#but he is socially awkward it seems
bearsinpotatosacks · 1 month
Mentally planned out an entire scene where Richie and Syd get drunk and talk about their type of guy. Syd realises she likes pathetic guys. There was a guy in the CIA who went to her for help and they ended up becoming a thing for about a year before it petered out, and then mentions Richie (if this is a Sydrichie thing). Richie mentions how he likes hairy guys, and not these stick thin gym rats who are all shiny and vapid like a ken doll. He wants some grit, a beard, a bad mouth, a guy who's willing to be a little rough, who's broad enough to give him something to grip. Syd says that sounds like Mikey (if this is normal canon then she gets it from photos and descriptions, but this is also goes with my Mikey lives AU)
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hypogryffin · 27 days
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white chocolate
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image id under cut!;
[Image ID:
A digitally drawn comic of characters from the game Persona 4.
Image 1:
Yu Narukami on a couch, leaning towards a bowl on the table in front of him as he asks, "Oh, are there any pieces of white chocolate left? They're my favourite." Next to him, Rise Kujikawa has a hand on her chin as she looks at the bowl as well, though she says, "Mm... Looks like no..."
In the next panel, Chie, drinking from a can of soda, says, "The white chocolate? Didn't Hanamura take the last one just a second ago?"
Image 2:
The first panel shows Yosuke holding a wrapper as he pops something into his mouth, looking over. In the second, he lowers his hand and says, with his mouth still full of chocolate, "Oh, shit. Sorry, Partner."
Narukami waves him away quickly, saying, "No no no, it's not a big deal, don't worry. I mean, I don't mind!"
Yosuke mournfully says, "Well, but they're your favourite... Here."
Narukami insists, "Really don't worry about it-- wait what do you mean, 'here'."
Image 3:
Yosuke leans over the back of the couch, cupping Narukami's face in his hand as he kisses him to give him the chocolate in his mouth. To the left and right of Narukami, Yukiko and Rise are both taken aback, mouths wide open as they blush heavily.
Yosuke pulls back, putting a hand to his mouth as he licks his lips, saying in a somewhat teasing tone, "There you go, Partner. Like Satonaka said, it's the last one, so savour it, okay?"
A reverse shot shows the room completely flabbergasted: Narukami, Rise, Yukiko, and Naoto all are beet-red, staring at Yosuke in shock as he idly says, "Is it just me, or has that dumb bear been gone for way too long now? I'm gonna go check on him, he better not have broken anything," completely casual as if nothing had happened.
Image 4:
The bonus drawing shows Yosuke collapsed against the door of the room he just left, with a small note pointing to him that reads, "His knees gave out as soon as his brain caught up". He has his head in his hands, but is still visibly bright red, and screams at himself in his own head, "WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT."
In the same drawing, Kuma is shown to have been down the hall, confused as he calls out, "Yosuke? What's wrong?"
End ID.]
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muzzleroars · 1 year
what would gabriel’s human guise look like? is it any different from how hes portrayed in renaissance art? :3
quite a bit different! my idea about him kind of shifts around, but in general i go with something like this:
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gabriel has one of the best human guises, but he does retain a couple features that betray his heavenly origin - the opalescent "jewelry" is actually bands of divine fire and his eyes are oversized for his face with reflective, sheep-like pupils (i imagine this is true for all angels, including raphael who is otherwise perfect in his guise). he doesn't emote very much, too used to having his face covered with feelings conveyed through his body or wings, and he doesn't bother doing anything with his hair lol (MAYBE putting it up sometimes at most)
he doesn't show it to v1 often, and he likely only did so the first time after v1 asked him about the statues of the guise that adorn his tomb. it's very strange for both of them (after v1's initial threat display lol), gabriel flooded with memories of his time as messenger and all the humans he met, while v1 itself is confronted by the first human face it's seen in a long, long time...they both sort of wordlessly agree it's best if he doesn't take it out afterward
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luridparty · 4 months
yonny pikmin 4 🫵👍my head in going to explode !!!!🫵💥💥💥💥💥
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puffpawstries · 1 month
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I'm working on the outfits ask but have Tomoki Mori the ososan oc concept I've had he's been sitting in the dust for awhile cause I'm still working on him,,, His look is changing mostly outfit and he's also getting a beanie cause I like how it looks on him,, but ososan oc that will be a friendship Ichimatsu....cause pookie needs friendship
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supertyphoon-kai · 9 months
My favorite flavor of romantic NeuviFuri is always Neuvillette being soft and reverent towards Furina. But I like adding some Top Furina/Bottom Neuvillette to the mix and making Furina just as smitten to Neuvillette as he is for her.
I imagine once she gains more confidence, Furina starts to take the lead in their intimate moments. Her dearest Iudex is beautiful, afterall. She loves admiring Neuvillette's body, kissing and touching every part of him, leaving marks across his body. Neuvillette is left breathless and completely pliant under her. He's not used to all the praise and attention Furina is giving him.
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lohstandfound · 1 year
Dumb deities au concept
Someone comes up with the brilliant idea to put Jake and/or Brooke in charge of some social media content, especially around this new exhibition
The problem?
Brooke has almost zero idea how to even work a phone properly and Jake doesn't understand social media
It becomes clear very quickly after watching Brooke and Jake attempt to make videos that maybe the 'youngest' out of them are not actually the best option
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ryuseitai · 2 months
guy that likes being independent when he has to do stuff alone
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You know as much as I hate Flynn Fenton it would have been interesting if the backstory Hartman proposed in that lame video was true, and he did exist in the canon timeline. Just because of how the math works out and how it would have affected the show’s story.
Because if he did exist in canon, we the viewers and Danny would have encountered, met, and learned about what happened to Flynn without anyone ever mentioning him, or Danny even encountering him in the Ghost Zone as Exodus*.
*Which is another dumb thing I hate and I’m getting rid of. No Exodus only Flynn.
The thing is that Flynn is 8 years older than Danny. Danny got his powers at age 14, which is the same year as his parents and Vlad’s 20 year collage reunion. Flynn would have been 22 at the time Danny got his powers.
Meaning he would have been alive, well, and 2 years old at the point of the proto-portal accident that turned Vlad half-ghost.
Implying one thing:
Flynn is biologically just Maddie’s kid, from a previous relationship back in her hometown, where Flynn is staying with her family while she goes to collage. [Flynn’s green eyes, the fact that he’s nowhere to be seen at the collage.] She meets both Vlad and Jack at the same time and become friends, and she and Jack eventually start dating and get married after collage, and Jack adopts Flynn as a Fenton.
Vlad and Jack were roommates, and Jack is the kind of man to never shut up about his kids in canon unless he’s ranting about ghosts. So if Flynn was Jack’s kid by blood, Vlad would have known about him, and Jack’s relationship with Maddie with in an hour of knowing him.
I also don’t think Jack and Vlad would have been roommates if Jack was already with Maddie in some kind of capacity before collage. So Jack can’t be Flynn’s biological father.
So if Flynn existed in canon, we and Danny would be introduced to Flynn, even if indirectly, in the episode Masters of All Time. Where Danny goes back in time to change the proto-portal accident, and stop Vlad from becoming a Halfa, leading to Jack becoming a Halfa instead, and Vlad and Maddie end up married.
Remember Flynn would already exist and be 2 years old by the time of the proto-portal accident, irregardless of the accident itself and who ends up half dead in the aftermath of it. So in a timeline where Jack ends up as Jack Plasmius and Maddie ends up as Maddie Masters, Flynn is still in the picture irregardless.
Danny would have at the very least encountered pictures of a redheaded green eyed boy, teen, and eventual adult scattered through out Vlad’s castle. He would have heard about Flynn going off to collage, about Vlad adopting Flynn as Flynn Masters after he and Maddie married.
About Flynn being born from before his mom met Jack or Vlad, meaning he would be his (Danny) and Jazz’s older half brother. Who Danny had no idea even existed for some reason.
Heck, Flynn could have very well been home visiting, or live at home with Maddie and Vlad. Or Vlad or Maddie could have called him back home after a strange young boy showed up on their doorstep calling Maddie mom.
Danny could have physically met Flynn, could have even found himself enjoying his company. Finding things in common with this strange older boy, who was supposed to be in his life, but isn’t for some reason. Things that Flynn did that reminded Danny of himself, reminded him of Jazz.
Maybe it’s Flynn who believes Danny when he says he comes from a parallel timeline, and he accepts this nervous kid as his baby brother. Maybe it’s not Maddie or Jack who tell Danny he has to fix the timeline back to how it used to be, it’s Flynn.
Because how could Maddie ask this boy she barely knows, even if he is her son from another timeline, to change the timeline. From one where she knows that her first born son, the only child she’d gotten to have in this life, is safe and healthy, and if not happy is at least alive. And change it to one where no one knows what happened to him, and she’s gone so far as to hide his very existence from her youngest son.
Even if she’s somehow, in spite of the loss of her oldest son deliriously happy and in love with her husband, doing what she loves. Even if she has a daughter she wants to meet, and a younger son she wants to get to know.
How could she trade the life of the child she’d loved and raised for 22 years, for a boy she barely knows, and the concept of a daughter? No matter how angry she is at Vlad for lying to her and manipulating her into staying with him for years, or how much of a missed opportunity everything with Jack feels like, she can’t bring herself to ask this strange boy who is also somehow her son to change anything at all.
Flynn who’s 22 years old and lived a life full of secrets and subterfuge looks this 14 year old kid in the face, who’s so obviously used to hiding things from everyone around him. And he says, “You do what you have to do to get things back to how they’re meant to be. Don’t worry about me Kid I’ll be fine, no matter what happens. You worry about yourself, and Jazz, and your friends. In that order, alright. Trust that I can handle myself, and we’ll find each other, alright.”
[”You shouldn’t tell Daddy about Mommy’s hobby Sweetie, he won’t like it. And well I’m not hurting anyone now am I?” as his mother toiled away for hours in a secret room he’d been asked to lie to his father about existing.
“Well Champ sometimes we have to keep things from the ones we love to protect them,” as his new (at the time) father burned the letters from an old collage friend named Fenton asking if he could meet up with his parents and talk.]
And when Danny, frantic, asks, “But what if we don’t? What if I never find you!?”
The red haired man smiles, shrugs and bitterly says, “Then that’s just how it’s meant to be. If you had to change the entire timeline for me to be here, then chances are I’m not where I’m supposed to be anymore than you are right now.”
So Danny does go back to the proto-portal incident, and makes sure Vlad Masters is the one hit by the portal. He learns the cause of ecto-acne and goes back to his original timeline. With the ecto-acne situation resolved Danny has something else he has to focus on.
What happened to Flynn, and how exactly was he going to find him and bring him home?
[I also like to imagine that Danny has a picture with the Flynn Masters version of Flynn. Something he shows Jazz when he inevitably confronts her about the whole “Older brother no one in the family thought I should know about” confrontation that would obviously happen at some point.
Danny can’t exactly confront their parents about Flynn, they have information on him locked down tighter than anything else in their life, and Danny didn’t even have a hint of Flynn’s existence before crossing into another timeline.
So trying to learn more about Flynn and possibly how he disappeared falls to Jazz in this case.]
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star--nymph · 1 year
It’s so important to me that the basis of Eurydice’s and Dorian’s relationship, the core of it, is that they recognized each as abuse children. Eurydice not understanding Dorian’s speech or coping mechanisms until she met his father in the tavern and knew intimately—though maybe not consciously—what this was because she had known it. She knew a father that did not love his child as they were, did not understand them, did not want them, violently tried to change them to fit his preferred mold. That all he wanted was an object, no a son. And she marveled at Dorian’s ability to acknowledge it and refuse to play into any longer.
Brave. When Eurydice meant Dorian was brave, she meant in a specific way and he knew it. That’s why he paused—because Dorian is smart and perceive in a way she isn’t and he doesn’t need that many clues to know how they were bonded.
and yet for all that Eurydice curled around him like a protective older sibling, offered him the elven name of ‘brother’ and stood vigilant over him.
and later that night when they were drunk and Eurydice spoke the things her father had done to her and then begging Dorian not to say it, not to make it real because she would not—could not— hear that her father did not love her (that she wasn’t ready), he let her have it.
But he kept that secret and watched her, waiting until she was ready—when it was her turn to be break apart and be brave.
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elizaellwrites · 5 months
I realized relatively recently how sparse my dialogue actually is. It's not non-existent, but a lot of my characters just have a lot of inner dialogue or there are paragraphs of them observing their surroundings.
Honestly, with how dialogue-dependent my writing used to be, I'm surprised it took me this long to notice. I have also decided that I am okay with it.
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
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I think I might have a crush on one of the guys in my class. We've only talked a few times. But like he's really smart and soft spoken.
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scoopsgf · 1 year
okay i’m a big stoncy shipper and so i obviously love both jancy and stancy, but what i don’t get about the whole “jonathan lied to nancy when he said steve asked him to drive her home from the party” debate is that like, there’s no way that steve could have known jonathan was the one to take her home unless they talked about it. he had no idea jonathan was at the party or that he was even coming, and yet
“no, that was your other boyfriend, that was jonathan.”
this is said definitively. it’s not “that must’ve been your other boyfriend.” while i don’t wanna outright discount the possibility that jonathan did lie and steve left her there, i also think it’s well within the realm of possibility that there was a brief interaction at that party between jon and steve, and jonathan wasn’t actually lying. anyway tl;dr we shouldn’t be so quick to assume steve would just abandon her.
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emystic · 10 months
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This is just a very old drawing of Lucy, Paye, and the cousins (Brenda the punkish girl, Damian the dude up top, and Mercedes the one with the map) their age (this is before Paye's designed and personality got revised) and they was previously slightly older but they probably all still look the same
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fagryanlucan · 1 year
the more I replay the game the more I firmly believe alex has cptsd and anxiety, steph has adhd, ryan has autism
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wheucto · 1 year
wait . berdly and cabby parallels ?
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