#but good too! because i like where the story is going :)
goldsainz · 2 days
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pairing . . . lando norris x reader, charles leclerc x ex!reader
◦∘。゚. request . . . “Could you write an imagine based on this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM35uygV/ where reader was Lando new girlfriend (Charles's ex) and Alex was her bestfriend. Then reader was doing a live on Instagram and Alex appeared in the background and many fans made negative comments about her friendship and reader defended her.”
◦∘。゚. summary . . . the internet loves to make up narratives when there are none.
◦∘。゚. note . . . i changed the prompt a bit because i didn’t know how to write the live part, i hope that’s okay! no hate to the wags or drivers this is all fiction and not meant to represent any real life events 🫶 this isn’t my best work, but hopefully it’s still enjoyable!!!!
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liked by landonorris, iamrebeccad and 1,308,297 others
yourusername barthelonaaa 🇪🇸❤️
view all 19,624 comments
landonorris omggg i made it to the dumpppp
⤷ yourusername i put that picture for oscar?
⤷ landonorris have oscar invite you to the paddock then🙄
landofan1 favourite wag ever
landofan2 not lando not wearing shoes
ynfan1 mother and father fr
ynfan2 her glow up since being in mclaren >>>
⤷ landofan3 thank the lord charles fumbled 🙏
ynfan3 she doesn’t know it but she’s my best friend
ynfan4 nobody is giving wag royalty quite like her
user1 how did lando bag her
⤷ landofan4 she’s everything, he’s just a guy who drives in circles
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alexandrasaintmleux updated their story!
user21 responded to your story!
user21 get a job!!!! stay away from her!!!!
ynfan21 responded to your story!
ynfan21 not y/n doing charity work
ynfan22 responded to your story!
ynfan22 you could learn how to be girl’s girl 😘
ynfan23 responded to your story!
user22 responded to your story!
user22 y/n mogged you BAD
ynfan24 responded to your story!
ynfan24 hope you know us y/n stand do not like you
ynfan25 responded to your story!
ynfan25 hope charles was worth fucking over your bestie
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liked by landofan31, ynfan31 and 105,248 others
f1gossip Let the gossip begin! As we all know, Y/N L/N used to date Charles Leclerc and then broke up amicably in 2021. In 2023 she was spotted back in the paddock, hand-in-hand with Lando Norris. As for Charles Leclerc, he too, introduced his new girlfriend Alexandra Saint Mleux in 2023.
Now, what is the gossip you might ask? Well, Y/N and Alexandra used to be besties! The pair were very close, from comments in each others posts (even those with Charles in them, messy, we know) to various pictures of them hanging out.
The pair of friend stopped interacting with each other when Alexandra was first spotted in the 2023 Monaco Grand Prix. There had been rumours of the pair, but it wasn’t until there was actual confirmation that Y/N decided to go no-contact on social media (she never unfollowed her, though).
Shockingly, this past weekend they were spotted alongside other WAG’s hanging out! It even went as far as Alexandra uploading a story with her former best friend.
Do we think this is a new beginning of their friendship or is just attention-seeking, now that Alexandra has made her Instagram public? Let us know your thoughts below!
view all 1,578 comments
ynfan32 how coincidental that alexandra opens her account and suddenly she’s friends again with y/n🙄
user31 it’s definitely suspicious timing! maybe they realised it’s better to friends or just missed eachother
⤷ ynfan33 idc how much you miss me i’m not being friend’s with you if you’re with my ex
landofan32 honestly i’m here for this drama, f1’s getting boring we need some action
user32 i think it’s a new beginning, friendships go through rough patches (especially with exes involved)
ynfan34 i’m honestly curious who reached out to who
⤷ ynfan35 probs alexandra, can’t imagine y/n calling her up
user33 good for them if it’s real! it’s really none of our business what they do 🤷‍♀️
ynfan36 there’s a lot we don’t know about, but still this is all so fishy
charlesfan31 neither of them deserve charles, that’s for sure
⤷ ynfan37 girl charles is also a homie hopper, he has his own red flags so stay out of this😭
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yourusername updated their instagram story!
responses have been disabled!
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sahkuna · 2 days
hellooooo beautiful amazing n stunning gal :) love love LOVE the summer event !
would absolutely adore a lil summer fling w (fem) reader and gojo 😌✨ maybe a little picnic moment, somethin’ cute n sweet teehee 🩷🩷🩷 sending smooches
content warning(s): 18+ mdni! handjob on a beach (a very vacant beach)! the one and only time the wc exceeds 1k for this event ahhh >.<
forgive me for this coming so late after you've requested! i've finally gathered my bearings @madaqueue <333 and THANKYOUSOMUCH WTFA AHFDNSJKDSBITINGYOUMWAH
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Squinting against the harsh glare from the late afternoon sun, you raise a hand toward your brows to shade your view.
When Gojo Satoru told you he “knows a spot,” you didn’t expect him to take you an hour out of Tokyo down to the Kanagawa Prefecture (Yuigahama Beach, to be exact) to treat you to a picnic with trays full of sugary sweets and pastries scattered across a neatly splayed out blanket.
“Just bite the other end of it, come on!” Gojo pleads, waving the oreo-flavoured stick in front of your face, hoping it would bait you into taking a bite with him Lady and the Tramp style.
You suppress the urge to roll your eyes in jest at his antics. You already know how this story would end. “Yeah? So you can take one bite to get at me like you did a few minutes ago, right?”
A playful smile dances across his lips seeing that you’ve gotten a good read on him.
The first time Gojo offered you the pocky stick,— not without steadying it between his lips first— you hadn’t expected him to take one swift bite of the snack which led to him pressing his lips against yours, to feel the not so innocent slide of his tongue darting into your mouth.
Though the kiss was brief, it had caught you off guard. There’s still a stutter in the tempo of your heartbeat, a dull loving ache that lingers because of it.
“I won’t this time,” Gojo says as he places a hand on his chest, right above his heart. “Promise.”
You don’t believe him for a second.
Especially considering how the corners of his mouth wobble slightly when he sees you scoot closer to him on the blanket. Nonetheless, you indulge him and position yourself on the other end of the awaiting pocky stick. 
“Okay, fine.”
With a smile, Gojo leverages the pocky between delicate, pink lips and lets you go first. “Here, come.”
There wasn’t much space to begin with between you two, and now with every bite that’s taken, the more the gap closes. Leaning in, you take a few calculated bites. 
“You better relax this time, Satoru,” you say.
And he seemingly does because his first bite is moderate, simple, and not at all rushed to get to you.
Off to a good start so far…
Your actions are slow and deliberate. With each nibble drawing you closer and closer to Satoru, you’re damn near close to breaking the damn stick yourself when you feel his cool breath fan out against your skin. But, you will yourself to keep going.
Either you were A) going too slow or B) he just couldn’t wait any longer, but your expectations for Gojo’s patience all go down in flames when he takes his second bite— which was much bigger than the first, mind you. 
No time wasted, Gojo leans in and swallows your incoming exclamation to press a determined kiss on your lips. A gentle yet firm hand finds purchase at the back of your nape, and tugs you closer to him. 
Satoru tastes of cookies and cream and all the sweet things you could think of when your lips part in the slightest for the kiss to run deeper, a little more needy.
“See?” he starts, his voice barely above a whisper against your wet mouth. There’s something that you clock as amusement that dances in his tone as you both break apart to breathe. “Took two bites, not one.”
Like that makes it any better!?
You don’t know where it came from, but a wave of arousal slams down onto you, making its presence known and unwavering as there’s a simmering heat that lingers right under your navel. 
You wrap a deliberate arm around Satoru’s shoulders and nose the corner of his jaw, to press a few searing kisses against his neck. “Let’s pack up and go home, I don’t wanna do it here,” you murmur against warm skin.
With nothing but the darkening reddish-orange tint of the setting sun acting as your only source of light, you notice faint splotches of pink that hue the base of his neck, hidden underneath his loose-fitted black tee. 
He’s blushing. 
How adorable.
Unaware that he’s tilting his neck back even further to give you more access to kiss, suck, and do whatever you want with him, Gojo spits out a heavy, “Do what here?”
You abruptly pull away from Gojo’s flushed neck and stare at him incredulously, as if he were stupid or something. 
But you sense that it’s a genuine question judging by how his eyes are closed, white eyelashes kissing the apples of his cheeks as his mouth slightly parts open, basking in the way you’re treating him.
“Sex,” you spit out all too quickly. And you can’t help but scowl at your boyfriend when his eyes flutter open, blue eyes sparkling at the word alone. 
There’s a lazy smile that tinges Gojo’s lips. “Yeah?” He raises a hand to pinch your cheek affectionately. “You want me that bad, baby?”
Yes. Yes, you reeeally do.
Lightly batting his hand away from your face, you give him a scowl. “Can you quit it?” you say. “This is your fault.”
Gojo ignores your feeble accusation at him, and in turn, gestures toward the blanket you two currently sat on.  “Just get all your aggression out here! The beach is empty and there’s still a lot of food left to eat,” he responds, nudging your shoulder with his.
Usually, you’d be the voice of reason and explain a hundred and one reasons as to why this would be a bad idea. But right now, there’s nothing but pink-misted fog clouding your brain. 
Throwing a cautious glance around you, you notice that the beach is particularly vacant for an early summer evening. But then again, it was a Tuesday. Quite the odd day for people to be out and about.
Slipping your light cardigan off your shoulders, you toss it onto Gojo’s lap and scootch closer to him. “Alright, fine then,” you say to no one in particular. But Gojo visibly perks up at this.
“You’re—” He swallows thickly when you start your trail of velvet-like kisses against his neck, leading up to his cheek. “You’re gonna do it here?”
“Mmm, not quite.” 
You tug Gojo down for a kiss and his tongue tangles lazily with yours. He hums a satisfied note against your lips when your hand slowly starts its descent from his chest down to the growing bump in his pants.
Your patterned cardigan obscures the sight of how you palm Gojo’s erection through the material of his clothes. 
He exhales a low groan and a shuddered sigh escapes him when your fingers slip underneath the band of both his pants and boxers to wrap your hand around his cock.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Gojo hisses, his eyebrows scrunching together at how you deliciously stroke the base of his dick, twisting and tugging softly at it.
His soft whimpers and how his hips slightly buck up to be in tune with the way your hand massages up and down his shaft, has your mind spinning.
Then, you feel it. Though it’s not much, the wet, hot slide of fluid that oozes down and around your fingers has you biting back a proud smile.
“Already?” you murmur, a bit stunned because you were only maybe two or three minutes in with the handjob.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Gojo grunts out, teeth digging into his bottom lip, focused on the “It’s just pre.”
Well, duh. But you’re determined to change that.
Every passing second with your hand still jerking Gojo off in his pants, the more sensitive he got. His cock throbs relentlessly, and his abdomen squeezes tight with anticipation.
Everything is going seemingly well until he practically yells when your thumb rubs sticky circles against his weeping slit. 
And thank God for the sound of the ocean’s tide crashing against the shore and rocks for it to drown him out, otherwise he would have drawn attention to where you both were and what was going down.
With his heart in his throat and his balls nearly on the verge of excreting every drop of cum that’s been built up to this very moment, Gojo grasps your wrist tightly in the palm of his hand. 
The picnic be damned.
“Y’know, maybe you’re right. Let’s take this home.”
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had to wrap it up QUICK, bc it was reaching over 1.4k. been in a writing slump so this was the best i could do, BUT i hope you liked it HOPEFULLY!
there are 4 slots left for grabsssss
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Even in my worst day did I deserve babe, all the hell you gave me?
pairing: Lando Norris x reader summery: He want to come back to you, but the love in his eyes doesn't measure up to the pain you went through. Warnings: A little bit too angsty
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It was hot inside the club. Your vision was getting blurry. “You look so cute babe” he twirled you around in the dress he bought you yesterday. Kissing your nose after pulling you towards him by your waist. 
This isn’t happening right now.
“Lando stop” You say laughing hysterically  as he keeps tickling you. “I won’t until you say it back.” He says attacking your sides. He just said “I love you” for the first time and your reply was “I’ll get back to you in 3-5 business days.” You both are giggling like kids. “Say it” he shouts on top of your giggles. “I love you too!!” you shout back giggling. 
You tear your eyes from his face, his standing across the dance floor. He noticed you too. You turn around and look at the shot glass in front of you.
The sound of cheering hitting your eardrums. Your eyes are burning from tears. There is chaos of celebration around you. But you can’t register any of that. All that is in your head is that the boy that is running towards your arm after his victory. He picks you up and spins you around before crushing his lips into yours.
You pick the flowers in the field where you arranged your picnic date to surprise him. You put each of them in his hair. “Darling, you’re going to be the death of me.” he whispers with the lovesick look in his eyes before pressing a kiss on your temple.
You drank the shot very aggressively, before signalling the waiter for another one. Maybe the alcohol could stop the flashbacks from coming. 
You turn around again and see him still looking at you from where he stood. Gosh it made your stomach turn. He looked so good under the neon light of the dance floor. With the top two buttons of his navy blue shirt unbuttoned, with his hair messed up like that. You missed him so much.
You turn around again. You missed his voice, you missed his smell, you missed him calling your name, you missed the way he looked at you, you missed looking into his eyes. You missed his touch, his lips, missed his infuriating humour, that smile. Damn it, it’s been months. You should have moved on by now.
Your best friend comes close to you. She knows what was going on in your head. She saw the boy walk in. “Let’s show him what he lost.”
Your lips curl into half a smile, before you take the next shot. It’s been months and yes you missed him too, but you hate the way he hurt you. Fading from your life slowly. Ignoring you, and acting like it was no big deal. Not replying, not calling, two word answers, flirting with every woman around. Then just disappearing altogether. He stopped interacting with you at all. The breakup never happened at one point. He slowly faded until you couldn’t find him anywhere. Except that he was everywhere. 
He was all around your existence. Everywhereyou looked, around your apartment, on the streets, not to mention on the whole internet. 
And to make things worse, that  asshole would post stories with other people in the places that were special for you two in clearly  a very “stab to the heart’’.
So you hate him as much as you miss him. Your immense love for that man over the course of months turned into rage. 
And You finally started to get over it. You’re not ruining months of being strong just because his stupid face showed up. You turned around and took your friend's hand and she led you towards the dance floor.
You were out with a bunch of friends today. After you've been distant from everyone due to heartbreak, you finally started to socialise again. Going out with friends, being active on your socials. You worked real damn hard to heal yourself.
You danced through the night to the beat of music. When you went back for drinks  you saw Max making his way towards you Your friend Emily. “Hey Y/n! Emily!” You finished the drink before turning around and plastering the biggest, fakest smile on your face. “Max!” You called back, hugging the boy. You really were happy to see Max, but you would be much happier if your ex was trailing behind him. Gosh did you want to punch him, or to run into his arms. But all you did was stand a little straight.
You looked at Lando and smiled sweetly but made sure he knew how fake the smile was. He looked very nervous. “Hey” he said cautiously. “Hi,” you said, the smile not weavering for a min before turning back to Max who was catching up with Emily now. 
You chat with Max for a bit as he orders a drink, completely ignoring Lando. He just stands there awkwardly. Once the conversation was done Lando coughed to get your attention.
“Y/n can we talk?” you turn towards him with an expression that makes him want to dig a hole and die in it. “Sorry, But i don’t think we have anything to talk about. Please, excuse me.” You say trying to walk past him back towards the dance floor.
He quickly grabs your wrist. “Y/n please! Just hear me out.” You look at him and then your hand.
“Lando let go of my hand.” you say through gritted teeths. “Please, just listen.” 
Something inside you snaps, the months of hurt, pain and anger coursing through your veins. You snatched your hand back and sneered at him. “Go ahead, say it.” “I- Y/n I’m so sorry about how I treated you.” “Huh” A half chuckle leaves your throat in disbelief.
“You're sorry? That’s all you have to say?Damn you Norris, I hope you are fucking sorry.” Your voice comes out higher than you wished for it to.
“Let me explain. I was mad and I- I pushed you away.” “And pray tell why you were mad?” “You know why.” He says with an infuriating expression on his face. “You know why I was mad.”
“DID I?? DID I KNOW??” you were really yelling at this point. The club was really loud, But the people around you were terrified of how angry you sounded.
“You know you did.”
“So what you are saying is that it was my fault? That I should have known? Even when Asked multiple times if you were okay with it. Even when I apologised hundreds of times, Even when I did everything I could do to make things between us more comfortable for you.”
 You know what Lando was indicating, A month and half before Lando started to act out, he and some of your friends got into a fight. The fight had nothing to do with you but it was bad. And It put you in a horrible position. But you did your best. You apologised for your friends’ behaviour to him and he said it wasn’t your fault, but he still held it against you in his head. You put distance between you and your friends so he wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. Even though It put you in a very compromising and uncomfortable position, you tried to handle the situation the best you could.
“ You know I don’t like them. You know how jealous I get about them. It boils my blood to see you with them. But I would never tell you to ditch your friends.”
“That’s really how you are going to justify this? You were jealous?  You hate my friends, so you slowly but painfully shut me off?” You let another frustrated sound in disbelief.
He now looked desperately at your eyes. “Look, I know I didn’t handle it very well. You know how I get when I’m jealous. It wasn’t your fault. I was just mad and I felt like  you didn’t prioritise me.”
Oh the audacity of this man
Even Max wanted to punch him after he said that last line. Anyone who was around you two during your relationship knew how much you cared for that boy. You would run to the other side of the world leaving everything behind the minute he needed you. You always tried your best to do right by him. Fuck, you were in love with him. But at what cost? Just to hear you didn’t prioritise him at the end?
“I can’t believe you” you spat out.
“Y/n please, give us another chance. I’ve been miserable without you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you know that, I know you do too.” It was true. No matter how much of an asshole he was to you. You knew he loved you. You never doubted that. He just was an asshole about it. And you loved him too. Even after months of this agony you still loved him. But dammit it hurts. He hurt you in the worst way possible. He loved you but it didn’t measure up to the pain he caused, the sleepless night, the self doubt, the self loathing. It wasn’t enough.
“Give you another chance? That’s what you want? After all that you did? Of course I love you. I loved you from the very first. I loved you with my whole heart and you went ahead and broke it to pieces. I didn’t fucking deserve that. And you just want me to forget all that. It doesn’t work that way Norris.” You shook your head.
“Y/n I love you. Please” he pleaded while taking your hands into his. You looked him in the eye. You wanted to melt into his arms and you almost did. You loved him too but that didn’t matter anymore.
“I love you,” he said one more time. “That doesn’t change anything. Goodbye, Norris” That's all you said before turning away and leaving. 
Author's note: This took a different turn then i intended. This is very much based on my own experience. A situation I was in a month ago. And I wish I handled the situation the way my main character does here. But being the soft idiot I am I let them back in. Which I regret sometimes. So while writing this.....got carried away and started projecting. Sorry about that, but hope you enjoy my misery. This was more like a rant or a therapy session for me. Also sent request I'm all out of ideas. Love you, hope you like this.
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writerpetals · 2 days
mbfw: jealousy | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
w / au's: werewolf!au, bestfriend!au, getting you off with his fingers (again) ...
summary: he takes you to a party where another wolf hits on you, leading to a fight between the two of you
a/n: part three to my best friend's werewolf !! part two: mbfw: boundaries i have a lot planned for this AU but this might be the final part for a little bit~ <33 (i actually have something so unhinged planned for this au... i'll just say hope you've been doing your cardio because you're running through the woods from him one of these days)
words: 6679
“Don’t you have any other friends you can beat in Mario Kart?” You groan at your best friend as he places first in the third race in a row. It was just supposed to be a chill Saturday after finals. Not too long and you’re free from school. You’re settled between the boxes of pizza on his bedroom floor, when he drops the controller to the ground and leans back against his bed frame. 
“No, I don’t like hanging out with people.” He begins flipping through his phone before quickly showing you a video of a kitten, making you both giggle. “Cute.” You roll your eyes at him.
“We hang out all the time.” You lean next to him, watching the videos that pop up on his screen together. 
“You’re you, not people.” You hum at his response, watching another video until he closes the app. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
The mood shifts. It always does when the wolf is mentioned. You shrug and grin, trying to ignore it. “I’m not one to kiss and tell.” 
“You kissed him?”
“Yeah?” You blush, heat filling your face.
“Was he… a good kisser?” Why does he sound nervous when asking? He must pick up on you noticing. “I’m asking to make sure he's’ not crossing a line. And to make sure you’re still enjoying it.”
“You don’t have to worry about him, okay?” You reach out and nudge his arm. “Tell me a story from your sex life so I don’t feel so exposed.” 
He laughs and shakes his head, in deep thought for a second. “I once was in a girl’s pool. Her parents weren’t home. Well, they weren’t supposed to be. Suddenly they’re there with the lights blinding us and I can’t find my swim trunks.”
Your jaw hangs open seconds before you’re bursting into laughter. “What the fuck did you do?”
“I did the respectable thing and ran out of there butt naked. What else could I do?”
Your sides begin to hurt. “I’m having the funnest time picturing that! How could you never tell me?” You fall into him as you laugh, but he can only shake his head and grin.
“I didn’t want you to know me like that,” he whispers. Your laughter begins to die. 
“Well, I can’t say much,” you say, settling next to him once again with arms wrapped around your knees. “You’ve had all these experiences and I’ve had none.” 
“I know. I made sure to keep guys like me away from you.” You frown at his confession. Was he serious? 
“Guys like you?” The sweetest, kindest, most selfless guy you know wanted to keep guys like him away? “Why-”
“I didn’t care about those women,” he interrupts, running a hand through his hair. “I just wanted somewhere warm to stick my d-”
“Okay! I get it!” You hold your hands up, stopping him. “Let’s not talk about these girls like they’re not people with feelings.”
“Sorry.” He sighs, leaning his head against yours. “Still getting used to this whole thing. Talking about our sex lives. I don’t think about women that way, anymore, if you’re worried. I was a stupid, horny kid.”
“Good. As long as you’re more respectful now.” He pulls away and nods his head, clearly unhappy with his past behaviors, but it shows he’s learned and grown from it. “Or else I would have to kick your ass.”
“You?” he asks, a devious glint in his eye. “Kick my ass?”
Before you know it he’s grabbing you to stand, turn, and pull you to the bed. His hands are everywhere as his fingers unleash a ruthless attack against your ticklish sides.
“Stop!” You squeak, but then you’re giggling and squirming beneath him. He’s laughing at your attempts to get away from him. “Stop right now or I’m calling your mother.”
That gets him to stop, but now you’re breathless from laughing so hard. You assume he’ll pull away, but he only leans in, burying his nose into your neck as his hands grip your wrists. He pins your hands above your head while he takes a long, deep inhale of just you. Your body shivers beneath him while he runs his palms down your arms, your sides, your hips, and finally your thighs, slowly caressing your body from top to bottom.
Then he pulls away, clearing his throat. “Wolfie said you were beginning to not smell like us. He didn’t like it.”
You’re shocked, jaw slacked, still trying to catch a breath. “Wolfie said?” 
He shrugs. “Yeah?” 
You look down at yourself still laying on his bed as he hovers over you. You pull your shirt to your nose as you sit up cross-crossed, inhaling. “I smell like the perfume you got me for my birthday so I will never understand this scenting thing.” 
He smiles. “Other wolves can smell it. Since you’re going to the party tonight with me, it’s important you smell like me so every wolf there knows you’re claimed.” 
“Hmm, interesting,” you hum as he takes a seat next to you on the bed. “What if they think we’re together? Like, you and me and not your wolf side?”
“They’ll just assume we’re fucking. Don’t worry about it.” 
Your eyes go wide. “What?!”
“Humans don’t get invited to these parties because they’re mated. They’re there to fuck wolves. Why do you think I didn’t want you to go in the first place?”
“So they’re going to think I’m some kind of werewolf bunny?” Frowning, you try to wrap your head around it while he laughs. “Is that what you would call a human that dates werewolves?”
“If you want me to call you bunny, I can.” You shove him while he laughs.
“No thanks.” Then you sigh. “I asked him if you were okay with this. Like, actually okay. He said I created you and you both only want what’s best for me.” It’s silent for a moment, bringing the conversation back to earlier and what happened between you and his wolf.
“Yeah?” He crosses his arms and nods, eyes fallen to gaze at the floor. “Makes sense, I guess. I mean, you’re my best friend. Of course I want what’s best for you.”
“But, what if something happens one day?” He turns to look at you and you offer a shrug. “What if we stop being friends?”
He frowns. “Why would we ever stop being friends?”
“I don’t know. Weirder things have happened.” Look at the situation you’re in now. Not that you would ever consider not being his friend. It’s simply out of the question and why you’re trying so hard to make sure he’s okay. “Hypothetically, then, what would that mean for your wolf side? I can’t continue with this if it’s going to cause complications in your life.” 
He bites his lip, taking in what you’re saying. Then he exhales and his shoulders slump.
“Do you feel happy?” His question catches you off guard. You were talking about him. Why is he making this about you?
“Yes. I’m happy,” you tell him honestly. The wolf side of him may scare you a bit, but it’s still your best friend. “I don’t know if he’s capable of it, but I just feel so loved in the most physical sense with him. He’s taken care of me in the most intimate kind of ways. It’s like I can just turn everything off and experience this otherworldly pleasure from someone who is also my favorite person in the world and it makes me so… happy.”
He grins at that. “Then what else is there to worry about?” 
“I don’t want to be selfish,” you whine. Why is he being so difficult? Just talk about your emotions! He’s not usually this stubborn. “If you’re unhappy or this is getting in the way of you living life then I need to know!”
He shakes his head and laughs, turning to look you in the eyes. “Why is it so hard for you to accept being first on someone’s list?” Now that has you shocked. Your jaw slacks. He reaches for you, grabbing your hand to force you to listen to him. “You’ve never felt like you deserved to be my friend and now you feel like you don’t deserve to be my wolf’s mate. There’s only one person here unworthy and it’s not you, so just stop worrying. You’re worth every ounce of love either of us give you.” 
Okay now you really were crying too much lately. How is your best friend always so sweet with knowing the perfect thing to say? You just did your makeup for the party before coming over, too. You begin batting your eyes so black mascara doesn’t drip down your cheeks.
“Is it something in your scent that makes me so emotional lately?” you ask him with genuine concern, but he just starts laughing at you. “I swear I’ve cried more in the past few weeks than my whole life!” 
“It can make things more intense.”
“That’s what he told me.”
“Why did he need to tell you that?” 
Shit. You told on yourself. You have no choice but to finally tell him what happened. He turns away to lean against the headboard as you take a deep breath. He stares at you, not so patiently waiting for your answer.
“Well, the last time I saw him, when I … finished… I began crying. I’m not sure why.” You shrug, looking down at your crossed legs, thumbs circling each other. “Not out of hurt or anything. I just felt overwhelmed.”
You dare to look at him looking at you. His jaw is tense for a split-second. “Come here.” He motions with his head for you to come closer as he rests against the headboard of his bed. 
“Am… am I in trouble?” you ask which has him grinning. 
“Come here. You need more of my scent on you before we leave for the party. I don’t need any young, dumb ass wolves getting ideas.”
Makes sense to you, sighing and making your way over to him. Your head falls to his chest, hand resting against his stomach, and he holds you with an arm around you. It’s definitely not the first time you’ve cuddled with him. He always felt so warm and safe. Sometimes you would do it just to fall asleep. He was a sweetheart because he never minded. 
“Speaking of scents,” you begin, feeling him angle his head so he can look at you, “what if I wear your clothes and I’ll smell more like you?”
“You’ve been wearing my clothes.” It’s true. His hoodies are the coziest. You can’t help that. They all smell like him to you, so you know they would ward off any wolves. 
“Well, yeah, but I could wear something of yours every day to keep Wolfie happy.”
“Okay, yeah,” he nods, clearly liking the idea. “That will be good. Wolfie will be happy.”
You show up to a bar wearing a large, faded sports t-shirt of his and bike shorts underneath. The shirt smells enough like him already and it’s super comfy. You call that a win-win. He’s wearing his typical black tank top considering it’s nearly summer and now you realize why he’s always so hot. The bar is right outside of town, in the darkest, scariest backwoods spot you could imagine. You think you saw a place just like this in a scary movie. 
The vibe of the party feels way more mature, however. It’s a mix of ages in the place with music playing out of a jukebox and a flirty, fangy bartender serving drinks. Her smile is bright with pointy canines as she notices the two of you walking in, offering a wave to him that makes you feel… something inside of you. She’s gorgeous. You wonder how they know each other. 
You push the thoughts aside and follow him through the bar to have a seat in a bar stool at a small table near the back. He tells you he’ll be right back, he’s going to get drinks. So you scope the place out. There’s eyes on you, no doubt. Some look away when you catch them staring, some don’t. They all feel intimidating to you. You wonder who is wolf and who is human here. It’s clear what they’re thinking. You’re hooking up with him and that’s why you’re here. 
Other than the gawkers, the place is lively. There’s lots of singing, drinking, and some dancing. Plenty of laughter to go around and if you were a wolf, you know you would feel right at home. Sadly, you’re just a human with a wolf best friend, and you don’t know a single person here. It intimidates you, if you’re honest. How could you fit in with this crowd as a human? 
As you ponder the thought, a man sits in the stool opposite of you at the table. He catches you off guard, making you gasp as he winces and raises his hand.
“Sorry, sorry!” he apologizes. “Just smelled fresh human meat and that I’d introduce myself.” His words slur as he speaks the bold words, but he laughs so genuinely you know he’s just drunk. You begin to chuckle at him. 
“So it’s that obvious I’m human?”
He sighs and shrugs. “We have wolf senses. It’s not your fault you smell like you just stepped out of a perfume commercial with sweet, chocolatey desserts. Not an earthy undertone in sight. Or… smell, I guess.”
This has you laughing harder. This drunk wolf is actually funny, and taking your attention off the ones that wish to stare. 
“Sorry, I know dogs can’t have chocolate.” You bite your lip, hoping you didn’t overstep with this stranger, but he throws his head back to laugh a second later. You can’t stop smiling. 
“That is the funniest thing a human’s ever said to me.” His complement fuels your ego. Maybe you can get to know some of these wolves around here. The thought excites you, wanting nothing more than to fit into all aspects of your best friend’s life.
Speaking of your best friend, he comes back to the table with two drinks in hand with a pissed off look on his face.
“C’mon, we can sit somewhere else. It’s crowded.”
Your jaw hangs open, shocked at his words. “Don’t be rude. There’s two more seats.” 
“I said let’s go,” he insists, lowering his voice and looking down at you. 
“And I said don’t be rude.” You stand to take a step toward him, brow wrinkling and arms crossing. “Why are you talking to me that way?” 
The drunk wolf looks on with a smirk, eyes bouncing between the two of you. He looks at the drunk wolf, then back at you. 
“Just do what I say.”
“You’re not my father.”
“Why are you being stubborn? Here, I got you a drink.”
You huff and snatch the fruity looking drink from him. “I’m allowed to have friends.”
“I’m not saying you can’t.” He’s an inch from your face now, voice a whisper with a warning in his eyes. “Let’s just sit somewhere else.”
You stare up at him. “Go talk to someone else with that attitude.” You bring the cup to your lips to take a sip. “Thanks for the drink.” You have a seat on the stool and turn back to the drunk wolf. You hear a sudden splash of liquid hitting the floor. He’s crushed the cup in his hand and you notice the darkness taking over his expression just a second before he turns to walk away from you. 
He leaves you to talk to your new friend in peace. You hate arguing with him, but he has to know that if he brings you to these parties, he has to let you be social. Doesn’t he want you to fit in? 
“So, what’s your name, sweetness?”
Okay, you don’t love the pet name. If you’re honest, it makes you feel a little nauseous. But maybe he’s just drunk, you decide. Maybe he’s overly friendly. You tell him your name and he tells you his. He begins talking about a fight that broke out at this very table the week before. Suddenly, he’s not so funny. 
You look around the bar, spotting your best friend talking with two girls. Two wolf girls, mostly likely. They’re near the bar and his back is to you, but their eyes are trained on him strictly. They hang on to his every word like he’s preaching and you absolutely hate the way they begin to giggle at him. He gives them a shrug and smiles at them before stepping away and you’ve seen enough. This will be your last werewolf party you attend.
You leave the drunk wolf at the table and storm off, passing your best friend on the way out. He tries to speak, but you ignore him, heading straight for the exit. You hear his footsteps behind you, knowing he is following you out into the night’s warm air. 
“Wait up!” He calls after you, but you ignore him. You continue to walk away from the bar, into the darkness between all the parked cars. “I said wait!” He finally grabs your arm, stalling your steps as you nearly crash into him when you’re turned around. 
“Let me go!” You struggle against him until he releases you. “If every party of yours ends with you pissing me off then why did I even come?!” 
He takes a step back. Gulping, he runs a hand through his hair. “Why did you storm off? You’re the one that was chatting up the biggest wolf slut known to our kind.”
“Huh?” Your face twists in confusion. The drunk wolf?
“He only fucks humans. I bet that didn’t come up in your conversation.” His nostrils flare and his jaw tenses up. Now you’re both pissed off. “He finds every new human that comes to that bar, chats them up, makes them laugh, fucks them, then forgets about them.”
That’s why he was trying to pull you away. “Why didn’t you just say that?” You thought you might have found a new friend. The news doesn’t just feel like a slap in the face, but a dagger to the heart. You only wanted to fit in in his world. 
“I didn’t want you to feel worse. You were already upset about the wolf bunny stuff.” He sighs and his shoulders slack. “Why did you storm out of the bar like that? Did he do something?”
“No, you did something.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “You left me to go talk to other girls so why should I have stayed?” 
He stares at you, blinking. “You were upset I was talking to someone else.” 
“Wolf girls! That probably want to mate you with and wonder why you’re with a human.” 
He laughs. Actually laughs, and shakes his head. “I didn’t know you were a jealous person.”
You didn’t either. You don’t know why seeing him with someone else caused such a reaction. You just know you feel relief now that it’s just the two of you in the darkness. 
“I’m not jealous, I just thought you were mad at me and maybe those girls would be better for you than me, and ugh, I don’t know what I thought.” The tears begin to swell in your lids. You turn away from him, ready to call a cab to take you home. You aren’t used to this. You need to get yourself under control instead of crying every time you talk to him. 
“Come here,” he commands behind you, making his way to grab you once again, spinning you around to face him. This time, he doesn’t let you go. “What kind of friend would I be if I let you walk away crying? Look, I should have handled that guy better. It was a new place for you, but I saw you laughing with him and I just got pissed. I don’t know why. I’m sorry.”
You sniff and pat a tear away, not wanting to smear your makeup. “I get it. It’s okay. I guess I’m just mad at myself, too.” You sigh and take a step closer to him. “I shouldn’t have acted like that, but this is still so weird to me. I don’t know these people and honestly, I just like it when it’s you and me.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have brought you.” He places his hands on your arms. “I just want you in my life and now you know this whole other side of me. I wanted you to know that side, too.”
“Of course I want to know that side. I’m sorry for getting upset.” You offer him a sad smile. “When I saw you with them, I just, I don't know. Got scared. I don't want to lose either of you, but how could I stop you from your own happiness? What if you wanted to talk to them? Go home with them? I can’t get in the way of that.”
“You’re not,” he says with a stern tone. “Don’t think that way. Remember what I told you.”
You sniffle once again and nod. “Okay.” You decide to trust him. He’s your best friend, so you know he wouldn’t keep things from you. Well, except that he was a wolf, but he had good reason. “Did Wolfie almost come out back there?”
You remember the spilt drink and the crushed cup. It’s clear he was overwhelmed with emotions. Only Wolfie could do that to him. 
“He tried, but I was stronger tonight.” He sighs, taking a step back and rubbing the back of his neck. “I couldn’t stand the fact that my best friend and I were fighting. I had to give you space. I couldn’t let him come and pull you away again. You would have only been more angry at me.”
“He could have. Would have avoided all this drama, though.” Your joke earns a laugh. Your chest feels a little lighter. 
“Don’t let him hear you say that,” he warns you as the two of you make your way to his car. “He’ll never let you go anywhere.”
You decide to stay the night at his place since his roommates are both out until the following day. It’s closer and you’re beyond tired from the night. You’ve never dealt with so many emotionally charged situations. It’s beginning to take its toll on you. 
“Are your roommates wolves, too?” you ask in a sleepy voice as you make your way to his bedroom, grabbing your bag to clean your make-up off. 
“Yes,” he sighs, falling into the bed and closing his eyes.
“What?!” You would have never guessed. Maybe that’s why they always acted funny around you. They probably smelled your best friend all over you and made assumptions. Then you let out a horrid gasp, thoughts running through your head before you can catch up. “Can wolves smell periods?”
He opens one eye to look at you. “Yes.” 
So that would explain the random gifts of chocolates, books, pain relievers, and anything else his sweet self could think of to help you. You always wondered how he showed up at the perfect times of the month. 
“That’s incredibly embarrassing. I don’t know why I asked.”
He offers a sleepy smile. “We smell the changes in the body for mating purposes, not so much anything else. Relax.” 
You tuck your bag with your nightly face routine items under your arm and step toward his door. “Well, thanks for all those perfectly timed gift baskets over the years anyway.” You step out of the room to wash your face at the bathroom sink. For a guy’s bathroom, it’s surprisingly clean, but you know he’d have a fit if you were to come over to see a mess. You’ve caught him yelling at those roomies to clean up once before.
You spend a few minutes washing your make-up away and applying moisturizer before heading back into the bedroom. You set your bag down as you spot him on the bed. Normally if you needed to stay the night, he would take the floor. He’s currently shirtless, the covers up to his waist as he leans against the headboard. He’s scrolling through his phone, but the moment he looks through his lashes up to you, you realize it’s no longer your best friend. 
“Come here, baby,” the wolf says. Your heart begins drumming. His voice is low, smokey to cloud all your senses, wrapping around your body to pull you closer. You step toward him. “I missed you.” 
You have no choice but to obey. You crawl to him from the foot of the bed. When you’re close, your eyes rake down his chest and stomach as you settle on the heels of your feet. You rest your palms against your knees and take a deep breath.
“Me too,” you admit. “I was hoping to see you tonight.” 
He smirks. “Aren’t you sweet.” His eyes trail down your body, inhaling a deep breath. “And you smell like me. You’re just perfect, aren’t you?”
Heat floods you. His compliments always feel like a warning, but the way they make you so hot has you disregarding all intuition. This is a dangerous wolf you’re dealing with, but you’re so drawn to him you can’t even remember a time before him. You feel like you need to see him as if it’s your last breath. 
“I had a question,” You tell him, scooting a little closer. You hear his breath deepen, as if he needs his senses full of you. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me, and you want to do what’s best for me, so I’m in control, right?”
He stares at you with darkness, desire, etched in his features. You’re walking a dangerous line and he lets you know by the look on his face. You’re confident he would never hurt you. It’s still your best friend.
“If it makes you feel better to think that, sure.”
He did warn you before he was in control, but you think this wolf is all bark and no bite. He’s only been a gentleman this entire time. Sure, he’s intimidating. What wolf wouldn’t be? His actions prove your curiosities to be right.
“Can I… touch you?” You ask in a whisper. The way his eyes flutter as he takes in another deep inhale tells you there’s something else to the question. Another layer of darkness you’re missing.
“If you can handle the consequences, touch me all you want.” Your heart races at the threat. Maybe he’s not all bark, but you’re willing to find out. You want to feel close with him, touch him, just like he has each time you’ve been together. You don’t want to hide from him, even if it hurts. 
You crawl closer, slowly, still unsure if this is the right thing to do, but you place one thigh on his other side as you straddle him. You’re close to trembling with your hands falling to his bare shoulders, feeling his warm, smooth skin beneath your touch. He takes in a deep breath, body tensing beneath you as you rest your weight down onto him. The sheet remains between the two of you, unsure of what he has on underneath, but you’re still dressed in his t-shirt and biker shorts. 
“Careful, baby.” Another warning for you to ignore. He smirks and licks his lips, hands rising to rest along your hips. “I only have so much restraint. After that stunt you pulled tonight, it’s wearing even thinner.” 
“Tonight?” He knows about the argument, of course. He almost made an appearance at the bar, so of course he knows. You aren’t sure why you didn’t think of having to answer to Wolfie as well, but now you’re a little more hesitant to be straddling him on his bed. “It was just a misunderstanding.”
“A misunderstanding?” He chuckles in a low voice that vibrates you to your core. “The only misunderstanding here is you not believing me when I say you’re mine. That means no other wolf gets the pleasure of breathing your scent, got it?” His hand rises from your hip, up your chest to wrap fingers around your neck. “Which means no other wolf better think about fucking you, do you understand that?”
There’s a dangerous drip of venom to each syllable and suddenly you’re not sure he doesn’t have a bite. The situation has made a much darker side come out, no doubt jealous of the drunk wolf at the party. Now you regret wanting to be so close to him when he’s so worked up. You had no idea this is the wolf you would be facing. There’s an edge to the way he talks to you. You know you should have heeded the warnings before. 
“I’m sorry, I just wanted a friend.” You gulp, feeling the heat of his palm on the side of your neck. He looks at you, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
“You have one,” he replies, the hand resting against your waist pushing you against him to feel just how worked up he is between your thighs. “I’m all you need. So, touch me like you said. You don’t want to keep me waiting.” 
Your body temples at the end of touching him like you previously wanted to. His words don’t invite you, they’re daring you. Touch your wolf just to see what happens. You were never one for making the best decisions, so you begin trailing your hands from his shoulders down his chest. Your palms smooth over soft skin, feeling every hard ridge and curve. Your fingers brush against his stomach, eyes following your touches as he only stares at you. His body tenses beneath your touch. His breaths deepen. 
You brush just above where the sheet rests. Daring yourself, your fingers grip the folded fabric with a shaky hand, releasing a quivering breath seconds before you will yourself to pull the sheet back.
But his hand is around your wrist before you can think. His grip is fiery hot, tight, against your flesh, looking up at him with a gasp. 
“I told you to be careful.” The words are deep and raspy, as if he’s a man holding on to the last thread before insanity. 
“You told me I could touch you,” you whisper, wanting to challenge him but he has you shaken. Your heart races and your body flushes. Heat fills every inch from the anticipation that’s killing you and the hesitation that holds you back. 
“I did, baby, but I also want you to know it takes every fiber in my being to control myself around you because you’re human.” He pulls your hand away from what you almost revealed to rest against his shoulder once again. “I need you so badly and when I end up claiming you completely, I want to know you’re ready. Until then, please, baby, have mercy. I’m only an animal.” 
You get the hint, not wanting to test his patience further since you already made him jealous in the same night. You nod and agree, though part of you still wants to explore him. His scent is filling your nose, after all. Maybe it’s what gave you the confidence in the first place. Or maybe it’s the more that he calls you his, the more you start to believe it. 
“Now, be a good girl and take your clothes off. You’re sleeping naked with me tonight.”
Your eyes pop, jaw slacking. “Um, what?” 
“All wolves sleep naked with their mate. It’s a way to show trust while we are most vulnerable, and our scent on one another becomes stronger. Their bond becomes stronger.” He looks at you, eyes softening just a bit. “Do you not want to?”
How could you say no to him? He only wishes to cuddle you with his big warm body all night and keep you safe and probably give you an orgasm because your pleasure is his pleasure. Every girl’s dream. 
You pull yourself away from his warmth to begin undressing. Drumming away in your chest, your heart reminds you this is the first time he will be seeing you completely naked. The first time, you had some coverage from the robe. The second the oversized t-shirt hid you from view, but now you’re completely naked and crawling under the covers. You didn’t miss the way his eyes devoured you seconds before you retreated to safety under the blanket. 
“Come closer, baby,” he says, wrapping an arm around your stomach to press your back against his chest, snuggling close. His warmth engulfs you, surrounding you with his scent as heat shoots through your body. He curls himself into you, making it clear you would have gotten a surprise if you had lifted the blanket, feeling now how hard he is pressed against you. “I’m not gonna bite.”
“You might,” you whine, eyes fluttering, succumbing to the haze that is all wolf and all him. It sends tingles through your body, so much stronger this way than any other. Your heart races and your pussy begins to ache for him. Suddenly you want his hands and body and mouth on you all at once, desperate for release at the touch of his pleasure. 
“Comfy, baby?” he asks you, then proceeds to press a kiss right behind your ear. His hand resting on your stomach moves lower, his palm caressing circles into your skin. No, you aren’t comfy. You needed that hand much lower…
“I feel so light,” you tell him with a sigh, not stopping yourself from rolling your hips to press your ass into him, “it feels so nice.” His scent makes you feel so safe. All of your worries disappear and the only thing you care about right now is him. How beautiful he is. How tender his heart is. He’s absolutely perfect and he’s all for you. 
“Let me make it feel even better,” he groans, deep and desperately, into your ear. His hand dips lower, fingers slipping between your thighs until he’s caressing your slit. He finds you dripping, soaked for him already and dying for his touch. A gasp falls from a strained breath as he circles your clit, covering his fingers in arousal. “Feels so nice, baby. You’re going to give me this pussy whenever I want, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” you cry out without thinking, hand falling to grip his wrist, hips rolling yourself against him. 
“I can’t wait until it’s my cock here, baby.” His hand moves to ease two digits inside of you, effortlessly, hearing the slick sounds of how wet you are as he buries them deep. Your back arches away from him, head thrown back in a gasp. Your body trembling around his hand has him groaning and nipping at your ear from behind. “I know you would take me so well. I would stretch it so good, baby.” 
“Please,” you whimper just as he begins to curl his fingers, applying pressure inside of you while his thumb continues to circle your clit. Your legs fall open, leaning back into him to give him better access between your thighs. The pleasure swirling in the pit of your stomach tells you you won’t last long, but you’re too far lost in the moment. 
“You’re shaking. I love feeling you like this against me. Trembling and so, so helpless.” He leans in close, lips brushing against your ear while drawing you closer to the edge with his hand between your thighs. “I could ruin you so easily, baby.”
The pleasure surges as the final thread of your control snaps. “I’m… I’m coming…” you cry out, whimpering his name, rolling out your bliss against his hand. Your legs tighten around him, trapping his hand with his fingers still buried inside of you. You come against him with walls tightening around those digits and whimpers of his name fill his room. 
“Such a perfect girl,” he whispers in your ear, coaxing your body down from the high. You land nestled in his warm scent and strong arms. Your chest heaves as you catch your breath, sweat beading against your forehead. You’re completely spent, not wanting to move for three to five business days. “So perfect and made just for me. My mate.”
He kisses the side of your head and your heart melts at his compliments. You don’t want to move. You want to live in his fantasyland, just you and him and the monsters are drunk, evil wolves, and you birth at least six of his wolf cubs.
Wait, what the hell? Your eyes fly open just in time to see him turn your body to lean over you, face to face. Before you can question him, his hand rises to stick his two fingers that had been inside you in his mouth, sucking your juices from his skin and pulling them out with a smirk. “Mine. Got it?”
All you can do is nod with a slacked jaw and parted lips, eyes blinking. As he leaves you on the bed to fetch something to clean you up with, you can only wonder how your life can get any more crazy.
The answer to that question is given the next morning. Sunlight begins to blind you as he peeks through the blinds on the windows. It only takes you a second to put the pieces from last night and now you’re panicking because you’re lying next to your sleeping best friend naked. You know it’s him and not his wolf due the way he snores when he sleeps. It’s kind of cute and soft, with a whimper here and there. 
You look over to see him flat on his back, one arm stretched out and what your head is currently resting on. Slowly, you try to lift yourself from the bed to get out of his hold, but it only makes him wrap an arm around you and pull you toward him.  Your body crashes against his, his arms hold you tight, and your breasts press against his cheek. 
He holds you there as you wiggle and try to free yourself, but he’s like stone and sleeps like a rock. “Just five more minutes,” he grumbles. You’re stuck. You don’t want to wake him to get free, but you don’t want him to wake up and get a faceful of your tits. 
Luckily for you, Confident by Demi Lavato starts blasting through the house as everything fades into darkness and your eyes pop open. You were dreaming, coming face to face with a little puddle of your own drool against your best friend’s pillow. 
Thank God you were only dreaming, looking over to see he’s no longer in the bed with you. You look around, noticing he’s not even in the room, quickly rushing to grab his t-shirt and throw it over your head. Just in time, because he comes walking through the bedroom door as you finally turn off your alarm.
“Good morning,” he says with a confused smile before he laughs. “You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You shrug, trying to play it off that you weren’t just dreaming about your best friend. 
“Still have that same alarm song, huh?”
“It’s a classic pop song to get you pumped to girl boss it for the day. Of course I do.”
He laughs at that with a shake of head. “Get dressed. We can pick up breakfast and I’ll drop you off. Take whatever out of my closet you want to wear for the day. Take something to sleep in tonight, too.”
He walks out so you can change and you sigh. He takes care of you so casually most of the time you wonder if he even realizes it.
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kamii-2 · 2 days
Could you do nika muhl smut where nika and her girl go out with the team and someone starts flirting with nikas girl like so much and she gets all jealous and possive LIKE YUHHHH MABYE CAR SEX
hi anon, i hope you enjoy!! (this is gonna set when nika went to uconn bc idk much about seattle storm) also im gonna start adding songs to stories if i feel like they fit the story
warning(s): cussing, smut, jealousy
genre: smut
pairing(s): jealous!nika mühl x reader
you and nika were out with the entire uconn team, getting drinks and talking about everything and everyone.you were all sitting at a table. you drink was empty so you went to get another one “i’ll be back im gonna go get another drink.” you tapped nika on the thigh before getting up and grabbing your cup and going to the bar. while at the bar a guy walked up next to you, “hey.” he greeted, “hi.” you were being nice but you hoped and prayed he didn’t flirt with you because if he did nika would lose her shit and you simply didn’t want him to. “so, you alone?” he asked as the bartender gave you your drink. “no, my girlfriend is over there.” you told him while point to nika, trying to a sound as uninterested as possible.
“you’re too pretty to be a lesbian.” your eye widened the moment he said this, “what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, started to get annoyed. “you’re too hot to be going after girls, why not leave with me so i can show you how much better i am than her.” he offered. “i’m good.” you reply as you try to leave but he goes in front of you, “let me go.” you say as you try to find a way out. he ignored you and continued to trap you between him and the bar. nika is as confused on why you are gone for so long so she turned around and seen the guys all up on you and got up to figure out what’s going on.
she pushed him off of you and you quickly walked next to her, “go sit down, i’ll handle him.” she told you as you obeyed instantly. “what happened?” azzi asked the moment you sat down. “he ask me if i was alone and i told him i had a girlfriend and he told me i was too pretty to be gay then i don’t even know what he tried to do after.” you said while fixing your bracelets. “he was like trying to keep me there. he wasn’t letting me leave but nika‘s spidey senses were on or something and she came at the right time.” you told the basketball team as they all started to talk about men and the ups and downs about them. when nika returned you looked pissed. “what did you to him?” you asked while turning you attention to her, “just know he won’t ever mess with a girl like that ever again.” she replied while grabbing her phone off the table.
about 15 minutes later nika was still mad, “do you want to go home?” you whispered in her ear, instead of answering she just told everyone you guys were gonna leave and got up, dragging you with her. “y/n’s gonna get it good.” you heard ice say as you two walked away, you looked back at her and nodded and mouthed ‘yes i am.’ making the whole team laugh. as you two walked out, nika held your hand tightly the whole way to the car. when you reached the car she opened the back instead of the front. you immediately got excited and got in, nika getting in the back with you. the moment the door shut she started to make out with you. you straddled her lap and put the hands on both sides of her face, her hands went down to your hips and made you grind against her.
she lifted you up slightly and moved you to one of her thighs, making you grind back and forth. you breathed heavily as she made you grind faster, “fuck nika.” you whimpered while breaking the kiss and leaving your head on her shoulder. sje continued to help you ride her thigh until you came on her clothed thigh. she laid you down on the seat with your head against the window. she touched your dress up to your stomach then took your panties off, tossing them to the ground. she dove into your pussy, licking you like you were ice cream. you moaned loudly as she continued to eat you out. “holy shit!” you cried, your legs starting to shake slightly.
“oh i-i’m gonna cum. nika please do not stop im gonna cum.” you whined as your legs shook more. you were so close to cumming it felt like you were going to burst all on her. after a few more seconds you came on her mouth, she came back up and wiped her face with her hands. “did i give it to you good?” she asked with a slight smirk, at first you were confused then you realized she was talking about what you said, well really mouthed earlier. you smiled back and nodded, “yes you did.” you gave her a kiss then picked up your panties and put them back on, pulling your dress down after. “let’s go home, then we can finish this.” you told her while getting ready to get out and walk to the front.
when you slightly opened the door you heard the team talking. “nika’s car is still here.” you heard paige say as you opened the door completely and got out, you smiled and waved at them. “there is absolutely no way.” aubrey said while laughing, “i’m never sitting in your car again nika.” kk said with a look of disgust. you laughed with them then got in the passenger seat, nika getting in a few seconds later. “i can’t believe they walked out at the same time.” nika laughed as she started the car and started to drive. “that’s lowkey embarrassing.” you laughed with her.
i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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The Eye of the Hurricane [27] - Midnight
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some arguments have more tension than others.
Word Count: 2500
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship (I'm serious, they have issues), mentions of sex and fighting. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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Well then.
As it turned out, your plan to make your cousin look weak was working.
The first hit was an absolute success, and Ian was already crumbling. It was lucky for you that your father wasn’t getting involved and was giving him a chance to prove himself after the first attack to the shipment, because Ian was acting exactly the way you thought he would act.
It was going to make things much easier.
Bucky had dropped by to the apartment in the middle of the day to go take a shower which was quite surprising but judging by the blood stains on his shirt, it was needed. You were sitting comfortably on the couch, resting your feet on the coffee table with a book in your lap when he came into the living room and made a beeline to you to fling himself on the couch as well, pushing your book away to put his head in your lap. You pulled your brows together, tilting your head.
“Can I help you?”
If you didn’t know it better, you would’ve thought he was pouting.
“I need like five minutes to rest my eyes,” he murmured with his eyes closed. “How someone can be so goddamn stubborn, I’ll never understand.”
“Ah,” you said. “This can only be about—”
You nodded your head. “What happened?”
“Mom wants to meet her girlfriend and Becca is acting like that’s a natural disaster.”
“Hurricane Winnifred,” you muttered and Bucky opened his eyes to look up at you, but then closed them again when you absentmindedly ran your fingers through his hair to play with it.
“Can you tell her she’s being nonsense?”
“I don’t think she’s being nonsense,” you told him. “Have you met your mother?”
“She’ll be nice.”
“Like fuck she will.”
“She’s nice to you.”
“Because she knows I won’t be nice if she won’t,” you told him. “Leila on the other hand…she’s way too polite.”
Bucky hummed and looked up at you again.
“Is Becca serious about her?”
“Oh absolutely,” you said. “Picket fence house and all that nonsense.”
“With a civilian,” Bucky mumbled. “That’s going to be fun.”
“Becca would never get with someone in the business, you know that.”
“Oh I know that, but I don’t think my parents do,” Bucky said. “They still hope it will happen.”
“Winnifred and my aunt would get along well,” you muttered. “Both boy moms.”
“So are a lot of people.”
“No there’s a difference between a boy mom and a boy mom.”
“You make zero sense, Charm.”
You shrugged your shoulders, still playing with his hair but his phone buzzed, making him let out a groan.
“You’ll be fine,” you said and he sat up with a sigh, his eyes darting over the lines before he chuckled.
“Jesus, he really is the worst heir ever.”
“Guess where he’s routing the next shipment.”
You frowned. “Where?”
“West side second dock.”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
“Has your father never taught him anything, seriously?” he asked and you covered your mouth.
“West side second dock, Jesus Christ…”
“I’d better have a decoy shipment then,” Bucky murmured. “Just in case.”
“Yeah that’s a good idea,” you said. “The cops will follow that shipment and bust it with any other shipment that day.”
“I’ll talk to my guys in the force, let’s see how that plays out.”
“Both us and the cops winning,” you mused. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“They’re not winning, it’s just going to be their small victory so that they’ll shut up for a while,” Bucky said as he stood up. “I’ll see you at dinner?”
“Sure,” you said as he kissed the top of your head. “I’ll meet my dad but I’ll be home around dinner time.”
“Have fun,” he said and walked out of the apartment, and you heaved a sigh.
“Yeah,” you muttered. “I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
Your lunch with your father was pretty interesting, because you knew he was trying his hardest not to let you know about the so-called attack, but he was way too tense for you to think everything was going well. You took a look at the bodyguards in the restaurant, then sipped your rosé, leaning back.
“So,” you said. “How is everything with the business?”
He shot you a look.
“You took longer than I thought you would,” he commented and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m just making small talk—”
You rolled your eyes.
“Fine,” you said. “I heard about the attack.”
“Of course you did,” he muttered more to himself, then sipped his drink. “There’s nothing for you to worry about.”
You tried to control your expression.
“I know,” you said. “Doesn’t mean I’m not curious. Do we know who’s behind the attack?”
“Not yet,” he said. “We’re searching for it though.”
Tension churned at your stomach but you nodded your head calmly.
“What shipment was it?” you asked. “You normally have multiple men around the perimeter, but Bucky said it looked like a sneak attack. How did they get past your people? Did they kill them?”
Your father licked his lips and heaved a sigh.
“Ian was responsible of that shipment,” he said, making you arch a brow. “He must’ve—Y/N.”
“What?” you asked innocently and he licked his lips.
“He will stumble a bit, everyone does when they first start taking responsibilities.”
You hummed.
“Funny,” you said. “I didn’t notice that with Bucky. Or Sam. Or Steve.”
“Ian is a bit more…enthusiastic to prove himself than they were, perhaps.”
You tried not to grimace at the blatant lie and took another sip so that you could control your expression.
“I’ve been told he’s fixing the situation,” your father said. “He’s much more angry at the situation than you or me.”
“But are you angry?”
“It happened in my territory, and it was my shipment, my business that they attacked,” your father said even though his voice was calm. “Of course I am angry.”
Guilt burned at your stomach but you knew you couldn’t let it affect you; what you and Bucky had done was necessary.
It wasn’t just your father’s business, it was going to be yours one day and you had to prove that Ian was a terrible option.
For the business, and the city.
One of the bodyguards came closer to mutter something to his ear and he nodded, then wiped at his mouth.
“Duty calls,” he said and you took another sip of your wine, then put the glass on the table.
“Want me to drop you off?”
“No need, my driver is here,” you said as you both walked out of the restaurant. He hugged you and you kissed him on the cheek.
“Be careful.”
“Always am,” he said and one of the bodyguards opened the door for you, but before you got in, you heard your father’s voice again.
You turned around to look at him better. “Yeah?”
“How would you prevent it?” he asked. “If it was your shipment?”
A smug grin threatened to pull at your lips but you bit inside your cheek, then heaved a sigh.
“Twenty men around the perimeter,” you said. “Additional ten in every half mile, three hour shifts in rotation. Couple of cops under our pay in the outer skirts, preferably by the bridge and at least three people watching the street footage so that we would know the license plates of every car that gets a bit too close for future reference.”
He blinked a couple of times, the impressed expression on his face impossible to miss and you felt your stomach do a happy flip, then shrugged your shoulder, forcing yourself to focus.
“But it doesn’t matter,” you told him. “I’m not your heir, am I?”
With that, you got in the car and the bodyguard closed the door, the driver starting the car immediately. You grinned to yourself and leaned back in the seat as the car started moving through the street smoothly and you closed your eyes.
“Yet,” you corrected yourself. “I’m not your heir yet.”
Bucky had texted you, saying he would miss dinner because of a meeting taking long so you had ordered some takeout, curled up on the couch with Alpine in your lap. Towards midnight he still hadn’t come home so you texted him only for him to text back the meeting was still going on, and you picked a show to bingewatch in the meantime.
For some reason you liked it when Bucky was beside you on the bed when you went to sleep.
You were so focused on the episode that you hadn’t even noticed when your phone buzzed, so when you saw the text notification from Ian, you frowned slightly.
You and Ian didn’t really text each other.
You touched the notification and sat up straighter much to Alpine’s meow of protest the moment you saw the picture of Bucky and Anna by the docks. Bucky was leaning back against the car with Anna right beside him, laughing at what you could only assume something he said.
From: Ian
Ouch. Didn’t last long huh?
Fury spread through you so fast that it made your head spin and you stood up from the couch, Alpine jumping to the floor as well. Your jaw clenched as you zoomed into the picture, then ran a hand over your face.
Of course.
The so called meeting was just a fucking excuse.
You didn’t even know why you were getting so angry, after all this whole thing was just a business deal but that was the thing; you two had a deal. That was his only request going into this marriage, that you two wouldn’t see anyone else behind each other’s back but there he was, breaking the same rule he had implemented. A mob boss not being faithful wasn’t supposed to be a surprise; you had grown up seeing it over and over again, Bucky’s own father included but this?
This was disrespect, and the fact that Ian was the one telling you about it made it so much worse.
You tried to see through the fury pounding in your head, tossed the phone aside and dug your fingernails into your palms, gritting your teeth.
That motherfucker.
How dare he?
By the time the front door opened, you had been pacing in the living room for the last half an hour, still lost in your own anger but Bucky’s voice made you stop dead in your tracks.
“Honey I’m home,” he joked as he walked in and you narrowed your eyes at him, making him tilt his head.
“What happened?”
Even if anger was radiating off of you and you knew that he could tell, you managed to smile but you had a feeling it was more of a snarl.
“How was the meeting?” you asked, your voice eerily calm and he licked his lips.
“It was fine?” he said like a question. “Why do I get the feeling that I’m about to be shot?”
You walked to the couch to grab your phone, then found the pic, your hands nearly shaking as you tossed him the phone with more force than necessary. His gaze fell on the screen before he looked at you again.
“You put people on my tail?”
“You fucking asshole!” you lunged at him but he had the same training as you had – probably heavier considering the cage fight- because he caught you basically in mid-air and twisted your arm, then pushed you before you could grab him.
“Sweetheart,” he said. “You know what the psychiatrist said about open communication, let’s talk about this.”
“You’re going behind my back?!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, it was a business—”
“A business meeting,” he said as you took off your earrings to toss them aside, making him pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“Charm baby, let’s not.”
“Oh no, let’s,” you said as you jumped over the coffee table but he caught your leg before you could reach him and threw you easily to the corner of the room. You landed on your feet just as easily but the vase by the corner fell off its stand to smash into pieces. Bucky’s bodyguards by the hallway must’ve heard the noise because the door slammed open, Hannah and Paul walking inside with their guns raised.
“Mr. Barnes?”
“Leave,” Bucky ordered, rolling his shoulders back as you gritted your teeth and pulled the pocket knife out of your waistband, flipping it open.
“Everything is alright, me and my wife are just having a small disagreement.”
“Mr. Barnes, are you—”
“She’s not going to do anything to me Paul but I can’t guarantee the same thing for you,” Bucky said. “Leave, close the door behind you.”   
Hannah and Paul lowered their guns, exchanging glances.
“Leave!” you snapped and they both rushed out of the door, closing it behind them in a hurry. Bucky gave you a smirk and opened his arms as if inviting you.
“It was a business meeting, princess.”
“In the middle of the night?” you asked as you stepped closer to him, both of you circling each other. “By the water? Are all your meetings that romantic?”
“We had to go check the shipment’s security because I don’t want to raise any alarms when Ian’s shipment gets busted—”
“Do you seriously think I’m that much of a gullible idiot?”
“Nah, I think you’re just jealous. It’s adorable, really.”
“I’m not fucking jealous!” you exclaimed as you lunged at him again, this time wrapping your legs around his neck to slam him to the ground even if he managed to knock the blade off your hand in the meantime. As soon as you two hit the ground, he caught your leg and flipped you two over, his hand shooting up to grab you by the neck, not putting any pressure but still strong.
Oh fuck, this wasn’t supposed to make your heartbeat faster.
The only sound in the room was both of you breathing hard while you glared at each other for a moment, desire roaring through your veins, making your head spin.
Then his lips crashed into yours.
All your senses were too full of him for you to even think it wasn’t the best idea and to be completely honest, you couldn’t give two fucks whether it was a good idea or not, especially not when he was kissing you like this. You had no idea when you two had started ripping each other’s clothes but it was only when you felt his fingertips brush your bare waist, awakening fire underneath your skin did you realize you were only in your bra. You pulled at his crisp button up shirt until the buttons scattered around the room before you impatiently pushed it down his arms and bit at his lip, making him hiss for a moment to pull back to look down at you.
“Behave,” he warned you, smirking slightly and you tilted your head, arching a brow.
“You first.”  
He let out a chuckle, then winked at you and leaned down to kiss you again.
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javier-pena · 12 hours
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Pairing: Marcus Acacius x f!reader
Word Count: 2k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: On a stormy night, you’re haunted by a ghost from your past.
Warnings: dub con | unprotected p in v sex | creampie | unsanitary sexual practices | cheating | coercion | possessiveness | (brief) fingering (f receiving) | biting | oral (f receiving) (mentioned) | mentions of food and alcohol | mentions of blood and war
Notes: God idk what it is with me and seeing random pictures of Pedro characters that make me go feral. Anyways, wrote this in an hour, hope this is anything. I had Latin in school but I’m not vouching for any of the Latin words in this. I mostly wrote this because I’ve had a vendetta against international bestselling author Robert Harris ever since I was 15 years old. This is loosely based on a scene from his novel Imperium that has been haunting me for almost 20 years now. Also based on this post by @ozarkthedog.
There’s war. Outside the city, the land is burning. Behind the city walls, life goes on as it always has. There’s decadence and dissipation and life. That’s your part of the story. That’s all you’ve ever known. The comfort and the safety. That’s all you’ve ever needed to feel fulfilled.
During the night, when the city quiets down, when the people return to their homes and the public life ceases, you can sometimes hear it, like a storm brewing over the distant sea, like the rumbling of a volcano miles and miles away, taking deep breaths before spewing its fiery death. On clear nights, nights free of clouds and wind, nights where the air is so heavy it feels like a blanket weighing you down, you can even see it, the light from the battlefield, the glow of a carnage that swallows everything, even itself.
This night isn’t clear at all. This night brought rain and hail and thunder so violent it shakes the foundations of your house. You’re alone, reclining on your triclinium, too drained from dinner to move much. The storm promised some reprieve from the muggy summer air, but the heat is worse now than it was this afternoon. The wine you had with your meal, the glass in front of you now refilled a third time, combined with the weather makes your head feel like it has been wrapped in wool. Even breathing seems laborious.
But there are footsteps against mosaic floors, and footsteps mean visitors and visitors mean business. Business at such a late hour is never a good sign. With a groan you stand, with a sigh you straighten your tunic, and then the footsteps are drowned by a clap of thunder so loud you flinch.
What follows it is not the sight of one of your servants or even your husband. In the gloomy darkness that always follows a flash of lightning a shadow moves into the room, and when your eyes have adjusted to the dim lights of the lucernae all around you, you flinch again, this time with cause.
A man is standing before you, looking like the slain ghost of a soldier from the battlefield nearby. He is covered in dirt and grime, wet from the rain, wet from the blood he has recently spilled. His armor looks black in the darkness, and your eyes flicker to his side in trepidation only to discover that he’s still wearing his sword. He’s still wearing his sword, going against the rules of your house, the rules of your husband.
“Where is he?” the stranger asks, his voice deep and dangerous like the thunder outside.
You could play dumb, you could act like you don’t know who he’s talking about, but in that voice you discover something familiar, like a memory of a distant dream, never quite forgotten.
“He isn’t here,” you reply. “He might come back later, but he’s with the senate.”
The man steps closer, quick strides that take him right to the foot of your triclinium. You step backward until you reach its head, trying to put the piece of furniture between the two of you. Your hands are clammy.
“Good,” the stranger answers with a twitch of his lips that’s all too familiar for all the wrong reasons. “I promised you I’d be back for you, and I always keep my promises.”
There’s a doorway behind you leading through a small peristyle straight to your husband’s tablinum. You glance at the court, at the shrubs and flowers and fountains that you know are there but that are currently hidden by curtains of rain and darkness.
“Don’t –,” the stranger starts, but it comes too late.
You turn and run, skip down the two steps from the porch into the garden itself, your feet splashing into puddles as you run and run. Heavy footfalls behind you, heavy breathing, and a heaviness in your heart, calling back to a similar moment years ago that happened on such a different day full of laughter and sunshine and secret kisses exchanged in secret corners.
You reach the doorway to the tablinum. “Stop!” you bellow, and to your surprise he does. To your surprise, this works, and you don’t know what to do with that. “What do you want, Acacius?” you ask, your heart growing even heavier when you name him.
“You know what I want,” he answers, the rain loudly hammering against his armor, the water dousing his hair, making his curls stick to his forehead. “I came back to collect what you owe me.”
“We were children,” you remind him.
He’s up the steps faster than you can say those three words, the years between now and that summer afternoon seemingly having left no traces.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he growls, the storm raging over the city reflected in his eyes.
You step backwards into the tablinum, one hand protectively slung across your stomach. “You should leave, Acacius. I have nothing more to say to you.”
But there is only so far you can go before your back connects with your husband’s writing desk. And once it does there is nowhere for you to run to.
“I don’t need you to say anything.” His face is cast in shadows now, but when another flash lights up the night sky, you see that his expression is completely blank. “I just need you to lift up those expensive skirts of yours and let me take what’s mine.”
“Go back to that battlefield of yours,” you reply. “Go back and defend Rome like you’re supposed to. Or are you too much of a coward still?”
You should have known he would not take that kindly, should have known that provoking him wouldn’t make him leave. But when you feel his cold, wet hand wrapped around your wrist, when you’re being yanked into his chest, turned around, and shoved up against the desk, it still catches you by surprise. Some part of you, the one that never left that sunny afternoon, didn’t think he’d have it in him. Another part wanted him to.
His body presses into you with such force the desk scrapes against the stone floor with a creak loud enough to be heard over the storm. The sound that cannot be heard is the gasp you let out when he pushes up your tunic, exposing your legs to the humid night air.
“Don’t –,” you start.
He shushes you, one dirty finger touching your lips. You can smell the storm and the blood on him. He can feel your shaky breath.
“Just this once,” he mumbles into your hair.
Maybe you should fight this, but you don’t know how. He kicks your feet apart, and maybe you should kick back, connect your heel to his shin, and run. He bites the spot where your neck connects to your shoulder, and maybe you should bite his finger that is now resting against your lips while the rest of his hand is wrapped around your chin and throat, bite down hard until the bone cracks. He runs his other hand down your backside and pushes it between your legs, groaning at the warmth and wetness he finds there, and maybe you should use this moment of weakness to climb across the desk and search for something to defend yourself with.
All of it passes and you do nothing. All of it passes and you push backward against him, sucking his finger in between your lips. He pulls it out of your mouth, grabs the hair at the back of your neck, and pushes your head down toward the desk, your shoulders straining in protest. The groan you let loose is read as defiance by him.
“I told you to be quiet,” he hisses. “Just …”
He trails off and at first you don’t know why but then the hand at the back of your neck is gone and you sigh with relief, a sound that turns into something less human when he pushes two fingers into you.
“God, you’re tight,” he groans, his forehead resting against your shoulder.
“Please …,” you try again, but you’re not quite sure what you’re asking for.
There’s a rustling sound behind you, leather and fabric being moved frantically, and then his fingers are gone, replaced by something thick and heavy spreading you open. You lift yourself up on the tips of your toes, trying to adjust, trying to lessen the burn, but he digs his fingers into your hips and pushes you back down, right onto him.
“Stay,” he orders. “Just … just take it.”
His words are slurred now, and your vision is blurry, your eyes wet from biting your lip so hard you can taste blood on your tongue. He rocks into you, and your nails scrape against the wood of your husband’s desk, leaving marks in their wake. But you do as you’re told.
“That’s better.” He bites your shoulder again and you gasp from the sudden burst of pain, gasp from the way you constrict around him in response. He laughs, a rumbling like thunder, then pushes your upper body against the wood, holding you down, one hand in your hair, the other firmly locking your hip in place.
Another bolt of lightning must have illuminated your face, turned sideways for him to see the trepidation in your eyes because he says, “Don’t cry. I’m going to take good care of you.”
You don’t know how to tell him that you’re not crying because you’re afraid of him. You’re crying because you don’t remember the last time you’ve felt this way, the last time sex wasn’t just a duty you had to fulfill but something someone wanted from you, and just from you, so much so he would abandon his duty to take what’s his. You don’t know how to tell him you’re terrified of what that discovery might mean for you and your marriage, how you’re hoping your husband is going to walk in right this very moment and free you from the bonds that bind you to him.
Acacius starts to lose control of his body then. He’s pushing himself up deeper and deeper into you, groaning louder with each thrust. You know those sounds, dread them when they’re coming from your husband, encourage them now with desperate whimpers of your own. He grips your hair again, pulls you up flush against his chest so hard you yelp with pain, fumbles with your tunic until he finds that bundle of nerves between your legs that he loved to kiss when you were both free to enjoy each other’s company. But it’s just for a brief moment he considers your pleasure before hitting the desk with his open palm, holding onto the wood, and letting go.
You close your eyes, waiting. It doesn’t take long for him to let out a sigh, to still deep inside of you. You can feel him twitch, you feel his hot release, but most of all you feel the sting of a promise broken. Your whole body is on edge, wound up, pulled taut, and there is nothing he’s going to do about it.
When he’s done, he pulls out of you and lets your tunic fall down around your legs. You turn to face him, your cheeks burning with shame, but his face is once again hidden behind all those shadows that come with a starless night.
“You wanted to take good care of me,” you point out, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I just did,” he says, running his thumb from the corner of his mouth along his bottom lip. “You’re mine now. Leave that between your legs for him to find.”
“Acacius …,” you try, a name once so familiar then so strange now growing familiar again.
He crowds you against the desk, chest to chest this time, and wraps his thick fingers around your throat. The kiss he presses to your lips is hard, devoid of all tenderness. “Mine,” he repeats. “Never forget that.” And then he’s nothing more than heavy footsteps against mosaic floors.
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Sorry if this has already been asked before but as a general statement do you feel like the trope of having mobility aids doubling up as weapons in a fantasy story is ok? I’m disabled myself so I have a lot of disabled characters in my story so there’s a wide variety of mobility aids. Since a lot of characters fight in the story because of the genre I was thinking of making mobility aids weapons (cane as a magic staff or like prosthetics with built in powers etc) but I’m not sure if it falls into the category of ‘character is disabled but it’s actually their superpower!!!’ because I want to avoid that trope at all costs. Hope this makes sense to you since communication isn’t a strong point of mine. Love your blog btw:)
Hi! I'm glad you enjoy the blog:-D
I really feel like it depends. It can be done well and respectfully, but in my experience it usually isn't.
If you're a mobility aid user writing about the aids that you're using, you can do whatever you want! For my deeper thoughts that are too long:
The main issue that I have with the "magic aids as weapons" is that often it feels like the author doesn't actually like the aid because it's "too boring" and thus wants to "improve" it by making a cane into a wizard staff that shoots fireballs or whatever. But I don't feel like that's a good way to go about it at all. Mobility aids are cool in itself! They allow use to be more mobile! Why do they need to be made into something else?
The something else part is also what bothers me a lot around magic aids, aids as weapons, all that. Like the old "replacing a wheelchair with an animal" thing. Why not have a wheelchair? Why not a walking cane instead of a staff, you know? It sometimes feels like the author tries to distance whatever they're writing about from disabled people and our actual experiences because they're "too boring to fit their fantasy story". Like it could be done effectively, but it usually really isn't.
To finally get to the combat part of the question, it again depends (...sorry). If the character with a cane has to fight using it, then I do find it weird, I guess. "Doing cool explosive stuff" shouldn't be a requirement for a disabled character to be included, especially because a lot of disabled people can't do the things that writers want them to do! Sometimes we are weak and unsteady and fragile. Fighting isn't for everyone, and I feel like that's where some of the annoying fantasy tropes appear.
"Hm, my blind character can't fight because they're blind.. oh they have a superpower that lets them 'see'! solved!"
"Hmm, I don't know how to include a wheelchair user… I'll give them a Magic Mecha Exoskeleton, now they can fight!"
"Hm, real life prosthetics seem inconvenient. I'll just make them Magical so they're just like meat limbs but with a gun!"
...and all these kinds of "solutions" that make one wonder if the author even wants to have an actually disabled character. It's not even that the disability is a superpower, it's more that it's non-existent. Sometimes the better solution is to have us in other roles and not make us do things that our disabilities prevent us from doing, which fighting can fall under.
If the above isn't what's going on, then I think it comes down to how the whole thing is even supposed to work. Are the in-universe rules for magic centered around the idea that the Body makes magic? In this case, it could be interesting to have a character who uses a mobility aid and considers it a part of their body to be able to use it in a magical way. Because a lot of people do consider their cane or wheelchair an extension of them, so it could be actually interesting to see it validated by the magic system. But if it's like, "anything could be used" and then every character with a mobility aid ends up using their aid for that, that's... somewhat weird. It does feel like reducing the character to their disability if abled character 1 has a spell book, abled character 2 has a magic necklace, but the disabled character has their disability aid as their magic weapon. To use the example that you did, if the character's prosthetic is the only way they can use magic, I do think that's weird, because like. why… it's both reductive and "disability as a superpower". But if they can use magic through, let's say, both of their legs, and one of them happens to be a prosthetic, then I think that's cool.
I also believe that it depends on what kind of weapon you are talking about at the end of the day - in real life, mobility aids are already treated as potential weapons. I'm under the impression that no one would assume that a walking cane could cast a spell, but people do very much think of a cane as a potential tool to fight with, of a prosthetic as a potential bomb, of a wheelchair as a potential way to smuggle something illegal. I have very much seen and heard of situations where a disabled person wasn't allowed to enter somewhere because their aid was seen as a threat - you don't want to make more people think that this is a reasonable conclusion to come to. If you want to go for it without doing any kind of retrospect on that, I would keep it as a fantasy thing.
I hope this helps! Apologies for the answer length.
mod Sasza
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supershot73199 · 7 hours
Hello I am back with the next of my Batfam react to Danny killing Joker story's. This one is set in the same au as my Dawn's Big Daddy story though i haven't decided if it will be canon to that story yet. Story under the read more.
There will be a bit of a graphic description in this one so gore warning here
Cass was simultaneously pissed and terrified. Not for herself of course but for her ballet students. The Joker and his thugs took the entire class and their parents hostage and with so many kids Cass knew trying to fight could result in dead children and she left her emergency beacon in her office changing room.
When the thugs finished taking them to the warehouse where the Jokers latest scheme would take place she, the kids and any mothers were taken to a massive cage where they were locked in, while any fathers were taken and had been handcuffed to chains connected to electronic winches, including her boyfriend Danny.
Normally Cass wouldn't be worried about her boyfriend as he was a excellent fighter and had a ghost form that was of a comparable power level to heroes like Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and of course Superman. However with the number of hostages he would not act rashly, instead waiting for an opportunity where he can act with minimal to no risk for the innocents.
But their captor was the Joker, an unhinged clown who enjoyed the pain of others and who was unpredictable enough to stump world class detectives like her family. He would not hesitate to torture or even kill one of the kids if he had the whim cross his mind and he had pretty good reflexes so it would be hard to guarantee no hostages would be in danger before they act.
Cass felt her rage and fear bleed out when she felt a small hand grab hers for comfort. Dawn was Danny's daughter, the light of his life, the single most important thing in his life, and honestly she was quickly becoming the same thing for Cass. Even though she loved Danny and he loved her they both knew that if it came down to a choice to save only one of them they would each save Dawn first. (Hypothetically at least. Cass knew they would just save both in reality because they were good enough to or would get backup that would allow them too.)
"I'm scared." Whispered the young girl. Cass quickly scooped her up in a hug before softly comforting her.
"It's OK Your Daddy is strong he won't let this clown hurt him or us."
"I know that. Daddys the strongest there is but what if one of my friends get hurt?" Cass couldn't stop the soft grin at the faith in her father that the little girl had.
"Because he's the strongest means he won't let anyone get hurt." Cass responded with conviction. Before Dawn gave a accepting nod.
"OK I believe in Daddy."
Before Cass could say anything else the Joker ordered his men out of the room as they finished handcuffing the last of the fathers. Danny was front and center and Cass couldn't help notice the look of defiance in his eyes. The Joker as soon as the last of his men had left to their guard positions turned on a camera before stepping back and speaking with his usual cheer.
"Hello Gotham, it's your favorite Clown Prince of Crime here and today I have some special guests with us today. You might recognize a few of them. Why it's none other the Bruce Wayne's only daughter and her pretty little boytoy!! They've been all over the news recently and in case you've been living under a rock recently they have been called Gothams cutest couple. So you just know I had to give them my congratulations."
As the Joker was monologing he picked up the camera and used it to focus on Danny and Cass respectively though Cass had put herself between Joker and Dawn, which gave the clown a sick pleasure, she could see it in his posture.
"Now as for our performance tonight we have a group of loving fathers and their beloved children and wives in our audience. Batsy here's what's going to happen, you and your brood are going to have to find my men hidden all around Gotham with cannisters of my Laughing Gas. When you find them my men will let me know and you will have sixty seconds to defeat my men and disable the release trigger, if you fail well..."
As the Joker trailed off he pressed a button that activated the winches pulling the men until they were all hanging off the floor without their feet touching the ground.
"I will kill one of these fathers infront of their wives and children, and don't even think about cheating because if my guys see you on this camera before their bombs been disabled they will trigger it remotely. Better hurry Batman I don't think shoulders can hold that much weight for very long!" The Joker let out a mad cackle before he was interrupted.
"So now your a gameshow host? I thought you were the clown prince of crime." Danny brave beautiful Danny taunted the Joker who stopped and walked closer.
"Well I'm a Clown of many talents and in my eternal quest to bring more smiles to Gotham I have to branch out from typical clown behavior." Cass could see the irritation in the Jokers body language, he hates being questioned after all.
"Still couldn't you have picked a different suit? You always wear the same thing. Variety is the spice of life after all." Danny continued to antagonize Joker.
The Joker stepped closer to Danny still not quite close enough for Danny's plan though.
"As if your one to talk. Look at you!" Cass wasn't sure what Joker meant by that as Danny was dressed in form fitting exercise clothes meant for dancing, as they had been about to have a class when the Joker showed up. Maybe he's jealous of Danny's muscles?
"I was kidnapped with no warning from a dance class, you had the benefit of planning this and having time to prepare. Admit it you just got lazy and didn't want to put in the effort to look good for your scheme." Danny once again acted to antagonize the clown. Who finally stepped right up to where Danny was hanging while ranting at him.
"How dare you claim I didn't put in the effort! My look is iconic and if you can't see greatness maybe I should use your daughter as an exam-urgk." The Joker was cut off and Danny swung his legs up to wrap them around the Jokers neck. Unfortunately the Jokers reflexes kicked in causing him to start ducking leaving Danny to have his thighs around the Jokers head rather than his neck. Thankfully the sudden jerk from Danny hitting the Joker caused him to drop the gun he had been pulling out of his coat.
Cass watched as the two struggled in a stalemate, Danny couldn't shift his legs enough to get them around the Jokers neck to choke him into unconsciousness and the Joker was unable to get free from Danny's vice like leg lock. Cass realized that unless her family showed up immediately then the Joker would eventually slip free and go after Dawn.
As she realized what had to happen Cass noticed as Danny's body language showed he came to the same conclusion. The couple shared a look of understanding. Cass would never have considered this before and if there was any other way she wouldn't be considering it now. But even with his powers there isn't really another solution as the Joker holds a grudge.
"Turn around class face away, even you Dawn." Cass said quickly acting to make sure the children didn't see what came next, the mothers and older students quickly following her lead.
"I'm scared momma." Cass started quickly bending down to hug Dawn again. Cass didn't think she realized what she actually said and in a way it made it more special to her, which filled her heart with love and resolve.
As soon as all the younger students were facing the wall Cass nodded to Danny who immediately shifted his legs one more time before Cass saw his muscles clench. There was a muffled sound where the Jokers mouth was pressed against Danny's thigh, that Cass couldn't tell if it was a laugh or scream. She watched as he clawed at Danny desperately trying to get loose until with a sickening crack and squelch he went limp, as his head was crushed between Danny's thighs like that watermelon Cass had crushed on a dare from Steph.
She looked on with disgust as pieces of the Jokers brain and skull stuck to the man she loved. The spray from the crush had covered Danny and she could see him struggling to not throw up.
"That might have been the hottest thing I've ever seen." Cass head snapped to the teenage girl who said that. Said girl quickly grew a massive blush.
"What? We were all thinking it. I wonder how long until someone makes a gif online from that livestream."
Cass blinked in bafflement as the other girls agreed even if they felt it shouldn't be said out lound to the girl before remembering that this was being broadcast live. Which meant all of Gotham saw what just happened.
It was only a little while later when her family finally showed up that she realized that Barbara and Jason would probably be two of the people making it into a gif and she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her. At least she got confirmation that the child she loved as her own daughter felt the same way about her.
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myusuchaa · 2 days
Ellis Twilight 2nd Birthday Event Story
The Shape of Happiness - Embraced by the Thorns of a Mad Love: Part 1 this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird has the right of ownership to all in-game content.
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Sometimes, when I see him illuminated by the morning light, I feel slightly uneasy for no good reason.
Kate: Ellis… Ellis
Long arms and legs entwined around my body and robbed me of my freedom.
Kate: It’s already morning.
Feeling him here felt like proof it was real.
Ellis: …I want to hold you like this just a little bit longer
Now that summer is beginning, the heat has started to increase, to the point where we can sweat just from hugging each other.
I’m happy I can feel his warmth but… isn’t this too much?
Kate: Ellis, you’re not hot?
Ellis: I do feel hot but… I don’t want to be apart* from you.
Ellis: But… if you don’t like it then I’ll let go.
Kate: No, I like it!! It‘s just.. you’re starting to sweat.
Drops of sweat formed and rolled down his neck. When I reached out to wipe it away, I noticed Ellis switch to a more determined expression.
Ellis: Let’s look for summer sleepwear, the kind with thin fabric.
Ellis: With that, I could hold* you longer.
Kate: Hehe, shall we go shopping for it while we’re out?
His eyes seemed to sparkle as he watched me get up to get ready. I then said the words I'm sure he was waiting for me to hear.
Kate: Happy birthday Ellis!
Ellis: Thank you, I’m happy you’re the first person to wish me that.
He kissed me lightly and made a small sound.
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Ellis: I want to kiss you more, but I really am looking forward to our plans today so… I’ll settle with just this.
He nuzzled his head against my shoulder like a cat wanting to be spoiled with attention.
(It makes me happy that he's started to show his innocent side since we began dating. )
Thinking about the fact that it’s only me who can see this part of him makes my heart flutter.
(Every time I get to see the cute side of the “cool Ellis”, my love for him grows.)
While petting his fluffy hair, I thought of our plans for his birthday.
(I’m sure it’ll be an amazing day.)
Kate: …The train is cancelled?
A sign in large lettering said that the trains were suspended.
Ellis: There was a landslide along the train tracks in town.
Ellis: Luckily, no one was hurt. But because the landslides were caused by such heavy summer rain, it would be dangerous to keep the trains running.
He reported this after going to ask a station attendant of the situation.
Ellis: And it just started raining here.
Kate: …It seems like the rain will get pretty bad.
The plans I had envisioned for the day fell apart in an instant.
(We were supposed to visit a lavender field in town, then stay out and about doing various things in town.)
The other day, I heard that the popular lavender fields were in full bloom and I immediately made plans for it.
(I thought it would be fun to make new memories together there but… I guess it can’t be helped.)
I tried not to let my disappointment show, but Ellis caught how my shoulders slumped.
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Ellis: ...Hey, how can I make you happier?
Kate: Hm?
Ellis: You have such a sad face and I hate it.
His hand that gently strokes my cheek is slightly cold from the rain.
Kate: I’m not sad but… it is a bit troubling.
Ellis: What is?
Kate: Thinking of another plan…
(I didn’t even think the trains would be canceled so I had no backup plan. I should have made one just in case.)
Ellis: Then, should we head home?
Kate: If the rain isn’t going to get any better then… I guess we should.
As I speak the last words regrettably, Ellis’s thumb softly traces my lips.
Ellis: I’m sorry… actually I didn’t quite mean that.
Kate: ?
Ellis: I also don’t want to go home yet.
Kate: Ellis...
The sound of the rain falling against the train station platform roof increased with the heavy downpour.
Ellis: I want to do something special with you on my birthday.
He gently kissed me on the lips, to which I instinctively pouted after he pulled back.
A mischievous smile grew on his face.
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Ellis: Would you like to go on a date with me in rainy London?
He stole my lips again, not caring who saw us.
Part 2 ->
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a/n: * when Ellis says he wants to stay holding her longer, the japanese word used is くっつけ, which means to cling/adhere/stick to in a way that is hard to get off. rather than just cuddling her, this implies his determination to really not let her ago at all.
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bellestarot · 2 days
Pick a card
July 2024 Predictions
♡ Take your time to choose.
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile I
What do I need to know about the month of July?
Pile number 1, The month of July will be a time when you will be very focused on your work or a project you started and will finish during this month. You will learn more about working in a group and will also be making new friends.
You will be tested in dealing with your emotions and ambitions, as not everything you want will come when you desire. So, you will learn to wait and not make hasty decisions about various situations that may be related to work or personal life, but it will be a test of your patience.
How will my love life be this month?
"Dancing Queen" by ABBA started playing in my head when I asked about your love life in July. You might be going through a rejection or a relationship that didn't work out. Or you may still be hurt by what happened in the past after a breakup.
But I have good news: when you manage to move on and understand that you have many opportunities and possibilities to find love again, your life will work out. I see you happy, I see this song playing in the places you go. Pain and loneliness may be part of the process, but they cannot last too long. So, you will get through this and will be able to move on because I see that there are people and stories to be written about love in your life again.
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What is the best path to financial success this month?
The best path to financial success is to have patience. I see that this pile is for people who sometimes don't handle frustration very well, and this could be a test so that better things can come and things can get right in your life.
Maybe you have gone through a difficult situation financially or in your career, something that hurt you, but the cards here ask that you do not lose hope, do not lose your dreams and ambitions—they are still there.
Perhaps you have lost people you were working with for a long time, and they are now distant or have been laid off. But I want you to understand that things will improve. I see that it is an acceptable pain, but you have to let go for new things to come, new opportunities are on the way.
What health precautions should I take this month?
You need to exercise more and take care of your entire body. You should go for walks, runs, and also drink more water. Eat healthy foods such as fruits like melon and banana. Improve your diet to enhance your health.
What spiritual or practical advice can I follow to grow during this period?
What I see here spiritually is that you should leave where you are and explore the world, getting to know new places and learn every day to balance your emotions and your logic without letting one outweigh the other.
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Pile II
What do I need to know about the month of July?
In pile number 2, July will be about this: You'll be speaking more, I mean saying exactly what you want to say. You'll work a lot on your throat chakra, and you'll manage to express what bothers you, what you want to change, and your feelings about a certain situation. So, the situation will be resolved.
Right now it might seem pending in your head, but it will be resolved, and you'll see that the effort you're putting into any situation will be very worthwhile, you'll mature and learn a lot during this month of July.
What will my love life be like this month?
Maybe some people won't identify with the romantic situation in pile 2 during July. But I see something ending here, I see ego clashes, I see narcissism being exposed, and I see that neither side is winning this battle; both are losing, and these two people will go their separate ways.
Perhaps this applies to a relationship that is already heading towards wear and tear or not. But I see that other people are also involved in this relationship's turbulence. I'm not sure of their exact role, maybe friends or relatives, but I think these people are there, and I see that with a broken heart for some reason that I can't identify, you'll prefer to be alone.
You'll want solitude, you won't want to seek out someone at this moment; it's not your focus, it's not what you want.
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What is the best path to financial success this month?
I see that you have a very relevant position in your job. I see that during July, you'll be able to work well, balancing your tasks and projects; you'll be able to profit a lot from it. Maybe you have your own investment, so I see that you'll be working with other people, and you'll be able to achieve your goals. It might take a while in terms of waiting for results, but I see these results coming, and you and the people you trust in your work environment will achieve something very positive. I see celebration, I see you reclaiming your power.
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What health precautions should I take this month?
I get a message to take care of your back. Maybe you have scoliosis or need more comfortable and adaptable beds for your back situation, so I see that you need to pay more attention to this area of your body.
What spiritual or practical advice can I follow to grow during this period?
Continue to empower yourself, be the woman you want to be and that you inspire. Be open to new relationships; there are people genuinely interested in you. Be open to meetings and going out with new people.
And it's okay to rest from time to time.
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Pile III
What do I need to know about the month of July?
During the month of July, it will be emphasized that you need to have fun and be yourself 100%. This will manifest in various ways in your life.
How will my love life be this month?
In July, you will be increasingly open to meeting new people. I see many romantic interests and relationships you might have with some people. You will be stepping out of your comfort zone and available to meet different people. One could be someone your age or younger, and another could be someone more responsible, with serious intentions of having a serious relationship with you.
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What is the best path to financial success this month?
Pile 3 If you are looking for a job, I have to inform you that this opportunity will arrive during the month of July. I see you getting this job quite quickly, on a day you least expect it, and you will be very happy with this opportunity.
If you are already employed, I have to inform you that both your career and your finances will bring positive news. You will stand out more at work. You will get more attention for your projects, and I see many of the things you are planning being realized.
What precautions should I take with my health this month?
Maybe you have many insecurities regarding your appearance, or perhaps you have many fast thoughts and need to seek therapeutic help from a psychologist to work on this. I see that you might type a lot, maybe work with typing, and have many tasks to do. The tarot is asking you to pay attention to these areas, both mental and some physical, related to your daily life.
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What spiritual or practical advice can I follow to grow during this period?
You should have fun. Pay attention to your emotions and mental health. If you feel it is affecting you, seek help to better work through some memories from the past.
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Pile IV
What do I need to know about the month of July?
The month of July will reveal much about your relationships, whether romantic, friendships, or professional connections, and how you handle them with strength.
How will my love life be this month?
If you intend to have a serious relationship with someone, it is likely to happen. I see that you think seriously about dating someone before deciding on a date, especially if the person is younger or appears very mature. Moving forward in this manner might lead you to someone quite different. This person could be your ideal partner, and it seems like you both will be completely in love. I see this as a lasting and happy relationship where this person will help you grow and mature together.
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What is the best path to financial success this month?
In July, you will be surrounded by others in your career or while managing your finances. You have a sweet and emotional disposition, which can be positive for your career, but sometimes you need to be firm and speak more sternly to be heard. Your efforts will be rewarded in the end, although you might be distancing yourself from a colleague due to something they said that hurt you. However, this won't be a major issue in your career this month.
What health precautions should I take this month?
If you exercise and take care of your health, this will bring positive results in July. Continuing with your health routines will significantly improve your well-being. Overall, the advice is more about maintaining your current practices rather than making major changes, except perhaps moderating your alcohol intake. The outlook is generally positive.
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What spiritual or practical advice should I follow to grow during this period?
You should assert yourself more. You may take a trip soon, and you will eventually have the family you dream of with your loved one. However, be cautious of people around you, especially at work, who may have bad intentions. They might withhold important information or propose partnerships that could result in financial losses. Pay attention to a male figure around you.
We made it to the end! Thanks for joining in on this tarot reading for July. Here's hoping it's all good vibes and we tackle any hurdles stress-free.😆☺️😘
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 days
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - William Rex
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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After the wedding ceremony, we were waiting to leave the venue…..
Kate: I never thought I’d be the one to receive a flower shower.
William: I remember you looking enviously at a wedding we happened to see in town the other day.
I remember the men and women smiling happily in streets, showered in colorful petals.
At the time, I just thought it was beautiful and stared at it -
Kate: Did I say that out loud?
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William: No? But your eyes spoke volumes.
The hand that stroked my cheek touched the vow that was on my left ring finger.
(I knew Will could see everything…..)
He easily discovers desires that I am unaware of.
When it came to the wedding, the first thing he suggested was the flower shower.
(I am so happy that you suggested this for me.)
I gently grabbed the finger stroking the ring, and intertwined them without any gaps.
Kate: When I saw the flower shower, I thought that it looked like you, Will.
William: Like me?
Kate: As a freedom-lover, you shower mercy on everyone, right?
Kate: But the rain you send down is beautiful and warm like flower petals, and I think of it as a blessing.
I fell in love with him because he loves freedom, and showers mercy on everyone, but
(Surely, he won’t be mine alone down the road.)
(Marriage will not change that.)
(I want you to be mine just for today……I’m being greedy.)
The thing that has changed me is that I now have an endless desire for love.
Venue Guide: Ready when you are.
The guide’s words brought me back to reality and I straightened my back.
William: Come on, let’s go.
Then I took his hand and walked towards the door.
A shower of petals falls upon us - in the sunshine.
Kate: Whoa!
I was so surprised that I lost my balance, and Will supported me.
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William: Do you like it?
Kate: Yes…..it’s very beautiful.
The petals falling from the blue sky looked like colored rain,
(I’m so lucky to be able to see such a beautiful view with Will.)
Though I was squinting my eyes at the happy moment -
Kate: Ah……
A drop of water falls on my cheek.
Kate: Rain shower…..
The attendees frantically ran under the roof, but we were unable to move from where we were.
William: Phew…..ah-ha!
Suddenly he started laughing, petals sticking to his head,
Kate: Will?
William: Don’t you think it’s fitting for this day, Kate.
The hand that reaches out to remove a petal gets caught.
William: You and I are both covered in petals from the rain.
Before I knew it, I had many petals stuck to my body.
The petals stuck to the dress looked so natural that it was almost as if they had been there from the beginning,
The beautiful colors made me feel good, and I laughed along with him, in his good mood.
William: It’s like this rain is falling for us. It’s like a blessing.
Kate: It’s like the rain you send down, Will.
As I squint at the warm rain, he wraps his arms around me.
In his eyes, I was the only one reflected in the world shining with rain.
William: I hope that a merciful rain will fall upon all those who seek freedom.
William: More than anyone else in the world, I want rain to fall on you.
William: No matter what happens next, my number one is you, Kate.
Kate: Ah……
He always knows what I’m thinking, and just one of his words can easily satisfy my desires.
(I’m so happy…..I can’t even put it into words.)
Kate: You are the only one I care about, too. Besides, it is my duty to die protecting you, Will.
William: It seems that my knight has become a dependable bride.
They put their foreheads together and laugh.
He accepted the lips that fell with the rain, and a joyful expression appeared on his face.
William: Now, I thought I’d run to the carriage and head for the honeymoon, but
William: What do you want to do my lovely bride?
I gave him a kiss in return to his words.
Kate: With you I’ll run anywhere.
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At that moment, his arm pulled me and he starts running, covered in petals.
William: I love you, Kate.
Kate: I love you too, Will.
His words will continue to be a merciful rain of love that falls only on me.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 days
okay so I think I recall an ask here about Jason and Tim who got JJ'd having to work with an alternate Good Joker and it got me thinking about those actor AUs where canon is just a live-action piece of media, specifically this post
So now I'm thinking of Actor!Joker having just left the bar after a good day of drinking, not drunk enough to not get home by himself, only to get non-lethally isekaied into DC
From his perspective, one minute he was walking home, the next he started seeing himself playing the most lucrative role in his career. Dissassociation if he had to guess. He might need therapy
Oh, the Joker he plays is trying to kill him. Self defense it is-- he killed him. well he can't fault himself for it if he never learned self defense now can he :/
Is that a camera? Oh yeah, Joker and loads of his other roles break the fourth wall, and improvisation is expected of him
He looks straight into the camera, the audience, "this is why we don't method act kids. hallucinations" he points at not-him with that final word
"but you all see me pointing at nothing, don'tcha?"
Fuck it, for added humor, the minute Batman gets on the scene & Actor!Joker lays eyes on him, he say "now I'm hallucinating my fiance's role too, what a day," and also Jason and Tim and Duke are there for maximum psychic damage
Hey maybe the three were hostages because the Joker wanted to torment the top three bats he fucked up the most on live television for all of Gotham to see only for Actor!Joker to ruin everything
But also the three seeing this go down through the screen would be funny as shit too
Actor Universe lore; Actor!Joker and Actor!Bruce met through previous roles, kicked off a friendship that became a relationship and soon to be marriage and thats how Actor!Joker met Actor!Bruce hoard of children
this would lead to much of the quote on quote Batfamily Plotline being concieved, through Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids scheming together to make the most drama-filled superhero story they could
So Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids would cook up the most gutwrenching ideas, building of eachothers ideas, and cheered eachother on as the Batfamily lore became more and more emotionally devastating
Actor!Bruce can testify because years later into Batman, he still cries fountains of tears when he reads the script and something awful happens to the roles his kids plays, or Bruce Wayne is a shit father
actor!joker: my love, I have propositions the directors will grovel for
actor!bruce: oh no
his kids: daddy I have a new idea for my role >:3
actor!bruce: OH NO!
I think it goes without saying that the actors and characters they play don't have the same name, but I can't be bothered to come up with any mysel lol
Yo!!! This is a wicked cool idea. I dislike Joker/Batman (unless it's the Lego Batman), but I am vibing with this one.
To add on, what if Bruce and Joker became directors specifically so they could sort of adopt their kids? They would be those actors that also direct and screenwrite their own movies.
I want to see Crystal Brown being on set (not necessarily on scene) whenever Steph is, and Bruce and Joker chatting with her when they aren't working. Arthur Brown makes plenty of jokes and pulls pranks on his daughter.
Willis and Catherine cheer on Jason (and sometimes *can't* be on set when certain scenes play out) and smother him in affection after he's done.
The Drakes have their own careers they have to pursue while Tim is filming, but they try to make it on set at least once a week and watch every premiere with Tim. They are good friends with the other parents and only allow Tim to be on set without them because they trust Bruce and Joker.
The Graysons are acrobats in real life as well. Dick wanted to pursue a career in acting instead. They support their son, and he often does performances with them.
Would Damian still be Bruce's kid? If so, I wonder what Joker and Talia's relationship is like. Talia is obviously a fierce but loving mom in this AU. She viciously protects Damian, his privacy, and his ability to stop acting at any time. Damian enjoys acting and being on set with his dad. I also hc that Talia is famous as well. Maybe a model, maybe another actor, or maybe something else. Ra's is the owner/head of a really famous entertainment business. It has branches all over the world, including America.
The Thomases take turns with who's on set with Duke. They both work as well so that a majority of the income Duke makes goes towards his savings or his own spending.
I didn't talk about Barbara or Cass or Alfred or Kate or etc., but feel free to add more!
Actor!Joker would be appalled and disgusted with Batman. Actor!Bruce was playing a role. Yes, the role was somewhat based on Bruce, but he would never harm his kids. He would rather kill than allow them to come to harm.
When Actor!Joker gets transported to that universe, his distaste for Batman is the truly jarring piece of it all. He's not obsessed like their universe's Joker. Actor!Joker shows understanding for their hatred/distance from him. He accepts their boundaries and considers their feelings (in his own very weird way). He doesn't torment. He killed the other Joker.
Just Joker's mannerisms of "whelp, what can you do?" as he murders the other Joker. He still laughs a lot, does harmless pranks, and makes a ton of jokes. Somehow, he does this while lecturing Batman on treating his kids better.
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christmasjade · 3 days
My thoughts on Married in Red+ My general thg thoughts on Studio Investigrave !
So I really like this game
It was fun to be able to play it on my own with no help from Youtubers and stuff ^^
The game has 1 ending, though you can have 2 different kinds of game overs lol (I'll get to that later)
The mc (Bok-su) and her relationship with the bride (Da-Jeong) is sad , but not shocking lol. You can kind of tell from the promotional art (and the theme of atonement said in the itch.io description) that Da-Jeong and Bok-Su are not on good terms.
I like that Bok-su was able to get her revenge on Da-Jeong. Obviously her way of doing it is horrible, and the groom (Myeong-hoon) being a main part of her revenge is sad, because he had nothing to do with this.
However, I dont feel that bad for Da-Jeong at all. Yeah, two wrongs dont make a right, and people panic, but she essentially ruined Bok-Su's life and reputation to save her own ass, so I really can't bring myself to feel too bad for her.
Sure you can argue that the situations are different, with Bok-Su purposefully killing Myeong-Hoon meanwhile what Da-Jeong did was a mistake, but I personally am a firm believer of getting your lick back, so 🤗..
I also like how the deaths and reactions are the exact same lmao.
The patient Da-Jeong killed was a man, and his mother said something along the lines of like.. "You killed my son" (I dont exactly remember, depsite me literally just playing LMAOO) and Myeong-Hoons mom literally says the same thing/something adjacting to that too Da-Jeong.
Da-Jeong runs off and during her break down says "I didn't do it-", which is what Bok-Su says when shes retelling the story of what Da-Jeong did to her.
Bok-Su had to goal of getting her payback to make Da-Jeong atone and she accomplished it. And the crazy thing is, despite everything that happened, Da-Jeong never said sorry.
She never said sorry. Not when Bok-Su showed up to the wedding, not when the two of them where alone in the garden, and damn sure not when Da-Jeong had "enough" of Bok-Su being there.
She never said sorry, not even when she pointed the blame onto Bok-Su. In fact, Bok-Su repeats a line that Da-Jeong said to her when (I'm assuming so anyway) the incident happened. Da-Jeong told her that she didnt have anything to worry/be mad about.
The ending of the game, obviously, isnt really a happy ending. Bok-Su gets her revenge and makes Da-Jeong go through what she did but 10× worst. So sure its happy for her,but its still horrific lol
Which is why I love endings for the games that Studio Investigrave makes. With the exception of Cold Front, all of the endings across all the games arent truly happy ever after kind of endings.
With Dead Plate, Rody either has to kill Vincent after finding out his ex was killed and turned into food by him AND after he tried to do the same to Rody.
Yeah Rody makes it out alive, but theres still a horrible and traumatic incident that happened. He knows why Vince did it, and was able to get rid of him, but it doesn't erase the fact that Manon is still dead. (Or with the other ending he leaves the restaurant and never find Manon, because shes in the fridge "missing".)
With Elevator Hitch, the cycle repeats for Protag. When he finally gets the chance to leave the Elevator and the building, hes stopped by some..guy ?? (Who looks like an alternate lmao) and is convinced that he needs the job. The exit doors then open up into the elevator again. He never leaves that building, and is probably stuck in a time loop.
With Eloquent Countenance, Angelica either gets the ritual redone on her by the cult, or is stuck in the cult with the knowledge that shes not the only one in her body. But that she shares it with an angel pretending to be the dead wife of the cults pastor.
Yeah, she lives, but she has to wait until Forcas can fully save her from her possession by said angel. The ending, like Dead Plate and Married in Red, is horrific.
And then with the other ending of Cold Front , if you push Winnie off the stairs, he dies in the crash and Auggie takes his place. It's a happy ending for Auggie, sure, but he never gets the closure or the realization that Winnie was never the wicked and mean person he made him out to be in his head. Its disturbing how content he is with it, with the fact that his former best friend is dead and how he replaces him.
But yeah, erm... the game was fun, 10/10 ^^
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kanekisfavoritegf · 9 hours
PERFECT LOVER: The Life of Nanami Kento the 35 Year Old Virgin
SYNOPSIS: Kento Nanami, a 35-year-old introvert with a tendency to avoid social interactions, has made a conscious decision to steer clear of romantic entanglements. However, everything changes when he meets a new colleague at his birthday party, (Satoru's Idea). From the moment they meet, he is mesmerized, finding himself increasingly unable to resist her magnetic presence. Like taking a bite of forbidden fruit, he becomes ensnared by the allure, delving into a realm of infatuation and finding himself unable to break free. As he delves deeper into this newfound connection, Nanami begins to realize that he craves more than just a fleeting experience and yearns for more than just a fleeting taste of what she embodies.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER TWO 1/2: A Short interlude as I will myself to live and complete chapter 3.
The drive from Kento’s apartment was short enough to make you consider walking next time. If there was ever another situation in which you’d be leaving Kento’s apartment in the morning.
“And where the hell have you been?” You practically jumped out of your skin at the sound of Yuki’s voice. You turned around to meet her smug face from across the hall, smirking like she knew something you didn’t.
“Such a warm welcome from my favorite neighbor,” You quipped, unlocking your door.
“You were at Kenny’s, right?” 
“Kenny? Who i– Oh! Kento. Yeah.”
Yuki followed in after you, her eyes lingering on the clothes you threw into the washer. It was only then that she realized you were wearing her university’s graphic tee. This might have been an ordinary occurrence any other day, but not when you spent the night at her old university friend and coworker’s house, especially not Nanami’s.
“You didn’t sleep with him, right?”
“No, of course not.”
“Good.” Yuki sighed.
“Good? Is he dating someone?” You felt your breath hold as you wondered aloud, only releasing it once answered.
“No, he doesn’t date.”
“Like at all?”
“Is there a reason?” 
“It's not my story to tell.” Yuki shook her head. “He is touchy about the subject.” You only nodded.
“Not even casual hookups?”
“Hey! No.” You would have been offended at the harshness of Yuki’s voice if her expression of horror had not been so amusing, “He is off limits.”
“What do you mean?”
“He is the lonely virgin; one hookup with you, and you will ruin him.” It was a little surprising to hear Kento was still a virgin, but not because of his age, but his demeanour. The way he carried himself. Indeed, he must have had someone he wanted to be with that intimately; surely someone would want him so intimately, but then again, you only knew him for a few hours; who knows what he is actually like.
“You make it seem like I am some succubus.”
“You might as well be Y/N.”You only rolled your eyes at her. “Listen to me, Y/N,” Yuki’s hands cupped your face like a child needing grave warning. “You can not deflower poor Kento.”
“He isn’t a child.”
“I know, but–” Yuki lost the words on her tongue, knowing no explanation would do it justice. “Just don’t. He isn’t Satoru or Suguru. He is a decent man, and if you slept with him, hell, if you kissed him, it would lead to places I don’t think you’d want to go to.”
“You hummed a sound of agreement and went to your bedroom to change. Thoughts of Kento are still in your mind; the more Yuki speaks about him, the more you want to pull back each layer of him to see what exactly makes him the way he is. Yuki’s words still echoed in your head as you showered “hell if you kissed him, it would lead to places I don’t think you’d want to go to.” But it was already too late. Kento Nanami was undeniably curious about you, just as much as you to him.
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CHAPTER THREE loading...
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acourtofthought · 2 days
"Lucien is unwanted by everyone, nobody likes him"
"But he is a good male." Cassian's heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien's face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. "And I came up here because Feyre said I should. I need to kill a few hours before I'm to meet with her and Rhys. She thought I might enjoy seeing Nesta at work." Elain, the wretch, had taken the seat between Feyre and Varian, about as far from Lucien as she could get. But as Eris strode by...I could have sworn there was something like sadness - like regret, as he glanced at Lucien. The Lady of Autumn's favorite son - not only from Lucien's goodness. But because he was the child she'd dreamed of having ...with the male she undoubtedly loved. "He cares for you." "He is a good male," I repeated. / "I don't like to see either of you unhappy." Friends, I realized. They had somehow become his friends. "He'd already made many friends across the courts and had always been good at talking to people." Ups and downs in friendships, misunderstandings, etc., does not mean a character is unwanted or disliked. Rhys was upset with Lucien at various points throughout the series but guess what? Lucien was upset with Rhys too! For good reason, reasons Feyre continued feeding into at the start of ACOWAR. Feyre was upset with Lucien at points throughout the series? He was upset with her too! He called her an asshole to her face and she admitted it to be true. Sarah continues writing scenes for Lucien because he is important to the overall story. Some of those scenes consisted of disagreements, obstacles, overcoming past beliefs, etc., but the point is they were introduced and resolved and led to the characters building a stronger foundation with one another. If Lucien was unwanted than he would simply disappear from the story like Briar, like Hart and Bron, and so on. Instead Sarah continues to connect him to future plots like Koschei, she has the fan favorites (Feyre, Rhys, etc) remind of us of how much they need Lucien because of his connections, she has Feyre JEALOUS that Lucien is choosing to spend time with Vassa and Jurian over staying with her, we're told how Lucien has super special private meetings with only Rhys and Feyre. As of the most recent book we have Cassian feeling sorry for Lucien regarding his situation with Elain (and Cassian thinking nothing of Az's love life). We have Rhys going to bat for Lucien regarding Elain and ordering Az to stop being an idiot. We have Nesta making conversation with Lucien, we have Feyre asking Lucien to check on Nesta's progress, we have Rhys and Feyre inviting Lucien, the only non Night Court / IC character to Solstice (their FAMILY holiday, something not even the wraiths attend) and Starfall. Tamlin turned his back on Lucien? Tamlin turned his back on his entire court. It's called depression and is not some tally mark for anti's to use as proof that Lucien is unwanted. "Elain clearly doesn't want Lucien". And yet she keeps his gifts and has not formally rejected their bond. She had no issues telling Nesta off, no issues returning Az's gift, so why exactly is she so hesitant to tell Lucien to stop coming around if she truly doesn't want him and never will? Nesta also ignored people because she was running from something so chances are good we're seeing the same with Elain. In one breath we've got anti's claiming that Lucien is forgotten, unimportant, unwanted, hated by all. In the next we've got them claiming E/riel is next while Lucien will receive the book after, where he's so important that he'll defeat Koschei alongside Vassa.
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