#but also more Kirk Spock interactions maybe?
On one hand I am so excited for the Strange New Worlds musical ep like you know its gonna be a camp little experience but on the other hand I do not want more Kirk x La'an or Pike and Batel
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shut-up-danny-kun · 5 months
I've read hundreds of Star Trek TOS fics by now and it never ceases to amuse me how many different ways there are to fuck up Spock's characterization...now hold on just a minute - this post has a more interesting point than “fanfic writers stupid”, I promise you.
Every time, it's a spin on the massacre wheel. It's kind of amazing. Will he be overly emotional to the point where he's not himself anymore? Will he be so cold it's unpleasant and kind of hard to understand how he's lived to this point? Will he be extremely horny for no good reason? Will he speak in a way that sounds complety wrong?
I chuckle and shake my head. Of course, I KNOW what Spock is like, and MY interpretation of him is the most perfect and correct one. Obviously. He's just a very nuanced character, formed by many people in an unconventional way, with traits that seem to contradict each other at first but ultimately form a rich and unique character that so many people fell in love with specifically because he's so complicated...
Or...is he?
Let's entertain the idea that there isn't one correct interpretation of Spock, that all of these messy bits of characterization are not part of a bigger picture, but...just what they are: a product of many people with starkly different visions, working on a show that refuses to properly develop its characters. What then? Well, then Spock is a Rorschach test. Each viewer connects the random dots in their own way, and ignores the ones they don't like.
Let's use an example: me! In my interpretation of Spock (the most correct one, of course) he is, first of all, gay and on the asexual spectrum, reserved, largely uninterested in casual flirting or sex. When he is interested in the aforementioned things, he tends to be quite ashamed of it.
Makes sense, right? I can show you plenty of evidence for why that could be true. However, in the beginning of the first bloody season, Uhura sings a song about how Spock is actually kind of a heartthrob who likes to drive women insane with how hot he is, and Spock smiles. He smiles at her, as if agreeing and being very amused by all this! This interaction goes against pretty much everything I think about Spock. So what do I do? I explain it away in the most bizzare fucking way possible. See, Uhura and Spock are friends (there is no evidence for this), and Uhura knows everything I've just told you about him (through telepathy I guess? Not like he'd ever tell her!) and she's just trolling him (why would she do that? That is NOTHING like Uhura!). I need to do some Olympics-level mental gymnastics here, the opposite of Occam's razor.
“But Danny,” I hear you say, “it's just the start of the show! They hadn't figured out his character yet!”
To which I say: you can say that about anything! You can blame it all on a bad writer for that episode, and ignore virtually any scene that doesn't jive with your headcanons. It's there, and I can't ignore it.
So...how am I different from the people that want Spock to be thar heartthrob Uhura is singing about? That evidence is as much a part of canon as my favorite lines. Well, I'm not any different, that's the thing. And all those writers I complained about also have a point.
It's kind of a nihilistic take, I know, but maybe the reason Spock is such a cultural icon is because he is...whatever you want him to be: just concrete enough to spur on your imagination, yet vague and contradictory enough to let your brain fill in the gaps.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely do not believe in this. In my mind, it just so happens that I'm one of the, like, 5 people ever who truly understood Spock (and one of them is Jim Kirk himself). But I still think it's something worth thinking about next time you're mad at a fic.
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bardicious · 1 year
Spock's SNW Human-isms (Apparently an Essay)
This has gotta be one of my favorite parts of the episode. Everyone's already talked about Boimler's polite way of telling Chapel her and Spock's relationship is doomed and not worthy of note in the history books. Versus Spock and Kirk's legendary friendship romance T'hy'la status.
I am on the one hand, upset that Spirk will never be fully canon (because paramount is weak and so are it's homophobic fans), but delighted they're not really banking on the easy "Chapel was Spock's true love all along" because that would be fuckin disingenuous as hell, if you've watched ANY TOS episode or movie. Like, absolutely ridiculous. Beyond insane, and I can understand why it worries fans watching SNW. (though I think the reaction to them having any relationship is a bit much and childish).
Anyway, seeing Spock's early life and his fight between his supposed "human side" and "vulcan side" is such a big aspect of his early character. I get the impression that Spock fought hard to be Vulcan while he was growing up there, but held resentment to not being able to show his mother the "human" affection he thought she deserved. He saw her being ridiculed, her loneliness, his own loneliness when he couldn't fit in, and it broke his heart. A war between his emotions and his duties constantly firing. So enough is enough, he leaves Vulcan, because it's not right for him. And joins starfleet.
Starfleet's motto is accepting all kinds of people and understanding them. But lets be real, starfleet accepts Spock's skill, but not his personality or behaviors. He generally gets along with his crewmembers, but they don't really know him. Barring a few exceptions, maybe Captain Pike? But also not really. Captain Pike loves Spock, but my impression is he doesn't always get him. Not like Jim will.
Chapel gives the same vibes. She says she accepts Spock for who he is. But she likes the idea of the human!Spock inside of him. His human side who understood her better. Who, honestly, I think she would have kept if she was less ethical. But she's not. She's a good person, and that's not who Spock is, so it's not what she wants. But it's still this ideal of Spock she's grasping to. Of course, she doesn't want a more human Spock, that's a cruel thing to say, to think even. But ultimately Spock will never given her the behavior and emotional support she's looking for. It's just not there.
My impression of SNW Spock is that, he likes both T'Pring and Chapel, they're his friends, he loves them like a friend would, he protects them like a friend would. But both Chapel and T'Pring personify his human and vulcan ideals. They're the embodiment of what he should want. Not what he actually wants.
And once Chapel breaks his heart (possibly to "save" his amazing future), he will discard his attempts at "human" behavior. Begin to resent it. Hell, get a little racist with it. LMAO (Thinking of his interactions with McCoy - who's so human, or so willing to show his emotions, it irks Spock, because he tried that!)
It will be the crux of his feelings of shame. With Jim. Who's friendship and love is so important to him. But he just can't do it again. Quite possibly, maybe he should never try to love anyone again, because he's tried, and both options were so obviously wrong. How can he possibly fit in with another being?
But he can, because Jim's actually quite a vulcan human in some ways. Duty is the name of Jim's game. The greater good. The way Jim has decided to look at his own life and his family, and decided to take his experiences in a logical capacity rather than the emotional one Sam has taken everything in. Spock and Kirk are compatible, so naturally, that Spock and Kirk never had to try, they just know each other and understand each other. AND damn, everything about SNW just confirms Spirk, but I wish ffs, that they would "canonize" it.
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About all the following discussion surrounding confession #718: I think y'all read too much into it. Imma try not go too much into details but I'll start by stating I see where both sides of the debate come from.
For now let's ignore any mention of the original series being made in the 60s and also any implication of sexual tension with the "bickering". I will also only talk of the original character depictions.
Fact: McCoy many times unnecessarily makes fairly insulting comments to Spock about being Vulcan. Also fact: this only applies to Spock. Throughout the series and movies, he never makes any comments torward other Vulcans, like Sarek, Saavik or Valeris. This is because Spock is half Vulcan and is explicitely shown to be disgusted at his Human side (yes, that makes him racist as someone else pointed out), and because of that trying to force, prove his Vulcanness to a point it would be unnatural even for a full Vulcan, and McCoy doesn't like or understand that, which his why most of his actually offensive remarks ("slurs", i'll come back to that) happen in a critical moment when Spock is convinced acting the most Vulcan way possible is what will work when it's shown not to (whether or not it's a valid way to let out frustration is another debate). Replace Spock with Tuvok and you wouldn't see any of that. Throughout TOS Bones shows a respect to the differences of other cultures, including defending Spock's Vulcan side when outsiders act genuinely hostile torward him for being a Vulcan.
About the slurs, it seems like a lot of people equate McCoy's insults to ethnic slurs, but there's no indication they're established slurs at all and I highly doubt this, looks more like only McCoy's using obscure words to criticize Spock. I just wanted to clarify that because I think it's an important detail.
Now about the original series being made in the 60s. Ignoring actual racist sentiments, as someone who has read historical memoirs from early-middle 20th century (period in which the creators grew up), making explicit comments about a friend's racial and ethnic background without any ill intent wasn't uncommon, if just to give a little more context.
About the bickering and sexual tension: besides the "old married couple" energy (which personally makes me slightly uncomfortable) and comments about private anatomical differences, I too dislike the idea racist comments would imply anything (from both parties). Besides, it goes with a lot of mischaracterization of Spock and his private life, and on a side-note, I've come to kind of try to ignore any shipping content of Spock with anyone because I feel like people reaaaally misunderstand him and that annoys me.
About the Katra sharing etc: it is explicitely shown in TOS and the movies that Spock and McCoy are as a matter of fact very close to each other (from their interactions but most importantly their body language, especially considering Spock's Vulcan heritage) and implying that he had to deal with McCoy as workplace courtesy, and that he wasn't at least one of Spock's first choices for Katra-storing (a deeply personal procedure) is dishonest at best (besides knocked out Scotty was right there!) I can only think of Kirk and maybe Saavik before him.
Hopefully this is the last ask related to this confession as it seems this whole discussion is starting to get judgmental. Force to OP for having to deal with us, lol.
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acastleintheclouds · 24 days
Unpopular opinion: I find the Spock/Bones dynamics much more fascinating than Spock/Kirk.
Don't get me wrong, what Spock and Kirk have is beautiful, but it's also... straightforward in a way? As in: call it whatever you wish, but there is a profound bond with absolutely zero drama. They love each other, they understand each other, they have each other's backs, end of story.
Now, with Spock and McCoy, the relationship is much more complicated. They do trust each other and care about each other, more and more as the show progresses. But do they actually understand each other? Maybe a little if they really attempt to, but usually, they don't even try, as they are such extreme opposites that they find each other incredibly frustrating most of the time. So it takes special circumstances, like one of them, or better, Jim, in danger, for them to actually start bonding, and those moments are just so exquisite that for me, they put all the beautiful Kirk/Spock interactions in the shade.
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(The complete original gifset here: https://www.tumblr.com/ididnotknow/691684221270540288/i-know-im-worried-about-jim-too)
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S3 EP9 (The Tholian Web) like Spiderman
The thoughts I had on this episode are really long so read it below
Get on with it:
- “Starship Defiant” ?!? Like DS9 ?!?
- Ghost ship
- The suits are goofy I’m sorry
- I like their little name tags on the suits tho
- Chekov looks really small in the suit, his hair looks good though
- wow… that’s just a massacre.. that’s really dark for Star Trek
- uh oh warped pov shot
- Why’re the suits so sparkly
- Kirk staying behind and Spock requesting to stay instead
- “The defiant just vanished.” Spock immediately tries to take control of the transporter while McCoy is shocked for a second and then goes to do the same
- “There’s nothing out there to grab ahold of and bring in. When that ship went it must’ve taken the captain with it.” The look Spock and McCoy share
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- GET SPOCK A CHAIR! Whys he always got to bend over to work at his desk. Or get him one of those standing desks, I think he’d either like the concept or find it completely impractical
- Chekov goes feral. So feral he pushes Spock, pushes Sulu in his chair, Scotty tries to restrain him, McCoy and Scotty try to restrain him, and then Spock comes in with the nerve pinch
- I can’t
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- Sulu lays Chekov’s head down so gently 🥺
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- Noticing McCoy’s pinky ring :)))
- The way that they look at each other. I can’t explain it (edit: I think I was reading too much into it but have the clip anyway)
- “Spock… are you sure that Jim is still alive?” This is so vulnerable for McCoy, he wants to be reassured, because who is more sure than Spock? The answer is that Spock is not completely sure but he’s not willing to give up on Jim holding out. They’re both in the difficult spot of needing to get away for the safety of the ship but also not being able to leave Jim.
- McCoy in short sleeve shirt :) (imagine picking up a hail and you see this)
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- Oh my god what the fuck is that? Are they… space spiders?
- omg hiii Chapel hiii
- Fucking help him Christine! Oh okay she tranquillized him
- “Well keep trying, Mr Scott.” He’s so desperate
- his boots
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- I love their talk over comms, where they’re both trying to keep their cool with one another. There’s something about it that I just love (it’s around 20:00)
- The Tholian ship fuckin drifting away
- They’re so tired of dealing with each other at this point. It’s like when your social battery is just gone. Maybe I’m projecting.
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- Spock is losing it. Jim is gone. McCoy is upset (more upset than angry which is unusual). And now there’s space webbing.
- OH they’re holding a funeral… woah..
- Spock looks over to McCoy at one point and McCoy looks away.
- “We must accept the fact- that Captain Kirk.. is no longer alive.” This is such a terrible way to put it. He can’t admit, or at least can’t say Kirk is dead. It’s so horrible.
- That moment was really good until someone started yelling
- I wanna see more Sulu and Uhura interactions. I think they’d be really good friends
- The eye contact between Spock and McCoy oh my heart
- don’t fight please
- McCoy just asking Spock why he chose to stay when the answer is so damn obvious, ‘it’s what Jim would do, he would stay for me.’ And the destroying the Tholian ship part? It’s because Spock will just blow shit up
- “Bones, Spock, since you are playing this tape we will assume that I am dead, and the tactical situation is critical, and both of you are locked in mortal combat.” They are in mortal combat but with each other.. oh sorry that’s probably what Kirk meant
- Kirk is just like, ‘be yourselves, get along, Spock’s in charge.’
- “you might find that he is capable of human insight, and human error.” As Kirk says this Spock’s mouth slightly falls open
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- “…. Spock I uh.. I’m sorry.” Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
- “It does hurt, doesn’t it?” “What would you have me say, Doctor?”
- I got Uhura jump scared
- THE TRANSPARENT KIRK JUST DISAPEARS. Doesn’t even cut away he just blinks out of existence right in engineering
- “In critical moments men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see.” “Do you suppose they’re seeing Jim because they’ve lost confidence in you?” Spock has to take a second after that one. He has to remind himself they’re trying to be friendly “I was merely stating a fact, doctor.”
- second McCoy apology of the episode
- “I understand, Doctor. I’m sure the captain would simply have said, ‘forget it, Bones.’” I thought they were gonna hug but no, McCoy’s just fainting. Can we talk about that line? This moment? The actual hurt in my heart. Spock is the only other one now who has called him Bones even if it was just quoting Kirk
- Kirk! The fuck are you doing?
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- He’s mouthing Bones and Spock I think
- They finally get to have a drink together :)
- Chekov’s back baby!
- Well the ship disappeared and the screen went black. Imagine they just ended the episode like that?
- I think that Spock has a soft spot for Chekov
- I swear in some of these scenes where they just stare at each other, it was originally written that they share a passionate kiss.
- Kirk: And no problems between you?
Spock: None worth reporting, captain
Kirk: Try me
Spock: Hmmm.. only such minor disturbances as are inevitable when humans are involved
Kirk: Which humans, Mr Spock?
McCoy: Oh, he means that when humans become involved with Vulcans, Jim
Kirk: Ah yes, I understand
Chekov gives a little head shake at their antics. This is the most expressive Spock has been in awhile (picture is as he’s going ‘hmmm’)
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- Why are they lying about seeing the orders? Do they just not want to admit they needed his help? Also Spock doesn’t fully lie here! He just mumbles off the end of his sentence. McCoy does most of the lying. They work so well together.
- McCoy goes to look at Kirk right at the end and sees Kirk looking at him so he quickly looks away.
I had so many thoughts on this one. Holy shit.
Episode written by Judy Burns and Chet Richards
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thethirdromana · 4 months
Trying to figure out which Star Trek TOS character would have been each one of the crew of light's fave if they lived then. I thought of Mina liking Bones best due to his practicality and foresight, who though is like Van Helsing in having specialist skills as physician, technician, psychologist etc. Do you have personal opinions for that?
Thanks anon, I love this question <3
I'm including Lucy, not least because I think she's the easiest one to answer. It's Uhura. From the first real interaction she has in the series onwards:
"I'm an illogical woman who's beginning to feel too much a part of that communications console. Why don't you tell me I'm an attractive young lady, or ask me if I've ever been in love? Tell me how your planet Vulcan looks on a lazy evening when the moon is full." "Vulcan has no moon, Miss Uhura." "I'm not surprised, Mister Spock."
I just think Lucy would really dig this woman who's pretty and romantic, but who also has a vital professional role. Lucy wants more freedom and doesn't get it, and Uhura is a great example of someone not having to choose between femininity and career.
For Mina I think it has to be Spock. I mean partly that's just statistical likelihood, if you were a young woman in the 1960s you were disproportionately likely to like Spock, but I think in her case his logic, his intelligence and his outsider status would all appeal.
Jonathan is a lot trickier to answer. We know he likes competent women, he's a bit of a romantic too and he responds to kindness. Perhaps he's another Uhura fan, or maybe Nurse Chapel.
Another easy one is Arthur who just has to be a fan of Kirk. Stalwart hero 4 stalwart hero. He's dashing, he's handsome. Arthur doesn't know whether he wants him or wants to be him.
Quincey is another Kirk fan, obviously, but I think after The Naked Time, he's also a fan of Sulu. It's the swashbuckling that does it. He's disappointed that there isn't any more fencing in TOS.
I think I might make myself unpopular with this one but for Jack I would suggest Khan. Genetically modified superintelligence and the ability to charm beautiful women both seem like the kind of things that Jack would be into. He is the mad scientist, after all. This is alongside Kirk, obviously, given that Jack is Dracula's number one Manliness Appreciator.
Van Helsing is probably another Spock fan. I think he would also love the Romulan Commander played by Mark Lenard in Balance of Terror (I didn't realise until now that that character never even got a name). There's something in that theme of respect for a worthy adversary that I think Van Helsing would really vibe with.
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chekovs-merkin · 1 year
a (draft) list of evidence james tiberius kirk has The Big Bi™
*this version will be deleted when (if) i fix this list up with some gifs and screenshots*
so, i have decided to compile some independent evidence on a few points that have been in (more than usual) contention lately in the fandom. my focus, as always, is tos. this first one is a bit of preaching to the choir consideirng my usual haunts, but i hope it will at least strengthen the argument for a bi/pan kirk, by virtue of bypassing the "spock" part of the discussion entirely.
and why despite being vocally not into the show it is still my hope in my heart of hearts that the canon!bi kirk in snw rumours from a while back are true
following up will be a similar draft list on all the times spock had any kind of interaction that might be construed as romantic in the show. the goal is to have one on all of the references to chapel's feelings for spock too, but that will be more work so maybe in a few days? never trust any promises i make on this blog
so, without further ado, the list, divided on categories for my our convenience:
Gary Mitchell (Where No Man Has Gone Before) - i've put him down as arguable bc i've also seen ppl compare how jim acts towards him to how he acts towards spock as evidence for his being into spock. i think they had something going on at some point, but it had long ended by the time of the episode.
i will fight anyone on this:
Ben Finney (Court Martial) - embiterred former lover, much? he even named his daughter after the guy ffs. and that was BEFORE the revenge fixation.
Captain John Christopher (Tomorrow is Yesterday) - poor jim wanted that 1960s wasp booty so bad his flirt overflowed into every single man they found in the past
"Don't you believe in male androids, Harry?" (I, Mudd?) - speaking out for himself and all men lovers out there
Tyree (A Private Little War) - they lived together, come on
man-magnet jimothy:
Trelaine (The Squire of Gothos) - depending on your interpretation: bratty toddler with a favourite toy, toxic child with a first crush and no idea what to do about it, or manchild outright trying to eliminate the "competition" aka spock? obviously not reciprocated. might count as meme evidence instead.
Garth (Whom Gods Destroy) - both the orion battygirl (pun intended) and her #1 megalomaniac boytoy had a twisted little something going on for the captain
meme evidence:
I'm Not Sure He Likes This Guy, But He Sure Likes His Rock Dildo (What Are Little Girls Made Of?) - iconic.
Jim's Favourite Colour (Arena) - this fight is kinda... is.
"Are there any men on this planet?" (That Which Survives) - while much beloved by all, this quote is taken kinda out of context, and even the rainbow flag was still years away from being invented when it aired, let alone the bi flag. sorry, guys, meme category it is.
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Star Trek Generations
+ IDW's Spock: Reflections
+ Picard Season 3
+ Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
+ OTOY + The Gene Roddenberry Archive's "765874 - Regeneration"
+ William Shatner's "The Return"
+ Star Trek TOS: The Cage
We are talking PIC S3 Spoilers, William Shatner's The Return Spoilers, Star Trek Generations Spoilers, IDW's Spock Reflections Spoilers, I mean you name it there are a lot of intercollected lore threads to tease apart here.
So we have a YouTube clip, a comic series, Picard 3 Easter Eggs, a novel, and a movie from 29 years ago. Are they planning something for the 30th anniversary of Generations? Maybe, maybe not.
But all of these little interconnected storylines are very interesting to say the least. I'm not sure what to make of it all honestly, or what's going on. But here's what we know so far.
Don't read on if you don't want spoilers for the above entertainment BC this story thread weaves into a lot of different Star Trek media, both canon and noncanon.
This video sums it up nicely and connects all the dots I've also been wending on since that clip (OTOY + The Gene Roddenberry Project) dropped:
Was chatting with some fans about this recently and you know, maybe it's delulu, but all we really have at this juncture are fan theories to fill in the gaps as they've just given us a few little breadcrumbs.
Spock visiting Viridian III, the parallels to William Shatner's The Return, Spock: Reflections:
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My full series of Spock: Reflections segments tying into this clip can be found here.
And the Easter Egg from Picard Season 3 tying this into The Return and Jim's body being recovered. We see in The Return and PICS3 Kirk's remains are collected for "Project Phoenix".
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More info taken from the screens in PIC S3:
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A number of times within and outside recent canon, Jim's death has been referred to as alleged, or that he was critically injured/wounded.
As seen above on the screen shown next to Kirk's body in PIC S3, he is referred to as "critically injured".
If you listen during this scene, there is also a classic TOS throwback sound effect of a pulse -- a heartbeat life sign being measured (3:57):
Before you see Kirk's body you also see there is a "Genesis II" Project; Genesis I was used to revive Spock from the dead in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. (Around 3:42)
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Just a lot of plates spinning, wheels turning, dots connecting.
It's interesting that there are so many threads linking here, woven from Star Trek books to canon shows to YouTube clips to Star Trek comic books . . .
Plus this Shatner interview released by OTOY, which made it very clear that he had always intended to keep playing Kirk. Apparently Rick Berman had totally shut him down when he proposed ideas for bringing back the character.
Also that he would wholly be open to returning to the role depending on in what capacity:
Furthermore, a ton of the clips and tester shots that OTOY has filmed with The Roddenberry Archive have the number "765874" in the title, which is the badge number of Yeoman J.M. Colt.
I talked about her in another post -- she only appeared in The Cage pilot/The Menagerie.
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She was also only one of four crewmembers serving about Pike's Enterprise who interacted with the Talosians, had gone to their planet, or who could even talk about them.
It's forbidden from anyone in Starfleet to read about that mission report without permission, and visiting their planet was one of the very rare instances where visiting would have serious penalties, including a death sentence (similar to how the Genesis planet was forbidden in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock).
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Anyway, how does she tie into this? Why is her serial badge number the title to so many of the clips, including the Veridian III clip?
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Curious developments.
So anyway, now that I feel like this;
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What are they up to?
This is wild.
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Hi Y'all! I'm gonna try to get back on here! (Y'all can skip this if you want!)
Hi ❤️ ok so I hope y'all are all doing well! I know it's been I've a year since I've posted anything really or like done any interaction and stuff. But towards the end of the summer I got really busy getting ready to go back to school and then my anxiety about interacting with like anyone started acting up and like it kinda just stayed there for a while. And then I also kinda got distracted a little bit from Peaky Blinders and writing stuff, but I'm gonna try to get back on here now. I will admit I haven't been looking at to many things for Peaky Blinders recently as I've been a bit more into other shows and have been watching them more than reading lately (EX: X-Files (Fox Mulder), Star Trek SNW (Spock), Star Trek TOS (Kirk), Justified, All the CSI's, Criminal Minds, etc).
But yeah like that's been happening and I feel bad because I kept meaning to get back on and then I didn't. But I think it should be all good now. I just stared my senior year in college, and I've started anxiety meds which have helped a lot, and I've got a remote internship I'm still going to be doing for a bit so I still can't say how regularly I'll be posting or getting on here but I just wanted to start trying to do it again, without maybe going to fast and scaring myself off again😅 Also Tumblr seems to have glitches and deleted a few messages on my end that were sent to me but I don't get a chance to respond to to if y'all sent something and I did't see it I'm very sorry. I tumblr seems to be giving me issues about working it on my phone right now which is how I usually do it all. And I'm going to try and up date that.
In terms of works written works, the WIP list I made like a year ago is still the current list of what's finished along with a small number of incorrect quotes and random stuff I need to filter through. I do have one story I'm going to try and post right after this before I go to classes again and then I'll try checking in back after I finish work today. So that will be updated. And then I've been stuck writing lately so I'm going to slowly trying to start getting back into it!
But yeah... that's all I can think of for now. I'm not sure what else to say really but that I hope y'all are doing well and thank you to everyone who enjoyed my stories even when I was gone, I'm glad that I could hopefully brighten you day a bit:)
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ussenterpeen · 9 days
jeebies' most wanted!
Hi! I'm Jeebies (32, cisfem, queer, EST, been roleplaying for 20+ years) and I am a writer and moderator on Denouement, an 18+ pan/multifandom roleplaying site that's been going strong for over two years. We have a Jcink hub for apps, lore, and basic info, but most of the writing/RP takes place via real time chats (utilizing Tupper), post-by-post threads, and comm threads on Discord. We also use Cbox for RP, particularly for real time group RP. What makes Denouement unique is the sheer variety of fandoms/muses represented -- anime/manga, live action tv & movies, novels & comics, musicals & podcasts. It's truly a panfandom experience -- not leaning towards one genre or medium or another. We welcome the most niche fandom characters as well as fandomless original characters. Our members love sharing their OCs and hyping up others' as well. Below, I've written a few detailed blurbs for characters I'd really like to write against. The character wanted is in bold, and I write the character in italics.
Rebecca Welton for Ted Lasso (platonic or romantic)
I took Ted from the end of S3, leaving for Kansas City. Writing him against a Rebecca from S1 who is still bitter and an emotional mess could be a lot of fun; Ted would be able to use his therapy techniques and improved emotional intelligence to help her adjust. Talk about a reversal of which fish is out of which body of water! I think being stranded together, desperately clinging to one another for sanity and security, could be the spark of potential that leads to a slow burn Tedbecca relationship -- though I am absolutely cool with keeping them platonic/unrequited if that's not your speed.
Dean Winchester for Castiel (platonic, ideally romantic)
My Cas is from the end of S5, and I have also put him on the Summer Path, meaning he has all of his angelic powers but no memory of who or what he is. So far, he's been working as a humble gardener and beekeeper, interacting with other non-humans to try and figure out who he might be. Having Dean show up and try to help him remember things would help reshape Cas back into the being he's meant to be. And maybe they kiss a little along the way?? Plus, Denouement's got a whole lot of baddies to gank!
Tony Stark for Peter Parker (familial/platonic)
My Peter is from the end of No Way Home, so he arrived in Denouement under the impression no one would know or remember him, with both of his closest parental figures gone. He has MJ, a beacon in the darkness, but he's struggling to decide if he needs to give up being Spider-Man for good, lest he destroy this new world the way he nearly destroyed his own. Having his mentor back to help him find his way would be so great for his development. Also, if you pick up Tony, there's already a Stark Industries waiting for him to play with (and I also write Steve Rogers which could make for some draaaaaamaaaa). Plus, we have a whole cast of Marvel chars to write with.
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy for James T. Kirk (platonic)
I pulled Jim from the end of STID, so I am looking more specifically for an AOS Bones to write against, but also happy to write against TOS Bones if that's your vibe! Jim needs his bestie, and no world will ever test Bones' patience like Denouement; there are so many strange and hazardous situations that need a doctor. We have an AOS Spock, a DIS-era Pike, and a few other Star Trek OCs to write with as well!
Here's some helpful links to get started!
Guidebook Taken Canons Reserves Path/Ranking System Discord
I also write: Eddie Munson, Edwin Paine, Emma Meyer, Fiona Goode, Five Hargreeves, Joel Miller, Karen Page Rey, and Steve Rogers. I'm happy to toss plotting your way with any of these folks should you choose to join!
Aaaaand, a few other of my wanted fandoms/fandoms I just wanna see:
Star Wars, Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, The Last of Us, The Boys, Gen V, American Horror Story, Kingsman, X-Men, The Adventure Zone, Yu Yu Hakusho, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Barbie, Dead Boy Detectives, Doctor Who, Severence
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mai-komagata · 1 year
ok so idea
since i simultaneously want more TOS character prequel interactions BUT i also don't want to overshadow the original SNW characters and storylines, can we just get a shit ton of short treks once the strike is over? Then you could get one off stories of like Kirk meeting Bones, or Spock and kirk going to that dive bar or like sulu and ortegas having a Pilot competition i dont know im spitballing here. (or sam kirk and sulu doing stuff in the science lab before he gets transferred to be a pilot and like spock yelling at them idk). Maybe we can have bones meet dax. Look im down for anything.
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Spoilery thoughts on that new SNW clip
I've felt pretty meh about Paul Wesley's Kirk this whole time but something about this 15 second clip has made me really excited for next week's episode. Literally no idea why, maybe Kirk is just more appealing to me when not interacting with Pike?? Is it the silly time travel hijinks they'll get up to?
Though I do agree with @lenievi that it would have been great if he just sorta looked at La'an like, what do you want random Lt Commander who I totally knows works on this ship, why are you not at your post during a yellow(?) alert. So hes kinda annoyed but is doing that polite thing where you pretend you definitely know the name of the person you're talking to. And then La'an has to be like who are you, you're not the captain.
Also I'm assuming this is in a future timeline as Jim has captain stripes and he is not a captain in SNW unless this a really weird timeline, so like I wonder what happened to make it that Ortegas stays as pilot maybe navigator? cos shes on the other side? . Also Uhura's here but the other woman who sits at the conn(?) is not there and it's a random guy. Theres a part of me that would love if he was supposed to be Sulu but hes in a red shirt so its probs just a random new guy.
This is real wishful thinking on my part but like if this is the future they could introduce Bones as the CMO??? Or maybe this is a timeline where M'Benga stays on as CMO and Bones is just Doctor on the Enterprise. Because that would really change the dynamic between Jim and Bones. But that would be a lot to do in an episode that should really be all about La'an. I will be annoyed if Spock is his FO and theres just no mention of Bones, I dont care if the timeline will be destroyed after this episode.
I have watched this clip too many times
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daraoakwise · 2 years
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Rewatching the Original Series just for the Uhura parts! Because we love her. Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War and 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow. Featuring Uhura in command (maybe?) and a rather amazing scream from Nichelle Nichols.
Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War. Uhura is barely in this one, although there is an interesting scene at the beginning.
Spock is shot on a early-civilization planet by a weapon that shouldn’t be invented there yet and is critically wounded. Kirk and McCoy beam up with him, and as the medics try to stabilize Spock in the transporter room, Uhura brings the ship to red alert. Kirk calls up to the bridge; a Klingon ship has appeared, she tells him urgently.
Kirk rushes up to the bridge with Spock’s life still very much in the balance. When he arrives, it’s not clear who has been in command. With Kirk and Spock on the planet, Scotty would have been, but he ran down to the transporter room to beam the away team home after the report of a critical injury. The center seat is empty; it honestly looks like Uhura, Chekov, and the helmsman are the only ones there. Uhura is kind of acting in charge. She certainly ranks Chekov, and random helmsman doesn’t say a word. Is this the first (only?) time we see her in command of the bridge?
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The Klingons haven’t seen the Enterprise, Uhura’s reports; they are making a routine transmission to their base
Kirk muses, in concern, that just thirteen years ago the indigenous people had barely learned how to forge iron, and now had flintlocks. Uhura states that it took earth twelve centuries between those two events. Kirk surmises that the Klingons have interfered on the planet. Scott, Uhura, and Chekov push him on that, rapidly tossing out various alternatives until Kirk growls at them that he did not invite a debate. The three officers straighten, chastised and a bit shocked. It is uncharacteristic of Kirk to snap at his officers like that. Kirk apologizes; he’s very concerned about Spock and the planet.
Other than being on the bridge when a healed Spock returns to it, that’s it for Uhura in this episode.
Episode 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow
We open on a tense bridge; Uhura reports that while there isn’t a signal, and nothing seems to exist to explain their readings, something is affecting all channels.
The arrive around a dead world, and a booming voices fills the bridge. Uhura looks up in amazement. Her hailing frequencies are not open.
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Kirk is invited to the planet, although the voice admits that the voice is dead. Kirk makes a log stating that he’ll go, in the name of exploration. Uhura tells him Starfleet won’t get the log for three weeks.
As a complete aside, I love these little moments when they are way out there. Sometimes it seems like they are just patrolling Federation space, but sometimes they are so far away that a recorded signal, traveling at warp speeds, will still take weeks to get home. It also means no one is calling home; there are alone out there, and only have each other.
The episode unfolds around alien consciousnesses who need help and, with permission, inhabit the bodies of Kirk, Spock, and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week. It turns out the one inhabiting Spock is the bad guy who intends to keep Spock.
Uhura doesn’t appear again until the end of the episode, giving a truly blood-curdling scream when the alien inhabiting Spock’s body uses its mind to torture her for some transgression (presumably refusing to cooperate), causing her agonizing pain. She slumps forward onto her station, nearly unconscious. It’s really pretty horrible, even more so because it Spock (sort of) torturing her.
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She has recovered enough to stand up when it seems that Spock has been killed in both mind and body. But Spock is restored, and Uhura reaches toward Nurse Chapel and straightens her as Chapel slumps forward a bit — it turns out Chapel has been hosting Spock’s consciousness. (I truly think Uhura and Chapel are friends. They don’t interact often, but end up touching one another every time they do.) Uhura looks on as the aliens inhabit the bodies of Kirk and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week one more time to share a goodbye kiss before spreading themselves into oblivion.
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thegeminisage · 10 months
he’s literally, in the kir-spones, whatever the throuple’s called, in the video, like I see Kirk and the head grab, obvi, but Spock’s two finger touching like creeps further and further down his sleeve to his wrist. starting on one arm, centimeters away from the hem, resting there, restrained, mindful of the touch telepathy. the first time it’s not the hand holding the scanner I think? and then Bones starts coughing and Spock is grabbing all over the place with his two fingers, this time there is the excuse that he’s holding the scanner, but even so, down the arm, down the wrist. He doesn’t need to manually take Bones’s pulse I bet on account of the future-scanner. Like he’s actually, MORE intimately touchy than head- grab Kirk. Like he’s two finger kissing bones and he’s a hard sneeze away from a mind meld with his hand placement. Like I’m a career Spirk girlie but I see why the Spones gang goes wild. I see the throuple.
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(anon means this video)
wow thank YEW for saying so. spones IS real and we have the proof right here on our screens. i literally don't even think i was a bones understander until this episode...everyone says season 3 bad but how bad can it be when it contains not one but TWO bones thesis episodes is my question.
also I KNOWWW spock is literally alllll over him...he actually touches bones a lot, just as much as or maybe more than he touches kirk - this is not the sort of speculation i usually like to engage in but sometimes i kinda wonder if it's because even though SPOCK is not generally tactile perhaps leonard nimoy WAS, and he was uh probably better friends with deforest kelley than william shatner? idk. anyway, it literally is somehow even more intimate than the headgrab, idk how these men did that.
btw, that's spock's Concerned face...if you've watched enough tos you can tell his microexpressions apart (catherine do NOT✋ interact YES YOU CAN!!!) and his brows being lower like that and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly is his Very Worried face, which he also makes in the episode where bones gets diagnosed with terminal space cancer or whatever it was AND in the one where kirk has the panic attack in the elevator because of those fucked up little kids. re a hard sneeze away from a mind meld this ofc isn't canonical but i do FULLY THINK he was melding w bones to "make him comfortable." like, vulcans can canonically block out pain like that so why not help his friend, who is dying. hence bones's comment about a good bedside manner. i didn't make the headcanon up but i fully incorporated it into my beliefs system after reading it...like what else could possibly be going on...
also sorry u didn't ask but i totally understand about being a career spirk girlie bc that was me too. lately tho i have found myself prioritizing the throuple (mcspirk lol but kir-spones was good too) above any of the individual ships. how can you leave kirk out of spones. how can you leave bones out of spirk. or spock out of mckirk which admittedly has much less basis in tos than aos. i did not even Get bones until season 3 of tos which is bonkers because again everyone says season 3 sucks! i was like whats the point of him. now ik how important he is and when i go back to earlier eps i literally see him. a very wild emotional journey but def one i wish everyone could go on. anyway watch the empath regardless it's the episode ever.
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calliethetrekkie · 11 months
Triumvirate Prompts: Day 25
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#25. Who is the best-suited actor for their character's role?
I'm gonna be honest, I hate these kinds of 'who played it best' questions. I have my preference, of course, but every media has its own direction and the like. I don't think it's all that fair to compare the TOS actors against the Kelvin actors, at least in terms of who played it best. I'll criticize the writing and direction of those characters, but the actors are portraying what they are directed to portray. The role isn't going to be the same because the character isn't exactly the same. It's like asking who I think played Batman the best. I have my preference (Kevin Conroy for those curious), but no version of the character is exactly the same. So I just think that it's not right to say who was 'best suited' because at the end of the day, they're doing a different interpretation.
But if you want my honest answer...
It's Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley. It's not even close. That is not to say that Pine, Quinto, and Urban are bad. They aren't. Now I can't comment on Peck's Spock or Wesley's Kirk since I haven't watched those ST shows yet (still waiting on them to get McCoy in there... any day now...) so that wouldn't be very fair. But anyways!
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I've made it no secret how much I disliked the characterization choices in the Kelvin films. While he got better, Kirk in the first movie pissed me off so much and came across as far too unlikable and undeserving to have become Captain. Spock was better, and I more dislike certain decisions like fridging Amanda than the actual characterization. McCoy imo was the best characterized... but he got so little focus, though when he did get it, it was good stuff. Thankfully, Urban allowed Kelley's spirit to possess him or something, because he made every moment count. Quinto and Pine also took what they were given and made it work. None of the issues that I have are on them. I don't like AOS Kirk (until Beyond), but Pine acted the Hell out of it.
But to me... sadly, the chemistry wasn't quite there with the three of them. It sucks because I've seen them in interviews together, and the chemistry truly does resonate there. Beyond went a good ways to making up for it, but I feel that it was too little too late at that point. The Triumvirate just didn't feel truly formed. It got to a bad start between Kirk and Spock in the first one and never truly recovered for me and again until Beyond, there was far too little interaction with Spock and McCoy. They portrayed Kirk and McCoy's relationship really well in all three films, I was happy for that. The rest? Not so much. It's a big reason why I don't care for AOS outside fanon, because the Triumvirate that I loved so much wasn't truly there. But of course that is only my opinion.
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That brings us back to Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley. It was clear from the offset that something clicked with these three. Sure, we all know how much of a ham and an asshole that Shatner was, and still is to this day. Maybe his acting for Kirk wasn't for everyone... but it really worked for me. I don't think I need to go into depth about Nimoy and Kelley's performances. They were very much the standouts of the cast, IMO. They all worked very well in their respective pairs. Kirk's relationships with Spock and McCoy was evident from Day 1 and while it took a bit to see Spock and McCoy's truly form, when it did it just clicked. Even in early episodes like The Enemy Within or Charlie X, when the three got some extended interactions, you could just tell that there was something there with them. They seemed to start realizing that as S1 went on and by the end of it with episodes like Devil in the Dark, The City on the Edge of Forever, and especially Operation: Annihilate? Yeah, focusing on those three as a trio and adding Kelley's name to the opening credits was the best choice that they could have made.
So if you ask me who portrayed their character the best? I prefer the TOS actors because I prefer TOS overall. But I don't think it's really fair because again, the universes and thus the characters are different. But if you ask me, who got the Triumvirate and their dynamic the best? It's Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley. I can only hope that when/if SNW cast a McCoy and the current showrunners decide to bring the Triumvirate back, that we'll see Wesley, Peck, and whoever McCoy's actor will be able to bring that same magic.
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