very smug Diamond warden with a burning desire to bury the guy alive, which would have severely worsened not just inter-clan relationships but also the fairly relaxed gathering they were having.
“So - this is all just, theories, right,” the kid began.
“Yes, based on types.”
Lian hummed deeply, pressing his mouth flat, and a fairly well-known feeling he could only denominate as Oh No took over Ingo as he dreaded the question.
“So you could tell who would win between Almighty Palkia and Dialga?”
Now that was something not to be touched with a 25 and a half foot pole, as evidenced by the other Pearl wardens shooting a glare at Lian and most of their Diamond counterparts paling notably.
Ingo, bless his heart, completely lost the religious implications somewhere in the cogs of his battle-analitycal machine churning in his brain.
“That would require an actual battle to be determined, actually!” he answered without missing a beat: “Both of them are Dragon types, meaning they have at the same time a massive advantage and disadvantage on one another, so effectively the chance at one prevailing over the other just based on that is rendered null, and since their secondary typings of Steel and Water are completely neutral to one another, a fight between the two of them would end up being rather balanced. It would also probably be an incredible spectacle with a very high chance of completely tearing reality as we know it apart according to professor Laventon’s studies, so it would be best for them and the rest of the world to remain on good terms and never have the chance to settle the score between them if they had any to settle.”
The young warden mumbled an agreement.
Not the way anybody expected a bomb like that to be defused.
But oh thank fuck it worked!
“What about the third one?” Iscan asked meekly. “The worm?”
Ingo buffered for a second: “Dragon-Ghost,” he recalled. “Same exact situation as the other two. No certain prevailing, and we should hope not to find out.”
“Ghost is good against Ghost, right?” Palina intervened.
The man nodded. A funny thought striked him: “With enough determination, it could be taken down by Basculegion. And by Avalugg as well.”
Gaeric cheered at his Lord’s good honor being restored.
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Hello, I’m back once again with another Marko request. Can you use prompt number 6. "I tried to carve a pumpkin." Every Halloween I have a tendency to choose elaborate pumpkin designs and it’s always the luck of the draw weather or not I can make it turn out well, most of the time it’s a mangled mess though XD
Hahaha I know the struggle, every time I try to carve a pumpkin I end up with something that looks incredibly wonky 😅 thank you for requesting! I hope you like this💜
The kitchen was lit brightly with candles, the smell of cinnamon filling the air as the wax slowly melted away. On the old radio on top of the fridge was a tune playing, and old one from the fifties, the guitar riffs played by Chuck Berry echoing through the room. In the middle of the kitchen, on the kitchen island, we're three large pumpkins waiting to be carved. Papertemplates were spread out next to them, just as the knifes, a tiny drill and spoons.
I looked at it with a satisfied grin, a ballpoint pen in hand. This year, I told myself, this year I would successfully carve a pumpkin. No squared corners. No simple smiley face. No, this year it would be artistic. Tasteful. It would be screaming Halloween.
So, for obvious reasons, instead of a happy pumpkin face, I went with three different scary ones.
I took the ballpoint pen, tracing the designs I picked out upon the thick skin of the fruit. It was a good start, I decided. The designs looked great. Now, it was only a matter of carving it neatly.
As I drilled a small hole in the middle of the eye of the biggest pumpkin, I was met with a violent splash of orange goo.
I pulled the drill out, turning the pumpkin upside down. In all my enthusiasm, I had forgotten to hollow it out first. With an annoyed sigh, I cut the bottom off, immediately deciding to do it with the other two as well, before hollowing them. I took my spoon, and with some effort, I managed to get th insides of the pumpkins clean. Or at least, clean enough.
The kitchen, however, was no longer recognisable as clean. Pumpkinseeds were everywhere, spread around the counter and the sink. The flesh of the pumpkin, the juices - it was a rightful mess. I contemplated cleaning it up now but decided to do it when I was finished. There was no use in cleaning the same counter twice if I was still going to be messy.
As I began to drill a hole in the hollowed out pumpkin, the doorbell rang loudly. I looked up, the drill moving up, causing the stem of the pumpkin to fly off.
I jumped backwards, slipping on some pumpkinseeds. I groaned as I got up, annoyed as I heard the bell ring again, and made my way to the front door.
"What?" I snapped as I opened it, softening my gaze when I realised who was standing in front of me. I hadn't realised we had a date today, but of course we had. I shook my head, looking at him with an apologetic gaze. "Sorry, rough night."
"Yeah?" Marko stepped in as I welcomed him, "what gave you been up to?"
"Well," I lead him towards the kitchen, motioning towards the mess I'd made, "I tried to carve a pumpkin."
Marko looked at me, then at the mess, and back at me again. "Did you have to kill the pumpkin before carving it?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "No."
"Was the pumpkin bad?" He had a teasing grin, causing me to sigh.
"Very. Obviously it didn't want to be carved."
"Maybe that's because it knows it should be a two man job."
"Oh yeah? Who's the other -"
"I should call Paul for help, he's up for it."
Marko chuckled as he pulled me close. It was nice, comforting, and warm as we stood there. "You know I'd only carve pumpkins with you," I told him, not letting go of the hug.
"I know. Still, I think butchering three pumpkins before I got here is a bit excessive."
"Well, they should have behaved," I shrugged.
"Are you still up for carving?"
"What do you think? I didn't butcher them for nothing!" I said, a small smile on my face.
We both sat at the kitchen island, on opposite sides. The pumpkin I had started to work on before he got here was declared dead - with the top being drilled off by accident, it would take a lot to make it look somewhat decent. The other two were beginning to look like something. Mine was still a bit wonky, but not so much as the year prior. It was a recognisable scary face, and I was certain it would look awesome with a candle burning inside.
Marko, as was to be expected, had made a whole damn artwork. He'd carved that scene from nosferatu, with the shadow of the count moving on the wall. It looked creepy and totally awesome.
"Isn't it a bit on the nose?" I asked as I stood next to him, looking at his finished work.
"Who will believe that a vampire carved a scene from a vampire movie?"
I chuckled, shaking my head. "I really like it."
"The vampire carving, movie or me?"
I thought for a bit, looking at him playfully. "How about I get back to you on that?"
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satanachia666 · 2 months
Astaroth's Menstrual Moon Ritual
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Astaroth’s Menstrual Moon Ritual uses the powers of lunar energy and menstruation to manifest specific intentions and desires. In this ritual, one gives offerings of menstrual blood and rose petals to Astaroth in exchange for the manifestation of intentions and desires. This ritual has helped me deepen my connection to the Great Duke/Duchess of Hell, and I hope it does the same for anyone interested in performing it on their own!
Perform this moon ritual with Astaroth while menstruating and feeling well enough to actually do the ritual. Some of us experience more severe period pain and discomfort than others, including myself. I speak from experience when I say that doing a ritual is usually/often not doable when one is experiencing severe PMS and menstruation symptoms. I intentionally made this ritual short so I could do it while operating with lower spoons. I’ve found that making rituals accessible according to my needs leads to the most effective ritual performance and better results. Feel free to adapt this ritual according to your specific practice and needs, regardless of whether those needs are physical or spiritual.
This ritual is best performed under a moon in a Venus-related zodiac sign, but feel free to perform it during any moon phase. The best times to perform this ritual are at night, sunset, and sunrise. This ritual has only 8 steps, so it’s flexible enough to do on its own or incorporate into a larger ritual.
A rose gold, red, or pink chime candle
Dried rose petals
A cauldron or burning bowl
Astaroth’s seal drawn on a piece of paper - Feel free to write your intentions on the back!
Most Importantly: Menstrual Blood!
Carve words or symbols related to your intention(s) into a rose gold, red, or pink candle.
2. Light the candle and say the following invocation and incantation:
Hail Astaroth! Demon of love, lust, beauty, creativity, and friendship! Great Duke of Hell! I’ve lit this candle in your honor. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, I call upon you with full love and respect: Please bless, charge, and empower this candle so as it burns, my intention(s) of _____ manifest to full fruition for me in my life. So mote it be!
3. Hold up a cauldron or burning bowl with flowers in it and say:
Hail Astaroth! I offer these rose petals to you as a gift and sacrifice from the bottom of my heart. These rose petals represent your star-kissed beauty, power, passion, and prosperity. Please accept these rose petals as an expression of my love and esteem for you. As these rose petals intermingle with the elements, my intention(s) of _____ become my lived, tangible reality. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
4. Meditate and/or chant as the candle burns. While doing so, focus on attuning to Astaroth’s energy and receiving her/his messages.
5. Hold up a paper with Astaroth’s seal on one side, with or without your intentions written on the other side. While holding Astaroth’s seal on paper, state your intention to offer menstrual blood to Astaroth:
Hail Astaroth! As a final gift and sacrifice to you, I shall anoint your seal with my menstrual blood and burn it so you receive its smoke in this realm and all others realms beyond it. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, my intentions of fully manifest for me in my life. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
6. Anoint the seal with menstrual blood. Once the paper dries, burn it with the rose petals present in the cauldron. Once it’s done burning, thank Astaroth verbally or in your thoughts.
7. State your intention to scatter the rose petals nearby, outside, and/or somewhere dear to you:
Hail Astaroth! Thank you for accepting the offerings I’ve extended to you with love. I shall scatter these ashes upon the earth so my intentions become my lived, tangible reality. By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____, my intentions of _____ fully manifest for me in my life. Thank you, Astaroth, now and forevermore. So mote it be!
8. Scatter the ashes outside while saying a personal prayer to Astaroth. Keep an open awareness of signs, dreams, and visions from Astaroth.
🌕 Pearl Satanachia 🌕
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - Care For You
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Summary - Ruben takes care of sick Reader
You woke up to your body being sore and a pounding in your head. A loud pounding, that made you cover your ears with pillows.
"You okay?"
Somthing stirred beside you,  Ruben, turning around to face you.
"No." You groaned.
"Let me see."
You felt his hands search for you under the bed covers, they found your head but quickly withdrew.
"Shit, you're burning up."
"Yeah, I don't feel so good." You grunted.
Ruben peeled the covers from your body but you only crumbled with the cold sensation.
"Y/N, perhaps you should go see a doctor?"
"Yeah, I should probably go home." You said but did not move a muscle. You simply didn't have the strength to.
Ruben sat up in bed. "Don't worry I'll call for my doctor to come here." He got up and pulled the curtains.
"No Ruben please." You put up a hand in front of your face. "I don't want you to see me like this." The two of you had only gon out for two months and this had been your first time spending the night together. You did not feel comfortable showing Ruben all of you just yet.
"Y/N" He said, standing by the foot of the bed. "You probably have a fever. I'm not letting you leave without having somone check on you first."
"Fine." You sighed.
That morning was a blurr to you. As Ruben left for training he had a doctor come over and do a quick check up on you.
"As I suspected it seems like you have a slight case of the flu."
"The flu?" You frowned. "Is it contagious?" You thought of Ruben.
"It can be" The doctor said. "But considering you don't have an aggressive cough I would just recommend that you stay at home for a couple of days."
Just one problem, you thought. This was not your home but Rubens and you couldn't risk giving him the flu as well.
Once the doctor left you gathered all the strange you had to get out of bed. The last thing you remember was that you were gathering your things and got dressed. Things went dark after that.
"Y/N, are you okay? Y/N, can you hear me?"
"Ruben?" You struggle to open your eyes, but realized that you were lying on the floor. It was cold.
"Come here."
You felt a pair of strong arms cradled your body and soon you were lifted off the ground. Ruben chest was warm against the side of your face, his heartbeat calm and comforting.
"Please don't try to move." You heard Ruben say. He had carried you back to his bed, tucking you in between the sheets. He left you alone for a moment only to return minutes later with a tray of food.
"I think you should try to eat something." He caused a dip in the bed as he took a seat beside you, setting down the tray of food.
"Ruben." You sighed. "You shouldn't have to take care of me like this."
"Why not?" He frowned.
"Because..." You said, finding the strength to sit up in bed. "...We've barley gone out for two months, it's not like I'm your girlfriend. Besides, you could get sick as well."
Ruben shook his head and chuckled. "Fine." He said.
"Fine?" You frowned, confused to why Ruben stared at you with a slight grin on his face.
"Fine." He nodded. "You're are my girlfriend, can I take care of you now?"
"Ruben." You blushed.
You admired the way his smile carved his jaw as he looked to the tray set front of you. He gathered food onto a spoon ready to feed it to you. You chuckled as he raised the spoon towards your lips.
"Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I'm suddenly a baby you know." You partened your lips, allowing him to feed you. A mixture of delicious spices invaded your mouth. Ruben smiled seeing you enjoy his cooking.
"Why are you so stubborn on letting people take care of you?" He asked.
"Because..." You shrugged, but let Ruben shove another spoonful into your mouth. "I know I can do it myself."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you have to."
"Why Ruben?" You chuckled. "Do you have a sudden urge to take care of me or something?"
He shrugged his shoulders, to your surprise.
He looked to you with eyes so sincere.
"Ruben I...I really don't know what to say.
"Maybe we can take care of each other?" He said. "Since your my girlfriend and all that." There was a dent in his cheek when he smiled. You bowed your face to hide yours.
"I'd like that." You nodded.
"Of course. Ruben I would love to be your girlfriend. "
He set down the spoon and pulled you closer by grabbing your chin.
You sighed against his lips "Ruben I'm sick."
"I don't care." He muttered.
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floral-force · 1 year
hi!! can i request general relationsship headcanons for tbb x reader? like, what is each member like in a romantic relationship? :3
absolutely!! I hope you enjoy these ♥️
(requests are open! search the tags #prompt requests or #prompts and send me an ask!)
The Bad Batch x Reader Relationship Headcanons
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warnings: my blog is 18+ ONLY, no minors. some light innuendo sprinkled throughout, but not entirely NSFW. mention of trauma and body dysmorphia.
a/n: I headcanon Tech as autistic, and I myself am autistic. I mention this in Tech's headcanons.
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Crosshair x You
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I think Crosshair would be hesitant and nervous, hiding it under a smooth, smug exterior.
His feelings for you have grown beyond being platonic, and it scares him.
When you admit your feelings to him, his reaction is so blasé that you walk away to sit in the cabin of the Marauder with Tech and Echo.
After a day of ignoring each other, he finally approaches you while you're alone in your bunk to confess his feelings and give an ultra-rare apology.
He struggles with giving you verbal forms of affection at first. But as time goes on, and you tell him what you need and like to hear, he gets better.
Whispering soft praise in your ear after making a clean shot, calling you "doll" and "sweet one", making sure to tell you he appreciates you when you bring him food, water, or grease for his rifle...
"Where would I be without you, my sweet one?"
He's very possessive in public. A part of his body is always touching you--holding your hand, a hand around your waist, a grabbing your thigh when you're both sitting down...he needs the galaxy to know you are his and his only.
He makes sure to say that in your ear each time you're intimate in any way together. Growling it while kissing or having sex, whispering it when you're the little spoon...
Echo x You
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Echo has a hard time believing you have romantic feelings for him. He immediately tells you he feels the same, but also expresses his disbelief.
You know it stems from trauma and body dysmorphia, so you make sure to remind him every single day how handsome you find him, how amazing and sweet he is.
Of course Echo does the same! He isn't afraid to call you "sweetheart" or compliment you in front of the rest of The Batch.
He's a sweet, caring partner, always thinking of you. Sometimes, on missions, he'll surprise you with a random gift--one time it was a flower, another time it was a wood carving from local.
At first, he doesn't want to cuddle, preferring to only hold hands, sit side by side with your legs strewn over his lap. You ask if it's because of the way he sees himself, and he nods.
The day that he finally slips into your bunk, nesting his body behind yours, his chest to your back, you grin. Your sweet Echo finally trusts you completely.
And once he does, he is yours entirely--even more than he already was.
"You're so precious to me, my love."
He constantly has you in his sight and checks on you if you need to do work in the hull while he's needed in the cabin with Tech. Before he walks away, he always presses a kiss to your forehead and caresses your cheek with his hand.
Hunter x You
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He'd be the one confessing his feelings first. Even if you didn't feel the same, at least it'd be off his chest.
When you admit you feel the same, he grins and pulls you into a hug, repeating your name and then pulling back to kiss you.
One time, he tells you to stay on the Marauder with Omega, wanting to keep you safe. When you--and stubborn little Omega--refuse to stay behind, he caves (and never tries again). He can't say no to his girls.
Hunter is a protector through and through, always thoroughly checking you after a mission, almost never leaving your side if you're sick, reminding you to eat and drink if he noticed you hadn't.
He may not make his feelings for you blatantly known like Echo does, but The Batch can see the way he softens talking to or about you, a gentle smile teasing the corner of his mouth.
In private, he will be loving on you nonstop. Spooning in your bunk, gently caressing your body, calling you "baby", "my love," and more.
"I'm always here for you, baby, no matter what."
At a random cantina during a mission, a random stranger walked up to you and started flirting with you, and when Hunter noticed, he saw red.
He came up behind you and pulled you against him, and scared off the person with a threatening glare. Hunter was possessive in his own way, and it can definitely lead to more afterwards...
Tech x You
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You knew Tech struggled to pick up on hints and subtlety, so you asked to speak with him one day in the cabin and told him how you felt in a blunt, to-the-point way.
He was entirely blindsided, and actually put down the project he was working on. You saw a gentle blush on his cheeks as he admitted he felt the same, and had for a while.
Tech has some anxiety about being in a relationship. He explains to you that his struggle with showing affection in conventional ways is a feature of his autism, apologizing as he does.
You shush it away and embrace him, telling him you know how much he adores you and that you adore him entirely.
You and The Batch can see it in the way he looks at you, talks about you , and how he always invites you to the cabin if he's working there just so he can be close to you.
After that, he masks much less around you and starts to share his hidden area of interest--flora and fauna!
He calls you his "precious flower" one day when you're both sitting in the cabin and you give him a kiss.
"You're my precious flower, forever."
Tech slowly becomes more and more addicted to your touch--joining you in your bunk for cuddles, winding down with gentle kisses and his hands on your cheeks--and you can't get enough of his, either.
Wrecker x You
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Like Tech, I think he'd be surprised when you tell him how you feel, but absolutely overjoyed upon hearing it.
He'd always been helpful, but now it was almost overwhelming. He refused to let you move heavy crates even if you insisted you could handle it, and would snatch things off shelves for you even if you were about to grab it.
Wrecker adores how gentle you are, carefully tending to his injuries with soft hands. He always made sure to give your palms a kiss before planting one on your lips--his own way of saying "thank you."
He is a HUGE cuddler. Wrecker insists on you sleeping with him, claiming it's for your protection. The truth is, he selfishly loves the way you curl up and look so small next to him.
On the Marauder, he's careful not to be overly sappy in front of the rest of The Batch, unlike Echo. In private, though, he'll hold you close and compliment you endlessly.
Wrecker calls you his "star," saying it's because you light up his life even when things get dark.
When you tell him that you like the size difference between you two, he bites his lip and sweeps you into his arms and into his bunk.
"You're so incredible, my bright and beautiful star."
Whenever you're uncomfortable or feeling off, Wrecker is instantly by your side and refuses to leave. He'll always do whatever he can to help, whether it's making you laugh or lulling you to sleep.
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