#but as a result you never learn how to actually protect yourself
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how to live a luckier life! ✧˖°

hiii! in this post i will be giving all my advice as to how i live a lucky life everyday & how to have LUCKY GIRL SYNDROME! everything that happens to me is so lucky it sometimes astounds me! this mini guide will include everything from mindset shifts, tips, and affirmations! <3 so grab a snack, a yummy beverage and get cozy!!
♡ a bit about me personally, i truly believe that i live an extremely lucky life. i dont live in a mansion, i don't own super rich stuff, i do actually feel left out with some friends, and i'm an extremely sensitive person so you can imagine how that must be. i'm just your average girl who goes to school, comes home, eats, etc. so PLEASE dont be fooled into thinking that you always need more or a certain thing or status, whatever it may be, to live a lucky life. i know its confusing, but just hear me out.
you get to choose what you define as "unlucky". this was THE BIGGEST thing that made me view myself as super lucky!! you actually get to CHOOSE that when something happens to you, do you choose to view it in a way where it could only ever be bad for you, or are you willing to see it as maybe you were divinely protected from something you had no idea about ... which leads me to my next point,
things happen FOR you, not TO you. of course, as i said earlier you can choose to see things in a lens like "oh of course that happened, the universe is out to get me" OR you can choose to see it as "that may have looked like it sucked but thank you god/ universe for protecting me and guiding me!! i may not know why that happened, but i trust that god/ universe has planned everything only for my greater good." because honey trust me, luck is all up there, in your mind. the exact same thing could happen to 2 people but its just their mindset and thinking process that will determine the quality of their life.
look at all that you do have!! GRATITUDE!! i *do not care* if this is a cliche or whatever BUT YOU BETTER LISTEN UP. (ahem, sorry.) but as i said at the top, gratitude will save you. yes, at first it will seem boring or useless or maybe even hard but once you start to train your brain focusing more on what you do have, the good, the happiness in your life, the more easily it will go there.
all about perspective. you may be complaining about trivial things right now like not winning in a game or not being where you want to be in life, but you have a roof over your head, an education, a family, a device, clean clothes, clean water & food. you’re already more fortunate than a lot of the population. so learn to be grateful with what you have right now because you never know if it will be taken away.
start training your brain to see things in a more positive light. it may not come so easily to you in the beginning, but the more you start realising and stopping yourself in the spiral of the lack mindset, and actually walk yourself through the whole process of changing your perspective on this thing, the more it will come naturally to you!
just to clear everything up a bit, lets meet Barbie and Nova and see how they react to the same situation happening to them.
SITUATION 1: missing the bus oh no! Barbie and Nova had stumbled out their house and sprinted towards the bus but unfortunately, it had already left.
how Nova reacts: ugh, of course this happened! nothing ever good happens to me anyway. i swear the universe is actually like out to get me or something. i just wish i could get lucky just this once!
how Barbie reacts: dang it that sucks! buuutt.... what if i just got saved by a terrible accident? or what if when i went on that bus i would have seen or heard something that would make me feel even worse than how this feels right now? oh my, thank you god for protecting me!! i can't believe i was saved like that.
SITUATION 2: getting a high grade in class they just got their results back from a recent science test and they both got 98% !
how Nova reacts: YES!! FINALLY i get something right! finally i am lucky! oops i hope i don't jinx it
how Barbie reacts: omg yay!! im so happy! i really did deserve that, i worked really hard. thank you god!
do you see how no matter what the situation may be, Barbie is always grateful. she always thanks god/ the universe. on the other hand, Nova instead still believes that she was born unlucky so everything she thinks operates from that sort of place!

focus on how you use your energy throughout the day. desperation reeks and will push any manifestations away. let go and let life. when you know you are a good and pure person who will put in the work and have faith and trust that everything will work out in the end, thats all you need to do
everyday, start consciously thinking of or writing down 3 things you’re grateful for. this is certainly a skill that you must practice frequently and once you do being grateful will come to you naturally!
‘proof portfolio’ when something happens to you that is lucky, write it down! (i write it down in my notes app) doesn’t matter if it’s really small or big, write it down so that when you don’t feel lucky you can look to this as proof otherwise!
affirmations a great for drilling something into your mind to remind you that you already have everything you desire!! i recommend writing it down, repeating these in front of a mirror or even just to yourself but when you say it, say it with meaning. say it as if you’re actually speaking it into existence!

everything happens in my favour
everything happens for my greater good
i am so lucky
the universe works to give me the best life
i always attract lucky experiences
i attract opportunities
luck flows to me effortlessly
i am so grateful for everything i have
i always receive blessings
my life is filled with endless blessings
i am a magnet for miracles and joy
i trust that god has my back
god/ the universe wants to see me succeed!
my life is so lucky!!
everything i want flows to me effortlessly!
i glow from the inside out
i always attract abundance
i vibrate at a high frequency
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Pick a Flower: What Your Future Partner Wants You To Love About Yourself 🌸💟

UPDATED: So so sorry for posting pile 3's picture with pile 4! If you picked pile 4 I have now uploaded the correct picture for your reading to review. I apologize for the error!
Hey y'all, welcome to my next pick a card reading. I wanted to use this vintage card deck I found featuring native flowers of North America. We're going to look at what qualities your future partner wants you to recognize in yourself. (I meant to post this yesterday but got caught in a surprise Valentine's date and it was lovely!)
Please pick any one of the four cards above:
Pile 1. 5♥ - Spreading Phlox (phlox diffusa) Pile 2. Q♣ - Red Lily (lilium philadelphicum) Pile 3. 6♠ - Wild Rose (rosa acicularis) Pile 4. J♦ - Large-Leaved Lupine (lupinus polyphyllus)
Pile 1 - Spreading Phlox 🌸

King of Talismans (Pentacles), X Fate (Wheel of Fortune), 0 Seeker (Fool); Lenten Rose - Protection, Blessed, Trust, Eyes On Your Own Paper
Pile 1, your future partner wants you to see the side of you that is practical and reliable. This lover wants you to understand that although it may seem like a humble trait, it's nevertheless something they feel they've been missing in their lives. You are conscientious of how you spend and save, you're able to create a budget and set boundaries for yourself, even ones as simple as going to bed at a certain time each night. Your future partner will love how you're able to balance healthy routines with thrill seeking and fun. It may seem at first like they're just looking for an exciting fling or two, but deep down they're thinking in much longer terms though it may be difficult to admit. At least until they meet you and see how you're able to both keep to your necessary tasks in life while still enjoying the occasional adventure. You're definitely going to change how they see themselves and other people as a result. Your open mindedness will expand their perception on everything. Things they didn't think could be possible may suddenly call their attention like a pop-quiz they never studied for. You might actually intimidate them a little, not because you're scary, but because their feelings for you will suddenly drop on them like a timer and put them to the test. What's important is that your future partner will embrace these tests because they trust that you're the one for them. You keep yourself protected and they're gonna learn how to knock nicely instead of barging into your energy.
Your future partner sees you as a trustworthy companion, they value your ability to stay committed for the long haul while still containing the passion and excitement as if it had only just begun. I don't think the "honeymooning" rule applies here. They say we only experience those zesty feelings for someone for a limited time, as it naturally evolves to a more mature and level headed phase. I see here that your partner loves your continuing romantic zeal. Despite seeming down to earth on the outside, you have a spring like energy inside with the spreading phlox, said to be a flower that heralds spring. The King of Talismans is one of the highest court cards for the Pentacles, which represent the spring season. So this is like an energy you carry with you regardless of what's going on. Because of your multifaceted ability to be grounded and focused while also keeping your boundless youthful enthusiasm, they can more easily picture staying with you and ditching flightiness. Your gentle warmth will bring them out of their shell and in touch with their feelings. Being with you will be like a whole new change of season for them. A winter of emotion becomes a spring of empathy for their heart and mind.
Pile 2 - Red Lily 💖

7 of Talismans (Pentacles), VIII Strength, XXIII Magnum Opus; Zinnia - Absence, Mending, Nurture, Celebrate Your Wins
Oh my, pile 2. I think you need to take into account just how attractive it is to have a personality built around the virtues of patience and discipline. When others would quickly throw in the towel, you pick it back up almost like it's a reflex at this point. You're willing to do the long haul and put up with spending extra time when it comes to what matters in your life most. Deferred gratification is not a trait to be taken for granted as it shows a great deal of maturity. Many of the best things in life come after willing to put in the time and effort for it (not to excuse pesky bootstrap economics by any means). When it comes to things like parenthood, being dedicating to writing a book, or simply overcoming challenges, you're still able to push through because temptations have no sway over the ultimate vision. The Zinnia shows that you are able to do without for a period of time when it's necessary to compromise for the sake of your deepest wishes finally coming to fruition. You may be wanting to wait for the perfect partner even if the wait isn't wonderful because you know the outcome will be everything you imagined it to be and then more. I get the sense that the wait will be more than worth it as it will attract the kind of partner who cherishes and respects your dedication and foresight. They appreciate your ability to push through even if certain wins have come in various cycles. They know true progress is mindfully cultivated and doesn't happen overnight.
I about gasped and felt relieved when I saw the Magnum Opus card come out because the reading all made sense after. This is an additional Major Arcana card in this huge tarot deck and it's like the elevated form of the Magician. It is the magic made manifest; it is the final result of blood, sweat, tears, and love. Your partner knows you believe in the beauty of a masterpiece not just in its technical genius, but in the subtext of devotion between the creator and the created. The care and love put into something is part of what makes it beautiful to them. I think your future partner will see you as a good parent, someone who knows that raising a child or tending to a sick tree doesn't happen overnight. You can rescue a skittish animal and nurse it back into health because you see that the importance isn't in the rush, but in the amount of thoughtful care that is given and felt sincerely. They're looking for someone they can lean on in hard times, someone who doesn't shy away from responsibility, maybe as they grew up surrounded by people who did. You're like a safe refuge to them in an unpredictable world.
Pile 3 - Wild Rose 🌹

2 of Candles (Wands), 8 of Talismans (Pentacles), 7 of Candles; White Carnation - Devotion, Peace, Change, 11:11
Ooh, pile 3, am I sensing a potential power couple here? I'm seeing a combination of lover with colleague. Maybe your future partner is also a coworker or someone who runs a business with you? Seeing all these books, this could be a student or someone who is very involved in studies. Your future partner may want to make a lot of travel plans with you because they see your spunk beneath any stoic façade. This person is a go-getter and also sees that in you. It's like you amplify that drive within them, and in turn they bring out that drive in you if you aren't yet aware of it. I'm seeing pairs in both the Rose card you selected, the 2 of Wands, the 11:11 card, and even the 8 of Talismans which appear to make an 11 sign. It may seem like at times you'll be joined at the hip with them, but not in a cloistering or suffocating kind of way. You may find out in time that it feels great to work alongside somebody, to have a partner to help out with life and pursue greater things. Your partner is like a mirror to what you desire, which makes your pairing a formidable couple in the face of regular challenges that come with setting big goals. But they also respect your independence and tenacity, and have no intention on undermining that. It will just feel natural to be next to them when it used to be normal sitting alone.
Your partner loves that you are able to live by your own rules and values and refuse to budge for anyone, with the Wild Rose and White Carnation here. Despite your solitary nature, you can also adapt to circumstances as they arrive with tranquility. You do this through standing your ground and fighting for what you believe in. You fight for not just your lover, but your friends and family. This is giving me, "I'll leave you be if you leave me be, but if you mess with my loved ones then watch out because you're messing with me." And your future partner adores that quality in you of typically being so relaxed and even tempered until push comes to shove. It's finding the balance between being amenable and being assertive. These are traits you will bring out in each other. Your partner wants to be the warrior standing next to you ready to tackle anything that opposes you, all the while admiring your strong will and bravery. and empowering you every step of the way. If you have struggled to accomplish tasks, they will push with you and cheer you on at the same time, as they can both be of help and encourage you to find your own inner power. This partner will be with you through thick and thin as they know that the calm always comes after (not just before) the storm.
Pile 4 - Large-Leaved Lupine 💜

Princess (Page) of Talismans (Pentacles), Queen of Talismans, III Sacred Space (Empress); Pitcher Plant - Insight, Clean It Up, Worth, Sound-Resonance-Frequency
Pile 4, your partner is in loooove with your feminine side. Even if you see yourself as the burliest of brutes, they want you to see how lovely your feminine side is. Everyone will have a different interpretation, but with the Princess, Queen, and Empress, it's like they see all the different facets of femininity in you, so it would be fruitless to only limit yourself to one song. This energy has a healing effect on them, like how nitrogen-extracting lupines have been planted across Iceland to encourage the growth of other plant species. With the Princess of Talismans, I see your partner loves your diva side and wants to spoil you something. If you've ever felt pangs of guilt for expressing the glamorous side of you, I see that your partner will cherish those traits enough to allow you to express it again. Maybe you're not the type to doll up very much, but it doesn't necessarily take a pound of jewelry to impress them. Just putting on your finest clothes will have them turning their head thinking, "wow, pile 4 is just… different somehow." They could go to work or school one day and just see you after dressing up for an event, excited to talk to you.
This isn't just a partner who loves only beauty, mind you. With Pitcher Plant, your partner adores your deeper, more introspective mind. They love the sensuality of seeing you sway to your favorite music and they wonder what kind of world you go to when you peer into a complex painting at the museum. Your partner loves that you take care of your surroundings. Not just in the domestic sphere, but in many areas of life. At work, you tend to the little details so everything runs smoothly. You may petition and protest for the sake of the environment or your local community. You have a deeply caring aspect to you that your partner wants you to notice. Your partner deeply wants you to recognize your inherent worth, and see your caring nature as a superpower and not a burden. Sometimes the Empress is like the mom that tells us to clean up our rooms despite our objections. She's not always sugar sweet. Your partner sees how you're able to create important boundaries with others while still being generous and conscientious with your time and love. They love that you care for yourself as much as you do with any other, and they want you to embrace more indulgence whenever they see you work hard. So very likely they will be the love to take you out to that favorite concert or set up a gorgeous breakfast and bubble bath. Not just to thank you for hard work, but to genuinely take pleasure in seeing you be loved and happy.
This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2025, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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hii, wriothesley and neuvilette with a criminal teen!reader?
reader actually dislikes doing said crimes and is really afraid of adults
Genshin Men with a criminal Teen!Reader. | Neuvillette, Wriothesley x Gn!Teen!Reader

Hey dear Anon! Sorry for the late response, but thank you so much for your request, and I hope you'll like this!!<33
Content: Reader is a teen, platonic relationships, vague mentions of crimes, slight angst, fatherly relationship with reader, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns.
((Not proofread))

He had seen many kids like you. Kids that have found themselves in bad circumstances and therefore had to do things that they knew were morally wrong. You were no different, and yet there was something about you that felt off. You understood what you had done and, in fact, even went as far as turning yourself in. You hated the crimes you've committed as a result of your dire circumstances, and that alone is what caused him to stare at you in thought and wonder whilst you were taken away. You were afraid of the adults that surrounded you, crying and screaming for them to let you go, and so he stepped in to bring you to the fortress himself.
He often visited you after that and gained your trust through learning what led you to this point in your young life. In a way, you taught him more about the complexities of human life and the tragedy that can befall them even early on. Neuvillette taught you to be less afraid of adults and instead find the one's you can trust and idealize for a better future, which led him to secretly become exactly that for you.
Neuvillette essentially watches and supports you from afar, a tinge of pride in his heart when he sees you slowly regain control over your life and accept the rehabilitation provided by the prison. By the time you get out, he hopes to see you become a good person, yet never takes the credit for being the cause of it himself.
Wriothesley saw himself in you the moment you stepped out of the elevator doors. You were a kid, a very angry and afraid teen who didn't want to be touched by any of the guards, nor even Sigewinne for the mandatory checkup. You hated everything you've done that led you to this point, and you were vocal about it despite your fear of them. You still had a fire in you that was important to protect, and so he attempted to do that step by step. You still had a chance for a good life after this. You weren't as far gone as he was yet.
And so, he took you in under his wing. He was patient with you, as he listened to you either rant or complain about the other adults, including him. He taught you important life skills you'd need in the real word. He showed you what hard work was and what it meant, how rewarding it can be for one's soul when done right. He wanted to show you what an honest life could look like whilst also reminding you that your saddening start to life was not your fault. No one could control that and so you shouldn't have to worry about them either anymore. What mattered to him was that you saw a path forward and out of this place.
Ultimately, he hopes that once you get out of here, you'll lead a good and happy life somewhere far away. And even if you do forget about him in the process of it, he still believes that he did everything he could to instill the correct morals in you, that will grant you a carefree world of opportunities without him there next to you.

#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact x gender neutral reader#genshin x y/n#genshin x you#wriothesely genshin#genshin wriothesley x reader#wriothesley x reader#genshin wriothesley#wriothesely x reader#wriothesley#neuvillette x you#genshin impact neuvillette#genshin neuvillette#neuvillette x reader#neuvillette#neuvilette genshin
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#0017 your relationship with your mother, based on your moon sign
aries moon: your mother could’ve been an example of independence and freedom. she could’ve been a highly confident person with great ambitions and determination. for you, you would’ve always had your personal space and independence respected. now, you would be a confidently independent person with respect for others’ boundaries. your mother would build you up instead of seeing you as competition. another side to this placement could be a mother who was controlling or superstitious of what you were doing. obsessiveness or severe possessiveness could’ve led you to have a lot of anxiety with others in your personal space. therefore, you’ve become a hyper independent person who sees other people’s company as a threat. because you worked so hard to gain your own independence from having your independence, privacy, and boundaries violated as a child, you tend to build up emotional walls around yourself. your mother could’ve been a temperamental type with an unpredictable attitude in the house. commitment issues or issues with emotions are a common theme with this placement as any sort of tension or problem = a threat to you. this, as a result, causes you to resent your mother as someone who has hurt your self-esteem, confidence, and as someone who never respected your privacy and boundaries. the mother could've acted the father or have bad relations with the father or may have competed with him. mommy issues are common here.
taurus moon: this is a comforting moon placement, as your mother was likely a very caring and hardworking person. the only negative really about this placement could've been a highly materialistic view on life or a person overly protective with low self-esteem; someone who focused on work too much to the point of neglect. generally, however, this is a very reliable person who taught you a lot when it came to self-worth. she could've taught you how to build it yourself through her own insecurities or she could've helped you build it by supporting you. she may have taught you that material things = happiness. you are traditional and have very strong morals. she may have been overly traditional however; she may have had strict rules or may have been rigid with her upbringing of you. generally, she was an anchor to you because of her ability to teach you patience and resistance. this isn't a hugely emotional placement (for you or the mother) but there is great wait and patience when feeling things. impulses are not rushed and neither is sadness but they are felt. you have been taught to take life slowly and to take partnerships seriously rather than treating them like they only come once in a lifetime. your mother could’ve projected her ideal version of you and tried to make you do things to fit a “perfect” picture — she expected too much of you.
gemini moon: your mother could’ve been someone who gossiped or spoke in public. for you, emotions are either a silent topic or are actually very well expressed. if your mother was someone who projected onto you or provided a turbulent household (constantly moving, etc.) then you could’ve learned that, really, nowhere is your home. this is a very depressing placement to those who want a family as they feel it hard setting down roots or even connecting to their own previous roots. verbal abuse or a mother who was very emotionally distant OR unstable and could’ve caused you to be unsure of your true feelings. if your mother was in and out of your childhood, you were probably on your own and therefore became very used to your own company. as a result, you’ve become hyper-independent. curious and versatile with others, your versatility came from your imaginative childhood and forced use of skills and knowledge. on the other hand however, you could’ve just had a dynamic household in which travel and sport was emphasised. your creativity, curiosity, and passions were fuelled by a mother who was the same as you. so, she could’ve been great inspiration to you on how to use your words or thinking in a way that benefits you or the reason you are emotionally fickle. the stereotype that air moons are emotionally cold or unavailable stems from the fact that their mothers never really let them explore their feelings and, as a result, see them more of a chore than an actual element of humanity.
cancer moon: family is a strongly potent memory to you, in whatever context that may mean for you. your mother may have been a deeply compassionate person with a lot of care for the home and family. because this is in its natural placement, it indicates more peace than turbulence. you share a strong connection with your mother. your mother and household will have a big impact on your life, ultimately helping you decide what type of family you want, and what type of mother you want to be. on the one hand, your mother may have been incredibly patient, humble, caring, and loving. on the other, she may have been overly protective and overly possessive over you, sheltering you away from life's harsh realities and, as a result, causing you isolation and boredom. emotions are deeply felt and nostalgia/sentimentality are strong feelings in your life. the result of loneliness in your household may have caused you to be overly dependent in relationships or forces you to over-indulge in emotions in relationships. alternatively, emotions may set you off altogether and you may deal with things on your own. abandonment issues may be a prominent observation with this placement. mommy issues are also prominent here.
leo moon: your mother was the source of your self-esteem issues or your radiant confidence. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been a confident and artistic person with a great attitude towards life. she could’ve been a fashionable and intelligent person with great optimism. this would’ve caused you to develop a healthy self-esteem with a love of self-love and dignity. for you, you are highly dignified and never seek for others’ approval. on the other hand, your mother could’ve seen you as competition or as someone who challenged her authority. she could’ve seen you as an extension of herself, ultimately using you as a project, projecting her insecurities and feelings onto you. you may have, therefore, become heavily burdened with doubts of your own self-esteem and value. so, you tend to look for value through others. you cannot self-validate yourself so you look for validation and approval through others. this toxic pattern leads to many vain and dangerous relationships in which your insecurities must be overcome by appearances and material things. you may have become a bad people pleaser as a result of your mother’s demanding nature or someone who had a strong self-image.
virgo moon: this placement is very popular with vain or insecure people as their mother could’ve been a highly critical and difficult person. for you, you could’ve had a hardworking mother or a mother who was insecure… or even very sick in general. either way, diet may have been important in her life or your life as either may have struggled from sort of diet restriction or disorder. your mother could’ve been a great public speaker who used her voice to help others and was, in general, a very caring person with a loving heart. she could’ve shown you the true meaning of healing and helping others, or she could’ve turned you into an absolute people-pleaser with little to no boundaries. your experiences are often self-sabotaged. for example, relationships are often manifested to challenge your self-perception. you may have a strong work ethic or you may be someone so emotionally out of tune you rarely let others see how you feel. you could be a very gentle and strong person otherwise. your personality can either be magnetic and gentle, or insecure and tense. lack of boundaries and lack of self-esteem and confidence could’ve forced you to let others abuse and hurt you because you have no sense of right or wrong. there could be very high expectations upon you or your mother was just very critical. virgo is a perfectionist; they typically despise anything or anyone that does not fit a specific ideal.
libra moon: your relationship with your mother could’ve been very vain or superficial. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been very feminine and beautiful. as a result of her presence and influence, you’ve become feminine and very beautiful too. if your mother was the type with high standards, her influence could’ve made you into someone who has high standards too, or at least someone who has a strong self-image. regardless however, your mother’s “looseness” or “unseriousness” and general optimism would’ve encouraged you to be the same. your flirtatious attitude and charming personality heavily reflects her buoyant personality. if your mother was the insecure type, she may have used relationships as an escape from reality or used relationships/men as a way to gain validation and value. in some aspects, she may have married the man for money. in general however, this is a very vain placement where appearances are heavily depended on. external validation reassures internal insecurities and reinforces a broken relationship you have with yourself. superficiality is a key observation as you tend to live life and relationships on the surface instead of reaching below.
scorpio moon: there is a greatly intuitive or psychic relationship with the mother. she may have been the source of great paranoia and emotional pain. manipulation, gaslighting, and invasiveness was probably a popular theme in your early childhood and present life. your mother was either very distant or very emotionally demanding with you. she would've expected you to understand life at a profoundly deep level and, oftentimes, she had a negative view of life and people, ultimately projecting it on you. thus you feel as though you were forced to understand too much at a very young age. in some instances, this placement could indicate a family with many secrets, with your birth being a reminder of certain secrets. your strained relationship with your mother causes you to actually have distrust with others and to have a hard time opening up to others. this is oftentimes the source of scorpio moon's "scared to open up unless it's with someone they love" stereotype. many people say scorpio moons are deeply emotional with caring and compassionate hearts but fail to mention it's because their mother has forced them to feel so much when they were young as a result of the mother's "need" to constantly probe into their lives.
sagittarius moon: for you, independence and spontaneity were a big theme in your childhood, and still are. your mother could've been the type of person who saw your potential from a very young age. she could've been overly protective over you or controlling to the point you felt restricted and burdened by her paranoia. alternatively, this could point to a mother who was very adventurous and spontaneous and was a great inspiration to you and helped you shape your view on your own life. she could've been a traditional person with strong morals, with you ultimately having them too. your need for independence stems from the likelihood you were very unique as a child and didn't fit in many places. there is mutual love and understanding of one another but there is also a tendency to be stubborn with one another. oftentimes, your philosophical way of living is actually opposite to your mother's; therefore, you learn to live opposite to what your mother has taught you. so, your mother becomes an important anchor in your way of living this way. personal observation: these people may be foreigners in another country OR have a foreign mother
capricorn moon: one issue with this placement is the material and cold emphasis typical with almost any capricorn placement. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been a highly skilled worker who was very hardworking and determined in the home. she could’ve been a very material person with great success and status to her name. her being family-oriented may have caused you to be the same. you may have traditional values that reflect your mother’s. on the other hand, you may have had a mother who was overly possessive and controlling. she was probably the type to worry too much or have too much control over your boundaries and self-esteem. her micro-managing you could’ve made you resent her care. emotional unpredictability could’ve been a strong theme but also the fact that emotional coldness from her would’ve turned you into someone who rarely focuses on the emotional, but instead, on the rational. you are a rational feeler with little regard to actual feelings like sadness. if this moon is positively aspected, you could have a very strong work ethic with great boundaries and good self-esteem. you are powerful in everything you do; you do not let your feelings and short-felt impulses lead you astray from your ultimate goal. for others, however, the lack of emotional support and comfort or constant smothering could’ve caused you to either become overly independent in fear of vulnerability and in fear of losing yourself in other people. you may have matured early. she was probably very serious and you may have always felt a silent disapproval from her. she expected you to follow the dogma or the rules of the book which, inevitably, has made you want to go against them…
aquarius moon: you are versatile, curious, and emotionally detached. this doesn't mean you don't feel emotions or aren't connected to them; rather, you think logically than emotionally. in your childhood, your mother could have been a highly inquisitive person, but one to let you to your own devices. this means you may have grown up very early or may have matured very early. your relationship with your mother may be very hot and cold or just very cold because the independence acquired in your childhood has caused you to be, inevitably, independent and self-reliant as an adult. there's little to no need for anyone really, even relationships. however, there is still a deeper yearning for connection and understanding between you and others. on a general level, you are a very mental person who prioritizes mental synchronicity. this is the key to ultimately unlocking your heart. your lack of emotional connection with your mother and her unpredictable emotions or attitudes would've ultimately led you to use problem-solving skills rather than compassion in many scenarios. additionally, you may have forgiven yourself for trying to rely on your mother for emotional support. simply put, she couldn’t offer you the emotional security you required. you may have had little to no friend groups as a child; you may have felt left out a lot.
pisces moon: there is often a sad disconnect with the mother as a child, whether the mother was absent/distant or actually dead. you may have a very intuitive bond with your mother but you may have also taken her burdens upon yourself as a child. you may have been lonely. on the one hand, she could have been a highly intuitive and caring person with a deep personality and an admirative perspective on life and people. mental illness, addiction, or neglect may run through the family whether your mother suffered from this or you. with this placement, you have learned compassion and patience and have learned understanding of other people's suffering. she may have been an artistic person with a loose approach to life and she could've been a genuinely compassionate inspiration to you. if not, she may have been an overly smothering person with little regard for your own individuality; she may have been insecure or may have had her head too far in the clouds at all times. she may have found it difficult to truly connect with life. there could’ve been more than one mother figure here. your relationship with your mother has caused you to become hyper aware of other people’s moods and reactions — you tend to “just know” how people feel.
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Vesta in the Signs
Note: This post will be updated consistently until all signs are included, so feel free to comment your Vesta sign and follow the post so you'll know when I add yours. <3

Vesta in Aries
A lot of people talk about looking out for #1, but you? You actually do it. You're highly independent and focused on your personal goals and achievements. It feels good to be on the move towards a worthy destination. Sitting around being stagnant isn't an option as far as you're concerned, and frankly? If other people decide to get in the way, you're quick to tell them where they can go and how to get there.
Your main priority is you.

Vesta in Taurus
When it comes to spotting and producing quality, no one can compete with you. Maybe others just pose as being the eagle-eyed, discriminating type, but you're 100% about that life. If something won't be made well, you'd rather it just not be made at all. If you're going to make or create something, it's not seeing the light of day until it's worthy. The gift of patience and persistence is yours. You can't be rushed and you're not one to give up on anything you've started. Once you find a comfortable routine and get in the zone, you're good to go.
Your main priority is to get results.

Vesta in Gemini
You're a lifelong student of the world. Without new opportunities to gain knowledge, you might just wither away. 😶🌫️ That is a fate you will avoid at any cost. So, over the years, you've become good at pulling information out of people and places that others wouldn't dream of. You live to know, rather than settle for knowing just enough to live. Your greatest fear could be anything, but boredom and isolation are far higher on the shortlist than death itself. Life for you is a series of teachable moments and intriguing experiences.
Your main priority is to learn.

Vesta in Cancer
Your home is your castle. Literally. You value your peace and are devoted to establishing a safe space for yourself and your loved ones. You're highly protective of your energy and anyone invited into the privacy of your home is usually someone special and trusted. It's an honor that you have no issue revoking if it's taken for granted. Creature comforts are never too far away when you're nearby. You enjoy nurturing others and are usually the mom friend in some way, regardless of gender. You're emotional but others usually overlook this because you're so caring.
Your main priority is your home & family.
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Tranquil SAGAU - Part 6
-> Part 1
-> Part 5
With Dvalin gone, you were left basically homeless. Not that it was much of an issue, not really. The forests had been very kind to you -- you could easily live the life of a hermit if you so wished, without having to worry about food, water, shelter or animal attacks.
But it would also be horribly lonely. No compassionate silence, no background noise and buzz of other people scurrying around and going about their day without minding you, no one to speak to if you ever felt the need to.
You liked being alone, but you were still human and humans were social animals.
Soooooo, you promptly asked Crepus about working in his Winery in exchange for accommodations, because 'one that asks, does not stray'... or something like that anyways. Your sister always made her life that much harder because she outright refused to ask for help even when hopelessly lost or overwhelmed, so there must be something to the saying at least.
"You don't have to work to earn your keep, (Name). I'd be more than happy to house you as my guest for however long you want!" is what Crepus 'Sunshine Personified' Ragnvindr responded with.
Crepus used Puppy Eyes, it was super effective!
You laid defeated, a puddle of cuteness overload once again wishing for sunglasses to protect yourself from the blinding smiles and imaginary wagging tails.
Crepus was horrible for your heart.
Still, you would go insane if left with nothing to do for days at a time, so you went to turn the Ragnvindr library upside down with Crepus' blessing, a bunch of notebooks, a bunch of pens and a delusion that you'd do any actual studying in there.
This was Teyvat, but this wasn't Genshin Impact -- a library wouldn't have interesting lore, it'd have dry history and even drier geography, accompanied by boring economics and even more boring politics (which was a damn shame too, politics were so interesting when written right).
You never quite had a head for those, prefering subjects with more practical applications that could be practiced instead of having to be beaten into your thick skull until you memorized it just long enough to write the exam.
Though for some ungodly reason you still remembered that onions were actually leaves. It was one of the very few things you remembered from school, actually.
Probably the trauma speaking.
Still, you did find some interesting books - a diary speaking of the Decarabian rule, for example.
Today, I don my very own Windblume.
I can only hope Lord Decarabian never learns of its' significance.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The winds are particularly harsh today.
I am afraid, but I smile and play my lyre as if nothing were happening at all, like I always do.
Sometimes, I forget if what I do is to reasure the people or to delude myself that everything is as it should be...
Then again, does it matter when the result remains the same?
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are growing restless.
Their yearning for freedom gave birth to a small wind spirit that seems fond of my playing. It is an adorable being, even if it has yet to communicate with us.
It remind me of a newborn puppy.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are planning a rebellion.
I want to help, but how can I? I am no soldier, my strength lays with the pen and the lyre, not with the sword.
Ragnvindr told me there was no need for more warriors, that I was doing enough by keeping the morale up with my performances... I am hesistant to believe him.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The little spirit has spoken for the first time today.
It said that it knew the song I was playing, despite it being a new piece I was in the midst of creating, and sang along to lyrics I had yet to write.
It was strange, but it made me happy nonetheless.
Perhaps I was strange too, for feeling that way.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
You had a suspicion on who the author of the diary was by that point. Maybe Crepus would be open to giving this diary to Venti, instead of it gathering dust on the shelf?
Idly, you wondered how it had survived so long, but figured Ragnvindr and his descendants took good care of it.
I met Ragnvindr today.
Something compelled me to share my worries with him, even though I knew he had enough weight on his shoulders and I ought not to add more.
"If you cannot trust in yourself, then trust in me and my trust in you instead" he told me.
It helped.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Meetings regarding the rebellion are more and more frequent. Ragnvindr, alongside a man named Amos, have convinced the Gunnhildr clan to participate against all odds.
I can understand their hesitance. Should we fail to kill Lord Decarabian, their legacy would be no more.
I admire their bravery.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The wind has long since realized change is imminent, even when Lord Decarabian himself has not - the little spirit said so.
King of Gales indeed, even the wind has rebelled against him.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Ragnvindr speaks of a bad premonition.
In truth, my heart is uneasy as well, but how can I share those feelings with anyone but myself? It is not the time to bother others with my issues -- it is time to reassure everyone, to rouse their spirit and not to let fear take root even as they stand against a God. It is my duty as a bard and as a fellow rebel.
The Windblume feels particularly heavy as I write this.
I fear I will not live to see tomorrow's sunset, but I fear for my dearest friends and for Mondstadt even more.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
My little spirit friend is still without a name.
I know it does not bother them, they are the wind itself after all, but I would still like to give them a name others can remember them by.
A name that they can remember me by once I pass on, selfish as it is to bind an immortal to a memory.
But I am selfish, even if Ragnvindr may see me as a paragon of virtue. I am a human and to be human is to be flawed. I am not ashamed of it, even if I often feel guilty for it.
Perhaps it will be the very last thing I achieve in this life of mine.
It is hard to name them.
I've thought of many names up until now.
Caelus. Liberius. Aella. Calliope. Achill. Carmine. Hilarius. Hanne. Zephyrinus. Dieter. Sascha. Scilla. Paulus. Notus. Veronica. Agna. Vergil.
Those are just a few of the ones I discarded.
None fit.
I can only hope the right name reveals itself when it is time.
. . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
That was the last entry.
You closed the diary and carefully put it aside.
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
It was not supposed to be mostly nameless bard POV via old diary.
It really wasn't.
Mans literally kidnapped the chapter entirely against my will while I was half asleep yesterday and attempting to write at nearly midnight and I was powerless to stop it, on god.
But hey, at least we got potential Venti bonding set up for the future?
I was planning for more fluff, but I also have no outline for this, so my chapters have a chance of getting kidnapped at any time.
✨BY THE WAY!!!!✨
The charm of spontaneous writing, I guess?
If you have something you want to happen - for example we're in the library right now, so maybe you want a book about a specific tidbit to appear - do let me know, maybe I'll write it in!
I had 2 tests and 1 retake yesterday and holy shit i got through all of them and tomorrow is last day of uni then it's ✨HOLIDAYS✨
@game-savvy @chaoticfivesworld @mmeatt @avalordream @ymechi @andromeda-gay @naynayaa @undecidingfate @thedevioussmirk @tumb3ld0wn @balaur-bondoc @yi-chii @yarabutterfly @nervouseaglelover @vexingpraedyth @indelible-colouring-markers @whitefantasy21-blog @kapitankarate
#genshin sagau#sagau x reader#sagau#genshin impact#x reader#genshin x reader#isekai#x gender neutral reader#x gn reader#x gn y/n#self aware genshin
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bikers backpack

matt sturniolo x biker!reader
summary: where matt’s girlfriend is a biker and at first matt is scared for her until he realizes it’s actually an attractive hobby, request
warnings: fluff, a little angst, language
“matt! guess what!” you exclaimed as you ran into his room. unbeknownst to him you had just bought your second motorcycle. your dream to own a kawasaki ninja bike had finally come true. you’d been saving up money from different odd jobs you’d done to be able to afford it.
“i finally bought my 4- stroke, six speed, metallic gray ninja 650.” you could’ve almost cried with excitement. matt knew this day was coming. he knew your love for bikes and as much as it made him anxious he couldn’t help but feel that twinge in his heart everytime you got this excited around him. in the two years you guys had been dating your hobby had only gone on in one of them.
your fascination for motorcycles steamed from the long line of harley riders you had in your family. growing up around the vehicles only made you want to learn to drive them more. on your 18th birthday you went out and got your motorcycle license it wasn’t until a year later that you got your first bike. it was a beat up motorcycle with over sixty thousand miles that you bought off of facebook marketplace, but it was your baby. you rode it everywhere and took such good care of it.
matt on the other hand hated the fact that you drove motorcycles. he was supportive in everything you did, as you were for him, but this was the one thing he couldn’t get behind. he was always a so worried about you because of how dangerous it can be. he barely liked being in a car. the idea of being on a bike with an engine made him sick.
matt looked up at you hesitantly. he didn’t want to make you upset, but he couldn’t find it in himself to jump for joy at your words like you did. “that’s cool, y/n. i’m happy for you.” his smile didn’t quite meet his eyes and you could feel the coldness in his words. you didn’t want to have another fight about the fact that you liked riding bikes, but you also didn’t want to feel like you couldn’t share your accomplishments or things you enjoy with your boyfriend. “can you at least pretend to care?” you questioned harshly. your words caught him off guard.
“i don’t care? really?” his tone changed. you could tell your words hurt him, but neither of you were ones to back down from a conversation like this. matt continued, “i care that 72 out of 10,000 motorcyclists experience a crash. i care that 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injuries or death. i care that california has the second highest number of motorcycle fatalities. i care about what matters so sorry if your upset that i’m not thrilled about your new purchase.”
choosing not to argue with him you simply backed out of his room and left his house. you felt like matt didn’t trust you. you knew the statistics but you were always so careful. you wore a helmet and protective gear. you never rode by yourself, you always had at least one other biker with you. you took all the necessary precautions so you didn’t know why matt wouldn’t listen to you about this. you would give him a chance to cool off and maybe bring the topic back up at a later time. you wanted him to know how you felt but maybe it was better to do it at a time where you both were more level headed.
later that night, after having a conversation with chris about how it’s your life and not his, matt felt like he owed you an apology. both you and chris were right. he was focusing on the wrong things. all he wanted was for you to be happy but him being negative wasn’t going to help you achieve that. matt made his way over to your house ready to talk, but as he pulled down your street he couldn’t help but notice you in your driveway ready to leave on your new motorcycle.
pulling up next to you, he couldn’t help but feel attracted to the sight in front of him. you were always beautiful, but for some reason his body gave him a different response to seeing you next to your bike. “what are you doing here?” you questioned as matt got out of his car, your voice barely above a whisper. “i came to apologize. i was wrong to get upset like that. i should’ve been more supportive because i know how much you enjoy this kind of stuff. so i’m sorry.” his words meant a lot to you. you had been feeling extremely discouraged since you left his house so you needed to hear this.
before you could even respond matt threw out, “also, i want to go on a ride with you.” to say you were shocked would be a complete understatement. “you want to go on a ride?” “yep.” you looked at him in denial. “a ride on a motorcycle?” he just responded with a nod and a smile.
“are you sure because you really don’t have to. i really appreciate your apology, but i don’t want you to do anything that’s going to make you uncomfortable or anxious.” you quickly said.
“no i want to, sweetheart. i think some exposure therapy would be good for me, and to be completely honest you look so good right now, you could probably get me to do anything you wanted.” he sent you a wink as he came over and put his hands on your waist. matt tilted his head down slightly so you guys were eye level before pressing his lips to yours.
you never thought you’d see the day where matthew sturniolo was putting on a helmet and was willingly getting on a motorcycle. not that you were complaining though. you put your helmet and gloves on, “are you 100% sure you want to do this?” you asked. matt flipped the visor of his helmet down and gently bonked his head against yours. “get on baby let’s go.” he said pulling you hand.
and with that you sat in front of him with his arms wrapped around you, and you went off on your memorized path to where you planned to meet up with some of your friends that also ride. it was safe to say that after the first couple minutes matt enjoyed himself. he took notice to you attention to the world around you, which he appreciated, and he was happy to know more about the hobby you loved so much. matt was now your personal backpack
an: this is shorter then normal but i haven’t written in a couple weeks so i need to get back into it. i thought this was cute though and i hope y’all enjoy
taglist: @maryx2xx @norr1ssturni0lo @recklessmatt @luvr4miya @hpyjw @unbruisable @watercolorskyy @elliewrites1 @rheaasturn @slxt4matt @mmay4ever @aurizp
#nick sturniolo#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo#matt sturniolo fluff#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo imagine
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hey, chicken! based on your last post (the morality of witchcraft), how would you defend the idea that witchcraft ISN’T cheating/immoral?
We are in reference to this post
So I'm not like, a philosophy guy. And I don't have an answer at all. But by God I'll write an essay.
I believe the problem that causes some people to view magic as immoral/cheating, is that magic is viewed as being a force which, by default, causes harm. So if you're using it to benefit yourself, then that's always unfair/cheating.
This is mitigated if you use magic to help others, because it's immoral to help yourself (?) but okay to help others, which is just then net neutral, so magic is rarely allowed to be good. It's either neutral or bad.
However, if you don't get explicit permission to cast beneficial magic on others, then you're for sure evil. So most magic, most of the time, is always unethical to some degree. Because most magic, most of the time, is harmful and self-serving.
"Job spells manipulate hiring managers, and take away their free will. You are compelling someone else's mind to make a choice they wouldn't have otherwise made."
Well, why do we think that is true? Why would any generic "bippity boppity basil brings the jobbity" spell default to harmful mind-control?
I think what people are seeing is: a hiring manager makes a choice they wouldn't have otherwise made. And because they view witchcraft as inherently harmful and self-serving, this means that the hiring manager must have been the victim of unethical action.
Let's use a little hyperbole to engage in a thought exercise. What if the default view was that witchcraft was helpful and community-serving?:
When workers can't find jobs, that is an indicator of sickness in the spiritual body of local commerce. If you cast a job spell on yourself to find employment, you are healing one strand of that sickness. This healing is always good, just as relaxing one strand of a muscle spasm is always good.
Job spells would never ""steal"" a job from somebody else, that's just not how they work. Can you imagine thinking that sending beneficial employment energy into a community would somehow result in stealing jobs? That's literally the opposite intent. That would be like casting a protection spell that automatically puts people in danger because you are "stealing" their protection!
When you cast a job spell, what's actually happening is that you are bringing healing and support to companies who tend to be under-staffed. You are also unblocking and banishing policies that tend to turn away great candidates just because they don't have a buzzword on their resume. Companies, employees, and managers always benefit when job spells are cast on their company.
You might be pointing out that well, sure - but that's not how job spells work. The actual mechanisms depend on the type of spell you cast.
Which brings me back to the earlier point: then why is the bippity boppity basil brings jobbity spell assumed to work with an unethical mechanism?
Why is the common defense for this, "well, somebody has got to get the job and witchcraft is nothing but an advantage, just like Excel is an advantage on the resume, so if doing witchcraft is unethical, so is learning Excel, so there." ?
Why isn't the defense, "no, it's not unethical. Is pouring water into a drought-stricken pond unethical? Casting a job spell literally means generating energies of beneficial employment. When you release that into your community, you are pouring water into the evaporating pond. Those energies of beneficial employment would not have existed if you did not cast the spell, and they are fundamentally healing and restorative to your local economy, no matter whom they benefit. A job spell, by definition, challenges energies of unemployment and poverty. How could you think that's a bad thing?"
Do you see what I mean, Anon?
Why is a popular default assumption that magic is thieving, manipulative, and ruinous?
Why isn't the assumption rather that magic is generative, restorative, and healing?
Look, I'm not saying that I think all witchcraft actually is healing or restorative. My point is just to provide contrast. Having to prove that witchcraft isn't cheating is the wrong stance. You're already two steps in the wrong direction.
At the core of it all, I think it takes stepping back and asking: How did I get to a place where I have to convince myself I'm not a bad person for engaging in my faith?
I think the idea of 'the path of least resistance' has caused brainrot to the point where people actually think that it takes the same amount of magical force to kill your grandma as it does to get an Etsy sale.
I'm not saying that witches have never accidentally fucked stuff up with a badly planned spell. It happens all the time.
But I think it's pertinent to ask. If you live in a reality where you believe you don't need spiritual protection because nobody is targeting you, is that mutually exclusive with the belief that magic can easily cause awful things to happen to innocent, untargeted bystanders?
So like, if the universe is such that the behaviors of spirits and practitioners just trying to achieve their own goals is stealing, cheating, and harmful, would that not mean that the magical ecosystem we live in is indeed very dangerous, much more dangerous than mundane reality?
How can we say, "protection is almost never necessary because nobody is going to target you; but you'd better be careful, because any magical action can accidentally steal from or harm untargeted innocent bystanders."?
I don't think we get to have it both ways.
But I think both of these things stem from the same source: a worldview that colors perception of witchcraft. It doesn't come from witchcraft, but was rather applied to it.
So that's why I don't have an answer for you, Anon. How can I argue that witchcraft isn't cheating or immoral? If a witch believes that helping themselves is sinful, then any time they do that, I expect they will always feel like they are cheating or being self-centered. That's not witchcraft's fault.
If a witch believes that magic tends to maim, mind-control, and harm, I suppose that's either from personal experience and they are walking the most metal of paths, or that's because they just believe that magic is just kinda wicked.
And all I can say is, no. It's not.
But that's not a very good argument.
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Past Gojo x F!Yoriichi Reader? (He’s an absolute menace towards her at first, then he becomes clingy and obnoxiously annoying)
Reader became a First Year at the age of 14 when Gojo and Geto are 16 in their Second Year (They wanted to size up the ‘Newbie’)
Reader refused to train or take any missions and would always turn down Gojo every time he tried to pick a fight with her to see her strength (Because he can’t detect any Cursed Energy from her whatsoever, meaning she must be weak)
However Reader was forced to join Gojo and Geto during the Plasma Vessel Mission by the Higher Ups (As the Higher Ups threatened punishment on Yaga because he allowed her to get away with this *He was going to decline and take the punishment, but she agreed to take the mission because she didn’t want to burden her Foster Father with trouble after all that he’s done for her*)
This was actually the time where Gojo and Geto learn that Reader actually has a LOT of skill and talent (Their expressions are priceless when they see her kick someone’s ass in just a mere blur)
Reader gets along with Riko (As she likes hearing her talk) and even swears to protect Riko with her own life (Making Riko blush) as well as smack Geto and Gojo around when she saw them bully Rika
Reader prevented Riko from being assassinated (As she started combat with Toji, resulting in a rapid and devastating brawl between the two Superhumans, shocking Geto with their inhuman speed)
Reader is actually more efficient in combat and Exorcising Curses than her upperclassmen and even full fledged Sorcerers, even when she was just a mere child (However Yaga wanted Reader to have a childhood as long as he could possibly give her since he knows that despite his Daughter’s gift and talent in fighting, she doesn’t like fighting and dislikes violence, as she would rather prefer to spend time with her foster father Yaga than train)
Yaga was the first person to discover that Reader can’t use Cursed Energy (As in she doesn’t ANY), yet she can see Curses and even Cursed Energy (He finds that bizarre, yet he still takes Reader in as his own) She can see Cursed Spirits because of the Transparent World (And she has it constantly activated)
Yaga doesn’t mind Reader having pacifistic ideals and beliefs, the only problem is the Higher Ups won’t accept it after they find out about her gifts (Plus he knows his daughter will deal with sexism and inequality just because she was born a girl as well as her having no Cursed Energy)
Yaga found F!Yoriichi Reader when she was a child, and seeing she has no family and can see Curses he takes her in as his Daughter (He trains her at first, only to realize she as superhuman physical skills and prowess)
He thought she was deaf/mute because she never spoken a word from all the time he knew her until she was 14 (It was one of the few moments that made him do a double take)
When Gojo saw her smile she asked him to marry him (Yaga constantly smacks him yelling that his daughter is way to young!) but he’s persistent and keeps asking her
-You remember the day your adoptive father, Yaga, found you, all those years ago. The bodies of cursed spirits all around you, you drenched in blood, but none of it was your own.
-He couldn’t even begin to process how a child as young as you could have done this, even more so when he found out that you couldn’t use Cursed Energy, mainly because you had none!! How was this possible?!
-You never knew the answer yourself, you didn’t know how to explain it, despite having no Cursed Energy, you could see Curses and Cursed Energy, and all you knew that it was bad, so you attacked it whenever you saw it.
-Yaga was… almost intimidated by your skills, it was like you were born to be a warrior, your skills were unmatched, and you weren’t even properly trained!!
-He knew that you would be dealing with so much in your life, from being female, to having no Cursed Energy while being able to see and defeat Curses with ease, and your seemingly unnatural fighting skills.
-That’s why he did his best to try to give you a normal childhood, raising you with love and affection, showing you the good in the world, as he knew at one point the higher ups were going to find out about you.
-Yaga didn’t know how to explain your personality either, you were very stoic, with a rather intimidating RBF, but you were so gentle, you were a pacifist, you disliked fighting, despite being so good at it, and you enjoyed the moments away from training more, where you would sit with Yaga, and he would teach you new things, things about the world around you.
-Yaga had thought that you were mute for the longest time, as you had never said a word to him in the eight years you had been with him, until you turned fourteen. He knew how to communicate with you, and seemed to know what you were thinking or saying, but the first time you spoke, asking you what you wanted for dinner, “Can we go for ramen?” he had nearly tripped over his feet, turning to you in shock, hearing your voice for the first time, while you didn’t look bothered in the slightest!!
-When the higher-ups did finally find out about you, and found about how you refused to take missions, they threatened your father, and not wanting him to risk his own position, you agreed to go on an important mission, with the two thorns in your side, Geto and Gojo, your upperclassmen.
-You were the only underclassman, which made them pick on you anyway, but to hear about your unnatural strength paired with having no Cursed Energy, they were curious on how strong you were.
-Gojo was such a gremlin, constantly trying to tease you and pick on you, trying to goad you into a fight, as he wanted to test if you were really as strong as Yaga said, but you would always refuse, taking the pacifist route.
-You didn’t care what they said about you, calling you a coward, which only infuriated Gojo more, as he wanted you to acknowledge him picking on you!!
-When you joined them on the Plasma Vessel Mission, you hadn’t been expecting to meet someone like Rika, she was so warm, and while she was initially scared of you, due to your intimidating aura, she realized that you were a nice person.
-You were quite protective of Rika, protecting her from Geto and Gojo picking on her, and while none of you realized it at first, you were bonding with them, growing closer to them.
-It was when Toji attacked that they all got to see firsthand your skills, as you drew your own blade against Toji. Geto’s mouth fell open as he was protecting Rika, while Gojo was staring, wide-eyed, seeing you going toe-to-toe with Toji, a skilled sorcerer and warrior, and you were handling your own!!
-Toji was impressed, seeing someone so young, especially a girl, was handling him so easily, but when he told you this, your voice was icy, “My gender doesn’t define my strength.”
-After the battle and after thousands in property damage, you were able to walk away with only minor wounds, but you froze, looking quite panicked for once, when Rika leapt into your arms, sobbing loudly as she had been worried about you.
-After you were patched up, you found Rika, Gojo, Geto, and Yaga together, talking about what had happened with Toji, and as soon as you walked in, Gojo approached you and took your hands, clasping them between his own, “Marry me Y/N!”
-Yaga was quick to punch Gojo on the top of his head, making him let you go, “Get away from my daughter!!”
-This did little to deter Gojo, in fact it only seemed to spurn him on to try harder. You couldn’t recall a day when he didn’t ask for your hand in marriage.
-You were a little confused as to why he wanted to marry you, you had no Cursed Energy, while he was regarded as the pinnacle of sorcerers. All you knew that Yaga was probably going to kill him if he didn’t leave you alone and stop asking you!
-Geto remained silent when he saw the smallest of smiles on your lips, as you watched Yaga chasing Gojo while yelling at him, you looked so happy at that moment.
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Secrets of the Heart
Pairing: Guardian!Baekhyun x Guardian!F!Reader
Dark Academia Career: Mystical Guardians/Keepers of Ancient Knowledge
Summary: For ages, a secret society has kept the darkest, most dangerous mysteries hidden from the world to keep it safe. By training guardians who show the capability to fight and protect these ancient relics from falling into the wrong hands, two compatible students are placed in hidden vaults after extensive training. You've longed for this your entire life, but then you find yourself trapped with the one man you never wanted to see again.
Word Count: 4827
Genre/Trope: Dark Academia/Non Idol AU, smut/angst, magical au
Warnings: Adult language, magical references, reader is a grump, Baek is Baek 💕oral (f. receiving), implied rough school years, overarching ideas of dark, dangerous secrets in the vault.
Tags- @lapydiaries @ksmutsociety @cafekitsune for the amazing dividers!
Thank you @pars-ley @yoonguurt and @frenchkisstheabyss for beta reading and helping me get this done!
A HUGE thank you to @potatomountain for the gorgeous banner, you're amazing!
A/N: This is for the @ksmutsociety Dark Academia event The Velvet Vault. This is part one, so I hope you all enjoy and I want to thank all the other participants for all the fun we had together working on these! I can't wait to read them! Check out other authors here!
It has taken you days to decipher the clues, but you’ve finally arrived at your destination.
Your heart almost leaps from your chest in excitement as you walk through the unassuming doors before you.
The tension in your shoulders seems to abate the tiniest bit as you take in the vast interior of the actual vault.
From the outside, it only appears as a maintenance door in an otherwise abandoned area.
Yet here, beneath the acres of wilderness in the middle of nowhere, lies a wealth of knowledge and secrets that only few in this world will ever even be aware of.
You think back on the letter you’d received for your posting weeks ago.
“Guardian 1485, you’ve been assigned to your post. Consider this your final test, and thank you for your service.”
From the outside, such a letter would give nothing away, but everything you needed to find your way lay in the inconspicuous note.
Using everything you’ve learned during your time at the academy, you’d left the populated world to inhabit this subterranean utopia.
It didn’t need to be said that failing would result in the very treasures of wisdom you’re now raking your eager eyes over to be locked away from your gaze forever.
You’d descended the timeworn stairs for what felt like ages, until you found yourself before the ancient doors that symbolized the culmination of your hard earned efforts.
The vast open room before you looms stories high, shelves of books appearing to disappear into the reaches above you, rolling ladders positioned here and there to take you up to the next little balcony to access small areas.
Makes sense now why I went down so many stairs, you think to yourself as you take in your new home.
Home…you think, your eyes fluttering closed at the comforting thought.
Hitching the strap of the duffle bag higher on your shoulder, you smile softly to yourself as you slowly turn around in a circle once more, enjoying the beautiful view of what is likely just the surface of what hides down here.
A large table sits amidst the open space in the middle of the cavernous room, as well as small alcoves here and there to perch and work.
Sconces adorn the dark paneled walls, allowing you to appreciate how vast the massive room actually is.
Before long, you find yourself wandering away from the library area, noticing the small halls branching off in three directions from the large room.
The first hall seems to lead to kitchen and dining areas, so you head towards the middle hallway.
You pause briefly before you head down that way, eyes drawn to the third hallway.
A shiver runs down your spine as your thoughts run wild about what lies that way, as there's a scrawling script carved into the threshold.
Both excitement and apprehension mix as you decide to settle in first, before getting swept away by your curiosity.
I wonder if my partner has arrived, you think to yourself as you finally set your feet on the path to your new lodgings.
An open framed doorway shows off a common area, filled with comfy looking couches, a few small tables as well as some bookshelves that appear to have board games, and much more modern books for leisure reading.
A small television adorns the far wall and you smile as you notice there are even a few gaming consoles on the shelf beneath.
You can only assume that your unknown companion is either already further down in a room, or hasn’t arrived yet.
Turning to continue down the hall, you take in a dining room, what appears to be a small storage area, then two doors opposite one another at the end of the hall.
As you head towards them, a soft humming fills the silence, and you realize you’re not alone.
Ah, they must be here already, you think to yourself as you notice the door on the left is open a crack.
The melodic voice draws you in, and you can’t stop yourself from taking a peek through the gap to seek out the owner.
Wide shoulders grace your sight, short dark hair skimming the collar of a black shirt.
The figure looks to be unpacking his own personal duffle as he sings, and you feel yourself enraptured by his lovely song.
You know that the assignments are random, so this man could be from any of the academies around the world.
Hopefully he’s-
Your thoughts die in your mind as the figure turns, and you notice you’ve pushed the door open further without even realizing it.
It wasn’t the abrupt end of the melody that has your entire being sinking into the depths of despair opening up beneath you.
No, it was the man that the glorious ballad belonged to that has you begging to be swallowed whole by the void.
The dark brown eyes dance merrily, completely freezing your tongue as a voice you know all too well shatters your dreams.
“It’s you! What a surprise!”
It’s as if your very soul slowly seeps out of your body, as his voice knocks you right back to the life you’d left behind at the academy.
Of all the people, of all the Guardians you could have possibly been assigned with….
His big goofy grin breaks you from your frozen trance as he approaches you, looking as if this isn’t the worst thing to ever happen.
Finally managing a weak semblance of a smile, you just let out a soft breath.
“Yeah…great.” you all but groan.
The one person you thought you’d finally been rid of.
Byun Baekhyun.
Weeks have passed and you’ve done your best to settle into this new, fascinating environment.
This was everything you’ve longed for, worth every agonizing minute spent in the harsh preparation you were subjected to at the academy.
Solitude, tranquility, exhilaration.
All things you feel as you inhale the ancient parchment of the script before you.
Diligently translating the forbidden text, you find yourself lost in reverie, pondering what type of person belonged to the hand that had penned this.
The chime of the large lock startles you from your focus, drawing your gaze from the yellowed pages before you.
Arching your back as you look up, your jaw crack open in a large yawn.
Midnight already? You think, rolling your shoulders as you rub your eyes with a fist.
It was sunlight before you’d sat down with this set of tomes, but clearly the day had gotten away from you.
Smiling to yourself, you gently place the silk ribbon between the pages, closing the heavy tome before standing to allow your blood to flow a bit better to your legs.
“It’s like we’re right back at the academy.” A cheerful voice breaks the silence, and it takes everything within you to not groan out loud in annoyance.
Baekhyun just grins at you, perching in one of the narrow alcoves with his legs extended, a laptop resting on his thighs.
“Not quite.” You mutter, turning to ignore the man as you ponder when the last time you ate was.
“Did you want to eat?” Baekhyun’s voice seems to pluck the very thoughts from your mind, raising your irritation even more.
“Fine.” You grumble, not even turning to look his way as you head towards the kitchen hall.
Even though it’s been weeks since you’d walked through those doors, you’d barely spoken a handful of words at the man.
He acts as if we’re friendly, as if he’s completely clueless that it’s better not to interact with one another.
“Did you want to try the-” He starts.
Finally feeling your frustration build, you snap at him,“Will you please just stop?”
Your voice is soft, yet cold, not even turning to address him.
The air stills around you as a moment drags by as a small twinge of guilt teases at your heart.
There’s nothing to feel bad about, you think.
His voice is hushed, almost sad and you can’t help but feel as if you’ve kicked a puppy.
Goddamn it, you think, why’d it have to be him?
Taking a breath, you shake your head, back still to him.
“I’m just hungry and tired. I’ll cook something.”
There it is, that god's awful cheeriness that seems to come so easily to him.
Weariness washes over you, making you sigh as you head to the kitchen, hearing him bouncing along behind you.
The large restaurant style kitchen is a dream, you think as you head to the large walk in cooler to see what you can find to throw together.
Gathering ingredients, you do your best to ignore the man who is now kicking his feet from the tall stool he’s sat on, watching you curiously from the island in the middle of the room.
At least he seems to get that I don’t want to hear his annoying voice, you think as you start cooking.
It was a long way from the big dining hall you’d eaten in at the school.
Your thoughts drift back to all the times you’d longed to be invited into the groups of kids who were talking and laughing with one another; bantering about the rankings, coordinating meetups, discussing classes.
It’s not that you’d necessarily chosen to eat alone, solitary and quiet as you watched on, but it’s also not as if anyone had even made an attempt to-
That’s not true, a small part of your brain reminds you.
The twinkling eyes of the man watching you cook just brings back all the frustration you felt as you recall that very look from across the dining hall.
He was always smiling, laughing, bright and bubbly.
Must be nice to not have to work for anything, to not have to prove yourself…
Old resentment churns in your gut, as you try to put it all out of your head.
It doesn't matter now, and you’re stuck here with him no matter how you feel.
The least you could do was attempt to coexist.
He finally breaks the silence between you, his voice heard easily over the noises of the pan on the stove.
“You don’t talk much.” he observes, “I was always curious about that. At the academy students used to say you don’t like people, but I always thought-” he rambles, as you tap the metal spatula, clanking it loudly against the pan,, clearing your throat, you feel your old instinct to run away creep in.
“You always thought what?” You ask softly, your shoulders tense as you wait for him to say the worries in your mind.
He pauses before continuing, slowing down and seeming a bit more subdued by your sudden gesture.
“...that you just really liked to study and focus.”
Blinking at the odd words you hadn’t expected to hear, you finally glance over your shoulder at the man staring back at you.
His big dopey grin only confuses you more, as it always has, as you release a soft breath.
He didn’t say the words in your head, the words you always heard whispered amidst your “peers” at the academy.
“Why doesn’t she speak to anyone?”
“I heard her gift was strange, I’m surprised she got in here…”
“I’ve never even heard of her family.”
“Family? I heard she’s an orphan, she doesn’t even have a surname-”
They didn’t even have the decency to laugh at you or giggle at your expense as they said these things.
It was the horrible pity behind those condescending eyes, the whispers of doubt as they seemed to avoid you.
Well…all but the strange man currently tilting his head at you.
“I did. I still do.” You tell him, unable to break his gaze as he beams at you.
Shaking off his weird conversation and unwelcome memories, you turn back to check the food.
“Ah, well that’s good! I mean, I don’t know how you don’t lose your mind after hours of that, but if you like it…” He shrugs.
“It’s my task, as you know.” You state simply, turning back to the food, then grabbing some plates to serve it to him, then your own.
“Of course. I just figured…we could get to know one another more” he says, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Ask anything you want about my work here, I’m happy to answer.” you tell him, taking a seat, making sure there’s one between you.
His hopeful smile falters as he slowly nods, turning to eat his meal.
“Ah…well…okay, we can talk about work,” he says.
Shaking your head, you dig into your own meal, not understanding why he’s going so far, even here, to pity you.
You just didn’t know how to tell him he didn’t have to bother.
You both eat your meal, mostly in silence, not quite sure what he wants from you.
Things have been quiet in the common area and you can’t help but find it almost stifling.
Who knew you’d end up craving a break to the monotony, when usually you relish in it?
Despite your resistance to his attempts to get to know you, you find yourself searching Baekhyun out as you glance up from your vial.
More and more as time passes, you find your gaze straying from whatever it was you were doing to seek him out.
It was just curiosity, seeing as he’s the only one around.
It definitely isn’t interest in him, as much as the distracting man tries to get to know you.
You’ve been employing some of the chemistry from your transmutation book for a few hours now, but you can’t seem to focus enough to get it right.
Blowing out a frustrated breath, you try to stop yourself from wondering what he’s doing.
Maybe I’ll go check my plants, you think, gently placing the glass vessel back in its rack.
You stand and make your way down the long hallway, idly pondering what lies behind some of the locked doors.
As you brush your fingers across each door frame, you can feel the shimmering tension of strong magic protecting the secrets within.
Suppressing a shiver, you finally reach the glass doors that lead into the underground garden where the herbs grow.
A smile already plays across your lips as you slip inside, breathing in the fragrance of the thriving plants.
How they did so well down here was a mystery-
Your thoughts are cut off as you hear the familiar soft melody of singing, eyes immediately seeking the only other being that resides here.
A gentle white light illuminates an area off to the right, down a pathway overhung with branches from the trees.
Furrowing your brow, you slowly approach the crouched figure of Baekhyun.
White light glows from his outstretched hands as he seems to almost caress the plants growing in front of him.
Your breath catches as you watch the tiny sprouts react, seeming to almost lean towards his open palms, stretching to bask in the light.
Taking in a rare moment to observe, you can’t help but admire the way his dark hair falls over his brow, the muscles in his broad shoulders flexing as he gently sings to the growth.
Without even looking at you, his song trails off and he speaks softly.
“This particular patch was infected with a blight,” he informs you, “I’ll likely change the setup a bit so they aren’t getting affected by the fungi nearby…”
Blinking yourself out of the little trance his voice has put you in, you just swallow and nod, feeling silly as it’s not like he can see you.
“Okay,” you whisper, finding yourself drawn forward to crouch beside him and watch the process.
Within the academy, it was forbidden to share any personal powers amongst your fellow students; it was ingrained in you from the start that the most important thing was keeping your posts safe.
That included never knowing what others were capable of, until you were placed.
You had wondered why you weren’t told who your partner was, and weren’t informed about his powers.
Everything is a test, you think wryly, sighing.
As always, it was for you to find out on your own, as he was likely not informed about yours.
“How…?” You ask him, still whispering as if speaking in any tone louder than a whisper will break the spell he seems to be holding over the plants.
Your eyes are locked on him as he finally looks away from his work, his eyes caramel in the glow of his magic as they meet yours.
A gentle smile plays on his lips, and he studies your face for a moment before responding.
“Photosynthesis...it’s a lucky side effect of my gift.”
“I had no idea that you were the reason they were thriving.” You feel the strange warmth of something in the pit of your stomach as you watch him return to tending the fragile herbs.
Minutes tick by, and what should feel awkward as you watch him only feels calming and comfortable.
You’re unsure how much you like this unexpected feeling.
The oppressive darkness cradling you in its grasp is suddenly broken by a sliver of white, cutting through the comforting cloud.
Groggily, you open your eyes to see a shadowy figure in your now open doorway.
Before reacting on impulse, you take stock of everything around you like you were trained.
You are lying in your bed, deep within the vault.
Counting the beats of your heart, calming your breathing, you watch as the figure slowly steps forward.
“Baekhyun?” You whisper softly, hoping desperately that it’s the only other person that resides here with you.
The figure doesn’t utter a word, but a soft white glow begins to emit from his palms, then almost forms a soft aura around him as he slowly approaches your bed.
Sitting up, you furrow your brow in confusion.
Certainly, something has happened, he wouldn’t come into your room otherwise.
“Say it again.” he hums, finally reaching your bed.
Yet instead of stopping and waiting for a response, he’s climbing onto the mattress with you, one knee at a time as he slowly crawls his way up to you.
“What-say what…Baekhyun, what are you-?” you manage, before his lips are on yours.
He takes advantage of your open mouth when you gasp in surprise, his tongue searching for yours.
The fugitive muscle ignores the logic of your mind as it meets his eagerly, as do your arms as they wrap around his neck.
A soft whimper leaves your throat as the man pushes you back onto the bed, dragging the covers off of you before settling his weight between your wantonly parted legs.
“Shh…” he hums as he breaks the kiss, his lips skimming along your jawbone to nip over to your ear, “I can’t stop myself, I want you…”
Warmth pools between your legs as you feel the stiff bulge grind against your core.
“Baekhyun-” you whine out as he tears at the flimsy nightgown, his hands kneading and grasping your breasts, your sides, touching everywhere as the tiny buttons give or fly off to gods knows where.
“Yes, my name…keep saying it…” his voice has dropped to a lower tone, his heavy breathing causing your hips to lift.
Mind swirling with desire, you can’t help the way your body reacts to his touch.
As much as the academy prepared you for, this was not one of the things you had ever expected to encounter.
You didn’t have the will to stop him.
This was exactly what you wanted.
The realization has your eyes flying open, looking down at the handsome man as he parts your gown, exposing your naked body to him.
Even his eyes seem to glow with that heavenly light as he looks up at you, letting his gaze rake slowly down your body.
“I may not be able to get you to talk to me, so I’ll make you scream instead…” He rasps out, then your legs are over his shoulders as he slips his hands under your ass, lifting your cunt to his face like you’re his feast.
Whatever words you could have responded with are lost as his lips wrap around your sensitive clit, tongue flicking gently in a circle as he stares up at you.
The glow surrounding him allows you a full view of what he’s doing and it causes your eyes to roll back in your head.
Reaching down to grasp tendrils of his hair, you use your other hand to grab at the pillow under your head; unable to stop your hips from bucking up towards him, and encouraging his wicked mouth.
Shadows flicker along the edges of his light as you feel the need to touch him, to return the same pleasure but he only doubles down, burying his face into you.
His tongue slips down to tease at your entrance as his nose nudges your delicate bud, and you should feel shame at the pooling moisture he’s gathering and swallowing up.
Yet his eyes are brazen, silently pleading with you to let go and scream for him.
So you do.
Your thighs tighten around his head and his eyes blaze with heat like you’ve never seen, white hot and burning as he moans into you.
It doesn’t take much to make you lose complete control.
Just one finger replacing his tongue, his teeth nipping gently at your throbbing clit before he’s sucking and licking you into insanity.
Thrusting deep within you, his impossibly long finger curls and you’re crying his name for all the slumbering creatures beneath the earth to hear.
Hips lifting, thrusting into his face, his palm cups your ass as he helps you ride your way through your orgasm.
“Baekhyun, fuck I-”
His glowing eyes flicker, your head swimming as confusion overcomes you.
“Hey…hey-” you hear, and startled, you feel yourself gasping for air as you sit up.
“Hey, you were screaming for me? Is everything okay?”
Blinking, looking around, you realize that you're still in your bed.
But looking down, your nightgown is still intact, buttons perfectly placed.
Covers are drawn over you, and Baekhyun hovers near the door, looking confused and concerned.
“Was it a nightmare?” He asks tentatively.
Trying to calm yourself, you merely nod, taking in a deep breath.
“Yeah…” you answer, covering your face with your hand at the memory…and the soaked panties you’re currently concealing beneath the blanket.
“Yeah…nightmare…I’m fine.” you tell him hollowly, and he just nods, pausing a moment before he’s turning to close the door behind him.
“Fuck…” you say, flopping back on your pillow, cheeks heating with the memory of the “nightmare.”
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The following days, you swear Baekhyun senses something is off.
What the hell possessed you to dream of him in that way?
Why the fuck are you upset, it was only a dream??
You find yourself going over the same line for the 15th time, still unable to comprehend it and you just lean back in your chair to run your hand over your face.
Before, you’d have heard something from Baekhyun like, “Is something wrong?” or “Is everything okay?”
But now…
You glance over, catching him looking away right as you do, going back to whatever it was he was documenting.
He’s been especially withdrawn, not his usual exuberant self since the garden…since the night you woke up screaming his name.
Feeling the heat travel up your neck at the thought, you clear your throat and rub the spot as if that will help it disappear.
Who knew you’d be missing his normal annoying banter.
“I can’t focus…I…maybe I should eat…” you say out loud, eyes darting to him as he sits in his little alcove.
His eyes meet yours, seeming to search for something, but you have no idea what.
“Come if you want...I’ll likely make more than I can manage anyhow.” You toss out, turning to walk towards the kitchens.
Not sure why, but your heart sinks as silence meets you, but then seems to bob right back as you hear his feet hit the tiles and he slowly follows behind you.
It’s just a meal, you think, chastising yourself as you go about pulling out ingredients.
You can feel his eyes on you as you set about preparing your meal, and you glance over to study him.
“I’m sorry again about waking you the other evening.” You say, flinching at how your voice shakes.
He merely shrugs, settling his elbow on the counter and placing his hand on his palm as he studies you.
“Nothing to be sorry about. It happens.”
Frowning, you just turn back around to pay attention to the food and not burn anything.
“When we were at the academy, you used to do this late at night.” He finally breaks the silence.
Turning to give him an odd look, you try to think about all the late nights you ended up in the kitchens there.
“How…how do you know that?” You ask him softly, swallowing at how his cheeks redden and his gaze drops, suddenly finding the counter interesting.
“I used to have nightmares too…sometimes I still do.” He whispers, fingernail tracing the patterns in the glossy marble.
“Occasionally, I would wander to clear my mind. One night…I came across you in the kitchen cooking and humming.”
A smile teases at his lips, his eyes unfocused as if remembering, “I got curious and looked inside to see who was up so late. I’d…never seen you smile before. No matter how many times I tried to talk to you…but that night…” he shrugs again, his eyes flicking up to meet yours before looking away again.
Raising an eyebrow, you can only wait for him to continue, oddly fascinated to be told he’d been spying on you.
It doesn’t feel invasive like it should, no…it just has you wondering what he thought, what he saw…what he felt.
“I smiled?” You ask him gently, encouraging him.
He looks up at you, eyes flicking back and forth as they study you, his corners of his lips lifting slowly.
“Yes…you were beau-” he starts, but then his eyes widen, standing abruptly as he points behind you.
“Oh shit!” you exclaim, turning as you finally register the smoke pouring from the dry, burning food in the pan.
“Hold on, don’t panic-” he says, yet before his words get through to you, you’re grabbing the metal handle with your bare hand.
The clatter of the pan hitting the burner echoes through the room as you gasp, your hand throbbing with searing pain.
“Oh god, fuck, I’m stupid-”
“Wait, don’t move.” He hums, calmly turning off the burner before turning to grasp your wounded hand.
“It’s so fucking cliche, burning my hand, I’m an idiot-” you find yourself rambling.
“Shh…” he whispers, turning your palm up in his hands, studying the long angry burn on your skin.
Swallowing heavily, you can only nod, heart beating quickly at his proximity, at his gentle touch as he leans down to softly blow on your injury.
The soft glow that surrounds both of your hands is warm, then cool as you feel relief.
Startled, you watch the welt that was forming slowly fade until only unblemished skin remains.
“You…you can heal?” You ask him, stunned into stuttering your words.
His eyes are still on your palm, his thumb gently tracing the memory of the now healed burn before he nods.
“Please be more careful.” He asks, glancing up at you as his fingers linger on your skin.
Blushing, you just nod back at him, your brain racing with confusion.
“How cliche of me, grabbing a pan without a mitt, of course I’d do something like that. I don’t normally burn food, you know. Now I’m going to have to-” you rant, pulling your hand from his as you attempt to turn around and clean up the now ruined food.
“You are beautiful when you smile. I wish I could see it more.” He blurts out, freezing you in your tracks.
Eyes wide, you turn slowly to stare at him in disbelief.
It’s his turn to go beet red, fumbling for his own words as he seems to realize he said that out loud.
“I mean, you’re beautiful anyhow but I like when you seem happy…fuck…I just don’t want you to hate me like you do and I don’t know how to make you more comfortable…”
Dumbfounded at the outpouring of confusing words, you can’t manage to get a syllable out before he’s rushing from the room.
“I’m not hungry, I’m fine, I’ve got things to do-” the door swings shut before he finishes, leaving you standing dazed and staring off after him.
You’re not sure what is going on here, but things just got that much more confusing.

#ksmutsociety#lapydiariesnet#thevelvetvault#byun baekhyun#Baekhyun smut#Exo Baekhyun smut#Baekhyun fanfic#Dark Academia fic
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Maintain Yourself
The child sat on the end of the sofa as his wings were pulled around behind him, crying at every movement. He couldn't be more than ten years old. It hurt it hurt it hurt, couldn't that man tell? Or was this some sort of punishment for letting such a thing happen? "Sunday, do you mind explaining what happened? You're always so careful."
He was the only halovian in his class, of course his classmates would want a look at his wings. If he let them indulge in that one thing, perhaps they'd stop with everything. Laughing at him whenever he'd refuse to go into the field, scared to get branches caught on anything. Yelling at him for ruining the lesson whenever he desperately tried not to do anything wrong, not to spill anything during the lab practicals and panicking if he did. Getting annoyed whenever he'd cry about them ruffling his hair or feathers or uniform. Robin had plenty of friends in her class, Sunday just wanted something similar. That wasn't unreasonable for a child to want, right? To be treated normally.
"That's not too hard a situation for you to control, now, is it?"
It wouldn't have been if they were only looking at his wings like they'd promised. But one of them almost immediately grabbed his wing and started playing with his feathers. It wasn't something he could talk his way out of and if he tried to push any of them away he'd get in trouble for starting a fight. They just got a little too investigative, a little too boisterous, as children were prone to, and he'd gotten hurt as a result. Realistically, Sunday should have seen it coming. That's just what they were like. That's what children were like. He wasn't any different, ultimately. If he'd never seen something before, he'd want to learn about it too. It's just a child's instinct. It was his fault anything has gone wrong.
"How are you supposed to protect Robin if you can't even take care of yourself? You're her older brother, you have a duty."
"I'm sorry Mr. Gopher Wood."
"This isn't something you apologise about, it's something you do right next time."
"Yes, Mr. Gopher Wood." His voice was barely above a whisper. It was all he could muster without crying while Gopher Wood manipulated his wings. Was all this really needed to check what had happened? Surely the excruciating pain of trying to move them himself was enough to prove something had been broken.
He could feel feathers being plucked, causing a seating pain to shoot through his body. They were right where his wings were injured and would get infected if left but surely there was some way of numbing the area. Normally, it would only feel like a short, sharp pinch, but today you may as well have drawn a knife from Sunday's body.
He wanted to run away, to curl up and hide with Robin and cry without judgement. But he couldn't. Gopher Wood was trying to help and so he would be forced to sit still until the man was done. No one could disobey the Head of The Oak Family.
The injury never actually healed and with each passing day, Sunday grew more and more suspicious on why Gopher Wood insisted on moving his wings around like that for so many weeks if not to monitor the injuries.
It became a well known fact that Sunday was the only halovian in all of Penacony to have never once shown his wings publicly. Though people speculated, it was rather simple, actually. They were a mess. Pristine only if you'd never seen a halovian's wings before. Mismatched, feathers unkempt and unable to be, out of order, unable to properly move, only flutter a little. And still painful.
The halovian woke with a start. He was still in his bed, but he could feel his body shaking and tears dripping down his cheeks. He sat up, running his hands over his cheeks to dry them. Who knows how long he sat there, fingers weaving through his feathers and instinctively snatching any out of place.
#dreamscape#// mod: im on a semi hiatus so i can revise for my exams i say#then i do this on the day of my exams
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poly yandere hcs + fem s/o ; dame aylin & isobel thorm

requested by ; nobody / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; baldur’s gate 3
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; dame aylin, isobel thorm
outline ; “poly yandere hcs for aylin and isobel”
note ; potentially quite ooc as i’ve never written for these characters before…
warning(s) ; yandere!dame aylin, yandere!isobel thorm, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, implied kidnapping, social isolation, lack of privacy, mentions of death, stockholm syndrome, can mostly be read as gender neutral but was written with a fem reader in mind
first things first, this is not a relationship that you will ever be able to walk away from… at least not without dying, and even then these women have plenty of experience between them when it comes to defying death itself so there’s still the chance that they’ll keep on chasing after you should you succumb to age, illness, or injury — and don’t think that after all they went through before meeting you (isobel’s untimely death and resurrection, and the countless partial deaths of aylin at the hands of lady shar and her most devoted followers) that one of their first priorities would be to find a way to cheat death for as long as possible, or to find a way for you and isobel to somehow match or share in your dear dame’s immortality
they’re both deathly afraid of losing you or each other again, which results in you never having more than a second or two to yourself — even if you can’t actually see isobel or aylin in the room with you (such as when you’re going to the bathroom), you can feel their presence through the door and they’re checking in on you verbally every few moments to make sure that you’re okay (and if you don’t answer swiftly or confidently enough for their liking then you can guarantee that the door to whatever room you’re in will be almost immediately obliterated or forced open so that they can each personally verify your safety)
both of them are extremely affectionate people, and are even more amorous than usual as they’re actively trying to make up for lost time, but despite that and their mutual obsession with you they won’t force you to do anything of that nature — you may have lost your sense of privacy and you may be forced to spend your life under their intense protection, but both of these women do still love you (in their own deeply twisted way) and won’t do anything to mentally or physically harm you
they can wait until you’re comfortable enough with them and your new life to eagerly reciprocate their advances and affections, no matter how long that may take — or, in other words, they won’t do anything until the stockholm syndrome sets in and they’re able to play pretend that everything is normal and you really truly do love and desire them as much as they each love and desire you in return
because of her oath to her mother and her followers, aylin is often called away from your homestead to go and perform some duty or another — this means that most of your time will be spent with isobel who is so deeply paranoid about losing you as she did aylin all those years ago, refuses to let you stray from her side the entire time her girlfriend is away
privacy is non-existent when isobel is running the household: you sleep with her body wrapped around you so you’re unable to move or get out of bed without waking her, you start your morning routines together and are attached at the hip until she starts cooking, you eat at the table side by side (so close that the edges of your plates are touching and you can feel her knee pressing strongly into the meat of your thigh as you sit), you clean together, you run errands together and she uses some enchantment or another to keep you right where she can see you (usually some sort of tracking spell — you can try to run away, sure, but she’ll find you immediately so you quickly learn there’s no point to it), you pray together at a beautiful home alter made in your mother-in-law’s image, you take care of the home together, you talk together (well, she talks at you and sometimes you’ll answer her questions or respond with a noncommittal hum to whatever it is she’s saying), etc.
when aylin is around, she spends pretty much all day obsessively making sure that you and isobel are as healthy as possible — she refuses to go through what she did with isobel ever again, which manifests as an unparalleled level of protectiveness over you both and your complete isolation from the outside world when she’s around (she can’t risk you catching any sort of illness, so this is her solution — of course when she’s away you and your ‘darling’ cleric do have to run errands in her stead, but when she’s at home she makes sure that you never have to step foot outside of the home at all)
very few people are stupid enough to try and save you or intervene in what you’re going through because of dame aylin’s status and reputation — the locals worship her as a renowned paladin and the child of their goddess selunê, most travellers are either quick to pick up on her heritage or are already aware of her role as the nightsong through the stories and legends they’ve heard, and for everyone else they’re reluctant to step in because outside of your kidnapping aylin is nothing short of moral and they don’t want to get on her bad side and cause her to abandon their people should they need help in the future — one or two particularly brave parties have tried to come to your aid… needless to say they didn’t succeed
though they do focus a lot of their efforts on keeping you safe and in their company, let it be known that their love for each other is none the weaker for it — in fact aylin and isobel are just as obsessed and protective over each other as they are with you, perhaps even more so as they have lived through the experience of losing each other once before, but as they’re well aware of how each other feels (and as they’re keenly aware of how loyal they are to each other) they don’t feel as compelled to constantly stick by the other’s side for any reason other than to enjoy each other’s company
when you’re still in your rebellious phase (aka not accepting that this is your new normal, that they are your girlfriends and, in aylin’s words, mates), they keep you as isolated as possible as they don’t want to risk you slipping away and getting hurt — but once you become complacent and accepting of your new life (aka lose your will to fight), you’ll find them to be pretty much perfect partners who will stop at nothing to keep you safe, happy, and as healthy as you can possibly be
(… aside from the lack of privacy and the initial kidnapping, of course, but by that point you start to forget what it’s like to be on your own so it becomes your new normal)
#sleepingdeath#female reader#yandere x reader#yandere hcs#poly x reader#bg3 x reader#yandere bg3#yandere bg3 x reader#baldur’s gate 3 x reader#yandere baldur's gate 3#aylin x isobel x reader#dame aylin x reader#isobel thorm x reader#yandere isobel thorm x reader#yandere dame aylin x reader
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Essek constantly gushing about his partner but pointedly not giving his name hits me so hard in the feels.
Two formative childhood experiences for me:
I was severely, mercilessly bullied as a child at every school I went to even if they're was no overlap of kids, and authority figures either ignored me or directly told me it was my fault. I was socially toxic. Any other kid who publicly associated with me was also targeted for harassment. I was best friends with a girl around the corner but because I was a couple years younger (in itself an invitation for bullying) and a parish, we could never let anyone know we were friends.
I've been told I should be upset at her for this, but it wasn't her fault. It was the other children who made it a fact that she would be harmed by publicly being my friend. She didn't make those rules, we were both just honest that it existed and there was nothing we could do to change that. The best we could do to survive was at least protect her. And that benefited me by actually having a friend.
So if we talked about each other it was"my friend." No names. No acknowledging we knew each other in public. No introductions to other friends. Keeping that divide up was necessary to survival. I had a couple friends on the same freak level as we and we were in fact targeted with additional harassment to get to the other person. It was a legitimate threat to live with. At some point I just stopped thinking it was ever necessary to reveal who my friends or family are unless it's both explicitly relevant and necessary.
I learned to use the internet in the late 1990s when anonymity was considered a best practice. Don't give out your age, sex, location, or other identifying information. You don't know who is on the other side of that screen or what they will do to you if they know. Sperate your online and offline worlds to protect yourself.
This helped reinforce experience one because clearly adults also acted like those kids and this just normal human behavior no one will ever put a stop to that you need to be on guard for at all times. Build in air gaps so if one of you is compromised it's harder for the perpetrator to get to other people you care about. Defending them through anonymity is a way of showing you love them.
Also since some family are searchable through have state government jobs that right-wing nut jobs chips target them for, I wanted to make sure they couldn't be connected to me as a queer trans disabled person active online. In case something I said led to them being targeted.
(This is correct advice, even though it flies in the face of modern online conventions. There are tons of malicious people on three internet who will target you and anyone you love if they decide to hurt you.)
By default, I refer to people by their relationship to me, not their name. My friend, my partner, my parent, my family, someone I know, etc. Often I avoid gendering them to make it even harder to identify them. I have to consciously consider if the person I'm talking to has any reason to know my associate's name. Blacklist everyone, then whitelist exceptions.
I do this even if both people know each other because the specific association feels dangerous. Better to be viewed as acquaintances than a meaningful relationship that changes how either of us could be viewed. It's not even really a judgement on thinking the person is untrustworthy, I just don't want to spend any extra energy thinking about it. It doesn't even feel relevant because my relationship to this person fellas like it conveys more information that actually matters.
Essek knows both he and Caleb are being targeted by powerful people who have shown they will target loved ones to get to them. Additionally, tensions between the Empire and Dynasty are still high and it could very easily compromise how their own sides view them if it's known that they're romantically entangled with someone from the other side. It could also blow each other's cover and make their meeting places more vulnerable to attack. Especially if their enemies know they could hit both of them at once.
It's genuinely dangerous for their connection to be known, so they don't name names. It's not even a matter of whether Bell's Hells would intentionally misuse that information, but what they also could just let slip to the wrong person. It's not really worth the risk when "my partner" is all the information they actually need to understand him.
My guess is that Essek said "Bren" is hiss partner because they already know a Bren sent them to Astrid. And since Caleb no longer uses the name Bren it would be much harder to connect them. It would have caused more questions, more prying, and more risk to give no name for his partner when directly pressed. So he gives a truthful but less dangerous answer. The anonymity is an act of love.
#critical role#critical role meta#critical role campaign 3#Mighty Nein#Bell's Hells#Shadowgast#Essek Thelyss#Caleb Widogast#Bullying#Childhood Trauma
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Hello!! Thanks for this blog of yours....I don't know if you've answered this or not but who are your top 10 favorite ships ever (can be canon or non canon) from any media? Why love them? Thanks 🌻
Yes I did answer a similar question, here!
But these are my TOP 10 (top 20 actually) ships, with a few additions:
1. Jiuhuo. Qin Jiu x You Huo (Global Examination)
“That’s why they say that love and hate are very mysterious things. Some have already rotted away. Others are engraved into the bone.”
“I'm not here to save you, I'm here to love you” - Qin Jiu
In it was his past, his beliefs, and his love.All of that made up a complete Qin Jiu.My dear, if I left myself by your ear, would you be able to hear me?May we meet again in a world where the smoke is gone.
First meeting... ...Or a reunion?
Can you fall in love with the same person for 3 times? YES YOU CAN‼️
Some things are just unforgettable, no matter how many times they erase your memory or try to keep you apart or convince you he’s your enemy.
Enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers.
It’s so fascinating watching the slow burn of the present while uncovering the relationship of the past and how they still subconsciously feel the same.
Gin always wearing his scarf not because he’s cold but because he wanted to hide his blood and injury from his beloved. You immediately rejecting taking off his earring even if he doesn’t know why.
Also complete equals, two super badass smart genius arsonists. And even when they try to keep things from each other, it’s really funny how the other always knows or really sad because of the terrible things that they went through for each other.
The flirting and teasing and the… unique gift they give XD
PS. Lyrics that I think describe them perfectly:
'Cause time wasn't in our favor
This isn't "goodbye," this is simply "see you later"
PPS. First both of them, then You, then Qin:
I've tried to leave it all behind me
But I woke up and there they were beside me
And I don't believe it but I guess it's true
Some feelings, they can travel too
You're always on my mind
And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And now I'm reaching out with every note I sing
And I hope it gets to you on some pacific wind
Wraps itself around you and whispers in your ear
Tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here
2. Tianshan. He tian x Mo Guanshan
"His business is my business." - He Tian
"In the future don't try to shoulder everything by yourself." - He Tian
"You are such a hard working little red ball of fluff." - He Tian
"Good... still there..." - He Tian
"Nothing is allowed to happen to you…” - He Tian
"You care that much about me." - He Tian
"Bro... You... aren't in love, are you?" - to Mo Guanshan
"Dammit... I dreamed about that bastard again..." - Mo Guanshan
"You... You came back..." - Mo Guanshan
"I'm so bothered by you...Of course I'll remember you for the rest of my life" - Mo Guanshan
I love their love. The evolution and development from enemies to lovers <3
He Tian is sooo very protective and caring and gentle with Mo. He plays and flirts and teases a lot but he is really devoted and so deep in love. He wants to spoil him and smother him with affection but refrains because he understands him and doesn’t wants to cross any boundaries.
They are from such diverse backgrounds and are so different in personality, but once they learned to be so comfortable and free with each other!!
And Mo is embarrassed and shy, but seeing him learn to accept other people’s care and be able to grow as a person and
Them and experiencing being normal teenagers!!
The little gestures are just as important and impactful as the big actions.
PS. Zhanyi. Zheng Xi x Jian Yi
Perfect childhood friends to lovers with all the problems it entails.
A beautiful coming of age story from a queer boy’s perspective.
3. Soukoku. Dazai x Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Adam – "Master Chuuya and Dazai stood side by side. There was something surprisingly perfect about it. Two young men with completely different personalities..."
Dazai – Chuuya’s gonna kill N at this rate and lose his humanity, but I want to see him suffer as a human. That’s why I have to stop him.
Verlaine – “You sound like you’re certain he’s human.”
Dazai – “I am. There’s no way I could hate a man-made character this much.”
“Even Dazai had forgotten to breathe as he watched the storm that was Chuuya decimate the battlefield.”
The corruption in Chuuya’s body had already disappeared. Dazai had nullified it. He placed a hand on Chuuya’s cheek where it had been punched and smirked slightly. “So this is how you wake Snow White? Kinda violent, don’t you think?”
Dazai – “Did you use Corruption because you believed in me? You’re gonna make me cry…”
Dazai – Leave it to me, partner.
Might seem toxic or unbalanced until you realise how much power Chuuya possesses and how smart he actually when not compared to the three smartest masterminds of the series. Also they always care and protect each other, would die and kill for the other a thousand time over.
Dazai first wish to live came from fighting with Chuuya, he manipulated him into joining the mafia, his enemy.
He left him behind when his basically brother died and joined the ‘good’ side, but I think he just didn’t want to tear him apart from his newfound family for a second time.
PS. Fyolai. Fyodor x Gogol
Dos-kun and I exchanged a few words…and yet…the moment I met him…I knew that my life had become something entirely different. It’s just as he said…I had begun fighting in order to lose myself. And now…Look what’s happened. (Nikolai clutches Fyodor’s severed arm) Now all I want…is just…
— Nikolai
The demon and his clown. Do you ever want to kill your one and only best to prove you have free will? No?? Then you are completely normal and not an absolute freak.
Do you then involve your colleagues, your enemy and actual strangers in your death games?
In the end are you sincerely sad when your friend dies and hug his dismembered arm?
4. Kurofai. Kurogane x Fai (Tsubasa Reservor Chronicle)
“There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, there is only the inevitable.”
And really isn’t this the best way to describe them and Sakura & Syaoran coming together at the wish shop?
Caring stoic badass ninja papa and mischievous lying secretive overpowered mage mama. And their tree children.
Kuro can see through his lies, and tries to keep his distance but ultimately can’t help but get closer, overprotective of his makeshift family, will fight anyone for them (would actually kill them if he wasn’t cursed’). And in the end even though he reached his goal to come home to his princess, decides to continue travelling and stay with them.
Fai is a man with a secret past and a plan that he has to follow, tries to hide behind a cheerful mask, but in the end couldn’t help but actually care for his new children and respect and admire Kuro for all that he is.
Yama, where they spent 6 month together, alone without the kids, in a country where Fai couldn’t speak to anyone and Kuro could barely communicate… something mush have happened.
Also when the only way to save Fai was to turn him into a vampire, even when he explicitly said that it would be better for him to die so the magic that was stolen from him would disappear. But Kuro couldn’t accept that, and than has to live with the consequences. He is the only one Fai can feed from and Fai has stopped teasing him with all the nicknames and barely even talks or looks at him.
5. Wriolette. Neuvillette x Wriothesley (Genshin Impact)
“Wriothesley is a trustworthy man. I fought hard for the title and reputation he now has. I expect you to think that I've simply been duped by his flattery and appearance of loyalty... But to that, I would quote the Inazuman proverb: ‘The words unspoken are the flower.’ Which means, some things are best left unsaid.”
Wriothesley... He's a very... shrewd fellow. He is the highest ranking manager of the underwater prison. Even though you are going there to investigate at my behest, it would behoove you to avoid any confrontation with him or any of his subordinates. The Duke rarely ever leaves the Fortress of Meropide, but that does not mean he is not privy to all that's happening inside and outside the fortress. He is "quiet," but not "unaware," so please bear that in mind.
Wriothesley: Haha, the way you're asking after her wellbeing makes you sound like a concerned parent.
Neuvillette: Ah, well, I won't lie... I've always seen myself that way.
Wriothesley: Showing your age a bit there, don't you think...
Neuvillette: Indeed. Actually, I often forget just how much older I am than you...
Wriothesley: Well, while we're on the topic... What did you do before getting this job, anyway? Spend all day swimming in the sea, from east to west, then south to north?
Neuvillette: Yes, and uh... from the surface to the ocean floor, on occasion.
Wriothesley: Wow. Impressive.
Neuvillette: ...Apologies, that was merely an attempt at humor. You can disregard what I said.
Wriothesley: Hah, that's impossible, I'm afraid. My imagination's already running wild.
Your Honor & Your Grace. The Iudex, ultimate judge of all of Fontaine & the Duke, warden of Meropide. Ancient dragon sovereign & ruler of the underworld.
Neuvillette has been alive for more the 500 years and has always fulfilled his duty of judge perfectly, that has forced him to keep a certain distance from everyone in order to be impartial… but he considers Wriothesley his one personal connection.
They tease each other, banter, give gift and spend time together whenever they
Wriothesley, former criminal, actually judged by Neuvi and sent to the prison, actually decided to organise it in something better, less chaotic and bloody and cruel. Rose his way to the top with strength and charisma and was actually recognised as the new leader. Wary of trusting others due to his parent who trafficked all his adoptive siblings and him too if he wouldn’t have killed them… trusts Neuvi unconditionally.
PS. Kavetham. Alhaitham x Kaveh
And they were roommates. But also the caring and understanding. Married couple vibes with the banter to go with it.
6. Sherliam. Sherlock x William (Moriarty the Patriot)
“Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes.”
“Finally… I’ve caught you now, Liam.”
I want you to keep the fire in my heart ablaze.
Sherliam: detective and criminal love story. Is it gay to jump off a bridge and hug your bestie/supposed enemy and save him from death, then spend two years living together aboard while your friends and family think you’re dead?
Their nicknames for each other, Will & Sheryl <3
Really the only ones who can keep up with the other, you distract me from my plan & you make my boredom disappear.
PS. Alcroft. Mycroft x Albert
Alcroft: workplace relationships with a lot of tension and subtle flirting.
The brothers with the actual power, physical, skills, political, influence, cunning.
Is it gay to send letters through pigeon messenger to your colleague who is imprisoned in a tower?
He confessed to being one of the worst criminal in your country’s history, the country you swore to protect, and the criminal who blackmailed you into keeping quiet about his plan but who you still came to care about and agree with his plan and prevented him being sentenced to death.
7. Ivantill. Ivan x Till (Alien Stage)
What is love for two people who have no idea what that word even means? How can two humans who have been raised by aliens in cruelty and conditional love, ever know how to express their emotions?
When you (Ivan) notice how passionate and rebellious he (Till) is, but he only notices you in his periphery or when you fight and tease him.
When you can only watch as he is beaten and punished again and again, only able to give him temporary relief by freeing him from his collar, when he is barely aware of you but you continue to support him in silence.
When you both tried running away, he let go of your hand to go back for his friends, what can you do other than continue to adore him? Because that is who he is and the one you admire. (Mr. Shallow emotions my butt)
The only way you know how to express your affections? Silent devotion, violence and sacrifice… ROUND 6 in a nutshell.
When she (Mizi) is like a gentle warm light that attracts you like moths to a flame, so blinding in her pureness, so you can’t look at her directly.
When he is the shadow that always trails after you, clings to you and can’t help but notice distractedly every time, until it becomes solid in front of you.
Pulling pigtails taken too far. Toxic doomed yaoi supreme kings.
I can’t reach you, so I imagine alone
You who shines, I stand next to you
To me, you are my
Black sorrow
Dissolve me in your gaze
I don't want to let you go
Please, leave me scars
Please, hurt me so that
Not a single drop of me remains
Let me drown in you
Until these falling stars
Are buried in the blur of time
On your icy lips
Read my soul
Even if your cold words
Carve scars beneath my eyes
May they linger on your tongue
You can break me apart
Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
Sick of these nights to come
To be engulfed in silence
In your gaze where I'm seen
Consume me
PS. Mizisua. Sua x Mizi, unconditional love.
From the moment humanity left the universe, we all forgot God.
But if belief in god is human
If all I can do as a human is to believe...
My god
My universe
Hope bloomed through the abyss
Oh, my Clematis
Always be by my side
8. Sefikura. Sephiroth x Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
“He had made his decision. Cloud would become the nucleus. He yearned to tell Cloud this.”
— Sephiroth
“So long as Cloud remembers me, I will always exist. Within the Lifestream or on the surface.”
— Sephiroth
“Once I have Mother's power, I will exist fully in the living world. It will not be long now. Even if I am incomplete, it will matter not. Cloud will be there. Cloud will complete me.”
— Sephiroth
“For you are but a puppet—my puppet.”
— Sephiroth
“Cloud, lend me your strength. Let us defy destiny together.”
— Sephiroth
“I am your everything.”
— Sephiroth
“Good, Cloud. Very good. Hold on to that hatred.”
— Sephiroth
“Careful now. That which lies ahead...does not yet exist. Our world will become a part of it... one day. But I... will not end. Nor will I have you end.”
— Sephiroth
Cloud – “Stay where you belong, in my memories.”
Sephiroth – “I will never be a memory.”
ARCHENEMIES. The UST, why is it so intense every time they look, fight or are even near each other? Why are they always standing so close, why is Sephy always whispering in his ear?
Started as complete strangers who had nothing to do with each other, Cloud admired him, but was forced to kill him after he went crazy and burned down his whole village. Sephy was caught by surprise and intrigued by that. When he came back he became obsessed.
The mind-fuckery, puppet comparison, domineering aura, them stabbing and killing each other more than once.
Extremely toxic, not yet doomed yaoi. Because seriously how many time are they going to come back? Until one is alive, the other one will be too.
9. Solangelo. Will x Nico (Percy Jackson series)
"Nico," I said at last, "shouldn't you be sitting at the Hades table?" (Apollo)
He shrugged. "Technically, yes. But if I sit alone at my table, strange things happen. Cracks open in the floor. Zombies crawl out and start roaming around. It's a mood disorder. I can't control it. That's what I told Chiron."
"And is it true?" | asked.
Nico smiled thinly. "I have a note from my doctor."
Will raised his hand. "I'm his doctor."
"Chiron decided it wasn't worth arguing about," Nico said. "As long as I sit at a table with other people, like...oh, these guys for instance...the zombies stay away. Everybody's happier."
Will nodded serenely. "It's the strangest thing. Not that Nico would ever misuse his powers to get what he wants."
"Of course not," Nico agreed.
Will turned to me. "I apologize for my boyfriend."
Nico rolled his eyes. "Could you not—"
"Would you prefer special guy?" Will asked. "Or significant other?"
"Significant annoyance, in your case," Nico grumbled.
Will and Nico sat shoulder to shoulder, bantering good-naturedly. They were so cute together it made me feel desolate.
"Then, if he has to go... we'll go together."
“But with Nico … It’s hard, Persephone. I want the best for him, and he seems to disappear into his darkness, like he’s hiding in a place where he doesn’t want my light.’
‘Then why not offer him your darkness?”
“Will had kissed Nico for the first time in a moment of impulsiveness, something Nico didn’t know Will had in him. The kiss had been just like this one, short and sweet.
Then Will had pulled away, worry on his face, an apology tumbling from his lips.
Nico had stopped him. Then kissed him back.
In a moment so full of grief and rage and sadness, Will had given him… Light.”
Nico fought against the darkness, against the fear and the cold that wanted to paralyze him. Turning his head took every bit of his energy, but he put his mouth next to Will's ear, took a measured breath, and then said the words he hoped Will would hear.
Three words. A promise of hope. The words tingled in Will's ear. They ignited his heart.
"I love you." And they fell.
“You are the ghost king”, a voice said. I am, Nico thought.
“This is where you belong.”
But then Nico raised his head. Looked at the other passenger. Will, whose face was strained as he reached down with a shaking hand to grab at him.
Nico took it, gripped his boyfriend’s hand tight, and thought, “No. This is where I belong.”
“I remember when I realized … when I knew that this was more than a friendship.’
That made Nico smile despite himself. ‘I remember my moment, too.’
Will’s eyes filled with tears. ‘I think mine is different than yours.’
‘But I know mine happened first,’ Nico said.
‘You were sad? But … did we even know each other then?’
‘Maybe not as close friends or anything, but … but I was drawn to you.”
Just this. Light and shadow, the sun and the star. A journey about learning to love yourself and overcoming your grief and fears. About how you’re the only one who can save yourself but it’s so much easier and comforting with someone else beside you. The teasing and bickering 🥺
10. Fizzozzie. Asmodeus x Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
"Fizz, Mammon didn't do shit. You already were this. You'd be this no matter what! You are the most inspiring demon I have ever known and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I adore your inventiveness, your attitude, your resilience. And you're just the cutest little thing alive! Also, you are a waaaaay better performer than Mammon ever was, and thaaat's just facts."
― Asmodeus
Love can overcome races, classes and other obstacles. You may have been through unbearable pain and suffering but it is all inconsequential if you have someone who loves you and respects you at your side.
One of the cutest, fluffiest, most wholesome and precious couples ever.
11. Ryusae. Shidou x Sae (Blue Lock)
“I want your ego. Go wild for my sake.”
— Sae
“...Itoshi Sae chose not any of you here, but Shidou Ryusei instead.”
— Ego
“Shidou Ryusei, who even Blue Lock couldn't rein in... We'll finally find out the reason why he was picked... We'll be able to see 'The Egoist Desired by Itoshi Sae.'”
— Ego
“While Blue Lock was unable to handle Shidou, he managed to grasp Shidou's vision and answered in kind with a flawless pass... I'm sure those two are are only just getting started-”
— Isagi
Looks like those two... Are a match made in heaven.
— Aiku
Sae – “There you go, my little demon.”
Shidou – “I love it when you're rough ♪”
Sae – “The time to dream is now, demon. Fall under my spell.”
Shidou – “My, oh my... Am I Cinderella now? I’m falling in love ♪”
Shidou – “I like you ♪ Give me your number later!”
Sae – “I'll consider it if you score a hat trick.”
Shidou – “I'll hold you to that!!”
“Hey Itoshi Sae, that was a nice pass. Playing football with ya is pretty damn fun.”
— Shidou
Shidou – “I did it, Itoshi Sae! I wanna play football with you forever!! With you, I feel a sensation I've never felt before!!”
Sae – “Gross. You have to get that hat trick, remember? Then you'd get my number. Hands off until then, you horny demon.”
Shidou – “Heheh, alright ♪ And If I score ten more goals, I move in with you, got it?!”
👀🤨. Literally the definition of find someone who matches your freak.
PS. Reonagi. Reo x Nagi
“Nagi is the treasure that I found. And in this match… I'll steal him back!”
Is it gay to call someone your treasure, cater to his every whim, baby and spoil him constantly, basically becoming his sugar daddy?
Also the break up and drama during the second selection -_-
Reo literally playing loves-me-loves-me-not with his toothbrush.
Nagi starting his evolution because of the face Reo made when he realised they were gonna lose.
And in the end relying on him to make his ultimate super play.
CONS: Too codependent. Need time and space to grow separately.
12. Greed pair. Lawless x Licht (Servamp)
Greed? Don’t make me laugh. You don’t have a single thing you want.
Whaaat’s with with this old man? Lich-tan’s enemy is my enemy, you know?
Vampire + Servant, can only drink blood from the one he made a contract with, who gave him a name and gift) & his Eve. Jekyll (Licht Jekylland Todoroki) & Hyde (Servamp of Greed, Lawless, One and Only). Delusional angel & silly hedgehog.
A story about overcoming the past, grief, moving forward in the present and keep on fighting in order to not have any regrets.
They may be willing to bicker constantly and fight and toy with each other, but Licht was the one who changed him, who made him fight and realise the meaning of greed, who showed him his brilliance and talent and taught him how life has meaning and we are not only listless actors who complete our boring roles till we die.
Licht went from one of his numerous Eves, whose he wold have killed once he became bored, to one of his most important and meaningful connections, the one who helped reconcile him with his family and taught him to love again.
Them co-parenting their game cat! Hyde being jealous of his brother, when Licht plays with and pets him in his cat form.
This couple: Would you jump out of a window if your friend did? Absolutely, without hesitation.
Hyde is the best hypeman, clown, cheerleader. Also the faith he has in Licht's natural instincts and fighting ability, really would you give a complete amateur a gun when you literally can't afford to waste even a bullet? Well Licht doesn't disappoint and succeeds on his first try.
13. Shuake. Akechi x Akira Kurusu / Ren Amamiya / Joker (Persona 5)
"You don't allow yourself to be enslaved by such things as human relations or past selves... And so, your heart is always free. The exact opposite of mine. To be honest, I'm envious... I wonder why we couldn't have met a few years earlier.”
“All you have to do is stick to your guns and challenge Maruki. Or are you really so spineless that you’d fold over some bullshit, trivial threat over my life?”
“I will carve my own path for myself… I refuse to accept a reality concocted by someone else, stuck under their control for the rest of my days.
“I will never accept this form of reality. I’m done being manipulated. Let’s go back… to our true reality."
"Hey Joker, instead of dying, how about we crush them together!?"
"Joker, if you die now, I... I'll kill you again myself!"
"Joker's enraged? I kind of like it, but that’s not you! Calm down!"
Essentially the see you in hell pair. RIVALS.
The I wish we had met sooner, you would’ve changed my life completely.
The coffee dates, them playing darts, Akechi giving his glove to MC.
Is it gay to give up on the real world, love in a fantasy created by your school counsellor in order to fulfil your wishes and play chess with your dead rival together 💀
Tragic doomed yaoi former reigning champions.
14. Joongdok. Yoo Joonghyuk x Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
“I am Yoo Jonghyuk.” The coldest and loneliest voice in the world. The sleeping prince had finally woken up from his deep sleep. “And you shall die here.”
“Make me your companion. I can fill in the parts you are missing.”
— Kim Dokja
Gong Pildu – “What is your relationship with Yoo Joonghyuk?”
Kim Dokja – “We are companions separated by life and death.”
「 Incarnation Kim Dokja will be killed by the person he loves most. 」
“Tell me you fool, if I continue to regress will I ever meet you again?”
"Oppa looks happy when talking about that Ahjussi"
"That jerk, he was cute at that time"
"You are acting like a wife"
Kim Dokja was a big fan of Yoo Joonghyuk. He liked, hated, cheered Yoo Joonghyuk on every day for years while he read his favourite novel.
It helped him going through school, bullying, his job, in general. It was his way of surviving. He know his better than anyone else, even himself.
And meeting him in real life might be different than what he imagined, but he still would give everything for him.
Is it gays to die and regress more than a thousand times, go through space and time just to meet your ‘companion’?
15. Destiel. Castiel x Dean (Supernatural)
Dean – “Who are you?”
Castiel – “I'm the one that gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”
Dean – Right. And why would an angel rescue me from Hell?
Castiel – Good things do happen, Dean.
Dean – Not in my experience.
Castiel – What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved.
Dean – Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss?
Uriel – “Castiel? Oh he's, he's not here. You see he has this weakness, he likes you.”
Dean – You made an exception for me.
Castiel – You’re different.
Castiel – “I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did all of it for you.”
We gave you our trust. Don't lose it over one man.
“When Castiel first laid a hand on you in hell he was lost!”
Dean – “What about Cas?”
Lucifer – “Oh, don't worry. Your pet's safety is my highest concern. Trust me, he's on board.”
Dean – You got to look at me, man. You got to level with me and tell me what's going on. Look me in the eye and tell me you're not working with him... You son of a bitch.
Castiel – Let me explain.
Dean – You're in it with him? This whole time.
Castiel – I did it to protect you.
Castiel – I won't hurt Dean.
Dean – Yes. You will. You are.
And the Angel tablet... arguably the most powerful instrument in the history of the universe... is in pieces, and for what again? Oh, that's right... to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too.
Castiel – I'm not good luck, Dean.
Dean – Yeah, but you know what? Sorry, but I'd rather have you. Cursed or not. And anyway, we're All cursed. I seem like good luck to you?
Castiel – “I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're “daddy's blunt instrument.” And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you see it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. (he smiles, crying now) You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you. (sad laugh as a tear rolls down his cheek) You changed me, Dean.”
Dean – “Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Castiel – “Because it is. I love you.”
Dean – “Don't do this Cas.”
Castiel – “Goodbye, Dean.”
Wha- what's Destiel?
You know, Dean-slash-Castiel. I mean, it's all subtext, but you can't spell subtext without S-E-X.
Dean – “Cas, not for nothing, but the last time someone looked at me like that...I got laid.”
Sam – So what, you like him better, or something?
Castiel – “Dean and I do share a more profound bond... I wasn't going to mention it.”
Balthazar – “Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you.”
Crowley – “...the stench of that impala's all over your overcoat, angel.”
THE hunter and his guardian angel.
16. Karashuu. Asano x Karma (Assassination Classroom)
Akabane – “Just come at us like you want to kill us. That's what makes it fun.”
Gakushuu – “How amusing. Then I'll fight with my gloves off too.”
Academic rivals. The prodigy & the genius. The only ones on their level. Both competitive, manipulative, scheming and prideful. Asano is more serious, technical and by the book. Karma is rebellious, mischievous and spontaneous. Very hardworking when they put their minds to it.
New Year’s birthday vs Christmas birthday.
Is it gay to choose the same high school as your rival because otherwise you’d get bored in no time with the lack of any real competition.
17. Lugna. Magna Luck (Black Clover)
“The ones who are going to fight in the finals aren't you and that Yuno guy! It's going to be me and Luck!”
— Magna
“I don't care if you're an elf or not. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to that idiot... So you can hurry up and get the hell out of that body, dumbass!”
— Magna
“Why? He's obviously trying to hide his embarrassment, you virgin delinquent. Look at you, hugging him like that!”
— Vanessa
“You're not going to leave me behind, d'ya understand me? If you get ten times stronger, then I will too. You might get a step ahead but you'll never outdo me. I hope you're okay with that.”
— Magna
Best friends & rivals. The pulling pigtails kind of couple. Luck is always pranking, teasing, goading into a fight, bothering and annoying Magna; who tolerates and even plays along.
Magna does not want to get left behind, no matter how strong Luck gets, he will do everything in his power to keeps up!
They understand, respect and care about the other more than anyone else. When Luck is possessed by an elf, Magna manages to catch him off guard stating that the real one would’ve been able to predict what he was doing.
When the elf has him by the neck, Luck begins to cry.
Their hug afterwards made me feel things <3
18. Hoshinaru. Hoshina x Narumi (Kaiju #8)
Boyfailure yet still badass, monster in human skin, the strongest captain Gen Narumi & trickster teasing never-give-up vice-captain Hoshina.
Rivals divisions, Naru is still salty from when Hoshi rejected him XD
Still silently acknowledge each other’s skill and capabilities, Naru was one of the first people who saw something in Hoshi, he was also the only one opponent Hoshi never wanted to face in a serious battle.
19. 6918. Mukuro x Hibari (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
“This body can’t be used anymore. He could actually fight in this condition, what a frightening man, Hibari Kyoya.” Mukuro
Reborn: “Do not take this one lightly, Mukuro. He’s growing stronger than you think.”
Mukuro: “I see. That’s how it’s is, then. If he wasn’t injured the outcome of our duel might be questionable.”
“Come, kneel before me once again.” Mukuro.
Reborn: “What about the other one? Tsuna’s Mist Guardian?”
Chikusa: “That person went to see Hibari Kyoya.”
“It’s been a long time. You’ve become stronger again, it seems.” Mukuro
Hibari: “I’ve considered biting you to death, but it wouldn’t be much of a competition fighting against someone who has exhausted his energy to this extent.”
Mukuro: “Hibari Kyoya. I’ll be your opponent anytime.”
Hibari: “Your reaction time has slowed down. Even if we battle now, it won’t be very interesting.”
Mukuro: “Thanks for being so straightforward. In that case, I’ll gladly accept your offer and excuse myself to rest.”
Daemon: “Continuing this fight is pointless. It’s clear who will be the winner.”
Mukuro: “You evidently don’t know Hibari Kyoya. His real power comes out when he’s cornered.”
Mukuro: “I didn’t think I’d be left here with you, Hibari Kyoya.”
Hibari: “Don’t worry, I won’t help you at all.”
“Mukuro and Hibari seem to be on bad terms, but they’re actually totally in sync.” Reborn
Kinda obsessed enemies. Mukuro was the first one to ever defeat and humiliate Hibari. He swore to get his revenge someday, and whenever they meet they have a confrontation even if it never ends in a serious fight because of various reasons.
Mukuro knows firsthand how strong and capable Hibari is and is always acknowledging progress.
The ‘don’t get defeated by anyone other than me’ copule.
PS. 8059. Yamamoto x Gokudera
Friendly rivalry. Always bickering and disagreeing, each other’s support and growing together. The trust they have in each other, always ready to defend one another.
Black-haired instinctual chill jock, rainy blue & white-haired rational hothead nerd, stormy red.
20. Ginran. Gin x Rangiku (Bleach)
“Gin! Where are you, Gin?”
“I’ve made up my mind. I’m gonna become a Soul Reaper and change things. So you… won’t have to cry anymore.”
Rangiku… I couldn’t do it. In the end I couldn’t take back what he took from you. Oh… I’m so glad I got to tell you I was sorry.
"That bad habit you had of always disappearing without telling me where you are going...still hasn't changed."
They’re all moving forward. I should be too.
You’re gone, but you didn’t leave anything to remember you by. I never liked that about you.
But, if you had left something behind, I probably wouldn’t have been able to move on.
You probably knew that about me. Thanks, Gin. I always liked that about you.
(Upon being asked when her birthday is by Gin Ichimaru) "I don't know, I never really counted days until I met you."
I’m a snake.
My skin is cold:
I have no heart. I slither around seeking
prey with my tongue.
I swallow my favorites whole.
- Gin
If you became a snake tomorrow
And began devouring people,
If you roared your love for me.
With that mouth you use to devour people
Could I still say that I love you
As I do today?
→ Gin
"Those who do not know what love is
liken it to beauty.
Those who claim to know what love is
liken it to ugliness."
- Gin
"It is not terrifying
to know sorrow.
Terrifying is to know
you can't go back
to happiness you could have."
- Rangiku
When you (Gin) always loved and looked out for her (Rangiku), you wanted to protect her and never make her sad. But you also always leave her behind and in the dark, always hiding things from her, trying to do everything yourself.
21. Gale/Gajevy. Gajeel x Levy (Fairy Tail)
Gajeel – It's hard looking for someone so small. So don't leave my side!”
Levy – “I'm not going anywhere...”
Gajeel – “You idiot! You've got to get far away from here!..."
Levy – “Don't you ever say you're looking for a place to die!!”
Gajeel – “That...? That was just, you know...banter! I didn't mean it! Don't be mad!!”
Levy – “I don't want you to die...I want you to keep living, Gajeel... ”
Gajeel – “I'm always the last!! It's so frustrating! So pathetic! But you know... To hell with all that! None of it matters as long as I can protect the girl I love!!!!”
Gajeel – “I really did... want to walk with you... side by side... forever…
After everything I've faced… Having a future with you snatched away from me… Is definitely the most terrifying thing I've ever had to endure. ”
Enemy to friend to lover! He hurt her greatly, then tried to atone and look out and protect her. Slow burn, from respect and interest to full blown love. He is intrigued by how she’s so small but so fierce and smart and helpful, she by how he always cares so much and how he’s growing as a person.
The underwater air kiss!! Also Gajeel tasking his partner Lily to protect her, and him, basically an orphan criminal kid with nothing to his name, being able to imagine and want a future and family with her <3
22. Aiden x Ashlyn (School Bus Graveyard)
Crazy new kid x introverted antisocial girl. Aiden is so clingy & Ash is still learning how to care about others.
23. Tian Lang x Yao Guang (The Evil Ring)
Literally the ‘I’d let the world burn for you’ couple. Tian would die and kill for him.
PS. Liu Zichuan x Shan Yue
I will protect you, your life is my responsibility now & I need to get stronger, learning to love again.
#ivantill#soukoku#solangelo#kurofai#jiuhuo#sefikura#wriolette#kavetham#shuake#fizzarozzie#fizzmodeus#mizisua#ryusae#sherliam#alcroft#joongdok#reonagi#destiel#gajevy#alnst#alien stage#bungou stray dogs#sephiroth x cloud#genshin impact#final fantasy 7#persona 5#helluva boss#blue lock#orv#19 days
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✨🌌 Some Cozy Quiet Time 🌌✨
Slowly thawing out of the freeze and shock last year has left on me, I'm starting to reclaim my own peace, time and schedule. This week? I started to read a graphic novel on the myth of Psyche and Eros!

There's nothing better than to have some time to yourself, cozied up in a fort with blankies and pillows on the floor (I also had my cuddly plushies with me, not in the picture. 😂) and notably reaching a calmer era in your life, after a long time of stress, pain and big fears. I also started to set up my own writing space again on Notion, after Evernote decided it's formerly free services as a well-sortable index and writing space will suddenly cost 100 bucks in 2023. 💀 I never had the chance and peace to go looking for another program to migrate to and learn how to use it back then. On a nicer note, the graphic novel I picked is a book on a Hellenic myth and I have 2 more to go, among them the story of Daedalus and Icarus. As a Hellenic Pagan, I'm immensely looking forward to this. <3
(Rambling below the cut lol.)
Things take their time because I had to take an extended break due to a surgery that had some complications and then people... did things. As a consequence to these things, my mental and chronically impaired physical health spiraled, worsened and finally collapsed for over a year as a result. Things were not harmless.
Prior to that it was my daily routine to art, write or read for at least an hour daily, since I escaped my abusive childhood home in 2016 and established a life for myself that gave me the freedom and safety to do so for the first time in my life. You have to understand that as an autistic trauma survivor who is prone to slipping into severe depression and has autoimmune disease that is prone to flaring due to stress induced cortisol overload, these things are absolutely crucial for both my physical and mental health. Being able to do my art and writing, helps me ground myself, maintain a routine and self-express and busy my mind in a way that is calming and healing to me. I enter a deep and carefully created safe internal universe, whenever I access my creative side. It's complex, but if you want to get psychological, it has a lot to do with inner child healing and rewiring the nervous system. I built the life required to remain healthy and have these structure and passions from scratch all by myself. It is not possible to take this from me by mistake or unintentionally. You'd have to exert intense and prolonged force to take this from me, as I have very strong, protective and well-communicated boundaries around this in place. What started at the end of 2023 and continued through 2024 completely disrupted my safety and peace and destroyed my ability to access the safe internal spaces that harbor my creativity and the inner universes created by it, along with many other things.
Despite this disruption, I've been recovering a tiny bit from the shock and terror I experienced at the end of 2023 and during 2024, in these past months and this week is the first time I've started to thaw from the freeze of a massive autistic and trauma-dissociative shutdown I've been stuck in since at least January 2024. Monday was the first day on which I've managed to make happy and productive plans for myself, set up a schedule, install reminders and get some things done again. Reached for a book and actually submerged in the story, even if it's "only" a graphic novel (my ability to read has been impaired since 2011...). I also got back in touch with my previous writing projects and felt happiness discussing plans and ideas with other writers for the first time in a long long while. There was an attempted interference there. On a nicer note, the graphic novel I picked is a book on a Hellenic myth and I have 2 more to go, among them the story of Daedalus and Icarus. As a Hellenic Pagan, I'm immensely looking forward to this. <3
#eros and psyche#aphrodite#greek gods#greek deities#hellenism#mental health#chronic illness#spilled thoughts#ptsd#recovery#booklr#reading#calmness#meditation#mindfulness#inner child healing#healing journey#hellenic gods#hellenic polytheism#autism#cancer#inner peace#daily routine#cozy#apollo#i'm okay#don't destroy it#i hope you are too#go heal
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I often wonder if I would feel differently about The Staircase Scene if I had seen SAF when it first came out in 2016. The first time I saw it was probably around October or November of 2023, and like... the context is different now.
Whatever we want to say about the personal story arcs of these characters (and I know I'm in a tiny minority because, for me, killing Owen does not constitute a satisfying close to Curt's arc, that's totally fine), there is the very real issue of the sociopolitical context that this scene takes place within- both in their time (1961) and in ours.
One very cool thing about SAF is that, in order to understand these characters better, a lot of younger queer folks end up learning about the Lavender Scare, about Executive Order 10450- which officially prohibited gay people from working for the US government- for the first time. That's an incredible, precious thing to me. Yay queer history! It's important!
The show itself never addresses the fact that both the US and UK governments had very public, very brutal campaigns equating homosexuality with communism with being a traitor to your country. But if you want to understand these characters, and especially write fanfiction, you're really incentivized to teach yourself some fundamentally important aspects of queer history.
In the 54 Below concert, before singing Not So Bad, Brian Rosenthal talks about how when they were developing the show they thought N@zis were more or less a thing of the past, that they're fully aware of how differently that song might be taken now after an escalation into a more open embrace of fascism in the US. And they're absolutely right about that.
But I think that's also perhaps an issue with the staircase scene, or at least it is for me. Obviously homophobia and transphobia were not "fixed" in 2016, they were still massive problems resulting in violence and discrimination and brutality. But institutionally, at least, you could look at the situation and point to some things that were gradually getting better.
In 2016 trans youth in my state were legally allowed to receive gender affirming care. In 2024, they are not. It's not that homophobia and transphobia went away and then came back, but there was a very real resurgence of the use of the media and of governmental power to inflict pain on queer & trans people and chase them out of public life- bathroom bans, gender affirming care bans, Don't Say Gay laws, trying to make drag illegal, equating queer and trans people with pedophilia. There has been a big cultural shift back towards the same kind of violent governmental moral panic that our beloved Curt & Owen would have lived under.
Whatever we want to say about these characters and this story (and there's tons of fascinating debate there), there is still the base of a gay man killing his ex-lover ostensibly to protect US foreign policy objectives. Killing the man he loves- or loved, at least- to protect the secret that he is gay. And that hits different for me now.
I watch that scene and it is heartbreaking on a personal level, but its also heartbreaking as a queer person who just wants to scream "your government will destroy you for being gay, you don't owe them shit!"
Owen tries to explain that the surveillance network is happening, that the future won't wait for Curt to catch up. Barb has been saying she's working on the same thing for the US government the entire show, but Curt just kept ignoring her. And I just want to say "Curt, honey, what do you think your government is going to do to you with that surveillance system? Do you think you're useful enough to keep around even though you have sex with men? Because I promise you they will not care."
It feels tragic to me because on some level it seems like Curt would actually be safer with another gay man having control of all the world's secrets than he will be if the government he has dedicated his life to gets their hands on that same technology.
And the thing is, having a tragic ending doesn't make the show bad. This show is great. This scene is spectacular. It makes you think, it makes you feel things, it does all the stuff that great art is supposed to do. Absolutely none of what I'm saying here is meant to denigrate the show as a musical or a story or even a queer story. I hope it doesn't come off as me saying "actually this show is bad," because I don't feel that way at all.
Clearly I live and breathe this show. That's why I spend all my time on here analyzing every scene, every frame, every facial expression. I love this show so much that I can't help but deconstruct it and look at all its component parts- including the sociopolitical context both now and in 1961. Because that context, despite never being explicitly mentioned, is important to our understanding of these characters.
I love these characters so much that it's actually pretty difficult for me to watch A2P7 anymore, because the staircase scene is so emotionally devastating to me that it's hard to try to swing back into that more comedic tone (even though Spy Dance is a certified bop).
I'm not even sure what my point is with all of this, other than to say that Spies Are Forever is a show that is great and fun and funny as written/performed, and becomes gradually more emotionally devastating when you rewatch it or when you understand the subtext of it. When you can engage with the themes of gender and sexuality, surveillance and technology, trauma and trust, and tease out even more satisfying theories around this show.
So yeah. It's a musical. It's about spies.
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