#warden mai
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derpycatsu · 1 year ago
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i am still really abnormal and irregular about this game btw. if you even care
decided to draw more headcanony things too :-D first drawing is based on reincarnation apple by pinocchiop because i had it on repeat for over a week LOLOL
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maxaroniiiii · 1 year ago
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new au in my head wont leave me alone
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just-a-dinosaur-i-guess · 2 months ago
SOO normal about the exile part of pla actually. the way you leave the village in such a mirrored image of the way you entered. you enter walking slowly, cautious and afraid and alone. you don't know these people nor this town, and you are so scared.
when you leave, when you are forced to abandon it, people stare and whisper then too; they are afraid, wary and cautious of you, even as the echoes of what you've done for them are all around. the pokemon you brought in, that you helped them grow close to. you are leaving your home.
and then, when you go to help from the clans, as much as they want to repay you, they can't. not so directly and not so extremely. like all else, this has been a burden only you can bear, and it weighs heavy on you.
but despite that. despite that. they do not leave you hopeless.
cyllene leaves you with this:
If I might offer my advice. In this life, you will meet with both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view you is a choice only they can make. You cannot make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values.
lian and mai, while both saying they cannot help you:
I'm certain that somewhere in the vastness of Hisui, there is a place for you as well.
Do not abandon hope. Time solves all things. And besides, you seem to have a talent for making your own way in the world. I have no doubt you'll continue to find a path to walk.
the only thing they can do right now is believe in you; and make sure you keep believing in yourself.
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macaroonkitti · 9 months ago
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PLA replay means I have an excuse to post these
Irida redesign here btw :)
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patriamrealm · 2 months ago
Question about aspects. When someone gains an aspect and their body changes, are there certain challenges? Say if one person gains hooves/paws instead of keeping their feet, would they have to relearn how to walk or is it instinctual?
Yes! There are! It's often called the "Fawn Phase" because right after gaining aspects that change the bone structure of someone there is a short time where it's incredibly hard for them to figure out how to walk or move. However the moments right after gaining aspects are when it's most important to get used to the new structures. Absolutly no one should help people in the fawn phase while they are dealing with it.
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Mai got help right after gaining her aspects and she struggled walking for at least a month because of it.
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I actually explored this a bit in my fic and Ingo from ch 15 put it best,
"The moments after gaining ones aspects are most crucial. If someone’s limbs have been altered they must not have assistance lest the mind not adapt to the sudden change. Instead, it becomes a struggle to move as one should down the line.”
But there is a way to fix it and again he explains it best.
"You must battle. It will force the mind to align on the same tracks the body. It may take a few times but improvement will be instantly seen.”
In other words doing something that forces the mind to ignore the changes. The mind automatically adapts best in the fawn phase but help will negate that.
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gamerbeta · 2 months ago
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Hisui Hectic Holidays - Part 7! I'd be verrrry shocked if any of the ancestors saw a flying sleigh before lol.
On the last day of Christmas, Arceus gave to me…
Twelve Rillabooms drumming (Part 12) || Eleven Wardens piping (Part 11) || Ten Croagunks leaping (Part 10) || Nine Gardevoirs dancing (Part 9) || Eight Miltanks Moomoo Milking (Part 8) || Seven Swannas Swimming (Part 7) || Six Quaxlies Chilling (Part 6) || FIVE GHOLDENGOSSSS (Part 5) || Four Delibirds (Part 4) || Three Hawluchas (Part 3) || Two Turtwigs and Pidoves (Part 2) || And a Pidgey in a Pecha Tree! (Part 1)
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longlivethedragons · 21 days ago
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Nemona’s first impulse whenever she sees a new Pokémon is “I’m gonna fight it!” Unfortunately, due to her lack of stamina, plus how strong the Alpha Pokémon there can be, she has passed out multiple times, having to be brought back to safely by Goodra. Adaman is amazed that she hasn’t been too seriously hurt yet.
Oftentimes, Mai will end up being the one to help bandage her wounds, though she will always give her a stern talking too in the process.
Despite her stern language, Mai actually gets along with Nemona quite well. She kinda reminds her of Adaman when he was a bit younger, which is why she tries to look out for her. Too bad Nemona will just end up doing it all over again. ( The call of battle is too strong for her to ignore lol )
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ofowlsdinosaursanddragons · 23 days ago
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Mai and Dawn find a strange creature within the Obsidian Fieldlands.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years ago
“Now,” Arezu began whistfully, “Not to pit two exquisite Ladies against each other, but - if they had to fight, who do you think would win between Lady Lilligant and Lady Sneasler?”
“Sneasler,” Ingo replied instantly.
There was a hot second of stunned silence.
“No hesitation, huh,” Mai noted.
“I am basing myself purely on typing,” the man began explaining as he briefly stopped carving the second wooden spoon he would give as a traditional wedding gift to Palina and Iscan: “If both had been pure Fighting it would have been a perfectly fair fight, but Lilligant has the disadvantage of being part Grass, which Poison happens to be supereffective against.”
“That’s why your Tangela hates me,” Melli commented.
“She does not,” Ingo replied.
“Why does she suffocate me then?”
“I have told you already, her hugs are not an attempt at your life, she is simply made out of a mass of vines which can sometimes result in hazardous situations despite her best intentions.”
“Is there someone Lady Lilligant could take on?” Arezu distracted them.
Ingo turned to her without missing a beat: “Avalugg, Basculegion, and possibly Kleavor, though it would be a very tight match.”
“No she could not take on Lord Avalugg!” Gaeric blurted out.
“He is doubly weak to Fighting and his Rock type would not do him many favors against Grass,” the other man replied, shattering his hopes in one fell swoop.
“But he’s-!” the warden fumbled on his words for a moment, waving his arms vehemently to find a comprehensible enough way to explain himself before having to resort to just: “Big!”
“Fair argument!” Ingo admitted. “But typing wise, he’d be done for. It’s a very unfortunate pair, mostly on account of neither type covering the other’s weaknesses. He would similarly lose against Sneasler, Arcanine, Basculegion, Electrode, Kleavor, and... No, that should be it, I believe. Ursaluna would would put up a valuable effort, but wouldn't survive the Ice. My condolences, Miss Calaba.”
The woman didn’t even move from where she napped, just gave him an ok.
Melli laughed at the disheartened Gaeric.
Mai smacked him to get him to stop.
“He’d be good against Braviary,” Sabi predicted.
That got her a gentle pat on her head, away from the braids she was getting done: “Indeed,” Ingo nodded, “Flying is weak to both Ice and Rock. He’d also fare pretty badly against Kleavor - Bugs are awful for Psychic types.”
“But he’d be good against Sneasler?”
“Oh, he’d decimate her. Both of his types are supereffective against her. Wyrdeer too, she’d have no chance against him. For more information on how weak Poison is to Psychic please refer to Melli and his many defeats at the spoons of Alakazam.” and he ducked to evade a halfhearted slap. “Also Ursaluna! Ground is another powerful weakness of the vitriolic type. Congratulations, Miss Calaba.”
She gave him a thumbs up and continued not caring.
Palina hummed, struggling for a moment with Sabi’s green hair as she tried to untangle a knot: “How’d my young Lord do?” she asked with genuine curiousity: “He hasn’t been mentioned much, has he?”
“Fire type seldom has trouble in matchups, so he’d be fairly fortunate in a fight against most of his fellow Nobles...” the expert mumbled: “Lilligant, Kleavor, Avalugg as I’ve mentioned, Electrode - Ursaluna would asphalt him, though. Together with Basculegion they are his worst enemies. In a fight, of course, I’m well aware they’re on excellent terms.”
Iscan waved a little to reassure him: “The Lord isn’t a big fighter anyways, he probably wouldn’t do too well.”
“Oh, he’d be quite good actually! Plenty of the Nobles would be in trouble against his Water and Ghost combination, he’s rather fiersome! Electrode is the only one to be a total threat to him - those two are probably the ones to look out for the most. Terrific typings, the both of them.”
His sleeve was tugged to take him out of his musings: Lian twisted his mouth at him to properly figure out how to express his question, looking particularly pissed as he side-eyed what Ingo refused to look at but knew was probably a very smug Diamond warden with a burning desire to bury the guy alive, which would have severely worsened not just inter-clan relationships but also the fairly relaxed gathering they were having.
“So - this is all just, theories, right,” the kid began.
“Yes, based on types.”
Lian hummed deeply, pressing his mouth flat, and a fairly well-known feeling he could only denominate as Oh No took over Ingo as he dreaded the question.
“So you could tell who would win between Almighty Palkia and Dialga?”
Now that was something not to be touched with a 25 and a half foot pole, as evidenced by the other Pearl wardens shooting a glare at Lian and most of their Diamond counterparts paling notably.
Ingo, bless his heart, completely lost the religious implications somewhere in the cogs of his battle-analitycal machine churning in his brain.
“That would require an actual battle to be determined, actually!” he answered without missing a beat: “Both of them are Dragon types, meaning they have at the same time a massive advantage and disadvantage on one another, so effectively the chance at one prevailing over the other just based on that is rendered null, and since their secondary typings of Steel and Water are completely neutral to one another, a fight between the two of them would end up being rather balanced. It would also probably be an incredible spectacle with a very high chance of completely tearing reality as we know it apart according to professor Laventon’s studies, so it would be best for them and the rest of the world to remain on good terms and never have the chance to settle the score between them if they had any to settle.”
The young warden mumbled an agreement.
Not the way anybody expected a bomb like that to be defused.
But oh thank fuck it worked!
“What about the third one?” Iscan asked meekly. “The worm?”
Ingo buffered for a second: “Dragon-Ghost,” he recalled. “Same exact situation as the other two. No certain prevailing, and we should hope not to find out.”
“Ghost is good against Ghost, right?” Palina intervened.
The man nodded. A funny thought striked him: “With enough determination, it could be taken down by Basculegion. And by Avalugg as well.”
Gaeric cheered at his Lord’s good honor being restored.
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edgy-girlboss · 2 months ago
Mai: What time is it?
Melli: I don't know. Pass me the Celestica Flute and I'll find out.
Melli: *Plays the flute at the loudest note possible*
Adaman, trying to sleep: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE FLUTE AT 2 AM?!
Melli: It's 2 am
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kirutan · 4 months ago
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Melli Week Day 04: Childhood
"To be fair, using that branch to try and pull me out of the bog was a good idea." "Natrually, while I had yet to awake to my potential, I knew I couldn't leave you in that predicament. Especially since you went out of your way to try and get my ball back." "Yeah, too bad that Croagunk lobbed that Mud Shot and you ended up in the bog with me. Good thing Mai heard you crying so loudly or we would've been stuck there longer." "She was so mad at us." "Hahahah! Yeah, she scolded us all the way back to the settlement. " "I never did get my ball back."
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leaf-eyasu · 4 months ago
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idogwee · 2 years ago
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Pokémon Legends Arceus doodles
part 1?
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eev583 · 1 month ago
Mai: Irida, keep an eye on Adaman today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Irida: Sure, I’d love to see Adaman getting punched.
Mai: Try again.
Irida, sighing: I will try to stop Adaman from getting punched.
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expiredmilk0912 · 1 month ago
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warden-melli · 1 year ago
AGREED WITH UR TAGS. their friendship and relationship is so interesting because there's like. a LOT to it i think. i think its interesting in showing irida's flaws as a leader until she's able to learn a bit more about it and how to forge her own path but palina's response is also very interesting and it kinda makes me wonder about her response to the events, not just irida's pleading for her to train growlithe but to irida becoming the leader. and also like, what happens after they make up, that kind of thing.
some people interpret it as them just never getting along again, but i do like to think they eventually make up again, despite palina giving her a bit of tough love during the player's second visit to firespit island and the whole heatran thing. also irida seems like she wants to be on good terms with them again, so i do think they make up again, but just thinking about their friendship with one another (and how someone in the pearl clan suggests that due to irida having a dead mother when she was young, palina is someone she's very close to) is like. very interesting and i like it. sorry for the wall of text i have many thoughts about All Things Irida
Agreed their friendship is so interesting and I just keep thinking about it. I agree that Irida had a lot to learn about being a leader at the start of the game (as did Adaman), but even so I feel like Palina was a bit unfair to Irida, and I personally feel like their conflict is based on jealousy over Irida being selected as leader over Palina, and also Irida not wanting to accept that the nature of their relationship has changed as opposed to Irida’s shortcomings as leader
Like, we know that the two used to be super close, with Irida considering Palina to be an older sister that she clearly looked up to. We also know that the two competed to be leader of their clan, and that Irida was ultimately the one selected to be leader
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I do understand Palina’s disappointment. It has to hurt to try really hard, but fail to achieve a position that you really, really wanted. Especially if you lost to somebody younger that you, and who you served as a mentor figure for. It may also hurt more after the incident with Lord Arcanine sr, as the trauma of the event may may have made her feel like she also failed in her duties as warden. I think it’s evident that Palina despite scolding Irida for acting as if their positions haven’t changed, still sees Irida as her little sister first, and doesn’t truly respect her as leader
I keep coming back to this dialogue - It really makes me think that this may have been a deciding factor in why Irida was selected as leader over Palina, and she’s clearly still very upset and bitter about it
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I don’t like how quick Palina was to embarrass Irida in front of both the player and Iscan, especially after Irida challenged her by attempting to lay down boundaries as leader. Palina claims to know and accept that Irida is the leader, yet scolding her in front of everyone like she’s a child isn’t a good way to show it. I also get that she doesn’t want to be called that nickname anymore, but I don’t think Irida is doing it maliciously at all. It genuinely seems to be a force of habit, but even still Palina has requested she stop, so she really does need to work on that. In saying that though, I don’t think that Palina rejects the use of that nickname because she genuinely doesn’t like it anymore, but as a way to push Irida away, and to reestablish their relationship as a purely business one as a way of coping with her failure to become leader. I think Irida is confused, and having trouble coming to terms with the fact that things have changed between them after becoming leader, and she’s stressed and just wants her big sister.
I also keep thinking about how much this differs from Adaman’s relationship with his older sister figure, and of how opposite these two’s relationship is compared to Irida and Palina’s.
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Mai (as seen in this offical art) happily teaches Adaman to play the flute (despite him being absolutely awful at it - another direct opposite of Irida), and throughout the story happily performs tasks for him, and advising him without question. This contrasts Irida and Palina’s relationship where Palina is the one less talented with the flute, and who pushes back against Irida’s requests (growlithe), and who sees any requests for guidance as a personal failure as leader.
I could keep talking, and there’s so so much more to the relationship, and feud between these two, but I really think the biggest conflict between them isn’t the direction, or lack of experience of Irida’s leadership, but the fact that Irida is leader and Palina is not. Another important factor I didn’t even touch on was Palina and Iscan’s relationship, one forced to be kept secret due to the two Clans feud, and how Irida’s position as leader of that Clan may further complicate their relationship
The saddest part of all of this to me however is it’s kind of implied that Irida had no great ambition of becoming leader, and it can be interpreted that she may have only competed to be leader because Palina was doing it, or because the two share a love for their people that may have been encouraged by Palina in Irida in the first place
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Despite Palina’s concerns about Irida’s leadership, Irida is is nothing but loyal and defensive of Palina. Even with Palina’s behaviour and her reputation as warden plummeting due to refusing to train Growlithe, and no matter what people may say about her, Irida only ever speaks highly, lovingly and respectfully of her, even when Palina doesn’t extend the same grace
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Despite their feud (which feels mostly one sided to me) their relationship started from a genuine place of friendship, so I truly would like to believe that the two of them could work through their issues and one day become friends, sisters, again.
Sorry for my own wall of text but my respect for Irida incurable and I have so so many thoughts about the girl ;.;
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