#but i can uplift voices who do put the effort in
themothmancassettes · 7 months
Hey, new rule
If i open tumblr while shit is going down (like the pro palestine strikes), i do not to get to reblog or interact with posts UNLESS i interact with pro palestine posts. And it has to be majority pro palestine posts ive reblogged by the time i close the app.
If you do not like my rule, you can block me. If you do, try it yourself :]
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noctivague · 7 months
PAC: What do you bring to the world?
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Today I wanted to make an uplifting personality reading focusing on the positive things you personally bring to the world as well as your strengths and qualities.
I will also finish with an advice on how to share it or share it better with the world, depending on the pile.
Note: I always write down the cards I draw. a "+" indicates that these cards go together; a "/" shows as change of row/question.
Focus on the 4 pictures, pick the one that draws you in the most and go to your pile. It's possible that more than one pile resonates. This is a general reading meant for multiple people so not everything will resonates.
Always open to feedback :)
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Cards: The Shadow + the Temple + 9 of Pentacles / The Great Goddess + Truth + Acceptance / Navigating by the Stars: Follow your bliss + Growing Pains
You are someone with a great understanding of the shadowier aspects of the mind, which doesn't only stop to an understanding of your own, but extend to the human psyche as well. You are not only in-tune with what most people don't want to see or accept, which requires courage and resilience, but you are also able to make flowers blossom from the dirt, so to speak.
You are in tune with your inner voice and live in abundance of all the lessons you've learned on your path. I see all these events you've been through and all the effort you've put into learning from them and growing as a human. They are like little pockets of truth you've collected throughout the years, little nuggets of gold that make your soul rich.
You anchor that into reality, making a temple out of what you've learned through pain about yourself and the world, and draw a lot of strength that others can feel without even knowing your past.
It's like, by going through your own personal hell, you've managed to shine bright and light up those around you.
Perhaps some of you are advisors or speaker of some kind who actively help others, and for some of you, it shows up in conversations with people you meet.
And your strengths and qualities reflect that! You are someone who is able to transcend whatever struggle they are going through in order to find some type of divine beauty from it. You can see both good and evil in yourself and in what is around you, and you can see the importance of both ends of the spectrum, letting yourself dance with those cycles and finding harmony in what most see as only chaos.
You also didn't let your heart close from what you've endured and instead gained a lot of empathy for other people's suffering.
You are also someone to whom authenticity is not only important, but a major part of their personality. You despise lying to yourself. Not saying that never happens, but you always end up correcting the trajectory at some point. You have strong core values that you've spent a long time modeling like a beautiful and ever changing work of art, born from your own work. You honor this quality in yourself and you encourage it in others.
You also embody the quality of acceptance. You know being in touch with your shadow means you're going to find things that are ugly, scary or violent, and you've learnt to see that without judging it. You are able to accept and release whatever comes to the surface, surrendering to the flow of life. As a result you are not someone who judges people harshly for their humanly flaws. Again not saying you don't condemn anyone ever, but you understand the shortcomings and the shortsightedness everyone has to deal with, because you went through it so many times yourself.
And as to what you can do to share that better with the world, well, first I feel like most of you are already doing that by just existing, but the advice I got was to listen to your spiritual guidance, whatever that means to you. There is this idea that you are guided on your path and that, perhaps, it is time to not simply look under, but look above. Trust that your effort are seen and that you will be shown the way to make your qualities of use for others beyond what is already happening.
The last card I drew says to keep walking on that self-healing path you are on, which is a life-long process as there are always layers and layers to dig and dig through. And by that I mean that you can go way beyond yourself, into the generational, the mythical. And I think that's the main takeaway. You are a Healer of Yourself, and by doing that, you're also healing others.
I'm still getting that some of you will be able sooner or later to share that wisdom in a more tangible way, perhaps as a writer or a counselor, a speaker or a carer, but, again, you don't need a specific job or activity to share your gifts because they radiate from you and can be received by the people in you touch in your daily life.
That it's for Pile 1! I just wanted to say that your energy is awesome and I feel very touched!! I wish you good luck on your path and I'm sending you a lot of love.
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Cards: The Medallion + The Hunter + Ace of Wands / The Mystic + Spirit of the Tree + Magic / The One + The Shaman + Rebirth
As for what you embody in what you bring to the world, I see you someone who heavily involved with magic and/or the spiritual realms. Like, heads up but, I'm actually a bit floored because it is powerful but I'm not surprised knowing the type of people who follow me.
So yeah, the magical and the spiritual. But more precisely, you are upholding traditions from the past, working with something you've inherited (not necessarily by blood although it may be the case for some of you) from those who came before you. By practicing and taking action with these practices, you are keeping them alive, honoring them, and even perhaps working on transmitting them to those who will follow.
I see you one some type of mission (in an humble way) as in, you're focused on your path and moving fast toward that shining light you sense in the distance, like a glowing target that pushes you forward whether you are fully aware of what it is exactly or not. You are answering some type of call.
As for your strengths and qualities, you are someone who is really in tune with your dreams, and beyond that, the other realms. You feel the pulsation of both life and death in all things, can read the signs the world sends you, and can peek behind the veil. You may be a mystic, a seer, or a medium, or have strong affinities for this.
You are also no stranger to the mysteries of Nature and are able to gather knowledge from what is so different and alien from you. Again there is an idea of ancient wisdom that you are tapping into powerfully. It comes naturally to you because it's part of who you are. You are able to step back from the noise of the modern world to touch the wisdom that lies beneath the busy surface of the world. Most people don't even know it's here, but it is, and you see it.
Again, there is this idea that you see beyond human knowledge, and you are able to remember it because somehow, you understand that, and even though it is strange and alien, it's part of us, too.
You are also able to cultivate your own magic. You understand that you can't just receive without doing the work on yourself and cultivating your own power. You are not an empty vessel but a being full of stars in your own right. I have this image of someone who one day opened their eyes and saw the sunrise seemingly for the first time. As if those eyes themselves where born anew. You are able to dance between earth and the sky, embracing transformation and initiation.
As for the advice you received on sharing your strengths with the world, I was sort of expecting it but it's not so much about really sharing your knowledge with the world rather than being your own individual on your path and doing the things that are required by it. Idk if that makes sense it's quite abstract to understand so bear with me.
I got the Shaman. As you probably know it's a word that is mostly wrongly used and that can mean a bunch of things, like healer, sorcerer, oracle, warden of Nature, medium, spiritual advisor or religious leader. What I'm getting is that it's going to vary for all of you depending on the path you are on, but one thing is for sure, you are a very important link between the other-world and the human world and you can serve your community.
Perhaps because you can/will/are meant to embrace one of the roles I just mentioned, or because you are doing some type of work for the other-realms, again it will vary greatly depending on the person.
There is an inherent loneliness to this path. You may feel othered, marginalized, even crazy at times, because you exist in some type of hazy in-between, with one foot in our world and one foot in the Other.
The advice is to learn to accept and lean into that, and understand that you are not as alone as you think you are, even to your fellow humans.
We are all one, in some way. Made of so many buried facets, so many fallen stars. What you are experiencing is present in all of us, you are just able to anchor it in this world, which is not only important in and of itself, but also helps people around you help themselves, is what I'm getting.
As a final advice, because I felt like drawing one last card, I got Rebirth.
I'm going to keep this super open because this pile is made of various people, but there is something that needs to be reborn within you. Some type of transformation you need to go through to go further. You will need to leave something behind. Know that what you are right now is meant to shed and change because there is so much more to learn. Lean into what you know to see the next step, but be open to the unknown and its gifts.
That's it for this reading, very different from Pile 1 but I'm equally floored and a bit spooked because it was super powerful! Thank you for reading me, I hope this was useful to you and I send you a lot of love and wish you good luck on your journey!
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Cards: 4 of Swords Rx + 10 of Pentacles + The Pilgrim + The Castle + The Threshold / 5 of Cups Rx + 8 of Wands Rx + Space, Time and Self + The Gifted Guide / Overwhelmed + Sorrow + the Moon (oracle) + Queen of Swords + 7 of Pentacles + The Forbidden Forest Rx
Driven is the most important word I'm getting from this reading.
It seems you are a builder and a pioneer of sorts, someone with the power to materialize your goals into the material plane, with the potential to establish long term material wealth and stable structures in the world. I'm also getting the word legacy, it's something that's important to you and you wish to accomplish in this lifetime. You might be an entrepreneur of some sorts or work in an area of Sciences, so legacy could be either about a business or wealth or advancing human knowledge in some way shape or form.
You don't sit around and wait, your are someone who don't remain stagnant but is always rising above and beyond to work towards your goals. You understand that your goals won't materialize without effort and you are committed to the task.
The way you go about life is focused on outside achievements, but that's the way you grow inside as well. The world is your laboratory where you explore ideas and see what can be birthed into the world.
You are someone who is not afraid to step into the unknown, to go towards uncharted territory, where others don't dare to go. It may seem like a lonely path for some, but for you, it is immensely fulfilling and is how you free yourself. You have your eyes set on the top of the mountain and nothing will stop you from reaching it.
You have no regard for the concept of fate and wish to keep your destiny into your own hands.
Your strengths and qualities are that you are aware of your faults and failures, of what you've lost in the past, and have learnt that no matter the setbacks, a new opportunity or idea can always arise and you can learn from your mistakes. You are full of energy and desire to move forward in a sort of restless way. It's like your burning with the energy of your will and the only way to master that fire is to remain as active as possible. Where others would have given up, you keep pushing, even if it hurts.
There is a strong message about knowing you are guided but not in a spiritual sense, and for two reasons:
One, you have trust in your own instinct and are guided by your interests and what pulls you in. You go with the flow and are able to follow effortlessly the dance of the cosmos, flowing from one cycle to the next, understanding that sometimes things can take more or less time (the idea of timing to be respected), or that you can zoom in and out your perspective on things (sometimes you need to see the big picture but sometimes you need to look into the details).
Second, you also understand the parts of unknown of your path, you don't feel like you need everything figured out and have trust that things will unveil when they need to. You listen to your environment and see patterns in the chaos that remain invisible to others and that's what guide your steps.
The advice on how to bring that more effectively into the world is pointing back to the reversed 5 of Cups and 8 of Wands, with Overwhelmed and Sorrow. It's very interesting because your strengths and quality are also sometimes reverted and things you struggle with, which is normal since we all have bad days and the very things that makes us ourselves can be our most violent pains.
In your low points, you have a tendency to bottle up your feelings, so focused that you are on your tasks, you ignore them until they spill. You don't really know how to handle your emotions and wait until they explode in your face to confront and feel them. It leaves you feeling lost and frustrated.
You have a highly individualistic mindset, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but in excess it makes you too tyrannical toward yourself. You may feel alone against the world at times, a lone star in a black sky, because you are so cut off from receptivity and external guidance.
Don't discard the parts of you that feel alien and strange as they have much to teach you. It's okay to stop for a moment on your path, you don't have to rush all the time. You need to be patient with your goals, like a gardener watching them grow in their own time. You can't go against the rhythms of Nature and the Universe, some things take time, and that include respecting your own rhythms.
You need to learn to set up boundaries within yourself. It can be hard to feel when you're going overboard so you need to carve out some time to deal with your inner struggles and let yourself time to rest. Perhaps these low points have a lot to do with exhaustion and lack of mental and emotional space, so be mindful of that and keep some time for nurturing yourself, not just your goals.
That's it for Pile 3! I hope this was useful to you and brought you interesting messages. I wish you good luck on your path.
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Cards: The Orphan + The Animal + 3 of Swords Rx + Ace of Wands Rx + Bottled Up + Gloom / The Mirror + Energy + Space, Time and Self + Dark Night of the Soul / 9 of Pentacles Rx + The Empress + Gratitude + Let Go + Yin and Yang + Truth
You are someone who came into this world full of childlike wonder but something broke, making you carry a deep wound. May be mental or physical trauma, an accident or a disability. As a result, you gained a ferocious thirst for life, a wild energy, similar to the primal instinct of survival. It was either giving up or pushing through, life or death.
It seems your ability to act in this world got restrained and that you had to learn your way around that. Like your potential was bottled up which made you think that all was over. Complete loss of hope. You felt cut off from the world, cut off from life and society. Rendered unable to connect with the bustling world. It seemed like it wasn't a choice you wanted to make but had to.
When I started drawing your cards for strengths and qualities, I felt an immense wave of fatigue washing over me, and one of the cards I drew was about calling back your energy. So I think you are very well aware of your limitations and you had to learn to live with that, manage your limited resources to make something blossom regardless. If you're not already aware of it, it's something you're currently learning.
I feel called to describe the energy card to you: a woman is sitting in a back full of stars, from her left palm flow a stream of water filled with stars with a flower blossoming from it and her whole body. I really think that whatever you went through and are still dealing with, despite limiting you in some ways, cannot stop you from bringing something beautiful to the world. It will feed from your very pains, like flowers feeding off dirt. There is so much potential for Life and growth.
Also, you had to learn to reflect on yourself a lot and that brought you a admirable understanding of the human nature, a precious wisdom that could not have been yours had you not have the life you had. It sucks to write because fuck that, I'm angry with you and I don't get why it has to be that way sometimes for some people, but it's true. I'm also getting that some of you are writers or have a great ability to spell out your thoughts. Really, this wisdom you gained through pain gave you a greater understanding of life, one that most people cannot touch, and that can be a great treasure to share with the world.
You have a strong ability to bring a deeper understanding of the human experience to others, transcending the mundane to allow them to touch what is meaningful and precious about life, understanding themselves and the world more. From the simple moments to the greatest revenge taken against fate.
By experiencing extreme loss, you found hope and a desire to survive and overcome, and are able to share it with others. This card also has a book in it so idk if you're a writer or not but you should definitely consider it if that's not the case. I think you have a lot to share with the world which could help others. Your words are worthier than gold, because you know how hard it is to face monstrous events but you know that it's worth pushing through. We all face difficult times in our lives, some more than others, but it's not about who suffered the most, and you understand that. You can really make a difference, pile 4. Light the way for others with your words.
The advice cards are really beautiful and supporting.
I see you being encouraged to learn to find balance within yourself and aiming for success and abundance. Because you can and you will be able to bring gifts to this world. You heart is a fertile soil, and it is so strong. From dead matters, pain and wastes, we can sow seeds and harvest golden crops, feeding many. You can embody that.
Really, you can be a beacon of light to other, crowned in stars, adorned with roses. You need to let yourself hope a little further. Don't settle for the bare minimum, let go of your regrets and pessimistic mindset. You have so much to offer. Find beauty, love and pleasure in your everyday life. It might only be in some specific moments but it is still so important and will help you live with more ease. Find bliss hiding between the folds of time.
You also got a strong message about gratitude. It can be easy to look down on this word, thinking it's a way to keep yourself in your enclosure and not thrive for more, but in reality, it's very empowering. By being grateful for your gifts, you are actually recognizing them, learning to trust and value them, which will in turn give you the confidence to share it with the world. The wise know that there is so much power and grace in having a grateful mindset, it doesn't stop you in your tracks, on the contrary, it calls even more blessings in.
You hold both life and death, pain and pleasure, despair and hope within yourself. It's time to embrace it and learn that life is not one or the other but a balance of both. You have been tilting over one side too much and it's time to rectify the scale. The advice is to find power in an unexpected place within you. Something you have overlooked. Something that feels uncomfortable. Ask yourself what you are resisting. You will find great creative energy as a result of that inner work. It will bring you growth.
The final card is called Truth and is also connected to the Empress, which you got earlier. The words on the card are: " That which is true will always be enough". You had to learn some truth the hard way, don't discard it because you are afraid or in pain. Hold it tight. Honor your truth. Again you get a message of gratitude and abundance. You are on a path to wisdom and you will gain a lot from it. By liberating yourself, you will also free others. Don't be scared to share what you've learnt and will learn with integrity. You soul is so beautiful.
That's it for pile 4. I hope it was an useful reading. It definitely was insightful for me. I wish you good luck on your path and I give you a big hug!!
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junosmindpalace · 6 months
i find discourse around the rdr women so...fascinating and infuriating at the same time. because a lot of the time it doesn't seem like rdr fans want to apply the same level of complex analysis to the women like they do for the men, but when they do, it still doesnt seem all that well-intentioned or that it does right by their characters.
this is a very long analysis/spam/defense so be warned :,)
even though the majority of sadie's character revolves around the fact she not only lost her home and her husband and was thrust into a new life of crime, but was actively struggling with robberies BEFORE the events of the game, people instead choose to focus on whether or not she had feelings for arthur or whether he actions in the game were actually impactful. she helped saved abigail and john when no else would, she fought alongside the men against the army, she helped john set up a stable life, she helped rob the payroll train, helped ensure colm’s death, she fought alongside arthur TIME AGAIN and took over in a leadership role when half the gang was absent in the guarma chapter. to say that she did nothing more except “be badass” undermines all of these contributions to the story that she was either at the forefront of or helped bring to fruition.
in my opinion, abigail is the EASIEST character to defend out of any of the women, and yet somehow she receives the most backlash from dudebros. I lose ten braincells every time i have to read a theory post over whether or not she slept with other camp members besides john, whether or not she was a rat, and about how much shes a nag. the woman has not known a moment's rest in her entire life. by the age of eight she was working in a cathouse. she was a child prior to then scrapping whatever money she could earn at her young age in saloons and dive bars as a woman and child just to survive as a orphan. jack's birth was clearly not planned, and she has voiced multiple times her grievances at the circumstances of his upbringing. everything she does is for a better life for her son: a life she never had. her constant nagging to get john to man up and be a father is for her son's benefit, not her own. she even says so herself when she tells him that she doesn't mind if a relationship between them doesn't work out, but to at least try being there for jack. she can't work a job because she is a mother living a life of crime and danger; she can't afford to leave the camp and her son unsupervised. she still does her share around camp. why would anyone blame her for not wanting to return to a life that has made her miserable, especially now that she has a child who she wants to model a good life for? many people seem to somehow also forget that she herself was a child when she gave birth to jack; only 17-18. she is 22 in the game in a bad situation with the father of her child and financially. she is doing her best to raise her son when she is not fully equipped to do so. how can anyone even blame her for being skeptical of john when hes affectionate in the epilogue when for so long hes been distant? she does not even ask much of john--just to be there for him sometimes, and to live honestly. she is also incredibly kindhearted. comforting other women in the camp, offering a listening ear, taking care of john when hes injured. she puts in her share of effort when it comes to finding a job in the epilogue and maintaining beechers hope.
molly is a young woman who is presumably incredibly far from her home where her family is, and trying to navigate a way of life completely unfamiliar to her. her stuck up nature comes not only from the way she was raised, but also dutch's uplifting affection and presumed lovebombing in the early stages of their relationship. shes even been suggested to be somewhat sociable until dutch and her became somewhat of an official item, in which she grew somewhat of a bigger ego with a mentality that she was his right hand. she deeply depended on dutch for her stability in every way, and its evident in her eventual spiral. she hated being seen as weak and pitiful as somewhat of an outsider among outsiders. she seemed to be close to no one besides dutch, who repeatedly cut her off when she attempted to talk to him about her growing feelings of anxiety, paranoia and sadness. the loss of the one thing that had built her up, coupled with immense tragedy she just wasnt used to, and desperate for a semblance of respect and dignity that she had presumably been all too accustomed to, of course she was going to come off brash and confront dutch about his distant, high and mighty attitude. it's why by the end, she doesnt care if she is killed: there is nothing left for her. karen's comment about her pretending to rat them out for the sake of attention is also interesting in terms of their relationship and parallels, which i dont see ANYONE talk about.
karen very clearly struggles with...a lot. she has even said so herself when talking with molly. she struggles to accept help, evident in pieces of dialogue where she brushes off concerned gang members about her drinking (mary-beth, arthur, javier), and when she seems somewhat ashamed and embarrassed having to have been rescued by arthur in the valentine mission (SAYING EXPLICITLY "i dont much like being saved"). she struggles with believing people have good intentions/feelings toward her, illustrated in the way she's constantly rejecting sean, yet seemingly disappeared further down the bottle after his death, and her conversation with mary beth and tilly about the world having no equal and fair place for women. her negative experiences in the world as a woman could also influence her view of the world, perhaps being why she finds herself somewhat hostile toward feminist mindsets and why she, for a while, enjoyed the outlaw lifestyle: it was her little slice of freedom. her hatred for the rich can also be because she has experiences as a poor woman, perhaps some direct experiences in which rich people have negatively impacted her life. though molly and karen don't get along through most of the game, karen actually tries to step in and help her near the end, and its this action + defending her after her death that shows she was sympathetic toward her situation and on some level able to relate to it, both craving some kind of love beyond superficial things.
@/cryptidcr3ature said it very well in a post i reblogged recently: mary is essentially "her brother's keeper and her father's caretaker". she herself lives somewhere middle class with traditional notions of the time impacting her views on arthur's lifestyle and anything below those middle class standards being deemed as socially unacceptable (which is evident from the very first letter mary sends to arthur, in which she seems confused on what a polite term would be to refer to prostitutes, who were obviously thought very lowly of in the time). i also don't think its fair to criticise her condemnation of arthur's lifestyle when pretty much all audiences, contemporary and not, including members of the gang, acknowledge that it isnt anything pretty. killing is not fun. running from the law is not fun. mary was not only influenced by her father's views of arthur (a person that, despite being horrible, she still deeply loves), but looking after her own family, herself, and arthur's wellbeing when she ended their relationship + suggested they run away. she had given him an opportunity at compromise. perhaps the first time, scared and unfamiliar with his lifestyle, she had offered arthur an ultimatum: her or his outlaw life, but later was willing to also leave behind her brother and father, two figures that tie her down and make her life more miserable than need be despite loving them very much, in order to settle somewhere with arthur and start over. her asking for arthur's help comes from a place of desperation and excuse to allow herself some semblance of stability when she hadn't had it; at least not since her mother and husband passed. if arthur refuses to help her, she is incredibly understanding and sympathetic. she does not lash out. if arthur does help, she is immensely grateful, and even tries to bond with him despite their years apart.
this post isnt to excuse some of their more negative behaviours and aspects of their characters'-- but im saying that they deserve to be fairly treated and analyzed just like any of the rdr men. many of them are young. many of them have unique challenges as women. that isn’t to say the men have it easier, but their struggles and less prettier aspects of their characters are always met with more sympathy than the women. why do arthur and john get passes as reformed absent fathers and criminals? why does sean receive sympathy when karen rejects his pushy advances? why does hosea get a pass at being better than dutch when he still groomed younger members of the gang for a life of crime alongside dutch? why does dutch get a pass by having his downfall be justified by tough circumstances? lets just be fair
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tarotwitchy · 2 years
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Root Chakra Pick-a-Card
For this PAC, I want to start my longtime project of launching a general reading that has the themes of Chakra development. And since we're talking about the Root Chakra, also called Muladhara, this reading will be talking about your confidence, security, stability, earth energy, and strength.
Choose the picture that calls to you the most.
Pile 1 ➡️ 2
Pile 3 ➡️ 4
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Pile 1
Ace of Swords • 10 of Pentacles • King of Swords • 4 of Swords
This pile is very straightforward with its message. In order for you to feel secure and safe in your life, you would need to fight for what you believe in, no matter how many people seem to be against it. Yes, there is a difference between fighting for your beliefs and being outright stubborn. But this pile isn't talking about stubbornness. It's giving the impression that a lot of people seem to knock down your ideas from the get-go. People have the tendency to nip your ideas in the bud, and this tends to affect you tremendously. You can only take so much rejection and disapproval from the people you thought had your back.
But in spite of that, you are called by the Universe — especially by your Highest Self — that you should always be at your corner even when no one else seems to be there any longer. As long as you know you're not hurting anyone and you're not committing something that will put you in harm's way, you have all the right reasons to believe in yourself and in your own voice. Part of developing our Root Chakra is creativity. So, be as creative in spearheading and executing your ideas to fruition as you can. You have the Ace of Swords with the King of Swords in this reading. Wield the sword of wisdom that you've always had inside you, and everything else will follow.
Pile 2
7 of Pentacles • 3 of Pentacles • The Morning • 2 of Cups
For those of you who chose this pile, you may have been doing things in your life all by yourself most of the time. It could be your upbringing that conditioned you to think that you can only rely on yourself. But Pile 2, there is absolutely nothing wrong with collaborating with people! I can see a lot of people around you who have genuine intentions of helping you achieve that security you yearn for. Allowing people to help you whenever they can won't make you a weak person. On the contrary, it makes you a self-assured kind of person because it illustrates that your ego isn't so easily damaged by people lending their hand to you.
In addition, this reading is telling you that it's okay to let your guard down. Being able to connect with people is your key to success in securing your safety and stability. I know a lot of you are the type to want to strive all by yourselves. But the old adage proves wisely: "two pairs of hands are better than one." Moreover, the 2 of Cups is signifying that you may also find safety with a romantic partner. There is a high chance that being in a relationship will actually prove to be helpful for you, and that your partner will be the one to aid you through finding security in this life. It could mean that they're very protective of you, being the one to help you with financial matters, or even just being your rock and pillar when you need them to be.
Pile 3
9 of Cups • The Night • 3 of Cups • The Tower
With this pile, I can see that generosity is what will bring you safety, stability, and security in this lifetime. By not being so tight-fisted about your resources, you can invite a positive energy into your life; thus, encouraging a string of good fortune and good karma. As long as you're choosing the right people to give assistance and resources to, you're bound to receive some sort of reward for your generous efforts in uplifting other people who need a helping hand from you. In addition, you would have gained alliances and connections with people in their most vulnerable state. I believe that people will remember the good deeds you have done to them, and it will come to your advantage in time.
Speaking of that, when you've given help towards the right kind of people, they will never forget it. I believe that people will remember the good deeds you have done to them, and it will come to your advantage in time. In return, you can rest assured that when the moment comes that you are the one in need of help and assistance, you will have a plethora of people to ask from, and you shall become a part of the cycle of a positive give-and-take. With that, you'll actually be more secure that you think because you have people to back you up instead of bearing your burden alone.
Pile 4
The Hermit • 4 of Pentacles • Judgment • The Tower
Wow, out of all the piles, this one is the most blatant in its message, and the opposite of Pile 3. If you've chosen this pile, you need to be wise and frugal with your resources. You cannot be loose with your money, time, efforts, and energy if you want to be safe and secure in this lifetime. I can see how many people prowl around you, ready to take advantage of your kindness and good-hearted nature. You need to wisen up, Pile 4! Not everyone has good intentions for you, and there are people waiting to see you fall and fail so they can pick up the pieces for themselves instead of helping you.
To aid you in this matter, you need to choose your circles very prudently. You cannot afford to be in bad company as it is a waste of time, energy, and they might just take what they can from you in the name of "friendship." Do not be flashy with your wealth or earnings because people can smell that like blood in a pool full of sharks. Avoid distributing your resources to people unless you know they will absolutely pay you back. Just keep on hustling quietly, keep your head down, and make sure that you're mingling with the right crowds.
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ok know i haven’t used this blog in ages but
recently watched hbomberguy’s plagiarism video, and it made me think a lot about how common plagiarism is and how people justify it to themselves.
as far as i remember, i haven’t intentionally committed plagiarism. there has been once or twice where i used things someone made without realizing it wasn’t the equivalent of, say a free stock photo. and while i do try to correct mistakes like that, looking back, maybe i could have done a little more work to verify the thing’s source, make sure i wasn’t stealing.
maybe sometimes i have so much to do i see something that claims to be free use and don’t look into it more.
i don’t know what point i want to make with this, i just, maybe wanna look more at what i do and make, and take more time to make something my own or verify sources. won’t it make me feel better too? if i receive a compliment on something i created and it’s more than just a jigsaw of others? of course, i won’t have time to make every single piece of a thing uniquely mine, and there’s reasons i don’t wanna focus on that either - perhaps i’ll get into it sometime in another post - but i would like to put more effort into making sure my work reflects me, and my style
i very easily fall into a pattern of trying to accommodate others, be who they want me to be. i used to be intensely creative, and now i find myself struggling to come up with ideas. the other week, i made a very cool piece of art, and while i adore it, and it is uniquely mine, i based it around an album from a band i like, because i couldn’t myself think of anything i wanted to express artistically. in trying to be the foil for others i have lost myself, and i want to gain that back.
hbomberguy mentioned about how some of the people he took down could have been or done great things, if they had focused on uplifting others or making original work. instead, they made a facsimile of something great, their voices merely an old, worn-out recording. i want to be amazing. i want to bring something wonderful to the world, or at least to a good few. i’ve decided to try to do better, and i hope i can follow through on that.
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hunter-arceneaux-blog · 2 months
Stop Waiting for Inspiration: Create Your Own Muse
Inspiration. It’s that spark that every writer, artist, and creator chases. We often imagine it as a sudden burst of clarity, a lightning bolt that strikes us out of nowhere, compelling us to create. But here’s the hard truth: if you wait for inspiration to come, you’ll likely be waiting for a very long time.
I used to be one of those who believed that the best work comes from a place of sudden inspiration or intense infatuation. I would sit on my sofa, staring at a blank computer screen, waiting for the perfect idea to arrive. Days, sometimes weeks, months, or even years would pass without a single word written. Even while wasting my time, I knew that waiting for inspiration was just an excuse for not doing the work.
Create Inspiration from Your Own Life
Sometimes, you must create inspiration yourself or carve it from your own life. The world around you is full of stories waiting to be told, lessons waiting to be shared, and emotions waiting to be expressed. Here are some ways to cultivate your own inspiration:
1. Draw from Personal Experiences
Your life is a rich with experiences that can serve as a wellspring of inspiration. Personally, I have drawn significant inspiration from being deaf and navigating recent physical disabilities, as well as having gone through fertility issues, miscarriages, and mental health challenges. These experiences, both the uplifting and the challenging, have provided me with a deep reservoir of emotions and narratives that I attempt to weave into my writing.
Think about the challenges you’ve faced, the victories you’ve celebrated, the love you’ve felt, and the losses you’ve endured. Write about these moments with honesty and vulnerability; don’t sugarcoat them. Authenticity is key to connecting with your readers. Not only will this practice help you find your voice, but it will also resonate with readers who have shared similar experiences.
2. Observe the World Around You
Inspiration can be found in the most mundane places. Take a walk around your neighborhood (or for those like me, a limp), sit in a park, visit a lake, lose yourself in nature or in another’s art. Try people-watch for a while, imagine conversations or dramas they’re facing, and try to notice the small details that often go unnoticed. The world is full of stories waiting to be told, and all you need to do is pay attention.
3. Set a Routine
Honestly, this has been one of the most challenging aspects for me. Managing unmedicated ADHD can be quite demanding. Creativity is rarely about waiting for inspiration but rather about cultivating it daily. The reality is, creativity thrives on routine. Set aside time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you engage in writing regularly, the more you’ll notice inspiration flowing naturally. It’s about committing to the process consistently and putting in the effort, even on days when motivation and energy are lacking.
4. Engage with Other Creative Works
Read books, watch movies, listen to music, and visit art galleries. Engaging with other forms of creative expression can spark new ideas and provide fresh perspectives. Don’t be afraid to take inspiration from others and incorporate it into your own work. Creativity is often a collaborative process, even if you’re working alone. Just remember, there’s a huge difference between inspiration and plagiarism, so make sure you’re on the right side of the line.
5. Embrace the Process, Not Just the Outcome
Focusing solely on the outcome can stifle creativity. Instead, try to embrace the process of writing itself. Allow yourself to make mistakes, write poorly, and experiment with different styles and genres. The act of writing is a journey, and it’s through this journey that you often find the most profound inspiration.
Practical Tips to Keep Writing
Here are some additional practical tips to help you keep writing, even when inspiration seems elusive:
Set Specific Goals: Whether it’s writing a certain number of words each day or completing a chapter each week, having specific goals can help keep you on track.
Find a Writing Community: Surround yourself with other writers who can offer support, feedback, and encouragement. Join a writing group, participate in workshops, or connect with other writers online. I know this one’s not easy for a lot of creative types, myself included; being creative is often isolating, and it’s hard to break out of that.
Keep a Journal: Use a journal to jot down ideas, thoughts, and observations. It can be a valuable resource when you’re struggling to find inspiration.
Take Breaks: Sometimes, stepping away from your work can give you the clarity you need. Take breaks, go for a walk, play with your children or pets. Engage in a different activity for a bit to refresh your mind.
Be Kind to Yourself: Writing is hard work, and remembering to be kind to yourself is sometimes hard. As creatives, we are often our own worst critics. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned.
Inspiration is not something you wait for; it’s something you create. By drawing from your own life, observing the world around you, setting a routine, engaging with other creative works, and embracing the process, you can cultivate your own inspiration and keep writing consistently.
So, stop waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect idea. Start writing now, and let the act of writing itself be your muse.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Hey girl. I’m a 21 year old cis woman, so roughly the same age as you. This could be a long one so I apologize in advance. I hope this doesn’t come across as patronizing or rude, I come from a place of kindness. I, like you, have chosen to be a feminist and uplift women and women’s voices and lives. But it seems you’ve chosen a path that differs from my own, and I don’t think you realize how you, yourself, are upholding the patriarchy. It’s true that gender identity is a social construct, and modern day gender identities rely on the patriarchy to exist. But they are also deeply rooted in colonialism. Gender and sex have been different for a very very long time, and many cultures before colonization embraced many different sex and gender identities free from modern day patriarchal concepts. What you’ve been told about sex and gender are rooted in patriarchal understandings of sex. The modern day understanding of sex NEEDS the patriarchy, to exist. Sex is a spectrum, the two ends being male and female. The patriarchy wants just male and female, so one can be superior to the other based on ancient (and white) societal concepts. With a wider range of sex identities, less men exist, and it becomes harder to be superior. I encourage you to take a look at how other cultures viewed women, and people of other genders, before colonization. It wasn’t all “women are lesser to men,” that’s just what most people learn because that’s what upholds the patriarchy. As a woman, I understand your fear of men invading our spaces to hurt us. But trans women are not going to do that, the process of transitioning is long and complicated and I encourage you to learn more about it. By putting down transgender people you are ultimately siding with the very men who do want to hurt you, and they want to hurt transgender people too. The people restricting abortion rights, divorce rights, all womens rights, are the same people restricting trans rights. Have you never stopped to think why that is? It’s because they go against the patriarchy, the societal norm. You and I will never be free while we put down other minority groups. We must focus on the true goal of eliminating the patriarchy and this war against trans people is a distraction. I promise you, if a man wanted to invade the spaces of women, they would not go through years of hormone replacement, put on women’s clothing, grow out their hair, and act/talk feminine to do so. You and I both know they just have to walk in. I implore you, talk to some trans people there are many on this platform. Interact with biologists to learn about human sex and gender and how they work, both are so interesting and complex it’s a real shame we learn none of it. I hope one day things get better for both of us.
I respect your effort, but you underestimate the amount of research I‘ve done and experience I‘ve gained. I‘m familiar with transgenderism and trans rights activism as I used to be part of the movement.
Gender critical feminists don‘t side with (conservative) men. Whilst it might superficially seem that way (critical of trans ideology), these men want to stick to traditional gender roles & stereotypes whereas we want to abolish it altogether.
Sex is not a spectrum. Sex is dichotomous. You‘re either biologically male or female. Intersex people are often used as "evidence" for the claim that sex isn‘t binary, but what your community likes to leave out is that intersex people are still either male or female (intersex male & intersex female). Disorders of sexual development and sexual dimorphism are not the same as transgenderism, which is entirely based on gender (a patriarchal construct).
There are already examples of transitioned men who use their gender identity to enter women‘s spaces, including prisons, and men who transition during their prison sentences.
Regardless, self-ID laws are dangerous and whether a man is truly dysphoric or not doesn’t justify putting women at risk, especially since 'transwomen' are statistically just as prone to male pattern violence as men who aren‘t trans.
Dysphoria is a psychological condition and should be treated accordingly. That doesn’t mean anyone has to stick to traditional gender roles — just be yourself and do what you want, wear dresses, use makeup etc. — or don’t — but don’t call yourself a woman when you‘re male & don‘t invade women‘s spaces when you‘re male.
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daydark4k · 1 year
Going on a bit of a rant here about some problems ive noticed about bootwt.
I feel like it's become increasingly exhausting to be in this community, and ill explain why because i have left it behind.
A lot amazing work has been done by the community to make it a safer space for minorities, but in a way this has put the community on a pedestal. It feel like everyone is expected to be an activist or they are a bad person nobody wants around. 
There's a huge difference in being an ally, and an activist. An ally is someone that will speak against shit when they come across it, do their best to educate themself, stand behind people in every way they can.
An activist goes a step further and seeks out ways to make change. Organizing charity events, going out of their way to educate others, uplift voices and being constantly posting about issues as they come out. Taking on the problems of others is not an easy thing mentally especially if you have your own issues.
Are you a bad person for not making a twitter post when some shitty cc says a stupid thing again? Bigotry is constantly happening and will continue, no matter what the community is like. But, if you were to watch the news, get overwhelmed and have to turn it off instead of tweeting about it, you wouldnt be a bad person right? The victim on the news could have their entire life changed by a tramatic event and you cant even have the decency to watch and give your empathy?
There's this overwhelming crushing expectation in this community of being an activist or else you dont belong. If you dont post wishing a happy holiday, happy heritage month, your deep supportfor the people that were discriminated against, then you dont care. People do it like its a checklist. it's not enough to simply care silently. It feels very performative as an outsider. It's always makes me feel so awful for watching ranboo and wanting to be a part of the community. The guilt is horrible. But if im not kept up with all the bad parts of it, im not doing it right.
There is also ableism. If you are uneducated or make a mistake speaking over minorities because of social issues you might experience, even if you try to be better it's held against you forever. These mistakes are valid and wrong. It's very important to have the attitude to improve yourself and see your mistake. As long as you are trying, why do people feel the need to kick you out of your safe space? I am not active on social media but i have seen this happen to many in the community.
I just hope for a space away from the hell i deal with. I just want to see and share silly art.
It's absolutely amazing the efforts of bootwt to make a good place for everyone. People work so hard and im grateful and amazed at what they have done. Racists should be bullied away. Ignorant people who do microaggressions but are willing to be educated and be better should be educated. Jumping people does not help anyone, help people realize their mistakes.
I hope the community continues the amazing work they have been doing. But lessen up on the expectations of others to also be activists like them. Communities are made up of all kinds of people. Everyone wants different things, some people need an escape from constant negativity. We should try to get along, point out each others mistakes and become better. Not put the community on the highest pedestal expecting everyone to be the same.
I hope this doesn’t come across like im a bigot trying to justify myself. I was really scared to post this but if I’m the only one who feels this is a problem just ignore me
i originally wasn't going to respond to this, but i want to break down some of this and explain it because i feel like i know what you're trying to say, but there's a lot of stuff in here that is misconstrued.
"It feel like everyone is expected to be an activist or they are a bad person nobody wants around"
you are not a bad person if you aren't an activist! i hope no one feels obligated to always be on the front lines fighting with people to make change. ranboo's community in the recent months has been one of the most active communities i've been in when it comes to rooting out bad people and making sure they know they're not welcome. if you feel unwelcome, why? you say it's because you don't want to be an activist. you don't have to be! but sending support and love to people who need it isn't activism. being educated and constantly evaluating yourself and your biases isn't activism. that's a part of living in the world we were born into that's entrenched in horrible bigotry that's been taught and ingrained since birth. ignoring these things doesn't make them go away, and the least you can do is acknowledge it and work to not continue the cycle of pain that so many minorities are subjected to. You say the community is supposed to be a safe place. how is it supposed to be safe if there are people who get away with saying and doing horrible things? its not enough to not be racist, ableist, antisemitic, sexist, homo/transphobic etc. you have to be anti- all of these things, and have a genuine love for the people who are affected.
if you feel like these things are too much emotionally for you, you are more than welcome to step away. no one expects anyone to be on the internet 24/7 or to always engage in the negative topics. hell, i've stopped talking about certain ccs and stopped constantly criticizing their actions because i know they wont change. i recognized it isn't healthy for me and there's no point to it. but when it comes to support, to making sure that everyone knows that bigotry isn't welcome, that is a very important aspect of a community. that's the DEFINITION of what a community is! and, if those of us who have followings and have thousands of people who look to us as a reflection of ranboo, don't do these things? how does that look from the outside? at this point it doesn't even correlate to ranboo anymore. me wanting people in bootwt to be educated and respectful people doesn't exist only in the online community, it exists in real life too. i want others to be aware of the impact they have on others. I would think that any fan of ranboo's would want that too, considering its one of the biggest things ranboo advocates for his fans. to be good people.
you correlated being an ally and being an activist, and you said that "An ally is someone that will speak against shit when they come across it, do their best to educate themself, stand behind people in every way they can." is that not what the community has constantly asked for? that's all minorities are asking for. you just described the community! then you say "There's this overwhelming crushing expectation in this community of being an activist or else you dont belong. If you dont post wishing a happy holiday, happy heritage month, your deep support for the people that were discriminated against, then you dont care." isnt that just being an ally, by your definition???? wishing people happy holidays to respect their culture and important days, and standing behind people who have experienced discrimination so they know they are loved and those hurtful things aren't welcome here? if you miss something or are late, that's normal! even if you after the fact say "hey, sorry i missed it but happy x hope your day was well" maybe one person will see it and will feel seen.
"it's not enough to simply care silently." im going to be completely honest. no. no its not. its not enough because being silent ALLOWS bigotry to exist. im going to link this article i researched specifically for this post, because it explains how silent racism works and is ingrained in our society
"It feels very performative as an outsider. It's always makes me feel so awful for watching ranboo and wanting to be a part of the community. The guilt is horrible. But if im not kept up with all the bad parts of it, im not doing it right."
no one expects anyone to always be caught up on which new cc was racist. we want people to be able to recognize bigotry and uplift the people who are hurt. to say, both online and in real life, when its safe: "hey, that wasnt cool, that hurts people." you shouldnt feel bad for wanting to be apart of the community. people are allowed to want to be apart of it. its a fun place to be sometimes! but also, people are allowed to distance themselves and not forgive some of the bad things they experienced.
"There is also ableism. If you are uneducated or make a mistake speaking over minorities because of social issues you might experience, even if you try to be better it's held against you forever. These mistakes are valid and wrong. It's very important to have the attitude to improve yourself and see your mistake. As long as you are trying, why do people feel the need to kick you out of your safe space? I am not active on social media but i have seen this happen to many in the community."
i do agree with you on this one. I don't like how the internet holds grudges. people aren't allowed to change and things they did are always held against them. BUT. on the other hand, if you have hurt people, those victims are not obligated to forgive you. this is a balance that isn't easily achieved in a large community, much less so on the internet. these are things that happen in all communities and its not fair sometimes.
at the end of the day. if you don't want to be an activist, then don't be. if you only want to see art and funny bits, mute terms. the more that these things are discussed and called out however, the easier its going to make it for the future. i don't think its fair to blame hurt people for making you feel bad about yourself. that's something you need to reflect on yourself and recognize why you feel that way, whether it be guilt or ignorance.
im not gonna be responding on this any further, go ham in the comments with thoughts if you want
have a nice day!
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fiercynn · 11 months
queer short cuts week 32: solidarity for palestine
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queer short cuts is a biweekly newsletter where i share queer & trans short film recommendations; each set of films is themed and comes out to no more than one hour cumulatively. content notes are included at the end of each post. you can also check out the full spreadsheet of films i've recommended.
i had initially intended this week’s recommendations to be a set of queer horror shorts for halloween, but i’ve continued to be too consumed with outrage and heartbreak at the ongoing genocide of palestinians by israeli forces, and the attempts all around the world (particularly in the u.s. and the west) to not only suppress any kind of pro-palestine speech or resistance, but even to decimate palestinian culture and existence. so i will continue to use this platform to keep palestinian lives, art, and culture in our minds.
last week, i featured short films made by and/or about queer palestinians. unfortunately i have almost exhausted the queer palestinian short films that i can find available online with english subtitles, so only one of the films this week is by a palestinian filmmaker, and none focus on palestinian characters. but last week i told you about queer cinema for palestine, a global film festival that stands in solidarity with palestine. their stance is put into practice as well: the filmmakers who show their work at the festival (along with hundreds of other queer filmmakers around the world) have pledged to boycott the Israel-government sponsored LGBT film festival TLVFest, which is part of larger efforts to pinkwash israeli apartheid.
check out the full list of film recs here
what you can do to support palestinian liberation:
fight for political change – join protests and contact your local leaders to demand support for palestine, not only a ceasefire and aid supplies but also an end to arming israel (if your country does so) and to israeli apartheid and genocide: prism has resources to support palestinian liberation
donate, if you have the means, to organizations both doing direct service in occupied Palestine and doing political advocacy and education: build palestine has a list of trusted organizations
learn more about the fight for Palestinian liberation through decolonize palestine, the palestine resource library, jadaliyya, and free e-books offered by haymarket books and verso books; and follow ongoing coverage and first-person accounts at the electronic intifada, middle east eye, al-mayadeen, jewish currents, and mondoweiss
uplift palestinian voices and combat misinformation you’re seeing and hearing on social media or in your communities
watch and share other palestinian films: the palestine film institute has shared unprovoked narratives, a set of films currently available for free online, and you can also learn more about palestinian film at palestine cinema
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driftward · 1 year
Title: FFXIV Write 2023 - Free Day 4 - 24. Lionize Characters: Aemilia sas Valentina, Katerina van Tullia, Nyx Blackmoon Rating: Teen Summary: On the right side of history, just at the wrong time Notes: Incomplete.
Her career started quietly.
A full blooded Garlean citizen of no note, joined the military to make a difference. Grew up under the shadow of Emperor Solus and his Magitek miracles. A few sorties, some success, canny intelligence, honorable but vicious.
No especial note was made of her. Another ambitious officer.
She climbed the ranks, if not easily, at least steadily. She learned from her errors and corrected her mistakes. She was a reliable part of the Garlean war machine, moving with her legion into new territories, conquering in the name of the Empire, forwarding the cause of Garlean hegemony.
Notes began to be made and compiled. It was important to know who she was, where her loyalties lie, guess at what she would become.
She gained a reputation as Garlemald gained its empire, and soon she was not a part of her legion, she was her legion, and then her legion was hers by right and in name, its Legatus, and she rode forward to victory, iron will riding her steel pride.
Now of course she was known, and the instruments of the Empire were at her disposal. The Iron Lion had become.
Conquering done, she switched to rule, and in this, the steel hammer was replaced with the velvet glove. While the rule of the day was to command with an iron fist, the Iron Line did no such thing. She was merciful in her leadership, showing an uncommon compassion to her subjects and subjugated. Work programs were put forth that paid fair wages and provided paths to, if not citizenship, at least comfortable and safe homes. Conscripts were treated well, and their tours were kept short. She did not turn on her populace with secret police and harsh adjudicators, instead allowing them largely to manage themselves, only the most egregious of offenses drawing the ire of Imperial ruthlessness. Many Legatuses on her position expanded, but the Iron Lion instead consolidated, and slowly, her province went from a war torn land to a rich source of food and material with which to feed the empire.
The Iron Lion no longer roared, and as she handed off her fiefdom to another Legatus - one hand picked by her to continue her efforts - she changed her aims, from military to political. With a groundswell of popular support and the loyalty of those who had known her, the Iron Lion sued for a spot in the Senate, and won.
The Frumentarium, of course, took careful note of this new trajectory.
An empire was not built in a day, neither Garlemald nor a more personal one. The Iron Lion, retired from a life of duty, now took up a life of service, as Katerina van Tullia. She took her place among the Imperial senate. Her power base was small, at first, buoyed by a successful military career and popularity at home. However, her views proved popular with an increasingly progressive Garlean citizenry, grown fat on military conquest and now warming to a life of leisure, as well as a sense of burgeoning responsibility, as conquerers now enjoying the fruits of their labors.
Power flowed and some with power began to view their privilege with a sense of noblesse oblige, and chief among those voices was that of the former Iron Lion.
"How are we to show the savages the value of civilization if we do not allow them the chance to participate in it? How can we uplift them from their dependence on their false gods if we cannot share with them the fruits of Imperial rule? We conquered them, yes, not only to retake our ancestral homes, but also, to prevent the ravaging of the land by their dread Eikons. But we must turn our faces towards the future, and I would reach out a hand, and offer it to them. Show them the benefits of being free, free from false worship and false deity. Then, I assure you, we need not conquer them anymore. They will come, of their own free will. This I decree!"
Katerina raised a hand to a cheering crowd, gray mane framing a proud face. The Iron Lion roared, and her voice could still be heard, it seemed.
Aemilia sas Valentina was amongst the crowd, and she clapped along as they cheered, even if somewhat less enthusiastically. No frown creased her forehead, because she was a professional. But she looked around, noting several in the crowd, noting how this meeting had been larger than the last, and larger than the one before that. Despite herself, she did allow herself to spare a glance up into the ceiling. High above the meeting hall, she looked - and saw.
In the dark, a gleam. The silvery ring of the eye of the lever she would need.
She sighed. Well. The Empire needed yet to grow, and to continue to do so, it seemed it would need some pruning.
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reginrokkr · 1 month
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𝐗𝐈𝐕. One of the things that I've been thinking about is the topic of wishes and how they're related to Jinhsi in a way that transcends the realm of simple, aleatory magic or pinned as a "stroke of luck". These definitions, at best, are the ways people have to describe occurrences in which they see with their own eyes wishes coming true. To put some context about why wish-granting isn't mere magic and it's fruit of Jinhsi's own effort at making wishes come true within her possibilities even if she isn't asked directly:
◜Perhaps it's due to the resonance with my host. Since I was young, I have had many dreams. In my dreams, there was often endless darkness. In my dreams, I was closely connected with the people of Jinzhou. I could hear everyone's most sincere wishes. I could also feel everyone's joys and pains. [...] I have seen the unwillingness and pain of millions. Sadness and sighs.◞ — First Appointment Radio Late Night Channel.
She's omniscient to people's feelings but also their wishes. This is an important point to determine the needs of her people and address these issues however she can. Sometimes, she will use festivities for this purpose in order to have a clearer vision of where to start as opposed to having thousands of wishes in a jumble easy to forget due to how many they are, such as the Moon Chasing Festival and people entrusting their wishes to the Moontree Lodge. It may come across as unfair sometimes for her to just be able to fulfill a few wishes, but there is as much as she can do without neglecting other needs in a much bigger picture that is the entire region of Jinzhou.
Nevertheless, it's important to note that her wish-granting activity is one of the main things that earned her people's trust in her to begin with, young as she was when she was appointed officially as the Magistrate. Even if this would mean to direct people's faith on Jué and not necessarily on her (hard as it might be to believe some of the things she does, it is her who does them through the power Jué shared with her up until their fateful clash), that alone would be enough to uplift people's spirits in knowing that Jué —through her— is with them. Until with time, they would realize that attributing these feats to Jué is a white lie not made out of malice, but strategically made so that people believe that wishes will indeed come true if they reach her, and that she will work to make them come true.
◜During a reconstruction event, the young magistrate performed a "miracle" known as "Sentinel Granting Wishes." The remote village had been plagued by weather anomalies for years. Even though the Tacet Discords had stopped, villagers still suffered from extreme cold and gloom. Jinhsi asked the villagers to voice their wishes. At first, silence hung heavy until a sneeze broke the silence. A timid voice then followed, "It's so cold… I wish it was a bit warmer here." Standing amidst the crowd, Jinhsi held a Loong Scale, closed her eyes, and nodded, "I will convey your wish to the Sentinel." Right after her words fell, loong horns sprouted from her head, and a Sentinel-like light pierced the dark clouds and the snow on the ground—just in an instant, the ice thawed, and the land once again sprang to life.◞ — Jinhsi story: Her Wish-Granting Magic.
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suleikashideaway · 8 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Oohh fun! Thank you!!
Fun fact about me: I am in irl professional musician and music teacher! You'd think that would mean something special about my taste in music but, heh, I guess you can be the judge of that. In any case music is important to me <3
I also am the type of person to find a single album or artist and only listen to that specific thing for...several months to a year, so instead of listing 5 songs of my current obsession, I'll list one from each of my past 5 obsessions lmao
1- Okay, the current boy on my mind. Hozier is...out of this world. I cannot BELIEVE I only discovered this godlike human a few weeks ago. I'm not kidding when I say I cried when I found out he's coming here live in a few months and tickets are already sold out. This song is from his latest album and it is etched in my soul:
2- In my efforts to be the best music teacher I can be, I picked up the ukulele and along the way picked up Eddie Vedder and his unbelievable album called Ukulele Songs. I can't believe how much I undervalued this man. He is an iconic songwriter and I've grown to love his appreciate his voice and style. Every song on this album is a hit but I'll give you the one that'll make you swoon:
The rest are under the cut because I like music a lot lol
3- I went through a pretty intense Florence + The Machine kick last year. I had always loved them but I had never put in any concentrated listening until I (belatedly) discovered the album High As Hope. Again, amazing album from start to finish, but this song...oooh.
4- Apparently I'm a big fan of The Staves...my Spotify wrapped informed me I'm in the top .05% of listeners??? So it would only be appropriate if I put them on here. I love how they've evolved over time. This song is kind of like, my theme song probably. (Except the bit about snow lmao)
5- Arghhh only five songs?!? Alright I'll end on an uplifting song to start your day. (If the theme isn't apparent, I pretty much love really angsty songs. If it doesn't make me cry on first listen it's probably not my thing lmaoooo BUT I do like a good touch of optimism occasionally to get me pumped!) This song is from The Wailin' Jennys, yet another female trio (that's a theme, too), whose arrangements are just otherworldly. This song is their take on a Dolly Parton song (both versions are the best lol)
Honorable mentions: Brandi Carlile, Turnover, Incubus, Bon Iver, Joshua Radin, and Raffi lmao.
Oh, and anyone who wants to play, consider yourself tagged!!!
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wolint · 4 months
Joshua 5:1-10
Joshua 5 teaches us that divine change doesn’t occur solely by God’s decree; we must also take action. We each have a role in receiving God’s blessings and favour. If we neglect our part, we disconnect from God’s part. It’s essential to understand that we must take certain steps to fully experience God’s work in our lives.
Many of us are waiting for God to act, but God is waiting for our obedience. We must do what He has called us to do in the natural world, so He can add His “super” to it. Our prayers and declarations should be accompanied by practical actions. After praying and expressing faith, we must do something while waiting for God’s supernatural intervention.
In the current voting season, people must decide who to vote for. Some may choose not to exercise their right, yet they may be the most vocal when things go wrong. They desire change like everyone else but are unwilling to take practical action.
2 Timothy 2:6 tells us that the hard-working farmer should be the first to receive his share of the crops. Why? Because he took action! He planted, watered, tended, and then waited on the Lord for the rain and good harvest. If he hadn’t done his part, God wouldn’t have anything to work with.
We must work hard, just like the farmer, to put in the effort in our field of work. Put the work in whatever the Lord has called us to, that’s what He blesses, favours and increases. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a homemaker, strive to do your best. Do your part!
Identify your role so you can understand where you fit in God’s plan. Identify what God is calling you to do in your life. This could be related to your career, relationships, personal growth, or service to others.
One thing, so many believers fail to do is exercise their rights. Their right as ambassadors of God to participate actively in our community and society. When it’s called for, we must step out to vote, voice our opinions, and stand up for what we believe in before asking God to do something on our behalf.
In Exodus 14, Moses had to raise his staff for God to part the sea. At the wedding in Cana of Galilee in John 2, the servants had to fill the stone pots with water for Jesus to perform the miracle. The Lord will never do our part. We must always take action. If we obey God and do what we’re meant to do, He will do His part, leading to the supernatural outcome we desire.
Joshua did something—he circumcised the people in the wilderness. Only then could God allow them into the land flowing with milk and honey. Our obedience to God’s instructions paves the way for divine intervention and miracles. We always must do something but if you aren’t sure where to start, start small: begin with small acts of obedience and service. Remember, even Moses had to raise his staff, and the servants at the wedding had to fill the pots with water.
Like Joshua, we too must be willing to always take action and wholeheartedly obey God’s instructions. By doing so, God will lift us up in due season, as promised in 1 Peter 5:6.
I am taking action by writing this fresh manna. If I hadn’t started when the Lord gave me the vision, it wouldn’t be available for you to read. What do you need to do for God to step in and do His part? Get on with it. Enduring to the end is keep holding on to our faith, even in tough times to receive our rewards. God’s blessings come to those who endure to the end as stated in Hebrew 10:36.
Prayer: Father, you are my strength and wisdom. Help and guide me to always act on your word and knowledge for my upliftment in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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what color character are you?
stealing this from @grapecaseschoices and doing it for my little guys!! if anyone else does this, tag me, I want to see!! quiz here
Jonah - Red character
They tend to be both quiet and observant as well as loud and dramatic. They are often brash and impulsive, and tend to act on instinct rather than planning ahead. They are quite self-sacrificing, often veering into self-destructive, and they push themselves to their limits trying to succeed. They tend to be stubborn, and it might take a lot to change their mind. They have a hard time expressing their feelings, and may come off as either emotionless, self-absorbed, or perpetually angry. They don’t have a ton of friends, and when they do, it’s often by circumstance rather than choice (although they grow to fiercely love their friends). They are not usually innately good at fitting into social situations, and can be awkward and out of place in them. They can come off as unhumorous because of how sincere and honest they tend to be, but tend to just have a dryer, sarcastic sense of humor. They do often think of others first, but their motivations for it might not be entirely selfless. They usually have a hard time conceivably lying, and are quite earnest without meaning to be.They put their full effort into what they do, and push themselves to improve at all costs. They get easily defensive, and feel like they have to prove themselves to earn anyone’s respect. They have a strong sense of internal morality and high standards for themselves. They also hold others to their internal high standards, which can cause a lot of conflict if not worked out. They tend to have bad relationships with their parental figures, who were usually either absent or abusive, and contributed to their toxic view of themselves. At their core, red characters want to be loved and accepted, but have often been denied it, leading them to build up lots of defenses. Others need to be patient with them and give them a safe space to be themselves as they open up and begin to flourish.
Madeleine - Dark blue character
They are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up. While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. They like being needed and helpful, and want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging. They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. They often had to grow up fast and mature early, which they both take pride in and resent. They are likely to join a just cause on a whim, and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in. They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others. Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
Côme - Green character
They are often hotheaded and brash, unafraid to speak their mind. They make for excellent leaders and teachers, and tend to be most devoted to a specific field, which they do well in. They have a lot of confidence in themselves, and although they can’t always see themselves positively, they are good about respecting themselves. They have a lot of common sense but are equally likely to strategically plan something out as to rush in on an impulse. They often have to work hard to get others to respect them, and sometimes receive less of it when people find out who they are. Still, they are not afraid to make others uncomfortable by being themselves, and are unlikely to waver when someone wants them to change against their will. They can be brash and loud, but also very quiet and secretive. Their humor can be a bit rude, and they don’t always display friendship and affection to the people they care about in the most conventional ways. However, they’re quite easygoing, witty, and fun-loving people. They don’t like when people are flighty and prefer to work with people who don’t quit and stand their ground. They stand out from others, both because of the way they approach the world, and because of how skilled they tend to be at what they do. Some people may not suspect that they are harmonious because of their blunt nature, but they are surprisingly good and reasonable diplomats, and can employ a lot of meaningful tact when the situation calls for it. They may feel a sense of distance or abandonment from their parental figures, as they often became emotionally or physically absent sometime in their life. Green characters hate being told what to do and put into a box, and are likely to challenge authority. They can be hard to work with at times due to their stubbornness, but they bring a lot to the table and tend to round out their friend groups. They need people in their lives who respect them, care about them, and listen to them, as well as offer them companionship without requiring them to conform to a certain preset standard.
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strawbxrrytiger · 2 years
i'm gonna post this here because for anyone who doesn't use twitter or hasn't heard the news from a friend, you need to know.
cw for sexual assault, grooming, pedophilia, and more. overall cw/tw for fucked up shit;
elliot gindi was a small voice actor mostly known for his role as Tighnari in Genshin Impact.
he grew popular because of this, his character was beloved and his voice acting made Tighnari loved even more.
he was looked up to and had an ever growing fanbase.
but, behind the scenes, he was
being transphobic
asking for MULTIPLE teenager's nudes (which included a 14 & 17 year old)
being sexist
being racist
being manipulative
and overall being an egotistical asshole
this twitter post was compiled by his mod team and shows not only victim's stories but evidence of his admittance (which he did in his "apology").
this is the thread i made compiling all of the evidence from the victims that wasn't included in the doc. it is being regularly updated with stories from more victims that have come forward since the release of all the information + creepy encounters others have had.
i personally was close with him, we DMd and talked and he listened to me vent about my financial situation and family situation multiple times. he even had gone to a point where he gave me $200 to help out.
he had joined a private server with a couple of friends and i n would have us essentially do the mods' work for him in scouting out people who needed to be talked to/banned
on top of that i was also an emote artist of his.
if you were in his streams/discord you most likely recognize this
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it's the emote i drew that he used
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DMs to show so you know i'm not BSing, his profile changed because he's a childish 31 year old man who thinks making his profiles blacked out/blank and edgy will help his case (spoiler alert: it won't).
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we also had numerous interactions in his server (i'm sentient sushi)
why am i showing all of this? because i've seen people saying that all the evidence is false, and people are faking it to try and tear him down. which is far from the case. he was someone i, and many others involved in calling him out, admired. we have no reason to shit on his name for "clout" or to "tear him down." everything is real and he needs to be torn to shreds for what he has done. for the people he hurt and manipulated.
he'd lure people into a false sense of security so they couldn't run away when he started being sexual and creepy. this behavior is disgusting and no one else deserves to be put through it.
so, please, support the victims. spread their messages and lift their voices. he needs to pay for the people he's traumatized.
even if you don't have a Twitter account i encourage you to read through everyone's stories and know what happened. real people went through this and real people suffered.
they deserve nothing but to be uplifted and praised for not only their bravery but their ability to encourage others to step out and say something. most of the victims are close friends of mine and they're such wonderful people who have had to deal with such a nasty, nasty man. do whatever you can to give them the support and love they need - the mods included. they had to deal with his bullshit behind the scenes and they didn't deserve it. they spent their time and effort managing the server of a man who was taking advantage of the members.
so, please, PLEASE never support elliot gindi. ever. he's an awful monster that hides behind a kind demeanor. he just hurts, and hurts, and hurts some more.
thank you for taking time to read this and spread the word even more than it already has been. everything helps and everything matters.
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Literally deleted my KU because it's been overrun by people who think they can write because they saw 50 shades of Grey once and have access to word doc. I'm back to buying thrift store books from the 2000s. I know they're good by the cracked spines.
I think KU is a good idea. It could be used to uplift voices and stories that have been shut out of traditional publishing.
The problem imo, is that it's still very much a popularity content and pretty white women dominate KU recs, especially if they accumulate large followings (see: piper cj). So many of these people casually inject their own prejudices, unaware they're even DOING that, and if it's called out, it's 50/50 they don't blast you for leaving a "bad" review. Your writing isn't fanfiction, though a lot of KU authors certainly want the positivity of a fanfic community, but with the added bonus that you pay them to make it.
The second is the lack of thought so many people put into their work. How many things get dumped into KU unedited? A HIGH amount. And authors will say, well editors are expensive and that's true AND this is a product you're asking me to buy. Why should I when you don't respect me enough to even cursory scan your own work?
Why should I leave a good review when I can feel the lack of effort. I shouldn't be able to tell what your inspiration was (so many ACOTAR rip-offs someone FREE authors from SJMs works), and I ABSOLUTELY shouldn't be able to tell you wrote this in a week.
I don't think all KU authors or like this, or that it's all bad. I like the premise, I think more people should have a chance to tell their stories even if they don't fit within trad publishing. But I think more authors should respect their readers, put care into their work, and if they aren't willing to, readers should consider no longer supporting bottom tier authors when there is so much talent you could support.
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