#but fandoms sometimes scare the shit outta me
spirits-n-giggles · 7 hours
Must.... conclude.... Beetlejuice story.... after.... 2nd.... movie....
Go on this journey with me.
Picture it:
A few years go by, Astrid is a young adult now.
Astrid and Lydia had become inseperable, immediately moving in with her mom after their Halloween from hell, but she eventually talks about wanting to experience dorm life for her first year of college. Lydia is happy for her daughter but is now afraid of being alone, not entirely sure with what might happen with so many dreams since the resurgence of 🪲he who shall not be named🪲 - and I want them to use that line as much as they used "keepin' it real."
The house on the hill will become internationally known as the notorious "Lydia Deets' Haunted Arthouse", she doesn't have her show anymore, but that didn't stop her reputation from growing exponentially after the Halloween fiasco. People wanna buy this property for millions of dollars, but Lydia will be too afraid of whatever might happen to anyone, should they ever meet the demon from her nightmares, so she keeps the house by using some of Delia's fame funds to keep the home in their name - something Delia would HATE lol- but Lydia doesn't wanna actually be in the house.
Betelgeuse is stuck in the underworld, trying to hide from a revived Delores that continues to terrorize the afterlife only now she is destroying the place. If the Sandworm can't kill Betelgeuse, how tf is it gonna kill Delores? Wolf Jackcon is of course on the case, but things are getting out of hand. This makes Betlegeuse a prime target for anyone with a soul that might wanna rat him out. And there are PLENTY who wanna rat him out. Trying to find a way out or a way to kill the broad, he has to get creative as he stays in hiding. And where is the place to hide? In a certain model town in a certain model home.
Rory will be undead and use his winning personality to act like he worships the ground Delores walks on so she doesn't suck out his soul. She will say she wants Betelgeuse and wants to kill Lydia. He is cool with that and says he will help her achieve that goal. He will then become her lacky and tell her how pretty and perfect she is to keep the target off his back. He will be terrified of her, but this will gradually make her love Rory, and this can cause some potential fun for future scenes.
Lydia has nightmares that always involve Betlegeuse, even including some wacky cartoon adventures from the show, but they'll be creepy and dark and stop-motion because Burton. She tries therapy, but it will end up being a bust. It's hard finding the right therapist with someone as much truama as her. OH MY GOD HAVE MICHAEL KEATON PLAY THIS CHARACTER!!!!! AND it will freak her out thinking she's seeing Betlegeuse everywhere!
This will cause her to become a shut-in after getting rich off the royalties of selling her personal story - a melodrama of love and the loss of two parents after a lifetime of hauntings. She sells this story to various people who want to write it into something. She will end up reading raving reviews about a live theater production of her story called "Ghost House" or "Scared Sheetless" after a graphic novel that was released or some shit. Supernatural levels of meta. Might as well!!! 😂
After a particular dream that ruffles Lydia awake in her own apartment, (the dream at the end of movie 2 maybe?) something strange will happen to the house on the hill, causing Lydia to go back and figure it out. Astrid will hear of this. Not wanting her mom to be there alone, she goes with her to help solve the mystery. Lydia thinks she knows what (or who) it is and doesn't want Astrid to come along, but she does anyway.
Hiding there in the model, Betelgeuse will see that Lydia and her daughter have returned, thinking she's finally come to her senses and come back to him lol. Betelgeuse gets desperate and gets Lydia's attention in the best way he knows how - dreams. They've got a phychic connection, right? And he's done it plenty of times, but now it's for business as well as pleasure.
It would be some kind of earthquake that shakes the hill. Being careful and walking around whatever damage was mysteriously done, some locals say its another haunting and they want to tear the house down and make something new. Aatrid can hear these comments and relay them to her mom. This will start making Lydia curious about the history of the hill this house was built on, especially since it's so close to the graveyard (the same place Betlegeuse was buried in the model in movie 1)
So she goes on a hunt in the small town, expands it a little. She can maybe even find the Mainlends old shop? This can parallel with expanding the afterlife a little too, while Betlegeuse is trying to find allies. Betelgeuse tries to round up anyone he knows that he can trust literally anyone from the past - gotta bring Catherine O'Hara and Gena Davis back, right? Stop motioning her in as a ripple in dimensional shifts or something and just use her voice. Richard would help as a thanks for helping his kid in the past. And I KNOW we can get Bob back if we tried.
Lydia can end up learning about some of Betlegeuse's history - finds a picture of an eerily familiar couple - but all this place knows is that they were only two of the many that were tossed in mass graves on this land centuries back but they don't know details other than they came from Italy. She will make it a mission to go to their original resting place to try to get more info. She's rich. She can do that. (Their love story was in Italy, right?)
Getting there, Lydia learns the urban legend of a murder suicide of some nutorious bad couple who was known for terrorizing the nights in their hellrsising escepades, but after they were dead and buried, the two lovers corpses, along with many other discarded corpses of dead evil people, were moved out of their original land and brought to several new places to be buried. Some corpses were even sold illegally to cargo ships, anything to get rid of the unwanted bad individuals so they could bring in the industrial revolution. There will be several names, but two will stand out along with a picture.
Delores and another name that's crossed out. Make it Lawrence, lol. Isn't that Betlegeuse's name in the cartoon?
"Betlegeuse?" Lydia whispers.
Astrid tags along with her mother, happy to travel and hunt creepy shit again. Her dad would be proud. This time she won't meet a boy but maybe a girl who was also doing her own research for school. Jeremy was technically her first experience with a boy, and it's possible to stray away from reminders of bad experiences and kids experiment at this age anyway. It will be a cute goth girl who is a fan of Lydia's old show and is one of the first girls Astrid's age to ever actually be nice to her. A nice connection. This could also be a ploy to pull Lydia back into BJs world again, too - yay twists! She can maybe be an illegal ghost girl looking for help from Lydia because she thinks she can help everyone in the afterlife.
Underworld is in chaos, and here is a rift between worlds after so many souls had been taken from the afterlife. There's no more order, and reality is breaking, and the only way to get everything back in order is to destroy the soul sucker and release the souls she has absorbed. The more she absorbs, the more power she gets.
They get home, and another shift happens between worlds, and with so much death in the afterlife, it's causing serious problems in the real world and Astrid has an idea to maybe call someone for help. Lydia shuts it down. But more rifts and earthquakes happen. She will have another dream of him trying to get her to call his name. And maybe she can awaken in a living nightmare caused by the rift between worlds, and they are both almost is almost killed (by a sandworm, why tf not!!!) before calling Betlegeuse for help.
Get real 'out there' and put those practical affects to good use and let the shenegins begin! As much as I love watching Betelgeuse try to marry Lydia, there is no attempt at marriage this time. There's too much to do. "I just saved your life, now you can help me save mine and finally kill that soul sucking witch for good"
Have him turn into a tour guide as he shows off different aspects of the afterlife, while the three of them run from people who have allied themselves with Delores to find Betlegeuse.
Imagine the reunion of seeing Rory with Delores. Imagine crazy shit that can magically appear to help end the story. Hell, have the goth girl Astrid meets to come back and redeem herself at the end. I dunno. She can appear and admit to being Delores daughter (before meeting Betelgeuse) and thats why she was at the same place Lydia and Astrid went in Italy to find answers- she was too.
This relationship can parallel Lydia and Astrid's positive one- have Delores sacrifice her daughter to start her sacrificial rite for power, and her daughter never forgive her (I swear I am just pulling this out of my ass) have the girl hold vengence for her mom and she can give Lydia the dagger that her mother Delores killed her with that still has the young girl's cursed blood on it. Dhe says to use it to kill Delores, but Betelgeuse is the only one strong enough who can get close enough to do it.
With so much chaos and so many souls taken, anything can happen in the underworld, and chaos ensues. Maybe even break in to see glinpses of the afterlife, a glimpse of hell and see how Jeremy is being tortured (it will be a silly Tim burton way). They can see part of the great beyond maybe Delia too? They meet Delores and she will say she is over Betelgeuse, and happy with her new pet Rory, but wants to keep "the juice" alive to torture him, satisfied with the new power she's gained.
Lydia will give Betelgeuse the dagger so he can pop her like a bubble and all the souls she's consumed will escape and go back to their soul holders. But why waste energy killing Betelgeuse when Delores can just use him? She is able to levitate him up but Lydia pulls him back down. Getting angry, Delores grows in size to show her strength, so Lydia will get a plan -
"Oh... you're not into him anymore, huh? So... you wouldn't care if I did this?" And she pulls that fucker in to kiss him. (This feels very Phantom of the Opera coded.....) Just a peck is enough for Delores to RAGE and she goes full attack mode. She goes after Lydia and Beletgeuse steps in front of her and kills Delores with whatever magical shit her dead vengegful goth daughter supplied, lol.
End it with Lydia being recruited by Wolf Jackson to find those who have been lost in the real world or something. Make it to where she and Betelgeuse have to work together to keep the plane between the living and the dead closed with her as the keeper of the house.
Have the house be the main character in the end!!!!
He'll then say, "So, you'll kiss me but you won't marry me? I get it-" He'll try to pull her in for another kiss, but she'll push him away.
"Nooo! No-" He lets her shove him to the floor, "I just knew something like that would save your ass." She wipes her hands clean of him. "You're welcome." He quickly jumps back up. "I know jealousy when I see it."
"Mmhm," he inches closer to her, but she crosses her arms looking away, seemingly uninterested.
She starts the countdown to make him leave.
"I can wait, honey. I know you want me." He flexes as he slowly walks away with pride. "No one can resist the juice once they've had a taste." He winks. Astrid groans for her mother, but she just looks to him like she always does.
"You'll wanna kiss me again." He holds his arms out in his iconic way. "I got all the time in the world." He thinks this is his end.
Turns out when killing the spirit of the soul sucking witch, the souls did escape, but her power needed to be absorbed by someone, and Betelgeuse didn't... really... need.... help with obtaining more power, did he?
Saying his name will do something... but it's no disappearing act.
Would he be like demi-god state now? Why the hell not? Give me an Aatarion evil ending kind of transformation. Give me love and deepspace realness. Go the whole nine and make him HOT AND SCARY in the end. Michael Keaton is attractive. It's doable! Antihero status! Make it wild! Demigod!!!! Imagine THAT being interested in you, Lydia. I don't think you'd say no. 👀
Throw in a musical number somewhere, and justice for Bob and you have a lovely story.
There. Done.
I don't think a 3rd will be made, and if there is one, I don't think it would be this ^ stupid! Lol
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silkythewriter · 2 years
General dating headcanons for Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie, and Glamrock Foxy?
General dating headcanons for Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie, and Glamrock Foxy!
Summary: General dating headcanons for Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie, and Glamrock Foxy!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and if their OOC!
Small note!: I don’t know much about glamrock bonnie and foxy but I’ll try! <3
Fandom!: FNAF!
Daily song suggestion!:
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✨🐻Glamrock Freddy!🎸✨
I feel like he is one of those golden retrievers boyfriend’s I mean he checks out all the needed traits, extroverted ✅, enjoys being touched✅, etc!
He’s also a big romantic like taking you on dates about the pizzaplex! And getting you into V.I.P rooms aswell as items and snacks!
Vanessa once caught him trying to sneak you into the V.I.P sections by getting you a V.I.P pass she scolded him but even if he was shameful he would re try tomorrow while being more careful cause he’s not just gonna leave you in the dust
Definitely let’s you keep some of the plushies he has In his room! Whatever is his is now yours!
He loves carrying you around or just picking you up regardless of your weight or hight! But he will stop if you ask him too! Trust me he wouldn’t mind at least if your comfortable:*)!
He has a hidden box of snacks and other things you need in his room for whenever you visit!
He loves playing hide and seek with you, even if he’s bad at it due to he’s size it’s still fun! But one time you crept up on him from behind and scared the living shit outta him needless to say he always checks behind him every once in a while💀
Sometimes you guys cuddle on his couch in his room! ( of course when the curtains are closed) he usually has you laying on him due to the limited space of the small couch (one of his leg’s is probably off the couch tbh) and his arms rapped around you
Ima be honest this guy gives off thigh lover small, medium, or large doesn’t matter! He just likes laying his head down on your lap while he’s on break!
I don’t think he would flirt much, I feel like he’s more physical affection! He will praise you though or just say random “I love you” through out the day!
I feel like he would use cute Nick names like superstar, darling,sweetheart,and angel! and if you give him one? He’s probably gonna ask for you to repeat it
I feel like he would use cute Nick names like superstar, darling,sweetheart,and angel! and if you give him one? He’s probably gonna ask for you to repeat it
Over all just a sweetheart! He would do almost anything for you! He’s a bit soft so please go easy one him but other then that he’s a dream to be with <3
He loves making little home made gifts! Or just gets the kids together in the day care to make you something!
He doesn’t like you around moon so when the kids go to take a nap ( assuming your a guard) he’ll rush you out of the room and ask for another person just in case
Loves to play mini games with you! Whatever you want he’ll play!
He can’t really leave the daycare so you guys mostly hang out there but on some rare occasions he can sneak out! But he isn’t the best at doing it cause if the bells on his clothes
Even if your not a kid person ( you don’t like kids) that’s fine! You can hang out off to the side as he takes care of them once he’s done though he’ll spend most of his time with you!
I feel like he would scare you by accident like you can just be chilling making sure the kids don’t hurt themselves and sun would just appear behind you and start talking outta no where and scare the living shit outta you 💀
Sense his face is made out of plastic/metal he can’t really kiss you but he’d hug you a lot! This man can’t even keep his hands off you when he sees you- you two are always holding hands or he’s side hugging you! Or really anything
He has cute nicknames for you like Freddy! He mostly calls you sunshine or just your name!
Sometimes he likes to surprise hug you and doesn’t let go like not even a bit 💀 he’s really clingy so keep that in mind!
You gotta save him from eating to much glitter glue-
Overall more on the clingy side so I hope that doesn’t bother you- also he’s very energetic so good luck 
The complete opposite of sun to be honest
He takes a bit to get use to touching you like cuddling and stuff so please be patient with him :(
He likes scaring you on purpose by flying in the air and landing loudly next to you ( if the kids aren’t there ofc 💀)
I feel like he’s a bit protective of you even if your fine- like there’s a spider on the wall and he already has his fist up in boxing potion 💀
He actually really appreciates if you help him put the kids to sleep cause it’s a bit less work for him
Sometimes he gets annoyed how sun gets to be out more then him cause it’s less time with you
Once he gets used to physical affection he’ll start holding your hand and pulling you around the day care as you guys just chilled and talked!
He gets really flustered if you smother his face with kisses- oml- man is overheating you can hear the fan dying
Sometimes he likes flying over to you on his little roof machine ( idk what to call it the thing that extends him into the air) and pick you up randomly 💀
Sometimes he gets sun to watch over you while he’s one shift, as much as he hates the thought if it he wants to make sure your okay!
Overall hes not the best at showing his love but he try’s, once you learn the pattern of his love you’ll understand!
✨💜Glamrock Bonnie 🐇✨
Please touch his ears-
Loves when you pepper his face in kisses! He does that little thing with his feet where he like bangs them against the ground-
I feel like he would love if you played with his ears! Like you sitting on his lap and he’s just bending his head down so you can play with his ears-
He’s love to teach you how to play guitar! I feel like he’s very patient at least with you so don’t worry!
He loves holding your hand while walking you around the place and talking away! He’s quite a talker so R.I.P your ears
He snatches some plushies from the gift counter and gifts them to you without anyone knowing. And to be honest he doesn’t care much if he gets caught
Loves having double dates with you and Freddy’s S/O it fun! But sometimes he’d just rather be alone with you
Sometimes his fans get in the way- like you two would be hanging out and a group of teens would come up randomly telling him how much they love him- like of course you don’t mind! And he doesn’t either!… at least that what he thinks 💀 he gets a bit annoyed but masks it very well!
I feel like he knows magic tricks ( personal HC) so he would definitely show it off to you! Like making a coin appear from behind your ear, or something else! He loves seeing your stunned face! It’s adorable to him he can’t help it!
I feel like he doesn’t really get jealous but when he does he gets whiny or just pulls you out of whatever convoluted you were in-
Overall a pretty cute but stubborn boyfriend he can be a handful sometimes but I feel like that’s one of his charms then flaws
✨🦊Glamrock foxy🏴‍☠️✨
He absolutely LOVES telling you random stories of his! He loves it more when you guys are just alone so no one can interrupt
When ever you hug him or you guys cuddle you can feel his tail wag- it’s absolutely adorable but he pretends it’s not there or just doesn’t notice it happen
Whenever he sees you he goes running to you in full speed getting ready to pounce on you💀 he just can’t help himself he loves you a lot!
I feel like he has a pirate hat hidden somewhere just for you with his signature on it! He loves seeing you wear it, it makes him fall more in love with you to be honest
He lets you run your fingers through his tail! He likes it but you have to be careful cause sometimes you accidentally step on it and that hurts like shit-
Bonnie loves to make fun of him about how excited he gets when your around. Like he can be in the worst mood and just get a glance of you and instantly gets happier
He loves bragging about you to the rest it annoys them but to be honest they just learned how to block it out
He loves playing video game with you! I feel like he’s kinda competitive so be warned! He might not go easy on ya
He makes you watch him play with the younger kids like 8-10 maybe cause it honestly adorable how he pretends to be a captain and their all the little pirates! Sometimes the kids drag you into it ( he wispier to them asking them to do it but shhhhhh)
He’d definitely make flirty comments with you at the worst possible times just to annoy you
Overall He is a menace sometimes but most of the time he’s honestly adorable!
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mediocre-noodle · 11 days
OKAY SO: headcanons
these can get kinda dark/angsty. seriously. however, its all discussional and only mentioned.
tw: suicidal thoughts/actions, mentioned suicides, mentioned depersonalization/derealization, mentioned self-sacrifices, “implied” depression (its canon atp—bc it is), spiraling, lack of preservation/being reckless due to suicidal thoughts (mentioned)
dont worry about the TWs aha— most of the time, he is fine. he is healing. he will get his happy not-ending. oh, why didnt i say ending? his existence won’t end… :]
remember how i said i made dallas in the middle of mcu hyperfix? i have mcu specific headcanons/interactions. not a lot but. yk. i also have a folder for “various multiverses” which is just fandoms + DSU (Dallas Striker Universe) i havent done a lot of expanding on
bc of the differing time systems in each universe, dallas often asks for the date.
“—no, i knows its thursday, what’s the DATE. cool, cool— and the year?? we’re in 2018??!! holy shit, y’all are behind.” (context: mcu)
because dallas travels the multiverse, dallas IS aware of our earth. its called ‘the core’ (core universe) for short— needs a real universe name system. but this means theyre also aware that they are a character made by me. they think its cool but also existential crisis?? (they are kinda fond of me. i know i made it that way shhh i just want a brother figure)
dallas often has issues telling whats real
like MAJOR derealization and depersonalization issues/episodes. will breakdown, dissociate, have panic attack, etc
he often sacrifices himself or takes the blow or someone else because he knows he won’t die. it traumatizes everyone else though.
examples: (MCU) the snap so tony wouldn’t die (idk enough about natasha or bruce), (HTTYD) getting between toothless and hiccup faster so stoic didn’t die, taking bullets/blows/spells/etc.
when dallas’ body dies, it fades into particles like in genshin (without the weird falling thing) but hes still there. it can materialize again if dallas wants or not. if dallas exhausted himself too much , itll take a bit longer. most of the time, it takes maybe a min (because dallas normally dies during fights so he has to get back to help faster)
after his respawn, people will notice something… off about his body though. did he always have that scar? why are his eyes so bright?? why is his skin slightly glowing? the light around his head oddly looks like a halo if you focus.. huh. (other times, dallas might come back in full ascended form, 6 wings and covered in Eyes, fuckin cryptid bitch. scares the crap outta people who don’t expect the unexpected.)
teleport mechanic looks like black swan (hsr) except taht its gold and not wind(anemo) colored
yes dallas can shape shift yes dallas can sound like hatsune miku and mickey mouse and copy other peoples (and animals) voices PERFECTLY because he can physically change his larynx/voice box
recites memes in the exact way the original is
makes cosplays easier. and pranks.
imagine its pitch black and all you hear is: *dish shatters* *in the voice of shaggy* sHIT—
“*spongebob meme voice* 3 hours later” “oh, for fucks sake, dallas—“
gets sleep-deprived easy. cannot pull all-nighters— will kill someone. /hj
says odd shit when tired.
they say odd shit anyways but it gets worse/no filter when tired
dallas knows every language bc he’s old (multi-dimensional being. a cryptid.)
also interacting with the worlds They watch isnt common btw. dallas is just lonely. he has seraphina and aji but he wants to help the eyeless.
like you See everything!! congrats! you know how that mother cried for her son after he died and that dog whining in the shelter and that family on the streets and the party being thrown in this house and that kid is being adopted and theres another corrupt government and more human experimentation and look at that, capitalism is ruining this world too-
it gets to be too much sometimes. so he tries to fix things. it wont fix that world’s original timeline, but at least it’s something.
in the first few decades after his death when dallas’ mental health was fucking terrible— err The Worst ig bc he had to accept that he was dead and most his friends are basically dead or that he’d never get to see them again— he did attempt to take his life several times. it never worked because he physically cannot die (aka Stay Dead).
and whenever dallas hits a rough spot, he tends to get even more reckless and self-sacrificial than normal. (hes pretty reckless to begin w bc he cant die. better him than someone else, right?)
he acts happy and energetic, but he feels stuck in a never-ending spiral of Nothing and Everything. doing his job to guide the multiverse is hard when each universe is Fucked Up. he’s tired.
again again again and again do it again do it again /lyr / over and over and over and over and over and over /lyr
fun fact: i decided to give him peace so the first universe he went into after Ascending is Hermitcraft. its peaceful. he got a lot of healing done there. he visits often.
dallas striker is such a sad character dude WHY DO YOU DO THISSSSSSS
i mean at least hes getting better!!! he is healing!!!!
also the sleep thing is so real hes literally me
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aerospectrum · 4 months
Unsure if I sent a response back sorry adhd brain is bad sometimes LOL but it’s been lovely talking to you too! I don’t have anyone to talk about the show with besides my mom who watches it with me but I still have Yellowstone brainrot. Again I’m a Beth girlie but it’s nice to talk to others in the fandom and discuss. I think the show is great because they’re all such victims of each other and the family dynamics are just horrifically toxic. Every relationship John has with his children is abusive and volatile in some degree. Branding Kayce because he disobeyed him. Pushing and punishing Jamie because he’s not who he wants him to be, sending him away to college when that’s not what he wanted. Beth is extremely loyal to him to her own detriment because I personally feel like she’s trying to make up for killing her mother and taking his wife away from him, but no matter how much she tries she won’t ever make that up in John’s eyes. Anyways, you have a good one 💕
Aaaahhh I have so many thoughts also the adhd brain is a mood for sure my dude! sorry it took me forever to get to this! I’ll put my stuff under a cut again only because I tend to ramble and I gotta save the dash sanity for others lol
ok first I wanna go back to Beth lmfao. god she has such depth to her and I feel like we’ve been cheated by T.Sher so badly. Her trauma is unreal and so unprocessed and so unexplored and it’s not faaaair. When it’s Christmas and she is terrified of what’s happening to her??? puberty and she’s terrified, my poor child, I felt so sad that that was such a scary moment for her and then she was already in pain too and her mom was just like “now I have to make sure you’ll survive this man’s mans world and make you ultra haaaard” that made me so sad because I feel like she already was trying so hard to survive as a child. then the flashback to her mothers death. Genuinely I still feel so much rage over it. She was clearly uncomfortable and did not want to be on this big animal that she wasn’t comfortable controlling and unsure of being on and her mom just idk completely disregarded her and basically told her “you’re shit outta luck man up” like girl what??? Your young daughter is feeling very unsafe on a dangerous animal, I get pushing your kids to face their fears but like why did it have to be a joke to East Jesus nowhere??? Then ITS NOT EVEN BETH’S FAULT, Evelyn’s horse spooks(it’s not even looking at Beth, Beth does nothing wrong and nothing at all to affect her horse) but yeah it spooks it’s fucking self and obviously crushes her but Beth is already weeping and scared and blaming herself and Kayce is so intune with the needs of everyone so he pleads for her to let him go get John and she LOCKS EYES WITH BETH AND BLAMES HER!!! straight up is like nah Beth’s the reason my horse spooked it’s her fault my horse crushed me she made this mistake being a completely normal scared child she has to fix this mistake
Beth didn’t even hardly know the way back her horse bucks her off, she gets hurt she runs back she’s already internalizing the grief of this unfair blame she’s saddled with and then what happens???? JOHN YELLS AT HEEEEER. crying screaming throwing up dyyyyying. home girl literally got blamed by her mom for killing her and then he dad yells at her for crying and being hurt and scared oh my gosh I’m so mad lmao. Um…. but yeah. Beth clearly struggled with anxiety and security at a young age and I think she wanted to make her mother proud and prove she was hard enough to survive “with the boys” so she could survive her own survivors guilt that Evelyn forced her to experience maybe???
also yeah!!! I do think John blamed Beth for his wife’s death and she’s desperate to make up for it but also resents John for moving on with any other woman because I think he made sure she felt she was responsible for Evelyn’s death and his unhappiness afterwards— maybe somehow that ties into like her resentment of what Jamie did to her too? Like maybe it triggers this massive guilt in her where she subconsciously thinks well fuck I stole my fathers happiness so my brother stole mine??? God idk what even is meta? Probably not this lol.
not me writing a novel on Beth’s childhood… but then a few years pass and she asks Jamie for help and yeah he fucks it up because well idk part of me does feel it was lazy writing on Tshers behalf again, because they had to be teens in the 90s and sterilization on Rez’s stopped in the 70’s I’m pretty sure idk still. But also like I just think with the fear of failing and the deep rooted trauma of “inate otherness” that Jamie clearly carried around from a young age I just don’t genuinely feel like it was in his character to allow Beth to suffer like that. He would’ve spoken up or argued with her about how he wouldn’t let her go in that clinic. They would’ve fought like shit but he would’ve convinced her that John finding out was better than being cheated out of motherhood and idk Beth and Jamie are just so goddamn conniving (in a good way) that they would’ve saved Rip from John’s wrath.
John’s undying love for the land and his egos unquenchable thirst for false pride and accolades is definitely his downfall as a father in my mind. They definitely are all victims of one another’s traumas and John’s refusal to acknowledge he’s the creator or root/epicenter of it all. All the siblings deserve so much better and I’ll never forgive the writing for completely wiping Lee out of the story too!!!
I also think about how if this is along the storyline that the Rez is still sterilizing women then John was completely ok with Kayce forcing that torture and agony on Monica if it meant protecting the pride of his ranch. But suddenly he’s upset Jamie took Beth there, like is he blind to his own double standards? Fuck but I love johns depth too. They’re all so weirdly complex and i end up thinking damn this man has a lifetime of unfiltered and unfinished trauma too aaaaaaaaahhhhh. I want to write all the things with Beth and John and Jamie lol. They sooth the shallow waters of my weird little soul soil.
sorry I ramble so badly, I can’t tell if that’s the adhd working or if I’m really just bad at staying on track because everything reminds me of something else and then I can’t find my way back to the circles beginning! But I’ve loved your asks they’ve been such high points in my time here thank you so much for talking and sharing in this with me my dude, I hope you have an excellent day/night/afternoon/dusk and beyond lol.
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hibiscusheir · 2 years
Bakusquad Playing Specter (Roblox) with game-experienced!reader
a/n: ty for the support on my last post :]] it means a lot to me. a lot of this may not be accurate, as I haven't written for this fandom in about a year's time, so it may suck, or it may not! -heir
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido
CW: cursing, getting scared, probably terribly translated Spanish on Sero's part
Katsuki Bakugo
At first, he denied your request to play.
"The fuck-? No way, that sounds stupid."
After a bit of convincing, he complies, and you teach him the simple ropes of the game.
He doesn't really get it, but he wants to win.
"What's this-"
"That's an EMF reader. If it goes up to five (5), we write that down, and it narrows down our selection to figure out the ghost."
"And this-?"
"...Bakugo, that's a flashlight-"
If a hunt starts, and you two are together, you'll lead him to a closet to hide and wait.
(He makes fun of the ghost through the closet)
If you're split up, however, he'll rage when he either gets in the closet too late or he can't find one and the ghost kills him.
"You didn't hide fast enough."
"Dude. It's a video game. Chill."
He wins sometimes, but you need to keep him grounded, otherwise, he'll get cocky.
Eijirou Kirishima
He would never turn down a game request from you!
"Hell yeah, sounds manly!"
I think he'd know some stuff, like what an EMF or a thermometer does.
But anything else, he doesn't know what he's doing, and you will have to explain to him.
He would try to address the ghost by the first name, even though it's chat and that's not how it works.
"*Insert name*! Y/N, why aren't they responding-???"
"It doesn't work like that, Kiri."
":( that's not nice."
When hunts roll around, you two are always in the closet together.
(Probably because he never leaves your side.)
On the rare chance he's not with you, he knows where to hide because you showed him.
You guys usually win.
If you don't you're alright with it!
Even if it's just a dumb glitch.
Denki Kaminari
He's so jumpy about the game.
Even the sound of running water makes him jump in his seat if it's sudden enough.
He'd need the flashlight if the lights went out/the generator was turned off.
Always hiding in either the closets or in the van
But if he gets the courage, he'll venture with you, solving the case together.
You gotta do most of the work, sorry. 🤷
Probably short circuits when jumpscared.
Would be the one to turn off jumpscares.
Though, he'd be pretty good about getting to the generator quickly to turn it back on!
(Because he's scared lol-)
You guys usually equally win and lose, most of the time, he dies though.
Hanta Sero
I think he'd be down to play, despite not knowing the game.
He's eager to learn, though!
Once you explain to him how to play, he's actually quite good.
He stays on track, doesn't get too cocky, and does well on his own.
...on easy mode.
On any other mode, however, the ghosts always scare the shit outta him.
Like during hunts, if he rounds a corner and sees the ghost, he yelps.
But he dies since there's nothing you can do
(unless you use a crucifix or sacrifice yourself lol)
Overall, you two make a pretty good team as long as the mode stays on easy!
"*High fives you* Ayyyeeee, we did it!"
Mina Ashido
(Disclaimer, this is my first time writing for Mina, so if its OOC, then I'm sorry T-T)
She'd be down!
Lowkey think she'd know what she was doing.
Like, she'd know what an EMF is, know how to use a crucifix, know where to put the book, etc.
She strikes me as the type of girl to look up paranormal things in her spare time, especially since she's training to become a hero! There could be a villain who is like one of these ghosts!
She may have played this game before you asked her to play with you.
May even be a higher level than you~
She may get a little surprised by the jumpscares, but not super freaked out by them.
And definitely not scared enough to turn them off, hehe.
A/N: ayyyyyyyyy that's the end of that one :) I'm sorry if the last three seemed shorter and if they were a lil (or a lot) OOC but i still hope you liked this! like, reblog, and follow if you enjoy this and want more content from me! my requests are open as well :)
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Hi yeah I'd like to change my formal opinion of you: you scare the shit outta me. Jesus Christ. Drink water okay good night sleep tight dream of whatever makes you happy but also isn't violent or off putting unless ur into that sorta thing which I kinda hope you aren't cause at first you seemed kinda wholesome but that's also me ignoring that the first post I really interacted with of yours was the one with different states eyes. Which by the way I dont think i ever told you this but that ask that I sent asking about your Team spirit au, I had that typed out in a Google doc because I wanted to make sure it was perfect like I was so scared you wouldn't respond and then you did and it was like!!!! Omg!!! Someone actually answered my voice!! And that's really wild so like, thanks for that. Really makes me happy when I think about that. Also you changed your profile picture and it kinda caught me off guard. Did you change it bc it's better to have art instead of stock images or because we found the penguin. Cause like either one of those is valid unless it was some secret third option in which case I am Intruiged. It's 1 am and I have a headache I'm so sorry about this I just wanted to let you know I really like your art and your writings. They are very fun to read and sometimes I forget that a lot of my ideas that I have about the states started with you so just take this as a "hey thanks for being you" ask but also don't? Like I am just blabbing to you over the phone and it's been 6 hours and you really wanna hang up but I won't stop talki
Just a lil' goofin' and gaffin' on my part, some spooky to poke at the nerves with. @atomivet can run all he wants, gotta get that cardio in. He has very nice art, so I wasn’t gonna do anything anyway. I am just a lil' baby penguin after all~
You were my very first ask, so you made me very happy too! Someone was actually interested in my ideas! And then I spiraled into fandom stuff and now I'm here. I thank you, very much! I, too, have all my headcanons first written down in Google Docs before I make the Tumblr post to make sure that it's as good as can be. Though that still doesn't stop me from overlooking things sometimes...
As for my new face, drawing @atomivet's ask gave me the opportunity to make a pfp similar to the stock image I was using but in my style. So I made the shift. It's a drawn me now! And I see you! From my little window!
Don't ever apologize for talking to me, I always enjoy and appreciate the interaction. Hope your headache gets better <3
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1ntr0v3rted · 2 years
Okay I’m a comic book nerd
Really a nerd in general with the good grades, reading, Pokémon, anime, just bs like that
But while I’m around my friends who not to be rude are very very bad at a lot of those their either obsessing over anime boys, only read smut, and also don’t have good grades
I’m not saying I’m better than them which maybe or maybe not I am bc them old people say this generation sucks which yk my class they suck it’s just like.. idk we all are f-d up in someway and it’s not our fault fully but yea
It’s sometimes the fact we don’t fully get the attention we want in life and yet my school is the best out of every school in my town which what. Those schools must be very sh*t if mines the best outta them all, which yes my school is very good they actually care it’s the children and they just suck up and do it or argue with the teacher and get sent home or their phone gets taken
I love how I kinda am a good student I get all the deets from teachers of students at some point a kid came back in complaining about how his phone got taken away and the teacher was like “kids do terrible shit and karma gets them” I LITERALLY MOUTH AGAPE THAT SHE WAS TRUSTING ME ENOUGH TO SAY THAT-
I listen to music specifically k-pop and even just indie-pop and yk MELANIE MARTINEZZ WOOO!! But to be specific why do people hate k-pop… I think it’s the fandom that scares people but to be honest it’s not bad music (unless ur bts) but yea like K/DA and (G)I-dle, twice, blckpink, even just regular people who sing in a different language it’s amazing I am amazed how it works and how they can sing even with choreography. I see it for how it sounds and how it’s made to have me like it not specifically how the music sounds to me just the work that was put into it that makes it good enough for me to listen to it with my time
- writen by a introvert- even written 3/4/23
Possible posts on same days for boredom fun.
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kyywtii · 2 years
Tears Of Themis boys as ||𝚃𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚁𝚂||
𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚐
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Chill and relaxing games
No screaming
No keyboard smashing
No table banging
No chair jumping
Just peace
Talks to his chat more than he actually plays tbh
Games like Unpacking and Townscaper where you don't need to use your brain that much
Sometimes... JUST SOMETIMES...
He feels like streaming for 7 hours to play all the Sherlock Holmes games humans have produced
7 hours playing the same game if he's really into it
Or if his chat is being annoying
Even fangames-
Every time there's a save point in the game he's just "Chat, let's take this opportunity to discuss all we've done so far"
Has an inside joke within the fandom about him having an OnlyFans account
Just cuz he attempted to make a joke once
"@Art3m1s feet pics when~"
"These are not for free"
"... guys what the-"
His mods hated him that day
Complete chaos
"@Art3m1s where did that picture of you and @Mariland go ? I can't find it on Twitter TT"
"Oh I just-... guys no"
"Omg is it what we think it is"
"Everyone... don't-"
Doesn't know how to deal with any of this istg
𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎
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I don't know what he's doing either don't ask me
This man rage quit Stardew Valley once
"@LukeyCharm... you need to use the right bait..."
"... I'm not playing this game anymore the cat is ugly anyways"
Switched to cooking Mama instead
Professor Layton is his bitch actually
Once the light in his room turned off because, well, light bulb
And that was the day he got his "man who doesn't pay his bills" reputation
"Omg @LukeyCharm... we didn't know you couldn't afford to pay for your lights we failed you as a community TT"
"It's okay !! You don't have to be ashamed ^^"
"We'll make sure to help you in the future ! Guys, make donations !!!"
"Guys I made a petition to raise funds and provide enough money for his electricity bills, go sign it!"
"Let's go ! Let's go! Sign it !!!"
Is actually so done with his community it's hilarious
"Will the lights hold until the end of the stream this timeeeeeeee???~"
"... I'm banning you"
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝚅𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗
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Listen first of all
Cat and dog ears filters
A price
He got multiple filters with multiple sizes and multiple colors and multiple shapes of multiple species
Depending on how long you want the ears to stay on his head
The price is all types of wallets friendly
Screams 24/7
Plays horror games to scream even more
Gets bullied by his chat on a daily
"@Mariland gives such bottom energy"
"??? Excuse you ???"
"Ikr !!! I mean one glance is enough to tell that!"
"HELLO where did this COME FROM"
"Omg @Mariland looks so cute when he's scared~~~"
"... I hate yall"
He actually loves yall
Someone paid 50$ just to ask him to say "UwU" one day
He actually was shocked ngl
"I'd do anything to hear him say UwU"
"Huh- nah I'm not saying that"
~ilovemelon donated 50$~
".... what was it you wanted me to say-"
Plays Genshin impact
And the Sims
And anything that comes his way tbh
𝚅𝚢𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛
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H i m
Which one of you encouraged him to do this
I mean forced
His community is by far the most disciplined one
Wonder how he has a community in the first place he treats his viewers like absolute trash I'm sorry-
Love hate relationship with his fans
"OmG @Vynyl remember that day when you couldn't pronounce the main character's name ???"
"Remember that day when you got blacklisted and got restricted access to content on this channel? I mean today?"
"... I'm sorry"
Gives his chat the silent treatment everytime they start being annoying
"I'm not even gonna acknowledge seeing whatever it is I just saw"
Actually lets his fandom choose the games to stream every now and then
Once someone requested a game saying it was one of the funniest most amazing underrated games ever
It was neither fun
Nor amazing
And it wasn't underrated rather overrated as a matter of fact
That bs shouldn't even have existed first of all
Man was so disappointed he decided to play Subway Surfers for 3 hours straight
"@Vynyl... Can't we switch games..."
"This is so booooooring"
"Suit yourselves"
"Cant we just do something else already TT"
"Next time you'll make sure to choose wisely."
Don't try to get him involved in any drama fr
"@Vynyl is so problematic he's literally so insensitive and disrespectful"
"... I literally saw you barking in my live yesterday"
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biqherosix · 4 years
hiiiiiiiiii do u write for the drgaon prince ??????????????????????? it’s totally not el spamming you again bc you deserve your ezran/callum x sister reader even if i’ll give it to you too
the secret life of katolis royalty - headcanons
prompt(s): the royal family uphold a proper, good reputation. but with you and your siblings, there are always bound to be a few secrets whether they're silly or not
pairing(s): familial! callum x fem! reader x ezran
fandom(s): the dragon prince
genre(s): fluff
warning(s): none (if there are, please feel free to point them out!)
other notes: hi el 🙄 anyway yes i write for dragon prince now because there is a lack of content in this fandom, especially for the royal siblings ! i want platonic goodness, and i'm getting it even if i have to make it myself. enjoy :) also reader may possibly be bi?? can be interpreted as whatever you'd like though !
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- so you're three years older than callum, making you at least seven when ezran is born
- you're so protective, no doubt about it
- and callum doesn't mind because you're not overbearing (if anything callum is more protective of you and ezran than you are of your brothers)
- which is why callum never finds out about your little things with both soren and claudia (more like a kiss with claudia, dating soren, and then breaking up with soren to try shit out with claudia; spoiler alert you kinda miss soren as much as you love your magical perky girl)
- another reason is that cal has such a major crush on claudia before meeting rayla and you don't want him to feel bad upon finding out
- but let's be honest ezran finds out because he walked in on you making out with soren after exiting a secret tunnel
- ezran gossips with you more than you both like to admit because of this huge secret only the two of you now know
- but it brought you two closer and he's really happy about that because now he gets to cuddle into your side while he asks questions and spills the beans while you play with his hair lmao
- yk sometimes you even shit talk callum and his sword fighting and that definitely stays between the two of you (he always wonders why you two are giggling under the tree whenever he plays around with soren)
- but you love your brothers and they love you so !! freaking !! much !!
- y'all are attached to the hip, you can't be seen without one or the other
- most of the time it's your brothers doing your thing and brushing up your knowledge on royal etiquette because a part of you is anxious whenever your father talks about his royal wrongdoings
- he doesn't mean to worry you, he just wants you to be prepared (you were in fact, worried and unprepared when he died and you now had three mf children and a dragon egg to take care of)
- don't worry though because callum and ezran are here to save the day and will tell you how amazing you are for hours, it honestly passes the time very well
- okay but i gotta get this outta the way before i forget but callum is the epitome of the "you're doing amazing sweetie!" meme okay?? he is
- where he succeeds (magic, art, being awkward) you on the other hand lack and vice versa (you are badass okay? you can fight and spar properly thanks to your mother's extensive knowledge and even without a weapon you can pack a punch)
- rayla doesn't really understand how callum can be so happy and perky even when you suck at what you're doing
- but he's your baby brother and he loves hyping you up
- callum is your biggest hypeman and always has been it's a second nature to him, trust me if someone were to mention your name he'd never shut up !!
- like this one time you drew rayla and callum on a spare piece of paper callum gave you and it didn't really turn out the best but he still fake cried and attacked you in a hug
- he keeps it in his sketchbook and he's never letting that go, so rayla jokingly judges him for it and your boy ezran backs you up with callum
- "i don't see why you keep it, i mean it doesn't even look like us! we're like lil' stick figures" "art is contemporary, rayla. it can be anything you want it to be! isn't that right zym?" "ez is right, plus it doesn't look that bad! it's cute. look, she even drew me doing magic! her markings are so accurate" "callum, i don't even know what spell you're doing" "it's clearly aspiro! look at the wind" "they're lines!" "that's what art is all about!"
- baby gets so nervous when he and rayla kiss bc he obviously has to tell you and your opinion matters most to him; he's just scared bc rayla always teases you and you may not approve
- so he kept it a secret for a fat minute after telling ezran, ez is so annoyed bc he has to keep your soren secret and callum's??? at least bait and zym are there to listen (man relationships are hard)
- you just laugh because you saw it coming and the moment is just so wholesome !! you tackle rayla into a hug, welcoming her into the family with "bad drawings and all" bc she never lets you live it down fr fr
- but later that night callum can't sleep and he lets out everything because he never really told you about his crush in the first place like he feels really guilty because you're always so open with him and sometimes he has some walls up, like how he was with king harrow even if you're his biological sibling
- also you bet on your life that you would do anything to make sure callum was content with his life and so after his lil rant and your assurance he asks if you've ever felt that way before
- and you had to do it to em, so you tell him about soren and claudia
- "why didn't you tell me anything before?" "you liked claudia! i didn't want to be the reason for your heartache" "but you're my sister, you deserve to be happy. maybe you and soren can work out" "eh, we'll see. not gonna lie i was ready to go back for him after he almost killed that dragon. he looked pretty hurt but you looked way worse honestly" "hey! you're making my heart hurt here y/n." "that doesn't count because it was playful!"
- you end up going to sleep that night leaning on each other because that's what you've been doing all your life — leaning on each other and you don't want him to forget that !!!
- you also wake up the next morning with ezran in between you sleeping soundly, and rayla comes back to the three of you making funny faces and laughing like there was no tomorrow
- she didn't get it but the three of you did, it was a simple moment that you would all cherish even after ezran becomes king — perhaps it even makes you better as royals
- and from then on, there were no secrets, just a family trying to piece themselves together again after so much tragedy
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Jasonette July Day 20: Then Perish
Written by: The Maribat Pit @jasonette-july-event​ Prompt: Then Perish (Part 1) Rating: M (violence, minor character deaths) A/N: We wanted to finish Jasonette July with a bang.  The second half will be posted tomorrow for the Saturday Challenge.  We’ve appreciated all your comments and kind words, we really do read every one. It genuinely means a lot to us and encourages us to continue writing together.  As a fandom you have been nothing but kind and supportive, and we enjoy bringing you fics great and small with a wide variety of genres, dynamics, and iterations.  Also blame DC fanboy for the memes in this fic. Marinette loved to travel, she had traveled all over the world from New York to Shanghai. Today, she traveled with her parents to Gotham City to visit her parents' friends, whom they had not seen in many years. Sabine was initially afraid to visit Gotham City, due to its crime rate and ever-growing list of criminals. Tom reassured his wife, saying that his big stature would scare any would-be criminal from harming them, that the trip would be short and they would visit Metropolis afterwards. Marinette wore the Ladybug Miraculous, just in case something were to happen. As the family got off the taxi at Park Row, everyone felt something was off. "Park Row really has...changed." Thomas muttered. Sabine held on to both her husband and her daughter, "I think we should leave." she said. Soon shadows began appearing around the corner, then came the yelling, and soon after came the gunshots. Thomas grabbed his wife and daughter and ran to find shelter from a hail of bullets. Marinette looked back to see many civilians, men, women and children caught in the middle of this gang war.  She needed to be a hero, her father could take care of her mother, she needed to save those in danger. She freed herself from her father's grasp and ran behind a corner, she whispered "spots on" and transformed into Ladybug. Diving and flipping across streaking bullets everywhere, she flung her yo-yo to drag any unfortunate bystanders into an abandoned building. While in a building with innocent civilians, she peeked her head out the window to see a monstrous man.  Wearing a blood red helmet and wielding two pistols, he systematically killed everyone before him. His flips and kicks were graceful yet brutal, the cries of pain and pleas for mercy made her shudder. She couldn't fight him, no, she was afraid to. It would be best to find her family, she did all she could and got bystanders to safety. She quietly transformed back into Marinette and went to look for her family. She ran back to where she last saw them, she scoured the streets shouting "Maman! Papa!" hoping that using her French would help her parents find and identify her. She soon ran into the Red Beast, as she began to turn and run back before she saw the two people at his feet. “<No, no no no, please god no.>” she whispered to herself, tears building in her eyes. There lay her parents, in a pool of their blood with bullet holes between their eyes. Marinette dropped to her knees, silently crying. The Red Hood either didn't see her, or chose to spare her and decided to walk away. Marinette ran to her parents, grabbing them both and shaking them. "<Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me>” she wept. Later, she was picked up by the GCPD. They escorted her on the flight back to Paris along with the remains of her parents. When she arrived, she was approached by the Aide Sociale à L'enfance (ASE).  They told her that she'll be staying at a nearby orphanage until after her parents' funeral. Then she would then be sent off to live with her only remaining relative, her Great-Uncle Wang in Shanghai. On the night before the funeral, Marinette was unable to sleep.  She curled her legs to her chest while she sat on the mattress.  She has spent the past few days researching the mysterious Red Hood, crime boss and self-proclaimed Prince of Gotham.  She read article after article of his meteoric rise to power, first conquering Black Mask, then The Penguin. Nightmares plagued her whenever she closed her eyes, she saw the Red Hood tower over her parent's lifeless bodies, covered in their blood. She was worried about being sent off to a foreign country tomorrow evening, while barely even speaking any Mandarin. All the while knowing that once she is on that flight to Shanghai, her parent's killer would without a doubt walk free. Morning comes, yet Marinette still thinks of what she should do. Could she really go to Shanghai to start her life anew, not knowing the language and allowing her parents’ killer to go on unpunished? At the funeral, while standing over her parents’ graves, she remained silent. The priest, ASE agents and her friends all came to pay their respects. Each of her friends approached her to give their sympathies, but she did not listen to a word they said. The Red Hood weighed heavily on her mind, and she made her fateful decision. To run, run and never look back. She had prepared a backpack containing the Miracle box with all the Miraculous, along with a few essential supplies and money. She turned into Multimouse to sneak on board a passenger aircraft to make her way to Gotham City.  Jason knew, better than Batman, that fighting crime sometimes meant getting your hands dirty.  What started as a petty squabble between two rival gangs grew into a bloodbath.  He missed Roy at times like these, Artemis and Bizarro were still missing, but he held out hope that they would one day return to this Earth. A teenage girl with an impressively sturdy yo-yo had burst onto the scene, trying to get civilians to safety.  He was a bit too preoccupied with the battle to get a good look at the girl.  Knowing Bruce, the next time he’d see her, she’d be under his wing.  Sadly, there were two civilians that neither of them could save, a large, burly looking man and a tiny woman.  The person who shot them with frightening accuracy had got away, moments later a teenage girl had arrived on the scene.  There was a brief flash of fear in her eyes when she saw him, and she would have just scurried away if only he hadn’t been at the very spot where her parents lay dead.  The girl was inconsolable as she fell to her knees and wept, pleading with them in French.  Red Hood walked away, thinking it would be best to leave her to grieve.  There wasn’t a whole lot he could say in English that would make her feel any better, never mind in French. He watched from a distance as the GCPD arrived to pick up the pieces, Red Hood watched from the shadows as police officers and an interpreter tried to get the girl’s side of the story.  From what he gathered, the girl’s name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her family owned a bakery in Paris.  Her next of kin was a relative in Shanghai, and it sounded like the best option for her would be to go and live there.   The plan was to ship her and her parents’ bodies back to Paris, and let child services take it from there.  He would have probably told her to get as far away from Gotham as possible, away from the clutches of a certain someone who was also orphaned in Crime Alley.  He saw her cradle what looked like a small pink doll to her face as she wept, before he turned and walked away. A week later, Jason had a break in the case.  This was all caused by some low-level members of the Falcone and Maroni families continuing their decades-old battle.  As far as everyone knew, the crime families swiftly executed the men responsible and went about their business.  Two crime families were unable to keep their lackeys in check, and now the people who weren’t lucky enough to be whisked away by Yo-Yo Girl, were now either dead or wishing they were.   He thought back to poor little Marinette, wondering where she was now. Bruce confronted him at the Iceberg lounge shortly after the incident, to which Jason explained that the perp had got away.   He had killed people before, and that wasn’t stopping anytime soon, after all it wasn’t that long ago that he tried to kill the Penguin.  “This may surprise you Bruce, but the Red Hood isn’t the only one who uses guns in Gotham '' he snapped.  There were some lines that even he did not cross, lines that he had drawn for himself. Judging by the accuracy of the gunshots, this was no accident.  Their daughter was probably starting a new life, probably on the other side of the world.  Still, he wished he could have said something to the girl, a simple “Hey, it’s gonna be all right” probably would have sufficed.  Little did he know that Marinette was making her return to Gotham City.  She would have her revenge on the Red Hood, and this time she had nothing to fear and nothing to lose. After her very uncomfortable 10 hour flight from Paris to Gotham City in the cargo hold, Multimouse quietly sneaked out of the crowded airport without alerting anyone. Marinette wandered around Chinatown, thinking of her next step. She was thinking about how she would have to go through the city with a fine tooth comb to search for a lead, likely starting small with his men in the streets.  Before she could put the earrings back in her backpack, Tikki begged her to reconsider what she was doing.  “Please Marinette, you need time to heal, to grieve,” she pleaded, but Marinette didn’t need the powers of healing, luck and creation. If and when she encountered the Red Hood, she wanted to bring him death, misfortune and destruction.  After all, that was exactly what he had brought her.  With a stroke of luck, she overheard someone getting a beatdown.  "You get your ass outta here, this is Red Hood's turf. If you wanna sell that shit, you gotta give the boss his cut."  Marinette whispered "Plagg, claws out" and transformed into Lady Noire, before sneaking up behind one of the Red Hood’s men. He released the person he was beating, and chased him out the alleyway.  She took this opportunity to swing her staff,  hitting the back of his neck and sending him face first into the ground. He immediately tried to stand up, as he stood on wobbly legs he took out his knife from his jacket. "Oh shit, Catwoman?!" he yelled. Lady Noire used her staff to sweep him off his feet and slammed her staff onto his face.  "Where is the Red Hood?" she growled.  "Screw you bitch!" the goon retorted. Lady Noire had a feeling that he wouldn’t tell her the location of the Red Hood, so she decided to try a different approach. "Fine then, why don't you give your boss this simple message…" Before she could finish her sentence, she heard the telltale click of a gun being loaded. She turned around and started spinning her staff, creating a grey shield to deflect the storm of bullets that were being fired at her.  She moved her hands at a rapid pace, and frantically pushed back against the hail of bullets.  As the bullet storm subsided she looked up and saw, up on the fire escape, was the Red Hood with an assault rifle. The Red Hood casually tossed his gun aside and asked "So, what's this message you have for me, Catwoman?" He gracefully did a forward flip and landed in a crouch.  "Wait a minute..." he said, the first thing he noticed was that this person was tiny, 4’11 or maybe 5’ on a good day. Her eyes were a bright acid green with dark slits like a real cat’s pupils.  "You're not Catwoman, you're too short to be her, for one thing.” he remarked “also she usually has a whip instead of a staff, who are you?" Lady Noire gritted her teeth, "You killed my family" she answered with a low growl. "Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down Kitten?" Red Hood's taunts made her snap.  She screamed "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" The Red Hood stared at her, as he crossed his arms.  "I don't even know who you are, what's your beef with me?" He asked, Lady Noire lunged at the Red Hood with her staff, she swung wildly to try and hit him.  He dodged most of her strikes with ease, “Is that the best you’ve got?  You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”  Where she might have lacked in skill, she made up for in determination.  She wasn’t pulling any punches, he had to give her that.  He caught the staff under his arm, and punched Lady Noire with his free arm.  As he went on the offensive, he slapped her staff aside, and came at her with a series of punches and kicks.   “So, what do you want Kitten? Money? Jewels? A very big ball of string?”  he joked.  “All I want is revenge,” she spluttered. “Get in line Kitten, you’re in the city that runs on vengeance” he retorted. Marinette was lucky that the suit gave her enhanced speed, strength and endurance. She always loved how the Lady Noire suit felt a lot lighter compared to the Ladybug suit. Though she shuddered to imagine what her opponent would do with this power.    He raised his leg to end his combination with a forceful downward kick, Lady Noire raised her staff up to a horizontal block to stop the kick. Upon contact with the kick, the staff split into two, and then Lady Noire launched into her counter attack. She was striking the Red Hood with a flurry of blows with both halves of her staff.  "Escrima sticks too? Looks like we have a Nightwing fan here” he smirked under the mask; this new girl was just full of surprises.  He brought his arms to the sides of his head in a defensive posture, blocking the onslaught of strikes from the escrima sticks.  Red Hood then grabbed Lady Noire by the back of her head, placing her in a Thai clinch. He launched a powerful knee to her face and sent her reeling back. He drew his pistols and fired a torrent of bullets at her. Lady Noire had to dodge, weave and use her staff to deflect incoming bullets. One bullet even grazed her cheek. She then pointed her staff at the Red Hood and extended it with so much force it slammed him against the wall of a nearby building. Without giving him any breathing room, she then retracted the staff. She launched herself towards him and then dropkicked his face straight into the wall. His helmet cracked against the tremendous pressure. "It's now or never” she thought, as she cast Cataclysm and swiped at one half of the Red Hood’s helmet. She saw the helmet dissolve and reveal the target beneath.  She noticed that underneath the helmet he wore a red domino mask, not unlike the one she usually wore.  She would have time to think about how overly dramatic that was later, as she used her other hand to pick up the knife on the ground that the other goon left behind.  She jumped on top of the Red Hood, “Now perish!” she cried out as she thrusted the blade towards the exposed part of his face. Red Hood recovered quickly and caught her hand holding the blade. As the two struggled for the knife, Lady Noire tried to swipe at him with Cataclysm again.  Suddenly, she felt the power of 50,000 volts coursing through her, as the Red Hood activated the taser hidden in his chest piece.  She powered through, running purely on anger, grief and adrenaline. She was only able to struggle for about a minute, before passing out from the pain.  Red Hood flipped Lady Noire’s unconscious body aside, before he took off his helmet to inspect the damage. "The hell?." he pondered, "So, indestructible staff that can do double duty as a shield, and the ability to disintegrate things with one touch. Let's find out who you really are."  He slowly stood up and looked down at her unconscious body. He tried to peel away her domino mask, yet it would not come off. He tugged on the mask, even to the point of lifting the unconscious girl off the ground. He released the mask, and let the body drop with a small thud.  The Red Hood began talking to himself "She either superglued the mask on or it’s something else. Considering all that she can do, I'd say 80% chance it's magic and 20% a lantern. Either way a 100% pain in my ass".  He heard a small beeping noise and gingerly lifted her hand up off the floor.  As it emitted black and green energy, he noticed that she had a ring on.  The beeping came from a small picture of a paw print, which was missing a few pads.  If she was a lantern, that ring was going to run out of charge any moment now.  He took out his phone and called the Iceberg Lounge. He requested that they send for a van to pick him up and his new guest.   He requested that the Su Sisters get her cleaned up and ready. He needed to find out who sent her and who she worked for. He took out the special handcuffs that Batman designed when dealing with metahumans. As he walked towards Lady Noire about to cuff her, he heard some more beeping, followed by a bright light surrounding her.  Her suit and mask disappeared, leaving behind a small girl in pastel pink clothes who was probably no older than 15 or 16.  Her long braid changed back into a couple of shoulder-length pigtails, and she had a pink backpack on her back.  Jason looked inside the bag, there were a few sets of clothes, a wallet and an antique Chinese jewelry box.  He wondered if that ring was just one of many tools in her arsenal.  Jason's eyes widened, he recognised her as the girl he saw a few weeks ago when the turf war in Crime Alley broke out.  "What’s she doing here?" he said to himself aloud, “ Idiot” he muttered. He remembered following the girl and her GCPD escort to make sure she boarded her flight back to Paris.  She was supposed to be with her remaining family. Yet she came back to, no, ran away to Gotham City.  All for revenge.  He checked her wallet and saw the name printed on it, he sighed, this just confirmed that she was the same girl. When she had her revenge, what would she do then?  He wasn’t the undisputed master of thinking things through, but even he thought she was a fool to come back here.  Gotham City didn’t have the best track record dealing with orphans.  He knew this from personal experience, but there was that time where many were rounded up and sent upstate to juvie, for the crime of trying to survive on the streets.  He would have been in the same position, had it not been for his own fateful encounter in Crime Alley. He shuddered to think what her other option would be in a place like Gotham City, becoming a Robin.  Part of the reason he wanted her out of Gotham was so that Bruce wouldn’t get any ideas about taking her in.  When the car arrived, he scooped up the girl in his arms and carried her towards it.  Marinette woke up with her heart beating frantically in her chest, the first thing she saw was a bright light.  She was dead, she had to be, the last thing she remembered was confronting the Red Hood and now he had killed her.  She slowly sat up, she looked down to find that someone had changed her clothes, she was wearing light blue pajamas.  She started to look around, to her left there was a large floor to ceiling window where she could see a city at night with bright twinkling lights.  On the table next to her was the Miracle box, she quickly grabbed the box and looked through it. She gave a sigh of relief when she saw that all the Miraculous she brought with her were still there.   Suddenly, Marinette heard someone clear their throat.  At the foot of the bed, stood a rather large woman who had a bundle of clothes in her hand.  Next to her was a blonde woman with pink highlights who had a tray of food. “Oh good, you’re finally awake” the large woman said gruffly, she set the clothes down on the edge of the bed.  The blonde girl set a tea tray down in front of her, along with a couple of pastries.  Marinette’s heart sank at the sight of the croissants, they reminded her of her parents and their bakery. “Eat up and get dressed, the boss wants to see you later” the blonde woman told her, before skipping to the larger woman’s side.  Just as the two were about to leave, Marinette piped up, “Um, where am I?” she asked, “Who is your boss?” “You’re in the Iceberg Lounge in Gotham City”, the large woman told her gruffly.  “The name’s Suzie, this is one of my sisters, Candy. Our boss is the owner.”  Marinette gave an awkward wave as they left, and Candy returned it with a more cheerful one.    She took a bite out of the croissant, it tasted cold and dry. However, if she was going to defeat the Red Hood, she’d need all her strength. She put Plagg’s ring back in the box and reached for Ladybug’s earrings; she needed a new tactic.  When Tikki appeared in front of her, she also quickly looked around the room before looking back at Marinette with a concerned look on her face. “I couldn’t do it,” Marinette explained “he managed to stop me and I ended up back here”. Tikki’s eyes were sympathetic as Marinette held her closer to her face, “Are you sure you still want to go through with this?” Tikki asked.  “For now, I have to get changed and go upstairs to meet the boss.  Maybe he’s the one who found me after the fight was over” Marinette theorized as she gave Tikki the cookie from the tray.  While Tikki quietly nibbled at it, Marinette stood up and walked over to the edge of the bed.  Inside the small bundle of clothes were a simple white blouse and black skirt. They were a little big, she would probably hem it if she had her sewing machine.    Moments later, a tall woman with dark hair led Marinette into the penthouse, a large room with a desk in the corner.   A tall man in a suit stood with his back towards the door, overlooking the sparkling city skyline.  She slowly stepped inside, looking around the room as she walked towards the man.  “Um hi, who are you?” Marinette asked as she apprehensively walked towards him.  She couldn’t help but feel small in that grand high-ceiling room. “I am the owner of the Iceberg Lounge,” he explained. “I guess the question I should be asking is…” he turned towards her and Marinette saw he had a domino mask over his eyes and a red half mask covering his nose and mouth, “who are you?” He threw something at her and she caught it.  She looked down and saw the Red Hood’s helmet, half of it looked as though someone tried to tear the metal open.  Then she remembered everything she had researched about the Red Hood, and the fight that took place not long after she arrived back in Gotham. “You…” she hissed. To be continued...
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jdmorganz · 3 years
but like how are you gonna expect her to be level headed with the man who beat her husbands skull in while she was pregnant? it's unforgivable and she wasn't around to see negan change and get to know his story more like we have, she's not privvy to that kind of information. yes what she's doing is irrational and I think that's the point, I think it's to point out how much negan being around does effect her and her decision making skills. and before you ask why have him around? Why would she ever let him out of her sight when she thinks he's capable of killing more people she loves? also yes the teeanger thing sucked but thats not the first time a teenager has been left to die in this series that's an unfortunately semi common thing. I do think things are being pushed against negan pretty hard this season but its only the 3 episode so im sure theyll balance it out, big negative into a big positive or something since theyre really hitting on the redeemed thing. who knows maybe he'll redeem himself to maggie. thatd be sick as hell, maybe saving her son or daryl who knows, i'm sure itll be great. either way cant deny that their acting chemistry together is gonna make an incredible season, that friction between them is just *chefskiss* and its gonna make for a bitchin last season
also side note I dont think youre a misogynist for not liking maggie sometimes you just dont like characters and thats okay, i hated abraham and sasha to spite their rationally very good qualities.
sick blog love you 10 outta 10 gifs
Hey, like I said, I get her hating Negan and I don't ever expect her to forgive him, BUT just to say hey, what do you expect when she's around the guy that killed Glenn feels like an excuse to me. Which I feel like people do that a lot for all of the characters, but Negan. She got people killed. It's her fault. Whether she is acting irrational or not. Plus, she does know that Negan is different. Carol told Maggie that they would have lost everything if not for Negan. She knows that he did things to save the people she loved. This is another thing I have a problem with, time has caused Maggie to become dark. This change is acceptable. But change is incapable when it comes from Negan? It just brings me back to that whole "hypocrite" attitude that Maggie has. I think the thing that a lot of people miss with this show is that it's really not a show about good or bad guys. It's a show about people who are survivors. They all were doing what they thought they had to do to survive. Everyone at this point on the show has done something bad to survive, but the only people who get excuses for it is The Family.
To me a lot of what people say about Maggie and how she is acting is just a lot of excuses. It's her fault for things. Not Negan's fault. Saying she brought him to keep an eye on him. That's bs, she straight up told Negan he was right about her that she brought him there to kill him. Even Josh got Lauren to admit that she didn't agree with the way that Maggie was doing things (which only further proves what a good actress that Lauren actually is)
The teenager thing was wrong. I'm sorry, but it was. Gage was just a scared child. A stupid, scared child. It doesn't excuse what she did.
I do enjoy Maggie and Negan working together. I think you have two extremely powerful, strong characters and as a team they would be devastating to people, but I think her hatred for Negan is what got people killed. She's a horrible leader at this point. I think both Jeff and Lauren are incredible. I just hate seeing what a hypocrite they continue to make Maggie. As I said, I was never a fan of the character. Glenn was my favorite character for the longest time, but when it became Glenn and Maggie it was just a huge turn off for me. She treated Glenn like shit from the get go and was always severely judgmental and hypocritical.
I think episode 2 of this season was one of the best of the whole series. There were so many good moments that my mind was loving every bit of it. It really was! I just can't stand the character of Maggie.
It's okay to like or hate any character you want. We all have our reasons and they are acceptable considering it's fiction. I just hate seeing people try to attack real life people over fiction. That's where the fandom is a mess.
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callmemythicalminx · 4 years
❄️17th of December❄️
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❄️Imagine how Sam, Paulie and Tommy react to people flirting with you❄️
Fandom: Mafia Definitive Edition
Warnings: Some mature langauge, implications of childhood trauma, refrences to sex.
Summary: A small collection of my own ideas on how our Mafia men react to people flirting with you.
A/N:These are kinda, gonna lead nicely into the next headcannons on the 20th but that’s all I’ll reveal for now. But I think y’all are gonna like them, they literally took a day to write. 
Dedicated to:  @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @lolita-wolfson @xxsamanthaxx @kneelingforvillains @loutino20 @levitate-gengar @dorothynerding ​ @blackbladevika ​ @my-blog-for-me ​ @rammstein-obsession ​ @octorebel @demonsouthere ​@mayday1284
Sam is the definition of a protective boyfriend.
Not controlling though as he gives you freedom of course. 
But he’s still very protective, for many reasons. 
First and foremost, you're an automatic target because your boyfriend is a Caporegime. 
So he’s always stuck to you like glue whenever you’re out in public, keeping you close with at least one arm wrapped around your waist or arm. 
Second, he’s terrified that you’re eventually going to leave him and find someone better to love. 
You always assure him that your heart belongs to him but he can still get jealous easily. 
He practically hates himself most of the time because of the way he was made to feel as a kid, so it’s easy to see why he’s always worried. 
Whenever a man approaches you and starts flirting, Sam will stay away first, assessing the situation silently while he glares daggers at the guy making moves on his girl. 
Like, just imagine him sitting laid back, slowly smoking a cigarette as he looks at you calmly. (Like the gif)
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Give it a minute then Sam is up, cooly striding towards you. 
You always anticipate your boyfriend coming to ‘save’ you from these men flirting with you but you never know what exactly he’ll do. 
Sometimes he’ll just wrap his arm around your waist and pull you into his chest, telling the guy “Fuck off. She’s mine.”
If he’s feeling particularly riled up, he’ll just pull you into a hard, passionate kiss with his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, leaving you breathless after breaking the kiss while he threatens the guy with breaking his legs if he doesn’t leave. 
On the odd occasion, he’s completely cool as he appears, even smiling at the man with a strange look in his eye. 
Then he’ll lean forward and REALLY threaten the guy with a deep whispered growl, which always ends with the guys sweating profusely and essentially running away. 
You’ll both end up laughing about it eventually but if Sam is really pissed off, expect some rough quickies tucked down an alleyway, in the bathroom or in the back of his car. 
He’s so bloody hot when he’s angry that you’re all too happy to burn off some adrenaline with him afterwards. 
This man is a loud protective boyfriend. 
He grew up neglected, so he’s always scared that the people he loves most will eventually leave him or deem him unworthy of their love. 
This comes between you quite a bit but you don’t mind. 
Firstly, he’s really hot when he gets all protective over you. 
Secondly, you love reminding him just how much you love him everytime he needs it, holding him close while you sleep or doing some other ✨naughtier✨ things. 
For the same reasons as Sam, he’s worried as hell that something will take you away from him. 
Because he’s always felt so lonely and doesn’t want to go back to that feeling, he won’t even give the guys a chance to start speaking before he’s wrapped around you, telling them to fuck off. 
Paulie gets into too many fights because he overreacts straight away. 
While he’s punching the ever living hell out of someone, you usually end up standing to the side, waiting for your boyfriend to finish while you sip at your drink or pick at your nails. 
Patience and subtly aren’t exactly Paulie’s best qualities. 
So you just know to expect him to appear at your side in less than 30 seconds anytime any guy talks to you. 
He already loves public displays of affection so anytime he has to get a guy to back off, nine times outta ten, he’s probably gonna kiss you hard before threatening the guy. 
If for some reason, the punk has foolishly decided to stay in the near vicinity, he’ll just get glared at by Paulie until he eventually leaves. 
Lots of him putting his hand in very visible, clear areas on your body that show your his. 
So expect a hand on your thigh if your sitting down or his arm banded around the curve of your waist. 
Is also a man that will need to burn off his adrenaline straight away, so he’ll sneak you away probably as soon as he’s finished beating the guy up or threatening them. 
This little shit is smug as all hell when you walk back into the room you were in before, smirking wide when the guy you were talking to notices your flushed, breathless self. 
You’ll never tell him but sometimes you intentionally try and get guys to talk to you, so Paulie can burn off some of his built up anger and steam, while you got a quick, rough quickie out of it. 
With Tommy, it’s definitely 50/50 on how he reacts to guys flirting with you. 
He’s more controlled than Paulie and Sam, taking more time to access the situation before jumping into action. 
Make no mistake though, that doesn’t mean he downplays the threanting vibe. 
If anything, it’s even more intense. 
We’ve seen this man in the game when he’s trying to scare someone, it’s enough to make even the bravest man want to run away. 
He’s not worried that you’ll leave him, his biggest fear is more linked to that fact that you’re a target because of him. 
Tommy feels bad already that you're dating a criminal, so anytime any guy tries flirting and you clearly don’t want it, he’s ready to cause some pain. 
Compared to his best friends, he’s definitely more threatening with his body and facial expressions than his words. 
He’ll gladly threaten the punks with detailed words of violence, but one look from him usually has the men running. 
Tommy will slip up silently from wherever he’s been glaring the punk down, slowly wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. 
The look on his face is quick to get the guys to back off, but on the odd occasion they taunt him, you know it’s time to move outta the way. 
Next thing you know, Tommy will have punched the punk in the face and will be hitting the ever living hell out of him on the floor. 
You’ll just stand to the side waiting for him to finish and knock the guy out. 
While Sam and Paulie don’t mind claiming you as their own with a hard kiss, Tommy is much more private about that. 
He easily claims you as his own with just an arm around you or with his eyes glaring daggers into the punks. 
That doesn’t mean there won’t be sex after, oh no. 
Instead of a quickie, Tommy will instead wait until you get home and then take you roughly to burn off his adrenaline. 
Honestly, you love it more than you should, the build up of knowing it’s coming after a confrontation makes you weak at the knees. 
Tommy knows you’re getting excited too as he’ll always smile smugly about it and refuse to touch you properly until you get home. 
Thanks for reading minxies! <3
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taglegend · 4 years
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Tag Fact #3 -  I’ve come to realize I’ve always been a fan artist more than I thought. so here is a timeline of influences that shaped my childhood to now. from nostalgic times, to sad changes, to great loss, to strange rises to fame and phases, to stepping stones and finally a laughing place. all the things that make up your favorite fan artist Tag.
1. Rayman (bumped into this in the year of 1999) was actually the first fandom (with crossovers) I bumped into when I was 9. although the internet wasn’t available at the time it was still fun to dwell in home amusements. I remember the storylines and the OC’s I made but they’re kind of embarrassing and it’s probably a good thing there was no internet. I’ve done fanart and comic crossovers of Rayman with Calvin and Hobbs and Nights Into Dreams, spinoffs of Sonic the Hedgehog OC’s, Yoshi with Pikachu, and the Pokemon/Digimon craze with OC’s and other Nintendo comic shorts. but the drawings and comics are long gone and disappeared in the garage in a backpack due to suspecting my sister’s dad accidentally throwing them away. years later towards the year 2018 (now 28), we decided to move to North Carolina and it was my chance to find them again. unfortunately the backpack was gone just like I suspected (my main stuff), but for some reason I found my Pokemon/Digimon fanart, a good batch of Super Mario drawings (vaguely remember doing these), my sister’s drawings and some other neighborhood kids’ drawings in a dirty box. I was partially happy I found something at least but it was the backpack I wanted the most. sometimes I regret not looking for the backpack (’cause I was too busy being a kid) but it’s alright, noone needs to see that shit anyway, ha ha. anyways, I recall being a fan of Rayman from 1999 ‘til 2002.
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (bumped into this in the year of 2003) my second fandom I bumped into when I was 12 going on 13. at the time, my sister and I both liked the Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise based on the Battle remake and ended up making our own secret fanart club that consisted of only us two members. she liked Sonic (and that was her boyfriend, ha ha) and I liked Knuckles (and he was my boyfriend, ha ha) and we were crazy in love about Shadow’s backstory. we listened to the game’s soundtracks as we drew fanart and comics after school and man, those were good times. however, as we grew older towards the year of 2005, we ended up having separate rooms and I believe it played a part in disconnecting on the same interest. then one day, I asked her why she wasn’t into Sonic anymore and she replied, “Because I grew up.” I was sad after that and slowly observed that she was influenced by the emo culture and the new friends she’s made. I was the only member of our little club for a little longer...but eventually I moved on too. I still have some surviving fanart we did together but it doesn’t mean shit anymore since she turned out to be an abusive mother from the last I’ve heard of her. 
3. Gorillaz (bumped into this in the year of 2006). as the Sonic years were at its end, I first heard the song “Feel Good Inc” on Music Choice and seeing the first image of them as displayed on this post (except the fan-made background doesn’t count since I can’t find the original artwork). this was my third fandom and later had proper access to the internet to the website I still currently use called DeviantArt. at first I liked 2D but eventually fell for Murdoc and developed a spiritual connection towards the character as obviously seen in my old fanart and rare photos of my devotion shrines on Valentine’s Day and his birthday every year. for the longest time since being a permanent fan from 2006-2017 (11 1/2 years) I had no knowledge that it was a political propaganda band and other realizations I don’t want to talk about. I only followed them because it was a cartoon and not the bullshit behind the musical project. the world I’ve built and support for them for all those 11 1/2 years shattered the fuck out of me and I just wanted to be left alone to find myself again, somehow. activity stopped on all my profiles, the flow of fanart stopped since I now cringe from the fan service and felt I was used for my talent. I didn’t want to be reminded of it all so I took down all my Gorillaz fanart and archived them for old followers’ nostalgia but also in the hopes they’ll be forgotten in my timeline. I ceased to exist in the fandom for huge personal reasons but it’s best to not say why. I know for sure that the fandom wonders what happened but it’s none of their business. THE END.
4. Waluigi (although I knew he’s been around since 2000 during childhood, I took deep interest once I revisited the character again in the year of December 2013). as silly as this sounds, when I revisited him again, the character was so bizarre that I ended up staying up 3 nights and 3 days in a row just looking all over the internet on everything about him and the questionable “hush-hush” absence of a backstory. despite there being no backstory he slowly gained a cult following and in many ways it’s a good thing. however, since the early 2010′s tension has been building up between Nintendo and its fans about him starring in a main game but everyone hasn’t fully gotten it in their heads that it’s not gonna happen. as long as Nintendo is in control of that, the fandom will not win, I’m sorry to say. on the other hand, if it’s going to be this way, then that’s what fanart and comic projects are for. as for me, I am doing my very best to get my comic project “Waluigi Land” going. again, I apologize if it’s taking very long to get Chapter 2 going if you’ve been keeping track but aha moments need to develop before I start permanent drawing (since concepts, character design and storyline needed improvement badly). as of right now I am still a Waluigi fan and I will not quit on him.
5. Turbo from Wreck-It-Ralph (although it debuted in 2012, I watched the movie two years later into the year 2014). for some bizarro reason, I had an unhealthy obsession with this character to the point where I dressed up as him for Halloween 2014. only 2 fanarts of him and the Turbo Twins exist on my profiles, mainly because my mind was more focused on just ‘thinking about him’ or ‘being him’ rather than drawing physical drawings. luckily, this supposed alleged fandom didn’t last long a little after Halloween so I chalk it up as a very short phase. to this day I don’t know what has gotten over me about him. the only thing I can think of now is that I think it’s because the character had yellow eyes and teeth but I don’t know. now that I think of it, that little fucker was ugly as hell and I STILL don’t know what had gotten over me. one day, my brother mentioned what that was about, and I said to him, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
6. Undertale (although it debuted in 2015, I later took interest in it in 2016). It was all about Sans and Papyrus. I couldn’t get enough of the skeleton bros. eventually Toriel and Mettaton EX became my favorites but it took a long time to draw more of all 4 of them because I had other important things to do in my life plus I was still waiting for the next Gorillaz album to revive my imaginative juices (or so I thought). I really want to have this as one of my frequent fandoms but I just don’t have time for it anymore. it’s still in the back of my head to want to draw them but at this point I still have other better interests to be in. and besides, I’m lazy just like Sans.
7. Cuphead (June 28th, 2017 was the official day I called quits on the British-based band Gorillaz due to the bullshit behind it. since that date I was lost, had no inspiration to look forward to and no cartoon guy to make me smile...but lo and behold of the same year, I took an interest in playing the game Cuphead and man...that shit was a frightening exaggerated metaphor for being on that one drug (forgot the name though) and having sex at the same time but man that was the best fun I’ve had in years. I mean, it’s like, enemies are just so happy to murder you and that scared the shit outta me. and the facial exaggeration?....I think I should stop, ha ha. anyways, the Moldenhauers saved my ass from spiraling down, they have no clue. anyways, eventually I became a permanent fan of their work so to ease the hurt and erase my past from the G-fandom I had to re-wire my brain into a different cartoon category that’s a rather more American, so anything Toon related like Roger Rabbit, Felix the Cat or another favorite that’s a western-based cartoon makes me feel better, especially my new man .......King Dice <3 <3<3<3. however, there was something about this new fandom category I still didn’t quite understand until the date March 14th, 2020. I finally understood what it was but I feel I shouldn’t bring it up. anyways, Cuphead and anything western or rubber hose is my last stop in inspiration for the remaining years of my life. many say never say never but I believe I’ve found my laughing place and that’s all that matters.
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kodzuken-sweetbea · 4 years
Tw soft feelings 🤢
I'm feeling sad so like... Making this for good feelings.
I made a couple chatrooms as Kenma, and I've been having a lot of fun with it, I love how kinda close we've all gotten. There's a few certain people that I'm having some soft feelings for and I hate you guys for making me feel them. 🤮
Idk how you guys felt but I was kind of intimidated to talk to you all. But like... Making that has allowed me to connect with everyone, when before I was kinda by myself and just... There. Existing, hoping things would go well, and intimidated by these bigger accounts, assuming no one would really like me.
So I guess I wanna thank some people or something cause I'm stuck on feeling soft and I wanna be a robot again.
@gods-favorite-angel : I wanna thank you first. Because of you, I stayed with Kenma and was able to talk to and get to know you all. If you hadn't reached out and started talking talking me in the first place, I'd have been done with Kenma as an anon, and just gone on my merry? way, just liking and reblogging fics instead of being an active part of a fandom and characters. You're such a sweet person, and a huge part of why we were all able to meet in the first place. All you snots would be lost without me 😤 and you need to stop questioning whether we like you or not, cause we do. >:( Ho.
@managersol : Thank you for being such a crazy, simpy being. I love that you get so excited over everything, and you give me someone to lovingly make fun of on the near-daily because of your Osamu simping ways. You also basically created the discord which I really could have just never done lol.
@nishinoya-yuu-rolling-thunder / mod x : You're such a sweet girl and I wanna thank you for talking to me when I'm down. You really helped out my mental state by just being there and easing me from my dark mood. I almost deleted the server 😒 but you made me feel better about everything and gave me a sense of calm. Also cuddling you is so sweet 😩
@daddysamu + staff : I have so much fun trolling your shit. Stealing onigiri and making N mad gives me life 😌 Y'all also make Samu such a sweetheart it was hard to not want to get to know you guys, and you kinda got me started on wanting to interact with the anons more as myself and not uh... an anon lol.
@daddykentaro / Turtle : I love you guys, you're so sweet to talk to and made me such a simp for you both. I already liked Kenta, but damn. And to find an anon/mod crush/person to simp for was kind of funny. Thanks for talking to and vibing with me. You're amazing and seeing you around my dash makes me 🥰
@dxddytetsu : We don't talk all that often, but thank you for being a good sport and interacting with Kenma much like how imagine they would 😂 His reactions to Kenma's tsundere shit make me laugh.
@sunatheerintaro / Menace: you two scare me but in a good way. Like I'm so intimidated? But also look up to you in a way?? And idk what to do around around half the time. But I like watching you be sassy and playful. You're funny I guess and I'm glad you're part of the squad.
@official-lev-haiba : I really dig watching you interact on discord and in the gc. You're super funny and nice, and have given us all a huge amount of laughs. I know I can always peek in on what you're saying and end up cackling.
@officialakinori : Your reblogs and complaints crack me up. We only kind of recently started interacting more, but I was always smiling and trying to think of ways to get you to say something in the gc. You always delivered, and gave me a good amount of laughs. Switch ass.
@official-kunimiakira : Rosie, you're so sweet and I love you being in the discord. I didn't really interact with you as kunimi, but God you're so funny 😂 You're such a q t pie and I'm glad yo have met and gotten the chance to talk to you.
@bodaddybokuto : Your reblogs and claims of slander crack me up. Because despite you THINKING it's slander, it really isn't 💀 Anyway, I'm glad you're able to relax a little more and get your crazy ass asks under control. I could never and would prob mass delete, so I applaud the shit outta you. You're a strong mfer.
@thexyakuxmorisuke : We don't talk a whole lot, but you always seem to be there when someone is venting or feeling kinda bad about stuff. From what I've seen from you/interacted, you're really sweet and kind. Thank you for being the person to help out and talk through things. Your little help flows are noticed and I feel myself "aww"ing every time.
I appreciate you guys for giving this chat a chance, and for talking to me and being my friends. Not sure what y'all see in me sometimes, but whatever it is, thank you for seeing it.
@daddyissei : I adore the shit out of you for being the first character anon. You've given everyone such joy, and made it possible to create the friendships I have with these other character anons. None of us would be here, or made possible, if it wasn't for you. 😩 You're amazing and I appreciate the shit out of you, even if we don't really talk.
Okay, soft feelings not over. Stop looking and go on your way. I'm a robot again.
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legendofzelda4life · 4 years
Cake and Tears
Hello everybody, this was meant to be for yesterday (day seven).
It’s been a whole week. I hope you guys have enjoyed and will continue to.
Anyway this is a Blue/Red fluff (obvi platonic) I haven’t read the whole Four Swords manga but I have this feeling that Blue would be protective of Red.
Let’s go.
Also TW: mentions of r*pe (ik im an asshole for this plot)
“I swear to Din Vio, shut the fuck up.” Blue said to the calmest of the four versions of Link.
“Why should I? You suck at this.” Vio spoke, watching Blue. “I will not hesitate to kill you, V.”
Blue was holding the knife he was using to cut, yet another, failed attempt of a cake, to Vio’s chest.
“If Vio dies, we all die.” Green said from his seat on the bench.
“Works for me, means I won’t have to see you guys everyday.” Blue looked towards the green clad hero. “And will you please... get the fuck off my bench.” He shoved Green off the bench as he spoke. “You’re an idiot-” 
Vio was cut off by Blue putting the knife back to his chest.
“Fine, kill me, but don’t come crying when you never get to see Red again.” Vio said. Blue’s eyes widened and the knife clattered to the ground. He then crossed his arms with a huff. “I wouldn’t care.” He said.
“We know you like Red the most out of the three of us.” Vio said.
“Tch. I do not.”
“Oh so you hate him then?” “Yes Vio, I despise him with every part of my being.” Blue laced his words with sarcasm.
“Mhm… turn around.” Vio said with a smirk, causing Blue to turn wearily, scared that Red was there. Instead, he was met with Green holding a perfectly made cake.
“Man! Fuck you for being able to cook.” Blue said with a laugh, taking the cake as it was shoved into his hands. “Yeah, yeah. Now go cheer up Red.” Green said.
“Do I have to?” He whined. If he was being completely honest, which he hated doing by the way, he’d tell them he loved making Red happy.
But that would ruin his reputation.
“YES!!!” Woah, a response from both of them.
“Why?” He asked.
“You’re the only one that can cheer up Red when he’s like this.” Vio said, shoving a drink into Blue’s arms before pushing him out the kitchen.
Blue walked down the hall towards Red’s room, beginning to ponder. If he loves Red’s personality, is this self love? Or friendship? Blue ran out of time to think as he arrived in front of Red’s door.
“Red?” He called for the hero.
“Mmmmmmm.” Red groaned from inside the room. No, not one of those groans, you perverts. It was the ‘bitch-I-just-woke-up-fuck-you-want?’ groans.
“Can I come in?” “Yeah.” Red’s voice was hoarse. How much had he been crying?
Blue opened the door and walked in. Red was on his stomach but was facing the door.
“I brought cake?” Blue was so weary, the statement sounded more like a question. “Put it down and get out.” Red rolled over.
“Wow okay, I understand I was pulling Green’s voice but I really thought the tunic would give it away.” Blue said. Upon hearing his voice, Red sat up. “Cuddles?” He asked, reaching his arms out. Blue chuckled. It was quite adorable when Red was like this. He had always acted younger than the other three heroes but it was cute sometimes.
“Of course.”
Red excitedly moved over and patted a spot on the bed, where Blue layed with a chuckle. Red immediately cuddled into Blue, wrapping his arms around the others waist. “Wanna talk about it?” Blue asked. Red shook his head.
“I just want cuddles. Just let me stay like this for a while. Blue nodded silently before hugging Red back. They must’ve sat there for hours, even laying down at one point.
Suddenly Red shot up, looking around frantically, before pulling his knees to his chest and crying.
“Red?” Blue asked, reaching out for the other hero. He flinched slightly. “Sorry, sorry. It’s fine. I shouldn’t be crying. Go back to sleep” Red rubbed his face with one hand, removing his tears as he layed back down. What caused this? How often did it happen?
Was it every night?
Blue didn’t know. But what he did know was that, if Red putting his face into Blue’s chest and hugging him was anything to go off, he was really upset.
“What happened?” Blue himself didn’t even know what he was asking about. Was it about why Red was sad? Or was it about the dream?
“What?” Red asked. (this is where it reloaded the first time)
“What made you upset?” Blue asked, rubbing circles on the red-clad hero’s back. Red tensed up and Blue could basically feel the boy’s blood run cold. “You don’t have to tell me.” He blurted out quickly. “No, it’s okay.” Red took a deep breath in. “Remember that guy I was dating?” Blue nodded in response. He didn’t know too much about the guy, except the moment everyone layed eyes on him…
Blue and Vio did not like him.
Well, in Blue’s case, that’s underestimating it.
Blue hated - absolutely despised - the guy Red was with.
Vio thought it would have bad consequences once they go back together as Link but Blue just hated him. (i cant think of what to name him lmao)
“H-he- he…” Red’s voice became small. “He... did stuff to me Blue.” His voice rose back to it’s normal tone after this. “I didn’t want it. But afterwards, he left without a word.” Red broke down again. 
Red was…
No, Blue didn’t want to believe it…
He couldn’t believe it…
How did Blue let this happen to one of his counterparts?
Let alone his favourite?
At this point, Blue had no doubt he was radiating heat considering how much that made his blood boil. He didn’t say anything, scared he would upset Red further, and just let the other boy cry into his chest.
“You wanna talk to Green or Vio?” Blue asked. Red shook his head. “They’ll be mad at me. I knew you and Vio didn’t like him but this? This would disappoint Green too.” Red hugged Blue tighter. “How did I let this happen, Blue? It’s my fault isn’t it? I never wanted it so he just did it...” Red trailed off, eyes full of terror as he recounted whatever events may have occurred.
Seeing that look on his face caused Blue to snap.
“None of this is your fault! He was an asshole that took advantage of you and I’m about this close to beating the absolute shit out of him!” Blue roared, jumping to his feet. “Your fingers are touching…” Red said, realization dawning upon him. “Exactly.” “Blue, no.” The boy wanted to argue but if Red said no, Red means no.
And unlike someone… Blue respected that.
“Okay.” He sat back on the bed, Red sitting next to him.
“What about the dream?” Blue asked. Red became extremely quiet. Blue turned to see the boy with tears running down his face, huddling further into Blue’s side. “You don’t have to-”
“Promise you won’t ever leave, Blue. Promise me!” Blue was surprised by Red’s words. Was the dream really that bad? “I promise I won’t leave you.” He said, looking the other hero in the eyes. “Good.”
Red fell asleep soon after but Blue couldn’t even close his eyes.
Blue had a plan but wanted to wait for Red to be okay with it first
Green walked in the room slowly.
“How is he?” He signed, wanting to be quiet. Blue put his hand sideways and made an ‘eh’ motion. Green just nodded slightly before walking back out.
A few days later
“You still wanna beat the shit outta him?” Red asked. The boy’s mood had brightened little by little over the past few days. He had decided to tell Vio and Green, with Blue’s help of course.
“Yes, but I wanna be the only one.” He looked to Green and Vio who didn’t object. Was his protectiveness of Red really that obvious? Probably. Did he care? No.
Blue stormed into the guy’s house.
“Oh hey Blue, where’s your brother?” Blue had actually forgotten they introduced themselves as siblings. “Not here.” Blue snarled. “Oh what a shame, it’s so cute when he begs for me to stop. Y’know-”
Yeah, Blue just punched this guy in the face.
“Stop. Fucking. Saying. Shit. About. Red. You. Fucking. Asshole.” With each word, there was a punch. Blue was holding the boy by the collar and was relentlessly bashing his face in. He then threw the guy at a wall, a sickening crack emitting from his, already broken, nose.
Blue then got on the ground next to him and kept throwing hits.
“You fucking piece of shit! What the fuck gave you the right to do that to Red, huh?!?!” He was fired up. Given, the guy probably couldn’t respond, but Blue was venting.
He was continuously punching the guy over and over, rebreaking already broken bones from the first few hits. The guy ended up with a shattered cheekbone, the other one also broken, an unhinged jaw, a broken nose, a black eye in the first stages of forming, a few missing teeth, and, no doubt, more than two broken ribs.
Blue dropped him to the floor.
“Fuck you.” He seethed through his teeth before walking out.
Let’s just say, nobody asked why Blue was covered in blood that, obviously, wasn’t his.
This was a rollercoaster of emotions for me to write lol. I’m sorry if this triggered anyone in anyway. 
I hope you guys at least enjoyed Blue beating the shit out of the fuckboy lmao.
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hewitts / Pleasant Valley x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: The Multiverse Theory and the Horror Fandom 
I don't really know what it is, but I enjoyed creating it, so I’m posting it! If I get an idea as to what might happen next, I’ll probably add a part two. 
Its crack
Okay, you are from this universe and you are your Slasher fucker self. But you’re transported from your home, to the universe that the Slashers live in, specifically 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They capture you of course and decide to keep you.
Now the Hewitt’s have decided to go on a roadtrip and are of course taking you, their hostage, with them.
They end up staying in Pleasant Valley, despite your warnings not to. 
Warnings: Mention of real life people, breaking of the 3rd wall, if you look then there is some hints towards sexual assault cursing. Its comedy though mostly, so its pretty okay
“We’re lost.”
“No, mama, we not lost. We’re just taking the scenic route… “Hoyt transparently bullshits, looking around completely lost at the surroundings that we pass at a 100 km/h. Nothing but wheat fields and cows as far as the eye can see. Georgia is even more boring then Texas had been.
Luda Mae rolls her eyes, not taking any his shit after 6 hours in the car with him just today. God, I’m on her side. Can we stop somewhere just for a little bit? I mean, I don’t have to pee anymore since I held it for so long that the urge went away, but I’d still like to try because now I feel like I’m going to explode at any time. “So, we’re lost.” She announces, leaving no room for argument.
“Definitely lost… “Monty, in the seat beside me in the back seat of Hoyt’s tiny sheriff car, agrees with his sister, also watching the fields go by moodily. Why didn’t we take the goddamn truck, anyway? I would rather be tied to top of that, then squished back here between Thomas and Monty. I mean, there’s not even any doorhandles in the back here! Why did I have to be in the middle? Its not like I’m going to throw myself out the window! Sometimes I think Hoyt’s paranoid. And I hate him. And his ego’s too big.
Of course, Hoyt snaps back at Monty even though what he said was so mellow. It certainly didn’t have the amount of pent up frustration that Luda Mae’s had behind it. “We ain’t lost, goddamn it- Look! There’s a town. We’ll stop there and ask for directions if you really want. Just to make sure we’re going the right way, which I’m sure we are.” I look up from my hands, bruises all over the wrists from Hoyt and the ropes, and cuts all over the fingers from cooking with Luda Mae… and jagged fingernails from before I gave up. When I was still scratching at the walls and floor and Thomas, wanting to escape this mad family.
My fighting spirit isn’t completely crushed, now… but it has been a while since I screamed for help. I’m waiting for the moment, the right moment to try and escape. Of course, I don’t know if that moment will every come… but I still hope. And that’s something.
Now, looking up out the front window to see the town Hoyt’s talking about, I wonder if this will be the place that I’ll escape in.
Then we rush past the sign and I do a double take.
What did that say?!
I glance at Thomas, my designated warden to see what he’s doing now since he had been sleeping for most of today’s trip- yesterday he had stayed awake and alert, but today it seems that he decided I wasn’t about to crawl over anyone and creep through the window so it was cool to nap,- to see he’s alert, and when I look at him he turns to look at me back. I flash him a fake smile and turn to Monty, because he speaks. And he’s on the right side of the car, so he would have seen the sign.
“Hey, what did that sign say?”
“Why are they talking again?” Hoyt pipes up in the front as we get nearer to the town and I start to feel sick in my stomach. I raise my eyebrows at Monty instead of answering Hoyt’s goad.
Monty shrugs, leaning his back on his hand and looking out the window again. “Uh, Pleasant Valley.”
Oh my god.
It cannot be possible that more then one Horror movie exists in this world… right? I’ve been through enough trauma; I do not need to endure Robert Englund’s trademark craziness- oH, or Bill Mosely’s either. Oh god, - and his band of confederate lunatics. Do not do this to me, universe.
My heart’s beating faster then a bullet train as I wait, still as a statue and straight backed, for any more hints that I am where I think I am.
Thomas watches me with a hard stare, alert and suspicious about my odd change in posture and body language. I try to ignore him, which is of course hard, but I make do.
Then we start to pass people in this town, and they’re men in overalls and women in the most era-incorrect costumes I have ever seen. And they’re smiling and waving at us.
And I feel sick, and sink back into my seat so nobody outside can see me through Monty or Thomas, hopefully.
“Hoyt,” I call, quietly for the ‘sheriff’s’ attention. My voice doesn’t lift even to a normal volume, I’m so scared so he either ignores me or really doesn’t hear me. I try to be louder. “Hoyt!”
“Yes, hostage?”  
“I think we’re going the right way as well; I saw sign on the road a few miles back that said so. We should just keep going.”
“What?!” Luda Mae turns in her seat to look at me furrow her eyebrows- she doesn’t believe me one bit. “What are you doing, slouching in the back like that? Sit up!”
“Are we stopping?”
“Uhh… “She turns to look at Hoyt, and he nods. “Looks like it. About time, too. I need to stretch my legs, and we obviously need those damn directions.”
“We do not need the- “Hoyt sighs, exasperated, then furrows his eyebrows as he focuses on something in front of the car. “What the fuck are these wackos all doing out there in the middle of the road? Get outta my way… “
Mow them over, Hoyt! MOW THEM OVER.
Of course, he slows to a crawl and then a stop, and I thank god that the back windows don’t open, lest I feel any more in danger. If they were open, I definitely would have feared scary ghost cannibals would stick in their hands. As it is, cross my arms and let Hoyt do the talking. Of course, I mean. What else could I do?
I can see full frontal the mess that we’re getting into, which once upon a time in a different world -my world. Oh, how I wish I was there right now, - would have been a good sign. Seeing Kane Hodder, Robert Englund and Lin Shaye and the ‘Guts and Glory Jubilee’ banner would be a sign I’m about to have a good night full of horror movie enjoyment and probably fanfiction as well. But now I see it and I wish to never watch that movie again, much like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.
Hoyt puts his hand on the car door handle next to him. “No, no, no, don’t get outta the car!” I exclaim, quietly and reaching to grab him back but he looks over at me, gives me a ‘I do what I want’ kind of look and then gets out of the car.
“Good afternoon, sheriff! Welcome to our Guts and Glory Jubilee! You’re our honoured guests!”
Oh, dear god.
Hoyt slams his car door shut and Luda and I wince at the sudden noise. “What the hell are you people doing out here in the middle of the road??! Me and my family are tryna get through here.”
“Aw, my bad sheriff! We’re just so tickled to have you with us this fine day!” Buckman doesn’t seem stirred that Hoyt’s clearly southern, and therefore ‘confederate’, like him, as far as he’s concerned which is what I was hoping for, so I decide to blow this whole situation out of water- I have no choice.
And what, in hell’s name, could I possibly lose at this point?
I lean forward in the car, keeping an eye on the scene, to talk to Luda Mae. “Hey, so this may be a bad time to mention this but, uh.” How do I break this news? “Well, I’m from a different universe. That multiverse noise? That’s real. Anyway, more importantly, I’m from a world in which you and your sons, and Monty, are just movie characters. Your movie is called ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, Thomas is the Texan Chainsaw guy and he is called Leatherface.” Luda’s slowly turning her head to look at me like have 7 eyeballs. I keep talking through, quickly ad feverishly, desperate. “I know it sounds crazy, and you can ask me any question about ya’ll’s passed if you want as proof but just get your son back in this car please. This place also has its own movie, and its even less pretty then what goes on in your house.” I look pleadingly at her, hoping to God, by some miracle she believes me.
“Sit back down!! I’ve been in a car with 3 sweatin’, stinky men for 6 hours now today and I am in no mood for your stories.” She turns back in her seat. “God.”  
“Oh Jesus, you said it… “ I whine, plopping back down in my seat, looking at Hoyt and Buckman who have now met in front of the car and aren’t yelling at each other across the road and immediately assume the fucking confederate mayor is successfully feeding the fucking fraudulent sheriff’s ego, and drop my face into my hands. A few minutes pass, and I stay like this, occasionally making frustrated crying sounds without really crying, and getting annoyed groans and ‘shut up’s from Monty beside me, until a hit to the car jolts me up. “What! What? What’s happening- are they attacking!?”
Everyone who heard, ignores me and I see it’s just Hoyt coming around the car opening Thomas’ side. Oh god, breeze has neve felt so terrifying. “Come on out, family. We’re stayin’ the night! I can’t tolerate settin’ in this car with you people anymore.” On no. No, no, no. STAYING?
Thomas gets out and Luda Mae follows, opening Monty’s door for him and letting him out onto his wheelchair that Thomas gets out of the trunk for him and unfolds. I cross my arms and stay inside. When Hoyt realises this, he leans down to peer inside the car at me and thrusts a thumb to point behind him. Slowly, menacingly he drawls. “Get out of this car.”
Oh, what is he going to do? What could he possibly do that he hasn’t already done to me.
I stubbornly look away. “You said family, I’m not family. I’m not leaving this car, no way. You can’t make me.”
“You wanna bet, sugar?”
He reaches in, wraps a calloused hand around one of my arms and starts pulling me until I topple out of the car, into the dirt. He lets go of me and immediately slams the car door closed again so I don’t slither back in.
“Fuck.” I mutter, glaring up at him from the floor. He locks the car in front of my eyes.
“Now, when you’re feeling more like an adult and not a child, you can come on to our room- that building over there. “ I feel like running after him when he walks off to the building, but before I can get myself out of the dusty, beige dirt, a hand enters my vision and I follow it up and scream on the inside. Mayor George Fucking Buckman.
He smiles so charmingly… you could nearly believe he isn’t depraved. Then I see the eyepatch and I’m reminded. “Would you let me help you up outta the dirt, little miss?”
Mmmm, I guess.
Best to stay on his good side, I think as I take his hand and he hauls me up. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of those glares that the whole town like to take part in with him. Noooo thank you. Not for me.
“Thank you.” I say quickly, looking to get out of there and find the Hewitt’s. They’ve all disappeared into the building Hoyt went towards a moment ago now. I brush the dirt off my pants and then clap my hands off of each other to get rid of the dirt that’s on them now, and any remnants of feeling Buckman’s hand, then flash a tight smile in Buckman’s general direction and escape towards the building.
They have to listen to me!
I burst into the place and see Thomas trailing behind the rest of that devil family down a hallway and run down there. “Thomas!” I pant, because that was a long hallway. Where are we now?! The Overlook hotel!?! “Thomas, what kind of warden are you? Please, don’t you ever leave me alone with that man ever again!” Thomas narrows his eyes suspiciously at me above his normal, leather mask -Luda and Hoyt had decided before we left their murder mansion that the human flesh mask would probably not fly in normal society, so he swapped it in for the old one,- then nods in front of him for me to walk there where can watch, and I gladly go there.
___TIME SKIP: A couple hours later___
All day, I have been trying to persuade the Hewitt’s that I’m not from here. I described Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning in explicit detail, including of course the Sheriff Hoyt thing, the Eric/Dean confusion, Bailey, Monty’s legs being chainsawed off… I even recruited some comic book information about Hoyt’s time in the Prisoner of War Camp and Sargent Chow, but they just think I’m a stalker now.
I mean, why the fuck not? Why wouldn’t I stalk these freaks? Truly, being around them has been a joy filled time.
I don’t throw back at my face that I watched their movies religiously, readers. That’s was when I thought they were fictional! (Yeah, I know you’re there reading this. This sure feels like a fanfiction to me, and as a fangirl, I’m an expert.)
So, I’ve decided I have one more option. One more chance to survive.
Hopefully this doesn’t go worse then plan A did.
Through pretending like the rope around my wrists was too tight when Hoyt tied me up by the hands to his bed frame, when really in truth it was a bit loose, I manage to make him think I’m stuck for the night. So, when he falls asleep – I know he’s asleep because he snores like a feral racoon… that also has rabies… (He drools) – I carefully, quietly, I struggle out of the ropes and carefully put them on the floor. Then turn to the window.
We’re on the second level of this building, but the possibility of a broken bone or two will not deter me from getting out of this mess. Especially since Thomas is waiting in the hallway outside this room for any sign of me trying to escape and getting hurt from falling out of a window is much preferred to meeting the business end of his chainsaw.
Not that I’ll be out of danger when I get out… as I’ll still be in Pleasant Valley… but I will have completed Level 1 at least.
Opening the window, I wince and look back at Hoyt to make sure the gentle rubbing sound the window makes against the frame doesn’t wake him, then turn back and immediately get to crawling out. Once I have succeeded in getting onto the ledge I hold on to the gutter - hoping beyond hope that it’s sturdy, - and reclose the blinds and push the window closed as well again. Covering my tracks.
Then I start the perilous journey down the building, which somehow, I succeed in! When I finally drop down on the dirt again and turn around though, I nearly out loud this time. “Miss Shaye! -“I stop myself, making an ‘Oop’ sound. You would think I would stop making these mistakes- I have been tortured and keep prisoner by the Hewitt family. Certainly not the late R. Lee. Ermey or Andrew Bryniarski either. The Hewitt’s. - But alas, I am still making this mistake apparently. “Sorry, you remind me of someone else!” I smile at Granny Boone, who must have been standing there watching the whole time I conquered the hotel building, stands with her hands on her hips and one eyebrow purposely halfway up her forward. She’s waiting for an explanation. “I didn’t want to wake up my family, and its time for the midnight stroll. Couldn’t sleep!”
My heartbeat races in my chest, because I have every confidence that this woman could kill me with her bare hands if she doesn’t like my answer. For a few moments, she makes me wait as she does looks at me suspiciously like Thomas. Oh god, are you going to eat me or not, ghost lady!?
“Oh, well that’s very considerate of you! Could I join you on your walk? I’m in the same boat.”
Oh, for fudges sake.
I smile politely though, and we start walking side by side down the middle of town. Silence hangs between us, but as we walk, I start to think this could work. I was planning on finding Buckman and telling him my story to see if he would believe me and do something because this whole town is supernatural and hard to believe, but I actually think this may have worked out in my favour! Maybe. He’s a sexist, chauvinistic bigot. But at the very least Boone’s a woman like me, with less of a boner for authority so hopefully she’ll at least listen. So… maybe…?
“So… “I start, sounding loud since it’s so quiet out here. “Can we talk? Woman to woman? I don’t know, you just seem trustworthy!” Oh, puke. What am I saying? “Sorry if I’m out of line, but… something crazy’s going on in my life.”
“Oh, trust me. I know crazy.” I side eye her as she smirks ‘mysteriously’. Oh, I know you know crazy, lady. I know. I know it all. You know crazy intimately. “Uh but go on. Sure thing. What kind of good Christian lady would I be if I didn’t bend an ear to our esteemed special guests?”
… Uhuh.
Well, okay! Works for me. “Thank you.” I clap my hands together. “Well. It started a month ago now, I guess… Haven’t really been able to keep up with time. First, I should probably explain the multiverse theory…”
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