#but i DO want it!!! and thats enough to justify it existing :3
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peachcott · 1 year ago
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[ store ] 🌱 october update ❥ new: ↳ houseplant charms
❥ bg3 merch added!! ↳ astarion sticker sheet 🔪🩸 ↳ origin companion tamagotchi charms ↳ us charm 🧠(self indulgent) ↳ portrait prints
🌱 SHOP 🌱 ‪peachcott.bigcartel.com‬ you can use code BITING for 10% off for the rest of october!! i hope you find something you like :D
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months ago
I almost feel bad for the Marinette stans that are still fighting tooth and nail to claim that Marinette would never use Adrien's amoks
Like.. guys, what show are you watching? If Marinette knows an option exists, she will eventually justify maxing it out to her advantage. Sure, she wont do it willy-nilly for no reason, but I can easily see it happening that if Adrien were to now want to go back to working in his father's business because he's Gabriel's heir so he can take it over when he's of age to not lose the business his saint of a father built for them
Yeah, Marinette would justify using the amoks against him to change Adrien's mind to wanting to take over her parents' bakery for example because him going back is "wrong" and she knows what's "right". Adrien has no reason anymore to not wanting to go back to working in the Gabriel business. He thinks he owes his dead family to keep their legacy going. Adrien is all that's left of the Agreste's, s5 brought this up several times.
Marinette saying at the end of season 5 that Adrien "doesn't need to be as great as his hero father. She loves him anyway <3 (isn't she such a saint too? ^^)" is nice and well, but she also says that its HIM who decides what his future will be and that is laughably unlikely for Marinette to actually respect. If Adrien makes a big decision she doesn't agree with, she wont respect it. When has she ever?
Adrien has no reason to not decide to be his father's heir again and no way in hell will Marinette give anything resembling to a valid reason against it. She can't, it would require the truth and communication skills she refuses to work on.
I can even see it happening that Marinette will break up with him over this while going "I cant bare watching you do this 😔" hoping that itll make Adrien give in, and if he dares to choose his dead family over her she'll use his amoks "for his own good" cause "what was she supposed to do? 😭"
Or any similar situation. No, she wont do it at any little problem, but saying that Marinette would NEVER do it makes me wonder if these people like canon Marinette at all if they are so in denial about her massively flawed character.
Now, her doing it to CHAT NOIR is a different thing. Pre season 5, she would use his amok in a heart beat and claim its a totally level headed and a phenomenal battle strategy he needs to learn to respect her for. It would be sold as "he trusts her so MUCH uwu" and "she would never hurt him, it cant be abusive 😢"
Thats one of the only good things I can say about season 4 Ladynoir. At least Marinette didnt know Chat Noir is a Sentimonster. Knowing Marinette's disastrous writing in that conflict (she was rewarded for and held to 0 moral standards), she might have even refused to give the amok back to him and taken it with her "for save keeping because shes the guardian and she decided that him having his amok is too dangerous".
She would have raped his mind several times just to avoid any pushback or confrontation. She would have used "kind" phrasing to order him to shut up or to just stand there and do nothing but follow her orders.
She wouldn't have considered Chat's humanity one bit because for her hes already just some magical pet, and would have still only started crying for herself once anything might have asked her to realize what shes doing to him is wrong. Why should this factor cause a development in her that hasn't happened in Canon? Canon Marinette is a selfish leech in her treatment of Chat Noir. He cant have anything or anyone. She will abuse him however she likes, she gives no support back, she forbids him from existing as a real person, shes entirely uninterested in him as a person, she lies and uses him with a smile to prevent him from ever asks anything of her ever again the second even the tiniest consideration was expected of her, and then turns around and plays blameless cause "he didn't tell me 😢 im so pure he just isn't dedicating himself enough to me 😭" once she has to somewhat face that he wasn't treated well.
It is a god send that Marinette doesn't know that Chat Noir is a Sentimonster. Sure, she would show at least SOME restraint for Adrien, but even that has obvious limits once she doesn't agree with the big decisions he will make. But Chat Noir? Lord have mercy on that boy, she already barely allows him any true personhood and treats him like an animal and puppet to abuse, sacrifice, and posses to stroke her ego.
She would abuse the SHIT out of that amok and the show would paint her as "kind" and "loving" or "badass" for doing it over and over and OVER again.
But it's fine, cause she's doing it with love ❤️ and isn't her doing all that to him the proof he needed that she values him cause otherwise she would have long killed him like the goddess of justice she is? 😘
Oh, yeah, I have no faith on Marinette’s self control over the Amok if Adrien did something she found “bad” enough that she’d have “no other choice”. I think Adrien's career path would invoke this reaction if she couldn't badger, pressure and hound him into changing his mind first. She'd be crying while she does it about how she doesn't want to but she can't lose Adrien after they've come so far together and we’d be expected to think that yeah, she's totally justified, couldn't Adrien just do whatever Marinette wants because it's so sad when Marinette is upsette.
You're also totally right on how Ladybug would totally be controlling Cat Noir with his Amok if she had the knowledge and access. After all, Cat Noir gets mind controlled so often that it's just an excellent backup plan for Ladybug to have a counter mind control option. And it would be so convenient if she could just will Cat Noir to do what her plan requires instead of telling him to, because now the enemy can't hear her scheme. It's fine, because she's the leader and Cat Noir would follow her lead anyway. There's no moral conundrum here, because she's Ladybug and she decides what good and evil mean!
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battleangel · 1 year ago
I Am Not My Hair
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What actually happens if I shave my head bald?
Why cant I see what I look like without hair?
Why do I have to be sick or have cancer or be dying?
Why am I not allowed as a woman to just shave my head?
Why do I need a reason, a justification, an explanation?
Why do I have to justify being hairless?
Why are people acting like Im dying and have cancer just because Im bald?
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Nothing happens. Thats the gag.
Youve been taught to fear.
Its just my bald head. Why is that forbidden?
Why cant I ever see what my actual head looks like without all this hair on it?
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Why cant I see what my face looks like without it constantly being surrounded by hair?
What if I like being bald?
What if I like not spending $1200+ a year on my hair?
What if I like not styling my hair?
What if I like not doing anything with my hair other than cutting it super short, about an inch or two, every few months?
Why does it threaten people for a woman not to care about her hair?
I dont want to go to a hair salon or barbershop.
I dont want to go back to an afro.
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I dont want locs or dreads.
I dont want shaved sides, I already did that last year.
I dont want corn rows or bantu knots, Ive done that too.
I dont want to grow it out.
I dont want a $500 lace front wig.
I dont want a wig professionally installed by a stylist every 2 to 3 months.
I dont want to wash or brush my hair.
I dont want to put any products in my hair.
Why is it a sin for a black woman to not want to grow her hair out?
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I dont want my "long beautiful" hair back.
I dont want it halfway down my back again.
I dont want it to my waist again.
I dont want to relax it again -- there are lawsuits against Loreal, black women who used Just For Me and other chemical relaxers to straighten their hair are being diagnosed with cancer, inferitility and fibroids.
The chemicals in a relaxer are strong enough to break down and destroy the natural texture of your curly coiled kinks and force it to be straight -- those same chemicals are also strong enough to literally peel paint off of cars -- why are you putting this directly on your scalp for an hour plus every 2 to 3 months from the time you are a pre-teen or in high school until adulthood, for decades, and thinking that there wont be health issues?
They target products to Black women that kill them.
Remember the little Black girls that sang the R&B pop jingle in the Just For Me commercial?
"Just for me...hair so healthy, silky and free."
Who was that song for?
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This was the 90s and there were multiple Black girl groups back then -- TLC, 702, Blaque, Xscape, Jade, Total, MoKenStef, etc. -- they wanted to get us while we were young so we would keep using their products until adulthood. 
I got my first perm, I am 4C, at 11. I was so glad my mother stopped burning me with the hot comb that she had tortured me with since I was 5. Anything was better than that as I had a very sensitive scalp or "tenderheaded" as it is called in our community.
I couldnt wait to go to Touch of Magic salon where my older sister already had her long, silky hair. I was tired of being tortured by a hot ass comb that was constantlu burning my fucking scalp and I was tired of being told to "sit still" while my scalp was being fucking burned. I couldnt wait for the Revlon Fabulaxer so the dreaded golden hot comb could be forever banished from my existence.
From 11 to 34, 23 years, I faithfully got  a relaxer at the salon every 2 to 3 months. It was about $120+ (relaxer, deep condition, style, split ends, color, etc.). Over the years, that fucking adds up, over $100k I spent on my hair. Even when I went natural at 34, my 4c hair is extremely thick, kinky, nappy, unruly and very difficult to deal with. People have literally broken combs trying to comb through it. Needless to say, I couldnt manage anything myself but a wash and go so I spent thousands at the salon as a 4c natural on Senegalese twists, box braids, Bantu knots, corn rows, twist outs, twist updos and flat twists. 
Then I shaved my sides and cut my hair super short and started going to barber shops but I was dyeing it fuschia back then so my hair was still costing me money.
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Then last year, I finally just grabbed kitchen scissors out of my kitchen and hacked it myself and decided I was never going to go back to a salon or barbershop.
I was going to cut my hair with kitchen scissors myself every 2 to 3 months. I do like different looks so I have five cheap synthetic shitty wigs that are different colors (blue, blonde, green, black). Depending on the lewk and fit, either I just wear my hair natural and short or I slap a wig on.
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But thats it. No maintenance, no upkedp, no hair care routines, no wasting away a Saturday at a salon, no barbershops, no wash and gos, no 15 hour sessions getting braided extensions. 
Just literally cutting it with kitchen scissors every 2 to 3 months and slapping on a cheap shitty wig whenever I have a certain fit or lewk and thats it.
Then in August, I decided to shave my head bald. I didnt want even a few inches of hair anymore so I grabbed my husbands razor and shaved it. Didnt go to a barbershop or stylist. Had no idea how to even use the razor and just shaved it all off in under 10 minutes. I loved the bald look especially with thick ass winged liquid eyeliner, bold dramatic eyeshadow and colorful lipstick.
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I have a few inches of growth that in a month or two, I will grab the kitchen scissors again and cut my hair down to an inch or two. Ill do that every few months. I love it bald but even shaving my head on a regular basis is more time than I choose to devote to my hair. Cutting it with scissors to an inch or two every 2 to 3 months is my absolute limit.
As a woman, thats not allowed.
Especially as a Black woman.
And I was raised by a Southern Baptist fundamentalist, so forget about it.
You have to obsess over your hair, products, styling, color, length, look, appearance, texture, curl pattern, thickness, volume, care routines, pre poo, deep conditoning, tea tree oil, diffusing, texturizing, blow out, straightening, relaxing, lace front wig installations, weaves, kanekalon, bundles, braids, twists, locs, dreads, corn rows, bantu knots...
You cant just not do your hair!
Only you can. Because thats exactly what I do.
Even as a Black woman and we are brainwashed to be absolutely obsessed with our hair.
Go back and look at the hysteria India Arie caused when she shaved her "beautiful curls".
Just like India Arie, I am not my hair.
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jusst-you-race · 6 months ago
first of I really appreciate that you were transparent in the tags of condominium about how some ships may not appear a lot and you chose to not tag them because of it!!! a lot of smaller ship tags tend to get overrun with fics that barely feature them which is very frustrating for those looking for fics featuring them 🫶
anyway, I was wondering, there are a handful of ships I would say that are kinda semi set up for more as it stands (specifically thinking of zhottas, pierresteban, haasbands)? 👀do you have any plans for any of them? no pressure if not and also understand if you don't want to spoil anything or just not give anything away!! but if you do have thoughts on them you want to share I would love to hear them!!!!! everyone is here to see the main ships obviously so dont feel pressured about adding you dont want either :))
(and also dont feel like you have to answer the ask at all if you just dont care about the side ships or something or feel uncomfortable and have nothing planned for them. just if you want I'd love to hear it!! okay thats all before I ramble too close to the sun haha)
wowowow thank you! I’m also going to ramble a bit on this one honestly because it is something that I have thought about a lot and gone back and forth on a little bit!!! this got really long so under the cut it goes
firstly, as someone that will ship anyone and anything, I would hate to clog up a relationship tag for a rarer pairing when they only feature in a couple of offhand sentences or something. I was going crazy trying to find haasband fics where they weren’t the most minor side pairing and it was driving me insane! so I’m trying to avoid that! I hadn’t originally tagged strollonso for this reason, but I love them too much to not keep including them and I feel like they’re featured enough (and will be featured enough in the future) to justify tagging them.
in terms of other pairings, I might slap a yukierre heads up in just the general tags, as they are currently happily dating but won’t feature too much just because I don’t feel like I can do their dynamic justice as much… pierresteban will stay as neighbours with unnecessary beef because I just think that’s funny (as much as I do love pierresteban as a pairing)
I have also thought about other ships, but either these are not super set in stone, or I have plans but I don’t want to reveal them just yet (there is Something going on with haasbands… but I won’t say exactly what that is yet!). Zhottas is one that sort of exists as a nebulous possibility that I’m kind of just seeing where it goes. (but also I think it could be fun if they’re just unconventional besties… they go shopping together and get high tea after type of thing… Valtteri has one of those cat back packs that he takes Sweet Corn on adventures in… etc etc)
i am very much writing this as I go because this genuinely started as just a silly little thing to write for fun and I still can’t really believe how many people are on board with it… eternally grateful <3 I have been sticking to the drivers and dynamics that I’m the most familiar with, and as much as I would love to give absolutely everyone their own unique in depth plot line, I do think that would get slightly overwhelming to read! gotta have some more background characters just to balance it out
thank you for the ask!!! I hope this was somewhat useful information lmao <3
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equarretedddd · 2 years ago
my headcanons and ideas regarding the backstory and the families of Abigail, Charles and Dick’s work trio (ive been thinking about this idea since 2021 andd now i want to complete it to the end lmao)
i see her childhood as rather unremarkable and ordinary.
she could live in some farm or country surrounded by warm wind and fields of wheat ears. she had a full family of father, mother and several siblings (presumably brothers). i assume that Abi noticeably lacked female maternal care and warmth, because her mother, although she could be quite caring and loving, was chained by some complex chronic disease that took a lot of time and effort. Abigail could often be surrounded by a male family side in the form of a father and brothers who could make fun of her sometimes, but nevertheless be an important part of her life (they would stand up for her and she would stand up for them too). her father could be quite a serious and strict person (maybe hes a cop i havent decided yet!), but Abi had a support and a role model, whom she could rely on and from whom she could feel moral support and understanding.
i see Abi’s rise up the career ladder as quite gradual and smooth. from an amateur family interest in music, she began to be interested in this on a more conscious level, that is, studying at the conservatory, time-consuming work and possibly establishing partnerships with other people.
i see his childhood as quite poor and not particularly enviable, maybe he was from an immigrant family where there was barely enough to pay the bills.
however, he was a pretty capable kid who was open to develop! he was quite willing to reach for knowledge and skills, tried to be interested in many things and dreamed of becoming successful, i actively see him as a geek and a technician! but perhaps, he was not particularly supported and helped in this, he had to resort to various kinds of offenses, he could just get used to it and consider it the only working way out (this does not justify him ikr hahaha).
nevertheless, he was insanely oppressed by his social status, he felt like an unaccepted and rejected outcast who would be shunned all his life. i guess thats how he got close to a successful career, getting involved with crime and mistreatment of people, because it WORKED. he looks like a man who seems to be boasted of his success, like "look at me im rich and i have achieved everything i wear in vulgar glamour clothes and hang out with hot girls and rich guys", but in fact he just went head over heels from the inability to cope with everything piled on him and the the cult of success and achievement gradually deprived him of humanity.
btw i really like the theory that he is somehow related to Salacia, i hope that something will be told about it! but i will try to push off from something else.
Charles himself looks like a person who… had been ready ALL his life for his purpose and responsibilities to be responsible for other people's lives (it concerns not only Dethklok because he literally holds the global economy and is responsible for almost half of the things that are related to the world situation). i see him as the son of a wealthy family with a very large family tree (cmon he fenced in college). he probably did a lot of things in his childhood that related to weapon control, self-defense and protection (this is even if we dont talk abt legal, economic, managerial, social and other shit that he had to deal with).
i literally see him as an indigo child who obviously always knew what he needed to do and he aspired to it through blood, tears and sweat. probably, he did not see any other way out and did not imagine what could be an alternative to this, although perhaps he was faced with a strong identity crisis when he did not understand why he was doing all this and whether this was really the essence of his existence, bcs, probably, others actively pushed participated in Charles' achievements and prospects. in general it was as if his entire subsequent life was built for him from the very beginning.
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lotusarchon · 2 months ago
go kill urself no one will miss u ⁽⁠⁽⁠◝⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◜⁠⁾⁠⁾ u groomed it and it killed itself ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ stop whining
Y'know it's okay man. I've done fucked up shit too. Loadssss of fucked up shit. As long as you admit you have a problem and start to work on yourself from there, you'll be fine. Albeit it won't change what you've done but remorse goes a long way.
That being said..
Aren't you tired, Pawdow? It's been nearly 3-4 months, how long will this go? What even is your issue, to think coming into my anons flooding it with death threats, groomer allegations and making fun of my friend's death, is something mildly entertaining or funny?
I don't care you're impersonating me, except that you're doing a reallyyyyy bad job at it. The aesthetic is NOT pleasing, the typing is weird, and also, kaomojis are cringe. I quit using those after my 2020/2021 era was over. Type properly, I know your ass went to school.
It's just...kinda weird huh? You pretended to be Hongtao's friend only to spin one tale when you met Mariin, disappeared when she disappeared, and most likely you've made a new account and have been stalking a kid, waiting for the opportunity to copy what Mariin did and pretend to celebrate because....why? Like I'm genuinely processing why you think what you're doing is entertaining. The only thing I can come up with is you have some grudge against them, except i can't see your justification. Hongtao was, and is, a good kid. But overall he's a kid. You're attempting to justify yourself by bullying, harassing and making a mockery of a child.
Then, because apparently that's not enough, you think...mentioning people associated with them would somehow...what exactly? Make you feel good about yourself? "Oh, hey! This person used to know Hongtao, lemme harass them because it's super funny, I'm gonna call them groomers and blame them for their death!"
We're both 18, what the fuck are we trying to do with our lives but survive this wretched existence? Why on earth do you think holding some weird grudge is remotely entertaining?
You're not even a villain, dude. Not even a villain, not even...not even a bully. You're just a pathetic human being thinking you're having some affect with your actions and words.
You don't. Not to me, at least, because regardless of what you do or say, it doesn't change the fact you're absolute ass. It doesn't change anything, because you're a stranger on the internet wanting attention so unbelievably badly, you impersonate someone else and make fun of someone's death.
You're an 18 year old who's a two faced cunt. Grow up, get some help. Religion also helps.
Your tantrums in my ask box are just funny. I've wasted my entire December bawling and cursing myself because I was a piece of shit to people I like. This?? This is literally so fucking tame. You're just a little dog, aren't you? Reallyyyy desperate for some attention.
I hope you're still living with your parents. Something tells me you're not ready for the adult world just yet.
Also, again. Not to point but... an adult stalking a minor is really weird, don't you think? I mean....theres no way you couldn't have known about this unless you remade your account to keep track of everything they've done.... that's...thats creepy dude.
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fictionfixations · 3 months ago
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marius: dont worry ill catch you! me: jumps into his arms i think it was about to switch to a different thing cause it went white and then it suddenly kicked me out LMFAOO like sorry marius you didnt catch me 😭 i was suddenly kicked from existence 👍
sorry i havent really been making posts about this game, ive been playing it on and off, especially cause at one point my cards were too weak 💀 for like the trial bit at the end of the last episode which is a bit infuriating to keep replaying cause i couldnt skip but i mean nothing new, the game crashes during trial bits all the time and im just sat here like okay wtf was the answer again i know i just answered it a few minutes ago but i already forgot. what were we talking about even????
i feel like ive started growing indifferent to it and just moving on when it happens. thats a good thing cause usually it just frustrates me and sometimes i have to take a break (which leads to procrastinating from the game for months LMFAO)
honestly i think i only really got super frustrated about that was cause id get super immersed in the story then i suddenly get kicked out like hah you want to learn more? RE OPEN THE GAME 💀💀💀
also feels bad man. and i know its kinda like do you respect the victim's wishes or do you like out a person as guilty when the victim forgives them and stuff
but also fuck no they still did a crime i have no sympathy for them. that might be because so far i havent seen like a legitimate reason from them that makes me want to give them a pass. like yes they have reasons but is that valid enough (in my eyes) for me to not put them under the scrutiny of the law and serve time? no
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okay guys we're back in the good timeline where we're saved. CRAZY that the house was set on fire though LMFAOOO mans recreating how his family died to an innocent couple (well we're not a couple but we pretended we were) like bruh what. like im sure you justified to yourself killing like vans(? was that his name? this is what happens when i dont play in awhile i just forget names like who) but HELLO???
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guess he was sus of us but jeez louise.
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like sorry i know youre probably not being a creeper
but you are acting like a creeper dont watch people from the windows thats like my number one fear man 😭that theres just gonna be a person outside the window and i dont notice i just see a face and its scary as fuck
mans is paranoid. like i mean he was right to be worried about us but like for all he knew we were just a couple looking to buy a house like bruh and you were just watching. what if we got freaky 💀. i mean probably not we were in a former crime scene and marius pretended he was a little scared of it but like dude chillll. like i mean you were in the right i guess cause we WERE investigating but man.
do i want to know how you know my shoe size (okay well i dont have a screenshot of that dialogue exactly whoops my bad)
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oh god this is scary theres like 3 more levels before we get to the trial. i did not realize we were already there but i mean we did get proof already
scared to know what episode 5 is about. why does it have 3 parts.
actually looking at the rest of the future story is kinda scary like 1. thats a lot. 2. whats gonna happen D: i think i like it better when you dont know how much story is left (unless you keep up with like updates or like search it up yourself)
screenshots of stuff thats like | this a ways (i dont know the difference between horizontal and vertical if im being honest) is always a little weird cause they take up so much room (on the post) which i have to keep getting used to. like it looks normal on a phone but like viewing it on like a - screen feels a little weird
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thekidsarentalright · 1 year ago
Hii! I have some hot and cold takes to sharee. Hope you are still doing that, I don't want to be annoying
1. FOB making literally no shows in LatAm let a bad taste on my mouth. They come only for festivals, and I bet that they have enough public here to play a solo show, at least at the capitals/biggest cities. Probably it lies more on fault of their label, but anyway.
2. Use what Joe said in his book to hate on Mania is disingenuous, since he said similar things about other albums too (IOH comes to mind)
3. TTTYG is not very unique? Like, putting it above most of FOB albums is weird to me, since it's mostly a very standard pop punk album (don't get me wrong, I love this baby made of teenboy rage, but anyway)
4. EOWYG is genuinely bad. Theres literally one of two good songs.
5. Suggesting that a band should break up because you did not like their most recent material is weird, I am sorry. Like, if you don't like it, DONT LISTEN??? And for me, is even worse when it's about FOB, since they are very vocal about how much they like to work, tour and just generally hang out together.
6. The Hush Sound was the best band Pete signed, bless Ryro for sending that link for Pete.
7. Speaking about Ryro, he and Pete have the most intersting relationship from all the relationships between Pete and other band dudes, at least for me
Thats it, thank you for reading <3 I hope its not the worst opinions ever.
def still doing it and not annoying at all, thank you for sharing!!!!
i absolutely agree with this like. while i’m sure it isn’t Their faults personally that they aren’t touring in latam, i’m sure there’s a lot that goes into it that i dont even know about that really doesn’t change that it Is shitty that they aren’t touring anywhere there like. idk if artists like paramore and taylor swift etc can do it i’m sure they could too :/ and i can only hope that Sometime Soon they do
yeah definitely!! his feelings on their albums are honestly probably a lot more complex and nuanced than we could imagine and just using him voicing his thoughts on a project as a way to justify not liking something yourself is kinda shitty!
i have alwayssss felt this way about tttyg (and tbh about eowyg too which will go into my response to the next one fjdnfk), like it shows Promise and isn’t Bad but it also isn’t unique like other fob albums are necessarily. it was a good start but like. they just got better w every album imo
i definitely dont think eowyg as it exists is good either yeahfjrjfndk like i said before. and i think in an ask yday. it has a lot of promise and could easily be good w some tweaks but. isn’t really my thing fjrkfndk
literally if you dont like something and only have mean uninteresting things to say about it dont listen and dont talk about it LMAOOO dont go from i dont like this to well clearly the band should break up like. fob love touring and working together and clearly really love what they’re creating let them be…
tbh have never listened to the hush sound so i will take ur word for this one!!! ryan has good taste tho so im sure theyre good <3
tho i will be a peterick forever and ever i gotta agree pete and ryan are very interesting fr like… there was Some gay stuff going on there man…
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radioroxx · 11 months ago
GOOD AFTERNOON i only just saw your complicated characters post and a) YIPPPEEEE i love complicated characters also :]]] and b) the cool thing about uty in particular is that there - OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD - is no main character that does not do something stupid that could/did cause harm.
um. again. off the top of my head. you can explode me if im wrong 👍
i think ceroba makes a REALLY good parallel to toriel. she loved her husband and she loved her daughter and then things got FUCKED and her child Gave Themself Up leaving her only able to watch and feel so guilty because once it started there was no helping it.
cerboa was grieving and in a strange place of "my daughter is asking this of me she's Asking Me To Do This" and she's trying to do something for monsterkind because she raised a thoughtful wonderful daughter who cares and says "mommy, it's worth a try, right?" and of course it's worth a try and there's a fog in your head because you're grieving and your daughter is right here and she wants you to do something and then something goes wrong and you can feel it in the way the fog clears and it was a mistake and you've lost it ALL.
a mother's love indeed. anyway so how's your day?
sorry every time i opened tumblr to answer this i saw something else and got distracted <3 uhm
BUT YES YES YES YOURE VERY CORRECT. i didnt even think about the parallel to toriel good looooord im so fucked. dead.
and!! also yes youre right about the!! EVERYONE has made at least one mistake and god. god
again it comes down to the thing i mentioned in the tags of that post, about being a ‘good’ person. or a good mother in that context. that these ideas of good and bad people cant really exist without some sort of bias or perspective.
ceroba made a shit ton of mistakes… she let her daughter give herself up, she betrayed her friends and tried to kill some other kid in hopes to save her own family. for all you can try to justify those actions and make reasons for them its undeniable that she DID still cause a lot of pain for a lot of people
so i think the question isnt really, is she still a good person? but rather, is she forgivable?
we know clover forgave her, and star and martlet. sooo maybe thats enough
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cloudjumpervalka · 8 months ago
brain thought stuff
so ive been doing weekly therapy again for the past couple months and as i mentioned before i love my therapist. shes my age and also trans so ? thats great. all my other therapists have been older women that made me explain what being trans/nb is over and over again despite labeling themselves as lgbt friendly therapists lmao
anyway like. im really discovering how ingrained my low self worth is into my brain bc it really did start with my earliest memories and just kept getting into more toxic situations
i was emotionally neglected growing up and bullied k-12 for a plethora of reasons. when i did get my first friendships/relationship, they were like. borderline abusive* (both my therapist and i are hesitant with this word)
i have years of feeling like my self worth is reliant on how unhealthy people view my usefulness to their life?
i need to like. learn how to find myself worthy of just existing. worthy of waking up and being able to, as my therapist said, "breathe, eat, and fuck"
it feels really weird too bc i have spent years feeling like a waste of a person and like. inheritely a horrible person who is too self absorbed to realize it. i know i have made mistakes and could have handled these situations better, but it doesnt define me as a person. i try every day to be a better person for myself and my loved ones and its always weird to hear "well an actually shitty person wouldnt care about getting better" bc i then trick myself into being im one of those assholes utilizing therapy talk to justify my shit behavior
idr why i started this lil vent but like. idk it feels like therapy is working this time. its helping me realize some things, its helping me learn how to not fall into the same patterns (my therapist said im like an addict that cant leave unhealthy situations) , learning where my values lie and how to pick those values out in other people
most importantly tho, shes having me try to not define myself as an artist but rather someone that makes art. i have so much fucked up brain layers over my self worth and it being tied to what i create, i was starting to have like mini breakdowns over not getting enough attention for my work, which shouldnt matter bc i should do work for myself.
ive gone back to sketching in a real sketchbook and not posting a lot of my work bc then i am doing it strictly for myself. but maybe ill post a sketch collection at a later date for fun.
i still want to work on "angelkin" project aka SERAPH. which is an art project i started a yearish ago that is a self biographical look at these most "toxic" relationships and the feelings of devotion/obsession with uh. spoilers: the 3 people in my life that threatened suicide to various degrees/reasons towards me. bigger spoilers, imagine this also being tied in to my own self worth being connected to how well i can be Everything to someone. hence the angel theming
eh whatever, i hope you enjoyed my ted talk bc my lunch break at work is over now LOL
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Extremely Unnecessarily Long Disjointed Ramble About My Identity
ive never felt happy with my queer identity at all. i know you dont need labels but being labeless wasnt freeing either, it never felt any better.. not any worse, but just the same feeling of ambivalence to my own existence.
one thing i never see discussed is the influence of community in how you describe yourself. this is so obvious, we talk about this with peer pressure and other personality traits, but its heavily affected my queer identity too. my sexuality has always been kinda fuzzy, ive been bouncing between being bi and lesbian and gay since the beginning of time, but between those 3 groups the appeal of the lesbian community was always so much higher. i liked the sense of closeness i never experienced in my trans/gay/bi identity, i liked how more trans inclusive it felt, my lesbian friends were always much more proud of their identities than other people, i liked the freedom of not being at all shackled to men. But i dont really know if lesbian fits my sexuality. no fucking clue. i just know socially id rather be a lesbian in social circles than anything else. i feel like an imposter almost. when i identify as bi i dont feel like an imposter, but im always really unhappy with the choice and feel like it doesnt accurately represent me at all. i dont feel like i relate to other bi people.
with my transness.. for 3 years i ID'd as a binary trans man. it never felt quite right, i felt like i didnt try hard enough to be a man, there were too many things i held onto from living as a girl that i didnt know if id ever want to let go. i switched to thinking of myself as nonbinary transmasc, not really at all connected to feminity but not strictly calling myself a man. this was alright but i always felt the indecisiveness of sometimes wanting to be a man and sometimes wanting to be free from it all together, it didnt feel good either. right now ive abandoned any notions of gender, just that im not a Girl, and whether that means im feminine or masculine or androgynous it doesnt matter. this is maybe the worst ive ever felt about my gender and has affirmed to me i probably am at least transmasc, if not completely a trans Man.
ive always rlly felt the shame of being transmasc. i feel like i betrayed womanhood or whatever even though i didnt fit into that either. i was an ugly obvious outlier in any space i tried to be a girl. i think id rather be a girl, i see the appeal of it so much more. i feel stupid for not wanting to be a girl when i enjoy the experience so much more. even though i Know identity is not something you choose, even though i Know every single person has a different thing thats right for them, it feels so much more justified to me to want to be a girl - whether you have to transition that way or were just born into it - than to want anything to do with masculinity. i dont know.
i have some internalized hatred to work out but it sucks when i see people reinforcing it. terfs call testosterone evil and talk about trans men betraying womanhood. transmascs frequently say stupid shit online (transmisogny, as well as generally being insanely discourse minded), and i know im not the monolith, im not the whole group, but it makes me feel stupid for wanting to be grouped with those people. this definitely ties into my completely unrelated issue of feeling personally responsible for shit that i didnt do, for people pleasing all the time and my desire to be liked by literally everyone. And then also in my head i go Ahhhh youre dividing people into arbitrary categories again... Youre deciding certain archetypes of transmasc suck even when you dont know the person personally and then i feel disappointed in myself again for being so generalizing. especially when i understand how they got to those conclusions or have thought them myself at some point.
now 90% of my friends are trans girls and its changed my perception of community again. i feel like transmascs dont have the same sense of closeness like that, or maybe we do, and i just dont feel it since i dont engage with my own community much anymore. maybe as an outsider i percieve more solidarity than actually exists (although between my friends & social media discourse im not at all unaware of infighting). maybe i just feel left out or lost wherever i go i guess. maybe it is just a me issue.
to add onto the i dont engage with my own community bit, i remember when i used to follow many transmasc artists and all their ocs and such were transmasc too. i strayed away from this for a few reasons. i remember some discourse in 2022 about how trans male artists get so much more attention online and how no one supports trans womens art, and i felt bad almost for engaging with my own community. i know that other peoples communities are not a threat to my own, and ive always supported trans womens art too, but i felt bad about the 1 single time i ever felt connected to other trans men. i felt bad consuming all this male content, and consequently stopped. that was also around the same time my sexuality shifted from feeling like a gay or bi man, to being a nonbinary lesbian, so i felt disconnected from a lot of gay transmasculine art as well.
a lot of my issue with identity is discourse and its so stupid man. i know its stupid to say out loud but constantly being surrounded by it gets to my head sometimes. it feels especially stupid as someone who doesnt even rlly engage with it, instead i just read thread after thread reply after reply and feel Bad with no outlet. i remember over the years seeing posts about how people drawing transmasc surgery scars felt empty and meaningless, because it didnt attempt to represent any other part of the transmasculine experience and i felt bad for enjoying that symbol. i loved seeing top scars in art and on people and then i felt weird about it, even though logically i know the importance of those things is not diminished by random people online saying its Hollow.
it always feels like discourse tries to pit trans men and women against eachother and it sucks. (with obvious exceptions, sometimes trans men really are ignorant & talking over or erasing transmisogny). ive never once with my transfem friends felt like i was at odds against them. learning other peoples experiences is extremely important to me, and ive often found we have very similar experiences too, even on stuff i wouldnt expect to have parallels for. it sucks that i literally go outside and touch grass everyday and interact with Real Queer People, and yet still the discourse worms infest themselves into my brain...
being completely unlabeled and being free is fine in a box, until im forced to adhere back to reality by the fact i live with other people. i can think of my own actions as genderless or etc in my own bubble, maybe even with friends, but when i go back into the world and am crammed and perceived into places i dont want to be, i feel bad again. maybe i havent experienced the true joys of being labeless when i still care about peoples perception of me. its hard not to when its your everyday at school and work.
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blackcherrypepper · 1 year ago
poppy playtime chapter 3 spoilers ( i am watching a lets play, this is a live blogging)
bioshock vibes with the radio messages.
seems pretty spooky so far. though, man, the escalation is pretty quick. poppy playtime is doing its best to beat the 'horror for children' allegations it seems.
like, the line about the dead kid in the duffle bag really isn't even. that horrifying as far as horror games go, i think? but it caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it to be that blunt about it.
ah. the huggy from the trailer IS, in fact, a hallucination. cool
oh! kissy missy! cool! i wonder if they're going to get into the horror of Her existence. There seems to be some strong implications here.
ah. we're getting to actually hear the children talk now. that's gonna help with the horror escalation. before the kids were just... an implied reality. didn't have to really face it deeper than a surface level awareness. with visuals or audio of the kids? that is gonna help make things a lot more scary.
have the devs said how many chapters this game is going to be?? i wonder how much more there is planned for this.
wanted to make a 'would you rather be stuck in the superstar daycare (fnaf) or playcare (ppt)' but like. objectively superstar daycare is better. fazbear ent is not intentionally trying to murder children like, as a whole, they just keep having rabbit-dressed people kill people in their establishment. playtime co is actively and intentionally murdering people as a whole.
unfortunately, i gotta say, ppt is starting to fall into the batim... 'this building could not possibly be this big'. it reminds me of portal in a way, and I've never questioned how big the aperture building was, but thats because its Comedic. I am having trouble suspending my disbelief on playtime co being able to make this much underground factory without the world knowing that they HAVE that large space, even if not whats down there. batim escaped this by being semi-reality, and aperture is. comedic. but ppt has yet to justify itself to my brain. small thing though, unimportant.
oh kissy and poppy time! hi!
oh, player got tortured? interesting. mommy long legs also said player worked there, though. interesting.
he trapped poppy in the case? also wow, 'god awful'. I was caught off guard by that. just didn't think she'd use that. phrase?
oh hey! huggy confirmed dead! rip huggy boy.
ollie why do you speak like dora explaining what us kids at home should do. who are you. what are you.
'why does catnap avoid the school?' because it used to be a kid. I would avoid it too.
hm. okay well dawko's title sorta spoils the name of the shadow lady from the trailer. but okay. oh wait no its brought up in the game like two minutes in. fair enough.
ohh she knows us too and also confirms player used to work there. is miss delight like. an actual person???
Ah. wanting to murder all of the children. Well, hello Mrs Afton, I guess.
oh nope she is a toy. i think? she has a cut out. probably a toy. oh. yep thats a toy. has a lights on lights off weeping angel mechanic too. neat. not that scary to me, though. partially because i cant get a good look at her dang design. partially because she's so brightly colored. sorry girl the bright blonde hair is not helping your fear factor. dawko disagrees with this opinion evidently lol.
oh oof she keeps clipping through a closed door. with her mechanic, in such a tight space, doesn't seem fair. rip dawko.
why does she have that moon laugh.sfx i know, unfair comparison, but it just sounds so much like moon's laugh but. female voice actor.
dawko brings up lack of checkpoints, and that paired with the clipping through closed gate thing makes me thing the devs thought this segment was a lot easier than it seems to actually be. partially because of that clipping bug, probably.
end of liveblogging part 1
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raincamp · 2 years ago
7 - 27 - 23
today has been... a lot. i have a lot to talk about because it really just keeps snowballing, ive had the worst fucking BPD episode today
so i wrote this this morning, expecting to get to actually have a session with my therapist today, since yk, i did finally make an appointment with her referral (for context if you didn't read my last posts, she basically said: no appts until i start addiction counseling bc she can't treat addiction) //
"i've been having the worst and most painful fucking week of my life only for everything to be entirely made up by my imagination, oh how i fucking hate paranoid ideation
as i'm writing this i have about an hour before my therapy appointment— which i was one hundred and ten percent sure was going to be rescheduled, and that i was going to be terminated, because apparently my therapist doesn't like me— and i'm having so many urges to like, hurt myself, or do something to prove that I've been in pain this week because now that i've realized it was all just paraoia my pain no longer feels valid, or justifiable, or even real because of my emotional impermanence making it literally impossible for me to relive the emotions i was experiencing even 5 hours ago.
im partly glad that i only blew up at her once, i think i would be so much more embarrassed had i not. not to say that im not entirely ashamed of my entire reaction to something as small as this, but i also feel like she would've been able to understand how much I've been struggling this week if i had. and since I can't wholly remember how it felt, if it exists in somebody else then it makes it more real. idk. i just want my pain to be validated by her so much."
i was fully ready for her to text me today and be like "oh chill you made an appt see you in an hour" but what i got instead was radio silence. so i checked my appointment portal only to see our standing appointments for the next 3 weeks cancelled.
believe me when i say, my heart fucking dropped, i mean like, it was on the fucking floor, i was hit so hard i couldnt breathe for several minutes.
so, yk, i text her begging for an appointment like the pathetic emotional parasite that i am, and all i get in response is a "we can reschedule once you've attended your intake appointment" so i was like, welp, that sucks bc my intake is next week on a Thursday, so now i have to go two weeks without therapy. absolutely triggered the fuck out of me, i was crying, SOBBING on my floor, it just hurt so fucking much. i felt like i was being ripped apart and sewn crudely back together again, over and over again, everytime i calmed down enough to breathe it would start over again, wave after wave of sadness and shame and abandonment and rage and grief and desperation. i just wanted to stop feeling so much PAIN.
and yk what i did, instead of hurting myself like i nornally would, i texted my therapist like i've been taught to in DBT. she's SUPPOSED to be there to help me when i need it. thats literally in her contract.
mid-sob i typed out a message that was more akin to me begging her to pull me out of a sea of misery and perform CPR on me than professionally asking for help, but i genuinely didnt know what to do, and i STILL don't, because distress tolerance only goes so far, ive been feeling like this, constantly, since our last session.
and she just responded with reminding me that she set the boundary a week ago and we talked about a referral 11 days ago, but she was available for an appointment in two weeks (meaning ANOTHER week without therapy, total: 3) . completely ignoring my plea for help. it felt like she was telling me "hey just a reminder, this is entirely a consequence of your own actions. have fun dealing with it yourself!!"
i have fucking BPD, the only way i KNOW how to deal with anything is by hurting either myself or the people around me. and im THIS close to self destructing and quitting therapy altogether.
i am so fucking pissed at her, idk how she can expect me to survive three weeks without stable treatment. especially after i was hospitalized last month for a suicide attempt?? she knows how much im suffering right now. is keeping a boundary really so important that she can't even help me when im hurting this much?
all i want right now is to scream at her, and im definitely going to, at the very least, be as much of an arse as i can over text, idk, i feel like i deserve to let myself be angry at her. its definitely justified, despite what i said before. theres clear evidence now that I wasn't being paranoid.
i just feel so abandoned by her, physically and emotionally, i feel like i have nobody, i feel like im back to where i was before i started treatment. its so frustrating, and painful. and the fact that this is due to an addiction that i dont have any control over is making me feel even worse.
im trying to figure out why she's doing this, like, she's shown shes competent, i genuinely cant understand how doing this is supposed to help me. how is putting me through this much pain going to help? its making me so unstable. and ik im going to relapse again at some point before i get to see her again.
im trying not to think about it anymore, because everytime i do i start crying again. its to the point where i have a killer headache and my eyes hurt so much from the amount of tears ive spilled.
i fucking hate this disorder so much. nobody but me would be this attached to their therapist. normal people would be able to cope with someone setting boundaries easily. this shouldnt be causing me to feel this way. its not fair. im so exhausted from having to hurt so much all the time, at this point its chronic, its become background noise, its my idle state, and im enraged about it.
i hope good omens season 2 lives up to my expectations.
- andrew
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mg549 · 2 years ago
tagged by @graveyardrabbit 👍!
last song: mama by mcr <3
currently watching: nothing 😔✊idk its hard to get me to watch tv shows. oh i did jst remember like 2 years ago or sth i started watching Every X-Files Ever with a big excel sheet of all my opinions and shit. but its been hard to get thru bc the later seasons have not been very enjoyable and also ive been Busy with work n putting out consistent art n shit that its hard to justify sitting down and not doing anything for that long ig. ive also slowly been getting thru various slasher franchises&watching iconic horror movies since i love horror but havent watched a lot of the movies, &its easier for me to get thru an hour and a half of sth Complete than 45 mins of a Part of a larger story. the original scream is def the cream of the crop of what ive seen so far, meanwhile i watched the first saw last night and it was incredibly stupid and frustrating to watch. 9/11 rly took its toll on media
currently reading: 😶 even harder than videos bc i absolutely cannot multitask while reading. recently finished frankenstein (which i started literally almost 3 years prior (its not that long or difficult i jst struggle to justify spending time on things that i dont consider “work” in my brain) (also it was p good but you could literally cut out the second part and the story would benefit imo it jst rly slogs down the pace and axes any tension for a lot of details that could be conveyed much quicker if they were explained in less detail)) and the communist manifesto (didnt take nearly as long bc its like pamphlet length gbdkjd) edit everyone go read izroulia actually a new series came out today&i haven't been able to read it yet but its been keeping me going fr i love how earnest it is in being itself its such a good piece of safe media for me if that makes sense
current obsession: ughhhhhhhhh ive been in between obsessions for a lil bit i feel like. idk this is sth i struggle w/ bc the last thing i felt fully like Enveloped in was the adventure zone (orig. arc) which ended. 5 years ago. lemon demon&lemonville came shortly after but it was hard to feel it was on the same scale bc it was actively in creation as i was there and associated #Drama also lessened its grip faster than it would’ve had it been like an existing show or sth. plus theres less ppl obvs. had a brief good omens phase but it burned out pretty quick bc i had so thoroughly dissected it very quickly. &since then ive kind of jst been cycling between existing interests (monster high/fashion dolls in general, mercreatures, creepypasta/slenderman/horror in general) plus the occasional mcr blast but it doesnt quite Grip the same bc there arent like Characters i can rotate. the best ive gotten is obsessing over my own ocverses but its not the same.... idk i rly rly Want to feel the Passion that fandom brings but none of the media thats blown up interests me enough to consider consuming the media or i take a peak&dont like it cause im picky...idk my fundamental problem is that im picky and hard to please bc i can deconstruct things so easily to see its Bones and if a story is more surface level and straightforward and easy to understand its hard for me to keep my attention on it at the stage of my life im in. that being said aquamarine is my fave movie tho so. but then again i think ppl jst write it off cause its a chick flick. idk recommend me things but dont be surprised if its not my vibe ig
ummmmmmmmmmm idk who to tag u can do this if u want to&say i tagged u but i think i was kinda a bummer w/ these answers so 😔✊
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gorematchala · 2 years ago
I think my final verdict on FFXV is that it sucks really bad but, as a movie, I like watching it suck cuz theres good stuff in there, and its just kinda fascinating overall
The game has absolutely no value to me in terms of actual gameplay. It's got bad combat on top of tedious open world bullshit. Don't care. But as movies on youtube...
Kingsglaive is actually kinda good, but that may be biased by the fact that Aaron Paul is the lead, and also that I watched it immediately after Advent Children which is the worst garbage ever. The story has two plot threads that proceed in a logical manner and then converge at the 70% mark and resolve in a satisfying conclusion. Thats all I can ask of a film. Advent Children sucks so bad I still can't believe it after 48 entire hours
The main game movie is mostly inoffensive even though it only kinda makes sense? It's totally fine once you get what's happening, but there isn't enough information in there. But I like Noctis, and Ardyn is the best. There are other characters as well
Episode Gladiolus is nothing
Episode Prompto was shockingly bad, like holy fuck. The shit opens on 3 minutes of walking in the snow, followed by Metal Gear, then Prompto has a meltdown because he finds out he was grown in a tube, which doesnt really seem to do anything for him. Like he isn't extra strong as a result or anything. So he tries to burn his barcode off and hes screaming and crying in the snow while I'm sitting here remembering how little of a fuck Noctis and them give when he tells them. Like all this shit happens and hes freaking out and they go yeah who cares. Then he spends 25 minutes shooting an RE5 turret at a big worm. Awful
Episode Ignis was kinda cool. I like Ravus well enough and Ignis is at least capable and good at what he does if nothing else. I think I came around on him despite his britishness because Prompto is annoying and Gladio is kind of an asshole for no reason randomly. And the realest moment in the whole base game is the two of them arguing over whether or not Ignis should be allowed to travel with them like he isn't there listening to them. That and Gladio dealing with his own frustration about everything that happened at Altissia by yelling at Noctis for being sad while Ignis is blind. Basically using Ignis's situation as justification to vent on someone. In the middle of this weird chopped up shell of a plot they take a moment to very accurately portray how the people around someone will often make their newfound disability about them. It was neat
Episode Ardyn was both the best and worst part of the whole plot. It justifies his motivation and shows you exactly how we got where we did, but at the same time, it sucks when Bahamut explains that none of this matters because it was preordained by fate. It made me feel for Ardyn because he almost existed outside that fate but was still bound by it. Cursed to spend his whole life waiting for Noctis to be born and kill him, just because that's the hand he was dealt by his own brother. Or was it his brother? Was it fate? Where did the plague come from? Why does melting people give him their memories? Why can he sometimes stop time? Who decided upon this prophecy? Why was Ardyn made the embodiment of darkness? Why did killing him solve the problem?
The whole thing is stupid when you view it as a series of events that happen just because they have to. But there's still something about it that makes me want to like it. Maybe it's just the ghost of Versus XIII. The promise of spending the game walking around that city instead of driving through the desert. Idk. But at the end of the day, Noctis is really good in Theatrhythm and he's fun to play as in Tekken, so I guess it was all worth it
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softness-and-shattering · 10 months ago
Its also an accessibility thing re focus and attention and being able to function, and sensory input and overwhelm.
Its like instead of a way to sell products the ads themselves have become the products. Why would you advertise in a game, I already bought the game!
I literally dont know when I last had an ad shoved in my face and then thought "yes I need that, I will buy it." And given amount of ads viewed per day thats saying something.
And theres those torture porn ads for games that dont exist. So many ads for games that dont exist, for weird scam products and scam services, whats the point? Who is even funding all these ads, because theres no way enough people buy whatevers being advertized to justify the output.
It also just pisses me off, that "content creators" are selling my attention. Im not even being paid for my attention, someone else is robbing me of focus and sensory threshold and time and blood pressure and they're selling it on to advertisers. I did not ever consent to this. Im not profiting from it either. Im listening to a podcast to learn something, not to be cajoled into buying some irrelevant thing, and even if it sounds good in theory, the fact of it being shilled makes me not trust it.
And outside, in public space, whos deciding where billboards go up not just big outside ones but when every corner of a shopping centre has screens and flashing and theres ads painted on the floors and no fucking wonder everything is overstimulating, theres not a single blank patch of anything anywhere to rest your eyes and mind on. Its hard to even rest when its my choice to put my phone down like Ive forgotten how to do it like im too wired.
Its so many layers of bullshit and its honestly terrifying because where will they go next. If we dont get laws in somehow, or some other way to block and dissuade, well theres plenty dystopian sci fi are we gonna have ads in our eyeballs, watch 3 ads before you can order food, sit through 2 unskippable ads before the dr will see you? AND FOR WHAT GAIN. Why does it feel like the advertising is the end goal? If life was a scifi it would be some brainwashing thing and tbh what is this amount of advertising input doing to us? Its so unnatural. (I dont think its that sinister, probably. Such a conspiracy would require too many people to cooperate and succeed). But like. I did not ever consent to this. I actively do not want it. More and more insidious ubiquitious advertising is becoming more normal and its BAD.
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