#but even THAT didn't help and now I'm just like FRICK
Me: Alright we’re Goin Thru It rn so let’s maybe try and unwind with a nice movie, you haven’t done that for a few weeks
Me, 11 minutes into it: *incredibly more depressed and distraught than before*
#i talk#*SIGHS LOUDLY*#This is gonna be way too TMI and frankly way too gloomy for my normal posts but I've gotta just braindump for a sec#I'm watching When Marnie Was There again and I'm just like. frick.#I really do need to get the hell out of dodge and just like.#be somewhere else in another country for a while#no work no responsibilities no nothing#I just want to wander and explore and just do whatever the frick#I wish I'd done that before getting this apartment I would've had more money and wouldn't have a lease or whatever#now it's like. well if I bounce for a month I'm literally burning a stupid amount of money PLUS rent money#I dunno I'm just venting my thoughts here#I genuinely do feel like I need to just get away for a month or I'm going to Legitimately Lose It#I did my [location redacted] wandering for over 5 hours today plus a lil retail therapy#PLUS Pkmn Go event day stuff#which usually boosts my mood so much#but even THAT didn't help and now I'm just like FRICK#I dunno I'm genuinely hitting a wall and it's making me so mad#I finally have a stable job with benefits and an apartment#but money is still an issue and I"m still stressed and sad and I'm not happy!!! what the frick!!!#like what the frick is it gonna take at this point!!!#blah blah blah healing is linear blah blah but you'd think after all these years I'd at least be a LITTLE happier#I dunno man. I'm just so tired of being frustrated and sad all the time#I want to draw and write and hang out with my friends and be there for them#but I just don't have the bandwith#also please don't take this post as an invitation to give unsolicited advice#I'm legitimately just braindumping for my own sake because it helps#it also helpos future me when I look back on this kind of stuff#anyways#ask to tag I guess
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
Remember when u wrote batbro who's Australian? Now u HAVE TO do Italian! This time with Italian toddler batbro, please little Italian people with their small hand gestures are so funny and so fricking adorable to me I'm tearing up just thinking about it
Yeah, Italians are funny and adorable, but I think it would work better if it's a teen instead of a toddler, so I have to modify that part, I just think it would fit better. Also, 1.3k, thank you guys and yes, I know this is a little bit short, but I do want to get this out for you guys. Also, Italians are my neighboring country lol, so if any Italians are reading this, hi!
Summary: (Y/N) is Italian. The family can't deal with him.
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Bruce, yet again, found out he had another biological child. Another son. Bruce loved his sons, but he could get a daughter for once. Someone who was less chaotic to a certain degree. Turns out, when Bruce had a one night stand with an Italian model, she got pregnant and she didn't say anything to Bruce about his son for 13 years.
Bruce found out when she was put in jail. Bruce didn't know what happened, but he was more numb from the news that he has another son. Not to mention, man with a heavy Italian accent calling him in the middle of the night telling him about his son and Bruce having to call his lawyers...
The amount of paperwork that it took for Bruce to bring (Y/N) to America is nuts. Sure, you have to make sure that both governments know where the child is. The amount of connections Bruce had to pull just to get (Y/N) to the USA is actually insane. Thankfully, (Y/N) would soon get his citizenship and he would be able to keep his Italian citizenship.
Thankfully, both the US and Italy allow people to have multiple citizenships so (Y/N) could go back to Italy without any problems. Bruce and the others need to get visas. (Y/N) laughed at them when he heard that.
But hey, when they go to Italy, they will have a translator. And it's incredible to listen to (Y/N) not knowing English really. They weren't mocking him by any means, but they were crying of laughter a few times when there was some English problems.
But there were another things they didn't know about Italians. For example, (Y/N) was touchy in conversations. And he was closer to them, more in their space. None of them minded them, it was actually nice how closer he was to them because Americans prefer to keep their distance it seems.
And a thing that seemed like are they European or gay thing is the fact they have their little pecks on the cheek. It wasn't anything intimate by any means and it's a way to say hi to guests. Men do it as well so it wasn't gay per say... But then again... Bruce knew that Italy had a different way than Americans.
And by God, (Y/N) had so many cultural shocks. So many. The sizes of food in America... And (Y/N) will forever fight the notion that pineapple belongs on the pizza. He shall defend his Italian heritage and cuisine.
Also, while on the topic of the sizes, everything in America is huge. Cars, buildings... (Y/N) thought that in a way it lacked warmth. And (Y/N) didn't even want to think about the prices of medication and healthcare here. He knows that Bruce is rich, but still... My God.
Another thing was the fact that kind of annoyed Bruce and Alfred was the amount of espressos that (Y/N) can drink in a day. Tim loved him a lot for it, but Bruce and Alfred weren't so happy. So many espressos wasn't really helpful. But hey.
But one iconic thing that can make you tell who is an actual Italian or not, is the famous hand gesture. They still remember the time when (Y/N) was talking on the phone with a family member who lives in Italy and it seemed that the entire family was on the other side of the phone.
He was talking fast, phone on his ear while he was going to the kitchen to drink some water and get some snacks. They all watched in silence as (Y/N) talked loudly, even as he was opening the fridge for some snacks.
And that's when they saw it. The famous hand gesture, in between some passionate talk about something and yelling over the phone. He seemed annoyed, but there was a smile on the teen's face as he was talking.
Once he was finished, he joined his family at the table. Jason has decided to learn Italian. Bruce has silently agreed. Damian was already prepared to learn. Basically, the entire family has decided to learn Italian and help (Y/N) with English in return.
Another thing that made adapting to the American culture more difficult was the fact that talking and kind of interrupt one you are talking too. In Italy, that is not really considered rude since they are passionate about talking and just overall talking over.
In America, that is considered rude. He didn't like it that much, but understood. People won't like him that much and he would be considered a rude person if he interrupts other people. His family understood that it's not easy, but hey. You adapt to the culture and move on.
But still, it hurt a little bit.
And (Y/N) never understood one thing as well. Something called Italian Americans. He couldn't comprehend calling yourself Italian American, but you don't speak Italian and you are not connected to the culture of your other part. It was weird to him. No hate towards them, but to him it was weird. How can you call yourself a person who belongs to a certain culture if you don't know it?
But hey, no hate. As long as they don't insult Italy and the Italian culture, no hate.
And one more thing that no one prepares you for is the fact that you miss your home country. Despite Alfred doing the best Italian dishes known to men, but it just didn't taste the same. It didn't have that taste of Italy. Yes, it sounds weird, but it's true. Italy is one hell of a country with a rich history.
Oh the nostalgia is a worst feeling ever. Sure, it makes you feel happy and remember the great times you had., but sad at the same time. Bruce saw it, he wasn't blind.
He was sad for his son. So what does Bruce do? Summer holidays are approaching and Bruce had one great idea for everyone. 2 weeks in Italy, all paid for. He just needed to tell (Y/N) when and where they will be going.
And Bruce told him a few moments later, (Y/N) screamed from happiness and jumped into Bruce's arms, hugging him like a koala bear.
" Grazie Bruce! " (Y/N) screamed. Bruce didn't mind the use of his first name because (Y/N) was still getting used to the fact that he has a dad.
" Ti amo Bruce. " (Y/N) said as he stood back down at the floor. Bruce smile widely as he knew exactly what first two words meant.
" Love you too son. "
(Y/N) let out a woo as he went back to his room. Oh he will stuff himself with all of the Italian food he can eat and find. And he will go to Rome and the Vatican. No one is going to stop him. And not to mention, he will have to visit his family. They would never forgive him by any means and you don't want to piss off an Italian family.
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cheianimatez · 5 months
Doubts (Gaming x GN!Reader) (SAGAU IMPOSTER AU)
(Might be a bit OOC, pls correct me 🥲)
Gaming's body froze, you knew his name. He lowered his weapon, his doubts coming back to his mind. Ever since everyone was given an order to kill the "imposter" by their "Divine Creator", he thought "Why the heck would we hunt someone just because they have the same face as them, that's a bit cliche 🫤", but he can't defy his god, for he fears punishment.
But you, you knew his name, like you personally knew him, unlike the one on the throne.
"You're not going to kill me...?"
His thoughts got interrupted by your voice, sensing fear in it. He sighed.
"Honestly, despite everyone claims you impersonated Our Grace, you never did anything wrong at all. You also knew my name, unlike the one on the throne who didn't knew me at all, or maybe anyone else"
You looked at him, your fear dwindling down but still kept your guard.
"Yeah, probably that. In fact, I literally appeared here, then everyone started hunting me, like bro, do I look like I'm going to do some heinous crimes that they don't think their Grace or whatever the heck they call them would do?"
Gaming tried his best to hold his laugh. Somehow, even in tough times, you surprisingly have humor (even speaking his language /j). Maybe that kept you sane while you're being hunted down or something.
Then they heard voices. It's the Milileth. Gaming looked at the "imposter", suddenly feeling bad for them.
And that's when he decided to be against the order, deciding his own fate by himself
"Hey, what are you- UHH WHAT THE F--"
Gaming them immediately gave you a glare to shut you up.
"Oi, quiet! I'm going to help this time because who the frick would order people to kill someone just because they have the same face as them?!"
You looked at him in disbelief. He's helping you? But I guess you should be grateful this time, the last time someone helped you is Bennett, Fischl, Razor, and Mona helping you to escape Mondstadt, then you got killed by the Acting Grandmaster Jean, returned home to your world, then managed improved your life there until you fell asleep at the end of the day, only to find yourself you respawned in Liyue, and now the Milileth, the Qixing, heck even the Geo broke ahh grandpa Archon started chasing you! And I guess I could say it's enough for you to slowly develop distrust against anyone. Until this guy started to help you.
"I'm going to take you to my house. My father will probably understand my doubts of this... order..."
You stayed silent as Gaming carried you on the back away from the hunters, safely hidden from them.
"You know, I really wanted to go home. I had known these types of events that would happen in this world when I came, but I half didn't expect this sht would happen to me. I don't want godhood, I don't want to become a god higher than the Archon, I don't like how really submissive but blind these people are when it comes to faith on their beloved "Creator". All I wanted is a perfectly normal life, here in Teyvat, and now I wanted to go back home because of what I suffered..."
Okay, now he felt really bad. You didn't deserved this! He felt thankful for following his guts.
"Anyways, Gaming, did you know I actually laughed at your voiceline about your troubles? Like the way you said "How much?!" and "I'm not paying for a few extra wet wipes!" got me rolling! Oh, and your thoughts on Qiqi, it's so wholesome! I'm glad Qiqi gets the respect she deserves..."
To be honest, when he brought you to his house, he is already flustered about how much you knew him, praised him, heck even he heard you said a lot people from your world liked him because of his personality. Gaming could feel like jumping to the atmosphere, he felt being recognized.
Meanwhile, you feel your trust coming back again, and it's directed towards the guy whom everyone in the fandom called him the "sunshine boi".
And you're quite thankful that he's not blind like those rodents (blinder than Dora the Explorer lol 💀)
"You know, I feel... happy about how much you knew me and praised me. I feel recognized unlike Our Grace for not answering our prayers."
"Anyways, want some dim sum? 😃"
Yo, this is my first time writing a one shot in Tumblr. I usually write the stories on my notebook at school, and maybe sometimes post in Wattpad (I'm barely active there anymore, just only used it for reading purposes-)
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lizzieislife94x · 7 months
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My New Boss (e.o)
Requested <3 LizziexFem Reader GxG Legal age gap 🤭 y/n is 22 lizzie is 34
Did ya miss me 😏😏 sorry for not updating haha had a shitty few weeks I'm currently hungover so fricking bad so thought I'd give yall a one shot gonna try and update a few so send me requests  please I go on holiday in 10 daya so gonna try and update a few before then ✌🏻
Y/ns POV:
I look over to my roommate June who has a huge smirk on her face "what it's 7am why are you smirking at me" I say rolling my eyes as I grab my cup of coffee "someone's looking all cute and sexy for her boss" I don't even need to look at her I can hear her smirk "no, no" i start as I look down at my outfit a simple cute shirt with a shortish skirt and some simple black heels "this is just smart work clothes" I huff as she laughs "yeah yeah I've seen your boss and that is one hot milf" I frown "she doesn't have kids dickhead" she walks towards me placing her hands on my shoulders "maybe not but she's 34 and you're 22 she's 12 years older" I pull away and put my coffee cup in the dishwasher "I don't like her like that" I lie to myself and my roommate "I just admire her and somewhat look up to her she's always been nice to me that's it" I say as I make my way to the front door "now I gotta go or I'll be late" with that I quickly make my way to my car to start the short journey to work.
As I walk in and swipe my card I smile and greet the reception workers "morning ladies" I say with a smile as I make my way up towards my bosses office my heart beating a little faster as I stop and knock "come in" I hear her loud but sweet voice as I make my way inside "good morning miss olsen" I swear as she looks up her face lights up "well good morning y/n you look great today" she smiles as she places her pen down giving me her full attention "uh thank you, you too miss olsen" I blush playing with my fingers "that skirt is gonna have alot of eyes on you y/n" she speaks with a tone to her voice maybe jealousy no why would she be I clear my throat and straighten  my skirt "I uh I'm sorry I didn't think it would be inappropriate miss olsen ill stick to pants" I say feeling my cheeks burn as I look into her eyes she has her bottom lip captured in her teeth "I think you should stick to the skirts you look extremely sexy" I feel my heart racing at her words "why don't you go grab us both a coffee and then ill give you work for the day not sure what needs done at the moment" I nod and turn to rush to the kitchen to pour 2 cups of coffee making my way back as quickly as possible "here you go miss olsen" I say as I place her coffee on the table as she gives me her adorable bright smile "please take a seat y/n" I sit as she looks at me "so you've been here 2 months now how are you finding it" she asks as she takes a sip of her coffee what sounds like a moan leaving her lips "I've absolutely loved it everyone is so friendly and made me feel so welcome, I have a great boss and great co workers what more can a girl want in a job" I smile as I hold my coffee in both in hands "that's great I'm glad you're loving it im hoping you stick around you're the best assistant/worker I've had working by in a long time you get the work done properly" I can't help smile like a fool as she praises me "oh I am indeed loving it and the people are great a few of the girls around the office invited me to a night out on Friday so I'm glad to be included" she frowns slightly as she tilts her head "a night out huh with drinking and stuff" she asks taking me by surprise as I nod sipping my coffee "well maybe I'll join you ladies" I almost chock on my coffee as my eyes widen, no fuck I can't have her near me or see me when I'm drunk what if I make a move or day something stupid and loose my job fuck "hey y/n where did you go, that wouldn't be a problem would it?" I try to compose myself as I sit straight "oh uh no that won't be a problem you are more than welcome to join us  ill find out the details from the girls at lunch and ill let you know when and where" I smile kicking myself inside "great ill look forward to it" she smirks as she says it, fuck why does she look so good "can you take these files and copy them that should take you to lunch" she says as she pushes a pile of files I smile and get to work.
8 hours later:
I sigh slamming myself onto the couch as I get texts from 2 of the girls asking why I invited the boss I quickly inform them it was an accident as I throw my phone one the couch "damn was work that bad you look like shit" I hear June say as she plops down beside me I groan and look at her "lizzie was asking how I was finding the job and we where chatting and I told her I have a night out with the girls from work on Friday and now she's coming to I can't drink alcohol around her you know how I am, ill either think fuck it and make a move or I'll tell her something stupid" I rant as she laughs slightly "hey y/n calm down it will be OK here's what to do find a girl, drink and dance and have fun maybe get a kiss or two and you'll be fine if you have your attention on a cute girl you won't do anything stupid" I think for a second and sigh "yeah I guess you're right" i say standing up and I go to my room to get changed into shorts and a vest trying not to think about the night out in days.
AN: I genuinely hope this makes sense I feel it doesn't I wasn't planning on making it 2 parts but it was long before I even had a chance to put smut so the next part will be smut with a cheeky little night out with the boss 🤭 I hope yall are doing amazing! Remember drink water and stay hydrated babes 💗 😘 requestes are open as always, word count 1.2k
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anastasiahere · 2 months
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➵ Confession..
Here, Mc (y/n) and sylus have known each other for 6 years and she had finally decided to tell him she loves him (or maybe he confesses? 🖤)
Type: fluff ♡
-Author note: English isn't my first language please excuse me if there are any mistakes. All my work is for 15 and above.
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I had finally returned back to linkon city after I had to go to another city to fight wanderers there. I missed everything here. But what I actually did miss more is that bastard's face..
Who knew he was very good at comforting people. He had been more gentler to me when I was stressed about some of the wanderer fights and how I couldn't get enough sleep. He even said he would visit me but he knew he can't be seen with you. He doesn't care if he is seen but it's for my safety and job. He told me to sleep and he'll take care of the wanderers and surprisingly he did.
Every time I told myself I won't fall for him but I fricking tripped over a non-ending stair. (She kept falling forever for him, that's the meaning I want to say.)
As soon as I got off the train, linkon city's breeze hit my face. It was refreshing. As I walked to a coffee shop to get a drink for my before going home I saw a familiar face.
"Oh hello kitten." He smiled in his usual cocky face.
He was paying for some drinks but why did he have 2 cups? Is he going to drink that alone?
"Stop staring at the cups. One is for you." He said as he gave a cup to me. His long fingers touch my seemingly smaller ones as he gave the cup to me. I couldn't help the slight blush that formed on my cheek. I'm sure sylus noticed but didn't say anything about it.
"Wait how did you know I was coming back today?" I suddenly said as I remember how weird our situation is right now.
He just smirks at me before humming in response. As I try to move my hand away from his I suddenly realize something. Our evols acted up again.
"Not again.."
"What? I thought you liked it since it recently when it does this the duration is longer."
"Shut up."
I'm pretty sure my face is almost burning right now..
"Now I have to stay at your place. I wanted to go back and relax" I whined.
"I can help you relax in many ways sweetie. One of them is my bed." He said as his face went closer to mine.
I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath until he backed away again.
I couldn't help the way my eyes hovered away from him to try to cool this burning feeling in my heart.
——————。 ゚꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚———————
As we sat on his bed silently as he was watching auctions on his phone, our hands still linked I couldn't help but have an idea. I wanted to try to prank him I was bored anyway. It wouldn't hurt right?
I began gradually breathing heavily. As if something was wrong with me. I tried so hard not to laugh and ruin my work.
"You alright sweetie? You are breathing heavily." He said, in a playful tone at first. But as she didn't reply and breathed even heavily, he frowns.
"Hey slow down your breathing." He said as I felt his hand on my back soothing me. My mind was going hazy, from him and from actually how I was heavily breathing. Maybe it was a bad idea-
Before I can tell him it's a prank I feel my self lifted off and on his lap. His hand surprisingly gentle as he guided my head to rest on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was kind of fast but I did actually slow down on my breathing involuntarily. How could I not when he is doing this?
Although my breathing slowed down, my heart did not. It almost felt as if drums were played in a rock concert. Everything around me went quiet. All my senses focused on him.
"Don't breath so heavily like that. I don't want to lose you again." He breathed against my neck. My body shivered as I felt his breath, I didnt know if I should tell him to give me some space or stay like this. But I'm sure my body wants him close. Our evol linkage seemed to glow more but both of us didn't care about it now.
"What do you mean lose me again?" I whispered. Since I felt the tension was so low I felt the need to talk in a low tone.
"Don't..mind it. Just stay quiet." He whispered back. His hand rubbed my back in a soothing matter that I felt so sleepy.
And eventually I did sleep in his arms. I have never felt this safe and comforted in a long while..
"I love you." I suddenly had the courage to tell him. I didn't think that there would be any good situation other than this to tell him.
His arms hugged me tightly.
"I love you always and forever, Y/n."
———————。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚——————
Thanks for reading :D
Please like if you liked this ^^
*Do not repost on any other place without credit.*
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Visiting the dentist
Rodrigo was really not looking forward to this day. He had a dentist appointment today and really didn't want to go - but his tooth ache was getting worse every day.
He hated going to the dentist with a passion. Everything about it was just painful or disturbing. No one should be allowed to operate a fricking drill inside his mouth! Even imagining the noise, it would produce made the hairs on his neck stand up in terror.
Standing in the cold winter air in front of the dentist's office made the pain in his mouth even worse, but he struggled whether to enter or just screw it and drive home immediately.
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It was no use - on a rational level he knew the pain would only get worse. He sighed and entered the dental office. It was warmer in there, which was good. After hanging up his coat, he didn't actually have to wait long. There were no other patients in the waiting area, which was probably because of the time of day. Rodrigo was an author, so he had the luxury of being able to make appointments like this when other people were at work.
He was a little surprised though, as the person who entered the room after him was not the old woman who was torturing his teeth the last time, but a young and reasonably attractive man, who immediately shook his hand. Rodrigo could very much imagine that man not in a doctors coat but on a beach somewhere, just standing and looking good.
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"Hi! I'm Garret, how are you feeling today?"
"Fine", Rodrigo lied, and added: "What happened to Dr. Shaffer?"
"Oh, she retired - actually two years ago! You haven't been here for a while?" Garret answered with a warm smile.
Rodrigo shook his head. "No. To be quite honest I don't like the dentist very much. Not you in particular Dr..."
"Just Garret is fine", Garret said.
"Dr. Garret.", Rodrigo continued, "But the whole place just gives me the creeps."
"No worries!" Garret laughed. "I don't know too many people who actually enjoy visiting the dentist. So, Rodrigo, what brings you to us today?"
Rodrigo didn't know if he was comfortable with the doctor being so first-name-basis with him but went along with it anyway. "Right, so, my teeth are aching, and it's really painful by now. I probably should have come sooner, but,..."
Garret interrupted him. "No worries. Let's just have a look and fix you up. Please get on the chair and open your mouth."
Rodrigo gulped and sat on the clean black faux leather dentist chair. This is where the hell began.
Garret carefully probed around in Rodrigos mouth, using his gloved hand to do so. After a while, he sighed and said:
"Well, there's a whole lot of caries in there I'm afraid. I can start to remove it right away, but it won't be pleasant."
"Ugh." Was all that Rodrigo was able to get out.
"There is another alternative, though. It's a bit more costly but it comes with additional perks. We can fix your teeth entirely painlessly by a new procedure. You will be better than new!"
"Painless sounds good. Okay, I'll take it. What do I have to do?"
"Great choice, Rodrigo. This procedure is really quick. Please take off your shirt."
That struck Rodrigo as a strange request, but everything was better than the drill. So, he exposed his unimpressive white chest, while Garret entered a few commands into his computer.
"Alright, this will only take a few moments. Have fun!" Garret smiled. Rodrigo couldn't help but notice the tent in the doctors trousers. Did he get a boner for some reason?
Suddenly, Rodrigo felt warm. The pulsating pain in his mouth ebbed almost instantly, but the changes did not stop there! His skin cleared up and his face grew a tiny bit squarer than before. Then, the changes continued from his face downward. Suddenly, his arms inflated with muscles, as well as his chest. His shoulders widened and his frame became way more masculine. It didn't expand to bodybuilder-like proportions, but he became way beefier than before. His abs became more defined as well. On his chest, a slight coating of hair grew in, and his skin tone became a healthy shade of tanned pink. Inside his pants, he could feel his pelvis growing wider and packing on meat, as well as his legs, which became stronger and fitter as well. Even his feet expanded a good one or two shoe sizes!
Last, but finally not least, Rodrigo felt his cock increase in size as well. It felt like getting hard, and he probably also was - but the final size of his stiff cock was considerably larger than what he measured before.
In just a few minutes, Rodrigo had been improved all over - including, but certainly not limited to, a whole new set of teeth, which were new and healthy as they could be. Full of wonder, he looked up to Garret, only to find that the other man had gotten rid of his own shirt as well and bent down to him, smiling and asking:
"Care to try out the full package before you leave?"
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Security part 2
There will also be a part 2 with an alternative ending!
Alex POV
I was sitting, talking to Christen, Tobin, and Megan when I heard the door open and saw Kelley enter. She took one look at me before she turn and went to join the table with the youngsters.
"What's going on between you and Kelley? You guys haven't spoke since practice yesterday" Megan asked looking at me
"We've spoken"
"Like two words" Tobin said
"We just don't agree on something, she'll get over it" I said looking over a Kelley who was glaring at me
That enough, I thought. I don't need Kelley attitude giving it away.
"Let's go talk" I said looking at her as she slowly followed me outside the room and down the hallway.
"What's your problem?"
"You know what my problem is" Kelley said with attitude
"You aren't still talking about (y/n) are you?" I asked causing Kelley to continue to glare at me as she responded "of course I'm still mad at you for that. You should go see her and say sorry. Let her met the real you, not the scared one. You may never get the chance to after this surgery. I mean it fricking heart surgery, she could died for all we know. And that's how you want to leave things with your daughter? You calling security on her?"
I stare at Kelley for a minute and as I felt all the emotions I've felt that I've pushed away reach me.
"She doesn't need me, she has her mom" I said sadly turning to walk away from her
"That's not what it looked like yesterday. She wanted to meet you. That seems like she wanted you in her life"
"Kelley! Don't you get it! I gave her up! I lost any right I had to be her mom or apart of her life that day." I said as tears reached my eyes that I quickly wiped
"You are the kid's mom?" I heard causing me to quickly turn and see Ash and Ali standing their in shock
"You aren't wrong, you did give up your right to be her mom. You didn't however give up your rights to be a part of her life, especially if she reached out to you" ash said
"I have to fix this" I said
"And we will help you" Ali said —————————————————
I ran as fast as I could to through the hospital, looking for (y/n) or her mom. I had to make it to her before her surgery, I had to let her know I was sorry.
I felt my lungs burn as ran, dodging people and things as I went. Ignoring the shouts to slow down or stop running. My only thought was to her reach her.
I round the corner and felt my heart rate increase even more and I felt sick to my stomach at the sight in front of me.
(Y/n) mom was in tears as the doctor held her.
"No, my baby" I hear her cry out repeatedly as the doctor continued to comfortable her.
I felt my throat tighten, as the realization of this means hit me. I'm too late. She already in surgery and she didn't make it. I'll never get to talk to her, build a relationship with her, see her grow up
The first sob ripped through my body as I fell to the ground with tears starting to fall down my face.
"I didn't make" I sobbed out as I felt someone pull me them as I felt there tears fall on to my shoulder
"I'm too late" I continue turning to look at who is holding them. I looked to see Kelley holding me as tears feel down her face as she looked at me.
"Alex" I heard Allie say as she gentle help me to my feet as (y/n) mom made her way to us with tears streaming down her face
She looked at me with a look of disgust.
"Now you decide to show up. Once she dead. You couldn't have figured this out yesterday after you called security on her or this morning before she went into surgery. To think that when I signed her adoption papers and made the amendment that if someday you realized your mistake of giving up a wonderful daughter. That I would give her back. You parents thought for sure that I would have her two years max. That you would come back for your daughter. How wrong we were." She said said causing more tears to come to my eyes as she put reality in to perspective for me.
I had know I could take her back, but I never did. I selfishly put soccer over my daughter. I put my life before my daughters.
"You know, she went into that surgery thinking you didn't love her. That's she was a mistake and should have never been born. I worked years to get those thoughts out of her head when she was younger and it took one conversation with you to pull them all back. I held her as she cried over it last night. A night that should have been calm and maybe full of nerves for her surgery today. You did that Alex and now you have to live with that for the rest of your life" she said as more tears fell down my face as angry rose in me as she walked away with the doctor
Angry at all my decisions, angry for making a young girl feel like a mistake, angry for never realizing what I gave up.
"Alex" Kelley said gently and I knew she was worried for my reaction
"We should go" Tobin said moving slowly to help guide me out but as soon as her and Kelley touched me, all my angry exploded
"DONT" I yelled shoving there hands away
"I fucked up" I said angrily pushing them away I went to move away from them, not sure to where I was heading
"I fucked when I gave her up! I continued to fuck over the years but not getting her back. I fucked up by calling security on her." I said angrily at them as I saw everyone worried faces, most of them having tears coming down there faces
"I managed to fuck up by not getting her in enough time to tell her I've always loved her. That my biggest regret was never getting her back. Now it's to late" I mumbled as all the anger left me and numbing feeling took over my body.
I would never forgive myself for this.
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yadchi-i-guess · 5 months
Deal with the Devil(s)
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By Yadchi (I guess)
Electric Shock AU by @leefl00f
So basically Uzi asks Lizzy for a favor, and after some convincing, the queen bee accepts. Anything for her girlfriend, after all...
SFW tickle fic!
Word count: 2,127
Uzi was in a bad mood.
Granted, most days she was in a bad mood, what with getting older and stuff, but today she was particularly sour. And everyone was gonna know about (or be aware of) it, if it's the last thing on Copper-9 she did.
She'd refused to do any of her schoolwork, talked back to the teacher at every turn, and had chucked a dodgeball at Chad in gym class so hard he crashed into the wall. Even his friend Thad was impressed... which might've made Uzi blush a little.
At least now it was lunchtime, and the little rebel could get some real time to herself. She let her feet carry her to a desolate hallway, perfect, wide open space to let her mind wander.
Uzi settled down at the foot of a locker with a small sigh, finally able to just chill. Batteries were on the menu today in her lunchbox, and she was about to toss one in her mouth when something suddenly grazed her neck.
"Eeheheek! Wahahat the heheeck?!" She squeaked, fumbling for the mysterious little tickler as the battery bounced off her face. She pulled it off and was surprised to see Bit hadn't tagged along for the school day. It was PomPom.
"Hehey! What're you doing here, little dude?" Uzi chuckled.
Knowing that his tickles were well received, PomPom scurring around happily in his friend's hand as he was given a battery. He flashed a "TY <3" message at Uzi, whose facescreen glitched and flashed a ">:3" back.
"Having fun with that icky little pet of yours?" Someone standing over Uzi said.
"AGH! Bite me, Lizzy!" Uzi barked as she shot up and clenched her fist around PomPom. She was almost certain sometimes that Doll's girlfriend had the Solver too, with how easily she spooked her from time to time.
"Oh chillllll, you know my locker's right where you're snackin," Lizzy replied nonchalantly. She reached in for something, then looked back at Uzi, who was still eyeing her angrily.
"Not in the mood for your dumb teasing," the little drone pouted. She was just getting to feel a little better... only for Lizzy to screw it all up again.
"Sheesh, sardonic much?" Lizzy asked. "What's with the foul attitude?"
"And why would you care?"
"Dolly's your cousin, and she made it clear I can't treat you like garbage."
Uzi let out a small "hpmh" and sat back down, forcing her attention back on PomPom grooming his front legs in an attempt to ignore Lizzy. "Just bite me. Doll's the reason why I'm so upset," she said acidically.
"Seriously? Doll making you angry? That's far from a first," Lizzy said as she leaned against the locker. "What's so different about this time?"
"The fact she got away with it!" Uzi spat back. "She tickled me and teased me, and it was stupid, and I couldn't tickle her back! And I FRICKING LOST BECAUSE OF IT!"
A couple nights ago, Doll had challenged Uzi to a Mario Kart rematch to make up for Uzi cheating earlier, but the Russian drone had used the cheeky tactic employed on herself before; tickling Uzi to distract her while they were racing. She had then teleported back home right before Uzi tackled her.
Although it was a generalized rule that revenge would always occur between cousins, Uzi hadn't yet been able to get close enough to Doll and get her sweet revenge, making her typically snarky, mischievous attitude rot like an old piece of human food since then.
But that's when a little lightbulb went off in her head. The one that usually meant another one of her devious little ideas was forming, and a smirk would grow on her face.
"Hey, Lizzy," Uzi said with a gloat. "How would you-"
"Nope, this is between you and Doll," Lizzy interrupted bluntly as she turned away. Unfortunately, she didn't get far as Uzi activated [Translate] on the worker to immobilize her.
"Ohhhhh no you don't," Uzi deadpanned. "You're gonna help me get back at Doll because nothing can stop me."
"Oh, for robo-god's sake, Uzi..." Lizzy sighed as she struggled to break free (to no avail).
"Can't you give it a rest and NOT try to get revenge on her? Besides, what's in it for-"
"First of all, we're cousins, it's like siblings fighting, but you live in different houses," Uzi retorted. "Second off... I know how to make your hangout with your girlfriend betterrrrrr!"
Lizzy just blinked. Could she really trust this little weirdo to make her hangout (totally not date) more enjoyable? Frankly, not really, but she didn't have many other options.
"Go on..." she said dryly.
"Tell ya what," Uzi started to explain. "I'm gonna give you PomPom for the night. Cuddle with Doll for a bit, get really into an old human tv show or something... then let him scurry alllllll over Doll."
"And I get in return...?"
"The delightful giggling from your girlfriend."
"Ugh... and I'll wear one of the spare cheerleader outfits for the rest of the week."
"Hah!" Lizzy chuckled, satisfied. "Consider it done!"
Uzi's face lit up in pure excitement, foreseeing the absolute chaos that would unfold during their date. She released her Solver grip on Lizzy.
"Shake on it?" Uzi asked cheekily, holding out her hand. Lizzy reluctantly took her hand, relieved to see the little rebel didn't try to pull anything.
"Anything to see my girlfriend laugh," Lizzy smirked, but it melted off her face when she saw PomPom crawling on Uzi's shoulder. "But did your friend really have to be a roach...?"
"Yes, bite me," Uzi spat.
The timing could not be more perfect.
Doll came into Lizzy’s room, looking very down and somewhat filthy. She immediately went in for a hug from her popular girlfriend, something she rarely ever did.
"What's wrong, Dolly?" Lizzy asked calmly, stroking the Russian drone's stiff wig.
["Nothing..."] Doll mumbled. ["Got in a fight. Don't wanna talk about it."]
"Yeaaaah... it's ok, girlfriend," Lizzy replied brightly. "Now you have me, and we can just cuddle and be cute together!"
Doll nodded slowly. Lizzy was so good at comforting her that it was almost ridiculous. Her bright, loving disposition was simply infectious. The solver drone settled on the bed to be as close as possible, a moth drawn to her light. Her low mood was a thing of the past within minutes of turning on some human tv show from the 90s.
["This again?"] Doll muttered. ["We watched this last week..."]"Nah, pretty sure this is a..." Lizzy trailed off as she watched the intro. "Nope, never mind. It's the pilot again."
["I've never understood why they named that character 'remember'..."] Doll commented.
Lizzy hummed in reply, and 10 minutes in, she noticed Doll seemed to be very drawn into the show, to the point where she'd barely respond to a poke on the shoulder.
Operation "Revenge of the Giggles" was a go.
The blonde drone reached under her helmet and pulled out a small, wriggling mass that had been sleeping until now. She let PomPom hop off her hand and onto Doll’s head, doing a rather good job of holding in her mischievous snickering.
["What's so funny...?"] Doll asked after a solid minute.
"Ohhhhh, it's a little secret, Dolly." Lizzy replied. "And secrets are blackmail... well, until they get found out, anyway."
["Implying... Eeheheek! *hic* Whaahaht the hehehck?!"]
Lizzy simply smirked as she watched PomPom crawl around on Doll's stomach in excitement, making the solver drone curl up and cover her belly to lessen the tickles. The way Doll squealed with laughter made a wide grin spread on Lizzy’s face, just as wide as the one her girlfriend couldn't contain. It was that adorable.
"Oop! Looks like my secret's out!" Lizzy remarked mischievously.
["Lizzyyyhyhyhy! *hic* Hehehahaa!"] Doll stammered, her voice broken heavily with giggles. ["Geeheheht hihihm off meehehheee! *hic* Ehehhahaha!"]
"Hm, nah," Lizzy answered, leaning back and going on her phone. "I'm totally enjoying this more than I thought I would."
However, it wasn't long before PomPom hopped off of Doll's belly, seemingly uninterested in tickling her more. Doll rolled away to put some kind of distance between her and the bug, falling on the floor.
["Nehehever... do that to me again..."] Doll huffed, her voice still laced with giggles. ["Heeeehh... what're you looking at...?"]
"Uhm... Is PomPom supposed to be squeaking at a random wall?" Lizzy asked, watching the bug chirping at... nothing in particular.
Doll shrugged, then examined the wall as she stood. Perhaps there was a threat on the other side? PomPom sounded very... in distress, something Uzi mentioned that giggle bugs could practically smell danger throughout the whole bunker.
Then Doll spotted the vent. A small one, but it was big enough to let an infestation of bugs in and out. There were two tiny flickers of pink light. Then two more. And more. Lizzy had noticed it, too.
"Uhmm... Dolly...?" Lizzy spoke up hesitantly. "D-does PomPom have any... friends?"
["Dozens, why?"]
[Yep, that checks out], Doll thought.
However, she didn't get a response out of her mouth before more giggling came first. She looked down and saw the giggle bugs already crawling up her legs.
["No no no, nohohoho!"] Doll squealed as she curled around her stomach again. ["Hehhahaha! *hic* Nohohot ahahahgain!"]
"Doll!" Lizzy exclaimed as she perched herself on the backboard of her bed. She wasn’t having it any easier. The bugs had never tickled her before, which meant a lovely new friend. She had managed to get away, but not for long. One of the bugs jumped onto her leg and started its ascension.
"ACK! EW!" Lizzy screeched shrilly. "Get off me-eheeheee! Eheheheheee! Stahahahahap!"
Doll had enough strength to pull her head up and saw Lizzy being swarmed. It was somewhat adorable, hearing the queen bee's goofy, bubbly laughter... too bad she didn't seem to be enjoying it.
["Hehehee! *hic* just leheheheet it haaaahahappen!"] Doll advised as best she could. ["They'll stahahahp eventuallyhyhhy!"]
["I don't knohoohOHOHOHO! AAAAHAHHAA!"]
The unholy screaming that came from Doll just after she stopped laughing almost made Lizzy assume the devil had paid them a visit. The giggle bugs had started using the fuzzy fluffs on their feet and rubbed them on Doll's skin, unluckily on her death spot.
"Hehehehey!" Lizzy exclaimed at the bugs. "Leheheheve her ribs alohoohohne!"
Unfortunately, she didn't count on the bugs getting to her armpits, and she let out an unholy scream of her own.
"AAAAAAAHHAHAA! NOHOHOHOT THEEHHEEHRE!" Lizzy cackled, throwing her head back as the bugs skittered all over her. She was having such a bad time that digital tears of mirth welled up in her optics.
After what seemed like hours (in reality, it was around 7 minutes of on and off tickling), Lizzy finally got to catch a real breath as the bugs got off her body.
"Heeeeeh... hehehe... ok... that actually felt nice... heheh..." Lizzy panted. "D-doll?" ["Lizzyyyhyhyhy! Heheheheh... heheheehelp!"] Doll giggled weakly. She'd had it way worse and was way over her limit. Unfortunately, PomPom and his buddies hadn't gotten the message.
"Oh! Uh, uh..." Lizzy jumped and attempted to scare the bugs away. Given that she had the height advantage, it worked. "Shoo! Get off her! Leave her alone!"
Little by little, the giggle bugs scurried away from Doll and back into the vent, headed up by PomPom, who the worker drones had no doubt was satisfied in another job well done.
"You good, Dolly?" Lizzy asked as she helped Doll off the floor.
["I-I'll be fine..."] Doll stammered as she tried to regain her breath. ["*hic!* hff... hff...]
"Dear robo-god... I'm so sorry, girl!" Lizzy said as she pulled Doll into a hug. "If I'd known Uzi would sic this on us, I'd have never struck a deal!"
["Is ok... is ok..."] Doll replied quietly, patting her girlfriend's back. The two pulled away from each other, looking at one another up and down. Then Lizzy giggled.
"Wow. OMG," she said. "Those giggle bugs really did a number on ya! And in a good way."
Doll looked down at herself. There was no trace of dirt and filth from earlier anywhere. No wonder the giggle bugs went on her so hard.
["Ah, well..."] Doll trailed off awkwardly as she blushed. ["Heheh... they did."]
"Oh you, always being so modest," Lizzy chuckled. She leaned back on the bed. "C'mon. You need alllllll the r&r after that."
Doll nodded and laid down halfway on Lizzy, clinging softly to her as they resumed their show.
["Hey Lizzy...] Doll mumbled.
["Wanna help me get revenge on Uzi tomorrow?"]
["Thanks... what'd I do to deserve you as a girlfriend...]
The end :]
Wow, it has been a HOT MINUTE since I published a tickle fic! I really gotta get back into this, it's so fun writing murder drones fluff. <3
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Yes! Please talk more about transfem!Usopp x Nami!!! Power couple!! You think they were annoying together when they were just friends? Its ten times worse now that they're dating <3<3<3<3
Anon, I can't thank you enough. I appreciate this ask so much because they've been living in my head rent free and if I don't talk about this I might collapse. I need it. So. Thank you. Really. I'm gonna add transfem!genderfluid!Sanji and Sanuso too, by the way, to the surprise of literally no one because I am obsessed with them. It's like. My whole online personality. Sanuso, Nami and being a lesbian.
Okay, first things first, transfem!Usopp. She has a hard time realizing she's a girl and accepting it, not because she thinks it's wrong or weird, but because she's so, so focused on being the guy her father would like (Yasopp, before going away, always told Usopp (s)he'd grow up to be an amazing man like him). Usopp still admires him and she doesn't want to be a disappointment. It's kind of dumb, but she has his words in her head all the time. Not to mention that "maybe if I had been that type of boy he would've stayed with us" and also the fact that Usopp just... It feels like lying to her mom, you know? Banchina always knew she had a daughter, but Usopp didn't know yet and never found out about her mom knowing, so she thinks that being a girl now only turns the years she spent with her mom into a lie because she wasn't truly herself. Again, irrational thinking, but it keeps her from accepting she's a girl. When she hangs out with Kaya she feels way better than when she is near guys. She feels safer. At home. Maybe it's just because they're best friends, really. Maybe it's just that being in love makes you feel like this. Safe. But Kaya knows. And sometimes, when they were 15 or so, they used to get drunk without anybody else knowing. And sometimes Usopp told her how nice it'd be to be a girl. Not to wear dresses and having cute stuff like Kaya, she- She wouldn't be like that. Or maybe she would. It's kind of a mix. "If I were a girl, which- Which I'm not, but just imagine for a moment. I'd be so fricking cool, right?" / "Usopp, sweetie-" / "I'd be the coolest woman in the world! Strong. With long hair, oh God, long hair. That would suit me, wouldn't it? And okay, not dresses, because, uh- They don't look comfy. But maybe long skirts. You know that green, long skirt my mom used to wear? That one. But the point is- Hear me out. Boobs. I like yours. They're nice" / "Thank you? Usopp! Please, let me speak-" / "I wish I had boobs. I don't want girly clothes, I really like my overalls. But- But they'd look great with boobs, wouldn't they? And-" / "Usopp!" / "Wha- What?" / "First, stop drinking. You've had enough, honey. And second... You know you can just... Be a girl, right?" / "Mm? Come again?" / "A girl. If you- You can trust me, alright? If you feel more comfortable being addressed as a girl-" / "No! No! Me? A girl? What? Nope. Never. I'm a man, what- What are you even saying? Kaya, babe, I- My dad-" / "Your dad? Usopp, this is about you. Follow your heart-" / "My heart tells me I'm a man. I swear. I'm not a liar".
She has always been one, but she wasn't sober enough for the words to make sense to her. It did hurt to say it, though.
So Usopp joins the Strawhats knowing something is weird about her gender but never quite accepting it. Until she starts spending more time with Nami. The thing about Nami is that she's extremely feminine but unapologetically a menace to society and she doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. She's strong in her own way and she's the smartest person Usopp has ever met. She's gorgeous, too, it makes Usopp wonder what the hell she's doing with this crew when she would rule the world on her own. So she's... She's the girliest of girls and yet she manages to be extremely ruthless and scary too. It's kind of the perfect mix. And it's not that Usopp accepts instantly that she's a girl, but Nami helps quite a lot. Who makes her realize, though, surprisingly, is Sanji.
These are two different stories, you know, but the point right now is that Sanji treats women differently. We all know this. And Usopp isn't sure when it starts. Maybe Skypiea? Water 7? Perhaps even a little bit earlier. But she has this huge crush on Sanji and hates it. Because he's just a guy! Nami won't stop telling her, too. He's!!! He's so annoying!!! But-- But Usopp sees more of him than others do, and he's just so kind and self-sacrificing and he has the biggest heart in the world. So when Usopp sees him interacting with both Nami and Robin and, you know, all the girls he meets... She thinks "Oh, that'd be nice" and it turns into a "Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuuuuuck. Nooooo" because she just realized that imagining herself as a girl being treated as such is not normal man behavior. She comes to terms with that thanks to Nami, because she's the first person she comes out to. She opens up her heart to her best friend. She tells her everything about her parents and her experience with Kaya and how badly she wants to be seen as a girl but doesn't know if people would like her that way. If people would be disappointed. But Nami? Nami loves Usopp deeply. Nobody has ever trusted Nami so much before. it kind of makes her want to cry, so she hugs Usopp to hide the tears a little bit. Usopp hugs her back even tighter. Long story short, Nami makes her see that being a girl is so much more than what people think, and that nobody in the crew would ever think less of her for that. And by the way: "Really? Sanji?" / "He's- He's cute, okay? I know he's a moron but you know how he is" / "I know. I know, don't worry, sweetie. It could be worse".
MEANWHILE! While Usopp was falling for Sanji and coming to terms with her gender, Nami was having a sexuality crisis! She's a lesbian. She's always been a lesbian. She has always known, ever since she was a kid. She has never liked a man that way. Never will. But- But Usopp. You know? But Usopp. They've always been a duo. From moment one. They've always been so, so close. She feels a connection to her (him, at that moment for Nami, but you know) in a way she has never felt before. They have intimate moments she can't quite explain and she never wants to use any romantic labels here because she's a lesbian. She's not supposed to see Usopp that way? But it's not even sexual or anything she's not- She's not attracted to her but if she wanted to she would and if they kissed she wouldn't move away and- And, okay, it's just weird. And when Water 7 happens she knows she's completely, utterly fucked. Because the second she leaves the crew? That's the moment Nami knows she's losing the love of her life (one of them. Vivi is her long-distance girlfriend and is also the love of her life). So imagine her face. When Usopp comes to her to tell her she's a girl (yay! Sexuality crisis solved. Nami's gaydar is awesome. But also- Fuck, she's in love with her best friend) and that she's in love with Sanji. In love. With Sanji. Of all people. And she's in love with him. And not her. And it kind of kills Nami. But they're best friends. She's supposed to help. So she deals with Usopp's drama all the time, pining in the background as she sees this new relationship happen in front of her.
Okay, So Usopp comes out to crew. And guess who was having another sexuality crisis at the same time as Nami? Exactly, Sanji. So everything makes sense right now, and Usopp and Sanji start dating not so long after Usopp comes out. Usopp starts dressing a bit more fem sometimes, everyone of course starts seeing her with different eyes, she moves to the girl's room... Etc, etc. Sanji and Usopp are-- Awfully clingy. It's horrible to witness. Nami is going through the worst time of her life because Usopp right now is the happiest woman ever and,, And Nami should be happy for her. She should move on. But they won't stop kissing everywhere. And hugging. And Sanji pays way more attention to Usopp now, so, okay, whatever, less snacks for her too, to hurt her even more. Nami and Usopp often have private talks together in the middle of the night. They always do. They literally sleep in the same fucking bed which is, the worst thing right now because Usopp is touchy and clingy when she sleeps. And sometimes she spends hours talking about Sanji and- And Nami can't stand having her so close yet so far. And most of the time she can't even stand the sight of Sanji himself. But she has to live with it. She wishes Vivi was here.
So, we have Sanuso dating. Transfem!Usopp being extremely happy right now. And Nami having the worst moment of her life. Yeah?
Well. There's MORE.
Because of course, Sanji and Usopp have THE talk about Nami. Because we all know Sanji loves her to death and isn't sure how... Usopp feels about that. Long story short, after a very brief but emotional conversation, they both realize they're in love with Nami. So. Fucking hilarious. Because they can't make her just?? Join their relationship, right???
Well, things happen.
While everything was going on, Sanji was having a gender crisis. I don't need to explain much about this because we all know how trans-coded Sanji's story is, so I'll just say: Genderfluid Sanji realizing in the timeskip that she wants to have a more normative fem body (Ivankov we love you). She goes by any pronouns but, you know, it changes and she usually prefers she/her but she's alright with whatever. Usopp coming out to the crew truly helped her realize what she wanted. Usopp and... Also Nami. Basically for the same reasons Usopp has. I have a whole post about this. The point is! The timeskip happens and Sanji comes back with a different body and comes out to the crew. Usopp comes back, still in love with Sanji and Nami (idk if they get help from Ivankov or if it's Chopper the one who helps or maybe even Law, but they help her transition. Choose your fav. The girlie wants boobs, I don't care how she gets them). And Nami comes back, still in love with Usopp but finally accepting their relationship. Well, jokes on all of them, because there's more drama.
Whole Cake Island is... It's fucking awful. Sanji comes back to a family that doesn't love her and just wants to play with her feelings. They make her act like somebody she isn't. They make her pretend to be a boy and bind her chest and it's,, Leaving Luffy. Leaving the crew. Leaving Usopp and Nami. It's killing her. While she tortures herself this way, Usopp begs Nami to bring Sanji back with her. And Nami-- When they were at Zou with Sanji. The time she spent with her without Usopp and the others around. Sanji smiling at them before sacrificing herself. Nami is starting to feel things she thought she would never feel for Sanji. And while Usopp waits in Wano, Nami goes to look for Sanji. And when the fight with Luffy happens, she's angry. She's angry at Sanji for treating them this way. She's hurt because she knows this isn't her Sanji if Sanji was even hers in the first place. She's frustrated because she can't do anything to fix this. And she's furious, too, at herself, because she just found out she's in love with Sanji too. So imagine this poly lesbian realizing she can't be with the ones she loves because they're already in a relationship and one of them just left their fucking crew.
WCI happens and... Okay. This is probably Nami's fault. Or Sanji's. Nobody knows who leans in first but right after WCI, they kiss. It's short and sweet and soft and Nami won't stop crying because Sanji is finally back and she won't let her go. Never again. But she's now panicking and Sanji will probably die from a heart attack because she just kissed Sanji??? And Sanji has a girlfriend??? And her girlfriend is also Nami's best friend??? And she just happens to be in love with her too??? So Nami does the most reasonable thing ever and runs away without explaining anything. Yay. She's sure, once they get to Wano, that Sanji will tell Usopp and they're going to hate her forever. She's not used to this! She usually has everything under control! She's losing her mind. God.
But... But Sanji just experienced the one thing he's been waiting for for years??? God, she needs to tell Usopp right away. Wano happens and it's not like they have much time for talking. Sanji is still going through her, um, 'bring on more past trauma' era, so it's pretty difficult. And Nami spends Wano all the time with Usopp and it's so, so hard not to focus constantly on the fact that she has kissed Sanji. And she's about to die when she's fighting against Ulti and sees her whole life passing right before her eyes so she realizes, then, that she has to be honest with both Sanji and Usopp if she gets out of there. When she actually survives she kind of hates herself for making that promise. Yadda yadda, post-Wano happens. They're all partying, still there, and Nami tries to distract herself from all this drama because if she thinks more about it she might end up having a breakdown. But Sanji and Usopp do talk and- And they need to approach this. Usopp is a bit hurt that perhaps Nami only wants Sanji, but she can deal with it. If Nami wants to be with Sanji, that's completely fine with them. So they have the talk, finally, in a private corner of the festival where nobody they know is around.
Nami starts uncharacteristically apologizing? Which is weird for her to act like that, but she does. She's lost so many people already and she refuses to let that happen again. So she apologizes. She should've never kissed Sanji and- And what's even worse is that she's also in love with Usopp. With both. And it makes her look so selfish and greedy and she swears it isn't like that. Her feelings are genuine. But then Usopp starts?? Laughing??? She finds this whole situation hilarious and explains that they've been stupid the whole time.
So, uh, yeah. They're idiots. This is biblically accurate because lesbians are always like this. We do not know how to communicate.
They're all,, So relieved. So, so happy. They won't stop smiling. And Usopp is honestly feeling a bit left out because?? She hasn't yet kissed Nami??? So they finally kiss. And then they kiss again. And Sanji joins. And they're the cutest thing on earth. And telling the crew is just as easy as Franky seeing them like that, telling him... And the word spreads fast enough.
This is getting long but, basically: They're the clingiest throuple in the whole world. If they were all annoying at first, imagine how annoying they are now. At this point, there's no "girls' room" anymore because Robin has moved to sleep with Franky, so Sanji, Usopp, and Nami have their own room. Which is good for literally all the crew because imagine having to deal with them. Sanji is so loud about her love for her girls... She's constantly showering them equally with love and cooking their favorite meals. She's always panicking a bit because she wants to give attention to both but sometimes Usopp is in her workshop and Nami is taking care of her trees so what is she supposed to do??!!! She wishes she could be everywhere at the same time... They end up telling her to do whatever she wants and follow her heart and split her time because they know she loves them equally and she doesn't need to prove anything. For Nami, dating her best friend and the person she thought was incredibly annoying at first is... Weird. She isn't used to so much affection from Sanji. Like, reciprocating the affection and loving him back. It's weird because now he isn't annoying at all but incredibly sweet? And her relationship with Usopp is pretty much the same except that now they kiss and hold hands and whenever Nami is like "Zoro! Carry me!" he always goes "Tell one of your girlfriends to do it" and it sucks because tbh Zoro does look like he has comfy muscles to rest on. Usopp is so excited about this! She loves both of them deeply she never thought this would happen. She sends letters to Kaya constantly about them, too! They're just,,, So so sweet. They go to sleep together and wake up cuddling and all tangled up. Usopp and Nami do gardening together but they always end up making out behind the trees. Sanji and Nami try to be casual about it but Sanji just loves showing all the love she has for her girlfriend to the world so PDA is something assured. Sanji and Usopp always spend the night watches together (Nami doesn't because it's comfier in bed and bold of you to assume she's getting out of there). Usopp gets stronger and toned post-ts and Nami and Sanji are always sitting on top of her. Sanji has a lot of issues going on after what happened in WCI/Wano and both Usopp and Nami help them go through their panic attacks. Usopp draws them all the time and has her whole sketchbook filled with drawings of her partners. Nami always peels the best tangerines from her trees and brings them to them even though Sanji insists on being the one doing it, but Nami says that sometimes she needs to be the one eating and not just serving. They share clothes constantly, but they have different clothing styles so sharing clothes pretty much happens either on accident or whenever they want to make Sanji go insane. Usopp leaves notes and drawings for them all over the ship. Nami is always offering to put makeup on them but it's always an excuse to be close. She also often falls asleep while working on her maps so they have to carry her to their room without waking her up. Nami loves brushing Usopp's hair!! Sanji absolutely adores feeding them sometimes like, playfully, and you can imagine how that ends. Oh!!! And Usopp is always giving them flowers. Not to mention that Nami often creates rainbows for them because they're pretty!! Also, when the fight isn't that serious, both Usopp and Nami act like they need saving because they know how much Sanji adores playing the hero. Usopp tells them stories while they paint each other's nails and talk shit about other people together.
This is the best relationship ever because it's just three best friends to lovers. My absolute beloved. I have a lot of,,, More ideas for them,,, But yeah,,,, Thank you so much for this ask. I love talking about them.
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awfullordhenry · 6 months
Caught Ya Doc! (Scout x Medic) (Giant/Tiny) (Chapter 1)
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It was a typical day for the RED Scout and his teammates. He is the youngest and fastest of all of the team. Scout suffers from need for attention that cause others to be annoyed at presence, partimilarly in the case of his that his deserves special treaneat, as demonstzated by the constant denand of "a dispenser here." He is incredibly narcissistic and vain in himself, which leads to him having a very big ego. He loves to taunt and mock his enemies and even insult them in the most offensive and vile ways, making the Scout look more like a bully and a douchebag.
One day, Scout was playing with his Sandman baseball bat. He felt a small, thin, sharp pain in his finger. He had a splinter that made him scream. He ran toward the Medic and begged him for his splinter to go away.
Medic got annoyed and ignored him. Scout gets really angry and says, " YO, WHY DID YA STOP HEALING ME?!". Medic responded with, "Listen Scout, I'm sick and tired of you begging me to heal you despite you being the fastest one in zhis team! I think you need to help on your own." Scout stormed off from Medic's presence. He ran into his room and covered himself in his pillow, and cried because the splinter was too painful to bare.
His room was disorganized and littered with clothes and trash, but not to the point of hordering. On the walls were covered with posers comic book heros, baseball stars, and pin ups of women. His nightstand has a bottle of questionable white stuff sitting on top of it as well as a magazine with semi-nude models. He then thought up a sadistic plan to get revenge on Medic.
Meanwhile, Medic is doing a medical check-up with Heavy. Heavy was concerned about what he did to Scout. "Heavy thinks doktor is being too hatsh to lettle Scout," he said. "Oh, come on, Heavy, you know Scout is a pain in the ass all zhe time."Heavy still thinks you need to make a mince to lettle Scout."
"Okey, fine, but if I'm not satisfied, I vill not change my mind." Medic left his office after his checkup. He entered Scout's room, only to find out that he's nowhere to be seen. He called out his name a few times.
"Come on, Scout, I don't have time for zhis," Medic said before Scout lunges for his closet and shoots with a strange looking gun. It shrinks the Medic down to five inches. Medic was caught off guard before looking up and seeing a giant that looked like Scout smiling at him. Medic screamed as he ran into cover.
However, Scout is fast enough to scoop Medic in time. He holds Medic by his coat with his index finger and thumb. "SCOUT, VHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" Medic screamed. "Duh, I've shrink ya. What are ya, stupid?". "YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN BIG TROUBLE VHEN ZHE ADMIN -".
Scout dangled Medic by his leg, which freaked him out even more. "I don't give a crap. All it matters is that YOU DIDN'T FRICKING HEAL ME!". "OKEY FINE, ONLY IF YOU PUT ME DOWN AND I VILL FIX YOUR SPLINTER!". Scout accepted his offer and looked for a safe place to place Medic. He placed him on his bed.
Medic reached for his pocket and pulled out a banaid and said "alright, let me see your finger." Scout showed him his splinter. Medic removed the tiny piece of wood, causing Scout to whimper . His finger is bleeding, which Medic covered it with the banaid. "Thanks, doc!" Scout said.
"Now, can I get back to normal size?" Medic ask. "Nah, I'm keeping ya small, weak, and cu -". Scout caught off sentence when he covered his mouth, surprised by what he had said. Medic was confused by his response. "Vhat, did you just say?".
Scout was silent for a moment before Medic asked, "I'm asking you a question. Vhat, did you just say-". "You're so cute..." Scout mumbled while his face grows a slight pink color. Medic noticed his face turning pink. "Oh my God, you are blushing!" "Shut up, I'm not in love with you or anything.".
"Yes, you are Scout. It's a common response in many romantic or emotionally charged scenarios" Medic explained. "Well, if I'm so in love with ya, we would be doing it right now." Scout responded with a slight smile. "Vell zhat's not going to happen because I'm already taken." Scout grew a grimace on his face upon discovering this new information. "How come you don't like me? I'm the hottest man alive!" Scout responded while flexing his arms.
"Let's just get some rest. It's getting late." Medic responded while yawning. He took off his coat and gloves while Scout took his hat and shirt. Medic was just idling at Scout's unclothed chest. He thought how strangely attractive he was.
Scout caught Medic staring right at him. "Hey, are you alright?" Scout said. Medic snaps out of it as Scout poked him. "Are you really going to sleep like vhat?" Medic asked. "Panjamas are so overrated. I always sleep like this!" Scout responded. He crawled into bed while Medic was making himself comfortable in the giant bed by covering himself with a small portion of the blanket
Scout noticed him and gently picked him up. He placed Medic on top of his bare chest. Medic was flattered by the smoothness of his chest. "Oh my God, your chest is so smooth!" He said while massaging Scout's chest. Scout reached his hand towards him and pinned him to his chest and said, "Gotcha!"
He chuckled while he teased Medic. "Go to sleep, little guy~" he said while he grabbed the covers over the both of them. Medic was relaxed with Scout's hand on his back. He then fell asleep while Scout softly striched his head. He dosed off and slept for the night.
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▲ J x Professional! Murder drone Reader ▲
My 34 request! Hope you like!
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
J wasn't the type to admire or praise others very often, being in fact a rarity. But when it came to you, she was always so impressed, you always managed to exceed her and the company's expectations, making the female murder drone smile proudly every time she thought you were in her squad.
We can tell you were a complete professional, always coming back with your hands full with containers full of oil to share with J, V and N. You never asked if they needed or even wanted oil, you just…brought it! And put it on the snowy floor in silence looking at the three, soon entering the ship to take a nap, leaving the three stunned and confused. Why would you help them? Because you were a pro! And didn't have to worry about being "replaced" in any way…
You've arrived from more than one of your hunts, setting down a barrel of oil you've collected from worker drones, looking around only to see J standing there looking at you.
" How was the hunt today (Y/n)? Everything went well? " J asked with a neutral expression looking at you. This was pretty normal, considering J had to constantly report back to the company.
" Everything went well J! I even managed to break my record! 34 worker drones from a small colony in 8 minutes! " You said giving a small proud smile to the female murder drone, which she tried to keep a serious expression on, but failed to show a fun little smile for you.
" Only you can talk, and do something like this so well (Y/n)! Good job, the company will love to know as always " J spoke in a soft tone, giving a bigger smile.
" Yeah, I already have quite a collection of pens already… do you think I could start getting some crayons or something? " You asked in a playful tone, causing J to let out a small snicker, soon giving you a confident smile.
'' I'm not too sure about crayons…but if it were up to me, you would definitely win medals. You're different from the other two idiots (Y/n), you're as special to the company as you are to me'' J started talking with a playful smile, then speaking in a soft tone watching you carefully, which you gave a smirk at her in realization of her words.
'' Oh?~ I'm special to you J? I feel so honored! What now? Do I win your heart? Cutie ponytails~ You just needed to speak more honestly~ '' You spoke in a malicious and dramatic tone, making J realize what she just said, becoming extremely embarrassed.
'' Hang on! That's not what I meant! '' J exclaimed with an expression of flushed urgency, which you just responded by laughing, placing one of your hands on one of your own cheeks looking at her with a mischievous expression.
'' That conversation was really cool J! Now, if you'll excuse me… I have to go get a little lunch~ Later we'll discuss this more! '' You said giving a fake dreamy sigh, speaking in a mischievous tone as you spread your wings, soon taking off in flight leaving angry J behind.
'' (Y/N) GET BACK HERE IMMEDIATELY! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT-'' J yelled with hot cheeks, watching you walk away in the blizzard without even caring.
'' Why me Gosh? Oh my- I like an idiot- I'm going to fricking break someone's legs '' J spoke in an irritated tone with cheeks still warm, finally giving up on yelling at you to come back.
But, inside she was happy..you seemed to like her…and she liked you back.
You were going to bring dinner that night just in case. You know- For a date with your favorite boss girl!
We can say that we had a lot of provocations that night lol.
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merakiui · 1 year
Hey Mera 👋🏻 there's something I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time now. It's about one of your fics. To be more specific, I'm talking about your Alpha Floyd fwb fic from your lunar love hotel event. There's a scene that I noticed after reading it for the 2 time that I didn't notice before, which left me looking. "🧐👀"
So, in the beginning, the reader gets her heat unexpectedly and asks floyd to help her with her heat, then the reader removes Floyd's jacket and says she'll cover his shifts at the mostro lounge for 2-3 weeks if he just fucks her but he refused. Then, in another scene, the reader returns Floyd's jacket to Jade, and they end up having their usual banter, AND THIS IS THE PART WHICH LEFT ME .🧐👀"Jade gets interrupted by floyd before he could finish his sentence, but he literally was about to say the SAME FRICKING thing that the reader said to floyd at the time she had her heat about covering his shifts for a few weeks!
NOW this is very interesting cuz how did he know what the reader had said to floyd?! 🧐 Either A) Floyd casually told him B) He could smell it or C) THIS PERVERTED STALKER decided to follow the reader while she was having her heat for whatever reason?! but most likely followed her cuz he wanted to be the one to "help" her with her heat, but decided to stay hidden somewhere and watch his brother fingering the reader!!
Which makes me wonder if he had any feelings for the reader in this fic? but didn't do anything about his feelings cuz of floyd? especially how in that one scene where Jade and the reader had their usual banter again and floyd pops in, says, "shrimpy's marrying jade?" and the reader denies it, but Jade response with "that can be arranged"?!
Am i overthinking this, or ??????
Hi hiii!! Firstly, thank you so much for reading that fic!! I'm always honored to hear that others have read my fics more than once. >v<
As for your questions, I hate to disappoint, but Jade isn't yandere in the alpha Floyd fic. Jade just likes to tease, so he's saying all kinds of silly things that he knows will get an amusing reaction from you. I like to imagine Floyd told Jade about that night in the hall because, in classic Floyd fashion, he found it funny and just had to share the gossip with Jade. But you never want to share anything intimate with Jade because he uses it like a double-edged sword, to either help or hurt you (although usually it's the latter because he likes to cause mischief and watch you squirm or scowl hehe). That, and Floyd returned to their room smelling of you, and Jade quickly put two and two together.
Even though he isn't yandere, Jade is fond of you in the fic! You could read it as a romantic fondness or something friendly and platonic. Although it is fun to put the twins in concepts where one of them is healthy (to a certain degree) about his love for you and the other is just crazily obsessed. Jade makes for such a gross, creepy stalker, so it would certainly be on brand for him to watch you during your heat, waiting for the right moment to swoop in and help (or tease you endlessly until you're begging for him to touch you). He's a menace, but I love him. <3
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skynapple · 7 months
Budding Romance
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
multi-chapter | A03 link
Chapter 1 | -> Next part
When a familiar yet not so familiar figure walked in the door of his flower shop called Philo, Jeremiah found himself fighting emotions back at the mere tone of her voice. Different, yet familiar. The shine in her eyes was the same. Too bad Xavier wasn't here for him to tease around her. Their pinning was one of his greatest sources of entertainment once, long, long ago.
"What can I do for you, milady?" He greeted eagerly.
"Well," She looked resistant. "My plant is dying. I was looking through the reviews of local shops to see if I could find one to help and almost forgot I met you before."
Already nearly forgotten him again. He bit down on the cold feeling in his heart and told himself it wasn't her fault. She had no idea who he was in the first place.
"Sick plant? Can do. Let me see."
She presented him with a pitiful looking pothos.
"Now, my my. How did you manage to get it this bad?" He said teasingly.
After a few minutes of identifying the root diseases and explaining to her how it came to this point, he offered to repot it for her and after she agreed to the cost, he turned to the small sink behind the counter.
"Hey Jeremiah?" She asked, observing him as he stood back facing her, gingerly washing the roots of the sick plant. When he responded, she continued.
"How do you know Xavier?"
"Academy." He said plainly, not thinking too much about it. "Um.."
"Like hunter academy?" She asked, all too excited now. "So, you were a hunter too? Is that how you know so much about technology and data?"
He was glad his back was still facing her so she couldn't see his face of absolute panic.
"I wasn't. I just... well sort of? I'm not now so that's what matters."
"Right, I assumed because there's no way you could run a shop as beautiful as this without meticulous effort, and even my data scientist friends at the Deepspace Organization barely have time off to do recreational stuff let alone a whole side business."
"Well, I'll take that as a compliment then?"
"Yes! Sorry, I didn't mean anything otherwise."
He turned back, panic phased, desperately hoping the subject would change and that she wouldn't press him for more questions. But knowing her....
And he was right. She immediately continued.
"Can I ask why you decided not to join the hunters then?"
"Well..." He couldn't think of an excuse other than the truth. "I was tired. Wanderer after wanderer... felt like I wasn't making a difference. Then one day Xavier- uh," Panic returned. "Oh! I almost forgot. So, this plant needs to be watered once a week, nothing more than that or the rot will set in again." He attempted.
"Okay! Got it." She nodded cheerfully. "And then?"
She was not going to let him off that easily.
"Uhh, yeah he...made a suggestion. That's all. It lead me here. So, I still help him out from time to time."
"Oh, I see. You seem like good friends."
He snorted. "The guy's an idiot."
She looked surprised at his quick dismissal but could quickly see there was humor in his eyes.
"But," he continued, "He cares. Mostly. You know how he is."
She definitely did not know how he was, but he was just rambling now.
"Never asking for help, never communicating, expecting you to read his mind... It's not that I think he's incapable but he tries to do everything himself and Astra knows what he'd do without me."
"Astra? What's that?"
"Huh? Asters? Those over there." He quickly covered, pointing over the counter to the little clearance shelf across them. A few wilting purple flowers were in a pot with a markdown sticker.
"Sorry! Florist talk."
She laughed, glancing where he was pointing. "You curse in flowers?"
"Always gets a fun reaction. You should hear my other friends when I say stuff like 'Son of a Sunflower!"
She laughed again, full-bellied and bright. It was refreshing.
"That's cute. I might have to steal that." She replied, still giggling. He hadn't realized how much he missed it, even if even in the past it had mostly been at his expense.
"Speaking of," He plucked a sunflower from a display behind him. "On the house."
"No- I couldn't! Jeremiah, that's gorgeous!"
"Not as gorgeous as you." He said with a wink. It was merely an instinctual reply from years -hundreds of years- of habitual banter which was intending it as a playful and platonic not truly flirtatious, mostly around Xavier to irritate him. He stood fully expecting the usual smack in the arm and rolled eyes he was used to receiving from her.
Instead she blushed a little, taking its stem gently with two fingers.
"O-oh. You're sweet."
In shock he blinked at her, fighting the paired urge to keep rolling with it, but it stayed in his mind when he realized it wasn't as funny without Xavier around. And now realizing how seriously she'd taken it, embarrassment set in. In the past he'd never said anything about it, it was just a fact; like leaves were green, she was pretty. Plus, with all her pinning over Xavier, he found it best to avoid any potential dangerous encounters with the man who was hilariously jealous over the dumbest things.
Embarrassed and internally cringing at his own behavior, he began fumbling to ring her up at the checkstand, grateful when the door chimed a moment later. He looked up to greet the couple entering and resumed his nearly self-automatic cashier-mode, like some kind of NPC from a video game.
He barely heard her when she spoke next, saying, "It's nice Xavier still stayed friends with you even after you left the academy." "Mhm." He hummed.
Something like that.
It had been Xavier who left the academy while he had been fully graduated and knighted, serving at her side.
But of course, there was no say to logically correct that.
"Thanks for fixing my plant! Sorry, I didn't mean to pry earlier." She apologized.
"It's cool, figured I'd have to explain the disguises eventually. And hey, now I have two deepspace hunter friends."
She smiled, talking as she completing her transaction. "Then in exchange for my nosiness, if you ever need anything, let me know!"
He smiled warmly. "I'll keep that in mind. Here you are," He handed her a small brown paper bag with her repotted plant. "Have a nice day."
And that was that, for a while.
But really he had no idea.
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mxbo · 19 days
Me yapping about something that happened on TF2 today
I was playing casual TF2 with a friend now that there aren't as many bots (I SUCK like REAL BAD, so no way we're going to community servers, I would get OBLITERATED the second I stepped on one, also a lot of players on community servers dislike F2Ps for existing) and found a player who shares names with my light and it was really awesome
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[ID: Meme recreating the interaction. There's me, my bestie, the random player we encountered and batman in the background because he was also there. My bestie says: “OMG! *redacted name*” and I reply: “Voice communication is not available for this account”]
(BTW, me and my bestie are not drawn with specific cosmetics, it's just our OC's/sonas dressed as the classes we were playing lol. Yes, he was pocketing me because I'm just THAT bad)
(BTWBTW, we didn't actually talk with them, just mentioned it in our private call because like it would be super weird to go “hey, you have my love's name”. Super creepy HASHSj. Worst case scenario, they wouldn't believe I actually have a partner and think I'm hitting on them or something. And women and people who pass as feminine because of username/voice already suffer enough on FPS games with people either insulting them or simping for them and not seeing them actual players but objects. Like I'm not risking (potentially) making their day worse ykwim)
Anyway, they had pink cosmetics and I think I shot a rocket at them at some point because I thought they were RED AHSA *insert video about the problem with team recognition*.
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[ID: Screenshot of the random player with their name obviously censored not because of them, but because it would reveal my love's name and, like, I haven't consulted if I can just say it in a random Tumblr post AJSAHJ]
There was also a Soldier who had all the batman cosmetics and dominated me because of course JHS (they were super good at rocket jumping). I sadly didn't take a screenshot (THEY WERE SO FAST AND KILLED ME, I COULDN'T TAKE A SCREENSHOT) </3
Also, yeah, I'm a F2P until MY BESTIE DECIDES TO PAY FOR MY FRICKING PREMIUM UEYDEUEHR (hopefully this or next week).
Hate that I'm mute for the time being, tho. Because Valve thought not letting F2P accounts speak would solve the bot crisis for some reason some years ago. SPOILER: It didn't work, it just made the bots more difficult to identify and ruined the experience of a bunch of players (kids, people who can't pay for TF2 like me, and people who just play for fun and don't want to throw money at a corporation, which is completely valid). Thanks, Valve.
But also love the fact I own the title of worst TF2 F2P, like, that way nobody expects anything from me.
My steam profile backs this up btw
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[ID: My user says “world's worst tf2 player” and my description “I suck at tf2 it's not even funny”. Also, my pfp is the spongebob crying meme edited to have my OC's hair and Soldier's helmet and says “I PROMISE I'LL DO BETTER” in the funny impact font]
I'm genuinely bad (reason why I play Soldier) BUT I HAVE SO MUCH FUN PLAYING TF2, I LOVE THIS GAME EVEN IF I GET KILLED EVERY X SECONDS (x being equal to the time I take to respawn).
I want to meet more noobs like me and play with them while on a Discord call and learn together (would also help me with my English, probably, if they're not hispanophone).
Or maybe even players who know what they're doing and teach me (but they need to have patience with me because I'm a SLOW learner and barely know how to WASD lmao, my spacial awareness in videogames is just like in real life: 0).
Someone interested? 🤨
No, Rom, nobody's interested, nobody cares LMAO, just go back to making userboxes and stamps and drawings and stuff
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abhainnwhump · 3 months
Prompt: Ink informs Dream and Swap about the letter and the black rose.
The two decide after a long discussion to play it safe and instruct Fresh to possess Ink until the date has passed in order to prevent Ink from giving in to temptation and fall victim to a trap as easily avoidable as not going into the haunted mansion in a horror film.
This fic doesn't see like nothing would go wrong if the protagonist ignores the trap and goes about their day as normal, Nightmare seems like the type to not give up on a target no matter what. I'd love to see what would happen if Nightmare was ignored.
-Gothic Ribbon Anon
Masterlist || Chapter Context
Ink walked down the stairs, hiding the letter in his jacket pocket. Was it safe to tell Blue and Dream? Was Nightmare actually going to hurt them? Or was he just bluffing? Nightmare wasn't the type of guy to make this a laughing matter. He was one of the least funny people Ink ever met.
Ink made it to the kitchen. It was themed blue with a mix of white and yellow details. A window opened to the yard outside. As Dream said, Blue set a stack of pancakes on a table for Ink. He even added rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream instead of syrup. Ink liked his pancakes sweet, but not that sweet.
"There you are! You took long enough. Your pancakes are getting cold." Blue said.
Ink laughed as he sat down. "It's fine. Thanks a lot." Ink took his fork and picked at the sweet food. It helped distract him from the letter in his pocket. He looked around for Dream.
The Guardian of Positivity stared out the window, shaking with excitement. Of course, this whole thing was about Cross. He wouldn't say what exactly this outing was for, but it was special. At least Dream was happy too, even if he had no idea what this was either.
Blue stared at Ink as he it. He must've noticed he barely ate anything, carving them with his fork instead. "Ink, is something wrong? You're acting really weird this morning."
Ink drew an apple on his pancake before looking up. "Huh? "
"Oh yeah! I just had a weird dream. Nothing . . ." Ink paused. Oh screw it, this wasn't going to go well either way. "Nevermind, I got a teensy weensy problem . . ." Ink took the letter out of his pocket and held it between his two fingers. He glanced at Dream from the corner of his eye socket. "I think Dream's brother has been stalking me."
"Wait, what?" Blue took a double take.
Hearing his name got their attention and made him get up. Ink couldn't even finish as Dream ripped the letter out of his hands, looking over it. His drop in positivity affected everyone in the room. Ink set his finger on the paper and lowered it to see his face. "Dream, you okay?"
"Ink, why didn't you say anything?" Dream snapped, less out of anger and more out of concern. He paced. "How did he get in? My shield wasn't strong enough to hold him back. Oh no, oh no, no, no . . ."
Blue set his hand on his shoulder to steady him. He looked the letter over. Ink stood up and leaned awkwardly against the doorway. "How about I just go? I'll call you guys in case something goes wrong."
"No, no, Nightmare will be able to sense us. Ink, you can't do this. Nightmare wouldn't spend this much time on one person unless he had plans for them. If he wanted to simply turn you into a battery, he would've done so by now." Dream flicked his thumb against his finger. "Stay, we'll figure this out."
"Read it! He's going to hurt you guys if I don't! I'm not helpless either, I'm the fricking Guardian of Creativity! I'll kick his ass if he tries anything. I don't need to be watched over." Ink's curiosity also sparked as he stepped clower to Dream to. Why him? Why not Dream? Why the date setting? What was the point of stealing his stuff to "learn"?
"Stop!" Blue stepped between the two guardians in case things would escalate It wouldn't get violent, but Dream could hug Ink to death to stop him from going. "We can figure this out. Dream's right, it's way too dangerous to go there. It might even be suicide. There's got to be a better way we can please both of you."
Ink closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He needed a better mindset, huh? He understood where they were coming from, his impulsiveness was like a parasite he had to control.
Wait, parasite.
The artist's eye lights turned to light bulbs. "Got it! How about I get Fresh to possess me! He can puppet my body around for the day so you don't have to worry about me going in to beat Nightmare to a pulp. Sound fair?"
"That's . . . a very nice idea. As long as it helps your safety from him." Dream gently took Ink's hand. "How soon can you get him to help?"
"Right now, if you say his name enough times, he appears. Let's do it outside though, it's easier." Ink left the house with the two Stars nervously behind. closed his eyes and chanted. "Fresh, Fresh, Fresh, Fresh-"
Fresh exploded into view in a mix of rubber duck sounds and confetti. His glasses flashed YOLO as always. "Did someone shout mah name?"
Blue blinked up at him with a tense smile. Fresh was taller than all of them by almost a foot. He blew a link bubble and popped it. Ink sighed. "Hey, Fresh Long story short, I need your help. Nightmare sent me this creepy letter and I need to possess me do I don't screw myself over. I'll make up for it."Dream gave him a nervous thumbs up.
"Me? Possess you? Ya sure ya want this? Fresh tilted his head. His glasses changed to HOST.
"Positive," Ink said.
Shrugging, Fresh took his glasses off, revealing a purple tendril parasite with only one eye. The parasite crawled out of his eye socket like a spider. "Imma need someone to watch m ah body, alright?"
"Excuse me?" Blue watched the corpse of Fresh collapse. He cringed in disgust and took the empty creature in his arms. "Oh. Ew!"
Ink took a deep breath and stretched his arms out. Possession still scared him, even after all the time. He wore a confident smile to hide it. "Do your worst."
Fresh flashed a grin before the purple parasite climbed up his leg with his tiny claws. It fired into his eye, making him cry out in pain. The parasite sat in Ink's brain since he had no soul. Ink's vision grew blurrier and Fresh's voice grew louder. A cloud of rainbow smoke surrounded their body, making Dream and Blue shield their eyes. The cloud vanished with a pop sound and out from the dust came the same skeleton, but different. His entire outfit was covered in bits of rainbows. His visor said COLOR. Fresh took the whole wheel, though Ink still could fight back. He just didn't
Dream stepped closer, in awe of the transformation. "Wow . . . are you guys okay? You look amazing."
Fresh Ink laughed, sounding like a mix of both owners. "Aw, broksi! Ya makin' me blush. I feel great! Come on, let's get all up and go skating and hanging."
The skating and hot chocolate played out as usual, only there was one annoying pest instead of two on the rink. At story time, they shared tales own stories about their lives. It was fun to guess which came from which skeleton. When the night ended, they went home. Fresh left Ink's body and the two hugged.
"Thanks a lot for today." Ink laughed.
Fresh ruffled Ink's skull. "No probs, homie. That was a blast. See ya on the flipside tomorrow!"
In another AU, a lord of darkness tapped his finger impatiently against a table, waiting. He sipped his red wine, glancing at his pocket watch. Oh, he saw how he was going to play. He gritted his teeth. Nightmare didn't like it when his pawns didn't play with the rest of the game. And just like in chess, he wouldn't be beat.
A week later, Ink was fine. No attacks from Error, no attacks from the VSS, and his drawings looked great. But he still couldn't find his paints. Luckily, Dream gave him some backup vials and he refilled them. Ink sat on and island, chewing on the tip of an pencil while he worked on a drawing. He looked around for inspiration.
"Try adding some stars framing the character, it can truly compliment a piece."
"Huh, good idea. Thanks- crap." Ink turned around and spotted Nightmare holding up his sash, leaning over to look at him. He seemed to be holding back a million insults, at least that was what his eyes told him. Ink jumped up. He held back from commenting about the sash. Knowing Nightmare, he'd toss it in the void if he tried too hard to get it. "Oh great, you. My stalker. I know now."
"I reserved an entire room for us. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were late, but the hour ticked by and you made me look like a fool."
"You are kinda a fool for one thing." Ink blurted, only stirring Nightmare up. "What did you want me for in the first place?"
Nightmare took a deep breath to compose himself. "Ink . . . you're powerful, charming, creative, chaotic, and you have a lot of untouched potential. I was going to arrange a deal with you to join my team. You would be feared and respected by millions of souls. Would you still be interested?"
Ink listened, then he laughed with a scoff. He couldn't believe it. Really? Did he think he would betray his friends like that? "Are you kidding me? Hell no I'm not joining you! I'd rather spend a week in Underworld!"
"Ah, that was what I expected." Nightmare reached into his pocket and pulled out a link vial. "I didn't want to do this as emotion magic works much better when the soul is willing. You chose this, remember that."
Nightmare punched Ink in the jaw by turning his tendril to a fist. Ink flipped Broomie around to block him off and fire paint. He kicked his sketchbook aside to a massive rock for more battle room. He charged at Nightmare and tackled him down, bashing his chest with hid paintbrush. For some reason, Nightmare barely fought. It wasn't that important, right?
"Ha! Gotcha! What do you have to say-" Ink's mouth froze in the middle of his speech. He hung it open and only his eyes could dart around. He was trapped in a prism of blue magic. Someone teleported in front of Nightmare helped him. It was Killer, of course it was. But how- oh, the rock, of course.
Nightmare smiled, uncorking the pink paint in his hand. "Thank you, Killer. Now, be good Ink and keep your mouth wide."
Without any comfort, Nightmare grabbed Ink's chin and poured the liquid down Ink's throat. Ink's breathing sped. He tried to talk, kick, scream, anything, but he couldn't move a muscle. The only way he swallowed it was because Killer tilted his head back to do so. Nightmare filled his mouth with the entire thing of paint. Ink's eyes welled with tears. Was this really happening? It had to be another bad dream, it had to be . . .
"Go to sleep, my weapon. Hopefully that kicks in and you feel better by tomorrow." Nightmare pressed a hand against Ink's head and used magic to help gin sleep. Against his will, Ink did feel exhausted. Love potion and sleep magic churned in his veins, which left him with one thought.
Was Nightmare always that attractive?
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
thoughts about the finale from what I can remember right now:
They finally did it. They finally put their foot down about rescuing Crosshair and if there's anything that's gonna tide me over until season 3 it's THAT SINGLE CONVERSATION
We got a quality moment with Tech and Phee, so quality that I think I actually ship them now. (HAHA BUT FRICK ME BECAUSE THAT WAS ACTUALLY FORESHADOWING) I was worried when they didn't show her last episode because I thought they were just going to tease a fun comic relief kind of ship instead of, you know, having the characters be there for each other during important moments. As it should be You can't just put Phee in a side pocket and expect her to disappear when stuff gets serious.
That moment where they all look at Wrecker in sync is something I'll tuck under my pillow and look at when I feel like crying. This show has no right to be this funny before taking a sledgehammer to our hearts.
I was begging any god that would listen that the other infiltrators were clones, like I wanted it to be Cody so badly in that moment. I even think I heard DBB's voice when one of the commandos spoke and my pulse skyrocketed But no it was Gerrera. Which, okay plot reasons, and good plot reasons but still 🥲 Man but they really outdid themselves with the plot, it's actually crazy good. Such a roller coaster.
Kudos for actually letting one of the officers defend the clones. That's good writing. Realistically it makes sense and you don't get the feeling that they're all one dimensional psychos. As a side note I was impressed that one of the baddies (the one responsible for surveillance) had an accent other than posh British. And then I realized it was German 😂 like... c'mon guys
TECH. TECH MY MAN. YOU ABSOLUTE AMAZING INCREDIBLE BREATHTAKING LITTLE DUDE. I'm sorry guys but he stole it. Gave Crosshair a run for his money. I salute our little nerd for being the biggest bamf tcw has ever seen in that moment. The sass, the style, the one linery of it all. Of course he's not dead. You can't kill a character like that, you just physically (and metaphorically) can't.
I literally don't know how they'll recover from a trauma like that. They think he's dead. They watched him plunge to the ground. I am unwell (on their behalf).
So glad that AZI was incorporated back into the plot. The little dude deserves it and we love to see him.
'I liked goggles' 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 girl you better know how to perform miracles because that's the only thing that's redeeming you now
Wrecker was wiping tears when they talked about Tech. They were trying so hard to be strong for her. They were in agony on the inside and they still tried so hard for her. Wrecker was shaking his head when Hemlock offered Hunter the exchange, they are ready and willing to die on the spot for her I-
'who knew clones could be so... paternal' *cue shot of Hunter's face* *cue me being deceased on the floor*
AHFSEGFHJRDGHARDGRHGR that's it, everything that happens next is just AHRJHEASGFHJEGFHFRDGG. don't expect me to be more coherent than this
I didn't know they could animate Kaminoans to emote but dang they did a good job with Nala Se.
I'd given up hope of seeing Crosshair's face these episodes but we got him and Omega in one scene together and I guess that goes to the 'help me survive until season 3' pile.
I know we'd already clocked Emerie as a clone and fishy but there's nothing more satisfying than good foreshadowing paying off. This show doesn't give us cheap subversion but actually good plot twists where it's appropriate and they don't make the audience feel like fools by feeding us false clues. Mad respect for that. I don't think we realize how rare that it these days.
Finally, I'll need all of you to hold my hand after this, please-
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