#but he isn’t a main member of the crew… so it doesn’t really work
cynicalmusings · 3 months
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ah, yes, a ‘wind sack which controls windiness’. my eloquence truly knows no bounds.
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Guys, I truly do not get byler doubt over things like this. Some leaker said “Mike and Will do not have a romantic relationship in Stranger Things 5.” Okay, let’s look at that, because I know the tag will go into a frenzy anyway.
This guy has been right about Marvel leaks in the past. He has also been wrong. The vibe I get is that a lot of leakers build up credibility by saying things which are correct or easily predictable, meaning they have more leeway in the future to make things up for clout and still have people believe them. The byler plot is very contentious and is guaranteed to get attention if you post anything about it, so I don’t really believe people who are being loud and open about it on twitter with broad, unspecific claims. A good example is the RejectedScooper guy, who had the Will’s love interest leak. He also made claims like “Will’s love interest is a boy” (duh), “the UD merged with Hawkins” (popular theory given that’s what the final s4 shot indicates), and “the military is still after El” (another popular theory). He makes believable claims that might end up being right, but that doesn’t mean he ever had inside knowledge. A lot of leakers are like this
The very phrasing of this is weird. Thanks @merth-or-nothin for pointing it out, but legit leakers will give information on what IS happening, not what isn’t, since they often lack context and filming isn’t even done, so there’s half a season missing. If byler truly wasn’t happening, they’d say “Mike and El are still together in episode 4,” or “Will meets a new boy.” They wouldn’t make a broad “this doesn’t happen” statement. They would provide a scene that DOES happen which leads them to that broader conclusion
I don’t have my own direct confirmation on this, but I’ve seen many people say that everything is extremely locked down this season, and that’s why it’s hard for people to get leaks. I think I even saw a screenshot where someone asked Noah on tik tok for a video on set and he said they’re being extra strict this season. There have been other claims, like cast and crew members getting redacted versions of the scripts that only contain their parts (standard practice in productions like this) people being instructed to leave the set as soon as their part is done, and the Duffers overall being very tight-lipped. Even Millie had to beg the writers to know what El’s ending is. The only people who know the ending of the byler plot are probably the main cast and writers, and high-up members of the production team. Their NDA’s must be so tight. I don’t see how some random leaker would have that info just because he had marvel leaks in the past. If I had info about a sensitive spoiler, I wouldn’t be yelling about it on twitter either. I’m not sure about how the legal process works here, but I feel like you’d get into some sort of strife.
I’ve seen byler-positive and byler-negative leaks. Chances are a lot of them are wrong. Maybe some are right. Who knows? They’re very contradictory, so I think the only conclusion I’m taking away from it is that people like the attention posting byler “spoilers” gets them, and no one has a straight story (no pun intended) regarding what is happening next season, so I’m likely to take most things as fake, especially broad claims like this one
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inell · 1 month
Possibly a dumb question but I saw you reblog a few leverage things recently and you're one of my favorite 9-1-1 writers so I was wondering what you think a 911 Leverage Fusion AU could look like if you were to think about it because their two of my favorite shows
Goodness! Thank you for the compliment. I thought about this during my commute home from work, and this is what I came up with.
We use season 7 of 911. Councilwoman Ortiz is obviously dirty, having used her power to force Gerrard into the 118, and to remove Mara from HenRen’s custody as well as revoking their foster status. That’s all canon.
We pick up with Toni, Hen’s mom, reaching out to these nice people she met when she lived in Portland years and years ago. They ran a gastropub but she also knew about their other business because Alec was a sweetheart who chatted way too much. She contacts the new Leverage HQ in New Orleans looking for Hardison, and she gets Parker. Who is very interested when she hears about the kid being removed and she shares it with the others, research is done, and, because it’s 911 (which tends to be racially cliche), Ortiz ties into the cartel subplot (her son died from illegal drugs, after all, and there’s also the people trafficking subplot that could be linked).
Cut to Leverage crew showing up in LA and meeting Toni, who hasn’t told Hen about her interference. Parker and Eliot fight over who gets to go undercover at the firehouse, because they need to get rid of Gerrard and figure out his connection to Ortiz. Eliot wins, obviously, simply by asking Parker to put on full gear and carry a 200lb weight.
Parker is Not Happy, but Eliot goes undercover as a new firefighter. He and Eddie hit it off with the whole military slash guilt slash PTSD slash dislike of firearms thing, and Buck is suspicious because they don’t have an opening for another member on their team and also why is this guy being so friendly with Eddie and who cares if he’s from Oklahoma which is next to Texas and they bond over TexMex and country music and Eliot tells Eddie he needs to keep his dog on a leash before it gets bit, and Buck really really hates this new guy who oddly has the same name as a character on Star Trek, according to Chim.
Meanwhile, Breana is sent to work at the city council as an intern who is assigned to Ortiz, while Sophie and Harry work on a cover to get closer to the whole drug slash trafficking thing, and Hardison is working on a project in Cairo but FaceTimes Toni and Parker a few times (showing off his muscles that he’s happened to get while geeking out and not because there’s a new movie role he’s filming in RL), and Parker annoys Eliot by being in his ear every shift, listening to everything and watching what he sees through his nifty camera lenses.
Parker loves Chimney, thinks he’s hilarious, and she doesn’t know why Eliot won’t tell Chim the dad jokes she keeps repeating in his earpiece because she wants to know if Chim thinks she’s funny. She’s also working on the whole foster revocation situation with help from Hardison, but bugging Eliot is a lot more fun. She especially likes to make popcorn for the times when he’s chilling in the loft with his new BFF and said BFF’s BFF. She might be neurodivergent, but she’s not even as fucked up as Buck and Eddie and their whole thing. Breana shares the popcorn when she isn’t working for free and trying to suck up to Ortiz.
In the end, they manage to catch Ortiz, the person on the foster system that did her dirty work, the main cartel players connected to her, and they link Gerrard to them. They give Toni the money they got from the deal, which she explains to Hen and Karen as a lucky lotto win when she gives it to them for Mara and Denny. Eliot quits the 118, but not before locking Buck and Eddie up in the supply closet and telling them work out their UST, damn it, and Bobby comes back as Captain.
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training-trio-irl · 1 year
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Fusions have returned! And this time, I’m here with my hand-picked V3 fusions. I’ve been developing a Fusion AU for all three main game casts, and hopefully one day I’ll get to share my designs for the 1st and 2nd game as well!
— Below are some descriptions of each character. They’re a bit longer than I hoped for, but I would really appreciate if you took a quick read through them if you are at all interested in this AU! —
Kaeki Harumatsu => While in the foster care system, Kaeki has had to help care for many siblings, and her main method was to create and preform stories for them to be relaxed and entertained by. Her stories were very engaging and imagination-sparking for kids, and word of her talent quickly got around, leading to her publishing books and reading her fairytales at children’s events! She is soft spoken, but compassionate and resilient, and very much a leader. Despite her anxieties, she is always striving to achieve a bright future, not just for herself, but for the next generation too.
Shutaro Amahara => One day, Shutaro accidentally got caught up in an expedition through a rarely traversed jungle, lead by his uncle and his archaeology team. After single-handedly coming across never before seen ruins from an ancient civilization, however, he promptly received his ultimate talent. Now he continues to accompany his uncle, and with his exceptional observational skills, survival tactics, and adaptability, has made many profound discoveries. At the end of the day, however, Shutaro would much prefer to be back home, spending time with his three little sisters and stepping out of the spotlight.
Kaikichi Oumota => Kaikichi claims to be the captain of a crew comprised of thousands of members, dispersed all over the world helping those in need. Whether that is true or not, one can not deny that his never ending sea of anecdotes from their travels seem too detailed to be entirely fiction. He is relentlessly positive and strives to maintain a happy atmosphere, to the point where he’ll lie about the reality of a given situation in order to avoid fear and conflict. He calls the seven seas his home, but they believe that they can one day reach the stars as well!
Kiibu Irubashi => Coming from a family of engineers, Kiibu was no stranger to creating little machines with whatever materials were available to them. They always had a knack for robotics, but her incredible abilities were proven when, after a horrible car accident that resulted in the amputation of their right arm, he constructed the world’s first ever working cybernetic arm. Ever since their recognition as an ultimate, her ego has intensified tenfold. While their confidence has proved useful in presenting prototypes and giving speeches, it seems to drive away any potential friends he hopes to make. So for now, this eccentric will stick to building bots to pass the time.
Gorumi Tokuhara => Gorumi got taken in by a very affluent family at a young age after supposedly being separated from his real family in a hiking trip, although the whereabouts of his parents were never uncovered. Growing up, he was tasked with many chores around his adoptive family’s estate, and now serves many members of the upper class around Japan. He is very caring and calculated in nature, but he has also successfully and willingly taken on many assignments that involved physical altercations. Gorumi will do anything to keep peace and order among his friends, but isn’t stingy when it comes to them having some childish fun!
Ryokiyo Shinoshi => It is certainly bizarre that this world famous cricket prodigy turned convicted serial killer got accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy, but that seems to be more common than you’d think for this government-funded high school. Despite his enrollment, there is now doubt that his life has forever been ruined by his actions, but Ryokiyo doesn’t seem to care all that much. Nowadays, forces like “the rules” and “consequences” don’t seem to phase him. Handcuffs are ready on one of his wrists in case anything gets too out of hand.
Himugi Shiromeno => Himugi is, simply put, unhappy with her talent. It is true that she has assisted many impressive magicians and illusionists, helping them pull off many tricky stunts, but she recognizes that, compared to other talents at Hope’s Peak, hers is underwhelming. Of course, she can’t deny that she is grateful to attend such a prestigious academy, but she wished it would be for something cooler. Regardless, she does her best to focus on what’s important to her: following the rules, getting good grades, and making new talented friends! She still can’t help but be a little cynical, though…
Angko Chabanaga => Coming from a small but tight-knit community, she put her home on the map after joining a famous aerial arts troupe and quickly becoming the star of the show. Angko is always on the move, both physically and metaphorically, and her chaotic lifestyle can be hard for others to keep up with. Her larger-than-life aura may seem a bit standoffish at first, but in reality she is very outgoing and kind, always doing what she can to support others.
As always, if anyone has any suggestions, fun ideas, or ways to incorporate better the aspects of either component in a fusion, feel free to send an ask or leave it in the tags!
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dolphin1812 · 2 years
The nice thing about reading a chapter a day for Les Mis Letters has been that the impact of each chapter doesn’t get lost in the amount of words in the book, and I think this chapter has been one of the most notable instances of that. I’ve read this book before, but given the intense sadness of the last few chapters, I think I’ve always skimmed this one to try to get back to “the main plot” with Valjean.
But honestly, this chapter is actually good?
I love that it starts with, “A man overboard!” It’s so dramatic - I was automatically engaged by that line (for a moment, I forgot that it was metaphorical and was wondering when Valjean got on a boat). And the metaphor itself is so effective. I find the fact that the ship is in a “hurricane” especially interesting - it conveys how the sailors don’t ignore the “fallen” man out of malice, but out of their own need to survive. If they stop attending to the ship to help this one man, who knows what will happen to them? Similarly, other people around Valjean may not have wished him ill, but how could they have gone out of their way to help him and his family when they were consumed by their own immediate needs? How could they hear Valjean’s pleas for help over the cries of their own poverty, the cries of the storm? And of course, there are the “passengers,” who aren’t working on the ship (and could, therefore, help him) but are still oblivious to his plight.
Hugo is, of course, a strong proponent of compassion. But compassion isn’t possible when the problem isn’t known, and it’s much harder to notice that one specific person is struggling so intensely when everyone else is suffering as well. And by the time someone does discover that something is wrong (that the crew member is missing, that Valjean has been imprisoned), what can be done? 
I also like how Hugo stresses that there is “no support” in the ocean. The problem with falling overboard isn’t just that it’s exhausting to swim and that it’s scary to be isolated in the unknown, but that there’s no respite. The drowning sailor can no more take a break to regain his strength to swim than Valjean can take a moment to recuperate from his years in prison. Alone in the ocean, they swim until they inevitably no longer can.
While the chapter itself is sad, the ending is somewhat funny. Hugo really couldn’t risk someone missing his metaphor, so he had to dramatically add:
“Oh, implacable march of human societies! Oh, losses of men and of souls on the way! Ocean into which falls all that the law lets slip! Disastrous absence of help! Oh, moral death!
The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned. The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.“
Just in case anyone missed the connection. And he had to explain it twice, because if “ocean into which falls all that the law lets slip” wasn’t enough, the second part must be. I just think it’s hilarious that the second paragraph is so matter-of-fact, too. The first one at least keeps with the dramatic tone of the rest of the chapter and really only includes a few key words to help the reader make the connection, but the second one blatantly states his idea. The digressions are definitely the main reason for the book’s length, but Hugo analyzing his own writing is a major contributor as well.
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
Can you explain what you mean about Louis team not trying anymore? Do you mean in terms of promo of him/his tour?
Louis is on a break at the moment so not sure what we’re expecting his team to be doing? I’ve got to say I’m not that keen on them either. I mean I like his band members but the management crew do seem lazy and disinterested. Not sure if it bothers L or not. He’s so laid back it’s hard to tell!
Heya anon! Thanks for the inbox, and welcome to the show.
Look… yes, he’s on a break. That’s fine, and while Harry and zayn are currently getting press, there could be concern for over-saturation in the market due to the overlap of fans, and therefore could even be Agreements between H/L/Z’s managers to space out the promo a bit so fans can absorb one thing at a time. Niall’s on tour with consistent promo social media posts (not too many headlines though), so he’s not to worry, and Liam isn’t getting really any press, even though he is being more active with fans. However…
Just because Louis is on break, that doesn’t mean his team needs to be. They should be gearing up with promo for the LATAM tour that starts in 2 weeks. They’ve always been lazy with trying to reach GP and having substantial press/working with interviewers or industry professionals that will connect him to a larger demographic, and have relied on a very dedicated fanbase as their main source of income/Louis’ success. The problem with that, is by forming such a special connection between Louis and the fans, he (his team) need to be creating content and delivering to the fans so it doesn’t feel so one sided. It frustrates me to no end because even though they are doing well with the relationship between louis and fans, sometimes they don’t even know that demographic as well as they think they do.
Louis 100% deserves a break. I don’t expect him to be posting every day or doing livestreams or twitter chats, but his team need to at least be posting on Insta/twitter once or twice a week for him. Theyve been really MIA a little too long in my opinion, and the whole point of this promo is to sell tickets to the upcoming LATAM tour. It is crucial promo time, ya know?
So anyway, again this is just in my opinion and experience and analysing the marketing strategies/timelines of Louis’ past tours/album drops etc., they just aren’t delivering that promo, and haven’t actively tried to reach a larger demographic with the GP like… ever. Could he have done a couple of pre recorded interviews while he wasn’t MIA to drop over this time? He should have. Maybe a few pre written press articles about his tour ready to drop on a specific date? Hopefully. There should be content available to post whenever necessary. And hell, I’m sure there will be some level of promo before the tour, but leaving it til last minute doesn’t really do him any favours.
His team come off as lazy and often rely on us to do the work for him, which like… fine, fans literally keep an artist’s career alive so there is obviously a level of fans promoting said artist, but it feels like it’s a lot of us giving and hanging around and a lot of them taking and too much reliance on just his already established fans selling out shows, not new fans who could grow his numbers substantially.
Again, I’m 100% not advocating for him to not have a break, I’m saying his team are barely doing the bare minimum at the moment, and it’s not doing him and his tour any favours. I’m not saying Louis is lazy, and I’m not saying that he doesn’t care, this is strictly to do with his team and their strategies.
And yes, he does come across as very laid back and yes, he loves what he does and works hard. But I feel there may be a level of complacency with his team right now. Like “oh well, you’re not ever gonna be as big as Harry, so we won’t even bother with this strategy even if it worked for him” kinda thing. But, for the hell of it, let’s say that Louis doesn’t really wanna do more promo. He’s happy at the level he’s at, doing just enough of what his team wants him to do, and he doesn’t want to strive to be any more successful. He knows he’s at a good place, so why bother? But… Matt Vines needs to make money. He’d be on a commission rate of an industry standard around 20%, but might be more depending on their Agreement. It wouldn’t be any less. So… if Louis isn’t making more money, Matt isn’t making more money (he would be making a certain amount with the other artists he manages, but overall Louis would be making the most out of that roster, his commission on smaller bands may lead closer to 15% standard). Obviously money is still coming in to them, but you get me. So, even if Louis is chilling and happy, it���s weird to see such a little amount of promo leading up to a very exciting and hopefully successful tour in LATAM.
You can read in this interview from 2022 with Matt, about his ideas on management. Notably, the below about previous data from 1d and their activations and campaigns and I haven’t really seen too many elements of that in his current promo (obv gonna be at a different scale because 1d was one of the biggest bands in the world for a hot minute there, but there’s been little to no elements of these strategies in his current promo season):
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So i truly haven’t seen much of those marketing techniques employed within his promo these days. And here, he talks about the relationship he has with his artists and why his company stands out from others:
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Which, yes, I agree that a manager-artist relationship should be different from what it’s traditionally known. And I can see that they do have a different relationship, with the lack of stunting and louis taking the reins a lot more. We see more authenticity, and less show, which is great. Louis is serious and has actively worked to understand the business and how different streams and parts of the industry work.
But his team aren’t working to grow the fanbase. Matt Vines has been in this industry long enough to understand marketing and promo and demographics more so than Louis, but it feels like he’s not even helping him grow bigger. Idk, it feels disappointing that for a hot minute he was on a roll and gaining a lot of traction and it seems to have stagnated a little bit and his reach has only gone so far, where it should be further out to the GP too.
Anyway, look, again this is just my opinion. I’m incredibly proud of him and his team have done a lot for him, but they can always do more. And yet, they haven’t. I don’t want to see Louis exhausted and a wreck from touring like the 1d days, but promo comes in so many different forms and it’s not just about stunting and clothing lines and social media. There’s more his team could do for him, without him working 100% of the time.
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Nadakhan is such an enigma to me
long post
Like, reeaaally long
Lotsa reading. 
In 6.1 he gets released from his teapot by Clouse. He then goes on to grant wishes for Clouse. He then causes massive indiscribable pain for clouse. We don’t care because it is Clouse. (Over the past month I realised this isn’t true but the draft is old so stay with me.) He then goes out to the city, learns about his crew being stranded (and Delara being dead, I’ll get to that) and goes after the Ninja to get the realm crystal that public service AI so stupidly informed him of. Big whoopity doo, pretty decent introduction. 
In 6.2 he gets the crystal and doesn’t do much.
Then we get to  6.3 however, where he frees his crew and the celebrate now having the realm crystal by getting drunk on their ship together while singing shanties and dancing drunkenly, it looks like a vibe good for them. He then tells them to basically retire since pirates aren’t really a thing anymore. He tells them that he got them back because as captain he couldn’t leave his crew marooned and specifically states that, as they are now safe, he is returning to his homerealm where he was banished/exiled from for unkown reasons (or just hated, works too I guess). The crew then, out of their own free will, follows him. ALL of them. And he looks genuinly surprised and happy about it. They then ask about the realm, he explains with pure joy yadayada. BUT THEN we all remember this. They get there and Djinjago is falling apart because the Cursed realm died. He sees his father who explains it.  Nadakhan the OFFERS TO SAVE ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE WITH THE CRYSTAL but in a honestly touching scene his father gives him the sword before dying. The crew gets Nadakhan out of there and they get back. When they get home he vows to take revenge on the ninja while assuring the crew he has a plan. 
So to recap, we have an incredibly devoted main antagonist who deeply cares about his underlings, who has some kind of tragic backstory which seemingly ended bittersweet involving his fatehr, who was struck by unfathomable tragedy ÁND who has every reason ever to target the ninja? HELL YEAH SIGN ME UP! That sound like just about the clsoest you can get to a sympathetic and ruthless villain, I’m here for it. I also wanna mention how devoted the enitre crew was to him, which might surprise you if you’ve seen the tall tales shorts. I guess it just means he’s a really kind captain or something, I really don’t know. EIther that or some brainwashing/stockholm syndrome is in play here. I dunno, I’m not a psychiatrist. 
Back in track in 6.4, the Misfortune’s Keep flies now and he finds Nya and Jay. He gets Jay to make his first wish and gets the lower members of the old crew back. Then it ends with his trapping Kai. Pretty tame all things considered.
In 6.5 we get Flinlocke’s first questioning of Nadakhan. Unlike most lackies in shows however he directly confronts Nadakhan about it without beating around the bush. Yet he also stays respectful ánd states exactly what his expectations are, implying that those to are on almost equal footing with each other. Nadakhan stays calm and shows the crew the new Djinjago. He also specifically states that he cannot do this alone and he needs his crew with his. They then follow and everything is good. Nadakhan does say, and I quote, “This is what you sacrifice(d) for, not some girl.  A home.” Implying that he kinda misses his ex, but he has gotten over her. We also saw this very briefly in 6.3 All good and dandy. Moving on from dead people is good (I say that as if that isn’t the most ironic thing I’ve ever said). Nadakhan then takes Zane and Jay at the end of the episode. Whoopity doo change of the satus quo.
6.6 starts of with Nadakhan starting his Jay torture (mildy for now, it’ll pick up later) since he has that grudge against the ninja and since Jay hasn’t made his 3rd wish. Clancee also mentions how Nadakhan ahs brought them together and made them whole. Then we get to the dinner, where they sart talking about Nya.  Nadakhan tells him about his wedding plans and infinite wishes with Jay then claiming He does not care about a new world Nor about Nya’s heart. Jay says he never loved Delara and just wanted what she could give him in a marriage. Then Jay needs to fight in the pirate gang fight and tries to start a coup which fails painfully.
To dwell on that dinner scene a little longer, it still made (enough) sense. One should always expect that he missis his homeland, and the people, instead of just the land. The cheap remake wouldn’t have fixed it. He’s doing the floating islands thing for the sake of the ceremony working. He also however mentions that he just needs to marry someone, anyone, and doesn’t really care about winning Nya’s heart. By this logic, couldn’t he just take any random person who would be to terrified to say no instead of someone who would flee overseas to avoid his just so we could have some ‘damsel in distress’ finale? If the problem is that he wants someone who looks like Delara he could also just use those infinite wishes to wish for the historically most drastic plastic surgery ever. And if it was that he wanted Delare, why didn’t he deny Jay’s claims? In fact, why has he seen mostly indifferent to that point except for seeing Nya in the newspaper and in the city at lunch? Is is just that he doesn’t care what Jay thinks? I mean, kudos to him for not being sensitive enough to let it get to him but still. And if he wants infinite wishes, why not tell his crew? Sure they might turn on him, but with their loyalty I doubt he’d have any sort of trouble convincing them that he’s use the wishes for them as well to make a new and better world. And honestly, at this point I still mostly believed that to be the case.
6.7. Aside from him having some (pretty cute) interactions with Flintlocke and Clancee about some idiots and taking a cloak outside, he also takes the ninja prisoner after a failed rescue attempt and takes Nya back to his quarters, He tries to make a deal about bargaining her friends lives which leades to the “fuck around and find out: wishing edition” scene. He grants the wishes like he has to, twisting them jsut enough to keep the scene going. It isn’t until the end where in pure rage he forces Clancee to make a wish to get rid of Lloyd and Cole (even though he could have just struck them with the blade, but I guess That Would Have Spoiled the finale. Then something interesting? confusing? happens; for the first time (as far as I can tell) he is really taing his anger out on the crew, Flintlocke in this case, as he tells him he can;t come back until he’s found the escaped duo. He also threatens him with Zane’s second wish (clever) to make sure no harm comes to Nya. 
6.8. He becomes reckless/agressive and just orders to basically take everyone prisoner. He learns about the tiger widow venom and starts to think about how the duo might use it. This is where Flinlocke starts his coup, after telling the captain to forget about the girl, as it was never about her but about building a home for all of them. Again, if Nadakhan had just mentioned the wedding thing like he does later to the others, this would have easily been avoided. But no, he lashes out on not just Flintlocke but the entire crew after FLintlocke tells him that he’s won and that it’s enough (positively). And he now does come clean about the infinite wishes, but it’s too late for Flintlocke. Again, no problem if he’d been upfront. I still don’t get why he wasn’t, since he truly treasured and appericiated (or seemed to) that crew in the firest half of the season. His lashing out is so stupid and screws him over here. But okay, after FLinlocke’s coup he now just scares the others into following him, which is about the first plan of action when you’ve got a group of followers, a group of friends, thát loyal. But no, he makes Clancee use another wish to find the couple, they all raid the lighthouse and then take Nya. Great, onto the finale. 
6.9 He goes over the wedding ceremony wirh Clancee (who states that her objecting would not matter to the ceremony, once again implying that he could have taken literally anyone else to marry) He then lashes uot when a scout informs him of the ninja, orders literally everyone to be guarding the place and leaves to prepare. When he gets to Nya she plays into the Delare bit (blegh) but to absolutely EVERYONE’S suprise. HE ACTUALLY SEEMS HAPPY ABOUT IT SO WHAT THE HECK. He then says how he and Delara had dreamed of this moment but never accomplished it, which also AGAIN CONTRADICTS EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE SEEN ABOUT HIS FEELINGS TOWARDS HIS DEAD EX GIRLFRIEND. Yet inspite of that (temporary jump to 6.10) he doesn’t actually seem to want to posses Nya’s body with Delara’s spirit until she ‘betrays him’, implying that he didn’t care so much after all??? BUt he goes with her with all the pet names and bullshittery and puts down his sword for her (after she plays the daddy’s boy card) . Sure, be more stupid Ig. 
6.10 So finally last episode. So The other main crewmembers are the only audience (implying they are still relatively happy to follow Nadakhan since they don’t seem scared of this ceremony) and... Flintlocke? Sure- I guess he’s harmless now and all but... whatever, I’m tired. The wedding continues with Clancee reading it (which seems stupid as balls since Dogshank is literally RIGHT THERE) and Nadakhan calling Nya out for being distancy. She makes her say yes, ceremony is official because with Djinn law you aparently don’t need to course and he becomes all powerful. He fights the ninja, puts Nya to sleep, then beats the ninja and then... here it comes.... BRINGS BACK DELARA??? OKAY WHY??? This is probably the main reason I’ve made this post, becasue I need someone to explain this to me. Yes we have seen small parts of him maybe caring about her, but just as often, if not more often, we have seen him actively deny any importance she had! FLINLOCKE had more of a reaction to seeing Nya! Why?! 
But then- Clancee starts with his big speech. And in it- he- I can’t. I literally can’t. He starts of saying that he “Never liked the way he treated people”. *breathes in*.  WHAT THE ACTUAL EVERLOVING FUCK? This goes against LITERALLY EVERYTHING we have EVER seen about Nadakhan ánd the relation with his crew this season! SO unless they’re all somehow 20x as talented actors as Harumi was to all pretend to like Nadakhan that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! And after Clancee’s speech he gets rid of him, Monkey wretch and Doubloon, leaving Flintlocke and Dogshank to go help the ninja. But fine, cut to him and Delara acting... truly in love? After he had gotten his wishes no less! Just saying, If I had infinite wishes and loved someone as much as he seems to love and desire her I would have done so from the get-go and never evern entertained Nya’s play becasue how dare she act like my deceased beloved! But no, now that he has infinite wishes he just makes statues instead of wishing the ninja to be tortured or his entire fucking homerealm - you know, the thing that strated all of this? - to be brough back, cause fuck that I wana poof excessive statues for my new wife whom I technically didn’t marry and my enemies to be turned into statues through instead of wish so I can show her How Cool I Am. Well, at least the couple seems to share the tyrannic and deranged part so they bond over that. 
Someone, for the love of whatever holy figure you or anyone might believe in please PLEASE explain this character to me. 
Does he care about his crew? Did he suddenly stop caring?
Does he care about his homeworld? Did he ever really care or did he just want to find a replacement wife there? Unlikely, since that would have been the smart thing to do in Ninjago too. 
Did he care about Delara? Did he get over her only for the feelings to come back? Those feeling seemed too strong too poof into existence. And then why would he follow Nya’s honestly offensive roleplay if that was the case?
The part of the crew honestly bothers me a little more than it should, just because of teh inconsistencies. Especially if you’ve read the Splinter series (which isn’t actually canon but could technically be considered as such) you read again about how much the crew cared about Nadakhan. So why would Clancee say that he ated the way he spoke to them?? I just--- Someone save me, please...
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strangestcase · 2 years
what do the members of the crew think of each other? are there any good relationships or do some folks dislike/hate each other?
You and @kraftbrekker have both asked this so here it goes!
The League as a whole see themselves as strictly coworkers, but they actually are more like a disjointed adult friend group in theory; I wouldn’t exactly call them a found family but they find comfort in knowing they’re not alone in the world. Mina’s team, which is the “main” body of the League, goes from bickering and being disorganized to… liking each other to a point and still being disorganized.
As for individual relationships:
Mina Murray Harker originally butted heads with Irene Adler. A lot. She saw her as a capricious artist type, an upper class that that doesn’t understand what ACTUAL duty is. Irene meanwhile thought Mina was a stick in the mud with a complex. They’re both right, really, but eventually they become friends.
Alice Byrd is a bit like a baby niece to the rest of the team, particularly Irene and Mina. She sees them as THE female role models of all time. Particularly Mina, but Irene has more faith in her abilities and is more of a cool aunt to her. She also deeply respects the Captain. Her view of Griffin and Hyde is… far more cynical, and she’s rather disgusted by -and scared of- Hyde. Though, she thinks Griffin can be funny.
Mina and the Captain are co-leaders on practice, basically, and they have to put their prejudices aside to make it work. They don’t talk much but their relationship comes to be one of mutual respect and admiration.
The Captain, meanwhile, thinks of Alice as a daughter, of Irene as a talented coworker, of Griffin as a nuisance, and of Jekyll/Hyde as the only person that can understand what it is like to do horrible things and live with them- live within them. The Captain doesn’t like people much, and much less the British- and also the Captain is a strictly professional person. The team isn’t friends, it’s WORK.
Dr. Jekyll has a biiiiiiit of a crush on Nemo and Mina. Mr. Hyde shows it more, like WAY MORE, taking it to awkward levels, but funnily enough those two are the only people that he will listen to, obey, or pay any worthwhile attention to. They and Nemo make a well balanced duo, and Mina basically has domesticated him. Mina, on her part? She respects him but the second he steps out of line they’re getting skewered. Also, Hyde enjoys scaring Alice. Irene doesn’t take any of their crap but she is legit spooked by him and is always on edge when he’s around. Jekyll is often treated as a bit of a ticking time bomb due to that- but his form makes people more comfortable.
Jekyll/Hyde and Griffin are CONSTANTLY fighting, bickering, and sometimes it gets physical. They don’t like each other at all. If they have to work together, things get tense.
Speaking of that, it’s no mystery that Harlow Griffin isn’t well liked. He’s the Venn diagram intersection of Grumpy and Cocky. And he would 100% betray any of his teammates for a corn chip. He thinks they’re useful, but UUUUGH THEYRE ANNOYING! And it’s mutual. Nemo sneers at him, Irene thinks he’s an idiot, Mina scolds him ALL THE TIME. Basically what ties him to the team is a promise of legal and financial security and he has to be dragged EVERYWHERE. The only person that humors him at all is Alice.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Spiderwebs, Pt. 3: Looking Out for the Little Guy
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So this one is pretty straightforward but timely. Franky’s the one who really sells this idea, but the Tontatta are the main vehicle Dressrosa has to invest the Straw Hats in the nation’s story. Incidentally, you could argue this is where Rebecca subtly is taken off the table. If we were just going to stick to Law’s plan she’d have more reason to run and less time to see the chance to go back. She gets to, because Dressrosa’s past was worth going back to in a way Wano’s wasn’t. Leo and the Tontatta by extension though fill a very basic structural role like Kiku and I’d argue Chiffon in Totland as well. The Tontatta are very fundamentally symbolic here; as Luffy’s star rises the crew needs to think about collateral damage. How what you do affects the little guy. Kiku’s story is one of being hurt by that same damage. We could have done this without Dressrosa reduced to rubble.
What we see in this scene is also something we’ll see with Franky and it plays into Robin’s growth that, like Usopp’s, will blossom more come Wano. If anyone ends up in that orator/organizer combo Usopp is showing why he’s volatile in that role. He doesn’t have the tact to do that at the level we need. It’s just like Chopper serving as Helmsman in a pinch earlier or even Usopp the de facto shipwright. It was fun, but he’s a sniper. His big feats first with the Tontatta in beating Sugar and then with awakening haki this arc set that in motion. The first contributes to earning Izo’s recognition in Wano which is huge for him; that’s a marksman on the same tier as his dad. Franky, if you’re wondering, has a good moment for this early on. It’s the shakedown, he and Luffy try to interrogate a guy and it’s the right idea but he just isn’t the guy for that. Same with Nami & co. and their failed diversion with Giolla. I’m also counting Donquixote Kin’flamingo. That gets us back to Leo.
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Bahahahahahahahahaha! I love this gag of Leo & Mansherry. Cindry-grade lack of chill. Mansherry & Giolla, don’t let it slip that’s pretty damn similar to Holdem & Tama. But seriously, we mentioned this with Cavendish. The Grand Fleet captains have a shard of what’s missing, but they aren’t quite right for a full member on the main ship. One of those things I’d really look at in Kiku or someone like her stepping into a Quartermaster role defined by working with the Grand Fleet is that potential dynamic. Someone with that archetype threads the needle well. In Leo’s case? He’s the driven, ambitious arguable prodigy. The standout of his people. Quite capable and very noble but humble. Also love the bit about him going whole hog into the pirate aesthetic, I’ve mentioned if it’s Kiku I think she’ll do that. But he’s a little too naive and lacks tact. Leo’s lovely, but he can’t do the diplomat/negotiator side.
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If my hunch is right by the way, cool in hindsight we introduce Kiku as this cover serial is wrapping up. These two shots line up with Luffytaro Returns the Favor & The Ruins of Oden Castle. This kind of stuff is why I don’t mind daring to dream, the potential for it to all fit together so beautifully. Since the Tontatta are easy, let’s just lay this out:
Cavendish could fill this position but he’s too vain, too much his own captain, and can’t control his demon side.
Barto could as well, but someone like Kiku can do more than just provoke and Barto’s earnest admiration is a little too much. Sorta the same logic as why Boa wouldn’t fit but the Kuja under Luffy’s banner would.
Leo as said is too naive and lacks tact. He has the spirit but needs guidance or his trusting nature becomes a liability. 
Orlumbus is the opposite. He has the poise and skills to do this, but needs to develop that scoundrel side. Too stuffy.
Don Sai is a tricky one. His example has a lot more to do with Baby 5. There’s a lot to be said about the hyper-people pleaser and a marriage happening here on the battlefield. It’s not as much of a problem for Cavendish the exiled noble, but Sai’s position with Kano is also a relevant hurdle here. It’s why Kiku’s the only Akazaya this would work with, right? Because she does have the wiggle room to be dissatisfied with that role. Sai isn’t.
Hajrudin & Ideo were the least developed but they do have relevant elements. They have the combat prowess but they’re still young and full of potential. We just need more than that for the main officers. Hajrudin has the national pride and honor angle & Ideo’s cover story shows a little diplomatic skill but they need room to grow. You could also argue these two are reminding you how great Jinbei is. I don’t think the Captains are supposed to be equal; Cabbage & Barto are in a different class. Worth noting from my angle at least once too, Kiku does outshine all of them in terms of battle prowess. I’d say Stussy as well but Vivi would have to be full on field marshal. Which would work just fine. Either way, it’s an ensemble who’d all play nice with this type of character in a dispatch/command capacity.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.156 thoughts
[Negator Times in Space]
WOW am I late to this one! Guess that’s what happens if I do Cipher Academy first. Sorry about that
Though it also doesn’t help that I don’t feel like I have a lot to say about this chapter. Not that there’s nothing worth talking about, it’s just not as dense a chapter as we’ve been getting lately
I really appreciate that Fuuko didn’t just forgive Gina and Sean; she’s legitimately upset that they disobeyed her, and she has so many reasons to be! Not only was coming along like this extremely dangerous for them as they hadn’t been properly trained, it also jeopardizes the entire crew, as even the slightest change in weight, cargo space, oxygen expenditure, etc. can drastically change a manned mission’s requirements, and not being able to account for two extra people ahead of time when the plan is already to bring aboard two more people whose weight they can only estimate is extremely unsafe
It also sets a bad precedent; Fuuko didn’t make the decision of who to bring along lightly, she put a lot of thought into it and even sought outside opinions, so to have her leadership disregarded like that by Gina, her number two, could also damage her reputation as the leader. Of course she moves on from it quickly as Gina’s presence does in fact resolve an unforeseen issue, but much like in the battle with Stain in early Hero Academy, just because it worked out doesn’t make it alright. As I said, there were any number of ways this could have gone wrong and still could going forward, so while now isn’t a good time to punish Gina and Sean (they’re stuck in space for the moment after all), they will need to face some kind of repercussions later
We get a nice little bit of further development for Sean; the fact that he’s calling Gina one of his “brothers” suggests that he’s not just following Fuuko, he actually does identify as a member of the Union as a whole, and I hope to see that this level of camaraderie extends to the rest of the group as well. Here’s hoping we get a scene between Sean and Creed, especially when you consider that Creed’s short stint as an antagonist last arc was what allowed Sean to grow so much in the first place. Perhaps an apology for calling him miscast?
Fuuko noting that this is her second time in space was a subtle moment, but I think it’s going to be a significant one in the grand scheme of things, even if only thematically. She says that space is beautiful and desolate, leading her thoughts towards Phil who has only ever known this void for his entire life, to illustrate to us that he’s likely led a lonely life up to this point. The thing is, this line doesn’t only apply to Phil, there are two other characters who have experienced exactly the same kind of lonesome existence for much, much longer: Luna and Sun
I’ve actually been meaning to make a post dedicated to this for a while, but now seems like a good opportunity. When Fuuko first met Gina on the bank of Lake Baikal, she painted the moon to be surrounded by stars, as she figured that the sun and moon would be lonely in space with only each other and no friends. Undead Unluck is a series all about relationships, whether they’re familial, platonic, romantic, etc., so for Fuuko to suggest that the sun and moon, our main antagonists, are lonely most likely implies that her conjecture was perfectly accurate. Sol and Luna have been in competition for hundreds of billions of years, with minimal contact with their creations. The UMA have no memories of Sun except to cause humanity to suffer, leading some like Burn to pine for Sun’s attention. Luna only talks to whoever has the most points for but a few minutes at a time at most, suggesting that she spends the rest of her time just sitting alone on the moon sipping tea. She can see what’s happening on Earth, and she can take delight in it, but she’s isolated, not even able to communicate with her only equal in the universe
The void of space is the perfect visual representation of the sort of loneliness we could expect to have explored for Luna and/or Sun; even surrounded by stars, even looking upon each other from either side of the Earth, the two are in actuality completely alone. Therefore, defeating them will likely not be as simple as killing or destroying them, but rather finding some way to alleviate the loneliness in their hearts. “Humans can love UMA” after all, so it’s not hard to imagine Fuuko managing to befriend the two of them or bridge whatever gap exists between them
I could also probably make some parallel between Fuuko/Andy and Luna/Sun, but I’m going to hold off on that analysis for now since we don’t know much about Sun and Luna’s relationship yet. Once we know more, I imagine I’ll be able to make a huge write-up about it, but for now, it’s all conjecture
The final major note for the chapter is Phil’s sudden and terrifying appearance aboard the space station. Seeing him standing in the middle of a dark hallway, surrounded by floating debris and completely devoid of oxygen, is a chilling image. It raises a ton of questions, though
Fuuko told us that Phil couldn’t talk because of Unfeel in the previous loop; is this because he hasn’t developed his interpretation of Unfeel yet, or has he developed beyond Phil 100′s interpretation?
Why doesn’t he need to breathe? Is this actually Phil and his current interpretation makes him immune to oxygen deprivation somehow, or is this something like an astral projection, and the real body is elsewhere?
If he’s Unfeel, why does he care what happens to his mother? I’m glad he does, as having him discard his mother would be exceptionally cruel, but it doesn’t seem congruent with what we know so far. For now, I’m going to assume that he has a unique interpretation of Unfeel that allows him to at least care about his priorities
Was Phil somehow related to the thing that hacked  the ship and helped it to navigate and dock on the space station, and if so, was that also because of Unfeel? It doesn’t seem like something a UMA would do, but I don’t see any clear relationship between hacking and being unfeeling
I’m sure Tozuka will answer all of these questions satisfyingly, but unfortunately, we won’t know for at least another week, as Golden Week is coming up, and that always means all of Jump goes on break. Hooray....I feel like i might as well have waited until the next chapter was going to come out to write this review, but I didn’t want anyone to think I’d forgotten about this week’s UU
Like I said, it’s a good, solid chapter, it just doesn’t quite live up to the level of hype that a lot of the more recent chapters have had. It’s always good to have a breather, and while there was still a threat to the crew in this chapter, it was ultimately set up for something much bigger and scarier to come. Place your bets now on if it’s a UMA, Galaxy’s Juniors the Acks, straight up aliens, or somehow another Negator that made their way to space. Personally I’m going with a UMA, so obviously it’s going to be a Negator
Only one more week till we find out, though, so I guess in a way it’s good that I accidentally put it off, as now we don’t have to wait as long!
See y’all next week!
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9w1ft · 2 years
I am the one who asked about "frosty crew photography". It seems we have no Karlie explaination for this, right? ;( It is what it is. But I found a crazy coincident: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013: Karlie in her LOVER era Angel Wings on stage. Taylor: "Welcome New York City.... my name is Taylor. These are my friends Patrick, Pete and Joe and they are Fall Out Boy." Is there a PETE sign as well!?
hmmmm so, i think you might be looking at this in a way that is not so realistic.
the assumption we as kaylors make is that taylor and karlie would have a secret relationship, one which taylor would like to sing about and express her feelings about but also not have people be able to prove.
given this assumption, i think it would be a mistake to assume that every detail that taylor shows about joe is actually about karlie. if i were in her position, i would want to add in some stuff that points to my beard being real, you know? ultimately taylor would want a secret relationship of this importance and length to be a deniable thing. i think a lot of stuff certainly mimics her relationship with karlie, but it’s not gonna be a 1:1 and i don’t think it needs to be, or should be.
in other words, while i’m sure karlie has taken tons of photos and video of taylor over the years (and i bet a lot of them have been used in taylor’s work), i can imagine that taylor takes some herself and has her creative team take others as well, and i can also imagine taylor looking to joe’s actual life for inspiration when creating an explanation that he might have taken them. does this make sense?
i guess another bigger point is that i don’t think the idea of taylor’s relationship with karlie hinges on needing to prove that every thing joe does is actually connected to karlie. it’s important not to lose sight of the big picture.
actually, i think one interpretation of the song ‘invisible string’ is similar to this conversation. taylor listing off different joe historical details, and then saying “isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?” or in other words, “there’s not actually a connection here but it makes for a nice story, doesn’t it?” — maybe the one line in that song hinting at karlie would be when the music style changes and she sings about the single thread of gold, which sounds more tangible than the invisible string she sings about. so i guess i’m saying that a kaylor or gaylor might listen to invisible string and try to prove or disprove if it is possible that bad blood or some song was in fact playing in a taxi when karlie first went to LA, when really the main message taylor sings is elsewhere and we are getting caught up in the details.
you’re right about the vsfs 2013 opener! during lover era i remember some of us had a laugh about that because a lot of lover promo was taylor screaming about new york city 🥰 and i forgot about fall out boy’s band member names being like that, that’s funny! fun fact: karlie’s childhood pet is a yorkie named joe.
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kptssecretsanta · 2 years
Merry Christmas, @languishingindian!
Hello, my Secret Santa giftee,
I hope you like my little ficlet I wrote you,
I tried adding all your favourite tropes to the story.
Have a wonderful holiday time!
Our Differences Enrich Us
Sometimes Vegas just takes a step back and stares at Pete in awe. Life was so much easier when his lover was tied up at the safehouse and not running amok, causing a havoc everywhere he manages to reach and touch with his pretty little fingers. 
The two of them are as different as two people can be.
As for music, Vegas isn’t really a big fan. He enjoys the occasional classical music opus, especially when he’s back from an exceptionally tiring job, a Jean Sibelius Symphony no 5 will almost take his breath away every time he hears the highlight at the end.
But every couple of days, Vegas has a front row view to a pop music concert, performed by Pete in their cozy kitchen, his lover only wearing a large T-shirt. The ear-deafening loud banging and cheery music.. The singing.. the dancing.. 
Jesus, his bare ass when Pete reaches up to get the cereal from a high cupboard, still wiggling.. 
Vegas loves the view but detests the ruckus.
Actually working for the main family after the failed coup, Vegas is so thankful he doesn’t have to wear the boring outfits the crew members use. It would be a downright shame. He’s proud to say he’s still the most well-dressed member of the Theerapanyakul family. Now, Pete on the other hand, that dude has completely let himself loose. Short shorts and kiddy T-shirts with childish cartoon characters on them. Vegas is scared that one day someone will mistake them as father and son when they walk hand-in-hand on the street. (Although he doesn’t mind being sugar daddy for his Pete).
“For the love of god, what on earth are these, babe?” Vegas motions his head towards the abomination, actually shook. He’s seen men get beheaded. Gunned down. Just two days ago he pulled out three wisdom teeth from a spy to get them to talk. He has never seen anything more hideous than these khaki pants laying innocently on their shared bed. Who needs that many pockets anyway??
“Oh? I just got these! Don’t you like them, darling?” Pete’s face is so angelic and innocent when he says it that Vegas develops a devious plan right away - as soon as Pete puts the horrendous khaki pants on, he’d rip them right off him and make sweet sweet love to Pete right after. 
He’s sure Pete wouldn’t be mad..
Then there’s the stubbornness problem. They are both so damn headstrong. Vegas riots like the raging sea – harsh words and wild punches (never at Pete, though). That's how he was raised under Gun's palm, confrontation of any kind will bring out the beast trapped inside him. Pete, with his stoic calmness will be rational, his eyes stern and cold. That's what you get for falling in love with an ex-Theerapanyakul's main bodyguard, I guess. 
Afterwards it's always wet eyes, love confessions and apologies, though.
Weekly grocery shopping has Vegas on the brink of tears. He makes a meticulous list for all the food the two of them need to survive a whole week. He could call it his passion. 
Making plans. Scheming.
Pete, on the other hand.. the love of his life promises not to meddle between Vegas and his grocery shopping and says he’s bored and just wants to tag along with him to the market. It’s a whole other story when they actually get there. Vegas is amazed at how Pete manages to keep his weight (probably the hours his love spends in the gym?) if he insists on buying 3 different types of nachos ‘just to check which are the best flavored’ and his ‘let’s buy some ice cream in case Macau comes by?’, when Vegas knows for a fact that Pete would destroy all of those by himself in the span of 3 days. 
He does appreciate the squish it has added to Pete’s bottom, though.
Then there’s the generational gap - which is not really a thing because they are not that different in the age department. But Pete keeps talking about something called memes? 
Vegas tries to periodically remind Pete of how much he loves him, it’s still awkward for him to express his feelings, especially after their interactions during and post coup. “I don’t think I could survive without you, my love” they lay on the bed face to face, just staring, taking in each other’s features. The sun rays playing on Pete’s face make him look absolutely celestial. 
Pete holds his face so delicately before it turns into a couple of friendly pats on his cheek and saying: “So true, bestie!” And Vegas has actual no idea how to reply to that? The confusion is clearly portrayed on his face because Pete dares to roll his eyes and say: “Babe, it’s a meme!” He kisses Vegas’ nose quickly, “And I wouldn’t survive without you, either.”
The other day Pete learned a new meme from Macau who said he shouldn’t use it in public cause it’s an ‘oldie but a goodie’ - so now Pete spends an hour and 15 minutes trying to explain what a yeet is. He forgot how to write it in English and can’t find the video online and he’s grown quite frustrated about this matter, somehow convinced that it’s Vegas’s fault. “Cmon, it’s like you throw something with a force - YEET!” Pete basically whiles the last word, a little kid wildly flapping his arms in the air.
Vegas has had enough, though. “If you don’t shut up about it, I’m gonna yeet you from here to the bed and punish you so hard you’ll walk with a limp for the next three days.” He growls from his throat, this is an actual threat.
Pete beams at that and a full laughter ensues: “You got it, babe! You got the meme!” He jumps onto Vegas’s lap, somehow hitting his Vegas’s chin with his knee in the process and it hurts like a bitch. He feels weirdly proud of himself, though. Pete’s so pleased with himself.
Vegas likes to think he leads a nice quiet life, if you don't count the torture and the killings. He plans every little detail of his life, with his silk shirts categorized by colours, schedule for the day already arranged the day before, what he would be eating, when is Macau going to visit them, main family members's schedules so he doesn't come in contact with any of them.. 
He likes to think of his life like a sunny day. Everything is clear and precise. But Pete is more like a hurricane. Porsche could call him at odd times of the day and Pete would drop everything and just run to him. It usually involves Tankhun and his boyband of bodyguards doing something really stupid that Pete has to go and solve the problem.
Other times, Pete gets an idea in the middle of the night, when they are already in bed cuddling, to go and do the most dull things known to mankind. Vegas has to get up, get his motorbike ready because Pete wants that one specific type of ice cream from that specific store on the other side of Bangkok at 2am. Vegas would do anything for his love, though. Whilst on the bike, there would be familiar hands roaming around Vegas's torso until Pete whines that his hands are cold and they find a way underneath his shirt. More soft touches and even more groping. Then there's Vegas trying to hold onto the last thread of his sanity when Pete reaches for his zipper because they are on the highway for Christ sake! 
That being said (or thought), their differences are what enrich their relationship and their lives. 
Oh, how Vegas loves him. It feels like his heart is going to burst out of his sternum, he doesn't know how long it can contain all of the feelings he has for his lover.
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papaparr · 8 months
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Name: Robert "Bob" Parr Age: Forty-Six Occupation: Accountant <3 / Order Member / Superhero for Hire Powers: Super strength Sexuality: Heterosexual Pronouns: He/him Currently Playing: the entirety of the "dad grilling songs" playlist on spotify Big Three: Ok bob parr does not care about this and neither do i  
Bob Parr wasn’t called Mr. Incredible for no reason. Back in the day, he really was just that: incredible. He was the main super in Echo Isle, leading a crew of other superhumans to keep the city safe. It was the best time of his life: he was in the best shape, dating around with any woman he wanted, and had the best job in the world.
His pride got the best of him when he caused a catastrophe that led to superheroes being banned on the Isle. It was a huge train that was about to be run off the tracks, and Bob refused the help of his friends, claiming that he could stop the whole thing himself, but he’d underestimated the weight of the train. He’d successfully saved all the people on it, but an entire bridge collapsed, causing the destruction of a bunch of buildings. It was humiliating, and it caused the entire community of superheroes to have to go into hiding.
Bob met Helen when he was in "college", which was really just a four year excursion to become a frat boy, earn some easy degree, and go on with his life as a super. They met at one of his fraternity's parties, and Bob was pretty instantly in love. No other woman had challenged him the way she had--she wanted to get to know him for him, not Mr. Incredible. She accidentally figured him out as his alter-ego when she found a piece of his costume in his apartment, which was what led her to share her abilities with him. They were a match made in super heaven, and Bob didn't want to let her go. Even without her parents' permission, he proposed, and she accepted.
The accident happened right after they found out that Helen was pregnant. It was devastating, the way that he caused the destruction of his career and so many others, but it resulted in marrying Helen and having Violet, and he wouldn’t have changed that for the world. Once his superhero days were over, he began to focus on his family and doing what was best for them. Bob went to college, for real this time, and decided to study accounting, the only thing that would guarantee him a job after graduating.
Being stuck in a gray cubicle all day was definitely not what Bob had planned for himself, but it paid the bills for a while. One day, he just snapped, too prideful to admit that he’d made a mistake, and wound up punching his boss in the face, which got him immediately fired. Bob couldn’t tell Helen, though, that he’d lost his job; he was too embarrassed to admit it. Instead, Bob started taking side jobs doing private investigative work to make side money while he lied to Helen about keeping his job.
Bob is going to have to tell Helen the truth someday, but that would mean having to go back to an office job for the sake of his family, and he just isn’t ready to do that. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, and he’s making even more money doing private super work than he ever could as an accountant. It’s not the ideal way to make a living, but it’s the closest Bob has come to his glory days, and he hasn’t given up his dream of returning to Mr. Incredible just yet.
Bob did not want the Parrs to be associated with the Order, especially after they asked his wife to be involved first. He thought that being magical and being a superhuman were two very different things: superheroes didn't need protecting. But, as much as he tried to protest, Helen went for it, anyway, and Bob stayed back to start taking on more responsibility with Jack Jack after Violet and Dash got old enough to begin to take care of themselves. Bob eventually joined as a member once he saw how the organization could protect his children before they went off to college themselves.
It's technically illegal to be doing what he's doing with his PI work as an Order member, but what they don't know won't hurt them. He's kind of hired an investigator of his own, Kim Possible, to help him keep his secret from both his family and the Order.
It’s not that he isn’t close to Violet and Dash, but that he spent too much of their childhoods mourning what could have been with his career to be as present as he could for them. He's trying to make up for it now that he's happier than he has been in a long time given that he's doing what he loves again.
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sunphroggy · 3 years
Bench Trio-centric zombie apocalypse au with background sbi but it's just poorly written notes, by me:
-Tommy and Tubbo were 13 when the apocalypse began, and the two of them are very close childhood friends. Tommy was at a sleepover at Tubbo's when the apocalypse began and zombies attacked the house. In a midst of fear they hid in the attic for days, listening to the horrors going on outside, until they eventually had to leave for food.
-Tubbo lived with his aunt Puffy and his two cousins Foolish and Dream before everything began. He doesn't know where they are but fears the worst. Tommy hasn't seen his father or brother either. It's been four years. He doesn't like to think about it much.
-Ranboo and his mom's were on holiday when the apocalypse happened. One of them was bitten, and he was forced to kill her. The other died during a raid by a group of surviours leaving Ranboo alone in an unfamiliar place.
-Tommy and Tubbo found Ranboo a few months into the apocalypse. They were running from zombies and quite literally bumped into eachother.
-Tommy was very skeptical of having another person tagging along with them, but Tubbo took to their new friend immediately and insisted he stay with them. They've been friends ever since.
-After two years of fending for their lives, dodging death and the undead together, the trio meet a kind man that is willing to help them. His name is Sam and he had a car and a radio that he would use to try contact other surviours, but no one else reached out. Only one station ever played anything beside static: American Pie by Don McLean.
-Tommy really liked Sam as he reminded him of his dad, Phil. Out of the trio, Tommy was probably the closest with Sam. They would go on supply runs together and Sam was the one that taught Tommy how to actually defend himself.
-Unfortunately, the bench trio can't have nice things so one day, on a supply run at an abandoned gas station the group is attacked by a large horde. There was no sign of escape until Sam threw the keys to Ranboo and told the three of them to run while he held them off.
-Ranboo had to teach himself to drive. He has been the designated group driver since then.
-Which brings us to present day; The trio are still going strong in Sam's car. Tubbo is hellbent on finding other surviours and spends most of the time they're not fighting for their lives working on the radio (it still plays that song over and over, Tommy is sick of it but Ranboo quite enjoys it. They argue about it frequently) but nothing ever happens.
-That is, until one day it does.
-They're driving, as they often do. Tommy sits in the front seat, Ranboo driving and Tubbo in the back. The radio is still playing American Pie - much to Tommy's annoyance - and then it crackles off and a voice calls out for anyone listening. Obviously they jump to reply.
-the voice - named Niki - tells them about a surviour camp on the otherside of the city and for the first time in the trios life, they have hope.
-They set off immediately, but - because the bench trio can't have nice things - lots of things go wrong. The main being Ranboo getting bit.
-He hides it for as long as he can, but around three quarters through his journey things get too much for him and he is forced to tell Tommy and Tubbo.
-This is where things get complicated because none of them want Ranboo to die. Tommy suggests cutting off the bite like they do in Zombie films but the bite is somewhere rlly inconvenient like his shoulder or something so they can't do that.
-Tubbo is the one that suggestes they try create a cure from Ranboo's infected blood. It's a long shot but it might work. However it will take a long time, a lot of blood samples and a break in to the nearest science lab.
-But Ranboo isn't willing to wait that long and potentially put his closest friends in the world at risk just from being around him. So, while Tommy and Tubbo are asleep, he leaves in the middle of the night.
-When they wake up to find Ranboo gone, Tommy and Tubbo dedicate a week to searching for him - this week includes the two of them taking turns horribly driving around and screaming out Ranboo's name. When they don't find him, Tommy decides that they need to keep moving, to get to the camp. Reluctantly, Tubbo agrees on the condition that he continues to try create a cure.
-And the two set off.
-When the apocalypse began, Techno was on the bus home from college. He never made it back to his house.
-He has spent most of the four years alone. Apart from roaming around with Bad and Skeppy - two people he met along the way - but they went their separate ways after Bad and Skeppy wanted to create a haven for survivors. Techno couldn't stay in the one place as he was intent on finding his family.
-He never did find them, even though he's been searching for four years.
-Unlike his brothers, Wilbur was at home eating dinner when the apocalypse started. His first thought was of Tommy, about his safety. His second was the zombie trying to eat his face.
-He and Phil were evacuated out of the city with most of citizens - much to his protest, they needed to find Tommy - and escorted to a temporary military camp that doesn't last long before its swarmed with the undead.
-Together with more survivors they grew to know (like Niki, Jack, Eret, Fundy) they survive together, eventually creating their own gated camp.
-Wilbur and Phil used to believe that one day Tommy and Techno would somehow find their way back to them. But as time passed, Phil slowly started to lose hope.
-He doesn't have the heart to tell Wilbur that though.
-In the camp, Jack, Eret and Fundy are scavengers that go out beyond the walls for supplies while Wilbur and Phil tend to the farm and Niki man's the radio, looking for other people out there to expand the camp (the crew boys)
-Wilbur keeps up hope that one day his family will be reunited, that the next voice he hears on the radio will be Tommy's or Techno's.
-But this hope dies when Puffy stumbles through the gates.
-She explains that she told Tommy and Tubbo to hide in the attic before she was evactuaded. She has no idea if they're alive or if they even made it out of attic.
-Heartbroken,Wilbur and Phil make the boys an empty grave. It's the least they can do.
-Wilbur never visits this grave, still in denial. He still waits up at night for Tommy every night.
-Techno was a surprise, stumbling upon the damp by accident resulting in a tearful SBI reunion which only becomes more tearful when Techno asks where Tommy is.
-Upon seeing the grave, Techno only wishes he could've been there from the start.
-He becomes the lead defender for the camp.
-Months pass, and soon another member joins the camp.
-His name is Sam. And he is adiment on using the radio.
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princesserii · 2 years
Hey Inazuma Eleven fandom! This might be a bit of a long shot but would anyone want to beta read a fanfic I’m currently working on?
It’s a fantasy pirate AU set in a world I’ve made up. There’s magic and fantasy races — merpeople, selkies and sylphs (sky spirits), as well as regular humans.
I’ll be using using the OG and GO characters (not Ares/Orion or VROH). The main ships are established, married Tatsumido/Hiromido and angst-ridden TakuRan (ngl TakuRan might not get a happy ending), with some background established Endou x Natsumi which doesn’t really factor into the story. I might also include background Fudou x Kazemaru but that isn’t decided yet. I’m very easygoing with ships and can write basically anything.
The fic is split between three main stories — Kariya, the Inazuma Pirates, and Shindou. All three plotlines interweave into one another and will eventually come together:
Kariya is a lonely boy who lives on the furthest outskirts of the town of Shaleworth. The son of a fisherman, his neglectful father up and left one night, never to be seen again. Ever since, Kariya has been alone, carving out a career for himself as a fisherman at the age of 14. By now, he’s accepted his fate. He’s used to it. He doesn’t care if people pity him or think he’s a nuisance. One day though, he has a chance encounter with two wayward pirates, Tatsuya and Midorikawa, who have lost their ship and their crew. The pirates start using Kariya’s home as a hideaway until they can regain enough strength and resources to return to their ship. Kariya ends up realising he doesn’t want them to leave, meanwhile Tatsuya and Midorikawa realise that this lonely boy doesn’t have to be so alone forever. Family bonding shenanigans ensue.
The crew of the Inazuma, led by captain Endou Mamoru, are among the most feared and respected pirates on the seven seas. Due to the mysterious and powerful Hand of God, wielded only by the strongest pirate on the ocean, the Inazuma Pirates have garnered a high reputation even among the navy and port governors. After losing two of their crew mates, Tatsuya and Midorikawa, during a storm, they’re desperately trying to find them. Captain Endou has faith that they aren’t dead. Members of the crew such as the young gunner Kirino Ranmaru, however, are less confident, especially because if Tatsuya and Midorikawa are still alive, they would have run ashore in one of the most anti-pirate areas of the whole archipelago — Shaleworth.
Shindou, a baron’s son, hates pirates with every ounce of his being. Four years before the present, pirates attacked his hometown and kidnapped his personal servant and best friend, Kirino, thinking Kirino was actually the baron’s son. It was later revealed that a different pirate crew, the Inazuma Pirates, had pillaged and destroyed the trafficking den where Kirino would have been taken. There were no survivors. Shindou now swears revenge for the ‘death’ of his best friend. Having been sent to the town of Shaleworth to study under Governor Kudou, he makes it his mission to capture and execute any pirates who come through the nearby waters. Even his new personal servant, Ibuki Munemasa, thinks he’s going a bit too far. But Shindou sees it as justified. If he can’t have his best friend back, then what’s the point in being merciful? (Little does he know that Kirino is very much still alive)
If anyone is interested, please let me know, either by replying to this post or dming me! I haven’t written much more than the first chapter yet but the chapters are quite long, in the range of 4000-5000 words per chapter. Chapter 1 is fully written already. I write pretty quickly too, so expect new chapters every week/two weeks.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: A Week in the Life of Dan and Phil!
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Date video was published: 04/22/2018 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 376
A DITL-style video! The first one of those since Australia (unless you count Dan and Phil AND DOGS! which you could).
0:00 - love the crew member standing there to help but DNP just going too fast, lol
0:05 - what is Dan doing, lol
0:09 - “d-don’t do that” Dan had immediate regrets
0:15 - floppy Phil quiff 🥺
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0:51 - aww at the pastel plushies in the background
1:02 - the “good vibes” shirt! sad that Phil doesn’t wear this one anymore because it shrunk. especially now that we know that DNP are always sending “vibes” to each other. Phil also even wore that red jacket for his passport photo at this time...the II branding was strong
1:16 - extreme shaky-cam. filming while walking does not work that well
1:40 - ahahaha “I’ve already done enough yoga with you” reference to the yoga challenge bit of Giving The People What They Want
1:53 - “this is literally pornography” 😳 for Dan at least I guess... I am impressed with Phil’s all-in-one-motion stand there
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2:01 - Dan once again with a strange sitting position
2:22 - they would see the real set for the first time a few days after this video was posted
2:27 - awww at Dan’s soft voice for the “for you, Phil”
2:41 - I mean...that is probably a 6-foot tall door which isn’t that short
2:47 - Dan smile 🥺
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2:59 - <surreal meme appears fullscreen> of course
3:18 - even while rehearsing together all day...still having lunch together too 😭 wanting to spend that much time with another person is really something
3:25 - not even close with that throw from Dan 😂
3:40 - Phil getting so high-pitched with nervousness there. and I love most of the crew in the background not even caring what is happening, lol
4:01 - “it’s actually nice” what was Phil expecting, lol
4:06 - “stop doing that” as he zooms in on it more ...alright
4:27 - well then.
4:33 - “hello nips” wtf. also the banter back and forth on it afterwards is great
4:52 - “pigeon fest” was what they did for April Fool’s Day in 2018. also, Phil with matching socks! that plant does survive and thrive
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5:07 - still shocked they filmed basically in bed and then put it in the video. 2018...so loud
5:28 - also jesus christ Dan’s hands are huge. how does he even type on that laptop
5:46 - I know this is a meme reference (right?) but Dan saying “six me” in that voice is um. something.
5:52 - that sweatshirt looks like it would be very hot to rehearse in
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6:10 - LMAO at Phil desperately covering his dick. and the crew laughing in the background throughout this clip
6:18 - and Phil telling Dan “cover your balls, it does hurt” but Dan choosing to protect his face instead 😂 I guess we know what’s important to each of them, ahahaha
6:34 - they are having fun with this
7:05 - love that Dan is so anti-props while Phil has an entire props chest at home
7:13 - that is...quite the selection especially before seeing the show at all
7:43 - nice dodge there from Phil, and then straight to the banana eating, lol. which Phil did not have to include in the video but did even after saying not to film it
7:51 - god I love this casual clip that doesn’t even have anything to do with the show 😭 like...Dan just spending time in the lounge while Phil plays a video game. a regular evening.
8:12 - Dan’s red patch is out. also, I love that we found out in one of the stereo shows that Phil is the one who encouraged Dan to play piano for part of the show
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8:33 - fond teasing
8:35 - again, before knowing where this falls in the show...this was quite the teaser, haha
8:52 - and now we have to live with the knowledge that these came from a sex shop...thanks stereo era
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9:18 - oh Phil...that was an easy one!
9:39 - love that Dan does not approve of that question. and that in typical little-brother fashion, Phil just shocks him again 😂
9:52 - love the random things scrolling across the screen in the background
10:04 - so much detailed planning
10:20 - and implying that without it, they would just stand next to each other the whole time
10:25 - haircut time! both of their hair was very long in the previous clips. also, having someone come and give you a haircut in your own bedroom sounds quite convenient. also the haircut guy wearing a very Dan-esque shirt
10:35 - awww at encouraging Dan 🥺
10:45 - another clip they really didn’t have to include but chose to
10:51 - Dan had posted pictures of that and some of the concept art previously
11:16 - lol at the different accent Phil is putting on for each of them
11:51 - Dan really wants to put meaning on things
12:02 - the merch was released just a few days after this video
12:22 - so much back and forth between the living flat and filming flat in this video
12:29 - “you’re not naked, are you?” wtf Phil
12:50 - “you’re pulling it off” Phil is used to Dan’s ...unique...fashion choices at this point I think. Dan liked it enough to post photos in it that day too
13:03 - lots of social media content from this warm day...a Phil tweet and Instagram photo (posted a couple days later) too
13:29 - Dan was not enjoying the wasps that came out in the warm weather
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14:12 - it does look so dystopian compared to all the other buildings
14:37 - how even. so lucky
14:45 - Phil’s got the same shirt on but Dan’s changed out of the romper
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15:08 - Phil sticking to the “everything is improved with a bit of glitter” bit, haha
15:29 - “foot content”. also, still have all the TATINOF cubes left in teh background as decoration from the Easter baking video
15:38 - now Phil has changed into comfy pjs. also, sitting right next to each other on the couch, again after spending the whole day together already... and more “foot content” although Phil’s in this case
16:10 - love Phil filming Dan like this. same vibe as him filming Dan directing the trailer in The Making Of ‘The Amazing Book is Not on Fire’
16:26 - this must have been the very last day of rehearsals. don’t know about that singing...
16:48 - Phil watching Dan talk in this car clip 🥺
17:23 - Dan must have won...we never see Phil wearing those sunglasses
17:26 - Phil had posted a photo with the cherry blossom back in early April when it was blooming
17:55 - they really did start posting insta stories in the days right after this (1, 2)
18:49 - literally almost entirely fried things and dips there
Unlike Giving The People What They Want, this probably does make a “top 10″ list of joint videos for me. I love it so much. I think I just like the casual style a lot.
Phil posted this less than a week before their first II show in Brighton. They also hung out with PJ and Sophie while they were there. Also these (1, 2) stories. 👀 And this one.
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