#but also others e.g.
vacancy90 · 6 months
Summary of a fantastic New Year's Day 2024 at the x2o Trophy CX event in Baal, Belgium 🇧🇪
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o0kawaii0o · 2 months
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astronomical-bagel · 5 months
I gotta say, I do love a guy who prioritizes survival over anything else. Who absolutely will just leave if the current situation isn’t great. Whose morals get thrown out the window the second they’re in real danger. I love that shit, keep it up losers 👍👍👍 I’m kissing all cowards on the lips rn
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Hiii everyone, say, how do your Hawkes go go about sharing their estate? If they do it at all? Is everyone free to come and go or are they more private? Or do they only invite their LI to stay? I'm curious!! :)
#lay rambles#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#oc: lilian hawke#both my hawkes are very social w their friends but i love comparing their boundaries around it#theres variation in rules for specific ppl with both of them ofc but theres still general differences#with liam its all very open and everyone can p much come and go whenever#they dont get extra keys (theyll get lost and he doesnt want randos finding them lol) but they know where to find the spare key#and bodhan and sandal and orana know to let them in whenever#hes very lenient in this this regard but he does have rules abt what he does and doesnt want them to do#mostly its about not making too much of a mess lol bc liam prefers to clean himself#(he doesnt trust the crew with his household and also he has particular ways of doing things and Hates when theyre done differently)#so things like keep your dirty garb at the entrance dont cook by yourselves (this was banned after they did it one (1) time lol) etc#also no fucking allowed. do that somewhere else for the love of the maker he does NOT want to walk into that in his own house#(and it also comes back to liam not trusting them with cleaning but also Not wanting to clean that up lol)#also he is not fond of them going into his room uninvited. most of the house is chill but that is *his* space#he accommodates these rules by e.g. having spare slippers and a little washing basin in the entrance hall for dirty shoes/feet#always makes sure to have snacks in stock that he knows they like#food will have notes abt what to leave for leandra/orana/etc but otherwise food is prepared with his friends in mind#and in general he'll make sure to adjust the space/routine in little ways to accommodate them#(air out when fen isnt there cus he doesnt like drafts; keep curtains open cus anders prefers open spaces; etc)#lilian on the other hand doesnt like when her friends come into the estate without a heads up (cept for emergencies)#but once they have her 'ok' its basically mi casa es su casa#dont yknow. overdo it and get too rowdy but otherwise do whatever#however. she also expects everyone to clean up after themselves. she aint here to play maid and youre all adults#also liam has a general 'please try to not be too wild when leandra is here' and lilian doesnt#not cos she doesnt care but cos leandra is bothered by sth she can speak up herself#oh and lilian uses the basement space as temporary refuge for anyone who needs it (mostly escaped mages)#also side note: both offered gamlen to stay but he refused (out of pride/remorse)#...this got long and i ran out of tag space lmfao so this is it for now xD
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 months
It’s aro week, and even though I still don’t feel like I fully have a handle on what aromanticism is, I do get the impression that The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings fit well with it? because all the main character’s most important and most central relationships aren’t romantic ones.
Bilbo is considered odd (“queer”, even) in the Shire for being a lifelong bachelor; his close relationships are with dwarven and elven friends, and with his adopted son Frodo. Frodo shows no romantic interest in anyone; his close relationships are with Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, and later Aragorn. And the later relationship with Frodo, Sam, and Sam’s wife Rosie all living in Bag End - which is specifically proposed by Frodo - seems like it fits the definition of queerplatonic? Whether or not you see Legolas and Gimli as a couple, their closest relationship is clearly with each other. Merry and Pippin also seem pretty clearly the most important people in each others’ lives, and remain close with their friends in Rohan and Gondor even after returning to the Shire. Boromir’s almost canonically aroace, going by the appendices. The close friendships between Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are prominent, while the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen is relegated to an appendix. Most members of the Fellowship (6/9) do not get married or ‘fall in love’ in any traditional sense (and of the remaining three, one - Pippin - is only noted briefly in an appendix). The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings both have the characters’ relationships with each other - and the importance of valuing and cherishing those, not possessions or power - at their heart, and almost all of those relationships are non-romantic ones.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The thing about assigned sex labels (AFAB/AMAB) is that a lot of its usefulness comes from discussions around medicine (though there are still issues with this). In a social sense, AFAB/AMAB isn't very useful to describe peoples' lived experience.
Assigned sex happens to people as babies, and "AFAB" and "AMAB" describe very broadly sex categories. Assigned sex acknowledges past assignment, not current reality with regards to one's sex and/or gender.
I find that when people try to apply sex assignment to social settings (e.g., "all AFABs experience this!"), it comes very close not only to misgendering, but also to sex essentialism in many cases.
I simply think there are too many assumptions made about what every person AMAB has (such as a certain body, a certain gender, and certain lived experiences) and what every person AFAB has. We cannot make sweeping generalizations about people, and I think a lot of people seem to forget this especially with regards to transition and/or "rare" sexes.
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sohaoying · 2 years
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unfinished business
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copia · 25 days
the fact that papa iii being decapitated was likely just a spontaneous idea for a cool magazine cover with not much significance that will never be mentioned again, but has spawned some of the most incredible art, painful stories, and funniest jokes the fandom has to offer ... thanks for the sacrifice papa, rest in pieces
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greenerteacups · 2 months
do you have any thoughts on luna and harry as a potential couple post-canon? i was reading your post on harry/ginny and i really loved your perspective on it, especially when you said your vision for harry post war was basically just lots and lots of big dogs (i LOVE that mental image and i agree it would be SO good for him!!) but i was wondering if you'd consider luna and harry to be a good match for each other? personally i have a sort of soft spot for the pairing because of how fond harry is of her in canon, and i think if anyone was going to understand and be unfazed by all the difficult trauma responses and long healing process he's going to be dealing with for years after the war, luna seems like a good fit :)
My love for Harry as a character is kind of unusual to me, considering I go pearl-diving for ships when I read things, and I fall in love with dynamics as a conduit to falling in love with characters. That said, I don't really ship him with anybody. I just genuinely adore That Weird Little Dude. Same with Ron; I'm just as pleased to see them with a range of people, because (A) I believe they're good partners and can have great relationships with many people (Ron Weasley get behind me they could never make me hate you Ron Weasley), but also (B) I don't see either of their canon relationships as Definitive. Some characters I ship together because I sincerely believe they are (non-deterministic) soulmates, in that they bring out parts of each other that make them the freshest, happiest, most interesting versions of themselves. With other characters, I'll look at a couple and go: "Huh. Could work!" and smack my giant rubber [APPROVED] stamp on it, then get back to work on my blorbos.
Luna and Harry are one of those couples for me. As I mentioned in that other post, I think Harry's primary requirement in a partner is someone who can treat him normally, i.e. will be generally chill about the Became Wizard Jesus Twice situation. Which is a big ask. Luna is uniquely capable of doing that because Luna is not normal at all, and so treats all things, extraordinary and ordinary both, as uniformly dazzling and delightful. I believe this is why Harry enjoys her so much in their friendship, because he gets to feel valued and treasured without feeling unusual or othered — a hard line to toe, and one even Ron and Hermione occasionally trip up on. He seems to like hanging out with her a great deal, and I think it says something sweet that he asks her to the Slug Club party instead of any of the girls in Gryffindor from his year, whom he'd ostensibly know better.
Luna is a bit of a cipher to me, I admit. We know she's the daughter of an eccentric and probably traumatized single father, raised without a mother; deeply lonely, because of how she's been ostracized for her beliefs and hobbies, and the victim of some degree of bullying for it; and yet full of a passionate, almost effortless wonder and joie de vivre. She's also intensely loving (cf. painting her friends' faces on her bedroom ceiling) and very hard to embarrass. She likes Harry for understandable reasons; they share most of those qualities (Harry's more sensitive to others' opinions, understandably so), and the only point where they diverge is their actual hobbies and interests. Harry seems pretty fond of her nonsense, and I bet she could sell him on crumple-horned snorkacks given some time — maybe if Hermione took a vacation to Switzerland and left them alone together.
In general, what I find sweet about the idea of these two is they're so chill. These are two people whose chief ambition is to hang out, enjoy their hobbies, and see some cool magical shit. Date night is so fucking easy for these two. Plus, Harry is a hothead a lot of the time, and Luna just... vibes. Literally never bothered. Insane levels of not fussed at all times. Very helpful for Harry, who has a bad tendency to bottle up his feelings and then blow up at the first person to sneeze at him. Conversely, I'd hope that Harry would age into the kind of genial, confident dude who would be able to rock up with a function where people were talking shit about Luna and be like :) My wife? You mean my wise and beautiful wife? Surely you are not talking about my wise and beautiful wife. :) instead of doing what he'd do from age 15-17, which is get mad and stomp around sulking. Which, again: teenager. Orphan. Non-stop trauma gauntlet from age 2-18. Excuses are made. But still. Would think it best if Luna's husband were not perhaps so keenly sensitive to gossip, for Luna's sake.
Anyway, these are just some dissembled thoughts. There's also something in there about Harry, boy under the staircase, falling in love with the magical world and ending up the Most Magical person, i.e., the person who took believing in magic to such an extreme that she imagines magic that doesn't exist yet. And Luna ends up with the one person who's inarguably stranger than she is.
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hypokeimena · 6 months
okay i'm going to ask here bc i'm not having luck online.
i am in the market for a heavy wool blanket. i am having mixed success finding a company that sells blankets of the type i'm looking for. if you have a wool blanket you like, here is where i am asking for feedback and recs.
not a throw blanket, a bed blanket
must be 100% wool (this rules out most of pendleton's modern inventory)
ideally would be 'heavyweight' aka 9+ lbs for a full/queen blanket (HBC does not list blanket weights for new stock online)
must ship to canada (rules out faribault's heavyweight blankets)
ideally would not scratch me to death (merino content a plus)
IDEALLY would be on sale; i have some money set aside for this purchase and i don't mind paying for quality but jesus fuck, yk.
whatever you recommend must apply to new stock, because enshittification is really bad these days - if you have an amazing blanket that's a family hand me down, that is not useful feedback.
anyway: help me
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obstinatecondolement · 4 months
It feels like every day I read attempts to debunk the social model of disability that fundamentally misunderstand what the social model of disability is and who the people who developed that model were, including what the nature of their disabilities was, and I want to scream.
But I don't, because yelling at people on the internet is basically pointless. Instead I check to see that I'm not mutuals with whoever reblogged said misunderstanding and vague about it.
#'but [x impairment] would still exist and have [y implications] even if the world were completely accessible!'#okay well yeah but equating impairment and disability is explicitly the opposite of the social model of disability#the union of the *physically impaired* against segregation who developed this model#*were* by and large privileged in ways many other disabled people are not‚ yes#mike oliver who wrote the fucking book on the social model of disability#(social work with disabled people‚ published in 1983)#was a white man with a phd who pioneered an academic field‚ for one#and there *are* criticisms about the limitations to a purely social model of disability to be made#but like... our pal mike oliver was also a wheelchair user who broke his neck in a swimming accident as a teenager#which caused paralysis that affected his upper and lower body#not a clueless 'physically abled' autistic who didn't understand how physical limitations work#he lived the first 17 years of his life as a physically abled person#so I think he was aware of the difference between what his body could do before and after his accident#and like 'disability is socially constructed'#is not saying that differences between people and what they are able to do or do easily do not exist??#my eyesight is so bad that if I could not access corrective lenses I would be functionally blind#and even with glasses my myopia and astigmatism cause a lot of tangible effects on my body#e.g. migraines‚ eyestrain‚ so many floaters that even looking through pristine glasses is like the lenses are scratched to hell#but my eyesight is not considered a disability#because the accommodations that enable me to participate in society fully in this area are so standard as to be invisible#can I magically see without corrective lenses? no#does wearing glasses not being considered a disability mean that I do not get migraines and eyestrain? no#so the arguments the thing I am vaguing are trying to debunk are not what is being argued!#well seems like I screamed about it after all#oh well
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brown-little-robin · 8 days
okay so @quirkle2 sent me an ask about the aftermath of the Teru vs. Mob fight, and I went and wrote out the whole fight in the ask. I'm moving it to this post so that I can answer the Actual Question in the Actual Ask like a normal person. anyway here you go
Teru's Series of Really Bad Decisions
or, How Mob Came Out Of the Teru vs. Mob Fight Completely Unscathed
So here's the thing. Mob's zombie disease colony is pretty invested in keeping its host alive, so even while the fight is happening, he's healing really fast. And despite his top-dog persona, Teru doesn't actually enjoy injuring people. (The sensation of touching another person bothers him—that's why most of his attacks are things like slaps or punches, where he's only in contact with people for a moment before the force of the blow shoves them away. He'll kill or torture people, but he subtly avoids extended contact with them while doing so. It makes him nervous to resort to hands-on violence, because that's how a zombie fights and for his own survival, Teru HAS to act like he's above zombie behavior.)
So it takes Teru a while to work himself up to the point of actually committing to injuring Mob. At first, Teru is just punching him in the chest and stomach, shoving him (he pushes him into the school swimming pool at one point and then has to pull him back out because Mob never learned to swim and is drowning. major L for Teru's pride), taunting him, using blunt force and watching in disbelief while the other boy just takes it and breathes through the pain. He expected Mob to hit back right away, and then Teru would use a bit more strength and intimidate his opponent so much that he'd admit Teru's strength is way beyond him and then they'd be on amicable terms. But that doesn't happen.
Also, Dimple isn't back yet in this AU, so the fight takes place mostly in silence, which weirds Teru out. He's used to fighting with people yelling and screaming around him, and hearing nothing but pained noises and a few confused questions out of his opponent really bothers Teru. He grabs Mob and shakes him, asking why won't you fight back??. He's definitely like Teru! he's got the misty eyes and he's breathing out miasma and he has the healing ability to jerk his arms free of the ropes he was tied with and have the raw rope-scrapes on his arms heal over a minute later, but he won't! fight! back!!
Meanwhile, as Teru is shaking him by the shirt-collars, Mob is having flashbacks to his life wandering as a zombie before the cure. He's remembering Dimple clearer than he ever has before, and he's embracing those memories for once, clinging to his guilt over (he suspects) killing his friend. And, remembering how nice Dimple was to him and Ritsu, how Dimple shared strawberries with them, how he would coax Mob out of the rain, how Dimple reached for Mob's face while Mob's teeth were closing in his arm—he stares at Teru with all the loathing he feels toward himself, for killing Dimple.
Teru says, "What's with that look?"
Mob says, "I was just wondering, why do you feel the need to hurt people who are just trying to live? Do you think you have to, because you're a zombie?"
And Teru, who tries not to think of himself as a zombie, goes, "What?"
"Oh, I was just thinking—there was someone I knew who was a pretty good guy—compared to you. And I hurt him."
That makes Teru drop Mob like a hot potato. He doesn't want to fight like a zombie but he has to get this hypocrite who hurt his own friend and refuses to fight him to DO something—and they happen to be in the home ec room, right by the gas-powered generator for the home ec equipment, so Teru causes a gas explosion on purpose and blocks the door with his body, trying to force Mob to fight his way out to avoid burning alive. That's how Teru ends up losing his perfect hair—he may be special but he's still got zombie disease, his pain receptors don't work right and Mob is coughing too hard in the smoke to warn Teru that the fire ran along the ceiling and got to Teru's hair. The fire is how Mob's clothes get singed. He's not seriously burned, at least not by the time Teru sees him next (Teru rushed to the swimming pool when he realized his hair was on fire), but he's shaken and coughing and smells like smoke.
They both stumble out of the burning school building. Mob has his Moment Of Realization and correctly guesses that Teru's life is completely empty; Teru's acting like this because he's trying to ignore that he's a zombie and has no real friends because everyone is scared of him, and Teru isn't making any effort to live like a person instead of a monster.
That's when Teru just straight-up strangles Mob, throwing away his determination not to fight like a zombie. Mob has already ruined Teru's untouchable appearance and likely condemned Teru to being shot by his own people for causing all this property damage. Teru's life as a human is over already, he thinks. Mob refuses to fight back, passes out, ???% appears, you know how it goes.
And get this: Mob's zombie disease colony has expended a lot of its energy already (consuming its own drones for sheer power) to heal Mob from the blows and the burns, so when ???% puts his body into high gear, the colony registers EMERGENCY CONDITIONS and starts replenishing its energy using anything available—the colony deploys its own disease drones into the entire surrounding area and consumes all of the miasma in the air and water and, STILL not having enough energy for this, dives into Teru's body and eats 90% of Teru's colony. This is the equivalent of ???% absorbing all of the energy in the atmosphere AND Teru's psychic powers, which always makes me hold my breath in canon.
Teru can see this happening, by the way. Like Mob, he can sense the presence of zombie disease in all forms. He senses Kageyama's disease colony suddenly exploding from his body and eating all of the colonies in the area. what a sight to behold.
Anyway, so, yeah, Mob then wakes up with his body fully healed, in front of a burning school building, sensing absolute emptiness all around him.
He can't fix the school building. Not in this au. All he can do is kneel down and cry. He failed to change. He thought he was better now, he thought that he was in control of himself now, but he did it again—he hurt someone on accident again.
And then Teru stumbles over to him with his hip still spasming from where ???% threw him by his leg and goes, "Kageyama, you were right... without our power, we have nothing..."
and Mob looks up to see people stirring around them, and Teru is alive, he didn't kill Teru, he didn't kill anyone, and he goes back to Salt with the Body Improvement Club in a kind of shell-shocked daze.
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inquisitoradaar · 6 hours
my poor mutual going thru it atm w a post abt aussie wildlife. anyways one time my mum was closing a gate and she didnt notice a like, super venomous snake right beside her but it didnt notice HER either. so she stepped right next to it on accident and it slithered away because it turns out most animals just wanna be left the fuck alone
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crystalleoi · 1 year
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#inanimate insanity#ii mephone5#ii mephone5c#my art#listen man. these two (+ 5S) are like inherently connected in my mind. even though they've never met canonically#created by a man who does not truly care about them or their well-being and only values them bc they are still new and useful to him#& died trying to kill their predecessor. but their efforts wouldn't have mattered anyway because they would've been replaced in like a year#did they know they would be replaced? did they just have to live with the knowledge that they would one day no longer matter to cobs?#these tags r only tangentially related to the artwork. i'm losing it i fear#anyway a headcanon that's actually kinda related to this art:#i imagine that cobs gave more preferential treatment to 5S because he had more advanced tech nd stuff#and 5C developed like a weird relationship w her self-esteem where she (like the other mephones) kind of has an inflated ego#she readily compliments herself (literally called herself “the most colorful beauty in existence”)#(partially bc she's kinda compensating for not getting as much praise from cobs as 5S)#(i also think she tends to seek validation from others (e.g. “i'm made of plastic. neat huh?”) because of that)#but she doesn't talk up how advanced her tech is because it's from Last Year#you don't understand how long this headcanon has been microwaving in my mind. it's been YEARS. i've never unleashed it until now#it's probably stupid but WHATEVER MAN. i'll overanalyze these phones as much as i want#this is what happens when your favorite characters show up in like 1 episode and die. you go insane
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harukapologist · 6 days
Milgrammies! The ever dreaded (at least by me and Haruka-fan friends) birthday tl is in less than 48 hours, Haruka's birthday tl. So
Expand on what you predict may happen in the tags if you want, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I put mine in the tags of the original post but in short, I think he'll talk/be talked to by Mikoto :3c
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coquelicoq · 2 years
I said, "Can I examine the dead human now?" Indah just looked tired. "Can you humor me and please refer to the victim as 'the deceased' or 'the victim' during the course of the investigation?" She turned to go, not waiting for an answer. She missed Mensah mouthing the words stop it at me. (Fugitive Telemetry, 12-13) Thiago was standing out on said observation deck, trying to reason with a potential target. (That’s "potential" per the earlier conversation where Dr. Arada said Oh SecUnit, I wish you wouldn’t call people "targets" and Thiago had given me the look that usually means It just wants an excuse to kill someone.) (Network Effect, 9)
ugh, hate it when these special snowflakes ask me not to refer to people as "the dead human" or [checks notes] "the human who i'm gonna kill here in a minute," sooo annoying 🙄
#guess who has finally started the network effect reread slash notetaking endeavor? this guy!#and this is the very first thing i noticed#(i feel i should clarify that page 9 is the first page in my copy lol. i can be observant! when i try really hard!)#i just love mb's push-and-pull between how it wants to refer to things and how the humans want it to refer to them#and how it like. snarkily corrects itself in its narration in such a way that you can just feel the eyeroll#e.g. 'Prematurely eliminating the visible targets (excuse me‚ potential targets) on deck#might just tip us out of incipient shitshow into full-on shitshow.'#or how in FT it starts saying 'the deceased' when talking to indah but continues using 'the dead human' in its internal monologue#WHICH i just think is INCHERESTING especially alongside mb's crankiness about very benign preservation naming conventions#it wants to use the words it wants to use! this is a display of independence! but hey guess what mb sometimes#other people have rights too lmao and yeah sometimes you gotta make concessions to their delicate little sensibilities#like ''not wanting to think of people as 'dead members of my species' or 'about-to-be-dead members of my species'''#murderbot#mb identifiers#mb categorization#the murderbot diaries#my posts#f#linked to#i also think it's funny that mb took arada's feedback and just added the word 'potential'. like i don't think that's arada's problem here?#AND it's interesting that later when mb is doing the dramatic rescue it decides 'at the last second'#to change from 'kill-hits' to 'wound-hits' because 'Thinking of Arada’s sad face made me too uncomfortable'#HMM. MUCH 2 THINK ABOUT
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