#but hes just. so nice. so neat. so kind. hes having fun with what hes doing hes not hurting anyone hes just being his true stupid self
the-kipsabian · 10 months
i feel like my entire agenda on this site now is just to make people understand what an important figure kip sabian is tbh
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spiralsdrop · 7 months
This is a hypnosis story I've always loved. If anyone knows who the author is I would love to give them the credit they deserve for this.
“My friends and I were at a bar across town. It was dark, a little loud, underground, with dim red lights and drinks that cost too much. But there were lots of plush little booths and we managed to snag ourselves a corner, so we sat and got deep into drinking and chatting.
After an hour or so, there was a big commotion going on in one corner with people falling around laughing. Before we saw what was going on, everyone involved had stumbled away hooting and giggling. But my friend Rachel leads me over and there’s this young guy kind of holding court.
“What’s going on?” Rachel asks, over the music.
“Oh, I’m hypnotising people,” he says, casually, like people do that all the time.
“For real? You’re a hypnotist?”
“Yes I am,” he says.
Rachel thinks this is hysterical. I think it sounds ridiculous.
“We should dooooooo this!” she says, waving over the two other friends we’re out with.
“Should we?”
“We should! YOU should.”
“I don’t think so,” I say, but she’s already tugging on this guy’s arm… and pushing me towards him.
“Hypnotise Emma!”
“She REALLY wants to!”
He looks at me.
“Do you want to?”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure I’m un-hypnotisable.”
“Well,” he says. “Wanna find out?”
“You can try,” I say. I’m smirking a little bit. Silly me.
“Well, OK then. Here, take a seat.”
Like I said, I thought it was ridiculous.
There are two small wooden chairs facing each other and I sit in one. I smooth down the short, tight little dress I’m wearing. He – neat grey t-shirt, jeans, a tattoo of swirling black lines, like a soundwave, on one arm, a mischievous sparkle in his deep brown eyes, like someone who’s just had a sinfully good idea – sits on the other one, pulls it closer so our knees are almost touching. I’m a little nervous… but determined not to let it show.
“OK,” he says. He takes my arms and places them on the arm of my chair, palms up. He holds my hands with his and gives them a reassuring squeeze.
“You OK?”
“I’m fine.”
“This is going to be fun, OK?”
“Well, if you say so.”
Three of my friends are now gathered watching us. I hear Rachel say “I bet she thinks she’s a chicken five minutes from now.”
He lets go of my hands and wraps his gently around my wrists, his thumb on each, like he’s taking my pulse. He starts talking to me low and urgently, looking into my eyes warmly.
“So what’s your name?”
“Where are we?”
“A bar.”
“What colour are the lights here?”
“Only red?”
“Some white.”
“What’s your name again?”
”OK, Emma. We’re good.”
His thumbs are tracing circles on my skin.
His questions became… rhetorical. Think of my feet on the floor. Were they heavy? Did it feel good to just rest them there? Doesn’t it feel warm? Isn’t the chair comfortable?
It did feel comfortable. It felt like the second when an elevator stops descending and you’re that little bit heavier. I felt warm like sinking into a fresh bath. He put his hand on my bare shoulder. It felt solid and good.
Didn’t I feel calm? Isn’t it nice? Try closing my eyes. Keep listening to his voice. Even raised over the music is voice, is like a heavy blanket on a lazy Sunday. His hand slides to rest under my hair, on the back of my neck. Weren’t my wrists relaxed? Like they could rest on the arms of the chair forever. His other hand taps out a rhythm on my knee. Calm like warm sunshine on my skin. The sounds around me drift off into a dull hubbub. This was more relaxing than I th…
…I open my eyes and time has jumped just a little. Maybe it’s a few seconds later – or a few minutes? Which was weird. But it can’t have been long. My friends were all still there. And I still felt good. Calm. Nice. The rest of the world feels a little muffled, like the air is thicker.
“All awake, Emma?”
I nod.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel… fine.”
“That’s good.”
He rested his fingertips on my wrists and… oh.
“How does that feel?”
For some reason, it felt SO good. It was like one of those feelings that ran all through your body, like the feeling I get when my neck is being kissed, or my nipples are teased, or having ‘good girl’ growled quietly in my ear.
“It feels good,” I murmured. I was still sort of sleepy.
His fingertips started running slowly up and down my wrists, from my up-turned palms to the crook of my elbow. It was like the sexiest teasing I’d ever felt. Tingles rushed up to my shoulders and through my chest. I could feel my nipples getting hard under my dress.
“Do you like the way it feels?”
I nodded. The tingling was spreading through my tummy and between my legs. I was calm and floaty and burningly turned on all at once. He pulled his hands away. I bit my lip in frustration.
He picked up his chair and moved it. I felt him sit down behind me. He leaned in close and whispered “Close your eyes…” into my ear. I did what I was told.
The moment his hands touched my back I gasped like lightning ran down my spine to my crotch. Every tiny hair on my neck stood up in reaction to his touch.
Each stroke of my shoulder blades felt like being stroked… everywhere, all at once. My clit was getting harder and more sensitive with each rub. My underwear felt hot and wet. I could barely control my breathing.
His hands slid over my shoulders and teasingly over my upper arms. It was like ecstasy. Just the fabric of my underwear against my clit was delicious. I slid my ass against the wooden chair instinctively trying to find some friction or relief. As he blew gently on the back of my neck I leaned back and spread my legs in the confused hope of being touched. I fucking ached with pleasure.
“It’s such a strong feeling,” he murmured in my ear, “when you think about it.”
He pulled his hands away once again. My heart was thudding in my chest, my nipples were hard through the fabric of my dress which had ridden up from my accidental grinding against the seat. Even with my eyes closed, I looked like a hot mess but I was so turned on I was beyond caring. I was just glad the club was so dark.
He puts brought his chair around to my side and just in front, so it was perpendicular to me. He sits in, close.
“How are you feeling?”
I open my eyes. I’m dimly aware of the giggling of my friends, and the gaze of some other onlookers over me. I feel a wave of heat as my face reddens.
“Don’t worry about them,” he says. “Look at me.”
“This is crazy,” I mouthed.
”I told you it would be fun.”
I’m speechless.
“Keep going?”
I was nodding before I even thought about it.
He scoots in front of me a little more. “Put your leg on my lap, Emma.” I lift my bare leg and place it tentatively across his knees.
His hand rests on my knee and a jolt of pleasure hit me. It snakes up my thigh to my wet cunt and fizzles deep me, my hips twitching. To my embarrassment I let out a moan of pure pleasure.
His fingertips are stroking my skin in soft, little circles. My thighs are starting to shake. Laughter among the crowd sends me blushing. He shakes his head in their direction and then looks at me.
“Emma, look at me.”
His twinkling eyes lock mine.
“You’ve been doing really well. Don’t worry about them. Listen to my voice.”
I nod in breathless agreement. His fingertips start drumming slowly on top of my thigh, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two three..
It feels like a fluttering feeling inside me and I scrunch my eyes closed in delight. I squirm in my seat, squeezing my thighs together tightly just for a hint of pressure on my clit.
“Emma, look at me.”
“You’ve been doing really well. I know it feels intense. It feels so strong…”
I’m trembling with each quickening tap. One-two-three-one-two-three-one-two-three-one-two-three…
“It’s getting stronger and stronger, Emma. Like you can’t hold back.”
The drumming moves imperceptibly up my thigh, to the edge of my dress and it feels 100 times stronger. I’m arching my back. My hands grip the arm of the chair like they’re my bedsheets when I’m touching myself. I’m so close…
“Emma, listen to me.”
“Oh my god.”
“Emma, listen.”
“I’m… please… I…”
“Let go.”
With those two words the orgasm hits me like an explosion, my thighs clamping together, the contractions in my cunt are so strong I bend double in my chair.
“Let go.”
It feels like I’m being fucked hard and deep while I cum, my g-spot is spasming with pleasure. I cry out helplessly.
“Let go.”
His hand gripping my thigh sends another orgasm shivering through my clit and then bursting inside of me. I feel a hot flood of wetness soak through my panties as I involuntarily squirt a little.
“Let go.”
I slump back in the chair as my hips jolt into the air. I can hear my friends shrieking with laughter as they watch me orgasm uncontrollably. I try to hold back but I can’t stop cumming. Each squeeze of my thigh sends another wave of powerful juddering contractions through my pussy, makes me moan, twitch, gush, gasp, grind, shake, cum.
I’ve never cum for so long.
“OK, you. Come here.”
He takes my leg off his lap and comes in close to me. He wraps his hand on my neck and pulls me toward him, my forehead resting on my shoulder, exhausted and trembling. “Just relax,” he murmurs. “Listen to my voice…”
I sink back into a calm darkness.
A few moments later I wake up, sheepish and embarrassed… but even so, I can’t stop grinning. He strokes my wrist one last time – no unbearable pleasure, this time – and smiles. I tentatively stand up, and my legs are like jelly. Rebecca grabs me incredulously and says “OH. MY. GOD.”
“I. KNOW.”
I tell her I have to excuse myself to use the bathroom and shakily stumble in that direction. It’s busy with girls streaming in and out, but in the mirror, I see my face and chest are flushed pink. And my hair’s a mess.
I shut myself in the cool dark cubicle and slide off my panties, down my ankles and over my shoes and step out of them. They’re so drenched from my cum I throw them in the trash can. I instinctively reach between my legs and fuck, I’m still so wet and sensitive. I lean back against the cubicle door and let my fingertips find my slick, hard, throbbing clit. It feel so good to finally feel the touch my body had been craving.
Around me were the sounds of doors opening and closing, girls talking, water running, the throbbing music from next door and the hand-dryer blowing.
I was so hungry to feel full inside and I greedily pushed two fingers deep inside, sliding in deliciously easily. My knees buckled with satisfaction as I slowly, quietly fucked myself. Each time the hand dryer switched on, I pumped my fingers in and out hard and fast, the noise of the motor covering the sounds of my wetness, until it stopped and I had to wait for more agonising seconds.
When I couldn’t take it any more, with one last blast of the hand dryer, I frantically rubbed my clit, my other hand grabbing my tit, and then those commanding words “Let go… let go… let go…” suddenly reverberating in my head, until, my hand clamped over my mouth, I came for the second time that night, my legs buckling in shock, sliding down the cubicle door until I was sat on my heels, waves of pleasure still shuddering through my thighs.
I sat on the toilet for a few minutes and straightened myself out, until the red flush of orgasm had faded from my chest. Then I went back out to join my friends… embarrassed, sans underwear but oh-so-satisfied.
And when I’m alone, the words ‘let go…’ can still push me over the edge sometimes :)”
I would love to give proper credit to this author. If any of you know who wrote this please let me know so I can tag them and give them the credit they deserve.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
okay I watched good omens s2 yesterday with my partner, and I was genuinely very surprised -- I think if you've grown up through superwholock/merlin/the 100/teen wolf type shows where (with the exception periodically of doctor who) you kind of had to make up the good show that something could have been in your head, that colours a lot of your viewing, and to be honest I thought season 1 of good omens was a fine little piece, honoured the book while modernising it somewhat, it was a nice, fun, low stakes time, with a couple of things I might have wanted a tad different but nothing overall awful.
so I was seeing all this meta and gifsets and discussion, while I was waiting to give s2 a watch with my partner and thought "ah, people have made up the good show in their heads again" not that I assumed s2 was going to be a bad show, but that people were taking extra deep plunges into possibilities, the way fandom does, and that was fine. I knew there was a big ol kiss, I had a sense of some kind of argument at the end, and that it was setting up a s3
I also knew that mainstream reviews were calling it (politely) self-indulgent and dependent on whether or not you enjoy david tennant and michael sheen having a good time for just under 6 hours
all in all, expectations of a somewhat mainstream show without too much to think about, a nice, fun low stakes time, moving on...
as it turns out it seems these things that were being written on tumblr were discussing the actual text of the show and not things you could extrapolate if you squinted and tilted your head a little to the left as I'm so used to doing, so in fact there is much to think about!
and my first thought was "this is like when you read early discworld books that ask a question like a joke, only to find that over time the answer to that question becomes very serious (and also can be funny at times of course)." how terry pratchett would pick and pick at tropes and notions and social ideas and go "oh now hold on, this seems strange..." starting way back when he thought it was odd that women warriors always seemed to be dressed in metal bikinis and then realising he hadn't done a good enough job of subverting the trope, simply by depicting it and calling it a bit silly
why do goblins always get treated as the villains? what's with this divine succession of kings business? where are the female dwarfs? who do we treat as disposable?
good omens season one went: "haha what if heaven and hell were intensely incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring of the work they did, and we took an angel and a demon and had them actually care? wouldn't that be... a bit silly?" (and it was)
good omens season two went: "what are the consequences for caring when the people who have power over you are incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring? what are the forces that supersede systems built on fear, ignorance, and violent conformity? can people change and break out of/challenge/break down these structures by caring?"
and this was set up with a neat little sleight of hand (to reference aziraphale's switch-and-bait in the episode with the nazi zombies), because the majority of season 2 does feel a bit indulgent: hey, remember those two wacky angel-and-demon characters? watch some more wacky things they did through the ages, watch them take a sojourn through 1827 Edinburgh and do a magic show during the Blitz, and... stop the death of Job's and Sitis' children (actually maybe that whole segment ought to have been what they call "A Clue")
see them try to figure out a kooky mystery, all the while setting up a cute little same-gender romance on their street. watch as everything points towards a happy ending that's all about the two of them realising what they've been to one another all these thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of years- but hold on. lest we forget - and the show has made this point over and over - there are powerful people who control them, who hurt them, and who plan on hurting others, throughout the whole season, and as it turns out they know what they've been to one another for far far longer, and know how to pull their strings...
season 2 then, has to show us these things, not because they're indulgent (well, maybe occasionally, but the apology dance is still important), but because in order to make the ending a tragedy, we first need to understand, properly, the impact that they have had on each other. we need to understand that Aziraphale relied heavily on Crowley to be his moral compass and leaned on black-and-white thinking in order to deal with things, because if it's all grey then where does he fit and what has it all meant and heaven has to be the good guys, even as Job's and Sitis' children are ordered to be killed, it's all he ever had...
and Crowley was always an anchor, needed to trust that Aziraphale was different, needed to bend to every whim that Aziraphale has, because otherwise what's his worth in all this? After having been already deemed worthless by the heaven that Aziraphale needs to believe in?
and that, simplistically described, is the narrative that we're seeing in s2, and alongside that the ways that the changes they have upon each other are noticed, and monitored, and placed under suspicion, and finally... broken up, not by the clumsy, brute force that's been attempted over and over again, but by a promise to return into a violent, controlling system and to "make it better from within"
and all of this is wrapped up in two queer relationships + a third queered-within-the-text relationship that creates the inverse of how it ends for Aziraphale and Crowley (so far). queer love -- whatever shape that has -- is explicitly the shape of non-conformity within this narrative, including within the symbolism of angel-and-demon love of Gabriel and Beelzebub, which in the context of the systems created is considered queer (and one can argue till the cats come home about casting cis actors, about angel-and-demon notions of gender/romance/sexuality, but the "queerness" comes from building something non-conforming to the systems they exist in), and enforced by the explicitly our-world-definition-of queer romance that Nina and Maggie have going on (which, while less high stakes, still contains the background controlling relationship that Nina initially is in)
all of this to say, that I disagree that s2 meanders, or that plotlines happen for the sake of showcasing Aziraphale and Crowley without purpose, or that characters get sidelined (I'd say it sets up a whole host of interesting characters to further get into actually), or that it's strictly mainstream easy-access narrative that's just an excuse for the main creators and actors to get back together.
the love is the point, and this show takes its time to show the love (and the unequal boundary-setting, and the fact that one of them has an undiscussed tragic backstory, and the desperation to belong again, and the fear instilled by oppressive systems, and and and), so that we understand why those last 15 minutes happen the way that they do
it's sleight of hand, and like all good magic, you don't notice until it's happened
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charliesvarietyhour · 2 months
me while playing fo4 because i’m an opinionated bitch and i disagree with bethesda’s character design
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anyway. presenting,
a detailed look at every companion’s appearance, according to me.
(these are all headcanons. they might not be yours, but they are mine. i wrote this as a fic-writing reference, but i don't mind sharing so long as we're all nice about it. also, spoilers ahead for companion quests, both in vanilla game and dlcs. you've been warned okay love you have fun. sorry in advance that you can clearly tell who my favorite character is.)
cw: heights represented by the united states customary system. sorry metric users :/
Ada. Modified RobCo Assaultron. 2074 model. SN has been sanded off and replaced with "ADA", painted carefully (lovingly) in blue script. It's clear that it has been reapplied multiple times, as many times as necessary. Post-Mechanist quest, she requests to have the names of her fallen friends painted on her body as well.
Cait. Pre-addiction recovery, scrawny-strong. Blood, muscle, bone and not much else. Very short. Like, south-side of 5'3". Has a very rectangular body shape. Hard angles. Was bright strawberry blonde when she was a kid, but it got darker as she got older. Hazel eyes. Freckles year-round and all over. She doesn't burn super easily, but she doesn't really tan either. Just freckles. Nose is crooked from being broken too many times. Post-addiction recovery she is a beef. cake. With Sole's help and resources she gains plenty of weight post recovery. Other than the normal weight gain that comes after recovering from addiction, she finds she enjoys exercise—especially weight lifting—and that it helps her manage her cravings. Her biceps are unfair. If I can be honest, I really only shared this so I can start proselytizing for my Fat Cait Agenda.
Codsworth. Standard GAI Mister Handy. 2076 Model. SN: 01HND-7619-0163. This is only visible because the 2076 Handys had their SN's embossed. All other markings that were printed or painted on have eroded away. A cute fact about Codsworth is that, despite his 200 years of wear and tear, he doesn't have a single dent on his exterior panels. Not. A. Dent. Scratches, yes. Scuffs, sure. No dents. He takes his structural integrity very seriously, thank you. He will brag about this if you let him.
Curie. Pre-companion quest, Modified GAI Miss Nanny. 2072 Model. SN has been scratched off and replaced with what is probably "CURIE", but the combination of chicken scratch writing and 200 year old marker makes it illegible. Post-personal quest, Generic Female Synth Body. Average body weight, brown hair, brown eyes. (I know she technically has "Hazel Blue" eyes but I disagree. It's my post and I get to make the rules here.) Her only deviation from "average" is her height. Generic Synth Height is 5'10", for both male and female synths. Takes time to look neat—neatly trimmed nails, trimmed hair, etc—and enjoys it.
Danse. M7-97 was a vanity design* so Danse looks a little different from the Generic Synth design. Still has the brown hair, brown eyes, but is a touch shorter than the standard. 5'8". Latino or Hispanic. His hair is insanely thick, but his beard always grows in a little patchy and with the odd blond patch just below his right ear. (This was not an intentional part of his “design.” Genetics, even synthesized genetics, get funky sometimes.) Carries weight like a strongman weightlifter. Thicker than average, even for the Brotherhood, so he's always had to have his flight suits and PA specially altered. (Thicker than average in regards to BODY TYPE you sickos– This is not that kind of post lmao.)
(This post from slocumjoe is a huge influence for my headcanon for Danse! Thank you for going through your archive to find it!)
Deacon. The Average Guy Ever™. Average height, average build. I'm firmly in the "Deacon is a Good Spy, actually" camp, so. Uncanny ability to adjust how he looks just by altering his posture. His weight has always easily fluctuated, so he can go from stick thin to bulked up in a matter of weeks. No matter how many surgeries he gets, he cannot hide the freckles. They always come back. He would have had piano hands if he hadn't been a chronic brawler in his youth. Knuckles are very crooked now. Eyes so blue they're nearly grey. Ginger. Has long eyelashes that are frankly illegal for someone who covers his eyes all the time.
Dogmeat. Dog. He has six toes on his back left foot.
Gage. 5'11". In an alternate universe, would tell people he was 5'9" just to fuck with them. Was a towheaded kid whose hair darkened significantly as he grew up. If he spends a lot of time out in the sun, though, it will turn a sandy blonde/light brown. He keeps his hair short because otherwise it gets very curly and floppy and it really kills his "bad-guy raider" vibe. Would be one of those white boys who tans super well but also thinks wearing sunscreen is for the weak. Scarred to shit. Holds onto muscle for a really long time. Underbite. Slutty little waist because I think that's funny.
Hancock. John Prime was already pretty wiry to begin with, and becoming a ghoul has only emphasized this. 5'7" but seems shorter because he's always leaning on something. Draping, even. He's like if a man was also a liquid, somehow. His remaining hair is incredibly thin, but is the most vibrant golden blonde anyone has ever seen. Eyes are dark due to discoloration, but sometimes—if he's taken in a ton of rads—the edges of his irises will glow subtly. Several piercings on his ears, but he used to have more. Lost them on account of his nose falling off. (You know how it is.) Replaced them with an astonishing collection of rings. Cheekbones that could slice a brahmin. Missing his fourth toe on his right foot.
MacCready. Definition of scrunkly. Not a lick of fat anywhere to be found. 5'5". Has a Gunner tattoo on the left side of his forehead and he hates it. It's why he wears his hat so low. Had an ear pierced once, but it got ripped out ages ago. His left earlobe is split now. He very clearly needed braces growing up but obviously didn't have access to that. Bottom teeth are crooked. His cuticles are picked to shit. Sandy brown hair. Cuts his own hair, but only cares about the hair around his face. Line of sight. Sniper. You get it. Is generally too lazy/uninterested in the rest, and will neglect it until it gets too long, so. Mullet (hot).
Nick. See, the problem with my synth grandpa is that this is the only character whose design Bethesda completely and utterly nailed. Like yeah, he does look like that. You got it. You did it. Perfect, no notes. Like all other Generic Synths, he's 5'10".
Old Longfellow. Exactly what you would expect an Old Hermit-Mariner Driven To Eldritch Madness By The Fog and The Sea would look like. The wildest eyebrows anybody has ever seen. Like you could take a comb through those bad boys. His hair is past his shoulders and fades into his beard. Stark white hair due to the stress of living alone on an island and from What He's Seen. You cannot convince me that there are not some Lovecraftian nasties living in the sea. They Know Longfellow, but Longfellow Knows Them. 6' until he stands up straight and then he's like. 6'5". Liver spots across his face and hands. Looks like he has cataracts in both eyes, but somehow can see better than you.
Piper. By far the companion whose Bethesda!verse appearance I disregard the most. In my heart she is a South Asian woman. On the taller side, between 5'8" and 5'9". Super thick, dark brown hair that in fact does just Look Like That (unfair). Her hair grows from fairly far down on her neck. Deep brown eyes. Spends lots of time on her makeup, even when she's out in the 'wealth chasing leads. Prefers red lips and dark liner close to her lid-lines. Her cupid's bow is super pronounced and she does her makeup to highlight it. On the softer side in regards to physique. Has a burn scar on her right forearm from a cooking mishap back when she was still trying to figure out how to live on her own and take care of Nat at the same time. Bites her nails.
Preston. Personification of someone telling you that everything is going to be all right. Tall, 6'. Pretty standard physique for someone who grew up on a farm and then became a soldier in a wasteland militia. Very square hands. Lets his hair grow out a little bit because he (forgets about it) likes it. Brown eyes that look like honey when the sun hits them. Other than the two scars on his face—one running down his left cheek, the other a small nick on his top lip—he has a scar from a bullet wound on his right shoulder. Has a stick and poke tattoo of the Minuteman coat of arms on his left arm, just where his shoulder meets his bicep. Top lip is bigger than his bottom lip. Dimples when he smiles. Huge smile, smiles with his whole mouth. Legs like an adonis. Someone get this man into some 4' inseam shorts, STAT.
Strong. Super mutant. He was a Butcher, so he's a little beefier than your average mutant. Of course, this is only known to other mutants, as the subtleties of mutant physiology tend to be lost on non-mutated humans.
X6-88. Generic Courser Build. While Generic Synths are designed to blend in with the everyman, Generic Coursers are designed to inspire fear in every man. (booo bad joke tomato tomato) 6'3" but stands so perfectly straight that he seems taller. Has the superhero build, but like naturally. Keeps his hair in a short fade. Bottom lip is lighter than the top lip. Has little lines around his mouth from all his frowning. Has one (1) singular scar on his chin. He won't tell you where he got it (it's from him eating it on concrete steps. That was the one mission he asked for an extension on, so the evidence of him beefing it would heal.) Also chronically wears sunglasses. Behind those aviators are grey eyes that are so pale and sharp, they almost look white.
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xplr-myrddin · 3 months
After the poetry scene:
Arthur was in his room, doing his kingly duties (aka doing nothing). Merlin was doing his job, making sure the kings bedding was neat, that there was nothing on the floor and the everything was nice looking and clean. He had just came back with Arthurs food. He sets the plate down and says in a soft teasing way, "You should eat, wouldnt want you to waste away." Arthur scoffs but grabs his breakfast, eating some to get Merlin to back off.
After some silence, Arthur speaks up, something interesting had crossed his mind. "Merlin, how'd you come up with the Poetry excuse so fast?" Merlin hums at the question, though he doesn't look up, being busy with cleaning. "Seeing the situation we were in, and how masculine you attempt to keep your image, and how the way the Knights view certain things. It seemed right to say we were reading poetry." Arthur sighs and responds almost immediately. "Well, yes. I know that. But why poetry?" "It seemed the most believable, seeing as how most of the Knights know about my poetry an-" "Wait." Arthur interrupts Merlin. "What do you mean your poetry? You write poetry?" Merlin hums, internally beating himself up. "Yes, go ahead, make fun." He muttered and started to orginaize stuff he didnt need to. Arthur looked offended. "I wasn't gonna mak-" Merlin gives Arthur a knowing look and chuckles lightly, in disbelief. "You were." "Was not, Promise. I was gonna ask if I can hear one of your poems!" Merlin stopped and looked away. "Nope." "What? Why not?" "Because you're a dollaphead." "That's not a real reason Merlin." Arthur answers between gritted teeth. He huffs out, not wanting to get mad over something this....silly. "Give me a reasonable reason." He stated. Merlin looked up and hummed. "You wouldnt understand." Now that may have been too far of a joke. Arthur clicked his tongue but sighed, keeping calm. "Let me at least try." He spat out, frustrated.
Merlin sighed, knowing Arthur, he would not let it go ever. "Fine." Merlin started. "But don't interrupt." With another breath, Merlin looked away and his eyes grew sort of distant.
"With hair as golden as the sun, and eyes like the crashin waves of an ocean, the pure beauty they possess is like a spirit which has blessed us. Although they can be rude, their kindness shines through most. Through mountains and hillsides, everyone agrees, that this deity of change is bound to see me."
Merlin pauses after, going silent before speaking again. "Was that about me?" Arthur said suddenly, snapping Merlin from his thoughts.
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skzdust · 4 months
Room 514
Part 1
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This fic is the result of 1. Me going on a road trip and 2. A poll I did on here! I have the trip back coming up in a few days so I might do another poll to decide what I write on the way back lol!
Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: slow burn (if I have the patience to write it slow lol), college au, roommates, besties with skz, gender neutral reader (if smut happens reader will be afab)
Word count: 1.3k
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The lock to room 514 beeped, its LED turning green, and you moved your phone away. You took a breath and turned the handle.
You didn’t need to worry. The suite’s living room was empty. The decoration gave you hope, though; it was neat and decorated mostly in shades of blue, with a sunny yellow cover on the couch. You hoped it was like this all the time and not just because you were moving in today.
The suite had four single bedrooms, two half bathrooms, one shower, and a living room with a mini-fridge and microwave. You’d been living in a different hall just a few days ago, sharing a room with another girl, Catherine. She’d been awful ever since you’d walked in on her cheating on her boyfriend with another guy, spreading rumors and turning all your friends against you. You’d pleaded with your RA for a single room, and she’d helped you find a suite in another hall. It was a room with three guys, which made you a little anxious, but you’d jumped at the chance nonetheless.
“Hello?” You said, a little louder than you usually would speak.
You found room D, your room, in the hallway to the left. Room C, next door, had a handwritten sign beside the “C”: “Han Jisung.”
One of your roommates. You knew the others were named Changbin and Bang Chan, but you hadn’t met any of the three.
You pressed your phone to the lock on room D and walked in.
The room was small and bare, but you smiled at the fact that you’d have your own space at all. A lofted bed with plenty of storage space underneath was against the back wall, next to a desk and chair, and a tall chest of drawers was beside the closet.
You climbed up on the bed to look out the window. You had a rather ugly view of the parking lot, but the window faced South, so at least you’d get plenty of light.
There was a loud knock behind you.
You whirled around, almost falling off the bed. Potentially the most attractive man you’d ever seen in real life was leaning in your doorway, a grin on his face. “You must be y/n!”
“Yeah, that’s… me.” You said with a little laugh. “And you’re…?”
“Jisung.” His smile grew. “Han Jisung.”
You hopped off the bed. “Jisung. You’re next door!”
“Yeah! Me and Changbin and Bang Chan are excited to have another roommate, it’s been just the three of us for a while.”
“Well, I’m kind of escaping a situation at the moment, so I’m looking forward to a fresh start, too.” You tried not to let your thoughts of Catherine make you angry.
“Well, you’re always welcome to hang out with us.”
“Thanks, that’s nice of you.”
“Actually, we’re having some people over tonight.” He raised his eyebrows. “Chill with us, if you don’t have to study or anything. We’re gonna watch Love Island.”
You grinned. “Love Island? Seriously?”
“How can you not love stupid reality TV with a bunch of hot people?” Jisung held his hands up. “Just saying, just saying. We’re probably gonna order pizza, too, if that helps convince you.”
“Not judging, just wasn’t expecting it.” You shrugged. “But yeah, I don’t have anything going on tonight, that sounds fun!”
“Sounds good. Do you need any help moving stuff in?”
“I think I’ve got it.” You waved your hand. “Just some stuff in the hallway.”
He nodded. “Let me know if you want help.”
“I will.”
He gave a lazy salute. “See you tonight!” He pushed off the doorway and twirled into the hall, and you heard his door click shut.
You squeezed your eyes shut, sending up a silent prayer. Please, please, please let him be single.
You stood in the center of the room, doing a little circle and judging it cute enough to be finished.
You’d been unpacking and decorating for a few hours, but the sounds of people in the living room had started about an hour ago, so you’d slowed down. You wanted to see Jisung again, but you were a bit anxious to meet his friends, as well as your other two roommates.
But there were only so many times you could rearrange your books or organize your clothes, and you knew it was a good idea to go out and join the party.
You checked your reflection in the mirror on the inside of the closet door, smoothing your hair, and left your room.
There were eight people in the living room of the suite, the only one you recognized being Jisung. And… wait, was that the guy you’d been on a project with in music technology last year? Hwang Hyunjin?
“Y/n!” Jisung jumped up from the couch when he saw you, beaming. “Guys, this is our new roommate!”
“Y/n?” The guy you were 99% sure was Hyunjin said, tilting his head. “I know you! We did a project together.”
“Yeah! I remember that! It’s Hyunjin, right?”
He smiled softly. “Yeah, Hyunjin. Nice to meet you again!”
You tried to remember back to the project. You’d loved the class, and you remembered the project going well. Hyunjin had been great to work with, doing his share of the planning and the legwork. You’d found him cute then, too, but freshman year you’d been even more timid, and you hadn’t made a move. You were kind of glad for that now, though.
Because Jisung was walking across the room to you, and standing right next to you, and you almost missed what he started to say because you could smell whatever cologne he used, and it smelled good.
“Okay, around the room we have...” He pointed at each of the guys. “Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin, you know Hyunjin, Felix, Bang Chan, he’s one of our roommates, and Changbin, he’s our other roommate.” He pointed to himself. “And you know me. Jisung.”
You nodded at each name, doing your best to match them to faces. “Got it. I’m decent with names, so I’ll do my best.”
Jisung bumped your shoulder, and you giggled. “I’m sure you’ve got it.” He made a shooing motion at Seungmin, who was sitting on the floor. “Pizza’s behind Seungmin.”
“What kind?”
“There’s pepperoni and there’s cheese.” Seungmin picked up a plate. “Here, I can grab you a slice, what do you want?”
“Just a slice of cheese, thanks.”
Seungmin handed Jisung the plate, and he made a little mock bow before holding it out to you. You smiled, taking it. “Thank you, butler.”
“Of course, my liege.” He winked, and a cloud of butterflies took flight in your chest.
“Nice to meet you, y/n!” Changbin leaned over the back of his chair and extended his hand. You shook it.
“Changbin, right?”
“Mhm. Roommates!”
“Yeah, that’s right.” You nodded.
“He sings a lot. You can tell him to shut up if you need to.” Bang Chan grinned. “I’m Bang Chan, I’m your other roommate.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. I don’t mind singing.”
“I mean, he has a decent enough voice, but it’s… frequent.” Jisung widened his eyes as he nodded. “Quite frequent.”
“Oh, come on.” Changbin rolled his eyes. “You all should be honored that you get to hear my singing. I’m gonna be recognized for my talent someday!”
“He also raps.” Jeongin added. “I’m sure you’ll hear that, too.”
“I’m an even better of a rapper than I am a singer!” He pointed around the room. “Feel honored!”
Felix held a hand to his chest. “We all feel so honored. All hail the most beautiful voice, Changbin!”
“That’s more like it!”
You laughed with the rest of them. This group felt more comfortable than you’d ever felt with your old friends, and you couldn’t help thinking that maybe moving in with Changbin, Bang Chan, and Jisung was meant to be.
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thought--bubble · 4 months
There Is Still Hope... Isn't there? Pt.6 (Final)
Tom Bennett X (Best friend's sister reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,534
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There is still hope masterlist
Tom Bennett Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners & Dividers by @arcielee
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Warnings::: oral sex female receiving, teasing, edging, orgasm denial, unprotected (P in V) sex.
When you woke up, you decided not to get dressed and neat like you had been doing every morning for weeks since Tom had moved in. What was the point?
As you walk into the kitchen hair a mess in just your oldest nightgown, you find Josh and Tom already seated at the table.
You grumble a quiet "Mornin" as you move to get your tea.
"Already got you sorted, love," Tom says as he gestures to a steaming cup of tea already placed in front of the seat across from him.
You squint your eyes at him briefly before sliding the cup down one seat so you're sitting across from Josh.
Josh does his best to stifle a laugh, bringing the paper he is reading up over his face to hide it from view.
"Right. Ummm.... so it seems like it will be a nice day, " Tom awkwardly states, running his finger around the rim of his cup.
"Hmmm" you hum before sipping your tea. You quickly spit it out disgusted.
"How much sugar did you put in this?!"
Josh pulls the paper up close to his face, basically laughing directly into it.
Tom looks over at him, frustration lining his chiseled features.
"Sorry, I made it as I made my own" he says sheepishly "I can make you another"
"No, please don't." You get up quickly and head over to the counter. "You know, the war may be over, but sugar is still expensive and hard to come by"
"I like my things, sweet. Not bitter." Tom states curtly.
Josh pulls the paper down from in front of his face, just his eyes peering over the top, shifting back and forth between the two of you.
"Hmmm. Well, it's wasteful. I, for one, choose not to be wasteful. I don't waste sugar -" you round the table sitting down with your new cup of tea "nor my time"
Tom scoffs, "Your time, eh?" He leans forward on the table using his forearms for balance. "You think you've been wasting your time recently?"
"I don't think. I know, " you quip back before taking a sip of tea haughtily.
"You should have stopped your sentence at "I don't think" woulda been more accurate." Tom snaps back.
"RIGHT." Josh states loudly, thumping his paper down on the table. "I'm off to work then. Uhhh..... you two have fun bickering"
"We're not bickering. Just a nice morning conversation over tea. " You lean your head to the side, giving Josh an obviously forced smile.
Tom runs his hand down the front of his face as Josh pats him on the shoulder. "Good luck, mate."
Josh grabs his bag and walks out the front door. The kitchen falling into an almost eerie silence as soon as the door slams shut.
You sip your tea glaring at Tom just to find him glaring right back at you.
"Do you plan to keep this up?" He gestures toward you flippantly.
"No. I have errands to run today. Won't be here much longer, " you smirk towards him before quickly finishing your cup of tea.
Tom sighs and watches you as you deposit your cup into the sink. As you go to leave the kitchen, he springs up from his chair and blocks the doorway.
"Would you be so kind as to move, please?" You ask him sarcasm dripping from every syllable.
"Nah, don't think I will love." he leans his shoulder against the doorframe staring back at you with that signature Tom cheeky grin.
You walk up close to him and slightly push against his chest "I said move"
Tom chuckles lightly, "and I said no. Not until we've had a proper chat"
You roll your eyes and back up slowly. "About what exactly?"
"Bout us," he pushes himself off the door frame and steps forward towards you.
You back up towards the counter. "Not much to talk about is there? We're fine. Same as we ever were"
Tom chuckles and continues to advance on you. "No. It's changed, love. You know that."
You clear your throat as you continue to take steps back, attempting to maintain the small distance between the two of you.
"Nothing has changed," you attempt to say with conviction, the shake to your voice betraying your true feelings.
"I should have kissed you. That night out front. I know that now, " he says softly, his bright blue eyes trained on your face.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks before looking back at him indignantly. "Well, you can't force what you don't want."
"Is that what you think? I didn't want it?" He takes two large steps towards you, as you back up more you feel your bum hit the counter, and a sly smirk creeps up the corners of his mouth.
"No where left to run, darlin." he steps just a bit closer, the gap between you nearly non-existent.
He puts his hands on the edge of the counter on either side of your hips, effectively boxing you in. "Now we're gonna have a quick chat yeah?"
"Doesn't look like I have much of a choice." You push slightly against one of his wrists.
"Why are you so cross with me?" He asks bluntly.
"I'm not," you deny. You turn your head to the side, looking down at his large hand as it flexes around the edge of the counter.
"That so?" He asks, a teasing lilt to his voice, "So you've just been unpleasant all morning for no reason then?"
You grit your teeth as you look up at this annoyingly beautiful man. You could see the smile behind his eyes, and it left you momentarily speechless.
"I didn't go home with her." He lifts his hands and cups your cheeks, pulling your face up towards him. "I didn't, so no more being cross with me, yeah?"
"I don't care about that." You know it's obvious that you do, though you can't bring yourself to admit it.
"Aye," he smirks, pressing his forehead to yours. "Course not, must be something else that's got your knickers all twisted up"
"Maybe you're just frustrated?" He suddenly brings his hands to your thighs and grips tight, lifting you up onto the counter.
Your breath catches in your throat as he slots himself between your thighs, his hands sliding down your back, before they rest just over the curve of your ass.
"Ahhh, look at that? Much more friendly now. " He pulls you toward him, bringing you to the edge of the counter pushing his hips against yours.
"We're gonna make up now." He leans down and nibbles your earlobe before pulling back to look at you.
"I..... I....." You stutter back at him, unable to form a coherent thought.
He chuckles lightly before dipping his head again, gently nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck.
You gasp at the feeling, your back arching slightly. All of the things you wanted to yell at him about, complain about all slide out of your thoughts, the only thing left a pleasant buzzing.
He pulls you tighter to him, bringing his hands back to your thighs and lifting them up around his hips, and subtly grinds himself against your clothed heat.
"Tom....." you whisper hardly loud enough for him to hear. You're not sure what else you meant to say, but you felt like you had to say something.
He buries his face in your neck and takes a deep breath. "Don't know why I waited so long," he exhales slowly while his fingers spiderwalk down the back of your thighs toward your bum. "Forgive me"
"I... there's... I.." You stutter the feel of his hands inching ever closer to your panties leaves you without thought.
"Shhhh love." He ghosts his lips up the side on your neck before pressing them tenderly along your jaw line, his fingers reaching their intended destination.
"Let's get these off, yeah?" He whispers against your neck, curling his fingers around the waistband of your panties.
You unconsciously lift your bottom slightly off the counter to assist him in removing them. As he slides them down your legs, he pushes your nightgown up.
He slides them down your legs slowly, kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin of your upper thigh. Until he gets them down to your ankles and slides them completely off.
Your hands tightly grip the edge if the counter. There is heat and a chill simultaneously running through and over you. the sensations overwhelming but in a way that is also satisfying.
He pushes your thighs apart, each nibble and each lick to your inner thighs sending bolts of electricity through your entire frame.
Every nibble brings his head closer to where you want him, your body instinctually spreading your legs wider without a conscious thought.
"Please," you whisper, your self-control placed behind the burning need in your core.
Tom chuckles against your skin. "Please, what love?" He teases, bringing his head to the apex of where your thighs meet your center.
"Please!" You whimper before grasping at his hair, pulling him towards the space you needed him most.
He places just one gentle kiss on your clit, Your eyes immediately roll back at the sensation, your fingers tightening around the sandy blonde locks in your hands.
"Please, what?" He asks again as he places another two kisses on the sensitive nub, each time pressing just a little harder.
"Please, touch me," you huff out your legs, spread so wide you begin to feel the strain in your muscles.
"Touch you? Hmm" Tom traces his fingers over your thighs while breathing directly onto your clit, your body jolting with each breath.
"Tom.... please, I need you. " You whimper, rocking your hips towards him in your desperation for contact. He brings his hands to your heat, using them to spread you open for him before licking a strip from your dripping entrance to your swollen nub.
"Ahhh!" Your legs shake at the heat of his tongue against your sensitive burning flesh.
"Don't stop!" You whine as he again pulls his head back.
"Ask me for it, darling." he lightly blows over your pearl, causing your legs to twitch. You claw at his shoulders and pull at his hair, trying to get him closer. Your mind is a muddled mess. You want him to touch you. No, you need him to touch you every fiber of your being vibrating with desire.
"Please, Tom," you pant between whimpers, "please make me feel good."
Tom smiles before attacking your swollen nub with renewed vigor. Gripping your hips tightly. His nails just barely digging into the soft flesh.
"Oh god, oh god," you whimper above him as you pull your legs apart as far as they will go.
"It's just me, love." Tom chuckles, his face still buried between your thighs as you teater precariously at the edge of bliss.
Once again he pulls back slightly and blows cool air against your clit, your body convulsing.
"TOM!" At this point, all rationality has left you, and all that is left is a primal need. You pull his head forward by his hair and move yourself closer to him.
He chuckles before giving into your wanton pleas. It takes very little to send you hurdling into oblivion a few quick strokes of the tongue, and you're left spent, panting heavily the back of your head resting against the cabinets.
Tom stands, wiping his face with his forearm, an almost predatory gleam in his eyes.
"Now you're ready for me, love." He grips your hips and pulls you to him, leaving your bum resting just at the edge of the counter.
He fumbles with his belt and trousers, trying to get them undone as quickly as possible, his chest heaving with anticipation.
You can feel your heart blasting in your chest as he grips your left thigh lifting it to his hip and using his other hand to rub the tip of his cock up against your wet slit.
The growl he makes once your skin makes contact has you clenching around nothing, reigniting that fire in your belly.
He pushes into you slowly at first but quickly increases his speed until he bottoms out.
"Fuck" he breathes into the crook of your neck. "You feel so good, darling," his hips snap, meeting yours with a hurried rhythm, the room silent other than the sound of his skin against yours and the labored breaths of both of you.
You lull your head back and look up at the ceiling above you, the feeling of Tom's hot breath wrapping around your neck like a warm scarf. All the times you had dreamt of this moment did not compare to the reality of it. His calloused fingertips on your thighs, the pleasure in his sighs. Every thrust left you reeling. You wanted more. More of him. As much as you could get, no matter how long this moment was, you knew it could never be long enough.
"Look at me." He huffs into your ear, his pace never slowing for a moment. You bring your head back down so your eyes are level and take in his beautiful face. His jaw is slack, and there are beads of sweat sitting gently atop his brow. His eyes are dark with lust with a thin ring of that sharp blue that's been able to slice through you for as long as you can remember.
He brings his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss. The heat and the wetness all help tighten that coil in your belly once again. Every joke, every sideways glance. Every time the heat bubbled to your face as you giggled at one of his silly jokes has led to this moment. It was so obvious to you now.
You were always meant to end up right here, at the edge of oblivion with Tom panting between your legs.
As the coil in your lower belly snaps yet again and your face contorts in pleasure, you keep your eyes locked on Tom's.
See me. Watch me. This is for you
Tom groans and throws his head back at the feeling of you clenching around him, his fingernails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs one last time as he fights himself to pull out of you and release onto your inner thighs his heavy panting felt like a love song of sorts.
"You're mine now." Tom slides his fingers into your hair, pulling you closer, leaning his forehead against yours as he still fights for air.
"I thought my family was gone. My life over, just death and heartache left." He gently kisses your lips before pulling back and looking into your eyes.
"But when I'm looking at you I just can't help but think..... there is still hope .... isn't there?"
You bring your hands to his cheeks, sliding your thumbs gently over his cheekbones. "There is still hope, Tom. For you, for me. For happiness, " You gently nuzzle your nose against his as an unfamiliar warmth travels through your entire body.
"There was always hope"
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dentiststoothfairy · 1 year
🎻 Violinon here!!! I will so happily gush about him with you, the more love the better!! ☺️ I hope you’re having a lovely day and getting time for yourself, you always deserve it!! ✨✨
This request is for The Pic-Squad (especially Nene!!) with a friend who loves taking them out places, treating them, baking for them.. The whole shabang!! They’re getting affectioned!! 🥺 (And this is as always whenever you feel up to it!! 🥹 You’ve done so many requests for me already!!!)
🔫💣🔪 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐨'𝐬 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 🔪💣🔫
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦!
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It is HARD being the ONLY girl in this group. Like, these boys don't understand the BEAUTY of days out!! Like. They don't wanna get their hair done, don't wanna try on new clothes? It's like living with two broke hobos!!
So if you ever give her the opportunity to take her out? It'll genuinely be really fun, for the both of you.
Retail therapy is her favorite kind of therapy so expect to have a ton of new, expensive clothes.
You two get to chat, gossip and just have a nice day! Nene would spoil you as much as you spoil her. God a day out with Nene would be so much fun. Memories would last forever.
She wouldn't tell you that, though.. It's probably Darnell who does. Lucky you.
Bro, just give her that princess treatment and she'll love you forever.
When you drag him shopping, he groaned so much. He's so used to carrying Nene's stuff, he expected you to do that to him too.
Not that he doesn't like spending time with her, or you. But.. It's just annoying. He could be spending this time getting high or something.
Wait.. You're getting something for him?
He looks at you like you're insane for a minute, just searching your face for any kind of sarcasm... What's the catch?
He feels pretty bad taking your money, he insists that something small will do. Again, he's used to Nene draining the ever loving FUCK out of his bank account. He has no idea how this kept happening.. How did she keep figuring out his information??
He ends up just getting lunch with you. He'd rather just spend the time chatting with you. He's not big for matrialistic things.
And he may be reluctant to take your money, but he absolutely will take your food. Good GOD your cooking is good.
Also, take him to a shooting range! That's where you'll get the most fun. Although, pico doesn't do the safety precautions and probably gets you kicked out-
He also thinks you're dragging him to carry your stuff. What has Nene done to these poor men??
But, he also takes you clothes shopping, but unlike Nene doesn't prioritize things via expense. He is actually reliable. If it's comfortable and you feel nice in it? We're getting it.
Introduces you to some pretty neat designer companies though.
And, honestly? He'd bake with you. You two could chat recipes, he loves baking. Cooking too. Exchanging foods after you two both went nuts in the kitchen. Just uh.. Don't let him near the stove top. He gets a little trigger happy with the gas.
And his dream chill? Sitting in a park, setting fire to a tree and watching that shit burn. Hope you're chill with that!
And if you're looking for a little more thrill? You WILL be running from the cops afterwards! So!
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see-arcane · 1 year
Today’s entry is one of many that really drives home why I can never quite bring myself to get into softer ‘uwu he’s just misunderstood and sexy-liberating’ versions of Dracula. Just. I can’t. I really really can’t.
Up to this point, he’s already had a monstrous moment in bringing the ladies their first on-screen kids meal crying and squirming in its sack. He’s had outright predatory back-to-back moments in imprisoning, coercing, robbing, and getting increasingly threatening and handsy with Jonathan. This, capped with the fact that he plans to kill/drink/gift him to the Undead Girl Gang by the end of June.
‘But what about his, “I too can love,” huh? He’s just loving as best a monster can! He could be tearing everyone around him to ribbons for annoying him, Brides and Jonathan included! Instead he goes out of his way to feed the ladies, albeit gruesomely, and has no retort when they laugh at and insult the lonely old bat. And he isn’t planning to kill Jonathan. He wants to keep him! Sure, it’s a sick version of it, but to him conscripting and collecting Jonathan rather than executing him outright is the height of affection! Surely that’s grounds for some of the more ~romantic~ takes in warped gothic flavor?’
To an extent, yeah. 
But he also just dressed up in Jonathan’s stolen clothes to cover up for the man’s own abduction, imprisonment, and undeadifying, while also increasing the odds of Jonathan already getting mistaken for a vampire, bringing home another child for the ladies to devour, and then ordered a pack of wolves to eat a grieving mother alive for making noise at his gate.
And this? This is just the tip of the iceberg for how downright hellish he gets as the novel progresses. 
Dracula can absolutely be a nuanced character within canon, offshoots, retellings, re-imaginings, and so on. And he should be! He’s a very interesting bastard who’s got so much more going on than a few one-liners and a taste for good cloaks and yummy company. But his actual actions in the book--even the smallest ones--just automatically torpedo 90% of my audience enjoyment when I run into yet another ‘Oh, but he did it all because he was in love!/misunderstood!/depressed!/unfairly maligned by the eeevil human Victorian characters in their journals and newsprint and body count records!’ version of the Count. 
Even sillier takes that try to heroify him for kids like Hotel Transylvania just kind of make my brain trip and fall into a pit of ??? 
‘Look kids, Dracula is really a nice guy and a sweet dad who runs a fun little hotel for his misunderstood Universal Horror monster buddies! Isn’t he neat?’
It leaves me biting my tongue and holding this mental grimace as I think about the sacks full of weeping children, the slaughtered mother, a young man imprisoned for making the mistake of endearing himself so much to a sadistic monster that the latter has decided to keep him as a tortured toy and undead pseudo-slave for eternity, with an entire blood buffet of human cattle still waiting to fill out the rest of the novel with trauma, horror, and death. 
‘Ohhh, but look at Francis’ tragique sweetheart version who stole all his redeeming qualities from Jonathan Harker! Ohhh, but look at the funny silly Adam Sandler cartoon and his new everyman-settling daughter! Ohhh, but look at how #cool and modern-sexyedgy an antihero/villain he is when penned by every projecting director and their grandmother! Lighten up, it’s just a different interpretation!*’
*Of the character whose whole deal is psychological torture, being a predatory creep, casual murder, and worse-than-murder of innocents.
I know it skews me towards being a whiny purist. I know. Let folks have fun. I know. But still, it feels so wrong every time I see someone try to ‘awww, he’s not so bad!’-ify him in new media when. No. He is exactly that bad and probably worse. If he’s not, then that’s not fucking Dracula.
tl;dr: Can people just make some new fun/sexy/antihero vampires instead of stapling Dracula’s name on all of them? Can Dracula just be an interesting villainous monster again?? Please??? (Please save me Renfield 2023 and The Last Voyage of the Demeter, you’re my only ho--)
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legendofmorons · 9 months
hiya! i really like your writing! can i request reactions [from whomever you want] with a reader [platonic or romantic idc lol] who is like spiderman! like, has the sense and webs, and the workload of "who knows how they manage shit". i just think its a fun idea, cause they'd also be a "hero"
Of course you can! This is such a cool Idea! (Is there a hyrule where a spider person is the hero of courage? Maybe.)
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Take a nap
No, really, he tries to get you to sleep as often as possible
He'll try to enhance any weapons you may have
IF you have mechanical web shooters he will be very interested
If you have biological web shooters in your wrist from the mutation he's still curious
Can amd will try to improve your suit so you are safer
Is HORRIFIED by your workload
Don't you know about burn out??
Do you just not care?
Overall he's curious and a little overbearing
But he also understands that you're a hero, and as a hero, sometimes it doesn't matter if you're exhausted.
He'll insist you let him make you metal braces, so some of the work your joints face isn't so bad. (ESPECIALLY if your joints already hurt)
He is excited to learn about it!
He's also not like other people. He just has healing magic, you're a spider person
Assuming you have the boosted healing factor that lost spider people seem to have he's relieved
He will always heal you, but it's nice that you don't need it as often
Also very worried about your work load
Always trying to get you to drink more water
If he were aware of more modern culture he'd yell 'hydrate or die-drate!'
Die-drate is not an option as far as he's concerned
Asks about the ability to stick to things. He's very interested in this
It depends on when he finds out.
He's definitely concerned no matter when you tell them though
If he's not warmed up to you yet he's kind of standoffish about it. If you share he listens bit he won't ask
If you Are close to him though he has SO many questions
How does it work?
What happened to give you these powers?
How much weight can you handle?
Have you always been so flexible?
No matter what your relationship is, if you tell him about the Spiderman upside down kiss thing, he goes RED
He also asks if you catch and eat bugs.
(What? He just knows that's what spiders do!)
He encourages ypu to take some things off your plate.
Probably the least phased?
He's curious of course
But his life has been so weird. He's met plant penguins, gopher people, and his best friend was a goddess
Asks if you're descended from a spider god
Also asks if you can turn into a spider
He also encourages you to take breaks and indulge in things that make you happy
He's happy to make anything that might help you, but with his skills, mostly in whittling, he's not sure it's that helpful.
He is excited to see you swing around, it's the closest most anyone can get to flying (aside from Sky and Wild)
Immediately concerned
Insane workload?
He gets it, mostly
Not entirely his life isn't like your's but he understands the weight power and workload hold
He is curious about your powers
Also very interested in the way your webs are made. Dosen’t matter if it's mechanical or biological
Will have you take to the tree tops when you guys ambush monsters
If you make a hamock/swing out of webs he'll be happy to keep you company
He's not sure how to feel actually
He's curious about how you became a spider person
If he feels close to you he'll ask about it
He's glad you have enhanced healing though. He feels a little less worried
He's still worried you guys are hunting down a shadow
Will be easy to convince to race, you with your webs and him on Epona
He is very sympathetic to your workload
He offers tips to help woth burnout
He helps you strategies to battle plans off your abilities
Wars is willing to spar with you so you can improve too
Please let him help with the self care of after the battle.
Probably asks about the effectiveness of webs as emergency bandages
He's not that phased either. He's met a semi-vengeful horse god
At least you aren't only worried about the safety of the horses
(Don't worry he takes excellent care of Epona and his own horses)
He'll ask about your adventures
He would be excited to have someone else capable of climbing!
He'll happily climb up steep cliffs with you (it can be a race he likes a challenge)
He also has a million questions
He wants to see what you can do!
He's happy to watch you swing around but he wants to come with!
Swing around with him and he's just thrilled!
He asks about ypur webs and if they could capture a monster if you strung them up like a real spider web
He also probably asks for stories about your adventures.
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mimicmockingbirds · 2 years
OK, but hear me out
Say Ride the Cyclone were to be adapted into a film; imagine how much fun it would be to see it animated.
Because for the main plot, like the intro song and the mostly dialogue scenes in limbo, you could easily do a stylistic, but still grounded in realism style that a lot of modern animated projects are doing right now (think Arcane or Into the Spider Verse). But once each of the kids go into their respective songs/fantasies for what their life could have been? What if those were done in completely different styles?? Imagine the additional, visual storytelling that would tell about who they are as characters?
Like say, for Ocean's number, WTWN, everything became more simplified, and the characters (especially Ocean herself) turned into a more rounded, chibi-like style to enhance just how cutesy and likeable she's trying to portray herself throughout that number.
Or for Noel's Lament, everything goes black and white, and the characters become even more 2D stylized, and the film scales down to a smaller millimeter frame, more reminiscent of cartoons from the early 20's, when animation was just starting out, to enhance his idealization of "the olden days" (as Ocean puts it).
Mischa's song, This Song is Awesome could be animated with a more choppy frame rate, and the character designs turn a little more jagged around the edges, kind of like animated music videos (I'm thinking a Gorillaz band vibe). But as he transitions into singing about Talia, the colors start to bleed out over their lineart, and become more paint-like and Talia herself moves like a rotoscoped character (think Loving, Vincent that came out a few years ago) to enhance the sense that she's somewhere between a real person and a fantasy Mischa's built in his mind.
Ricky's song would, of course, be stylized after those sci-fi cartoons from the 90's, like X-Men or Captain Planet.
For the Ballad of Jane Doe, I would love to see something like what Wolfwalkers did back in 2020, where most of the characters (in this case, the other kids) are for the most part, animated like traditional, 2D characters with very clean lines and neat movements, whereas Jane herself stands out for having messier, sketchy line art, and looks more and more unfinished in her animation as the song goes on, because she can feel more and more of her own identity being lost.
Constance's Sugar Cloud I could see done in the classic 2D Disney style (i.e., the Renaissance era of Disney, like the Lion King or Little Mermaid days) because not only is it really smooth and colorful and just all around nice to look at, but it reminds the average moviegoer of their childhood growing up with those movies (among others, obviously), which ties in nicely with Constance's preceding monologue about remembering her own life, and the good that came with the bad.
I'm even tempted to envision the first half of the finale song in a different style, when the stage production would show a quick projection of Jane/Penny's life after she returned to the world of the living. Imagine watching this animated film, and for that segment alone, it becomes that really hyper-realistic, almost uncanny valley CGI animation style, to show that she really has joined the world of the living, i.e. our world, among us, the living breathing movie goers watching this, and watching the other kids still in limbo fade back to that main art style for the final number.
I don't know; it just feels like something that would be so engaging to see from an already compelling storyline and characters. Especially with more experimental animation projects on the rise right now
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justkennadi · 1 year
Seeing Nerd!Armin’s dorm for the first time
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Notes: Kinda continuation of my nervous nerd post but it doesn’t have to be if u don’t want to
content: Nerd!Armin x blk/fem!reader, mostly fluff, a bit suggestive here and there but nothing too explicit 👍🏾
- Armin called you the second he got back to his dorm, he just loves ur voice sm!
-The boy was obsessed i tell y’all…
- You guys talked for hours that night and for the next few weeks you guys would talk every night until like 3am talking about whatever…
- “Sooo, you got a roommate or sum?”, You’d ask one night.
-“Oh, not really. I live in the coed mini apartments. We have our own rooms…I guess it still counts though huh…” Armin softly said.
-Come to find out y’all both do!
-After learning this you asked to come over one day.
-Armin was a nervous wreck. He spent hours trying to clean up and make the place look nice before you came over. He also begged Eren to leave too.
-“Why?” Eren asked but Armin not wanting to really say just responded in a squeaky, “…Because!”
-Eren just stared for a second and then busted out laughing, “OHhhh, i see..😏”
-Armin tried to explain that’s not what was happening here but Eren just yelled back, “Have fun!” as he left out the door.
- Armin was in the middle of cleaning his glasses when you knocked on the door. He jumped a bit as his heart began to beat and he stared to blush at the thought of you seeing where he stayed.
-After one last quick check in the mirror he opened the door, greeted you and to his surprise you gave him a hug!
-He kinda just froze and smiled. Very awkward but cute..
-You wore a cute plain green dress that went to your knees, a black jean jacket to go over it and some black uggs. You also had your hair in a bun(if u don’t have enough for a bun sorry just pretend u got a wig on or something). He loved how good you looked even in simple outfits.
-He let you in as you looked around admiring how neat it was. “It’s so cleannn up in here, y’all might be the cleanest college boys i know!” You exclaimed. “Where is your roommate anyway?”
- “Oh, um, out..” Armin said blushing a little at your compliment.
- “Is he a smarty pants like you too?”
-“No, um, not at all..” Armin said. He stared at you as you laughed at that. He couldn’t believe you were in the place he stayed.. He fr had a girl over!!
- Armin showed you around a bit, avoiding Eren’s messy room and saving his own for last. He mainly focused on his favorite parts like the plants by the window and the bookshelf in the hallway.
- “So, what do you want to do now y/n?” Armin asked after he finished showing you the tiny kitchen. You smiled at how he said your name. It kinda had a sultry tone but you didn’t know if he meant that or not.
- “Um…i don’t know. Can i see your room?” You kind of hesitated to ask cause you didn’t want him to think you wanted to do anything crazy just yet, tbh you just wanted to see😭
- “Oh! Uh, sure, follow me…” He led you to his room and opened the door and stepped aside so you could go in..
- It was really clean and definitely showed his nerdy personality. Book, books and more books first of all. His desk was clean but also messy at the same time? Papers and folders and a couple textbooks covers the top and on the desk hutch there were more books and some pencils.
- His bed was made and he seems to go for a black and white theme throughout the room. He had black bedsheets, his desk was white and his curtain had a black and white pattern. Oh and it smelled nice, like fresh laundry.
- “I like your room, Arlert.” You turned to him and saw his whole face was red.
-“Oh, um yeah, thanks…” He mumbled. He was just flustered at the fact a girl was in his room!
-You laughed at this and poked him and teased, “Stop being so nervous, boy!”
-He just smiled at you and laughed a bit. This is when you noticed how soft and blue his eyes were behind his lens.
- Y’all spent the rest of that evening really chilling and watching shows on hulu/netflix/whatevr. Armin ordered a pizza which was plain but you weren’t complaining cause it was a sweet gesture.
-You left at around 8 but before you got out you hugged Armin again to say bye and Eren walked in.
-“Heyyy, pretty lady.” He smirked after seeing you. You pulled away from Armin and he rolled his eyes. Eren laughed it off and said he was joking(he already had eyes on another girl anyways). You just waved and left.
-“Sooooo?” Eren asked looking over at a very embarrassed Armin who just said, “No, we did not.”
- You both ofc called each other again that night to talk about that day and when Armin should come over to your place next time.
-You both felt closer than ever after that day ❤️
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chososwifey24-7 · 1 month
This is by far probably one of my favorite oneshots I've made so far! It'll be a mix between a oneshot and a smau. If you guys enjoy this kind of content, please let me know!
Boyfriend gojo x fem!reader
Cw: swearing, pre-relationship with gojo, gojo being a silly goose.
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Work had been kicking your ass recently. Paper on paper, presentation on top of presentation. You currently sat at your desk, finishing up yet another paper your boss told you to finish. Not only was it because your boss didn't want to do it, but your other colleagues didn't want to either. So you were the best option.
You finally had hit submit and sighed stretching a bit. Checking your phone you saw a text from Gojo.
You and Gojo had recently decided to finally start dating. You had been to dinner with each other on multiple occasions, and he always had such a fun personality. He was always there to cheer you up.
That was the opposite the night prior to today, though. You had informed him you were going on vacation for a week. He groaned and complained about how he was going to miss you, but you honestly needed the trip.
In the meantime, you had asked him to look after your sweetheart, your baby, your cat. You have had your cat for about 2 years now. She was everything to you.
Gojo agreed reluctantly, only because he was a little sour about you not being there with him. He wouldn't really complain though. He loved you too much.
That night, he had peppered your face with kisses as you sat, parked, in the passenger seat. His grip on your hand gentle, but unyeilding.
After reminiscing on the whiny Gojo of yesterday, you packed up all of your work supplies and left for your car. Home time it was. You had to make sure the place looked nice for Gojo. After all, this was his first time at your apartment.
Arriving home, you looked around at the fairly clean place. There were a few dishes in the sink, and the living room needed to be vacuumed. Nothing much really. So you got to work.
You had lied to yourself. There was plenty that needed to be done. Laundry, both from your clothes and the towels in the bathroom. You totally forgot about your bedroom. Knowing Gojo he'd atleast peak in and see what your room looked like.
So finally, after about an hour and a half later, the house looked fairly neat and nice.
That's when your cat strolled into your room without a care and jumped up onto your bed to get your attention. She had begun purring without even needing to be pet.
You reached out and pet her gently, smiling softly as you did so.unyielding.
6ou couldn't imagine a day without your cat. She was always around and always so gentle with you. She never seemed to be annoyed with your presence like some other cats you've seen. She was your angel.
Listening to her pur, you pulled her closer to you and scratched behind her ears, smiling happily.
That's when your phone pinged with a message. Messages from gojo.
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You snickered to yourself at how whiny Gojo was being already. You couldn't imagine how bad it was going to get through out the week.
You got up off the bed, leaving your baby there and went to grab a pen and some paper. You need to write down the feeding schedule for Gojo.
See, your cat was quite particular on when she got her food. If she got it too early in the day, she wouldn't eat it, and vice versa.
You did your best to prepare everything for Gojo, and did your best to calm your anxious nerves.
Before you left, you had given Gojo her schedule for when she eats and all, but besides that your baby was easy to take care of.
He pouted for a little bit but eventually let you go, but not before littering your entire face and neck in sweet kisses.
It was almost hard for you to let him go after all of the sweet affection he had given you. It just made you fall more in love with him by the second.
You reminisced again. One of your favorite pastimes, it was always so refreshing to look back at all the good memories. All of the sweet times.
At the moment, you were sitting on the shore of a beach in the Bahamas. It was a really gorgeous place. It truly was the relaxer you needed. It was only the first day, too! You wondered how much better this could get.
It wasn't until the second day closer to your baby's dinner time that you texted Gojo to see how your cute cat was doing.
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You laughed a little at the look of your cat in Gojo's glasses. It truly was a cute sight. You never really took him as the type to like cats, but here you were.
Gojo was always so sweet and gentle with you, you wouldn't have wanted to trust any one else with your cat. She also seemed to enjoy having Gojo around.
At least you assumed as such, Gojo hadn't texted you yet about her being chaotic or scratching him, so they must be getting along, right?
You think you can rest easier now knowing that she was safe with Gojo. He really did seem like the best boyfriend ever.
No, he was the best boyfriend ever.
You and Gojo continued to text back and forth continuously about the cat and even Gojo himself. He sent messages after you'd ask about your cat every once in a while. They'd always say something like, "what about me? You should ask me how I'm doing."
They always made you giggle a bit, and you'd ask him how he was doing. He was so silly. He knew you loved him and worried about his well-being, too. Somehow, the Bahamas didn't even seem that interesting anymore. You wanted to be with your cute cat and your goofy boyfriend.
Thank goodness you were on your way to the airport now and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see your boyfriend. Couldn't wait to cuddle your cat. Well, Gojo would probably want cuddles, too.
Which you were more than willing to give. Always more than willing to give.
After all, what would you do without Gojo, and what would he do without you.
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enhaheeseung · 4 months
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warnings: age gap, crying, angst, heartbreak, I think I’ll post like three more chaps before the end I hope you all enjoy
• Masterlist
• WC: 2,127k
Finally, it was your birthday today, and heeseung had almost everything prepared.
The gifts he had gotten you still needed to be wrapped. He bought a book with writing prompts in it since you were still struggling with the continuation of your book.
He also got you something really really special and really really expensive so expensive that he’d be even more late paying off his student loans but for you it was worth it without a doubt.
He made a strawberry cake from scratch, remembering that you loved anything that included strawberries.
He smiled to himself while he worked on the final touches of your surprise in the kitchen.
It’s crazy cause just a couple months ago he didn’t know how to cook and he barely had a penny to his name and now he’s baking you cakes from start to finish and buying you luxurious jewelry.
He decided to forego the candles on the cake since you were always so conscious about your age for reasons he did not understand.
He didn’t mind the age gap, truthfully; he kind of actually liked it at first. Yeah, he was just interested in having sex with an older woman, and that’s very douchey, he’ll admit that, but now there's so much more to you than sex.
Don’t get him wrong, sex with you is amazing, perfect, absolutely marvelous, but now that he���s grown to learn more about you, everything with you is amazing, perfect, and marvelous, even the little things.
Chatting with you is fun, cuddling with you is fun, going out with you is fun, and watching you concentrate and write your book is fun. Things he never even liked doing before are now some of his favorite things to do. He loves reading books to you, and he used to hate reading. He’s usually an outdoor person, but he loves staying indoors with you. Cooking was the last thing on his list of things to do, and now he wakes up early in the morning to happily prepare breakfast for you just so he can see your eyes light up with joy.
He’s so in love that he’s doing things he would have never even dreamed of just to make you happy and give you what you deserve.
He put his whole heart into decorating the cake and the kitchen where he’d be throwing your little party later on. “You think mommy’s gonna love the surprise?” He bent down, patting Bruno on his little head.
Heeseung had dressed him up for the occasion, a blue bow tie around his neck identical to the one he was wearing.
Meanwhile, Bruno was busy trying to lick the frosting off the tip of the frosting bag. “Bad puppy,” Heeseung sighed and stood up so he could put the finishing touches on everything and make it perfect for you.
About 30 minutes later he was done everything was set up nicely and he snapped a few pictures before he gave you your gifts.
“Hee can I come down now?” You asked anxiously half nervous half excited you’d be stuck in your bed all day since morning.
Your mind drifts back to earlier when you both woke up in the morning and the soft loving touches he left on your body.
You cupped your flushed cheeks you could still feel his hands on your skin you could still remember the way felt inside you and you could still hear the sweet nothings he whispered in your ear.
That was the perfect way to start your birthday morning, and it was even more perfect when he brought you breakfast in bed.
Hints why you’ve been in bed all day he treated you like a princess and wouldn’t let you lift a single finger today.
He smiles looking in the direction of your voice. “Wait one more minute darling!” he picked up Bruno and set him on the kitchen counter making sure their bow ties were neat. “Okay you can come down!” He called to you his phone in hand so he could record your reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
You took one last step down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, turning the corner to see your whole entire dining space completely decorated with all your favorite colors there were balloons a banner that said happy birthday and then there were your two boys looking at you. “Surprise!” Heeseung said with a bright smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh,” you cupped your hands over your mouth in awe of what he had prepared just for you.
“Happy birthday, baby. I hope you love it,” he said shyly, and you ran over to him with your arms spread.
“Thank you I do love it hee so much” you kissed his cheek and looked at Bruno. “My boys are so handsome” you patted his head. “But I love you more” you said wrapping your hands around his neck kissing him properly this time.
“Hmm” he grins gripping your waist. “I’m glad baby now are you ready for the presents?” He asked rubbing your lower back softly as he ended the recording and set his phone on the counter top.
You nodded, smiling excitedly with anticipation.
“Wait here love I’m gonna go grab them from upstairs” he jogged upstairs he was so excited for you to see what he got you.
“Daddy the best, isn’t h-?” Your words were cut through when a ding on heeseung’s phone went off.
The phone lit up for a few seconds with a message and dimmed a few moments later.
Heeseung was rummaging through his drawer in search of your presents he opened the box with the piece of jewelry and when the light hit it just right it was mesmerizing.
He wanted to buy a promise ring for you, but he also didn’t want to rush into things so quickly and risk making you uncomfortable or feel pressured into anything, so he opted for something that you could still wear every day, just without the heavy commitment.
It was a custom piece a half heart made out of white gold and tiny little diamond’s with his initial on it the other half identical except it was made out of onyx and it completed the heart when put together.
He though it was a perfect idea cause now that way you both could always have a piece of each other close to your hearts.
The notifications on heeseung’s phone were nonstop, so you decided to look at them. He kept his phone unlocked, so you doubted he’d care. Plus, with as many texts coming in, it sounded urgent. You called for him upstairs, but he just responded with. “I’ll be down soon, baby,” as he was wrapping the last of your presents.
You shrugged and took a peak just to make sure everything was fine, and you wished you hadn’t.
“Bro, you’re never going to believe this.”
“Answer me!”
“Or can you not because you’re fucking your boss again?”
“When are you going to stop stringing that poor girl along just make the money and leave like you said she probably thinks you love her.”
Your hand instantly cupped your mouth and your heart was racing as you read the texts over and over again.
Your body moved in its own and you charged upstairs to confront him. “Y/n? What are you doing up here you’re gonna ruin the surprise” he chuckles turning his back so you can’t see anything just yet.
“You mean this surprise?” You hold up his phone, walking over to him, and shoving it in his face so he can read the messages and his face drops. “What the fuck is this heeseung?!” You shout on the verge of tears.
“Baby…” he looked over at you, his eyes filled with fear.
“Don’t fucking baby me. Just what is this heeseung?” He flinched from your yelling, his expression softening as he tried to think of what he should say.
“T-that’s not true, y/n. I do love you; I jus-”
“Then why is your friend talking to you about this?” Your voice gave out while you searched his eyes, hoping to find some type of answers.
“I-I,” he sighs, stumbling over his words before he decides to just tell you the truth. “In the beginning, it was true, and I know I’m wrong for that baby. I’m so-“
“Don’t” you stopped him right there that’s all you needed to hear. “And don’t call me that anymore.”
“Y/n, please just let me expl-“
“There’s no explanation, heeseung, just go,” you told him weekly and tossed the phone on his bed in disappointment. You really thought he was different turns out he’s just like the rest, but with him, it hurt just a little more than all the others.
“Y/n…” he tried to reach for you before you left.
“I said go!” His mouth was parted open for a moment and it closed as you were walking away he reached for you again but you shook his hand off and this time you turned around smacking him right across his face the loud slap echoing in the silent room.
He gasped at the sting of the slap, his eyes getting teary.
Bruno was upstairs now, barking loudly at heeseung as you both stared at each other with hurt in both of your teary eyes.
He cupped his cheek, his heart breaking in his chest as he tried to register what was even happening. This couldn’t be true. This all had to be some type of cruel, sick joke.
In the morning, you both made love and now you’re fighting.
For the first time in a long time, he was finally happy, and now this happens.
“Just get your shit and go” You left the room, Bruno walking on your trail as you went into your bedroom to try and make sense of what just happened.
Heeseung stood there speechless, swallowing the lump in his throat as hot tears trickled down his cheek.
He sat on the bed holding your necklace in his hand, clutching it tightly.
“They’re all the same, aren’t they, buddy? But you would never do that to me, huh?” You grabbed his small body, sitting him on your chest, and you didn’t even cry. You’ve been hurt too many times for that. You just stared lifelessly at the ceiling, and you knew only time would make this pain and disappointment go away.
Heeseung had slowly packed all of his things his limbs feeling heavy with every move and within an hour the room looked like how it did when he first got there.
He couldn’t believe he was actually leaving. It just didn’t feel real.
But the heavy suitcase in his left hand was enough of a sign that this was indeed real.
He knew you probably didn’t want to talk or even see his face right now, but he can’t give up on you like this.
He had to at least try.
“Y/n?” He knocks on your door softly, and you don’t respond. Resting his forehead against the wooden door, he tries to twist the knob, and he’s not surprised that it’s locked. “Please, baby, open up. I love you I love you so much. Everything you saw is true, but then I got to know you, and I just couldn’t help but fall for you. In the beginning, I was just young and dumb. I wasn’t taking life seriously, but when I met you, you were just so open and mature. You told me about your past, and I felt for you. I could see how hurt you were, and I knew you couldn’t trust people, so I wanted to take that all away. I wanted to show you what trust and love could really be like. I grew into a man you could love and be loved by, and you’re just so perfect I can’t lose you now, darling.” he waits a solid five minutes, and it’s nothing but silence other than his cries by the tenth minute with no answer he gets up off the floor grabbing his luggage and wiping his tears. “I love you, y/n,” he says one last time before walking down the staircase.
He looks back at your mansion a sad smile on his face when he saw your birthday decorations still up how could such a special day end up like this.
He leaves his spare key on the lampstand and walks out, locking the door behind him.
He walked the path downstairs a frown on his face when he saw the sunflowers that you both planted together starting to bud.
He wouldn’t be around to see them bloom or your guy's relationship.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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ariathelamia · 16 days
Hellhound HRT - Day -???
Little note at the start: Hellhound HRT is being written by Arynia, who is a alter... the only alter in this system ^^ Since she is unable to front so far, we decided to have her write the story~ well she tells me what to write and i do that~ Don't worry, Lamia HRT is going to continue! It's just a bit of a drawing rut on my end^^..
Thank you @dawning-mars for the cameo and help writing this~ it was a lot of fun working with you!! Anyway~ on to the story!!
“That FUCKING asshole!” 
I shout while kicking the empty can of soda down the alleyway, hitting a trash can and accidentally spooking the Racoon that was currently inside of it away..
I just happened to leave the clinic of this gigantic egotistical asshole doctor Erian, my tail all the way along my back and fur all over the place. Shit, getting ahead of myself here.
‘Sup, Names Arynia, but people just call me Nia. I’ve been on Wolf HRT for a while… probably what.. 4 to 5 months now? Well let me just paint a picture. Think about an average height punk girl, with a body mostly covered in a mix of orange and gray fur… Got a nice long undercut for hair, and an otherwise still pretty human face, if you discount the slight elongation that would become my snout one day.  Got me a pretty neat tail though! Doctor was quite surprised when he saw it, usually they don’t get that tall so quickly? I guess I lucked out on that one. Legs are still humanoid though… no signs of paws yet… they do ache a little but i guess i traded the Tail growth for the leg restructuring.. Well none of this matters now cause that fucker just cut me off the meds anyway because i accidentally let slip that “being a normal wolf might not be as fulfilling as i thought… that i wanted something a little… extra.”... Guess that was enough for that idiot asshole bastard to say “If you are not happy with the current progress then continuing from here on out won’t be in your best interest.” And something about coming back when i know what i actually want and if this is the right thing and- URGH!! I should have kept my mouth shut but that's just not my style… 
Anyway back to the here and now. Feeling kinda bad for the Racoon… well can’t say sorry now that it’s gone. But what the fuck do i do now? Well first things first, checking the messages… Lot’s o’ new people sending in their first dosage posts… pretty neat. Some new faces joined the support group-... ah shit gotta make the news that i probably gotta leave now.. since i don’t really have an ongoing prescription anymore… ACTUALLY- maybe someone has an idea what to do… yeah thats a better outlook, after all that asshole Theodore isn’t the only doc around. 
I ended up sending a lengthy text in the vent section about my situation.. At first people sent some pleasantries but then also some neat ideas on where to go. I did mention my wish for something more… extravagant and low and behold, someone heard of a library in Hypercity that I should check out. Something about a Mysterious worker there that spooked some customers away with her… “monstry aura”? Sounds neat. Just gotta find the place.
Good thing the Maps app on the phone works in Hyper City.. otherwise this place would become a maze… It’s been neat just exploring new areas though, seeing all kinds of people on different stages in their HRT. Cats… Bats… a freaking DRAGON… pretty sure saw some cyborg too but not sure if that’s HRT or just them wearing prosthetics.. either way looked pretty neat. Ever since this stuff hit the market, and more people managed to grab the formula and distribute it, new kinda therians pop out by the day. Good thing I got a spot in that support group when they still had any. Although things do be a bit hectic in the chats.. but that’s alright. Anything major and important is learned in the group sessions anyway.
After another half an hour of walking and listening to the instructions on my phone, I finally made it to the library…  Pretty normal looking place from the outside if you think about the worker here that everyone is making mysteries of is apparently supposed to be some kinda… space monster.. though the descriptions do shift from mention to mention. Anyway I decided it’s enough waiting around… time to go in.
The SECOND I stepped into the lobby, my instincts fired alarm signals. I don’t know how to interpret that but god damn, my fur was standing upright and my ears clenched backwards. What the fuck is going on? Despite my body telling me to run, I go forward… this wolf ain’t no quitter i tell you that! My hand slowly reaches for the bell at the reception, after three deep breaths I finally manage to ring it. The body is making one last attempt to try to make me run away, now that I have given away my position to whatever predator it was so afraid of. But I won't. I gotta know what the hell this place is about now.
As the bell rings, the library quickly goes cold. The lights seem to be weaker, trying to fight against a layer of darkness that wasn’t present before the ring. The air is heavy and the sounds of footsteps can be heard from book stacks. Through the Darkness emit 5 bright eyes, their pinkish purple hues fluctuate and pulse. 
“Hello Deary, Welcome to the Thayer Library. My name is Mars, how can I help you?” 
Her voice vibrates with an unnatural distortion. Emerging into view is a 7 foot tall creature. Her skin is an unsaturated purple that resembles that of a shark's skin. She wears a black 50’s style dress with a ribbon tied at her waist. A large black sun hat covers a portion of her feature lacking face.
Quite the contrast in style compared to my black tank top, skinny jeans with ripped sides and black and white sneakers…
Mars passes me, walking back to the front desk. She looks down and gives me a monstrously happy grin. 
I take a moment to take in this surreal sight… I’ve seen my fair share of therians and otherkin before… Hell, one of my friends is a freakin’ Lamia… but THIS?! This is something entirely different. Feel like I just got transported into a whole different world, even though my actual position did not change…
“Uhm- name’s Arynia.. I was told this place could help me out with a predicament I found myself in. You see i uh-... just got cut off from my HRT for wanting something more… “Special” than a normal wolf and uh-... yeah-... here I am. Is there anyone you can introduce me to? Or how does this work?...” 
I stop myself from just babbling on and wait with baited breath for the answer of Mars. Trying to figure out WHAT kind of otherkin she is…
“Hm, what exactly do you mean by ‘special’?” She asked, looking me over and giving an inquisitive glare. She didn’t have pupils to track, but the way her brows shifted and glared. I felt myself being scrutinized, like I was being dissected. I struggled to find the words, the eye on her forehead looked deeper than the rest. It’s unblinking resolve pierces through me to my very being. I felt afraid, angered, lost. She must’ve noticed how I felt as she reached to the lid of her hat and pulled it down to cover the fifth eye.
I looked at her with an unsure expression… What DID i mean by that? God, his words about being not sure what I even wanted came back to my head… I didn’t want to be just a wolf… although being a Wolf isn’t bad I just needed something more… “... demonic…”
I suddenly said quietly.. my own thoughts bubbling out of my mouth involuntarily.
“Not… like a demon-demon but like… I don't know… a Demon Wolf? Fur that is almost like smoke but also… solid? ... heat that burns in my chest…
That kinda special…”
Mars' expression changes and sits down at her computer. As her attention turned to the screen I felt a weight ease off me. I nervously watched as the being before me tapped away on her computer. As she typed up something she looked up.
“I think I understand” 
Mars says, not looking up from the computer screen.
“There are ways to be… ethereal, cosmic, existing both in the mortal realm and the outer realms. Technically speaking, what you’re asking fits the description of the Abrahamic Hellhound. But I feel that’s not what you're looking for. It’s hard to explain the unexplainable… trust me..”
Mars hits the enter button as she looks back up at me. A kinder smile on her face as she looked for my response. The pressure of her presence once more weighed down on me as I stumbled to respond.
I scratch the back of my head and nod. 
“Y-yeah. Kinda hard to find something that describes the kind of thing I am looking for. A Hellhound sounds not bad, maybe some kinda different version! Maybe something with a bit more… fur hehe.. I guess you would know what it’s like. I don’t want to sound mean but I have never seen anything like you either.”
“Well my transition is a bit… different than the rest.. it’s hard to explain and it’s harder to understand. Frankly I’m still trying to figure out what I am and what’s going on…”
I notice her grab something from behind their desk. She looks down as I hear her scribble something out before standing up once more.
“I think I have something of interest to you, within the archives we have a selection of old reproductions from the Library of Alexandria. It was there where I found a way to become what I am. I believe I know something in the vault that might help you”.
She walked past me, her back appendages stretching outward and then falling back to a rest state. Her tail sways as she walks past the stacks and to a glass door saying ‘Employees Only’.
“Stay here and I’ll have the item brought down for you, feel free to look around while I’m gone.”
It was then that I first noticed how freaking exhausted I was from all the tension that was constantly in my body. I slumped against the desk and felt like I could breathe normally for the first time in my life, even when I didn't notice me breathing abnormally before. This entire situation is beginning to make me feel… somewhat… no… not somewhat.. REALLY excited! When I first started my transition into a Wolf, I felt a slight excitement with it.. not nearly as strong as it is now.  I was sure, this is it! I am at the right place, whatever comes next is what I really wanted!! 
I didn’t start looking around, my feet were almost stuck to the ground, my body still somewhat on edge. My fur definitely needed a brush now with how much it keeps shifting from the adrenaline that keeps shooting through my body in waves. I can’t wait to see what Mars is going to bring back from that employee section… figures that the good stuff is being held back from the general public but hey, who am i to complain. It’s not like the things are not being used for others outside of the employees, guess there is a genuine reason.. if it is able to “produce” beings like Mars, maybe that’s for the better to keep it somewhat detained.
There’s a ding from behind the door and the sound of something rolling. As the employee door unlocks Mars steps out, pushing along a small cart. The second she’s within eyesight I feel her presence once more as I find myself frozen with anxiety. 
“Here we are, the Alexandria Chronicles.”
She says with a pleased chirp. She sets the book between two angled pieces of foam. She gently flips through the pages, being extra careful with her sharpened talons. She settles on a page with incantation circles and text written in some ancient language. She moves her head and runs her claw along the text before turning back to me.
“Arynia, what I have here is a book that contains the remnants of the Library to Alexandria. Within these pages contain the history of the old gods, the ones who continue to influence us in secret. If you want to be like me, you will be made aware of these old ones. You will endure immeasurable pain and psychosis. I say this not to scare you, but to warn you.. to prepare you..”
Mars ushers me forward with her hand. I feel myself walk towards her, but not on my own volition. I approach the book, seeing the inscriptions up close and find the page overwhelming with information. 
“Do you have any questions?”
I take a long look at the writing. Nothing I could ever understand… but still i feel the weight of Mars’s words on my entire body. “I was ready for the pain of the HRT. I saw how much it weighed down on people I care about so that point I am sure is not going to hold me back. As for these old ones…” I took a determined look at Mars, as much as I felt afraid when simply in her presence… There was also the resolve to continue.
“I guess my only question would be when we can start. I can worry about the rest later. Right now my heart tells me that this is the right thing for me.”
Mars smiles and gestures back to the book, her clawed finger gently pointing at a scribble written in the margins. The blurb appears to be an old attempt at translating the chant. The combination of consonants and vowels made it difficult to read. 
“If you need assistance, never be shy to reach out. With that said, let’s begin”.
I nod, but then raise an eyebrow. “So-  I just read out the stuff written on the page?”
“We’ll need to set up a ritual circle, but try reciting this till you feel confident. I’ll get the circle set up.”
Mars steps back and walks to the front door. I hear the latching of the front doors and her footsteps walking to the front desk. I turn my attention back to the few lines of translated text. I reread the text a few times working on the exotic letter combinations. Once confident I try saying it out loud in a hush tone. Tripping over a few words but finding it not as difficult as I initially thought. 
Would have never thought I would end up in a library, practicing ancient texts in order to get some medicine that turns me into a hellhound! Not to mention this being connected to eldritch gods? Wonder if i should give this maybe some more thought… but then again.. it’s this or going to that asshole Erian and beg him to put me back on the hrt… yeah no this is definitely the better option. 
I ended up practicing for, what felt like an hour, managing to no longer stumble over the words. I pick up the book, still mumbling the text while walking to where Mars is probably either still setting up, or is waiting for me. 
I reached a clearing and found a large summoning circle matching the one from the book. Another circle filled the center as well as a ring of the ancient language. She smiled at me as she stood and handed me a candle. 
“Set this where you like and light it. Once that’s done we’ll be ready”.
I nodded and turned away as I was handed a candle and a match. My mind raced with thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t stop contemplating if this was the right choice. If this would truly make me a hellhound. I felt drawn to a certain part of the circle and placed the candle. As I lit it I felt the air shift, my breath could be seen and as I turned back Mars sat just outside the circle with the book. She ushered me forward and like earlier I felt myself moving at her command. I kneeled next to her and looked at the book, sweat racing down my cheek as Mars placed a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s ok hun, I’ll be here to help you”.
I felt comforted by that and gave a gentle smile. I turned down to the book, nervously grabbing the edges and looking back at the translation. I grew worried that I would mess this up, that I flub the pronunciation. I felt like I was drowning and gasped for the biggest breath I’ve ever taken. And then, I began reading.
“Ph’nglui Mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh.. Wgah’nagl fhta-“
I felt a pit in my stomach, the last syllable seemed impossible to say, the ease and confidence was gone. Now I fought against some external force to finish the words.
Then there was a flash, my eyes began to tear up as I felt a rush of surging energy. The circle illuminated, the ground shook, I felt my face being pulled in all directions. I wanted to shut my eyes but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but witness waves of images and voices. My vision began to split, I could see more than just the library. I could see pillars, a cracking moon, a hall draped with yellow banners. These images flooded my mind and soul and then nothing. I was floating in a vast void, I felt a moment of ease before the realm began splitting, an eye larger than anything I’ve ever witnessed glared at me… through me? I tried avoiding its gaze, but I wasn't able to… I tried to speak up but my instincts clenched my mouth shut. 
I felt another rush as I was pulled away and then, finally, I blinked. My eyes celebrated the release of the tension as they began to refocus. I felt control regain in my mind and arms as I reached up and wiped the tears. I took a moment to recover, my mind still reeling from what I witnessed.
“Harsh, isn’t it?”
I turned to see Mars who looked relieved. She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. 
“You seemed to handle that very well. It’s something to have every sense we have to be overwhelmed. It’s crippling, and when we have that control it feels so foreign..”
Mars reached for the now closed book and took it in her arms. She cradled it like a child and stood up and offered me a hand. I wasn’t sure I could stand yet, my legs felt like they were still trembling. I could tell Mars read my expression as she pulled her hand away. 
“Sorry, why don’t you relax a bit while I get this all cleaned up.”
I nod to the best of my ability. Still trying to come to terms with what just happened. My eyes went from Mars towards the ground as my mind tried to make sure that I was back on earth… and not in whatever place I was before… It is at this very moment I start to realize what I just signed myself up for. And the fact settles in that this is not going to be the last time my very foundation of reality is going to be shaken. I look up at Mars one more time.
“Di-” I cough.. damn spit must have gotten in my throat at some point…
“Did it work?”
Mars turns her attention to the center of the circle and sees a small orange bottle. And smiles and turns back to me and nods.
“It did, welcome to family”
I looked back to the center of the circle when Mars did, turning back shortly after with a smile. 
“Thanks~ I guess I’ll be visiting this place more often now~” 
I slowly stand up, my legs still shaking from the ordeal and pick up that small orange pill bottle. It has my name on it… hades-lupusitine… bit on the nose name but hey, ain’t gonna complain as long as it does the job. The name of the prescribing doc was left blank though… then again that makes sense… don’t think you can fit whatever that eyeball's name was on the small tag of a pill bottle… IF that was the one that heard my call from the ritual… 1-0-1… so guess two of them a day… mornings and evenings huh?
I turn back to Mars with a smile as big as I can manage, and a wagging tail swishing behind me.. 
“Thank you so goddamn much for all of this Mars!” She smiled back at me. No more words needed to be spoken… not that I was really able to speak much after that mental strain anyway.. She kindly walked me out of the Library after putting the book back where it was safe. We waved each other goodbye, promising to stay in touch. I took my walk home, caressing the small pill bottle in my Jeans pocket and just itching to take the first pill in the evening. I just hope the next cosmic horrors at least knock first…  
Definitely check out Mars's Eldritch HRT series!!
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some-pers0n · 23 days
Hey, I really like your WOF rants so. Pick any character to talk about if you want. I will listen *sits on a couch with some popcorn*
I think the Jerboa chapters are the best things to come out of all of arc 3, perhaps even the whole series. I honestly wish it was its own separate winglet entirely tbh since I think it's a little jarring in TDG since it goes from pretty light-hearted, albeit tragic and somber bits of Snowfall trying to make it through becoming a queen whilst all this stuff is going on, and then it very quickly veers into This
I'm always a big sucker for animus magic being taken to its fullest potential. The user is essentially given god-like abilities with arguably zero drawbacks. The only thing that can corrupt is your own morality and mind. It's nice good horror to me. I liked the SeaWing massacre and everything that Darkstalker did, but it never felt far enough. The closest was Fierceteeth being warped and sculpted by Darkstalker to resemble Clearsight and him constantly rewriting her personality to try and act like the Clearsight he loves (which can never exist because of how far gone he's gone)
The Jerboa chapters deliver on that and more. It's subtle too. It isn't wholly in your face, instead being a revelation that Boa has been altered and changed an unfathomable amount of times by her own mother in order to be the perfect child. The way Jerboa sees Boa is unsettling with how little love there was. Boa was more of a source of cheap entertainment for Jerboa as opposed to an actual daughter. The way she has to check constantly to see if she even still likes Boa and uses it as a means to prove that she's definitely 100% still all there is so so so good. Not to also mention the fact that Boa is the second attempt at a child. We don't talk about Jerboa II (which makes it far more ominous)(oouhohohhh it's so good)
I just really think the chapter is a great display of Tui's ability to write characterization. In such a short amount of time, we have such a clear-cut idea as to what kind of a character Jerboa is. It's really fun and so neat and creepy. Really love it. Wish we got more of it...
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