#but everyone is still all “oh im sorry mr hands”
cooper--jones · 11 months
izzy hands. that's all. that's the whole post.
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starseungs · 1 month
the subtle art of cliche confessions. ksm.
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kim seungmin x gn!reader — as aware as you were that life wasn’t like the fictional stories of romance that you enjoyed, a part of you still relished the thought of experiencing it for yourself.
GENRE/S — fluff, humor kinda, maybe fluffy angst but not really, battle of the bands au, lead singer!seungmin, college au, kinda semi-established relationship • 2.5k words
WARNING/S — profanity for humor, some self-deprecation as a result of nervousness but its not that bad, romance is complicated!
( ✒️ ) a gift for @starlostseungmin for successfully completing her big exam 🙇‍♀️🤍 congratulations lovie, you deserve a fluffy seungmin fic !! the ending may be trash im sorry its 1am and i have class in a few hrs
2024 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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“Jisung, I think I’m about to pass out.”
The person mentioned comically froze on the spot, his right hand halting from its previous task of double-checking his electric guitar’s condition. Jisung lifted his head up menacingly to look at the offender—who currently looked like he was seconds away from losing all strength in his legs. Despite the concerning comment, life backstage did not stop for anyone. Crew members were still seen running around like headless chickens, desperately trying to keep the show running smoothly even though they, themselves, were already functioning on greater levels of adrenaline than the performers. 
“Oh, no you don’t,” Jisung warns lowly. “Kim Seungmin, you are not about to leave us without a lead singer right now!”
Unfortunately, Seungmin was not kidding. At all.
The loud cheers of the crowd from beyond the stage were deafening. It tells him that the band currently performing before them is doing a great job of keeping the audience entertained. Normally, that would’ve set him on fire to do better; bits of his competitive nature steeling his resolve to outdo the competition. And yet, something seemed to be different in today’s specific battle. 
He couldn’t care less about the crowd—no, his mind was only revolving around one thought. Or one person, to be specific. 
This makes him blanch once again. “I genuinely feel like throwing up.”
Chan snickers from his position near the dividers set up to create a makeshift waiting room for the performers. “Are you that nervous?” He asked lightheartedly. “Don’t stress about it too much, Min. We all know Y/N is going to say yes.”
Seungmin wanted to believe him. He really did. If anyone were to be asked about his natural demeanor, he was one hundred percent positive that the word ‘rational’ would come up at least once. He knew that the chances of the drummer’s words were the most probable—after all, he did his best efforts to capture your heart over the past year. And yes, Seungmin did also know that you had romantic feelings for him. That was why he was in this situation in the first place.
“If I were them, I would!” Hyunjin chirps, happily tapping on his bass guitar. “Imagine getting asked out by the lead singer of a band in the middle of their set? Anyone would be over the moon.” Seungmin merely scoffs in response.
“Of course you would, Mr. Hopeless Romantic.”
The bassist chokes out an offended noise. “Says the one doing a public confession,” he huffs. “Glad to know you learned a thing or two from those romance movies I pitch in on movie nights.”
“Yeah, well this isn’t fiction.” Seungmin deflates on his seat. Any more, and his band would’ve witnessed a person merging with a plastic chair. Wouldn’t that be a great memory to live with? “This is so cliche. What if they think it’s cringy?”
Jeongin, the keyboardist, shoots him a look full of judgment. “Why are you only second guessing this now?”
“To be fair, you both are already cringy.” Jisung stands up from his seat to stretch, only to receive a glare from the band’s lead singer. He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Just saying. It’s a miracle how long you two went on without an actual label. Everyone knows you two have been practically dating since months ago.”
And to that, Seungmin has no retort. What Jisung said had its truths—even he, himself, didn’t know why it took him so long to ask you to be officially his. It definitely wasn’t a commitment issue; he hasn’t even entertained anyone else intimately ever since he met you. There were even nights where he mentally beat himself up for being a coward about this whole thing, only for him to end the torment by convincing himself it was him going through the courting stage with you.
Not that he even asked, but that was what he was doing. Right?
It’s not his fault you always rendered him speechless. Not too much, of course. He wasn’t that starstruck that he’d make an absolute fool of himself. It was just that you made him really nervous and awfully conscious of himself. The way you talked was like music to his ears, and he swears he could listen to you all day. He finds himself wondering if his own voice ruins this fantasy of his.
You had to have noticed his advances as well. There was just no way that you didn't, with how smart you were. He just didn’t know whether to be grateful or frustrated with the fact that you never said a word about it. What if you were actually uncomfortable with the whole thing and were just too nice to tell him. Oh, he should’ve asked. This is terrible. A massive mistake on his part. An angel like you shouldn’t be forced to be with someone like him.
“What if I’m getting ahead of myself and they don’t actually like me like that?”
Jeongin’s jaw drops. “You have got to be kidding me.” He was going to tease Seungmin further, but something about the look on his friend’s face screamed anxiety, so Jeongin was quick to force his mouth closed. “Y/N does. Have you seen the way they act when they’re with you? Heart eyes, I swear.”
Okay, there’s that too. Seungmin wasn’t blind, nor was he dense. If he didn’t think you were interested in him like this, then he wouldn’t have actively pursued you time and time again. He was confident, not someone who didn’t know their boundaries. And fortunately, you seemed to have wordlessly affirmed that he could get close to you over the months you’ve been talking. He was sure that if you had even expressed the slightest bit of disapproval of his advances, he would have pulled away immediately. As well as reassess the situation right afterwards.
Seungmin sighs. “I just want to do this right.”
“And you will,” Chan says. The drummer gives him a firm pat on the back. “Trust in yourself. We’ll also have your back. Go out there and perform like you always do, just that you have your little plan before the bridge comes in.”
All Seungmin got from that was how you were in the crowd. Right, you were in that crowd. The very same crowd he didn’t give a single fuck about at this moment. You were the only audience he needed, and it both comforted and terrified him to remember that he left you to sit in the very front row earlier before the program started. Just where did all his courage go? The bastard who planned a public confession on their campus festival’s Battle of the Bands competition should be the one present to go through all this.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been this nervous to perform ever.”
Hyunjin hums. “Then that means you really like Y/N!”
“Exactly. We didn’t agree to make a whole new original song for this competition just for nothing,” Jisung adds. “Well, I guess it’s also good publicity for when we actually do this band thing for real. Show the public our sound, you know?”
Seungmin finally begins to breathe easily again. He briefly stares at Chan fiddling with his drumsticks, twirling them around with his fingers to soothe his own nerves about their upcoming performance. After all, this wasn’t just a performance that Seungmin was doing alone. The competition also meant a lot to his other members in their own different ways, yet they still gave their full support to him when he told them about his plan.
He had great friends.
“Stray Kids?” A slightly hoarse voice called out. Seungmin knew the figure as Changbin, someone from the student government. The guy was normally a lot more energetic than this, but he guesses the fatigue must be getting to him from being one of the organizers for this particular event. “You guys are up in a few seconds.”
Well, this is it. Seungmin stands up to get ready, clearing his throat to calm himself. There’s nowhere to run now.
The crowd’s enthusiastic roars never seemed to stop after the previous band’s set ended, and it was beginning to tick you off. Granted, you should have been happy that Seungmin’s band was going to be greeted by a happy crowd, but that also meant that they were subject to pleasing an audience whose hearts were clearly already captured by the performers right before them. And you would be nothing if you weren’t competitive. Biased or not, you would die on the hill believing that Seungmin’s band is better than the others.
They had a national treasure of a voice for their lead vocals, so how could they not be the best?
An amused snort came from your left side. You didn’t have to think too hard to figure out that it came from your friend, Felix. He was probably finding humor in the way your face didn’t spare a single effort to even plaster an indifferent expression. What can you say? You were loyal.
“Alright! I see that all of you enjoyed that wonderful performance from Xdinary Heroes!” The program’s host, Lee Minho, came back out to hype the crowd. It was then that your attention snapped back up to the big stage, your eyes watching like a hawk as Seungmin and his friends settled into the equipment. A bubbling giggle found its way out of your mouth at how Seungmin looked so focused on adjusting the height of his mic stand. “A very unique band name, if I do say so myself. But it does look like the new trend, as all of you here might also find interest in our next band’s name.”
“Seriously,” Felix starts, his tone teasing. “You are so down bad.”
You roll your eyes. “Be quiet. It’s starting.”
“Yeah, sure.” Felix laughs at your reaction. “We wouldn’t want to interrupt your longtime dream of being confessed to by a singer in the middle of a set now, would we?” Your face burned warmly at the accusation.
It was such a cliche thing to happen. As aware as you were that life wasn’t like the fictional stories of romance that you enjoyed, a part of you still relished the thought of experiencing it for yourself. There was a reason why these kinds of events were heavily romanticized in the media—they held their own charm. It just so happened that you agreed to the notion that getting a proclamation of love from a singer on stage was one of the more appealing choices.
Too bad those don’t go too well in real life.
“But it’s—”
“It’s cliche. Yes, you’ve already told me countless times that it’s not as good in real life. But we all have our fantasies, Y/N. No judgement.” Felix shrugs. “Good for you, though. You are one determined person to bag an actual singer. In a band, no less.”
“You are so—”
“—over. Give it up for Stray Kids!” Lee Minho’s booming voice cut you off again, letting you know that the performance was about to begin.
It started off like normal, with Chan using his drumsticks as a countdown before the instrumental started. Except this time, the song was surprisingly unfamiliar to you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This wasn’t the piece they practiced when you came over to watch a week ago. You didn’t recognize the song in its entirety either, though it was already proving to be a song that fit right with your tastes. Seungmin’s voice echoing through the space was also adding so much to the experience. 
You let the pride you felt at how well he was doing bloom in your chest. It was great to see him shine after going through the rough process of preparation with him. You watched him passionately go through the song smoothly without any mistakes. From the day you first met him until this moment, you’ve witnessed how determined he was to achieve his goals in life. It was then that you knew you’d always be proud of Seungmin, no matter what. You were already the happiest you’ve ever been just by being by his side.
“Did they change their set?” You asked no one in particular. 
Felix bops his head to the beat, clearly pleased with the song. “Don’t know the song, but it’s great!”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t agree with him. Though the sudden change in song choice admittedly peaked your curiosity more than it should have. Your eyes found their way back on stage, as if telling you to simply enjoy the performance now and ask later. But it looks like fate had other plans for you, as your eyes immediately locked with a certain lead singer’s.
He left no argument as to who he was looking at. It was clearly you, and you couldn’t help the way your breath hitched at the way his gaze alone held the answer to the question that lingered in your head. There were sparks of electricity being mimicked throughout your body, sending you into a mild shock. Like a scene from a movie, everything else in the world just seemed to go on mute.
All except his voice.
“Before we proceed to the bridge, I’d like to share something about this song. Would that be alright?” Seungmin spoke to the crowd, despite his attention still obviously on you. You could vaguely hear them answering back to him in interest, positively telling him to go on. It was difficult to miss the way his smile grew at this. Seungmin looked so stunning when he smiled. You always felt like falling in love all over again whenever he did.
The band continued with the instrumental, albeit toning it down as their lead singer continued on. “So this song is actually an original from us.” Oh, that makes so much more sense. “And it was written as my confession to the person I like.” 
In the fuzz of your brain, you could barely make out Felix jumping up and down in excitement while looking at the scene unfolding before his eyes.
“I’ve been contemplating this for a while, wondering when I’d ever deem it the perfect moment for me to ask the important question,” Seungmin adds. “But I’ve realized that I was just dragging things out too much for my liking. So, to the one who my heart yearns for even through the nerves I’m feeling right now—” You felt overwhelmed at the moment, but you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off the way Seungmin looked at you with such fondness and admiration.
“—Y/N, will you give me the honor to be yours?”
And when your voice sings out the answer, the instrumental starts picking up again as Seungmin finishes the song with newfound fervor. You chuckle your happy tears away, with your friend playfully punching your arm.
“Now, what did I say?”
Maybe cliches weren’t so bad in real life after all.
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@fairyki @hysgf @euncsace @comet-falls @starlostseungmin @ameliesaysshoo @hyunverse @wnbnny @xocandyy @minluvly @moon0fthenight @estellaluna @hanjsquokka @starlostastronaut @minsueng @l3visbby
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kiwiikato · 9 days
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Eleven
note! hi everyone, im really sorry for the long, and i mean, LONG waiting time. motivation comes and goes for me and i'm really sorry you were all at the end of that stick. this chapters not that long but i hope you guys can forgive the wait. thank you to all the comments who waited and send me good wishes. i'll try to update soon again ♡
"come on, stand up, we have to measure you." a soft voice spoke out, their words gentle as they ushered the giant baby kaiju to stand up fully. "and analyze, your entire genetic makeup." mina added, trying to explain the situation as best as she could to the scared kaiju.
the baby kaiju whined, scared still of professor sato, seeing him as a stranger. you turned to see that ken had finally woken up, taking a small nap on the couch earlier from the emotional stress.
even though he wasn't the baby kaiju's biological father, it was clear as night and day that he had found himself growing closer to the baby, emotionally claiming it as his own. the same in fact could be said for you.
"what are you doing?" ken let out a yawn as he spoke, rubbing his eyes as he went to stand to the right of you. his dad turned around, quickly but softly responding. "we need to examine her so that we can plan a training regimen to protect emi from predators."
your eyes widened a bit hearing the name, not being able to hold back a smile at the love story professor sato had told you countless times. you heard kenji stutter, his words almost caught in the back of his throat. "emi? what? huh? you named her after mom?" he asked, his tone confused but slightly affectionate hearing his mothers name.
"i think she would approve." professor sato spoke, his voice holding a sweetness to it, almost like a smile was behind it. he looked down, reaching into his bag on the side and pulled out the same colorful bunny that helped the baby kaiju, now known as emi, stay calm when fixing her dislocated arm.
"okay emi, stand up nice and tall!" he happily spoke as he raised the toy up. you watched as kenji's face dropped, almost in a slight shock. "oh my god, my dad is a kaiju whisperer." you turned to see emi get up with ease, her red scales shining against the laugh of the underground lair as she chirped excitedly.
"yeah but you're a kaiju dad, that's even more shocking." you joke with him, instinctively moving to the sides and hitting your hips with his own, making him chuckle. "well that makes you a kaiju mother." you smiled at his response. "i know, i know." your voice holding a vulnerable emotion at the sentiments you had found yourself growing for emi.
you turned to your left, watching mr. sato's voice turning serious for a second. "mina, please prepare to insert the micro tracking device." he said as mina floated closer to emi. in an instant, his voice changed back to being soft. "emi, can you do like bunny?"
he held the bunny up again, stretching out their plush right arm to be up. emi chirped as she adorably held out her hand, her beady eyes full of curiosity. mina watched as she pulled out an injector, naturally floating to emi, who looked a little fearful.
mina injected her quickly, offering her words of reassurance. "good girl!" it was always sweet to see the twos interactions. emi looked up, enjoying the lack of pain from the tracking injection.
you and kenji watched in awe, taking in how mina listened to professor sato with ease. the urge to snap a photo gnawing at you, but you resisted. "mina, treat, please." mr. sato asked politely as mina gave him a pink donut.
emi saw it, walking closer in joy at the sweet treat. "and before we eat, we always say, 'itadakimasu!'"he says excitedly. emi walked closer, until she suddenly stopped. her cheeks puffed up, making you and kenji back away instinctively.
"professor sato, i believe that emi is experiencing a bit of nausea from the medicine." mina said, as she floated away too. the sight would have made you laugh if it wasn't for your concentration on not being barfed on.
"uh, dad, step away. seriously." kenji said as he grabbed your hand, pulling you with him. "professor, i really think you should step away." you said concerned at his stubbornness.
"oh she's fine! itadaki—" professor sato was cut off as emi's nausea finally caught up to her, she vomited, sending mr. sato flying as his back hit the wall. "—masu." he said in shock.
you watched as his glasses slid from his face, his body completely soaked. your mouth gaped open at shock at how far he flew. it was quiet for a second till you heard emi slightly giggle, he chirps ringing through the room. you couldn't help but to snort and laugh with her, trying to stop yourself from laughing at kenji's dad who laid there helpless.
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ (each paragraph is a compilation scene in the movie)
"get back here right now, missy!" kenji yelled out in his ultra form as you fought to pick her up with your ultra form. your hands scrambled around, making the both of you spin. emi ran away from the both of you, making you both lunge at her, only to trip in unison and give up as you both laid there.
you now suddenly sat on the couch, watching the tv. kenji hands fumbled the ball, making it slip out of his hands as he struggled to pick it up. "that's another loss for the giants, making it six in a row." the commentator said as the giants coach watched with a straight face.
kenji sat on the toilet reading the newspaper, jumping slightly at the door slamming open. emi peered inside, chirping for him but was quickly pulled away by your ultra form as kenji slammed the door shut. his one second of peace was quickly ended when mr. sato walked in without a shirt a towel around his waist, slamming the door open. he casually walked in like he owned the place as kenji yelled into the newspaper in annoyance.
you stood in your ultra form as you grabbed emi, helping her put on her arm floaties. professor sato stood pointing at a chalkboard, showing three steps. "1) swim. 2) catch. 3) eat." each one with an adorable drawing of emi doing those steps.
you watched in fear as you watched emi sink down in the water from the lair. your hands pulling at your hair as you moved to go into the ocean. only stopping when you saw kenji in his ultra form diving down and quickly swimming to get her.
you ran on a giant treadmill of sorts, with emi behind you. a blue holographic image in front of you of three cute fishies to entice emi's motivation to catch the fishes.
kenji sat hunched over on the table, his head on the palm of his hands. he looked up to see his dad come to him, holding a cooked container of noodles. he set it down gently, making sure he ate. he left as you came in holding a blanket. you gently placed it over his body, making sure he was warm. you smiled, placing a kiss on his lips before walking away with kenji smiling.
emi held the familiar giant blue baseball bat as she copied kenji's swings. she swung, practicing her form to hit baseballs much better than the last. now kenji stood, helping one of his teams members. he fixed their hand placement on the ball and then did a swinging motion once again. the member copied him, smiling at his hit.
professor happily read an book to emi, kenji, and you and he copied the ultraman poses. he made laser sounds, jumping up in joy. it now showed ami reading a cartoon ultraman picture book as her daughter peered over, excitedly beaming at the photos.
kenji stood focused as he hit the baseball with a loud slam. the crowed cheered for him, jumping with excitement as the roared in excitement. emi cutely posed as she put on her water floaties, quickly cutting to her being held in ultramans arms as he guided her swimming, while chasing fishes. he pushed her forward, emi swimming in small pushes as she caught a fish in her mouth.
a holographic city showed as KDF jets chased after the four of you. emi ran following you as you ran by her side. kenji ran with professor sato on his back, making you laugh at the strained emotion kenji had.
the games commentator spoke up. "climbing back into contention, the giants are just one game out of first place!" kenji bat swung forward hitting the ball that came flying at him. his teammates cheered out as they jumped from the benches.
ami's voice spoke. "the giants are really coming together, thanks to a more mature ken sato." she said as they showed ken talking with his teammates, everyone focusing on him, showing respect to one another.
emi jumped up from the holographic training, a laser beam shooting out of her mouth, hitting the fake jets and making them explode. you jumped up in your ultra form, picking her up and hugging her for the progress she's made.
"we're going to the playoffs! sato's home run clinches a playoff spot for the giants!" the commentator yelled as ken gave his teammates high fives and smiles, making his way down to the locker rooms.
"i don't know what's happening with sato, but something has changed for the better. not only is he shining on the field, but he had brought this team together." ami spoke as it showed sato laying down hugging you in his ultra form. you held emi in your arms, as professor sato laid on emi's head, the four of you lulling to sleep.
@ilovemyhusbandaaravos @miffysoo @ldykir4 @chaoticotaku @channit @shingsoluvely @m00nd0v3 @mixvchelle @ifharbingerbad--whyhot @dreamayy @justanotherkpopstanlol @bat1212 @angelitadiaz @snowbusiness @witcwitchy @mizzowizzo @buggs-1 @mmeerraa @everywonuu @nevermorekisses @f1uveryysblog @t4naiis @stxrrielle @ixqiix @arrozyfrijoles23 @sincerest-one @imsimping4life @sassy-cat-in-town @jack-of-all-trades-696 @flutterfly365 @eternalgoddessofart @hulyenl @leabrainrot @sunmigs @m3q3kic @lynbubble @leviannx @call-me-nyxx @gurofushi @ya-boi-v @im-sidney @haitani-zoe @mtheooo @chreiiii @secretlyapartofthisfandom @greenmanshoe @badbishsblog @reallysparklychaos @deimmortales99 @ashsallyblue2 @matchalatte06 @random-3455 @reivelmin @jennyfernan @solatiiium @liliabrary @maxi-ride @22carolina08 @coffetears @vyxnn-xage
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world0fmadness · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆ ✩ ˚ KMF1
max verstappen x kmfdm member! reader
featuring: kmfdm fans being a little possessive of reader and max loving his gothic girlfriend
faceclaim: assorted but mainly lucia cifarelli
୨୧ are there any other kmfdm fans in the f1 community? timeline is all wrong obviously because kmfdm has been around for years and i know the tattoo part is a bit unrealistic but just imagine it’s a little smaller and just… shut up <3
reading music recommendations: stray bullet by kmfdm - take it like a man by kmfdm - murder my heart by kmfdm
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ynln: sweet show in monaco tonight! thanks to everyone who came out, c u again soon 🕷
loveuyn: more hot yn pictures, let’s gooo
> kmfuckmeyn: her eyes in the first picture… mph
maxverstappen ✔️: amazing show!
❤️ liked by ynln
> iluvf1: max, what are you doing here? 😭
> kmfdmsux: who tf is this?
> ynsteponme: why did mother like his comment? she only usually likes sascha’s comments…
> kmfuckmeyn: someone hit this man with a broom until he leaves, i don’t like the look of him
> ynloveme: relax you guys omg 😭
saschakonietzko ✔️: yah… i’m sure you gave a very special thank you to that one very special person who was there ;)
❤️ liked by ynln
> ynln ✔️: you know it <3
> steponmeyn: sascha… who? where? when? why?
kmfdmsux: such an amazing show! can’t wait to see you guys live again someday 🖤
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ynln: taking a short break from touring! loving the stray cats in monaco <3
steponmeyn: and the whole ass man? whooo?
loveuyn: who is that? is it trent?
> steponmeyn: we need to be rid of this trend x yn ship, he is literally married
kmfuckmeyn: can anyone identify the hands and legs?
> kmfdmsux: literally, we need to put a hit out on whoever that is!
> ynloveme: we’re never beating the possessive fan base allegations…
saschakonietzko ✔️: ah… wonder who that is with you?
❤️ liked by ynln
> steponmeyn: sascha FUCKING TELL US 😭
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maxverstappen and ynln: soon to be mr and mrs verstappen 🖤
loveuyn: oh he came to set the record straight 😭
oldf1lvr: IM SORRY WHAT?
danielricciardo ✔️: congratulations mate! knew it wouldn’t be long before you put a ring on her finger
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ✔️: thanks mate, for everything!
❤️ liked by danielricciardo
maxontop: i don’t know who she is but i’m moving this side of max she’s bringing out 🫢
> f1forlife: no but literally! he seems so confident in these pictures…
lovememax: these pictures just altered my brain chemistry… i want them both
charlesleclerc ✔️: you’ll be wearing redbull gear to the wedding i presume?
> ynln ✔️: absolutely not
> maxverstappen ✔️: you heard the lady! no redbull at the wedding
❤️ liked by ynln and charlesleclerc
> redbullracing ✔️: 😔
lovemyf1dilfs: who is this? they’re hot…
> steponmeyn: kmfdm fans 🤝 f1 not knowing who tf the other is dating despite both being famous because these fandoms are so different
steponmeyn: max, what’s your favourite kmfdm song?
> maxverstappen ✔️: murder my heart!
❤️ liked by ynln and saschakonietzko
maxverstrapon: do i need to go back to sleep? this can’t be real right? he didn’t just announce that he’s engaged when no one even knew he was in a relationship?
> iluvf1: well, the other drivers knew…
maxverlvr: omg… this explains why he’s seemed so much happier the past few years…
lewishammy: max… i’d like to apologise, i wasn’t familiar with your game…
landontop: why do these white bread men get the baddest bitches 💔
kmfdmsux: oh that ring is so cute… i still don’t know if he’s good enough for mother but at least it’s cute
> steponmeyn: right? i’m glad he actually knows her personality so well 🥹
saschakonietzko ✔️: can’t believe you’ve actually gotten yourself tied into a knot! congratulations yn and max
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxvertappen ✔️: thanks sascha!
> ynln ✔️: thank you sasch 🖤
kmfuckmeyn: we lost her to a m*n who drives in circles lol what the fuck
> ynontop: hope he dies ( not really )
> loveuyn: we’re never beating the obsessed with yn allegations…
> maxverlvr: you mf’s are crazy holy shit 😭
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maxverstappen and ynln: officially mr and mrs verstappen ln!
comments on this post are limited
charlesleclerc ✔️: best cake i’ve ever had
> maxverstappen ✔️: that’s all you have to say?
> charlesleclerc ✔️: oh right! congratulations max and yn
> maxverstappen ✔️: 🙄
iluvf1: max having a more gothic wedding instead of a traditional all white church one 😭 we love to see it
danielricciardo ✔️: congratulations mate! beautiful ceremony
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ✔️: thanks mate ❤️
steponmeyn: okay… whatever… maybe they’re a little hot together, but only because yn seems to be really bringing out his personality
sebastianvettel ✔️: congratulations max and yn! very nice wedding setting - sebastian
❤️ liked by ynln and maxverstappen
> maxverstappen ���️: thank you sebastian!
> oldf1lvr: of course the bug loving dilf would like the wedding in the woods lmao 😭
saschakonietzko ✔️: congratulations you two! great wedding
❤️ liked by ynln and saschakonietzko
> ynln ✔️: yeah… you only drank yourself to a point of wanting to make out with all of max’s friends <3
❤️ liked by maxverstappen and saschakonietzko
> saschakonietzko ✔️: ;)
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
kids deserve good music
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rowretro · 4 months
𝕭𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖋𝖑𝖞 𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖘
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✧warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, explicit stuff mentioned (this isnt my best writting im so sorry its been saur long, im working thru the reqs too<3 my drafts are filled w sm so stay tuned!!!)
❁synopsis: Sunghoon is feared by all, his name was enough to reinforce that fear, for he had grown to be a much more fearful mafia than his father, though one with morals, he never let women in his life, and he barely trusted anyone... until he saw a butterfly.
Sunghoon stepped out of his limo, suitcase loaded with cash. He was filthy rich, and he couldn't deny it, so seeing him give a suitcase of month everytime the orphanage needed money, he was happy to help. His face always had a cold look, but the children all loved him, they were only safe, and loved in a caring foster home just because of him.
The man got into his vehcile, sitting in the driver's seat as Jungwon stared at him. "I still dont understand why you don't hire a driver for yourself bro-" Jungwon simply asked as Sunghoon raised an eyebrow "The rest of you boys cant be trusted driving under stressful situations so you have one, I just dont need one." he simply said as he started his car. The man started driving, when his car came to a sudden halt.
There before him, a pretty girl "Bro- u almost hit that hottie-" Jungwon pointed out as Sunhgoon didnt even bother turning his way, his eyes glued on the girl who apologized, before gettign distracted again, chasing after the blue morpho butterfly. "Crazy bitch- fuck she scared me-" Jungwon mumbled as Sunghoon continued staring at the girl, lovestruck, the way she raised her hand, and let the butterfly sit on her finger, as she kissed near it.
"Jungwon. I want to know every little detail about that girl. where she studies, where she lives, what she likes, what she hates, everything." He stated as Jungwon frowned, yet complied. She was very pretty, her layered dark hair, her perfectly winged eyeliner, the way she walked freely like she didn't give a care in the world. Not to mention, she definitely had style. For the first time he fell in love. So he will have her fall for him.
It didn't take Jungwon too long, as soon as he got home, he printed out the necessary files "Her name is y/n, she lives with the Lee's, yes She's Lee Heeseung's sister. Her father owns many schools, and she studies in the one Heeseung teaches in, to be fair, you're going to have to get on Heeseung's good side if you want her, because they're looking to arrange a marriage for her." Jungwon concluded as Sunghoon smiled.
It was all so easy for him. She was just within reach. "What brings you here Sunghoon?" Heeseung asked as the male looked around the School grounds. "Oh? well uhm.... uhh... just looking for a potential threat in this college- He's hiding from me..." he lied as Heeseung nodded. "In that case keep an eye on my sister-" Heeseung replied as he pat his shoulder, and walked off to a group of loud students.
His eyes finally found her, a butterfly sitting on her cheek, and she didn't even flinch, still writting notes in her book. He took a seat in front of her, causing the butterfly to fly away. The girl looked up, tilting her head at him. "Mr Park! what brings you here.... you aren't going to kill me are you?..." She asked as Sunghoon snickerred "Of course not.... what could possibly lead me to hurting a sweetheart like you?" He asked, his hand softly holding her jaw, as he ran his thumb across her lips and cheek.
It's no surprise she knew who he was, he was the Park Sunghoon, everyone knows him. God her lips are so perfect, he was so soft, making sure not to smudge her makeup or hurt her. However y/n felt a little uncomfortable... She softly pulled away. She can't deny it, he's fucking gorgeous, fighting her intrusive thoughts of rubbing her thumb across his brows.
"I wanted to see how my pretty girl is doing. My pretty girl..." he smiled, as he placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Im installing a butterfly greenhouse in my garden just for you, Heeseung said you love flowers, I have a whole garden filled with jasmines, roses, lotuses and many other flowers you name it..." Sunghoon continued. It was all moving so fast, was this her fiancee her parents picked for her? why's he moving so fast? why him? is this a trap to kill her?
It was none of which... The Lee father fears Sunghoon, and Heeseung is like a brother to Sunghoon, after all the man did abuse Heeseung and y/n growing up, so when Sunghoon asked to marry her, Of course her parents wer happy with it, Mrs Lee believed he was a sweetheart. Heeseung wasn't too happy at first, but he wasn't a typical mafia boss, playboy with prostitutes every night, how bad could it possibly be.
"Uhm..... huh?" Y/n asked, not knowing what to say or ask. "You're parents are ok with me marrying you so, instead of circling around, im giving it to you straight." Sunghoon simply said "All you need to do is pack your belongings when you get home, you're moving in with me, your room will be right opposite mine, and we can talk about what you want in this marriage ok?" He asked as Y/n stared, stunned.
She was never told anything.... Why is everything going so fast? She was being married off to a blood thirsty beastly man who kills for a living?! As Sunghoon left, she sat there lost in thought. So she really was his?.......
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mrsrileywrites · 5 months
Oh well, it seems like my brain was feeling functional today...
Here's part two of this Simon Riley x pregnant reader ask
Enjoy everyone and as always any and all sorts of interaction is highly appreciated 🫶
Side note: I'm still new here so I don't know how to add links and be like "this" and you press the word and boom there's the link, also I do all this from my phone so bare with my millennial old ass 😅
1001 words
"Explain what?" He shouts turning around and walking towards you again, your hands fly to your belly instinctively, protective. You lower your head, eyes glued to the floor, ashamed.
Simon sees your reaction, the fear on your eyes, and he steps back taking a minute to collect himself, to come to terms with this discovery, he runs his hand over his face and hair.
"I'm sorry Si, I was-" you speak softly, your tone apologetic but he cuts you off, "You are not, I didn't want this, you knew damn well I didn't want this" he shouts again and you shrink yourself wanting to crawl out of your skin and not deal with this, not right now at least, your shoulders slump like a child being scolded. "Why didn't you tell me? You had plenty of chances."
"I didn't know how" you pout looking up at him searching his eyes for reassurance that everything would be okay but he is relentless, you see the rage and something else in his eyes, something you can't quite identify. "You didn't know how? Are you fucking kidding me right now? How about, uh oh by the way you are going to be a dad?" He sighs pacing back and forth like an encaged animal.
"I was afraid" you blink away the tears that have been threatening to spill since he walked through the door, your heart is beating so fast you think you may pass out any second. And he sees you, the fear, the vulnerability, the uncertainty and it hits him like a train, you are afraid too and you've been dealing with this for the past two months on your own, he stands in front of you.
"Afraid of what? Of me?" His voice is much softer now and he moves a strand of hair behind your ear, his calloused fingers lingering on your cheek and you nod speaking softly like you always do, because you are nothing like him, you are sweet and soft around the edges "of your reaction, of loosing you, but I get it now... you don't have to do this, it's okay really... I can manage on my own".
His hands cup your face and your fingers curl around his wrists, the look on your face pulls at the strings of his heart and he knows he would never be able to leave you even if he tried, even if that meant to face his biggest fears and become a father, the father he wish he had. "You'll never lose me love, you're stuck with me... We'll do this together, yeah?"
"Mhm" you agree and bury your face on his chest letting the tears run free, Simon rubs soothing circles on your back and apologizes over and over, he said he didn't mean to yell, he wasn't mad he was just shocked and scared shitless and you apologize too.
From that on Simon was really involved in your pregnancy as much as he could, he even talked to Price and he agreed to send him on not-so-dangerous and not-so-long missions, he even got to do all of his paperwork in his little office at home and go with you to all your doctors appointments, he was holding your hand when he saw the baby for the first time, black and white blob staring at him through the screen, he asked the nurse if he could have one of the ultrasound pictures to show the lads back at base and she give him a bunch, he chose his favorite and put it in his wallet, he tried, in vain, to hide his tears the first time he heard the baby's heartbeat, he didn't complained when he noticed his favorite ice cream running out a lot faster while yours remained untouched, you blamed it on the pregnancy cravings.
He held your hair and rubbed soothing circles on your back every morning while you hugged the toilet bowl emptying your stomach courtesy of the morning sickness and he reassured you every time you felt too overly conscious of the changes in your body, he rubbed lotion on your belly and spoke to the bump every night after you showered and got ready for bed, he cried his eyes out the first time he felt the baby kick while he laid on the couch with his head on your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair.
One night you both laid in bed, in the moon lite bedroom, you were at the 36 weeks mark and your doctor had told you the baby could be born any time now. You and Simon (Simon more than you) had put the nursery together while you boss him around. Simon laid behind you, his burly arms wrapped around you while his hand rubbed different shapes on your belly, he gasped every time the baby kicked.
"I'm scared" you mumbled so low you thought he didn't hear you. "Scared of what, love?" he spoke in a drowsy tone his mouth against your neck.
"Giving birth..." He chuckled and you smacked his hand. "You can't escape that part, baby, can you?".
"I know, I just... You are so big and the baby is big for his gestational age too... I don't know if I'll be able to do this" you sighed. "It's too late to think about that now baby" he chuckled again and you smacked his hand again.
"Simon, this is serious" you scolded him and he squeezed you a little tighter, his voice a low murmur against your neck. "I know it is, but you got this... You've come this far and you've been so brave you are going to be just fine, plus I'll be right next to you... and they'll give you something for the pain, I'll make sure you are as comfortable as possible, yeah?".
"Yeah" you agreed sinking further into his warm embrace and you knew no matter how scary it could be Simon would always be there being your biggest supporter and a great father.
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reve-writes · 1 year
—dense; kaz brekker.
ʚ kaz brekker x reader | grishaverse | 2,2k words. ʚ you're a bit clueless as to why the dirtyhands do the things he does, like call you schatje and pay you to steal something when he clearly doesn't need to. ʚ fluff. ʚ a/n maybe ooc kaz im sorry. more at the end!
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Ketterdam is a marvel from afar, a pretty little flower offering promises of its nectar—new life, new opportunities, debauchery—only to catch you in its trap and swallow you whole. All the way up on the clock tower, roughly centralised in the port city, the Barrel is nothing more than bright lights emanating from bar signs and glittering roofs.
The bell rings, reveberating to signal the change of the hour. It's time to work, finally.
Your boots thump as you make your way down the spiraling concrete staircase, paying attention not to step on the chunks flaking off of the edge. Whoever was responsible for building this was clearly cutting cost, the concrete is about as fragile as clay.
A painting. It is an annoying job to do on your own, but your contractor offered a lot of Kruge for it—perhaps too much, but if Mr. Kikkert is willing to scrape his pockets for it, then you're more than happy to accept. It is more Kruge than you would ever need for a while, so you won't have to scrounge for scraps in this Ghezen-forsaken town. Moreover, it's been a while since your last job and you're frankly not doing too well.
You step lightly over the rooftops, hopping from building-to-building with sure, steady steps. You have done this for most of your lives, to avoid being stomped into the vile muck at the bottom of the Barrel, you learned to hide near the skies.
Where the painting is being kept isn't far from the Canal, just on the rows of overpriced apartments for rent. You were told that it was housed on the third floor of the corner building. Everything is going well. Your journey is uninterrupted and the stadwatch aren't on alert.
Until you spot him.
The familiar curve of his black hat. The high collar of his coat. The shining leather of his gloves.
You strut towards him as if you are neighbours crossing paths on your evening walks. When in truth, his Crow Club is on the other side of the town and you never come to this area without reason. You call his name sweetly. His head whips around immediately, finding you in the dwindling foot traffic of the street.
He says your name in a warning tone, suspicious of your being here.
“What? Can't I come and see an old friend?”
Brekker scoffs. “I don't know. Can you, schatje?”
You almost turn around and leave when you hear the term of endearment. He knows it gets under your skin—it always does. Your heart skips a beat or two and your train of thoughts gets interrupted whenever he calls you that. He means it as a jeering nudge and your head is wholly aware of that. Your heart, though. What a fickle little thing.
“A bit of a walk from the club, isn't it?” you say, falling into step next to him as he turns the corner towards the apartment building. “I assume you must be up to something.”
“Ah, but I'm always up to something.”
“I can't say I disagree,” you snort. “You don't happen to have a job around the area, do you?”
He halts, his cane knocking against the stone pathing. He turns to look at you and your elbows brush against each other. “Do you need anything? I have important matters to attend to.”
You bring a hand to your chest exaggeratedly, feigning a frown. “How callous. Call me schatje and throw me aside. Is this how you treat everyone, Kaz?”
“Only you, mijn schatje.”
You roll your eyes, unsure how to behave. Huffing, you say, “Stop calling me that.”
“I was under the impression that you liked the nickname.”
Oh, you do.
“I'll be going now. I've something to do. Stay off my job,” you warn. “You still owe me literal crown jewels from last time.”
Kaz's neutral expression shifts into fond nostalgia as he recalls the incident you're referring to. The crown jewels in question were under dispute by a pair of soon-to-be divorcees. One of them hired the Crows' help. The other called on you. One thing led to another and the item ended up in Kaz's hands and you went home empty-handed.
“I won that fair and square,” Kaz retorts. “Your current job wouldn't involve a certain painting, would it?”
Judging by his smug thin smile, you know that he knows.
“Tell me it isn't what you're here for.” You sigh exasperatedly. “Stay off of it, Brekker. I can't afford to lose another job.”
You think to be threatening, bluff your way out and tell him you'll tear down his Crow Club if he gets in your way, but you doubt it will work against the Dirtyhands. After all, you're one person and he has the whole Dregs behind him.
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow for a moment and for that terrible moment, you think that he may be there for the same reason you are, but he shakes his head lightly. “Fortunately, schatje, no. Stop looking as if you're going to murder me in my sleep.”
An involuntary smile blooms. “I wouldn't dream of it, Kaz.”
“Go on, then,” he says. “Be careful.”
You bite the insides of your cheeks to keep from smiling. “You too.”
With that, you part ways with Dirtyhands, entering the building. Your acquisition of the painting goes smoothly and the deal is closed swiftly a few hours later. It's too easy. You know it is. You're missing something.
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Miss something, you did.
You push open the door to the Crow Club carelessly. The loud chatter mixed with atmospheric radio surges to meet you as you push your way past sweat-slicked bodies and drunken patrons. Your eyes dart back-and-forth, trying to spot the familiar curve of his black hat or the shiny glow of the head of his cane.
Jesper spots you from one of the open gambling tables.
“If it isn't my favourite thief,” he says, inclining his glass towards you. “Fancy a game?”
It isn't until you stop by his table that he sees the downward slope of your frown and the sharp glare you're giving. He instinctively sits up straighter, taking his shoes off of the corner of the table.
“Where's Brekker?” You ask, to-the-point, without indulging in your usual chit-chat whenever you visit.
The other three patrons on the table freeze—sensing the tension on your shoulders, too. They look between you and jesper, both confused and intrigued to know more. What is Ketterdam if it doesn't have rumours and secrets whispered about?
Jesper's brow furrow. “Are you okay? What's going on?”
To Jesper's knowledge, you and Kaz are on friendly terms, despite the frequent bickering. Hell, he assumes you're more-than-friendly, with the way Kaz gives you a nickname—an endearment, to be specific. Is it possible that you're going through a lover's spat?
“Brekker, Jesper. Where is he?”
A familiar rasp cuts through the rowdiness. “Here.”
Your head whirls around and you shoot an accusatory stare at the source of the voice. You stomp your boots as you make your way towards him. As you pass by him, you tug on the sleeves of his coat.
“We need to talk.”
“Hold on, schatje,” he says, still trailing after you. His cane knocks against the hardwood of the floor. “About what?”
You make your way up the stairs, to the second floor and swing the door to his office open as if it belongs to you. He has an eyebrow raised when he enters after you, closing the door behind him. He leans back against it, waiting for you to speak whatever it is that's on your mind.
“Kikkert,” you snarl. “You paid him to pay me.”
“That's quite a conclusion. How did you come to it?” His voice is level, not betraying whether or not you've spoken the truth.
You're pacing in front of him. “He says, and I quote, ‘If you're so close to Brekker, why doesn't he ask you himself to do this?'”
His eyes furrow and he runs a hand through his combed hair. He sighs, holding a hand up in a you-caught-me gesture. “Kikkert clearly has no idea what discretion means.”
You glare at him. “Do you think this is funny?”
He seems taken aback. “I don't see why this is a big deal, schatje. It's a job. You're paid. I get the painting. What's wrong with it?”
“Why are you doing this, then? Pay me for something you clearly are able to do yourself? Hell, whose painting was it? Was it yours? Did you pay me to steal from you?”
He doesn't reply, but the way he shifts his gaze away from you let's you know. It's as clear as a verbal admission.
“It was yours. That's why you were there. From your safehouse, wasn't it?” You stare at him in disbelief. “Is this amusing to you? I'm sorry if I don't quite see it as such.”
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
You can't wrap your head around Kaz Brekker's thinking process. He pays someone to pay you to steal a painting he already owns. What's his plan in the long run? To embarrass you? Hurt your pride? Is this some sort of ploy to rope you to be indebted to him?
He sighes. “You were struggling. I only wanted to help.”
“Dirtyhands doesn't help people. You don't run gangs the way you do charities,” you retort.
Is that all you see him as? The demjin? The one who's willing to stain his hands for the right price? Is there no other version of him in your eyes?
“You're forgetting the man behind the monster here,” he says softly.
“Am I?” You approach him, leaving a little over two steps in-between the two of you. “Who exactly is the man behind Dirtyhands then?”
He pushes himself off of the door, taking one step forward. The thump of his cane practically echoes in the room. The hustle bustle of the Crow Club is nothing more than a muffled sound. There's a sudden tension in the air—the same one that hangs over you whenever he calls you his schatje, but this one is heavier due to your lack of light-hearted banter to parry.
“Do you really not know?” he asks, as if the question is staring at you in the face. As if it's the most obvious thing in all of Kerch. His stare is heavy, dark irises acting like magnets that pull you in. He scoffs, “You really are dense.”
“Well, enlighten me, Brekker! None of this is making a lot of sense to me.” You let out a frustrated huff of breath. Your hands move wildly to stress your points. “You know what? Whatever it is, I don't want to know. Just — quit doing it. I'll never take another job from Kikkert. I'll stay away from your damned club and all your friends. I'll stay away from you. I'm a capable enough thief without your pity, Brekker. I don't need it. You can shove it up your—”
His gloved hand wraps around your wrist as it's flailing in the air. Your speech immediately comes to a halt and your eyes widen.
“You are impossible,” he says.
You snort. “And you aren't?”
“At the moment, no,” he retorts.
His stare is intense. It isn't until then that you realise you've taken a step forward during your rant, decreasing the perfectly amicable distance and turning it into a heart-thundering one.
“It wasn't pity,” he says. “You're capable, I have never doubted that, but even the most capable ones struggle sometimes. My intention is to help. Trust me on this. I know you're too prideful to accept any, so I paid Kikkert.”
“But why? Why bother?”
“Why?” He blinks, sighing loudly before continuing. “Why? Have you ever stopped and thought, for a moment, that I've been calling you schatje. Do you think that was out of pity?”
You bite the insides of your cheek and shake your head. “It was something else.”
“Has it ever crossed your mind that it's because —ghezen forbid— I may actually harbour fondness for you?”
You blink once, twice. Kaz thinks he much prefers breaking into the ice court than having this conversation right now. His hand trembles when he brings them to brush your cheekbone lightly. He lets out a relieved sigh when you don't pull back. Your hand wraps over his gloved one, the leather cold on your skin. You lean into the touch.
“I thought it was one-sided,” you say finally. “I'm quite fond of you, too, you know.”
“You do a horrible job of showing it.”
“Says you,” you argue. “Just—don't do it again. Let me handle my own problems, Kaz. I'll let you know if I need your help.”
He hums in agreement. “You'll let me know.”
“I will.”
The two of you jump apart abruptly when there's a loud knock.
“Boss?” Jesper's voice sounds muffled through the door. “Everything okay? I hope ___ hasn't murdered you yet.”
“I haven't,” you answer, half-chuckling. Turning to look at Kaz, you say, “It's funny how he doesn't assume you'll murder me instead.”
Kaz shrugs. “He knows I can't.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Can't or won't?”
“Both,” he answers. “Can we not talk about murdering each other after what just happened?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks. What just happened is you practically professing your little (well, maybe not-so-little) crush on him.
“So, is Kaz okay?” Jesper shouts again.
“Fine,” Kaz answers. “You can go back to your table.”
[ ]
i wanted to write something cute. schatje is taken from google and inspired from a kaz fic i read that used 'schatz' as a nickname. the plot is slightly ehhh? because it didn't really end the way i intended it to and i didn't proofread (when have i ever?). i was hoping to turn it into a two or three part series, but this is what we've ended up with & im quite happy with it. thank you for reading!
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angsthology · 9 months
Pay Attention to Things That Most People Ignore ☆ LS2
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logan sargeant is most definitely not most people. it was time he started learning how
characters/pairings; daughter of poseidon!reader, chiron, mr. d, son of apollo!logan, theo (oc), son of athena!oscar.
warnings; monsters, typical pjo-type violence, logan is hopeless but that’s okay! some chb innacurracy sorry i havent read the books in a while, err very rushed writing im sorry, LAWD this is a mess i tell u 😭 perhaps i hate it — 3k words.
a/n; is the title... an all-american bitch lyric? yes. why? im not good and titles and i went to that song in instinct... for no reason. also this was based on a request — though i do admit its a little bit different as i would (hopefully) be making a part 2 hehe. by now im realizing how this title prob has nothin to do with the story
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Over the years, she’s come to accept her life. Did it hurt when it felt like her entire life ended? Of course. Does it still hurt when she turns on the television to see them basically rubbing it on her face? —Whatever.
In theory, she probably could’ve gotten away with it had she not been a daughter of one of the big three—thanks a lot, dad. —but it was proven one too many times that it was not safe for her or any of the other kids. If it didn’t put anyone else’s life at risk, she would’ve disobeyed her mother, she really would (she was a child, she really hasn’t grasped the full concept of what other people would feel).
But, you know, oh well.
It’s sixteen years later and she still has that lingering grudge in the back of her head as the screen plays another Grand Prix — another Grand Prix she could’ve probably been a part of.
She tried, she really tried so hard to forget about it, to let go of it, but again, it was proven to be way too hard to let go of something she had an actual chance of, an actual good chance.
Though it might be hard to let go, she couldn’t really complain much about the life she actually had now.
Sure, it gets pretty lonely sometimes being a forbidden child, there weren’t exactly much of them (that are known and living at camp). But she had everyone else, despite practically being an only child at camp, to her everyone else there were her little siblings—of course, that probably has something to do with the fact that she was the oldest camper and the one who has been there longest.
When she heard a set of the all-too-familiar clops her heart dropped from its current fast-paced beating.
She quickly closed your laptop shut, cringing when you heard how loud of a sound it had made. That was it. She didn’t even try hiding her disappointment in herself. She slowly emerged from under the blanket with her lips tightly-wound shut, bracing herself with whatever the Centaur will have to say, her mind playing a quick telepathic farewell to her laptop.
“Hello, Y/N.”
She sighed, “Chiron.”
“Where and how?”
She swallowed the pre-existing nerves in her throat, “Mr. D.”
He hummed in response, so she continued.
“A pack of Heineken and two bottles of Jack Daniels.”
“Hm, good picks.” She responded lowly under her breath with a small ‘yeah’ as Chiron walked closer to the head of her bed near the bed-side table—his hooves making clopping noises each step.
The silence was taking too long to her liking so she just went to get it over with, “So, you’re gonna take it away from me?” she paused, then mumbling under her breath for herself, “—it’s probably another Red Bull win, anyway.”
Apparently, it was loud enough for the Centaur to hear, making him chuckle.
Surprisingly, he didn’t mention anything else about the laptop, “Who do you support?”
Hearing the question quickly made her look up from her fidgeting hands to see the smile on his face, she screwed her brows in confusion as she continues to look at Chiron for—something. Then, realizing that he was still waiting for an answer, she shook her head.
“Uhm—well, uh—”
“You think that Lando will ever get a win?”
That seemed to loosen her up, “Ugh, Gods, I hope. I’m getting exhausted over here—you know, sometimes I really wish I could ask the Oracle about it.”
He chuckled then which made her crack a smile.
When it died down, Chiron looked at her smiling face. He couldn’t help but frown a little, he knew how she felt about racing, he knew how she still feels about it.
She looks up at him, “Yeah?”
“So, I am aware that your birthday is nearing…”
“I mean… why wouldn’t you be? I’m here all-year-round.”
Chiron cleared his throat at her interruption, giving her a look.
He acknowledged and continued, “I am also aware that it lines up with a certain event…”
She raised an eyebrow it that, almost guessing what that said ‘event’ was.
“So,” he stopped, initially had her thinking he was just pausing but when he left out the door of her cabin she raised her hands as if saying ‘what gives?’
Seconds passed and it seemed like Chiron wasn’t going to come back any time soon so instead she stumbled off of her bed to quickly catch up to the Centaur that was headed to a building—the girl almost caught up to him, almost following him into the building but he was already back out in a good few seconds, stopping her right in front of the set of stairs, raising both her hands in question once more, “You just left. ‘So’, what?”
“I have it arranged that you will be attending the Miami Grand Prix.” He smiled as he handed her a lanyard.
She swore her eyes looked like it could’ve popped out of their sockets in a matter of seconds. She couldn’t believe what she was holding; a paddock pass. She couldn’t believe Chiron had done this for her considering how careful of a man (well, half-man) he is especially with her being a forbidden child. This was about to turn into the best birthday yet.
When she looked up to the smiling Chiron, her mouth still hung open in shock but her arms immediately wrapped around the man’s body in a bone-crushing hug.
She didn’t know how many ‘thank you’s that spilled out of her mouth but next thing she knew he was hugging her back with a chuckle escaping his lips.
After a few more ‘thank you’s from her, she pulled away smiling at him, “I thought you’d rather keep me here forever, why now?”
He cleared his throat, “Well, you are turning twenty-one, not many of you reach that kind of age—don’t tell them I said that—so I’d like to make it a bit more special.”
Still smiling, she looked at the paddock pass in her hand again, “You don’t know how much I appreciate this, Chi. Thank you, again.”
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Being there felt… odd… unnatural.
She always thought if she were ever walking through the paddocks she would be walking as a driver.
What was even more odd was she felt her senses tingling, like she was being watched.
It was a bustling crowded place with many more interesting people compared to her, so it was weird to her that she felt like she was being watched of all people.
But alas, she brushed it off. It didn’t feel like anything bad—if it were, she would know—so she’s just going to have to save that thought for later.
She had to remind herself why she’s here; daydream in real-time of what could’ve been.
Yeah, she weren’t really keen on letting that go.
That is, until she was into her head she failed to notice the person—and group of people that came with said person—she was running into.
Before she knew it, a strong arm was holding her back with too much force for her liking, the action itself almost kicking in her self defense instinct until the person she did bump into pushed the hand away.
He was now talking to her, she assumed, but she was too focused on the person who had pushed her away.
Something about him felt… off. He was what she would count as freakishly huge for a normal human being, her eyes couldn’t help but recalculate the large man over and over until eventually the person that has been trying to get her attention snaps her out of it.
“Sorry, that’s Theo, he’s like that. I swear he doesn’t mean any harm.”
The scowl she hadn’t realized that made it’s way to her face slowly dropped as she slowly move her gaze to the person that was talking to her.
When their eyes met, she swore she saw a flash of something pass by his expression.
“Yeah,” she finally let go of this ‘Theo’ person and found her words, “Sorry I bumped into you.”
“That’s fine.” There was a brief silence across them until he cleared his throat, “I’m Logan, by the way.”
“Yeah, I know. You drive for Williams.” She replied flatly.
He cleared his throat again, scanning her for the shortest moment, “Do I know you?”
She looked to his eyes again with a small squint. “Most likely not. Good luck, bye.”
Before he could say anything else she was already speed-walking away. And for some odd reason, Logan found himself watching her walk away before getting pulled away himself just in the same time as the girl turned around to give a watchful eye.
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It was getting annoying. This was supposed to be a weekend to enjoy but she could not help but feel that uneasiness creeping up on her. Over the years she had somewhat mastered the ability—well more the ability mastering her—of sensing bad things, whether that was events or creatures alike.
So, to simply put that together, that’s how she found herself sneaking around the Williams garage. Not hospitality, garage.
From years of quests here and there, many hours of weapons training, and not to mention capture the flag schemings with other campers, she had mastered the skill of being sneaky. It really did work well in her favor.
What she didn’t expect was to be completely entranced the moment she got into the busy garage; it was the first time she was seeing a real life-size F1 car in real-time.
Everything was so enchanting to her, it felt like she was reliving her childhood dreams all over again. When she had gone through with her plan, she didn’t really register the fact that she was going to go face to face with an actual working Formula One garage.
She really tried to stay focused on the task at hand but it really was in her blood to be unfocused.
Somehow, just somehow, she had heard his voice over the loud noises around her and just somehow, she knew he was addressing her.
Immediately, she tried to hide or duck behind something—anything just so she didn’t have to face him.
Before she knew it a hand was gripping her upper arm and pulling her somewhere quieter and she was met with green eyes that looked at her with suspicion.
“Are you like a fan or something?”
She was taken aback by his words.
“Are you following me?”
“What—no. I mean not you specifically—why did I say that.” she whispered the last part to herself. If she was being honest, she hasn’t really been brushing up her skills in socializing with anyone else that weren’t the campers.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing! I—”
Their conversation—if you could’ve called it that anyway—was interrupted by the same man she had been suspecting from earlier.
“There you are.” It was the first time she was hearing his voice and just by that she already knew that they were going to be in big trouble. His voice was low and unnerving, saying the words as if he’s been searching for them not for worried purposes rather unfortunate ones.
Logan didn’t seem to have the same feeling as her as he looked more relieved among other things to see the man. “Theo!” he greeted while throwing his hands in the air, “What’s up, man?”
Fortunately for Logan, Theo wasn’t exactly paying attention to him instead looking at the girl in front of him instead.
When he noticed he tried to interfere, “Oh, no, don’t worry about her, she’s not harmful.” He then realized he didn’t exactly know this girl so he looked at her with questioning eyes, “You aren’t, right?”
Except her focus didn’t waver from the big man that looked at her with a stare that tried to kill.
Logan, still clueless, looked between the two back and forth in confusion until Theo said something that really caught his attention.
“Daughter of Poseidon.” Theo growled.
Logan’s head couldn’t snap towards her faster.
“Shit.” She mumbled under her breath.
Before they knew it, she had grabbed a hold of his hand and running away with it, Logan still very much in shock at this new information he attained.
Through empty places and crowded ones, the girl forgot that the man she had ahold of weren’t just anyone but a very real and hard-to-miss Formula One driver. Sure, he was a rookie but a driver nonetheless.
But she couldn’t care less about the attention she was gaining; she was far too busy running for her life than think about cameras and the public.
“What the hell was he talking about? Poseidon?!” she didn’t answer his panicked question so he continued instead, “Are you a half-blood too?”
The ‘too’ in his question was what finally caught her attention but still, she didn’t answer him, only cursing herself for not noticing one when she saw one.
Just when she thought they had lost them, the monster once disguised as Theo was standing there at the end of the opening, she and Logan had slipped in.
Next thing she knew she was fumbling around trying to fight off the apparent Giant that was Theo.
“What the hell are you doing there, mind a little help over here?” she yelled over at Logan who was pretty much… useless in the corner.
He continued to panic, looking for anything he could use to get the Giant off of her.
Suddenly, while she was struggling to get the Giant’s grip off of her, the force stopped as a cloud of mist poofed where the monster was once before. She quickly scrambled herself up and was met with a figure in McLaren clothing holding a gold-dust colored weapon pointing at her.
“Oscar Piastri?!”
He didn’t answer her, dagger still pointing at her direction, “Who are you?”
Putting her hands out in defense she explained herself, “I respect that.” she commented, “I’m Y/N L/N, I am the daughter of Poseidon,” then she cautiously pointed at the Australian, “I’m assuming you’re a half-blood too.” she nodded at him, “Who do you belong to?”
Oscar then slowly lowered his weapon, his trust building by the minute, “Athena.”
Then both of them turn to Logan simultaneously.
“No!” he got defensive immediately, “I want to know what just happened!” he pointed accusingly.
All of a sudden, it just finally hit Oscar, “Poseidon?!”
The sea god’s daughter made a face and ignored the Australian, “What do you mean what just happened? Typical demigod stuff!”
The look on his face made her double-take, “You… do have occasional encounters with monsters here and there… right?”
When Logan’s expression doesn’t change, she turns to Oscar.
“I have this for a reason.” He said slowly, showing her the dagger. “—and, well, if I’m being honest, that has never happened before.”
“Shit.” she shakes her head in disappointment then pulling out her phone, “I need to make a phone call.”
She left the two men by themselves and went ahead as the line rings a couple of times before getting an answer.
After a brief conversation—that will continue later for details—the girl locked her phone and walked towards the two drivers.
“You’re coming with me this summer. It will not be up for debate and don’t worry about your… duties, I have it covered.”
Logan was quick to stop her explanations, “Wait—what—no! At least explain what the hell that phone call was about. You can’t just drop all that on us and expect us to be okay with it.
She rolls her eyes, “I’ll explain later, right now, you two have a job to do.” They didn’t object to that, the three of them walking out the pretty-hidden space the Giant had decided to corner them before.
Oscar stopped just outside, “I can take care of myself if anything else decide to come out and attack me, you should probably go with him. And uh, I actually need to talk to you,” he pointed at her, “—later. Not exactly letting you off the hook that easily.”
She didn’t complain.
The two walked in silence, every once in a while getting stopped for a picture and such, until Logan speaks up.
She turned to him, eyebrow raised.
“My dad.”
“Oh.” She paused then comments, “Fitting.”
He didn’t know what it was in her voice, it didn’t sound exactly like a compliment but he wasn’t sure if it was an insult.
Whatever, he shrugged it off.
After that, they both went into their own train of thoughts.
Without noticing, they both sucked in a breath in unison.
“I’m sorry for—”
“I think you should—”
The two quickly stepped back from whatever it was they were going to say, heat rushing up their necks. They kept walking on the awkward silence that fell upon them until Logan re-focused his attention and remembering what she had said—well, what she almost said earlier.
“Wait—‘sorry’? What were you apologizing for?” he turned to her who was now ducking away from his eyes, her own focus stayed on her fidgeting hands.
She made a noise before finally finding her words, “It’s just—this always happens, you know. I’m a forbidden kid, I attract the worst kind of trouble there is for half-bloods. And earlier; I had brought it to you and Oscar.” he was going to say something to ease her guilt but she beat him to it, “I’m just glad that monster didn’t hurt any of you.” She threw her hands in the air, “I mean, it’s qualifying day for Gods sake! —maybe I shouldn’t go to the race tomorrow.” She mumbled the last part to herself, though not quietly enough that the driver didn’t hear.
Logan was taken aback by her statement, giving him an opening on his almost-offer.
“What—no! Why not?” he asked.
“Look, it’s bad enough that there’s two demigods in one place; adding a forbidden kid in the mix won’t really make it any better. I still want everyone to have a safe race. Who knows what kind of other monsters I could attract.”
From every point of view Logan could gather, it was simply a fact that this girl knows about their world far more than he did, far more than Oscar did, so he couldn’t really be the voice of judgement in whatever she had to say. But… he wanted her to stay.
It calmed him down for some reason, knowing someone shares the same—if not, worse—fate as you.
So, he tried to find a reason, a good reason to make her stay. Of course, he wasn’t a pro at this half-blood thing so he offered something that he was familiar with. He gave her a more… human reason.
“I think you should stay.” He blurted.
“Dude—is it alright if I called you that?”
“Uh, go nuts.”
“You deserve to have some fun, watch a race! I’ll even have you as an official Williams guest!”
She hummed with a smile creeping up.
“And if you’re worried about trouble, that’s fine. We can always handle trouble! We are all trouble-bound any way, better face them now than later! Plus, I think it’d be good if you could teach us the basics early.”
She felt the warmth spread through her chest. It’s been a while since she felt someone so welcoming that wasn’t anyone within Camp Half-blood. It was nice. He was nice. Almost made her forget that she was in the place she was meant to be in.
Her heart felt wholesome, but didn’t make it show, her mouth couldn’t stop the comment from escaping her mouth instead.
“You really want me to stay, huh?”
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itrithenbartist · 11 months
lil spicy hc's for sdj
literally 18+, any and all blogs that's ageless DNI otherwise you'll be blocked. Any minors DNI.
so with all that out of the way, here's my personal thought process for the dang man. also this is going to be gn for everyone to enjoy. and try to censor myself as much as possible so i don't get clocked by tumblr lol...also added is that i only recently got into this game and that i don't know everything so im sorry if there's a lot of things that aren't really good listed...thank you <333
-of course if you played the extended demo, you know he loves to praise mc, right? Oh man now can you just imagine the power he has??? Mr. Jack will use that for basically anything like to condition mc to go back to him...sort of like pavlov's experiment.
-now, if you uno reverse poor jackie boy...the outcomes is without fail, so good. he'd be all flush and whiney, immediately just do everything he can just to be told he's good. he's not above groveling. just to hear mc call him "good boy" makes him into a puddle of jello.
-now putting into perspective of joseph/jack...one's weakness doesn't go away when they transform. the weakness is the filthiest sloppy toppy mc can give. it doesn't even have to be that good, pretty sure especially jack would just love seeing how excited mc is to give it...he's about to blow no matter what...
-he loves giving head, favorite thing ever to do. sure he can stick it in...but why would he do that when he can give mc the best head they've ever had in their life??? he has to make mc nut (i hate how i have to use that) at least, like 2-3x before he even Considers helping himself. what a gentleman.
-is 100% okay with letting mc top. proper equipment or bought equipment, doesn't matter, he would be so proud of mc. the entire time he's getting absolutely demolished and ravaged by mc, he's still praising them, telling how good they feel, and how good they are to him.
-obviously we've seen how he tops, how he absolutely loves tearing mc apart and putting them back together again...he just adores watching mc's face as they get closer and closer to the edge. the best pleasure for him is to see mc getting the pleasure they deserve
-most def a tease. he always wants to please mc, don't get him wrong. but also he loves how borderline delirious he's made mc, making them work hard and 'earn it'...of course his rewards is so delicious.
-now if mc would flip the table on him...he'd be putty in their hands...and he would be pouting the entire time. being unable to do anything but just sweetly beg for some release off his c*ck...
-if mc says anything about how big he is...it's a wrap. jack is not egotistical in the slightest, but he will no forget what mc said. will be thinking about it Forever
-we all know the premise of the game, he's so possessive it's safe to assume he'd leave Marks all over mc's body. only stops putting it in visible places when mc complains how many times parents scolded them for leaving the apartment like that
Here's a bit softer hc's i think:
-loves when mc and him laugh during s*x...it makes him so elated that even when mc is asleep, he replays the memory in his head over and over again
-he's been locked in that tape for so long...of course he's touch starved. this man Yearns for any form of affection.
-genuinely loves to get to know mc, their favorite music, and pictures, and just everything, it makes him so happy to know everything about mc
-going back to about how he wants so much affection and attention...literally is the epitome of when someone says "i want to crawl into their skin, that's the only way i can be close enough"...yea that's him. cannot stand being without mc's touch for a second.
-loves when mc does small...nothings. like simple things that most people would just skip over. take for granted...not him, not jack. jack would worship everything that mc does.
last one:
-jack/joseph love fat mc. like big belly, smaller belly, whatever. apron belly? muffin top? they eat that shit up daily. chef's kiss thank you for coming to my ted talk
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nataliesfirefly · 4 months
chapter 3 - the truce
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a/n: omg i am so sorry for not uploading sooner!!! may was so chaotic with finals and everything. i sincerely apologize for taking so long to write this chapter! i dont know if anyone still cares about this series or wants to read it, but im still going to post this just in case some of you still enjoy it :)) love yall so much and again i apologize for the wait 🤍🤍
chapter warnings: slight language
wc: 4k
series masterlist
You make your way to English class hastily, the cold wind almost slicing through your skin and bones. November weather in London has always been cruel, but you can’t remember the last time it was this freezing. You look down at your shoes as you walk, trying to save your face from the harsh, burning gusts. If it’s going to be in the negative temperatures, some snow would be nice.
You eventually reach the classroom and swing open the door, shuffling inside. You sigh with dread, knowing today is the day you’re going to be assigned your partner for the essay. You’d much rather be cozied up in your dorm room with a mug of hot tea, listening to your favorite classical music pieces while reading a non-assigned book.
“Good morning,” Mrs. Chasteen greets you as you walk to your seat. “Are you quite alright?” You pause at her words and raise an eyebrow. “Yes, miss. Why do you ask?” You reply, confused. “Oh. No reason,” She waves a hand dismissively and you decide not to question it as you venture to your seat.
You sit next to Magdalena, a new accquaintance you’ve made in this class. “Is something off about me? Like, my face?” You ask her as you set your things down. “Your cheeks are just very rosy. And your nose,” She giggles and covers her mouth, her green eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh. It’s just the cold,” You sigh. This was a common occurrence for you.
“Didn’t know Rudolph was in our class,” Someone mutters as they pass by. You glance up and see Farleigh glancing back at you with a smirk. You roll your eyes and groan. “He’s funny,” Magdalena remarks.
You turn to her. “Excuse me?” It comes out harsher than you expected it to, and her eyes widen. “Sorry. I mean… he’s… annoying..?” She says it almost like a question while trying to bite back a grin, but you can see it clearly. “Just because you hate him doesn’t mean I have to,” She points a finger at you. You nod. “Fair point. Sorry, Lena.” You pat her shoulder and she smiles. “No worries.”
“Alright, is everyone settled?” Mrs. Chasteen’s voice drags your attention back to the front of the room. A few quiet agreements echo throughout the room, meaning it’s unfortunately time to start the lesson.
Towards the end of class, Mrs. Chasteen stands up to announce something.
“So, with our first term coming to an end soon, it’s time for you to begin your essays. I’m expecting university level quality, and some very thought-provoking writing. I know you all can do it, just put your minds to it, and trust yourselves. Now, just because I’m giving you a partner does not mean you can slack off. You must do your equal parts of work,” She warns, already knowing the work ethics of some of the people in this class.
“I chose each of your partners for a reason. I think I know you all well enough by now, and I believe you are going to work well with whoever I paired you with.” She explains. You glance over at Magdalena with a smile and raised eyebrows. Mrs. Chasteen likes you, you think, so perhaps she paired you with Lena, since it’s obvious you two have become close.
“Alright.” She walks to her desk and grabs a piece of paper with the pairs written down. “Fiona and Oscar,” She calls out. You hear some mutters and hums and shuffling of your classmates. “Mason and Henry,” She says.
She continues calling out names, and you think you’re going to die from the anticipation. It seems like she’s saving your name for last on purpose. She hasn’t called Lena yet, though, so perhaps there is still hope.
“Magdalena and…” She pauses and squints at the paper. You tightly cross your fingers under the desk. “Olivia.” You turn to Lena quickly. She looks at you with a confused expression and shrugs. Mrs. Chasteen hates you, probably.
Suddenly you hear your name and your attention peaks. You whip back around to face the front, watching your teacher closely. “...and Farleigh.”
You swear your heart drops to your stomach. Your eyes widen and you blink, desperately trying to wake yourself up as if this is only a bad dream. In fact, now that you think of it, you genuinely believe you’ve had a nightmare about this before. Having to work with Farleigh on a project. A project that is basically worth your entire grade this term. Magdalena gasps quietly and then giggles, nudging you. “Oh my God,” She whispers. Of course she finds this funny.
“And that’s all. The essay is due December 15th, I will give you the prompts tomorrow. You are dismissed.” You immediately shoot up from your seat, seemingly at the same time as Farleigh, speedily walking up to Mrs. Chasteen’s desk, trying to beat him there. But it’s no use, as you both arrive there at the same time.
“Miss, is there any way I could switch partners?” You quickly blurt out before he can get a chance to talk, while still trying to remain polite. She looks at you with a surprised expression.
“I can’t do this essay with him.” You glance over at Farleigh who looks offended. “I can’t do this essay with her!” He exclaims. “Alright, alright, you two. Calm down. Why don’t you both have a seat?” She nods towards the two chairs positioned in front of her desk.
You exchange glances before obeying and sitting down. She sits down in her own chair across from the two of you, adjusting her glasses and leaning forward.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I had paired you two together for a reason?” She quirks an eyebrow and you have to resist the temptation to roll your eyes.
“I have noticed that there seems to be some sort of… rivalry or.. tension between you. However, I believe you two can work together and write something beautiful, once you put your feelings aside. If you both desire to go to Oxford, this is a skill you must learn. You must be agreeable, and able to adapt to new situations and people. Even if you do not prefer their company.” Mrs. Chasteen explains matter-of-factly.
“I’m not doing this because I dislike you. I’m doing it because you are two of my favorite students.” She winks and stands up. You’ve won, but at what cost? You and Farleigh stand shortly after, following suit. “Now, I think you’d ought to get to your next classes.”
“This absolutely sucks,” He groans as you both trudge across the courtyard, as you have both done everyday since the first day of school when he offered you his umbrella. It’s like a tradition, although he’s not the preferred person you’d like to be walking with right now.
“Yeah, you think?!” You exclaim furiously, raising your voice over the wind. “Did she say we’re going to have to meet outside of class?” He asks, and you turn to glance up at him. “What? Oh my God, that’s even worse!” You slap a hand to your forehead and shake your head.
“I’m not meeting you anywhere,” You tell Farleigh. He stops in his tracks. “It’s not up to us. We have to if we want to get this done. It’s half of our-”
“Yes, I know. Half of our grade. At this point, I’d rather take the zero!” You throw your hands up as you both reach the door to the west wing. He rolls his eyes and holds the door open for you. You angrily bustle past him to escape the freezing cold air.
“Are you serious? It’s really not a big deal. We can get along for the sake of an essay.” The door closes behind you two, leaving both of you alone in the long hallway. You turn around to face him.
“Fine. But we both get equal input for the essay. I know how you are when it comes to group projects,” You narrow your eyes at him and fold your arms, remembering that chaotic astronomy project you had to work on with Farleigh and some other irrelevant people during your tenth year. He was a total control freak and didn’t let you do anything, because he feared you would ‘mess it up.’
“Okay, okay. Deal.” He nods and holds out his hand like it’s some kind of business agreement. Or maybe more like a truce. For now. You reluctantly take his hand and shake it gently. You can’t help but notice how small your hand is compared to his own.
“See you later.” You spin on your heel and head up the stairs quickly to get to biology. Hopefully this whole ordeal doesn’t cause you to be late.
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The next day in class, Mrs. Chasteen assigns each group their prompt. Unfortunately, you now have to sit next to Farleigh. You’ll certainly miss Magdalena’s peaceful company and her ability to not make snarky comments every five seconds.
“Right, so our prompt is…” You drag the slip of paper closer to you to read the words printed. “Discuss revenge in the novel. In what ways is it connected to love? What is the nature of love in the novel, that it can be so closely connected to vengeance?” You read aloud.
“Easy.” Farleigh sighs and leans back in his chair nonchalantly. “Well, then perhaps you would like to enlighten me with some of your ideas?” You turn to him expectantly. “Are you doubting my knowledge?” He asks, clutching a hand to his chest as if to appear offended. “No. Just curious.” You shrug and smile mischeviously, but you know exactly what you’re doing.
“Heathcliff’s unrequited love for Catherine drives his desire for revenge. Their love is self-destructive and all-consuming which leads to Heathcliff’s strong emotions and actions.” He replies. You sit there in silence for a moment, realizing he actually knew what was going on in the novel. You had assumed he had just skimmed through it and Googled a summary.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” You mutter, nodding slowly in agreement. “Great. Sounds like we won’t have any trouble with this essay,” He smiles and pats you on the shoulder firmly. You almost instantly recoil, shifting in your chair and glaring at him. What is it with him and touching you?
“So, when should we meet up to work on it?” You ask. “How about tonight at seven? The library?” Farleigh suggests. “I won’t steal your spot this time,” He says teasingly. “Shut up.” You snap.
“Why did you care so much about that anyway?” He questions. “I’m just…” You trail off, your face reddening. “Superstitious?” He raises his eyebrows and you sigh. “I guess you could say that.” You shrug and look back down at the table.
“Should we get each other’s numbers?” He suddenly asks. Your eyes dart up to his. “What?” You can already feel your face getting hot again, and you don’t even know why. The idea of Farleigh having your number is… frightening. But why are you blushing at the thought of it? And why does he want your number? Could he possibly…
“For the project.” Your expression probably gave too much away, so he had to clarify. “Oh. Right. Yeah, definitely.” You nod a bit aggressively as he fishes his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and handing it to you. Your hands tremble as you take his phone and type in your number. You hand it back to him and pray he didn’t notice your strange behavior. “Thanks,” He mutters.
“You know that Clara girl?” He says. “Yeah, what about her?” Your curiosity peaks as you glance over at him. “She’s been talking to me a lot. Like, she’s barely spoken a sentence to me in the past five years we’ve been at this school. And now she won’t leave me alone,” He says it with that tinge of pride in his voice.
“Okay?” You gesture vaguely. “Well, your friends with her, right?” He lowers his voice and checks around him to make sure no one is eavesdropping. “Yeah…?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Does she ever… you know, talk about me?” He asks. You almost laugh but you stop yourself. “No, she doesn’t.” You bite back a feisty remark. “You are seriously no help whatsoever.” He shakes his head and pinches the space between his eyes.
“Just because a girl starts talking to you more than she usually does, does not mean she likes you.” You tell him, only realizing how untrue that sentence is after you’ve said it. “You just have a huge ego,” You recover quickly after your moment of silence.
“I do not. If anyone does it’s you.” He replies a little too quickly. It goes quiet all of a sudden and you awkwardly look away and out the window. He clears his throat. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” You quietly respond. Sooner or later class is over and you’re free from that awkward moment.
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Later that night you arrive at the library, a few minutes after seven. You walk in and head over to where Farleigh is sitting, conveniently next to your usual spot. You smile at the thought of him remembering where it was and remembering not to take it.
But then you notice there’s someone standing at the side of the table, leaning against the table with their long legs crossed, twirling their lengthy blonde hair. Clara.
You awkwardly walk over and stand there next to Clara, waiting for her to turn and notice you.
“You’re funny,” She giggles right as Farleigh glances up and sees you. She turns, following his line of eyesight and eventually meeting your gaze. “Oh, hello!” She grins brightly. Why is she always so… sociable?
“Hi, Clara.” You step aside, going around her to your side of the table and sitting down. She seems confused. “Oh, are you two-”
“We’re just meeting up for a project,” Farleigh explains. “Oh. The essay for English, right?” To your surprise, she sits on the table, perfectly comfortable. Is Farleigh blushing?
“Yep,” You nod with a sigh, hoping that she’ll take the hint. “That book was honestly so boring. I couldn’t even tell you what it’s actually about.” She laughs like it’s funny. And the worst part is, Farleigh is chuckling along with her.
“We should probably get to work…” You mutter. You make eye contact with Clara and something in her gaze is threatening. But then, the switch flips and she nods, sliding off the table. “Alright. I’ll leave you to it! Have a good night, you two.” She smiles and walks away, and you swear she purposely walks with a swing in her hips.
Farleigh is just staring after her like an idiot. You nudge him harshly. “Farleigh,” You hiss. He startles out of his trance and turns to you. “Ow. What?!” He rubs his arm sarcastically and you roll your eyes.
“See, I think she likes me. You were lying to me.” He whispers. “I didn’t lie to you. I just–” You cut yourself off before you say something embarrassing.
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get started on this,” He says, and you both reach down into your bags for your laptops and book copies.
“I’ve never written an essay with someone before.” You mutter. You’re curious as to how this will work; perhaps you both take turns writing paragraphs, or take turns revising and editing. “I can do the introduction. I’m pretty good at those,” Farleigh offers.
“I mean… you could, I guess.” You don’t sound so certain. Introduction paragraphs are your specialty, and if he writes it, you know it wouldn’t be as good as yours. He looks at you with confusion. “What do you mean ‘I guess’?” His thick eyebrows furrow.
“Nothing, it’s only that… well, I’d rather write the introduction.” You explain sheepishly. “What, you think I can’t do it?” He questions. He crosses his arms defensively.
“I never said that. I just think that you should let me do it.” You reply. You can already feel yourself becoming annoyed by him. “Why should I?” He shoots back. “Because– Because..” You can’t think of a good reason. Shit.
“Let’s write it together, then.” Ah, yes. A compromise. Something you hate. Of course he would be the one to suggest that.
“Fine.” You huff and fall back into your chair. “We’ll just write it on mine, it will be easier that way.” He moves his laptop in front of him and begins to type. You sit up quickly and squint to see what he’s typing.
Seems good so far. Until–
“Wait. Maybe we should use a different word right there,” You suggest, but it’s not really a suggestion at all. More like an order.
“What’s wrong with intense?” He asks combatively, not bothering to look at you. “I think impassioned would be better. Or passionate, even.” You reply. He lets out a sigh full of exasperation. “You’re so stubborn,” He mutters while shaking his head.
“And you’re such a dick,” Your voice raises a bit too high, gaining a few turned heads and curious glances. “Jesus, okay. I’ll change it.” He whispers, replacing the word with your recommendation.
Your next hour spent in the library consists of hushed arguments and whisper-yelling over who should write what and who comes up with the better phrasing. You knew this couldn’t possibly work out. You’re both too stubborn and aggressive to work together.
You haul your backpack onto your shoulders and push in your chair a bit violently. Farleigh really pissed you off tonight.
“Goodnight…” He watches you with wide eyes. “Night,” You respond shortly as you hurriedly walk to the front doors.
Later that night, you’re sitting at your desk listening to music while doing some homework for your history class. Your phone dings with a notification.
You curiously flip over your phone, peering down at the screen. Unknown number.
“Hey, it’s Farleigh. Should we meet tomorrow evening, same time at my dorm?”
Oh. He hasn’t texted you since you gave him your number, so you haven’t had the chance to save his number. But why at his dorm?
You unlock your phone and begin typing out a response.
No, too harsh. You hit the backspace button a few times and try again.
Too energetic. You groan and delete the word once again. Why are you overthinking this so much? It’s just Farleigh.
“Sounds good.” You settle on that and press the send button. Maybe he doesn’t want to meet at the library anymore because of all the strange looks you both received last time.
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You check the time on your phone lockscreen. Seven PM sharp. You take a deep breath and knock on Farleigh’s door, preparing yourself for some more bickering.
The door opens with a slight creaking sound. “Hey,” Farleigh says quietly. The awkwardness sets in and it takes you a moment to come up with a response.
“Hi.” You stand there, waiting for him to step aside to let you in. He stares down at you for a few seconds, but for some reason, it feels like a whole minute.
He opens the door further and makes room for you to enter. You take a few small steps inside and he closes the door behind you. You glance around, taking all the details in. All the dorms here have the same layout, but everyone is free to personalize and decorate however they would like to, within reason.
You would expect the asshole to be sporting a bunch of medals and trophies, but it’s quite the opposite. There’s a few movie posters and postcards (you’re assuming from America) hung neatly on the walls, a small bookshelf with various novels and notebooks, a work desk similar to your own with sheets of paper splayed out and pens scattered about in typical Farleigh fashion, a closet, and a nice potted plant on the windowsill.
“Not bad,” You comment with a teasing smile. “What did you expect?” He laughs softly and rests his hands in his pockets, watching you survey the room. “I thought it would be more messy,” You grin.
“It usually is,” He replies, and then his smile quickly fades as if he just registered what he said. “So you cleaned up just for me? Awww.” You press a hand to your chest and pout your lips in mock flattery. He stutters. “No, I..” Is he getting nervous right now?
You clear your throat. “Anyways. Let’s get to work.” You clap your hands twice for dramatic effect, sitting down on the floor with your legs criss-crossed. Farleigh grabs his laptop and joins you, placing it in between you.
“Sorry about yesterday.” He murmurs so softly you can barely hear it. “Hm?” You decide to be cheeky. If he’s going to apologize, you want to hear it louder than that. “I said sorry. About yesterday. I was being… annoying.” He says it a bit louder this time.
“Annoying is one word for it,” You bite your lip shortly afterwards. You shouldn’t have said that. If you want to get this essay done, you’re going to have to try to get along with him. “I forgive you.” For you, those three words are the hardest words to say. You let out a breath.
“You were being an asshole too, though.” He tilts his head and raises his eyebrows at you. “I- Yeah. I was. Sorry.” Your face reddens and you rub the back of your neck. Why is it suddenly so warm in this room?
“I really think we can do this.” Farleigh’s gaze burns into yours and it’s so hard not to look away. His usual cold and dark stare is replaced by something warmer, kinder. “Me too,” You agree, but your voice comes out sounding a bit odd. You cough slightly. “Sorry.”
“I’ve written down some ideas for the format. Like, what we should write about in each paragraph.” He explains, standing up to grab a notebook from his desk. Wow. Maybe he’s actually going to be useful.
This evening was far more productive than the one before. You two managed to get most of the second paragraph done. And against all odds, there was only one small argument. You were even able to laugh together. There’s still some tension floating around the room, and you’re not sure why it’s there. Not even the usual tension between you two, more like…
Farleigh stands up. “I’d say that was pretty productive.” He stretches and yawns before offering you his hand. You freeze and just stare at it until you realize he’s just trying to help you up. God, why do you keep assuming the wrong things? You reach up for his hand and he pulls you up with a little too much strength, causing you to kind of fall into him. He steadies you with his hands on your waist before quickly removing them as if he’s just touched a hot stove.
“Sorry,” You both blurt out. “It’s okay.” You say casually, although you’re trying to pretend your legs don’t feel like jelly right now.
“So… I guess I’ll see you Monday, then. Unless you want to work on this over the weekend.” He says. You shake your head. “I think since we started early, we’re already pretty far ahead. Let’s just plan for Monday.” He nods at your words and you smile.
“Goodnight, Farleigh,” You head for the door and you can see a slight hesitation in his eyes, like he wants to say something more. But he doesn’t. “Goodnight.”
And with that, you’re headed back to your own dorm, already feeling the effects of exhaustion setting in.
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my-brain-soup · 27 days
I've Never Seen Luka, But Jon Kent Has
Basically I've never watched Luka but I read a fanfic where Jon gets the teen titans to watch it (parallels are drawn between Luca and Alberto and Jon and Damian) so now I will be watching it and writing the thoughts I have during it
No I will not give context and spoiler warning ig
Love the music during the studio logos
We love a superstitious king, I mean, I have a feeling he has a point
Awww, he's such a polite little guy
Luca is a farm boy!!! I love my little Jon Kent varient :)
I, too, would risk my life for shiny object
I, too, do the murder
Dami would say he invented walking
And pretend he's not proud of Jon
Bruno? Or Bruce...o... you get the idea
Sorry, they have Luca grab Alberto like that and expect me not to see them as the most adorable little guy love story? Their so crushing on each other
"You're so lucky your dad lets you do what you want," cue Superman's comment about Bruce getting hit on the head all the time
Yes! Grandma, my queen!
"We can do anything" I love this movie
God I don't know her name yet but I love her
We're not telling you our secrets! Tells secrets immediately.
I love Alberto so muchhhhhh
I love Mr dad human
Oh they know SOO many fish
No way everyone, including an adult, just saw that bitch rob some kids and didn't do shit
He is a sad little catfish
Why are his parents actually crazy
Aww, Alberto doesn't want to lose his friend
Luca just wants to learn, and Alberto just wants to feel loved :(
How is the gayest looking dude there being homophobic?
When your new father figue wants to kill your entire species
Alberto got mad when Julia touched Luca's hand...
Why does Luca's hair looks like a croissant
Their fort :(
God the organizer adult lady us such a bitch
Why is no one concerned that the scuba kid isn't coming up for air?
Aww, his little clap self tap in
It's totally about to rain
Well shit. Sometimes I hate when I'm right
I love them so much!!!!
Is the mom the same person that voiced Aunt Cass in big hero 6?
I decided it is a metaphor for older lgbtq people, feeling able to come out after younger generations have proved that times have changed, I love them
(They're sisters, so they're not together, but they can still be gay!)
About his crush, not just Luca going to school
Their in love, your honor
I love this movie
So much
Also, here is my formal apology, her name is spelled Giulia, my b
Alberto learns to carve wood, awww
Also, does Luca EVER get shoes?
I've decided I need an Alberto to become a tattoo artist future au, at least like on the side or for fun or sm
The dedication is adorable
Yes, I just watched all of the credits. What about it?
I was rewarded with an after credits scene, so fuck you.
I'm gonna watch all the deleted scenes now, I'm not gonna specify which one so have fun guessing
Haha, they called Alberto and Luca the main relationship
Also, she was almost a photographer, like TIM DRAKE?!?!?
Don't worry, Luca, I'll ride in a barrel lit on fire down a hill with you
Awww, they were raised by a lobsterrr
Oh, Jon is extremely charming
I love how they used different animation styles (in how they had the characters move) on land and in the water
Bro, not the first version where Alberto outs Luca to Giulia, eek
And finally, Ciao Alberto!
Aww, Luca wants to see to Portorosso!
He finally has people who care about him!!!
Alberto, you do NOT got this
Noooo!!! Don't leave!!!
I love Alberto being an artist (a bad one, for now, but still and artist)
Okay, that's it, Ciao :)
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at the center of gotham, lies its oldest public hospital — gotham general. it’s staff are kind and compassionate, if a little intolerant of bullshit. the city may not care about the crimes that occur in it but the people certainly do. gotham’s emergency services are renowned throughout the nation as one of the best. 
the ER nurses at gotham general love to gossip and their latest is about how their ever-reliable EMT bernard dowd, who'll rush into burning buildings if he thinks he can save one more person, who smiles so brightly and brings them cupcakes on his days off but has such sad eyes, seems so lonely. they determinedly decide to find a date for him. maybe dr. zacharia thomas, their latest trauma surgeon? yes, yes! he's only a few years older, bernard knows him, they get along, and most importantly, he's got a stable job. he'll be perfect for their bernard!
and then, literally only days after they decide to set up dr. zacharia and bernard on a date, head trauma nurse marissa santos comes running in with a copy of gotham daily, clutched in her hand.
"look! look! nakita mo ba ang balita?" she whisper-yells, "did you see the news?!"
instantly they're all crowding around her, trying to see the paper. covering the front page is a blurry photo of a black-haired man engaged in a passionate game of tonsil-hockey with someone who is unmistakably their youngest EMT. he's still wearing his uniform for christ's sake! in the largest font known to man, "WAYNE'S NEW PARAMOUR?" is written at the top.
"he's dating the wayne ceo!" marissa gushes excitedly.
"isn't he a little too old for bernard?" someone pipes up from the back.
"not the father, you idiot! the son! timothy!"
that's way better than their candidate. everyone is stoked. by nightfall, everyone in the ER knows that bernard dowd is dating timothy drake-wayne, the youngest ceo wayne enterprises has ever had.
when bear stops by, at around 2 in the morning, dropping of the last patient from his shift, he's immediately accosted by the nurses.
"whoa! hey!" he exclaims as they lead him to the nurse's station and sit him down in a chair, "what's going on?"
marissa slams the paper down in front of him, "spill."
bernard groans and turns cherry red, "oh my god tita. don't you guys have patients to attend to?"
"already taken care of." nurse gu says.
"what about mr. gomez, the one with third degree burns that just came in?" bernard tries desperately.
"dr. zacharia is already on it." dr. esperanza responds, "so spill."
their youngest tries one last time, "how do you even know if that's me?"
"there are like 10 blonde people in the EMT department and considering all of them are older than you and none of them seem to have the three ear piercings that kid in this picture does, we're gonna have to assume it's you." dr. farah nasim, one half of the head of the ER, says.
bernard turns on her with a betrayed look.
"sorry kid," she snorts, "also, you're still wearing your uniform in the photo. it says 'dowd' on the shoulder."
"im too old to be bossed around like this." he mutters before sighing, "alright what'd'ya want to know?"
"tell us everything!" marissa says, "how did you two meet?"
"we were friends in high school and we fell out of touch after junior year. he hit me up on insta 6 months ago and we reconnected."
"oh my god!! they're high school sweethearts!" nurse gu squeals, "that's so cute!"
"tell us more! who asked who out?"
"okay well, technically he asked me out but he didn't know he was asking me out. but we went on this date at this restaurant and it got attacked by some villain and red robin, but he was going by robin at the time, rescued. so i told robin, 'hey if i make it out of this, tell tim drake, i would've liked to finish our date'. and then, tim, shows up at my door the next day and says 'i don't know what this feeling i get when i'm near you is, but i'd like to find out'. and the rest is history."
"bernard, what the hell?" dr. esperanza says shocked, "that's the most rom-com-esque story i've ever heard."
"what?" bernard blushes, "no it's not."
"bear," esperanza says slowly, "he showed up at your door and said 'i don't know what this feeling i get when i'm near you is, but i want to find out.' that is something straight out of the notebook."
"no, no! he's such a dork!" bernard assures them frantically, "he does this thing, when he laughs too hard, he snorts and it sets him off again and it just keeps going. and you should've seen him in high school, the biggest skater boy to ever exist. he's teaching me..."
and bernard goes on and on for the next 15 minutes, trailing off only when he notices them all smiling at him.
"what?" he says shyly.
"you're in love with him, aren't you?" dr. farah says.
bernard chokes, "what?! no! ...maybe?"
everyone shares a look between each other. marissa steps forward, "well on behalf of the gotham general ER staff, i can assure you, we all approve."
"thank you?"
"bring him around sometime!" nurse gu says, "we'd all like to meet him."
"why? so you can give him the shovel talk?"
"of course!" dr. farah says, smiling widely, "he’s dating our youngest! we have to threaten him!"
bernard's voice is suspiciously wet when says a few moments later, "thanks guys."
and so on it goes for the next few months until marissa comes back after her break, deathly pale. everyone worries but she refuses to tell anyone what's wrong. and then a few weeks later, nurse gu goes on his break and comes back shocked. and then a month later, dr. zacharia comes back from a quick step outside, lips sealed shut.
and on it goes until there is one glaring truth the gotham general ER night staff cannot ignore:
bernard dowd is dating red robin. open relationship or cheating, to be determined.
a year after the news about tim drake and bernard had been released, and half a year after the, what the staff has taken to calling it, Red Robin Scandal™ began, dr. farah calls a night staff meeting.
the staff meeting is boring as usual until the end when dr. farah opens the conversation to the staff to voice their concerns.
"are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" dr. esperanza asks.
"i think bernard might be cheating on his boyfriend!" marissa blurts out before slapping her hands over her mouth, horrified.
“oh thank god.” esperanza sighs.
"wait you saw them too?" nurse gu asks.
"in the narrow walkway," dr. zacharia starts.
"between the ER and jacobson building." dr. esperanza finishes.
"exactly!" marissa says.
"i caught them in the parking lot once." dr. farah admits, mouth pressed into a grim line, "they were pressed up against the fence in the back — y'know where the light doesn't shine? — kissing each other like they'd just come back from world war 2."
"ay, how could that boy be so stupid?" marissa sighs, "getting caught up with a vigilante?"
"maybe it's like polyamory?" esperanza says, ever hopeful.
"whatever it is," farah says, "he should know better than to get involved with those people. we have to talk to him."
they pull bernard into an unused conference room, just the 5 of them, 3 weeks later.
"hey, hey!" bernard exclaims as they shove him into a chair, "what's going on?"
nobody speaks.
"are you cheating on tim drake?"
"are you cheating on tim drake?" marissa repeats.
"no! why would you think that?"
"everyone on the night staff has caught you kissing red robin at least once. wanna try that again?" farah says.
bernard sighs, "is that what this is about? doc, i swear to god, i'm not cheating on tim."
"so he knows?" zacharia asks.
"yes zach, tim knows about me and red robin."
"and he's okay with it?"
"yes. tim doesn't mind me dating both of them." bernard says, a smile playing on his lips.
nobody speaks for a while.
"so..." bernard breaks the silence first, "are we good here? do you approve?"
"no." esperanza says, "we don't approve."
"he's no good for you." nurse gu says.
"you don't even know him." bernard says incredulously.
"oh and you do?" zacharia says scathingly, "he's a vigilante bear. how much do you really know?"
"more than you zach!"
pleadingly bernard turns toward farah, "c'mon doc, you don't agree do you?"
"you know, when you first started dating tim drake, i had my reservations. rich people and all that. but i figured with all that money, if you ever got roped into rich people problems, tim's money would help out. you'd be taken care of and he clearly loves you, so i didn't mind too much."
"but this..." farah trails off, "i can't accept this."
turning towards marissa, "tita, please."
"don't do that, bear. wag kang tanga. it's not good to be with him."
"he loves me! is that not enough?" bernard near-yells, "i thought that's what you wanted. someone who loves me!"
"enough to quit being a vigilante?" esperanza asks.
"quit being a vigilante? are you guys hearing yourself?" bernard asks angrily, "he saves the city on a near-nightly basis and you want me to ask him to give it all up because what? he's dating me?"
"so let him save the city without you." nurse gu says, "why does he need to drag you into it?"
"he's not dragging me into anything! i am a full consenting adult! i chose him! what’s so different about what he and i do anyway?"
“well for one, our job is legal. and two, there are safety measures put in place so that you don’t get hurt. so that your coworkers don’t get hurt. your man walks into the joker’s lair with an inch of kevlar and a prayer on his lips.” zacharia says.
nurse gu sighs, "look. nobody here is mad at him for saving the city. everyone here knows somebody who has been saved by the bats. but the deal is that they save the city and they don't drag anybody else into it."
"the bats, whoever they are? they chose that life. for whatever reason, they chose that life and all the dangers that go with it. you’re not stupid bear, don’t get involved with whatever he has going on. pick literally anyone else.” farah says.
“you need a third person that badly? take zach! the ER was planning on setting you up with him before we found out about tim, anyway.”
“what?” zacharia says, rounding on nurse gu.
“you know what?” bernard says, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly, “ i don’t have to explain myself to you guys.”
“you can’t marry him.” marissa says.
“who said anything about marriage? i’m 22!”
“you clearly love tim. you two seem like you’re going to last a while and if you love red robin they way you love tim, them somewhere along those years of being together then you’re going to start thinking of marriage. what then? how are you going to explain red robin to the people you love?”
“we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“look, bernard,” farah says gently, “we’re not doing this cause we don’t want you to be happy. you mean a lot to me, i think of you as my son. we just-”
“you’re not my mom.” bernard snaps out, “you’re not my mom, you’re not my aunt, my uncle, my brother. you guys aren’t anything to me!”
he turns and walks away.
“farah do something.” marissa hisses.
“let him go. he said he’s an adult right? then let him make his choices.”
“but,” she says, raising her voice so bernard can hear her, “if anything goes wrong, and i mean anything at all, i hope he knows that adults don’t have to do everything by themselves. that they can ask people for help.”
bernard’s hands still on the doorknob. “thank you.” he says voice rough, “nothing will happen, but thank you for the offer.” and he walks out the door.
bernard dowd, is 22 year old EMT that has too much heart and not enough brain. he’ll rush into burning buildings if he thinks he has even a minute chance of saving someone. he’s kind and he’s sweet and more importantly, he’s dating timothy drake-wayne, ceo of wayne enterprises.
if you ask the ER night staff at gotham general, after a lot of prodding, they might tell you that bernard dowd was one of the youngest EMTs to ever join the gotham county emergency medical services. they might tell you that bernard dowd has been wondering if he should become an AEMT or a paramedic. they might tell you that as the major receiver for all patients, bernard saw them all the time and imprinted on them like a baby duck. and if you’re really close they might, tell you the ER’s biggest secret: bernard dowd is dating both timothy drake-wayne and red robin. or they might just let you walk in on them making out behind the ER. whatever comes first really.
(if you get close enough to a certain group of people on the ER night staff, they’ll tell you that bernard dowd has two hands and he uses them to hold onto his boyfriends. 
they’ll tell you that tim drake is a nice boy and they’re a little worried about their bernard fitting into the circles a wayne walks in, but he’s a nice boy who clearly loves bernard, so they’re not too worried.
they’ll tell you that that red robin character is no good for their bernard and has no business getting so close to their youngest. that red robin is going to get bernard into trouble one day, the kind of trouble that you don’t come back from.
and if you get really close to them, they’ll tell you over lunch breaks and muttered whispers, that both boys are going to break their youngest’s heart. and that if they had to pick, red robin will do it first. that their bernard loves a little too deeply and that they're worried that it’ll break bernard.
but they’re not too worried, they say. because bernard has them and if that bastard red robin breaks his heart, then they’ll pick up the pieces, they’ll sew him back together if they have to. after all, bernard stitches up half of gotham every night, this is the least they could do.)
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scarlettsandmaroons · 2 years
it was paradise | n. romanoff
about me | series masterlist | natasha romanoff masterlist
pairing: professor!natasha romanoff x collegestudent!reader
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chapter nine | chapter ten: all the love we unravel
chapter summary: you couldn't tell when mrs. romanoff became natasha romanoff; the woman who'd laugh with her friends, or kiss you in an empty parking lot. when did the big, bad, mrs. romanoff who you prayed would take you off her radar, became nat, the very woman you'd beg to look at you. when had the hatred turn to all this?
warnings: curse words, fluff; public displays of affection, platonic relationships, cheesy. unedited.
a/n: im sorry it took so long!!!! this was initially much much longer. but i had to cut this part in half. i had to sneak in this bit of fluff in the story, i think we all deserve it. but anyways, natasha and reader's relationship is just so <333333
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"oh fuck off, romanoff!" tony yells when natasha steals the last bit of popcorn. the boys complain after him, clint taking a forgotten piece to throw at natasha. natasha expertly dodges even when facing away and walking back to her small kitchen. 
you took a handful of your popcorn and threw it at tony, "hey, don't talk to my woman like that," you laugh, but not as loud as thor did when he joined in and threw a handful from your bowl at tony. and thus begun the ruckus in natasha's apartment of you and thor teaming up against tony in a popcorn war; clint and steve laughing at how tony tries to hide behind his swatting arms, and bruce trying to avoid the flying pieces of popcorn. 
"fine. no college fund for you then," tony declares after you ran out of popcorn to shower him with, "and don't expect me to pay for your expenses the next time you visit." 
thor chuckles, giving tony a big slap on the back on his way back to his spot on the carpet. "i'm only helping the girl," thor says, "don't talk to her woman like that."
"oh let him have his fun," clint interjects before bringing his bottle to his lips. "he knows romanoff won't do anything to him because y/n's here." 
"shut up, katniss," tony hissed, dusting off the popcorn from his hair, "i'm not afraid of romanoff."
"you saying something, tony?" natasha says from the kitchen just a few steps from where you were inside her open floored apartment. 
"no ma'am," tony salutes, and you all broke out in laughter. 
natasha returns with a fresh bowl of popcorn, setting it down on the coffee table near the foot of the bed. "you guys are cleaning that up," she says, dropping herself down to the spot next to you. 
"hey, y/n started it," tony insists, but natasha only chuckles.
"well, she did say not to talk to her woman like that, didn't she?" 
tony stood up abruptly, pointing a finger at natasha who left no space between the two of you. "i'm sensing favoritism," he pushed. "this is unfair. i'm calling a for a vote."
"oh, sit down tony," natasha waves him off. she began picking the few pieces of popcorn stuck on your hair before bringing your forehead up to her lips for a soft kiss. 
you swooned. 
"i feel cheated on," tony sits down defeated, "can you see this, i can't do that now can i."
"you can always book us that trip to the bahamas," natasha laughs, still looking at you while holding either side of your face close to her own. she places another kiss on your forehead, then your nose, then your lips. and then she stares at you for a moment more before letting you go. 
"did anyone get this on video? we need this for blackmail," clint says. "the big bad romanoff secretly a softie." 
everyone coos. 
"agent romanoff is in lo~ve," tony adds on. 
"the wedding shall be held in asgard!" thor yells.
"i'm not paying for the space travel," 
"you own the ship though..."
"gas cost money, bruce."
"see, steve gets it." 
you and natasha shared a laugh. enjoying the interaction between the five. if you didn't see them in their best tuxedos earlier, you would've forgotten how half of them were professors and the others, massive billionaires. 
of course, earlier, that was all you could see them as: mrs. romanoff's big shot friends who you are terribly far from impressing.
"so what does your mother do?" steve asks breaking the silence after you'd all settled down on the table right at the center of the expensive restaurant tony book you in.
"oh, i—," you looked at natasha for a second, afraid almost that what you'll say next might turn her friends off. way to get on a bad side of people you're trying to impress is to tell them your mother is a drug addict. by then, every attempt you make at getting on their good side would only receive pity. "i don't have one," you resorted. 
you feel natasha's hand on your thigh. she soothed it. and then she leaned in to whisper, "i'm sorry. they could be invasive," she tells you. "i'll tell them off later." 
you were thankful the waiter came in to save what was filled with them avoiding your eyes and clearing their voices. you hadn't heard what everyone got. just that they all ordered a complete five course meal with fish, meat, vegetables, and everything else. 
you were supposed to order next. at least, after almost a year of dating natasha romanoff, you'd grown accustomed to always ordering first, but this time she doesn't let you. 
she ordered first. 
"i'll take the oysters on half shell please," she started, looking at the menu. "then the shrimp cocktail too."
"any salads?" 
"no, actually. maybe just the caesar salad for me," natasha's hand never left your thigh. in fact, if continued to soothe over your exposed skin. "then maybe pan seared scallops and steak tartare," she looked at you. "rib or strip?" 
you stuttered for a bit, at lost for words when you realized that she was ordering for you too. 
you didn't know what you wanted. you never really do. you always end up somewhat regretting your order every time you and natasha go out. 
but in a hurry, you just utter a, "strip." 
"great. i'll take the new york strip, braised short rib. and for sides, just the baked mac and cheese for the girl please," she smiled at the waiter and you swore he melted when he had to force his eyes off her and to his little notepad. 
and you can't help but smile. 
"did you want anything else?" she asks, looking intently at you but you just smiled and let your nose touch hers. you see her cheeks grow red. "what was that for?" she smiled. 
she was never used to public displays of affection. even something as little as your noses touching, or your eyes looking a second longer than it's supposed to into hers. but of course, neither should she. something as destructive as your relationship should be kept a secret. even the smallest touches. 
but at times like these, when you're neither alone nor allowed, but you still sneak in those rare moments of affection, she swears, she falls much much deeper. 
"okay enough of that, the boy here is getting nervous," tony interjects, making you giggle out of the small bubble you and natasha had encapsulated yourselves into. 
"i think you're getting nervous too, tony," clint laughs but he knew enough to stop when natasha shot him a sharp glare. 
you smiled, soothing over natasha's hand that remains on your thigh before taking a glance at the waiter who was only standing there awkwardly staring at natasha, then at the hand you hold over hers. 
that's right, stare at everything you will never have. 
steve clears his throat. "uh, any drinks?" 
"we—uhm—we actually offer—uh, we only offer wines in bottles for service. other drinks; cocktails, mocktails, vodka, everything else you can get from the bar." 
natasha prepares as soon as the boy finishes, "vodka for me, and one mocktail. what are you having, boys?" she asks. 
"isn't—isn't y/n going to like something with alcohol too?" bruce asks. you would actually, but before you have any time to say anything, tony beats you to it.
"exactly. give the girl a break, agent. she's not a kid," tony protests in your place. 
natasha only chuckles, fixing the napkin that she took off her lap neatly on the table,��"i think i know what's good for her, don't i, y/n?" 
"boo!!!!!! give the girl a drink," tony still stands. "give the girl a drink!" 
"no. we're riding my motorcycle home, and i'm not having her fall off my bike," she says firmly, almost like a silent command. 
but you still insist. you looked at her with pleading eyes, extending your arm to hold her fingers. "i want a drink, please," you say. "i won't fall off, i promise." 
"give the girl a drink!" tony chants but natasha's eyes stay on you, her smile, daring, but firm. 
she leans against your ear, her lips softly grazing your lobes, and her arm supporting her weight through her grip on your waist. you shuddered. "come on, dear. won't you listen to mommy? mommy knows best, doesn't she?" 
you were aware how exposed you were. in front of her friends. being at the very middle of the packed restaurant as tony claimed was the best table because of the sofa seats, tony, bruce and clint sitting across from you and nat who were the only ones on that side because steve decided to sit on an extra chair at the head of the table. you were surrounded by people, covered by a few friends who even then you didn't expect natasha would be so open with. 
you almost wanted to complain. i'm only meeting your friends, what if they say we're too physically affectionate in public and it turns them off? what if they're reminded of wanda and billy, the very people we're betraying while we're doing this in front of them?
but you couldn't. this was one of the very rare times when you get to enjoy her physical affection, in public which was terribly off-brand of mrs. romanoff. this was one, if not the only moment when you don't feel hidden, when you felt normal, when you felt seen by the world. when you satisfy the small hidden part of yourself that craves for the domesticity of public relationships. 
"i think she really likes you."
you hadn't realized she was gone until only the memory of her breath against your skin remain. and you remembered you were with her friends. 
you looked up. within the 30-45 minutes of knowing these people, you've come to learn that tony is a very bullshit person. he's the joker, the one who would bullshit his death by making it into anything but serious. maybe through his narcissism, or sarcasm, or jokes. that's what makes him charming. other than, of course, his billions of dollars net worth. 
"you think?" it sounded coy but you were serious. you had to know. did she really like you? or was he bullshitting you? would he build this up into a joke, a thing to make fun of natasha when she comes back? 
no. because he chuckles, and it was more genuine than even his smiles. and for the first time he looks away, and it took him a few seconds before looking at you again, "you know, romanoff called me last week. told me she wanted us to meet her girlfriend," he let that sink into you for a moment before he raises a finger, "you know, one thing about romanoff. she never calls me," he says. "she calls clint, tells him everything. she meets with steve. but that's between them. romanoff and i—we have a more eye-to-eye kinda thing. she came and visited me once, nobody knew i had a child by then, we look at each other for one second, and she understood the entire life i built beyond stark industries," he wasn't looking at you again. he was looking over your shoulder, unmoving. "when she called me first of all, i knew it was serious. group serious sort of thing. and then she told me she wanted us to meet her girlfriend? i dropped everything in my lab." 
your mind still processed what he meant. actually, it was so far from that. you were stuck on the image of natasha visiting tony. or meeting up with steve. or telling clint everything. the little things that makes natasha further from her life as mrs. romanoff, or as wanda's wife, or as billy's mother, or as your secret girlfriend, and closer to just being herself, natasha romanoff, it sticks to you. and it remindes you that beyond the labels, beyond the titles, the names. that she was just natasha romanoff before all of these. 
"natasha dated a few people, but none that we actually heard of," steve clarifies, but tony quickly took his spot. 
"we knew about rogers and romanoff. they had a will-they-won't-they going on for a bit until she got together with bruce. of course that's something we just found out during a party when his face fell into her boobs—"
you choked.
and so did professor banner. 
"she never told us anything. we know what we see, and the rest, well—who knows." 
"actually, we didn't know she was married to wanda until three years into the marriage," clint adds. 
your eyes widen at that, choking for the second time but this time on your glass of water. "what?" you ask. "you weren't invited?" 
clint laughs, "oh no, we were invited."
"wanda invited us," bruce says. 
"she invited us through text. she didn't specify who was getting married so we always just assumed she's either remarrying vision or she's marrying a new man," steve continues. "we assumed the latter." 
"we've always been a vision fan, so we didn't go in case she was actually getting married to someone else," clint notes. 
tony laughs in somewhat a bitter tone, but still humorous, "mind you, we had group night outs, phone calls and we texted all throughout those three years that she could've told us she'd gotten married to a mutual close friend."
"she didn't. and three of us works with both her and wanda at the university," clint losens his tie and slouches slightly against the couch. "we found out when wanda invited us for thanksgiving and said natasha should be preparing the table so we all came assuming natasha was only there to help." 
"plot twist, she's married," bruce finishes. 
there was a silence between your shared glances of natasha just talking to the bartender while being handed two drinks. 
"you take care of her, okay?" tony says. his voice had zero pitch to it. it was low, and lazy, and sincere. "romanoff, spent decades taking care of us. you know, when we're sick, heartbroken, happy, drunk, sad, in trouble. she picks up after us. she holds us together. and she still does to this day," he looks up at you. "do us a favor, take care of her. i think you're the only person she'd let take care of her."
"what are you whispering about," natasha asks, setting down your drinks, just in time for your meals to arrive. she looks at you while sitting down, and bringing the napkin to her lap again, "do you still love me?" she sets both hands on your thigh, completely facing you. "whatever these idiots told you aren't true. do you still love me?" 
you giggled. "i was hoping it might be true, actually," you say. 
"this," tony interrupts. "this is true." 
natasha rolled her eyes upon realizing that what he said might not be anything that would jeopardize the relationship you two have. she lands you a kiss on the forehead before fixing herself to her seat, and assisting the waiter in distributing the first round of meals.
"hello, friends!" 
natasha doesn't tell you much about her friends. but she's told you enough to know where they live, and what her relationship is with them. you know one of them lives very far away. 
this must be thor. 
he came in late. he entered with much energy, immediately pulling you into a hug. you were sure he would've carried you right out of your seat and spun you around if natasha hadn't got out in time to make way for you. 
he still picked you up and spun you around nonetheless, "oh is this the girl?!" he said. "look at you! you're a lot prettier than nat described you." 
you'd gotten dizzy. your world spun, perhaps because of this giant man that spun you around like a kid with his doll, or maybe because natasha told them about you. she told them, like how you used to with billy over the guy you had a crush on in middle school. she told her friends about you. 
"okay, okay, please stop. she's getting dizzy," natasha's voice faded into your thoughts as thor slowed down. natasha was already standing behind you, ready to catch you the moment thor sets you down, and she did. you fell limp into her arms as the world tried to catch up. "i swear to god, she's not going to make it out of here alive with you doofuses." 
while everyone stood up to give thor a hug, natasha had her hands loosely wrapped around your waist, and her chin on top of your head while she holds you still to recover from the unsteadiness. 
"so i see the problem," you hear thor say behind you. you turned around, still within the warm hold of natasha romanoff. "romanoff's smitten." 
you blushed a little. 
"am i—am i allowed to say that or will i be in trouble?" thor speaks when natasha doesn't, looking at the others for backup. 
"you won't. y/n's here. we're basically untouchable," barton says, laughing. 
that's how you spent most of the night—laughing. you slowly started easing into the group. they were laughing hard, and so were you. a lot of times, they were making fun of natasha, the others, they were asking about your life. 
everything was light. and you noticed how they were smart enough not to put you in a spot where you'd have to mention either wanda or billy. 
you see a glimpse of natasha's past through them. they were her family. you pieced that together after a few of their stories. 
natasha was almost silent all-throughout, aside from the occasional protest when tony makes fun of her, or the rare interjections of when she feels they'd gone too far with you. 
but because of all the laughing, you hadn't realize natasha cutting your meat for you, and taking the vegetables off your meal until she subtly switched back your plates which you hadn't notice was switched in the first place. you feel her constantly returning glances, checking on you, watching you. and when you ran out of the mocktail she got for you, you see her silently go off to get you another one. 
"natasha, i'm okay. sit down and talk to your friends," you tell her softly when she comes back with another glass for you. this time, you take her hand that's been holding your thigh the rest if the night, and held it with both of yours on top of her leg. 
"you heard the girl romanoff, sit down," tony agrees. 
you were aware that these little moments between you and natasha were in front for everyone to see, and bask in. but you couldn't help it. you leaned against her, your head on her shoulder and your arm tangled with hers as you waited for desert. 
at the end, what was supposed to be your last solemn night alone with natasha, became a loud one with her friends when they all decided to come over her apartment. 
they all shared a car, going off first while you and natasha takes a moment to yourselves when you walk through the parking lot to her motorcycle. 
you were silent, and walking so painfully slow as if you don't want it to end. 
you spent the entire week together. alone. while you did have classes, your girlfriend was a professor, so was most her friends. she had you excused for a week, getting your work sent through her. while she was on a leave. 
there's never a gap between the times you have to spend with billy, and the times she has to spend with wanda. but this week, with billy's research, and wanda's inability to leave the house without her son for long periods of time, you found your window. 
natasha lied; said tony invited the group to the bahamas with their families. she knew wanda won't be able to come because billy won't. so she just "brings" you. 
and just like that, you had one uninterrupted week of just you and natasha. 
"did you have fun tonight?" she asks, stopping you to face her so she can wrap around you the coat you refused to wear when you left her apartment. you hadn't realized she carried it with her though. 
"mhmm," you say with a smile, beginning to rock back and forth on your feet like a child. her hands found yours to hold. "i had a lot of fun with you and your friends." 
"they weren't too much?" 
"i feel like they'd get in trouble if i say yes."
"your intuition is spot on."
you laugh, "nope, they weren't too much then."
you fall into silence. comfortable, soft, kind. you watch the way the breeze blows the strand of hair away from her face. then it falls back, so you took it upon you to do a better job and tuck it behind her ear completely. 
she smiled at you, holding your hand against her cheek now, warming up your cold hands from the heat of her skin. 
"i want to stay like this forever," she tells you. 
you weren't religious, but every day you thank the lord for every moment when you get to feel the bumps on her skin, or see the mole on her cheek; when you get to feel her lips twitch into a smile, not see it behind her office desk, or in front of the rows of people you're sitting behind of, but through the kiss that you share the moment her office door closes, or the last person leaves her classroom. 
you weren't sure when all your hatred turned into love, when you started searching for her in every crowd, when you silently prayed for her praises, when avoiding her glances became begging for her gaze. when did you seek for her warmth beyond her approval? when did you chase for her recognition besides her dismissal? when did you thirst for her touch aside her praise?
the lines between hating her, and loving her was a blur. all you know was that one day you prayed you'd stop being the one student she saw, then the next praying you'd be the only one she'd look at. 
"stay with me forever," you tell her. 
she was a secret. she was forbidden. she was the sin you've been engaging in for a year. 
you weren't religious, but every day you thank the devil for every moment when you get to feel the curves of her body, and the mounds on her chest; when you get to feel her tongue on your skin, or her hand between your legs. never in front of wanda, or billy, or anyone, but in every moment when one of them turns back, to every time they look lovingly into your eyes unaware of the touches under the table, or behind the counter. 
you thank the devil for inventing sin. 
praise the devil for every bite you take of your forbidden apple for god hadn't thought about  the paradise you'd find in hell when he sent your ancestors outside his heaven. 
you kissed her, basking in the taste of sin, and hell, and your home through the saliva that coats your tongue. 
"i love you."
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
It’s not even past the bean footage yet and already I have a thing to comment about—
“Hey. Keep working. Keep your hands down.” Idk if it’s just Mace or if it’s me but this is an interesting thing to start the episode with
Also I lowkey already watched this but considering that I wasn’t really paying attention due to Sleep im rewatching
Oh this is the Silly Goofy episode. Got it.
Watching this is so different now that I know how tall each of these people actually are in real life
“Mr Kremyyyyy….. Torbek had a nightmaaaare………..” torb <3
Hot jones?
Why is Mikey using the King Shmebulon voice
Oh the energy here is so weird today
The improv shenanigans here are SO GOOD— “the wee hours” watches and the blue J and the bottle of something
“There was that guy and he was like… woah.” Bi Gricko!!!! “Why you always watching these kingly types and looking at their woah?” Lmfao Gideon you are no better
Degenerate Jones
TABAXI TORBEK and eughhh Mammon Tiefling Gricko (applying for all Mammon Tiefling Gricko)
I love how Kremy is super paranoid thinks everyone is out to get him but still immediately tells Gideon everything (I need to see Gideon do some sort of something back bc coalecroux is feeling increasingly one sided and it is making me sad)
“Torbek was happy with the infinite abyss”
Poor Twig she went from dealing with absolute loneliness to dealing with all this bullshit. She needs to have the space to Bogart out a little bit like get this woman a destruction room
Twig 🤝 Torbek
coping mechanisms
Gideon has such older brother who acts like a father figure to Twig vibes
Torbek is simply following suit… following the suit to the ground lmfao
Gideon is overwhelmed by Penis im sorry
This is just reminding me of when Frost got the proud nudist curse and Derek made that slapping turn joke 😭
Obligatory “im walkin here” please stop
Nvm we have the coalecroux and also poly party affirmations (long shots and headcanons)
OH!!! Woah there Kremy
“Think of the Federal government!” Quick Gid take your clothes off!! The government!!!
Love Torbek’s Spring Aladrin voice. It’s like some sort of old English aristocratic friend of Oscar Wilde.
Oop! Theseus’s Ship mentioned (kind of)
“Did we do a bunch of drugs before bed again?” Funny you should have asked that Gideon given what is now happening
“Tentacles probe me” “yes Gideon join us the time is now get naked”
WHY IS IT ERECT NOW DEREK. PUT THAT DOWN. “Something about beekeeper helmets…” HUH
Oh god Twig is gonna bogart out
Love how Nikkie says “your mind is back to Gricko” and Mikey just starts screaming
It is so impressive how Twig is so controlled. Like she has every justification to absolutely freak out right now and she’s keeping calm and trying to manage things.
Thank god Hootsie is out of this lol
“Torbek was *very* thorough.”
Okay seriously how old is Twig?? This is a very important question. Like REALLY important.
I’m imagining Spring Aladrin Torbek lying on a couch like he’s gonna say “draw me like one of your French girls”
Guys. Please. We are nearly halfway through this video. Please.
No Twig it’s not your fault!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the Pennsylvanian sperm trees
“After what I’ve watched today I don’t think you’ll accomplish anything of value.”
Not the milk joke PLEASE y’all not the cilk
Frost is so sweet tho
No more Hot Joneses :(
Yesss Twig establish those boundaries!!!!
Tom is such a deep cut
Okay so Twig is at least 200 years old. Good. That’s really good. Good to know.
Grinko is having a stronk. Please call the Gronkulance.
Omg she’s their niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But also HOLY FUCK HE HIT HER??? WITH A CABINET????????
Menasith, and their older sibling Menapauthe.
The Glowing Anus 😭
Oh this is Nikkie’s fault. Fantastic.
“That’s very funny Gricko. Your daughter is possibly bleeding out.”
Ohhhh Hootsie’s okay thank god
Gricko however is really not
Okay so I know this is a fantasy campaign and we are in the literal Feywild so this like kind of doesn’t matter but how does Gideon get energy??? Does he need to absorb nutrients or is it just sort of as long as he keeps his internal furnace alive he’s okay?
Twig boundaries 100 with regards to Torbek but fully get the party’s concerns
Also Twigsy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Not Gricko being hypnotized by Spring Aladrin Torbek’s hip sway
Torbek does not know but Torbek must dance!!!!
Oh Torbek’s ticket is so sad
“This is an Acorn Satchel!!!”
Mikey annoying Nikkie so much that she just takes things away
Frost getting jealous over the Gricko impression 😭❤️
What is a mud meffet?????
I love Andy so much. Oh he’s wonderful. So glad he’s here.
KLUTZY RETURNS for like two seconds
Love these guys. Oh my lord. Also what the fuck happened in the first like hour???? Still a fun little episode.
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shu-glue · 2 years
On New Year's Eve (And Day, and the Week Before, and the Week After)
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includes Zhongli, Tighnari, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Thoma in which the aforementioned spend their birthdays—and in turn, new years—with their beloved, you.
contains: tooth rotting fluff like no joke i need a dentist, established relationships in tighnari's and thoma's parts, growing relationships in zhongli's and wanderer's, gender neutral and they/them pronouns, spoilers for the Sumeru Archon Quest in wanderer's, spoilers for thoma's character story, lots of physical affection and just touchy-lovey stuff (sfw!), maybe ooc characters omg im so sorry
a/n: i don't think wanderer's ended up fluffy at ALL AHAHAHAH. this is long overdue and it's just in time for thoma's birthday uhu. i had a clear idea for each of their parts but i think i deviated so much, i hope you all still enjoy this EHDJEJS HAPPY NEW YEAR, LETS SEIZE 2023 BY THE NECK /j /hj(?)
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✐ He's so old, you know.
✐ And it's not even to poke fun or make jokes; Zhongli really does feel old.
✐ After more than 6000 years of living, those 6000 years all seem to blend for him. Every 'new' year that passes isn't a new year, per se, but a repetition of everything thus far. Spring still comes after the winter, the sun still rises for the farmers and the roosters, the mountains of Liyue still stand tall.
✐ And after the first 1000, the new year became… old for the Geo Archon. He'll stare fondly at his people as they dance and sing in celebration of the upcoming year, he'll partake in the festivities that are sure to take place once the final hour of this year starts to count down. However, if you ask him—a being who's lived for millennia and for more millennia to come—the new year won't bring him as much joy and excitement as mortals feel because he's seen many new years come and go for as long as he's been alive.
✐ The years don't change for him, as everything's always in a state of uniformity for him. He won't even realize that their world has finished another trip around the sun until Director Hu barges into his office in excitement. She's been rambunctious all day, seeing as it's the last day of the year and even, coincidentally, her beloved consultant's birthday.
✐ He had been stubborn, refusing to accept a day off even with these two events transpiring today (he has stopped looking forward to them for years now).
✐ Unfortunately for him, Hu Tao was equally stubborn and equally eager to see this old man (now it's to poke fun and make jokes) enjoy himself for once, especially since it's the dawn of New Year's Eve. And she has the perfect weapon, the ultimate trump card up her sleeve.
"Oh, Mr. Zhongli~!"
It's not uncommon for Hu Tao to come barging into Zhongli's office at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor unannounced, another phenomenon that will likely not change in the upcoming year. A lively little thing despite the nature of their work, that sometimes has Zhongli quite perplexed despite his vast experience with people of all kinds.
He fixes some documents on his desk and looks up just as the current overseer of the funeral parlor enters his office, a pep in her step and a cheeky grin on her lips. Maybe Zhongli should ignore the cheekiness in her grin. Maybe.
"Director Hu. What brings you here at this time?"
"I was wondering why the lights are still on in here, despite it being the New Year and all. I should've guessed it was you, Mr. Zhongli." Hu Tao giggles, clasping her hands behind her back. "Aren't you going to come down to the harbor? Everyone's really going all out in the festivities."
"I'll be there shortly, Miss Hu Tao. I just need to sort out these documents." Zhongli straightens out the pieces of paper, tapping them on his desk.
"Which is going to take hours! You'll be spending the New Year cooped up in this office!" Hu Tao laments, frowning deeply. "Well, good thing I called them then."
Zhongli pauses midway of sorting documents into his desk drawer. "Called who?"
As he says that, a new voice rings out from behind the doorway to his office, one that Zhongli immediately recognizes and knows who it belongs to even before you pop your head out from behind the door. "Hello, Hu Tao. Hello, Zhongli. Happy new year."
✐ As it stands, you may be the only mortal in Teyvat who could shake the ex-Archon's heart like this. A simple server who Zhongli had met while he was ordering food from Third Round Knockout, the new recruit Degui was grateful for when it got busier and busier at the tavern.
✐ A conversation bloomed where Zhongli told you some bits of history regarding Liyue Harbor and it was a rather pleasant surprise when you squeeze in your own knowledge of the place, admitting that you spend a bit of your time at Wanwen Bookhouse on your days off.
✐ It came to the point that Zhongli became even more of a regular at the tavern, if that were possible; and it wasn't because his wallet was suffering this time. The staff there have come to grow used to his growing presence at their establishment and they won't even interrupt your talks when it's a slow day at work. (It's rather adorable, seeing the two of you at a table sitting far into a corner, Zhongli looking up at you with soft eyes as you listen to him ramble about the origin of Slow-cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup with rapt attention).
✐ Hu Tao—bless her soul, really—also caught wind of her consultant's growing affection for you and has been hellbent on devising schemes to get him to admit said affections for you. (Never really works because he always saw through her schemes and as stated before, he's stubborn.)
✐ Alas, he's caught between a rock (heh) and a hard place because she sends the two of you out to enjoy the New Year's Festival by the harbor, reassuring Zhongli that she'll sort out the documents herself for the time being.
✐ Zhongli wouldn't be as chatty as he normally is; he'll still indulge in all the stories you tell him, tell you about the origin of some of Liyue's customs regarding the New Year but you notice his lack of engagement all the same.
"Am I boring you?" You ask, blunt and straight to the point with furrowed eyebrows and a frown playing on your lips, stopping him from walking as you both stand still in the middle of the street.
The ex-Archon's eyes widen at your inquiry, his body stiffening. In truth, he does realize that he's more indifferent today than normal. But he didn't realize that you'd be bothered when he should've picked up on it in the first place.
"Oh no, my dear, you never bore me. It's just," he pauses, looking for the right words to say, "I apologize. I'm not exactly… that enthused by New Year's Eve."
"Oh? May I ask why?"
"Well," he chuckles, awkward if you strain your ear enough, "after so many years, I… believe the notion of a brand new year lost its charm to me."
For all the times Zhongli has enraptured attention from others with his tales of history, he really seldom talks about himself. Granted, this is as much as he is willing to divulge to you. He can't tell you of his time as an Archon, or his time in the war, or what he lost, what he gained. (He'll scare you off; he doesn't want you to see him as bizarre.)
But he wants to. He wants to feed your curious eyes and open his heart to you.
But not now.
"Is that so?" You hum, averting your gaze to the passersby in front of you. "Even when it's also your birthday?"
"How did you know it was my birthday?"
Your cheeks flush red, and you hurry to cover them with your hands. "I… asked Miss Hu Tao sometime ago. I was surprised to hear that it's right at New Year's Eve. And I… wished to spend time with you today, even if it was just for an hour."
Zhongli falls silent at your words, a gloved hand raised slightly in front of him clasped around nothing at all. For the first time in millennia, he doesn't know what to say, what to do with these hands. He doesn't know what to do with himself.
"But I understand if you had other plans and if I was impeding on said plans, I apologize for taking up your ti—!"
"Earlier, Director Hu sent me to Qingce Village." He clasps his hands back behind him, finally regaining his composure as he interrupts you, much to your confusion. "I… the sight was such a joyous thing to behold, to hear them chatter and mingle as they prepared for New Year, and the only thing that I regretted was that I had reveled in the sights alone."
The gaze he sets upon you was heavy with all the feelings he'd been trying to hold back; he slowly raises his hand and takes yours within his grasp, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. "I had no other plans today, and I'm grateful you came to visit me, and that you're willing to spend time with me. If you would ever be so kind, would you like to visit Qingce Village tomorrow, together?"
✐ The Lord of Geo Rex Lapis has seen many new years come and go. He's seen winter melt into spring multiple times, seen multiple farmers go from generation to generation, stood on top of Liyue's never-changing mountains and watched everything continue in the same cycle like always.
✐ But he forgets; he is no longer the Lord of Geo Rex Lapis, or Morax, but the mortal man Zhongli. The consultant of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the never-ending fountain of knowledge of Liyue's history. Birthdays and New Year's Eve were trivial matters to Morax, but that didn't mean they had to be trivial to Zhongli.
✐ And if you were to ask him now, as fireworks start to fly up into the sky and bathe it in light, he wouldn't mind entering the new calendar and the new age with you by his side.
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⚘ The forest never changes, even when the end of the year is fast approaching.
⚘ Tighnari should know because he's been on forest patrol duty for the past few years even on New Year's Eve. Especially on New Year's Eve. (It's to make sure no lummox accidentally sets the forest on fire with a wayward firework. It has happened once. Or twice.)
⚘ He's the only one willing to do so as well. Not that he hates the fact the people of Gandharva Ville love celebrating New Years, he just doesn't participate in the festivities. No matter how silent they try to make the fireworks, his ears are still sensitive enough for the few sounds to hurt like a forest boar charging right at him; thus, he always sits out on the celebrations to go on patrol instead.
⚘ This year, however, Collei and the rest of the Forest Rangers want to see their local botanical genius take a break from botanical genius-ing and forest watching.
⚘ So not only do they force him to get a day off on New Year's Eve, they also force him to get a day off on his birthday; which to him, doesn't sound very efficient.
"I mean, just look at this logically—"
"—if I take a day off twice in a week, that would be a waste of two days not tending to my work. I don't even NEED two days off from work unless I have a life-threatening situation that needs two days off from work!"
Your fingers stop their ministrations on his hair and ears, causing said ears to flop slightly as Tighnari glances up at you in confusion. "Maybe, look at it this way, 'Nari," your voice is soft like a flower bed, and sweet like nectar, "Collei and the others just want you to relax from time to time, you know? I have to agree with them when they say you bury yourself in your work too much."
⚘ Meeting you was purely a coincidence. You were an aspiring zoologist, another scholar from the Akademiya with incredibly sharp wit and a brilliant mind. You came down to Gandharva Ville to study the wildlife and he was on patrol when the two of you encountered each other. Now, it would have been a beautiful and adorable first meeting story, truly something you'd expect to read about in a light novel from the Yae Publishing House. However, at that time, an Avidya Leopard was chasing you down and Tighnari could only guess that you prodded at the wrong hornet's nest. Upon successfully diverting the leopard with an olfactory solution that irritated its nose (and unfortunately, irritated his as well), he turned to you—red nosed and teary eyed—and called you a lummox between sneezes.
⚘ Maybe an unflattering first impression but hey, it bloomed into a lasting friendship and now relationship all the same. So maybe calling you a lummox upon first meeting was a good thing (it wasn't, you still pout at him when he calls you a lummox).
⚘ Much like the other forest rangers, you always urge Tighnari to relax and take a break sometimes. You know being the head of the Forest Rangers demanded a lot from a person and you know that paired with Tighnari's love for knowledge pertaining to everything natural, he'd be too stubborn to even think of taking a break. You love him but you'd rather have him call you all the synonyms of a buffoon rather than fish out his unconscious body from under a root after he sniffed some new species of flower but its pollen knocks people out. (If you ask Tighnari, he'll just say that was a hypothetical, detailed example).
⚘ In all honesty, you were the reason Collei actually managed to convince Tighnari to take that day off.
"I don't 'bury myself in my work too much'—" You look at Tighnari with an unamused expression. "Maybe I do get immersed in my work a little too much sometimes."
"You do." You bite the inside of your cheek, averting your eyes to stare at the grass and flowers beside the two of you—wild cosmos, and chicory, and daisies—all fluttering in the wind. "Would it kill you to, I don't know, actually take a break sometimes without complaining about taking a break?"
"You underestimate me." He's being sassy with you, eyes closed and eyebrows raised in a manner you know so well in all the months that you've been dating him.
"I'm not, I know you love your work, it's just that—" You sigh heavily, feeling Tighnari play with the tassle of your Vision that hangs off your chest, lips in a frown as he waits for you to finish your sentence. "I miss you sometimes."
His ears flatten against his head and he sits up slightly from your lap, eyes wide and frown deep when he takes in your crestfallen face. "Hey, hey hey hey," he gently brings you closer to him by your neck, nuzzling his nose against your hair, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry—you're right, you're all right," his gloved hand cups your cheek, "I bury myself in my work and research so much that I forget to focus on us."
"You do." Your tone is just as pouty as your lips as you glare at him through your lashes. It actually makes him laugh as he nuzzles his nose against your other cheek instead, kissing the corner of your lips multiple times. "Wh—'Nari!"
"Stop being so adorable, you lummox." He finally presses a kiss to your lips, soft and chaste. The type of kiss that he knows melts your heart and makes your knees buckle despite the lack of so called "raw passion". You both like it that way. "Come to Sumeru City with me."
"Come to Sumeru City with me. Amurta invited me to speak at some of their seminars."
"But," you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, looking at Tighnari with an unsure expression, "my research—" "Would it kill you to, I don't know, actually take a break sometimes?" He mimicked your words from earlier, nosing at your collarbone as you roll your eyes and sigh. "I don't want to leave you by yourself when New Year comes." (He doesn't want to be alone on New Year's either.)
"You hate celebrating New Year's."
"I hate the fireworks, love," his tail wags behind him, "but I love you more than I hate the fireworks."
⚘ The forest never changes, even when the end of the year is fast approaching, even when he grows one year older.
⚘ But, Tighnari wouldn't mind the jarring booms of fireworks, or the cheers of the people of Gandharva Ville as the clock strikes midnight. As long as you continue to stay by his side despite all his flaws, he'll welcome the new year with open arms.
⚘ (You both hear the sound of a firework randomly going off in the distance, and Tighnari mutters, "Lummox." under his breath before he kisses your forehead and runs towards the culprit, an irritated remark waiting on his lips.)
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❅ In all honesty, he didn't expect to live to see the new year, let alone his 'birthday'.
❅ Then again, he didn't also expect to be aided by the Traveler and his floating, somewhat tolerable little companion, and the Dendro Archon he tried to dethrone himself nor to receive his very own Anemo Vision either so really, who was he to have normal expectations?
❅ To say that a normal life living in Sumeru was going to be difficult was, undoubtedly, an understatement. The Traveler already left for Fontaine with their companions, so it only left Nahida, now the sole Archon of Sumeru, as the only one he recognizes as his "friend" in this nation.
❅ He would have been content actually, if everyone else minded their own business and left him alone to his own devices (the puppet doesn't take kindly to being bothered with trivial matters) but unfortunately, his dear only friend is trying to get him to make more friends (who needs more friends? Two allies and talking emergency rations are quite enough).
❅ Despite his whining, Nahida signs him up for some lessons at the Akademiya, hoping it'd break him out of his shell and get him to mingle more with the other scholars and students.
❅ There is the one concerning fact that it's not that he's unwilling to break out of his shell, it's that he breaks out of his shell and stabs everyone close by with the shell pieces (figuratively) before retreating back. His prickly attitude does not help when it comes to intermingling with the student body at the Akademiya, who may, hypothetically, retreat to the far corners of the buildings just to avoid his ire. Nahida has plenty to work on with him.
❅ However, she firmly believes that he can finally be able to make friends and build relationships he can rely on again, as long as she nudges him in the correct direction. New year, new Wanderer, right? Right?
"Stupid," his fingers pull at the grass blades beneath him, glaring forward at nothing at all, "this friend-making plan would have never worked."
He has snuck out of the Akademiya once again, retreating into the forest that surrounded the vast establishment to avoid Lesser Lord Kusanali's searching gaze.
She had accompanied him to the Akademiya today to make sure he did do what she told him to; borrow some books from the library, attend some lectures about any topic he desires, strike up an academic conversation with some scholars that may be wandering hallways. Anything that would include socializing of any kind. But while she had her head turned to speak with Alhaitham, he managed to slip away and escape to the woods.
He does feel bad for bailing on her; Nahida only had his best interest in mind, despite all the things he did to her in the past (no amount of redeeming acts would make up for the mistakes he committed against her). However, surely, with all her knowledge and wisdom, she would have at least guessed that this plan of hers wouldn't work.
This entire thing is a waste of time. No one is as patient as Nahida, who can put up with his snarky quips long enough to see the soft side to him, the side that only a few have witnessed (the time he lost his memories doesn't count, not ever).
He was about to lean back, about to enjoy the sun streaming through the canopy that hangs above him, when someone—the audacity—throws a rock at his head. The force of the rock hitting him sends him lurching forward with a loud grunt. He whirls around so fast his hat almost falls off the top of his head, only to meet your slightly flabbergasted gaze.
"Huh? I thought you were some fungus for a second."
❅ Granted, you were aware that you were going to encounter something when you ventured out to the woods to gather ingredients for your cooking activity. The forest that surrounded the city is not that safe, seeing as you can randomly encounter any carnivorous or fungal enemy at every shrub.
❅ But you never expected to find the Archon's little friend sitting and brooding by himself behind a bush, let alone mistaking him for aforementioned fungal enemy (why your first instinct was to throw a rock at it, you don't know). (you also don't know why you heard a clink! sound when the rock hit him but you guess that you hit his abnormally large hat)
❅ You had heard of Lord Kusanali's companion, a quaint fellow with Inazuman roots but a Sumerian Anemo Vision hanging from the sash on his shoulder, who was also friends with the brave Traveler that came through your beloved nation.
❅ A strange fellow, with a tongue as sharp as he is strange.
❅ Yes, he yells at you for throwing a rock at him, spouting things about 'audacity' and 'not knowing who he is', which you admittedly chose to stop listening to. You really don't have time for any thorny mushrooms.
"Aren't you Lord Kusanali's companion? Where is she?" You ask indifferently, turning your head around as if looking for the tiny Dendro Archon (who is, well, busy looking for the Wanderer in Haravatat sorry Nahida).
"I fail to see how it concerns you."
"My my, so prickly for a mere 'shroom." Instead of leaving, you actually walked closer and squatted down next to him, regarding him with curious eyes. You're an academic, after all; you love to investigate the quiant and strange. "It's dangerous to be in the forest alone. You could be torn to shreds by a leopard for all you know."
He scoffs, propping his chin on the palm of his hand. "Says you. You're wandering the forest alone, just like I am."
"I fail to see how that makes sense, given that we're together in each other's presence."
❅ You're weird, is what he finally concludes. An unknown scholar, who the Wanderer has never seen before; he isn't even sure which of the Six Darshans you attend. Yet, despite his bratty and off-putting attitude, you still sat beside him. And you looked at him with a gaze he never experienced before. He has witnessed ire, he has witnessed pity; but he never witnessed a gaze like yours.
"You irk me."
"Thank you." He blinked when you blinked. "You intrigue me."
A confused 'thank you???' was on the tip of his tongue, ready to tumble out of his lips. You irk him. You truly do. Slapping his palms on his knees, he stands up. Retreating, to him, is a shameful act and must be avoided at all costs but in this case, he's willing to swallow his pride just so he can get away from you and that infuriating gaze. "Forget it, why am I even talking to you—"
"You can join us instead of brooding somewhere crawling with predators." There it is again. That look. He hates it.
"And what makes you think I'd go along with you and whatever crazy group you're with?"
You actually, legitimately think, he sees, as you look up in thought. As if you're actually thinking of—no, calculating the pros and cons of him actually joining you, totally ignoring the fact he insulted you. You are incredibly, absolutely…
"Well, I can only presume that you snuck away from Lord Kusanali for some reason. And you are admittedly the strangest person I've met." He could say the same about you. "I would like to get to know you better so I can see what makes you so weird. In addition, you'd be able to hide away from Lord Kusanali for a few more hours."
…you're so incredibly stupid and strange. But most of all, you've piqued his interest. He hates that look in your eyes, the look of someone scrutinizing a test variable, the look of someone disassembling a chaos device just to look at its contents despite the chance of explosion. But it's not like Il Dottore's, no.
He wants to challenge whatever hypothesis you've come up with about him.
"Fine." He finally scoffs, adjusting his hat before he looks at you expectantly. "Lead the way, scholar."
❅ You're… still clueless as to how you managed to convince someone like this Wanderer to come with you to your cooking interest club. You weren't expecting it; you wholely believed that he would reject your offer with the same snarky attitude.
❅ Your club members didn't expect this either, if the way almost all of them dropped their cooking utensils once you entered the kitchenette with Wanderer in tow was any indication. (They accept him real quick when he whips up a batch of perfectly baked baklava for the first time and helps some of your friends prepare some candied Ajinelakh Nuts. He even cooks his own take on an Inazuman dish that has your friends raving for more.) (He doesn't eat a bite of his own cooking, saying you all wolf it down well by yourselves, mocking, of course. You hypothesize, however, that he is just not fond of making sweets, judging by the grimace he wears everytime you offer him some. Why is he so good at making sweets then—)
❅ He still had a long way to go to make up for all that he did in the past. No amount of wishful thinking or positive attitude would change that. But, if he can accept his new identity as Wanderer (he looks at you, flour on your cheek, standing beside the stone oven waiting for the baklava to bake as you read a document you managed to snatch from the library), maybe he can accept this new year and this new life too.
The Dendro Archon smiles as she merely stands by the doorway, not wishing to interrupt such a warm scene. "Happy birthday, Wanderer."
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♡ Sometimes, Thoma found himself missing Mondstadt.
♡ Inazuma is his home; he has found his purpose in this nation, he has found close friends who he'd do everything for and who'd do everything for him. He has a steady job as the housekeeper for the Kamisato Clan, and the people of Inazuma always turn to him when they are in a time of need. He's fulfilled in Inazuma.
♡ However, everytime he stands on the docks of Ritou, looking out into the horizon—when the sun sets, is high above the sky, and rises—he can't help but feel like the salty sea breeze is always pulling and pulling and pulling him. As if tugging him back towards the City of Freedom, the other half of his roots, his origin.
♡ He hasn't seen his mother in years. He also realizes he barely talks to his father anymore because of work, despite being in the same nation.
♡ He's fulfilled in Inazuma, with many friends, but sometimes he felt lonely.
♡ He was busy tidying up the tea room at the Yashiro Commission, making sure that everything was spic and span for when Sir Ayato and Miss Ayaka come back from New Year's preparations in the town proper. It's always rather busy during this time of year, and the two siblings always struggle with maintaining public order when the new year starts approaching.
♡ It makes sense that he must also do his utmost best to help them any way he can—
"Take a break this time."
"But isn't this the peak of like, public disruptions, I don't think it's right for me to suddenly take a break—" Ayato stops his friend from speaking as he raises his hand, a smile on his face.
"You've been loyal to us for a long time, Thoma. You do things for all of us without asking for anything in return. This time, Ayaka and I both decided that we want you to enjoy New Year's without worrying about your duties as our housekeeper." Ayato firmly pats Thoma's shoulder in reassurance. "I'm not asking you as the Yashiro Commissioner, but I'm asking you as a friend. Go, enjoy yourself for once."
"But I—" Thoma doesn't get to finish what he's about to say, as Ayato walks away without another word, leaving the housekeeper alone in the tea room. "…how am I gonna take a break?"
♡ It's obvious that Thoma isn't used to taking breaks.
♡ He's accustomed to the hustle and bustle of his daily life, helping people with their errands, solving some villagers' problems, running errands for the Kamisato Clan, running his own errands. Now he doesn't know what to do with himself.
"Thoma, love," you place your hand on top of his bouncing knee, "you're antsy again."
His leg immediately stops bouncing when he feels your warm touch and Thoma breathes a drawn out sigh, gently clasping his fingers around your hand. "I know, I know, I'm sorry." He brings your hand up to kiss your knuckles, as if telling you that he's fine through every kiss he presses to your skin.
Thoma didn't mean to let his own negative thoughts impede on this date. Just as it's rare for him to visit his father, it's rare for the two of you to be able to meet up like this, having a warm meal at Kiminami Restaurant.
♡ You were a travelling merchant, which means your job demanded that you move around from place to place. You met when you were at Ritou, busy being denied access to travel within the nation despite your past business. Thoma, who was aiding some merchants, just so happened to pass by and managed to calm the situation down, and you got your travel permit.
♡ You guys became closer than ever since that day, until he finally asked you to go out with him. It was hard at first, with both your schedules, but you made it work; love isn't just the happy, fluttering feeling after all, but the effort you put for each other.
"Don't tell me you're bored because you're basically forbidden from lifting a finger, Thoma." You tease, bumping shoulders with him as you giggle when he scrunches his nose.
"Maybe I am."
"That's not the purpose of a break, you know."
"But—" Thoma plops his forehead on your shoulder. "I like helping around Narukami Island."
You frown, patting his blonde hair. You know he was brought up to be a loyal, and kind, and helpful young man (it's why you fell in love with him in the first place). He told you stories about how his father taught him about loyalty, back when you first started going out, and you even met his father one time.
You wished you could take his mind off of work, though, just so he can relax. He should make use of this period of rest, like go on a hike, or do yoga, or trave—
"Do you want to go to Mondstadt with me?" You ask him, momentarily lowering the chopsticks you have in your other hand. Upon hearing the City of Freedom, Thoma instantly perks his head up, looking at you with those green eyes you love oh so dearly.
"I was going to Liyue for a bit anyway, and I feared that I was going to have to leave you alone this New Year." You say, scratching your cheek. "If you'd like, we can go to Liyue together for the Lantern Rite, and… we can go to Mondstadt after that for your birthday."
You were nervous, asking him something like this. You don't know why but it felt like it was something big, like it was bigger than just the two of you. Thoma stared at you with wide eyes, the sun setting behind him just right, that the remaining rays of the sunlight illuminated your face in a serene glow.
He doesn't register exactly when he made up his mind, or when his mouth started moving, but eventually…
♡ Thoma was nervous when you were about to board the ship that would take you to your first destination, Liyue. But with your gentle reassurance and the feeling of your hand in his, he was able to quell the anxiety in his stomach until you reached the harbor.
♡ As you promised him, you and he enjoyed the Lantern Rite together, with you essentially giving him a tour of Liyue as you both ate the nation's cuisine and experienced their traditions.
♡ A few days after New Year, just before his birthday, you both caught a travelling caravan heading towards Mondstadt.
♡ It finally caught up to him that, yes, he was finally going to come back home after so many years. He'd be able to see his mother again. He'd be able to see the windmills, the people, the lake. He'd be with the other half of him again.
♡ It would be daunting to see just how much the city changed. How everything became different since the last time he was here. But, if you're here with him, on this new journey in this new age, he'll be fine.
♡ And at the back of that tiny caravan, with your hand in his like it's always been this entire trip, the City of Freedom now coming into view as you near…
♡ … Thoma cried in front of you for the first time.
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afortoru · 1 year
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾
Pairing: ceo!Toji Zenin x reader
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Word count: 2.2 k
Warnings: old memories both happy and sad ones ig
Note: I wrote an hardcore family fluff...yaay! also im sorry Sukuna stans for making him your brother in this fic TT and if your are reading this, i love you *mwah*
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The Zenin Group Pvt Ltd is one of the most infamous company in this world of bussisness. Everyone who's associated with it, gains nothing but tons and loads of money as being there slaves. Even there rivals have given up. Everytime there bussisness rivals try to took them down, something happens to their own company and they'll suddenly loose there shares and shareholders. Even a thought of having The Zenin Group as there rivals would make them shiver, causing them sleepless nights. 
But who wasn't affected by this so called infamous company was The Ryomen Interprises Pvt Ltd. The Ryomen's was on top with their business as much as the Zenin's were. They were infact the only rivals who were standing long and tall infront of the Zenin's. The two groups who couldn't bring each other down to hell by there little games decided to play with your's and the upcoming young ceo of the Zenin group, Toji Zenin's life. 
You were the only daughter and the second youngest child of the family with your older brother Ryomen Sukuna. 
Sukuna was one hell of a cold guy, ignoring the girls lurking around him to get his attention, not giving in into cheap pleases from the business partners and the list goes on. For the the outside world he was a stone cold narcissistic rich guy but the one's who got to see his soft side were the one's he loved the most, his dearest little sister,you and your mother. 
Sukuna hold you two like his life depends on you too and it did. Your father, Mr. Ryomen would also get his cold looks and an 'idgaf' attitude. Since Sukuna knows his father oh so well and what that man could do to continue his legacy.
That's why he didn't thought for a second when your father finally wanted him to take over their business and become the ceo. Sukuna thought he could finally make things right with the company under him but later did he knew that some decisions were still under your father's hand.
You were busy checking up the decorations for the party held for your brother being the new CEO.
"I see you're pretty excited about this, huh!" you can tell how annoyed he was with all the preparations. "Atleast let me pretend like I'm preparing for my big bro's wedding or something like that" you said walking towards Sukuna whose expressions has turned from annoyed to confused. "Well looking at the way you 'shoo' people around you specially women, I don't think so you're getting married any soon" listening to your words he looked at you with a annoyed grin "so is that what my sister wants from me now huh, what else do you want, should I rip my heart out for you" he stated "you should totally, maybe then I can sell it to buy myself the new book in my wishlist" you winked at him. Sukuna stood their with a shocked face thinking how can his lovely sister be so mean, oh wait you're his sister there's going to be something about you that's in his personality too. 
You went back to look over to the decorations as squeeled from your place as you felt someone's tickling you. "You really gonna be this mean to me huh, never thought this much money couldn't buy you a book but my heart would huh?" he jokingly mentioned while you were on the verge of tears from laughing. "Sukuna stop please, I'm sorry stop...ahhh you idiot I'm gonna tell mom, MOM" you made yourself free from him as you started running outside to the grand house garden. 
"Wait you-" he called you out as you made your way towards your mom looking back at him with a funny expression on your face. "I gonna tell mom you're- , ahh!" You weren't looking in front while running as you felt someone stopping you. 
"What's so funny kids?", you looked to see the face of the man your brother hates the most, your father. "Why are you running after her like that my son?" he stated with a smile on his face. Sukuna didn't mind his words as he took your hand about to leave but you pulled away. "Nothing dad, we're just going to see mom" you said not wanting to be rude to your father. 
He gave you a gentle smile and then he started walking towards Sukuna "Son i know you don't like me but atleast try to act not that mean, can't you?" , "I don't like you?, I hate you... stop being delusional." Sukuna states with an annoyed expression.
"What's happening, I heard Y/N call me. Why'd you call me dear?" you with both the men standing with you turn towards the voice coming from the other side of the hall, you mother Mrs. Ryomen. 
She walked towards you and the two men with a gentle smile. Sukuna looks at his mother and then he sees your face, she's exactly like mom, he thought to himself. 
She greets your father with a gracious smile, as he nods and smiles back. "Why'd you call me dear?". You pointed towards your brother, faking a pout "Kuna, he was tickling me, i told him not disturb me while I'm working for ceremony held for him and here he's not even a little pounce of gratitude on his face", he grunts listening you complaining like a little kid "hell I'm not , and did I asked you to do this decorations when we already have so much workers around" he says as he pokes you on your cheeks." Mom, you see how rude he'd became now,I-".
"My dear son you should be glad your sister is happy and helping with arranging the ceremony of you being the new ceo, am I right darling?", your father directed this question to you mother, she just noded instead of giving any answer. 
"She's not actually happy-", he was interrupted by your mom. "Um Sukuna, dear I need you and Y/N with me right now, please excuse us dear", she asks as a permission from Mr. Ryomen to leave.
You slightly smiled towards him before you started following your mom and Sukuna. As your father stands behind knowing that he won't ever get the same closure from you and Sukuna the like you give your mother. He still appreciated your kindness towards him, atleast you try unlike Sukuna. 
He sighs as he walked around the house checking the preparations being held for his son's being the new ceo. 
Mr. Ryomen won't say that he loves power, but you knew he does and he'll put his family on the line for this forsaken company. He won't even think once to choose his company, established by your so called forefathers over his wife who sacrificed her career, his daughter who was kind enough to still smile at him and his son who'll put his life on the line for his family. 
Sukuna sat with your mom on the edge of the bed as you were trying to find something in the wardrobe. "Mom you sure you haven't lost it and kept it in the wardrobe?" you have been looking for whatever it was and you can sense Sukuna's being impatient. 
"Mom, I don't think so this dummy would find whatever it is, you should go and check" he asked her receiving a "shut up" from you.
Your mom was about to get up to help you find it before you exclaimed, "I found it! Here!". Sukuna examine a medium sized, maroon coloured box that you were holding.
"Here mom, kuna this is for you…me and mom got this for you", you handed the box to your her. She looked towards Sukuna, who was now confused on what and why you two got any gift for him.
Your mom's hands moved towards his face as she gently ruffles his hair and places her palm on his now slightly blushind cheeks " for you my dear son" , she says with a motherly smile over her face as she hand overs the gift to Sukuna. 
"B- but w-why…i mean is there anything special?", you chuckled at his stuttering."Open it first big bro, don't you wanna see what we got for you?" you reminded as his gaze went towards the box, what could it be, Sukuna thought to himself as he starts unwrapping it.
"I- it's a w- watch, but w- why?",his question made you walk towards him as you sat on the other side of the bed beside him. 
"Because we love you and wanted to give you something since we know you're doing all this for us that's why me and mom decided to surprise you with this little gift", you said with a sweet smile as you can see his expressions soften. 
"Thankyou so much both of you!", Sukuna felt he's about to shed some tears but he contained himself as he quickly held both of you and your mom in his arms into a hug.
"We know why are you taking the position of the ceo in your father's company, son. M- mom's s- so proud of you, she's so sorry she couldn't-" Sukuna shushed as she's now sobbing into his shirt. 
"Mom you did enough for the both us, please don't say like this. Whatever we do, it won't be enough to what you did so please don't speak like that", he uttered as he hold the both of you more closely and tightly like his life depends on it.
"Everything is fine, big bro but I kinda being suffocated, you should do a little less exercise", your words made your mom and Sukuna chuckle as he let go the both of you."If I won't exercise then who's gonna protect you, huh?" he questioned with a smirk with his look diverted towards you. 
"I can protect myself, alright. Don't go on this pretty face, i can beat some asses too" you stated proudly pointing a finger towards your face."And who said you're pretty?", Sukuna's word made you pout, gaining a chuckle from your mom. 
"Hey! mom not you too" you whinned.
"You're the prettiest, dummy…happy now?", your pout turned into a very much satisfied smile from his words as you nod. 
Your mother on the other hand can't believe how lucky she got having you and Sukuna as her kids. She cherish you two too much than she already do. Everyday you two get older, she can't help but want to spend more time with you two, see you bickering, fighting, laughing, just the desire to see you both increases and she can't help it. She knows that one day her daughter and son would have there own family, their own kids and maybe you two won't have enough time for her but she's just happy with the thought of you two being settled down with your spouses oneday.
"Mom, why the teary eyes?", she was snapped back to reality as you wipes her tears away, she didn't realised she was crying.
"N- nothing, just you two make me so happy I can't get enough of you two. Always stay like this together, protect each other, always stand for each other and never let anyone else break this bond between you too…mom loves the both of you so much" she sniffles as she pats one hand on your head and another on Sukuna's.
You and Sukuna looked at each other before hugging your mom exactly how you did it when you were kids. You two used two jump on her everytime you came back from school or in any occasion when you missed her. She would always take you two in her motherly embrace and the what you two felt in her arms is something you can say that's better than the feeling of even being in heaven, so warm, so tender.
It would be true to say that the three of you don't wanna break from this hug, maybe an eternity would feel less cause this love is something you could never get tired of. 
Your mother is so lost embracing her most precious possessions.
You were glad to have a family, who loved you so much that you couldn't imagine anyone else to live you more than then. No there's no way anyone who could give you there heart like your family, or was there?
Sukuna on the other hand can't believe how he got so lucky to have you as his sister and her as his mother. The more he's with you two the more he wants to protect you two from this world. He want to give everything best in this world to you and your mom. Sukuna might not be able to fight his father or change the past but he promised to himself that he would never let his mom suffer again, she is happy now but he knows what she's been through for the both of you and you, he lives to protect you from anyone who even thinks to hurt you. He swear they won't see the sun if anyone would even dare to think about you wrongly. He had taken this unspoken pledge to shield you and you too believed you would not find any men like you brother in your life until you met him.
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Tagging my babies:
@lotus-n-l0ve @luvjiro @luckimoon @vagabond-umlaut
I'm still an amature writer so feel free to advise me please.
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