#but damn i always hated cassettes even as a kid
arctic-hands · 28 days
god help me I just bought a cassette
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artyandink · 5 months
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to cafekitsune)
A/N - Feedback is my fuel ❤️
three - landslide
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I looked down at my hands, the hands that could’ve stopped everything, stopped her suffering, the hands that were only a flight of stairs and a trip down the hall away. My ignorance at the time was crippling. The cruel thought that Lucy was safe and sound. It resulted in Olivia losing her mom and everything she knew, and having to live with her auntie.
Not that I’m not the best option, but if I’d picked up my metaphorical magnifying glass and looked closer, I’d see. See that things were wrong. Someone was after her, I didn’t know who, but one psycho was out to kill her, and succeeded.
The one of many times someone’s success felt like it twisted my heartstrings. The worst success.
I remembered the desperation that I had when I first investigated Lucy’s murder. The wild look I had in my eyes when I spotted myself in the mirror, and then one like a wounded animal when I wound up battered in a hospital. I didn’t want to go through that again. Not the false hope that I’d get somewhere. I didn’t need it, I didn’t want it, I couldn’t handle it. I’d possibly go feral if I found out the truth, but all the same, Lucy needed me. It was always me and her. When she was nineteen and I was eleven , not wanting to let her go because she was everything I had and more.
I hadn’t had that stable of a home life growing up. My dad cheated on my mom with his secretary and left her when I was three. Mom did the next best thing to dealing with the loss of her husband, which was filling herself brain high with any booze she could find. Lucy had taken the job of taking care of me, and she did a damn good job at it. Even got rewarded with an apple pie, white picket fence life to boot. I couldn’t have been happier for her, because she deserved every bit of happiness she got.
Even if I didn’t want to deal with the inevitable pain of investigating into my sister’s murder, I owed it to her. I needed to bring whoever killed her to justice.
I reached for my phone, dialling the first person that came to mind who’d help me with this case. I bit my lip, jogging my leg as I waited for him to pick up. ‘Hey, darlin’.’ I heard Beau’s voice from the other end, cherry as ever. ‘What can I do for ya?’
“Hey, Sheriff.” I breathed out, looking at the cassette player with stony eyes. “What d’you say to reopening a cold case?”
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I slammed a dusty, yet rather small, file down on my desk, with Jenny and Beau gathered around it. “This is what I have from six years ago. My sister, found by me in the backyard, eleven stab wounds in her chest. Cameras were off, no prints, killer didn’t go through the garden as there were no prints. It rained that night, so footprints were washed away.”
“Tough case, huh?” Beau sighed, folding his arms. “No prints, no murder weapon at the scene- the killer ain’t giving you much to work with.”
“No kidding.” Jenny looked over the case files. “Lucy didn’t have any enemies, by what this file says.”
“She didn’t.” I shook my head, sitting on the table. “Luce, she was… an angel, to say the least. Kind to everyone, always optimistic. I’ll be damned if anyone hated her.”
“No motive.” Beau muttered, looking up at me with slightly raised eyebrows. “Could this just be a random crazed psycho?”
“No.” I shook my head again, rubbing my chin. “Can’t be. Whoever it was knew how to get inside the house and through to the back. Only somebody who knew Lucy could do that. Somebody I know or someone she knew murdered her, and I ain’t resting until I find them.”
“Do we at least have any leads?” Jenny rubbed her forehead, looking over to me. “Any at all?”
“The cassette.” I shrugged. “It’s the last thing she left to me, and judging by the sounds behind the voice, it’s Lucy’s 42nd birthday party. I remember it, Mark was doin’ bad karaoke in the living room.”
“So this is essentially a note, but no suicide involved.”
“Somebody was sending threats.” Beau figured out, pointing at the case file with his pencil. “Think about it. Her voice ain’t exactly chirpy in that recording. Maybe a threat was sent, that she was gonna die soon.”
“A necklace.” My head perked up, my fingers snapping. “One of ‘em, it contained a raven’s feather. Or some of it. Lucy was a folklore major.”
“So she’d know it symbolises death and/or loss.” Jenny added, nodding. “That’s a start.”
“That also narrows it down.” Beau nodded, all of us going into a rhythm. “Somebody had to know she’d understand this reference, which also means someone close to her- good work, Belle.” He patted my knee proudly, giving me a broad smile. “At least you’re closer than you were before.”
“Hold on, though.” I held up a hand, frowning as a thought piqued my interest. “If that’s the case, if Lucy wanted to warn me… why now? Why at Olivia’s sweet sixteen?”
“Maybe it was something personal, something important to her.” Jenny shrugged, running a hand through her hair. “Maybe she wanted Olivia’s sixteenth to go smoothly, as if some threat would resurface at that time.”
“That’s what’s stumping me. Which person who we both know would possibly wanna harm my sister? Me, I’d understand, I don’t get on with everyone, but Lucy? Doesn’t make a lick of sense.”
“Is Lucy’s phone still kept safe?” Beau asked, deep in thought. “Maybe there’s some voicemails on there.”
“I’ll have to dig them up.” I replied before hearing a ping on my phone. I took it out, seeing the name lighting up on the screen, which made my eyes widen. I hadn’t seen this name in ages, not since eleven years. Not since I was 29, and I don’t know why I saved the number.
“Who is it, darlin’?” Beau frowned slightly, his lips also pouting imperceptibly as his eyes flickered down to my phone.
“Again with the darlin’?” Jenny chastised, and he let out a small noise in protest. My eyes were glued to my screen, trying to figure out if I was seeing things right. Jenny confirmed for me, snatching the phone out of my hand and taking a look at it, her eyes widening when she saw the name. “Cal Joyner.”
“The cheating dad Cal Joyner?”
“Yeah.” I nodded breathily. “He’s… here. In Montana.”
“Your dad in town, the cassette tape, this can’t be a coincidence. If it is, I’ll eat my hat. And trust me,” He chuckled deeply, “I love my hat.”
“There’s also how you can’t eat a hat.” Jenny contradicted with a judging look.
“I’m the sheriff, Hoyt, I will eat my hat if I damn well please.”
“Right, let’s get off the subject of eating hats.” I interrupted with a snicker. “I’ll talk to Cassie, see if I can get her and Denise to maybe research into possible news stories surrounding Lucy’s death. Maybe also get them to help with figuring out why my deadbeat dad is in town. You guys maybe look through the case files or whatever you can scavenge, see if you can find anything worthwhile.” I raised an eyebrow, looking between them expectantly. “Sound good?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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I didn’t find Denise at the desk in Dewell and Hoyt HQ, so I went straight to Cassie’s office, knocking before opening the door to find… Cassie and Cormac mid-make out. They jumped apart, wiping their lips while Cassie got off the desk, trying to act as if nothing happened.
Well, it’s not everyday that you catch two grown ass people making out on a frickin’ desk.
“Woah, Cassie, get some.” I teased, leaning against the doorframe with a grin. “You too, Cormac, haven’t forgotten you. Montana’s Thor Odinson- now, would you be a stud and give Cass and I a mo’?”
“Gladly.” Cormac hurried out, and I closed the door behind him, turning to Cassie with s as chuckle.
She opened her mouth to speak, but I waved her off. “Beau and Jenny won’t hear a thing.”
“Thank you.” She smiled in relief, breathing out with her hand on her chest.
“You’re welcome. Now, we have a bit of a problem.” I frowned, running a hand through my hair. “We’re reopening my sister’s case.”
“Oh, damn.”
“Indeed. We’ll need all the info we can get from you and Denise on the matter. My dad’s in town too, so I’ll have to see what’s up with that.”
“Wait- Cal Joyner?” Cassie raised an eyebrow, folding her arms. “Cheated on your mom, left when you were three Cal Joyner?”
“The very same.” I nodded, making a face that said I was feeling awkward. You lot can put that to your imagination. “Yeah, so I have to find out why he’s in town now when evidence from my sister’s case has suddenly resurfaced.”
“I’ll get on that with Denise.”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry I interrupted your getting on with Cormac.” I winked with a smirk, unfazed when she looked at me in exasperation.
“You’re not going to let me live that down, are you?” She sighed.
“No, absolutely not.”
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I was sitting on my living room couch at midnight, flicking through my photo album of when I was growing up. Lucy’s broad smile and shining eyes when she saw baby me in Mom’s arms just after I was born. Another my first birthday, and Lucy was helping me blow out the candles. Lucy’s eleventh birthday, the last time Lucy was innocent and unassuming before Dad made off with his mistress. Lucy’s sweet sixteen, where she celebrated with Dean, her current best friend, me, a couple of family members and friends, including Mark, who was our next door neighbour’s son at the time. It was safe to say that Mark had always harboured a deep seated jealousy of Dean.
My eyes landed on a photo of Harry and I at a bar, and my heart felt like it was breaking all over again. The guy’s brunette hair and laughing brown eyes had always pierced my heart in a way that I couldn’t fathom. It hurt to know that those eyes didn’t look at me the way they used to anymore.
Harry was the first and last relationship I had after my sister was killed. After the car crash and I was in a bad place, which I labelled as the ‘withdrawal symptoms’ of stopping my investigation, I found him in an unexpected collision in a mall. He brightened everything somehow, made me feel like the only girl in the world until I found a text in his phone along with a very inappropriate picture.
Rhea: See you tonight, handsome ;)
I couldn’t help but think that he was just pitying me, pretending so he’d get the satisfaction that he helped someone to some extent. But here I was, moping over a guy like I was some hormonal teenager rather than a mature 40 year old. For a relationship that didn’t even feel real at this point.
After that point, I’d sworn off love and men entirely, instead deciding to focus on Olivia. The beautiful little girl who was my last blood reminder of my sister. Well, the last morally sound reminder. For the first three years, in the pursuit of my sister’s murderer, I’d neglected what I really needed to preserve. So I’d set up a rule - that men weren’t my priority.
“Aunt Isa?” Olivia was at the door to the living room, rubbing her eyes tiredly. I sat up, frowning as I saw her looking exhausted but freaked.
“Yeah, sweetheart? It’s late; are you ok?” I asked softly, my motherly instincts kicking in as I saw her trembling slightly. I didn’t wait for a response, setting the album aside and opening my arms. “C’mere, darlin’.” She hurried over, curling up in my arms. I held her tight to me, stroking her hair as I rubbed her back, my chin resting on her head as I let her calm down a bit. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“Nightmare. About mom’s death.”
“You didn’t see your mom dyin’, sweetie.” I kissed her hair lovingly. “It wasn’t real.”
“I imagined it. Filled in the blanks, and it was like I was watching.” I heard her voice tremble, which broke my heart at every quiver. I hated seeing my baby girl upset.
“Oh, Liv.” I whispered, kissing her forehead. “Sweetheart, I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry you had to imagine that.”
“Is this how you felt?” She questioned timidly, looking up at me, her blue eyes pleading me to be honest. “When you… when you found her?”
I paused, thinking about it. “If I was to describe it, it’d be like my world’s walls were fallin’ down. It was that, plain and simple. Your mom, she was an angel. Like you, she never truly got mad, she cared no matter what you did, she gave a lot of credit where it ain’t due. She took care of me even when I was your age and mopin’ about for no apparent reason, even though she worked a job. She couldn’t be more prouder of you, wherever she is.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” I nuzzled my cheek on her head. “You’re such a beautiful girl, Liv. So smart, and kind, I know for a fact that if your mother was here, she’d never wanna let you go.” I stroked her hair, remembering Lucy. Her smile, her laugh, her tendency to call everyone ‘love’ because she had a damn lot to give herself, her frightened voice when making the tape…
I couldn’t focus on that. Instead, I hugged Olivia tight, focusing on her. She needed to feel safe. Deserved to feel safe, and that was what I could do for her. I started to softly sing the song that Lucy sang Liv when she was a baby, gently rocking her. It was Landslide, by Fleetwood Mac.
“I took my love, I took it down, I climbed a mountain and I turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills 'til the landslide brought me down...”
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I was sitting in Jenny’s kitchen with Beau and Jenny, of course, the latter busy making lunch since I’d handled our breakfast. I was, again, scrolling on my Instagram, most of my feed Harry and Rhea the redhead. The guy even had the audacity to tag me in a photo, which I didn’t respond to or react to. Beau’s eyes followed mine, locking on the screen with a frown. “That’s Harry the jackass. Why are you lookin’ at photos of Harry the jackass?”
“He’s with the redhead he cheated on me with. Rhea.” I explained with a sigh, and he snatched the phone, not giving me time to protest as he looked at Rhea with an unreadable expression on his face. Then he smirked, nodding.
“I see the appeal.” He chuckled, looking at me playfully. Jenny gasped in horror, swatting his arm while I looked at him incredulously, taken aback by his audacity. “I mean, she’s gorgeous-”
“Beau!” Jenny scolded while I looked away, starting to internally panic. He… thought Rhea was gorgeous? Did he really? Was Harry justified in leaving me because I wasn’t good enough?
“I’m messin’ with you!” Beau raised his hands in surrender, taking another look at the photo before handing my phone back to me. “Sweetheart, Harry the jackass doesn’t even know who he’s lost. This Rhea girl? Doesn’t even hold a candle to you. She’s an LA three, or a Texas one. You are a ten in both worlds, darlin’. He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Thanks, Sheriff.” I sighed in relief, rubbing my face. Jenny patted Beau’s shoulder, giving him a look that said ‘I was about to rip your head off’. “You got me there for a second.”
“I got Hoyt too.”
“Yes, he did.” Jenny nodded, glaring playfully at Beau. “If you’d said that truthfully, no joking, I’d rain down hellfire.”
“Well, I’m glad I was just poking some fun.” Beau smirked, then patted my knee. “You’re gorgeous, Southern Belle. Ain’t no messing around there.”
I was about to smile and give him a compliment back, but I got a call from Cassie, and I picked it up, putting it to my ear. “Talk to me, Cassie.” I said, taking a breath out while a small chuckle threatened to escape my mouth.
‘Hey. Uh, Cormac just spotted your father at the Blue Fox Diner.’
“Cormac, huh?”
‘Yes. Now, we’re keeping an eye on him, but you should get over here quick.’
“Gotcha.” I nodded, then cut the call, turning to Beau. “Sheriff, can I have you as backup? So I don’t blow up at my dad?”
“Yeppers, let’s go meet the man who ruined your life so I can make him feel guilty.” He stood up, slinging his jacket over his shoulders.
“Beau, as be nice as you can.” Jenny chastised, but he shrugged.
“Sorry, Hoyt, no can do. If she hates him,” Beau made finger guns at me, “then I hate him.” He turned the finger guns on himself. “Can’t help it, it’s principle. Now, c’mon, Belle. Let’s meet this dude.”
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I walked into Blue Fox diner, Beau rubbing his hands in excitement. “D’you mind if I get one of them there sandwiches?” He looked like a giddy schoolboy, and I rolled my eyes with a smile and nodded. Beau was always a sucker for Donno’s sandwiches. As he practically skipped off to get one, I found Donno staring at me. I locked eyes with him, then he broke into a small smile.
“Elle.” He said in a deadpan voice that did not match his face, but I’d come to know over the past two months that Donno was a lot more compassionate than he let on.
“Donno.” I grinned, feeling more at ease. “Nice to see you again.”
“You too.” His eyes went down to my stomach, where I found that my hand was resting protectively over my healing bullet wound. “You were shot.” His eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you ok?”
“I was shot, good eye.” I nodded, chuckling as I looked down at my feet. “But hey, I’m doing fine. Healing.”
“Good. I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Then he pointed to a booth, where a balding man was sitting. “That’s your dad. If you’re looking for him.”
I gave him a genuine smile, my eyes furtively glancing to that booth. “Thanks, Donno.”
“You and Sheriff. You make a good couple.”
I didn’t really know what to say to that. “Uh… thank you, but we’re not a couple.” And with the awkwardness now in play, I turned on my heel and met up with Beau, who was now holding a sandwich and munching on it. I nudged him, nodding to the booth which Donno had led me to, and he clocked Cal instantly. His eyes narrowed, and he swallowed his bite as we sat down. “Cal Joyner.”
“Can I help you?” He asked, looking between Beau and I with a confused expression.
“Sheriff Beau Arlen, sir.” Beau introduced coldly, his eyes steely as he looked at my father with pure disdain in his eyes. I’d mentioned my family history to him, which made him have a deep seated hatred with my dad.
“Deputy Isabelle Joyner.” I added, which, as expected, made Cal’s eyes widen as he sat up straighter, a wide grin cracking on his face.
“Isabelle?” He whispered, tilting his head as he scanned me. “You’re… oh, God. It’s really you. My little girl.”
“Back up for a moment, cowboy, I’m not here for a family reunion.” I frowned, drumming on the table with my fingers. “I’m here to know why you’re in town. My last contact with you was eleven years ago, and that was on a voice call.”
“It was my granddaughter’s sixteenth birthday.” He excused, looking at me incredulously while his fingers played with his collar, and I locked on the mannerism immediately. “I had to visit, right? But this town’s so big, i-it’s hard to find anybody-”
“You’re lying.” Beau pointed out, expression unchanging. Cal turned to him with an outraged expression.
“Excuse me, young man?”
“Flattered, but I’m forty. Ain’t that young.”
“He’s right, Cal. You’re lying.” I frowned, my fingers still tapping out an insistent rhythm on the table. After all these years, he’d had a character arc going from scumbag to scumbag.
“Isabelle.” Cal gasped in disbelief. “Cupcake, you’ll believe this man over your father?”
“Not to be cheesy, but this man is one of the most noble men I know, so I’m sure I can trust him over a man who’s been out of my life for thirty seven years.” Cal was ready to convince me otherwise, but I held up my hand. “You’re fiddling with your collar. First sign of anxiety and possible lying. Big Sky is rather a small place, everyone knows everyone, so I don’t see how it would take you long to find me. Third, defensiveness. Trying to detach me from someone I trust- so tell me, how can I trust you?”
“You can’t.” He whispered, but his eyes, which I shared (to my disgust), looked into mine with a silent plea. Which I ignored.
“There it is. The one thing I couldn’t do and never did: trust you.” I scoffed, and Beau leaned forward, taking the lead.
“See here, Mr Joyner, you are Belle’s father, and I will respect you that much, but a lot’s happened that somehow coincides with your arrival.” He explained with a low, intimidating tone. I glanced towards him, taking in his set jaw and raised finger. “Now, you’re gonna tell your daughter why you came back after all this damn time or we’re gonna find out usin’ methods that you won’t approve of, ie hard questioning and digging into the evidence we have, which I bet will uncover some nasty secrets.”
“It’s good that you elaborated.”
“Yeah, it is. Now, Mr Joyner, you need to speak up before we find out ourselves.” Before Cal could reply, we heard a loud bang and a scuffle, and when my head turned, I saw Donno wrestling a guy with a gun to the ground. Beau turned to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Stay put.”
“You know I can’t do that.” I protested, reaching for my own holster, but he grabbed my wrist with a warning look. I wanted to argue, but I knew what he was insinuating. I wasn’t healed yet, so I couldn’t fight.
“Stay. Put.” He then pulled out his gun, holding it up at the assailant. “Sheriff’s department, hands where I can see ‘em!” My eyes were locked on him, ready to jump in and help if need be while Donno was growling at the man for almost pulling a gun on me. I saw Tonya getting up from her chair, pointing behind me with a gasp.
“Elle!” She cried out, looking terrified. “Behind you!” I whipped around only for my head to snap back around, the muzzle of a gun connecting with my temple. My vision went blurry as my head spun, but I could make out an unfamiliar figure in the haze that I instantly tackled blindly, collapsing onto the floor in an undignified heap coupled by what felt like a gigantic needle through the hole in my stomach. I coughed for a moment, my hand covering the area as I was roughly rolled onto my back amid the struggle between Donno, Beau and the assailant. I managed to make out the silver glint of a knife, so I quickly crossed my forearms over one another and held them over my face so I could catch it just in time.
After what was a struggle for a few seconds, the guy seemed to have a change of heart, throwing the knife aside and getting me in the temple again with a gloved fist this time.
Neither of them felt great.
I heard Cal protesting against something, and Beau’s shouts as the former was seemingly roughly dragged away, my vision going from blurry to borderline black as I tried to recall… what the guy looked like. I could remember… grey hair, possibly Mexican… or Hispanic… strong… build… 6’ 4”…
“Belle! Stay with me, damn it! This is Sheriff Arlen, I need paramedics and backup…”
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@deans-spinster-witch @hobby27 @nancymcl @winharry
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Let me know if you want to join the taglist, and do reblog or comment with your feedback, I’d appreciate it! Comment if you want an author’s cut :)
Love, Arty 💕
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krystalskeleton · 1 year
1992.11.11 – RAW Magazine Interview with Izzy
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"Yeah, music is partially my saving grace. It's been part of my life every day of the week since I was a kid. It doesn't have to be a specific type of music, it can be any type because the whole of it takes you away from the mundane, every day sort of thing.
"Being on tour, I find it like a luxury item because when I'm on tour I don't have a big stereo, I have a Sony player that cost 50 bucks, it's mono and it has this tiny speaker. For the first couple of days I only had my walkman which is fine for airplanes, but otherwise they're a drag. I found myself looking in the window of these shops at these stereos and there was this one in Chicago which was four and a half feet long and three feet tall. It was this boom box with neon lights inside it. It was really freaky looking, but I ended up getting this small Sony because it would fit in my bag, it plays cassettes and it records so I can write songs on it too. I find that if I hear a stereo now, even if it's a PA at gigs and they're playing a tape, it's a luxury and I really enjoy it."
"Indian food and pizza are my favourites. I stopped eating meat a few years ago. I don't eat red meat or chicken, but I eat fish. I stopped eating meat shortly after I stopped drinking and using drugs. I think it was a case of wanting to heal myself a little quicker rather than objecting to meat, plus there were some cases on the West Coast where people were dying after they'd eaten bad meat. I'm big on salads. Salads in America are just a couple of bits of dead lettuce, but over here people are a bit more conscientious.
But Indian food and pizza are my favourites and that's why Chicago is like heaven to me because you can get a pizza delivered at 5am and it's damn good pizza. There's a place there called Mama Mia and they deliver all night long. They've got pizzas that are two inches thick with like a cracker crust with fresh tomatoes on top. "
"I like mango lassi and sweet lassi from Indian restaurants. My second would be fresh squeezed orange juice. Those are the only things I drink. I gave up drinking because I just had enough of waking up in my own vomit and not remembering who I was hanging out with the night before, getting arrested and all that stuff. Waking up in jail, and that sort of thing became old for me and I finally realised that I had to stop this and figure it all out. It wasn't easy and it took a while. I feel a lot better for not doing it."
"It's destructive in nature. Sometimes you can get angry, but it usually doesn't help fix anything. If I hate something I just get hung up on it and dwell on it. I find it easier to try and dismiss it. Otherwise it's extra baggage to be carrying around. You see hatred every day on the TV and some other places and that's enough for me, I don't need to live with it anymore."
Rock 'N' Roll
"It's that life blood. You can't put your finger on it. For me it's that other thing that only people who listen to it or love it know what it is. To the rest of the world though it probably doesn't mean shit!(laughs)
" The funniest thing I ever heard in Guns N Roses was from this guy in Canada called Gabe. God, he was hilarious! He said he saw something on English TV once that said no matter how many records Elton John sold in 1976, there were still 40 billion Chinese people that don't give a fuck and that rang so true to me- this was back in '86 so I've always kept it in mind. It's true. If you look at the globe and spin it and put your finger wherever it lands there's people there who don't know what Rock 'N' Roll is. For people who do love it, though, it's their whole life. For me it's very special.
" We used to have Rock 'N' Roll bands come to play at our house when I was a real young kid. My dad used to have these parties and me and my brothers were beer runners. The bands were always downstairs and I always hung out with them. When you're a kid and these guys would show to play stuff on the drums, it was great. They'd play stuff like (Credence Clearwater Revival's) 'Proud Mary'. I was lucky 'cos I got to grow up with that. I've been hooked on that ever since."
"It's up to each person. It doesn't do any good to tell people not to do it. If people want to do 'em then they're gonna do 'em. All I can say is for myself they stopped being a good thing. It became a complete pain in the ass. It was destroying me as a person and I got to the point where I decided to give up. It wasn't like I didn't know 'cos you go through a peroid where you know you're tearing yourself up. I knew I had to stop or everything was gonna go down the tubes."
"It's pretty important, but to a lot of people it's hard to understand that it doesn't mean much unless you care about the person you're with. I'm lucky, 'cos I do."
"It's a great thing. Everybody needs it and wants it. Life can be pretty bleak without it. I've got a German shepherd and I've had him since he was a puppy, ya' know. I bought him when he was just a twerp. He's three years old, he's healthy, he's big and he can run 40 miles an hour and he's great. I love my dog!
"I've had a steady girl for a few years and it's a great thing. Love makes life a lot easier."
" I worked in a car wash when I was 15. I worked where the cars come out and you have to dry the cars off. In the winter time with the wind chill it can be 10 or 20 below zero, and that was real work getting up at five or six in the morning. It was cold and you've got these towels that are freezing and you're washing these fuckers off. Music is more something that you love to do so it doesn't seem like work. The thought of having to get a real job is difficult. I was never that good at keeping a straight job and getting enough money to do what I wanted to do. At the same time I had to work as a kid. If you gotta do it you do it.
" I've had different jobs. I worked in pizzerias and I actually enjoyed that. That was one job that didn't feel like work unless there was a gig or concert that I wanted to go to. In that case I'd leave work early anyway. I actually liked cooking pizzas, flipping the dough and stuff was cool.
"If I had to get another real job I would probably work in a pizzeria, or I'd work in the car wash and I'd be on the front end. The front end is where the guys would pump gas and vacuum the cars, and these guys were always the envy of everyone else who had it rough. This was back in the '70s when people would drive around with big joints in their cars. They'd smoke half a joint and leave the rest so that when one guy pulls up with half a joint in his ashtray, what happens to the joint? It ends up in the pocket of the guys who are up front who'd smoke them! I think I'd rather work in a pizza place though where it's warm and there's music."
Photo © Paul Jendrasiak, 1993
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sharpestasp · 9 months
Music Meme
List five artists that you listen to multiple albums on. Feel free to expound on any of them.
1. Corey Hart - Most of you are likely only aware of "Sunglasses at Night" though some might remember "Never Surrender".
For me, I listen to his first seven albums damn near on repeat for mental and emotional health. A Canadian Singer-Songwriter, honored a few times in the Canadian music industry, Corey Hart is that strange mix of eclectic phrasings, good music, and different point of view that got me through much of the 90s. I'd been aware of him from his second album in real time, so from the 80s, but actually tracking down all of his then-produced albums and staying on top of it was a balm on my mind.
Is he an amazing songwriter? No. But he's comforting to me, and that's what I needed.
~ Oddball fact - when I bought Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love, I listened to it BEFORE I read the liner notes. And ID'd BOTH songs Corey Hart had written for the album, without even knowing he'd contributed. ("Miles To Go" and "Where is the Love")
2. Queensryche - So when I was a kid, I hung out at a roller rink ran by metal-heads who may or may not have been hippies at some point, and definitely weren't managing any illegal activities. I was actually unnerved the first time I went to a rink that was A) brightly if gaudily lit and B) playing pop music, because MY roller rink was my formative experience. And they introduced me to Queensryche LONG before "Silent Lucidity" put them in the mainstream, and before my fiancé raved about Operation: MINDCRIME to me.
I came into their works on their second full length album, acquired it and the demo album and the first full-length album, and was always happy to see them on Headbanger's Ball. I still listen to over half their discography, and sometimes just put it on repeat. Even with the split in the band, I will listen to the new albums, and sometimes they still light my heart on fire.
~ Oddball fact - I have seen the band play in three different venue styles. My first was in an Arena (The Promised Land Tour), the second was in a House of Blues where I was damn near at the stage (Operation: Mindcrime II Tour), and in a small theater style (American Soldier Tour). I will say they have the range to adapt to their environment.
3. Nickelback - Another Canadian entry! Like most Americans, it was the Silver Side Up album that hooked me. I actually am not overly fond of the albums prior to it, but I have liked most of the ones after. I know people meme-hate on them as being bland or auto-tuned or too commercial, but guess what? I can fucking sing along with them and enjoy the lyrics. The love songs hit me in my guts. The rockboy badass songs make me smile. Even some of the more sexist sounding ones leave me going 'the woman is coming out on top here'. And well, "Never Again" as well as "Lullaby" just own my soul.
~ Oddball fact - My buddy's band back in NC did a lot of covers. R, who was the singer, flat out said he was never going to keep up with "Animal" and that's okay, because the crowd usually took over. And then we all did jaegerbombs to celebrate the hilarity of it. Second fun fact, my buddy usually passed all the extra bombs my way, knowing (back then) I had a higher constitution for them than R did.
4. Enigma - The first three albums. Loop them, put them on softly, and use them to sleep by or calm my ass down. Not really much else to day on this, because these are ones where the human voice is literally just an instrument in the music for me. I don't sing along, even when I can make out the lyrics, because it is most effective as a whole for me.
~ Oddball fact - when I had it on cassette to listen to, I was usually out like a light by the time the first album hit "Callas Went Away".
5. Sarah McLachlan - OH LOOK another Canadian has appeared. I entered into awareness of her with Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, found her previous albums, and check in on her every now and then when I need a vocalist I love. She has a similar handle on lyrics to Corey Hart -- sometimes it seems like those words should not fit to music and yet. I find myself moved to tears on many tracks, and find the resonance of her voice in just right for me.
~ Oddball fact - I think the first time I saw her on television was Macy's Parade, and it was the song she did for Charlotte's Web, long after I'd begun stalking her music.
Feel free to take the idea and run with it. I might find new music from all of your tastes!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 7
we back at it! later this time bc i have uni
anyway! no pre-game thoughts today sorry 😔
ok so the reaction was a longer one tonight, so i'm just gonna have all of that be under the cut and save your dash some space 😅
Le Reaction: spoilers, obviously
thumbnail shows parker in a pink dress???? are they heist a birthday party or something????
awww no ray :((((
nathan? why are you so disgruntled? sophie wants to help her friend? what am i missing???? is he bothered because he wasn't in the know????
sir you are always ragging on about your team doing good things but now you're so put off about it???
why does this bother me lol
what, is there gonna be a parallel nathan will see between himself and the mob and he'll realize 'ah shit, i was being an ass sorry about that'? idk nathan's attitude bothers me
she wants help????
parker you have bettered my mood. damn 6 seconds, that kid might rival her in the future
alec...your arms???? that shirt does wonders my dude, 10/10, you would give the best hugs
they make the fbi so gullible omfg beautiful
"the bug....singular?.....good-good work *dying inside*" i'm in love with him
it pains him that they are so incompetent. like 'these are the guys who are supposed to be investigating federal crimes??? i've been scared of these fools???'
oh ho ho, the site i'm using is being a little bitch so i'm going back to my pirating roots and playing the buffer game with it! you think you can beat me fmovies? me? a child who was there when kissanime and kisscartoon were my bitch?
"she smells like jasmine" *frantically gets my notebook* DOES SHE???? TELL ME MORE AGENT MAN!
ohhhhhh lordie, ELIOT'S IN THE FBI BUILDING???? stress levels have peaked! but he's got alec so hopefully all goes well
eliot's so nervous awww bb ("i just plug it in, right?" "if i have to say yes again, i will hurt you" i love them your honor)
oh....oh this just got hilarious
eliot and alec are so funny ("how do i exit the fucking fbi with a box of tapes????" "idk punch a dude" "......i'll punch someone" bless)
ok yeah, fire alarm could work
alec, you blessed human being <3
i think your sass is a damn treasure! don't listen to them, alec. nathan just has a stick up his ass this episode
lmao sophie, i love you "it's a bit like an opera" and the couple is just yelling at each other
awwww poor maria. she just wants a nice wedding but her mom has taken over :( i'm on maria's side! i don't care if she'll turn out to be someone the gang has to fight i am on her side!
sophie, sweetie, sweetheart, baby, darling, dearest....you good?
EY ELIOT'S THE CHEF! AND LOOKS LIKE HE'S A PRO look at him with his bandana and jacket, so cute
eliot's stress cooking could rival ramsey's methinks
correct my bandana man, everything's in context, knives are very cool, please do that flip thing again
nathan: did ya find the money? everyone: no bitch we're stressed af
how dare she spit out that food. that sounded good af. food court??? where have you been where the food court is nasty? she probably hates mushrooms doesn't she. yeah, that's it. she has no taste
you should have let him shank her nathan
alec doing more than the fbi AS HE SHOULD
not the fat shaming i WILL cry AH NO IT'S BECOME TOO PERSONAL
the bridesmaid's face T^T
parker stop it :( no you've already gone too far
ah yes...."misconceptions" how vague mister mob sir
nathan "i went to seminary school but now i am the leader for a band of thieves" ford pretending to be a priest is the funniest thing
omg the groom is too pure RUN SIR RUN AWAY
me everytime the mob dude says reverend: "father. it's father! no, SAY FATHER DAMNIT!"
"hardison, office phone!" he yells, loudly, in the echo-y hallway
ok, seriously, what is up with nathan? why is he so worked up over this? is it because it's a wedding and his previous marriage didn't work out? nah, seriously, man, what is up your ass this episode???
you dare hurt sophie. you dare upset her. you dare dismiss her anger and disappointment with you. shame for nathan! jail for nathan for 50 years!
ok alec and eliot's convo is super confusing when i've already seen the horse girl episode. "what was her name?" alec, you met her in ep3???? her name is amy, she's a firecracker and is upset at eliot for leaving her nothing but a promise ring, keep up my good sir
ok double checked bestie's dvd list and yeah so THIS was allegedly ep3 which makes so much more sense with the continuity
imma just ignore that i've already seen The Horse Job for the sake of alec and eliot's heart to heart
awwww alec and parker little moment! she looks cute in the bridesmaid dress
of course alec's the dj, what a brilliant cover
leverage's clue for spotting crime lords: they wear a thick gold necklace with high collar undershirts
maria noooooooo! don't cry deary! yes sophie comfort her!!
ok sophie that's not what i meant, but if it makes you happy, i guess....? also are you still on the comms? can nathan hear you? oh shit he can (you deserve it tho, nate, you've been mean)
sophie....you are not going to make maria a runaway bride, right???
"what is it? i got bacon on!" he's like a soft spoken but still pissed of gordon ramsey
oh no the fbi is gonna crash the party? <- this is an assumption
"i'm gonna pull the plug!" you've said that like 3 times already this season and every time y'all are able to think outside the box. your faith is too low, methinks, father nathaniel. maybe if you just took a breather you'll be fine
oop sophie's staying! well, well, well what will our crew do?
"is it the russian mob, or is it the fear of intimacy?" oh she cut DEEP they all felt that lmao
and how quickly nathan switched up! can't let sophie go at it alone!
oh my lord i still have 20 minutes????
oh no he's gonna ramble about contracts. there are two ways this could go
oh no, i really hoped his ramble was option 2
tell me you got divorced without telling me you got divorced!
ok, ok, i can work with this speech? .....nope, nope, nope, i'm getting second hand embarrassment
question: would you have nathan officiate your wedding? for me? no, i'd rather it be sophie. maybe eliot, he'd be awkward about it, but it'd be genuine
oh? the plot thickens.....and it thickens more!!! AND IT THICKENS MORE????? HOW MANY LAYERS????
oh...dear, run eliot!!! too late for you!
"now, i will kill you," he says, waving his knives like a clown. what is this? the cha cha from cha cha slide?
smart thinking parker. also i see you, "i was going to meet the dj here" i know who you meant
no :( don't interrupt the maid of honor :( she's a sweetheart :( she's done nothing wrong. alec, don't you dare! but you complimented her, so we're cool again
parker you have no shame. i love you
yay someone complimented eliot's cooking!!! and it was alec!!! my ot3 heart is thriving
oh the irony
oh that's cold nathan
they got the restaurant back!
General thoughts
sooooooooo looks like i over did the word limit for the reaction block....woops
anyway, i had a lot to say about this episode and i think it is very easy to understand my sentiments over it (though how coherent is debatable). this episode was nice and i liked that we got to do a heist with the mob!
however, i was really bothered with nathan this episode. maybe it has to do with the mis-mashed continuity and maybe this nathan is just an earlier characterization of him. but yeah after the horse job and the miracle job, the nathan for the episode just confused me and annoyed me. he got better towards the end, but just...idk i wasn't of fan of him today.
overall, i did enjoy the episode and i liked how they played on cliches when it came to the mob (the italian restaurant, the daughter's wedding, the voice™️).
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Sunglasses at Night
Summary: Stood up, Amber Lee goes to her godparents house and after a couple pep talks, a 80’s pop hit, and a game of keep away, she’s giggling and very happy with who her parents picked her godparents.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse, being ghosted
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The door slamming brought the Southern mom’s attention from the cookies that she had just shut the door on.
“Aunt Taylor?” She called and Ella came down the stairs, seeing her oldest cousin come inside. Nine year old Ella raised a brow.
“Amber? What are you doing here? Didn’t you have that date with that football jock tonight?” Taylor asked, crossing her arms.
“I thought so too. I waited at that damned restaurant for two hours before I noticed he was on AOL,” Amber growled, her eyes on the wine cabinet.
“Come here,” Taylor called, opening her arms for the young woman.
“I am sorry baby. But I don’t want you to become addicted to alcohol, baby. I’m gonna pull the godmomma card here. Amber Nicolette, look at me and you listen here good. I know you have had a shit night, but the cure shouldn’t be much more than a pint of ice cream. I know you’re growing up. But sweetie, I love you and I can’t let you ruin your life,” Taylor grasped Amber’s shoulders so the drummer would have to look her in the eyes. Blue-green eyes met now tearing up Hazel ones.
“I promise auntie,” Amber’s voice broke at her aunt’s words.
“Come here,” Taylor pulled Amber close to her. Amber leaned her head on her aunt’s shoulder, even though needing to bend so Taylor could put her hand on Amber’s head.
“It’s been so long since you called me auntie,” Taylor whispered. The last time she heard those words, Amber had sprained her ankle, and the words were spoken in agony while Nikki drove them to the hospital.
“I’ll always be your auntie. No matter if you’re 8 or 88. Don’t forget that,” Taylor told her, her own eyes filling with tears.
“Pipsqueak, I didn’t know you were coming. You mind coming into the studio for a sec. I want your opinion on some samples,” Nikki spoke with a smile, seeing his only godchild pressed to his wife. He’d ask Taylor later if Amber didn’t tell him.
“Ella, honey!”
“Yes mama?”
“Go get my tape player and my cassettes,” There was one thing that always made the Lee girl laugh and put in a better mood. While Ella turned to go find her mother’s tapes and tape player.
“There’s the little bastards,” Taylor smiled as she spotted her aviators on the coffee table.
“Got it mama,” Ella brought down the items and when she saw the sunglasses perched on her mom’s dirty blonde locks, she didn’t say a word before producing the cassette that her mom was looking for.
“You wanna get the ice cream or candy?” Taylor asked, and Ella smiled bittersweetly.
“I’ll get the ice cream,” Ella told her and the two walked to grab their items and set the table, with three spoons.
“Amber, I know you’re supposed to be doing something tonight. It was a date, wasn’t it? Was the guy a tool or something?” A murderous look filled his emerald orbs at the thought of someone mistreating Amber.
“He was a total tool, but not why you think. He never showed up,” Amber explained, tears filling her hazel orbs.
“I’m sorry munchkin. Guys suck, especially teenage boys. I hate to see you have to go through it. But I’m really afraid that this most likely won’t be the last time. Guys suck, but you’re fucking awesome! And I’m not just saying that because you’re my niece and godchild. You’re a great kid and you’ll find someone that realizes that as much as everyone does,” Nikki held a hand on her shoulder, before Amber pulled him into a tight hug.
“I love you Uncle Nikki,”
“Of course kiddo. It’s my job,”
“What’s all this?” Amber asked, seeing the tape player before Ella pressed play and stood next to her mom, and that was when Amber noticed black shades covering their eyes.
Before the lyrics game, the mother-daughter duo bobbed their heads to the beat of the 80’s hit.
Once Corey Hart’s voice filled the living room, a smile spread across Amber’s pink lips.
When the chorus came around, both mother and daughter pointed to her and sang along, making a giggle leave Amber’s lips. By the second go around, Amber had started singing along and letting her head fall back while she danced with her aunt and cousin.
“It always worked. Even when you were a baby. Used to annoy your uncle that it wasn’t rock music that got you all giggly,” Taylor tickled Amber’s sides, causing the nine year old Ella to run up and start tickling the girl that she felt was the older sister that never had biologically.
“Oh you’re on Cupcake,” Amber got into a running stance and Ella recognized it and ran towards the coffee table. Which then led to a game of keep away with the two girls. That was before Jude came down and saw that his big sister needed his help, and even at seven, he knew that he and Ella stood a chance against Amber if it was 2 on 1.
@youlightmeupfinn @buckysimp101 @hallecarey1 @kata1803 @emely-ala @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chevygirl88 @midsummereve1993
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miss-bibbles · 2 years
thoughts on goncharov???
oh man don't get me started. goncharov is a cinematic masterpiece and i'm not kidding. its such a damn shame it was not as appreciated in its time. scorsese and jwhj01715 have created arguably one of the BEST mafia (and homoerotic) movie of all times. all of the iconic character's individual arcs crescendoing into a collective theme of time - or rather the lack of it. the clock imagery running throughout the whole film gave me chills especially in that rooftop scene with andrey and katya after sofia leaves and katya is staring at her hands and andrey comes in and says "we never have enough time, do we?" and then the clock tower loudly chimes for midnight.
goncharov trying to take back control of his life, katya learning that doing the right thing doesn't always feel right (spoilers to the betrayal TM), ice pick joe's burning passion for revenge but for what he's not sure, sofia carving a place for herself in the word and most importantly andrey loving goncharov so much to put a bullet in his head. the movie is rife with symbolism. at its core its not a movie about mafia and guns bam bam. its about the clock ticking with every breath you don't take.
ofc the homoerotic subtext of this movie is not even subtext at this point. the chemistry of the actors is palpable. my favorite would have to be the pomegranate scene. katya tossing a pomegranate to sofia in a lighthearted fashion in the beginning of the movie rivaling the camera shifting between spilled pomegranates leaving a trail of crimson and katya dying in a pool of blood in sofia's lap during the most intense scenes of the movie (again, sorry for the spoilers and the emotional damage). this scene does not have outright romantic declarations as much as the bathtub scene does where katya and sofia wipe the blood off each other and share a cigarette, which is basically a kiss. or that one scene which has everyone by a chokehold where katya goes undercover with sofia as a couple and kisses her publicly. some miseducated people would say it was for the plot, that they needed to do that for ice pick joe and mario to gain entry to the high profile ball. but tell me, did the plot really require a minute long, passionate make out sesh on screen without ever cutting to the others sneaking in?
who can forget andrey and goncharov honestly. they hate each other, they're in love, they would die for each other and they would kill - each other too. the betrayal and their death and the ending shook me up so bad. jwhj0715 really knew how to hurt us to the most. i have so many thoughts on that alleyway scene where goncharov is backed up against the wall and andrey leans over him, their lips inches apart. the sexual tension is practically overflowing from the screen but it also acts as a reversal of roles. goncharov is the titular character, he has power, he's mafia. but now he's helpless, he has no way out, he is finally confronted by his feelings for andrey. its not just about that. its an insight into how he's running from his past.
the ending wrecked me. i was expecting it ofc but it still wrecked me.
this is making me want to rewatch the movie (my grandpa still has the vhs tape in his thoroughly ancient collection of cassettes and tapes. my grandma wanted to throw it all out but thank god i volunteered to sort it). would anyone be up for a goncharov rewatch?
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Most hated childhood nickname: I was fine with the handful of nicknames my family gave me. What I hate is being called Rob which for some reason many people I speak to for work have automatically decided to call me. I never even introduced myself as Rob???? I hate it so much :((
Age you were when you hit your current height: I was either 10 or 11. I had a massive growth spurt that also stopped nearly as soon as it started.
Speaking of height, how tall is your crush/sig other? I don’t have either.
Your first favorite color, and how old you were when you liked it: Purple. I was around 7; I liked it because it was my great-grandmother’s favorite and she had a lot of purple elements in her home.
Favorite kind of cheese: Feta, brie, mozzarella.
Favorite TV show you love to hate: Glee, Game of Thrones, the last few seasons of The Big Bang Theory.
Favorite kind of hot beverage: Ooh I dislike hot beverages. I find it soooo uncomfortable to the throat and I don’t like how hot it’d feel in the stomach too. When I order hot chocolate or am stuck with hot coffee, I always wait for them to get lukewarm first hahaha.
Favorite chord (I’m a music major, I had to put this one in): I’m not, and have no idea what to name.
Favorite musical instrument: To listen to – piano, violin, saxophone.
Favorite brand of toothpaste: Eh, just Colgate is fine.
Favorite kind of sandwich: Monte Cristo will always be my favorite.
Favorite method of travel/transportation: By airplane, just because I don’t get to experience it often and it always makes me excited to travel :) 
Favorite means of expression: “No way” and the many spin-offs I use for it hahaha. Like “stop it,” “shut up,” “shut the door,” “you’re kidding” etc.
Favorite Broadway musical: I’m not a fan of musicals but I do hold a soft spot for Miss Saigon. I was virtually raised listening to the soundtrack on cassette.
When’s the last time you…?
Ate something you hate? Well I don’t really...make myself eat things I already know I hate. A month ago I had empanadas that annoyingly had raisins in them, but I took each piece out in between bites so I didn’t have to deal with the taste.
Did someone a favor? Last night; I just bumped Angela’s tweet offering a trade for our Yoongi ticket so that a new wave of people can see it.
Felt like you’d really accomplished something big? It’s been a while. I guess when my friends and I booked our Airbnb and plane tickets to Thailand; it helped give me a sense of purpose and reward especially after working as hard as I’ve had over the last two years.
Missed your parents? Well, I miss my dad everyday.
Spent longer than two hours talking to the same person? Wednesday when my friends and I went through a third wave of ticket selling (and still ended up unsuccessful, lol). We were on Messenger updating each other in real-time for like an hour straight, then spent the next hour crafting our game plan going forward.
Wrote/recieved an actual letter (not a bill, not an email)? Christmas 2020.
Felt like everything was going really really well? Hm. Maybe my birthday trip to Zambales last year? That was a great time where I allowed myself to just let go of work entirely and stay in the moment and focus on me and my friends.
Felt like you’d failed? Sometime in mid-Feb when I handled a commercial shoot for one of my clients’ upcoming product launches and a bunch of miscommunication that I couldn’t control between the client and the prod house happened, forcing the shoot to go overtime by nine hours. We ended at 3 AM and the output ended up being fantastic, but it didn’t feel like an accomplishment at all. It was something I just wanted to laid to rest as soon as it finished; I never even ordered the damn thing during the entire period of its availability. Just so traumatic.
Stopped to smell the roses– literally? Nope. 
Spent way too much money on something totally dumb? That hasn’t happened since the time I used to spend on my ex.
Enjoyed doing homework? 2020, I guess? It was my final semester in college and I was taking a course on social history which I was genuinely enjoying, and I had lots of fun every time we had essay homework.
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puppetoffthehook · 1 year
Inspired by this fanart
References made to @theolderhenderson
“This is it.” Billy sighed as he leaned on the stack of cardboard boxes. There honestly wasn’t much to take. He had a couple bags full of all the clothes he owned - the ones his dad hadn’t been able to get rid of before he woke up in the hospital - and a few boxes full of what few other things he had. Some books, his collection of cassettes, his mom’s old vinyls, his stereo, and his hygiene and hair products are all that he had to pack up to move out.
The mirror, the bed, the nightstand, and the weights were all staying because Neil said he’d be damned if he let Billy take expensive shit he paid for. It’s fine because he managed to get a bed frame and other furniture from a thrift store in town. He got a new mattress; a queen so he didn’t have to squish himself uncomfortably on a twin. All of that was already set up in the trailer that awaited him in Forest Hills.
He felt a small hand on his shoulder and looked over to see Elie Henderson. His best friend and confidant who was helping him finally escape the hell he’d lived in for eighteen years. She was smiling at him in that way she did when she knew exactly what was on his mind. Sometimes he wonders if she can read his mind like that kid did.
“This is gonna be good for you, Bee.” Billy smiled and leaned in when that gentle hand turned into a hug. “Max will be okay because she has a big brother to run to if she has to. And you can finally go a day without that piece of shit hurting you.”
Max had been a major worry in his mind. He had agonized over what the right thing to do was when he woke up in the hospital and Elie had practically demanded he leave Neil’s house because he wouldn’t be able to recover there. Billy knew she was right, but the ever present fear that Max might be next to face his father’s abuse had nearly made him refuse. It took Max herself begging him to do it before he caved in with the promise that she come to him if Neil ever even attempted to hit her or Susan.
“She’s a tough kid, El, but I worry about her.” He sighed, running fingers through his now longer hair. A few months in the hospital and he could be in a hair metal band. “Kid can barely look at me since the mall and I can’t say I blame her.”
Elie sighs and next thing he knows, she’s leaning against the bronco in front of him to look him in the eye. “Billy. It’s not because she thinks you’re some monster or that you killed those people. It’s hard for her to look at you because she watched you die on the floor of the mall that night. And several times after they got you to the hospital. It was traumatic for her.. and for me.”
“I know.” The blonde looks down with a sigh. There are scars on his hands from holding back the monster he made. Scars on his torso and the center of his chest where the beast had grabbed him and tried to kill him. Sometimes he wonders why he survived, but Elie always shows him that he’s loved and wanted. “I know it had to be hard for you guys to see. I wish I’d just fought harder. If I’d just tried harder then maybe I-“
He’s cut off by Elie grabbing one of his rolled up posters and bonking him on the head with it. “None of that shit, Bee. You fought back as hard as you could and you did it in the end. That’s what matters.”
“Do you think I never blamed myself for what happened to you over the summer?” Her stern gaze silences him but doesn’t stop the look of horror on his face. “I know you better than anyone else. You confided in me practically everything about you but I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there when you needed me, otherwise we could’ve stopped it sooner! We could’ve spared you the pain! … But you would never let me blame myself for that because there was so much going on. So I won’t let you blame yourself when you were literally possessed by a monster.”
The brunette’s tone and expression brokered no argument so Billy just sighed and gave a nod. He hates that she would ever blame herself for what happened but he gets it in a way. It’s their shared way of coping. “Okay, okay. Let’s get a move on. I wanna be gone before Neil gets home from work.”
They loaded his sparse belongings into the bed of Elie’s bronco and Billy climbed in, giving the side a tap when he was ready to take off. As they flew down the streets of Hawkins, music blaring and the wind whipping his hair around in a wild flurry of gold, Billy leans against the tailgate with his arms spread wide and his head tipped back to look at the sun high in the sky. Things have changed for him and he knows he’ll have to change with it if he means to truly heal. Now, with his best friend at his side and freedom from his father, it might just be possible.
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Why are you so mean?
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✷ One shot
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+.
Post summary | After getting a little taste of why Eddie Munson has such a bad reputation, y/n can't help herself (and hates herself for it) when she goes back for more.
What to expect | Eddie being a dominant, selfish ass. 18 + so minors DNI.
Post Warnings | Pure Smut 18 +, Slapping, spanking, orgasm denial, F masturbation, choking, p in v, consensual forcing, forced A (Kinda) & degradation.
Word count | 4 K Word Count.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Take care, P. x 🌻
Authors Note | Those that were waiting, thank you & I hope you enjoyed this, I've had a hectic week so thank you for your patience 🌻 - I maybe or maybe not have set this up for a part 3 👀
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Eddie smirked as his front door swung back with a loud smack, the thick cloud of heavy smoke swirled in my face as he pulled the cigarette from his lips, throwing it past me onto the dry grass outside his trailer. 
“Y/n.” he sneered, leaning against the door frame. He was more relaxed here compared to the last time we met, in the comfort of his house, but he was still extremely guarded, his dark eyes watching my every move as I stood outside his front door in the dark, fiddling with my short skirt.  
I had corned Dustin at his locker at school and forced him to give me Eddie’s address under the pretence of buying from him, but since I could barely stutter out the word ‘weed’, the kid had pressed his lips together and given me an embarrassed look. I’d blushed and ripped the paper from his hand that had a name and number quickly scrawled on it, and fled from the hall, shoving the note deep into my pockets while I prepared my plan of attack. 
I’d fought with myself the entire drive over to the trailer park, telling myself that I was being an idiot for going back to him, questioning why I would even want to after the last time. But every night since it had happened, the feeling of Eddie’s hand wrapped around my throat and my hair while he had his way with me in the back of his van, forcing me to bend to his will in every way he wanted, had plagued me. Trickling into my mind at the worst times, during family dinners and tests in class. I had to cross my legs every time I seen Eddie at school because of the damn memories that came flooding back.
It had gone far enough.
I needed to do something about the growing need that was taking over my life. 
I’d promised myself that it would be the last time, just to get it all out of my system and then I’d be done with Eddie Munson.
“Can’t stay away can you?” A slow smile that didn’t reach his eyes, spread across his face as he ran his gaze up and down my body. I crossed my arms over my chest self-consciously as I trembled under his stare.  
“Why are you such a dick?” I snapped, hating his smug expression as he blocked the doorway, his tight shirt straining against his arms as he mimicked my stance. 
“Because I have a huge one.” He retorted, laughing as my face dropped in surprise, my cheeks burned at his words.
“What? That’s what you’re here for isn’t it?” He bit when I didn’t respond, watching me as I swayed from side to side uncertainly. 
“Drugs actually.” I countered, taking pleasure that I managed to catch him off guard. I shivered as the icy night air swirled around my thighs and up my skirt, riffling it up dangerously. I gulped as Eddie’s eyes watched the movement. 
“You’re telling me that Hawkins Highs ‘Good Girl’ is here to buy drugs?” He scoffed, raising his brows disbelievingly. I didn’t trust me voice to respond so I just nodded ferociously.
 “Now are you going to be a gentleman and invite me in Munson?” I peeked over his shoulder at the messy living room behind him, taking note of the cassette tapes spread out across the couch. 
“I thought you’d learned by now that I’m no gentleman y/n.” But he stood back from the door anyway, sweeping his hand in front of him as I stepped through. I hesitated in the middle of the room as he slammed it close behind me, brushing past me roughly down the hall. His wild hair blew out behind him as he took long strides away from me, calling out over his shoulder as I stayed rooted to the spot. 
“Are you coming or what?” He shouldered his way through the room at the end of the hall, exposing colourful posters plastered on the wall behind him. I followed with slow steps as my heart hammered loudly in my chest and my slick palms slid across the hem of my skirt. 
I distracted myself by looking around at the physical pieces of himself as I headed in after him, carefully avoiding the piles of clothes on the floor as he rifled through the top draw of his dresser. “Have you ever thought of being, I don’t know, nice… or gentle?” I asked softly, watching the outlines of his back muscles as he bent over. 
“If you wanted nice or gentle… you wouldn’t have come to me. So stop fucking lying to yourself. Here.” He stood up straight and turned to me, tossing a small bag into my surprised hands. I tried to keep my face neutral as I turned over the little green buds in the plastic baggie, trying to act like I’d done this plenty of times before. 
“You do know how to roll right?” He smirked as panic shot across my features. 
‘Mhmm.” I lied. 
Eddie sighed and crossed his room in seconds, ripping the bag from my grasp and wrapping his other hand around my arm tightly as he tugged me towards his desk. I stumbled as I tripped over discarded nudie mags and even more cassette tapes strewn across the floor. Eddie threw me into the side of the desk, the sharp corner of it stabbed into my hip and my arm throbbed as he let go of me. 
He folded himself into the open chair, leaning back and raising his hips in the air slightly as he adjusted himself, swiping his arm across the tabletop to clear it as he placed the bag of weed in front of him. 
“Sit.” His voice was stern as he nodded towards his lap, scowling as I hesitated with an outraged look on my face. 
“Who the hell -.” I was cut off as his hand shout out to wrap around my wrist, yanking me down roughly so that I practically fell on top of him. 
“I said sit.” I gasped quietly as I placed both my hands on his knees to rebalance myself, leaning forward on my toes so that I wasn’t pressed so tightly against his lap. My skirt was loose around my waist, so that it was just my underwear separating me from the roughness of his jeans. He wasn’t erect, but I could still feel him pressing up into my clothed slit, his belt buckle pushing into my ass. 
“I don’t like repeating myself y/n. Don’t make me say it again.” His warm breath tickled my ear and sent a shiver down my spine as he leant closer to me, his arms snaked around my waist as he reached out to grab the bag of drugs. Nerves flooded through me as the contoured lines of his body pushed into me from every angle, hiking up my breathing as the room became hotter.
“Just like this” His arm rubbed up and down against the side of my chest as he cut up some of the weed. I stopped breathing as I watched the veins in his hands flex back and forth as his deft fingers sprinkled the bud into a rolling paper. He leaned forward to rest his chin on my shoulder as he rolled the joint up. Blood rushed into my cheeks as I turned my head to the side slightly, seeing that he was already watching me. 
“Are you paying attention?” I nodded meekly as my eyes flashed up from his parted lips to meet his briefly. He paused for a second as we stared at each other, electricity zapping in the space between us. 
I cried out in pain as his free hand grabbed a fistful of my loose hair and wrenched me forward, turning my head back to the joint in his hand that he held close to my face. 
“I said pay attention.” I whimpered as his grip tightened, and clenched the fabric of his jeans from where my hands where resting on his thighs beside me as my pain subsided into pleasure, letting him guide me forward slowly. 
“Now, you need to lick it.” I listened without complaint this time, opening my mouth to let my tongue drag across the paper as he pushed my head forward. I looked up into the dirty mirror hanging on the wall in front of us, meeting his dark and heavy gaze in the reflection as my ass pushed into his hard boner. 
Our harsh breathing was the only sound in the room for a weighted second before Eddie dropped the joint on the desk and pinned my jaw between his hand, pulling my face against his as I sat half turned in his lap. His plump lips assaulted mine as I melted into him, reaching up to twist my fingers in his curls. As I moaned his name against his mouth he bit my bottom lip hard enough that the metallic taste of my own blood swirled around my tongue. 
I ripped myself from him in shock as he reached down to pull my leg over his waist so that I was straddling him. He smirked as he reached up to smear the blood across my lips, his rough fingers pushing against them painfully as I stared at his flushed face angrily, his dark eyes gleamed with excitement. 
Without thinking, I pulled my hand back to slap him clean across his cheek, the sharp sound echoed off the walls as his face snapped to the side. I dropped my hand instantly as I realised what I’d done, my blood running cold. Eddie cupped the side of his face, staring back at me in shock as he licked his lips. 
“Eddie I-“ A resounding crack deafened me as the hand he was holding his red jaw check with, flashed across to backhand me. Blind spots danced across my vision as I cowered over, tears springing to my eyes as my ears rang and my raw skin stung. His strong hands circled around my upper arms to pull me up straight, pulling me forward against his chest as his dick twitched underneath me. 
“Don’t ever put your hands on me like that again y/n. Or I’ll make you regret it. If you can’t handle me, then get the fuck out now.” Cold air bit at my arms as he dropped his grip, leaning back in the chair as he waited for me to leave. Something close to regret shot through my frame as he turned his head away from me, clenching his jaw as his eyes darkened. 
I threw myself forwards against him, hopelessly pawing for attention as I kissed the underside of his jaw, pressing my lips against the red welt my hand had left as I traced my fingers over his shoulders and up into his hair. He sat as still as a stone-cold statue, as the noises of my mouth against his warm skin echoed into the air. 
I groaned as I nibbled at his ear lobe, moaning as I despairingly tried to erect some kind of response from him. 
“Please.” I whined. With an animal like growl, Eddie groaned and gave in, turning his head to meet mine. His hands moved to my waist to grip my hips painfully, guiding me back and forth over his hard cock as I moaned against his lips that devoured me. The feeling of him was otherworldly, nothing like I had ever experienced. I had never physically needed something more.
I’d beg for him if I had to. 
Like he was able to ready my mind, he snarled against my mouth. “I’m gonna have you begging all night y/n.” 
“Do you-“ His words sent a thrilling shock through me, Eddie rolled my hips down onto his lap, making me gasp. 
“Have any-“ I cried out as his lips moved to my neck, biting down painfully on my soft skin. 
“Condoms this time?” I choked out in between the gasps of air as I broke apart from him to catch my breath.
His stilled under me as he pulled back to look at me, his dark eyes were burning with raw excitement as he laughed at me. I squirmed uncomfortably as I tried to stand up from him, hurt pulsing through me at the disgusted look on his face 
“I knew you were a fucking whore.” He grinned, his arms snaking around my waist in an iron grip as I tried to leave. 
“Don’t try to deny it y/n. I can feel you; you’re soaking my jeans from how wet you already are.” I hesitated as my words failed me, Eddie glared at me knowingly as he waited for me to argue it. 
I was never a good liar in the best of times, and the way his hard body felt under me right now, his large strong hands gripping me to him as my pussy throbbed painfully each time he grinded his hard cock up into me through our clothes. 
Fucking Jesus. 
“I hate you Eddie Munson.”
“Join the club sweetheart.”
I gasped as he wrenched us up both from the chair, gripping onto his shirt as he stormed over to his bed. With rough hands he reached up to free my hands from around his neck, the air rushed from my lungs as I fell onto the covers painfully. Eddie smirked at me as he palmed his boner through his jeans. 
“Look at you.” He scoffed as I raised myself up on my elbows to watch him rip his shirt over his head. The sight was even more glorious than last time, his Hellfire shirts did him no justice, he always looked skinny, but there was strong, intimidating and unyielding muscle under his soft skin. 
“You’re pathetic.” He spat, running his eyes over my shivering frame as I sprawled across his bed, crossing my arms over my chest as the position left me feeling too open and vulnerable. His eyes were sharp and unblinking as he made slow, purposeful movements towards me, watching me with a sick sense of pleasure – like a predator corning its prey – as I scrambled away from him to the top of the bed. In a flash he trapped me beneath him, pushing all of his weight into me as the hot tips of his fingers skirted just above my skirt, he grabbed the hem of my shirt and tore it over my head, tossing it into a corner of his room as I gulped. 
Without even looking at my exposed breasts, he jerked my hands above my head, Eddie looked at something above me as he leant up over me so that I had to stare up at him. I gasped as the cool metal circled around my wrists, the light clinking of the hand cuffs sounding in my ear as he trapped me against his bedhead. 
“Now… you’re gonna take everything I do to you without whining, alright? You had your chance to walk away.” His eyes flashed and sent a stab of fear through me. 
“Your body is mine.” He ran his gaze down my trembling frame as he spoke. 
“And I’m going to use you how I want.” Silence rang loud as his admission hung in the air between us for a charged moment. 
He ducked his head to bite my breasts, leaving red angry marks behind in his wake as I cried out and he made his way to my sensitive nipples, his warm wet tongue made circles around them as I moaned and wiggled under him, pulling against my restraints hopelessly.
An embarrassingly loud whimper of pleasure slipped past my lips as he grinded his harden cock against my pussy, making Eddie pull back to look at me with a smirk on his face. 
I dropped my eyes as his dark stare sent a wave of heat through me. 
“Awww.” He taunted, gripping my chin in his hand as he wrenched my face back to look at him. 
“Does it make you nervous when I stare?” My eyes filled with tears as my lips trembled, Eddie’s gaze fell slowly from mine to watch my mouth. War waged within me as I thought about leaving, I didn’t know what it was about him that held me here, but there were a thousand alarm bells ringing in my head that warned me away from him. 
“I don’t want to do this.” I snapped, pulling hands against the cuffs as they banged menacingly against each other, my tits bouncing with the movement, but the wet patch in my panties and the throbbing between my legs betrayed me.
He cocked his head to the side as he slowly removed his hand from my face and ran it down my body, slipping it up under my skirt and rubbing rough circles against my swollen clit. 
“Yes you do.” He grinned, the wetness seeping out of my pussy coating his fingers. 
“St- stop.” I gasped, arching up into his fingers as he buried them inside of me.
“You want me to stop?” He hovered over me as he rubbed between my legs with his thumb, pumping away as wet sounds filled the room in between his grunting and my loud moans. He tilted my head back, gripping my chin so I had no choice but to look at him.
I opened my mouth to speak but as he thrusted his arm further into me, I screamed out in pleasure. 
“That’s what I thought. Spit in my hand.” He pulled himself from me to shove his hands down my throat as I stared daggers at him, using his free hand to quickly undo his belt as I choked on his fingers, the tangy taste of me swirling around my tongue as I gagged. Eddie’s hulking form towered over me and blocked out the little moonlight seeping through his bedroom window, I gasped as he pushed my legs apart and rubbed my saliva from his hand on my pussy. He tapped my ass and guided me upwards to allow room between our bodies, his free hand snaked down under my skirt to grab his cock, I watched him as he pointed it in the direction of my entrance. 
He roughly ploughed forward into me, the long, thick length of him filling me up painfully as he grunted and pressed his forehead into mine, biting my lips as they fell apart in shock. A low murmur of a cry slipped out of me as he wrapped his arms around, moving our bodies together roughly.
“Fuck… you’re tighter than I’ve heard.” I stared at him with angry eyes through wild pieces of hair as my shoulders throbbed, my hands pulling at the restraints that held them there.
“Shut up Munson.” I snapped, chagrin flowing through me as my chest bounced outrageously beneath him.
“How do you think I knew you were a whore? I’ve heard the stories about you y/n. Not such a ‘Good Girl’ are you?” He groaned and swore as he grinded forward into me as far as he could go. “But I know none of those idiotic jocks are as big as me.” He grinned cockily, grunting into my neck as I wrapped me legs around him and dragged my nails across the skin of his back. 
“You’re taking me so good y/n.” I blushed up at him in the dark through my lashes, watching his jaw clench as I caught my bottom lip between my teeth. 
The handcuffs cut rang out as my hands slammed back and forth into the bed with each thrust Eddie fucked into me, his hands wrapped themselves in my hair as he buried me beneath him, the scent of him was everywhere as he pounded me into his mattress. Sweat, hair and lip-gloss got lost between us as I pressed my lips to his skin, biting down as he left bruises on my soft skin as he gripped me tightly. 
“Wait, you put a condom on right?” I gasped as he pulled back to pinch at my breasts. 
“You think I’d fuck you raw?” He scoffed, sitting up. My eyes flew down to his red, throbbing cock that glistened in my wetness, a drop of it dripping from the top of the plastic that covered him. 
In a split second he flipped me over so that I was face down into his mattress, reaching over me to unlock the cuffs, I gasped as his intention hit me. Without missing a beat, he wrapped his hands around my hips and wrenched my pelvis backwards against his waist, his hard cock pressing against my drenched pussy, slipping in easily with a wet noise, his pace increased dangerously until he slipped out and thrusted back into the wrong place. 
“Ow Eddie OW.” I shot forward into the pillows as I withered in pain, but he shot forward to lean over me, pressing back in against me. 
“That felt fucking good, c’mere.” I struggled to turn on my back away from him as he tried to slide back into me, my ass throbbing in sharps pains. 
“Eddie I’m being serious, stop it.” I held my breath as I half waited for him to ignore me, but he just groaned like he was a child I was denying his favourite toy, his hands snaking back to my waist as he thrusted deep back into my pussy, the tears brimmed in my eyes stained his pillows. 
The friction between our bodies was starting to hurtle me towards the familiar desired edge of ecstasy, Eddie must have recognised the sounds tumbling from my lips because his hands tightened on my hips as his paced turned into a frenzy. 
“Eddie I’m gonna c-“ 
“Wait.” He commanded, slamming into me as I cried into his pillow, my shoulder pressed into the mattress painfully as I reached between my legs to rub my clit intensely. He smacked my hand away as I faltered on the edge of exploding, burrowing my head down as I groaned in frustration. 
His last few thrusts finally hurtled me over the edge as I convulsed and clenched around his cock still throbbing inside of me, his pants of pleasure and exhaustion sounded far away as my orgasm crippled me and roared in my ears.
He laughed at my expression, pulling himself from me and falling against the pillow next to me, turning away to grab a cigarette from the pack on his bed side. I slumped into his sheets, face down, as the wave of ecstasy slowly faded and the familiar, sickening feeling of being used settled in the pits of my stomach. 
I turned my head to face him as he lit up his cigarette. “Why are you so mean?” 
He blew a cloud of smoke above us. “I treat people how they treat me.” 
I paused while I considered his words. “I don’t treat you like that.” 
He swung his head around to meet my gaze, his dark eyes searching for something in mine. “Yeah well, you’re full of surprises y/n. I didn’t think you were like this.” 
“Yeah well, I wish I could say the same thing about you Eddie.” I retorted, my mixed feelings towards his abrasiveness fighting each other, now that I was swimming in the bliss of an orgasm aftermath, my logical was painfully clear and the reasonable side of the argument was winning now. 
There was a hollowed pause as the only sound was our beathing starting to even. 
“….I wasn’t always like this.” He admitted, the hardened cocky tone slipping from his voice. 
“You weren’t?” 
“No y/n, I wasn’t…” He trailed off before the words tumbled from his lips, rushing out like he was worried he wouldn’t get another chance to say them.
“But when our hometown decides I’m some satanic, devil worshipping, trailer trash, no goodteenager. Well… figured I may as well live up to my reputation.” My mouth fell open as I saw the world from Eddie’s eyes.
He coughed and sat up, shaking his thick head of curls “Now did you want the drugs, or did you get what you came for?” 
As his dark, sparkling eyes stared me down unblinkingly, nerves and panic twisted through me as I battled over the truth that I had been lying to myself about for the past week. 
I’d already developed an addiction. 
And nothing was going to save me from it. 
“I got what I came for…” I mumbled, shuffling to the edge of the bed in the dimness, sliding an oversized random shirt over my head as I hurried to escape, preparing myself to never darken Eddie’s doorstep again. 
His warm hand shot out to trap my wrist in a firm grip, his husky voice reverberated around the room as I turned to meet his eyes glinting in the darkness. 
“You don’t have to go.” 
Part Three
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Also Readers - if anyone is looking for a slow burn Eddie x y/n, check out my Opposite Ends series.
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Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann.
All rights reserved.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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The Man on the Side of the Road Part 11
Title: The Man on the Side of the Road - Part 11
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 7,930
Warnings: Minor Angst, Pining, Mentions of the Kiss, Self Hate, Fluff, Male and Female Receiving, Smut
Summary: Driving down the road, going well over the speed limit. You come across a man walking in the opposite direction with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His head cast down as he walked. Your gut instinct is telling you to check on this man, no matter what your parents told you growing up. Little did you know just how much this would change your life.
The Man on the Side of the Road - Masterlist
A/N: I really hope y’all like this part! As always, feedback is the reason I keep sharing, so please share your thoughts. Happy Reading!
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The two of you were back on the road, heading back to your lives once more. You had the windows rolled down, your hair whipping around a little in the breeze. You couldn’t take your mind off of everything that happened while you were in Palo Alto. It was one of the reasons why you were looking forward to heading home. You wanted to get back to having your own space, and time to yourself. You wanted to get back to cooking dinner, and going to school. Reality.
 The first day on the road was much like it was when you drove to Sam. One of you slept while the other drove. Dean drove first and you took the backseat to sleep this time around. You couldn’t shake the feeling you had inside. Ever since you kissed, the tension had been getting more intense. Your feelings certainly didn’t help at all. Your head was continuing to convince you that you were better off friends. That Dean was into someone else, and it was simply a moment you shared and the moment was over. Whatever happened in Palo Alto stayed in Palo Alto. But you couldn’t help but wonder what was soaring through his mind. If he was affected the same way you were.
 You were about three or so hours away from Lawrence. You sat shotgun while Dean drove. His cassette tapes playing through to give you some background noise. You liked his taste in music, so there were no complaints from you. Hell, there wasn’t a whole lot coming out of your mouth in the first place. You didn’t know what to say? And what if you said something and things got awkward. What if you said something and he decided to pack his bags and leave you? Why were you so fucking reliant on having someone by your side? Why couldn’t you be independent? Why couldn’t you handle life on your own?
 “You want to stop somewhere and grab some dinner?” Dean broke the comfortable silence. For a moment, you almost didn’t register what he said. You turned your head, and glanced over at him.
 “Yeah,” you nodded. “Dinner sounds good.”
 He drove for another ten minutes before pulling into the parking lot of a restaurant. It wasn't fancy by any means. But it certainly sold more than just burgers and fries. It felt good to stand up after being in the car for so long. You stretched out your legs and your back, feeling a couple of cracks in all the right places. Dean led the two of you into the restaurant, holding the door open for you to walk in first.
 You picked the first table you could find. It was in the middle of the restaurant, which wasn’t all that busy. It was a table for two, and it was big enough to be comfortable for the two of you. You were exhausted and you felt it more now that you were out of the car and up and walking. You just wanted to be in your own bed. You couldn’t have been more thankful that you still had two days until you had to be back for the rest of your semester.
 “Hello you two,” the waiter greeted you. He had bright red hair, and freckles coating almost every inch of skin on his face. He had to be in high school by the looks of him. He grabbed his notepad from his apron, sliding his pen from the spiral part. “What can we get started for you?”
 “We’ll take two waters please,” Dean started.
 “Perfect,” he nodded. “I’ll be right back with that and to take your order. Sit tight.” He took off with a hop in his step, making your eyes go wide at just how enthusiastic he was. No one you knew was that happy to be at work.
 “I’ll have what he’s taking,” Dean joked, picking the menu up from the table. You did the same, glancing over it to see if there was anything that tickled your fancy. There were ribs, steak, and three different types of chicken on there. Your eyes landed on the classic burger with a side of fries. That was the only thing you even found interest in. Peppy Pete was too much for you.
 “What are you thinking?” you asked him.
 “The burger,” he answered. “You?”
 “Same,” you half smiled.
 The waiter came over, taking your order before grabbing the menus from you. He told you it was going to be about ten minutes until the food was ready, and to just sit tight. You yawned as you leaned your elbows on the table. It was only three hours until you were home, and that was the only thing you wanted. Well, that and sleep.
 “You okay?” Dean questioned, taking a sip of his water. “You’ve been really quiet today.”
 “Just want to go home,” you said softly.
 “Soon enough, Y/N. I promise. I’ll drive the rest of the way back, okay? You can get some rest and we’ll be home before you know it,” he assured you.
 “Thank you,” you yawned once more.
 “That's all that’s bothering you?” he inquired, cocking his eyebrow. “Nothing else?”
 “I’m not trying to think about anything else. I just want to sleep in my own bed, and relax for awhile. I want to lay in my pyjamas all day, and not have to worry about leaving my room. I want to go braless and forgo pants.”
 “All fair points. Only a few more hours until then,” he reminded you.
 “Here’s your meals,” Peppy Pete interrupted, placing each plate on the table individually. “If you need anything, let me know.”
 “Thank you,” you smiled at him, praying he’d leave you be until you were done. Your eyes flicked over to Dean, seeing him smiling at you. It took every ounce of strength you had left in you not to bring up the kiss. You were so wrapped up in your own head that it was killing you not to know why he did it. Better yet, why he did it and didn’t bring it up again? Why did he kiss you when he was into someone else?
 You brought your burger up to your mouth, taking a good bite out of it. The flavour hit your tastebuds instantly. It had to be one of the best burgers you ever had. Just the perfect balance between everything. The cheese was melted. The tomatoes and lettuce were fresh. It was damn perfect and everything you needed in a moment like this.
 “So we never really talked about what you and Sam talked about,” you brought up.
 “That’s because you and Jess spent an awful lot of time together,” he teased you, throwing one of the fries in his mouth. “It was kind of awkward at first. Neither of us really knew where to start. I told him I was sorry for not keeping in contact with him as much as I should have. He told me that it wasn’t my fault. He was the one who didn’t answer my calls. He regretted not coming to Dad’s funeral. I never told him that I saw the accident, or anything like that. I didn’t want him to know that.”
 “Why?” you furrowed your brows. “It might be good for him to know what you’ve been through.”
 “I can’t put that on him, Y/N. It’s my burden to carry, not his. If it comes up, then obviously I’ll tell him, but I’m not going to go out of my way to tell him. I scared him enough when I told him why I called him the last time, and how I met you,” he shared.
 “He thanked me for saving your life, many times,” you mentioned. “He loves you, Dean. Whether he shows it or not. He loves you and he appreciates everything you did for him growing up, more so now than he did back then.”
 “He told me that too,” he nodded. “Basically we just went through it and decided to move forward. It was better to not dwell on what happened years ago with Dad and everything.”
 “Good, I’m glad!” you beamed. “I know how important this trip was to you.”
You were back on the road about half an hour after you ate. Dean offered to pay for dinner this time around. This time, you didn’t fight him on it. You simply wanted to get back in the car and head home as quickly as possible.
 The waiter handed him the cheque and at the bottom, he left a little note and his number. You tried your hardest not to laugh at what he said until you got out of the restaurant, but it was extremely hard. ‘Roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice little fellow?’
 “I can’t believe he did that,” Dean chuckled, shaking his head as he sped down the highway. “That has to be the worst pick up line in the world.”
 “Tell me about it. I’m all for pick up lines but that one was terrible,” you giggled. “Totally not my type.”
 “You don’t like the younger guys?” he played.
 “I’m almost ten years older than that kid,” you pointed out. Dean let out another laugh.
 The car filled with a comfortable silence after that. Dean turned the radio on, filling the silence with some classics. The sky was growing darker. Rain clouds rolled in, greying the sky much earlier than usual. Eventually spits of rain hit the windshield, turning into a downpour. Dean drove through it like it was nothing. He was calm behind the wheel, as he usually was. Driving was one of those things that helped him clear his head.
 You glanced out the window, taking everything in as much as you could. The rain continued to fall. It was kind of comforting to drive in it, especially when you knew Dean was comfortable behind the wheel. Your mind reeled over everything as your eyes followed the lines of trees on the side of the road.
 You couldn’t peel your mind away from Dean. Everything that happened the week you were away together was all soaring through your head. Skinny dipping, cuddling, the kiss. Fuck, the kiss. The whole thing was bothering you to no end. Why hadn’t he brought it up? Why hadn’t you at least talked about what it was? It was kind of significant, at least to you. You wanted it to happen again if you were being honest. You knew that you couldn’t hold back much longer. You needed to know.
 “We’re almost home. Probably another half an hour,” he told you.
 “Something’s bothering me,” you spoke up, your voice barely there from not talking for so long. “And I can’t hold it in any longer.”
 “Okay,” he breathed out, clearing his throat. “What’s up?”
 “Are we going to talk about what happened in the change room or are we going to pretend that it didn’t happen?” you questioned, not daring to look in his direction. Your eyes averted back out the window, trying not to glance over at the man to gage his reaction.
 “I - I don’t know,” he said quietly. “Do we need to talk about it?”
 “I don’t know. I just - I figured -” you paused, getting tongue tied about it all. Maybe that was why he hadn’t brought it up. Maybe it was one of those things that happened and it was better to leave it at that. “You know what, forget I brought it up.”
 “Okay,” he breathed out.
 You could always pretend it never happened. A spur of the moment kind of thing, right? A hey, I just saw my best friend naked and wanted to see if anything was there, and there wasn’t. It was better left forgotten about, not that you were going to be able to do that anytime soon. You craved more, and it wasn’t just kisses like that. Being with him for the last couple of months, a change from what you were living like for the last three years; you wanted more. You wanted to see what things would be like if you were to be in a relationship with Dean. The only person you trusted. The only person you could see yourself moving on with.  
 But you knew well enough, you couldn’t make someone love you the way you loved them. It wasn’t possible. You couldn’t lose Dean. You couldn’t lose the one person you had grown close to despite everything that had happened. Like he said, he’d take a bullet for you. You couldn’t ruin that.
 Dean pulled into the driveway, right next to your car. He cut the engine, leaving the car in complete silence. You couldn’t have been happier to be home. The road trip was amazing, but you needed to be home in the comfort of your memory foam bed, and your own shower. You needed the freedom to have a lazy day. That was what you were doing for the rest of the weekend. You’d be lucky to see the sunlight with how tired you were feeling.
 “I’ll carry your stuff in. You wanna go unlock the door?” he told you, giving you a soft smile.
 “Yeah,” you nodded, kicking the car door open. The sun was just beginning to set. The front of the house had a pink and orange tinge to it, making it look even more beautiful than it already was. You hopped up the front steps, slipping your key into the lock, opening up the door.
 Your house was exactly the way you left it. Everything was in its place. You took a deep breath, taking it all in once more. Home. Your home with Dean. Dean stepped in right behind you, placing your bag on the floor and his right next to it.
 “Home sweet home,” you breathed out.
 “That it is,” he grinned.
 You kicked off your shoes, and shed your jacket off your shoulders, adding it to the coat rack. The first thing you wanted to do was grab a glass of water after going so long without something to drink. Dean followed closely behind you, most likely thinking the same thing.
 You grabbed two glasses from the cupboard, handing one of them to him. He looked at you with a soft smile, one that you had seen often, especially when he was really comfortable with his surroundings; like when you were watching an episode of Dr Sexy.  He poured his glass, passing it over to you before taking the other out of your hand.
 “I- I don’t want to pretend it didn’t happen,” he stated, breaking the silence between the two of you. You swallowed hard, your eyes locking with his. “I don’t want to, and I don’t know what to say, you know? It - it just happened, and I couldn’t control myself for a second. I get it if you want to. Obviously you brought it up and it’s been on your mind since it happened-”
 “I don’t want to forget it. I don’t think I could forget it even if I tried,” you breathed out. “I mean, I kissed you back so I’m just as much to blame for this as you are.”
 “Yeah I guess you’re right,” he half smiled, looking at you with soft eyes.
 “Let’s just move forward from it. It happened, it was great. New day,” you stated, nodding your head with a smile at your solution. It was the simplest thing to do. Not what you wanted, but it was easier than telling him you wanted to do it over and over again. It was a beautiful moment. One you weren’t going to forget. It was nice to be able to say that the last person you kissed wasn’t Ketch. It was the first step you needed to move forward from him. Small baby steps.
 “Yeah, we can do that,” he agreed. He placed his glass on the counter, turning back to you. You downed the rest of your water, heading over to the sink to place your empty glass. You knew you had to take your bag back to your room, and empty it out to get ready to do the laundry in the morning.
 “I think I’m going to turn in for the night. Long day in the car in all,” you said lowly.
 “Y/N wait,” he breathed out. You turned on your heel, looking back at him. He took a step closer to you, his hands cupping your cheeks. Before you could even register what was happening, his lips were on yours, kissing you fast and hard. Your heart began to race by the time you realized what was going on. His lips were on yours for the second time, right after you said you were going to move forward from the last one. Clearly that wasn’t what he wanted. It wasn’t what you wanted either. You reached out, slipping your hands around his waist as you kissed him back. God, this kiss was better than the first.
 “Dean,” you muttered against his lips. “Mmh, Dean - what are we doing?”
 “Fuck sorry,” he pulled away, taking a sharp intake of air. “I shouldn’t-”
 “It’s okay, I just - I want to know what’s going on,” you stammered out. “One second we’re agreeing on something, then going the opposite way the next second.”
 “Sorry, I just - I got to thinking and then I wanted to again,” he shrugged. “I swear, that was it.”
 “Yeah?” You cocked your eyebrow, trying to hide your smile.
 “No,” he shook his head with a smile before leaning down once more. His lips meeting yours again. You couldn’t help but smile against him. He was too damn cute at that moment. He knew what he wanted, and he was going for it. “Not even close.”
 “Mhh Dean, this -” you pecked his lips, “is a bad idea.”
 “Yeah, you’re right,” he chuckled, kissing you again. His hands slipped around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You damn near melted against him. Being in his arms was the best place to be, but it was a million times better when you were kissing him. Maybe this meant he had some sort of feelings for you; feelings similar to yours. “This is a really-” kiss “bad idea.”
 “Horrible idea,” you giggled against him, pecking his lips once more. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pushing yourself against him.
 “Yeah,” he nodded. “But seeing you smile the way you are right now is hard to resist.”
 “As if that’s the only reason,” you paused, bringing one of your hands behind his head. Your fingertips playing with the short hairs on the back of his neck.
 “No it’s really not,” he shook his head with a laugh. “Shouldn’t have done it. Don’t wanna stop.”
 “Does it look like I’m stopping you?”
 With that, his lips were on yours once more. This time, with nothing holding him back. His grip on you tightened, pulling you flush against him. You were a few steps behind him, letting him have his way with you and what he wanted to do. You trusted this man more than anyone. He wasn’t going to do something to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. You were close enough now that a few kisses weren't going to ruin your friendship. That was clear enough to you now.
 His hands slipped over your ass, reaching down to your thighs. He picked you up off the ground with ease, placing you on the counter behind you. He slipped between your legs, fitting perfectly as his lips moved in a slow sync with yours. You were really making out with your best friend in your kitchen. You were loving every second of it. The way his lips felt on yours. The way his hands caressed your body; not pushing you too far. This was definitely a step in the right direction. You just hoped that maybe this meant a little more to him too.
 His tongue grazed your bottom lip as his grip tightened around you. You granted him access almost instantly. God, you felt like a teenager again, minus the fear of your mom walking in and finding you of course. Although, it was always a possibility with her. You were happy. You were really, really happy. It was about time that you were.
 You wrapped your legs around his waist, dragging him in closer to you. Your arms tightening around him. His hands slipped down to your ass, resting them there. God, he was fucking perfect. You inched yourself forward, your centre brushing against the growing bulge in his pants. Now that was something new.
 “Mhh, we should stop,” he muttered against your lips.
 “Yeah?” you mumbled.
 “I’m not gonna be able to hold back with you pressed against me like this,” he chuckled, pecking your lips as he spoke. He fucking wanted you, and there was nothing sexier than that. “Feels too good.”
 “Take me to the bedroom then,” you whispered, your legs tightening around him. His boner trapped between your bodies. He pulled back, his eyes darker than usual. He was trying to gage your expression by the looks of it. Trying to see if you were serious, and you were. You wanted this. You wanted him more than anything.
 “Y/N, are you sure?” he cocked his head. His hands trailing up your back. “Like sure sure?”
 “More than sure,” you nodded.
 He slipped you off the counter, his hands making their way to your thighs as he carried you from the kitchen and through the hall, heading to your room. Your heart was racing in your chest. Your lips traced along the side of his neck to keep you occupied. You didn’t miss the way his grip tightened on you, or the way his breathing grew as you left little wet spots in your wake.
 Your back hit the mattress with a bounce. His body fell on top of yours, his lips back on yours. His body weight felt surprisingly good on top of you, more than you thought he would. Your lips moved in that same perfect sync with his. He was in no rush to get naked with you. It seemed like he wanted to take his time, and treat you the way he thought you deserved. Dean was one of a kind. He was the one guy you knew would treat you better than anyone ever had. That was one of the reasons why you loved the man. He was the only person you could see yourself with.
 “Dean,” you breathed out, breaking the kiss. Your hands slipped beneath his flannel, shoving the material over his shoulders. He gave you a soft smile that made your heart melt just a little.
 “You trying to get me naked?” he chuckled.
 “It’s not like it’s the first time,” you winked playfully. “I did enjoy it the first time around.”
 Dean sat back on his calves, shrugging his flannel shirt off his body, throwing it to the side. Your eyes were fixated on him. There was a part of you that couldn’t believe this was happening. That he was above you, taking off his clothes. His jeans were tight because of you. He wanted to do this with you and that on it’s own, made you feel good about yourself. He took the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head to reveal his perfectly imperfect stomach. He was so fucking handsome.
 “Mhhh, damn you are fucking gorgeous,” you smirked, eyeing him up and down.
 “Oh stop it,” he let out a laugh. “You’re wearing far too much for my liking.”
 “Then take it off me,” you played. You watched his lip curl upwards as he reached for the hem of your shirt. You sat up, raising your arms up, making it easier for him. Dean threw your shirt to the floor, joining his other two before smirking at you.
 His hands made their way to his belt, quickly undoing it before unbuttoning his jeans, shoving them down his thick bowlegs in one swift movement. You smiled when you saw the bulge in his tight black boxers. That was all because of you. That was all you that did that to him.
 His body came down on top of yours, capturing your lips with his in a heated, wet kiss.
 You wrapped your legs around his waist, dragging him in closer to you. You craved his touch. You had your chance to feel his skin beneath your fingertips. His tongue brushed over yours as your hand carded through his hair.  You dreamed of this moment. Hell, you dreamed about having him for months. His kisses were so much better. The way he felt on top of you was something you never wanted to forget. You finally felt like you belonged with someone. You slipped your other hand down the length of his back, feeling his warm muscles beneath your touch.
 He pulled back a little, his breath fanning against your lips. You could feel his hardening length pressed perfectly against your heated core. “You okay so far?”
 “‘M perfect,” you nodded, leaning up a little to peck his lips.
 “Is this leading where I think it’s leading?” he asked.
 “Is it?” you cocked your head to the side with a smirk.
 “If it is, I have condoms in my room,” he told you.
 “I have some in here too,” you assured him. “I’m not on birth control.”
 “I know you’re not,” he nodded. “I pay attention.”
 He pecked your lips once more, making you smile against him. His hand trailed down the side of your body, making the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand up. His lips traced along your jaw, making their way to your neck. You let out a sigh of content, enjoying the pleasure that jolted through you as his tongue brushed against the skin below your ear. You let out a sigh, tilting your head to the side to grant him more access. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relished in the feeling of him.
 “Dean,” you breathed out as you jutted your hips against his.
 You felt him smile against your neck before he traveled lower. He peppered kisses along your collarbone, leaving tiny wet spots in his wake. He was worshipping your body, as if he was never going to get this opportunity again. Neither of you knew if this was going to last after this. You wanted more. You wanted to wake up next to him in the morning, and see that stupid happy grin on his lips. You wanted to lean over and kiss every inch of his handsome face. This was right. You were good together. You were two lost souls when you met. Two completely broken, lost souls that mended as one.
 He made his way down to the valley between your breasts. His thumbs resting below the band of your bra as he made his way lower. He wasn’t about to do anything without permission. This wasn’t about him and he made it so damn obvious. He didn’t want to do something to you that you weren’t one hundred percent okay with.
 “May I take this off you?” he asked quietly, looking up at you through his lashes before pressing a kiss to your navel.
 “Yes,” you nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. You arched your back off the bed before sitting up. He was off you in an instant, his eyes never leaving your face. He had this soft smile playing on his swollen lips. That very same smile he had when he saw you naked the first time. That same smile that he had the first time you made him smile. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours. His hands reached around your back, finding the band where your bra connected. The material loosened as he pulled back. His fingers ghosting along your skin as they made their way to your straps. His movements were slow, giving you enough time to stop him if you changed your mind.
 The second the material was off your body, you leaned back. He reached down, palming himself through his boxers before resuming where he was. There wasn’t a single doubt in your mind that he wanted you.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” he muttered, looking up at your face once more.
 “I have this pretty great guy telling me that often,” you smiled. “I’m actually starting to believe him.”
 “He’s not wrong,” he smirked. “Can I?”
 “Please,” you nodded. He leaned down, positioning himself where he was before. His hand carefully traced up the side of your body, coming up just below your breast once more. His hands were warm against your skin. His lips headed towards your left nipple as his hand moving up to your other breast. The second his lips wrapped around your hardening bud, you let out a tiny whimper. He was so gentle and attentive. His hand massaged the other, giving them both equal attention. You could feel yourself growing slicker with every touch. God, you wanted him.
 When he was content that he had given your breasts enough attention, he made his way down your navel, leaving hot, wet kisses in his wake. You arched into him, craving more and more of him. His hands slid down your body after his kisses. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You never wanted him to stop.
 “Still doing okay so far?” he questioned, glancing up at you once more.
 “Yeah,” you nodded. “More than okay.”
 “So if I was to continue. Take this incredibly sexy underwear off and get you ready for me, you’d be okay with that?” he cocked his eyebrow.
 “If you want to. You don’t have to,” you reassured him.
 “Trust me, I want to. I love doing it,” he stated. Hearing him say that put you at ease. Typically men just did it so they’d get some themselves. Or because you gave it to them first. Not that it happened every time of course. “Gotta say though, doesn’t surprise me that you said that.”
 “Doesn’t surprise me that you put that together either,” you chuckled.
 “Just lay back. Don’t be afraid to tell me what to do,” he winked at you.
 His fingers curled in the waistband of your boyshorts. You arched your back once more, making it easier for him to pull them down your legs. You were thanking yourself for shaving in the shower. He tossed your panties to the side, his hands tracing up the inside of your thighs. You instinctively spread your legs a little more for him. He placed kisses along the most sensitive parts of your skin, heading straight for where you wanted him the most. You could feel the ache in your core. You wanted him so damn bad and he was going to feel just how much when he touched you. Finally, he reached his hand between your legs, his fingers brushing through your folds.
 “Holy, you’re so ready for me, Y/N,” he muttered. “Can’t wait to taste you, sweetheart.” If that wasn’t the sexiest thing you had ever heard come out of that man's mouth. You could feel your cheeks heating up. “God, you’re gorgeous.”
He inched closer, his hot breath fanning against you. His eyes flicked up momentarily, meeting yours as he smirked. His tongue was on you, flattened against your center before dragging upwards to your clit. You let out a strangled moan at the new sensation. He repeated the same motion three times, each time getting slower and slower.
 His arms wrapped around your thighs, pulling you down just a little. You bucked against his mouth at the close contact. He truly enjoyed lapping away at your folds, tasting you. Your eyes were clamped shut, focused purely on the feeling of him.
 “Oh my god, Dean,” you cried out. A thin layer of sweat coated your body. His tongue swirled around your clit a couple of times, causing your breathing to hitch. You threw your head back, your eyes clamping shut once more. You reached down, carding your fingers through his hair, holding him in place. You could feel that coil in your abdomen growing tighter with every movement. His lips wrapped around your clit just as his middle finger pushed into your entrance. You let out a wanton moan as you bucked against him. Your body was shaking as your orgasm ripped through you. Fuck, he was so good at it. He knew exactly how to get you where you needed, and he certainly enjoyed himself as he did.
 You didn’t even register him pulling away. Your chest was heaving, your eyes were shut tight. You loved every second of what he gave you. His lips trailed up your torso, heading back up to yours. His kiss was sweet, and you could taste yourself on his lips. It was definitely a lot hotter than you expected it to be.
 “You have no idea how hot you are when you come undone,” he muttered, pecking your lips once more.
 “You’re good at that,” you complimented him, kissing him back.
 “I love doing that,” he smirked.
 “Now it’s my turn,” you wiggled your eyebrows.
 “You don’t have to,” he shook his head.
 “I want to,” you nodded. You did. You really did want to return the favour. It wasn’t really returning it, but it gave you a chance to give him a glimpse of what he just did to you. “You wanna lay back for me?”
 “Yeah,” he breathed out, rolling over to the empty side of the bed. You wanted to give him a taste of what he just did to you.
 You threw your leg over his lap, straddling his erection before your lips collided with his. His hands were on you in an instant, tugging you in close to him. God, you could kiss this man for hours on end. He knew how to kiss, and keep up in a perfect sync without even trying.
 Your lips traced along his jaw, feeling the soft stubble that was growing. You loved it when he didn’t shave for a couple of days and had the scruffy look. Even more so when he teased you and rubbed his face on your neck to make you laugh. He was always making you laugh.
 You kissed down to his neck, nibbling down just below his ear. He let out a little sigh of content, making you smile as you continued. You never thought that you would have ended up here. You never thought that the man you picked up off the side of the road would be beneath you while you kissed his neck. This man changed everything for you.
 You slowly made your way down his torso. Your hands slipping down the sides of his perfect stomach that you had loved since the second you saw it. He was a damn gorgeous looking man.
 “Y/N,” he breathed out. It was like music to your ears; hearing him say your name like that. You kissed the top of the waistband of his boxers. Your body falling between his muscular bowlegs.
 “Can I take these off?” You asked him. You wanted to be sure that he wanted this. That he wanted you.
 “Please,” he nodded.
 Your fingers curled in the waistband of his black boxers. The tiny trail of hairs was the first thing you saw as you revealed more and more. His hard length sprang free, hitting his stomach with a slap. God, if you thought he was gorgeous the first time you saw him naked; this was something. He was much bigger now that he was fully hard.
 “You have to be the sexiest man in the entire world,” you told him. His lip curled upwards as he sat up. You threw his boxers to the side. His hands cupped your cheeks before he kissed you hard. You were expecting that in the slightest but it had to have been the best feeling.
 “That’s because I’m with you,” he smirked.
 “Oh stop it,” you giggled. “Dean, you’re handsome as hell.”
 You pushed him back on his back before positioning yourself comfortably between his legs. You took his impressive cock in your hand, feeling the velvety smoothness in your palm. You could see the tip was glistening precum, and you knew that had to be because of you. You stuck your tongue out, dipping it in the slit, tasting him on your tongue; a salty sweetness that you could most definitely get used to.
 “Fuck,” he muttered, throwing his head back. You smiled to yourself, knowing that you were making him feel good.
 You slid your tongue down his shaft, getting him ready for you to get to the fun part. You ran over both sacs, giving them the attention they deserved without being too rough. You jerked his cock in your hand, giving him a little bit of everything, just like he did for you.
 You moved up, slipping the tip in the heat of your mouth. Granted you weren’t the greatest when it came to blowjobs. You could never take them too deep in your throat without gagging. But you knew exactly how to work around that detail. Dean gathered up your hair, making a ponytail in his hands so it wasn’t in the way. Your tongue swirled around the tip, dipping into the slit every so often to taste more of what he was giving to you. Your saliva dripped down the sides of your mouth, making it easier for you to jerk what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
 You bobbed your head up and down his cock, meeting your hand each and every time. You could see he was holding back from thrusting up into your mouth, and you made a note to tell him how much you appreciated that later. You could feel him twitching on your tongue and you knew he was getting close by the way he was breathing, and the way his neck was exposed to you. He was getting a good amount of pleasure from you.
 “Fuck, Y/N I need you to stop,” he cried out. You pulled off instantly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. His chest was heaving, his hands were over his eyes. He certainly enjoyed what you did to him.
 “You okay?” You questioned, looking down at him with a smile playing on your lips.
 “You’re so damn good at that,” he sighed with a wide grin. He pushed himself up, his eyes meeting yours once more. “We don’t have to go any further than this.”
 “I know,” you nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “I want to do this with you. I want to be with you.”
 “Me too,” he breathed out. “Gotta grab a condom first.”
 “Top drawer on your side,” you informed him. Dean rolled over to the side, his feet hitting the ground before he stood up. You moved up, laying down in the middle of the bed. You were actually about to have sex with him. You were actually doing this with him, the only person you had ever wanted this much. He reached for his jeans, giving you the perfect view of him naked from behind. He pulled out something from his pocket before turning towards the side table. He flicked open a lighter, bringing it down to the candle you had on the top. It was a sweet gesture that made your heart skip a beat.
 He opened up the side drawer, finding the box of condoms easily. He took one out of the box, shutting the drawer before sitting down on the bed. He ripped the package with his teeth, taking the rubber out, sliding it on his length with ease. You took a deep breath, readying yourself for this.
 “You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked you once more. He rolled closer to you, his hand resting on your hip. His thumb grazed over your skin, drawing soothing circles.
 “More than sure, Dean,” you nodded.
 “We’ll go slow,” he assured you. “Anytime you want to stop, just tell me okay?”
 “Okay,” you swallowed hard. “Thank you. You want to do this?”
 “Yeah, I do,” he smiled softly.
 He shifted himself between your legs, and you instinctively spread them a little wider to fit his frame. He reached down, taking his cock in his hand, lining himself up with your entrance. Your eyes locked on his face as your hands reached up for him. He was much bigger than you were used to, and you knew that he was going to stretch you in ways that you hadn’t been before. The tip of his cock brushed through your folds, gathering up your slick to make it much easier for him to slip in.
 He pushed the tip of his cock inside you, his hand moved up as he positioned himself above you. He caged your head between his arms. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, dragging him in closer. He slipped in slowly, filling you up and stretching you out carefully. It was an amazing feeling. His lips collided with yours, his tongue sliding along yours as he rested on top of you bottoming out. He felt perfect inside you. Two lost souls becoming one.
 “You okay, pretty girl?” he asked, struggling to get his words out.
 “Yeah,” you nodded. “Feels really good.”
 “You have no idea how good you feel,” he swallowed hard, his lip curling upwards. “‘M gonna move now, okay?”
 “Please, Dean,” you whispered.
 He adjusted himself once more, drawing his hips back before thrusting forward at the exact same pace. His lips were on yours, kissing you sweetly as you grew accustomed to his length. Your eyes fluttered shut as you allowed yourself to relish in the feeling of being with the man you loved. The man who saved your life.
 “Shit, you feel amazing,” he muttered against your lips. His lips left yours, tracing along your jaw to head to the other side of your neck; the side he was yet to touch. One of your hands slipped into his hair, your nails scratching his head. He let out a low grunt, his pace picking up just a little.
 “Dean,” you moaned, tilting your head to the side. You wrapped your legs around him, giving him a new angle to work with. You wanted to be closer to him. You wanted to feel every inch of him. It also helped you move against him with a little more ease. His cock dragged against your walls, hitting places that sent tiny waves of pleasure jolting through you. You had no idea sex felt this good when it was done like this. The right way.
 “Y/N, f-fuck,” he growled. “You’re so damn perfect.”
 His words hit you hard, tears pressed your eyes as they settled in. His arms snaked around your back as he rocked into you. He clung to you as if you were going to disappear beneath him. It was really starting to set in that you loved this man. You truly loved him and you knew you did because there was no other human being on the planet that made you feel the way he did. Not even the man you were supposed to marry all those months ago.
 “Dean, I’m -”
 “Go ahead, sweetheart,” he muttered, “right behind you.”
 His thrusts picked up the pace, brushing against your sweet spot with precision. Your breathing increased as your coil grew tighter and tighter once more. You dragged him in closer, pulling him tightly against your chest. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, letting out tiny whimpers as you grew closer. You could hear his grunts in your neck, and you knew right then he was right there with you.
 “Let go, Y/N,” he urged you on. “Want you.”
 Your walls fluttered around him as he pushed back inside you, hitting your spot right on. Your fingers curled into his back muscles, as you constricted around him. He felt so damn amazing inside you. You cried out his name, breathed rapidly as pleasure soared through you.
 “Son of a -“ he growled, bucking his hips into yours. Hearing the moans escaping passed his lips had to be the sexiest thing you had ever heard. His orgasm ripped through him, causing him to cling on tightly to you in the process.
 He lay on top of you as you came down from your impeccable highs. Your fingers danced over his freckle dusted shoulders, calming him down with you. It was over now, and you didn’t regret it for a single second. He was amazing. He treated you better than anyone ever had. It was a perfect first time together.
 “You okay?” He asked, his voice low and a little raspy.
 “I’m good,” you nodded. “You?”
 “Awesome,” he smiled softly.
 “That was perfect,” you commented. “You were perfect.”
 “I’m the farthest thing from perfect,” he chuckled. “But that was amazing. Better than I pictured it going.”
 “You’ve pictured it?” You teased.
 “Shut up,” he smirked. The tips of his ears going red as he did. “Let’s get you into bed.” He carefully withdrew himself from you, making sure the condom stayed in place as he did. He was quick in discarding it in the trash can beside the table. He got up and headed into your bathroom, flicking on the light as he did. You soon realized that this was the first time you had ever had sex with some sort of light. Granted it wasn’t a lot of light but it counted. You didn’t feel insecure with him and you knew exactly why.
 He walked back in the room with a washcloth in hand. You watched as he reached down between your legs, cleaning you up before doing the same for himself. You were the first one to climb into bed, forgoing your clothes this time. You wanted that skin to skin contact with him. You wanted what you never had before.
 Dean turned out the light, the only light source was coming from the candle that he had lit prior. The comforter covered up to your chest as you lay in the middle of the bed. You felt like you should say something to him, just to make sure you knew where this was going. He climbed in next to you, adjusting the covers before he blew out the candle, leaving the room in complete darkness.
  “Are you okay?”
 “Yeah,” you nodded. “Just intense, you know?”
 “I know,” he breathed out. “For me too. C’mere.  You shifted closer to him, your body pressed against his as you threw your arm around his waist. The warmth of his skin put you at ease.  You were good enough for him, you repeated in your head. He wouldn’t have done that with you if he didn’t want you.
 His hand came up to your chin, urging you to look up at him. He leaned down slowly, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips before pulling away. That was a feeling you were never going to grow tired of.
 “G’night sweetheart,” he mumbled.
 “Sweet dreams.”
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me ask! Your response is the reason I share my stories! Please feed the writer! 
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copycatsymphony · 3 years
💫 Toy Story type AU!
// Meme
First off, Domestic Electronics is basically that, but everyone knows they're alive (if you want a 4 inch tall Tarn and "kid's toy" Whirl, and miniature Cyclonus/Tailgate and Chromedone/Rewind, please, god, read this fic.) It's my comfort fic whenever I feel like shit and includes everything that happens in the comics but if all transformers were less than a foot tall and were appliances.
Anyway! My headcanons for this -
1. Soundwave as a little sentient toy would immediately smack every other non-transformer toy into line. He doesn't give a shit if his kid sees that he's alive, who would even believe a nine year old that his toy is alive and talks? No one, that's who.
2. Soundwave, as a toy, should still play music. Tiny radio that can be transformed into a boombox. Or maybe he plays the cassettes? Ravage's cassettes plays pop music and he hates it. Refuses to talk about it and will maul other toys with no hesitation. Parents always think he's possessed or "encourages evil" as a toy.
3. If Soundwave likes his owner (and their taste in music) he's the perfect little transformer. May harass any cats in the house, though, or tame and ride your dog like a mighty dragon rider but with less cool and more drool.
4. I like to think of a big toy store, and with all the toys alive after hours - a pack of Soundwaves. Think about it. They're their own cult, they drag the Blasters of the store and lock them in the glass cases, and then go stalk the Cosmos aisle. After a certain reissue of Megatron toys, the Soundwave aisle joins up with the Prowl aisle to rage war against the Megatrons.
5. Always make sure to buy your Soundwave with all of his optional accessories (the cassettes) or else you'll find out toys are alive pretty damn quick. In other words: a 5 inch toy will wake you up at 3 am pointing a salad fork at your eye.
Be glad he can't lift the knives out of the knife block.
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astralhugs · 4 years
may I request headcanons for a slow sunday morning in for all the mlqc boys (or those you feel comfortable writing)? are they used to letting themselves rest or do they need Somebody to cling to them for dear life to keep them down? :D welcome back!
MLQC boys on lazy Sunday mornings
* On rare occasions, he would open up souvenier.
* He enjoys cooking and finds it relaxing so even if he doesn’t open the store, maybe he’ll learn new recipes for you!
* But if his workload from LFG gets too heavy, expect him staying up later than usual. You would definitely have to drag him away from his table.
* No matter how busy he is, he would definitely make some time for you.
* Maybe a date in souvenier or some fancy expensive restaurants.
* Later he’ll critique the food once you both are at somewhere private haha
* Enjoys night time because thats when he can have more free time since he feels like he NEEDS to work at day. At night he’s more...free.
* Loves cuddling up with you when you both sleep, he won’t admit it tho.
* At least he stays home tho and not watch those 24 hour cinema theatre things
* He’d pull out an old black and white CD cassette and you both would watch it together or -he watches it alone while you sleep beside him on the couch-
* In the day, he would still go to his lab if work is starting to pile up but he’d go home at a much more...reasonable hour.
* 10PM latest!
* Sometimes you go with him and watch him work.
* No matter how tired or sleepy he is, he never slips or mess up.
* He has an airbed if he needs to sleep there.
* Sometimes you’d sleep over there with him.
* Yea both of you need to go home
* “I’m not tired” he says. a yawn follows up.
* Eventually gives in and goes to bed.
* But would get up in the morning and wake you up too.
* </3 exercise
* “C’mon we rarely spend time together! Lets jog for a bit!”
* More of a Sunday morning person since he would stay in the station ‘til night time on some Saturdays.
* Hates it when you’re not around while he’s having a day off.
* Like whats he gonna do damn
* Takes you out to the park for more jogging and exercising or just simple cute dates.
* Eating ice cream together, walking around hand in hand, yall both look like the cutest couple istg
* he doesn’t have much free time so his options are only the days Savin give him day offs and weekends
* if you don’t like going to carnivals and such, he’ll stay home with you, maybe eat a bag of chips or two while yall both play video games.
* Its always fun with Kiro on the weekends.
* At night, he’d be more calm and maybe yall both listen to some music while ordering chinese.
* Cuddling with you on couches>>>>sleeping on the bed.
if yall like this, i’ll add shaw and helios :D
i hope everyones having a great day sorry i havent posted in months hhhhh
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Doctor of laughter /Arthurs POV
This is my version of the scene at the childrens hospital and the scene in the phone booth/ Arthurs POV
Doctor of laughter
Name: Dr Arthur
Department: Laughology
Speciality: Baloons
Ironic when you think about it. If not even funny.
They call me doctor of laughter here. Not knowing that I needed to visit the doctors because of my laughter for so many times in my not so funny life. Or maybe it was funny, if you have a really dark sense of humor.
But well, those kids here in the cancer ward don`t know about this and I`m glad they don`t. They shouldnt know that Dr Arthur is more of a patient himself as he is a doctor. My work name as a partyclown is Carnival but the guy who printed my card just used my real name which is also fine because it always melts my heart when one of the kids calls me Dr Arthur. It just feels so personal and makes me feel needed. Like I`m truly fulfilling my purpose here. Maybe I didnt managed to bring laughter and joy to this world, not even to Gotham but here in this hospital room the magic is happening. I`m the man I want to be. Here in this small room, filled with these kids who know what suffering and lonelyness means I can do something right. Here in this ward I`m living my dream. Making people happy. The kids just know and feel that this is who I am and why I am here for. they feel it. And they need to feel it because they need a moment of happiness just as much as I do.
I look at their faces and you can tell that they have been through so much. I just want to give them a glimpse of joy. Even if its not inside of myself, especially because it isnt. But seeing them smile, even for just a second makes me think that I felt it too. For a small moment there was this  glimmer inside. The taste of doing something that has a purpose.
I wonder how many of them are lonely. Not just now here at the hospital but when they`re at home. I wonder if any of those kids feels missunderstood or left  by their parents like I did. Or worse. I wonder if any of them will come up to me some day and say "Dr Arthur. I need someone to talk to."
I look at their faces and wonder if they are loved by their families. And I hope they are, wondering how they will feel when they`re back home. Some days in my life, I felt saver in a hospital bed. Which tells so much about life at home. I hope none of those kids feels better here than with their families. I look at each one of the faces. Trying to take a look behind the tiredness that comes with the chemo. Do they look like they areren`t loved by their family? How did I look as a kid? Could you tell?
I love the way they look at me while I am doing my little performance to "If you happy when you know it". It is so much easier to make kids smile. I`d love to have kids myself one day. I´ll be the clown daddy. Just imagin my child`s friends would go "What your daddy is a clown? For real? Thats so cool! He should come visit us on our birthday!" And of course I would be there and do their make up so all kids on the party would be clowns and thats just too adorable to think of.
Yeah I sometimes do dream about this, but thats another story. I dont think I will be a dad in the near future. But maybe I could be something close to a dad to Sophies daughter Gigi.
"If you happy and you know it wiggle your ears" I touch my ears and move my lips to the music that plays from the cassette player . Sometimes I also sing along for real because I couldnt help it. I have a thing for singing and dancing. Some of the kids touch their ears too. Some others sing the lyrics. And some are just too shy or weak to do more than just sit and watch. I try my best to look at everyone of them. No child should feel left out. Thats another really important thing for me,too. To not let any kid feel ignored. Ignorance is hell and I dont want to do this to anyone. Imagin there is this one really shy kid in the corner and you almost didnt notice because you are distracted by the other kids who are closer to you, singing. And the next night this kid might lie awake in the hospital bed, wondering why Dr Arthur, the friendly clown wouldnt even look him or her in the eyes. I just cant stand this thought. So I look at each one of them every single time. Try to animate them. I wanna be a good memory.
"If you happy and you know it and you really wanna show it...."
The word happy can be a trigger for me. Because thats the name my mum gave to me. The most unfit name in the world.
"....if your happy and you know it wiggle your ears" I turn to the kid sitting on the chair beside me and knee down. The doctor standing by the window is looking at the kids face. I guess it feels good to her to see the kid smile, finally. It made her grin too.
This makes me feel energetic like, I really get lost in my little dance for a second. Wearing the white  hospital clothes felt weird in the beggining. They reminded me of Arkham and I asked the doctors if I really have to put them on. But they explained to me that this has a good effect on the kids.They feel like I am one of them when wearing the same clothes and I coudnt say no to that.
"If you`re happy and you know it stomp your feet...." I turn to the other side, spinning around, lift my hands up in the air. Even the other doctor has joined singing. This job is the only thing in my life that I dont hate.
".....If your happy and you know it and you really want to show it , if you happy and you know it stomp your feet."
I do. I do stomp my feet. Forgetting that I keep the gun under my clothes.
It makes a noise falling right to my feet. My reaction is fast. A high pitched scream is escaping my red painted lips. I remember this trick when comedians try to pick something up and it just keeps slipping away. Maybe I can make it look like a part o my act.
This wasnt planned or was it? Is there any chance I thought this would be funny when I left the house to go to work? Why did it fell out so easily? I can`t remember. But it surely doesnt feel good now.
Anyway, I pick up the gun and hide it under the hospital clothes, acting like I`m a bit embarrassed but gigglelish about what happened. I press my index finger to my lips and chuckle. Most of the kids look more than surprised, but then there is this lttle girl standing right in front of me is forming her hand to a gun and points it at me. I really like her.
Half an hour later I find myself in a phone booth taking to my chef. No good news are on the way.
"Hoyt, please! I love this job!"
I mean this as I say it. This job is important to me. Its a motivation after waking up. Knowing that there are sad faced kids I can make laugh again. I even try to ignore my workmates bullying me and all. I just want to go to hospitals and kids partys and be Dr Arthur or the birthday surprise. He cannot take this away from me. I hope he is bying my lie of the gun being fake. I wish Randall wouldnt have given it to me in the first place. I just knew that this is not going to end well. Why did he do this to me? Is this what he intended? Was this Randalls plan all along? Getting me fired by knowing that something would happen involving the gun?
Hoyt asks me why I brought a gun into the kids hospital and I explain to him that its a prob, a part of my act now. he doesnt belive me, raises his voice. "Thats bullshit, bullshit. What kinda clown carries a fucking gun? Besides Randall told me you tried to buy a 38 off him last week."
I knew it. I just knew there was something up with Randall giving me his gun. Him claiming I tried to buy it off him is proof enough. Its all lies. All lies. As if I would have wanted this damn thing. I told him I`m not supposed to have a gun and he still gave it to me, claiming to be worried about me being attacked out on the steets.  Nice try, Randall. I bet you hoped I would kill myself with it by accident. But losing my job is just as good for you. Now you dont have to deal with my laughter anymore.
"Randall told you that?"
I cant belive this is happening right now. I cant belive he is beliving in Randalls words instead of what I am trying to tell him.
"You`re a fuck up, Arthur. And a liar. You`re fired!"
Hoyt hangs up the phone.
This is a nightmare.  The only good thing I had in my life just ended.
I put my head to the cold glass of the phone booth and bang my forehead against it. The glass is cracking. I know there is a sharp pain but I can`t even feel it.
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visceryl · 4 years
“Who’s Side Are You On?” - HPHM
Hello! Finally did a long overdue prompt for @thewasp1995 that includes David Grant, my MC Konnor Rainwater, and @hogwartsmysterystory ‘s Ethren Whitecross. Enjoy whatever the hell this is XD
Footsteps clicked in even echoes against the stone floors, leaving a wet squelch and damp impressions of a shoe in their wake before traveling onwards to the red runner spanning up to the Gryffindor Tower. 
Konn approached with impatient trembles to his white knuckled fists as a cool anger surged rampant through his skull. Like a pound of blood slamming against his temples. He was soaked from head to toe, ignoring the passing gazes a few red robed kids sent him on their way to classes. 
“My my, a drowned snake approaches!” the portrait on the wall sang. 
The plump woman within the golden frame feigned back against her lounge, a pillow blanketing her head as her gaze turned watchful on the boy.
Konnor scoffed, his footsteps stalling against the otherwise blank stone brick wall that seemed to be nothing but a dead end. 
“I’m not here for games. I just need to see a friend.”
“I am sure, my boy, but you’re not going anywhere without the password.” 
A smile glittered on the portraits features and a hand rose to cup around her ear as if yearning for some far off sound.
“I don’t know the damn code, please. I know David is in there.”
“Language!” she chastised. “No code, no entry.”
Konn ground his teeth together, his jaw jumping with irritable strain. Pandering to the woman’s request, his gaze flitted back towards where a stream of students had just left the Gryffindor Common Room. It seemed they’d already turned the corner and disappeared. 
For the love of-
Wait. He knew this.
The Slytherin stalled on his heel, digging it in as a forearm raced up to brush white locks of hair back from their plastered position upon his forehead. The tips that had stained a soft pink with growing agitation slowly began to fade.
He turned back towards the lady in the portrait. 
Luckily, Konnor had been there just a few days back with Charlie and Hal, it hadn’t yet hit the weekly mark where another passcode would inevitably take its place. 
“Inexcussus,” he tested on his tongue. 
The woman broke into another smile, waving her hand. “Yes yes, my boy, very well, go on in.”
Her portrait swung forward to reveal a sizable hole in the brick. Stepping through, the Slytherin was welcomed by a warm hearth, the fire blazing warm and casting a deep red glow across the entirety of the common room. Long stained glass windows lined the walls gazing out far and wide over the Hogwarts grounds, transparent golden curtains draped down over them. Plush red armchairs and couches crowded the fireplace while a looming spiral staircase led up behind into the dorms.
It had all but emptied out now. 
With students attending their classes, Konnor knew only one person who’d still surely be floating about. It also happened to be the one guy he desperately needed to talk to if only for his sanity.
“David? Are you still alive in here?” 
His voice echoed up the staircase, overpowering the cracks and pops of the blazing fire. No answer.
Again, Konnor’s fists clenched and unclenched as he eased himself in passing breaths. This was ridiculous. He hated that he had even wound up here, but after today’s fiasco in potions with Merula… 
He was still dripping from where the pot had opened up into a geyser right in his face. The whole class had laughed, let alone what Snape had thought with his usual disapproving look. It scalded in the back of his mind.
That girl was nothing but trouble when left to her own devices. 
Even from year one, Konnor and Merula had never gotten along. Always bickering and costing each other precious house points. She had gotten better over time, they could tolerate one another on most occasions, but ever since her and David had opted for a break in their short lived relationship, she’d been gunning for a distraction.
A distraction that came in the form of pestering Konnor.
He blew out a frustrated breath, raking his fingers through his hair and dragging nails along his scalp. “Come on, David!” 
Konnor gripped the railing, twisting himself to leap past the first two steps of the winding staircase, and began to ascend. Quickly, he found himself in the boy’s dorms, his head poking around the doorway to glance inside.
Save for a single figure lumped beneath the blankets. 
Konn pushed his way in, nearly tripping over several belongings of other Gryffindor’s strewn across the floor. In a series of beds decorated in more golds and reds, he could see several personalities. Ben’s clean and tidy nook, Ethren’s disaster zone with an unmade bed and books scattered about, and David’s. 
His was somewhere in between, the dead giveaway the guitar leaned at the very end of his bed. 
“Are you really going to ignore your visitor who has so graciously blessed you with his presence?”
The blankets rumpled with a tired grunt as dark brown hair poked out in various angles from beneath. Finally, with a heave, David pushed himself up. His legs swung over the edge of the bed, a hand at his head. 
“I didn’t realize I was entertaining the Queen.”
“What does this have to do with- Oh, hey. You know what? Fuck you.”
A breathy chuckle left David’s lips as his arms shot up in the air. He stretched, his left shoulder popping and muscles straining before finally murky blue eyes found Konnor.
“Did you go for a swim?”
“Courtesy of your ex in the middle of Potions,” Konn retorted dryly. 
Ex seemed a poor choice of words as David’s gaze quickly skated away. He had a funny way of showing he was hurting by always avoiding it.
The Slytherin quickly went on to correct himself, breathing out a sigh. “Hey, you mind giving me a quick dry, at least? I just want to talk about this.”
“She’s not my problem anymore, Konnor. I can’t help her if I can’t help myself. If she wants to go around acting like a deranged wolverine, kudos. I'm done.” He stood, quickly moving to swipe his wand off of his bedside table and pointed it at his friend. 
A swift incantation sent a powerful gust of warm air spiraling out over Konn. His robes flew back, hair whipping about. When the spell faded, he looked grossly windswept, but dry. 
Quickly, Konnor moved to lick his hands, smoothing down the fluffy cloud of white hair puffed atop his head. 
“Thanks for that.”
“You asked.” 
David threw himself back onto his bed, this time with arms locked behind his head and knees bent to leave room for the Slytherin. Picking up on it, Konnor collapsed at the end of the bed, the subtle thrum of the guitar jostling at the end of the Gryffindor’s bed catching his attention. 
“...Alright, look. I’m not going to pretend to understand what is going on with you two. Honestly, the hot and cold is hard to keep up with, but Merula has gone right back to pestering me as always.” 
“What she does when we’re not together isn’t anything I’m concerned with. Sorry if it ends up on you.”
“So you really don’t care at all that she’s taking up old behaviors?”
There was a slight raise of octave in David’s voice and he sat up enough to come to eye level with his friend. His gaze held warning. “I can’t care about a single damn thing she does, Konnor. I’m losing my fucking marbles as it is, so lay off.”
A quiet scoff left the Slytherin’s lips and he fell back to drape half off the bed going across it, as if in defeat. 
“So what is it? Moving on to Penny? Or Tulip again? What do you hope to gain here by fucking every girl you see? They deserve better than that.”
“Well that isn’t any of your business.”
“Isn’t it? They’re my friends too. Just because they care about you doesn’t mean you should take advantage of them.”
David felt himself bristle. “The hell do you know? You used Tulip once. She's perfectly happy being a fuck buddy.”
“I asked her to be my fake girlfriend, there is a difference. If you plan to focus on yourself, actually do it. Don’t focus between their legs.”
Konnor knew he was testing the boy’s patience. He noted the way fists curled into bed sheets to keep from hauling off at his friend.
“You know what, just forget it. Who’s side are you even on here?” Konnor questioned.
“The side that enjoys female company that isn't Merula with a pint in between. Anything else?”
It was hard to argue. As much as Konnor desperately couldn’t handle another phase of Merula’s tyranny, it wasn’t as if it was truly detrimental to his health. She’d grown past actually trying to genuinely harm him. At the end of the day, they shared friends, shared goals. 
He couldn’t rely on David for this. Even if his coping raised a fire in the Slytherin’s gut, he had no right to butt in.
“You’re impossible, it’s not like I can stop you, so your side it is. We’ve all had it hard haven’t we?”
The tension in David began to release as the other boy backed down from his stance. He always riled so easy. His shoulders sank. “That’s an understatement.”
“It is. But fuck Merula and fuck everything else.”
Konnor rolled onto his side, his arm lashing out to find the glossy red guitar. His fingers curled around its neck and in a single sweep he lofted it onto the bed, brandishing it for the Gryffindor’s taking.
“What are you doing?”
“Catch up, David. I’ve been ordering muggle rock tapes by owl every week now. Hal got me that cassette tape and I’ve practically run it into the ground with overuse.”
“You want me to play?”
Konn jammed his arm out behind him, swinging his weight up off his elbow to dig both feet back into the rug laid out beneath David’s bed. He swiftly spun on his heel, striking a pose and mimicking playing his invisible air guitar. 
“I learned different guitars make different sounds, eh? So we’ll just have to be imaginative. Give me ‘Sharp Dressed Man’ on three.”
David didn’t have it in him to deny such a request. With an amused sigh, he eased the guitar into his lap, letting his fingers find the strings. His thumb brushed over once in testing. 
“You’re crazy. You know this won’t sound even close to the same, right? Mine’s-”
“I am crazy. This place makes us crazy, so play that damn guitar and for a second lets not care at all. Snape gave me detention.”
That time, the brunette truly laughed. He shook his head, finding the chords in the back of his mind, and began to strum. 
The acoustic was incredibly different from the electric rock song that hit much harder with available muggle technology, but Konnor jumped in immediately. Not a singer by any means, but bold enough in the quiet of the Boy’s dorms to belt out the lyrics as he knew them. 
David was much more talented. A musical savant for someone who rarely showed off, his voice made up for Konn’s sharper pitch as the Slytherin tried to contain his own laughter. 
Over the noise, they scarcely heard the approach of another up the steps. Not until caught dead in the act of furious head bobbing to their own shitshow.
“This is why Konnor isn’t allowed in the Gryffindor rooms,” a voice muttered.
David paused mid stroke, his hand clasping down over the guitar strings as a coy smirk lifted towards Ethren who rubbed his temples in the doorway.
“Oh shut up, Whitecross, we’re having a pity party,” Konnor retorted.
“I’d pity myself too if I sounded like that.”
David gave a snort. “You know bloody well I got the pipes of Bon Jovi. Care to liven us up with your tone deafness?”
“No thanks.” Ethren swung around to his side of the room, collapsing down on his bed with his eyes closed. 
Several moments of silence ticked by before finally a baby blue peeked open towards the two out of breath boys across from him. 
“Well? I never said you had to stop. I could use the laugh.”
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