#Ethren Whitecross
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ethrenisnotthehero · 2 years ago
hello, everyone. it’s been a while.
things happen. days go by. regardless of what we hope for the future, best laid plans remain just that, and people we hoped we could count on slink away like cowards into the background.
maybe this is a bad time for this. i honestly don’t know, because i haven’t spoken with jill in a long time.
i wish there was something more i could do. i wish that i could be physically present as some kind of comfort. i wish i that i’d heard back from people, wish that my calls and emails had ever been answered, even wish that maybe i’d gone to his doorstep and knocked his teeth out of his stupid fucking face myself.
it’s so, so frustrating to be powerless when people so awful seem to get away scott free, and the worst part is that, literally to this day, he’s STILL making her miserable every way he can, poking his head into her life and reminding her that no one can ever make him stop.
in these last two years, we’ve had three more people come forward who were affected by ren’s bullshit, and buttercup herself reach out personally.
ultimately, how frustrated i am can’t even compare to how she must feel.
some of my thoughts and feelings are very different than they used to be. i’m sure that over the last two years, ren’s been up to the same flavor of bullshit. i can’t help but wonder if there were people alienated, then, who are very different people now. two years feels like a blink to me, but it’s a long time for people who suffer.
some things, like how angry i am, are even stronger than they used to be.
where i am today is very different, but i haven’t forgotten. i haven’t gone anywhere. i know you. i know where you are. i don’t believe in a hell, but i do know that the world has a way of turning vipers on their own tails.
these are a lot of fancy words that, ultimately, mean very little. how i feel and what i think isn’t important in the scheme of things.
i probably will not be back here. i hope that my friend finds some peace in the quiet. eventually, even the biggest waves turn into tiny ripples, and, ultimately, fade into the backdrop.
be well. be strong. things will be alright.
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visceryl · 4 years ago
Forget Me Not
@hogwartsmystory and I co-wrote a short story involving Jaxson (Ethren’s brother) and Konnor a few years after the Order. Hal Greywind belongs to @one-very-angry-hufflepunk and Idmon Malin belongs to @zuulosdovah ------
The pitter of rain bounced off the roof of the colonial farmhouse and dripped down every window. It had rained from first daylight to evening, turning the grounds outside to muddy puddles, while animals sought shelter in barns and enclosures sparsely populated throughout the owned land. 
Inside, the dim glow of a single living room lamp and the hearth of a fire lit up the room where Konnor lounged tiredly in a reclining armchair. His feet propped up atop a fluffy mass of white fur as a large dog chewed idly at a cow ankle bone that crunched beneath its jaws. A book’s spine was broken across the arm of his seat, untouched for hours unlike the glass of red wine he turned in his grasp.
Somehow the day off work had been longer and more exhausting than if he’d gone. With no papers to keep up with or assignments to see to, Konnor was left to his thoughts alone in the empty house he called home. Hal and Charlie had invited him over to stave away the blues of the day, but as he denied every year, he’d insisted anniversaries shouldn’t be skipped.
Even the bad ones.
The glass lifted to the edge of his lips as he took down a long sip and set it on the nearby side table. In his other hand, he gripped tightly to the crumpled and dirted remains of a photograph. Taken several years back in shoddy quality and with minimal color, a light leak consumed the entire lower half of it. But the importance of it remained. Grouped all together, Konnor could still make out the faces of those he’d joined the Order with. Talbott, Chiara, himself, Hal, Tonks, Ben, Eileen, Ethren. 
He sucked up a breath and his gaze tore from the photograph. His head knocked to the cushioned back of his chair. Like flashes of moments from harder times, they lingered in his mind. The day of the final battle nearly broke him. He ended it with several broken ribs and a scar that ran from his hip down to his thigh, but the worst injury had been the heartbreak after, when bodies were fished from where they laid. 
A crack of lightning flashed outside the window, followed by the rolling boom of thunder that shook the shudders. Konnor parted from his thoughts to rub a hand over his face, massaging tiredly at a temple. Beneath him, the Great Pyreneese stirred and gathered to her feet before making off for the kitchen.
“Yeah, I get it. Bit too miserable in here, huh?” he called after the dog. The picture was set aside his wine glass with another fleeting glance before he drew the book in hand again. It was some shitty mystery novel to pass the time. 
Konnor read for another half hour until he came to a stop at the end of a page, hardly remembering a single word from the entire chapter. Too distracted. Another gulp of wine disappeared behind his lips. Mourning the dead was like getting your soul devoured by dementors. 
He lost himself to thought again, droning out to the crackle of the fire as the rain relentlessly poured outside. Then a knock came. Several harsh repetitive raps that sent Iris into a loud barking frenzy from the other room. “Quiet, quiet!” Konnor yelled out, pushing up onto his feet. He crosses the room, quietly muttering to himself about how Hal couldn’t leave well enough alone. But that wasn’t who he found.
As the door swung open, Konn straightened in surprise, half shielded from the gust of wind and rain. 
A cold, unforgiving rain poured down from the angry grey clouds above. It pelted the tattered, brown leather duster of the man who stood beneath its rage, auburn hair plastered against his face. 
Konnor's eyes widened. "Jax?" 
"Konnor." Tired bags hung under his eyes and rain dripped off the end of his nose. "Mind if I come in?" 
Konnor shielded himself half behind the door from the blustering wind. "It's late. Why are you all the way out here?" 
"Maybe I just needed to drink with someone other than a little kid." Jaxson caught on to the look of disapproval on the man's face in seconds. "Don't worry," he mumbered, long fingers fishing through his hair. "I didn't just leave him alone. Summer has him for the night."
Konnor sighed. "Come on in," he murmured as Jax stomped into the house, shaking his hair out like a wet dog. "You really need to stop bouncing him around so much. It's probably confusing. And uh... pick your poison." He motioned to a liquor cabinet near where the TV rested. 
"It's better than being stuck with me. Believe me." 
“Maybe when you get like this, yeah.”
Jaxson made a beeline for the whiskey. He swiped up a bottle and heaved down into one of the chairs. The neon glow of the screen reflected in dull eyes, and wordlessly the man tipped the bottle back. 
Konnor eased down next to him, eyes searching the man. "If you're going to drink me dry, you can at least tell me what's going on." 
"What. Can't just come over and visit my brother's best friend?" 
"Then you should know better. I'm practically a professional at dealing with you emotionally constipated Whitecross boys. And you don't make a habit of visiting. I'm always hunting you." 
"The kid keeps me busy. Sorry." Jaxson took another long gulp. Red had flushed onto his cheeks. 
His eyes caught the photograph that Konnor had left on the table. The Order always made sure to photograph its members... to remember those gone, or killed during the war effort. That particular one... had been the recruits of 1995.
Jaxson dragged his gaze away, heart twisting into painful knots. “...Ethren and Tonks?”
Konnor grimaced. “...I always pull that dusty old thing out on the battle’s anniversary.” He retrieved his own wine glass, polishing the dwindling remainds and held out the glass. "Don't leave me out. How is Alaire doing? Feels like time has flown." 
Jaxson sighed. "Perfect," he murmured as he poured the man a glass. "Somehow, he's managed to dodge a bullet. He doesn't have his dad's cynicism, or his mother's cruelty. He's... growing up to be a very kind and thoughtful boy."
"..he's three now, right? Think you'll consider preschool for him? He'll just end up going to Hogwarts or Ilvermorny, but muggle schools before then aren't so bad." 
Jaxson's jaw tightened. "I... I was thinking of just schooling him myself. At first." 
Konnor arched a brow. "Yourself? No offense, Jax, but what do you know about current day curriculum? You're already here looking like death just getting by as is." 
Jaxson's teal gaze flashed with a sudden rush of anger. "I'll manage!" He shouted, cracks tearing down the cup. A deep breath followed, as fingers massaged his face. "...it'll be fine." 
He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. 
"You're not alone, you know," Konnor said, his voice gentle. "In any of it." He stared down into his own glass. "I know you think you have to do it all yourself... but it's not healthy for you. Or the kid. Ethren wouldn't want this for you."
"Ethren's dead. Doesn't matter what he wants." 
"That's horseshit. Don't make him come haunt your ass." "Horseshit?" 
The edge of Jaxson's lip lifted. “...he's gone. Enjoying whatever paradise he's found, or maybe just...nothing. It's us, the ones who survived who are fucked over." 
"Well, I'm sure as hell am not going to sit here and wallow because he made a dumb decision." Konnor's eyes searched Jaxson's face. "There's still stuff we can do. We can live our lives now. I put everything I had on the line to make sure of it just like he did, and now his kid can have a good life and a family if you'd just let him have that. You can't push all your shit onto that little boy."
Jaxson's eyes were tinted with red as he stared down at his hands. Calloused, and decorated with the scars of nails digging into his palms. With a breath, they curled into fists. "I know. Alaire... he doesn't deserve that. I need to get over it. That's why I'm here. I need your help.”
Konnor grabbed Jaxson's shoulder. "Ethren was my best friend. Anything, Jax." 
"It's come to my attention that you're proficient in a rare caliber of magic." Jaxson glanced over. "You know how to obliviate."  
Konnor's hand lifted up from his shoulder and hovered. "...I learned it in the order." His eyes narrowed. What does that have to do with you?" 
"Take him away." Jaxson's voice unraveled into a whispered beg, and he snatched Konnor's hand in a desperate grasp. "Ethren. Please. I... I can't do it anymore."
Silence lifted from Konn as a wave of sadness twisted his features into something soft and knowing. He sighed, letting his shoulders fall. “You can’t seriously be asking me that, Jax. I can’t do that… It’s not right. I know it hurts but that pain is something you have to push through.”
“What’s the point!?” Jaxson snapped. “It’ll never go away! It… it fucking hurts. And it's hurting the kid too. I can’t be this broken husk taking care of Alaire, he deserves better!”
“Obliviating those memories won’t help you any. It's dangerous. It creates holes. Empty spaces... If you completely cut ties with everything that could remind you of him, maybe it could work but that's not the case. Which is why I'm saying you can lean on all of us. We can help you get back on your feet and manage that pain. To give the kid a good life.”
“It’s not enough.”
“It has to be, Jaxson. It’s all we’ve got.”
Jaxson tore up to his feet, knocking the bottle of whiskey aside and it teetered on the end table. Konnor quickly leaned to catch it from spilling as the older man tangled his fingers up through his hair. “You know…” he finally growled. Jax locked his gaze on Konnor. “I thought you of all people would understand.”
Shock rippled over and Konnor pushed up after him. “I do understand. I know where this is coming from, but it’s not the answer.”
“You took Allston’s memories!” His eyes clouded with a lingering wetness. “He was your own brother. How dare you deny me what you did for yourself!”
“Don’t,” Konnor snapped sharply. In a few short steps he got right up into Jaxson’s face, the roots of his hair beginning to bleed from pink to a darker red. The two were level with another, tension crawling between them. “I have to live with what I did every damn day! I have to miss him like he's as good as dead! I took his memories so he would live, Jaxson. You know how easily I could have forgotten him too?! But that's not the point. The point is we have to remember for them. To protect what is left."
“And what about what I want?! Allston didn’t even ask for you to take his memories, you forced it on him. This is… This is something I want! If you were able to take the coward’s way out then I have every right to do the same.”
It happened in a flash. A cold anger burned and strangled in Konnor’s throat as the rest of his hair bled with crimson rage and his fist snapped against Jaxson’s jaw. Then he shoved him. With fingers wrenched up in his jacket, Konnor sent Jaxson to the ground. “Don’t you dare call me a coward! What I did saved my brother’s life, I’m not running from what I did. You… you don’t get to come here and do this to me, Jaxson!” He grasped at his throbbing knuckles, turning away as the sting of tears met his eyes. “Especially not today. I lost my best friends. My brother. And you want to call me the coward?”
Jaxson caught himself on an arm as he hit the ground. Stunned. Fingers drifted to the dull ache of his jaw before his teeth ground together, ignoring the slightest twinge of metal on his tastebuds. For a long while he didn’t meet Konnor’s gaze and when he did, a faint sheen of wetness marred his cheeks. “I can’t make it like this,” he whispered. “I’m trying to save my life. I…” His voice cut off in a choke and he bowed over to hide his face. “Everything I did. Everything I was, it was to keep him safe. Now...now.. What am I supposed to do!?”
The hurt strangled in Konnor’s chest. “Find something,” he hissed bitterly. His hands shook and he fell back onto the couch, collapsing to sink his face into his palms. “Find even the tiniest shred of happiness and live. We don't get fairytale endings, Jax, we just have to make the most of what's left and you've got a whole lot waiting for you with Alaire." He dared glance up, wiping a sleeve across his own face. “I’ll be damned if I lose another one of you because you couldn’t stop dwelling on one single thing.”
“An arrow killed Ethren.”
“An arrow didn’t god damn kill him, Jax!” Konnor lashed. He retrieved the bottle up from the table and knocked it back for a long swig to ease the matching ache of his fist and heart. “He couldn’t move on. He couldn’t let go of the poison that is Merula fucking Snyde. She was never going to be good for him.”
Jaxson hadn’t moved from his place on the floor, staring down absently at his own hands. “You mean his obsession.”
“What else?! You’re all selfish bastards. Chasing after your obsessions like starving dogs with little regard for who it ends up hurting.”
“Is that why you did it, then? Allston couldn’t move on?”
Konnor let a sad chuckle rattle from his chest. Angry locks of fiery red had returned to their soft, white shade. "Towards the end.. my cover got blown with some death eaters. I hadn't seen Allston in a while and it seemed like I never would. I was hunted and somehow.. somehow the second I was cornered he was there. He got himself captured and tortured and I know the only reason he knew was because he was doing things illegally. When I found him I got him out, Jax. Before he could kill himself."
“...Sounds like your brother and I have a lot in common then.” Jaxson drew a sharp breath as a tear dripped down from the tip of his nose. “I’m afraid. I’m afraid of falling into the same things he did. Falling until it… I just want to stop feeling like this. How am I supposed to move on?”
"...do what Ethren couldn't. What Allston couldn't. Let go. Be what they couldn't be. Be someone who cares for who they have left, even on bad days." 
"That feels impossible," Jaxson muttered. Still on his hands and knees, his fingers gripped his soaking wet shirt, like he was trying to grab at his heart. "I feel like my soul died with him. I wouldn't have made it this far if I didn't have Alaire."
"Maybe you two should go on a vacation. Go somewhere new for a couple weeks... find your soul again, being his guardian the right way. You cut away from your family wealth, right? Look, I'd cover it for you." 
"..yeah. Sounds great." Jaxson's voice was numb. Cold. Slowly, he pushed to his feet. "Thanks, Kon. Sorry for... this." 
Jaxson went for the door. Konnor chewed on his lip and exhaled in an exasperated breath. "Stop." He motioned to the cushion beside him. "Stay the night, Jax. I think... we can afford a night of booze and talking about him. A night to break." 
Jaxson didn't turn. "I thought the point was to not break." 
"The point is to not let it consume you." Konnor's let his gaze travel to the picture on the mantle. His smile was sad. "We're just people,” he murmured as he pushed up to take it in hand. His thumb drew over Ethren’s face, and he ignored the sharp twist of his heart. “We hurt. We ache. Sometimes, things feel like it's too much. So a night of drinking and accepting that is good, every once in a while. Otherwise, we just burn out."
Jaxson's head turned. Rather than anger... appreciation glittered in his eyes and he sighed. "Guess that's true," Jaxson said. "Won't do Alaire any good to pick him up and still be wallowing," he muttered as he eased down into the seat. 
Konnor followed close after, tipping the bottle his way. "Did Ethren ever tell you about our trip to Paris?" 
"You two went to Paris?" 
"Oooh yeah. He put me on his damn death trap of a bike." Konnor shook his head with a snort. "Your dad was screwing my mom, so we decided to pay a visit and have a luxury dinner on them after." 
Jaxson stared at Konnor for a long while before laughter bubbled from him. The first semblance of a real smile. "That... really doesn't surprise me. Our dad... he was always with other women until..." Jaxson's eyes darkened. His jaw tightened and he downed another gulp. 
"...I know. My dad's dead and my mom is basically dead to me. Aren't we just pathetic?" 
"Ethren wasn't," Jaxson muttered. "When mom was in danger... he dropped everything to find her. Even used all the unforgivable curses. He would have torn down the world to get to her." He leaned back. His wet hair flattened against the back of the sofa, and the neon light of the television reflected in his eyes. "That was just the kind of person he was. Friend, family... lover. When he bonded with someone, he would never give up on them." 
"You really idolized him, didn't you...?" 
"Idolize him?" Jaxson considered that. "Guess it's only natural to talk about... the good things when someone isn't here anymore. But no... I didn't idolize him." Jaxson snorted and leaned forward, auburn bangs falling with him. "Ethren was selfish. Selfish and obsessive and downright cowardly , at times. He didn't want to live for himself, so he lived on the whims and needs of others. And when he did want to live for himself, he threw it away, for a war he should have never been a part of and a girl that never deserved him."
"Good. I'd have to hit you again." Konnor stared at his knuckles, already beginning to bruise. Likewise, Jax's jaw was swelling in a rush of blue and black. "We had a no bullshit policy. Sometimes, while we were in the Order, I'd make a phone call to him or he'd make one to me. Like we weren't at war, and no time had passed... we'd laugh or talk or cry or curse until we lost our voices. Something like that would completely undo the stress of having to get up the next day and go right back into a room full of enemies." He grimaced. His hair had dulled to a bluish grey tint. "We had a deal that after everything was over, a few of us would high tail it to some remote island and piss away a few weeks." 
"Yeah?" Jaxson said quietly. "Probably Tredyffrin Island... the one  our family owns... no one ever goes there anymore. It would have been perfect." The elder brother sighed and poured himself another glass. He stared at the downpour of red pooling at the bottom of the crystal goblet while thunder roared outside the glass window. "He made me a lot of promises, too. Like when he was an uncle, he was going to spoil the shit out of whatever kid Idmon and I adopted. He insisted he'd never have a kid of his own." Jaxson dragged a sharp breath. "...fuck."
"Everything changed... you ever still think about giving Alaire someone to grow up with?" 
"...no. Between Idmon and I... we probably only have enough sanity between us for one brat. And that's with the girls' help. Aisling and Summer... they’re absolute life savers."
 "Well, I can't blame you for that," Konnor said with a tired smile. "Shit, I always imagined a family and kids one day, but... I think after everything, I've only got it left in me to help all of you guys manage your own rascals. Hal and Charlie have two right next door. And ever since Barnaby found out I've got my own little menagerie, he drags Aisling and their kids over all the time. And Alaire is always welcome." 
"He's been so excited to come back and see Uncle Kon." Jaxson's smile was short-lived. "...how do you manage it all?" 
"Depends on what you mean by 'all.'" 
"Losing Allston. You'll never be able to talk to him again. Losing Ethren... Tonks... Your dad...everything." 
"Well, if you haven't noticed, I have a healthy supply of alcohol. But I don't make a habit out of that, my position requires me sober, obviously." He swished his drink thoughtfully. "What really drives me is knowing what all I've still got. Lots of people still want and need me around." 
"I don't actually want to forget him," Jaxson whispered. "Remembering the good times...it's part of what pushes me forward. And Alaire deserves to know those stories. It just seems so much... harder this way." 
"I know." Konnor leaned over, and his fragile fist punched Jaxson's shoulder lightly. "Don't ever ask me to take away your memories again. That magic can go right to hell." 
Jaxson smirked. "...Ethren always hated that spell. He said to be obliviated... it was the deepest violation a person could endure. Those memories are precious." He gave a deep breath and lifted his goblet. "...to remembering the fallen. And living in their honor." 
Konnor lifted his glass in turn. "Help me finish this bottle, and the guest room will have your name written all over it."
Morning came with the promise of clear skies. As the sun painted the sky a beautiful array of pinks and purples that began to open up to the blue of day, Konnor rolled to the other side of the bed with a tangle of sheets around his legs. At the end of his bed, Iris snoozed with soft snores. 
From downstairs he could hear the rustle of footsteps cascading against the hardwood floors and with a tired rub of his head, Konnor swung himself to stand from the bed. His hair poked out in all directions as his hands raised up in the air and a series of pops crawled up his spine. “Jax?” he called out through the house.
No answer.
Konnor sighed and crossed the room with last feeble attempts to pat his platinum hair down into something presentable. The stairs winding down from the hallway just outside his room creaked with each step. He passed several pictures of Hal, Charlie, and the twins on the way down until his feet stalled on the bottom step. 
Jaxson stood at the doorway in the living room, dragging his jacket over his shoulders.
“You’re leaving?”
Jax’s gaze darted up. He looked rough. From the clear as day hangover to the black and blue bruise in the size of a small fist surrounding the right side of his jaw. “...Yeah. I figured I’d leave you to your day.”
“You could always stay for breakfast, you know. Bet you could use it.”
“Nah, I should probably go pick Alaire up. But uh… Konnor?”
Konnor finally touched down into the living room, flicking on the light to join the flecks of light illuminating from the window. “What’s up?”
“Sorry for last night, and thanks. I needed that.”
“Yeah I’ll bet you needed that knuckle sandwich. Just don’t be so much of a stranger. You better haul yourself and Alaire back over here soon or I’m going to lob you another one.”
Jaxson hid the beginnings of a smirk. “Do that and I’ll have to get you back. Don’t worry, we’ll visit soon. I think I just need some time to clear my head first.”
“Then do that. You can always call too, and tell Alaire I say hi.”
Fingers curled around the doorknob, opening it ever so slightly. “I will.” He opened the door, and all but fell backwards as a small toddler came barreling into the house to cling to his legs. 
“Found you!” Alaire giggled as he buried his face into his Uncle’s leg and Jaxson blinked. 
“Alaire?! How did you-”
“Summer mentioned that you’d gone for the night... and that you might need me.” That voice. He’d know that voice even in a symphony of voices. Idmon Malin came from around the corner, blue eyes soft, his smile kind as he lifted Alaire up into his arms. Blonde hair fell down his back. “I thought I might drop- Merlin’s beard, Jaxson, are you all right?” 
Jaxson, still stunned at his boyfriend having shown up out of the blue, blinked. “W-wha?”
“Your face. Bloody- did you get hit with a bludger last night?”
“A...oh.” Red bled onto his cheeks as Idmon’s long, delicate fingers gently brushed his bruise. “No, there was an uh... accident last night involving an erumpent and a... uh-”
“I slugged him,” Konnor purred as he leaned against the doorframe.
Idmon snorted. “Well, I imagine he deserved it,” he said. As Alaire began to fuss, he put the child down and he rushed over to jump into Uncle Konnor’s arms and his gaze searched his lover. “...are you alright. You look... like a mess.”
Two short steps brought Jaxson to his boyfriend. His arms hooked tight around his shoulders and he rested his head against Idmon’s, a ragged breath drawing from his lungs. “...it was a long night.”
“..the anniversary,” Idmon whispered. His palm found Jaxson’s cheek. “You should have stayed with me..”
“Shouldn’t have run,” Jaxson agreed. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize... did you find what you were looking for..?”
“Uncle Konnor!” Alaire tugged on Konnor’s shirt. “Aunt Summer gave me a toy snitch!” 
“Did she?” Konnor lifted the boy up into his arms. “That was very sweet of her. And speaking of sweet... I think I have some biscuits in the cabinet. Want some?” 
Alaire giggled. “They’re cookies, biscuits are... biscuits!”
“Oh, no,” Konnor grinned as he tickled the squealing boy.  “Do not start that, your dad and I got into so many fights about cookies and biscuits!”
Jaxson’s eyes softened as he watched Alaire smile and hug Konnor around the neck. His hand found Idmon’s, squeezed, and gave a breath. “Yeah,” he whispered. “I think I did... let’s stay for a bit, then go home.”
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mira-shard · 4 years ago
So guess who tried to draw mc's in a realistic style again~? Me :3
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@hogwartsmystory I hope you like it and thank you so much for letting me draw your mc! 💜
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scarlettroubles · 4 years ago
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Finally found the time to draw @hogwartsmysterystory‘s MC, Ethren Whitecross who has such an amazing story. I imagine Eileen and Ethren bond over watching and observing people duelling in the duelling club and just, pointing out their mistakes or making some hilarious commentary all the way from the back of the room and having these serious debates over whatever topic gets brought up. Eileen would tutor Ethren in Transfiguration and teach him a few tricks in duelling while Ethren teaches her about the muggle world since she finds it so interesting and is particularly fascinated by this ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ game Ethren keeps talking about and a little about the American Wizarding community.
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angellazull · 4 years ago
🌹Roses and Hearts❤️
(Text of Valentine's Day and Elaiza's Birthday, sorry for being late, Irmãzinha @annabelle-tanaka-official, you know how i have no time for anything now.)
Angelo was feeling very pleased with Professor Dumbledore's announcement about the Valentine's Day ball, until today all events of this nature were for the boy quite... peculiar, to say the least, but with a very pleasant outcome for the boy. Well, now he had one more chance of everything going perfect, earlier today, with a bouquet of roses in herbology class, with the permission of Professor Sprout, Angel used the final minutes of the class to invite his girlfriend, Penny to go to dance with him, it was certain that they had dated since the beginning of the fifth year, but, Angel wanted to be a gentleman and romantic, because he knew his girlfriend liked it and believed in the power of true love, so he wanted to do something right. As soon as he made the request, Penny accepted him on the spot with a passionate kiss that touched the herbology teacher.
Now he was there, in front of the mirror, in the Transfiguration room, preparing for the ball, André, once again, had made great clothes for everyone.
"Andre, it looks fantastic." Said Angel looking at her reflection in the mirror.
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"Thanks, Angel, after your invitation to Penny in herbology class, I thought it would be cool to make you two matching outfits." Andre replied, adjusting Angel's tie.
"I hope this night will be more than great." Commented Angel. "We are not going to have an avalanche of broken cups, or Lockhart to get in the way, everything will be perfect. Thanks André."
"No need to thank, Angel." Said André, but soon he was basically pushing Angel to the door. "Now you have to go, I still have seven more people to wear, before the dance."
Now ready and with several minutes to the beginning of the ball, he decided to pick up the special package for the night. Going up to the dormitory in the Ravenclaw common room, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took a small lilac package with a beautiful white pearl bow.
"What do you have there, Angel?" Talbott had appeared behind Angel, he was also already wearing his clothes for the ball, and he was quite elegant, and Angel knew the name of the reason for this elegance, Elaiza Schuyler.
"Ah, Talbott." Angel couldn't help being frightened by the appearance of her friend. "It's just Elaiza's birthday present, I wanted to give it to her today at the ball, and speaking of Elaiza, are you quite elegant, if you produced just for her?" Angel asked provocatively, as he was starting to get used to the idea that Talbott was in love with his little sister.
"Well, it's Valentine's Day and her birthday, so she deserves better production." Talbott replied and Angel may notice a slight flush on his cheeks as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Our girlfriends deserve it, and it's curious that my girlfriend is the best friend of my best friend's boyfriend."
"Now that you comment, it does seem a little curious." Talbott replied.
"Let's go, I still have to get Penny." Said Angel adjusting his red gloves, with a shrinking spell, he made Elaiza's gift fit in his pocket, that would keep him safe until it was time to give it to his sister.
The two boys left the hall with the Ravenclaw, down the stairs to the great hall. On the way the two commented on their requests for the ball, as soon as they arrived at the doors of the hall, the music chosen by Chiara, a jazz arrangement played by a drums, wind instruments, string instruments and the very indispensable piano by Madame Pince.
Entering the hall, the decor was perfect, Badeea and a group of very hard-working students had worked hard to be able to leave the hall with a touch of enchanted forest from fairy tales.
Several couples were already in the hall, some were dancing on the dance floor, others were sitting at the table talking, some were enjoying the appetizers prepared by Jae and his apprentice chefs. In a corner chatting, he saw Ethren @hogwartsmystory and Merula, in Angel's opinion, they were a cute couple, maybe both would complement each other. Next to the appetizer table, Jae was next to Kyril @kyril-hphm, It was almost impossible to see this couple and not think that their love was so obviously chaotic. And looking at Badeea's picture, Jason @death-or-sleep, and McNully commented on the individuals represented there.
In short, everything looked perfect.
"This decor is really wonderful, Angel." Talbott praised seeing the flower arrangements, fabric bands, and Badeea's painting.
"You helped a lot, Talbott, if you hadn't grown the flowers, we wouldn't have enough for the flower arrangements." Angel replied smiling, but he had to admit, the room was beautiful.
"Hey, boys." A voice that made Angel's heart skip whenever she said anything.
Angel turned and found herself in front of Penny, she was beautiful, wearing a bright red skirt, a white shirt with red hearts, her hair was tied in a braid with a red bow, she was just stunning, her bright blue eyes stood out of the colors she used today.
"Honey, you look… magnificent…" said Angel with a smile for Penny.
"Thank you, Kitten." Said Penny, arranging a loose strand of hair behind her ear, while turning red. "You look magnificent too, red suits you..."
Penny came over and kissed Angel's lips quickly, and linked her arm around Angel's arm.
"Tal, where is Elaiza?" Penny asked his best friend.
"She was just finishing up." Talbott replied. "You look very beautiful, Penny, Angel is a lucky boy."
"Well, Tal is right." The blue-haired boy admitted. "I still don't know what I did to deserve that the most beautiful and popular girl at school was interested in the strange blue-haired boy."
"But know that this boy with blue hair has always been the most gentle, intelligent and affectionate person I have ever met." Penny stroked Angel's cheek with a smile. "I couldn't help but be interested in you."
"Aww, this is so cute." Elaiza had approached the three. Wearing a dress with a white skirt with roses, and a black top, her hair flowing and flowing, she was very beautiful.
"Elaiza, wow, I love your dress, it's beautiful." Penny praised Elaiza's dress.
"Thank you, Penny." Then she addressed Talbott. "What did you think, Talby?"
"You look stunning." Said Talbott a little shy, running a hand through his hair, he said the girl. "You look really beautiful today, Elaiza."
At that instant a slow, romantic melody started to play.
"Do you want to dance with me, Penny?" Angel asked, extending his hand to his girlfriend.
"I would love to, Angel." Said the girl accepting the invitation.
The couple walked hand in hand to the center of the dance floor, with fairies flying over couples making synchronized flights forming hearts, as soon as they stepped on the dance floor, Angel recognized the fairy who led the group, it was Eladora, the fairy who he saved and had become his friend. Penny ran her hands around Angel's neck and together they started to move around the dance floor.
"You know, I believe I am very lucky to be here with you, Penny." Said Angel smiling at his girlfriend. "You know, when I first met you, I could never imagine that the most popular and beautiful girl of our year would fall in love with the weird blue-haired boy with a troubled family history."
"I didn't think you were weird, I think you're a cute boy." Said the girl looking at Angel with a smile on her lips too. "I like how you always try to help everyone and solve problems at school, that's very kind."
"If you say you are, but the truth is, I'm the luckiest wizard in the world to have the most beautiful witch on my side."
"Angel!" Penny's cheeks were slightly reddish.
"I am with you, so I could not be in better company, no matter where we are, it will always be perfect if I am with you." Penny smiled at her boyfriend and with that they danced to the music, enjoying a moment without words, just leaving their hearts in sync with each other.
So it happened for two more songs, when they finally left the dance floor and approached a vacant place next to Stephanie @hanihonii who was with Mezure, and Cristiano @chrisception13 with Jenny @jayrart.
"I loved this dance." Penny commented with a smile.
"Yes, it was a lot of fun." But at that moment Angel's gaze strayed to Elaiza and Talbott who had just left the dance floor as well, turning to Penny. "Penny, you know that today is also Elaiza's birthday, so there is something I would like to do.
Approaching the girl's ear, he explained her plan. And when he finished Penny said:
"Aww, how cute, Angel, she will like it a lot."
"I will do that and then I promise that the night will be ours alone."
"You don't have to promise anything, dear, I know you love her." Said Penny stroking her boyfriend's cheek. "This is so adorable, and I love how you always want to make everyone happy, come on."
"Thank you my love." Angel said kissing Penny's lips quickly. "I'll be right back."
Moving away from his girlfriend, Angel crossed the great hall, approaching Elaiza and Talbott.
"Er… Talbott, can I speak to Elaiza, for a minute in private?"
Talbott, who already knew what his friend was planning, just nodded and left without giving any explanation, leaving Elaiza quite confused, turning to Angel with a questioning look, she asked:
"Is there a problem, Angel?"
"No, I just wanted to tell you a few things." He took the gift out of his pocket and with his wand, he returned it to its original size. "Elaiza, since we met, I am sure that our friendship has only grown, and has become so strong, to the point of being one of the strongest relationships I have in life, I know that I am not a Schuyler and you are not a Lancaster, but, Elaiza… I love you, I love you as if you were my real sister, you are one of the most fantastic people I have ever met. "
"Angel!" Exclaimed the brown-haired girl when Angel handed him the lilac package.
She tore the wrapping paper, revealing the blue velvet box, when opening it, Elaiza found a silver necklace, with a violet-shaped pendant, with the happy petals of a purple crystal, and linking all the petals, like a bow , there were the words, 'Siblings', repeated several times, forming an infinite loop.
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"I can?" Angel took the necklace and placed it around Elaiza's neck. "In the world of magic, we are always expected to receive a magical gift, but... I hope this necklace can remind you that no matter what happens, you will always be like a sister to me and I will always be there if you need."
Angel hugged Elaiza tightly, her heart was pounding in her chest. The truth was that since they met, Angel and Elaiza had developed a friendship, practically indestructible, there was love in this relationship that is extremely strong, brotherly love, a love of siblings. And the boy couldn't ask for anything stronger and more true.
"I talked to Talbott earlier, and I know today is Valentine's Day and you want to spend your night with him, but..." Angel held out her hand to Elaiza. "Sister, do you accept to dance to the next song with me?"
"What song, shall we dance, brother?" Elaiza asked, holding Angel's hand.
"Well, I don't think we could dance the waltz, after all, she is too romantic, so I hope you like foxtrot."
Angel nodded to Irvin who was standing next to the instruments, and with a wave of the boy's wand, a lively melody at the sound of jazz began to play in the hall. With a smile, Angel led the girl to the dance floor, where they started dancing to the sound of jazz. (https://youtu.be/zt3WKBJqH6M)
"Did you already plan this?" Elaiza asked when Angel put her hand on his waist and she on his arm. Although the difference was also relevant, they found no problems adapting.
"Had I already prepared for my sister's birthday?" Angel asked innocently. "No of course not."
"You are so silly, Angel." Elaiza spoke when they made the first cincronized movement.
"I know, but you love it about me." Said Angel with an amused smile.
"Do you think so?" Elaiza asked with a mocking smile.
"I know it is so, if not, we would not be siblings."
The two youngs seemed to slide down the dance floor with their steps perfectly matched, nor did it seem that this was the first time they danced together. Surprisingly, they were both perfect.
(Reference: https://youtu.be/Zz_v61AjFhQ)
For Angel it was being a lot of fun. It was as if they didn't have to worry about the steps, as if they weren't able to make mistakes.
When the song was coming to an end, Angel and Elaiza whirled in the middle of the track, and the moment the last chord sounded, they both stopped and a bluish fire wrote the words 'Happy Birthday Elaiza' for everyone to see.
"Happy Birthday, Little Sister, that all your drawings come true." With that Angel kissed Elaiza's forehead and hugged her tight.
I couldn't help paying this tribute, even if it was very, very late to Elaiza, one of Angel's best friends and sister. Today Angel's life would not be what it is without this dwarf on your side. And my life wouldn't be what it is without you by my side, Laura, thanks for being my friend, and my sister, thank you very much.
(As the text was not well planned, I was unable to add all the MCs I wanted, so sorry for the others that were not mentioned here.)
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chrisceptionarts · 5 years ago
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Besides being Gryffindor, these boys got something else in common. It involves fighting over a certain Slytherin gal 😆
(MCs left to right: Septimus @brothergrimm71, Ethren @hogwartsmysterystory, David @thewasp1995)
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furiouspancakethesequel · 4 years ago
Can someone explain who is Ren and why is it so much drama around this subject or...? I've seen quite a few posts but i'm still kinda confused...
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cursed-ice-spirits · 5 years ago
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Wave number #1 of unwanted gifts
Skylar Morningstar - @angrynar
Konnor Rainwater - @visceryl
Ethren Whitecross - @hogwartsmysterystory
Hal Greywind - @one-very-angry-hufflepunk
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ethrenisnotthehero · 4 years ago
@hogwartsmystory is a predator (final)
If you haven’t read the other parts of this callout, I encourage you to start here. As in both previous posts, the normal tags are not included in order to allow this to reach as many people as possible. Potential triggers are listed below, and the main content is hidden to keep sensitive individuals from being unintentionally exposed.
TW: Pedophilia, Abuse, Gaslighting, Sexual Assault, Self Harm, Suicide, NSFW Topics, Faked Illness, Faked Mental Illness, Faked Death, Victim Blaming
Originally, I intended to craft this final part to you, the reader, as an emotional appeal. To be wholly honest, there’s only so much evidence that can be utilized without either forcing Jill to relive unnecessary trauma or exposing deeply intimate or personal parts of her life. Until now, everything I’ve told you and everything I’ve shown you is what was enough to convince me when Jill first reached out to me. If you, the reader, don’t believe the factual information that’s been presented so far, then I don’t think that you will. If you, the reader, believe Jill and her story, then no further evidence is going to magically make her story more true.
However, I don’t have to. Instead, I can let the friends-- the family--that Ren created on his website speak for themselves, and show you with their own testimony just the kind of person he was. Jill wasn’t the only person that Ren hurt. Jill wasn’t even the only person Ren preyed on as a sexual predator. Many people on staff, and many people outside of it, knew Ren and grew to have what they thought was a close relationship with him. People regarded him as someone to look up to, to find comfort in, to aspire after, to lean on; people thought of him as a friend and a hero in his community.
On April 12, 2021, at 9:57 AM Greenwhich Mean Time, the current administrators of Advanced Scribes issued a statement addressing Ren’s actions and his faked death. An additional announcement was made the following day. While the announcements themselves and the replies (including moderator statements) are publicly available, I have saved a print-to-PDF versions on Google for you to browse at your leisure. 
I intentionally waited until the initial panic and outrage died out a little to let the most important statements come to light. Included in the PDF are sentiments that I personally thought were the most important sentiments; edits have been made and pages have been deleted, so you can see the current state of the conversations by visiting them directly. You can find the first discussion at https://advanced-scribes.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=42100#p1454263 and the second discussion at https://advanced-scribes.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=42107#p1454361.
Before you continue reading, please look over the statements and replies. The words of former staff former friends say more than I can ever hope to about Ren and the kind of reality that he stood for. Additionally, Jill herself has added to the conversation (username Rakuen), so you can read a bit from her perspective by looking into these announcements. After you’ve taken a look, continue below and I will sum up my final thoughts on this predator and his legacy.
Advanced Scribes • Our Statement (PDF)
Advanced Scribes • Change (PDF)
The Act of Grooming, Part 3: Entrapment
One of the reasons that predators get away with their crimes for so long is because they trap their victims. When they gain access to and successfully lure in their prey, they then engage in entrapment behavior to separate victims from other people and build reliance. The reason why kids are so prone to predation is because of how vulnerable they are. Young people just want to belong. They just want to have community, security, and affection. When they can’t get those things in their lives, they seek it out and take it where they can get it even when the situation is obviously bad. Kids can’t be held accountable for being smart because they’re kids. Jill was vulnerable. She wanted belonging and support. She fell into Ren’s lures, and he trapped her. He used his affection as a tool to solicit sexual favors and pictures from her, but never shared his face with her. She was always chasing his love, and all the while he was simultaneously preying on other individuals in the community. For God’s sake, this man had a selfie thread where underage girls would send pictures of themselves publicly on the site for him to look at, and he even intentionally disabled the website’s COPPA features.
Before Jill, there was Buttercup. Buttercup was also an admin, and she was also 13 when she met Ren. While Ren was a minor during he and Buttercup’s relationship, his behavior with her was just as predatory and Buttercup attempted to warn Jill via PM before she ended her relationship with him.
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The picture he sent Buttercup wasn’t even him.
The entire time that Ren was convincing Jill that Buttercup was evil, and jealous, and a spiteful, hateful person, he was manipulating her the same way he was manipulating Jill. Ren is a predator who knows what he’s doing; he always has. He draws in his victims and makes everyone hate them so that he’s the only person they have. He makes them so desperate for his approval that they let him screw them over time and time again, and for what? Just to see his face. Think about what you read. He didn’t just do this to Jill and Buttercup. He did this to every person he cheated with or got close enough to get a grip on. Even if he didn’t sexually exploit someone, he emotionally did. An entire community of people suffered through this over and over and over again. Read the statements again. If you only read the live version, read the PDF. 
I also want you to bear in mind that everyone on staff was equally a victim as they were an enabler. It doesn’t erase their responsibility, but their roles in this story or more nuanced than “moderator bad, burn the witch!” Some of Ren’s supporters were as young or younger than Jill when they met him. The two people most notorious for standing at his side right now were both “rewarded” with a relationship with him in the fallout of his faked death.  
At some point, this man looked at his behavior and not only decided that he didn’t need to take responsibility, but that his victims daring to try and claim some kind of ownership over their own story was a personal affront to him. 
Ren is a monster of his own creation. He chose to be that monster again, and again, and again.
What makes his enablers equally to blame is when they became adults and made a conscious choice to ignore what was happening, which brings us to the next topic.
Finally... How Old Was Jill?
Despite everything I’ve said and shared so far, I still get this question in my inbox.
How old was Jill? Did she lie about her age? Is she free of guilt because she was a kid? Did he know how old she was? Was she legal in her country?
I gave you all everything I had. There were some things I just couldn’t confirm because there was no proof either way. However, all of that changed when the announcements were released. I now know exactly how old Jill was when they began dating, exactly how old she was when people knew about their relationship, and even that Ren was public with all of this information. I also know that staff knew everything, and chose to do nothing.
As you can see in the screenshots above of Buttercup’s message, it was sent on Jun 17, 2015. At that time, Jill was 14 years old. By Buttercup’s estimation, they had been dating for around a few months, which is how I was able to discern the previous exact age of 14 years old at the time they began dating.
However, Ren himself refutes that fact in a Valentine’s post for Jill. As pointed out in the “Our Statement” thread, the post that user amnesia. references includes very sexual and disgustingly graphic descriptions of Ren’s activity with her. It also says this:
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As per the timestamp of this particular post (as seen below), Jill was 16 at the time. Ren, a man claiming to be twenty-five years old at the time, was proud to admit that he had been with Jill since she was 13.
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You can view the full PDF of this post to see what else he said here, but please be warned that his descriptions are NSFW and absolutely disgusting. 
Warm Fuzzies Post (PDF)
No adult should talk about a kid like that. In the statements, several staff members admit that they knew that the two were dating when she was 16, and that it grossed them out. But none of them did anything. To amnesia.’s credit, they claim they tried to pursue legal action but found no viable routes. 
From the discussions and statements, we can discern five things:
1. Jill was 13 when she started dating Ren. 2. She did not lie about her age. 3. Ren did not lie about her age. 4. Ren knew how old she was. 5. Staff knew how old she was.
Jill’s feelings and her opinions on staff and their behavior are separate from my own. She does not share my beliefs here, and I need to make it very clear that what I’m saying next is entirely my own opinion.
To everyone who was staff at that time: shame on you. It’s one thing to be a victim yourself and to not understand how or when to stand up for what’s right, especially when you’re young; it’s another to become an adult and to have let something like this permeate your legacy and your community for all this time. From what I understand, none of you are completely innocent in this. Ren wasn’t secret, he was loud and proud and he didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. Everyone who was an adult then and is an adult now shares some responsibility for that. Those of you who mean your apologies, thank you, but those of you who are using this event as a stepping stone to make that website into your own personal playground know who you are. Stop. There’s an entire generation of kids between AS and CS who have lost years of their childhoods to this shit and the only right thing at this point would be to turn the site over to the police so that Ren can answer for his crimes the right way.
To everyone else: protect the people around you. People like Ren don’t think about how other people think or feel. They don’t care who gets hurt or who they trample under their feet. Look around at your community, and ask yourself if those who interact with you know that you are safe. Inevitably, someone is going to get hurt. Are you the kind of person that they can come to when it happens, or are you the kind of person who will turn your head away? 
Be the person that everyone knows they can come to, because, eventually, someone’s going to need you.
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heleneplays · 5 years ago
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Ethren said summer rights 😎 for @kyril-hphm 's challenge
Ethren Whitecross is @hogwartsmysterystory 💖 also glad u liked it skdkdkkdk so i slapped in some colors,,,,
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missjosie27 · 4 years ago
Prompt Response #40- Ethren Whitecross
“Would it really be a crime to let yourself have some fun once in a while?”
The first in the responses for the prompts. I will say in advance that not all of this may make sense or appear ‘canon’. It’s also a sequel to ‘The Other World’ a story I wrote awhile back in honor of Ethren Whitecross. What first started out as a fun concept between two MCs, I turned into this for better or worse. And it was tough at times emotionally. But I poured my heart and soul into it. It is also non-canon and completely AU. That being said, I do love the multiverse and this was a great way to explore that.
@hogwartsmysterystory​ My friend. This is for you. And for Ethren. I hope you like it.
It had taken many moons for David Grant to achieve what was previously thought to impossible: the ability to hop dimensions at will. Since the end of the war and his mind blowing foray into the universe that housed another curse breaker, the twenty five year old not only joined the Department of Mysteries part time in addition to being reinstated as an Auror but began exploring the power of the veil for more timelines.
It was partially due to self interest, which his boss Croaker didn’t need to know about. Happy to further the Department’s investigations of the unknown magical branches, the experience of visiting another world had touched him so deeply David resolved to do more investigating: specifically if there were any other scenarios involving Ethren Whitecross in which he did not die. Despite technically never meeting the American, he already felt a sense of kinship with him, a kind of surreal connection one couldn’t explain in so many words.
He deserved better...so much better
Many months passed, but at last David was able to tinker with the magical properties of the veil so that it revealed a wondrous discovery: the cosmos was damn well infinite. Billions of people making billions of choices creating infinite earths. And it didn’t take long for him to discover a timeline in which Ethren was still alive and in Hogwarts.
“Hang on, mate. I’m coming,” he said as he stepped through, making sure his protections were sufficient to protect him from the other realm the veil lead to: death.
Of course, David had never actually met Ethren for obvious reasons and so had no idea what to expect from him. The only aspects of his life he knew for certain were that he was American, died in the war, engaged in a relationship with Merula and unknowingly had a son in the process. The other timeline’s Merula had given him more grisly details, but nothing so specific as to his personality, likes, dislikes, or anything else.
As it turned out, much to his chagrin, Ethren Whitecross was a bit sour to say the least.
He was short for a male, only 5’6 but with intense, clear blue eyes to go along with caramel brown hair and conventionally attractive features. He wasn’t terribly athletic but could swing a beater’s bat well enough. Similar to himself however, Ethren was a top notch dueler and excelled in the subjects he genuinely enjoyed, but struggling in those he did not care for. However, his less than sunny disposition was certainly off putting and it didn’t take long to figure out why.
“So let me get this straight,” Ethren said skeptically as they lay on the shores of the lake at Hogwarts. “You’re from another universe where my family never existed and in my universe your family never existed. Like me, you’re an amateur cursebreaker, date Merula, and apparently need to warn me about my impending death? Do I have everything correctly?”
“Uh, yeah that pretty much sums it up,” came the response.
Unfortunately for David, he had stumbled into a timeline where Ethren was completing his 7th year at Hogwarts as opposed to being a full grown adult. But it was just as well, finding Ethren was easy given his reputation. Getting him to believe his story was quite another debacle altogether.
“Well, guess what, you’re a bit too late. I already know I’m dying from my blood malediction and that R still wants to kill me. By the way, thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. A paper cut with lemon juice would have sufficed.”
He got up to leave but David moved to stop him.
“Wait, wait, hear me out. I can explain everything in a bit more detail.”
“Or I could go back to the library and read.”
David scoffed.
“More like you would brood all day.”
Ethren flushed from indignation.
“And how would you know that?”
“Believe me, I know enough...look I’m just trying to help.”
“My cranky on and off girlfriend is a bigger help than you’re being right now and that’s saying something.”
David took a breath of the evening Scotland air and breathed out. He should have known it wouldn’t be this easy, but that last statement left an uneasy sensation in his stomach. He remembered vividly a drunken twenty six year old Merula wanted by the law while drowning herself in vodka tonics and narcissistic self loathing. He was beginning to see just how much of an emotional toll she was taking on the poor lad. So he decided to switch gears.
“Look, I have an idea. Classes are done for the day right, you’re a legal wizarding adult...come hang out with me for a couple hours.”
“I can’t leave Hogwarts,” Ethren shot back.
“Right, since when did Dumbledore’s rules ever stop us from leaving whenever we wanted?”
“Point taken but still no.”
“By God, Would it really be a crime to let yourself have fun once in a while?” David half laughed in amazement. “Trust me, let’s go have a good time and I’ll explain everything afterwards, alright?”
He didn’t think it would work given the clear suspicion still lurking in those blue eyes but to his surprise, Ethren relented and nodded.
“You can apparate right?”
“Yes and I can also blow you to smithereens if you try anything funny.”
“You know part of me does want to know what would happen if we ever dueled,” David grinned. “However, I went through a war mate. Got a bit of a head start on ya.”
“And here I thought we Brits were the uptight and sarcastic ones. Aren’t Yanks supposed to be expressive?”
Ethren simply snorted and walked past him into the open field.
“Be thankful I’m saying anything at all.”
The two young men walked until they reached the boundaries of the school just beyond the entrance, David leading the way.
“Follow my lead,” he said. “Unless you can’t keep up,” he added teasingly.
“Just go,” came the grumpy response.
Bollocks, this is going to be harder than I thought David mused to himself with exasperation
And with a loud *pop they apparated into the sunset.
It didn’t take long for the two to land in random cobblestone street with Ethren keeling over, grimacing severely.
“Yeah I hate apparation too,” David said, pulling out a flask and taking a sip. “You get used to it.”
“I only recently passed.”
“Fair. Which is why where I’m taking you next will simultaneously relieve that discomfort and get you to loosen up.”
Ethren looked up and saw a wooden sign in maroon lettering which read the words ‘The Mayfair.’
“A bar?”
“Never underestimate the value of a pub,” David told him sagely. And before the younger lad could object he pushed him inside the door.
Inside was a setting not altogether spectacular. There was a small dining area, a large bar that spanned about fifty feet with two bulky TVs that currently were playing the latest football matches. However there was also a small staging area that contained a microphone with another TV sitting overhead. A sizable crowd graced its floors- a hodgepodge of young professionals, crusty regulars, football fans, and those who were just looking for a good time. Which was precisely why they were there.
In his time after Hogwarts and during the war David found that muggle bars offered a lot more in terms of entertainment and alcohol: a primary factor in why he chose a casual London pub as opposed to a place like the Leaky Cauldron. Muggles also tended to write better music which was also key to this night.
“It’s a good thing we aren’t in robes,” Ethren said above the general chatter of the pub.
“I made sure your classes were over before we came here,” David replied. His own dress was unremarkable: brown leather boots, jeans, jacket, and a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt (they were the most popular band in the world in the late eighties/early nineties after all). They fit right in.
David dragged Ethren over to the counter and caught the attention of the barkeep, knowing full well that in England you never got carded for ID as they did in America.
“Two Guinnesses please.”
“You got it.”
He flipped a couple of pounds and soon enough was presented with two full tankards of the dark stout.
“Cheers, mate,” David told him, clinking his glass with Ethren’s.
The twenty five year old relished the taste but clearly his counterpart did not, grimacing as though he had swallowed stinksap.
“Dear God that’s awful. Why do you drink this stuff?”
“Keep sipping and you’ll find out,” came the cheeky reply.
Ethren merely shrugged and did his best to keep drinking. David peered around and saw the exact person he wanted to see: the DJ.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
For his part, Ethren Whitecross was highly confused by this whole affair. He still wasn’t sure he believed that this person, whoever they were, was supposedly a dimension traveler who’d apparently met another version of himself by accident. It was just too insane to believe. And yet somehow he knew details about his life that no one else popping up like that could know.
And now he wants to just drink our night away at a bar? What is this guy about?
Indeed, that appeared to be the most intriguing aspect of this. David Grant apparently not only came back to warn him but to spend time together as if they were old friends. Ethren wasn’t sure how he felt about that just yet given that R was still after him however this fellow didn’t appear to be unseemly...yet anyway. For now, he decided to keep drinking the beer, which oddly enough began to make him feel a bit warm and fuzzy in the head.
Soon enough David returned a big grin on his face.
“Finish that up soon. We’re on next.”
“Next for what?” Ethren asked, utterly nonplussed.
“My friend you are about to experience the wonders of karaoke.”
David laughed, deep and true then drained his beer in one gulp.
“You’re about to find out.”
Ethren found himself dragged away to the staging area where they were handed two microphones and a pair of spotlights shone down on them.
“Should have asked this beforehand but how familiar are you with muggle music?”
“Umm not very?” came the unenthusiastic answer.
“Do you know ‘Piano Man’ by Billy Joel?”
Ethren nodded. His father kept a collection of old muggle records at home and that was a song played quite frequently sometimes to his chagrin.
“Yeah, I know that one.”
“Smashing. We’ll be just fine.”
The crowd started to cheer as the opening piano chords began to play. Ethren squirmed uncomfortably but David put a strong hand around his shoulder and began to sing in earnest. There was no backing out now.
“It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There’s an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin”
Ethren had to admit that this stranger sang well, but he wasn’t so much of a musician himself. But he had no choice as the microphone was pressed into his face.
“He said son can you play me a melody
I’m not really sure how it goes
But it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man’s clothes”
The young Gryffindor understood better why the beer was necessary. One drink already had him buzzing but it sure loosened inhibitions. Slowly he began to enjoy himself as he belted the chorus alongside David.
“Sing us the the song, you’re the piano man
Sing us the song, tonight
Well we’re all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright”
To Ethren’s amazement the crowd began cheering despite the fact his pitch was probably way off. Apparently it didn't matter how good or bad you were at actualling singing, enthusiasm for the song and the camaraderie of the patrons was enough to send everyone into a frenzy. Feeding off that energy, the two young men sang into the Scotland night, following the lyrics with gusto.
“Sing us the song, you’re the piano man
Sing us the song, tonight
Well we’re all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright”
The last of the harmonica sounded off into the exit riff of the piano and the song was over. Ethren could hardly believe it ended so fast, but the cheers of the crowd were practically deafening. Indeed the feeling was so exhilarating, he almost didn’t notice the shadowed face of his counterpart, lines of worry practically melting off his face.
Perhaps he wasn’t the only cursebreaker that had problems.
Afterwards, the two sat down and drank a few more beers, which were on the house due to their riveting performance. Several regulars gave them cheers and pats on the back. The two chatted about a number of things, but it wasn’t until they stepped outside for a breath of fresh air that the conversation turned honest and even somber.
David lit a cigarette and took a long inhale before issuing smoke.
“Told ya I knew how to have fun.”
“Maybe I wasn’t the only one in need of it,” Ethren observed astutely.
The older man shrugged but tried to play it cool.
“I’ve been through…a lot,” he said simply. “Moments like the one in the bar are the kind that kept me going over the years. It’s what makes life so wonderful even when it’s not.”
Ethren paused before asking.
“How old are you?”
“Twenty five to be exact. Twenty six in four months.”
“You look five years beyond that.”
It was blunt but David knew by now Ethren didn’t pull punches. He could relate to that. Neither did he.
“I didn’t come back merely to warn you about your malediction, Ethren,” he said quietly. “You beat that.”
“So...I die another way?”
David swallowed, feeling a lump pop up in his throat. Now was not the time to get super emotional. He needed to tell the truth.
“You have a relationship with Merula just as I do, yeah?”
“I do. Though I can’t say it’s always a happy one. We either bicker or just end up making out half the time.”
The older man chuckled sardonically, knowing full well what his wife was like when she was sixteen.
“Sounds about right. Believe me, I know how she is sometimes.”
“You’re at least eight years older than I am right now….what happened with you and her?”
David knew this was the moment he came back for. The essence of his visit.
“We married after Hogwarts. During the war, she was kidnapped by her parents and placed under the imperius curse. I was able to free her during the Battle of Hogwarts.”
Ethren’s eyes were practically popping out of their sockets.
“Wait, wait back up. There’s a war? Merula becomes a Death Eater?”
“Let me explain,” David said, raising his hands in the air whilst also flicking his cigarette. “Yes, You Know Who will return in four years time and begin a new war against the Ministry. And no, my wife did not become a Death Eater. She was shanghaied against her will. At that point in her life, she wanted nothing to do with her parents. Can you say the same for yours?”
Ethren’s head was practically spinning at this newfound revelation. He felt a desperate need to sit down but remained standing, running a hand through his caramel locks.
“She...she would never.”
“If you believe that, you’re wrong. If Merula doesn’t break off her toxic relationship with her parents, she’ll go right back to them once they’re freed from Azkaban.”
Denial morphed into pain as the younger man shook his head.
“Why...why would she do that?”
“You know as well as I do how badly she wants their approval and how it affects her judgement. My Merula made the right choice, but I also helped her to see what kind of path she was heading in. You must do the same.”
“And what happens if I don’t?”
In a reversal of moods, David’s hazel blue eyes bore into Ethren’s crystal blue ones, hardening with each passing second, though there was still tremendous sympathy.
“I will not lie, however the answer will be difficult for you to hear. You will each find yourself on the opposite side of the coming conflict and Merula will realize her error far too late. In the end, you will sacrifice your life for hers during a great battle. And as a result, a son will never know his father.”
Tears were forming into Ethren’s eyes and David was trying his best not to do the same though it was becoming increasingly difficult.
“W-what...what should I do?”
“Guide her,” David responded softly. “Show her that there is a better way to happiness than simply attaining power. Help her to see that she can trust people unconditionally and that those people are not her parents….especially her mother,” he added with a heavy hint of disgust.
“I don’t know if I can,” the teenage Gryffindor said, his voice still wavering. “She won’t listen to me. She never has.”
“She will. I guarantee it.”
David stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Ethren, embracing him in a hug while silent tears fell from his eyes.
“You can do it, Ethren. I’ve seen war, I’ve seen death, and I’ve seen a world where a family was ended before it began. Trust me when I say this, you and Merula Snyde are meant for each other for better or worse. And if I can do my part to ensure you end up happy instead of six feet under, I damn well won’t hesitate.”
They broke apart with both men wiping their eyes.
“Bloody alcohol,” David joked.
“I think I’ll hold off on any more beers.”
The older man placed a hand on Ethren’s shoulder though this time he did not hug him but instead gave a final guiding message.
“I made a promise to thank you for what you did for my wife and to honor your memory. This way, I can do both. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Now go break your malediction, defeat R, and live the life you deserve.”
Ethren nodded, finally gaining back control of his emotions but also feeling a deeper sense of purpose as well as gratitude to this stranger.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” he said somewhat lamely, cursing his lack of ability to express his feelings properly.
“You’ll never have to,” David responded kindly. “Consider it a favor from one friend to another.”
He released Ethren’s shoulder and nodded with a smile.
“Now let’s get you back to Hogwarts. If memory serves, I believe curfew should be soon. Don’t want Snape catching you out of bed.”
Ethren gave a smile of his own.
“Since when has Dumbledore’s rules stopped us?”
David laughed one more time before they disapparated with a small *pop.
Merula Snyde did not like feeling guilty. It was a useless emotion better left for fools who believed in sentimentality and other such nonsense. But when it came to one special boy, her heart could not help serve as a constant reminder of how much she mistreated him. Such as their fight from earlier that morning.
Working late into the night in the library, the ambitious Slytherin had poured through book after book and page after page in order to see if there was anything about maledictions they hadn’t already discovered or knew about thus far. In a sense, it was her attachment to Whitecross and their past experiences together that drove her to do as she did. There was no need to say that you cared, that’s what saving him from his blood curse was for. Even so, the young Slytherin couldn’t avoid the guilt or her memories.
“Why do you do this?”
“You’re going to have to be more specific, Whitecross. Spit it out.”
The Gryffindor clenched his fists but then let out a sigh and then unclenched them as they stood outside in the corridor near Charms.
“You claim you’re on my side but not once do you ever take responsibility for your own shortcomings. Nothing is ever your fault or a bad idea. Is it your job in life to torture me?”
Merula snorted as she dismissed him yet again.
“You torture yourself enough all on your own. If there was a shred of common sense in that empty head of yours, you’d acknowledge that you don’t have the bollocks to take out R same as it was with Rakepick. I’m not going to apologize for speaking the truth.”
Ethren usually swept aside her barbs no problem but this one appeared to hit home in a way her usual ones did not. He took her hand in his.
“Merula, I don’t know that I can call you my girlfriend anymore...I’m not sure what we are. But...those feelings we have won’t just go away. Why can’t you just at least pretend you care about me?”
But his appeal to her better senses fell flat as she withdrew her hand and gave a hard stare with her vivid, violet eyes.
“If you want a hug, Whitecross go to Haywood. Don’t waste my time.”
And without another word, she spun around in her combat boots and walked off not bothering to see the pained reaction on his face.
Merula clenched her jaw as the remorse became almost overwhelming. Why? Why was she like this? It wouldn’t kill her to throw the poor blighter a bone now and then, right?
“What’s wrong with me?” she whispered aloud.
A second voice entered her mind, one that was hauntingly familiar.
You should know better. There are no such things as happy endings. The only person anyone can rely on is themselves….
The voice became disturbingly soothing.
You’re special my little blackbird. I will always love you
Merula resisted the urge to cry as she planted her face on one of the many books layed out in front of her. She did not care if Madam Pince yelled at her for staying too late. Wallowing within her inner demons outweighed any potential punishment.
“I never realized the true depth of your self loathing narcissism until much later in life,” spoke a voice. It frightened her so much, that she jumped at least a foot in the air and wheeled around, wand in hand.
Standing by the window of the library was a young man, light beard, longish brown hair, tall, wearing a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt, brown boots, and a dark cloak. He wore his hoodie up and so could not see the face clearly. Nevertheless, she kept her wand trained on him.
“Who are you and what do you want? I promise I’m the last witch you want to mess with,” she snarled.
“My identity is inconsequential. As for what I want, I only wish to impart a gift.”
Merula did not believe a word of what this stranger said and had half a mind to hex him if it wasn’t for the fact that damaging the library in such a manner was a bannable offense.
“Whatever the intentions, you picked a really bad spot. Don’t you know where you are? Madam Pince will disembowel anyone who mucks about in here...of course she won’t have the honor of doing so before I do.”
A condescending chuckle emanated from underneath the hood.
“I have a silencing charm and a protective ward around this area. We won’t be interrupted I assure you. In any case, what I have planned isn’t going to take long.”
The teenage Slytherin silently checked the magical energies around her and realized he was right. Those kinds of wards were only the kind powerful Aurors knew or worse. All of a sudden, real fear entered Merula’s bones though she did her best to hide it.
“W-What are you going to do? What is this?”
The figure did not move, only uttering a single sentence.
“The day you finally understand.”
He was too quick for her to react properly, so fast was the draw of his wand. There was an incantation she didn’t recognize and a jet of white light that struck her in the forehead.
A swarm of images flashed through Merula’s mind and she was forced to witness every single one of them: two teenagers triumphing over an evil organization, an emotional breakup, darkness arising in the British wizarding world, an escape from Azkaban, a young woman kneeling before the Dark Lord, a night of raw passion, the birth of a child, and finally the scene of a young man with an arrow lodged in his chest, a despondent woman in Death Eater robes sobbing over the lifeless body.
‘Ethren! Ethren! ETHREN! PLEASE! DON’T GO!!!’
Then just as quickly as they came the images were gone and so was the unknown figure. Only a reeling and emotionally fragile young woman who had only one thought on her mind.
“Ethren,” she breathed out.
The young Gryffindor teen was slightly annoyed as Jae told him someone was waiting outside the tower for him. Who on earth was so desperate to talk to him this late at night? Did they not have the password or some other such nonsense? He wasn’t in the mood for a prank.
As he stepped past the portrait of the Fat Lady, however, his questions were answered right away as a mess of brown hair with an orange tuft slammed into him.
“What the- Merula?”
“Ethren,” she whispered as she clung to him for dear life. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”
Utterly shocked, Ethren separated himself ever so slightly, still holding her in arms and looked into beautiful, violet eyes; eyes that were swimming with tears.
“Sorry? For what?”
“For everything...I didn’t realize...I didn’t know…”
Words failed her as she pressed her lips against his. Ethren didn’t hold back, returning the passionate kiss, long and deep. Fireworks were exploding in his mind.
When they broke apart, he saw she was still crying but there was also the same determination that sparkled in the orbs he’d come to love for better or worse.
“Things are going to be different from now on...I promise. I love you,” she said.
Ethren traced a finger along her soft, porcelain cheek, taking in the small freckles that dotted her adorable nose. He’d never felt so amazing, so enamored with the girl in front of him.
“I love you, too.”
As they embraced once more, Ethren Whitecross couldn’t help but think of the man who’d changed his life in one fell swoop. The one who’d gotten him to simultaneously sing karaoke and drink Guinness on the most memorable night of his young life. He smiled as he took in the scent of cloves, nail polish...and something elusive.
Thank you, David Grant
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angellazull · 5 years ago
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The fourth MC is Ethren Whitecross, @hogwartsmysterystory, Gryffindor ❤️🦁, the talented Curse-breaker, and courageous young man. It gave Angel a lot of work after he joined the Gryffindor team in 6th:
"Sorry, for the bludger, Angel."
"Well, it hurt, but it wasn't that bad." Angel replied holding her arm with tears in her eyes.
Angel still wonders how he can handle Merula.🤔 It's love, isn't it?
I hope you like it Ren, sorry I didn't have Teal for Ethren's eyes.
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chrisceptionarts · 4 years ago
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Getting Wizarding Boy Band vibes
Anyone else see it? And what would you name this group?
(from left to right: Skylar @angrynar, Ethren @hogwartsmysterystory, Hal @one-very-angry-hufflepunk, Konn @visceryl)
Hope you guys didn't mind me borrowing your MCs xD
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no-context-hphm-discord · 5 years ago
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Can you believe its almost 10 months since this iconic post?
Ethren Whitecross is @hogwartsmysterystory
[Artist: @heleneplays ]
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visceryl · 4 years ago
“Who’s Side Are You On?” - HPHM
Hello! Finally did a long overdue prompt for @thewasp1995 that includes David Grant, my MC Konnor Rainwater, and @hogwartsmysterystory ‘s Ethren Whitecross. Enjoy whatever the hell this is XD
Footsteps clicked in even echoes against the stone floors, leaving a wet squelch and damp impressions of a shoe in their wake before traveling onwards to the red runner spanning up to the Gryffindor Tower. 
Konn approached with impatient trembles to his white knuckled fists as a cool anger surged rampant through his skull. Like a pound of blood slamming against his temples. He was soaked from head to toe, ignoring the passing gazes a few red robed kids sent him on their way to classes. 
“My my, a drowned snake approaches!” the portrait on the wall sang. 
The plump woman within the golden frame feigned back against her lounge, a pillow blanketing her head as her gaze turned watchful on the boy.
Konnor scoffed, his footsteps stalling against the otherwise blank stone brick wall that seemed to be nothing but a dead end. 
“I’m not here for games. I just need to see a friend.”
“I am sure, my boy, but you’re not going anywhere without the password.” 
A smile glittered on the portraits features and a hand rose to cup around her ear as if yearning for some far off sound.
“I don’t know the damn code, please. I know David is in there.”
“Language!” she chastised. “No code, no entry.”
Konn ground his teeth together, his jaw jumping with irritable strain. Pandering to the woman’s request, his gaze flitted back towards where a stream of students had just left the Gryffindor Common Room. It seemed they’d already turned the corner and disappeared. 
For the love of-
Wait. He knew this.
The Slytherin stalled on his heel, digging it in as a forearm raced up to brush white locks of hair back from their plastered position upon his forehead. The tips that had stained a soft pink with growing agitation slowly began to fade.
He turned back towards the lady in the portrait. 
Luckily, Konnor had been there just a few days back with Charlie and Hal, it hadn’t yet hit the weekly mark where another passcode would inevitably take its place. 
“Inexcussus,” he tested on his tongue. 
The woman broke into another smile, waving her hand. “Yes yes, my boy, very well, go on in.”
Her portrait swung forward to reveal a sizable hole in the brick. Stepping through, the Slytherin was welcomed by a warm hearth, the fire blazing warm and casting a deep red glow across the entirety of the common room. Long stained glass windows lined the walls gazing out far and wide over the Hogwarts grounds, transparent golden curtains draped down over them. Plush red armchairs and couches crowded the fireplace while a looming spiral staircase led up behind into the dorms.
It had all but emptied out now. 
With students attending their classes, Konnor knew only one person who’d still surely be floating about. It also happened to be the one guy he desperately needed to talk to if only for his sanity.
“David? Are you still alive in here?” 
His voice echoed up the staircase, overpowering the cracks and pops of the blazing fire. No answer.
Again, Konnor’s fists clenched and unclenched as he eased himself in passing breaths. This was ridiculous. He hated that he had even wound up here, but after today’s fiasco in potions with Merula… 
He was still dripping from where the pot had opened up into a geyser right in his face. The whole class had laughed, let alone what Snape had thought with his usual disapproving look. It scalded in the back of his mind.
That girl was nothing but trouble when left to her own devices. 
Even from year one, Konnor and Merula had never gotten along. Always bickering and costing each other precious house points. She had gotten better over time, they could tolerate one another on most occasions, but ever since her and David had opted for a break in their short lived relationship, she’d been gunning for a distraction.
A distraction that came in the form of pestering Konnor.
He blew out a frustrated breath, raking his fingers through his hair and dragging nails along his scalp. “Come on, David!” 
Konnor gripped the railing, twisting himself to leap past the first two steps of the winding staircase, and began to ascend. Quickly, he found himself in the boy’s dorms, his head poking around the doorway to glance inside.
Save for a single figure lumped beneath the blankets. 
Konn pushed his way in, nearly tripping over several belongings of other Gryffindor’s strewn across the floor. In a series of beds decorated in more golds and reds, he could see several personalities. Ben’s clean and tidy nook, Ethren’s disaster zone with an unmade bed and books scattered about, and David’s. 
His was somewhere in between, the dead giveaway the guitar leaned at the very end of his bed. 
“Are you really going to ignore your visitor who has so graciously blessed you with his presence?”
The blankets rumpled with a tired grunt as dark brown hair poked out in various angles from beneath. Finally, with a heave, David pushed himself up. His legs swung over the edge of the bed, a hand at his head. 
“I didn’t realize I was entertaining the Queen.”
“What does this have to do with- Oh, hey. You know what? Fuck you.”
A breathy chuckle left David’s lips as his arms shot up in the air. He stretched, his left shoulder popping and muscles straining before finally murky blue eyes found Konnor.
“Did you go for a swim?”
“Courtesy of your ex in the middle of Potions,” Konn retorted dryly. 
Ex seemed a poor choice of words as David’s gaze quickly skated away. He had a funny way of showing he was hurting by always avoiding it.
The Slytherin quickly went on to correct himself, breathing out a sigh. “Hey, you mind giving me a quick dry, at least? I just want to talk about this.”
“She’s not my problem anymore, Konnor. I can’t help her if I can’t help myself. If she wants to go around acting like a deranged wolverine, kudos. I'm done.” He stood, quickly moving to swipe his wand off of his bedside table and pointed it at his friend. 
A swift incantation sent a powerful gust of warm air spiraling out over Konn. His robes flew back, hair whipping about. When the spell faded, he looked grossly windswept, but dry. 
Quickly, Konnor moved to lick his hands, smoothing down the fluffy cloud of white hair puffed atop his head. 
“Thanks for that.”
“You asked.” 
David threw himself back onto his bed, this time with arms locked behind his head and knees bent to leave room for the Slytherin. Picking up on it, Konnor collapsed at the end of the bed, the subtle thrum of the guitar jostling at the end of the Gryffindor’s bed catching his attention. 
“...Alright, look. I’m not going to pretend to understand what is going on with you two. Honestly, the hot and cold is hard to keep up with, but Merula has gone right back to pestering me as always.” 
“What she does when we’re not together isn’t anything I’m concerned with. Sorry if it ends up on you.”
“So you really don’t care at all that she’s taking up old behaviors?”
There was a slight raise of octave in David’s voice and he sat up enough to come to eye level with his friend. His gaze held warning. “I can’t care about a single damn thing she does, Konnor. I’m losing my fucking marbles as it is, so lay off.”
A quiet scoff left the Slytherin’s lips and he fell back to drape half off the bed going across it, as if in defeat. 
“So what is it? Moving on to Penny? Or Tulip again? What do you hope to gain here by fucking every girl you see? They deserve better than that.”
“Well that isn’t any of your business.”
“Isn’t it? They’re my friends too. Just because they care about you doesn’t mean you should take advantage of them.”
David felt himself bristle. “The hell do you know? You used Tulip once. She's perfectly happy being a fuck buddy.”
“I asked her to be my fake girlfriend, there is a difference. If you plan to focus on yourself, actually do it. Don’t focus between their legs.”
Konnor knew he was testing the boy’s patience. He noted the way fists curled into bed sheets to keep from hauling off at his friend.
“You know what, just forget it. Who’s side are you even on here?” Konnor questioned.
“The side that enjoys female company that isn't Merula with a pint in between. Anything else?”
It was hard to argue. As much as Konnor desperately couldn’t handle another phase of Merula’s tyranny, it wasn’t as if it was truly detrimental to his health. She’d grown past actually trying to genuinely harm him. At the end of the day, they shared friends, shared goals. 
He couldn’t rely on David for this. Even if his coping raised a fire in the Slytherin’s gut, he had no right to butt in.
“You’re impossible, it’s not like I can stop you, so your side it is. We’ve all had it hard haven’t we?”
The tension in David began to release as the other boy backed down from his stance. He always riled so easy. His shoulders sank. “That’s an understatement.”
“It is. But fuck Merula and fuck everything else.”
Konnor rolled onto his side, his arm lashing out to find the glossy red guitar. His fingers curled around its neck and in a single sweep he lofted it onto the bed, brandishing it for the Gryffindor’s taking.
“What are you doing?”
“Catch up, David. I’ve been ordering muggle rock tapes by owl every week now. Hal got me that cassette tape and I’ve practically run it into the ground with overuse.”
“You want me to play?”
Konn jammed his arm out behind him, swinging his weight up off his elbow to dig both feet back into the rug laid out beneath David’s bed. He swiftly spun on his heel, striking a pose and mimicking playing his invisible air guitar. 
“I learned different guitars make different sounds, eh? So we’ll just have to be imaginative. Give me ‘Sharp Dressed Man’ on three.”
David didn’t have it in him to deny such a request. With an amused sigh, he eased the guitar into his lap, letting his fingers find the strings. His thumb brushed over once in testing. 
“You’re crazy. You know this won’t sound even close to the same, right? Mine’s-”
“I am crazy. This place makes us crazy, so play that damn guitar and for a second lets not care at all. Snape gave me detention.”
That time, the brunette truly laughed. He shook his head, finding the chords in the back of his mind, and began to strum. 
The acoustic was incredibly different from the electric rock song that hit much harder with available muggle technology, but Konnor jumped in immediately. Not a singer by any means, but bold enough in the quiet of the Boy’s dorms to belt out the lyrics as he knew them. 
David was much more talented. A musical savant for someone who rarely showed off, his voice made up for Konn’s sharper pitch as the Slytherin tried to contain his own laughter. 
Over the noise, they scarcely heard the approach of another up the steps. Not until caught dead in the act of furious head bobbing to their own shitshow.
“This is why Konnor isn’t allowed in the Gryffindor rooms,” a voice muttered.
David paused mid stroke, his hand clasping down over the guitar strings as a coy smirk lifted towards Ethren who rubbed his temples in the doorway.
“Oh shut up, Whitecross, we’re having a pity party,” Konnor retorted.
“I’d pity myself too if I sounded like that.”
David gave a snort. “You know bloody well I got the pipes of Bon Jovi. Care to liven us up with your tone deafness?”
“No thanks.” Ethren swung around to his side of the room, collapsing down on his bed with his eyes closed. 
Several moments of silence ticked by before finally a baby blue peeked open towards the two out of breath boys across from him. 
“Well? I never said you had to stop. I could use the laugh.”
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thecursedvaultchild · 4 years ago
Summer Charn never really thought about what career she'd want to take before Snape sat her down and asked her about her plans for the future. With nothing really else in mind, she decided she might as well aim for professional Curse-Breaker. She continued to take classes like Ancient Runes with Ethren as both aspired to be Curse-Breakers.
However, sometime in her N.E.W.T. years, Summer became close with Talbott again and his passion to be an Auror influenced her. She switched to the path of Auror and did the next three years of training alongside Talbott and Tonks, all three of them passing and becoming full-fledged Aurors.
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