#but everyone ELSE thought she was his wife too lol
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flaresanimedump · 1 year ago
Fukuzawa and Ranpo romantic themes essay **Updated May 2024**
ALRIGHT here we go
The story thus far:
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First off y'all are focusing too much on Fukuzawa. Sorry but if you look to Fukuzawa only Fukuzawa/cats has merit. Even with FukuMori it's Mori we get 90% of the ship content from (silver fox?? Can you not hit on him for FIVE SECONDS MORI-)
You have to look at RANPO. And so we will, mostly, in this response.
Now I did say "themes" first so you're all gonna have to deal with me doing both. I’m just gonna lead with the thing that I see the behavior in the og tweet with the most:
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Antis almost never fail to say "father and son" in their captions when they post screenshots of this anthology chapter.
As the translator of this anthology I will tell you it's not father and son. It's tsundere boyfriend.
How is this tsundere?!: “I’m not worried about you, baka, I just don’t ever want to see you sick—play sick nurse for you again!! So take better care of yourself!! Here’s a snack!! Feel better or else!!” + this phrase "I never thought I'd hear such caring words from you" is your basic tsundere trope template in JP.
Why does that mean it’s romantic?!: Tsundere behavior is mostly reserved for love interests – particularly this bit.
He’s just offering him a snack!!: Look at the shojo background in every panel. Look at the sparkles. Look at them setting the fluffy lovey-dovey mood. Look at Fukuzawa’s saying he’ll take them to his heart. You can hear the “Kyaaaa, Yukichi-kun was so close!!!” if you listen carefully.
But- but- FATHER AND SON!!: you may now see why it took a Fukuran shipper to translate this 4 years after it was released, despite the scanlation boom over covid ;)
But that’s an anthology! It’s not really canon!
Moving right along then, this is Bones only, but:
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Seeing color because you meet someone is literally the basis of an entire subset of soulmate AUs.
I bookmarked two romance quotes in the last 6 hours that center on romantic love bringing color into someone’s life. This is an extremely common romantic trope and I still can’t believe Bones went there in Origins. a. “But Nova!” they cry, “lots of parents say their children bring color into their lives!!” True!! And you’ve just said why this isn’t the same! Fukuzawa brought color to RANPO’s life, not the other way around. This is why I say to look to Ranpo for this ship!
Well Bones sucks!
There are about 104 examples of “Unbroken Vigil” on TV tropes. Exactly two of them are children waiting by their parents, and they’re both from live action film. This trope, across all categories of media, is absolutely owned by romantic couples. Notably in the anime and fanon sections there are no examples of family members doing this. I won’t say there aren’t any anywhere, though. JJK exists. But that’s a good example of how different Ranpo’s reaction is from the usual “caretaker is in the hospital” mood – sure Yuuji’s sad when his grandpa dies, but he’s gonna be ok. Ranpo is, as Yosano says, devastated. Ranpo’s devastation fits squarely in the romantic box for this one boys.
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Point of reference: Fukuzawa
I’m gonna hit two points at once in this section:
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Ranpo’s kneeling to Fukuchi here but he has no loyalty to Fukuchi. He’s kneeling out of loyalty to Fukuzawa, so in truth he’s kneeling to Fukuzawa’s will. He’s acting as Fukuzawa’s knight. Even if we pretend King and Lionheart wasn’t a fandom phenomena for years, this isn’t a parent-child thing. Ranpo is steadfastly faithful to his king.
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But lo?? Ranpo’s a lying liar. He’ll face away from the president under exactly one condition: Fukuzawa’s life is hanging in the balance. Then he’ll go against the only thing he himself has said he’s willing to stand for. This is not how the parent-child trope works. The parent says “live for me, I’ll die for the greater good” and the child cries and the parent dies. It’s like. The most common movie plotline in the universe when adults' parents are in movies.
Instead Ranpo actually does something that another stated romantic couple in this series does.
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Goes apeshit on the threat.
Then later he’s not even remorseful. He tells Fukuzawa they did it and eats a bunch of cake without a care in the world after. He’d do it again and we know it.* So his moral compass isn’t to follow the president, it’s actually to follow him up to his own good and then burn the entire city down if it’ll keep him alive. This is really the most damning of Ranpo behaviors that screams of something more than familial affection.
Fukuzawa’s lines when he's poisoned are “we must not fight the port mafia. My life isn't important, protect this city (from the inevitable damage the fighting will do).”
Ranpo’s argument to disobey him is that the port mafia will start taking their families hostage to get them to give Fukuzawa up. “And if that happens, even the detective agency will be forced to give in.” His argument isn’t even “our friends will be in danger,” it’s “if we don’t fight we'll have let them kill President Fukuzawa.” Which, you know, Fukuzawa already said was preferable to fighting.
So this whole argument is literally that ship meme: “I will sacrifice myself to save everyone.” / “I will sacrifice anyone to save you.”
*Ranpo’s near-complete lack of punishment for this is a subtle sign of Fukuzawa’s bias too but this is already too long.
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Or the 4th season's opening song. This has not been easy I tell you WHAT most of the translations for this song’s lyrics leave something to be desired and song lyrics are hard to understand. Anyway, we have Shirushi, which Luck Life's vocalist said was about Ranpo and Fukuzawa. And it’s. Well I wouldn’t exactly call it a love song because it’s bigger with “you gave me a reason to live” as one of the recurring lyrics. But the song’s got more lyrics about wanting/wishing/pleading to stay together: “I want to stay here // please, let’s just stay here // I want you and I to continue” and them being together, the “here” in question, is called “the place where [my] heart belongs.” It’s so sweet aaaaaa and it most definitely sounds like a love song.
"I will be his shield"
Here we have the rare Fukuzawa point.
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Ok can I skip explaining this it’s very very obvious and I already went over one of these things.
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Normal thought process: I should keep an eye on this kid. Fukuzawa thought process: I will become his shield, his sword, his shelter, to allow his magnificent mind freedom to work its magic--
Two halves of one whole
This is a weak ass point but I always found it thematically contradictory to the father/son interpretation, particularly when it comes right on the heels of a certain line fancops like to reference.
At the beginning of Origins Fukuzawa literally parkours across a room, backflips and everything, shocking the guy with all the papers with his mad skills. And Fukuzawa thinks “What? Why? That wasn’t impressive.”
He’s hinted to be the physical counterpart of Ranpo’s hyper competence. I.E., Ranpo is the one-of-a-kind mind and Fukuzawa is the one-of-a-kind body. Together they become unstoppable.
This implies a bond that won’t end?? But parent & child plotlines always have a theme of the child growing up and moving on. Atsushi and the orphanage director, though they’re fucked up, personified it. But they’ve clearly established that Fukuzawa and Ranpo are two halves of one whole and neither of them are planning to separate at any point. What’s Ranpo gonna do, go become a regular cop?? This just doesn’t suit a father and son dynamic.
Alright this next part will take some effort but FIRST we must all agree there’s romantic tension between Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. When I initially drafted this the finale had not come out, but we STILL had this going on:
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Ok, so we also have the finale and we know Fukuzawa has some Strong Feelings for Fukuchi too. And Ranpo friggin' hates it.
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I don’t aim to eradicate the platonic reading of Fukuran or anything, Fukuzawa and Ranpo are cute together no matter what! So this does smack of a teenager mad about having a stepdad taking all their mom’s time. But I cycle back to what Fukuchi cites as the focal point of Ranpo’s jealousy for the other easy interpretation.
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The only time in my life I’ve thought “Aw I wish we’d met sooner :/” and felt a little envy towards someone's high school friends was with someone I was dating. I’d never think anything to this effect about a family member, certainly not enough to get violently jealous of their old friends or, heaven forbid, significant others.
What Ranpo is wishing for here is to have known Fukuzawa longer than Fukuchi, which could not happen if he was Fukuzawa's son. Fukuzawa was too young to have children when he met Fukuchi. So Ranpo's jealousy doesn't seem strictly platonic.
I will never understand how anyone sees the praise scene and thinks it’s normal father-son behavior. Teenagers wouldn't wouldn’t be caught dead doing this. Adults are far beyond it. Ranpo’s 26. Yes he likes candy and can’t ride the train, but the trains in Japan are WORSE than driving and neither of these behaviors mean he's a literal child. He has a driver’s license and investigates corpses for a living. He’s an adult.
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This is a textbook praise kink.
Update: We got NEW STUFF WHOO
First I need to explain all of Japanese to you! Kidding, but we are gonna talk about second person pronouns. If you're not already aware, Japanese has well over 15 words for "I." Similarly, there are also 10+ words for "you." That being said, "you" is often seen as too direct and therefore all of these words can be seen as rude (you're supposed to use the other person's name with an honorific or their title, i.e. Fukuzawa-san, Shachou). You can use "you" for advertisements where the "you" is very general, OR with friends/lovers/etc.
OK we're gonna look at 2 of these pronouns now:
あなた(Anata) is a common second-person pronoun. This is the one that comes up in advertisements. It's semi-formal, though rude in certain contexts. As already stated, Anata is mostly used with people you're already close or familiar with (some examples in BSD include Kyoka to Atsushi and Akutagawa, between Haruno and Naomi, and Ango to Dazai) but can be used with strangers you're not close with and/or people you're a little irritated by (examples: Atsushi to Kouyou and Fitzgerald, Poe to Yosano). You are NOT supposed to use Anata with superiors. Historically, however, Anata once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the wife might call her husband this. This doesn't happen much though!! Only in certain contexts, which I'll get into. Don't go telling people Anata is a romantic pronoun because of this essay, it's not. Mostly.
お前(Omae) is rude! Ok it's not that rude, but it's a tough guy "you." This is often used when people are annoyed with the "you" in question, i.e. Kunikida scolding Dazai for drowning/being broke, "Dazai! Omae-" like that. Like Anata, this can be used by guys who know each other well/are good friends. Also like Anata, historically, it once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the husband might call his wife this. This is older than the endearment use of Anata and far less common now. It was explained to me as being a bit like saying "my woman." But once again this is rare!! It doesn't mean that now! Don't go expecting it to be romantic all the time because it almost never is!! Except--
Except that Fukuzawa uses very old language, because he's named after a guy whose heyday was the 1860s. That's plenty long enough ago to use Omae as a term of endearment. In fact there are only two characters who he calls Omae, one of whom is Fukuchi:
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HOWEVER, while this proves Fukuzawa only uses it with people he's extremely close to, Fukuchi uses Omae back. I could make a joke about the two dudes who would be gay if they could just work out which one should bottom but this is a Fukuran essay so you can use your imagination for that. I'll move on to the other person he uses Omae with:
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Ranpo, of course! But you see... Ranpo rarely calls Fukuzawa anything other than Fukuzawa-san or Shachou. Except he did at the end of the anime:
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WE GOT AN ANATA FOLKS. Ranpo doesn't call anybody else Anata. He goes for Kimi mainly. Yet here he whips out Anata for Fukuzawa who, if he was looking at Fukuzawa as his superior, he should never refer to as Anata. So not only do we get confirmation that their relationship isn't just boss and employee, we get THE OMAE+ANATA SET. This isn't definitive cannonizing content of course - as I've said multiple times, these both mean something different now - but it's strongly suggestive. And speaking of suggestive,
Word of god
If you were ever worried that Asagiri might frown on the ship, or that he doesn't know about it, or that he didn't intend for a shippy interpretation at all, you can put all those fears to rest. In January 2024 Asagiri held a panel at the Kochi Museum of Literature and the Fukuran fans were WELL FED. Asagiri was asked half a dozen questions about Ranpo and Fukuzawa, but the most fun answer was when he was asked about Ranpo and Fukuchi. Rough translation below:
Q. Can you expand on the relationship between Ranpo and Fukuchi?
A. To put it in a slightly misleading way, Ranpo views Fukuchi as his rival in love*. They are enemies in a love triangle. Fukuchi doesn't agree.
*YES this word means romantic love.
Yes it's a joke but it's basically carte blanch to ship it to your heart's content, Asagiri knows you're there and winks at you in his interviews. AND it's also Kafka Asagiri saying that Ranpo sees himself in a love triangle with Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. So. You know. Just a small (major) win for the Fukuran fans there!
--End of new info--
But what about-
Now, I did mention the line I know all the antis are getting ready to comment with, and I just don’t think this would be complete without the inflammatory “well actually” section. There have been many a tweet saying “Fukuzawa says he sees Ranpo as his son!”
Actually, he never does. They're explicitly called partners/buddies, however.
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Bad news kids: this isn’t an exact translation. It’s very sweet and all but that’s not what the Japanese actually says.
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This line is closer to “I have a child in my care for my own reasons, too.” He didn’t say Ranpo was HIS child, there’s no possessive grammar here (heh no の). I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone argue that Fukuzawa didn’t see him as a child when he was, you know, a child, but the series doesn’t take place when Ranpo is a child. Also I don’t see how that has anything to do with Ranpo’s feelings at the time.
Well that’s semantics, Fukuchi says it too!! See??
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This 1) is Fukuchi who has about 1000 reasons to be a fukuran anti that have nothing to do with ages and 2) isn’t a direct translation of the Japanese text either. It says “little favorite” in Japanese, and that’s it! “Little favorite” just sounds weird in English so the translators used a common phrase that people generally DON’T and SHOULDN’T use for their own kids (imagine if everyone knew you liked one of your actual kids better than the rest D:).
I have it on good authority that the official Italian doesn’t say “favorite son” and I know the Japanese doesn’t, so this line is not cannon.
All that aside, this argument was so absurd to me I struggled to articulate just why it made no sense to use it as "canonical proof" that Fukuzawa and Ranpo's relationship was definitively familial. Until today.
"Favorite son" doesn't mean "favorite son" in English, either.
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Well how about this!!!
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I’m not really sure why this is referenced when it’s clearly the center of the chapter’s joke – the point is that Ranpo ISN’T 5, he just acts that way.
Plus I can throw this panel back from the same WaN chapter as an argument:
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“Ranpo’s grown so handsome” or if you prefer, “Ranpo looks so virile now...” – rare simp Fukuzawa.
Well you can’t possibly deny this!!!
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Congratulations, this is the only one with any merit! What it fails to do is prove Fukuzawa said it or remove any of the stuff already mentioned here. Ranpo could very much be in love with Fukuzawa. This line in origins is narration, not dialogue or thought, and it isn’t carried through in the narrative so it’s relatively easy to view it as a joke. The same book christens them “Tantei [Sou]jin,” same sou as in “[sou]koku,” with kanji meaning “Detective duo/detective twins/double detectives/detective partners” though I’ve also found it to mean something very near “equals.” The kanji are ‘subtitled’ as "Detective buddies” in English (katakana) in the Japanese book. All this throws multiple wrenches in the idea that they’re broadly viewed as parent and child or even as having a significant power imbalance between them.
Which brings me to my final point: none of this proves anything definitively! There’s plenty of material for both interpretations. The entire point of engaging with media is to develop your own interpretation and have fun with it. But freaking out and screaming your headcanon when a scene hits you as slightly different than that headcanon is very much screaming at the sky. Lord knows I’ve seen these four arguments enough times that if they were going to convince me of anything they already would have, and Asagiri sure can’t hear you.
I think everyone who doesn’t think this could be romantic at least from Ranpo’s side expects that romantic imagery/themes for this ship can only appear from Fukuzawa, and only if it’s predatory? Like as long as I don’t whip out a canon image like this
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they’ll say “I would definitely do that with my parent” to every argument even if in reality they never, ever would.
I did recently see someone saying "why would Ranpo even like Fukuzawa, he's 30!" and listen, I can't help you there. I've had crushes on actors twice my age since I was 10, it's ingrained in my wiring. A sexy badboy bodyguard who declares himself to be at your service AND buys you food will never not be hot to me.
"What's attractive about Fukuzawa" requires another essay, however, so this is where I leave it. Obviously much of this is open to interpretation, but I don’t see people making skk posts that just say “BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES” or “BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS” ya feel. It’s always on panels like the ones I brought up, because people do recognize a romantic slant when they see one. You don’t learn to detect that from media, you learn it from living long before you start caring about morality politics in shipping. Thus I interpret the screaming very much as LALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU-
P.S. actually I do want to add one final note because I know what the fancops will say even if they take all this at face value: Grooming refers to “actions deliberately undertaken to befriend and establish an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child’s inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity.”
Dating someone you knew when you were underage does not equal grooming. Grooming is a purposeful crime. “Even if they’re dating now that’s grooming!” incorrect! Please do not only listen to your friends about the law, they may also tell you a cop has to tell you if they're a cop (they do not) or any number of other very wrong things. Google is free.
56 notes · View notes
malkaviian · 2 years ago
mary, trying to comfort rafael who is feeling really guilty for having a crush on luca: you shouldn't really feel that bad about liking him, you know? i dont think you should feel bad at all, actually. i mean, probably everyone in the whole town is a little bit into luca, some more than others, just look at him. its not cheating if its luca, honestly. if i was dating someone and they told me they were into him, i would most probably nod along and say "me too". its fine i promise
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gudfornuthin · 7 months ago
Unexpected Comfort
Season 4!Diego x fem!reader, (past) Five x reader
Summary: after finding out the news about Lila and Five’s relationship, Y/N needs to get away from it all. Who knew she’d find comfort in the one other person broken too?
Word count: 2.65k words
A/N: ayooo. I wanna thank everyone for the support I received from my Five fanfic, it means the world to me that people read and enjoy my writing. I’m definitely thinking about ideas for a part 2, and I also have some requests I need to complete, but for now this lil thing popped into my head and I had to make it. My sweet Diego deserved so much more. There’s fluff, there’s angst, there’s a lil bit of smut (I’m trying to get better at writing that lol) so I hope you all enjoy. Feedback is always appreciated
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“I’m so sorry, I didn’t want you to find out this way.”
Those were the words that came out of Five’s mouth before Y/N stormed out of the house, leaving behind the shocked faces of the Hargreeves siblings.
Five had cheated on her. With Lila. Diego’s wife, the mother of his children. She felt like throwing up. They’d created a life together, seeming to forget all about the life they had here, in the real world. Five tried explaining how a few hours to her had been years for him and Lila, but Y/N wasn’t having it. She couldn’t imagine giving up on a relationship she’d spent so long working on, like it meant nothing at all. At least they weren’t married with kids. She doesn’t want to think about how much this is killing Diego.
Having left the house, ignoring the calls from the family, Y/N continued walking for what seemed like hours. She wasn’t familiar with this side of town, and the dark streets all blended together. Had she already gone this way? Was there a bus stop she could seek shelter under for the time being? The night was getting colder and she was finding it hard to catch her breath, the tears still flowing. She knew she couldn’t continue on for much longer.
After walking a few more blocks, Y/N finally spots a bar/diner, the lights still on inside. Better than nothing, she thinks, as she slowly makes her way towards it, in desperate need of a drink.
The diner is quiet, only a few patrons scattered around, either drunk or on the verge of passing out. The bar tender nods in acknowledgment when Y/N sits on one of the bar stools, asking what she wants.
“I’ll just have a beer.”
The bar tender rolls his eyes. ��What kinda beer?”
Y/N shrugs. “The cheapest one you’ve got.”
He wonders off to sort out her order, as she rests her head in the palms of her hands, closing her eyes and trying not to sob like a baby. The pain in her chest still lingers, as she can’t escape the images of Five and Lila, and the life they had made together. The life that should’ve been hers. With everything going on, she’d almost forgotten about the world ending, again. But that was surprisingly the least of her worries at the moment. She just wanted to scream, and punch and kick anything that got in her way. She needed a cigarette. And she doesn’t even smoke.
“Thought I’d find you here.”
A voice sounds off to the side of Y/N, as she slowly opens her eyes. A beer bottle stands in front of her, and she turns to her left, spotting Diego in the seat next to hers. He looks worse for wear. Red eyes, prominent frown lines, and a pouty lip.
“You look like a kicked puppy,” Y/N mumbles, not knowing what else to say.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Diego replies in a gruff voice, grabbing for her beer and taking a swig.
The pair go quiet, listening to the soft tune playing through the overhead speakers, dwelling in their own thoughts. The two of them had never exactly been close. Since Y/N joined the family she’d always gravitated more towards Klaus and Alison. Frankly, she didn’t understand why Diego was here with her. Maybe because they were both dealing with the same situation, with both their partners being the main focal point. Or maybe he was just in desperate need for a drink too, as shown when he downs the rest of the bottle. Y/N alerts the bar tender, putting up two fingers to ask for a second round. Hopefully she can actually have some this time.
“Was I a bad husband?” Diego finally speaks up, breaking the somewhat awkward silence.
Y/N glances his way, unsure of how to respond.
She clears her throat. “I dunno if I’m the right person to answer that,” she scratches at the label on the beer bottle. “But from what I saw, you were pretty good at it.”
He doesn’t say anything, so she continues. “And you’re also a good dad. I can’t imagine how hard it was, going from one apocalypse to another, to just living a normal life. Pretending none of it ever happened. You didn’t let that get in the way of taking care of your kids. They know you’re a good dad.”
She notices the tears forming in Diego’s eyes and looks away, knowing he wouldn’t want others to see him cry. She sips her drink, the burning sensation hitting the back of her throat.
“For what it’s worth,” Diego starts, “you’re not a bad girlfriend.”
“I never thought I was,” Y/N bites back, her tone harsher than she wanted it to be. “But what are you supposed to think when the love of your life admits to having an affair?” She laughs bitterly. “With his fucking sister in law!”
“Hey, you’re preaching to the choir here,” Diego says, rubbing incessantly at his eyes. “Just tryna make you feel better.”
“Well you didn’t.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
They bask in silence again, both too stubborn to apologise for snapping at each other. They know neither of them are in the wrong. But the wounds are still fresh, and it doesn’t seem like they’ll heal anytime soon.
Almost an hour passes, along with 9 or 10 bottles of beer between them, when the bartender finally tells them it’s closing time. They both get out of their seats, leaving the bar and standing awkwardly outside in the cold, Y/N shivering having left the house without a coat.
“You cold?” Diego dumbly asks.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Well done, Sherlock.”
Diego looks as if he’s about to say something in retort, but chooses not to. Instead, he silently slips off his jacket, handing it over to her, insisting she takes it before she can refuse. She does so, mumbling a quiet ‘thank you’. They continue standing outside the bar, watching the occasional car drive past, lighting them up every so often.
“I can’t go back there,” Y/N says. “Not yet anyways.”
It was a stupid thing to think that this could all be avoided. She’d eventually have to face Five properly, let him explain fully what happened during that time he was away. But she couldn’t. She doesn’t want an explanation, or an excuse. She just wants it erased from her memory. To forget about it all. To forget about Five.
Diego puts his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I’m not in the mood to figure out that shit show tonight.”
He pauses for a beat, then briefly glances at Y/N. “There’s a motel not too far from here. We can grab a couple of rooms, take the time to get some rest, and figure all this out tomorrow.”
She doesn’t say anything, simply nodding in agreement, and following Diego to their accommodation for the night.
The pair arrive at the dingy looking motel, booking two rooms next to each other, and muttering quick goodnights. Y/N can feel the exhaustion taking over, as she sits down on the bed, and yet the thought of falling asleep makes her anxious. She can’t remember the last time she went to bed alone. It was always Five right by her side, comforting her if she had any nightmares. Which had become more and more frequent the past few weeks.
She tries distracting herself by turning on the tv, flicking through empty channels and purposely avoiding the news. She takes a shower, scrubbing off the physical and metaphorical grime. It helps her feel slightly better, but still she’s wide awake. She walks laps around the room, which isn’t much considering the bed takes up most of the space. And yet she still can’t sleep.
Her mind wanders to the man in the room next to hers. Is Diego having the same issues as she is? Or has he completely worn himself out to the point of passing out for the next several hours. Is it too forward if she goes over there and asks to stay with him for the night? He could end up giving her a weird look and slamming the door in her face. Or he could see a woman, sad and distressed, and know she’s just in need of someone to comfort her. The risk is worth the reward.
Y/N leaves her room, stumbling slightly over her own feet, the alcohol starting to take effect. She steadies herself, standing in front of Diego’s door and knocking. It takes a moment, but he finally opens, shirtless and hair a mess.
“What’s up?” He says, his voice gruff.
Standing in front of him now, Y/N can’t help but feel stupid. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with her problems right now, not when he’s still trying to figure out his own. The only thing on Diego’s mind is most likely Lila, and getting some much needed rest. This was a bad idea.
“Uh,” she shakes her head. “It’s nothing, no. I shouldn’t have disturbed you, I’m sorry.”
She begins to walk away, trying not to fall over, until Diego’s voice calls her name. She turns, seeing him standing half way out of his room, a sad expression on his face.
“Neither of us really wanna be alone right now,” he says, motioning slightly for her to follow him through the door.
She waits a second, unsure if this was the best idea. Now feeling as if they were both about to cross a barrier that neither of them could walk back through.
Taking the plunge, Y/N silently follows Diego into his room, closing the door behind her. She suddenly felt nervous, unsure as to why. Diego is already back in bed, getting comfortable under the covers, ready for a much needed sleep. Y/N looks at the bed, then towards the small couch, not knowing which one she’s welcome on.
“It’s fine,” he rolls over, not looking at her. “You can build a pillow wall if it’ll make you feel better.”
Y/N nods, not wanting to admit how glad she was that she could sleep next to Diego tonight. She’d feel this way about anyone at the moment, right? It’s got nothing specifically to do with him. Her mind is racing, as she climbs into bed, hoping to fall into a deep slumber as quick as. She doesn’t build a pillow wall.
Barely an hour passes before Y/N is woken up suddenly by a sound. She sits up in bed, eyes bleary and watery, looking around the room with squinting eyes. The bathroom light is on, shining through the cracks, and Diego is no longer beside her.
She hears the sound again, a soft whimper, barely audible. It’s coming from the bathroom, and she can already guess who it is. She slowly scoots out of bed, tiptoeing on unsteady feet towards the door, knocking slightly. No answer. And the noise has stopped.
She knocks again, trying the door handle at the same time. It budges, as she gradually pulls it open. The sight was heartbreaking. Diego sits in a curled up ball in the corner, covering his face, and desperately trying to stop his heavy breathing. He doesn’t acknowledge Y/N’s presence, as she moves over to him, crouching down. She gently grabs his hands, pulling them away to see his red, tear stained face.
“I’ve lost everything,” he whispers, breaking Y/N’s heart more than it already was. “I feel like my life’s over.”
Y/N strokes his hands, trying her best to soothe him in anyway that might work.
“I have no purpose without her,” he continues. “I try saving the world, but I couldn’t save the one thing that matters the most to me. I’m useless.”
“That is not true,” Y/N finally replies, hating these thoughts running through Diego’s mind. “Her actions are not a reflection on you.”
Diego begins to protest, but Y/N quickly shuts him down. “I know how much you care. Sometimes I think you care a little too much. But that just proves how good of a husband and father you were. You did nothing wrong. It’s all on her. And Five.”
She chokes out the last part, almost forgetting about her own problems. They’re both going through this, together.
Y/N doesn’t even realise she’s now crying too, holding her hand up to her mouth to muffle the sound of her sobs. Diego reaches out, pulling her into a bone crushing hug, the pair needing comfort from each other more than anything.
She moves her head back slightly, kissing Diego on the forehead, then the cheek, then hesitating at his lips. Her mind feels fuzzy, as the alcohol in her system still lingers, jumping between the pros and cons of what she’s about to do. Diego makes the decision for her.
The kiss is soft at first, his moustache tickling her upper lip, the sensation of it weird but not unpleasant. She wraps her arms around his neck as he puts his hands on both sides of her face, deepening it into a full blown make out session. Y/N opens her mouth, allowing Diego to slip his tongue in, eliciting a quiet moan from her.
Their current position is uncomfortable, as Diego sits pressed up against the sink with Y/N crouched down in front of him. He pushes her back slightly, so they can both stand, never stopping the kiss. The room feels hot, as they walk out of the bathroom and aim for the bed, Diego sitting down on the edge with Y/N straddling his lap. She quickly removes her top and bra, drawing the man’s attention to her breasts. He moves away from her lips, traveling down until he’s eye level with her chest. He takes one in his mouth, sucking harshly, while his hand massages the other.
“Oh fuck,” Y/N sighs, throwing her head back.
She grabs his hair, pulling a fistful of it, forcing Diego to suck harder. She moves her hips back and forth on his crotch, desperately wanting to get out of the rest of her clothes.
As if reading her mind, Diego pulls back, moving them both higher up the bed, quickly removing his pants as Y/N does the same. Now completely nude, the pair become a sweaty mess of body and limbs, wrapping themselves around each other, and making sounds the other occupants in the motel can definitely hear.
Diego’s thrusts are meticulous, as he hooks one of his arms under her leg, pushing in and out, knowing all the right places to make Y/N scream out in ecstasy. He kisses her lips, her neck, her chest and her breasts, not wanting to leave out any part of her. He makes her feel wanted, admired, needed. Like he can’t breathe without her. It feels good. They carry on into the night, and early morning, for a moment all their problems don’t exist anymore.
Y/N wakes up first. Her head is pounding, her mouth is dry, and there’s a dull ache between her legs. She grumbles, the memories of last night rushing back to her in an instant. Some good, some bad, and some unforgettable. A small part of her is consumed with guilt, knowing what she did could be seen as hypocritical.
But as Diego’s strong arm wrapped around her waist pulls her closer to his chest, snuggling into her neck, that feeling washes away. In some selfish way, they both needed this. An eye for an eye, as most would say. It’s not going to end well, and she knows they’ll have to eventually deal with the consequences the same way Five and Lila did, but for now, the rest of the world can wait a while. Y/N turns around, moving impossibly closer to Diego, the man who made her feel wanted at a time where she didn’t think she was.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year ago
Gojo's wife going berserk in order to protect her students
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Pairing: Gojo x wife!reader
Word Count: 1,7k
Synopsis: Like your bad feeling already suggested, especially Toge's and Yuji's lives hang on a threat when their mission doesn't go as planned. Good for them that Gojo's wife and their teacher rushes to their side and shows everyone just how much she cares about them.
Warnings: language, violence (lol), again, (y/n) is a badass in this one
You can find Part l of that fic here
Your foot tabs against the metal of the chair, eyes swaying back and forth between the clock and door. It’s been way too long. Way too long for your students to be gone, way too long for them to arrive in safety.
It’s not like you didn’t have a bad feeling from the start. When your husband told you about the mission in an abandoned mall with only one grade 1 curse to defeat, you simply couldn’t believe it at first.
“Don’t worry about it, Gojo-sensei! Toge and I have everything under control!”
“Salmon”, Toge added with a friendly grin.
 You hated to let them go on their own. But after all, it’s not a secret how skilled your students are, their abilities might even surpass your own in a few years. Why would you have to be worry?
“Hey, still sitting here, handsome?”
A weak smile forms itself on your lips when none other than your husband sits down next to you and begins to draw small circles on your sensitive back.
“You’re worrying way too much babe, I’m sure both of them are fine. After all, Toge is with Yuji and proved often enough that he’s able to fulfil missions on his own.”
Deep down, you know that your husband is right, that you probably worry about nothing. But still, that bad feeling in your guts…
“Are you sure this was a grade 2 curse? Maybe the elders lied about that as well…”, you grumble, memories of your last encounter flooding your mind.
Would they really be so stupid as to pass you over again? You thought you made your point of view very clear when you threatened a whole room of elders back then…
“Nothing else was reported and the extent of destruction wasn’t bad enough for anything stronger than a grade 2 curse. Hey, look at me.”
Gently, your husband cups your face with both hands, staring at you intensely with his bright blue orbs.
“Everything’s gonna be fine, okay? You trained them so well, just relax a bit”, he purrs against your lips.
Your heart pounds against your ribcage in an instant, the way he looks down at you making your mouth water. How is it even possible for a human being to look this delicious?
“Maybe you’ll be able to distract me”, you mutter, arms wrapping themselves around your husband’s neck.
Oh, the way he presses his warm body against your aching one makes your crotch throb and breath hitch. Despite the fact that you are married for over 5 years by now, he sweeps you off your feet like on day one.
“I wonder what you wear underneath that uniform today…”
“(y/n), you need to-“
Megumi stops in his tracks, eyes widen in pure horror while he desperately tries to shove Panda and Maki out of the room.
“What are you doing here?”, you breathe out in utter surprise, cheeks still hot and pink by the way your husband touched you just seconds ago.
Oh god, this is so uncomfortable. Especially Megumi is like your very own child since Satoru decided to raise him. And the disgusted face Maki makes…
“Get yourself together Fushiguro”, she hisses while clearing her throat.
“Ijichi informed us about the fact that something seems to be off regarding Itadori’s and Inumaki’s mission. He couldn’t reach you himself, so he sent us to let you know you should support them.”
“Well, at least now we know why she didn’t answer her phone…”
Your heart nearly stops, all the desire you felt just moments ago dies in an instant. Did you hear that correctly? Something seems to be off? You’ve had a bad feeling about this right from the start, didn’t want both of them to go on their own. And now…
Now their lives might be in serious danger.
“I’m leaving right now”, you reply in an instant, already on your way to the door when your husband grabs your hand.
“Wait, we don’t even know what’s going on. Normally I’m the one who jumps into conclusions.”
“They are my students and it is my responsibility to make sure they’re safe, Satoru. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror tomorrow if I let them down now. Yuji is still in his first year and unexperienced when it comes to fighting. And while Toge is very skilled and thoughtful, even his abilities have their limits. I’ll do whatever I can to protect them if I have the chance.”
With a small smile he lets go of you, looking after your confident walk out. Oh, whatever is responsible for that mess will definitely pay for it.
-at the curtain-
“I came as fast as I could. What is the problem?”, you ask Ijichi the minute you get out of the car.
“Even though I’m not entirely sure, there might be the possibility that another curse appeared within the curtain…”, he slowly begins.
That fearful look on his face paired with the sweat on his forehead…No, this isn’t a speculation. Another curse appeared in there for sure.
“Who was responsible for investigating here before? How careless”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Ijichi swallows hard. You are a true sweetheart, everyone’s favourite back at Jujutsu High. But when it comes to your students, you change drastically. Your eyes harden, usual so kind face turning stone cold. You shove what looks like an asthma spray into your pocket.
“Whatever, this is not the right time to search for whoever screwed up. My students need me.”
With fast and confident steps, you walk through the curtain with ease.
 Only to be greeted by pure chaos.
Only to be greeted by Toge, who lays in front of you unconscious.
Fuck. Your heart hammers against your chest, hands clenching into fists in an instant. No, this wasn’t a grade 2 curse. This has to be something bigger, something that shouldn’t be here.
“Gojo-sensei!”, Yuji screams on top of his lungs while being chased by a grotesque creature.
You can tell by one look that this is a grade 1 – strong, but not unbeatable especially for both boys. So what caused this chaos? What is going on here?
Without thinking twice, you sprint towards the pink-haired boy, crushing the curse behind him with your bare fist.
“Yuji, are you alright? Did you get hurt? What happened to Toge?”
You scan his body for visible injuries, a wave of relief washing over you when all you are able to detect are a few bruises and scratches.
He can’t catch his breath, completely exhausted by the fight that has to be on for hours by now.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m here now. Would you please hurry to Toge and give him this medicine? I will take care of whatever is left here”, you ensure him gently, your hand running up and down his back.
“Gojo-sensei, watch out!”
Just in time, you position yourself in front of Yuji. Just before he gets hit by the merciless attack of another curse, just before a whole wave of monsters rushes towards you.
“Do what I told you. I have your back.”
And again, you dash forward. These fuckers have some nerves, injuring both of your students so badly. Why are they here? How was it even able for them to stay in the shadows with no one noticing their presence?
“You have some nerve”, you hiss towards them.
“Hurting two of my students. I’ll make you regret even existing.”
Slash after slash, fist after fist you tear them to the ground, body almost swallowed by purple blood that soaks through your uniform without mercy. No one is able to hurt your precious students without paying for it. No curse, no elders, no jujutsu sorcerer.
“Are you here to protect those boys? Pathetic, all of you will die right here”, a distorted voice behind you barks.
“I’m here to kill everyone who gets in my way. Especially fuckers like you.”
You sprint forward, sight completely numbed by the thick rage that runs through your veins. The way your fists fly through the air at neck-breaking speed leaves Yuji speechless next to Toge’s unconscious body, eyes not even able to follow your rapid movements. He has never seen you like this, so full of fury with your face distorted by hatred. Of course, it was never a secret to anyone at Jujutsu High that you are strong, rumours saying you even threatened the elders for your student’s sake. But at this very moment, you look almost possessed, slaughtering curse after curse until nothing except for purple rain is left of them.
“Hey, are you okay?”, you request towards Yuji softly, your hand placed on his shoulder.
There you are again, the (y/n) he knows and admires, the kind woman everyone at Jujutsu High talks so highly about. The only thing revealing what you did earlier being the purple blood still sticking to your whole body. Otherwise, your face looks as flawless as ever, eyes gleaming in kindness while you inspect Toge’s body.
“It seems like he’s worn-out, but otherwise fine. Did he take his throat medicine? His cursed speech demands a lot from him and sometimes, Toge seems to be unable to assess his own situation.”
Yuji just stares at you shamelessly, how you caress Toge’s cheek with as much care as usual. Was that really you who just slaughtered at least 50 curses within the span of a few minutes? Was it really you who spoke to one of the curses earlier with your voice frightening cold?
“Is something wrong, Yuji?”
“It’s just…I’ve never seen you like this, Gojo-sensei. You were so badass”, the boy next to you breathes out.
“Let me tell you something: No one on this earth is able to hurt my students without backlash. Whoever hurts any of you will get hurt by me. Or killed.”
“Gojo-sensei is really lucky to have a wife like you”, Yuji suddenly blurts out.
You can’t help but giggle, carefully lifting Toge’s numb body off the ground and through the disappearing curse.
“Oh, please tell him exactly that when we’re back.”
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @yoonseokerist @suyaaachin @arehzhera @v3-mewcat @dlwlrmas-world @madebyperfectaddiction
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chkrschss · 4 months ago
SQH Fanfic Concept
SQH kinda angst fanfic where he feels completely out of place with the Peak Lords. Then he goes to the Demon Realm and feels additionally out of place. Especially with LBH, MBJ, and Sha Hualing.
So he decides to start periodically fucking off to different places in small outings. Just little few day trips. And he begins building it into his schedule. So people think he’s somewhere else. And NO ONE CATCHES ON. For months, even maybe a few years. He’d disappear on an excursion once every other month, then every month, then every week. He ends up developing a pseudo-identity. He’s actually enjoying it. And visits different people in smaller villages. And at some point, he decides to maybe leave for longer.
The person who actually notices after a long time is Mobei Jun. SQH had enlisted some demons and disciples to shoulder his responsibilities while he’s gone and finally MBJ noticed a small error/tick or whatever that SQH would never do. And he raises the alarm. Even the Peak Lords panic. They begin searching for SQH but home dawg is currently starting on a 2 week adventure.
SQH is eventually found after people who met SQH’s pseudo-identity point MBJ and the others to him. He’s prolly like vibing in a lovely little cottage that he’s renovated as homebase. Maybe even developed some talismans or smthing to teleport there. MBJ finds him like…. Idk watering w garden or smthing. He’s outside. And SQH is so at peace and is smiling n shit m. MBJ is shocked. He never thought SQH could even make a face like that.
Maybe SQH finds a kid who is a lil rascal but is overprotective of him. Maybe jokingly calls him A-Niang. People kind of know that SQH is lying about who he is but they’ve been assuming it’s because of some shit. They want to protective SQH. An elderly woman berated MBJ “for scaring his husband away”. She rants about SQH being a catch and MBJ is a fool for not paying attention. “Happy wife. Happy life. Yknow?” MBJ is confused but it turns out that SQH starts gushing about him whenever he’s too tired or drunk. So everyone can tell who he is in the village. The old woman demands that he woos SQH back.
Cue a whole redemption arc of MBJ paying attention to him. MBJ actually writes a letter formally berating the Peak Lords and especially SQQ who was suppose to be SQH bff. He starts defending SQH as SQH remains oblivious.
On SQH’s side, he was fuming. He just wanted peace. He wanted to be left alone. The kid he’s been watching over is asking about MBJ. He tells the kids that MBJ is his boss that he thought wouldn’t notice him gone. The kid hugs and says something along the lines of “Well SQH is so cool he can’t be forgettable and those who forget him as dumbasses” which makes SQH laugh.
Timeskip occurs and SQH’s two week trip has now lasted three. He’s kind of gotten used to MBJ helping him. At one emotionally charged moment, he cups MBJ’s face in his hands and has the urge to just kiss his king for being so silly. The kid noticed how MBJ’s actions mirror someone courting another. The old lady tells tum it’s because MBJ is courting SQH. The kid snarks about how SQH doesn’t even reciprocate but the old lady misses that he doesn’t even realize what MBJ is doing.
(Note: this is where I stopped rambling but indulgent concept for myself lol)
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seraphdesire · 6 months ago
Regarding Donna Beneviento and her characterisation in the fandom, I think it's important to note that she really isn't the shy awkward adorable blushing mess that everyone depicts her as being.
This got long but I did a mildly extensive read on her character under the break! :)
Here are the notes I took a screencap of, written by Mother Miranda, which talks about the suitability of Donna being a vessel for Eva:
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There's the evidence you need that she is severely mentally ill, so babying her just feels... wrong anyway, all things considered.
Note - "and has divided her Cadou among her dolls in order to control them from a distance." While I'm on my 3rd replay of re8 I still don't fully get how the Cadou works, but what I think is essentially happening is Donna is literally splitting off parts of herself and putting them in her dolls.
The main one being Angie, of course.
I always used to consider Angie a separate character entirely but she's linked deeply to Donna on a very personal level. Considering what she's like and what all the other dolls are like - loud, funny, sarcastic, rude, etc - and how Donna is literally the one directly controlling Angie (that's the only way she moves lol, because Donna is carrying her places. Which is also why, when you kill Angie, the illusion melts away to reveal that you've actually killed Donna), I think it's safe to say that's what her actual personality is like.
Also, her only spoken line of dialogue? Please listen to it. For those who are hard of hearing, like me, she says: "don't leave... I can't let you."
Bearing in mind the way she speaks? Her tone? She sounds confident imo. Determined. And perhaps even a little angry at Ethan for thinking he can escape her.
Just a last addition as well, can I say that her abilities as one of the Four Lourds is genuinely evil? Everyone else has physical intimidation - Alcina has her height and her claws and mutation, Heisenberg has his ability to control magnetic fields and metal, and Moreau can mutate into that huge fish-with-legs thing that vomits something akin to acid? Oh yeah and he can swallow you whole too.
Donna, on the other hand, doesn't have physical intimidation like that. She only has the threat of psychological damage (which makes sense considering she's severely mentally unwell). When Ethan goes through her gardens and has to solve the puzzles in the house, she makes him hallucinate about his wife whom he thinks is dead, and about his baby who is somewhere in this unknown country with a bunch of mutants who only have bad intentions.
It's even worse in the Shadows of Rose DLC imo. As Rose, Donna makes her hallucinate the bullies from back home, being called a freak and a weirdo, made to relive the worst moments of her life. And the puzzles too? Hell. Having to actually recreate the scenes of her bullying with wooden fucking dolls. I remember feeling really sorry for Rose while playing through that part.
And yet Donna is still "the uwu baby" because what? I don't know. People love to declaw female villains just because they're attractive (looking at Lady Dimitrescu here). They love to reduce the characters down to their looks and not consider their actual lore or background or the role they play in the franchise (looking at Leon especially...)
Which, ya know, of course people are allowed their headcanons for characters and Donna doesn't get enough screentime to really have her personality even thought of, let alone to be made canon. But I think it's fair to say that Angie and Donna are basically one and the same because they're literally the same Cadou.
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This is a quick reminder that you are, of course, allowed to disagree with me. Everyone has their own opinions and that's fine. If you would like to politely debate about this in my comments or in my DMs, or even in my asks, then you're more than welcome to! Please remember debating and arguing are two different things though.
If it really irks you that bad then please scroll, it's not hard. If you don't want to do that then feel free to block me - the button is free of charge after all and should be used more to cultivate your feed to your liking.
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sschizoid · 3 months ago
would you be willing to do Tulpar crew getting sick headcanons 👀?
like, who’s popping zinc at the first signs of A Symptom, who burns themself into the ground ignoring it, who’s man flu about it, etc
anon !! gives u a big kiss i love this question sm
has a pretty strong immune system and only gets sick about once a year, if even that. but when he does, he's not much different from a sickly victorian child withering away from consumption
he lives alone, so any attention he can't get from friends or family checking in on him he gets from social media. posts selfies of himself sick in bed and captions them on his story as "feelin like shit lol anyone else sick rn?" immediate 30+ likes in the first few minutes of being posted
all the while is absolutely downing those emergen-c immune booster supplements with coconut water for the electrolytes. he's trying to get over this cold as fast as humanly possible because honestly it sucks and is super inconvenient
just has the worst immune system. gets absolutely sick as a dog— pallid skin, sunken eyes, the works. he's pretty used to it at this point and just expects himself to get sick 3-5 times a year at minimum
at the same time he'll go about his day as usual, now just twice as irritable. spreads his shit to everyone he meets because he refuses to stay home. what, he's just supposed to put his life on hold because of a little cough?
the most he'll do in terms of medicine is down 80mL of nyquil (way too much) before bed and hope for the best
a complete mother hen when friends and family are sick, but the second she falls ill, her executive function is all over the place
stays home, but tries to keep herself busy anyway. uses the extra time to catch up on household chores, to rearrange some cabinets, or to catch up on some of her favorite shows
tries to eat healthy in the meantime, as she knows it'll make her feel better faster. but sometimes she just can't help herself and has to have either a pint of ice cream or a full bag of chips for dinner. she's allowed !!
the last thing he wants is to be fussed over. will insist he's fine to anyone that shows concern, but is still sure to take care of himself behind the scenes
is a hardcore vick's vaporub truther. the second he feels congested or has a tickle in his throat, he's slathering that shit on like its nobody's business. also he just really enjoys the smell of menthol
can sleep for days when sick, and honestly, he probably needs it. his wife thought he was dead once but it was just a combination of the cold and sleep apnea
big believer in the whole "feed a cold, starve the flu" mentality. while he himself isn't the best cook, his mother makes sure to feed him lots of broth-based soups and high-fiber foods
he drinks a lot of tea with lemon and honey, usually making a pot at a time and just keeping it his bedside table for easy refills
big cough drop fan, specifically the ones that taste like cherry candy and nothing at all like actual medicine. this of course usually leads to him finishing the whole bag in one day, but it's just an excuse to buy more in other fun flavors
THIS WAS REALLY FUN tysm for your request! if anyone else has any requests; my asks are open !! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊωˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
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moodymisty · 8 months ago
Hi is it fine if I can request hcs for the primarchs reaction to their wife/beloved praising another primarch particularly Vulkan because she admires some qualities about him
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Author's note: Sure fam, enjoy!
Warnings: GN!Reader for everyone, Unhealthy levels of jealousy lol
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Vulkan doesn't mind at all if you compliment one of his brothers. He has a healthy degree of trust in you, and he knows that a compliment is just a compliment. If you praise someone like Konrad he might try and help you understand that he isn't someone you should praise, but he doesn't blow up over it.
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Guilliman doesn't mind, unless it Sanguinius or Horus. A part of him feels like compared to them he doesn't really measure up, and he so might get a little aloof if you really go off on praising them. If you so much as mention their looks, you might not see him for a bit.
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Corvus gets less so jealous and more so aloof. He sees in the other primarchs traits he himself lacks, and if you point them out, sometimes he feels like it's just pointing out his own flaws. He can see why you're complimenting Vulkan though, so he can't get too upset about it.
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Konrad gets unfathomably jealous, unless it's Sanguinus or Fulgrim. He knows they're far better than he could ever dream to be, and that of course you'd love them. Anyone else he will want to punch wants at the mere thought of you thinking about them, but those two he's fine with.
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Ferrus could not give a shit less. You're his beloved, anything you say is just a baseline human kindness. Besides, no matter how much you say you've made it more than clear he's your primarch, jealously doesn't strike him often.
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Perturabo gets unfathomably jealous. His selfworth issues are massively pushed onto you and if you compliment any of his brothers, he goes red in the face. Why do you see that as worth complimenting? Why are you saying that to DORN and not him!
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Dorn couldn't give a shit less. He's not Perturabo, he's got shit to do and doesn't have time for all this jealous nonsens- hey, why are you looking at him so softly?
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Alpharius/Omegon don't mind. If anything, they almost seem to like you compliment their brothers, they find it weirdly amusing. And also you'll more than likely hear it come up when they bring you back to the Hydra and prove they are more than worthy of your compliments as well.
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Magnus doesn't really mind too much unless it's something that he feels competes with him. If you compliment Vulkan on his altruism, he doesn't mind. if you were to compliment Lorgar on his psykers and their abilities, then he gets a bit jealous.
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Lorgar hides it, but he's the worst one at it out of the bunch. He'll tell you oh yes, he agrees that Vulkan is so kind to his people, through gritted teeth with neck tight enough to make his veins pop.
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Mortarion takes any compliment you give another primarch very personally. Just don't do it, unless you want to deal with an angry, sulking, pouting primarch for the next few days.
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Jaghatai is relatively well adjusted, so if you make compliments to another primarch he doesn't care. He likes Vulkan, the man shares a lot of ideals he does, so if anything he is somewhat glad you see the same positives in him.
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Lion does not like it, at all. You are his, why are you going around trying to seduce his brothers? (no he does not get that compliments do not always equal seduction).
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Angron doesn't give a shit. Compliment them, he doesn't care, whats it matter to him? Though you might be best off if you said something nice to Angron himself after, he would enjoy the feeling even if just internally.
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Fulgrim doesn't mind, at least somewhat. Compliments about how Vulkan is a kind man don't bother him, but if you get into the realm of compliments about how he is so kind to you, how you're surprised he hasn't found a beloved because he's quite handsome, then Fulgrim gets jealous.
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Sanguinius doesn't mind externally. He's an amazing pretender. Inside, he's super jealous. Sanguinius has a deeply hidden possessive streak and it comes out whenever your eyes leave him for more than a bit, including when you're just saying how well Dorn did building the palace, or how kind Vulkan is. He's kind, it's nothing special...
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Horus is like Sanguinius where he doesn't mind externally, and is very good at hiding it. He'll laugh with you and perhaps even agree. 'Yes my love, I don't think many others could have a heart as big as his,' He'll say, while inside he is vehemently, horribly jealous, like a rage boiling up in him.
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Russ doesn't really care what you say, it's more what you do. If you just tell Vulkan he's a nice guy, Russ couldn't give a shit less. If you smile at him, (that's the smile you give him, stop that!), shake his hand or touch him in some way (now you're going to smell like him, disgusting) then Russ is going to be upset.
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followsfrankiep · 15 days ago
Tomorrow Night, Same Time (John Fitzgerald x Reader)
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Summary: John Fitzgerald believed everything came with a price. He was a practical man with money to spend, and you were unfortunate enough to be needing his help.
TW: Smut, Devirginizing, Prostitution, Mentions of Killings, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Blood & Wound, Age Gap, etc. Minors DNI.
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: pls dont expect too much since this was written out of ovulation. LOL. dedicated to my fitzgerald apologists. If u like it, let me know. If u need part 2, lemme know as well. 😩 (tbh this one shot is enough for me already 🙈) be ready for scattered smut oki!
The camp's banquet hall was alive once again—the captain had returned from weeks of expedition, along with his men who hadn’t felt safety or camaraderie for weeks. The gathering was to celebrate their successful delivery of pelts, despite some fatalities. Everyone residing within the camp was there, except for the children. Some of the men had women on their arms, wife or not. Others were focused on feasting, drinking, or laughing. But one man sat alone, lost in thought. A man who preferred his own company, cared only for himself, and thought only of himself.
John Fitzgerald sat near the edge of the gathering, remaining quiet while his sharp eyes scanned the room, as if every shadow concealed a hidden threat. Even here, surrounded by supposed allies, Fitzgerald's guard never dropped. Somehow, he was always the captain’s go-to person for every expedition—he was never absent. Despite the risks of these ventures, he would always agree to join, as long as the monetary compensation was sufficient.
Across the room, you sat beside your mother and a few other women, all seated slightly apart from the rowdy men. Your mother leaned closer, speaking low but with firm insistence. “I heard he wanted Glass dead,” she said, clearing her throat and nodding subtly in Fitzgerald’s direction. Hugh Glass was one of the fatalities from their recent quest, along with his son Hawk, after Glass was severely wounded by a bear. Bridger and Fitzgerald had stayed behind to care for him, but he did not survive. “Men like that—they only think about themselves. As long as they get what they want, nothing else matters.”
You didn’t respond, your eyes fixed on the crackling fire. Your mother’s warnings were familiar—a refrain you had heard many times before. What she didn’t know—what no one in the camp knew—was that you had already crossed that line, again and again.
You had heard it from Bridger himself: there was no way Glass could have survived the attack. With the Arikara tribe closing in on them, they had to flee. It explained why they had only just arrived—a few days later than the captain and the others. You wanted to believe he is not that bad.
As if sensing your thoughts, Fitzgerald glanced your way—and your eyes met. His gaze was steady and unreadable. Somehow, it made your stomach tighten, his stare digging deep into your soul. He was a complicated man, and you didn’t disagree with your mother’s assessment of his selfishness. It was true. There was no softness in his expression as he looked at you, but he tilted his head slightly toward the door.
You knew what it meant.
Without a word, Fitzgerald stood and walked to the exit. It was a silent signal, understood only between the two of you. Your pulse quickened in anticipation as you watched him leave. You waited a moment, long enough to avoid suspicion, before rising to your feet.
“Mother, I need to head back home. I’m feeling unwell,” you murmured to her. She nodded absentmindedly.
Clutching your coat around your shoulders, you slipped away from the group. Following the path Fitzgerald had taken, the noise of the banquet faded, replaced by the crunch of snow under your boots with every step. When you reached his cabin, the door was slightly ajar—left open on purpose. Taking a deep breath, you stepped inside and walked toward his bedroom. He was there—no greetings, no words. He simply looked up, his gaze heavy, and gestured for you to close the door.
Another night. The same arrangement.
It wasn’t just fear of discovery; it was the weight of what it would mean if your absence was noticed. The secrecy, the whispers—it could all come crashing down if you weren't careful.
“Be quick... Mother's gonna look for me soon.” You whispered in between your panting as he thrusts into you.
It was a breach of the rules—you were not supposed to speak. That's one of the rules of your set up. Agreed upon the both of you. But the words slipped out, your worry outweighing your fear of him.
Fitzgerald paused for the briefest moment, his sharp eyes narrowing as they met yours.
“I don't pay you to talk.”
You were not able to answer, and just bit your lip to prevent your moans from escaping. Fitzgerald continued, though with an almost unnoticeable shift in pace, he still listened. He soon finished inside you and pulled away, his movements brusque as always. You quickly sat up, with your hands trembling slightly fixing your clothing. You still had time—barely.
Fitzgerald reached for the small leather pouch on the table, his movements deliberate but heavy with fatigue. He tossed the pouch onto the bed where you were gathering your things.
“There,” he muttered, his voice low and gravelly. “That outta cover it.”
You picked up the pouch without a word, and didn’t count the coins—you never did. It wasn’t trust; it was necessity, tucking it into your satchel and wore your coat, preparing to leave.
As you turned toward the door, you heard Fitzgerald’s voice. “Tomorrow night,” he said. He was already pulling his shirt back on, wincing as the fabric brushed against his wounded shoulder. “Same time.”
Yes, he pays you for sex. Opportunities within the camp are scarce for women, especially someone your age. In your mid-20s, you’ve learned to adapt, taking on demanding tasks to make ends meet—mending clothes, washing laundry, catching fish by the river. But no matter how hard you worked, it was never enough. You have an ailing mother, and two younger brothers. Too many mouths to feed, just one working horse. This idea came up during a casual conversation with Bridger, who was obliviously recounting his experiences during their expeditions, you learned that one of the men would pay good money for a woman, given how long they were gone without one.
It was then you decided to go for it. The decision didn’t come lightly—it never could. But desperation has a way of silencing doubts, like this one.
Months ago, you saw Fitzgerald sitting on a low crate in front of his cabin, sharpening his blade. It was late at night, just the perfect time since you did not want to be seen near him. He was a man with a dirty history. You were shaking as you approached him. It wasn’t until you cleared your throat softly that he looked up, recognizing you, wondering why you're suddenly standing before him. He knew you—knew everyone in the camp, really—but you were not someone who ever came near him. His gaze studied you, seeing how you clutch tightly at your coat while you looked around, hoping that no one sees you there talking to him. The tension in your posture was clear, but you didn’t speak right away. That hesitation made him suspicious.
“What do you want?”
His tone wasn’t unkind, but it carried an edge, a warning not to waste his time. You took a step closer, your eyes flicking to the blade in his hands before meeting his gaze. You knew this man had rabid tendencies based on the stories circulating around the camp.
“I need… I need help,”
Fitzgerald raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Help?" he asked, evidently skeptical and set the blade aside, his attention now fully on you. “What kind of help?”
“I need money... for my family.”
You gulped down and wished you hadn't come here in the first place. He leaned back slightly, his sharp eyes studying you. “And you think I’m the one to ask?” he said at last, his tone carrying a note of dry amusement.
You nodded nervously, glancing up at him. “I heard you… I heard you pay,” feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment. “For… for certain services.”
There it is.
He was not a stupid man, the moment you said you needed help, he knew this would happen. Why would he help you? Out of the kindness of his heart? That's bullshit. Everything had a price.
He was a practical man—transactions made sense to him. But desperation had a smell, and it clung to you like smoke. Such young woman, offering herself to him. For a long moment, he said nothing then finally, he nodded toward his cabin.
“Inside,” he said simply.
Hesitation was not off the table, but there was no going back now. You pleaded for his help, and he agreed easily. You moved past him, following his arms showing you the direction where his bedroom is. Fitzgerald followed, his gaze lingering on your figure briefly before closing the door behind. You feel your throat tighten when he closed the door and started stripping himself down. It made you grip to your coat tighter, but he looked at you nastily and commanded you to take yours off as well. You needed the money, right? You were shaking as you took your clothes off, feeling his eyes burn through you in anticipation of what's about to take place. Everything felt heavy at that moment with your heart beating so fast that all you can hear was his voice mumbling for you to lay down and spread your legs for him, passively adhering to what he said.
It was painful to give your first experience as a transaction. He climbed unto the bed as well, positioning himself on top of you as he disgustingly spit on his palm and pumped his cock with it, positioning himself in your entrance. It was painful, but you held unto his sheets as you feel him push inside you. He did not know you were a virgin until he saw you bled for him. You were scared, and he was probably more than 10 years older than you. His dark hair is long and unkempt, tucked under a bandana, adding to his rugged demeanor, which was not helping you relax as well. The sweet innocent you wanted to cry in bed but feared that if you did, he wouldn't give the payment, so you did your best not to make any sort of noise for him. He was not at all gentle; he maximized everything in his power to make the most out of his payment.
But, again, this was a few months ago. Since then, he’s made you return to his cabin every single night, even before this recent expedition, once most of the inhabitants had settled into their own quarters. The two of you established a few ground rules, and he made sure you adjusted each time.
He hated whenever you were late, his curses became your foreplay whenever you made him wait. His time was too precious for him, considering he had to get up early to work. There was no crossing of boundaries, no asking personal questions about him nor he cares about yours as well. It was simple: you show up his door, he fucks you the way he wants, he fills you up, pays you, then you go back home. It kept your family fed, and prepared for winter.
You two kept your transactions hidden, away from the prying eyes of the people, for the obvious reasons. No one wanted to be associated with the man. Can't blame them though. You once saw him point his shotgun towards your friend, Bridger, and walked away as if nothing happened. The camp was big enough that you see each other everyday, and pretend like you're ghosts. Occasionally, he’d snag a glimpse of you hanging clothes to dry under the sun or crossing the grounds on your way to your next task. You’d catch him watching you sometimes, before he turned away as if he hadn’t been looking at all. Strangely, it felt as though your set up has made the both of you more visible to each other's eyes than before.
"Fuck!" he hissed.
It was that time in the night again and you were shocked to see Fitzgerald's shoulder bleeding. It must be from hunting again, but you did not ask. He is sitting on his bed with both of his hands on your waist, with you straddled on his lap riding him up and down. He groans in both pain and pleasure, seeing how his muscles tighten and bleed for each movement you do. You wanted to stop, fully concerned with the look of pain etched on his face, but his hands were guiding you to continue.
"Come on... come... on.." he growled.
So you did. His head tipped back, mouth slightly parted as a low groan escaped him, his brows knitting together in an expression caught between tension and release. Not long after his hands grab your ass and slammed you down deep into his cock followed by his eruption. You shuddered by the feeling ropes of his multiple emissions inside you, patiently waiting for him to finish. His hands slowly loosened their grip, and you finally pulled away from him. As you plopped down beside him, his other hand instinctively reached up to his shoulder, pressing against the wound. You keep glancing back at him as you pull on your clothes, his quiet winces drawing your attention.
But you were not heartless.
"You're bleeding."
He shot you a look that sent shivers down your spine. He rarely looks at you, even when you're doing it, he was just focus on getting himself done.
"Ain't your business." he hissed.
You did not respond and just left his room, his eyes opened wide in both surprise and suspicion when you came back with a basin of water and a clean cloth. Sitting down beside him, you slowly reached out to change the dressing of his wound.
“What’re you doin’? Money’s on the table. Take it and go,” he huffed but did not stop you.
Whatever you did felt far better than the hasty job he’d done earlier. He never had a reason to look at you this closely, yet here you were, sitting in front of him laser focused on treating his wound, showing him a kindness he wasn’t accustomed to—one that no one else had ever offered him. After dressing it properly, he gruffly pulled his shirt back on without looking at you again as you turned to leave.
In the nights that followed, you made it a habit to check on his wound, cleaning it in silence. He didn’t complain anymore, knowing you handled it better than he ever had. Not once did you hear him say thank you—Fitzgerald was far too proud for that. It caught you off guard when his wound was nearly healed, he ordered you to lie on the bed, spread your legs, and fold your knees.
You assumed it was just another routine night, but no—you had something else coming. He never kissed you on the lips; he would always start from your neck to your collarbones, sucking and nibbling on your breasts. It was his trail, but your breath hitched when he continued his peppered kisses down to your stomach, then gravitating it in between your legs, shutting your eyes when you feel his lips dance between your folds, his tongue flicking your clit. It felt so good, so good that you could not hold yourself back from moaning his name as he eagerly feasted on your cunt more until you arched your back when you felt an uneasy feeling building in your stomach. You did not know what it was, but his bearded face scratching your sensitive folds was not helping with what you're feeling either.
Oh god, you gritted your teeth when his tongue eagerly slid in, and a gush of sweet relief came out of you; he cleaned you out well. Breathing heavily, you see him emerge from beneath you; you felt sorry considering you were supposed to do that for him, but when you saw the look of satisfaction in his eyes when he made you cum for the first time, you realized it was his way of saying thank you.
Something shifted after that night. What had once been a one-sided act, purely for his satisfaction, began to stir something between the two of you. The ground rules were still heavily implied. However, the pleasure, no longer entirely his, started to feel mutual—he made sure you left his cabin appeased as well.
As you found yourself beginning to anticipate your nightly 'transactions' with him, your mother’s condition was deteriorating. The camp was no longer a place where she could recover—its limited resources and harsh environment offered little hope. She needed more care, a better place to heal, and staying here was no longer an option. So you asked him to meet you by the creek, a place where no one could hear you both during the daylight. Fitzgerald crouched by the creek, his knife scraping against the edge of a pelt his focus remained fixed on his task even as you approached, though his shoulders tensed just slightly. Both of you knew better than to seem familiar—not here, where watchful eyes could twist curiosity into rumors.
So you stood a short distance away.
“We’ve found a place,” you said, starring at the rippling water rather than at him. “A place where Mother can get the treatment she needs. Real treatment.”
“That right,” he said flatly, his voice carrying no indication of surprise. “Good for her. She needs it.”
You hesitated, unsure if the conversation was over or if he was waiting for you to say more. Hell, you were not even sure why you bothered telling him in the first place, but it felt like you owed him an explanation if you're going to stop visiting his cabin at night. “We’ll be gone in a week. Maybe less,” you added. “We’ve saved enough to start. It ain’t much, but it’s somethin’.”
This time, the knife stopped for real. He set the pelt aside slowly, the blade still in his hand as he rose to his feet. His eyes flicked to yours. “Somethin’,” he repeated, his tone skeptical. “How long you figure somethin’ll keep you goin’? A week? Two?” He gestured with the blade, emphasizing the fragile logic of your plan. “Treatment costs. Travel. Feedin’ all them mouths. You’re gamblin’ with money you ain’t got and outcomes you can’t guarantee.”
“I don’t have a choice. This is for my family, Fitzgerald. They need me.”
He exhaled sharply through his nose, shaking his head in frustration. Is he the only practical person in this camp?
“They need you to keep providin’,” he said. “That’s what’s kept ‘em alive this long. Money for food, clothes, whatever keeps ‘em warm at night. You leavin’ don’t fix nothin’, and sure as hell don’t make life easier for ‘em.”
“I can’t just sit here while she—”
“Are you God? You think you can heal ‘er?” he cut in, his words sharp as the edge of his blade. “You wanna help ‘em? Let 'em go. You stay. Do what you’re good at.”
His voice carried no malice, but there was no softness, either. He spoke like a man who had seen too much, someone who knew the world didn’t deal in kindness.
“And what exactly do you think I’m good at?” you asked quietly, forcing yourself to meet his gaze.
For a moment, neither of you moved. You didn’t come to him for advice, and yet you found yourself here, drawn to the one person who seemed immune to the illusions you tried to build for yourself. Fitzgerald let out a low, humorless chuckle, shaking his head as if the answer was so obvious it didn’t need saying.
“You already know." His eyes flicked back to the pelt in his lap, his hands finding their rhythm again. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with survivin’. If survivin’s what keeps them goin’, then that’s what you do. Feelin’ good about it don’t matter none.”
He turned back to the pelt, crouching again as though the conversation was done. But as he resumed his work, he continued. “I been around long enough to know,” he muttered, almost as if to himself, “It'll chew you up ‘fore you realize your mistake.”
You stood there as you struggled with what to say, if anything. You hated that part of you agreed with him, hated the way his logic seemed to pull the ground out from under you. But more than that, you hated that, deep down, he might be right.
“I’ll think about it,” you said before turning and walked away. He didn’t watch you go, but his hands stilled for a moment as his thoughts lingered. He told himself he was doing you a favor, sharing what the world had taught him to do. But as he returned to the steady scrape of the blade, the image of you walking away stuck in his mind longer than it should have.
Your family began preparing for the journey—sorting supplies, packing clothes, and gathering just enough food to get by. Your mother had started saying her goodbyes, her parting words spreading like ripples through the camp, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the news reached everyone. Fitzgerald included.
“In a week, maybe less.”
That night, when you showed up at his door, he barely looked at you. He didn’t have to—not when his hands already said everything his voice couldn’t. He slipped double the payment into your palm without a word. You understood. Twice the pay, twice the time. He would make you slip outside of his cabin before the sun rises as he counts down the days you have left with him.
The last night with John Fitzgerald.
Far from his usual roughness, he moved inside you slowly, as if prolonging the time he's able to hold you like this. You have been in service of him long enough to know how his emotions often translate in how he is in bed. Right now, he was gentle, taking his time, and each thrust was deliberately given that way. Lying underneath him, your eyes lifted to see his, breaking one of the unspoken rules you’d both clung to. His gaze met yours. Slowly, your hand reached up, brushing against the knot of the bandana tied around his head. His breath hitched, his shoulders stiffening, but he didn’t stop you.
“You don’t gotta do that,” he muttered in between his breath. But even as he spoke, his eyes stayed locked on yours and movement continues.
Ignoring his words, you untied the bandana, the fabric slipping loose between your fingers. It fell away, revealing his hair—messy, uneven, and entirely him. You two were naked, but what you did made him feel bare. For the first time, you let your touch linger, your fingers tracing the curve of the scar on his scalp, brushing his hair back from his face with deliberate care. He was beautiful.
So so beautiful.
"John..." you whispered.
Something about you calling his name, made his chest tighten. Overwhelming him in ways he couldn't understand.
“Don’t,” he said again, his voice faltering as feel himself melt in your touch. “Just... don’t.”
But you didn’t stop. You leaned in, your lips brushing against his in a kiss he returned with a gentleness you never knew he had. Slowly, his hand rose to prop up your face, his calloused fingers rough yet achingly careful as they rested against your skin, deepening the kiss. In that moment, the lines blurred—it wasn’t a transaction anymore, just the two of you. The kiss broke off when you felt him lunge inside you deeper as you moan his name. He didn't pull away, and his forehead rested against yours. His hand stayed on your cheek, his thumb moving in soft, absent patterns, as though memorizing the feel of you before the moment slipped away. You shifted closer, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, giving him more access, making him grip unto your hips again. His eyes locked on yours as you moved together. You two stayed in this position until the both of you came, and he didn’t pull away. He stayed there, his breathing uneven, his hands still resting on your hips as though he couldn’t bring himself to let go. You noticed his lips parted, as if he wanted to say something, but the words never came.
“Do you need more time?” you asked softly, breaking the silence.
He nodded, the motion small and almost hesitant. “Yeah,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah, I do.”
You stayed there the whole night, complying to his every request, whatever he wanted to do to you or with you, it was given without any hesitation. He was breaking every rules you had about your transaction, but neither of you cared. It did not matter tonight. Honestly, you were spent, but he wanted to keep going, tossing some more coins into the table as the time goes by, saying "don't go yet" at least twice during that night.
You gave in, all the time, not thinking about the money.
Everything would eventually come to an end, of course, as his expression darkened when he caught sight of the faint rays of sunlight hitting your bare shoulders. He let out a sharp breath, leaning back slightly but still keeping close. “Sun’s comin’ up,” he muttered, his voice thick with something you couldn’t quite place.
Anger? Sadness? Resignation?
You hesitated, your hand lifting to brush lightly against his hair, still messy from the long night. “I should go...” you began, but his hand moved to catch yours, holding it tightly, as if the moment you let go, everything would break.
“You ain’t gotta go. Least... think ‘bout what I said,” He said, but you did not respond, not with words.
You leaned in, pressing a brief, tender lingering kiss to his lips. Then, without a word, you pulled away, rising from the bed as the first light of morning crept through the cracks. You began to dress, his gaze following you in silence as you fastened the last button on your shirt and slipped your shoes back on. Fitzgerald stayed where he was, seated on the edge of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, watching you without a word. His hand moved to the sheets, his grip tightening and loosening, like he was fighting to keep himself still.
You made your way towards the table containing the coins, hesitating for just a moment, before leaving them untouched. Turning slightly, you glanced back at him. The flicker of surprise in his eyes was brief but you caught it, though neither of you said a word. You walked to the door, giving him a faint smile, before stepping out into the cool morning air as the door clicked shut behind you. Fitzgerald didn’t move, his gaze drifting to the untouched coins on the table. Last night was not just a transaction for you and the realization hit him hard as he leaned back, dragging a hand over his face.
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almostthursdayy · 1 month ago
Do you have any facts about L in Death Day? Or maybe stuff that's backstory-related?
I just wanna know more about your interpretation of him because you never miss + I love his DD design so very much :']
got really excited about this ask and ended up making a whole family tree + collage of memories from L’s childhood. . . whoops! ( i already know tumblr gonna chew and EAT these images so click for better quality lolol )
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sphiel ( + alt arts ) about family tree 🌳 below the read more!
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first off, everyone’s wreath is based off their ethnicity. if someone has more than one ethnicity ( literally like 75% on the diagram ) their wreath is like some kind of mutant almagamation hybrid lovechild tree of the different kinds of trees.
>> also if they are dead, so is their wreath! and they’re also desaturated / greyed out. . . if they’re dead and crying, it means they were murdered.
>> and also each limb and each little leaf bush signifies something.
>> also i made a 4 minute long tiktok video speed explaining this you can click to see here lol
i’ll go L outwards for this, i hope you enjoy!!
european ( english oak ) , japanese ( japanese cedar ), ghanian ( cocoa tree ) , thai ( golden shower tree )
KOFI, biological mother: strong connection besides death. smarts came from her, she’s an intellectual lady who everyone always told him he looked just like her when she was alive.
VINCENT, biological father: also strong connection besides death. got his conviction and radicalism from him ( also he’s completely based on canon L’s looks ). L always thought he looked more like him than his mom.
WATARI, adoptive father: very strong connection, relies on this man for literally everything. very unorthodox father-son relationship, but L would call watari his father.
M, wife: oouughhhh he’s in love with her strange ways and peculiar looks. L’s type is interesting people, unpredictable folks who can pull the rug out from under him. . . M’s just that.
NEAR, biological daughter: his little princess, isn’t she beautiful? if near has a bad day, L’s having a bad day. currently he’s having the biggest ego trip right now because near wants to be just like him. and his selfish immature side kind of loves that he created his number 1 fan.
MELLO, adoptive son: that’s his boy, his interesting little guy that he totally doesn’t study the reaction of in every interaction they have. ( frankly most interactions L has he subconsciously treats as tests on the other ) but this kid interests him, so he’s very welcome to stick around and be his son, his little prince.
ROGER, father-in-law-figure: ‘ everytime we interact, i deduce you are a little less qualified for the job watari has given you. ‘
➡️➡️ watari & L’s connection line is bountiful on his side to show the benefits of he and watari’s relationship. there is a small branch at the base of the limb to resemble somebody else L had a somewhat similar relationship with once upon a time. but shes not pictured.
➡️➡️ his wreath is covered in flowers, cocoa pods, and leaves to symbolize that he should have a very long life ahead of him.
➡️➡️ the small branch shooting off L & M’s love line is to represent his effort to connect to mello.
ghanian ( cocoa tree ) , thai ( golden shower tree )
VINCENT, husband: she loved this man to bits! oh just the absolute most! it was a storybook romance truly, too good for this earth- - no one got her quite like her do <3
L, biological son: her pretty little boy, she was gonna make sure he was safe and protected in this big scary world no matter what! couldn’t wait to see what her little smartie grew up to be.
➡️➡️ no leaves and her cocoa pods are rotty because she is very very dead. . . all of her branches represent family members she had, her connection to them is severed in some form or way.
european ( english oak ) , japanese ( japanese cedar )
KOFI, wife: his first muse, his eternal flame, good christ he loved her to to the point of dedicating everything to her. all his paintings revolved around her in some form of way. often by including the stars she was so fond of.
L, biological son: if vincent was the moon, kofi was the sun, L was all the little tinsy stars. his one in a billion little guy. like kofi, vincent was also steadfast in L being able to protect himself from the big scary world. he was so proud of the little man he was becoming.
➡️➡️ no leaves because he is very very dead. . . and not really any branches due to a complete lack of family besides wife & son.
➡️➡️ one spikey for each person he’s gravely pissed off. . . three spikes lead to kofi for those hateful individuals who also despise her just by marrying him. and two spikes lead to L for two absolutely hateful sons of bitches who loathe L aswell.
european ( english oak )
L, adoptive son: ah yes, his little prodigy that really should get out of the house more. . . fortunately, there’s a solution to that. . . just making him go! which L doesn’t seem to whine and complain about like he did once he upon a time, years ago. seems his boy has finally grown into a man that understands, whether he likes it or not, engaging in more civilian experiences is a necessity for he and his family’s health.
➡️➡️ watari doesn’t see the care he still puts into L now as continuing his fatherly care. it’s strictly as his butler / righthand. . . watari does not take payment for this work though as he ‘ has all he could ever want already ‘.
ROGER, life-long friend / father-in-law-figure: watari believes wholeheartedly roger can run the orphanage they built from the ground together. it’s too much faith and belief, really. so much that it blinds him to seeing how much roger is NOT qualified for this.
M, daughter-in-law: changed so much since the day she walked into wammy’s. . . he’s watched her grow from a much farther distance than L. he’s happy with the progress she’s made in her health from the sickly little girl who needed the orphanages help. happy to be her butler and listening ear when need be.
NEAR & MELLO, adoptive grandchildren: oh these children are much easier to please than L was at his age. . . but maybe that’s just the years of experience of handling L speaking. want a toy? got it. new puzzle? right on the way. need to be driven to soccer practice? hop in the car.
➡️➡️ since near isn’t the ultimate sweet tooth like L, and mello only really likes chocolate worth sweets, watari very much so enjoys making them treats that leave the comfort zone of L’s sugar craving.
KOFI & VINCENT, adoptive son’s biological parents: he bets they were wonderful people.
➡️➡️ no leaves on his wreath to signify he is old as a fart. but his longest branches have leaves to indicate that those connections are strong and he does enjoy them!
➡️➡️ each branch signifies a person not shown in watari’s life. specifically the one connected to his wreath is for family no longer here. the ones all along his line ‘ connected ‘ to roger is representative of other colleagues and friends. and the branches on his connection line to L resemble other children watari had a bond with as a caregiver. though none of them were strong, or made it as far, as his relationship with his son, L.
european ( english oak ) , japanese ( japanese cedar )
AKUMI, biological mother: M only knows her through journal entries akumi started to write at the beginning of her pregnancy, like a baby scrapbook! M treats that thing like her bible. . . akumi was very excited to be a mother. . . such a shame she died right at the start of what should’ve been their jounrey together, huh?
KINSHU, biological father: M also never got to meet him. he died before she was born trying to protect akumi & her. his death is what caused the stress that killed akumi. so it’s all just truly unfortunate.
ROGER, father-figure: spent the most time with her during her years at wammy’s out of any other caregiver. since she was ‘ the easiest kids to deal with ‘ ( something she wore with honor back then, now doesn’t like to be reminded about ). M had once hoped one day roger would adopt her like watari did with L, now she’s glad he didn’t. as he continues to fumble his interactions with her ‘ not so easy to handle ‘ children. . .
L, husband: the weird little freak that lives in the walls of her manor. he intrigues her with his obtuse behavior and strange existence. . . but no seriously she’s head over heels for this scratchy beast. loves how much he spoils her rotten
NEAR, biological daughter: her precious girl, named near because she’s so near and dear to her heart, her little smartie pants whose just so goddamn smart. works herself happily to the bone to ensure near’s receiving the best care all around.
MELLO, adoptive son: her precious boy, her marshmallow, her little angel who always has a reasoning for his every obtuse action in her eyes. same with mello, M’s working round the clock to give him the best life a kid like him can have.
GEVANNI, little-brother-figure: sees him once a year at christmas but it’s like no time has passed every single year. first kid she connected with after becoming a caregiver at wammy’s at 18. but really was more like his stern older sister than somebody responsible for his wellbeing ( he was already a late teen when they met. . . wammy’s really wasn’t given the time to undo all the shit he went through beforehand )
➡️➡️ the way i depicted the japanese cedar doesn’t really have branches or ‘ leaves ‘ like the others- - but each little flowery looking thing represents somebody from her past or another relationship she has that isn’t depicted. . .
➡️➡️ her and roger’s connection isn’t nearly as strong as L’s and watari’s, and the three flowers on her end / three leaves on his represents a ‘ three chances ‘ mentality with his behavior.
➡️➡️ her and gevanni’s connection line is weak and nontouching due to the sheer distance between them. as gevanni kicked bricks and moved to the U.S.A. basically the second after he turned 18. still, it’s there, they still care about eachother.
japanese ( japanese cedar )
KINSHU, lover: she had a thing for ghostly men who say cryptic shit. and that’s exactly the type of man kinshu was. her love for him ran hot. really, the world wasn’t ready for this kind of lover. and really, her entire world shattered into a million little pieces when he died. . .
M, biological daughter: oh her precious girl, she knows M was going to go on to do great things. and do very very well for herself. after all, she is her daughter, it’s practically fated she’ll take the world by storm.
➡️➡️ every dead flower was a family member akumi had that didn’t take M in after she died. fortunately, as akumi doesn’t like her other family anyhow!
japanese ( japanese cedar )
AKUMI, lover: he would do anything for her, he’s kiss the dirty ground she walks on. he’d rob every bank, he’d capture two of every animal, a true yearner.
M, biological daughter: the little ruler of his life in the making. he couldn’t wait to meet her, no doubt he was never more excited for something in his life. . . shame he never got to meet her, but he wouldn’t take back what he sacrificed to keep her safe.
➡️➡️ like akumi, each dead flower is a relative that didn’t take M in. which he would also be glad about, as he hated his family also. . . too loud- - too stupid- - too barbaric.
european ( english oak )
WATARI, life-long friend / father-in-law-figure: what would life be without his best bud in it? literally have been friends since roger can remember. and has basically just followed watari’s close footsteps wherever he went. ‘ you want to open an orphanage in the rubble of ww2? okay! ‘ , ‘ you want me to work there and generally help / care for the children? okay! ‘ , ‘ you want to change the mission of the orphanage to give care to the most misfortunate kids in the world? okay! ‘ , ‘ you want to retire and leave this place full of deeply troubled children in my care because you trust me and believe i enjoy this line of work? okay! ‘. roger knows damn well he doesn’t like kids. . . but watari doesn’t gotta know that.
M, daughter-figure: she was so easy to handle when she was younger. why is she so difficult now??? why are her children. . . the way that they are. . .? roger can’t believe the girl he once knew happily spends her days wrangling these two little goblins. . . and why are they not biting her but keep trying to bite me??
L, son-in-law-figure: ‘ oh L, watari’s pride and joy. you’re probably why your children are so weird. ‘
NEAR & MELLO, grandchildren-figure: ‘ why won’t you hug me but will hug watari? ‘
GEVANNI, family-friend-figure: ‘ hey you! i remember you! you were a real piece of work back then! haha! ‘
➡️➡️ roger still has a lot of leaves on his wreath to signify he has a lot more life to live.
➡️➡️ same rules as watari’s, the little branches of his connecting line resemble children roger has had a similar relationship than what he has with M. but none of them have gone on as well / long as with M. >> the branches off his connection line to watari represents friends in similar vein. and both connectinng lines have leaves to symbolize the strength in them.
european ( english oak ) , japanese ( japanese cedar ), ghanian ( cocoa tree ) , thai ( golden shower tree )
M, biological mother: oh, so this is where she got her brashness and attitude. near is glad this trait passed down, a lot less people try to tread on her when she’s got generational venom.
➡️➡️ near, whether she aware of it or not, puts a solid effort into what M says and asks of her. when often the words of others are sent into the shredder of near’s mind. this is because she loves this woman, that’s her momma, one of her only friends.
L, biological father: oh this is her idol right now! her own father has checked off every box on deserving near’s respect and admiration with flying colors! she wants to be just like him! she wants to do what he does and how he does it! she wants to be the next L!
MELLO, adoptive brother: she thinks he’s interesting, and looks up to him in her own unique way. he doesn’t know that though, and she ain’t gonna tell him.
➡️➡️ near enjoys shadowing mello’s activities, not very much so participating, but spectating. the cause and effect of what he does fascinates her.
WATARI, adoptive grandfather: ‘ yay the toy guy, thank you for the toy. yeah your gifts put me at ease enough that we can hug for a solid three seconds. ‘
ROGER, grandfather-figure: ‘ don’t touch me, don’t talk to me, you say nothing of value. don’t whine about it either, it’s your fault you are the way you are. ‘
GEVANNI, family-friend-figure: she thinks he’s very much so cool as fuck. he’s literally the alternative older cousin with the kickass car and laid back attitude. who, just like her, has interests outside of what would be deemed normal for who he is. . . basically, he’s everything she wishes she could be. but won’t be, because her brain just isn’t built to compute like his.
➡️➡️ not much to go off of because she’s just a teensy thing. . . but under the flags is the very first flower, pointed at gevanni. meant to symbolize the importance of their relationship to her that will last years to come.
croatian ( slovanian oak ) , european ( english oak )
M, adoptive mother: his confidant, his protector. didn’t give up on him when everyone else did. he’s too little and damaged to really express that he’s grateful for her, but one day he will. for now, his continuous reliance on her will just have to be proof enough that he trusts her.
L, adoptive father: oh this guy is cool. . . THIS GUY IS FAMOUS!! mello wants to be the next L right now, but as a better and brighter successor, he wants to be the BEST! and he’ll do whatever it takes to win L’s affection and ensure this future is his!
NEAR, adoptive sister: ‘ augh! don’t you see i’m trying to become my own person? damnit! stop following me around!!! “ “ . . . oh no wait, don’t go, watch this totally epic prank i’m about to pull you’ve love it! “
LILLIE, biological aunt: heaven has to be real because his aunt really deserves it. he misses her the absolute most. . .
WATARI, adoptive grandfather: ‘ yay the guy that gives me chocolate even after i’ve been cut off for the day. sure i’ll let you hug me because of these positive experiences we’ve had. don’t expect a hug back though, i’m not a pansy. ‘
ROGER, grandfather-figure: ‘ M & L said i can bite you if you try to force me into a hug again. but i’m just gonna do it right now anyways because i don’t like the look on your face. ‘
➡️➡️ his wreath is growing little acorns to signify his growth since entering the family. that’s why there are so many around the knot that connects him to near, M & L.
➡️➡️ the connecting line to him and his aunt is force cut, but still there, and still strong. he already has two branches trying to grow towards her.
➡️➡️ the little branches jabbing into near’s wreath symbolizes how they don’t always get along that well. and they’re growing from mello’s side despite their spats being a two person effort because near’s very good at manipulating situations into looking like she’s just an unfortunate passerby. especially with mello who is still dealing with lots and lots of big emotions. . .
➡️➡️ two of the little acorns growing represents matt but i ain’t gonna tell you which:3c
croatian ( slovanian oak )
MELLO, biological nephew: oh her little buddy, it should’ve just been him and her from the very start. lillie’s every rotty little fiber is tensed not knowing if he’s safe from her horrid sister and wretched brother-in-law. . .
➡️➡️ what you should expect at this point. no leaves because she’s dead, branches symbolize family not shown. her branches reach in mello’s direction always.
european ( english oak ) , japanese ( japanese cedar )
M, big-sister-figure: gevanni once rejected M’s proposal of joining the family. as he didn’t want family holding him back. still, despite his efforts to stay hidden in the darkest little crevices of the world, M manages to get him an invitation for christmas dinner every year. and he RSVP’s every single time.
L, brother-in-law-figure: ‘ god you’re strange. . . i can see why M likes you. ‘
NEAR & MELLO, niece-&-nephew-figure: ‘ hey kids, wanna hear about the time i broke into this super big important museum and stole a statue bust worth millions??? oh, just near? fine by me-! ‘
ROGER, grandfather-figure: ‘ every family’s gotta have a guy like you around, roger, it just ain’t the full experience without the weird grandpa. ‘
WATARI, grandfather-figure: ‘ you may be responsible for leaving roger in charge of wammy’s, and that might have been a crazy decision, but god do you make a good strawberry shortcake. ‘
➡️➡️ each little leafy tendril is a connection gevanni has. BUT NOT FAMILY! he doesn’t have any of that. . . he’s a lone wolf. . . an alpha male, if you will.
➡️➡️ still, the connection to M is there, and he is developing a strong connection with near, slowly.
🌳 yay, thank god, i’m done. this is so long, but i love it. and just like most asks i take every single chsnce to yap too much. . . but now you know about L’s entire family dynamics!! so yayy!!!!!
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THESE are just little memories. . . L coming to wammy’s house, he and M’s first kiss, & that time he caught M crying and tried to comfort her despite being right shit at it. it’s the thought that counts, y’know <3
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spectersgirl · 1 year ago
what if harvey specter’s wife worked from home and has a last minute work emergency, so harvey had to take their daughter to work? hope that made sense 😭.
I loved this prompt! I changed it eeeever so slightly but it doesn't affect the overall product. I'm working on making these longer which does mean that it'll take me longer between posts but I'm hoping length makes up for it?? Or maybe this is too long. Idk. I've been writing it for daysssss. I think I don't love the end quarter or so, but I wanted to get it out there. Also I decided to name the daughter, I'm not sure how I feel about doing that versus just using Y/D/N so let me know what you all think? I'd use a different name each time I wrote something with a daughter in it so that it doesn't feel like a series or the same character in different universes.
Work with Dad
Harvey Specter x Reader (except you're barely in it lol)
You rolled over at the sound of your phone buzzing incessantly on the nightstand, fumbling for it and answering sleepily.
"Hello? Oh shit, okay I'm on my way." Immediately, you got up and began rushing around to get ready.
"Who's that?" Harvey mumbled, having woken up to your call.
"Work, there's an emergency and I have to go take care of it. I know you have to work but, I can't take Olivia with me to the restaurant and my parents work today... Do you think you could bring her with you?"
Harvey sighed, knowing you were right. It would be easier for him to bring the four-year-old with him to his office as opposed to the very high-end restaurant you ran. Normally on the days you worked away from the house Olivia was in preschool, but today wasn't a school day for her.
"Yeah, that's fine. I have a pretty easy day today, and it's been a while since she's seen everyone anyway." He said, getting out of bed himself and heading to take a shower.
You quickly yelled to him before you left, thanking him for taking one for the team.
Once Harvey finished his shower, he pulled a suit from the closet and put the dress shirt and pants on, opting to leave his suit jacket off for now, knowing he'd likely have to do some wrangling of a certain toddler. As he had this thought, tiny footsteps sounded down the hall toward the bedroom.
"Hi Daddy" Said the tiny voice of his daughter as she ran toward him, arms in the air.
"Good morning princess! How'd you sleep?" He asked, lifting her with ease and kissing her cheek.
"Good, where's Mama?" She asked, knowing the two of you normally got ready together each morning. She was pretty damn smart for her age, and Harvey knew this fact would get him into trouble someday.
"Mama had to go take care of something at work, but guess what? You get to spend the day with Daddy at the firm!" He told her excitedly, raising his eyebrows.
Olivia was hesitant at first, she didn't know exactly what it was that her dad did every day, but she saw him on his computer a lot, and that didn't seem very exciting to her. She was about to protest this, but then she remembered some of her most favorite people worked with her dad.
"Can we see Mike and Rachel?" She asked.
Harvey laughed, nodding.
"And Donna?"
"And Donna." He confirmed with a smile. "You wanna get dressed so we can go see them?"
Immediately, she began squirming to get down from his grasp. Harvey obliged, following the girl to her room to help her pick out an outfit. She eventually elected for her favorite pink dress with flowers, and Harvey approved, finding her a pair of shoes to match.
A short while later, Harvey and Olivia were headed up to the Pearson Specter offices. She couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to see everyone, and Harvey had to keep reminding her that they had work to do and that they might not be able to be with her as much as she had hoped. Harvey had packed a day's worth of activities in a backpack to keep the little girl occupied in his office, and hopefully out of everyone else's business.
The elevator doors opened, and Olivia nearly pulled Harvey's arm out of the socket trying to get to her favorite people as fast as she could. He scooped her up into his arms, foiling her plans. She adorably crossed her arms in frustration, making Harvey chuckle as he walked toward his office.
"We just have to drop our stuff off in Dad's office first, then we can go see your friends, okay baby?"
She agreed, understanding that the quicker she cooperated, the quicker she got what she wanted.
Harvey put all their stuff down in a small pile on the couch in his office, telling himself he'd deal with it later. He knew Donna wouldn't be in for a little longer as he was earlier today than he normally was, but Mike and Rachel were more than likely already hard at work.
"Alright princess, wanna go see Mike?"
Her eyes went so wide Harvey thought they'd pop out of her head. He laughed and opened his door, pointing down the hall and following as she ran ahead of him. She nearly missed his door she was going so fast, but stopped herself when she noticed him seated at his desk.
"Knock before you go in, Liv" Harvey reminded the girl, grinning when her tiny fist tapped the glass of Mike's office door.
He looked up, not seeing her at first and waving Harvey in and looking back down at his stack of papers.
"You're in early, something wrong?" "MIKE!!!" Olivia yelled, startling the junior partner before realizing what was going on.
"Livi! How's my favorite Specter?" He asked, getting out of his chair to lift her into a bear hug.
She giggled uncontrollably until he set her back down.
"Well, I'd be offended but she happens to be pretty cool, so I'll let you have that." Harvey said, grinning as he watched his daughter run in circles around Mike's office while he chased her. There wasn’t much space in the junior partner's office, so the chase didn’t last very long.
"Where's Rachel?" Olivia wondered out loud. Mike kneeled down to her level.
"Rachel has school in the mornings, so she won't be here for a little bit longer." Mike explained, but this only confused her further.
"But... isn't Rachel a grown-up?" She asked, making Harvey and Mike smile.
"She's in law school, baby. Some grown-ups go to extra school so they can do their special jobs. Daddy went to law school too, and Mama went to business school and cooking school." Harvey explained.
“Did Mike to go extra school?” Olivia asked
Harvey and Mike share a look before looking back at Olivia.
“Mike’s a long story.” Harvey said.
Olivia seemed to be satisfied, or she stopped caring about his answer. Either way, she nodded and continued laughing and playing with Mike while her dad stood off to the side, only a little offended that she hardly even remembered he was still standing there.
He looked down at his watch, noting the time and figuring Donna was probably at her desk by now.
"Liv, do you want to go see if we can find Donna?" Harvey asked, and the little girl screamed like she was at a Taylor Swift show, jumping up and down with pure glee.
"Did she get this excited to see me?" Mike asked. Harvey chuckled, shaking his head.
"Not even close, sorry Mike. C'mon kid, let's go" Harvey said, lifting Olivia high in the air and onto his shoulders, holding tightly as he walked.
"Oh Donna, I have a surprise for you," Harvey said over the sounds of his daughter's laughter.
"Well, I wonder what the surprise could be! Hmmm, is it a pony? Oh a pony wouldn’t fit in the elevator… Maybe you should give me a hint." She said facetiously, acting as if she had no idea Olivia was there.
"It's me!" Olivia yelled, unable to keep the ‘surprise’ of her presence in any longer.
"Oh it’s Olivia! Hi beautiful! That’s a way better surprise than a pony!" Donna exclaimed. "How'd you get so lucky to come to work with your dad?"
"Her mama had a work emergency so daddy got to take her in with him, huh Liv?" Harvey explained, and Donna nodded in understanding.
Olivia nodded, smiling down at both Donna and her dad, still up high on his shoulders. She reached her arms toward Donna, so Harvey lowered her to the floor. Donna quickly scooped her up and placed her on her hip, giving the girl hugs and exaggerated cheek kisses.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, who let you get so big?”
Olivia pointed at Harvey, smiling happily.
“Umm no ma’am, I specifically told you to stop growing, if it were up to me you’d still be my tiny little baby.” Harvey said, poking her side playfully. She giggled, pushing his hands away with her tiny ones.
"Have you had fun so far Livi?" Donna asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded profusely.
"I ran down the hall soooo fast and Mike chased me in his office and then me and Daddy found you!"
"Wow Olivia! That sounds like a really cool morning!" A voice said from behind. Everyone turned to see none other than Jessica strutting down the hall.
Harvey knew Jessica wouldn’t particularly love the idea of his four year old daughter hanging around in his office all day, but he also knew there was nothing else he could do. He was a parent above anything else, so he was going to do what he had to do.
“Livi, do you remember Jessica?” Harvey asked.
Olivia nodded, a bright smile on her face.
“It’s great to see you again cutie” Jessica said with a smile of her own.
“Look I know you’re probably mad but-“
“Harvey relax, I’m not mad. Just as long as she doesn’t get into anything she shouldn’t, she's welcome here." Jessica stated, easing Harvey's mind. He nodded in understanding and watched as she walked back to her office.
"Alright Liv, I've got some work to do in my office and I brought you some fun stuff to do while I work. Maybe later we can come back out and see Donna if she's not too busy, alright?"
Olivia huffed in disappointment, but she knew better than to fight with her dad. He placed his hands out to grab her from Donna, who regrettably handed her over. She had known the little girl since before she was even born, and she loved her like she was her own blood.
Harvey was actually able to get some work done, and Olivia enjoyed her time coloring in her coloring books and playing with the toys her dad had packed for her. Soon enough, she was hungry for lunch and Harvey took her into the kitchen to retrieve the lunchable he had brought her. Eventually, she grew tired and ready for her nap. When Harvey looked over at his couch after a suspiciously long period of silence, he saw her fast asleep. He smiled, standing and taking his suit jacket off, draping it over her small frame. She napped this way for about an hour, and when she woke up, she was overjoyed to learn that Rachel had finally come to the office.
"Rachel!!!" Olivia yelled in the doorway of Rachel's office, and she was quick to run in for a hug.
"Livi! Hi cutie! I heard you were here today, I couldn't wait to get done with school so I could see you!" Rachel said as she scooped the little girl up for a big hug. Olivia wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck happily.
"Do you have fun at big girl school?" Olivia asked.
"Law school is very different from normal school, so it's a lot harder, but it's what I love doing so that makes it fun!" Rachel explained.
"Do you get to color there?"
"No, theres no coloring. There's lots of reading and talking to other students and learning though!"
"I think I like my school better, we get to color and play and sing!"
This made Rachel laugh, and nod her head.
"Keep it that way as long as you can girly." Rachel said.
"Liv, it's almost time to go home. You wanna come say goodbye to everyone?" Harvey interrupted from the doorway.
Olivia nodded sadly, crossing the room to take her father's outstretched hand.
"Bye Rachel, have fun in big girl school."
"I will, bye Livi"
Harvey led her back through the office, stopping at everyone's offices so she could say her goodbyes, stopping at Donna's desk last. She gave the red-haired woman the biggest hug she could, Donna was her most favorite person after all.
When Olivia got home, she was thrilled to find her mom was there waiting for her and Harvey with dinner in the oven. She couldn't resist telling her mother about every last detail of her thrilling day at her dad's job.
"Well that's exciting! It sounds like you were a good little employee for daddy" You mused, looking up at Harvey with a grin.
"She's the best damn paralegal I've ever had. Might just have to hire her" Harvey joked.
"Does that mean I have to go to big girl school? That sounds really not fun."
You and Harvey laughed.
"Baby, if you don't want to go to big girl school we can talk about that when you're older." You reassured.
"You think with that attitude she has she won't want to be a lawyer like her old man?" Harvey said, smirking.
"Oh, she'll want to be in debate before she hits high school."
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deathricedrawn · 4 months ago
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big wide open galaxy
here's my thought process on this drawing... i wrote this in google docs... I hope this is coherent lol:
I am very normal about Andromeda (the song, the constellation, the galaxy, the myth…), if you haven’t noticed already. My love for Andromeda is why I’m doing a bachelor in physics and astronomy (my course is kicking my ass but we stay balling)
I think Andromeda as a concept fits Anya very well. As the myth, Andromeda is chained to a rock as a sacrifice to save her parents’ kingdom. However, it is Perseus who comes along and unchains Andromeda and takes her as his wife. A common critique of the myth is that it’s very much centered around the male gaze: Andromeda is basically a submissive trophy wife for Perseus as a symbol of his bravery. Really, Andromeda has no say in the matter. I feel like there’s a lot of ways you can tie this to Jimmy and Anya, though I’m struggling to come up with the words for it.
Later on, Andromeda is put into the stars as the constellation by Athena. There’s a lot of different reasons as to why this is, but a commonly accepted one is that it’s to commemorate Perseus’s brave deeds. Once again, Andromeda is reduced to Perseus’s acts, even in her death/eternal life in the stars. This, I feel, is fitting: Anya died as a result of what Jimmy did to her. Her death is, in part, defined by Jimmy, similar to how Andromeda is defined by Perseus. Aside from that, just like Andromeda, once Anya dies, she too is put into the stars but in a much more literal sense. Her final resting place is literally in space. 
This also ties in as to why I think Andromeda (the galaxy) fits Anya. Currently, the Andromeda Galaxy is set to collide with our Milky Way Galaxy in 4-5 billion years. This can be tied to the crashing of the Tulpar, but, obviously, in a much smaller time frame. Jimmy’s reason for crashing the Tulpar is, ultimately, because of Anya. He feared the repercussions of what he did to Anya once they returned home, so he chose to crash the ship and take everyone else on board down with him.
A deeper dive into my art: Anya’s pose is reminiscent of the pose the Andromeda constellation is in. Furthermore, she’s held by the wrists and ankles with red chains that resemble the centipede version of Polle. This aspect is meant to touch on the idea of Andromeda being dubbed ‘The Chained Woman’, but also as to why she (Anya, in this case) feels tied down. She feels chained by what Jimmy did to her, what she’s forced to live with, and the fact she can’t feasibly escape through any means other than death. She’s chained by her pregnancy too, which explains the Polle motif.
I depicted her skin as pale and glowing. This is to mimic the brightness of a star (tying her to both the Andromeda constellation and Galaxy). Her expression is mostly neutral, though it bears traces of sadness and acceptance (you can make of that what you wish). In the background, the space is filled with eyeballs reminiscent of Curly’s. These are meant to be stand-ins for space debris, or planets. It’s meant to represent how Curly, even as she neared death, was a big part of Anya’s life on the Tulpar. She took care of him after the crash and she died next to him. The space background behind her was also meant to be similar to a womb with Anya taking the place of a fetus, next to just being there for framing and contrast purposes.
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mrsparrasblog · 1 year ago
hi srry if you don't do requests but I have to ask cuz I love everything about your writing.
Can u write a fic where the mc is strictly monogamous but 141 are SO madly in love so they fight on who gets to be with her and it's causing actual problems between them?
Ignored this if u don't want to. Anyway stay slaying✨
Hey ☀️🩷 Ofc I take requests this is my first one tho, I hope you like It, and it's like you imagined because I always have like a little movie in my head when I write a scene and with requests. I don't know if my thoughts match with yours- performance anxiety lol. Still thank you for supporting me 🩷☀️
Fighting for you
TF 141 x Reader
You always had that one plan in your life: meet a nice guy, date for 2 years, marry him with the most extravagant wedding dress someone could imagine, and after that, you get three fat babies whom you will love and dote on.
The only problem was, as a nurse on a military base, you didn't meet guys capable of this lifestyle. You hated to see all these men trying to get in your pants while they were married.
"Why are you in the med again, Johnny?" You scolded him. Of course, you found the Scotsman funny and liked his daily visits, but still, having him here all the time felt like a lost puppy when you had work to do.
"Look, Bonnie, have a mean scratch, need stitches from ya."
"Is that so, Mr. MacTavish?"
"Yes, Bonnie, look." He showed you a scar on his biceps, and you sighed. You knew he was only coming for something else; no soldier went to the medical just because of a scratch. He started to flex his biceps.
"Johnny, that's barely anything."
"But ya always fix me good, lassie." He looked at you with puppy eyes, and you sighed, disinfecting his nonexistent wound. "Such a good caretaker, lass. Need to put a ring on ya before someone else does." You blushed at the thought of marrying someone like Johnny. He was handsome, funny, and super strong, but he was a flirt, probably flirting with every other nurse. Besides, you had a date today.
"Johnny, stop flirting. I have a date today."
"Just a date, lass. It's not like you'll marry him."
You stared at him with a dead glare. "For some people, dates are important, Johnny!"
"Who is it?"
"None of your business, and now leave," you scolded him, annoyed by his noisy behavior.
"Who of you bastards broke the agreement?" Johnny started to scream at his teammates.
"What do you mean, Soap?" Kyle asked, confused.
"We agreed that no one can have her since she doesn’t want to share, so who of you tossers broke the agreement and goes on a date with her?"
"How do you even know that mate, if you didn’t break the agreement too?"
"I just needed her to take care of my injuries, Kyle."
"Bullshit, you barely got a scratch. Admit that you wanted to break off the agreement too. Admit it." Gaz barked, walking towards Soap to pick him up by his shirt.
"Enough of you, Muppets!"
"You broke the agreement, Captain, didn't ya? Telling us all about the agreement and then taking out my future wife."
"I didn't, and even if, she'd be more happy to become Mrs. Price than Mrs. MacTavish."
They were so close to fighting; everyone accused the other of taking you on that date. They remembered the first day they saw you; all of them were smitten. You were just too precious, full of love and excitement. Perfect hair, perfect body, everything about you was perfect for them. You could walk with your greasy messy bun, and they’d kneel for you, promising you’re the most beautiful woman on earth. After a while, they noticed how every one of them was smitten, how Johnny spent every minute in the infirmary, Ghost becoming your shadow, protecting you from every danger of the world without you even knowing, the Captain always treated you better than every other staff member, you had more off days, better shifts, and even better pay, and Kyle bringing you always your favorite coffee and a bunch of pastries when you overworked yourself again.
Johnny was the first one to ask the rest if they’d be open to a poly relationship. He was the most open about his sexuality, and having Simon and you was the perfect thing for him. Whether the reasons why they agreed to try to court you in this relationship, every one of them thought you only deserved the best, and that included being worshiped by four muscular men.
Unfortunately, your best friend, who noticed their goal while you still stayed in your naive bubble, popped their bubble, telling them to sod off. You weren’t made for this kind of relationship; you were jealous and liked the idea of monogamy way too much. You only wanted to have one husband. That's how the agreement started none of them will pursue you, and they will only start something with you if you approach them, no more flirting, favoritism, or looming over you.
Nonetheless, they gave a fuck about their agreement, behind closed doors still trying to court you in various different ways, but how could they not? You were perfect, and they were obsessed and way too much in love with you to let someone else have you.
"Where the fuck is Ghost?" Kyle asked, looking around for the scary man with the skull face mask.
"Fucking hell, he is her date."
"Sick bastard."
Soap walked into Ghost's barracks, eager to scream at his best friend. He was the first to love you, so Ghost should not have gone on a date with you without telling him. The betrayal felt immaculate, his best friend with the love of his life.
"Aye, Lieutenant, heard you're going on a date with the lassie."
"Johnny, it just happened."
"No hard feelings, LT. Where are you taking her?"
"Oh, okay."
Simon looked confused at Johnny. "What's wrong?"
"Take her to a better place a steakhouse or a fish restaurant. Give her a real meal, not something cheap. Lassies love this fancy shit."
"Thanks, mate."
Your date with Ghost was okay. He was brooding over something, and as he insisted on ordering something for you as a surprise, despite you telling him no, he did it, wanting to be a posh bloke who knows what his lady wants. Soap said you liked this fancy shit and heavy meat and fish.
As you looked disgusted at the filet steak, trying not to be rude by saying you're a vegetarian, he lost it mentally, not with you but with his best friend, who betrayed him just for you. He'd do the same, of course, but it's still different, right?
The date went on way too cringy, Simon spent most of the time apologizing to you for the messed-up date, and you tried to reassure him that it was okay. When he brought you back home, he asked if he could stay the night, and you politely declined.
"Johnny, I'm going to rip your fucking head off."
"Aye, shit," Johnny screamed as he began to run.
"The date went shit, I guess?" Kyle asked, unfazed by all the screaming from the two men fighting. He acted as if he didn't let slip the information that she is vegetarian next to Johnny or told Price she liked roses after she told him for 20 minutes straight how they are overrated. The best part was no one even suspected him; he was calm about the situation, not trying to solve it with violence like Johnny and Simon. While the others played checkers, he played chess to get you.
"Yes, it was."
"I told you muppets, I'm the one who deserves her."
"Shut up, Price," Ghost scoffed.
"I think so too, Captain should have her. At least he treats her well," Kyle said with a boyish grin.
So the Captain asked you out on a date, and after some convincing, you agreed, making yourself ready and waiting for him in desperation. You looked great, hair curled, mascara applied, and in a dress that was classy but a bit sexy. You knew Price could be a guy for this, maybe a bit too old, but still, you could grow old with him, and maybe he would give you everything your innocent heart desires.
After waiting for an hour, you were sure he wouldn’t come. If only you had known that Ghost was faking an accident and Soap's promise to tell you about it, not to let the sweet angel wait for the Captain. Soap was already on the way to play the knight in shining armor, fully confident to finally sweep you off your feet and make you the future Mrs. MacTavish, his sweet little angel. Oh, how the boys would look to know that he got the heart of their sweetheart finally.
Too late.
"Hey, lovely, why are you sobbing? Do I need to punch someone for you?"
"It's embarrassing, Kyle."
"Tell me about it."
"Just had a bunch of weird dates. One wanted to only bed me, I guess, and the other stood me up," you sobbed, looking into Kyle's pretty face.
"Oh, love, you know that all these guys around the boys are head over heels fighting over you like wild animals."
"They are, how couldn't they? You're perfect."
"You're a flirt, you know that."
"And you're too pretty to cry, you know that?" He winked at you, removing the tears from your beautiful eyes.
"You think so?"
"Kyle," you asked him shyly, looking deep into his brown eyes.
"Are you one of the boys who fight over me too?"
"Sure as hell, love!" He almost shouted, full of enthusiasm.
"You wouldn’t want what I want."
"And how do you know that?"
"I just want you, to know all, exclusive dating."
"Mhm, I'd give you that without a doubt, love. Just let me prove to you that I'm the right one for you, love." His hand slowly went to your face, caressing the soft skin that was still tinted by your mascara tears. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." And when you looked at him with your doe eyes, he lost it, slowly pulling his rough lips on your soft ones, holding your head for dear life as if you could vanish any second. He was afraid he did something wrong, maybe scared you like a deer, but you didn't shy away; you pulled him closer, letting his lips intertwine with yours and slowly opening your mouth to let his tongue explore yours. It felt like a firework in your body; every fiber burned with pure passion as he kissed you. You didn't want to stop; you needed him as deeply as he longed for you.
"Fucking Garrick, I didn't think he’d win her over," Ghost murmured behind the wall, watching you with the others in jealousy as Kyle got their girl.
"He played us like fucking fools, telling us it's okay if we win her over," Price muttered, annoyed and kinda proud at his sneaky bastard.
"I'm more of a looker than fucking Gaz," Soap said, annoyed.
As happy as you were right now, all of the boys knew the fight for your heart wouldn’t stop until there was a ring on your finger.
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blogthebooklover · 5 months ago
Noa & Mae = Orpheus & Eurydice AND Romeo & Juliet
So, something occurred to me after rewatching Disney's Hercules for like the millionth time (weird stretch, I know, lol). I remembered this post talking about how Mae and Noa's personalities are similar to Hercules and Megara. And then I remembered these two posts from @bookishdaze:
The Woman in the Hazmat Suit
Noa & Mae as Romeo and Juliet
She pointed out how Korina (the woman) may be a leader of the underground bunker, and how her name is from Kore, and we all know what other name the former is also derived? Persephone; the Goddess of Spring and what else? Queen of the Underworld! It's interesting to think about, and I'm really curious about what Wes Ball and team are going to do with this character in the next movie, but I digress.
Which also got me to thinking about the possible story inspirations for the next two movies in Noa's trilogy: the second movie might be a loose retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice, and the third might be Romeo & Juliet (or it could be the other way around, too).
First, the myth/legend of Orpheus and Eurydice.
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Orpheus was a demigod and a musician whose beautiful songs were loved by anyone who heard them, mostly by women. However, the only woman he loved was a human named Eurydice. Depending on which version it is, their wedding blessing wasn't entirely finished on the day of their marriage, which was to be ordained by Hymen, the god of marriage ceremonies. This is perceived as an omen of ill faith from the two lovers. Again, depending on which version it is, Eurydice is enjoying some time to herself, or with the Nymphs in a field; but a snake bites her ankle and she dies from its venom.
Overwhelmed with grief by the death of his wife, Orpheus decides to venture to the Underworld to bring her soul back. Since Orpheus is a demigod, it's easy for him to travel down to the realm of Hades to search for his wife. His songs tame Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the Underworld, and the creatures hidden in the shadows. When he comes upon the thrones of the king and queen of the Underworld, Orpheus pleads his case of returning Eurydice's soul to her body by singing a song so moving; that it even warmed the hearts of the immortal rulers. Hades and Persephone agree to let him take Eurydice back to the world above, on the condition that Orpheus does not turn around to look at her until they are both in the sunlight.
Orpheus has second thoughts about the gods tricking him that Eurydice is not behind him as they walk. Just before they reach the entrance to the world above, he turns around and manages to see his wife before she is taken back into the shadows of the Underworld. Realizing his mistake, Orpheus begs to try again, but he cannot. Once again, depending on the version, no one enters the Underworld twice while still alive.
Now the ending for Orpheus's story varies, whether he dies of a broken heart or is killed by a creature; however, in one version the Muses take his lyre and send it into the heavens becoming one of the star constellations.
Second, William Shakespeare's play of Romeo & Juliet.
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The play that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, had to read in their freshmen/1st year of high/secondary school. So, a quick recap: Two young teenagers from sparring houses in Verona, Italy, they meet up at an event hosted by the other's family, decide they are in love (after three days of knowing each other) and marry in secret. However, someone from both houses end up dead; Mercutio (Montague) and Tybalt (Capulet), the latter kills the former and Romeo kills Tybalt out of grief and revenge for his friend. Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to visit Juliet before he is sent into exile. After spending the night with her, Romeo leaves. Juliet is grief stricken by the fact that Romeo is in exile, and she has no choice but to marry the man who was chosen to marry her, Paris. Friar Lawrence, once again offers advice but to Juliet this time, to take a sleeping potion that makes her seem like she’s dead.
Once Juliet awakes from the sleeping draught, she finds that Romeo has poisoned himself due to misinformation about her death. Friar Lawrence urges Juliet to come with him to a convent to be safe. However, she does not, choosing instead to stay with Romeo and since her love drank all of the poison, she takes his dagger and stabs herself in the heart. By the influence of the Prince, the two grieving families put aside their differences in memory of their only respective children.
Third, Noa and Mae, and how the previously mentioned stories could work for them.
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For the second film, while Noa isn't a musician per se, he does show the abilities of an engineer (fixing a fish rack, and the cattle prod). HOWEVER, he does have to sing to Eagle Sun to get the bird to come to him. My head canon is that maybe Noa works on various different inventions while he's training to be the next Master of Birds. If Mae returns to the Eagle Clan, and sees Noa's inventions for herself, she would probably have mixed emotions at the fact of seeing an evolved ape even creating something from the remains of human technology.
Remember: Noa's and overall evolved ape intelligence TERRIFY her.
However, I think the more she spends time with the Eagle Clan apes, the more she realizes apes and humans can probably co-exist with each other.
My head canon for Mae is that it was her entire family and friends as the team that was sent out on the mission in KOTPOTA, and after Proximus Caesar's apes killed everyone, she barely escaped with her life as she says to Noa. And she had to survive alone in the wilderness before coming across Noa and the Eagle Clan village. Like Noa, she is also just a scared little kid trying to understand everything that had happened in the 200-300 years of a post-apocalyptic world. And now, she literally had/has no where else to go, no home to return to (since we all agree on that one head canon she's one of the few humans immune to whatever remains of the Simian virus), until she spends more time with Eagle Clan.
For whatever reason, Mae has to go back to the underground bunker, or maybe she's kidnapped by another human group from a different bunker; but I'm going with the former for this take. Noa can't take the fact that she has to return to the humans, seeing how humans and apes can live together, and he sets out with Anaya and Soona to get Mae back. When the trio arrive at the human bunker (the one from the end of Kingdom), Noa must plead his case to Korina to get Mae to return to Eagle Clan. That her living amongst apes is proof that both species can co-exist. Maybe even offering one of his inventions and/or an eagle egg, to the human leader as a sign of peace and hope for a future.
After Korina hears Noa's case, she agrees to let Mae return to Eagle Clan; now I imagine that instead of the sadder ending of Orpheus and Eurydice, it's the ending of the Hades and Persephone myth instead, the human leader offers only one condition to Noa: that Mae returns to the bunker when the last leaf falls and the first snows begin. Unlike apes, humans cannot survive the harsh winter weather. Both Noa and Mae agree to this term, and they continue living in the Eagle Clan village until the fall/winter. On the other hand though, I do see this working the other way around: that Noa is the one who is captured, and Mae is the one to plead her case to Korina.
And finally, the third movie. The story line we all want to see!
When Mae returns for the winter, let's assume it's been a couple of years or so by now, there is tension amongst the humans in the underground bunker. Half of them don't like this arrangement of a human living amongst the apes in the above world. The Tybalt & Paris equivalents (gonna call them Bunker!Tybalt & Bunker!Paris) in the third movie are feeling reservations about the arrangement, confessing their concerns to Korina when Mae returns. Korina (also being The Prince equilavent for the third movie) tries reassuring them that Mae staying with Noa and the apes is a test to see if the two species can live and work together. But Bunker!Tybalt and Bunker!Paris are not having it, and they arrange for a duel with Noa until Anaya (since we all agree that he's the Mercutio equivalent, poor thing) steps in for his childhood best friend.
Aaaaaaand we all know what happens next! However, let's imagine Bunker!Paris somehow leaves the scene.
Noa, enraged with grief for his best friend, kills Bunker!Tybalt but soon realizes he made a huge mistake and he decides to step down as leader and exile himself from the Eagle Clan. Because a good leader doesn't kill in revenge, no matter the reason. Meanwhile, when Mae hears the news of Bunker!Tybalt, she blames herself for the whole outcome. Korina makes the decision for Mae to stay in the bunker, for a possible upcoming war with the apes and to keep her safe. Mae doesn't want any more bloodshed, and she confides her concerns with the Nurse equivalent (again, gonna call them Bunker!Nurse; or maybe it'll be Dar as the Nurse Equivalent as well, but I digress). Bunker!Nurse feels empathy for Mae, but agrees with Korina about staying in the bunker. That Mae's skills and intelligence are needed for an upcoming war.
Mae doesn't want a war though, she soon realizes that the apes and Noa are her family as well. She sneaks out of the bunker in the cover of night and tries to find Noa.
Not entirely the same, but I do imagine a scene similar to The Lion King 2 (again, another Romeo & Juliet retelling; although, it would be hilarious if Noa & Mae broke out into song, but that's my crazy take heeheehee); when Mae and Noa reunite, away from everything and everyone trying to keep the two species apart.
Noa tries to convince Mae to run away with him, and explore the remains of this post-apocalyptic world, hoping to find more apes and humans similar to the unlikely duo. And create a new village where the two species can co-exist. Mae doesn't buy it though, she confides in Noa about returning together to prevent an upcoming war between apes and humans.
Once they return, they see it has already happened, once again taking some inspiration from The Lion King 2 here.
Bloodshed and dead bodies from both sides of the battle field. The human girl and the male ape are horrified by the war.
They both enter the sidelines of the battlefield, the apes and humans pause briefly when the ape and human are in sight. Mae and Noa each take turns pleading their case, that humans and apes can live in peace and harmony if they work together. There cannot be anymore bloodshed between them. The test of Mae (and maybe a few other humans) living amongst the Eagle Clan works, and there can be a solution between the two species.
But wait, you dear reader ask, doesn't the Shakespeare play end tragically?
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Yes, the OG play is a tragedy. However, like the aforementioned Lion King 2, there are other R&J retellings with a happier ending:
Gnomeo and Juliet
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Warm Bodies
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Interesting how the second one is also set in a post-apocalyptic world, albeit in the zombie horror subgenre xD.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
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maoam · 6 months ago
I love how sakura and hinata fans say sns shippers are misogynists for not liking those girls and the ships when really I think me being a man-hating-radical-feminist is what makes me not like them lol. Like I have self respect which is why I don't like someone who's entire purpose is to be a man worshipping housewife from the 1950s with no backbone and doesn't stand up for herself at all (hinata) or someone who's pretty much a male in female form who mimics real creepy male behaviour to a T like constantly harassing someone and trying to force them to like you back despite constant rejects, treating them like a sexual object only, centering yourself around their life and not even actually caring about someone they claim to love (sakura). Also if you take it a step further, I can even say the reason sasuke's my favourite character is bc he's female-coded. Like almost every way he gets treated both by the narrative and by real fans is how a lot of ppl treat real women. (think they know better for him, hating him for being attractive and able to get anyone's attention, hating him for having agency and not caring what ppl think, not caring to follow paths others want him to follow, etc) these are all things that most women get hated on for irl. It also says a lot that most of his haters are male lol, while other male characters with the "coolness" factor like sasuke are still worshipped (like his own brother, kakashi, even naruto). Also gaara getting more popular after he started worshipping naruto and leaving his cool backstory and interesting character behind also proves my point. If sasuke just became a naruto fanboy halfway thru and didn't bother with his revenge and only started loving naruto (not romantically tho, ofc, bc that's gay and we're alpha males who fuck bitches only 😤) he prolly wouldn't be as hated. Just like if sakura switched her affections from sasuke to naruto halfway thru, the dudebros would stop hating her. It's all about naruto worship, and the characters who end up doing that always end up being the shell of the interesting characters they once were (like gaara, hinata was never an interesting character, she's the only one who was meant to be his cock worshipper since the beginning) and that's what makes me hate all dudebros and some female fans who think this too. Like sometimes I start hating naruto myself bc some of the sasuke only stans on tumblr make really good points about how naruto's basically a male power fantasy series. Almost everyone ends up worshipping him, and even sasuke (if you wanna see it that way) ends up doing that. I personally like equal power in relationships so I like to see them as equal in the end, but some ppl who only wanna see their self insert incel mc be worshipped, they can see it that way. Sometimes I only like naruto in sns and sasuke individually, and hate everything else about this series. Anyway that got kinda off topic but yeah.
Sakura also does not stand up for herself when it comes to Sasuke.
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Hinata's body language is always timid, but Sakura's becomes one too in the presence of Sasuke. Because she tries to make Sasuke like her, but since she doesn't understand Sasuke she also doesn't understand this is not what Sasuke wants nor needs. Sasuke wouldn't like it either if Naruto acted this pathetic.
Hinata is literally a tradwife dream, she is docile, submissive, doting and her only goal in life is to support Naruto and become Naruto's girlfriend/wife and have his kids. She has no thoughts about anything else. This is what many men want from a woman. It's really pitiful to read/watch people try to come up with something in order to make Hinata look like a decent character. It all comes down to "she liked Naruto since the beginning", "she sacrificed herself for Naruto", "she has had more kids than the other female characters".
I don't know about the use of "female-coded" as a term (I talked about it at one point), I think it's the homoeroticism that largely contributes to this (especially how Sasuke is made to be desirable to both men and women). But I do see where you're coming from. Sasuke does piss off many men but a lot of it is due to incel mentality. Some of it is due to main character entitlement, as in Sasuke takes too big of a chunk out of the manga when it comes to screentime. Ironically, there are many of them who think Sasuke should have been a female character so Naruto's obsession with him wouldn't make them so uncomfortable.
I also find it annoying when so many Sakura videos I watch have men ranting about how Sakura still likes Sasuke despite the fact Naruto saved her. Like you can tell they think a man should be able to buy woman's sexual interest by making her owe them. But thankfully, I have come across also videos that make very good points about her character.
Naruto and Sasuke's fight (or more like the aftermath) annoyed some men because it was physically basically a draw and Naruto even said to Sasuke "this isn't about winning or losing". Sasuke lost to his feelings, basically him admitting defeat was him accepting to be loved by Naruto LMAO no wonder dudebros were mad. Many of them whined because they hated how Kishi had to make it so gay.
Shonen tends to be a male power fantasy. Luffy also gets everyone to fanboy/fangirl him. And shonen mcs usually have one of the worst stans for this reason. It's funny (or not) how the same pattern can be seen in every shonen fandom when it comes to the main character. There are men who self insert into them and act like everything needs to be about them, and bash other characters especially if they take even a little from their mc. Meanwhile there is a subset of women who create this yaoi harem shit around the mc, him as feminine uke bottom that every other guy just wants to rail. And they also might wrote posts on how other characters are irrelevant and boring compared to their beloved mc. It always happens. If it makes you feel better, Naruto always saw Sasuke and Iruka as different from the rest, because he didn't need to prove anything to them, they just cared for him even when he was a loser. And to Naruto, Sasuke is the best in the world. Even to Sarada he started ranting how Sasuke is hot and cool and the best shinobi in the world lol. But yes, I think Gaara and Neji lost some edge of their characters after they were saved by Naruto.
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yourejinx · 2 years ago
Undeniable Bonds
Azriel x F. Reader
Warnings: angst, as per usual. Violence, mentions of blood, descriptions of injuries, mentions of death, curse words, feelings. Not proof read.
word count: 4k+.
Author’s note: Here it is, finally. It sucks, I hope you like it lol 
The house was too packed for his liking, when Cassian bursted in through the balcony and set Azriel down by the group of healers already waiting for him, he out right growled to everyone to get the fuck out.
It startled Feyre for a second, the fierceness in the General's face, the worry. Amren's whole demeanor had changed the second she took a glimpse at the state of the Shadow Singer, no sign of you around. She was ready to pounce at the Illyrians demanding answers when Nesta pointed at the darkness in the sky, rushing towards them. Rhysand. Even from this distance, Feyre could make out the utter desperation in her mate's features, he was using too much of his power. 
A cloud of darkness surrounded him like a thick veil, undoubtedly holding you within. Something had gone terribly wrong. But nothing could have prepared her for the sight of you in his arms, limbs angled the wrong way, blood leaking everywhere...and your eyes, utterly black and gone. You were spasming against Rhys' chest as if fighting him —his power—as he approached Madja. 
"I didn't know what else to do" The High Lord almost sobbed as he passed you to the healer. 
Madja's face was serious but full of concern, she settled you down by the fire in an attempt to keep your freezing body warm, and run a quick eye over your exposed injuries. Rhysand's power never let go of you. "She started lashing at me with her own magic and when she tried to hold it in her bones started twisting and breaking. I had to– I had to do something so I hold her down, she keeps resisting it" 
The healer only nodded gravely, Feyre could have sworn the old female's face had paled a bit. 
"I need you to keep holding her down. She's lost too much blood. I have to seal these wounds right now. Everyone else out! Except you, High Lady, we might need you here." Madja ordered and got to work. 
Rhys turned to his mate, his wife and the look in his violet eyes told her enough of what was going on in his head. The snap of her neck, and her lifeless body at the hands of Amarantha. She swallowed the lump in her throat and gripped her mate's hand firmly. 
Behind them the Shadow Singer, conscious enough to stand, had pushed himself past the healers still tending to his wounds and now made his way to his own mate. Rhysand tried to stop him but there was nothing he could do to spare his brother from that sort of pain, so he let him through, next to them. 
The cry that left Azriel's lips at the sight of your broken body could have shattered the earth. He clutched his chest tight, face contorting in pain and terror, tears falling freely down his cheeks. In all his years working as a Spy Master, he had never known such horror. The bond tying your souls together had strained thin enough to break, your next breath could be your last and the agony that flooded him wouldn't let him feel anything else, to see anything else but you. 
Madja shot her head up looking straight to him, she was sweating, the wounds weren't healing fast enough. "Listen to me boy, you're her mate, and probably her only chance to live. This is blood magic, an ancient ritual I've never thought I'd see, someone is trying to drain her power, to steal her body. The only way to fight it is the bond in your chest, your souls are the same. So fight it, suck up the tears and make her stay." 
The words knocked him back to reality, ignoring the crushing feeling of his shattering heart, Azriel reached a trembling hand to you. He didn't know what to do, he could feel you dying, slipping away from this world and his very soul wanted to follow you. But he wouldn't let you go, not yet, not like this, if there was a tiny chance that you may live he would make the best out of it. He'd fight for you, always, because if you died...he'd take his own blade and pierce his heart. There would be no life without you, not really. 
Azriel held onto that precious, frail, golden thread inside of him for dear life, and threw his entire essence into it, his will to live, to come clean to you about his feelings and beg your forgiveness, to tell you he loves you. He got a faint hum in response through the bond and almost broke down into tears again. There was a sliver of light, as if coming through a crack in  a door, as if you were actually allowing him into your soul. He followed it inside, everything was blank and quiet except for a figure sitting in the middle of the perturbingly white room. That was you, he realized, with your back turned to him and your head hanging low between your shoulders, you looked defeated. 
"Y/N?" He called. You didn't so much as flinch. 
He walked closer, there were chains around your wrists and ankles, pretty much like the ones from the cave, but you didn't seem to care about them. No, you were too preoccupied watching the reflection of a fae child in the pond at your feet. 
She looked a lot like you, save for the caramel brown eyes. Yours were onyx black. Was she your sister? 
The image of the reflection changed and instead of a sweet little girl, a brutalized body laid. Azriel felt sick at the sight, but your eyes were glued to it, as if in some sort of trance. He hadn't heard them until he touched your shoulder, the whispers. Vicious voices whispering dark things, he recognized some of them, Ajax and Damien, but a particular one knocked the air out of his lungs. It was his own, throwing insults and telling you how unworthy you were. He fell back, completely disgusted with himself. 
"Useless. Whore. Traitor. You're the family's shame. Unworthy. Unclean. You couldn't even save your own sister. You don't deserve to live. " 
All those horrible voices burned him just as much, you had to live with this inked in your soul...for how long? How much damage had he added himself? 
You didn't even blink, you stared and stared at the little girl in front of you, seemingly less alive by the second. What was he supposed to do? How could he put you out of this misery? 
Azriel fought the sting in his eyes, focusing on the bond instead, he could feel your sadness, your hopelessness, your tired soul. So he reached down, sitting behind you and enveloped the two of you with his shadows, hoping to shut down the whispers. You only turned to look at him then, recognizing the cool touch of his shadows. 
"Azriel?" your voice sounded distant. Not quite believing your eyes. 
"Are we dead?" 
He shook his head. "No, we're not." 
"I should be. I deserve it." 
"Don't say that, it's not true. Someone is trying to steal your mind, making you believe such things." 
"You think as much, don't you?" 
"I don't. I'm sorry, Y/N for all the awful things I said, I didn't mean any of that. I swear. I can't even think of you dying... it's just too painful." 
You turned around again, facing the body of water at your feet. 
"She's dead, so why do I get to live? That's not fair." 
The Shadow Singer sat closer, careful not to touch you yet if you wouldn't allow it, and looked over your shoulder. He wanted nothing more than to hold you against his chest, wishing he could make your pain disappear. 
"That's your sister, isn't it?" He swallowed the lump in his throat. You nodded vaguely. "What's her name?"
"Aurora.." you sighed, the pain in your chest making it difficult to breathe.
"I don't know what happened, but I'm sure Aurora would want you to live. For her." 
"I've lived enough." 
"Have you? Have you truly lived? or have you just been existing?" 
"There's no difference." 
"Of course there is. And you owe it to her, to live. Not just exist." 
You grimaced but there was doubt in your tearful eyes. "I don't know how to do that," 
You admitted softly. 
"Well, I'm no expert but we can figure it out, together. I promise to be there, every step of the way." 
"Because you're worth living for."  Azriel dared to wipe a few tears that had fallen down your cheeks, even when his own were now streaming down his face. When you didn't pull away, he sneaked his other hand around your waist, pulling you to him and mumbling against your hair. "Please, don't give up just yet. Please. Please. Please stay and fight for her. I'll fight for you." 
You never held him back, but your shoulders shook with the force of a harsh breath and he could have sworn the chains clicked open. 
"Alright" you whispered against his neck. He still didn't let go.
"She stopped thrashing," The High Lord said. Madja was just finishing healing the broken bones. 
"Mating bonds are very powerful things," she answered, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "But this is still not over, the spell remains. This kind of magic is not something I'm very familiar with, I don't know if you're going to be able to break the spell, Cursebreaker." The healer fixed her eyes upon the High Lady. "We don't have much time, so there's only a way, you’ll have just a minute to break whatever remains of this blood bond between her and the perpetrator.” 
 Feyre gasped realizing what Madja was about to do. Rhysand gave a comforting squeeze to her hand. 
There was only one way in which the spell could be broken by a third party in this situation. Death. 
“You’re going to stop her heart.” 
Three weeks. For three weeks you had remained unconscious, and Azriel had refused to leave your side in your slumber, not letting anyone else close to you. He was on edge, very irritable and prone to violence. 
The first couple of days he had fought Amren and Cassian until Rhysand had to intervene and told them to leave the two of you alone until things had calmed down. He understood, after all, what it felt like to lose your mate. Azriel’s protective and territorial instincts, only increased by the situation, had made him more unstable and ready to pounce on anyone that came too close. He hadn’t been sleeping much, always on alert, monitoring your every breath, the steady rise and fall of your chest. On the rare occasion his eyes fell closed against his will, the nightmares plagued his mind. 
Azriel remembered it all too well, being pulled away from you by some force, your power rising to go for Rhysand’s head and then the deafening thump of your body falling still. The loud silence in his mind, the numbness in his chest, the crack of his knuckles as they collided with Rhysand’s jaw. 
He constantly checked and caressed the now dim lit bond, it was still silent on your end but these past few days it had grown brighter. That gave him some peace of mind, he supposed, although he still couldn’t get a full night’s rest. Madja sent a healer twice a week to check up on you, Azriel had only barely allowed them near you, besides the twin wraiths whom he let in sometimes to help sanitize you. 
He was tired, not fully registering dozing off when one of his shadows curled up around his ear to tell him you had opened your eyes.The Shadow Singer was up in an instant, sleep be damn. 
"Hey…" he mused softly, not wanting to startle you. 
It was already long into the night, dawn had to be a couple of hours away, the only light in the room being the faelight by your nightstand. You were pale and thiner than he had ever witnessed, most of the bruises and cuts were gone, but the deeper ones would take a while to fully heal due to the faebane and severe blood loss. 
Azriel swallowed thickly when your eyes met his. 
"What–?" you coughed, voice rough and hoarse. 
He quickly poured a glass of water, helping you sit up so you could drink. Three weeks without water, you gulped down the whole thing in one go. 
"Thank you," you murmured a bit distrustfully. Some clarity coming back to you. He ignored the pang in his heart. "What are you doing here?" 
In your room.
"Checking up on you, how are you feeling?" 
"Like I've just had the worst hangover of the century." You answered, wincing in pain when you tried to sit up straighter. 
Azriel huffed a  laugh, almost in relief. It was a strangely nice sound, one you couldn't believe you had missed. You took a chance to look at him, there were heavy dark circles under his eyes and a light scrub had started to grow. He looked tired. 
"How long was I out?" 
He chewed on his bottom lip. "Three weeks," 
Your eyes widened. 
"And you've been here the whole time?" You glanced at the armchair across from your bed, a blue blanket laid lazily discarded on top of it. He nodded slowly. "Why?" 
"What do you mean why?" 
"I put us in danger, it's my fault you ended up hurt. So why are you checking up on me?" 
Azriel looked dumbfounded. "It's not— you don't remember anything, do you?" 
"About what? I remember plenty about the cave, and Damien and…Ajax" 
"Y/N, you…" he stopped himself before he could mutter that damned word out. You died. Briefly, but you were gone. Would it be wise to tell you what happened if you didn't remember it? He didn't want to cause you more trauma. 
"You were badly injured, you lost too much blood."
"Why would you care about it? You could've got rid of a problem. It just doesn't make sense."
"You're not a problem. You're my mate." 
You stared at him, fists clenching tight around the sheets. Never expecting to hear him say it out loud.
"It has never meant anything to you." 
"It means everything to me." 
"I would rather have my heart ripped out of my chest, than watching you die," He meant it, every word of it. He knew the feeling damn well, but you didn't believe him. Why would you? After everything he's said and done to you. 
"Do not mock me."
He was growing desperate, he had to get the words out, to tell you how he truly feels. He had to make things right. 
"I'm not. I'm trying to tell you that I love y–"
"Get out." You cut him short, face contorted with anger, refusing to hear any more lies out of his mouth. 
Azriel froze at the command in your voice, the hurt hiding beneath. You had every right to be mad at him, to not trust him. What was he expecting? For you to receive him with open arms? That he would tell you how he felt and you would reciprocate? Of course you wouldn't. And he deserved as much. So if you wanted him to leave you alone, he would respect your wishes. He would find a way to make things right, and maybe someday you may be willing to forgive him. 
"I'm sorry." Was all he offered before shutting the door behind him. 
For days I have been successfully avoiding the Shadow Singer, spending most of my time curled up in my room or at Amren’s place. It was easier that way, not to talk about it, not to think about the chaotic mess my mind was in, between the nightmares, and the dreams of wildfire and the smell of pine, and those weird marks…yet somehow Azriel’s face always managed to pop up in my head. Either sad, looking down at me with red rimmed eyes, or extremely angry. Sometimes I think I could taste his rage. 
“Don’t give up just yet, please.” “I’ll fight for you.” I kept hearing his voice as well, the same words on repeat for days on end. All these thoughts all at once made my head spin and hurt. 
I didn’t know what to make of it all, in one hand he had indeed spent the last three weeks locked up in my room, looking after me in my sleep — This was confirmed by Cassian a few nights ago;— but on the other hand it was the same Azriel who had hated me the last hundred years or so, making fun of me, degrading me, insulting me. It was hard to believe he actually cared about my well being…maybe it was a thing of the mating bond, but then again, I wasn’t quite sure what that meant. 
“You know,” Amren started from her place on the couch where she was currently honing already sharp looking blades “it’s not that I don’t appreciate my apprentice coming to spend time at my house, but you can’t avoid him forever.” 
I dropped the berry I was about to pop into my mouth and gaped at her. It was the very first time Amren had made a comment about it, she didn’t usually  mingle in other people’s business. 
She rolled her eyes, returning to her work.  “I know he’s been acting like a self-entitled ass around you, but you should have seen the look on his face when they stopped your heart. I don’t think I’ve seen pain so raw in somebody’s eyes until then. And the rage…he split his hand open punching Rhysand for agreeing to it.”
The ringing in my ears was so loud I couldn’t hear anything else, my heart was beating frantically inside my chest and I couldn’t do anything but stare at her, stunned. They had stopped my heart, I had died. 
At my silence, she turned to look at me again, realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. 
“You didn’t know…” she mused, “You were gone kid, your essence wiped away. It felt like the whole House had gone quiet, muted, dull. We all felt it, I can only imagine what it must have felt like for him, your mate.” 
“I…” My mouth felt paper dry, my mind dizzy. I didn’t even know what I wanted to say. 
“You should talk to him, yell at him for all he’s done if you like, but go talk to him.” 
Cassian had refused to tell me where Rhys and Azriel had gone for the day, but it was already late and there was no sign of them. I could've asked Feyre but the truth is I didn't feel like visiting the River House any time soon. Not with the memories of the Solstice's party still fresh in my mind. 
Mor had gone out to Rita's again so I found myself alone in the house, anxious and bored. I had planned to talk to Azriel today, not entirely sure how to initiate that conversation and obviously not even damn close to figure out what I felt. But Amren was right, I had to talk to him, it was long due and we needed to get a lot of things out of our chests. It wasn't going to be easy, or nice. 
I needed a temporary distraction, something to get my mind off things in the meanwhile and calm my nerves, so I made myself a cup of tea, grabbed one of those romance books Nesta kept recommending  and wandered to the living room. To my surprise, Lucien was there; had returned from wherever Rhys had sent him last. 
He smiled upon seeing me as I took a seat across from him. 
"Nice to see you recovering well Y/N.'' Lucien offered. "I heard what happened and I'm sorry" 
I waved a dismissive hand at him, opening the book. "I'm ok now, some wounds still hurt like a bitch, but Madja said it was going to take a while for the muscle to fully stitch itself together again." 
"I see,"
No one spoke again for a while after that, I appreciated it. I delved into the book for a good half of an hour, only realizing then that it was much more stemier than I had anticipated. Not really the kind of reading I was in the mood for. I put the book down at my lap and pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping Vanserra hadn't notice my choice in books.
I took a glance at him, already feeling my cheeks heating up. The sight got me forgetting about the book for a moment.
I couldn't help staring, the way the fire light catched on his hair, bathing him in a warm golden glow. Beautiful. Lucien was beautiful. 
He smiled without lifting his eyes from the book, and spoke in a soft, sensual voice; "We shouldn't cross that line again." 
No, we shouldn't. I wouldn't. I thought to myself, but chose to say "I don't know what you're talking about." 
I averted my gaze back to my own reading. He chuckled low. 
Yes, Lucien was a very handsome male and some years ago I even found myself falling for his charm, although my dreams were still haunted by beautiful hazel eyes. It didn’t escape me why someone like Elain would fall for Azriel’s beauty, it was wrong but…there was no comparing them. 
"You're beautiful," he said. 
The bond in my chest tingled, as if in recognition of a presence. Azriel had to be nearby. I went slightly still and out of the corner of my eye I peeked into the darkness beyond the hallway. I couldn't see him so much as sense him. 
"Lucien..." I warned. 
 He still went on, "but you're mated now, and you're avoiding him because he's the only one with the power to break your heart. Always has been." 
I didn't dare look at the shadows again. 
"How long have you loved him?" 
Entire lifetimes. 
I sighed and closed the book, ready to call it a night. When I got to my room he was already waiting, sitting on the floor against my door, hands covering his face. 
"Hey," I greeted, clearing my throat. He shut to his feet almost immediately. His hair was a little disheveled as if he had just flown inside the house, there were still dark circles under his eyes. 
"Hi," he replied, moving aside in case I wanted to enter my room. I didn't, I came to stand next to him instead, resting my back on the wall. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I swear. It's just…Rhys found this and gave it to me, I thought you may want it back." 
Azriel extended the little black box I was supposed to give him at Solstice. The ribbon was gone, so I guessed he looked inside and found the handwatch. It was a beautiful piece, fully black except for its center, blue, the same material as his siphons. The numbers carved in the stone were opac black —obsidian stone—, the only strong enough material to resist the power that would flow through the siphon. I had carved those numbers myself. It was a small carefully crafted fraction of my power. 
"It looks expensive," Azriel added, scratching the back of his neck. I still didn't take the box from his hand. 
"I don't want it back. I had it made for you. It's yours, you can do whatever you want with it." 
At my refusal, he met my eyes again, searching for any indicators of doubt. He lowered his hand. 
"It 's beautiful." He whispered. "Why would you bother with something like this for me?" 
I shrugged. "For old times sake, I guess." I laughed, though there was no humor behind it. "I thought it may be nice. I know you don't like your hands, you hide them all the time, but I don't think you should. What was done to you was a horrible thing, that doesn't mean that your scars are. I think they're proof of your resilience and strength, you survived. And that's beautiful. So I thought I could give you something to help bring out the beauty of your hands, so you could show them proudly." 
Azriel didn't say anything, he just blinked and stared at the box in his hand. 
"Also, it goes well with that navy blue button up you wore to Rhys' birthday." I felt my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "Sounds stupid now that I said it out loud." 
He came closer and looked at me with an emotion I could not recognize, but it made my heart flutter. 
"I don't deserve it, but I will. I promise I'll become someone worthy of wearing it." 
The promise he'd made was of something far greater than the watch, than any gift. He stood there promising to be better, for us. I couldn't even grasp the idea of it, for there was still weariness in my heart. 
I swallowed the small lump in my throat and nodded, wanting to change the subject. "So is everything ok with Rhys now? Amren told me what happened." 
His body tensed for a moment and then he let out a long breath. "Yeah, everything is fine now. We talked it through." He cleared his throat. "Actually, we just came back from the Day Court." 
It was my turn to tense now. I hadn't spoken to Helion since I took the offer, Rhys was probably dealing with it. 
"Was it about me?" 
Azriel nodded. "Helion's been asking about you and insisting you'd be safer at his Court. Rhys told him you needed more time, that as of the time being you were still a member of the Night Court." 
Two heartbeats passed in silence between us. "I didn't know you were leaving." He admitted in a sad whisper. 
"To be honest, I've completely forgotten about it these past few days. It's been kind of a hurricane inside my brain lately." 
"Why did you want to leave?" 
"A fresh start sounded nice. I have no history with Helion so he wouldn't feel obligated to over-pay me for my work. An honest way to earn my living. Plus the library there was breath-taking. " 
"If it is about what I said that time, it wasn't true. Rhys doesn't feel obligated to anything and you do earn every copper you make." 
"It 's not. I've been thinking about it for a while." I took a sidelong glance at him. "What do you think I should do?" 
The question seemed to take him by surprise. "I can't be objective about it." 
"Why not?" 
"Because I don't think I can be away from you." 
There. The words hung heavy between us, the air was charged with emotion and I couldn't breathe properly. There were so many things I wanted to say, yet none came to mind. Did he really mean that? In what way? What about Elain? 
Every instinct in my mind screamed bullshit, a few weeks ago he was oh so enamored with the middle Archeron sister that it made me sick, and now he couldn't stay away from me? And what about before, with Mor? Or when he was too busy to even acknowledge me? 
I took a deep breath. For how long have I wanted to hear him say that he cared? That he wanted me as I wanted him? Centuries maybe. So why did it make me angry now? I felt like suffocating again. I needed to breathe, to calm the raging thoughts in my head and cool down. We were going to have this conversation, but I couldn't do it here when I felt like the already narrow hall was closing in on me. 
"I need some air." I said getting off the wall and walking to the stairs. Maybe the cool breeze of the city would blow some clarity into my mind. 
When I noticed he hadn't moved I asked over my shoulder, "aren't you coming?" 
An open invitation, and a little piece of hope that it wasn't over. That whatever lay between us could be saved. He followed a moment later, no questions asked. 
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